MSU By GARYSCHARRER • • • around to get speed for blocking purposes. Daugherty likes the State News Sports Writer results. "We feel that the changes we have made in the Two important questions will be answered personnel on Saturday when the the line will be helpful, he said. "Hie offensive line is Spartans tangle with the visiting Iowa Hawkeyes. Will the MSU developing more agility and quickness all the time." defense, which has been so strong all year, recover from its Daugherty also said that he plans to alternate sophomore tight shabby performance in last week's 31-28 defeat to Wisconsin? end Tom Brown with Billy Joe DuPree. Hie And will thf Spartans' new offense make believers out of split ends are Mike Hurd and Steve Kough. skeptical observers on the sidelines? An attendance of over 65,000 is Sophomore Mike Holt was injured against Wisconsin but will expected for the annual be ready to start his second game at halfback. Holt started in the homecoming game. Kickoff is at 1:30. Alumni Homecoming defensive activities will feature the halftime and post-game shows. secondary before he was switched to offense. Last week Holt, who is also a Spartan dash man in winter and spring sports, Iowa has lost six consecutive games this year. But MSU's only gained 59 yards in 12 carries. More importantly, he becomes a consolation is two victories in six games and many close losses. double threat with Eric Allen in the same backfield. Holt is also a Quarterback Prank Kolch, who missed the Wisconsin game due to a sprained knee suffered good blocker and sprung Allen loose on several long runs last against University of Michigan which week. did not respond to quick treatment, will be ready for duty against Senior Henry Matthews, 6-3, 210-pounds is not the Badgers but probably won't only powerful get the starting call. but has deceptive speed. Matthews is Senior Mike Rasmussen looked good last week in responsible for much of the place of blocking from his fullback position. Backing up Matthews is Flint Kolch and will likely engineer the wish-bone offense against Iowa. product Mark Charette and sophomore Paul Manderino. George Mihaiu will back Rasmussen, being well suited for the running offense that the wishbone set is built around. Handling the MSU punts is sophomore Bill Simpson. Hie Earlier this week Coach Duffy Royal Oak sophomore has an average of 40.4 yards per punt this Daugherty took his offensive season. He booted a 66-yarder for his linemen, Errol Roy, Bob McCJowry, Joe DeLamielleure, Marv longest kick of the year last week. Hie MSU career record is 39.2 set by Earl Mortal over the Roberts, Mark Loper and Skip Macholz, and switched them 1953, '54 and '55 seasons. Homecoming: 1971 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY • • • Iowa By RICK GOSSELIN Hawkeye runner. Mitchell needs only 42 yards against the Spartan defense to establish himself as Iowa's best. State News Sports Editor Beyond Sunderman and Mitchell, the Iowa offense runs silent and When Frank X. Lauterbur was at Toledo, he was head coach of a runs deep. It is silent on the scoreboard and buried deeply in the team that had the longest active winning streak in the nation. conference statistics. Lauterbur was signed by Iowa officials to coach the Hawkeye The Hawkeyes are last in the circuit in rushing and last in rushing team, and now it appears he is starting another streak—in the defense. Iowa is fourth in passing but a lowly eighth in passing opposite direction. So far in Lauterbur's first season, the Hawkeyes defense. Needless to say, the Hawks are last in total have posted six consecutive losses. What hurts is that Iowa hasn't defense, and only Illinois saved the Iowa squad from being last in total offense. come close to beating anyone with the exception of last week's Though Iowa is seventh in the Big Ten in scoring, it possesses the match with Minnesota. In that game, Iowa had a 14-13 lead as play most scored upon defense in the Midwest with 221 points on the moved into the fourth quarter. Minnesota came from behind late in board in only six games. the period to win, 19-14. "It does no good to feel If the Hawkeyes have any hopes this weekend, they will rest with sorry for yourself," Iowa Coach Latuerbur said, "although it is very two members of the offensive backfield, Frank Sunderman and one like we did to Minnesota. disappointing to lose a tough But you can't stop at Levi Mitchell. of victory in this any thing short game.'. Sunderman leads the Big Ten in passing with 85 completions in The Iowa offense has 173 attempts. He is averaging 14.2 completions per game. only 84 points to its credit and is averaging slightly over 10 first downs a game. The most Sunderman should be in for his toughest challenge of the season as points Iowa scored in a single game this season was 19, and that was in a MSU boasts the number one passing defense in the circuit. Oregon State (33-19) a team that MSU handled with losing cause to The rest of the offensive punch centers around tailback Levi relative ease. The Iowa defense may actually be better than the record shows! Mitchell, who is about as fine and as complete a back as you'll find Defensive back Craig Clemons is in the Big Ten. Mitchell is the team's top rusher and top receiver. He among the league leaders in interceptions with three. The front line of the Iowa defense FRANK SUNDERMAN will be closing in on the all-time Iowa rushing record this weekend, caused 15 fumbles, while the has and barring serious injury, will leave East entire defensive secondary has Lansing as the top seven swiped enemy passes. £ IZ-61 'ZZ iaqoiDQ 'toPVU Queen so by being By CHRISTINE FISCHER Red-headed Denise "Rusty" Richmond, 1971 homecoming queen, when asked by judges what kind of person a queen should be, said that, due to the size of the univeristy, she should be someone who could speak on all different levels. This was one of the dozens of questions Denise and other candidates answered last week as they met with judges at the Alpha Chi Omega sorority house on four consecutive nights. Representing Landon Hall, Denise met Monday with 65 other representatives from living units