Monday Fear . . . MICHIGAN STATE MEWS Colder is the lock and laughter the STATE I key to your heart. UNIVERSITY ... snow with a chance of scattered flurries. High in the low ie 64 Number 71 East Lansing. Michigan Monday, November 22, 1971 Board approves ice By MICHAEL FOX football receipts will be diverted to the ice in principle, but did not arena, arts center State News Staff Writer arena. authorize facilities," Patricia Carrigan, D-Ann Arbor, be assessed a tuition hike or a specific tax Baron said Sunday that no single location construction until it has said The 6,000-seat ice arena is accepted a regarding one administration to finance the structure. has been decided upon for the expected to financing scheme. performing J $4.5 million ice arena and a $12 be completed in time for the 1973 hockey Breslin said the ice arena would be suggestion that the all-events building be The performing arts center received arts center, but that the most favored site ■ion performing arts center received the season. An architectural firm is financed through a student tax. unanimous approval for a $12 million funded over 20 years at $470,000 is west of the television facilities on west Xn lit;'11 f°r construction at Friday's be named in expected to January and construction and interest paid each principal "I wonder about the uses of this structure with a 2,500-seat concert hall, an campus in the vicinity of the quonset huts Kr(l of trustees meeting. should be started next year on 5.5 percent building. What is the base of need for it?" 800 to 900-seat smaller concert hall and a summer. Jack bonds. This would divert income from [ approving the two new facilities, the Breslin, executive vice president, said. football ticket sales for the next 20 Ms. Carrigan said. 700-800 seat recital hall. Breslin expressed |t(1(.s balked at approving an all-events Although the performing arts center with into the ice arena, with years $260,000 expected The trustees, in a 6-2 vote, affirmed their a hope that $7 million of the total cost Richard E. Sullivan, dean of the College of Arts and Letters, advocated the ■ iding because of an inadequate its planned 2,500-seat concert hall received to be received from ticket sales would be obtained through gifts and inent of the need and financing plan next fall. interest in such a facility but called for a performing arts renter to the trustees in an unanimous approval, the ice arena grants. uch a structure. The ice arena will be received 5-3 approval. The facility "The number of students buying football complete funding plan before any final The other $5 million is being requested informational meeting Thursday night. opposition to tickets has decreased, but not approval would be given. Two years ago, Ljaiiy financed through a $1 increase in the ice arena centered on directing all the from the state legislature, with $50,000 d(M,t football ticket prices. athletic fund money to the substantially," Breslin said. the all-events facility was rejected because facility, with sought in the 1972-73 budget capital (Please L i), i;it (I npproved an increase from $2 trustees Frank Merriman, About $230,000 went to the athletic the funding plan called for all students to outlay requests. turn to page 13) I |nmH. game to $3 for student football R-Deckerville, fund this fall from ticket sales. Warren Huff, D-Plymouth, and Clair A. Breslin noted that Demonstration effective next fall. All $1.5 million White, D-Bay City, voting "no". Hall, in which the current ice arena is ■rently in t>ie athletic fund from past The board approved the all-events located, will facility continue to function as an ice facility. He added that the construction of the new arena will expand use by intramural IrGE alternatives hockey teams, free ice skating and the local community. Milton Baron, director of Trustees r and planning, said Sunday the ice campus parks would be located south of Demonstration arena Hall in the vicinity of a gravel parking lot on Chestnut Lane south of the opposition evergreen tree grove and north of the intramural playing fields. The ice arena was a controversial alternatives because of topic the department last spring when proposals were debated in represents "vested interests" and a "very ASMSU and the Council of Graduate narrow philosophy" in regard to the Students (COGS) to ask the administration the board of trustees Friday reiterated building of the Highways. Hiltz also said to redirect the $1.5 million in the athletic opposition to the proposed the department does not have "the ability fund to the general fund. The debate was ss-oampus highway and directed the to evaluate alternatives in the most between athletic advocates jvorsity administration "to cooperate in objective way." including the Athletic Council, which desired the ice j area-wide transportation study to He said members of .His group would be arena, and academic forces, which were Insider the alternatives to the proposed able to participate in the study. The SCAR » including alternate modes of seeking new revenue in the face of new group will issue a statement on the board's limits jortation." action and the proposed imposed on the expansion of study early this teaching staff r group forwarded a t board unanimously passed a week, he said. resolution on the matter. opart motion by I)on Stevens, Other trustees at the meeting also said The all-events Mucture, a controversial |0keinos, which also reaffirmed iction at a June meeting when the the they would prefer a study of alternatives before making any decision on the issue, two years ago, was tabled by the Hoard of trustees trustees because of trustees' questions lard agreed to rescind its earlier approval highway. regarding its need and financing. Breslin §the road. Blanche Martin, D-East Lansing, urged indicated he would respond with a report The board of trustees voted unanimously Friday to reaffirm their earlier opposition to a cross-campus highway. itevens noted that if the study does not his fellow trustees to t;>ke a President Wharton, head of table, made no recommendations to the "longer look" at the next meeting. trustees, but Trustee Don Stevens, Hvelop a bel ter way to ease the area's at the situation. "I regret so little D-Okemos, at Wharton's right, introduced a motion which asked for a study of alternatives to the transportation importation problems "we can always information has been Kenneth Thompson, R-Grand Rapids, disseminated problem in the local region. ild the proposed highway." among the student body State News photo by Tom Dolan spoke against the highway saying "when regarding the I' 1 E. Stafseth, director of the State that ribbon of concrete is laid across the funding for these three ■ghway Dept., raid Friday he was campus, it's going to be there forever." ^appointed that the board reaffirmed the Stevens said he thought the board should ie position, but that "we'd be moe than Trustees OK wage cooperate in the transportation study hikes o eooperate" in the study proposed because the proposed route would be [the board. ftafseth said "all we'd ask" of the "environmentally and educationally distractive" and because there has been an iversity is that it keeps open the right of "inefficient consideration of alternatives. Ky for the road while the study is being "The proposed highway, if constructed, would mean increased levels of air and By MICHAEL FOX per cent permitted by the federal rates are $8,840 and $11,230 for Level 1. new minimums and maximums of $6,314 nothy Hiltz, coordinator of Stop noise pollution; it would mean a loss of State News Staff Writer government under quidelines for Phase 2 of For Level 10 in that category, theminimum and $7,843, respectively, for medical [mpus Access Route (SCAR), one of the centrally located prairie habitat for use as Student employes will receive raises of wage-price controls. and maximum now are $20,130 and technicians; for X-Ray technician chiefs, ent groups opposed to the outdoor classrooms; it would mean yet fchwav plaas. said he . 10 cents per hour effective Nov. 15 as part The minimum wage increase for student $22,190, respectively. $7,949 and $9,877. was pleased with the another barrier and potential hazard of a packet salary increases approved by Post-freeze pay adjustment for hourly lard's action. between married student housing, the new employes however, amounted to a 6.25 per New ranges of minimum ard maximum the board of trustees Friday. cent hike. Breslin said that the ranges not covered by union contract ['My principle concern at this point is medical school, other future University for clerical-technical employes io is development was not yet certain if it would be held to are, for established new minimums and maximums going to be involved on the study of and the main campus; it would mean a The 10 cents an hour raise will affect Level 1. $5,025 and $5,823; "for Level at 30 different pay grade levels. The lowest the 5.5 per cent limit. 12, jernatives," Hiltz said. further inroad of the automobile at the more than 6,000 MSU students, including $9,690 and $11,950. grade, termed special, now ranges from s did not clearly define just who residence hall desk receptionists, library Pay raises approved Friday for student $2.11 per hour to $2.37: for the III participate in the study. In making his (Please turn to page 13) workers, careteria workers and student Health highest employes, graduate assistants, temporary profession amounted to grade, Z, $5.76 to $6.85 per hour. JDlion, he suggested that the newly custodians. The basic wage range of $1.60 faculty and other nonacademic staff Pited Capital Area Transit Authority to $1.90 per hour was increase to $1.70 to Id the Urban Mass Transit Administration completed President Wharton's previously ■ the Dept. of Transportation be Petitions $2.00 per hour by the board's action. expressed intention of securing raises for MORE EXPECTED given an all University workers. Students enrolled in the "All students presently employed will portunity to study the situation. college of receive the raise of 10 cents per hour ['evens also suggested that "interested Business may pick up petitions for seats on effective Nov. 15," Jack Breslin, executive Phase 1 of the federal economic controls and individuals" help study the the University Academic ended Nov. 14, paving the way for the Student files > Governance, vice president, said. itives. Business Affairs and International Projects raises which has been barred under the liiltz said the Highway Dept. should not wage freeze. Faculty and staff had been committees in 7 Eppley Center until 5 p.m. Pay raises approved Friday for most I the "principle participant" in a study of granted raises in October averaging 7 per Monday, Nov. 29. University employes were within the 5.5 cent, which were retroactive to July 1, under a special exemption from the Federal Cost of Living Council. after at-large VASECTOMY-$50 The administration Friday secured pay raises for all other employes who had been forbidden salary increases earlier. Graduate Lansing junior, 175, and Annie Garth, assistant raises, recommended by Provost Saginaw junior, 160. Bids bolster John E. Cantlon, were approved also. Because Ms. Butler has been elected baby ban The controversial election of student representative from the College of New maximum rates for graduate level representatives-at-large to the Academic Education, it is expected that she will one-quarter time appointments are $1,800 Council was finally decided Thursday when resign her at-large position according to aL Level 1, $1,900 at Level 2 and $2,650 at 1,333 voters elected 10 minority SEATTLE, Wash. (AP)-The bidding opened for a Bathurst. Paula Fochtman, Petoskey vasectomy. At first the crowd of about 150 persons was Senior Level. The new ranges for one-half representatives. junior, was fifth among the top silent. time and three-quarter time appointments However, one appeal of the election has vote-getters. It is expected that she will "It's not in each level are mathematically already been filed and others expected to move into the fourth necessarily for yourself or your spouse. Maybe be filed today. position if Ms. Butler it's for proportional. a friend, a very special Christmas gift," pleaded The appeal was filed Friday with resigns. auctioneer Michael Rosen, a Seattle attorney and state the Ballots were counted Thursday night by executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union. Undergraduate assistant stipends went Student Committee on Nominations by an the poll workers and rechecked from $1.75 minimum and $3.50 miximum individual who lost in the category for Friday Rosen an^ John morning by members of the staff of the Junker, a University of Washington per hour to $1.85 and $3.70 per hour, black representatives. criminal law professor, called for the bids assistant dean of students. There were no a Seattle Saturday night at respectively. Undergraduate per month Though he would not release the name of ACLU benefit auction which drew only a few salaries for 10-hour weeks went from $70 discrepancies between the two tallies. more persons than the individual who filed the appeal, Mark No write-in candidate received there were donated items to be sold. minimum and $140 maximum to $75 and enough The Bathurst, chairman of the Student votes to be declared a winner. bidding rose to $30 for the voluntary male $150, respectively. Committee on Nominations, said Sunday sterilization operation, which Rosen said usually costs Vote totals of all contenders in the the allegations were based on $125, when a man's voice rose in mock Receiving pay increases averaging 5.5 per campaigning category for black representatives are: 'he women protest. "Why is it illegalities. Linda L. Thompson, Detroit junior, 270; who are doing all the bidding?" cent were employes classified as The committee will accept The appeals until Roderick D. Giiluin, Detroit junior, 214; vasectomy went for $50—"the full operation for half administrative-professional, 5 p.m. today. Bathurst said the deadline the clerical-technical, health professions and Willie Cooper, Jr., Flint graduate student, price, better than the other way around," Rosen said. was set to allow the Tpii small hourly ranges fro employes on labor All-University Student 206; Sherman Walker, Detroit junior, 183; etchings by a local artist brought prices ranging Judiciary time to hear appeals this term. Jalnes E. Watson, Detroit junior, 141; and rom $10 to contract not covered by union contract. $20, and Jane Kowals successfully bid $11 to avt' 12 The latter group refers to temporary The winners in the category for black Ronald R. Bowden, Detroit freshman, 59. letters "drafted and typed and sent to Congress on your favorite issues," as the auction catalog described it. instructors and other staff whose contracts Candidates in the black female category representatives vote totals are: Hon A year's and their vote totals are: Catherine Gooi, supply of birth control pills went for $15, begin in September and therefore were not Johnson, Detroit sophomore. 