Every . . . Thursday revolution was first a though MICHIGAN Mild . STATE NEWS temperatures today with the onone man's mind. STATE high from 48 to 53. Cloudy in the -Emerson morning becoming sunny in the UNIVERSITY afternoon. ,e 64 Number 64 East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 11,1971 HEARING AT 3 P.M. TODAY Injunction appeal halts reps-at-large election the Student Committee on Nominations, Another contention is that the self By JUDY YATES said Wednesday. State IMews Staff Writer designation of the Student Committee on Bathurst said he wished the allegations had Nominations as the judiciary of original been brought to the attention of the The jurisdiction is illegal because the Academic election of student committee earlier instead of waiting until Freedom Report does not include the representatives-at-large to the Academic just before the election. committee in its list of Council was postponed by the Student An open hearing is scheduled for 3 University p.m. judiciaries. Faculty Judiciary just eight hours before it today to provide both parties with an The freedom report lists the was scheduled to judicial begin Wednesday. opportunity to debate their cases. bodies of the University as the The action resulted from "If living unit an appeal for an the committee will clear up the judiciary, All-University Student Judiciary, injunction on the election, which was filed illegalities the appeal will be withdrawn," with the judiciary Monday by Joni governing group judiciaries and the Benn, Harold Buckner, counselor for Ms. Benn and Student-Faculty Judiciary. Allen Park senior and Paula Ms. Fochtman, said Wednesday. Fochtman, The appeal further contends that the Petoskey junior. Buckner said that if the illegalities are not alleged haphazard distribution of campaign Ten student cleared up before the election, someone representatives-at-large were regulations is ir. violation with the Academic scheduled to be elected from a slate of 42 could appeal the results and thereby Freedom Report which states that candidates. The candidates are divided into invalidate the whole election. five categories representing various regulations governing student conduct shall minority "It's not that we're trying to stop the be made public in an appropriate manner. groups in the University. election just to stop the election," Buckner The representatives-at-large faction of the said. "We want to see these illegalities Indians protest sl,il Academic Council was initiated by the cleared up before the election so that all the (Please turn to page seven) council to ensure a systematic work the committee has put into it will not representation of nonwhites and women. be wasted." I Indians, angored over a 90-second comedy skit on the Glen Campbell CBS television show, confronted officials of The Bylaws for Academic Governance The appeal requested that the election be IKLZ TV, Channel 7, Tuesday night with demands to delete permanently the serialized skit and give them air time to require that all student representatives be selected by Jan. 1. postponed until a hearing could be held to Castro gets I answer it. Vernon Bellecourt (left) makes a point as he speaks with Sheldon Peterson, KLZ-TV executive (right). action, but we can recognize the position of decide certain alleged illegalities the election. concerning APWirephoto the judiciary," Mark Bathurst, chairman of The request for the injunction and the hearing was accepted on the basis of four points incorporated into the appeal. The appeal contends that the Student big greeting I Post-freeze WSH1NC.T0N (AP) - The Cost of Living ru Committee on Nominations is illegally constituted because a graduate seat on the committee, designated by the Bylaws for Academic Governance for a woman is held from Chile advance approval of price increases or even by a man. SANTIAGO, Chile (AP)—Chile greeted ICouncil Wednesday approved a surprise list are affected, representing 10 per cent of all Rumsfeld said the seven-member Price to report them to the government. The second contention is that th§ Fidel Castro with mo! exemptions from President Nixon's workers. Commission is expected to announce soon, waving red banners and a committee regulation which makes the Firms with less than $50 million in annual In another category, about 1.1-00 possibly Thursday, the permissible price 21-gun salute as the Cuban leader flew in ■post-freeze economic controls, including all sales will continue to be subject only to All-University Student Judiciary the body from Havana Wednesday on his first ltd products, commercial and industrial companies with annual sales of $50 million standard that will govern items subject to of appeal after the committee is trip citizen complaints and spot checks by to $100 million must report price increases abroad in seven years. w sugar and all existing and many price controls in the Phase 2 economic plan. Internal Revenue Service agents, as during on a quarterly basis to the government. Not included in the list of exemptions was "categorically unfair to graduate students in White-helmeted air police cordoned off ■new homes. the cases that cannot legitimately be heard the ramp area. the freeze. About 5 per cent of all sales are in this More than 10,000 police and 1 The council announced the exempt items public utilities. before the undergraduate judiciary." Following Nixon's pledge to refrain from classification. Also, pay increases that will plainclothes men were on duty throughout (at anews conference called to detail how the close government supervision of the entire affect between 1,000 and 5,000 workers the capital to protect Castro. f will be split up for policing of The bearded Cuban prime economy, the council classified the must be reported to the government on a minister, nattily ■wage-price controls that will come after the attired in an olive drab bush jacket and ■freeze. economy into three parts for policing quarterly basis. This represents about 7 per ] In addition, the council director, Donald (Rumsfeld, told newsmen he would not rule violations. About half of the total sales in the United States and pay increases affecting about 83 cent of all Thus workers, the council said. Nixon carried out his focusing closest government control on plan of Labor leaders attack fatigues, stepped from President Salvador Allende. a Soviet jetliner and embraced his old friend and fellow Marxist, ut possible exemptions to pay standards per cent of all workers will be subject only to major industries and unionswhile adoptinga Organized Communist and Socialist ■adopted earlier this week. Rumsfeld, ■however, would not amplify his remarks on ■possible pay exemptions. T Rumsfeld emphasized that except for spot government checks for violation of wage-price controls. The council said that 1,300 companies, system affecting the entire economy. Among the items that will be exempt during the post-freeze period will be used Rehnquist nomination youths waving red banners shouted "Fidel, Fidel" while Castro shook hands with some of the thousands of persons who turned out for his arrival. with sales of $100 million and over, will be cars, possibly the biggest exemption in the WASHINGTON Sen. Birch Bayh, D-Ind., a member of the se items specifically exempted, all retail (AP) — Labor leaders The gleaming white Dyushin ■and wholesale prices will continue to be required to report price increases to the group. Although rents will be controlled joined Wednesday in the attack on the civil committee's liberal bloc, also has said he jet touched - down at Pudahuel International government before they can go into effect. after the freeze ends, commercial industrial rights and civil - liberties record of William thinks both nominees havemajority support . Airport at 5 (controlled after the freeze. This represents 45 per cent of all sales, the and farm property rents will not be covered. H. Rehnquist, one of President Nixon's despite his frequently expressed misgivings p.m. evident from the reporting Allende awaited Castro at the foot of the council said. In addition, the council said that rents nominees for two Supreme Court vacancies. about Rehnquist's appointment. ■requirements, however, tiiat small retail The committee chairman, Eastland, said gangway. They listened to the national Pay increases affecting 5,000 workers or may be increased if a landlord plows half of Spokesmen for the AFL-CIO and the ■establishments, such as grocery more must be reported to the government the value of his rental property into United Auto Workers union urged the Wednesday Rehnquist, an assistant attorney anthems of Chile and Cuba and reviewed an ■supermarkets, department stores and before they can be paid. About 500 improvements. This provision applies to Senate Judiciary Committee to reject general, "isa badly persecuted man." honor guard of Chilean air force cadets as ■discount houses, will not be required to get the 21-gun salute boomed in the economic units,presumablybargaining units, dwellings rented for the first time after Aug. "He is being persecuted without cause by Rehnquist's nomination, using basically the background. 15. those opposed to him," Eastland declared in arguments civil - rights leaders had the day "I'm very content, very moved and All unimproved real estate and existing before. the midst of Biemiller's testimony. very homes will be subject to the exemption, as He added that he hopes to place in the happy to be here," the 45-year-old Cuban Andrew J. Biemiller, testifying for the FORMER 'U' DEAN well as new homes ir which either the price AFL-CIO, called Rehnquist "a right wing record later a statement answering what he prime minister said over nationwide television. was determined after completion of zealot... an extremist in favor of executive called the falsehoods uttered against About 20 minutes later, Castro, flanked construction or in which wage rates are r ot Rehnquist. Sources hint Hardin changed by government action after the sales price is already set. supremacy and dimunition of personal freedom." UAW President Leonard Woodcock, in a Neither Biemiller nor Woodcock Powell, a wealthy Richmond, Va., lawyer. opposed by his 63-year-old host attired in business suit, left in an open convertible for the 17-mile motorcade from the rural a neat siatement read by an aide, said that Sen. Roman L. Hruska, R-Neb., ranking airport to the capital. (Day C|Uit Cabinet pOSt Tickets on sale Rehnquist "possesses neither the breadth of vision nor the humanity which is required of a Supreme Court justice." minority member of the Judiciary Committee, chided Biemiller about racial discrimination in the craft unions in the The route led through blocked-off streets toward the exclusive suburb of Vitacura and the Tudor-like residence of Mario Garcia I*AsmNTON (AP) - Secretary of about 90 cents a bushel — approximately Tickets for A.R.C. 71 may be purchased in The committee chairman, Sen. James O. building trades. Inchaustegui, the Cuban ambassador. advance at the Union and at the Planetarium Wjculture Clifford M. Hardin is expected one-third of the price a year ago. Eastland, D-Miss., has expressed confidence Hruska said that if Biemiller was correct Castro was to rest there in preparation for Jj■ourcesindicated > leave his Cabinet post soon, informed To combat these depressed prices, the Nixon administration announced last Friday for $2 Shows are scheduled for 8 and 10 that Lewis F. Powell Jr. and Rehnquist will be speedily confirmed by the Senate after about Rehnquist's beliefs, some union a stay of 10 to 12 days. It will take him from Wednesday. p.