Monday MICHIGAN Cold . . . STATE NEWS Woodrow Wilton .with a little chance of STATB . . precipitation. High of 32 degrees. UNIVERSITY 6 64 Number 61 East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 8, 1971 \EC scientists begin study of A-test data small ridge-like hill was cracked severely—i MCHITKA ISLAND, Alaska much as a foot wide in were located where earthen fills had been Based on the preliminary data, Schlesinger detonation showed spray Too—a ship carrying Canadian •Atomic Energy Commission scientists some places. used to level the surface. leaping out of the protesters of 'swereoffc A road stretching the length of the said: "It has been a successful test. We will ocean like puffs of smoke, the blast—said they felt j Sunday analyzing data from One mile from ground the be able to certify, I think, this device for and nothing at the time finger-shaped 43-mile long island, also was zero, unnatural-looking waves. of the test. The vessel, on its "rday's successful underground nuclear cracked in at least half a dozen tundra-covered side of coastal hills slid into introduction into the U.S. weapons He said personnel at the control center way to Amchitka to monitor the test, was 700 miles osion. The AEC also started work to places and the sea. Rocky cliffs were shattered and was rendered temporarily impassible. Most piles stockpile." experienced a shaking for about 60 seconds away at the time of detonation. ,re this remote island to its natural state. of the fractured of broken rock fell into the sea as far as half a The scientists will pore over data areas, repaired quickly, at the time of the blast. Environmentalists fought the case all the ,e nearly five-megaton explosion mile up and down the coast. accumulated in the fraction of a second At Adak Island, 200 miles of way to the U.S. Supreme Court which ruled rred a fraction of a second after its 5 before the explosion destroyed a 300-foot east Amchitka, observers reported "very gentle 4-3 at about noon EST that the scheduled time, and minutes later AEC explosion instrument-packed cylinder above the test rolling action." could go on as scheduled. The test had the irman James R. Schlesinger announced warhead. Moments before detonation, AEC officials [as apparently a successful test of the personal approval of President Nixon—a step anantiballistic missile warhead. ,j. Gen. Edward Giller, the AEC's asst. "ral manager for military application, Candidate The Spartan is designed to knock out incoming enemy missiles in space by hurling its warhead within range to explode and announced a 160-foot Soviet "research-type" vessel had some 75 miles southeast of been spotted Amchitka and a required by Congress. The AEC's Giller said the test was close to five megatons in size, though its exact bombard them with a screen of intense small unidentified dimensions may remain classified for some he was satisfied that requirements for fishing boat was observed [weapon have been met. spite jt that predictions by opponents of the the explosion might cause minority des radiation-powerful X rays and neutrons. These would penetrate the missiles' skin, alter atomic structure in their electrical about 35 miles to the north. Neither was affected by the blast, officials said. They were unable to provide further information time. At some unannounced date, the AEC will drill into the bomb chamber to collect samples of soil for chemical analysis. From components and render them useless. on the two crafts. this, the AEC says, it can get the most Hronmental damage, there were no By JUDY YATES Aerial photos taken second after representative," the individual in question one Spokesmen aboard the Green-peace precise indication of exactly how strong the ructive earthquakes or seismic sea waves State News Staff Writer said Sunday. radiation leakage into the explosion was. The individual said the committee never sphere. An individual who does not fit the defined the term nonwhite. |C officials said scores of monitoring generally accepted definition of The individual pointed out that there are eson the island—some of which ringed a minority group representative has declared himself a going to be more blacks and women on the |6,000-foot shaft into which the nuclear minority candidate for the student council than white males. :e was lowered—detected no trace of representative-at-large to the Academic "The committee was aware Wednesday jtion. "We have conducted the test with Council election. night that at least one individual does not iplete safety," said Schlesinger, who The individual has nominated himself for meet the criteria in Section D for nonwhite jght his wife and two of their eight the section of the minority breakdown on students other than blacks and fdren to Amchitka as a show of the nomination form reserved for nonwhite Mark Bathurst, chairman of the Student Chicanos," [fidenee. students who are neither black norChicano. Committee on Nominations said Sunday. be area of the island at ground zero was The section has two positions open to male "After much discussion the committee >red with debris. A large, corrugated or female representatives. decided that if the individual defined il-sided building and instrument trailers "I have classified myself as a nonwhite. If himself in this position, the committee will lined standing, however, though the anyone challenges my classification, not I will stop him from running in this position," igsagged slightly. fall back on my Winnebago Indian heritage Bathurst said. mt 200 yards from ground zero, a "It is entirely up to the individual to as my justification as a minority defend himself in court should anyone appeal his position," Bathurst said. (Please turn to page 11) Councilmen plan action for 1st meet Spart an victory By BOB ROACH Celebrating their 17-10 win over Ohio State, the exuberant Spartans congratulate each other on the field. Their Executive Reporter victory marked the first time since 1967 that Ohio State had been defeated by a Big Ten team at Columbus. State News photo by William Thursby Breaking with the tradition of normally placid "first night" city council meetings, two new East Lansing councilmen-elect are ready to get down to business tonight on the issues that carried them to sweeping victories in last week's election. Defense key as gridders George Griffiths and George Colburn, the 8th-ranked Project: City Hall candidates who ran an issue-oriented campaign to a 3,000-vote plurality, plan to introduce measures on the environment, voter registration and city policies at the meeting at 7:45 tonight in the upset Though the Spartan offense found its yardage totals trimmed City Hall council chamber. By RICK GOSSELIN down to 199 against State News Sports Editor the Bucks, the Ohio Staters were in for an even The agenda calls for the swearing-in of greater shock on the final statistic sheet. The Bucks, who formerly Griffiths, Colburn and Wilbur Brookover, held down the number three total offensive spot in the Big Ten, who starts his second term, and the election The Ohio State Buckeyes have been spending the season averaging 372 yards per game, could only generate 185 total yards. of a new mayor and mayor pro tem from the The Buckeyes gained only 37 yards in the entire second half. council ranks. preparing for the wrong Michigan game. The MSU Spartans, spurred by another record-setting effort by "They came out trying to run against us but they couldn't," "The number one priority item," Griffiths defensive tackle Ron Curl said. "We just knew they wouldn't be fleet halfback Eric Allen, overcame the rain, snow and said, "isa ban on sewer construction." able to run against us. So they tried to pass against us, but the He said he will ask City Attorney Daniel C. eighth-ranked Ohio State Bucks Saturday in rolling along to their third straight Big Ten win, 17-10. secondary rose to the occasion and wouldn't let them do that Learned to draw up papers banning East either. What was left for them to do?" The MSU victory left the fifth largest crowd ever to see a game at Lansing sewer construction because the Ohio State (86, 616) and a local Columbus television audience in a The Spartans were the first to draw blood on the scoreboard when city's six-year-old sewage treatment plant is state of shock and bewilderment. The Spartans completely stole the Borys Shlapak booted another long field goal—a inadequate to handle current inputs from show from the Buckeyes and even Duffy Daugherty had a final say 47-yarder—through the uprights to post a 3-0 lead with 14:12 left in East Lansing, MSU and Meridian Township. the half. over Woody Hayes. Duffy was toted off the field Colburn will introduce a resolution to atop the shoulders of several of his players, while Hayes could only walk that long walk The Bucks came right back at the Spartans, running out of the reconsider the city's endorsement of the wishbone set, with Rick Galbos pounding away at the Spartan line. to the Ohio locker room in the swirl of snow on the soggy Astroturf. controversial cross-campus route. MSU's It was the MSU defense this week that crucified the opponent. Morris Bradshaw scored the touchdown, though, scampering Board of Trustees is expected to make a final Last week, the Spartan offense accumulated 698 yards in crushing around left end for 11 yards. determination on the route Nov. 19. The score was set up when the Buckeyes were faced with a fourth Purdue. But this week the defensive team was not to be denied. He also plans to ask for council approval of The and three situation from the Spartan 38. In punt formation, the Spartan defenders stole three Buckeye passes and recovered studies and public hearings on the the lone fumble of the OSU center snapped the ball to blocking back Rick Galbos who day in setting up both Spartan seven downtown peripheral route plan and voter darted around the right side of a surprised (to say the least) MSU pointers. Though Allen could only dance for 79 yards against the Ohio defensive team. That placed the ball on the Spartan 14, enabling the boys, he did manage to break two more MSU single season records. Bucks to take the lead on Bradshaw's run two plays later. (Please turn to page 11) At this point, the MSU defensive team put a claim in on the game. Allen scored both of the MSU touchdowns, his 12th and 13th of the year, breaking Clint Jones' mark of 12 scores recorded over the An MSU drive stalled and the Spartans were forced to punt. Ohio 1965 season. Almost hand-in-hand with that record went the State took over possession after Bill Simpson booted the ball out of Keystone pigs Poll workers total-points-for-p-season record, as Allen now has 80—bettering again Jones' mark of 74 set in the '65 season. the end zone. After two short gain running plays, Buck quarterback Greg Hare, throwing his second pass of the game, found Brad Two pig representatives look confident before their loss to the freaks Anyone interested in working at the polls in VanPelt too much of an obstacle to overcome and the Spartan It was the first loss suffered by Ohio State at home in conference Sunday afternoon in Spartan stadium. The freaks won the ALSAC benefit the Academic Council member at-large play since 1967, when Illinois turned the trick. Even the University safety picked off the toss on the Buck 37, returning it to the OSU 7. | f°otball game on the last play by a 12-7 margin. (See story, page nine) election Tuesday, please call the ASMSU of Michigan hasn't been able to win a game in Columbus in recent State News photo by Don Gerstner office. Poll workers will be compensated. years. (Please turn to page nine) U'investments earn $1.2 million in 70-71 there are other funds such as the Plant Fund, ByBILLHOLSTEIN not included in the report, but a separate . the Retirement and Insurance Fund and the Stevens, Ampersand, and Clark. This second 1915 Fund, the Jack B. Fields Memorial Radio Corp. These investments all brought State News Staff Writer report of investment schedules was made firm makes recommendations to Ann Arbor Fund for Need' !>nts and the Dorothy in more than $5,000 in income to MSU Endowment Fund. available to the State News Friday by Steve Trust concerning investment of MSU Dainm and Bertha Wahlen during 1970-71. he These last three funds Scholarship University is involved in the world of Terry, asst. vice president for finance. supply much of the money. Fund. Determining how much money goes where money involved in long term investments. This arrangement was set up by MSU's The Endowment Fund has $650,000 Ann Arbor Trust Co. invested University KlaJn^ce to the tune of millions of is made difficult by the University's The Plant Fund "owns" all the buildings board of trustees, which has given the worth of investments in real estate and money during 1970-71 (including ■The W°rtl1 of in vestments each year. confusing accounting procedures. Terry, a on campus and must pay off the bonds on Scudder, Stevens, Ampersand & Clark firm a endowment fund money) in stocks and Inrn lnyes'ments are both pooled Certified Public Accountant (CPA), said he them. Tills fund is required to keep a $4.9 set of guidelines for investments. Terry said mortgages and $10.4 million (indicated bonds of companies including Ford Motor iatte?3? lnvestments of sometimes only a understood the existing procedures only million reserve and the University invests very few universities do their own market value) with Detroit Bank and Trust Co. and Ann Arbor Trust. Credit Co., AT & T, Dow Chemical, Ford Ivestr* i ys in duration and long term after much time and effort. this money through Ann Arbor Trust Co. investment planning. The Detroit firm invested the endowment Motor Co., RCA Corp., Standard Oil Co. of ■eh ac a made by holding companies The University has a system of "fund The trust company last year used Plant Fund Money given to the University often ends funds in such companies as American New Jersey, Texaco, Inc., General Motors ■AcIAHnnArborTrustCo- accounting" where separate bodies of money primarily for U.S. Treasury notes, up in the Endowment Fund. Donors Corp., Michigan Bell Telephone Co., Eastern Inan,?"g to U'e University's 1970-71 "funds" of money are earmarked for bonds and bills. occasionally give the University money and, Telephone and Telegraph Co. (AT & T), Indianapolis Power, Whirlpool Corp., Union Airlines, American Airlines, Xerox Corp., Ktrihi.t ,ReP°rt, which was being j different purposes. For example, the The Ann Arbor Trust Co. invests in effect, say "Invest my money and use the Poloroid Co. and Scott Paper Co. Cde J,iate ,ast week, the University «i General Fund is the fund responsible for the University money in coordination with an interest for a specific purpose." Included Electric Co., Pacific Gas and Electric Co., Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, Sears and , Ir- u,!'359 Where the from investments during general operation of the University. But investment counselor, a firm called Scudder, within the Endowment Fund are the Class of Roebuck Acceptance Corp. and Zenith investments are made is (Please turn to page 11) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Monday, Nov,ember 8 j news Green hits Milliken Gov. Milliken's statewide In his letter, Green wrote that on busiIn9 Milliken said: "Black people have something is being done in also called for the r address on segregation in Detroit busing is only one of many not been given the welcome and Michigan to correct past "the angry tho Hi ecruitln*nt)if • summary schools in Nov. 3 has clouded and confused the busing issue, Robert solutions leading to multiracial classrooms and quality role that is their right" in this country. He further stated that Inequities. In the Iowa speech, Milliken the political cynical and the From Ihc wires of AP and UPI. L. Green, director of the Center education. A busing program processS te^" i for Urban Affairs at MSU, said. carried out with the support of The decision to appeal Judge the political and educational Stephen Roth's ruling was leaders of the state would be a 40,000 MAY REMAIN criticized by (^reen as a political positive step toward providing maneuver designed to gain equal educational opportunity support for Milliken's proposed and achieving a multiracial "It has been a successful test. We educational reform package. will be able to certify, I think, this device for introduction into the In a recent letter Milliken, Green indicated support sent to society, Green said. Green, who has served as an expert witness for the plaintiffs in Sources in U.S. weapons stockpile." for the proposed educatinal the Detroit desegregation case, reforms, but advocated wrote to Milliken that "unless James R. Schlesinger separation of quality education every effort is made to reduce the stepped Atomic Energy Commission from the issue of busing. tensions and increase the contacts A EC chairman See related story, "Your proposals to reform the methods of local school financing have my wholehearted support," between the minority and majority groups, with still more we will be faced racial unrest and up page 1. Green wrote. "However. I think GREENE turmoil. SAIGON (AP) - President U.S. planners here have been Tet offensive of that they should be considered "It is unfortunate," Green According to Green, the Nixon is expected to announce 1968 thw.