WOLVERINK HEADS SET RECORD Speedy Police Work HANNAH OPENS GLEN STEWART Year Book Salesmen Results in Solution FROSH COUNCIL EXPLAINS 'NYA' Set New High Record ofPinetum Mystery SERIES MONDAY PROGRAM HERE Recent Campaign College Secretary Stretiei Value 400 State Students Will Receive Benita Core, *38, Sells 86 Wolverines to Capture Individual Dial Aids in Identification of Skeleton as That of Lionel Enyart; of Traditions in Enriching Jobs Averaging $15 a Month. Believed to Have Committed Suicide to Escape Honors; Business Manager Remind* Students Collegiate Life. Says Director. of Price Advance After November 15 Tangles of Love Triangle. Hv I ARKS DISTll COLINA ALSO SPEAKS FERA MEN HEAD PLAN Chance discovery of 11 skeleton in the henvv unite1 lists Senior Prtsident Deplores Losi Committee Has Received 1,450 along the hanks of the Heil t'eilur river noor I'inetum, ens ,(the .Nfirhfpitn State college campus, last Friday afternoo of Many Old Customs: Hopes Applications so Far; Inter¬ nrevided a local mystery for which police believe they alread; For New Ones. viewing 75 People a Day. a solution. Investigators have identified the body a trut of Lionel Flnynrt, -•"» year old Lansing man, who disafi lit JOHN ItROSVN H« ARVII) JOI ITI iieared last July 5 and has not been seen alive since. With a. very interesting Fiiiir hundred stmlvnts of Identification was made* discussion led by Secretary Michigan Staff gc , through a ring found on one J. A. Ilumuih and Dirk t'olina, receive empl< F(iU Term part/j the ttatiffiiwni finger, which i,re that was is claimed to tie given to Knvurt Beat Michigan! the frnsh council got otf to a the NVA T -tatcmci ; of Service Group In Miss Kdna L. Stavisky, to Feature Show ,1«,1 of Lansing, who was to married Enyart the ,i u Mary Mayo Picture Given T!lr W, Mystery Man tu Appear at Blur have right after his disappearance. ito Hall Named After Her Kry Dance at Inter- Miss Staviski was unaware of the that the man alieady had a I Portrait of First Woman to Spoaaor Co-rducation Ifrrr Will %\W. and the authorities believe Altrrnatcd Bet wren East and West Wings. that Knyart committed suicide rather than reveal hi* marital Miclugan Sidle Htudeiit v. i Although the theory of suicide hind "out eleven" II «f,n.N t<> be fairly general among Hv purt'CitMitihK i ;ihd ! •n* officials the exact cause of, leveiv M S f Enyart"* death has not as yet been •Vtrrrruned No possible mean* YELfc by which the man could have killed himself ho#* been found, nor Pep, pep thai - v hit* )i been explained how the. State Cheer leading stdfl i*id> lay hidden for such a long every honest State lad m to show t'.i this eimiing Si time without being discovered The mystery was first uncover- iMittle So were havifii M U.»t Friday when an unidenti¬ snorting. !W)'. attendance fied older man met a member of ti.r- Delta Sigma Phi in the rem PEP MEETING COLLEGE BAND STARTS DRILLS CO-ED PROGRAM ll-Piece Organisation Prepares IS ANNOUNCED Novel Formations for Come freshman Lecture Series Opens Witb Michigan Orientation Course Coop Girls Hold Birthday Party GIRLS MOVE INTO ANNUAL AG MIXER wo and one-half fl{ PRACTICE HOUSES COMING THURSDAY T*»r day for the first week, ^ # arge table, alt I'f-juece organisation IS pr**" s j^r„ j^(i h GUhooley, house moth- ; several speakers. so that different I ITtf' ''k rapidly toward what ^ **r Abu Clemens and Miss God- angles on the subject may be pit" j norma '*»"• to be a most successful . ' fre.y, dietitians. Two large deco- denied to the boyi j now in rated birthday rakes featured the