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at members would like to have him on the the arid northern deserts to the fjords and " is a former dean of the College of that arrangements had been made for the the committee acts on the nominations. the planetarium. Supreme Court. trout-filled lakes in the south. agriculture and Natural Resources at commercial sale of nearly $136 million J"™gan State. worth of corn and other livestock and feed ■ Hardin, who arrived back in Washington grains to the Soviet Union. Tednesday from a trip to Turkey, could not Uninsured Earlier, the administration had announced reached for a comment on the report, fcject6 ^hite House was mum on the yfoive no information on that," deputy it would pay farmers $600 million in subsidies to take more acres out of production next year. This was seen as a move designed to offset rising political America. ? A spokesman for the E [ e House press secretary Gerald L. unrest in the farm belt states. By NAT ABBATE "said in response to company, who refused to identify a query. Hardin would be the first agriculture State News Staff Writer himself, denied that his agency uses high ■svirt i?informed sources have indicated it secretary in nearly two decades not to serve - pressure tactics to get students' J, certain that the former president two full terms. You have barricaded yourself in your business. IromH Vt'rs'ty of Nebraska will step down Ezra Taft Benson was secretary for the room to study for your big midterm EL Your off "High - pressure pitches are just not a r , P°s't'on he has held since President on took office in eight years of the Eisenhower presidency tomorrow. roommates are good way to do business," he said. 1969. and Orville Freeman served eightyears under playing pinball and for once the room is Exactly how the company decides pfxP' W'Hiam Scherle, R-Iowa, said Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. quiet. who to call is a "close trade secret," he Ihitu j lu> hfd learned Tuesday night Hardin returned Wednesday from Turkey, As you prepare to cram a whole term's said, and added that his company fl^m has resigned. where he was sent by Nixon to help reading into a few hours, the phone rings and a disc jockey-type voice informs you approaches students because 80 per cent Ifenp T c'u>c'me a tradition at MSU to u<. upp.oached my life insurance policy, and I told him TMurp u'te House an^ was to,d ^at no praising the grain sale to the Soviet Union. by insurance that my parents took care of it, so I Pucesari ti been made to anyone to But he had nothing to say about the reports salesmen, whether over the phone or really didn't know that much about it. Hardin. he was resigning. through the mail. What bothers many He reminded me that I would be |CXiStration officials discounted students, however, is not that they call, but that they don't seem to hang up. taking over the premium payments Ltol v Hardin would be succeeded by Petitions In fact, it would appear that some when I turned 21 and offered to review \h nil entucky Gov. Louis Nunn. But salesmen have perfected a technique of my policies. I thanked him and politely kccessof ned to sPecul»te further on a The All-University Student Judiciary is putting their foot in the door over the refused, and in a few minutes I was able to hang up. petitions from students of junior ■ft ^as been under increasing fire from accepting standing for one position on the phone. To find out some of the strategy Paul Peregoy, associate manager of the ltonJfmzation8 and 8ome farm state Life Insurance Co. of Virginia, said his son"1?" who complained about Anti-Discrimination Judicial Board. behind insurance sales in the area, I ■ miis v P, for com and other grain. Petitions must be picked up at and returned called the College Life Insurance Co. of (Please turn to page seven) Illl(1 Priepfi! Corn croP was a record yield, to 331 Student Services Bldg. by 5 p.m. | ce* have plunged in some areas to 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November '1,19 news Space debate continues Bv MICHAEL FOX to be only ide,,t'f»ed as a Independent Government, political candidates, is being because the committee failed to r, spokeswoman for Women's vocally fought by Joint Issue, an meet to consider the proposals. summary rrK The Me w* Staff Writer .cue,, ASMSU Student♦ u Board^ Liberation said. "Why should the board put Reasons for the rejections included failure to comply with ASMSU criteria for office space East Lansing community One is to delete the title, which newspaper. requires a two-thirds vote of the n From the wires of APtnd UPI. continued its preoccupation with itself in a position of necessitating including lack of a student . ,n mit out 18-member board, internal disorder at its weekly a meeting Tuesday nigh physical conflict," C. K. Hunt, account number, support of ,n ord" nl° J"* Julia Dalquist, president of , witn Brody district slight progress mad9 towards as the board made the slight representative, said political candidates and failure to newspaper fe,,nef d an office to off-Campus Council and a vocal resolving controversy over office readjustment in office register aim student organization. do ^out in' i", JiTS, " backer of the Coalition groups, , space allocation. Meeting'a circus' spokeswoman for Joint Issue, has a proposa| pending in policy assignments. The board meeting resembled a Committee to amend Title * non-ASMSU o wo1tS tudfnts members voiced ?nd Buckner pessimistic circus, several ASMSU members The group was denied office Twelve so it, "shall not apply to Harold Buckner, ASMSU observed after the meeting, "To be perfectly blunt, the office opinions treely the board space because it supported registered student organizations chairman, expressed pessimism because nonstudents participated political candidates in the recent whose primary function is that of allocation hassle won't be ended received and accepted a revised Wednesday about the possibility in the meeting as if they were East Lansing City Council publication." until the board knuckles under to office space floor plan from the that the office allocations dispute board members. Buckner, said elections. Title 12 cf the ASMSU Space Allocations all the coalition demands. I am The committee accomodated Committee^ will be resolved in the near future. He questioned if the board Wednesday that his previous Operations Code is the Chuck Will, unsuccessful totally indifferent about it, and it is were attempts to rule out of order the stipulation cited in the Joint Issue write-in candidate in this month's up to the board whether or not EE!-8 third floor forand° .*thesPace m on ,th® basement of serving the better interests of its disruption by nonstudents had rejection: "The ASMSU will not city council race, suggested from constituency, the undergraduate prompted criticism and charges contribute financially to any the audience that a student-wide they will ignore their constitution Student Services Building by student body. of "repression" against him. referendum be held towards partisan political campaign." and guidelines." doubling up several groups which «To be perfectly blunt, the "The board is considering inserting an amendment in the Harold Buckner had previously been denied space, office allocation hassle - won't be taking action on issues which ASMSU Constitution allowing ASMSU chairman The committee requests for office space in received an ended until the board knuckles under to all the coalition have repercussions for all the While Joint Issue is not seeking Refusal students ... and are being . , .. n,.__nti~n<. «•»« *-«»«uuwih Penny, a hearing last Thursday and spokeswoman See story, page 2. open fnvmtilata/1 f Vto formulated the new Aa/m« now floor nlan plan ir» in demands. I am totally indifferent _I i :i l •i • i about it, and it is up to the board _ . % • • prompted " . to do so by several . . °VCT!f!?l COfflIfilt»v8G r68SOn0Qr 2! !^?„u "Though TnOllCll indicated he will solicit a judicial . <• • .. • Women's Liberation, told f nonstudents," Buckner said, review of such : a closed meeting Sunday. The they are not ASMSU, giving them ASMSU board D . whether or not wrcj vi «.w they will ignore win iguuit- The i ne nonstudents nonstuaenis Buckner duiriici /f ; . , x ^ provision. Tuesday n that Women's assignment of Women's ^de,[Mi-on""u"on ,n,i The coalition Buckner referred supporters of several Coalition movement organizations at MSU efurssEKi be a form of financial backing." Legislative Relations was could not accept assignment with Zer< Liberatioi an offia reinstated in the ASMSU Cabinet Liberation and Women for to is the Radical Coalition, an ad which have been before the board Proposals die and Charles Massoglia, director of Population Growth I Lynch wins backing Abortion Repeal (WAR) to one office, and of Book Exchange and hoc umbrella group of movement organizations which were recent weeks for office space consideration. One criterion for Two proposals regarding Title ASMSU's Legal Aide Dept., the ASMSU was the later group is ' 12 were sent to named a student representative to dominated" and practice Prir.ie Minister Jack Lynch won narrow parliamentary * to r° !kPfp°n Growth (ZPG) originally refused office space. another office. office space allocation, the Policy Committee last week but the East Lansing Traffic "genocide." Groups which were previously prohibition against supporting not reported out Tuesday Commission. SN photo by backing Wednesday night in Dublin, Ireland for bis policy Women's Liberation and ZPG denied office space but granted Terry Millei of seeking to reunite Ireland by peaceful means alone. The had originally been assigned to an allocation by ASMSU include Dail rejected, 72-69, a motion of no confidence in his the same office, as had WAR and Women's Liberation, Students government. Book Exchange. "Women's Liberation refuses to for a Democratic Society, Gay UN ENVOYS PROTEST The vote climaxed a two-day debate in the parliament. Liberation, WAR and the Book have office space with ZPG Exchange, Lynch's victory was expected after lie l;ad beaten down because it is a male-dominated The allocations committee Security said attacks on his policy from within the ruling Fianna Fail group, because it practices the denied office space to Free party caucus Tuesday. The Fianna Fail holds exactly half politics of genocide, and because University, Joint Issue, New women need a place where they Community, Vocations for Social oj" the 144 seats in the Dail. can meet," a woman who asked Change and the People NEW YORK (AP) — The Police Dept. is the center of controversy The day after the shooting incident, in which no one was hurt over iti protection of United Nations diplomats and teen-age boy and girl walked past a uniformed patrolman and ini foreign dignitaries: some missions complain the protection is inadequate the mission on Manhattan's fashionable East Side, or. the pretext! and the city says the federal government should foot the bill. collecting cultural and travel literature. Inside, they sprayed awi Viet politician murdered The charge that police security is deficient came out last month with paint and hurled a hammer through a glass door. when four rifle shots were fired into an upper floor of the Soviet Russian UN Ambassador Jacob A. Malik, in a speech to theUl A prominent Vietnamese politician reported under mission, a frequent target of demonstrations by the militant Jewish General Assembly, charged the United States had failed toprote* Defense League. Soviet diplomats against hostile elements in the city. consideration to become premier was assassinated Joining wit five other nations, Malik demanded improvements in Wednesday in Saigon by security. a plastic charge that blew up his The city, while deploring the incidents, contends the car as he drove home for lunch. federi government should at least share if not pay all the cost of protect^ The victim, Prof. Nguyen Van Bong, headed the anti-Communist the diplomats. One reimbursement bill is stalled in congressioJ Progressive Nationalist Movement, a committee. party Bong described as "loyalist opposition" to The police refuse to say what the guard duty costs them annuall President Nguyen Van Thieu. It won 15 of 159 lower but the city said it spent $4 million last year just providing seeuri house seats in last August's elections. for the United Nations's 25th anniversary celebration. ^ For that single operation, more than 1,500 of the department 30,000 policemen were mobilized to aid in security for 46 visitii chiefs of state. Mayor John V. Lindsay said the city should bepi Harris calls it $1.3 million of the cost. quits . Sen. Fred R. Harris of Oklahoma called off his fledgling campaign for the. Democratic presidential nomination 5 ASMSU posts Wednesday because "I am broke." It lasted only six weeks. Harris, who said he wept when his staff urged him to keep campaigning open to Students interested in student! Student Services Bldg. and offered to work for nothing, again petitioning for of the five any Appointments will be madd ASMSU appointments to the renounced his candidacy for reelection the Standing Committeesl to the Senate next year. University Standing Committees Curriculum, University Pul may pick up petitions in 334 Safety, Bookstol Subcommittee, Distinguia ACCOUNTING MAJORS Faculty Awards and the a designated from Married Houi Nixon to receive report for the All-University Traj Committee. Petitioning ends at 5 pjn. N President Nixon arranged to meet Wednesday in Washington with Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird to receive a report on Laird's fact-finding mission to Take It F Vietnam - a report which could help shape the President's coming announcemnt on Indochina troop withdrawals. Unknown Presidential press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler said the Laird meeting would be followed by a presidential meeting with Secretary of State William P. Rogers, which also is expected to focus or. Vietnam. Nixon lias said he will announce the next phase in nis Vietnam withdrawal program on or before Monday. 