The .. . MICHIGAN Monday voice of him that crieth in the Sunny STATE STATE NEWS •*"- with a hign in tne upper 50s to . . . -Isaiah, XL, 3 lower 60s. Chance of a few UNIVERSITY showers tonight. ie 64 Number 56 East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 1, 1971 Nixon plans bill to sustain J WASHINGTON (AP) - The Nixon I/(ministration hopes to bounce back from a K vote to kill the foreign-aid program tinning congressional passage of stopgap the program good move. helped toward that goal it was a Nixon, who spent part of the weekend at his Camp David hideaway near Thurmont, Fulbright appeared on the CBS radio ■ television program, "Face the Nation." Fulbright said aid to countries like Laos the Senate and not included in Fulbright, long a foreign aid. critic of U.S. involvement in Vietnam, said one of the reasons presence foreign aid often cited as justification for our in Indochina is the military - aid program. He said this deepened our called overlobbying by the administration. Fulbright said the Senate action reflected and South Vietnam would face "a softening of an "almost religious obsession Elation, then enactment of a brand new Md., conferred by telephone with William Timmons, a key White House lobbyist, on death" as programs now in effect lingering gradually involvement there. with Communism." ran out. Fulbright said also Nixon's threat of a veto "This is the first time," he said, "the fwhite House officials said Sunday strategy to offset Friday's surprise Senate But he said if the bill Senate took the responsibility that the Lldent Nixon wants aid continued in a vote. "grab-bag" programs that was not passed as he wanted it "were all things to all people" will not be helped to its defeat. He said senators Constitution expects of it." Crdinated way and has no intention of Nixon and Timmons, officials said, agreed seen again. cause reacted angrily to the threat and to (Please turn | "king piecemeal supplemental the first order of business would be to seek what he to page 13) iLopriations to continue one or another passage of a resolution that would continue He said the interim Ertion of the aid effort. foreign aid beyond its scheduled Nov. 15 program probably U' would "take care of those Ronald L. Ziegler said, "A expiration at current levels. If such a parts of the I Press secretary Lcemeal solution isn't the answer." f ThP White House disclosed its plans a few resolution, subject to periodic renewal, is adopted, Nixon would plan to develop a foreign aid program that controversial." He cited such for Pakistani refugees asan are the least things as funds sees little s after Sen. J. W. F\ilbright said he whole new aid program. example. Ivnects the Senate to approve an interim Irogram excluding funds "for the military nomination of other countries." ie Arkansas Democrat did not state Fulbright, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said the Senate vote marked "the beginning of a period of opportunity ... to be more cooperative and great Fulbright said he doesn't agree with some senators that funds for the United Nations should be cut severely in the wake world body's ouster of of the drop and for the net credits dropped will be refunded. od not so domineering" in foreign relations. Nationalist China. v that military aid to South Vietnam The University thus keeps $7 per net credit thoiild be ruled out but said military But he said "there are reforms that should dropped. Assistance programs are "sticking points" be made." Steven H. Terry, asst. vice president for Bhat could preclude continuation of foreign Poll location He said $400 million in funds to finance The curtailment of MS Us drops and adds finance, suggested several weeks ago that policy has not caused any significant impact students would be economically motivated military sales to Israel as included in the old in average credit hour loads, administration ["To liquidate the U.S. involvement in bill "was a very special to drop courses during the first five days of The Precinct case," the Senate officials said Friday. lietnam is the announced policy of this 3 polling location for would have to consider. classes this fall in cases where last year they Some administrators had (ountrv " Fulbright said, adding that if the Tuesday's election has been moved from He mentioned as an example such things that students would carry hypothesized might have waited for several weeks. He has vote rejecting *» two-year extension of Fire Station No. 2 to the Union Ballroom. could be handled by lighter loads this simple resolutions in* FULLBRIGHT year as of the fifth day of classes. This would be caused by the new drops and adds policy which offered no fee or tuition refund for total credit hours dropped after the fifth Viet masses day \SU blasts Purdue, 43-10, of classes. Statistics released Friday by the registrar's office did not indicate any significant decrease in the average student credit hour load, however. barred from inauguration is Allen smashes records The 41,649 MSU students this fall are carrying an average of 13.4 credits each, which compares with 13.5 in fall 1970,13.6 SAIGON (AP)—Bunting and barbed wire, in fall 1969, and 13.7 in fall 1968. The pennants and pistols surrounded President averages for undergraduate students Nguyen Van Thieu on his inauguration ByGARYSCHARRER major college running record in existence. covering the same period are 14.51 for this the air. The rushing Sunday. But the common folk who State News And almost lost in the shadows of Allen's yardage breaks a Big Ten Surprisingly enough, the Spartans did not fall, then 14.75, 14.82, and 14.86 for Sports Writer record of 524 yards set by re-relected him were nowhere near. running performance was the underdog Michigan in 1969. score in their first series. But after Paul previous fall terms. Road blocks sealed off a square mile of the Allen's records seem endless. He broke Under the previous fee refund system, Spartans' 43-10 ripping of Purdue. Hayner recovered a Purdue fumble early in MSU team records for the opening quarter, Allen scored the first students could drop credits for the first five city center to all but invited guests. Police ■ LAFAYETTE, The Boilermaker loss single game season of and Ind.-Eric Allen, the dropped Purdue and career rushing. He set a his four touchdowns, on a days of classes with no financial penalty. troops were massed around the from title contention and placed its record Big Ten mark for larkplug of the Spartans' offense this fall at 3-2 in the conference rushing yards in one game and total around right end. 24-yard pitch They could also drop courses through the inaugural platform in Lam Son Square. ime through again Saturday. Only this standings. MSU is offensive yardage in a Purdue then marched right back, but the middle of the term and be refunded half of (See related story page 3) also 3-2. single game. The mie, the flashy tailback's performance will previous record was 347 yards by Ron MSU defense continually toughened when the course fees. Armored vehicles inf be remembered in M8U Big Ten and Going into the game Purdue was No. 1 in Johnson of Michigan against Wisconsin in were parked on nearby the Big Ten for rushing defense. But the Boilermakers got within Under pressure from the state legislature, streets. litional Collegiate Athletic Association maybe 1968. Allen had 47 yards scoring range. The Boilermakers lost the ball on downs the University revised the Security men peered down from KCAA) record books. Allen and Co. didn't know. At least they did receiving passes to system so its rooftops and balconies. add to the 350 rushing yards. Allen also when the Spartan defense initial gross income from fees would come ■ Under sunny not seem too worried, while now stopped them for Sunrise saw the grandstands skies and in unseasonal 80 compiling 573 has the national collegiate mark for three plays inside the 10-yard line. closer to the net income after refunds. Last slowly filling ;e weather, Allen broke virtually every yards on the ground and an additional 125 in rushing with beribboned brigadiers, sweating yards in a single game. Purdue was able year, about $1.5 million was refunded, politicians in dark suits, militiamen in black enough to salvage a 23-yard field goal at the end of the first which financially burdened MSU because pajamas and tough paratroopers wearing leis quarter. It! only touchdown of the game the state appropriation is based on the of plastic flowers. gross came in the fee income, not the net amount after opening seconds of the final Foreign dignitaries started arriving in quarter on a seven-yard pass from Steve refunds. black limousines Burke to Rick Sayers. The system flying their national fir, approved Sept. 9 by the an hour before Thieu showed up. Many wen Burke, a Dearborn sophomore, took the trustees stipulates that for credits dropped accompanied by their own bodyguards and place of Gary Danielson, also from through the fifth day of classes, or "drops secret servicemen. Dearborn, when Danielson reinjured a and adds", one-half of the regular course fee shoulder that was hurt earlier in the season. and all of the additional nonresident tuition (Please turn to page 13) Danielson and Burke passed 36 times and completed 22 for 290 yards. Purdue, with its strong passing attack, moved the ball HARTY TO FILE SUIT effectively but could not continue its momentum once inside the MSU 30-yard line. The Boilermakers could not develop a ASMSU rep accuses ground game to compliment their passing. panel of discrimination The expected matchup between Purdue's running star Otis Armstrong and Allen never did materialize. The only similarity Saturday was that both wore numeral 24. "To ensure a systematic representation of But while the green and white No. 24 was By JUDY YATES the views of non-whites and women. 10 seats State News Staff Writer shall be reserved on the running roughshod over the Purdue defense, Academic Council Armstrong was held to 39 yards. for student representatives at - - large," the Bylaws for Academic Governance state. The Spartans rolled to Kevin Harty. Glenville, 111. "Of these 10 a commanding 24-3 junior said positions, at least six shall be halftime lead with second Friday he will file suit with the Student reserved for nonwhite students quarter and at least touchdowns of 59 yards by Allen and a Faculty Judiciary Board today against the five shall be reserved for women 26-yard Academic Council for discrimination the students," pass play from Mike Rasmussen to against bylaws state. Jesse Williams. white male students in the Nomination forms for the at Borys Schlapak then broke representatives - - large seats Purdue's stadium record with a at • large seats. drawn up by the Student Committee on 53-yard field goal. Though the Bylaws for Academic Nominations are divided into five sections. Governance do not specifically exclude One section provides two positions for male (Please turn to page 101 white males from the slate, the classification or female black students. A second provides breakdown designed by the Student one position for a black female student. Committee on Nominations does exclude A third section opens one seat to Chicano white males. students, male or female, and a fourth 5th Dimension However, positions on the slate are section provides two seats to any nonwhite assigned purely by self - classification. The male or female student who is neither committee will not initiate any Chicano or black. screening Tickets go on sale today for the ASMSU process. Thus a white male can classify mself The fifth section has four positions open Pop Entertainment concert featuring the as a minority. to any white or nonwhite female student. Allen runs Fifth Dimension to be held at 8 Nov. 12 in Jenison Fieldhouse. Tickets p.m. Friday, Mark Bathurst, chairman of the Student Committee on Nominations said the All at - large seats are open to both graduate and undergraduate students. may committee will rely on social pressure to Harty said he will press for an injunction ^riPagans c Allen had impressive to an a field day against Purdue Saturday. He ran for 350 yards and scored four touchdowns in leading the 43-10 be purchased at Campbell's Smoke Marshall Music in East Lansing and at the Shop, prevent a cadndidate from classifying victory over the Boilermakers. State News photo by Craig Porter Union. Price is $3 and $4. himself in a category to which he doesn't belong. (Please turn to page 13) °rojects ByBILLHOLSTEIN State News Staff Writer the Academic Council in mid-1966 to consider the "implications and conduct of because, panel as one student said, "the committee never turned down a project." redefining the committee's function and powers. This groping for a new role could in office with unsavory aspects of the federal period o It has advisory powers only. Faculty and Dean Smuckler, have a sizable government's internatinal involvement. porjects" undertaken by the University, on the other impact on MSU's involvement "We haven't been hand, maintain the committee in international There is also a "feeling of distrust " that he given teeth," Dannison 5* on the International Projects partly in response to a growing concern over effective because of a set of has been programs around the world. The student members are does not always supply the committee with said. "So we've been trying to decide exactly MSU's involvement in the Vietnam Project. project participating in what teeth the committee te of dete"nined to avoid the guidelines it drew up. Smuckler says his the committee interim basis until the complete information in making its actually has." actiui? rulll3er stamP committee" for Through that project, MSU lent technical office has turned down several on an recommendations, he said. (Please turn to page 13) assistance to the Ngo Dinh Diem regime. projects Taylor Report is formally implemented. Uck,V t'es a"d s Projects Center of Dean Ralph Some students since have felt the because they were not in agreementwith the When the provisions of the Taylor Report "We're just skeptical about getting for International commi ttee's guidelines. information because he is our only source of committee was a rubber stamp panel are fully implemented, there will be seven information," Dannison said. He said the imiL0/ the faculty members of the Those guidelines range from projects to "enhance the integrity and calling for students and 12 to 15 the committee. faculty members on students are interested in getting a wider Tickets rfestPH °n the other hand« are ,ess reputation of the University" to asking that range of opinion and expertise and may be Tickets for the Black Arts hestivai, performing "watchdog" Generally, the students want "to get in forming study groups soon to look at ction« ernati °Ver the detalls of MSU's Applications the University not undertake that has concealed any activity there and dig and read the contracts" specific projects. sponsored by the Black Arts Company, are funding or is classified centratin^nalL Prog*«ms than in This is the last day application forms tor informat One thing is clear. The between MSU and foreign institutions. But even if the -committee does on sale today at the Union. Tickets are lrnunicatinnf braoder P°»cy issues and student representatives to Academic committee as a whole is in a period of self Scott Dannison, ASMSU representative on disapprove of a proposed project, the most it $1.50. Performances are scheduled for 8:15 the can do is tell Dean Smuckler it ther committee, said many of the students disapproves Thursday through Sunday, with an faculty gn research possibilities Council for the College of Soaal Scienc** evaluation and nearly every recent weeks has involved discussion of meeting in are skeptical about Smuckler's integrity and send reports to that effect to Provost p.m. extra performance advis°ry committee was created by may be picked ur in department offices. because they have associated him and his John E. Cantlon and the Academic Council. Arena Theater. at midnight Saturday, in 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November | Michil news Grad assistant policy blasted by William Greene, chairman of the Council oT governing group. privileges anywhere on campus, gradual*c summary The classification of graduate students students or employes "according to as the Graduate Students (COGS). "The status of the graduate student is frequently manipulated so that the University comes out on Greene attacked a recent decision by the board of trustees granting salary increases to University faculty while excluding graduate assistants from must park south of the Red COGS has formed a Cedw committee stuc From the wires of AP and UP1. to j University's convenience" was attacked last week top," Greene said at the biweekly meeting of the the negotiations. Though graduate assistants may All-University Traffic Policy to find an , y tht be classified as employes in other instances, they the transportation problem assistants as well as the faced bv et|° were considered as students in terms of the wage entire u^du#tf increase issue, he said. community. e Un'versit "This is the first time the Senate Poll shows ha Greene said he expects to offer a proposal to the Graduate Council which would call for the trustees The committee recommendations on the need for expected t0 to reconsider their desicion. the university community, the transits took the responsibility that the traffic on campus and provide elimination suea-stinn. J \ Constitution expects of it." The controversy over graduate assistant status with the current increase in bicycles on cam^ -Sen. J. W. Fu/bright, D-Ark support abortion has been repeated in the assignment of bus passes, several members suggested. In the past, faculty members and graduate assistants were granted bus Searching for greater responsibility students, COGS also discussed the need for t„ ! 71 | See related story, page 1. -mTTkTr.m/\\T WASHINGTON (AP) - Anew . .... passes along with the $12 gate card purchased for student representation in student governl^ cent for and 44 per cent against, adopting a child?" 56 per cent vehicle parking federal survey reports that Roman Catholics were 38 per said yes, 37 per cent no and 7 gave because of concern over the cent for and 56 against, no answer. Those who said yes When the former privileges were denied both population growth, 49 per cent of Protestants 46 per cent for and 41 were asked if they would approve groups this term, faculty members led a successful Greene stressed the need for COGS "J""" o adults questioned favor per cent against, Jews 92 per cent or moveasi disapprove of adopting a child fight to have their bus passes re-instated. force within the University community n permitting abortion when parents for and 9 per cent against. of a different race and 49 per cent Graduate assistants have been less successful. group's possible effectiveness has been incr British defense '"e replaced have all the children they want. Officials said Thursday this is a on The pattern was about a the same disapproved and 9 per cent had question of whether a opinion. by the control of office space recently crantPrtT ' Although t no Although faculty members are granted parking ASMSU, hesaid. dramatic change in public decision to have an abortion golf course The Far East fleet steamed past Singapore in a farewell attitudes toward relaxing should be made solely by a couple abortion laws in view of a 1968 review Sunday, just hours before the 150-year-old British and their doctor. Fifty per cent ¥ UIE IB CI Hkfl C DEI E A C g» survev. survey, of whites of onlv. which whites only, which said yes, 41 ves. 41 rx»r cent said per «»nt said ■ Asian Naval Command was replaced by an integrated found 80 per cent opposed. The abortions should be premitted force under a five-nation pact. new survey includes blacks, with only ''under certain The new arrangement provides that Singapore and Free after three years, 44 per cent approving compared circumstances," 6 per cent said Malaysia will receive naval support from a force with 50 per cent approval among not under any circumstances, and whites. 