overning By BILL HOSTEIN administrative considered here. organization will be 'U': that he didn't know about. He knew the How opportunity for unilateral action in the vast make decisions mu State News Staff Writer and hence worked very What is happening to the people as well as the bricks. He knew the majority of areas. administrative There is convincing evidence to support closely with May, checking with him before structure of MSU? Both structure, he knew t.he organization. So Also, the president is of a political decentralization their contention that some functions of the more taking any significant action. and centralization is the there were many things that only he could leader than the educational is clear to many members of the qualified answer. University have in fact been leader John But a restructuring of the office has come There are pressures on the decentralized, have done from the unique perspective of his Kversity community that the governing University that but other administrators and observers Hannah was. President Wharton must walk a about at the initiative of President Wharton. licture of the University Is in a state of push it in both directions at the same time. dispute that majority view, saying the own experience." Other administrators confirm that general tightrope between a number of forces Now, the current vice president, Roger But what is not clear are the pressures Consequently some functions of the University is still relatively centralized. Still including the legislature, the trustees, the Wilkinson, has only two assistants who ijng on that structure and in what University centralize, while others spread others say more centralization is needed. impression when they tell stories of how students, faculty and other segments of the report to him. Those two assistants, Emory out over a large number of people. Hannah could point out the professors he university. fcction it is headed. Is the University One example of the trend toward Foster and Steve Terry, have more clearly Forces pressing this knew were good teachers and appropriately Moreover, the growth of enrollment, the Itined to become a decentralized University toward decentralization is the changed nature of the defined areas of responsibility and greater centralization include the current award them when faculty raises came before increase in physical facilities, the fcimunity of offices and academic units president's office itself. Former president variety of authority. Terry tends to finance, ih little central authority or a highly financial stringency, trends in federal John Hannah had tremendous the board of trustees. functions and the annual budget have added funding power over investments, accounting and similar matters to institutions and state range of administrative and financial ■traliwd governmental structure with agencies rather than this University, largely by virtue of his That a University president knew the a while Foster is in charge of "operations" le individual autonomy? individuals and the possible unionization of responsibilities that cause the high echelon which involves housing, the physical the faculty. encyclopedic knowledge of the workings of intimate workings and personalities of each plant the institution. administrative offices to closely resemble and other services. department was something department jny observers would agree that MSU, Pressures to decentralize are generally President Wharton describes it this chairmen those of business corporations. Those two men filter out many of the most similar institutions, have related to sheer numbers and way: kept in mind whenever they size, coupled "When Hannah began his term, the size of approached the administration, these President decision - making matters that previously Centralized tremendously in the last few with a prevalent philosophy which stresses the University was much smaller and when administrators say. who agree Wharton and administrators would have been handled by only the vice irs. Both faculty and students have participation in governance and with him point out two other a dislike for the University expanded he was in a President himself. nanded more of a role in the governing the position Today, the president's office has little instances in which decentralization is dehumanizing social system which to know the full workings of the institution "power" as opposed to"influence," a fact "Many of the decisions that came to this licture, with the result being a less centralized power can represent. occuring. fight at his fingertips, because it was part of readily conceded by Wharton. In the Office of Business and Finance, desk (when May sat in it) no longer come to trerful central administration. Decisions What do MSU administrators think is his own adminstrative this desk," said Wilkinson, who describes the experience and The limits and boundaries of the when Phillip May was vice president Lerly made by the central administration happening? competence. president's power are so well defined within he had several assistants who there, teeming the selection of deans, the President Whartor and administrators "There was not a brick built on reported the institution that there is not directly to him. They had little authority to (Please turn to page 10) Iriculum of a department and who gets who think similarly speak strongly in favor campus an „d and fired are now made, at least in of decentralization and claim that it is by students and faculty, or both, occuring here at a rapid pace. Certain to limit the scope of this analysis, phrases permeate the conversation of these ■wever, only the top level central adminstrators such as "maximizing input Tuesday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Volume 64 Number 52 STATE STATE NSWS East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 26,1971 Scant turnout, drizzle spoil Veteran's % WASHINGTON (AP) - Vice President Spiro T. Agnew led Veterans Day observances Monday with a call for of President Nixon's war support policies while an sparse drizzle to hear him. and the veterans of Day ceremonies crowd sat through the dark gray "We can show the veterans of Vietnam, our earlier wars, no finer The indement soldiers Pentagon, apparently assuming the weather made major incidents unlikely, announced that and Marines on some alert at 2,000 three Vietnam veterans paid a heavier price than most. "In no other war have we had so many Medal of Honor winners and so few recognized heroes," he said, "in no other antiwar demonstration in the appreciation of the contributions they have military bases in the area in case of violence capital fizzled made to freedom and to our welfare as a at the demonstrations had been returned to war has the uniform been so disparaged or in the rain. has the returning veteran received less But peace forces claimed that a nation than to assist the President in his normal duty. protest Observances around the country followed citizen assistance in obtaining employment near Ft. Hood, Tex., brought the largest pursuit of peace and his efforts to make and finding his rightful place in number of arrests of active-duty GIs In them the 'last generation of American war traditional patterns on this first observance society." any of Veterans Day under a new schedule The ceremony at the cemetery's marble single incident of the peace movement. veterans,'" Agnew said. Later the peace groups scattered from the established by Congress although there was amphitheater was sponsored this year by Police at Killeen, Tex., said at least 100 the monument grounds, where only about 300 some grumbling among traditionalists about 81-year-old Legion of Valor of the persons were arrested near the big Army United States. had gathered compared to the hundreds of dropping the Nov. 11 date which has been base, but the United States Servicemen's But some veterans groups boycotted the £ Fund said 125 soldiers and 25 civilians and thousands who have attended other mass observed since World War I. celebration to protest the switch in the veterans were arrested. antiwar rallies here. Workshops were held In his speech the vice president said a Monday evening at a local church featuring handful of Americans traditionally have holiday date, and the Veterans of Foreign The arrests were made as the civil