A. . • Monday man is rich in proportion to MICHIGAN Cloudy STATE N EWS the number of thinoi he can . . . afford to let alone. -Thoreau STATE . . . with a slight chance or rain o drizzle. High in the mid 60s. UNIVERSITY ie 64 Number 51 East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 25, 1971 fficial calls traffic By KAREN ZURAWSKI State News Staff Writer to get get downtown without East Lansing, he said. The expected wiMinut «ninn going throughu continuing growth of and so ... they will eventually be torn down and replaced with apartments." ... plan temporary' help angements would pedestrians' convenience. be provided for Though Bechtel wants to increase the The vacancy of the former Meridian Township and the Rejection of the highways could result in The median would be width of the lanes, he questions using federal Knapp's store is changing land future plans for East decreased from its a problem, Bechtel noted. use patterns in East Lansing's development present 30 feet to eight feet to make highway standards for the downtown area. onstruction of the proposed for the projected 1990 Lansing are resoonsible being laid aside. the land used for the up for "I don't think the speed of the traffic "We counted on a store the quality of figure of 44,000 cars, sidewalks. Knapp's to attract people," he said. s-campus highway and peripheral route Bechtel explained. The median would not be warrants it," he said. In 1967 and 1968 removed, Id only temporarily relieve congestion Johnson, Johnson and however, because of its safety value to An important aspect of the Ann Arbor Bechtel mentioned eventually Grand River Avenue, according to East Students and landlords are Roy, Ann Arbor architects, designed plan provides for the MAC walking plaza, a destroying neglecting to a land pedestrians in crossing, Bechtel said. some of the older one-story sing's senior city planner, repair the older hourses use plan for East Lansing that could be best pedestrian oriented shopping area, Bechtel buildings along which will Without the new E. Grand River Avenue, and illiam Hechtel said Thursday that by necessitate their termed "people oriented." highways, the median said. replacing them being "ripped out" ina few The plan calls for an would have to be removed, the sidewalks with multi-story buildings. 0 E. Crand River Avenue would have the years, he said. expansion of the would not be The area, blocked off from cars, would north side of E. Grand River expanded and the lanes-would e traffic pattern as it does today — "It's a matter of Avenue along have to be increased from their connect with the finished alley behind "Tall buildings would act economy," Bechtel said. the storefronts. Planters and trees as boundaries 00 cars a day. "Taxes will be too high for the older would dot substandard nine feet to the federal present Jacobson's and the 300 block, and with the and give an overall scense of houses the expanded design to East ,chtel, unsure of how to solve the traffic sidewalks, and seating standard of 12 feet. highway still to be developed alley behind the 100 Lansing," he said, "They would define the lem. commented that the peripheral and 200 blocks. downtown area better than what we have e would "siphon off" much of the Bechtel is hopeful that the mall could now." ugh traffic on Abbott Road near city attract more business and develop the Future plans include construction of a "marginal shopping areas" into "better e peripheral routeis a means for people quality stores." (Please turn to page 11) ons player 7-WEEK RECESS ENDS jes after Controversial nday game confront le By JOANNA FIRESTONE lower figure offered by the Senate may have 'TROIT (UPI) - Wide receiver Chuck the best chance of a compromise passage. os of the Detroit Lions died of an Other major bills facing the legislature for rent heart attack Sunday less than an the reaminder of this session are: after lie collapsed on a National •Abortion reform. Now "on the table" in tball League playing field. He was 28. The the House, the future of the abortion reform Michigan legislature, scheduled to return from a seven-week recess bill is highly uncertain. Approved by the just talked to the hospital and they just Tuesday, is expected to clash head-on with formidable Senate March 11, the proposal ounced him dead," an obviously shaken a spent four 1 backlog of controversial business this week. months in the House Social Services s teamphysician, Dr. Richard A. The first order of business will committee before it was reported out ipson said outside the Detroit dressing probably be passage of a social services bill, the last of the "without recommendation," . Time of death was approximately requiring a 1971-72 budget appropriations. majority of the House membership to bring p.m. The bill, which passed the House at a it up for floor debate. ghes. believed to be the first player to record $535 million level in early Currently, Sen. Gilbert Bursley, R-Ann ran apparently fatal heart-attack in an September, has been cut to $503 million by Arbor, is leading a petition drive to put the ' game, collapsed on the Chicago 15 the upper chamber and is question before Michigan voters next fall. expected to be line with 62 seconds left in the game debated at length before a final •Vietnam veterans benefits. A bill that figure is ever regained consciousness, agreed upon by the two houses. would grant $1,000 a year for two years of e two team physicians and trainers Speaker of the House William A. Ryan, education for Vietnam era veterans is now in pted to revive him without success, D-Detroit, says the $535 million version is the House Taxation and Veterans Affairs e thought we had him when we got it necessary to provide adequate welfare levels committee. heart) going again, but. pson was unable to continue, . and Dr. Hester Typhoon and programs to the state's Senate needy residents. Repbulicans, however, pledge that Passed by the Senate this summer, the proposal must be approved by the lower one was admitted to the Detroit People in Da Nang struggle in driving rain and ankle-deep water brought on by Typhoon Hester which hit the they will not approve an appropriation that chamber before it can be placed before the northern provinces of South Vietnam. The death toll the state cannot support from voters on the November 1972 ballot. li after the game but the players rose to at least 36, including three American GIs. existing led out by ones and twos somberly. revenues. •May presidential primary election. AP Wirephoto As it stands now, it Introduced Aug. 16 by Rep. Jackie Vaughn likely the ' Mann and Charlie Sanders broke down appears Hits l)a III, D-Detroit, and supported by the House iwept outside the dressing room after Democratic membership, a bill providing for ing of their teammates' death. Private a May primary in Michigan is now in a House guard trade grows; could be one of three things,'. Dr. committee. State Democratic leaders argue that it ipsonsaid. "It could be a major vessel, :or vessel would be "a bitter irony if after leading to the heart or a vessel giving the ~ brain. We won't know for 18-year-olds the vote through federal and sure until an state law, we failed to give them a choice in sy." the selection of the candidates jghes, a native of Philadelphia who was they will be lax controls worry officials d asked to support." by Detroit in a 1970 swap for a draft e, was •"No-fault" insurance. Though it is a seemingly all right just before complex issue, "no-fault" insurance pparent heart attack. contains two basic proposals: immediate 11 Smith, public relations director for :ons, told reporters that quarterback payment of a person's accident expenses and that followed her refusal, Miller shot her in exchanged and the guard fired. The driver elimination of the protracted lawsuits that Landry and other members of the team the head and she died. Police later was killed. Elkins Jackman, vice president of the New often develop in such cases. in essence, York International Union of Police and "They all came back to the determined that she was innocent of This gunplay is becoming increasingly Various plans have been introduced in e and a everything seemed all right" on shoplifting. Protection Employees. part of the American scene as the world of both the House and Senate on the evious play. In "You will not get security from that man, a Cleveland hamburger franchise the private security guard "no-fault" proposal little-used wide receiver entered the The shadowy figures loomed menacingly expands. Not too you will just get man hours." , including separate in the fourth parking lot, a security guard objected to the long ago he was called a nightwatchman and concepts from the Michigan Dept. of in the darkened classroom at Orlando's Not only might a guard have been hired quarter, way a customer was parking his car. In the carried a pail instead of a gun. For a dollar an Commerce and the Michigan Consumers caught a 32-yard pass with 1:38 to play Jones High School and security guard argument that followed hot words were hour he would sit through the (Please turn game and was pinched Charles Hubbard called through the door, long night at a to page 11) severly factory or industrial site. (Please turn to page 11) een two "Come out!" Chicago defenders. He Today he is the cutting edge of a booming ned in the game for three They didn't move. It blasted inside with plete passes and intervening his .38-caliber revolver. Casualties: One large industry that earned an estimated $2 billion was just trotting back last year and might double it tnis ; huddle when he collapsed with paper doll from a life-size art display shot Voting set Already he outnumbers the year. y near him. through the heart. In a Cleveland supermarket, security guard half-million-strong American police force by . 7 ve him mouth-to-mouth William B. Miller, watching for shoplifters, College of Social Science students may nearly two to one. citation) and cardiac massage," Dr. vote in their respective His nightwatchman's image spruced up pson thought that a young woman shopper was departments today with uniform, peaked cap and said. "He never regained badge, the ■ousness." acting suspiciously and demanded that she and Tuesday for a process of selecting let him check her purse. In the altercation private guard is the child of fear-fear of the candidates for Academic Council. spiralling crime wave, fear of social disorder, fear by industry of its own employes who ademic council choices are known to steal millions of of goods each month. dollars worth Despite the occasional bloody errors of judgment, the private guard is here to stay 5 colleges name reps and is needed, according to senior police and public officials interviewed in several cities across America. "It is impossible to have a cop on every W.B. Remington, State News By JUDY YATES female student. junior; College of Osteopathic Medicine, corner," said New York Secretary of State State News Staff Writer John P. Lomenzo in an interview. photographer, not only set up his A third section opens one seat toChicano Henry Saulsberry, Inkster freshman and camera to take this students, male or female, and a fourth College of Veterinary Medicine, Robert "People are scared, crime is running picture, but also posed for it. The result is fog around the selection of section provides two seats to any nonwhite Kart, East Lansing third term student. rampant. This industry is important to » student picture of a photographer bearing a male or female student. society." Sf>m 1VtS for .the Academic ewhat Council The fifth section has four positions open Temporary College representatives are: slight resemblance to a koala bear. e'r Friday when five colleges to any white or nonwhite female student. College of Arts and Letters, Patrick But those same officials representatives to the council expressed deep student Committee on All at-large seats are open to both graduate O'Connor, Charlotte, N.C., junior and concern that the guard industry- is Nominations College of Social Science, Margaret starting to and undergraduate students. boom right out of control, and ntan° minat'on forms for Bartosek, Rockledge, Fla., junior. These potentially tative-at-large seats available, The bylaws require that the Student imperils industry and the public it is hired to Committee on Nominations name at least colleges will choose permanent protect. udento ms w,n be distributed in two candidates for each position to be filled. representatives this week. riday ervices* Petitioning closes at 5 "We would like to emphasize that The These are the problems: colleges of Agriculture and Natural nonwhite groups are encouraged to —Hiring thin* f°j Academic Governance nominate as many candidates as they wish," Resources, Business, Human Medicine and "The guard in the smart uniform who ntai; " or.der to ensure a systematic Louis Hekhius, associate dean of students Lyman Briggs plan to choose representatives before Nov. 3. turns up at your place of business today may omen in the views 10 se»ts of n»n whites and head of the coordinating committee for have been hired just yesterday," commented oil on the Academic be the selection of student representaives, said The college of Communication reserved for student Arts, tfatives.at.|arg( Friday. The election of t . student . Education, Engineering, James Madison, itesanriT15: S'x must be filled by representatives-at-large is scheduled for Nov. Justin Morrill, Natural Science and the Poll workers petiH," n,ve by women. 5 Universtiy College have not set a date for choosing representatives. Anyone wishing to work ve section °/ "oni'nation£ are divided Permanent college representatives to at the polls nsfor e secti°n provides two during the ASMSU election on Tuesday m the Academic Council are: College of nd pJJJ® Provides or fema'e black students. one position for Human Ecology, Clyde Best, Nw York, N.Y. (Please turn to page 11) should call the ASMSU Students will be paid for the work. office today. a black Monday, October:) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news More By LINDA WERFELMAN women stress the recruitment of women for responsible campaign positions. in over politics three fourths of its women in non secretarial positions, Ms. Smith said. There is no separate seen high-level jobs in American societv ai»k quota system is always unitl'iactoS^ I State News Staff Writer immediate summary creation of a 50 " Both women attended a political workshop women's division because of the feeling that such a political unit would overlook per . the | sponsored by the Women's Caucus of the Michigan structure could cause women to be overlooked in discrimination against women, she histoty 0( I From the w*res of AP and UPI. The involvement of women in political Democratic Party. the total campaign effort, she continued. "If women had had a said completely campaigns has passed the stage of tokenism, according to the organizers of the women's rights The Muskie staff includes 20 women in policy-making positions, Ms. Murphy said, Although both women rejected the suggestion that women be given special consideration in job along the line, there would be eq.ualch«« I programs in the presidential campaigns of Sen. Volunteer workers with college degrees are recruitment, they agreed that stereotypes men 'Women have not had ut many have had exn«.ri "* j Americans are not reluctant to vote for qualifiri Police said Pay Board has the power to allow decision, or in the absence of such President while heading the stereotyped male-female images in textbooks. women, she explained. 1 Sunday they arrested two men, raided 18 American workers to collect anactiontheCOLCcouldact.lt COLC, would not speculate Corrective legislation, including the Women s Ms. Smith agreed, adding that the women1, homes and seized a number of firearms in response to tips retroactively any contract wage is anticipated that they will make during the White House interview Equality Act of 1971, would probably be the most movement has caused increased awareness ol that an attempt would be made to assassinate Soviet increases Mocked by the current some judgments and on specific action the Pay Board effective method of guaranteeing equal rights, she women's issues. "For years, they've (women) ben Premier Alexei N. Kosygin in Toronto. freeze. announcements prior to the Nov. or Price Commission might take said. voting on other people's issues," she said. "Nm A police spokesman said the action was taken early But Donald Rumsfeld, named 13date." during Phase 2 of Nixon's Ms. Smith suggested that a temporary quota their own issues are valid bases for votin. ■ by Nixon as director of the Cost Rumsfeld, a fo rmer economic stabilization program, system might effectively integrate women into decisions." I Sunday, hours before Kosygin was scheduled to begin a of Living Council (COLC) would 4* m mm ■ ■ m.m 24-hour visit to Toronto. not predict what the tripartite 3 SOLDIER § W OIIN D E D Inspector Roy Soplet of the Toronto police intelligence Pay Board might do on the crucial W bureau said the raids produced handguns, rifles and issue which could decide whether organized labor will continue to bayonets. UN China vote might tie participate in the Phase 2 program. "Retroactive increases illegal under the freeze, but once the freeze is altered.. .it would be are Five persons BELFAST, Northern Ireland three British soldiers earlier troops dead in N. Ireland in the north "mot Bernadette Devlin, leftist were hit by rifle fire whli within the power of the Pay (AP) — Police said Sunday night Sunday and the rebels declared intensive than anything so far. member of Parliament, arriving in escorting a bus through Belfast's Some delegates of the UN mentioned the possibility Board to make judgments that they killed a terrorist bomber, the their forces "on the offensive." MacStiofain, whos Newry for a protest rally. Falls Road district, a stronghold Sunday of a tie vote on the one of the U.S. resolutions would enable a person, in effect, sixth civilian slairf by authorities to The latest civilian death organization is battling to end denounced the city's British of the Roman Catholic-bud aimed at preventing the expulsion of Nationalist China recoup," Rumsfeld said in an jn a weekend of rioting and occurred after two men and a Ireland's 50 years of partition, garrison as murderers and said: IRA. Scores of buses have bus interview. shooting in troubled Northern from the United Nations. woman were seen planting a