on- and off- campus. The following three nights, question and answer sessions were conducted by a panel of five judges who evaluated the girls on poise, personality, attractiveness, and sincerity. "They wanted to see whether you were being yourself or what you thought they expected you to be," Denise explained. Wednesday night the homecoming court was selected. These 10 girls then met individually with the judges. Denise recalled being asked which of the seven dwarfs she would choose to be. Naming Grumpy, she said she would like to help "someone who just needed people." Her own plans include helping handicapped and retarded children From one queen by music therapy. She is working toward a dual major in music and voice. At a luncheon Sunday, the queen and first runner-up Linda Petro, were announced. HOMECOMING The Pan-Hellenic Council, responsible for the queen selection committee, chose these judges as a random sampling of the most representative groups on campus: Tom Ebbley (cheerleading captain); Steve Piro (Varisty Club); Hal Buckner (chairman of ASMSU); John Juel (State News editor-in-chief); Ron Bames 1971 (Interfratemity Council); Ed Rueling (faculty advisor); Mr. Kinnney (alumni representative); and Brad VanPelt (varsity football player). Denise will give the welcoming speech at the alumni dinner this week and will be officially crowned queen of the campus during the half time intermission at the MSU-Iowa game Saturday. Attributing diminishing homecoming excitement over the past years to the large size of MSU, Denise hopes to see the university move closer together this weekend. "Homecoming still strikes a spark," she said. enjoy, MSU-Iowa series locked; enjoy Spartans won last year The winner of Saturday's '66 the famed as Spartan teams of MSU-Iowa game will take the lead those two years belted the in the all-time series between the Hawkeyes 35-0 and 56-7. two schools. Each team has won In last year's Spartan victory, four games. MSU put out its biggest offensive The Spartans romped to an easy spree of 1970. It rolled up 539 victory last season, shutting out yards on offense. Touchdowns the Hawkeyes, 37-0, at Spartan were scored by three returnees to Stadium. Iowa's last win over this year's team, Eric Allen on a MSU came at Iowa City in 1969 one-yard plunge, Henry when they edged the Spartans Matthews on a 6-yard pass from 19-18. Mike Rasmussen and Billy Joe The biggest margin of victory Dupress on a 23-yard pass from for either team came in 1965 and Rasmussen. at brazier. Open 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. 310 W. GRAND RIVER E. LANSING pa/oa/as uaanQ V Friday, October 22, 1971 3 The amazing Flea ByGARYSCHARRER ground gainer. He needs only 317 the guy who hits him," State News Sports Writer yards to break Lynn Chandois' Daugherty explained. "He goes so long-standing record of 2,093 hard that he counteracts the yards piled up through the physical size of big defensive re oeen many seasons of 1946, '47, '48 and '49. the past several years when the If Allen runs against Iowa like he ballplayers." Allen combines the graceful Spartans were confronted with did against Wisconsin last week he crucial plays on the gridiron. will move ahead of Ginton Jones spring of a fleeing deer with the speed of a record-seeking Many of these times little Eric into second place. But he wQl dashman. When he finds a little Allen would be called upon to need 145 yards against the running room he becomes a cany the big play. And in most of Haw key es to pass Jones. threat to opposing defenses these situations the 'Flea' would Allen is also in reach of the almost as potent as an atomic find a hole, get a few yards, single season rushing mark of bomb to humanity. Allen will run sidestep a defender, break into 1,023 yards set by "Sonny" outside or inside without fear. the open and run like a scared Grendelius in 1950. Allen has 597 "If there is a hole in the middle, rabbit. The 'Flea' needs only a yards already this season. IH go there," Allen said. small opening, and then he's gone Allen's threat to the Spartan Allen's teammates call him to the races. And the crowd loves records is all the more amazing, iL "Easy." Daugherty said he considering that he played thought they called him Yifcasy" Much praise has been heaped on flanker for the first four games because of his disposition, or the 5-9, 161-pound senior last year. It was not until the because of the easy way halfback from Georgetown, S.C., fifth he gets game that the 'Flea' was things done. But Allen said that but he deserves every honor that moved back to his former is given him. Not enough could be tailback tight end Billy Joe DuPree gave running position. him the name several years ago. said about Allen who does In today's brand of collegiate DuPree called everybody "Easy" everything so well. Spartan and professional football, the but soon the name meant Eric teammates honored the sqaud game has been dominated by the Allen. And now Eric Allen means sparkplug last season by voting giants, especially in the offensive "Easy". him 'Most Valuable Player.' and defensive lines. The new era Coaeh Duffy Daugherty calls has even employed the big, Allen the complete football bruising runner in the backfield player. to combat the physical size of CHOMP "Not only is he a good runner," defenses. Quarterbacks usually go Daugherty said, "but he is also an well above the six-foot mark and outstanding receiver. Everything average about 200 pounds. he does, he does so well. He It's easy to appreciate the covers punts with a lot of speed talents and accomplishments of and is an exceptionally fine Allen because every yard he gets, kick-off return specialist." he earns. And despite being small, "Allen is also an outstanding Allen has been fortunate to bolcker," Duagherty praised, THE SOUND OF THE SEVENTIES "which belies his physical size. He decapitates, no, that isn't the right word. He deknees defensive players." Almost three years ago Daugherty was saying that the Spartans had a young, promising back in Eric Allen that would become MSU's best open field runner since all-America Sherman Lewis. The prediction will turn out to be one of Daugherty's better optimistic foresights. Barring any serious injury in the remaining five games Allen will become the Spartan's all-time PRE-GAME HAM BRUNCH 1.95 A BIG MAC. TWO BEEF PATTIES, POST-GAME ROAST BEEF BUFFET LETTUCE, CHEESE, SPECIAL SAUCE (ALL YOU CAN EAT) AND A SESAME SEED BUN TASTES 2.50 AS GOOD AS IT SOUNDS. LIZARD'S 224 Abbott 234 W.Grand River 1024 E.Grand River Open Sun.