rights activists Hosea Williams and Dick Wars declined to participate in the demonstrators tried to march without a paid the price of freedom, but he said the ceremonies at Arlington because most permit, which had been denied them earlier Gregory. veterans cannot be buried there. by Killeen authorities and U.S. District Tuesday's activities are scheduled to begin Heavy rains in New England states forced Court in Austin. at noon with a rally, which is to include a Elections cancellation of many parades. In Washington, rain and lack of a crowd transatlantic telephone call from the North Medal of Honor winners washed out the planned start of an antiwar Vietnamese delegation to the Paris peace talks. After the rally, the group said it would ASMSU off campus council district elections will be held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Similarly light turnouts were reported in campaign. A rally on the Washington today. ■Former Gov. Foss of South Dakota and Lt. Gen. Jimmy Doolittle were Monument grounds and a march on the stage a candlelight parade to the White (Please turn to page nine) House. Tamong 150 Medal of Honor winners meeting in Birmingham, Alabama for White House were put off until Tuesday. ns Day observances. Agnew got in his speech earlier in the day APWirephoto before the heavy rain started, but only a >N CHINA PROPOSALS Police bldg. in Detroit hit UN rejects by explosion IniTED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) - The Sponsors of the U.S. - authored resolution victory for the American battle to keep ■erican side lost subjecting the ouster to a two-thirds vote Nationalist China in the UN. He said the DETROIT (UPI)-A dynamite blast a move Monday night for ■overnight delay in starting the voting on and the U.S. drafted "dual representation" - vote will be "very close, with us winning." caused extensive damage to the Detroit • crucial UN-China issue. The resolution to seat both Chinas in the UN, In his windup speech, Bush said: Police Officers Assn. (DPOA) Headquarters defeat, by a ■ee-vote margin, could be a straw in the "Either the Republic of China will Monday in what police called an obvious spoke in favor of the motion. Jd for the U.S. battle to keep Nationalist Accordingly, the outcome was viewed as a continue to be represented in the United "attempt to assassinate police officers." ■nam the United Nations. first victory for the Albanians' side and the Nations or it will be expelled. And between No one was injured. But as a result of the blast, precinct stations and police bureaus [he assembly motion ■di Arabian vote was 56-53 against a to postpone voting vote as a rough approximation of the relative those two stark alternatives the United States very deeply and earnestly believes were ordered to tighten their security. strengths of the two sides. ■all pending proposals till After voting against postponement, the that one is right and the other is wrong." Inspector William R. Morris, acting chief Tnbers could Tuesday so that of Detroit detectives, called the bombing study four new resolutions assembly proceeded to final explanations of A tense and crowded assembly hall heard |in by Saudi Arabia and Tunisia. There vote before the vote. Bush make the following appeal: "obviously an attempt to assassinate police 7® la abstentions. "Fellow delegates, the issue is clearly officers." The postponement issue arose after the ponsors of the "Albanian" marked - inclusion or expulsion; impartiality Windows were shattered in a four-story resolution to assembly finished a six-day general debate |t Nationalist China and seat Communist on the China issue. The last speaker was U.S. or one-sided and arbitrary punishment. apartment building behind the DPOA 1 tlle UN opposed the motion for Ambassador George Bush. "If this is not an important question, what building, but none of the 80 residents were Earlier in the day. Bush predicted a dose is? injured. "Let the United Nations take the Police said they also were investigating the affirmative road-not the road of exclusion. "potential" connection of the bombing and a false shooting report of an officer. Let it take the constructive road — that They said 11 minutes before the explosion was talks which assures equal rights as between large uropean peace and small - not the ancient discredited roid, and utterly sinister road that leads to the rule of the strong over the weak." reported, a false report couple of miles from the DPOA was received that an officer was shot and lying in an alley a Speaking before Bush, Liu Chieh, headquarters located in the new center area. No officer was found as reported. p get French support ambassador of Nationalist China, said the arguments presented "are well-nigh Shortly after the explosion, estimated to irrefutable." have caused $3,000 damage, police evacuated a restaurant and an apartment "My delegation confidently hopes that the ■>n!ri SI' ~ Communist leader forward has been made possible by West assembly will,in its good judgment, reject all building east of the DPOA headquarters ■n«u ■"ee Brezhnev won agreement from Germany's border treaties with the Soviet attempts to unseat the Republic of China," when they received a threat of a second Monday - the first day of his visit Union and Poland, the conclusion of an he said. bomb. I Mnc ° ^ ahead for active preparations > agreement on Berlin, and the start of talks "In your decision lies the fate of the A search of the area failed to turn up a ■0DP»Cn°W between the two Germanies. rPean s long standing proposal for a Chinese people, the peace and security of second bomb and the apartment house security conference "We think there is no obstacle to the Asia and the whole world, and the future of residents were allowed to return. ■nninn f demonstrations marked the opening in Helsinki, as soon as possible, of the United Nations itself." Inspector Roy E. Chlopan said the bomb |t t 8 °f Brezhnev's six-day visit - his the multilateral phase of preparations for the conference," Pompidou said. Reise Malile, Albanian vice minister for apparently was a simple one involving five or Isoviotr tern country ^nce becoming foreign affairs, expressed the hope that six sticks of dynamite taped together with a H Communist party leader. At the Helsinki meeting, he said, an agenda "those states who are still hesitating timing device. for the plenary session should be fixed in will offer a vote in favor of the Albanian The windows in 10 cars in a parking lot ^PatbTnnirat^.nS in Paris deluded addition to setting a date for the conference. resolution. . . and place themselves on the behind the DPOA building also were blown I headm, 7 France-Soviet Friendship Pompidou toasted Brezhnev before 140 side of justice." out. Jrning £ers y Jewish students and a of dinner guests at the Trianon Palace in Chlopan said that although the ^ UritflagS by ri8ht-wingers. Indent measures wre in force. Versailles. Pompidou also reminded Brezhnev that Satirical department receives 10 to 20 bomb threats a day against stores, banks and other buildings I181 to r u80r®^s P°mPidou, in a dinner France's attachment to the West and its play there had been none recently against the alliances "are an integral part of its policies." Pussion tferencp nr.reZ • said mulitlateral "*enda for the European Brezhnev recalled that at each of the The satirical play "Woman" will be performed by the Street Corner Society at Headquarters bombed DPOA. However, Morris contended that the te8'"»°°°« previous meeting of French and Soviet The office of the Detroit Police Officers Assn. telephone calls this morning and the 8:30 p.m. today in Wonders Kiva free of was damaged by a bomb a ^nch president leaders "a new impulse" was given to charge. bombing itself indicated a conspiracy aimed said the French-Soviet relations. early Monday morning. No injuries were reported. AP Wirephoto directly at the lives of police officers. step Tuesday. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Octobeo^ news Planned school gains interest list for the school and many phone calls from Interested students. academic publishers," Smith said. "The school will be st ff By RANDYGARTON lawyers." arfenc everything from American motherhood to the nation's 227 Ann St. * Moosuski's famous un morals, died of a heart seizure Monday in Miami, Fla. at the age of 69. 