^ tc!d that the 101st Ariborne nine full U.S. the basis of their own merit and notes, "that Gov. Milliken solution to the desegregation next week that the U.S. ground Division, the last remaining d visions Army and should not be confused with the implied that the issues of issue was best stated by Milliken combat role in Vietnam will be American division in Indochina, operating in plus separate brigades VS emotionally charged issue of educational reform and school school busing. a GOP speech on Oct. 28 in Des coming to an early end, informed will be phased out of the war zone to two other divisions. equi? 10,000 killed in Orissa busing are related." Moines, Iowa. During his address, sources said Sunday. early in the year. At the same time the 24th Corps, the last remaining U.S. Every day for the past week, a frail, 5-year - old boy has tactical headquarters in Vietnam, is to be deactivated and replaced Enemy forces blew up spaiB stood near the outskirts of Jajpur. India waiting for his parents to return and take him home. The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter ACLU to file brief by an advisory command. two bridges on Highway !2|. J J It is anticipated that Nixon also But the boy's parents never will return. They were and Spring school1 terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Mekong Delta 117 r will announce a reduction of U.S. southwest of during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Saigon &™ among the officially estimated 10,000 persons killed in a in September. Subscription rate is $16 troops to about 40,000 men. This Vietnamese spokesmen backing Hildebrand per year. » cyclone and tidal wave that smashed through the Member Associated Press, United Press International, force would include fighter - traffic was suspended. Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press bomber squadrons, helicopter, Therewa low-lying coastal state of Orissa last weekend. Association, no casualties reported ii Their house, a mud brick and bamboo hovel, was Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press The American Civil Liberties supplying reasons or giving him artillery and logistics units plus attacks. Association. Union (ACLU) will file an amicus »n opportunity to present his advisers and security forces, crushed alonp with millions of others throughout the Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial curiae brief in favor of John case. The security forces would be in state. and business offices at 345 Student Services State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Bldg., Michigan Hildebrand. former associate professor of Social Science, Lynn The officials have filed a reply the form of teady action brigades, denying Hlldebrand's charges. such as the 3rd Brigade of the 1st nHifo.™ Jondahl, president of the ACLU, The case, filed in U.S. District Air Cavalry Division operating in Lynch faces showdown News 355-8252 said Sunday. Court in Grand Rapids, has not yet been assigned to a judge. Saigon region and the 196th Brigade in the Da Nang area. across th „nilnf, "The ACLU will file the brief at South Viptnan Classified Ads A spokesman from the courts The 24th Corps at Da Nang is a Advertising 355-8255 353-6400 the appropriate time, Jondahl ^ when a hearing date will be tactical headquarters controlling reDorted p were two! Jack said. Lynch, the mild-mannered Business Office 355-3447 set will depend on the status all U.S. combat units in the 1st Hildebrand filed a suit Oct. 12 prime minister of the Irish Republic, is assigned to the case. If the case is Military Region, which includes As many ^ 25 US B5il charging University officials with deemed an emergency case a date the five northernmost provinces fighting for his political life. discharging him without will beset immediately. of South Vietnam and covers an bombers kept up attacks oal A rebellion in his Fianna Fail party There are more than 300 cases area of 10,000 square miles. The North Vietnamese supply routal has puthis fate in the hands of two Now that your head has changed, on the docket awaiting hearing. 101st Division, based north of Da leading through Laos ud| mil-put hise ousted from the cabinet in The amicus curiae brief will not Nang, is under direct control of Cambodia. The raids are aimediil how about your body? be assigned until the hearing date the 24th Corps. stopping preparations by Hisoil a fun-running scandal last year for its annual dry season push(«■ involving Northern Ireland. is set, Johndahl said. At height of the war during the materials southward. The showdown comes Wednesday. A FREE CATALOGUE-SEND FOR IT! war Lynch faces a vote of confidence in the Send for the FREE Limbo Semi-Annual Dail - the 144 - man parliament Clothing Manual and get into: I/' reve equally divided between the Shirts from Gentleman John and government and all other parties. Bouncing Bertha's Banana Blanket Blue Jeans used and new to norm Greek Captain's Caps and British Derbies Saint's basilica found Suede and Leather Jackets, Jeans, and Shirts English Gas Mask Bag and Cargo Bags t* • * 7 mm I drop A Rome archeologist has discovered a 700 - basilica and sarcophagus he believes to be that of St. year-old British BobbyCapes and Civft Defense Coats ancake House When you pre-enroll this1 Authentic Fillmore Shirts— keep in mind that it willbei Hippolytus. Prof. Pasquale Testini of the University of Rome said gone but not forgotten. <_0pen for Thanksgiving ; difficult to drop a class was fall term. If you can't get home Sunday he thought he had made a "greatdiscoverv "and Fall term students wit for Thanksgiving (or LIMBO. Dept. A, Box 961, completed class cards planned a full report to the Vatican's pontifical Roman Madison Square Station, prefer not to cook for it), admitted to the card areatoi Academy of Archeology. New York, New York 10010 plan to join us for a classes if they The basilica, 90 feet long and 64 wide, was found festive "home-cooked" Send my free manual to: Normally, only students wit between the ancient Roman port of Ostia and the town of holiday supper. Ham or NAME Turkey dinner with all incomplete cards or cards o Fiumicino, where the city's airport is now. the trimmings. which an adviser has approvedi ADDRESS class change are admitted to" Until then, come relax card arena. And that's howiti anytime over a pot of be again during early Hundreds die in campaign Per kin's fresh-perked for winter term as well. registration] STATE ZIP coffee with any of Students could get into I don't want to our delicious dinners, forget so send me the arena fall term because ol il Fillmore Shirt. EastQ Westn hearty sandwiches, or change in the fee refund policy,! Filipinos are balloting in an off-year election today in pancake specialties. which made it expensive to dropl Manila after XSQ SD M □ IQ 301 Clippert a campaign during which more than 150 classes after registration audi Enclosed is my check or money order persons died in political violence - highest toll of any 1 Mile from MSU drops and adds. for $11. No COD's. (Shirt $10-Post- previous campaign. across from Frandor But for winter term, Originally were given to musicians age $1). administrators say they expedl Troops and reserves were called out for election guard more staff. Limited supply available now. (NY State Residents add 6% sales tax) opposite Sears students to be fully aware of duty and the government gave volunteer poll keepers free East-Green West-Purple ttej life insurance for the change and will revert to 1L* day. normal procedure. 1917 revolution celebrated Troops, tanks, red-tipped missiles and thousands of Russian citizens paraded through swirling snow in Red Square Sunday in Moscow to celebrate the nation's biggest holiday, the anniversary of the 1917 revolution. In a speech stressing the Soviet Union's military capability, Defense Minster Andrei A. Grechko did not mention the United States by name, but referred to today's biggest hang up '"Imperialist expansionist plant" in Vietnam and the . . .18-inches by 6-feet of Middle East. crossword puzzle to hang on the wall to gel the Five slain in bedrooms A woman and her four ON BOOK: party under way, to a lively touch to family add her parents children were shot to death and We have 3 tables critically wounded in their bedrooms before room or dorm. Giant size dawn Sunday in Grass for her estranged Valley, Calif, and police searched full of hardbacks- puzzle and definitions on husband, Sheriff Wayne Brown said. The Prophet All seven were shot several The Forerunner times each with a .22-caliber washable plastic coaled pistol, Brown said. The live bodies were found in The Earth Gods a two bedroom home in a rural area of the Sierra Kahil Gibran linen textured background, foothills about The World of Rod McKuen 50 miles northeast of Sacramanto. answers on separate sheet. Up the Organization Robert Townsend Great for giving, in The Plague Albert Camus gift tube. $5. Fire swept model houses The Arrogance of Power Senator J. William Fulbright AND MANY MORE TOO NUMEROUS TO LIST An early morning fire swept through five townhouses Sunday in Columbia, Md. and a fire official complained the layout of the so-called model community hindered Student Book Store Stationery - First Floor men fighting the blaze. "The buildings are to the eye, and not for arranged to be aesthetically pleasing Jacobean# aiding firemen," said John J. Poetker, the Howard County fire chief. JACOBSON'S OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL NINE Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 8. 1971 3 i DIXIE GOVERNORS SAY Connolly would aid GOP ticket ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) - Several southern governors say Republican Agnew with Last week Hearnes became ill in Host Gov. Jimmy Carter of that Nixon would Treasury Connally, a Texas Democrat. Missouri, however, and is not Georgia, like Williams a Democrat keep Agnew on Secretary John B. Connally "While Secretary Connally is an the ticket. would do well Vice President expected at the conference. but unlike Williams considered a as as attractive personality," Dunn But others who responded seem progressive and racial "My reasons are based on Splro T. Agnew in helping said, "I believe he would lose his moderate, looking at the trend of events to have plenty of respect for said either Richard Nixon carry their region Agnew of Conally which I believe is effectiveness if he were placed on moving our in the President's expected 1972 Connally's potential political "would be very popular in way," Klein said in a copyrighted the national ticket. I am not bid for re-election. impact in their states. Georgia. I think equally interview in U.S. News & World The Dixie chief executives who considering anyone but Spiro One Democratic governor who popular." Agnew as the No. 2 candidate asked to remain anonymous said Report. " If that's the case, then responded to a question on with President Nixon." the President would probably Connally's Southern strength "Connally is a popular man in the Gov. Marvin prefer to keep the ticket rather Dunn himself is the first GOP Mandel, a generally agreed Agnew is very part of the country. He definitely Democrat from Agnew's state of than switch..." governor in Tennessee in half a would be an asset for the popular in the region but Maryland, said, "I don't get century. Repbulican ticket." replacing him with Connally One other involved in Republican party About a dozen of the 15 would be acceptable, to Southern governor in the Gov. John C. West, D-S.C.,said affairs. But Connally has turned members of the Southern voters. minority who though Connally a Connally vice presidential in a creditable performance as Governors Conference are might hurt Nixon's chances for nomination "definitely would llll There has been speculation for several months about whether re-election was Missouri Gov. Warren E. Hearnes, a Democrat, help the GOP in his state. Jonn Bell Williams, Southern secretary of the Treasury and he has great personal appeal." expected for the three-day meeting. Center of attention Nixon will replace Agnew in Herbert Klein, White House who has endorsed Sen. Edmund Governors Conference chairman likely will be Alabama's George 1972. S. Muskie of Maine for the director of communications, said Wallace, a third party presidential Hie southern governors, here who will be replaced in the Weekend walk for their annual conference, are Democratic nomination. presidential Mississippi statehouse in January meanwhile his personal view was candidate in 1968. by William Waller, said Sunday, Bundled up for the chilly autumn weather, freihmen Judy Vandia and Martha Wood stroll predominantly Democrats. "I think the substitution would across However, one Republican chief "Agnew is very, very popular" in Administration Building bridge. What's the the cut off financial donations from his state. But "either one, as far as State News photo by Ron Biava executive, Winfield Dunn of certain higher-ups in the Tennessee, was against replacing Mississippians are concerned, Republican party," Hearner said. wuld be an asset." difference between a duck? FBI building exc Washington (ap) - The appropriate money for the start of construction. L FBI building, starting an building it had already approved. Legislation pending in Congress "The FBI actually would have would be an eye-sore, After construction ■.story climb from a vast pit Basedon the $102 million final finally would let the GSA charge rent to preferred functional began in 1967, contractors lost federal agencies comparable to a more They finally agreed on tide Pennsylvania Avenue, is a cost divided by the current one nearly six months because of design," said project architect designing the building around a commercial rents, with the Jonument to J. Edgar Hoover per cent per month increase in strikes and further modifications. income to go toward both John Anderson. courtyard. The structure will be ■d to the inefficiency of construction expenses due to This cost taxpayers an extra $1.3 However, because it was seven - stories high on three sides Kvernment construction inflation the delay also added $25 maintenance and new located on the ceremonial and 11 stories at the million. rear with two construction. Ichniques. million to the cost. These problems are common to "We would still go to Congress avenue, federal planners decided of these floors projecting beyond Where is no doubt in official It took nearly three years to get all buildings under construction that 2.5 million square feet of the walls of lower floors. An open for authority to do a project," offices — only the Pentagon will ■shington that the building, to the design approved by the Fine and are largely unavoidable, said said W.A. Meisen, assistant GSA plaza will occupy all the second 1 completed in 1974, will be Arts Commission, the National the be larger - massed in a huge block floor- GSA. Incurring large commissioner. "But we would imed for and dedicated to er, the FBI director for 47 Capitol Planning Commission and inflationary and the Pennsylvania Avenue because of start-up costs have a sizable amount in this fund ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ waits for money from for annual construction Commission. * Squally certain is that the tssive, yellowish concrete Elding will cost taxpayers at Members of these commissions federal were responsible for seeing to it Congress also is common to all construction, though not on the $25 million scale of the expenditures and wouldn't have to go back for appropriations." The MSU * that the design would be FBI building. government could have * INSTRUCTORS saved 1st $42 million more than consistent with a plan to make money if the new FBI Ipected,making i the most the avenue, inaugural route of the The GSA' contends these building had been designed as a . . * expenses could