-Thurs. till 12 pm, Fri.-Sat. till 1:30 am yj Michigan State News, Cast Lansing, Michigan Harrier family features a to ByGARYKORRECK places, and a solid sixteenth, to Gary Harris of Western, and the State News Sports Writer knock off defending titleholder rest of the field, at the Spartin Western Michigan. The sixteenth Invitational. MSU's cross country coach, place finish was the lowest by a It might be said that Ken won Jim Gibbard, may not have to member of the Spartan's top five one for "the Gimper" in sties this season, and it came in a Columbus, as teammate Randy togetherness much longer; he already has a pair of identical meet against the top four Kilpatrick sat out the trip with twins in his harrier Cunily, and colleges in the state. an injured leg. Randy bounced now he's The leader of the band back with an eighth place finish beginning to realize an even closer knit trio. appears to be Pope joy, all of 5-8 last week and said, "My leg Co-captains Randy Kilpatrick and 120 pounds. Ken has ran to didn't bother me at all, I just got and Dave Dieters, along with two first place victories, his first tired sooner than I expected; I Ken Popejoy, provide Gibbard in college competition, and a expect to be up with the rest of with a durable threesome to second place over the past three the guys next week." complement the Cool twins, weeks. Randy has run to a third place Rob and Ron. finish this year and he and After what he called a Ibe family look was never disappointing start against Miami Popejoy are usually seen more evident than in the recent together during the course of a (Ohio) Ken took first against Spartan Invitational when MSU Tennessee, first against Ohio race. captured four of the top ten State, and second against tough Against Tennessee, Popejoy said, "He kept me up there, we sort of set the pace for each other." At the Spartan Invitational it WE BELIEVE was much the same for the first two miles, with Popejoy and Kilpatrick matching strides, and IN THE SPARTANS - the third member of the trio, Meeting at the Flag Dave Dieters, right behind. Rob Cool (left) appears to be talking out of the side of his As Kilpatrick tired it was EVERY ONE Dieters, this time, who came up mouth to Ken Popejoy (right) as Popejoy moves up to beat an unidentified opponent to the flag in last week's Spartan and kept the pace with Popejoy. Dieters, the Invitational. State News photo by Don Gerstner only senior, OF THEM! (Kilpatrick, Popejoy, and the Cools are all juniors) has finished in the season top ten in every meet this for the harriers. Frank X. fin Dieters, like Kilpatrick and Popejoy, has won two letters Cedar Village Apartments tougher — and participated in last Big Ten conference year's meet in victory. Frank X. Lauterbur has been officially welcomed to the Big Ten. After six games, the Iowa coach who ran (Please turn to page 10) up a 23-game win streak at Toledo before coming to the Big Ten, has yet to pull out his first win. As a matter of fact, the closest Lauterbur has come to erasing that goose egg from the win column was in last week's 19-14 loss to lowly Minnesota. Other than that, the Hawkeyes haven't been able to come within 24 pointsof their opponents. So, when the Spartans and the Hawkeyes meet in Spartan Stadium on Saturday, Lauterbur will still be going for his first Big Ten win, although he has a great deal of respect for the Duffy Pizza at the Gratis Daugherty - coached Spartans. ► price "This is a typical Michigan State team we're playing Saturday: big remember and ► and strong with a a nasty mood after rugged defense," he noted. "I imagine they'll be in losing a close one with Wisconsin." Lauterbur should know about defenses. His satisfied gastronomic running Toledo team while up that undefeated string, led the nation in total defense the last two years before Lauterbur accepted Bump Elliott's offer or er 20 years!! and came to Iowa. His this isn't the Mid-American christening has been harsh, but then again, Conference. .VARS'TY SPECIAL FOR HOMECOMING 1 Medium 12" PIZZA With any 2 items for only $2.50 Which includes 2 FREE COKES Good Sat. 23rd, the day of the game only. iimiKiiiinmii inn Mi; WATCH FOR THE VARSITY'S 1st ANNUAL PINBALL TOURNEY HOURS: Monday 11 11 - a.m. a.m. Sunday - Thursday 2 Friday, Saturday - 3 a.m. a.m. VARSITY 1227 E. Grand River 332-6517 - 5 p.m. - 2 a.m. Ample Parking and Inside Dining 'S' trainer likes tartanturf By KEITH LANGHAM wear low-cuts, although those universities to install the artificial The Spartans played on who prefer high-cuts for support turf, he said. Schools such as artificial grass every game last When artifical turf was installed may still wear them. Georgia Tech, which installed the season and have played on it in Spartan Stadium in 1969, it One more disadvantage is that field after MSU, and Wisconsin, every game this season with the was hailed as the answer to a injuries require more time to heal which recently added padding exception of the Notre Dame football player's prayer — a completely than they do on real when it replaced its playing game. Northwestern is the only smooth, even surface which grass. This is also due to the suiface, were aware of the other game that the Spartans will would improve play and reduce solidity of the playing surface. problem. play on the true grass in 1971. injuries. A specific criticism of the Meanwhile, the players seem to In an effort to determine the Now, two years later, it is tartan turf in Spartan Stadium is have adjusted to the new kind of relationship of injuries to difficult to assess whether or not that the field is not sufficiently field. While preparing for the artificial turf, a survey has been it has lived up to its billing. padded underneath. Robinson natural