12-8 p.m. of apres opportunity^ ski fun, Wylie, whose book "Generation of Vipers" won him to such p'aceS national prominence in 1942, was visiting friends when he Salzburg. was stricken before dawn next to marshall music Monday. He was taken to Doctors Hospital, where he died a short time later. CALL 353-5199 for more Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 26, 1971 3 RHA sets campaign guidelines By BILL WHITING East Lansing Counsel. State News Staff Writer authority over political material distribution and canvassing could Although Flintoff suggested that canvassing be limited to double campaign expenses. registered voters only, he said such policy determinations will have David Cole, council candidate for Meridian Park, told the student Proposals to limit political candidate access to students living in to be set by hall governments. "There are presently no policy residence halls turned down in favor of representatives; "It shocks me to think that it's possible that 35 to were a broad distribution prohibitions on door to door canvassing," he said. 40 per cent of my constituency may be unreachable if a dorm guideline in a special meeting of the RHA board in Akers Hall Flintoff said canvassing unregistered voters was a "waste of time" council so decrees." Sunday. to both students and candidates. "Students who aren't registered James E. Vandebunte, also a Meridian candidate, suggested the Hall representatives voted to allow candidates for public office to might be bothered," he observed. "We have to protect the student board allow individual students to make decisions about place materia] in student mail boxes, provided the mailbox has a in his primary concern — and that is education. It is naive to say that talking to candidates by placing a sign on their door. He called name and address. In doing so, the board turned down a proposal students are going to be involved in all outside activities. attempts to make candidates seek hall government permission to canvass in drafted by Mike Flintoff, RHA president, which would have "We are not imposing restraints which are unreasonable," residence halls "clearly unconstitutional." subjected political material to approval of the hall governing body Flintoff said. "It is within the hall right to regulate people who Another Meridian candidate, Rodney Hagenbuch, said, "The before it could be placed in the boxes. come into the hall and make use of its facilities. I cannot sit back question here is whether registered voters in residence halls ahve the Controversy over University regulations on distribution of and let candidates have carte blanche access to a hall." political material and canvassing in residence halls arose last week same rights as others to be informed of candidates and issues." Several candidates from Meridian Township and East Lansing Several student representatives, however, expressed concern when several students were prevented from distributing literature in who attended the special meeting voiced concern over proposed about students being annoyed by canvassing candidates. William Shaw and McDonel halls. Sunday's meeting was called by Flintoff restrictions, but appeared satisfied with the board's final action. Vernier, Dearborn Heights sophomore, representative from to set guidelines for candidates in the last week of campaigning for However, they pointed out proposals to give hall governments Williams Hall, said, "Our dorm is passive, in this sense. We just don't want people walking up and down the halls." TYPHOON LOSSES HEAVY Patrick Blackwell, Grand Rapids junior, Fee representative, said he felt political literature was performing a service to students by keeping them informed. "We should allow candidates to put out as much energy to reach people as they want," he said. S.Viet victims Flintoff agreed the board's action left the question of campaigning vague, political but said it would allow time to observe campaign practices and abuses in residence halls as a basis for future policies. SAIGON (AP) - South Thien Khiem toured the stricken and government sources said there was forced to suspend Vietnam's government took steps areas and made on - the - spot there could not be another operations and transfer its Monday to aid victims of grants of $19,000 to each harvest until next spring. patients. typhoon Hester as officials province and $3,500 to Da Nang. Extensive livestock losses also The Americal Division is being reported 103 persons dead or Khiem also promised each were reported. disbanded and the hospital is missing in the wake of the storm province 50,000 sheets of tin scheduled to close next month, and described the damage as roofing to aid in the About 500 when part of theCJiu Lai base will boats, mostly RHA catastrophic. reconstruction of damaged civilian fishing craft, be turned over to South meeliiig President Nguyen Van Thieu, homes. reported sunk or destroyed. were Vietnamese troops. I RHA President Mike Flintoff looks pensive at a meeting meeting in emergency session Government figures indicated The casualty toll included at with his cabinet, ordered several hundred thousand of the I between RHA members and city council campaigners to least 85 South Vietnamese dead, The 16th Aviation Group at I $725,000 made available for northern region's three million 15 missing and 100 known Chu Lai reported 38 helicopters decide the policy on whether candidates could canvass disaster relief in the country's five people were at least temporarily injured. Thirty-three of the dead I within the residence halls. destroyed. Another 87 U.S. northern provinces. homeless, and a spokesman for aboard a South Vietnamese State News photo by Milton Horst were aircraft, most of them UH1 Huey Earlier in the day. Premier Tran the Social Welfare Ministry said at air force transport that crashed transport helicopters, were least $1.5 million would be near Qui Nhon, at the fringes of damaged by the storm. needed for civilian relief. the storm. The average cost of a Huey-type The government said 30 to 80 Three American soldiers were helicopter is $300,000, and ^SAASU to hold per cent of homes were destroyed known killed and 21 injured in estimates put the total value of meeting or damaged in each of the five provinces. Officials said at least 40,000 the typhoon. American bases at Chu Lai, Da Nang and Camp Eagle sufferd U.S. aircraft destroyed or damaged at up to $37.5 million. Despite the large number of persons were homeless in Quang heavy damage. The Chu Lai base, helicopters destroyed or Ngai Province alone, and that headquarters of the Americal damaged, U.S. choppers flew >night at Chicano center refugee camps and schools were wiped out. Crops of rice, bananas and sugar cane were virtually destroyed, Division, was the hardest hit, with 75 per damaged. cent of its structures The 91st Evacuation more Sunday, than 300 rescue evacuating missions 1,100 civilians and 900 Korean marines Hospital from stricken areas. KjMSU will hold its weekly meeting at 7:30 Last December, MECHA was the recipient of a ■. today at Quinto Sol, a cultural-recreational much-contested <$5000 budget allocation from the pter established by the Chicano student board. mization, MECHA. The center is located at At tonight's meeting, the board is expected to |E.Grand River Ave. consider requests by Student Mobilization Committee for a $600 allocation to help finance ie meeting will mark the first time that the autumn peace activities and a $50 request from the rning group has ever held an off-campus Office of Black Affairs to help send representatives leting outside a fraternity or sorority. to Mississippi to help with the gubernatorial race I letters sent last week to ASMSU, the State of Charles Evers. i, and the Office of Black Affairs, MECHA, The board plans to hear discussions on the nded invitations to the three groups to attend finalization cf space allocations by ASMSU to pen house after the meeting, student groups in Student Services Building. ie objective of this open house is to orientate The group is also expected to finalize a motion JMSU ft with the projects and facilities MECHA made by Jeffrey Frumkin to abolish the post of acquired throughout the year, with the funds board secretary. The motion was offered two Iropriated through ASMSU last year," the weeks ago when Frumkin offered his resignation Tersread. from what he termed "a featherbed job". \< Miss J sees success in the merger of tweeds and checks by College Town in a group of oatmeal and brown acrylic/wool separates with so many pairing-off possibilities. Sizes 5-13. A. Acrylic turtle-top 36-40 sizes. $10. Button-front tweed skirt. $14. B. Smock-style jacket in tweed/check. $24 Cuffed pant in checks. $20. SPACE AGE SOUND C. Tunic vest. $18. Yoked nylon The Latest In shirt. S-M-L. $14. Checked skirt. $13. AM-FM and 8 Track Stereo Operates in the home, boat, auto or portable • • Stereo Headphone Jack • Extension Speaker jacks Only OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. M0N. & FRI. TILL 9 $1 Tues., Wed.. Thurs. 