Tuesday MICHIGAN A UNIVERSITY STATE TATE NEWS Volume 64 Number 72 East Tuesday, November 23, 1971 Lansing, Michigan Supreme Court prohibits arbitrary sex bias in laws WASHINGTON (AP) - In a landmark ruling the Supreme Court Monday the equal protection of the laws to any person within its jurisdiction." Boise, Idaho, appointed administrix of the estate of her clause ..." Burger said the court adopted son Richard appealed consistently has recognized that the 14th unanimously barred arbitrary Melvin Wulf, legal director of the on the theory that the discrimination against women by legislators equal protection Amendment does not deny to the states American Civil Liberties Union which filed clause of the 14th amendment, everywhere in the nation. the brief for Mrs. Reed, said "I am designed "the power to treat difference classes of The startling decision, announced originally to protect blacks freed by the persons in different ways," but he went on by moderately pleased that we won the case, Civil War, invalidated the Idaho law Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, was the but the pleasure is very giving "the equal protection clause of that qualified because preference to the adoptive father, Cecil amendment does, however, deny to the first by the high court did not win cloaking women we on the broader grounds." Reed, her estranged husband. states the power to legislate that different with the equal-protection clause of the "Our purpose was to try to get the The court never has interpreted the 14th Constitution on the basis for earlier rulings treatment accorded to persons placed by a Supreme Court to declare that sexual Amendment this way. In fact, in cases state into different classes on the basis of advancing the rights of blacks. discrimination is unconstitutional, and going back to the 19th century, it has criteria wholly unrelated to the objective Burger said legislatures may treat women they have apparently declined to take that rejected discrimination claims by women of that statute." differently from men only when the major step," Wulf said. "Please note that seeking the amendment's protections. purpose is reasonable. the court is made up of seven males. Those The decision came in a relatively obscure Burger wrote: "I am very happy for all women and male judges have a vested interest. If "To give a mandatory preference of case from Idaho in which the father and myself," Ms. Reed said in Boise. She said women had been on the court, we would either sex over members of the other is to she was not involved in any women's mother of a deceased son had vied for the have seen all sex discrimination declared make the very kind of arbitrary legislature liberation movement, and added: "I've right to administer his estate of less than Peace am $1,000. Under state law the father had unconstitutional." Last month the House passed a proposed choice forbidden by the equal protection been a liberated woman all my life." been named the administrator. amendment to the Constitution designed The Civil War monument in front of the Williamsport, Pa. City Hall "We have concluded," Burger said, "that to prohibit discrimination on account of LETTER CITES REASONS the arbitrary preference established in usually stands in solitude as a reminder of the past. But this Christmas sex. Key senators disagreed about the favor of males by . . . the Idaho code trumpeter adds a little different note to the soldier's message. impact of the ruling on this legislation. Riddle cannot stand in the face of the 14th leaves Sen. Birch Bayh, D-Ind., the AP Wirephoto Amendment's command that no state deny amendment's chief sponsor in the Senate, said he is heartened by the ruling but doesn't think it makes amendment )ems add an financing plan unnecessary. Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr., D-N.C., countered that the ruling proves an amendment is unneeded. "Under the Fifth and 14th amendments, over minority about," a letter submitted to Mark any law, federal or state, making any Bat hurst, chairman of the committee, distinction between men and women is campaigns to tax bill states. or unconstitutional unless based on reasonable grounds," he said. Asserting that minority students should elect their own representatives to the "There should be no instance of white students at this University voting to Burger announced the ruling shortly Academic Council, Sam Riddle, Hint determine who the Chicano representative before a Senate Judiciary subcommittee senior resigned from the Student to anything will be," the letter stated. ASH1NGTON (AP) — Democrats If the plan is kept in the final version of It would permit a deduction of $50 for approved on a 6-4 vote an Ervin substitute Committee on Nominations Monday. Meeded Monday night in writing the the tax bill sent to the White House, as for the House passed amendment. All "Only the Chicano can determine who is an individual or $100 for a couple, or a tax - University graduate and representative of the Chicano." Krly controversial presidential campaign expected, the President will face a tough credit of $12.50 for an individual or $25 This would prohibit any legal distinctions undergraduate students were eligible to "We of color must be the sole ■King plan into the $27 billion tax cut decision. for a couple. between men and women except "those vote in the election, which chose 10 determiners of who represents us at all centerpiece of President Nixon's If he vetoes the bill, he could delay the The credit, which would be subtracted based on physiological or functional minority representatives. The election was nomic program. economic benefits of the tax-cutting differences." Supporters of the House - held Thursday. levels," the letter states. from taxes due, could be for 50 per cent of Riddle said he waited until after the be plan, adopted 52 - 47, could make provisions indefinitely. passed amendment consider the substitute "I can no longer serve as a legitimizing a contribution up to the permitted ceilings. election to resign because he did not want lilible $20.4 million in taxpayer funds If he signs it, he may give substantial so watered down that no amendment could agent in a process which, by its very Democrats said this was the Republican his resignation to have an effect on the Die Democrat and Republican nominees campaign funds to his Democratic be approved. nature, is a contradiction to all that part of the Pastore proposal since, in their election. in 1972 and $6.3 million to Alabama In the women's rights case, Sally Reed of opponent and to Wallace, who could take view, far more GOP partisans make progressive people of color must be He said minority representatives had George Wallace if he runs again. Southern states from the GOP next tow political gifts in the $50 to $100 range. be chosen to work within the Academic [noring hints of a Nixon veto of the November. Just before the final vote, Sen. Robert Council to change the Bylaws for tax package, the Democrats closed Repbulicans made clear in the debate Dole of Kansas the GOP national chairman, Academic Governance which provide for its almost solidly to adopt the campaign that their party would not use the federal sought to kill the campaign financing plan an at-large election. anting amendment sponsored by Sen. funds next year. with a point of order. "One of the 0. Pastore, D-R.I. objectives of the student Before voting on the campaign financing He said it appropriated the checkoff representatives must be the rewriting of the feting for it were 50 Democrats and 2 plan, the Senate adopted 82-17 another money into the campaign fund and entire section so that people of color may publicans. Opposed were 42 part of the Pastore plan to give a tax break therefore was unconstitutional since choose their own representatives," the publicans, 4 Democrats and 1 on political contributions in federal, state appropriations