field at Notre Dame this undertaken by Dr. James Garrick, Opinions on the matter conflict feels this situation will be season by working out on the real a Seattle physician. The NFL grea'iy. Some players blame it for corrected if the rug should need grass of the practice field, several Players Association has called for injuries, while others credit it to be replaced. complained to Robinson of a moratorium on new synthetic with saving their knees. The problem arose because heavy, tired legs and slower "I like it," says Head Trainer MSU was one of the first running. playing fields until the results of GAYLE ROBINSON Gayle Robinson. "I think it's the ^^^^^^hestud^reknown^ thing of the future. With good padding the surface is a great advantage." This is because there are no ruts or holes in which to turn an ankle and cleats can't catch in the ground. Tartan Turf, the brand used by MSU, consists of an asphalt base covered by a thin layer of Tartan surfacing, with a nylong pile "rug" on the top. It is weatherproof, and the only maintenance required is vacuuming and an occasional washing. Players appreciate that the uniform surface is faster and makes for quicker starts. Some complain, however, that the rubber-soled shoes wom on the artificial turf don't grip the turf when they cut, causing knee injuries. Robinson agrees, citing the large number of knee problems the Spartans incurred last year. He counters that thus far in the 1971 season there have been no such injuries. Robinson attributes this success to the new shoes worn by MSU players this year. The old-style shoes, except for small rubber cleats, had smooth soles. This year Head Coach Duffy Daugherty decided to swtich to a model with ripples on the front half of the sole for better traction. For games the players wear shoes with ripples on the heels, too. "We've avoided a lot of problems with these shoes," Robinson said. They also have thicker soles than the kind previously worn, thus receding the number of blisters caused by the intense heat reflected by the artificial turf on extremely hot days. Another possible reason for the absence of injuries this year is the good physical condition of the team. However, according to Robinson, the team's condition is always good, so this may not be a factor. The artificial turf has also created new problems for the players. The most common is the "rug burn" caused by rubbing against the turf. Another minor injury is strained ligaments in the joint of the big toe. MASTER CHARGE; High-cut shoes, because of the lack of "give" intheturf, can lead BA1SKAMERICARD to inflamed achilles tendons. This is avoided by having the players "Famous Brandt for Dad & Lad" Frandor Shopping Center •St. Johns • Lansing Mall 'Downtown *Logan Center MflH Football predictions GOSSELIN REMSBURG SCHARRER STEIN KORRECK Iowa at MSU MSU 42, Iowa 10 MSU 27. Iowa 14 MSU 34, Iowa 7 MSU 35, Iowa 7 MSU 21, Iowa 13 U-M at Minnesota U-M by 15 U-M by 17 U-M by 24 U-M by 20 U-M by 11 Northwestern at Indiana NW by 8 NW by 6 NWby 10 NWby 3 NW by 6 Purdue at Rlinois Pur. by 14 Pur. by 14 Pur. by 21 Pur. by 14 Pur. by 9 Wisconsin at Ohio State OSU by 4 OSU by 14 OSU by 3 OSU by 3 OSU by 12 USC at Notre Dame NDby 12 NDby 10 NDby 10 NDby 3 NDby 7 Houston at Alabama Ala. by 20 Ala. by 17 Ala. by 10 Ala. by 10 Ala. by 13 Missouri at Colorado Col.by6 7 Col. by 14 Col. by 17 Col. by 18 California at UCLA UCLA by 3 UCLA by 3 UCLA by 14 Cal. by 7 UCLA by 3 Oregon State at Washington Wash, by 7 OSU by 3 Wash, by 3 Wash, by 7 Wash, by 17 Bears at Lions Lions by 17 Lions by 7 Lions by 7 Lions by 10 Lions by 6 33-11-0 33-11-0 31-13-0 17-M 24-9-0 Levi Mitchell eyes record By RICK GOSSELIN nor does he have the battering now in his final year as a second all-Big Ten team last State News Sports Editor ram size of Dave Shilling. But at collegiate back, Mitchell has season. The versatile Hawkeye Levi Mitchell is to Iowa as 5-foot-10, 175-pounds, Mitchell been about the lone offensive tailback raced for 900 yards last Jimmy Brown was to Cleveland, collects yards as easily as threat that the Iowa Haw keyes season which isn't too bad when Paul Homung was to Green Bay Ferguson and Shilling. had to offer opposing defenses. you consider that his team as Gale Sayers is to Chicago. Mitchell has been given some finished with a lowly 3-6-1 Mitchell doesn't have the Playing for the past two years support this year from record. compact size of Rufus Ferguson, on a relatively weak team and quarterback Frank Sunderman, but a quick look at the statistics Against Wisconsin last season, Mitchell ran the Iowa ball 27 shows that Levi remains both . JOH'T LET DAMPENED^ the nut and boil of the Iowa offense. times in gaining 146 yards with one touchdown. For his efforts, 'SPIRITS SPOIL YOUR GAMEJ Protect yourself and your spirits From his tailback position, Mitchell has gained 364 yards he was named UPI Midwest Back of the Week. this season for a 3.9 average. Going into this season, with a floor length lightweight Mitchell was the number six man Besides being tops on the team plastic poncho with hood, on the all-time Iowa rushing list he is also seventh in the circuit. available in olive, olive or olive His four touchdowns make him only 406 yards behind former $1.55 the Hawkeye great and current or a 9 x 12 plastic rain doth team's leading point Kansas City Qjief star Ed producer and his 15 pass 29c Podolak. Podolak's record of receptions plot him as the 1,710 is in jeopardy and Mitchell ACE HARDWARE number one deep threat through the air ways. TTirow in a first on could eclipse the ark with 43 201E. Grand River the team in kick-off returns and yards against MSU Saturday. Mitchell is presented as Iowa's Mitchell is second on the all-time most rounded offensive threat. list for most yards gained by an Mitchell has started in the Iowa sophomore, 46 short of Iowa backfield Podolak's 450. Levi was far and since his sophomore year and made the away the top junior back in Iowa history with his 900 score of last season. What you see here will Mitchell has gotten more probably be our support this year than in any LEVI MITCHELL other year mainly because there