Wednesday He MICHIGAN Chances . STATE MEWS ... of late afternoon showers. STATE High in the high 70s. UNIVERSITY ,e 64 Number 53 East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 27, 1971 orld opinion favorable on China vote luster Preparations unde iplored to seat Peking's trne nat UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) - The United Nations made ready Assembly decision to expel the Chinese He said, however, that preparations for a LpON (AP) — The entry of Red China welcome Red China and to fly its red Tuesday to Nationalists and seat Peking. Chinese Communist delegation are under ■he United Nations was applauded in flag The Chinese Nationalists walked out way, including an order for a flag to fly along 1 world capitals Tuesday but some with five yellow stars from the Chinese before the vote and President Chiang with those of the other 130 UN members in Lis in Asia regretted the ouster of flagstaff. With the ouster of Nationalist Kai-shek on his island fortress of Taiwan front of UN headquarters. China's flag pole lnalist China. Red China brushed aside China, the Chinese seat remained vacant for voiced his defiance. was empty Tuesday. the moment. In an address to the nation, Chiang called jinment. Reports circulated in UN corridors that the decision to oust his regime "infamous" U.S. Ambassador George Bush, although Ire was an atmosphere of shock and deeply disappointed by the expulsion of the representatives from Red China would arrive Ky on Taiwan, home of Nationalist soon, perhaps headed by Premier Chou and declared: "The destiny of our nation isnotin the hands of the United Nations. It is Nationalist delegation, called on Thant and ia, A small protesting crowd assured him of continued U.S. cooperation. En-lai. A similar report from the nstrated in front of the U.S. Embassy came squarely in our own hands." A U.S. spokesman, in disclosing Bush's Peking correspondent of the Tokye A UN spokesman said no response had assurances, did not mention moves in pei. newspaper Asahi Shimbun. been received so far to Secretary - General U Washington to cut U.S. financial bin, which has voted for seating Red Seven ■ since 1961, hailed the decision, days of China debate were Thant's message notifying the Peking contributions to the United Nations. But saying climaxed by lorld needs Peking's help in Monday night's General government of the assembly's action. this was a topic of wide-spread comment at solving the United Nations. Jems. ■West German Foreign Ministry A British spokesman said: "The financial Tent declared: "Whoever wants an predicament of the organization is grave [ational easing of tensions cannot indeed, and we certainly hope that the L China" CONGRESS UPSET circumstances of changes in representation Official source in Paris gave this French of members should not include a major ■f Red China's inclusion in the United worsening of the financial situation." Ts. "An act of good sense and realism, The United Nations already is prepared to ti fact and in law." Expulsion of Taiwan take a huge loss through the expulsion of the ■atement from the Vatican said the Chinese Nationalists because of unpaid K of Red China could aid the cause of deficits in that government's assessments. ■and justice and was in the spirit of the lappeal of Pope Paul VI for universality The Taiwan government, according to a angers conservatives L world body. A second statement UN spokesman, owes $11.9 million for past ■sed regret at Nationalist China's years, $6.2 million for the current year, and an additional $12.2 million for unpaid « was an absence of comment from assessments on the peace - keeping WASHINGTON (AP) - The United aid bill in the present atmosphere might J European Communist countries, Nations' decision to expel Taiwan will be bring defeat of the measure — something he operations in the Middle East and the ■|y reflecting the Soviet-Chinese feud. wants to avoid. Congo. ■ independent-minded Communist respected by the United States, Secretary of State William P. Rogers said Tuesday, but U.S. spokesman Nicholas King said the Bslavia, the Tanjug news agency the Nixon administration regards it as "a Sen. Barry Goldwater. R-Ariz., said the Tmed the decision, saying it gave China An empty most unfortunate precedent." And some United States should quit the United American defeat was due largely to last-minute defections of countries that had legal rights in the UN. Congress members demanded retaliation. Nations outright and send its headquarters committed themselves to support the U.S. Iction was more mixed in Asia. The seat formerly held by the Republic of China is "This administration deeply regrets the off to "someplace like Moscow empty Tuesday as the or Peking." plan for "dual representation" with both ■ Philippine Foreign Office welcomed UN General Assembly was about to begin the day's business. The world expulsion of Republic of China and thinks (Please turn to page 15) Peking and Taiwan in the United Nations. (Please turn to page 15) the precedent is a most unfortuanteone and body ousted the Taiwan government Monday night, AP Wirephoto will have adverse effects in the future," Rogers said. EWS BACKGROUND Angry Senate and House conservatives urged a cut in U.S. contributions to the United Nations and some members Ex-GIs give demanded even more drastic action. Others called for continued support of the United spirants By BOB ROACH eye highway Nations as the only hope for world peace. the Declaring "We have a new ball game," Sen. William B. Saxbe, R-Ohio, moved to send $3.2 billion foreign aid authorization bill, which contains $139 million for UN Viet peace outcome* of the recent in South Vietnam our presidential election presence there is no River, then veer eastward through Valley Court Park. It would then Executive Reporter Abbott related activities, back to the Senate Foreign longer necessary; now therefore be it cross immediately north of City Hall, cross Park Lane and Grove Street, to hook up with east-west Linden Street. Linden Relations Committee. ''Resolved by the House of would tie into Grand River via southbound one-way traffic on He said at least a week or two should be Representatives (the Senate concurring) e current East Lansing city council race has focused on a allowed to pass to give Congress and the A concurrent resolution requesting the that the legislature of the State of Michigan Charles Street. The route would also carry traffic from Grand River Bty of student related issues, foremost of which include north along Collingwood (Haslett) Street, west along Albert country time to "digest" the UN action and Michigan Legislature to ask Congress to memorialize the Congress of the United ■ation, housing and automobile space in the area just across Street and north to Linden via one-way flow on Division Street. its implications. demand an immediate American cease-fire States to demand an immediate cease fire Bd River Avenue. and withdrawal from Indochina was and withdrawal from Indochina of all The plan also refers to at least nine municipal parking lots in the Saxbe's move came as the aid bill came up ■touchstone for all these issues is found in one succinct, if little for Senate debate. accepted by Rep. Earl E. Nelson, D-Lansing, United States ground, air and naval forces." downtown area, including six now in operation. Four of the lots Pn, phrase—the Peripheral Route Plan. In from Veterans For Peace the Capitol Robert H. Boling, graduate asst., division were planned for conversion to ramps, including the existing moving to sidetrack the foreign aid bill on 1 eight candidates are aware, at least, of the controversy steps Tuesday morning. of electrical engineering, former ROTC structure behind Jacobsen's Dept. Store. temporarily, Saxbe noted that 42 of the 76 funding the proposed route. Some are clearly outspoken Conlisk explained that the route was laid out in 1965 by an ad hoc nations that voted to expel Nationalist Approximately 30 members of Veterans graduate and Army Captain read the pt ! least it, while others are less than perfectly clear in their views. committee of citizens, businessmen and city officials as part of a China and 12 of the nations that abstained for Peace presented the resolution to Nelson (Please turn to page 15) part of this vagueness stems from the obscurity from voting are listed as beneficiaries in the after an all-night vigil which began with a study on land use and traffic patterns in the CBD. bunding the route, but city officials recently shed some light on Patriarche said the committee's recommendations were solidified bill. march in the annual Veterans Day Parade Panto skirt East Lansing's business district with a new four lane through subsequent action of the Planning Commission, which has To begin a heated and emotional debate Monday evening. ►ughfare. now might well lead to ill considered action The resolution reads: High Court ly Manager John statutory responsibility to adopt a plan. M. Patriarche and Planning Director G. regarding aid for those nations, he said. "Whereas, more than 50,000 Americans •ad Conlisk explained two official reasons for the Ironically, a similar downtown study group failed to take action have given their lives in the Indochinese War: plan which in another downtown improvement matter in 1968. In efforts to But he referred bitterly to the action at the prawn up in 1965 and and "Whereas, it is now clear that the placed in the city's 1980 master plan. draw up guidelines for building heights and appearances, the Joint UN which he equated with "wholesale •st, they said, the route was seen as necessary to alleviate traffic blackmail." prisoners of war held by the North rejects plea lestion at the Grand River-Abbott Road intersection, Downtown Redevelopment Committee (JDRC) was formed with "It was a regular lynching party," he said, Vietnamese will not be freed until all members appointed by the city council and the chamber of pond, the route will help to funnel drifting shoppers into "and when they won they took the rostrum American forces are withdrawn from commerce. The JDRC commissioned a $2,500 plan to provide for Pcipal parking lots, while the central business district (CBD) is to say how they had clobbered the United Indochina; and architectural harmony of storefronts in East Lansing. But ■loped with a pedestrian orientation, including a mall on MAC "Whereas, the Administration has assured ^iue. f Plan calls for construction of a four lane thoroughfare to run from Michigan Avenue businessmen balked at the idea, Conlisk recalled, for fear of losing their individual commercial identities. (Please turn to page 13) States," However, Saxbe later withdrew his motion when he became convinced it could not us that Vietnamization of the countryside are now successful; and "Whereas, in view of the nature war and and on busing along Delta Street, across Grand carry. But he said that to vote on the foreign WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Supreme Court refused Tuesday to hear a challenge to '' lacks full a Federal Court order imposing widespread busing in racially troubled Pontiac, Mich., to achieve school desegregation. The high tribunal will not hear the Pontiac |n School Board's appeal and the effect of its minority By MICHAEL FOX Spanish surnames, but not necessarily the American Indians or the blacks," Dressel order bused. means that 9,000 of Pontiac's 23,400 public school students will continue to be The busing program has been vigorously State News Staff Writer said. opposed by many white parents, who kept The card's classifications are American children out of school for the first 13 days of Indian, black. Oriental, Spanish American, class and resumed their boycott Monday. K failure of approximately 800 students and other. A primary reason for gathering' On Aug. 30,10 of the city's 57 buses were [ their minority group status on a the information is federal requests from the destroyed in a fire bombig, and a few days Jj c"d used at registration may make it U.S. Office of Education on minority later FBI agents arrested six men, all of ILcan ,to. p accurately Indian and ascertain the enrollment at universities and colleges. whom were linked to the Ku Klux Klan. Spanish American "In its present form, this is only the William Waterman, an attorney for the Plment at MSU this fall. second year we have conducted such a Pontiac National Association for the ■mK' ^ressel> director of institutional survey. There was a period of time when it Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Int •!aJd Tuesday that nearly 800 was illegal to ask one's minority status, but said that theSupreme Court's order "means t either refused or neglected to mark this is no longer the case," Dressel said. quite frankly that the people, who, for brt,nSe. °n the white-colored "Equal He added that while some students still whatever reasons, opposed busing, must do piunity card used tQ vo|untarily react negatively to the request to reveal so now out of a desire to totally py minority status. disrupt the minority status, most students realize the order and law of the land." [°ugh use of the cards was voluntary, a necessity to identify the University s Waterman said the Court's order is >rin ??me and student number is numerical status in this area. During the significant because it means "northern ■ini J! . card> all°wing the University period it was illegal to directly ask ones school districts can no longer hide behind lfl» l0n t0 "ttempt a minority minority status, Dressel noted that the the contradiction of a distinction between Tt , l()"of the students. Dressel said it administration "resorted to various de jure and de facto segregation as it relates fcafp m- • y one was reluctant to subterfuges such as checking photographs to the 14th Amendment of the lom « lnor'ty status or if it was a general occurrence. and calling department chairmen." Another difficulty resulting from this A new Constitution." The Pontiac School Board had argued that It!®,',* "!°l callillB these 800 students to fall's minority survey was the fantastic When shoemaker Alfonso Beltran of Corpus Christi got back into town after a three month absence he had trouble the racial composition of its schools was \t ® at"! because we cannot force number" of students who indicated caused locating his car. A wild vine had almost hidden it from view but when the car was untangled from its growth, it only by population movements. It has Tnam« which * u.,t- We are visually checking will allow American Indian status, he said. Dressel said needed a battery change. AP Wirephoto never been tested in the Supreme Court. us to identify (Please turn to page 13) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news Women's rights forum brings summary From the wires of AP and UPI. proposals for of, the state minimum wage to all workers and state legislation "Above all, the quality of child-care centers must teach 10 hours a week," she said "it have that authority why can't * I equal pay for comparable work to all women must be maintained so we do not have merely theyt ren,.'--^ "'quire tk. II universities to comply with warehouses for children." Bigotry and prejudice are the fault ofacademia. workers. •Abortion reform that will enable women to Bills are in committee In the legislature non-discrimination rules?" Ms. Santos told the ,Ml certi|,| 1 Child-care expenses should be legimate determine their own reporductive process. concerning these four areas, she said. legislators they hav, h I income-tax deductions. • State application of all executive orders Elizabeth Santos, a former MSU student, told virtually nothing to help the women oftiJl J* Michigan. unesUtt0| | I "The destiny of our nation in not The Legislature has done virtually nothing for referring to contract compliance and all the group t hat she was dismayed by the absence of Her comment, "You guys are not in the hands of the United Nations. the women of this state. government employment in the state with "cease the total concept of fatherhood. BOino I re-elected if you don't do It is squarely in our own hands. " Give the father some responsibility for the and desist" enforcement powers. She suggested shared parenthood and "paternity something for 11®, I •End discrimination in all public leaves" for men to enable them to help at home was greeted with resounding applause ' I children he sires. and private State Sen. William S. —Chiang Kai-shek Make overtime voluntary after the standard educational institutions including admissions with their newborn children. to sponsor a Ballenger, R-Ovid woman's rights bill and Speaker Di^ I president ofNationalist China workday or week. practices as well as administrative practices John Annulis, United Auto Workers (UAW) I These are some of the comments made at a concerning students, faculty and staff. education representative from Grand Rapids said House William Ryan, D-Detroit, was he said the only reason the abortion b"5 I Network for Economic Rights conference held in • Comprehensive welfare reform legislation that campuses are the source of bigotry and prejudice. was "a sincere and honest difference bill Wass2 I (See related article, page 1) Lansing Tuesday. Attended by approximately 150 will provide funds in a business-like manner for "For a long time academia has sat intheir 'ivory State Sen. Charles N. Youngblood Jr of 0Dinir!!» I women and guests from the legislature, the people in financial distress. towers' and criticized the labor movement on civil said the compulsory overtime bill D Detmit I conference concerned itself with nine goals: Joan Israel, of the Detroit chapter of the rights," he said. "But its the total academic care of if It wasn't stalled in a would be ink I • Ending compulsory overtime National Organization of Women (NOW), told the community that creates prejudice — the personnel committee. Republic 0111 I •Civil and legal rights for women, including group four areas in child care need immediate managers that decide who is hired and what hours they work and the Ph.D.'s who write the public accomodation, inequities credit rules and tax attention. "First," she said, "child-care expenses should be textbooks filled with bigotry." Also attending the conference luncheon w«i, Gov. James Brickley. II Chiang vows overthrowal •"Comprehensive child-care programs to be legitimate state income tax deductions just as One woman complained to the audience and visiting legislators that when women complain "Womanhood Is an institution whose tim.1 I available for all families and incorporating the other business expenses." come," Brlckely said. eh# I highest standards of education, health and child Second, trained personnel are needed to run about discriminiation against women by state development. universities, they are told by the legislators that "We ought to include more President Chiang Kai-shek renewed Wednesday in day-care centers sl.e said,. She advised beginning women i • Maternity benefits and job protection during career oriented child-care courses in grades 10 the governing board of those universities are making in all our institutions, private and pi? Policy I Taipei his avowed determination to overthrow the he Mid. "Not because they are like . Chinese Communist government. pregnancy and after childbirth. •Establishment of a State FairLaborStandards through 12. automomous. "But these are the same legislators who have because there different than men and men y I In a defiant address to his Nationalist Chinese Act that will include an increase in, and extension She also suggested a bill to raise the allotment for made the rule that professors in these institution of the human personality should be that as™ I countrymen, after the United Nations voted to replace his child-care services for the working poor. represented; F government with the Chinese Communists, Chiang Russian emphasized the need for unity and calm in Taiwan. Fatalities up to 135 MOSCOW (AP) — The Soviet Union's space effort has sustained another major setback with the death of Mikhail K. Yangel, the The next month the program was hit space by another failure as the Tass said Yangel made a unique contribution to send unmanned to the Soviet effort unmanned moon probe Luna 18 crashed during an attempted soft probes to the moon, Venus and Mars and also rocket scientist believed to have headed the space program since had a big band in manned flights around the earth. landing in a rugged mountain range on the moon's Sea of Fertility. 1966. Two weeks ago Russian scientists were unable to keep the Salute He received the nation's highest civilian awards: British troops fought a blazing gunbattle against The government news agency Tassannounced Tuesday night that one Order of lab in orbit. It disintegrated as it plunged back through the earth's Lenin, two Hero of Socialist Labor medals and one Soviet State guerrilla snipers across the Irish border Tuesday while Yangel died of a heart attack Monday. He was 60. atmosphere. prize. The Tass obituary called Yangel "the outstanding scientist and huge funeral crowds elsewhere mourned the deaths of five Roman Catholics killed by army gunfire. designer in space rocket technology," the man who "raised a galaxy of outstanding designers and scientists." The deaths of two more victims of violence raised Northern Ireland's fatality toll to 135. One of the victims Western experts believe Yangel became the No. 1 man on the FACES HUGE BACKLOG Soviet space team nearly six years ago when the first space chief, was a 26-year-old man who was gagged, blindfolded and Sergei P. Korolev, died of cancer. Legislature shot The Soviet government has always maintained heavy veil of through the head apparently by an Irish Republican a Army execution squad. The other died of bullet wounds from a weekend gunfight. secrecy over its space program to prevent another power kidnaping their top scientists. Korolev's status Yangel's death was was announced from only after he died Jan. 14,1966. the fifth major setback suffered by the Soviet reconvenes By JOANNA FIRESTONE in education," Debate on whether to send the space program this year. and the resolution 28-4 margin a measure that would I resolution to committee for In April, the Soyuz 10 manned mission wasaborted after linking RANDYGARTON said, "but it does attempt to require stores selling beer or I up with the orbiting space station. Two months later three correct the imbalance and is study or bring It up for an carbonated beverages in bottla I State News Staff Writers immediate House vote is cosmonauts died returning to earth after a record - breaking clearly superior to our present to redeem deposit bottles of the I Foreign aid questioned manned flight aboard the Salute laboratory. The Michigan Legislature circumstances while working to scheduled for today. same brand name sold in thit | On Aug. 4, Gregory N. Babakin, 56, died after eliminate division Earlier Tuesday, the House i role in the building of Lundkhod 1 moon robot. playing a leading returned from a six-week a society which grows day by day." within Republican Caucus announced Store. The United Nations vote to admit mainland China and vacation Tuesday but failed to TTie bill, which passed the I Vaughn urged the House to that it supports an appeal of the expel Nationalist China sparked a Senate move scratch the surface of an awesome "affirm its determination and federal district court decision "to House June 25, will also require I backlog of work left unfinished dedication to end segregated businesses selling only no-deposit I Tuesday-promptly withdrawn—to sidetrack for now the The State News, the student when the 148 lawmakers recessed give the case further debate in the no-return bottles to redeem I $3.2 billion foreign aid bill. newspaper at Michigan State schooling and economic court system." University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter in early September. deposit bottles if they bear the I discrimination" by backing Anti-busing advocates were Sen. William Saxbe, R-Ohio, moved to send the aid and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays The House, which met for only forced busing. scheduled to meet in the House same brand name as the no-return | measure containing $141 million for UN—refoted during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition one hour before adjourning to type he sells. If passed, the resolution, which chamber Tuesday evening to map activities back to the Foreign Relations Committee. in September. Subscription rate is $16 attend committee meetings, did The measure, aimed i; I per year. was sent to the House Policy strategy. Less than an hour later, faced with Member Associated Press, United Press not take any major action decreasing litter and promotinf I opposition from the International, Committee, will only indicate the In Senate action Tuesday, the Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, although Republicans and House's reaction to the busing glass recycling, was sent to the I Nixon administration and senior senators from both Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Democrats alike came to the upper chamber approved by a governor for final action. Collegiate Press issue and will not have the force parties, he withdrew the move but warned he expects the Association. session armed with a host of of law in any way. aid bill itself to be rejected by the Senate. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial resolutions including opposing and business offices at 345 Student Services State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Bldg., Michigan proposals on the lower chamber's attitude toward forced busing. Countering Vaughn's resolution, Rep. Alex Pilch, Festival 7 Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, D-Dearborn, presented a resolution requesting the State Phones: News 355-8252 D-Detroit, introduced a resolution supporting "equality Board of Education to appeal the federal district court ruling which movie pres Classified Ads in educational opportunity" 355-8255 Ervin defends nominee Advertising 353-6400 through busing. ordered the board to desegregate A children's film "The Young "Giselle," featuring the AmericM I Detroit schools within 120 days. Business Office 355-3447 "Busing is neither a completely Pilch's resolution warned that People's Movie of Opera, Ballet Ballet Theater, will be featuredit I satisfying nor a final solution to and Symphony" will be shown at inter-district busing establishes "a 8:15 tonight in the Auditorium I Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr., a conservative the social problem of segregation 1:15 p.m. today in the questionable structure for Auditorium as part of "Festival "Festival '71" is presented by I Southern Democrat but an ardent education which could destroy MSU's Lecture-Concert Series. I '71," a week long series of music defender of civil liberties, said Tuesday the traditional concepts of neighborhood schools." attractions. The series will continue throujb | in Washington he thinks William H. The color film of the ballet. Friday. Rehnquist "will make a good Supreme Court justice." "I expect to support him," Ervin said in a telephone interview from his home in North Carolina. As Ervin spoke, liberal Democratic senators and their allies in civil rights and labor groups were making an intensive search of Coupon Coupon Coupon HALLOWEEN CREPE PAPER reg. 15c Rehnquist's background and record. Sam J. Ervin Jr. NOISEMAKERS STREAMERS MAKE UP KITS 10c 17c 10c Limit 1 Expires 11/1 Limit 1 Limit 1 Expires 11/1 Expires 11/1 _ Russian plane unannounced Coupon Coupon v Coupon BLACK MAGIC MATCH STICK 50 CT. A Russian-built twin-engine airplane landed SNAKES PENS PLASTIC FOAM CUPS unannounced at New Orleans International Airport from 2/10c 2/17c 43c Limit 2 Expires 11/1 Cuba Tuesday and sent federal officials scurrying to find Limit 1 Expires 11/1 Limit 1 ExDires ll/l out why they came and who they were. Coupon Coupon Coupon The plane carried a crew of three and 22 passengers. One airport official said he understood the persons PEANUT BUTTER TRICK OR TREAT reg. 79c aboard were Cubans here for a meeting of the KISSES PLASTIC BAGS PACKAGEDCANDY International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. The 33c 7c 67c State Dept. had refused invited Cubans visas to the Limit 1 Pkg. Expires 11/1 Limit 1 Rvnires 11/1 _ convention, a society spokesman said. Coupon Coupon Coupon snuggle up in lounge-boots by Dearfoam DAY-GLO WHIZ RINGS WITCH GLOW WRITER After skiing and at home, you'll be ankle-deep (throw like a frisbee) COOKIE CUTTERS 33c 27c 13c Eviction notice' futile in warmth and Limit 1 Expires 11/1 11/1^* brightness with a multicolor Limit 1 Exoires Scandinavian print for the outside, and acrylic Coupon Coupon Coupon Police halted a march by antiwar activists who were reg. 49c JACKO' LANTERN attempting to serve President Nixon with an "eviction shearling for the inside and cuff. S-M-L $5. CACTUSPLANTS KALEIDOSCOPES notice" Tuesday in Washington. But approximately 150 CANDLES 4/pkg. 44c 37c 21c demonstrators refused to stay on the sidewalk and staged Limit 1 Expires 11/1 a sitdown on Pennsylvania Avenue about a block from the White House. Police surrounded those sitting down and began taking them one by one to nine buses which had pulled up Ja,coteoris SUM? D & C . behind the police lines. They were charged with JACOBSON'S OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL NINE Quick, Convenient Shopping 9 Til 9 Weekdays, Til 6 Sat. disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor. East Lansing's Only Dlmeitore, Corner Gr. River & Hagadorn « Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 27, 1971 3 CAMPAIGN :yers group Revisions to jets final meet faculty grievance ■ students wishing to assist in election, but to date there are Minor revisions will accompany which request them or which lack I Mississippi gubenatorial only enough cars to transport 15 the Interim Faculty Grievance adequate procedures. expenses, if any, of the third Ion in support of Charles students. Procedure when it goes before the "2.6. The provisions of this member and chairman shall be ( independent candidate for "We have nearly $300 which elected Faculty Council Nov. 2. document shall not pre-empt or paid by the University. Lor Tuesday, November 2 was donated by individuals, The alterations have been replace the functions of the "9.1. This document, as jd attend the final meeting of faculty members, students, Black added to the document since the University Faculty Tenure I students for Evers United Front, and approved by the Faculty Affairs a few dorm entire grievance procedure Committee defined in 5.4.4 of as and Faculty Compensation Jnittee, 9 p.m. in 38 Union. councils, but $500 is needed by appeared in the State News Oct. the Bylaws for Academic Committee, shall be forwarded to Saturday to make sure all those 7. Governance. the elected Faculty Council with k purpose of the meeting is students wanting to can," The revisions are as follows: s final preparations for Gant said. go Horse "2.3.11. It shall be the "4.1.9. For just and demonstrable cause, the Faculty the recommendation that it be approved and forwarded with CTto Mississippi. Students Gant said with the $500 cars MSU's Block and Bridle Club sponsored responsibility of the Faculty Grievance Official may extend recommendation for its approval, a horse pull contest early this week between Ve leaving in individual cars can be rented for student owners of Grievance Official to teams from across the state. The two-horse supply any of the time limits imposed in to the Academic Council with the May morning and will meet transportation. teams were judged primarily on load carried and color. procedural guidelines for those Articles 4,5 and 6. recommendation that the ,y at Jackson State College. State News photo by Martin Overholt departments, units, or colleges "7.3.3. addenda—The fees and Academic Council approve and will return to MSU forward it, with recommendatin Kesday. France, Russia will sign pact for its approval, through the Jackson State, Evers President, to the board of trustees." Lgn staff will assign the Jents to various voting E. Fred Carlisle, chairman of Cts where they will act as PARIS (AP)—France has agreed to the ad hoc committee to Catchers. sign a points on which the two powers say they "declaration of principles" with Russia agree. Western investment and formulate the grievance governing The desirability of technology and the with Pompidou on Monday. Pompidou rejected future French-Soviet relations, diplomatic sources dissolving the political French desire of finally procedure, said his reaping some tangible the idea, sources committee is Jon Gant, Detroit senior, ■he coordinators of one reported Tuesday night. the military blocs which divide Europe, the inviolability of existing European frontiers and the benefits from their opening to the East. said, and the two agree on a text for the declaration. men went on to now prepared to concentrate its "Hie declaration, without Sources said the declaration was a efforts precedent in Western principle of noninterference in the internal affairs compromise While on composing a faculty L]it tee explained that as poll dealings with Moscow, will between Brezhnev's insistence on a Pompidou seemed prepared to help rights and represent the "new of other countries. treaty aimed at Brezhnev gain a diplomatic success on his responsibilities ■•hers approximately two step forward" the Soviets have been loosening French links with the North Atlantic initial document. urging France The |tns and a lawyer will stand to take during the visit of Soviet Communist party sources said that agreed to the declaration he even though Pompidou Treaty Organization, and Pompidou's reluctance visit to the West, the French president stressed that France remained a nart of the Western fc polls as people vote in order chief Leonid I. Brezhnev. remained skeptical to go beyond the French-Soviet system and The committee was charged last about the sincerity of Soviet intentions. protocol signed would not abandon its allies. t that the election is run Sources described the document as the last year. year with studying faculty rights, limit of President Simultaneously with the declaration, the French Sources said the basis of the responsibilities and a grievance Georges Pompidou's willingness to and Russians will compromise was Defense Minister Michel Debre told develop sign a new economic agreement worked out in Moscow between Soviet officials newsmen procedure. They temporarily a special political relationship with the providing for increased trade and investment, the later that "the American .t stated that 40 students Soviet Union. and French Ambassador military presence in suspended works on rights and sources said. Roger Seydoux. Europe has been and remains an important [signed up to attend the Hie declaration was said to contain three main The economic accord reflects the Soviet need for Brezhnev reportedly raised the question of a element in the maintenance of the military responsibilities in April in order to concentrate treaty during his opening round of private talks equilibrium in Europe." on a grievance procedure. NOTICE TO ALL STUDENTS Academic Advising, Enrollment and Registration For 1972 Winter Term GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FROM COLLEGE OF EDUCATION COLLEGE OF HUMAN ECOLOGY COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE [THE REGISTRAR Students in Health, Physical Education, and ■Tie 1972 Winter term Schedule of Courses and Academic Recreation, in All students in Human Ecology should adhere to the advising Industrial Arts, and upperclassmen in Special The Handbook of Undergraduate Courses in the Education, plan shown below: College of pandbook will be available to dormitory residents in their should consult with their advisers between November 1 and Social Science is being prepared to assist students in selecting Residence halls on Friday, October 29; and to other students November 5. Advisers will observe normal office hours Group sessions will be held for the following: courses for their Winter Term Schedule. It will be available kt the counter in Room 150, I Child Development and Hannah Administration during this period. Teaching (Advisees of Bubolz, prior to the academic advising period. Watch for an Hildebrand and Whiren) puilding beginning on Monday, November 1. Undergraduate Elementary Education and Special announcement in the State News Classified October 29, and Monday Nov. 1 Room 102 HE A-L 7:00-8:30 P.M. November 1 and 2. Education majors who are assigned to the Advisement k summary of what to do—where, when. .concerning the . Center need not see their advisers unless special assistance is M-Z8:30-10P.M. Handbooks may be examined in the Libraries, Residence II Clothing Textiles (new Enrollment and registration procedure for Winter term is needed. Advisers will be available to programs) and General Clothing & Halls, Fraternities, Sororities, Co-op Houses, Counseling see students on a Textiles (old programs) lutlined in the. 1972 Winter,jterm Sctedul^of Cqtttrees and Center, in each Social Science Major Department with first-come, first-served basis during their regular office Monday Nov. 1 Room 300 HE llcaderaic Handbook. „rn b*>ttuonna ' A-L 7:00-8:30 P.M. academic advisers and in each Dean's Office. Please ask for it mishii r . hours, November 1 through November 12. Office hours are M-Z 8:30-10 P.M. *ji'l lo n« if not readily displayed. fioqoit," ii posted in 134 Erickson Hall. III Interior Design and Housing ■four discussion with your adviser will be based on a Labor and Industrial Relations — Graduate Students should Students wishing to make a major change to secondary Tuesday Nov. 2 Room 300 HE A-L 4:15-6:00 P.M. JStudent ■or Academic Progress Plan which you should develop education should contact the departmental office of their Wednesday Nov. 3 Room 300 HE M-Z 4:15-6:00 P.M. see their advisers before enrollment and registration. may wish to modify or develop further) in conference Social Science with your adviser. Bring your Progress Plan record with major teaching area November 8 through November 19. IV Home Economics Teaching - Undergraduates - Office hours of the advisers you are posted in 207 Linton Hall. After November 15, MDP ■o see your academic adviser according to the arrangement Tuesday Nov. 2 Room 9 HE A-L 7:00 - 8:30 P.M. Offices will be in 138-141 Baker Hall. Please M-Z 8:30-10 P.M. see your own l your college (and possibly department) as outlined JAMES MADISON COLLEGE adviser. V Human Nutrition and Foods below: (all majors) - Graduates - 206 Berkey Hall. Phone 355-7531. During the week of November 1-5 all James Madison students Tuesday Nov. 2 Room 102 HE Fr.& Soph. 7:00 -8:30 P.M. are asked to meet with their academic advisers to plan a Jr.& Sr. 8:30-10 P.M. Anthropology • Mrs. Judy Tordoff, Undergraduate Adviser, is available in her office, Room 346 Baker [COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS Winter term schedule. Students should make an appointment VI. Retailing of Textiles and Clothing 12, Nov. 2 thru 5. Hall, daily from 8 to to see their advisers at this time. It is recommended that Tuesday Nov. 2 Room 300 HE 7:00 -10:00 p.m. All undergraduate majors in the College of Arts and Letters, Geography - Mr. Michael Graff, Undergraduate Adviser in the students take this opportunity to undertake some long-range All students not included in the group sessions should make cept Studio Art majors, should see their academic advisers planning and to come prepared with a Student Handbook and Department, will be in hisoffice, 318 Natural Science, during ■ during their office hours on Monday, Tuesday, individual appointments. These are: Child Development and Wednesday MSU Catalog. posted hours, Nov. 1 thru 5. Teaching (who are advisees of Borgman and Borosage); Political Science - Students wishing to be advised prior to |and Thursday, November 1,2,3,4. ♦Special note to non-Madison students: Non-Madison Community Services; General Home Economics and Home ENGLISH MAJORS enrollment and registration should call Miss Susan Lawther, SHOULD GO FIRST TO THE students will be admitted to certain Madison courses during Economics/Communication Arts. Scheduling of Faclty Adviser for Undergraduates, Nov. 1, 3,4,5, from 9 to ■ UNDERGRADUATE OFFICE IN MORRILL HALL 201, Winter term, 1972. These courses will be indicated in the appointments for the week of Nov. 1-5 may be done during 5,and Nov. 2, from 9 to 11:30. ■ HISTORY MAJORS SHOULD CONSULT THE Schedule of Hours by an asterisk. For more information and the week of October 25. All conferences should be ■ UNDERGRADUATE ADVISER IN MORRILL HALL 341; completed Psychology - Mrs. Mary Donoghue, Undergraduate Adviser in further details, please call 3-6758 or stop by the office of the prior to Nov. 8. ■ MUSIC MAJORS the Department, will be in her office, 112 Olds Hall, Nov. 1 SHOULD GO FIRST TO THE Assistant Dean, 319 S. Case Hall. ■ UNDERGRADUATE ADVISING CENTER, MUSIC thru 5,8 a.m. to 3 p.m. ■ BUILDING 155. MOST HUMANITIES MAJORS ARE COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION ARTS Sociology - If additional advising is needed, majors should JUSTIN MORRILL COLLEGE ■ ADVISED IN THE UNDERGRADUATE OFFICE OF THE arrange an appointment by telephone with their academic 1. During the week of Nov. 1-5, students should see their Advertising Nov. 1-5 Office Hours 355-2314 advisers. I COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS IN BERKEY HALL academic assistant or faculty adviser to plan their academic Audiology & Speech SciencesNov. 1-5 Office Hours 353-8780 Criminal Justice - Students who have not had their programs I HUMANITIES PRE LAW MAJORS SHOULD CHECK IUR. GESNER'S OFFICE HOURS WITH THE HISTORY schedule for winter term. Students who do not know their planned for the Winter term should report to Room 412 Olds Journalism Nov. 1-5 Office Hours 353-6430 Hall for advising on one of the following dates: November 1 ■ DEPARTMENT adviser can check in office 59. SENIORS are reminded that SINCE THESE HOURS WILL BE Television & Radio Nov. 1-5 Office Hours 355-8372 for graduation, your Field of Concentration must have the thru 5,9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. I SOMEWHAT DIFFERENT FROM OTHER ADVISERS • approval of your JMC faculty adviser. Social Work - Freshmen and Sophomores see Mrs. Sally Advisers will be in their offices at least one hour each ■ morning and afternoon of these four 2. Justin Morrill students will early enroll for ALL courses Parks, Room 220 Baker Hall, 353-8626, Nov. 1 thru 5, MWF, days. Check with All 8 a.m. to 12 noon, T Th, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. ■ department offices for the hours of individual advisers. (University and JMC) in the Snyder Hall trophy room from advising groups will meet during the period Nov. 1-5; 1 Make an appointment to minimize 8-11:30 a.m. according to the alphabetical schedule and dates majors will be informed by mail of meetings. Attendance — Juniors and Seniors see Mrs. Betty Duley, Room 234 waiting in line or if you required of majors who wish to early enroll. Call 355-3471 Baker Hall, 353-8619, Nov. 1 thru 5,8 a.m. to 12 noon. ■ cannot come at the hours scheduled. You published in the Winter 1972 edition of the Schedule of may, of course, for information. ■ see your advisers Courses and Academic Handbook. Urban Planning - For academic advising see advisers during during their regular office hours or by | appointment. 3. JMC course descriptions will be available outside the posted office hours located outside of their offices, Nov. 1 LYMAN BRIGGS COLLEGE thru 5. Studio Art majors should see their Art advisers on Advising Center (11 Snyder) on Nov. 1st. 1. Students should contact their academic advisers during the I Monday, Nov. 1. All Studio Art classes will be dismissed on 4. NON-JMC STUDENTS: You cannot early enroll for JMC Landscape Architecture - For academic advising see advisers I that day and advisers will be in their offices from 8-12 and courses. Winter term courses will be available to you at early period of October 27 through November 4. during posted office hours located outside of their offices 11-4. Nov. 1 thru 5. registration (Dec. 6-10) and regular registration (Jan.3-4). You are advised to check the closed course list outside office 2.Following approval of the program, students should bring to E-30 Holmes Hall a copy of their programs according to the COLLEGE OF HUMAN MEDICINE 57. This list will be available after the Thanksgiving holiday. ■ COLLEGE OF following schedule: BUSINESS More information on Justin Morrill College and courses in the MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY ■ Academic advising for Winter college is available in the Advising Center (11 Snyder) or call Term, 1972 will take place 3-9599. You should see your academic adviser for Friday, November 5 8-12 and 1-5 S-Z All students must have made an appointment and seen their ■ during the week of November 1-5. Students should adhere information on how a Justin Morrill course can be used in Monday, November 8 8-12 and 1-5 M-R academic adviser by October 29. Please come to Room 48 ■ to the following schedule: your program. Tuesday, November 9 8-12 and 1-5 G-L Giltner Hall or call 353-7800. Wednesdiay, November 10 8-12 and 1-5 C-F 11 ■ ,^sll,nen a"d Sophomores in Accounting and Financial COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCE Thursday, November 11 8-12andl-5 A-B COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Administration, General Business, Business Pre-law, CHANGE OF MAJOR ■ Management, Marketing, Hotel, Restaurant, and 1. Schedule an appointment for a conference with your PREVETERINARY I nstitutional Management should see counselors in the All students should see their adviser by November 5. academic adviser by signing the appointment sheet ■ dvisement FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORES: University College Center, Office of the Assistant Dean, Room 7, designating his available hours. This sheet is now posted near Appointment schedules are posted outside adviser's office. ■ PPley Center. Counselors will be students with 84 or fewer credits initiate changes of major available from 8-5. his office. Conferences are to be held during the period 1 preference in the appropriate University College Academic VETERINARY November to 5 November. Student Affairs Office. II ^reshmen Va and Sophomores in Economics, Business 2. For your appointment, bring to your academic adviser South Campus Residents: S33 Wonders Hall All students will be "mass enrolled" by the Dean's Those students not wishing to be included in Office. I ^cation, Distributive Education, Office Administration, your planned program for the entire year and go over it with "mass Brody Residents: 109 Brody Hall enrollment" must Kjsk and Insurance, and Honors College should see their him for his suggestions. East Campus Residents: 245 W. Fee Hall notify the Dean's Office by November 5. ■ rclT1? the respective departments during the advisers' 3. All College of Natural Science majors must see their North Campus and Off-Campus Residents, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE NO PREFERENCE I "'Narly scheduled office hours. academic advisers each term to discuss their program. including Shaw - Hall: 170 Bessey Hall. An appointment card has been mailed to each No I ;ri0rs and Seniors 'n all majors should see their advisers in COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND JUNIORS AND SENIORS: A student wishing to change his major in one degree college to a major in another degree Preference student. Anyone who did not receive a card or I seh a ,aspect've departments during the advisers' regularly NATURAL RESOURCES who was unable to keep his appointment may report to his I wart If office hours. All Seniors should review their college must initiate the change in the office of the assistant advisement office before November 5. I uatl°n requirements with their adviser. College of Agriculture and Natural Resources students should dean of the college in which he is registered. If the change is The student who does not confer with an adviser must see their academic advisers by appointment during the period approved, it becomes effective at the beginning of the next assume full responsibility for his program. I tlipl!raduate ■ "e«r students should respective advisers. make an appointment to see November 1-5. November 1. Appointments should be made prior to term. The student must meet the requirements for graduation Every No Preference student who will have earned 85 credits (junior standing) by the end of Fall term 1971 must given in the catalog current at the time the change is effective. declare a major before the end of the term. THE HONORS COLLEGE Thirty credits must be completed while enrolled in the major Student Advisement Centers: Residents of I COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING No Preference students in the Honors College should report in the college in which the degree is to be earned. Case-Wilson-Wonders-Holden go to S-33 Wonders. Residents to their Advisers in the Honors College office for academic Residence college students (James Madison, Justin Morrill, of East Campus go to 245 W. Fee. Residents of the Brody I sholSntf with mai°re ,n College of Engineering advising before completing early enrollment procedures for Lyman Briggs) must initiate changes of major in the student affairs or dean's office of their respective college. complex go to 109 Brody. All others including off-campus I apDoint ?ve received information about advising the Winter term. students and residents of Abbot, Mason, Phillips, Shaw, I An!I *e j their adviser. All other Honors College students should arrange to visit COUNSELING: Facilities of the Counseling Center are available to assist students considering a change of major or Snyder, and the West Circle Halls go to 170 Bessey Hall. I contari "tact u his adviser who has not received notification should with Honors Advisers in their fields before completing the Students enrolling in evenings classes only may confer with Immediately. enrollment procedures outlined by the college of their major. major preference. an adviser by telephone (355-3515). MICHIGAN OUR READERS' MIND STATE NEW? Duffy: he's more than UNIVERSITY ti> m^b;. just the football coach To the Editor: helped him and was interested in k KEN LYNAM I read with interest the comments of Ron person, and not just as another iort * *< advertising manager Curl, Eric Allen, Errol Roy and Mike Rasmussen in a recent State News. Though MSU is certainly faced decision. It can take the Jith . and hire a slave route of iS* DAVE PERSON, managing editor Duffy Daugherty may not be a great football coach like Bo - driving, win a. „hl» CHARLIE CAIN, city editor coach, he certainly must be a fine man to Schembechler m" > JOHN BORGER, campus editor inspire that kind of loyalty from his players. Schembechler would be more s„m 7* BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor I was particularly intrigued with MSU than Duffy. Or, instead RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor Rasmussen's comments. For in anyone has Duffy another chance. It is diffuSi?*1 the right to gripe it should be Mike which is the proper course the University's point of of ic?n^> Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award Rasmussen. we should not lose view. Bu ce> for outstanding journalism. After setting an all - time MSU record for sight of the factth^ most yards gained passing in one season, like Duffy Daugherty are does more than just coach hard to ft? Rasmussen has found himself playing the football If behind George Mlhiau and Frank Kolch. Gilbert E Gild. And to make matters even worse from EDITORIALS Mike's point of view, Duffy has now installed the wishbone offense, which relies very little on the forward pass. So Mike's °ct.25,iwf Welcome bac talented left arm by Duffy's latest ploy. has been rendered useless Duffy's strategy definitely seems questionable at times. But it is difficult to Donations Now let's get criticize him with confidence, since he doubtless possesses more facts than we do. To the Editor: The Draft Information One thing is for sure though. It would be Center iform^ Yesterday the Michigan Legislature responsibility is deplorable. The difficult to replace Duffy Daugherty with a of 507 E. Grand River) has moved B support from the community and from returned from yet another of its argument in favor of making abortion man of his caliber as a human being. The a matter of private choice is solid, and testimony of the current crop of players is large percentage of those people whom* seasonal multiweek vacations. The counseled resulted in our the present law is reminiscent of the indeed persuasive. But so is Duffy's record eviction from,! good representatives and senators are now confronted with a staggering Dark Ages. If the legislature is to over the years. George Webster, Gene Grand River office on Oct. 6. donations led to our InsS Washington and Sherm Lewis return to MSU falling behind in maintain its already tarnished rent and the mass of unfinished legislation — a task because they respect the man who originally less-than-friendly threw us out. We found a new land! due almost entirely to the "do credibility with the people of brought them here. office*] moved in on Saturday, Oct. 9. it nothing" attitude which has prevailed Michigan it must forthwith pass Ron Joseph says that Duffy Daugherty is at ^ in Lansing for most of the year. Senate Bill 3 into law. Universalist Unitarian Church on one block north of Burcham. Grove? 1 While there are a great many •A bill introduced by Rep. Jackie counselor is pressing bills of major importance, Vaughn III, D-Detroit, would I am in a position to hej four stand out as truly critical establish a May presidential primary people take advantage of an oppraj legislation. If nothing else is accomplised this year, the Legislature in Michigan. At present delegates to the national nominating conventions The Doctor's Bag system. All the counselors, like myself,® volunteers. All donations go to rent phone bills. I cannot understand why a* ed must take immediate action on these are selected by the party bosses people we counsel won't freely give uti measures. through the precinct delegate system. donation. Personally, I hate to ask anyo* In supporting Vaughn's proposal, By ARNOLD WERNER. M.D. for money, so I put a sign on the •The abortion reform bill (Senate door-eaah readable by all leaving the Billl 3) has been languishing in Democratic leaders argue that it office—explainiM our situation and would be "a bitter irony if after giving Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at MSU Health Center. What can you tell me about the effect of caffeine, long term or in asking for a donation. Hi procedural limbo since opponents Names need not be included unless a personal reply is requested. high dosage? I hate coffee passionately, but have often felt the need amazing how many people walk out ifa reported it out of the House Social the 18-year-olds the vote... we failed for something for drowsiness early in the morning or during a long counseling and pretend to look the other Services Committee "without to give them a choice in the selection way. To those people I say this: Whodoyoi As a frequent visitor to the women's steamroom, I am a little lecture. Last year I started taking occasional No-Doz which recommendation". The measure was of the candidates." The case for a think you're ripping off? It isn't us. Youb concerned about what kinds of bugs and other germs can be picked contains 100mg of caffeine but found it didn't have much effect. approved by the state Senate back in presidential primary, however, goes up off the benches. Everyone sits "in the raw" and I would hate to Now I use Vivarin which contains 200mg of caffeine plus some ripping off all the people who need helpmj who haven't seen us yet. It could be i March of this year. deeper still. Any system other than put my seat down on someone else's germs. other stuff. I find that I need three or four of these things to restore roommate, a friend, or a younger brother, Abortion law reform is one of the direct sufferage runs contrary to the alertness when I really need it. who won't be able to get a student Life is filled with hazards, but surely you have the right to rest few truly hot political potatoes before principle of democracy and has no Sometimes, I suspect the drugs seem to be the cause of occasional deferment when he starts school. Don't I* your rear in the steamroom now and then without the fear of unrest in my intestinal tract followed by a loose bowel movement. so selfish. A donation the legislature. While a majority of place in this state or nation. today will keep a The legislature must implement becoming infected, infested or splintered. I really have no data Is that possible, or had I better investigate the possibility that other open tomorrow so we can help somebody Michigan's representatives favor the about the bacterial or parasite population of steamroom benches. foods may be causing that particular problem? else. statute, many have been intimidated Vaughn's proposal in time for next But, I would expect that under the proper circumstances a parasite by antiabortionist pressure groups. year's national nominating could be transmitted from one person to another; a wandering crab Dennis Dwyer; convention. (louse) would be a good example. The sort of bacteria that live on You are pushing yourself into a caffeine toxic state. Caffeine is a Undoubtedly the House would like Lansing resident our bottoms are not usually pathogenic (cause illness) and are complex chemical which is a mild central nervous stimulant and nothing better than to be taken off • "No fault" insurance is one of the Oct. 21,1971 shared by one and all. It is conceivable that virulant forms of has some alerting affect for mo6t people. Coffee, tea, cocoa and cola thfe hook by a successful initiative knottiest issues presently before the bacteria such as staphylococci could be transferred from one drinks all contain caffeine. To give you an idea of how much you are petition drive to place the abortion legislature. There are a number of person's abscess to another person's receptive buttock. taking, a cup of coffee contains about 100 to 150 milligrams of issue Such on the ballot. an abidcation of diverse proposals existent, but of these two major themes prevail: there There is a rather easy solution to the whole problem. Bring an extra towel with you and sit on that. I eagerly await hearing from caffeine. Hie same is true of tea. A twelve ounce bottle of cola contains about half that amount. Because of the means of Reminder should be immediate payment of a anyone ambitious enough to culture steamroom benches and report preparation, instant coffee generally contains somewhat less the results. Oh yes,the towel will take care of the splinters too. caffeine per cup thanthe fresh brewed variety. To the Editor: person's accident expenses and the Yin-yang elimination of possible protracted Among the very significant side effects that can result from overdosing yourself with caffeine (either from coffee or as you are Your recently published photognpli showing the Jewish demonstration a* litigation. Would a man who frequently masturbated from age eleven until doing it) are rapid heart rate, duodenal ulcers and a variety of other Premier Kosygin serves to remind us of the For the past few weeks United Clearly, in Michigan automobile age 18 be effected physically? Perhaps stunted growth or gastro-intestinal symptoms, including the one you describe. If you most oppressive government in existence smoke «(Syrettes, the nicotine will serve to enhance the side effects States Ambassador George Bush has insurance is not performing the job emaciation? today. The persecution of ethnic minoriti# tried hard to convince the world that for which it is intended previously mentioned. You may also notice some general has always been a practice of the Soviit - protecting twitchiness. Hiis is the result of the over stimulation of muscles by the insuree. Indeed, in lieu of meeting government. It is absurd to talk about pe« the "two-China" plan could succeed. your central nervous system. Absolutely not. Nor would a woman who frequently masturbated and freedom as long as our brothers and The smart money, however, was on their legal and moral obligations many If lethargy is such a problem, your best bet would be to sisters in the Soviet Union enjoy neitherone be so afflicted. Why stop masturbating at age 18? It is a normal, drag Peking. Monday night the pay off was firms actively seek to avoid all healthy and valuable form of sexual release provided you enjoy it yourself over to the Health Center with that complaint. If your nor the other. 76 to 35 with 17 abstensions as the payment through endless adversary and you do not feel an unusual sense of guilt about it. I have body checks out all right, there are some good people around who Ojars Upatnieb work with heads, General Assembly ousted the litigation. By holding every company endorsed the practice in this column before, but it seems in need of Technical Staff, TV Broadcast* Nationalists in favor of Maoist China. a plug every year! copyright 1971 responsible for paying the claims of After two and a half decades of clients, insurance reality could be allegiance to Cold War doctrine the realigned with insurance theory. tide of world sentiment had finally •The drug reform package is TRB FROM WASHINGTON turned with Taipei emerging as the expected to face a tough fight in the final loser. Senate after skating through the Certainly, more is at stake than any House last spring. This legislation is, question of ethics. Since the end of World War 11 mainland China has grown from a chaotic, strife-torn land comparatively speaking, enlightened. It would, for example, reduce penalties for marijuana use, though it The new form of government to an economic and political giant. would maintain pot sale as a felony. By RICHARD LEE STROUT commanding Supreme Court, and a jealous of that, I guess, as it is being reconstituted. Economic Stabilization Act. They voted* Thus, being on good terms with This bill is woefully inadequate in Congress. In one way or another these curbs Mr. Nixon's proposed appointees, at least In the past 50 years White House power primarily because they didn't t Peking is good business if not a matter terms of a realistic approach to the all have been altered. As to the press, FDR those named for selection from his original President would use it. They w_ of outright survival. has soared while Congressional power has held two press conferences a week before drug question. Nevertheless, it does list, caused as sour a response as anything embarrass him. He said he didn't want* sunk. That's America's story for half a the war. He was crippled but he learned what since Cambodia. For the first time in It is interesting to note that wouldn't use it, and would veto it provide a significant improvement century with no end in sight. The shift in troubled the country by the reporters' memory, this reporter heard people argue excej traditional Chinese philosophy is over current statutes and could serve that it carried one or two tecM* power has been so gradual that nobody questions. It was two-wav communication. whether what Mr. Nixon was doing was based upon the notion of the eternal as an efficient stepping stone to a thinks much about it, and yet the change is Mr. Nixon, by contrast, has had only 20 provisions he liked. Democrats rubbedtw accidental, or whether he was consciously hands at their sly trick. Then, suddenly, •! ascent and descent of things. And in further loosening of drug legislation in so great that it almost amounts to a different press conferences in two years and eight trying to downgrade the Court by picking Nixon set up a new economic programs true yin-yang fashion the "Chinas" the future. The members of the form of government. months. The press is often obnoxious and is mediocrities. It began back after the first World War but always dreaming up mean questions. But for Another curb the all the power they had given him themselves have moved forward Senate will have served nothing save on President, of curse, demanding more. in recent times Vietnam brought it to a head a leader who can't be queried in parliament, is Congress. But Congress is bored with another cycle—to where, of course, is their own political interests if they as LBJ pushed a war that Congress never got not yet clear. block passage of this measure. around to declaring. When he submitted the the press conference did manage to penetrate the White House shell. responsibility. It rarely initiates legislation Maybe this is the wave of maybe will see a me-too Congress the fuWj any more. There were big debates in old we Tonkin Gulf resolution, Congress whooped now on, and even for a while 8 ®*J days; the cry "Borah's up!" would bring Mr. Nixon has got a substitute, a one-way A it through with only two nays. Now comes Supreme Court. But three things ab°u' new aid Mr. Nixon who invaded Cambodia without consulting anybody and who now on the communication system. I mean, of course, the spot TV shows. This is government - by - reporters springing into the Senate press gallery. Now the senators keep their best speeches for television. new economic plan scare us. Firet is the distortion in benefits it gives to bigbus; ^ domestic side has put the entire economy surprise with sudden, startling appearances. Everybody knows why Congress is losing and to corporations, as against the w* Time magazine recently reported a Francisco's experiment. The limited under federal control. Congress just gapes. He has been on the air 46 times, or more power. It's because it won't reform Second is the precedent it sets' j surprisingly simple legal innovation I look around in amazement. Congress is than Lyndon Johnson in five years (28 use of judges pro temp has thus far procedures. Like feudal lords the committee aggrandizing the Executive while demea»■» which promises to do much to clear hardly a coequal branch anymore; it is times) and thrice as many as JFK (15 chairmen, picked by seniority, run the place allowed the court to keep abreast of subordinate. If Truman had tried this a few appearances in two years, 10 months). and are interested in their own bailiwicks up congested court dockets. Under its obligations even though some years ago, Congress would have jumped right The Supreme Court was always there as a and in local affairs. Congress is wildly Third is the anxious feeling thait the direction of presiding judge regular jurists were unavoidably out of its skin. Truman sought to stop a rail curb, too, and still is. Often it has served as a inefficient in handling the purse-strings. Francis McCarty, the San Francisco strike by drafting workers and outraged extraordinary extemporized move ^ absent. Further, many more cases are balance wheel, slowing an administration in When Vietnam went sour it didn't dare step corporate state may not work. Seve County Superior Court is allowing now being settled out of court to everybody. Mr. Nixon has a simpler too much of a hurry, or speeding it up in. It left the driving toPapa, and will decide what prices you ana selected lawyers to serve—usually for procedure; he freezes wages and prices for sometimes in time of delay. The great complained another group will decide our sala ijj avoid facing the immediate trial made comfortably from the back seat . 90 days and then moves into a kind of Warren Court was "activist" largely because Now comes the economic crisis which a day or two-as temporary judges. possible by the presence of judges for modified corporate state. Part of his wages. Can you run America that way- of a lazy Congress and a president illustrates ironically how little The powers of such a brevet jurist a day. technique is sticking in needles and part is Congress has divorced from public control. In ot j (Eisenhower) who was neutral on civil to say and how the Democrats have tied an observer would simply have sa * are, of course, quite restricted The San Francisco solution is, of hypnosis; it's a kind of economic their own hands. They rights. It advanced the rights of the poor and pushed on Mr. Nixon won't work, but today it had bett, compared to a regular judge. He course, only one piece in the puzzle of acupuncture. I'm not saying the thing is oppressed. an economic blank check equivalent to the for we are all in the same danger cannot perform marriages or issue wrong; something had to be done quick after Well, the new Nixon court won't do much Tonkin Gulf resolution. This was the judicial reform. No lasting resolution together. search warrents. His case decision, wasting two years on a game plan that didn't will be reached until this nation's legal work. But I don't think people have grasped however, is binding. Before a volunteer judge is assigned machinery is completely revamped in yet the complexities and possible ..ON ti)6WlE$PAV£, ~~THATI$j/j such a way as to provide maximum consequences of the thing. to a case the trial lawyers for both efficiency with maximum protection Presidential power used to be modified or sides must agree to his mediation. The of individual rights. Still, until such guided by the cabinet, and often the big decisions were collectivized. In the Nixon legal process in this circumstance time as a judicial panacea appears, the administration the faceless cabinet seems to becomes, in essence, a kind of binding judge for a day scheme will remain a have been subordinated to the inner White arbitration. welcome innovation in an area where House staff. McCarty is well pleased with San Presidential power used to be more closely change is desperately needed. circumscribed by a belligerent press, a I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 27, 1971 5 candidates outline low rent housing plans IbvBILLWHITING state Water Resources te News Staff Writer see destroying the campus to feed effecting changes in the police and getting police out of their Commission intervened before Meridian Mall and further department. Pointing out that as "encasement in automobiles." He any plan could be implemented. developing Meridian Township," much as 85 per cent of the city whole spectrum of low He said the state required the suggested patrolman make more city he said. police force lives outside of East ,e housing proposals were patrols on foot, by bicycle or of build a tertiary treatment Colburn did, however, call for Ited by candidates for the Lansing, he said he would like to scooter. He also said a citizen plant, which included several the city to assume an innovative make them "part of the city" by review board Lansing City Council at an filtering role in law enforcement by should be processes, although disposing of military uniforms, established. Leeting Monday, including there was no similar plant in fom Mayor Gordon L. Michigan. The city was forced to ig which called on MSU to , model community, should investigate the accept this ruling because federal aid would otherwise be made available, Thomas said. no Sinclair asks Tility of low rent housing in Councilman Brookover said Jty " said Thomas. "But I his waste treatment is "crucial to the ■the University might move Idular or mobile homes as a I of community living." move would create whole problem of the environment." He suggested that the city cooperate with the John appeal Sinclair, in a motion written from his to a University in recycling waste Party and has now served 27 months of his Lal problems for the water for use on farmland to see if cell in Jackson State Prison, asked the sentence. The party is now called the Lity, he said, and serve as a that could be a feasible Michigan Supreme Court Tuesday to allow Rainbow Peoples' Party. I for low income housing in alternative. him to attend oral arguments in his appeal of Being present when the high court hears a marijuana possession conviction. oral arguments would Colburn said the city needs "a provide "the only ect: City Hall candidates body of local environmentalists The high court is scheduled to hear opportunity I will have to influence the »e Colburn and George to advise the city on its actions." arguments in the case Nov. 2. court in my own behalf," Sinclair said. Mhs said the recent housing He suggested the city should Sinclair contends that his 91/2 to 10 year This argument will determine what ■ittee report pinpointed the sponsor an environmental sentence for possessing two marijuana happens to me for the next seven years and for low income housing and information agency, manned by cigarettes is unconstitutional "due to the eight months of my life; the future not only Ld the city had a city should "stop the erosion of and space rather than numbers,' volunteers, to serve as an fact that marijuana has been illegally of myself but of my wife and two approximately five minutes, daughters IsibilitV in this area. single family dwellings into he said. "umbrella for various concerned classified as a narcotic in violation of the depends upon the court's response," he told however. Jether it is in conjunction multiple housing." He pointed Chuck Will, write-in candidate students in the community." 