When . . • Thursday the gods wish to punish us MICHIGAN Colder STATE NEWS .with a chance of showers or they answer our prayers. . . 11, 7 uu:u. STATE snow and a high in the low 40s. UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 4,1971 New councilmen urge community spirit' By BOB ROACH / f student-oriented candidates "a victory, not "The matter of local strictly for young people or students, but for priorities—how many of them may ask, 'Why bother?' We community reasonably together." East Lansing should direct its resources to see this election as a landslide supporters were shocked at the impact of Ideas and issues, for a new direction in local victory and so Four years ago Brookover said he defeated ratine a wave of youthful voting power, items like pollution and traffic congestion." it will behoove the council to consider the the student "bloc" vote. (Lansing's new city councilmen called government." a conservative, incumbent councilman, but "The bloc student vote was the biggest, Griffiths said he, George Colburn and many new voters when making decisions." since that time he has had to re-establish nesday for greater community spirit and Colburn, who finished with 8,091 votes, most significant and most surprising element • write-in candidate Chuck Will had stressed Despite his fifth-place finish, Chuck Will, a himself "as a bridge between the various tinued student political involvement, said young people who had participated in write-in candidate from the Coalition for in the whole election," Pnillips, who placed two basic issues in their joint segments in the city." lie denying the city government will take campaign: the campaign and election must continue to Human Survival, said he felt the sixth with 3,662 votes, said. dical turnabout. • "Participation of all people in the be involved and the city council must large He said he was gratified "that at least a few "Sure, we figured on a large student play a turnout of student voters could only be students felt I could possibly represent George L Griffiths, who led the field In democratic process—the right of anyone, major role in keeping them involved. beneficial for the entire community. them. But my biggest concern right now is turnout, but we thought there would be esday's council race with 8,241 votes, regardless of age, occupational status or life "If we badly disappoint those who came Will, whose write-in total was not verified that we don't get a knock-down, drag-out more of a split. I went to all the candidates' d the sweep of three council seats bv style, to vote in East Lansing. out to vote Tuesday, the next time around by the Board of Canvassers by late nights on campus and talked with students. I polarization between the young and the old, thought there might be a possibility of their Wednesday, said the election has turned East the students and the non-students." voting in a bloc, but I was really surprised Lansing in the right direction, but much will Defeated candidate Charles Max Phillips, a that they weren't more open-minded." depend on the actions of the third-place conservative businessman, said he and his (Please turn to page 15) finisher, Wilbur B. Brookover. Brookover campaigned heavily for student issues and topped third-term incumbent Gordon L. Thomas by 452 votes in Precinct 3, which took in most student residents on GOP victors campus. He finished with 5,110 to Thomas' 5,070. Like Griffiths and Colburn, Brookover said he didn't see a major change in policies though he predicted a change in city (small) WASHINGTON herd (AP)-Like conquering generals riding triumphantly into a defeated emphasis. Mass transit and low-cost housing town, Pennsylvania's two U.S. senators rode past the will receive special emphasis, he said, as will Capitol Wednesday atop their Republican party's mascot-live elephants. cable television licenses requiring significant Sens. Hugh Scott and Richard Sbhweiker looked poised and steady educational and public service pachyderms for the 10 minute parade to the cheers of at least 300 atop the onlookers and programming. newsmen. Colburn and Griffiths said issues that The elephants were provided by the Ringling Bros., Barnum & Bailey Circus and demand immediate attention include a Maryland GOP Sens. Charles McMathias and J. Glenn Beall. It was the revision of the city's position on the Baltimore Orioles' loss to the payoff for the Pittsburgh Pirates in the baseball World Series. cross-campus and peripheral routes and "If it wasn't for the honor of the thing," I'd just as soon walk," Scott said before implementation of widespread reforms in climbing on 35-year-old Jenny. Schwwiker got the 40-year-old Susie for his ride. Both voter registration procedures. are Indian elephants. Brookover, a first-term incumbent, said "I didn't know elephants had such sharp shoulder blades," Scott said after the the "biggest problem is to hold this jubilant procession behind a contingent from the Band that provided music. University of Maryland Marching Mathias and Beall, wearing Orioles' jackets and caps, carried the peanuts and a shovel, but no clean up detail was necessary. tudent workers pay hike ncertain, U' officials say would be affected by any raise granted. but the University is not certain whether the Traditionally. these raises are granted at the higher education appropriations until after Phase 2 freeze guidelines will allow pay the freeze was enacted, the colleges and beginning of the academic year, which is late raises for student employes, Robert Perrin, universities had been prevented by a third September. vice president for University relations, said. party from granting raises in July. he likelihood of the University granting Ttye current federal wage-price freeze, 5 to more than 6,000 students enacted Aug. 14 by President Nixon, bars Perrin serves as liaison with federal "The way we look at it, it is a matter of "ployed in various jobs on campus appears any pay raises for student employes, Lyle A. uncertain, several administrators Thorburn, manager of dormitories and food agencies, but has received no indication when an employe began to accrue his whether Phase 2 guidelines will be issued entitlement to the raise," Perrin said. lowledged Wednesday. services, said. Thorburn's division is the before or after the end of Phase 1. Students employed in positions ranging largest single employer of student employes i residence hall desk receptionists, with more than 2,500 students at any one (Please turn to page 15) eria workers, and custodians to some time on its payroll. "Student pay raises will be one of the it-time duties in academic departments Phase 1 of the current freeze ends Nov. 13, priority matters that we will consider when we receive the Phase 2 guidelines," Perrin said. DECISION ON BUSING ISCRIMINATION CHARGED "We are treatment for concerned with equitable graduate assistants as well," Perrin said, noting that the status of student employes is the only pay matter remaining Milliken to appeal ruling Judiciary refuses to be resolved in the current freeze. LANSING (UPI)—Gov. Milliken said Wednesday night he will appeal, "at the earliest possible legal opportunity," a federal district court ruling that the Detroit school system is segregated. 'unduly disruptive and when children are forced to spend too much time in travel to and from school." The ruling Miliken will appeal in a ruling by U.S. District Judge hear Harty case and staff, who traditionally Faculty The governor went on statewide television to say the case should to receive pay raises starting July 1 when a new budget year begins, received retroactive have a "full and complete judicial review. I want to emphasize that this appeal is not to evade the law and the facts, but to clarify the Stephen Roth that the Detroit Board of Education and the state are responsible. Roth has ordered the State Board of Education to draw up a plan to desegregate the Detroit School System and has not salary increases in October under a special law and the facts." entered a formal order in the case. By JUDY YATES The Student-Faculty Judiciary denied tne exemption granted to all public colleges "Procedurally, an appeal is not yet permitted until the court State News Staff Writer hearing Monday night on the alleged charge and universities in Michigan by the Cost of At the same time the governor warned the emotions raised by the issues a definitive order, which has not as yet occurred in Detroit," that the procedures established by the issue of busing school children to achieve racial balance "threatens Living Council. Milliken said. "But I want you to know my intention because I "The University has become racist and Student Committee on Nominations for to tear the very fabric of our whole public educational system and believe it is absolutely imperative that Michigan move forward in a xist, only in a new light," Kevin Harty, at-large seats on the Academic Council were pleaded for a discussion of it in "a climate of reason". The council acknowledged that because logical, systematic approach through what is presently an "enview, ill., junior said Wednesday. inconsistent with guidelines of the He said he personally believes a blanket prohibition on busing emotionally charged atmosphere." Harty's comment was prompted by the Academic FYeedom Report. the Michigan legislature did not determine would be "wrong" but that busing should not be used when It is "dent Faculty (Please turn to page 15) Judiciary's decision not to ear his charge against the Student The ommittee on Nominations of judiciary recommended that the ASMSU alters space question be brought before the Academic rules crimination against white males. Council to determine whether the procedures of the Student Committee on Nominations were in keeping with the intent oi irt pic of the Bylaws for Academic Governance. The guidelines and subsequent office By JONI BENN held at the beginning of each term, won a offices could not be repainted by today's "People who live in ivory towers are often State News Staff Writer allocations, approved last week, had been chance for reconsideration with the deletion reallocation hearings, Kevin Harty, board ives vie myopic and the actions of the Student Faculty Judiciary Board reflect this to a ASMSU reconsidered its controversial condemned by ousted groups as "antileftist" and "antireform." of criterion five. The guideline states that the "length of time the office space will be vice chairman, suggested a pact between the two groups to "act in good faith." great extent," Harty said. Guidelines for Office Space Allocations The proposal for reconsideration of the needed will be considered." Following a statement by Sherry Lessen, allocation issue was introduced by Mark n The board met a snag before deleting the Washington wiretap "Unfortunately, the board, like everyone else, is much more interested in meeting the Jan. 1 implementation deadline than seeing Tuesday night following from a coalition of student a week of pressures organizations. Nearly 150 members of such groups as Jaeger, a vocal allocations committee. member of the space sixth criterion. The standard, which called for "previously demonstrated need for Red Cedar representative, that "ASMSU is afraid of the power of the adminstration," the board amended the ninth criterion to (AP)-wiiiiam h. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Earlier in the day, the members had office space" was subject of an attempted nnquist implied strongly Wednesday that that the representatives are well chosen," require that "no group convicted of the Joint Issue, Women's Liberation and Gay received a handout from Harold Buckner, amendment by Larry Stempel, Shaw - would «s if he is disqualify himself from wiretap Harty said. Liberation were on hand as the board voted board chairman, suggesting reconsideration McDonel representative, and Jodie Knofsky, (Please turn to page 15) confirmed to a seat on the as a means of Pfeme Court. "The Academic Council and the judiciary for point - by - point reconsideration of the "giving everyone a chance to off-campus representative. have their say in a public meeting." The proposed amendment to remove only Testifying before the Senate Judiciary board have acted in a very racist manner," guidelines. With the issue reintroduced, board action the word 'previously' was attacked by the : mmittee the nominee defended the Harty said. was dominated by Julia "I certainly hope that white males will Dalquist, president spectators as "a liberal cop-out which could °".admin!stration's wiretap policies. But boycott the election." of Off-Campus Council. Besides moving for be used against certain groups at whim" I surveillance should be used only to Harty has also filed an appeal to review the reappraisal of the guidelines, the before being closely defeated. iwn " or Prevent crime-and not to stifle case with the MSU Committee Against representative laid the groundwork for an The amendment of three additional •-And he said the primary purpose of open hearing on space reallocation, to be criteria further increased the chances of ill of Rights is to "put restraints on the Discrimination. held at 3 p.m. today in the West Meeting reconsideration for the Draft Education Rernment." ehnquist Tlie Committee Against Discrimination is Room, Akers Hall. Center, Women's Liberation, Gay said that as an assistant composed of two undergraduate students, Ms. Dalquist, who joined the board three Liberation and SDS. ir ,ey ieneral he acted as an adviser on three faculty members, a graduate student, a weeks ago, emerged as a verbal spokesman The Draft Education Center won a chance eD ®ppin8 and that "if the Justice member from the Administrative and for the coalition. Ms. Dalquist repeatedly to regain space with the amendment of a "rsnnT"' pos'tion was indefensible or Professional staff, one from the Assn. of yielded the floor to Mickey, a spokesman for criterion which excluded groups which had "'fined " ol)noxious to me» I would have Clerical and Technical Workers, and one the coalition and other student spokesmen. substantial space available elsewhere. labor employe. The student organizations won meager Revising two standards which hand - in - is !!!qUist Was reluctant at times to give victories in the deletion of two of the 11 hand were responsible for the exclusion of ttn'ews °f wiretapping, citing an The Anti-Discrimination Policy and criteria which comprise the guidelines and SDS and the two liberation groups, the n I k °lient relationship" with Atty. Procedures, which established the the amendment of three others. board accepted a proposal by Robert ixon Mitche'l and with President committee, states that "one (of the Despite the additional number of Shubert, Case - Wilson representative. undergraduate members) shall be nonwhite speakers, the procedings were relatively Shubert suggested revision of a clause enlrtf™" out by Sen. Edward M. and one female" and that at least one of the orderly. As the board became engrossed in condemning the unauthorized