307; and W. Detroit junior, 196; Gayle P. King, Grand drafting of a will for $20, three hours of psychotherapy for eligible for exemption from the freeze. Eugene Buckner, Jackson freshman, 287. &*>, insertion of an Black female representatives: Carolyn Rapids sophomore, 163; Casandra intrauterine contraceptive device for WO and a Chinese dinner for two on a houseboat for $35. (Pebbles) Redd, Muncie, Ind., sophomore, Edmonson, Detroit freshman, 159; o one 218. Chicano representative: Guadalupe Catherine Wallace, Detroit freshman, 127. bid on "a non-contested divorce—no counseling Solis, South Bend, Ind., sophomore, 414, Jovita Sanchez, Detroit freshman nfi°' you shou'd really hate each other." candidate for the Chicano category, ai i r 'fems include macrobiotic cooking lessons, an 'plane ride, a Committee posts Winners in the other nonwhite received 306 votes. n8s by a mushroom-hunting trip next spring, five representative category are: Mark F. Vote totals for candidates in the soprano "at a meeting of your choice", category °uisiana corn bread and a one-hour discussion on Students in the College of Agriculture Jaeger, Greenfield, Wis., junior, 333; and designated for nonwhite students who are Women's Liberation. and Natural Resources are needed to fill Cheng-Kong Chou, East Lansing graduate neither black nor Chicano are: Clyde 'here also three positions on University Standing student, 214. Kiang, East Lansing graduate student, 195; were more conventional items: food and The top four vote-getters in the female Flora E. Diaz Catapusan, Quezon Committees. Anyone interested should City, sketch' ,>omemat®e c,°thing and furniture; paintings, contact Barbara Boehlke in 11 Agriculture representative category are: Winnie Ward, Detroit junior, 214; Margy Lesher, Glen Philippine Islands, graduate student, 181, ^ auction brought about $1,500 to the Seattle ACLU. Hall by 5 p.m. Monday, Nov. 29. Ellyn, III., senior, 194; Linda Butler, (Please turn to page 13) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, Novcmh,.^ news Board OKs health plan study n_: u.. u„.nk i 47 s Phnsi* Phase "2s objectives include "2s objectives Include the health Dlan * . ... All-University Health 197 3, a* as plan tinrW»nir«.. undertaken _ By MICHAEL FOX Six members of the wit had maintained that State News Staff Writer Center Advisory Board submitted their identification of areas surrounding the logistics novinu mi,, in summary The board of trustees detailed Friday authorized a more investigation of a prepaid health care resicnationsTtuirsdav in a Wharton. The "letter objected to the letter to President of implementing such a plan. Robert Pemn, vice president for University relations, recommended premature, but Perrin siai,«| ,, committed the University to "Much of this revolved the „|.in'n n° -*is| *»y I From the wires of AP and UPI. administration's intention to make a that Phase 2 be initiated. around plan for all members of the University WOII, recommendation to the trustees Friday without Phase 2 will be conducted by MSU s recently communication about Phase •> i,', community, including students, faculty, staff and their families. having received any input from the study established Office of Health Service Foundation modified and this is a request |((r ^| The decision to enter into the committee and Rosearch- a division of the College of Human continue with our investiu;,t,<.>< ■ •'T. impr(lvai to detailed more In a Dreoaid health care program, subscribers Medicine. The phase is expected to run through the trustees. ' Whart»n t* I study, known as Phase 2 in a series of phases established for studying the health plan, came pay a set fee to a group of doctors and other November 1972, at which time the trustees will health professionals who, in retur., provide decide whether to initiate a pilot program, Wharton sent a letter him to reconsider his Friday t„ I despite the resignations Thursday of six members of a committee studying the prepaid health tare agreed-upon health services. Office calls as well as The Health Center Advisory Board a five members, who are r.-pr..Ul 'u °%| plan. hospital care are usually included. 10-member committee with faculty, staff, faculty, administrative - nr.»i'ev.l(),ni mit*| The health plan could feasibly go into effect in graduate student, and undergraduate clerical - technical employes representatives, had not made a recommendation and minority undergraduate i,irirh ,'",ploy<|.I "Good God. what's happening on whether or not to move into Phase 2. Louie four members of the commit students Thniploy(ll to all tlic money we 're spending, Bender, graduate representative and chairman of tee either"19 Pontioc been named fire or not been active nearh SSI) billion a year?" Sen William Proxmire, D Wis. k the committee, said Thursday in resigning tuat the recommendation of the committee wouldnot recently. "I am talking to the other members in •» I be made now, but he added that the group was advisory board and will show them u/h of t I colled * concerned by what it perceived to be widespread letter," Bender said Sunday. harlo»' lutiiuy six I early! DC 9 94 AC 007 Win/Nas/Win Sunday when fire raced through! Commuters ignore pleas RETURN COST ADMIN CHRG 12/15 a house trailer near FairbanhB SUPREME TOTAL 1/2 $155 $20 UNION International Airport. poli«| Thousands of dollars in reward $175 reported. money was offered BOARD Police said the dead include! Sunday in Rochester, N.Y. for information on the rape 12/20 $84 $15 $99 Patricia Calvan, her slaying of a 10-year-old girl whose pleas for help were children and the three c. _ ignored by scores of nomeward bound commuters on a of her brother, Dale Brewer. busy expressway. Galvan, 26, was babysitting fofP on a Police said the girl. Carmen Colon, was abducted while shopping errand for Iter mother last 1 uesday. She briefly escaped the abductor's car, they added, and ran Start a new tradition... 351-8870 brewer and his wife. Preliminary investigation,! police said, indicated the cause* !«*l L along the roadway seminude. waving desperately at THANKSGIVING DINNER was a defective eleiiru passing motorists. None stopped. FREE DE at the Circuit judge indicted cBell DOMINO'S | M.A.C. AVENUE Soup THE MOOSUSKI The Justice which names Dept. is studying a draft on an indictment Roast turkey with mushroom dressing Restaurant DELIVERY MEETING HAS BEEN Judge Otto Kerner, of the 7th U.S. Circuit THE Place for Pizza! POSTPONED UNTIL Court of Appeals, and four others in an 351-8870 alleged scheme Cranberry sauce WED. DEC. 1. involving bargain racetrack stock, Chicago newspapers reported Sunday. Salad The Chicago Tribune, which appeared first with a Vegetable copyright story in Sunday editions, said the alleged plan was in effect from 1961 to mid-1968, almost the entire Butter-whipped potatoes with turkey gravy time that Kerner, a Democrat, was Illinois governor. Steaming hot Russian rye bread Pumpkin or mince pie Teens tired of $3.95 charity 33 MORE DAYS TILL XMAS Six orphaned teenagers living together as a family in Children 6- 12 Children 5 and Allow yourself enough time to make those extra special gifts Essexville, Mich, say they're fed up with $1.75 under - free for Christmas. - being in the spotlight. They re even a little tired of people's charity. I ne Gregory widowed mother died last family, four girls and two boys whose Afterwards stay with us Serving from 12 -6 You provide the macrame and time, and love- We'll provide the I December, say they would decoupage supplies. like more in the bar to watch Please call for privacy, have enough money and are not the story-book family they're made out to be. Detroit vs. Kansas reservations I lie teenagers drew national judge ruled they could remain together as attention when a probate City starting at 7 p.m. 351 - 0300 " I II PI—rn- inside the three older long as one of girls Jill and Judy, 19-year-old twins, or Jann, IS. stayed home each night to supervise the 1020 Trowbridge Rd. ACE HARDWARE younger children. 1201 E. Grand River 351-6184 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 22, 1971 hilean party German party berates o to 1-house ANTIAGO, Child (AP) - The Christian Democrats, Chile's est opposition party, rejected on Sunday government plans to j|Vt, Congress and establish a "People's Assembly." The Brandt's Soviet policies ton makes a nationwide plebiscite on the controversial issue HOLZMINDEN, Germany (AP)—The right his nonaggression pacts with Moscow and ust inevitable. wing National Democratic Party (NFD) emerged Warsaw. Tbe treaties recognize existing borders in „e plan was presented to the present Congress two weeks ago barely intact Sunday from the stormiest congress tl,e leftist Popular-Unity coalition government of President Europe, including the loss of former German in its seven-year history. It remained united, ador Allende as part of a sweeping constitutional reform territory to Poland and the Soviet Union. however, in its determination to fight Chancellor Willy Brandt's policy of improving relations with ^proposal would dissolve the present 50-member lower the Soviet bloc. "The NPD rejects every surrender of stolen from Germany", the resolution declared. territory ^ber of Deputies and replace it witn a unicameral congress of The fifth annual party congress ended with the The new chairman, Martin ut 150 members. Mussgnug, called on rousing "Deutschland, Deutschland yber Alles." members to close ranks to enable the e government, which includes Communists and Socialists, The singing matched in intensity the previous party to 1S t)K> one-house congress would be more efficient and faster regain lost support. Since its defeat in the 1969 day's heated debate between the more moderate federal election, the party has lost its seats in six ssing laws. and the radical wings of the party. At one point, of the seven state parliaments where it had been „e Christian Democrats and right wing parties claim the it appeared the party would break apart. represented. posa| is only a ruse for new congressional elections to increase The radicals want a more activist party that government's strength in the legislature. openly would confront its leftist opponents—in "The course of the NFD ship is clear," Hendi' has pledged to "lead Chile down the road to socialism" the streets, if necessary. le respecting the country's democratic traditions. This means Mussgnug said, alluding to the moderates' victory The moderate wing shuns demonstrative mjtting to legislation his proposals to transform Chile into a over party radicals Saturday. actions that tend to awaken fears in a resurgent alist state. German nationalism modeled after the Nazi Mussgnug, a 35-year-old lawyer, emerged as a ie half dozen left-wing parties in the coalition government, compromise candidate of the moderates after ever, control only 91 seats in Congress while the Christian locrats and the right control 107. Two seats are vacant. il the Library At the end the 400 delegates unanimously Adolf von Thadden, one of the founders of the party, yielded to radical pressures and withdrew 1P Christian Democrats have 67 votes, the biggest single bloc As the term draws to declared their unwavering opposition to his candidacy for re-election to the a close, finals approach, and research papers are due, this student finds a chairmanship. ie congress. Their opposition to the People's Assembly makes communism and what they termed Brandt's quiet place to catch up on Prior to his election, ,nost certain that the proposal will have to go to a plebiscite. her studies. Mussgnug told the policy of surrender to the Kremlin. congress Von Thadden's retirement could mean State News photo by W.B. Remington They called on the federal parliament to reject the end of the party. MSU trustees hear proposals, reports JILL HOLSTEIN BILL policy for the release of faculty faculty Nonnamaker Nonnamaker told tnlH the Hip board hnai-H that that education and instructional,.r j ■ State News Staff Writer and staff salaries media designate the Friday but policies in records, financial aids, necessary refund procedure now being athletics, was granted a health delayed that action until and resources. Carroll H. professor in engineering and at least admissions and business were percentage of new female used by the State News where leave with full salary until Jan. the next board Wamhoff will be acting director physics. he board of trustees Friday meeting. being altered to meet the new positions to be black women to students may get back the $1 15, 1972. Professor Gale Mikles The proposal for a of the institute. Hans J. Kende, professor of d a proposal to create a domiciliary situation. effectively increase the overall per term tax for the paper by oi that department will fill in for determination board included a The black female faculty and botany plant pathology, was a r d of Domiciliary Acting on a recommendation percentage of black women to a signing a statement saying that Munn. named acting director of the set of guidelines in staff group addressed the board minimum of ■rmination, which would be determining a by President Wharton, the board 12 per cent at all they will not read the State in response to a Robert W. Summitt, associate Plant Research Laboratory to onsible for handling questins student's eligibility for in-state created the University levels of employment," the News or use its services. Trustee affirmative action plan for professor of metallurgy, replace director Anton Lang t arise about a student's classification. The guidelines Distinguished Citizen Award to women which calls for a 3.2 spokeswoman said. The board approved several mechanics and materials science, while he is on leave. per ssification as an out-of-state attempt to eliminate some of the be awarded to Michigan Citizens cent increase in the number of Minority women make up 12 personnel changes of note. was named acting chairman of Russell W. Allen, professor of ent. Action on the proposal long-standing confusion about for public service. women in the tenure per cent of the total female Clarence L. (Biggie) Munn, that department. Donald J. labor and industrial relations, various situations that arise for The board also system by population in the state of chairman of the Health, Physical University Attorney Leland approved 1974. Montgomery, chairman of the was named associate director of students such as where the formal Michigan. Education and Recreation Dept. r was postponed until affiliations with two "We charge you to department, will become a that department. student's family moves into specifically The board also approved the and director of . jary. Lansing and two Detroit area intercollegiate he board also heard a report Michigan duirng his enrollment hospitals. The contracts provide at MSU or where an out-of-state for the student regulation changes training of MSU medical student quits school for one year students ted to the age of majority at St. 1. created the Trustee and then seeks readmission as an Hospital Lawrence in Lansing and of The world is yours The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State in-state student. University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter itinguished Citizen Awards, osteopathic medical students at roved affiliation agreements The board would consist of Lansing General Hospital, if you're a winner. and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays the dean of the School for during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition »een MSU's medical schools Detroit Osteopathic Hospital Advanced Graduate Studies, the in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. various hospitals, established dean of students, and the asst. and Martin Place Hospital in "THE Member Associated Press, United Press International, Agriculture and Natural Madison Heights. provost for undergraduate Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, sources heard Educarion Institute affairs. Ex officio members The board established an Agriculture and Natural CHRISTIAN Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press a presentation by a Association. would be the director of Resources Education Institute to up of black female faculty I staff. admissions and the registrar. replace the Institute for LICORICE Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial In other and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan he administration action, Eldon Extension Personnel lected to propose a was board Nonnamaker, dean of students, Development. The institute STORE" State University, East Lansing, Michigan. told the board of the would not teach courses but administration's attempt to CeNTtR fUMS PRESENTATION Phones: would facilitate vocational change various. University News 355-8252 oal exceeded; training, communications and regulations to comply with the education research, in service BEAU BRIDGES Classified Ads 355-8255 new age of majority. Advertising 353-6400 training and continuing MAUDADAMS Business Office 355-3447 337 pints of GILBERT ROLAND Photographic 355-8311 ood collected FACULTY, >ss Lansing Regional blood drive, Red conducted advanced NOV. 24 week by Alpha Phi Omega Gamma Sigma Sigma, netted !7 pints nf blood, 160 pints candidates r the announced goal, he total " rs, over was a totals "tremendous in previous according to Dean Fritz, onion (nan Presenting our lied Lake senior and publicity ■ector of the program. of the blood will be used wants to remind you that French Dip three weeks in the 81 the deadline for renting od from the hospitals which Lansing receive Regional caps & gowns is Tuesday, November 30. Sandwich d Cross, Fritz said. Hoods from other universities must be BILL ordered early. For more information, call 355-3498 or ask at the union desk. SLACK Remember the name. bikini panty stockings You'll be hearing a lot about him. new don't forfst! for the Miss J figure. . . English-cut round of roasted Jacobson's own brand of sheer beef piled into a loaf of French bread, and served brief-top leg fashions makes a with a cup of au jus. SPARTAN neat showing in tan, medium While in the and dark brown, black Olde World, STORAGE or navy. Sizes S-M-T. 1.89 try our wine oi the week... Insured Indoor Heated Moil.