proclaimed: "We are tho 'The only "The onlv time soldiers have the hijacked and burned there ov m "That's technically correct. Ireland. ~ bomb outside a Belfast - If there was a tie on that vote, now expected in the nightclub offensive. in parts of th§ right to shoot robbers is under the past two years. What they might do is an entirely Guerrilla The soldiers gunmen wounded before midnight, police said, north." The factual violence has martial law.' were reported not General Assembly Tuesday morning, it would postpone a different question." showdown until a second meeting, held within 48 hours. Asked whether pay raises They said the three fled, ignoring taken a sharp upturn since Aug. 9, More rioters attacked police in critical condition, promised a worker, but frozen by Violin soloist a warning to halt, and officers when the government began and army posts in Londonderry, Two others were shot on The assembly's rules of procedure also say that if there opened fire. interning suspected IRA Northern Ireland's troubled Grosvenor Road, which divide Nixon's Aug. 15 economic is another tie then, the proposal is defeated. One man was killed, a woman members without trial, second city. the Roman Catholic Falls u declarations, would automatically go into effect at to play tonight was was wounded and another captured, a man spokesman In Newry, the border where British troops Saturday city And a threatening situation was from the Protestant strongholdof building up among crowds in Sandy Row. One was hit in the the end of the freeze Nov. 13, reported. killed three young men Belfast, where two women were neck and gravely wounded. Ghandi in Festival 71' Customers in the night club attempting a bank holdup, mobs gunned to death at army explains position scrambled through a back fired and looted stores and roadblock early Saturday. an OCT. week "Festival '71, "MSU's first window to safety as British army long series of chamber explosives experts examined the wrecked two mail trucks, Three men of the Scots Guards Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi landed in Brussels nusic concerts continues, bomb and said it could not be Sunday for the first stop of her three-week state trip to Western Europe and the United States to explain her country's position in the crisis with Pakistan. featuring mng violin soloist James defused. Troops sealed off the Buswell and the Saar Chamber area Orchestra at 8:15 tonight in the few and the bomb exp,oded a Coed wins A minutes ,ater wrecking the "Fifteen per cent of East Pakistan's population are now Auditonum. u club No one was injured refugees in India," she told newsmen during a 15-minute stopover in Beirut, Lebanon. They are quite an economic /-*_ u .. • c Orchestra in E Major »» • « mu n The Saar women The followed nightclub incident the killing of two a car b BriUsh t in West Circle burden and constitute a political pressure on the Indian Orchestra will play and, the deaths of three would-be or> a.L halls to defeat Alan Stoga, Grand government she added. Shostakovich's "Chamber smoothly, with no incidents i Rapids junior. She said the current border tension between India and Pakistan poses a "serious threat to peace" on the Symphony for String Orchestra." nted by th SJS The election marked the end of contested votes, Massoglia said Following tabulation of 111 Lecture-Concert Series, "Festival brought Ulster's death toll to 133 a much-contested campaign, ballots Friday night, theelectioa in two years of violence. Sue E. Benjamin,Standord plagued by conflicts with the subcontinent, and added: "Most countries of the world, '71", will feature outstanding commission declared condition Hobie's The outlawed Irish Republican senior, was elected West Circle elections commissioner, Charles including Britain and Latin America, support India's young musicians and ensembles Army - IRA - swore to avenge the ASMSU represenative Friday, certification of the electia position in the dispute with Pakistan over East Pakistan." playing works from an Massoglia, and appeals to the All results. deaths. IRA chief of staff Sean topping her only opponent by a international repertoire. The University Elections The validation will be finalized MacSUofain told a cheering slight 22-vote margin. Commission. if no appeals are received by th W,U COntmUe thr°Ugh crowd in Dublin, across the BetSTtf2irTiAaVell4S- The ®,ecti°n, originally commTsYion""before 5 & border in the Irish Republic, that Benjamin a total of 142 votes pa Tickets are available scheduled for last Tuesday, was at the IRA gunmen would launch a new from the West Circle residence Tuesday. Brezhnev to be protected 5 Union ticket office. wave of force against British delayed on the eve of election when Massoglia failed to certify Ms. Benjamin's candidacy. The Stoga had hinted earlier lad Week that he might choose to appeai the election, should Mi The French mobilized security apparatus Sunday in Paris to protect the Soviet Communist party a massive D.E.C. Wednesday, the 27th. that's The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring school terms, Mondays, Petitioning set for student reps non-certification resulted from Ms. Benjamin's failure to submit the required statement of campaign expenditures. - ■ - • race,"voters will go tr the polk .. Wednesdays and Fridays Tuesday to fill the off-camp® As Ms. Benjamin appealed chief, Leonid I. Brezhnev, during his the day when the people at during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition to council seats post vacated by the resignation^ stay here this week. Hobie's turn over the in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. Massoglia's decision, Stoga filed Wayne™sfrnmons earlier tl operation to the people from Member Associated Press, United Press Petitioning for the Academic an appeal protesting the election month Sources involved in the preparation International, Council representative from the the Drug Education Center. Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, delay. said up to 30 companies of riot police Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press Collegeof Natural Science begins Beginning at 7 p.m., Hobie's Considering the appeals and 15 units of gendarmes were being Association. today. Juniors and seniors who Tuesday evening, the will share its profits with the Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial are majors in the college can pick A 11 U ni versi t y Elections Panel to draft brought in from the provinces to Drug Education Center to - assist in their important work. and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan up petitions outside 103 Natural Commission decided that supplement the already large State Science Bldg. The WVIC jocks will be University, East Lansing, Michigan. noncertification was too harsh contingent of Paris police. In broadcasting from Hobie's Petitioners are asked to indicate punishment for failure to submit agenda for meel addition, hundreds of that night, too. So, be there. qualifications and reasons they a report of her 56 cent campaign plain-clothes detectives were looking News 355-8252 wish to be an Academic Council expenses. The Steering G Committee*] into possible sources of trouble or were Spartan Shopping Center Classified Ads 355-8255 representative. Petitions are due by Friday and should be returned Ms. Benjamin's name was meet in 443A AdministratiflJ alerted to mix with sidewalk crowds Trowbridge at Harrison Advertising 353-6400 subsequently added to the ballot Bldg. at 4 p.m. today to « to 103 Natural Science Bldg. where they could block any attempt to (Just across from South Complex) Business Office 355-3447 as balloting was scheduled for agendas for the Nov. 2 Acs Subsequent voting forms will be Friday. Council and Elected M" harm Brezhnev. mailed to each constituent. The elections on Friday ran Council meetings. Rehnquist questioned 4 PIZZA FOR .. . * Sen. Edmund S; Muskie said Sunday thinks William H. Rehnquist, an asst. in Washington he attorney general SALE! 9" one item newly nominated to the Supreme Court, should be questioned about his role in the mass arrests of antiwar demonstrators here last May. Monday thru Thursday 10-6 p.m. $1.00 Oct. 25 th thru 27th The Maine senator and prospective 1972 Democratic DORM DELIVERY OR PICKUP ONLY presidential nominee was asked on the CBS TV-radio Open Wed. Nite Til 9 interview program "Face the Nation" whether he is p.m pleased by Rehnquist's nomination - after the questioner had described Rehnquist as "one of the chief architects" We're moving our wigs ENTER NOW FOR THE of the mass-arrest plan. to Okemos. 1st ANNUAL VARSITY Help us lighten our load. PINBALL TOURNEY Ph.D. seeks employment Human hair and Match Dates: November 14 - 18 Modacrylic wigs reduced Entry Fee: $5.00 including The classified ad in the Harvard Crimson of Cambridge, to Wholesale and Below. Tourney T-Shirts & 15 Games Mass. read: "Former Harvard Ph.D. candidate seeks 1st Prize employment as cleaning lady." Hundreds of wigs to choose from. Portable Color TV All From The The ad was placed by Carol Roberts, 24, a graduate of 2nd Prize UCLA who said she tried and failed to find in the Boston area. a "I took the ad for two reasons," said Ms. Roberts, who was a candidate for a doctorate in teaching job Pinball Machine 3rd Prize AM-FM Radio VARSITY linguistics. "I took it p 1227 E. Grand River because I needed work and because I felt it might wake 541 E. Grand River Also trophies DELIVERY 332 6517 3elow Paramount News people up to how bad the really is." economy ***** *★★★★★★★★-*★★★★★-*★★★*** Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 25, 1971 ,TL panel seeks new student reps plan By BECKIE HANES elect individuals to sit in on various department committees, Noverr They would set up State News Staff Writer said. joint meetings of mutual areas of interest and before meet separately also. going to the advisory council. The elected assembly member could decide which The committee The assemblywoulddetermine its own department wants to start implementation as soon as interests him the most, giving as much constituency, the by-laws ihe Dept. of American Thought and Language (ATL) is searching possible, he added. flexibility to the students as committee will probably suggest. The constituency will possibly be possible, Noverr said. K an alternative to the petition process of implementing the defined as members involved in ATL, Noverr said. If representatives were elected at the end of fall laws on student participation in academic governance, Douglas term, at the Continuing functions for the remaining students of the assembly beginning of winter term the assembly could elect members to ■verr, instructor in ATL said Friday. "Obviously, they would be more interested in sitting on the. could be set up, Noverr said. Other members could be divided into committees and students could be The department has set up a four-member committee to curriculum committee, Equal Opportunity sitting on committees by Programs committee subcommittees to work on particular problems. February. jommend Inexttwo weeks. alternatives to the advisory council and faculty within and supplementary programs committee," Noverr said. Only 15 to 20 students from the assembly would be sitting on Possible sub-committees could investigate grievances, courses, the This suggestion being considered by the by-laws committee has overlap problem of ATL and student committee members could the advantage of carrying over into the next year since members Ihe committee is opposed to students petitioning since it committees. From this group, 15 to 20 studentsCould serve as a report back to these subcommittees. would serve for winter, spring and next fall term. lourages student apathy, Noverr, a member of the bylaws student advisory committee, a parallel committee to ATL's The committee will meet with Mary Tomkins, ATL advisory "It's important to find a process that doesn't look too rigged to pmittee,said. advisory committee. Noverr said. council member, next Tuesday to discuss the committee's the student," Noverr said. plans Petitions might work for some departments with a small nstituency, he added. fThe process is not as democratic as it appears to be," Noverr "It's easy for students to sign a petition without ent." lost departments lresentativeson [he knowing the are using petitions to determine student University committees. tentative plans the committee has discussed are aiming at Elections may fo ng as cross- sectional as possible, Noverr said. WASHINGTON (AP) — American politics goes into the warmup Virginia a lieutenant governor. turn for the on any statewide or national issues. a student nominated and elected from each individual big 1972 presidential season next month with a series of Mayors are being picked across the country, with the most Meanwhile, down in Kentucky, Wendell Ford, a 47-year-old 'as one suggestion. The committee would encourage off-year elections including some potential bellwethers for the interesting races in Philadelphia, San Francisco, Boston, Cleveland insurance man running as the Democratic nominee for Kructors to facilitate students' contact with each other and at the national scene. and in Indiana where Democrats governor has hope to pick up 20 new top jobs. referred to his election being the first 1 of fall term, an election would take place. The broader implications of these contests from New York to Some of the more important elections step in the overturn of the may be strictly local, such national Nixon administration. This group of 80 to 100 students would then form an California are anything but certain. as the city council race in East Lansing, Mica., where the unknown assembly to Generally, the principals have Ford has sounded found it difficult to hook on to national issues. impact of the student vote carries some national interest. There are frequently on economic issues and the Even for those who have tried, it's too two student write-in candidates and MSU "Republican recession." Tom Emberton, the Republican nominee, early for candidates and students are expected to has answered with a defense of Nixon and voters alike to decide and apply such influence the outcome. Republican Gov. Louie jace veterans plan Nixon's new economic game plan is really budget. things as whether PtesidaU going to save the family All 120 seats in the New Jersey Legislature are up. Currently B. Nunn against "doom purveyors." The Republicans hold 3 to 1 margins in both houses. Democrats expect race offers a nice showcase, but none of the big Washington The war and other international issues are in to pick up some seats but are accorded names has gone down to abeyance while the only an outside shot at help out. |gil nation waits to see what comes of the President's capturing either house — best chance is the Senate. on Capitol steps trips to Peking and In Philadelphia former police commissioner and law-and-order Moscow. This year's campaign has been What the off-year elections may tell at best is a unusually quiet. Republicans campaigner Frank L. Rizzo is favored over Republican Thacher general mood of would just as soon have it that wav. Democrats have b^en unable to Longstreth for mayor. leterans for Peace will hold an all-night vigil on the steps of the electorate without tying it to any hard, national issues. And even that picture ■Capitol to protest continued probably will be fUzzy. American Involvement jochina following their participation inthe Veteran's Day Parade in A new legislature is being picked in New Jersey, where a similar ADVENT# BOSE • MclNTOSH • DUAL# KENWOOD r Muled for 8 tonight. election in 1967 foreshadowed the current Republican control and bokesman for the group ask MSU affiliated veterans to join them a Nixon victory in 1968. fp.m. on the corner of Michigan and Mill streets for participation Legislatures also will be chosen in Kentucky, Louisiana, I I tie parade. Those that wish to stay for the vigil are invited to do Mississippi and Virginia. The first three choose governors and But there is no obligation. Uniforms are not ■nization has asked that veterans with ■erans For Peace will present Rep. Earl E. ft a request that he necessary, but the military garb wear it. lie vigil will be culminated at 10 a.m. Tuesday when members of Nelson, enter a concurrent resolutionin the D-Lansing, BEHIND ALREADY? FREE ■slature that would ask Michigan Congress to demand an immediate lefireand withdrawal of U.S. troops from Indochina. Study Aids available X amplifier clinic > in the following courses § NOW! LU cZ Natural Science: 181 191A-191B-191E-192A 192C-193A-193C CL Clinic hours: Social Science: z Friday, Oct. 29th 231 -231A-231B-231D-232-232A-233-233A 5C ATL: 111-112-113 Humanities: 241242243 12-9 pm per copy u Chemistry: 130131141 Saturday, on our NEW IBM Psychology: 170489 Copier. Economics: 200201 Oct. 30th LU History: 121122 z 1 2-5 pm Statistics: 121 t Sociology: 100 cz LT) Many of our readers will need no introduction to measure the harmonic distortion in your to this Math: 108 109-111-112-113 CO graph ... or to what it represents ... a amplifier. After you've watched the test you • graph from our amplifier clinic. Attendance at will receive a laboratory graph of your unit's this popular event just keeps on growing. In performance to take home with you. This Plus book digests on the fact, customers frequently ask us when the graph illustrates the frequency response versus < next clinic is scheduled. So mark your distortion characteristics of your equipment. calendars now for October 29 and 30. following at 50< each • .. a true measure of its performance. Afro-American History O For those of you who are not familiar with If past clinics are any example, we'll be seeing Black Experience - Poor White cz. the amplifier clinic, here's what you do . . . you at our free amplifier clinic October 29 & Puritan Dilemma - Black Cloud bring in your receiver, amplifier, or preamp, 30. Note: Please be prepared to wait for 1. Good Malcolm X - Citizen Tom Paine < regardless of brand or where you bought it, unit to be tested. We can only give you our your quality Hammerill watermarked paper. Uncle Tom's Cabin and let engineers from Mcintosh test its best possible service if you are present when 2- Both letter and legal sizes. Autobiography of Ben Franklin CxZ performance absolutely free. They'll use over your unit is being tested. Also, we will not be $5000 worth of the finest test equipment to 3- Possible lower prices Devil In Massachusetts < check actual power output of your unit, and equipped to test tuners. for long runs if they can be Picked up 24 hrs. later. Available only at u Operators on duty during all store hours Monday ♦k-u Saturday. taw IM sure 421 E. Grand River ! 