Singing, led by Rollo May, dm- j agemei he band has the making erf a dinner fd the meeting J Living stales Director Falcone An amateur night radio program lowing seven students: Margaret fact, one of the best playing D»t» ker y Maude l^ewis. Constance Tung units which the enl¬ was presented as thv eve em; < t Uw giria MILITARY GROUP Mai< hrrak. Kathcrww Maitin The pgr j Leora Smith,. Reva Storkman and ' icultu ENGINEERS TEST the first time in the history TO INDUCT THREE Hetty Tirnmons Miss Docker y has forestr served a* the first house manager merit?. ■* r*gantiation. an annual tvtp has been provided for by ,arge ■— - j in this group, and Miss Majchrrak WATER HEATERS • afiffcorftlrs An out-of- of lh* entertainment K«W Officer! H.V. I. b» HoOOr- ilia. l»»n .hrawn >■ !.!«»«• pro,, ftp each yoar will be made rd by Sc.bb.fd ud Bl.dc. I**"' '<" ,h" *" ""I"- „ „ „ . Stady Power Contamptian, Hc.t mwn .groat dcal.o llnuao No 7 ha. right girl, Lou of L.n>i.|-M.de Product. '<**> a th* band and the col-. BTM I r»V I c.nc BrtTC Three Inatrurtm. in IN* miliUr, "•**"" *•"> "*• ™ " ,"m'" ' , , ' - I whoiv, Thu ,e.r u. ARTILLERY LEADS ROTC id^ttwnr Button. Witma and each club president of the *g Po : t e University trip wiU be the IN ADVANCED CORPS UST year will be initiated at associate j In a® tests are riuw t»etng run on which the band wiU ge-1 members in Scabbard and Blade, j wagenvoord. Melva Hump. Nor wij| |JVe a short talk j White elec trk wales healer# in ' "*>S*rty the football j military fra-l™* jWhl1 . team The number of advanced otti- national honorary Alao included on the program [the. elects Ira t engineering labor a- _ of the R O T C. that may temity, at a banquet and buainras!^'rey ' g rl * ,ngwill t-e a wrestling aahibitton. - tory. with W A Murray of the ^N££tJHC PtOFCSSOftS •nn-Iled this year is at follow* ,meeting of the organizatlnn in the] tapanly of manager m bus ^ Mfk,, ,ri t,usk- ' STUDENT GRANGE CROUP ATTEND CLEVELAND MEET W"' ^ Z.T* - PUNS MEETING FRIDAY ; _#f m»kin- »„ .veraee at Cm** Marcus Roulware. infantry H B. Dirks and Irwttwc-' *" R-V PiAthumou, ,r.-l W.tt f ' . . The ouota commander, Capt David Taylor, rr,iMl'' ,n bouses during 4rr e|jg,ble to enter Uicsr events and are unique in that they 7/ , j, icvglrv rommgndvf. .nd C.pt |«""rrwr, m«,Uy tt« din- >Bd wl„ ,, ,».r^| ,hr ..r !h» induction t>pr hr.trr The •n~d*d txh,blt nartin, " w "w OrpMtmMlg of »»r JirnM fUnno #f lh, c<-„ .nilkfj , mt """" h«v» b«n fMumd by wlnnrI, . While BocUk .nd M.nuf.rturing UUs at , ' ... d.vU««. ' |'h* purchuc of cunpitt* of tw will b, given to ih, >- n.p«',y " 'he "fJy tooip.ny In A It Tht tooU. mi ml1* **?'-?. fZ... — In odditmri to the thfw to I— ; Duncan Pfyf, rhoiri. •gvnol oc- hmdfrt of Ii««r numt^rt tho Unltvd SUtav tn u- Ihl. h*ld on Ffiday, Orlob**r I, at 9 Fourth wirk • "Study 'O'clock in ths Grange liali of liw I'v-ulems md the'p.* " 'er.iica,. were eaUmated , ' jblttiotvd. Colonel Sel-yn Smllk.! co.ion.1 choir, have otan barn r-.Ilowlog the pr'«r.m. retrch-; m«!»d -> water heatmg. Other »gri«.ultu?*l building. Man* new Fifth w«< net. Briar green, tun blue, black. $8.50 - r ■■!■■■■■ B-L » -a—a a*-- y _ rMtMMg MtLMMrt,!M M0MM Tuesday, October 1,1038 MICHIGAN STATU NKWri GrinmUTrcumxdbymm^» Bachman sElevenas Bt™oFFOcr.i2 j 17 , „ . - . n*££? B> HARRY WIRMEU __ ...The... Sideline Coach | Gridiron Wars Open •liiiiuu mmaauiuuiuieiuTr College Letter Wiancn. Old man injury ha* vlruck the ! fighting Spartans a mighty hlow REFLECTION Did those U. of M- scout* get ;n: ' M ful ui did they get nif c,« - Roll Over Pioneer, by 41-0 Count; Por.de Ne.rly Whole Squod J,\ Aigairst a Light and Green Opposition; Edwards thi* tune, b» scheduled to b« held j Edward* ami Steve ftebo. l-ast and Sebo Hurl; Brandslaller Shines. Ruturday. berk October 12. at Groe*-|fj|„ ,nJur> Jjllx rmuwa tliem Miimcipftl murac in lamking ||„ |,Mr tkeir only eontegt of the hl( .. 