must originate in the House. letter states. ependent. and local elections. He lost 58-41. "The black student populace should have Republican Leader Hugh Scott of seen immediately that whites are Pennsylvania announced he would ask determining who black representatives tudy urged Nixon to veto the bill. are," Riddle said. "Until we can solve the human needs of He said the people who accept such rules the' American people and the social ills and will continue to do so after they leave the injustices in this land, it is utterly wrong to University. stage this raid on the Treasury," Scott S/Sgt. John Sexton Jr., leaves Riddle said the section of the Bylaws for o help poor declared. go Before going to Nixon, the measure must back to the House which has passed its Fitzsimmons General Hospital in Denver early Monday on his way home to Warren, after five weeks Academic Governance which provide for at-large voting for minority representatives are "a stopgap effort on the part of august Speaker William A. Ryan said are saying they will pay more for education own version of a tax bill. The House bill reactionaries on the Academic Council." that he favors the establishment of of hospitilization at as long as their children don't have to be does not include the campaign financing "The myopic methodology chosen by ®rtisan conferences to explore "the bused," Ryan said. "This plan will show if provision, but Rep. Wilbur Mills, D-Ark., Fitzsimmons. Sexton was held the council to insure such representation is sbilitv, acceptability and preferability people are really against busing or against chairman of the Ways and Means captive for two years by the Viet a direct affront to students of color at legislative action" to earmark $100 integration." Committee, has said he would support such Cong. A gala welcome home MSU," the letter states. '•on to aid poor school districts in Though other local legislators were a provision. party is planned for Sexton after The letter commended the committee for •proving their facilities. unavailable for comment, Sen. Phillip O. Senate Democrats accepted an the work it has done on the election. "The evils of his five-year absence from home. busing have been overstated Pittenger, R-Lansing, expressed mixed amendment by Sen. Charles McC. Mathias, "It is just unfortuante that such a 'its opponents but the benefits have also emotions about Ryan's proposal. AP Vt/irephoto committee based on colonialist principles R-Md., enabling taxpayers to designate len overstated "The conference sounds like by its backers," the a good which party is to receive their $1 had to exist," the letter states. fooit Democrat said. idea," he said, but more money "is not contributions. The Mathias amendment Riddle is a former representative of the An alternative which would provide really necessary." was adopted 72-27. Black Liberation Front International. llu'ed and "I could see more money to improve As originally proposed,the plan provided adequate funding for ®Pensatory and vocational education physical facilities, but not more dollars only for a $1 checkoff into a nonpartisan "would achieve Mural fashion just integration of schools in behind each child," Pittenger explained. He said that the school aid bill fund from which each major party Petitions may be preferable to new presidential nominee could draw equally. King." recently passed by the Senate balances out Students in the These legislative College of Human conferences, he said, the money spent on each school child in Medicine interested in petitioning for also investigate the possibility of Michigan. positions on the University Academic Ending the 1968 Open Housing Law Pittenger also said he believed that the Warmer "Provide open . . . Governance, Business Affairs and Building, housing that is truly open quality of education in the state's schools Lands and Planning committees should 1 provide affirmative programs to would not be helped by cross-district with a high in the low 30's. contact James L Conklin, associate dean . . . J h(>using integration with deliberate busing. Increasing cloudiness. of student affairs, in the Life Sciences ' ^ kn°w (Please turn to back page) Building before Monday. many people in the suburbs Academic Senate: powerful yet useless since its conception and is part of the rationale employed by critics of the senate. of a report or Academic Council." recommendation from the until Academic the following November that the Senate could—without calling By S.A. SMITH State News Staff Writer News Analysis Low-level attendance at senate meetings may be attributed to the relative inaction At the initial presentation, may approve or return to the senate council the special meetings—take final action on the proposal. of the senate. Because it meets so recommendation. On subsequent The agenda for the Nov. 15, 1971, enatthe Past five years the Academic prestigious faculty governing body at the the qualified, available membership. infrequently and because most of the issues presentations to the senate, the meeting of the Academic Senate was Hio e has taken such "momentous" University-but in practice one of the most The attendance record of 563 (set at a which come before the senate for a vote go recommendation may be amended or comprised of a series of reports; no voting llitte 3Sp apProva' of revisions to the useless University organs-the Academic special meeting on May 29, 1968, when the first to the smaller and more returned to the council as many times as action was taken at the meeting. 'iseH Facu,ty. approval of the Senate meets twice yearly, unless convened revised Bylaws of the Faculty were comprehensive Academic Council, many the senate deems necessary. The Academic Freedom Report for touai Policy and approval of the approved and passed on to the president) athletic council report. specially by the president of the University was shattered a year later on May 8,1969, faculty members are indifferent to or Conceivably the Academic Senate could Students has been written, revised and or the Academic Council. discouraged with the Academic Senate. prolong discussion and postpone action on approved. The Bylaws of the Faculty have Ketinf"81'' 1188 also voted to have its Currently the senate's membership at another special meeting called by acting Conceptually the senate is to provide a any issue through this ping-pong been written and metamorphosed into the •uneih taped ^ust '"ie the Academic numbers close to 2,000 faculty president Walter Adams. An forum in which the tenure—track faculty procedure. The infrequency of the senate's Bylaws for Academic Governance. )D •' ant* to allow photographers to members-all regular faculty above unprescedented 699 faculty members can "bring meetings necessarily draws out debate on The major policy documents have been up for consideration any matter UmLt for the first 10 minutes of instructor level. Excluding those faculty heard Adams read a policy statement to pertaining to the general welfare of the any matter which goes before both the debated—sometimes heatedly—in the C g-. members on leave, the eligible and available the senate which basically addressed the University". In reality, the senate is a council and the senate. senate. But short of any major revisions in JtthJ.'gnifi<>a,'tly, the Academic Senate senate members for any given year is problem of the "implementation of the rubber stamp for the Academic Council. If an issue is brought before Academic these guidelines, the future agendas of the lCKje .lna'10 seal of faculty approval on the estimated at between 1,800 and 1,900. land—grant philosophy in the context of According to the Bylaws for Academic Council in the fall, sent to the senate at its Academic Senate will probably take the freedom Report for Students our urban crisis." "p lt,e procedures for However, attendance records for the past Governance, "business requiring first