Thursday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE East mi NEWS Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 28,1971 enate passes resolution rging busing amendment By RANDY GARTON legislatures in the resolutions or nation passed similar the U.S. Congress itself passed Opponents of the measure, led by Sen. margin, the Constitutional Convention Coleman A. Young, Procedures act," Bowman said, "which such a resolution. D-Detroit, said a allows conventions that constitutional convention would concern one specific The proposed amendment reads, in put the part, "entire Consitiution issue." "no student shall be up for review." assigned to nor 'This resolution could Bowman said that bill was now in a House very well repeal the Michigan Senate Wednesday passed compelled to attend any particular public Bill of Rights of the U.S. committee and "it the Congress faces ,3 Constitution," the up to school on account or \ 25-10 vote a resolution asking for a national origin." race, religion, color or Detroit legislator said. its responsibility, it will pass." stitutional convention to amend the U.S. Antibusing advocates led by Bowman said The Senate move climaxed two days of The resolution is almost identical to one that the parents have the informal stitution in order to forbid the busing of meetings and caucuses on the ,ol children to achieve racial balance. ie resolution, sponsored by Sen. John T. introduced in the U.S. Senate recently by Sen. Robert Griffin, R-Michigan. right to send their children to neighborhood schools if pay taxes to support those schools. they busing issue. A bichamber, bipartisan meeting in the House chambers Tuesday Kissinger brings message The Senate move came after a 25 minute ,man, D-Rosevill, and Sen, John E. Bowman denied Young's allegation that night saw busing foes map strategy for the After talks Wednesday with Henry Kissinger, who recently returned from Pauley, D-Grosse lie, would be a Democratic caucus on the issue and brief, the entire U.S. Constitution would be forthcoming fight. "up Communist China, President Nixon has decided to announce the date of but lively debate on the floor of the for grabs." The House of Representatives is timiiny application for.a constitutional upper expected his 1972 trip to Communist China sometime before Dec. 1. mention until two-thirds of the state chamber. "The U.S. Senate just to receive the passed by an 84-0 Senate-passed resolution today for consideration. AP Wirephoto In the lower chamber, House Repbulicans and Democrats recessed after meeting for PLANS SET FOR 72 IIXON WARNS only one hour antibusing strategy. to caucus and discuss The flurry over forced busing came to the forefront in the House Tuesday when Date for China trip UN vote may opposing resolutions were introduced by Reps. Alex Pilch, D-Dearborn, and Jackie Vaughn III, D-Detroit. &SHINGTON (AP)—President Nixon, ig a delayed reaction to Monday night's that Monday's happenings could well erode public and congressional support for the UN Assembly that he labeled unworthy of the Pilch's resolution urged the State Board of Education to appeal the recent federal district court ruling which ordered the board expected by Dec. 1 organization. WASHINGTON (AP)-President Nixon shed no light on recent widespread ts thai saw the United Nations admit to desegregate Detroit schools within 120 and—in the case of foreign aid—for countries The press secretary insisted the United speculation of iland China and expel Taiwan, suggested days. will make his historic trip to Communist a power struggle or internal whose delegates joined in what he termed "a States is not challenging the UN votes, but dissension within the leadership of Mainland Pilch warned that interdistrict busing China in 1972. esday the result could be lessened U.S. shocking spectacle." rather objects to the China. post-voting actions of establishes "a questionable structure for U.S. officials would not discuss directly lort and a reshuffling of foreign aid. Hie White House spokesman said he was some delegates as seen by Nixon on his home He did say he detected no differences in education which could destroy the the precise timing of Nixon's journey, but s secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said talking about events that took place on the screen. the personalities with whom he met or the in was shocked by what he regarded as traditional concepts of neighborhood one, who declined to be quoted by name, floor of the General Assembly Asked exactly what certain delegates had method of consultation between his latest disguised glee" and "personal following schools." said Wednesday an announcement would be Monday night's votes, done to shock the chief executive, Peking visit and his initial secret trip there as seen by Nixon and Ziegler Countering Pilch's resolution, Vaughn made before Dec. 1 on the dates for it. losity" on the part of unnamed UN others on television news programs. spoke of "the cheering, the clapping, the The only official discussing travel last July. introduced a measure supporting "equality, gates following votes by the world The extent and direction of Nixon's undignified actions on the part of some While in Communist China, Kissinger said, nization that marked in educational opportunity" through negotiations with mainland China on the a diplomatic reported shock, perhaps anger, were not delegates." record was Henry A. Kissinger. Nixon's the greatest amount of time was occupied at for the United States, In talking earlier about busing. with discussion of technical arrangements perfectly clear. It was not immediately displays of assistant for national security affairs, who lading from notes, Ziegler made it clear Vaughn said busing is neitner a completely for a Nixon trip. In addition, he reported he evident, for example, whether the President "personal animosity," Ziegler said he meant returned Monday from six days of talks in (porters that he spoke for Nixon and the aimed primarily at expressing his sentiments that (Please turn to page 16) and Chou agreed there had been no animosity was directed at American Peking. hmment in saying "we would be less than to the world community or to American policy rather than at Nixon or the country as Questioned by newsmen at the White developments since July that materially lid" if warning were not served publicly whole. affected the more substantive aspects of the voters who feel strongly about the result of UN voting on China. a Elections House about whether Nixon's journey has been delayed for any reason, Kissinger said, planned presidential journey. Hie President, he said, supports the Concert set Ziegler did say the White House had United Nations and wants to The College or Agriculture and Natural 'We are exactly on the schedule we set Though Kissinger reported the Americans received a large number of telephone calls see it succeed. Resources will be holding elections ourselves. It has not been delayed." and the Chinese had reached agreement in bcnfire and concert featuring the But he said "the and telegrams "expressing shock and shocking demonstration concerning procedure for the selection of While in Peking, Kissinger conferred principle on major technical items; he said wcayse will be held at 9:15 tonight at another advance party from the White dismay" at what he sought to picture as representatives to college and University several times with Premier Chou En-lai, but Complex. unseemly antics on the floor of the General (Please turn to page nine) said he did not see Communist Party House would go to the Chinese Communist positions in academic government from 8 Chairman Mao Tse-tung. However, he added capital to nail down last-minute details a.m. until noon today and Friday in the that Nixon is expected to see Mao. before Nixon's arrival. individual department offices. Under questioning, Kissinger said he could Chicano group requests $37,850 budget allocation spokesman said: "We all have a disease; we're all being brainwashed." ASMSU granted MECHA a much contested allocation of $5,000 for the last fiscal year. Since Quinto Sol had A Chicano student group asked ASMSU for $37,850 Tuesday- reportedly increased its night. It is the largest budget request ever made by a student group. portion of the allocation by receiving similar donations from other Meeting at Quinto Sol, a cultural-recreational unit in north groups including Model Cities, many board members have recently Lansing, the board members were hosted by students from suggested reducing contributions to the group for the coming year. MECHA, a Chicano student group which has helped organize and Following what several board members termed an "honest" finance the center. request, the MECHA group called for immediate response to their Located in the heart of proposition. Lansing's Mexican-American community, Quinto Sol sponsors a newspaper, radio station, library and barber Final decision on the request was postponed, shop for residents of the area. however, until The meeting marked the first time that ASMSU had ever held an budget hearings, to be held next month. With all funds budgeted for the current fiscal off-campus meeting in other than a fraternity or sorority house. year, the board also denied separate requests for funds of $50 and Following a tour of the center, including a presentation of the $600 issued by Students for Evers and Student Mobilization Committee, respectively. (See related story, page 3) The denials were met with a motion by Julia Dalquist, cultural beliefs and social goals of the Chicano community, the Off-Campus Council president, to declare a moratorium on the allocation of funds until the scheduled budget hearings. ;» board was issued a plea for $37,850 from a MECHA spokesman. The proposed figure represents more than three-fourths of the Temporarily freed from monetary demands, the board granted board's yearly $45,000 budget. recognition and support to two planned student programs. "It's begging," the spokesman said, remarking that this would be Following support of a planned student fast to raise funds for SU Human checkers the last time they would humble themselves. Pakistani relief, the board pledged backing for the newly formed art students Public Interest Research Group of Michigan. were given square pieces of paper and told to do something creative. Unifying their efforts they The group asked for the sum in terms of their current needs rather ranged the papers in the shape of a giant checkerboard. than in terms of what other groups, most notably the black Patterned after a similar group founded by Ralph Nader in Whose move? State News photo by Martin Overholt Oregon, the organization is pledged to the interests of community, have gottten. environmental quality, consumer protection, and workers rights. Using the terms "you" and "Establishment" interchangeably, the Chinese scholars cheer, lament UN vote By ROBERT BAO represents China is a figment of someone's According to informed sources, some Club, is typical of those who approved of the members are insincere in upholding the "extremely unfair" because Taiwan had imaginatin," he said. "As far as I'm Chinese students on campus believe in the expulsioit. "principle of universality." contributed enormously to the world concerned, Chiang has been in exile for the concept of one China — under Chiang. Calling the notion of one China "pure Koo argued that there are two Chinas organization in the past,both financially and past 22 years." However, this group appears to be a "silent myth," Lin said Monday's UN action would because two separate governments in activities. currently '^conceivable emnation was reaction from elation to minority" which prefers to remain hasten mass upheavals in Taiwan, leading to have command over their respective "What did Taiwan do wrong to get expressed by Chinese Lee added there would be no major anonymous under "no comment" smoke the possible retirement of Chiang Kai-shek territories, and that each deserved UN suddenly kicked out?" he asked. whnim" camPus following Monday's political distrubance in Taiwan following screens. and the creation of an independent state. membership. JJe' vote to expel Taiwan from Monday's vote. Those who believe there are two Chinas Jennifer Peng, graduate student from Koo emphasized that the principle of Many of the Chinese students and "Being a closed society, they might not instead of one are sharply divided in their universality should also extend to both '1Sf,2e ran8e of opinion reflects the even let this news penetrate Taiwan," he responses to Monday's vote. Taiwan, said she approved of the loss of UN Germanies and both Koreas. professors at MSU were surprised by the vote's margin (76 to 35 in favor of expulsion manv »ru-ntal ,ack of conse"SUS as to said. "However, Taiwan's expulsion will Lin Cheng, vice president of the Chinese membership because it would greatly Kao Wei-hsiung, graduate student from Sn ch,nas in fact exist. probably facilitate its eventual return to the simplify Taiwan's struggle for Taiwan, considered the UN action of Taiwan, with 17 abstentions), but invariably they felt that Peking's admission Chin y',those w,1o believe there is only mainland." independence. had been inexorable from the ndthattu°l tlle decision on the beginning. „at th,e Pe°Ples Republic of China is So Kwan-wai, associate professor of Ms. Peng indicated that the view that e history, said the U.N. decision was simply a Poll location Taiwan is China, or part of China, is the Applications Some agreed with California's Governor esent»M ~ and hen<* more Ronald Reagan's comment that the UN is a "terpart ~ tha" lts Taiwanese "feeling of the majority of delegates" that result of years of misleading propaganda and Peking is the true representative of China. The Precinct 3 polling location for the conditioning. Application forms for student "morally bankrupt, useless, debating Nov. 2 election has been moved from Fire representative to the Academic Council for society." One said, in an ironic play on Pekinf• ljfe' ^ro'essor of humanities, He stressed that the U.S. should learn from At the other end of the two-China the College of Social Science will be words, that because the UN was a "joke," its Vietnam disaster not to interfere Station No. 2 to the Union Ballroom. advocates, Anthony Y.C. Koo, professor of il duty ?, "Emission was "a long overdue whether Taiwan remained or not was an Phe claim anymore with China's internal problems, of economics, called Monday's action "a step available today, Friday and Monday in the that Chiang Kai-shek which UN repnwmtation was one. backwards in time" which proves that UN department offices. "unimportant question" for the Taiwanese. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Ocofc^ news Red" Cedar gets d.. tami DP I I II I O By TONI PELLILLO State News Staff Writer . surfaces red . apparently dumped and green, some of • i workers had the red paint i iiv j "You danm kids are always — trying to stir up second nlurotrc nninu iirniinrl going around trouble," he said in answer coat summary From the wires of AP and UPI. The Red nickname, Cedar River lived "the red sewer," afternoon before the eyes of about 25 up to its Tuesday into a nearby sewer which drained into the river. A spokemsan from the company (the to a student's occured. query about why the incident "Just because a little red stuff gets into the people standing on the bridge located workers are not affiliated with the river, everyone gets upset," the unidentified behind the University Library. University) stressed that the incident was an man said. Gushing from one of the sewers located on "accident." He explained that workers The "current ecology kick" is responsible the lower banks of the river was a filmy red for the sudden interest in the Red Cedar probably were rinsing out paint barrels near fluid. Not immediately mixing with the river the sewer and that the wastes were not River, said a Physical Plant worker, who water, the substance kept its dull red color intentionally dumped into the sewer. asked that he not be ident ified. for some distance down the river. Traces of Approximately 20 barrels of red and green Terrible thing have been happening to the red could be seen in the water from the paint (some empty and some full) were lined Red Cedar for years, he continued, and no "Overriding requirements of national securtiy have, of necessity, bridge south of the Library, to the bridge up along one side of the tennis courts when one has done much about the situation. near the Womens' Intramural Building. the incident occured. Physical plant officials "Before 1964, there was real blood in the taken precedence (over The mystery substance was sweet would not comment on how much paint had river," he said. Cattle were slaughtered at environmental issues)." smelling, according to a spokesman from the been accidently poured into the sewer. They Anthony Hall, and the wastes were - James Schlesinger Physical Plant. His first guess was also refused to say why workers were not sometimes dumped into the river, he said. chairman of the "something like a dormitory food instructed to refrain from dumping the One student's apparent concern for the preparation." refuse. red paint situation was expressed with his A tomic Energy Commission Further inquiry proved that the workers at Another man who refused to identify question: "What's going to happen to the the MSU tennis courts were responsible for himself beyond the fact that he was "with ducks in the Red Cedar now? Are they going (See related article, page 2) adding the color to the river. In the process the University," commented that there was to have red feet?" of restoring the courts by painting the no real need for concern. U.S., China criticized COGS plans Leonid I. Brezhnev accused the United States at a formal dinner Wednesday night in Paris of intriguing with for picking Red China to settle the Vietnam War "behind the backs The Council of Graduate Students will hold an open of the Vietnamese people." organizational meeting at 3 p.m. today in Human Ecology Bldg. Repeating a theme that has appeared frequently in the Election of officers to the vice presidencies for graduate welfare Moscow press, and university relations and the position of recording secretary will the Soviet Communist party chief said be held. "backstage intrigues" or attempts to impose a solution Appointments will also be made to the Academic Council and would fail. other University committees. The Academic Council acts on the Brezhnev did not mention China by name, but the behalf of the Academic Senate, advises the president on matters of formula was a familiar one. After saying "American educational policy and approves or rejects major changes in courses and curricula. agtression" in Indochina was an obstacle to peace, It is expected that a policy statement criticizing actions on salary Brezhnev added: "There is only one way to a solution of increases will be discussed at the meeting. the Indochina conflict and that is an end to the foreign State News photo by Jonathan Kaufman intervention in the internal affairs of the peoples of that region of the world. 