painting of bservati Mass., he made some general faculty members be female. parliamentary procedure, the coalition was Student Services Building offices to require hink „ lnclud'ng that he does not Bat hurst said that because the led in shouts and impromptu voting by only that all rooms must be returned to their 'tl>out&ment JUcl,cial bu6ging' w,th and Anti-Discrimination Committee does not John Folger, an Oakland Unviersity student and supporter of the coalition. original condition before consideration for warrants, is "pervasive." have injunctive power, the election will be The New future allocation. (Please turn to page 15) held next Wednesday as scheduled. MS. DALQUIST Community Book Exchange, As the coalition expressed concern that 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, NoVemhftr/, news Officials file Hildebrand reply R|> llinVVATCC TTnl.mMu., University attorney, tutfk tkn TT C with the U.S. nSe* District Court prescribed procedures in follow nrbur friendly, neighborhood Ind., on Tuesday as student power got its first major test around the nation. Jody Smith, 19, defeated Mayor E.B. Swanson, 83-25, management,but you to become mayor of Aryshire, a town of 243 residents. Another 19-year-old, Jim want to believe in Ashley, was defeated in his the product being sold, hamburger. bid for mayor of Bassett, Iowa, but Gene Parsons, 21, was one of five councilmen elected in the community. Suit amendment defeated You might be happier at y£tna. We think we might have what you're We have jobs in all divisions of our The House Banking Committee refused Wednesday in Washington to write into Phase 2 looking for. Something 27 million people company. If you'd like face-to-face con¬ legislation provision depend on for security and a better life. tact with people we have many positions for consumers to sue for damages if they are charged more We'd like you to consider taking a sales that will give you immediate contact with than approved prices. the public. If you'd rather deal with your management position with /Etna Life and Defeat of this and several other amendments Casualty. We have hundreds of broad- co-workers and other professionals, we proposed have those, too. Tell us your preference, to the draft of President's gauge management positions, both in the Nixon's legislation increased field and in the home office, that pay sub¬ and we can work it out between us. indications that it will be approved in essentially the form stantial salaries right from the start. A brochure called "The Whole Truth" he favors. They all take creativity and hard work. goes into the specifics on sales manage¬ However, key votes on interest controls and duration of But the rewards can be very high. To ment as well as other opportunities. It'll the wage - price regulating authority were put off until yourself. To others. tell you how /Etna works, what it does, today. If the insurance business is still the and how you can become part of it. It's Overlooked Profession to you, it's prob¬ an honest picture of an honest business. ably because you haven't heard the whole Why not stop in at your placement office Spree ends in suicide truth about it yet. How fast-changing it has become. Or how sophisticated. Or and read it. When you're hungry, close counts. And, we're very I Today, one out of six Americans looks close. Love thy neighbor. that it is where the greatest variety of to /Etna for insurance protection. You Drop in any time. Police said a 22 - year - old rifleman, Michael O'Heam, job opportunities are—today, insurance might build a successful career helping killed himself Wednesday in Carlsbad, N.M. after a two probably takes more college graduates us help many more. hour shooting spree from the tower of Mid High School. than any other profession. No one was hurt, but O'Hear fired more than 20 shots from an automatic rifle before it was over. One shot We are an Equal Opportunity Employer OUR CONCERN IS PEOPLE 234 W. Grand River • 1024 E. Grand River shattered a plate glass window at a store across the street and a JOBS-participating company. from the tower. LIFE & CASUALTY Open Sun. Thurs. till midnight, Fri. - - Sat. till 1:30 am Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 4, 1971 3 if Turnout stuns Thomas "I see a 1 By BOB ROACH Executive Reporter between the candidates and the high correlation success of the to goafter it. Maybe I'm just not a good politician." road," following Tuesday's demonstration of student power, councilman. I hope to see the new council sit down to work with the amount of "I see many dichotomies staff on problems of the city, so No one was more unprepared The former mayor said he saw time, money and effort spent on possible, but they will depend on that we will remain for the Tuesday turnout of the MSU campus," he said. "The "some real problems down the as one the general position of each student voters than Gordon L. students were just much better community." Thomas. informed about some candidates A councilman since 1959 and than they were about others." mayor of East Lansing since The soft-spoken professor of I 1969, Thomas was swept out of communications said he thought office by a mass student voting bloc that carried George L. Griffiths and George Colburn to the cross-campus route was "a red herring" in the campaign. "This really bothered me that it L/C sets Biblical stunning victories and first-term was seen as an issue in the incumbent Wilburn B. Brookover election," he said. to a narrow 40-vote edge over Thomas in the race for three council seats. Thomas indicated he foresaw problems Friday when the State for Justice' News published a survey While Griffiths and Colburn showing only six per cent of the student University College (UC) has Reston, New York Times symposium will probably include both finished with over 8,000 scheduled David Dickson from voters recognied his name as a columnist and U.S. Rep. John an art exhibit of prints and votes, Thomas ended up with candidate. the State University of New York Conyers from Detroit. 5,070 behind Brookover's 5,110. at paintings of Western civilization "Voting for someone is a Stoney Brook to speak at its Dickson is a Biblical renaissance to illustrate the theme of Thomas said he would not ask symposium "Human Justice" function of who do you know," on scholar, Lunde said. He was also "Human Justice." lls for a recount. "You lose as much e Was stopped denied Monster bruin as you might gain in one of he said. Thomas said his campaign was in January. The symposium on Jan. 31, formerly head of a federal city college in Washington, D.C. The committee will meet D.S. pope of Troy, Mich., shows off his 580 pound black bear, dressed weight, that he bagged while those," he said. run by a small staff of two or Feb. 1 and 2 will involve four The committee may plan extra Thomas attributed his loss to Friday to decide speakers and on on a hunting trip in the Upper Peninsula last weekend. Pope said the monster weighed 650 three volunteers. He said he was speakers, Erik Lunde, asst. events, Lunde added. The pounds his absence of machinery geared other UC symposium plans. before it was dressed, and will probably set a new state record. aware of the potential of a professor of American thought to draw the 8,000 to 10,000 new and language, said Tuesday. AP student bloc vote, but "I just UNION BALLROOM PRESENTS Wirephoto young voters in East Lansing. The committee is in the process didn't put together a big machine of securing the other three speakers. Lunde is contacting )Y HOUSE COMMITTEE Patrick Daniel Moynihan, past presidential adviser and presently »at at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard; James by the Uj, "ey that ts 1 their from the way Hearings set on rent deposits BOSTONIAN »ter into the twoyeats, By JOANNA FIRESTONE State News Staff Writer complaints that upon from constituents the termination of both tenants and landlords on the deposit issue. Room of the MSU Union from of Michigan Rackham Building BOOL leases, landlords and agents of "It simply is not necessary for 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. amphitheater from 10 a.m. to 5 State Rep. Earl E. Nelson, property owners are reluctant to Nov. 18, Grand Rapids, East S] rt times landlords to require such T, „ Lansing, announced return the deposits," he said, Vandenberg Nelson said MSU will be subject _ timates nude outrageous deposits for Room of the i a radioactin ednesday that a special House "In other cases, numerable 'extraordinary' wear that is not Pantlind Hotel from 10 a.m. to 5 \° a» laws concerning rental •charged into immittec studying mandatory reasons are found for deducting widespread," he argued. p.m. deposits. ntal deposits has scheduled a from the deposits many expenses The hearings will be held to 'ears afterthe when iti >ries of public hearings not contemplated in the original Nov. 22, Kalamazoo, Public help the committee establish smaller. •ginning Monday to tap public agreement. Also, when the recommendations for legislation Library from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. QUARTERS be ntiment on the issue. deposits are returned, there are to protect tenants, he said. Dec. 3, Warren, Building "S" of Nelson, chairman of the no interest payments made even "I urge everyone with a vested Macomb County Community ven-man committee, said the though the landlords and rental interest in this issue to attend the lecial group has been agents have had the use of the College from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. open hearings—renters, landlords, Dec. 6, Ann Arbor, University ses vestigating alleged misuse of the escrow and the money for long tenants unions and realtors," he curity-damage deposits since periods of time." concluded. ibruary. Nelson said misuse of deposits Hearings are scheduled as "In asking for this special has reached the point of "almost follows: tudy, other legislators and total lawlessness." osf lyselfwere reacting to numerous "The more unscrupulous Nov. 8, Detroit, 13th floor NOTICE landlords are causing tenants to auditorium of the City-County pay such outrageous fines for """•'■armer 'leafs' what is normal w,e»r aritj tear tt^at Bldg. from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. some renters Nov. 12, FlintuGity)H&l] Health have retused the last month's rent to make up to-pay Auditorium from 10 a.m. to 5 SENIORS! Canterbury ZSl hrou9h reflJse the lost deposit." Nelson said it is time that state p.m. Nov. 15, Lansing, House of please return your arty, board ... ,. „ government step in to establish Representatives Chamber from 9 a.m. to FRIDAY, NOV5,8-12 pm- sI.OO SYCAMORE, III. (AP) Jeff noon. senior mm a union board production prohibit; track is up to his knees in leaves |aws and guidelines equitable to Nov. 15, East Lansing, Gold picture MAC at Grand River acre of his farm. He asked )ff-Camp« proofs immediately. e ntative.Mi, office of allocations The rctection Illinois Environmental Agency bans the JgBKTHE PERFORMING" Your promptness liming of leaves and frowns on utting them in plastic bags that ARTS COMPANY on't decompose. will be appreciated. Stack invited Sycamore sidents to dump leaves on one Nov. 10-14 8:15 PM :reof his land. Fairchild Theatre 0N(1GUudeNSle^N "They sure took me up on it," THE WOLVERINE says. "When the I plow the leaves under. season is over They'll Weekdays 355-0148 12-5 PM ^Ai$Dead^ ake good fertilizer." „T0M STOPPARD notion by ng for the sweater classics by Pringle of Scotland. . .full-fashioned V-neck lambswool sweaters in the best of tradition. Sizes 38-46. A. Sleeveless pullover. Yellow, grey, blue or brown. $15. B. New heavy-stitch cardigan. Light blue, corn gold, white or red. $26. C. Long sleeve pullover. Deep green, dark brown, navy, plum mist, sky blue, champagne. $18 WEEKLY RENTALS... Complete Package, 7 Jacob0on'0 days.. WEEKEND RATE... Complete Package,Thurs.thru Monday Noon DAILY RATE Complete Package JACOBSON'S OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL NINE MICHIGAN AP NEWS ANALYSIS STATE MEW UNIVERSITY UN powerless to act in India-Pakistan feud KEN LYNAM advertising manager By WILLIAM L. RYAN .DAVE PERSON, managing editor AP Special Correspondent CHARLIE CAIN, city editor UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) - China's The situation could wind council if it becomes so uD I JOHN BORGER, campus editor BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor seat in the United Nations is being readied intolerable threat, or if real acute aTt ki RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor for the Communists at a moment when the out. But up to now fiffhtinak l world organization is being bypassed in what Thant has h H encouragement in his hope is at present Asia's most dangerous crisis. for . Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award The United Nation's mediating role. The big powers prestige as a peace - make no secret of their for outstanding journalism. keeping body has been bruised in the past by alarm * In Canada last week, the organization's being shut out of Soviet Premier N. Kosygin said Moscow explosive situations. Vietnam was an consider** subcontinent a serious example. Today Asia looks at a French summit danger spot A oy Chief sponsor of the bill is Sen. Gilbert E. Bursley, R.Ann Arbor. State Democrats have charged Michigan's Republican Sen. Robert P. Griffin, with "building a campaign fund of unparalleled Nixon on the one hand to ask workers to give up their wage Gov. William G. Milliken has endorsed increases and small businessmen to tighten their belts while auto the concept of the IWindow washers at Control Data's building in the proposed legislation, said DeGrow, committee chairman. size to finance a television blitz to hide his pro-Nixon, pro-big company executives are paying $500 and $300 a couple for I Minneapolis suburb of Bloomington are faced with a The proposal calls for the establishment of a five-member business record." political dinners and cocktail parties. We think there should be a I seemingly endless task as they begin to clean some of the population commission consisting of experts in population and "We think Michigan voters should be aware of just what the GOP price freeze on political dinners." image makers intend to do to both Nixon and Griffin in 1972," 16,700 windows in the new structure. ■ ' AP demography, social services or social psychology, family planning and public health. Kenneth Hylton, vice chairman of the Michigan Democratic Party Ms. James Roche, wife of the General Motors board chairman and Wirephoto Virgil Boyd, Chrysler Corp. board vice chairman are heading up the said. GOP fund-raising event. A series of Griffin fund-raisers is set for this week in Southfield "The Big Three Auto makers are showing their appreciation to a and 13 other Michigan cities. Tickets for the Southfield affair cost lems' redisricting plan $300 per couple while the other dinners are priced at $100. The dinner sponsors also are hosting a reception for Republican celebrities which cost $500 per couple, including the dinner. Griffin senator who has protected their interests Hylton charged. throughout his career," hopes to raise over $500,000 for his 1972 campaign from these events, according to Hylton. "What is billed as a birthday salute to Sen. Griffin is the first threatens By JOANNA FIRESTONE six GOP seats in buying the 1972 senatorial campaign,"Hylton charged. "Moreover, it is the height of Republican hypocrisy for President step | Rectilinear 1 No fuss, no gadgets.. . each other in the This Sat. from 9:30 to 2:00 J Simply a well designed, State News Staff Writer August primary to determine who would receive V balanced, GOP support in the 1972 elections. easy listening for those over 21 V speaker system. fttate Democrats Tuesday revealed a plan for congressional Under the plan, most of Ingham County would join nine other lpportionment that would jeopardize the seats of at least six counties composing the 19th district, Sheridan said. ■publican incumbent congressmen. Bep. Alfred Sheridan, D-Taylor, said the new scheme would help State Republican chairman William McLaughlin called Sheridan's plan "unbelievable" and is expected to mass strong opposition to WOOLIES «£♦ A A The Rectilinear XII is comprised of a 10", a ng Democratic strength in the congressional delegation into line the Democratic proposal. Blues, Boogie, & Jug Band Music 5", and 3" speakers. $139.00 Jh his party's statewide voting power. AT THE ■he Democratic proposal is the first complete congressional map Sample Rectilinear Quality De offered. A Republican plan is expected to be announced soon, the plan is subject to review by the House Elections Committee, 20% DISCOUNT ON 402 S. 1ifoM* ■ch includes six Democrats and five Republicans. Washington Ave. Bespite the party split in the committee, however, Sheridan said nsconfident that some kind of compromise can be worked out in TYPEWRITER REPAIRS UW Lansing 245 Ann Street ■nextweekorso. lew districts must be redrawn in advance of the 1972 elections FOR MSU STUDENTS , >nw.jlC CO. East Lansing ■thebasis of 1970 census statistics. Work on reapportionment has Installed due to the slowness of census returns from Detroit. Iheridan's plan would omit one Republican congressman by ADVENT* BOSE * MclNTOSH* DUAL* KENWOOD libining the current districts of U.S. Reps. Edward Hutchinson ■Fennvijle and Guv VanderJagt of Cadillac into a new ninth ■net stretching along the Lake Michigan shoreline. I 1 similar situation would pit Reps. James Harvey R-Saginaw,and ' ; Chamberlain R-East Lansing, in a contest for the Igressional seat of a newly drawn sixth district. ' h cases, the Republican incumbents would have to face > imagine: \ qualities (including the sound) of all the media you're accustomed to, There the the r more to the story. Some of technological advances used in 201 can also be used in the Z m C • manufacture of pre-recorded but with few of their drawbacks, and with virtues all its own. cassettes. The best commercial I Advent Corporation has used its "Dolbyized" cassette releases, when played on the Model 201, are easily imagination, and by combining several significant aspects of current the equivalent to the best disc Tj Imagine, if you will, a compact technology, has come up with just recordings. With further refinement, in some respects a commercially - device into which you pop a small such a new medium. What makes it all possible is the new Advent Model recorded cassette can actually 00 plastic thing, press a button, and flood a room of sound with sound you've come to — the kind associate 201 Stereo Cassette Tape Deck, a record/playback device that uses the improve upon discs. Perhaps we're over - taxing your C with new (unscratched) records of standard cassette format to achieve imagination - after all, it's not every ■< the highest quality played back on all those things we've asked you to day you're asked to think up a new your music system. imagine.1 medium for recorded music. If so, Cassettes have always had many of please come visit us soon; we'd be • Imagine a device as easy to operate as the virtues we've described, but a simple table radio, yet which delighted to show you what it's all 7\ allows you to do your own unfortunately tneir AM-radio sound about. We think that with time, you I— programming. quality, and their lightweight drive might find this new medium, as Imagine carrying around with you mechanisms have limited their exemplified by the Advent Model X (perhaps in your shirt pocket) one or appeal. On the other hand, open-reel 201,^your preferred way to enjoy 1z more of those small plastic things, recorders have had the virtue of good recorded music. and popping them into similar sound, but also have proven 1. Some of the things that make it devices around the house, at the inconvenient enough to intimidate possible, in addition to Advent's beach, in the car - anywhere. many critical listeners, who would imagination and expertise, are: a Imagine that the sound quality of rather not work quite so hard to rugged high-torque, precision, and the small plastic thing will not enjoy well - produced music. easy - to - operate transport a deteriorate with repeated playings, The Advent Model 201 provides all mechanism; the famous Dolby CD and that it's virtually indestructible. the performance and day-to-day System® of noise reduction; the rn Imagine too, that the same device consistency of operation of good proper circuitry to take full allows you to conveniently make open-reel recorders, at about the advantage of new chromium dioxide your own plastic things copies same price you'd expect to pay for a tape; accurate and - uniquely made from other sound sources that really excellent one? Yet because it convenient recording controls; and are virtually indistinguishable from uses standard cassettes, it provides a many other things we'd be happy to what you've copied. level of convenience and portability explain to the technically inclined. In other words, imagine a whole new (and pocketability) which only the 2. $280.00 sound medium, with the best cassette medium can provide. 3. The Model 201: HI FI BUYS 101 East Grand River Ave. 337-231 The Disc Shop "Dolby" and "Dolby Systems" 323 East Grand River Ave 351-5380 °< Oolbv Laboratories. TEAOSONY • JBL*PE*KOSS*SHURE Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 4, 1971 1 aCt signed State funding proposal vjth Poland WARSAW, Poland (AP) - offers adult educationaid pcretary of Transportation John A proposal that the state fund Volpe Wednesday signed an community colleges at about hour on the idea that the rpement opening up coopertion continuing adult education 33 jj0ur an(j an colleges and decentralized low-ratio course of •tween Polish and U.S. ientists. ^ograms on hour, per student the basis of $1.50 was issued at universities at about $2.66 an instruction will be costly, yet less hour costly than curricula which have Western diplomats viewed the Kellogg Center Wednesday high equipment ratios. Kt agreed on by Volpe and his Uerald A. taverman, former He proposed "institution of a He anticipated a time when a jirii counterpart Mieczyslaw chief of the educational analysis clock hour unit that pays 85 per unit of the Michigan Legislative system would be developed ifryd as a further step by. cent of the cost" of the which ignores continuing Mhington to establish friendly Fiscal Agency, saw no other way to reap continuing education program, education expenditures and Utions with new Polish adequate funds for the with the other 15 per cent to be concerns itself only with value immunist party boss Edward lifelong learning needs of the charged and collected from the added to the lives of citizens, state scitizenry. benefit-receiver, either the v fheagreement provides for the student, community agency or F&verman, now assistant to the •hange of scientific research in He said that what is company. dean of the College of ^ problems of transportation accomplished in continuing ' Osteopathic Medicine, spoke to j covers a wide field - traffic education programs is not readily He said he thought that educators from 24 states measured by the terms which ety. rail and road construction, life-long adult education should attending the 13th annual jdge building and rail legislative agencies ordinarily use be placed, administratively, at the Seminar for College and in setting funding ectrification. community college or college and University Leaders in Continuing visionary /olpe, who arrived in Poland rates-term-hours, credits or university level. Education which closed 'rrentiyon Tuesday night from Romania, degrees. d Zajfryd, "The agreement we The Theater Dept. will present a new Children's show He pointed out that the state He rationalized the $1.50 an Wednesday at Kellogg Center. musical play for Wolf is Dead/ involves audience participation by the children ve signed wil1 take on real children for the next three weekends in the supports elementary and mificance only as it produces Arena theatre in who attend the the Auditorium basement. The performance. play, 'The Boy Who Cried secondary education at about 45 State News photo by Terry Luke cents an instructional hour. "DAMN YANKEES" ' and one ha 1V Cat Stevens on stage strides on stage casually but casually but hnhhincr bobbing fmm from nnp one cirio side r\f of the enjoys his music * 3:00 PM McDonel Kiva 99° ifidently, perches atop a stool microphone to the other, it The Father: "It's not time to personality carries over into the performing than to any quality NOV. 4th, 5th, & 6th ther voic« make a change/Just relax take it composition of his songs. The inherent in the songs themselves. begins to sing. As he breaks becomes obvious that Cat Stevens BY cannot cmij , "Tuesday's Dead," head enjoys making music. easy. .. For you will still be here typical Stevens song-of the Brief mention should also be overall eflod tomorrow/But your dreams may "Wild World"—"Where Do the made of Judy Sills, who provided if the Don It was equally obvious that the not." Children Play" genre—starts with the opening act. Her voice falls THE COMPA sell-out crowd at Detroit's Ford The Son: "From the moment I deceptive gentleness and builds to a apart on the high notes and her ritt i°w features Auditorium Tuesday night enjoyed could talk/I was ordered to listen, If they were right, I'd agree/But fever pitch of unavoidable enthusiasm, obvious excitement at being called back for an encore was hearing him. When .. »t by' convicts Stevens finished his 70-minute it's them they know not me. .. Even the bouncy more than a seasoned performer coming fog set, they spent five minutes And I know that I have to go "Moonshadow" and haunting would allow himself to show, but Morrisonl away/I know/I have to go." "Morning Has Broken" contain her songs showed a lot of rijLSA Okla. (AP) - Sixteen hand-clapping and foot-stomping ..... gg0 a group of interested to bnng him back to play "Sad Stevens has an irrepressible this odd mixture of gentleness promise. Some day in the not too stage presence, comparable only and feverish enthusiasm, due distant future, she will be a very sponsored the start of art Lisa", to that of Elton John. He is as more, perhaps, to Stevens' love of good folk artist. at the Oklahoma State _ , uninhibited , nitentiary for convicts who had Steve"s concert show,'s on guitar as John is or wanted to find out if music. Every song was taken from andSon on piano. His livliness cost him a UNION BALLROOM his two most recent albums, "Tea snapped guitar string during eydid. Stevens, of course, sang his "Bitterblue", but it won him a lot Sunday a three-week show will for the Tillerman" and "Teaser three Top 40 hits—"Wild World", of friends. en at the University of Tulsa in and the Firecat", though there ich 14 convicts will display was a request for the title song Moonshadow" and "Peace Train". But Stevens is The bubbling energy of his SPIDER 3works. from his first album, "Matthew considerably more than a Top 40 /or artist, and his listeners knew it. They showed they knew it by & Stephen reynolds being just as responsive to album op persuades cuts like "Father and Son" as to "Moonshadow", and they showed they knew it by their FRI. Nov. 5 8 12 pm SlQO with 3, candidal of ,9'i/v. •• to harm I \'i J - >i ' requests for album cuts and early songs. "Father and Son" though little "ceitedlW JH1CAGO (AP) — just kept disappointments he had suffered. sujted to AM-airplay is quite ying it by ear," observed The a Finally the conversation jb, Stevens> be^ ' to :A SPACE th„ the mayon ked P0'*0™" a man out of^h°„sa,d Khc calmed the young man so that he J killing his handed the knife to his father, [t etches a trait of Jiwc Marriage rlogwIM rents Tuesday in a 25-minute who opened the door for police. -enemtionai SeleX accurate conflict which is of a Young ODYSSEY >ary R, Put ephone conversation. • OeNikewtt 'atrolman Ross Vetrano, 33, Stockbroke Vignola wtt he relied on his experiences the ultimate trip talking with people both as a Thursday at 6:00, 8:00 officer and six years Friday at 5:45, 7:45, 9:4! council! Thursday at 7:45 only i ier, as a bartender, with 41 e succeeded in persuading the ^Thursday Tv Friday at 7:00, 9:30 William Is 90c, 5:30 - 6:00 Thursday No Twl-L ing man, who has suffered ith 157 vota dual brain damage from a ~ WARREN BEATTY JULIE CHRISTIE fourth *11 ("hood accident, to put down In everyone's a cher knife with which he had life there's a eatened his parents. father telephoned police summer! the family's North Side of '42 itment. He managed to blurt a half • sentence, which ded the apartment address, If you lliiuli our tlvsserls urr grout , 6:15 - 8:15 m I Mf£MILLER Thursday at 6:00, ! ore the son, armed with an A Friday at 5:30, 7:45, 11 nch knife slammed the phone if Thursday Twi-Lite Hr., Adults 90c, 5:30 - m. hen police first arrived and :ked on the door of the ly's apartment, the young yelled, "Stay out or I'll kill etrano decided to call the rtment from the landlord's twas just a hunch, I ild call it," said guess you Try our food! Vetrano. "It just a wild chance, I knew it. I thought I fact the nt." could maybe boy and let the father brazier Open 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. a 25-minute conversation, 310 W. GRAND RIVER e young man told of E. LANSING Beal Film Group TONIGHT 104B WELLS iuiraBBlNDO TRASH recounts the misadventures of Joe and Holly, a young couple struggling to get by in New York City. As Joe attracts outlandish characters wherever he goes, and Holly nurtures t er obsession for collecting trash, audiences find themselves helplessly laughing, shocked, and very much moved. at 7:00 and 10:10 THE WILD and The Academy Award Winning American BRODY SOUTHWEST DINING HALL 7, 9:15 at8:50only QN THE NO ONE UNDER 18WILL BE ADMITTED 00 for both films-no ID also starring Eva Marie Saint I.D.'s WILL BE CHECKED °N'GHT 104B WELLS 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Thursday. Nove^ho, * , Rice Winter shortage plagues set in fo E.Pakistan, official says BARISAL, East Pakistan last year's cyclone and tidal wave, The Dept. of Romance Languages will offer tWo ne (AP)-In the river-laced paddy The storm killed 300,000 halted for a week because several Secretary-General U Thant was winter term including one Chicano literature course. * COlu,' craft had been sunk. in Dacca A seminar, FRN 981, is the other new course on Wednesday to try to . fields around this southern and will Pakistanis. Some parts of the Sources said regular necessities persuade the Pakistani impressionism and literature. Reading knowledge of P™ "Vl Ganges Delta port villagers are country were hit by severe were being shipped from Dacca government to allow U.N. required. renc'1 i boiling the roots of water flooding this past August and by government forces, but that personnel to distribute food, SPN 411 will be taught by Lucia Fox, asst. hyacinth for food and eating September. professor of m most of the southern islands and But the government despite languages. Representative readings of works by Mexican.a ni,nci banana and palm tree hearts Despite the mass exodus of East Ganges Delta area south of Barisal authors will be used in the class. SPN 303 or because of a rice shortage Pakistani refugees to India, there assurances from President Yayia permissioiw011 In contrast to government are still areas with as had fallen under control of the to the contrary has refused to instructor is required. Registration for this course will ho h,? 