'Player* intending to enter will find j teaM»n In the rlasalc played at \:f. 1 , . ' , . . , , right months of piny ii»k noconcl li«lril«* to other sportu, ||Itm *»" rhtry blank (wotted on the bul- jSyracuse and It Is hoped that the fuolhali Clod* will klndlt lav off \j,. it iMH Slutc's gridiron mac hi no took the spotlight its they The winm t II re-1 for a while and flvr state a *' iid oif the 10B5 season Saturday with a crushing 11-0 wive a mnoil mated i chance to he aomewherr near full " ■, over a lijfht and green tirinnell college aggregation. ,,v Mr ullege strength for the game with the •xrepf Uoherine* at Ann Arhnr this " u.< just a fair name to watch as Hachman paraded most "tudt'nt either Naturdav. However, at present it ' ojuad. (irinnell's eleven just wasn't in the name class thenar learn* i« a rertalntv that the iMiiMMidale ». State outfit and failed to provide any opposition for The w, Neat |Fiver, l)lrk l.dwardv will he out 1 wii and Whitetrridders.** tlx of thl* week* go While time will jTaylor, . tell the lale In regard to Warm- •an did. show that he u»,;t quarter getting Ins back* 1 varsity. bcln and Sebo Warmhrin'* ' yi'AlfUlinottp* hut jtlst »cr«w* the goal line, but finally The I , ,. -Allj shoulder *1111 gives hi introuhlr, M il! its HtrenRth is can managed a wore when Steve ducted 1. [ ami Heho's back Is In had shape. !. d. termlned b.V the per- 'Sebu. State high aeorei Innt year. R", MO it put on Httturdav. sw,,«4 a,ound *nd laU* mihv sUi"- /a. It was easier after that and ', . Warmbein In the. I5 mmt. wvU ad(|tMl dur. who w, . ii-ven, State would have JIJ(< jj^ second quarter . include "STATE'S SMAIM 1st DANCE Ml'XH" BILL PORTER s1" Olt( TIKSTUA "THE TIIIIKK STARS' with Smalls I'honc r» stl.»0 , Members \. 1. of M. M. S. C. Shoe Rebuilders OurSpecialsforWed.-Thur. SPARTANS! •*&«. 69c ' 'ts; „*r59c i Tim Brakemrm One Pair I-ire*. FHKK w ith Kerry Pair Soles STI DKNTS - TRY OUR SHINES ■ \ • liiltini; • -. IU«,I 1 bitd«*»r £a>t Lansnffti'ti. ou.ihmc. N(ir» BO«K riUMCR—All oIoh. I.II rrnt, pir parkatr. Brakeman's Bootery PAPER INK POT lll'l K I.rand Iturr An- BEAT MICHIGAN! Sandy Scores Again " Mc'i.nk',- It* there -■ Saturda* li..mb;.. * Ann 4 A merit art llronson Scruhy Irderation of T J (oraiCaSlei and Ilia Orchestra . Arlreo 1 mean and real!* (tie the ritoaae S-1367 } tram the «upp«rt liter need to Iff 1 nivemilt Drive 10c—Spartan Sundae—10c TRY ONE THIS WEEK roi.l«!Hs LAC EN Sandy's GrUl Barratt's Shoe Repairing NeUULV Opposite Stale Theatre ttlltlfcft DVKD ANY COLOR oecoRflTeo J0I l.««t Grand River Cnder Ifurd • toward the end of the v»rck ULTRA Hi» abouider is r^JJTnT.K'• IMlahealth, f'-' ni'i'Unv a more rnu»»« 1» active mir •till bothering mooxRn/ DANCE S'.rve 8* bo . ind time* a Sorority Tournament* Will week--and > «• K NIGHTS " COLUMBUS HALL turned up with RAINBOW RECREATION : buck • and also fjthe ' end# and gave no* tee th«» t** I [iwtti be a dangerous man on the AH0 HIS 0«CK? 420 N. Caput A>r. may be lost for • tti'So .." '. fend of several of the pass play* ft ST'Ufiifk^ , tne Michigan Muoic by game. He and Edwards were to(j1 from now on. Lou also played a i TINY be alternates at one of the half, |nice ] game defensively. The end Welcome Freshman! ' y," new jnrplaeea»entv didn't look so bad isHARRIS GK£GGS SEKENADERS poats. If neither is ready for ac ! tioft, A1 Agrtt. who turned In a^ either , , . jj frank Gatnc* and Ikib iMcComb coming In for tfaeir share ^mooeRn gtod performance. will probably, Welcome Hack (.'Id Students! WwHirlm get the tall at that post {of pratse for their initial.jjray of LIGHTWG- HOB ANDREWS Thej j their rolkg** careers. In fact ie«t of the squad is in good shape j I Gatnes on the receiving end of I lest Wishes State News! one of Agett's pasverl otLOfed a i touchdown the fiiit of this entire | '40'RHffS.BM.IHtf OANCINC EVKRY KKI iotAbtkW varan. Henry Kutci a» OAV AND SATURDAY I also did his bit at right tod tor! N1CHT |tire Spartans, l Collegiate Flower Shop This Wttk, College Week Clip Coupon MICHIGAN STATIC NEWS Tiie*r1ay, October 1, 19.1 YEARUNGS TO ACT | COLLEGE i UNION MAY HOLD WARNING! Bctklrkem l.utkrran Ckurrh BULLETIN j BILLIARD CONTEST Coupon Boo Li Art Nol Trani- MICHIGAN PART feruklf—Herc'l Why! Vrlrran* From I.ml Ymr'i N»- lional (°kampinnikip Temn Form Nurlrui. Excolibur Fall Tapping, Dance HAVE YOU SEEN....? and Mortar Hoard Term Party j; the Accentuate Social Week-endi Lovely Dresses MiihiwnnTja.-if•• ...indent-< turned i.ul in prnd mimlier* L For School - Teas - Evening Sntimhiv mtrhi f>> cHcld-nte the fnotlnill tenm'. imprenulve „ Soiling from v ict.iry over iiimnrll •-.•ll.-K'-- II ifliliirlit iritr the even loir of tin- liv.nlihiir ditmr, for which the I'riii.n jd mrrryniiikmir liiillriMitii. was thronged with ti tToW'd estimated at lf»0 roil " $5.95 , |i|«-s. The climax «'»■>■ n„ 1,1 .in-idcml the I'll k A t«rii» eerie claw tor beginner. k' ' which h -ttmla.ln ..t Ihcir - Dress lie. 1.0 on activity (will he held ul 7 :ni |. ... Krldav ""I""'""1 vlctnrv ...m-, entered tlx- (Maker ♦. n« III Olda hull c.,1- Ml M««" " not $17.95 allien ELLIS CESAR ROMERO (IIIT CIIIIE INDT DEYINE MILIUM ERIWLET GEORGE IIRBIER GRAYCE SHOPPE ^ HTKAM* %KI till WARREN HYMER GEORGE E. STONE RAY VICKERSTAFF • • « • Sow i> t h- time to get acquainted. I nme in and ■■■ r ORCHESTRA .iroimd \ mi an* alwav* welcome. "OMAHA"—Winner, one after the other, of the Kentucky Derby, the Predkuess, and the Belmont Statequette ID ( III I I Dl AN \ Omaha is an outstanding horse today. And in the cigarette world Chest¬ erfield is outstanding. Both won their place strictly on merit. Apply any test you like—Chest¬ erfields stand for the best there is in cigarettes. They are milder ... yet they let 1 wotm'thing Which h n»l -1»M> laKlit you know you're smoking. They t.'Uw». too blight a jrwn or any- taste better-—give you real pleasure. il-i » Ij of j th ing vuggrsting a 'horso blanket j Ami. *buv# anything. boy*, dottl : cv crdmjtiil joutwlvi-i with vha.nt, fob*, scarf pins ant! lodge J J-EARN now AND FN JOY emblem* Alway* remember that \ a gentleman is always cvnserva - DANCING j Live Hp t* one who avoid* any- lthing that may I* claused as a novelty A well dressed titan i* one who givra Ballroom Classes his dross thought j .and who always appear* well- FOR BEGINNERS , gloomed. Next, brush up on those rules ' SUrt Tuenday. October I of etiquette, for politeness always ] 7 JO classifies a gentleman. Be sure} j set , you. call for your date at the that time. Don't keep her wait- j tng, for tf you do she will feel that I you are not interested in keeping your engagement with her. So | boys, get busy—and here's to you'. .house. La>t night buffet suppers Virgiline were tomorrow held. An informal dance evening at the various Simmons School