meeting in November, sent back to the route of the most recent meeting: status selecting a The problem of a bleak attendance nine years reveal that the average consideration of the Academic Senate shall council and then sent back to the senate reports, directional reports, reports Tech!1 of the University. attendance is 295 persons-15.5 per cent of record has plagued the Academic Senate ordinarily be brought before it in the form for amendments in May, it would not be review and reports to inform. Cal|y the most powerful and 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 23 |J news Appeal calls election illegal By JUDY YATES State News Staff Writer an appeal claiming that one of the winners in the category for black representatives violated candidates from any form of campaigning within 50 feet of any polling places during official campaign because he thought that c»m!5ingI summary An appeal alleging campaigning illegalities in the election of student representatives-at-large to campaign rules by campaigning within BO feet of a poll booth Walker finished sixth of eight polling hours. The Office of Black Affairs (OBA) was outside regulations. the building would not vi2'*T 0lat* f From thewfrei of AP and UPI. candidates in his expected to file another appeal Monday He said he moved outside two douhi., the Academic Council was filed Monday with the category. requesting the All-University Student Judiciary which both he and Jim Lawrence Hv»» Student Committee on Nominations. Election regulations previously approved by (AUSJ) "to investigate and rule upon an Md„ junior, who was a poll worker 'iuriS Sherman Walker, Selma. Ala., junior has filed the Student Committee on Nominations prohibit infraction of election procedures." 50 feet from the poll booth. ^ The appeal had not been filed as of 3 p.m. "The issue Is whether or not I Was 011f,i Monday, however. double doors," he said. "I '*' die say i Ex-senotor Hie appeal alleges that Calvin Conway, Flint special program undergraduate, verbally campaigned for Mark Jaeger, Greenfield, Wis., Lawrence says I was not." The appeal states that Glenn Harbor freshman, saw Coleman P Wa Conway campaign."! junior and Paul "Skip" Stam, Greensboro, N.C., has agreed to testify upon requested Sf senior within 50 feet of the campaign booth in "OBA urges AUSJ to rule on infractd of this North Hubbard. apparent "There is ensure that truly democratic a new state of Conway is not a candidate. Jaeger was elected conducted in the future," the election?! consciousness in the world. Things representative of nonwhite students who are The regulations for the election appeal states I are changing. Some day Cuba will neither black nor Chicano. all appeals be directed to the stipulate tL get Guantanamo back from the Former State Sen Paul C from 1957 to 70- A fo"1,er Services will be 1 p.m. Stam was a write-in candidate in the women's Student Commil Nominations. The committee United States." Younger died of an apparent Ingham County prosecuting Wednesday at St. Paul's category. He did not receive enough votes to be on may accent! heart attack Sunday while att<>"»ey, be won a special Episcopal Church with burial in appeal or waive jurisdiction to AUSJ ■ declared a winner. The committee driving his car in downtown election in 1957 to fill the Evergreen Cemetery. Conway said that after he informed of the was scheduled to meet Mon Fidel Castro Lansing. unexpired term of the late Sen. was night to decide on the appeals. Mr. Younger, 61, was driving F- and later won on S. Pine St. near the Capitol four terms in the Senate, Younger was a major force when his car went off the road and struck a utility pole, behind the revenue bonding plan CONNALLY CLAIMS officials said. Impact "of the which financed much of MSU's accident was slight but attempts residence hall expansion during the administration of John Back pay by the rescue squad to revive the approval iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii former Republican senator from Hannah. Ingham and Livingston Counties failed. A resident of 1212 S. Genesee While a senator, he served on a number of committees, including those concerned with seei Trek ends in tragedy St. in Lansing, Mr. Younger taxation, liquor, labor, and the WASHINGTON (AP) — language of that kind," Connally controlled when other controls last week to a bill are in effect. served in the Michigan Senate judiciary. Secretary of the Treasury John sai<*- both the retroactive He was a graduate of Owosso B. Connally suggested Monday interest amendments, High School, MSU, and the The Patman amendment. along I A weekend adventure trek in the wild Scottish Council to weigh the administration might accept He hinted also at a possible Connally said, is so imprecisely others disapproved byl Highlands ended in tragedy Monday University of Michigan Law some provision for retroactive basis for settling another dispute worded that it could be administration, when it vote- near Aviemore. School. Searchers found five school children and their teen-aged grievance plan pay raises in pending Phase 2 over the Phase 2 legislation - interpreted as merely suspend further work on thj veteran OIf legislation, but only if Pay Board how far it should go in providing authorizing such controls. This is until Nov. 30. RepubF girl teacher frozen to death and buried in six-foot An Elected Faculty Council World War II and a member of . i mine over interest rates, i ; i i i, memhers members provided nrnviHpH Hio standarte were circulated campus urging students to attend a demonstration today in on 1/5 OF USA PPort of thsoe indicted by a special state grand jury in October pants from S-T-R-E-T-C-H & SEW. tope, who was not a Kent State student, was indicted in ilooer, 1970 on three counts by a special state grand jury. He We have fun-color furs for hats, ■ charged with first-degree riot, assaulting and striking a and BiDiliHi interfering with a fireman at the scene of a May 2, u'flre which destroyed an ROTC building on the campus. vests, linings, you name it. We Learn have real, live, stretch-pant Computer material for ski wear that Programming really fits you. And we have knits of all kinds, all year! in Tuesday Night SALAD & SPAGHETTI GORGE (All You Can Eat) Evening School $1.95 •Learn to program COBOL and EASY-CODER SKI PANTS Wine Special •Work with a computer located "right S-T-R-E-T-C-H - & - SEW WORKSHOP Wednesday Night in the classroom." PITCHER NIGHT Learn to make your own ( dirt cheap) Lizard's 224 Abbott •Accredited by ACBS • ... Approved for Veterans Free Job Placement Assistance . . . FABRICS 4960 Northwind Drive, East Lansing Phone 332-0879 ski pant.s the easy S-T-R-E-T-C-H •Class begins January 3 & SEW way! MONDAY - FRIDAY 9AM - 9 P mmggmm Saturday 10 am - 5 pm Th rnd moj incomparably poorer than we, and that you who, despising your bread, your wine, and powerful than the French." considerably. Now with a vacancy in very easily find itself in the same In the Nov. 17 issue of the State News an are only simple journeymen, valets, your brandy, are content with their natural the secretary of agriculture's office, position as the auto, steel, and servants, and slaves, all masters and Grand food of beaver, of moose, of waterfowl, Todays Indian is very much aware of M article appeared entitled, "Students one would think the President would Captains though you may appear, seeing and fish, in accord with the custom of our beautiful culture. If the Indian ser cigaret industries-all the economic Support Indian Day Drive." In the article, that you glory in our old rags, and in our ancestors and of all the Gaspesian (Mic confused to the white man, it's o appoint a farmers' advocate to reap power in the hands of a few. An this comment, "The Indians are a very miserable suits of beaver which can no Mac) nation. because the white man doesn't understal the rural vote in the 1972 election. agricultural