'Til 6—Sat. 'Til 5 jmsm You Always Pay Less At... ^ JacobSoriS 2709 We for Abortion Law history there's lost of reason to position of women has gone 20, dressed in shirt, slacks, down. said abortion is not believe women were seen as hiphugger belt and salmon suede "The priesthood always taught equal, if not superior to men," boots, said the women's that women were dirty, defiled ^New York state those who she said. "Women were gods. We the alter and their bodies were movement is not against love or to repeal the abortion were worshipped because we had sex. law—they cell themselves the children. Men's religious only good for reproduction and "Some women need and love to be owned by men. (,ds of the Fetus—also favor services imitated it. Men envied now Happily, the status of Priesthood is men but not any more than men need and love women. It has to be t) punishment and the war in it." china," she said. "These Then she said, paternity was going down and the status of equal, though, or it doesn't work. women is going up." Love pie don't care about human discovered. cannot exist between After all, she said, why should ■ only about control over "Some say women discovered unequals," Ms. Steinem said. women be nuns, nurses and "This en's bodies." paternity several hundred years movement is for men _e said the state wants to before they told men about it," typists while men are priests, too," she said. "Men are doctors and the boss? C0I women's bodies so it can she remarked. de-humanized by the male role, Xte the number of workers Ms. Steinem emphasized the GLORIA STEINEM "Maybe a whole generation of by the notion they're supposed to should refuse to learn how to Joldiers in society. parallels between women and room can believe..." us be unemotional, totally ■omen are called murderers if non-white males. type," she suggested. responsible financially, able to She added that science has been A child-care unit can serve to subdue others by violence ■ don't conform to the law "White women and black men used by white males to unify a campus, she said. It brings economic ■ murders women and if they and women have the same goal, measures and emerge perpetuate myths about women. together student, faculty and victorious." ■t to control their own because women have the same "Science is the so called staff parents. She said child-care Kduction," she said. status as slaves," she said. "It's She said anthropologists have ■rgaret Sloan, a friend of Ms. obscured for us by those who say hand-man of the status hand-maiden, or in this case centers are not for mothers but studied peaceful societies where MSU. quo," she for parents. there is great gusto for the joys of ■nem's, told the packed women have an honored and easy said. "But "We should stop talking about in most societies fence of her difficulties in X forced to have a baby. She status typified by being an ornament or child. But even they masculine and feminine traits motherhood altogether. As one everyday life, but of sex no polarization roles and no concept of Students-Faculty-Staff change from society to the doctor said, there's no reason Jshe was in a Catholic home realize the pedestal is a prison just next. Therefore one heroic manhood. Use this ad as your grocery I job qualifications everyone should be a parent To turn the woman unwed mothers where like any small place. should be based on individual anymore than everyone who has |her girl died because she was Et ally unable to have the suffering "I wouldn't compare the differences rather than group of vocal chords should be an opera movement into a true humanist revolution, she said, shopping list... you'll save! (between blacks and we have to birth." singer." Jthey made her carry. women). Women lose their Quoting black attorney Ms. Steinem asked the audience attack these roles and live the ■refuse to let old fogy white revolution everyday... ■control my body," Ms. Sloan identity, but black men and women lose their lives. However, Florence said: Kennedy, Ms. Steinem if MSU dormitories still have rules for women. "For it is a revolution we live USDA Grade A Fresh I "These are men who 11 never. n on-whites and women have for, not die for." Jced with these problems." ■spokesman for the abortion always been characterized by small a "Flo says there are very jobs that require a penis or vagina few Whole Fryers brain, childlike natures, Tniltee J was said approximately raised to support their passivity." The audience was receptive to and all other jobs should be open to everyone." Festival' 71 Medallion Cornish She then attacked the myth Kaign to place the issue on the Ms. Steinem's humor. She said: that ■igan ballot. Tickets to the ■ch and a Street Corner are "Women also, according to TV, supposed to have peculiar together. "How women can we cannot work when we're chamber tri Hens, 22 oz. ■ty play entitled "Woman" busy An evening of Tchaikovsky, orchestras, has studied odors, but I don't know how at Juilliard competing for the favors of the ■ $2. The play preceeded Ms. anyone who ever passed a locker ruling class?" she asked. Ravel, and Haydn is slated for 8:15 tonight in FairchildTheatre School of Music and is a cum laude graduate of Harvard Tender Young "Actually, many women d"> like as part of "Festival '71," MSU's University, each other and can get each other and work along Lets face it, as long as you have with together. first week-long series music concerts. of chamber Tickets are available at the MSU Turkey Drumsticks A trio consisting of James Union Ticket Office. breasts and a womb in today's society you're going to be Buswell, Lynn Harrell and Seth Carlin will present the music. / 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 485 6485 Eckrich Smok-Y-Links discriminated against and we have to work together to end sexism." Buswell, who has performed 10 oz. pkg. Ms. Steinem said she and her IF IC E R S ARRESTED A 21-year-old Detroit resident friends do not intend to replicate SHURFINE CARNIVAL SALE Ircotics charges when they observed him throw a cigaret filled OPEN At 1:00 p.m. I what they believed to be marijuana on the floor of the car in Feature At 1:15-3:00 40-6:25-8:05-9:45 Jh he was riding. The driver of the car was stopped by officers at .t Lansing On M-43 |.m. Saturday for speeding on Wilson Road at Chestnut. The NOW IIIRll TUES. ★★★★★★★★★★★ ★ ★ ^ ★ ★★★★★★★ * pet has been referred to the prosecutor. g"" Dustin Hoffman "Who ELECTRIC HEATERS JLICE ALSO ARRESTED 19-year-old student resident of is Shurfine Applesauce Shurfine Cut Green Beans i a narcotics a charge. The student was observed at 8 p.m. 3Harry KeJIermai "... Film courts comparison to Fellini in sweep and Jrday drinking beer on the sidewalk near South Case Hall Loop, H Today at: 6:01 style Shurfine Whole Potatoes [another 19-year-old Case Hall student. Both were arrested for >r in possession. A |i|Twi-LlteHour90c, 5: .. .art in a sustained mood of outrageous comedy .. Shurfine Cream Style subsequent search revealed four marijuana - Rolling Stone Icigarets in the pocket of the one student. ped to the prosecutor for further action. Both have been Maga2,ne X RATED Shurfine Pork & Beans Corn I EAST LANSING MSU STUDENT allegedly kicked out eight gone with HARRY NOVAK prrano COLOR Shurfine Whole Kernel pwll windows in north Hubbard Hall at 11:30 Saturday the wind; Shurfine Dark Red ■wing, what he told Hubbard Hall residents who identified him, Corn Iquarrel with his girlfriend. He is being sought by police. 