217 E. GRAND RIVER ACROSS FROM THE UNION 332-4616 L J.„ \HI FI BUYS 1101 East Grand River Ave. TEAOSONY • |BL*PE*KOSS*SHURE East Lansing 337-2310 MICHIGAN ART BUCHWALD STATE NEW! His Honor's honor UNIVERSITY hurt by the honor you don't like to read KEN LYNAM WASHINGTON - The worst thing that about i„ «. newspapers. ® advertising manager can happen to any public official in this Judge Clamchowder continued' country is to be mentioned for a top some Democratic senators «*. DAVE PERSON, managing editor appointment in the government, and not get fouJ * hadn't paid my income tax for CHARLIE CAIN, city editor it. the m?) years and they tried to make a bie dV,i, I JOHN BORGER, campus editor It isn't just the rejection of the job that is BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor hard to swallow — it is that while he is under just to embarrass the Nixon administer I RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor consideration the candidate is being They made it sound as if I wasSJ subjected to exhaustive investigation by Supreme Court justice nominee ever cheated on his taxes. who 21 ""I everyone from the FBI to the Harvard Law Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award for Review, and his reputation can be destroyed "To make matters worse discovered that I was a the nil outstanding journalism. forever. major the firm that prints all the traffic Stockholm,!! I The recent Supreme Court nomination Tornado County. So I had to ticket I circus that President Nixon put on is a stock as a great financial sacrifice. get rid JJI I perfect example of how dangerous it is to be EDITORIALS mentioned for one of the highest positions "Then Jack Anderson found out about I in the land. Christmas party I had last chambers for the meter year iT?! Take the case of Judge Childblain maids, and wh&l Clamchowder. Judge Clamchowder, who only two of them took off their made it sound like an orgy. So clothes.bI had been appointed to the Fifth Circuit nowmyttal Cafeteria itwl wife is suing me for divorce, and sea Traffic Court for the work he had done in carrying Tornado County for President Nixon in 1968, found himself listed as one be damn expensive, have an interest in the particularly sinceiZI printing firm Jl more. I of the "leading" candidates for a Supreme 'The American Civil Liberties Union thai too harsh, n Court seat. Judge Clamchowder told me in his chambers, "I knew they had just thrown in dug up the fact that 1 had donated buy dynamite to blow up all the buses in Tornado County, and that $l,OOOb| scbaiI madefe! my name as a smoke screen and at first I was This year several residence halls and those who have not. newspaper headlines. Now I believethistil flattered to see my name in the newspapers. have arbitrarily decreed that a personal matter and had nothing to ik| However, the individual residence "But then the Eastern establishment press nonresidents will be barred from started with whether a person would makeaaJ halls' policy strictly barring coming down here and asking about Supreme Court justice or not. I residence hall cafeterias during is unnecessarily me, and my life has become pure hell. mealtime. This practice is unfair to nonresidents "They talked to my second wife who said I "Finally, some smart-aleck discovered that since- I've been law profej extreme. There are other alternatives had not only cheated on her, but also on my ruling all students involved. that would serve the residence halls' bar exam. Even if it's true, it's something traffic offenses I have been reversed J According to Ted Smith, director and higher courts 768 times. P needs satisfy all persons of Food Serivces, the general policy involved. "He also claimed I had fixed the ticketstfL has been that the dining halls are to 45 members of my country club. It turnsoitB be used I had only fixed 40 tickets since I've beenafl by residents only. the traffic court, but the media doesn't ml For instance, during the first few Nonresidents have the option of weeks of the term, Shaw Hall to be concerned with accuracy as long «i J buying a guest meal ticket or a good story. 8 obtaining permission from the cafeteria supervisor. Last year, most cafeterias were allowed all nonresidents into the cafeteria. They merely had to sign a guest list, leave their student ID with Key to peace: rallies and voting me "The American Bar Assn. rated mediocre' and this certainly h keep any decorum in the courtroom," meas'|g| I the checker, and be escorted by a "From what I can tell, Judge," 1 said,"yj lenient about letting nonresidents sit resident host. The guest was warned might have done better by not bt^| with resident friends who were mentioned as a possible Supreme & that if he ate any food, the resident A week ago Wednesday, seven speakers at the moratorium on the answered this in one of its editorials Friday, when it suggested that justice." eating. At Shaw Hall, visiting persons were allowed to enter almost would be charged for a full meal. Vietnam War tried to convince a meager crowd of 200 that the now that students have the vote, protest rallies are no longer "Frankly," he replied, "If it wasn't forfe| antiwar movement is still alive. However, the echoes from empty legitimate means of shaping our country's military policies. While I honor, I would just as soon forget it." without restriction. seats throughout the room told more than the speakers' words, admit that the student vote is important (If everyone votes), I still Copyright 1971, Los Angeles Timet The procedure was quick, Now, however, the University has leading to the conclusion that the movement, if not dying, is at least feel that there Is room, and need, for the protest rally. instituted a meal card policy. All e ffective.and fair. However, suffering from a near-fatal illness. Unless you're still going by your twelfth grade Government book, persons are checked as they go into according to Robert Weisflog, It is remarkable to view the change in attitude that has taken place on this campus over the past two years. In 1969, around 8,000 you probably realize that the nation's policies are shaped In the Letter Policy the cafeteria: those who do not have manager of Shaw Hall, guests often lobbies, where big businessman, who stand to gain from the war, people, led by former President Walter Adams, marched to the steps exert tremendous Influence on our politicians. If the antiwar The State News welcomes all k meal card who have not stayed for an hour and a half or so a or bought of the Capitol. This year, I doubt If 800 people on this campus were movement had the same type of bargaining powers (i.e. bribery, They must be typed (preferably to J a guest meal ticket are not admitted causing seating problems. Also, the even aware that there was a moratorium going on. financial pressure, etc.), there would be no need for the protest cafeteria supervisors were unable to 66-space line and triple - spaced, dated,uf unless it is an emergency. It Is unfortunate that students should no longer find the antiwar rally. But as It stands now, common people need some sort signed with the hometown, stu< I Two reasons are cited for the new keep track of all the visitors. movement attractive, especially now that more people from outside of pressure group, especially when It Is the common people who are faculty or staff standing and local pi Consequently, the policy was the University are coming to their senses on the matter. In fact, the paying for, and lighting, the war. number Included. No unsigned letter wi limited access policy: the ID check backbone of the movement may soon be the workers, who arc amended to bar all nonresidents Students are fighting back against a senseless war with senseless be accepted for publication, and no letti prevents nonstudents from taking up beginning to realize that the wage-prize freeze is robbing them of apathy, using the ballot box as an excuse for not becoming will be printed without a signature exed needed seats and also prevents except on emergency. their money In order to support our war efforts. involved. Granted, protest rallies alone will not end the war. But I In highly unusual circumstances. Lettn students from eating What we may see in the future Is a peace march composed entirely seriously doubt If voting alone would do It either. If we could food they have should be addressed to The Editor, SI of hard hats, while students stand along the way and jeer. combine the two over the next year, beginning Immediately, the not payed for. News, 345 Student Services Bldg.,! Unnecessary Why the sudden change in attitude? The State News may have tradition of an annual moratorium might become unnecessary. East Lansing, Mich. 48823. Good idea Such harsh treatment is The University's use of ID cards for meals is an excellent unnecessary. one. Residents Halls could easily OUR READERS' MIND Checking of IDs is quick and impliment a time limit of, say, 30 effectively differentiates between minutes on a guest; if the those who have paid for the food nonresident does not leave before the half hour time limit, his ID can be held until a small fine is paid. Our goal should be new society Pass/fail As it stands now the cafeteria's limited access policy is highly To the Editor: their requests for funds for capital, advertising, etc. and helping them to become to establish all the students working recycling centers that can use. Some centers have etc. Some steps in the right direction,sucrn the pass-fail alternative, have been unfair. Nonresident students are There is no reason why we should better established. already been set up, but there still needs to much more must be done to make eduaw takenbj Recently the Educational Policies barred from sitting with friends on continue to tolerate University practices be work done in this area setting up new As a spokesman for the students, ASMSU a complete and rewarding experiew Committee announced that it will the reasoning that they will steal which have proven to be useless or centers and expanding the ones in existance recommend the Academic Council food. This type of logic implies the destructive. I propose that we work together must take a strong and active part in now so that all the students will use them. ASMSU should support, in any fj student is guilty to develop programs that will be really opposing the war in Vietnam. It has been possible, level-headed attempts tow^ drop the 0.5 and 4.5 grades. Since until proven beneficial for everyone. shown (in the 1970 referendum) that the New life styles must be promoted and the reform in this direction. the implementation of the present innocent, a very shaky bit of As most of us know only too well, overwhelming majority of students are MSU campus can be a center for developing ten-tiered grade scale there have been reasoning indeed. The responsibility for preventing nonpaying students students are usually the victims of economic opposed to this unending struggle. ASMSU can support this feeling in many concrete new alternatives to our present restrictive All of the aforementioned be set up in such a way as to projects involve asM® ha«J problems with faculty misuse and exploitation of all kinds. Student society. A culture week with art fairs, misunderstnading on the part of from eating the food rests on cooperatives, in the past, have proven to be ways: by supporting anti-war groups, by movies, speakers and fun-involvement students as possible. Our goal should wj an effective way to bypass this exploitation. sponsoring teach-ins and speakers to study projects can be sponsored at different times create a new society of people worBP other institutions especially cafeteria supervisors and should not the war and its effects and by finding out hand-in-hand for a better future of peacen - They can cheaply provide essentials such as during the year. Hopefully then these things graduate schools. be- transferred to some arbitrary what part this university plays in making cooperation. food, housing, books, etc. while operating will expand and become daily meaningful Abolition of the 4.5 and 0.5 bureaucratic procedure. war. We must demand that all undertakings on a non-deficit basis. ASMSU can events. These activities will provide help to would be most welcome as a step A mealtime to many students is expand co-ops by giving high priority to of the University be made public including entertainment and, at the same time, bring Dennis Sulliji toward greater equity in grading. one of the most sociable periods in war-related research and, at the same time, use the facilities of the university to build a people together as friends and brothers. Birmingham candidate for ASM juj jJ For years students have been demanding Ultimately, however, the needs of the day. To deny students this peace-oriented society. that basic changes be made in such areas as the educational process will be best pleasure for no other reason than the ASMSU must take an active part in helping departmental requirements, grading, testing, served by a universal application of the pass-fail system. management's convenience is inexecusable. Vets march To The Editor: Monday is Veterans Day. It is traditionally University bicycle regulations Nothing can a day when Americans celebrate the end of World Wars I and II. (The wars to end all war.) Lansing area veterans groups will be LICENSING: Every bicycle operated or possessed on the campus must be licensed either by the University or the cities of obey all traffic control signs and devices, and keep as far to the right on the roadway as is possible. Riding on enforcement administration: The and| Dept. «■ sponsoring the usual Veterans Day activities by school l including the parade through Lansing. Veterans For Peace will be there. We will not be marching to celebrate the end of past Lansing or East Lansing. Licenses must be immediately attached to the bicycle. PARKING: Unattended bicycles must be sidewalks or footpaths, riding more than two abreast, and riding prohibited. against traffic is Public Safety is responsible for enforcement and administration of University Traffic Ordinance, f Michigan Motor Vehicle Code, and1 I I ■ The House of wars, however, as much as to commemorate Representatives out of the mouths of hungry a present war, the Vietnam War: a war in placed in bicycle racks and locked. When EQUIPMENT: Bicycles operated during bicycle licensing and control proviso ■ unanimously scuttled the Nixon children." The school lunch program which many of us have a very personal recks are full the bicycle must be parked dusk, darkness or dawn hours shall show a thereof. f administration's attempt to cut back involvement. We want people to know the in the immediate vicinity of the racks. white light to the front and a red assures every child in America of at light or federally subsidized school lunch least one warm, nourishing meal each truth about this war, what it has done to us, Under no circumstances shall bicycles be reflector to the rear. ANNUAL CLEAN-UP: During the irtjj I programs last Monday. The Senate is how it has affected our lives, how it has parked in shrubbery, on sidewalks, near following spring term commencemen ■ day. For many children it is the only changed us, and most importantly what it is building exits and entrances, or in vehicle bicycles parked on campus mU® I also expected to pass the House such meal. The Nixon doing to our brothers who are now caught parking areas. placed in the designated summer ■ version of the school lunch program, administration's move to cut the up in it as we were. IMPOUNDING: Bicycles not properly bicycle storage rack area (see the Dep ■ I which would, in turn, prolong one of We need help. Many of us are weary; first OPERATION: The Michigan Motor parked, not licensed, or parked unlocked Public Safety Announcement in the 1 number of children in the school Vehicle Code requires that bicycles be will be impounded and may be reclaimed News, Staff Bulletin or Dornww ■ this nation's most successful welfare we had to battle ','the enemy", lunch program is tantamount to (whose at the enemy?) and now we must battle our operated as if they were motor vehicles. Dept. of Public Safety upon proof Bulletin boards for the location on | programs. writing carte blanche for a conscience. Many of us are still confused and You are required to yield the right of way of ownership and payment of the area). Bicycles not in the Summer V The Nixon administration malnutrituion in thousands of to pedestrians in marked crosswalks, established impounding fee. storage racks will be impounded. overwhelmed with the brutal reality of war. attempted to cut up to 1.5 million American households. Many are so elated that the nightmare is over youngsters from the school lunch that they don't want to get involved with rnimiuuM program. The White House's Office of Management and Budget Fortunately in this case the forces of humanitarianism prevailed. In the anything remotely connected with the war. We all need each other. I urge all veterans from this area who have a conscience for SECRETARY MUCH ON /MONDAY ARENt jg11 M0(?N' J recommended making cuts in the long runAmerica can make no better peace to march with us on Monday. Give us program for economy reasons. investment than to make sure that its your support; help us to show others that However as Jean Mayer, chairman children are decently fed. The short this war must stop now. of the White House's 1969 term budgetary benefits derived Conference on Nutrition and Hunger from cutting the school lunch Larry Tibbe Veteran For Peace said, "We ought to find better ways program are dwarfed by the long to save our Coopersville, sophomore money than to take it range human costs of hunger. Oct. 18,1971 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 25, 1971 i Free U offers skill instruction Anyone interested can contact experience of hypnosis and the By CINDI STEINWAY Beeson at 484-5104 and then knowledge than the layman. "pinch pot, coiling, piecing, the to explore shows and other in the techniques of Farrel be contacted for see what State News Staff Writer can more flab method, and the balloon makes come over to learn how to use the hypnotising, he explained. information as to time and a Broadway