1,1 many as Mukhti Bahini-the East allow U.N. food monitors to January registration period. nnM reports of plenty, informed 1,800 persons per square mile. Pakistani nationalist army A course In Greek literature in English translation oversee distribution and report will be sources say that relief grain is not Bhuiyan called the current seeking secession. on areasof need for the second time winter term. CLA will be open to all st hT getting to the people who need it period -before the rice harvest in Although there have been and requires no knowledge of the Greek languagee. in some of East Pakistan s most late November-"the leanest no But even among optimists in ' reports of swollen bellies or East Pakistan, talk eventual CLA 302 dealing with Latin literature will be offered sDrinot densely populated areas. period of the year." He said he sticklike legs, there are villages William B. Tyrell, asst. professor of romance One indication of a severe expected to get only 8,000 of the like Char Chapli, where each turns to the famine of 1943 when instructor of the two courses, said that the course is languasi shortage of the rice staple is that 27,000 tons of wheat and rice inhabitant recently received four some 14 million persons died desimL? the price in riverside bazaars is needed to avert dire hunger in the "Gradually people without pounds of grain to last them a food will lose their vitality "said students from all backgrounds who are interested in Latin literature. GrnT^ now the equivalent of 21 cents a Patuakhali and Barisal districts. pound-nearly three times that m month. "We live," said one of the Bhuiya. "In our village in'l943 The department will also offer FRN 342 and SPN 343 ^ They have a population of 5.6 local religious leaders, "but the 11 people managed to live It was Freali term. the subsidized government ration million, according to the U.S. sometimes we eat only one day in after they got the first crop that fitness Readings will be chosen from Beckett, Camus, Sartre and Ion«* shops. Agency for International three." The local 'freaks' football team has been diligently practicing in English translation for FRN 342 to be taught The East Pakistani government theydied by GeowtsJ Development-AID. Doctors at St. Anne's Hospital for their Sunday hattle against their brothers in blue. They said it released 92,000 tons of He explained that in their Joyaux, professor of romance languages. ' 8 Adding to the difficulties, jn Barisal, an Anglican mission, emaciated condition the villagers seem to be especially concentrating on hard body contact Spanish literature in translation will be covered in grain for free distribution in informed sources reported SPN 34 reported treating an increasing could not digest food once they here. Donald A. Yates, professor of romance October, but United Nations Wednesday that fighting between number of children with haditagain. State News photo by Terry Miller course. languages, will teach tl! food officers say they are still government troops and East kwashiorkor, a protein deficiency waiting to see it. Pakistani rebels was especially disease. One doctor said she was "We are in great difficulty," heavy at Barisal and on Bhola treating a 5-year-old girl weighing said S.A. Bhuiyan, food Island—one of the areas hardest only 20 pounds and a 3-year-old controller for a region including hit by last year's storm. Boat weighing 12 pounds, some of the areas hardest hit by traffic to the mainland has been paul Marc Henry, relief ABORTION REFORM DRIVE representative of U.N Petition signup The drive for abortion law Jack Stack, chairman of the collected at polling places during are directly affiliated with the said that in addition to reform in Michigan took another Michigan Coordinating Tuesday's elections, organization, along with several county coordinator, two cm step ahead this week as Ingham Committee for Abortion Law Stack said his committee, organizations which have lent coordinators have bi County surpassed its quota for Reform, said Wednesday that the which has offices at 406 E. their support to the reform drive, designated to canvass the stud signatures in the petition drive to number of signatures now Michigan Ave. in Lansing, is An accurate estimate of everyone body, have the issue placed on the 1972 reported for the county amount aiming for a total of 250,000 involved in circulating petitions He called the recent nx ballot. to 11,360, with nearly 5,000 signatures in a statewide drive would be impossible, he said. granting voting privileges which will probably carry on Stack explained the petition 18-year-olds an "extra wind! calls for the initiation of which would be helpful legislation to allow "licensed pushing the petition drive medical or osteopathic physicians the top. "We are going touk to perform abortions on request students to take petitions if the period of gestation does not them when they go homesot exceed 20 week?." The legislation can get more names there," would also require that the said. process be performed in a hospital or other facility approved by the department of Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. November 4, 1971 9 Huber calls required school businqilleqal By i iwnA WERFELMAN LINDA WERFELMAN mm lower the voting age. State News Staff Writer ((TV ® minority tigl lllllll/Ilvj rights, you can't | policemen stems from the need to . , J » should be the protection of ,..e federal government has no reDresent»7ivp«: in '♦h' r'^in abortion laws," he added, » protect "the man who is risking property, and human Huber said, claiming that many prevent "political subdivisions of right to require busing to and reverse whlthpn S claiming that a Catholic minority his life for you," Huber said, money rights, Huber continued. "I don't companies would be forced out of business because of high taxes the state" from levying taxes Suregate local school districts, he asked e people did? would oppose the law. "You can't just put the killer in think we have these thingsat all," and foreign competiton. without voter approval, would freeze city taxes at their present Ser state senator Robert He r „. the hold because that's supposed he said. He ubersaid Tuesday night couru^n lawmakmg. the courts in » ?• "We H,S suPP°rt of the death penalty for those who to infringeon his political rights.' - B - Michigan's present tax amendment has supported to the Michigan an levels and would prohibit cities from raising city income taxes "'Education isn't in the nave a government of the courts, kill - • Other aims of the government structure is unfair to businesses, Constitution which would paid by nonresidents. /institution anywhere," Huber by and for the minorities," Huber id "They should spend money said. He added that the separation _ - intelligent purposes - of powers is Lation, not transportation." being violated by "giving the courts the right to CENSUS ^ CHIEF SAYS I J Sneaking to about 50 people in write and interpret legislation." ,e Emmons Hall lobby, Huber A founder of the 1,100 - enied that buying was a racial member Conservative party of 50% He cited a recent Gallup jump in college rolls , Michigan, Huber said the party which indicated that 47 per seen UM considered protection of human »nt of blacks oppose busing and life the most important purpose dded that the Chinese had of government. ,posed the San Francisco busing — "I voted against abortion," he 50 per cent Brown also r„ iu sees "the so-called Census bureau experts expect rogram. roB'o"- . rnr r. j-j Sa'd' addin8 that he had also enrollments will hit colleges in greatest growths in population moral, political and other major Kan issue is considered for five years did everything he . proposed a state law requiring the population bomb being defused." one-third of the expected total will be in non-metropolitan the United States by 1985 He explained that the nation's implications," he emphasized. rimarily on a racial basis people could to promote busing," he death penalty for anyone George Hay Brown director of population increase to be in the counties crossed by freeways, he forced to support the issue or added. birthrate has declined to about 25- to 34-year-old convicted of killing an on-duty the U.S. Bureau of the Census, group and this added. ome known as bigots, Huber Government no longer 2.50 children per woman and will influence the policeman or fireman. forecast Wednesday. changes in may be down to 2.11 by 1985. housing needs and the population Bj. > represents the majority of the "There are limits to life," he Brown spoke on "1985" to " 1 L ' " "Adjusted average median affluence," Brown noted. It Despite Sen. Robert Griffin's, American people, Huber charged, said. "We have to understand educators from 24 states who family income is expected to rise could go into greater pollution, • Mich., proposal of an claiming that since Michigan what the fundamentals are, not were at from $10,200 today to $15,300 consumption of resources, Kellogg Center to look at they desire an average of three itibusing amendment, it would voters had "overwhelmingly" the limits." "New Life Styles in Continuing in 1985, measured in 1969 dollars gadgftrV and crime and other , difficult for conservatives to rejected the 18-year-old vote, the His opposition to abortion is children, so they may be merely As to the population shifts and of constant purchasing power," problems or into a gamut of Education" in the 13th Seminar ipport him for re-election, legislature had ignored their based on legal rights of the for College and University postponing childbirth. concentrations, Brown expects Brown said. public services and needs." uber said. "Conservatives wishes by approving the In 1985 this nation will be in an ... unborn child, Huber said. "If you — Leaders in Continuing Education. ^ "era of the the population densities to innot vote for Sen. Griffin, who Constitutional amendment to say that you have to protect Census figures indicate that the young married" and continue to decrease in spite of "In a few words, we are heading "We must begin a new "affluent majority" with "far the increased numbers of people population inrease will cause more affluence than into a society of an affluent search—not for more quantity in any nation the metropolitan areas majority. This statement has life, but for balanced and about one-third of the increase has ever seen," Brown forecast, will continue to spread. The from Vh million to 11V4 million tremendous economic, social, purposeful growth," he said. vw — //'NVv college students with the remainder due to a greater Capita V'Capsules proportion of young people attending college, he reported. A CONSERVATIVE ICHIGAN REPUBLICAN PL1NTER group Representatives will sponsor a youth conference at 1:00 p.m. faciiities imDrove their academic ^rformance academic "It is obvious that, if our society is to have the ability to ha"dle the "Umber °f yoUng people who expect to attend college, we need not only more Schedule-of-Events FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5 - 12 to 10 pm - SATOROAY, NOVEMBER 6 - 12 to 10 pm. Rep. Dale E. KHdee D-Flint, intends that it is being ignored the Capitol, facilitiJSi faculties and college party regulars, said this week * "it ~" objective of the ha<; denrived thousand* of »».»,« SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7 - 12 to 0 pm. II withdraw its support from conference, said committee OP candidates, including chairman Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, studentsof equal opportunities in Jheib1^Brownrtn|^2dart the public, Brown stressed. cumbent Sen. Robert Griffin, D-Detroit, is to "politicize young education." KilrW FRIDAY PRIZES • • »«», „„!«* I. g.U lb. people to direct' .heir JerglJ bl^ co'.lX t nrespnt - fsT mTlftol .^0^ 1:00 P.M. - "Adventures In Color Robert S. Harris Photography" cognition it wants. ,tt,ngon The group, United Republicans tow.rds full participation in the democratic process." to the 'Write in 6„to|lm»„ „ell "LhsE 3:00 P.M. "Hasselblad Space PRESENTATION" Door prizes will be given each day of the Photo Show with a Grand Prize exist in enro!?ments swell, High on Sunday evening. You do not have ed ucation"which enrollment is expected school - 'Michigan (URM), said in a Vaughn said that the Michigan, to change 7:00 P.M. - "Invitation to Portraiture" to be present to win. atement that it would use "all "registration of over one-half relatively little in the next 14 '$ Evelyn R. Zeek, APSA, ARPS its influence" to unseat Griffin million years," he noted. iless it given an active role in new voters"is a prime | 8:30 P.M.-"Color Sets the Mood" - Pentax Spotmatic Camera with lens - topic for the conference. le _ hierarchy of the Michigan Representatives Wednesday schoJf p^s^ill probably "S Philip G.Coleman, APSA epublican Party. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON TWO George H. Behrends, chairman of the three bills comprising Gov. prohibiting bicyclists from riding on streets with speed limits of 35 Xn to ite present leveT by SATURDAY First Prize each day - Gift Certificate for $100 at the disgruntled group, said the Milliken's transportation mph or higher. The bill i qon—and thpn risp mmpwhat hv now goes i985 headded | 1:00 P.M. - "Hasselblad Space PRESENTATION" Marks Photo Shop. RM members will persuade program have been scheduled for to the governor for fc: 2:00 P.M. — "Control That Light Source" inservative Republicans to stop his signature. '' Edward C. Johnson Second Prize each day 9 a.m. Nov. 10, and Nov. 11, if — M inolta 16 mm MG kit. Dting for candidates just because necessary, in the House chambers. 