Panel irons out problems to set up at-large election By JUDY YATES and therefore inconsistent with the State News Staff Writer guidelines of the Academic Freedom Report. News Analysis The judiciary denied a hearing on the Election procedures created in a void, matter but recommended that the question required selective representation and the be brought before the Academic Council to endless details of an election, compounded into five categories so as to satisfy the Freedom Report because white males were determine whether the actions of the by a Jan. 1 implementation deadline, demands of the bylaws. barred from the list of candidates. committee were in keeping with the intent combined to create a major problem for They also attended to such The third and fourth appeals charged of ths bylaws. the Student Committee on Nominations in comparatively routine details as acquiring that certain illegalities in the composition A careful review of the bylaws and the the organization of the election of of the committee and vague election poll booths, organizing poll workers and debates of the council last spring shows representatives - at - large to the Academic setting times and places for the voting. procedures could provide a dissatisfied that the "strict constructionist" viewpoint Council. The committee presented the plans for party with an opportunity to appeal the of the committee is in keeping with the The election, now rescheduled for the election to the steering committee and election. intent of the council. Thursday, will yield 10 student the Academic Council without meeting any It was the third appeal involving Harty's grievance thus lies with the representatives - at - large. Of the 10, at opposition. improper committee composition, which convinced the Student Faculty Judiciary to council, not the committee. least six will be nonwhite and five will be Fittingly, the people who made the women. effort to amend the procedure for the enjoin the election. The breakdown, according to the Bylaws election of students to the council were The first attempt at enjoining the When the judiciary denied the hearing for Academic Governance, "will ensure a students themselves. election was a request for a hearing to the Harty appealed to the MSU Committee systematic representation of nonwhites and Two weeks before the election, a rash of Student Faculty Judiciary filed by Kevin Against Discrimination. This appeal named females." student appeals sought to enjoin the Harty, Glenview, III., junior. the council and the committee as two ■ The "Christmas in November" blood drive reached 244 pints at 4:30 With no precedent to guide them, the bodies discriminating against white males election. Harty alleged that the election |pm. Tuesday. The drive, which has set a goal of 1,177 pints, continues committee members successfully organized The first two appeals charged the procedures established by the committee on the basis of sex and race. ■though Friday at the East Shaw Hall lower lounge. the at-large candidates and divided them committee with violation of the Academic were discriminatory against white males (Please turn to page 19) Wednesday Cloudy . God . MICHIGAN . . . with a chance of occasional rain. High near 60 degrees. STATE NEWS j5love; and he that dwelleth in Ijovedwelleth in God, and God in STATE UNIVERSITY Line 64 Number 68 East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 17, 1971 City By BILL WHITING a four-hour council Action on the motion came at the end of meeting which was moved "fruitless exercise" which would have no real effect on the highway plans. "We're rescinds improve that service. "The campus should begin cooperating with us in transporting positively separate pedestrian from vehicle Theodore W. Swift, attorney for State News Staff Writer traffic," he said. "And I haven't seen any Meridian Township, told council members from City Hall to the Hannah Middle just not ready to concur on that particular workers and students who live in East School auditorium when crowds grew too route," he said. "But the decision doesn't proposed alternatives to it." his community had relied on the Lansing," she said. commitment of East Lanisng and MSU for lit more shovel was readied for digging rest with the council tonight and it never Wilcox praised Highway Dept. officials as I large for admittance City police estimated Statements from other municipal bodies grave of the proposed cross-campus has." many years and said "you should not over 125 people gained entrance to "expert planners" and cited the proposed L Monday the East Lansing City City The mayor reaffirmed their own support for the route renege at this late date." He argued that as Hall while another 40 were locked out explained he had "never been route as a safety asset for the community. and Huntil voted 3 to 2 to rescind their urged East Lansing not to back out of when the council chambers were crowded happy" with Highway Dept. plans, but "The proposed cross-campus route will their (Please turn to page 15) Eport of current plans for that conceded there was a need to provide long term commitment. to capacity. Itroversial highway. Most of the spectators were on hand to access to the University and transportation Ti a motion introduced by fledgling to Meridian Township to the west. "But I bcilman George A. Colburn, the city express their opinions on city action on the do not concur that the cross-campus route rinded all previous statements given in highway route. A similar situation arose at is the only way to solve the problem," he last week's meeting which resulted in put of the route and calls on other locking the doors to the building early. said. mental units In the area to "join Brookover emphasized he wished to sin a study of route alternatives and Newly elected Mayor Wilbur B. Brookover cast the deciding vote for the cooperate with other municipalities fn us efforts to develop transportation developing alternatives, including a strong motion which was also supported by mass transit system. Councilman George L. Griffiths. Council tr the close vote, Colburn said, "The The council action came at the end of a members Mary P. Sharp and Robert J. Bhtrsity trustees will know they have an Wilcox voted against the measure. long series of testimony from a number of J in their quest for a better location and Brookover, however, called the motion a individuals and organizations who Hterdesigned highway." presented views on the issue. Representatives from the Highway Dept. and surrounding communities, as well as RIDAY MEET SET local environmentalists and citizen's groups spoke for nearly two and one half hours. "My resolution is in support of the [Trustees, Wharton board's decision," Colburn said, referring to board of trustees action rescinding its support for the highway last month. "The lbalk at highway vote people have clearly made their views known in the recent election and our vote should be illustrative of that change in public attitudes." By BILL HOLSTEIN would be rejected Friday if it came to a and MICHAEL FOX vote. Griffiths, elected with Colburn earlier this month, said he was "absolutely State News Staff Writers Even though some of the trustees said opposed to the proposed highway" and the president's recommendation would added, "I have no sympathy with those [Neither President Wharton nor the play an important role in their decision, who say we must pay for past mistakes." r anxious to have a vote on sources close to the president Tuesday said Ms. Sharp and Wilcox, veteran council ► controversial cross-campus highway at he was not anxious to make one. fc board of trustees meeting this Friday. members, voiced their opposition to They said the president stands to lost' Colburn's motion, although they agreed [But althere aw hints that the highway from making a recommendation—whether they should cooperate with other agencies lies come to would be a vote. voted down Friday if it it is in favor or against the highway-and would appreciate an opportunity to remain in studying alternatives. *I)<>atli la the car* ■flie highway, listed as an action item of uncommitted because the issue has so "I won't dishonor this kind of It meeting's agenda, will come before the divided the community. These sources commitment without consulting other A small group of dissenters voiced their opposition to the cross campus highway route by dressing in black robes prd when President Wharton reads a said, however, that such a authorities," Ms. Sharp said. She added, and carrying signs calling for "death to ptement defining the issues surrounding recommendation, if the president is asked however, that it was time to consider the car" at Monday's city council meeting. They were part of a crowd highway as he views them. (Please turn to page 15) who watched the council deal a possible death blow to the proposed route. integrating bus systems in an effort to state News photo by Tom Dolan ■Jw statement will not contain any T^roniendation but trustee Clair White, Hannah doubts halt to City, said Tuesday he would ask the Jsdent for ■•sident Nd instead favor as such is PjJJ'nmendation if asked to do so. ly trustees a four trustees a recommendation. The expected to also appear hesitant make to vote Tuesday said they study of alternatives a By BOB ROACH Executive Reporter spending. The rejection stemmed from two blocs in the Senate — liberals distressed by clock back to the isolation of 30 years ago." Young people in particular are now foreign aid Hie military share "is a waslvoff as concerned," he said. "We originally far as we're the U.S. should play, if foreign assistance is still viable, or outmoded." The the increased amount of the military proposed a total separation between commission reported back to the President ■fisting 1'1 don't plans. think we've got package but sympathetic to economic concerned with ecology, Hannah said, but military allocations and AID's supportive in March 1970, and to Congress last April, all the ideas yet. With its "inescapable role in making the assistance plans, and older, conservatives they and their elders alike must consider assistance. Congress hasn't exactly said no, but no action has been taken. Hannah T'Us' n°t ready to vote up or down on world a better place to live," there's no who disturbed by Taiwan's ouster from the what the world of the future will be like, but they just haven't faced up to the r proposal. I don't think we've finished said the military assistance programs question in the mind of John A. Hannah United Nations, now "want to turn the "as the mutual welfare of all the people in proposal." should not "be so important" and "should f,°ur,"''n Huff, working and thinking," Trustee that the United States will continue a the world is increasingly interconnected." The proposal, Hannah said, came from not be lumped together with AID at all." D-Plymouth, said. massive foreign aid program despite the As the administrative agency in charge of the Pentagon Task Force, commissioned by '"r trustees besides Huff who said current congressional imbroglio. Still, the State Dept. should be given a nonmilitary foreign assistance, AID President Nixon 26 months ago "to take a greater coordinating role in the military , y J1* n°t ready to vote are White, Dr. As»the Senate moved Tuesday to extend programs are aimed at improving look at the world and determine what role (Please turn to page 19) e Martin, D-East Lansing, and Frank current foreign spending through Dec. 1, education, agriculture, health and "man, R-Deckerville. Hannah, in a telephone interview, warned technology in underdeveloped countries — 1 n the other hand, trustees Patricia against neo-isolationism and said the U.S. "just the minimal requirements to give |h''?an- D-Ann Arbor, and Kenneth "can't drop out of an increasingly these people an opportunity to survive," he ImiUu011' '{~^rand Rapids, said they • p Urrigan P^ared to vote Friday. said she would vote "no" shrinking world in whicn two-thirds of the oeople live in poverty." Hannah, director of the Agency for said. said, Education is paramount, Hannah with AID efforts stressing the development of basic literacy skills, School financing suit International Development (AID) and advanced technical and industrial skills and Ndv°ttnpSOn t'eclinet' to say how ht> former MSU president, said "the facts of skills in government administration "to M trustees, Don Stevens, D-Okemos, fichHf11 ^arlman> D-Flint, could not be life" show two-thirds of the world population has an average annual income of $200 compared to $4,000 in the U.S. provide the services that people should expect under a free government." "For this aspect of foreign aid to mean back in lower court iTh I (omment- 1 ,.stees are thought to be evenly He said the major problems facing the anything to young Americans in particular, Congress are minute let them consider the fact that more than Grosse Pointe to have the ,0 n" the highway with only a vote or foreien aid budget in 50 per cent of the young people — their By JOANNA FIRESTONE case moved to fail! ,0 SW»V their decision. Trustee u details and the size of the military State News Staff Writer federal court. p i, however, said he feels the proposal assistance budget. Calling for a separation contemporaries — in underdeveloped The suit, originally filed in Ingham of military funding from AID s supportive countries haven't ever been in a school, and County Circuit Court, contends thr.t the assistance" programs, he said: won't, because of the lack of schools, U.S. District Court Judge Noel P. Fox current system of school support favors Applications ' "There has been very little criticism of teachers and books." Tuesday sent back to Ingham County Circuit Court a suit filed by Gov. Milliken some pupils over others, depending on a assistance programs. The basic school district's wealth. Statistics show ^PlicationsrePresentative for to the Communication Academic Council our objective is to help the poor people of the AID's $1.7 billion share of the $2.9 billion foreign aid bill recently rejected by and Atty Gen. Frank J. Kelley challenging the constitutionality of school financing that in many cases state aid fails to make world help themselves." up the differences in revenues collected by Ei^ai'able Sin the Communication Arts Evidence of growing >solat,on s* the Senate is "about the same size as last year's," Hannah said, while the Pentagon's through local property taxes. the state's school systems. ^et,z'e« through Friday. tendencies was seen, he said, when the Judge Fox's decision turned down a "The governor, the trial judge and ^ students share has been increased considerably to quest by the three defendant school must return completed Senate rejected on Oct. 29 a House - passed , C"""ls by 5 p.m. $1.2 billion. ; of Bloomfield Hills, Dearborn and (Please turn to page 11) Friday to the office. $2 9 million bill for 1971-72 foreien aid 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday ' N°vember | news State billboard bill still tied ut that the that thP bill will be Dushed pushed through, though they believe it to be b "Under the present bill, advertising stan* I By RAIMDY GARTON m..-. L summary name printed on the State News Staff Writer sign," he said. "We'd like to 1?** the°»u In October, a group of students from the Ann Arbor of the land and the The Michigan House of Representatives, almost five months Environmental Action group (ENACT) demonstrated their zoning of the particular Bastian said the adminsitrative are! » the°» From the wiret of AP and UPI. after chores involve failing to meet a July deadline, still may not pass concern by placing a 6500 - square • foot plastic sign on the lawn illegal billboards presently make the job a satisfactory billboard legislation by the revised Dec. 1 deadline set of the state capitol. ENACT members said this was the maximum "It takes us a difficult m rei»« by the U.S. Dept. of Transportation. Failure to meet this deadline size allowed under SB 517 for counties with over 300,000 find the owner of the month of digging and sign, the owner of the scratehil i may cost the state up to $16 million in federal population. and to review the tax land The bill must meet basic federal highway funds. Spokesmen for Sen. James G. Fleming, R-Jackson, denied the ownership." Bastian said his department is the ^ i» standards set by the Dept. of Transportation. A spokesman for the state environmentalist's fears, saying that signs of that size would notice and give them 30 obligated to senri ui . Highway Dept. said days to take the that "the minimum standards said that proposed can legislation vary from state is sent to the to state." He probably be of a "V-type construction," and not a single board. This is not a requirement of the bill, however. sign dow^' "1 don't think we've got all the Transportation for review and approval. Dept. of MSU environmental groups also oppose the bill. Fred J. Moore, Despite administrative hassles, the Roadside n. ■ One of six measures by late last week had removed 133 of ideas yet. I'm fust not ready to vote up or down on the proposal. committees is Senate Bill now awaiting action 517, which has received in legislative Buchanan junior and president of Students for Environmental Quality (E QUAL) said his group is "definitely opposed to it." since the present the 354 Michigan law went into effect™,5'^ ji2.0|MnentI> Dept. approval. Passed by the Senate, the bill Transportation "We object mainly to the maximum size allowed by the bill, the Bastian said 105 of these had been removed In. I don't think we've finished all our consideration in the House is now under owners. He said action n l-W working and thinking." Appropriations Committee. However, Appropriations Committee Chairman Rep. William R. Copeland, D-Wyandotte, is not impressed by the federal deadline. spacing between boards and the weak penalties for violation of billboard regulations," he said. Moore said E-QUAL would have a meeting soon to determine Bastian emphasized that was pending in his department anothefios^ b> car. onlv ^ Trustee Warren Huff "They've been telling me they're going to cut fUnds for 12 prosecute persons wno have erected "ways and means to deal with this bill." into effect. signs after the oL e iab8 ,law* 0rd years," Copeland said late last week. "If Ecological activists are not the only persons concerned with the they cut them, well, then, they cut them, that's all." measure. Jay Bastian, asst. supervisor for Roadside Development "Until we have a bill that meets He and his committee was federal standards» k trying to "plow through a pile of in the state Highway Dept. would like to see a bill that would are ineligible for federal highway legislation," and would not rush any particular piece ease the present difficulty involved with removal of illegal enable us to pay beautification funds th^'' "I'm not going to be through. railroaded," he said. "We just got this bill billboards. was on the books." people to remove signs erected X? Deiote the (SB 517) Nov. 2. The federal government hell out of always tries to scare you." Russian spy Abel dies A spokesman for the appropriations committee later expected the bill to be out of committee by the deadline date or said he ON CIVIL RIGHTS Col. Rudolf Abel, once the Kremlin's top U.S. spy shortly after. "I really can't see the who for nine years directed a network of Russian agents Transportation Dept. penalizing us for being a few days overdue," he said. Panel from his artist's studio in Brooklyn, has died of lung hits Many environmentalist groups around the state are cancer in Moscow, reliable sources reported They said Abel died Monday after with the disease. He was 68. a Tuesday, six-month bout concerned N WASHINGTON (AP) The provide optimism for minorities. Abel, probably the most important spy ever caught in give and enjoy - months has not been such as to Nixon administration has failed The President has opposed Much of the the United States, operated from 1948 until 1957, when provide the clear affirmative report is devfl to take a firm and enforced busing to achieve to an evaluation he was betrayed by an assistant, arrested and sentenced continuing policy direction necessary to of how well to 30 years in prison. interest in the enforcement of civil rights laws, the Civil Rights integration and has said he is assure that the full weight of the government is carrying VI of the 1964 Civil out! Commission said in & report against an active federal role in the courts to integrate the federal government will be which outlaws Right J behind the fight to secure equla discriminatiJ released Tuesday. suburbs. rights for all minorties." any federally funded | whether the Miners wait for approval In addition, the commission "The net effect of the While money is spen Soft coal miners in the key areas of western Pennsylvania, West Viiginia and Ohio were largely off Ca/ndi£6 said, only have a few made any federal agencies real effort to upgrade the hiring