0 Today at 7:0< No Twl-Llte t Kidney Beans BONY TAPE RECORDER with an estimated value of $100 #as TWICE at 7:30 - 11:15 Shurfine Peas JI p.m.from room 323 Administration Building between 3 p.m. and In everyone's life Friday officers report. The instrument belonged to the there's a lersity and was sitting on a desk when last seen. rj/% ! SUMMER OF 6/$l 1514 - 17 oz. cans fAIR OF TIRES AND WHEELS were taken from a faculty '42 bers car parked in the w Today at 6:15 8:15 vicinity of 705 Cherry Hill sometime I* Twl-Llte Hour, Nay night, officers said. A witness to the incident gave officers Adults 90c, 5:45 - 6:15 ftcription of the cars and its occupants. Estimated value of the ^nd wheels was $140. McCABE & jVEN lersity racks BICYCLES WITH a total value of $320 were taken ftom during the weekend, officers report. Three fcistered. Those registered carried numbers F-0969, F-0712, ■13 and F-3703. were | MRS. MILLER jj Today V Twl-Llte F at 6:00 8:15 Hour, Adults 90c, 5:30 - |R) 6:00 I Spartan Potato Chips $109 -CUTOUT AND SAVE" Shurfine Orange luice :.r VTIVAL Heatherwood Choc. Milk ■ 4/51 $U Lecture-Concert % Series 1971-72 fctjj?Florida White or Pink Grapefruit 4/49' presents LANSING MALL MERIDIAN MALL Presents for Your U.S. No. 1 Mich. Delicious Apples, 3.6 44° Dicing Pleasure > TUESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Indian Summer, Sweet Pasteurized Apple Cider 58' to Braised Beef Tips w/Buttered Parsely Noodles I WEDNESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL h- Schensul's Famous Fried Chicken THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Broiled Baby Beef Liver w/Onions FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Roast Chicken w/Pressing THEBUSWELLTRIO James Buswell, violin Lynn Harrell, cello SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Thr„Se,hCarlin' P'ano Baked Swiss Steak e iA ta 18. Rubber W 21. Vassal | Available November 1. Call Ed children welcome % »• 22. Person 23. Brook . % %% 351-2755.0 PARK WEST please, no pets 24 2s •9 2« % 20 A 21 22 23 24. Classified section 25. Son of Be" I L P from $89.96 KNOB HILL % 27. Shoulder ornament I APARTMENTS PANASONIC'S super compact personal APARTMENTS *9 3M ad % w Si *r IT w S3 30.Foun« I 32. Blackbird | refrigerators fit in nicely 9ft % w % ur% 35. Pry 37. Feat 5530 West at Michigan Ave. Saginaw just about anywhere OPEN Monday 349-4700 - Friday ¥% H5 w srr 39. Season 40. Corrupt 9 a.m. • 6 p.m. 4i w 41-Wri?Lll AntM^I Contact Bill DeJonge 484 4640 309 N. Saturday 12-5 LOCATED K MILE NORTH p.m. 4# so % sr 42. St. Washington OF JOLLY RD. ON OKEMOS ROAD % j, Michigan State Fews, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, October 26, 1971 9 For Sale For Sale Real Estate K "oTs, excellent, Auitrian;! Used one season. $ HALLMARK , 1969. 12' x 52' 207 MILFORD DAYTIME Service Veteran's Day ceremonies furnished, skirted, with shed. BABYSITTING in my J-5693.1 -10-26 $3500. or best offer. Must sell. EAST LANSING home. 1 or 2 children. 337-2112. Phone 625-4427; 2-10-25 5-10-29 Walking distance to campus. 5 (Continued from page one) KS PISTOLS, will trade for rooms. 2 just a reason for some people to than 150 holders of the Medal of Bedrooms, 4 piece UPHOLSTER ING-REFINISHING, take a long weekend," said Kd SLR Camera, 655-3256. Lost & Found bath plus stool in basement. Pittsburgh, Chicago, Little Rock, Honor, the nation's highest K'29 Formal dining. Price only restyling and repairing. All work Ark., and Jacksonville, Fla., Joseph Taussig, cochairman of military decoration, were in town guaranteed. 18 years experience. the Veterans Day observance for In St. Louis, some 50 Vietnam LOST: BLACK and white male beagle $19,000, easy terms. 7%MTG. TOLAND UPHOLSTERY, where World War I veterans for the occasion. Veterans Against the War fcoX WITH great sound in cross. Vicinity of Hagadorn, South available. Call Gay Gardner, boycotted the parade because the Marine American Legion Post Vietnam Veterans Aganist the E|ent condition. $125. Call of Mt. Hope. "Spookie". Reward. 371-1930 675-5318. 5-10-29 date had been changed. 273 in Chicago. denounced the war in a ceremony ■.2314. 3-10-28 351-3762.5-11-1 349-2044. or evenings STUDENT AND wife would like to In some cities, Alabama Gov. George Wallace War in Boston urged area at Soldiers Memorial. After including residents to visit wounded kneeling in silence for five Cr TWIN Reverb live in and care for Chicago, Dallas and Indianapolis, highlighted an unusually large - amplifer, TEACHOUT-GARDNER while your home Veterans Day celebration in veterans in local hospitals rather minutes, the veterans turned in new condition. Asking $300. Personal REALTORS you are on sabbatical or veterans officials announced they than march in parades. medals, commendations, § after 5. 332-0610. 5-11-1 away for the term. Call after 5 would hold traditional cermonies Birmingham with a "World Peace "Veterans Day should belong THERE'S 4320 W. Saginaw V, 489 6109. 3-10-27 on Nov. 11. Luncheon" at which he called for citations, military discharges, NOTHING "personal" to them, not to the gladiators of draft cards and other items for jl SS-20, 2 - way, 4 - speaker about it - We're for Wilbur "Oct. 25 has no meaning — it's U.S. military superiority. More ALPHA STREET war who will be parading with Jeophones. $45 or best offer. Brookover - you should be too. CLOSE TO shopping and schools. mailing to President Nixon. SENIORS! FOR K2891. MO-26 Think about that on Nov. 2 Only minutes from the campus. 1-10-26 This 3 bedroom Cape Cod, full YOUR FREE PICS, It's 1 1 a what's wnni =» _ „ i |hTLY USED bedroom size basement and two car garage can be Happening eting. 240 Orchard. Come GIRLS. RUSH Little Sisters of Delta bought equity out MGIC or ,jirs. Apartment 1, inquire after Sigma Phi Fraternity. Tuesday and CALL 353-5292 conventioanl. This one won't lastat m. 3-10-28 Wednesday, 7-10 p.m. Call for $23,500. For appointment, Call rides, 351-7226, 332-5035. Mrs. Robinson, Advance BATON Realty - TWIRLING classes. Now ■SACKS IN the Alpine 2-10-27 372-7610 or 485-3045. 3-10-28 taking enrollment. Ph. 489-2640 Tjtion tor people on the move. X 20-10-28 brochure. NORTHLAND MARY: IT would be so nice to put my KdER, Belmont, Mich. 49306. arms around you — all the way I ENROLL NOW for It's What's Radical Lesbians and Lesbian Phone DIET WATCHERS, NOWI EXECUTIVE HOME — For October classes. Happening must be received in the 6 week course, Sisterhood will have a rap group at 655-2073.1-10-26 day or evening. State News office, 345 Student 7:30 p.m. today. Call 353-9795 for ither than Wednesday in the Con Con Current job openings. SPARTAN Journalism Student Advisory KEY PUNCH Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two further details. 1, International Center. Committee at 8 tonight in the Gree ACADEMY. Phone class days before publication. Items HOT COMBS, brushes, shampoos, Uniquely styled, 3-bedroom 393-8615.0-1-10-26 limited Room, Union. Journalism faculty tonics and sprays. UNION BLDG. are to 25 words. No For 1225 progress - support your ranch. features vestibule members will be available for informal rill be accepted by local locomotive. The MSU Railroad BARBER SHOP. C-10-26 entry. Formal dining area. FRONTIER Scout "22" ELECTROLYSIS. MEDICALLY Club meet at 7:30 p.m. today in 33 Convenient kitchen for the trained operator. Free Union to tell you how. International Week film "Punjabi The MSU ir revolver. Adjustable sites, TUTORIAL HELP by Ph.D.'S. All Business Women's Club condition. Ruger 44 homemaker. Lower level has consultation. Call Mrs. Knowlman. Village" will be shown at 7 p.m. today presents Arnold Werner, asst. sciences, including math, physics been carefully 882-6114.3-10-28 Lansing ai Due to delays in distribution of designed for the in 102B Wells Hall. professor of psychiatry and director of Jnum carbine, excellent and computers. Call 351-8629. host and hostess. Features are: ballots, the Electoral Commission, Psychiatric Services at Olin Health flition, 882-5963 after 6 p.m. 0-1-10-26 FOR QUALITY service and stereos, The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will College of Arts and Letters, will A meeting for all recreation majors Center,, at a meeting at 11:45 a.m. 1-27 informal lounge with TV's and recorders. THE STEREO have a lawyer available from 8 a.m. to consider all petitions submitted will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday in Nov. 3 in the Ballroom, Union. FREE A lesson in complexion care. fireplace, game room, wet noon every Wednesday and from 1 to tonight. Applicants will be notified. ... bar, SHOPPE. 