musical a hit place method." The equipment. of class meetings. or a flop, according to the Free U student with a broken "For the experience class there "The pieces will be glazed and down automobile, irate catalog. landlord, Hypnotism classes are offered are no qualifications, as we work Learning how to work with clay fired, and checked for cracks or Blues or fiat tire on his bicycle, can find by David Farrel, Battle Creek off wheel is the harmonica, self defense, with subjects conditioning them a emphasis of flaws," she said. The class meets auto mechanics, Gestalt therapy, help through the Free University senior in social science and to be able to undergo an Kathy McCann's basic pottery Tuesdays at 8 p.m. and Ms. and classes being offered this fall. class. Ms. off-campus housing problems psychology, who is a self-taught induction. The technique class McCann, Detroit McCann can be contacted for the are among the other classes listed "Bicycle repair" meets hypnotist. stresses actual hypnosis under freshman in elementary location. in the catalog. A Mondays in 112A Perkey, from 7 copy of this "In Michigan, controlled circumstances," Farrel education, is teaching five basic Another class, American catalog along with other Free U to 9 p.m. Led by Lawr Beausoleil, Detroit area, thereexcept for the are no schools said. methods of working with clay. Musical Theater, is offered at 7 information about starting a East Lansing junior in social established for the "Once the methods free He added there is a preference are p.m. Wednesdays, in 216 Bessey. class, can be obtained in the Free science, the class is open to dissemination mastered, the work will move to The class is for all Broadway buffs U office, 329 Student of hypnosis," for medical and Services. owners of all makes of bicycles. Farrel stated. Two different psychology an individual basis stressing students in the technique class as "During the first hour of class, classes will be creativity," she said. She named we dismantle and offered, one in the they have more use for the the five methods to be repair various taught as makes of bicycles to give basic tips on brakes, flats, and alignment,'. Beausoleil added said. He that the second hour is spent examining everyones' bikes and fixing special problems. Green sees salad "As a group we decide each week what we want to discuss the following week. Twenty-five students have attended and we as helpful to society in a have room for more," he stated. sandwich Nick Beeson, Lansing resident, has opened his darkroom and equipment to anyone interested in using it. Neatly stacked layers of cars surround a small tree in the "As part of the Free U, this is middle of a parking facility. Man's complicated environment not a class, it is more an contrasts with the simple beauty of nature. unstructured workshop for State News photo people to come over and develop by Tom Dolan their films," Beeson explained. TV series focuses ouse vote pro on black community You'll find lettuce, tomatoes and special seasonings nestled among the meats and ■) indicate Viet cheese in every Hobie's submarine. Your choice of a wide variety of sandwiches. [ASHINGTON (AP) - A direct vote. Republicans, shifted their votes The House margin against war in favor of the six-month date jdily mount ing House vote less h 30 short of endorsing an deadlines has been closing fast — after opposing the nine-month from jochina War deadline is 17 to254-158 rejection last June pullout last June. bring President Nixon to |Nov. 15. a a Dec. 31 pullout to deadline to or All said they switched either bunce his own withdrawal 219-175 rejection last June 28 of because the war is ending anyway nine-month they were disenchanted by Hobie's Tuesday's 215-193 vote. South Vietnamese President kntagon sources udent could announce indicate the total None of these deadlines would Nguyen Van Thieu's one-man t?ie ^UqfPizza a have been binding on the re-election or both. [erican Idrawal ground combat President, from Vietnam but would have been "That election showed we have by difficulty for him not to follow. a virtual dictatorship over there," DELIVERY PHONE 351-3800 | July if not an even more House Armed Services said Rep. Tim Lee Carter, R-Ky., n pullout. The White House Chairman F. Edward Hebert, one of the switchers. 930 Trowbridge Road Dine in or carry out. |t say how dramatic the Nov. D-La., and Whip Thomas P. Even the House antiwar forces knouncement will be. O'Neill Jr., D-Mass.. say the estimate they have only about House may already have turned 170 House votes for actually It Tuesday's House vote on around and might have accepted cutting off funds to halt the war. kiting the Senate's six-month the six-month pullout Bline - so close that House Tuesday on a direct vote. WANTED lers wouldn't risk a direct vote But half a dozen White House STUDENT CAMPUS MANAGER lade clear Congress is close to lobbyists spent a week making loving a deadline if Nixon the only nearly complete House For Complete Party Servi ■n't. nose count before Tuesday's vote [hat may have been our last I." a White House aide said of and they say it accurately GUARANTEED EARNINGS relected a 23-vote margin against May's vote. teh deadline. For Interview fcpublican leaders blocked a They aren't confident they can Send Brief Resume let up-or-down vote but hold that margin. "Some of the CONSOLIDATED war forces mustered their votes are soft," said one. CONSUMERS CORP. pst vote yet Ition of a on a 215-193 Associated Press interviews 1322 S. Wabash Avenue procedural effort to found that at least 13 Chicago. III. 60605 pide the leaders and force a congressmen, 9 Democrats and [. Lum's Halloween °... Spook Special Spectacular SPOOK SPECIAL - Oct. 30 only- ,£UNiNS$j Lum's Roast Beef Dinner served with French fries, tossed treat your skin to the gentleness of allergy tested salad or cole slaw, large slice of pumpkin pie and large Pepsi. S 1 99 Clinique and the "Beauty Revivers" gift. . . FREE MASKS AND A GLASS OF PEPSI this five-part kit is gift with your a Clinique to all Trick Treaters purchase of 5.00 or caught prowling around Halloween or more made October 25th through eve. November 6th. The kit contains mascara, makeup base, FREE PEPSI WITH ALL TREATS body lotion, creamy blusher, and a moisturizing lotion. OVER $1.50 All week. . . selected from the total Clinique system created for sensitive skin. PUMPKIN PITCHERS A. Clarifying lotion, 6 ozs. $6 B. Hair spray, 12 ozs. $5 at our Pumpkin Pitcher Pusher Party for our unique DOWN .. . Down down prices. C. Soap bar. 7.50 D. Moisturizing lotion, 2 ... ozs. 7.50 E. Scrub cream, 3Vi ozs. 7.50 F. PRIZES TO HANGING APPLE BITING Gentle Cleansing Cream, 3% ozs. S5 CONTEST WINNERS 9P.m.,Oct.30 G. Very Emollient Cream, 2 ozs. $15 H. Wrinkle Stick. $6 SASSY SPOOK SPECIAL Clinique's complexion consultant will be at Jacobson's to advise you Wednesday, Thursday Hot apple cider — All week. and Friday, October 27th - 29th. Open M - 2 a.m., Mon ■ Sat. Noon - midnight. Sun. JacobBoriS JACOBSON'S OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL NINE 5 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, ()c|0hm „ Local clergy favor 'Superstar' betrayed the cause he was leading," Green continued. "Judas is just The Rev. Kail Ruffner of the University Christain Church agreed attacking his ideal image, and showing he is a man and not a god. that the opera ended on a "defeatist note." Judas is the hero, not Jesus." Local clergy generally disagree with charges levied by a prominent He thought that there "was a lot more involved" in the opera than "It's a mistake to think that all the Jews were lined up solidly just Storber's criticism. Protestant educator that the rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar" opposing Christ," Green said. 'The opera shows a human dilemma portrays Jews in an unfavorable light that could harm relations that was not intentionally maligning the Jews; it just uses a "It did more harm to Christ as a person and what he intended to between Jews and Christians. particular historical story. It would not matter what race, creed do," Ruffner said. Gerald S. Strober, Presbyterian authority on intergroup relations m or religion it might have been." The Rev. Alvin Hoksbergen of the Christian Reformed Student in Christian education, analyzed the opera for the American Jewish All kinds of religios emotions exist here, and "I can empathize Center, saw "no implication for a whole race of people" in the Committee and concluded that discrepancies exist between the with the Jewish," Green said. opera. opera and the New Testament from which it is taken. The Rev. Roger Palms of the American Baptist Student "In arbitrarily laying nearly all the blame on a group which the if Foundation thought "it could only create a problem with a "In a number of instances it did not stay true to the New viewer knows to be Jewish whether thetext saysso or not it is, if Testament, but it tried to capture the mood at the present time," superficial or shallow level Christian person." nothing else, insufficiently thoughtful, potentially mischievous and He described these people as "the cultural type of Christain who Hoksbergen said. possibly a backward step on the road toward improved could find a lot of reasons to not like anything." Father Thomas D. McDevitt of St. John Student Center Christian-Jewish relations," he stated. commented that the "criticism too literally took the specifics." "They could find a Biblical reason for slavery," he commented. Rabbi Phillip Frankel of Shaarey Zedek Congregation agreed that Palms criticized the He noted that some aspects had been portrayed very well saying, opera for making a "flip-mockery of the "Jews are certainly villains of the stroy." "over all it's a good job and a good refection to the meaning of everything", and thought it ended on a depressing note with the "They are really blamed to a great extent for the crucifixion of crucifixion, ignoring the resurrection. Christianity." Christ," he said. The Rev. Robert E. Green of the Unitarian Universalist Church did not see any reason for the opera to cause tension. NO WOMAN NOMINEE "People are misinterpreting the whole thing. It is a very critical examination of Christ's life," he said. Jesus had his ministry growing among the poor people, but more Abzug and more he changed his hold over the people, Green said. "Judas is complaining that Jesus came at the wrong time. He raps By LINDA WERFELMAN Democratic Party. lead to more responsive solutions political power structure by il 11 ill Hiilerlaiiis ^^sst!^ State News Staff Writer "Nixon felt enough pressure to to America's problems, she said. sending to the Democratic talk about appointing a woman, A "truly representative" Presidential Convention a President Nixon's failure to but not enough to act," she said. Congress would provide delegation that included Joining in Homecoming festivities is famed trumpeteer Al appoint a woman to the Supreme "He could not find Hirt. Hirt entertained students and alumni Saturday nightin Court could contribute to his one improved medical care and child proportionate numbers of reactionary enough to please him care facilities, pass consumer women, young people and Jenison Fieldhouse but was under strict doctor's orders not defeat in the 1972 election, Rep. and qualified anough to pass the protection legislation, legalize minorities. to play in the rain during halftime. Bella Abzug, D-N.Y., said American Bar Association's abortion and question the SALAD & SPAGHETTI GORGE Saturday. minimum standards." President's economic policy, Ms. (All you can eat) Ms. Abzug spoke in the Union Nixon also has failed to fulfill Abzug said. Tuesday Night to a women's political workshop his promise to appoint women to The economy would be helped sponsored by the Women's $1.95 Caucus of the Michigan positions in the federal government, she said citing most by an immediate end to American involvement in Wine figures which indicate that Indochina, she continued, asking, Special women hold 1.5 per cent of top "Would a Congress truly LIZARD'S jbiet government jobs. representative of the American 224 Abbott "That's more of a pinprick than people have allowed the war in 'kJcdckeU a breakthrough,'. Ms. Abzug said. Nixon has not been the only Vietnam to continue for years?" so many Monday 11:30 a.m. AM SEARCH FOR Machines Part II" America! OF MICHIGAN President to discriminate against The war has been a "man-made 1 p.m. AM ECONOMIC CLUB MENTAL HEALTH: "Morbid Musical Devices, from the pli^l Mourners" Vamik D. Volkan, piano to storeo equipemtn. women, she continued, charging project," she charged. "One OF DETROIT: Guest speaker is director of psychiatric inpatient If you don't that he had continued the policy would never have expected from the Honorable James D. 11 a.m. FM MUSIC FROIll of his predecessors. services, Univeristy of Virginia. watch your reading the Pentagon Papers that Hodgson, secretary of Labor. INTERLOCHEN: second in J "They have stigmatized victims women existed." series of stereo concerts withtaI figure of discrimination inferior,'. Ms. 1 p.m. AM UNCLE SAM'S NO ONE ELSE as The 500-member audience 1 p.m. FM MUSIC THEATER: FALSE ASSUMPTION: Land, 1971 High School Symphonicl Abzug claimed. The exclusion of responded with a standing How to succeed in business Band. WILL! women from all aspects of ovation to her suggestion that without really trying. housing and health of the American Indian. American life has resulted in the women, the young and minority 11:30 a.m. AM meeting weekly in "mutilation of society," she groups would lead the effort to 7:30 p.m. FM BOOKBEAT: B00KBEAT:| Robert Cromie talks with Frulfl 1 p.m. FM MUSIC THEATER: ftvul Film Group Presents UMHE Hall (next to continued. change America. "Man's World, A Woman's Place: The Golden Apple. Water, author of "Pikes Peak", T University Methodist) The election of a Congress "We have to produce women A Study in Social Mythology" TUESDAY 9:30 AM which included representatives of who do not come out of the old and author Elizabeth Janeway. 8 1 p.m. AM COOPER UNlOHl FM BOSTON DIARY of p.m. a MAD or 7:00 PM 655-2073 women, minority groups, workers and young people would male culture," she said. She encouraged women to change the 8 p.m. FM WORLD OF OPERA: SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA: "The Four Seasons" Op.8. by FURUM: "The New Feminism'! Luch Komisar, Nationil| Siegfried, by Richard Wagner. Vilaldi; Music from " Vespro della Organization for Women. HOUSEWIFE RHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHA 10:30 Tuesday Beatta Virgine, by Monteverdi. Chorus and orchestra conducted 1 p.m. FM MUSIC Happy Hunting. THEATER,;! a.m. AM JAZZ by Michael Tilson Thomas. INTERNATIONAL: Jaz from Wednesday PRESENTS Switzerland with host Normaw 10:30 a.m. AM RADIO Thursday O'Connor. SMITHSONIAN: "Music 11:30 a.m. AM SEARCHIN':A| CBC documentary looks ill problems confronting today^ youth. 1 p.m. Fm MUSIC THEATER:! The Most Happy Fella 7:30 p.m. FM RADIO! SMITHSONIAN: Sing whileM labor, tapes and talks oil American work songs by Archie J Green. 8 p.m. FM MUSIC FR0H| FOCHESTER: Six monolojwi from Jedermann. by Maitffl Cantata para America Ginastera. Magici,b?| APPEARING IN PERSON 9 p.m. FM JAZZ Thornton. with Frederick] BUSTER CRABBE Beol Film Group Presents TONIGHT in 106 B Wells TOD BROWNING'S horror classic (STAR OF FLASH GORDON) Great Film 8:15 OCT. 28 and Making" 7,9:30 Conrad Aud. 10:45 -N. Y. Times "ONE OF THE HALF DOZEN GREAT HORROR FILMS OCT. 29 OF ALL TIME'' VINCENT CANBY NEW YORK TIMES 7,9:30 Wilson Aud. "Carrie Snodgrass is incredible Fifteen years before George Pa/ sent his crew of spacemen blasting off Earth — her 'mad housewife' is one in a rocketship. Flash and his friends had already conquered space. The of the most perfectly etched trilogy of Flash Gordon is beyond doubt not only the greatest cliff all time but further, the finest, most hangers of characters in all film." exciting outer space adventure films ever - Jean Larson to come out of Hollywood. There has never been Houston Star anything since to equal and we doubt there will ever be. What actor today could possibly match the fearless heroics and derring-do of Buster Crabbe as Flash Gordon? What actress could so convincingly con¬ vey the innocent beauty and helplessness of Jean Rogers as Dale Arden? Who could be more dedicated a scientist than Frank Shannon as Dr. Zarkov. who could out-villain the most venomous villain in the "A superb movie" history of motion pictures. Charles Middleton's Ming the Merciless? - Newark Free Press Hollywood just don't make 'em like that anymore! ~n The finest example diary of SOLEM Buster Crabbe will give a film-lecture presentation on Hollywood in the 30's of the German THE including film highlights of his career including Flash Gordon and Buck Expressionistic Horror a mad housewife Rogers. Film School. a frank perry film starring Tickets on sale at the Union Ticket Office and from 7 - 8 at Wilson Aud. and 7 and 9:30 richard benjamin Conrad Aud. A story based on medieval Jewish mysticism in frank langella- carrie snodgress which a rabbi brings to life a stone monster creenplay by eleanor perry from the novel by kaufman to avenge • sue Admission $1.25 his people. This film and story inspired FRANKENSTEIN. 108B Wells RHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHA 106B Wells Admission$1. No ID's 106B WeilS, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 25, 1971 7 I.B. still 'King' Prof claims |f blues, guitar hig , Stat* By NAT ABBATE News Staff Writer ,, | > . under his sway, King stepped back and shared the spotlight with Sonny Freeman and the threatens campus wildlife I B. King more than lived up Unusuals while he restrung his By MICHAEL FOX ■s reputation as king of the Friday night In the guitar piayed P'ayed freeman, a Detroiter, State News Staff Writer pe^n „ol could not be counted. Oke^0'" R°"' SO"th °' ^T" "*-£X drums, drums, with ^ 5 with .Inec^h torium. With .. he!P Burton V.H on Joseph trombone, r,ari viuuiuune, ~ Construction of the proposed 'If we add his estimated 30 per abrup, densities both east and west of «»"<">' Lucille, his guitar, he Turbington on alto saxophone cross-campus highway would cent kill that was not recorded, £n»-week s^TmeS Indintrt "i #k j-. tf,0K.c°nd,tlons alo"g a sellout crowd why he F»«ne, seriously endanger wildlife living J'^ ■ ,. agnized as the best blues . . l. Louis .. . Hubert . saxophonei Milton Hopkins on on tenor south of MSU's main campus, a Conti's totalwould be562 instead of 432 " GvspI dby- Another big difference that Michigan habitats from woodlot Conti's figures to every 45-mile to cropland and rding to B.B., the blues was 0bvj0US Friday was that, abandoned segment of that total, it means , e At 1:15-3:00 communications farms. In _ due to aside from a few like Clapton twice-weekly counts about 451,346 birHs and animals between July 12 and jealous men.