1,000 military sign petition A petition signed by nearly 1,000 soldiers, sailors and airmen opposed to continued U.S. Want to experience the pleasure of really fine dining I military involvement in Southeast Asia will be sent to Secretary of the Navy without facilities?Then the crush and coldness of today's come a little out of the way to chfin'5t!°™|I Bill sre John H. Chafee today for forwarding to Congress. rant and Bar, Lansing's best-known unknown.Bill'sfrien VI The signatures were collected in the Saigon area by family atmosphere and fine food have for over fifty 1 Navy Radarman James Mohler I!, 24, of Cuyahoga Falls, established a reputation among area diners. Now Bi s I Ohio, and Ens. Philip O. Geier lit, 23, of Cincinnati. wants YOU to experience the pleasure of good food serv I amidst pleasant surroundings and invites you to try I Olde Towne New England Clambake - Lansing's old«_ I Enjoy the tempting taste of sea-fresh cherry-stone c a I Vitamin C pills recalled nestled amongst succulent shrimp heaped in a wire bas I along with your own whole, pound - and - a - 1ua I lobster, steamed live on the premises as you order a I served up with ample drawn butter, fresh stalk riP®" 11 Tl«e FDA announced Wednesday in Washington it has corn, toasty com mtiffins and a crisp Bill's tossed sa a • I recalled during the last half-year about 105 million for only $6.50. So come a little out of the way an ^ I Vitamin C pills which it said were acquainted with the best-known unknown place to ea | inadequately labeled town. and posed a threat to neart patients trying to ward off colds. In its 14tii major Vitamin C recall since ordered the removal from stores of about 8.8 million May, the FDA BILL'S tablets mam'.facturered by the Glenn Matteson Co., doing business as the Setabid Co. of The agency warned the Portland, Ore. RESTAURANT S BAR public last May 26-27 that excessive use of some Vitair.in C tablets, 718 E. GRAND RIVER undeclared sodium ascorbate rather than ascorbic acid containing PHONE IV 2-6100 may be hazardous to persons on low-salt diets. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 11, 1971 I MIAMI BEACH, Meany Florida (AP) stiikes if vows to employers who raised machinery and proposals," said fight convention of new wage controls J "XciO President George prices refuse to give its members the 77-year-old "Mr. Labor." some 1,000 legally due them," said the meat "The Pay Board has taken it into the hands of employers," delegates representing 122 unions cutters, and added that court hikes, ll.nv and other labor leaders pay hikes blocked by the 90-day Meany's telegram was to the which opens here Nov. 18. Meany action, appeals to Congress to money which is legally and said the construction unions, "We are in the ■ «ed Wednesday to fight new wage-price freeze which rightfully due to workers and put supermarkets expires AFL-CIO Building and planned to here from overturn Nixon's economic nl wage controls which they Monday. come unanimous in condemning the They also complained that li ttle and we know for a fact there is no Construction Trades Dept., Washington Friday. program and strikes were possible would violate labor contracts The meat cutters, who which took a more conservative action had been taken by the machinery to control prices and The labor members of the Pay raring millions of workers. frequently clash with Meany's view than the meat cutlers on the weapons. of existing legal labor contracts. Nixon adminLstration during the there are"no price liste posted,' Board were outvoted 10 to 5 by freeze to prevent illegal Drice Iwill not stand still and see leadership, also pledged to fight wage question. industry and public members in sa'd Irving Stern. V. contracts abrogated, our in next week's AFL-CIO The meat cutters "We praised the r are hopeful that Monday's ruling to impose a attempts of Meany and other k standards destroyed, our convention for a resolution to call circumstances will permit labor general 5.5 per cent limit on Senate labor members of the ■*\jngs drastically diminished OKs p a nationwide strike of the labor members of the Pay Board to future wage hikes, rule out most Pay Board IS all around us other sectors federation's nearly 15 million retain their seats the retroactive pay for the 90-day to soften its ruling, but said: "We on Pay President Meany and his |?f the economy are doing members if necessary to win fair Board and work out problems freeze and open the door to urge Edges *s usual," Meany said, pay gains. from the inside," said the tolling back scheduled wage hikes colleagues to withdraw from the Pay Board in view of this fftit there was a deepening split Meany himself, in a telegram rule executive board and the U.S. in existing agreements. Imong union leaders over from Washington lopsided, antilabor decision." rther Meany and four other here, continued to labor leaders to keep his own presidents of the 17 construction unions in a joint statement. some Labor leaders cited reports that business leaders already In its more cautious over IT0r members should quit counsel on whether to quit the However, some of the were planning to ask the Pay the Building and Construction statement, WASHINGTON (AP)-The nuclear weapons on Okinawa in It is agreed that Japan will take %gdent Nixon's 15-man Pay Pay Board. construction union presidents Board to reduce wage hikes that '"Hie AFL-CIO convention Trades Dept. headed by Frank Senate by 84-6 vote Wednesday the future unless the Japanese over the responsibility for the rd or stay on it to fight from . . . earlier had indicated they favored fall due in the coming year. Bonadio said: "We await further ratified the treaty ending 27 years will make its own government gave its specific immediate defense of Okinawa judgment on a labor walkout from the Pay "We will take immediate steps of U.S. rule over Okinawa and the K1'executive board of the labor's future activities as they Board. to find ways of winning information clarification." . . . we need Ryukyu Islands. It would restore consent. Senators such by July 1973. TTiis will estimated $60 million. save an ■ooOOOniember Amalgamated relate to the Pay Board and all of as Barry Meany said he would make a compensation for our members the strategic Western Pacific Goldwater, R-Ariz., and Harry F. The United States will give Teat Cutters said it will call the President's economic full report to the main AFL-CIO for past wage increases which are But the labor leaders were chain captured in World War II to Byrd, Ind.-Va., contended that up about 34 installations and sites on Japan by mid-1972. this would hinder the United Okinawa before it is turned back Before becoming effective the States in carrying out its defense next year and 12 more facilities union dispute treaty must also be ratified by the Japanese Diet along with commitments not only to Japan but to South Korea, Taiwan, the will be returned to Jaoan by mid-1973. accompanying legislation which Philippines and Southeast Asia. permits the U.S. to use about 100 Phonevandals busy Under terms of the treaty Japan military installations for the By Employes lindawerfelman Lums, we re not going to ask go to school here to get at least Beginning cooks will and cashiers because "we can't see ourselves indefinite future. Senate leaders hailed lopsided vote as an augury of improved relations with Japan. The treaty ends an era in which the will pay million the United States $320 over a DUBLIN, Ireland (AP)-An five-year period for average of 90 public telephone development of the island base. booths are destroyed everyday in During Senate debate, the cost of the Irish Republic, according to U.S. military on Okinawa was an official report. Young vandals I State News Staff Writer anybody not to go to work. We're some type of benefits and some now receive $1.60 an hour; the estimated at $2 billion. were blamed. cramming something down these United States in effect going to put an informational type of money," Weld continued, waitresses earn $1.60 minus a 29 kids' throats" Edward C occupied territory belonging to JI Employes of Fmninves {L'n,*6t oi Lums of East William wl!? ?n t!,"t p,ace" are the major Weld, financial secretary accoidingto Weld and the 11 issue, cent "deviation" for tips and Lums meal expenses. Rouillard, Lums manager, said! its most powerful ally and trading partner in Asia. ISotcketing ■begin picKeung at9 a.m. today to ai»a^ni. loaay io tbusin the executive it turned to minor Maybe remember a they are young man right. Maybe V from Californiaij Treasury Secretary Joe Barr in 1969 warned matters. Take for example Hisc, son of inhabited for hundreds of years. Then compiled annually by Oil Week, calling the of a "taxpayers' revolt," not from low Huac. "Hisc," of course, is the House" got to Congress that way; what w*| we transported them to "safe" areas figures " a disgrace." Standard Oil of Ohio name? - Hickson or Dickson, or some™ income people but from the middle class Internal Security Committee, which is the on a tidy little income of $66 million like that. The emotion-charged issue of far removed from their original paid no Federal tax at all according to these figures ($7,000 - $20,000) outraged at old discredited Unamerican Activities TME NEW REPUBLIC prayer in public schools has finally homesites, crowding them in but got a 10.4 per cent credit, which it can "high-income recipients who pay little or no Committee under an alias. been resolved-for this year, at least. makeshift villages that the U.S. Federal income tax." The anger may be Runover apply to abate taxes in the future. there but it hasn't surfaced yet. Earlier this week the U.S. House of controlled. All this was done in the Giant Texaco with income of $1.1 billion That extraordinary first-term Representatives failed to obtain the name of defending them. had a tax rate of only 6.4 per cent ; Standard of California, 5 per cent; Atlantic 4.1 per No cut President Nixon in 1969 fought any cut in congressman Robert Drinan (D.) of Newton, Massachusetts, who in addition to having LETTER POUCY two-thirds majority vote necessary to But these people rightly could not the depletion allowance and maybe the cent and Gulf only 1.2 per cent. This been dean of the Boston submit constitutional referendum College Law School a see how the destruction of their Texas oil barons will be grateful to him next is an ordained Jesuit The State News welcomes allJetJ compares with the normal rate for priest is a for Senate consideration. particularly if John Connally is his villages, their land, and their corporations in other industries of around year, contemptuous member of Hisc. He gave it a They must be typed (prcferaby The surprising thing is not that the established ways of life were going to 40 per cent. running mate. quick runover recently in a speech here. The 65-space line and triple - spaced, •! The Treasury sets the tax loss of all this at prayer amendment was defeated, but save them. Clearly, Vietnamization As for the big oil companies altogether, 58-man staff is the largest of any standing signed with the hometown, rather that it came so near was a dismal failure, serving to they earned a lip s,Hacking $8.8 billion in $1.6 billion but Harvard professor James Q. Wilson guesses $5 billion, if oil import committee of the ilouse and its $525,000 faculty or staff standing and local | P 1970 (only $8.0 billion in 1969) and their budget the third largest. In a windowless number included. No unsigned lew f implementation. The measure1 failed increase hostility towards the U.S. quotas are included. You see, in addition to room it has be accepted for publication, an j average tax rate was 8.7 per cent, up from 754,000 3 by 5 cards arranged in by a scant 28 votes out of a field of and undermine any intervention by 7.3 per cent last year. juicy tax loopholes the industry gets tariff banks which two electronic data machines in will be printed witnout a signature 402. the "free" world. An end protection from quotas that cause a few minutes can in highly unusual circumstances. ■ automatically extract The implication of the voting is In truth then, it would seem that The increased tax rate was nothing to Americans to pay more than the going world from cabinets. As a member of the should be addressed to The E clear: a majority of the members of scream about though you would have price. committee Drinan inspected them. News, 345 Student Services wag- Laird is merely paving the way for an They are Meanwhile, Judy O'Grady scrubs the raw, hearsay dossiers East Lansing, Mich. 48823. this nation's most representative eventful U.S. pullout. By stating that thought that the world was coming to an end of unverified gossip when Congress under the leadership of legislative body are willing to Vietnamization has been a success, Wilbur Mills passed the so-called Tax jeopardize the guiding principles of Laird has enabled Nixon to withdraw Reform Act of 1969, which reduced their the Constitution to promote their our forces and still claim some sort of precious 27Vi per cent depletion allowance personal convictions. For a republic victory. loophole to 22 per cent. Candidate Richard Nixon went all over Texas in 1968 repeating supposedly founded on the precept of Contrary to what Laird would have that he would never let anybody bully the the protection of minority and us believe, however, the U.S. has po' little ol' oil industry: "I continue to pluralistic interests inthefaceof already lost out in Vietnam. We not believe that America's security requires the majority opposition, this is a sad only lost a war, but the support of the maintenance of the current oil depletion commentary indeed. very people we tried to "save" as well. allowance," he said. Reformers have been Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 11, 1971 Senate busing ban t „ ilNDA WERFELMAN prior to the governor's Nov. 3 "Busing is not the answer, but achieved, Vaughn said, American whites, who must Busing and racial equality State News Staff Writer speech, in which he announced how else are you going to get the emphasizing, "if we forced it decide whether they want to plans to appeal the pro-busing legislature to provide equality in along with other issues, "need decision of the Michigan down the throat of the southern society, he added. "If decision of the district court. educational opportunity?" region, we should do it in our own new voters to say they will not be election in the state of Michigan f senate to amend the state Vaughn asked. isolated communities. racism exists in 90 per cent of stampeded into hysteria," in 1972 without the input of new "itution to prohibit busing Those representatives who An integrated society be The problem is caused society the black 10 per cent can Vaughn added, voters; I think that's immoral," 'traeic" action, Rep. Jackie voted for the anM-busing can by only react." Young voters could be the he said, |Ughn I". D-Detroit, said amendment are not racists, he deciding factor in many elections Vaughn, who has been elected said, but "they he said, were caught up explaining that the 1970 to the legislature three times with Chilian leads the nation in with the Michigan gubernatorial election than 95 per cent of the vote, Soviets to furnish India idea that the most more backwards," Vaughn said. important thing is reelection." was decided by 40,000 votes. said he would resign if he received Jembarrassed that in 1971 only 50 or 55 percent. Jad the nerve to discuss it. The busing of whites into black Anyone over the age of 18 "That means half of the people Vaughn, who spoke to about 40 ghetto schools is necessary to should be permitted to run for are giving you no confidence," he ii„i™ who hava have Kaon been jno,iran,!i mmn«ni« . insurance companies around bast pQC» J expected of a policy holder, she auditorium box office is open NOV. 17th Miri ^(race,color, or religion. referred by other student clients. Lansing, according to Linda Joy, from noon to 5 p.m. 351-6010 [h the Senate Sen Donald When he does contact students consumer information specialist ,, R.Rochester, attempted Peregoy sa.d he approaches them for the Michi Con7umers. Uck a similar amendment on a from a very low - pressure point Council 1 concerned with improved instruction for school bus of view. Pressure doesn't work "Since it»s not illegal, I would ARE YOU COMING ty too t that students6 treat them r wel1' he said- »nd l.h« onlV like any other door - to - door TO THE NOW THRU TUES , , f . . | TTiisattempt failed to receive a pressure we use is to point out a salesman. They have to create a econding vote. person s needs. need jn y0ur mjnd, or else you would probably go out and buy EXCLUSIVE! life insurance yourself." ORGY? ELEC. HEATERS Ms. Joy said that she had no E*R'_ Fri. Nov. 19, 12 p.m. and Rep-at-large vote advice on how to get rid of such salesmen when they call, but suggested that it is something a Sat. Nov. 20, 12 p.m. person must do on his own. rnui* INfWWATKW IB SIP •• .. sbmi o . OPEN 7:00 P.M. (Continued from page one) committee. If a student does decide to Shows at 7:10-9:10 The Student Committee on Usecond request for listen to an insurance salesman's Feature at 7:30 - 9:30 a hearing Nominations has ^ out pitch, he should investigate the 216 AMOTT AO AMAZING! BEAUTIFUL , with the Student Faculty toy Tuesday by Ms. Benn statement to all candidates policy completely, she said. A Remarkable - DOWNTOWN Insect notifying them of the ALL THE YOUTHFUL Action Picture BEAUTY OF EUROPE ENSLAVED . , 1J4. postponement. The statement Some clauses may be very 'fiC'y , """—-v Life Creates 'Iti»ppndrefused t!?if.? to allow Ms. uy* candidates wi" be notified of misleading, she said, but are not Don't Miss .0 A Tower>nx FOR THE PLEASURE OF the date of the eiection after the Movie. illegal because they are written X THE 3RD REICH x Bob Considine [nation placed by their names ENDS SOON I OPEN 12:45 THE iympi - jjBw- WBmmmM Detroit Free Press »the ballot. Feature They contendkl wnpaign regulations do not ohibit slate running and that that the 1:16^3:16 • 5:20 - 7:25 - 9:30 | DON'T HELLSTROM MISS THIS ONE! PLEASURE CHRONICLE ke decision not to allow them lite designation was made in an » post facto PLANTATION" BILLY 'i manner after mission was granted by the EASTMAN COLOR x Once At 9:45 JACK IN 3D IN 3D IN 3D IN 3D IN 3D IN 3D IN 3D IN 3D IN 3D IN 3D IN 3D IN 3D IN 3D IN ,„J0M LAUGHLIN 3D DELORES TAYLOR 3-D returns IN 3D TECHNICOLOR* From W«rn< in a film that will scare you out of your seat: IN The 3D DOORS OPEN AT 1:15 P.M. PROGRAM INFORMATION 485-6485 EYES OF HELL in 3-D BETTY BOOP IN starts 3D _ _ . . _ . , IN TODAY! 3D INTERGALACTIC CARTOON FESTIVAL STARRING MISS BETTY BOOP KOKO the CLOWN and BIMBO with special guest star GRAMPY "Ten of the very best BETTY BOOP cartoons from the 1930's. They're racy, campy, and outrageously funny." PLUS EVER READY in BURIED TREASURE AVERY X CARTOON an underground classic, made after hours by the animators who produced CRAZY CAT, EVER READY is the wildest cartoon ever created. EVER READY was never intended for "In the gruesome division, this is really very good." theatrical distribution, but was made solely for the amusement of the animators and their friends. It is an I.OSANGKI.ESTIMFS absolutely unique film. There will be a short intermission Beal between BETTY and EVER READY to permit parents to Film take their children out of the auditorium. 109 Anthony 109 Anthony Group Group Produced by HORACE JACKSON SHOWTIMES 7:00,8:15,9:30,10:45 Directed t>y WENDELL JAMES FRANKLIN 7:00, 8:45,10:30 Admission $1.00 111 OLDS Admission $1.00 (includes glasses) 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thu"day,No,embtr|, -SPORTS Watt's p/ay •"]( wide open to fan criticism when Bessonesaid. "If he is as »s hot as he front of him and the Spartan junior Rick Olson and senior Dave By CRAIG REMSBURG State News Sports Writer the puck eludes his grasp. was last year for us we'll» we'll be be defensive defensive corps is a mixture of Roberts. are biR< 0,sor| at For the coming 1971-72 MSU alright." experience, youth, hard hitters 510, 180 lbs. and Rovert at 6-0, In the game of hockey, the last hockey season, the Spartan icers The 5-11, 180-lb. Watt played and puck carriers. 195 lbs., and both let the line of defense for a team is the will again have the services of one in 24.7 games, stopped 766 Heading the defense is the opposition know that they are on heavily - padded goal tender. The of the best netminders in the enemy shots and gave up 101 freshman sensation of last year, ^e i('e l',e'r hard-hitting successor failure of a contending Western Collegiate Hockey goals, a 4.1 average per game. For Bob Boyd. The Toronto, Ont! tactics. squad usually rests with how Association (WCHA)—Jim Watt, his fine effort, Watt was awarded product was the top scorer among "Olson is the best hitter on our effective the goalie is in stopping Watt took over from Rick honorable mention for the all - defensemen in he WCHA last year club and Roberts likes to carry the flying rubber discs blasted at Duffett last January when WCHA team, behind Michigan with 27 points, on seven goals and the puck," Bessone commented him. Duffett graduated, and helped Tech's Morris Trewin and 20 assists. Including all games of his two veteran players. "The entire team goes as the lead the Spartans to the best Minesota - Duluth'sGlenn Resch. played, Boyd scored 10 goals and Olson is one of the toughest goaltender goes, and the position season in their history. They Watt stopped 31 shots in each assisted on 23 of his teammates' defensemen in the league, is the most important in college finished with a 19-12 record and game he played last year and the tallies, good for 33 points. He was enjoying the body contact of the hockey," Spartan Coach Amo captured the Big Ten crown in the senior is heavily counted upon to the fifth leading scorer on the sport. Roberts is known to have Bessone states. process. duplicate, if not better, his team. one of the quickest-and hardest- Asa result, the netminder has a "After Jim took over, he was performance of a year ago. Boyd is a cool, heady performer slapshots on the Spartan team. As lot of pressure put on him and is the best goalie in the league," If Watt should falter or be put but is probably best noted for his a result, he is used on the MSU out of action for a length of time due to injuries Ron Clark of Wayne Weatherbee would take over the netminding chores. Jim fighting ability. Hockey fans at MSU may remember the home contests with Notre Dame last power play, Penalty killing is another aspeci ----- of the MSU - defense. Last seasc J season in which the 6-0, 185 lb. Al Laking and Larry Jakinovich Attend Lansing Mall's Second Annual LaPointe is another contender and might overtake Clark or defenseman was involved in formed one of the WCHA's top Pre vent a t ice m easu res numerous brawls and tried at one Weatherbee for the backup penalty killing duos, as the point to take on the entire Notre COMMUNITY BAZAAR nnsitinn position. Hamo honoh T4o wAiin/l imkninft Dame bench. He wound up being opposition scored only 27 goals hen .i the <•» Spartans were Jim Watt, the Spartan goaltender, kicks out a shot by Denver's Mike Lampman in a game played at Denver last winter. Watt missed landing the all-American goaltender slot by one vote last season All handi-crafted items or A goaltender needs plenty of ejected from the first game. shorthanded. Fortunately for the home-made baked goods. assistance from the defense in Teaming up with Boyd on the and will again provide the MSU icers with ample defensive protection this season. icers, both are back this year. other side of the blue line will be Photo by Andy Haas, CMA NOV. 11th, 12th, and 13th freshman Norm Barnes. Barnes at the Lansing Mall. has impressed both Bessone and Our assistant coach Alex Terpay with FOR LAST GAME his iiard shot and puck carrying fl/ore/co 1530 ability in pre-season practice. At 6-1, 190 lbs., Barnes has good size cassette recorder for a defenseman. The second combination will be Frosh eye less mistakes sounds rich. By STEVE STEIN position from Wolverine kicks, as the frosh were able to do in their bomb, which he felt was difference in the MSU loss to the offensive line of tackles R Erwin and James Cook i_ State News Sports^ Writer ,. . . first two games. Notre Dame.. guards Kellie Dean and Tel NOW SHOWING MSU's freshman football team "We want to make them go a As far as the injury situation McClowry. Max Myers a... will again concentrate on ELEC. HEATERS once long way for a touchdown," goes, Rutherford said that only Witsberger will also see action! Warner Bros, presents playing ball control offense when Rutherford said, middle guard Eric Johnson would Witsberger and Jim GramT the Spartans take on the "We want to prevent making have to sit out the Michigan game, will start at defensive end, J a Getty and Fromkess production University of Michigan frosh mistakes that could beat but that there "is a good Myers and Robert Love au g Saturday morning at 10 a.m. in [Sit I IS ourselves, like fumbles, penalties, possibility" that leading rusher defensive tackles. Paul Jones J Zeppelin A ll IS the huge Michigan Stadium. Coach Ed Rutherford said that intercepted passes, and poor field Arnold Morgado will be ready for hold down the middle guard J position, the Michigan contest. Mike Duda and Patrfl he has been working with his "We want to be sound Steve Moerdyk possibly will Starts at 7:22 a McClowry are the lineback| squad on the kicking game — football team that doesn't make start at quarterback, with Steve and the roverback will be Di lansing mall getting good coverage on punts mistakes." Rutherford and kickoffs, and good field1 empahsized stopping the long Burton and Mike Jones seeing a Won. 5330 W. lot of action. Morgado and Larry Jackson, Mike Jones,! Saginaw Hwy. Charles Gordon will work at one Brad Bishop will see action* And looks that way, too! But night halfback, Clarence Joe Bullock Arnold will and play safety, with Chad HarriatteB defensive halfback, it's really quite a bargain. fullback, and Dave Brown will Jones will then see actiod UNIT ONE FILM PRODUCTIONS From its rugged, stream¬ lined construction to the unique features like the Living start at halfback. Jones and Robert Parise will see action at flanker, and Mike Smith three positions - split end, and quarterbj safety. How | game goes will dictate how m dead remarkable Norelco dual in for precise will get the starting call at tight action he will see at each positil cooprration nilJi Rll i motor system tape speed and extra fast end. Grannell and Dean will do I forward and rewind. It also has a VU meter, tone control Charley Ane will center the punting, while Doug MeGraf Patrick Corp, and Rot and line cord. Operates IH't'SCIIISnitwt f on both battery and AC. Delaney wil handle the kirlA MSU student film exhibition Rush in and hear what i bargain sounds like! real SENIOR game. The decision as to whoB start will be made before § opening kickoff. an $3995 NI6HT including the premiere of is Managers should call the I PLUS coming office for playoff schedJ . . . concerning touch football. mm ' f! music co. "FROM DUSK" to ihe The deadline for foil fencj entries is noon on Nov. 19 JOHN WAYNE STALKING tournament will begin at 7 Mki room| A Howard Hawks Productior Nov. 22 in the fencing the fourth floor of .J "RIO LOBO" MOON Fieldhouse. The deadline for gym Jack Epps, Jr. & Jeffrey F. Jackson WED entries is noon on Nov. 2 starring "Rock-a-day" Johnny Garofalo, gymnastics meet will begin al Mary Blosom, and Joan Rutman. CUNT EASTWOOD NOV. p.m. Nov. 22 pending suffic* entries. The above film and three others will be shown at 8 Friday night in 109 Anthony. There will be no admission charge. PLEASE! RETURN THOSE 'PLAY MISTY FOR ME' PROOFS TODAY ...an Invitation to terror... A UNIVERSAl-MALPASO COMPANY PICTURE • TECHNICOLOR' [R] DOORS OPEN I 1 I 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 482 390b Today: 12:45 P.M. mT5T PROGRAM I ICHIGAN Theatre Lansinq the cabaret .UuJ™ - presents Chwity OPENS TONIGHT NOV. 11 1 4 & 18-20 SENIORS! Union Ballroom 8 PM HELP YOUR YEARBOOK EDITOR GET YOUR YEARBOOK ] Tickets $1.50 at Union OUT ON TIME. RETURN YOUR PROOFS NOW! Box office & at the door. Room 36A Union Bldg. Open Tonight in 108B Wells 7, 8:30, 10 — MSU I .P. or ".3 9 AM - 5 PM Monday — Friday $1.00 & worth it! State News, East Lansing, Michigan Michigan Thursday, November 11, 1971 -SPORTS- arriers may qo throuqh snow RUGARY *. By GARY KORRECK KORRECK . . . State News Sports Writer undoing in their two losses, and has made a couple of victories a bit should not be as predictable as the Hoosiers clow than thev might have been. easy victory over the Spartans a couple of weeks ago. „cirs harriers leave for Minnesota today with hopes for what Against Indiana, it was more than evident as the Gibbard called the meet MSU's "worst seven men in before Hoosiers squeezed showing of the year" and, be called an early Christmas. MSlPs fourth and fifth men crossed the finish without taking sides, it was. £ hope the weather is as bad, or worse than it is here," said Though it was not necessarily close it £ wasn't, by any means, Indiana's easiest of the season. i, Jim Gibbard referring to the Tuesday snowfall. Leading the Spartans so far this year has been Ken The Hoosiers had swept a Popejoy, Sow will help us," he added. almost a cinch for his Rob Cool, who hassecond ail-American ranking. pair of meets already and had been averaging under 19 points per a meet. Taking into consideration whether it snows or not the harriers are going to have to give their Burst to a series of second places this season what Gibbard had said it is not difficult to understand when he says J effort of the year against an impressive, if not spectacular, appears another solid contender for the his team still has a chance to win it all. ll&'6A, Arter these top ten in the Big Ten meet two, co-captains Dave Dieters and And, as Gibbard has been saying all season, the Big Ten meet is the Randy Kilpatrick t Spartans are given by most, Including Gibbard, only an enter the picture. Gibbard is counting on a top performance from only one that counts. !dde shot at the title, though Gibbard is a bit more optimistic. these two, and from Ron Cool, who finally loosened up against Even the impressive wins over Western Michigan and Minnesota "Je are ready physically," he said. "Whether we are ready Notre Dame. atally I don't know." ribbard said, the practices had been the "most intense of the rJ'*e Gibbard While to have an extra sPecial effort from these guys," said all three have cracked the top ten in duals this are secondary. They don't count towards the title, as MSU proved last year, beating the Hoosiers and the losing to them during the dual season. Gophers for the crown after STATE j-wid that the espirit de corps was at a high level. We've had the best group times of the season this week," he points' " a" occasional letdown that has cost the Spartans Gibbard said his squad has had no trouble Ten race, but he doesn't know how much. thinking about the Big Steve Rockey and Paul Kurtis have been close to the top ten as "It will depend on how bad we want Still be important for MSU to keep its positive attitude, as well well, and if not contenders, they are trom the rest of the capable of taking away points Last season Popejoy was fourth in the it," said Gibbard. Big Ten, Kilpatrick seventh KEN POPEJOY DAVE DIETERS together Saturday. The Spartan's fifth man has been their participants. and Dieters nineteenth. Induals this i Though it appears to be a one team race for Indiana, the outcome season, all three, as well as Rob Cool, have scored individual victories, including a four-way first place tie against Notre Dame. Garry bjorklund is the going away favorite for the individual title | For people who have Saturday but the other spots arejjgJforjrabs^ lot of talent but 'urry spells a not a lot of money. 325 yards and three touchdowns. By MIKE ABERLICH SP,it end Kevin Hamm »s Curry's State News Sports Writer next favorite receiver, and is just another of a number of Now there's If there . is anything that can reasons never been an easier way why the Gophers are averaging make an offense perk up better than 335 total yards every to buy the words and music to current hits, suddenly, it's a good scrambling game, because now there's a magazine called and deadly passing quarterback. The kind of quarterback that Words and Music. The job of stopping that keeps the defense alert as a It two-way threat, that is the kind tw Minnesota offense will, only costs $1. And for your dollar of c be left to the of quarterback Minnesota has in s rtan defensive unit, which has every issue gives you the words and music Craig Curry. And the Spartan ed to t the dam on of 8 to 10 top current songs; plus articles defenders are the ones who must two notpnt nffpnTp* in and photos of the stars behind the Oop this ninningandGopta Saturday when Murray Ohio State. Both wife""purtue J You've got the talent. Now all you songs. Warmath s crew comes to town. seemingly had Things even become more the same kind of balance {g* the need is a dollar. . „ . .. . . . Gophers indicate they have, but challenging when the fact enters tJ main differenc* ' be into the picture that Curry is p.,rrv presently the leading Big Ten I*-in.total ?ffense- Add to ttat the >rnpress.ve statistic that Curry is the third leading passer and seventh best scorer in the ^ After an uneventful sophomore c Gopher starting lineup broke fnto the as a junior Is3taste conference and it leaves Jfrartan aJ proceeder Kent GET Action WITH A not permit racial or WanlAd religious discrimination in its FORD COBRA, 1971. Automatic, 17,000 actual miles. Power UNLIMITED sales EARNINGS - Direct people, sell serviceable TV RENTALS monthly and - Students only. Low term rates. Call PINE CREST vacancies Townhouses now suitable f0r°*j J * WW f\. 'J advertising steering, power brakes. $2,795 at products, full or part time basis, 351 7900. UNIVERSITY TV baths, fully 2bJ l"% hSOt?r0feSSOrs columns. The State CROSBY'S PONTIAC -BUICK RENTALS. C 1V, limited wholesale available. $400 ► AUTOMOTIVE News will SALES in Portland. IV2-9776. c. °°| Scooters & Cycles not accept 3-11-11 per week possible at start. Call 371-3282 for appointment. appliances, dishwasher ba»!l Auto Parts & Service advertising which 3-11-12 Apartments C"r,P7°'U: $217.50 includes plaV9round pi discriminates against FORD VAN 1963. Good rubber, snow utilities * . Aviation religion, race, sex, color or tires, great mechanical condition. TELEPHONE SALES, part time. $2 _el^,.riiliv:35l7i94.o EMPLOYMENT FOR RENT national origin. Well taken care of. $400. 393-5945 afternoons. 2-11-12 per hour. Apply Room 32, 210 and 2 bedroom furnished. HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT. SUBLET, CEDAR "q'J Abbott Rd. 10 a.m. 3-11-11 351 7910. O-l 1-16 bedroom, furnished, 2 man J Apartments GALAXIE 500 1968 Two door, vinyl DENTAL ASSISTANT, full or part December 351-5156.3-11-15 1st. 351.85*1 5P Houses top. Sharp, snow tires, extra time with PERRY. MODERN 2 bedroom Orthodontic. wheels. Phone 372-1758 after 5:30 Rooms Automotive Experience, downtown. Call apartment. Newly decorated, shag NEWLY DECORA IF: U, furnish J p.m. or weekends. 2-11-12 carpet, drapes, garbage disposal. FOR SALE 482-9695 days, 484-0702 evenings. bedroom extra large apartment 5-11-11 Call 625-3366 after 6 p.m. 3-11-12 Animals CHRYSLER NEW Yorker, 1968. ,04.„men Storage, $240 / month den, MrJ Mobile Homes accessories. Excellent conditi $1450.332-5186.3-11-12 NURSES RN, LPN. ROSELAWN ONE BEDROOM, furnished. One Deposit required. includes utii Lost & Found MANOR. Skilled nursing home, block off campus. $150 / monthly. 393-11798f( G.T.O. 1965, 4 speed, 389-325 707 Armstrong Road. Have 332 3937.5-11-16 PERSONAL CHEVROLET 1964 Wagon, runs horsepower. One owner. $750. positions available on 3-11 p.m. NEEDED: 2 girls PEANUTS PERSONAL good, good tires. $100. 882-6564. Winterized. Dealt 351-6763. * shift. Opportunity for WANTED: ROOMMATE for 3 man. man 3-11-12 apartment Call * REAL ESTATE 5-11-17 advancement, excellent salaries, Winter / spring. 731 Apartments. 3-11-15 ► RECREATION CHEVROLET Van 1966. Excellent benefits. Apply in person or call, 351 3305.5-11-16 condition. Automatic, radio, JAVELIN, V-8, automatic, power 393-5680, Miss Lehmann, Director ► SERVICE Typing Service equipped for eating, sleeping. steering, brakes. Must sell. Al of Nursing. 5-11-11 LANSING OR East Lansing. One ^Ite^ and^ssTblv '"""l Refrigerator, stove. Can finance. 