337-1300. C 5 p.m. every Wednesday and Thursday 2 08 Men's Intramural Bldg. to ■ SEWING machines, $12.50 Call 484-4519, East Michigan or and a soundproof office establish a student association. There will be an important during the fall term. Those w'shing an meeting up. Console models, 485-7197, Lansing Mall. MERLE insures seclusion for the appointment are asked to check with Questions call 353-3888. of the Undergraduate Antropology tables, zig - zags and straight busy PIANO TEACHER - wants students, Petitioning for representative from Assn. at 7 p.m. Wednesday in 321 NORMAN COSMETICS executive. Too many other the ASMSU business office, 307B in Jhes. Over 60 to choose from. STUDIOS. C-10-28 features to name here. Priced my home, 823 Woodbine, Student Services Bldg., or call the College of Natural Science to the Freshmen and sophomores, the Baker Hall. Everyone is urged to ■CTRO - GRAND, 804 East 484-8113.5-10-26 353-0659. There will be nominal $3 Academic Council is now College of Business Undergraduate attend. a underway. Tigan, Lansing. Hours: 9 a.m. - $49,900 and submit your own charge for this service. Turn in petitions at 103 Natural Counselor will hold office hours from 1 (i. Saturdays, 9 a.m. - Noon.O Patents & Women terms. For personal showing KEY Science Bldg.by Friday. to 5 p.m. every Tuesday and Girls - rush Little Sisters of Delta PUNCH, Computer Operations, The Thursday and 1 to 3 p.m. every Friday Sigma Phi fraternity 7 to 10 tonight More and phone Dick Edley 371-1930 and computer school of Social Work in the Marketing and Wednesday. For rides call more women are programming Colloquium will be held at 4:30 p.m. Dept., third floor I CONSOLE organ, steel desk, or evenings 393-5081. training. Enroll now to insure space Eppley Center. 351-7226 332-5035. becoming inventors these in class. today in 109 S. Kedzie Hall. Albert A program onbuckpacking along the or J carpet. Reasonable. Call days. About 15% of patents Phone Mrs. Furney, Curtis Holloway, asst. professor of Pacific coast will be given at the MSU 15524. 4-10-26 694-2197. SYSTEMS CONTROL social work, will speak on "No Welfare Outing Club meeting at 7 p.m. today applied for the the U.S. today INSTITUTE, 6810 South Cedar, Mess in Norway: Can It Happen in 140 Natural Science are from women, as compared TEACHOUT-GARDNER Suite A, Bldg. All are meeting at 6:45 p.m. today in the Movies will be shown and door prizes IFURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 Lansing. 3-10-26 Michigan. Dishes, books, to only 5% a few years ago. REALTORS If you're an CERAMIC TILE The German Club will meet at 7:30 antiques, rockers, junk, inventive, - Painting and Akers Hall Ecology p.m. Wednesday in 34 Union. Francis lain Hunters Paradise. Open creative woman, you carpenter work. Call 482-0056 Symposium probably ■rday and Sunday. Furniture ■ appliances open all week, 10 already know about all the good things you can find in the 4320 W. Saginaw anytime. 5-10-27 presents Gerhardt Schneider, associate professor of forestry, speaking on "Man's Impact on the World's Forest Walker, asst. professor of German and Russian, willdiscuss the life and works of painter Albrecht Duerer. Contact lens wearers: 16 pm/ Phone 371-2843. C NOTEWORTHY ELECTRONIC REPAIRS. Stereos, RBEDS $26.50, any' size. STATE News Classified Ads. And if you have somthing to 4 BEDROOM, 2 baths, completely carpeted, family room, fireplace, 2 radio, recorders, TV's. Dependable. Reasonable. Call. 351-6680. Resources" at 8:30 tonight in the west lounge. Anyone wishing to work the polls in the ASMSU election today art asked New Swirl Clean by Contique Is $60. Mattress, liner, foam sell, for example handcrafted car garage. Central air x-0-30-11-23 Hillel is to call the Elections Commission at Swirls your lenses clean for new wearing comfort! items you make yourself, sponsoring a hayride and 355-8266. Salary is $ 1.60 per hour. |and frame. UL listed waterbed conditioning. 1 ft lots. 2 blocks to campfire at the Bar-N Ranch eyes look better wh^n they fee/ REBIRTH, 309 North you'll find ready buyers with a schools. Only 10 minutes to MSU. FREE SENIOR PORTRAITS. CALL Saturday. For reservations tall comfortable. That's the whole Idea behind kington, Lansing. 489-6168. C Want Ad. Dial 355-8255 for an A steal at $28,500. For more 353-5292. A SERVICE OF THE 353-5817 or 332-2*26 by Wednesd.v, Free U dasss-s meeting today: ew Swirl Clean electric contact lem Ad Writer today! information, call 882-8425. WOLVERINE. 0-10-27 Havdalah services wll be held at 7 p.m. Access to Alternative Lifestyles and leaner. It gets your lenses so much x-5-10-29 and the hayride will begin at 7:30 p.m. \ oat lions - 7:30 p.m., 458Evergreer cleaner than manual methods tney're sure Animals CHIEF OKEMOS Sportsman Club A FINE portrait is a work of art. At call St.; Automechanics - 7:30 p.m., 210 to be more comfortable! And Swirl looking for Rifle team shooters. 5 ROOM RANCH least that's how we approach it at Bessey Hall; Basic Pottery - 8 p.m„ Clean minimizes handling, which means less Call Capt. VAN DYKE STUDIO of Kresge Hall Sculpture Bldg.; Sexism chance of losing or scratching a lens. |j| PUPPIES. AKC registered, 7 372-4688. 2-10-26 Mike Dankenbring, Built 1969. Brick and Full basement, nice alumlnuin. PHOTOGRAPHY. Next to Brother and Sexuality - 8 p.m., 209 Bessey Here's how it works: Swirl Clean is. African barkless, intelligent, lot. convenient Parent-child Hall; Yoga 7 a.m., Green Room, activates the cleaning power of Contique location, very « Gambit's in the Abbott Building. relationships will be - d odorless. 482-9341. „„,y man. — Good■ traffic Union. Cleaning Solution with a high-speed plan. Price Pr1- $18,900. Choice 332-8889.1-10-26 discussed CONFUSED ABOUT the election? Ownerr '"vlng state. terms. by Lucy Rerguson, agitator that swirls away eye-irritating Call Don professor of psychology, and Gary deposits. You get cleaner, more Cell PROJECT: CITY HALL Godwin Pre-Vet Club - Correction. There 371-1930 or Stoltak. associate comfortable lenses. And a safe place to anytime. 351-7313.1-10-26 1-543-0816, professor of will be a meeting at 7 p.m. instead of |I0S - TUESDA-Y rrtght Typing Service psychology, at 8 tonight in the Married 7 30 Thursday in 146 Giltner Hall. A soak and store lenses between wearings. atti and Salad.Gorge. All you Student Day Care Center in Spartan Use the coupon to order your Swirl Clean at. $1.95 5-12 224 BOARO EXAM TUTORING Kaplan TEACH-OUT GARDNER film will be shown. today. Satisfaction guaranteed or your p.m. Villalge. Tutoring Courses for the COMPLETE money back. ttRd. 1-10-26 REALTORS THESES service. The Spartan Bowmen will meet at December LSAT and January Discount printing. IBM typing and 7 p.m.-Wednesday at the south door of Today is International Trade and Special offer! $6 worth of Contique ConU 4320 W. Saginaw DAT board exams are Jenison Fieldhouse. Bring your own Travel Day in Michigan - hear Dennis Lens Solutions at no extra cost. being binding of theses, resumes, SUPPORT YOUR business with a equipment or check it out from the Brutus from South. Africa read his formed. Call collect (313) publications. Across from campus, 851-6077 for enrollment. boost from Want Ads. Advertise corner M.A.C. and Grand River, Intramural Building before you come. own poetry about the concerns of his people at 7:15 p.m. today in McDonel New low price: $19.95 O-25-l 1-12 services there. Dial 355-8255. below Jones Stationery Shop. Call Kiva. §D0R RETRIEVERS. Black, 3 COPYGRAPH SERVICES, ■ths. 337-1666. C Azizur Excellent hunters and Peanuts Personal EXECUTIVE HOME Mallick, former *372-1031.3-10-28 Arena of the Men's Intramural Vice-Chancellor of Chittagong TYPING TERM papers and thesis. Building. Anyone interested in University, and Ashabul Haq, Bangla ALBATROSS: YOUR wings arrivedl only $42,750 Electric typewriter. Fast service. practicing or learning competitive Desh Red Cross, will speak on the table tennis is welcome. "Plight of East Pakistani Refugees" at Keep on soaring, now and (as) Call 349-1904. 18-10-29 always, C.U.I-10-26 KIMBERLY DOWNS 7:30 p.m. today in Parlor C, Union. The Mortar Board will meet at 7 AREA MOFtSSIOMl p.m., today at 135 Collingwood, Apt. 2 year old, AKC 8. For rides contact Beckie at THESIS |stered, nice with kids. PREPARATION 351-7730 or Jeanette at 349-1081. 