7 GROUPS PROTEST Shoot to kill' children The British army A-test gets official OK served notice Wednesday in Belfast its troops will shoot to kill children who fire on them in the environmental groups, headed by WASHINGTON (AP) - The blast, testing a 5-megaton Cannikin test. We have war against Irish Republican Army guerrillas. Nixon adminsitration announced anti-missile warhead, is scheduled the Committee for Nuclear noi received the requisite authority The warning was issued after two youths, described as Wednesday plans to proceed with for Nov. 4, James R. Schlesinger, Responsibility, are seeking to halt to go ahead includin; being 12 to 14 years old, sprayed a British patrol in Belfast Limited Sizes Limited the test through court action, with submachine gun fire and two more soldiers died in a - - Quantity a huge underground atomic blast in the Aleutian Islands, drawing chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), told contending it might cause detonation." Canada and Japan have both bomb blast in expressions of dismay from the newsmen a test date has not yet earthquakes, tidal waves, Londonderry. LANGE DYNAMIC Canadian ambassador here. Although Sen. Mike Gravel, been established. radiation leakage or other Schlesinger said, however, that environmental damage. opposed the test, in which i hydrogen warhead with a force equivalent to 5 million tons of Health SKIS * 4 D-Aiaska, told newsmen the preparations would be completed Schlesinger told a news TNT would be exploded son* within a week, making the test conference Wednesday, "the @,000 feet underground in victory expected possible by the Nov. 4 date. Atomic Eryrgji Cjomnssaob is ^jfcmote Amchitka Island ii $99°° Have you got concerning MSU? Heard a a question Meanwhile, seven now planning^proceedwlthttie northern Pacific Ocean. It would be the biggest U.S. underground! Prime Minister Edward Heath's Factory Re rumor you'd like checked out? Want to know how to get in The State News, the student newspaper at test some though the Russians have had in this range. Conservatives, helped by some touch with a campus club or Michigan State Schlesinger told newsmen the opposition toward laborites, an uneasy Parliament seem headed TUB WEATHERVANE organization? Call Hubbard Information Center (in the University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays adminsitration has considered the environmental issues and believes victory MSU main library) Rumor during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Thursday in London for leading Britain (THRU THIS WEEKEND ONLY) control & general info. in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. the risk to be extremely small. into the European Common Market. 2283 Grand River Member Associated Press, United Press International, "Overriding requirements ol 4309 W. Saginaw national Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press security have, o! But most Labor party lawmakers Okemos Lansing 353-8814 M-F10-9 Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press necessity, taken precedence,"he were enraged by what they see as the Association. said, explaining that the test is prospect of a group of their own Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial needed to make sure the warhead for the Spartan antiballistic colleagues bailing the Conservative and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. missile works properly beforethe government out of a fix. missile is EDWARD HEATH deployed. News Classified Ads Alchohol breath stops car Advertising Business Office Honda Motor Co., a Japanese automaker in Tokyo; says it has developed a device that automatically stops the engine of a car if an intoxicated driver sits at the wheel. Honda said the device, installed at the center of the steering wheel, contains a special platinum which is sensitive to the breath, and sends an electronic signal to swtich the engine off. The company, however, is conducting further research the blazer is at its best on the device because, according to a company with a suede beret and spokesman there is a hitch. The car won't start even if the intoxicated person is not the driver. silk scarf these colorful complements are perfect with the Tito arrives for talks nautical-buttoned blazer of bonded President Tito of Yugoslavia, the last surviving Orion/wool in navy European leader of World War II vintage, arrived or camel. S-M-L $14. Wednesday in Washington for a six-day state visit and talks with President Nixon. Suede beret in gold, Tito's plane touched down at Andrews Air Force Base in nearby Maryland at 1:25 p.m. In less than 15 minutes b*own. birch, russet he was airborne again, in a helicopter heading for Camp or butternut. $6. David, the presidential retreat in theCatectin Mountains. Officially Tito will arrive here Thursday morning to be Twill scarf, 13*44" greeted by Nixon with due pomp at the White House. in red, Meanwhile, he is a distinguished private visitor resting at gold, Camp David. beige, olive, wine, navy or brown. $4 Keeping eye on Mariner Engineers in Pasadena, Calif, are keeping a worried eye on Mariner 9, the U.S. spacecraft nearing Mars, because it is entering a mysterious region 130 million miles from the Little Separates sun called the "Great Galactic Goo." First Floor The experts at the California Institute of Technology's Jet Propulsion Laboratory here don't know what the "goo" is or, with certainty, that it even exists. But four of five previous probes to Mars, including two Russian craft, encountered trouble when they entered the two Russian craft were so region. The JacabBoriS severely damaged they were JACOBSON'S OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL NINE lost. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 28, 1971 lord list n CLERK SHOWS METHOD >r draft-age UlNGTON (AP)~The Pentagon Rational Guard and Reserves as an acted Wednesday to close escape hatch for Lligible 19-year-olds by directing that they be given the lowest Write-in voting [ment priority. By BOB ROACH fcodore C. Marts, deputy asst. secretary of defense for reserve both doors open and record only one additional vote from among T Executive Reporter .aid a 19-year-old signed up on a Guard or Reserve waiting the official candidates. Three East Lansing City Council seats will be filled Tuesday k not home free." voters turn out to select from a field of eight candidates. when Write-in votes for the six candidates on the ballot will not be Ljjfjed men 20 years and older, women and youths 17 and 18 counted, she said, because there is no way to protect against a Z enlisted without regard to the waiting lists, Marrs told a news With only six of the candidates on the ballot, however, City Clerk person voting for the same candidate more than once. Jlnce. Those now on the list and those vulnerable to the draft Beverly Colizzi was recently called on to explain how a voter might Tallying the votes will be simple for one of the write-in ■n effect, be bumped down, he added. specify his preference for one of the two write-in candidates, candidates, but could be more complicated for the other. Mickey T „0iicy explained by Marrs was spelled out in a new directive Charles W. Will and Mickey. should have few problems because that is his full legal name. But With the council seats the only issue in the election, she said d bv Deputy Secretary of Defense David M. Packard. Marrs variations could be a problem for Will, who is widely known as names of the six primary winners will ■ the intent is to make clear that 19-year-olds now have appear across the upper left "Chuck". lively low priority." portion of the automated voting machines. These include Duane P. Ms. Colizzi said his full legal name—Charles W. Will—should be C enlistment program has served as a popular refuge from the Bone, Wilbur B. Brookover, George A. Colburn, George C. used by his supporters. To avoid confusion, variations from the full I during the Vietnam War. At one point, the backlog of men Griffiths, Charles Max Phillips and Gordon L. Thomas. legal name will be handled by strict adherence to state law. Above the of the six official candidates will be Bui' to sign up for the Guard numbered more than 100,000. of names a row Ms. Colizzi said she will instruct her poll workers to separately list 1 now, with the United States withdrawing from the war and sliding doors, Ms. Colizzi explained. There are 22 doors but a each variation of a write-in candidate's name, such as "Chuck Will". write-in candidate may be named only in any of the six doors above ■ calls dropping off, the Guard's waiting list has shrunk to about Each category would be reviewed by the East Lansing Board of the other candidate names, she said. 1)0 names. The voter simply lifts one of the doors and writes in the full name Canvassers to determine the voter's intent, before such a vote would Irrs said also the new policy would help in recruiting blacks and Write-in be counted. of the candidate he wishes to vote for with a | minority group members. pencil provided in the Bernard Apol, state elections director, said the state appeals court Voters in Tuesday's city council election may write in the booth. fe Guard recently started a heavy recruiting campaign to offset ruled ballots with only a candidate's last name written in may not ss of draft-motivated volunteers. Following Pentagon name of a preferred candidate not on the ballot, behind any Ms. Colizzi warns that the voter should be certain of how many be counted. of the first six sliding doors at the top of the write-in votes he wishes to cast before lifting .„.n of its failure to enlist more blacks, the Guard announced voting machine. any of the sliding Apol and Ms. Colizzi said the canvassing board will have to make doors. Once any door is lifted it stays open until all a person's votes Lonth the deal of doubling the number of black guardsmen Votes for a candidate on the ballot are cast after tripping the are recorded. Thus, if a voter wished to vote for the ultimate decision on whether to count write-in ballots that use ■n the next 12 months. appropriate lever. State News photo by Don Gerstner only one of the initials, abbreviations or nicknames. write-in candidates but lifted two doors, the machine would lock Paul Emory, one of Will's campaign aides and husband of Sue Emory, who last year was elected on a successful write-in campaign to the Ingham County Board of Commissioners, has a further tip for those voters filling out a write-in ballot. k llocation policy spurs debate He cautions them to be sure to allow enough space in the slot to write in the candidate's full name. In the past, he said, names that were squeezed in at the end of the write-in slot have been discounted. By JONI BENN The groups charged ASMSU with State News Staff Writer making assignments ex post facto and with denying the disqualified In making these recommendations, the organizations due process Iplementation of a new space allocation policy by ASMSU allocating group suggested of law. Though the groups were accused of violationg University disqualification of many long-standing office assignments on the lday night has produced angry repercussions from several basis of the new criteria. ordinances, they were never charged with the violations, the groups fcus groups. explained to Massogiia. Internal dissent arose as several board members demanded To increase the visibility of their cause and to ■ several groups which were assigned to Student Services offices organize their explicit explanation of violations. actions, groups including New Community, the Draft Information year and other groups applying for space for the first time were The most common misdemeanors cited by the committee Center and Women's Liberation were scheduled to meet at the ■d room assignment, the board is meeting charges of included "unauthorized repainting" of offices, lack of a University ■leftism" and "favoritism." Union Wednesday night. account or registration as a student organization and providing ■ering what it termed "a means of establishing an equitable As the group announced their intentions Wednesday, Harold hard for office allocation," the board's Space Allocation backing for partisan political candidates in violation of the ASMSU Buckner, board chairman, said he had prepared constitution. a detailed list Vittee presented its newly-drafted Guidelines for Office outlining the reasons for disqualifying each group. fcation for board approval Tuesday. Declaring a responsibility to her constituency and calling for ■ the guidelines were passed, the committee members improved board communication, Julia Dalquist, Off-Campus listed Council president, demanded a complete outline of the violations ■ unanimous recommendations for office allocations ■nt academic year. Sides granting standing assignments to major ■offices of cabinet services, the committeegoverning groups during the "for those who aren't part of the body politics." Several members rallied to the support of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) in their representatives from 10% OFF with this coupon for suggested new requests for an lent Services offices for such student explanation of their impending eviction. any hair cut, set, perm organizations as Zero . Though SDS was reportedly not considered because of its failure or other beauty service to submit its office request by the set deadline, Mark Jaeger, hlDENT UNION Hubbard-Holmes representative, compounded their disqualifications with charges that the group failed to properly QOAJuxagl, BOX maintain its offices. The SDS office space had been declared "fire hazard" by the |Deacf//ne a University fire marshal, both Jaeger and Grant Grecu, the Across from committee chairman, charged. Berkey Hall Their allegations were denied Wednesday by Samuel 549 E. Grand River - 332-4080 Gimrich, fire Ion kmbers fox of the Married Student Union of MSU must turn in their b marshal. Gimrich said that he had routinely "housecleaning to help prevent the development of a fire hazard." Despite the board debate, the committee's recommendations suggested ADVENT • BOSE • MclNTOSH* DJUAj^ KENWOOD were passed by majority vote. |>ts for the proposed constitution * by 7 p.m. today, Dick Following approval of the assignments, the board was repeatedly lnedy, president, announced Wednesday, attacked for le drop-off points are located in the polling booths which will irresponsibility and favoritism. FREE Ms. Dalquist announced Wednesday that she will present a move ■pen from 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Kennedy emphasized. Hie for reconsideration of the vote at next week's ■lis are located at the meeting. If her following sites on campus: Spartan Village motion receives the required two thirds vote, Ms. Dalquist said she Idrv, Cherry Lane laundry, Spartan Village entrance, Shaw Bus will ask for-open hearings on the allocation policy and on the University Village laundry, and Berkey Hall, assignment of space to student organizations and cabinet offices. fcnnedy outlined a new point in the constitution involving a tax As Ms. Dalquist attacked the board action Bar internally, several amplifier clinic to the one the Residence Halls Assn. levied in the residence student organizations formed an active opposition to the baord's T The article reads, "There shall be a per family rate of decisions. X kment not to exceed 25 cents per term." Charles Massogiia, director of the Legal Aid Office, said he § I the constitution is passed and recognized by the board of consulted with representatives of several disqualified groups on fees, the result of this tax will be a new budget to finance such Wednesday. |ects as a planned parenthood clinic, special movies for married lents and their families, and an office for our food LU co-op," kedy said. le ballot is printed on the newsletter that was mailed to all libers following the last meeting, and additional ballots the 7>]acikarfaamjamJ prcstnii a c*: Ifltinlosh lined at the polling booths. All members are to may be print their L Clinic hours: es on the ballot as a validity check of the vote. U&tk festival 0 20% DISCOUNT ON voyember 4-7 1 Friday, Oct. 29th TYPEWRITER REPAIRS prrforwarias d:t$^n daily J) FOR MSU STUDENTS ll Wieffiik ftoyisat ovlif 12-9 pm afrnfajfiv u f REE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Saturday, Oct. 30th I AMERICAN 1477 Haslett BUSINESS MACHINES Road, Haslett 339-8258 ROUTE OF THE CHIEFTANS LU I 12-5 pm Indian Trails t © Has (7) Buses Every Day LO Many of our readers will need no introduction shop to measure the harmonic distortion in to Chicago CO • to this graph ... or to what it represents... a graph from our amplifier clinic. Attendance at amplifier. After you've watched the test you will receive a laboratory your □ and intermediate stops at: graph of your unit's this popular event just keeps on growing. In performance to take home with you. This 00 Battle Creek Benton Harbor fact, customers frequently ask us when the graph illustrates the frequency response versus m SKI Kalamazoo South Bend 2:15 pm < next clinic is scheduled. So mark calendars now for October 29 and 30. your distortion characteristics of your .. a true measure of its performance. equipment. n Equipment 6:55 am 8:45 am 5:15 pm O For those of you who are not familiar with If past clinics are any example, we'll be seeing 6:15 pm 11:15 CxZ the amplifier clinic, here's what you do RENTAL am 11:35 pm . . . you at our free amplifier clinic October 29 & "V < bring in your receiver, amplifier, or preamp, 30. Note: Please be prepared to wait for your Buses Departing for regardless of brand or where you bought it, unit to be tested. We can only CxZ give you our COMPLETE PACKAGE Flint and let engineers from Mcintosh test its performance absolutely free. They'll use over best possible service if you are present when your unit is being tested. Also, we will not be Metal Skis, Buckle Boots and Poles with Bay City and Saginaw Connections $5000 worth of the finest test equipment to Leave 9:15 am 5:30 pm < equipped to test tuners. ■ check actual power output of your unit, and Reason Rate East Lansing 12:50 p.m. 7:40 pm, u 73 |::;i,>',ur pack- ^ at: 2:40 pm 9:30 pm Sundays only llE T and M W& b-k ^#W Phone East Lansing Bus Terminal ! for arrival and departure schedules L HI FI BUYS J and information 3322569 IJe«*end Rate, Thurs. thru Mon * 12 Air Conditoned - Rest Room I^Rate |l)a,ly Hate $18 Deluxe Coaches Available For Charter 1101 East Grand River Ave. East Lansing 337-2310 6 Write or Call Owosso, Mich, toll FREE Call 351-8000 Frandor 800 292-3831 Only TEAOSONY • JBL*PE*KOSS*SHURE MICHIGAN OUR READERS' MIND STATE NEW! UNIVERSITY JOHN JUEL editor-in-chief Legitimize all the To the Editor: The people of MSU were presented with a boss man, infinitum, the was King of the blues, ad revered by an audience blues artists reaping the rewards years ago and not because he was "allowed" to do so, but because that was his pleasure. truly great performance on Friday, Oct. 22, Friday night in a fashion that escapes one's KEN LYNAM The tragedy is that while the major part of 1971. This marked the date when B.B. King imagination, as evidenced by the hugging advertising manager and kissing he received after his beautiful this society is playing games, it is losing out wdta. or u» played his down-home, earthy, blues for two on many aesthetic pleasures from those hours to a packed auditorium. During his performance. Why? Here is a man who, like whom they choose not to legitimatize, such HenryTS DAVE PERSON, managing editor countless others has been around for years R°nald D.hJ CHARLIE CAIN, city editor performance he was given numerous as Muddy Waters, Albert King, Wilson standing ovations and continuous verbal on end, and who has more than paid his Detrtjit gra^t* JOHN BORGER, campus editor Pickett, Lightning Hopkins, Johnny Taylor, chants of acknowledgement. B.B. King, the dues, and now has finally received a BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor semblance of recognition and fame from the RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor greater portion of this society. Why is he so Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award Exploitation highly recognized now? Could the answer lie in the larger society's The genuine socialiism for outstanding journalism. legitimacy vs. illegitimacy game which is played when it concerns the black culture? To the Editor: new concept of government in ,huJ To the Editor: Continually throughout this country's people collectively own and demZj The Community Chest amounts, of Most people think that socialism means history, black achievement has been control and manage the course, to an unfair and regressive tax on unceremoniously placed in one of the two government ownership. They have been services based on the industries!