or promotion President's statements has not been to provide a clear policy direction necessary to encourage presidential acknowledging that housing emphasized the correct past statement patterns on need to of a private or public agencies. There were four ratings over the last year Internal Revenue improves fo| of blacks, Indians, orientals or the federal bureaucracy to stop discrimination, the commission Service 1 the job Tuesday and most said they were waiting to see whether the Pay Board would approve their new on Thanksgiving Spanish-speaking Americans. up its efforts to enforce civil-rights laws, the report said. criticized a distinction Nixon made between segregation Agriculture Department,I Veterans Administration an A bulky 217-page report contract with the coal industry. "Chief among the inadequacies Interior Department. entitled, "The Federal Civil resulting from income and The new three-year pact, calling for is the failure to develop and to "Any force reductionL wage hikes and Rights Enforcement Effort: The segregation resulting from employment levels through! Year Later" concluded: "Unless communicate to the public a deliberate discrimination. price increases of about 30 per cent, exceeds the 5.5 per terminations cent annual wage increase the bureaucracy is given to sense of ureencv over the need The net effect, may "serve to are likely to aP guidelines of Phase 2. understand that civil rights is a to end discrimination." reinforce the racially most significantly tlL In the longshoremen's strike, which exlusionary employes with least senoril began 47 days ago matter of personal concern to "The President's posture, as policies and practices of many in North Atlantic ports, striking west Gulf Coast the President, it is gleaned from his statements and suburban communities," disproportionate numbel unlikely to the workers began to draw up proposals to present to 11 * alter the status quo." other actions over the last six report added. whom are citizens," it said. minority-grl shippers in Galveston, Tes. The men there had not The commission cited remarks walked out until Monday. on various civil-rights issues by President Nixon over the past several months as doing little to British review treatmenl Program to cut retardation IIASSORTED CHOCOLATES I LB. $2.00 j President Nixon pledged Tuesday in of Irish Army prisoners Washington an expanded program to cut in half the occurrence of mental retardation in this country by the end ■ We Card Shop ono c 309 no c-»ci E. Grand River 332-6753 LONDON (AP) - The British government has ordered a review released prisoners that during interrogations they were forced whitewash. Home Secretary Regl of the way suspected Irish to stand of the century. spreadeagled against Maudling, the British CaB terrorists are detained and walls for four to six hours at a minister responsible! After meeting with his committee questioned after an inquiry Northern Ireland, annoul time, that their heads had been on mental commission found some that the government wfl retardation, the President covered with balck hoods, that also fixed as a national of one-third of more than retarded institutions. persons He goal the release now in 200,000 public M.A.A.R IS HERE! evidence of physical ill treatment in northern Ireland. The commission, in 1 report to Parliament Tuesday, they had been subjected to loud hissing noises, denied sleep and 72-page put on break and water diets. The commission described review interrogation met* implying that the ground F could be changed. His statement, at the m said they could cleared British troops and these measures as "ill treatment when lawmakers first got I "return to useful lives in the security police in Northern or hardship," but said they fell hands on the controva community." More than six million Americans are believed to be afflicted with Marantz Ireland of charges that they had short of tortured and brainwashed captured gunmen from the Dublin and civil rights groups in outlawed Irish Republican Army "physical brutality." Spokesmen for the IRA in the Northern Ireland capital of commission report, designed parliamentary findings. to outcry onl appJ checfl retardation. (IRA). Belfast An emergency debate on! denounced the But it upheld charges from scheduledl Audio commission's findings as a subject was Wednesday. The commission, headedl China votes with majority Sir Edmund Compton,! SALE ombudsman named! investigate charges! Red China joined with the Analysis overwhelming majority of maladministration in UN members Kazoo, Vicory and Nort| Tuesday in N.Y. calling on the United Ireland, looked into f States not to import chrome from Rhodesia. treatment of 40 of the ■ The 106-2 vote by the General Assembly was in Seafarer jeans suspected Irish terrorists arrJ reaction to last week's decision of Congress to remove by the British army Aug. held without trial. 9|V the President's chrome. The ban was authority to ban importation of the imposed to comply with mandatory economic sanctions of the UN Security Council in 1966 Program The Outlook $500 has Since then the suspected IRA terrorists arnT risen to charges in the press about totaj 900,1 of b> detention methods have swj against the breakaway white-ruled British TODAY 17 Ann St. Next to Mini-Mart Rhodesia. It was the United Nations' first international embargo. colony in attempt at an Noon to 9 p.m. demands for a fuller goven^ Just bring in your amplifier, preamplifier, or receiver - The Marantz people will take it from there. News media not exempt ALL FREE CHECKOUT INCLUDES: FREE The Senate Banking Committee refused Tuesday in BRANDS SEE AND * Frequency Response Test Washington to exempt the news media from the price CHECKED COMPARE "Distortion Analysis and wage provisions of *Free Graph of the results legislation to carry out President 50'Off Nixon's economic control The vote was 8-5. The committee at or below the program. voted, however, to exempt all persons Consider this SPECIAL from the Stereo "TAKE-ADVANTAGE" OFFER Shoppe and Marantz. a 14" or (1 item 16" pizza or more) 'SuWl1 poverty levels from wage controls. That would apply to families of $3,900 range. four with incomes in the Right now you can save Model 26 system with 3 selling price of $113 on this complete Marantz year guarantee! All at the fabulous with coupon - good thru Nov. 19 offer Court to investigate army COMPLETE RECEIVER AND TWO SPEAKERS . . . $269.00 | ON CAMPUS DELIVERY 'DeuveRy The Supreme Court take a look at claims agreed Tuesday in Washington to w/wakiut case 337-1681 by civilians and peace groups that Add the BSR j OFF CAMPUS/CIRCLE DRIVE the Army is 310 Automatic Turntable . . engaged in unconstitutional and MODEL 26 SYSTEM complete four piece system for only - speech-inhibiting spying. . . . The court acted at the behest of the Justice Dept. The 337-1631 move at least delays a fulldress federal District Court hearing into Army spying. The government ■tafia bring suit against they can show first will an that argue that individuals cannot Army surveillance system unless they were spying victims. STEREO SHOPPE Vizza TWO LOCATIONS: The will be Beat case considered by the justices early next 1203 EAST GRAND RIVER year. 543 E"GrandRiver East - Lansing - 337-1300 1071 TROWBRIDGE ROAD > Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 17, 1971 Boycott group may form to back Lums employes Rouillard emphasized his reluctance to By LINDA WERFELMAN require State News Staff Writer employes to join the union. "Even if 31 of 32 signed I'm concerned that everyone has freedom East Lansing residents who sympathize with of choice—freedom to picket and freedom to picketing Lums employes are "seriously decide what clubs they want to join," he said. considering" forming a committee to organize a Despite the disagreement, "no hard and fast selective consumer boycott of East Lansing decisions have been made to reject the union merchants who have supported Lums shop," Wilfred A. Dupuis, a mediator in the management, according to C. Patric Larrowe, professor of economics and advisor to the dispute, said. Signs announcing that job applications were Hotel-Restaurant Employes and Bartenders being accepted appeared in Lums windows Union, Local 235. The Tuesday, an action which Larrowe said "has the boycott would be "a response of those of flavor of trying to recruit scabs." us in the community who are trying to get Rouillard disagreed, explaining that additional students a decent wage," Larrowe said. Lums manager Edward C. Rouillard employes would be needed during Thanksgiving indicated and Christmas vacations and after business that such a boycott could be effective. "It's very returns to normal. hard to cross a picket line; it would be hard for Ten to forty per cent of the usual number of me," he said. customers have patronized the restaurant since Employes and management now agree that the "main hangup is the union shop", Larrowe said, picketing began last Thursday, Rouillard said. William Weld, financial secretary treasurer and Seed i><>(l adding that 27 of 32 Lums workers had signed business agent of the union, had disputed the cards indicating their preference for a union claim earlier, charging that "they haven't served more than 100 people since Thursday night." State News photo by Donald Christensen ^SjgeBaa Rail contract th WASHINGTON (AP) The the first time since the wage Forest frolics railroad signalmen s - union price freeze ended Sunday, but teachers and others should be Saturday in Chicago, towever April 30, approved a provision paid retroactively to cover the before us," he said before Tuesday announced the pattern for previous or This furry little squirrel scampers around a tree trunk in a tentative by late afternoon had period of the 90-day wage-price exempting all persons at or heading for the board's new 42 labor agreement that settlements by other rail unions below the Sanford Woodlot, oblivious to the students around him announced no new decisions, freeze which ended poverty level from eigth-floor conference room in a may strain the Pay Board's Sunday. has been 42-month contracts wage controls. who are scurrying to get term-end assignments in on time. Reported under consideration Terms of the rail agreement with 42 per cent wage increases still-uncompleted office three-day-old wage guidelines. was the question of whether That would apply to all State News photo by John Dickson Meanwhile the board met for were kept secret pending a This is 12 per cent a year families of four with incomes in building. contract age increases for ratification Boldt also said that the board meeting next pe^ more than double the 5.5 cent standard set the $3,900 range. The dost of hri 5 cSS JESS « APPARENT FORGERY Nixon's Pay Board. by President But the Living Council already has exempted those persons earning reached late Saturday in the soft-coal industry. Some miners board has left itself leeway to less than the federal minimum have refused to return to work approve higher increases after wage of $1.60 an hour. until the board approves the considering "ongoing collective Altered voucher leads to suit The Banking Committee agreement, jreement. bargaining and pay practices, rejected a proposed amendment and the equitable position of the to exempt all news media from The three-year agreement calls employes involved ..." for pay raises of up to 35 per wage and price controls, and put Charles J. Chamberlain, off any decisions on extending cent and a 100 per cent increase The issue began Sept. 2, 1971, was correct was made by Ms. Administration president of the AFL-CIO Nixon's authority or in management's contribution to Builiding, had "I wasn't paying any attention requiring ly BECK IE HANES r " AJ?irect B?.y,!ient for $100 was filled out ?"S s,enature- Payment was "difficulty in distinguishing the to it at all when I ran it Brotherhood of Railroad retroactive payment of pay the union pension fund. bv Ms. made through State News Staff Writer a Sept. 17 cfyeck third digit, but processed it as a Signalmen, said he intends to lost during the freeze. These are in excess of the Green and was presented by the through," she said. consult with the Pay Board to University Business six on the strength of Dr. Boldt, who answered a few board's general guidelines for questions from newsmen during contracts going into effect 12:01 ■orgery caused ASMSU and adviser ot ASMSU, for m. . ,. The reason for the case arises - — v. Chairman George Boldt refused the Pay Board's lundh break, ■omptroller Grant A. Grecu to approval. says. Hekhuis would not sign a to comment on the agreement, am- last Sunday and after, when before being presented to said the morning session had Be suit with All-University Hekhius told Grant that the "Because Sheryl Green was voucher with ASMSU's account However, the union says the the University Business Office,) Among other things thev will been devoted to procedural Indent Judiciary (AUSJ) account to be cahrged was the ___ v both signator and payee, we feel number on it without the mui oi contract was ratified half an the account number was altered require retailers and wholesalers matters iday charging Sheryl Green, New Community " that she slie is liable for any accompanying signature of wjtj, $joO million or more in such as how wage hour before the deadline, by writing over the numerals alterations made during the either the comptroller or the agreement are to be reported to thereby falling under a Pay p °futhe ^mmunlty Exchange. The reason given for With with a hnllnnint A ballpoint pen nf non of inlr ink pnlnv color ^tu^ processing of the direct paymet <%Unr>»•» * >■«!>] Un n''■ Back in the days before "Dr." Hannah's with my teaching and my articles shabby tricks they pull on people DAVE PERSON, managing editor you know how it is, what with the Nixon and all, I talent scout found me out in Utah, I lived was sure the Tenure Committee would give "Hildebrand," I explained "is CHARLES C. CAIN, city editor Depression and all. I needed a job real bad, theguvul next door to the provost of the college was fired a JOHN BORGER, campus editor and with my training and experience, this me a fair shake. couple of years ago bv tffi where I was teaching. One day I asked him. Science Dept. He went BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor "What it like, Homer, being a provost?" through channel RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor "Charley," he replied, "you won't believe this, but the strains of the job are so great Seven-time recipient some days I can't even get to the john." 1 of the Pacemaker award "Letting a student back in is one thing. It's for outstanding journalism. didn't believe him at the time. stalled him off for a I do now. easy enough for a court to order that. Ordering ruled against him. 'Didn't year and a half ti Oh, I've never been a provost myself, of the University to put a prof hack on the job is want to int. in the affairs of the course, but I've found that with my busy something else. As one of the dudes in our University' Wl word I got from the boys downtown schedule of research, teaching, and picketing EDITORIALS there are days when I, too, can't squeeze in a central administration explained to me just the other day, 'Annointing a person with the oil of "So the other day he filed court, over in Grand Rapids." suit in to, trip to the privy. "Filed suit?" my former tenure is like admitting him to an exclusive colleague That can be embarrassing, too. Take the accident that happened to me just the other club." his face brightening. "What's heaskimSI You've seen day. I went bursting without looking into one of the stalls in the IM building and "Well, Professor Hildebrand back. And $115,000. You know and payment for wants hl.iT bacfil damage to his reputation! bumped into a guy who was working in there. was the only one I could get." "You know how many votes I got out of Far out! What's he base his "He claims the suit on?" I hil f that bunch of tenured mossbacksand young University can't kick pictures He straightened up and "You appealing?" I asked. (I'd heard he turned around, his out without giving him due face flushing, and I thought to myself, 'I know had a good record in teaching, research, and fogies?" he yelled, shaking his brush in my in writing, a hearing before a process Reasol you! The last time I saw you was a couple of public service.) face. "Three! Three lousy votes out of proper amJI "I already have. Lash," he said, avoiding twelve!" body, all that." weeks ago. You were in my office, worrying about the Committee of Fifty getting me my eyes. "I couldn't believe our provost "Too bad," I said, holding my ground. "If that's Hildebrand or the case, I don't I should have to see wA would do what you said. You know, plant a "Have you thought of going the Hildebrand go to court! fired.' he said booby trap in that appeal procedure of his. route?" doubtfully. "The Schiff case too "Hey, Dr.!" I exclaimed, "What's with the \ care of that. Didn't the Court "So I asked some of the fuddy duddies in "Hildebrand?" he asked. "Who's tell tt green uniform and the scrub brush? You moonlighting?" (Now that salaries are out. I the Department about it. 'Don't pay any Hildebrand?" University: 'You can't throw a without giving him due process'? D studentol that apply to the faculty too?" "I'm sorry to have to say this again,Dr. 1 replied, trying to hide my irritation. "M your inability to see the difference is«H you're cleaning bowls over here instead! boiling out retorts back in the lab. I "Letting a student back in is one thing, easy enough for a court to order thl il Ordering the University to put aprnfhJ on the job is something else. As one of tl dudes in our central administratil explained to me just the other d! 'Annointing a person with the oil of tenurl like admitting him to an exclusive club.' f "That's why, " I concluded, "the laU board chickened out." "How'd you ever make it, Lash?" blurted out. 