-Wed. 11:30 to 12:30 Storage Thurs.-Sat. 11:30-2 12:00-12:30 For Winter Term under the red and blue awning Phone 337-1239 from 8 - 11 am and 1-10 pm JacobBoriiS JACOBSON'S OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL NINE mMiW, ^ BFJEAD correc disadvantaged students do not many blacks are as much racists as whites on this campus are. Their existence seems / WORLD FAMOUS \ HOCKEY PLAYER T0NI6HT'S 6AME IS A6AIN5T DETROIT...WHERE'S 60RDIE HOWE? GORDlE HOUJE ISN'T PLAYING GORDlE HOUIE HA5 RETlREP ?!? remain disadvantaged. directed towards furthering the interests of Last thei*- race exclusively, in my definition, \5KATIN6 OUT ONTO/ Friday the board of trustees The commission's findings are by that is racism — whether justifiable or not. uranimously voted to uphold their no means absolute President Certainly, I don't expect to imply that all spring decision to block the Wharton and the trustees will be the blacks and whites are racists. There are cross-campus highway. In so doing ones who make the final decisions on some students to whom the term "color they renewed student confidence what recommendations are blind" fits most aptly. But I think these and moved toward forging new implemented. Moreover, there will people represent a small percentage of the / \ r " \ bonds of cooperation with the City campus community. only be a certain amount of money The difference between white and black of East Lansing. to work with. Any major racism, however, is that while tne former Certainly this eleventh hour institutional change by the may be admitted, the latter never is. It is blockage of the proposed route University most probably will safe to call a white "racist" because doing comes as a sizable inconvenience to a require a re-ordering of priorities so expresses solidarity with the black number of factions, notably the that could strain some of i ts internal identity struggle and, therefore, is acceptable. But blacks are not called Highway Dept. Clearly, however, the workings. But, as the Commission "racist" by whites because it is ecological concerns involved make indicated, the long-range effects of automatically — though not necessarily this a necessary if regretable price to such a decision will far out-weigh the correctly — assume you are anti-blackand temporary disadvantages. opposed to the black movement. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 22, 1971 ocf-, *- Speakers for the Sunday dedication of the new MSU Employes Credit Union, center, included Al Charbonneau, left, managing director of the Michigan Credit Union League, and Jack Breslin, right, executive vice president of the University and secretary of the board of trustees. State News photo by Terry Miller lust ' apply people who ing money tor „ New teacher certification there plan praised there arc reservations aro reservations as t.nto th<» . f-oi ir i ec as arwj,..,,;,, the academic progress. ~ LESLIE LEE *1 ......... w'th worken By the effect ... .... pupils of the association, administration and not drastic alteration the report implementation in the training competency assessment, used to chimp State News Staff Writer specific methods. "For many years the teacher teacher." school board joint assessment of states. institutions and schools along The proposals are now before shed product r msii The reaction of MSU College ° \ \ . °, i! superintendent of public has been rested ' l'ertification system Michigan It would also provide an competency would be required A tentative timetable has been with the development of the State Board of Education almost orderly means of sumers, tradin Education faculty to a instruction, proposed in October maintaining a for further certification. established for the program. It statewide guidelines for and subject to its approval. hich to pay exclusively on academic progress continuing evaluation of the • Finally the process would be defines specific goals for each of ,jposal to revise the Michigan that teacher certification be rather than measurable competency of all public school complete and a continuing ^ny money | >acher certification program has based on professional proficiency of the teacher," teachers he said three years. It would be in full certification would be granted, effect by 1975. ? capitalist. generally favorable. But competency rather than strictly he said at the time. The major change here would ' commerce, o . Such a system could be . ,, , The report defines its goals in The timetable provides for three involve an assessment and public hearings and sources of jitics cite implemented within three years ... . ... . . ion nnll initial appropriation of - preparation^, initial j practicing and continuing definition of the factors of- professional competencies, continuing competency and just public t- input duringo the first two —r years, along with the II I III $30,000, he said. Factors of these are defined as for dismissal. -»«■ In a report released, last week development of the program. - position statements and knowledge, performance and net Statuatory or rule changes would require modificiation but The third year would be reserved effect on pupil indicators, for final approval and or U.S. ar proposals were made public. Director of student teaching, To facllitale lhese goals the report recommends four areas of iffff WASHINGTON (AP) — Two Senate critics of military spending Henry Kennedy, said the activity- 'concept was "a real fine approach" but would depend on . _ formal preparation [Pancake Hous lame a reported Soviet weapons technology lead on Pentagon (aste, not efforts in Congress to trim c'.c'fetise money. the definition given to teacher competency. Robert Hatfield, Prided by universities which *,U red,re^ tne,r Pr°grams ln ^ Open for Thanksgiving ^ refugees: hoi "Good God, what's happening to all the money we're spending, associate professor of teacher direction of the new system, course, peop early $80 billion a year?" said Sen. William Proxmire, D-Wis. education, agreed with this view. aPP""e"tlce °r intern ling to What do we have to show for it in new weapons? Practically Teacher education is working f rt.fication that would be valid If you can'1 get home for Thanksgiving, (or I suppose tl towards defining and evaluating fo' °"e tto thrf* Vears ^ prefer not to cook for it) plan to join us for a at night Proxmire and Sen. Frank Church, D Idaho, were questioned concepts of competency, ™h,ch fl'me uthe candidate festive "home-cooked" holiday supper. ley is actual ifter editors of the authoritative Jane's Weapons Systems 1971-72 Kennedy said. He said it should demonstrates his performance i bound to [eported last week: "Russia now has the initiative in weapons relate to situations that will a . y' level would Graduation ^rom thls confront the teacher in the involve both the Roast young >to prove wh echnology. Tom Turkey with chestnut 'Whereas for a long time it was assumed - with considerable classroom school and the training dressing, your choice of sou]soup or juice. "When th y one dropi unification - that the NATO co'iihtrics had a clear lead in the Competency would have to be i^t'twtion. salads, vegetables and potatoes $2.25 r to you thin evelopment of sophisticated weapons," the editors said in the judged on an objective scale, • The continuance of the dlow creatun 86-page volume published in London, "It is now clear that the Hatfield said. After desired Provisional certification for six is the fin I.S.S.R. has extinguished that lead and is outstripping the West." teacher competencies have been years At the conclusion of this Ham and fruit sauce, and your defined, they should be Penod the teacher education I choice of soup or juice, salads, ;ues and duti They cited Soviet advances in its naval armaments, an perational antimissile system around Moscow, an early - warning incorporated into the training vegetables and potatoes. $2.55 rejudices, the idsr system and "fragmentary evidence" of a number of other program of the student teacher, you cant he said. THE MOOSUSKI vo times two merging weapons including a supersonic swinging "Backfire" Porter said the 301 Clippert across from Sears omber that they said is ahead of the equivalent U.S. B1 bomber. new system MEETING HAS BEEN ry refutingit would include both academic one mile from MSU Responded Sen. Church: "With all the money we're spending POSTPONED UNTIL n the progress and classroom WED. DEC. 1 Charles Low military, the Russians are still ""tsfripping us on J.H., sophmoi echnology." competency "based on the TTTV I I I III knowledge, the performance and Nov. 18,191 THANKSGIVING SAVINGS! THREE DAYS ONLY: NOVEMBER 22, 23, 24 >e vever - ^ ig to be fcl iage that ps these to be ta k's and whl cally ill"5" ip session jerstand I en some b I'm paying iding in w Hall) for supp tick toget black and' .s We've' to take it i will be be ostilities STD£~ HO iMENt p\U>J q\loA*A- <6 SOW H iscount records SOM ia-00 HOOKj 6-CO PM - S OO^M ZZ5 Mi STR^X LA/OSiKXr - 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, NovemhPr 22 1 Pakistanis learn cooperation Richard Niehoff, asst. deanof 'internationalprograms and MSU's October, 1970, the Central Economic Council of Pakistan coordinator of the Pakistan Project, said the Comilla is recognized universally as the most successful cooperative in approved the establishment of more academies with the central The setting is Comilla, East Pakistan, a rural area 80 miles north prototype government assuming 60 per cent of the financial support. of the Bay of Bengal and the home of a for agricultural development in the world. quarter-million people. All of the project's staff members from MSU were evacuated Here food is scarce, sickness and The project has acquired an international dimension. Officials poverty arc common and a before the political situation exploded in March this year. have gone to the Academy to study its programs and take back devastating civil war has caused over one-fifth of the country's However, the University receives weekly progress reports from total population to flee to India. guidelines for similar projects in their own countries, including Comilla. It is in this war-torn setting that the Comilla Brazil, Iran, Kenya, Thailand, Laos, Ecuador and the United Arab Project a land development laboratory begun in 1957 by advisers from MSU, Republic. There appears to be a high degree of nor .ialcy at the project, survives today. A number of papers on some of the Comilla programs have except for diminished attendance, some military occupation and been presented at international conferences and Comilla materials The East Pakistan Academy for Rural Development in Comilla the military's requisitioning of the cooperative's motor vehicles. was begun to train officials of the Pakistani government are being used in graduate studies at universities in the U.S., However, with the countryside being the battleground for the responsible for the policies and administration of rural Europe and Asia. Pakistani government troops and the Mukti Bahint, the East The Academy in Comilla was used as a model for the development programs. Pakistani guerillas, no one can be sure of the final effects of the But it has become more than tnat. It has taught tiie peasants in development of additional programs throughout East Pakistan. In war on the Comilla Project. the rural areas that by cooperating with each other they can better their existence. The project, funded by the Ford Foundation and the Pakistani government, has established viable voluntary cooperative units at STUDENTS SET CAMPAIGN the village level. Some of the achievements of tiie project for the peasants include better farming and irrigation techniques, machine and women weaving shops, and children and a cold-storage plant, schools for family planning programs. The 13-year-old project also includes one of Southeast best libraries on rural development, many of the English books Asia's Aid to refugees Two MSU students have Shrikumar Poddar and Kanlesli multi-media and periodicals being acquired through the MSU grant from the campaign based of 30,000 per day, and that engineered a plan which they Parehk, graduate students from primarily on direct mail appeals, 50,000 children are dying in Ford Foundation. hope will become "the greatest India, have inaugurated a and supplemented by broadcast refugee camps every month, rescue mission in human massive "people - to - people programs developed by Dbyle history," to save more than 10 campaign" to raise $540 million Dane Bernbach, a well-known million East Pakistani refugees, within six months. New York advertising agency. Poddar and Parekh conceded "What we hope is that 10 that even if their present plan is "Our mailings are aimed iccessful, it would only be a Alumni council million Americans will each people who'd given to other adopt one refugee, and charities before — particularly temporary stopgap. elects chairman contribute 33 cents a day for six against the Vietnam war," "Raising At the fall meeting of the months," Poddar explained. Poddar noted. "We expect our money doesn't of the •S/tccluior> Alumni Assn. Development "This amounts to only $10 a initial mailing to create a problem," Parekh said, adding Robert L. Green, seated on floor witn legs crossed, was Council. Edward E. Rothman, montJ Per Pf80"' bu* J* w,» multiplier effect in that a Jthat the Nixon Administration is cne retired senior vice president of P«>vide one Bengal, child with person receiving the appeal is |a , responsible for of the spectators at the board meeting Friday. He and the Campbell-Ewald of Detroit, has been elected chairman for the %b07Xue7and medicine." SSL!' food, shelter and mX7ne " friends.' C,rCU,at* " Ponging the crisis by - n ,, . , » - not women sitting with him were there for a presentation black female faculty and staff group that later spoke to the by a upcoming year. Ronald Karle, thPod.dar; Last *ho. is ^airman of In a previous l«s ambitious ^aKhln 3 *" board. State News photo by Tom Dolan editor of MSU Alumni Magazine, announced recently £ak'stan Emergency effort Refugee Fund, proposed his $350,000 the EPERF raised in private donations, Qare F Jarecki president s 1 r a 1 e 8 >' to 20 fund according to Parehk. executive and chairman of the board of representatives form all over the director of India Foundation. Jarecki Corp. of Grand Rapids, ™"ntrJ dur'n8a .