^While it is an(j other greats, King's Sept. 17 are killed on the state's highways NOW THRU TUES. Ltionable whether jmjtators merely play the blues. ll.ll.Kin$ Conti tallied 432 wildlife victims. Birds were the most each year," he said. est is blues guitarist can be of anybody, there can be B.B. King is the blues. frequent casualties, followed by raccoons, Conti found a significant variation in density of wildlife ^LECTRiyEATERS J do u b t that King "Nobody loves me but my Blues singer B.B. King soulfully squirrels and oppossums in that killed depending upon the stretch ". Film courts comparison RATED YOU MUST expresses himself at |jZ. jV . . a » 1 muni rated Friday night, mother/ But she could be jiving Homecoming weekend concert held last Friday night. King's order. of highway surveyed. The most to Fellini in sweep and style * BE _ jr \ in lially with Lucille in hand, too," B.B. sang. I doubt if a few art a sustained mood Conti feels that his figures may .. . concert was second in a series of concerts sponsored by abundant wildlife of all kinds w trageous comedy ..." ■in exceptional'grace 'lind £°usand P?°P,e were iivin8 him ASMSU. be 30 per cent below actual found in a five-mile section of [ King and his band moved ",day n,8ht- State News photo by Jeff Wilner highway kill, since carcasses removed from the 1-96 from one-half mile east of aga"ne X RATED §lv from song to song, roadway by Cedar Street in Lansing to NOVAK presents COLOR ing the audience cry, and one-quarter mile of i, along with him. His guitar AS LANDFILL MATERIAL east |ng, of course, could not be (ed as he coaxed Lucille into out exactly the right uses. [l and e All the while, moved with the flow, mirroring the absorption he Mill waste uses studied His vocals were clear and En vironmentaF Protection experimental Vroi'ect is°to show 0nc* ,andfl11 techniques are thisproblem." :h, and were delivered right Agency (EPA) and the paper the feSitv of SnL thL ZZ Perfecfted-researchfers foresee the Since only 28 per cent of the am0unte of sludgeThai rSt use ~ It seemed he could do industry to make paper mill waste sludge as a foundation for sludge is composed of solids, it "the an asset rather than an insult to frorn ^e DaDermakine orocer^ refcrea ion areas w,th the addition lacks the stability of common 1th audience clearly the landscape. l^dfilLterial lananu material. of a layer means of topsoil of building and as a up marsh areas, landfill materials, and the chemicals it contains have the O.B. Andersland, professor of potential for contaminating civil and sanitary engineering, is ground water deposits, directing the field study using an "Sound engineering practices experimental landfill constructed will result in successful landfill near K i n b e r 1 y - C 1 a r k use of the material," Andersland Corporation's Moraine Mill predicts, "but we must first outside Dayton, Ohio. It was further gain information on its sheer preceded Jiy more than two years, strength and permeability." ■IRE IN THE 12th floor of subsequently arrested on the placed in jail when he failed to ear str®"£th ' is.the ability lard Hall was reported to Jostbond e and fire departments at other chafes when officers found a bottle of wine in his car, is^T^OoS FPA ^nf A^n °fh«materiJ to retain its shape, ' i.m. Sunday by two coeds and officers said he used Darticina'tinc ' is the National !"£ °Ln°^f hke SBnd. w names coming from the obscenities in addressingtwo coed A TRANSPARENT "Stop Police" sign was taken from the pfnRr Tnrf,^ftr^for Permea.b,l,ty rtefers to ,ts . . if. Cause of the fire was a witnesses. He posted $100 bond hood of an MSU police Ajf and Stream IrLr0vement an dramagecharactenst,cs' 1 lamp that had been left on and was released pending action in£jUstrv-wide association trvine Because proper engineering ambulance between 11:40 p.m. le unoccupied room, officers by the prosecutor. and 12:°2 a.m. Saturday as the tQ fJnd f minimi2ing controls have not existed, L The fire destroyed a vehicle was making a pick-up at environmental pollution Andersland says, disposal of the ■tian blind, some books, A 19-YEAR-OLD Port Huron East Wilson Hall. Officers said the ... Water content of the sludge has been a serious problem *s. window and the wall, youth was arrested on a narcotics sign valued at $25 was torn from s,udge hasb^nthe maior for paper mills. Generally, it has drawback to usine it landfill in merely been dumped in old gravel |ge has been estimated in charge at 9:30 p.m. Friday, thehood. as ^of$40°- Officers said they discovered the POLICE ARRESTED two theoast" Andershnd exnlains "and we're hoping to provide the pitsaswaste. iAFFiw-rmr * suspect attempting to enter the B. 22-year-old Gilchrist Hall paper companies with the VPhi.Lc e rnunps bnyder storage grill room second was B. King floor concert through window of he students for bicycle theft the at 2 information needed to overcome id of $250 between 1 and 4 p.m. Saturday when they Auditorium. A subsequent search observed the pair ■ Saturday, officers riding a girls report, revealed a tin foil packet of a bicycle near the stadium. The Are You At An ■ people had access to the white powder and a plastic bag fcnd knew the combination bicycle was subsequently Information Loss? containing suspected marijuana, returned to its owner, who had Where can I find a notary public? I police said they are He was arraigned Saturday left it parked in a rack at Williams |ioningsuspects. Has my prof been fired? morning in District Court, and Hall. Where can I get free booze BARGES OF RECKLESS WING, minor in possession, on my 21st birthday? ising obscene language in the CALL Pee of women were Hubbard Information Center brought ft a 20 year-old student Rumor Control & General Info, Ident of Northwind 353-8114 ■tments at 12:15 a.m. M-F 10 AM-9 PM |toy. Officers indent auto present said left the East |>nel loop with his tires f'ng, crossed over the Pn into the wrong lane Watch Mon. night football on color TV while you eat I1 t'mes nearly striking three prians before jumping a curb Pkers Hall. Police said a siren Required to e stop the smoke |>uded car as it was returning TOWN PUMP 307 S. Grand, Lansing road. The student was 9:00 Only The Rolling Stones 10:30 I GIMME Only L ALSO At 7:00 Only ... "LOVINGj I iNe Kennedy . 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October,,. $1.15 10% Off Kodak Color Film Cigarettes Crest loothpaste 6.75 oz. 50C 2/69° The Discount Price on all Film Developing 12CXP 126,620,127 89° Fading socia I distinctions limit 1 (coupon) Explresafter 10-30-71 East Lansing Store Only limit 2 pkgs. (coupon) Explresafter 10-30-71 East Lansing Store Only No Limit (coupon) Explresafter 10-30-71 East Lansing Store Only limit 1 (coupon) Explresafter 10-30-71 East Lansing Store Only emphasized in China ta||J Ms. Tompkins in the West explained that whereas male-remain » invariably have sexual undertones, sex is I $1.75 $1.15 By ROBERTBAO alionS| Liquifilm 5 X 7 Color Enlargement Close-Up Three ancient evils - distinctions of sex, class and occupational national purpose in China. However, she are still virile, in view of population statistics. stressed that rv hlne*nn| (From Kodacollor negative only) rank — are disapperaring from the Peoples Republic of China "There is no prostitution in China," she noted add' I Wetting Solution Toothpaste becuase of Mao Tse-tung's revolutionary philosophy. This theme dominated two lectures given in East Lansing was based authoritatively on the Shanghai. grumblings of rv.J"8"1""'*! )re'6n men J Ms. Tompkins visit here was sponsored I 2oz. $129 limit 1 319° linlit 5 (5.7 5 oz. gQC limit 1 Thursday by Ann Tompkins, a Californian who helped Red Guards precipitate the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution while she taught at Peking Language Institute from 1965-70. Center, Society for Asian Studies, United Education, Lansing Area Peace Council and Michiuan i ? Nonviolence. by the A Ministries1311 Rdn 1 Glutei, I (coi ipon) (coupon) Citing that 50 per cent of Chinese doctors are women, Ms. In her Explresafter 10-30-71 East Lansing Store Only Expires aflter 10-30-71 Expiresafter 10-30-71 Tompkins told an MSU audience of about 300 that Mao's struggle against male chauvinism has advanced women into topechelonsof evening speech at St. John's Mao's onslaught against sex, class and Student Center she 11*. I East Lanslrig Store Only East Lansing Store Only on occupational* r-! practically every career field. fromaninsideperspectiveof theCultural Revolution nctio«| $2.25 Bath Size 75c By comparison, she described pre-1949 China as a feudal system in which women were terrorized slaves, often Calling it a "world-shaking event tantamount to th„ Revolution," she said the Cultural Revolution wasasn i"l ■> I bought and sold like Flashcubes Dial Soap Joy merchandise. student movement which aimed, with Mao's support Flair Pens "Women then had only one legal right: to beat their elitism in education, ranks in the military I Dishwashing Detergent daughters-in-law to death," she said. counterrevolutionary vestigesof bourgeoissocietv ' She defined "bourgeois society" as one which __ .. .. . . ■ and 01,1111 Quoting Mao, she said the removal of political authority from » 99c limit 1 5 oz. ^7^ limit 4 22 oz. limit 1 29c limit 6 landlords was crucial to female emanicpation, authorities which appress women stem from it. because all other ,to« it the "dictatorship general welfare. oSplofc'• H„°"p (coupon) (coupon) (coupon) (coupon) "The keystone to women's liberation is economic power," she „n:h.!iaidr"n: e_xam^e of_|,our8eo|s thinking is the emphasisoj I Explresafter 10-30-71 Explresafter 10-30-71 Explresafter 10-30-71 Expires after 10-30-71 explained. "In China, women are encouraged to work side by side military efficiency. To replace it with a valued II proletarian >>ue. she aid East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only with men even in factories, and while mothers are not forced to Lin Piao invented "the little red book." Peoples' Liberation Army, and elevated thesti'H" distributed „ . . , coni^l L'°Pies totlK* BI 79c $1.15 $1.50 98c work, many of them do." The "housewife" role has diminished because of day care centers, numberone military goal. "You may know how to shoot very *° po,'tics«stln| prepared food and smaller living units requiring less housekeeping, well, but not wh^.l Eatons Corrasable Head & Shoulders F.D.S. she said. shoot," she said, clarifying Lin Piao's policy. 101 Ms. Tompkins said she helped Red Guards No Doz "I experienced my greatest liberation as a woman in China," she spread self-critw.I Bond Typing Paper Dandruff Shampoo Feminine Deodorant continued. "It's unnecessary to think as a woman even when you through posters (Da Sz Bau),amove prompted by Mao's of Stalinist dogma. Stalin believed correct! I come into physical contact with a man." erroneously that oncenrivTr capitalism was eliminated, no more internal problems couM.2? CQC 49" 2.7 oz. Tube DU 3„z ggc 36 s 03C hence shifting the criticism abroad, she said. One commendable result of I limit 1 limit 1 j limit 1 limit 1 can only go down, she said. proletarian dictatorship is that nr,« H ®I I (coupon) Explresafter 10-30-71 East Lansing Store Only (coupon) Explresafter 10-30-71 East Lansing Store Only (coupon) Expires after 10-30-71 East Lansing Store Only ? (coupon) Expiresafter 10-30-71 East Lansing Store Only China spea 'There are no private taxes on income," she continued the first country in the world that has no national debet "Chini.l internald I external, and its people do not carry any burdens' of wv,™I $1.00 $1.19 interest." Ultra Sheer Vaseline Intensive Aspirin 5 Hole Notebook will open During China seem a question period, one woman asked: to have a rough row to hoe. Just what do they do''" I "IntellectualshI Conditioner Care Lotion 100 Count Filler Paper "Exactly that - hoeing rows," Ms. Thompkins snapped. Ms. Tompkins suggested to those I A talk on contemporary China Friday in McDonel Kiva. 10oz will open the American Ravenholt, the first of four AUFS wishing to travel to the Peoples Republic of China to write the Ottawa embassy and ignore$L I I 2oz. 05C 83c 11c SL 59c Universities Field Staff (AUFA) lecturers scheduled to visit MSU will remain here until Nov. 4 and Dept. regulation. 'The U.S. Supreme Court ruled three 1 limit 1 limit 1 lecture series for this year. Albert Ravenholt, an expert on speak at many private gatherings. restrictions are unconstitutional," she years ago that tmdl (coupon) (coupon) limit 1 (coupon) ? limit 1 (coupon) China and the Philippines, will Ravenholt has worked in Asia Several visual aids were used pointed out. f Expires after 10-30-71 Explresafter 10-30-71 Expires after 10-30-71 Expiresafter 10-30-71 during the presentations. One a speak and the western Pacific since Australian movie, depicted a happy life in East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only on "Contemporary Developments in China" at 7:30 before World War II. He has called it "poisonous weed" for China, but Ms.Tompkin L showing just results and not print I 59c served as a correspondent in struggles. ■ 8 - Pj\CK China, India, Burma, Indochina and the Philippines. Plastic Tampax Peiisi City candidates One of the topics Ravenholt will cover is "Red China after the Shoe Boxes Great Proletarian Cultural to talk on issues Revolution," with the vital ★ CAPITAL CAPSULESl i°s 29c limit 1 16 oz. 0|r 33° East Lansing City Council question, "whether the Chinfese are changing humannatureasthey limi it l limit 1 candidates will meet at 8 p.m. knew it." (coupon) (couiE>on) (coupon) Explresafter 10-30-71 Expires aft' it ninsidenr Cepacol The Discount Price Edge Right Guard ACE HARDWARE] Mouthwash un Shave Cream Dry Deodorant I 201 E. Grand River 351-6184 H any 14 OZ. limit 1 Creme Rinse limit 1 6v.oz. limit 1 nc soz ggc limit 1 relief from the I Palate ordinary. (coupon) (coupon) (coupon) (coupon) Explresafter 10-30-71 Explresafter 10-30-71 Explresafter 10-30-71 Explresafter 10-30-71 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only , East Lansing Store Only 39c 49c 50° Off Cosmetically Yours Scotch ' The Olde Worfld is i relief from the ordinary. Superb1 fine wine and imported beers, all in a cas- Nail Polish Remover The Discount i'rice on any Mounting Squares ISHndwiches; ual European atmosphere. The Olde World is located in the center of East Lansing on MAC. Look for a dis¬ 3.3 02. ^QC limit 1 STEREIa L.P. i6s 33e tinctive red and blue awning. limi t 3 limit 1 ; (coupon) (coupion) ^coupon) Explresafter 10-30-71 Expires afte r 10-30-71 East Expiresafter 10-30-71 Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Hours STATE DISCOUNT Hours Mon., Tues.,Fri., 307 E. Grand River Wed., Thurs. Sat. 211 M.A.C. Avenue East Lansing 9 AM-6 PM Next To under the red and blue awning J Perkins Pancake House 9 AM-9 PM "The Card Shop" # 301 Clippert 0One Mile from MSU - Opposite Seo^A Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, Octoher'25, 9 SPORTS 1971 Harriers snap Minnesota's victory strina By GARY KORRECK State News # Sporti Writer Though Bjorklund took off early the Spartans took over early. According to Gibbard it was never close. "We broke it open by the LsU had the string that broke the Gophers back Saturday, as the two mile mark," he said, "and that was that". Ltan harriers romped to four of the first five places, and broke The only consolation the Jinesota's 19-meet winning streak, in a 22-35 victory, Gophers might have had was that Bjorklund officially won before his team officially lost. * ¥i the Spartans made the Gophers look more like also-rans than Besides breaking the Gophers victory string the Spartans asserted litenders, with All-American Garry Bjorklund's first place finish themselves as definite favorites for the Big Ten title. I only bright spot for the Gophers. This gives us a decided advantage", said Gibbard. "Minnesota is a fcjorklund's six mile time of 28:49.5 was also a course record. main contender for the title." Vfter Bjorklund split the tape it was all green and white. Ken It was a good test for us," added Gibbard, "it was a rolling, good Vjoy took second, Randy Kilpatrick third, Rob Cool fourth, long course." B Dave Dieters fifth as MSU fulfilled coach Jim Gibbard's wish. It was the second biggest rout in the eight year history of the meet >We had to get our guys in before their second man finished if we (Minnesota won 20-37 in 1967), and the largest margin of victory Lted to win", said Gibbard. for MSU over the Gophers. MSU also took eighth and ninth place and Gibbard praised the It was only the third win in the series for the Spartans, and the forts of his fifth and sixth men. first since 1968, a season in which the Spartans went undefeated. ■Steve Rockey and Ron Cool ran excellent races for us," he said, While it was a gratifying victory for the Spartans, it may also be ■tockey, who finished eighth, beat Ron for the first time this year, shortlived. h gives indication of yet another scoring threat to the already Minnesota had been the only threat to the Spartans at the Id harrier unit. beginning of the season, but since then Indiana has come to the ■he split between MSU's first and fifth man was 57 seconds, "Not front, and now outranks the Gophers, at least I best we've had yet",said Gibbard, "but we did get strong statistically, in performance. Iformances from everyone", he added. The Hoosiers who will visit the Spartans Saturday are undefeated Jopejoy finished a minute behind Bjorklund, but he also finished thus far and have, according to Gibbard, run over everybody in Placers ■seconds ahead of Minnesota's next runner, Mike Hanley. becoming so. for Kilpatrick, who finished at 30:17, it was a promise kept as he Indiana recently rolled over Western Michigan and Miami (Ohio) The MSU cross country put the stopper to the Minnesota 19 J said he expected to be up with the leaders this week after an in a triangular—MSU lost to Miami finished an unsurprising first, but he was followed by (left to (Ohio) and had a tough time meet winning streak Saturday in dropping