'That's a story for another time,"! answered coldly. "Which reminds me. 11 Hildebrand case may be bad news for youl you don't go to the same route." "How?" "Well, if he wins and we have to pay hi that heavy bread, it's going to come outl somebody's hide. And you know | position control works, last hired, first That's you, right?" fir] "OK, Lash, I'm convinced. You knoJ lawyer I can call?" He flicked an invisn speck from the seat. "You can go now." | "Oh, no!" I exclaimed, looking at q MAY WE ALL CONTINUE SMILING ONCE THEY START TALKING watch. "I'm late for picket duty already! i . ya in court," I yelled over my shoulJ kicking over his Sani Flush as 1 loped I toward Grand Rvier. The Doctor's Bag I nUIEDMCD M n By ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. of many people who experience the Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at research money to pursue this cr MSU Health Center. Names need not be opposite. Particularly after several glasses problem. of wine, some people find that they fall A cool shower before bedtime ir included unless a personal reply is I am writing to find out the effect of asleep for a short period of. time and then even be more effective than a warm bath! requested. wake up with a bad case of insomnia. My alcohol on falling asleep, if any. I enjoy a means of inducing sleep. Aside frl Can repetitious masturbation informal survey indicates that this is avoiding caffeine containing beverages, si own using one drinking sherry or brandy late at night grip cause pinched nerves in the hand? I the case more often with wine than with clear of vigorous exercise right befB while reading. I have noticed that I alcohol taken in other forms, and has lead get "writer's cramp" very easily with the frequently have difficulty falling asleep retiring, although exercise during the f me to wonder if thumb and first finger, the same after I have had wine or brandy close to some people metabolize tends to make it easier to sleep at nij* wine differently than others producing One of the most helpful things in tr>'inl appendices that I use to masturbate. Can bedtime. Is it possible for alcohol to induce substances which interfere with normal this be an early sign of arthritis? (This insomnia? By the way, do you have any get to sleep is sit down and relax for a W sleep. I have experienced severe insomnia an hour before getting into bed. Eveii question was written by a man). recommendatins for insomnia other than a myself under these circumstances and suffering from bad insomnia, one shoP Relax your grip! What you warm bath? I have no tub. designed an elaborate experiment to avoid taking naps during the day as it of describe is not determine specifically which wines produce makes it more difficult to sleep at nil pinched nerves or arthritis. It is merely the insomnia. Although I could do the some spasms or cramps in muscles. The Insomnia occurs normally and is usuj While the common assumption is that research over the period of one term (if I small muscles on your hand and forearm self limited and not serious. In severe ca alcohol makes a person sleepy, and this could sleep late in the morning) for some a physician should be consulted. are not used to being held in a tensed does seem to be the case for most, I know unknown reason I was never able to get the position for as long as it takes you to Copyright 1971 masturbate or write. Most muscles are designed to contract and relax rather than OUR READERS' MIND hold a fixed position. Such cramps can be enhanced by hyperventilation (rapid breathing) which can also produce numbness and tingling on your extremities. If relaxing your grip doesn't work, try Armenians have not forgotten using your other hand. I take a bath every day and also keep my To the Editor: extermination of the entire Armenian race dollars in the United States alone ii On Nov. 20 the Armenian American youth from the face of the Earth. Despite the to hide the crimes of its past regimes, genital area clean. Is there any other need will gather at New York City's Rockefeller for douching other than to keep the vagina Center in order to demonstrate for outragious crime against humanity the Turk committed, he has yet to admit guilt has Turkey bought the rights of sej clean? I have no odor problem. reactivation of the provisions of the Treaty film making companies whic «■ to the crime or return lands he confiscated planning to make films of what w ■ of Sevres. The treaty which was signed by from the Armenian people during World during the first World War in 0 V Turkey guaranteed an independent War I. Instead he has launched on a massive Turkey? I Under most circumstances the vagina Armenia whose boundaries „f tends to stay remarkably clean without were to include program of propaganda that has attempted In 1915 Talaat Pasha, minister oj 40,000 square miles of Turkish held to hide or distort the facts and prevented interior of Ottoman Turkey, said, ■ Isn't it time doing anything. In the absence of a vaginal infection, much so-called vaginal odor be traced to the area immediately outside may Armenian territories. Despite the efforts of former U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, justice from Armenian Question. being brought to the this, there will be no Armenian «ue>| for fifty years." He may have been m Armenia, a country devoid of oil resources, This injustice committed the vagina in the vulval area. Adequate became a victim of world power politics. against our Certainly the world seems to parents and grandparents has not been forgotten. The Armenian people bathing usually takes care of most of this. The major powers deserted her and allowed ignored by their children. The Armenian years though have not forgotten. As '■ something Under some circumstances women do have the rebellious Kemalist Turks to Youth Federation of America has problems with vaginal odors and douching overrun our homeland remains captive, 1 the country along with Russia. sponsored demonstrations in Boston, New is recommended. If the difficulties are All this against humanity unpaid - came after the first York, Washington D.C., and Los Angeles in One caused by an infection, a physician must be genocide of knowledge of Turkish crimes supp residence hall meal is cafeteria must sign up for the relief the century. 1,500,000 Armenian men, an attempt to over consulted so that the infection can be women, and children were butchered by bring the Armenian Question to the American public. If this cause seems our struggle for justice will neverc _l three day's food for a Pakistani effort before any funds are obtained identified and properly treated. John Armen the Ottoman Turks. The refugee. If you agree to skip a meal at all. You can register for the fast Some women who use birth control pills slaughter of irrevelant today, then why is the Turkish Armenian Youth Federj Dec. 1, 1971, the University find that they have changes in the normal Armenians was part of a deliberate planned government today spending millions of November y, * on any weekday between 8 a.m. and residence halls will contribute its 4:30 p.m. at your reception desk, vaginal secretions and are also prone to cost to develop yeast infections. In such cases, help support more than 10 douching is also advisable. Long term use million victims of the Pakistani civil 19! The Pakistani fast has been of antibiotics for acne may create a similar war. All money will be sent endorsed by ASMSU and Residence need, again due to incidental changes in the nonpolitically and will aid only those Halls Association. environment of the vagina. Many fancy and refugees inside India. expensive preparations are sold in drug stores but the old expedient of two If the fast is to succeed, however, Remember, to you its just a meal, in West Bengal it tablespoons of vinegar and a quart of warm popular support is critical—25 per but to someone water works just fine. (White or household cent of all students attending each may mean life itself. vinegar, not wine vinegar.) From what you I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 17, 1971 Faculty unions seek backing By S. A. SMITH State News Staff Writer News compilation of material collected by the Institute of Continuing Legal Education of the University of Michigan Law School, The question on this campus is not which Analysis Wayne State University Law School and the State Bar of contending unit to Michigan comprise the mini-libraries. select as the collective bargaining agent, but whether to designate The five sets are located at the reference desk of the main any at all. weeks after the petition is filed before the election is scheduled." The American Assn. of library, in the chemistry sub-library and the Wilson Hall University Professors (AAUP) and the MERC is currently hearing pre-election arguments by the sub-library. Two "roving" sets, to be checked out for longer MSU Faculty Associates, (MSUFA), an affiliate of the Michigan AAUP, American Federation of Teachers (AFT), and the local periods by departments or groups, may be secured form the Education Assn. and the National Education Assn., each began Faculty Associates at Wayne State and Eastern Michigan receptionist in the Faculty Wing of E. Akers Hall. campaigns last spring to collect authorization signatures form 30 universities. - per cent of the faculty. Collective The Michigan Employment Relations Commission bargaining in Michigan has been active in the past few requires that one of the competing groups secure 30 per cent of the faculty's signatures in order to call an (MERC) years. The total number of colleges and universities here which have recognized formal collective bargaining arrangements for Students su election. Any other faculty (29) is second only to New York state, which has a total groups must have signatures of 10 per cent of the faculty to of 38 colleges and universities with obtain a position on the ballot. recognized bargaining agents. The ballot also includes a unionization. provision to vote against faculty According to a Nov. 14 report in the New York Times, 26 of the 29 Michigan schools with bargaining agents are two-year institutions. Eighteen schools recognized 'Indian Day' A spokesman for the MSU NEA, four selected AFT chapter of the AAUP said earlier this and one chose AAUP. Four MSU students are conducting a petition drive to term that the group had collected 13 A moratorium was placed on the collective per cent of the signatures. bargaining race at demonstrate support for a congressional resolution to make the Sigmund Nosow, president of the campus AAUP, said Tuesday a MSU last spring so that an ad hoc committee headed fourth Friday in September, "American Indian Day." by Herbert running tabulation of the returned authorization cards has not C. Jackson, professor of religion, could been kept this fall, but the AAUP is "close" to the investigate and report on Katherine L. Jones, director of the project at MSU, described 30 per cent the collective bargaining situation in higher education. its purpose as an attempt to "get people aware of this minority figure. Jackson said he committee — which was William Owen, staff member of the recently given an group's problems and help the Indians regain a sense of pride". MEA, said Tuesday that the open-ended charge by the Elected Faculty Council as to the final The effort, which coincides with similar projects at seven other MSUFA has collected about 20 per cent of the form of the report — will distribute a final faculty's report to all faculty Midwestern universities, is directed by Stephan Adler, Central signatures and an election will probably be held at MSU members in January. by next Michigan University senior, who wrote the resolution. spring. In the meantime, the committee has set "The Indians are a very confused, mixed up people and I After the up five mini-libraries bargaining agent which first achieves the 30 per cent throughout the campus to be used by individual faculty members strongly believe that a day would give them back some of their goal files a petition with MERC, a pre-election hearing will be and groups for educational purposes. lost pride," Adler said in a letter to supporters of the petition held to resolve issues such as which /,<•(/fli'ss im included in the definition of "faculty." University employes are The mini-libraries consist of three soft-bound volumes which probe in depth into the collective bargaining question. drive. The petition drive, which will end November 30, has "A lot depends on whether the gathered ■leafless tree creates a striking image as its shadow falls University resists the attempt to Volume 1971 of the Wisconsin Law Review, devoted entirely to about 80 signatures from MSU students, Ms. Jones said. organize," Owen said. "If the administration and board of collective bargaining, a copy of the NEA" ossthe brick walls of Abbot Hall. trustees decide not to complicate things, it is agreement for full-time Congress is expected to vote on the resolution in December, State News photo by Chris Fischer only a matter of faculty at the City University of New York, and Adler said. a bound oeds' support growing halls for refugee fast GRAND OPENING By RAY ANDERSON of the fast's purpose. State News Staff Writer The University has offered to donate 50 cents resident hall fast for East Paksitani to Pakistani refugee fund for every student in a es moved into its third day with growing residence hall who does not eat dinner Dec. 1. lit from University coeds, Larry S. Buege, FIGURE As of 4 p.m. Tuesday Gilchrist, Yakeley and in ^ocial student and publicity director for ive, said. McDonel Halls were leading the drive with 10 per cent of their students signed. FASHIONS attributes male reluctance to join the fast to Percentage increases of students residing in re poster which depicts a starving child, residence halls who have signed since Monday lid it has more dramatic appeal to campus are: Akers, 3 per cent from 1 per cent; Brody, 9 ra. per cent from 2 per cent; Campbell, 10 per cent tisties show male students are particularly from 3 per cent: Case 4 per cent from 2 per cent; NOW 2 GREAT LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU tint to join the fast in some halls. In Gilchrist - Yakeley 10 per cent from 2 per cent; m Hall 66 women and no men signed up, Holden, 6 per cent from 1 per cent; Holmes, 7 [McDonel Hall 104 women and only three per cent from 3 per cent; Hubbard, 3 per cent *n0w in frandor shopping center ♦leonard downtown plaza tfned. from 1 per cent; Landon, 9 per cent from 3 per FRANDOR MALL COURT 309 N. Washington I biggest increase of students willing to cent; Mayo, 3 per cent from 1 per cent; Mason - LEONARD DOWNTOWN PLAZA is their evening meal Dec. 1, occurred in MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 11 AM TIL9 PM Abbott, 5 per cent from 0; McDonel, 10 per cent OPEN DAILY 10 A M. to 5 30 P M ominantly women's halls, from 2 per cent; Shaw 2 per cent from 1 per SAT, 11 AM TIL 5:30 PM MONDAY/FRIDAY 10 A M to 8 30 P M ipsaid he believes this is a temporary trend cent; Wilson 4 per cent from 1 per cent and nh change as male students become aware Wonders 3 per cent from 1 per cent. Now two figure fashions shops dedicated to keeping you in good shape . . . Our fig¬ ure fashion consultants will fit you to the just right bid or garment from such fa¬ mous makers as *881! 'Jantzen •Maidenform *Poirette •Vassarette *Olga ISU abortion join Washington men for abortion march is to be down 15th Street institutions we feel can do the il are planning to join the onto Pennsylvania Avenue past most to change existing National Abortion the White House and up 17th conditions and laws," Ms. ion Coalition march on Street past the Supreme Court Heinfling said. ington, D.C., Nov. 20. building, and the Capitol. Shirley Chrisholm, D-N.Y., JO women have Delegations would also be sent Betty Friedan and other essed a desire tc go to to the Supreme Court and to woman's liberation activists are ington so far, according to President Nixon's office. expected to address the rally lie Heinfling, East Lansing "The purpsoe of the route is between the Supreme Court and or. Ms. to march in front of those Heinfling said Capitol. iters are needed to drive. interested may call 0846 or 332-0427. es from Detroit are being |edat $25 per person. «march, and a similar one » Francisco the same day, is the purpose of calling for a 39 MORE DAYS TILL XMAS "al referendum on abortion To better serve your gift K group is also demanding needs. Tiie Alley Shop will be leal »f restrictive open this Wednesday and 'traception laws and Friday night till 9:00 p.m. estiiig forced sterilization. e calling for show of 'from every a woman from 11 11' ii i! insiderj mi I walk of life," 'fling said. Ms. ACE HARDWARE Proposed route of the I 201 E.Grand River 351-6184 Jj •'! kinios barter Tonight in the a'askon town All-American Room -1 her n most ™nity in the United States, 1 The Talismen largest Eskimo settlement Stores accept such things as pelts Contemporary folk *hale meat by Jeff, Jerry, and Jim tonight 3 is * SENIOR jj NIGHT i »lbe x LEONARD DOWNTOWN PLAZA LEONARD DOWNTOWN PLAZA MONDAY thru FRIDAY OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. 1020 Trowbridge Rd. 11 AM Till 9 PM SAT. 11 AM Till 5:30 PM MONDAY/FRIDAY, 10 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. ******* 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November j7 , One Day Stand . . . TODAY ONLY! FASHION FOLLIES" A one-time, bargain price SALE of clothes we'd like to Myron L. Erickson, instructor see playing in your theatre in business law and office rather than ours- including administration, is one of several MSU instructors who some really top acts . . . teach classes to Ingham County Jail inmates. Sheriff Kenneth L Preadmore (left) led the fight for federal funds for the program and Thomas Updike (right) heads the inmate druge therapy program. SN photo by Don Gerstner ON WITH THE SALE! PANTS *2 and *4 Seme originally so expensive we're ashamed to tell you. HOT PANTS *2 Many Famous brand names. Reform goal of local jail Regularly $7 - $16. By BILL WHITING "Our volunteer assistants test average school attainment closed circuit TV which will add State News Staff Writer and screen individuals once Centers through the CommuJ they among prisoners is at the ninth a new dimension to the teaching A storm of protest over are remanded to our custody to grade with a retention level of Comprehensive Drug TreatnJ archaic conditions in the determine their needs," program. Tied into National Plan. only 10 years. "Ten per cent of Education Television and the Program workers also wl KNIT HOT PANT nation's prisons is forcing a re-evaluation of the role of jails Preadmore said. A staff of four psychologists, a drug therapist our inmates are illiterate," he said. "Our retention level is very MSU station, the closed circuit closely with other agend system will allow more classes to throughout the country, and seven teachers offer low so we start with the basics be taught to a greater number of particularly in the area] &KNICKER SETS 90 including the Ingham County Jail. treatment in various fareas after determining a person's mental and let them work according to their own capabilities. If we get inmates through live broadcasts. employment. "There tremendous attitude has b«. change] He also sees an expansive use of the part of the Supported by federal grants condition, checking for physical some of them to leam to read TV by lawyers, medical personel employer," By Hang Ten, Bananas & Kelita. and Model City Program funds, disabilities, lack of education the want ad section of a said. "They have become m and even judges. and Originally $20 - $32. the county jail program is one of and possible drug or alcoholic newspaper, it can be a In addition to the emphasis on more interested i the first in the country which addiction. program and willing to \vJ completely new thing." education, medical and concentrates Preadmore their own restrictions. Wd on a rehabilitation insists that a Education has taken over program for inmates at a local correctional psychological aspects of drug trying to help them do wj facility has to nearly every available space at treatment are handled through a they say they want to do." SUEDE and/or LEATHER VESTS, level. Kenneth L. Preadmore, sheriff provide for a prisoner's physical and mental needs and give him a the Mason jail facility, where three donated portable comprehensive program of treatment within and outside the The jail program, of Ingham County, believes this way to cope with society. "For classrooms are currently being emphasized, is purely voluntj is the type of approach to take jail. Preadmore pointed out the "They can come in anytime tl HOT PANTS, SLACKS, TUNICS & with inmates and points with years and years we liked to put people away and isolate them in installed to expand the program. Designated part of the adult jail program includes a wish — here or on the outsiq methadone withdrawal program pride to his staff of professionals workhouse s,',' he said. education program of the Updike said. He said the physi and volunteers &qd treatment to deal with the treatment of drug addiction from the '"Ihe^fclapte «wh«*>are in jail are SKIRTjS $22 Originally *9 toto $90. cofl£munit$, including MStK who work with present* ana poor hnnrf " people who can't make Lansing SchooJ^ System, t^e jail is aUthoSpzej courses to give -credits for aimed it four categories, mental huudups of drug addiction. Clinics to continue treatment after release only 10 and per cent of the probl that the program emphasi former inmates. treatment of psychologl including high school are also located in Lansing, motivations. "We try to preparation and completion and Mason, St. Johns and Charlotte, provj a person with a sense of ident community college and where the program has met with and the university entrance preparation. ability to c NEW FALL SKIRTS $590 ' great response. with people," he said. "We hi 1 There is also a division for Thomas Updike, director of to show him how Originally $8 to $20. FREE vocational rehabilitation and trade job training. The nearly 180 inmates are the a drug program in the jail, said number of agencies are involved in the program which interpersonal relationships i get some meaning out of lit offered a variety of courses, operates under Act 54 of the Updike said the been "very successful" programJ including typing and machine Board of Mental Health. He said World Famous Hot Dog Dinner changing v attitudes among SWEATERS $790 jf repair, machine shop and it is funded under a federal to I90 with the purchase of a hot dog dinner at 1 value jJ automobile repair, as well as of $384,000 per year for grant eight personel, noting that inmd now sometimes go to guardsl A the regular price. I other academic courses. Since big group of turtlenecks and years. help with a problem, t| other new styles. Regularly $12 to $26. Expires Sunday 231 MAC- >125 ^ the program began in August, 22 "It is inappropriate for creating dialogue where t' inmates have returned to Nov. 28, 1971 351-2755 I _ community," Updike REALLY "IN" LONG DRESSES *15 The ALlj-Weuther Itool >4124 stressed. He said they work locally with the North Side and Community support is enlisj by Preadmore in getting projG West Side Drug Education Originally $26 to $32. like the newspaper started, community advisory bol assists Preadmore and progn JACKETS & PONCHOS *4 director Richard Poyntonl Regularly $8 to $20. Sale utilizing outside sources program. "There is a amount of talent right at back door and I'm using for i tremendfl ev^ I PLUS Up to 40% off bit of it," the sheriff said. "With University community assistance v e Selected Imported Gifts achieved the impossible i NEW BUCKSKIN PANT COATS on face of tremendous P°» j by Host on inn odds," he said. Lots of colors. including: Originally $70 to $80. • Indian Jewelry Yes, It's Here NEW BOOT-LENGTH COATS *49 Antique Brown, Smooth Leather • Mexican Skirts & Tops Insulated, Vibram Rubber Sole Just what you need right now. Originally $60 to $70. Sizes 7 thru 13 Medium only 28 •, Purses SENIOR HAST LANSING STORE ON L V NIGHT crosrtafc ut»p«rts TONIGHT \hepards East Lansing ONLY /H(pE S MON. - FRI. 10 - 9 Today ONLY DOWNTOWN EAST LANSING SAT. 10-10 Aodatt ™ 210 ABBOTT RD. at the OPEN 9:30 326 South Washington 317 East 0rand River Ave. SUN. 12 -8 E. K LANSINQ to 9:00 Ask us about free parking in city ramp Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 17, 1971 ^ LAST CHANGE TO WIN A CRICKET PLAY THEM VS. US HURRY Hara't how to play the game! ENTER st that week That's orry, only one entry pi »k they will change so you will TODAY total of 40 equals $400 X $10 ei HERE ARE THE COMPLETE DETAILS AND CONTEST RULES (1) Open to all adults 18 and over enceot »nrt st" 1"? hS *d¥er"S'ng '«'nCy- »"d ,hBir (2> 1 entry per famil'or ^.person per each weet (sTfEnTrv ,* "T™, <4) 0o»dl,ne on weekl* entries. Tuesday after the Wednesday S,re£toZ XcTjn^"attN^*^ ( CWRIGLEY ) E Jefferson (6) Only 1 Grand Priz A«'n^ 1311 """in closest guess If ties occur, there will r (7) Closest guesses win. If tl Only 10 Second! LIST OF GOODS: List ot goods in each ba< at Wrigley and three other leading superm s in Detroit & luding sa ii prizes win De awarded Names a Chances of Winning, depend on ni Jackson. Michigan, total87 st U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF HERRUD ROYAL CROWN HICKORY SMOKED - WHOLE Rib Semi-Boneless Grade A Roast Hams Turkeys Half or Portion 78« lb. U.S.D.A. CHOICE CHUCK CUT ^^4 C OSCAR MAYER, ARMOUR OR - GRADE A BASTED Boneless Beef Roast U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF 9v i». Cure 81 Ham... $1M Honeysuckle Turkeys 48 - BLADE CUT COC HYGRADES SEMI-BONELESS WHOLE SWIFT S GRADE A 88? CHECKER BOARD FARMS Chuck Roast.. 