4:00 P.M. — "Four Keys to Derivations" q ue Republicans. . , ^ , The bills in question would: Philip G. Coleman, APSA Third Prize each day — Strobonar Flash 100. Also * Raise the motor fuel tax by §: 7:00 P.M. - "Adventures in Color Photography" miscellaneous prizes from our suppliers. 1.3 cents per gallon, with part of :£ Robert S. Harris 55 |REP. JAMES N. BROWN, the increase earmarked for urban :£ 8:30 P.M.-"A Visit to the Land of Almost Real" " 1-OKEMOS, and Rep. Frederick ass transit programs, and Edward C. Johnson Stackable, R-Lansing, were ♦Define procedures for Imong the 37 Republican administering a state SUNDAY DONATIONS TO BENEFIT SICK CHILDREN jembers of the House to sign a transportation discretionary fund •g 1:30 P.M. - "Hasselblad Space Presentation" Jolicy statement opposing school under a new Office of Urban and 2:00 P.M. - "Adventures in Color Photography" The Mary Caherine Guild of Saint Mary's Hospital has as its special interest at this time the playroom ■using to achieve racial balance. Public Transportation within the Robert S. Harris ■ The House recently passed a of the Pediatrics Department of the hospital. This State Highway Dept. Resolution that would call a $ 3:30 P.M. - "Metamorphosis of a Model" organization of women, through special projects, ^institutional convention for the THE CHAIRMAN OF THE | Evelyn R. Zeek, APSA, ARPS will provide for various needs end equipment for a much needed larger, modern playroom. pose of amending the U.S. EDUCATION SUBCOMMITTEE Institution to forbid school of the Michigan House Appropriations Committee THE SPEAKERS Wednesday called for a massive ROBERT S. HARRIS compensatory education EASTMAN KODAK CO. ■ THE YOUTH AND STUDENT program in Michigan, which PARTICIPATION Committee of would help students suffering jS; "Adventures in Color Photography" lie Michigan House of from deficient educational PHILIP G. COLEMAN DIRECTORY OF EXHIBITORS APSA LANSING, MICH. Booth number "Phil" Coleman has been an active photographer S Alpa No. 25 most of his life, is now photographer for the Bell and Howell No. 9 Agriculture Experiment Station at Michigan State §3 University. An interesting speaker and an Bessler/Topcon No. 23 &•: experienced teacher, he is well - known for his Bolex No. 1 NOTICE §g pioneering in the field of abstracts, "Color Sets Braun N.A./Patterson No. 21 the Mood" is a 2- screen presentation which Bronica/Mamiya No. 5 graphically illustrates the importance of color control in every picture. Seeing this one is a Burke and James No. 22 "must" for beginning photographers and a Canon No. 10 "should" for advanced workers. "Four Keys to Elmo No. 31 Derivations" — Using newly - available materials, Fuji / Durst No. 6 w Phil shows step - by - step"how - to" convert or Graflex No. 18 improve color slides by changing their entire effect. A giant step toward contemporary Hasselblad No. 2 COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE photography. Kodak Amateur Kodak Processing No. 29 No. 20 EDWARD C. JOHNSON Konica No. 11 KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Leica No. 24 UNDERGRADUATES Known throughout the photographic world as Mr. Tabletop, "Eddie" designs , builds and Mamiya/Sekor Minolta No. 28 No. 3 | photographs his tabletops with the infinite Minox No. 13 Q patience necessary to place details as small as a Nikon I YOU » toothpick fence and one - inch high animals. An No. 4 MAY VOTE BETWEEN 8:30 A.M. ili interesting speaker, he moves from that technical know - how to an endearing dry humor. "Control that Light Source" is a basic guide for all Pentax Polaroid / Amateur No. 30, No. 31, No. 32 No. 8 Polaroid / I.D No. 7 photographers in the use of controlled light in both indoor and outdoor photography. Rollei No. 27 AND 5:00 P.M. IN LINTON HALL "A Visit to the Land of the Almost Real" is tabletoppery at its best, illustrating the use of Simmon/Omega Smith/Victor No. 12 No. 19 equipment, lighting and ideas to make effective and prize - winning pictures without leaving Strobonar No. 17 Unicolor No. 26 TODAY AND TOMORROW EVELYN R. ZEEK GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Evelyn has taught photography and professional FOR modeling. Her forte is portraiture, for which she has won a collection of awards. Her by - word is simplicity, which she advocates always. "Invitation to Portraiture" — A simple, basic THE ACADEMIC COUNCIL lighting is demonstrated and illustrated, along with ideas for practical backgrounds, props and costumes. Special effects are shown to take pictures out of the ordinary and move them into the pictorial. iARKS COLLEGE REPRESENTATIVE "Metamorphosis of a Model" - A step - by - Step course in portrait photography, illustrated by the development in one model ( and the photographer) through several years. "HASSELBLAD PHOTO SHOW SPACE PRESENTATION" Pantlind Hotel VOTE A complete slide presentation of man's history in space will be repeated at intervals throughout the show. Don't miss it. DON'T M Grand Rapids 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November -SPORTS- Pistons name leers open season tonighjl cooch for rest with game againstalumnl DETROIT (UPI)-Earl Lloyd, money. But that was scratched former Detroit player and Forward Terry Dischinger will Wednesday when doctors at Churest tallied 27 points on 11 assistant coach and currently coach Detroit, 6-4 in the NBA's University Hospital in Ann Arbor By CRAIG REMSBURG "Chaurest has been goals and lfi television color man, was hired Central Division, the next two told the Pistons they did not want State News Sports Writer extremely fast a score a lot of goals for us this year" Be Wednesday to coach the Pistons games at Boston and Milwaukee the All-Star guard to do anything The for the remainder of the National until Lloyd frees himself of his as strenuous as coaching at this Spartan coach also had some Basketball Association season. current job, dealer relations with time. Senior center Don Thompson, one of the best varsity newcomer Don St. Jean. After toil ' a Detroit auto company. centermen in college hockey, will lead the 1971-72 the junior varsity for the past two Lloyd, 42, whom many felt was Lloyd graduated from West years Detroit had planned to fill the MSU hockey team tonight in the annual St. Jean appears ready to make a a top candidate to become the Virginia State in 1950 and, contrihi, i first black coach in the game vacancy created by Bill Van following a service hitch with the Varsity-Alumni contest. the varsity effort this season. butloi,l Breda Kolff's abrupt quitting The game will be held in Demonstration Hall, The alumni squad, comprised several years ago, thus finally gets Army, began professional of with the opening face-off scheduled for 7:30 p.m. hockey performers, will be given a littie the chance to coach a pro team he Monday with first Dischinger and basketball with the old Tickets are on a first-come, first-served basis and the game tonight/Spartan had sought for a long time. He then Dave Bing, recovering from Washington Caps. first-strina nrtm? was signed to a two-year contract surgery to repair a partially He joined the Syracuse are $1 apiece. All proceeds go to the MSU Varsity Jim Watt will guard the alumni goal, and Be! Club, sponsors of the contest. said one line of skaters from the for an undisclosed amount of detached retina in his right eye. Nationals for six seasons and Thompson was selected to the first-team squad will be loaned out to the "oldtimer'" junior vT wound up his career with Detroit, all-WCHA squad in 1970 and also was named to Some top MSU hockey performers playing two seasons which ended from then- the West first-team all-American unit. The will don alumni togs. They include Mike in 1960. The 6-foot-6 forward, Toronto, Ont. native scored 19 goals and assisted who holds the MSU single-season JacohS! known primarily as a defensive scoring on 38 for a whopping 57 points, tops on the ace, averaged 8.1 points during Spartan squad last season. 29 goals, set in 1964-65, and Weldon second in career scoring and career OImTw his career. Coach Amo Bessone reports that "Zippy" has in assists and tied for goals iev The Pistons had first career eighth insingie-se* ROUTE OF THE CHIEFTANS looked good in the three weeks of varsity practice goals on the all-time MSU scoring list n announced that they would try to thus far and should be ready for a banner season. played in 1951-55. get a coach out of the college ranks to handle the team. But the Thompson is a crowd-pleaser and is known to Others appearing for the alumni include Kenn™ MSU hockey followers as a slick, hustling player Indian Trails college season is soon to get Anstey, who scored theonly goal for the alumni with a knack for consistent point production. last year's 8-1 loss to the varsity. Bob underway and the professional The Spartan icers should get a good workout in Bob DeMarco. MikkolaJT ^ season is already in focus and it the game tonight, as they prepare for their season "They'll put would be tough to lure a coach up a pretty good team." opener at Bowling Green Nov. 12-13. said. "These fellows have been Has (7) Buses Every Day because of contract difficulties. "The game tonight gives us a little competition," we should be able to beat them on skating recentTbuL The Pistons have not been too Bessone said. "It's good for team morale and a londitioniwj to Chicago fortunate with coaches in past years. It all started when Dave good way to break up the routine of practice." "It gets our lines working together and it's a fun Bessone hopes for a good goaltender Watt and likes the chance for a varsity squad to face a different set of p|gve workout ftP and intermediate stops at: DeBusschere, the local boy from Detroit Austin High School and deal," the Spartan mentor added. They have been scrimmaging among themseh Battle Creek Benton Harbor the University of Detroit, took Thompson n't urns Bessone has been particularly pleased with the play of center Gilles Gagnon and right wing Michel for three weeks now in practice. The Spartan icers will open at home oi over as player-coach at the age of Kalamazoo South Bend Don "Zippy" Thompson, a two-time all - American, returns Chaurest in practice thus far. weekend of Nov. 19-20, with a two game mat 24. He found the chore too hard to head the MSU offense this season. Thompson broke the Gagnon led the team in goals last year with 27, with Minnesota. The following weekend Leaving 6:55 am 2:15 pm to handle and yielded to Donnis MSU single season assist record last season with 38 helpers. just two shy of the single-season MSU scoring a home-and-home set with the they pi - t Lansing 5:15 pm Butcher, who in turn was fired record, and had 26 assists, good for 53 points. University! 8:45 am 6:15 pm after a short tenure. State News photo by Milt Horst Michigan. 1 | At: 11:15 am 11:35 pm Paul Seymour stepped in, but he too was replaced shortly Buses Departing for afterwards by S' Bill von Breda Leave with am Flint Bay City and Saginaw Connections 9:15 5:30 pm Kolff, who left the Los Angeles Lakers to build the Pistons. Men's IM ByGARYSCHARRER offense, would be the first major upset of State is favored by six points, but sprained an ankle in the Iowa last season W but switched to tU East Lansing 12:50 p.m. 7:40 pm State News Sports Writer the season in Big Ten play. Daugherty emphasized that in a game two weeks ago and the new position in spring pi at: 2:40 pm 9:30 pm Sundays only Faculty and staff are now eligible in MSU's offense has evolved from game such as this one, "it matters injury has not responded to Alderson has learned . *. MSU individual intramural events. "MSU Coach Duffy Daugherty, a sputtering machine that little as far as being the underdog treatment. Joseph also missed the Alderson is fourth on the team! These are individual wrestling, fencing whose Phone East Lansing Bus Terminal a man always quick with a averaged five points in its first is concerned." Purdue game last week. Bill total tackles with 68. Clarkisti and handball doubles. for arrival and departure schedules funny line, will get the last laugh two games into a dynamic attack "Ohio State has a fine team," Dawson and Duane McLaughlin team leader with 93 tackles. The deadline for wrestling entries is on Coach Woody and information 12 noon Friday, Nov. S. The Hayes of Ohio that has averaged 35 points per Daugherty said. "But we have will alternate in Joseph's absence. State Saturday when the two Big contest in its last three 332-2569 tournament will be held 7 p.m. outings. been improving to a point where The Spartan defense all season Ten powers tangle at Columbus, But Hayes has produced Air Conditoned - Rest Room Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, we are better now than any time long has been spearheaded by Nov. 8,9 and 10. Ohio." another tough Buckeye defense. in the season." Deluxe Coaches Available For Charter junior linebacker Gail Clark. Last Write Call fencing deadline is Monday, „ ,, That's the opinion of UPI After its first two games Ohio The Buckeyes seem to play week Clark had another or Owosso, Mich, toll FREE Nov. 22. The deadline for gymnastics midwest experts who pick the State has not allowed more than their best at home, compiling an outstanding game, being credited entries is Friday, Nov. 26. Spartans to beat the eight-ranked 12 points in any single game. impressive winning record for with nine solo Competition begins at 7 p.m., tackles, three Buckeyes by 10 points in what On the national scale Ohio their home fans. Ohio Stadium is assists and Tuesday, Nov. 30. causing two Purdue usually packed, and in the last 20 fumbles. years the Buckeyes have been Clark, a prep teammate of POPULAR SOUL ROCK COUNTRY first in the nation with home - - - yL attendance 19 times. Spartan tailback Jesse Williams at Bellefontaine, Ohio, broke into 8 Track Stereo Tapes But Daugherty does not appear to be too worried about playing the starting lineup season's campaign. late in last Now, after at Ohio State. • Harmony Three Dog Nigiit establishing himself as one of the - $399 "Naturally, they have a rabid, better linebackers in the • Santana - Santana Teaser & The Firecat 3 partisan crowd, but it's just like conference, Daugherty is saying • - Cat Stevens going to any other. place," that Clark is one of the best in the • Cahoots - The Band Daugherty said. "Actually it's country. From The Inside difficult to play Ohio State at "Gail Clark is an outstanding • - Poco home or away because recently linebacker for us and plays over they have had some outstanding injuries," Daugherty praised. "He teams." is good against the run and good Senior tackle Ron Joseph may against the pass." miss Daugherty the Buckeye game, indicated. Joseph Clark at 6-1, 214 pounds is quick, has agility and hits without is fear. Daugherty also called him a "tremendous team player." Clark has also been of invaluable help to his sidekick Ken Alderson who plays the other linebacking position. Alderson was a fullback Take II F Unknown Want to experience the pleasure