the Gophers 22-35 kith place finish last week. with the Broncos before right) Ken Popejoy, Randy Kilpatrick, Rob Cool and Dave knocking them off. at the home Minnesota course. Gopher great Gary Bjorklund Dieters. State News photos by Don Gerstner U WIN ON ROAD, 4-3 ^ Booters By CRAIG REMSBURG State News Sports Writer a upset fifth shot into the right corner of the quarter and held the Bobcats ranked The Bobcats tallied twice past was ranked fifth in the Midwest," Bobcat net in the first quarter. It scoreless until Murray scored his Stone in the third quarter to tie Goldman said. "The whole team was Dujon's seventh goal this fifth goal of the season to make the score and it appeared the is very confident now and we can The MSU soccer team overcame season, tops on the Spartan team, it 3-1, MSU, at the half. Spartans were in deep trouble, look toward the Akron game." a big barrier in their Ohio tallied shortly after that A big Ohio crowd, their But Coach Payton Fuller championship drive Saturday as to tie the score before Mayer enthusiasm dampened but not replaced Stone with Goldman they won a key 4.3 road contest scored the first of his two to make extinquished by the steady rain over the Ohio shortly after the two Ohio goals University Bobcats, it 2-1 for MSU at the end of the that fell through most of the and the California netminder up with a win Rudy, Mayer, who tallied two first quarter. against Bowling game, urged their team on to made two big stops on Bobcat Green State goalsin the Spartans' 3-0 win over Jim Stone came in to guard the Wednesday The victory as the second half began penalty kicks. The Spartan squad home 1 contest is slated I o .begin . at Western Michigan last week, Spartan goal the second and it almost payed off. seemed to take control of the 3:30 p.m. turned the trick once again, his .V last score giving MSU the victory. contest after that. Mayer scored the winner with Nick Dujon and Gerry Murray the other Spartan goals. got Lions upset, 28-23, eight minutes left in the game on Splish-splasli "It was the best game we ever an assist from Murray. It was Mayer's fourth goal of the year championship playoffs and wins I MSU freshman tight and Mike Jones it stopped returning a punt against the jfreihmen Friday. Jones' teammates held University of Michigan on against the Wolverines to record a 20-18 win in the played," Spartan goalie Dave Goldman said. "Our offense jelled and everyone put out 100 by Chicago Bears The Detroit Lions suffered and it gave the booters a 6-1 season record. "It was a big game because Ohio over Bowling Green State and Akron, which would give the Spartans an 8-1 record, would Larry Walton scored the other |team'i first game of the season. State New| photo ^ Don Qer|tner per cent. It was a gratifying win." their second loss of the season Lion touchdown on a pass from look mighty impressive. Dujon opened the scoring with Sunday as the Chicago Bears Greg Landry. Errol Mann upset the 14-point favorite Lions at — Tiger Stadium, 28-23. rounded out the scoring with a 23-fleld goal. LOOK TO US The Bears sandwiched a Les Shy touchdown sprint between l LET COOPER FIX YOUR FOR QUALITY two Errol Mann field goals to •take the Chicago to an J TIMEX WATCHES • complete selection of reshmen nip U-M, 20-18 early 7-6 lead. an] i am, an, frames Chicago quarterback Bobby Douglass hurled a 54-yard ELECTRIC SP VERS •'Sunglasses and wire • rims • scoring pass to George Farmer to prescription lenses ground By STEVE STEIN Spahn on the one-yard line on a Moerdyk and Steve Burton freshman's twisting 19-yard run up the lead, but Ron Jessie inO/ STUDENT • repairs while you wait State News Sports Writer two-point conversion that would completed three of seven passes, lU/O DISCOUNT helped set up the winner. neutralized that score with a llSl's freshman football team Ininated the game for three have tied the game. In a game played In a steady yards. all to tight end Mike Smith for 42 U-M middle guard Norman Long picked up a blocked punt, 102-yard kick-off return. Bobby Douglass provided the COOPER'S FIXERY MERIDIAN MALL 1 * /iota*, OfMcicuui fcrters, then had to stop the drizzle on a wet and slippery Morgado's first touchdown and ran 37 yards for a touchdown winning score midway thorugh EAST LANSING * ALCO UNIVERSAL BLDG. Tlversity of Michigan freshmen field, MSU's offense relied mostly capped a 77 yard, 15 play drive early In the final stanza. The the fourth quarter with a 1-yard ?*. ■ a two-point conversion with on Its ground attack. Halfback well into the first quarter, and ..... . , . , f Spartan defense held U-M on the run. ***************** lit seconds left in the game to Arnold Morgado carried 31 times, then the Hawaiian's second score MSU 12 yard line, and punter ■eat the Wolverines, 20-18. gained 90 yards, and scored two came after the Wolverine punter Kellie Dean booted three lcng ■he frosh Spartans held a 20-6 touchdowns on one-yard plunges, fumbled the snap to him, and was punts to keep U-M off the board wantage after three quarters, Quarterback Steve Moerdyk run out of bounds on the U-M until Heater's second TD with :08 ran for 46 yards on eight carries, p Michigan scored on a and scored 28-yard line. left, Jcked punt and a short run late the winning Moerdyk scored the eventual ■the game. Jim Grannell, MSU touchdown. Fullback Clarence winning touchdown with 6:49 Grannell's tackle of Spahn gave Ifensive back, stopped Bullock added 42 yards on 12 left in the third stanza on a Coach Ed Rutheford's squad ilverine quarterback John rushes Spartan quarterbacks six-yard run. The Grand Rapids victory in their first encounter. NOTICE COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE UNDERGRADUATES YOU MAY VOTE IN YOUR RESPECTIVE DEPARTMENT BETWEEN 8:30 A.M. AND 3:30 P.M. |TODAY ON A SELECTION PROCEDURE Perfect for the student. FOR THE ACADEMIC COUNCIL COLLEGE REPRESENTATIVE The Gabriel A 2-bell, all metal, copper finish alarm clock for only $2.95 with each deposit of $25.00 or more to a savings or checking account VOTE East Lansing State Bank Monday, October want ads Automotive FRANKLY SPEAKING fay Phil Frank For Rent For Rent For Sale GET Action WITH A the State News does MINOLTA TWIN lens not permit racial or, Rooms reflex I WantAd ^ 1 religious discrimination in its advertising MUSTANG 1966 - 6 cylinder convertible, clean, good tires, low mileage. $950. PLYMOUTH 1970 ATTENTION: ROOMS for rent. twin lens track «»Pe Call telephoto WehJ?"! recorder,',*^''•I columns. The State LANSING 410 South Pine. Large 4 Completely furnished. Cooking. 393-6015.2-10-25 Grand Coupe. Power steering - • AUTOMOTIVE Call 372 8077. C News will not accept brakes, air, FM radio, very clean, bedroom home, partially FISHER COMPACT 95 r Scooters & Cycles ■ 17,000 miles. $2,475. 355-0259, furnished. Ideal for couples. Call Auto Parts & Service advertising which 337-1068.5-10-29 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUC:, south turntable. Pickenng'^1 discriminates against 6-8 evenings only. Mr. Alban, speakers. Evening joc ^1 Aviation MUSTANG MACH I 1969. 4 speed. 337-2510.5 10 26 of Michigan Avenue. Quiet, for 3-10-26 ^ ***1 • EMPLOYMENT religion, race, sex, color or student, near busline. $15 / week, 351 cubic, red. Excellent national origin. plus deposit. 627-5454. 1-10-25 WATERBfcUS $15 • FOR RENT condition, $1700. 351-4813. 520 -ID ■ Apartments Spartan. 3-10-26 GUARANTEED. ANN AR(mJ Houses T WICKINGHAM Un7versUvSTT''J,7^l Rooms Automotive MUSTANG GT, 1969. 351, 4 speed, excellent condition, dark green, SUBLEASE apartments winter and spring terms. Need 1 male and 1 female. DOUBLE ROOMS, furnished, l-SU-Veg-oVTaoJuJ Campus Theater. 6-10-29 • FOR SALE radio. 353-8308. 3-10-27 kitchen in basement. $48 Call 351 2689 or 251^723. Animals CHEVROLET IMPALA 1968. OLDSMOBILE 1969 "98" luxury 3-10-27 Monthly. Call 351-2029. 1 10-25 50 YEAR old, 7 Mr,,,, "J Mobile Homes *Lost & Found Automatic, good tires, very good condition. Days 373-3044. After 6 sedan. Power steering, brakes, seats, windows, trunk, confortron, THIRD PERSON needed for WANTED TO share a house. Own Antique. Inlaid. Good $175. Must sell. 332-0587.2^1 co^I p.m. 582-3941.5-10-28 bedroom furnished, Okemos. All • PERSONAL stereo radio and tape player. apartment. $50 / month. No utilities included. $90 a month. • PEANUTS PERSONAL CHEVY BEL-AIRE 1965, 31,000 miles, excellent condition. deposit. 337-1174. 3-10-27 694 8335. 3-10-27 Phone 351-3128 after 4 p.m. AUDIO ENTHUSIAST • REAL ESTATE dependable, standard, $250. Call 5-10-27 FOURTH GIRL needed immediately. 484-9188 after 5 p.m. 3-10-22 » RECREATION Cedar Brook, $70. Call Patti, For Sale We give discounts up to 30%^ OLDSMOBILE 442, 1965, 351 -0399. 1 10 25 more on national •SERVICE CORVETTE 1970 Coupe. 454-390, 4 convertible. All power, excellent advertised COLE'S BAKERY stereo Typing Service speed, power windows, low condition. Call 626-6700. 5-10-28 equipment •TRANSPORTATION mileage. Burgundy with black UJITM THIS HABIT OF UNDERESTIMATING TUESDAY ONLY Special. 4 loaves MID-MICHIGAN interior.$4400 or best offer.Phone Home - style white bread, $1.00 at ELECTRONICS, INC. » WANTED 485-8363 or 694-8951.10-11-3 COSTS. VOU MIGHT BE A NNURAL RR MSU AREA Okemos. 1 bedroom, our bakery foods concession. East Grand River, tui MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES 337-9095. 2-10-26 THE FIELD Lansing,351-83!:' DEADLINE CUTLASS SUPREME 1971. Air, MILITARY OF SPENDING!' furnished, heat included, modern, carpeted, air conditioning. $155/ Okemos, South Pennsylvania, 1 P.M. one class West Saginaw Road. KROGER - day before OPEL GT 1970. 102 hp. Orange, publication. vinyl top, 2 door hardtop. excellent condition, new tires, month. 349-1586. 10-11-5 Frandor, Logan Center, 4002 West G18 SON BLUE RIDGE 12 ,J1 332-8050 evenings. Must sell! $2550.349 2653.2-10-25 EAST LANSING: studio apartment, Saginaw, 1721 North Grand River. almost new. $200. Call r.l Cancellations/Corrections 3-10-22 O 2-10 26 351-1439.5 10-27 " newly furnished. Pool. Bus service. 12 noon one class day before publication. 442 CONVERTIBLE. Hot 1970. °pEL 1966, light blue sports coupe, Lease. Deposit. $129 / month. STEREO TAPE decks: Sony MSU MUSIC profosior selhngv«| has new clutch, brakes, battery. Auto Service & Parts Employment Utilities included. 332-4021. cello, bows. All 1 $700. Phone 663-6301. 3-1026 TC630/D, $200. Ampex 750, 3 10 27 quality. 353-6485 or 337 15*1 PHONE $125. 332-2126. 5 10 29 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East TELEPHONE CANVASSERS. 5-KW7 ■ 355-8255 DATSUN 1200, 1971 Fastback. 35 PEUGEOT SEDAN 1963. Solid. Best ONE OR two men for 4 man. $65 / Kalamazoo Street . . . Since 1940. p.m. Monday through Friday. No ENTIRE FAMILY wear glasses? Save offer. 332-8940, early mornings, 332-5924. m.p.g., vinyl top, radio, tape. month plus deposit. RATES 10 word minimum Excellent. 625-3039 after 6 p.m. evenings. 3-10-27 Complete auto painting and experience necessary. Phone at OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 BEAUTIFUL, UNUSUAL :g;fl collision service. IV 5-0256. C 3-10-27 platform rocker. $200 q 371-3220.10-11-3 East Michigan Avenue, 372-7409. No. DAYS 6-10-29 No. C-5 10 29 882 4744.3-10-25 WORDS 1 3 5 10 MICHELIN X DESPERATELY NEED one girl for snow tires, 215-15. Set T.J.'S RED COACH, 465 North DODGE DART 1962, good of 4. Good tread. two - man. Beginning November 1. PHOTO EQUIPMENT CANON PELLIX, 1.2 lens,4, Evenings, Cedar, Mason. Lunches, dinners, 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 condition, $175. Bruce, 355-9480. 882-5963. 3-10-27 and night shift. Phone 676-2627. Call 351 -4339. 3-10-27 old. Excellent condition.Redu 3-10-27 RAMBLER 1961. Good condition, ♦Cameras 3-10-25 to $285. 355-7821. * 3 10-25 ; snow tires included, $125. 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 'W - GUARANTEED repair. ♦Projectors DODGE DART 1964. New tires, runs 332-6835,332-6684. 5-10-28 ♦Lenses RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at HOME MAINTENANCE Handyman, ROBERTS 778-X reel ti 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 perfectly, $225. 351-4648. Okemos Road. 349-9620. C ♦Accessories 3-10-27 TEMPEST 1965. V-8, excellent with tools if possible, to work on TWO OR three man, track tape recorder. AMl| arranged basis, car a must. Call X-200-D automa 11.70 23.40 condition. Reasonable. Call Lowest prices in 18 2.70 7.20 LUCAS LAB, 349-2549. 5-10-27 $185.Dishwasher, balcony, more. tape deck. Dual CV-40 fl 351-8279 after 5:30 p.m. 3-10-26 Employment $50 first 3 weeks. 351-8816. the Midwest amplifier, Harman • KardonSCI 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 WANTED: MARRIED students for 5-10-29 stereo music HOPE CAMERA, INC. svstsm, u TR-250 1968 convertible. $1300. Call WANTED, MARRIED Pre-Vet or 3.75 L0.00 16.25 32.50 babysitting in exchange for room STEREO, speakers, 1 351 -0457 before 10 a.m. or after 8 beginning Veterinary student with and board. 489-2659. 5-10-27 HOLT AREA, near expressway. Mail order division receivers, changers, tape re 347 Student Services Bldg. p.m. 10-10-25 farm background or experience to Unfurnished 1 bedroom 7601 Mentor Avenue and decks, cassette and 8 tn care for country home and small apartment. Stove, refrigerator and H.,R„ I. MAJORS - $70 per week, Mentor, Ohio 44060 players, used 8 track tapes All student ads must be EXOTIC, EROTIC 1948 NASH. TRIUMPH GT6+, 1970. Low stable of registered horses. Reply to heat furnished, $126 / month, pert time. Phone Ron, 332-3591. each. TV sets, Police bi Perfect 4 door basic black. mileage, many options, mint Box C-3 State News. 5-10-25 Send for Free Price List prepaid 351-1740.5-10-29 CURTIS EMPLOYMENT deposit. No children or pets. typewriters, imported « condition, 371-3456 after 5:30 393-7480 before noon. 3-10-26 AGENCY. 0-3-10-27 SPEAKER SYSTEM, Eliminator II, tapestries, All equipment ta The State News will be p m 3.10-27 LIGHT SECRETARIAL and phone FORD FALCON 1960. Good tires, 100 watts, $427 new, must sell for and guaranteed. WUCOl work. 40 hours / week, excellent responsible only for the JOB OPENINGS now - Secretary, $160. 351-0424.5-10-26 SECOND HAND STORE, S new parts, best offer. 351-2011 VW VAN 1964. Price negotiable, working conditions, several first day's incorrect after 3 p.m. 3-10-27 general office, clerical help. Full East Michigan. 485-4391 6S)fl 351-2528. 3-10-25 openings, $2 / hour, day and insertion. time. Phone 332-3591. CURTIS p.m. Monday through Saturdi evening shift open. 393-5460 for UN FURNISHED EXCEPT for stove HARPSICHORD. SOLID cherry. 8' EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Bank Americard, Master Chaij FORD FAIRLANE 1964. Good VW BUS 1963. Good condition, radio, interview, Dick Vance. 633 East and refrigerator, 2 bedroom lower 3-10-27 and 4' strings. 484-9856 or layaways, terms, trades. C running condition. Inexpensive, wood interior, phone 393-8723. Jolly Road. Equal Opportunity apartment. Utilities furnished, near 372-1529. 10-10-27 Phone Ted 482-6226 8-5 p.m. or 5-10-27 Employer. O Rao - adults only. No pets. $130 / BABYSITTING IN my licensed BEST OFFER takes. Fully equioal 485-7457 after 6 p.m. 3-10-27 month plus deposit. Ovid home. Day or evening. 16' sloop, trailer. 349-12411 Automotive Scooters & NATIONAL COMPANY looking for 834-5235.2-10-25 SONY CS-124 portable stereo cassette FORD TORINO GT, 1968. Disc Cycles men and women. Comfortable Williamston 655-3640. 5-10-29 recorder, speakers. AC/DC, 30 3-10-25 brakes. $1095. 485-4383 or inside work, no outside canvassing, 5880 Marsh Road, 2 bedroom fully ANTIQUE CARS and parts, BABYSITTER WANTED. 1 child all tapes. New, $200. 349-3358, 393-5949. 5-10-29 BSA 650, 1970. New rings, clutch, household: Flea Market. October no sales experience necessary .must carpeted, $160. Call 349-9402. 349-0772. 5-10-26 battery. Beat spring prices. $945. day, 1 child half days. Monday have good phone voice. Full time 5-10-28 31, 8-5 Marshall Armory, Lansing, 351-5869. 3-10-28 thru Friday, $27 a week. FORD GALAXIE, 1961. 2 door, new and part time positions. Salary, $1 door prizes. 5-10-29 393-7343. Own tranportation. ANTIQUES - JENNY Lind bed $50, battery, 2 new tires, new points, $100-$200 / week, depending on NEEDED: TWO girls winter term to 5-10-29 round oak table $60, large ANTIQUE AUTO: 1937 Mercedes plugs. $100. After 6 p.m, Call ability, 2 weeks paid training sublease three man apartment. Call mahogany rocker $50. SOMETIME 355-7939. 5-10-29 program. Contact Dick Vance: 351-4404. 3-10-25 SHOP 1-589-8690. 2-10-25 Benz, mint condition, $3100. Call WANTED MEN and women for full 373-0693 or 372-0442. 5-10-29 393-5460 for interview. 633 East or part time work. 655-3482. ONE AND 2 bedroom apartments FORD TORINO Fastback 1968 SUZUKI, 50cc, 1970. Jolly Road, Equal Opportunity 5-10-29 from $145. 10 minutes from AUSTIN-HEALEY 1957, 100-6 with buckets. Has all power options. Super-economical. Fun. Excellent Employer. O Best offer takes it. Call 351-0736. condition. $225. 393-8728 after MSU. Children permitted. EAGLE fold down windshield. Collector's item that only needs new paint, 5-10-25 5:30 p.m. 3-10-25 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST, For Rent CREST NORTH, 694-8975, 4330 Keller Road, Holt. C rebuilt mechanically, interior ASCP Registered or diagnostic FORD WINDOW Van, 1962. Runs 1971 HONDA CB-450. Like new, Microbiology experience, day shift, ONLY $9.00/ month. Free deliveries. redone, matching Tonneau and good. $295. Phone 627-9217. extras. Mike, 351-3820after 8p.m. Sundays only. Apply SPARROW SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV GIRL TO share expenses of mobile complete service manual included. Asking $1200. 485-8702 after 12 3-10-25 3-10-25 HOSPITAL Personnel. 7-10-27 RENTAL. 372-4948. O home, reasonable. 485-7800, 485-8394. 5-10-27 p.m. 3-10-27 LOTUS EUROPA 1971, 12,000 tu65°'«X1C?i,'It Jon^tion' JUST IN, new shipment, compact LOOKING FOR roommate? CAMARO, 1968 SS-396, 4 speed, actual miles. Phone 1-799-2947 refrigerators, freezers; Also a mags, good condition. 393-2064. Saginaw. 5-10-27 dishwashers. ESCHTRUTH Open-end leases available. Call USE YOUR 3-10-26 HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT, NURSES-RN, LPN. ROSELAWN ELECTRIC, 315 Bridge. Grand MGB 1964. Ledge. 627-2191.0 351-7910.0 MASTER CHARGE Convertible, good MANOR. Skilled nursing home, CATALINA 1968. 4 door, condition, $525 negotiable. Call 707 Armstrong Road. Have AT THE STATE NEWS ONE GIRL immediately, terms transmission, factory air - 484-3848 after 5 p.m. 3-10-27 positions available on 3-11 p.m, TV RENTALS - Students only. Low negotiable. Meadowbrook Trace, 3 • conditioning, V-8. Power steering shift. Opportunity for monthly and term rate*. Call girl apartment. 