14th amendment to the U.S. Constitution." the court. Mickey, his full legal |he University or the city out that students living in one from the Coalition for human name, that troops should be withdrawn said The emphasis shifted to Sinclair contended the harsh sentence was The motion was written and signed by [we have the responsibility family houses "do not want to live survival, said, "Limiting the spending money on existing handed down "as a consequence of my Sinclair last Friday. It bore his signature, his from Vietnam and a "sexually lovide housing," Colburn in an apartment or dorm" but number of people living in facilities in discussion of constitutionally protected political activity prisoner number and his- current want low income housing. "I integrated volunteer service |This is a basic human need housing in a certain area of the should be put to work in the cities community traffic problems. in the state of Michigan." address—Jackson Prison, 4000 Cooper government should be don't think the private sector can Sinclair founder of the White Panther city during a housing crisis will to do things which are "I believe traffic generally was Street, Jackson. Jned with." provide that with land prices only force them out of the house meaningful." He said he going to MSU should be made 1 PhiUips agreed the city being as high as they are except and into nothing," he said. easier in getting in and out," said I explore a new type of perhaps on campus where there is Will and Mickey, another supported drug reform, legal council candidate Bone. "But I abortions and rent control which I housing and focus on new a lot of vacant land," he said. write-in candidate, were would put a part of rents into an think it is time we started to think Jds of construction. "East Incumbent councilman Wilbur prohibited from speaking along investment back into the house. He about investing money to ig is practically hemmed in Brookover also warned that j with other council candidates by rehabilitate existing streets." lid out," he said. "There is zoning recommendations made in opposed, however, any further representatives of the Lansing While most other candidates »ally no vacant space left." the recent housing study to limit Area League of Women voters building of highways near the generally agreed for the need to iicized housing suggestions the number of unrelated campus. people who hosted the meeting at study alternatives to the ■ made without specifying living in e single family dwelling People's Church Wi" uid this In answering charges that East cross-campus route, Colburn said lis going to build it, when, were "arbitrary" positions which was "discrimination" and was the Lansing's waste treatment plant he was not convinced of the need land who is going to use it." are "not likely to be held up in first time such a restriction had was inadequate to handle local for any new highways. "I can't Irever, candidate Duane [ailed the housing situation I issue" and stated the the courts." "We should based on look to criteria health, safety, density been imposed during the needs and that the city was campaign The League members dumping untreated sewage into did let them speak for the Red Cedar River, Mayor Thomas placed much of the blame on expanding University Justin Morrill elected to council rep MERIDIAN MALL use of the facility. He said the s/ V-—^ ~ //1NYV ANNIVERSARY plant was originally built to Karen Ogle, Raleigh, N.C., accomodate East Capital Capsules Lansing, freshman, has been elected Justin Meridian Township and Morrill College's representative to University sewage treatment, but the Academic Council. Ms. Ogle ( 1 J 0 ) » >\ estimates of campus capacity will join the student were "quickly overtaken." i STUDENTS from fears of racial bigots rather than representatives from the other 3 BIG SALE The resolution, sponsored by Although he said the city had colleges and 10 at-large | Arbor and Lansing supporting the principles of equal Rep. Louis Cramton, R-Midland, been cooperating with the representatives when the student bnmental groups erected a lard 3,200 sqaure feet in size justice and dignity for all as applied to a life situation," said the building, now known as the "seven story office building" Tri-County Planning Commission seats are officially recognized in a regional treatment plan, the Jan. 1,1972. DAYS le lawn of the state Capitol Howard L. Jones said in a "deserves a more dignified and lay' prepared statement. Illustrious name.' ■gned to call attention to a "It is a sad day when we see before the senate THE MICHIGAN STATE men's Acrilari® e now jn read: "If Senate Bill 517 Democratic and Republican officials, at partv, state and CHAMBER OF COMMERCE knit shirts ft. billboards over twice this federal levels, advocate the (MSCC), in cooperation with the 1 will be allowed. Keep Michigan Chamber of Commerce Easy-care Acrilan acrylic in assorted adoption of harmful, delaying |gan beautiful — Defeat SB tactics aimed at denying equal Executives, is sponsoring a one new fall shades. Solids and jacquards, in educational opportunities to day statewide legislative long sleeve styles with collar and > bill in question would hundreds of thousands of black conference to be held beginning 4-button placket front closing. Sizes S - Jnurn lies billboards to reach a of 6,500 square feet in having over 300,000 and brown youngsters in Michigan's inner cities," he said. at 10 a.m. in Lansing. today at the Olds Plaza The purpose of the conference is "to stimulate local interest in ROAST BEEF BUFFET (AU you can eat) 5-10 pm Thursday M - L - XL. Store for Men, Meridian Mall 4.99 illation, along with A RESOLUTION TO |rcement measures called RENAME the state building legislative affairs," Harry R. Hall jDnmentalists. by the protesting which houses the Supreme Court MSCC president said. Major issues that will face the 1972 legislature *2.50 misses' famous co-ordinates and the attorney general's staff will be discussed by members of Iponents of the measure the "Martin Luther King the legislature, the state | that the state would lose Building" was introduced Reg. S9 to $25. Famous make fay funds if this bill is not Tuesday , Tuesday's protesters, said that House Bill in the Michigan House. administration leaders. and business Koratron® vests, sweaters, pant tops, skirts and pants. Assorted dark color to 5.99 )w in the House State solids. Misses' sizes, broken lots. ps Committee would provide t and Exceptional values. Sportswear. Meridian Mall. 15.99 j25% OFF more effective control 1 "visual pollution of |>ards." jokesman for the group said ■"this is the type of issue that Tsts ecology-minded young men's famous casual slacks |e. We sincerely hope that ^ill is not a sign of the times." j ON ALL DOGS Reg. $9 to $13. Wide assortment of LOVE * OFFER GOOD THRU SUNDAY OCT. 31 styles and colors in perma-press fabrics. 2 OFFICIALS OF BOTH Solids and fancies, sizes 29 to 42. Stock Democratic and Republican ■b have been «d speaking with tongues", the chairman [ DOCKTOR PET CENTER up for all the days ahead at super savings. Store for Men, Meridian Mall. 6.88 « Michigan Human Rights ■said Tuesday. Tents of the past week have * Meridian Mall 349-3950 S ALWAYS fn clearly that pcratic 1 respond and some Republican more to the ORIGINAL men's famous dress shirts Reg. $8 to $ 10. Famous brand in a wide ^lOOSUSKI MEETING THAT'S WHY THESE variety of solids, stripes and prints. _ 6:30 PM ■ tonight Perma-press polyester-cotton blends. 109 Anthony WERE CREATED Medium and dark tone colors. Some membership card gets you »r Prizes, ski Js.andl0%-30% offany- films, great l^!IWea|hervane TONIGHT! Rings that are made only in limited editions. Like original oil paintings or high-fashion gowns. with French cuffs. 14'/2- 17. Store for Men. Meridian Mall. 3.99 Custom designed, handcrafted and then produced in very limited numbers. , That's what keeps them unique. After ail, you wouldn't enjoy seeing your misses' boucle separates rings on every other hand in town, would RED We thought not. We'd love to show you the whole collection. you? Reg. 11.90. Famous make boucle knit Won't you stop in and give us a hand? cardigans, pullovers, pull-on pants and ROSES skirts. Travel-perfect, washable polyester. Mostly blondie color. s» » Dozen Broken sizes. Sportswear, Meridian Mall 7.90 Carnations women's knit pull-on pants 5799* Reg. 7.90. Hasy-care acrylic knit in rib Dozen or flat style. Assorted top-fashion 10tl Anthony colors to go anywhere, through the seasons ahead. Buy several, in assorted florist switch-about colors, and save. Sportswear, Meridian Mall 4.99 Shop Knapp's Meridian Mall tonight, and every week night, until 9:00 Wednesd;'ay. £ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan October 27 , PREDICTS SENATE OK Prof applauds behind court President Nixon's nomination that a few Senators still may raise of Lewis Powell and William attempting to change the court's orientation, Nixon sought to questions about Powell's and Rehnquist for the Supreme Court diminish its role and stature." Rehnquist's political views," he was a brilliant political finesse said. "But such efforts will prove that has left his liberal opposition Then, as the ghosts of Carswell and futile." In the Senate without a trump Haynsworth were being card. resurrected, Nixon dramatically Spaeth, who uses MSU's giant sent the Senate the names of two CDC 6500 computer to predict That's the opinion of Harold men whose legal qualifications the outcome of Supreme Court Spaeth, professor of political science and Supreme Court were beyond question. cases, said the two nominees will analyst. "By focusing upon legal rather certainly figure conservatively in than political qualifications, the the three dimensions he uses "By sending the names of six unknowns to the American Bar Senate has assured the explain 80 per cent of the Court's Association for evaluation, Nixon confirmation of Powell and decisions—freedom, equality and Rehnquist," Spaeth predicted. economic regulation. caused Senate leaders to focus upon legal, rather than political He said the confirmation vote He said the two will associate qualifications," Spaeth said. will be overwhelming. closely with Chief Justice Burger "Liberal Senate leaders If he had given the Senate a and Justice Harry Blackmun, swallowed the bait—hook, line reason to oppose his nominees, Nixon's two previous nominees, Frosty pumpkin seeds and a small leaf floating in a puddle of water are part of the picture of and sinker. Nixon, they said, was Nixon might have lost his chance and that Renhquist may prove to nature's beauty in autumn. These micro close-up shots let everyone get close to fall. in relentless pursuit of to appoint anyone, Spaeth be the most conservative member State News photo by Tom Gaunt mediocrity. Worse than speculated. The Democrats are of the Court. not conceding Nixon's re-election, and a dilatory course Officer pushes ROTC option of action designed to allow a Democratic president to fill the bus two vacancies might have ensued. "The stakes are high enough so PROGRAM INFORMATION 882-2429 WE HAVE HEATERS Corps (ROTC) program, the level of motivation won't systain freshmen cadets. — quality programs, quality challenge early," he said. visiting area commandant told them with the kinds of things "Peer pressure against ROTC is people and quality system," Coke "You must be BOX OFFICE OPENS Air Froce cadets at an informal they 11 have to do," Coke said. a significant factor. If we find a said. bigenouj,..,., to handle the AT 6:30 Avoiding the draft is a perfectly talks on campus Monday. When asked about the guy who can't get along with his The area commandant called man, actions"^ SHOW STARTS AT reasonable motivation for joining "If you have the capabilities to popularity of the ROTC program peers, his contempories, ROTC military drill "one of the best subordinants. Our objective is|»l 7:00 the Reserve Officers Training lead, we want you no matter what with incoming freshmen, Coke is not the place for him," Coke leadership laboratory devices the give a number of people th«l your motivations are," Col. Paul said that the 25 per cent increase said. Air Force has." challenges. We are a laboratory)! E. Coke, area commandant to 20 in MSU's freshmen enrollment The focus of the drill is not on management ."Coke said. Peer pressure in the black 7 GREAT STARS! ACTION! EXCITEMENT! Save! Save! Save! Air Force ROTC detachments in six states, told the cadets. reflects a 10 per cent increase minority in some colleges is the men marching but on the man Coke sees courteousness ujl nationwide. that is leading them. THRILLS! OKI UHOF ASOH-Of-A-C Rent Your Those in ROTC to avoid the Coke cited haircuts, a great deal severe, according to Coke. respect as the keys to tfcl The mark of relationship between the offal draft "have a difficult time of studying and peer group "The percentage of black leadership comes and the enlisted man. They Trailed Him.. officers to black airmen is very "when you're in front of your They called it HELL. succeeding through commission the major causes for a TV pressure as Tailed Him... with a motivation like that. Their 50-60 per poor. One of the problems is that peers, projecting a confident "As an officer, you're thebotl cent dropout rate for Tried To Nail Him- They called it VIOLENT blacks find the entrance exams image. If you are able to perform Your men are part of theovenll .NO WAY!! hard to pass. This is because of in motion, in front of the resources at your disposal todoiH OPEN at 7:00 P.M. and EVIL! BY THE TERM! Shows at 7:10 -9:10 the low level of the inner cityhigh toughest crowd, your peers, and still be able to think job. You must handle yogi Sat. & Sun From 1:10 P.M. schools," Coke said. you on have the qualities your we feet, want," people in a very personal he said. way,"f Free Delivery Of the 173 universities with Coke said. ROTC detachments, the Air Free Service "Every man handles the jokfl Free Pick-up Force gives only 4,500 Coke said freshmen ana differently. You can't doitbythil 2ND SMASH WEEK! commissions nationally a year. sophomores should be given the text," Coke said. "Just use y "Our objective has always leadership role in military drills. $25.™ per term "A masterpiece. Incredibly beautiful, a visual and aural feast. been more quality than quantity "We should give them the own personality to guide you natural, be yourself." LEE VAN CLEEF-CARROLL BAKER Infused with magical drama and sinister excitement." STUART WHITMAN University TV Rentals - S.K. Oberbeak, Newsweek Magazine ■ GP" TECHNICOLOR* • SCOPE 351-7900 "It is a trip much worth taking. Not since '2001' has a movie so cannily invented consciousness and altered audience perception." SKI AUST with MSU SKI CLUB Jay Cocks, Time Magazine Christmas! - over IRHARHARHARHARHARH^ "Will glue you to your chair and fill you with awe. The photography is a miracle ofartistry. The sound track is super." Two weeks of skiing in Worgl- - Liz Smith, Cosmopolitan Magazine the heart of ski country in Austria! PRESENTS TWO TRIPS: Dec. 10-Dec. 23 Dec. 26-Jan. 9 INCLUDING: * THE Free ski pass for unlimited | use at the Wildschonan | Highvalley. HELLSTROM * Accommodation at the I Austrian Hotel Hauser: I continental breakfasts and I table d'hote dinners included I CHRONICLE * Moosuski's famous uncoil parties. * Plenty of opportunity (or || M shopping, apres ski fun, rJ side trips to such places as Innsbruck and Salzburg. | STARTS TONIGHT CALL 353-51 99 f°r more information APPEARING IN PERSON * NORTHSIDE NOW SHOWING! EXCLUSHf | * * ii * ^ST^eafre FINST ANEA PREMIERE! BUSTER CRABBE y&rt fw? POSITIVELY NO ONE UNDER 18 (STAR OF FLASH GORDON) ELECTRIC IN CAR HEATERS & X RATED NOTE: UNIFORMED GUARD WILL SOPERVISE ADM. AND 1.0. REOUIREO THURS., OCT. 28 7,9:30 Conrad Aud. From tl)o iNVlu jjork (times FRI., OCT. 29 ONE OF THE YEAR'S BEST! 7,9:30 Wilson Aud. James Garner 'Blue Movie' is a model of its type, ative, honest, tittilating. It gives the audi¬ inform¬ ence what it Fifteen years before in a George Pal rocketship, Flash and his sent his crew of spacemen blasting off Earth friends had already conquered Skin Game paid to see. Candy Barr is surely the most beautiful performer in the trilogy of Flash Gordon is beyond doubt not only the greatest cliff space. The history of the Blue Movie." all time but further, the finest, most hangers of exciting outer space adventure films ever to come out of Hollywood. There has never been anything since to equal and we doubt there will ever be. Alex deRenzy's What actor today could possibly match the fearless heroics and of Buster Crabbe derring-do ^ Presented for the FIRST TIME! An in depth probe of HISTORY as Flash Gordon? What actress could so convincingly con¬ American ADULT Film Productions vey the innocent beauty and helplessness of Jean Rogers as Dale Arden? Who could be dedicated more a scientist than Frank Shannon as Dr. Zarkov, who Featuring all time classics could out-villain the most venomous villain in the ni#THE history of motion pictures, Charles Middleton's Ming the Merciless? Hollywood just don't make 'em like o THE NONE STORY * THE JANITOR that anymore! fCANDY BARR oSMART ALEC Buster Crabbe will give a film-lecture presentation on Hollywood in the 30's JH MOVIE a EVER O READY AND MORE! a CREEPING TOM including film highlights of his career including Flash Gordon and Buck fX) For Ladies & Gentlemen over 18 Rogers. SHOWN TWICE AT 7:22 AND 11 PM TICKETS ON SALE AT THE UNION TICKET OFFICE 2ND ADULT FEATURE ~ Admission $1.25 "G000 ...AND MORNING GOODBYE" rhaiwrharharharharharharha SHOWN 2ND AT 9:45 Michigan State News, Eait Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 27, 1971 7 edestrians peril Sanford Natural Area MICHAEL FOX Bv MICHAEL By FOX " State News Staff Writer Trampling of the forest floor, caused by students and others McDonel and Holmes residence halls to the Bogue Street bridge will not support the plants of the forest. wandering off the cinder paths, is upsetting the natural growth of area. "If students really feel a need for a picnic area and a lt awareness of the delicacy of the natural cycle must be small plants that grow In Sanford Natural place to use as Area, George W. "It's a conflict of the nature lover and the pedestrian. We would a public park, then maybe consideration can be given to making the EL, if Sanford Natural Area on campus is to be preserved, Parmelee, curator of campus woody plants said. like to hear from the student pedestrians in those residence halls," Plnetum a picnic area," Baron said. T Baron, director of campus parks and planning, said this "If Sanford is to be kept as a natural area, all its vegetation must Baron said. The Pinetum is a groove of white pine trees located east of be protected," Baron said. "If we didn't want to involve students, we could proceed without Hagadorn Road which has a pine needle floor and a multi-purpose ■Sanford Natural Area, located south of the Red Cedar River Though no immediate action Is forseen by the University to their input," Baron said. designation which would facilitate picnicking, an activity I east of Bogue Street, is a 35-acre tract of trees, shrubs and protect the forest floor, Parmelee called the area "too valuable an In addition to pedestrians who have created new trails instead of prohibited by University ordinances. Protected from Influence by man. No automobiles, bicycles, asset to lose by default." using perimeter routes of the cinder paths, Baron cited picnicking as "Converting Sanford to a public park area would ruin all ■des or insecticides are allowed In the Sanford area, with Action contemplated includes erection of a high fence to serve as another problem affecting Sanford. He expressed concern that vegetation and eventually have adverse effects on the bark," Baron ■paths intended to accomodate pedes trlan traffic. a barrier blocking pedestrians who use the area as a short cut from extensive areas of Sanford's ground are becoming compacted and said. Baron expressed displeasure at the suggestion to totally close the area to all visitors, except academic classes using Sanford for |Lesb/an hits repressive laws educational purposes. He said that, rather than close the area, campus parks and planning will continue to work with students towards rectifying the current problem and preventing future trampling. D..VATUCDIMtMCII CPU ' Only five of 29 environmental and residence hall groups invited to By KATHERINE NEILSEN an Oct. 19 meeting on the Sanford situation attended the marriage legalized. Some gay couples are even talking about the she felt closer to women than meeting, men, though society told her it was Baron noted. He attributed this to a lack of possibility of adopting children, she said. "abnormal." adequate advance I is a young East Lansing resident who Is striking in a way that Describing her personal life, she said she, like most lesbians, has Just this year, she began "coming out," or notice. also had experiences with men. telling people she is T,mely soft-spoken, delicate and gentle. But she speaks out. gay. L tired of having people psychologically beating me all the "With guys there were too many games because of role playing," She said that gays are not hassled too much when r she told a rap group on Radicalesbians held Monday night in she said. they are in a big group like a parade, but that small groups like a picnic can Lt Akers lounge. "I'm tired of meeting people every day who She said relationships with men often left her feeling mentally encounter Droblems. Know I'm gay and hearing them put down gay people. and physically frustrated, but with women she "let herself out She also said that there had been University purges of homosexual % think it's pretty radical just to come out and admit we're more." Jas," the speaker, anonymous because she fears the loss of her "But I love people," she stressed. "I just want to be able to express my love for them in any way I want to." faculty and students here in the past, the last one having taken place several years ago. She pointed out, however, that the University AMC jg GONE WITHE Bid the group. community has grown more tolerant, more6o than "the real ■ said Radicalesbians, a relatively new branch of Gay "Society is going to have to let people act the way they feel," world." Harry KeHerman - GP THE WIND" ! Ltion at MSU, broke from the original group to deal with agreed Janet Bladwin, Chillicother, Ohio, junior, also speaking for 0 WED.. THURS.: 7:00 only Jems unique to women, with a "pretty political end in mind." Radicalesbians. I group is interested in changing laws which they feel repress Lople. For example, the group would like to see homosexual Ms. Baldwin said she feels teen-ager she spent several years strongly about this because as a trying to cope with the fact that £TARLiTE[ Show Times "Eyes of Hell"— 9:00 Only In evrryonels life WARREN there's BEATTY mb a "Explosion" — 7:00 & Late »HI MAGIC OF SUMMER OF McCABE & '42 .MRS. MILLERM PLUNGES YOU INTO udents achieve WED., THURS.: 6:15. 