M S. C. Library Jba - Ur.olng, licit. ^ ^ \ Michigan State News EAST I.ANHINC. MICHIGAN, KKIliA V. 'KToCKI: i. Mi r, PI KAPPA DELTA Wherfwinter Comes--- STAFF CHANGESSpartan Grid Warriors Ready ELECTS PERRIN And Our Scribe Goes On IN L. A. DIVISION a,. ^fltnVfhlV" TO PRESIDENCY ZTJZ ARE ANNOUNCED meet farroiir Yfir for Coming Dixnaatd at Matting of , I.arga Ircraair in Lnrollmant, Rnulti in Addition of Savan- ; Pep Meeting Set For Tonight Sparrb Honorary. tarn to Faculty. Tnk! TkR! The f{ig Hud Wolverine Power of Team Impaired by Lott of Wa r mhetn Edw ;' tl, HOLD POW WOW OCT. 10 VACANCIES ARE FILLED Set* Also on Iniured Ut ftlkai f.vtnli Flanntd Inrludr- W. R Far and E. Ballaehayi JES* V\ C OO 61.T U' ) MICHIGAN STRONGER Sutr Matting, and Itabatr Replace Ruth Johnston and Taam Tryooti Laiar C S. Shartle on Staff. WITH NEW PLAYERS ft* HAM VP. V It Alt IU VOTOS l»««« au »* of the lisrife ll»-; f»*r wav wilt tin r«•;*.«<* if! enrollment, aiui to] th- Ml. tiuri.li In • !•<«*! Of Mi'" Kmh John i • I-pawti Irairii.-, II ft.v. instructor* jaL-^2_ ■ MEET PLANNED TEA GIVEN HERE ' O&Cr/OBo ✓ f k.Et«\*\E AT tM / \\ BY PRESS CLUB FORAAUWHEAD jf To Discuss Plans foe Cor Year at Me#* of Joumahi llran Conrad. Mrs Harold Pat- Croup St.r* V»#0netd»'« ton Aid in Ertertaimng Delegates to Convo UNION BUILDING Why Our Dean of Women COMES TO LIFE Won't Be a Gloomv Dean ft* fHlkOlllt I \st.im Mrs 0 W. Thompson and Ray Riggs Add "Personality* lo Local Brick Pile II in \ i KM vmpih ► Mar# iVt- ' sr. PATTON IS BOOKED NYA IS DIRECTING FOR SINGING TOUR CCC LAND STUDIES Two Organization! to Cooparata ui Study of Wait a Lands Cornell Man frosh coiscil • - • to H—ton Taaoa J ... "'Y Joins Art Dept. Co-eds? \o! : ( : I Editor at St. Mary's MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Friday, October 4, jn:s.> sociatc prnfcs nnd ten for n I And nt>w the University « Testifying before » legi: i;,» i SoUt No TeS TBIS DECLINING full profpHsnr i on, Ignn claims that it is the * Michigan State News SAYS PHYSIQAN To which the family w> end: will Ho thin: O K If IP«PUtor flying Trapeze," busing i "M;,» oh n story In the student i i of Pittsburgh (Pii ) fnrultv bers flo»*liir»Nt there hi an ' sphere of fenr" among the October 13. 1983 Tabrrrulnsis Authority Sure OtoHmodr Bioffil lli.mi. Could be Kr.direted Following our valuable WATCH RKPA1H Kay Vickcrstaf'f I by Right Trr.tmrnl j f making known till the newest Prompt Skilled Servlee at the ORCHESTRA philosophies of education \ ops SpRNI of future ftoloho: ■ ill tidy i CAMI'CS I'll ESS OITICE C SWAIN riiohe 3-9334 ii lingers and remark. " llrnlly wiped j young mail could better v ledge of the ranching Vou study t tself during these Hfe| !»i ore' -being i i>y. Journalism, fn is than by going to col JACK U'AIINKR Ihg, contract laws and What. Nothing about how to! oppeul to the instinct of romance i in beautiful, rich eastern girls'' { That's news Nothing nboul how to roll a | rigjiret with one bund, at full gul- I j nnurse of work looks to me ! more than a quarter of 1 CLASSIFIED a million people work for j LOST llrown mIk t I' sorority Plea the Bell supper 232 Women's Itldg System , t* at end in order !•> im popular oft the CMItipUM. In dark Mimic* of "window- pane corite" and blight uool, n You'll enjoy their rioveltv and comfort. $1 Anil the largest select tori of hut* in Central Mit hi- gun $2.».V fJt.50. 