351-9049. 3-10-25 and brakes, 6 ply whitewalls, MGB ROADSTER 1968. Wire wheels, Aviation advancement, excellent salaries, 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV AM/FM, rear defrost. $1650. radio. Good condition. Call 784-6575. Jackson. 3-10-27 LEARN TO FLY I benefits. Apply in person or call, 393-5680, Miss Lehmann, Director RENTALS. C ONE OR two bedroom furnished CROSSWORD 351 -8494 or 351 -0274. 5-10-26 Complete flight mobile homes. $25-$35 per week. training. All course* are of Nursing. 5-10-25 TV AND Stereo rental, satisfaction guaranteed. Free delivery, service 10 minutes to campus. 641-6601. PUZZLE CHEVROLET 1963. V-8, automatic, MONTEREY 1966. 4 door, new government and VA certified. ACROSS 26. Submarine FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport and pick up. No desposit. Call runs good, good tranportation, battery, snow tires. $350. LOCAL FIRM has openings for hard dock Road. Call 484-1324. C NEJAC, 337-1300. C l. Polo or tee $200. Call 349-1165. 3-10-25 Evenings, 351-3823.S working persons with good 28. Collapse speaking voice to work as GET YOUR party needs at A, C and Houses 6. Persist 32. Name meaning telephone solicitors. Hours 5:30 - E Rentals. Glassware, red and 10. Marijuana healer 9:30 p.m., Monday through cigarette 35. Connection Mavued. &tuAe*iti, white check Qiatl tablecloths. HASLETT — 2 bedroom house, $35 Friday. $1.75 an hour. Phone 349-2220. O 11. Island 37. S-shaped 372-7793 between 1 and 5:30 p.m. a week $100 security deposit. Also greeting molding to set up interview. Only those who duplex, 2 bedroom, 13. Yield 38.Increase references. 339-8833. 3-10-27 hard working need apply. Apartments and tya&dtu, are 14. Chair 41. Textile screw 10-10-25 repairman pine . . . NOTHING LASTS foreverl So for 15. Sliced 42. Tanker 4. CincinnJljl LANSING OR East Lansing. One household good s 16. baseball new or newer Spanish girl 43. Christian married students bedroom furnished. Large, airy check today's Want Adsl 18. Leif's father festival 5. Forest room*. Air conditioned. 6. Short & faculty 20. Child 45. Vogue 1. Anchored CAUGHT IN THE HOUSING 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. Beautifully maintained. Suitable for faculty, grad students, business people, married couples. Lease. OKEMOS FARMHOUSE, 4 man, $180. Phone 337-2285after 6 p.m. 4-10-27 21. 22. 24. Hotrod Happen again Overturn 46, Customer H7. Annexes 48. Rapt 2. Exciting 3. Bowstring hemp 7 g 9 Wing®' Greek boo« I some with study 332-3135 or 882-6549. O T~ r* v~ T~ 9~ 10. Fast ear J SQUEEZE? Sanda"'®! M 9 7 12. Full five-year guarantee li 12 17. Particle" ■ from $145 per mo. WATERBEDS (any size*) 19.95 •3 w negate r 19. Trophy I 23 Withdraw I Take your troubles to UNFURNISHED LINERS (fitted corner) 8.00 i5~~ W~ 17 25.E*Pert children welcome 27. Bl# ADAPTORS 2.00 i5~ 5o~ Play'n< t 21 29. please, no pets PARK WEST marble! , FULL KITS 29.95 % ST 25 d 30. 31 Tranquil I Valei,t'1* I KNOB HILL xwmMwmMwmiM sy^l L Book of'"l APARTMENTS APARTMENTS 92 W 99 w y/y. □ 36 16 MO 97 Ml 32. 33 Bib'e ApfWfJJ | 5530 West Michigan Ave. 3494700 Sunshine Waterbeds come full-sized with a five-year guarantee by one of the nation's largest manufacturers. The water-tight frame w w MM *!SU| OPEN Monday - Friday liners are heavy 12 gauge plastic with prc-fitted corners. Frames are 36. Vote for r simply built by anyone for under ten dollars. With each order, please w HT 39. NarraW at Saginaw 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. send a % deposit of $5.00 (personal checks ok). Specify size and 57" 40. Easter" . Saturday 12-5 p.m. quantity of beds, liners, adaptors, w univefw | Contact Bill DeJonge or full kits desired; and don t for- Sunshine Waterbed Co LOCATED'/« MILE NORTH get to include your return address! 44 0w 1C/. „ 484 4640 OF JOLLY RD. ON We'll pay postage and deliver COD 25ol bl Lamino Real . OKEMOS ROAD inside of two weeks. Guaranteed. Redwood City, CA 94063 * Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, October 25, 1971 11 For Sale Personal Real Estate COMPLETE. Boy Scout Few controls for BOARD EXAM TUTORING Kaplan guards ■form. 12 -jrn. t1« or 7 Tutoring Course* for the 19-8685 after 6 p.nfi. o December LSAT and January EXECUTIVE HOME DAT board exam* are being ■o SEWING machine*, $12.50 formed. Call collect (313) End op. Consols modsls, 851-6077 for enrollment. Uniquely styled, 3-bedroom (Continued from page one) be provided by checking a guard if he Portables, M - «o» and .traight O-25-l 1-12 ranch, {features really wants people killed?" "Nobody should carry a gun vestibule out federally to see if he had of the state's nearly 300 fetches. Over 60 to choose from. entry. Formal dining area. yesterday, but he might also be a criminal convictions out of state, Heidinger of Cleveland has no except a law enforcement EeCTRO GRAND, 804 East doubts. "Some clients have told companies are unlicensed. - FIRST KNIVES Convenient kitchen for the burglar "or a man with a terrible Heidinger said. J'e and others officer,' She declared, adding, Tough regulations are on the ^Michigan, Laming. Hour*: 9 a.m. - The pocketknife and homemaker. Lower level has record," commented Lomenzo, believe the FBI should me 'shoot to kill if anyone comes "Armed guards will often not Ohio law books and n. Saturday*, 9 a m. • Noon.O table been carefully run a into the plant. Let's kill a few and hesitate to use a gun. They just guard designed for the who has been check knife were both invented pushing for on all guards but that they won't come in again.' And companies must pay a $5 fee for In " FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 around 1600 A.D. The host and hostess. Features are: industry reform. Like many other organization has refused to get they want to plant a man armed want to use a gun. They are just each guard. The revenue will be Michigan. Di*he*, book*, informal states, New York insists on a frustrated cops. Every time we penknife received its name lounge with involved. with a .12-guage used by the state to build up an . antique*, rocker*, junk. because it was used fireplace, game room, wet bar, fingerprint check of all private —Guard Powers shotgun," he hear of a shooting involving a |ns for and said. investigating staff to implement Lraain Hunter* Paradise. Open a soundproof office guards. With or without a gun, private guard we start sweating. Was he these laws. iturday and Sunday. Furniture sharpening quills to be used as insures seclusion for the Many of the violations of city right or not?" pens. busy Nearly 1,000 guards were fired guards "have powers of arrest ordinances are by guards who If there is a need for reforms in h) appliances open all week, 10 executive. Too in New York in 1970 because Private guards in Cleveland last And you can many other only to the extent of the citizen," the guard industry now, it is going ! 6 pm/ Phone 371-2843. C pen your way features to name here. Priced carry their guns home with them, killed 10 persons. Police - to a pocketful of cash by fingerprint checks showed they said Joseph A. Nixon, Jr., of the or use them to settle arguments in year to be greater, because $49,900 and submit your own were felons and not Bums killed three. "The police theory is Iter BE OS $26.50. any sizs. making a list of good things qualified to Agency New York Office. bars or public places. projections show the private guard terms. For personal be guards. But "Some people think that the if in doubt don't shoot. But the Inits, $60. Mattres*, liner, foam around your home showing they had all been gun In Detroit there were bloody force doubling by 1990. Income you no phone Dick Edley 371-1930 private cop theory is shoot first," kI and frame. UL listed waterbed longer use. Then working at least two months by solves everything." incidents this year when on two by then is estimated to hit nearly dial or the time state police had checked said Joyce. jaters REBIRTH, 309 North 355-8255 the number of evenings 393-5081. "I try to convince clients that $10 billion. New York Secretary occasions off-duty guards Ifashington, Lansing. 489-6168. C STATE News Classified Ads out the fingerprints. arming is not necessary," Robert —Low Pay of State Lomenzo wants to "We are not pointed what they thought were Pay for guards is and a helpful Ad Writer really getting a Arko, vice president for so low "that license every guard, including Ild STARFIRE V electric put you in touch with cash will TEACHOUT-GARDNER check on a guard this way," operations of the Wells Fargo unloaded pistols at people and shot them. the private guard has supplanted those hired within companies as (ollowbody Grovers. extras. buyers. Do it now! REALTORS Robert Heidinger, a Cleveland Guard Service said. "In the hospital orderly as the lowest house guards. I/anted: 1950'srecords. 351-2593. detective agency head said. Better cases a client will many Some states impose tough paid man in society," said But he has discovered that 110-25 say he wants regulations for armed guards. In CHIEF OKEMOS Sportsman Club protection for the public would armed Jackman. The low wage, usually 4320 W. guards. But then I wonder New York a 90-day check is made industry leaders are reluctant to looking for Rifle team shooters. Saginaw the federal minimum that |N CONSOLE organ, steel desk, Call Capt. Mike Dankenbring ifs 11 a what's and firms are told to train their provides a take home pay of little cooperate. ■all carpet. Reasonable. Call 372 4688. 2-10-26 FOR GLAD wnni a „ „ ^ men. In Ohio 240 hours of "Right now is not conducive to il-5524.4-10-26 tidings look for more than $60 a week, is something you've lost with training is required. The top establishing standards; the nationwide. HAPPENING a Want HAVE YOUR passport and I.D. Ad. Dial 355-8255 guard companies have what companies just don't want it," IhSACKS in the Alpine pictures "Everyone comes to this job commented John Mallon of the taken at VAN DYKE police regard as adequate training tion for people on the move, STUDIO of EXECUTIVE HOME thinking it is only te.nporary. The IBI Security Service. PHOTOGRAPHY. programs. But there are hundreds brochure. NORTHLAND You'll be glad you did. Next of smaller firms who don't biggest guard companies in New His comment is echoed to JpADER, Belmont, Mich. 49306. Brother Gambit's, in the Abbott care, York City have up to 50 percent by the ■•10 29 only $42,750 and this matters in many states turnover of oldest company in the business, Building. 332-8889. O-l-10-25 where people in a year," Pinkerton. gun laws are almost Jackman said. This turnover is "Standards are KIMBERLY DOWNS Announcements for It's What's George Kline, specialist in Soviet ■ watt AM/FM receiver, guitai WANT TO nonexistent. The only from the unskilled bottom of the determined by individual teach Christians? You Happening must be received in the philosophy, will deliver a lecture at Je, cheap. IV9-7098 after 5 p.nr have discovered some neat thing AREA State News office, 345 Student 7:30 p.m. today in 716A Wells Mall requirement in Los Angeles is labor market. companies. The free enterprise ■10-27 about Jesus Christ that Services Bldg., by I p.m. at least two that the weapon be visible in a system builds a better product,', ought to on "The Poetry of Joseph Brodsky" Price wars within the industry be shared. Come and share them class days before holster. commented a spokesman for ■t FRONTIER Scout "22" 3 4 bedroom publication. Items sponsored by the Dept. of Russian keep the wages low, generally. at the Student Center. American or - stone and are limited to 25 words. No and German and the Russian and Police records are full of And with the pay so low, "the Pinkerton, a firm which doubled ■liber revolver. Adjustable sites. Baptist Student Center, 332-8472. aluminum styled colonial snts will be accepted by East European Studies Program. excessive behavior by guards. A its revenue in the past five years Kcellent condition. Ruger 44 1-10-25 home. Beamed phoi No quality of guard is no longer as with an army of 30,000 guards. and paneled ; will be private guard in a large Los Tagnum carbine, excellent Family tside Akers good as in the past," commented Edition, 882-5963 after 6 room with raised the Hall Changing Morals Angeles supermarket attempted Wells Fargo's Arko. But for every p.m. hearth Symposium presents Gay Liberation Pinkerton, Burns, ■10-27 Peanuts Personal fireplace. Formal and Radical Lesbians at 9:30 to arrest a man, and in the —Lax Controls or IBI there are hundreds of dining plus casual dining, book tonight struggle shot and killed him. It City, state and government shelves and storage The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will in the East Lounge. turned out to be a fellow guard. fly-by-night private guard IMORE PORTABLE dishwasher. galore, have a lawyer available from 8 a.m. controls over the companies companies operating on a Lrge capacity. Good condition. about 1700 sq. ft. living area Guard Hubbard who shot the to noon every Wednesday and from 1 The Student Advisory Committee themselves are either lax or too shoestring and cashing in on the >. 351 5598 1-10 p.m. 1-10-25 plus full basement and to 5 - paper doll at Orlando, Fla., told attached garage. Delightful p.m. every Wednesday and Mathematics will meet at 6 p.m. poorly enforced, according to boom. ATTENTION TTT-DF evening Thursday during the fall term. Those today in 138A police, "I thought I was officials Wells Hall. All concerned about the ||ER 500-TX receiver, Garrard seminar. TTT stands for kitchen has all built ins. Call - wishing an appointment are asked to interested students outnumbered 10 to 1. I kept "They call it a detective are invited to booming guard industry. In T.-95 turntable. $325 or thirsty-hungry- thirsty, (so we John J. Henry 371-1930 or check with the ASMSU business attend. saying 'come on out'. What else agency," said Lt. Joyce at e 351-2472. 3-10-27 can't spell). BB-J.P. 1-10-25 office, 307-B Student Services Bldg., Washington, D.C. no experience Cleveland. "They work out of evenings 485-6766. could I do but shoot? They is required for a private their bedrooms. They or call 35 3-0659. There will be a The Sierra Club presents William looked like real people." security put their |.ES, PEARS, PUMPKINS, sweet CAROL, SUE, LINDA, SUSIE.RAE, nominal $3 charge for this service. Horton with slides and discussion of Lt. Joyce of Cleveland would guard company license. name in the yellow pages. They're Friday, Saturday, Sunday. KAREN: Welcome to his research and study In Ohio licensing was adopted in business, and God Sisterhood! . 1.0SS0M ORCHARDS, 2 miles expedition to ban the handgun altogether. help the Love, your AEPHI SISTERS. Juniors and seniors enrolled on the Gulf of Cortez, Mexico at 7:30 two years ago but about one third public." p.m. Irth of Leslie on Hull Road, 1-10-25 TEACHOUT-GARNER College of Business who wish to be today in 31 Union. kid U.S. 1271 589-8251. 9-5 p.m. REALTORS considered for Academic Councilor losed Mondays. 0 JACKIE THANKS for the Undergraduate Students Advisory The MSU Folklore Society meets Council reps - 4320 W. Saginaw weekend, dinner thru Detroit. Council may obtain petitions today at 7:30 p.m. today in 100 Berkey Yours, Gunky. 1-10-25 in 7 Eppley Center. Hall for jamming, singing and guitar Animals helps. Come and join us. (Continued from page one) Real Estate Recreation and The war machine is alive and well The Committee on Committees living in Vietnam. If you are of Alpha Phi Sigma will hold its pFESSIONAL DOG grooming by WINTER HOLIDAY draft age, help is available from the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in set Oct. 22 as the tentative date All breeds. Call today, Nassau, $159. Jamaica, $219. Acapulco. $219. East Lansing Draft Information 33 Union. All criminal justice for the selection of student 593844. 1-10-25 FARM 70- 110 ACRES Plus specials on Center, 855 Grove St. (upstairs), students are invited to attend. representatives to the Academic Spain, Hawaii from NEW 1 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. STUDENTOURS, p.m. Council. According to the Joyed - 2 year old, AKC Grand River, 351-2650. 129 East Monday through Friday. CA11 The Management Club will present Bgistered, nice with . kids. 10-12 minutes drive from 10-10-27 3S1-5283. ''Bylaws for Academic ttje manager of administrative *4-0501, 5-10-29 Governance" passed last spring, MSU. Quality brick home, Christmas Break personnel of Eli Lilly and Co. 7:30 all student representatives to the ||SES BOARDED - good barn, nearly new. Has 14' fireplace, SPAIN $249 p.m. today in the Teak Room, various governing groups must be 15' x 21' Country kitchen Eppley Center. ; room, $30 monthly. Phone with range, oven, dishwasher, ACAPULCO $199 Service chosen by Jan. 1. 11-6353. 3-10-27 NASSAU $169 Mortar Board will meet at 7 p.m. "We are making adequate refrigerator, and disposal. ■MAN SHEPHERD, AKC LONDON $149 Tuesday at 135 Collingwood, apt. 8. progress and I feel the pups 3 Huge walkout full basement Typing Service For rides contact Beckie at 351-7730 Beauties. $75. has unfinished Call Frank Buck, 351-228 implementation of the bylaws rec room that ' or Jeanette at 349-1081. can be 642-8076. 2-10-26 is spacious. EUROPE JETS completed by Jan. 1," for winter break and TYPING TERM papers and thesis. Hekhuis said Sunday. ICUED SMALL summer 1972 from $189.00. Electric typewriter. Fast service. Cross-campus highway spokesman quarter type, red 40' 60' x barn with Reserve now, NEW Call 349-1904. 18-10-29 for both sides of the cross-campus I mare . in foal. From a bad For sale dirt cheap. Vet basement ready for up to 20 STUDENTOURS, 129 East Grand highway issue will discuss at 8 p. Students asked horses. Barn needs new roof. River. 351-2650.10-10-27 lobby. Itecked, wormed and trimmed, PROFESSIONAL About 9 acre wood lot, good Everyone is welcoi lancroft to 1-634-5473. 5-10-29 fences. This property priced THESIS register for ■E ADORABLE kittens.Long and to sell immediately. Service preparation Faculty and administrators - the MSU Veterans Assn. invites you to lort hair. Your choice. 351-1457. ■10-25 DAYTIME home. 1 BABYSITTING 2 children. 