of really fine dining I without the crush and coldness of today's chain-store I facilities?Then come a little out of the way to Bill'srestau- I rant and Bar, Lansing's best-known unknown.Bill'sfriendly I family atmosphere and fine food have for over fifty Vea'5 I established a reputation among area diners. Now BilJ I wants YOU to experience the pleasure of good food served I amidst pleasant surroundings and invites you to try tM Jl Olde Towne New England Clambake - Lansing's oldest Enjoy the tempting taste of sea-fresh cherry-stone clams I nestled amongst succulent shrimp heaped in a wire basket i along with your own whole, pound - and a q"art'r I lobster, steamed live on the premises as you order and I served up with ample drawn butter, fresh stalk-ripen" I corn, toasty corn muffins and a crisp Bill's tossed sa'a • I for only $6.50. So come a little out of the way and gw I acquainted with the best-known unknown place to eat i | town. BILL'S RESTAURANT S BAR 718 E.GRAND RIVER DIAMONDS *50 TO 55,000 SOID ON- BUDGET TERMS PHONE IV 2-6100 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 4, I97lll SPORTS- Soph By MIKE State News ABERLICH Sports Writer offense. bocks Hayner, a Detroit native, met Danielson while still in The switch caught Niesen somewhat high school, so the Boilermaker's rocket-like arm came by surprise when it came as he had been the (e football fans may be sorely moaning the toll as no surprise. "He hit top frosh quarterback. us in the seams of "I practiced all summer r t"!0n took on the great quarterbacks of last year, our zones," throwing and then when I got Hayner said of Danielson. "We had our zones covered here this year they decided to switch me." I Snartan defensive backs Paul Hayner and Mark pretty well, but he managed to hit the soft spots." L>n don't miss them one bit. Against Wisconsin Niesen came close to 'He also had a little bit of time to throw last week, playing r" tandably, Hayner and Nlesen would have had which helps a lot." quarterback again. With Frank Kolch hurt and George Mihaiu still ailing, Niesen was made the Rex Kerns', Joe Thlesmans' and Don Niesen, a former quarterback himself from ready as a backup behind Mike Rasmussen, but the I! heads' had those great names still been around, echoed^ Manistee, Hayner's praise. "He's a lot better passer than man saw in the only action he game came in the second half when he Tthpv are thankful for their timely age which allows any we've faced. He's more again accurate hooks and outs, was inserted in the L to brvak into NCAA play just as the "Year of the he had us pretty much where he on wanted us," said secondary. "Niesen could be a fine quarterback if he rtprback"ranout. Niesen. there all the time," added head played w sophomore duo has teamed with Brad Van Pelt Danielson may have impressed the two coach Duffy I Doug Barr to form the Spartan secondary this year, Spartan Daugherty. "He's a good runner and an adequate sophomores, but he couldn't beat them as he was not passer. Ivive proved that their breaking Into the Big Ten able to click with his ace receiver Rick Sayers when he While Niesen came about his really needed it; thanks in part to Hayner and Niesen. present job in a l,WWisconsin quarterback Neil Graff damaged Hie Spartans pulled out an upset in that meeting, roundabout way, Hayner worked his way into the starting lineup, showing his wares in Spring practice. Kr oride with a couple of long bombs that turned the 43-10. "Hayner was impressive in Spring because of his ■of that game four weeks ago. Ironically, Niesen now works at outsmarting the tackling ability, extreme quickness and good football rdue's Dearborn tandem of Gary Danlelson and quarterback. In high school, and last year on the frosh sense," Daugherty commented. Burke completed 22 passes against MSU last squad, the south-paw was working behind the center Lewis was quick to add; "Paul is a real but most of them were of the short, quick trying to destroy the defensive secondary. go-getter, he goes 100 per cent all the time." and that did little, if any, harm to the Spartans. Inielson is the biggest "name" quarterback the is have faced, and with his strong arm has Needless to say, his knowledge of the quarterback has aided him at the comer, attested his defensive backfield "The main attribute in a defensive the quickness and the back, however, is ability to react to the football," Sophomore squeeze Sophomore defensive backs Mark Nieson (14land Paul Hayner (27) pin coach, Sherman Lewis. "To be a good defensive back continued Lewis, once a great Spartan defensive Oregon State quarterback j why he is where he is among leading you have to think along with the quarterback," the back Scott Endicott to the turf in a game played earlier in the season. himself,"and both Hayner and Niesen are quick Nieson and Hayner have started all Jterbacks in the nation. A few weeks ago, the former Spartan player said, "to figure out what they're to close on the ball real enough fast, which is what makes them of the games for MSU this season. gtate photo by Terry Luke y Boilermaker was second in the nation in total trying to do to you, what they're trying to set you up both so effective." Gibbard's an easy rider THURSDAYS but he makes harriers go By GARY KORRECK think we should consider it part ENJOY lost three of their first four meets, State News Sports Writer of track as it helps the distance including runners a cliffhanger to Big Ten get ready for it." favorite Minnesota. MSU's cross country coach Jim A r,ne example of Gibbard's As a result, MSU entered the Gibbard may be seen riding a golf reasoning is harrier Ken Popejoy, Big Ten runoff with an cart around the Forest Akers one of the stalwarts of the track unimpressive 3-3 dual mark. The course when his squad runs but team's distance squad last season, Spartans rose to the occasion, that doesn't mean he's lacking in Popejoy gained All-America however, rolling up their lowest energy. recognition in cross country point total in the Gibbard has driven, or driven before competing in track, Big Ten meet since 1962 and leaving Minnesota PITCHER after, his harriers for three and a Also, the Cool twins, Rob and and Indiana scrambling in the half seasons and they've Ron, regarded by Track Times as distance for second place. responded with two Big Ten titles two of the top newcomers to the After what seemed to be a PUSHER and are contenders for a third. major college track scene, are In 1968, Gibbard's first year, running for Gibbard this fall, disappointing loss to Indiana last week, Gibbard was far from PARTY the Spartans ran to their first Gibbard's basic philosophy angry. undefeated dual season (7-0) concerning cross country Consecutive Pitchers at "I'm not upset," he said, "I still since 1957, in addition to includes preparation and hard think we can win the Big Ten." Greatly Reduced Prices! winning the Big Ten work. "We'll be ready," he added. championship. "Everybody can be a winner," One personal touch Gibbard Winning is no stranger to said Gibbard, "if they want to put does offer his runners is the Have you tried our Gibbard. During his college days a great deal of hard work and presentation, by his wife and fried mushrooms? at MSU, 1946-49, he won two maintain discipline of the body, daughter of apples to all meet letters, and the squads he "A runner can't dissipate" he competitors at the conclusion of participated on racked up added. "He can't keep late hours home meets. succesive NCAA titles in 1948 if he wants to be a winner." It might be nice if Gibbard's and 1949. As for the golf cart, Gibbard harriers presented him with Before hl» reign astread eoaell,'?%jfci*to'#8 Wm-get*o something November 13, a Btg Gibbard assisted MSU's FYan points on the course and still get Ten championship. Wcroii country Coach Jim Gibbard Dittrich, for ten seasons and back in time for the finish, (with cap to left) gives his team a few pointers after the N to Indiana in last week's dual meet. Gibbard will be shooting for his third Big Ten helped the Spartan harriers to ten "He works us hard, and is individual titles, including three somewhat impersonal at times" npionship in four years on Nov. 13 in Minnesota. state News photo by Don Gerstner straight Big Ten titles. one harrier said, "but he's the Gibbard prefers to forget his best Big Ten coach I've seen, and | NATIONAL LEAGUE running days as a Spartan but he one ofthe best in the nation." does feel that cross country has . Evidence of Gibbard s acumen lost none of its importance since then. 's shown in last year s Big Ten championship win. The Spartans wide-wale and crush lenkins "I feel cross country is very opened the season with a wins important at MSU," he said. "I resounding defeat to Indiana, and corduroys V YORK Chatham, Ont. "I said before I rank just as high as (UPI)—Winning the Cy Young d as the National League's best pitcher for those other pitchers like Juan Marichal and Bob l s9.00 I is like money in the bank for Ferguson Gibson, but the promotional end of it hasn't come jlns. je Chicago Cub righthander, a 20-game winner my way yet. I get maybe 15 or 20 speaking engagements a year but everyone looks for the one Is your V consecutive years, learned Wednesday he or two big commercials which could put them in •eaten out Tom Seaver of the New York Mets »e award and he felt that it could lead to a the national spotlight. Winning this award should put me well over the career Itablechange in his off-the-field activities, $100,000 mark. I think the last three or four years ■think maybe the publicity will start pay now." Jenkins said from his home in coming in the big leagues I've proven and that it wasn't a fluke." that I'm here to stay opportunity in is your favorite beer.. fabrics? Minnesota Fabrics plans to av¬ erage a new store opening each month for the next 18 months! THIS MEANS WE WILL DOUBLE BY FALL 1972 Care to GROW rapidly with us? Business candidates preferred, plus others interested in large volume retail store manage¬ ment. why not wake it your MR. DUANE HANSEN WILL BE ON CAMPUS: regular beer? Tuesday, Nov. 9 Don't you deserve it? After all... fa and brewing Bud, our choice is to go all "tatters enough to the way. We hope beer Wednesday, Nov. 10 you that you 400 wUl go all the way. the time. ^EN YOU SAY fabrics, inc. Budwei ^ VE SAID IT ALL! iser. mMhb 227 Ann St. 12-8 p.m ER-BUSCH, INC. • ST. LOUIS next tu marshall music ] 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Nowmh... State tries to adjust river use length of river usually traveled in Yoder said that the ruling on By CAROL THOMAS one-day canoe trips, which are ■ administered by special offices of who gets there too late, or at a State News Staff Writer the most popular canoe use would put little the department, peak hour for canoe traffic, may according to pressure on the canoe liveries These permits are an either not get a permit or he may several canoe livery operators in - effort to since most canoe trips begin after control the number of canoes, have to wait to get a permit. The Michigan Dept. of Natural the Grayling area. "There was 7 a.m. and end before 6 p.m. during the trout season, that are "This is where ecology starts, lilislt Y(0jI Resources (DNR), in trying to pressure on us to we have to limit the number of control the ecological damage, anyway. going downriver, Yoder This protect Michigan's recreational fishermen and the number of hungry little fox lnil waterways is faced with the the Utter, the rowdyism and the "The canoe liveries are hollering ex.p.la'ned., problem of dividing up a river or disregard for private property on that we're putting them out of Under these " *r rules, a canoeist canoeists," Yoder said. to ^ handout aiitijt,atlookingtl stream equally between the our rivers," said Norman Smith of business, but we're trying to put SN Photo 8tta ,1 different groups of people who want to use it. the Lansing department of the the burden equally on everybody DNR. "The effect on the so that no one group takes the by Greg (JJJ whole brunt of the rules," Yoder on "If three people want to stand same the same spot of ground at the time, the fishermen, the environment of thousands of canoes thousands going down the river and of people walking, said. Another aspect of the rules will Study posts property owners and the Second article in a series of three, picknicing and camping near the require canoeists to buy a permit river was too much for the canoeists, somebody has to give," Troy Yoder, regional director for the department said. management of natural resources, Yoder said, they yell when rules ecological balance. before they leave on their canoe trip. These inexpensive permits will be Issued and the program for urban designed to protect the ecology "Our rules were an attempt to Urban community research developing techniques in the Yoder explained that the interfere with their recreation or "River Use Rules," which are to bring a little bit of order out of a opportunities will be open to study of city communities by chaotic and worsening undergraduate students making use of real-life situations be put into effect this spring, are an effort to keep Michigan's rivers The department rules do not include entire rivers, but only the condition," Smith said. Utilities beginning winter term, can benefit from the experience. from being spoiled by most heavily traveled stretches of Christopher Sower, professor of Skill areas needed include Latin Smith went on to explain that sociology, has announced. American, black and white overcrowding and unwise the AuSable, the Pine, the limits on the number of canoes at university - The program, whch seeks ethnic groups, he said, resource use. Manistique and the Pierre - apply only during May and June, students who possess the skills, Interested students may "A trout stream is a delicate Marquette rivers. when canoes will be allowed BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (AP) - . .. ... . • tIT Indiana University Wednesday • , preferably from the College of contact Dorothy Reed in 522 thing," he commented, "and the On the AuSable River, this area down the river after 7 a.m. and Social Science, and the desire to Baker Hall, damage to the fish, the riverbanks of controlled river stretches from before 6 p.m. in an effort to give announced stringent reduction tn WQrk wjth varjpus ethnjc and the surrounding forest upsets the canoe liveries at the use of campus utilities Grayling to trout fishermen a chance to fish and wi„ jnvolve aAecM the delicate balance of the river the Parmalee beginning today because of a bridge. during the peak trout season. areas of Detrojt an(J Benton and its wildlife." On the other rivers, rules apply dwindling coal supply. The ecology movement is to the part of the river, in most behind the new rulings, and while cases, closest to the canoe liveries. "We equitable had use to give a more of the river," he Chancellor Byrum Carter said "There is no way of knowing how . Students participating in the POLICE BRIEF people yell for better ecolgical