oligopoly, like all other confused, mixed up people and I strongly Think again. Instead, Mr. Nixon oligoplies, would by definition believe that a day would given them back longer be of use to us, and that you find Learn now, my brother once for all, because I must open to thee my heart: the Indians' natural feelings toward living some of their lost among us in the fishery for cod which you better life. selected Earl L. Butz, an individual pride," indicates the make in these parts, the wherewithal to eliminate even the potential for common ignorance most who was on the board of directors of people share in comfort your misery and the poverty competition. their knowledge of Indians. The Indians are OUR READERS' MIND four major agribusiness firms, firms which oppress you. As Sen. Fred R. Harris, D-Okla., not mixed up and confused. They are "As to us, we find all our riches and all which are pushing the small farmer aware of exactly where they come from pointed out, Butz "cannot easily give our conveniences among ourselves without off his land and replacing him with and are proud of their heritage and up lifelong attitudes." His existence. trouble, without exposing our lives to the huge agricultural factories. In agribusiness bias can in no way aid dangers in wheh you find yourselves Unthinking motorists An Indian chief once criticized a group addition, Butz owns over $100,000 the nation's farmers. The opposition of French captains in the following way: constantly through your long voyages. And of stock in whilst feeling compassion for you in the three such firms: of the National Farmers Union and "Thou reproachest us very inappropriately, sweetness of our repose, we wonder at the that our country is a little Hell on earth in Ralston-Purina, International the National Farmers Organization anxieties and cares which you give contrast with France, which thou Minerals, and Stokely-Van Camp. to Butz' confirmation indicates the yourselves, night and day, in order to load It is difficult to with such an see how a agribusiness person nation's farmers feel Butz simply does not represent their interests. comparest to a terrestial paradise, inasmuch as it yields thee, so thou sayest, every kind of provision in abundance. your ships. "We see also that all your people live, as a rule, only upon cod which you catch a bicycle rider's peril background could not help but have The nation's farmers deserve a Thou sayest of us that we are the most miserable and most unhappy of all men, among us. It is everlastingly nothing but consciously or unconsciously, a bias better break than Dr. Butz. Of all the cod — cod in the moming, cod at midday, To the Editor: Probably many other students haveto favoring the philosophy of men involved in agricultural affairs living without religion, without manners, With everyone raising different kinds of left dazed in the same predicament, an ■ cod at evening, and always cod, until things without honor, without social order, and in hell about bikes on campus, I would like to agribusiness. Butz' history of today, there must be someone who a word, without any rules, like beasts in come to such a pass that if you wish some would be nice if all three mediums mvoivj association with agribusiness firms can do a better job of standing up our woods and forests, lacking bread, wine, good morsels it is at our expense; and you say a word about pedestrians and motor would try and respect the rights of 1 vehicle operators. others so that more accidents could casts serious clouds of doubt over his for the nation's farm owners. How and a thousand other comforts which thou are obliged to have recourse to the Indians, whom you despise so much, and to beg Since bicyclists are banned from every avoided. j ,1 statement that he hast in superfluity in Europe. Well, would be a the President keeps coming up with my them to go a-hunting that you may be place but the bike paths (traps) and certain Lynn de Beauclal "vigorous brother, if thou doest not yet know the of the roads, why do students insist Drayton Plains junif spokesman" for such nominees for high public office real feelings which our Indians have regaled. areas agriculture. defies all logical explanation. "Now tell me this one little thing, if thou upon walking on the only good bike trails Nov. 18,19* towards thy country and towards all thy i.e. those by Shaw and East nation, it is proper that I inform thee at once. hast any sense, which of these two is the wisest and happiest: he who labors without can well understand their fear of Complex? I getting LETTER POLICY [ Get ID togeth "1 beg miserable thee as we now seem to believe that, all in thy eyes, we ceasing and only obtains . . . with great trouble, enough to live on, or he who rests mowed down on a sidewalk, but it hard for those bike riders who to why make attempt negotiate the paths to avoid collisions? The State News welcomes all Mj" consider ourselves nevertheless much in comfort and finds all that he needs in As far as drivers go, it would be nice if They must be typed (pfeferably »J Starting Jan. 1, all individuals of • happier than thou, in this that we are very the pleasure of hunting and fishing. they'd respect people riding bikes on the 65-space line and triple - spaced, datea, ^ - purchase of liquor. children, relatives, and friends? Why risk number, the neatly suited driver shot me a association emphasizes that birth hundred and thirty to forty years.it is only News, 345 Student Services Biag., thy life and thy property every year? dirty look and roared off. certificates will not be honored as "And why venture thyself with such risk because we are gradually adopting your East Lansing, Mich. 48823. In essence, to purchase liquor in identification after the first of the in any season whatsoever, to the storms Michigan one must have two current and tempests of the sea in order to come to MAYBE S0MEPAY IF U)£ GET IM SORRY, YOUR CALL PIP year. pieces of identification, one of them Do not deprive yourself of the a strange and barbarious country which MARRlEP, I'LL CALL YOU LIKE NOT 60 THK0U6H... PLEASE HAN6 thou considerest the poorest and least THIS UHEN YOU'RE AT 0)ORK,ANP UP, AND DO NOT DIAL A6AIN ! with a photo. Suitable identification privilege of enjoying alcohol in fortunate of the world? Besides, since we I'LL TELL YOU HOU) I'M THINKIN6 cards include: Michigan at the beginning of the year are wholly convinced on the contrary, we ABOUT YOU...WOULD YOU LIKE THAT: • Michigan drivers license by being ignorant of the law. If you scarcely take the trouble to go to France • Michigan State Police ID card do not have two current pieces of because we fear with good reason, lest we • Michigan State University ID find little satisfaction there, seeing in our ID, one with your picture, get them own experience that those who are natives card before Jan. 1. thereof leave it every year in order to Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 23, 1971 5 Minority education stressed By CATHERINE LOCATELLI to realize that perhaps the system and the teachers may be at fault, he said. • To create a climate of awareness toward the identification and resolution of racism in the In discussing the educational The Minority Affairs Division of the MEA is schools. Education must be humanized problems of to meet the attempting The division staff includes Herman Coleman, needs of students, minority students, he said until recently the to work with these problems, Chuck Williams, black . associate executive secretary, who has consultant for the consensus among educators was that students Williams said, Minority Affairs Division of create the problems. Now, The idea of the division was realized three administrative duties and attends cabinet people are beginning years ago by a group of people concerned that meetings; Chuck Williams, black consultant; minority educators—black, Chicano and Amoldo