3 per cent had no opinion. comprised of British, Australian and New Zealand ships. The new survey was conducted Those who said abortions Previously Britain was responsible for the defense of By CINDI by Opinion Research Corp. for should be permitted when Singapore and Malaysia. the Commission on Population State New parents have all the children they VC captive limps home Growth and the American want and those who had no Future. The commission, headed In an ope opinion on the question were by John D. Rockefeller III, is asked if the government should lommunity, di War threat discussed making a two-year study of help make abortions available to Sportsmen' population growth and its effects all women who want it. Sixty six Michigan, (SAN between now and the year 2,000 ts opposition per cent said it should 22 per cent B*EN HOA, Vietnam (AP) — smiling lieutenants, and smiling propagand and intelligence was given his free British and Indian government leaders agreed Sunday in to be completed by next spring said it should not and 12 percent Ho Van Thi had been carrying government officials. rose and man'sdowryi gathering, daisy-print gift wrap. London that urgent action is needed to stave off the for President Nixon and had no opinion. r,ce for the Vi®t Cong for only He looked more like a man threat of an India-Pakistan war. Congress. The nationwide survey involved Asked it circumstances other there are than about two months - and not Hking it much — when South One of the "Chieu expecting the lash than one about candidates stepped forward and Hoi" to be presented a towel, a delivered a speech of contrition homecoming would be like He didn't know what hi Irish Prime Ministers Edward Heath of Britain and Indira he 1,700 men and women 16 years preserving the mother's life Vietnamese soldiers shot him in mosquito net, a suit of clothes, and gratitude on behalf of the said. His father is dead. Hi Gandhi of India concluded during intensive weekend talks of age or older. the left leg and took him prisoner. that India could not be a party to between President Agha Mohammed any political settlement On the question of whether abortions should be permitted "under which you think abortion should be legal," 60 per cent said But if he was jubilant Sunday $1.09 in travel money and a group. After a series of flourishes younger brother is in the Soutl certificate of freedom. and speeches, a colonel pinned Vietnamese army. His friend Britis Yahya Khan's yes, 33 per cent no and 7 per cent when his three years of captivity A smiling captain motioned to "Chieu Hoi" insignia - a biard hadn't liked it when he joinedthi Pakistan government and the where parents have all the had no opinion. ended, he kept it to himself. him to quit salut ing everybody flying from dark to light - on six Viet Cong, but he thought hii independence-seeking rebels BELFAST, of East Bengal. children they want 42 per cent Two children won out as the He was one of 618 Viet Cong who talked to him. representatives of the 673. motherwould be glad to see him army patrols i But the two Commonwealth leaders, opposed it and 9 per cent had no ideal size family with43 per cent an^ Viet Cong suspects the Viet Cong life had been hard, Then it wasThi'sturn. Clutching his package, he after a weeker according to opinion. picking that number, and most government said it was setting Thi said. The work was hard and Favoring the leg that was limped out of the gate toward tin The two soli officials who attended the talks, doubted that The under-30-year-olds were 58 Yahya's wanting one boy and one girl. free across the country on he was afraid all the time. Now he wounded he came forward and bus stop. Springhill area government would act soon or effectively enough to per cent for abortions, 37 per Asked "supposing you had two President Nguyen Van Thieu's would go back to Cat Lai, eight A second m initiate serious negotiations for a political solution. cent against. The children and wanted a larger inaugural day. Another 2,i miles southeast of Saigon, and southwest of t over-30-year-olds were 45 per. family, would you consider were transferred into the "Chieu farm the family rice plot. battle with th ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Hoi" or open arms program. Thi™ .« d™' Sunday Thi, 26, was a celebrity for a day because he was one of only Married s incident. Terrorists b( granting amnesty to some 2,500 two prisoners actually to be wounding sevi Publication at minimum Come One, Come All... criminal prisoners. J released in the ceremony on this wrecked eight A government announcement sun-baked parade ground. Thr Republic, a Bri Attend S.A.E.C.A.'s and GABLES Yevgeny Yevtushenko, the noted Russian poet, suggests that publication of his works in the Soviet Union is kept said the amnesty was to mark both Thieu's inauguration to a second term and South Vietnam's other, claimed he Huynh Van never was a Due, Viet 30, Cong pass union I A 40-pound the years of se< HALLOWEEN but was caught in an enemy in Belfast's Roi at a minimum by authorities. National Day Monday. Effective controlled hamlet 4',4 years ago. The MSU Married Students Army exper Kennedy f aid the tax Yevtushenko is now visiting Hungary at the invitation immediately, 234 prisoners will Nearby, in docile ranks, stood Union Thursday approved a provide a budget to finance thi speculation it of the National Writer's Union. In be released and another 222 will 673 more maroon-clad prisoners constitution by a vote of 141 to union's newsletter, a plannw an earlier interview against the tc have their sentences reduced. TONIGHT including three women and a 16 64. Republican Ari BALL - published in the Hungarian newspaper Esti Hirlap, he Thl in his wine-colored pajamas parenthood clinic and movies (a - year old boy named Lai, who married students and thei The army a claimed that Soviet critics were passing him over in 10 pm was beset by smiling majors, - was captured in Saigon more than After the balloting, Dick families. Kennedy said it woul ambush Thurs< silence, a new method of disapproval. 3Vfc years ago during the Tet Kennedy, union president, said help maintain an office in marrie games fun prizes drinks FOR CITY COUNCIL offensive. the constitution will now be housing for the union's They were being welcomed to presented to the board of trustees COK)p (jreen Earth Co op GORDON the Chieu Hoi" camp for a couple for Union recognition of the varjot[s 0tber committees, Mond: Allende to visit Cuba all at the of months of political organization as a governing Kennedy expressed concer PIZZA indoctrination and screening group. If the board approves, a that the board THOMAS before being given the choice of tax of 25 cents-per-term will be tjje 205 votes might not conside significan ★★★★★★★★* ****★★★★★ Paid Politic*I Advertisement going home or serving the levied upon each married student representation ' 2 Chilean President Salvador Allende government in such fields as family. approving the union said Sunday the visit to Chile by Prime governing group. Minister Fidel Castro of Cuba will Balloting included electin occur within the next 20 days. the black dirts company zone representatives to the unioi But Allende said that his long present* * J They are Pat Girvin and Shano [Watch Mon. Sumner, Cherry Lane; J personal friendship with Castro does not mean he will emulate the Cuban hlack Hoehlein and Robert Valla University Village: Kip leader and turn Chile into a one-party Communist state where elections are festival Burgoyne, Bruce Currie, Rene Laroche, Judy Lewis, Shen member 4-7 never held. Ness, J. Edward Terdahl, An "I am a personal friend of Fidel TftrformvCfS it 8:l5pm Thorn forde and Rr* UmiJ-nite show serf Wadsworth, Spartan Village; ROUND Castro but I do not imitate his style and only Bill Jasper, Dave Stephenson Arena Theatre tactics," Allende said. Dale Miller, off-campus. & *J $0 adntiis/oji e at Union Ticket Office China listed in UN roll READ 25% TO 300% FASTER OVAL MM JUST 11 DAYS AT HOME Cn Communist China advised the United Nations Sunday that it wants to be listed under "C" - for "China, People's (or you don't pay a cent!) 0CTAGOIV Republic of' - in the alphabetical roll of the 131 member Want to be able to digest a full- countries. page memo in just 15 seconds? Or Acting Foreign Minister Chi Peng-fei informed Secretary-General U Thant in a message replying to a query Thant sent Friday. get everything you need out of your newspaper in as little as 12 min¬ utes? Or read an entire novel in Cn The answer cleared up the questions of where to hoist only an hour or two? the white-starred red Chinese flag in the alphabetical rank Now you can with the new, low- RECTANG of members' flags at headquarters and whether China cost "11 Days to Faster Reading" would be program. With "11 Days," you can: president of the Security Council for November. -Increase your reading speed 25% to 300% or more-in most cases, with improved comprehension! ONLY 14 —Accomplish this in just a an day for only 11 days, at home- hour Razors, drugs in candy without traveling to classrooms or DAYS LEFT paying for expensive instructors! -Choose the reading material and '11 DAYS TO FASTER READING" Includes: • 64-page, bound Your Guide to Reading Efficiency handbook • M t ve !i!!-"AMERlCMn the study hours that suit you best! inch Your Guide to Reading Efficiency LP records or, iw Ghosts, goblins and witches wandered the land over weekend for Halloween trick-or- treating that had a bitter the TO HAVE YOUR GUARANTEED RESULTS nrpfor twn tana raccottoc * Phartinar Ynur PerS003l « __ The "11 Days" program has worked WALI side for some youngsters who discovered drugs, pins and needles or razor blades in their holiday candy collections. YEARBOOK for hundreds. That's why we can Public officials in many states warned parents to check guarantee that you must be satis¬ j" To: 11 DAYS TO FASTER READING °804*01 'I carefully any candy, fruit or other items their children PORTRAIT TAKEN fied—or return the program and I . a CRM, Inc. Program Del Mar, California 92014 . owe nothing! . I Please send me all program materials for "11 Pa)!sun. Dovvntc brought home. A Battle Creek, Mich., man promoted the SEND NO MONEY J Faster Reading" and bill me $29.95 plus shipping 1 | 107 N. w use of coupons to replace candy. Thousands are paying $75, $150, | derstand that if I am not satisfied, I may return an P IV2-11 Jessie Gray, head of the "Let's Save Halloween" $275 to increase their reading I gram materials in 10 days, with the bill, and pay not" • | Check your preference: □ Five 8-inch LP re£ I committee, urged homeowners to buy the coupons from speed. But you can read up to I □ Two tape cassettes local stores and distribute them to trick-or-treaters. The SIGN UP NOW - ROOM 36A UNION BUILDING 300% faster in just 11 days for only $29.95 plus shipping and handling. Dr- R.C. coupons were redeemable at other stores for candy and 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY Send no money now-just the youngsters can eat without risking the danger of finding OR TELEPHONE 353-5292 FOR AN APPOINTMENT coupon. We'll bill you when you re¬ poison or a sharp object. ceive your program. But act now! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November I, jy/i ~ 1 COMBAT DIVISION LEFT U.S. cuts troop level by 3,000 SAIGON (AP)-The U.S. to Ft. Lewis, Wash, for cent of the division's troops will U.S. troop strength in Vietnam affected by the Senate vote, Command announced Sunday deactivation at a later date. return to the United States since reached the deactivation of one of its two The division was activated 543,000 men in April Treasury Secretary John B. these men have completed most remaining combat divisions in Vietnam in September 1967, a 1969, two months before Connally, here for the Vietnam and the cutback of of'their 12-month combat tour President Nixon began inauguration as Nixon's composit of various other units. The , personal remaining men, who have 10 disengaging American forces >rces as envoy,said as envoy, said he would discuss the nearly 3,000 more troops. It had been ,f 1 the largest division in or more months .. . to .... The serve, will be part of his Vietnamization Senate action with Vietnamese announcement the U.S. Army at peak strength transferred to other units still program. At peak strength, the officials before leaving for underscored what President with more than 23,000 men and active in Vietnam. United States had nine full Army Bangkok on Nguyen Van Thieu said earlier in had the largest area of operations Much of the cutback in troop Monday. He added his inaugural address: and Marine divisions and the that it is too early to say how „1V. "Today, in the country-from Da Nang „I1U the „„„ lllc strength is accomplished by a equivalent of 21-3 other combat Senate action will affect South you have seen that the southward 100miles. J reduction*■-- *- in *■*-- *• the flow of- divisions in Vietnam. Vietnam. contribution in human lives of One brigade of the division, the Vietnamese replacements. our allies has been gradually 196th, has been detached and is Alluding to the quickening pace Thieu also called for limited While the Americal figured o in of the American pullout, TTiieu collaboration between North and diminished and will end soon." operating in Da Nang to protect of the some toughest fighting of said in his inaugural address that South Vietnam until the Ah communique headquarters of Gen. from^the Creighton U. S i n stallations in the several the war, controversial it also was involved incidents. in the next four years would be a war-divided people can be W. Abrams said that critical and decisive time for reunited. eight more The Americal Division base The most notable of these were Vietnam. Speaking in conciliatory tones Army units with 2,890 men had camp at Chu Lai, 50 miles south the My Lai massacre and the been phased out of the war zone, "The coming four years is a new in his inaugural address, Thieu of Da Nang, will be turned over to refusal of of the division's phase, a phase when all the people proposed a series of exchanges dropping U,S. strength to slightly the South Vietnamese 2nd i—i Sailboat sail' below 200,000. All the units are either part of the Americal Infantry Division within the next companies to go into combat. Its inactivation will leave only continue to consolidate the defense of the country and still between North and South. Specifically, Thieu proposed an two weeks. Most of the base Although this sailboat is not ready for immediate navigation, it is still "for camp the U.S. 101st Airborne Division actively carry out the revival and sail," just west of the Division or support it. was ravaged by Typhoon Hester exchange of mail and of visits by in Vietnam. And it is expected to golf course by the Maintenance Building on Mt. Hope. The command said that the development of the country," he people of the North and South as State IMews photo by Milton Horst begin phasing out by early next declared. the first steps. This would include Americal's colors will be escorted It is esti mated that about 50 per year. Again alluding to U.S. troop divided families, separated since support, Thieu continued: "We the 1954 partition. Next, Thieu ourselves should gradually said, there should be exchanges of Sportsmen assume all the responsibility and trade and commerce." support carry the burden of our task." Without referring to the Senate vote Friday killing the American Families Salute foreign aid bill, including some By CINDI STEINWAY Chest drives throughout the state the recent developments leading efforts to develop new knowledge $549 million in economic State News Staff Writer and is now urging all to to the withdrawal of opposition end this apathetic attitude among yeans, the letter read. Wharton assistance to South Vietnam VlPtnflm for ,n, f k p sjgn 3 post " contribute. and its connection to the by stimulating sponsoring and the people and lead them to further reminded everyone that lo . °r cooperating with research in this reconsider so as not to penalize those served by the Community ™ "sca' In an open letter to the In an effort to clear up the Community Chest drive at MSU. field," Howell said. other groups involved. . Chest agencies are affected more made a ' plea ^ for continued , PRETORIA, Ap\—n South Africa community, dated Oct. 26, the controversy ensuing from the "The National Council on assistance (AP)-The name of Du nessis ' AllSnno/t /\ f f A *UII1II1 U 111 ti V vHwl "The campaign is purposely by adverse economic conditions Avenue in suburban East Lvnne Sportsmen s Alliance ot SAM boycott, John C. Howell, 6 tf tf J V nm i- . . ,, , Crime and Delinquincy (NCCD), supports the NCCD , "Tocontmuetofightandatthe Michigan, (SAM) has withdrawn University campaign chairman as one of* " the —! agencies .. l-J upports through designed for the convenience of ,u- the 1—! than w same time to rebui d and has ^ officja ^ supported ystreet. 8Many !4-- move business community in depend - : opposition to. Community for Community Chest described contributions, the members of Oojevaar (stork) by the Community Chest, earlier SAM set up a boycott against the toward self-reliance and allowing one drive for over 53 drive, newly marted couples live and this year outlined a policy campaign throughout Michigan agencies that normally would self-development." start their families Military aid to Vietnam v , along the rish rebels attack supporting gun control *not protesting NCCD's original contact each contributor At more than 300 street. legislation. The immediate proposition, Howell stated. After personally. volunteers are working on this reaction was the impression that the NCCD made an effort to "What's involved is a fund loss year s campaign, as solicitors NCCD was proposing gun control clarify its original position, not not on'y to the national agencies within the departments to pass British units, hurt 2 legislation which would adversely affect sportsmen, Howell explained. really altering it, SAM announced the withdrawal of its opposition, NCCD that the Chest supports, but to local community out pledge cards and return them to unit supervisors," Howell said, The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring school terms, he added. health agencies, child care and By last Tuesday 52.4 per cent Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) — Guerrillas ambushed British He emphasized the NCCD had Confused and garbled facts led family centers, youth agencies, of the goal of $202,000 had been during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition no intention of taking guns away in September. Subscription rate is $16 army patrols in Northern Ireland Sunday, wounding two troopers, to another reaction against the and statewide health care collected since the opening of the Member Associated Press, United Press per year. from sportsmen, but were trying after a weekend of sniping and bombing that left two persons dead. to show how their past record of drive, that the Community Chest programs," Howell emphasized, campaign Oct. 6, he added, Inland Daily Press Association, International, The two soldiers were hit by the same bullet In an ambush in the bowed improperly to the pressure President Wharton in a letter to Michigan Press Association, fact finding and research in this Associated Collegiate Press, Springhill area of Belfast. of a special interest group, and on MSU faculty and staff, Howell cited various reasons for Michigan Collegiate Press area the real point of Association. A second mobile patrol, on a country road in County Armagh, was these grounds should not be distributed at the beginning of the low success so far in the drive; Second class postage paid at East southwest of the capital, also came under fire and contribution to safer gun control, supported," he said. the drive stressed the importance the Lansing, Mich. Editorial fought a brief gun reasons included the gun and business offices at 345 Student Services battle with the ambushers. No casualties were "When the NCCD realized how The confusion came when the .