hi fi buying it you're tired ot the other media insulting your intelligence and want to out your mind at ease, hi ti buys has the answers, I.LA * tour ot them. On the pages that follow, you will find four hi fi systems and accessories that we have selected to en¬ sure your peace of mind. In selecting these systems, we use three basic common Also, see page seven for details on our FREE Five sense rules to make certain you get the very best sys¬ Year Service Protection plan, one year FREE Speaker tem possible for the money you spend. We feel it's Exchange Program, and FREE Laboratory Analysis important for you to know exactly what these rules Certificate. price- performance- reliability Now, for a quick explanation of the four systems on the following pages. They were selected from a maze The above mentioned rules don't mean a thing unless of equipment available in each of the price hack them up. ranges. we After you make a purchase at Hi They constitute, we think, the best possible systems to Fi Buys or the Disc Shop, it is imperative that we satisfy the demands of the beginner, exemplified in protect the investment you have made in us. "the starter" system, all the way through to the most How? It's simple. We service everythingwesell. If you demanding audiophile, as you will see in "the super should ever have any problems with a component system." you purchase, call us and we will service your When you decide to add accessories to one of the four equipment as quickly as possible. systems described or your present system, Hi Fi Buys and the Disc Shop offer an excellent selection of tape Before you can take a piece of equipment home from recorders (cassette, eight track, reel to reel), head Hi Fi Buys, each component will be checked out by one of our audio technicians. phones ($19.95 to $150.00), and even some televi¬ Tuning sections will be sions (if you really want one). aligned, tape recorders biased and each turntable tracking and anti skating force will be adjusted not If by now you have decided that hi fi makes more by ear and sight, but with one of our Hewlett Packard, sense than the other media, take a look at the systems Tectronics, or other laboratory standard test equip inside and pick one out for yourself. ment present in our Service Department. It might save your head. east lansing ann arbor disc shop Hi fi Duys hi fi duys 323 e. grand river 1101 e. grand river 618 s. main 517-351-5380 517-337-2310 313-769-4700 we accept bankamericard and master charge, long term finance available aztec>kenwood>garrard "the starter" "The Starter" was probably the most dif¬ inputs • Main and remote switching for two ficult of the four systems to put together. sets of speakers*Tape monitor and headphone We have selected what we think to be the jacks. most reasonable in price, yet giving you the ultimate in simplicity and ease of operation, To compliment the KA 4002 we picked the but still retaining maximum performance. Your Aztec Minuet speaker system. It combines an "first step" into Hi Fi should give assurance 8 inch, low frequency driver with a 2yA lb.mag¬ that you own a real component system that net assembly and a 3 inch high frequency driv offers all of the performance and flexibility of er to produce very clean low bass and smooth, the more complex and expensive systems. well dispersed high frequencies. Not only does the Minuet sound great but its appear This is made possible by the heart of the ance is hard to match in its class. System,the Kenwood KA 4002. The KA 4002 Completing the system is the Garrard 40B offers features that are not available in any Automatic Turntable with a Shure M-44-7 other amplifier in its price range. A few of the magnetic cartridge installed. The Garrard 40B specifications of the KA 4002 are: is a three speed changer with multiple or sin gle play capabilities, a c ;ng device, and low 24 RMS per channel )20— 20,000 Hz) • Less mass tone arm. than 0.5% IM and Harmonic Distortion at rated output • Tuner, 2 Phono and Auxiliary Total system cost not including any wmmmm jpMfe additional federal surcharge 2 which ( might be imposed nam '^k»u,Jr ■ and who is henry kloss? advent* kenwood ■ garrard Advent is a Cambridge, Mass achusetts company that keeps doing new things better. Advent's president is Henry Kloss This explains quite a bit about Advent's success Henry 's list of accomplishments before Advent are many For example, over one half of the loudspeak er systems used in high per formanceand three piece 'com Systems costing less than five hundred dollars used to share a common pact' music systems are based weakness: inadequate bass response. on Henry Kloss's designs Since Henry formed Advent, This is no longer true. his achievements have been even more impressive The Ad¬ vent loudspeaker (which we Henry Kloss's latest development, the Smaller Advent loudspeaker, introduced about a year and a offers the same smooth extended frequency response and free half ago) is now generally ar knowledged to be the outstand dom from distortion as the original Advent. In other words, it will ing value in bookshelf loud speaker systems. After design reproduce all the music on your records and tapes . . . including the ing the Advent loudspeaker, lowest organ notes. This extended frequency response is available Henry played a guiding role in from a speaker costing only S69.95. making consumer versions of the Dolby Noise Reduction sys tern available. The