501.5-10-29 3 or 4 bedroom - stone and M.S., THOMAS will listen to your Bs aluminum styled colonial Spokesmen for both sides of the BOARDED - good barn, problems. City Council. Gordon. home. Beamed and paneled issue will discuss the cross-campus J room, $30 monthly. Phone 1-10-26 highway at 8:30 tonight in the 16353. 3-10-27 Family room with raised Emmons lobby. Everyone is welcome. ATTENTION BC Specifically, Cats' hearth fireplace. Formal JED SMALL quarter type, red have rights! When can I talk. BBJP. dining plus casual dining, book The film "A Matter of Conscience" 1 foal. From a bad 1-10-26 shelves and storage galore, ft antf tails Hisfkey 337 1527 *r 127 2*31 will be shown at 8 tonight in the 1. For sale dirt cheap. Vet about 1700 sq. ft. living area Captain's Room, Union at a JENNIFER AND Mark all words PLEASE! wormed and trimmed. plus full basement and BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. welcoming and open house of the East Icroft 1-634-5473. 5-10-29 cannot describe the happiness I attached garage. Delightful No job too large or too small. Block Lansing Friends. wish you. Dreams do come true. off campus. 332-3255.0 kitchen has all built - ins. Call Love Susie. 1-10-26 f PUPPIES - AKC registered. John J. Henry 371-1930 or TYPING THESES and The MSU Marketing Club presents a tris. Also adults. letters, etc. representative from U.S. Steel at 7:30 evenings 485-6766. Rapid (6931.5-10-29 Real Estate accurate service. p.m. today in the Teak Room, Eppley Center. Experienced. 393-4075. C ■an SHORTHAIR pointer PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term T AKC registered stock. Litter LANSING Inspection. 882-5963 evenings. COUNTRY CLUB NEAR Delightful older home onquiet TEACH-OUT GARDNER REALTORS papers, theses. 351-4619. O Best rates. Call ■ OCT. RETURN THOSE ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith street 9 3 bedrooms, 4320 W. Saginaw iURESCHNAUZER.Male.12 PROOFS TODAY — rooms. offset printing. Complete service Is old. Has had shots. Ears living area, too many features for dissertations, theses, ■ped. Groomed. Champion to list here. Priced only manuscripts, general typing. IBM. I2Z "'n«. Excellent $20,000. Easy terms play dog with on 7% Recreation 22 years experience. 349-0850. C "• $100. 393-3543. 5-10-27 MTG. Call J.J. Henry, 371-1930 or evenings, WINTER HOLIDAY Nassau, $159. DANE SAVE SAVE SAVE puppies, AKC 485-6766. Jamaica. $219. Acapulco, $219. inns and blacks. Show and XEROX COPYING- offset - best Plus specials on Spain, Hawaii. Loo a"""1 1i tV Show Brindles. TEACH-OUT GARDNER quality at reasonable prices. THE • NEW STUDENTOURS, 129 East COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand or 517-248-3238. REALTORS Grand River, 351-2650. 10-10-27 River. Phone 332-4222. C 4320 W. Saginaw Is AND tiny toy Poodles FOR GLAD tidings look for B&B MEETING, tonight, 7:30, 110 a< something you've lost with a Want Anthony. Program: Beef and Sheep Wanted Need help in literature? Ask the Ad. Dial 355-8255 fitting demonstration. 1-10-26 experts who prepare Cliff's Notes. BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for Hobie's Our authors are scholars who all positive. A negative, B negative have taught the works they write rE~ 4 vears old, eligible Hawaii $299 to and AB negative, $10.00 O F'- *125. 1 Appaloosa FARM 70 110 ACRES about. They know how to explain mare, - Acapulco $199 negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN them to you in clear, concise lj7nths old. $125. 645-8387. Jamaica $239 COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, form. Increase your Weekly departures from Detroit, 507Vi East Grand River, East 10-12 minutes drive from understanding Get Cliff's Notes including round trip jet air, hotel, Lansing. Above the I Mobile Homes MSU. Quality brick home, transfers, meals, etc. Call Frank Book Store. new Campus Hours, 9 am to 3:30 and get with the experts. nearly new. Has 14' fireplace, Buck, 351-2286.. pm Monday, Thursday, and 15' x 21' Country kitchen- JjDSON 12' x 50', 2 bedroom, THANKSGIVING SPECIAL: Freeport, Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 K ®nt condition, $3500. with range, oven, dishwasher, pm to 6:30 pm. 337-7183. C 'Cliff'SvNote^ D.E.C. Bahamas.Deluxe accommodations, ^>952 after 7 p.m. 3-10-26 refrigerator, and disposal. complete package, $199. Reserve Huge walkout full basement nowl STUDENTOURS, 351-2650. x 50'in Scenic Park. Nearly 200 titles-always available has unfinished rec room that 5-11-2 wherever books are sold. ihJ. Mrpeted. washer, is spacious. Wednesday, the 27th. that's .. Only J J1' $3,000 353-9062. 8-6 40' x 60' barn with WINTER HOLIDAY: Nassau $159, Jamaica, $219. Acapulco, $219, the. day when the Hobie's turn people at over the ^ each basement ready for up to 20 Ski in French Alps, $289. Aruba, operation to the people from KTE '967, 12' X 53' horses. Barn needs new roof. $299. Puerto Rico, $309. Jets to the Drug Education Center. ■itln'e!jV ■ °ned, carPe,®d, air - About 9 acre wood lot, good Europe, $189. plus specials on Beginning at 7 p.m., Hobie's partially furnished, Spain, Hawaii. STUDENTOURS, will share its profits with the fences. This property priced £& shed'$340° SeM V t 4 10 Kri5tana Mobile to sell immediately. 129 East Grand River, 351-2650. 5-11-2 Drug Education Center to assist in their important work. You'll find SENIORS! LOCATE The WVIC jocks will be ■V|EW LOST PETS fast. Dial Cliff notes in the lo,s available now, 8', 355-8255 now for a quick - action broadcasting from Hobie's lu, 10 minutes to TEACH-OUT GARDNER Classified Ad. that night, too. So, be there. Study aids department of: |ftc(w5 VC0URT, LAKE mobile EUROPE JETS for winter break and Spartan Shopping Center 641-6801.0 REALTORS summer 1972 from $189.00. USE YOUR Trowbridge at Harrison CAMPUS BOOKSTORE ! Room 36A Union Bldg. Open fj?' 10' x 50' furnished] Reserve now, NEW MASTER CHARGE 131 E. Grand River - |pjn tiftCa" 332"8276 «"er ■PJn-5-10-26 4320 W. Saginaw STUDENTOURS, 129 East Grand River. 351-2650.10-10-27 AT THE STATE NEWS (Just across from South Complex) across from the Union 9 AM - 5 PM Monday — Friday Tuesday, October-). 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Governing (Continued from page one) example, which meets once every restructure the group. also pointed out by his "To me, 'U': that isn't ...u» be centralized for the good of the institution. The procedure How is formulated and sent to the Michigan Legislature. ? restructuring as an example of two weeks, consists of the deans Specifically, he is asking the philosophical counterparts as decentralization because the When the legislature of budget making is often cited in decentralization. of the various colleges and key group to agree to break down into examples of places where decision's still in the same appropriates money to the This development of a "middle academic officers. smaller units to centralization still exists. office," one administrator said, this regard because some (h« quality prepare observers feel the decentralized University, the central management" layer of decision President Wharton, concerned recommendations and propose Even though a vice president referring to the restructuring of administration has to decide what education, these criti? that the meetings involved too Wilkinson's office. method is detrimental to the making, however, is by no means policy changes to the central may not make as many decisions goes where again. The colleges, In g^m.thecriticgoftSl universal among vice presidential much information flowing from Similarly, even though the University in the face of the administration. as he once did, those decisions are current financial stringency. once they have received their procedure would maim! '"•"I offices. One source in Executive the president and provost to the Some of the developments the generally being made by a relative president may consult a number allotment from the central the credo of decentralizS" ""I handful of people in his office, of people in making a decision, In the current budget - making Vice President Jack Breslin's office said the administrative deans rather than input from the deans, is attempting to president points out as examples of