°' MSU's contributions to the Bldg., Michigan reported in that control controversy, the matter was being taken, they sportsmen State University, East Lansing, Michigan. incident. withheld campaign as a measure of our Terrorists bombed a sports club in immediately suspended their contributions fcr one reason and willingness to participate in Armagh late Saturday night, FOR CITY COUNCIL wounding seven persons. It followed a wave of explosions that original proposition, and drafted then others withheld their dollars service to the community, a five-point statement to clarify because News 355-8252 wrecked eight customs posts along the jumpy frontier with the Irish the misunderstanding. of the interest group "The state of the economy, the GORDON Classified Ads Republic, a British army .billet aiid,aj>qlice,stitipn. pressures, and still others yage freeze and related factors 355-8255 A 40-pound gelignitejymili Jmciftlle "The point of the revised Advertising 353-6400 kilflfet y%t discovered in dropped position was, in essence, that in to avoid the whole cancroveesj'. aitogttber WW cause ygusta fllac*} *Jower THOMAS Business Office the years of sectarian violence in the province, was found in a tavern "priority on yov« participatiqn in 3*55-3447 recognizing the need for "The easiest response ifcnotnCo I iBelfast's Roman Catholic area of Andersonstown. additional information on the gjve at all,'' Howell -^e campaigrt lliah in' previous Paid PoMtic*! Advertlsem Army experts detonated it, wrecking the tavern. There was pointed oift. 1 speculation it was planted by Protestant vigilantes in retaliation relationship between guns and But he said he hopes the recent against the terror campaign of the Catholic - oriented Irish crime, the NCCD will intensify its actions clarifying the issue will Republican Army. The army announced that a British soldier, wounded in an We the followin ambush Thursday, died in hospital Sunday. faculty urge Welcome... for our colleag Watch Mon. night football on color TV while you eat Gordon TOWN PUMP 307 S. Grand, Thomas Lansing Jack Bain Russel Nye John Barson Bea Paolucci THE Erwin Bettinghaus William Rintelmann "IN LOOK" Miles Boylan David Ralph is yours Clinton Cobb Edna Rogers AT Richard Coelho Everett Rogers OCTAGON W.D. Collings Gordon Rohman WALLACE'S Leo Deal Jim Rust with a wide relief from the Mildred Erickson Robert Schlater RECTANGLE Henry Foth CHOICE OF WIRE FRAMES ordinary. Carl Gross Douglas Hall Mahlon Sharp William Sweetland 'The Olde Wo^ld is a relief from the ordinary. Superb' Al Thurman (sandwiches; fine wine and imported beers, all in a cas¬ Don Hamachek ual European atmosphere. The Olde World is located! Pat Walsh :in the center of East Lansing on MAC. Look for a dis¬ Robert Harris Downtown Office Mon. 9 to 9 tinctive red and blue awning. Sandra Warden Frandor Office Thurs. 9 to 9 John Henderson Willard Warrington Ted Kennedy WALLACE OPTICIANS Madison Kuhn Frederick Williams John Winburne Downtown Vine at Clippert Beatrice Leonardson 107 N. Wash BI^EADWALE 1 IV2-1175 Opposite Sears Al Levak Lester Wolterink IV5-7137 Registered Optometrists 211 M A C Avenue East Lester Manderscheid Robert Wright Lansing Dr- R.C. Jones Dr. W.C. Jensen under the red and bluejjavvning Gerald Miller John Zimmer Dr. R.J. Spagnuolo Paid Political A MICHIGAN MICHAEL FOX STATE NEW' UNIVERSITY HmmI Chicanos, 'U' must negotiate KEN LYNAM It would really be unfair for anyone to and carries a The University administration and often confusing University environment. philosophical meanin, ,, elaborate at this point on what the Chicanos word has become advertising manager Chicanos embark Tuesday on a series of Quotas in and of themselves are useless might seek or the University might grant as a recent years due to popular in the ?M] meetings aimed at increasing forward because the typical minority student does result of the current meetings. There is a ethnic awareness and increased eml , 1 DAVE PERSON, managing editor movement in MSU programs and services for not have the necessary background to point for discussion, however, in the cultural Americans of Mexican descent " nrii * CHARLIE CAIN, city editor the Chicano minority group. compete against the majority students. A ,n" minority college student who has flunked situation in general of minorities. The Chicano situation JOHN BORGER, campus editor The position of the University in any inwlves a Blacks seem relatively happy at this time language, Spanish, which BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor dialog with a minority group is one of an out is no gain for the society, the minority in terms of the programs offered by the most is other U.S. minorities a distinct^ RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor ideally neutral institution charged with the group, or the individual. lack task of supplying an education to all those The University's position will indeed be a University for that minority. Black culture Chicanos are proud of their Spanish h*3 the rule than exception in and wish to promote its use Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award who qualify, the majority of which are defensive one. The minority groups are rooms seem more most residence halls, the Center for Urban Americans. Towards that among Me*1 white, middle class American students. Asa asking for things, and as almost every aspect goal of Snd for outstanding journalism. Affairs promotes many black - oriented state school, the philosophy of most of the University has a dollars and cents integration in the U.S. setting, Sol de AmJ administrators has been to service this value, those things sought by the Chicanos projects, and black studies are being in Lansing has a Spanish radio pro„ majority while respecting the rights and will have financial implications for a integrated into University curriculum. broadcast over the University's WKAR Aul The American Indians, once abused and needs of the minorities. University no longer as flamboyant with few hours each week. The group »l3 EDITORIALS MSU has no numerical quotas or target dates for minority students to reach a money as it once was. Most likely the Lansing area Chicano now neglected by the white majority, have been relatively quiet in terms of pressuring purchased and distributed children'sl and reference materials in Spanish. certain percentage of total enrollment. group Sol de Atzlan, which has been the for new programs for that minority. Indian President Wharton himself has rejected in primary organizer of the minority's actions, recruiting on campufc is being handled by No minorities today are of assimilation into the white following th. J the past such a quota goal because it is a will continue its attack on the $16 million dedicated people, who feel that the progress JL Colburn, Griffi superficial gesture that does not necessarily touch the very real educational needs of the minority students. budget of the Cooperative Extension Service and the Agricultural Experiment Station. The Chicanos' grievance lies with a fear that necessary for Indians must be gained slowly but steadily through a practice of seeing that every Indian admitted finally graduates with Afro hair styles of the blacks majority Spanish by the Chicanos are desire to proclaim a distinction andthen'I evidence J asasml nft Still, if the white majority can Wharton has maintained that more mechanized agriculture, as influenced and a good college education. supLI 'no' for Meridia important than admitting, for example, 10 per cent black enrollment is the urgency to promoted by MSU's land grant tradition, is destroying the small farmers of the U.S. and Chicanos are currently the activist minority, not only at MSU but in many inborn racist attitudes about look different than themselves peolj then tJ insure that any minority student, once particularly hurting migrant laborers, many cities and colleges. A pamphlet prepared by distinctions harm no one. ' 1 admitted, is able to survive in the large and of whom are Chicanos. the MSU Library states the following The optimistic forecast for the Tomorrow the people of East Wilbur Brookover and Chuck Will minor! issue is that no more Lansing will finally settle the hottest emerge as the least objectionable third regarding terminology: "Chicano is derived from the word open street such as the urban riots will be fuJl city council contest in recent years. choices. Unfortunately, Brookover Mexicano which was used in Mexico to refer achieve progress for blacks. necessLI The critical question mark will be the has often been less than zealous in to the Mexican who had moved north to the American Indians. But that Chicanwif hope calls fJ so-called "student vote". supporting student interests. Further, U.S. As used today, it refers to an American serious and sincere approach to the curt of Mexican ancestry. Use of the term University Chicano negotiations by b Campus-oriented candidates have a Brookover victory would almost - Chicano provides a sense of identificaiton sides. repeatedly stated that the newly-won certainly deny the election of either youth mandate will have a profound Colburn or Griffiths. Conversely, Will effect on the East Lansing political is so special-interest oriented that he process. Some pollsters are not so falls far short of being the complete sure. councilman that East Lansing needs. In its waning days, the city council In essence, there are only two race took on marked overtones of council seats at stake. Thus the "town'' versus "gown" equation becomes how to cast the To the Qualified Electors: confrontation. Such polemics are third vote so as not to aid other unfortunate, since the city council candidates at the expense of Colburn must of necessity serve all of the and Griffiths. Writing in your own NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That an Odd Year people maximally. Special interest name provides the single viable representatives simply have no place alternative to this unfortunate General Election will be held in the City in such a context. situation. of East Lansing, County of Ingham Of the eight candidates for the three State of Michigan city coun6il vacancies only two An important issue obscured conform with the above ideal: by the city council race is the question • George Colburn has continually of cityhood for Meridian township. demonstrated a concern for people Several thousand students both on over business and machines. A and off campus reside there at present staunch environmentalist, he opposes and stand to be profoundly effected the cross-campus highway and vows to end East Lansing's ever-increasing by the incorporation vote. Creation of the City of Meridian Park is an idea whose time has come. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1971 "asphalt pollution". Colburn has a competent knowledge of the city Realistically, the basically AT THE PLACE OR PLACES OF HOL DING THE ELECTION If SAIDCITY housing problem and has presented rural-oriented township system is no AS INDICATED BELOW, VIZ: concrete and straightforeward longer viable for Meridian. If solutions for it. incorporation is not soon •George Griffiths has supported implemented the area will be forced PRECINCT 1-Spartan Village School, 1460 Middlevale Colburn in his concern for the to either wander through legal limbo PRECINCT 2-Red Cedar School, Sever Drive or be slowly gobbled up by East PRECINCT 3-MSU Student Union Ball Room environmental quality of East OUR READERS' MIND PRECINCT 4—Central School, 325 W. Grand River Avenue Lansing. A three-time candidate for Lansing. PRECINCT 5—Glencairn School, 939 N. Harrison Avenue the state Senate, Griffiths is no The problem is that the present stranger to the political process. He incorporation proposal comes across as hasty and half-baked. Proponents Black theater PRECINCT 6-Hannah Middle School, 819 Abbott Road PRECINCT 7-Hannah Middle School, 819 Abbott Road has been adament in his belief that PRECINCT8-Bailey School, 300 Bailey Street students should have their fair share insist that the new City of Meridian PRECINCT 9-Edgewood United Church, 469 N. Hagadorn Road of political power. Most importantly, both Colburn Park could subsist on the present township tax levy of five mills. The group needed PRECINCT 10-MacDonald Middle School, 1601 Burcham Drive PRECINCT 11-St. Thomas Aquinas School, 915 Alton Road To the Editor: films and the stage never saw themselves and Griffiths have emerged as experiences of other cities and Before the twentieth century the PRECINCT 12-Whitehills School, 621 Pebblebrook Lane represented at all. The Black Arts Company PRECINCT 13-Eastminster Presbyterian Church, 1315 Abbott Road compromise candidates capable of townships, however, does not bear American theatre generally had treated of MSU hopes to focus on the black actor this contention out. There is a PRECINCT 14-Pinecrest School, 1811 Pinecrest Drive drawing support and acting in the best blacks by means of stereotypes, cliches and and the black playwright to achieve for him interests of both student and manifest probability that under the farcical representations. But the early visibility on this campus. In a spring decades of the century witnessed the symposium (stretching over a two week non-student factions. present proposed charter Meridian The question of what to do with the Hills would be born in debt and labor enlightened teaching and writings of such span) the company will channel its efforts FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING THE FOLLOWING OFFICERS, men as W.E.B. DuBois, and since that time a VIZ: third vote is probably academic. It for years under a fiscal onus. by probing the scope of the black experience more realistic and more humanistic image of and by taking a broader look at the universal appears Mayor Gordon Thomas will When this fact is considered the the black man has been portrayed on the roles of Hamlet well Othello. be reelected due to his immense voters of Meridian Township have American stage. To a great extent this as as CITY OFFICERS little choice save to reject the present transition was brought about by blacks Thomas Rachal popularity with the "town" faction. themselves. Discontented with playing roles Detroit senior But while it is tempting to endorse a proposition, thus compelling the imposed on them by the white community, Oct. 28,1971 THREE COUNCILMEN sure winner, Thomas' record with drafting of a new, more realistic black authors and actors have successfully regard to student interests is markedly incorporation proposal with a more liberated the black man from the shackles of the theatre of the past, and have instilled in ALSO ANY ADDITIONAL AMENDMENTSOR PROPOSITIONS meager. realistic tax base. themselves, and the theatre-going public's mind, a whole new image. Sexist view THATMAY BE SUBMITTED To the Editor: Glass litter The academic community's recent awareness of the black man's role in our Hunks for informing us that, as she was urging an end to sexism, Gloria Steinem looked 15 Notice Relative to Opening and Closing of the Polls society, and in our theatre, has resulted in years younger than her age "dressed in shirt, the emergence of seminars and workshops ELECTION LAW, ACT 116, P. A. 1954 slacks, hiphugger belt and salmon suede black drama Solution university on on many SECTION 720. On the day of any election the polls shall be opened at 7 boots." Your having referred to her in the not campuses, and increased numbers of productions of black plays in educational, very same sentence as "Ms" rather than o'clock in the forenoon, and shall be continuously open until 8 o'clock in the afternoon and no longer. Every qualified elector present and in line at the "Miss" Steinem is, of course, an unintended community and professional theaters. MSU polls at the hour prescribed for the closing thereof shall be allowed to vote. irony. Yet I cannot think of a better Environmentalists see a very simple have to be made of heavier hopefully is headed toward this positive example than this of how deeply embedded glass to direction. The Committee for Black art solution to the glass and can litter stand sexist attitudes are, even among those of up to repeated use, the formed by 5 black students within the problem: recycle disposable glass and good intentions. Replace the "Ms" with subsequent effect of banning Theater Dept. is exemplifying leadership in "Miss" and you have a paragraph that would eliminate future production of non this endeavor. The Center for Urban Affairs The Polls for the said Election will be open from 7 o'clock A.M., disposable bottles and cans would be grace the Women's Page of any newspaper in returnables. But this seeming panacea to further injure the environment. is supporting the Committee by helping to and remain open until 8 o'clock P.M., of the same Election day. the country. form a university organization; the Black only plays into the hands of glass There's another problem as well: Martin Benjamin Arts Company of Michigan State University. manufacturers and does little to solve professor of philosophy Increasing bottle deposits can What are some of the objectives of this black the litter dilemma. Oct. 27,1971 backfire. In a federally aided test in organization? To portray the totality of the According to William D. California, a deposit of 11 cents was black experience, to show in all it's facets Ruckelshaus. head of the Federal set to encourage a higher rate of the true experience. Whole areas of the black Environmental Protection Agency, life styles have been in the past treated as if return. Bottle counterfeiters then restrictions on disposable containers they did not exist. Blacks, after all, have made their own disposables and reason enough to be "offended" by the would o;.iy iiake matters worse. returned them for profit. oversights of the white theatre tradition Surveys, he said, have shown that The only lasting solution to the glass which only casts blacks as household help. people throw away returnables and and can littering problem is to find Black art and black plays are expressions of a disposables alike. Since returnables culture that cannot be "judged" by white biodegradable packaging alternatives. standards. This is not to say that whites Scientists have already progressed cannot leam a great deal from black theater. markedly in the use of cardboards and Through the realistic portrayal of racial plastics as experimental bottling problems from a black viewpoint this can be To: The Coalition to Abolish ASMSU elements. socially instructive for whites once they get over the surprise of finding that the other Re: Future actions Certainly, it is in all our interests to viewpoint exists. Also to play the entire eliminate the glass containers that are DA5 SLEEPING.., canon of dramatic literature is another Dear Space Seekers - littering our environment. But we objective of the Black Arts Company. When □ESI You want to abolish what? should not be led into the blacks go to the theater and see an all-white fallacy that glass recycling and an end to cast, he is bound to feel, "what does this have to do with me?" You cannot imagine The People disposable containers will prove a the psychological damage that has been final solution. done to a groi* - of people who on television, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan nuay, iNovemoer l, iy/i w 10% Off Cigarettes BUF will expand The Discount Price on all 2/69° Film Developing limit 2 pkgs no limit program, services (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires after 11-6-71 Expires after 11-6-71 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only The executive board acts as the By ANNE BOOKER aspect of the organization and 2.25 official spokesman for the Black deals with issues affecting blacks State Newt Staff Writer United Front. This year's elected locally and nationally through Kodak Color Film The Black United FVont (BUF) board has seen an increase from use of the written word. The BUF Flashcubes has announced an its organization, expansion of programs and five to nine members. Five of its members chosen extends an invitation to 126,127,620 services this year. The are by the interested persons to join in its expansion representative council and, communication programs. is an attempt by the organization to increase student in its functions. participation turn, those selected elect additional four members, Students at MSU have already begun benefiting from the efforts 89° 3. 