^cheon Poddar dismissed his previous succeeds Rothman as vice JL atk Univers,ty campaign as a drop in the chairman of the council," Karle Methodist The Church. bucket, noting that refugees are plan consists of a still pouring into India at a rate R.H.A. Presents: A WILLIAMS HALL coed candles burning, which set a action. reported to police that a white" footlocker afire. Thomas male in his early 20's assaulted Corcoran, Elkhom, Wis. senior, A PIZZA DELIVERY Director's her as she was walking down and Patrick l_ Hafner, Walled Lake, making telephone call in the I West Circle near Kalamazoo. She junior obtained the key to the lobby of Emmons Hall Saturday said the man dragged her into room, then used fire I the bushes night reported to police that I bordering the extinguishers to put out the while he was talking on the I Series sidewalk and tried to force her blaze. Police estimate damage at telephone with a pizza balanced V to the ground, but she broke $30. in one hand, an unidentified I free and ran to her residence POLICE ARRESTED A male grabbed the pizza and fled I hall, where she then called 20-year-old Lansing resident for police. The incident happened at into Bryan hall. Police said the I INGMAR BERGMAN'S being drunk and disorderly delivery man chased the thief I 10:55 p.m. Saturday, police ACADEMY AWARD WINNER Saturday evening near Snyder and hit him several times with an I said. Hall. Police said was Jhe nonstudent later found to be carrying a empty box, but the suspect got I away. WRfllN SPRING TWO WONDERS HALL film cannister filled with what students extinguished a fire in a n was alleged to be fifth floor Wonders room Friday marijuana and TWO WASHING MACHINES! several unidentified pills. The were damaged Saturday when I evening. Police said the suspect was lodged in Ingham vandals attempted to. remove I occupants of the room left County jail to await further money from two machines in I Akers Hall. A total of $75 w reported to police, and the I washing machine larcenists were I unsuccessful, police said. A PAY TELEPHONE was | reported stolen from a lounge in Spartan Village Friday. Police I said the telephone was worth I $70. ICHIGAN Thfatrrlonsipq Open 12:45 • Shows A Shown at 7:00 and 10:00 1:00-3100-5:00-7:05-9:10 In The Great Tradition INGMAR BERGMAN'S ACADEMY AWARD WINNER THE FRENCH' CONNECTION1 PDEAN MARTIN* tBRIAN KEITH! 'something! big' :r,oohnto«n 1 NOW! open 12:45 Feature 1:15-3:15 5:20-7:25-9:30 billy JACK; TECHNICOLOR* iM 1,1 nm»M«lKW \ J THE LECTURE CONCERT SERIES - Feature 7:30 *30 presents HELLSTROM Shown at 8:30 only RALPH KIKKPATR1CK CHRONICLE — Tonight in Conrad THE WORLD'S GREAT Come at 8:30 and HARPSICHORDIST see both films Tuesday NOVEMBER 23 at 8:15 - p.m. $1.50 admission FAIRCHILD THEATRE Public $5.00 MSU Students With I. D. $2.50 On Sale at Union Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 'ollege to hold Panhellenic Cigarettes 10% Off The Discount Price ilm conference inaugurate 2/67° on all Film Developing i student conference on film study will be sponsored bv limit 2 pkgs nerlin College in Ohio April 20-23, 1972 to discuss the five offi (coupon) no limit (coupon) Xrdisiiplinary and societal implications of film study programs Expires after 11-27-71 East Lansing Store Only Expires after 11-27-71 ■colleges and universities. Panhellenic Council recently East Lansing Store Only ljventy-flve of the country's top graduate and undergraduate installed five new officers. Ident film theorists scholars will be invited and flown to Those initiated and their 2.25 Terlin as guests of the college for the four day meeting. positions are: Ingrid Brey, Kodak Color Film Bloomfield Hills sophomore, Christian" Metz of the Sorbonne, Paris and Yves I)e Laurot of president; Patti Shook, Flashcubes Reina Engage, New York, two internationally known film critics, T be at the conference also. Farmington sophomore, vice 126,127,620 president for rush; Beverly ■n,e participants will be chosen on the basis of an original essay Gaabo, Livonia junior, vice president for publications and 89c av 99c Busing on the "Goals. Methods and Scope of Film Study in the publicity; Cherie Miller, limit 1 limit 1 Ypsilanti junior, vice president (coupon) (coupon) for intergreek relations; and Kim Expires after 11-27-71 Expires after 11-27-71 East Lansing Store Only ■fhe deadline for the essays is March 1, 1972. The essay should Graff, Ann Arbor sophomore, East Lansing Store Only 1 a statement of what ought to be the study of film and its role vice president for campus affairs ■shaping the future. and public relations. $1.59 $1.49 m published collection of essays written by the conference Each of the four vice jdents will be made. presidents is in charge of a committee made up of several Cootac Dispoz-a-lite sororities. All are responsible to Cold Capsules Butane Lighter •ersons wishing to submit essays need not be specifically Jolved with film study programs or courses, Blurred vision the president. jfcr further information, students should contact Herbert Lman, associate professor of American Thought and Language. These new cars appear to be not only speeding, but also tailgating. However, they are strapped to Ms. Brey said Panhel is going ''try to increase i°'S gyc limit 1 99c communication between limit 1 securely to the train which is transporting them. (coupon) houses." Also she said they hope (coupon) Expires after 11-27-71 State News photo by Tom Gaunt Expires *fter 11-27-71 to attract more people. East Lansing Store Only East L«,..sing Store Only $2.00 $1.35 Slides, talk show rock culture y JAVON JACKSON the chronological history of rock to protect them from their handsome, sullen, arrogant rebel. One Size Panty liose Opaque Mystic or Leg Hugger Panty Hose music in great detail: In the pre-rock period of 1948 troubles. In 1958, Dick Clark became But, in 1955, the antithesis the most important promoter of finally adopted by its parents. But teens changed dances as In 1964, American youth, embittered by political unrest 89° limit 3 49c limit 6 fast as adults mastered them. [wo assistant professors of to 1955, American music was occurred. Bill Haley introduced rock talent. He helped the career Each dance was a little sexier, turned to foreign groups such as (coupon) (coupon) rican thought and language dominated by smooth, subdued, the song, "Rock Around the of the Rolling Stones and Beatles. Expires after 11-27-71 Chuck Berry, who recorded Expires after 11-27-71 | slide shows and historical tender love ballads. Clock and rock and roll was the habits, hangups and hobbies more suggestive and exhibitionistic than the previous The Beatles, who were East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only tion Thursday in a The nation was cautious. It born. constantly evolving, symbolized of youth. Pat Boone, Fabian, one. A few of the best known Jentation on "Rock Culture." had gone through the Great Haley was replaced by Elvis Frankie Avalon and Jimmy dances were the Chicken, Drive the positive maturing of rock $1.00 $1.00 ful Somers presented a slide Depression in the 1930s, World Presley with whom youth could Clanton tried to replace Presley, music, and made positive t as a personal emotional War II, and the McCarthy era. identify. Presley symbolized all but failed because they were too Home, Run Around, Pony, Frug, Bristol Stomp, Bird, Watusi, statements about love and life. One Size Virginia Opaque lonse to American rock Americans wanted music that the restless energy, drive, and artificial. Ferlazzo concluded that today il Ferlazzo discussed was lovely, simple and dreamy independence of a young,sexy, In 1960, President John Mashed Potatoes, Jerk, Dog, Madison and the Fly. the rock scene is one of variety Maid Panty Hose Knee Sox and diversity. Kennedy made friends with •v^ — f/1 \Vv young people, who began to make relevant social 44° 69° commitments. Many fought to COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS limit 6 (coupon) limit 3 (coupon) Capital/ Capsules combat racial injustices, poverty Expires after 11-27-71 Expires after 11-27-71 and war. They began singing East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only "folk" music. After folk singer Bob Dylan THE DEAN'S OFFICE IS MOVING $1.00 $1.15 ■ATERS IN THE STATE where 20 per cent performed with an electric ZOLTON A. FERENCY, former state ■ species of fish contain five parts or more per Democratic chairman and nominee for governor guitar, fold rock entered its The Dean's office, College of Arts and Sheer Nylon Cres! infancy. Letters, will be n of mercury will be closed to all fishing, I State Dept. of Public Health announced in 1966, has officially resigned from the party. Chubby Checker brought the moved from Berkey Hall to the second floor of Linton Hall Knee Sox Toothpaste Ferency, who had been a Democratic party music of the young to the adult on Tuesday, November 23,1971. member for over 25 years, was elected Nov. 14 world, and the child of rock RQC 59° was 6.75 oz. ■ addition, waters in which half of a species of to the steering committee of the new Human re found to contain more than .5 parts per Rights Party (HRP). TV RENTALS Both the Berkey Hall and the Linton Hall offices will be limit 3 limit 1 n of mercury will be required to Jiave The maverick Democrat said he abandoned the closed and we will have no telephone service all (coupon) (coupon) day on the Jnings posted around them. party in favor of the HRP because the 23rd. We will be open for business as usual on the 24th. All Expires after 11-27-71 Expires after 11-27-71 Kate Health Director Maurice Reizen said the Democratic party is controlled by its elected East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only phone numbers will remain the same as shown in the lr rules would not require the closing of any officials rather than the party members. directory. ■higan waters but that the St. Clair River, NEJAC TV RENTALS $1.69 fe St. Clair and the Detroit River will be NONDRIVERS may obtain personal 20' OFF identification cards from two state agencies. 337-1300 ith warnings for walleye, perch, Persons certified by the State Social Services Vaseline The Discount Price Iskellunge, rock bass, smallmouth bass, catfish Dept. as legally blind may obtain cards from the I sheepshead. Dept. of Statute while others can make their Intensive Care Lotion on any requests to the State Police Dept. THE CRITICS REACT: Lngar/ons hit 15 oz. Creme Rinse | flu epidemic Renefitz and Bagel "Mind-boggling! It's all there in unblushing color." —John Wassarman, San Francisco Chronida RATED X limit 1 (coupon) limit 1 (coupon) Expires after 11-27-71 Expires after 11-27-71 |IENNA (AP) - Half a "It may East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only l Hungarians are laid up boggle the mind, but only after it boggles, Ih influenza this weekend alias shakes up and threatens a lot of other things in¬ Ti 300,000 cases in the capital I of Budapest, the Hungarian Charlie Latimer and Phil Esser cluding the Puritan conscience and our traditional please note $1.12 $2.00 Is agency MTI reported sexual taboos." —Vincant Canby. N. Y Tima* ilead & Shoulders Suede Saver performing in Hubbard Hall Dining Room because ■day. ■nee the outbreak of the flu Monday, Nov. 22 at 9 p.m. "A milestone! I personally feel that movies like CEN¬ censorship in Denmark totally transcends Dandruff Shampoo Water Repellent Tickets $1.00 in advance $1.25 at the door ldemic 24 weeks ago, 86 SORSHIP IN DENMARK hurt no one and they should anything we have previously on sale at th9 Union or Hubbard Hall s», ions, most of them elderly, Mied of complications ■ not be banned here." -stawart main. wnew/ tv "This film may really be important if it starts a sen¬ shown, the age restriction will be stringently enforced. All - ' 550 limit 1 $139limit 1 Beal Film patrons will be required to Arena Theatre Group presents in 111 OLDS sible public discussion on what is really pornographic (coupon) Workshop present proof of age. Those Expires after 11-27-71 Expires after 11-27-71 Fritz Lang's Science Fiction Masterpiece and obscene in society today. Obscenity may not be East presents without ID will not be Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only a photographed body function-but what we throw admitted. If your MSU ID is 27c The Killer METROPOLIS into our air and water and the racial hatred." dated '53 you must bring ID $1.09 —Bruca Bahranburg, Newark Naws that gives your date of birth. Do meal Rocket Right Guard • 'The Ultimate! The nature and style of this film simply passes not by Eugene Ionesco makes all other sex films instantly old hat." acceptable. Cello Tape Deodorant -Addison Varrill. Variaty NOV. 23 & 24 8:15 P.M. "It demonstrates that with complete freedom for LAST 2 V4" x 800" yjt 4oz. 49C adults, one can achieve a sense of proportion about limit 1 limit 1 (coupon) (coupon) |RENA Theatre — pornography and give it the place it merits in one's life without prurience." DAYS! Expires after 11-27-71 East Lansing Store Only Expires after 11-27-71 East Lansing Store Only —Judith Crist, Naw York Maganna YOU MUST BE 18QR OLDER. NO EXCEPTIONS. 59c • •ln October of 1969. Copenhagen be¬ "Now, after several months of painstak¬ Hard As Nails Scotties came the first city in the world lo present an ing editing, our film is completed. It is the exposition of pornography. 11 was called Sex lirsl film of its kind, and wo are proud of il. Nail Polish Facial Tissues '69, and il attracted tens of thousands of Every incredible scene is authentic, \otliing carnal tourists. More than 400 newsmen there. And we were there. were is faked, and nothing is concealed. "We have presented social conditions in 39c 2°°'s 26c Knowledge at 8:30 only For "We llew lo Copenhagen with our cam- eras and a crew of professional filmmakers. seven long days and niglils we shot (ilm. l)t pi iui lark as tliey really are—without com- lise, without fiction. We have been limit 1 (coupon) Expires after 11-27-71 limit 1 (coupon) Expires after 11-27-71 0 Today at 6:15 8:15 1 wl-Lite Hour, Adults 90< 5:45-6:15 THE CLASSIC HORROR "We spent many hours at the exposition " We invite > r film if the sub- East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only PH2NT0M We visited bookstores, tliea s and private jeet matter is i FILM sex clubs. We saw the ma aWs&s, rapliy, the sale, distribution and the exhi¬ bition of il. Wc interviewed people, and we then don't.\oi ,, , 50° OFF The 1Discount Price 1)0(1011! B L-,\ observed a free society. We meticulously re SlllV"'V'"'- corded everything on film. T) T,K ^'"'""8 on;any I PiVta Now the amazing experiment from Denmark, where there is no censorship. Sterec1LP- \ Filmed entirely on location at and during Denmark's most controversial Sex Fair. This statement cannot be made by any other motion picture. A Beal Film no li mit 8 11 Group Presentation everyone^ life Expires afte r 11-27-71 % 7:00 k'\ V "" Alex deRenzy's netuys East Lansing Store Only J |sum'merof and 10:30 h Denmark: , Today at '42 6:15 ®] 8:15 in STATE DISCOUNT . M5i'6e;r!our,Aduits9o4 111 180NLY. OLDS 307 E.Grand River tejON TH€ RATED X. WE ARE UNDER CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION TO |H6TON QMCChS OF THE OPERA . THE DISTRIBUTOR TO CHECK ALL PATRONS FOR J®?'man r PROOF OF AGE. TONIGHT 109 Anthony Next to "The Card Shop" Showtimes7:00, 8:15,9:30,10:45 - Admission $1.50 Admission to both films only $1.00 8 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, Novemh^. SPORTS lWE HAVE NOTES? } FOR J Spartan icers split * Minnesota series * JWAIVERSj By CRAIG REMSBURG State News Sports Writer Goaltender Dennis Erickson by the Gopher netminder for the remainder of the contest. Zippy deflected a shot from the point °f the went period. in on Boyd the ieft J** i ATL: 111, 112 by Rick Olson for his seventh wh.pped a wrist shot LoH * stopped a barrage of 44 Spartan shots Saturday night to lead the goal of the young season. Just under a minute later, upper right corner of * NAT. SCI.: 191. I <>2. 