Martinez, Chicano consultant, and Ruby Encounter grou Indian—were Amoldo not represented in the MEA, Martinez, Chicano consultant of the division, explained. King, black consultant. Williams and Martinez stressed the need for teachers to reach students on a personal level. These people worked through the While teaching in a black high school in Detroit, proper Williams said he sensed the need to humanize individual's channels to present their views to the MEA board on of directors who agreed that there was a definite education, to put the needs of the students first, need to address itself to minority to let the students know that being black does peoples, Martinez added. not mean that one cannot learn. By SUZANNE UNGERER director of counseling at Kendall The strengths are the resources a goals of the Minority Affairs Division are: College, Evanston, 111. • To create a greater teacher awareness of the The division has put p encounter groups person has to build upon, primary emphasis on emphasizing McHolland created the program Goal setting is the fifth and needs of minority group children and to making curriculum relevant to minority people, n individual s strengths instead .on the hypothesis of Chicago final stage. Each person sets a introduce new concepts and techniques to better Martinez said. Through teacher ot his weaknesses conferences, are being held psychologist, Herbert Otto, that short-range goal for himself that meet these needs. workshops and in-service training for staff and u yearJn McDonel Hall, most people only use 10 per will use some of his latent • To achieve greater participation by local students, it is attempting to build an awareness C- ?otential Seminars cent of the human potential ere initiated in the potential, education associations in improving education of of problems in schools and methods for dealing fall of 1970 they have for with them. by hast McDonel Hall head and thinking, emoting The goals must meet certain minority children. creating. established criteria. They must • To achieve greater identification by minority- iser Carolyn Jakobsen. The seminars have five be achieved within a time limit group educators with the MEA and a greater Martinez said the division has received some e purpose of the seminars is integrated phases. In favorable response to curriculum o e p each phase one, and must not harm anyone. The participation by minority group members in the changes, mainly person discover the group members discuss in racially mixed person must believe in his goal governance of MEA. areas. good & points in himself. Its significant events and important ultimate goals are to and want to attain it. promote individuals that have shaped The group cannot demand a self-confidence, self-motivation their lives, and feelings of self-worth. . person to change. Rather it must During phase two, the group trust him to grow on his own. "It is my personal opinion that aiIU if such goals Had luck? are accomplished, satisfying experiences that have what he has learned" is it of ^..oodtendto^hou. >and try to use all their helped potential. ,hem to use thei, benem to ^ htj." X JakoLn OPEN THANKSGIVING DAY 11:00-4:30 David Cever, Norwish, N.Y. senior, appears to be waiting in SeifinlLmP^T8 e,fftectiv?.in The grf°UP nameS the top five At McDonel, most seminars ambush for anyone who is brazen enough to walk under his an^in i Ji L°nKPS v®lues each person in phase consist of four men and four ladder. Perhaps if he used a few Tom Sawyer tactics he mpnninof meaningfuli 17 S life, » Ms. 3 Jakobsen that ten U Perceives va,ues women, with a member of each could get some people to help him paint this house on sa,d- himself. the person never saw in sex acting as a leader Imagine a Thanksgiving Dinner Bailey Street. The seminars were State News photo by Tom Luke in 1967 by James McHolland, developed Each individual names his own Marathon sessions, lasting 10 like this for only $1.95 strengths in phase four. These *° hours, are held one weekend during the term, because of the greater impact board oks contract they have on group members, Ms. Jakobsen said. 1—Roast Turkey and Dressing Ms. Jakobsen is presently screening applicants for with Cranberry Sauce MSU--4 hospitals linked leadership next term. The applicants must have had a pleasant previous group OR Baked Ham with experience, Ms. Jakobsen said, ■Formal affiliations with two Detroit Osteopathic Hospitals formalize relationships on the voluntary faculties. physician and that of patient ^or "°nly it; has had an impact Pineapple and Prune fusing and two Detroit-area The agreements are seen as and physician to their on them' can they effectively >re approved Friday developed by the College of benefiting both the university, ;nvironment," said Dr. Magen. help someone else." ft the board of trustees. Osteopathic Medicine before it which is able to train its students Dr. Hunt said, "We believe our ■be con tracts provide for became a part of the university. in community settings, and the ipproach will be particularly 1—Snow White Ma$hed or Golden Brown Escalloped The Lansing General affiliation, pining of medical students at hospitals, which can draw on nelpful in encouraging more Potatoes lliwrence Hospital in Lansing however, is new. university expertise and attract itudents to enter family MSU is associated with 23 id of osteopathic medical now future physicians to their jractice. At least our students 3—Choice of vegetable Rodents at Lansing General hospitals, — one each in Alma, respective communities. Also, vill be receiving more input pipital, Detroit Osteopathic Detroit, Farmington, Jackson, 'rom family practitioners than is 4—Chef's Salad with choice of Pontiac and Warren; two in teaching programs are viewed as dressing wpjtal and Martin Place a means of insuring quality care. traditional." East, in Maifisoii ' Dttrott; tfhree in Grand Rapids; Both Dr. MyroH S. Magen, (Or if you prefer, and four each in Flint, Lansing mmmmmsmssmpz Ifhts. and Saginaw. dean of the College of SECOND ANNUAL your choice of any of our incomparable salads) Osteopathic Medicine, and Dr. s affiliation with St. Students training in these Andrew D. Hunt Jr., dean of the 5—Choice of Roll and Butter Rmence formalizes a hospitals are instructed by the College of Human Medicine, HOLIDAY ■^standing association with regular faculties of their have stressed the advantages of 6—Fresh Strawberry Shorfcake with Whipped Cream * University. Similarly, the respective colleges as well as ktracts with Martin Place and community physicians who serve attracting students to community settings and ANTIQUE (Or your choice of any of our wonderful Desserts) AND encouraging family - centered 7—Choice of Beverage medicine. Pofory gives "We feel that only at the community level can a physician SALE (Including all the Iced Tea or Coffee you can drink) who wishes to practice in the SPONSORED BY :ommunity become cognizant of ^ 1 |o MSU I In recognition volunt of the achievement of the MSU volunteers, the ;he relationship of patients to •ft is ST. 1519 Elmwood DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rd., Just north of iLansing Mall | | Kit Lansing Rotary Club presented a $500 check to the THE MOOSUSKI 21 dealers, ] $1.00 donation, $25 door prize, $ "America's Finest Cafeterias" ■olunteer Bureau Monday. MEETING HAS BEEN S | food available, SATURDAY, Nov. 27; 10 am I Hie Rotary Club cited the volunteers' work to the community. POSTPONED UNTIL | GRAND RAPIDS - KALAMAZOO - FLINT . LANSING I John Cauley, director of the Volunteer Bureau, said the bulk of p money will be used to design a professional looking brochure WED. DEC. 1 if to 9 p.m.;SUNDAY, Nov. 28 Noon to 7 pm. I pr the bureau. He noted that MSU was one of the few bureaus "tout such a brochure. SALE Kazoo, Vicory and Seafarer jeans $500 The Outlook 217 Ann St. Next to Mini-Mart Students, Faculty, Staff NOW IS THE TIME to sign up for ASMSU's trip to SPAIN sign up in room 307 Student Services or come to an information meeting DECEMBER 2, 7:30 p.m. in the MSU CREDIT UNION for more information call 355-4560 ( 3-5 pm) after 6 pm call: Joan 353-1088 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, No,cmbcf1, , SPORTS Varsity, frosh collide tonight at Jenison By MIKE ABERLICH State News Sports VWiter Rrpslin 6-1 and or what Breslin, or what rnmnnt.. amounts slightly less than to - a 170-pS »• lineuD th.