competitors' new line for next season. is a quarterback that can throw Big Ten. Sunderman has been in the ball dependably standing the number one throwing behind the Iowa offensive line. position in conference play for Sunderman, an obscure the last two weeks, hitting for quarterback off last year's team who 1,016 yards. was known more for his Sunderman is averaging 5.9 punting than his passing, moved yards per pass attempt and has into the number one spot during thrown seven touchdown passes. fall practice. He is not only the He is listed as number six in the number one quarterback on the conference in total offense with Hawkeye team, but also in the 920 total yards. The Olde World... a unique night spot! Cap off your evening with a visit to the Olde World. Enjoy a sandwich, fine imported wine or beer and this really unique night spot. The Olde World offers a European atmosphere till 2 Thursday thru Saturday, and 12:30 the remaining evenings. Saturday and Sunday Evenings: FOLKSINGER JACK HAMILTON JUST IN AT ant/ AUG 2283 Grand River 4309 W. Saginaw Okemos THE IVEATHERYANE Lansing 211 M.A.C. Avenue East Lansini Wisconsin faces OSU Buckeyes By RICK GOSSELIN State News Sports Editor 'Hie upstart Wisconsin Badgers will travel to Columbus Saturday to kick-off a key weekend in Big Ten play. Michigan will be the guests of Minnesota, Northwestern will visit Indiana, Purdue will meet Illinois and Iowa will act as opposition at the MSU homecoming game. Wisconsin, the surprising team with the surprising offense, will find things a little rougher this week when it {days down in Columbus with 80,000 avid Buckeye fans breathing down its back. Hie Badgers will once again have Neil Graff at the controls and an upset isn't completely ruled out of the picture. Ohio State lost three regulars last week and quarterback Don Lamka is nursing a sore shoulder. But the game is also the Ohio State homecoming. Michigan could be in for a few fits in Minneapolis this week if Gopher quarterback Craig Curry can find his air show in command. Curry has been known to pass | into the jaws of the most fierce | of defense. For the past two I years, late second half rallies by Nebraska have saved the number one ranked Cornhuskers from a Minnesota upset. Michigan has a more than able Billy Taylor to carry the payroll, which is probably the main reason the Wolverines are tapped as the number three team in the Pre-Season Specials ! nation. The Northwestern Wildcats I have been disappointing this What's your ski need? season. The Wildcats have one of J the soundest passing defenses in the circuit, games and but Find it here at savings neither the statistics nor the record to match any of the league's leaders. Quarterback Maurie Daigneau Remi fiberglass skis has been left on his own by his offensive line much this season Fiberglass compound ski with cracked edge, and must score big if he expects fiberglass top, laminated core. A versatile but to win. The defense has faltered. Last week against Purdue, the Wildcats took a 20-7 lead into stiff ski, made in Germany. Choice of red, white or blue. Assorted sizes from 180 to 99.95 the fourth quarter only to lose 200. Limited quantity at this sale price. 21-20. reg. $150 Dlinois still hasn't won this MAURIE season and could spend another dry weekend with one-third of DAIGNEAU the conference first place triumvirate, Purdue, in town. As Remi ski package in the case of Indiana, the Dlinois scores have gotten closer but the victory column remains stagnant. Purdue came from behind Remi Comet skis with fiberglass inside layer, last week to upend Northwestern and figures to have a breather this week. But when you haven't won any games in a season you pre-waxed base, interlocking and overlapping edges. ASC ski poles, Tyrolia Qix 55 safety 64.99 get hungry, and Illinois is hungry. step-in binding. Price includes installation and MSU disposed of Iowa in last year's homecoming game, 37-0, reg. 100.80 and look to this week's contest as a confidence builder. Duffy safety strap. 180 to 195 length. Daugherty will have his wishbone offense to boast about this Saturday. It gained over 400 yards on the ground for him last weekend. Iowa's defense isn't much, but with quarterback Frank Sunderman and tailback Levi Mitchell, some problems for MSU. the offense could cause Head ski package Complete package includes famous Head 1 ^ ^^ standard skis, Racer Koflack boots, ASC metal poles, step - inClix 55 Tyrolia safety | / ^ bindings, safety strap and installation. reg. $206 ooKWe YOUR SOUVENIR Koflack racer boots HEADQUARTERS Limited quantity. An outstanding chance to for all MSU wearing apparel save on last year's boots. Assorted sizes in styles for and 22.50 men women. reg. $45 T-shirts, Sweat-shirts, Nighties Ceramics and Glassware Pennants and Decals Visit our S/)iril Center before Howecom ing 131 E. Grand River Across from the Union SKI SHOP . . .MERIDIAN MALL Execution key to wishbone By RICK GOSSELIN State News Sports Editor Duffy Daugherty would like to believe that his newly formed © offensive invention, the wishbone - option series, is not defensable. He may be right. "Look at Texas," Daugherty said. "You'd think that they'd know more about the wishbone than anyone. Yet Oklahoma ran up over ©(G)© ©Q® four hundred yards on the ground against Texas for 48 points." Texas has had the wishbone for quite some time and has measurable success with it. Oklahome recenty added it and has rolled up over 400 yards total offense with it on most Saturdays that it has been out. Tlie Sooners churned for 600 total yards last week with it. Alabama has returned to national prominence by installing it. Everyone seems to have at least a few formations in the wishbone. Duffy calls it the "now" offense. "The wishbone is predicated on speed," Duffy explained. "If it is executed properly, there is no possible way to defense it. The key is to have four backs who can run." There appear to be several keys to the wishbone. The quarterback spearheads it. The fullback can either make it or break it, and the halfbacks provide the long yardage. The undefensable "It's different than the veer offense that we