be eliminated if simple cube and given another pensive government building in presidents, the most splendid in story. JWhen Congress approved the ■ilding in 1962, completion was the nation. They couldn't do it any earlier because they hadn't Congress would grant authority to establish a revolving building fund. location, according to spokesmen for the architects, G. F. Murphy Associates of Chicago. bring your book lists in and your students will receive a } } agreed on a plan for the avenue. keeled in four to five years at a Meantime, many alterations of 1st of $60 million. Instead, the the building design were made to Ivemment is taking nearly a ftzen years and $102 million to accommodate FBI growth and changing requirements. Appearing all this week... * 1 the job. The General Services the fabulous * If you've thought ^^ * f T'l am convinced that icient Egyptians were able to ■ild their pyramids in far less the Administration, responsible for constructing and maintaining federal buildings, had no estimate DISCOUNT * * about it, \ and I can tell by the look y Now there's the sophisticated New York State Champagne MAGIC duck. Great le than it is taking to erect our v building," Hoover himself of the cost of these design 7®i ilWfil'S * of you most of you haven't, there's Western's New York and our Sparkling robust changes and delays before the State premium [mplained in a recent speech, * all kinds of ducks. cold duck. A Burgundy "i noted some critics have Black ducks, Great Western unwanted J rather remarkable liintained fying the on as only reason he is director is to be sent at the dedication. "This is hair? )f 255 Ann St. 332-1414 1®©! MfT J odd ducks, lame ducks, and when bird. It's a combi- award winning Cold Duck. You'll see why it's called great. bnsense," said Hoover. "At the HAIR Ite the building is going up, none REMOVAL) ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ t. H-inirhondspor ius will be around by the time it Facial, Hairline*, Body ; ■completed." ■lore than two years were lost ALSO . . .TONIGHT ONLY-PIZZA FEAST ■aiting for Congress to in the Show Bar SHARE YOU WITH A FRIEND George Washington knew how to make a dollar go farther. Times haven't changed since George's record toss. Everything keeps going up while our ability to pay lags behind. We at East Lansing State Bank can help you make your dollars go farther. Just open a regular passbook savings account with us and watch what 4^% daily compounded interest can do. No minimum deposit, no waiting, just the maximum return from the day of deposit. Daily compounded interest at 4l/£% on regular passbook savings is available at East Lansing State Bank, your Hometown Bank. Now with Trust Services. Member: F.D.I.C. 234 WEST GRAND RIVER East Lansing State Bank 1024 EAST GRAND RIVER Open Sun. • Thurs. till Midnight, Fri. - Sat, until 1:30 a.m. MICHIGAN AP NEWS ANALYSIS STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY Election message: there isn't any By WALTER R. ME ARS Gov. Louie B. Nunn. At the White House, President Nixon governor o. Virginia in an discussed the election results with aides, but severe setback to the election th,t AP Political Writer Predictably, Sen. Robert J. Dole, the r KEN LYNAM WASHINTGON (AP) - Democrats and Republican national chairman, denied that. made no public comment. organization of Gov. George P. Shafran, the GOP Un^TS advertising manager Republicans lodged counter-claims of "... Kentucky issues were mostly local, and Republican Mayor Richard G. Lugar of had Holton's all-out ^ Ho!t« 1 can see little significance in the outcome of Indianapolis, Nixon spokesman on urban backinu ran »^ DAVE PERSON, managing editor national success Wednesday in the outcome affairs, easily won re-election in a race in that race," he said. CHARLES C. CAIN, city editor of odd-year city and state elections. But the which he was thought to have faced possible real message of the scattered Republican spokesmen chose instead to JOHN BORGER, campus editor balloting may trouble. Furthermore, Republicans won 20 Howell's victory as an have been that, nationally, there isn't emphasize the victory of H. John Heinz III, inn BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor any. 33, of the food processing family, in the of 29 council seats under the newly merged positioned him for another bid The strategy that worked in Kentucky governor of Virginia after RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor flopped in Pennsylvania. The hard-line, law - day's only congressional race, in city - county government Lugar had championed. office in 1973. HoltLT? Ilon h* and order approach that helped Frank L. Pennsylvania's 18th District. Heinz • - swamped Democrat John E. Connelly by William Waller, Seven -time recipient of the Pacemaker award Rizzo capture Philadelphia's city hall took a In Philadelphia, Rizzo, the former police won that state's a Mississippi Dem for outstanding journalism. drubbing in Boston. more than two to - one, to win the Pittsburg - commissioner who called himself "the Charles hvers, a governorship by JS? A Democrat captured Tuesday's biggest area seat left vacant by the death of toughest cop in America," won election as Democratic black, and a mem£° ^ prize, as Wendell Ford was elected governor of Kentucky, boosting his party's state Republican Rep. Robert J. Corbett. mayor by some 53,000 votes over first of his National race to run Commit^ for eovprn * The economy, and the administration Republican W.Thatcher Longstreth. Mississippi never had EDITORIALS house dominance to 30 of the 50 states. program, was an issue in the campaign there, Rizzo ran far behind Longstreth in black Evers had hoped his a real chance to L' Ford campaigned against President Nixon wards of the city, but fashioned lopsided fortunes of black entry would botalS on economic grounds, and said his victory too. Rep. Bob Wilson, chairman of the Republican Congressional Campaign majorities in blue - collar wards, Italian candidates offices, but that didn't appear to S?4 was a portent of what is to come in 1972, the Committee, said the voters had rejected an neighborhoods and the predominantly He said one Impact of be L* Political views beginning of a "dump Nixon" movement. In general, local issues, personalities and effort by Connelly to make political capital out of difficult economic adjustments. "It white northeastern section. While Rizzo was winning in Philadelphia, been to draw out outnumber registered his camp,E? white voters blacks, 7 to 3 J preferences appeared to have been the forces didn't work in Pennsylvania yesterday, and Rep. Louise Day Hicks was losing, and had them scared," he said. at work in shaping the election verdicts. 'That's all it won't work across the country in 1972," badly, in Boston. Mayor Kevin H. White white folks, we are Democratic National Chairman Lawrence going to keep cnmi2 he said. swept to re-election there. Ms. Hicks, the This is the beginning." P COfflil i for Rehnquist's F. O'Brien said the Ford victory, in Kentucky was particularly significant, as "the fist major referendum" on President Nixon's new economic program. Ford Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, D-Minn., said the results signaled to him "a lack of confidence in the national Republican adamant foe of school desegregation busing, had stressed rising crime rates and city taxes in her campaign. • Another kind of black foundered in Cleveland, and Republican, won election as mayor political Ralph J pJl in administration and its failure to deal In elections elsewhere: major Not a few liberal leaders were upset. He defeated Arnold B defeated Republican Tom Emberton, who effectively with basic domestic problems, * Henry E. Howell Jr., running as an Pinkney, a Negro who ran as an independs* hoping some sort of unmentionable had the active backing of outgoing GOP particularly the economy. independent, was elected lieutenant with the support of blot could have been found in the outgoing cleveC Mayor Carl B.Stokes. record of William Rehnquist. At least The Perk victory blocked Stokes's (um conflict of interest to fashion a black a or two, even a political organization fa Cleveland as a step toward slight case of mediocrity. This had creatini. national coalition built around been enough to prevent Clement black vnt« Perk got 88,774 votes, Haynsworth and G. Harrold Carswell •In San Francisco, Mayor Pinkney 73,785 from sitting upon the nation's highest under a federal indictment he Joseph Alioto called "i court. Surely it would have made the political knifing," won re-election ov«i nonconfirmation of field of 10 challengers. Rehnquist an "I'm happy the people of San equally facile affair. have given me, in effect, a vote of Franciscc Yet the past record of William In this," said Alioto, who was confident indicted bji Rehnquist apparently offers no easy reverse the decisions of the Warren federal grand jury in Seattle last March« way out for those who disagree with Court with regards to law charges of conspiracy, mall fraud, and us# his political outlook. Rehnquist's the mails to promote the enforcement. Rehnquist, for bribery of a oublk conservatism rests upon considerable official. F example, engineered the proposed • sincerity and thought, not policy allowing wiretapping without Democrats gained ground in the Ni hair-brained reaction. Any opposition court orders. He has favored sweep Jersey state legislature, and control oft!*! to Rehnquist will not stem from lack - member Assembly was In doubt. Fort arrests of political protestors. Plainly of personal qualifications for the post, Democrats, 39 Republicans, and on this man must feel such acts are Independent — white militant Anthoi Rehnquist being an eminently constitutional and, as a Supreme Imperlale, the Newark vigilante - wi qualified lawyer. Instead any serious Court justice, would do everything elected. Republicans held control of antagonism must stem result within his power to make them, Senate, but by a narrowed margin. opposition to the man's political national policy. • Newly enfranchised 18-year-old vol outlook. Tampar made their presence felt In scattered log Herein lies a critical question of elections, particularly In campus ton Considering Rehnquist's views on Francis X. McCloskey, 32, a recent Ir constitutional protocol. The wiretapping and sweep arrests, it school graduate, defeated the mayor o Constitution provides the President stands to reason that he would further 'SO YOU'RE GOINO TO INVESTIGATE CONGRESS, MR. NADER? DO I MIND? NOT AT Bloomlngton, Ind., site of Indlu with power to appoint individuals to tamper with rights guaranteed every University. College students won election the Supreme Court, with the consent ALL—MY RECORD IS AN OPEN BOOKI COME RIGHT IN .' citizen by the first ten amendments to . . municipal offices In Ohio, Rhode Iilutftf of the Senate. Some have taken this to the Constitution. For instance, how Minnesota, and Iowa. mean the individuals to the Supreme far would Rehnquist permit freedom Court, with the consent of the Senate. Some have taken this to mean the of assembly when some instances of civil disobedience occur? To what NANCY JABLONOWSKI President can appoint any competent extent would a wiretapping advocate individual. defend "the right of the people to be Equality secure in their persons, houses, Others, however, have taken tliis constitutional provision to imply the Senate should have an equal voice in papers, and effects unreasonable searches?" against Clearly, the President is playing A remarkable characteristic the selection of Supreme Court One of the more remarkable the immovable object — and where she's politics with his selections. The characteristics of human nature is the "unconquerable barriers" is lacking, but members. This constitutional scholars concerned, the object always moves, though "accomplishment" - she simp Constitution provides the Senate with seldom considered quality called Kathy's situation illustrates a cause for acknowledges her handicap and not as dramatically as one could imagine. reason prevents a President from a means to fight Identification — one can actually imagine back-rejection of the determination. I'm often amazed at just how It was unadulterated determination that himself in a similar position, and thus, this determined to make it, regardless of wh exercising undue personal influence President's nominees. To accept the much can be accomplished when pressure caused my friend to solve her problems others view her goals to be. This she toldi over the court during and after his situations arise and one has the sheer will to particular problem seems a bit more realistic one drippy afternoon as we "pudd President's Supreme Court fairly and above-board. She could have and possible. term of office. In past years the nominations amounts to accepting his see these little crises of life through. easily relied stomped" behind Anthony Hall aftercla A friend of mine had mono last spring, and on an acceptable excuse, for she Determination is one of those attributes Senate has only rejected high court policies. For example, the Senate was undeniably ill, and could therefore be whose meaning escapes one unless it is the worst stages of her bout with it came at In this second instance, determine nominees under the most extreme considered exempt from the immediate liberals would that point of the term when every class she exhibited in "simplest terms." It is best undoubtedly come out responsibilities a student faces. Instead, she described when the heroic element is was pegged to a situation which could not circumstances. Never has an strongly against a carte blanche was taking had a term paper due. Kathy isn't chose to work at those responsibilities, and exactly termed critical. Yet, within t individual been denied Senate exactly dedicated to the pursuit of scholarly avoided, and an adaptation to common framework of day to day living, it« wiretapping bill. Rehnquist's succeeded in completing the papers — not by interests is embraced. Kathy didn't approval simply because of endeavors, by her own admission. In fact, the deadline date, but sooner than one supports the theory of determination* confirmation could easily amount to she claims that if she ever does drop out, her accomplish any great feat, she simply would have expected someone in her relevant quality. Amy takes each day opposition to his personal political de facto adoption of the same kinds of demise will be directly attributable to a lack refused to succumb to a tempting condition to finish them. stride, yet each day she sets the tempo* preferences. principles. of foresight regarding future assignments. opportunity. There was no element of valor renews her resolution to triumph overt Some would say that Kathy's case doesn't in her The Rehnquist nomination provides In light of the likely consequences Kathy's plight aroused a particular actions, just a firm sense of purpose. fate. justifiably exemplify determination. To my She successfully mastered the situation an opportunity to re-evaluate this of Rehnquist's confirmation, Senate curiosity in me, because she never lets way of thinking, a better example of real before it mastered her. She is a heroine in my eyes, not just H precedent. Rehnquist is a mere 47 leaders must fight his appointment anything clog the resolute workings of her guts would be hard to come by. Granted, the mind. She is the classic irrestible force I've seen other instances where a facing element of display of declared variety — she has earned the right years of age; he could still be sitting on even though their "insurmountable odds" and comparable resoluteness impressed me. One only grounds may the title, for she has what it takes tor* the Supreme Court by the year 2000. be his political beliefs. that comes to mind almost Considering immediately her level of concerned achievement -w Considering the tone of the involves a young who often the liberties, Rehnquist may take with OUR READERS' MIND woman gifted with a special characteristic cam President's nomination speech, the the Constitution in occupied the seat next to mine in Psych 151. determination. sole purpose of the Rehnquist and advancing his Since it was my first experience with political ideology, such grounds college-level psychology, and her first taste Powell appointments is seemingly to suffice. of the field also, we exchanged many words Workers must control about various aspects of the class from time to time.. Amy was an effervescent MISPLACED MEMI personality, and I looked forward to rapping To: Richard Nixon with her before our 3 p.m. four Married days a week. To the Editor: the corporations, can only be ended when stude The letter of Paul D. Roliz of Nov. 2 begins each company is democratically controlled by the true producers, the workers. The She probably anticipated our hour too, although she couldn't "see" Amy was blind. together me, for Re: Amchitka Island (or it) what'slefl< with the valid point that "Freedom means question of worker control of industry then the right of each individual to keep his own She remains so vividly in Dear Incendiary- is not one of "collectivism" versus my memory for she also had the rare gift of genuine the onf welcome6U9 life; therefore to keep the product of his life "individualism," but is rather one of the We were lucky this time: : , ..." In equal, validity it moves to the determination, distinct from any pretense of right of each individual to control his own heroism. I doubt that Amy views herself as thing that was destroyed was u contention that government intervention in life. individual lives is to be abhorred. However, someone to pity, for her World relations. Bruce Guthrie spirit is too alive Last week University married while this is valid for each individual's and sincere for such shallow community have been too long students approved the creation of the ignored by the academic power production how can this reasoning apply to Bartlesville, freshman Nov. self-perspections. She doesn't view her -The PeopJ MSU Married Students Union. The those whose possessions are not products of 2,1971 attempts to gain an education as structure. their own lives? How can this constitution of this group will be apply to the I GAVE IT To SNOOPY TO HOLD A majority mandate from a field of owners of a corporation who, rather than I WOULDN'T U)HY NOT? IM presented to the board of trustees for DECEIVE ME TARE FOR ME ...I'M 60IN6 TO BREAK only slightly over two hundred votes producing anything themselves, take the TRUST THAT 5U(?