8:15 IWED., THURS.: 6:00 places A WEIRD WORLD OF DIABOLICAL //Twl-Llte hr. 5:45 - 6:15 TERROR! University gov't.: Rust )y KAREN ZURAWSKI would not work for another. higher education since its that dissenters were responsible Itate Newt Staff Writer "Each must hammer out its formation. for their actions which sometimes own government, allowing a wide Dissent and Disruption, the ents have won a place in aroused negative reaction from degree of participation with commission's June 1971 report, diversity government, James the community. endorsed the findings of the Lt, University ombudsman, central control," Rust said. fcndav after returning from Though the eight other Presidential Commission on It concluded that when society \ day conference at the universities attending the Campus Unrest (the Scrantion »TOT.TTT!gCTy Commission.) sought action against the dissent, ■ersity of California, conference have student it should involve itself with the representation in their It said in part "protest should be viewed as the reflection of individuals or groups responsible. government, Rust said "few have [nsored by th Carnegie such a complete form of many problems and conditions liral Film Group Presents Jnisssion on Higher participation as well have by Jan. both in society and on the "A campus as a whole, or a |tion. the conference of 1." campuses. Both campus and system as a whole, or higher imen focused on forms of Kiity government today and ssible alternatives. New Bylaws of Academic Governance, which will become society share responsibility." education as a whole, should not The commission went on to say be penalized," it said. DIARY of a MAD effective Jan. 1, provides for |ernatives mentioned d a labor union model extensive student participation in (students acting as a Imer union, a United University government. The Carnegia Commission on HOUSEWIFE pt model with every campus Higher Education, organized in having representation and a buncil model, which "is not ■ good considering the 1967 has issued nine reports on TV RENTALS QANNQCCMI&QN wnst Ton of cities today," Rust J nine-member conference feed that diversity In NEJAC TV RENTALS fnment what is forms is best, 337-1300 i good for one 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 132-6944 4th WEEK! OPEN 12:45 Cont. from 1:10 Feature downtown 1:15 . 3:15 - 5:20 • 7:26 - 9:30 pE OF THE YEAR'S IMPORTANT WE HAVE 'IIM-A-CAR'HEATERS |TURES!" - Los Angeles Times ■FRESHING" 'BILLY JACK' SPEAKS UNIVERSITY CINEMA ■THE HEARTI". - Detroit Free Press TONIGHT OCT. 27 8:15 P.M. TOM LAUGHLIN Clearly is the most 1st American masculine and exciting Winner of new star of the 70s. the Chopin Competition in Warsaw Debuted with Philadelphia Orchestra BILLY 4 Solo Recital includes music of Chopin Brahms and Liszt. "Great Film | MSU LECTURE-CONCERT SERIES JACK UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM FRI.OCT.29,8:15P.M. Making" JOM LAUGHLIN DELORES TAYLOR $4.00, $3.00, $2.00 MSU STUDENTS $1.00 Car/a Fracci and Erik Bruhn, starring in "Giselle" - N. Y. Times TICKETS ATTHE UNION A film premiere of a romantic ballet in two acts TECHNICOLOR* From Warner Brot. A K and at THE DOOR (One Hour Before Performance) TONITE OPEN 7:30 P.M.—SEE THE FINEST IN DRIVE IN ENTERTAINMENT! "GISELLE" ROMANTIC BALLET IN 2 ACTS I BEAST IN THE CELLAR 7:10 "Carrie Snodgrass HQ SKIN GAME starring I BLOOD ON SATAN'S CLAW 9:00 CARLA FRACCI, ERIK BRUHN, BRUCE MARKS is incredible PARKING . AT 9:00 her 'mad housewife' is I TORTURE GARDEN — one 10:16 PROBLEMS TONILANDER • GUN FIGHT of the most perfectly etched 1 MAD ROOM 11:30 ANDTHE AMERICAN BALLET THEATRE characters in all film." "family* at 7:10 & LATE Orchestra of the Deutsche Oper Berlin Conducted by John Lanchberry - Jean Larson Houston Star Choreography: David Blair "A superb movie" - Newark Free Press James Garner diary of LouGossett Susan Clark a mad housewife a frank perry film KIRK DOUGLAS richard benjamin sLr TZJ* JOHNNY CASH TICKETS M.50 at the DOOR frank langella-carrie snodgress "AGUNFIGHT" screenplay by eleanor perry • from th* novel by sue kaulman produced tnd directed by (rank perry <= ONE SHOWING ONLY U A UNIVERSAL PICTURE • 1ECHNICOLOR* Shown at7:00-8:45-10:30 100 Vet Clinic Admission $1.00 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. Oc.^. New theater group aims at black cultural interest auspices of the Center for Urban Thomas Rachal, Cleveland, Ohio, Among the dance themes to be Affairs. The theater is also being senior and Les Washington, Milan performed are Nina Simone's backed by the Theater Dept. and graduate student, are the "Why the King of Love is Dead" the Office of Black Affairs. company's directors. Rachal is and Dionne Warwick's "Slaves". "The formation of the theater also chairman of the group. A musical rendition covering A new Black Theater has been added to the list of black cultural grew out of the need for a theater The Black Theater has two past, present and predicted future interests for students at MSU. that does not cater to whites," productions scheduled for fall periods in black music will also be The theater, just one-month-old, explained Les Washington, a first term. The performances are performed by members of the was formed by four of the six year graduate theater major. "It is scheduled for November 4 to 7 in company. a student organization designed the Arena Theater. Proceeds from the black undergraduate theater The first presentation will be performances will go to the majors and one graduate theater to stir interest amoung blacks in theater's general fund. student. The theater is under the theater as well as give black "Happy Ending," a light comedy students a chance to perform with serious undertones, written The Black Theater reportedly is PWGBaM information since they have been in the past by Doughlas Turner Ward. The also planning for future 0 ICHIG AN neglected." He went on to play is being directed by Les performances. Possible explain that the new Black Washington and stars Linda presentations include "No Place Theater is comparable to the Calloway, Detroit sophomore, to be Somebody" and the MSU Performing Arts Company. Neal McAlpin, Nashville, Tenn.. Doors Open broadway hit "Purlie The committee for Black sophomore, Shellie Moncrief, Victorious." 1:00 P.M. Theater, founders of the Pontiac senior and Johnnie ENDS organization, includes Debbie Renee, graduate student. A spokesman for the group said White, head choreographer, "Tell Pharoah", the second that the theater is in THURS.! the process Candy Shannon, head of presentation described as "a of soliciting additional funds for production, and Carol Wilson, political play depicting Harlem its general fund from interested head of business and publicity. with militant themes", will be groups and individuals. Persons All three are Detroit seniors. directed by Thomas Rachal. The interested in donating or in being play, written by Loften Mitchell, listed as patrons in the theater's Mack theater stars Alfred Roberts, Emporia, program booklet should contact The Black Theater Group is open to all theater and art majors Vir., junior, Marlene Wilson, Eric Winston at the Center for and stresses black interpretation of the arts. Above are Detroit sophomore, and James Urban Affairs. committee members of the group. They are (from left) Debra State News photo by W.B. Garrett, New York, N.Y., junior. Remington Between plays the company will present singing and dancing. DISCUSSES AFRICAN ART S META-4 ■ ■ ■ goes country with the Students to meet black artist The artist is promoting his African people as human beings, blackness and black heroes," he ■ RED CEDAR CLAIM I By KRISTENKELCH black heroes." | I State News Staff Writer book, African "Black Portrait of an not as tourist attractions." said. I Journey" which includes "I want to alleviate some of the In talking about the market for Collins said art J Not to mention our { I Black artist Paul Collins will be paintings derived from the artist's myths of Africa," Collins black art, Collins said the "artist v society to blackness five ■ "down home" feature: | recent 18 month expedition continued, "Like the one of the ■ Bob Carr & Bill Kahl on I j on campus to talk informally with students at 7:15 through Africa. grinning savage, running through must quit being afraid to be ago, but now with the ■ p.m. black. He must not amalgamate awareness and pride in two very acoustic guitars J I Thursday in the Captain's Room While browsing through the the jungle." into white society, but relate to culture, black art is in demand ^ plus other inter-media ( I of the Union. Minority Bookstore Monday, In comparing the revival of H voyages in geodesic space | Collins' meeting with students Collins talked about the purpose black art and culture in America ■ I is part of International Week of his book, which is to show the and Africa, Collins feels that self ■ ■ WED., OCT. 27-8 PM ! activities. Dublic the "true identity of the determination and cultural integrity has become a way of life Asian studies plan in Africa, more than in this ■ ADMISSION 50c THE PERFORMING J country. EEAST LANSING EARTH! ARTS COMPANY "I sometimes suspect we treat it more as a fad," Collins said. China lecture, movi Mr "If all black people were as serious as they say, we would have more unity, unity with the The Asian Studies Bernard Center Gentry In Flux," 7 p Wednesday in 100 Engln: presents Gallln, black intellectuals, the Bourgeois anthropology professor, lecturing Bldg. EXCHANGE SEASON COUPONS NOW and the ghetto," he said. "We on "Chinese Peasantry and Edgar Snow's film, ' have kind of ablackclaaslsm." One-Fourth of Humanity," Throughout his career, Collins Royal albatross be shown following the lect TICKET SALES BEGIN 9 p.m. A personal friend of has dedicated himself to black NOV. 3 nests on spur art. He said he feels that It must Tie-Tung, Snow traveled to" play a more Important part In the of Otago Peninsula during the cultural revolution Box Office Open mainstream of American culture. film the people and their I Collins stressed that the culture Aa part of the coir DUNEDIN, New Zealand Weekdays 12-5 PM must be re-defined, putting more (AP)-A rocky spur at the end of "Continuing Revolution! emphasis on blackness for both the Otago Peninsula is the China," IDC 389, the morir only black and white races. part of a mainland in the world brought to the campus t _35_5:0J48__ where the royal albatross nests the United Ministries in Welcome... RpSCNCRONtz In an effort to educate children Education. in black art, Collins has traveled regularly. Elsewhere It's on tiny NOVEMBER 10-14 ONd GuildeNsteRN through the country, painting lonely islands. A public observatory is now #AReT)ead'^ black murals and to schools. donating them being built near the South Island Ticket uTOM STOPPARO nesting place so that naturalists FAIRCI1ILD THEATRE "Artists are not commissioned will be able to observe the big sea to paint black heroes, don't have a so children chance to relate to birds more closely than anywhere else. begins NOW SHOWING Tickets for the ope concerts of the MSU Sym"1, (3) X FILMS Orchestra are now on sale at Union ticket office. ELEC.HEATERS HQ ONE UNDER 18 YRS Performances are scheduled 8:15 p.m. November 15andl# OPERATION: Fairchild Tlieater. soloists will PLEASURE KILL! Featured duo-pianists Ralph and Alfo Votapek in the "Concerto Two Pianos" by Francis P~ The concerts are a benefit 7 people. the Orchestra Scholarship The Rolling Stones ticket ttwy came together The proceeds of all will help qualified and GIMME Saturday and parted monday-not friends, m members of the orcb continue their musical educi SHELTER but no longer | Donation is $2.50 per ticket. MOOSUSKI NIGHT AT watch as they ptey. llffiPLEASUREgame' WEATHERVANH relief from the Everything In the stor Tonight in Brody TWICE FRI. & SAT. 7:30 -12:15 V V 10% to 30% off for S 'C« (X. In EASTMANCOLOR members-You must** Southwest Dining ^ „ membership fc'/vb your Hall * after the 6:30 n 109 Anthi ordinary. 7,9:35 PLUS-The Making Ilir Black Arts Company presents: BLACK ARTS of Butch Cassidy and The Olde Wotfld is a relief from the ordinary. Superb1 the Sundance Kid. isandwiches; fine wine and imported beers, all in a cas¬ ual European atmosphere The Olde World is located Award-Winning in the center of East tinctive red and blue awning. Lansing on MAC. Look for a dis¬ Documentary with Paul Newman Robert Redford and FESTIVAL Student, faculty Nov. 4-7 mwoM, BRJEAD wALE 1 and staff only Arena Theatre I.D.'s required MSU Auditorium 211 M.A.C. Avenue East Lansing performances at T admission 8:15 pm daily under the red and blue awning 8:15 and 12 midnight '1'° admission Saturday RHARHA SHOWN IN ABOVE ORDER STARTING AT 7:30 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan W Wednesday, October 27, 1971 9 hy Pay More! Why Pay Mo re■' Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! INSULATED BAG ft 1 PINT rof picked to study Striking red, white and blue stripes. Keeps foods and beverages hot or cold for hours. Great for taking out to the football game. VACUUM BUTTLES This week only! acher plan in Iran Save $2.00 HOUSEWARES DEPT. n MSU professor has been chosen to serve erintendent of American schools in Iran. as an adviser to the SAVE 17% & 20% LADIES NYLON Richard L. Featherstone, former chairman of the Dept. of iministration and Higher Education, will work to develop a bility study on training Iranian national teachers to work in SKI JACKETS A. 100% 100% nylon in and bonded out with polyester filling. Concealed hood, welt stitch detail erica n schools there. front and back, 2 double snap hough the trip is sponsored by a federal grant, the schools in Iran closing flap pockets, belted with supported by the American diplomats and industrial personnel snap close, shirt cuff sleeves. Sizes ose children attend them. S-M-L in navy, teal, green, beige. Featherstone said his trip to Iran has nothing to do with MSU's Our Own Reg. $11.44 ntroversial Iranian project. B. 100% nylon in and out with Pue to President Nixon's recent cutback on overseas 100% bonded polyester filling, -ropriations, there is some question on whether Featherstone II make the trip. concealed hood, 2 zipper pockets, bodice split front, raglan shoulder, "We received a letter postponing the trip," he said. "But we will all around belt, side zippers, elastic t know for sure until the middle of November if we are to go." cuffs. Sizes S-M-L in navy, blue, He said that if the trip is not canceled, it will be yellow, red, brown, teal and green. scheduled for -ch,1972. Our Own Reg. $11.84. LADIES Featherstone is currently on a three-month sabbatical at the WEAR DEPT. Diversity of Colorado in Boulder, studying at the National Center Higher Education Management System. He described the center as a group of scholars working out anagement concepts for higher education. \ 22 YEAR-OLD Holley, Mich, resident was arrested at 4:50 .i. Monday on a narcotics charge. Officers said the man was pped for making an illegal turn near the Men's Intramural "ilding. When he failed to show ownership he was searched by 'leers who discovered four cigarets alleged to contain marijuana a cigaret package and a 3 and 3A inch folding knife. He was eased pending action by the prosecutor. CASE HALL COED was sexually assaulted Monday FABRIC evening by an who offered her a ride from the Men's Intramural Building to Hall. She told officers the man drove directly to the grounds ^intenance nursery, fondled her body and then drove her back to e Hall, at which time she noted his license number and called lice. He was subsequently arrested and released, officers said, CLEARANCE nding further information. # * * A COED WAS walking by an apartment in Spartan Village when heard a knock. She responded, and saw a man in a second story dow exposing his buttocks. The incident took place at 3:30 Colorful fabrics in various weaves and patterns. . Monday and the police are investigating. * + * Printed broadcloths, cotton and Avril crepe prints, T 7 p.m. MONDAY a coed was walking by the south side of seersuckers, sailcloths, crepes and many other 1/3 OFF rchlld Theatre when she saw a man wanted fabrics. Also Dacrons, polyester and standing in the bushes about feet from the sidewalk, officers report. She told them the cotton blends, Perma Press cotton and Avril and man, a Ite male about 26 yearn old, 6 foot tall and 190 cotton blends. pounds, was irlng only shoes and woolen socks. She Immediately fled. Police Not all types available in all stores. seeking the suspect. DOMESTICS DEPT. WALLET CONTAINING $20 was taken from a third floor m of North Case Hall sometime between 6 and 7 p.m. Monday a d resident told police. The door to the room had been closed TOM TURKEYS * 29< bu t ocked and the girl said the wallet had been In her purse. Police "continuing investigation. * * * W0 UNREGISTERED BICYCLES with a total value of $70 re taken from University racks during the 24 hour period ending 2 p.m. Tuesday. FREE! APPLICATION OF WELLA MOD ESS - NAPKINS (Unit Price 2.4c ea.) BALSAUfCONDITIONER U.S. No. 1 WITH A SHAMPOO AND SET - CLIP COUPON BELOW FLAVOR-BEST APPLES Z"*37<:'-"47< TOP FROST feaiicun, instant hair conditioner Adds body, & shine—in seconds. strength, bounce FROZEN OCEAN PERCH FILLETS 39< FOR DRINKS APPOINTMENT WHOLE KERNEL 372-8766 393-8568 CALL: 349 3400 FRESHLIKE CREAM STYLE CORN W. Saginaw S. Pennsylvania W. Grand River 30c £ SAVE 30c — with this coupon o 30c 10c * SAVE 10c o 10' at Okemos ■ toward th« purchato of: OPEN EVENINGS III Sco* LYSOL SPRAY DISINFECTANT „n" J I SPRY SHORTENING 7c off label 09 ■ i FREE i FREE with this coupon Expires Sat. Oct. 30,1971 coupon! ■ Expires Sat. Oct. 30,1971 * CO* toward fho purchato of: ONE APPLICATION OF WELLA BALSAM*HAIR y| 0 N| GO Meijer THRIFTY ACRES | I Meijer THRIFTY ACRES lie Meijer THRIFTY ACRES CONDITIONER WITH A SHAMPOO AND SET ^ * Limited to one coupon * per Offer expires Oct. 30.1971. service 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA SHOP MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES Monday thru Saturday - 9 AM to 10 PM (Sunday - 10 AM to 7 PM 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, O^o^, ■ TODAY ONLY—Bring the gang and join in on the swingin'est, savin'est sale of the season! All famous labels all Hosier quality . . . and all Boofers me ... in line with five goals. Two Spartan booters may be "They Just lost to Ahn . I By CRAIG REMSBURG But the big offensive spurt has missing for the games today and beating Wooster and 1^I at truly fantastic price reductions! SHOP ALL State News Sports Writer been exhibited by Rudy Mayer. Saturday. Defenseman Dave Michigan," he«ald."iUn(H I The Chicago native was slowed Cassard is still bothered by an DAY TODAY 9:00 am to 10 pm The Spartan soccer team puts earlier in the year with shin ankle he sprained two weeks ago good team, but that thevh.^"I their hope for a playoff berth on splints but has found the scoring and forward Dan Mlkalackl nu»y put It together yet " No matter the *^I be out for the year as he the line today as they take on range once again. He has scored outcome I his knee against todays game, the boo2 Bowling Green State in a crucial four goals in the last two games. re-Injured Western Michigan. play Akron at home si?.? I J| home contest. "Rudy has been giving us a slated toSfJ Fuller doesn't know too much The contest is The game will start at 3:30 p.m. good performance lately, both in scoring and in his general play," about the Bowling Green squad, 1:30. The matchup would!!?! " I JU on the soccer field located just since the Spartans have only great deal more, south of Spartan Stadium. There Fuller said. "His play has made is no charge for admission. the team stronger than earlier in played them once—a 4-2 MSU Spartans came however^! up with vki I a The grind of daily practice the year." win at Bowling Green last year. over Bowling Green. ^I sessions, with the sit-ups, jumping jacks and gut-tearing windsprints, and the fine 6-1 record compiled by the booters this year will all go for naught if they do not come up with a victory today. 