*?! EDITORIALS those who accept some portion of their taught this through the schools, newspapers theory of <21 categories, and so it is with B.B. King and his and other spokesmen for capitalism. This lie Industrial Union responsibility for the fate of their neighbors music; as brother Forest Holman would say, administration (fe less fortunate than themselves. Because I B.B. is now legitimatized. This is true about socialism has been spread because it by Daniel De Leon. It the Socialist Labor is advocated? have not had the moral fervor to press for although B.B. King always was a giant and keeps people from finding out what real Party. the workers would operate Undersold socialism is. The U.S. Postal Service is owned and mSM Labor can't transfer of this burden to the entire body politic through governmental taxation, 1 have gone along with the cause and been a very much legitimate, and Black folks have been hip to that for years (since the '40s, to be exact). Now suddenly he has gained and run by the government. So are many hospitals and the U.S. Marines. Yet who industries themselves. In each plant, they would elect their own J, facto?J and management committees faithful 1-percenter. credence, and is requested to appear in Las would call these institutions examples of the present political InJJla Now I find that the Community Chest is Vegas, New York, on television, and yes, socialism? government i««l phase two being exploited in crass and cynical fashion by a group who ask that payment of pledges be withheld until a certain political dispute even in institutions such as MSU. Many individuals are probably thinking that blacks should be grateful that B.B. is Furthermore, scientific socialism has never existed anywhere, in any country, at any time. There has never been scientific politicians would be replaced Zf industrial government Goods would be run by *7 produced for useinste for profit. This in essence would Adherance to the federal wage-price is "settled to the satisfaction of the "allowed" to put his sound on display. That socialism in Sweden, in the Soviet Union, in socialism. freeze has largely been a voluntary sportsmen of Michigan." Whether one is the problem, why should B.B. King be considers these self-appointed spokesmen to "allowed" to do anything? A performer as Cuba, in China, or in any other nation that matter, with limited official rulings be truly hardy pioneers or merely northern claims to be Socialist. and enforcement. Last week, captivating as he truly is, should have been What then is true socialism? It is a wholly rednecks, one can only be aghast by their blowing minds of large audiences and however, the Detroit office of the callousness in being willing to hold the Internal Revenue Service performed young, the poor, and the crippled as its duties as an enforcer of the freeze hostages for imposing their controversial views on an entire community. by directing MSU to resume its former I, for one, do not intend to submit to this 50-cent price on football programs. cheap threat, and hence am sending my 1 The IRS also told MSU that a freeze percent directly to the National Council on - prohibited a "reduction in service" Crime and Delinquency (NCCD) rather than was created by the ending of the use to the Lansing United Community Chest in the past. (LUCC). If only a few dozen in my area join of faculty and staff gate cards as bus Granted, the bus system had me, the NCCD will not suffer here for its passes. While this policy was adopted positon, nor will the LUCC for our action. intended to increase its rates from $ 15 by the trustees last spring, it was not a term to $ 16 a term this For I am requesting that contributions like enacted until this fall, which the IRS September, mine in excess of the percentage of local but was thwarted by the federal Chestcollectionsnormally forwarded to the termed a violation. freeze. NCCD, be returned to the LUCC for credit The IRS ruling, however, has only to my institution, so as not to inspire some touched the tip of an iceberg of According to Max A. Neils, manager of future potential agent-provocateur to automotive services, this hike apparent freeze violations currently exploit contempt for such an organization as would have finally allowed the bus enjoyed by the bus service. The bus these "sportsmen." service to break even. My purpose is to neutralize zealotry, not service has committed two other The question though is not whether replace it with a new variety. Otherwise the "reductions in service" this fall under the campus bus system should break Chest will become the victim of the shrillest the terms of the gate card ruling. factions in our society, and the centralized First, bus passes are no longer even - clearly it must - but whether state will become the stronger through the the present funding system is the most transferable. Last year the policy action of insecure persons who cannot see functional. It might, for example, be what their fanaticism is serving only to of making passes transferable from muvw more reasonable in the long run to weaken the local community in its voluntary bus to another did result in a one user institute a student and faculty wide efforts to provide for marginal human needs. 1M! reduction in bus pass sales. Finding it Donald J. Montgomery tax and difficult to afford students this1 luxury, the bus service made a, provide bus service to all. Overall, the problem extends professor of physics Oct. 22,1971 _3 decision last spring which was not beyond the current freeze and even 'MORE ROCKS. QUICK!' enacted until this fall to end the beyond the campus bus system. transferable pass policy. Transportation, as illustrated by 10,000 registered bicycles, has ART BUCHWALD Second, the campus bus system no undergone a significant evolution on longer provides transportation on campus while facilities and services Saturday and Sunday evenings, have not changed. claiming that student usage of the The University must comply with service during those hours was not sufficient to maintain service. While service to the Life Sciences complex is current freeze restrictions on the reduction of bus services. Hopefully, it will also take this opportunity to Women courting disaster now on the route, buses reportedly do reevaluate and revamp the present, not circle the long way around Fee inadequate campus transportation WASHINGTON — It came as no surprise hearing cases all day long, and our medical "It figures," I agreed. parties in Washington goon forever.'" and Akers residence halls, as they have system. to most men here that President Nixon people told us women couldn't take the "Another major consideration was the "What other objections did you to could not find a qualified woman to pressure. They have a tendency to fidget question of protocol. We had to think what wanted to know. ,. nominate to the Supreme Court. when they have to stay in one place too effect a woman justice would have on dinner "As you know, the President saidai "Heaven knows we tried," as long." parties in Washington for the next 15 or 20 television speech the one criterion heffli oil 6l/' bus administration spokesman said, "and the "I hadn't though of that but it's true," I years. A Supreme Court justice outranks his selection was that a member system pressure on the President was enormous. First Mrs. Nixon talked to him about it, then Martha Mitchell and finally Bella admitted. "Also we decided the Supreme Court is a most people in the government, including cabinet officers, and it just wouldn't look right for a woman justice to be seated on the Supreme Court should be the very lawyer in the nation. He said, 'In Mi Abzug. But man's world. When the Supreme Court profession, the Supreme Court is the* 'reduction it just wasn't in the cards." "Why?" I asked. "Well, we investigated it and discovered justices get together in private session to discuss cases, they like to tell locker-room right of her hostess. Putting two women next to each other at a Washington dinner party is unthinkable and could cause grave track in the nation, and it is essentialtwl justices on that court be able to keepupj jokes and cuss a lot. A woman wouldn't be the very able lawyers who will appearing Within the past week many of the previously contracted raises are ruled women just weren't cut out to be Supreme comfortable in such an atmosphere and it consequences in the social world for years to the court arguing the cases.' null and void. Considering the Court justices. For one thing it takes a lot of would inhibit the male justices in their come. I think Mr. Nixon said it best: "Now the President wasn't just us technicalities of the President's physical endurance to sit on the court, 'presidents and go but dinner sports metaphor. What we did was lay post-freeze economic program have unemployment problem, which phase work." may come one-mile track around the Supreme ij ij been worked out. The members of two for the most part ignores, labor and we clocked several women norm the Price Commission and the Pay plainly is coming out on the short end. AP NEWS ANALYSIS races against male lawyers. We disM Board have been named. Both bodies As UAW president Leonard that those women who agreed wi ■ must now feverishly work towards Woodcock pointed out this weekend, President's philosophy couldn't keepfr developing wage and price guidelines to be used after the freeze expires unless previously contracted raises are paid out to workers, the funds go Pick a Greek policy, any policy pace, and those who were around didn't have enough blue" strict-constructionist breeding. _ Nov. 13. directly into corporate profits. By WALTER R.MEARS meaning that of the present government - representative form." And he said it is not "No one can say the President diu'| The decisions of these two groups Granted these funds may be used by Associated Press Writer and parliament is suspended. up to the United States to impose its women a fair test," I said. will determine to a large extent the firms for the direct hiring of workers WASHINGTON (AP) — Administration Agnew said he had found "a spirit of attitudes on Greece as to a schedule for the Another factor that militated «l future success of the war against or for corporate investment which policy toward the authoritarian government patriotism and unity" in Greece. He return of representative rule. woman being appointed to thecourt* of Greece appears to be taking on a split complimented Papadopoulos during their inflation. Clearly for the freeze itself could also lead to increased talks for progress in education, The State Dept. paper said the military fear that there would be mass resip^ personality, with the conciliatory health, coup that installed Papadopoulos posed the among the Supreme Court guards, * to deter inflation over the long run, employment. Yet without either statements of Vice President Spiro T. Agnew welfare, electrificaion and irrigation. problem of maintaining security interests been used to dealing with men j there must be very rigorous, stringent some arm twisting on the part of the on one hand, and the critical attitude of the Publicly, he said excellent things are "while their lives. encouraging the return to f State Dept. on the other. happening in rural Greece, and that he post-freeze incomes policy on the President or some employment - representative government we believe is "You can find any number on national level. Loose post-freeze Agnew, the diplomatic tourist just back recognizes and appreciates "the necessary forGreece'slongterm stability and Supreme Court justices, but it taK r creating legislation from Congress, from a week in the land of his forebears, is controls will only allow the American firms may very well choose achievements that are going forward under progress." train a good Supreme Court guar . expected to report to President Nixon this the present Greek government.' As Agnew returned to Washington, the "But there were other thmP inflationary fires to once again burn to keep the deferred raises to week 6'A hours of conferences, and hours The State Dept. policy summary said "we worry about as well. What kindotp™ on Senate was preparing to take up a foreign-aid out of control. Too many groups are themselves. more of travel and informal talks, with continue to urge the Greek government to bill that would ban U.S. military assistance would we be setting by appoint" ! J Greek Prime Minister George Papadopoulos. return to representative government, and to presently pushing for raises effective One of these two avenues must be The Greek dictator bid Agnew farewell civil, as opposed to martial law." to Greece unless President Nixon tells to the Supreme Court? Supp I at the end of the freeze. If a significant taken to increase employment ot from Athens Saturday with an appeal to the Agnew obviously saw his mission in Congress it is an "overriding requirement of the national security." thing women would ask for was ™ number actually receive those raises, Joint Chiefs of Staff, or anopF. prevent the freeze from being nothing United States "not to listen to the sirens different terms. He stressed security, and the freeze will turn out to be a failure. more than a break for big business. If which claim we do not believe in the was said to feel that an overt attempt to As he began his two-week journey abroad, conduct Sunday church sendees a House? Where would it stop . ™ The role played by labor leaders firms do not increase employment on principles of our forefathers." press Papadopoulos for the restoration of Agnew said Greece was "a their own, either the President or the Papadopoulos said his regime will establish democracy wouldn't work anyhow. controversial country in the highly "God only knows," I said. jwj participating on the Price Commission democracy, but, as always, he avoided any ". The United States government has opinion within the United States. eyes of some the President make this Per^c'^ w, M Congress must take steps to force "As soon as he explains it .,;J1 . . will be crucial in this respect. Thus far commitment as to when. He has said it not in my judgment expressed The opinion that looks with labor has given the concept of them to do so. The line on inflation great Martha Mitchell and Bella - will not be this year. dissatisfaction with the government of disfavor on the Greek government in the probably will." post-freeze controls a chilly must be held on both the wage and Greece," he said. "Certain members of the United States Agnew, while saying he is convinced generally looks with great disfavor Copyright 1971, L reception. At the first meeting of the price fronts. But continued wage Papadopoulos "intends to return his government have expressed a desire to see on me," he said. His mission to controls should not swell corporate country to representative government," the Greek government return to a more Athens did Price Commission, three of the five nothing to change that. gave no public hint of pressure or persuasion labor representatives did not even profits as a by-product. to speed the process. bother to attend. AFL-CIO president To make the new managed George Meany reportedly plans to economy work, both parties - labor A month ago, the State Dept. issued a policy summary that said "we are AUdAY* CALL INj challenge the President's post-freeze and management - must make disappointed with the regime's slow progress sacrifices. Thus far only labor has had toward its stated objective of the full program in Congress this week. That labor has serious reservations to give ground under the new implementation of the 1968 constitution." That would restore representative rule, but about the post-freeze program can be Nixonomics. Big corporations must at present, the Papadopoulos government easily understood. Labor stands to either tighten their own belts or have rules by decree, martial law remains in effect lose the most from the freeze if them tightened by someone else. for offenses considered to involve security - n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 28, 1971 5 'U' sees little impact from suit BILLHOLSTEIN The community colleges listed are Central Michigan, Gogebic, One reason the minimum has not been challenged by four-year State News Staff Writer Genesee, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Kellogg, Monroe, Muskegon, institutions is because "the total load (imposed on four-year A suit filed by a group of Michigan community colleges against Schoolcraft and Washtenaw. instutution faculty) is very reasonable," King said. the State Legislature concerning their $47.7 million 1971 The appropriations bill requires junior college faculty to have King said he was concerned that the legislature places too much appropriation bill will apparently have little impact on MSU. higher levels of credit hours, student credit hours or laboratory The suit, filed frYiday in Ingham emphasis on student credit hours as a criteria forjudging what MSU County Circuit Court by the contact hours than faculty at four year institutions. faculty do. Faculty members are also involved in advising graduate Michigan Assn. for Higher Education on the college's behalf, Hius, the suit claims faculty members in community colleges are students and thesis consultation, he pointed out. contends the legislature discriminates against junior forced to work more hours for the same pay rate. college faculty by assigning them a minimum workload that is heavier than that of Faverman said the intent of the different minimums "We've never measured those other things — that's our hangup. was to their counterparts in four-year graduate institutions. The only thing we've ever measured are student credit hours," King recognize the difference between the two types of faculty. Faculty The suit is believed to be without said. precedent. It is thought to have at graduate institutions such as MSU often are called upon to little chance of actually succeeding. publish, do research, counsel graduate students and a whole range Faverman said the intent behind imposing the minimum was to "The suit rests on extremely weak constitutional grounds," said of activities that faculty at two-year nondegree-granting ensure "accountability" from the University and to ensure that Gerald A. Faverman, an asst. dean in MSU's College of Osteopathic institutions do not, he said. Medicine. Faverman was involved in the writing of the bill for the Michigan citizens received a certain amount of education for their The association is challenging the act as unconstitutional because tax dollar. Legislative Fiscal Agency before he came to MSU. its title does not reflect the attempt to establish minimum teaching The case has been assigned to Circuit Court Jedge Donald L. f hours and workloads for faculty members who are paid under the Reisig. act. The Michigan Constitution requires the title of an act to The suit shields the specific community colleges which pressed for the suit, but does list the community colleges who are members accurately reflect its contents. The suit also questions the right of^e legislature to impose Take It From an of the association, saying some were directly involved in the suit. minimum work loads, no matter how heavy. They claim the legislature is trying to impose undue controls on the community colleges. UllkllOlCIl Lansing The imposition of a minimum work load has caused some concern driv among MSU administrators, though no official action has apparently ever been taken to question the minimum. Herman V King, asst. provost, said the University has informally questioned Pakistani the procedure in private budget hearings with the legislature. By giving 33 cents a day for six months, an American can help one refugee of the Pakistan Civil War stay alive until the strife is over, a flm-FfTl digital radio pamphlet distributed Tuesday night by two representatives of the Bangla Desh Liberation Movement says. The East Pakistan Emergency Refugee Fund, organized to help at a wake-up price save the refugees from starvation, hopes to get eight million American families or individuals to respond to this If one American can save the life of one the organization says. plea. refugee, all can be saved, $3995 Want to experience the pleasure of really fine dining The Pakistani people believe that they can win their fight for without the crush and coldness of today's chain-store independence within the next six months, the pamphlet says. If facilities?Then come a little out of the way to Bill's restau¬ After llir jail Americans can aid the refugees for that from starvation. period, all will be saved rant and Bar, Lansing's best-known unknown.Bill'sfriendly J fall comes to a close, leaves cover the forest paths family atmosphere and fine food have for over fifty years Anyone interested in contributing to the fund or having any ftviding crunchy accompaniment to walkers while bare established a reputation among area diners. Now Bill's questions concerning the fund drive should address questions to: of the coming cold., wants YOU to experience the pleasure of Bs warn Lansing Area Emergency Refugee Fund, c/o American Bank & good food served State News photo by W.B. Remington Trust, P.O., Box 120, Lansing, Michigan, 48902. amidst pleasant surroundings and invites you to try the Olde Towne New England Clambake - Lansing's oldest. Enjoy the tempting taste of sea-fresh cherry-stone clams nestled amongst succulent shrimp heaped in a wire basket along with your own whole, pound - and - a - quarter kCKS U.S. MEMBERSHIP Awakens you to lobster, steamed live on the premises as you order and served up with ample drawn butter, fresh stalk-ripened music or alarm, has ir leaf-type digital clock, sleep switch wi corn, toasty corn muffins and a crisp Bill's tossed salad. All shut-off >ind a rich wood grain finish. for only S6.50. So come a little out of the way and get N paper tiger: Agnew ZALES W acquainted with the best-known unknown place to eat in town. llllNCTON fct SDrio T. Agnew said (AP)—Vice Mhe United Nations position of predominant predominant amount of the tab.'