£ HE'S PUT the habit this time if it kills STUPID BEAGLE recognition as a major governing votes is of course subject to question. products manufactured by thier employes? IT AUJAY INI VERY ME ..I TOLP HIM NOT TO SiVE IT PACK U)ITH ANYTH1N6 SAFE KEEPING... group. Before issuing a levy the Married NO MATTER HOUlMO I BEG... Among other things, governing Students Union would, of course, be The modern corporation resembles group status would allow the union to nothing much as an aristocracy, ruled by obligated to hold a tax referendum. so levy a student tax on married Nevertheless, the fledgling group has its few major stockholders. In its students. This, according to Judy interference with the right of the individual the potential to grow into an effective to the products of his own labor the modern Lewis, a union zone representative, is organization equal to the task of of utmoJt necessity. Without the corporation is as repressive as any other levy representing the married students of non-lalssez-falre government, and therefore the group would be little more than a is equally to be abhorred. Oppression by THIS IS WHY I TOLP YOU TO I BEG YOU! PLEASE GIVE MSU. KEEP IT FOR ME...I TH0U6HT I conglomeration of committees with ASMSU Chairman Hal Buckner has these economic governments can only be COULD GIVE IT UP, BUT I CAN'T. IT BACK! PLEASE! PLEASE.' many plans, but no funds for ended by the same means that oppression by stated that thd Union should have a I'VE GOT TO HAVE IT BACK! implimentation. political governments can be ended. That Is seat on the student government if its An organization by ending government interference with the representing the status is ratified by the University individual, and by giving control of the special concerns of married students is trustees. government to Its people. most Hopefully Buckner will have weldome. The interests of this an opportunity to make good on his For these it integral part of the University commitment. reasons can be seen that oppression by our economic governments, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 8, 1971 ^ [ecurity grads DUES PROGRAM GROWS ike guard jobs By KRISTEN KELCH Alumni By CINDI STEINWAY automatic members of the funds alumni to have a voice in the State New» Staff Writer Loub believes the fund has State News Staff Writer Alumni Assn," Loub said. affairs of MSU, plus making them done well this year by alreauy Loughout the country, in retail stores and industrial plants, Since its approval in the "The Alumni Assn. will members in coordinating alumni surpassing last year's total in tlx fcnse installations and local drive-in restaurants, airports and spring continue to be responsible for the clubs and departmental All-University Campaign, of 1971, more than Eminent buildings some 220,000 guards and watchmen make 12,000 Development Fund, but organizations around the world," alumni have joined the Alumni "Though the donor count is lr rounds to protect property against illegal entry, fire, vandals Assn. dues program, according to contributors will not the director said. down because of the new duen ■ thieves. automatically qualify for Loub cited the Development program, the dollar count is up; Arthur F. Loub, |,me of these guards are on the payrolls of companies that have managing membership in the association Fund as serving as an advisory which is a great tribute to the director of the MSU unless they also pay dues," he ir own security force. Others work through private contract Development Fund. council for creating and adopting alumni of MSU," he said, Xj services, which provide protection to firms that do not have He explained last summer, that added. "The alumni formerly gave to programs for alumni, managing Br own guards. alumni funds and seeking gifts for E xpanding the fund aising the Executive Board Finance the fund and became members in [bout 15 per cent of MSU's security administration graduates Committee of the Alumni Assn. appropriate use in the University activities of the Alumni Assn. was [eL gone into security - type jobs. Of these graduates, 17 percent decided to find a better method the association, eligible for the Honor Toll in the Development community. cited by Loub as providing into retail establishments, while 9 per cent work in plant of financing alumni "Among the projects supported greater financial support for the lection and about 5 per cent have gone into government programs within the University, and the Fund's Annual Report. This year by fund money are the building needs of the University lifted information. dues program was proposed. only those who give to the fund will be eligible for the report," of the Alumni Chapel, Abrams community. ihe stereotyped protrait of the grandfatherly guard, armed with "Cost is minimal—annual dues Loub clarified, Planetarium, and the aquisition |v a night stick, has been diminishing due to recent questioning of are $10 per person or $12 for a The position is simply that of works for the gallery Art of Kresge ■ competency of security guards. Center, MSU Museum, and joint husband-wife membership, paying dues is different from *SL! has a unique program designed to educate students in or single life Library. Also, the annual support trity administration. memberships for contributing to the fund, he of Alumni Distinguished Scholars $150 and a joint life membership ihe University provides the only academic degree - granting explained, and Distinguished Faculty for $180," Loub stated. Dues go "Becoming members in the Awards ■gram in whichastudent can take some security work as part of a for alumni amounts to a Ifessional preparation. membership in the Alumni Assn. through the dues committment of thousands of college the alumnus graduated program provides an outlet for Bourses in this program include Security Administration, in dollars," he said, plus paying for Ich plant protection, safeguarding classified information and ■ft control are discussed. law Enforcement and Internal Security deal with the protection ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★A ■hiscountry against foreign infiltration and espionage. ■ther courses study industrial fire protection, disaster control Wall lo n ull ivy "The big problem comes from the difference between the dues FOR YOU BUBBIE PI 1 theft control in business, industry and institutions. Clusters of ivy cover the back wall of the Physics - Astronomy #hecapability of a guard usually depends on how high a price a Building. From this angle they resemble a tangled mass of program and the Development ■ ■■■COUPON ■■■■ * Fund. Up until this year, alumni lipany that wants protection is willing to pay. Christmas tree lights. who contributed to the Monday thru Thursday liscussing this problem in a recent interview, Leon H. Weaver, State News photo by W.B. Remington Development Fund were Nov. 8 Nov. 11 ■fessor of criminal justice, said: "Some organizations pay well Kugh that people without too high an aspiration level will serve 125 or 30 years." ■The j INFAMOUS VARSITY DOGS: a 75° OFF King 16" or Med 12" Sj luards in the auto industry are well paid, for example, Weaver Bus company introduces ■ 1 Foot of Gastronomical Pl< Pleasure VARSITY PIZZA these people are often more capable and better qualified than the """v Irds who receive $1.90 per hour "just to assure the management 50c with 1 item Monday thru Thursday a ■ ) two « h the place hasn't burned down," Weaver said. I Weaver could set up the qualifications for security guards, he lild "look first for the significant tangables, like trust worthiness, Itness and desirability." new Two new Lansing bus routes Lansing routes routes will initiate bus service to interest to students in addition to With this ■ ■■■■■■■COUPON ■■■■■■■■ Coupon Nov. 8 ■ ■■■■■■■ COUPON ■■■■■■■■ * Deliveries to Dorms Only Nov. 11 ■ ' ■ "5 leaver said that he would put more emphasis on checking out the which will benefit MSU students, Capital City Airport and Frandor ! their main destinations. Cost of ■kgrounds of prospective security guards. according to the acting manager Shopping Center. He said buses eac(, trjp wjtj, Don't Miss Out on the transfers, is 35 ■Some agencies fall down on this," Weaver continued. "Thev I't check closely enough on the previous jobs of the of the Metropolitan Lansing Mass Transportation Corp., will begin will begin running at 6:20 a.m. gents he said. for the airport route and 5:40 HOURS: 1st ANNUAL applicants, operation today. a.m. to Frandor. Buses will run at PINBALL TOURNEY ■indoutabout criminal records." James Cramer said the two 20 minute intervals after that Hie buses begin the runs every Monday Thursday — Register NOW!! through the day. morning Monday through Friday 11 a.m. - 2 a.m. from the Lansing station at Michigan Avenue and Grand VARSITY „ .. .. . . . Cramer said the airport route Ayenue_ He ^ both rQutes mn Friday, Saturday 11 a.m. - 3 a.m. plane from Lansing. He estimated 1227 E. Grand River the Route schedules indicate the Sunday trip would take Frandor bus can be boarded at 332-6517 ■ approximately 35 minutes, . 5 p.m.-2 a.m. |BOOK WITH an estimated and 10 p.m. according to police. ANOTHER JEWELRY BOX including one transfer in Abbot Road and Grand River p of $1 was taken from a A 19-YEAR - OLD Bryan Hall with contents estimated to be downtown Lansing, Avenue, while the airport route f Hall resident Friday at resident was arrested on Shaw am. in the hall lobby Lane Saturday at 12:55 a.m. on worth $50.74, was taken from a requires one transfer in Lansing. ****^^********************* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ twt?lfth - floor Hubbard Hall Cramer said the routes Wing to police. The suspect ' changes of riding a stolen bicycle. lic?, ^ A witness r.~, I apprehended shortly after according to MSU police: The m service to several points described two males she saw I lodged in East Lansing jail, student fled after being stopped sitting outside the room door ! suspect was moved to by police, and when apprehended shortly before the theft was Itow Hospital for observation Ir the judge at a later he told officers he found the bicycle in some bushes near the discovered, according to police. The two coeds who lost the QUALITY AND SERVICE lignment refused to accept a Union, police said. I from the accused because of |tct'sthedisturbed judge termed the A BICYCLE VALUED AT $65 was stolen from McDonel racks, jewelry box told police they unsure as lo^ed. were to whether the door was THAT'S OUT OF SIGHT mental state, registration number F7472. A pizza VALUED at $6.86 Irdingto police. CASH IN EXCESS of $60 was was taken from a vehicle parked complete selection of frames W0 PERSONS WERE injured taken from two Snyder Hall outsjde Yakeley Hall between sunglasses and wire-rims lirsday evening when two lounge vending machines lomobiies collided at the 12 25 and 12:30 Friday, police prescription lenses ground between 3 and 4:30 a.m., police Irsection of Wilson and said. An investigation is gai'd There are no suspects, repairs while you wait being according to police. Istnut roads on campus, police conducted, according to police. 1. In addition to the injuries, II damage to both cars was JEWELRY valued at $208 and $122.50 in cash were taken from, iii:m.-.F'Tii";s; fcat&i Qpticicuii inated by police at $1,250 a fourth- floor room in North See Our Ad in the I $100 damage to a street sign Case Hall Thursday between 4:30 Journal of Accountancy 1 a small tree belonging to the and 5 a.m., according to police. Becker CPA Review Course Jversity. ■N ARMY ROTC field jacket Police say two 18 - year-old DETROIT 313-961-1400 nonstudents from Detroit were Ti an estimated value of $25 identified as suspects. taken from the ■ ■■■■'■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ' PLEASE! Inonstration Hall Ballroom Please Rush Me The Questionnaire & Directions For CUPID COMPUTER, RETURN THOSE PROOFS TODAY ON CAMPUS DELIVERY SENIORS! a 50° Off 14" or 16" pizza I 1 Pizza 337-1681 HELP YOUR YEARBOOK EDITOR GET YOUR YEARBOOK OUT ON TIME. RETURN YOUR PROOFS NOW! (1 item OFF CAMPUS/CIRCLE DRIVl or more) j Treat Room 36A Union c°upon offer ' Bldg. - Open 337-1631. - 9°°dthru Nov. 10 . | 9 AM - 5 PM Monday — Friday 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan _Mond,y.NQv Antiwar factions at rally call for economic boycott Antiwar demonstrators on more effective. called for a boycott of all p.m. Thursday in 320 Student Students campus decided Saturday to After an hour of debate, "Coca-Cola" products in an Services. Students will decide on Beaumont Tower gathered J channel their efforts towards students decided to set up a effort to force that company to a target and will also discuss the afternoon Satu'1 putting pressure and organizing on an politicians economic committee to organize an economic boycott and a lobby for antiwar measures. Just what shape this boycott feasibility of organizing a to participial nationwide boycott. boycott. committee to influence others to SMC. The Meeting inlllOlds Hall after a contact their congressmen and will take will be decided at a heard speeches demon,tJ" meeting ofthecommitteeat8:30 About 175 from van! 45-minute rally at Beaumont express their views on the war. people attended the of grup, like a Tower sponsored by the Student "Rallies like this don't do a , , rr rally at Beaumont Tower, whic h featured speeches by Walter Peace, SDSand Gay Veteran^ Mobilization Committee (SMC), thing about ending the war," Bob JODS OTTGCTI flCJ Lib. I State News photo students discussed what direction the antiwar movement should Boling, of Veterans for Peace, said. "We've got to talk not only Adams, professor of economics, representatives of SMC, Students by Terry J take. for a Democratic Society. SN photo by to those who agree with us about Terry Luke About six alternatives were the war, but also with those who doctor's Women's Abortion Appeal. discussed, including a student disagree." Veterans for Peace, People's J strike, teach-ins, more rallies and The economic boycott will be Independent Government and working towards building a similar to the boycott during the LONDON (AP)—Many oT the Radical Gay Alliance. unicameral legislature in order to strike of Britain's hospital psychiatrists are Spring term, 1970. A make Michigan's government nationwide organization then being driven to nervous breakdowns because of overwork and strain, according to a report SUIT THREATENED DEPT. presented to the National Monday night Association of Mental Health. PIZZA SPECIA1 Health group hit 9~1I M mmof price ■ NOW THRU TUES. ELECTRIC HEATERS WASHINGTON (AP)-The American Public Health Assn. the inspection tables are misleading because federal meat per cent of the frozen wrapped and sealed meat products undercooking, however. The also be spread by a Sussman and the Arm Dept. claims that fresh meat bearing the inspectors do not check for checked contained salmonella germs can cook who doesn't wash after agree screenlnjjl S Watch Mon. night football on color TV while seal "U.S. Inspected for salmonella and other common saimonella through insoLttl you eat germs. handling raw meat or who uses isn't possible. Detectinii Wholesomeness" is not food poisoning bacteria. the necessarily wholesome. The Agriculture Dept. counters Salmonella is destroyed by same cutting board for raw germs require laboratory uahl TOWN PUMP meat and salad vegetables and there just isn't timeinH The association is threatening it is doing all it can to educate Color ADULTS ONtr cooking. The germs can survive without cleaning the board. inspection process. to sue the Agriculture Dept. if it consumers, who already are well 307 S. Grand, TWICE AT 7:30-10:50 doesn't require labels warning La.ising aware that mishandling meat can PLUS- consumers that inspected meat cause illness. MEET THE can cause disease. At the crux of the dispute are Dr. Oscar J. Sussman, president microbiological contaminants, of the New Jersey Public Health Composition premieres ORIGINAL primarily salmonella, which are Assn. and Head of the national transmitted through meat and association task force which is HOLLYWOOD HILLBILLY cause food poisoning. The considering legal action against National Academy of Sciences the government, said several estimates that salmonella alone studies have identified salmonella at recital by music profs H4R8Y NOVAK PRESENT sickens 2 million Americans a consistent contaminant in The as a premiere of a new Michigan, are both assistant using the idiomatic effectso(t| MIDNIGHT year. Most infants and recover quickly, but elderly victims meat. Sussman said his most recent composition for violin and piano will highlight a duo recital by professors of music. violin." "Wonder Music," the work The concert, which includoL PLCWBCy sometimes die. survey, which covered 50 stores violinist Walter Verdehr and which the duo will premiere, was variety of musical forms, inclul The health association claims in New Jersey, disclosed that 6 pianist Ralph Votapek at 8:15 written by Jere T. Hutcheson, Beethoven's "G Major Sonata,! tonight in the MSU Music asst. professor of music. 