99° The limit 1 limit 1 ckbone of the of the Film Series committee (Coupon) "The BUF is a student (Coupon) organization are the black which presents weekly films at Explresafter 11-6-71 Expiresafter 11-6-71 organization that relates to issues students of MSU 7:30 p.m. Friday in 100 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only The and events affecting black representative council is chosen Engineering Bldg. The films deal students at MSU", Ahmed by these students who elect with political and economic $1.39 $1.85 K5r„P' Detroit junior and Office representatives from their aspects of the struggle at a higher of Black Affairs (OBA) director dormitories according to the level. Arrid Extra Dry MJ°jn"rewnt interview. "umber of students who reside The Advertising and Publicity Oreck Shampoo lhe Office of Black Affairs Deodorant . . is there. Dormitories occupied by Committee has been formed to Matinee the Bur administrative wing of the and itself with Up to 50 black students are exhaust all channels of publicity 66c concerns allowed one representative, while in order to make known the The Theater Dept. presented a new musical for children at the Arena Theater in the Auditorium basement over the weekend. The drama involved audience participation by children necessary paperwork organization. It is headed by a of the those having from 51 to 100 are allowed two representatives, functions of BUF to the college community. 6«* limit 1 u„, *109 attending the five-man board of directors which limit 1 play. Above is a scene from the Saturday afternoon production. The BUF, however, has seen the The BUF also extends its (Coupon) (Coupon) State News photo by Terry Luke reportedly has two openings at need for even further expansion services in other forms such as the Expiresafter 11-6-71 Expiresafter 11-6-71 the present time. East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only of its program breakfast program and professor through the formation of its four committees. surveys. In an effort to reach | IN RESIDENTIAL COLLEGES These committees include Cadre I, Black Word and Journalism, Advertisement and Publicity and students it provides pamphlets through black dormitory aides which include literary works and 50 ( Off a Black Film Series Committee. detailed information concerning The Discoim\ Price Newsletters spur debate Cadre I is the multimedia committee of BUF and is responsible for communications from the BUF direct the BUF. "Our interest is in keeping good rapport with black students at MSU," said Karega, "but the on any St ereo L.P. confused by the implementation to students at MSU. Cadre I limiit 3 By LESLIE LEE case, I will be forced to go before Briggs seems to be following the organization cannot function or (Coui pon) of new college bylaws today, concerns itself with audio visual exist without complete support State News Staff Writer the newly constituted Board of Madison tradition of dual Expires aft er 11-6-71 Acticle VI, Section C, No. 5 of Review and seek an inunction puVuZionshTone UcW !£ of black students at MSU." East Lansinsl Store Only At the same time that Acting those by|aws states >>The S"** a8ainst the Madison Notes. The newsletter and one student forum premise that blacks are "at the level of visual communications" make res°urces available to effect of such an action would publication. I tfje ton Robert F Banks of James $2.00 $1.00 and may be reached most1 I■ IViauBu MaHison College& is closing down t u d e n t, faculty sjirfminist.rnt.inn and certainly indicate a total lack of Sally Spaniolo, who edits the nnhlinatinnc " ar\r%A faith nn «ahv - - -- Shoe Saver Sheer Nylon u*,P aa fesrsssss J JEmmS the Phalanstcry Review, edited decision to auspend the interest. ESTr Fi? othcr h,nd- 18 ">e )°urnallsm Silicone Spray Knee Sox ThT by Michael Betzold, and Madison Phalanstery Review has nothing residential newsletter system ranges college from Notes, edited by the dean. The idea of the student paper is to do with the Madison Notes and to provide what the official paper 8„z $139 limit 1 59° Madison Notes, edited The Phalanstery Review has N°te® had to. do d,oes not 8aid Allen Parker- oneof THE ALLEY limit 3 the sleek bv Banks, to the semi-official been functioning during the last thf byla]v8, ,Hf therefore the organizers of the student SHOPpS (Coupon) Explresafter 11-6-71 (Coupon) Explresafter 11-6-71 sheet of Justin Morrill College, two years with no specific reiterated his intention to paper and editor of last year's East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Madison and Briggs run official authorization, as the organ of the continue the publication of the ill-fated Memo. The paper has STOP BY publications relating academic college which authorized the N°tes- ... ,, already secured funding through and check out our $2.00 $1.00 concerns and schedules of events, paper dissolved. Temporary Banks said in a earlier interview the college's student advisory extra-large selection of on t]he 8Ubjeclt of Madison committee and will begin while JMC combines the "fact arrangements were made for its sheet" concept with editorial and continuation. publications, that the ent re publication soon, Parker said, macrame and decoupage Opaque Opaque supplies. reader comment. These arrangements end today ™tfter should be resolved after Sheet, the only publication of They're at the lowest Panty Hose Knee Sox The Madison situation is with the Implementation of the *he implementation of the new JMC, is run by three student new bylaws and therefore Banks bylaw. The senate provided for editors and works through the prices in town. sent a letter to Betzold in which he said the college was no - - longer - in that document will decide the fate of advisory council of the college. It college publications, tries to fill both the information 11'1 II n iNSjDE rrrYYj- 99° limit 3 69° limit 3 including the issue of the number, and forum functions for the I Eight tourists die providing the facilities. paper with size, cost and interests of any college, said Kim Serota, one of . ACE HARDWARE (Coupon) Explresafter 11-6-71 (Coupon) Explresafter 11-6-71 the three editors. East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Betzold, wrote in reply that the such ; section of the bylaws also clearly " I in plane crashes applied to the Madison Notes and $1.79 $1.29 COLBURN,GRIFFITHS, & therefore it must also publication. Informed of Banks' cease Virginia Maid Listerine BERN, Switzerland (AP) — intention to continue to publish, Eight persons perished in two Betzold said: I plane crashes within 20 miles of Panty Hose Mouthwash .«If publication does continue, I each other in the Lake Thun area, you (B#nks) are acting in dear I federal authorities reported vlo,ation of the I Sunday. bylaws. In this 79° limit 3 14 oz. limit 1 ' The planes were conducting (Coupon) (Coupon) FOR CITY COUNCIL Explresafter 11-6-71 I private tours of the Swiss Alps East Lansing Store Only Expires after 11-6-71 East Lansing Store Only I when the crashes occurred I Saturday. There were no GORDON I survivors. The victims were I reported to be Swiss and West THOMAS 8-P ack I German nationals. Paid Political Advertisement Co ke black.arts 16 oz. 01J° preterit! * J limit 1 8-pack black arts (Couiaon) Expires aftier 11-6-71 East Lansing Store Only festival $1.15 vorrmfrr 4-1 20< Off Frtirmarccs at 61} daily Crest The Discount Price it imdnte she* Arena Theatre fat orilu Toothpaste on all ■Tickets on sale at Union Ticket Office 6.75oz. 59° limit 1 Wall Posters limit 3 i (Coupon) (Coupon) Expiresafter 11-6-71 Expires after 11-6-71 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only $1.49 $1.19 Coricidin "D" Garbage Can Cold Tablets liners 25 ct. 26 gal. QQc 25-s ggc limit 1 capy. 00 limit 1 (Coupon) (Coupon) Explresafter 11-6-71 Expires after 11-6-71 East Lansing Store Only * East Lansing Store Only Bath Size 500 milligram Safeguard Soap Vitamin C We're proud to bring you the exciting DUAL 1218 automatic turntable. 5oz. 100 99c s Most of the world famous DUAL 1219 features nave been included on the new 1218, including a true jgc limit 3 limit 1 Qimbal tonearm (Coupon) i (Coupon) suspension, and single multiple play Explresafter 11-6-71 Explresafter 11-6-71 tracking adjustment. East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only All the other popular DUAL features haven't been forgotten either, making the 1218 unequalled in Precision and value in the medium price range. So come in the 8 rt*w DUAL 1218. first chance you get, to audition STATE DISCOUNT NOW AVAILABLE AT: 307 E.Grand River 402 S. Washington Ave. X/ffuM Lansing 245 Ann Street „ , people come first VOTE NOV. 2nd ■ * Paid political announcement Next to "The Card Shop" 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 1 !9?| PAINTED IN SENEGAL Ohlsson performs African culture, people impressive concert ByD. N. SCHLEGA impressed but there are many things for feels a tremendous fellowship is b Senegalese language Is liar since it Pianist Garrick Ohlsson gave an impressive performance night in the Auditorium, and was called back for two encores. Ohlsson displayed his impeccable technique In a program th included Scarlatti, Brahms, Chopin and Liszt, and was especi.ii! FVi By WANDA HERNDON them to learn. developing between Africans and was journalists who often did not supurb technically when he played Chopin's Scherzo No. 4 in p State News Staff Writer "I was greatly impressed by the American blacks because the write the truth about Africa, and Liszt's "Mephisto Waltz." > self-determination of the people Africans are now realizing that "When we visited a Raccari "The African people were ^ thpir protection of their black people are a part of the village in Senegal we learned that Ohlsson, who won the 1970 International Chopin Com petition in sometimes suspicious of me and my work because of the previous culture," Collins said. «i could be wrong, but it seems same plight. S were 7o cais^f Iheft Warsaw, Poland - the first American ever to win that prize -11 "The things a black person sees billed as a virtuoso in the grand manner, which Is i s t o r t i o n s a n d that (t,0Af,!,ann0nni00remore the African people i mutrier and adultery because misleading forh. in Africa really makes him (..uuu ...... proud everyone cooperates with one is very much a virtuoso In the modern manner. ' misrepresentations perpetuated sjncereabout their blackness than of his culture and where he came by artists , Paul Collins Grand another", Lee said. American blacks", Collins added, from", Collins said. "That which we call the jungle Ohlsson at his best in the two Scarlatti Sonatas Rapids artist said in an informal "As 1 began to work the people Collins stated that of all the was which I (Africa) should really be called talk Thursday night in the Union. accepted what I was doing and American black heroes, Malcom the civilized world" Lee said displayed the pianist's delicacy, his clean articulation and beautiful ' His visit to campus was respected what 1 was able to do clarity of his style and touch. His Brahms Sonata No. 3 in F minor I X is most respected by the Collins feels that'even sponsored by the African Studies wi(?h my hands." African people. Jtean^d?WtaAftS.?d stl thouch was a little dry and stiff, and would have sounded better as Center, the Minority Books ore brooding, flowing, lyric version. Collins, his 13-year-old son "In Senegal you get the feeling m0re to learn it would be a ArtTand Letter" Lieiieis. 06860 journalist Michael" andu Tom Lee\ ® that Malcom X really lived there who accompanied because often times you'd hear cop.out for him'to return to Ohlsson's tones in the lower ranges of the piano lacked Africa to live because he isn't sonorltv Collins, who spent 18 months them on the journey, all lived Africans quoting him", and richness of sound, and his dynamic changes from young needed there whereas he is triple forte to in Africa painting the people of with African families during their Collinssaid. needed in America in order to triple pianissimo were often too extreme, so as to lose the unity of ! Senegal and their culture, said stay. Lee said he wouldn't tell the the phrase. The Chopin Nocturne No. 16 In E-Flat was a help perpetuate black culture little too that many Americans go to Africa limpid and should have been given more dynamism. More could with the intention of teaching, Due to his close contact with the people people his profession because the Collins compiled 30 paintings Travelers have been done rhythmically in the Scherzo. Collins said he now synonym for journalist in the and ^ wrote the narrative to produce their book,"Black Artist Paul Collins, right, and Tom Lee, Grand Rapids Seal film Portrait of an African Journey", journalist, left, talk over their recent trip to Africa in a Ohlsson's beautiful touch was displayed in the Sonetto 104 de I Petrarca from Liszt's "Years of Pilgrimage,'"but the total effect wis The Seventh Seal which is now on sale throughout discussion group last week in the Union. the United States. marred again by the dry lower tones and extreme dynamic changes. I Group State News photo by Jim Klein presents TWO filmic masterpieces U' OKs mail By RAY ANDERSON University approval pending advisers by the office of the dean He indicated the primary I defeating its purpose," he said. BERGMAN'S State News Staff Writer Resident Hall Assn. (RHA) of students, and was designed to I concern of the University as legislation defining exact policy. clarify a recent RHA ruling, expressed in the guideline was to 1 The guidelines restate thel SEVENTH Political canvassing and The information was made according to Doug Zatechka, area protect students from | earlier published RHA rulingl distribution of political material know in a guideline sent to director for south campus unnecessary bother while I that: " SEAL in residence halls has been given resident hall managers and residence halls and RHA adviser. 1 providing voters and candidates * Literature with a better opportunity to I describing! candidate platforms, or issueil exercise their vote. He suggested undue restrictions appearing on ballot can bel COCTEAU'S THE PERFORMING on political canvassing might lessen the effectiveness of the distributed through mail It bears a student's name n boxetlf| room number. young voter by limiting candidate ORPHEUS ARTS COMPANY Information. "Now that students have the *The resident hall manager,! at right to vote to hinder their access head adviser or hall president villi 8:45 only to Information would be decide If the material is of above described nature. the| Department of Theatre admission to FOR CITY COUNCIL "Candidates and their polltlcsll this outstanding Michigan State University workers will be allowed tol double feature GORDON contact students directly tol explain their platforms at tlm#,( IPS is $1.50 THOMAS place and In the manner the hi government determines best fc 106B Wells Seati /l/tHt/ P»ld Political Advcrtliamant the atudenti. % NO ID November 10-14 Tonight, starting at 10 pm ... ^,The S.A.E.C.A. and the CORAL 6ABLES BEAL FILM GROUP PRESENTS °rH08B WELLS 8:15 PM /BEST £ PLAY OF ITS SEASON present their annual Fairchild Theatre * M0MMAmm,° The relationship between four sensual people is limited. HALLOWEEN PARTY They must find a new way. BOX OFFICE OPEN TtoseNCRaute^ (wear a costume-win a valuable prize) idGuildeNsteRN . Prizes Games Drinks FUN TONIGHT Weekdays 12-5 pm Ai^eDead' 355-0148 .TOM STOPPARD BROADWAY THEATRE SERIES AT MSU presents the New York Production of GERSHON KINGSLEY'S A beautiful musical based on the children. Performed by a intensely moving poems and stories of New York ghetto FIRST MOOG* QUARTET youthful cast. A marvelous musical score by Gary William Friedman J J UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM TONIGHT, November 1 — 8:15 p.m. $6.00 - $5.00 - $4.00 MSU Students $5.00 - $4.00 - $3.00 Tickets on sale at the Union Ticket Office Admission $1.00 No ID's 355-6686 355-3361 required 108B Wells SHOWN AT 7:00 & 9:30 UaH^ UNIVERSITY AUDITOR^WjgglJI Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 1, 1971 7 Flashbacks tell Crabbe's past By NATABBATE leveled off," he said. about a body shirt for men which to pot." State News Staff Writer Still, the three Flash Gordon good quantity of wild movies to a would make you look trim even Buster Crabbe hasn't gone to movies became box office "if you've allowed yourself to generation which, in many cases, After rescuing the Earth from successes and were serialized go pot, but he has brought along a has gone to pot. to certain destruction at the hands be shown on of the Martians and Friday evenings and saving the at Saturday matinees, Crabbe clay People on Mars Friday night, Flash Gordon visited Wilson Auditorium to talk about his said. Crabbe has made more than 170 movies, and not all of his N.Y. cast opens career. roles have been as As Flash Gordon over 30 leading man. In years one movie, he said, hos only part ago, Buster Crabbe was a muscular, typical Hollywood hero. The Buster Crabbe students was to stand freezing bare-chested in room until him to put more wood on the a man told a based on youths met after the Flash Gordon movie fire, to which he replied with his was unchanged, except for a few only "The Me Nobody Knows", stirs the conscience." line in the movie, director of a theatre at a wrinkles and graying hair. "Okay, boss." winner of the 1970 Obie Award Trenton, Nor has he Crabbe attributed his always played the for Best Musical, will come to the N.J. college. He was searching for good good guy, he said. The subjects explored in the health to his love of Auditorium at 8:15 tonight. material for an in-the-streets swimming, "I always enjoyed being the production include hunger, rats, which he said was the best way of This will be "opening night" for program to be presented in city heavy," Crabbe said, "because slums, relief, resentment by staying healthy. He is a former the young New York cast. The last neighborhoods. When he read you can be nasty. YOu can also blacks, and deserting fathers, as Olympic swimmer, participating of 12—ranging in age from 11 to well as some Joseph's book, lie knew he had in 1928 and 1932 and look at a girl anyway you want 21—is scheduled to tour the lighter and more found the material he wanted. winning a when you're fanciful matters. gold medal in the 400 meter event heavy. But if you're Midwest and the East Coast. Some 20 pieces were selected and the leading man, in 1932. you don't dare The musical, with its rock arranged in dramatic form. look at a girl the The idea of the play way a heavy is originated Though the Flash Gordon does." score, an odyssey of youth with Herb Schapiro late in the tickets are available at movies growing up in the big city ghetto the may seem corny now, spring of 1969, when he 5ill Dimension they were done in great Crabbe Crabbe showed a reel of some and is told by the children in their was Union ticket office. of his memorable moments in the seriousness and were big hits in own words. film world, The Fifth Dimension will appear at 8 p.m. on Nov. 12 in the past, Crabbe said. He said the writers in those days - including some of the "The Me Nobody Knows" is Jenison Fieldhouse. Pictured left to right: front - Marilyn "I think that's part of the fun were pretty poor and told how | commercials television. he made for based on a book of the same title LOOK TO US though," he said, speaking of the their hectic containing the writings of New McCoo, Florence LaRue Gordon; rear Ron Townson, shooting schedule One of the commercials FOR QUALITY I - Lamonte McLemore and Billy Davis, Jr. trite dialog. "You forced them to "wing it" — learn was York ghetto schoolchildren and get a lot of laughs now." their lines as they went edited by Stephen M. Joseph, an along, hurrying to get the scene shot author and schoolteacher. The •complete selection of before everyone forgot what were supposed to they Dog owners hit text of the rock musical was taken directly from the book, as frames say. •^Sunglasses and wire - rims Crabbe said he was were the lyrics of five of its 25 always a little embarrassed about his planned tax hike songs. acting even when he had UPI drama