These stretches of water are the concluded. long the strike might last and we program will live in and study must institute conversation first hand the social structure and POP ENTERTAINMENT POP ENTERTAINMENT— POP ENTERTAINMENT measures while we have life conditions of the urban - - POP ENTERTAI 1 something to conserve." community and its organizations, A 19-YEAR-OLD MSU COED with him where he raped her, she Carter said if the nationwide Sower said, was raped in the Sanford Woodlot told officers. He later walked her saw the vial while the woman looking through her pursefal J strike is prolonged, it may be east of Hagadorn Road by a man back to the road and told her to driver's license. As necessary to cut off hot water in He said student with who led her into the woods at leave and not look back, police NOTIC] —,J L residence halls. " any sincere interest in refining and knief point sometime between said. She told officers she then search of the was believed car revealed to be tl 2:30 and 5:30 marital a.m. Sunday, returned to her residence hall cigaret butts and a hash pa police reported Wednesday. The room. Police said she could not officers said. The woman I Diamonds! delay, officers said, was caused by give a description of the man. been referred to the prosecutd MOUNTAIN CONCERN Quality for Quality the girls failure to report the incident until Tuesday when she went to the University Health A 24-YEAR-OLD was charged MSU POLICE ARRESTEdI (Center for treatment of injuries with possession of narcotics at 21-year-old JAMES The Best Buy TAYLOR1245.361 7985.5-11 -4 available. Doc. 20. $125 / month 1969. Automatic, power steering, GALAXIE. V-8, 4 - door, automatic, all power. Rip RENT-RENT plus utilities. Lease and deposit. radio, tinted windows vinyl top - off at VOLKSWAGEN 1 965, good BABYSITTING, TUESDAY, , $695,393-0088.5-11-5 OLDSMOBILE, 1968 - "88", 4 - door Thursday mornings. Must provide SEWING MACHINES, exercise 332-4770.3-11-5 and interior, good tires, original hardtop. Blue, power steering and condition, $500. Call 351-1851 equipment, TV sets, toboggans, ski own transportation. Short walk owner. Call 332-3894.1-11-4 after 5p.m. 3-11-5 ONE AND 2 bedroom apartments FORD WAGON 1963. V-8, white, brakes, trunk lift, Turbo - matic,air from Brody Complex. 332-4687. racks. UNITED RENT-ALL, East conditioning, radio, tilt and Lansing, 351-5652.10-11-17 from $145. 10 minutes from excellent condition, $500. VOLKSWAGEN 1970. Red fastback, 3-11-4 CHEVROLET 1965,4-door. Standard telescopic steering wheel, MSU. Children permitted. EAGLE 353-8764, daytimes. 5-11 -9 whitewalls, radio, rear speaker. shift. Best offer. Call 485-2369. whitewall tires, good condition. CREST NORTH, 694-8975, 4330 Sharp! 355-2123 or 1-585-2581. WE NEED 4 ladies for Lansing area 2-11-5 GALAXIE 1963, V-8, very good 47,000 actual miles. $1,450. 5-11-10 sales. If you want to work and earn Apartments Keller Road, Holt. C transportation. Best offer. Rick 332-2328.3-11-8 high pay call 349-2481. Car CHEVROLET 1962. Admittedly not VOLKSWAGEN 1966 Squareback. 353-7535.1-11-4 STILL AVAILABLE. Large bedroom. SUBLET: ONE man needed. Winter perfect, but runs well. $150. Good buy at $825. Call 351-6995 necessary. 4-11-5 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS Supreme $185. Dishwasher, balcony, more. term. Twyckingham Apartments. 349 3138.5-11-4 after 6.4-11-5 1967, black vinyl top, automatic HOMEMAKER NEEDED part time or $50 first 3 weeks. 351 -8816.5-11 -5 351-7738.3-11-8 transmission, power steering, VOLKSWAGEN 1 970. Red full time. Live in or out. 10 miles CHEVROLET 1960, excellent bucket seats, 4 barrel carburetor, from campus. After 5:30 p.m., GIRL TO sublet winter term. One GIRL WANTED to sub-let apartment condition, new brakes and tune - convertible, 4 speed, radio, radio, brand new exhaust system 655-2330.5-11-8 block from Berkey. 351-5938. winter/spring term. 337-0468. nt Services Bldg. up. 45,000 miles. $300. 332-4487. MAIL TRUCK Delivery Van 1963. whitewalls. Good condition. and muffler, one owner. Phone 3-11-4 5-11-10 Excellent condition, $275, will Urgent, must sell! $1400 or best MARRIED COUPLE '/student ads must be 4.------ ir-M * consider tr»de. 331^426. 2-11-5 332-5382 after 5.3-11-5 i offer. 676-1973.3-11 -5 to apartment in churchparlshhouse,in occupy VACANT FOUR matt "apartment. CHEVY VAN, 1964, epaid very MERCURY 1965 Monterey. 4 door, VW 1970, top condition Hurst; Empi return for which they supervise Close to campus. $240 / month. camper. $500. Greg, 351-8966 muffler, must sell, $1695 or best young peoples' work and serve as 332-5322.5-11-8 State News will be evenings. 3-11-4 breezeway, excellent running, new offer. 641-4207.1-11-4 night custodian of building. Phone brakes and cooling system. Must WANTED, ONE man for two man. ponsible only for the sell. $270 or best. 485-4412 IV2-9454.3-11-4 COMET 1965. VW BUS 1965. with 1600 Porsche Call George 351-8840 after 6 p.m. Good condition, OPEL KADETT 1967, 2 door, sport day's incorrect evenings. 3-11-5 3-11-5 automatic, newly rebuilt coupe. New paint job, new tires, engine. Heater. Snow tires. Must NEEDED EXPERIENCED Ski "rticn. sell.Call 351-6999. 2-11-5 transmission. $350. 355-8843. radio, excellent condition. Call instructors, prefer certified or NEEDED TWO girls winter term. 339-2785 after 5 p.m. 3-11 -5 associate certified, but not requirement. Call 1-313-268-3589. a Close to campus. Call 351-7385. Houses 3-11 -5 CORSA 1965. 4 speed clean 5-11-4 good MGB 196? Convertiblc , ^ OPEL RALLYE 1971. Take over GIRL NEEDED, $75 per month. Own payments. Call after 5 p.m. Automotive n.(eage 332.2357 337/< MILE NORTH OF JOLLY RD. ON OLD ENGLISH Sheepdog - 4 months WIRE RIM glasses in blue paisley case. landscaped, walking distance to schools, downtown campus, East Frandor and restyling and repairing. A" guaranteed. 18 years expe • OKEMOSROAD old. AKC registered. $225. Phone Lost along Wilson Rd. 353-0478. $43,500. Call Ed2-0292 Lansing. Price for toland upholstei 351-4457. Housebroken. 7-11-4 3-11-4 675-5318. 5 11-5 Import No. 1 45856 Import No. 1 4991 1 appointment. 3-11-4 FOR QUALITY service and s"j TOYOTA 30218 TOYOTA 15244 Recreation TV's and recorders. THE a SHOPPE. 337-1300. C Import No. 3 17661 Import No. 3 11051 SKI IN French Alps Christmans $289, complete package. MATH TUTORING. Any maM Import No. 4 7270 Import No. 4 7422 STUDENTOURS. 351-2650. candidate. Call Mel, 10-11-17 Come in and test-driv CD'S NITE CLUB Entertainment and Dancing. Tues. thru Sat. 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. See why peo Featuring "THE SOUND SYSTEM" Wednesday, Thursday. Special Can work within a close prices on drinks from 8:30 to Get your Hands on a Toyoto 10:30 p.m. USE YOUR deadline. CHARGE J .. 4122 N. East St. MASTER and you'll Never Let go!! (U.S. 27) Can do fashion illustration. .. Lansing AT THE stater Would like tu earn some money WHEELS TOYOTA,INC. and build a portfolio of published We Have 1 Left. work. .. A four-man apartment 2400 E. Michigan Ave. — 5 blocks west of Frandor There may be a job for you at the State News next to campus Phone or see Ken Lynam at State News advertising this week ♦Automotive News, October 18, 1971 344 Student Services • 353-6400 CALL 332-4432 A. J n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 4, 1971 15 Service Service Br- ; , jn YSIS. MEDICALLY operator. Free Call Mrs. Knowlman, PROFESSIONAL papers, these*. 351-4619. O TYPIST. Best rates. Term Call Milliken to appeal Rehnquist ^114.3-11-4 ■TRONIC n, REPAIRS jrders, . Stereos, TV's. Dependable. CLASSIFIED deciision on busing The (Continued from page one) policies Nixon are up administration's for decision in the (Continued from page one) Supreme Court, particularly ADS finding, Roth suggested that the be," Milliken {fyping Service Earlier in the day Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley said he would lines busing of students across district said. "But even the suggestion of cross-district busing Mitchell's stand that a warrant is not required in order to WORK WONDERS. may be a means of wiretap to achieve racial make an appeal of the Roth ruling correcting the situation. He has integration has groups or individuals he J SAVE SAVE SAVE when an appeal was appropriate if not issued any orders for busing, stirred a storm of emotions and concludes may pose a security iv COPYING offset - best CALL 355-8255. asked to do so by Milliken. however, and said at the time he uncertainty that threatens to tear threat to the government. fciitv at reasonable prices. THE The Roth finding has the very fabric of our whole SHOPPE. 54 East Grand triggered would prefer to see desegregation educational ■ highly emotional debate, achieved in other ways when and system We should Rehnquist did not say Lr phone 332-4222. C centering around the question of possible. must) consider this whole specifically that he would not sit issue in a climate of reason—not whether busing will be used to "The court has not suggested in such cases. But he said he PAPERS and theses typed by desegregate the Detroit school that cross-busing must be or will rage.' ■ COMPLETE THESES thinks a justice would be Lms 50c a Page. Call W.O.W. Discount printing. IBM service. system. In his disqualified if he "personally 1332 1 800 ij 1110 typing and preliminary be the remedy—only that it may binding of theses, resumes, The participated in litigation" or publications. Across from campus, governor said the U.S. corner M.A.C. and Grand Supreme Court "has said that played the role of "advising." He River, below Jones COPYGRAPH Stationery Shop. Call 'COMMUNITY SPIRIT' busing is one tool to be used judiciously to insure equality in then described his job on wiretapping as "advisory." SERVICES, 337-1666. C education. I accept that and I believe any attempt to totally Again with some reluctance PrtliHliMl «•»'» s,,,le* ,,f til Doctoral C.MHtUl fr« Transportation Councilmen prohibit busing in all circumstances is wrong. I cannot accept busing when it is unduly Rehnquist gave the committee his general view that wiretapping "is not an appealing type of ,, thing ,,1 Censsltitli*. Pltait Call and it is justified only by exigent disruptive and when children are 337 IU7 M (27-2111. for mil Haufhcy GREYHOUND forced to spend too much time in circumstances." ■brOWN: Typing and multlllth et printing. Complete service involvem travel to and from school." The assistant attorney now has direct bus service to general dissertations, theses, (Continued from page one) in the Nixon administration liuscripts, general typing. IBM. Pontiac, Royal Oak and said MSU students could play a Milliken said "busing to achieve criticized the firing on student (ears experience. 349-0850. C Birmingham, from the East The large student indicates "the so-called student ?«"""=•»'.but in ne.x ,ye®r® not decisive, rote J"'*1 turnout treats only . demonstrators at Kent State in Lansing Bus Depot. Departing 'e'e,®®ti?n campaign by U.S. Rep. Charles segregation-segregation Ohio, calling it a "misguided and canriiriafpc havp candidates nave taken taken mntrol control of ot seBreB«l,°n—segregation caused caused on Fridays at 4:25 p.m. For the town, he said, but that's a £6 ,f ^namDeriaintn Lansing). primarily by where people live unwarranted misuse of force." reservations call East Lansing terrible misnomer. Griffiths and and work." Bus Depot, 332-2569. Colburn are no more "Considering the recent 3 As far as cross-district representative of students than I per cent Democratic surge in the busing is PAPERS typed by rienced typist. Near campus, am." area, a student bloc of 20,000 concerned, the governor said, it seems a "questionable" means of leaning giant Rehnquist's views points were on these drawn out by Sens. 484-1874.20-12-2 votes at MSU, and Chamberlain's ne achieving equal educational Philip A. Hart, D-Mich., and Wanted Phillips said the results from the unpopular stand on many issues," opportunities, Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., bloc vote could present serious he said, "Chamberlain may be in critics of many of the policies of "Simply put," he said, This giant of the Estivants pine tract near Copper Harbor, problems for the community, f°r 8 rough time, but the MSU "children—white or black—don't Mich, has been named the new Michigan Champion white the Nixon administration. "but that depends on what they bloc won't be, by itself, decisive." learn Rehnquist had a role in by riding buses." pine. The tree measured at 19-feet, three inches in girth. (the new councilmen) do on the formulating the government's AP Wirephoto Jl Typing, multilithing. BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for council. If they decide to accept a position on wiretapping. 1 job too large or too small. Block all positive. A negative, B city wide responsibility, there will Bcampus. 332-3256.0 negative and AB be no problems," he said. negative, $10.00 O negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, The successful candidates and PER Bl -LINGUAL (English - Student utive secretary. Typing 507East Grand River, East their campaign managers were payhikeunsettled ny home. Call 355-8162.3-11-4 Lansing. Above the new Campus asked to diagnose the significance Book Store. Hours, 9 am to 3:30 of Tuesday's youth vote turnout lilG TERM papers and theses. pm Monday, Thursday, and in terms of state and federal ewriter. Fast service. Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 elections 1-1904.20-12-1 pm to 6:30 pm. 337-7183 C "Young people have felt that (Continued from page one) University desire to grant raises business they couldn't bring about any operations, said. the personnel center said. The more people. In order to provide One informed source in the averaging 7 per cent to all Poster noted that the changes at the national level," personnel center usually a raise, they might have to Colbum said. "Through this central administration stated employes, the source said. administration usually tries to participates in discussions on actually reduce the number of Due to some election we have shown they can have an effect, by starting on the local level them Wednesday that hypothetically, had the federal freeze not been enacted, the student employes When contacted individually on raise wages when it increases Wednesday, however, informed rates, as was done this fall for sources disagreed as to whether residence halls. The funds used to student employe pay raises. In this year's $101 million employes," MacLeod said. would have received pay raises student employes would be budget, $8,973,713 is tagged for Neil Colburn, Project: City Hall pay student employes does not both student and other averaging about 7 per cent. These granted pay raises when the come directly from room and director t t h non-academic pay, Lowell E. unforeseen e raises would have gone into effect federal freeze on wages ends. board income, but from the Griffiths-Colburn-Wlll campaign, in late Sources noted that while the Levi, MSU budget officer, said September, fulfilling a general fund which constitutes University might wish to increase Wednesday. Last year, abdut $1.2 student fees and the state million was paid to student IT*S WHAT'S m a,ne\, uawnnia. i student pay, a tight operating appropriation. employes, Levi said. budget might not afford enough A central administration Robert M. Lockhart, asst. r lnt funds for any substantial raise freedom spokesman said that because no circumstances, without comptroller, provided a picture reducing the total clearly defined structure exists of student employment number of student employes. for the hiring, supervision and "There is always a Wednesday in noting that 6,644 wage level administration of paychecks for students were consideration of a pay raise for student employes, the board of processed as of the latest pay employes," Thorburn said. trustees has traditionally awarded date. Lockhart added that about ... It's What's Faculty, staff, and graduate students "We have attempted to keep raises Happening must be received in the interested in an on-campus Bible study our wages in line with residence through increasing the 18,000 federal tax withholding State News office, 345 Student are invited to a weekly minimum wage. This is W-2 forms were meeting at hall rates," he said in reference to completed by Ctopcfctngljam Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two noon today in 130 Natural Resources accomplished through an student employes last year. the dormitory and food service class days before publication. Items Bldg. administration recommendation "There is a large turnover in nri» limited to 25 words. No employes. to the trustees. student employment." William E. louncements will be accepted by The MSU Science Fiction Society The current campus minimum He added that the delay in the (inone. No announcements will be phoi will hold its initial meeting at 7:30 wage for student employes is state MacLeod, asst. director of the iccepted for events outside the greater appropriation process Placement Bureau in charge of p.m. today in 304 Bessey Hall. $1.60 an hour, compared with a further frustrated administration MSU student employment, said. minimum wage of $1.70 per hour attempts to determine a student MacLeod noted that in terms of will have Zero Population Growth members in the dormitories and food Petitions for candidates from the and other interested people are invited employe pay raise proposal. With numbers of jobs available for services division, he noted. In the the state College of Natural Science to ihe to a rap session on "Approaches to appropriation now students, the University had 700 Academic Council are posted outside Population Control" at 7:30 p.m. past, the University has raised facing a possible reduction of to 800 fewer jobs for students up 103 Natural Science Bldg. student wages by increasig this to 3 Sunday in 31 Union. per cent by action of the this year compared to last year in minimum wage figure, Thorburn state budget office, yet another a survey taken at the beginning of 5 The Community present "The Elves and the Circle Shoemaker" at 7:30 p.m. Friday and 2 Players There will be p.m. a to midnight 353-9795 for details. Gay Lib TG from 8 Friday. Call said. "We feel if we are going to hurdle in awarding raises has the summer. He added that few presented itself. students are employed in charge students more for "Before the freeze, everything academic and 4:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at residence hall living, we should was in limbo departments of the the Barn Theater, Okemos Road. Akers Hall presents Ms. K. J. Khan awaiting the state Unversity. also pay them more," Emery G. and Arnold Hingwey speaking on the appropriation," Gerald F. "With the tightening budget, Foster, asst. vice president for O'Conner, associate director of the three and four-man The Black Arts Company will present the Black Arts Festival at 8:15 p.m. today through Sunday in the beliefs and practices of Islam, Hinduism and Jainism at 9:30 tonight in the west lounge. University might not hire any Arena Theater. An additional program will Saturday. be presented at midnight- Jim Seregow, director of Campus ASMSl/ revises apartments Action at the University of Michigan, will speak at the Campus Action rours is a busy life . r . with Tickets are available at the Union meeting at 9 tonight in 38 Union. home and family ... so little Ticket office for "Sweet Charity," to Bible study will meet at 10 p.m. time to discuss important available be presented Nov. 11-14and 18-20by the Cabaret Company. Tuesday in the Oak Room, Union. The Journalism Graduate Students on office space things . . . like birth control. Now, you have a new freedom The Union Board presents Stephen like many couples, you can Organization will meet at 7:30 p.m. . . . Reynolds and Spider in concert from 8 today in the Journalism Building find satisfaction, the protec- p.m. to midnight Friday in the Union (Continued from page one) was sent to the board's policy reading room. Massoglia, director of-ASMSU's tion you want...and an added Ballroom. committee, along with a motion violation of Uniersity ordinances Legal Aid Dept., said that he convenience with Emko Pre-Fil for winter and The Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship will sponsor an all - campus prayer meeting at 10 a.m. today and or policies will be permitted use of office space." Earlier, the by Ms. Dalquist to omit publications from the criteria. would not ask that an injunction be filed against the governing Contraceptive Foam. standard had permitted exclusion group. Pre-Fil is highly effective Emko Tuesday in 202C Wells Hall and at 4 Since both motions will be held from space allocation for any Foam with a new applicator... p.m. Mondays and Wednesday in 202C in committee until next Wells Hall. group "in violation" of those one that you can fill up to a spring terms. The 302 M.A.C. Gay Committee will meet at Liberation Ave., Apt. 2. AdvertisingI 8 tonight att Women's 8:30 Liberation will meet tonight in the Women's Center, at policies. Despite the other compromise decisions, the coalition lost its Tuesday's meeting, introduced an Harty additional proposal calling for suspension of Prof's week in advance and it's ready for immediate use. A new free dom from last minute prepara¬ 420W Evergreen St. This is an the clause during reallocation. Gays Against the War and the Gay important meeting if you are attempt to limit use of the guideline prohibiting violation of Marty's proposal failed to receive out in Po tion...from concern about be¬ ing protected. Recommended Revolutionary Party will meet at 1:30 interested in the center. the two-thirds vote necessary for the ASMSU Constitution or Code by physicians .. nothing else p.m. Saturday at Beaumont Tower to . of Operations by groups implementation. "The Hungry Planet," one of is needed join in the march to the Capitol. For The Food Science Club and the ... no prescription the most widely quoted books on more information call 353-9795 or Foods and Nutrition Club will meet at petitioning for office space. the (6 and 9 month leases) 353-9799. 7:30 p.m. today in 206 Food Science During the initial space allocation Despite gains for individual student organizations, the subject of food and population, has been published in Bldg. A movie on the Peace Corps in hearings, the Gay m the Philippines will be shown. committee had excluded from coalition insists that it will adhere Polish. Written by Georg Borgstrom, PRICES STARTING AT $65 per man The Albatross film series presents consideration any groups actively supported partisan which to an "all or nothing" policy. In accordance with that policy, they MSU professor of food science "79 Springtimes," a biography of Ho and geography, the book was Chi Minh at 8:30 at 10 political candidates, in violation presented the board with a tonight at the of the board's code. listed by the American Library Free U classes meeting today: Albatross, 547 E. Grand River Ave. proposed system of office allocation which would include Assn. when it was published as Women's Problems and Discussion Expressing support for their one of the 50 most important Group 8 p.m., 35 Snyder Hall. The Owen Graduate Assn. invites documents of operation, the doubling office accomodations to CONTACT OUR RENTAL AGENT - Dealing with Off-Campus Housing you to an International Dinner of board voted to retain the include all student groups. works of 1965. Problems - 7 p.m., 316 Student French cuisine from 5 to 7 p.m. today standard, despite complaints by Servii s Bldg. in the Owen Hall Cafeteria. Since then it has been I Mickey that the group was The coalition expected to 351 - 7166 exercising "political repression." meet Wednesday night to was translated into Swedish, Finnish, Gestalt Therapy-7 p.m., 217 Bessey Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority will The strength of the coalition's organize tactics and plan Norwegian, German, Spanish and Emko products Hall; Skiing - 7 p.m., 301 Bessey Hall: present a fashion show at 6 Danish. The new Polish edition p.m. argument was recognized, presentations for today's are available at 'topckmgfjam ^ Wilderness Survival - 7 p.m., 331 Saturday in the Union Gold Room. was sponsored by the Polish South Case Hall; Yoga - 7 a.m. and 7 There will be refreshments and however, by Harty and Robert hearings. Despite earlier rumors, Academy of Science. p.m., Green Room, Union. entertainment. Rosenthal, off-campus the group said that resumption of representative. A motion by office space, not the abolition of State Borgstrom delivered a series of 4620 S. Hagadorn The Company presents Yankees" at 8 p.m. Thursday through "Damn Phi Gamma Nu will hold its initiation at 7 p.m. today in 38 Union. Rosenthal to delete that section of the code prohibiting political ASMSU, was its immediate goals. Contrary to what he told the lectures at several Polish universities in 1968 at Discount Saturday in the McDonel Kiva. A short meeting will follow. 307 E. Gr. River support for partisan candidates State News Tuesday, Charles invitation of the academy. 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan UNTIL NOV. 11 Chest extends fund campaign The United Community Chest Board has announced u. area-wide campaign will be extended to Nov 11 The.° e drive, as part of this total effort, also will be John C. Howell, University campaign chairman extenH,.ri.Tsa*l of social science and human medicine, and *2 announced Wednesday As of Wednesday, pledges and contributions amenta per cent of the University goal of $202,000, Howell 2 o8jJ "WJiare l° theJ™eroBity of members and the commendable efforts ofmany faculty anriHJ many unit/ University for having raised the amount," Howell said. contribute WUH He added that last year at this time contribution amounted t J per cent of University goals, thus making the extension of,a importance. 01 "During the next week divisional leaders and unit solicitor* \ be asked to make a special effort to meet our goal. Theirsun!l depends on the responsiveness of faculty and staff who h»J J not contributed," Howell said. He urged all those having not contributed to join their colleui, in support of the important programs of the 54 Chest • af agencies. Spider include: (top left to right) Kas Nelson and John Spider, a local rock group, and folksinger Stephen Reynolds Glassner; (bottom left to right) Ernie Jackson and Tim Sears. will perform Friday night in the Union Ballroom. Members of Stephen Reynolds is pictured seated with guitar. I OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, NOV. 6th School-prayer WASHINGTON (AP)-Opponents of the school-prayer amendment are gaining ground in the final days before Monday's Ms. Ben Ruhlin of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio and an ardent supporter prayer which the amendment seeks to allow. Ervin and Hamilton said Supreme Court decisions of 1962 and f 1 9 AM - 12 PM House vote, but neither side is eager to predict victory. of the amendment, said Wednesday she thinks passage is certain, 1963 outlawing organized and required prayer do not prohibit a Spokesmen for both sides said Wednesday opponents of the declaring there are only about 88 sure opponents. student from saying his own prayer "so long as he doesn't bother amendment are picking up strength from congressmen who Rep. Chalmers P. Wylie, R-Ohio, said Wednesday a recent poll by anyone," Ervin said. the weekly National Inquirer, a weekly newspaper with a heavy previously supported it or were undecided. And House Speaker Carl Albert, DOkla., announced his emphasis on scandal and crime news, showed 92.6 per cent of the opposition and said he thinks it will fail. respondents favored an amendment allowing organized prayer in In the past week the mail to some offices has reversed itself and schools. AIR RESERVATIONS congressmen who once supported it are joining our side," Stuart But later House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Emanuel NOW ON DISPLAY Johnson, a Washington attorney who is helping lead the anti Celler, D-N.Y., released a statement signed by 343 lawyers, law CRUISES HOTELS nrn; ilment forces, said. school deans and law professors urging defeat of the measure. Coffee & Donuts for You . "There is some vacillation," conceded an aide to Rep. John Jim Hamilton, executive director of the National Council of Buchanan, R-Ala., a supporter of the proposal. Churches, which is working against the amendment, said "It's a very- RENT-A-CAR TOURS Free wash for your VW A two-thirds majority of "yes" votes among those present and tough political issue and it's an awfully tight contest. At this point voting is necessary to approve the amendment and send it to the Senate, where its opponents say they are not sure it can be stopped. we have made more progress interpretting" the significance of the amendment "than I had thought we would. I'm cautiously All these services at no extra cost! Glenn Herriman Volkswagen, Id "It would be a real mistake for a House member to vote for it, optimistic." thinking the Senate will kill it," said an aide to Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr., D-N.C., a leading opponent of the proposal. Hamilton and other opponents say the amendment—which would also have to be approved by the Senate and three-fourths of the 50 college travel If all present members of the House were present and voting 143 states legislatures—say organized has no place in public ^ nays would be required to prevent the required two-thirds majority. schools. prayer office 6135 W. Saginaw - Lansing - 482 6226 "We've got over a hundred we can count on now," Johnson said. "Prayer is an intimate and personal voluntary kind of expression Mon. Thurs. 'Til 9 Sat. 9 -1 130 W. Grand River 351-6010 - - "It will be decided by those who are now undecided and the of faith," Hamilton said. "No one can define 'non-denominational' BLACK ARTS FESTIVAL Curtain Time: NOV. 4 8:15 p.m. thru Sat. 8:15 and 12:00 NOV. 7 mdnt DONATION $1.50 Tickets on Sale at Uaion Ticket Office Arena Theatre of Fairchild Auditorium