Thursday MICHIGAN STATE NEWS STATE UNIVERSITY ie 64 Number 69 East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 18, 1971 ouse rejects cutoff date or ASH1NGT0N (AP) — The House Indochina War funds amendment, will not in fact alter this having nine lives. This bill will have policy that I have signed it into law. I more pursestrings which belongs to Congress ted Wednesday night a June 1 cutoff would add, regretfully, that than nine lives if necessary." alone." L|l u.S. Indochina War money shortly legislative Sen. Frank Church, D-ldaho, Church said he and Sen. John Sherman L actions such as this hinder rather than challenged president Nixon said he would ignore assist in the search for a Nixon's authority to ignore the Cooper, R-Ky., will offer an enforcement gress" call for a fixed deadline on troop negotiated amendment. He told a news conference: measure to limit settlement." spending in Southeast jidrawal. "The Mansfield amendment is Asia to funds necessary to complete Mansfield noted that the Senate has part of the joking tin1 President's appeal to put on law and as such is not subject to dismissal withdrawal of all U.S. forces from his effort for a negotiated passed such an amendment, in one form or s on by the President. Indochina. He said it would be conditioned the House voted 238 to 134 another, four times and said: "If he chooses to "It may be ignored but it will be in the ignore it, then the on release of all American prisoners. Q ait amendment by Rep. Edward P. back of his mind. Congress should enact enforcement Hie procurment bill authorizes $871.4 |UI n Mass to halt the war money. . They talk about a cat provisions with the power of the million less than sought by the : amendment was on a defense Pentagon. Actual appropriation must be voted later. topriations bill. Among its major provisions: resident Nixon announced a few hours •A continuation of construction on the in the signing a $21.3 billion Safeguard antiballistic missile program at a ,.s authorization bill that he would level of $1.1 billion, about $160 million ^ bound by its policy amendment less than the administration requested. for negotiation of an end to the war • An elimination of the President's i the earliest practicable date" in return authority to ban chrome-ore imports from release of American prisoners, Rhodesia. This provision does not go into ntiwar senators promptly challenged effect until January. i's artion and planned to make r effort to cut off war funds, •A $72 million reduction in the C5A aircraft procurement program and a $321.5 Testing the waters m strongly opposed the Boland million ceiling on C5A spending this fiscal endment, just as he fought the year. Cuba.". Prornier Fidel Castro dunks his feet in the Pacific Ocean Tuesday endment sponsored by Senate •A $350 million ceiling on fiscal year niocratif leader Mike Mansfield of 1972 military and economic aid for Laos. during an outing near Iquique, Chile. tana which was tacked on to the AP Wirephoto ;iirement bill. e Mansfield amendment "is without dinfi force or effect," Nixon said, "and Joes not reflect my judgment about the in which the war should be brought to inclusion. State board o ;Mv signing of the bill that contains this ion will not change the policies I have ?ucd and that I shall continue to pursue Jtard this end." to appeal Roth it amendment Nixon said he would e was a weakened version of one By JOANNA FIRESTONE attempts to comply with Roth's orders to the judge in an advisory capacity and Roth State News Staff Writer formulate a desegregation plan by Feb. 4, d earlier by the Senate calling for may develop his own plan tc. fulfill the 1972. desegregation order. ' withdrawal wfthin six months. After "The order by the Judge to develop The decision to appeal Roth's ruling was House rejected that language, a The State Board of Education voted, 5-3, alternatives is not appealable," Novak said. made jomise was passed which "urges and one month after the Board voted to sis" Nixon to withdraw all troops "at At 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, 484 pints of blood had been doncted to the Tuesday night to appeal a federal court "Consequently, neither the State Board go ahead with desegregation plans. ' Christmas in November" blood drive. Students living on ruling finding the board partially at fault nor the governor can appeal the Supporting Novak in the action are ate certain" subject to release of U.S. ^ campus who for de jure segregation in Detroit school development of metropolitan plans which Michael J. Deeb, Gorton Riethmfller, prisoners and an accounting for the contribute to the 1,177-pint goal will receive a in action. complimentary bus pass system. will be considered by Judge Roth in Thomas J. Brennan adn James F. O'Neil. back to their residence halls. The drive continues On Sept. 27, 1971, Judge Stephen Roth arriving at his final decision. his statement, which through Friday at the n h^said was East Shaw Hall lower lounge. found the Detroit Board of Education, the The board, Novak pointed out, is serv ing (Please turn to page 14) jsijned to "avoid any possible governor, It he attorney general, the inceptions," Nixon declared: superintendent of public instruction and is because section 601, the Mansfield the State Board of Education guilty of establishing and maintaining de jure THAILAND segregation in Detroit schools. In his written decision, Roth suggested Council sets election that the State Board of Education contributed to segregation by not Premier seize exercioing responsibilities which "the State Board did not and still does not feel it possesses either by constitutional mandate of student reps today or by statute." AN'GKOK (AP) Thailand's brief government in Thailand, which was the command until his death in 1963. "It is this interpretation of responsibility absolute monarchy The election of student categories representing various minority- periment with limited democracy ended of Siam until 1932. Thanom's decision to and the subsequent finding of guilt based follow in his lednesday with Premier Thanom Thanom, a 60-year-old field marshal, had representatives-at-large to the Academic groups in the University. footsteps appeared to reflect a judgment upon Judge Roth's interoretation which Council is scheduled for today. The Jtikachorn dissolving parliament, ruled the country by decree from 1963 that constitutional rule with the State Board is now appealing," Edwin representatives-at-large faction of the until the elections were held in 1969. an elected The election, originally scheduled for Academic Council was initiated by the [spending the constitution and assuming solute power. parliament was not working. L. Novak, president of the board said. Nov. 10, has been clouded by an injunction council to ensure a systematic "The State Board feels strongly that the and four appeals charging discrimination His In representation of nonwhites and women. roopers moved into Bangkok to predecessor and patron, Sarit theory, a requirement for two-thirds description of its responsibilities, as and procedural illegalities. The illegalities Poll booths will be open from 10:30 a.m. s regular police patrols, and tanks Thanarat, also was a field marshal. Sarit majority in parliament meant the contained in the Roth decision is which precipitated the injunction have to 1:30 pjn. and 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. near ircled the parliament seized power in a 1957 military coup, government could never lose a vote. But building. But unsupported in law and must be tested in a been corrected. the cafeteria entrances in North Hubbard, !?ite imposition of martial law and turned over the premiership io Thanom the government, composed mainly of higher court." Ten student representatives-at-large will West Holmes, West Shaw, West Yakeley, flee check points in the streets, the but within a year abandoned the attempt soldiers like Thanom, was unable to keep Despite its action Tuesday, however, the be elected from a slate of 42 candidates. East Wilson, North Case, and Snyder halls. its own party in line. "tal appeared calm. at parliamentary rule and resumed eight-man body vowed to support all The candidates are divided into five Booths will also be open from 9 a.m. to 5 egular announcements on Radio p.m. in the main lecture hall of the j'iland. interspersed with patriotic songs, Chemistry Building, the main cafeteria of "Thanom would head a revolutionary the International Center and the lecure hall ncil with Inmates get Wary matters. anded. power to decide all civil and The cabinet was Couple puts of South Kedzie. Additional booths will be open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the front lobbies of j>e band's council pledged to continue foreign policy, which has been rW anti-Communist and f ro-American 'lift' through 2 children Bessey and Berkey halls and the main lobby of Erickson. m 'he Voting will also be conducted in Owen Indochina War. There was no and Brody halls from 10:30 a.m. to 7:30 (»ication Thanom's assumption of -Jute L power would "ir bases in Thailand. endanger the status prison gate up for sale p.m. Students living on campus must have • RAIKORI), Fla. (AP) - Two Raiford their meal cards to vote. Students living off 1011ncement from JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) - A Boy Revolutionary State Prison inmates rammed their way Scout master and a companion, charged campus or in Williams, Fee, Akers or Owen "nfjl headquarters said internal to freedom through a hail of bullets in a with trying to sell an Oklahoma City halls must show their student IDs to vote. .national str'^e anfl a threatening makeshift tank they fashioned in the woman's two small children for $7,000 situation had made the coup prison furniture shop, officials said and a used car, were held without bond Wednesday. Wednesday in the Duval County jail. Raiford Supt. Lawrence Dugger said the inmates, Rex Gyger, 26, of Tampa, The men were identified as William No quo x|ude(| obstruction O'Hara, 37. also known as Milford by parliament, and Wallace McDonald, 43, of Bennett and Robert Westenhaver, 22. "ij in the north, student unrest, Jacksonville, fashioned their tank out of They were arrested after allegedly trying for blo j .teand terrorism. '•his presents a fork lift truck, using 10-gauge sheet to make a deal with a police informer. a threat to the security metal for armor plating The children Theresa Ann Cox, 3, and E'wernment and the throne," the The men broke out of the prison in her brother, Robert Donald Cox. 2, were .nc|i said. institutional J® have been procedures, it added. northeast Florida last Saturday. They remained at large Wednesday. in custody of a juvenile court after spending the night with the informer Laird too late. "They enclosed a fork lift with and his wife. The FBI said O'Hara and Minister Thanat Khoman, who 10 gauge sheet metal," he said, Westenhaver and their wives had been WASHINGTON (AP) 4cpV tilanics Thanom's decision on - Secretary of explaining that the armorers wrapped living with Ms. Cox and her children and Defense Melvin R. Laird denied Wednesday Wnt.P h''hav,or" of members or two layers of metal around the sides and the full interrelationship of the group a report of restrictions based on race in placed four thicknesses atop the truck. had not been established. assignment of military personnel at foreign ink. sa''s,il(I tion have in the development. Dugger said the men waited in the Police told this story of how the deal bases. is that it could not prison shop until dusk fell over the 3,000 developed: i? ^ken "" a a more , At the same time the congressional Black evolutionary form," he man prison. Then they rode 200 yards to The informer whose name was not Caucus continued its unofficial hearings on freedom. disclosed, and his wife met O'Hara a year what it calls "Racism in the Military." terwi'iiW or. """ther we have not "They crashed the gates and officers m ago at Duval County fair in Jacksonville Rep. Parren J. Mitchell, D-Md., said "ica" 11 political forms of Europe and the tower above fired on them with a and told him they were considering blacks at Ft. Meade in Maryland live in a 30-30 rifle," Dugger said. "The bullets adopting a couple of children. Three "climate of intimidation and fear that was o-ve'al" !i.1.power move ended the didn't penetrate the steel." weeks ago, O'Hara contacted the almost impossible to gauge." ... of parliament and the. Gyger and McDonald rolled into the informer and told him he expected to "The extent of racism in the military is ith ol Thailand's constitution. prison motor pool area, jumped out of have two children for sale in two or three «ere experimental ways of so deep we cannot possibly cope with it," the lank and ran. Dugger said officers weeks. Mitchell said. were in pursuit, but dogs lost the scent of "O'Hara took the kids to the agent's Rep. Ronald V. Dellmus, D-Calif., (he excapees in the woods. house, got $100 in marked bills as a f iit!!i°nS Pe*ition« 'or two member-at-large "They got 24 hours a day to outfigure vou and obviously they did that said binder on the deal, then left them with the agent's wife when the agent took him chairman of the caucus, alleged earlier this week that an agreement between the United States and Iceland dating back to 5 °" the Florida Corrections Director Louie to dinner. the Kennedy administration restricted the 6 All-University Radio Wainwright. number of black troops sent to Iceland. available in 8 Student Services v must be returned by Dec. 1. (Please turn to page 14) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news Female faculty tenure studied the trustees at their September uncover inequities presented to said. He said this information is based on and to meaf!,1PI I meeting. The trustees asked Robert Perrin, vice 1968-69 data supplied by the U.S. Dept. of regard to faculty ranking Tn^0**! summary The University's "affirmative action plan for women"—to be officially released at the board of president for University relations, to revise the report including more specific detailed information. Health, Education and Welfare. Trustee Patricia Carrigan, D-Ann Arbor, the enrollment • and and similar areas »f The University vj will nm control i-oniinue tn From the wires of AP and UPI. trustees meeting FYiday—calls for 14.6 per cent The University based the target figure of 14.6 only female member of the board of trustees, men women in the same ; ! job declined to comment on the report this week, categories performing equal work of the faculty in the tenure system to be women per cent on the estimated number of openings equal pay. In this regard, the saying she wanted to ask more questions about Univervit Tei1 by 1974. Currently, the plan reports, 13.1 per cent of which would become available through the report before making judgments. an analysis of clericiT! y?IB*L those in the tenure system are women. retirements, resignations and other terminations. Another key factor in setting the figure was the Trustee Warren Huff, D-Plymouth, said there administrative-professional employment data. The !L ,'C? The document is a revision of an earlier plan was "some improvement" in the document but analysis lb laH availability of qualified female applicants, Perrin that he "old data". was concerned that the 1968 data was women exist in much lower levels of higher employment For pLor ,' 0Ws. ons "> W The report says the "total University goal" for clerical-technical category there xarnp|e, intM "As we see it, if the state would 38 1974 is 102 women but that this figure includes women in the lowest'level and'an appropriate the funds for the law school, then we could appoint a Butz nomination replacement of 34 women expected to retire or resign. one woman in the greater administrative highest level Tim 1 men ^ resDomkt^ coordinator who could# begin "Therefore, 68 positions will be newly held by promotional opportunities for y 1 'ork." women if the goals are reached and the 1974-75 criticism from • The University will Provost John E. Cantlon faculty will include 14.6 per cent women and we continue to encn, believe their employment will be materially academic units to actively recruh: increased in areas where they are currently students-both undergraduates and WASHINGTON farmers. yearly. And, he said, he has under-represented." graduatH (AP)—President Nixon's choice Butz, 62, a Purdue University placed the approximately 5,000 The document says the University is also • The University has also for secretary of agriculture, Earl dean and a former assistant shares he owns in three of them urging changed its mat,* that 10 per cent of the female hiring goals be for leave policy, to insure the L. Butz, was told Wednesday secretary of Agriculture under in a trust fund. reinstal l that many senators will vote against him because of fears that Ezra Taft Benson, denied any inbred hostility toward family Butz, who said he used his position in corporate minority women. In the document, the University says it admits women employes after a seven-month Sjk there has been discrimination against women in "your heart beats not for the farmers. boardrooms to act as a J • the past but will work to improve the situation. The board of trustees family farmer, but for the giant spokesman for agriculture, said provided $15 on Butz told the committee he is he is reluctant to dispose of his "The University recognizes a paucity of women furnishing and equipping a building f0'r J Tenth corporations." planet theorized . in the tenure system and hereby hopes to Care Center for 100 asking confirmation in an holdings of 2,000 shares in the preschool children i Sen. George McGovern, "absolutely clean" financial Ralston-Purina Co., a similar demonstrate its serious concern and intent to Spartan Village. dren 1 D-S.D., added at a Senate state. amount in International Minerals improve the situation," the report reads. • Agriculture Committee hearing He said he has resigned from It also details other efforts the University has The Office of and Chemical Corp. and 1,000 Equal Opportunity h British and U.S. astronomers are testing a theory that on Butz's nomination that his the boards of four shares of Stokely Van-Camp. made recently to improve the situation: systematically monitored various University J • confirmation by the Senate The University has begun a "major program" to insure the maximum effort there may be a 10th planet in the solar system beyond would be "agribusiness" corporations The current value of that stock to provide the statistical data necessary to consideration of female applicants. at recruitment ! Pluto. But the senior observer at the Cambridge a catastrophe for which paid him a total $9,800 totals about $119,000. University Observatory, David Dewhirst, stressed Wednesday in Cambridge, England it was a dubious possibility. Take It F FROM ASMSU BOARD He said two Cambridge astronomers, Max Fbmmerton and David Bardon, working in cooperation with Dennis Unk¬ nown BLFI asks for $11,000 Rawlins of Notre Dame College of Baltimore, theorized that minute irregularities in the motion of the planet Neptune could be caused by a new planet. It would be the farthest from the sun in the solar system. has refused to give us money," spokesman, Allison, said this was service for the student caused by a phone bill. Hie body, 1 Karega said. Buckner restated the fact J Funding would be appropriate group asked the phone be Free University mild removed by ASMSU last year. reap At a relatively calm board because ongoing programs are in for office space when tl "desperate need of assistance", Harold Buckner, chairman, became eligible. Hawaiians to hunt trash meeting ASMSU board members BLFI has an overdue bill with to£ the spokesman that when heard another request for a The discussion of Frl major portion of their budget the University. With new money, an organization takes an office, University office space vl the group could continue drug it must also take responsibility Tuesday night, this time from interrupted by a non-meraberl for the phone. Also it is the Black Liberation Front education programs and could the audience. The floor T Hawaiians International (BLFI), and heard hire additional personnel. group's responsibility to know relinquished and the board, are getting ready for a monumental trash BLFI will make an official when their account is actions in serving only five hunt. more discussion on office space overdrawn, he added. cent of the student J allocation. application for funds through body« Some 236,000 of them, from Cub Scouts to the Allison replied that she A request for $11,000 for comptroller's office, Karega severly criticized. corporation heads, have signed up for a nine-day little BLFI was made by Chui Karega, said. thought it was ASMSU's "You are being pushed an Want to experience the pleasure of really fine dining "But I wanted to come before responsibility to inform the cleanup campaign. It starts Friday in Honolulu. without the crush and coldness of today's chain-store a spokesman for the and haggled by these groJ the board personally," he added. organizations of their account Who "The way this thing has mushroomed is kind of organization. This amount is are these groul facilities?Then come a little out of the way to Bill'srestau close to a quarter of ASMSU's The policy committee status. benefitting?" he asked. "X frightening," says Eddie Anderson, who began "It was pretty convenient for rant and Bar, Lansing's best-known unknown.