8," the rarely perform* RHAimHARHARHARHAfiHARHARHA Auditorium. The two musicians, who frequently appear as recitalists in Verhehr commented that the composer "exploited the resources of the instrument Schubert "Rondeau Minor," and Franck's A Major." BrillanUlJ "Sonalfl by Verdehr holds bachelor J PRESENTS 20% OFF master of music Juilliard School degrees frond of Music, 1 1967, he received the diploT from the Vienna Academy 1 St' on women's dresses Music while a FUlbright stair there. Climax, Figure mate, Arnelle Verhehr also performed id and chamber music conctil| Nov. 8 - Nov. 13 Vienna and other parts of .to under the auspices of Jeund Musicales. He is a member| MSlFs Beaumont String Quart Votapek, who has perform! with many of the major IIJ symphony orchestras, receif first prize in the 1962 Vj Next to Mini-Mart Cliburn International f Competition. Eastern Michigan University presents The Rome. DONOVAN Friday, Nov. 19,8:30 p.m. Before Christ. at Bowen Field House BETTY BOOP On the E.M.U. campus INTERGALACTIC After Fellini. Tickets: $3.50, $4.50,$5.50 MAILORDERS CARTOON FESTIVAL Send self-addressed, stamped envelope STARRING MISS BETTY BOOP with check payable to EMU to: Student Life Office, Third Floor KOKO the CLOWN McKenny Union, Ypsllantl Mich. 48197 and BIMBO with special guest star GRAMPY "Ten of the very best BETTY BOOP cartooons from the 1930's. They're racy, campy, and outrageously funny." STEVENHENR Y Washington Chronicle PLUS EVER READY "If you see with innocent eyes, -FELLINI everything is divine" Steafc /[/out OnS>aM in An ALBERTO GRIMALDI Production BURIED TREASURE FELLINI SATYRICOIV November 10-14 THE (English Subtitles) ^ ~ r • 8:15 PM I . | | . /BEST PLAY V OF ITS SEASON AVERY X CARTOON rairchild Theatre * "■YDWM*CWIICSmm an underground classic, made after hours by the animators Screenplay by r who produced CRAZY CAT, EVER READY is the wildest cartoon ever created. EVER READY COLORbyDeLuxe' PANAVISION* United Artists theatrical distribution, but was was never intended for made solely for the |R|-^K5ar BOX OFFICE amusement of the animators and their friends. It is an absolutely unique film. There will be a short intermission OPEN between BETTY and EVER READY to permit parents to Tonight in Conrad Aud. 7, 9:30 take their children out of the auditorium. Weekdays Students, faculty, and staff only 1 2-5 pm SHOWTIMES7:00, 8:15,9:30,10:45 I.D.'s required $1.00 admission Admission $1.00 111 OLDS 355-0148 sharharharh««harharharharha Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 8, 1971 Hocks' festival Jake Jones produces lolled 'su experience' at Abrams I By WANDA HERNDON narrated black history and was the group's rendition of the have been striking, the results demonstrated their skill as actors Moody Blues' "Knights in White too dizzying to watch. ] State Newi Staff Writer while they Satin." While lead vocalist Chuck were The show could have been a Arena Theater was portrayed the black Sabatino delivered the song, the man during various phases in little longer, too. With Sabatino loletely darkened. Then there America's past. They were able to Abrams Planetarium is really a eerie image of a white-cloaked on flute, Mike Krenski on bass, feared ten black dancers make the audience laugh good place to listen to music, figure rode among the stars. This Barney Biver on drums, Phil Jost Iiiming what black meant to uncontrollably when Alfred especially when the music is image, along with the lyrics of the on keyboards and Joe Marshall on , Dancing rytbmitically and Roberts, Detroit junior, and good. And at A.R.C. 71 Friday song ("Knights in white o.uitar, the group came across Kefully t° the beat of the James Garret, Detroit night, the music of Jake Jones satin/Never reaching the end"), with a sound that could be freshman lea's played by Ricco Brown, ridiculed the draft. Then in the was very good. produced the sensation of a very listened to for a good deal more Emit junior, the dancers told next scene Add to this five man band a striking dream, than an hour, especially in the showed the difficult Amy Boyce, New backdrop of the universe and the Jersey junior, and Marlene Eye See the Light Show's work comfortable surroundings of the ■nings of black with their Wilson, Detroit junior, almost lighting effects of the Eye See the has greatly improved since last planetarium. Eal expression and body made the audience Light Show and you have more year. Rather than show certain But after waiting in line in the cry when laments. displayed their grief upon they than a mere concert — you have a effects just to show them off, lobby for so long (can't they open [ the first play entitled receiving a telegram from the U.S. total experience. they seemed to be more the doors sooner), most people Inpy Ending," by Douglas War Dept. saying that one of their Playing most of their own songs interested in integrating the could hardly believe the show was Xjer Ward, the cast of Ellie from their first album, "Jake kin had been killed in the war. lighting with the music. over. They just sat in their chairs, ha Callaway, Detroit junior, The Black Arts Jones," and a soon to be released This worked well Friday night, either thinking this was only the 1,1 McAlpin, Tennessee Festival, a truly second album, "Different and left the impression of lights superb end of the first set or else Komore; (Vi) Johnnie Renee, presentation, demonstrated that black students Roads," Jake Jones led the and music as a cohesive whole, collecting their wits before « graduate student, and have the ability to audience on a 70-minute trip. If The two fit together so well that leaving. Moncrief Jr., Jjuate advisor, made you Pontiac perform in a fashion that makes the audience Black Arts Festival you couldn't summon up the images in your head, they were you both. had no trouble following Jake Jones will be doing more feel that they have BjZe that black domestic professional attended a Members of the Black Arts Company practice theirdance routine for "Improvs Personified (Black right there on the inside of the One complaint about the light shows at 8 and 10 p.m. on Takers are not always as than production rather student performance. Is..The Black Arts Festival held performances this weekend. dome for you. show, however, could be the way Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Lrviant as they might seem. a State News photo by Terry Miller One of the most effective they spun the stars around for so Nov. 18,19 and 10 in the Slack " Music, Past and combinations of music and light long towards the end of the Planetarium before leaving to go was presented by two concert. While projecting the on tour with James Gang. If you and five vocalists. After fragmented image of a person like to see your music, drop in on ("Ascription of an era in black Study backs against the spinning stars may one of those nights. l Ijc, one or all of the singers lid sing a song from that era. p 0f the most impressive of songs was sung jta, Detroit freshmen. Ms. by Miche The "right" of an individual to pack a gun wanes in the light of controlling the arms held by a citizenry, and that the Second never a gun political issue prior to the I militia Revolutionary era. control j The framersof the Constitution "in the deliberations of the ^ ■' 'r,irrW ^ 1t%cA Tf^ullOnly iSikeTheUni |a stunned the audience when Philadelphia Convention, there is ■ sang a Nina Simone song so histor|cal John analysis, according to Hudzik, asst. director of the Amendment pertains only to Hudzik points out that the first | linked the possession of weapons militiamen who, at the time the battles of the no record of any proposal 1 the artist herself that the multidisciplinary social science Constitution was written, were at Revolutionary War to militia duty in wording the recognizing an individual right to Lexington and Concord were Second Amendment, he says, and kience applauded her programs. expected to provide their own fought not because the British r— Tughout her performance. "It is unfortunate that we have weapons if called to action. were attempting to disarm waited 175 years to seriously |ter intermission the program Between the signing of the individual citizens, but because i with Tell Pharoah' by debate the meaning of the Second Magna Charta in 1215 and the they were trying to seize arms Ion Mitchell. Four students Amendment," Hudzik says in his Glorious Revolution of 1689, he belonging to the Massachusetts recently completed doctoral contends, English distrust of I,. §HCe discover rlicmxsar thesis on gun control legislation, standing armies made it a "duty" "We are now not only of the subject to be available for b onn 1,201/ OH beggar K confronted with a flurry of militia service, and quoted controversy over the literal Blackstone that "no man should [OME (AP) — Police picked up meaning of the amendment, but take up arms, but with a view to beggar on one of Rome's the question of how it applies in defend his country and its laws." Chest shopping streets over the the 20th Century as well," In colonial America, guns Kend. In his pockets they Hudzik writes. afforded protection from Indians It is Hudzik's hypothesis that and put meat on the table. They history is rife with precedent for were taken for granted, and were •v/ ' //1 NVv K-W Capital Capsules ( I J U ) » >\ HE MICHIGAN HOUSE "Their voice is going to be Wednesday and Thursday in the Jay approved a Senate-passed heard and felt in this state and in fifth floor hearing room of the flowering the legal level for the country," he said. "That was Lewis Cass Building in Lansing. ■imption cf drunk driving clearly obvious in a number of THE HOUSE OF l .15 to .10 per cent blood areas, including the city of East REPRESENTATIVES Friday hoi Lansing. I think that's an passed a proposed constitutional lie measure will not be sent to IN 3D IN 3D IIM 3D IN 3D IN 3D IN 3D IN 3D encouraging sign." amendment which would allow IN 3D IN 3D IN 3D IN 3D IN 3D IN 3D IN 3D IN 3D IIM 3D IN 3D Igovemor for final approval. six-man juries to decide Hie revision, in the works since THE STATE AGRICULTURE misdemeanor cases in district and 7, was strongly supported by COMMISSION will discuss lower courts. Ice and safety officials. It is requests for agricultural The resolution, passed by a lduled to go into effect Jan. 1 advertising and marketing 88-4 vote, will now face the programs at its meeting Senate for further consideration. fATE REP. DAVID S. ■AIES, D-Detroit, chairman ■ the Michigan Democratic Ik Caucus,said Friday that he Appearing all this week... |urge black representatives to MAGIC ment. a dump Milliken *8 uteftslA Tttrntta) ■times said the governor has 1 the 1 MOOMM INFORMATION 41 busing question in l"gan into a racial issue and is lying to racial bigotry." ICHIGAN Theotrc Lonsmq llliken announced last week I he will appeal a federal One of the hottest groups around pet court ruling that Detroit lols are de jure segregated. Jdv. MILLIKEN ■ recent said Sunday municipal elections in ■higan have proved newly *nchised 18- to 20-year-old and TONIGHT ONLY-enjoy a lis are more politically active 1 he expected. PIZZA FEAST in the Show Bar-M" MOttAM INfQHMtlON rharharharharharh^i PRESENTS 3:30-5:30-9:30 Michelangelo Antonioni's The Original Uncut Versio BLOW 1 PROGRAM INfOftWATlQN 132W4 NOW! OPEN 12:45 Feature 1:15- 3:15 ( 5:20-7:25-9:30 | UP BILLY JACK ,»r Staring David Hemmings, Vanessa Redgrave and Sarah Miles f:30- 9:30 Tonight in 106B Wells7,9:30 HELLSTROM CHRONICLE I ... also Students, faculty, and staff only SUBURBAN I.D.'s required $1.00 admission "In the gruesome division, this is really very good." PHSSi 7:00, 8:45, 10:30 LOS ANGELES TIMES £lj) FILMS RATED (X) rharharharharharha Admission $1.00 (includes glasses) 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, No,emh„, SPORTS Harriers urna ■ Ron. who came in at 30:55, Ron, squash 30:55. nipped ByGARYKORRECK nioned Notre Dame's Nntrp Dame's was *ft»r a hiu win over after a big win over Irish last the Irish the last sseason that MSU Marty Hill by one second, displaying what Gibbard hosted the meet, shrugging off early season losses to State News Sports Writer calle"very good courage." both Minnesota and Indiana, and won It going away. "Ron was up with the others until the 44 mile It was also the case in Gibbard's first year, after the Whatever substance there might have been to rumors mark," said Gibbard, "then he got a stick in his side and of dissension among MSU Spartans socked Notre Dame 17-41 in their dual season harriers was squelched by fell back aways, but he put up a real nice kick at the finale for their first undefeated season in 12 years. coach Jim Gibbard and his squad Friday as the Spartans finish." The only time Gibbard's harriers did net take the Big squelched a less than substantial Notre Dame team Gibbard added that Cool went through a "pain Ten title was in 1969, a year they faced the Irish too 15-44 barrier" and finally showed himself, and Gibbard. what "There is no dissension," said Gibbard. "The guys early In the year. he was capable of doing. Gibbard said, his team is getting together and pointed were a little down against Indiana, but we rarely run The split of 36 seconds was, according to Gibbard, out that the Spartans had assumed a commanding lead that well together during the dual session." the best of the year. in the race against the Irish well before the tape was As he had before, Gibbard reemphasized the Notre Dame showed only token improvement from broken. importance was on the Big Ten meet and that "no their second place in the Big State Meet at Indianapolis. Even for its meager total of 44 points Notre Dame emphasis" was placed on duals. Top runner Dan Dunne improved form a close ninth to was hard pressed. Only 30 seconds separated the fifth "We suffered a natural letdown against Indiana," he a close seventh, being edged by teammate Hill. and eleventh men, both from MSU. added. The Irish also managed ninth, tenth, and twelfth. But the streaking Spartans must now get back to hard Against Notre Dame it was a case of the Spartans In between, Paul Kurtis and Steve Rockey grabbed work. They return from "flat and