had a few years ago," Daugherty further explained. "The veer was a tripleoption inboth the eyes of the offense and the defense. But the wishbone is a double option in the eyes of our offense and it must be respected as a triple option by the defense. "The major difference is that we know when the fullback will be getting the ball in the initial stages of the play and the defense ARTHUR TREACHER'S doesn't The defense must respect our fullback." The fullback is linedup directly behind the and can take the ball on a quarterback in the set, straight dive. If he doesn't get the ball, he hits the line with the fake and becomes a blocker. If the fullback is ^ THE ORIGINAL Tisl) enough of an actor, the outside linebackers are drawn in with the fake enabling the halfbacks to have less The quarterback makes the initial move the ball to the fullback. If a fake is opposition around the ends. by eithergiving or faking played, the quarterback continues running parallel to the line and has the option o. pitching TWO GREAT LOCATIONS IN LANSING: the ball or keeping the ball. If he pitches the ball to a halfback, the quarterback acts as a blocker in trying to spring the ball carrier. If TisMteW* RIGHT PAST FRANDOR AT the quarterback keeps the ball, he the middle with it because the defense has the outside so as to protect generally will cut back towards presumably shifted to 2418 E. MICHIGAN against the long gainer by the fleet 99' halfback on the outside. The quarterback's discretion as to whether to pitch or hold on to the ball generally makes or breaks the play. and at The halfbacks act as escorts for each other. If the play moves around the right end, the right halfback leads the blocking and is 4100 S. LOGAN generally responsible for the first man through the offensive screen. The ball carrying halfback has the option of going to the inside or to the outside of the initial block. If the play goes to the left, the left "Treat Yourself to the Treacher Taste" half leads and the right half carries. Eric Allen picked up 247 yards along the turf last week and made a key block on a Wisconsin player to spring Mike Holt on his first touchdown as a collegaite back. If the fullback carries out his fake properly and the quarterback plays the ball to the halfbacks properly, there appears to be no way YOU ARE THE PROMISE OF of stopping the wishbone. Tlie pursuit of the defense is cut down and the touchdown is determined in a foot race between ball-carrying halfback and linebacker and/or defensive back. And with speedstersAllen and Holt in the backfield, Daugherty feels that most foot TOMORROW races will result in Spartan victories. The wishbone does not solely provide a team with an instant running game, but also with a dangerous passing game. Once execution is the key to success again, Students the hope of today, and the promise of The quarterback is able to make a are play-action fake to the fullback and has time to tomorrow. The education you gain at drop back. The halfbacks provide the play's flow Michigan State (either right or left), hopefully drawing a few of the will defensive help you become the type of person needed to run secondaiy men into the flow. If the halfbacks are successful, the quarterback can throw to either the tight end or the your community, as well as our country, in the years split end, who should be isolated on-on-one with a defender. ahead. If the halfbacks don't draw secondary men with the flow, the Youth and education are vital to the welfare of quarterback can toss a screen pass to the halfbacks in the flat and more foot races are envisioned America's society. by Spartan followers. Young, educated ideas bring progress necessary for the betterment of our nation. We at Motor Wheel Corporation know this, and the many young men and women we employ in responsible PRIME RIB positions help keep us in the forefront of the wheel and brake BUFFET h industry. As a result, we consider the corporate taxes we expend for education an investment in the future. We •COCKTAILS are happy to contribute to your education at MSU, and * LIVE ENTERTAINMENT we encourage you to make it your most valuable asset. hospitality * A CHALK TALK BRUNCH motor inn MOTOR WHEEL CORPORATION * * BUSES TO AND FROM THE GAME LABONNE AUBERGE-DINING FROM OUR REG. MENU 1600 N.Larch Street, Lansing ♦CHESSMAN LOUNGE * PLUS MANY HOSPITALITY EXTRAS CALL NOW 351 7600 1-496 AT JOLLY RD. Friday, October 22, 1911 9 Frosh open today agains By STEVE STEIN State News Sports Writer Moerdyk has three fine running backs behind him. Fullback Clarence Bullock, 510", 217 pound power runner from Fort MSU's untested freshman football squad will open their three Wayne, Ind. will be flanked by halfbacks Arnold Morgado and Dave game season this afternoon against arch rival University of Michigan Brown. in a dash which starts at 2 p.m. at Spartan Stadium. Morgado, 511", 192 pound halfback from Hawaii, is a "hard Students wishing to see the game need runner and blocker, and a good football player," comments Coach only to show their Michigan State LD. at the gate. Rutherford. Frosh coach Ed Rutherford says that he looks for a Brown, from Bloomington, Ind., is 510", 127 pounds, and is also called a strong runner and good Mocker by the freshman coach. hard-hitting game, as all MSU-UM affairs are. "Michigan always has a good team," Coach Rutherford said, "and 6*2", 211 pound tight end Mike Smith from Detroit DenbyHigh they have done some good recruiting. Their problems are simular to School has good hands, although his primary assignment is ours, though, except that they have more kids." blocking. The problem that Rutherford was referring to was the fact that Charley Ane, son of the Detroit Lions' star of the same name, wfll the freshman team has been center the starting offensive line. helping the varsity so far and that "I really haven't had much of a chance to work with them." Defensive tackle Bob Love and defensive end Rob Witsberger key The freshman coach said that it is hard to tell how well this team the defensive line. Love, 6'3", 230 pounds from Ft. Wayne, Ind. is will stack up, but that they should be able to move the ball