203 E. GRAND RIVER "We can't afford to lose to Bowling Green," Coach Payton Fuller agreed. "It would kill us. We've got to win this one. If we don't, the Akron game Saturday will mean nothing." One big advantage the Spartans have today is that they are playing at home. A check of the record book Indicates that MSU booters have posted a phenomenal 46-3 record at home in regular season play since 1960. The three losses were to national power St. Louis in 1961, 1965 and 1969. "It's a good field here," Fuller said. "The dimensions and playing surface are an advantage to us because we can control the ball, which is our type of game." The Spartan mentor hopes the friendly surroundings will help to Breaking Spartan booter Gerry Murray (left) breaks from two Michigan defenders in a game played earlier in keep the booter offense moving. the season. Murray is one of the top scorers on the '71 Spartans, just as he was last year with the The front-Unen have shown considerable offensive power in team. State News photo by Tom Gaunt their last two contests with Here's A Sample of The Savings ! Hurry for Best Selection! Western Michigan and Ohio University. FACE HOOSIERS HERE Nick Dujon leads the OVER 600 PAIR TO CHOOSE FROM! goal-scoring parade with seven SELECT FROM OVER 300! tallies while Gerry Murray is next No resting for harriers FAMOUS LABEL JEANS TOPS AND BLOUSES ■ OC ByGARYKORRECK Undefeated Indiana, visiting Big Ten meet here State News Sports Writer Saturday, may cause MSU to As far as this season goes, MSU I hold its breath for yet another week, and Gibbard wants to be and Indiana have had common opponents in Wetonl two| It would seem the Spartan were to $16 $8 sure his harriers don't suffer a Michigan and Miami (Ohio). TWI m were to harriers deaerve a rest after letdown. Spartans split their decisioniwitk I knocking off Minnesota but "We can't afford to relax," said coach Jim Gibbard is not going to Gibbard. "Indiana is a much these schools while Indian| let them breathe easy—at least ripped them both. $2 and $3 $1-$2 -$3 not yet. b0st0nian stronger team than Minnesota, and we're going to need to keep a winning attitude." on MSU will continue to depend I its togetherness style running; Aside from attitude, MSU i» Minnesota's also going to have to penetrate one which proved to be I undoing. The harriers placed fourmo,! oil I Flares and straight legs by Levi, Short and long sleeve styles in prints, what Gibbard calls "the best within 40 seconds of each other, I H.I.S, Plus depth in the conference." bottoms and many more. Stripes, patterns boot. in the top five against patterns, stripes and solid colors! Scoop Indiana has three meet winners tlie| and solids. Sizes 5 to 15. Gophers. Hobie's them up and really save. S,M,L. back from last year's 19-1 squad Gibbard plans to workmoreotl in Steve Kelley, Scott Hiles and this style in preparation for tlw | Bob Somesan, as well as a Hoosiers. surprising freshman, Steve "There won't be much spesd Heidenrelch. & work this week," he said. "Wrt In addition, the Hoosiers going to do some real long stud walloped MSU 17-46 last season and work as a group." FALL JACKETS COWHIDE VESTS before tailing off to third In the "The meet will probably bi decided by a couple of points," D.E.C. were to $45 were to $20 MOOSUSKI MEETING he added. TONIGHT MSU does have one point in IK now... '5 to J7 now ... '3 Wednesday, the 27th... that's the day when the people at 6:30 PM 109 ANTHONY favor, the home advantage. It w Minnesota, though, who hadtW DOOR PRIZES! advantage last week when th Hobie's turn over the You must have your Spartans broke their victory operation to the people from string. 17 ONLY! IMPORTED FROM AUSTRIA SPECIAL GROUP OF the Drug Education Center. membership card to MSU leads the series 5-2, M Beginning at 7 p.m., Hobie's participate. cannot afford to lose any ground will share its profits with the to the Hoosier harriers if it wanti SKI FILMS! SUEDE LEDERHOUSEN NEW FALL DRESSES Drug Education Center to assist in their important work. Last year's trips: Boyne, to lead the way to the Big T« Aspen, Europe victory circle. The WVIC jocks will be were $22 were $16 to $28 now... »5 now ... 1/2 PRICE broadcasting from Hobie's that night, too. So, be there. Canterbury AFTERWARDS! MOOSUSKI 7:30 11:00 NIGHT AT Spartan Shopping Center Trowbridge at Harrison Corduroys! crushed velvets! More! Short and midi styles! Prints! Solids! (Just across from South Complex) FALL HOT PANTS FAMOUS LABEL SKIRTS mt 1/2 price ;o7.13,:$ 81/2 price Acrylics! Wools! Cables! Ribs! Entire Stock of New Winter SWEATERS and VESTS COATS and JACKETS were to $15 were to $150 now ... $599 tg $099 now ... 20% off SAVE 1/2! ACRYLIC KNU TUNIC SWEATERS AND DYED-TO-MATCH SWEATER RANTS SWEATERS PANTS $, were $12 now . . . $6 were $10 nOW . . . J Select from 2 fashion colors! jewelry! scarves! belts! morel NYLON PANTY HOSE ACCESSORY CLEARANCE were $1.59 were to $11 now ... 2 pair *1 now... 10* to >1 fin* liwilin 219 E. Grand River » Phona: 332-3917 J ■ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 27, 1971 11 SPORTS IICK GOSSELIN Saga" a perspective At Spartans ByGARYSCHARRER prepare Another honor came the way of MSU this week. Senior halfback for Purdue In Spartan athletics State News Sports Writer Eric 'Easy" Allen was voted the Midwest Back of the United Press International. Quarterback Frank Kolch Week by If Spartan fans think that MSU's football team received the plays inconsistent same award earlier in the season. ball, one must wonder what the reaction is of Purdue followers. One Spartan player who is not ,U weren't around in 1865 (which you weren't), you missed The Spartans play Purdue at Lafayette Saturday and will face a expected to see much action in action the first organized athletic team on the East Lansing team that is still in the against Purdue is 6-3, 265-pound defensive tackle Ron Joseph. running for a possible championship. The Joseph sprained an ankle against Iowa and walked on crutches ■s of Michigan Agricultural College. And let me add, a lot of Boilermakers would be in a tie with Michigan and Ohio State, but earlier in the week. | teams since then. they were victimized in a 21-7 upset last week by previously winless Daugherty lists him as "extremely doubtful" and said that veterans Bill l(> j,avc been good, some have been bad. Some won national Illinois. Dawson, Duane McLaughlin and Gary VanElst would alternate in Joseph's ■and some didn't win anything at all. But over the years, the The Boilermakers lost two close opening non-conference games place. fcnation of Michigan State and Michigan Agricultural College to Washington and Notre Dame before ripping Iowa and Minnesota. Last week Daugherty went into the game with the idea of ■istinquished a respected sports background that very few They then beat a good Northwestern team, 21-20. Against the mini, alternating quarterbacks Mike Rasmussen and George Mihaiu. can match. Purdue was simply outclassed and dominated in the Rasmussen started because of his performance in the as game one is a book recently off the presses that can fill in the blanks the biggest upset of week earlier, but Daugherty did not hesitate to send in Mihaiu to conference this season. Jerything that has happened in Michigan State athletics since MSU is 2-2 in the Big Ten but title spell Rasmussen in certain situations. Daugherty said that much of hopes have more or less faded the same is planned for Purdue. Ijd-lSOO's. Not just most of the major details, but every thing, with the loss to Wisconsin two weeks ago. But despite the Rasmussen transferred to MSU a herald junior ■records of all teams, individual records, commentary on every middle-of-the-pack placing of the Spartans, enthusiasm is still high. college all-American from Fresno College, known for his v sport of both the past and present, pictures on standout Coach Duffy Daugherty praised the spirit still possessed by the broke Spartan season passing ability. He js facilities and events, and a rostrum of Spartan lettermen team. he is a passing passing records last year, and considering that Previous MSU (or MAC) teams. "I think that these are fine young men who really want to win," quarterback, Rasmussen is doing a bang-up job ■ book is labeled "Spartan Saga" and is a trivia delight. he said, "just for the sake of running the wishbone offense. winning, for pride in the team and for Rasmussen got off to a slow start this season and ■ you know that the MAC baseball team was the first Spartan pride in their own performance." eventually lost the starting job to Frank Kolch. When Kolch ■ to take a road trip? That team of 1871 agreed to play in Co-captain Ron Curl said that the Spartans might not have a good got injured Rasmussen was given another chance and has lit and the gate receipts would pay for the team's trip home, shot at the conference championship but would definitely have much success in the moved the running offense with ftunately, the game was rained out and the MAC Aggies were something to past two games. say in who wins it, A victory over Purdue would "I think that he has more confidence in the offense A to hitchhike back. eliminate Boilermaker dreams. now and also in himself," Daugherty said. I football section in itself is worth the price of the book. Every I that has ever made an honor team playing football for MSU is land by what sources he made that team. A game-by-game it of MSU football since 1896 is featured. (With no official REQUIEM MASS IN DETROIT ■coach, the Aggies turned back a determined Lansing High §1,10-0, to provide the only win off the 1896 schedule.) Bii'gan's 24-13 football win over the Spartans this season was Jhe fifth Wolverine win in the last 21 years against a Spartan hll team. The Notre Dame win was the Spartans in that same span. only the fifth win for the Services held Miln> l{(ism iisseii DETROIT (UPI) Vfaafna I to take an even greater bite into MSU trivia, did you know - Football Detroit Lions wide receiver who at the mass were Dick Michigan State was the first team to beat Knute Rockne while players, officials and fans Butkus, An autopsy showed Hughes collapsed and died in the closing Willie Holman, Jim Cadile, Dick feat Notre Dame? crowded the downtown St. minutes of the Detroit died of an acute coronary - Chicago Gordon and Bob Wallace. ■ book is made available out of the Sports Information Service Aloysius Church Tuesday as a game Sunday. The body was to be flown to thrombosis. He suffered from requiem high mass was sung for what is commonly known as Is campus and costs $3.95. It is 264 pages long and contains His coffin was borne into the San Antonio, Tex., Tuesday F 150 pictures. All proceeds of the book go the Italph Young Chuck Hughes, the 28 - year-old church by teammates Mike night hardening of the arteries, but Lucci, for burial in his hometown doctors could larship Fund. Bill Munson, Bill Triplett, Joe Wednesday morning. only make that ts" is co-authored by MSU Sports Information Cy Young diagnosis after the autopsy. UNBEATABLE Director Fred Robb, Ed Flanigan, Nick Eddy, The entire Lions' team will A scholarship fund plan has Ey and Lyman Frimodig. Steve Owens and Harry Jones of leave by chartered plane for San been set up for Hughes' 23 - Kiev, who has won numerous national honors for press the Philadelphia Eagles. Antonio Wednesday morning to month-old son, Brandon Shane. Bures on Spartan sports and athletic programs, is now in his goes to The Church was packed with attend graveside services, the best In T year as the sports information director. He received the mourners and the curious way for the team to pay its addition, a Chicago insurance has established a Jnierican recognition from the Helms Athletic Foundation in overflowing onto the downtown company RECORD respects to Hughes, according to streets. Many wept as the coffin $10,000 scholarship for the J for "outstanding achievement in college sports publicity." ■ reading through the book, it is easy to see why. A s Blue was brought into the Church Coach Joe Schmidt. young boy. Tiodig, who is called by Stabley MSU's "unofficial historian", often attended by Hughes and I only 10-letterwinner in Spartan history. With the exception NEW YORK (UPI)—A brilliant teammates prior to games at |o years, Frimodig has been at MSU since 1913. He had served first half-season, when he won 17 nearby Tiger Stadium. iiiversity in many capacities, the last being as business manager DISCOUNTS and lost only three, was the Representing the Chicago Bears ftietics. t decisive factor in the selection | ft book was four years in the making, though Stabley will nod today of Vida Blue of the ACCOUNTING AND Hmodig and declare 52 years of research by the man. It is Oakland Athletics ftut a doubt the most complete book ever published about American League as the FINANCE MAJORS Cy Young (athletics. The book with Robin Roberts and Clint Jones >d on the cover is, in my estimation, a classis. award winner for baseball season. the 1971 Let us help PLAN AHEAD you: THE MOODY BLUES |ou can't buy it, at least try to get a hold of one to thumb Blue, at 22, is the youngest To Become a CPA Igh. It's a sporting must, be you a Michigan State fan or not. pitcher ever to win the award, THE BECKER which went to him by the balloting of 24-man committee of CPA REVIEW COURSE the Baseball Writers Association i GOOD BOY of America. TTie writers gave 14 DESERVES first-place votes to Blue, nine to Mickey FAVOUR Lolich of the Detroit Tigers and one to Wilbur Wood of the Chicago White Sox. Blue's performance prior to the all-star break saw him include six shutouts in his 17 wins. moosuski night at Men's IM weathervane! Become a member at 6:30 paddleball for Independents tonight In 109 Anthony - then 6 p.m. today. Residence hall save 10% to 30% on anything >y begins Thursday. Teams at Weathervane-YOU MUST •■port to the Intramural office HAVE YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD! nNov'"'"1 *he ,,lrkeV ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ deadline for wrestling in all * classes is noon on Nov. S. ENTER NOW FOR THE I*** *★★*****★★* P COOPER FIX YOUR 41st ANNUAL VARSITY PINBALL TOURNEY ITIMEX WATCHES lov. 14th thru 18th$5.ooEntry Fee incli l-ANI) AI.I, BRANDS Tourney T-shirt & 15 games * [ECTRIC SHAVERS llfl0/ student the 9" I item Pizza $1.00 Tonight From * VARSITY . IIU ■COOPER'S /O DISCOUNT FIXERY } 1 MERIDIAN MALL EAST LANSING fl227 4" E. Grand River HOT-FAST-FREE DELIVERY 332-6517 J * — 349-1994 J ***★*★★★**** *** ■- NOTICE IK FREE AMPLIFIER CLINIC if* rffl* 1101 East Grand River 12 Michigan State News. East Wednesday, octobf„. Lansing, Michigan A march by Veterans for Peace marked Veterans Day casket is carried by others as a grim h»ui isiwni»urut* involve^* ome involved,' speeches as part of the Vietnam Adams said that day. "indeed that. Garrison said, its Aside from that, lives already, and and hehe also also credits credits Royal cited pasi, Koval nasi, cited the the attempts attempts to to nnvthino to Ho with the nresent u„ „';j ... War moratorium. naything to do with the present He said that son <> t a .. On Oct. 16, 1969, a crowd of The size of the crowd surprised some of us may quit this only other goals are to put an end movement because it's becoming to the draft and advance the the movement with shading Lyndon Johnson's decision not abolish ROTC. government is against the Iranian become apathetic' ^ sh« 8,000 students followed Acting people," he said. "And we agree fee| that all the ri use illustration! many, and included people who, too damned respectable." concept of self-determination for to run for re-election in 1968. "RO TC trains officers to lead >-—> ' — ♦« the years have t'monstritiiJ President Walter Adams in a until that day, had been silent Adam's words may have been the people of Southeast Asia But another impressive the National Guard when s always looking to over nothing. gone btl prophetic. It is obvious tha Membership figures have not aehievement of late according to suppresses ghetto rebellions, smash racism, Royal said, There is another maony people, for some reason, been kept since the SMC first Garrison, has been the spreading student* and workers," Royal "Racism is one of the main group a | campus which speaks oil Wunlna have "quit the movement." came to MSU in November, 1969, But while students stay away Garrison said, but there are strongly against the war, because they have a notjg| from rallies and demonstrations usually around 25 members each mum feeling tig I with apparent apathy, there are year. the situation in Vietnam is wrw I hummfkdittutti those people who ran antiwar In addition, anywhere from but also because, for a time,21 may have been part of that w«. I organizations who work on to 100 to 1,000 people come to the veteng I You don't have to be a keep the issue in the public eye. SMC office to volunteer their "Nixon has been using racism in Jim Garrison, a member of the services without becoming formal of the Vietnam war to jofcfl Veterans for Peace. of saying that American lives Some offe! jppCTACU|^| terms steering committee of the members, he said. members are veterans whonei Student Mobilization Committee The SMC never supports any are worth more than Vietnamese left this country. But ete with the shopping centers," and should concentrate tisk said the construction cost estimate was first prepared in feels the loss of councilman, but he instead on developing a unique, "semi-Bohemian"' business district ■ but with spiraling costs a normal facet of the construction The amount of land devoted to housing to the route was unforseeable in 1965, with speciality shops and restaurants automobile space is another issue given rapidly changing life styles among young people. that will draw customers y, the city would have to reevaluate the estimates before city planners must deal with. East Lansing's Grand River "regardless of the parking situation." The city should also consider the busiest Avenue is ig work on the route. thoroughfare in Michigan, outside Detroit, and planners Mayor Gordon L. Thomas, another incumbent candidate, says he building outlying parking areas with a small, shuttle bus say the new route will alleviate this system to « of the peripheral route plan have zeroed in on its condition, particularly at the generally favors the plan because it will reduce the conflict between carry shoppers into the business district, he said. fcatcd effects on recreation, housing and traffic conditions in Abbott Road intersection. pedestrians and autos on Grand River. He regrets that the route will Colburn also favors business htral portion of the city. pass through residential areas, but says there was no other development in outlying areas of I lack of municipal recreation facilities in the central East But highway critics such as the East Lansing because "right now, all the Cyclists for a Cleaner America alternative. The loss of housing, Thomas eggs are in the Grand River claim that new roads have a says, could be made up by basket." Ig area has become a campaign issue and critics say the new roads, you'll draw self-fulfilling capacity—that if you add apartments or low-cost housing projects. Park land is a problem he ■era! route will "for all intents and purposes," destroy Valley more cars. admits, but the city can't convert present parking lots into parks Colburn says the traffic problem might be solved using only ■Park. because of bond stipulations on the Even William Bechtel, a senior planner with East Lansing, property. existing roadways if the city would ban all turns on Grand River and |don Melvin, the city engineer currently working on designs recently stated that the peripheral route will be a encourage MSU commuters to use the east and west entrances to Je route west of Abbott Road, denies this charge and says solution to Grand River congestion. temporary The real problem with the peripheral route, write-in candidate campus. ■ball, baseball and skating facilities at the park remain intact, By 1990, he predicted, Grand Chuck Will says, is that it will encourage greater dependancy on River will carry the same 44,000 cars "The time has come," he said, "to fin disclosed, however, that the present alternative will use or daily, as it does now. autos. New roads emphasize cars at the expense of public transit stop laying conccrete any time we're faced with a transportationproblem." If at least 21 per cent of the total open area at Valley Court ■Two alternatives that would have taken less land from the |rere rejected, he said. I first, to run the route along the existing Valley Court by, was rejected because of curves. t the new route to be of any use at all, it has to attract drivers, Jwon't do that if we left in those curves," he said. I second alternative was to merely decrease the amount of ■used by the route. But Melvin said this option would have led a realignment of the route at Grand River, and the ■ment would have cut into existing business property led by Arbie's restaurant. Jcsalso contend that the proposed route would take existing I in central East Lansing off the market and further add to Jt low-cost housing shortages. (officials deny this and point to the fact that the city has yet Idemn any houses in the path of the route. Patriarche says the 1 in no rush to buy up property and make purchases except liroperty is offered for sale by the owners. [the city appears to exert a subtle form of passive, emminent h when it adopts, in its master plan, a proposed route that will toss a piece of property. TTie owner, it would seem, has little I to develop his property, or even count on living in it for an |iite period of time. Minority students ftitinued from Sol de Atzlan, a Lansing page one) community Chicano group, ■parently an "outrageous estimates that about 80 MSU of students marked students this fall are Chicanos. ban Indian status because They base their statistic c misread the item, such as check of Spanish-surnamed 1 it to mean American students with Chicano financial ■ of American Indian." assistance records, maintaining ■ informed source said that most Chicanos require ■y the preliminary figures financial assistance to attend liority status, which have MSU. vet been made public, Robert Perrin, vice president p that a number "in ' excess for University relations, serves as had marked American a University liaison with federal I status. An Indian official agencies and noted that the pt only 18 to 20 students statistics gathered for this fall are ve one-quarter or not finalized enough to make I Indian blood and are available to the U.S. Office of • fore, by the blood Education or the public. Perrin |ion, American Indians. cited the problem of accuracy in si declined to provide any collecting the minority data. Jcs Tuesday because of the ■ responses and the "Some students resent being high asked this minority question even ■can Indian figure. He though we try to make it plain 1, however, that the this sort of a census is required of Irsity was calling the the University. It's important to "ts who had cited American understand this survey is taken ■ status to see whether the after students are admitted to I definition applied in all MSU. In no way can the information be used as a el added that the Spanish determinant as to who is allowed Ian designation was used to enroll and who isn't," Perrin "'I instead of "Spanish The fall 1970 full-time l»e" in order to more undergraduate minority statistics Jely determine the Chicano are: American Indian, nine, Pent at MSU. Chicanos, which is zero per cent of the 1970 * definition are Americans total of 29,257 undergraduates; Jexican ancestry, have ■ained that last fall's Spanish - surnamed, 227, which is Tc°f227 Spanish surnamed eight-tenths of 1 per cent; black, Js included 1,424 which is 4.9 per cent; many from Oriental, 93 which is three-tenths ■o Rico and foreign of 1 per cent; and other, 27,4"" which is94 percent. ' Hobie is a whole meal. Wednesday. 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 19?| state news classified Why Fight It . . . Storing 355-8255 It Is Work . Sell It Easy With a Classified Ad! Automotive FRANKLYSPEAKING fay Phil Rank Employment For Rent For Sale The State News does GET Action WITH A not permit racial or, MGB GIRL TO share expenses of mobile ELECTROVOICE 1970. Red, wires, tapedeck, MAINTENANCE Handyman, Want Ad HOME religious in its discrimination advertising AM/FM, immaculate. Must sell. Best offer. 332-4241.4-10-29 with tools if possible, to work on arranged basis, car a must. Call home, reasonable. 485-8394.5-10-27 485-7800, amplifier. $125 L*rge speaker ,v■ Aviation $40. Call religion, race, sex, color or MUSTANG 1966 - 6 cylinder 4-10-29 2 ev%| • EMPLOYMENT national origin. convertible, clean, good tires, low WAITRESSES AND Waiters, • FOR RENT mileage. $950. PLYMOUTH 1970 experienced, pleasant, neat, and Apartments Gran Coupe. Power steering — brakes, air, FM radio, very clean, dependable people for full and part time shifts. Phone 489 1196, Mr. EAST LANSING - Luxurious ROBERTS 778-X track tape reel t0 recoJ, !"• reH Houses apartment. V4 block from campus, - Rooms 17,000 miles. $2,475. 355-0259, Zarnas, for appointment. JIM'S fireplace, free parking, $190 per X-200D automatical S Automotive 337-1068. x-5-10-29 TIFFANY PLACE, downtown month unless managing. Childless t-P. deck. Qua, CV4> • FOR SALE Lansing. 