Advent Mo¬ del 100 Noise Reduction Unit The Smaller Advent loudspeaker is designed to operate at 4 ohms, made it possible for you. to where most popular transistorized receivers produce maximum power take advantage of the same circuits which the major record output, and minimum distortion. The Kenwood KR 4130 we have manufacturers use1 Then, the chosen, for example, is capable of delivering a continuous 28 watts first tape deck which combined the convenience of the cas per channel at 4 ohms, with both channels operating! This makes sette with the performance of the KR 4130 an excellent companion for the Smaller Advent open reel recorders was intro duced The Advent 200 loudspeakers. The record player cartridge which best matches the performance and advent we value of the new Advents is a Garrard SL 55B, with a Shure M-44E cartridge. This is the least expensive combination which will play your records reliably for several years, and at light enough tracking repeat, keeps pressures for extended record life. Total system cost - - not including any Joing new additional federal might be imposed - - surcharge which things better. "The Graduate" has been our "best value system" for almost a year now. There's good reason for it. We have not yet found any system for less than S1000.00 that can significantly outperform it. The Advent loudspeaker introduced a new era of value. It was the result of a determined effort by Henry Kloss to significantly reduce the cost of loudspeaker systems. Henry took advantage of the latest the speakers: advances in speaker technology, and succeeded in designing a system with performance equal to the finest bookshelf speakers available but only costing half as much1 At the same time that Henry was lowering the cost of loudspeakers, advances in transistor technology were lowering the cost of amplifier power. The Kenwood KR 5150 is an excellent example of this. Never before has a receiver in its price range been able to offer 180 watts of IHF output power. (This translates to a continuous 33 watts per the receiver: channel at 8 ohms, with both channels operating!) Also, never before has a receiver in the KR 5150's price range been able to offer such excellent AM and FM stereo radio reception! Your favorite stations will come in loud and clear, and with full stereo separation, thanks to such advances as field effect transistors and integrated circuits. To complete this system we have selected the PE 2038 automatic the changer: turntable, complete with base, dust cover, and a Shure M93E stereo cartridge installed in it. They live up to the standards of performance and value established by the Advent loudspeaker and the Kenwood receiver. Total system cost - not including any additional federal surcharge which might be imposed - up bic/lux pe .1 ii( If music is important in your life, sooner or later you will own this no-compromise component system. We have chosen these components to satisfy the most discerning ear of any audiophile - or those of you who simply want the original reproduced in your room. The Bose 901 loudspeaker system is the end product of twelve years of university research. It has achieved in one step this realism of sound that 9 independant reviewers describe as never before pos¬ sible.The Bose 901 uses a combination of direct and reflected sound to present the music in your room just as presented in the live per¬ the speakers: formance. At S476.00 a pair, including equalizer, you have to go a long way to match the performance of these speakers. While you're listening to the 901, be sure to ask for our computerized demon¬ stration that will fully explain the features and benefits of the Bose 901, the most highly reviewed speakers regardless of size or price. The BIC LUX 71/3R represents the ultimate in state of the art per¬ formance and engineering. The AM/FM tuner uses a crystal IF sec¬ tion with provisions for pre set or manual tuning. The pre-amp the receiver: contains two phono inputs, tape monitor, tape dubbing through the front panel, and unique bass and treble controls for both channels. The power amplifier delivers 50 watts RMS per channel, both chan¬ nels driven into a 8 ohm load, 20—20,000 Hz. Remember, when listening to your records, everything starts at the stylus tip. If your arm is not compliant enough to handle a very light tracking stereo cartridge, the problems that arise are: Distortion, Anti skating errors; and most important, short record life. By using the P.E. 2040, we have eliminated these problems. The 2040 has an extremely low mass, and high compliance tone arm. Some of the the other features of the 2040 are: single and multiple play facilities; changer: adjustable stylus tracking angle for from 1 to 8 records; 7 lbs. turn¬ table platter; damped cueing, both up and down; and last but not least, we have installed a Shure V 15 II cartridge in the P.E. 2040. The Shure V 15 11 is recognized by critics both here and abroad as the finest stereo cartridge available today. This combination of the P.E. 2040 and the Shure V 15 II cartridge offers excellence in per¬ formance matched only by the receiver and speakers incorporated in our Super System. Total system additional cost - federal might be imposed not including any surcharge which S11SO.OO our suggestions to complete your "complete" stereo system add a pair of stereo headphones! No matter how good your system may be, you can improve it with a pair