quick and strong, while Witsberger, 6'2", 212 from St. ClarivOle offensively. "Well know more after the game," he mentioned. relies on size and strength, according to Coach Rutherford. Controlling the ball on offense is the key to defeating the Doug Won, 6'0", 201 rover back from St. Louis, Mich, isa "hard Wolverines, the coach predicted. "Well have a good chance to win if hitter." we can do that," he added. Coach Rutherford mentioned that the kickers and punters have not been tested under fire, but that Offensively, the freshman Spartans starting backfield should be Doug McGrady from East strong at all positions. Lansing should start off as kickoff man, and either Jim Grannell Steve Moerdyk, a 511", 160 pound quarterback from Grand from Grand Rapids or Kelly Dean from Pontiac will start as punter. Rapids will get the starting call at that position. "We don't have as many kids as usual, but we do have some real good ones," said Coach Rutherford, "I hope that they all play ED RUTHERFORD Pigs and Freaks £ 40 BIG HOURS will battle Nov.7 By STEVE STEIN State News Sports Writer Sunday, November 7 is the day that the "Pigs" and the "Freaks" will battle it out to the finish. The arena has been properly marked off as the artificial turf at MSU's Spartan Stadium. The event is the second annual "Bull Bowl" football game between the "Freaks" (the long-hairded type people) and the "Pigs" (representatives of area police departments). That's how long DOMINO'S Organizer of the "Freaks" is Chuck Rose of Freaks, Inc., manager of a local East Lansing restuarant. Rose says that he looks at this event as a time for local businessmen, students, and street people with long hair to brothers in blue. come together in a legal atmosphere with their Trowbridge shop will be open Mike Harrington, an East Lansing police officer, is the coordinator of the police squad. The "Pigs" team consists area police of nine this weekend. departments that are organized under the Fraternal Order of Police, Capitol City Lodge No. 141. The best part about the affair is that all proceeds from the game will be donated to ALSAC (Aiding Leukemia Stricken American Children). All seats are $1.00 general admission tickets. Tickets can be purchased at Jenison Fieldhouse, at several stores in the East Lansing and Lansing area, and WVIC radio. The Lansing It's all to better serve you, and Meridian Malls will sell tickets from six until nine p.m. Monday- through Friday. Rose and they taped Herrington went to Hollywood early in October where a promotional interview with actor and comedian the students of MSU. DannyTTiomas^ho isalso president of St. Jude Research Hospital. MSU has donated the tartan turfed Spartan Studium for the game. 100 Military policemen in dress uniform from the Michigan National Guard will be in charge of traffic control.Area police officers helping control traffic are also donating their time. Michigan State officials and staff have helped co-ordinate the Our hours will be: activities, and Big Ten officials led by Dean Look, have offered to referee the game. The "Freaks", all residents of the Lansing area, or MSU, are practicing at Valley Court Park in East Lansing. Meanwhile, the "Pigs" are holding their practice sessions at FRIDAY 4 PH-4AM Lansing Eastern High School on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and on Sunday mornings. The "Freaks" won the initial meeting of the two squads last year by the score of 12-8, so the "Pigs" are itching to tie up the series. SATURDAY NOON-3AM A huge crowd of over 40,000 is N00N-1AM expected to see the clash. SUNDAY Call 351- 7100 deli very- DOMINO'S ■>- pizza people of MSU ^ w I ■ ■ VJ U WQ ?o Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan All Stars Niagara of By CRAIG REMSBURG State News Sports Writer The Lansing All-Stars, a semi-pro football team currently atop the Central Division of the Midwest Football League with a 10-1-1 record, will meet the Niagara Falls Lancers in a game slated for Lansing's Sexton Memorial Stadium at 7:30 p.m. Saturday. The home contest will feature the NFL's best offense, including the leading passer, rusher and pass receiver, in the Niagara team. The League's newest record-breaking team — the All-Stars, will try to hand the Lancers their fourth loss as against nine victories. Niagara quarterback Gary Hussion, formerly of Dayton, has completed 96 passes in 205 attempts,good for 1,479 yards and 15 touchdowns, All-Star Public Relations Director Dave Coelho said. Dan Uacobush leads Niagara and the entire MFL in both rushing Mid-flight correction and pass receiving. He has rushed for 740 grabbed 39 passes for 456 yards and five TD's. yards in 117 attempts, and The All-Stars will counter with an offense that set an MFL The Lansing All-Stars use a team tackle against a Flint player in Midwest football point league record last week in their 91-0 rout of action. The All-Stars are first in their division of the Hamtramck, and a defense semi-pro league. Saturday night the that broke the mark for shutouts with their fifth whitewash of the All-Stars play Hamtramck. year. State News photo by Don Gerstner Charley Wedemeyer quarterbacks the All-Stars and he is ably supported by halfbacks Kermit Smith and Ken Hines, and fullback Ernie Pasteur. Michigan Notables on the defense include defensive backs Lou Bobich, who after the game, leads the League with nineinterceptionsand Art Berry,who hassix steals, linebacker Ron Goovert, and Bob Viney and tackle Chuck enjoy dinner at Bailey. continues Coelho credited defensive end performance Jerry West with the top All-Star in the Hamtramck game. The former Spartan footballer (1964-65-66) picked up four ALBERT at the fumbles, returning one for a six-yard TD, and also blocked a punt for a safety. If the All-Stars get by Niagara and Hamtramck the next couple of weeks, they will likely face Niagara again in a one game playoff in PICK Third ranked Michigan continues as the team to watch in Lansing Nov. 6. The the Columbus Flint - winner of that contest will meet the victor playoff. Coelho believes, naturally, the All-Stars of the Big Ten as most conference will be traveling to delicious