193 Minnesota Gophers to a 3-1 win was Boyd's first goal JS. Thompson argued vehemently * SOC: 231. 232. 233 over the MSU hockey team, much to the chagrin of 3,596 with referee Andy Gambucci over a tripping MarkCalderi0^ t«rned out to be thVJi penalty given to Pomt of the * people packed into the Ice the Spartans' Bob Michelutti. ook the puck game. Th(T * HUM: 211. 212. 213 Arena. Obviously, Zippy was not "1 the from right corner Si theIL The victory, coupled with the talking about the weather unchallenged to * 3-2 loss to the Spartans Friday because Gambucci tagged be ('°P,ll'r the right £1 night, enabled the Gophers to net, lost the*! * WE HAVE HELP win their first game of the Thompson with misconduct and a a ten-minute two-minute for an instant there to slip it but into the CalL^T * season, as opposed to three major for arguing. * losses. The MSU squad now has Now two men short for full tally came at 19:18^? FOR a second stanza. a 3-1 record. two minutes, the Spartans * "Denny sure shut the door on fought off the Minnesota power ',Th.a.1 was Minnesota goal thai toil State," Minnesota Coach Glen play on some fine defensive play us, Coach SoST * Sonmor said. "He played just by Al Laking, Bob Boyd and somberly said Friday let niahtl super." Thompson walk right * FINALS Norm Barnes, to the delight of that was the out I "It was probably one of the the frenzied MSU fans. turning pointnf J * best series' we've played in a game for us." s Before the end of the second * long time," MSU mentor Amo period, however, Bruce Carlson Antonovich scored 4:31 mark of the aeain.J Bessone commented. "But we scored the first of his two goals due to a * NATURAL SCIENCE: mix-up J at the Tough ran into a real hot goaltender in the contest to tie the score, and that was the difference." defense, to tighten the 1-1. Carlson took a pass from score! J 181-191A-191H-I91K-192A- * Gopher goaltender Dennis Erickson makes one of his 44 saves Saturday night as Spartan Mike Miller is ready for a rebound. Erickson backstopped the Minnesota tear.i to a 3-1 win over the Don Thompson was able to beat Erickson at the 15:14 mark of the first period Saturday, but Jim Gambucci and flipped the puck over a sliding Jim Watt for man Erickson in the was pulled last minute fori® * 192C-193A-193C * MSU icers. State News photo by John Kauffman the Spartans were unable to get the tally. The goal came at the 17:08 mark of the period. Norm Barnes received1 an delay-of-game penalty forblliil J SOCIAL SCIENCE: J Dean Blais put the Gophers ahead to stay with a shot into on a loose make the finish quite puck at 19 201 excitj J 231A-23115-231D-232A-233A * REGAIN SECOND PLACE the upper left of the MSU net at 5:27 of the third period. Spartan But the Spartans, led hung on to win the by W|| contest. I ATL: 11 1-112 * defenseman Rick Olson tired to At the final buzzer, a fracas I HUMANITIES: 241-242-243 CHEMISTRY: 130-131-141 Lions maul 28-3 keep the puck in the Minnesota zone but the disc hit Mike Antonovich at the blueline and front of the MSU net members from each grabbing at jerseys ai saw sen* tei| CHICAGO(UPI)- Bill Munson with six victories against three But after that display, Landry middle linebacker had three for bounced free. Antonovich and each other around, uoya a in for an ailing Greg defeats and a tie. complained of what doctors the day plus an interferance call Blais then went in on a given PSYCHOLOGY: 170-489 came Landry and. capitalizing on a Chicago, which had taken diagnosed as a touch of flu, and on the Bears' Ron Smith on the two-on-one break and a charging penalty of the period. at 19:|f rafi of Chicago mistakes, led an three of its last four games, is connected, making the score 2-1. ECONOMICS: 200-201 Munson, the 8-year veteran who two, set up a one-yard has been reduced to backup touchdown burst For the remaining 15 minutes "The first one's always tlL opportunistic band of Detroit now 6 and 4. by Owens. toughest and it was a pretty ell of the game, the Spartans , HISTORY: 121-122 Lions to a 28-3 humbling of the Landry hardly seemed a sick status, took over. Douglass had been the Bears' game," Bessone commentj Bears Sunday. man when> on the f,rst series of The Bears made his task easy, golden boy since he became poured 17 shots at Erickson, "The game could have only to be denied again and go| plays, he swept right end on runs practically presenting the Lions their field leader and led Chicago either way." ] J STATISTICS: 121 The victory boosted Detroit of 52 and 14 yards to set up the with their other three to a victory over Detroit fire again of the tieing goal. "Watt did his usual good j J 1 SOCIOLOGY: 160 past the Bears to second place in first of Steve Owens' two the Central Division of the touchdowns—this one on a touchdowns. weeks ago. But his Once, as Altie Taylor magic soured Sunday aim ne was scrambling When Bessone pulled goalie Watt for an extra attacker with and he kept us in the MSU mentor game,"! added. T| * MATI!: 108-109-111 -112-1 13 ) National Football Conference two-yard plunge. attempted an end run from the dumped eight times for losses of Bear 19, he seemed to be 62 yards and had a 1:27 left in the game, Carlson got a pass from Gambucci and goaltender stopped 35 shots. Gopfl deplorable * trapped for a loss on the net passing yardage of just six put the puck into the open net Left wing Don St. to make the final 3-1. * Monday night sidelines and the Bears, yards. apparently believing the play All Chicago could do in the Tbe tables were turned in the suffered a broken nose at 6» of the first period of the FOR HELP ON THAT * PIZZA SPECIAL was over, backed away. It wasn't offensive department was to Friday game, however. Both game and did not return toll fi| and Taylor skipped into the end capitalize on teams played a scoreless first ice for the remainder of Jimmy Gunn's t| JBOOK YOU HAVEN'T J ' recovery of a Larry Walton period before Thompson scored weekend. 0:1 Then Mike Lucci picked off a fumble on the Lion 27. After woefully-off-target Bobby the Bears had lost seven yards, on corner a slap shot into the of the Minnesota net at right Gopher center Antonwil 1 READ WE HAVE m price ■ I Douglass pass and toted it 27 Mac Percival put them on the yards for touchdown. Another scoreboard with 14:28 of the" second stanza to give the Spartans 1-0 lead. strained second a knee period of the Satuli during,! J mmof a a 41-yard field a Lucci interception—the Detroit goal. But Ah'tonovich, who had contest for another casujltn ft Watch Mon. night football on color TV while you eat j quite a series for the Gophers, the series. But Antonovich i tied the score 44 seconds later the knee taped and return! J 50° BOOK DIGESTS J TOWN PUMP Help Wanted - during crease. a jam-up in the MSU goal Blais received an assist on minutes later to take his re| turn on the ice. *()N THE FOLLOWING:* for Santa's the tally. "Antonovich is a good ho 307 S. Grand, Lansing Need Santa's Helper Spartan defenseman Boyd put the icers into the lead once again with an unassisted goal at 15:40 player and on situation the ice is his,"" said of the u one-and-oi flashy Gopher ska J Helpers to take photos of children AFRO-AMERICAN * with Santa at Meridian Mall. Experience Necessary. Any Age. Full or Part - time No Previous HISTORY J during holiday season — from Nov. 22 thru Dec. 24. Weekdays and weekends. Apply - Mr. Joe Byrd, Meridian Mall 19823 E. Grand River Ave., International Insight BLACK EXPERIENCE? Okemos, Mich. Interviews Mon., Nov. 22, 1 p.m. Phone 349-4800. a focus on overseas sfudl * POOR WHITE * at your dorm | office and selected campi\ AVAILABLE TUESDAY PURITAN DILEMMA } locations BLACK CLOUD What's the MALCOM X difference between a duck? CITIZEN TOM PAINE * } UNCLE TOM'S CABIN; } AUTOBIOGRAPHY NIKON • } OF BEN FRANKLIN } ULTRA * DEVIL IN * * MASSACHUSETTS * COMPACT i jf if ★★★★★★★*★★*★★** * ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 3f PRISM J I iniltihlf only J * BINOCULARS JCAMPUS * * * MakesWhat You'll be amazed at the brilliant, full-field vision you with these pocketable, full-power binoculars by the famous maker of Nikon cameras. Lightweight! Moisture-proof! enjoy If you've thought 1 * $ You Feel Real about it, } MUSIC * * Soft Touch by American Greetings Ideal for sports and travel. Prices start at under $50. and I can tell by the of you most look of you haven't, there's — '£/ Now there's the sophisticated duck. Great Western's New York ARKS PHOTO SHOP i box of 25 cards, $3.00 may be imprinted S ... ... State premium all kinds of ducks. ... just one of thousands of items you'll fall in love with at Black ducks, cold duck. A rather remarkable odd ducks, lame miscellaneous bird. It's a combi¬ ^ (across from the Union) ^ 524-26 E. Michigan ducks, and when nation of our award winning LANSING MALL & MERIDIAN MALL 484 7414 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Monday, November 22, 1971 Northwestern beats By GARY SCHARRER Anderson scored two more as it was gracious in the first two consecutive Rasmussen Rasmuss^i to Billy his last outing and was his last v visibly State NEws Sports Writer touchdowns in the second quarters. Northwestern could Joe DuPree pass plays of 30 and shaken and physically beaten Gvanston quarter to give the Wildcats their manage only four first downs in 21 yards. Allen then picked up Allen played with a shoulder III. — Frustrating comfortable halftime would probably not be a advantage. the second half, and its only five yards before scoring his injury and was bruised even Both of Anderson's scores were score came on a Mike Rasmussen 30th career touchdown. more. descriptive enough feeling for on one-yard runs. pass interception in the closing Allen was continually harassed the Spartans' 28-7 loss to Actually it was an entire Northwestern Saturday. Although Northwestern had minutes of play. The Spartans by Wildcat defenders but he still banged up Spartan squad that the veteran Maurie in deep in their own broke the 100-yard mark, Along with the season-ending were confronted Northwestern in Daigneau-Barry Pearson passing territory and the third down getting 112 yards to raise his battle. Regulars VanPelt, Enrol j loss went MSU's second-place punch to pose as its offensive pass of of the desperation career total offense to 2,654 Roy and Bob McClowry did not sighting. But the Wildcats, threat, the Wildcats moved the instead, finish the season behind variety and little could be done yards. That broke the MSU make the trip. Frank Kolch, I ball with consistency on the Jack Derning's 16-yard record held by Steve Juday, the champions Michigan, and the on with a bruised knee, did not strength of power sweeps and return. quarterback of 1964-'66. make the trip, and fullback | Spartans, 5-3 in the conference, not their passing attack. Senior The Spartans' The 161-pound South Hank Matthews only saw limited have to be content with a third lone moment of A1 Robinson proved his Carolinian closed out his MSU place tie with Ohio State and potency glory came with 11:35 action because of an injury. Illinois. by gaining 131 yards and remaining in the game on Allen's career, the holder of 17 NCAA, Matthew's replacement Paul Anderson's 56 yards also added Comparing statistics, the seven-yard touchdown and the Big Ten and team records. He Manderino was injured in the insult to the Spartan defense. Spartans dominated play in the senior halfback's final collegiate barely missed on three more first half and Borys Shalpak In the second half the MSU second half, but except for a feat of fame. Saturday. pulled a leg muscle on the defensive unit became as fourth quarter touchdown stingy The MSU score was set up on opening kickoff. Marv Roberts by But after the game Allen was Eric Allen, MSU could not did the kicking duties after more concerned about losing in I account for any of its drives into Shlapak' . departure. Wildcat territory. And the 21-0 I Northwestern halftime lead loomed bigger toward the end of Basketball preview Girls . . . Here's an attractive the third quarter when the The MSU varsity basketball team will give its backers a preview alternative to Spartans had not scored and of things to come Tuesday night when it plays the Spartan frosh seemed like they would not cagers. The game will be played on the newly surfaced Jenison unemployment or [ score. dead end employment: Fieldhouse and will begin at 7:30 p.m. At the game's end MSU had The MSU Varsity Club will sponsor the contest, with tickets | compiled than the two more first downs sold at the door to students for 50 cents and ENROLL IN LBU's Widlcats, had 17 yards general public admission set at $1. "Mini more rushing and 45 more yards - Secretarial" passing. But the scoreboard told The varsity unit will be coached by Gus Ganakas, now in his Fall fi the final story. third season at MSU. The frosh will be under the direction of course this Term Northwestern took the Coach Matthew Aitch. . . . and LBU's Placement Office just may be able I Northwestern quarterback Maurie Daigneau (12) unleashes opening kick-off and marched 78 The game to have you on a a pass in Saturday's game moments will feature the varsity debuts of sophomores Mike good job earning a goodincomeby I before being belted by MSU defensive lineman Ron Curl yards in 18 plays. Senior Randy Robinson and Tyrone Lewis, and will also be the first Easter. (94). It was a homecoming of sorts for Anderson scored the first of his I Curl who lives in Chicago. The Wildcats won the game 28-7. three touchdowns on a two-yard opportunity for MSU sports buffs to see all-American high school State News photo by Bruce performer Lindsay Hairston, who will be at center for the frosh. A Secretary's three most important skills are Remington dive over the middle of the line. shorthand, typing and English. LBU's Mini-Secretarial course includes: Speedwriting Shorthand one of the quickest and easiest forms lw Agase lauds NU By RICK GOSSELIN privately owned institution in the team effort But Northwestern is a winning Big Ten and is by far the football unit again and that is all with a winning attitude." Agase went on to praise each of shorthand to learn. or Typing - electrics by an instructor, not And English (grammar & spelling), business machines, or business letter All offered by the only accredited taught a on all slide projector. or accounting, writing new . . . lit* State News Sports Editor smallest with a total enrollment that seems to matter for The Spartans just couldn't and every senior member of his college in the Agase. area that specializes in just scraping 8,800. cope with the 15 seniors that squad, calling safety Eric training secretaries. And his graduating senior class is handled Accredited by the A.C.B.S., Founded 1867. It's football starting chores for Hutchinson an all-American, It goes wihout team, with the the group that etched the smile saying that Agase's Wildcats. John Voorhees the best middle Alex Agase was extremely proud Chicago market to draw from in on the NU coach's face. Quarterback Maurie Daigneau linebacker in the Big Ten, addition to student and alumni, Call or Visit WINTER TERM BEGINS of the way his team "It was a great win for so came out with a hot performed passing Daigneau the premier MONDAY, JANUARY 3 Saturday in overturning the MSU rarely does draws. It's been this many reasons," Agase said. hand, finding split men Barry quarterback of the conference dream of a second place finish, way for years. The lack of "This win today made what was Pearson and Jim Lash when he and Barry Pearson a fine receiver 28-7. support hit a high point (or low up to now a good season, a great needed big yardage. The whose record speaks for itself. The decisive Wildcats, with their victory over the point?) this season. The Wildcats were listed as one of the solid favorites to take the conference season. season It was a great winning so deserved defensive team throttled by such a Spartan attack in the first half, the in As the seniors were pulled late the contest, they received lansing business Spartans and Michigan's narrow great, great bunch of football with Eric Allen only standing ovations, from title this season along with having 21 the win over Ohio State, claimed second place in the Big Ten for Michigan. Yet on the first day of the season, with the Wolverines players. yards to the good in the first 30 "This was a great group of minutes of the seniors we had on this year's contest. entire crowd of a meek for a job well done. 30,012 university Corner Capitol & Ottawa the second consecutive season. Phone: 489 - 5767 in an early showdown at team. We brought them here But this -time the Wildcats have it all to themselves. There isn't a Evanston with the Wildcats, four years ago to turn the team around to share the Northwestern could only lure Northwestern football fortunes 42,000 out ot the contest in a around and they have. They runner-up glory as Michigan did stadium that seats last season. 