81. $.'» ami 87. Whet hi i lluv ml Overcoats idvrrtiar #© that you, our m jghtfor* and cu*. havp been exempt e« tradition* ; they out Designed ami tailored e*jM*« utile for young men of w turners, tn«y hrttcr understand w hat the lb II Sy-fctn ibytTimination. The kind Ittif alter all, tha that make the other fel¬ is (Joiujr, why wr do it. what progress are makoi;*. low* ask "Where did vou We advertise get if"" You'll fa* Miirpri.setl to help you ti«e our nervier* p. t»r»l al tin high «|tuilitv at tin- advantage. A*more people u«c the telephone effccttvi I*, lid Ic||h un abf»u! a IteMmiau here vnla¬ very moderate price*. our nervier to all i« improved. ede.l id whv In- didn't get it, The trofdi in tfdfet ion mao 1, was told that nothing wio available $22 to $.12.50 we advertise to keep you informed of our many al the motnen ked to aetnl a form lettci of applu atiotv, different service#. By selling more service, wr increase with his addi I'lereiii o tie promised |.» do that, hilt didn't farther. h mulct mliml within a few dav -. but tta value to each truer. the employer v\a . foived Mllg Shirts with Trufamiml col¬ We vary our message to interest render* e»f all kind* take it Tim flush is wtfll lar, $1 .fir* ami 8" Dot any U.M.! tie,* III . Ian plaid*. 81 of publication*. During J-9.Ti-.tb, special advertising tor Authoritative stvie infoi college and university publicallot** will t.*k« you " !>*« k- student - H Mu htgun Slate, may tug t ome m! itageMiti the Bell System. We hope you will b« interested. game eeiebiaftotis , but thai is n di*ortierlv If vou want t»« celet MAY BUGS. game. t»\ to remain a gentleman. *llir Hal Storw of tlir T.,w,»" MMHK Stole Theater mo 11 i i: I'll o > i: fA SVSTKM Prevtn-es A REVOLUTION IN WRITING AND FILLING " SHEAFFER3 L linr %3 \M> HMI KliAt (oralG/iBlef wurrinr sliirlo trmiilr Slort the t ityip.r. All Shnaftrr's fill, empty, i> clean with one ittoke and n lobe in over 400T<, more Skrip per stroke than multiplc-itrcke pent. Visibility it kept permo- ' nent by o patented vacuum '! due. The two-tone Feother. Mieu.it wsi' Uuve tntnuiM f*w an touch-point that only Sheofrer't hove moket two-woy writing assisUm pioIca*..) . eight for an a*- perfect. All these wonderful t. l-ff.H !m»M> features combined with the Lifetime" Guarantee make ! fit'NUAY MONDAY. Tl MDAt t hin* Sea*" Brief Cases Sheafler't the world's most »With Jean Harlow. Clark economical pens. See all (table rd the i am! Wstlare fieerv Zip Knvrloprs gradesofSheaffer'tfrom$2.2S The action in this stor v takes m! start up at your dealer's. SHEAfKS piUfV .entirely on the whmv old Zip Rinir Binder*1 D€ AUIts WRITE l«M£DIATtlY KW. dh liner Km t.ung a* it plow* dww n whine, "1 duurwv" the Chtna sea tnm\ Cowhide Ucnlhrr INFORMATION ON THE WON. ,mi HuU:tun#on w ilt liow 1 Hongknng to - and rattle tdT the- fol- Amgspore Under the polite ve Well Mitric DHFUl DRY-PROOF DESK SET. neer of the pawengers runs a tie- W A SHEAFFER l>IN CO. "When a diplomat says M.ybr »-h,n ht'1"™1"1' undrf.-urr.nl Initialing Krc* FORT MADISON, IOWA says 'Mayin iw.li. N.. . «.d ,|iM h«,M ""S »'n""'r "hlrl' «>«• «>*"« 1 hr «... -N- hr . i... drpli-nut lh» Um. Ui< .U tim »ill rrnirmbrr 11. vu '»d"» Th.ibr.» in sayv this vein; "No" she "Now. when means a May!