0Oi» West Virginia Hams w b Butterball Turkeys"T. 58? Roasting Chickens U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF-BLADE CUT ftOfi ROYAL CROWN - SHANK PORTION GRADE A CHECKERBOARD FARMS ARMOUft STAR Chuck Steak... DO* Smoked Ham 48! Cornish Hens ... 58! Stuffed Turkeys BE WRIGLEY SMART - COMPARE WRIGLEY'S DISCOUNT PRICES AND QUALITY SERVICE!! EASY TO PEEL, REGULAR OR DIET BLUE RIBBON FRESH GRADE A SLICED, CHUNK, OR CRUSHED JUMBO 150 SIZE Large Dole If'1 Cola ft 0~n QQ< - 5151 4T Noturol J marionette . M Me Eggs Pineapple' meadow dale „ _ ngerines Spanish Olives Fresh Pumpkin Pie 8p£h6™ CutYems "cZ2l 10-49* green DIAMOND birdseye 16 o: QQc „ JIAe CAl FRUIT IRREGULAR Walnut Meats Pk«> 99 Cool Whip S349 Sliced Peaches ofn Zu famous HEAVY DUTY FOIL 18" a*vc mg*- Kellogg's Croutettes 7 oi 01 :19c Reynolds Wrap ™ 49 MEL-O-CRUST FRESH CHASE & SANBORN OR waxed, yellow * Rutabagas U White Libby Hills Bros b 3... 77« 22' 79' delicate, green Bread Coffee Brussel Sprouts qu(jr 48° Loaves ■ ■ Pumpkin.. « fresh white Bo.k. } |b Mushrooms pk9 FROZEN COOKED camelot whole or strained camelotquality 4 Ac akc 75° 19 pac 10 ^ hash Egg Nog cm. 09 Birdseye Squash pk0 Cranberry Sauce con1 ZO au varieties except cheesecake MEADOWDALE FROZEN seald sweet, fresh CQc Sara Lee Bake Sale 09 Sliced Strawberries 1Qoi pk0. ££ Appian Way Pizza . ..'pk90,27c Grapefruit Sections 75° melo-crust jac SHEERUFE AMPLON . CCC michigan u.s. #1 10,; 77° , Angel Food Cake Pk8 49 PantyHose »00 Yellow Onions WITH PINEAPPLE CAMELOT QUALITY ENRICHED U.S. BRAND MEL-O-CRUST FRESH GREEN GIANT Whipping Sweet Pillsbury Brown Or Brown & Cream Potatoes Flour 10X Sugar Serve Rolls 22 9 LIMIT 4 PLEASE 5,38! 12 12 Ct. | Pkg». ► 5400 South Cedar •5621 West Saginaw •600 Frandor >2010 East Grand River IN OKEMOS NEXT TO SOUTH OF JOLLY RD K MART DEPARTMENT STORE N( XI JO'K MAR' OEPARIMFNI STORE 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SELF-GROWTH GROUPS 'Funkadelic' RAs train fo group has concert By GEOFFREY PAGE Take a somewhat stable person, make and physical responses people have and how the three affect reactions we have in situations," he said. "When we started, we didn't know what to do. We came in the first time and the bull for about 15 minutes," he said. just shot If it approximately 9 p.m. tonight in tonightl the "Men's im him more stable, then train him to help Connections with past behavior and "Then we fell silent and looked to them Arena you happen to see a man * - past make other people more stable. incidents in a person's life are played for guidance. They really didn't Indian head dress and a long parading on staee wTJ>Pon,l Counselors Joan Hamachek and Mike down, Peter said. The focus is on the give us astounded. it will only be George gown, don't be „n!n?■"I any. It was uncomfortable. Clinton, lead sin,?®? . . Peter of the Fee Growth Center are trying individual today and what he can do with Parliament-Funkadelic himself — not so much why he is as he is. "This went on about three weeks until Thang rock group. ' 8 of to to do just that with Akers Hall resident The group's concert is being presented we bagan to get into each other. Then they by the newlv t U assistants (RAs). The project began this The Akers RAs went through the growth pop entertainment committee of Alpha Phi Alpha PW.L term with the goal of setting up self-growth began showing us techniques for leading The Parllament-Funkadelic experience for the first three weeks, during groups," he said. group has been recording* ' groups in the residence hall led by RAs. since 1969. Their hit albums include "The idea of a growth group is different their Monday night session. Now, Ms. Mind (and your ass will Funkadelic "f v" from a therapy or sensitivity group," Peter Hamachek and Peter are training them to Techniques were suggested by the book "Maggott Brain". follow)", and their 'latest iesi J0" lead groups. but were molded to suit the people said. "Instead of taking people with a real The group is noted for their unique and involved, Schacht said. One was to describe bizarre perform ■ problem in one area, we involve people "We In many past performances the who are already comfortable with Johnson are using a book by Bates and oneself in three adjectives. Another ine;i group members quite involved in their songs and desired to free themseij?"*! have hU^P called, "A Manual In Group was name an inanimate object that themselves but wish to learn more about Process." Ms. Hamachek said. all restraints. This is when they began to represented a person's picture of themself. disrobe themselves and their potentials." have witnessed the She emphasized the book was only being Parliament-Funkadelic's prancing aro»T* Peter said the idea is basically existential. used The idea of stage in nothing more than jockstraps giving them as a guide. group work started °' People are made more aware of the informally five years ago with Fee support while singing their latest songs. possibilities and options open to them as "We are trying to get them to respond to counselor Sam Plyler and Hubbard RAs. determined by their personalities. situations in groups or know when to Tickets may be purchased for This is the first year in which formal work tonight's concert at the Uni j "An attempt is made to show the intervene and when not to," she said. is being done by the ticket office, the Minority Bookstore center, much of it International from association between intellectual, emotional James Schacht is one RA involved. volunteer work. Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity member or at the door for $2 'Kotch' evades real topii can bolt out of the theater. It By JACK EPPS JR. 72-year-old man. He is supposed and into the old folks home. the audience with isn't only the fact that "Kotch" to be like i State News Reviewer everyones' Somehow Kotch manages to always the safest "Kotch" is the type of film is sentimental at times and dull grandfather, or maybe what Jack avoid the home and ties up with Lemmon wanted to make road totL in far too many places, but it is j where you sit squirming in your Lemmon, the director, intended, the 17-year-old family baby a also just too long—a half an hour is that he is supposed to be the family picture, but that se seat with your legs sitter who had become pregnant be hung over the too long. quite a concession chair in front of you waiting for grandfather everyone wishes one night on the Kotcher's front theme. g Walter Matthau portrays the end credits to appear so you they had had. But Matthau, sofa—a victim of a weasly boy Joseph Kotcher, an eccentric Basically, "Kotch" is the tJ really a spry fifty or so, has a friend. Old man Kotch and the of film that leaves hard time stumbling around no iasT / 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 485 6485 648S girl share a small cinder block impression on your mird, | LAST DA Y convincingly. I don't mean to house on the outskirts of Palm will be lucky if l'ftetti -3:30-5:30 -7:30-9:3C "THE BUS say that Matthau is not good—he is deflnately the only talent in the entire picture, but acting Springs. There is nothing illicit here, they are just seeking some remember any of the seems to have little to y si say abl IS COMING" sort of company. a topic that needs mil he is the victim of poor casting What the film is trying to say THURSDAY ... At 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 - 5:30 - 7:25 - 9:25 discussion. on the part of the director. It IF WE GET THROUGH THIS BLOODY BUSINESS WE CAN and what it does say are two Granted a depressing |L DINO'S LATEST IS . . . seems that Matthau is used as a different things. Lemmon who THANK ALL THE GODS THERE ARE PLUS THE SUPREME about old people would have! BEING, AND MAKA KALI, MOTHER OF ALL. WHAT ARE WE box office attraction. directs "Kotch" for who knows the audience in a helpless sT HERE FOR IF NOT TO ENJOY LIFE ETERNAL, SOLVE WHAT PROBLEMS WE CAN.GIVE LIGHT:PEACE AND JOY TO OUR A SWINGING WESTERN In the film, Grandpa Kotch is why except that its the fad and may have turned sq alone. He is widowed and no one today, tries to show the plight of people away from the FELLOW MAN AND LEAVE THIS DEAR, MESSED UP PLANET A LITTLE HEALTHIER THAN WHENlWE WERE BORN ."HENRY MILLER has time to listen to him except the old in this country, but in j office, but then it ma; Duncan his grandson. Gerald been one of the first fi actuality shows his friend Walter THE HENRY MILLER ODYSSEY Kotcher, the old man's insensitive to his father's needs son, is Matthau working hard at playing old man. Walter is as effective take a definite stand oil | UNIVERSITY CINEMA presents and is pressured by his wife to an as he could be with poor problem untouched that has been for years. T! f Wafilm portrait of a diabolically truthful man get the old man out of the house make-up and shallow direction. really is no point in makin UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM It is too bad that Lemmon blah film about the old so ail TONIGHT NOV. 17 7:30and9:30P.M. LET COOPER FIX YOUR evaded the issue that he brought save the audience from 1 IMSU STUDENTS$1.00 up—old people. Probably one of pained truth on how the o!d| - » TIMEX WATCHES America's greatest injustices is left to rot alone. J AND AI.I. BRANDS her treatment of the old, but old It would seem that if LenuJ HOW THRU TIL! 7 BIG DAYS EXCLUSIVE | ELECTRIC SHAVERS people The are rarely seen in this couldn't handle this t effectively, then he would H only place elderly people done better to stick to I £ast Lansing On M-43 AOULT FILMFARE RATED X NO ONE UNER 18 YRS. mO/ STUDENT at all is in the lU /O DISCOUNT are seen "Shaggy Dog" stories that I DEAN MARTIN BRIAN KEITH background of a few shots at the on sentimentality. COOPER S FIXERY old peoples home. I think they "something big" MERIDIAN MALL are token entries in the film. . HARRY NOVAK PROUDLY PRESENTS (THE EXpTIC DREAMS OF * CMM> CENTER HLMS «<€ SENTAT* J EAST LANSING 349-1994 When dealing with a sentimental problem it would be best for the artist 0oo8ely Diet group | defined in this case) not to take COLOR a sentimental approach. It seems as if Lemmon has been gives shov rTARRING: JOHNNY JANE VEDA thinking about old age lately and pacified ROCCO LOUISE VAN himself with a happy ending to a ROCKFORD, 111. (AP) -I very unhappy situation. Leave unique fashion show of 1971 j RITTEN, DIRECTED BY DWAYNE AVER1 be the one given by a local we control group. It modfl TWICETT • SHOWN 7:3oja^Jl^P.i UNWANTED "before and after" clothes. The "before" clothes w HAIR? Electrolysis jj dieters' fat clothes, and I (only parmanant Hair Removal) "after" clothes their sldf $ V\ Secret Facial, Hairlines, Body ' clothes. Goodwill Industi received the "before" when | f 325Vj South Grand /j ^ & Quite? FROM THE DIRECTOR WHO GAVE YOU 484-1632 fashion show ended. \J THE NOTORIOUS DAUGHTER OF FANNY HILL SHOWN ONCE AT 9:30 ELECTRIC III CAR HUTERS - ONE MILE EAST OF MALL M-43 Shown Tonight At 7:30-9:30 Sat. & Sun. At 1:15-3:20-5:25 7:30-9:30 Harry Graham r is going home after | 15 years in prison. AKS8. "NOTCH" His son still wants Another extraordinary double feature Jack Lemmon Walter Matthau in a to see him hang. from Beal Film Group francois truffaut's role only he could He takes his talent l "behind" the camera | make so excitingly for the first time different... you'll SHOOT THE PIANO to add a new, PjAYER start talking about it fresh dimension to from the opening scene. his brilliant career. "TruHaut's Film Busts Out All Over" -a a ... * at 7 and 10:55 "The year's linest film" TIME MAGAZINE "Triumphantly cinema." SIGHT AND SOUND 'Masterpiece is the only word to describe METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER Presents A HERBERT B. LEONARD-TALBOT PRODUCTION this motion picture." TIMES, LONDON BULLITT 'Best Film of the Year" Pauline Knel PLUS ROBERT MiTCHUM Michelangelo antonioncs BONNIE CLYDE GOING HOME with BRENDA\^CARO-jan-mchaelvincent Lansing EXCLUSIVE 1st RUN! B centura at 8:30 only BONNIE & CLYDE Toni^it At 9:30 SAT. & At 5:30 SUN. -9:30 Admission to both of these outstanding CONTINUOUS WED. SAT. SUN. 2:00 -4:00 -6:00 TONIGHT motion pictures ii $1.50. ID is not 108B Wells -7:50 -9:50 OTHER DAYS AT 7:10 & 9:10 required for this program. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 17, 1971 £2 Creative writinq lacks „ — By NAT ABBATE _ ^ MSU MSU. <<„ He works ... hard and of . ui the uie regular r individual lessons, She said outlet , the attitude of the ... ..... you. How did they know SSJjNi State News Staff Writer really good job," he said. does a he said department could be more whether I was good enough? I Perhaps the most loosely professional. could have been lying on my "Without him, there would j**** organized art on campus is . ./. probably be nothing for writers , - One female music major, who application." v creative writing. No formal ^ that her name not be used "I was accepted here two She said the P»>gram exists for the teaching requirement of is particularly upset about weeks after I sent in my In sharp contrast to creative playing in a band is a good idea, ^ of this skill, although the English having to take group lessons. application," she said. "I an(j added that she enjoyed H Dept. does offer a few classes in writers, musicians at MSU have a • much more formal program to thought I would have to playing flute in the symphonic fiction, poetry and play writing. "I'm a flute major," she said, audition before I was accepted, band follow. In fact, music majors K. «'J* Albert Drake, associate somewhat notorious for are "and there's only one flute b«t I didn't have to audition Professor of English, said the teacher here, so I've got to take until I came here for orientation. Niblock said students must number of music classes, recently that creative writing at usually group lessons. I really don't choose to participate jn one Qf MSU reached worth only one or two a plateau around credits, think a person can get enough "You would think they would which they must take. the three bands, two orchestras * 1®68 and tllen levelled off. Second in individual attention that way." audition you before accepting or five choral groups. ~ "Hfc While a series "Students of music are terribly many students still come $ to him with manuscripts to read lc„u Kalmbach, Ann Arbor busy," James Niblock, chairman of the Music Dept., said. "In before he gives The IT The se?ior- Kalmbach said that addition to their course necessary written permission to enroll in his fiction i writing class ' Jvriters in East Lansing do not have eno"gh pvnrp«y' " outlet for expression and blamed it on the they have to practice three to four hours a day and also take work, ATL sponsors Jfc ... 1 he said there are probably i|| good writers around "negative inertia" around part in one of the department's campus lH| ^an he is aware of. campus. music groups. This places 1MB "The >r trouble is writers organize group," he said. tic saiu "It's just so hard to get he said. "Overall, I don't see how il can ever be changed, going," tremendous demands on time." Niblock said that it is their possible . on history of Much of the activities available unless two or three W1® 8et *° flt a l?tal music Program into "Rock Culture", a musical revolutionary sound and how it Somers will present a slide ■|«| to aspiring writers is the work of up ,the, energy to get others four year s time, but added that media presentation of American may challenge the future of show as a personal emotional other students, he said The mov,n8- many ,students usually take a culture and rock music will be America. response to American rock Media Festivals held the past Apparently, Kalmbach does tern. of summer school', presented at 7:30 p.m. Thursday music. The social commentary Lemon ///> two springs where students have some of this energy. He and While the physical facilities are in Parlor C of the Union. Rock music blatantly calls will be accompanied by rock I j|,j5 giant plastic lemon, prominently displayed outside a presented their eii own writings uwHwriiini-sann 8 and two °}he\ on a st"deunts hook of thpir are workin8= has not ffrown the department - staff The program, sponsored by attention to the body much music, films, on a boo'{ of ^eir nuin nnomc not 8rown a nno along with tho with the . largely the work of u,hiph hD own Poems> numher the Dept. of American Thought more than any other music, At the end of the program, the ■ third story window at Snyder Hall, may be the best means - which he said would probably number of students, he said, sti'Hontc ho interested students, he said, and Language (ATL), will be Ferlazzo feels. This is why many audience will be urged to I yet for boosting a sagging lemonade stand business. One of the students who come out at the end of the term. Consequently, the department presented by Paul Ferlazzo and parents tend to object to or fear participate in a discussion, State News photo Kalmbach called Drake the has been forced to experiment Paul P. Somers, asst. professors rock music, he added. by Chris Fischer worked t i last year's festival is Ferlazzo said, "center of creative writing" at with giving group lessons instead of ATL. Ferlazzo will begin with 1948 Cabaret company show pop music which immediately preceded rock music, he said. He will then offer a musical verbal •MOW PLAYING- history of rock from 1955, when rock began, to the present. afiic Carnal 200l: ASR^CEj Charity:' good for first effort It will not be a stiff presentation, Ferlazzo said, but Knowledge •day at 6:00, 8:00 ° R ODYSSEY m will include brief comments at 7:45 ONLY rents herself out between 25 and 30 different songs. Ferlazzo plans to offer a Twi-Lite Hour, 5:30 Adults 90c, — 6:00 0 By KENNETH STERN as a dancing speaking voice, and bubbly but good performances, with enough projection to be heard, clue of what rock music really JENNIFER O'NEILL State News Reviewer partner to those "groping, coldly calculated stage experienced players such as "Sweet Charity" is really an McCABE & means to people. ■nr thp two new student grabbin8< fumbling, pinching" movements. She never really Denise Cole, Bill Steckler and amazing achievement for a first He also plans to discuss why SUMMER MRS. groups created created recently me" Wh° Patronize the dance lived as Charity, but merely James Pentecost displaying their work, and the Cabaret Company Ucr armmc recently hall where she works. works went through her supposed usual c.