55,000. have been so important to the "If you can't be the finest In Saturday, with second place football program here at on the line and a good ball Northwestern. They came in the league then second's game got to guaranteed, only 30,000 made be the next best winners and have gone out thing," a Outer Coat their way out to Dyche Stadium. winners. They had brought to jubilant Agase told a corps of An embarrassing total to say the Northwestern a winning attitude reporters at game's end. least. and now have left Northwestern Northwestern has been the hotbed of rumors in recent years that it would drop out of the Ten conference and another Big QUALITY AND SERVICE team, possibly Notre Dame, THAT'S OUT OF SIGHT SPECIAL would replace it. Afterall, the Wildcat school is the only ************ ****** 5 complete selection of frames Varsity Club LET COOPER FIX YOUR • sunglasses and wire-rims J TIME WATCHES TIMEX • here will be an emergency rsity Club meeting 7:30 p.m. AND AM. BRANDS • prescription lenses ground repairs while you wait Save Up to m light in the Varsity Club ELECTRIC SHAVERS 'ubjeet for the meeting Is tiie ed of workers and 10°/ STUDENT IU /o DISCOUNT HcUm, OpticicuiA, 30% and MORE ALCO UNIVERSAL BLDG. janization for Tuesday's COOPER'S FIXERY y-freshmen basketball game MERIDIAN MALL well as plans for next week's rlem Globetrotter game. All imbers please attend. EAST LANSING Values SO JUST GIVE ME ONE salad $20°o to $2498 GOOD REASON TO SEND NOW T OFF in a OUT A GRADUATION sandwich Values ANNOUNCEMENT, OKAY? $25°° to $3998 OKAY! NOW $5°° OFF IT'S CALLED SHARING. AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT Stare the good news of the hn Roberts has an graduation with those who care. announcement package just right for You'll find lettuce, tomatoes and special Values FOR THAT MAN IN YOUR LIFE: V°ur needs. seasonings nestled among the meats and cheese in every Hobie's submarine. Your choice of a wide variety of sandwiches. $40°° tO $7998 Take Advantage of these Low Prices NOW $750 OFF by Us'n9 °ur Lay Away Plan" JOHN ROBERTS Hobie's ABOVE $80°° NOW M0°° OFF SBS "QUe'Vi \S Canterbury DELIVERY PHONE 351-3800 MAC at GRAND RIVER Student Book Store 930 Trowbridge Road Dine in or carry out. 241 E. Grand River 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, Novrn.i...r 2 SHOP-RITE STORES' Meridian seeks to alter pot' law OKEMOS (UPI) — A proposal possession are too harsh and to make illegal use or possession wrongly label persons who are of marijuana punishable by a caught as felons. simple $5 fine is being studied Meridian Township, which is by the board of trustees of adjacent to East Lansing, is the suburban Meridian Township. home of many students. The proposed ordinance, submitted by Trustee Rodney 1). Hagenbuch said the ordinance Hagenbuch, was referred is designed "to provide an Thursday to the township alternative to our current state ittorney and the Human laws, to make an attempt to tesources Commission for recognize something closer to study, hearings and a justice than we currently have recommendation to the board and to provide a stimulant to the state legislature to go beyond Attorney Theodore W. Swift said he would first determine anything currently proposed in the house." whether the township has the legal power to adopt tts own marijuana ordinance. State law defines possession of Itusiiifi panel Speaking in defense of busing, Robert Green, standing Hagenbuch said he proposed marijuana as a felony and set a center, director of MSU Ct maximum penalty of ten years Urban Affairs, addresses the audience the ordinance because current in prison. A bill to reduce the at a panel discussion Thursday busing issue. Seated left to right are: Wilbur Brookover, night dudlinq h '°' penalties for marijuana use and charge to a misdemeanor Stackable, R Lansing; Ma I com Katz, superintendent of East mayor of East Lansing Ren f ^ punishable by up to 90 days in leader, and David Schuler, director of curriculum of the Lansing schools; Ernie Boon- ^ jail is tied up in the legislature. Lansing Board of Education ", ,C,vi<: State News photo by M.lton Hor« WITHOUT BUSING SUPPORT M.S.U Students-Faculty-Staff Use this ad as your grocery U.S. to have apartheid shopping list... you'll save! Semi-Boneless Ham by 1975, Green claims By RANDYGARTON cross-district that type of climate to 14-16 lb. avg. whole CQC State News Staff Writer balance. busing to achieve racial develop," he Following Green's opening remarks still 0 "Lawmakers never protested when blacks other members of the rj lb America will have an apartheid society in Detroit were Malcolm Katz, superintendent panel, jncludj«l being bused 15 miles to of East! by 1975 unless the nation firmly supports maintain segregated schools," he said. Lansing schools; David Shulert, busing of school children to achieve racial Green said the only important factor in curriculum for the directoro(| Little Link Pork Sausage balance, Robert L.Green, directorof MSU's the busing controversy was race. Other Lansing Board M Education; Rep. Frederick I,. Stackable I Center for Urban Affairs said at a arguments, he said, such as the R-Lansing; Rep. Earl E. Nelson. D-Lansinrl panel discussion Thursday night in the Lansing neighborhood school concept, were Wilbur B. Brookover, newly elected mayor! ,79 YWCA. The discussion, sponsored by the smokescreens. "We are a racially conscious society," he of East Lansing and MSU professor of| sociology; and Ernie Boone, a Unsinl American Civil Liberties Union, concerned said. resident active in a paper recenlty written by Green entitled Green strongly criticized Gov. Milliken's community affairs, made educational brief u<| Eckrich Jumbo or "Busing and the Multiracial Classroom," in which Green defends the busing plans to appeal Judge Stephan Roth's on the busing situation. com concept as decision finding Detroit schools to be Though most panel members were 111 All Meat Franks a legitimate tool in the quality education for all. struggle to achieve segregated as a result of deliberate state and local policy. favor of integrated schools, some raised! questions about the practicality of businf.1 In his opening remarks, Green "This appeal is not a step to clarify the One firm opponent of what lie termed! emphasized his belief that busing was one law," he said. "It will be regarded by those "forced busing" was Rep. Stackable. I of the "last hopes" for a mulitracial "Does past experience Indicate opposed to equal opportunity and those thill Scott Viva Towels society. who pay lip-service to equal forced busing justifu-s all the turmoil opportunity as it| - 3/$1 "This (busing) is related to the survival of this nation," Green said. "If we lose on the school issue, by 1975 we will have apartheid in this nation. evidence that he's on their side." Part of the reason for the confusion and anger over busing, Green said, was the poor leadership of state politicians and creates," asked Stackable, who was in flf the antiburfrtg resolution thai rmnM passed both legislature. houses of the favor| Mirhignl Apartheid is the official policy of the educators. Stackable said that increased Union of South Africa, where a white He quoted one school official in inner fundingofl minority maintains control of the country city schools would achieve thesam| Jack-O-Lantern Yams racially-troubled Pontiac as saying that IT goals of educational quality that il| through strict segregation and busing was working s.noothly in the responsible persons desire. discriminatory laws. classroom, but parents were causing Stackable's remarks were met \ Green lambasted state and national problems in the streets. lawmakers for protesting the possibility of "If only our politicians wouldn't allow hostility from the audience and a sharp I rebuttal by Green. Dole sliced Pineapple ■crushed 13% tidbit oz 4/88' luncan ilines' OA0 Layer Cake Mixes 18'/2 oz. pkgs Limit 4 please 24( ##1 Pet Whipped Spartan 20 oz. loaves J™ / i 1 Topping 10 oz. limit 4 26 White Bread 0/ I Spartan Squash u.s. No.1 Louisiana ijc 12 oz. pkg 10' Kiln-Dried Yams* 14 U.S No. 1 Heatherwood Idaho 70c 18' ioib. bag Whipping Cream Baking Potatoes #3 JJ® Caesar „ Heatherwood Sweet Florida rnc Sour Cream 29' Tangelos 125 size doz. CLIP AND SAVE THIS COUPON KRAFT FREE-DELIVERY Miracle Whip 50° OFF • 50° OFF ON A 14" OR IB" PIZZA Salad Dressing (1 ITEM OR MORE) WITH VALUABLE COUPON" ■■■■ ■■■■■■ 500 OFF ! NAME Miracle A TARTON? COUPON-OFFER 6000 Whip I o ■ 38' Limit One With coupon and $5.00 ADDRESS. ^izza Beat THRU NOV. 28 (SUN.) purchase Coupon expires 11-27-71 ^wltH ^ 0N t''1 CA5,US3IVERY — —-— "fOUPOH ooodGood only of until Shop Rite Stor.. n-27-71 Limit „ fi OFF-CAMPUS ANO CIRCLE DRI« one per 337-1681 TWO LOCATIONS: 1203 E. GRAND RIVER and 1071 TROWBRIDGE RD. 337-1631 _ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 22, 1971 Self-serve gas station gains customers • No filling of portable containers is By JOHN L. PAVAL permitted. secretary, "and I won't let the weather stop me." Most of the competitors cite Alber said the station is the adverse weather conditions as spot-checked every day, and violations One student said he thinks the idea is great. deterrent and see the station of these a as a fad or novelty which will lose safety rules could draw a maximum fine of $300 and or Ifler nearly a month's operation, Michigan's first self-serve 90 days in jail for the manager and the employes at fault. "Why should I pay 39.9 cents, when I can drive a ie some of the little ways, its appeal after awhile and withdraw from the market. bline station continues to receive mixed opinions. According to David L. Strong, vice prjsident of Best Petroleum city and get my gas for 27.9 cents?" One competitor said he feels it is just a "summer sport" and K,e manager of the station located at 3145 S. Cedar St v/O., public esponse to the self-service station has been Competitors thus far have expressed mixed reactions to the when winter comes, "those folks will be willing to spend the Ling( said he is very pleased with operation and sees a bright good and though he declined to disclose sales very station, and some said they feel it will take longer than the station's one year probationary period to fully realize the effects. extra pennies just to have their windshields cleaned." remarked that tney have increased figures, he Another station owner said he sees the station as an asset. llTook over this station from Cavalier Oil Co. three years ago, steadily "over and above our expectations and that operations have met our investment and "That station increased our business. It brought people in and lj until I adopted the self-serve system the business was never give strong indications of surpassing." they saw what service was and they have been coming back. L good," he said. He attributes his success in appealing to what Customers seem to see the advantage in the "No I don't want any part of it," he continued, "too much of a money saved and I ^led the working class customer. The well-to-do and the do not feel the weather will deter them. fire danger. Someone is going to get hurt. I am doing fine now, lerly, he said, are not interested in the system for various A trucker for the Mt. Hope Monument Co. said "It's a great why should I change?" Jsons. idea, but I don t feel the town has really Another station manager summed up the situation by saying caught on to it yet " JWe will be continually making improvements and additions," L manager said, "so operations The only problems he cited was that the pumps are too slow for that he is just waiting for the foul weather. will be more of a convenience. the trucks and there is not ■ about two weeks time, we will enough room for his trailers install some canopies and lights Another customer also praised tne idea. Monday ftich will extend eight feet to each side of the pumps and four "With station service deteriorating so, why should one pay for 1 P m- FM MUSIC THEATER: INTERLOCHEN Think of Christmas Kt from the ends." the service he doesn't get? If they would give the service I'd pav 1 p.m. FM MUSIC THEATER: The Music Man Many people are concerned with the possible dangers of fires Id explosions, he said, but every means possible has been taken the extra pennies, but since "I think it is worth the they don't I won't," he said ' Silk Stockings Think of Jewelry & Gifts ■ insure safe operations. money saved," remarked a vount 1 P ™. AM ECONOMIC CLUB OF DETROIT 1 p.m. AM COOPER UNION i'l see the self-service station as being no more hazardous," FORUM: "Mysticism" Dr. Think of ■illip K. Alber, Lansing fire marsnall said, "than a regular Stanley Cripner, director of the Museum 7 p.m. FM FOOKBEAT: Robert Ttion. In fact, safer because many times attendants allow Cromid interviews Archibald Dream Laboratory Maimonides fcrflows, but the customer won't because they are pumping Jeir own, and it'll be their own money they're spilling." ■Alber outlined several safety precautions which are rigidly life MacLeish, author of "Scratch." 