£j||'sfriendly entire budget. reported on nine different groups on the third floor I /Organizing the "Hawaii is loo?small for litter" campaign family atmosphere and fin# food have for over fifty years Katfega accused the board proposals., >On9 proposal refused the bpar^ t° discover that our, doieg their own thing. for ta - two months ago. account was overdrawn a few • « established a reputation among area dtneis.-* Now Bill's members of being "lackeys of Free UniYW'ty office space own groups of people." 1 hours before the policy "I can't say all these people will show up," Anderson wants YOU to experience the pleasure of good food served the institution." He added that since it was in violation of office The policy commit! student funds were taken away space criteria. After discussion committee meeting," Allison continued to leave the motion! said in an interview. "But it they do, I challenge any amidst pleasant surroundings and invites you to try the from BLFI by a previous from a member of Free said. "We have over $200 in delete Section city in the nation to match that." Olde Towne New England Clambake - Lansing's oldest. donations and could pay the 12oftheCodep ASMSU board and the University the board voted to Operations, concerning stud| defeat the motion and have Free bill." publications, in commit! organization has received no "We didn't even want the funds since then. University reapply for an office awaiting an interpretation frl "Our programs have been space, if the group becomes phones in the first place," she the all-University Discontent resolvable r/V/M/Wi£A forced to operate at a less eligible in the future. stressed. Judiciary. effective level since the board Free University was refused One ASMSU member said for The board also | office space because it had ASMSU not to give free motion to add "All moneaj overdrawn its account with the University an office is an appropriations of ASMSU sh California Gov. Ronald Reagan said University. A Free University injustice since it does a great require a two-thirds vote of 1 afler a meeting with President Nixon entire board for passage" to J "Flowers FVR./tU-LA FEE GRILL Code of Operations. Wednesday in Washington that while the administration faces some measure of discontent among political conservatives there is "none that BILL'S ALL NIGI1TER CHICAGO GlVeThe, cannot be resolved." A school system with a goal: Teaching Reagan told newsmen at the White RESTAURANT & BAR TONIGHT EAR House that the President's planned trip to Communist China and the 718 E.GRAND RIVER 8:00 TILL DAWN $9,072 starting salary (10 months) A HAND explusion of Taiwan from the United PHONE IV 2-6100 10 days' paid vocation Nations "has been disturbing" to Save! Save! Save! I conservatives, but "when they find Rent Your Television | 10 days' sick leave out tiie President has no intention of Free Delivery ftrn bargaining away anything of interest Paid Free Service IP" the Hospitalization to assured.." United States they will be Free Pick up W Perm0| The Chicago Public Schools will have a representative on University TV Rentals| campus on November 22. 1971 Please arrange interview with the Placement Office. for an 351-7900 Poultry farms unsanitary DIAMONDS FOB Sen. Abraham EVERYONE! Ribicoff, D-Conn., released Wednesday in Washington the names of 68 poultry farms which a One word government report said were operating under EMERALD CUT DIAMOND "unacceptable" sanitary conditions. best describes The plants, including some of the largest and most ^200 widely known names in poultry processing, are located the taste in a dozen states: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, MARQUISE Indiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin. of beer... CUT DIAMOND The plants were surveyed earlier this year by the General Accounting Office at the request of Ribicoff, chairman of a Senate Government Operations subcommittee. it's on the tip of Rogers proposes laws your tongue. Interior Secretary Rogers C. B. Morton proposed Wednesday in Washington two new laws to tighten mining and mineral leasing practices on federal land to WHEN YOU SAY bring the government more income and the states a ma share in tiie profit. Morton has sent to Congress with an for action two bills to and Mineral said. urgent request update the Mining Law of 1872 Leasing Law of 1920, his announcement Budweiser. YOU'VE SAID IT ALL! . % ^ DIAMONDS $50 to^5,000 SOLD ON BUDGET .r FOX'S FRANDOR LANSING MALL y Both bills would ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC • ST. LOUIS TERMS require competitive bidding for DOWNTOWN, Open Monday and Friday t mining permits, leases, or sales contracts for 1 no/ urn rN. . LANSING MALL. Weekdays til 9pm.. Sun 1 commercially valuable minerals. IU /o AASU Discount ,i,V'yUI 1 1 FRANDOR, Open Monday, Thursday and Frids MERIDIAN MALL, Okemos, Mich , Open Weokd Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 18, 1971 PICKET OUTSIDE BUILDING Chicano group protests SN ad By NANCY PARSONS manager for the State News, said State News Staff Writer that he was first approached handling the account for Tijuana manager of Tijuana Taco, who by Taco, in which he said: told him that they were the Chicano students ' going to concerning 'This caricature perpetuates discontinue the use of the Protesting what they term the ad on Nov. 11. the "racist advertising" in the State stereotype of the Mexican as caricature in his district, which "We couldn't fulfil their "My reaction was to make sure a fat, happy, sombreroed includes the Detroit area, and demand for space. We gave them News, a group of Chicano that the ad would not be printed students formed a picket line at individual" and "the offensive possibly its use across the exactly what we would give again and that we are sorry if we illustration will not be run in the 10 a.m. Wednesday in front of country. anyone else, our assurance that offended anyone," Lynam said. the Student Services State News again." "We couldn't it won't be printed Building. When the students possibly foresee again," The students were approached "Your agency might be in a who would be offended Lynam added. opposed to him about the ad, Lynam sent a by our the publication of an position to discourage its use in advertising. Any kind of an ad letter to Hutchison A advertisement for the Tijuana Advertising, other publications as well." could offend someone. I think spokesman for the Inc. of Columbus, Ohio, the firm protesters said that Taco, a Mexican restaurant on Lynam spoke with the district they've blown a possibly valid they are Grand River Avenue which accepting individuals, not organizations, on their lines and appeared in fall term's Welcome Week issue of the State News. "The Chicanos of MSU are Price agency that they will continue until their demands are picketing met. protesting this type of When asked advertisement because this why they were 2.5% not Members of MECHA picketed perpetuates the stereotype that we are lazy, always happy, fat, stupid-looking and are known hike CMArof directing their attention the restaurant, the spokesman said that they wanted to attack to the Student Services an organization within their Building only for our food," WASHINGTON (AP) - The In other developments: a spokesman costs minus worker productivity, reach and one they Monday to protest a Tijuana for the protesters said. Price Commission Wednesday *The Pay Board meanwhile might have Taco advertisement (above) so long as profit margins don't some effect on. The protesters are approved a 2.5 per cent price met for a second day in which demanding increase for 1972 American increase too. appeared in the a verbal and written Washington after reportedly apology in Motors cars, "Image is very important to Welcome Week edition of the the paper and an amount of but put off a refusing again to grant labor's Perhaps coincidentally, the 2.5 Chicanos. We are seeking to State News. The group claims decision on a Chrysler demand for retroactive payment per cent increase exactly advertising space equal to the maintain our self-respect," he the ad "slanders" campus size of the Tijuana Taco ad Corportation request for a 5.9 of wage increases lost during the matches figure to which the said. donated to the per cent increase. freeze. commission hopes to limit the Chicanos. Chicano It said also it is SN photo by W.B. students. studying a average of all price increases. Remington "We know Ford Motor Company request *It was learned that an arm of they think we just for want an average 2 per cent the Pay Board last Friday Although the commission did advertising for our increase. There was no not rule out the possibility it upcoming dances, but we ordered, with no public immediate word from General haven't decided yet what kind of announcement, that union would approve something higher Motors, which has said it also workers in the construction than that for Chrysler, which advertising we want. It will be will ask for permission to raise whatever we deem necessary," industry may not get any pay seeks an average 5.9 per cent the spokesman said. prices. raises until further notice. increase, it did ask the company Ken Meanwhile the Pay Board "Substantial clarification" of for more information and Lynam, advertising put made its first off any decision until sometime challenge of a this situation is promised after a labor contract, the four-day-old within 72 hours after it is rating next Saturday. agreement giving soft-coal submitted. lew law school miners pay raises of up to 35 planned per The Price Commission's action cent over three years and was its first ruling on a specific The challenged coal agreement doubling management's price matter. calls for increases exceeding the contribution to the union It said American Motors' 5.5 per cent standard for pension fund. request for an increase was contracts effective after These may be rolled back if justified under the commission's Saturday, but the coal pact was or '74 opening, 'U' says the full Pay Board finds them "unreasonably inconsistent" with new its general standard that contracts may not contain guidelines saying prices may be put into effect just before increased to match increased midnight that night. R.. MinuAci By MICHAEL cnv FOX " increases in pay and fringe a luncheon meeting of the Ingham County Bar Assn. Wednesday, State News Staff Writer benefits of more than 5.5 per said that current plans for 75 students to be admitted to the law cent a year unless special I'niversit} administrators said Wednesday it is unlikely that any school its first year of operation. He cited totals for the second ts would be admitted to an MSU law school before 1974. circumstances warrant it. A and third year of law school enrollment as 145 and rovost John E. Cantlon emphasized that the University desires 225, hearing was scheduled for respectively. Thursday morning. I carefully formulate the plans for a law school and that it "As we see it, if the state would appropriate the funds for the Changer Recorde now you can get up to six i be content with simply parroting the curriculum of law school, then we could appoint a co-ordinator who could hours of continuous listen¬ [other university. He added that MSU must receive an begin work," Cantlon said. Dean, faculty ing pleasure on the Norelco «;:riation being sought from the state legislature before it can He outlined the work of the co-ordinator as automatic stereo cassette including research jjindevelopment of the law school. of innovations in law curriculum, preliminary ordering of books, changer/recorder. A beauti¬ ful unit that gives you K?addition to a proposal before the State Board of Education and some search for -& dean. After a year of such every¬ planning, thing you could want in Jr permission to establish a law school, the University is Cantlon said, a dean would probably be recruited. Faculty for the stereo listening pleasure. ■questing $30,000 in its 1972-73 capital outlpy budget request law school would then be sought. Features pushbutton con¬ ■the state. Iff. Michael Born, special assistant to the Executive Vice "We don't have a curriculum planned for the law school. We are not anxious to mimic the curriculurfi of other schnnls such as ROSES trols, solid state perfor¬ mance, illuminated record level VU meter and comes Jesident, said Tuesday that both houses of the state legislature the University of Michigan or Wayne State University. We want to complete with twin walnut ■re each appointed individuals an individual to conduct the state's a feasibility study larding the potential establishment of a law school at MSU. The strike off in a new direction with the law school at MSU," Cantlon said. $399 «/ Dozen matched speakers and namic microphone. A ter¬ rific buy! Also available dy¬ o are on payroll, but have University He observed that the University would approach the law school without speakers (2401A) space on the fourth floor of East Fee Hall. with the people of Michigan and their needs in mind, much as it Carnations ce and/or with Continuous ■Bom identified the legislature's researchers for the feasibility did with the new medical school. He said that while a smaller Cassette Circulator acces¬ ludy as W. Robert Carr, working with the House of school might easily open up operation overnight, a state sory for nonstop playback. ■eprescntatives, and Barry Moon, working with the state senate. WAS Icarr \ said Wednesday that their efforts were being made as a key legislative feasability study group which is collecting university like MSU would need to proceed slowly. Faculty approval of the law school's curriculum would be another hurdle in the path of immediate establishment of the law school, s2", 249.95 NOW S^gSS ■formation on the practicality and desirability of a law school ^ The°University is seeking $3 million from the legislature for the Jon Anthony p MSU. He said a report would be prepared by either late law school in its projected budget requests for the next five ■nuary or early February which would go to the legislature and lie press. appropriations. The justification statement in the $30,000 Florist 4 u ■"We are sensitive to the University's position in housing a request for 1972-73 states: "The proposed law school will require 809 E. a building to provide office and classroom space in addition to a Michigan % pislative committee. We are not here to get Headlines, we are 485-7271 » library to house the law library collection and the necessary . ire to work," Carr said. Free Parking reading space for students." . I "We are trying to do what we can to be a catalyst to get a law Behind Store „ Jhool for MSU," he said. ..-awras' ■Cantlon, who outlined MSU's intention for a law school before Please Rush Me The Questionnaire & Directions For CUPID COMPUTER, I understand that I am under The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State no obligation to join. I University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter I and Spring school'terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Name I in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. 1 Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, Address. Flare jeans I Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press by Mann, I Association. •••••*••••••••••• I Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial Cupid Computer "Nit-Fit" with Dacron® I and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan Box 702 State soft diagonal University, East Lansing, Michigan. . . .a Phones: hvill look doubleknit News 355-8252 Classified Ads 355-8255 of non-wrinkling "Dacron "* Advertising 353-6400 Business Office 355-3447 polyester/cotton for Photographic 355-8311 free-moving comfort and shape retention. Western LATE SKI front pockets, back patch Equipment pockets. Tan heather or smoke Sorority Winter Rush RENTAL blue. 29 to *DuPont trademark 34 waist sizes. $13. COMPLETE PACKAGE Metal Skis, Buckle Boots and Poles Sign-Up Season Rate today-friday $70pr. Rent your ski package now and bring them back March 15th Jacobsorfs 8-12, 1-5 p01 Student Services! Weekend Rate, Thurs. thru Mon Weekly Rate $12 $18 . Shop Daily Rate $6 Call 351 -8000 Frandor Only JACOBSON'S OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL NINE MICHIGAN TRB FROM WASHINGTON STATE MEW! New oracles for the high temple UNIVERSITY By RICHARD LEE STROUT They don their holy black robes and the when they are opened by men like Earl ireeaom ol the votaries make their pleas. You can Warren and his group. property own„ » not "be sacrificed to give these m KEN LYNAM As the minutes ticked by with browbeat an oracle or at least try to: The So that is why the replacement of chance to have access ShoB- advertising a hideous, to in, ^ manager immeasurable a mile five-megaton monster buried deep on the earthquake line in the executive in this case almost jumped up and down contending that they must have members is so important. Mr. Nixon covered the country in 1968 attacking the places the . . . .'^TheTig^tsofn^^1^ Rehnquist philosophy S'" DAVE PERSON, managing editor foggy Aleutians that might or might not a "go" signal by 12:30, or abandon the court while it was a liberal body but now CHARLIE CAIN, city editor blow up the world, what did frightened awesome blast. that he has, in practical terms, switched it SKf!- Italians or what * of Jews! Irish have you. JOHN BORGER, campus editor Americans do? Why they did what everv The seers go into the holy of holies to to a conservative body he urges respect and BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor Greek would have understood 2500 consult the Mystery — America's Bible, observes sorrowfully, "I have noted with years It is RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor ago in the time of Herodotus, they hurried Talmud and Koran - the Constitution distress a growing tendency in the country breath-taking. He toin .u to consult the oracle, the Supreme Court. revealed two centuries ago, the original of to criticize the court as an institution." Judiciary Committee that he these views. hasd, Seven.time recipient of the The Supreme Court, make no doubt of which is piously preserved in an inert gas, Well, dear dear! This from the man who Why? - beeauJh t^a for outstanding journalism. Pacemaker award it, has an awesome, mystical, religious, hermetically sealed, in its own temple. said the court had abandoned the "peace Ih.t L because I have come to value very handy in a commanding respect in humdrum government in a materialistic Search the ancient instrument as they could the Seven found nothing in it about forces as against the criminal forces." than I did at the realize Li' To this court Mr. Nixon has nominated a time" that m ' age. No other modern nation has anything nuclear blasts and Amchitka was not even respectable Virginia conservative, Lewis really care about equality Riah.T0" quite like it; they have a King or Queen in mentioned. They came out. looking more 11964 Rehnquist Powell, who will surely be confirmed, and EDITORIALS some countries or a ceremonial president who stands above and behind the profound and mysterious than ever as join conservatives Burger and Blackmun, premier, augurs have since sacerdotal rites began, and a younger Goldwater conservative, but we consult the Court. like examining the entrails of chickens. William Rehnquist, whose views are such Nothing new in that! Should They reported 4-3 that they couldn't get that they can only be termed astonishing. The white people of this realize that a man who countrvrf™ Themistocles abandon Athens to Xerxes or an exact fix from the founding fathers but Only seven years ago he carried out what kicks blacks i! Trustees shou should he fight the naval battle of Salamis? — nobody knew, so he sent messengers hot foot off to Delphi which handed down its that, anyway, a majority felt they shouldn't Ifold up the show. It was put in nice legal lingo, not hexameters. amounts to a one-man crusade in Phoenix, Arizona, against a public accommodations teeth is not suitable Court," said NAACP Mitchell, and Joe Rauh for the spokesman i Sui law requiring drug stores to serve blacks, of ADA , judgment which nobody could understand, Talk about this institution as a simple and he did it on the basis of the holy rights reviewing Rehnquist's overall record™, partly because it was written in hexameter court! — it is vastly more than that. It is of private property. him "the most reactionary appoint- and partly because it was as skillfully the Supreme Court in the council's verse one of the most potent mystical adjuncts When the city council voted against his high 20th vague as a pollster's prediction before a of our government, by which the common volunteer effort unanimously, Rehnquist, Century close presidential election. man is kept in line, very handy in a who is an activist zealot, volunteered a So what do we do in Washington when democracy, by which he is sometimes letter to the local newspaper charging that Rehnquist doesn't just nourish the executive cannot, and the willing to suspend his judgment when prejudices in private: he writes legislature the "ordinance summarily does away with editors about them; he is an letters will not intervene? Like Lacedaemonians common sense points another way and by activist W the historic right of the owner of a drug The Washington Post we go to our Greek temple, and ask the which, on rare occasions, he is persuaded attacked Carsw' Monday night the East Lansing congestion on Grand River will not seven wise men (two seats are store, lunch counter or theater to choose nomination he volunteered a empty). to enter strange new paths of progress his customers." He pleaded that the letter vf City Council voted not to be relieved at all, but rather both the strange juxtaposition that broadeni recommend constructing a massive Grand River and the cross-campus of civil rights would bring "furti four-lane highway across the MSU route will experience capacity use. expansion of the constitutional criminal defendants, of rights campus. In doing so, the city council It has also been argued that pornographers of demonstrators." not only kept faith with their Lansing and Meridian Township need electorate, but also signaled the highway if they are to develop The Supreme Court will have community sentiment to the board further. Such a point is not without stagg-' questions to answer in the next of trustees. merit but, an interchange at Mt. generat'- We talk about Councilmen busing, for example, but' George Griffiths, Hope Road rather than Trowbridge is just the outward symbol; the problem George Colburn and Mayor Road would better serve the interests a nation divided between black slums Brookover are to be congratulated of all communities involved. leafy suburbs, with busing a desperate minute expedient to for fulfilling their campaign promises One of the major indictments bring them tog If busing fails the problem of "one by voting "no" Monday night. Their against the proposed route is that it divided" remains. And n.. action will help close the credibility would create a number of serious already there is new legal attack on it; the ne gap left by the past city councils. problems. The exhaust from about will be "zoning," not busing. Equally as important, their vote 48,000 passing cars by the campus showed the MSU trustees that not each day could critically affect plant Factories are emigrating from the i only the campus community but the and animal life studied by classes just slums to the suburbs but there they ft that restrictive zoning against ga- city government as well is against south of the tracks. In addition, the noise from the same number of cars apartments and row houses seg dividing the campus with four lanes families with low and moderate in - of concrete and cars. The trustees, would be disruptive to classes and Ford quits Newark and buys 200 a< who are meeting Friday to decide study efforts in the east and south a factory at Mahwah, New Jersey, but the matter, must necessarily view the complexes and married housing. 4200 Ford workers learn that they Both points are important live there unless they purchase homes council's rejection as especially an acre or so of land: the ordinances sfcnificant since it indicates a change considering the educative function of tight and fierce. It Is economic segrega" iHwdirection from past East Lansing » this Univefsity. not by race but by class. Sooner or " policy. The trustees will not want to The board of trustees logically can (you can count on it) this zoning issue retard this progress.. come to the Supreme Court. And w' only vote "no" Friday when the AGNEW SHOULD NOT BE REPLACED/ SAID SEN. GOLDWATER. 'I GUESS THAT RIGHT NOW kind of oracles are we putting in tl Clearly, the trustees have only one campus highway decision is made. HE IS MORE POPULAR IN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY THAN MR. NIXON.' When the students and the city Temple? logical decision - the cross-campus THE NEW REPUBLIC highway should not be built. The unequivocally reject the proposal argument that the highway will any other decision by the trustees benefit the would be tantamount to a breach of OUR READERS' MIND community is questionable at best. Very probably faith with the conmunity. No rights without property rights Advice to le To the Editor: While John Podulka claims in the Nov. most disturbing. This freedom without the freedom to own private property is simply paid a sizable portion of the value of his being rational, are willing to pay awor 12 Point of View that the freedom to live product, since in the aggregate, labor costs any amount up to his marginal product. a contradiction in terms. I cannot have are a large part of the receipts of a firm. decently and the freedom of self-determination over my life without the While we are here, we may as well dispel self-determination over one's life are more right to "the product of my life," which by Stay in the important than the freedom to own private property, we unfortunately are not told how his two freedoms are to be maintained the way does not and should not equal the value of the product I make, since other costs such as those of raw materials, the notion that laissez-faire capitalism leads to slave wages. If minimum wage laws were all that kept firms from dictating wages, we The freedom to live decently, other freedom, is meaningless property rights. Once the state assu~ like " witho would expect them to cluster around the control over personal property, t without property rights. interest, capital investment, dividends, and minimum. This is clearly not the case, not freedom to live decently is only valid at t The legislators have left a "closed The case of freedom of taxes are included in the price of the Thanksgiving will be a short three self-determination over one's life is the only because of labor unions, but also pleasure of the state, and is therefore n* for business" sign on their doors and product. However the worker is certainly because under competition employers, freedom at all, but merely an indulge days away. More likely than not, gone-a-hunting. they will use the coming holiday as granted by a temporarily kindly state, may be illustrated by the standard exam an excuse to postpone their work ART BUCHWALD of the Russian kulaks, whose freedom Monday at 7 a.m., deer season until the week after next. They will started in live decently suffered the ultira Michigan. Our legislators, then have two weeks to spend with violation once property rights disappea no longer able to hold back the theirwives and their $595 pop guns. foaming saliva that drooled down While millions look to the This point is even mentioned (but Teddy: I'm not running, pant their chins, voted last week to legislature to bring Michigan out of explored) by Podulka when he states t adjourn for this week and return the legal Dark Ages, representatives "the government would always have to Monday. It seems they had better and senators alike are out in the very responsive to the wishes o things to do like killing deer and woods with their pints of whiskey citizens" under his proposed social maybe another hunter - than sit at and their personal arsenals. system. The pertinent question wouifl WASHINGTON If the American home and We cannot help but wonder if our - NEW YORK — Sen. Edward Kennedy Johnny Carson Show, the Dick Cavett "How liKely is this to happen? but» try feebly to solve people are suspicious of Sen. Edward spent 14 hours in New York City yesterday never asked. However a quick 0 Show, the David Frost Show and the problems like abortion reform, doughty legislators might best serve Kennedy's political intentions, they in a whirlwind tour. A Kennedy aide said history books will show us that Late-Night Movie, stating he would not drugs. 18-year-old drinking and their constituencies by staying out in certainly cannot be blamed. Every time .that the senator from Massachusetts even government, although it has one ot t accept a draft at the convention in criminal law reform. the boondocks, thereby, allowing the you pick up the newspaper there is another wanted to take his message records of any in history, fal|s far s that he was not Miami. story about Teddy Kennedy confirming he a presidential candidate this necessary condition. Legislators are clever fellows. When people the option of election a new, personally to all Before leaving the city Kennedy visited a is not a presidential candidate in 1972. It the five boroughs. children's hospital, the women's house of they come back Monday, responsible government. isn't the denial that has people confused as much as where Sen. Kennedy denies it. The senator unequivocally denied any detention and made a surprise visit So even if the state does find it P°j As the campaign heats up we can expect higher political ambitions at a rally in backstage to shake hands with the cast of and profitable to automate when p Harlem, a Jewish temple in Queens, the ''Jesus Christ Superstar.'' firms, which need not worry a o more and more news stories on the subject. Sons of St. Patrick in Staten Island, the WASHINGTON — A spokesman for Sen. political consequences, do not, an . They might look like this: Brothers of Italy in Brooklyn and the Save Edward Kennedy said enough people would work wh^ Student pay WINDY FALLS, Iowa - Sen. Edward M. Kennedy told a cheering throng of 10,000 persons at the Windy Falls County Fair Yankee Stadium Citizens League in the Bronx. senator today that while the was flattered that he Muskie in both the Harris and was leading Gallup polls could get a livable income is) and a free education by not working, (wha e that he would not accept the presidential He then talked for an hour with Mayor and was half a point behind President find, given the kind of government man The University • has recommended nomination under any circumstances in John Lindsay in an effort to persuade Nixon, he still would not consider under experienced throughout history, exploitive. 1972. Lindsay not to start a grass-roots Kennedy any circumstances the race for President of freedom to live decently and the that graduate assistants and student Moreover, with the faculty and presidential campaign. the United States. of self-determination over ones The senator from Massachusetts said that employes receive a pay raise. staff receiving salary increases, it the people must defeat Nixon or the Before leaving New York, Kennedy rode Sen. Kennedy was unavailable for dependent upon freedom to own P To date, students have been left up Fifth Avenue in an open convertible comment as he was en route to property. seems only equitable that the country would be faced with inflation, Ireland, with his wife, Joan, hoping to discourage Italy and Israel where he hoped to explain out of the pay raise bonanza. student sector too, should receive a unemployment, drought and financial ruin. New Yorkers from considering him as a to those countries' leaders why he He called on the citizens of Iowa to turn Faculty and staff were recently given pay hike. Democratic hopeful. would not run in 1972. out the Republicans in 1972 and elect a pay hikes retroactive to July 1 the Optimumly graduate assistant and After the ride Kennedy appeared on the Copyright 1971, Los Angeles Times Democratic President from the fine list of date they normally would have student raises should include the candidates who were now running, of received the raise. same retroactivity bounty that the which he was not one. Students deserve the raise. The After his speech Sen. Kennedy visited an hmm...i'm not quite sure in all of mankind's history, faculty now enjoys. Unfortunately HOW I CAN PUT THI5, CHARLIE there has never 8een more current minimum rate pay on Indian reservation, a Mexican American Phase 2 guidelines to date rule out BK0UJN, WTLETME SETHIS. dama6e pone than by people migrant labor camp, a United Auto campus is $1.60 per hour for student any such joyous occurance. Thus the Workers communion breakfast, a chamber who "thought they were employes and $1.70 for student University is making the best of a of commerce awards banquet and made a d0in6 the right thing " workers in the residence halls and bad situation. short speech during half-time ceremonies at food services division. The University At this point, however, the student the Iowa State - Nebraska Tech pay scale is, in fact, lower than in body will undoubtedly be willing to homecoming game, reiterating his determination not to run for the highest some 'area stores considered to be take the cash and let the credit go. office in the land. Michigan StateNews, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 18, 1971 5 AMONG EDUCATORS ■ ' -J >le Views vary on °Perty,u By S.A. SMITH State News aaff Writer collective bargaining agents, the MSU Faculty Associates, bargaining withthebook. on campus faculty unions is included experiencedly capable enough to partnership approach to policy effectively effectively handle handle isrofessioral W0U,<1 l(T1. (MSUFA), an affiliate of the professioral development. » c.™ . The unionization of. .. . „ The attempt to organize at unions. 'fish, blifJ college Michigan Education Assn. Both AAUP and NEA take a and university faculties will be MSU has not proceeded with Terry H. Ferguson, in rather dim view of strikes by one of the" most imDortant a»nd '^1.^atl?"al amazing speed, which may in "Collective Bargaining in developments in hiohpr ^uc®tlon . (NEA), and the part be due to what Ralph S. Universities and Colleges," an professors, and NEA asserts that ld education in »i j.-Jj. » the next decade.'" American Assn. of University Brown Jr. calls the "traditional article which also appears it prefers "professional Seruti professo in the ' has chaiwj Myron Lieberman's prediction successfui in (AAUP), are obstacles to recruitment of mini-library, makes the sanctions" instead of strike their attempts to activities. he has has been echoed by experts in bargaining units — apathy, following capsulization of 1 f0Un the collective raise enough faculty support to timidity and outright hostility." Work, bargaining field, various agencies in the collective But not all writers on the ni hold an election, this University «»since, qJ and the actions — both national Brown, professor of law and bargaining race: matter of faculty unionization will join the 133 two and associate la' dean at Yale Law minoijyl does not speak to the consider campus unions :'ght down! contrary, "The AAUP appears to inevitable and beneficial, recognized bargaining agents. a a tip AAUP, wrote 'r who live off campus are asked to send their donation to the AFL-CIO leader weakness of its state and local affiliates, which paper are mostly organizations without >m the i having signed to preceding address. funds, facilities or personnel 21-120 Days experienced in bargaining." ire they New linst gard From there, Buege said, the The NEA, on the other hand, York-Bombay or Delhi-New York to remain is, in Lieberman's estimation, j,rry Buege, special student money will be sent to the Pay s et - segrega incora spokesman for the drive National Pakistani refugee fund on financially strong and s45000 200 acres I _ the trend toward women where it will be divided equally MI.M, „kaf_ rsey, but ming the fast has continued, between Catholic Relief Agency, _ , J a" i , 14 million members in 117 according to their terms," it they t of the resident halls report UNICEF, Church World Service, .p . , 'eaaers deciaea unions, and others on the except for review in certain > homes' dinances i Hly twice as many women as International Rescue pilling to join the fast. Committee, Care, President JS? Nixon's Pay Board decided 35-man toexecutive remain on the board council, cases, sources said. college travel despite what they called efforts while launching a fight in the Goldinger had confirmed this ■van house in Brody Hall International Red Cross. Tuesday night by Industry and pubfce members federal courts and Congress 130 w-Qrand River male participation with 24 These organizations, he said, to harass them into quitting and cent of its occupants willing ., lL „ aimed at striking " down — Nixon's 351-6010 fast. Buege said there has 11 distribute the products blame them for any failure ot economic controls, the source logical explanation for purchased rrhaspH with with thethe money monev to to , new w wa6e * controls, it was ^ii. said. ... the refugees. Individual percentages for learned" "There is no such thing as us "We legislative are - going to go legal and that's the route we "I put a lot of bread irticiDatinc halls of 4 the board>. a source are going to take, but w. as D.m. said, who was in the closed get Qff the board," a source said, we won't into a down payment on my new car meeting of the big labor Sources said Meany's chief federation's powerful executive council. That panel made the Gold economist, Nathaniel finger, reported And I'm not going to blow it!' uition hike at Wayne "consensus" decision to remain "harassment" by public and on the board and fight its rulings industry members of the 15-man from within. iolates rules, IRS says board at Tuesday's session in ts IETR01T (UPI) — The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has "It's better to participate on which labor's the Pay Board rather than be on retroactive the outside looking in," the the minutes of the plea for full pay was left out of meeting, armally notified Wayne State University that its ?0 per cent source said about the decision ** It is harassment and an tion increase for the winter quarter, which started this week, that will be presented formally i not in attempt to discourage us and conformity with the government's Phase 2 price to the AFL-CIO convention force us to walk out, but we itrol regulations. Thursday. won't," the source said. ieorge E. Gullen Jr., acting school president, said after The 15-man Pay Board has five The five labor members were ,yl like eiving the notices Tuesday that the university would revert to members each from labor, voted down 9 to 5 on their ss witho old tuition rates at once but planned an appeal of the decision. industry and the public. George proposal that "existing contracts eti assura Ie expressed concern that the decision, issued by the IRS Meanv, president of the labor an(j policies previously set forth »perty, ional office in Cincinnati, was made before the university had federation that numbers nearly wjn be allowed to valid at t operate opportunity to presen; information justifying the increase. refore not The university legal office was told by the Internal Revenue indulgen "vice that its opinion ss based upon newspaper reports of the ■ state. driexamp T1 tion increase," Gullen said. "It is our intent to leal this immediately THfinKSGIVinG SCHEDULE ruling." THANKSGIVING HOLIDAYS SPECIAL WEDNESDAY SERVICE- freedom 'nder the new tuition schedule approved by WSU's Board of eultima vernors last Thursday, tuition would be increased from $528 LEAVING EAST LANSING TO isappeare* $636 for undergraduates from Michigan and from $1,470 to ,764 for out-of-state undergraduates. d(but Students protesting the increase, and claiming that Wayne's tion lias more than doubled in the DETROIT states I past five years, launched a tition drive to denounce it and said 1:25 P.M. Express 5:25 P.M. Local have to they collected more than 8:40 A.M. Local [00 signatures in three days. >ul!eii said the 8:41 A.M. Express 3:30 P.M. Express 7:15 P.M. Express university would be forced to drastically curtail 12:00 Noon Express 4:25 P.M. Express 8:25 P.M. Express 'grams without the additional revenue generated by the new ''tion schedule. OUR MAN IN I East Lansing | THIS" You worked hard for that new car of yours. Now all have to do is take care of it. Part of it's you FREE VW CAR WASH mm gasoline. Amoco®. The type most manuals recommend. using the right new car owner len it possil pri" Saturday, Nov. 20th CRD G£T Amoco is specially formulated for your new car's anti¬ pollution engine. Made to help it run better, longer. And about and even yhen th 9-12:00 YOU! Amoco can double the life of your tail pipe and muffler compared to fully leaded gasolines; spark plugs last orking, atever ' OUT Of : George Perpich Greyhound Terminal longer, too. ,, tn man that 1972 Town' 308 W. Grand River That's why more new car buyers use Standard gasolines than any other brand. When it comes to ie freedfl MODELS ON Dl high-quality s•life persoi If! A HURRY/, f**0""' gasolines, you can depend on Amoco and the other gasolines at Standard. AH the time. @ n D.Smi "°w So now that you've got that new car, you can count on. use the gasoline III. seni 15,19' Coffee & Donuts for You.?: You've got a new car We've got a new car gasoline. 5 MoWoij, i^AaTvtufa^ Q | r hum uACfc(jtOJ the crowded room. And then around and waited for someone Education Management Systems they begin to get down to else to bring up a new issue. The (NCHEMS) at the University of s and settle the issues. conclusions they reached were Colorado in^ Boulder as part of ford, Chrysler who The name Private Schine is mentioned again and again, but he unclear, yet clear what was perfectly the center's Visiting Scholar was that things were going Program, is and what is his on that everyone on that hearing Richard L. Featherstone, relation to the hearings is left committee didn't want out in former chairman of the Dept. of jr price iecrease unknown. Fingers begin to point and everyones' attention focuses the open. Administration and Higher Education, will develop a paper contains the type of conceptualizing college and Joe McCarthy, the IeTROIT (UPI) Ford Motor Co. and Oirysler Corp. on _ junior . , . " have This film llallv asked the Federal Price Commission for permission to Senator from Wisconsin, and the true drama that could never be univerSity departmental ■' newest spokesman for the management systems, which is prices of 1972 model cars and trucks. American people. recreated. The emotions are real expected to lead to the funding Key were the first auto manufacturers to ask the government He smugly smiles and then and deep seated in the hearts of of a similar ject at the center I higher prices under President Nixon's Phase 2 economic the politicians who knew very NCHEMS looks down at his seeks the Iffram. The requests were confirmed Wednesday, paper, leaning back like a man in command of well that the entire nation was improvement of institutional fceneral Motors Corp., the largest U.S. car maker, has thus far the show and then watching every move, especially management, statewide ■cliiied to say whether it will or will not ask for higher car slowly Sen. near the end when McCarthys although it is generally believed that GM will follow the delivers his sentences accenting his words carefully to drive Sen. Joseph R. It. Joseph wax foundations coordination began to melt, decision-making affecting and national higher them home to "The American McCarthy gestures defiantly during a scene from "Point of Order," education. K'either Ford nor Chrysler would reveal how much of an People. depicting excerpts from his stormy career as the junior senator from Wisconsin. McCarthy's ruthless The NCHEMS program in Lease has been requested. They were expected to ask for at It is . ... . a IU ■ ■ destruction of individuals still concerned not only with the immediately obvious that It 2.5 per cent, the price commission's overall guideline limit he is an extremely powerful man a , . . immunity fragments. The outlook for the Joe McCarthy. Other people echos in the halls of Congress conception, formulation and T price increases. and is feared by everyone in the e. j.u"1(\r as cswblisnea. senator thinks he next eighty minutes seemed like it came into the film to take their and occasionally a new figure is development of tools that will I When new 1972 models were announced and before the Phase 1 was going to be confusing, but beating and then either reincarnated in the specter that facilitate these goals, but also courtroom for what he could do, Senator laughs off the then, slowly, an exciting drama e freeze went into effect Aug. 15, all the auto but rebounded or fell flattened and McCarthy left behind. With with the training of users and fresh winds are s announced price increases averaging about 5 per cent. quickly soft jobs like it is all in emerged that caught hold of me left behind the introduced and his opponent Joe Sood fun. but his gaze is hard until I was as hearings people like Spiro T. Agnew potential users of such tools, ^They Were forced by the price freeze to rol! back on the hike highly involved in the moved on. Welch, representing the Army, and cold and you can see the main battle between two lid sell new models at levels of equivalent 1971 cars. begins his campaign to chisel brutality and strength of this powerful figures. Joe Welch and This Sat. and Sun. from burly man who rolls up his 10-closing sleeves to await his turn. for those over 21 Which allows the junior Senator to take the foreground at first, but then, slowly, with a Washington Post $1.00 cover WOOLIES Capital'Ckpsules '(i j u ) i a steady pounding rhythm begins to crack the very foundations that has raised the Senator to the foreground of American otters student jobs Blues, Boogie, & Jug Band Music AT THE ImflSSION BMMIbMUN (PSC) tr&c; \\^dnesdav weanesaay a meeting of was leading them "down a dead politics in "four short years. Michigan's Economic Expansion end street called defeat " This documentary is true The Washington Post has No tared a moratorium on rate a previous journalism Council, Whitmer said "all URM State Chairman mer job openings for George presentation of the hearings experience is necessary, but it ■cre?.sJe ■nsolidated uasoo. , - n n lc ga indicators point to a banner year for h. Behrends charged that Gov. without imposing the bias of a students with an interest lid be nice. Reporting, Michigan's economy during Milliken seemed unwilling to go narrator. The film allows the journalism and writing ability. photography and editing a?-ja-«ao |SC chairman Willis F Ward |d that Michigan Consolidated 1972." The gross state product is the through with a promised summit viewer to take up the issues and Interested students should positions are available. MM BftjAiowpfR arrow FPIMI COML usm rooo owws BwrsBtainuneivT I not receive another rate totai cf p!1 goods and services conference with the state's to relive them without giving contact the Student Irease for 14 months, barring conservative Republicans prejudged insights on the event. Employment Office of the produced in Michigan. At first the film seemed Placement Bureau before the ■ increase in the wholesale cost I gas. the Wholesale gas rates Whitmer cited Michigan's are successful industrial "I lessen in have learned a valuable politics from this last helplessly lost in unsortable Dec. 1 deadline for further information. We took our cameras to Copenhagen jurisdiction of the diversification programs in bit of silliness," Behrends said, al Power Commission. falling the rate agreement modular housing, farm product processing, technology based in reference to what he called "the cloak and dagger and meticulously filmed an incredible ^ inflationary," Ward said industries, plastics and wood and melodrama" occurring over the t "the the moratorium utility's customers I providing stability in the "will paper production, Whitmer said if economic proposed meetinlg' between the factions within the party. documentary. FOR PERSONS OVER 18YRS.OF AGE. forecasts hold up, Michigan's cethey pay for gas during this GSP will have more than crucial period our doubled during the last ten plODUCT (GSP) ic history." ■MICHIGAN'S GROSS STATE may rise years. SPOKESMAN FOR THE A MIND-BOGGLING DISPLAYI" -S. F. CHRONICLE UNITED Republicans of p $50 million next year, Michigan (URM), the tate Commerce Director conservative wing of the party, lichard E. Whitmer said in a said Wednesday that the Republican leadership in Lansing Now the amazing experiment from Denmark, where there is no censorship. Filmed entirely on location at and during Denmark's most controversial Sex Fair. This statement cannot be made by any other motion picture. • •In October of 19(>9, Copenhagen be "Now, after several months of painstak¬ came the first city in the world to present an ing editing, our film is completed. It is the exposition of pornography. It was called Se* first film of its kind, and we are proud of it. '69, and it atti f thousands of F.verv incredible scene is authentic. Nothing . Moi 1 400 is faked, and nothing is concealed. there. And we were there. "We have presented social conditions in "We Hew to Copenhagen with our cam¬ Denmark as tliey really are—without com¬ "The most exciting eras and a crew of professional filmmakers, promise. without fiction. We have been ■. ,".S,uPerb P0,',i(fll ,heD,r«- I ton',,udeil like a prizefight. In the middle rounds new movie of l or seven long days and nights we shot film. "We spent many hours at the exposition. "We invite you t< r film if the sub- ^ the opponents get down to serious slugging... We \ isited bookstores, theatres and private ject matter is of int sc\ clubs. We saw the making of pornog- you have any reser "BRILLIANT! Possesses, like mescaline, raphy, the sale, distribution and the exhi- then don't. Now it's some chemical means of heightening hilion of it. We interviewed people, and we ohser\ed a free societx We meticulously re¬ oil one's senses without going so for as . corded every thing on film. to induce hallucinations. A precious document of Americon history." — Brendan Gill, New Yorker Mogazint Alex deRenzy's ONE OF THE MOST IMPRESSIVE ARTHUR WHIftlAW anp GENE PfRSSOM MOVIES THAT'S COME OUT IN A LONG TIME. For stroight courtroom II Censorship a new approach. in Denmark: drama, I don't think there's anything as exciting. No fictioneer, no pamphleteer, no dramatist could have created the characters that the camera YOU'RE A 6000 MAM 99 i \ /A f 11m IASTMANCOIOR ' ■ MEN * WOMEN OVER ^ yEARS Qp AQ£ by Alex deRenzy, Paul Gerber. Jack Kerpan and Michael Martin. Produced and directed by Alex deRenzy:The Screening Room,San Francisco, California. Distributed by Sherpix. Inc. 'You no sense of decency, sir, at long last?' Tonight in 106B CmUBBKOm RATED X Admission $1.50 TONIGHT 100 Engineering wekh ines in revulsion, 'Hove FRIDAY NOVEMBER 19 8:15 P.M. Showtimes 7:00 8:15 - 9:30 10:30 0 you left w 7 3.45 - sens£ °' decency?' -ond the spectators 10.20 UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM hurst into sustoined applause." qq TICKETS AT THE UNION AND AT THE DOOR Please note:because Censorship jn Denmark totally transcends anything we have previously ONE HOUR BEFORE PERFORMANCE shown, the age restriction will be stringently enforced. Those without ID will not be POINT OF ORDER! F»lm of the Army-McCarthy Hearings *4.00 '3.50 53.00 MSU STUDENTS J3.00 *2.50 *2.01 355-3361 admitted. If your MSU ID is dated 1953, you must bring an ID that shows Dorm meal passes are not acceptable. YOU MUST BE 18 OR OVER. NO EXCEPTIONS. your birthdate. Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Thursday, NoVemh„r, AIDS MICHIGAN CONSUMERS Cheated? Visit state council Bvy ROBERT BAO students- have inundated the damage deposits have evaporated unscrupulous businessmen. - - If Mirhican Michigan Consumers Consumers Council Council ai-p are now hpinu invpsti now being investigated0a t.pH hv by a a r a complaint is clearly The beSt way to avoid .. — • « , since its creation Jan. 1, 1970, special houseconimittee headed fa|Hll(, backed bv |aw thon it win bt, prey to rip-0ff schemes is to referred to the appropriate "Send in $1 and we'll tell you according to Dianne McKaig, by Rep. Earl E. Nelson, beware of any claim or how to double your money!" executive director of the D-Lansing in a series of public bargain office. For example, that seems too good to be true, the ad roars. You send in your council. hearings throughout the state. misrepresentation by car dealers an(j to scrutinize the fine dollar and get the following Though the number of Another mmon student print will be referred to the State before signing any contract. answer: "Just fold your money complaints is increasing by leaps complaint is the breakdown of Dept., cases of out-and-out fraud in two." and bounds, a recent study are turned to the Attorney used cars a few days after they But if one is ripped-off, what General's office, and instances of Ripped-off. indicates that they may can be done after the fact? are bought. A man comes to your door, represent no more than 1 per contaminated food will be Many students have also been introduces himself as an cent of the total number of victimized The answer depends on turned over to the Food and by door-to-door advertising man, and claims you rip-offs which occur, Ms. McKaig salesmen peddling products and whether the rip-off was clearly Drug Administration. have just won a free prize. One said. panaceas ranging from magazines or merely unethical. In hour later, you sign a contract to The vast majority of rip-offs and kitchen utensils to f88^ solution is to contact mos.t If, on the other hand, the buy the "free prize", an are unreported because the immortality, the complainant merely feels encyclopedia, for $500. victims either are unaware of the Michigan Consumers Council in cheated, the council can A sentimentalist carved this heart into the bark of a tree growing in the natural reserve Ripped-off again. means of rectification, or are Another pitfall that students Lansing. expedite the recovery of money. State News photo aret A famous brand is advertised hesitant to complain for fear of by have reported is buying MikeDeGro* at 50 per cent below its usual embarrassment, or both. something on an installment ^ price. Skipping your 9:10 a.m. By comparison, the East plan, and having to keep on class, you fight the Grand River Lansing Police Dept. estimates Avenue traffic, arrive at the that more than 30 per cent of paying even if the product is Cla defective because the original or to store four minutes after it opens, rapes are reported. go seller sold the contract to a but alas, you are told the brand The most frequent student financial institution which is out of stock. complaint is that security denies responsibility for the Ripped-off again and again and deposits are gobbled up by product's failure, again. landlords even when no By WARREN BRANZBURG So begins a pamphlet For them, the small claims and you feel that More than 1,500 such apartment damage is ascertained, taking your filed the council win Students are generally published by the Michigan division of the Michigan District case, even to a small claims complaints—many filed by MSU The mysterious ways in which Consumers Council entitled. Court system is set up to handle the party aeainst court, would be overdoing claim is made . uCont,c unsophisticated when it comes "If J person or a store has to shopping, and consequently, cheated you, and you feel and attc t "" they Claims Court." they are the favorite targets of owe you money or satisfaction, simplest and most direct option available to you, tty» Many firms, consc ious of ARE YOU COMING confidence men, gyp artists, there is something ••-ethical retailers and about it." you can do Say ^ you purchase _ an^VgTv«"you nothing" a used car but manner. No lawyers • permitted and Michigan Consumers Council. Though the primary function no bad own wrong-doings and wishin their trouble. You take it back to the the filing of only $5 is of the council is to advise the pubUd^wirJiT claim during this initial dealer asking that the defects be refunded should you win. You TO THE corrected. He refuses. What do present your own case and you do? don't have to be versed in legal you Michigan Legislature on consumer issues, it also has set If not procedures there available Up a unit to handle consumer — The council is not Or your landlord tells you he jargon. allowed ORGY? is going to deduct $10 from The judge listens to both sides your rental deposit to have your of the dispute and makes his complaints, give legal advice, but it By calling the council's suggest'"you "see''aTaJ" complaint division or going to its initiate action in Small yei carpets cleaned. There is no decision based on the arguments, offices in the Hollister ----- Claims mention of this in your lease and His decision is final. No appeals in Building Court. ~ Lansing, you can register a Beyond advising the legislature your carpets are not stained or art> allowed. complaint, fill out a fact sheet and dirty beyond normal wear and But say your magazine and learn the several handling complaints, th tear. How can you get your subscription stops though you action open to you. courses of council council serves still another money back? have not stopped paying for it, important function consul - After a complaint has been education. The answer is simple. Take him to court. "Court" immediately brings to mind complex legal proceedings involving expensive lawyer's fees and court costs, so many people are reluctant to take a dispute to court. 37 WASHING MACHINES in the Northeast hallway in North were reported missing to MSI three MSU residence halls were Kedzie Hall between 1 a.m. and police Tuesdav and Wednesday A MAN'S damaged Tuesday night when vandals apparently used prying 9:45 p.m. Tuesday, according to police. Permit number F5123 froi McDonel, F3982 from Ea devices to remove money from A MAN the machines. Police estimate Holmes. McDonel, and F0440 one also froj bicycle will A Comedy that $2615 worth of damage and A PINBALL MACHINE in the no permit from Wells Hall wet With Original Music by loss resulted from the incidents West Wilson grill was robbed reported missing. WILLIAM MOULTON in Tuesday night, according to M,cDo%l, WllSttn, and V NOV 18 - 21 8:15p.m. Wonders Halfe. police. Damage and lost money A TAPE RE COR DEI ARENA Theatre - was estimated at $50. A GREEN SOFA valued at estimated to be worth SlOOwi $1.00 at door reported stolen from 24 $100 was reported missing from Student Services Bldg. between A CALCULUS AND 5 p.m. on Nov. 16 and 7:30a.i ANALYTICAL geometry book on Nov. 17. was reported stolen to police by a student in West Akers Hall. TWO TAPE RECORDER, The student told police he was valued at $400 were reporiei eating in the cafeteria at the stolen from 37 Agriculture Bldj time and had left the book on between Oct. 20 and Nov. 16 RHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHA the coat rack outside the cafeteria. When he returned, it police said, was missing. THE MSU POLICE are proui PRESENTS to announce that for the firs time in recorded history, Officer Kelly turned in his repott BREWSTER "Something else" from the director of M*A*S*H METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER presents "BREWSTER MCCIOUD" su™g BUD CORT SALLY KELLERMAN • • MICHAEL MURPHY Script. Adaptation and Dialogues by FRANCOIS TRUFFAUTand JEAN GRUAULT Co-stamng WILUAM WINDOM are! RENE AUBERJONOIS Whiten* DORAN WILLIAM CANNON Directed by ROBERT ALTMAN Produced wih JEAN-PIERRE CARG0L Ftimed m WVNAVSlON*and METRXOLOR by UXIAOUH JEAN DASTE FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT and FRANCOISE SEIGNER Cameraman NESTOR ALMENDR0S Produced by IES films du carosse les productions artistes assqcies Tonight in Wilson Aud. Tonight in Brody Southwest 7, 9 Dining Hall 7, 9 Students, faculty and staff only I.D.'s required s1.00 admission RHARHARHARIHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHA Ijgan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 18, 1971 9 Health center practices emergency The doors of the procedures University Health Center fling open and four victims by Barbara Benington, nurse supervisor at the center. The police and fire department rescue vehicles begin rushing in 10 /ake injuries were boigow.ed from the Navy Reserve post in Tndaning. battered persr SPORTS- ,e ^ Daigneau gives Wildcats By MIKE ABERLICH an aerial circm State News Sports Writer For a while It looked as If the Northwestern Wildcats were going to roll over and play dead in the race for Big Ten football leadership, but head coach Alex Agase would have none of that. Agase, last year's national "coach of the year," after a crushing 24-7 defeat at the hands of Dlinois, has managed to get his Wildcats rolling once again over the last two weeks with much - needed wins over Minnesota (41-20) and Ohio State with those two contests out of the (14-10). And way, all that stands in front of the Wildcats' path to a second place finish is Saturday's MSU game. OSU, technically, could also finish second in the league race but they would have to overhaul Michigan for that honor. As a result, the winner of the MSU - Northwestern clash most likely will be awarded second place. Michigan has already clinched the first place spot and with it is Pasadena - bound for the Rose Bowl, but pulling a second place finish behind the third - ranked Wolverines would be a feather in the cap for eitherAgase or Spartan coach Duffy Daugherty. And both are dead set on showing off that feather. On offense for the 'Cats, there's quarterback Maurie Daigneau, thought by many to be the league's top passer. Daigneau was the key to Northwestem's resurgence last year and was also one of the prime reasons the Wildcats tarnished the Spartans last year, Seated for six 23-20, a win that snapped an MSU hex over the Wildcats at 11 Northvysstem's Barry Pearson (21) is seen above catching season and is tops in the circuit again this of his two touchdown passes from Maurie season with games. one Daigneau in game left to play. Wildcat quarterback Daigneau has thrown 247 passes and competed 119 this year a game in East Lansing last November that caused MSU's in the conference in Daigneau is for a whopping total of 1,670 yards and six passing. ^ touchdowns, and downfall, 24-20. Pearson led the conference in receiving last State News photo when he unleashes them, he is usually by Jeff Wilner aiming for star receiver Barry Pearson. It was Pearson who gathered in two long Daigneau bombs last Possibly three Spartans /< year in the win over MSU. The senior from Geneseo, 111., was the Big Ten's leading receiver last year, and is well on his way to repeating the trick depending on his performance against the Spartan secondary, which will be Maurie Daigneau minus the services of Brad VanPelt. Everything you need to know about in Even when Pearson is tied up, Daigneau has a capable receiver junior speedster Jim Lash. Lash came off the bench late in the opener against Notre Dame a sophomore last year and caught miss season Venereal Disease. three passes for 46 yards, and has been starting ever since. By RICK GOSSELIN fifth in the conference for his fourth down The combined threat of Lash and Pearson downfield makes it State News Sports Editor kicks, totine a 39 How to avoid getting it. yard per kick average. difficult for any defense to attempt double coverage on either. Simpson has been the number one safety back • What to do if you think you have it. Daigneau, a 6-2, 195 - pounder from Rochester, Minnesota, is The MSU Spartans have problems this week, problems of trying and saw his greates service time In up all se closing in on many of the Northwestern school records. In his to field a healthy football team for Saturday's game Wl. Sound advice for a worried friend. Saturday's battle with Minnesota. He made good use of his time in that first start against Ohio State in 1969, he Northwestern for second place in the conference. game by pickin completed 22 of 36 off two of Gopher passes, though one was called back oi passes to break Otto Graham's school record for The major loss to the Spartans was Brad completions in a VanPelt, who suffered penalty. Simpson can also run back punts. game. And that was only an indication of what was to come. a dislocated left shoulder and was operated on He has been definitely ruled out Sunday morning. Daugherty will insert sophomore Bob Mills in at center pendin Three weeks ago Daigneau surpassed VD Tommy Myers' career by team doctors. tug mark of 21 tQuchdown passes to again put his name in the record But the offensive line is hobbled, too. Center Bob McClowry's availability to play. Mills has seen extended ac McClowry is this season and has proven himself books. nursing an inflamed elbow. The Dearborn center suffered the capable at the post. "Mills is a fine young ball player," severe bruise against Minnesota and is listed as doubtful for the we won't be Daugherty said, "and wefo losing any effectiveness by having hiin in there." Saturday contest. Brian McConnell has been a&a This Sat. and Sun. from 10 Tackle Errol Roy, the only senior on the working in Roy's spot this week. Ti — closing have played his last game as a offensive line, may 6 foot 5, 214 - pound New - - Jersey native will be seeing actio Spartan against Minnesota, as he is at his third position in two years. McConnell was recruited as for those over 21 handicapped in practice this week with a sore leg. His practic? tight end, but was switched after his sophomore season durii time is restricted to jogging and he too is listed as doubtful for spring drills to the defensive end post. Earlier this season tL the Evanston clash. by John Grover, M.D. with Dick Grace 2S WOOLIES "We been all were banged up more in the Minnesota game than we have year," MSU Coach Duffy Daugherty said. Spartan coaching staff shifted McConnell to the offensive line in beefing - up procedure. One player that will be At your bookseller or, to order by Blues, Boogie, & Jug Band Music The Spartan mentor feels he has ready for the Wildcats in Eric Alia mail send $4.95 (cloth) or $2.^5 capable replacements for all who moved into the national statistics leaders in AT THE three players, be the case that none of them a secon (paper) plus sales tax and postage play. category with his performance against Minnesota. Allen, wh In Van Pelt's slot, with your name and address to: M IPRENTICE-HALL Daugherty has inserted sophomore Bill ranks fifth in rushing, dropping from the number four spot of I# ^rjEnglewood Clitlt, N. J. 07 Simpson, better known for his punting heroics. Simpson is ranked week, with an average of 138 yards per game. But the slcndi speedster jumped into the scoring race with his four touchdown against the Gophers and is situated in third place with an aver^ LIEBERMANN'S Help Wanted - of 10.4 points per game. The Spartans are averaging as a ta.. slightly over 22 points per contest. Allen's 17 touchdowns plot him two ahead of Oklahoma's Greg Pruitt and three in front ol for Santa's Helper Alabama's Johnny Musso. Penn State's much run away with the race, Lydell Mitchell has prettj having chalked up 25 scores will two games still to play. Need Santa's Helpers to take photos of children GIVE THE NATION with Santa at Meridian Mall. No Previous BACK TO ITS PEOPLE Experience Necessary. Any Age. Full or Part - time John W. Gardner, Chairman Common Cause during holiday season — from Nov. 22 thru Dec. 24. Weekdays and weekends. Apply - Mr. Joe Sooners reportedly Former Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Byrd, Meridian Mall 19823 E. Grand River Ave., Who said citizen action is futile? Populism in the nineteenth century left an indelible mark on the Okemos, Mich. Interviews Mon., Nov. 22, 1 p.m. Phone 349-4800. Sugar Bowl-bound nation. Citizen action won the vote for women in NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - Unbeaten and second i 1920 and brought the abolition of child labor. The Oklahoma has accepted a bid to play in the Sugar Bowl and wi labor movement, the civil rights play undefeated and fifth-ranked Auburn, a newspaper reporte movement, the peace movement, the conservation movement — all Tuesday. began with concerned citizens. If we had waited for The paper said it learned the Sooners voted to the government or Congress or the accept a Si parties to initiate Bowl invitation and would any of them, we'd still be waiting. Try to think of a officially announce the decis significant movement in our national life that was Saturday, the earliest date a team can accept a bid according t initiated by the bureaucracy. Or by NCAA regulations. Congress. Or by Oklahoma is brandishing a 9-0 season record and is 1 the parties. For a while, we lost confidence in our contention for the nation championship which could be decide capacity to act as citizens, but the citizen is getting back to his by the game with Nebraska Thanksgiving Day. feet. And citizen action is taking on a Auburn, currently No. 5 in the nation, could assume the thin tough minded professional edge it never had before. Never has our spot with a win over unbeaten and untied Alabama when th" society needed more desperately the life-giving meet Nov. 27. spark of citizen action. We must make our instru¬ The 1971 Oklahoma team leads the ments of self-government work. We must halt the country in total offe with an average of 563 yards a game, leads in rushing offense witl abuse of the public interest by self-seeking special an average of 481 yards and leads in scoring with an average of 4. interests. The points. special interests buy favor through campaign gifts. What flows back is literally scores of billions of dollars in tax breaks, in lucrative defense contracts, in favored treatment of certain regulated industries, in tolerance of monopolistic practices. And the tax¬ payer foots the bill. To combat such pervasive corruption, we must strike at the two instruments of corruption in ROUTE OF THE CHIEFTANS public life—money and secrecy. To combat the corrupting power of money, we must control campaign spending and Indian Trails lobbying, and require full disclosure of conflict of interest on the MATCHED part of public officials. To tear away the veil of secrecy, we must enact PEN-PENCIL SETS "freedom of information" or "right to know" statutes which require that the public business be done Has (7) Buses Every Day pub¬ licly. And that's only a beginning. We can regain command of our instruments of self-government. To accomplish this, each citizen must become an activist, especially the college student with his I use To Chicago and intermediate stops at: newly acquired right to vote. He must make his voice a few good miracles departing • in chrome $1 heard. Common Cause, a national citizens' lobby, BATTLE CREEK and KALAMAZOO with buses at these respective times Towards j • in 1 2 kt. gold filled S1 was created to accomplish just that. It hoped to en¬ along about now. SOUTH BEND roll 100,000 members in its first year, and got that BENTON HAfcBOR | • in 14 kt. gold filled number in 23 week's! On its first anniversary, it had Like a miracle of love. And a miracle of Leaving 8:45 a.m. 6:55 200,000 members. dedication and concern for our fellow man. East Lansing 2:15p.m. 11:15a.m. • in sterling silver s5 This is the work of the Priests and Brothers At: 6:15 p.m. 5:15 p.m. of Holy Cross. To serve our fellow man, and 11:35 p.m. Tliiwi' Initials • It lolned with environmental groups to defeat the SST. to make the world a better place in which to Buses Departing for engraved FREE live. What about you? If a total commitment • It brought the first real challenge in a generation to II tyrannical seniority system In Congress. is what you're looking for, Join us. Odds are Flint you'll never turn water into wine, but you with Bay City and Saginaw Connections will help turn hatred into love. And that is Leave 9:15 am 5:30 pm the greatest miracle of them all. East Lansing 12:50 p.m. 7:40 pm , . at: 2:40 pm 9:30 pm Sundays on? j There is much more to do. And the time to do it is ,_HOLY CROSS PRIESTS AND Phone East Lansing Bus Terminal now. The American people are tired of being bilked BROTHERS., for arrival and departure schedules r and Name manipulated. It's time to give this country back and information Street 332-2569 ■ Rev. William Melody Air Conditoned - Rest Room ! Sf. Joseph Hall Daluxa Coaches Available For Charter EAST LANSING Thit space is contributed as a - 209 E. Grand River Notre Dame, Ind. 46556 People Service by The Van Heusen Company Writs or Call Owosso, Mich, toll FREE DOWNTOWN - 107 S. Washington 800 - 292-3831 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 18, 1971 SPORTS- [ion rebound? harriers need to 'dig' se ti :hmidt L Detroit Lions have their backs to the wall once again. [i season, the Lions were faced with the task of winning their ■ five games Iff of the season if they had any hope of attaining a berth- The Lions played four teams during that span that Monday By GARY KORRECK State News Sports Writer s NCAA meet Kennedy era in the late '50s. "We can win," said Gibbard but he was quick to add that there were reservations T topped or tied for the division lead. The Lions knocked off coinciding with his statement. "As we have all year long," he said, "we will have to work on e opponents, made the playoffs, but fell to Dallas in the MSU's harriers picked up some gold last week when they won our fifth man." id, 5-0. their second straight Big Ten title but they'll have to do a lot of Ron Cool and Steve Rockey have been [■ mUSt win the final five games of this season if it has any digging to come up with any in the NCAA meet in Knoxville, alternating as the Spartans fifth man this season and it was Rockey's sprint that I for a possible Super Bowl entry. The Lions stand at 5-3-1 on Tenn. Monday. nipped Jason Lindsey of Indiana in the Big Ten final last week, r including losses to Minnesota, Chicago and Los Angeles, Over 40 teams and 330 runners are competing in a field spiced ftie was to the Green Bay Packers. with many favorites. securing an eight point MSU victory. T "If either Ron or Steve would run to his n't count us out," Lion Head Coach Joe Schmidt said. Oregon, last year's team winner is definitely a favorite, as is capabilities," said Ive been in tough situations before and have come through. A their top runner Steve Gibbard, "it is conceivable we could win the NCAA title." Brefontaine, last year's individual winner. Gibbard's "game plan" is similar to the one he desired in the ir us at Chicago this week would put us ahead of the Bears Villanova, second to Oregon by a point last season, and Penn, ■the way things have been going all around the league these Big Ten meet. edged by Villanova in the recent IC4A meet, are rated the top "We're going to try and stay as a group for the first three X there is no way of knowing what it's going to take to make teams in the East. miles," he said. "We'll see what happens after that." Layoffs We know we are still alive. We know we have to win Villanova also offers Marty Liquori, an Olympic hopeful, who Gibbard also said, "We want our group to be near the front, was 9th in the last year's meet. naturally, but we're not going to go out and chase anybody." V Lions lost last week to the Rams. Detroit led in the contest Washington State, Pacific Eight champs, and Kansas State of A fast Spartan start in the Big Ten meet enabled the harriers to ie time, that being after the first score when Errol Mann the Big Eight are the Western threats along with a solid Brigham build up a decided edge over an Indiana «u a 37-yard field goal. Young unit of the WAC. squad which was slow getting off the mark. (e Rams roared back and overturned the Lions on passes from Along with MSU and Indiana of the Big Ten, Bowling Green Gibbard commented that the group effort would an Gabriel to Lance Rentzal. Rentzal caught two touchdown and Miami (Ohio) of the MAC are the hopefully top Midwestern teams. eliminate the possibility of a runner lts, which was the margin of victory in the 21-13 Ram win. Garry Bjorklund of Minnesota, who sat out last year's NCAA falling back and "getting lost" in the pack. ,e 'yons will face the first obstacle on their five game murder meet, and Bob Wheeler of Duke, winner of the IC4A individual "When » runner gets too far back," he said, "it can really hurt ■ when they travel to Chicago to take on the Bears at newly title are two more top ten favorites. him mentally." Iced Soldiers' Field. The Bears have been pulling out last Jerome Howe of Kansas, Ken Popejoy of MSU and Gary Harris Gibbard's hopes are not resting just on the shoulders of his fifth Kite victories by the handful with the latest venture coming in of Western are also expected to push the leaders. man, though. Kington when the Bears scored the winning extra point on a Coach Jim Gibbard considers his Spartans a contender for the "I'm hoping for more than one lard pass from Bobby Douglass to Dick Butkus. The play title, though he admits "we are shooting for the top seven like we ail-American," he confessed. Popejoy achieved all-America status in last year's meet and Atec| on a bad snap from center with the ball whizzing over did last year." Gibbard has added Randy Kilpatrick and Rob Cool as candidates ■glass' head. The Bear quarterback retrieved it and tossed the "We don't go down there without thinking we can win the for the uonor this year. |to Butkus who was waving his arms frantically in the end championship," he explained. MSU, exactly seventh last year, appeared to have reached its fiie Bears are playing fine football," Schmidt said. "They are peak with its Big Ten win last Saturday. a habit of pulling out victories when it looks like they've "We're just trying to maintain our peak now," said Gibbard, I it. You have to go hard to Slrcr Roclir v "we want to keep the same tempo." Gibbard also said, he wants to ft a club when it gets in a keep his team mentally up for the NCAA runoff, Eve like that. adding tnat the Big Ten win has a tendency to . . a groove AS HEAD COACH induce complacency with the runners. |ch finds them feeling that Evew though the conference title was the axis for the entire liing is impossible." season, Gibbard could not help thinking about an NCAA lie Lions are hoping to have something the Spartans haven't crown, Thursday Night seen in their trophy case since the lierback Lem Barney back in I know n for the Bear clash but will until late in the week Saban quits at Denver ROAST BEEF BUFFET (All You Can Eat) ■'f DENVER (UPI)-Lou Saban, coach," Saban told newsmen. American Football Conference 20% DISCOUNT ON 5 -10 p.m. i > aTn hp hnrk iinHI distressed because he couldn't "The Club has made a lot of team. Saban, who left the new TYPEWRITER REPAIRS s2.50 ■'SJJn.v hilt »i»httu! del'ver a winning team to Denver, progress in just under five years conference after his brief IS s Tplaying i af i 9 1 at a 1-2-1 clip in a olin in t'he the Wednesday as head coach of Qu'^Broncos. Broncofi and my only regret is that we opening remark, did not indicate FOR MSU STUDENTS Friday Ilasi four weeks, his wounds Saban have not been able to gjve what ^ lQng ^ ^ wgre HAPPY HOUR said the move was Denver a championship." The board chairman said there |ned to heal faster. immediate, but be would remain Saban said his chief job now was no one thing that caused 3 - 7 p.m. ie Lions will need Barney if on as general manager at least was to find a new permanent Saban to resign, Jety Tom Vaughn and for the remainder of the football head coach and added that the "There were a combination of FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Lizard's Jbacker Paul Naumoff, who season. 41-year-old Smith had a shot at circumstances. It is a situation 224 Abbott ■both listed as doubtful, miss Offensive line coach Jerry the job. that is very complex," he said. |NFC Central matching. Smith,, who ,joined the Broncos Gerald Phipps, Doard chairman "The AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES , - j straw that broke the tee Owens, who has amassed this season, was named acting 1 of the Broncos, left open the camel's back, however, was the yards on the ground this head coach. will be out to add to his possibility that the new head team reaction to the Detroit 1477 Haslett Road, Haslett "it is my choice, and I feel at coach might also become general Lions loss," Phipps. become the first Lion this time my responsibility to manager. The Broncos fell to the Lions, ,fer to run for 1,000 yards, the team, to step aside as head Phipps said working with 24-20, but fell apart last week •• 9MTBJ taq ib'iui 8c £ lo s3BW/fc .. , Saban has been a "tremendously when the Cincinnati Bengals, rewarding relationship" and who were 1-7 going into the ADVENT* BOSE* MclNTOSH* DUAL* KENWOOD & fief cr hoped that Saban would stay game, beat Denver 24-10. Blue with the Broncos until the end "They fell apart on the field," I of his contract or longer. Phippssaid. "They tried. They iward MVP as In late 1966 Saban signed a wanted to win, but there was 10-year contract to coach the something lacking." the IffiW YORK (UPI) — Vida Blue was fighting for the words to NEW DIMENSIONS III ■press his happiness on Ie being named the Most Valuable Player in WHEELS AND FASHIONS j-i American League. Visit out 1972 Auto Show ■'I'm almost speechless," said the shy 22-year-old lefthander of aad Survey of Fall and Winter Your "first step" into HI Fl should give assurance > je Oakland Athletics Wednesday when told he had become the Fashions for both mtm and that you own a real component system that offers all z ■ungest player ever to win the MVP. Vomen. A of the performance and flexibility of the more by -ten flue, who finished the season with a 24-8 record and a Wlfctmaster, Music by Gary Nmtfs, complex and expensive systems. 'S) ng 1.82 earned average, was named the AL's Cy iung Award winner only a few weeks ago, and now has become TONIGHT and TOMORROW C 7 p.m. snd 8 p.m. | I'm fifth pitcher in history to cop both awards in the same year. very happy I won the second award of the big two they to the center court e in the American League," said Blue from his home in ■nsfield, La. "I really don't know how to accept all this in one I Pue beat out teammate Sal Bando, the A's third baseman, who i| ImiHiiifi mall 1.271, slammed 24 homers and drove in 94 runs to help pace •kland to the Western Division title. jBlue was named on all 24 ballots as he collected 14 first place ■tes and wound up with 268 lnnerup points, far ahead of Bando's total of 182. The Baltimore Orioles' Robinson boys ■lished third and fourth. Frank had 170 points while Brooks What's the 00 Reived 163. The Detroit Tigers' Mickey Lolich, runnerup to Blue in the Cy difference C voting, was fifth with 155. The remainder of the top 10 ■< ■eluded; Fred Patek, Kansas City (77); Bobby Murcer, New York P; Amos Otis, Kansas City (67); Wilber Wood, Chicago (54), between a duck? PTony Oliva, Minnesota (36). • TBIue now joins such greats as Don Newcombe of the Brooklyn Ngers, Sandy Koufax of the Los Angeles Dodgers, Bob Gibson aztec-ken wood-garrard 7^: |'he St. Louis Cardinals and Denny McLain of the Detroit i— Iprs as the only pitchers ever to win the Cy Young and MVP jards in one season. This is made possible by the heart of the System, the Kenwood KA-4002. The X KA-4002 offers features that are not available in any other amplifier in its price range. A few of the specifications of the KA-4002 are: Tennis 20 Watts RMS per channel Distortion at rated output * )20-20,000 Hz) * Less than 0.5% IM and Harmonic Tuner, 2 Phono and Auxiliary inputs * Main and § z is remote switching for two sets of speakers * Tape monitor and headphone jacks. u To compliment the KA-4002 we picked the Aztec Minuet speaker system. It uo combines an 8 inch, low frequency driver with a 214 lb. magnet assembly and a 3 rn one inch high frequency driver to produce very clean low bass and smooth, well dispersed high frequencies. Not only does the Minuet sound great but its appearance is hard to match in its class. n of # Completing the system is the Garrard 40B Automatic Turntable with a Shure M-44-7 magnetic cartridge installed. The Garrard 40B is a three speed changer 32 our with multiple or single play capabilities, a cueing device, and low mass tone arm. o Racquets Total system cost - - not including any HI FI BUYS additional federal surcharge which 24 HOUR If you've might be imposed - - 70 RESTRINGING thought about it, SERVICE New York State 1101 E. Grand River Phone 337-2310 tell by the look Champagne for the indoor season J and robust Shop $850.00 our of you most of Western's New Yorl haven't, there's Sparkling now at all kinds of ducks. Black ducks, State premium cold duck. A rather remarkable Burgundy Great Western The Disc Cold Duck. TH&WSATKBEYANE 2283 W. Grand Rivar odd ducks, lame ducks, and when bird. It's a combi- You'll see why it's called great. 323 E. Grand River 351-5380 4310 W. Saginaw Okemoi Lansing TEAOSONY • JBL* PE*KOSS*SHURE 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ^""day.NoVcmh..,„ Classified aDS The State News does Automotive A utomotive ^ uto Service & Parts not permit racial or religious discrimination THUNDERBIRD 1966. Full power, MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East PART T|ME phone work and girl wanted xcellent condition, new tires, Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. to in its advertising 353-1527. 5-11-23 ... receptionist. Must be 21 and have columns. News will The not State accept MERCURY MONTEREY 1966. loaded. 332-8556.5-11-24 TOYOTA CORONNA 1969. Very Complete auto painting collision service. IV 5-0256. C 1 and your own dependable transportation. Hours 1-5 p.m. or TWO MAN apartment, great location, winter term only. Call 351-4314. WANTED: ONE or 2 girls, winter and a:g-">aaj | advertising which Automatic, power steering, good rubber, 4 door, automatic rear economical transportation. Very J & A BODY SHOP, 317 Hill Street, 5-9 p.m. Call Miss Erdman, 372-7347 for an interview. 3-11-19 /or spring. Capitol Villa. 351-1564. ONE BEDROOM apartment. $155 , fur~n?,^ 'h* ^ ML discriminates good condition. 482-2589. 3-11 Lansing, Michigan. VW and 3-11-18 , religion, race, sex, against color or window, new battery, snow tires. 115,000 miles. $275. Telephone VOLKSWAGON 1966 Van. Best Renault specialist. All imports and domestic cars are welcomed. Free TWO GIRLS winter and / or spring, $57.50, near campus. 337-0256. ONE GIRL needed for _ 348-1586.4-1119 momh7*'V 351-3823 evenings. S DO YOUR own thingl We have 2 man ONE national origin. 3-11 19 CHOICE offer. Call Harv, 489-2891 after 5 estimates. Phon< apartment. Cedar ne positions at all levels-full and part Greens, available. MERCURY COMET 1965. p.m. 3-11-19 482-7574. Get your car ready for time. Set your own pace. Immediately. Spring. Jeanne, Furnished,'all e*tr». Good condition. $400 or best offer. winter at J & A. Wheel wax 10 - day special, $14.95. 5-11-23 Commission or salary or both. Call NEEDED TWO Arms. girls for Evergreen December through June. 351-6573.3-11-18 vvalkjo campus 351-2, 349-1798.3-11-18 VOLKSWAGEN 1964. Rebuilt 482 8770 after 5 p.m. 2-11-19 NEAR engine, runs good, 351-1858. 3-11-19 WOMEN: ONE vacancy in 4 girl DOWNTOWN Automotive snows. Call new tires, TIM'S AUTO REPAIR- 5011 KEY PUNCH apartment, available December 15. apartment vvlth pi.;3 " MERCURY 351-0186. 2-11-19 and Verifier operator MONTEREY, 1964. Pleasant Grove GIRL NEEDED winter for four man Paid, parking Dec«mh Rd., Lansing. with minimum of 1 year's recent One block from campus. BUICK SKYLARK 1966. Full Excellent shape! Air - 482-5464. 2-1119 VOLKSWAGEN VAN, low mileage, 393-4085. Major and minor tune - across from campus. Call Completely furnished, utilities and power. Good rubber. Best offer. conditioning and new tires. $375. experience for 3-6 months very good condition. Can be seen at ups. Minor engine repair. Free temporary position in Lansing 351-1005. 3-11-19 parking included, $65. Phone 339-2254 after 1 p.m. 3-1119 337-2317, after 5 p.m. 5-11-23 DUPLEX, OWN room. University Big Boy. Trowbridge estimates. 24 hour road service. area. Call 373-2676 between 10-4 349 9609. 0-5-11-22 **oman, share expenses. Matured CADILLAC 1958, 8 passenger MGB 1966. Parts a Road. 351-5132. 3-11-18 Tim Gage, Proprietor. 10-11-24 p.m. 3-11-22 ONI: GIRL needed to 333^J $100 332-8007 after 6 j head. Best offer. 351-0577. — sublease, . KINGS FOREIGN CAR SERVICE. 332 4432. 0-11-1 VOLKSWAGEN 1967. Sharp, PART TIME office help needed, Americana Apartments, winter and gas Repair and service on Volkswagen, heater, AM/FM, much more Triumph, MG and most other working evenings 6-9, no GIRL FOR 4 man. Meadowbrook spring. 337-2084.3-11-18 Home« CAMARO 1968. 327, 3 speed. MGB 1963. Good engine. Needs other accessories. Evenings, 485-1866 experience required. Contact Mr. foreign makes. 320 South Charles, Trace. $65. EAST LANSING. 1 bedroom, nicely NEED Excellent condition. Call Steve work. Best offer. 332-2180. 5-11-22 just off East Kalamazoo. Phone Clark, 351-3701. 0-3-11-22 882-2694. 3-11-19 Immediately. 1, 2 giM.^ 353-3883, 393-8726 after 5 p.m. 3-11-18 furnished, walking distance, occupancy. $59 / 1 372-8130. 0-12-3 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE, 1970, 3ABYSITTER NEEDED. 8 a.m. 12 parking, $165 / month. Available 355 9242, 355 6-11-24 9235.311.,8 - MUSTANG 1965 convertible GT. 25,000 miles. Air - conditioned, p.m. $ 1 an hour. Own VACANT FOUR man apartment. January 1. Phone 332-1183 after 5 CHEVELLE, 1965," 4-door7 6 ~ Close to campus. $240 / month. ONE cylinder. Standard shift. $300. Must sell. Best offer. Call $1 700 Call 646-6207 after 5:30 Aviation transportation. 337-1837. 5-11-24 332-5322. 5-11-23 p.m. 5-11-22 MAN needed lu 351-3985. 2-11-18 485-1681.5-11-22 NEED GIRL to sublet winter term. Riverhouse Apartments. 332-3262. CHEVY BELAIR 1965, V-8, 4- door, MUSTANG 1968, automatic, VOLKSWAGEN 1970. Excellent MARRIED STUDENTS ROOM FOR two excellent condition. 882-3042 condition. AM radio, dark green. government and VA certified. only. Pay is commensurate with & FACULTY 3-1JJ8 girls. Hou*eonA automatic, snow tires, $345. after 4 p.m. FRANCIS AVIATION, duties. Phone 332-5322 for Lane. Winter term JTF 3-11-19 Call 393-6527. 3-11-19 Airport GIRL FOR four man, spring. Cedar only. 355-2835. 3-11-19 Road. Call 484-1324. C month each. interview. 7-11-23 Call ■ Village. No deposit. 351-5037 4-11-19 CHEVY NOVA 1967. V-8, 17 mpg, 1970 MUSTANG. Sharp, V-8, power VOLKSWAGEN SPORTSMOBILE 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. 3-11-18 NATIONAL COMPANY looking for very reliable, excellent condition. steering, automatic, new tires. Call owner, 372-6906 after 5 p.m. Campus Bus, 1971. Must sell. Call 1-223-8480. 3-11-19 Employment men and women. Comfortable some with study 332-2089. 3-11-18 inside work, no outside canvassing, THREE BEDROOM apartment Near 4-11-19 campus. Available nc_ no sales experience necessary,must available, Meadowbrook Trace. Parking and references 1V2-89 DATSUN condition, 510 2 1970. doo Excellent , radio. N0VA.M excellent 1967 V-8, dual pipes exterior and interior, VOLKSWAGEN 1969. engine, new tires, great shape! $1500. Call 353-2084. 7-11-30 Rebuilt have good phone voice. Full time and part time positions. Salary, from *145 per mo. Sue, 373-4141 or 393-2654. 6-11-24 Nice house. 3-1118 355-0098. 2-11-19 WANTED. PERSONS 18-25 for LOVLEY 4 plus all new tires, best offer. promotional advertising. Ability $100-$200 / week, depending on UNFURNISHED 2 BEDROOM apartment needs 1 man bedroom, with roc roc Phone 655-3725 after 3 p.m. VOLKSWAGEN ability, 2 weeks paid training near MSU, references 33201 DATSUN, 1969, 1600 Roadster, 1968, $750. dictates earnings. An equal (own room) beginning December 5-11-24 program. Contact Dick Vance: children welcome 411-19 Excellent engine, good tires, radio, good condition, silvergrey, new opportunity employer. Call after 6 p.m. Tony, 339-9468. 393-5460 for interview. 633 East tires. 482-3281. 5-11-23 and heater. 663-2111 ext. 59, 37 1-3280 between 9-1 for please, no pets 2-11-19 GIRL. OWN room, $65 Clo* OLDSMOBILE 1964 convertible, no after 6 p.m. 3-11-22 Jolly Road, Equal Opportunity rust, AM/FM. Phone 349-2079, appointment. 10-11-26 campus. Free parking. 35|.g(| DODGE CORONET.1966. Employer. O Excellent ONE MAN needed for winter / conditionAutomatic. Radio. $250. Call 337-0198. 3-11-19 339-2276. $250. 2-11-19 Scooters & Cycles KNOB HILL spring. Call 349-1444 after 3 p.m. OLDSMOBILE CONVERTIBLE For Rent 5-11-24 Room 1962, runs fair, V-8 automatic, $75. 351-1349. 3-11-22 KAWASAKI 1969 650, Best offer. Will store for winter. Mark, OVERSEAS Australia, JOBS for Europe, South students. TV AND Stereo rental, satisfaction APARTMENTS APARTMENT. SUBLEASE. Close. Winter / spring. $70 / month. Two LIVE CHEAPLY in a 351-0009.4-11-23 guaranteed. Free delivery, service OLDSMOBILE 1962. Good engine, 2 America , Africa, etc. All and pick up. No 349-4700 man. 351-3176. 5-11-24 Spartan Hall, men DODGE VAN desposit. Call 351-1176. 10-12-3 1967. Very good snow tires. Offer $100. 482-1303. SUZUKI 1971 professions and occupations, $700 NEJAC, 337-1300. C OPEN Monday - Friday TR250 Savage. running condition. Call 339-8409 5-11-22 Excellent condition. $650, best to $3000 monthly. Expenses paid, 1 » 9 a.m. • 5 p.m. NEEDED, ONE man winter and / or 4-11-19 ROOM FOR man. Across If offer. 393-2171. 5-11-24 sightseeing. Free ONLY $9.00/month. Free deliveries. spring. Cedar Village. 337-9494. OPEL information Write: JobsOversi Saturday 12-5 p.m. 2-11-19 Union. 211)4 Grand Rii DYNAMIC STATION wagon 1971. - 88, 1963, automatic LOCATED y« MILE NORTH Upstairs. 10-12-3 Automatic, whitewalls, under TRIUMPH TR6C 1967, 650cc. New Dept. 8A, Box 15071, San Diego, • power, service records, $275. 549 10,000 miles, 627-5992 after 6 Califprnia,92r.&. 5-11-19 OF JOLLY RD. ON 2 GIRLS to sublease. Winter / I Grove. East Lansing. Phone tires and clutch. $600. Must sell. MALE. FURNISHED, fiesac 332-2094.5-11-18 '• 3-11-22 p.fTT/j-iw^ 351-7437 after 5 p.m. 4-11-23 TV RENTALS Students only. Low OKEMPS ROAD spring. Across f/om campus DOMESTIC - 351-2785. 3-11-22 Neat, clean, quiet, nejr c« monthly and term rates. Call Parking. 332-3094. 3-11 18 OPEL KADETTE 968. Good mechanics. New business forming 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV WANTED, ONE girl winter term. FALCON 1962, light blue, 2 door, NORTON P11A Ranger 1968'/*. High :' in Lansing area. Only experienced Cedar Village, reduced rates, MOTEL APARTMENT in condition, low mileag Inn — automatic. Excellent conditi performance, low price. Ramsey, RENTALS. C OPENINGS FOR men 351-6086. 3-11-19 in Hedr economical transportation. need apply. Must have own tools. America. December 16-31 for $250. 349-1428. 3-11-19 351-8838. 3-11-19 House Coop for 1 337-7432.5-11 -24 Ample opportunity for the right OWEN HALL. Avoid waiting list, $65. 337-0530. 2-11-19 GIRL WANTED to sublet winter / terms. Call 332-0844 anytii FAST, SPORTY 442 Oldsmobile HONDA profit sharing. For interview room available winter / spring, 1968 305 Superhawk. 4-11-19 appointment. Call 393-3524. Must sign contract. Leave spring. Cedar Village. 351-6329. GIRL NEEDED IMMEDIATELY for convertible, 1970, good mileage, PLYMOUTH 1968, 2 door fastback Excellent condition. Great buy. 10-11-26 own 5-11-23 clean, good price, call 351-2526 message, Box W-526. 2-11-19 4 man. Cedar Village. Call hardtop. Vinyl top, tires like new, 485-1902. 3-1' " PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE after 3:30 p.m. 5-11-24 351-4509. 5-11-24 of WAITRESSES MATURE, WORKING girt to share 3 Michigan Avenue, 35 1971 Suzuki 500's, still in their - man. 332-2959, after 5:30 p.m. student, near bus line. $15 /w FIAT 1968, 850 Spider, must sell. NEED TWO girls for 4 man, Campus crates, $795. Call Val, 353-1865. needed for noons and full refrigerators, freezers. Also 5-11-23 plus deposit. Phone 627-54 Best offer. Call 485-5356 after dishwashers. Hill. Winter / spring. Bus, pool, 2-11-18 3-11-18 shifts. No Sundays or holidays. Call ESCHTRUTH 5:30 p.m. or anytime weekends. laundry, dishwasher. $62.50, p0NTIAC 1970 GTO, all power, 4 489-1196, JIM'S TIFFANY ELECTRIC, 315 Bridge, Grand 1 AND 2 bedroom apartments on Ledge, 627-2191. O 349-3309. 2-11-19 ROOMS. SINGLES AND D0UB1 speed, many extras, $2195. HONDA 1971, 450CB, 5,000 miles. PLACE, 116 East Michigan, South end. Minutes from all 694-2324. 3-11-22 Phone 351-4939. 5-11-19 downtown Lansing. A nice place to Cooking facilities. Utilities FORD THUNDERBIRD. 1967. *"'^4. J-n-ZZ Phone 351-4939.5-11-19 work 5-11-22 shopping needs. On busline to ONE BEDROOM apartment, partly Call 372-8077. C Loaded! Sharp condition. New downtown. Ideal for married brakes, shocks, alternator, battery, PONTIAC CATALINA 1967, all ~ , _ BONNEVILLE 1968, must sell, — make ' Apartments couples or graduate students. furnished, I-496 and utilities South paid. Near Pennsylvania. FURNISHD ROOM across and more. Call after 6 p.m., power, 5100 miles, perfect Elementary school less than 1 $115 per month plus $75 security block. Call campus. Utilities paid. 332-2902.5-11-24 condition. 337-0530. 2-11-19 evenings, 393-0384, deposit. Call Ron Dillingham, number of apartments opening in 332-6246, 337-2793. 3-1119 daytime 489-6561. 3-11-19 489 4730 after 6 p.m. 3-11-22 December. 1 and 2 bedrooms, GALAXIE 500, 1964. Good PONTIAC CATALINA 1968, 2 door furnished from $160. HURRY I ONE OR 2 condition, automatic, 289, $450. hardtop, excellent condition, one ASSISTANT MANAGER for gas girls immediately. Pool, WANTED GIRL to sublet winter / For Sale Larry, 351-5141. 5-11-22 owner. 353-3749. 1-11- 18 station Manager, 351-3118. 745 Burcham laundry, bus. $52.50. 349 0890. needed. Must be married, Dr. 10-12-3 spring. Eden Roc Apartment. Auto Service & Parts over 25 years, and have recent x-5-11-22 351-1989. 2-11-19 22 CALIBRE Marlin-Carbine, 1 GMC TRUCK, half ton, excellent PORSCHE 1966. 912, excellent body station experience. Hours are 12 2 BEDROOMS nicely furni i for with strap, 2 clips, 2 bi >\N - GUARANTEED repair. NEED ONE man to sublease winter / longer rifle cartridges, and clear running condition. $300. or best and mechanical, $2750. 349-9402 p.m. - 10 p.m., Monday ONE MAN for large, quiet, 2 man RANDY'S MOBIL. - Friday offer. Call 337-7227. 2-11-18 1-96 at and 7 a.m. - 1 spring. Cedar Village. 351-2078. apartment. Available December outfit. Call 393-4085. 10-11 after 6 p.m. 4-11-19 p.m., Saturday. Okemos Road. 349-9620. C Phone *•2-1 Ms 393-0418.4-11-18 1st, 351-0242 evenings. 7-11-30 8TRACK TAPES HUGE, FURNISHED one bedroom. ONE AND 2 bedroom apartments NEW, FULLY guaranteed, la PHOTOGRAPHERS, BLACK and Dishwasher, balcony, shag carpet. APARTMENTS AVAILABLE for from $145. 10 minutes from selection. $3.98, Asgi white and color dark room $185.351-8816.5-11-18 December occupancy. Furnished. Ctopciungljam MSU. Children permitted. EAGLE 351-6317. 5-11-18 technicians and models. New HARRISON ROAD across from CREST NORTH, 694-8975, 4330 University Terrace, across from corporation forming in Lansing Williams Hall. Roommate service. Keller Road, Holt. C SANSUI 2000 receiver, K area dealing in all aspects of Cherry Lane Apartments. Large, Phone HALSTEAD speakers, Garrard 72B tu photography and graphic arts. furnished, 2 bedroom apartment GIRL NEEDED for four man MANAGEMENT, 351-7910 or Excellent combination, $540" Models; for advertising _IIVI available December 15. 332-4426. apartment next to manager, 332-1822. 0-10 11-19 industry, experience preferred but campus $380, 353-8 • 332-6246. 5-11-19 will 5evah not necessary. Ample opportunity for right people. include profit sharing. Fringe benefits For GIRL TO sublet winter / b|ock from Berk s^ing~7 332-2152 3-11-19 call prior to November th ree and four- 19th. Interviews will be held on STODDARD APARTMENTS. 1 ONE MAN for 4 man. Meadowbrook November 19th - 20th. Call bedroom, furnished, close to Trace, $65. 882-2694. 393-3524. 5-11-19 campus. 351-8238. O Immediately. 3-11-18 apartments Quid, £tude*iU.,M at the end of and .. . tyaaidtu 6 and 9 month CAUGHT IN THE HOUSING will SQUEEZE? Take your troubles to available. Call PARK WEST (Etopckmgfjam APARTMENTS 4620 S. Hagadorn 5530 West Michigan Ave. MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY: at Saginaw Alco Contact Mrs. Louch Management Company 484 4640 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 18, 1971 13 Student Service forfkJe Personal Recreation Service Service GREAT DANE pups. Black. Brindle. TUTORIAL DIRECTORY HELP by Ph.D.'s. All ELECTRONIC REPAIRS. Stereos, AKC. Great temperament. 337-2092 anytime. 3-11-22 sciences, including math, physics and computers. O-1-l 1-18 Call 351-8629. SPAIN $249 radio, recorders, TV's. Dependable. Reasonable. Call. 351-6680 XEROX SAVE SAVE SAVE COPYING- offset FISH AQUARIUM 5 to 55 Costa Del Sol x-0-30-11-23 best gallons. 8 quality at reasonable prices. THE Also variety of fish. 694-9689. days in Torremolinos COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand [college TRAVEL bead crafts, • t YE^ examined 2-11-19 WE WILL straighten it, color just trim it. UNION BUILDING it, or Dec. 26 Jan. 3 - March 20 -28 UPHOLSTERING RE FINISHING, restyling and repairing. All work River. Phone 332-4222. C OFFICE decoupage supplies • glasses BARBERSHOP. C-11-18 Includes: guaranteed. 18 years experience. art HEALTHY, AFFECTIONATE ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith reproductions' • contact lens kittens, 2 female Calicos, brown * Round trip jet, between TOLAND UPHOLSTERY, offset printing. 10 West Grand River Ave. candle making supplies DR. IX. Collina, Optometriai and white male, BAGELS!!! Detroit, Malaga. 675-5318.5-11-19 for Complete service 332-5139 * Double occupancy dissertations, theses, Enfield's Incorporated ,351-6010 683 M-43. C6-Optlcol Services evenings. 5-11-23 Delivered fresh to your door CERAMIC TILE manuscripts, general typing. IBM. 22 years experience. Okemoi. 34S-1ftdn 5218 S. Logan. e Sangria Wine Party. Painting and 349-0850. C 393-423Q HORSES BOARDED. Box stalls, tte Sunday. To order call carpenter work. Call 482-0056 Campbell's 'Optional meal plan. stalls, anytime. 5-11-19 washday savings pasture, excellent care 351-3521, 351-0009. * TYPING SERVICE, prompt and V? Smoke Shop 2Sc per load CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMES 641-4444. 5-11-23 Luggage and ground transportation. WE STRIP all types of furniture. 6lX professional plus reasonable rates. imported Pipes The bad for lea many patterns of molding * Theses, themes, other diversified COCKER POODLES, $15. Collies, Experlencedescorts. FURNITURE STRIPPING ) - Tobacco A Cigars Special TexaaWaaherSOc WANTED * services also available. Phone pure bred. 7 - ADDITIONAL Lots and lots of leisure time. SERVICE. 136 South Main, Eaton Vxpert pipe repair wendrow s econowash bob jones paints weeks. $35. 882-4018 or write The Sheldon 626 6705. 3-11-22 companions to accompany me on *Plus tax and gratuities. Rapids, 663-4231. 5-11-24 WnTM A.C. Ave.,E. Lansing 3006 Vine St. Faat Service - The Price Is trip to California, April 1st - May 1st. Send information to Dennis S50 deposit required wltr Company, Lansing. 6-11-24 5818 Durwell Dr., Phone 332-4269 7 a.M. to 11p.m. i blk. W. of Se» Right SAMOYED reservations. Call 677-«141 Maaon PUPPIES, AKC PAINTING INTERIOR. Brighten registered. Females $150. Males Florian, 905 Reo Road, Lansing, FRANK BUCK 351-2286 up or that room for the $125. Will hold till Christmas. Call Michigan. Include telephone holidays. Grad TYPING THESES and letters, etc. Worse Drawn Sleigh Rides BUD'S number. 5-11-23 DAVE BUCK 353 0011 students, experienced, references, Rapid accurate service. FRANDOR KARMELKORN 393-5495, after 3 p.m. 5-11-24 reasonable. and Hayrides Auto Parts Inc. SKI COLORADO'S POWDER Jere, or Bruce Experienced. 393-4075. C For those HOLIDAY 349-4817. C rdlnfl, lessons, by Late Model Motors and parties GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, 8 BOARD EXAM Tutoring. Local BREAKFAST, DINNER, LODGING. PROFESSIONAL I'ntment, BAR-M Riding weeks old. 'AKC registered. classes for Kaplan Tutoring Lifts whole week TYPIST. Term parts a speciality. - $99. Call papers, theses. Best Champion bloodlines, $100. 217 courses now rates. Call Halfway between Holt and South Williams Street, Bellevue, being formed for; 487-0922. 3-11-19 Typing Service 351-4619. O Mason on N. Cedar 616-763-3156 after 6 p.m. 5-11 -22 694-2154 Esvli \s GEORGE TOTH LABRADOR RETRIEVER puppies. LONDON 8 Days 7 Nights COMPLETE THESES binding of theses, resumes, service. Discount printing. IBM typing and BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. No job too large or too small. Block off campus. Margaret's Ceramics AKC. Yellow. Excellent hunters D.A.T. exams - January publications. Across from campus, 332-3255.0 CUSTOM TAILORING SHOP (lift House and family pets. Phone | on East M-78, 5 miles E. of Hagadom alterations, custom tailoring, i •Supplies Williamston, 655-1791.5-11-22 M.C.A.T. exam - May For information and enrollment. '199 Dec. 22 to 30 corner COPYGRAPH M.A.C. and Grand River, below Jones Stationery Shop. Call SERVICES, TYPING SERVICES by an experienced, professional typist. Manuscripts, term papers, letters. lone 339-8122 19 M-78 Haslett Mobile Homes Call Collect (313) 851-6077. COMPLETE DELUXE PACKAGES 337-1666. C Reasonable rates. Call 339-9306 FE9-8391 WE ARE ALSO PLANNING 5-11-19 st of 0-13-12-3 KAY'S Woodbury Rd. TRIPS TO TYPING Service. Theses, HOMETTE - front kitchen, shed, on ACAPULCO AND ASPEN general typing, IBM electric. lot or off. Williamston. Must PATRICIAN $20 shag permanent for TYPING TERM papers and theses. 676 193C sell Phone, 393-3588. O-1-l 1-18 $10. Monday 12-4 p.m. 309 Electric typewriter. Fast service. I Donald Sakowski For Sale immediately. 655-2073. 5-11-19 For Sale M.A.C. 337-1114. 0-11-19 349-1904.20-12-1 WINDSOR 1967, 12' x 60' partially TERM PAPERS typed by ■Auto Life - Renters electrovoice dynamic YOU WON'T believe our OCCULT SPECIALTIES. Mail order •FOR GLAD tidings look foY - Cardioid microphone Model 678. large furnished, or rent with option to experienced typist. Near campus. selection of Frame Styles. buy. Will locate. 351-8932 only. For catalog write to: Real Estate Phone 484-1874.20-12-2 something you've lost with a Want New $100, asking $60. 351-8959. Ad. Dial 355-8255 HTRY INSURANCE 5-11-24 OPTICAL DISCOUNT. 2615 East Michigan Avenue. 372-7409. between 9-5, 372-1785 after 5. 3-11-19 SILVER SPIRIT, 849 Baker. Lansing, Mich. 48910. 3-11-19 HUGHES ROAD C-5-11-19 JUST LISTED. This two bedroom STEREO CO-OP and WATERBED FREE A lesson in WANTED 8' complexion home with large lot and garage can For Sale ... x 35' DETROITER, completely care. SHOP offers discounts on virtually Call 484-4519, East Michigan or be bought FHA, VA or equity out. Persons desiring to learn BLIZZARD SUPER Epoxi Skis furnished. Phone 351-7376 or all makes of new and used stereo - 485-7197, Lansing Mall. MERLE 210cm, Rosemount Fastback Boots Close to shopping and schools. cleaners. equipment. 1-616-983-3754 collect. ' 5-11-18 NORMAN COSMETICS "The Simple Truth about God and Man" icuum Tanks, We also have all types Price $15,000. For appointment 12, Look Nevada Gran Prix ■ d uprights. Guaranteed of waterbeds and custom STUDIOS. C-11-18 call Mrs. Robinson, ADVANCE e full year. $7.88 and up. accessories. Come see us at 217 Bindings, call 353-0126.5-11-20 Lost & Found REALTY 372-7610 or 485-3045. Thursday, November 18th 8 p.m. tNNIS DISTRIBUTING • Ann Street. (Underneath The John A. Hannah Middle School Outlook.) ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. LOST NOVEMBER 10, Black wallet. Peanuts Personal x-4-11-19 819 Abbott Road - East Lansing PMPANY, 316 North Cedar. or call 332-1221 Latest edition. Never used. Must ositeCity Market. C-11-18 3-11-19 Reward offered, no questions. 6 ACRES on Jolly Road near sell, will sacrifice. Reduced $200. 11:20: 10th LATE; 12th 355-6371. 1-11-18 EARLY, Hagadorn. House, barn net $300 / Call 351-8994. x-5-11-18 15th CLOSE; 17th CLOSER; |NG MACHINE Clearance Sale. 8 - TRACK TAPES: $4.49. Excellent Let's get together. 1-11-18 month. $36,500 Call 337-7252. A Talk by portables - $49.95. $5 selection. Waterbeds, head n th. Large selection of RUBBISH CONTAINERS - Close Personal IMoel D. Bryan Jones, C.S., supplies, stereo equipment and outl 1-6 yards. Ideal for sororities, HAPPY BIRTHDAY tioned used machines. MELODIOUS EAST LANSING more "simple pleasures." 217 Ann. fraternities, large complexes, GRADS / UG - finish in June '74? MERCURICROME from S.E., M+ - nearly 2,000 Ingers. Whites, Necchis, New (Under The Outlook.) 4-11-18 commercial square feet in this lovely 8 room a member of businesses. East Assured job at $9000; $14,000 in Richard, Grover + C.M. 1-11-18 Ti "Many Others", $19.95 to Lansing, will service. Cape Cod. Well cared for and in 487-3753. 3 years. Fly / navigate with U.S. The Christian Science Board of 19.95. Terms. EDWARDS APPLES, PEARS, sweet cider. Apple choice location. $33,500. Call Lectureship Air Force. Join AFROTC 2 year HARLEMBER BROTHERS: ■STRIBUTING COMPANY. wood. And Gift packages shipped - 337-2405. 5-11 24 program. 355-2168. x-3-11-22 December 3 is high time to travel. ■15 N. Washington, 489-6448. by United Parcel. BLOSSOM SONY TC 125 stereo cassette Start packingl K.E.B. & C.L.M. 11-18 ORCHARDS, 2 miles North of recorder. Scott Model 382 PREGNANT? PANICKY? Consider 1-11-18 Leslie on Hull Road. (Old U.S. 127) AM/FM stereo receiver. Kenwood the Service Sponsored by alternatives. Pregnancy |(SHELF SPEAKERS. Brand 1-589-8251 9-5 p.m. Closed Model 2002 stereo amplifier. Sony Counseling. 372-1560. 10-12-3 IT'S DAVE'S DAYI Call him: First Church of Christ Scientist, East Lansing xes. 15 watt (peak). HP 580 stereo music system. New FOR QUALITY service and stereos, Mondays. O (355- 6277) and say Happy Jequency response. 60-18,000 Electrovoice speaker, reduced JOIN US for an evening of Christmas Birthday, 1-11-18 TV's and recorders. THE STEREO Care for small children provided | CJII 351-0615. 3-11-22 SCOTT COMPACT Stereo, AM/FM, prices. Used STEREO, speakers, Ideas to decorate YOUR NOOKS SHOPPE. 337-1300. C FM stereo, Garrard Changer, 2 amps, receivers, changers, tape Admission free CRANNYS AND HOLLOWS AKPsi 19. DSP 6. It's nice having the PROFESSIONAL SUEDE and \ GRAND FUNK and speakers. 100 watts. New, $370. recorders and decks; eassatte and No collection taken December 1, 7:30. Call 332-6098 trophy back. You'd better stick to leather cleaning and refirushing. JICKSILVER recorders Sacrifice, $215. 337-1442. 8 tracks players, "Used 8 track or stop in at the ladder, 319% East business. 1-11-18 OKEMOS DRY CLEANERS, All are welcome Jiilable at MARSHALL MUSIC, 3-11-19 tapes $2 / each. TV sets, Police Grand River, East Lansing. 2155 Hamilton Road, Okemos. pme of EVERYDAY low record band radio, typewriters, imported THINK CHRISTMAS. 1-11-18 349-0910. O-1-l 1-18 is. East Lansing. C-1-11-18 5' x 7' WATERBED OUTFIT: wall tapestries. All equipment Recreation Headboard, liner, pad, finished tested and guaranteed. WILCOX ANYONE WITNESSING the |ER8EDS $30, any size. Units, frame, pillows. Stained wooden SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East accident at Hagadorn and Mt. K). Mattress, liner, foam pad and wire reel. 2 pair Voit Viking fins. BAHAMAS, CHRISTMAS, $99. Michigan. 485-4391. 8-5:30 p.m. Hope Tuesday, November 9, 8:30 Round trip jet. Call Our Fastback e. UL listed waterbed heaters. 882-1678. 1-11-18 Monday thru Saturday. Bank a.m. PLEASE CALL 351-9052 STUDENTOURS TRAVEL |E BIRTH, 309 North Americard, Master charge. after 4 p.m. 1-11-18 CENTER, 351-2650. 2-11-18 ■shington, Lansing. 489-6168. C LADY'S RINGS. Perfect for gifts. Lay ways, terms, trades. Reduced prices. Ruby, Opal, STORE YOUR bicycle at Spartan HAWAII Sapphire, Jade, natural stones Eieo CHRISTMAS, $289. Deluxe 100 watt RMS mono Bicycle Storage now. Phone package. Call now from Orient. 351-5598. 1 p.m. - amplifier tube type $25. 337-1239 from 8-10 a.m. and 1- STUDENTOURS, 351-2650. 10 p.m. 3-11-19 351-3305. 3-11-19 10 p.m. 10-12-3 2-11-18 L LENGTH white ■ fox collar. Hon. Size 8-10. $200 or best ■fer.484-8762. 3-11-22 coat with Beautiful COLE'S BAKERY VAN DYKE STUDIOSCHRISTMAS SPECIAL. Bring this ad for $5 off the price of any portrait package. Titian color, silver- tone, bronze - L ARTIN CO costs less greenbacks SURPLUS BAKERY foods at tone or oil coloring. We do group Rea££&td JIQUES: BRASS bed, hutch, reduced prices. 1/3 to 1/2 off at portraits in our studio or your Jatform rocker, SOMETIME retail prices; great eating, great home. A VAN DYKE portrait Presents. OP, 4375 North Hull, Leslie. economy! Surplus Store, 640 makes a perfect Christmas gift. 1689-8690. 3-11-22 South Waverly, immediately 332-8889, 209 Abbott Building. North of 1-496 expressway. Q-5-11-22 PER PA, $375. 484-4704. C-11-19 Animals "COLDSPOT", DOUBLE door, 18 ■ FISCHER Alu 200cm Perfekt cubic foot, frost free, refrigerator - »rker Simplex - telmat THE FISH MONGER is alive and bindings freezer $70. Toy 2 place bob sled. 5. Kastle CR50 195 cm well at 1522 East Michigan across $50. $10,349-2482.3-11-18 ■-"5.3-11-22 from Resurrection Church. Drop USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 in and look over our unusual I HEAD 800 203SL. Like new East Michigan. Dishes, books, selection of Tropical Fish and ). Lange boots, 8's $65. Head coins, antiques, rockers, junk. aquatic plants. 485-6036. 2-11-19 PO 205. New $120. Call Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open ■7-7691. 3-11-22 Saturday and Sunday. Furniture MONKEY - CAPUCHIN, 1V4 years and appliances open all week, 10 old, a good pet, with 6' tall cage, 6 $65. 351-5258. 2-11-19 NEW LISTING am - pm/ Phone 371-2843. C This Cape Cod is conveniently located in East Lansing. The V0R TABLES A H S DREIDELS y0ur Hanukah COME OUT living room is large with French doors to a screened porch, a separate dining room, spacious kitchen with eating area, »• SHAAREY two bedrooms, full bath, and garage. Make an appointment lf>. •m. 1424 - ZEDEK GIFT Coolidge. Sunday 12:30 p.m. 332-8523, to the to see this home now! Priced at just $24,500. •'•2320. TOYOTA Corolla 2-11-19 ■Que dresser With mirror Greater Lansing ■.In® 523. Call 351-8763. ■EN BACKER 12 Tt condition, with case. $150. - string guitar. Racquet Club's P-5741.3-ii.ig 1971 Invitational Why settle for a plain jane? ICONIC '"table, AM/FM Cassette, headphones, tapes. $320, now $210. 332-0743. -Singles & Doubles Get a fully equipped Toyota and start living. E2j?.condition, t . string i $200. Gail, Tournament- FIRST TIME OFFERED It costs no more! An ideal family home located in the Pinecrest area. There All Corollas loaded see the finest players is a living room, dining room, family room and study on come despite their low first floor plus kitchen and half bath. There are three prices. Front disc brakes, four on the floor, fully from the Midwest compete bedrooms and full bath on second floor, also a completely finished basement. This property is in top condition and reclining front bucket seats, nylon carpeting, for $500 prize money in offered at just $36,800. Call one of our sales people for an parcel tray, flow-thru ventilation, trip mileage the top tournament this appointment to see. meter, tinted windows, SAVE TO Winter Season "Professional Service in Real Estate" and many more. whitewalls, wheel covers 50o/o Play will begin on both Dorothy Wiedeman 337-9475 Jim Porter 332-2778 fron Barry Moore 349-1480 Archie Fuller 482-0001 Saturday & Sunday at 9:00 a.m. Dorothy Adams 339-2552 Nan Martin 332-0204 WHEELS TOYOTA INC.iQ^ 2400 E.MICHIGAN AVE. 5 Blocks West of Frandor "The Racquet Club" -A/tAI aRTI N co- 1609 Lake Lansing Rd. 372 9531 372-5570 Rea£to 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November is |q7, it's what's , Builders' raises halted Happening must he r mm State News office, 345 Student hold a Weekend Spiritual Emphasis South Case Hall; Women's Probli WASHINGTON (AP) nation's unionized construction workers cannot get pay raises of any kind until farther notice. President Nixon's Construction Industry Stabilization Committee has ordered. - The are unionized. Besides the one-industry freeze, there are other areas here union construction workers are subject to more stringent other wo wage Nonconstruction regulaton than workers and rolled back by the Pay construction contract raises due Board, like raises due after the that were due during the freeze must now be approved by the may be paid. during the freeze now require freeze. However, for union official approval while other construction workers even raises such raises do not. The requirement for approval construction panel before they of freeze-period construction raises was included in a the status of committee, which administer'Pay the tn Ba n°W * construction indust*0'^' The commltti»f staff ex Plain why n„ Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two class days before publication. Items for students and others at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 11 a.m. Discussion Group - 9 p.m., There announcement was no of publl the order. already are collecting raises that regulation issued by the Pay teste are limited to 25 words. No Sunday, Snyder Hall; Gestalt Therapy p.m., 217 Bessey Hall; Dealing with , which was Issued last Friday in a fell due during the freeze, but which wet Spokesmen for both construction committee and the the Board last Friday, but escaped general notice at the time. The "They're not ann«"ncements bii ^" announcements will be accepted by Off-Campus Housing Problems -7 telegram to Union and Pay Board unable phone. No announcements will be The Streetcorner Society will p.m., 316 student Services Bldg. management representatives. Furthermore these raises are not were regulation was officially dmcribcd Department Public accepted for events outside the present a "War and Peace Review" at It means that while other even subject to being challenged Wednesday to explain why then as a routine clarification ol spokesman said. greater Lansing area. 3 p.m. Friday in the East Holmes The MSU Science Fiction Society workers already have begun to Hall lower lounge for the LBC Coffee will meet at 8 tonight in the East collect pay raises held up by the Akers Hall Ecology Symposium Hour. Akers lounge, presents Herman Koening, professor of electrical engineering and systems MSU Big Brothers and Big Sisters Beginning Orchesis will meet at wage freeze, he construction industry continues under a mini-freeze of its own. Laird denies quotas science, speaking on "Your Role in will meet at 7 p.m. today at the p.m. today in 218 Women' Our Industrialized Ecosystems" at Dept. of Social Services. For details, Intramural Bldg. Advance! A high-ranking committee (Continued from page one) said he was shocked at the way 8:30 tonight in the west lounge. call 353-4400. Technique will meet at 7:15 p.m staff member would not say wher I have never authorized tne blacks were treated at the Great Lawrence Robbins, professor of Paul Ferlazzo, asst. professor of followed by Modern Dane Workshop at 9 p.m. or to what extent the freeze might be thawed. "We will have issuance of any order or policy guidance restricting the Lakes Naval Training Center Will there nearChicago. anthropology and African Studies ATL, and Paul Somers, asst. substantial clarification after ever be Center will speak on "Archeology in professor of ATL, will present a talk The MSU Sports Car Club will n Saturday's meeting," he said, assignment of any military personnel based on race, color or a "If a conflict evolved between white and a black, the black another on "Rock Culture" at 7:30 p.m. North Kenya and Uganda" at 8 tonight in the main gallery, Kresgc today in Union Parlor C. at 8 tonight in 30 Union to consider nominations for club officers and t The committee meets then to discuss the matter. creed," Laird said. He added that If any instructions issued in would receive the extreme Diamond Art Center. punishment and the white would Jim The Spartan Film Society will The MSU Karate Club will host the 1971 Michigan Collegiate Karate pre-register for the Road Rally. Kaninchen V The extended freeze does not apply to all the nation's 2.8 previous administrations deny or limit equal opportunity, they get off," Metcalfe said, Brady? present "Funny Girl" at 7 and 9:30 Team Championships at The Public Interest Research Group million construction workers, were rescinded by the Human H .. ... , tonight through Saturday in 106B Sunday in the Sports Ares of the in Michigan will meet at 8 tonight in but only to those covered by Goals Program. ku^trc ™ ih„ k.™ and 108B Wells Hall. Men's Intramural Building. the Mural Room, Union. collective bargaining agreements. Several black congressmen, "with an f, of suspicion.' air „» The Auburn Film Group will The Cabaret Company will present A committee staff member members of the caucus, visisted ™"I don't want to become an present "Point of Order" at 7, 8:45 "Sweet Charity" at 8 tonight in the The steering Committee of estimated that roughly 60 per various military bases Monday, alarmist," Metcalfe said, "but and 10:20 tonight through Saturday Union Ballroom. Tickets art ii'tabie University College will hold an open cent of all construction workers Rep. Ralph H. Metcalfe, D-Ill. the situation Is in 104B Wells Hall. at the Union ticket office a . Friday i becoming explosive." "The Gospel According St. Gay Liberation Movement will Matthew" will be shown at Friday and Saturday and at 7 p.m. Sunday at the UMHE Center, 1 118 S. 8 p.m. an Phi Gamma Nu Sorority will hold tee Cream Social for juniors and sophomores in business at 7 p.m. meet at 3 p.m. Gold Room. Sunday in the Union For information call Board of education Rep. Charles B. Range), D-N.Y., who was at Ft. Bragg, N.C., said veterans returning Harrison Road. 353-9795. today in the Stefanoff Lounge, home from Vietnam would be Student Services Building. (Continued from page one) meeting behind closed doors to greeted with the sign: "Welcome Sigma Gamma Rho sorority will t i t i for The Society for Creative ®°ard members Marilyn Jean implement the very decision to Fayetteville - Home of the present fashion show at 7 o Anachronism will hold its fall Annetta Miller and under attack. Those fully a p.m. member-at-large positions on the Ku Klux Klan." Sunday in the Union Gold Room. tournament at 10 a.m. Saturday and Charles Morton, in voting against All-University Radio Board are understanding the issues might .ntinuing at 2 p.m. Sunday in the the appeal motion, called the we)1 questlon our colleagues' available in 8 Student Services Bldg. of the Men's intmmnmi Intramural it board's n a r /< „ ^ decision A group of eight black officers Transportation and must be returned by Dec. 1. Bldg. For information call 353-8380. "nonproductive, deceptive and motiVaiton in appealing." The statement of dissent said _f r o m Ft. Devens in Massachusetts said bigotry has potentially mischievous." the appeal could prejudice the "gone underground and emerged from New York. Weekly Anachronism"' w'ilf meet it'"Jim! "As °f thls date' both the credibility of any plan for covertly in thousands of subtle departures with open return. Saturday. Children under the Salurda*y itvthe union Parlors. ' governor and the Detroit Board of Education desegregation the board may ways" In the military. Acapulco, Jamaica, Hawaii also have announced St to Roth. available. Ca'l Frank Buck The MSU Opera Workshop presents their intent to appeal the Roth The fact the board is ,'If black officers had the 351-2286. 0-11 12-3 "Amahl and the Night Visitor" at Findings," the three said in a ppealing also will throw in proper backing, 80 per cent of DESPERATELY NEED ride for two infcrltft"o^or°h?nm»cheafohraVI 8:15. information on the marchr<* at s P'm' p m Friday Sunday and inSaturday andc of minority Michigan dissent. "The citizens doubt "our already are assured sT^erity? Cdlwtiveiy the "recismiti the"miHUry wouTd and Individually, in pubishlng not exist at the troop level," to Mexico (West / Southwest USA) December 1. Call Joe Call 332-0846 or 332-0427. the , e door- door "in °f ,thp 'natlfr repeatedly over the years policy Capt. Charlie Smith said. 351-3985. 3-11-19 Muslim students will hold prayers wj" Je( ful y re-examined at the Jtementys stresslng Jur beWf in and have dinner Saturday. For Janis Jolym will speak to the Foods and Nutrition club on army careers a£p.e'* J®1- 0ur co'teae"1* °n the board can serve no useful equa) educational opportunity and advocating the desegregation Wanted information, 355-1183. call 351-7026 or and special programs at 7 p.m. today PurP°se by reiterating the Qf Michigan schools, in 9 Human Ecology Bldg. request for appeal at this time. TWO TICKETS to Ms. Kelly, Ms. Miller and "Judge Roth has been faithful "Chicago" The Journalism Graduate Students concert. Worth your while. The Albatross film series presents Morton said an appeal will tend to the duty in his findings of Organization will meet at 7 p.i p.m. .,The Fly. The Wal, and the Kind 351-5526 after 5 p.m. 1-11-18 to deceive the general public as racial segregation in the Detroit today In the Journalism Reading HeMted Ant" at 8 and 9:30 tonight to the board's intent In Public School System," they at the Albatross, 547 E. Grand River Ave- challenging the Roth decision. concluded. "We are considerably "Most citizens will construe less concerned with legalistic ■30 p.m. - « .. CycMsts for 3 CIeaner Amerlca w„, this action of the board to be quibbling over who has been today In 33 Union. New show a videotape and discuss bike riding the popular bandwagon of responsible for the unjust WE ARE looking for talented and path plans at 3:30 p.m. today in appeal," they said. "The fact is Situation than we are with creative people to help us with that we are now regularly magazine. ARtists, poets, writers, a Representative Michael Dively will 208E Bessey Hall. rapidly finding a remedy for it." free thinkers, speak on "The Age of Majority - How phrenologists, and You Can OPEN TONITE ^other anachronistic types are included. Call Jay, 355-9367 or it Affects You" at 6:15 p.m. the North Case lounge, at today in 7:30 in Count Phil, 349-2380. 3-11-22 West McDonel Hall and at 8:45 in the North Hubbard lounge. for thestyles!Inte Eckankar, the ancient science of sout travel, will hold an open HEARTTHROB discussion group at 7 p.m. Friday in 39 Union. All are welcome. one of PERSONABLE MATURE GAL needs full time job Maurice Crane, professor of hamanities, will speak on "The , 20 styles break. (December 4 during Christmas January 2). Sojourner and the Strange" at 5:30 COUPON in the - General office, receptionist, Dental p.m. Sunday at Hillel, 319 Hillcrest. Present this coupon for Assistant, sales, cashier. Call Call information. 3 32-1 9 1 6 for rides or a $5 discount on any ELURA 339-8685 after 6 p.m. or wig, wiglet, or fall of weekends.S Evening services and supper wilt be $25 or more regular price miracle fibre held at 5:30 p.m. Friday at Hillel BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for with creative services at 8 (Doesn't apply to sale Items) p.m. all positive. A negative, B negative Morning services will be held and AB negative, $10.00 O a.m. Saturday. negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, Sigma Theta Tau will present a 507'/j East Grand panel discussion on "Can Nursing River, East Reconcile Idealism with Realism?" at Lansing. Above the new Campus Book Store. Hours, 9 am to 3 30 8 tonight in 133A Life Sciences Bldg NEW HOURS pm Monday, Thursday, and 9:30 - 6 p.m. Daily Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 Campus Action will meet at 9 Thur. nite til 9 pj pm to 6:30 pm. tonight in 38 Union and at 10 p.m. 337-7183. C Tuesday in the Oak Room, Union. DESIGN OUR adidas 1972 SALOMON Pre Season Basketball Special BINDING T-SHIRT Shooting Star-10.95 Supergrip 13.50 AND SKI EUROPE FREE! We are having a con for two weeks of skiing, test! A design con¬ all expenses paid. Re¬ test to who see can come up with member, your design would in¬ the wildest, most original design clude both front and back of T* for next year. Sketch something Shirt. out on a scrap of paper or what¬ ever—you don't have to be an Contest absolutely closes artist to win. Entries will be based midnight December 31, / J| 1971. Send entries to strictly on zanniness and frivolity. "SALOMON T-Shirt ADIDAS: The But get this, super-skier: Contest," A & T Ski most famous name in sport shoes, has authorized us to present you with a special savings. For a limited grand time only, ADIDAS the original 3-stripe shoe - offers the Supergrip for only $13.50 and the Shooting Star for prize winner will be flown to - $10.95. These are great savings for the pre season special only. The shoes are specifically designed for indoor surfaces - Company, 1725 Westlake 4 Europe on Scandinavian Airlines North, Seattle, Wash. 98109. lightweight, cool, and no. 1 in performance. Don't settle for an imitation; get the original three stripe shoe at Order your 1971 SALOMON T-Shirt by sending 13.00 along with Y°ur name, mailing address and T-Shirt size (Smalt, medium or large 2280 W. Grand River 4310 W. Saginaw Okemos TH8WBATHSRYANE Lansing SALOMON T-Shirts. 1725 Westlake North. Seattle. Washington 981 SAS SCA/Mt/MVM*