fast" South Bend to never letting up, as they doubled their all-time lead in eighth and eleventh, respectively, for the Spartans. the hills of Forest Akers for preparation for the most, the dual series with their 24th victory. It was the fourth consecutive As for jealousies, of any type, there were none victory over Notre and only, according to Gibbard, important meet of the Ed Wells (light) battles for puck with Dame for Gibbard coach and Al Laking (dark) as a one which was, year. evident Friday. No less than four runners shared the typically the series, not close. He labeled Indiana the obvious favorite but did not 'top spot for the Spartans. The average score for the series, Co-captains Dave Dieters and Randy Kilpatrick, along with Rob Cool and Ken Popejoy were all clocked during C.ibbard's reign, now stands at 16-44, and Friday's top five sweep was the second. set aside hopes for his own squad. "I think we have a good chance of upsetting them," MSU icers he said. at 30:19, wrapping up the first four places in quick "We just missed getting a perfect score (15-50)," fashion. MSU's own four horsemen then stood by and cheered Ron Cool to a close fifth place finish. added Gibbard. MSU allowed the Irish 49 in 1968. Gibbard now feels that his sounrf is just about ready MSU will have to step on a few Hoosier toes to pull it off this year, but the victory dance would be just as sweet. past alumni It was a wild, high-scoring, and most of all, fun game at the New deadline Ice Arena Thursday evening as the Spartan varsity hockev team skated to a rather easy 10-4 victory over "the MSU BOOK AND RECORD SALE alumni. for badminton Don Thompson, Michel Chaurest and Don St. Jean each The deadline for scored twice for the varsity, while Gilles Gagnon, Al entering the Lakins Bob Micheluttl end Bill Sipola added team intramural badminton has Swanson, Dennis Hogan, Jack Roberts and Tom single tallies li THE M.S. LI. HOOK STORE lll(.II IS I'llTIIROWIMG ICES. been extended to 5 p.m. today. scored for the outmatched alumni squad. Lackey Residence Hall play begins "The alumni played well and we enjoyed the Tuesday, Fraternity competition game" 100's of Selections and 72 black & white lllus. The history and starts Wednesday, and the I ndependants begin Thursday. All start at 6 p.m. in Gym II. Spartan Coach Amo Bessone said. "Our finest two (varsity) lines did well but we need a third line. It didn't take long for the varsity to show who / n . C-i. techniques of decorating with paper cutouts with take charge in the contest as Thompson and Charest wasgoingto / Priced from S1 to s1595 Wrestling championships begin today at 7 p.m., with weigh-ins on within the first three minutes after the scored opening face-off nr K272. NATURE'S WAYS: How Nature Takes Care the scales in Locker Room B. The Thompson tallied again at the 14:38 mark and St. Jean of its Own. By Roy ChapmanAndrews,144 lllus., 72 first round will begin after the pushed one past a beleaguered Jim Watt three minutes later. 1 Full Color reproductions of paintingsby Andre Watt, regular varsity netminder, stopped 19 shots for the _ jjk Ourenceau, Steven Dohanos & others. The strange weigh-ins, the semi-finals will take place Tuesday, and the alumni in the first period. have equipped themselves for survival. Fascinating, The second stanza saw some close checking by both sides. champions will be decided Wednesday. The semis and the Gagnon scored a power play goal on a rebound of a point shot I championships also begin at 7 by Dave Roberts to make it 5-0, and Michelutti scored his p.m. goal with less than seven minutes left in the period. H. Lin. With an Essay "The Art of Cooking and Touch football managers Swanson put the alumni on the board just 32 seconds into the third period from a setup by Tom Mikkola. Dennis | should call the Intramural Office Hogan made It 6-2, assisted by Roberts and Tony Elliott, at 2:35. daily for the playoff schedule. Chaurest and St. Jean teamed up within a minute and a half hundreds of mouth - watering recipes. Orlg. Pub. at $4.95. New, completeed. Only $1.98. Fraternity bowling roll-offs will of each other to give the varsity a commanding 8-2 lead j be held Tuesday and Wednesday early S-4184. Beethoven: COMPLETE MUSIC STRING AND PIANO. Magnificent 9 record set of FOR in the Union Bowling Lanes. in the period. Laking added a goal to the varsity total witha | Play-offs in Independant tally at the 6:16 mark, on a two-on-one break. Alumni goals by Roberts, assisted by Elliott and Volleyball begin with first round Hogan, and Lackey, from Mike Jacobson and Mikkola, closed the competition at 6:00 today, the gap semi-finals will be held later this to 9-4. But Sipola ended the wide-open contest with a goal for I Value. 9 Record Set, Only $14.95. week, and the finals will be on the varsity at 17:41 of the period. S-4198. THE ANTHOLOGY OF SPANISH November 15 at 6 p.m. in Gym II. studies which expended over 15 months, thousands Holiduy Snccitil "tycyi+a •?siTf*in rxfi- .Spartans in J Bonat Spain, comprehensive booklet with information & Only $5.95. All Seasons Permanent. Great for adding third place 400 pages. Massive body to hair. Especially on 11 x 14 volume. Pub. at Michigan State, in winning if $15.00. Only $6.95 975. HOW TO MAKE POTTERY & Other Ceramic 1 306.q PI CTO R 1 AL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF Fu|| Color. History of fashion from Ancient Greece 850 RECORDS Shags! $15.00 permanent for only $10.00 Columbus, moved into if undisputed third place inBig« Wigs and hair piece styling. play with a 4-2 record. OhioSUlJ is in second place with a 51 ma' Stylist.... CLAUDIA WELLS one game behind paeesettJ Michigan who handily dispc of Iowa Saturday, 62-7. In beautiful Full Color. One of the most gorgeous IMPERIAL Northwestern, Saturday® victor over Minnesota, is in fon House of Beauly ■®E!F P I1 11 6425 So. Just South of the 1-96 X-way place followed by WiscoiwM Purdue, Minnesota, Iowa ar Indiana. Indiana is 0-6 iij m % WmkJ' Pennsylvania In TML Building, Phone 393-1877 ii v conference play. SEE THE PRECISION FUJICA ST 701 Finance, Names, the Story of America In 332 ^ \ format 8'/j x 11'/« over 3 Inches thick, weighs over's JQ ■B9BL -• ,1 j OVER 700 PRICED 569. THE WORLD OF DOGS. By W. Boorer^250 j jjjf ££ fJElFFEH at only $198 dog books'ever produced."^ x 11 V«. Pub. at $9.95. '464. GREAT RECIPES FROM THE WORLD'S Only $3.95 GREAT COOKS. Col. by P. Harvey. 300 enchanting Chopin and Liszt; Hofmann plays Beethoven and recipes of Julia Child, James Beard, Craig Claiborne, Schumann; George Gershwin plays his Rhapsody in K966. THE AGE OF TE RENAISSANCE. Ed. by D. Dione Lucas, Helen Evans Brown, Fannie Farmer, Blue, plus performances by Ravel, Saint-Saens, Hay. Text by 11 distinguished authorities. Over 600 etc. Extraordinary collection of tasty dishes Landowska, etc. $25.00 Value. 5 Record Set lllus.; 180 Full-Color Photos;420 Photos, woodcuts, covering all cuisines selected from the world's Complete, Only $7.95. drawings & maps. Unsurpassed, monumental book capturing the spirit and accomplishments of the favorite cook books. Orig. Pub. at $7.50 Only $1.98. 1 328. 20th CENTURY DRAWINGS — S-4197. Caruso THE GREAT CARUSO. Extroardlnary Collection including 67 selections from La COMPACTED PRECISION With an 1:1.8 55mm lens on, the Fujica ST701 Color. 84 Drawings in two tones. The history of weighs only 780grams(27.5 reproducing the Age of Petrarch, Rabelais, Cava larla Rusticana, Pagllaccl, Lucia Di Lamermoor, Shakespeare, Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, the contemporary drawings and watercolors with II Trovatore, Otello, the Pearl Fishers, etc. $25.00 oz.)-a compactness and lightness that can only result from the mastery of Medici, Pope Julius II, Philip of Spain, Elizabeth of emphasis on lesser known as well as 10S prominent Value. 5 Record Set, Only $7.95 England in addition to the lesser known manuscript figures like Kandlnsky, Klee, Mlro, Mondrlan, ultraprecision mechanics. It is not only the body itself that is compact and illustrators, painters, sculptors, and architects, 10'/« Picasso. Sumptuously printed in Italy. 9V« x 13. Orlg. light. The interchangeable lenses are also designed x 14. Pub. at $30.00 Only $14.95 Pub. at $12.50. Only $7.95. ^ the body. These are light and compact to suit S-4183. additional factors that contribute to the 6419. ASTRONOMY: A History of Man's STUNTS' By D. A. Hlndman, lllus. Nearly 2000 Beethoven: COMPLETE CHAMBER Investigation of the Universe. By Fred Hoyle. selections In this huge 440 page collection of indoor MUSIC FOR WINDS AND BRASS. All the famous maneuverability of the Fujica ST701. Hundreds of lllus. - drawings, paintings, engravings and outdoor activities — ball games, word and figure trios, septets, serenades for clarinet, bassoon, oboes, & photos, many in color. A masterpiece of puzzles, races and relays, gags and stunts, party and flute. Also Incl. little known masterpieces such description and ynthesls of man's attempts to mixers, skits, etc. Orig. Pub. at $7.95. Now, as Variations On Themes of Mozart. All selections understand the universe — from earliest known complete ed. Only $2.98. played by outstanding artists Jean-Pierre Rampal, discoveries to modern astro-physics- the lives and 1074, PICTURE FRAMING.By M. Hyder. Step-by Alfred Brendel, etc. Notes accompany every piece. works of Copernicus, Kopler Galileo, Newton, - step photos of mounting and framing jobs illustrate $45.00 VaRje. 9 Record set, Only $14.95 Eddlngton, Einstein, Urey and others. Lavishly the basic rules and procedures for do-It - yourselfers and fac,,,tate dealings with professional framers. illustrated 8 x 11 volume Orlg Pub at $12 95 Now completeed.. Only $4.95* ' ' Pub. at $2.95. Only $1.98. AND LOTS MORE! AT A. ARKS PHOTO SHU' hZ 1TKWTORF, In the Htt center 524-26 E.Michigan Phone: 484-7414 ■Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Monday, November 8, 1971 9 jartans finally »t some By RICKGOSSELIN breaks Landry's passes stymie Broncos State New* Sports Editor I years ago, Duffy Daugherty suffered the worst defeat of his ne career when he took his team down to Columbus to be £ thrashed by Woody Hayes and his super-Buckeyes, DENVER (UPI) - Detroit quarterback Greg Denver opened the scoring with a 17-yard Don lay the Spartan Irishman returned the favor, Landry followed a 36- yard scoring run by Altie Hom pass to Bobby Anderson which capped an u the best win we've had In a long time," Daugherty said. "I Taylor with touchdown throws of 75 yards, to 8v_ yard drive. In the second quarter, Denver's .member when I've seen our players up so high. They wanted Earl McCullouch, and five yards to Charlie Billy Thompson intercepted a Landry pass to set Sanders, to give Detroit a 24-20 come-from-behind up a 21-yard Jim Turner field goal. ■f^plein Columbus don't like losers.Saturday the people of win over Denver Sunday which evened an old score. Trailing 10-0 as the third quarter began, the Lions abandoned their ground ■bus weren't too happy with their Buckeyes. The win, coupled with Chicago's 17-14 loss to game. They ■Ohio State fans trouped out to the hlorseshoe 86,000-strong Green Bay, moved Detroit into second place in the promptly drove 80 yeards in four plays, ending ■rainy and windy weather to witness what was supposed to be NFC Central Division 5-2-1 mark. Denver is now with Taylor's 36-yard touchdown. Four plays \ win for the Bucks. Those OSU fans who couldn't beg, 2-5-1. later, Detroit had the ball again. On a third and 18 t or steal a ticket for the contest sat home watching the game It was the first regular season meeting of the two situation, Landry threw his 75-yard strike to w television. McCullouch to put Detroit ahead with teams. But in a 1967 exhibition match, Denver only 5:55 Jyone came out to see the Buckeyes move one game closer to defeated Detroit 13-7 to become the first team elapsed. Inevitable showdown on Nov. 20 with the University of from the then-American Football league to beat But with 2:19 left, the Lions went ahead for Ian. Now, there won't be a showdown. All because of what the an NFL club. good, scoring on a bench-called five yard Landry Lpers had been terming all week a "flea circus". L to Sanders pass. nea circus came to town and everyone in Ohio paid to see ■de receiver Steve Kough boasted in the MSU locker room Aegame. ■circus didn't give Ohio State fans the same type of show that Pigskin Special at backers witnessed, but the end result was the same. The fown fans went away disappointed. Frust rating J the best win I've ever been a part of," safetyman Brad Ohio State defensive back Jeff Davis (16) displays the emotion held by the entire OSU team by It said after the game. wrenching his mask after MSU charted a first down late in the contest won by the nce this season everything seemed to fall In place for the was the first loss suffered Spartans. It by the Buckeyes in Big Ten play this year. The winning touchdown was scored on a fourth-and-one Jon and how many times have the Spartans gambled and failed [games this season? To go further, during games for the past sons? State News photo by William Thursby the Pretzel Bell e jn play In the fourth quarter the Spartans had only ten the field defensively. Ron Curl knocked down an Ohio Freaks top Pig Eass on the play. How many times would this have happened Kast? Prices reduced on pitchers ■ Lamka tried to burn the Spartan secondary on a first down I with four minutes remaining in the game, but Mark Niesen score as time of beer! I off two of his team mates and one OSU receiver in picking L pass and shutting down the Buckeye effort. How By MIKE ABERLICH witnessed the close game, with many State News Sports Writer yardage and a pass interference Lould the Spartans have been burned in the past? the FYeaks taking advantage of penalty also aided the Pigs, with ■he second MSU play after Nleaen's interception Eric Allen Sunday would have been the perfect time to rob a bank in two ^'8 miscues that came on Ken Langford finally scoring from PunMng plays to pull out as the one yard out. Quarterback Ron Enjoy this special while watching on his own 4 3-yeard line. The ball popped into the air and ii a pack of players. Just as the Ohio State fans were Lansing as many of the area's w'nners amid sporatic weather Parkinson kicked the extra point, the Baltimore Colts vs. Los Angeles King to stand up and cheer the recovered fumble, the ball policemen traded in their conditions that saw snow flurries Id out towards the sidelines and Jesse Williams crawled after uniforms for a football jersey for the Second Annual Bull Game come and go. The play on the field was nearly JJ» JJ™ Rams game with in MSU recovery. How many times would Ohio State have between the Freaks and the Pigs. SltSrkwth us. [up with the ball In the past? 88 sporatic, as fumbles and n r interceptions kept the score In ? |lowthe past few Thanksgivings when I went home all I've heard But for the second time, the Jjj"\nSlnSL,k!piI good Ohio State was and how bad we were," MSU • co^sitcp,lonbj'n! 1020 Trowbridge Rd. Lk Williams, who Is a native of Bellefontalne, Ohio which is I miles outside Columbus, said. "But this year It's going to be mt. I'm not going to let them forget who won this year's longhairs barely squeaked by on the last play of the game to take a With the Pigs deep In their own Th p, couldn't 0fthat break ' however take We 351-0300 ji the stands were empty, the buses had departed and the 12-7 win. The two sides put aside their differences for the time being to territory with less than two minutes left In the game, punter advantaae " situation that never came Qff J cPt6tzeI Km blanketing the entire OSU campus, Duffy Daugherty was Rick Fellows of the Lansing L3 F001?8" Slay" kg the victory more than anyone else, khlgin State has been down for a few years and the players hah-lf nf compete on behalf nn against Leukemia, as aU proceeds h.ttla of the battle Poll™ Dnnt Police hohhleH the Dept., bobbled the nun. snap, giving the Freaks another chance . , k Spar an P ayef zindel broke throu'ch " to 7hn™lp° JE? ™ block the kick and Freak ri Rick cBell of the contest went to ALSAC, In at the Pig Heven-yard line with : 42 want to get back on top," Daugherty said. "Nobody wants to lore than care of St. Jude's Hospital. remaining. Bays fell on the ball for the other Woody but he was a very gracious loser. Then again Freak score. not been In mv oosltlon very much lately." Early, 25,000 active fans After two unsuccessful tries, quarterback Mike Painchaud hit Dennis McDowell on a screen pass ADVENT* BOSE* MclNTOSH* DUAL* KENWOOD Spartans dump