8 p.m. FM WORLD OF OPERA: Hospital Medical Center Thursday JLQr Iforced by the department and must be observed by the Itendant in the control booth before he turns on the pumps, to Vehicle motors must be turned off. rare of Don Giovanni, by Mozart 11:30 a.m. AM SEARCHIN': A CBC documentary series about Select your Finest Brands of gifts from America's Tuesday Diamonds, Wedding [• No smoking is allowed within 15 feet of the pumps. The story of the Kirkland Jack pine above an authentic nest the problems of youth. Rings, Watches, Silver, Pewter & • The pump can be turned on only when the nozzle is in the Warbler, an endangered species and eggs which were givtn to the 10:30 a.m. AM JAZZ Stainless Steel. . . ilk. common to only six counties in Museum 25 years ago. INTERNATIONAL: Jazz from • Only eight pumps can be operated at once. lower Northeast Michigan, is "In 1967, over 500 pairs of » The control tower cannot be more than 100 feet from any Japan part of a habitat group featured warblers were living in jmp. on the main floor, east wing of Michigan," said Dirk Gringhuis, 11:30 a.m. AM SEARCH FOR • All employes must attend a two-hour class in fire extinguisher the Museum this term. A yellow, curator for the Museum. This MENTAL HEALTH: "Games Ifcty given by the Fire Dept. male warbler perches in a year, only 200 pairs are left, he People Play" Dr. John M. Dusay 7:30 p.m. FM RADIO added. University of California School SMITHSONIAN: Music Gringhuis cited better fire of Medicine at San Francisco machines control as one of the reasons for Dorm fast to net $3,500 extinction of the species. "Fire is an all-imnortant factor to the nesting ecology of the 1 p.m. FALSE AM UNCLE SAM'S ASSUMPTION: Land, Housing and Health of the warbler,'' Gringhuis American Indian, 1 p.m. AM FIRING LINE: for Pakistani explained."The bird nests on the Former Secretary of the Interior By RAY ANDERSON refugees ground under the low-lying 1 p.m. FM MUSIC THEATER: branches of the Jackpine, and The Littlest Revue won't nest in a tree over 18 feet Walter Hickel discussed book, "Who Owns America?" with host Willaim Buckley Jr. his State News Staff Writer political noises, but the small ones are tall." 8 p.m. FM VOSTON more humanitarian." SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA: More than one-third of the University's Participation throughout the five-day "A forest fire ejects the seed Tragic Overture Op. 81; piano residence hall population have signed up to sign-up drive was led by women students, crop of a Jackpine to begin the Concerto No. 2, Op. 73; by aid Pakistani refugees by forfeiting their Buege said. Many pleas were made to get growth of the new young trees Brahms William Steinberg, evening meals Dec. 1. The forfeiture by nearly 5,700 students will net the Lansing Emergency increased support from residence halls fiilled predominantly with men, but the necessary to the nesting of the conductor, warbler," he said. Wednesday LONDON Refugee- percentage of men to women joining Fund $3,500 from the resident hall Recently, environmentalists i0:30 a.m. AM RADIO ATL • 6-10 Credits remained two to one. Use have begun controlled burning in SMITH our convenient management which had promised to Final percentages for individual residence SONIAN donate 55 cents toward the fund for the areas around Mio, Michigan "Government and Layaway Plan. every halls in order of student percentage signed the Press" student who joined the fast. where the warbler resides to Part n of A small deposit were Landon, 64 a discussion of the per cent; Campbell, 63 per The sole restriction was that 25 per cent provide the young trees future relationship of journalists Monday, 7:00 p.m., will hold your cent; Gilchrist-Yakeley, 62 per cent: Case, Art Centf of the students in each residence hall 57 per cent; Akers and Holden, 48 per necessary for nesting, the and government selection. 108 Bessey 319 E. Grand River Ave. participate. Only Shaw Hall, with 19 per curator said. cent; Brody, 44 per cent; Phillip-Snyder, East Lansing, Mich. , ,cent, failed to meet the requirement 40 per cent; McDonel and Mason-Abbott, 11 a.m. FM MUSIC FROM Larry Buege, spokesman for the drive, 38 per cent; Wonders, 35 per cent; Mayo "Another threat to the warbler was informed by the headquarters for the national drive that MSU was one of only and Wilson, 34 per cent; Holmes, 32 per is the parasitic cowbird. Not dh ADVENT* BOSE*MclNTOSH*DUAL* KENWOOD cent; Hubbard, 30 per cent,, and Shaw Hall indigeneous species to t»ie area, few large American universities with 19 per cent. the cowbird is a humanly the I participating. Buege said, the drive is moving into its introduced ecological change," "Many smaller universities and those second part with an attempt to get Gringhuis stated. with church affiliations have been sororities and fraternities to participate. The habitat was funded by the contributing but only a couple schools Alumni Assn. and features a with a student body over 10,000," he said. setting of plants and wildlife "Large schools are good at making common to the area in which the Kirkland Warbler is found. X § LU systems costing less than five hundred dollars used to £ share a common weakness: 0 inadeqoate bass response. 1 this is no longer true. u adventa kenwood ■ garrard LU Henry Kloss's latest development, the Smaller Advent loudspeaker, offers the same I smooth - extended — frequency response and freedom from distortion Advent. In other words, it will reproduce all the music on-your records and tapes as the original x . . . including the lowest organ notes. This extended frequency response is available from a Why Fort Knox would make CtZ IS) speaker costing only $69.95. £ CO The Smaller Advent loudspeaker is designed to operate at 4 ohms, where most popular z a lousy bank. • transistorized receivers produce maximum power output, and minimum distortion. The □ cz. 03 Have you ever pulled up to one of their drive-in windows? Or tried Kenwood KR 4130 we have chosen, for example, is capable of delivering a continuous 28 m to cash a check on Saturday at quarter to five? Or looked for < watts per channel at 4 ohms, with both channels operating! This makes the KR 4130 an a branch office on the way to work? Some banks still operate that way. They think putting all that O excellent companion for the Smaller Advent loudspeakers. ?) money safely behind tons of steel and concrete is enough. The record player/cartridge which best matches the performance and value of the new We don't. < Advents is a Garrard SL-55B, with a Shure M-44E cartridge. This is the least expensive We feel banks should serve people. That's why we have more branch offices in the East Lansing and Meridian area than all the other banks az combination which will play your records reliably for several years, and at light - enough o c^ have combined. Each branch has drive-in windows tracking pressures for extended record life. z m and ample parking. And we're open the hours you Total system cost - - not including any additional federal taxes which might m need us, from nine in the morning until five in the afternoon. Monday through Saturday. HI FI BUYS be imposed - - 73 Make us your bank. East Lansing State Bank, 1101 E. Grand River Phone 337-2310 your Hometown Bank. Now with I rust Services. Member: F.D.I.C. East Lansing State Bank The Disc 323 E. Grand River Shop 351 5380 9S| teaosony • jbl* pe*koss*shuree mm 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, Novemh,.r 22 Dial The Results Number (355-8255) And 1'laee a Fast-Acting Classified A7 ihi« 4620 S. Hagadorn 5530 West Michigan Ave. 40 % A\ 4Z 43 35 Talking b"® | . MANA CEMENT EXCLUSIVE/. Y 37. Cloy BY: at Saginaw 39. Gail 44 4S Ai Alco Contact Mrs. Louch % 41. Diocese. 43. Butler Management Company 4844640 47 1% At container 45. Nurse 2' l9ll ■ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 22, 1971 13 For Rent For Sale For Sale Personal 1^696 needed for mients, 3-11-23 Twyckingham winter / spring. Tom, ORANGES, truckload SOMETIME SHOP. 4375 GRAPEFRUIT wholesale to all Hull, Lesl.e. 1 589 8690 North Animals TROPICAL FISH Angels, Cardinal GRADS / UG - finish in June '747 Assured job at $9000; $14,000 in 3 years. Fly / navigate with U.S. Trial set for defendants 4-11-24 Air Force. Join AFROTC 2 - 0 sublet winter / spring. Own Tetras, Catfish, Blue Guarami, and program. 355-2168. x-3-11-22 year ,o0m. T wyckinflham. of Kent State disorders Swordtails. Only 19c each. Epoxi Ski, B2(iH9 3 11 23 487 5927. 1 11 22 - 210cm Rosemount Fes,back Boots PREGNANT? PANICKY? Consider 12. Look Nevada Gran " the tn ONE man for four man, Bindings, call 353-0126. 5-11-20 Prix BLUE ROAN alternatives. Pregnancy Waters Edge, 332-4971. Buckskin ma Counseling. 372-1560. 10-12-3 393 0096. 3-11 RAVENNA, Ohio (AP) — The persons were indicted by the Supreme Court voted 6-1 to indicted, seem !3 USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: East Michigan. 314 STORE YOUR bicycle at Spartan lon8delayed riot trials of 23 Portage County grand jury, but grant no further delays even unconstitutionally broad and tuRO°M apartment, walking - Dishes, books, Bicycle Storage now. Phone indicted by a special two of the defendants are still at though the court has not yet "infringe on freedom of coins, antiques, rockers, junk! 337-1239 from 8-10 a.m. gra"d jury after the May 1970 Jlance to campus. Call Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open 10 p.m. 10-12-3 . and 1 disorders large. They have never been disposed of final appeals in a suit expression protected by the ^5397, John. 3-11-23 Saturday and Sunday. Furniture at Kent State identified. challenging the indictments. First Amendment." HEALTHY, AFFECTIONATE University (KSU) begin today federal court has ordered Twenty-three of the and appliances open all NE vacancy in 4 girl am - 6 pm/ Phone 371-2843. C week, 10 kittens, 2 female Calicos, brown Peanuts Personal with a nonstudent scheduled to expunged as prejudicial a grand defendants, mostly students or available December 15. and white male, appear first. 332-5139 jury report that accompanied former students and one faculty ock from campus. evenings. 5-11-23 DEAR CHAR Bil The 23 defendants will .... Ti get the indictments. The report member, have been indicted on y furnished, utilities and Ed! Wish I could be there to wish separate trials. A total of 25 blamed the KSU administration riot charges. One has been included, ■9609. 0-5-1 1-22 $65. Phone SKI IS. KAESTLE, 210cm, Wood HORSES BOARDED. Box stalls, pasture, excellent 641-4444. 5-11-23 Itaflt! M care. you Happy Twenty - Tooth o twenty tooth! H&S, Mandy! Service Arts center and some faculty members the disturbances and absolved for charged with interfering with and another with 185cm with Cubco bindings, Ohio National Guardsmen in the inciting to riot, BEDROOM apartment, partly boots, Humanic, men's 8. COCKER - POODLES, $15. Collies, fatal shooting of four students. Jerry Rupe, Tjshaci, utilities paid. Near 332-8437 evenings. 5-11-29 pure bred. 7 weeks. $35 Recreation a 23-year-old I South Pennsylvania. 626-6705. 3-11-22 However, the indictments were nonstudent from Ravenna, is the APARTMENT, 351-0100. 1-11-22 special structure designed K"per month plus $75 security APPLES, PEARS, sweet cider. Apple CHRISTMAS BREAK. allowed to stand. The Supreme first defendant scheduled to go Call Ron Dillingham, wood. And Gift packages shipped SAMOYED NEED specifically to serve the Court still has the power to before Judge Edwin W. Jones of PUPPIES, AKC MATH help? Experienced B.4730after 6 p.m. 3-11-22 by United Parcel. BLOSSOM ORCHARDS, 2 miles North of registered. Females $150. Males $125. Will hold till Christmas. Call 393-5495, after 3 p.m. 5-11-24 BAHAMAS teacher, with M.A. 351-4039. 3-11-24 Call Ray, performing arts and the instructional activities that relate to them," Sullivan said. grant the appeal and throw the indictments out for good. The lone dissenter in the the Portage County Common Pleas Court. Leslie on Hull Road. (Old U.S. 127) high Rupe was indicted on charges Houses 1-589-8251 9-5 p.m. Closed Mondays. O GERMAN weeks SHEPHERD old. AKC puppies. registered, 8 $99 Typing Service Sullivan recommended that the new $12 million Milwaukee Performing Arts Center court's decision to begin the trials Monday was Justice William O. Douglas, who said he of arson, riot, and assaulting a fireman at the scene of a May 2, 1970, fire that destroyed a Champion bloodlines, $100. 217 BOOKSHELF SPEAKERS. Brand South Williams -air, between Detroit and Freeport. BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. represents "a satisfactory believed Ohio's antiriot laws ROTC building on the Kent new, in boxes. 15 watt (peak). Street, Bellevue Deluxe accommodations at No job too large or too small. Block resolution of our needs." The inder which the 25 were 616-763-3156 after 6 p.m. 5-11-22 campus. Frequency response. 60-18,000 Holiday Inn. Double occupancy. trustee off campus. 332-3255.0 approval Friday will put Hz. Call 351-0615. 3-11-22 Transfers, Plus tips and taxes. LABRADOR RETRIEVER puppies. fund raising in gear and also AKC. Yellow. Excellent hunters COMPLETE THESES ieirvi^e. advance the performing arts Discount printing. IBM HAWAII SNOW TIRES F70x14 new. Trailer and typing and center "dream" to the hitch - Mustang. Luggage carrier - family pets. Phone bindir Williamston, 655-1791.5-11-22 heses, resumes, architect's drawing board. trunk mount. Call 353-7907 after corner from campus, M.A.C. and Grand Ri._., The 2,500-seat concert hall Highway opposition $299. Be FURNISHED house,less GREAT DANE pups. Black. ould facilitate symphony Brindle. below Jones Stationery available AKC. Great temperament. Shop. Call e to campus, ELECTROVOICE DYNAMIC COPYGRAPH SERVICES concerts, ballets, musicals and 1 to December 31. 337-2092 anytime. 3-11-22 Cardioid microphone Model 678. Complete deluxe package. Call 337-1666. C popular artist concerts, Sullivan (Continued from page one) ■-0626. 2-11-23 New $100, asking $60. 351-8959 noted. The smaller recital hall PODDLE PUPPIES Frank Buck 351-2286 miniature AKC, DISSERTATIONS, - Dave Buck, 353-0011 THESES, term would house small groups and expense of potential mass completely dismiss development 1 female, $50. 3 males, $45 each' papers. Expert typist with degree solo musical performances. transit," Stevens said. which is to the greater advantage 393-0963. 3-11-23 in English. I.B.M. 351-8961. CRESTWOOD GUITAR, 2 months The 700 to 800-seat theater President Wharton gave little just because it will hamper MSU, old, $125 new, $80. Extras would be designed chiefly as an clear indication at the meeting it stated. 353-1887. 2-11-23 Mobile Homes instructional tool for theater of his own viewpoint on the ''Yet, our overriding TAKE A TRIP. Christmas training and the staging of plays, highways. He was not asked to responsibility must be to provide MANUAL OFFICE typewriter DELTA with offices, classrooms and 1968, 12' x 60' with $219, make a recommendation the tangible setting, the "Adler." New used 7 months. Expando, early American decor; OR graduate student to - ssau various shops included for use concerning the highway, but environment and the quality of $150. Call 627-7417, after 6 p.m. must sell immediately, best offer. se, private room, near plus by the Dept. of Theater. issued a memorandum educational services which will specials to Aru available now. Parking, 485-1440 (evenings) 3-11-23 Rico, and Spa SAVE SAVE SAVE summarizing the major continue and enhance the s IV2-8932. 3-11-24 STUDENTOURS WINDSOR 1967, 12' CENTER - 129 XEROX COPYING- offset - best arguments on both sides of the educational excellence which is x 60', partially quality at reasonable prices. THE debate. RIVER. 351-2650. I BEDROOM, completely furnished, or rent with option to COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand Nixon returns •■xpected of Michigan State "It would be obvious, I think, |nished, carpeted, close to buy. Will locate 351-8932 River. Phone 332-4222. C University by the people of the 349 0622 1-11-22 between 9-5, 372-1785 after 5. that in contemplating a perfect state and by its students. Major Phone 337-1294. 1-11-22 from retreat s. world, or even a perfect decisions must be made which, LUDWIG DRUMS. 5 piece set, good TYPING THESES and letters, etc. university, our thoughts would in our best judgement, will condition, 3-11 24 $385. 332-8752. Lost & Found Experienced. 393-4075. C at Camp David not include a cutting through the heart of the major highway promote that objective," it read, WE DO most repairing and replace ANN BROWN: WASHINGTON (AP) - Michigan State Universtiy LOST: BLACK, satin belt, Typing and multilith Rooms macrame Dec. 22 to 30 offset printing. Complete service President Nixon returned to the campus. Other than as a broken frames. OPTICAL DISCOUNT. 2615 East Michigan fringed ends, vicinity Kresge Art Center, Nov. 19. 332-2097. COMPLETE DELUXE PACKAGES WE ARE ALSO PLANNING for dissertations, theses, White House Sunday night after contribution to automotive First w Avenue, 372-7409. C-3-11-24 2-11-23 TRIPS TO manuscripts, general typing. IBM. spending the weekend at nearby transportation, there is nothing 22 years experience. 349-0850. C about such a highway that ACAPULCOAND ASPEN Camp David with his wife, SKI IS, YAMAHA Novice, 170 cm., ATTENTION HEADS! On November son-in-lav/ and daughter David would be attractive or desirable poles. Miller bindings. Buckle 2 my English bulldog came up CA LL NOW MA RC 355 - 940 8 TYPING SERVICE, prompt and and Julie Eisenhower and in an educational setting such as worn LINDA 332-4282 boots, parka, siz« five. All missing. She's 8 months old, all MSU," Wharton's memorandum exc#llerVt condition. 