—„ \JLu superior talents,'much to has has shown shown if it can deal rock music is such a OF'42 MILLER r| i Johns take advantage of her, movements. the aid of this production. Peter lay at 6:00, 8:15 competently with musical esentation fortunately' "Sweet did not *nC* after e'®bt years tb's she a"y meets Oscar, an eligible Director choreographer Daneil he has been lately, and Marinos was in better form than comedy. It is not the best Broadway has to offer, but a 0TW'L semble a hieh school bachelor who is a" ^ to marry Vigliarolo's version of "Sweet newcomer Paula Carson is a girl rather fun, splashy evening, one anrf thprp WP«. -matterimrs of talpnt nnifp hcr until her Profession is Charity" is not so much a to watch for in the future. discovered. At the end, Charity dancing version, but a singing that entertaining, can prove quite youitea i WINNER OF 6 ACADEMY AWARDS! . thp cast are veterans 'S 1)30,4 where sbe started, not one. As such, the show is quite The orchestra, under the 6000 MAN DOCTOR® student thpater to° muc'1 the worse for her trip successful, but it is certainly not direction of Larry Phillips was ,a «r.h" on the merry-go-round. all it be. A bit more forceful somewhat louder than it ought GiveT/ie, charue 0ZHil^GO ... anH th„ , can 'ic :-h h k°°k Neil Simon, and lively direction is needed in to have been, but this is a "P""* music by Cy Coleman and lyrics by Dorothy Fields, certainly a this production. common fault with musicals EAR! WONM" t uiarity , wnicn is . . . . winning creative team, "Sweet There are really several very when the singers do not have CIMRLTON the superb film .Its of Cabina , is a typical charity" successfu| wM not aU that A HAND UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM HUSTON TH€ _ on Broadway and the foidway musical, complete f,lm version wh[ch was P.«^. i a silly plot, but some good sand dance numbers to fill subsequentiv made was a fiasco, The rQ,e of Chflrity needs a LISTENING TICKETS ON SALE AT UNION MSU STUDENTS $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 355-3361 .0 Jegaps. The Fellini effort was dancing singer to make the show ■ma art: the Broadway work and Gwen Verdon Qn EAR |uleil adaptation show Broadway gave all she was worth. Cheryl Rose, in the current production does also, FUND THE CRITICS REACT: m but it is much less effective. I bad natured. Though not was a|ienated by Ms Rose-s only DRIVE "Mind-boggling! It's all there in unblushing color." p a y a hooker-like Irma, she adaquate singing, hideous —John Wasserman. San Francisco Chronic/a RATED X "It may boggle the mind, but only after it boggles, Nov. 13-20 shakes up and threatens a lot of other things in¬ the cabaret company presents cluding the Puritan conscience and our traditional please note sexual taboos." -Vincnt Canby. N. Y T,m,% This icci'li icc because censorship in "A milestone! I personally feel that movies like CEN¬ Denmark totally transcends SORSHIP IN DENMARK hurt no one and they should anything we have previously novtl xjiur liol/t! not be banned here." —stawan kta.n. wnew/ tv shown, the age restriction will be stringently enforced. All "This film may really be important if it starts a sen¬ patrons will be required to sible public discussion on what is really pornographic PROGRAM INFORMATION 482 3905 present proof of age. Those and obscene in society today. Obscenity may not be without ID will not be ICHIGAN a photographed body function—but what we throw admitted. If your MSU ID is Theatre Lansinq • into our air and water and the racial hatred." dated '53 you must bring ID —Bruca Bahranburg, Nawark Naws that gives your date of birth. Dorm meal passes not The musical of love^ "The Ultimate! The nature and style of this film simply Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Nov. 18-20 Union ballroom 8 p.m. RHARHARHARHARHARHA makes all other sex films instantly old hat." -Addison Varrill. Vanaty acceptable. "It demonstrates that with tickets $1.50 at Union box office & the door PRESENTS adults, one can achieve complete freedom for a sense of proportion about pornography and give it the place it merits in one's a film by CLINT EASTWOOD life without prurience." FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT —Judith Crist. Naw York Magazma "PLAY MISTY FOR ME" Imitation to terror... YOU MUST BE 18 OR OLDER. NO EXCEPTIONS. > wive Bsn-miMso couww p< the calm • •In October of 1969, Copenhagen be¬ the first city in the world to present an exposition of pornography. It was called Sex "Mow, after several months of painstak¬ ing editing, our film is completed. It is the lirsl film of its kind, and we are proud of it. wild '69, ami it attracted tens of thousands of F.v cry incredible scene is authentic. Mothing is faked, and nothing is concealed. "THE NIFTIEST "We have presented social conditions in i) Copenhagen with Denmark as they really are—without com¬ child\ our cam CHASE SEQUENCE vv of professional filmmakers promise, without fiction. We have been I o ven long days and nights we shot film t^WCtlSH SJJBTITIES) SINCE SILENT We spent r the xpositii We ivite \ l> our film if the sub- Ac visited In FILMS! sex clubs. We saw the res, theatres and pr it to you. However, if making of porno ions about seeing it, rapliy. the sale, distribution and the exli then don't. Mow it's \ ir turn to be honest." bition of it. We interviewed people, and v\ observed a free society. We meticulously r — AlexdcRenzy corded everything on film. I'hc Screening Room Now the amazing experiment from Denmark, where there is no censorship Filmed entirely on location at and during Denmark's most controversial Sex Fair. This statement cannot be made by any other motion picture. teneiuy s Tonight in Brody ) in Denma Southwest Dining Hall 7,9 THE FRENCH approach. 18 ONLY. ftAJLe* deRenzy. Paul Gerber, Jack Kerpan and Michael Martin. Produced and directed uwrr. UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM students, faculty, and staff only CONNECTION by Alex deRenzy:The Screening Room,San Francisco, California. RATED X. WE ARE UNDER CONTRACTUAL Distributed by Sherpix. Inc. OBLIGATION TO WED. NOV. 24 8:15 P.M. THE DISTRIBUTOR TO CHECK ALL PATRONS FOR I.D.'s required $1.00 admission J'CKETS *■00 AT THE UNION AND AT THE DOOR 2o«h Century-Fax PROOF OF AGE. TONIGHT 106 B Wells $4.00 $3.00 MSU STUDENTS $100 - w kHARHARHARHARHARH^ COLOR BY DE LUXE* Showtimes7:00, 8:15,9:30,10:45 - Admission $1.50 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Nov, JilJ State rep says scrutiny ^EMSU AsianCsnfgn due for By LESLIE LEE higher education Michigan, Rep. Earl Nelson, the attitude of some legislators, J[informing student^ By MARTHA DODD China and South Asia State News Staff Writer (India and Pate. D-Lansing, said Tuesday. looking for re-election, who vote emphasized by the center, since I Education, and higher He also predicted that for all spending but no taxing The MSU Asian Studies Center (ASC), now in backlog of courses, expertise and infor^. ul education in particular, will face education will be looked at more bills. Another is the reluctance its ninth year, attempts to bring a bit of Asia to . a degree of scrutiny that it has and in terms of to cut out outdated programs. the campus, William T. Ross, director of the these areas. A faculty committ*£H?1 more not had to face before, because accountability. He made his This all results in a dire financial center, said recently. Southeast Asia, and another for SRf°AUthl of the financial situation of remarks to about 50 persons at picture for Michigan, which is The ASC is a member of the Michigan responsible activities. for coordinating a«u» 8 Asian auJ ! the already broke, Nelson said. Universities Rotating South Asia Seminar (MSU, University Club luncheon. The questions to be asked On top of this, there is the , University of Michigan, Western Michigan No courses or the center, which degrees are offered dim-, I problem brought about by the University, Oakland University and the cooperates with eSfl Grad p when considering higher education funding, or any auditor's report which said many University of Windsor), which meets several disciplines such as social science hum J economics and history in appropriations, are: "What do faculty members are spending times each year, allowing faculty and advanced Asian content. developing con^Turses w| we want to buy, and why? Why far too little time in the ' graduate students to give papers and share More th*n 60 courses related to classroom. This is very hard to Asia «m plans do it in this particular way?" he said. But to make decisions sell to the public, he said. Maybe legislation should be facilities, resources and research that might not be available at each university individually. Ross said the ASC is also in a rotating summer offered in the University terms this year, during fall anri including historical J A meeting of the Graduate contemporary studies, languages irhi-J written that would seek to program with other Big Ten universities and the Council will be held at 3 p.m. correctly, the legislature needs Japanese, Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu and Marath i J change this situation, Nelson University of Chicago, which emphasizes Asian today in the Board Room of the much more input from private said. several interdepartmental courses. '1 Administration Building. citizens. language training and area courses. The center's main emphasis is The council is mainly "If we have the input we will But more and more education The center publishes an Occasional Papers to train other to train people in other schools A feVJ dJ should be looked at in terms of series on South and East Asian topics, and a responsible for reviewing, do it correctly the first time, if specialists are developed to go into evaluating and recommending not we will go ahead blindly," the public interest, he said. The quarterly, Mahfil, to provide outlets for Asian teorhl proposals for new graduate Nelson said. legislature is also going to be research and contemporary South Asian government or business, but their limited by the size of the number?! asking what the students do with Across the table literature, respectively. program. I programs. It is also concerned with major revisions in existing programs and with initiating A university would not dare to select its deans in the manner in their education once they leave school. "Do they base their Rep. Earl Nelson, D-Lansing, chats informally over lunch The ASC was formed in 1962 as a formal university structure based on the Asian Studies Undergraduates are center, which aims to help them equally important ga? to I livelihood on skills acquired while with University Club members befor6 addressing them on Group, composed of faculty with interests or acquaintance with Asian problems consultations with colleges which public officials are elected in school?" he asked. experience in Asia, which had been meeting also tries to develop The ' concerning existing programs. and appropriations are made, he "Funding Higher Education." programs that ii said. informally. Asian studies in the public At Wednesday's meeting, State News photo by Terry Miller schools. William Greene, president of the To make the democratic Council of Graduate Students, process work, much more input Ad offers free will talk about the status of is needed from the public. In man workshop graduate students at MSU. fact, the legislature uses not a Also, problems in graduate legislative process, but a admission and a policy proposal bureaucratic process, he charged. relative to foreign student Students tu dents interested in in Pearson Pearson Arlvertiein^ vears' exDerience in arivertisino 9 disortation research will be One of the problems facing the Advertising x, einH>>>noraioH & student-generated oarninoc will earnings will years' experience in advertising and various other projects tfor „ workshop should be a discussed. funding of higher education is advertising, marketing and Marketing, said recently that go to students and the rest back and marketing, with heavy clients." - related graphic arts may gain students who want to test their into the business. emphasis on graphic arts. His advantage to the job seeker! experience and earn money in a potential in their chosen fields "I'm not hiring students, I'm Lansing business was started last He said his seven employes sa'(*' free vocational workshop are invited to work in his studio giving them a workshop to work March. Before that, he was must doubleup on various jobs ARE YOU COMING directed by a businessman. Lansing on business which he now has or through," Pearson said. "The which students generate. instructor of commercial art at to meet the demand, "Marvin Pearson is a a. Marvin R. Pearson, director of only requirement is that they Ferris State College for three Pearson said a student just out J^.°n' Hendrickson,iL He said 50 per cent of have energy to burn." years- of school often finds lack of ^ welcomer advertising, saidl TO THE He said only in a student interested money would miss the "We have enough projects experience an added obstacle to students to get experience." the opportunity T TONIGHT NOV. of the workshop. getting a job. He added that right now for 10 groups of six . essence . ORGY? 17 —thru He explained that students students each," he said. "We are may work in groups and working on#brochures, displays, once on the job, the student Pearson said interesfl should know everybody's job students are invited to call | Fri. Nov. 19, 12 p.m. and generate their own business, but radio commercials, silk screening around him to do his well. The to arrange an appointment. Sat. Nov. 20, 12 p.m. . 20 good seats some may find their work will available not sell. It is better they find out through now before they are on the job, nightly at 8 . . . sat. matinee: 2:30 showtime he added. ALL SEATS .... t . t tc / BUY TICKETS AT. . . Pearson has more than 25 TRIVIA NIGHT! RESERVED: *3«>.«4-$4B0.»5 J inMARSHALL East MUSIC Lansing and WURZBURG STORES Capita^ Capsules | Every Wednesday ... 8:30 - 11:30 Tickets also available at. If . 8 you like trivia and beer THE LANSING BRANCH of Malcolm Katz, . . include: . THE STATE HEALTH D! YOU'LL LOVE TRIVIA NIGHT! •YOtrttA ^ the Ameriftaif Civil Liberties IT : Superintendent i_* rk..i_i:- Ac of the East l_. n„l Tuesday announced thect Union _ . . . and the Women's ... . r Lansing Public Sfchools; Robeijt t . 6000 MM __ _ . of a program to study the eflfl | STUDENT SPECIAL TONIGHT! International League for Peace L. Green, director of the Center of chemical poisons from| KNACK OR BRATWURST and Freedom will hold a public for Urban Affairs; David environment on humans. :: German Potato Salad & Saurkraut $1.65 Box office Opens 12:45 forum on the issue of for School Integration" at 8 "Busing Schulert, director of curriculum for the Lansing Public Schools; Called Medical Environmel Epidemiology, the prognl | FRIDAY NIGHT . . . 6:30 - 8:30 . . . DANCING | Continuous from 1:10 Feature p.m. Thursday in the Lansing YMCA, 217 Townsend St., Rep. Fred Stackable, R-Lansing; goal is to protect people (■ — Rep. Earl Nelson, D-Lansing and the health hazards of \ \ AiUUian 9-12 p.m.... DANCING tidewd'an °n 1:15-3:15-5:20-7:25-9:30 WHERE ARE YOU AMERICA? university auditorium fri.nov. 198:15p.m. Lansing. the H. Hynn Jondahl, chairman of Lansing executive board of Sen. Colemen Young, D-Detroit. contaminants as methyl m and other heavy metals. tickets on sale at union the ACLU, will serve as THE INGHAM Helmut & Werner... Singers from Austria i§ WE LOOKED EVERYWHERE FOR YOU msu students s3.00 *2.50 s2.0q moderator of the panel that will GOV. KILLIKEN and C0UN| 355-3361 COURTHOUSE in Mason isl in EASY RIDER.. Kinichiro Nozaki, governor of |SATURDAY NIGHT . . .'SINGING UND-FLINGING'f ..N-O-W! BILLY JACK FIGHTS the prefecture of Shiga, scene of the first videotaping criminal trial proceedings inl 17:00 - 9:00 Jim Basel SINGALONG THE ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOU! flVOWSHOWNG/tf.: Michigan's Japanese sister state, Tuesday endorsed a statement nation. :j: 8:00 - 12:00 Freddie North on the Organ DANCING S K butterfielo drive-in theatres calling for strengthened efforts It is another effort "to | Once you see \ to protect the environment. Michigan's judicial system oi n £tarlite I John Wayne 1 Michigan, through its advisory the pen and quill era and the space age," according! BILLY JACK [Richard Boond council for environmental Chief Justice of the MichiB quality, will provide information JfantTn&tetn you'll not forget him. to Shiga and in return, Shiga, through a foundation, Supreme Court Thomas Kavanagh. | The ^perlmenta1 progi. Itetauram 220 S Howard St./next to the I TOM LAUGHLIN IS BILLY AND 0EL0RES TAYLOR • IN COLOR - RATED "GP" NEXT ATT." IS THE GIRl provide information regarding programs in programs in JaDan. Japan. The two governors exchanged sponsored by the State Michigan, is financed » Bri x-way :* $15,000 from the i between Michigan and Kalamazoo Si gifts with Milliken presenting Enforcement Administration.! "MAN IN THE WILDERNESS" Nozaki with a carved mallard duck and Nozaki offering a Video taping began Nov. C Judge Sam Street HugP painting of Lake Biwa depicting courtroom and the fourth cu NOW THRU TUES 7 BIG DAYS! a bridge over a part of the lake which the Japanese call "Little now being filmed. It is hoi that in the future, videoUl Mac." EXCLUSIVE FIRST RUN SHOWING! might become a part of J permanent record of each (f ADULTS ONLY! ELECTRIC HEATERS! ot be used for appeal purpd and any other trial procedure* IRenefitz Defendants and all ot 1I participants in the trial areasi RAW-UNCUT ft ■ Russ Meyer's Bagel « to sign consent for® acknowledging that they haveP Cherry objection to the taping. REVEALING HI06MM IW0»M>TK» 33? Mi; OPEN at 7:00 P.M. ...& Harry & Raquel Shows at 7:10 -9:10 Sat. & Sun From 1:10 P.M. 5TH WEEK - GREAT! DON'T MISS IT! "A masterpiece. Incredibly beautiful, a visual and aural feast. Infused with magical drama and sinister excitement." - S.K. Oberbeak, Newsweek Magazine "It is a trip much worth taking. Not since '2001' has a movie so cannily invented consciousness and altered audience perception." -Jay Cocks, Time Magazine SALE! "Will glue you to your chair and fill you with awe. The 1 DAY-WEDNESDAY photography is a miracle ofartistry. The sound track is super." - Liz Smith, Cosmopolitan Magazine ONLY! ALL BOOTS Men's and Women's 20% 1 NAKED... THE! ALL SHOES OFfl ARE THE CHEATERS HELLSTROM Men's and Women's A FOUNTAIN FILMS Production in COLOR Naked are the Cheaters twice nightly at 7:22 and 10:30 Cherry, Harry & Raquel 2nd at 9:15 CHRONICLE we accept >r David 8*lt»r Muiic by L«lo Sc _Fri_&_Sat1_twice at 9:15 and 12:00 p.m. 135 E. GRAND RIVER, Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 17, 1971 ^ ^SMSU reps start SHORTAGE CALLED 'APPALLING' loving groups out Law Gav Liberation Movement had its office moved to a different room by Mark Jaeger, ASMSU belongings school By KAREN ZURAWSKI There is a chronic oversupply of law applicants in terms of the member, Tuesday, due to the group's tardiness in State News Staff Writer space available for them as visible by the moving to following figures: its assigned office. Present legal education is University of Michigan turned away 4,000 applicants for its 300 "appalling", Michigan Supreme Court Organizations not relocating themselves according to the Justice Thomas E. Brennan told approximately 60 students in positions, the University of Detroit turned away 1,000, ASMSU office space plan received a letter from Grant Eppley Center last week. State turned away 2,000 or more and the Wayne Detroit College of Law Grecu, ASMSU comptroller, Monday. Brennan, one of the founders of the Thomas M. Cooley Law has 2,000 applicants on a FViday had been designated as the moving School in Lansing, noted that waiting list. day for all Michigan has a tremendous need In an attempt to explain the tremendous offices, but as of Monday, no groups had moved. The letter for more law schools. youth interest in law today, Brennan said, "They ask themselves what should be done urged groups to move it they were not retaining their None are located west of Ann Arbor, nor have any been built in about the environment, making government more previous office. the last 40 years, Brennan responsive to said, citing Ohio as having nine schools racism—their answer is law." jaeger said that many offices scheduled to move were not and the Los Angeles area alone with 11. Brennan denied that there was an doing so, hoping that the coalition would continue to work Eviction In no way, shape or form will the Cooley Law School compete contended that the existing 12,000 oversupply of lawyers, and lawyers in Michigan would on office allocations. Mark Jaeger, ASMSU with the proposed MSU law school, Brennan said. have to be doubled in the next 20 or 30 the groups representative from Hubbard-Holmes MSU has the facilities and resources to yea The Thomas Cooley "The sooner move, the sooner we can Law School, which should be get the district, removes the door sign from an office satisfy the American open by September 1972, is named correct phone numbers installed," he said. previously Law School Assn. right now, he continued. It if had state after "probably the best known name in Three more groups are scheduled to move, Jaeger said. occupied by Gay Liberation, one of many groups refused approval, MSU could have the law school tomorrow, he said. he said. Michigan legal service," space in the Student Services Great Issues is in the process of moving now, he added. Building this year by ASMSU. Though the proposed $3 million MSU law school is Cooley, a "jack-of-all-trades", held numerous appointments in sixth on the currently State News photo by Tom Dolan University priority spending list, MSU filed an government, in addition to being a dean of the application with the state University of more than a year ago, and so should Michigan's Law School and an author. not be affected by the Cooley application, he said. Though the first class is expected to have no more than 140 students, 105 applications have already been received, Brennan Suit returned to lower court (Continued from page one) '' I have reviewed said. The basic concept of the school orientation, involving practicing attornies focuses expertise in dealing with the law of a particular on and area. a professional judges with "The school will have decision hv r.nfnmi, • With children in this state which would do away with local the property tax question on the calling for a graduated tax with part-time men whose livelihood is in law-the true urban college," he said. of the Michigan - equal education .gibers Supreme Court declaring opportunities. property taxes. Nov. 1972 ballot. some property tax relief. Court I nun have nave all •" I v In these A j\ Brennan cautioned students who wanted to t . . • ruling in in favor of the The ine governor is is battling work in a big law Ca'ted for oattnng lor Asst. AAtty. Gen. Eugene A. firm, starting in a rear office and drafting memos to their bosses Joerate that they will system of financing DubHr ^umstances-^ property tax attorney general and governor property tax relief coupled with Krasicky said Tuesday that he that the Cooley Law School is not for ,P1 to expedite the schools through Us loca^ vim L' aid grants would be a political victory for a fiat-rate income tax. State expects the property tax issue to them. prowrtv taxrandstlte n n t "It's for the trial lawyer, who wants to 1 of this matter," Fox 01 ' ^'"^lude afiat-rate income Milliken, who is currently Democrats, however, have be decided in the Supreme Court how government operates," he stressed. know something about because this particular aid gwnte and have ato the studied graduated tax, both of leading a petition drive to place opposed Milliken's plan, and are by late March. school." "It's a people law , possible impact of that l ^of action is fundamentally decision on our system in ' Michigan character, wholly of Michigan," Kelley said, ehigan impact and exclusively "It is clear from this review ^ught by and between official that the public interest requires jchigan parties, litigant, a court challenge to our system jxiples of federal-state comity of property tax financing and (expedited administration of state school aid grants of public Bee call for abstention (of education which, in my |s court) in the particular judgment, is unfair, unequal and L," inequitable." [ox said that the issue is likely Kelley revealed figures from be decided more quickly in two unidentified school systems state courts, since they are in which state aid did not subject to the lengthy equalize the difference arising 'lesis which often result in between their individual tax ral court decisions. revenues. \t governor is now expected "There are scores of such request a transfer of the case examples," he said. "Such a m Ingham County Circuit system clearly does not provide lit to the Michigan Supreme tot for prompt action, t filing the case Sept. 30, ty and Milliken called the it school aid formula "a in of the equal-protection on of both the state and ml constitutions." Ladies' Boots for Hiking and Camping Sizes 572 to 10 Widths A to C Men's Styles... Sizes 6-16, Widths A A to EEEE In Stock ... No Waiting. RED WING We stock over 40 styles for work. Sport and Leisure. 4216 WEST SAGINAW 484-4968 One block W. of Waverly on Saginaw I0LIDAY GALA I LENINGRAD mi.l MOSCOW FOR STUDENTS AND OTHER YOUNG PEOPLE lit-26 years of age December 22-Jaimary 2 IjMwcked Iwiet youngdays and nights; sightseeing, theater; meeting people at universities & in coffee houses. | roilta r'des, dancing; ice-skating; swimming. $440 - covers everything ■ J**" accommodations; all meals; holiday banquets. I Ur theater performances included. I^en lknfl^dgeof Young teacher; experienced Soviet traveler; good Russian. Ifc limited- Rew™» " once. Send deposit $100 to our 110019 Aflency: Anniversary Tours, 250 W. 57th N.Y.C. , |WcklyWailed itinerarv communicate with the sponsor National Council American-Soviet Friendship 156 Fifth Ave. New York, N.Y. 10010 Phone: (212) YU 9-6677 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Nove,r Profs study muscular growth results of a research project Laboratory in the HPR Some rats were subjected to a white muscle cells would change other investigators n P By TONI PELILLO being conducted by the MSU department are also involved in high intensity program of short some of their identifying attempts to determine whetner State News Staff Writer anatomy and health, physical the project. running periods while others characteristics after the new muscles cens can w education and recreation (HPR) Looking at a hefty Hie study viewed the unique participated in medium and long exercises, but were not de*eiope<:' in departments. effects of exercise regiments in duration running. Blinking light concentrating on finding a Before tne resu ° muscle-bound weightlifter ir Funded by the National terms of exercise types, intensity bulbs and mild electric shocks comparison to a of Health, three MSU Institute »' change in the number of cells. the exp ®r.m ? unmuscular male office clerk 11,M"ure and auranon ana duration upon sneieiui skeletal provided .HUiuu stimuli iwfor un the nimuui;. running. the siuuy As me as progressed, mc study prugivaocu, the • . , „„j professor liaVe been conducting muscies. Other rats were housed in microscopic examination of mo™ histochemical work and may make it hard to believe that three-year study concerning various specimens of muscle cell studies in muscle biopsy must be a both have, and always will have, "People have long talked cages that allowed for the effects of a specific exercise the same number of muscle cells about whether exercise is good participation at will on an tissue revealed the splitting of done, Heusner said, on muscles. muscles. Their Their if show sh< that the program on people," Heusner exercise nrn„ram can in their bodies. <>u >w,nin " Hn.icr,or or bad for all exercise wheel Annthc wheel. Another group • fibers .... which increased... the ran findings support the hypothesis said. It would be just as foolish served as a control, not allowing original number of cells, cellular changes are the same and For hundreds of years this has that the number of muscle cells to tu speak U1 of pharmaceuticals HIiariliatculu;aia ... in the rats to exercise by omitting Prior to the exercise program, that the gross metabolism is the been the belief of anatomists need not remajn stagnant and and scientists. According to this the san,e manner, continued the exercise wheel, one of the rate could "possibly same then perhaps we can apply unchanging. The studv study also als. theory, an individual is born Rexford E. Carrow, associate Heusner. Just as one pharmaceutical is involved a have about 2,000 fibers or space stimulus-control group of rats for fibers in the studied muscle Heusner sai . 'J16 f|ndJnfJs to humans, with a set number of muscle ..... . „ ... profeSsor of r — anatomy . is - the — not good for all people and that were subject to the same area. After a 12 week period, Carrow commented that much cells. A person may follow a prjncjpa| investigator in the special diet and or exercise ailments, the same type of stimulus conditions (light and 2,400 fibers were counted in the research data on muscular project. William E. Heusner and exercise program is not shock) as the long, medium and same tissue sample, Heusner dystrophy is reached using rat program to build up the existing Wayne D Van Huss, associate ndk »nrf fihpr* hut the necessarily beneficial for all short duration runnere. These said. specimens, amd that perhaps a muscle cells and fibers, but the . professors Gf health, physical Heusner said. rats were not provided with an In the past, clinicians have said parallel involving the muscle number of cells will always education and , recreation, are The researchers looked at exercise wheel to run on. that splitting to tissue fibers was fibers could be feasible, remain the same. co-investigators in the study. selected enzyme concentrations The final group of rats were due to muscular dystrophy. The application of the new But, some chapters in current Research assistants in the in various muscles after certain participants in a program of Because of this, the MSU muscle cell theory could be physiology and anatomy Muscle Research Laboratory of textbooks may have to be the exercise programs and long-duration swimming. researchers were not certain if especially advantageous for anatomy department and the determined if there had been a The study concentrated on the they were seeing the athletes by increasing their rewritten, pending the final Human Energy Research rations, soleus muscle located in the calf, development of new muscle cells athletic ability, Carrow said. , ofan Carrow said that the rats or witnessing detrimental On the muscle The final data from the enzyme enables the muscle cell appeared to be more muscular activity (such as the experiment will be analyzed in Rats, like this caged specimen, were uwed as to work in a certain way, after the exercise training, but development of muscular February or March. The muscle coordination experiments subjects f I explained Heusner. the effects were only visible to dystrophy). researchers plan to publish their Women's Intramural Building. conducted Tuesday at th' I All the data was based on the trained eye. "We had definite results which findings in physiology and sports P The researchers had State News photo showed that there were increases medicine journals, by Craig Porter hypothesized that the red and in the number of fibers," Heusner said. The short distance showed the greatest increase in the number of fibers. SKI FUN Even though it is apparent that there is a change in the number of cells, the problem is not [STARTS completely solved, Carrow and Heusner said. The pair emphasized that a mitotic ANSWER SHEETS FOR an A TAPE DECK and tapes were according to police i™, ■HERE! question remains to be examination were stolen Friday stolen from a car parked in Permit numbers F9778 fl answered: Is the increased night from an office in the Bessey ramp Monday night. The Abbott Hall, EL number of muscle fibers due Human Ecology Dept. Police equipment was valued at $88, Holden Hall, F6184 A exclusively to the splitting said there were no signs of and police said there was no Abbott, also, and bicycles ■ process or is the development of forcible entry to the office. evidence of forced entry to the McDonel, University Village* " s involved? vehicle, although the car was Wells Hall Zebra, Hi-i Carrow and Heusner locked. numbers. without pel A&T, and Kry ?d their results to the ONE STUDENT AND one AMERICA S MOST ? exercise program which nonstudent were arrested MSU POLICE REPORT I like methods used by Monday night for entering the A TYPEWRITER VALUED at POPULAR BOOTS between July 1 and Octobe| football stadium without $100 was stolen from the lobby 318 bicycles with THE CUSTOMIZER Sorority sets permission. The two who were of South Hubbard Hall between estimated value of $17,?4ol arrested told police they wanted 3:20 and 3:30 a.m. Tuesday been stolen on the campus! charity dance to take a ,ook at the from the campus morning. 'Hie night receptionist of these bicycles have J vantage point atop the at the desk, the owner of the X-COUNTRY SKI recovered, the recovered vehl Phi Beta sorority will upper deck of the stadium. typewriter, told police she was valued at $4058, police said.1 > third annual charity typing on a table adjacent to the 10 p.m. today northeast door and left for a few THREE PERSONS WERE minutes. The typewriter was Senator to talk arrested by MSU police Monday missing when she returned, she evening for attempting to sell told police. records in a residence hall. Police on majority age I RAUPP said their actions violate a University ordinance banning A RADIO WITH an estimated Campfitters 2208 E. MICHIGAN AVE., LANSING (517) 489 4188. any type of soliciting or selling on the campus. The three were released shortly after their value of $30 was taken from the reception desk counter Monday night between 2:50 and 3:50 discussed by state sen. Willial Ballenger III, R-Ovid, at 7 J Hours: Mon thru Fri.-lO ».m. to 8 p.m.; Sit.-10 am tot p.m a.m. The radio belonged to the arrest, police said. tonight in the lounge of FARMINGTON • ANN ARBOR • EVANSTON, ILL Akers Hall Club, according to Case Hall. police. The Senator has showi| interest in consumer 1< BICYCLES WITH A TOTAL pollution problems and I The Union Guil ding active in the age of estimated value of $449.75 were majorityj abortion reform bills i stolen from University racks between Nov. 10 and Nov. 16, senate. He will enter! questions following his iddfl presents MINI-DIAGNOSIS TRANSCENDENTAL KENAISSANGIED © ®- MEDITATION featuring TUES-WEO-FRI EVENINGS (6-9 pm) as taught by Maharishi We will inspect such items as tires, brakes, exhaust, lights Mahesh UNION MAN and overall performance while you wait. We'll have refreshments for you and our new 1972 cars on display. Yogi AN APPOINTMENT WILL BE NECESSARY CHAMPION OF THE GRILL-RAT! PLEASE PHONE 482-6226 Transcendental meditation It a natural spontaneous tech-1 nique which allows each individual to expand his mind and I improve his life. HERO OF THE DOWNTRODDEN 1 OpeMt KAoMAj0^iii^u'¥juiLa^ Q ~tiv 9 | Second Introductory Lecture Renaissance II is a project to make IHHJJ | TODAY * 117 Glenn Herriman Vnlkswagen, Inc. 1 7:30 pm Gold Room Union the Union Building more of a place for students. UNION MAN will take of the building in an Each week, on a different part effort to make it \ felr a better place for students. ~ This week, Union Man is taking on the Union Grill. The Grill has been partially remodelled, but they need your help to finish the job! To encourage ideas, the Grill is sponsoring a contest. All you have to do is tell them what you think should be done to make the Grill the Reuben Hot corned beef, aged Swiss more of a place for students. Suggestions will be judged on the basis of originality and and savory caraway kraut practicality. on fresh black bread with prizes dressing. a creamy THE OLDE WORT O 211 MAC 1st $25 worth of Grill food East Lansing 2nd $15 worth of Grill food Runners Michigan Up $5 worth of Grill food Stop by the Union Grill today and get your entry blank, but hurry, the contest ends December 1 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 17, 1971 13 I MM MM Department Stores Wmanlna I m->jy faromfiphrdiumtt 'r'; WEDNESDAY THURSDAY AND Ilook at these FRIDAY ONLY! DISC-COUNTS CAXsnvtl% Woolco discount price Woolco discount price AFTER SALE AFTER SALE Price Price $6.57 s4.62 - $7.77, 1) FIFTH DIMENSION LIVE 2) JOAN BAEZ - BLESSED ARE 3) ISAAC HAYES-SHAFT ■Br / 4) CROSBY STILLS, NASH & YOUNG 4WAY STREET / CHICAGO AT CARNEGIE HALL 1) BLOOD ROCK U.S.A. 2) MAMAS & PAPAS-PEOPLE LIKE U3 3) MOODY BLUES - EVERY GOOD BOY DESERVES FAVOUR 4) CAT STEVENS -TEASER ANDTHE FIRE CAT 5) THE NEW SANTANA ALBUM 6) THE DOORS-OTHER VOICES AFTER SALE 7) SLY & THE FAMILY STONE - THERE'S A RIOT GOING ON 8) MELANIE-GARDEN IN THE CITY PRICE 9) BJ. THOMAS' GREATEST HITS-VOL. II $10.24 10) NEIL DIAMOND-STONE 11) THE WHO - MEATY BEAUTY BIG AND BOUNCY 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 'LIKE A BAD DREAM' Rigors of arrest and bring him to trial. rape the witness stand trial described helps her to resist the attack because of prosecuting a rape case, Ms. The victim must wait until the prepare for the court threatened real violence, such or Brown said, offender is captured by police appearance. as an armed attacker. "Whether the assumption is before the trial process can "The defense attorney will Ms. Brown said there The emotional stress during is a right or wrong," she said, "most the trial and preliminary begin. This can create quite a naturally try to make the jury difficulty with juries in the people figure that if the girl is time lag between the crime and think that the girl was a "little prosecution of rape cases examinations in a rape care are upset enough about it, she'll the beginning of the trial, police streetwalker" anyway and that because most of the juries are often more trying experiences report it." said. she must have asked for it, so it made up of middle than the attack itself, two aged people After the suspect is arrested, shouldn't have bothered her who do not ascribe to common victims of rape agreed. the victim and the suspect both anyway," Ms. Brown said, "no student moral codes. ' The MSU coeds, who asked r ~,111 not to be identified, said that with their attornies, must appear at the prosecuting attorney's matter how nice The two a girl she is." basic elements of In the courtroom, the be asked about her past sexual girl will Geysers Called having to describe and relive the office for a preliminary forcible rape, under Michigan experiences and if she answers attack several times at different examination. Testimony law are force and resistance. that she has had some rare phenomena stages of the prosecution process In other words, the girl must experiences, the made it difficult to forget the presented in this examination jury might will determine whether the be forced, it must be against her automatically consider her Geysers, created when ground experience and the curiosity of friends about their "recoveries" alleged assailant will be held over for trial. will and she must struggle to the best of her abilities, instead of promiscious. water seeping through fissures meets hot gases rock Just d was nearly intolerable. from The time lag between this passively resisting. Reporting the attack molten magma deep in the earth, "It was like having a bad The law does, however, immediately is the key and the are among nature's rarest dream over and over again," one preliminary examination and a t couple and their trial may be long in many cases protect the girl if she did not first step toward successfully phenomena girl explained. because of crowded court State Newt photo The trial process for a rape by Donald Christensen dockets as indicated in the East case begins when the victim reports the attack to police. She Lansing District Court records. must then in graphic detail the Listening Ear Susan Brown, a policewoman incident so that the police and a with the East Lansing Police detectives, who will investigate the case, can establish a scene Dept., said that a rape victim, for the crime or compare the unfortunately, is put through attacker's actions with other rigorous questioning at all stages of the prosecution. By LINDA WERFELMAN Listening Ear volunteer, said. Staff members attempt to help known they sex offenders so that can be checked, according "They get run through the State News Staff Writer callers discover alternate methods of handling their problems, he No problem is too big or too small to said, adding that the Listening Ear has a referral try us out on "J The Listening Ear's annual fund drive to "give the ear a hand" added. additional help to people who service to'nr to MSU police. mill," Ms. Brown said, "the girl's will continue until Friday to raise operating funds for East The center has 90 volunteers working at least one 4-hour shift request it. pri If the evidence uncovered morals and hre reputation will Contributions, which are the sole support of the Listenim, J Lansing's crisis intervention center. every week in their efforts to help students and residents are being collected at booths in points to one suspect, police be attacked and the questioning officers obtain warrant for his she receives before she reaches "The Ear functions as a listener, not a therapist," David Ward, a solve problems. area Center and at various the Union and the Internal a locations, marked by the canvasser' * balloons, on campus and in East Lansing. ■ Donations may also be mailed to the Listening Ear at 547ul Grand River Ave. K 1 347 5 ■ Dedication Though no goal has been set for the drive, the crganiza would appreciate "as much as we can get", Ward said tops agenda Money will be used to pay rent, telephone bills and 0 expenses incurred during the next year. a The Listening Ear, founded in July, 1969, has had contact•J for Mamie approximately 32,000 people, Ward said. "The Ear is not really a student oriented 1 INDIO, Calif. (AP)—Mamie said, explaining that the staff includes MSU type of place "Wil Eisenhower arrived in this desert students and older residents of the students, high schol community. ^ community by train today for a All volunteers participate in an intensive lengthy visit that will include 10-day trainin session, in which they listen to experts in areas of dedication ceremonies of the crisis theory, problem drug educatioi pregnancy counseling and other subiecl Eisenhower Memorial Center. with which they may become involved. The widow of President Dwight D. Eisenhower will stay During their first month of work, volunteers work with ma at the home of Pollard Simons in experienced staff members who have handled a wide variety 1 crisis situations. nearby Indian Wells. Ms. Eisenhower said she was Two to four volunteers are always available to answer tl still "a little shaky" from her Listening Ear's three telephones or to talk to people whousetl two-week stay at Brooke Army center's walk-in facilities to talk to staff members, Ward said Hospital In San Antonio, Tex. Seriessets! a Hobie is a whole meal. Miller One of my subs MSU's University Clul contains everything Series will present "The Hel needed for a Miller Odyssey" at 7:30 9:30 p.m. today in the H £ balanced meal- Auditorium. 1 good for lunch, The film allows the vieweiB dinner, & snacks see the man himself tracing! childhood through the streetfl Brooklyn, struggling as a wrfl In Paris, revisiting old hau reading from his books, 1 talking with his friends. The Oscar-winning film mal Robert Snyder, produced documentary from more th hours of film and audio tape ! Tickets will be available at | Auditorium ticket office r hour prior to the time of | showing. TV RENTALS 351-3800 Hobie's NEJAC TV RENTALS 337-1300 | j&loorvj Be-ouhjSo.lon\ Treat yourself and your hair to a November Frosting When you're young you've got the whole world waiting for you to take it on. Pkg. Special! And you do. FROSTINGS WILL 00 $15 INCLUDE So when you're old you never have to look • Bleach • Toner back and say you should have done it different. • Shampoo & Set Reach for all the gusto you can. • Special Setting Solution • In Conditioner OPEN everything. COMPLETE WIGGERY SERVICE AVAILABLE EVENING^ m C>., MllweefcM «nd lh« wwli FOR APPOINTMENT. CALL: f. Saginaw S. Pennsylvania * Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 17, 1971 Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! W"h y Pay More! Why Pay More! Highway vote WHY ^ nued from page one, one) MSU property or a highway will probably not elsewhere on University proposed highway in property no action is taken MORE! RECORD DEPT. •ned location, Friday, the trustee's previous was taking bets on the position of opposition formed in t-s position, I wouldn't a June closed meeting will stand. SSvUtfj good odds that he Both trustees and central 1 WOMOER WHAT SMTU. THINK ABOUT Mi LtWWG^ it as presently administration sources also CONWAY indicated Tuesday posed," one top that the East TWI IVY Wrator said. Lansing City Council, in agestion by reversing their earlier approval of '-entalists that the M-43 the M-43 location, will have be located along Mt. little influence on either Road approximately one President Wharton's south of the current recommendation or on the ..j route, reportedly has attitude of the trustees. The president's jested several central advisers say the president rators. the State Highway Dept. position on the determined his cross-campus ask not favor the Mt. Hope route prior to the city council 8 alternative, Wharton might meeting Monday night and emend Friday that the probably will not revise that •es appr»ve the Mt. Hope position. I location, but not the route Also, several of the trustees •h would cross south played down the possibility that the council action will have » "^options open to the much impact on the trustees. 'HHM? tees Friday Include Merriman said the council's cceptance of the route reversal "somewhat substantiates south campus, unilateral the fact that there are many ,n of any new highway on unanswered questions." YOUR CHOICE EACH LADIES LONG SLEEVE MOCK Council action TURTLE NECK TOPS 1 ot>." Wa »toprovii^( Continued from page one) ihorticultural wonders „by ecologists did not exist, environment can't be looked at on a mass problem single basis," he said. "And transit will not solve the on Grand River L $2.87 the highway sight an attractive, unmowed [patch - a wasteland." eare going to have an awful Avenue." Myles G. Boylin, chairman of the MSU Urban told the council, "East if we don't do someting," and the University can't livein Planning Dept. Lansing HOW MUCH MORE CAN SHE I WONDER WHAT SHE'LL THINK STAND - - Conway Twitty $2 87 Conway Twitty $2 87 $3.97 100% polyester in assorted prints. Sizes S-M-L. Why pay ] said. "You should think isolation, they are part of the PLEDGING MY LOVE - Kitty Wells $2.87 more! and hard before cancelling metropolitan community." He LIVE - Sonny & Cher $2.87 noted MSU blocks an efficient I WANNA BE FREE ething so many people - Loretta Lynn $2.87 LADIES DEPT. flow of traffic through the nd on." area, but suggested the city make a spokesman for the state iway Dept., Richard J. study of alternate routes. "You have all the talent needed to do » gave the council a copy te report submitted to the a thorough geographic study," he said. "And there be id of trustees and called on may members to "review the some real sleepers there." D. Newton Glick, of 1037 with other affected YOUR mat governments before Paisey Lane, spoke as a 25-year I a decision." He said the resident, declaring "people CHOICE would provide access to should have priority over University and take cars off machines." He suggested the EACH ud River Avenue, but Universiy should make property ■itted other alternatives had available along Mt. Hope Road keen studied. as an alternative route, leaving BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS 4 tis decision was not made the proposed route for $3.44 haste," Lilley stated. development as a nature area THERE'S A RIOT GOIN' ON - Eons of dollars of taxpayers and basis for a major bicycle Sly and the Family Stone $3.44 is have been spent on these artery. M»." jwbjridge latter from Albert Boyd, accident ralive vice president of the and said it was not WE GO TOGETHER - Tammy iter Lansing Chamber of necessary to bulldoze nearly $2 Wynette & George Jones $3.44 nmerce, pleaded with the million worth of buildings in the ncil to confer with other path, thus taking them off city agency bodies before tax rolls. 3.44 dng a decision. Rescinding Robert Carr, an East Lansing support of the highway at attorney, said developers who ime, he said, "will built in Meridian Township in line public confidence in anticipation of highway Lansing." development "counted their chickens before they were st. East Lansing City hatched." ager Arthur Carney told Council members also heard ncil members the presentations from ARMOUR GOLO TOM TURKEYS 29C ^campus route was central environmentalist groups and long range city plans, received a petition of support BANO U.S.O.A. Mndudr redesigning Grand Avenue with an emphasis for council action fro 165 INSPECTED members of the Red Cedar pedestrian traffic. "The Community. EDON ASSORTED TOILET TISSUE 4/1.00 t . (UNIT PRICE 1.2c per 100) TOPCO HEAVY DUTY JUUMINUM F0I137< (UNIT PRICE l.Oc per sq. ft.) |GAYLORD CUT SWEET POTATOES vS/87 LAND 0' LAKES WHOLE KERNEL-CREAM J§ 12 '° !' E STYLE AND VACUUM PACK \§ItR "can 9/ 09V LAND '0 LAKES CUT OR FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS 16 oz. wt. can . . ..,hc electronlc flash that best suits your needs. We have meuER w4\ SREEN BEANS 5/89? thrifty ywellAuto/strobonars the fabulous flash units that eliminate — "atlons and give you perfect flash exposures... automatically! t we have conventional Strobonar units, ranging from compact I °unt mo 4 O EC 484-7414 SHOP MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES Monday thru Saturday • 9 AM to 10PM Sunday -10 AM to 7 PM 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Nov,.„,i -SPORTS- Ganakas rebuilds cagers By MIKE ABERLICH had Simpson made a name for "With Simpson being a senior, himself then he was lured away cagers proved their potency the hosting team in the opening State News Sports Writer and Bill Kilgore, Mike Robinson when they surprised from Ganakas and the MSU and Pat Miller and the others it everybody game of the tourney because Gus Ganakas has had his ups during the Christmas MSU was expected to be the campus by the pro ranks. would have been a nice unit," tournaments last year by and downs in his short two-year And so, a basketball program the Spartan mentor noted, "it patsy of the tournament without stint as varsity basketball coach, that would have reached its peak winning the New Mexico «minn recalled Ganakas The appearance of a seemingly this year when was quite a blow to the program tournament, in which they with the loss of Simpson, considered the were BuTV 10-14 overall record underdogs. acainst a strong schedule fophomore superstar named Simpson would have been a Ralph Simpson m Ganakas first senior is instead again pointing although I think the players have The Spartans were the done a tremendous job in outside team to first reinstated the Spartans as a win that respectable team Again this year, year as head ^h, brightened the outlook for MSU's cagers for to the future balancing on the recuperating from that traumatic tournament in the seven years Gwwkas is not without a few coming of other potential .... years to come, but no sooner superstars. lo^; Minus Simpson, the Spartan since its conception. As a 0f matter aces up his sleeve in trying to fact, they were pitted against secure the Spartans' first winning record since becoming head coach after the death of John Bennington in 1969. A graduate of MSU, Ganakas has spent his entire coaching 4 THE DISCOUNT career with 12 in East seasons Lansing, starting at East Lansing Akarpous takes STORE WHERE High School, where he accumulated a 176-53 record IM football cha § YOUR DOLLAR while also winning the State Class B championship in 1958. In the winter of 1966, he By STEVE STEIN State News Sports Writer Thus, Holden Hall dominated this BUYS MORE! joined the MSU staff as an Akarpous, a team representing Akers Hall, Intramural touch football the four flight play, copping Veu si |JJ assistant to Bennington when won the first flight intramural touch football to championships woof|| Sonny Means moved on to S: championship Monday night in the residence also fraternity division championship Piav|| Western Michigan. That cage team of 1966 went hall division by a score of 25-13 over Wivern, a Monday night, Sigma Chi rolled to a triumph over Tau Delta Phi to take 5II on to win a share of the Big Ten j:j: Wilson Hall squad. honors. ti ll l0P *:■ title with Indiana and posted an £: Akarpous scored two touchdowns late in the The Independants overall record of 16-7. One of % second half to defeat Wivern, which had taken be played today at 5:30at championship game win ll the leading players that year was £: a brief 13-12 lead early in the final half. semi-final game played Monday Field No 3 Dion!IF $: Akarpous quarterback Dave Dornbrook hit night thll all-Big Ten selection Matt Aitch, who was later to become one of £: Rick Fillmore with the winning touchdown 25 20i8S Cdge<1 °Ut Jr' Mot" "nd the'j V f Ganakas' assistants when he £: pass and the insurance TD came on a pass from The Zombies took the head coaching *: Dornbrook to Bill Reiss. winner of the Circus opponent will come from the! duties. over In the second flight Residence Hall game, Laughing Construction - We're still tl ?: C.W. Moss (Holden) upended Abelard (Abbot), game played last night. | Unlike many college coaches $: The playoffs culminated today, Ganakas is not concerned 39-6. Baal (Bailey) took the third flight of play for nearly two montiis 1! with the "win at all cost" type §: contest, beating Aku Aku (Akers), 34-20. The approximately 350 teams including 154 independant, 64 residence hall 1 of philosophy. Instead, he fourth flight game was taken by Outhouse squads, and 28 fraternity teams. A »L (Holden). who ripped Bacardi (Bailey) by the new playoff f| devotes his time to the system which put more teams into product, :$ score of 27-0. the playoff? IH hoping that, in the process, the was initiated this year. winning will come. FOR SECOND STRAIGHT YEAR Booters lose playoff bid By RICK GOSSELIN STate News Sports Editor had a 9-1-1 record on the year, suffering the lone loss to the I The MSU soccer team was rejected for the second time in two Spartans on its home field. MSU lost to Akron 1-0 on the final I seasons by the Midwest playoff selection board day of the season in East Lansing, despite outplaying the Ohio I Tuesday, selecting St. Louis, Southern Illinois (SIU), Akron and Ohio University as team throughout the game. 9 "You've just got to win - that's the name of the the four team delegation in the national championships. said Tuesday. "It's not how well you game," Fuller played the game." | "It's the second year we came out fifth best in the voting," The Spartans finished the season with a 7-2 record. Coach Payton Fuller lamented. "It's tough to accept. We kept "It to getting better as the season progressed and I think we could have seems me we had a better team than both Akron and I Ohio," Fuller explained, "but we didn't play enough games to get I played on the same field with anyone at season's end." any serious consideration. If we could have played a fewmoitl MSjLcjflyed of the temps that were awarded berths, Akron ranked teams, I think we might have gotten the berth." I and OWT„ anacarSeoutwjth one win and one loss. Ohio U. Fuller was not the only coach to think that MSU would been a wrothy representative in the han| playoffs. Ohio Coach Steve I Tiffcook saw the St. Louis - SIU game which St. Louis won teams were ranked numbers one and two in the (the I I } SPANISH told Fuller that he thought MSU would be the a chance to beat either of the two teams. "I hope that mpybe next year we can play more Midwest), and only team that had games," Fuller I I I } NUESTRO said. "The teams that got berths play 11-12 have more exposure than we do. could sure help us next year." games a season and! Beating a few ranked teams! f } DE SEMA The Spartan soccer team will just have to prove itself again next season. I )f Pieza en dos actos * ? P°r Down lown Roberto Cossa * Directed by Linda Powers * Thanksgiving Day * UNION BALLROOM 50c SPECIAL DINNER J Wed. Nov. 17 8:00 P.M. roast soup or juice turkey • dressing or gravy ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ vegetables and whipped potatoes br^ad and butter A Christmas coffee or tea ice cream or sherbet Wedding . ALL FOR Your dream ONLY $295 eome true 7 Days a Week with your Rings from Leon G. We understand how much you mean to each other and how important and meaningful selecting just the right wedding ring is to you. So we offer you an exciting selection from such quality brands as Orange Blossom, Art Carved, Gold Fashion and others. THINGS Absorbine Jr. FOR ATHLETES FOOT 4 OZ. SALE! LYRIC SET by ART CARVED DAY-WEDNESDAY 40's . REG. 1.47 ONLY! YOU CAN BE SURE OF TRUE DIAMOND ALL BOOTS 20%°' Men's and Women's VALUE IN EACH LEONG PRESCRIPTIONS DIAMOND RING ALL SHOES ARE OUR BUSINESS Men's and Women's 10% OFF WE ARE PARTICIPATING IN ALL weaccept PRE PAID PRESCRIPTION PROGRAMS Jewelry Art Center a Cffigsi 319 E. Grand River j East Lansing, I NEXT TO LUMS AT 231 MAC Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan -SPORTS Wednesday, November 17, 1971 17 rick gosselin Lack of press may Allen all-America berth cost Ras' poses do By GARYSCHARRER low point in his career. when to pitch to one of his will be a name on my all-American ballot has State News Sports Writer "But the only person to blame given Allen every pat on the back trailing halfbacks. ' probably won't be found on most conceivable. Duffy called When Mike Rasmussen makes was myself," he said. "I was Allen "as The wishbone offense erican ballots. It's a familiar name, but not all-American back we have had good as any his departure from the given all the chances in the is liar enough. And that's too bad because a lot at Michigan world and didn't predicated around speed, State—and we've had Northwestern game Saturday the perform. I "_|e involved with college football have quite a few." Duffy has said that Allen "has shown senior quarterback will leave don't know if it was a lack of quickness and running. In the confidence or a combination of past five games Rasmussen has ed an excellent one-man offensive show this me more moves than I've ever several Spartan seen from an offensive back passing marks thrown five or ten passes a game, and he shows me new behind him, and memories of his things. It was probably a lack of ones each week. And when but that is about the limit. He one of the halfback spots I will single out you think he doesn't have two year career at MSU will not concentration while trying too Allen, who in my opinion will run with any any more, he comes hard. has, however, retained both his up with still another batchful." go forgotten. accuracy and potency. Against in the country. You might think I'm In Saturday's Rasmussen transferred to MSU "Sitting on the bench is never game, Allen made a stark brilliant Iowa and Minnesota Rasmussen jj-B green, but how do you explain a good for alternating Murray run on his 37-yard touchdown in which he last fall after a brilliant two-year reason connected on 50 and math's high praise for Allen? Or Bob from spun stint at Fresno ones' effort for contributing to a 61-yard tacklers, stepped over them, danced on the City Junior football team," Rasmussen said. touchdown passes to tight end better use of his College. While at Fresno sideline stripe and made xmath in particular gave the South Carolina blockers than on Rasmussen passed for 4,684 "I was pulling for Frank as well Billy Joe DuPree. any other run I have seen in a vocal standing ovation. The Gopher life from any ball carrier. my yards and 4 3 as George and thought he did a "I really think that we touchdowns, pass in called Allen the best back he has seen in After the game, a earning junior college great job. Unfortunately he got order to score," Rasmussen reporter at Duffy's press all-America hurt." conference asked the Duff a status. explained. "Our passing leading question Although the Spartans Rasmussen then received formations from the wishbone concerning Allen's run, hoping that Daugherty quality quarterbacks had would gush over with another chance and has since set are in Dan intended for more than hypo-superb adjectives in Werner, been just short of superb. But just keeping defenses honest." describing that particular dash. George Mihaiu and Frank Kolch, what "It was a typical Allen run," prompted surprisingly enough, "I came here because I saw replied. Daugherty Coach Duffy Daugherty to Rasmussen's success has not a go come lot of opportunities in the Short into the junior from his arm but rather in MSU and concise. A sarcastic college ranks for his football Yes-and no. If you think about all response? another quarterback? ability to direct the program and the that Allen "You never feel that wishbone, running oriented school," Ras said. "But the main has done this you have season, you will realize that it was offense. reason was Coach just a typical run. You've got to enough quarterbacks," Daugherty. I expect the Daugherty explained. "Over Now, 'Ras' is not on the end really admire and respect him, unexpected from the Flea. the and it's been anymore can surprise me. It awes Nothing he does years we have had a of passing records but a valuable my privilege to me, but doesn't shortage of link for Spartan come here and surprise me. quarterbacks. Mike was a very rushing records. play for him. fine junior college MSU set a Big Ten team Allen is already a marked quarterback rushing "When I decided to come to all-America berth. People look at underdog for an who had compiled record for a single game against his size and impressive Purdue and Rasmussen has also MSU, Coach Daugherty said that that he'll never make it in say statistics." I would the pros. But the never regret it. I all-America berths should be Last fall Rasmussen started the played a key role in the long list basis of a player's awarded on the first and final four of Eric Allen records. haven't." Mike Rasm ussrii college performance, not games and continued to assault defensive Rasmussen is not as whether or not he's good enough to start for a big as secondaries with left-handed most quarterbacks in the '70 era pro team next year. With this in mind, Allen thrown passes. He set MSU go, but despite his relative small should be on almost 6-0, 172 pound frame, he has season records for ERIC ALLEN everyone's ballot. passes shown "Anyone who has seen Eric Allen attempted, passes compMed and enough competence in Lean; of coaching in the Big Ten. That's quite last four weeks would play in the passing yardage. recent games to be considered a just have to give him an houthful considering Warmath teams have all-American nomination and a vote But this season Rasmussen's running threat. Rasmussen is an for the Id the likes of Ron Johnson, LeRoy Keyes, Heisman Trophy," passing arm has been almost intelligent and keen student of [iBroikington, Clint Jones, Alan Ameche and week. "He's as good as Daugherty said earlier in the silent. The red-headed the game and has the natural any back in the country." southpaw instinct of lard "Hopalong" Cassidy. But Allen won't be on could not generate much offense knowing when to lb DeMoss and his Purdue Boilermakers were everyone's ballot. The in the Spartans' first two keep the ball and run inside or big name runners from the highly ranked teams games, ■mixed by Allen on his greatest of many great will filter through Allen's Midwest all-America winning against Illinois 10-0 and I this season. The fleet-footed Flea famed for Iyards at Ross-Ade Stadium, and towards the screen. Lydell Mitchell, who plays for undefeated Penn State, will draw losing to Georgia Tech 10-0. That's when Coach Duffy Varsity Club I of the contest, even had the highly partisan East. Ed Marinaro, Cornell's heavily in the Daugherty decided to go with fullback who set the lermaker fans pulling for him. He singed the collegiate career rushing record this Frank Kolch. The big 6-4, 225 Tlie MSU Varsity Club will season, will pound Kolch started the next meet 7:30 p.m. lue end zone for four scores, just as he did receive strong tonight at the backing from the East coast voters. Club Room. (week against Minnesota, Oklahoma's Greg Pruitt, also a member three games but hurt his knee link of all the truly great college runners of undefeated team, will accumulate of an against Michigan. Formal initiation of new I years. All of the Heisman Trophy massive Rasmussen admitted that members will take place. All winning support from the Midlands. V All of the many, many all—Americans. Michigan's Billy being benched was probably a club members should be there. Taylor may even outdraw Allen, | Brown, Ernie Davis, Gale Sayers, Steve because his team is basically wis. None can match their single in the polls and his team is undefeated, his team is high greatest getting the Midwest [e performance with the show Allen provided ink. :t. 30 in Lafayette. Though the above mentioned players have the ffy Daugherty just gave up after the press clippings, Allen has the statistics. It's only esota game in pushing Allen for post season too bad the Spartans didn't have the wishbone-T is. Not that he wanted to. He just can't do early in the season. It could have made Eric Allen fag more. "I've just run out of superlatives an all-American—on paper at least, un the field escribe Allen," the Spartan coach said. He he always has been. Isto/ Club leks women SALE Climax, Figuremate and Your Pleasure is i Spartan Pistol Club is pistol team for Arnelle of California dresses Jnen that will shoot in the ponal Rifle Association ir lipment I n League. Instruction will to all beginners and all will be furnished. student, faculty or staff hn is invited to attend a Reduced 20% The Outlook AUARANTin Chicken Dinner $1.49 217 Ann St. Next to Mini-Mart Iting today at 7:00 p.m. in ponstration Hall. Come listen to 'MAGIC' FUN-GAMES All the fabulous Beer-You- Ski-Wear Can-Drink Fashion Show Sponsored by the Senior Class Council of '72 ? 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ' 1971 STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Can't find what you want? Let a Classified ad 3558255 go to work for you - TODAY! qui fL, Automotive FRANKLYSPEAKING o)f mi nuiH ,, For Rent GET Action with A The State News does Employment For Rent not permit racial or Want Ad ".wwsgi. v, religious discrimination in its advertising GMC TRUCK, half ton, excellent running condition. $300. or best offer. Call 337-7227. 2-11-18 WANTED. cars. 12 Delivery men with Apply in person, 2-7 p.m. Sub Villa,Northwind Dr. 1 11-17 STODDARD APARTMENTS. bedroom, furnished, close campus. 351-8238. O 1 to APARTMENTS December occupancy 5*1 columns. The University Terrace . AUTOMOTIVE State News will not IMPALA 1967, 327, V-8 automatic, BABYSITTER IN my Spartan Village WANTED, ONE girl winter term. Scooters & Cycles accept power steering, good shape. home winter term, weekdays, Cedar Village, reduced rates Auto Parts & Service advertising which 353-1527. 5-11-23 7:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Call 351 6086. 3-11-19 MANAGEMENT 35,TJl Aviation discriminates against 3530967. 1-11-17 __m.n^.332.1823 0.^9'I religion, race, sex, color or MERCURY MONTEREY, 1964. GIRL WANTED to sublet winter / ► EMPLOYMENT HARRISON ROAD national origin. Excellent shape I Air - HELPI HELPI HELPI Couple wanted spring. Cedar Village. 351-6329. 1 » FOR RENT 5-11-23 Cherry Lano Apart™ 1 to babysit occasional weekends Apartments conditioning and new tires. $375. 337-2317. after 5 p.m. 5-11-23 with 5 children. (10,9,8,7,4) 2 bSr£J Houses MERCURY COMET 1965. Good 393 1904. 3-11-19 MATURE. WORKING girl - man. 332-2959, after 5:30 to share 3 p.m. msf0*—'isa Rooms Automotive BABYSITTER FOR four children, 5-11-23 condition. $400 or best offer. GIRL TO sublet ► FOR SALE 349 1798.3-11-18 3:30-6:30 p.m., 5 days a week. W„ller, Animals CADILLAC 1958, 8 passenger $20 a week plus dinner. 351-1606 1 AND 2 bedroom apartments on South end. Minutes from all ^ Cedar Village limousine. $100 332-8007 after 6 MERCURY MONTEREY 1966. before 3 p.m. 3-11-19 Mobile Homes TWO MAN p.m. 3-1119 Automatic, power steering, good shopping needs. On busline to apartment, great 1" 'Lost & Found PART m.e EMPLOYMENT WITH downtown. Ideal for married winter term only Call rubber, 4 door, automatic rear 3-1M9 PERSONAL window, new battery, snow tires. full line merchant wholesaler. couples or graduate students. PEANUTS PERSONAL 115,000 miles. $275. Telephone Automobile required. 351-5800. Elementary school less than 1 TWO GIRLS wit 353-3883, 393-8726 after 5 p.m. 351-3823 evenings. S 0 11-17 block. Call evenings, 393-0384, REAL ESTATE RECREATION MGB 1966. Parts, car, or will run with ASSISTANT MANAGER for gas daytime 489-6561. 3-11-19 5?M9 "ear C8mpUS 33'<1 CHEVELLE, 1965, 4 door, 6 - new head. Best offer. 351-0577. station needed. Must be married, ONE OR 2 girls immediately. Pool, SERVICE cylinder. Standard shift. $300. NEEDED TWO girls ,0r 3-11-18 over 25 years, and have recent laundry, bus. $52.50. 349-0890. E<#, Typing Service 485-1681.5-11-22 station experience. Hours are 12 x-5-11-22 Arms. December throuoh 1 •TRANSPORTATION CHEVY BE LAIR 1965, V-8, 4- door, MGB 1963. Good engine. Needs other work. Best offer. 332-2180. Them just d&opped our proposed p.m. and 7 - 10 p.m., Monday - Friday a.m. - 1 p.m., Saturday. 351 1858 3-11-19 *1 WANTED NEED ONE man to sublease winter / automatic, snow tires, $345. 3-11-18 MEDICAL SCHOOL ON CAMBODIA!' Phone 393 0418. 4-11-18 GIRL NEEDED winter (or foj 355-2835. 3-11-19 spring. Cedar Village 351-2078. DEADLINE *-2-11 18 across from camput f P.M. MUSTANG 1965 convertible GT. HAVE BUSINESS idea, looking for 351-1005.3 11-19 1 one class day before CHEVY NOVA 1967. V-8, 17 mpg, Must sell. Best offer. Call those interested in establishing NEEDED: 1 girl to sublet winter / publication. very reliable, excellent condition. 351-3985. 2-11-18 GfoWM tt* *2*/£. Uus/w,. MM financial independence over next 5 spring. Call 351-4711 after 6 p.m. 2 BEDROOM apartmeiu, 332-2089. 3-11-18 Cancellations/Corrections years. Small amount of capital is B-1-11-17 occupancy, close to t MUSTANG 1968, automatic, necessary. Write Box 264, Okemos. 332-4432. 0-1M8 - 12 noon one class day CHRYSLER 1962 "ElectricChurch". excellent condition. 882-3042 3-11-17 before publication. Not perfect but interesting. 711 East Apartments 351-9366. 3-11-17 after 4 p.m. 3-11-19 Automotive Auto Service & Parts GIRL FOR 4 man. r. WAITRESSES NEAT, dependable Trace. $65. PHONE 711 Rurcham. Large deluxe 1 Immediil and experienced girls, 18 and over 882-2694.3 11 19 355-8255 OATS UN, 1969, 1600 Roadster, 19I°j:^.A^harP-Vf-Pr,; steering, automatic, new tires. Call V0LKSWAGEN 25,000 miles. BEETLE. 1970, Air VW - GUARANTEED repair. needed for noons and full time bedroom, well rurnished good condition, silvergrey, new conditioned, apartment. Suitable for 2 or 3 ^ - 372-6906 after 5 shifts. No VACANT FOUR man RATES 10 word minimum owner, p.m. $ 1700 Call 646-6207 after 5 30 Sundays or holidays. Call tires. 482-3281. 5-11-23 4-11-19 489-1196, JIM'S TIFFANY people. Call 337-7328. Close to campus. $240 / p.m. 4-11-19 No. DAYS PLACE, 116 East Michigan, 332-5322.5 11 23 No. DODGE CORONET. 1966. Excellent TIM'S AUTO REPAIR- 5011 NOVA 1968, 6 cylinder, automatic, downtown Lansing. A nice place to ONE MAN for 4 man. Meedowbrook WORDS 1 3 5 10 conditionAutomatic. Radio. $250. Pleasant Grove VOLKSWAGEN 1970. Excellent Rd., Lansing. GIRL, OWN radio, one owner, good condition. work. 5-11-22 Trace, $65. 882-2694. room, tK_ Call 337-0198. 3-11-19 condition. AM radio, dark green. 393-4085. Major and minor tune - 10 l.SO 4.00 6.50 13.00 4 new tires, best offer. 351-9152. Immediately. 3-11-18 campus. Free parking. 35J Call 393-6527. 3-11-19 ups. Minor engine repair. Free 1-11-17 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST - estimates. 24 hour road service. 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 A.S.C.P. to work evening shift, 3 to URGENT. NEEDED, female OLDSMOBILE - SHARP. 1969 VOLKSWAGEN 1967. Excellent Tim Gage, Proprietor. 10-11-24 11:30 p.m., part time. Hospital roommate for winter term only. GIRL TO sublet winter spfl 15 2.2S 6.00 9.75 19.50 Holiday Tudor, full power, vinyl condition, gas heater, AM/FM. KING'S FOREIGN CAR SERVICE. experience required. Excellent 355-1672. 2-11-17 block from Berkey, 332-1 top. 887-4928.5-11-17 Many other extras. IV5-1866 3-1119 Repai. and service on Volkswagen, selaryand benefits. Apply Personnel evenings. 5-11-23 GIRL WANTED to sublease winter 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 Triumph, MG and most other Department. St. Lawrence HUGE, FURNISHED one bed! and spring terms, close. 351-8635. foreign makes. 320 South Charles, Hospital. 2-11-17 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 3-11 18 Dishwasher, balcony, shag J just off East Kalamazoo. Phone $185,351-8816.5 1118 DODGE, 1969 Super Bee. New paint RESIDENT MANAGER position in 10.00 16.25 32.50 372-8130. 0-12-3 3.75| and tires, perfect condition. Cheap, East Lansing area. Married couple ONE BEDROOM furnished, heated apart! . ONE AND 2 bedroom makeoffer. 627-9213. 3-11-17 OLDSMOBI LE 88, 1963. All power, only. Pay is commensurate with apartment. $155 / month. Call 347 Student Services Bldg. VOLVO 122S - 1964. Is winterized, from $145. 10 low DYNAMIC 88, mileage. Excellent condition. snow tires, radio, good condition. Aviation duties. Phone 332-5322 for 349-1586. 4-11-19 MSU. Children permitted. eM All student ads must be 1963, automatic Best offer. 355-8203. 3-11-17 interview. 7-11-23 power, service records, $275. 549 $395,393-3311.3-11-18 CREST NORTH, 694-8975B LANSING. 410 South Pine. Large, prepaid Grove. East Keller Road, Holt. C The State News will be 332-2094.5-11-18 Lansing. Phone OPEL snows, DELUXE Coupe 1969. Excellent condition, radio, 4 good Ziebarted, 30-37 i Scooters & Cycles SPAIN $249 PHOTOGRAPHERS, white technicians and color and BLACK dark models. and room New older home. Excellent condition. Partially furnished. Ideal for groups. Ample parking. 10 minutes GIRL NEEDED for four] responsible only for the FALCON 1962, light blue, 2 door, $99 5 349-1734 after 5 Costa Del Sol from campus via expressway. Call . NORTON P11A Ranger 1968V4. High corporation forming in Lansing apartment next first day's incorrect 8 days in Torremolinos automatic. Excellent condition. 1-11-17 area dealing in all aspects of Mr. Alben, 337-2510 weekdays, 332-6246.5 1119 insertion. performanM, low price. Ramsey, Dec. 26 - Jan. 3 $250,349-1428.3-11-19 photography and graphic arts. 6-8 p.m. 4-11-19 PLYMOUTH 1968, 2 door fastback . 351-883^3 1119 AUrch20-2V Models; \or advertising and hardtop. Vinyl top, tires like Includes :AIRLANE 1966, four door, V-8, industry, experience preferred but WOMEN: ONE vacancy In 4 girl automatic, power steering, radio. ;P'Z b'Z: H°ND* 1968 305 Superhawk. * Round trip Jet, between 'Detroit, Malaga. not necessary. Ample opportunity apartment, available December 15. Excellent shape, $490. 355-3150, for right people. Fringe benefits One block from campus. 'Double occupancy NEED ONE man sublet wi Automotive 5-7 p.m. 3-11-17 at deluxe hotel. include profit sharing. For Completely furnished, utilities and and break. Cedar interview call prior to November parking included, $65. Phone HONDA 305 Custom,great engine. •Welcome Sangria Wine Party. 332-6814. 3-11-17 PORSCHE 1966. 912, excellent body 19th. Interviews will be held on 349 9609. O-5-l 1-22 BUICK SPECIAL 1965. Excellent FIAT 1968, 850 Spider, must sell. and mechanical, $2750. 349-9402 $315, will dicker, 393-2708. 'Optional meal plan. November 19th • 20th. Call after 6 p.m. 4-11-19 Gerry. B-1-11-17 * Luggage and ground 393-3524.5-11-19 ONE GIRL needed to sublease, married studen1 transportation. Americana Apartments, winter and TOYOTA 35 1971 Suzuki 500's, still in their * Experienced escorts. fit faculty CORONNA 1969. Very OVERSEAS JOBS for students. crates, $795. Call Val, 353-1865. •Lots and lots of leisure time. spring. 337-2084. 3-11-18 BUICK SKYLARK 1966. Full economical transportation. Very Australia, 3-11-18 Europe, South FORD FALCON, 1965. 2 - door, 6 good condition. 482-2589. 3-11-18 *Plus tax and gratuities. power. Good rubber. Best offer. $50 deposit America , Africa, etc. All EAST LANSING. 1 bedroom, nicely 1, 2, 8t 3 bedroom a| 339-2254 after 1 p.m. 3-11-19 cylinder automatic, new tires, required with professions and occupations, $700 furnished, walking distance, some with study special of the week, $395. See Ray VOLKSWAGON 1966 Van. Best to $3000 monthly. Expenses paid, parking, $165 / month. Available at 372-0975.3-11-17 offer. Call Harv, 489 2891 after 5 FR ANK BUCK 351-2286 or overtime, sightseeing. Free January 1. Phone 332-1183 after 5 p.m. 3-11-19 DAVE BUCK 353 0011 information Write: Jobs Overseas, 5-11-22 p.m. J145 - FORD 3 quarter ton 4.W.D. Six man from per mi LEARN TO FLYI Dept. 8A, Box 15071, San Diego, cab. Winch Michelin's, new engine, VOLKSWAGEN 1967. Sharp, gas Complete flight NEED GIRL to sublet winter term. California, 92115.5-11-19 training. All courses are transmission, many extras. heater, AM/FM, much more HONDA 175, 1971 Road bike. 890 government and VA certified. Riverhouse Apartments. 332-3262. UNFURNISHED 372-7058.2-11-17 accessories. Evenings, 485-1866. miles, $550. Call 663-3339. FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport NATIONAL COMPANY looking for 3-VM8 children welcome | _ 5-11-22 5-11-19 Road. Call 484-1324. C men and women. Comfortable GIRL FOR four man, spring. Ceder GALAXIE 500, 1964. Good VOLKSWAGEN VAN, low mileage, inside work, no outside canvassing, Village. No deposit. 351-5037; please, no pets condition, automatic, 289, $450. Larry, 351-5141.5-11-22 very good condition. Can be seen at Auto Service & Parts Employment no sales exper ience necessary .must have good phone voice. Full time 3-11-18 USE YOUR G.T.O. 1965, 4 speed, 389-325 University Big Boy. Trowbridge Road. 351-5132. 3-11-18 J & A BODY SHOP, 317 Hill Street, and part time positions. Sslary, $100-$200 / week, depending on CLOSE TO MSU / Frandor. Beautiful 1 bedroom, unfurnished, carpeting,' KNOB Hill MASTER CHARGE Lansing, Michigan. VW and APARTMENTSI horsepower. One owner. $750. VW 1969. Deluxe, 2 door, one owner, ability, 2 weeks paid training drapes, balcony, air - conditioning. Winterized. Dealt 351-6763. Renault specialist. All imports and program. Contact Dick Vance: 24,000 miles, excellent condition. Laundry, parking. Call "332-1703. AT THE STATE NEWS 5-11-17 $1400. 349-4061.3-11-17 domestic cars are welcomed. Free WANTED: PERSONS 18-25 for 393-5460 for interview. 633 East estimates. Phone 484-7889, promotional advertising. Ability Jolly Road, Equal Opportunity 349-4700 482-7574. Get your car ready for dictates earnings. An equal Employer. O winter at J & A. Wheel wax 10 - WANTED: ONE or 2 girls, winter and OPEN Monday - Friday | opportunity employer. Call /or spring. Capitol Villa. 351-1564. 9 a.m. • 5 p.m. day special, $14.95. 5-11-23 37 1-3280 between 9 1 for DOMESTIC AND foreign auto 3-11-18 ®topckmgl)am interview appointment. 10-11-26 mechanics. New business forming Saturday 12-5 p.m. MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East in Lansing area. Only experienced ONE GIRL needed for 2 man LOCATED '/< MILE NORl Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. need apply. Must have own tools. OF JOLLY RD. ON | . . . apartment. Cedar Greens, Complete auto painting and BOYS - GIRLS Earn money selling Ample opportunity for the right OKEMOS ROAD collision service. IV 5-0256. C candy. Phone 339-2028. 4-11-1 * «« «« Immediately. Spring. Jeanne, „ profit sharing. For interview 351-6573.3-11-18 appointment. Call 393-3524. will 5evah We Have 1 Left... 10-11-26 For Rent CROSSWORD PUZZLE fsoBH ITIRIOJqIE! ACROSS 31 Craggy hill oMiJipEBji three and f A four-man apartment JUST IN, new shipment, compact refrigerators, freezers, Also 1 tj.u 4. Tread through u 33. Helicopter b|ade mbsimjuiohaj MBsh of! dishwashers. ESCHTRUTH 8. ShC»pb.»d aaoDB □a m RemIO next to campus ELECTRIC, 315 Bridge, Grand Ledge, 627-2191.0 ' 11. Frequently 12. Geometric » iic 40. Man's title solid mm* apartments CALL 332-4432 ONLY $9.00/ month. Free deliveries SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV RENTAL. 372-4948. O 13. Alfonso's 14. queen Fail to pay 42. 43. 46. Peacock Hearsay Lawful wowm mmm 49. Mohammed's Hvl the 16. Peaceful at end of WANTED TV RENTALS monthly - Students only. Low and term rates. Call 18. 20. Wild ox Husbands adopted son 50. Filly 52. Democracy ■n! 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV 21. Excuse 53. Legume Persons desiring to learn RENTALS. C 24. Departed 54. Small 5. Symbol 27. Form of 2. Bowstring lutetium J 6 55. Baste and 9 month "The Simple Truth about God and Man" Thursday, November 18th 8 p.m. TV AND Stereo guaranteed. and Free rental, satisfaction delivery, service pick up. No desposit. Call Esperanto 28. Blouse 30. Haw. garland hemp 3. Bbok of maps 4. Student 6. Kimono 7. Virus sa| John A. Hannah Middle School 8. Doghouse! NEJAC, 337-1300. C 9. KeelbiHe™ 819 Abbott Road - East Lansing cuckoo I will A Talk by SEWING RENT-RENT MACHINES, equipment, TV sets, toboggans, ski exercise 10 15. AlponquinB Weather J lllf'ilKW111! racks. UNITED RENT-ALL, East Lansing, 351-5652. 0-11-17 I / Food li^B Noel D. Bryan-Jones, C.S., available. Call a member of PARKING SPACE for rent, clowto campus, $5 / month. 351-8238. O wsMmmwaamwm 19.Fr.airp!* 21. Wiles 22. Blessing ■ 23 Bar legal® The Christian Science Board of Lectureship w ?b. Examine I'M"'1! ■ (Etopctungfjam Apartments 'i, I 29. an r by LANSING OR East Lansing. One p r hssk I Hit'vt' l First Church of Christ Scientist, East Lansing bedroom furnished. rooms. Air Large, airy conditioned. w. ,M 37. Enlisted* 4620 S. Hagadorn Care for small children provided Beautifully maintained. Suitable for faculty, grad students, business % n 3Nr Jolly, Thrifty,j Were $9 Hand crocheted acrylic Imported Acrylic hand crocheted Imported from Spain! 4 styles! OJ Pot holder Vests Hat and Scarf Sets Leather Driving Gloves Were $35 Intarsia design Ski Sweaters Great for gifts, select from Fur lined, wool lined and multicolors or solid shades in umlined styles in tan, brown, red, gold, brown, navy, navy, red or black. Sizes 6% Were $7 Heavy gauge nylon a C4 ^ natural. to 8. Tortleneck Tops MR | ] Famous May Queen By Hanes Were $12 Animal print Nylon Panty Hose „.,,$,39 Tortleneck Tops Stone & Chain N6Ckl3C6S, Were $5 Select from over 1500 in every color imaginable! Greatest savings of the season! Famous Label Shirts and Knit Tops Entire Stock Of Winter Coats and Jackets On Sale Were to $50 Were to $65 Were to $70 NOW FROM NOW FROM NOW FROM More from $3.99 Cotton interlocks, nylons, jacguards, and more in prints, stripes and solid colors, sizes 10 to 16. Were to $85 Were to $90 Were to $110 NOW FROM NOW FROM NOW FROM Prints and solid colors PUCKERS, STRETCHLACESwereto$i6 Jackets, pant coats and boot lengths in suede, cowhide, velours, chenille, wools and more: sizes 6 to 16. Sale! Nylon Ski Jackets were $30 Wonderfully warm, lightweight jackets in 3 styles and 4 colors. Sizes S, M, L, XL choose from over 1000! OTHERS from $2.99 Denims, pinwale corduroys, uncut corduroys, velours. And more in stripes, two-tones and solids, sizes 5 to 15. all from our regular stock ... all at Anniversary Sale prices! Wools! acrylics! double knits! Save On Our Famous Label Fall Dresses short and boot length styles Were to $24 Were to $28 Were to $36 Were to $40 Were to $55 '14 '17 '19 '23 '29 Imagine, selections from America's leading dress designers and saving many dollars too! Casuals . . . dressy styles all in the season's loveliest styles and colors. Come early for es selection. Sizes 5 to 15. Ribbed sweaters with intarsia design skirts 2 pc. Sweater and Skirt Sets *.,.$20