Bucks for the winning tally as the clock ran out. the I An alert defensive play by Doug The Spartans moved the ball to Only minutes before the Freaks pntinued from page 1) Halllday provided the Spartans the Buck one-yard line and were had again received a gift of a with the winning points." confronted with a fourth-and-one fumbled snap and found look Allen two plays to with time running out In the situation. Duffy chose to go for themselves with the ball on the lie for his first score of the land again the Spartan lead, i ■next time MSU got the ball third quarter, Hare pitched back to Bradshaw from the Buck 22 while trying to move against the the seven, and ever faithful Allen Pig seven. But Painchaud was dove Into the end zone for his dropped by Dick Gorton on a second touchdown, the Spartan fourth down try and it looked as intermediate ■rstruck. Quarterback Mike right side of the Spartan line. The lead and the Spartan win. If the Pigs would escape with the X pitch never got there. The ball victory. Issen threw § an interception bounded crazily back with Hare Mark Niesen picked off a pass 1 first play from scrimmage and Halliday racing for it. Hare late in the fourth quarter to kill The Pigs were the first ones on Je MSU 28) and linebacker ■oegel returned it to the was closest to the ball but failed off a Buckeye drive and seal the the scoreboard as they put LU systems costing less than five hundred In 17. But to dive on It, apparently hoping Ohio doom. Doug Barr added the together a 5C-yard scoring drive the MSU defense to scoop It up and prevent a other MSU interception, his in the second period. Fellows' 0^ dollars used to share ■tened to almost a dlsasterous play. But Halliday slid coming early in the third session, running ate up most of the a common Behold and the Bucks £ were along in front of Hare and was on weakness: inadequate bass response. ^kmtofield settle for a Fred top of the ball when the referees goal from the unpiled the players at the OSU JETHRO TULL in 0 FLINT z this is no longer true. t/i RED TAG SALE A u variety of macrame' cord colors specifically red- Reserved J) Seating $4.00,5.00,6.00 tagged for 10% off. NOW AVAILABLE today thru Saturday. AT IMA Aud. Box Office - Flint adventi kenwood ■ garrard HI Morley Brothers Dept. Store - Saginaw Music Center Bay City - Henry Klcss's latest d"v°'opment, the Smaller Advent loudspeaker, offers the same Marshall Music E. Lansing - smooth — extended — frequency response and freedom from distortion as the original A GOLDEN STAR PRODUCTION Advent. In other words, it will reproduce all the music on your records and tapes. . . including the lowest organ notes. This extended frequency response is available from a Ye Olde World Soup Kettle speaker costing only $69.95. > The Smaller Advent loudspeaker is designed to operate at 4 ohms, where most popular z transistorized receivers produce maximum power output, and minimum distortion. The o Kenwood KR 4130 we have chosen, for example, is capable of delivering a continuous 28 CO m watts per channel at 4 ohms, with both channels operating! This makes the KR 4130 an excellent companion for the Smaller Advent loudspeakers. E The record player/cartridge which best matches the performance and value of the new Advents is a Garrard SL-55B, with a Shure M-44E cartridge. This is the least expensive combination which will play your records reliably for several years, and at light - enough o tracking pressures for extended record life. z A hearty minestrone soup. Available by the cup or crock. m m HOURS: Mon. * Wed. THE OLDE WORLD U HI FI BUYS 70 11:30 to 12:30 211 MAC 1101 E. Grand River Phone 337-2310 9S| Thun. - Sat. East Lansing 11:30 to 2:00 Sun. 12:00 to 12:30 Michigan The Disc Shop 323 E. Grand River 351-5380 TEAOSONY • JBL®PE*KOSS®SHURE :E mm 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan jjomlay, . Bountiful Bargains - Thanks to Classified Ads For - Users Get Fast Results NDE WI< sry ,em 32-0094. HEAC ing*. ! 11-12 GET Action WITH A Automotive FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil Frank The State News does For Rent For Rent For Sale not permit racial or Want Ad religious in its discrimination OLDSMOBILE, 1968 "88", 4-door hardtop. Blue, power steering and ONLY $9.00/ month. Free deliveries. SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV Houses SMALL ORGAN $25~Ba~ 0NARC advertising brakes, trunk lift, Turbo - matic, air )W PBIC ♦ AUTOMOTIVE columns. The State RENTAL. 372-4948. O conditioning, radio, tilt and Refrigerator $10 0T0GR Scooters & Cycles News will not accept telescopic steering wheel, drv»«-» Auto Parts & Service Aviation advertising discriminates which against whitewall tires, good condition. 47,000 actual miles. $1,450. TV RENTALS - Students only. Low monthly and term rates. Call 5-1111 y»i'7"i6owaq SUEDE COAT 332-2328.3-11-8 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV EAST LANSING - Large 3 bedroom, 9- *th«n"k1 * EMPLOYMENT religion, race, sex, color or RENTALS. C carpeted, garage. Unfurnished Medium brown ElJ national origin. $265 plus deposit. Family or FOR RENT sawr 3s,sm> • OPEL 1969. Radial ply tires. 1900cc, $850 or best offer. 355-5968. female students. 351-9285, Apartments 5-11-12 Apartments 372-5876.5-11-12 OIL Houses PAINTINGS < LANSING OR East Lansing. One MARRIED COUPLE or family, Rooms PLYMOUTH "CUDA" 1971, 340, » FOR SALE Automotive warranty, manual transmission, bedroom furnished. Large, airy unfurnished, 3 bedrooms, 1V4 many extras. 351 -3681. 5-11 -8 rooms. Air conditioned. baths, garage, within walking 3-11-8 Animals BUICK SKYLARK Beautifully maintained. Suitable distance of campus. 351-8128. 1963, V-8, all Mobile Homes for faculty, grad students, business 3-11-8 power, new battery, water pump. PONTIAC FIREBIRD, 1968, people, married couples. Lease. VANGUARD470 "Lost & Found ' Best offer. 351-7466. 3-11-9 SAIL A hot boat automatic, 350 cubic, green, fnr i-.. 332-3135 or 882-6549. O LAPEER; 3 bedrooms, unfurnished » PERSONAL CAMARO $ 1400. Pho ne 353-7096. 5-11-8 except stove and refrigerator. $165 351-7637.3-11.8 "l# J 1 968, Z-28, high .PEANUTS PERSONAL performance, low mileage, plus utilities. 626-6674. 3-11-8 PONTIAC, FIREBIRD Formula 400, COLE'S BA"ERy~~" ► REAL ESTATE 393-8670 after 5 p.m. 5*11 -8 TUESDAY ONLY 1970, very clean. 351 -8495 after 5. ► RECREATION 5-11-9 Home ■ style w CATALINA 1968, * door, automatic APARTMENTS AVAILABLE for our bakery foods ~Ci ► SERVICE transmission, factory air December occupancy. Furnished. MEIJER THRIFTY PONTIAC CATALINA 1964. Fair f Typing Service conditioning, V-8, power steering, University Terrace, across from Okemos, South Pennsylvai brakes, 6 ply whitewalls, AM/FM, condition, new battery, new Williams Hall. Roommate service. Rooms TRANSPORTATION rear defrost. $1075. 351-8494, starter, $200 or best offer. After 6 REMEMBER TWTIME YOU INVIWTWAT Phone HALSTEAD Saginaw Road KROi Frandor, Logan Center « WANTED 351-0274.7-11-9 p.m. call 353-8227.3-11-10 COUPLE TO BORROW OUR AfftRTMENT ? — MANAGEMENT, 351-7910 or FACULTY FAMILY offers spacious Saginaw, 1721 North Gr,„ 7WEV WERE HERE!' manager, 332-1822. 0-10-11-19 private room in exchange for DEADLINE CHARGER R-T. 1968, 383, Hemi VEGA GT 1971 Coupe.9,200miles,4 occasional babysitting and light 1 P.M. one class day before drivetrain, four speed. 351-5571 ' sP®ed< extras, $2500. 351-3369. 1 AND 2 bedroom furnished. housekeeping. Terms will be FREE PARKING at rean after6p.m. 3-11-10 3-11-8 HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT. discussed. 351-7992.3-11-9 publication. #& 5-11-11 automatic, power, radio, new tires, part time individuals needed for automatic rear window. New government and VA certif ie< NEW excellent condition, must sell. Lansing based office of a national STEREOcomponents, warranty battery. Tires like new. Only $350. FRANCIS AVIATION, Airp TAKING APPLICATIONS for 15-50% off most popular brands. $500,353-7768.3-11-6 firm. Phone Mr. Keen, after 6 p.m. Telephone 351 -3823 evenings. S Roed. Call 484-1324. C barmaids and waiters. 485-2722. 351-4173, 351-4174, 11 a.m. 9 699-2819.1-11-8 305River Street. STARR'S BLACK NEED GIRL winter term across street TV & TAN. 3-11-9 from campus, Phone 332-1355. LETTE 197C TECHNICIAN, experienced in Due SNOW TIRES, 775 x 14, used. $20. " 3-11-11 Expando. I to some transistor TV, amplifier repairs and tape recorder unit repairs. Inquire NURSES - RN, LPN. ROSELAWN MANOR. Skilled nursing home, PINE CREST Twonhouses now has 2 Stereo, Panasonic component, $100. 355-8106 after 5 pm. 3-11-8 USE YOUR rpeting and '3-8294 after at GENERAL RADIO & TV. 707 Armstrong Road. Have vacancies suitable for student 484-3883. 5-11-12 GREAT BOOKS .like new. 75 book MASTER CHARGE positions available on 3-11 p.m. families or professors. 2 bedrooms, set including bookcase. $250 shift. 1V4 beths, fully carpeted, AT THE STATE MEW circumstances, PERMANENET POSITION for Opportunity for 393-4054. x-5-11-9 Science advancement, excellent salaries, appliances, dishwasher, basement, or Marketing oriented grad with sales ability. This benefits. Apply in person or call, carports, playground, pool. leading $217.50 includes utilities except pharmaceutical company will give 393-5680, Miss Lehmann, Director of Nursing. 5-11-11 electricity. 351-7194.0 the right menachoiceof many mid CROSSWORD (Etopcfttngfjam - western preferred, locations. Married Equal Employer. Call Dick Marks, at Opportunity Management Recruiters, 482-0892. man For Rent ONE GIRL needed, winter / term, welking distance to cempus $50. 351-1099. 5-11-11 spring PUZZLE ACROSS 30. Weird 1. White vestment 31. Soapstone JUST IN, new shipment, compact 4. Adversities 33. Snare will ha $5 INTERVIEWERS WANTED per interview. Interview refrigerators, freezers, Also dishweshers. ESCHTRUTH ELECTRIC, 315 Bridge, Grand 8. Health resort 11. Prickly seed 35. Gambling cube 36. Nearly approximately 2 hours eech. Work Ledge, 627-2191. O covering 38. About 12. Leak 40. FueJ ship three and 18-24 hours week. Cell Mr. Robinson between 10:30 e.m. and 3:30 p.m. only. 372-7348.0 TV AND Stereo rental, satisfaction guaranteed. Free delivery, service SUBLEASE, winter. 3 man I'm desperate I DECEMBER luxury 1st or apartment. 351-5141 after 6 13. 14. 15. Yank Medieval shield Publication 42. Eng'rave with acid 46. Cloistered and pick up. No desposit. Call PM. 5-11-10 17. Josip Broz 49. Color NEJAC, 337-1300. C MARRIED STUDENTS 19. By word of 50. Freakish apartments & FACULTY SEWING RENT-RENT MACHINES, exercise ONE AND 2 bedroom apartments from $145. 10 minutes from MSU. Children permitted. EAGLE mouth 20. Football team 22. Curtain 51. Rolled tea 52. Square DOWN 5. 6. Vault Heir I Extra 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. equipment, TV sets, toboggans, ski measure 1. Uphold CREST NORTH, 694-8975, 4330 stretcher 53. Existed 8. Pompous 2. Mrs. Nugent the recks. UNITED RENT-ALL, East at end of some with study Lansing, 351-5652.0-11-17 Keller Road, Holt. C 25. Marsh elder 28. Draw game 54. Dispatch 55. Marry 3. Sec 4. Doctrine 9. Joke 10. Years 16. Belt CAUf M-f? IF 18, Bovine from *145 per mo. 21. Neuter 6 and9 mon UNFURNISHED P 23. 24 pronoun Bomb** Cereal I"1 children welcome 25. PhiiipP"® will please, no pets 26 negr'to Shortfo" Take wmwMy/MwmwAg kindolW KNOB HILL DAYTON TIRE 27. Nuts available. Call v4 29. .32. ZeaW Hair-do APARTMENTS GIANT TENT SALE! i 34. Until 37, AperM" 349-4700 ON ALL TIRES 39, irons*1"" ^ti r %% 41. Strap OPEN Monday - Friday 9 a.m. • 5 p.m. NOVEMBER 3-13 |UaHton| 43. Melt 44. Remedy Corner of Saginaw 4620 S. Hagadorn Saturday 12-5 LOCATED »/4 MILE NORTH OF JOLLY RD. ON p.m. and Marshall It 45. 46' 47. Mind !n" Harem" « 48. PaP' OKEMOS ROAD Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 8, 1971 J) for Sale Lost & Found Reed Estate ^ IT'S 1TB WHAT'S, wnai U' l Lde WIGS, 3. different stylet. LOST: MALE Collie, looks like Lassie earns over $1 million Happening I" answers to "Prince". Family CHANTICLEER TRAIL Immediate reMonsble. Almort new. Reward. Call, 332-3044. p«' - occupancy. 4 bedrooms, 2'A baths, 32-0094.1-11-8 3-11-10 family room with fireplace, formal LOST: DOG in Eest dining room, large living room. Lin*. §11-12 HEAD 360's, with Selemon $120. Cell 332-8950. Redith brown and Irish Setter male. Goes Lansing area. white. Beagle Reward. 332-0258. 3-11-10 by "Zeni" Nicely landscaped lot. Walking distance to Waverly Schools. Call 372-0072.3-11-9 from 1970-71 investments Announcements for It's What's 5 p.m. every (Continued from page one) from different funds when cash - HAND beeded wedding Wednesday during the fall necessary in cash on hand. GROESBECK AREA, 3 bedroom Happening must be received in the term. Those wishing an appointment becomes available and is treated Short term investments include train and floorlength veil. Personal Ranch, 1V4 baths, garage, air State News office, 345 Student are asked to check with the ASMSU In the Retirement and as one body of investment funds Certificates of Deposit in banks m-7264after 5 P.m. 3-11-10 - Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two Insurance Fund, $538,285 of condioned, paneled basement 7 business office, 307 B Student THICK AND tired of it? Join class days before publication. Items that is invested in real estate and for the sake of efficiency. such as American Bank and Trust DIET minutes to MSU. Assumable 5Yt Services Bldg., or call 353-0659. There ^nard wholesales WATCHERS and leave your fat mortgage. $25,700. Phone are limited to 25 words. No will be a nominal charge for this mortgages. About $150,000 of One way cash can become Co., Detroit Bank and Trust Co., yfl PRICES ON behind. 655-2073.1-11-8 487-3887. 1-11-R announcements will be accepted by that is managed by Ann Arbor available is—if the legislature gives Michigan National Bank and Old phone. No announcements will be the University its monthly Kent Bank and Trist Co. ^TOGRAPMY MlSsf TIRED? accepted for events outside t he greater Akers Hall Trust while $317,720 is a term lease contract for a retail long allotment of funds for the Commercial notes in companies PHYSICALLY AND mentelly right? Recreation Lansing area. Changing Symposium presents The Streetcorner Morals store (W. T. Grant Co.) in General Fund and the University such as Sears-Roebuck Co. are What about spiritually? Maybe Society at 9:30 tonight in the east does not have to pay its salaried also used for short term there is a connection. Let's If you are of draft Lansing, $64,397 on a lease It LONDON talk age, help is lounge. contract for workers until the last day of the investments. SAVE TO about it. 332-8472.1-11-8 available from the East a business office Lansing Draft Information Center, 855 Grove St. Alternatives building in Wayne and almost month, the University has 8 Days 7 Nights Resource Center HAVE YOUR passport and I.D. (upstairs). Call 351-5283 from I to 4 (formerly Vocations for Social Change $6,000 for business property in roughly two weeks to invest that According to the financial Br" 50% )m tf pictures taken at VAN DYKE STUDIO of PHOTOGRAPHY. You'll be glad you did. Next to *199 p.m. or 6 to 8 p.m. Friday. Monday through in the Placement located in the Bureau) is now Albatross, 547V4 E. Detroit. Investments at Ann Arbor cash money. and make some extra report, as of June 30,1971, $8.4 million from the General Fund, Grand River Ave. from 1 to 4:30 p.m. Trust involve $19,453,574 (book As of Nov. 2 of this $1 million from the Designated Brother Gambit's in the Abbott Dec. 22 to 30 The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will year, the COMPLETE DELUXE PACKAGES Tuesday through Thursday. value) and $18,222,222 University had $24,895,000 cash complete Professional 1 Building. 332-8889.0-11-8 WE ARE ALSO have a lawyer available from 9 a.m. to Fund, $6.1 million from the y'nARKROQM SUPPLIES 1 PLANNING noon every (indicated market value) from the in the bank. Expendable Restricted Fund, TRIPS TO Wednesday and from 1 to All University Student Judiciary - Retirement and Insurance Fund. FREE SENIOR PORTRAITS. CALL ACAPULCO AND ASPEN office hours are from 3 to 5 p.m. Terry explained the philosophy $2.9 million from the Auxiliary 353-5292. A SERVICE OF THE Monday through Friday in 331 Contrasting with the long term of short term investments, saying Activities Fund and $3.2 million WOLVERINE.O-11-10 Service Student Services Bldg. investments are the short term the object of the "game" is to from the Plant Fund were ''pooled temporary invest as much cash as possible involved in short term 309 N. Washington PRIVATE GUITAR instruction. Folk, THANKSGIVING SPECIAL: The Company will hold auditions investments." This money comes while keeping the bare minimum investments. Lansing Rock, Classical. All styles. $3 per Freeport, Bahamas. Deluxe Typing Service for "How to Succeed" from 7 to 10 lesson. Inquire at MARSHALL tonight in the McDonel fine arts room. accommodations, $199 complete. MUSIC, 351-7830. C-11-8 TYPING THESES and )EL 800 Polaroid. Leather case, STUDENTOURS, 351-2650. letters, etc. 5-11-10 Rapid accurate service. Mary Leichty, professor of jnk light, photoelectric shutter. Problem PREGNANCY Experienced. 