.' importance to that body until such time as there is a more even Agnew said the U.S. should crises. He cited the Middle East, saying what progress has been achieved there came out of big My, how you've changed Open a - Zales Charge Account For Shopping Convenie BILL'S ,iie a paper tjger an(j a balance and fairness exhibited by reappraise the way it distributes power negotiations, not the UN RESTAURANT & BAR land sounding board for the member nations." foreign assistance. ". . . Our aid peace-making effort. 318 S. Washington I" But he added U.S. stares are k» .plicated «So I would say that the United VlsdAis (across from FREE SPIRIT) . . , , , 718 E.GRAND RIVER lership C is worthwhile „Amid conservative clamor in somet.mes that the recipients or Nations ls in some a "it'c 0fmH tn hp in the Congress for a cut in U.S. our assistance don't even realize tiger, with the trend toward PHONE IV 2-6100 uv's huddle" contributions to the UN Agnew who's helping them, increasing sterility," Agnew said. lice president said the U.S. said he favors a reassessment of n rpacwc its financial the American payments, but not Forty-four of the 76 nations Eiiinnc ^ „ to fhp UN the because of the vote that spurned that cast UN votes to oust Vat ic importance it assigns the administration's two-China Nationalist China are among # r r\KKXl C\ K , C r r\ AAC All +^+U^ k;SS?:Un I "I've always taken the position :3!?«U££«KS5 bill now before the Senate. • COME ONE, COME ALL to the HEADPHONE SPECIAL! Lid the General Assembly that it should have been 3rd Annual STEREO SHOPPE la bad decision Monday reappraised many years ago," he The vice president said also the |when it voted to oust said. "I don't see any reason why UN has become increasingly These fully adjustable |aUst ™at iOPEN HOUSE China and we should pay such a sterile in dealing with world headphones with "but I've never felt, coiled cord and ly, that the United Nations volume controls jrved the interests of the I States diplomatically in black Arts |portant sense. prtstrtiS a J See our Newly Expanded and Remodeled Facilities — Regularly $14.95 UN has increasingly ! in recent years a fcnda sounding board for black TODAY & FRIDAY: 10 to 9 p.m. Agnew said in an with The Associated festival SATURDAY: 10 to 5:p.m. |"and this indicates to me rovrmfrr i-7 SEE AND HEAR EVERYTHING §§•••••• •• • s going to continue this pertirmamci at- 6if daily THAT'S NEW IN 4-CHANNEL it midvite ti)wv foi I judgment is that we will only STEREO AT MID-MICHIGAN'S I away from assigning a ■l .So 4-CHANNEL STEREO CENTER. WIN Engineers'. Start in Management Now at $100.00 1 $249.95 ; Charmin Paper A subsidiary of The Procter & Gamble Co. CASH or BSR TOTE-Home System Enjoy the sound of stereo tonight with the B.S.R. system featuring a Charmin will interview Or A Pair of $60.00 Koss Headphones B.S.R. 50-watt receiver, a pair of at the Student Placement Office 2-way speakers in walnut and a FREE Record Cleaning Cloths B.S.R. automatic turntable. Save November 10 & 11,1971 to the p | RST 50 visitors each dav! $93.00 SPECIAL! on this OPEN HOUSE NO PURCHASE NtCESSARY We have opportunities in: ■ Manufacturing Plant Management ■ Product Engineering ■ Plant Maintenance Management ■ Plant Industrial Engineering ■ Plant Chemical Engineering Manufacturers Representatives in For: BS end MS our store TODAY to answer your degreee In CHE. CE, IE, EE, ME, Pulp and Paper Technology, and MBA'a with BS In any technical discipline. questions: MR. MARK KITANI of JVC AMERICA * Experience in papermaking not neces- ■ Charmin needs engineers with new FREE 4-Channel Adaptor, Reg. MR. JOE SANCHEZof MARANTZ •ary. We train you. Within 6 months after Ideas, capable of devising new meth¬ See and hear the JVC Receivers with sound you join ua, you are ods, new processes. Our rapid growth, $29.95, when you purchase a pair of MR. RICHARD ISCLAofSONY/SUPERSCOPE given full charge of effect amplifiers. the most versatile tone an engineering staff section or direct combined with a practice of promotion Ultra-Flex 2-way speakers at $49.95 MR. GENE DARNELLof SANSUI . . responsibility for a production unit or from within, provides outstanding ad¬ control system available. department. vancement opportunities. ■ Papermaking it big business. Tenth •argest industry In the U. S. and grow- Sign up at the Placement Oftice now. STEREO SHOPPE ,nfl rapidly. We're Interested in talking with youe»»" • Charmin's growing. Aa a producer of have graduate school plans o household paper products. Charmin Is If you military obligation. Note: You must be a TAPE SPECIAL!! ww of the leaders of the segment that Is U. S. citizen or have a permanent im¬ fl'owtng a times fatter than the total migrant visa. SCOTCH Recording Tape... Industry. Reel of 150-18.... $2.89 each! c Regularly $4.32! 543 E. Grand River 337-1300 n Mull Opportunity «mplor«f - Cheaper stil I by the dozen! Special Student Credit Plans - Bank Cards Welcome 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Buswell Kalember elected as off-campus plays in The post elections commissioner. rep By D.N. SCHLEGA was proved minutes) and by the laroe^, very difrl^l I of off-campus district representative was won by Randy Kalember, Mason senior, in a As in the earlier appeals, non-certification resulted from violations of election procedures by The Buswell trio consists of whichmakesgrerS^Nl emotional demands ** special ASMSU election Tuesday. Kalember tallied 336 votes to top opponents failing to submit the required statement of three excellent and inspired musicians. The trio Z *>■ Dennis Sullivan. Birmingham junior, and Michael campaign expenditures. musicians who gave MSU a bringing out the highly eSSl Talley, Detroit senior. Meeting Monday, the commission agreed to memorable evening of music content in the and especially in the fir/^l co>l Tuesday night in Fairchild Kalember's victory marked a decisive win for certify Talley on the ground that he had not Theatre. hey showed theme a great flairtjl fraternity representation on the board. A member of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, Kalember totaled received a list of election requirements. At same time, they denied the candidacy of Ronald the The trio played the Haydn Trio ;in G, and the Ravel and beginning and variations of the |B ,1*1 Jl 90 votes over Dennis Sullivan, an active member of Williams, Saline junior, who had been informed of movement. c°Ml Tchaikovsky Trios with It takes superb Student Mobilization Committee (SMC). his campaign obligations in two certified letters. enthusiasm and obvious affection such solo musicianshint.B Though the total votes balloted constituted only Other procedural difficulties were encountered for the music. While the Haydn performers into such an excellent toSSI 3 per cent of the 18,000 eligible off-campus voters, and Ravel Trios are familiar to at the polls. Several workers at a Grand River board members termed the turn-out "significant" most concertgoers, the Avenue polling place allegedly tried to gain votes matched for a special election. for candidate Dennis Sullivan. performance of the Tchaikovsky and temperament beautifully both inttl Like the special West Circle elections held last In offering conditional certification of the Trio was a rarity, and though it is and obvi«2l enjoyed the music theV JM week, the off-campus race was not without election Tuesday night, Massoglia said currently passe in more advanced procedural difficulties. The All-University Elections Commission was discounting any that of the alleged "influenced" votes would not effect the final results. Stripped musical circles to praise anything by Tchaikovsky, the musicians playing It was difficult for too long on any one indi^l performance before the i£| asked to hear appeals from two candidates who Election validation will be completed if Flat tires, stripped gears and assorted problems that plague bicyclists were part of the Free U received a standing ovation after listTI were refused certification by Charles Massoglia, appeals are received before 5 p.m. Tuesday. no bicycle repair class. Lawrence Beausoleil gave students simple instructions for repairing even the their beautiful and rich was caught of the up in the totiuSI most complicated racers. performance of the work. violin, cello and D State News photo by Ronald Biava The remarkable skill of the trio. playing together. r - PROGRAM INFORMATION 882-2429 WE HAVE HEATERS If there were any faults tk.1 were very small when with the whole coiudmI BOX OFFICE OPENS ON BORDER CRISIS three trios. performance^! AT 6:30 Perhaps in the intense parts of the mZI SHOW STARTS AT hi 7:00 movement of the Ravel |l| 7 GREAT STARS! ACTION! EXCITEMENT! Russians back India's position performers got a little when they could have been more subdued with the mood of the piece tooh^ul in pogkl ™ THRILLS! OHi SON-OF-A-C NEW DELHIAP)-TheSoviet leaders said, "the two sides were to guarantee their return and the foreign minister, who arrived here that when either country is Union expressed full agreement in full agreement in their over-all seriousness of the Friday for thre;e days of "mutual subjected to an attack or threat And while pianist Seth Wedesday with India's position assessment of the situation" in situation. consultations on bilateral by a third country the elegance was They Trailed Him.. "contracting parties shall the Haydn and Ravel suited J perfectly Tailed Him... They called it HELL... that the crisis with Pakistan is the Indian subcontinent. It did Asked to explain Indian - Soviet matters." J potentially explosive. Red China not mention Pakistan by name. "assessment" of the situation, the The Foreign Ministry immediately enter into mutual should have abandonedTrim, Tried To Nail Him- ...NO WAY!! They called it VIOLENT already has voiced support for An Indian Foreign Ministry spokesman replied: "It's serious, spokesman admitted that consultations in order to remove for the Tchaikovsky and his itji Pakistan. spokesman said the discussions it's grave and the Soviets agreed Firyubin's visit was "motivated such threat and to take with a grand, romantic pliy* and EVIL! A communique issued after five involved the influx of refugees to that." by Article 9 of the Indian - Soviet appropriate effective measures to which the trio was written. manner,i| days of consultations between a from East Pakistan since March, The Soviet treaty" signed last August. ensure peace and the security of delegation was led Soviet delegtion and Indian the need for a political settlement by Nikolai P. Firyubin, deputy The article provides, in part, their countries." a James Buswell, violin, 'pi The spokesman refused to Harrell, cellist and pianist 3d (^unmen commit riunmpn cumrrm discuss what measures the two Carlin are all in their midfa sideshadagreeduponorwhether twenties, and fairly any additional Soviet military aid newasift| giant wig holdup would be forthcoming. It can only be hoped that lb continue to play professionta It was pointed out, however, ROSARIO, Argentina (AP) - that Firyubin also has met with both individually and asatm I Two women and three men armed with pistols entered a shop Indian defense officials. TECHNICOLOR* • SCOPE and grabbed 60 wigs - Firyubin's visit was the third by presumably for disguises — then painted the initials of the leftist a senior Soviet official to India since the August treaty, and Musicians Heal Film Group Presents People's Revolutionary Army on ° n II"' the shop walls and fled. to perf DIARY of a MAD A special "Young Muds Artists" program featurii ' All MocGRAW 1 WINNER OF 10 ft "mostly Mozart," will be hearda HOUSEWIFE i k AMC "ANCNEAl Thursday at ACADEMY AWARDS! ^ 1 8:15 tonight in FairchildTheati as part of "Festival '71," MSt W fm f4yY \ kl \ \wS^v\Friday at 6: 00 8:00 5:45 "GONE WITH* first weeklong series of cl music concerts. 5 7:45 9:45 1 ThUfSday THE WIND" i Presenting works by N Ravel and Faure, will be eel Thursday at 7:00 only n 1 A A - Adults 90c, LA Friday at 8:40 only [51 Jonathan Abramowitz, piaij } If 5:30-6:00 Alan Marks, soprano JoJ No Twl-Llte Hr. p Ma this, violinist Macrnj pHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHA r WARREN 5 Thompson and violinist H: ' PRESENTS |'Summer BEATTY R McCABE & S ff Yajima. The musicians five prizewinniM have all appeiif ■ i new waste disposal plai JACK By AMYCONLEY Spartan Village. Spartan Village residents receive each term a box J 100 plastic garbage bags. The bagged garbage is then put intobaf JOM LAUGHLIN September, 1972, is the target date for all married housing units to and collected by a truck. DELORES TAYLOR be converted to a solid waste disposal system, John Roetman, The campus waste disposal problem prompted an the enginering firm of Ryckman, Edgerly, Romlinson& investigation!*! married housing manager, recently said. AssocitMT TECHNICOLOR* From Wirner Bros A from Jan. 1 to June 1, 1970. The MSU Board of Trustees The solid waste disposal method is now in full operation in enpj the firm to do a campus-wide investigation of the various polhitt problems, liquid, air and solid waste. THURS. FRI. - SAT. - SUN. The firm concluded that air pollution from incinerators?*J ONLY ihe bbckarte some extent a nuisance and an irritant, Roetman said, so pj OPEN MONDAY- preientf * J started to stop the burning of the 1,234 cubic yards of garbagetS smoldered out of Spartan Village, University Village ai FRIDAY 9:30-9:00 Lane incinerators each week. SUNDAY 11-5 black a A solid waste disposal pilot project started in fall, 1970, i festival Spartan Village. Roetman explained the project's goals student reactions and cooperation and truck accessibility to v weretot«f bins in the 120 - apartment test group. rmcmber. 4-7 Roetman said the satisfying results proved this disposal methi performances * ewpm practical. il rriefnite show xf By spring, 1971, 360 Spartan Village units were using thenJ only system, and by fall the system was complete. I Roetman said the changeover cost $85,000. This included necessary construction such as curbing around the bi and platforms under them, fences and shrubs around bin i' plastic garbage bags and the bins. the used new car. Glenn Herriman, Inc, Phone: 482-6226 6135 W. Saginaw Mon. - Thurs. Til 9 - Sat. 9 1 NOW SHOWING! EXCLUSIVE! ELEC. HEATERS * NOI ONE UNDER 18 YRS NOTE - GUARDS WILL SUPE1RVISE ADM. I-D.'s Req^ From CI)r&Uf2|ork£inu0 ONE OF THE YEAR'S BEST!, 'Blue Movie' li a model of lt« type, Inform- . "ENORMOUSLY INTERESTING! UNUSUAL, atlve, honest, tlttilatlng. It gives the audi- | ence what It paid to see. Candy Barr l« 1 OFFBEAT... A FAR, FAR ABOVE AVERAGE surely the most beautiful performer In th« history of the Blue Movie." FILM ABOUT WAR! IT'S U A NEW BAG!" ID GOLDMAN. WCBS RADIO Ale* deRenzyfc ^ Preientcd iot the FIRST An in depth probe of TIME1 HISTORY 'f\T~ ti ir- Americ,n ADULT Fllm Featuring all time cl»ssic« Produc"°n .( Burt Lancaster OF THE ' ,L ° ™e none story a ™Er; CANDY BARR *SMART ALEC I ■ MARTIN RANSOHOfP'S PRODUCTION CREEPING10 | MOVIE EVER READY ® m o AND MORE! Castle Keep (X) For Lediet 8. Gentlemen over SHOWN TWICE AT 7:22 and 11 pm TECHNICOLOR* [*]«,„,ctt- • "FASCINATING INTELLIGENT AND IMAGINATIVEI" LIFE . . - "A FILM WELL WORTH SEEING!" -LIFE "EPIC IN SIZE. THE ACTION IS FURIOUS/" NEW YORK POST •ABSORBING AND INTRIGUING!" GROUP W RADIO "REFRESHINGL Y OFFBEA 77" GROUP W RADIO •RA UNCHY HUMOR AND POUNDING ACTION!" GROUP W RADIO ' BURTLANCASTER IS EXCELLENT!" GROUP W RADIO Also Face of Fu Manchu at 9:00 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan A Thursday, October 28, 1971 ouncements for It's What's ninu must be received in the Dealing with Off-Campus Housing WHAT'S Problems office, 345 Student 7 p.m., 316 Student Nixon says - News UN vote Happening Services es Bldg-. by > P-m* •» ,eMJ ,wo Bldg.; Gestalt Therapy - 7 before publication. Items p.m., 217 Bessey Hall; Open-Ended limited to 2 5 words. No Relationships - 7:30 p.m., 314 Bessey Hail; Wilderness Survival 7 ements will be accepted by may affect U.S. aid - p.m., 331 No announcements will be South Case Hall; What's Happening in Iran -7 p.m., 117 ,ed for events outside the greater Bessey Hall. 1g area. Khalid bin Sayeed, professor of Women for (Continued from page one) Abortion Repeal will discussion by responding to a political science at Queens and the undistinguished glee that rmai'1"1 on ,he EmI Lan,i"8 University, 7:30 p.m. today in the Union question, it was evident he was Ontario, will speak on "Current 'council candidates and the Politics and Political Forces Sunporch. For information call 332-0846 or 332-0427. was shown by some of the primed on the subject on the basis ownship charter and in The delegates. could have a Pakistan" at 7 p.m. Community Circle Players . . of a personal conversation with tes is available at Legislative today in 102B detrimental effect on support for Wells Hall. present "The Elves and the the chief executive. Ions, 312 Student Services Bldg., Shoemaker" at 7:30 the United Nations in this p.m. Friday and 2 n 3and S p.m. Monday through The African Studies Center and 4:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at country." a„d from 1 to 5 p.m. Thursday. Paul Collins, artist and presents the Barn Theater, Okemos Road. The Pre-Vet Club will meet at 7 pjn. "It is not our intention to At Senate s call 355-8302. photographer, today in 146 Giltner Hall. Surgery and a Foreign Relations with an exhibition of prints from retaliate," said Ziegler. But he Committee hearing on the treaty "Black Join Campus Action to experience counseling will be discussed. Contact Portraits of an African Jean Tobey or Linda noted that some of the delegates returning Okinawa to Japan, and share God's love and Remington with Journey" at a reception at 7:15 p.m. peace at 9 whose actions were offensive to Senate Republican leader tonight in 38 Union. Bible study meets questions. Hugh today in the Captain's Room, Union. Nixon represented countries that Scott of Pennsylvania told at 10 p.m. Tuesday in the Oak Room of the Union. Edwin Fitzpatrick, asst. director of receive considerable foreign aid Secretary of State William P. International Week film "China: College of Natural Science the Placement Bureau, will answer from the United States. Rogers that the UN decision to One-Fourth of Humanity" will be -I Advisory Council will meet at The Students International questions at a meeting of the Resource "The shocking spectacle," he expel National China has created shown at 8 and 10 ht in 104 Natural Science Bldg. tonight at the Meditation Society presents a second Development Club at 7 p.m. Monday Albatross Coffeehouse. in the Gold said, "could also affect foreign strong feelings against both the Room, Union. aid allocations because of the United Nations and the icalesbians and Lesbian transcendental meditation at ,od will have a rap group at The Black Arts Company presents p.m. today in 31 Union. 