337-2112. in my the quarterly student-faculty tea at 5 placement tests or p.m. Wednesday at the American Students who have studied a 5-10-29 Legion Hall. (LIE PUPPIES - AKC registered, Complin Prifissitnil Thesis Servlct far language for at least one year in ■bles, and tris. Also adults. TEACHOUT-GARNER Milter's and Oictcral Candidatss. UPHOLSTER ING-REFINISHING, Fr«» The film "A Matter of high school, and plan to continue B6-6931. 5-10-29 Inckari anil Csisiltstlti. Plaasa Call in that language at MSU, are REALTORS restyling and repairing. All work id Paula Hauihty 337 1527 »r 827 Conscience" will be shown at 8 p.m. guaranteed. 18 years experience. 7931 Tuesday in the Captain's Room, required to take the Foreign |MANAKCSHORTHAIR pointer TOLAND UPHOLSTERY, ANN BROWN: Union, at a welcoming and open Language Placement if «• registered stock. Litter inspection. 882-5963 evenings. 4320 W. Saginaw 675 5318. 5-10-29 offset printing. Typing and multilith house of the East Lansing Friends. Examination prior to enrollment Mr. Fix-it Complete service in for dissertations, theses, a language course. STUDENT AND wife would like to The Lyman Briggs College election In a sparkling display of skill, a welder fixes a water NOTEWORTHY manuscripts, general typing. IBM. Examinations in French, pipe at live in and care for your home for the student representative to the 4 BEDROOM, 2 baths, completely 22 years experience. 349-0850. Spanish, German and Latin will Fee Hall. The man in the iron mask makes it seem more Iature SCHNAUZER. Male. 12 while you are on sabbatical or C Academic Council will be conducted like carpeted, family room, fireplace, 2 be given Nov. 1, 207 Student the Fouth of July than the week before Halloween. old. Has had shots. away for the term. Call after 5 outside the LBC office. Today is the Ears car Services. ■°PPed. Groomed. Champion garage. Central air p.m., 489-6109. 3-10-27 DISSERTATIONS, THESES, last day to vote. State News photo by Tom Dolan term conditioning. 1% lots. 2 blocks to papers. Expert typist with ■jodline. Excellent play dog with ■Wren. $100. 393-3543. 5-10-27 schools. Only 10 minutes to MSU. Typewriter Repair in English. I.B.M. 351-8961. degree A men's rap group on sexism, A steal at $28,500. For more O-l 0-25 1m Returning legislators \ All Makes sponsored by the Pwesser Collective, ■AT DANE information, call 882-8425. will meet at 8 tonight in 37 Union. puppie*, AKC x-5-10-29 a (foreign & domestic) lequins and blacks. PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term Show and > quaMty. Show Brindles. papers, theses. Best rates. Call Pre-Vet students 5 ROOM RANCH Louis E. May, Sr. - there will be a ■'•328 2691 351-4619. O face backlog of business or 517-248-3238. Campus BookStore meeting of the Pre-Vet Club at 7:30 Built 1969. Brick and aluminum. Full basement, nice lot, convenient across from Union EO 20877 p.m. Thursday in 146 Giltner Hall. Discussion will center on location, very clean. Good traffic surgery |RS lhnauzer,. AKC AND tiny toy Poodles and plan. Price $18,900. Choice terms. Owner leaving state. Call Don FOR QUALITY service and stereos, TV's and recorders. THE STEREO SAVE SAVE SAVE XEROX COPYING- offset observations and counseling. Contact Jean Tobey or Linda Remington with registered - best f-248-3238.6-10-29 SHOPPE. 337-1300. C quality at reasonable prices. THE COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand Council. All proposals are now forfeit ten per cent of its federal committee and House under consideration in House and highway funds for failing to membership. |>LE puppies E ' f°r 'urniture. - Lovable $25 or TEACHOUT-GARNER SENIORS! FOR River. Phone 332-4222. C The MSU Marketing Club presents representative from U.S. Steel at Senate committees. measure up to national billboard These two bills, backed by Phone REALTORS a •Drug reform. The drug reform standards set by the Dept. of ecology-minded legislators, may y-9442.3-10-25 FORMER EXECUTIVE secretary. 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Teak package that passed the House Transportation. have a difficult time 4320 W. Saginaw YOUR FREE PICS, Typing in Room, Eppley Center. Everyone is during the my home. Near campus. last spring is expected to face a ♦Phosphate and no-return upcoming session. The Phosphate tisf P »r. LCC NEAR - 7 room, 4 bedroom 337-2163. 0-1-10-25 tough fight before the Senate bottle ban. While the no-return bill will be the center of particular ■ month, old, home. Has excellent income CALL 353-5292 membership. bottle measure is tied up in $125. 645-8387! COMPLETE THESES Petitioning for representative to concern in view of the federal possibilities. Call Jim Olger, service. Now Discount the Academic Council stalled in the Senate committee in both the House and government's 487-6235 or 371-2330.3-10-25 printing. IBM typing and from the recent disclosure KEY PUNCH, Computer Operations, binding of theses, resumes, College of Natural Science are being Judiciary committee, the House Senate, the phosphate bill has that non-phosphates may have an Mobile Homes 207 MILFORD and computer programming publications. Across from campus, accepted. Turn in petitions at 103 Natural Science Bldg. by Friday. bill contains a provision that passed the Senate and mustnow even more detrimental effect on training. Enroll nowtoinsurespace corner M.A.C. and Grand would eliminate penalties for pass the scrutiny of a House human health. EAST LANSING below Jones River, in class. Phone Mrs. Furney, Stationery shop Call marijuana use. Sale of the drug, ■cello ^ 12'x 50'. 2bedroom, Walking distance to campus. 5 694-2197. SYSTEMS CONTROL COPYGRAPH SERVICES Talk with Steve Thomas, candidate however, would still be a felony. ■o3.69' 6952 after condition, 7 p.m. $3500. rooms. 2 Bedrooms. 4 piece INSTITUTE, 6810 South Cedar, 337-1666. C for Meridian Park councilman from •Congressional redistricting. A 3-10-26 Suite A, Lansing. 3-10-26 Ward 2, at 9:30 tonight in McDonel bath plus stool in basement. highly partisan issue that is now 1 Mobile Home, 10' x KoT'l1,995. 9ood condition, 51', 2 Formal dining. Price only $19,000, easy terms. 7%MTG. ELECTRONIC REPAIRS. Stereos, radio, recorders, TV's. Dependable. TYPING THESES and letters, etc. Rapid accurate Experienced. 393-4075. C service. Hall, east lounge. All-University Student Judiciary ina House redistricting committee, of Traffic relief plan | 5iC T b95l. Mo-25 antll«r Rd., St.Johns. available. Call Gay Gardner, 371-1930 or evenings Reasonable. Call. 351-6680. office hours are from 3 to 5 p.m. Michigan's 19 congressional seats x-0-30-11-23 BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. Monday through Friday in 331 according to the 1970 census 349-2044. Student Services Bldg. must be done in time for the 197 2 (Continued from page one) ■LETTE No job too large or too 1967 12. small. Block rear alley. Beaver and Brown, TEACHOUT-GARDNER BATON - TWIRLING classes. Now off campus. 332-3255.0 elections. $50,000 pedestrian walk which Bloomfield Hills architects who taking enrollment. Ph. 489-2640. The MSU Scots Highlanders will Resting on the outcome of the will connect the campus and ■odpn Partially furnished, REALTORS 20-10-28 designed Jacobson's, coordinated , redistricting efforts are the MAC mall. Bechtel is not sure their efforts with the Ann Arbor lick shed- WOO. Sell 4320 W. Saginaw Demonstration Wanted Mall Ballroom. (lage. 4-l'o.5a3, KriSt8na M°bi'e LANSING PRIVATE GUITAR Folk, Rock, Classical. All styles. instruction. Highland bagpiping, drumming and dancing will be offered for all re-election Michigan chances congressmen, of several with how effective it will be, however. "It's a question of whether the plan, he said. Bechtel is unsure about the $3 per lesson. Inquire at DESPERATELY NEED storage inner students would use it, or just try space interested students and faculty. city Detroit district possibilities of a bicycle path COUNTRYCLUB NEAR for antique car. 339-8685 I V,^,W lo,s available now, 8' MARSHALL MUSIC, 351-7830. p.m.S after 6 possibly losing a representative. to cross everywhere as they do system in East Lansing. He noted J*. D^id9' 10 minutes to Delightful older home onquiet C-10-25 Free U classes meeting today: •Billboard reform. There are now," he said. that "on a road with 44.000 cars, iMECL°URT. ■ C0I?RT CLAKE 641-6601.0 M0b"-E street — 9 rooms. 3 bedrooms, FREE SENIOR PORTRAITS. CALL BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for Yoga 7 a.m. Green Room. Union; presently seven bills pertaining to Pedestrian traffic light it's best to stay off. There's living area, too many features all positive. A negative, B Autoniechanics - 7 p.m.. 30 Union: billboard reform in the state controllers located on the always maniac 353-5292. A SERVICE OF THE negative Bicycle Repair - 7 p.m. 112 A Berkey some cutting |^96~5'10'V50~7u*n^ to list here. Priced only $21,500. Easy terms on 7% WOLVERINE. 0-10-27 and negative, AB negative, $10.00 O $12.00. MICHIGAN Mall; Communes 7:30 p.m., 616 legislature. Only one, however, has passed the Senate and is not sidewalks probably be near more crosswalks would of a problem lanes, and bicyclists always too careful, either." are not TpSoS' 332"8276 a,tW MTG. Call 371-1930 J.J. Henry, or evenings, CERAMIC carpenter TILE work. - Painting and Call 482-0056 COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, 507Vi East Grand River. East Charles Communications Sunporch, Union; St.; Microlab - 7:30 Movement p.m. in tied up in the House State Affairs committee. The remaining bills than a solution. Bechtel declared. 'They'd push the botton so The Planning Dept. is e\pected to have a study outline of the 485-6766. anytime. 5-10-27 Lansing. Above the new Campus are still in various legislative often that traffic would not flow ■LMARK '969. Book Store. Hours, 9 am to 3:30 Improvisation for Men 8 p.m.. 218 - feasibility of a bicycle system in 12' TEACHOUT-GARNER committees. very well," he said. ln|shed ..|r,ed, with x 62' PIANO TEACHER wants students, pm Monday, Thursday, and Women's Intramural Bldg.; Speed East Lansing next month. The shed. - Reading 7 214 Bessey Hall; The federal government has East Lansing residents have a REALTORS In my home, 823 Woodbine, Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 p.m.. department is not involved with Metaphysics 7:30 p.m., 301 Bessey warned the state tuat is must act taste of what the "new city" will mass transportation at this 4320 W. Saginaw 484-8113.5-10 26 pm to 6:30 pm. 337-7183. C time, on billboard reform soon or look like in Jacobson's and its Bechtel said. Monriav n,.4 . 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPO, Homecoming wet and wild: MSU 34, Iowa 3 ByGARYSCHARRER "I was pleased with the 34 points,.' Coach Duffy Daugherty said State News Sports Writer after the game. "If you can fumble 14 times and win with 34 points you have done something." Denise Richmond: queen Almost forgotten by Allen's running was Holt's first half Neither rain nor Frank Sunderman nor Levi Mitchell nor even 14 performance. Holt carried 12 times for 75 yards but did not get any¬ MSU fumbles could stop the Spartans from running over the Iowa MSU homecoming queen Denise "Rusty" Richmond was queen , Carol Kaste, who is standing to the left of M< more attempts in second half play. Rasmussen and Mihaiu shared crowned at half time of the MSU-lowa football game Richmond's escort. The queen was given a dozen Hawkeyes, 34-3, Saturday. the quarterback duties. Rasmussen added 109 passing yards to the roses at half time. But give credit to halfbacks Eric Allen and Mike Holt and the Spartans' 323 rushing yardsage. Saturday. Ms. Richmond took the reign from last year's state News photo by Terry Mill# Spartan offensive line for the scoring outburst and team defense, spearheaded by familiar names like Ron Curl, Brad VanPelt, Gail Clark, Paul Hayner, Ralph Wieleba and Mark Niesen, that did not allow Iowa to taste the MSU end zone. If one player had to be mentioned for dominating play, Allen would get the honors. The durable halfback rushed for 177 yards in 19 carries to close in on the Spartan all-time rushing record. His performance against the Hawkeyes moved him ahead of Clint Jones into second place. Allen also passed Jones record for career rushes, now having 400. Allen scored three of the MSU's four touchdowns on runs of 9,53 and 20 yards. Saturday was Homecoming at MSU and Spartan alumni that were a part of the 60,383 attendance were welcomed back to rainy, dark, Curl untou gloomy skies that characterize autumn afternoons in East Lansing. The Spartans' first quarter showing was almost as gloomy as the weather. The Hawkeyes drove down to the Spartan nine-yard line, but in a key third down play Wieleba caught a Hawkeye runner in the backfield for a loss and Iowa had to settle for a 27-yard field goal. on blockedpunf| By RICK GOSSELIN MSU picked up two points on a safety when Curl dumped State News Sports Editor quarterback Sunderman in the end zone. Curl also set up the Ron Curl is back up to his old tricks. Spartans' first touchdown by blocking a Sunderman punt in the second quarter on the Iowa 33-yard line. Five plays later Allen Two years ago, Curl was named to the all-Big Ten team ml found a hole in the middle of the line from thenine-yard line and defensive tackle. Much of his vote popularity stemmed from J went into the end zone standing up. Allen ran successfully for the fact that the Chicago native had blocked five kicks that yttl two point conversion. variations of punts, field goals and extra points. I On the next Spartan series Allen sprinted along the right sidelines Well, Curl jumped back into the blocked kick catqqfl for a 53-yard score. Allen had plenty of blocking and utilized it Saturday to the dismay of Iowa punter Frank Sunderman. Cull well. After the game Allen praised the blocking of his teammates. burst in from around left end and went untouched in catchM "The main part of the game was that the line really turned the Sunderman's punt flesh in the forearms. The ball shot uj ' corner quick and got down the field," he said. "With four or five and when it came to rest on the turf, MSU had possession guys down field it only becomes a sprint to the end zone. All I did Iowa 25-yard line. It took State just five plays to cover the Z| was run for the goal line." yards and move into a 10-3 lead. The Spartans held a 17-3 halftime advantage but scored ten more "I figured I wasn't doing much good rushing (the punter) hi points in the third quarter. the inside so I went out to the end post to try rushing fa Borys Shlapak booted a 54-yard field goal tieing his own Spartan there," Curl explained. "Their tackle saw me and yelled id record set last year against Northwestern. Seconds later Niesen someone to pick me up but no one touched me. It was jiala intercepted an Iowa pass to set up a 50-yard touchdown pass from matter of getting to the ball fast enough." f Mike Rasmussen to Billy Joe DuPree. Curl, who blocked four passes from the line of scrimmijel] Meanwhile the Spartan defense had silenced the Haw keye offense the Michigan game two weeks ago, also gave MSU the initially from its first quarter rumbling. The Iowa offense was Sunderman that ignited the Spartan scoreboard. The defensive whiz slipf and tailback Mitchell, and the threat was confined to those two into the Iowa offensive backfield and nailed Sunderman foil individuals. Mitchell rushed for 107 yards to become Iowa's all-time 7-yard loss. Unfortunately for Iowa, the ball rested originally J rushing leader and Sunderman passed for 115 yards. Mitchell was the 6-yard line and Curl's tackle resulted in a safety, fl on the receiving end of four Sunderman aerial attempts for 51 tightened the gap to 3-2, Iowa's favor. yards. The game pitted two of the finest running backs in tkj At the start of the final quarter Iowa drove down to the Spartan conference in MSU's Eric Allen and Iowa's Levi Mitchell.Sj three-yard line and had a first and goal situation to its advantage. On Spartan Flea came out on top. But Mitchell picked up morettl the first play fullback Frank Holmes was stopped at the line by Bill his share of believers Dawson. Mitchell then attempted an end sweep but the speed of along the way. The Iowa speedster surpassed Ed Podolak's career rt cornerback Niesen cut down Mitchell before he could turn the record with 107 yards Saturday. The elusive Mitchell did muc« corner. On third down Holmes tried the middle but Bill Chada and Clark stopped him from a one yard gain. Sunderman attempted a the ground work on second and third efforts after hitting thcii sneak for the final chance, but the Spartan goal line stand held and of scrimmage. He now has 1,774 yards and has four games left™ add to his totals. * I was reminiscent of the successful stand against Notre Dame two Allen scored three touchdowns and picked up 177 yardiii years ago. carrying the Spartan offense. Allen showed Iowa both powertr The Spartans then marched 99 yards in 10 plays to wrap up the break-a-way running, dashing in from 53 to 20 yards out Ml scoring. Key plays in the drive were 11 and 25 yard runs by Allen, a bulldozing in from the nine. 13-yard keeper by quarterback George Mihaiu and Allen's 20-yard The brilliance of Allen was almost overshadowed by score. MSU fumbled a Big Ten record setting 14 times. The long inability of MSU to hold on to the wet football. Fumblin(| Eric "Easy" Allen busts into the end zone for a nine-yard yards, averaging more than 10 yards every time he touches times in a single afternoon can ruin anyone's morale. LOsingwF standing record of 12 was set by Michigan in 1944. Although the touchdown run in the second quarter against Iowa. Allen the ball. Sometime before the season ends the senior three of the fumbles can rebuild that fallen morale. Spartans recovered 11 of their 14 drops, momentum often died not only scored three touchdowns Saturday but also ran for halfback will become the Spartan all-time rushing leader. with the fumbles and kept MSU from putting more points on the 177 yards. In the past two games Allen has gainedover 400 State News photo by Terry Luke board. Iowa explosion Stepping stone Spartan defensive end Bill Chada finds the high road much easier than the low road in game Saturday. Chada vaults an unidentified Hawkeye blocker in trying to get to Iowa the Iowa Iowa tailback Levi Mitchell gave with his the MSU defense fits all day darting style of running. Mitchell broke Ed Podolak's effort Saturday. Mitchell was a member of the second t I quarterback Frank Sunderman. Chada was a little late. rushing record for an Iowa player with his 107-yard all-Big Ten squad last year. «0jan I State News photo by Jeff Wilner career State New» photo by Tom