* "V For the frosh, Hairston and 6-6 l/)Ve||D d In the frontcourt, Bill Kilgore may have one of will have to try to control the joined by 6-3 forward Joey boards S his biggest tests tonight when the varsity and the Okemos, and guards Pete Davis and Shack. t 1 frosh cage squads lock horns in the annual Joe scrimmage at Jenison Fieldhouse. "Lindsay is a big guy who can jumn Kilgore will have to face one of the nation's block shots." Ganakas said . highly touted freshman in 6-7 Lindsay Hairston, he s not just a big guy. of the froS ^teW and the battle of tne two promises to be a good "Rivers complements In the backcourt, varsity Coach Gus Ganakas Hairston because h board man and will offset the size of the two big centers by Shackleton Hairston because he's an outside comIt starting what he calls "the smallest pair of guards draw the opposition from under shooter »f in the history of all basketball," the basket" It may be true that Ganakas is a man with a Another blow befell the sense of humor, but his decision to start 5-5 Spartans with.u , Gary of Jeff VanderLende, who Ganakas and 5-11 Mike Robinson is no joke, Grand Rapids junior was one of quit the team Th2 although the presence of the two alongside the he frosh squad two years the mains£3 ago, although ?1 big men will make even The Odd Couple look limited service last year as like average Joe's. 6-7 Jim Shereda is also out Kilgore's hart,,, The guards will add a new dimension of speed for the * spinal operation leaving the Spartans with and quickness to the Spartan team, the elder „ , Kilgore and backup man Bill Cohrs at Ganakas was quick to point out. the n "Gary can give us the stability needed at Although the loss of Brad VanPelt to a footh, guard—he's a good defensive player and he's injury is expected to have an effect on the team shown he can guide the team," he "Mike Robinson could be a super player," Ganakas rebounding strength, Ganakas did receive so! good news when another football star added in support of the other half of his Billy j Dupree, decided to try out for the cage'team GARY GANAKAS backcourt duo, "we hope he can adjust to our style of play." The annual contest will begin at 7:30 With the two guards on the starting five for the with student tickets set at $.50. All others varsity will be Kilgore, Pat Miller and Brian admitted for $1. SALE Harriers GARY SCHARRER Climax, Figuremate and Arnelle ofc California dresses 13th in na Duffy victim of undue pressure, Reduced 20% but, Monday, as MSU'l got the cold shoulder from 12 other schools in the NCAA meet Consolation was in being the first Big Ten school to finish. Indiana bring The Man' back next year The Outlook in Knoxville. 92 schools and 302 individual was next in 16th. The top finishers for MSU With the conclusion of another MSU football season, rumors to lead them. MSU had a winning season this year, and will notb< 217 Ann St. Next to Mini-Mart participants lined up for the were, in order, Ken Popejoy, again have been circulating on Duffy's status as Spartan football losing much personnel bending into the 1972 campaign. MSUIo_ Randy Kilpatrick, Rob Cool, coach. Actually, it's only continuing talk and speculation that some heartbreaking games this year. Duffy could have taken thi Dave Dieters and Ron Cool. never seems to end. The rumbling has echoed for several years excuse for ail ills and used the phrase "if only" to make th! Individual positions are and seemed to heighten even before this season started. It stayed Spartans an undefeated team, but he has too much class to do so unofficial, but coach Jim in the atmosphere despite player support and respectable MSU lost to the officials at Notre Dame, but Duffy didn't tun Gibbard's hopes for all-America performances. This is unfortunate. into a rabid animal. He criticized the status for his runners were Coach Daugherty need not be subjected to this pressure and officiating wit! sophistication, and he did meet with the press after tin shattered. constant undermining. He is a proven, successful coach. If success frustrating loss. Only four runners from the is measured by won-loss records Duffy belongs in the winning Duffy is a smiling Irishman in defeat or victory. His defeal Big Ten made the top 25, with column. His tenure as head coach at MSU includes a 104-64-4 expression is one of humility, but is he also humble in victory Garry Bjorklund, second to record. Duffy has twice been named "Coach of the Year." And His players learn a lot i'rom "The Man". If I were at the control winner Steve Prefontaine of against MSU's two biggest rivalries, Notre Dame and Michigan, I'd bring Duffy back next year because his value to MSU wouli Oregon, the top conference Daugherty-coached squads have identical 10-6-2 marks. be too hard to replace at this time. finisher. If success of a head coach is identified with his ability to unify Oregon was the team a team, generate enthusiasm and provide the education motive champion, dethroning Villanova, before athletic performance, give Duffy a 4.0. He has INGMAR BERGMAN'S always who was fourth. Washington maintained a personal relationship with his ACADEMY AWARD WINNER State was second and made himself available for help and coun&flrig. He players. He has always supports his Pennsylvania was third. players and goes out of his way when his players deserve publicity It the worst NCAA finish and honors. And they keep coming back. VIRGIN SPRING was in six years for the Spartans, Gene Washington and George Webster are former Spartan stars THE though it was also the largest field in NCAA cross country history. who are now all-pros. They both speak coach. Hundreds of other players could be mentioned that received help from Duffy in some way or highly of their former another, only because Duffy is concerned with individuals first. Biggie Munn and Duffy Daugherty took MSU out of cow ssis pasture obscurity and have built Spartan teams into national powers. Duffy deserves more credit than what is given him various news media. He nvans much more to MSU than to be by the harassed into quitting his present post. The Spartans will be bac;. and hopefully Daugherty will be able COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS CAMPUS THE DEAN'S OFFICE IS MOVING Duffy Duufihcrly _ ^ W|tOQp.nt. Theatres The Dean's office, College of Arts and Letters, will be moved from Berkey Hall to the second floor of Linton Hall on Tuesday, November 23, 1971. Shown at 7:00 and 10:00 Both the Berkey Hall and the Linton Hall offices will be closed and we will have no telephone service all day on the INGMAR BERGMAN'S ACADEMY AWARD WINNER 23rd. We will be open for business as usual on the 24th. All phone numbers will remain the same as shown in the directory. MSU BROADWAY THEATRE SERIES '71-72 PRESENTS "Should have audiences laughing for months to come!" Good Food c,iv« AIIARANTBI TOM MALLOW KEN SHAW OPEN AT 1:15 P.M. and FEATURE AT 1:30 ARTHUR WHITELAW CAN MARTIN BRIAN KEITH JMISTERM1G Fish Fry ^something $1.39 big' Gp 600 N. Homer at E. Saginaw near Frandor Shopping 6001 W. Saginaw across from the Lansing Mall Center I UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM TUES. NOVEMBER 30 8:15 PM TICKETS ON SALE NOW UNION TICKET OFFICE MSU STUDENTS $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 355-3361 355-6686 BILLY vrallach JACK BUTTERFLIES ARE FREE A New Comedy by LEONARD GERSHE Co$turrm DnJfmdby RICHARD SEGER JULES FISHER ROBERT MACKINTOSH