7:30 impact on Congress and the $3.2-billion foreign-aid bill now .m. today. Call 353-9795 or people." before the Senate. The bill Hillel's Sunday Supper and Speaker 993 for further details. There will be Ziegler read from a sheaf of contains funds for many a meeting of the this week will feature Michael notes written in ink on legal size countries that opposed U.S. Undergraduate Philosophy Club at Harrison, professor of physics, MSU Sports Car Club presents 7:30 p.m. today in 38 Union. scratch pads of the type Nixon efforts to keep both Chinas in the Tickets are now available in the speaking on "The Endless Frontier - Lh's Brew" gymkhana from Union Box Office for the Cabaret Organization and future discussion Or Deja Vu?" Money for the tamarack uses. Although he began the world organization. u 5 p.m. Sunday at Lot Y. topics are on the agenda. Company's "Sweet Charity" to be weekend must be in by Nov. 5. Hillel is ■i minimum 30 psi under located at 319 Hillcrest, or call performed Nov. 11-14 and 18-20 in the Union Ballroom. Co-Curricuiar Committee of Lyman 332-1916. AIR RESERVATIONS Briggs College will sponsor a meeting presents Chuck Rivers, of Meridian the volunteer program, Nicholas Bosen, dean of the Township mayoral council candidates at 8 and tonight in the Hillel reform and traditional services CRUISES HOTELS n "Volunteerism for University of Chicago Law School, West Holmes Hall lower lounge. will be held at 5:30 and will speak on law school admissions 5:45 p.m. !ty"students" at 7:30 p.m. at Friday followed by dinner. Services at RENT-A-CAR est lounge. the meeting of the MSU at 7:30 p.m. Pre-LawClub "The Killing of Sister George" wUI 9:30 a.m. Saturday will be followed TOURS Tuesday in 118 Eppley be presented by the MSU New Center. Players by Kiddush. For rides or information • Hands mil play free at 7 and 10 p.m. Friday and 8 p.m. call Hitlel at 332-1916. All these services at no extra cost! Saturday and Sunday in the Union "Halloween Madness" will be presented in the Case Hall cafeteria at Gay Liberation Movement will meet MSU Sports Car Club will meet today in 30 Union. Motor 9 p.m. Saturday with music Costumes are optional. by SRC. 4 Anyone interested in telepathy, call 84-5104. Meetings will be held at 3 p.m. the Union. Sunday in the Gold Room of Flying high college travel plus rally results will be Sunday evenings. Free U. An aerial view of campus from 800 feet shows r£ • Everyone is invited Spartan to young concert musicians at 3 p.m. meet five Stadium with an empty field and deserted stands. orrice Free U classes meeting today: today in the North Case Hall lounge. Creative Media photo 130 W. Grand River 351-6010 NOTICE TO ALL STUDENTS Academic Advising, Enrollment and Registration For 1972 Winter Term "ENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FROM COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (THE REGISTRAR COLLEGE OF HUMAN ECOLOGY COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE Students in Health, Physical e 1972 Winter term Schedule of Courses and Academic Education, and Recreation, in All students in Human Handbook will be available to dormitory residents in their Industrial Arts, and upperclassmen in Special Education, Ecology should adhere to the advising The Handbook of Undergraduate Courses in the should consult with their advisers between November 1 plan shown below: Social Science is being prepared to assist students in College of residence halls on FYiday, October 29; and to other students and November 5. Advisers will observe normal office Group sessions will be held for the following: courses for their Winter Term Schedule. It selecting «t the counter in Room 150, Hannah Administration hours I Child will be available during this period. Development and Teaching (Advisees of Bubolz, prior to the academic advising period. Watch for an building beginning on Monday, November 1. Hiidebrand and Whiren) Undergraduate Elementary Education and Special Monday Nov. 1 Room 102 HE A-L 7:00-8:30 P.M. announcement in the State News Classified October 29, and Education majors who are assigned to the Advisement November 1 and 2. !A summary of what to do—where, when. M-Z8:30-10P.M. . .concerning the Center need not see their advisers unless Handbooks may be examined in the enrollment and registration procedure for Winter term is special assistance is II Clothing Textiles (new programs) and General Clothing & Libraries, Residence needed. Advisers will be available to see students on a Halls, Fraternities, Sororities, Co-op Houses, ^outlined in the 1972 Winter term Schedule of Courses and Textiles (old programs) Counseling first-come, first-served basis during their regular office Center, in each Social Science Major Department with [Academic Handbook. Monday Nov. 1 Room 300 HE - A-L 7:00 8:30 P.M. hours, November 1 through November 12. Office hours are - academic advisers and in each Dean's Office. Please ask for it posted in 134 Erick9on Hall. _ m Interior M-Z8:30-10P.M. if not readily displayed. ilfour discussion with your adviser will be based on a Design and Housing Students wishing to make a major Labor and Industrial Relations - Graduate Students jStudent Academic Progress Plan which you should change to secondary Tuesday Nov. 2 Room 300 HE A-L 4:15-6:00 P.M. should develop education should contact the departmental office of their see their advisers before enrollment and [(or may wish to modify or develop further) in conference Wednesday Nov. 3 Room 300 HE M-Z 4:15 -6:00 P.M. registration. iwith your adviser. Bring your Progress Plan record with major teaching area November 8 through November 19. IV Home Economics Social Science - Undergraduates - Office Teaching hours of the advisers you are posted in 207 Linton jto see your academic adviser according to the arrangement Tuesday Nov. 2 Room 9 HE Hall. After November A-L 7:00-8:30 P.M. Offices will be in 138-141 Baker Hall. 15, MDP In your college (and possibly JAMES MADISON COLLEGE M-Z 8:30-10 P.M. Please see your own department) as outlined V Human Nutrition and Foods adviser. (all majors) During the week of November 1-5 all James Madison students Graduates - 206 Berkey Hall. Phone - Tuesday Nov. 2 Room 102 HE Fr. & Soph. 7:00 - 8:30 P.M. 355-7531. are asked to meet with their academic advisers to plan a Jr. & Sr. 8:30-10 P.M. Anthropology - Mrs. Judy Tordoff, Undergraduate Adviser, is COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS Winter term schedule. Students should make an appointment VI. Retailing of Textiles and available in her office, Room 346 Baker Hall, daily from 8 to Clothing to see their advisers at this time. It is recommended that TuesdayNov.2 12, Nov. 2 thru 5. All undergraduate majors in the College of Arts and Letters, Room300HE 7:00- 10:00p.m. students take this opportunity to undertake some long-range All students not included in the Geography - Mr. Michael Graff, Undergraduate Adviser in the except Studio Art majors, should see their academic advisers group sessions should make planning and to come prepared with a Student Handbook and individual appointments. These are: Child Department, will be in his office, 318 Natural Science, during | during their office hours on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday MSU Catalog. Development and posted hours, Nov. 1 thru 5. and Thursday, November 1,2,3,4. Teaching (who are advisees of Borgman and Borosage); Political Science ♦Special note to non-Madison students: Non-Madison - Students wishing to be advised prior to ENGLISH MAJORS SHOULD GO FIRST TO THE Community Services; General Home Economics and Home enrollment and registration should call Miss Susan students will be admitted to certain Madison courses Lawther, UNDERGRADUATE OFFICE IN MORRILL HALL 201, during Economics/Communication Arts. Scheduling of Winter term, 1972. These courses will be indicated in the appointments for the week of Nov. 1-5 may be done during Faclty Adviser for Undergraduates, Nov. 1, 3,4,5, from 9 to HISTORY MAJORS SHOULD CONSULT THE Schedule of Hours by an asterisk. For more information and 5, and Nov. 2, from 9 to 11:30. the week of October 25. All conferences should be UNDERGRADUATE ADVISER IN MORRILL HALL 341; further details, call 3-6758 or stop by the office of the completed Psychology - Mrs. Mary Donoghue, Undergraduate Adviser in MUSIC MAJORS SHOULD GO FIRST TO THE prior to Nov. 8. the Department, will be in her office, 112 Olds Assistant Dean, 319 S. Case Hall. Hall, Nov. 1 UNDERGRADUATE ADVISING CENTER, MUSIC thru 5,8 a.m. to 3 p.m. BUILDING 155. MOST HUMANITIES MAJORS ARE COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION ARTS Sociology - If additional advising is needed, majors should ADVISED IN THE UNDERGRADUATE OFFICE OF THE JUSTIN MORRILL COLLEGE arrange an appointment by telephone with their academic COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS IN BERKEY HALL 1. During the week of Nov. 1-5, students should see their Advertising Nov. 1-5 Office Hours 355-2314 advisers. academic assistant or faculty adviser to plan their academic Audiology & Speech SciencesNov. 1-5 Office Hours 353-8780 j 201. HUMANITIES PRE LAW MAJORS SHOULD CHECK Criminal Justice - Students who have not had their programs DR. GESNER'S OFFICE HOURS WITH THE HISTORY schedule for winter term. Students who do not know their planned for the Winter term should report to Room 412 Olds adviser can check in office 59. SENIORS are reminded that Journalism Nov. 1-5 Office Hours 353-6430 DEPARTMENT SINCE THESE HOURS WILL BE Television & Radio Hall for advising on one of the following dates: November 1 for graduation, your Field of Concentration must have the Nov. 1-5 Office Hours 355-8372 SOMEWHAT DIFFERENT FROM OTHER ADVISERS • thru 5,9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Advisers will be in their offices at least one hour each approval of your JMC faculty adviser. Social Work - Freshmen and Sophomores see Mrs. Sally morning and afternoon of these four days. Check with 2. Justin Morrill students will early enroll for ALL courses Parks, Room 220 Baker Hall, 353-8626, Nov. 1 thru 5, MWF, [department offices All advising groups will meet during the period Nov. 1-5; 8 a.m. to 12 noon, T Th, 1 p.m. to 5 for the hours of individual advisers. (University and JMC) in the Snyder Hall trophy room from p.m. Make an appointment to minimize waiting in line or if you 8-11:30 a.m. according to the alphabetical schedule and dates majors will be informed by mail of meetings. Attendance — Juniors and Seniors see Mrs. Betty Duley, Room 234 [ cannot come at the hours scheduled. You may, of course, published in the Winter 1972 edition of the Schedule of required of majors who wish to early enroll. Call 355-3471 Baker Hall, 353-8619, Nov. 1 thru 5,8 a.m. to 12 noon. see your advisers during their regular office hours or by Courses and Academic Handbook. for information. Urban Planning - For academic advising see advisers ' during appointment. 3. JMC course descriptions will be available outside the posted office hours located outside of their offices, Nov. 1 LYMAN BRIGGS COLLEGE ; Studio Art majors should see their Art advisers on Advising Center (11 Snyder) on Nov. 1st. thru 5. Monday, Nov. 1. All Studio Art classes will be dismissed 4. NON-JMC STUDENTS: You cannot early enroll for JMC 1. Students should contact their academic advisers on during the Landscape Architecture - For academic advising see advisers that day and advisers will be in their offices from 8-12 and courses. Winter term courses will be available to you at early period of October 27 through November 4. during posted office hours located outside of their offices registration (Dec. 6-10) and regular registration (Jan.3-4). Nov. 1 thru 5. You are advised to check the closed course list outside office 2.Following approval of the program, students should bring to 57. This list will be available after the Thanksgiving holiday. E-30 Holmes Hall a of their copy programs according to the COLLEGE OF HUMAN MEDICINE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS More information on Justin Morrill College and courses in the following schedule: MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Academic advising for Winter college is available in the Advising Center (11 Snyder) or call Term, 1972 will take place 3-9599. You should see your academic adviser for Friday, November 5 8-12 and 1-5 S-Z All students must have made an wring the week of November 1-5. Students should adhere appointment and seen their 10 the information on how a Justin Morrill course can be used in Monday, November 8 8-12 and 1-5 M-R academic adviser by October 29. Please come to Room following schedule: Tuesday, November 9 8-12 and 1-5 G-L Giltner Hall or call 353-7800. 48 your program. Wednesday, November 10 8-12 and 1-5 C-F ■Freshmen and Sophomores in Accounting and Financial Thursday, November 11 8-12 and 1-5 A-B COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCE COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE M ministration, General Business, Business Pre-law, CHANGE OF MAJOR anagement, Marketing, Hotel, Restaurant, and 1. Schedule an appointment for a conference with your PREVETERINARY stitutional Management should see counselors in the academic adviser by signing the appointment sheet All students should see their adviser by November 5. Advisement Center, Office of the Assistant Dean, Room 7, FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORES: University College PP ey Center. Counselors designating his available hours. This sheet is now posted near students with 84 or fewer credits initiate changes of Appointment schedules are posted outside adviser's office. will be available from 8-5. his office. Conferences are to be held during the period 1 major November to 5 November. preference in the appropriate University College Academic VETERINARY Student Affairs Office. p. Freshmen aucation, and Sophomores in Economics, Business 2. For your appointment, bring to your academic adviser South Campus Residents: S33 Wonders Hall All students will be "mass enrolled" by the Dean's Office. Distributive Education, Office Administration, your planned program for the entire year and go over it with Those students not wishing to be included in "mass J . and Insurance, and Honors College should see their him for his suggestions. Brody Residents: 109 Brody Hall enrollment" must notify the Dean's Office by November 5. visers jn the East Campus Residents: 245 W. Fee Hall respective departments during the advisers' 3. All College of Natural Science majors must see their "egularly scheduled office hours. academic advisers each term to discuss their program. North Campus and Off-Campus Residents, including Shaw UNIVERSITY COLLEGE - NO PREFERENCE Hall: 170 Bessey Hall. An appointment card has been mailed to each No in th"'01^ 8nd ^en'ors 'n ail majors should see their advisers COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND JUNIORS AND SENIORS: A student wishing to change his Preference student. Anyone who did not receive a card or schoH [esp6ctive departments during the advisers' regularly NATURAL RESOURCES major in one degree college to a major in another degree who was unable to keep his appointment may report to his erarf !•'on °fflce hours- An Seniors should review their College of Agriculture and Natural Resources students should college must initiate the change in the office of the assistant dean of the college in which he is registered. If the advisement office before November 5. requirements with their adviser. change is The student who does not confer with an adviser must see their academic advisers by appointment during the period approved, it becomes effective at the beginning of the next assume full responsibility for his November 1-5. Appointments should be made prior to term. program. lr November 1. Every No Preference student who will have earned 85 respective advisers. The student must meet the requirements for graduation credits (junior standing) by the end of Fall term 1971 must given in the catalog current at the time the change is effective. declare a major before the end of the term. THE HONORS COLLEGE Thirty credits must be completed while enrolled in the major Student Advisement C°LLtGE OF ENGINEERING No Preference students in the Honors College should report in the college in which the degree is to be earned. Centers: Case-Wilson-Wonders-Holden go to S-33 Wonders. Residents Residents of to their Advisers in the Honors College office for academic Residence college students (James Madison, Justin Morrill, of East Campus go to 245 W. Fee. Residents of the Brody ihonU|Henti With mai°re ln the College of Engineering advising before completing early enrollment procedures for the Winter term. Lyman Briggs) must initiate changes of major in the student affairs or dean's office of their respective complex go to 109 Brody. All others including off-campus ®PDointm fve rece'ved Information about advising college. students and residents of Abbot, Mason, Phillips, Shaw, TJTl* from the,r adviser. All other Honors College students should arrange to visit COUNSELING: Facilities of the Counseling Center are available to assist students considering a change of Snyder, and the West Circle Halls go to 170 Bessey Hall. contart 8ct m "t wh° has not received notification should h,s adviser with Honors Advisers in their fields before completing the major or Students enrolling in evenings classes only may confer with immediately. enrollment procedures outlined by the college of their major. major preference. an adviser by telephone (355-3515). 