5-11-1 amplifier, Harman K.rH ^ MUSTANG, 1965 convertible V-8, 4 couples only. Utilities included. •••'.0 ■ Animals CHEVROLET IMPALA 1968. muiic Available November 1. Call Ed, speed, $350. 351-9010 after 5. STEflEo, Mobile Homes Automatic, good tires, very good 351-2755.0 5-11-2 condition. Days 373-3044. After 6 For Rent receivers, changers, ta •Lost & Found • PERSONAL p.m. 582-3941.5-10-28 MUSTANG GT, 1969. 351, 4 speed, ONLY $9.00/ month. Free deliveries. NEED bedroom TWO girls for 4 man, 2 apartment. Great •nd decks. cassette Players, used 8 track ?*>| CHEVROLET IMPALA 1966, 2 door excellent condition, dark green, each. TV sets, • PEANUTS PERSONAL SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV location. $70. Available anytime. Police • REAL ESTATE hardtop, good condition. radio. 353-8308. 3-10-27 RENTAL. 372-4948. O Marilyn, 332-2616.3-10-29 typewriters. imp ** • RECREATION Economical 484-3758.3-10-28 to drive. Call NOISY 1966 MERCURY. Needs, and A„ equips* « muffler. TV RENTALS Students only. Low guaranteed, 115,000 miles. BUT - » SERVICE CHEVY BELAIR 1965. Good engine great. Little rust. monthly and term rates. Call SECOND HAND East STORE Michigan. 485-4391 ju»l 2l Typing Service condition, automatic transmission. Automatic, 4 door, power steering, 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV p.m. Monday through s«t!!?l automatic window. New RENTALS. C FURNISHED APARTMENTS, 1 'TRANSPORTATION 355-6104 after 5:30p.m.3-10-29 rear battery. Tires like new. Only $350. bedroom, 10 minutes from MSU. Bank Americarcl, layaways. terms, trades C £** ► WANTED Telephone 351-3823evenings. S GET YOUR party needs at A, C and Ideal for married couples or ■ DEADLINE CHEVY VAN 1968, excellent condition, automatic, 6, new tires, TRESMMAN!' E Rentals. Glassware, red and graduate students $155. For OLDSMOBILE 1961 excellent rubber, white check tablecloths. appointment call 489-6939 or 1 P.M. tape deck, Call 355-6825. 3-10-28 349-2220. O one class day before runs good, $150, call 349-0229. 489-6561. B-1 -10-27 3-10-28 publication. 8X&2Z/S. UUS/NZ, MtOi. JUST 1962 COMET. Needs rings, has new IN^ new shipment, compact House* Fresh, delicious Cancellations/Corrections tires, cheap, $75. 351-8698. OLDSMOBILE 1970, air conditioned, refrigerators, freezers, Also appleciijf, | 2-10-28 dishwashers. ESCHTRUTH made before your 12 noon one class day power steering, brakes. Wife car eyesin | before publication. only. Many extras, including Automotive ELECTRIC, 315 Bridge, Grand ROOMMATE NEEDED, large house our cider mill. No pre. I PHONE CORVAIR 1964, excellent condition, $250 or best offer. Mark, mounted snow tires, excellent Employment Ledge, 627-2191. O in Okemos. Own room, 349-0772. 3-10-28 parking. servatives added. All can drink for 10c you condition. $25§0. 6 miles North of 351-7466. 2-10-27 VOLKSWAGEN FASTBACK 1968. NURSES RN, LPN. ROSELAWN TV AND Stereo rental, satisfaction Also 355-8255 campus. 641-6149. 2-10-27 - fruits, vegetables | Owner leaving. $1150, negotiable. MANOR. Skilled nursing home, guaranteed. Free delivery, service COZY 2 bedroom Ranch with fruit. homemade RATES io CORVETTE 1970 Coupe. 454-390, 4 OLDSMOBILE 1969 "98" luxury 484-2669 after 5 p.m. 5-11 -2 707 Armstrong Road. Have and pick up. No desposit. Call 12% minutes from campus. bread.doughnWI speed, power windows, low NEJAC, 337-1300. C pumpkins and apples, sedan. Power steering, brakes, positions available on 3-11 p.m. Lansing. 694-8365, after 5 p.m No. DAYS No. mileage. Unused warranty VOLKSWAGEN 1964, new paint, shift. Opportunity for 3-10-29 seats, windows, trunk, confortron, WORDS 10 1 1.50 3 4.00 5 6.50 10 13.00 available. Burgundy with black interior. $4400 or best offer. Phone 372-1878 or 694-8951.10-11-3 stereo radio and tape player, 31,000 miles, excellent condition. rebuilt engine, radio, $525. Phone 339 2209. 2 10-27 advancement, excellent salaries, benefits. Apply in person or call, Apartments NATURE FREAKS. Country, half - Centennial Farm | Phone 351-3128 after 4 393-5680, Miss Lehmann, Director house. 2 bedrooms, fireplace, 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 CORVETTE 1969 convertible. JR 5-10-27 p.m. VW BUS 1963. Good condition, radio, wood interior, phone 393-8723. of Nursing. 5-11-2 VACANT FOUR man apartment. furnished. 351-9259.4-11-1 Market headers, Hurst, L-70-15 427-435, OLDSMOBILE 442, 1 965, 5-10-27 PROFESSOR'S WORKING wife Close to campus. $240 / month. 332-5322.5-11-1 HASLETT - 2 bedroom house, $35 4 mi. north on U.S, 27 I 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 $3150. 627-9592, 372-4983. convertible. All power, excellent needs housekeeping help. 6 hours a week $100 security deposit. at Dill Rd. 3-10-29 VW 1971 Bus. AM/FM radio, tape condition. Call 626-6700. 5-10-28 Thursdays or Fridays. Call ONE GIRL needed for apartment Also duplex, 2 bedroom, 669-3157 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 deck, 4 speakers, warranty. Days 332-2660 after 6 p.m. 1 -10-27 references. 339-8833. 3-10-27 Mon.-Sat.9-8 Sun. 1-JI CUTLASS S 1968, 4 door, air, power winter and spring. Very close to OLDSMOBILE, 1963 station wagon. 353-3860, nights 485-1315. 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 seats and other extras. $1750. campus. 351-2683.5-11-1 Power steering, power brakes, new 3-10-29 NEED MATH HELP? Call Ray, Phone 383-6738.3-10-29 1 OR 2 persons needed to share house. GIBSON BLUERIDGE 12 a,™ point job, motor recently experienced teacher with M.A.and 3.75 to.00 16.25 32.50 overhauled $325. 485-3581 VW 1965. Rebuilt engine, new tires,. mathematics. 351-4039. 5-11-2 GIRL WANTED to share 4 - man n .u ic almost new. §200 Call l3 DODGE DART 1962, good apartment. Close to campus. 351-1439.5 10-27 347 Student Servioas Bldg. 4-10-29 "Glitter Bug" stripes. Good condition, $175. Bruce, 355-9480. 337-0793.1-10-26 condition. 351-8733.3-10-29 PART TIME EMPLOYMENT WITH All student ads must be 3-10-27 OKEMOS FARMHOUSE, 4 man, MSU MUSIC professor selling viol OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS, 1970 full line merchant wholesaler. HASLETT, NICE 2 bedroom, $180. Phone 337-2285after 6 p.m. cello, bows. All professic prepaid Scooters & Automobile required. 351-5800. DODGE DART 1964. New tires, runs Sedan. 350, V-8, automatic,power steering, radio, clean. Original Cycles 1-10-27 unfurnished, $135. Phone 339-2680 after 4 p.m. 3-10-28 4-10-27 quality. 353-6485 5-10-27 o The State News will be perfectly, $225. 351-4648. owner. 489-9587. 1117 Cleo, HONDA 1969, 350cc. Excellent responsible only for the 3-10-27 Lansing, 3-10-28 T.J.'s RED COACH LOUNGE, 465 BORDER BANCROFT Park. Clean 1 Rooms condition, helmets, book rack, call North Cedar, Mason. Dining room 100 USED vacuum Cleaners first d incorrect EXOTIC, EROTIC 1948 NASH. 355-3033. 3-10-29 bedroom, furnished or unfurnished >„| OLDSMOBILE 1968, F-85, $835 or work, table waiting. Lunches, CLOSE TO campus, furnished, canisters and uprights. Guarant insertion. Perfect 4 door basic black. with private entranceand use of best offer. Good condition. dinners, and night shift. Phone kitchen and basement. $48 one full year. $7.88 and J 351-1740. 5-10-29 MOTORCYCLES STORED for garage. Call after 5 p.m. for 355-2874.4-10-29 676-2627.3-10-29 monthly. 351-2029.1-10-27 DENNIS DISTRIBUTI* winter. Call 371-3989 after 9 p.m. appointment. 339-2314. 3-10-28 : •\ 1 COMPANY; 316 North CaM FIAT 1970, 124 Spider, 1500cc, 5-speed, low mileage. $2000. OLDSMOBILE 1971. Cutlass NATIONAL COMPANY looking for OLDER FEMALE student wants Opposite City Market. C-10-28 | Supreme, 4 door hardtop, palm men and women. Comfortable quiet, single room within walking Phone 339-9103 after 6. 3-10-29 SUZUKI TS-90, 90cc, 1970 with Automotive green, vinyl top, power. $2850. Betor shocks, extra. Poly fender, inside work, no outside canvassing, distance, cooking desired. Call SEWING MACHINF Qearsn 485-8708.4-10-29 no sales experience necessary .must 355-2088.5-10-2 Brand new portables S49 95.J good tires, excellent condition, NEED ONE girl for 2 man. $45 / ANTIQUE have good phone voice. Full time per month. Large selei CARS and parts, 3,500 miles, $250 firm. Call month. Available Nov. 1. OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88 1965, 4 and part time positions. Salary, ROOMS WITH kitchen and living room reconditioned used n household: Flea Market. October offer. 349-1378. 3-10-28 - 332-5670 after 6 p.m. Monday - 355-3300, 349-9867 door $100-$200 / week, depending on evenings. 31, 8-5 Marshall Armory, Lansing, hardtop, power steering and Friday. 3-10-29 privileges. Near campus. 351-8154. Singers, Whites, Necchis, Na $1 door prizes. 5-10-29 FORD FAIRLANE 1964. Good brakes. No rust, clean. Excellent ability, 2 weeks paid training 3J0-28 3-10-29 Home & "Many Others",$19! running condition. Inexpensive, value at $595. Call 489-0264 after program. Contact Dick Vance: LANSING OR East Lansing. One $39.95. Terms. EDWAflDl ANTIQUE AUTO: 1937 Mercedes Phone Ted 482-6226 8-5 p.m. or 4 p.m. 3-10-28 393-5460 for interview. 633 East bedroom furnished. Large, airy ATTENTION: ROOMS for rent. DISTRIBUTING COMPAIlf Benz, mint condition, $3100. Call 485-7457 after 6 p.m. 3-10-27 Jolly Road, Equal Opportunity rooms. Air conditioned. Completely furnished. Cooking. 1115 N. Washington, 4 Employer. O Call 372-8077. C C-10-28 373-0693 or 372-0442. 5-10-29 OPEL RALLEY 1971, take over SA 1968, 500cc. Royal Star Beautifully maintained. Suitable FORD payments. Call after 5 p.m. roadbike, $575. 482-1086 days for faculty, grad students, business TORINO GT, 1968. Disc AUSTIN-HEALEY 1957, 100-6 with brakes. $1095. 485-4383 or .339-8025.4-10-29 only. 5-11-2 people, married couples. Lease. fold down windshield. Collector's 393-5949. 5-10-29 COLLEGE WIVES 332-3135 or 882-6549. O For Sale item that only needs new p8int, 1970 OPEL GT. Red. 14,000 miles, 1969 TRIUMPH TR-6 - just rebuilt. EXCELLENT PAYING positions rebuilt FORD $2150. 349-0829 after 5 p.m. A really fine bike. $845. 355-4673, open. Part time work hours with ROOMMATE WANTED, male to HARPSICHORD. SOLID cherry. 8' mechanically, interior GALAXIE, 1961. 2 door, new 3-10-29 9-5p.m.. Ken. 3-10-28 full time earnings. Only 4 day work share two bedroom, 2 - man and 4' strings. 484-9856 or redone, matching Tonneau and battery, 2 new tires, new points, complete service manual included. week. Work 6 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. apartment close to campus. No 372-1529. 10-10-27 plugs. $100. After 6 p.m, Call Asking $1200. 485-8702 after 12 355-7939. 5-10-29 PEUGEOT SEDAN 1963. Solid. Best TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE 1969, (about 15 hours a wefek.) A very under - grads. 351-1364 after 6 SAVE 111 offer. 332-8940, early mornings, must sell. After 5 p.m. 216% W. ethical and dignified type sales p.m. 1-10-27 APPLES, PEARS, PUMPKINS, sweet p.m. 3-10-27 Grand River, Williamston. 2-10-27 cider. BLOSSOM ORCHARDS, 2 •Yashica FORD FALCON 1960. Good tires, evenings. 3-10-27 position. Our simple sales instruction enable you to call on SUBLET NEW efficiency, fully miles North of Leslie on Hull Road. •Durst BIDS NOW being taken on the new parts, best offer. 351-3011 (Old U.S. 127) 589-8251 9-5 p.m. ♦ Bell & Ho\ 50% PONTIAC 1966. Catalina convertible, BSA 650, 1970. New rings, clutch, our old established accounts in the furnished. Utilities paid. 332-2135, " following: 1970 Chevy Nova, 6 after 3 p.m. x-3-10-28 Chuck. 3-10-29 Close Mondays. O •Miranda cylinder, 2 door, 1969 Oldsmobile automatic, V-8, new tires, power battery. Beat spring prices. $945. Lansing area. No investments - no Delta Royale with air. 1970 steering, brakes, exceptionally 351-5869. 3-10-28 sales experience - no soliciting - no GTO 1967 400", good condition. , WATERBEDS $15.38 clean. 372-1071.3-10-29 party giving. You will represent a MSU AREA Okemos. 1 bedroom, Triumph convertible. MSU Runs well. $850. Call 489-7260 - furnished, heat included, modern, GUARANTEED. ANN ARBOR Complete Prol EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION, after 5.2-10-27 large well - known East Lansing carpeted, air conditioning. J$155/ WATERBED STORE, 1217 South 600 East Crescent. 353-2280. PON Ti AC CATALINA, 1965, company that's growing. If you are 3-10-29 automatic, power steering, brakes. Aviation sharp, neat and attractive, month. 349-1586. 10-11-5 University, Ann Arbor. LOTUS EUROPA 1971, 12,000 1-313-769-0108. Across from Excellent all around car. $395. aggressive, ambitious with the (KHW'J actual miles. Phone 1-799-2947 EAST LANSING: studio apartment, Campus Theater. 6-10-29 BUICK 1966, Skylark, 4 door 355-9909.3-10-28 LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight ability to meet and talk to people Saginaw. 5-10-27 with ease and desire to earn a good newly furnished. Pool. Bus service. hardtop, like new, phone training. All courses are ENTIRE FAMILY government and VA certified. pay check each week, call Lease. Deposit. $129 / month. wear glasses? Save 351-0646. 5-11-1 MGB 1964. Convertible, good PONTI AC GTO 1966, 32,00 miles, 309 N. Washington Utilities included. 332-4021. at OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 best offer over $500, 355-5862 FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport 349-9180 ask for Mr. Tann. (You condition, $525 negotiable. Call 3-10-27 East Michigan Avenue, 372-7409 Lansing BUICK WILDCAT 1964. Excellent 484-3848 after 5 p.m. 3-10-27 after 5:30p.m. 5-11-1 Road. Call 484-1324. C must have a car.) 3-10-29 C-5-10-29 condition. New shocks, tires, ONE OR two men for 4 man. $65 / muffler. Runs great. Must sell. MG MIDGET. 1969, yellow, 37,000 RAMBLER 1961. Good condition, month plus deposit. 332-5924. 351-1307 after 5 p.m. 3-10-29 miles, excellent condition. Call necessary. 351-7319. C snow tires included, $125. 3-10-27 332-3160 after 5.3-10-29 CAMARO 1967, 4-speed 332-6835,332-6684. 5-10-28 MICHELIN X snow tires, 215-15. Set RAPIDLY GROWING business DESPERATELY NEED CROSSWORD transmission, steel belted, radial of 4. Good tread. requires assistance in distribution one girl for tires, good condition. $900. MGB ROADSTER 1968. Wire wl radio. Good condition. RENAULT CARABELLE 1965. Convertible with hardtop, sporty. 882-5963. 3-10-27 Evenings management. Will train, part time hours available. 332-2091 6-9 p.m. two - man. Beginning November 1. Call 351-4339. 3-10-27 PUZZLE 784-6575. Jackson. 3-10-27 ACROSS 482-5836. 2-10-27 First $200.351-6214.2-10-28 — 2-10-27 'W - GUARANTEED repair. BURCHAM WOODS. Spacious and RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at Okemos Road. 349-9620. C H.,R., I. MAJORS — $70 per week, comfortable, 1 bedroom furnished. 12. Century plant 34. iy sn's Walk to MSU, minutes from viued part time. Phone Ron, 332-3591. CjtadL MASON BODY SHOP, Kalamazoo Street Complete auto . . . 812 East Since 1940. painting and CURTIS AGENCY. 0-3-10-27 EMPLOYMENT downtown. Heat paid. $160. Phone 351-3118, if no answer 484-4014. 745 Burcham Dr., East Lansing 13. 14. 15. 16. Hlspania Adam's ale Choice Silkworm university 36. Mortar beater 37. Blacken 38. Six and- faculty . . . collision service. IV 5-0256. C JOB OPENINGS now - Secretary, general office, clerical help. Full time. Phone 332-3591. CURTIS 3-10-29 5880 Marsh Road, 2 bedroom fully 18. 19. 21. For Clash Kimono sash 40. Celebrity 42. Overcome EMPLOYMENT AGENCY carpeted, $160. Call 349-9402 suspicion married students 5-10-28 23. The Occident 46. Cornered 3-10-27 8. faculty 27. Hur's son 49. Nova Scotia CAUGHT IN THE HOUSING 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. BABYSITTING home. Day IN or my Williamston 655-3640. 5-10-29 licensed evening. LOOKING Open-end HALSTEAD FOR a roommate? leases available. Call MANAGEMENT 28.Loosen 30. Saul's grandfather 50. 51. 52. Booster rocket Latest Stringed some with study 351-7910. O 31. Arikara instruments SQUEEZE? from $145 per mo. BABYSITTER WANTED. 1 child all day, 1 child half days. Monday thru 39 3-7343. Friday, $27 a week. TWO OR $185.Dishwasher, balcony, $50 first 3 three weeks. man" more! n IT" r- — «T" T~ 72 T~ 7 % W e~ T~ io- " Own tranportation. 351-8816 Take your troubles to UNFURNISHED 5-10-29 5-10-29 «r w children welcome ONE AND 2 bedroom apartments W 17 w~ BABY SITTER: 2 please, no pets mornings a week, plus 3 afternoons, from 3-5 for 5 from $145. 10 minutes from % PARK WEST W~ MSU. Children permitted. EAGLE 19 to 23~ w 25 26 year old girl. 332-2769.3-10-29 CREST NORTH, 694-8975. 4330 Keller Road, Holt. C rr TPT 19 Jo KNOB HILL HOUSE CLEANING in room and exchange for board, 30 minutes from 5T % W IT APARTMENTS NEED ONE girl. Cedar Village, 4 campus. Call 651-6056 and leave - APARTMENTS number. 5-11-2 BEAUTY man, 3-10-29 winter / spring. 353-3818 ST 5s W FT SALON needs 5530 West Michigan Ave. 349-4700 immediately. VILLAGE HAIR SHOP in Okemos. Call 349-0430 help wmMWM ■id mm. 12. M3 MM MS M7 OPEN Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 5-11-2 Saginaw f *° at H9~ Saturday 12-5 SUBLEASE TWICKINGHAM p.m. Contact Bill TELEPHONE DeJonge LOCATED >4 MILE NORTH CANVASSERS. 6-9 apartments winter and spring sT — — — — p.m. Monday through Friday. No terms. Need 1 male and 1 female. 484 4640 OF JOLLY RD. ON experience necessary. Phone Call 351-2689 or 251-4723 OKEMOS ROAD 371-3220.10-11-3 3-10-27 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, October 27. 971 15 For Sale For Sale Peanuts Pergonal Real Estate ■cole's fff/3 bakery Ik raKERY food*•«raducad 1/2 off .t ratall pat quality. Show " f a'' 207 MILFORD EAST LANSING Taiwan's expulsion angers Congress to I great eating. great aconomyl Brindles BBJP'^1-10-27 n. Store 640 South Wavarly, J-VoS8'2691 °r 517"248 3238' <-.B..~HAPPV BIRTHDAY, fmmthe Classified Brownies! 1-10-27 Walking distance to campus. 5 (Continued from page one) could retaliate by withholding that now exist with Peking as a rooms. 2 P. Case, R-N.J.,sak;. IdiatelV North of 1-496 Bedrooms, 4 piece funds. member of the world BOXERS AND tiny toy Poodles and bath plus stool in basement. The White Hi use referred Lay. 0-3-10-29 Schnauzers. AKC registered Senate leaders of both parties, "Our difficulties in the United community." Real Estate Formal dining. Price only Democrat Mike Mansfield of Nations will not be diminished by questions to Secret ury Rogers. At Ia U 10 speed racer. Brand 517-248-3238.6-10 29 $19,000, easy terms. 7%MTG. Montana and Republican Hugh petulant and threatening postures Men the State Dept. Rogers told ■■ frame, $80. 393-5908. available. Call Gay Scott of Pennsylvania, said they on both sides of the issue he LABRADOR RETRIEVERS. Gardner, upon the stage of world opinion," newsmen hopes the United Black, 3 FARM 70 110 ACRES 371-1930 or have long believed the United expressed disappointment and Nations won't be weakened but months. Excellent hunters and evenings Sen. Adlai E. Stevenson III, D DI., 349-2044. States pays too big a share of UN regret at the expulsion of Taiwan. he pointedly told reporters the said. XeATHER jacket, 30" long, pets. 372-1031. 3-10-28 TEACHOUT-GARDNER expenses and favor cutbacks on Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, reduce "I believe, however, that to world organization faces a ■ 44 regular. Excellent 10-12 minutes drive from American support of the PLEASE HELP. Grand that basis, not as punishment for financial crisis and there is a $25. 625-7120. 3-10-29 dog, free, for MSU. Quality brick REALTORS D-Mass., said he hopes the United United Nations would be an wide open spaces. 489-1382 home, Monday night's vote to seat States will recognize "the new problem "of whether the United nearly new. Has 14' 4320 W. Saginaw inappropriate response to this ■ED 12' x 15'carpet, perfect 10-11-8 fireplace, mainland China and oust Taiwan. and extraordinary opportunities Nations is living beyond its 15* x 21' unfortunate vote," Sen. Clifford edroom, 1 bath townhouse. Country kitchen Their position would increase means." SAMOYED 2 with range, r living room. $100. Call - year old, AKC oven, dishwasher, registered, nice with refrigerator, and Recreation the chance that there will indeed II letter 6 p.m. 1-10-27 694-0501. 5-10 29 kids. disposal. be a reduction in the U.S. Huge walkout full basement WINTER HOLIDAY ■re ZIGZAG - Sawing n,e in walnut cabinet. $50. HORSES BOARDED tack room, $30 monthly. Phone - good barn, has unfinished :rec room is spacious. that Plus specials on Nassau, $159. Jamaica, $219. Acapulco, $219 Spain. Hawaii contribution, which now totals some $249 million a year. Sens. James L. Buckley, Legislator receives resolution [482-7339.1-10-27 641 6353. 3-10-27 NEW STUDENTOURS, 129 East Grand River, 351-2650. R-N.Y., and Peter H. Dominick, (Continued from page one) 40' x 60' barn with 10-10-27 R-Colo., were drafting legislation Veteran's Day Parade the sparse ■ camera. Dyna - Kit KLH RESCUED SMALL quarter type, red basement ready for up to 20 id i to reduce the U.S. payments. crowd remained silent as various | MNOX-C. Also Smith - bay mare in foal. From a bad horses. Barn needs new roof. CHRISTMAS BREAK. He said the resolution was well I typewriter, speargun. Call About 9 acre wood lot, Buckley said he seeks a major cut. VFW and American Legion posts, home. For sale dirt written and would 185.3-10-29 | LES Paul, new condition checked, wormed and trimmed. Brancroft 1-634-5473. 5-10-29 cheap. Vet fences. This property to sell immediately. good priced BAHAMAS A spokesman for the New York senator said the probably would be proposed later measure In accepting it Nelson said, •"Gentlemen I respect your revision. He added it could be on the calender as early as next require no majorettes, Gold Star Mothers and other groups passed in commemoration of Armistice Ld shell case, $275 or best concern and I will do what I can week, barring halt in the policy $99 Day. At the extreme end came this week as an amendment to the a COLLIE PUPPIES AKC registered. tn to get it passed. » aat it |494457.2-10-28 committee. - foreign aid bill. the Veterans For Peace banner Sables, and tris. Also adults. Though Nelson was surprised to "I have already received two t)l_F clubs, and complete 30 626 6931. 5-10-29 But other senators cautioned be approached on the issue he leading a group of 150 TEACH-OUT GARDNER unsolicited calls from predominately Vietnam era J tropical fish tank. Baby against a punitive cut in the said he has given it considerable GERMAN SHORTHAIR pointer American contribution. representatives saying they would veterans chanting "bring em ■child's desk and bookcase, REALTORS Holiday Inn. Double occupancy. ■hold items. 489-5588. pups. AKC registered stock. Litter Sen. Charles H. Percy, R-Ill., home, bring our brothers home." for inspection. 882-5963 evenings. The applause for them, though Transfers, Plus tips and taxes. said that would set a dangerous dollars annually to save people by 3-10-27 4320 W. Saginaw indicated they will lobby for the precedent, under which every sporadic, was the only heard [ WOMAN'S 3 - speed, researching disease. I think war is resolution's rapid passage. HAWAII time a UN member lost a vote it during the parade and it grew in . »_ Ltconditon. $25. 332-5149 another disease. As such it Mobile Homes FOR GLAD ^ tjJe Monday evening's volume particularly near the ■30.1-10-27 tidings look for 11*5 reviewing stand where the group something you've lost with a Want Service ^ 11 a WHAT'S wnn i a ^ i CHAMPION, 10' x 50' in Scenic Park. Furnished, fully carpeted, washer, Ad. Dial 355-8755 $299. stopped to face the reviewers. One of the group commanded tnt FREE SENIOR storage shed, $3,000 353-9062, 8-6 5 ROOlVi RANCH PORTRAITS. CALL "present arms," and 150 peace p.m. 4-10-29 Complete deluxe package. Call 353-5292. A SERVICE OF THE Built 1969. Brick and alumln Frank Buck 351-2286 WOLVERINE. 0-10-27 signs were simultaneously raised. From the contingent's center a ery clean. Good Dave Buck, 35 3-0011 MARLETTE 1967. 