of stereo head phones! Headphones furnish their own listening experience (which you must hear to believe), and they also allow you to listen to music at high levels without disturbing others in the same room. At Hi-Fi Buys and the Disc Shop we display all of the major brands David Clark, Pioneer, Koss, Sharpe, and of course, Beyer On display we have headphones ranging from as low as S 14,95 to SI50.00 Beyer has just introduced a new headphone which you're sure to be interested in: the DT 900 These are super light-weight (only 9 ounces), and yet furnish wide, smooth, frequency response (30 to 18,000 Hz), and virtually unmeasurable distortion (less than 'i of one per cent at the highest volumes you'll be listening1). With these advantages of wearing comfort and performance, you'll be pleased to find that the DT 900's only cost $29.95 add a cassette recorder to your system! A cassette tape recorder can greatly increase the pleasure you receive from your stereo system It will allow you to make copies of your favorite records before they become worn, scratched, or lost. Cassettes will allow you to make copies of your favorite FM programs. We at Hi-Fi Buys and the Disc Shop think quite a bit of TEAC tape recorders. We feel that TEAC rates highest in performance, reliability, and value. In each price range, there's a TEAC tape recorder which can best satisfy your needs. One of our most popular units is the TEAC A-24. Although it costs less than $200.00, it offers performance and flexibility suitable for the most advanced home systems, * versatile input selector for tuner or line sources * automatic shutoff assures long life for your recorder and your tapes * 4 pole hysteresis-synchronous outer rotor motor insures you of safe and stable tape travel ' signal to noise ratio better than 45 dBI dean your records! No matter how expensive or inexpensive - your stereo system is, you can drastically improve its sound quality for less than fifteen dollars' Dusty or dirty records can destroy your listening pleasure, but record cleaners from Cecil Watts can restore your records to like new condition. The Preener. No record should ever be played without first being cleaned with a Preener. The velvet bristles of the Preener reach down to clean out dust particles deep in the grooves of your records, and an electrostatic element prevents the future build-up of dust. We feel that extended record life for a cost of $4.00 is an incredible value. The Dust Bug. If you own a Thorens, AR, or other manual turntable, or if you play your records one at a time on a PE or Garrard, you should own a Dust Bug The Dust Bug consists of a nylon brush and felt pad cleaning assembly mounted on an arm which tracks ahead of your tonearm, cleaning your records as they are being played. The Dust Bug sells for $6 50 The Parastat. Records spoiled by many years accumulation of dust and dirt should be cleaned with a Parastat Mark IIA Records in new or like new condition should be cleaned and kept clean with a Parastat Mark 4 Either costs $15 00, and is well worth it' which guarantee your listening pleasure! 1. our unique five-year protection plan: •*1 kv •>> I' >K MM If I'M' 11 I I I lll\ X Ml !•! VI I III \l I Ml Because we only sell the most reliable e- HI-FI BUYS quipment in each price range, and because i IN i ^ r\n IMUH iction n w we have a full-equipped Service Department in — —— • — *i on the premises, we can offer you a Five Year Protection Program.This is visible proof of our i*i interest in your future listening pleasure! <£% I i£.t S.* •» « ■ , 5 ■ * • 2. free! our anniversary laboratory analysis: HI-FI BUYS One year after you purchase your system, FREE LABORATORY ANALYSIS bring your amplifier, tuner, or receiver back to Hi Fi Buys. We will give it to our Ser¬ vice Department and carefully check its per¬ formance. This will ensure that your sys¬ tem is continuing to perform properly. (Note: normally this test would cost S25!) *# i 5 : , . ; ' 4. ■ """ - ® ^ ^ ^ 3. our one-year speaker exchange policy: For a period of one year after you purchase HI-FI BUYS your system, you can up-grade it to more THIS ONE YEAR expensive speakers without losing a penny! FREE SPEAKER EXCHANGE We will give you a trade-in equal to one hundred per cent of the cost of your original speakers, if you replace them with more ex¬ pensive speakers. (Fair Traded Speakers Ex¬ I\ Hl-H Ht IS cluded) (Speakers Under S150.00) ..♦■j -i a eU'&Jji a. *- ibJL®') (b&M's i®&t®'i ,*iiJ3ftnjUI i*, /fi ftrtlu j. X*i ■».. -1 r. *Vjr-<^JI « ». s'©4 bring in this counon ^r2 f-3-©■1 ;,@/j to ni II nuys or tne disc shoo '&/■ *©J and receive a •a* ■ *@/j 10% discount p? %4 ?©1 ott list price ol any records. y pre-recorded tapes or ; 'i.,3 :>j: t. r s©^ " record cleaning eouipment. N , -c *. T&- k .r - v«' 'c*; 'j---' rc*; ...^ ^ c "' »* «- L- i >; 0* r.: ©j>; © ;■- © j»; ©; •; ©) >; ©%%> Si" L- j EAST LANSING how to get to hi-fi buys in ann arbor Would you like to receive this newsletter regularly? Fill in this coupon and send it to us. 14 & 23 Madison NAME HI Fl buys JBd MV Adams ADDRESS Koch CITY STATE ZIP Please share this newsletter with your friends. Send us the names of two of your friends who own a stereo, or who might be interested in stereo, and we'll mail them their own copy of this newsletter! Your friends will appreciate your thoughtfulness, and so will we! (use the coupons below) NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP