Monday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Volume 64 Number 66 STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 15, 1971 'U' will urge board to OK student employe pay hikes By MICHAEL FOX raises, no details were made available no way of granting them earlier," Wharton State News Staff Writer regarding the dollars and cents aspect of the said. The detailed student pay raise raise. The raise would affect more than recommendation to the trustees will be The "We appreciate the patience and University administration will 6,000 MSU students employed in positions made on Friday with the expectation of recommend pay increases for graduate including graduate assistants, residence hall understanding displayed by these employes, action on the proposal at the meeting, an assistants and student and we hope we can now provide this desk receptionists, informed employes at the board library workers, cafeteria overdue equity," he said. source reported. of trustees workers and custodians. meeting Friday, President Wharton announced Phase 1 of the federal Sunday. wage-price freeze Wharton, ending speculation in the ended at midnight Saturday with previous University community over the feasibility of freeze actions on wage and price student employe raises, said the amount of transactions remaining in force unless FOLLOWING JUDICIARY REVIEW the proposed increase changed by Phase 2 guidelines. Any pay would be within the 5.5 per cent limit established raises for students by the federal during Phase 1 had been government under guidelines for Phase forbidden because the student contracts Reps-ot-lorge 2 of the wage-price controls. usually commence in September, at which "We are still time the economic freeze was in effect. studying the guidelines on what we will be permitted to Temporary faculty and other categories of 11 ii ill or in the end of Phase 1," Wharton do following ■Washington Area Free University proti'sling said. "They are not paritcularly clear as to how universities are affected. employes who could an not be considered for increase because of the freeze also will be included in the recommendation to the reset for students picket a theater Nevertheless, we ■ "Millhouse," an uncomplimentary movie about showing hope to have a specific recommendation for trustees. An informed source in the central President Nixon. The consideration by the trustees at their administration noted that the raises would By JUDY YATES ■studentsdid the picketing as one of the projects for a class called "The Use State News Staff Writer Mark Bathurst, chairman of the meeting on Friday," he said. probably not be retroactive. ■of Humor in Social Protest." Ap In announcing the "All our budget planning for 1971-72 has committee, said Sunday the committee has Wirephoto administration's met and reviewed the organization of the recommendation for student included wage increases for graduate The election election. The committee has added a page to employe of student assistants and student the election procedures defining the winners employes, as well as representatives-at-large to the Academic RUSTEES RECEIVE LETTER for faculty and staff," Wharton said. In this year's $101 million Council has been rescheduled for Thursday, and making candidates. provisions for write-in budget, following a decision handed down by the $8,973,713 is tagged for both student and Student Faculty Judiciary "I don't think either side sees this as a other nonacademic pay. Last Friday Highway appeal heard year, about supporting the actions of the Student victory, but the committee is pleased with $1.2 million was paid to student employes. Committee on Nomination in organizing the the action," Bathurst said. "We have The current minimum reviewed pay rate on campus is election. our election procedures as the $1.60 per hour for student employes, with The decision was a result of a judiciary suggested and have made some hearing held By MICHAEL FOX theapproximately 2,500 student workers in Thursday in response to an appeal filed by additions but no corrections." the dormitories and food services division "I State News Staff Writer highway proposal. The trustees are currently Joni Benn, Allen Park senior and Paula am sorry we had to go through all this to visit MSU," the highway department on record against the route, an action taken starting at $1.70 an hour. Fochtman, Petoskey junior. hostility, but we have accomplished our goal statement said. ic Slate Highway Dept.'s battle for a in June after theoretically supporting the "Although we were delayed by the Ms. Benn and Ms. Fochtman charged that which was to improve the election Li-lane highway across south campus Furthermore, the statement said that lateness of legislative approval of our the committee was illegally constituted and route since October, 1949. traffic engineers have estimated that 60 per procedures," Ms. Benn said Sunday. ro the critical stage this week with the While the final preference of the city budget, we ultimately were able to provide certain election procedures drawn up The appeal charged that the committee cent of the traffic using the route would be by the lit Lansing City Council expected to council or the trustees in unpredictable at faculty and staff increases retroactive to committee were in violation of the was in violation of the Bylaws for Academic in their previous support of the route at entering or leaving the University and 40 per July 1, since this is the date employes this time, the State Highway Dept. sent MSU cent would be crossing the campus. The Academic FYeedom Report. Governance, which states that there must be ■ipm. meeting today in City Hall, trustees a lengthy rebuttal statement ordinarily have received the raise and which The judiciary recommended that the at least one graduate female and two Friday statement discussed mass transit was prior to the freeze. aboard of trustees will receive a request in an apparent last minute attempt to committee review its election nonwhite graduate students the rally alternatives, environmental impact, procedures in on lathe University administration at its support for the $12 million project. The "Studeni and graduate assistant employes, light of Section of the Academic committee. pollution, and the effects of a decision not however, would not ordinarily have received ■by meeting to state its final stand on the highway department statement largely to permit construction of the cross-campus Freedom Report which states that all Gwendolyn Curl, Cleveland, Ohio, their increases until September, which was answered highway opponents who had route. regulations must be as brief, clear and in the midst of the freeze. Therefore, we had (Please criticized the cross-campus route at a public "Even if transit specific as possible. turn to page 11) a mass system were letailers hearing Oct. 14. The highway would be a relocation of M-43, serving as a bypass for Grand River provided in an east-west corridor through Lansing, East Lansing and MSU, it would not substantially reduce auto travel," the Avenue, by routing traffic from the highway statement continues. laffled by Trowbridge Road interchange at 1-496 to Grand River Avenue at Park Lake Road, east of East Lansing. It would cross MSU the "Mass transit cannot replace the need for cross-campus route, but the (Please turn to page 11) property just north of the Grand Trunk [rice rules railroad tracks Hagadorn Roads. between Harrison "This route will be used for the benefit of and Open hearing motorists desiring to go to shopping centers A special committee of the Michigan i>,you're worried that clothes drier that's in Meridian Township; it will be utilized by House of Representatives will conduct open pon government - enforced sale for the motorists desiring to go to downtown public hearings today to hear testimony on ■three months is going to cost more when Lansing; it will be utilized by motorists rental security deposits. The local session * finally get around to buying it next driving for pleasure, and it will be utilized by will meet from 1:30 to 6 p.m. in the Union motorists from all over the state who desire Gold Room. N't worry. Unless what you are Ning on buying is a new car, the chances Bpwtty good that for the next few days at Filipino - re • many retail prices will remain just they've been for the duration of Nent Nixon's 90-day price freeze. vot Ifokesmen for many firms around the Mry indicated ►plex rules of bafflement over the the administration's Phase Marcos 1st control program, MANILA (AP) — Filipino voters have the fact stands out that Marcos the political which at 12:01 Sunday dealt President Ferdinand E. Marcos the first lion has been wounded. replaced the freeze. They are a "wait and see" position until the serious setback in the dazzling career that The setback came exactly two years after becomes clearer. has established him as the most powerful he scored his greatest triumph by becoming others said they saw no reason to leader in the republic's history. the first Phillippine president to win a prices unless manufacturers and The question now is: Are his winning days second four-year term. He won by a margin so awesome that whispers began almost salersdoso. ended or are new victories on the way? exception however, is automobiles. Betting is going both ways here. immediately that Marcos had become too Marcos himself was not a candidate in this powerful. (Please turn to page 11) week's midterm elections. But both he and Critics muttered that he had used massive his Liberal party opponents had urged voters amounts of money, government machinery to mark ballots as a yes or no to the and chicanery. They whispered that he was a Poll workers president's six years in office. man of ruthless and fearsome ambition. True or not, the accusations spread, >ne interested in Marcos had hand-picked his Nacionalista entwined in other criticism over economic working at the polls party's eight candidates for the Senate. Six troubles, labor strife and unprededented ration of student representatives at lost by embarrassingly large margins. student demands for reform in a society Alii II (li>( TJ®° the Academic Council Thursday The Nacionalistas still maintain a marked by a tiny rich elite and poor masses. Eric Allen once again stole the show Saturday with his P»MidtaCt the ASMSU office- Wooers numerical majority in the 24-seat Senate and dominate the House of Representatives. But (Please turn to page 11) Allen scored four touchdowns in the game and set superb running as the Spartans defeated Minnesota 40-25. Big Ten season records for most touchdowns, most points and total yards rushing. State News photo by Don Gerstner Draft rules phasing out 2-S deferments Mildred Etling, draft counselor in the Student Services Building. Those students with lottery numbers above the 125 that what is satisfactory to a ceiling for university is not always satisfactory to "No one expected Congress to get rid of 2-S deferments. induction may surrender their 2-S deferments before Dec. the draft board," Ms. Etling said. It 31, 1971, and be placed in the second priority group after their year of "If a student surrenders his deferment he can l-tinlf uUat-e college Students who were not enrolled on a provides a really traumatic experience for incoming college men," exposure to the draft. Barring a national emergency only those in studies at his own pace. He can pursue his academic Xji )as's and making satisfactory progress toward a Ms. Etling said. the first priority can handle and not carry 13 creditsa term if that is all he Ibelieate degree during the regular 1970-71 academic year will "But I think young men today realize it's a responsibility they group will be inducted. worry about being drafted," Ms. Etling added. Tlieelim' ^ ^or 2-S student deferments in the future. have, so they accept it," Ms. Etling added. IC^on °f student deferments for all those who do not In spite of the draft counseling sessions Ms. Etling held at "This is a conscientous effort on the part of President Nixon to Another significant change in the draft revisions is the ■lie Spi is one of changes in the draft regulations released . Orientation Programs last summer, many incoming freshmen were relieve the tensions and pressure that the draft places on young establishment of an administrative holding category, 1-H. Men in le off ,Ve Service System early this month and expected to unaware of their draftable position. men," Ms. Etling said. the 1-H classification will have inactive files and will not be rosin e.°*'ve throughout the more than 4,000 local draft Bill Love, Berkley freshman, said he did not know about the new considered for induction unless they are reclassified 1-A. 5aryDecember draft amendment before he applied to college and expressed little Ms. Etling recommended that all those wishing to surrender their ntswf main'y are affected by this change in the draft law are concern about the lack of a deferment. student deferments should write to their local draft boards asking Beginning with the 1972 prime selection group, a 1-H cutoff IfraduM0 Wi" turn 19-years-old next year. Both undergraduate "If it happens, it happens. I don't think it would have made any for a reclassification from 2-S to number will be set and with a few 1-A, make a copy of the letter they exceptions, men with lottery ■tion Students who receive induction orders will have their difference in my plans if I had known about the draft changes. If I send and have their letter sent numbers above the cutoff number will remain or be n through certified mail so they will placed in the stU(U°fPcned until the end of their current academic term. get a drafi notice I'll probably just enlist," Love said. have a record of their request. 1-H category for their period of prime exposure to the draft. rmen» now holding a 2-S will be able to retain those While the draft regulations place new college students at a "The draft laws are so complex it's hard for Unt" disadvantage, it provides those who received their lottery numbers young men t graduation, provided they are making more than a conversational in the first or second national drawings with a method for reducing "With a student deferment, knowledge on it. I'm here to he., rNimPr0gress"- ■nation level in college to you have to maintain a satisfactory with something that's an important part of their lives," Ms. tu of the student deferments came as a surprise to the possibility of induction. keep the deferment. What is confusing to some is - said. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monthly, November ic ] news MAHE backs college fund suit Collier, serving as a local spok^m constitutional autonomy of those three elected maintain institutions of higher education in . boards had been violated by conditions wriften Michigan and has attempted to usurp the regarding the suit, said the autnn^ summary The higher education component of the Michigan Education Assn. (MEA) charged Friday into state appropriations to universities. "The legislative assault on academic freedom is a constitutional powers of the Plaintiff (colleges) governing boards in supervising the operation of universities must be does not legislate maintained so ttty conditions of email °1 From Ihcwjrn of AP and UPI. most dangerous aspect of this controversy," the the institutions and controlling and directing the added that the governing bodies of thn "'! that legislative interference with university "amicus curie" (friend of the court) brief stated. expenditures of the funds appropriated to them," which filed the original su t, riUniv4 operations presents a serious threat to academic freedom. The MEA's involvement in the suit came in the form of the 14 page brief filed by the Michigan the brief, dated Nov. 3, states. "While engaged in this constitutioiial trespass, decisions appropriations. regarding alloCtXL""** 0n of f The charge was contained in a "friend of the Despite the longtime dispute over ik Assn. for Higher Education, (MAHE), which is the legislature has impaired contractual court" legal brief submitted in support of three the legislature to part of the MEA. The MAHE is a nonprofit obligations, threatened civil liberties and invalidly "put strings" on I Michigan universities who initiated a suit over the voluntary organization with over 2,000 members included subjects in the appropriations acts not appropriations, no money has beenw autonomy of colleges in December, 19§7. The University of Michigan (U-M) regents, the from Michigan colleges. expressed in the titles thereto." universities for violation"7)f"XW?Md® lIle I violationVoneerJ'f?8!) Ol.iHolinoe "All our budget planning for "It is the conclusion of the MAHE that the The original complaint by the three universities guidelines. <"!„ One noted _ , . . . *rr Wayne State University governors, and the MSU legislature has transcended its constitutional has never been ruled on, but has been amended 1971-72 has included wage trustees charged on Dec. 22, 1967, that the authority to appropriate general fund monies to each year after the passage of another annual enrollment not" exceed a 20 V'-"0" lh,t ■ increases for graduate assistants appropriations bill. Furthermore, the State Board # non-resident students. per cenl N) and student employees, as well as of Education became involved in the suit in One legislative stipulation critiei/^ I faculty and staff' President Wharton Academic Se January when it joined the State of Michigan as an intervening defendant. Ingham County Circuit Court Judge Marvin J. MAHE brief states that or dismissal of students based on a scholarship and faculty w and J"" ! disorderly conduct c Sees Salmon indicated earlier this month that he would conviction arising from y page 1. participation in^J make his decision in the case by early December. such as campus demonstrations. f meet to discuss An appeal is expected by whichever side loses. "We are increasingly concerned about the "This legislative through withholding attempt at campus conf of harbinger of attempts at much stronger cont J scholajil J A series of reports will be progress of the implementation legislature's efforts to control and direct the the personal and intellec tual presented to the Academic of student participation in Beatrice Paolucci, member of allocation of appropriations to higher education lives of stn^Tl Senate members at their meeting academic government, the steering committee, will — institutions, Calhoun Collier, professor of faculty," the brief states. tUdentsi elementary and special education, and president of The brief noted at 3 p.m. today in the Wilson Hall A directional report of the ad review for the senate the stipulations in the J Heart transplant OK auditorium. hoc Committee on Collective deliberations associated with the MSU-Faculty Associates, said FYiday. appropriations act to which the MAHE ohL The meeting is the first of two Bargaining will be presented by status of librarians and the "It is the constitutional duty of the legislature to including the prohibition against establish!*! appropriate funds, and furthermore, it is the duty programs without approval, submission scheduled for this academic year, the committee chairman, Herbert of ml Lindsay Rich, at 62 the oldest person in South Africa to Glenn L. Waxier, chairman of C. Jackson, of the institutions to direct use of their own funds. beyond annual accountings, establishm«I receive a transplanted heart, wasreportedSunday in Cape the Committee on Committees, A status report on faculty rights The legislature has exceeded its constitutional student fees, and determination of report to rhe senate on issues of the numt Town making safisfactory progress in Groote Schuur will brief the senate the and responsibilities and the hours that an instructor will spend in class on special interest. duty," Collier said. Hospital. faculty grievance procedure will Rich, a retired civil servant, Saturday became Dr. A I be presented by E. Fred Carlisle, Christiaan Barnard's eighth - South Africa's ninth - Tdke V chairman of an ad hoc committee to WASHINGTON CONFERENCE compose documents heart transplant. The donor was believed to be a white |_Q /CDDOMCnmKA incorporating both issues. The man. interim faculty grievance >U$ procedure is currently being 482-4848 Devaluation expected ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ debated in the Elected Faculty Black officials to study * President Nguyen Van Thieu goes MSU * before the National Assembly today in Saigon to plead for fiscal austerity. Economic reforms which he will recommend in a "State of the Nation" INSTRUCTORS . . * * voting bloc possibilities address to a joint session were expected bring your book lists in and J WASHINGTON (AP) — Black elected officials from all over the mayors, state legislators, local administrators and school board Reforms adopted by both parties are expected to greatly enlarge during the past few months. I There is disagreement aJ i to include some kind of devaluation of country will meet in Washington members • are expected to attend over whether theyslT the South Vietnamese piaster. your students will receive a this week to explore the the three-day conference that black participation in nominating conventions. the blacks back one of the Demoi Sources who had earlier reported that possibility of building a national starts Thursday, The other closed session will contenders in the prifl 15% black voting bloc. Another purpose of the Thieu would recommend a flat rate of * examine the various options open elections or enter candidate The black leaders hope to 400 piasters per U.S. dollar said Sunday meeting is to give the officials, to black leaders in next year's their own in hopes of enhafl emerge from the conference with many of whom are from small presidential politics. They have their convention influence, r the president was more likely to let the ^ a plan that will weld black voters towns and have little experience There is also some sentifl piaster float freely on the international J money market. They said this would be DISCOUNT ^ into » an independent political force that can influence national in government, the benefit of some expert advice. already had several secret meetings on the same subject tor running a black candidal the general election ofl independent ticket. Rep. Slfl . Workshops on health, housing, THIEU 3 more effective means of curbing the T®1 * unemployment, drug abuse, India joins Giri Chisholm, D-N.Y. already] currency black market. welfare and law enforcement, shown an interest ii \\ A ( such a ticket. • - \ \ ♦ I A If' 1 g i J ^ Among those participate Coal pay exceeds limits and Saturday. the closed session \ to former leader A if 255 Ann St. 332-1414 yL The conference will be open to the public except for two key Cleveland Mayor Carl B. Sti whose dream of fashionij strike-ending soft coal contract will pay boosts far ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ sessions dealing with the political NEW DELHI, India winning black voting blocf exceeding the Phase 2 guideline highlighted a series of strategy by which the black (AP)-President V.V.' Giri led shattered two weeks ag| labor developments Sunday. leaders hope to achieve their goal Indians Sunday in paying homage Cleveland's mayoralty of a black power bloc. to the memory of Jawaharlal Stokes - backed black, The East and Gulf coast dock strike grew worse, as n On of the closed sessions will be Nehru on the 82nd anniversary of an independent, was defeat^ longshoremen in the West Gulf ports from Lake Charles, devoted to the delegate - selection his birth. Nehru was India's prime a Republican in a three-wayl La., to Brownsville, Tex., threatened to join the walkout process for the 1972 Republican minister from independence in The conference has | for the first time. and Democratic conventions. 1947-64. He died in May 1964. organized by the congrts A strike by 10,000 employees of the Greyhound Bus Black Caucus, which was foul Co., which had been set for noon Sunday, was postponed early this year by 12 If Democrats with the aiifl until Friday. It threatened to shut down all service east of the Rockies and curtail operations in the far West. Some 5,000 longshoremen walked off the job Sunday in TOP . providing a national poll voice for the nation's " million blacks. Philadelphia and other ports on the Delaware River. The to put! CASH money conference on was raised bp caucus at a $100 - a - plated| last summer. Phosphates get total ban Giants of the a jaunty jacket for FOR Wharton detergent industry, battling to keep the phosphates which make clothes bright but pollute the nation's waterways, face the loss of a major market in a hearing in Miami, Fla. metropolitan Miss J suits her BOOKS will unvel Tuesday. The Dade County Commission has voted a total ban on phosphates in detergents, effective Jan. 1. Unless it relents and grants a delay in enforcement, several style just fine. Our double-breasted EVERY new President Wharton will J and discuss the Report ol they will have to abandon the Dade County market and suffer a S5.5 million annual loss. companies say pea jacket by Karen is DAY Presidential Commission Admissions and Student F Composition today at a I wool/camel hair/nylon, luncheon in Kellogg Center.! Wharton will be preparf bonded for lightweight discuss the overall work oT S8S Underground denied pass warmth. Camel or navy. Commission, formed in L 1970 at his request, and thfl term implications of the rer The White House and the Secret Service confirmed 7-15 sizes. $55. recommendat ions, Sunday in Washington that a press pass has been denied recommendations, whicB Tom Forcade, Washington correspondent for the advisory to Wharton, Student Book Store admissions policy, Underground Press Syndicate. Forcade applied to cover the White House and was 241 E. Grand River disadvantaged students, r|* students and many other | turned down after a security check. facing MSU. Presidential press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler confirmed this Sunday, but referred all questions to the Secret JA&Op Service. John W. Warner Jr., spokesman for the Secret Service, said that "on the basis of certain information we made a Pigskin ■-Pretzel I determination he should not have a White House access pass." Woodcock still on board Special Well Leonard Woodcock, president of the United Auto Workers in Detroit, estimates 98 per cent of his union at the wants him and labor's other four members of the Prices reduced on pitchers of beer! government's new Pay Board to "stay in and fight from within." Some within top ranks of organized labor have urged Tonight enjoy this special while watching withdrawal from the Pay Board and noncooperation in the San Phase 2 of President Nixon's economic controls to halt Diego Chargers vs. St. Louis Cardinals inflation. game with Woodcock said labor's five members of the 15-member Pay Board caucused last Monday and voted to remain in. He predicted they will continue "as Jacabsori0 us. long as things go as JACOBSON'S OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL NINE 1020 Trowbridge Hd. 351-0300^ well as they have." Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 15, 1971 ^ Trustee slams wages in E.L. By LINDA WERFELMAN "It's about time somebody said something, so if I can get enough White's resolution, which he said will be presented at the Friday State News Staff Writer support, I'll put the resolution on the table," White said. "But what meeting of the board of trustees, would suggest that East Lansing can we do to coerce? Not a thing." businessmen meet the University's wage scale for full and White's decision to introduce the parttime Employe picketing of Lums of East Lansing, 231 MAC Ave., has proposal followed his presence employes. prompted Trustee Clair White, D-Bay City, to draft a resolution Saturday on the Lums picket line. "These East Lums employes and their Lansing merchants have been bloodsuckers on the supporting higher wages for students employed in East Lansing sympathizers began picketing Thursday University for many years," White said. "My concern is that the businesses. to emphasize their demands for higher wages and a closed union East Lansing community ought to do as well as the shop. University does." He added that high tuition rates charged by the University and Mars' low wages offered by East Lansing dust employers had forced students sto to become "commercial prostitutes" to pay for their education. "It is time for the East Lansing merchants who like to think of themselves as the epitome of free enterprise to meet our wage rates," White said. Employes and the union representative agreed that they would pictures from Mariner 9 accept a contract which offered wages comparable to those paid by the University. The employe bargaining committee proposed Saturday tnat starting salaries be raised to $2 an hour for cooks and cashiers and PASADENA, Calif. The photographs taken Saturday night clearly showed $1.60 an hour with no deviations for tips or meal allowances for were probes, Mars 2 and 3. Speculation (AP)—Tucked into a near perfect near the south pole of Mars as the frozen carbon dioxide that continued among western wiatresses. orbit around Mars, Mariner 9 sent Mariner 9 approached the low back first closeup television comprises the polar cap. scientists that the Soviets will point in its orbit, 865 miles above The union would accept the 5.5 Mariner 9 was to pass over the attempt unmanned landings. If per cent limit on salary increases pictures of the planet's surface the surface. region where the carbon dioxide prescribed by Phase II of President Nixon's economic some form of life exists on Mars, policy, Sunday, but they were They William Weld, financial secretary treasurer and business were beamed 76 million was sighted, and scientists here the scientists speculate the agent of the disappointing. miles back to earth and appeared Hotel-Restaurant Employes and Bartenders Union, Local hoped for a closeup look. Russian space probes might be The employe committee also 235, said. Apparently, a dust storm that here 16 hours after Mariner's The First photographs taken in able to detect it. requested a close union shop, which has swirled over the Red Planet retrorocket flawlessly sent the would require that workers join the union after 60 for seven weeks continued to Martian orbit were snapped Mariner 9, however, wasn't days, and spacecraft into orbit around Mars between 7:41 a.m. EST and 8:05 suggested that those working less than 22 hour each week pay a obscure Mars' surface, and the designed to detect life. But union initiation fee of $7.50, half the amount after a 5'/2-month, quarter-billion a-m- and stored in an onboard scientists hope it might be able to required of full-time photographs showed no mileflight. tape recorder. Then at 10:37 a.m. detect an area that would favor employes. discernible detail. After the One telephoto shot, a Mariner 9 began beaming them life. Edward C. picture taken with picture taken with a wide angle backtoearth. For example, the spacecraft Rouillard, Lums manager, was not available for telephoto lens Filled television camera lens clearly showed Mars' T^e first two pictures were comment Sunday, but last week he had expressed his opposition to monitors with a uniform gray, edge, outlined might be able to locate a valley or a close union against a black sky. black, deliberately so, to enable shop which would "cram the union down an depression with evidence of water showing no difference in "All we see here is the ground controllers to adjust the and ozone, a form of oxygen, and employe's throat." contrast. difference between the sky and windmill-shaped spacecraft's two other elementary chemicals that Many of Lums present employes did not work at the restaurant f; ' , "I should point out that this is a the planet," Hibbs said. te levision cameras. The third last May, when the union won a certification election; and they might lead to evolution of life, "never had a chance to express their choice telephoto version which sees only r ScientistsatCalifornia Institute picture appeared on the - .. ~~ Placing the tiny spacecraft in regarding union a small portion of the surface, and of Technology's Jet Propulsion laboratory's television monitors representation," Rouillard said. i visit from Pooli-Hear even without the dust Laboratory (JPL) 1 *in-nn orbit was a triumph for JPL directing and here at 12:20 p.m. EST. scientists and engineers who I Winnie the Pooh finally made it to a Spartan home game this cloud—regardless of where we're monitoring Mariner, were "The spacecraft looks good. experienced bitter _ __ r pointing the camera—the picture hopeful that they might be able orbit looks good. Everything disappointment May 8 when the I ieawn, entertaining the fant during half time, and thoroughly still might look featureless," said to see through the dust storm good." a jubilant ground launch vehicle for Mariner 8 I wjoying the Spartan victory. Dr. A1 Hibbs, a Mariner 9 later. Photographs taken before controller said after Manner failed shortly after liftoff from The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State State News photo by Ken Ferguson scientist. the spacecraft achieved orbit appeared on its orbit swing from University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter Cape Kennedy, Florida and fell and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and behind Mars for the first time into the Atlantifc Ocean. Fridays Saturday night, ending a during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. IILL MEET TUESDAY 29-minute communications Member Associated Press, United Press International, blackout. After tracking the spacecraft Temper rises Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, Associated Collegiate Pres6, Michigan Collegiate Press for several hours, controllers said Mariner 9 had achieved an orbit as dough falls Association. Second class postage paid at East I.arising, Mich. Fiditorial with a low point of 865 miles. Panel to SAINT ETIENNE, France and business offices at 345 Student Services study back TTie point aimed at had been 850 Bldg., Michigan (AP)—Batch after batch of baker State University, East Lansing, Michigan. WASHINGTON (AP)-The chairman of the Pay Board said Boldt declined to predict the outcome of pay Tuesday's meeting, miles. Mariner 9 circled Mars once every 12 hours and 34 minutes Maurice Rivat's dough had been spoiled by breaks in the electrical service. When it happened again Phones: News 355-8252 odiy his panel will meet Tuesday to decide whether teachers and Sunday. Engineers had aimed for recently, Rivat loaded up 330 Gassified Ads saying only "We're going to consider it. There's a chance of 355-8255 to groups may collect retroactively the contracted-for pay raises an orbiting period of 12 hours pounds of the dough, went to the anything, of course." and 30 minutes. offices of the govemment-run Advertising 353-6400 Km during the wage-price freeze. Business Office 355-3447 l"*e agreed at our meeting Friday that we should attempt to get Mariner 9 apparently arrived at electrical firm, and poured it "Sure I think the uncertainty over Phase 2 had some effect on the Photographic 355-8311 ' is promptly all matters that Mars ahead of two Russian space down the stairway. pertain to retroactivity and market," Grayson said. But he added "I think the standards and v a number of them, for example, teachers," George H. guidelines will be out and understood by the end of this week. I Id. |H»Pay Board has refused to grant general retroactivity on wage think itH be clear." ADVENT* BOSE*MclNTOSH»DUAL* KEN WOOD sues provided for in union contracts but which were not paid Grayson said the effectiveness of the pay and price standards ng the 90-day period. It has agreed, however, to decide each would depend on the public's acceptance of them. kon its merits. Bleachers' organizations have argued that their increases should ft have been frozen because the contracts were negotiated before ■freeze went into effect. The government rejected the the graduate argument, Ring the teachers had not actually been paid at the new rate korethe freeze went into effect. Bin a related economic matter Sunday, Price Commission pitman C. Jackson Grayson Jr. said he felt any adverse effect that pcertainty over Phase 2 had had on the stock market would be Jwed Illoldt and up by the end of the week. Grayson both appeared on the CBS television-radio Bopam"Face the Nation". "The Graduate" has been ■Boldt said the board agreed to take up the question of retroactive p increases for teachers quickly because "It's not comparable to >ANCAKE HOPSl our' '.best value system'' for almost a year now. ly other that I know of off hand and it's very difficult, very urgent pdsomething ought to be done about it very promptly. Open for Thanksgiving ^ There's good reason for it. I^Weintend to do that as promptly as we can." Jin'ik fact, at the end of the meeting Friday I asked all members to about it and specify what they considered to be matters If you can't get home for "ed to retroactivitv that should be considered Tuesday." Thanksgiving (or prefer not to cook for it), plan to join us for a festive "home-cooked" holiday DUALITY AND SERVICE supper. Ham or Turkey with all the trimmings. THAT'S OUT OF SIGHT advent ■ kenwood ape I 'complete selection of frames I 'sunglasses and wire-rims We have not yet found any system for less than SI000.00 that I 'prescription lenses ground can significantly outperform "The Graduate" ■ 'repairs while you wait The Advent loudspeaker introduced a new era of value. It was the result of a determined 0>cUm, O^Ulcicuvi effort by Henry Klossto significantly reduce the cost of loudspeaker systems. Henry took advantage of the latest advances in speaker technology, and succeeded in designing a ALCO UNIVERSAL BLDG. system with performance equal to the finest bookshelf speakers available-but only costing half as much! At the same time that Henry was lowering the cost of loudspeakers, advances in transistor technology were lowering the cost of amplifier power. The Kenwood KR-5150 is an excellent example of this. Never before has a receiver in its price range been able to offer 180 watts of IHF output power. (This translates to a continuous 33 watts per channel at 8 ohms, with both channels operating!) Also, never before has a receiver in the KR-5150's price range been able to offer such excellent AM and FM stereo radio reception! Your favorite stations will come in loud and clear, and with full stereo separation, thanks to such advances as field effect transistors and integrated circuits. To complete this system we have selected the PE 2038 automatic turntable, complete with base, dust cover, and a Shure M93E stereo cartridge installed in it. They live up to the standards of performance and value established by the Advent loudspeaker and the Kenwood receiver. HI FI BUYS Total system cost - - not including any 1101 E. Grand River ■ I Phone 337-2310 additional federal taxes which might be imposed - - The Disc Shop 323 E. Grand River 351 5380 5B50.00 TEAOSONY • JBL*PE*KOSS*SHURE MICHIGAN POINT OF VIEW STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY Rent deposit hearing: JOHN JUEL [i* WHlu editor-in-chief KEN LYNAM landlords vs. students advertising manager important since it is By JOHN F. HAGEN in a college town where accommodate DAVE PERSON, managing editor the proE] Off Campus Council member CHARLES C. CAIN, city editor reached limits of total JOHN BORGER, campus editor lawless** part of landlords. The committee ™ S BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor Hundreds of students have had their especially interested in tenant SA RICK damage and / or security deposits ripped - 34 GOSSELIN, sports editor testifying as to the following facts |a "■ off by local landlords and have been assisted make a standard practice of n by Off • Campus Council in getting the portions of deposits for such Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award non - dam deposits returned. Countless more have been as carpet shampooing, drapery The MSU Symphony Orchestra will open its season on campus at A TAPE DECK AND tapes with a combined value of $141 were Pissarro Tanguy 8:15 p.m. Renoir tonight in Fairchild Theatre. The program will be Matisse ■ Optional Car Battery Operation stolen from a car parked on Circle Drive near East Yakeley Hall Chagall Foujita repeated at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday. Van Gogh Cezanne Thursday afternoon. Police said the vehicle was not locked at the Pianists Ralph and Albertine Votapek will be featured soloists in Swinnerton Manet Leger Le Semeur time of the theft. the "Concerto for Two Piano" by Francis Poulenc. and more at the MSU POLICE ARRESTED a man attending the Saturday The symphony will also present the Michigan premiere of football game for trying to remove the Purdue flag from the upper "Preludio Elegaico," by Bruno Bettinelli. M.S.U. BOOKSTORE W "El).. *1. / MUSIC CO. rim of the stadium. The suspect was released on his own The minimum donation for the concert is $2.50 for each ticket. In the International Center ncognizance, police said. Proceeds will be given to the MSU Orchestra Scholarship Fund. vol. 402 S. Washington 245 Ann Street, E. Lansing Lansing A SAVINGS EXPERIENCE AWAITS YOU AT EAST LANSING MCDONALD'S" EFFECTIVE NOV. 15th PRICES REDUCED ON OUR FAMOUS • HAMBURGERS • DOUBLE HAMBURGERS • CHEESE BURGERS DOUBLE CHEESE BURGERS 0 # LARGE & SMALL FRENCH FRIES IT'S WORTH THE TRIP McDonald's u U- 234 West Grand River . 1024 East Grand River . East Lansing, Michigan 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, NoVcmhpr,5 5th Dimension livens crowd By NAT ABBATE with B.B. King, you have got to like any kind of music could not Florence LaRue Gordon move. of the same song. State News Staff Writer feel the blues right along with him fail to appreciate the great Answer/Stoned Soul Speaking of names, the other Picnic/Wedding Bell Blues/Up, The theater in the round to really appreciate his music. harmony and smooth voices of members of the 5th Dimension All three Pop Entertainment While this is pretty easy to do, the 5th Dimension. Up and Away" explains their concept seemed to work fairly are Ron Townson, Lamonte look of success. well Friday night. While one part concerts this term have been considering the way King And if you like a good show, McLemore and Billy Davis, Jr. But it was not of the audience did have to look sellouts, and at each one, the performs, there may have been you cannot disapprove of the just their own The group's backup band at the performers' backs every performers—Jamas Taylor, B.B. some people who could not feel Friday songs that aroused the crowd, as group's costuming and night was the Dimension Five. now and then, it was worth the King, and now the 5th it, and thus lost a great deal of the choreography. they worked through a number of It is not too difficult to other performers' hits and often sacrifice (except for those who Dimension—have been well impact. Finally, to be blatantly sexist understand how the 5th pulled them off better than the had seats behind the piano and received by the audience. But even if you don't like their about it, even if they are doing a Dimension can afford $heir drums) to be able to get more But Friday night in Jenison kind of music, you can still enjoy song you don't particularly care original performers did. For Fieldhouse, the 5th Dimension yourself at 5th Dimension expensive-looking clothes. One example, their version of "Never people closer to the stage. a for, you can still amuse yourself medley of some of their golden One disadvantage, along with seemed to ignite the audience concert. Anyone who claims to My Love" came across better by watching Marilyn McCoo and hits, "One Less Bell to even more tnan Taylor or King than the Association's recording the fact that some people's views did when they were here. were obstructed by the instruments, was that the way the Maybe it's because the 5th Dimension appeals to a wider AT CONFERENCE Fieldhouse was set up made it a audience. With James Taylor, you lot harder to leave after the show was over. have to really want to get into his songs to be moved by them. And But it is really doubtful that too Youth discusses many people leave—not after a black wanted to fairly hilarious ventriloquist and dummy act, Aaron and Freddy, and then •YWTCA Over 200 young people met in the chambers of the Michigan young people between the ages of 18 and 21 in Michigan," Vaughn Both Colburn and Austin urged only $1,000 dollars, Colburn believed that if candidate can the 5th Dimension. It is pretty unnerving to voters to a 6009 MAN new House of Representatives Friday participate in state discover yourself enjoying the said in his opening remarks. "We and local attract enough volunteers, the politics and run for same concert that a plainclothes to discuss different ways to can that youth not only prove office. amoung of money needed to run CHAM ■Iftlllll 1 become active in state and local care, but are actively concerned Colburn, in answer to a for local political office is not man from the Dept. of Public Safety is clapping his hands to, politics. with politics." question dealing with methods of beyond the reach of young but that's the The conference, sponsored by The young people attending the way the concert financing election campaigns, persons. was Friday night. Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, conference represented high described how his campaign had Among the topics discussed at D-Detroit, chairman of the House schools and colleges throughout raised money. the conference were proposals Youth and Student Participation the state. They heard speakers Australia makes UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM His campaign workers, Colburn that the age for state senator and F RI.NOV. 198:15P.M. Committee, was designed to ranging from George Colburn, said, held several fund-raising representative be lowered from cents on letters TICKETS ON SALE AT UNION "politicize" young persons newly-elected East Lansing city MSU STUDENTS *3.00 $2.50 $2.00 newly-eligible to vote. councilman, to Secretary of State parties, and solicited 21 to 18, that young persons run for precinct delegates in SYDNEY (AP)-It costs 21 Sell (ml performers 355-3361 contributions from potential "We can register half a million Richard H. Austin. cents to send a half-ounce air mail Florence LaRue Gordon was one of live supporters. Though they raised upcoming elections and that the reasons for the new voters examine the records letter from New York to Sydney, standing ovation given to the Fifth Dimension as they of candidates to check their but a 30-cent Australian stamp, performed to a capacity crowd at Jenison Fieldhouse Friday worth 35 U.S. cents, is needed to positions on "youth-oriented" night. send the same letter from Sydney State News photo by Jeff Wilner to New York. NOW SHOWING ELEC. HEATERS Warner Bros, presents a Getty and Fromkess production East Lansing On M-43 NOW THRU TUES. Channel 10 to broadcastl Zeppelin Starts at 7:22 EXCLUSIVE! Gallico's Snow Goose' ELEC. HEATERS stares of man's society by By MICHAEL FOX But there is no real antiheroB State News Staff Writer retreating to an old abandoned this story. There is thr orphaJ lighthouse on the Essex coast. girl, named Fritha, a persf NVGNT War, despite mankind's preoccupation with it, is not a pleasant experience. Much as the This man, who is named Philip Rhayader, is an artist who offers a frightened by the physij apnparance of Rhayader. (I ■ THE deer hunter is man pitted against refuge to the birds who escape the understanding of the tormentj LivinG wild animal, so does war force one intelligent being to battle cold northern winters and who flee the gunshots of the hunters. Whether or not this man can be his loneliness, however, i throughout the story until in 1 end her love is literally blind! dead AIL THE YOUTHFUL another. It is the uselessness stupidity and utter of war that has played by Richard Harris will be discovered at 8 p.m. today, when he and Jenny Agutter star in the the physical looks of the man, "The Snow Goose" is a sad ta J BEAUTY OF EUROPE ENSLAVED prompted writers and other men television written as an excellent narrat| version of Gallico's by Gallico in 19-10 and si FOR THE PLEASURE OF since the beginning of war to THE 3RD REICH story. The hour-long program will been reprinted more than I expose the waste of hatred and of pe on the Hallmark Hall of Fame times. While it is, perhal X IN EASTMAN COLOR X Twice at 7:35 - 11:15 killing. Paul fcallico, in his classic at 8 p.m. on WILX-TV, Channel presumptuous to expect® Also — — short story "The Snow Goose", 10. medium other than the si iti Film Production does not directly assault the It is a story of love in the time original written form to coml horror of war. of war. its imagery and impact, hopeful Rather Gallico presents a lonely CORPORATION I Rhayader is not a man who tonight's television product! man with a physically deformed objects to the noble notion of will be as superb as the story. PLEASURE body who has escaped the cruel battle, but rather one who has been soured by the coldness of his Furthermore, there is little el in the realm of human activity PLANTATION" fellow men and by the misery man is capable of inflicting on and priorities that should precedence over an opportunl ^ X EASTMAN COLOR Once At 9:45 x other men. He is, of course, the to expand one's knowledge of f hero in 'The Snow Goose". nature of mankind. THE NEW REFORMATION BAND GOOD SEATS AVAILABLE People have been trying to figure out just what it is about I THROUGH the NRB that makes them the hottest entertainment package I NIGHTLY AT 8 . . . SAT. MATINEE: 2:30 SHOWTIME ALL SEATS »» ^ , BUY TICKETS AT. . . in Lansing. They're all musicians- but not great musicians. I RESERVED: •3S0.$4-S4«>-$5 t # a MARSHALL MUSIC in East Lansing and They play dixieland - a style that has a limited appeal. What is | it about them? It could be that the band is comprised of seven I VJ^URGSTORES J No Twl-Llte Hour. clowns that have a ball making people happy. One of the I Tickets also available at. ■IHIlll-JlWgM In everyone Is life rogues is an ordained congregational minister who has to be | thefc^a seen to be believed. | SUMMER OF There's no polkas and no countrymd western. J m AUDITIONS M 0'42 18 Today at 6:15, 8:15 Twl-Llte Hour, Adults —-»90c, 5:45 - 6:3 b dixieland, performed by seven guys who obviously love what they're doing-and what's better is the audience loves what it's I | VARRENBEATTY JULIE CHRISIIt hearing. If you don't believe it, head to Nov. 15, 16 McCAAE* - 5 to 11 PM | MRS. MILLER Union Bldg. 38 & 39 iS THE TIN LIZZIE The Effect of Gamma Rays / Marigolds ) Today at 6:00, 8:15 — Twl-Llte 90c, 5:30 Hour, Adults - 6:00 j Michigan Ave., Just West of Campus 351-2450 PAC Production A Cry of Players Another extraordinary double feature Arena Theatre Production from Beal Film Group FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT'S Undergrads Needled! SHffiT THE pi/lHO PI.AYEJ FILM QUARTERLY "Triumphantly cinemijt SIGHT AND SOUMp the only wnnl li> desi MICHELANGELO ANTONIONI'S at 8:30 only Admission to both of these outstanding motion pictures is $1.50. ID is not TONIGHT 100 Vet Clinic required for this program. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Mondi SPORTS- L'y-November $1.15 $1.39 10% Off Arrid Extra Dry Cigarettes Crest Deodorant 2/69° The Discount Price on all Toothpaste 'S' harriers d 6oz. 0gC limit 1 limit 2 pkgs. Film Developing No Limit 6.75 oz. jjQC IU, limit 1 (coupon) Expires after 11-20-71 East Lansing Store Only $1.75 (coupon) Expires after 11-20-71 East Lansing Store Only (coupon) Expires after 11-20-71 East Lansing Store Only (coupon) Expiresafter 11-20-71 East Lansing Store Only $2.25 upset By GARYKORRECK Don Kopriva, editor of the Midwest win Track »nH r $1.75 Kodak Color Film State News Sports Writer Newsletter, said, "Sam (Bell, Hoosier coach) has nationals all year long and 1 °°tt Soft N Dri may not have gotten htetea up for| Tampax 126,127,620 Flashcubes Jim Gibbard is not brash but he is optimistic. in Deodorant "Hie MSU itinerary for Saturday's Big Ten cross country meet stated: "11:00 a.m. — Win the Big Ten Championship Cross „ — 1955-60 when it won six straight. a row itc u. The 74 points was the highest winning total for a Soar! Country Meets." 8oz. 99c limit 1 40 s $-|19 89° » 99" It seemed underdogs to bit altruistic as the Spartans were rated solid a an undefeated Indiana unit but half an hour later winner, and the eight point spread matched the elifn.Li8'1 Minnesota in 1968. anger w'n<>l el- limit 1 limit 1 i limit 1 Gibbard and his harriers were posing with the spoils of victory after Hie (quad, doubtless, was elated. (coupon) (coupon) (coupon) (coupon) Expires after 11-20-71 Expiresafter 11-20-71 Expiresafter 11-20-71 Expiresafter 11-20-71 his upstart squad had squeezed out an eight point victory over the Even so, no one could accuse Gibbard of beine all wot u ■ East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Hoosiers. team could win and they did. 'Hesa"l "It was a real team effort," said pleased Gibbard, "it just goes to This week it's the nationals but for now MSU is n 75c show what a group of young men can do when they put their minds isnumberone. 59c $2.85 $1.19 to It." Dove Lotion Shoe Saver According to Gibbard, Indiana was out of it all the way as Masking Tape • Phisohex individual winner Garry Bjorklund of Mostschool Minnesota broke Dishwashing Detergent Water Repellent the race open early and the Spartans followed. The Hoosiers did take ninth through 12th but Ken Popejoy and i 39° limit 1 i6o, ^99 limit 1 22 oz 39^ limit 1 5» 79® limit 1 Ranky Kilpatrick fourth and fifth for MSU and Dave Dieters were and Rob Cool were right behind the Hoosiers in 13th and 14th. Steve Rockey, MSU's fifth man, ran to the 38th, but Gibbard 1 (coupon) (coupon) (coupon) (Coupon) said, "Steve ran a real good race. Expires after 11-20-71 Expiresafter 11-20-71 Expiresafter 11-20-71 Expiresafter 11-20-71 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 5 East Lansing Store Only Lindsey came in 40th. The meet was not as much a runaway as was expected and there were a few other surprises after MSU's big win. $1.29 79c 50* OFF The Discount Price Michigan, in only its first year of official competition, came in £ 26 Gallon Colgate surprising third witn 92 points, only 10 behind the Hoosiers. The Wolverines were also the first school to have all its men finish. on any Wisconsin was one point back, and Illinois, considered a threat for Utility Dags Instant Shave the top three, stumbled in fifth with 109 points. StereiiL.P. Minnesota, considered a contender, surprised everyone by 79° noz 25 s finishing with 153 points and a distant seventh, 19 points behind Purdue. limit 1 No I.limit limit 1 s Ohio State grabbed eighth, (coupon) pon) (coupon) and Iowa put on a good enough Expires after 11-20-71 East Lansing Store Only Expires aftisr 11-20-71 Expiresafter 11-20-71 showing to escape the cellar. Northwestern was left with that East Lansini) Store Only East Lansing Store Only 1 distinction. Bjorklund's time was 29:20.8, 41 seconds ahead of Illinois' Rick $2.00 $2.50 Value Gross. Galen Hackler of Purdue was third at 30:15 and Popejoy was $1.15 fourth at 30:25, with Kilpatrick just five seconds behind him. Corn Silk Revlon Fitix Balsam Kilpatrick, who has had Close-Op year, turned some tough luck at the finish line this the tables on BobScharnke of Wisconsin, taking fifth Transparent Compact Hair Con ditioner Toothpaste by a second. Rounding out the top ten were Mark Larson, also of Wisconsin, 29 $139 17 oz. $|1 6.2„z 59C Keith Brown, of the surprising Michigan sqaud and Steve Heidenreich and Paul Olson of Indiana. The Spartans two other finishers, Paul Kurtis and Ron Cool, took limit 1 limiit 1 limit 1 (coupon) (COU| (coupon) 44th and 50th respectively. Expires after 11-20-71 Expires aft« ™\\-20-TL Expiresafter 11-20-71 It was ironic that something the Spartans had had trouble with all East Lansing Store Only East Lansing1 Store Only East Lansing Store Only year was Indiana's undoing Saturday. "Their(Indiana's)fifth man really let them down," said Gibbard. 2DC OFF 49c 49c 79c Eaton's Corrasable He added that the temperature, between 41 and 42 degrees, was not as cold as he would have like it, but it might have been too cold leers sweep The Discoont Price Boxed for Indiana's warm weather runners. Envelopes Flair Pens Dond Typing Paper Bowling Green For Gibbard, it was his third title in four years as Spartan coach on any and for MSU teams, its 14th title in 22 seasons of Big Ten competition. Shampoo limit 1 ioo ct. 29° 29" 49' Wisconsin holds the all-time mark with place finish this fifteen, but its fourth its highest in recent years and the Badgers year was By CRAIG REMSBURG State News Sports Writer , » limtt 1 limit 6 limit 1 have competed for considerably more seasons. (coupon) Expires after 11-20-71 1 ■ « (couifrnv (coupon) (coupon) Sparkling defensive play and the scoring of Don "Zil East Lansing Store Only - i IftPlres after 11-20-71 Expires afteH 1-20-71 ' Expiresafter 11-20-71 ££ For Indiana, it may have been affirmation' of their "choke" aft Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only j East Lansing Store Only j Thompson and Mark Clader enabled the MSU hockey teal reputation. sweep a two-game set at Bowling Green State over the weekend! $1.99 $1. 35 $2.50 Thompson scored five goals, four in the second game, and Cr tallied three in the 5-2 and 8-3 Spartan wins before packed h Burlington Dallet Run Sandalfoot Panty Hose Support Rentzois tw in the BGSU Ice Arena each night. The Falcons excited a crowd of 3,558 Saturday night wl Stop Panty Hose For "Ho t Pants" Panty Hose quick two-goal burst within the first 3:02 of the game,! Watson and Pete Badour scored to give BGSU that 2-0 lead. I subdue Detr But Calder started an MSU uprising by putting the puck intl $-|19 limit 3 6!3° limi it 3 $j69 limit 3 The Detroit Lions fell Sunday on their home field to the Los corner of the BGSU net at 9:11. for the first goal and then Thompson then tallied twice,! 52 seconds apart, backhanding a shot over goalie Terry Mis# (coupon) (COU|>on) (coupon) Angeles Rams, 21-13. tipping in a point shot by Norm Bi Expires after 11-20-71 Expires afteir 11-20-71 Expiresafter 11-20-71 The Lions grabbed the early lead on a field goal by Errol Mann in put the Spartans ahead, 3-2. East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only the first period- a 37-yardento give Detroit a 3-0 lead. But the Calder added a goal at 19:03 of the period, tipping in a Barnej Lions could not shot, to send the icers into the locker room with a 4-2 first pJ regain the lead after the Rams moved in front 7-3 lead. $1.00 $2.0 0 $1.25 on a one-yard run by Les Josephson. The Lions' record now stands Gilles at 5-3-1. Gagnon scored the only goal in the second stanza! Orion One Size Heather Opaque The lone Lion touchdown scored by Greg Landry on a was goalmouth pass from Michel Chaurest. Dave Roberts drew an! one-yard run late in the game. Mann added an additional 13-yard on the tally, scored at 12:17. 1 Knee Sox Opaque Pa nty Hose Knee Sox field goal. Thompson got his third goal of the game just 26 seconds intl third period, Bob Michelutti and Barnes assisting. Zippy thentf Lance Rentzal scored the other two Ram touchdowns on passes his fourth goal at 5:08, on a one-and-one break, by dekinl 69° limit 3 8!J° limiit 6 77° from Roman Gabriel, the first coming in the second quarter and covering 14 yards. The fourth period TD pass covered 33 yards. Falcon netminder for the score. A blazing slap shot by Chaurest ended the scoring for the Spal limit 3 but BGSU scored their third goal of the contest a2:15 ofthepr (coupon) (COU|son) Expires after 11-20-71 (coupon) to make it an 8-3 final. Expires aft yL ■■■■■■■■■■■COUPON ■■■■■■■■■■■■> MSU netminder Jim Watt. Watt, incidentally, played a great gfl especially in the first period, when he stopped 11 Falcon shots. I Jakinovich put the Spartans ahead at the 5:57 mark of these^ 89° 49' 17° 89° JS9" one item VARSITY PIZZA?* stanza and Calder made it 3-1 when a blue line shot by Br~" Calder's skate and went into the net. 1 limit 3 (coupon) Expires after 11-20-71 ; (coupon) limit 3 Expiresafter 11-20-71 limit 3 {coupon) Expiresafter 11-20-71 limit 3 (coupon) Expiresafter 11-20-71 jJ; on|y $1.00 Mike Bartely closed the gap for the Falcons at 9:19 but Chal scored on a rebound of a Bob Boyd slap shot seven minutes lata East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only *: Good Nov. 15 thru Nov. 18 with this coupon give MSU a 4-2 lead. BGSU pulled goalie Paul Galaski with 2:11 to play f°ranj i 100 Milligram 87c $1.49 $1.15 *! Free Dorm Delivery or Pickup only attacker, but the move backfired. Thompson backhanded a shol ■ ■■■■■ ■COUPONIBBaaHB length of the ice just 14 seconds later to give MSU a 5-2 win. Coricidin "D" s Vitamin C Lavoris orfor those BIG Q-Tips Cold Tablets Mouthwash GASTRONOMIC AL I FREE MINI-DIAGNOSIS i°°'s 29c limit 1 125', 50C limit 1 25, 03C limit 1 14 oz. NEEDS TUES-WEDHI EVENINGS (6-9 pro) limit 1 ■ (coupon) (coupon) (coupon) (coupon) ■■■■■■■■■COUPONibbbhbbhi Expiresafter 11-20-71 Expiresafter 11-20-71 Expiresafter 11-20-71 Expiresafter 11-20-71 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only $100 OFF ON A $1.00 $1.09 MODELS ON DISPLAY $1.75 $1.00 KING 16" one item. lint Roller Silk 'N Satin Liquifilm NOm or Refills No Doz VARSITY PIZZA Hand Lotion Wetting Solution with this coupon Good Nov. 15 thru Nov. 18 49° limit 1 lOVloz. ^0C 2oz. J-J 29 36S 50C ■ Free Dorm Delivery or Pickup only ■■■■■■■■ICOUPONBB We will inspect such items as tires, brakes, exhaust, and overall performance while you wait. We II ligh® limit 1 limit 1 limit 1 (coupon) (coupon) refreshments for you and our new 1972 carson display. Expires after 11-20-71 (coupon) (coupon) Expiresafter 11-20-71 Expires after 11-20-71 Expiresafter 11-20-71 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only FAST FREE HOT DELIVERY IAN APPOINTMENT WILL BE NECESSARY PLEASE PHONE 482-622H SJAJE DlISCOlJNT VARSITY 307 (:. Grand River Ne>xt to "The Card S hop" 1227 E.Grand River ^/UHW VUHJJ UAiAjJt OWxtiU/l A. - - Hours: Mondcr1, Tuesday, Thursday Friday, Saturday 9 >\.M. to 6 P.M. Glenn Herriman Volkswagen, lie] , Wednesday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. 332-6517 6135 W. Saginaw - 482-6226 LansingrmuutKMSaSSSSSKw - Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 15, 1971 -SPORTS Spartans, Allen blitz Gophers ByGARYSCHARRER State News Sports Writer Johnson's marks. jinxes," Coach Duffy Daugherty The Spartan victory broke a said, "but the set up another score. said. "I'm sure it will way things were "You run out of superlatives require seven game Minnesota streak over going in the first half I wondered surgery. So he's not only out of Saturday was Eric Allen's final MSU teams that dated back to about a describing Eric Allen," Warmath pulled his offensive jinx." next week's football Daugherty praised. "I don't know aces, quarterback game, but it appearance at Spartan Stadium, 1957. But Daugherty's doubts were Craig Curry and and "The Flea" bowed out in how anyone can leave him off probably will be at least January But the Spartans had to running Back Ernie Cook late in before he can play basketball." struggle soon disspelled with the third their all-America list. He's the the second half, but the record-setting fashion. in the first half Gophers Allen set three more against a quarter explosion of Allen who best we have had, and we have took advantage of the First-string center Bob Big Ten determined Gopher team and led scored three touchdowns in less Spartan McClowry also an Dougherty Warmath marks while the Spartans to a 40-25 romped by only three points, 10-7 at than five minutes. Shlapak added had many all-Americans." Gopher Coach Murray substitutes and scored three final quarter touchdowns. victim. was The Dearborn junior injury victory over halftime. a 54-yard field goal, the third 54 Warmath echoed sprained an elbow and isdoubtful Minnesota. The Flea, who ran for the same "When you're down in the MSU scored first on a 61-yard yarder in his two year career at for duty next week 179 yards and scored four touchdown pass compliments. score, why push your people into against By RICK GOSSELIN By MIKE ABERLICH from Mike MSU, to provide the Spartans "Eric Allen is the best running Northwestern. the ground?" Warmath State News Sports Writer touchdowns, broke Rasmussen to tight end Billy with a comfortable 34-7 lead at explained The Spartans' record now State News Sports Writer Northwestern's Mike Adamle's DuPree in the first quarter. The back I've seen in my 18 years in in pulling Curry and Cook. "We the end of the quarter. the Big Ten," he said. "I haven't stands at 6-4 and 5-2 in the single season Big Ten rushing Gophers marched have to think of next week and Big to an early Allen's scores came Ten. MSU is tied with Ohio State puffy Daugherty stood in For a while it looked like mark of 1,053 set in 1970. Allen second period tying touchdown on runs of seen all the backs in the nation, didn't want to get them hurt." 1, 37 and 3 yards. A 19-yard pass for second place in the ine midst of a swarm of press Murray Warmath had Duffy now has 1,171 yards. With Allen's on a but I don't believe there is a The Spartans have been one-yard plunge by Ron play from Rasmussen to DuPree conference behind University of (eoresentatives in his locker Daugherty's number. That is, scoring outburst against the King. But Borys Shlapak running back in the country who relatively jg^ry-free this season Michigan. on the m cubicle Saturday after until Eric Allen and gave one-yard line set up Allen's can touch Allen." but company Gophers, he also set a conference MSU a three point lead with a first score, a pass interception by were noFso lucky against the team had just swamped did the job on Warmath's record for season touchdowns Daugherty said that the Gophers. 38-yard field goal with two Ralph Wieleba set up Aliens' Minnesota, 40-25, and Minnesota Gophers Saturday. and points Spartan's third quarter VanPelt, one of the nation's jokingly queried, "Well, aren't 1 going to ask .ne if this win Warmath had run up an with 17 and 104 respectively, breaking Ron minutes remaining in the half. "I said that I didn't believe in 37-yard touchdown and a 30-yard return by Brad VanPelt performance was the best single quarter that MSU has played in premier safetymen, suffered a Varsity Club impressive string of seven shoulder separation when he fell The MSU today saved my job?" five years. The offense had the after knocking down a Gopher varsity club will meet straight wins against the for initiation tonight at 7:30 p.m. It's been that type of year Duagherty-coached Spartans, ball four times and scored four pass attempt for two extra points. on the west side of the ,r the Duffer. Newspapers but the MSU Irishman got in times. And the defense held the "It's Stadium. a bad separation," Dr. All MSU letter winners are across nation and state his licks thanks in part to the Gophers to one first down in the James Feurig, team physician urged to attend. ,ve fired Duffy a hundred shifty Spartan back, who third quarter. „mes over and insisted that received most of Warmath's Allen scored his final ■his would be his last season in touchdown in front of Spartan praise in a subdued Gopher football coaching capacity locker room following the fans midway in the fourth quarter onthe MSU campus. MSU conquest. on a 10-yard run off right tackle. salad But while the press has "He's certainly the best back The Spartan drive covered 89 pinned Duffy on a tightrope, I've ever seen in the Big Ten in yards and was paced by the Ihe amiable Irishman has my 18 years as coach," the running of quarterback George Mihaiu who rambled for 72 yards masterfully shuffled along Minnesota coach paid, "I don't on three carries in the series. doing what he does in a really know if any in the whole Mihaiu also played part of the best—winning. He dumped country can touch him." third quarter as Daugherty sent Woody Hayes in Hayes' own Allen's four touchdowns little heaven of Columbus last and 179 yards many substitutions in the game rushing broke week. Saturday, Daugherty the Gophers' back, and it was ended losing a personal seven game streak to old friend Murray Warinath and his the Spartan offensive captain who carried the brunt of the attack in the opening minutes BUF play sandwich Minnesota Gophers. And did of the second half when the schedule so with relative ease. Spartans broke it open. The Black United Front has W a r m a t h was "Those first ten minutes of scheduled its playoff pairings for complimentary to the the second half were the Monday and Tuesday at the Spartans after the game. longest ten minutes I've ever Men's IM. Monday: 6 p.m. — "Michigan is very fortunate seen," added Warmath, who Wonders (7-3) vs. Armstrong it doesn't have to play MSU watched on the sidelines as (6-4); 7 p.m. — Lansing (7-1) vs. igain." the Gopher coach said. "The Flea" reeled off two C.U.A. (6-1); 8 p.m. - city (7-1) 'I wouldn't want to have to pick a winner if the game was quick touchdowns MSU a commanding 24-7 to give lead. One of maily vs. Pee Wees (5-3);9 p.m. — Bryan (7-3) vs. Emmons (7-3). replayed, but I'd love to be at "We helped them too Both the referee and quarterback Mike Rasmussen signal an MSU touchdown in Saturday's 40-25 Tuesday: 7 p.m. Holden (9-1) that ball game." much," Warmath continued, win over Minnesota. Allen scored the touchdown for the Spartans, one of four he had for the vs. Hubbard (7-4); 8 p.m. — You'll find lettuce, tomatoes and special Eric Allen, Duffy's main "we put on a good show in the afternoon. Holmes (7-3) vs. Case (8-2); 9 seasonings nestled among the meats and offensive gun, was just as first half and then gave it to State News photo by Tom Gaunt p.m. — Panthers (5-3) vs. Umaja cheese in every Hobie's submarine. Your confident in the MSU football them. (6-2). choice of a wide variety of sandwiches. earn. "I'm not trying to detract "Ohio State was lucky to get from a wonderful team, off as easy as they did against is," Alien said. "We can beat though," he was quick to add, "they are capable of playing Duffy chosen to select SPARTAN A nybodv right now. I'd like to jKMichigan back." with anybody." The Gophers' noted top college lineman History of MSU Athletics by Hobtefe For a team playing under a MSU head football coach Duffy Daugherty has been added to the quarterback Graig Curry failed Lyman L. Frimodig and Fred W. Stabley Apposed lame duck coach, to impress the Spartan committee tnat selects the recipient of the Vince Lombardi Award, that's quite a hatful of an award that goes annually to the nation's plaudits. Duffy Daugherty is defensive connect on unit as he could only three of 12 top collegiate lineman. $3.95 •till eager to win, as eager as he passes while getting in his NOW AVAILABLE ^eUqfPizza blacklite sale j was back in 1953 when he playing time. Curry sustained the post. But that's all a slight injury last week, and Duffy wants to do. To win. He that may have hampered him AT THE doesn't like to run up DELIVERY PHONE 351-3800 ridiculous scores that slightly, Warmath said. cornolete lite & fixture now M.S.U. BOOKSTORE 930 embarrass not only opposing "I can't really say how much S12.99 !20.99 In The International Center Trowbridge Road Dine in or carry out. teams but oppc sing coaches as that affected him," added well. Duffy substituted freely late in the contest. Warmath, who got a strong (18 in.) ready to plug in (48 in.) passing performance from 'I just wanted to give second stringer Bob Morgan in on sale Monday thru Saturday everyone a chance today," the fourth quarter as one of Daugherty explained after the the long bright notes of the game. "I had no desire to pour it on. I wasn't trying to Impress any pollsters. We troubled afternoon. All in all it was a difficult ace hapcVape aren't going anywhere there." day for Warmath, who has 201 e. gr. river opposite union It's Duffy's turn to get back seen better days against the •thiscritics. How can anyone Spartans. This time, however, knock a winning coach? it was no contest. Duffy got Especially save a gracious winner. the last laugh this year. Take a great Great Western a wine to dinner. dollar month Do you teel like Uncle Sam at check-writing time? Some months it feels like you're writing checks off to the whole country. We at East Lansing State Bank can help. Our checking plan is based on how much you use it rather than just a minimum balance in your checking or savings account. Here's how it works. With a $300 maintained balance you automatically get free checking. If your balance falls below $300, you still receive a 150 credit per t!an> Valley $100 multiple average monthly balance and Niagara Pleasant Valley Pink Catawba only 80 a check. There is a service charge only if jf,h,Varomatic This delightful pink your average monthly balance falls below $100. gara- J°Ur native Pleasant Valley Red Concord Clip the coupons above and save a dollar on the purchase of two buckets (or family size) of Whitby's chicken this month. Purchase them at two different So, if you want a flexible checking plan that saves Sght A flavorful and or after dinner wine pleasantly robust with hors d'ocuvres. times or together. .. you save SOc on each. Offer expires Nov. 30. you money without tying it up, come to East Lansing State Bank, your Hometown Bank. Now with sjjgar red wine made from the finest cheese or nuts. Trust Services. Member: F.D.I.C. native American Concord grapes. Serve this hearty WHITBY'S LTD. East Lansing State Bank red table wine slightly 9 E. Grand River (next to Coral Gables) chilled with foods traditionally American. Open Daily 11 to 9 Sun. 12 to 9 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, NoVember )5 '971 A SPECTACULAR WAY TO RAISE MONEY. The State News does GET Action WITH A not permit racial or Want Ad PEDALLERS, SAVE bicycles from PINE CREST Townhouses now has 2 1 GIRL needed religious discrimination suitable for student winter exposure, transportation. Storage vacancies " W.W: *. in its advertising till spring, $10. John. 489-3690. families or professors. 2 bedrooms, Jom campus.sub,e8M3515jJ State . The . columns. KAWASAKI 1969, 650, custom, 1-11-15 1V4 baths, fully carpeted, ► AUTOMOTIVE News will not accept pipes, paint. $550. Call Mark, appliances, dishwasher, basement, Scooters & Cycles 351-0009.4-11-16 advertising which TV AND Stereo rental, satisfaction carports, playground, pool. Auto Parts & Service guaranteed. Free delivery, service $217.50 includes utilities except discriminates against Aviation religion, race, sex, color or and pick up. No desposit. Call electricity. 351-7194.0 Completely furnished^t^11''! EMPLOYMENT NEJAC, 337 1300. C parking included, '$65 p^l FOR RENT national origin. HONDA 175, 1971 Road bike, 890 NEEDED: ONE girl for 4 Winter. River's Edge. - man. 351-6151. 349-9609. o-ll.,5 Phon«l miles, $550. Call 663-3339. 5 11 19 Apartments 5-11 19 ROOMMATE WANTED for Houses and spring. Water.s RENT-RENT 3 APARTMENTS AVAILABLE j Rooms FOR SALE Automotive Aviation SEWING MACHINES, exercise FOR immediate occupancy. Month to month basis. Ten minutes 5p1V-1^nl, Can 337-22«i equipment, TV sets, toboggans, ski from campus by expressway. Call, Animals LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight racks. UNITED RENT-ALL, East training. All Lansing, 351-5652. 0-11-17 Mr. Alben, 337-2510 6-8 p.m. SUkLLET' CEDAR keens'", | bedroom, furnished, 2 Mobile Homes courses are weekdaysonly. Lansing, 414South man sice; I government and VA certified. December 1st. Lost & Found Pine. One bedroom, furnished 351-8515 o FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport TV RENTALS - Students only. Low 351-5156.3-11-15 PERSONAL >ODGE, 1969 Super Bee. New paint Road. Call 484-1324. C $120 / month. Utilities included. monthly and term rates. Call and tires, perfect condition. Cheap, Ideal for couple. 416 South Pine. ONE GIRL needed for PEANUTS PERSONAL 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV large two maJ make offer. 627-9213. 3-11-17 Efficiency furnished. $75 / month, REAL ESTATE Auto Service & Part* RENTALS. C utilities included. 410 South Pine. apartment. Close to campus. Sub™ RECREATION DYNAMIC 88, 1963, Large, older home. Excellent beginning immediately . sprinl MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East term. 351-6573, Jeanne. 3-11.)] SERVICE power, service records, $275. 549 Grove. East Lansing. Phone Kalamazoo Street ... Since 1940. Apartments condition. Partially furnished. Ideal for groups. Ample parking. 2 BEDROOM apartment. Typing Service 332-2094.5-11-18 Complete auto painting and collision service. IV 5-0256. C CflN WU THINK Of ANVTHIN3 ELSE THE LANSING OR East 5 11-18 winter. 349-0813 after 5. Beginnira $2« Lansing. One •TRANSPORTATION INDIANS SflD ABO/T THE COUMSB ARRIVAL bedroom furnished. monthly. 3-11-15 FALCON 1970% Model, 6 cylinders, 2 „ Large, airy WANTED HUGE, FURNISHED one bedroom. door, 15,000 miles. Leaving KING'S FOREIGN CAR SERVICE. OTHER THAM -'THEKE (30E5 IHENEKHKRIOOD? rooms. Air conditioned. Dishwasher, balcony, shag carpet. WANT ONE girl, Cedar aboard. 355-5948. 5 11-15 Repair and service on Volkswagen, Beautifully maintained. Suitable Village, $65* DEADLINE $185,351-8816.5-11-18 month, winter spring. Triumph, MG and most other for faculty, grad students, business - 351-3818J 1 P.M. one class day before FAIRLANE 1966, four door, V-8, foreign makes. 320 South Charles, people, married couples. Lease. GIRL FOR 4 man. Meadowbrook publication. automatic, power steering, radio. just off East Kalamazoo. Phone €>foWJ&&5IWA6/ 9XK2Z/S. UHS/N6,. MM. 332-3135 or 882-6549. O Trace, $65. Immediately. HALF RENT Cancellations/Corrections Excellent shape, $490. 355-3150, 372-8130. 0-12-3 882-8493,882 2694. 3-11-16 two to married couple J 5-7 p.m. 3-11-17 NEEDED: ONE girls, for little domestic wt girl winter term - 12 noon one class day J & A BODY SHOP. 317 Hill St. •>32-5977.5-11-15 only. University Terrace. $61.50. ONE GIRL needed winter and / or before publication. FORD FALCON, 1965. 2 - door, 6 Lansing, Michigan. VW and cylinder automatic, new tires, Renault specialist. All imports and Employment Employment 351-9518.3-11-16 spring. Cedar 351-3314.3-11-16 Village area. NEEDED: 2 girls winter term, tfiriiL PHONE special of the week, $395. See Ray domestic cars are welcomed. Free NEED GIRL to sublet man apartment. Call 351-44ml winter, Cedar 3-11-16 " 355-8255 at 372-0975. 3-11-17 estimates. Phone 484 7889, ASSISTANT MANAGER for gas OVERSEAS JOBS for students Village, Call Jackie, 3514288. ONE AND 2 bedroom apartments 482-7574. Get your car ready for station needed Must be married, Australia, Europe, South 2-11-15 from $145. 10 minutes from NEED ONE girl for winter and RATES 10 word minimum G.T.O. 1965, 4 - speed, 389-325 winter at J & A. Wheel wax 10-day over 25 years, and have recent America Africa, etc. All spriJ , MSU. Children permitted. EAGLE Cedar Village. 337-2595. horsepower. One owner. $750. special, $14.95. 5-11-15 station experience. Hours are 12 4-1 Mf No. DAYS professions and occupations, $700 GIRL NEEDED. Spring / CREST NORTH, 694-8975, 4330 No. Winterized. Deal! 351-6763. p.m. - 10 p.m., Monday - Friday to $3000 monthly. Expenses paid, Twyckingham. Gi Keller Road, Holt. C WORDS I 3 5 10 TIM'S AUTO REPAIR- 5011 5-11-17 Pleasant Grove and 7 a.m. - 1 p.m., Saturday overtime, sightseeing. Free $70. Call 351-7680. 2-11 Houses Rd., Lansing. Phone 393-0418. 411-18 information - Wfrite: Jobs Overseas, 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 393-4085. Major and minor tune ONE BEDROOM, furnished. One net] - Dept. 8A, Box 15071, San Diego, block off campus. LEASE WITH option. Brand ups. Minor engine repair. Free PHOTOGRAPHERS, BLACK and 711 East Apartments $150/monthly. 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 estimates. 24 hour road service. white and color dark room California, 92115.5-11-19 332-3937.5-11 16 deluxe 4 bedroom, all carpeted,2? MERCURY MONTEREY 1966. baths, family room with fireplace TimGage, Proprietor. 10-11-24 technicians arid models. New 711 Burcham. Large deluxe 1 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 Automatic, power steering, good NATIONAL COMPANY looking for kitchen with all built - ins, 2 ca rubber, 4 door, automatic rear corporation forming in Lansing bedroom, well furnished APARTMENTS AVAILABLE for garage. $375 / month. 332-li VW GUARANTEED repair. men and women. Comfortable window, new battery, snow tires. RANDY'S MOBIL. area dealing in all aspects of apartment. Suitable for 2 or 3 December occupancy. Furnished. 3-11-16 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 1-96 at inside work, no outside canvassing, 115,000 miles. $275. Telephone Okemos Road. 349-9620. C photography and graphic arts. people. Call 337-7328. University Terrace, across from no sales experience necessary,must Models; for advertising and Williams Hall. Roommate service. 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 351 -3823 evenings. S industry, experience preferred but have good phone voice. Full time Phone NEED ROOMMATE. Girl. $701 .8 liter, 1961 Jaguar engine, and part time positions. Selary, NEWLY DECORATED, furnished, 2 HALSTEAD month. $25. security. Close t 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 MUSTANG 1968, 6 cylinder, stick, no not necessary. Miple opportunity MANAGEMENT, 351-7910 or complete for parts. 1964 $100-$200 / week, depending on bedroom extra large apartment for campus. Beautifull 351-2755 asi rust, excellent condition. for right people. Fringe benefits 3-4 men. Storage, den, parking. manager, 332-1822. 0-10-11-19 for Ed. O 347 Student Services Bldg. 355-3160. 1-H-15 , Volkswagen engine, 36 include profit sharing. For ability, 2 weeks paid training horsepower, complete for parts. program. Contact Dick Vance: $240 / month includes utilities. interview call prior to November All student ads must be OLDSMOAILE 442, 1965 Also other miscellaneous parts and 393-5460 for interview. 633 East Deposit required. 393-1179 after 5 and 2 bedroom furnished. LUXURY LIVING for responsible 19th. Interviews will be held on convertible, full - power, excellent accessories. Call 393-4085. Jolly Road, Equal Opportunity p.m. 6-11-17 HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT. couple. No smoking, drinking of prepaid November 19th - 20th. Call condition. $650. 626-6700 after 5 10-11-24 393-4085. 5-11-19 Employer. O SUBLET BEDROOM in house for 351-7910.0-11-16 pets. For winter monthj The State News will be p.m. 3-11-16 487-0846.5-11-16 SNOW winter. Close to campus. $60. TIRES, Rims. Goodyear COOKS, EXPERIENCE responsible only for the DOMESTIC AND foreign auto necessary. 351-3253.2-11-15 OLDSMOBILE - SHARP. 1969 695-14, fits GM. 351-2697 after Must have neat appearance. Nights. CARRIED STUDENTS LUXURY 3 bedroom duplex, dinin| first day's incorrect 9:00 p.m.3-11-16 mechanics. New business forming Holiday Tudor, full power, vinyl Immediate openings. Contact Mr. & FACULTY room, 1V4 baths, range a in Lansing area. Only experienced insertion. top. 887-4928. 5-11-17 refrigerator. Private yard. 58 need apply. Must have own tools. Niederer,at FRANKENSTEIN 220 OLDSMOBILE 88, 1963. All power, Employment Ample opportunity for the right _ South Howard. 371-1752. 2-11-15 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. Orchard Court. 882-1526. 5-11-1^ low mileage. Excellent condition. people. Fringe benefits include WANTED: PART time waitresses, some with study WEST SI DE - girl needed. Own r