351 5995.3-11-12 bedroom furnished. Large, airy : t ' in * spri"9' C1 conditioned spac.ous.parkmg,332.| - NATIONAL COMPANY looking for rooms. Air TRANSPORTATION Phone 355-0155.2-11-12 MAVERICK 1970. 6, automatic, men and women. Comfortable Beautifully maintained. Suitable WANTED CHEVROLET 1954, 4 door, stick, excellent economy, low mileage. ow-ERSUC rr W>-BR0)|C IT UPC inside work, no outside canvassing, for faculty, grad students, business WOMEN ONE vacancv~7n" 4|1 Must sell. 351-1309. 2-11-12 no sales experience necessary .must DEADLINE new paint, snow tires. Good people, married couples. Lease. aoartment mmiiahi n 1 P.M. class day reliable transportation. Best offer. have good phone voice. Full time 332-3135 or 882-6549. O o^T. AT wne D,ock , from Decemt one before 332-4241.3-11-11 MERCURY MONTEREY 1966. and part time positions. Salary, cami publication. Automatic, power steering, good 9# K2Z/S. LAWN*. WO*. $100-$200 / week, depending on ONE GIRL needed, winter / spring *** rubber, 4 door, automatic rear ability, 2 weeks paid training term, walking distance to campus. Cancellations/Corrections program. Contact Dick Vance: $50.3511099.5-1 i-i i 349-9609 window, new battery, snow tires. _ 12 noon one class day 115,000 miles. $275. Telephone 393-5460 for interview. 633 East STODDARD APARTMENTS! before publication. 351 -3823 evenings. S Auto Service & Parts Jolly Road, Equal Opportunity CHEVY PICK-UP, 1957. 3/4 ton, 6 Automotive ATTRACTIVE FIVE rooms, bedroom, furnished £J cylinder, 3 speed, valve job Employer. O completely furnished, near PHONE campus. 351-8238 0 recently. Call 393-4085. 10-11-24 MG-BGT 1968 Overdrive, wire wheels. campus, utilities paid. $150 plus VOLKSWAGEN 1969 Squareback, KING'S FOREIGN CAR SERVICE. 355-8255 Best offer. 663-6141 before 9 p.m. COOK WANTED - lunch and dinner small responsibility. Married 2-11-12 36,000 miles, snow tires, excellent Repair and service on Volkswagen, hours. TJ's Red Coach Lounge. 465 couple only. Approximately mid - ONE GIRL needed for largetwo I condition. 355-3033.5-11-15 apartment. Close to campus.ST RATES 10 word minimum Triumph MG and most other N. Cedar. I96, Mason Interchange. December to mid No. DAYS MUSTANG 1970, Sportsroof, 302, foreign makes. 320 S. Charles, just 676-2627.5-11-16 References. 332-1746. X-3-11-11 - April. beginning immediately • s3_ CHEVY II 1966; air conditioning, V-8 automatic, snow tires, radio, VOLKSWAGEN 1965. Runs great. off East Kalamazoo. Phone term. 351-6573. Jeanne 3ll WORDS I 3 5 10 Must sell, $500. Bargain. 351-0238. power steering, $1850. 355-6155. 372-8130.6-11-12 CALIFORNIA CORPORATION power steering, power brakes plus ONE GIRL needed for Cedar Village DESPERATE 1 girl winter 3-11-12 3-11-12 an 13.00 two mounted snow tires. $400. seeking full or part time help in apartment. Winter and spring. 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East term. $65. 351-3853MMll 355-2003 or 355-2011.5-11 -16 Lansing area. Call 351-6818, 351-4124.3-11-12 " OLDSMOBILE - SHARP. 1969 VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. 12 . . . 372-7631.4-11-12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 CHEVELLE 1970 SS 396. Two good Holiday Tudor, full power, vinyl 1969. Rebuilt engine, newtires Complete auto painting and 2 BEDROOM apartment. BegiJ GIRL TO sublet winter. Across from snow tires. Reasonable. 651-6107. .5-11-17 call 353-2084."3-11-12 collision service. IV 5-0256. C NEED ROOM. Will clean, and / or winter. 349-0813 after 5. f 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 campus. 351-2457 after 9 p.m. monthly. 3-11-15 3-11-12 VOLKSWAGEN babysit. Have miniature poodle. 3-11-12 OLDSMOBILE "88" 1964.AII power, Butle 1968. New 4GOODYEAR poly-glasstires, F 60- After 5 p.m., 355-2000 Mariann. 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 low mileage, excellent condition. engine and brakes. $900. Phone NEEDED, ONE man for four I CUTLASS SUPREME 1971. Air, vinyl 15, 332-5048. ask for John. NearMSU. 2-11-12 355-5722.3-11-12 351-3711.3-11-11 APARTMENTS AVAILABLE for immediately. Waters E| roof. Excellent $3,025. Evenings, 3-11-12 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 332-8050. 3-11-11 December occupancy. Furnished. 332-4971.3-11-11 MSU STUDENT, female to live with OLDS 1963, 4 door, V-8, full power, VOLKSWAGEN SUPER Beetle 1971 W - GUARANTEED repair. University Terrace, across from 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 widow in 2 bedroom apartment in 1970 CUTLASS Supreme Oldsmobile. convertible. Warranty, rust - RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at Williams Hall. Roommate service. VACANT FOUR man apa radio, rust free. Snow tires extra. exchange for limited services. 347 Student Services Bldg. All power( air, stereo, 30 options. proofed, save $700. 626-6880 Okemos Road. 349-9620. C Phone HALSTEAD Close to campus. $240 I $250,349-1486.3-11-12 Walking distance from campus. List, $4500, balahce $2700. $200 3-11-12 MANAGEMENT, 351-7910 or 332-5322.5-11-15 351-5078 3-11-15 All student ads must be cash,3 take over payments. 1969 OLDS, Delta Royale, power, no TIRES, PAIR, G78-14, (825-14) manager, 332-1822.0-10-11-19 ~ ~ . NEED ONE girl for winterandsJ 485-4298. 5-11-16 VOLKSWAGEN 1959. Good body, Belted, whitewalls, never mounted, prepaid air, 37,000 miles. $1850. Call PART TIME 349-4592.5-11-16 runs well, $250. 351-4531 after 5 $40,351-6345.3-11-11 phone work and ONE GIRL to sublet winter, spring. Cedar Village. 337-2595. 4l| DODGE DART 1964. $150 or best p.m. 3-11-12 receptionist. Must be 21 and have Campus close. 351-1275. 3-11-12 The State News will be ■ offer. Call after 5 p.m. 351-8638. your own dependable HALF RENT to married coup! OPEL 1969. Radial ply tires. 1900cc, SNOW Tl RES, pair, 700x13, studded, responsible only for the 5-11-15 transportation. 1-5 p.m. or 5-9 p.m. first day's incorrect $850 or best offer. 355-5968. 1970 VW BUS, red, 12,000 miles. $30. Call 353-7934 after 6 p.m. Call Miss Erdman, 372-7347 for an ROOMMATE WANTED for winter f'r's' f°r''"'e domestlc 1 FALCON 1970'/} Model, 6 cylinders, 2 5-11-12 Excellent condition. Phone 3-11-15 interview. 0-11-11 and spring. Water's Edge —332-5977.5-11-15 insertion. 332-6250 after 6 p.m. 2-11-12 apartments. Call 337-2257. door, 15,000 miles. Leaving aboard. 355-5948. 5-11-15 1969 OPEL Deluxe coupe. Excellent 3.8 liter, 1961 Jaguar engine, 5-11-16 MARRIED STUDENT| BABYSITTER, 8 a.m. - noon for 10 complete for parts. 1964 & FACULTY FIAT 1968. 124 sport spider condition. Radio, four *->od Scooters & Cycles Volkswagen engine, 36 month old baby. Also, fix school ONE AND 2 bedroom apartments "snows." Ziebarted, 30-37 mpg. children's lunches.$1 an hour. Own from $145. 10 minutes from Automotive convertible. Great condition. Call 349 -1734 after 5 p.m. 3-11-12 horsepower, complete for parts. transportation. Near Hagadornand 1, 2, & 3 bedroom a 337-1238. 3-11-12 Also other miscellaneous parts and MSU. Children permitted. EAGLE Burcham. 337-1837 after 12 N. AH SPRITE, accessories. Call 393-4085. CREST NORTH, 694-8975, 4330 some with study 1968, 33,000 miles, PLYMOUTH ROADRUNNER. 1970. 1-11-11 FIAT 1968, 850 Spider, good 10-11-24 Keller_f*Md,_HoJt_C great condition, extras, 337-1721. Perfect condition. Warranty, Scott. 5-11-12 condition, $800, best offer. KAWASAKI 1969, 650, custom, $2250. 332-5186.3-11-12 WANTED: PART time waitresses, NEED GIRL winter term across street ANTIQUE 1933 Chevrolet $1050. 485-5356 after 5:30 p.m. 3-11-12 FIAT 1968, 124 spider, 5 speed, pipes, paint. $550. Call Mark, 351-0009.4-11-16 TIM'S AUTO REPAIR- 5011 Pleasant Grove Rd„ Lansing. experienced preferred. OLDS PLAZA HOTEL, after 5:30 p.m. from campus. Phone 332-1355. 3-11-11 from *145 per mol TR4 1963 with 1964 engine. Extra 393-4085. Major and minor tune Excellent condition. All original. excellent condition, extra sharpl body parts and 1963 engine. Body 1970 ups. Minor engine repair. Free - 3-11-15 1 GIRL needed winter term, across UNFURNISHED 351-7397.2-11-11 $1350.882-3459.3-11-12 SUZUKI 500. Excellent fair, needs work. $400. 489-6419 estimates. 24 hour road service. BUICK 1963. Riviera, full power, FIREBIRD 400 1968. Hydramatic, after 7 p.m. 5-11-15 condition. 4500 miles, $650. Ken, 332-5039.3-11-12 Tim Gage, Proprietor. 10-11-24 For Rent from campus. Sub - lease 351-5834. 3-11-15 children welcome | cruise control, '68 Buick Wildcat vinyl top, beautiful car. 372-6725. please, no pets TOYOTA CORONA 1968. 4 door, 4 ONLY $9.00/ month. Free deliveries. engine, side pipes, no rust, new 2-11-12 1971 HONDA CB-175. with helmet. Aviation SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV paint, excellent interior, best offer. 489-7982.2-11-12 FORD 1963 Falcon Van. Windows all around, one owner, 55,000 actual speed, air, "snows". 669-9689. 5-11-16 Will store for winter, $450. 351-3253.3-11-12 LEARN TO FLY I Complete flight RENTAL. 372-4948. O KNOB KILL training. All courses are APARTMENTSI miles. Good mechanical condition, BUICK ELECTRA 1961. Mint VALIANT 1965 for sale. Battered but YAMAHA TRAIL 1971, 175cc. TV AND Stereo rental, satisfaction needs body work. Best bid will be government and VA certified. condition. Power everything, $550. Enduro Model, excellent FRANCIS AVIATION, guaranteed. Free delivery, service accepted. Phone 484-4541. running well. Call 353-9035 days or Airport Call Harv, 349-1049. 3-11-11 condition, $450. 339-2462. and pick up. No desposit. Call 351-3778evenings. 2-11-12 Road. Call 484-1324. C 5-11-12 NEJAC, 337-1300. C 349-4700 OPEN Monday • Friday I Employment JUST IN, new refrigerators, shipment, compact freezers, Also 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. USE YOUR Saturday 12-5 p.m. ■ (Ktopckmgljam Auto Service & Parts THREE NEAT young men, one full time, one college student, 1 part time man, for new subsidiary of Alcoa Aluminum just opening new dishwashers. Ledge, 627-2191.0 ESCHTRUTH ELECTRIC, 315 Bridge, Grand MASTER CHARGE AT THE STATE NEWS LOCATED '/< MILE NOR1! OF JOLLY RD. ON W OKEMOS ROAD _ J & A BODY SHOP, 317 Hill St. office in Lansing, Car necessary. RENT-RENT Lansing, Michigan. VW and For appointment call 351-7319. C SEWING MACHINES, exercise will 5vah Renault specialist. All imports and domestic cars are welcomed. Free estimates. Phone 484-7889, TV TECHNICIAN, experienced in transistor TV, amplifier repairs and equipment, TV sets, toboggans, ski racks. UNITED RENT-ALL, East Lansing, 351-5652. 0-11-17 CROSSWORD ( \ B 1 »eholpjpjomn.,6 J E NC [E mewge, Owe 482-7574. Get your car ready for tBpe recorder unit repairs. Inquire PUZZLE te winter at J & A. Wheel wax 10- day at GENERAL RADIO & TV. jenE i PpkFH'«""s' three and special, $14.95. 5-11-15 484-3883. 5-11-12 1. Ah me! ACROSS 22. Curtail [|c j » . t 1 AR! b ; ■cWMPpM- IMPimUM^TlQN. E0:T|RMc3B^B?*npleteiy 5. Condescend 23. Mucilage ; c i Qwd Sttidertti-, M&vued- 10. Jet 24. Korean soldier 3'2-8077 -jIT si ,cteIRBKE "emIIamali^■^le 12. Sensational apartments 27. Firm 14. Love god 29. Kind of bean >1 Tie for rc |^B*"nonth. Ca cuuL . . . tyaadiu 15. English cathedral city 16. Brew 30. Knave of clubs 3h Witch bird 32. Simurgh I:o mTI "riemlIM u|p•eIrImIIP 17. Convene 33. Trance at the end of CAUGHT IN THE HOUSING 18. Yellow ocher 19. Maple genus 3(4. Sophisticated 37. Inspirations DOWN 4. Misty rain 5. Size of pap1 6. Last queen ■?'nd< maple Box c 20. Indian 38. Shield 1. Award Spain ^■^per p mulberry 39. Tryouts 2. Trouble spot 12 lb 21.Calembour 40. Draft animals 3. Together with 7. Unbroken H b|ack and / 6 9 mon SQUEEZE? '/A 1 5 M % 5— r- a 7 8 9 8. Cunning 9. More pleas) 10. Jeopardy ^K?retube. E ^H^'3014 .£ % 12. Flat topped 13, Exclusively ■ book Take your troubles to <3 18. Epitome £q0 pen sa will 'M % •5 Va li 19. Dovekie Kg 21. Place '7 '8 >9 22. Coquettisn PARK WEST 20 % Y\ % Iz 23. Pretenses VA % % 24. Overelaborl available. Call VA VA ii % w % lit u 25. Leper 26. Warning ■ We APARTMENTS 27 28 % U % 3o 27. Implied 28. Positive 5530 West Michigan Ave. 31 3H % * 32 W & . 29. 30. electrode Soak Eucharistic 1 j J (Etopcfemgfjam plate 37 30 at Saginaw 32. mctic explfl % Tailspi" J 4620 S. Contact Mrs. Louch 484-4640 39 1 HO %% 33. 35. 36. WrestlingPJ Smoked saW Hagadorn Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 1 1, 1971 ^ Student Service For Sale For Sale Real Estate Recreation Service FREE PARKING at STEWART rear of store, for GARDNER, 1969 12' DIRECTORY x your convenience. OPTICAL 60'. (3) 7' x 12' CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY with expandos, 2 DISCOUNT. 