editor, Jack Gaver, — good lines. said the musical "is the essence of "A lot of people who have seen HAMBURG, Germany (AP) — Hundreds of howling dogs and simplicity, yet it has much to say, the work that I do said I rose from their irate and it says it in a way that is both owners occupied Monday •m. FM BOSTON a point of incompetence and then charming and prodding. Without Hamburg City Hall briefly SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA: preaching, it makes you think and 11:30 a.m. AM SEARCHIN': Sunday to protest a planned 100 Ip.m. AM ECONOMIC CLUB Rumanian Folk dances, by Youth is explored in this per cent increase in the state pet W DETROIT: Address by Lt. Bartok; Theme and Variations, Ineral George I. Forsythe, by Hindenmith, Divertimiento, documentary series from CBC. Princess Anne tax. The tax is slated to rise to the mark equivalent of $36 Serial Assistant, Modern K.287 by Mozart. Leon Fleisher, 1 p.m. annually. fcunteer Army. MUSIC THEATER: I Do, I conductor. sees Red China R Wednesday 7:30 p.m. FM RADIO 10:30 a.m. AM RADIO SMITHOSONIAN: rinamou Bird" with Curator of "The at border post 130 p.m. FM BOOKBEAT: SMITHSONIAN: "What is the Birds, Dr. Sam Weeks; "Are k Water, author of "Pikes Archives of American Art?" Plastic Spoons Progress?" Plastic Ilk" Is interviewed. Garnett McCoy, archivist; and Behind the Scenes with Ted progressln Korean villages. L.FM WORLD OF OPERA: Mack, host of "Amateur Hour." 8 p.m. FM MUSIC FROM fcFrelJchutz, by Weber ROCHESTER: Quintet for flute, 11 a.m. FM MUSIC FROM oboe, clarinet, horn, and bassoon. INTERLOCHEN: Aroncert by Op. 43, by Nielsen; Quintet for the 1971 High School Symphonic IJO Winds, Op. 16, by Beethoven. a,m, AtyLJAZZ 1BH- NATIONAL: Fr/Norman ing film. Best movie of X For Ladies 8. Gentlemen over 21 SHOWN TWICE AT 7:22 and 11 pm Tonight in 109 Anthony 7,9:15 Tues. in Conrad Aud. 7,9:15 "GOOD MORNING ^ -AND $1.00 admission GOODBYE" , NO ONE UNDER 18WILL BE ADMITTED I.D.'s WILL BE CHECKED ONCE AT 9:45 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, Novemlv., Uj FOR SPRING, SUMMER Panel questions London class use of exam timj credit sequence and Social "Hie use of time dedganted for final scheduled for late March with eight credit hours of tuition, fees, examination* i. u By BECKIE HANES Science 232 and 233, another classes beginning March 27 for 10 questioned by the Dept. of American Thought and i air transportation, room and State Newt Staff Writer Advisory Council and the Educational Policies Committ*^*! eight-creditsequence. weeks. Summer departure will be meals for seven weeks, Concrete plans for Lodging and classes will be in a at the beginning of July with a series of letters. ** Wffl transportation in London to and A letter sent to Gordon E. Quyer, Steering Committee ch transportation, food and lodging hotel which will provide classes beginning July 3, and from class and spending money. and classroom accomodations for accomodations similar to continuing for seven weeks. Schoen will teach spring term by the council asking EPC to modify the present policv whi I®" residence halls that students should meet with Insturctora at the studying spring or summer terms on campus for A breakdown of costs is students while Donakowski will examhuti ^ in London are being made by the spring term. Summer term classes available at the Office of Overseas whether a final examination is to be given or not. instruct the summer program. Departments of Humanities and will be taught at Bedford College, EPC discussed the Issue recently raised by the council Study in 108 International Students can complete and d. Social Science. a division of the University of Center. enrollment forms in the Office of against mdolfying th policy established June 1,197i MSU is making arrangements at London in Regents Park. Spring term students will Overseas Study and pay a deposit The present policy also gives Instructors or choice to give or not to give a final examination at departments th J the lowest possible group costs, a memo to the departments from Students will be lodged in More require about $1,600 which will of $50 before their application is time. thesch* d House, a student residence in include 16 credit hours of tuition, processed. William J. Schoenl and Conrad L. South Kensington. fees, air transportation, room and ATL faculty suggested that office hours be held durin J Deadlines are Jan. 15, 1972 for Donakowski, asst. professors of Resident assistants from MSU meals for 10 weeks, books and the spring term and April 30, designated time for examinations instead of meeting ^ humanities, said. will be living with students each spending money. 197 2 for the summer term. additional class period. 8 11 Spring term in London includes term. Summer students will need In a letter fromW.D. Collings, chairman of EPC For further information u, Humanities 242 and 243, an eight Spring term departure is about $1,100, which will include Codings said that in arriving at the recommendation tonl students can contact the Humanities Dept. office of the Academic Council in June, the "committee considered thitr and weighted carefully all the arguements we could Office of Overseas Study. Identify" "We were not discouraging the practice of final examine Batteries Instead, we recognized the possibility of alternative meamfJ tmployes stage evaluation of student achievement and performance. "If alternatives were to be used at some time other tt ' brief protest scheduled time for finals, we clearly stipulated, and the Acid* ' Council concurred, that the scheduled time must f far/it surgery continue not included SEVILLA, Spain (AP) - Four used as part of the student's educational experience " nmif hundred employes of the letter said. ' Henning Christiansen shows the proper way of setting the Andaluza cement factory "The terms are 11 weeks in length, not 10. It seems harp on a table so it can be repaired. Harp owners will use th* reported for work in their their mechanical instead of musical abilities next weekend in University is obligated to students for the eleventh week," the tea underwear to back demands for continues. ' overalls they said the a workshop at MSU. Harpists will learn maintenance The faculty probably will not set any line of action techniques to avoid costly future repairs. » management promised them a Tomkins, ATL Advisory Council member said Thursday. ' State News by Terry Miller year ago. Ol in has 'preve By TONI PELLILLO Center as a form of emergency But, to evaluate its effectiveness, could be cause for biological and State News Staff Writer birth control, Dr. James S. the number of girls that really According to a report igl toxicological concern, Dr. Feurig latest issue of the Journal o|T Feurig, center director, said in a would have become pregnant said. The possibility of side American Medical Associate "Morning after" pills to prevent recent interview. otherwise needs to be known, he effects such as uterine bleeding or recent study on the possible pregnancies are available The pills contain said. nausea are increased with | to coeds at the University Health conducted at the Univei.. diethylstilbestrol, a snythetic The University Health Center repeated useage over a period of Michigan involving 1,000 wo estrogen. Taken within 72 hours has been distributing the pill for time. resulted in no Just apples. Ripe, rosy apples. [ LET COOPER FIX YOUR after sexual intercourse, the pills about two years. A coed need not Sustained useage also could be pregnanciesu| serious side effects. Tart. Sweet. With a crisp, have been proven to be extremely be on oral contraceptives before cause for a psychological flaky crust. McDonald's Hot Apple TIMEX WATCHES effective by inhibiting the taking the "morning after" pill. concern. A girl who repeatedly The probability of concepL an!) all brands implantation of a fertilized egg in "We do not like to have a uses the 'morning after' pill to from a single unprotected J Comes the uterine wall, thus preventing female use the 'morning after' pill completely, assembled ELECTRIC SHAVERS pregnancy. as a normal contraceptive," Dr. prevent pregnancy needs to be instructed in other contraceptive intercourse is between 1 Id 51 1 in 25, according to in a handsome gift box. Dr. Feurig stressed that the pill Feurig said. "It's simply not the An estimated average of ibM theuj methods, Dr. Feurig said. IflO/ STUDENT is only given In "emergency" procedure we prefer," he Hie way a female reacts to the women could have b NOW AVAILABLE AT lU /O DISCOUNT situation which warrant such continued. "morning after" pill is strictly a pregnant had the COOPER S FIXERY Involvement. Rape cases and Each pill contains 25 milligrams tolerance factor. A single dosage after" pill not been used. MERIDIAN MALL instances where there are strong of synthetic estrogen, "a massive has not had reported serious side 234 W.Grand River • 1024 E.Grand River EAST LANSING psychological concerns involving dosage," according to Dr. Feurig reactions in the cases on campus. Of the 1,000 cases, Open Sun-Thurs till Midnight, Fri-Sat till 1:30 am the possible pregnancy are (most birth control pills contain Dr. Feurig suggested that coeds cent had virtually no | examples of when the pill has only 5 milligrams of estrogen). curtail activities after taking the been distributed, he said. Once given the pill, the coed is pill to prevent possible side reactions (except illf intermittent nausei] No cases of pregnancy have expected to take it twice dally for reactions. Even if the side effects A Memorable Dining Experience in a World of Hospitality been reported by coeds on campus five days. do occur, they would no be vomitting). after administration of the pill. With sustained useage, the pills Incapacitating. Other side reactions liite^ The drug is an old one, Dr. the women included h Feurig said. Previously, it had diarrhea, dizziness, been used for control of spotting, cramps and Ina menopause symptoms. Earlier libido. The percentages of ioj studies had shown that in such reporting the latter syrap StfieimiU was no greater than 1.4 perl useage, the drug was thought to be a possible cause for cancer of per catergory (or no morethiT the cervix. women of the 1,000). Americas Finest Cafeterias 9 Locations Serve YoifGruntl 10 Rui)ids»KulamazovLuiitiing*Fliiil CELEBRATE THEIR 33rd ANNIVERSARY Monday, Tuesday, We November 1,2,3,4-Noon Why Fort Knox would make Friday, November a lousy bank. Have you ever pulled up to one of their drive-in windows? Or tried to cash a check on Saturday at quarter to five? Or looked for Schensul's Famous a branch office on the way to work? Some banks still operate that way. They think putting all that money safely behind tons of steel and concrete is enough. FRIED CHICKEN DINNER We don't. We feel banks should serve people. That's why we have more branch offices in the East Lansing and Meridian area than all the other banks Includes . . • have combined. Each branch has drive-in windows and ample parking. And we're open the hours you • Hot Biscuit need us, from nine in the morning until five in the • Mashed Potato and Gravy afternoon. Monday through Saturday. $1.11 Make us your bank. East Lansing State Bank, • Choice of Roll and Butter your Hometown Bank. Now with Trust Services. Member: F.D.I.C. • Choice of Succulent Vegetable • Choice of Beverage only East Lansing State Bank Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 1, 1971 9 g ABSOLVES SCIENCE 9«IBRVE Wf OF BLAME Pi.MIHE I Technology pollutes, prof i T y NICK Ml RON State News Staff Writer advanced scientific insight." Toulmin noted that scientists "If I'd predicted in 1965 what ^'co^r'r'inTj^ sss's&x'ssr these says things by a sort of rear with, and indeed, what one has to Though without common place in America Msrissrsa _ advanced a whole are concerned about the guard action, the fact of the science, modern society would line between today, I would have been matter is, those years of develop is some way of running a technological issues protest society which at the same time not have certain pollution and issues of a regarded as out of my mind. If I'd from 1967 on, had an problems today, it is not science matter. sociological predicted in 1959, it would have effect," leaves open the possibility of Toulmin said. that should catch the been impossible even to find One adapting to new circumstances. criticism, "Socially and of America's greatest This is why the Stephen Toulmin, professor of scientists are politically active words to describe what the blessings is that the people are the United States experiment which very consciously America of 1971 would be like," represents is philosophy and noted Scholar, aware that the social and spared any kind of institutional such said in a recent interview. political Toulmin said. an important one," Tcjlmin issues often involve the technical position of idealogical said. Toulmin, now in the sixth week Toulmin noted that a major of his nine-week Honors aspects," Toulmin said. "Where cause of the social uniformity. America is spared the Toulmin's next lecture will be College this is so, the problem of just how change in tension and despair that is at 4:10 p.m. Lecture Series on "Science: The America today has been the today in 108B Wells. far the scientist can go while still prevalent in eastern Europe, The subject will be "Science Rational youth culture. However, the and Enterprise and Its speaking authoritatively arises. Toulmin said. Aesthetics." Human present slump in student activism Embodiment," "I know that a great many of "The fact that you can go Toulmin has held faculty acknowledged a difference should not be surprising to them feel that it parading down the streets with between science and just as often anyone, he said. positions at Oxford, Leeds and technology, happens that politicians and banners and slogans and waving Brandeis. He has "The greater part of "People at large are very published a technology administrators are perfeclty your fists is an essential part of numbet of and certainly most of the pragmatical about politics and the cultural major works including happy to shrug off adaptation of society "The Place of Reason in Ethics," technology that pollutes the responsibilities for making they're not going to go screaming to changing conditions," world's "Foresight and Understanding," Future air and water developed quite independantly of has decisions on to scientists." A native of England, Toulmin their heads off about a he said. "They feel the principle," important Toulmin said. "It's very unpleasant when, for some and "The Uses of Argument." He has also published in fire science," Toulmin said. "Most of has been in and out of the United thing is to get the right things reason, heads get bloodied; the magazines Fire fighters sometimes start their professions young, including this lad the major done and if they're not and journals and is now who tries a real fireman's polluting industrial always hat on for size during a practice run on campus earlier this fall. States since 1959. As a visitor, he thing turns sour, but the fact is completing, with the help of June producers are using processes done for the right reason has been particularly struck by they can that historical conditions State News photo which were developed live with the results. are Goodfield, a four-volume by Tom Gaunt years ago the flux of the society and the changing. account of "The entirely without the benefits of avenues "Much as we may feel the 'What has to learn to live Ancestry of open for change. one Science." present adminstration has done Students By LINDA WERFELMAN next year. plan re salad State News Staff Writer Once established, PIRGIM bring before the bublic — through Student volunteers, who would would have branches at several the The Minnesota Public Interest in a media, the legislature, the draft reports and participate in proposed housing project which \bout 15 MSU students are Michigan colleges, possibly administrative agencies and the Research Group (MPIRG), which the group said would harm the empting to establish a student including the University of courts the critical problems of earn research, might be permitted to was established six weeks environment. — academic credits for their ago, ntrolled and financed public Michigan and Wayne State the people of Michigan." won massive student support, terest group to investigate work. University. All branches of the Specific problems would be The program also would involve according to Kari.n Ahmed, Harford schools sandwich rial problems. Michigan group remain involved determined by research director of MPIRG. Organizers of the Public with organizational democratically community groups, the PIRGIM procedures, elected state and local student Over 60 per cent of the terest Research Group in Thomas Clark, a founder of the boards of directors. The boards report said. "Too often citizens University of Minnesota student spank to punish, are bewildered by the massive |chigan (PIRGIM) hope to gain MSU organization said. would conduct open hearing, the body signed petitions requesting approval of the project intrastructure of government and Ident The purpose of PIRGIM, report continued. that students establish and fund permit smoking tough petitioning for a according to the group's "The whole thing centers on cannot find channels for their the project, Ahmed said. "We pversitywide referendum early prospective report, would be "to the frustrations," it continued. never had 60 per cent of the students," Clark said. "Both students and community BEL AIR, Md. The group would be funded student body vote for anything," (AP)—Spanking by working together can accomplish will be reinstituted as punishment a $1 student tax to be assessed he added. a maximum of impact in a for troublemakers in Harford during registration. Students not With a budget of abcui minimum of time," the report County schools and senior high interested in participating could said. $200,000, three lawyers, two school students will be allowed to receive refunds early in the term. PIRGIM would be similar to scientists and one scientific smoke at certain After consultant, MPIRG has involved playground receiving student other groups which have been areas, the county board of approval and tax money, PIRGIM 17 Minnesota college campuses in founded recently on campuses in education has ruled. would hire a staff of lawyers and Minnesota, California and investigations of industrial .ay i i.-nd laiwce. urnatcc. aw* scientist to research problems hygiene, air pollution and a [THREE kST floor COEDS IN A of attempting to board a bus with a considered important ot Oregon. Save! Save! Save! seasonings nestled among the meats and room Campbell forged pass, officers said. Officers cheese in every Hobie's submarine. Your kl reported to police that an 18 university supporters. Rent Your report the student had placed the choice of a wide variety of sandwiches. 120-year • old white male was counterfeit pass on his ID. Environmental problems, urban ••••••••••••••• lerved looking through their affairs, legislative proposals, >»• at 3 a.m. Sunday. He fled kedintely after being seen AN OVERHEAD PROJECTOR belonging to the racial and sexual discrimination probably would be included, Clark said. ) Palate TV B told police. Instructional Media Center and worth over$160 was recovered at I COED on the fifth floor of It Wilson Hall called police at 6 | Saturday after she noticed a » enter her room. Police 3 a.m. Saturday on the sidewalk between Hubbard and Akers Hall by two Hubbard Hall coeds. Officers said the girls told them ELECTROLYSIS i BY THE TERM! Free Delivery Free Service Hobie's (ONLY PERMANENT londed and apprehended a 17 Irold nonstudent from they saw with the two males pushing a cart projector aboard, and REMOVAL) HAIR I Free Pick-up GQTecUqfPizza Ithfield. I, Hairlines, Body He was lying three bags of alleged found to be approached them to ask where $25.