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan FOR AIDING W. PAKISTAN E.Pakistan rebels blast U.S. Movement told a small crowd at other persons at the money to help them live. Bangla De6h have made their By JEFF GUTSELL the Union Tuesday night. policy-making level of the The Indian government is now payment. Speaking were Dr. Ashabul government — telling them of the spending $3 million a day they The extent of the gap between By supporting the attempts of Haq, a practicing physician, who atrocities committed by the said, to provide hospitals and the two factions was illustrated the West Pakistan military regime has been active in Bangalian Pakistan army against the Bangla food for the refugees. More aid is by Maltick's statement to suppress tue Bangla Desh politics and is now chairman of Desh and the damage done to needed. concerning an eventual resolution revolt in East Pakistan the U.S. the Bangla Desh Red Cross and U.S. diplomacy abroad asaresult The war and a tidal wave earlier of the conflict: government is giving life to a Azuir Mallick, president of the of sending military aid to the this year have combined to wipe "Nobody can compel us to talk dictatorship at the expense of a Bangla Desh Teachers Assn. West Pakistan government. out normal food sources and with those savage people. What movement for a democratic Both Haq and Mallick asked They stressed the dire situation thousands are now starving to kind of settlement can we have government, two representatives repeatedly that students write to of refugees in northern India, death daily, Haq said. with them? Can you think of of the Bangla Desh Liberation their Congreemen — or to any asking that Americans send Civil war broke out in East compormise with those people Pakistan after the West Pakistan who have sent our women folk army massacred thousands of across the border naked after East Pakistan civilians on March raping them? Can you think of a 26, 1971, and the days following, settlement with those people who they said. have attacked us when we asked When the Bangla Desh began to fear annihilation at the hands of for a government? representative in the Pumpkin pla the West Pakistanis, they "No one can stop us from If this pumpkin has stars in his eyes it's because he's on top of Abram j planetarium. From the look, organized a provincial winning our freedom. Do not talk of it, the Great Pumpkin might rise out of the planetarium instead of the pumpkin patch. State News photo by Fred government and declared about a political settlement." Mendenh^i BOOT SALE independence from the West, Mallick said. Haq and Mallick listed five LADIES WINTER BOOTS atrocities which Pakistani people. Since March they said are now being inflicted on the East 26 more than MSU clubs, c 1,000,000 East Pakistan civilians special $1990 and up have been killed by the army. More than nine Pakistani people are million East refugees in India and more than one million to work on m Flight service sorority, Kappa Kappa a first - come - first served are homeless in East Pakistan as a Gamma - basis, Byrdm I sorority, and Kappa Sigma Judging from past Brown and Black Fleece lined result of the occupying army's fraternity will be participating in the the Detroit game firm carnivals in otherZ\ actions. carnival. predicts that participating organization will makf Z\ Mallick estimated that between Assorted MSU clubs and The booths will be operating from $500 to $1000. 4,000 and 5,000 women are now organizations, Wednesday to Friday, 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.; Men's & Lady's Men's Boots pregnant alter being raped by along with Lansing and East Lansing groups will have a chance to earn $500 or more in Saturday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; and Saturday morning is a special kid's day, with a costume contest Hallow*! West Pakistan men. the five-day Meridian Mall Community Sunday from noon until 5 p.m. for winners in two age categories. and prJ Shoes $1 297 and up With pride Mallick stated that the Bangla Desh will win their Carnival. "It's the mall's way of saying thanks," said mall director Joe Byrd," we make a lot of A free movie for children, "The Ghost J Starting today, booths of carnival games Mr. Chicken" starring Don K I independence after years of Special Group trying to settle grievances diplomatically. like the ring toss, duckpond, and coin throw, will be operated by participating group members. Proceeds from the games will go money from MSU students — now it's a chance for them to make some of it back." Games for the 46 booths in the mall were shown Saturday morning Meridian 4 Theaters. at all of tbl F If paying in blood is the price of According to Byrd, all mall stores will J to the organizations to finance their supplied by Detroit firm, according to $1090 Broken sizes freedom, Mallick said, then the activities. Byrd. a observing the carnival with large-scale* and the mall will introduce a new typt J Dress & Casual From MSU, Alpha Phi the MSU Improvement Alpha fraternity, Society, Angel It is the first year for this type of carnival, and the participating groups were chosen on mall-wide gift certificate — good in the mall. inall'stow 225 MSU BOOTERY E. Grand River ★ CAPITAL CAPSULES ■fcSto THE SUPERINTENDENT of Public Porter, proposed Tuesday Instruction, John 1.1 revised criterion for teachnl 9 a NEXT TO CAMPUS THEATER uwUUasvna I certification based on professional competency rather than strictly I academic progress. H Porter said such a system could be implemented within thmfl years with an initial appropriation of $30,000. "For many years the teacher certification system in Michigan W rested almost exclusively on academic progress - rather than tw ROAST BEEF BUFFET measurable proficiency —of the teacher," Porter said. I 21st 5 - (All you can eat) 10 p.m. Thursday Instead, he proposed a new system knowledge, the performance and the effect which would include boftl academic progress and classroom competency "based on on pupils of thtl titl teacher." Anniversary 2.50 REP. EARL NELSON, D-Lansing, said Wednesday heplanstol Introduce in the House a resolution American troops from Southeast Asia. Nelson was presented with a petition MSU Vietnam Veterans for Peace. calling for the withdrawal ofil I Tuesday by membersofthil 1 THE GOVERNOR'S proposed long-range transportation plul was formally introduced in the House and Senate Tuesday, a Ml seven months after it was originally unveiled. 1 The key provision in the package is a 1.3 per-cent gallon increttl in the state gasoline tax, bringing in an estimated $52 million extol ■ year to finance "bold and Innovative" changes in Michijuftj transportation svstem. * ** A RESOLUTION condemning "all those who encourage parens I COME IN,BROWSE AROUND, to break the school laws was adopted by keeping children home from school I Wednesday by the State Board of Education. AND COMPARE OUR PRICES scoop up tremendous savings fashions on current status in But, BEFORE YOU BUY. please p •6 . . . while we remod SPORTSWEAR-DRESSES- store to better COATS-LINGERIE Announces ROBES-PANTY HOSE 50° off on any 20% discount on Natural all women's wear Organic Vitamin from 7-1 1 50° off on all $1" Panty Hose- mostly Guaranteed not to run tonight only As seen on T.V. if we run out of stock, coupon may be used The Outlook-Men's & Women* at later date, when signed by manager. clothing; Stereo equipment downstairs THURSDAYX discount REVCO 217 Ann St. 9-6 & E.Lansing See \centers our Spoohtacular Specials, Thursday 7-10 ptn 7-11 P.*. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, October 28, 1971 iiscussion held 'Pumpkin highway plan By ANITA PYZIK gives kids State News Staff Writer Donald I current controversy over the proposed cross-campus highway in Jennings is an individual who takes great personal deiigh!. rfpheral route was explained in a discussion between East seeing joy and happiness in others. a City Manager John Patriache and Robert Victor, staff Every October for the past three years Jennings, 80, has been • r at Abrams Planetarium, Tuesday night in Emmons giving free hayrides to young children from the area. October he expects over 1,000 children to During this visit his farm in Lansing, Kor speaking against the proposal, read three pages of Michigan. Tony g'ven at a Pub,ic hearing by Paul Risk, professor of parks In addition, each child is taken to the [creation resources, and mentioned that he was only filling in pumpkin patch and selects his own jxurpkin to take home. "They say I'm their pumpkin man." EachP, explaining the pro side of the cross-campus route, Jennings said with a smile. This year, Jennings expects to give away most of his ■ that there were alternatives to the highway. crop of 1,500 pumpkins. Though he's sold a few, he said the for sale sign v, ill soon |e highway is not a simple solutlon-maybe it isn't even the come down. r he said. liache told the 18 students attending the meeting that the "I want to give them to the kids," he said. IHighway 1 Dept. project is designed to relieve traffic on E. Many more requests have come this October than Jennings can River Avenue and to reduce potential pedestrian hazards in handle. Requests for the hayrides come from church groups, Girl Scouts, pre school and kindergarten classes. Kgreed with several suggestions for alternatives to the plan Jenning's wife pointed out that 90 per cent of the children that Ls a mass transit system and an expansion of the present Grand come have never been on a farm before. ■Avenue. "It's really wonderful," Ms. Jennings said, "the children Tjache said two lanes could be added in place of the island are In, making Grand River Avenue a six lane highway. It is not Don Jennings (standing by Giddy up . . . marvelous." Jennings bought the 33-acre farm in 1940 just as a hobby, and he wagon treated a group of children Eered a six lane highway now because the lanes are not 12 feet to a hayride on his cart to let them see some of the fall pickouttheir Halloween pumpkins from the farm's crop. still does most of the work himself. I-the required width for classification as a highway. countryside. After the hayride, the is photo by Milton Horst "I don't need the money," he said. "I just do it to help people " ■ would be less expensive, but I'm not sure it would be less Jennings' let the group loversial," he said. kral student groups have expressed concern that the Campus route would split the campus. The board of trustees tproved of the plans in September of 1969, but unanimously (ded its earlier decision in a closed meeting in July. Lblic hearing was held by the trustees on Oct. 14 to air views d against the highway. The planned highway would be a rne boulevard extending from 1-96 across south campus north Man Environment can bail himself out of his Gerhardt cures foreseen Schneider compared eventually sink. He can keep Schneider also pointed to the up the environment. e Grand Tmnk tracks out of Park Lane Road, east of East ecology problems, an associate the ecology problem on earth to technology produce less waste. bailing until he gets all the water Youth Conservation Corps that Schneider listed five alternative *Make ^>g- professor of forestry told a group the condition of a man fishing in a out, at the risk of not catching started this past summer with solutions to the wast problem: things that will last Ihas taken a good number of years to put the plan together," of students in Akers Hall Tuesday rowboat that has sprung a leak. any fish. Or he can do a little bit longer. lche said. "We were shocked when one party tried to back out Michigan high school students. •Reduce the amount of matter ♦Neutralize discarded items so night. The fisherman has several of both. Students interested in the and energy man needs. ■agreement." In a talk sponsored by the alternatives. He can ignore the Until about five years ago, no they will go back into the outdoors spent five to six weeks ^Produce the same amount of Akers Hall Ecoloev SvmDosium. enviornment leak, continue fishing and one discussed the enviornment, at camp doing something to clean matter and energy, but through but 'Recycle products. now people are becoming concerned, Schneider said. He cited as an example the timber industry in Canada. He said the She's off and running to Canadians are beginning to realize their resources are costs money to limited and it replant forests. Green's Spooktacular Sale . , white and tan In another instance, a town in A COED living on the third TWO EMMONS HALL §SLER was taken from Lot floor of Rather Hall told officers RESIDENTS were arrested at they were carrying. The officers the Midwest stopped lumber the Kellogg Center that her purse had were told the pumpkins were companies from floating logs Here's what she's after: disappeared 1:58 a.m. Wednesday for taken from Frandor. The two down the river near the town ime between 10:30 a.m. larceny following a visit by two males after officers discovered because it was costing the town a lay and 7 a.m. Wednesday asking to speak with her taken the two 69 cent they had were subsequently referred to the lot of money to dean up the | report. The owner, a St. roommate. She told officers the pumpkins Lansing police. water for use. , Mich, resident, was incident occured sometime Nifty sweaters and sweater vests, King a conference, said the between 7 and 9 p.m. regularly S9-S12 Id been locked. There are no Tuesday. „ But police are investigation. A TAPEPLAYER AND 37 ACE HARDWARE $390 V was valued at $3,000. cassettes with cases 210 E. Grand River valued at $284 were taken from a student's Pants—all wool ones were [AWASAKI 250cc trailbike car parked on Brody Road near S14-S16 iken from Lot L sometime «i\9 p.m. Sunday and noon ly the student owner told 9 I. The vehicle was estimated Bryan Hall, police report. The theft occurred sometime between p.m. Sunday and 6:45 p.m. 10% storewide discount -wide-leg ones in novelty $]90 ■worth $500 and police are Tuesday. Entry was gained by Tigating. prying the lock, officers said. on purchases of *5 or more fabrics with button and pocket trimmings, from 7-11 pm only regularly $18 J (includes ALLEY SHOP) //ml ||ular Sweaters-a top assortment spooifl of ribs and turtlenecks, regularly $12-$18 $790_$JJ90 I Cigarettes 8-Track V Short Skirts-in solid and patterned fabrics, Stereo Tapes 29c All New 19 regularly $12-$18 $y90_$ggo $199 1 limit 1 (coupon) Effective 7-11 p.m. No Limit (coupon) Effective 7-11 p.m. CIt Clothing & E Knit Scarf and Hat Sets, regularly $9.00 10-28-71 UfafrporMmeteter ftfoop I Wall Posters 30' Off 20% Dresses-a young group of knits and prints, regularly I sy® 1 "1" - J1" $59< The Discount Price OFF $15-$26 $10°°-*149° - on any Hosiery 1 No Limit No Limit Leather Jackets with Zip-Out I (coupon) (coupon) pile linings, regularly $46.00 ■ E"ectlve 7-11 p.m. Effective 7-11 P.m. 10-28-71 I 6 Pack Plastic Coated Really "In" buckskin pant-length [ I Frostie Root Beer j Playing Cards coats in brown, wine, rust, whiskey and blue, regularly $70 29° *59°° i ■ 60° limit 1 6 pack limit 1 ONCE-A-YEAR SAVINGS ON OUR ■ (coupon) (coupon) MC-JUST for tonight ■ — E,'ectlve 7-11 10.5i.-fi p.m Effective 7-11 P.m. ENTIRE STOCK OF SKI CLOTHING & EQUIPMENT One of our greatest all wool I boot-length coats-hooded $1.09 Savings on... Lange & Henke Boots and in lots of great colors, ■toll Concentrate Bic Pens regularly $60 I Shampoo Kastle, Lange Dynamic and Head skis CLOTHING L Marker & Salomon bindings 1 49c 9c Famous styles by W limit 1 limit 10 ROFFE, HEAD. IEMPC0, 1972 poles & 1 E'fiTinip.m. (coupon) Effective 7-11 p.m. DEMETRE. DU0F01D and accessories 213 E. Grand River EDELWEISS E. Lansing, Mich. state discoukt Ph. 332 3531 i 307 E.Grand River i 7 P.m. to 11 P.M. I^Pooktacular Sale Directly across from the Union 7:00-11:00 TONIGHT Thursday. Q,-loht, „ 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ^ SPORTS S' booters beat BGSU, 3-0, in By CRAIG REMSBURG State News Sports Writer contention for a playoff invitation, pending the outcome drew "I an assist on the play. had doubts about him trouble stretching." A scant two minutes after big game of a now very important game reaching the ball, much less Dujon's goal. Bowling Green Offensively weak for the first with Akron Saturday. The loss scoring," Fuller commented. goalie Bill Heyne was knocked three quarters, the MSU soccer left Bowling Green wit a 5-2 "Dujon gave us a good fighting out of the play and Murray had an team exploded for three goals in season record. performance." open net in front of him. He made the final period to defeat a "We made it, we made it," a The game Dujon played looks no mistake. Lennox Robinson relieved Coach Pay ton Fuller said even better when it is known that < crappy Bowling Green State assisting on the goal. team Wednesday afternoon. over and over. "It was a big game. he was suffering with an injured Nick Dujon increased his Now for the big one Saturday." left thigh. He admitted after the Dujon then scored his ninth goal of the season and his second ;eam -leading goal total to nine Dujon opened the scoring at the game that it hindered his game of the game from a corner kick by Aith two tallies in the contest, 8:11 mark of the fourth quarter. somewhat. Robinson. The tally came at while Geriy Murray scored once He outraced a Bowling Green "It was kicked in practice 16:38 of the quarter. ind assi&tci on another. defender for the ball on the right Monday," Dujon explained. "It The big victory left the side and put a low shot into the was bothering me today. It "That Dujon is a good player," ?partans, now 7-1 for the year, in left corner of the net. Murray slowed me down and I had some Bowling Green coach C.R.P. "Mickey" Cochrane commented. "But we were unable to generate any offense at all." "I only wish my left fullback, Bud Lewis, hadn't gotten hurt. He's our best player and when he got hurt, it was the ball game right there," he added. Lewis was kicked in the head by Spartan Nigel Goodison in the third quarter when the two of them went for a loose ball. He was knocked unconscious for about 30 seconds. When he was revived, he was removed from the field In a bin and given some X-rays for Spartan booter Gerry Murray (dark jersey) moves up and assisted on Nick Dujon's first goal in the 3-0 Spartan possible head damage. Lewis has victory apparently come out of the takes the ball away from an unidentified Bowling Green State bringing his season scoring totals to six goals and nine assists State News photo by Tom mishap with only a headache. player during Wednesday's action. Murray scored once and Gaunt The MSU booters hope to give Akron a headache Saturday in a game that will decide who will make the playoffs. The crucial TOPS MIDWEST SCHEDULE contest is slated to begin at 1:30 p.m. Men's IM Harriers eye III upset RY^°RR»,CK Mate News Sports Writer Spartans over on Saturday. the Big State Meet in Indianapolis his squad the underdog because I The Turkey Trot is returning to Cross country in the Midwest Mgu ralljed to a first p!ace on Friday> just 18 hours before of Indiana's strong performing I the MSU campus and will be run finjsh in that meet and the the 10 a.m. post time here so far. reaches its peak Saturday when at 5 p.m. Nov. 3 at Old College Hoosiers came in a heartbreaking Saturday. It marks the third time MSUhg I Field. It is a cross country type the Michigan State Spartans host third, one point behind It is almost to be expected that been rated an underdog til Indiana's Hoosiers at Forest running event and contestants Akers Golf Course. Minnesota. the Hoosiers will be tired, and a season—on both other occasion, I may run individually or as a team Something that may have an victory over the Spartans would against Western Michigan mil member. The deadline for entry is MSU, a preseason favorite over effect on the Hoosiers and, not only prove their durability, Minnesota, the Spartans won. noon on Nov. 3. For any other Indiana, has won three consequently, their meet with the but stamp them as the odds-on It will most likely be a caseot I information p<«^ise rail the Men's consecutive dual meets since an Spartans is a tight schedule. favorite for Big Ten honors. MSU trying to hold on u|l IM office. opening loss to Miami (Ohio), and Indiana is scheduled to run in MSU coach Jim Gibbard rates Indiana trying to hold up. The deadline for all weight its own Spartan Invitational in classes in IM wrestling is noon between. Nov. 5. The Spartans also tripped up Minnesota, snapping a Gopher winning streak that had extended Piro hospitali nearly three seasons, and cast TONITE 6-11 some doubts on the Gophers earlier contending role. Indiana, however, has not lost with lung Ho anyone this season. In nine dual meets, and two invitationals Senior Steve Piro is recuperating at Olin Health Center after QIJjp Canterbury ^no one has even come close to catching the Hoosiers. Against a tough Western Michigan squad the Hoosiers took X-rays indicated Piro was a prep a lung infection. all-state football and basketball selection at Iowa City, Iowa. At mid-season in his sophomore year at MSU, Piro won the starting quarterback position, but a knee six of the first seven places, in injury required surgery and he was lost for the season. rolling to 20-42 victory. In the spring before his junior season Piro again injured his presents MSU took Western, too, but it was by only a ten point margin. right knee and surgery was performed for the third time on the same knee. Earlier surgery was taker, while playing high As added proof of Spartan and school ball. Hoosier supremacy, Western has The last operation cut short his football OUR lost only one other meet this playing career, but he was an assistant to Coach Ed Rutherford and the season—and that one to a Bowling Spartan freshmen team last year and served in a coaching position Green squad that lost only to again this fall before being sidelined with the infection. Miami (Ohio). The lung infection is of a cavity variety, but surgery is not The Hoosiers only letdown last thought to be necessary for Piro, who is also president of the season appeared to be in the Big Spartan Varsity Club. Ten meet in East Lansing; the same course they will race the SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$SAVE$$$" EAST LANSING ONLY < SPORT COATS SUITS 2nd Annual CO ODD LOTS SPOOKTACULAR'f *50 to *125 values *90 to '150 values $29". $34". $39" *34". *39". *44" SALE and up and up TONIGHT 7 to 11 P.M. FLARE KNIT SLACKS SHIRTS STOREWIDE $C00 off on an y pair of slightly imperfect Cut N' Sew sliors in the store! 2to'm SALE 2 for $10°° -reach $5" each Clip This Coupon - - , COUPON LADIES LADIES BOSTONIAN SHOES This Coupon Entitles Bearer to — $5.00 OFF ON ANY PAIR Famous Drand SLACKS Blouses & Tops odd Lots OF SHOES IN THE STORE 2 fOr $12°° $6.99 each 20% off *9" j EAST LANSING STORE ONLY j Thursday Oct. 28,1971 - 7 to 11 P.M. Only ♦MASTER CHARGE ' Bring in more than one coupon but one coupon per pair of shoes ♦MICHIGAN BANKARD I Yes... We Have Charge Accounts 3 Hours Free Parking in City Ramps with Any Purchase Canterbury MAC at GRAND RIVER East Lansing 317 E. Grand River Vlr»epard < H(J)ES save$msave$$$save$$$save$$$save$$$save$$$save$$$save$$$save$$$save$$«8 East Lansing 317 E. Grand River Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan — SPORTS orv Thursday, October 28, 1971 ^ url disarms By MIKE ABERLICH . enemy # Stats State Nairn News Sporti Snnrt. UJ.:» Writer shrugged, "it's pretty shrugged urettv tnlioh tr> aoi tough to get much mention if • if you're not a * . winner. My junior year we had a the ugly rumors that Big Ten opponents have been losing season and I figured I was lucky just to get any kind of mention." Elating, Ron Curl only has two arms. Curl has blocked so many and punts in his three years at defensive tackle for MSU that C.u,rl'8 Many 'ove ofteams intact has added to his reputation as a deadly . s tackier have tried to double-team the Spartan tackle le were beginning to wonder if maybe he didn't carry around a r?d|°K ? f rUn aWay from him" A*ainst Notre Dame this year, ■Tri ' the barrel-chested, 6-1,250-pound potential all-American is ed small for the pros, although you wouldn't believe it to mUSSLEiZi SX" *""thc Curling But Curl made his Spartan defensive lineman Jiim. His 250-pounds are stacked impressively on a pair of presence felt the following week against [built legss inai " makemake that innive him a natural at tackle for the college mm a natural ai utcKie ior ine Sa"ni gained mention as°?k,ed defensivef.our Passes whi,e player of the game on national television and Ron Curl meets a Michigan Js" But in Fn order order to to make itit bie-time. big-time, the the Snnrtan H..f«ncivu Spartan defensive back at the crossroads of fcain may have to switch positions. catrhi^ catching Hk TinStquarterback Hawkeye IOWa Curl even fi8ured ^ the Spartan scoring, Frank Sunderman in the end Spartan Stadium. There was |f I was a little taller I'd have a great chance," Curl noted, "but zone no further advancement by t it's going to be kind of tight. They look at speed, but they like I®"'th® MSU tackle reverted to his old tricks of two years ago, hi blocking an Iowa punt to set the Michigan ball carrier. Curl up another score was named the outstanding s'a'result, a switch to linebacker or offensive guard might be the of yfaImay we" ** noted as the year of the runners, as a wealth m"n'ng backs have added P|enty of action to defensive player of that game ition. Although he likes his current position, Curl wouldn't college and has been a key tate to switch if it would give him a better chance in the pros. InH K a defensive ^le, it is Curl's job to bring them down cog in the able Spartan defense this | like to go wherever they need a football player," he summed aJd and Otism , AUnnfrS Armstrong '"I6to ®H,y Taylor' Rufus Ferguson, Levi Mitchell face, Curl's job isn't season. always that pleasant uffy Daugherty, too, has heard the critics voice their doubts JJ uy, ,U~or year'" he "called, quarterbacks-Rex Kern "I had to face the SN photo by Milton Horst ut his defensive captain. (OSU), Joe Theismann (Notre Dame), Chuck Hixon (Southern Jome pro scouts are down on Curl because of his size," noted Now Methodist). We had a bunch of great ones. we have some fantastic runners 'fy "1 suppose if Alex Karras (6-0) or Joe Schmidt (5-11) were every game. Even Dlinoishad some pretty good ones." ring today, they wouldn't draft them either." This weekend Curl will be called on to bat Curl lacks in size he has made up for with pure desire, as he tbe passer, as Purdue has stop both the runner and made a name for himself in one of the nation's toughest Gary Danielson to lead the offense. Danielson is one of the ferences, gaining all Big Ten honors in his junior season two leading quarterbacks in the nation, and in Otis Armstrong, the Boilermakers have a successful ground gainer, rs ago. A fractured right forearm kept him out of action for a together, they produce a balanced attack. Although he considers himself better against the big Spartan came into this year heralded as the lineman to pass, Curl has SUPER-FREE le used his Ir, but he Big Ten awarded him another season, strength to simply overpower the opposition, whether ch in the Big Ten, and so far he has made good on that stopping the run or rushing the passer or kicker. it be liction. But with the Spartans struggling with a sub-.500 season, ay be pretty tough for Curl to get much post-season mention. k H's be'ght but if Ron Curl may be something of a barrier in getting to the pros, hurls that problem like he has They don't usually pick all-Americans from losing teams," Curl hurled opposing linemen, he has nothing to worry about. DELIVER Frosh prepare Labor & Industrial for Notre Dame Graduate Study By STEVE STEIN State News Sports Writer against Michigan were impressive On Thursday, Oct. 28, underdog bean I to Rutherford. "It was a Professor Einar ong performuM I Riding the crest of their first wonderful game, and I was Hardin, game victory over the University thrilled with the way they played, Associate Director of the h.rd time MSUbs I of Michigan, MSU's freshman but there is still plenty of room School of Labor and i underdog til football squad faces a rough for improvement." Notre Dame team that invades h other occasion, I Considering that many linemen Industrial Relations will ■n Michigan all Spartan Stadium Saturday in a 10 went both ways, the coach V jtffe discuss with Junior and Spartans won. I a.m. game. thought that the offense played likely be a caseol I Ccl Coach Ed Rutherford has been very well, and the defense Senior MDP students, to hold on working with his freshman "played well enough to win." o hold up. Spartans this week on polishing The offense relied mo6tly on graduate study in tabur their play. The frosh coach the running game, and the and industrial relations. mentioned that he especially freshman coach is striving for a little more balance in the The meeting will be held worked on protection for the running punter, and on blocking attack. Because of a minor knee in Room 31 of the Union OFF CAMPUS assignments, because offensive line is facing a new defense against ND. the and ankle injury to fullback Clarence Bullock, halfback Arnold Morgado carried the Building at 7:00 P.M. 337-1681 CIRCLE DRIVE 337-1631 Rutherford said that he worked brunt of the attack, rushing 31 V- * \ i : with Mike Jones at quarterback, times for 90 yards and two and Larry Jackson at halfback, touchdowns. but that he plans no drastic "We passed a lot against Notre changes in personnel. Dame last year," Rutherford Mark's Photo Show The "heart, determination, and mentioned, "and we do have it in spirit" that the freshmen showed our offensive attack." . . Away i freshman back Arnold SUB VILLA LIEBERMANN'S ado scampers around end is now open at te against Michigan. 515 Grand River fcN photo by Don Gerstner Free Pepsi with Any Purchase "STORM BELLE" the 7V3 Plus At All Subvilla's 25% OFF umbrella that keeps Any Food Purchase Coupon admits 2 you covered PLEASE! RETURN THOSE PROOFS TODAY A new, sensible dome shape covers your hair and shoulders. And it's made of clear plastic so you see where you're going in the rain. Banded in a choice of fashion colors. $000 SPECIAL SHOW PRICES SENIORS! ARKS NOVEMBER 5,6,7 J HELP°UT YOUR YEARBOOK EDITOR GET YOUR YEARBOOK ON TIME. RETURN YOUR PROOFS NOW! PANTLIND HOTEL PHOTO Room 36A Union Bldg. Open DOWNTOWN—107 S. Washington GRAND RAPIDS 9 AM - 5 PM — Monday - Friday EAST LANSING—209 E. Grand River SHOP (Only an hour away) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Jhur*«y^ob™ The State News does Automotive Automotive Automotive Scooters & Cycles Employment P°rRent l«f Action WITH Aj permit racial or iWantAdl not CORVETTE 1969 convertible. JR MUST SELL: leaving town. 1962 PONTIAC CATALINA 1967. Good SANSUI 2000 A, dual 1209, T.J.TRED COACH LOUNGE, 465 ONE OR two berw religious discrimination in its advertising headers. Hurst, L-70-15 427-435, $3150. Rambler station wagon, roomy, condition, power steering, brakes, rectilineer Xl's, 3 months old. North Cedar, Mason. work, table waiting. Lunches, Dining room "?bile homes.*^ Si '0 minutes 627-9592 , 372-4983. new snow tires, best offer. phone 353-8652.1-10-28 351-4174.1-10-28 . to cam* O lo "mpus, • AUTOMOTT^" columns. The State 3-10-29 337-0514 af ter 6 p.m. 1 -10-28 dinners, and night shift. Phone 676-2627.3-10-29 ^ News will not accept PONTIAC 1967 Venture, 2 door BSA 1968, 500cc. Royal Star Scooters & Cycles CUTLASS CONVERTIBLE 1965. STUDIO Auto Parts & Service advertising which V-8, automatic, recently rebuilt. MUSTANG FASTBACK, 1970, hardtop, excellent condition roadbike, $575. 482-1086 days THREE NEAT young men, one full APARTMVNV> month, utilitiei automatic, 351, excellent, $1975. throughout, low mileage, power only. 5-11-2 discriminates against Phone days, 332-8368.2-10-29 time, one college student, 1 pert steering, brakes, eutomatic, $1150. Aviation religion, race, sex, color or Cell mornings 485-0877. 2-10-29 655-3496 weeekendsonly. 2-10-29 1969 TRIUMPH TR-6 - just rebuilt. time man, for new subsidiary of ^immediately. 351.247^^ • EMPLOYMENT Aluminum |ust opening new WAVE RLY national origin. CUTLASS S 1968, 4 door, air, power A really fine bike. $845. 355-4673, Alcoa • FOR RENT MUSTANG 1966 — 6 cylinder Apartments seats and other extras. $1750. Phone 383-6738.3-10-29 convertible, clean, good tires, low mileage. $950. PLYMOUTH 1970 PONTIAC CATALINA 1969. Power steering and brakes. Automatic, air 9-5 p.m., Ken. 3-10-28 office In Lansing, Car necessary. For appointment call 351-7319. C furnish own deposit. roo^'S 882-8382.5.,^3 50 Houses Gren Coupe. Power steering - - conditioning. $1750. Phone brakes, air, FM radio, very clean, 393-4892.5-11-3 Aviation NEEDED FOR light housework end ONE MAN needed for4m ^ Rooms Automotive • FOR SALE 17,000 miles. $2,475. 355-0259. PONTIAC 1966. Catalina convertible, babysitting in exchance for room, board and some wage. Car June. Norwo 351-5538. 3 111 dr4A7'S 337 1068. x-5-10-29 LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight Animals BIDS NOW being taken on the EXOTIC, EROTIC 1948 automatic, V-8, new tires, power necessary. 349-9269 or 349-3919. NASH. training. All courses are Mobile Homes following: 1970 Chevy Nova, 6 Perfect 4 door basic black. MUSTANG, 1965 convertible V-8, 4 steering, brakes, exceptionally government and VA certified. 5-11-3 WANTED: 1 marf;7; •Lost & Found cylinder, 2 door, 1969 Oldsmobile Delta Royale with air. 1970 351-1740. 5-10-29 speed, $350. 351-9010 after 5. clean. 372-1071.3-10-29 FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport ATTRACTIVE HELP wanted part • •nd possibly spacious, quiet. ,pri '"Hi • PERSONAL Triumph convertible. MSU FIAT 1970, 124 Spider, 1500cc, 5-11-2 PONTIAC GTO 1966, 32,00 miles, Road. Call 484-1324. C time. Apply in person. THE 332-1830 D's » PEANUTS PERSONAL EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION, 600 East Crescent. 353-2280. 5-speed, low mileage. $2000. MUSTANG GT, 1969. 351, 4 speed, best offer over $500. 355-5862 after 5:30 p.m. 5-11-1 Auto Service & Porta OUTLOOK. 217 Ann St., East Lansing. 1-10-28 LANSING bedroom O^ru^l • REAL ESTATE 3-10-29 Phone 339-9103 after 6. 3-10-29 excellent condition, dark green, radio. 353-8308. 3-10-27 rooms. furnished Air LJ? 1 « RECREATION • SERVICE BUICK WILDCAT 1964. Excellent FORD New 1963. parts. V-8, runs $175 . very good. 351-3258. NOISY 1966 MERCURY. Needs PONTIAC CATALINA, 1965, automatic, power steering, brakes. MASON BODY SHOP, Kalamazoo Street . . . 812 East Since 1940. RN OR LPN - for geriatric nursing, midnight - 8 a.m. or 4 p.m. -12 a.m. Beautifully for faculty, msi„uine Ml % 2400 E. Michigan Ave. 5 blocks west of Frandor 5530 West Michigan Ave. M5 % — at Saginaw % SI 5T Contact Mrs. Louch u *r •Automotive News, October 18,1971 484-4640 n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. October 28, 1971 15 Student Service For Sale Personal Real Estate Recreation Service COLLIE PUPPIES - AKC registered* FREE A lesson in complexion care. DIRECTORY ... Sables, and tris. Also adults. HAYRIDES DRAWN by horses. Make COMPLETE THESES service. Call 484-4519, East 626-6931. 5-10-29 Michigan or executive home your appointments now. Call Discount printing. IBM typing and 485-7197, Lansing Mall. MERLE 676-5928. 2 10-28 NORMAN binding of theses, resumes, SAMOYED 2 COSMETICS publications. Across from campus, - year old, AKC STUDIOS. C 10-28 Christmas Break registered, nice with kids. Uniquely styled, 3-bedroom corner M.A.C. and Grand River, bead 694-0501. 5-10-29 ranch, features london $149, below Jones Stationery Shop. Call ,LEGE TRAVEL crafts, • EYES EXAMINED Peanuts Personal vestibule COPYGRAPH decoupage supplies, • GLASSES entry. Formal dining area. acapulco $199 SERVICES, OFFICE RESCUED SMALL quarter type, red 337-1666. C art • CONTACT LENS Convenient kitchen for the jamaica $239, reproductions bay mare in foal. From a bad homemaker. Lower level has spain $249 Grand River Ave. candle DR. l.L. Collins, Optometrist MOFESSIONI est making supplies home. For sale dirt cheap. Vet been carefully designed for the THESIS Enfield's Incorporated checked, wormed and trimmed. Call Frank Buck, 351-2286 ,351-6010 693 M-43, Okemos. 34unts on all large orders $49,900 and submit your own and Paula Haufhey 337 1S27 er 127 2931 351-4468 3006 Vine St. Fast Service 351-1194 after 6 p.m. 3-11-1 - The Price is Right "DAMN-YANKEES" won't win the terms. For personal 7 to 11p.m. I blk. W. of Sears «77-«14l Mmo„ series unless the devil foils again. showing ANN BROWN: CHAMPION, 10' x 50' in Scenic Park. phone Dick Edley 371-1930 Typing and multilith Furnished, fully carpeted, washer, 1-10-28 Service offset printing. Complete service ides and Party Room bud's or evenings 393-5081. for For the Unique In Needlepoint storage shed, $3,000 353-9062, 8-6 DAYTIME dissertations, theses, . . . ALPHA CHI pledges: Congradulations BABYSITTING in my Auto Parts Inc. p.m. 4-10-29 home. 1 manuscripts, general typing. IBM. or 2 children. 337-2112. WHITE birch Late Model Motors and THE THIMBLEBERRY SHOP to a great new class. Love, your 5-10-29 22 years experience. 349-0850. C 210 Abbott Road, Suite 44 LAKE VIEW lots available now, 8', Sisters. 1-10-28 teachout-gardner \BLE and shop parts a speciality. 10', 12' wide. 10 minutes TYPING THESES and letters, etc. to realtors Halfway between Holt and 337-2750 campus. PARK LAKE MOBILE UPHOLSTERING-REFINISHING, Rapid accurate iservice. 677 0071 forappt. HOME COURT. 641-6601. O restyling and repairing. All work Experienced. 393-4075. C Mason on n. Cedar 694-2154 (Above Crossroads Imports) 4320 W. Saginaw guaranteed. 18 years experience. TOLAND UPHOLSTERY, hayrides MASQUERADE COSTUMES Lost & Found suzuki of lansing Real Estate NOTEWORTHY 675-5318. 5-10-29 SAVE SAVE SAVE plus an Costume Rental Service 4 XEROX COPYING- offset Old Fashioned Authorized Suzuki Motorcycle BEDROOM, 2 baths, completely FOR QUALITY service and stereos, - best Reserve early for HALLOWEEN LOST KEY ring with four MSU keys, carpeted, family room, fireplace, 2 quality at reasonable prices. THE Bonfire and Snowmobile Dealer TV's and recorders. THE STEREO COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand two bike keys, two house car keys. Call farm 70-110 acres garage. Central air ir rates and booking By appointment only 482-2670.1-10-28 SHOPPE. 337-1300. C River. Phone 332-4222. C 5500 S.Cedar conditioning. 1 '/2 lots. 2 blocks to Call 393-7580 schools. Only 10 minutes to MSU. ,n n»k 1468-3857 Call 489-9061 SKILLED Sales & Service EMPLOYEES EARN 10-12 minutes drive from MSU. Quality brick home, A steal information, at $28,500. call For more 882-8425. MORE MONEY. $2.30 to $3.50 Transportation Visit THE day BEFORE x-5-10-29 per hour if you can keypunch. LARGE ad for FOREVER nearly new. Mas 14' fireplace, Enroll now for 6 week course he Shouldn't You Be 15' x 21' Country kitchen the small ad price. All posters up to 1 /3 off ] 207 milford starting in November. Morning, Student Service Incense, Books'and Head Using This Space? with range, oven, dishwasher, east lansing afternoon, or evening sessions still GREYHOUND LOST: BLACK and white male beagle refrigerator, and disposal. available. Individual instruction. Directory Supplies Walking distance to campus. 5 Learn now 107 N. Cedar, Lansing CALL 355-8255! cross. Vicinity of Hagadorn, South Huge walkout full basement - pay later. Use your rooms. 2 Bank Americard 489-1229 of Mt. Hope, "Spookie". Reward. has unfinished rec room that Bedrooms, 4 piece at SPARTAN now has direct bus service to 351-3762.5-11-1 bath plus stool in basement. KEYPUNCH ACADEMY. Call is spacious. Pontiac, Royal Oak and Formal dining. Price 393-8615.0-5-11-2 only Birmingham, from the East Personal 40' x 60' barn with $19,000, easy terms. 