2615 East Michigan bedroom furnished with Studentours - Nassau $169, many plus EAST LANSING. By owner 4 features. Jamaica $219, Acapulco $219, Phone 484-1874. 20-12-2 Avenue, 372-7409. C-5-11-12 Reasonable. 371-3667 bedroom, 2V> baths, brick colonial Europe $189. Specials on Hawaii. 10-11-11 in outstanding condition with all Puerto Rico, Spain, Aruba. FREE APPLES, PEARS, sweet cider. Apple PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term rjollege travel bead crafts, • EYES EXAMINE6 wood. And Gift packages shipped Lost & Found the extras. Walking distance: schools, campus, Frandor and brochures. 351-2650.5-11-16 papers, theses Best rates. Call office decoupaqe supplies, • GLASSES by United Parcel. BLOSSOM buslines. $43,500. 332-0292. 351-4619. O IJ30 West Grand River Ave. art reproductions • CONTACT LENS DR. I.Li. Colliiu, Optometrist ORCHARDS, 2 miles North of Leslieon Hull Road. (Old U.S. 127) 1-589-8251 9-5 p.m. Closed LOST: BROWN oval glasses. Anthony Hall near Farm Lane. 337-1413. 3-11-11 Tunr 8 Days 7 Nights SAVE SAVE SAVE ,351-6010 Enfield's Incorporated C6-Optlcal Services Mondays. O 3-11-11 XEROX COPYING- offset - best 693 M-43. EAST LANSING Excellent 3 '199 - quality at reasonable prices. THE Okemo«f 349-loan »18S. Logan. 393-423Q SAXOPHONE. SELMER. Mark VI bedroom, 2V4 bath, colonial home. COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand LOST; £ LKHOUND male, nine Located within walking distance of l^jayrides and Party Room washday savings alto, new condition. Beginners months Q|d co||ar 351.4298 campus, schools and shopping. Dec. 22 to 30 River. Phone 332-4222. C 2Sc per load CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMES clarinet. 372-8216. 5-11-15 COMPLETE DELUXE PACKAGES 2-11-11 Price just reduced to $39,900. For white birch The beet for lew many patterns of molding more information call Jim Porter, WE ARE ALSO PLANNING COMPLETE THESES service. Special Texas Washer SOc NEW, 2 beautifully hand - stitched TRIPS TO Discount printing. IBM typing and STABLE and shop wendrow's econowash bob jones paints sheepskin coats. Sizes 14, 16 for Personal 332-2778, WM. G. MARTIN ACAPULCO AND ASPEN binding of theses, resumes, men or women. $100 COMPANY, 372-5570. 5-11-17 publications. Across from campus, 3006 Vine St. each. Call 677 0071 for appt. 7 a.m. to 11p.m. | blk. 353-4658,489-2314. 3-11 -11 WHOLEWHEAT FLOURI LAKE LANSING Road. Good house corner M.A.C. and Grand River, W. of Sean FAMILY OF MAN, INC. 201'/, East below Jones Stationery for student rental. 2 bedrooms, Shop. Call ELECTRIC TRAINS - 25% offl New Grand River. 0-1-11-10 SKI IN French Alps Christmas $289, COPYGRAPH SERVICES, ijjzuki of lansing BUD's NEW AIR FORCE PARKAS Lionel, Atlas, and AHM. This week at MODELS. Located at 211 JEWISH DEFENSE League is living garage. room, kitchen, full bath, and Priced at $16,700. Will sell complete STUDENTOURS. 351-2650. package. __337-1666. C Authorized Suzuki Motorcycle Auto Parts Inc. WARM and at the Evergreen. 4-11-12 FHA or VA. Call Dorothy Adams, BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. organizing. Write: Box 380, East 10-11-17 L.8te Model Motors and I md Snowmobile Dealer 339-2552. WM. G. MARTIN No job too large or too small. Block right price. Lansing. 3-11-15 USED BEIGE living room carpet. 12' COMPANY, 372-5570. 5-11-17 off campus. 332-3255.0 parti a speciality. 15500 S. Cedar Service 393-7580 Halfway between Holt Mason on N. Cedar and 694-2154 THE DAY BEFORE FOREVER 107 N. Cedar, Lansing x 18'. Excellent condition. $40. 482-2911.C-11-11 SAVE TIME. Call for appointment. 355 3359. UNION BLDG. 529 REGENT ST. 3 bedrooms, just SPAIN TYPING Rapid THESES and letters, etc. .service. $249 accurate 489-1229 BARBER SHOP. C-11-11 remodeled, new furnace, new CRAIG Experienced. 393-4075. C CASSETTE player and siding, wall to wall horse Drawn sleigh Rides , Campbell's FRANDOR KARMELKORN recorder. New $100. Call TUTORIAL HELP by Ph.D.'s. All room carpeting living / dining room, FHA and Hayrides Smoke Shop Imported Pipes For those HOLIDAY parties 489-5495, Must sell 14-11-12 sciences, including math, physics and appraised at $17,600. 676-2627. 5-11-16 Frank Buck. 351-2286. Transportation ■sunny. Horse boarding, lessons, by computers. Call 351-8629. Popcorn Balls, Carmel Cpolntment, ™ BAR-M Riding Tobacco A Cigars lots of other Goodies. Apples, plus ZENITH PORTABLE stereo, solid 0-1-11-11 WANTED: RIDE to Denver, Colorado » Take 127 S. of Mason to Expert pipe repair Discounts state, diamond needle. Excellent DUPLEX, 1614 Bailey. Just E. to Eden Rd. 207M.A.C. Ave.,E. Lansing on ail large orders. Place your condition. Best offer. 351-2008 A FINE portrait is a work of art. At remodeled, new furnace, new Service CHRISTMAS orders early 4-11-12 Phone 332-4269 least that's how we approach it at siding, wall to wall carpeting, 351-4468. ELECTRONIC REPAIRS. Stereos, VAN DYKE STUDIO of furnished apartments. Appraised, SEALED BID auction stereo cabinet radio, recorders, TV's. Dependable. PHOTOGRAPHY. Next to Brother $17,600. Income $260 monthly. Reasonable. Call. 351-6680 For Rent For Sale For Sale (less components). West Shaw Upper lounge. Submit to Phil Gambit's in the Abbott Building. 332-8889.0-11-11 676-2627.5-11-16 x-0-30-11-23 GREYHOUND Charvat, 123 West Shaw by HAMMOND STREET - 2 bedroom November 15. 3-11-11 Eeq ONE man for winter and WASHER, MAYTAG used 3 months. stunt men Bungalow, ideal for newlyweds or seniors! 2 days now has direct bus service to j. Cedar Village, 351-7116. Kenmore vacuum cleaner. Ladies GUITAR: For stunt retirees. Close to schools and left for free Pontiac, Royal Oak and BEAUTIFUL, Harptone, men the dollar is | &-11-11 bunny fur coat, size 12. 2 men's acoustic. 2 months old. Will becoming a scarcer and scarcer shopping. FHA or VA terms or pictures-call Birmingham, from the East USED FURNITURE Flee Fair: 314 Herringbone tweed jackets, size 42. sacrifice. 351-7983.3-11-11 equity out. For appointment call East commodity, due to sky - Mrs. Lansing Bus Depot. Departing JjEDROOM apartment needs 1 man Michigan. Dishes, books, Sears hairdryer. Best offer. Robinson, 372-7610 or 353-5292 ■ (own room) beginning Dec. After 6 coins, antiques, rockers, junk. 355-7832. 3-11-15 8 TRACK TAPES $4.49. Excellent rocketing production costs. residence, 485-3045. ADVANCE on Fridays at 4:25 p.m. For " - jb. Tony, 339-9468. 2-11-12 Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open If you're finding it quite a REALTY CO., REALTORS. reservations call East Lansing 22 selection, waterbeds, head supplies, 3-11-11 Saturday and Sunday. Furniture CALIBRE Marlin-Carbine, new stunt to remain within your PAINTING INTERIOR. Brighten up Bus Depot, 332-2569. stereo equipment and more (TONE girl, Cedar Village, $65 / and with strap, appliances open all week, 10 2 clips, 2 boxes of "simple pleasures". 217 Ann. budget, let STATE News that room for the holidays. Grad winter spring. 351-3818. am - 6 pm/ Phone 371-2843. C longer rifle cartridges, and cleaning (Under The Outlook). 3-11-11 Classified Ads make it easier. students, experienced, references, |HU5 Christmas Break outfit. Call 393-4085. 10-11-24 You get quick dollars for Recreation reasonable. Jere, or Bruce, SUPPORT YOUR business with a worthwhile, but 349-4817. C Animals no longer boost from Want Ads. Advertise Houses BAHAMAS YAMAHA ORGAN like new. Must sell. $1000. Call Paul, 353-4109. needed household items. Make a list now and dial 355-8255 VARIETY TOURS FOR QUALITY service and stereos, services there. Dial 355-8255. JEED ROOMMATE. Girl. $70 / ■ month. $25. security. Close to *99 2-11-12 BEAUTIFUL MALE gentle. Free to cat. Friendly, good home. for a helpful Ad Writer to get ACAPULCO TV's and recorders. THE STEREO SHOPPE. 337-1300. C Wanted Includes S full days, round trip WILD BIRD seed, sunflower seeds, your ad working right away. Dec. 28 -Jan. 4 inpus. Beautifull 351-2755. ask 482-0552.3-11-12 transportation between Detroit dog houses and straw. RUHF'S has PROFESSIONAL SUE DE and leather NEED SPACE for Apache trailer with | for Ed. 0 ST LANSING - Large 3 bedroom, and Freeport, departing Dec. 13. Accommodations at Holiday Inn. itl 882-2121. 0-11-15 AKC SAMOYED Samoyed, $30. Nice $100; purebred with kids. FREE . .A lesson in complexion care. Call 484-4519, East Michian or Includes: $219. cleaning and refinishing. OKEMOS DRY CLEANERS, 2155 Hamilton electricity, as occasional room. $25 / month. Ed, 355-9597. 2-11-12 Transfers between airport and QUEEN SIZE WATERBED, liner 694-0501.10-11-15 485-7197, Lansing Mall. MERLE Icirptted, garage. Unfurnished - •Round-trip jet air Road, Okemos. 349-0910 hotel. Plus taxes and gratuities. and frame. $35. Call after 6 NORMAN *7 Nights - First class hotel ■ (265 plus deposit. Family or p.m. COSMETICS 0-1-11-11 PERSONABLE MATURE GAL needs Hawaii, complete deluxe 663-3865. 2-11-12 DANES. 2 black. 2 brindle. AKC. Best STUDIOS. C-11-11 •Transfers full time job during Christmas i students. 351-9285, •Cocktail Party package, $299. Call offers by Thanksgiving. Call Toke break. (December 4 ■ 372-5873. x-5-1 1-12 January 2). Typing Service - BAGELSII! Delivered fresh •Guaranteed Sun Frank Buck, 351-2286 or Brinde, 337-2092. 2-11-12 every General office, receptionist, Dental Terry 393-43S7 Dave Buck, 353-0011 Sunday morning. To order: IrlDESFERATELY needs room in 351-0009,351-3521.3-11-11 Call Carol 882-2632 ANN BROWN; Typing and multilith Assistant, sales, cashier. Call Thome TWO ADORABLE kittens free to 339-8685 after 6 p.m. or immediately. Call Chris ELECTROVOICE SPEAKERS, new NOW Shirley 351-8732 offset printing. Complete service WOMEN'S CLOTHING. Sizes 14-16. good home. Call. 355-4822, Don 351-8126 weekends.S ■3513911.1-1 1-1 1 reduced prices, liberal trades. Used Beige fur - trimmed coat. Good PATRICIAN $20 shag permanent for for dissertations, 355-4892.3-11-12 theses, Sansui 800 AM/FM stereo receiver. condition. Man's zip - out lined $10. Monday 12- 4 p.m. 309 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY WITH manuscripts, general typing. IBM. RESPECTABLE MODEL needs work Thorerts 150 MKII stereo coat, 44 regular. 627-6265.1-11-11 M.A.C. 337-1114. 0-11-12 STUDENTOURS. Nassau $169, 22 years experience. 349-0850. C with photographers. Call Susan for fUrhtable. Used STEflEO, Jamaica $219, Acapulco $219, details, 339-2059. B-1-11-11 speakers, receivers, changers, I30ARD EXAM TUTORING Kaplan Europe $189. Specials on Hawaii, TYPING TERM papers and theses. amps, HALLICRAFTERS SXIDO Puerto Rico, Spain, Aruba. Free Electric typewriter, (^rtt service. tape recorders and decks, cassette shortwave receiver, $100. Trade for ST. BERNARD, pups. AKC. 1 male, 1 Tutoring Courses for the IE TO campus • 2 bedrooms, December brochures. 351-2650.4-11-16 More Classifieds on page 12 and 8 tracks players, used 8 track stereo tape player? 351-1585. LSAT and January 349-1904. 20-12-1 ■partly furnished. Sublet winter and female. Must sell. $100. After 6 tapes $2 / each. TV sets. Police 2-11-12 DAT board exams are being I ping.}190.337-1181. 2-11-12 p.m. 482-5887. 4-11-12 formed. Call collect band radio, typewriters,!mported (313) wall tapestries, All equipment MOVING SALE. 851-6077 for enrollment. 2263 Kenmore, ALASKAN MALAMUTE pups. AKC. JRMHOUSE. 10 month lease, 4 tested and guaranteed. WILCOX Okemos, off Grand River on Northern Michigan stock. 0-25-11-12 Our Fastback nts. Phone 337-2285 after 6 SECOND HAND STORE, 509 East Hillcrest by Weathervane. Friday Champion line. Males and females, ■p.m. 3-11-12 Michigan. 485-4391. 8-5:30 PM. and Saturday. 9-6 p.m. Children's black and white and wolf greys. Monday through Saturday. Bank and adults clothing, toys, Can be seen and purchased Peanuts Personal IBERAI GIRL needed, own room, Americard, Master Charge. miscellaneous. 2-11-12 Thursday, November 11, ■K5 plus utilities, near campus. at 1931 Layaways,terms, trades. IC Raby Rd., Haslett. 3-11-11 ■332-5961.3-11-12 COMPARE THE best record prices in Jl■XURY COLE'S BAKERY town. Not just one day specials, but Mobile Homes costs less LIVING for responsible greenbacks couple. No smoking, drinking or SURPLUS BAKERY foods at reduced consistent low prices. MARSHALL ■ pets. For winter months. prices. 1/3 to 1/2 off at retail MUSIC, East Lansing. C-1-11-11 MARLETTE 1970. 12' x 60' with 7' x ■ <87-0846.5-1 1-16 prices; great eating, great economy I 21' Expando. Unfurnished except Surplus Store, 640 South Waverly, ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. MARGRET F R IE DE NHE I MER, Latest edition. Never used. Must carpeting and draperies. Phone Have a Happy Birthday, Gertrude ■IXURY 3 bedroom duplex, dining immediately North of 1-496 393-8294 after 8:30 p.m. 5-11-12 Willomeras. 