Shown at 8:30 only — Tonight in Wilson Come at 8:30 and see both films ELIZABETH CALDWELL OriginsI New York production directed by $1.50 admission MILTON KATSELAS "The season's first positive hit comedy!" • Jack O'Brian Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 23, 1971 'U' considers tuition students those in residence halls students would take advantage plan responsible but simply tended to thousand per year, Terry also would have to be included of the contemplated off-campus move more. estimates. That is the program's eventually. deferment, Terry said, there Extending the privilege of The administration, he said, is would be a corresponding loss in biggest drawback in view of the "Off-campus students tend to restricted budget, he said. paying tuition in three neutral on the issue of extending interest revenues. be more mobile and can't be installments, presently restricted the deferment program, but the The second cost factor, found. We get a high rate of bills As a possible alternative, he to out-of-state students and added cost during this period of assuming 6,000 students were to returned by the post office," he suggested the expansion of the those living in married austerity might make it use the deferment, is expansion said. housing, already existing loan program has been brought to the prohibitive. of services, he said. which offers essentially the same attention of the The issue will be considered at Terry estimates an additional University by Implementation of the service; a short-term, the Off Campus Council the next meeting of the Business four people would be needed in (OCC), off-campus tuition deferment interest-free loan, without as Stephen H. Terry, vice president Affairs Committee, Terry the student receiving section to would cost the university many additional administrative for finance, said recently. indicated. If they should advise administer the 50 per cent between $200 and $250 costs. Promotion of tuition recommendation, Terry's increase in bills. The computer's deferment for off-campus department would place a time would be increased by 50 I students was initiated by OCC in definite price tag on it and send per cent, as would postage to mail J a meeting held last week, Julie it to board of trustees "in the the bills. \ Dalquist, OCC president, said. hopper with all the other new University billing of the plan The deferment of payment programs." makes it "hellish to administer" program began in 1948 to allow "If there is enough support for Terry said, because j students living on campus to pay • tuition deferment it might be responsibility for collection falls room and board in parts, as given priority over other new on the University unlike Bicycle built off-campus students did, Terry said. The room and board programs," he said. Consideration must be given to financial aid short term loans which the student is required to extension slowly evolved into a the three cost factors adoption settle personally. Whover belongs to this bike must wear a taxi driver's hat and make a little money tuition deferment for both of the deferred tuition payment The third cost is related. The on the side for At any rate, this bike u equipped with a deluxe hitch-hikers seat. out-of-state and married will create, Terry said. number of bad debts will rise housing State News photo by John Dickson students, he cautioned, and if it The first of these is the cost or considerably, according to were extended to off-campus loss of money. Payment received Terry, if the experience of other at registration for tuition is used universities with off-campus for short term investment, he tuition deferment holds true I0NCERT PERFORMANCE said. "When we collect less cash we here. The University of have less to invest and Michigan has lost $117,000 in bad debts since subsequently we draw less Harpsichordist June while MSU has lost play interest." Terry explained. to The present payment deferral program is used by approximately 12,000 students $70,000. or 60 per cent of those Ralph Kirkpatrick, regarded as Landowska, the great teacher eligible, Pieces" and eight of Domenico he said. During the fall term the ie world's greatest and harpsichordist under whom Scarlatti's "Late Sonatas." total deferment was $2,042,000, Arena Theatre rpsichordist, will perform at he studied in Paris. which translates into nearly a Workshop 15 tonight in Fairchlld His program will include two Tickets for his performance are The undisputed authority $50,000 per term loss in interest leatre as part of Chamber works by Bach - his "French on available at the Union ticket Scarlatti's harpsichord music, office. revenue, Terry added. usic Series. Suite," and "Italian Concerto in Kirkpatrick has been called the F" ~ Francois Couperin's Kirkpatrick biography of authored a definitive the Italian Assuming half as many The Killer tural successor to Wanda "Eleventh Order of Harpsichord composer in 1953. This, by Eugene Ionesco THE LECTURE - CONCERT SERIES together with his edition of Bach's Goldberg Variations, are presents among the most significant fruits NOV. 23 & 24 of the scientific and critical RALPH KIRKPATRICK study 8:15 P.M. of early music in our time and THE WORLD'S GREAT HARPSICHORDIST prove his remarkable insight into the stylistic ARENA Theatre — Tonight NOVEMBER 23 - at 8:15 p.m. problems and historical aspects of Baroque 75c at door. FAIRCHILD THEATRE music. Fublic$5.00 MSU Students with I.D. found on machines in the halls, $2.50 Or Saleat Unioi .ATHERINE ANN OHNSTON, Muskegon police said. Kirkpatrick, who has studied tihman, is listed In fair edition at Sparrow Hospital DAMAGE ESTIMATED AT piano and harpsichord $50 in the Black Caucus Room, extensively in the U.S. and We took our cameras to Copenhagen was struck by a car in 3B Armstrong Hall, was reported Europe, made his harpsichord of the Music Building morning. Catherine, a to police Sunday evening. debut at Cambridge, Mass. He has also appeared in virtually and meticulously filmed an incredible Hall resident, reportedly Members of the cauous told the street In front of a getting off the bus and •truck by a car passing the police "thai besides other U.S. and damage, a copy o? the Grapevine Journal was found in the middle every major music capital in the Europe. documentary. FOR PERSONS OVER 18VRS.OF AGE. of the floor, soaked in beer. One of our country's leading according to.police. Sources Sparrow said Catherine musicians, he has been invited to tent. | CIGARET a broken hip in the MACHINE. at A GEARSHIFT KNOB, valued $3.50 was stolen from a car parked in Lot F. Damage estimated at $80 was incurred play the music of Scarlatti Italy, Mozart and Haydn Vienna, and English music Versailles. The Deutsch in in at 'A MIND-BOGGLING DISPLAY!" I at $665 was reported when the vandal slit the Grammophon Society of Wng from the lobby of East convertible top of the car to Germany has entrusted him with olden Hall,according to police. remove the shift knob, according the recording of the complete W machine was taken between to police. hdnight Saturday and 1:30 m. Sunday, police said. TWO BICYCLES WITH a total THE MOOSUSKI estimated value of $270 were MEETING HAS BEEN (ATTEMPTS TO OPEN reported stolen from East POSTPONED UNTIL lading machines in West Akers, Holden Hall. Bicycles bearing kit Hulden, North WED. DEC. 1. Hubbard, serial numbers F4566 and |° s you. However, if about seeing it, MOWIEDGE' raphy. the sale, distribution and the exhi¬ then don't. Now it's urn to be honest." bition of it. We interviewed people, and we ■AToday — Alex dcRenzy at 6:15 8:15 observed a free society. We meticulously re¬ BO * «l,e Hour- Aduit« corded everything on film. PHANTOM a.V 5;45-C:1S L WINNER OF 6 LAST DAY! •ACADEMY AWARDS! t» Alex deRenzy's ^Censorship in Denmark: 0 orny ur |G|i a new "approach. ln everyone^ Hfe [SUMMER OF RATED X Admission $1.50 TONIGHT „!