332-6440 white with a patch over tier read. right 3-11-24 eye. I'm offering a sizeable reward services also available. Phone Variety Tours They left the Maryland retreat But the University is mindful S.SINGLES AND DOUBLES, STEREO SYSTEM: Fisher, Dual, or 1 puppy when she's bred for her return. If the heads or head presents 882-4018 Company, 5818 or write The Sheldon Durwell Dr., by helicopter during a of its role as a major pariticipant years "A Total snowstorm. in the community and of its king facilities. Utilities paid. that have her have any decency at Experience" Lansing. 6-11-24 ■ 372-8077. C all, they will turn her in, or call ACAPULCO NEW YORK (AP) - Wig stylist 882-3601. 1-11-22 only 219.00 plus tax WHAT'S Richard Hartwich, whose latest IMATE NEEDED now for Dec. 28 creation is a men's wig with a - Jan. 4 WEST GUITAR amp. Avalon top, 2 n er. Can have own bedroom, V4 15" Utah speakers. Used less than Personal space definitely limited natural-looking part, is also a wig . Oil, gas, phone paid. $75 / historian. th or $21.25 / week. Call 100 hours. 339-2606. 3-11-24 call e, 351-1385. 3-11-23 POETRY WANTED for anthology. Shirley 351-8732 Wigs date back more than 6,000 KENWOOD KR100 Receiver, Include stamped envelope. Don 351 8126 years to ancient Egypt where 1970 , less than 1 year old ,140 IDLEWILD PRESS, 1807 East they were worn for protection For Sale watts. 351-3319. 2-11-23 Olympia, Los Angeles, California Terry 393-4357 from the sun. Patrician women of 90021. 9-12-3 Carol 882-2632 It's What's The ATL Dept. will sp PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term early Rome ceived in the meeting on its 1972 wore wigs for about MJBRE Marlin-Carbine, papers, theses. Best new SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale, 300 years. From the time of 351-4619. O e News office, 345 Student London at 7 p.m. tt strap, 2 clips, 2 boxes of IS YOUR HAIR UNRULY? A hair brand new portables - $49.95. $5 ices Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two Bessey Hall. All interei Henry VIII to the beginning of 'rifle cartridges, and cleaning per month. Large selection of cut could be the cure! UNION Real Estate and faculty are invited. the 19th Century, the high Call 393-4085. BUILDING BARBER SHOP. days before publication. Items 10-11-24 reconditioned used machines. fashion wig was worn by both Singers, Whites, Necchis, New C-11-22 EAST LANSING - nearly 2.000 Transportation limited 'uncements will to 25 be words. accepted by No Me i Movement and Modern men and women. With the French HEAD masters, 200cm, car Home & "Many Others $19.95 square feet in this lovely 8 room ki rack with locks, boots, 10 Cape Cod. Well cared for and in ic. No announcements will be at 8 tonight in 218 Revolution, wigs tumbled from to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS LONDON, $149. ROUND TRIP JET pted for Intramural Bldg. Beginne choice location. $33,500. Call from events outside the s popularity. However, the wig 5w. 485-5613, 353-2263. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. New York. Weekly 337-2405. 5-11-24 continued to be worn for medical 1115 N. Washington, 489-6448. departures with open return. HOUSE OF NUTRITION and theatrical reasons. C-11-24 Acapulco, Jamaica, Hawaii also The ASMSU LeS 1423 E. Michigan EAST LANSING, immediate available. Call Frank Buck, a lav.; available fror WATERBEDS $30, any size. Units, 489-6902 Manager Clara Wilson possession is available on this 351-2286. 0-11-12-3 n | Letters students interested ii $60. Mattress, liner, foam pad and exceptional, 7 room brick family to 5 home. Complete with carpeting, p.m. every Wednesday Appeal filed frame. UL listed waterbed heaters. Thursday during the fall term. Tf RBEDS $30, any size. Units, BAGELS! I DELIVERED fresh drapes, 2 fireplaces, finished REBIRTH, 309 North Washigton, wishing an appointment are askec Sunday morning. To order call recreation room and built - in ne. Mattress, liner, foam pad and UL listed waterbed heaters. Lansing. 489-6168. C-11-22 351-0009,351-3521. 3-11-23 kitchen. Owner has purchased GREYHOUND check with the ASMSU office, 307B Student Services Bl busii The meet MSU at 7:30 Folklore p.m. to other home and anxious for quick BIRTH, 309 North 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, sale. For complete details call or call 353-0659. There will b Berkey Hall. Bring your i (Continued from page one) VAN DYKE STUDIOS CHRISTMAS hington, Lansing. 489-6168. C canisters and uprights. Guaranteed now has direct bus service to nominal charge for this service. SPECIAL. Bring this ad for $5 off Floyd Nimphie 349-2195 or one full year. $7.88 and up. 332-3501 EHINGER Pontiac, Royal Oak and and Kast European Sompop Krairojananan, East Y FLUTE, DENNIS DISTRIBUTING the price of any portrait pacakge. REALTY, All University Student Judicl will present part l of good condition, Titian color, silver - tone bronze CO. B-1-11-22 Birmingham, from the East - Lansing graduate student, 172; Call after 5 p.m. 351-2028. COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. , - ■eriai "The Tank Crew Yu Yu, East Lansing graduate Opposite City Market. C-11-24 tone or oil coloring. We do group Lansing Bus Depot. Departing at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday portraits in studio NORTH SUBURBAN sharp student, 149; Jagmohan D. our or your - on Wednesday at 4:25 p.m. 1 North Kedzie Lab. NGTH A VAN DYKE portrait bedroom home. Fully carpeted, For Mundhra, East Lansing graduate white coat with COLE'S BAKERY breakfast reservations call East 'ox makes a perfect Christmas gift. nook, mature shade T1 The ,, , Undergraduate student, 84; and Rogelio V. collar. Beautiful TUESDAY ONLY Special 4 loaves Lansing Bus Psychology ' _?... n Size 8-10. $200 or best 332-8889, 209 Abbott Building. trees, on large lot. Only $15,500. Depot Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. today in ,, . _ Cuyno, Suriagao Sur, Philippine Home - style white bread, $1.00 at Can assume 6 3/4 per cent 332 2569. >4-8762. 3-11-22 our bakery foods concession. " at 8 p.m. 304 Olds Hail to consider Islands graduate student, 74. mortgage. Call ROGER PAVLIK MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES - Tied Students "Psychology Club - Student REALTY, 371-2890 or Oscar °UES BRASS bed, hutch, Okemos, South Pennsylvania, partan Village. involvement in the Educational Candidates in the female ORIGIN: PRETZEL Krieger, 484-3776. B-1-11-22 form rocker, SOMETIME West Saginaw Road. KROGER - Process." category and their vote totals op. 4375 North Hull, Leslie. Frandor, Logan Center, 4002 West The pretzel invented Wanted ">■8690. 3-11-22 was hi, - h trn. are: Paula M. Fochtman, Saginaw, River. C-11-23 1721 North Grand about 610 A.D. by a Service Student Advi lnr-ToTnn V.?mT\o°rne.a Petoskey junior, 146; Jill A. R pA, $375. 484-4704. European monk, who made little rewards for children FOR QUALITY service and stereos, WE ARE looking for talented and creative people to help us with a and Tuesday Ts a recruitment Elliot, Bayside, N.Y., junior, SONY TC 125 stereo cassette TV's and recorders. THE STEREO magazine. ARtists, poets, writers, Bldg. by S p.m procedure. 143; Joni Benn, Allen Park who said their prayers senior, 138; Linda A. Terry, recorder. Scott Model 382 SHOPPE. 337-1300. C free :'SCHER properly, out of his dough thinkers, phrenologists, and Akers Hall Sexuality Alpha Phi Sigma invites all SOS Holt junior, 127; Carol Harper, Alu 200cm Perfekt AM/FM stereo receiver. Kenwood other Synip #,mname tn an mm " bv $237,000, he said, because of - — —. "" Snyder-Phillips halls," he stated, " Living Council. Huff said would be •lousing said. fiscally television orchestra was fired occupancy for the 1970-71 the need to serve 300 more Other financial factors cited Friday's trustee meeting that he even the present from his post after applying for school year of 16,200. Based on students than last year and an by Wilkinson included new would not pursue the residence meet our a pressing i an exit visa to Israel, Jewish sources reported Sunday. They said Yuri Arnovich, 41, lost his job 10 minutes after After all the other trees on requesting a character reference campus have lost their leaves, from his employers. The the pines remain covered by reference is one of the basic their needles. These pine documents required for an branches have collected dew emigration application. Arnovich, who had directed droplets. SN photo by Sephi the orchestra for seven years, Life insurance for an MSU college Rennpage was fired the day before he was student invariably entails which of the Bank tests role following: (a) Annoying phone calls from of credit cards a persistent salesman COLUMBUS, Onio (AP)-The credit card society has arrived-on Arlington, Ohio. a trial basis-in the posh community of Upper (h) Being subjected to a high- City National Bank and Trust Co., is conducting a six-month experiment to learn what happens in a community that uses less pressure sales talk in your cash, fewer checks and more credit cards. To make it work, the bank issued 20,000 especially coded Bank Americards to Upper Arlington residents. Then it installed apartment recorders at cashier positions in each of 32 participating businesses. The recorders are linked by telephone line to a bank computer which handles the bookkeeping. (c) Making monthly payments of Grocery and drug stores that never before extended credit are taking part in the program. A service station is recording charge sales through a pay telephone. And city hall allows traffic $10 to $20 that you really violators to pay fines with the credit cards. The participating can11 afford businesses can't lose. The bank takes all the risk on bad credit customers. It figures that in Upper Arlington, a Columbus suburb where the average annual disposable family income is $23,225, the risks (d) All of the above are minimal. Aside from testing the philosophy of a cashless society, the bank has a direct economic interest. It gets an average of 2.2 per _(e) None of the above cent on each credit card sale made by participating businesses. And it wants to cut down the work of sorting and processing a flood of personal checks. A City National spokesman said all merchants accepting its Bank Americards pay a fee ranging from 1 to 3 per cent of total sales. The exact percentage depends on the total and average sales. This is levied against each of the nearly 5,000 merchants, mostly in Franklin County, who accept City National's Bank Americards. "d" is the right answer in most cases. But if you knew MemberLife is decreasing term life insurance—you pay Merchants taking part in the test program pay no additional fee about MemberLife, you'd probably answer "e." $19 every year, but your total coverage decreases as because of the computercard experiment. Because you can buy MemberLife through the mail. your age increases. A bank spokesman said merchants consider this a part of the You never have to talk to a salesman. And it costs $19 a The younger you are the better the deal you get. cost of doing business and do not increase the price of the year... not $19 a month. MemberLife covers death from any cause. And no merchandise because of it. MemberLife is proof that life insurance needn't cost a physical examination is required. It's guaranteed renew¬ The special credit cards each have a strip of magnetic tape bundle. It is available only to Auto Club members. able to age 69. containing certain account information. This is transmitted Here's the coverage you get for $19 a year, plus a first- If you have any questions about MemberLife, call automatically when the cards are placed on the recorders. year $2 enrollment fee: either the Lansing AAA office or your hometown Club Cashiers then punch the total amount of the sale on recorder office for more information. buttons. Age Sum Insured Age Sum Insured 16 thru 24 $10,000 45 thru 49 $ 2,500 But if you're convinced that MemberLife is the kind The computer confirms the amount of the sale in a 25 thru 29 8,500 50 thru 54 of life insurance protection you need at a price you can feminine-like electronic voice. If there is a mistake, the cashier 30 thru 34 7,500 55 thru 59 afford to pay, return the application form below to Auto¬ can correct it immediately. The computer also reports overloaded 35 thru 39 6,000 60 thru 64 mobile Club of Michigan, 150 Bagley Ave., Detroit, acounts—most have a $500 credit wiling—and stolen credit cards. 40 thru 44 4.000 65 thru 69' Michigan 48226. jnly on re g Please Rush Me ■ The Questionnaire & Directions ■ H For CUPID COMPUTER, I understand that I am under We want to do more for you ■ no obligation to join. ■ ■ MEMBER LIFE IS UNDERWRITTEN BY THE MICHIGAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Name ■ Complete the MemberLife application below and enclose with check or money order for $21 made payable to the Automobile Club of Michigan. S Address Mail to: AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF MICHIGAN, 150 Bagley, Detroit, Michigan 48226 ■ ■ AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF MICHIGAN ANNUAL PREMIUM ■ Cupid Computer Lansing, Mi. $19 APPLICATION FOR MEMBERLIFE INSURANCE ■ Box 702 48903 I plus $2 first year i hereby apply to the MICHIGAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Royal enrollment lee Oak, Michigan, for life insurance and make the following statements for that purpose CASH RECEIPT NUMBER QUESTION: Within the last two (2) years have you been told by a physician that you have, or have you received any medical treatment for, any of the following MEMBERLIFE FREE ANSWER: conditions: CANCER, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, or disi □ NO □ YES If "YES" give particulars:- e of the HEART, LUNGS or KIDNEYS? YOUTH RIDER Available as additional cov¬ (PLEASE PRINT) APPLICANT INFORMATION erage to the adult MemberLife I I II I I I I II U policy, Youth Rider offers APPLICANT S CLUB MEMBERSHIP NUMBER IF "NOT" A MEMBER $2,000 life insurance protec¬ AGE OF APPLICANT n INSERT MASTER'S NUMBER AND CHrCK THIS BOX tion for each of your children MUST BE BETWEEN between their first and six¬ ADDRESS ' MUST BE SAME AS MASTER MEMBER ZIP CODE 16 TO 64 INCLUSIVE MASTER MEMBER'S NAME teenth birthdays. BENEFICIARY-READ BELOW BEFORE COMPLETING TUES-WED-FRI EVENINGS (6-9 pm) I understand the premiums for the policy applied for are to be remitted It costs just $10, plus a first- only to the AUTO¬ MOBILE CLUB OF MICHIGAN, and the Life Insurance will date" indicated on this form, provided the first no into effect on the effective year $2 enrollment fee. A We will inspect such items as year's payment „f $,>i 00 has been made and overall performance while tires, brakes, exhaust, lights |j and this application has been approved. The above answers are correct to the best of single premium covers all your you wait. We'll refreshments for you and our new 1972 carson have if my display. children. BRANCH/RfPRESENTATlVE'S STAMP REPRESENTATIVE'S SIGNATURE APPLICANT S SIGNATURE An application form is avail¬ IAN APPOINTMENT WILL BE NECESSARY - SO I § PLEASE PHONE 482-6226 I 8 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING BENEFICIARY INFORMATION BENEFICIARY: THE POLICY AUTOMATICALLY PROVIOES THAT YOUR BENEFICIARY WILL BE: (1) YOUR SPOUSE IF ANY able at the Lansing or your office. hometown Auto AAA office Club PROVIDING SUCH SPOUSE IS LIVING WITH YOU AT TIME OF DEATH, OTHERWISE (2) YOUR PARENTS, IF YOU ARE UNMARRIEO AND LESS THAN AGE (21) AT TIME OF DEATH. OTHERWISE (3> THE EXECUTOR OR ADMINISTRATOR OF YOUR ESTATE. IN THE EVENT YOU DO NOT WISH TO HAVE THE POLICY DESIGNATION OF BENEFICIARY, PLEASE INDICATE THE NAME AND RELATIONSHIP OF THE BENEFICIARY YOU PREFER ON THIS APPLICATION. IHHjJ UmAaII .. NOTE: IF A MARRIED WOMAN, DESIGNATE AS: "MARY M DOE". NOT "MRS JOHN R DOE" POLICY NUMBER-SAME AS MEMBERSHIP NUMBER Glenn Herriman Volkswagen, Inc. 6135 W. Saginaw - Lansing - 482-6226