7%MTG. BATON Lansing Bus Depot. Departing TWIRLING classes. Now For Sale - For Rent For Sale basement ready for up to 20 available. Call Gay Gardner, taking enrollment. Ph. 489-2640 on Fridays at 4:25 371-1930 or evenings p.m. For A FINE portrait is a work of art. At horses. Barn needs new roof. 20-10-28 reservations call East Lansing [ANSING - Luxurious APPLES, PEARS, PUMPKINS, sweet CIDER AND APPLES. Pick your own. least that's how we approach it at About 9 acre wood lot, good 349-2044. cider. BLOSSOM VAN DYKE Bus Depot, 332-2569. % block from campus, nt. ORCHARDS, 2 miles North of Leslie on Hull Road. BRENNER'S ORCHARD. Smith STUDIO of PHOTOGRAPHY. Nextto Brother fences. This property priced teachout-gardner i, free parking, $190 per Road, Eaton Rapids. 663-7756. to sell immediately. seniors! for jnless managing. Childless (Old U.S. 127) 589-8251 9-5 p.m. 3-11-1 Gambit's in the Abbott BBuilding. realtors 4320 W. Saginaw | only. Utilities included, Close Mondays. O 332-8889, 0-10-298 your free pics, November 1. Call Ed, BEAM TROPHY bottles; school e bell, TUTORIAL HELP SUPPORT YOUR business with a Wanted ENTIRE FAMILY wear glasses? Save bowl and pitcher, etc. Amplifier. by Ph.D.'s. All call 353-5292 boost from Want Ads. Advertise at OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 1321 East North. 372-3067.3-11-1 sciences, including match, physics BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for East Michigan Avenue, 372-7409. and computers. Call 351-8629. teachout-gardner services there. Dial 355-8255. |V0 girls for 4 man, 2 all positive. A negative, B negative om apartment. Great C-5-10-29 RUCKSACKS IN the Alpine tradition 0-1-10-28 realtors 5 room ranch A FINE portrait is a work of art. At and AB negative, $10.00 O I. S70. Available anytime. for people on the move. Free least that's how we approach it at negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN WE Wl LL straighten it, color it, or 1332-2616.3-10-29 ROBERTS 778-X reel to reel and 8 brochure. NORTHLAND just 4320 W. Saginaw VAN DYKE STUDIO of COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, trim it. UNION BUILDING PHOTOGRAPHY. Next Brother track tape recorder. AKAI TRADER, Belmont, Mich. 49306. lean. Good traffic to 5071/2 East Grand River, East x-5-11-1 BARBER SHOP.C-10-28 Gambit's in the Abbott Building. X-200-D automatic reverse stereo >00. Choice terms, Lansing. Above the new Campus avlng state. Call Don 332-8889. 1-10-26 Book Store. Hours, 9 am to 3:30 tape deck. Dual CV-40 stereo hat radio ALPHASTREET 371-1930 or amplifier, Herman - Kardon SCI 5 CLOSE TO shopping and schools. 1-543-0816. pm Monday, Thursday, and ELECTRONIC REPAIRS. Stereos, | Houses stereo music system, used Market tests are being made Only minutes from the campus. Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 of teachout gardner radio, recorders, TV's. Dependable. STEREO, speakers, amps, a two way radio built into a This 3 bedroom Cape Cod, full pm to 6:30 pm. 337-7183. C Reasonable. Call. 351-6680 receivers, changers, tape recorders protective helmet. The basement and two car garage can be realtors x-0-30-11-23 and decks, cassette and 8 track company feels the device may bought equity out MGIC or 4320 W. Saginaw YOUNG, ATTRACTIVE players, used 8 track tapes $2 / conventioanl. This one won't last at GUITAR LESSONS, Folk and Blues. inexperienced female vocalist COMPONENT STEREO, $100. ultimately replace walkie - would like to jam or work with up each. TV sets, Police band radio, talkies used by public service $23,500. For appointment, Call Gary Moll, $2.75. 351-2368. p girls needed for room in typewriters, imported Bookcase end twin bed, $60. Smith Mrs. Robinson, Advance and coming group. 351-3754. Jn Park Lane. Winter term,. tefjektries, All aqblpmertt tBStfcf wall - Corona portable typewriter, $60. agencies. 372-7610 or 485-3045. 3-10-28 Realty Recreation 3-10-29 3-10-29 1-7559.2-10-29 Albums, $1. 489-1963.1-10-28 Two way communication to and guaranteed. WILCOX sell good things you no longer THANKSGIVING SPECIAL: Freeport, ELECTROLYSIS. MEDICALLY LIBERAL ROOMMATE needed for )PLE needed. Girls, guys, SECOND HAND STORE, 509 East Michigan. 485-4391. 8-5:30 COMPONENT SYSTEM Special, use is STATE News Classified lansing Bahamas.Deluxe accommodations, balance of school year. Luxurious House across from campus. consultation. Call Mrs. Knowlman. Garrard turntable. Pioneer receiver. Ads. You just dial 355-8255 country club near complete package, $199. Reserve townhouse. Call Gary or Chuck, n.$55 monthly. Deposit. p.m. Monday through Saturday. West speakers, $350 value, this nowl 882-6114.3-10-28 Bank and tell the friendly Ad Writer STUDENTOURS, 351-2650. 351-4939.5-11-2 (8.1-10-28 Amerlcard, Master Charge, Delightful older home onquiet weekend, $289.50, MARSHALL 5-11-2 layaways, terms, trades. C what you want to sell. Soon street 9 PROFESSIONAL SUEDE and leather MUSIC. 0-1-10-28 — rooms. 3 bedrooms, ROOM WANTED near campus, IE CHRISTMAS BREAK. NEEDED, large house your phone will be ringing living area, too many features cleaning and refinishing. OKEMOS parking, cooking. Male. mos. Own room, USED, PORTABLE, RCA 4 speaker, with cash buyers. Try DRY CLEANERS, 2155 Hamilton parking. FOLK GUITAR it now to list here. Priced only References. After 5 p.m. 349-2713. BAHAMAS with case, special 12.3-10- 28 solid-state stereo Hifi with stand. and see for yourself. Road, Okemos, 349-0910. 10-11-10 $40. Call' 489-2572 price, $44.95. Limited offer. $20,000. Easy terms on 7% 0-1-10-28 evenings. MARSHALL MUSIC, East MTG. Call J.J. Henry, sons needed to share house, 4-10-29 Lansing. 0-1-10-28 371-1930 evenings, $99 or FRENCH TUTORING. First session lonth. 15 minutes from STEREO, CAMERA. Dyna-KitKLH 485-6766. free, 1-2 hours each session, from .489-7088.3-10-28 2 TURQUOISE over - stuffed living 7 p.m. - 11 p.m. weekdays. $3.50 / - 17's. MNOX-C. Also Smith - oom chairs, olive vinyl strato - THE REAL student candidate has teachout-gardner Corona typewriter, speargun. Call stood hour. 332-5298.3-11-1 bedroom Ranch with fruit, lounger, portable TV. 351-2526 up • his name is Wilbur 351-1385.3-10-29 Brookover. Think about that on realtors ninutes from campus. after3:30p.m. 2-10-29 4320 W. Saginaw Nov. 2.1-10-28 . 694-8365, after 5 p.m GIBSON, LES Paul, new condition ASTRO-TURF. Jive rug for pad. FOR GLAD tidings look foY Typing Service with hard shell case, $275 or best Approximately 5* x 10', $25. something you've lost with a Want FREAKS. Country, half - offer. 349-4457.2-10-28 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term 351-3258. 2-10-29 Ad. Dial 3^5-8255 1 2 bedrooms, fireplace, <1.351-9259.4-11-1 MEN'S GOLF clubs, and complete 30 gallon tropical fish tank. Baby GIBSON BLUERIDGE 12 string, PHI GAMMA Nus Wolverine pictures executive home HAWAII papers, 351-4619. O theses. Best rates. Call almost new, $200. Call Tim, TYPING TERM papers and thesis. $299. chest, child's desk and bookcase. today, 5:45. Second floor Rooms Household items. 489-5588. 351-1439.5-11-3 Conference Room, Eppley. only $42,750 Electric typewriter. Fast service. Call 349-1904.18-10-29 use your 2-10-29 1-10-2 I FEMALE student wants Animals kimbf.rly downs Complete deluxe package. Call master charge USED SEWING machines, $12.50 10% DISCOUNT BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. |ingle room within walking Frank Buck 3S1-22S6 No job too large or too small. Block at the state news |e, cooking desired. Call and up. Console models, SIAMESE KITTENS, 6 weeks. with this ad area Dave Buck, 353-0011 B8.5-10-2 Alaskan Malamute pups, AKC. off campus. 332-3255.0 portables, zig - zags and straight Barbara Box stitches. Over 60 to choose from. SNO-GO KENNEL, 1-224-2156. ELECTRO 3-10-29 Campus Wig& Hair Stylists 3 or 4 bedroom stone and - GRAND, 804 East - 549 E. Grand River 332-4080 aluminum styled colonial OLDSMOBILE OWNERS Michigan, Lansing. Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturdays, 9 a.m. - Noon.O FREE: BLACK Halloween puppies.6 Across from Berkey home. Beamed and paneled weeks old. 353-6453 or 677-6687. 3-10-29 BARBARA Family room with raised ROOMS for rent. BOX WIG AND hearth RIFLES, PISTOLS, will trade for HAIRSTYLISTS, featuring fireplace. Formal Earn,urnished- Cooking. newest ^®0M, no good SLR Camera, 655-3256. 4-10-29 CITY ST. Bernard, (male, AKC, 1 year old) needs a country home. Raised with children, excellent hair and styling techniques. Free consultation explaining Gypsy cut permanents. 549 E. Grand dining plus casual dining, book shelves and storage galore, about 1700 sq. ft. living area in EAST LANSING . . . cooking oi JUKEBOX WITH great sound in | Inquire at 448 M.A.C. disposition, reasonably priced. River. Across from Berkey. 3-10-29 plus full basement and excellent condition. $125. Call 349-2314.3-10-28 Phone 351-5632.3-10-29 attached garage. Delightful To make it more convenient for our East kitchen has all built - ins. Call for Sale ROAST BEEF Buffet. All you can eat, John J. Henry 371-1930 or FENDER TWIN - Reverb amplifer, brand new condition. Asking $300. $2.50. Thursday nite 5-10 p.m. LIZARD'S, 224 Abbott Road. Ads. evenings 485-6766. Lansing Customers to obtain service on Call after 5,332-0610.5-11-1 0-2-10-28 BOARD EXAM TUTORING Kaplan Tutoring Courses for the their cars, we are now providing courtesy SLIGHTLY USED bedroom size NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND - AKC December LSAT and January IS carpeting. 240 Orchard. Come registered, $150. Friendly. Phone teachout-gardner DISTRIBUTING DAT board exams are I year. $7.8 and up. lNY. 316 North Cedar. upstdlrs. Apartment 1, inquire after 393-8653 or 393-4248.3-10-29 formed. Call collect being realtors car service 4 times daily to the East 8City Market. C-10-28 6 p.m. 3-10-28 (313) 851-6077 for enrollment. 4320 W. Saginaw OLD ENGLISH Sheepdog-4 months 0-25-11-12 MACHINE ew portables c7elr^ia^ - $49,95. $5 WATERBEDS $26.50, any Units, $60. Mattress, liner, foam size. old. AKC registered. $225. Phone 351-4457. Housebroken. 7-11 -4 Lansing area. ?n,h Lar9e selection of pad and frame. UL listed waterbed f"ioned used machines. heaters. REBIRTH, 309 North SIAMESE KITTENS, litter trained, all married students F. Whites, Necchis, New Washington, Lansing. 489-6168. C shots, $10. Phone 882-8930 & faculty Our courtesy car will depart from our f Many between 10-4.3-10-29 Others", $19.95 to IirJ-T™5' I'BUTING EDWARDS COLE'S BAKERY 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. COMPANY. SURPLUS BAKERY foods at reduced % GERMAN Shepherd,: Siberian service department at 8:15 & 9. 15 A.M. Washington, prices. 1/3 to 1/2 off at retail Husky puppies. Males $15, females some with study 489-6448. prices;great eating, great economy I $10,646-6000.3-10-29 Surplus Store, 640 South Waverly, and 3:15 and 4:15 P.M. daily (except Sat.) ll!^BEDS $15.38 immediately North of 1-496 expressway. 0-3-10-29 BASENJI PUPPIES, AKC registered, 7 weeks. African barkless, intelligent, from M45 per mo. ■RFn ANN ARBOR |^D STORE, 1217 South CT ' COLUMBIA 10 speed racer. Brand shedless, and odorless. 482-9341. 4-10-29 UNFURNISHED It will return from the M.S.U. Union Bldg. M'n«Ann Arl>or. 23" frame, $80. 393-5908. new. children welcome Theater. 6-10-29 3-10-29 LABRADOR RETRIEVERS. Black, 3 please, at 8:30 & 9:30 AM. and 3:30 & 4:30 PM. no pets IThp ^ Acr°« from months. Excellent hunters and °RD BROWN LEATHER jacket, 30" long, Player, $50. Sony pets. 372-1031.3-10-28 size 44, regular. Excellent B. 3-lo?99 drUm'' 0f,er,■ condition. $25. 625-7120. 3-10-29 PLEASE HELP. Grand dog, free, for from $89.96 KNOB HILL □ wide open spaces. 489-1382. panasonic's super- LDSMOBILEj ILE' 8', new, must sell, all $120. 351-7197. 8 TRACK tape player. One year old, excellent condition. 332-8863. 10-11-8 compact personal refrigerators fit in nicely APARTMENTS STORY OLDS 2-10-29 GREAT DANE puppies, AKC 349-4700 Harlequins and blacks. Show and just about anywhere GARRARD SLX-3 turntable, new pet quality. Show Brindles. OPEN Monday - Friday lich Fle8 F,lr: 314 condition, cost $99 will sell for 517-328-2691 or 517-248-3238. 9 a.m. 5 p.m. ant Dishe»' books, $65.355-6416.1-10-28 6-10-29 - H(q"es- rockers, junk. Saturday 12-5 p.m. 3165 I. MICHIGAN PHONE 351-0400 V and c Par#dise- °P«" GUILD STAR FIRE IV guitar, cost BOXERS AND tiny toy Poodles and LOCATED lA MILE NORTH Ln~ SundaV- Furniture $500 will sell for $225 or best 309 N. Washington OF JOLLY RD. ON "Let Us Prove We Are Worthy of Your Confidence" Sr °0°n ,m'Phone all week, 10 371-2843. C offer. 355-6416.1-10-28 Schnauzers. AKC registered 517-248-3238.6-10-29 OKEMPS ROAD 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Cuba blasts U.S. for banning group MERIDIAN Cuba accused the United States "legitimate rights." leave the Cuban capital sometime Wednesday of "arbitrary and Although ordered by U.S. Wednesday, State Department discriminatory action" in prohibiting a Cuban delegation officials to return to Cuba, the technicians have refused to do so. press officer Charles W. Bray said. IY1ERIDMI1 from participating in an Meanwhile, the U.S. State He said Cuba indicated the international sugar conference in Dept. said Cuba had agreed to condition of the runways made it Louisiana. permit two American planes to unsafe for the loaded 747 to take The Fidel Castro regime land in Havana and fly out the off from the Havana airport, declared that the 19 Cuban sugar 235 passengers of a 747 jumbo jet The developments came as techinicians now in New Orleans hijacked Monday. Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin after flying there uninvited The Cuban government continued his visit to Cuba. Tuesday were willing "to assume indicated the airliner and its Kosygin flew into Jose Marti any risks" while insisting on their 15-man crew would be allowed to International Airport Tuesday It's a 3-dav Birthday party! Thursday, Friday and while the American Airlines plane Saturday Meridian Mall celebrates two years of success with sat on the runway. a mall-wide birthday sale and a carnival, too! urges 40 GAMES! Plus RIDES! Connolly The State Dept. said Cuban All kinds of fun for Itids of all ages! From Wed. - Sun. officials were advised Sept. 24 DEPUTY DAVE WITH A FREE MOVIE FOR THE KIDS! Phase that visas would not be approved. Sat. 10:J0amattheMeridian4Theatres. It said this was in line with a MERIDIAN MALLGIFT CERTIFICATES! practice of not issuing visas to A brand-new idea! Good at any Meridian Mall store. OK on Cubans unless they are members of official delegations to the HALLOWEEN COSTUME CONTEST! 2 pm, Saturday—at the fountain —for all kids up to 1 J. United Nations or other With prizes from Circus World international organizations of WASHINGTON could generate among BIRTHDAY SAVINGS IN ALL THE STORES! workers which Cuba is a member. (AP)-Secretary of the Treasury and businessmen about the To this, Cuba retorted Everything you could wish for at the Meridian Mall 2nd Birthday John B. Connally held out hope duration of the Sale—Thursday through Saturday at Meridian Mall. program could Wednesday: Wednesday that controls over the weIl result in failure of the whole U.S. economy can be lifted by the stabilization effort." "Cuba is the world's leading end of 1972. But he said he was not implying But Connally, chairman of the sugar cane producing country and ^at phase 2 will last the full term one of the 46 member countries Cost of Living Council, avoided of the extension-"that program of that international association any commitment as he opened wju fce kept in place just long — The International Society of the case for Phase 2 economic enough to do the job) and no Sugarcane Technologists. As legislation. longer." Instead, he urged the House such, it has the inalienable right to take part in all its activities and Banking Committee to approve Rep Tom S. Gettys D-S.C., the full extension—until April 30, asked whether the right that it be guaranteed the "you have hopes possibility of doing so." 1973 President Nixon has asked by the end of 1972 or some In New Orleans, the head of the for his control powers. There is such time we can get back to a Cuban delegation, Francia Metre, sentiment in Congress to let the free economy." reiterated the same position and BIRTHDAY SALE April 30, 1972, expiration date stand forthepresent.ortogranta said, "I want to talk person to .«Y I think we wiU „ person with the president of the limited extension, so the ,jed „We not sugarcane society." Uwmakers will have an early embarked on perpetual control of Immigration officials prevented chance to review the program theeconomv" the Cubans from doing so. that will take over from the theeconomy- present freeze after Nov. 13. Connally held open also the possibility that previously He said the administration hopes not to have to ask for take Save 20% to 40% contracted wage increases may be another extension of unfrozen, even retroactively, but only if the new Pay Board so authority—"I don't want to put a time table on it, but I hope we U?.> WHY ALL THE COMMOTION AT rules. He indicated he would not could get things under control WEBSTER? BECAUSE RIGHT NOW' favor a legislative nudge in this next year." YOU'LL FIND TREMENDOUS direction. SAVINGS ON THE MOST EXCITING "I think it would be a mistake AND DESIRABLE FASHIONS IN MEN'S to refuse at this time to fail to extend the act, or to extned it for TRANSCENDENTAL WEAR! SHOP EARLY, WHILE QUANTITIES AND SELECTIONS ARE only a few months," Connally MEDITATION VAST1 said. "Although we have the power to put Phase 2 in place, the uncertainties that such action as taught by Resolution Maharishi EXCITING VALUES IN MEN'S CLOTHING Mahesh (Continued from page one) satisfying nor final solution to the Yogi Double-Knit Suits 69.90 social problem of segregation in •? 100% Polyester double-knits with belted back, flap pockets, gently education, but attempts to g: flared trousers. Regulars & longs in chocolate, navy and camel. AFTER SALE, $85 correct the imbalance and is "clearly superior to Transcendental meditation it our present a natural spontaneous tech¬ 100% Worsted Suits circumstances." Gov. Milliken Monday said he nique which allows each individual improve his life. to expand his mind and Gently shaped 2-button models with style flap pockets in solids, 59.90 has not yet decided if he will ask stripes, and fancies. Straight or flared trousers in regularand longs. AFTER SALE, $85 to $95 for an appeal of the Detroit 2nd Introductory Lecture school integration decision. Fashion Sport Coats The governor said busing is an undesirable approach" to the problem of desegregation, but TONIGHT Double-Knits! 100% Wools! Many fashion styles in solids, geometricsand fancies. Regularand long sizes. 38.90 7:30 pm AFTER SALE, $45 to $65 offered no alternatives to | Room 31, Union integration through forced busing. for information call 351-7587 or 349-4967 Double-Knit Slacks 14.90 100% Polyester double-knit slacks in solid colors of navy, brown, camel, black. Belt loop models, sizes 30 to 40. AFTER SALE, $20 SEE THESE OTHER EXCITING VALUES 100 Genuine Suede SUBURBAN COATS or Leather 49.90 Plush pile zip-out lining in black leather or brown or tan suede. Sizes 36 to 46 100% Australian Lambswool SWEATER SHIRTS Full-fashioned with long point placket collar! Shades of brown, blue, camel, grey, red, navy. 10.90 « FAMOUS BRAND DRESS SHIRTS 5.90 Zip-Lined, Dacron & Cuttun Belted, Pile-Lined ALL-WEATHER COATS C0R0UR0Y BUSH COATS AFTER SALE $25...NOW 1Q lU-tfU Qfl >n«/f li Rugged styling with pile liner! 4 patch button pockets in tan Zepel treated for water and stain repellency. Longer length styling in and bronze. solid tan & plaids. 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