*', when4 gitl 'j as" is a strong contender for the title ef best picture of the $1.00 , Maytn-' ahe meant 4Yct"; 13f» tomorrow •». the day of da-. ... d v. a? 1 v and in Uood Shape. rmtei »t»- ,4 „ t . . ,if Br AL THKIKJE& m • f*. - » |>lf. * MirhiKH" StateV Spartan* tomorrow afternoon are going arwl ■r*rk ,Vi ,,i* ?f •'* • 4 4 / enter the l>ig time. At the ntadium fn Ann Arbor, ^ ( (<.|in« wilt lead ('hurley Bachman'* 1036 edition into [| ( • Ihillroom Classes Toft DFXilN&'ll*' v Starl Tiiewdsv, Ortnber ! co eds plan new campus activity The "Piccolino" NI'AHTAN t;itll»l)i:its Taivgiii ill the Advanced flu- Alpha -. hut the problem a* aho jare now given the opportunity to twfot* ii ts the If ft m mill puxiling Scabbard And lltade ■ ^ Ua,. rrSuu, cotlege course* and perform On b' Assembly, the Hum earn univeraity degrees in after- Ziegei Matt. Mtv »mn religious group for dtei two week* »»f hard pr*« noon study under a new adult Swart?. omen. is conducting thin the Spat tan* are raring In go education plan developed at the Wilson, . S sponsoring th idy of the world s living the bridle |irl« itlrndini »«• path*. through the !Univeisit.v of Southern California -man an i. Mm iuii Anduw and religion) The study will include kL W'AWHla ami anywhere that x • j l^ovgdou living tire torn Ilindui*! Buddhism. the trligton* Ctnm,r^ toy*18 »f«; run This com- n charge, Ia»is Sherman t of Chin. and Japan, Mohammed- fViday will mark the lero <*1 eha if man: Hetty Lou i Mm. Jt ism. and Christianity hour so far as candidates fire the chairman of publicity, and j Klva le Pott? is in charge of the bwun are concerned nung. assistant. Uretchcn' mcefing for Sunday. October (t. wiH be held the all-college run, the On that dav DeLuxe I'rtw dub will lb* !i. contact and Dorothy Jones. iwhich will be a discussion of 5 M" ' the rr*u"* of which run will detet- With Tomato and Potato Chips aKHistatrt, Nan Uallety, rrtrcah- amniotic, fetism and ZoruMtrian ",K>r ^ ortne who runs under the grron mrnU, ami Huth Starke, assistant. religUm» attU »n cnlstence ttxtav j ood white in the first contest with Mary Dai la id. clean-up. and Two outside speakers are o nthe ?uthn wtuxils tannae • tamgdon, * 10c assistant Vir- j prx>gram for the term, with the Captain Dechtold and Netucin There will he * Thru Alpha J'hl iwliiis gitUa Lyons, program, and Lucy :remainder of the nuvtings con- T»*i"dner oirvthe two men who are ' night. '.'3.0, Tr anter, assistant, and I'alith John- • ' ducted as student discussions. j conceded a place on the team * the Little Theater .star,, arrangement* Knight, assistant *mt Jean iC Another major project which O A. I* sponsoring this term are veterans of last year's MARY STEWART'S You »>II vKout your P'i.v. whon you M M W» |championship team and Ikvhtold Modtfti Mil, H»n ihoti W» tic featuring tKom lc | Is the training cotirse in the lead-i*** on IC4A tropliy winners -—— ent» will th* comng mux- Ojmo *od k)ok Wl x«i thousand students at a 'ernhip of student discussion*, jbefore. Theae men are wi «m ovor-llwy'R test* (or AngeU** relief school are |*aid to,Ormand Drake of the s|TeoA-h de« ; to the ways of the cruel Q'-c you 0-e fhcjl oI your - pns awarded ^ g^hAX*! -and dixkcxi if Urey twniment will present this course country world and are count* III* Surprisingly low In the will of brth Putnam » LLra.- i*ut cla&tcb jin three evening*, to be held from iC^ tm lo ^ u"r11 UP in front in alt '7 to 7 45 October IS, S3 and 30 jlh,,ir »"acea this year TREADWELL'S pnetd loo } Any student, boy or girl, who is I The outstanding men on the interested in gaining know ledge i,wini be«