°° per term they were going. The men fled ijuana, four kinds of pills, and and the girls notified police. University TV Rentals DELIVERY PHONE 351 3800 |eared to be under the 930 :e of drugs officers said. Trowbridge Road Dine in or carry out. J suspected drugs were 351-7900 ■■seated and the youth taken le hospital for observation. the li sck frbampgr' ni University presents a bus ELECT IV'ERdetained |den a Hall resident 19-year-old for Natl I festival FOR CITY COUNCIL GORDON vovembcr 4-1 prr&rmarias at daily Perkins Pancake House 30 1 Clippert JOHN I. THOMAS ilmiefmie ovJu 0One Mile from MSU '*<> Political Arena Theatre - Opposite Sears# WHITMYER Advertisement h afmtoifiv rickets on sale at Union Ticket Office §•••••••••••••••••••• MAYOR of MERIDIAN PARK "EXPERIENCE HAS NO SUBSTITUTE" Here Are Some Achievements of John I. Whitmyer 1. Lifetime resident of Meridian Park. 2. Education: Okemos Public Schools; for your bicyclel Lansing Community College; Michigan State University BJATIONal AND THEFT STUDENT SERVICES, INC. now offers an ALL detach and mail with remittance to: for 3. Veteran: U.S. Army, honorably 4. Township Clerk, several years discharged POLICY designed specifically for bicycles. office use NATIONAL STUDENT SERVICES, INC. [HO CAN APPLY: P.O. BOX 1240 • STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA 74074 only 5. Charter Township of Meridian Building 6. Meridian Charter Commission, member and Authority AnV student, faculty Secretary member, college or university 7. Meridian Charter Township emPloyee, or family members thereof. please print: Zoning Board of Appeals, member and Secretary " CONDITIONS: 8. Township Board Committee Assignments, past and present, include: the college or university which you attend has a A. Executive Committee registration system for bicycles, your bike must be B. Buildings & Grounds ^istered. Also, the insured bicycle must be chained or C. Police & Fire ■cr..00^ at a" times when unattended. D. Utilities PDUCTIBLE: home address 0< the Affiliations: amour>t of any claim. |tHM OF POLICY: A. Okemos Community Church One year from □ B. Haslett-Okemos Rotary inception, to begin 24 hours after the classification: dfr. dsoph. jr. Dsr. Dgrad. Postmark date on your C. Boy Scouts of America (Sustaining) application. D. BICYCLE TO BE INSURED: Michigan Association of Municipal Purchasing Officers feVBAC. GUARANTEE IF NOT COMPLETELY MAKE THE POLICY OF MY CHOICE IS: □ 50.00 POLICY - YOUR COST: (check one) 9 00 MODEL □ 75.00 POLICY - YOUR COST: 10.00 MY ONLY BUSINESS IS EXCELLENT GOVERNMENT □ 100.00 POLICY-YOUR COST: 11.00 □ 125.00 POLICY-YOUR COST: 12.00 student insurance our specialty ENCLOSE CHECK OR MONEY □ 150.00 POLICY-YOUR COST: 13.00 ORDER FOR CORRECT □ 175.00 POLICY-YOUR COST: 14.00 VOTE NOVEMBER 2, 1971 N55I AMOUNT. PLEASE) NO COINS □ 200.00 POLICY-YOUR COST: 15.00 , TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: t__ RATIONAL STUDENT SERVICES, INC. OR CURRENCYI 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, NovemhPl. | SPORTS- Spartan football tea Allen runs into record books ByGARYSCHARRER State News Sports Writer record holder for total offense in a single game with 397 yards. Allen's 350 yards also establishes a national collegiate mark single game rushing. for Spartans roll Coach Duffy Daugherty said that Allen's running Saturday was the LAFAYETTE Ind. - Eric "The Flea" Allen could become the (Continued from page one) best performance that he had ever witnessed and called Allen the It took him two LinVi wonderof the world. The little 5-10, 165-pound halfback carries a* b n.ic MSU's biggest runner in Spartpn history Saturday and did it best back in the country. "This was the greatest individual performance I've ever seen in The Spartans picked up another touchdown in the third quarter Gall Clark fumble recovered ii yiical Mien style, easy. "Easy," by the way, is Allen's second and two more in the final period. on the Boil««t football," Daugherty said. "Eric Allen is an inspirational leader and 25-yard line Allen hitth <\ ? cord - breaking performance shatters the long-standing I think he's the greatest back in the country." Allen squirmed through right no gam. On the next n|» ^ The only Item missing against Purdue was instant replay, and that tackle for a 30-yard touchdown Allen's final play of m. k of 2,"13 yards set by Lynn Chandnois over a four-year period the game feature would have dramatized even more the electrifying running jaunt that has become raced around the it 19'IP, '47, '48 and '49 seasons. Allen now has 2,284 yards right end fa of the Georgetown, S. C. senior. Allen spun and cut like only Allen characteristic of an Allen with three more games to play. run. 25-yard score. 01 i Flea is only the second Spartan in history to gain over 1,000 * kn.pws how. Spinning, sliding away from the Instant replay and TV coverage was not provided but Allen's hold of a defensive player, Quarterbacks George yard in a 'ngle season and he passed Everett "Sonny" Grandelius' and Frank Kolch took Mil,- maiV of 1,023 yards Saturday. Allen has 1,124 yards this season, running will be highlighted tonight at 7 on Spartan Sportlight. The evasiveness that seems as slippery over jm film coverage will be shown on channel 10 with hosts Jim Adams eel: this is Eric Allen. fourth quarter and it >g a phenomenal total of 774 yards in the past three games. ' as an was Kit and Terry Braverman. Allen was taken out with 10 who scored the final 11 avcrd§fs out for an incredible 258 yards per game. touchdo. The dream of every running back is the 100 yard rushing game. minutes remaining, but when the Kolch missed two \V h Aiion's 350 rushing yards, Ron Johnson'sBig Ten record of games with Allen needed a 160 yards (a goal that is not achieved by too many knee injury, but in his 347 van'- ha- been erased. Allen also becomes the conference coaching staff realized that Allen firstse, players) to become the leading rusher in MSU history. But Allen in three weeks was so close to becoming the directed had 160 yards midway through the second quarter. Allen carried 29 Spartans to The Last a greatest collegiate back in history score K times and was taken out of the game with over eight minutes - rambled 13 yards for a single game, he was put back fot remaining. A tremendous ovation from the Purdue fans went with in to get the yards he needed. touchdown. Allen when he left the game. Whole Earth Allen now becomes a monument in MSU sports. Maybe Allen should be identified with "Sparty," the symbolism of competition, pride, stamina, tradition and athletic excellence that welcomes Catalog people to the MSU athletic complex. Both Allen and "Sparty" stand tall on the MSU campus. And although many are familiar with Allen and his achievements, few know of his modesty. TCU football Allen personifies the ideal team player. He doesn't like to talk about himself and reflects questions toward the play of the offensive line when asked direct questions about his running. "I'm just glad we won," Allen said when told about all his records. dies of hea "If it happens in a successful effort I'm glad that I was a part, but Pittman's first Head coach Jim Pittman of year at Tei gaining a 1,000 yards and losing a game doesn't mean anything." Texas Christian collapsed on the Christian. Last week his teammates gave Allen the game ball, but he gave it TCU's players were field and died of a heart attack told, to Mike Holt. Saturday he again was given the game ball and this Pittman's death at the halftime time they will make sure that he keeps it. only minutes after the start of his the game with Baylor Saturd MSI 's all-lime best clubs contest with Baylor Saturday night. This season was night. Most of them already ka It. A police officer had return ★ ★★★★★★^COUPON******** from the Waco Hospital vrhi How about Pittman had died and inform »• a deal on any WHERE CAN I FIND . . . Pittman's chief assistant-H J VARSITY SUB? Tohill. Some of the players h . . . notebooks, sweatshirts, postcards, candy, magazines, cigarettes, pantyhose overheard the conversation, (pantyhose?!) newspapers, pencils, greeting cards, paperbacks? word had circulated along 25° OFF Nov. 1st thru 3rd. THE UNION DESK! bench. Offensive Coach Russell Cof was the one who made -4^s * with this ad. Your campus information and convenience center. announcement room, and he in the dressi was not surewi VARSITY to expect. Now Featuring: "We told them to hold Student Book Store 421 E. Grand River - Across from Olin \ 1227 E. Grand River 332-6517 HOT-FAST-FREE DELIVERY ***** ★★tJcqupon******** CAMPUS-PAC '71 (for guys and gals) •Mennen Protein 29 Hair Groom * Ban Roll-On composure," said Coffi "because that is what he want them to do. We win it for him and in memory." wanted] And TCU did. coming fr *4-Way Nasal Spray * Exedrin # Crest * ADVENT# BOSE •MdNTOSH •DUAL# KENWOOD. * Gillette Platinum • Plus Blades * touchdown behind in these half to score a 34-27 victory. "What should I 39( FOR CITY COUNCIL | I spend GORDON (any one item is worth 39c alone) THOMAS on a music Paid Political Advertisement! X 9 LU system? (An Not Since the Hood 014 Boys, important question deserving of a straight answer. HAVE WE OFFERED SUCH VALUES Well risk one:) You probably CL should spend $650 on our Ad vent/Ken wood/PE/Shure 0 system. Why are we so su re? The system we have for $650 is 1 *iot we just a good value (although do think it's actually the best on Food and Drinks value now available in hifi equipment.) Nor is it just a question of its sounding "good u for the money" Our Advent/Ken wood/PE/Shure t seem to be ° " together. """ Indiana it seems an ISTARTS Here's an opportunity for the fashion - aware man to save six places. ^understatement to say their money on handsome lined boots from Spain. Jit's a greatgroup . ""They*took turns running the victory gave them a boost. With ranging in heights from 8" to 16" high, with leather soles, lead," said Popejoy. "It was a prese^n favorite Minnesota, slow pace," he added "and they once knuckled under by MSU stacked heels, side gores or zippers for comfortable fit and would let one guy sprint ahead *«>*«»« lust ?arry Bjorklund it FAMOUS SKI BRANDS on-or-off ease. for awhile and then someone else would appear the Hoosiers have a Sideral, Zebra, Hi-Flex, would take over." cle" f,eld f°r the B,8 Ten meet A&T, and Krystal. By the three mile mark Indiana Just two weeks away, AMERICA'S MOST had seven runners in front and the Spartans just three. MSU would have needed the first three places r J e*ave take °^hatf,°m° " be"" 1J*'? p'bbard/" they re that good, .st,U ,do" 1 *,nk POPULAR BOOTS Technica and Raichle/Molitor. JacobSoris we lost to them . . THE CUSTOMIZER Popejoy's time of 30:53.8 was a l°°' but beat them in A complete system for JACOBSON'S OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL NINE meet record for the six mile the Big Ten. foam fitting boots. course, but it was Gary Harris', of Western, 28 seconds off course J* compa^on last se^n s whopping 17-46 defeat to the X-COUNTRY SKI Also check out our Hoos,e« — nfovemLt mark and 20 seconds off the time cross-country skis. of Popejoy's « ,ou, o,er the Buy 'em ... or Forest Akers circuit. rent 'em. The Hoosiers took the next three places with Steve Kelley,at 31:00, second, Pat Mandera, FOR CITY COUNCIL RAUPP third and Steve Heidenreich, fourth. Rob Cool of MSU followed by Paul Olson and Tom was sixth, GORDON THOMAS Campfitters 2208 E. MICHIGAN LANSING (517) 489-4188. Keefer of the Hoosiers. rs: Mon. thru Fri. n. to 8 p.m.; Sat-10 a.m. to 6 Paid Political Advertisement p.m FARMINGTON . ARBOR • EVANSTON. ILL Randy Kilpatrick, the last Spartan in the top ten, was eighth. Co-captain Dave Dieters, who was eleventh, and Steve Rockey, twelfth, were the final MSU point ii vr getters. MSU coach Jim Gibbard said, won his third TV RENTALS e year against Saturday. As a Free ia i, the Spartans NEJAC TV RENTALS by Don Gerstner 337-1300 Has Moved! Deliveiy Some friendly, helpful service - same large variety of "Instant Hair"-Same expert styling on all your wigs, wiglets, and falls - Human Hair or Modacrylic. |W VJSfle Caesar i. oration: 2i:iO Hamilton lid* at the 4 Corners of Okemos New Hours: 9:30 - 6:00 Mon. -Sat. ON CAMPUS DELIVERY Thurs. Nitetil9p.m. Free Convenient Parking. 50c Off a 14" or (1 item 16" pizza or more) 337-1681 OFF CAMPUS/CIRCLE DRIVE j with coupon — offer good thru Nov. 3 337-1631 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Michii smile wim nam jibs FRANKLY SPEAKING fay Phil Frank For Rent For Rent For Sale The State News does Automotive GET Action WITH A not permit racial or, PONTIAC 1966. Catalina convertible, ROOM, no cooking or CIDER AND APPLES. Want Ad 1 and 2 bedroom furnished. QUIET Pick yc religious discrimination automatic, V-8, new tires, power HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT. parking. Inquire at 448 M.A.C. BRENNER'S ORCHARD Road. Eaton Rapid, S(1J in its advertising steering, brikes, exceptionally 351-7910. 0-3-11-2 . WWHK'1. K _ columns. The State clean. 372-1071.3-10-29 * AUTOMOTIVE ATTENTION: ROOMS for rent. News will not accept WOMEN - ONE vacancy in 4 girl BEAM TROPHY Scooters & Cycles PONTIAC GTO 1966, 32,00 miles, Completely furnished. Cooking. Auto Parts & Service advertising which best offer over $500, 355-5862 apartment December 15. One Call 372-8077^0 bowl and pitcher bo„les:schM; etc a block from campus. Completely discriminates against after 5:30 p.m. 5-11-1 North- 372-3067 Aviation furnished, utilities and parking HASLETT- PRIVATE, with living Art i religion, race, sex, color or included. $65. 349-9609 after 5 kitchenette, bath, parking, * EMPLOYMENT room, RUCKSACKS IN the national origin. PONTIAC CATALINA 1969. Power p.m. 3-11-2 quiet. 339-8035. 5-11-5 Alpin^, » FOR RENT steering and brakes. Automatic, air ♦or people on brochure. NORTHLa? the move""« Apartments - conditioning. $1750. Phone ONE MAN needed. East Lansing, DOWNTOWN LARGE clean room. Houses 393-4892.5-11-3 modern three man, extras. $65 / Employed lady or student. Garage. TRADER. Belmont, Mich x-5-11-1 Z ,33(< month. 332-1175. 3-11-2 627-9387.1-11-1 Rooms Automotive RAMBLER AMBASSADOR, 1965. * FOR SALE Works well. First $250 takes it. ONE OR two bedroom furnished 8 TRACK 332-4764.1-11-1 For Sale TAPES Animals mobile homes. $25-$35 per week. 10 minutes nglishs Mobile Homes to campus. 641-6601. Why get ripped RAMBLER 1964, good O SNOWMOBILE, 23 horse, with off? Ne# AKC regi brand name 1-4457. Hoi *Lost & Found CHECKER MARATHON 1963. Fair transportation. $225. Sell now. electric start. $400. Call 641-6388. tapes are nn„ available from a * PERSONAL condition, must sell. $150. 694-8610.5-11-3 STUDIO APARTMENT $129 / 2-11-1 newly f0 J » PEANUTS PERSONAL 351-7714.3-11-2 month, utilities included, close, student firm. ComplJ hi GREA RAMBLER CLASSIC, 1961.51,000 immediately. 351-2473.5-11-3 BASS GUITAR Hagstrom. Excellent selection available. ■ish Setti REAL ESTATE Fuyv 3 M- * miles. $75. Moody, 332-8461. neck, case. Must sell. $100. guaranteed. Only $39 CHRYSLER 1965, New Yorker. * RECREATION Leave message. 3-11 -1 WAVERLY - OFF. Single girl, deluxe, 351-7714.3-11-2 ASGARD TAPES Ca Good running condition. $350. furnish own room, $87.50 P'us 351-6317 or 351-819:/ * SERVICE 355-9970.3-11-2 RENAULT 10 1970. Automatic deposit. 882-8382. 5-11-3 HART JAVELIN skiis, Lange boots, Typing Service CORVAIR CONVERTIBLE 1963. 4 transmission, low mileage, $1550. AREN'T VOL) THE SAME GOV WHO A great shape. Keep calling, USED SEWING machines, $tjj 526 Evergreen, 351-0798 5-11-3 3 OR 4 Sub lease winter, and •TRANSPORTATION speed, $150 or best offer. . man. - 353-4163.3-11-2 up. Console model » WANTED 489-2244.3-11-2 TRIUMPH 1965 TR4 convertible, i FEWMlMUTES ago said voir diploma possibly spring. Free bus to campus. 337-9553 after 3 p.m. USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 portables, zig - zags and stria stitches. Over 60 to choose IERMAN £ usky puppies DEADLINE CORVETTE 1970 Coupe. 454-390, 4 4-speed, radio, good tires, red paint. $495 as is. CURTIS FORD, I WASN'T WORTH ANVTWINdr?' 3-11-3 East Michigan. Dishes, books, ELECTRO - GRAND, 804 fro Ei 0.646-6000 speed, power windows, low coins, antiques, rockers, Junk. Michigan, Lansing. Hours: 9w 1 P.M. one class day before Williamston. 655-2133.2-11-1 DELUXE STUDIO apartment, $129 mileage. Unused warranty MB- Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open S p.m. Saturdays, 9 a.m. Noon Mobi publication. available. Burgundy with black TRIUMPH 1966. New paint job, monthly includes everything, close. Saturday and Sunday. Furniture COLE'S BAKERY 337-0219 between 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. and appliances open all week, 10 Cancellations/Corrections interior. $4400 or best offer. Phone rebuilt engine, body in good TUESDAY ONLY Special. 4 l0a» 372-1878 or 694-8951.10-11-3 1-11-1 am 6 pm/ Phone 371-2843. C 12 noon one class day - Home - style white bread, - condition. $800. 351-8567. 5-11-4 $i.oq{ before publication. STILL AVAILABLE. Large bedroom. our bakery foods conahsk FORD GALAXIE 1967. Extra clean, $800. Parked days near Shaw bus VOLKSWAGEN 1969 blue Aviation Employment $185. Dishwasher, balcony, more. LEONARD WHOLESALERS MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES PHONE convertible, excellent condition. $50 first 3 weeks. 351 -8816.5-11 -5 LOW PRICES ON Okemos, South Pennsylvania,!* shelter. 655-1752.3-11-1 355-8255 AM/FM radio, good tires. LEARN TO FLY I Complete flight WAITRESSES AND Waiters, PHOTOGRAPHY Saginaw Road. KROGER 485-7775.5-11-3 training. All courses are experienced, pleasant, neat, and GIRL WANTED: winter term. Own Frandor, Logan Center, 4002W FORDCLUB Wagon 1969,a RATES 10 word minimum government and VA certified. dependable people for full and part room. Close. 351-4429 or Saginaw, 1721 North Grand Ri« V-8, air, heater. Posi-traction with FRANCIS time shifts. Phone 489-1196, Mr. 0-2-11-2 No. DAYS VOLKSWAGEN 1967, Very good AVIATION, Airport - 351-7732.3-11-3 beds in rear. 641 -6388. 2-11-1 No. Road. Call 484-1324. C Zarnas, for appointment. JIM'S condition, gas heater and rear WORDS X 3 5 10 13.00 FORD GALAXIE, V-8, 4 - door, speaker. $895 or best offer. 332-4432.3-11-2 Auto Service & Parts TIFFANY Lansing. 5-11-1 PLACE, downtown FOURTH GIRL needed immediately, 2 bedroom, $50. Meadowbrook. SAVE TO CAMERA Topcan AND equipment. Bese super - D, with Ml 10 1.50 4.00 £.50 automatic, all power. Rip - off at 337-9469 evenings. 3-11-3 meter system. RE-auto To •Bell & Hi 12 1.80 4,80 7.80 15.60 $695.: KARMANN GHIA, 1968. Good VOLKSWAGEN sharpest, doesn't 1959. run Not the the best. $ 175 VW - RANDY'S GUARANTEED MOBIL. repair. I-9G at PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY House .needs models for national GIRL NEEDED to sublease spring 'Miranda 50% fl.4, 58 mm., telement Camera, equipment, deluxe . as is. CURTIS FORD of advertising brochure work. If you term in 4- man University Terrace appraised at $920. For quicks 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 condition, must sell. 482-7510 Okemos Road. 349-9620. C Williamston. 655-2133.2-11-1 are attractive, photogenic, call for apartment. 332-6730. 2-11-2 $550,332-6764.3-11 3 after 5:30 p.m. 3-11-1 an appointment, 393-7800. 5-11-5 Complete Professional I MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 MG-TC 1946. Fair condition, best VOLKSWAGEN 1967, 6 passenger Kalamazoo Street . .. Since 1940. ^_DARKROOMLSJLjPPyESj BLONDE ELECTRONIC VIEW lots 12' wide bus. Grey color. Not the sharpest, Complete auto painting and PART TIME EMPLOYMENT WITH keys, for rock group. $2 20 3.00 8.00 I : . 00 26.00 offer over $1500. Phone 489-5561. 1-616-527-0712.3-11-3 impus. PARI runs good. $795. CURTIS FORD collision service. IV 5-0256. C full line merchant wholesaler. 3-11-2 OME COURT 3.75 LO.OO 16.25 32.50 of Williamston. 655-2133. 2-11-1 Automobile required. 351-5800. 0-11-1 APPLES, PEARS, SWEET CIDE MONTEREY 1966. 4 door, new Employment 309 N. BLOSSOM ORCHARDS, 2 [ 347 Student Services Bldg. battery, snow tires. $350. VOLKSWAGEN 1968. Low mileage, Washington excellent condition, must sell. PART TIME salesmen with car. High GIRL TO share apartment with other ! •: North of Leslie on Hull Road All student ads must be Evenings, 351-3823.S I f,l«27* 589-8251. 9-6 $1245.351-7985.5-11-4 NURSES - RN, LPN. ROSELAWN commission, leads furnished. girl. Waverly area. 393-0774. prepaid MUSTANG 1970, 6 cylinder, MANOR. Skilled nursing home, 627-9872.5-11-5 3-11-3 CLOTHING SALE. Women's | 1 ClositfMohdays. O VOLKSWAGEN 1964. Sunroof, good 707 Armstrong Road. Have The State News will be automatic, AM/FM radio, light clothing; sizes 9 through 13. YOU CAN see the sevings with qual tires, snows, rebuilt engine. $350. positions available on 3-11 p.m. NATIONAL COMPANY looking for GIRL TO share apartment. Own green paint, like new tires, power Dresses, skirts, slacks, blouses, responsible only for the glasses from OPTIC/ steering. $1995 CURTIS FORD of 355-0905.3-11-2 shift. Opportunity for men and women. Comfortable room. 351-3911 or 332-3174 sweaters. Mens' clothing; sizes DISCOUklT. 2615 East 'Mid* Lost& first day's incorrect advancement, excellent salaries, inside work, no outside canvassing, small Williamston. 655-2133.2-11-1 evenings. 2-11-1 and medium. Sports coat, benefits. Apply in person or call, no sales experience necessary .must Avenue, 372-7409. C-5-11-5 insertion. VOLKSWAGEN 1 970 red suit, pants, shirts, jackets. BLACK an 393-5680, Miss Lehmann, Director have good phone voice. Full time GIRL NEEDED for spacious 4 man NOISY 1966 MERCURY. Needs convertible. 4 speed, radio, white Rummage. November 1 through Vicinity 1 of STEREO EQUIPMENT, Gam muffler. 1 15,000 miles. BUT walls. Good condition. Must sell! Nursing. 5-11-2 and part time positions. Salary, apartment near campus. $72.45. November 5, or by appointment. Mt. Hope. " $100-$200 / week, depending on 1209 Marigold, East Lansing, SL55B, Pioneer SX770, regul engine great. Little rust. Best offer. Phone 489-3751, 351-3307.6-11-5 ■3762.5-11 ability, 2 weeks paid training $360, SALE $250. After 5: Automatic, 4 door, power steering, extention 318 before 2 p.m. Phone 351-8793J5- 1_M 332-2061.5-11-5 _ p.m., 676-1973after 5 p.m. 6-11-5 program. Contact Dick Vance: ONE PERSON to share apartment Automotive automatic rear window. New 393-5460 for interview. 633 East with 3 people. $60 a month. No MOUTON LAMB jacket. In very good battery. Tires like new. Only $350. condition. Harldly worn. 12 STRING GUITAR, Gibson,mi NEEDED EXPERIENCED Ski Jolly Road, Equal Opportunity Telephone 351-3823 evenings. S VOLKSWAGEN 1970 Fastback. deposit. 337-1174.1-11-1 AH SPRITE, 1968, 33,000 miles, instructors, prefer certified or Reasonable. 332-4652. 3-11-2 condition. $150 with case, ca Bright orange color, fuel injection 4 Employer. O $950. Great condition, many OLDSMOBILE 1968, F-85, $835 or associate certified, but not a and strap. 393-8433. 3-11-3 speed, radio and whitewalls. $1895 SONY REEL to reel tape extras. 337-1721 Scott. 1-11-1 requirement. Call 1-313-268-3589. recorder, best offer. Good condition. Phone 393-2638.3-11-1 5-11-4 THREE NEAT young men, one full $45. Dyna Stereo 35 MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS - Perm 355-2874.4-10-29 time, one college student, 1 part amplifier, BUICK SKYLARK 1964 convertible. $40.1-543-5607.5-11-4 black and silver, 3 salt and pepf* time man, for new subsidiary of Best offer. After 5 p.m., 355-3161. VOLKSWAGEN FASTBACK 1968. TV TECHNICIAN, experienced in Alcoa Aluminum just opening new AKC registered. Internatii 3-11-2 OLDSMOBILE 1971, Cutlass Owner leaving. $1150, negotiable. ROBERTS 778-X reel to reel and 8 transitor TV, amplifier repairs and office in Lansing, Car necessary. Supreme, 4 door hardtop, palm 484-2669 after 5 p.m. 5-11 -2 track tape recorder. AKAI tape recorder unit repairs. Inquire For appointment call 351-7319. C BUICK 1966 LeSabre, 4 door green, vinyl top, power. $2850. GIRL NEEDED immediately. Near X-200-D automatic reverse stereo at GENERAL RADIO & TV, hardtop, air, power steering and 485-8708.4-10-29 Gables. No deposit, $50 / month. tape deck. Dual CV-40 stereo brakes, automatic, excellent Scooters & Cycles 484-3883.5-11-4 , NEEDED FOR light housework and 351-9524.3-11-3 amplifier, Harman - Kardon SCI5 babysitting in exchance for room, music condition, one owner. 393-7136. OPEL RALLEY 1971, take over NEED MATH HELP? Call stereo system, used Ray, board and some wage. Car CEDAR 3-11-1 payments. Call after 5 p.m. HARLEY DAVIDSON Sprint 1967. GREENS next to cempus. STEREO, speakers, amps, experienced teacher with M.A. in necessary. 349-9269 or 349-3919. Sublease 339-8025.4-10-29 250cc, sharp. No money down. mathematics. 351-4039. x-5-11-3 one bedroom, furnished, receivers, changers, tape recorders 5-11-3 BUICK SKYLARK 1971. Four door. B.J.'s AUTO SALES. 485-2552. phone Gary, 373-1166 before 5 and decks, cassette and 8 track 5,500 miles. Best offer. 353-7005. OPEL 1969 1900, whitewalls, 5-11-5 p.m. 351-8515 after 5 p.m. 3-11-1 players, used 8 track tapes $2 / HOUSE CLEANING in exchange for 3-11-3 each. TV sets, Police band radio, AM/FM, $900 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., room and board, 30 minutes from For Rent EAST LANSING - Luxurious 373-3287; after 6 p.m., weekends, MOTORCYCLES STORED for typewriters, imported wall campus. Call 651-6056 and leave apartment. % block from campus, CAMARO 1969. Z-28, air, shocks, 393-1265.4-11-2 winter. Call 371-3989 after 9 p.m. ONLY $9.00/ month. Free deliveries. tapestries. All equipment tested number. 5-11-2 fireplace, free parking, $190 per 4-11-1 and guaranteed. WILCOX cowl hood, excellent condition SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV OPEL 1970 month unless managing. Childless must sell. Wagon, economical good RENTAL. 372-4948. O SECOND HAND STORE, 509 485-1373.3-11 -2 BEAUTY SALON needs help condition, good for trips. Call couples only. Utilities included, East Michigan. 485-4391. 8-5:30 Bruce at 351-3007.2-10-29 HONDA 350, 1970 Road. Excellent immediately. VILLAGE HAIR Available November 1. Call Ed p.m. Monday through Saturday. CATALINA 1968, 4 door, automatic with two helmets. $600. 351-8825. SHOP in Okemos. Call 349-0430. JUST IN, new shipment, compact 351-2755.0 Bank Americard, Master Charge, transmission, factory air 5-11-4 5-11-2 refrigerators, freezers, Also OPEL 1970 Kadett, 2-door sedan, layaways, terms, trades. C conditioning, V-8, power steering, white dishwashers. ESCHTRUTH MSU AREA Okemos. 1 bedroom, tires, radio, red paint, black TELEPHONE — brakes, 6 ply whitewalls, AM/FM, GOOD BUY. HONDA 1969 175cc, CANVASSERS. 6-9 ELECTRIC, 315 Bridge, Grand vinyl interior. $1395. CURTIS furnished, heat included, modern, defrost. $1075. 351-8494, 3611 miles. Phone 351-0392 p.m. Monday through Friday. No rear Ledge, 627-2191. O CROSSWORD ' FORD of Williamston, 655-2133. carpeted, air conditioning. 5$155/ 351-0274.7-11-9 anytime. 3-11-2 experience necessary. Phone month. 349-1586.10-11-5 371-3220.10-11-3 TV AND Stereo rental, satisfaction CHEVROLET 1962. Admittedly not 1970 OPEL GT. Red. 14,000 miles, BSA 1968, 500cc. guaranteed. Free delivery, service ONE AND 2 bedroom apartments PUZZLE Royal Star RN OR LPN for geriatric nursing, perfect, but runs well. $150. - and pick up. No desposit. Call from $145. 10 minutes from 349-3138.5-11-4 midnight - 8 a.m. or 4 p.m. -12 a.m. NEJAC, 337-1300. C MSU. Children permitted. EAGLE 1. Generations 28. Invites shift. Part time. Schedule flexible. 5. Billywix: 31. Delicate CREST NORTH, 694-8975, 4330 Call 393-6130 during days, TV RENTALS Students only. Low local Eng. 33. Related - Keller Road, Holt. C evenings, 882-2622 ask for Mrs. monthly and term rates. Call 8. Paid athlete 35. Jupiter's Cteut &tude*itL,M Gallagher. 5-11-3 BARTENDER WANTED NIGHTS. 351-7900. RENTALS. C UNIVERSITY TV Houses 11. Third son of Jacob 12. Indifferent satellite 36. Today's music 38. Store lights Experienced preferred, but not ROOMMATE NEEDED. Baker Street 14. Bureau 40. Charge and- faculty . . . necessary. 655-2175. 5-11-3 Apartments near Potter Park. $72.50 / no deposit or lease. Own furnished. 487-5556, Dave. 2-11-2 month, room, 16. Mild Dutch cheese 17. Article 42. Nurture 44. Against: abbr. 45. Sun-dried brick VACANT FOUR man apartment. MARRIED STUDENTS 18. Spindle 47. Capacity Close to campus. $240 / month. 20. Cupid's title 50. Quandary & FACULTY 332-5322.5-11-1 CAUGHT IN THE HOUSING 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. ONE GIRL winter and needed for apartment spring. Very close to 21. Sojourns 23. Gaelic 25. That thing 26. Soup 52. Spirit 53. Parisian summer some with 54. Fish study campus. 351-2683.5-11-1 SQUEEZE? ingredient 55. Heal — (. from $145 per mo. LANSING OR East Lansing. One bedroom furnished. Large, airy Rooms 11 3 7- 1 5 6 7 13 8 T JT-% rooms. Air conditioned. Take your troubles lo UNFURNISHED Beautifully maintained. Suitable for faculty, grad students, business ROOM parking, WANTED near cooking, male. campus, «r~ 16 i*~ people, married couples. Lease. References. After 5 p.m. 349-2713. children welcome <7 18 >9 3T /| 332-3135 or 882-6549. O 10-11-10 please, PARK WEST no pets 21 22 W ** Big Savings on ^fastest «killer ani KNOB HILL SAVE! The Tires you 25" w 27 VA w 19 35~ z 10-4 miles r 681 Whai fish is the APARTMENTS 5T V/. T» 37 NEED il WA 60 miles APARTMENTS . . 'distances. STARTING \mm UM ■ KMUHj fastw« 5530 West Michigan Ave. 349-4700 ■ YA for good OPEN Monday Friday WEDNESDAY <4* M9 r ®ni°y is L mr r - at Saginaw Wjti 9 a.m. 5 p.m. STATE N( DAYTON TIRE - — - Contact Mrs. Louch tfl Saturday 12-5 p.m. K r 51 j Decide on [nr. want 484-4640 MM Br s LOCATED >/« MILE NORTH OF JOLLY RD. ON TENT SALE Comer of Saginaw & Marshall 3 t SI 8f55 for a OKEMOS ROAD DOOR PRIZES Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 1, 1971 1*3 for Sale Personal Recreation Recreation m~Mehd7an Project members differ REGISTERED TO vote CHRISTMAS BREAK. Township? Vote YES Meridian CHRISTMAS IN Perk. Vote DOUG '-BEDS $26.50, <60 Mattress, any «lz*. liner, foam Meyor. VOTE TUESDAY, FEDERAU mm' BAHAMAS LONDON 8 DAYS AND 7 NIGHTS BREAKING OUT in fat? DIET IndfraT* UL "«ted w«t.rbed WATCHERS can help you find $99 '199 REBIRTH, 309 North best committee image - a on „ cure. Phone 655-2073.1-11-1 Tngton. Lansing. 489-6168. C Includes, 5 full days, round trip Jet, DEC. 22 TO 30 ROUND TRIP JET FROM DET. PROJECT CITY HALL reminds -air, between Detroit and DELUXE ACCOMMODATIONS ~~r8LUERIDGE 12 Wring, students: Vote at the Union Deluxe Freeport. accommodations at TWOTOAROOMINTHE . new $200. Call Tim, Holiday Inn. Double occupancy. Ballroom. 1-11-1 CHARLES DICKENS HOTEL (Continued from page one) Transfers, Plus tips and taxes. the committee's decisions. primarily because they've heard it two examples. INEXPENSIVE MEAL PLAN The situation is different now. One recent many times before," he said. And because the nature of YOU DID ITI PLUS MANY EXTRAS attempt to ncR TWIN - Reverb amplifer, Faculty members often comment Instead of a "watchdog role," YOU MIXED speed and WE ARE ALSO PLANNING restructure the committee to projects is gradually changing, the H new condition. Asking $300. 'I ,ft.r 5,332-0610.6-11-1 you can handle that - downers. How was the roller coaster ride? If you're ready HAWAII DELUXE PACKAGESTO most effectively use the power it in private that the students "are really doing their homework" has, was the establishment of an and "are actively interested." Vincent and some other faculty members would prefer a more committee itself should no longer concern itself with the intimate for the real trip - Jesus. Let's ACAPULCO literal interpretation of the details of each project, Warren rap "agenda subcommittee." Two riai, $120. 361-7197. about him. American Baptist Student Center. 332-8472. 1-11-1 $299. AND ASPEN faculty "members and one student interest, they say they were appointed by Chairman students do not Though faculty appreciate this hope the get their way committee's funcitons under the provisions of the Bylaws for Adademic Governance. said. "The projects come to the Complete deluxe package. Call Moore to the subcommitteewhich and committee pretty well though SOCIAL SCIENCE MDP cause the committee to surnames 1 rank Buck 351-2286 MARC AMBROSE will make used projects They would like to see the out and researched," one faculty TRE-Z. Barney will being Animals Thursday, be Friday of pre - gone Dave Buck, 3S3-0011 355-9408 considered by Dean Smuckler are become a "watchdog." committee develop broad policies member, who declined to be LINDA SCHWARTZ Vincent said the process of and registration (November 11,12). For general directions for the identified, said. "If any one of us THANKSGIVING SPECIAL: Freeport, 332-4282 presented to the full committee redefining the function of the "e help. Grand dog, free, for winter class advising visit Linton or Bahamas.Deluxe accommodations, ASK ABOUT in sufficient depth and to judge committee is "constructive" and center. Other areas of interest (on the committee) were to be as ,„e ope" spaces. 489-1382. call 353-2244, Mon. & Wed. 8-12, complete package, $199. Reserve what projects need further include how to utilize foreign thoroughly informed, we'd have 0-11-8 Tues. & Thurs. 8-10, Fri., 8-5, nowl $ FREE MONEY $ "long overdue." But he added elements on campus, how to to take a year or two off and read by STUDENTOURS, 351-2650. examination. that he hopes the committee will November 101. S- 3-11 -3 finance international programs the appropriate material." Some of the faculty members direct its attention to areas of KITTENS. Black, tiger, grey, SUPPORT YOUR business with a and the organization of institutes cute. 351-8162.3-11-2 LET'S WORK TOGETHER! Elect a from Want Ads. Advertise say they appreciate the interest of international programs other and centers for international The faculty member said the services there. Dial 355-8255. the new student members. moderate coalition to the East than the details of specific committee and Dean Smuckler Warren H. Vincent, professor of programs. ENGLISH Sheepdog - 4 months Lansing, City Council: contracts, Warren said the "have to operate on mutual AKC registered. $225. Phone BROOKOVER: GRIFFITHS: agricultural economics and University is no STARR'S BLACK & TAN Vincent said the "watchdog longer involved in "institution trust." 1-4457. Housebroken. 7-11-4 AND THOMAS. 2-11-2 December member of the committee for role" that students are interested 26 three years, said students in building" projects where the "I trust Dean Smuckler and his Complete deli_ Cocktails Beers Sandwiches - past in has been "prominent" in the GREAT Dane, 11 months __ - University commits itself heavily judgement just like I trust the ALE H Irish Setter pups, 4 months -1 Peanuts Personal .1 rank Buck, 3S 1-2286. years were hesitant to speak up at committee for the three years he in terms of times and money. The students. I don't think they're all WINTER HOLIDAY: Nassau Open 7 a.m. til 2 meetings even if they disagreed has been on the panel and is not °,r 3 MAPLES KENNEL. DAVE AND CHERYL, HAPPY Jamaica, $219. Acapulco, $219, $159, Open noon Sunday a.m. with what was being said. Also, Vietnam Project and the building here to tear up th University," 7-5706. B-1-11-1 really as new as students think, of the University of Nigeria are he concluded. ANNIVERSARY. GET WELL Ski in French Alps, $289. Aruba, they were generally so timid that "If it seems like the students SOON, CHERYL. GEORGE $299. Puerto Rico, $309. Jets to 305 River St. At Washtenaw what action they did take came have something new and the 1-11-1 Europe, $189. plus specials on too late to have much Roland H. Starr, Owner impact on faculty are rather blase, it's Spain, Hawaii. STUDENTOURS, ERMAN Shepherd,: Siberian 129 East Grand River, 351-2650. ^ it's what's, -kv puppies. Males $15, females 5-11-2 NOTHING LASTS forever I So new or newer household good fo Drops and adds MING 0.646-6000.3-10-29 I.S., Thomas will listen to your check today's Want Adsl problems. City Council. Gordon. Real Estate Mobile Homes 1-11-1 OKEMOSCOUNTRY (Continued from page one) VEL0 12' x 60', expando, are building your HOUSE-We dream home. CD's NITE CLUB Contemporary and spacious. rpeting, draperies, air Dramatic double fireplace, Entertainment and Dancing. Announcements for It's What's College of Social Science nditioner, nice yard. Call Cathedral ceilings. Fully carpeted. Tues. thru Sat. 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. 1-1194 after 6 p.m. 3-11»1 Happening must be received in the applications for Academic Council "I would have a little trouble trying to see a trend in the Complete kitchen. Excellent Featuring "THE SOUND State News slight office, RealEstate quality and taste. $39,900. Call SYSTEM" Services 345 Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two Student representative are availabe in the annual decrease in average course loads," statistical analyst in the STAR REGAL. 12' x 46' with Martha Mertz, 339-9466 or SIMON respective departments. Applications registrar's office said Friday. class days before publication. Items must be turned in by 3:30 p.m. today. x 10' metal shed. Unfurnished, EAST LANSING — Lovely 3bedroom REAL ESTATE, Okemos Branch, Wednesday, Thursday. Special are limited to 2 5 words. No pt stove and refrigerator. On 349-3310. 3-11-3 prices on drinks from 8:30 He said the decrease of one-tenth in each fall's in East Lansing. Owner must home near campus. to announcements will be accepted by Akers Hall average from 1968 Carpets 10:30 p.m. Changing Morals and 1971 could not be attributed to phone. No announcements will be any change in policy or student ! Call 484-1288, evenings draperies, appliances, fireplaces, Symposium presents Ellen Heokstra attitudes. ALPHA STREET accepted for events outside the greater "■0336.5-11-4 mature trees, good neighborhood. CLOSE 4122 N. East speaking on "Changing Trends in Male TO shopping and schools. 127 University Drive. Lansing area. - Female Relationships" at 9:30 "It $28,900. Only minutes from the campus. St. (U.S. 27) can change that much without any change in policy. Students ART GARDNER, 1969 1 2' x Phone 372-2116. B-2-11-1 tonight in the east lounge. (3) 7' x 12' expandos, 2 This 3 bedroom Cape Cod, full Lansing The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will traditionally have not watched deadlines and might not have saved 11 furnished with many plus 5 ACRES. WILLIAMSTON area. 4 basement and two car garage can be have a lawyer available from 8 a.m. to The Alliance Francaise will meet at 8 money by dropping their course load before the fifth day." bedroom home, 2 baths, spring fed bought equity out MGIC or noon every Wednesday and from 1 to Reasonable. 371-3667. lake stocked with strout. Call Jim conventional. This one won't last at Service 5 p.m. every Wednesday and Thursday p.m. Union. Wednesday in the Gold Room, Guest speaker will be the The registrar's office is expected today to release t week by week $23,500, For appointment, call during the fall term. Those wishing an report on drops and adds activity for the first half of the term. No Olger, 487-6235 or ROBERT Attache Cultural from Chicago. All statistics are available yet, but drops and adds clerks in the Mrs. Robinson, ADVANCE SKILLED EMPLOYEES EARN E VIEW lots available now, STRONG REALTY 371-2330. appointment are asked to check with interested persons are invited. 8', REALTY 372-7610 or 485-3045 MORE MONEY. $2.30 to $3.50 the ASMSU Administration Bldg. reportedly have observed an unusual decrease 2-11-2 business office, 307B ,, 12' wide. 10 minutes to 3-11-2 per hour if you can keypunch. in credit dropping activity after the fifth Student Services Bldg., or call Nicholas Bosen, dean of the day this year in s PARK LAKE MOBILE Enroll now for 6 week course :E COURT. 641-6601.0 353-0659. There will be a nominal University of Chicago Law School, comparison with past years. starting in November. Morning, charge for this service. will speak on law school admissions at afternoon, or evening sessions still a meeting of the Pre-LawClub at 7:30 Administration officials Fttday were not prepared to make a total 'ssessed - 1969 Monarch available. Individual instruction. Information assessment of the 7' x 12' Expando, 3 Learn now - pay later. Use your on the East Lansing p.m. Tuesday in 118 Eppley Center. impact of the revised policy for drops and adds. City Council candidates and the Both the president's office and the ombudsman's ims, V/i baths. Make an Bank Americard at SPARTAN Meridian Township charter and office, however, Wilson Hall CouncD invites any art said that they have had very little reaction from students about the Phone 393-1850 or KEYPUNCH ACADEMY. Call . candidates is available at Legislative enthusiasts to display their material in -5097.5-11-5 393-8615.0-5-11-2 Relations, 312 Student Services Bldg., changed policy in terms of questions or complaints. the Wilson grill. For information call between 3 and 5 p.m. today. 353-0067 or 353-0588. The information released Friday completes the fall of 1971 Lost & Found Questions call 355-8302. registrar's enrollment report showing that the average course load Beginning Hebrew classes will be for 8,872 freshmen is 14.4 credits; for 6,598 BLACK and white male beagle The war machine is alive and well held at 7 p.m. today in the Mural sophomores, 15.1 and credits; for 9,386 juniors, 14.8 credits; and for 7,826 seniors, 14.1 a. Vicinity of Hagedorn, South living in Vietnam. If you are of Room of the Union. Mishnah classes in draft age, help is available from the credits. Mt. Hope. "Spookie". Reward. English will be held at 4:30 p.m. 1-3762. MM east Lansing Draft Information Saturday at the Hillel House. The average credit load for MSU's 8,033 graduate students is 8.7 Center, 855 Grove St. (upstairs). Call doctoral candidates, 7.4 credits; and for 556 351-5283 from 1 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 Tickets are now available at the graduate program EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER. p.m. Monday through Friday. Union Ticket Office for the Cabaret (usually non-degree certification in medicine), 17.1 credits. Knits and imported fabrics a Company's production of "Sweet A series of No credit load averages are computed for men and specialty. No alternations. Within Expectant Parent classes Charity" to be presented Nov. 11-14 women walking distancel Call 332-2731 will begin this week. Interested and 18-20. students separately. for appointment. 3-11-2 Personal •Kimberly Downs Area - Near Campus 3 or 4 bedroom, persons may attend this series of twelve weekly classes at 7:30 p.m. The MSU Folklore Society will meet stone and aluminum colonial styleti home. Beamed and FREE SENIOR PORTRAITS. CALL today at E.W. Sparrow Hospital; at 7:30 p.m. in 340 Case Hall. There T ABOUT '""'rsions, spirit to seminar Horoscopes, possession? on the paneled family room with raised hearth fireplace. Formal dining room plus casual dining. Book shelves and storage 353-5292. A SERVICE OF THE WOLVERINE. 0-11-3 Tuesday at the University Health Center; Wednesday at St. Lawrence Hospital (Mercy Hall); Thursday at will maybe be a handouts for guitarists and jug band. Everyone is invited. Harty to file suit 'natural Nov. 1 and galore, about 1700 sq. ft. of living area plus full basement and 2, 8:00 Lansing General Hospital. For further Petitions for the position of attached garaae. Delightful kitchen has all built - ins. Priced to .Parlor "C" Union. 3-11-2 SENIORS! FOR information call 372-3610, ext. 337 or representative to the University (Continued from page one) males from any slate would not sell. Choice of terms. Call John J. Henry, home 485-6766. 487-6111, ext. 284. Committee on Academic Governance YOUR FREE PICS, from the ofthe election of student by accepted in civil government. College of Arts and Letters He said that although white 'Beautiful brick and aluminum ranch with walk • out. All University Student Judiciary NOTICE - are available in departmental offices representatives - at - large which is CALL 353-5292 office hours from 3 to 5 males are not a minority on Located West of Lansing near W. St. Joe. Family room, are p.m. beginning today. Petitioning closes scheduled for Nov. 10 and work Monday through Friday in 331 Nov. 12. to have the Academic Council campus politically they are a formal dining, family kitchen with casual dining, foyer * Handbook of Student Services Bldg. review the bylaws. minority numerically. raduate Courses for the entrance,2 car attached garage. Large professionally lanscaped UPHOLSTERING REFINISHING, The MSU Scots - Highlanders will "I am curious as to where these of Social Science Is lot. Under $50,000 / Good terms. restyling and repairing. All work meet at 7 p.m. today in the Harty said he hoped the suit Tared each term to assist guaranteed. 18 years experience. Service Demonstration Hall Ballroom for people were last spring when this would be a step toward blocking s in selecting courses for TOLAND issue was widely debated in the discrimination of white males. *207 Milford, East Lansing. UPHOLSTERY, dancing, drumming and bagpiping. "I term's schedule. Course Walking distance to campus. 5 675-5318.5-11-5 Academic Council," Bathurst Jnes submitted rooms, 2 bedrooms, 4 piece bath plus stool in basement. ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith "The action of the Academic by the Faculty Free U classes meeting today: said Friday. y include offset printing. Complete service Council last spring was in information on Formal dining. Priced at only $19,000. With easy terms. 7% HEBREW TUTORING by Israeli for Automechanics - 7 p.m., 30 Union; "The bylaws have been in effect »oks or for reading lists, course MTG available. Call Gay Gardner, 371-1930 or 349-2044 reasonable fee. Call 332-0690. dissertations, theses, violation of the Anti - Bicycle Repair - 7 p.m., 112A Berkey since May 21 and people have had ■j-nt toand elines objectives and be followed. 1-11-1 manuscripts, general typing. IBM. Hall; Communes - 7:30 p.m., 616 since then Discrimination Policy and evenings. 22 years experience. 349-0850. C to look at these Procedures of MSU," Harty said. [I'mNovembermay be examined 5 in the MATH TUTORING. Any math. Ph.D. Charles St.; Microlab in things," Bathurst said. Libraries, Communications - 7:30 p.m., Union Halls, Fraternities, •Well kept older home. Near West Mt. Hope. 9 rooms, 3 candidate. Call Mel, 355-4008, FORMER EXECUTIVE Secretary. Harty said the students were If the injunction is granted it Sunporch; Movement Improvisation bedrooms. Enclosed front porch. Only $20,000, 7% Typing in my home. Near Campus. unaware of the discussion at that will delay the selection of student . In ,er' C°-0p Houses, 353-4685.5-11-5 for Men - 8 p.m., 218 Women's IM !!elr>n Center, Each Dean's 337-2163. O-1-l 1-1 time and did not realize that representatives to the Academic and with mortgage available with low down payment. Bldg.; Metaphysics - 7:30 p.m., 301 Academic Bessey Hall; Speed Reading - 7 p.m. white males were not included Council. The Bylaws for FOR QUALITY service and stereos, jst Major in each Social Science TV's and recorders. THE STEREO DISSERTATIONS, THESES, term 214 Bessey Hall; Yoga - 7 a.m., Green on the representatives - at - large Academic Governance set Jan. 1 Department. Please *36 Acres. No buildings, BUT, close (7V4 miles) to campus. papers. Expert typist with degree in SHOPPE. 337-1300. C Room, Union. Modern Dance for Men slate until the categories of the the deadline for choosing the ,yeJok at ft if not readily Partially fenced. Priced to sell. Choice of terms. Land English. I.B.M. 351-8961. 0-11-1 - 7 p.m., 218 Women's IM Bldg. ballot nomination forms were as student representatives. contract if desired. FRENCH TUTORING. First session COMPLETE publicized. Nomination forms for the THESES service. State Sen. Robert Huber will speak 0 EXAM TUTORING Kaplan free, 1-2 hours each session, from Discount printing. IBM typing and Harty is vice chairman of representatives - at - large seats are *40 Acres with 15 acres of woods. 40' 60' basement barn, 7 p.m. -11 p.m. weekdays. $3.50 / at^p.m.Tuesday in the Emmons Hall ASMSU. wring Courses for the x binding of theses, available in 101 Student Services hour. 332-5298.3-11-1 resumes, lobby. other out buildings, some fences. 10 minutes from campus. Harty said stipulation T,mb#r board exams "-SAT and January publications. Across from campus, a Bldg. Petitioning closes . ere being Beautiful home sites on 1320 ft. of road frontage. Well ELECTRONIC REPAIRS corner M.A.C. and Grand River, Persons interested in supporting and systematically ' excluding white Wednesday. rm«d. call collect . Stereos, below Jones Stationery Shop. Call (313) drained, good soil. Excellent for horses. Only $23,900 for radio, recorders, TV's. Dependable. working for presidential candidate COPYGRAPH 25-1M27 ,0r immediate sale. Choice of terms. Reasonable. Call. 351-6680 x-0-30-11-23 337-1 ( 6. c SERVICES, Edmund Muskie call 339-2953 after 5 p.m. and leave your name, address and R0UD ,0 "advertise" our *69 Acres. Horse barn with basement, hay mows grainery, good fences, good soil. Solid brick 3 bedroomhome and Typing Service BARBI No MEL: Typing, multilithing. job too large or too small. Block telephone number. Public Interest Research Group in Thieu inauguration urrh Wi|bur Brookover. off campus. 332-3255.0 Michigan will hold an organizational „ °e to support him comes sets on a knoll. Built in 1968. Walk-out basement. Full wall "lov.2.MM meeting 8 tonight in 31 Union. For fireplace. Family style kitchen with all built - ins. Huge PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term . information call 485-6471. papers, theses. Best ,ATEGU'Tar instruction. Folk, basement, 2 car attached garage. Only 15 minutes from 351-4619. O rates. Call Wanted symbolized burning incense to campus. Asking $80,000. Owner says "SELL". Let us show it The MSU Veterans will meet at 7 (Continued from page one) C!ass"*l. ' All styles. $3 per invoke the presence of ancestural to you and you make an offer. LIBERAL ROOMMATE needed for • Inquire at p.m. Wednesday in the American MARSHALL PROFESSION*! balance of school year. Luxurious spirits. IC'351-7830. C-11-1 THESIS townhouse. Call Gary or Chuck, Legion Hall. All veterans are invited. President Nixon's The president left quickly after •Many other homes, from $12,000 to $70,000 in every PREPARATION 351-4939.5-11-2 Men's rap group on sexism will meet representative, Treasury a 20-minute speech which none 'ng of the section of Lansing, East Lansing, Okemos, Mason, Holt, at 8 tonight in 35 Union. All men are Secretary John B. Connally, had a of his foreign guests could sea . IIMT,pin| BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for Lansing Township and Delta Township. • Multilith Printing all urged to come. front row seat on the inaugural understand. Someone had positive. A negative, B negative f»stest animalln • Hardbinding and AB platform with his wife and U.S. neglected to given them the sea negative, $10.00 O Come to a Campus Action seminar translations. •We are members of Lansing Board of Realtors. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker. n/?hale'ltcan travel Masttr's and Oactaril CindKitis Frai negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, on the supernatural at 8 tonight and But it was far to the side of the Within a half-hour of leaving his hour. The Tuesday in Parlor C, Union. ■rackart and Caaialtallaa. Plain Call 507V4 East Grand River, East stage and his view was partly tightly guarded palace, Thieu was fin'S sai,fsh which back there while his countrymen TEACHOUT & GARDNER &o • Cliff Mi Paall Haufhiy 337 1527 ar I27 2S36 Lansing. Above the new Campus obscured by a tree. '«2n2esperht"""» Book Store. Hours, 9 am to 3:30 pm Monday, Thursday, and There will be an Alpha Phi Sigma emergency meeting at 7:30 p.m. today The ceremony was simple. Thieu took the oath of office waited more than two hours to view the inauguration on 4 .Jast «y to get cash SAVE SAVE SAVE Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 in the Conference Room, fourth floor. alone on the podium, pledging to television. -r .g0od things you no STATP M t0 9e" them REALTORS XEROX quality COPYING offset at reasonable COPY SHOPPE, 54 East - prices. THE best pm to 6:30 pm. 337-7183. C BRASS Olds Hall, to discuss structure for jail rap session. "protect the fatherland, respect the constitution and serve the Thieu had taken a lot of precautions. No one was Decirt 6WS Classifled Grand BUGLE, preferably official Alternatives Resource Center nation." permitted to look through It? 0n what you no Phone 371-1930 River. Phone 332-4222. C Boy Scout type.Call 487-3096.S (formerly Vocations for Social Change He then walked to another windows facing Lam Son Square. & ,'nt then v< for an Ad Writer 4320 West Saginaw TYPING THESES and letters, etc. WANTED TO rent 1 or 2 bedroom L in the Placement Bureau) is now |ocated in platform and lit the national Three policemen enforcing the •We Feature* the Albatross, S47Vi E. order were confined to barracks Rapid accurate .service. apartment. Without lease. Sacred Flame, a large bronze urn , Grand River Ave., from 1 to 4:30 p.m. 'Integrity Experienced. 393-4075. C X-5-11 -3 full of gasoline. The act for taking a peek themselves. Tuesday through Friday. 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, Novemhpf, Grant to aid humanitiesprojeci classroom, Matthews said. "It would be a reinforced learning experience for the student, he for Humanities 241 and 243, and handle up to eipht c I added. LRC at one time. Sludents J An Educational Development Program (EDP) grant was extended FYom October, 1970 through March, the pilot project was under The professor can approach an art lesson in a varietv for the Dept. of Humanities to continue developing a series of mediated learning units to improve teaching methods for the art the supervision of Matthews, director, Floyd D. Barrows, asst. Matthews explained. He may show slides and information; include supplementary slides and inform*, repeat 5*' portions of the humanities course, Roy T. Matthews, associate professor of humanities, William G. Kilbourne, asst. professor of bls humanities and Dan Preston, director of the Learning Resource repeat the showing of required slides; or he may show the «ii? ^ professor of humanities said Thursday. Center (LRC). supply additional facts and details on works of art. "The objectives of the program are to introduce the students to the This summer, the group's application for an extension to the works of art that he would be seeing in class arid to familiarize the The pilot project used an experimental and grant was accepted. contrm — . student with the set of slides so that when the student came to class, The committee, with added personnel, plans to expand the experimental group used the LRC while the control enS1! he would be better prepared to discuss works of art in the number of slide tape units in Humanities 242. create slide tape units A post-test and a pre-test were given to both the erou™ students in each group. P® ls| SELLS HIS COLLECTION Data revealed that the experimental group better than the control group on the pre test and performed d much hiph i the control group on the post-test. The experimental control group scored about the same on the erouXi common Student examination. The attitude of the experimental gets group was J more positive towards the course and art than the control group. attitude H'J "" SALT LAKE CITY for his most precious comic, a world the simple way it was 20 or The attitudinal questionnaire revealed that the students a (AP)—Superman, Captain Marvel 1939 Marvel Mystery. It will be 30 years ago. Comics do a good of the slide tape units and were helpful for exams, Matthew** ■ and Flash Gordon are helping to his biggest sale. job of showing that world. "They did not think going to LRC was a burden," Matthew ■ put 20-year-old David Faggioli "The 450's were not good years This year in Humanities 241,500 students are in the experim. through college. The value of a comic is largely for comics," he added. ''They're "During World War II, comics group, Matthews said. "Riere is no control group this time The University of Utah junior determined by its rarity, Faggioli more common and their quality were intensely patriotic—totally "In the future, as the program becomes more popular we J earns his tuition by collecting and said. isn't as good. Some of them behind this country with slogans eventually involve more students," he said. ' selling old comic books. He has wouldn't even bring five cents." like 'Be Too Wise for Those Axis made more than $2,000 so far. "Comics published in the '40's Lies' and 'A War Stamp a Day The program allows the professor to go into greater detail»ii_ "Like most little kids, I started are the most valuable because The current nostalgia craze has Keeps Hitler away." the works of art in class, Matthew cited as one of the a comic book collection," said most got thrown out during been a boon for comic book "Idealism was the key word. benefitsoftl Faggioli. "Later I got turned on war-time paper drives," he said. sellers, Faggioli said. Crooks were total bad guys, and program. ® "Education can be enriched with the use of media and st to comic strip art, to its "People like old, funky things the heroes were clean-cut and It's not j working on his own at his own pace," Matthew said. combination of graphic design unusual to sell a now, and they like to look at the decent." with motion. I decided to make a profit out of that interest." Hundreds of comic books, some dating back to the late 1930's, are stacked in neat piles in the Faggioli home. Many of the older editions sealed in plastic Iron liorse are bags. The short, slender youth sells This little lady certainly found a challenging way to amuse most of his comics by advertising herself at last weekend's Meridian Mall carnival. Perhaps she in a national comic collectors' has forsaken the penny pony rides in supermarkets in favor of magazine. He puts his more more mature modes of transportation. valuable acquisitions up for bid. State News photo by Tom Gaunt He was recently offered $200 ASMSU POP ENTERTAINMENT BRINGS JOB REQUIREMENTS Center offers library, guidance on careers Students, faced with the choice availability of jobs in all areas, on careers ranging from the of declaring a major, need to salaries, requirements for Armed Forces to urban planning. know current information on the employment and job The library is staffed with a toptions open to them in their applications. full-time librarian who is on duty perspective fields. They need to In addition to providing from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday know the availability of jobs in individual counseling sessions, through Friday. their areas and the requirements Ms. Smith prepares handouts THe Occupational Information for employment. describing job opportunities for Library has six branches located The Counseling Center in the every University department. throughout capus: Fee, Brody Student Services Building Students may obtain these and Wilson Residence Halls, the provides two sources of handouts at the Counseling Union, the main Library and the information on careers for center. Counseling Center. graduates: a career information MSU is one of the first specialist and a library containing universities in the nation to offer FOR CITY COUNCIL occupational files on every major the services of a full-time career field of employment. Camille Smith acts as career information specialist to the students. GORDON The Occupational Library has a information specialist, counseling students on the current THOMAS complete listing of information Paid Political Advertisement As concerned citizens of this community, we want to make known our endorsement of Wilbur Brookover as candidate for East Lansing City Council. We urge this newspaper and all faculty and students to do likewise. We believe that Wilbur Brookover has shown his ability to get things done by bringing our community together rather than promoting unproductive polarization. Wilbur Brookover was elected to the East Lansing City Council four years ago, with broad support of students, faculty and all segments of the city. His record demonstrates his qualifications for this office. His concern for all segments of the city and for urban problems in general is demonstrated by his University responsibilities as Associate Director of the Center for Urban Affairs. His sincerity and commitment to the welfare of East Lansing and all its citizens is above question. We urge all citizens, student and non-student alike, to vote for this highly qualified colleague who can communicate with all segments of the community. Paid for by for Brook John I\ Henderson James li. MeKee •so t». Tickets $4 sale Mrs. Waller Adorns John //. Use em JaeU lioin James I). Arnold Werner Shaffer Leonard Hall liolterl L.Green