12' x 53', traffic veteran shouted, "We beg. We $18,900. Choice terms completely carpeted, air - conditioned, partially furnished, G o"d w i n ivlng state. Call Dor 1930 THANKSGIVING SPECIAL: Freeport, Typing Service Plead. Stop this senseless war. and 1-543-0816. 01 Bahamas.Deluxe accommodations, bring our brothers home." wooden porch, shed. $3400. Sell complete package, $199. Reserve for It's What's The Black Arts Company The BARBI MEL: presents command "order arms" quick. 489-1503, Kristana Mobile Typing, multilithing. Happening Village. 4-10-28 TEACH-OUT GARDNER now! STUDENTOURS, 351-2650. No job too large or too small .Block State must be received in the News office, 345 Student iti first Black Arts Festival at 8:15 was given and the group p.m. Nov. 4-7 in the Arena Theater. off continued its way. LrNITURE Flea Fair: 314 REALTORS campus. 332-3255,0 Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two Features will include "Happy Ending" on LAKE class days before publication. Michigan. Dishas, books, VIEW lots available now, 8', 4320 W. Saginaw WINTER HOLIDAY: Nassau $159, Items by Douglas Turner Ward, "Tell They were followed by four are limited to 2 5 words. No Pharoah" I antiques, rockers, Junk. 10', 12' wide. 10 minutes to PROFESSIONAL by Loften Mitchell and veterans carrying a flag-covered NOTEWORTHY Jamaica, $219. Acapulco, $219, announcements will be accepted by black orchesis. Hunters Paradise. Open campus. PARK LAKE MOBILE THESIS phone. No announcements will be coffin and signs that appealed for 4 Ski in French Alps, $289. Aruba, and Sunday. Furniture HOME COURT. 641 -6601. 0 BEDROOM, 2 baths, completely PREPARATION an end to public $299. Puerto Rico, $309. Jets to accepted for events outside the greater The apathy and the carpeted, family room, fireplace, 2 Spartan Bowmen will meet at 7 pliances open all week, 10 car Europe, $189. plus specials on . IBM Ty,te, Lansing area. p.m. today at the south door of war. ,m/Phone 371-2843. C garage. Central air Multilith Printing Lost & Found conditioning. 1 % lots. 2 blocks to Spain, Hawaii. STUDENTOURS, • Jenison Fieldhouse. Bring your own Many faculty members who 129 East Grand River, 351-2650. equipment or check it out from the served in World War II IN the Alpine schools. Only 10 minutes to MSU. The MSU Sports Car Club is Intramural Building before you come. joined the LOST: BLACK and white male A steal at $28,500. For more 5-11-2 in for people on the movff beagle Completi Professional Thosi* Service fir presenting "The Witch's? Brew" younger veterans in expressing ■ brochure. NORTHLAND cross. Vicinity of Hagadorn, South information, call 882-8425. Mister's md Doctoral CiniMitii. Frn gymkhana from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. There will be their concern for the continuing a meeting of E-QUAL of Mt. Hope. "Spookie". Reward. x 5-10-29 SPEND NEW YEAR'S EVE Brochure and Cinsultitiin. Pleui Cill Sunday at Lot Y. For information call 8 war in Indochina. pR, Belmont, Mich. 49306. on SPANISH RIVIERA $249. Cliff end Piuli Hiufhey 337 1527 er 353-4639. at p.m. Thursday in 31 Union. 351-3762.5-11-1 S27-29M. Recycling will be discussed. Walter Adams, distinguished December 26 - January 3. LANSING Free U Modern Dance will meet at S The MSU Veterans Assn. invites professor of Economics, and C. Costa del Sol, Spain. Complete TYPING TERM papers and thesis. tonight in 218 Women's Intramural Patric Larrowe, professor of COUNTRY CLUB NEAR deluxe Electric typewriter. Fast service. faculty and administrators to the package. Call Frank Bldg. All are welcome. quarterly Student-Faculty Tea at 5 economics, who drafted the Call 349-1904. 18-10-29 Delightful older home onquiet Buck,351-2286. Severe Hands will play a free p.m. today in the American Legion resolution, both participated. Personal street — 9 rooms. 3 bedrooms, ANN BROWN: dance-concert from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Hal All Other professors included fRONTIER Scout "22" living area, too many features HAYRIDES DRAWN by horses. Meke Typing and multilith Thursday in Snyder-Phillips Hall. University Student Judiciary I revolver. Adjustable sites, offset printing. Complete service office hours are from 3 to 5 p.m. Georges J. Joyeaux of romance GIRLS. RUSH Little Sisters of Delta to list here. Priced your appointments now. Call condition. Ruger only for Monday through Friday in 331 languages; Sam S. Baskett, 44 Sigma Phi Fraternity. Tuesday and $20,000. Easy terms on 7% 676-5928.2-10-28 dissertations, theses, The Chess Club will meet at 7 p.m. Student Services Bldg. carbine, excellent manuscripts, general typing. IBM. today in Shaw Hall west meeting professor of English; George Wednesday, 7-10 p.m. Call for MTG. Call J.J. Henry, [00, 882-5963 after 6 p.rrj, ridei, 351-7226, 332-5035. EUROPE:JETS for winter break and 22 years experience. 349-0850. C room. Please bring sets and clocks. Radical Lesbians and Lesbian Landon, associate professor of 371-1930 or evenings, American Th ught and 2-10-27 summer 1972 from $189.00. Sisterhood will have a rap group at 485-6766. PROFESSIONAL Kofi Awonoor of Ghana, sponsored Reserve now, NEW TYPIST. Term by the African Studies Center, will 7:30 p.m. Thursday. Call 35 3-9795 or Language; Harol L. Sadoff, TEACH-OUT GARDNER theses. Jewing machines, $12.50 DAYDREAMS STUDENTOURS, 129 East Grand papers, 351-4619. O Best rates. Call read selections from his own poetry at 482-3993 for further details. professor of Micorbiology; and Console models. River, 351-2650.10-10-27 professors of Economics Milton It's, zig - REALTORS 7:15 p.m. today in the Gold Room, There will be a meeting for all zags and straight Scientists studied two 4320 W. Union. recreation majors at 7 p.m. today in C. Taylor and Herbert Kisch. p. Over 60 to choose from. Saginaw DISSERTATIONS, THESES, term groups of both men and Service 208 Men's Intramural Bldg. to But the interest and aspiration [TRO GRAND, 804 East papers. Expert typist with degree in International Week film "China: establish a student association. Call women, 21 and 28 years of ALPHASTREET One Fourth of Humanity" will be of the group was probably best |an, Lansing. Hours: 9 a.m. English. I.B.M. 351-8961. 0-10-27 353-3888 with questions. • age. One of their more CLOSE TO shopping and schools. DAYTIME BABYSITTING shown at 9 tonight in 100 Engineering expressed by Ronald McClellan, | Saturdays, 9 a.m. • Noon.O common daydreams was being Only minutes from the campus. home. 1 or 2 children. 337-2112. EXPERIENCED TYPIST. MARY Bldg. The public is welcome. The German Club will meet at 7:30 Sault Ste. Mrrie senior. successful vocationally. This 3 bedroom Cape 5-10-29 Cod, full ANN LANCE. 626-6542. p.m. today in 34 Union. Francis "Everything has ! en said that basement and two car garage can be Bernard Gallin, professor of Walker, asst. professor of German and And if you dream of a 0-1-10-27 be said, bought equity out MGIC or UPHOLSTER I anthropology, will present a lecture on Russian, will discuss the life and works can — please end the better job better start NG-RE^INISHING, "Chinese war!" . . . conventioanl. This one won't last at Peasantry and Gentry: A of painter Albrecht Duerer. restyling and repairing. All work COMPLETE checking STATE News $23,500. For appointment. Call guaranteed. 18 years experience. Discount THESES service. Century of Flux" at 7 p.m. today in t WITH sound In Classified Ads for the right Mrs. Robinson, Advance printing. IBM typing and 100 Engineering Bldg. There will be an important meeting China greet TOLAND t condition. Realty UPHOLSTERY, binding of theses, resumes, of the Undergraduate Anthropology $125. Call opportunity. The best workers 372-7610 or 485-3045 3-10-28 675-5318. 5-10-29 publications. Across from campus, Assn. at 7 p.m. today in 321 Baker 4.3-10-28 better themselves by keeping corner M.A.C. and Grand River, their eyes on the Want Ads. STUDENT AND wife would like to below Jones Stationery (Continued from page one) I TWIN - Reverb amplifer, Turn there now! EXECUTIVE HOME live in and care for your home Shop. Call The Albatross film series presents Rush Little Sisters of Delta Sigma lew condition. Asking $300. COPYGRAPH SERVICES, "China: One Fourth of Humanity" at while you are on sabbatical or Phi from 7 to 10 tonight. For rides, Communist China to the UN but 337-1666. C 8 and 10 p.m. Thursday at the er 5,332-0610.5-11-1 YOUR BRIDGE BETWEEN EAST only $42,750 away for the term. Call after 5 call 351-7226 or 332-5035. said "the principle of universality Albatross, 547 E. Grand River Ave. LANSING and MSU is Wilbur p.m., 489-6109. 3-10-27 TYPING THESES and letters, etc. was not served" by removing the The MSU Ski Club will meet at 6:30 lEDS $26.50, any size. Brookover - cast your vote for KIMBERLY DOWNS Rapid service. The MSU Promenaders invites accurate p.m. today in 109 Anthony Hall. Nationalists. President Ferdinand ■ $60. Mattress, liner, foam mutual Experienced. 393-4075. C everyone to a costumed Halloween understanding on Nov. 2. Movies will be shown and door prizes E. Marcos said the Philippines p frame. UL listed waterbed 1-10-27 AREA SENIORS! FOR Hoe-Down at 7:30 p.m. today in 34 awarded. Be sure to bring your would retain its "fruitful and REBIRTH, 309 North Women's Intramural Bldg. membership card. on, Lansing. 489-6168. C HAVE YOUR YOUR FREE PICS, SAVE SAVE SAVE friendly" relations with Taiwan. passport and I.D. 3 or 4 bedroom - stone and XEROX COPYING- offset The South Collegiate Fellowship SDS will hold a meeting at 7:30 p.m. Japan, which has been in a pictures taken at VAN DYKE - best ' aluminum invites anyone interested in spiritual today in 37 Union to plan the Nov. 12 USED bedroom size STUDIO of PHOTOGRAPHY. styled colonial CALL 353-5292 quality at reasonable prices. THE quandary over China policy for a |ig. home. growth to attend a meeting at 9 demonstration against the Iran 240 Orchard. Come You'll be glad you did. Next to Beamed and paneled COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand long time, said it will "continue River. Phone 332-4222. C tonight in the Alumni Chapel. Project. I Apartment 1, inquire after Brother Gambit's, in the Abbott Family room with raised positive efforts" to normalize b-10-28 Building. 332-8889.0-10-27 hearth fireplace. Formal GUITAR LESSONS, Folk and Blues. Anyone interested in forming a club There will be a meeting of the relations with Communist China. Gary Moll, $2.75. 351-2368. to shoot trap and skeet meet at 9 dining plus casual dining, book Pre-Vet Club at 7 p.m. Thursday in Prime Minister Eisaku Sato told Animals AFROS STYLING . . Monday thru shelves and storage galore, 3-10-29 Transportation tonight in Demonstration Hall. If you cannot attend, contact the Spartan 146 Giltner Hall. Call Jean Tobey or the House of Representatives that Linda Remington with questions. Friday 8-5:30. UNION BUILDING about 1700 sq. ft. living area Pistol Club. the UN decision will in the long FLUTE LESSONS. Private instruction BARBER SHOP.C-10-27 KITTENS, 6 weeks. plus full basement and available at MARSHALL MUSIC, The Spartan Pistol Club will meet at run benefit Japan's interests. Sato i Malamute pups, attached garage. Delightful 245 Ann Street, 351-7830. Capital County Republicans will 6:30 p.m. today for a slide repeated his position that Japan's AKC. BARBARA BOX WIG AND meet at 7:30 p.m. today at the Pretzel 1 presentation and business meeting. KENNEL, 1-224-2156. kitchen has all built - ins. Call C-10-27 Bell restaurant on Trowbridge Road, effort to keep a seat for HAIRSTYLISTS, featuring newest hair styling techniques. Free John J. Henry 371-1930 or to elect new officers. The Rodeo Club will Nationalist China was transitional practice at 7 consultation explaining Gypsy cut evenings 485-6766. ARTIST, EXPERIENCED: p.m. today in the Judging Pavillion. pending a settlement of the |BOARDED$25and$30per T Box stalls, and permanents. 549 E. Grand I llustrations. Graphs, Charts, Leroy GREYHOUND Friends of the Paper present the free The board and committee chairman Peking-Taipei feud. hay and grain, Lettering., etc. Call 332-2807. films "The Woman's Film", "Plane meeting at 8:30 will be followed by a Ting and trails. Four miles River. Across from Berkey. 3-10-29 Two of Nationalist China's 0-1-10-27 Hunting", "Only the Beginning" and general meeting at 9. New members I of MSU. 882-8779 or "Felix the Cat" at 7:30 pjn. today in allies in anti-communism, South ■20. B-1-10-27 WHOLE WHEATBREADI TEACH-OUT GARDNER SKILLED EMPLOYEES EARN now has direct bus service to 35 Union. Korea and South Vietnam, FAMILY OF MAN, INC. 20V/4 East REALTORS MORE MONEY. $2.30 to $3.50 Pontiac, Royal Oak and expressed regret over Nationalist Grand River. B-1-10-27 Tickets are now available at the JACK Halloween puppies. 6 4320 W. Saginaw per hour if you can keypunch. Birmingham, from the East Union Box Office for the musical China's ouster from the UN. ("d. 353-6453 or 677-6687. GIVE YOUTH a chance; elect Enroll now for 6 week course Lansing Bus Depot. Departing "Sweet Charity," to be presented by But much of the comment from starting in November. Morning, on Fridays at 4:25 the Cabaret Company Nov. 11-14 and Mathematics Teaching Center both progovernment and COLBURN, GRIFFITHS and SUPPORT YOUR business with a p.m. For 18-20. a. , afternoon, or evening sessions still today in E-34 McDonel Hall. 1'S. WEDNESDAY night WILL. 1-10-27 boost from Want Ads. Advertise available. Individual instruction. reservations call East Lansing p.m. opposition legislators in South ■ n'ght. LIZARD'S, Bus Depot, 332-2569. The MSU Vietnam indicated a feeling that 224 services there. Dial 355-8255. Learn now - pay later. Use your Cycling Club will meet at There will be an organizational ■ Road. 0-1-10-27 FREE ... A lesson in complexion care. 7:30 today in 203 Men's Intramural Pekings's admission was realistic Bank Americard at SPARTAN meeting of interested badminton Call 484-4519, East Michigan or Bldg. Future touring rides will be players at 8 tonight in 215 Men's and might contribute to a KEYPUNCH ACADEMY. Call fEEF Buffet. All you can 485-7197, Lansing Mall. MERLE 393-8615.0-5-11-2 considered. Intramural Bldg. We are starting an settlement of the Vietnam War. aat, JThursday njte 5 1Q pm NORMAN COSMETICS EXECUTIVE HOME official club and officers will be Officials in Autralia and New Paul Abramson, associate professor STUDIOS. C-10-28 Wanted ■j8S' 224 Abbott Road. FOR QUALITY service and stereos, TV's and recorders. THE STEREO of political science, will deliver a seminar on "Political Efficacy and Zealand welcomed the admission of Red China but expressed BOARD EXAM TUTORING Kaplan The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will Uniquely styled, 3-bedroom SHOPPE. 337-1300. C Political Trust Among Black Tutoring Courses for the have a lawyer available from 8 a.m. to disappointment that Nationalist ■!!VLKH0UND " AKC December LSAT and January ranch. Fteatures vestibule Schoolchildren: Four Explanations" at 3 p.m. today in 304 South Kedzie noon every Wednesday and from 1 to China was removed from the I,' ■W or $15°- Friendly. Phone DAT board exams are being entry. Formal dining area. ELECTRONIC REPAIRS. Stereos, LIBERAL ROOMMATE needed for Hall. This seminar is sponsored by the 5 p.m. every Wednesday and Thursday United Nations. 393-4248.3-10-29 formed. Call collect (313) Convenient kitchen for the radio, recorders, TV's. Dependable. balance of school year. Luxurious Political Science Dept. during the fall term. Those wishing an Reasonable. appointment are asked to check with P-ISH Sheepdog - 4 months 851-6077 O-25-11-12 for enrollment. homemaker. Lower level has been carefully designed for the x-0-30-11-23 Call. 351-6680. townhouse. Call Gary or Chuck, 351-4939.5-11-2 The Zoology Advisory Committee the ASMSU business office, 307B Student Services Bldg., or call Group's album re8'«ered. $225. Phone will meet at 7 p.m. today in 404 ■°'.Housebroken, 7-11-4 WEDNESDAY NIGHT Dollar Night. host and hostess. Features are: informal ELECTROLYSIS. MEDICALLY Natural Science Bldg. All are welcome. 353-0659. There will be for this service. a nominal fee meets deadline lounge with I KtHENS',it,er Gained, all Ph°ne 882-8930 LIZARDS, 224 Abbott Road. 0-1-10-27 fireplace, game room, wet bar, and a soundproof office Free U classes meeting today: American Musical Theater - 7 p.m., There will be a poetry reading at 8 by half-an-hour YOUNG, p.m. Thursday in the Green Room, 3-10-29 ATTRACTIVE 216 Bessey Hall; Automechanics - insures seclusion for the busy Union by Stephen Dobyns, winner of inexperienced female vocalist 7:30 p-m- 301 Bessey Hall; Blues LOS ANGELES (AP)-Three Peanuts Personal executive. Too many other CERAMIC TILE - Painting and would like to jam or work with up Harmonica - 7:30 p.m. Snyder lobby; the 1971 Lamont Prize for poetry. Dog Night delivered the master ■J.Shepherd.; Siberian features to name here. Priced carpenter work. Call 482-0056 and coming group. 351-3754. Book of Mormon - 7 p.m., 317 Bessey The v achine tape of its next OKAY RANDY, YOU WIN. I'LL SAY anytime. 5-10-27 3-10-29 Hall; Chess and Other Games 7 pjn.. - album, $49,900 and submit your own 2ISA Berkey Hall; Education Reform ind living in Vietnam. If you are of "Harmony," half an hour before "YES". YOUR MOVE. SARA. terms. For personal showing draft age, help is available from the BLOOD and Firesign Theater - 8 p.m.. 102 its deadline and ABC/Dunhill 1-10-27 BATON TWIRLING classes. Now DONORS needed.$7.50 for East Lansing Draft Information phone Dick Edley 371-1930 - all positive. A negative, B negative Bessey Hall;Movement Improvisation Center, 855 Grove St. (upstairs). Call paid a $200,000 bonus. C or evenings 393-5081. taking enrollment. Ph. 489-2640. 8 p.m-. 218 Women's Intramural rB9"",rBd'7 and AB negative, $10.00 O 351-5283 between 1 and 4 p.m. or 6 As the time approached, the 20-10-28 Bldg.; Poetry - 8 p.m., 215 Bessey Hall; m anH ^'"Mntelligant. negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN Fiction Writing - 7 p.m., 214 Berkey and 8 p.m. Monday through Friday. group's managers transported the Tb odor|ess. 482-9341. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, A FINE portrait is a work of art. At Akers Hall Sexuality Symposium tape from the mastering lab to the 507% East PHI KAPPA PSI: caught me by TEACHOUT-GARDNER least that's how Grand River, East presents Judith Krupki label via armored truck. The last we approach it at Lansing. Above the Einar Hardin, associate director of professor in the counseling ce turprlte. Your DZ captive. Donna. REALTORS VAN DYKE new Campus recording session ended at 4:30 STUDIO of i V25ViaISOld' '"Bible to Book Store. the School of Labor and Industrial Gershen Kaufman, asst. professoi 1-10-27 Hours, 9 am to 3:30 PHOTOGRAPHY. Next to Brother Relations, will discuss graduate study the counseling a.m., the tape spent 12 hours in pm Monday, Thursday, and center, speaking 01 T'hs old, »,Ppaloosa mare, the mastering lab and the truck E. old Gambit's in the Abbott Building. in his field with junior and senior MDP $125, 645-8387. E.L.. havo 0 good yoor with Thomas In 4320 W. Saginaw Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 'Sexual Adequacy and Inadequacy' 332-8889.1 10-26 students at 7 p.m. Thursday in 31 arrived at the company's office at pm to 6:30 pm. 337-7183. C at 9 tonight in the City Council, Gordon. 1-10-27 east lounge. 4:36 p.m. It had to be there by 5. Wednesday, October27 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan WIN A PLYMOUTH CRICKET PLAY THEM VS. US ONE GIVEN AWAY The little car Here's how to play the game! EACH WEEK FOR that can (Wrigley) The person who comes closest to guessing all there is to it The w much WrKley saves you. will win a Plymouth Cricket that week That's 'rigley and each week starting Oct. 27. 1971 they will change so you will THE NEXT 4 WEEKS groceries^are on display now a! your entry blank (sorry, only one entry per family, per week), and make a guess We'll notify you when you've wi November 23.1971 GRANDPRIZES One 1972PlymouthCric talof Four SECONDPRIZES 10WrigleyGitt Certificates of $ 10each per week, totalof 40. equals $400 HERE ARE THE COMPLETE DETAILS AND CONTEST RULES: (1) Open to all adults 18 and over, except agents and employees of Allied Supermarkets. Inc . and its advertising agency, and their relatives (2) Only 1 entry per family or singlei person per wook. (3) the Wednesday List of goods will be posted at start of contest each week (4) Deadline on weekly er*- mwsm k. (5) Entry bl all Wrigley stores or by mail from: Ffair Merchandising Agency. Inc.. 1311 E Jefferson Street.Detroit,Mi in48207; ATTN: "Them vs Us" (6) Only 1 Grand Prizewinner per week Enact guess wins, but If none, reek Closest guesses w then ur.therewillbeadrawingtodetermine winner (7) Only 10 Second Winners ea drawing to determine winners LIST OF GOODS L ist of goods in each basket will change each week Prices of goods will be based rage of previous week at Wrigleyandthreeotherleadingsupermar' "Is in" Detroit & Lansingari — arded N in all Wrigley stores Win ner^ of a utos pay tax t n ChancesofWinning.depend o CONTEST AREA ANDOUTLETS All Wrigley stores in S E Michigan (except Flint), plus Lansing and Jackson. Michigan, ti USDA CHOICE BEEF at ECONOMY BEEF PRICES vgood thru Tuesday Nov 5 3 Hindquarters, with Whole Back 3 Forequarters, with Whole Back 3 Wings & 3 Giblets GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FARM FRESH 9 TO 12 LEAN & MEATY U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF - FULL CUTS SLICED 1/4 LOIN COUNTRYCUT pork FRYER sirloin -0 $109 chops 99 PARTS 28 steak i RIVERSIDE 19 TO 22 LB. u.s.d.a choice beef blade cui u.s.d.a. choice - chuck cut 38! 93! LEAN FRESH PICNIC Pork Roast 35c Grade 'A' Turkeys Chuck Steak.. Boneless Beef Roast O $119 $in 89 u.s.d.a. choice lean prediced u.s.d.a choice beef £ 79 arm cut GORDONS PURE PORK FAMILY PACK mrmQ - CAMELOT SKINLESS CAMELOT SKINLESS Link Sausage ■ 5Iib. All Meat Franks I ■ Swiss Steak... Boneless Beef Stew 19 YOUNG TURKEY CAMELOT BONELESS u.s.d.a. choice beef well trima u.s.d.a. choice beef $12! 96! - Drumsticks or Wings 28? Ocean Perch ... 66' T-Bone Steak. Rib Steak .s BE WRIGLEY SMART - COMPARE WRIGLEY'S DISCOUNT PRICES AND QUALITY SERVICE!! CHOCOLATE MIX CREAM OR WHOLE KERNEL 10 CHIQUITA Fresh Del Monte a0( ... CQc Skim Milk ..1^38 Eveready....D3 Corn Bananas CHIPS AHOY MEAT OR MUSHROOM DELICIOUS 14 1 /2 i|Ac OOC A|> FRESH WHITE 39° oz Nabisco Cookies pk9 2 49 Prince Spaghetti Sauce £ 00 Musselman's Applesauce jo°z vv CHEESE TID BITS CHEESE NIPS OR DOO DADS A QC THIN OR REGULAR 3 |fa SPECIAL LABEl 49 oz U tr Emperor Grapes. Nabisco Snacks 7Pk°j 09 Viviano Spaghetti p^g W Punch Detergent 9 DIET OR REGULAR PLASTIC BAGS MICHIGAN U.S. #1 £ OOc 5 Cf Vernors Gingerale MEADOWDALE CRISP 0©O BLUE RIBBON FRESH GRADE A Leaf and Lawn Hefty Bags "g Mushrooms. 89° MICHIGAN BAKING U.S. #1AA AAC Potato Large Meadowdale Russot Potatoes. Bag HH Chips. 44* Eggs 41 Margarine This Week's Special! FOR A GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP SMALL AND LARGE CURD special label GENUINE TRANSLUCENT IMPORTED 6oz $109 ^ CQc Vicks Nyquil I Camelot Cottage Cheese ct°z DD Crisco Oil Porcelain Btl SALUTO DELUXE HALLOWEEN DECORATED Sin9le white, yellow or devil devil'ss food „ 4 a. Party Pizza a'oz 1 Yellow Layer Cake cX 79° Jiffy Cake Mixes >510 WITH BOWL Imperial Soft Margarine Tub AAc 09 cnAKEMIX Duncan u. Hines IB.SOZOQc pk9. £9 famous mix Aunt Jemima Pancake a Z ■£* 44 mac China 29* MEL-O-CRUST FRESH SLICED MEADOWDALE IMITATION MICHIGAN SWEET Hawaiian White Ice Cream Fresh Apple Punch Bread Dessert Donuts Cider OOc n ££ t 5 95' ^38C 22* Gallon Jug 77*