1-11-11 ■ room, 114 baths, range and expressway. C-11-12 sell, will sacrifice. Reduced - $200. ■ rafrigerator. Private yard. 5810 Call 351-8994. 5-11-17 ' x55', fully carpeted, ■ Orchard Court. 882-1526. 5-11-16 HANDMADE FURNITURE , Commune Crafted, high quality, furnished, 2 bedrooms, air below conditioner, on lot near campus. pNISHED HOUSE for 6 women, rip - off prices. THE SEVEN 337-2197 evenings. 5-11-12 te students or seniors. Near DWARFS. 349-4817. C-5-11-16 ■ "mpui, parking. TELECASTER GUITAR and ampeg References. VINDALE 10' x 50'. Furnished, ■ IV2-6932 after base. New condition. $250 each. 5:30p.m. Available BROWNING, 12 gauge, automatic, And completely carpeted, shed, a bassman head, $100. ^November 15.3-11-11 lighweight. Remington, 35 calibre, 484-2762. 2-11-12 skirting, air conditioned, on lot FOR GLAD tidings iook foY pump, Model 14. 651-5867. near campus. $3200. 351-3779. something you've lost with a Want MAN FOR house Ad. Dial 355-8255 - cheap. Own 5-11-16 5-11-12 ■ Terms negotiable. Lansing. BOOK SALE. All books 10c, ■«82-9886.4-1 1-12 paperback and hardback. Saturday, ^%%ARTIN 9-3 p.m. 1113 South Washington. 2-11-12 Rooms GARAGE SALE November 13th. Rea£tota WATERBEDS $26.50, any size. _ WEST OWEN HALL room Furniture, washer, range, TV, ■tollable free remainder of Units, $60. Mattress, liner, foam Presents. term. chainsaw. 5654 Babbitt, Haslett. ■ sign own contract / winter pad and frame. UL listed waterbed 9-6 p.m. 2-11-12 ■ >™. Man / woman. Leave heaters. REBIRTH, 309 North Washington, Lansing. 489-6168. C Km9®' 0vv8n d9,k'355-4216 1-12 ■ iw'"EEP'NG to MSU. roomi for rent, Phone 332-0322. SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale, y* CARAT Orange Blossom wedding TOYOTA Corolla brand new portables - $49.95. $5 ring set, size 7Vi, $125. 349-0757. per month. Large selection of ■&: ROOMS for rent. 3-11-12 reconditioned used machines. ^2e8077,Ti!hed- CO°kin9' STEREO CO-OP AND shop WATERBED offersdiscountsonvirtually all Singers, Whites, Necchis, Home & "Many Others", $19.95 to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS New L?LE For r«>om in house. $47.50 makes of new end used stereo DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. h. Call 489-3602.3-11-12 equipment. We also have all types 1115 N. Washington, 489-6448. 234 Gunson For Sale of waterbeds and custom accessories. Ann Street. Come see us at 217 (Underneath The C-11-11 Sparkling three bedroom bungalow all freshly decorated — Why settle for a plain jane? living room, dining room, kitchen, bath plus extra lavatory, Outlook). Or call 332-1221. ■«ldApLE chests- mirror, night 3-11-12 garage and fenced in rear yard. Priced to sell. Call Barrv Moore-349-1480 Get a fully equipped Toyota and start living. ■W°l?prin9S 1 mat,ress- table, like new. ■UdiM ■RCA h„ 'b; fowling ball. 21" It costs no more! ■dcturot k White TV" Needs |S5,X1E1^inB,/ ^kends- All Corollas come loaded despite their low BOO - 100 USED Vacuum cleaners. Tanks, prices. Front disc brakes, four on the floor, fully canisters and uprights. Guaranteed one full year. $7.88 and up. reclining front bucket seats, nylon carpeting, R^EADt1360' ». with Salamon 5-11.1?' $12° Call 332-8950. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. parcel tray, flow-thrg ventilation, trip mileage Opposite City Market. C-11-11 900 Audubon meter, tinted windows, whitewalls, wheel covers This interesting three bedroom home located in the and many more. We Have 1 Left . . . from $89.96 panasonic's super- Glencairn area features a built-in FYigidaire kitchen, 1V4 baths, family room, recreation room, two Completely carpeted and draped. For an appointment to see car garage. from: compact personal A four-man apartment refrigerators fit in nicely call Dorothy Weideman - 337-9475 next to campus just about anywhere "If you are moving, ask about Relocation Service" our All Points WHEELS TOYOTA INC. W 2400 (.MICHIGAN AVE. 5 Blocks West of Frandor 309 n. Aaartin CALL 332-4432 c Washington 372-6570 1 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 11, i97) it's what's ( A SERVICE FOR STUDENTS Announcements Happening for Happening must be received in It's What's the The National Student Speech and Hearing Assn. will meet at 7:30 p.m. The MSU Golf Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. today in 137 Women* BLFI links blacks, By WANDA HERNDON State News Staff Writer "The Black Liberation Front service to the MSU community in that it attempts to reorganize intellectual life so as to eliminate the misconceptions and myths knowledge and understanding of the black movement, BLFI is planning programs to link black students with the black Africans does not work directly in the program, it instead works as a referral service in that people can come to us with a problem and we will seek out those who can hlep Ihmps James, Md.?amphletsbyc[l black historian publishes "Mazim. •journal of African The BLFI's im BLPiJ studied0''! 'I r ^sSSss class days are limited before publication. Items to 25 words. No procedures will be discussed, srattsrs S'SSs SLSSS 3K3S2 students on MSU's campus' said. Garvey Institute for the Study of them solve it," Karega said. Karega stated that the BLFI is initiating the programs because it Interests include efforts Union for totheassist' thei/l J h El Total LihJSI will be held at 9 p.m. Chui Karega, Detroit senior Karega said he feels that BLFI is African People, 218 Butler Blvd., is not simply enough to give Angola (UNITA) announcements will be accepted by phone. No announcements will be A gay TG Saturday. Call 353-9795 for more minister of information for the addition to MSU's educational La"si"8- people ideology through liberation group who anuSl accepted for events outside the greater information. Pj Mu Epsilon will meet at 7:30 p.m. BLFI, said Wednesday. an services because it provides black BLF{ s new programs for the education. fighting the Portuguese iSpr^J ivl Lansing area. * Monday in 204A Wells Hall. Martin students with true and correct year will include a drug education The Company will present "Damn Fox. professor of statistics and "BLFI wishes to provide a "BLFI must help to rid some of also assisting the South A J program in which they will be Li*"»«on Movement in The Cabaret Company presents "Sweet Charity" at 8 tonight in the Yankees" at 8 tonight Friday and probability, will speak on "Games." working in conjunction with the the problems black people are end white rule in orrfJ Saturday in Wonders Hall. Ticketswill confronted with everyday such as that Lansing Westside Drug Center, a Karega country! Union Ballroom. Tickets are available stated that ml Parent's be on sale at the door. policy a student production will be the at the Union ticket office. free dental care program for the drugs, pests, and health does just about presented at 11:30 tonight through problems," Karega said. everything it J black residents of Lansing who Justice Thomas Brennan, member of Stephen Hilt, asst. professor of astronomy, will speak on variable stars Sunday in Studio 49, Fairchild Theatre, cannot afford dental care. Black t° Provlde some African nations. aid fof t J nB On the national level, the BLFI the Michigan Supreme Court, will at a meeting of the Astronomy Club at Lansing dentists will be assisting is operating In the field of speak on "Law and Society" a insures student 8 tonight in 221 Physics - Astronomy jean Rohou, director of the institute them in this program, Karega meeting of the MSU Pre-Law Club at Bldg. All are welcome to this for foreign students at the Universite said. publication, primarily 7:30 p.m. today in 118 Eppley Center. non-technical talk. Fnday s a! 9*- 3c>e'a m' commun'ty does not change Bldg. Saturday. served at Sunday 5:30 dinner will be p.m. at Hillel, 319 "^ency.11 1S the opinion of the Beginning Orchesis will meet at 6 Hiiicrest Ave. Call 332-1916. Michigan Insurance Bureau." Has (7) Buses Every Day p.n. today in 218 Women's Intramural Russell E. Van Hooser, Wanted LIVE MODELS. Male or female, no Bldg. followed at 7:15 p.m. by Advanced Technique and Modern Jazz Year Albatross film series presents "in of the Pig" at 7:30 and tonight at the Albatross, 547 E. Grand the 10 commissioner, said, "that the act of voter registration by a student To Chicago and intermediate stops at: d0es not in and of itself void the remuneration. For interesting class River Ave. off premises protection of the project. Call 351-5165 between BATTLE CREEK and KALAMAZOO with buses departing 10-11 a.m. Ask for Dorian Blair. Free U classes meeting today: Paint's homeowners policy. at these respective times for Freecoffeeanddonuts. 1-11-11 South Brody lounge to discuss the Iran Dealing with 0ff-campus problems 7 The test that would be applied BENTON HARBOR SOUTHBEND Project. 316 student Services Bldg.; by an insurance claims adjuster at- pm 8:45 a.m. 6:55 a.m. WANTED SKI Wilderness Survival - 7 p.m., 331 the time of loss would be to Leaving term. Leave for Colorado Allen Mandelstamm, East Lansing 2:15 p.m. 11:15a.m. professor of South Case Hall: Gestalt Therapy - 7 determine the intention of the December 10. Call Carla, economics, will speak to 6:15 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 332-0821.3-11-12 Communication Dept. a p.m., 217 Bessey Hall; Skiing - 7 p.m., student to return to his or her 11:35 p.m. original works of graphic art—etchings, lithographs.— Colloqu,um on 30) Bessey Ha„; Qpen Ended parentshome. teaching a TV lecture at 2 p.m. Friday by leading 20th century artists: Reiatjonships - 7:30 p.m. 314 Bessey "In other words coverage is not Buses Departing for FEMALE STUDENT desires in 2.4 Bessey Hall. All are welcome. Ha|). WomePn,s . 7 p.m„ 3S in °ther WOrdS< average IS not Pablo Picasso Johnny Fricdlacndcr Marc Chaga roommate. 4-11-15 Phone 882-8447. The MSU Sports Car Club will 1 Snyder Hall. Flint Salvador Dali, Alexander Calder Joan Miro at 8 tonight in 30 Uni with Bay City and Saginaw Connections Georges Rouault Victor Vasarely and others ] BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for news plus slides and c all positive. A negative, B negative be presented. Leave 9:15 am 5:30 pm and AB negative, $10.00 O East Lansing 12:50 p.m. 7:40 pm negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN at: SUNDAY NOV 14th at 3:00P.M. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, 2:40 pm 9:30 pm Sundays only Phone East Lansing Bus Terminal UNIVERSITY ROOM - INN AMERICA 50754 East Grand River, East for arrival and departure schedules Lansing. Above the new Campus Book Store. Hours, 9 am to 3:30 and information 2736 E. GRAND RIVER - E. LANSING pm Monday, Thursday, and 332-2569 Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 EXHIBITION OF ART -1:00to 3:00 P.M. Air Conditoned - Rest Room pm to 6:30 pm. 337-7183. C Deluxe Coaches Available For Charter ADMISSION FREE - PRICES FROM $15.06 Write or Call Owosso, Mich, toll FREE 800 - 292-3831 ' PRESENTED BY THE MERIDIAN GALLERY Take Advantage of Marantz...2 Ways SAVE $ 113.00 on this "TAKE-ADVANTAGE"! STEREO SYSTEM... Wondering about the condition of your audio equipment? Just bring in your amplifier, preamplifier, or receiver — regardless of age, make, or where you bought it. The Marantz MODEL 26 SYSTEM people will take it from there. First, they will thoroughly test your equipment (except the tujier section of your receiver) on $7,000 worth of precision Consider this SPECIAL "TAKE-ADVANTAGE" from the Stereo Shoppe and Marantz. OFFER J laboratory equipment. And they'll tell you if you're getting all the sound performance you paid for. Right now you can save $113 on this complete Marantz I In addition, the results will be plotted on a graph for your Model 26 system with 3 year guarantee! All at the fabulou | records. You'll also get an attractive brochure that selling price of explains exactly what's been done and what it ail means. COMPLETE.. . There strings attached. $269.°° are no RECEIVER AND And you don't have to buy anything. We're bringing the TWO SPEAKERS Marantz people to our store simply to get you to know us a little better. w/walnut case TUESDAY, NOV. 16th n Add the BSR 310 Automatic Turntable WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17th iL'Q p.m. complete four • piece system for only . • • S325M The STEREO SHOPPE 543 Ea»t Grand River - East Lansing - 337-1300