decentralization, however, are they say. the people he consults are close procedure, a department estimates what it will need for the administration, distribute the funds as they see fit. participatory to develop a demo^l govern^J structure in that office "still enough to the central The lengthy and involved looks pretty centralized to me." administration in terms of their next year and submits a budget equitable procedure is described by efficient at the same The various offices that report thinking, that the decision does request with the department's time asst.provost Herman King as to Breslin such as the personnel not necessarily reflect the priorities to the college dean, who office and athletics office are attitudes of a wide range of in turn formulates a budget "participatory democracy." He generally "very careful of decisions" and usually consult people, they say. Moreover, some administrators request for the entire college. The college request, with the concedes that the process is not very efficient but the decentralized says he prefers system to any Ecist Pakistanis! with Breslin himself before making any decisions money, this source said. involving say various functions of the University have been decentralized too far and now college's priorities, goes to the central adminstration budget request for the where University a other. "I don't want to have to make schedule talks on nation's f President Wharton points out those decisions," King said. i||s But the budget procedure Two Pakistani leaders another type of decentralization comes under criticism because « he sees occurring. One measure in the president's mind of critics say It encourages a refugees, will discuis'f nation's problems at 7' cutthroat kind of competition 30 la decentralization is the number of in Parlor C Union. between various academic units. contacts he makes within the One department will fight Their speeches will be a University in the decision making bitterly to keep funding for a few the m J process. University's "Intemitiy Wharton says, and his assistants prized programs while another Week." * confirm, that he talks to many HOUSE REPUBLICAN LEADER Clifford H. Smart, R-Walled department needs those same A first-hand people likely to be affected by a Lake, announced Friday that he will not support a drive headed by funds to support one extra faculty member or hire needed account! Rep. Joseph P. Swallow to replace the state's current two-house of a student decision before making that system with a unicameral legislature. graduate assistants. s f decision. Also, the president has So far, six House members - all Republicans - have formally ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ involvement in the | announced their support for the campaign to put the unicameral peace movement developed and formalized a number of advisory groups with whom he meets regularly. Those groups include the administrative Company r question on the November, 1972 ballot. THE MICHIGAN CATHOLIC CONFERENCE Monday urged the £ j META-4 | goes country ■ group, the executive group, the The Company, MSU's new theater group rehearses for the Nov. 4, 5 and 6 performances of "Damn state legislature to adopt the House version of the state welfare ■ * student advisory group and the Yankees" on the steps leading to the McDonel cafeteria. In this scene the winless Washington appropriation bill. ■ with the ■ operations group. Senators find out "Ya' Gotta Have Heart" to win. "To do less would be harmful to the poor and to our whole ■ ■ The administrative group, for State News photo by Jonathan Kaufman society as well," the Conference's Board of Directors said in a ■ REDCEDAR CLAN ■ statement sent to all members of the Legislature. Before recessing in September, the House approved a $535 million welfare appropriation, but the state Senate reduced the J Not to mention our g ■ "down home" feature: ■ INTERNATIONAL WEEK PROGRAM appropriation to $503 million. The bill is now before a joint House - Senate Conference Committee which is attempting to iron out ■ ■ Bob Carr & Bill Kahl on ■ two very acoustic guitars ■ differences in the House and Senate versions. 2 plus other inter-media g m voyages in geodesic space ■ Musical 'tours' world S-T-R-E-T-C-H & SEW TM w S WED.f OCT. 27-8 PM ■ ■ By NANCY PARSONS State News Staff Writer the musical with Tinikling, a traditional folk dance of the performed by 8 women of the production by Tevia Abrams. club, each carrying 2 candles. Ancient Greek dances to the The Latin American Club 4 FABRICS 4960 Northwind Drive, ■ ■ ADMISSION 50c ■ J Philippines symbolizing birds presented the "Latin American 5 EAST LANSING EARTHS As a junior at Harvard, Km trying to escape the hunter's trap. songs "Never on a Sunday" and Musical Bonanza" featuring East Lansing 332 0879 Hurwitz helped organize tiMI H A rnuiical tot • rh^ough Latin Manju Sehgal, from India, 'Zorba the Greek" were Maria Sol Martinez of Mexico 1969 Moratorium. MarchiwI America and an Indian dance of MON. FRI. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. devotion were just part of the performed the Bharat Natyam, performed by 11 members of that dancing in her native costume and SAT. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. BRAMS Nowhere is a provocative AB the art of dance meant primarily club. Luis Berruecos playing songs insider's account of that entertainment provided by the KNITS OF ALL KINDS! effort and of subsequent for spiritual expression. Ms. "Onion of Intelligence" was a from the Latin American International Students of MSU in events in the peace Sehgal put emphasis on facial satirical play enacted by countries on his guitar. their cultural musical "Some Day movement. expressions and graceful hand American and foreign students Well Ee Together" Sunday night ' At all bookstores ■ in the Kellogg Center movements to portray a devotee depicting the weaknesses of 'Being together has always Cloth, $6.00. Paper, $1.95 I offering flowers to the deity. society and politics. The play was been the Utopia of mankind," Jag PLANETARIUM Auditorium. The program, presented as the Dancing was also the entertainment provided by the based on the "Tamasha" folk Mohan Mundhra, coordinator of form of Maharashtra State, India the program and master of | Norton * opening for the state-wide Thailand and Greek clubs. The was adopted for English ceremonies, said. International Week, was an effort Candle Dance, a traditional dance © 1971 Jos. Schlitz to raise funds for the eight million Brewing Co.. Milwaukee and other great cil of joy displayed in the Thai refugees in India. All proceeds from the musical will go to them. "I can think of no more fitting King's palace for visitors, was SEobarro UtUajje SCORPIO, program, no more fitting to begin International Week," cause, SUB VILLA Quality OCT. 24-NOV. 22 President Wharton told the 350 is now open at people attending the program. 515 Grand River in the pleasure of smoking The Philippine students began Free Pepsi with Any Purchase Plus pipes from $3.95-$85.00 MOOSUSKI MEETING At All Subvilla's 6:30 PM Freehands $20.00-$75.00 WED. OCT. 27 109 ANTHONY 25% OFF Any Food Purchase DOOR PRIZES) SKI FILMSI Coupon admits 2 AFTERWARDS: MooSUSki Night , , LANSING MALL at Weathervane - 10% - 30% OFF! | _________________ NOTICE COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE UNDERGRADUATES YOU MAY VOTE IN YOUR RESPECTIVE DEPARTMENT (S) BETWEEN 8:30 A.M. AND 3:30 P.M. TODAY ON A SELECTION PROCEDURE Scorpio and Schlitz Malt Liquor. FOR THE ACADEMIC COUNCIL They both come on bold. No one can resist the forceful, dynamic personality of Scorpio. No one (not even Scorpio) can resist the dynamic, COLLEGE REPRESENTATIVE good taste of Schlitz Malt Liquor, bearinq the sian of Taurus the Bull. ^ . ScorP'°- you are the sexiest, most magnetic sign in the Zodiac, but you may tend to shun the world and live secretly However if you show any sign of welcome, people flock to your door. So call a ' few Pisces and Cancer friends and show them a real sian of welcome... Taurus the Bull. Your Piercing Scorpio eyes will tell you, Schlitz Malt Liquor is not to be von taken lightly. It's decidedly different from beer. True you're caqev enough to know that Taurus comes on bold. But look out it mav surprise even you. ' y Nobody makes malt liquor like Schlitz. Nobody. *