dining teams will be playing their fourth Columbus, Ohio Nov. 13 to meet the Bucks for the before 20,000 fans. If this is the championship game on this weekend that marks case, it will be former Spartans in a relaxed the homecoming of five teams. facing former Buckeyes, with both reliving their past moments of The Wolverines are locked with glory. atmosphere - Sunday The All Stars have Ohio State and Purdue in first run up big scores against most teams in the place with identical 3-0 records. Midwest League. But so has Columbus. The Bucks had the previous Champagne Brunch single game scoring high by raking 73 points onto the scoreboard. served 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Cross Country pcfetoicfe Welcome back (Continued from page 4) Each of the- three have a history of being up for important meets. Dieters his Alumni... ran best time against tough serving Cocktails and Premium Minnesota in dual competition Beer last season, and Kilpatrick and 7 days a week from 2 p.m. Popejoy ran fastest in the Big — Sunday Ten final. Rob has scored a pair of take Grand River west to East Lansing Bus Depot seconds already this season, while Ron, not at peak form, has Saginaw (M-78) Phone 337-1741 provided the Spartans with 332-2569 enough depth to keep them in the victory circle. "Well have to get Ron up there," Ron muses. The main Ifs the real thing. Coke. common denominator, according to Popejoy, is the increasing show of togetherness. "The one Trade-mark® significant thing I've noticed," said Popejoy, "is that we've finally become a team. "We're getting together, and we've got the spirit," he added. Coach Gibbard agrees. "It was an excellent team win," he said after the harriers edged Western in the invitational scoresheet. Perhaps the sentimental family portrait of the harriers after their invitational win last week might suggest a new phrase: "The family that runs together, finishes number one together." Bottled under the authority of the Coca-Cola Company by Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Michigan Booter Dujon: scoring leader By CRAIG REMSBURG "In all the yars I have played State News Sports Writer soccer, it was the poorest Last year at this time, Nick refereeing I've ever seen," he added. Dujon was the MSU soccer team And the Kingston, Jamaica goaltender and was batting out balls blasted at him by opposing junior has had a lot of booters. He did a good job, experience in the game. He giving up six goals in four games began playing soccer at the age for a 1.50 average. of five and later was so good he Now he finds himself as the was chosen as the All-Island team's leading scorer with six goalkeeper in his home town in tallies and two assists while 1968. He was recruited to the MSU performing at the center forward position. campus by former soccer coach "It was uncomfortable at first Gene Kenney, now assistant since I had been a goalie in athletic director, and given a full soccer for 15 years," Dujon said. scholarship. Dujon, along with "It means a whole lot of practive fellow Jamaicans Lennow for me and heading the ball is Robinson, Nigel Goodison, still a deficiency in my play." Junior Higgins and Gerald "I'm a striker up front all the Murray, as well as St. Louis, Mo. time now — I'm always looking center halfback Steve Twellman, for a loose ball on offense and I received the last scholarships never come back on defense," he given soccer to date. added. Twellman said in an interview The Spartan offense, hoping recently that the loss of scholarship money for soccer to show some power against Ohio University in Athens, Ohio here is bringing the demise of Too late the sport at MSU and Dujon tomorrow, has been severely Spartan soccer forward Nick Dujon (left), who last season defended the MSU nets, leads the team criticized in the past but Dujon feels the same way. in scoring this year with six goals. The Jamacian junior has been a key figure in Spartan wins this says the front line is getting "I share Twellman's view," he year. better. said. "I've seen the gradual State News photo by Tom Gaunt "We're been playing with decline of soccer at MSU three forwards, the outside left, because you can't get a good outside right and center forward team without scholarships. If we and they've been spaced too far win the championship, some apart," he said. "With that much pressure might come to bear on sp ace and five defensive players the athletic department but I around us, they easily break up think it will be minimal our attack." though." "Coach fuller is working on a new formation now. If we start Dujon has been somewhat clicking ve should be in good unhappy with his career at MSU, shape." bot athletic and academic-wise. Like most of the other MSU But his main concern is the lack booters, Dujon is extremely of aid given to the foreign upset with the refereeing in the student, both in jobs and in Wisconsin contest last weekend. gettng acquainted with the He eventually became so campus and its rules and infuriated that he threw some regulations. Hie political science punches in a fight at the end of major is assured of being the game. accepted to London University "In the first minute of play Law School, in England, when they started hitting our he graduates from MSU. goaltender (Dave Goldman)," he But for now, he is explained. "I started to retaliate concentrating on helping to a while later. I held on to one of bring the booters a their players and he started to championship, and more defend himself. It was a mix-up immediately, a win over Ohio after that." tomorrow. Time Out for a Warm-Up Warm up before or after the game with a pot ofPerkin's fresh - perked coffee. All the fish you can eat $1.30 Swiss Steak mashed potatos, toss salad $1.65 pancake house opposite Sears — across from Fran do r_ 301 Clippert pmHER SW6/T TK/urf*t ctoipsfr Give a BIG BOOST Stop in BEFORE THE GAME Show Your Colors CROSSROADS * Sweatshirts - Jackets - T-shirts, etc. CAFETERIA ^ Souvenirs, etc. OPEN SATU * Gifts, etc. 10:00 ^ Records, etc. SPECIAL BIG TEN POSTERS In the center of 25 1 ea. THE SPARTAN TAKE HOME in the International A SET OPEN SATURDAY-03:8-