393-4075. C City council meet agenda psychology, and Claire Seigel, asst. 10 Cabinet TV, make offer. rVVl Counseling STUDENTOURS professor in the Counseling Center, 51 9246.1-11-8 ANN BROWN: HI 1150 Griswold St. TRAVEL CENTER Typing and multilith will discuss "The Working Woman" at offset printing. Complete service 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Married Suite 1006 Nassau $169, Europe $189, for Students Activities Building, Spartan dissertations, theses, David Stott Bldg. Jamaica $219, Acapulco $219 manuscripts, general typing. IBM. Village as part of the Family Issues (Continued from page one) among councilmen. 22 years experience. schedule doesn't allow for the 349-0850. C Series. Seated council members ■y buoO receiver, $250. Akai Detroit, Mich. Complete packages registration procedures—two additional duties and No extra charges J.200-D tape deck, tapes, Professional Counseling, (Plus) + Specials on WANTED TYPING major issues in the Project: City Robert J. Wilcox and Mary P. responsibilities of the position. Miscellaneous equipment, $200. to do in my home. The Phwesser Collective will sponsor Hall campaign. Sharp, who face re-election in Puerto Rico, Aruba, " 12 1678.2-11-9 referrals, Birth control & a Reasonable. Phone 482-6435! a men's rap on sexism at 8 On city procedures, Colburn 1973, both said they look Hawaii, Spain 5-11-9 * tonight in 38 Union. All men are Carney explained that the medical Clinic. 2 Psychology We fill your travel said he will ask Learned to draw forward to meeting the new needs at DISCOUNT prices. mayor's position is more Animals grads, a nurse & social worker. TERM PAPERS up guidelines for city officials councilmen and hearing their Stop by or call today typed by important than many, including Call Carole, Sally or Maggie. 129 E.Grand River experienced typist. Near campus. The MSU Scots Highlander will meet who deal with the news media. proposals, but agreed election of Colburn, believe. The mayor, he 1-313-961-1776. Phone 484-1874.20-12-2 at 7 p.m. today in the Demonstration The issue arose at mayor from the council ranks will ■lATURE SCHNAUZERS - 2 (under Campus Bookstore) Hall Ballroom. Interested students and Wednesday's be the major agenda item. Wilcox said, presides at and directs ;k and silver, 3 salt and pepper, 351-2650 meeting of the Board of council meetings and provides BOARD EXAM TUTORING Keplan faculty are invited to take part in said he will nominate Ms. Sharp. ■kc registered, International Canvassers to certify election Tutoring Courses for the SKI IN French Alps Christmans $289, SAVE SAVE SAVE drumming, bagpiping and dancing. political leadership on the city, ■hampion bloodlines. Shots December complete package. results, when board members '' state and national levels. LSAT and January XEROX COPYING- offset I believe she is the best best objected P3-2147. X-5-11-8 DAT board exams are being STUDENTOURS. 351-2650. quality - Men's Movement and Modern Dance to taping of the "In effect, the mayor can put 10-11-17 at reasonable prices. THE proceedings by a local radio qualified of all the councilmen," formed. Call collect (313) COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand classes will meet at 8 tonight in 218 the ■MAN SHEPHERD females. Women's Intramural Bldg. Beginners newsman. he said. "The position is much city in a very good light by 851-6077 for enrollment. River. Phone 332-4222. C Turd, companion. RUTH'S 0-25-11-12 CHRISTMAS BREAK are welcome. more than just a ribbon-cutting being aggressive in the state and ■4645 Airport Rd„ 484-4026. one, as some people have said, national mayor associations that Colburn said he will also BAHAMAS TERM PAPERS and theses typed by The Cabaret Company will present introduce a motion to have and I feel she is the most suitable lobby for such things as revenue DOODLER? experts, 50c a page. Call W.O.W. "Sweet Charity" at 8 p.m. Nov. 11-14 council to deal with all the sophisticated sharing," he said. BLEAKC, black male, has all Inc. 332-1800. 5-11-10 meetings held in various HAWAII and 18-20 in the Union Ballroom. locations throughout the functions in a city like East ts and papers. Loves children, If you doodle during phone BARBI MEL: Typing, Tickets are available at the Union Lansing. In my opinion, Mary's Carney will fill in as the city's rt offer. 393 867 V 2-11;9 calls and draw a series of small $299 multilithing. ticket office. community. No job too large or too small. Block Arthur Carney, asst. city it." top appointed official during the luTIFUL CALICO boxes, it may mean Complete deluxe package. Call two-week absence cat. Free to you | off campus. 332-3255.0 The MSU Folklore Society presents manager, said Saturday that new Brookover and Ms. Sharp of City i home. Owner moving. subconsciously feel fenced in Manager John M. Patriarche, who >5-1082.2 11-8 and need more excitement in Frank Buck, 351-2286 I PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Fred Wersan with some bawdy ballads business discussion was withheld comments on the mayor left Wednesday to attend a Term city your life. Dave Buck, 353-0011 | papers, theses. Best rates. Call at 7:30 p.m. toay in 340 North Case unprecedented in the first election, but Colburn said he managers convention in JASE HELP, free: Affectionate, But if you read all the little 351-4619. O Hall. meeting of newly elected would nominate Griffiths, who CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY WITH councilmen, with the agenda Hollywood, Fla. Patriarche will ■ntle, young male, mostly boxes in STATE News STUDENTOURS, Nassau $169, gained the most votes in the also spend a week ■pherd.Call Mike Bogin, 9 -5 pm, William MacLeod, asst. director of usually reserved for election of vacationing in Classified Ads you can add Jamaica $219. Acapulco $219, FORMER EXECUTIVE secretary. the Placement election. Griffiths, however, said South Carolina, Camey said, and lies, 351-1200.3-11-8 Bureau, will speak on the mayor from the ranks of the excitement to your life. You Europe $189. Specials on Hawaii, Typing in my home, near campus. job resumes, interviews and use of the he is not a candidate for mayor City Clerk Beverly Colizzi is also Puerto Rico, Spain, Aruba. Free 337-2163.0-11-8 council and informal discussions might find a new car, new Bureau at the Alpha Kappa Psi because his high school teaching on vacation following the brochures. 351 -2650. 5-11-9 home, new job, or new hobby. .meeting at 7 p.m. today in 123 Louis handling of a record city election Lots of fine things are DISSERTATIONS, THESES, term ~ St. The public is welcome. turnout. papers. Expert typist with degree in k SAM0YED $100; purebred advertised there each day. Check now! SPAIN English. I.B.M. 351-8961. 0-11-8 Representative Jackie Vaughn will |moyed, $30. Nice with kids. t-0501.10-11-15 WATERBEDS $15.38. Guaranteed. ANN 5249 TYPING TERM papers and theses. Electric typewriter. Fast service. speak at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Emmons lounge. The public is invited. Candidate challenges ARBOR WATERBED 349-1904.20-12-1 |IMAN SHORTHAIR Pointer STORE. 1217 South University, Students interested in spring or t. AKC registered. 882-5963 Ann Frank Buck. 35 1-2286. summer Humanities courses in (Continued from page one) Arbor. 1-313-769-0108. COMPLETE THESES service. wings. 4-11-8 6-11-9 Discount printing. IBM typing and London will meet at 7:30 p.m. today discriminating against white in Brody A. Faculty and students who Bathurst said the function of males on the nomination form. binding of theses, resumes, the committee is to organize the Mobile Homes Service publications. Across from campus, have been there will answer your The judiciary denied the All si ■e applying for questions. candidates and oversee the request to hear the case and corner M.A.C. and Grand teach rtlfic In River, election, not to decide on the recommended that the question ■ 7 LIBERTY, 12' x 60", BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE Typewriter Repair below Jones Stationery'Shop. Call The Public Interest Research Group Jifurnished, 2 bedroom, stove and out an application. The application COPYGRAPH qualifications of the candidates. be brought before the Academic may be obtained from your SERVICES, of MSU will meet at 8 tonight in 31 The individual said he did not or. 651-6074. 5-11-9 337-1666. C Council to determine whether the advisor. Applications will be Union to continue organizational run in his college, which has no available November 8th. Your plans. Any interested procedures of the Student JjART<3) GARDNER, 7' x 12' 1969 1 2' x folder and application MUST be elved by the SCIENCE & Louis E. May, Sr. Wanted invited. persons are stipulations for minority Committee on Nominations were expendos, 2 representatives, because there are in keeping with the intent of the MATH TEACHING CENTER, Campus BookStore plroom furnished with many plus E- 3 7 MacDonj ED 20877 Free U classes meeting today: Auto - a number of qualified members Bylaws for Academic Reasonable. 371-3667. November 19th BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for who could hold the position of Mechanics -7 p.m., 30 Union;Bicycle Governance. all positive. A negative, B negative EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER. Repair - 7 p.m., 112A Berkey Hall; and AB negative, $10.00 O college representative to the Harty has also filed an appeal to Knits and imported fabrics a Communes 7:30 p.m., 616 Charles council. |E VIEW lots available now, 8', specialty. No alterations. Within negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN - review the case with the ', 12' wide. St.; Metaphysics - 7:30 p.m., 301 In a Committee 10 minutes to COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, separate but related Against npus. PARK walking distancel Call 332-2731 Bessey Hall; Microlab in LAKE MOBILE for appointment. 1-11-8 507V5 East Grand River, East development, Kevin Harty, Discrimination. OME COURT. 641-6601. O Communication - 7:30 p.m., Union Lansing. Above the new Campus Sunporch; Movement Improvisation- Glenview, 111. junior filed a Bathurst said the Student Book Store. Hours, 9 am to 3:30 request with the Student-Faculty Committee on Nominations has LETTE 1970. 12' x 60'with 7'x Peanuts Personal SENIORS! LAST pm Monday, Thursday, and 8 p.m., 218 Women's Intramural Bldg. Judiciary Nov. 1, asking them to not heard from the Committee Expando. Unfurnished except Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 hear a charge against the Student WEEK FOR FREE Campus Crusade for Christ presents Against Discrimination regarding Winj and draperies. Phone pm to 6:30 pm. 337-7183. C Committee Nomination for 13-8294 after 8:30 Andre Kole at 8:30 p.m. Nov. 14 in on Harty's appeal. p.m. 5-11-12 PICTURES-CALL the Men's Intramural Building. Tickets are on sale in dorms, on Grand River 10' x 55', fully carpeted, 353-5292 VICE PRESIDENT Bev, and at the door. wished, 2 bedrooms, air Congratulations on Panhell office nditioner, on lot near campus. and Delta Sigma Phi Little Sisters, WANTED The Marketing Club presents thepast '•2197 evenings. FOR QUALITY service and stereos, 5-11-12 Students interested in salad Love the other Gamma Phi Little TV's and recorders. THE STEREO president of the American Marketing ,Al-E 10' Sister. 1-11-8 SHOPPE. 337-1300. C knowing more about courses Assn. at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the x 50'. Furnished, to be offered and how Teak they Room, Eppley Center. All are mpletely carpeted, shed, FAR OUT THETA DELTSI Thanks ELECTRONIC REPAIRS. Stereos, will be taught and rt'n9, air conditioned, on lot radio, recorders, TV's. Dependable. evaluated, " campus. $3200. 351-3779. for a fantastic serenade. Love the by the Dept. of Secondary in a Phi Mu's. 1-11-8 Reasonable. Call. 351-6680. Education & Curriculum, x-0-30-11-23 winter term. Take a look in the CRAFT, 1969, SUPPORT YOUR business with a NOTHING LASTS foreverl Instructional Resources CLASSIFIED M*. $4,900. 12' x 60' set up Call 372-1093. boost from Want Ads. Advertise new or newer household Center, 133 Erickson or Room ...only $1 services there. Dial 355-8255. check today's Want Adsl 302. ADS sandwich Cliff's Notes are designed to EXPERIENCED IN office work. Need help you be calm, cool and job now. Campus vicinity. WORK WONDERS. capable in the toughest had £tude*ili,Mowed ^tuAenU-. 355-1655.2-11-9 WANTED: MINNESOTA ticket CALL 355-8255. literature courses. They're written by experts to give you the outside-of-class help you need to understand (and enjoy) coupons. Call Tim, and tya£nltif' 2-11-9 your reading assignments. Look them over. Your dealer has . ■ nearly 200 titles available GERMAN MOTORS covering the most frequently assigned plays and novels. caught in the housing VW - PORSCHE SPECIALIZING IN VW & PORSCHE Complete Engine Overhaul /V/Ny^\ JUlffSdfateiL All Minor Repairs squeeze? NEW OR REBUILT PARTS FOR SALE You'll find lettuce, tomatoes and special seasonings nestled among the meats and cheese in every Hobie's submarine. Your Take your troubles to Licensed German Mechanics 2152 W. Gd. River Okemos 349-3 choice of a wide variety of sandwiches. ntht! "We take pride in our work" ■4/ park west We Have 1 Left... Hotrie's apartments A four-man apartment Campus. 5530 West Michigan Ave. eQTeGUii>A zza at next to campus Saginaw DELIVERY PHONE 351-3800 Contact Mrs. Louch 484-4640 CALL 332-4432 930 Trowbridge Road Dine in or carry out. 507 E GRAND RIVER 1 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Bathsize $1.15 Cigarettes 5 Dial Soap Colgate Toothpaste 6,5°z. STEREO L.P. SALE 2/69' JjQC oz. limit 3 limit 1 limit 2 pkgs. (coupon) (coupon) Expiresafter 11-13-71 Expiresafter 11-13-71 (coupon) East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Shaft Soundtrack Isaac Hayes The New Santana Album Expires after 11-13-71 East Lansing Store Only $2.00 $1.09 Santana Shoe Saver Secret Spray Anti $029 limit 1 $369 Magic Spray Silicone Perspirant Deodorant ar 11-13-71 Spray Sizing so, $^39 3», 49c limit 1 (coupon) Expires after 11-13-71 Teaser & The Firecat-Cat Stevens 49; EastPLansir,g Store Only East Lansing Store Only Imagine-John Lennon $1.09 1 Pint Prell SJ69 $389 Barnes & Hinds Rubbing Alchohol Concentrate Shampoo Wetting Solution East Lansing Store Only 3oz. 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Not mentioned in this $1.25 6.E. or Sylvania limit 1 Colored Light Bulbs Chap Stick (coupon) No Limit (coupon) Red, Blue, Green Sunlamp w/Stand Expires after 11-13-/1 East Lansing Store Only Expires after 11-13-71 East Lansing Store Only 60 watt $(J69 33° 2 for 79e PHOTO SPECIALS East limit 1 (coupon) pkg. Expires after 11-13-71 Lansing Store Only 20 Exposure 20 Exposure 10% OFF The Discount Price Tide, Oxydol, Gain, Bold or Pepsi 35 M.M. Kodachrome on all Slide Processing 35 M.M. Slide Film Laundry Detergent 99c Film Developing 99c $139 Your Choice limit 1 8 pack (coupon) 20 oz. 36° Expires after 11-13-71 East Lansing Store Only $1.35 $1.25 $2.25 $1.00 Mystic or Leg Hugger Daisy Kodak Color Film Panty Hose 126,127,620 Flashcubes 5X7 Color Enlargement Opaque Panty Hose (from Kodacolor negative only) Knee Sox 53° 2 pr/99' 89c 99° 39c limit 6 pr. (coupon) limit 1 (coupon) limit 1 (coupon) limit 5 69c limit 3 Expires after 11-13-71 Expiresafter 11-13-71 (coupon) East Lansing Store Only Expiresafter 11-13-71 Expiresafter 11-13-71 (coupon) East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Expiresafter 11-13-71 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only $1.79 $1.69 $1.00 Burlington Ballet Fitalon Guaranteed Nude Look Panty Hose New! Denim Knee Sox Sheer Nylon Panty iiose Panty Hose For "Hot Pants" Knee Sox $*J 09 $-|09 eoe 69c limit 3 (coupon) Expiresafter 11-13-71 limit 3 (coupon) limit 3 (coupon) 59° limit 3 resafter 11-13-71 f- ast Lansing Store Only Expires after 11-13-71 (coupon) -ansing Store Only Expiresafter 11-13-71 East Lansing Store Only Last Lansing Store Only Hours 9 AAA 1o 6 PAA Monday, Tuesday STATE DISCOUNT Hours 9 AAA to 9 PAA 307 E.Grand River Next to "The Card Friday, Saturday Shop" Wednesday Thursday