«•>«?, * "ute is Hour, Adults 90c Showtimes 7:00 8:15 - 9:30 - 10:30 100 Vet Clinic 5:»5-6:l5 A Beal Film Group Presentation felTOhQM€G! OFTHEOPERA Please note:because Censorship jn Denmark totally transcends TH€ anything we have previously i«5TON shown, the age restriction will be stringently enforced. Those without ID will not be admitted. If your MSU ID is dated 1953, you must bring an ID that shows your birthdate. Dorm meal passes are not acceptable. YOU MUST BE 18 OR OVER. NO EXCEPTIONS. Admission to both films only $1.00 Q Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, Novemh^ 23,19 Hear Ye I Hear Ye! The Best In The Classified Ads! 355-8255 fftANKLYSPEAKllNG fay Phil fair* The Stats Ne ws does Automotive Auto Service & Parts For Rent For Rent not permit racial or HORNET 1970, under 20,000. Good KINGS FOREIGN CAR SERVICE. religious discrimination condition, extras, excellent Repair and service on Volkswagen, BURCHAM WOODS. A limited of apartments opening In W.tmrl H'ARRISON R0~AD~k^" in its advertising transportation, good tires. Triumph, MG and most other number ?furnished. ^Jr8"92 bedroom Apar,n*nt» I ► AUTOMOTIV columns. The State 355-3071.3-11-23 foreign makes. 320 South Charles, December. 1 and 2 bedrooms, available .J News will furnished from $160. HURRYI December 15 -n-, not Scooters & Cycles accept just off East Kalamazoo. Phone Manager, 351-3118. 745 Burcham 9-11-30 'J32 cempus. 351-2169. 5-1 tires. Asking $550, 482-2484 351-7437 after 5 p.m. 4-11-23 program. Contact Dick Vance: 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 1939 DESOTO. Excellent body, OLDSMOBILE "88" 1963. Good LIBERAL MALE needed winter, THREE BEDROOM apa 5-11-29 393-5460 for interview. 633 East engine needs work. Call 332-0006. condition, 4 door, power, $125. across from campus. Reasonable. available, Meadowbrook Jolly Road, Equal Opportunity 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 3-11-23 487-3751 8-5 p.m., 882-7793 VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK. Aviation 332-6495. 3-11-24 Sue, 373-4141 or 39: after 5:30 p.m. 3-11-29 Employer. O 1966. Body and Mechanically 5-11-24 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 TAKE A TRIP. Christmas HELPI DECEMBER graduate needs OLDS CUTLASS Supreme 1970. All good, must sell. 351 6995. DENTAL ASSISTANT 3-11-24 Hawaii $209, Jamaica $219, girl to sublease till June. ONE AND 2 bedroom apa 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 power, air, stereo, 30 options. List Acapulco $219, Nassau $169, /Receptionist. Full time, 351-0399. 3-11-24 from $145. 10 minutes FAIR LANE $4500, balance $2700, take over Europe $189, Ski Holiday $289, permanent position for mature, 347 Student Services Bldg. 1966, 4 - door, MSU. Children permitted. £1 VOLKSWAGEN FASTBACK 1968. plus specials to Aruba, Puerto dependable person. Apply in automatic, radio, excellent shape. payments, phone 48 5-4298. , GIRL TO sublet winter and CREST NORTH, 694-8975 Needs paint, will wholesale $900. Rico, and Spain. Call person, 205 Ann Street, East All student ads must be 69,500 miles, $465, 355-3150 5-12-1 STUOENTOURS TRAVEL spring, new apartment across from Keller Road, Holt. C Call 646-6727. 3-11-24 CENTER Lansing. 2-11-24 from 5-7 p.m. 3-11-24 - 129 E. GRAND prepaid OPEL KADETTE 1968. Good RIVER. 351-2650. Varsity. 351-2165. 5-11-30 VOLKSWAGEN VAN, low mileage, NEED MALE babysitter, 3:30 The State FALCON 1963 condition, low mileage, - 5:30 NEED ONE man sublet. Wi Newt will be convertible. very good cndition. Can be seen at LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight' NEED ONE men Immediately for New engine with 10,000 miles. economical transportation. p.m. beginning winter term. Call spring. Cedar Villai responsible only for the University Big Boy, Trowbridge training. All courses three man apartment. $65 / 337-7482. 5-11-24 are 351-4198. B-1-11-23 351-2767. 3-11-23 $150. After 5 p.m., 337-9401. Road. 351-5132. 3-11-24 month. 351-3863, 3-6 p.m. first government and VA certified. day's incorrect 2-11-23 FRANCIS AVIATION, 2-11-23 insertion. OPEL 1900, 1969. Sharp, radio, low Airport FACULTY WIFE will babysit In GIRL NEEDED winte VOLKSWAGEN 1968. Good Road. Call 484-1324. C Cherry Lane apartment, mornings, FIREBIRD 400, 1968. Hydromatic, mileage, make offer. 355-7847. Negotiable rent. Close tc 3-11-29 condition, radio, dark blue, best nursing school atmosphere. vinyl top, radio, steering, beautiful 351-7385. 3-11-23 blue. $1400 negotiable. 372-6725. offer. 351-1242 after 3 p.m. Auto Service & Parts 355-7774.3-11-29 3-11-23 1970 GREEN 1900 Opel automatic. _ 3-11-24 TWO MAN apartment. Furnished, 2 MAN, one bedroom, Call 353-8064 or 353-8164. LOOKING FOR 2 girls willing t< VOLKSWAGEN J & A BODY SHOP, 317 Hill Street, BUS, 1964. 1971 Automotive FORD 1965. Excellent condition, 3-11-24 1600 motor, radio, heater, good Lansing, Michigan. VW and work to replace 2 who wouldn't. free heat, $155 per month. Village Brody, Winter. Spring. 351- Call 372-8178. 1-11-23 Green Apartments. Call 349-1586 3-11-24 new tires, exhaust, Renault specialist. All imports and battery. Call tires, fair body. $695. 371-3166. ASTRO PEUGEOT 1963, Rebuilt, must sell, or 349-3974. 2-11-24 1962, 394 Oldsmobile. 484-4384. 2-11-23 2-11-24 domestic cars are welcomed. Free 1 0,000 miles. 4 speed best offer. 32 mpg. 332-8940. DOMESTIC AND foreign auto estimates. Phone 484-7889, 2 FORD THUNDERBIRD, 1967. 2-11-24 mechanics. New business forming BEDROOM furnished apartment. positraction, many accessories. VOLKSWAGEN 1971 Squareback. 482-7574. Get your car ready for Ver light, very fast. Must Loadedl Sharp condition. New in Lansing area. Only experienced Beginning winter. 349-0813 efter sacrifice, Only 4200 miles. Radio. Extra winter at J & A. Wheel wax 10 - 5 p.m. B-1-11-23 $800 339-8588 after brakes, shocks, alternator, battery, need apply. Must have own tools. . 5 p.m. PINTO 1972. 2000 sharp. Phone 332-8232. 1-11-23 day special, $14.95. 5-11-23 engine, discs, 5-12-1 and more. Call after 6 p.m., Ample opportunity for the right tires, etc. Like new, only $1895. ONE GIRL for Campus Hill 332-2902. 5-11-24 VW profit sharing. For interview 339-2625. 2-11-24 GUARANTEED repair. VOLKSWAGEN 1969. Rebuilt appointment. Call Apartment. Winter FURNISHED, INCLUDES BUICK GS 350, 1969. Automatic, RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at 393-3524. - spring, FORD 1965 convertible, good engine, new tires, great shapel 10-11-26 $62.50. 349-3309. 2-11-24 Okemos Road. 349-9620. C utilities, plus parking, aero: power steering, AM-FM. Excellent condition, automatic transmission, PONTIAC CATALINA 1963. $1500. Call 353-2084. 7-11-30 condition. Best campus. 351-1176. 8-12-3 offer. 355-5906. power steering. 371-1567. 5-12-1 Automatic, all power, excellent 3-11-23 condition. $250. 355-2904. VOLKSWAGEN 1966. Good CHROMED WHEELS $500 value for For Rent TWO GIRLS sublet 4 man « 3-11-23 $30. Fit Plymouth or Dodge condition, asking $450, 355-2173 spring. Evergreen Arms. C 694-9435. 1-11-23 CAMAR0 1968. 327, 3 speed. or 349-9628. 2-11-23 TV AND Stereo rental, satisfaction ONE MAN needed to sublease in 4 campus. 351-3307. 7-12-2 Excellent condition. Call Steve PONTIAC 1970 GTO, all power, 4 - - PAIR SEARS studded guaranteed. Free delivery, service man 353-3883, 393-8726 after 5 p.m. VW CAMPER VAN 1965. Factory snow tires. apartment. New Cedar speed, many extras. Best offer 7.75 x 14. and pick up. No desposit. Call ONE GIRL for four girl, 6-11-24 rebuilt motor. Very good Excellent condition. Village. Call Mark, 337-0102. over $2000. 694-2324. 1-11-23 NEJAC. 337-1300. C winter and spring. $55. Clos $50. 355-5669.5-12-1 condition. With large luggage rack. X-3J1-24 campus. 351-1099. 7-12-2 882 8676.3-11- 29 ONLY $9.00/ month. Free deliveries. TIM'S AUTO REPAIR- GIRL. SUBLEASE. Close. Winter / 5011 SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV spring. $70 / month. 351-8238, NEED ONE man to sublease mi Pleasant Grove Rd„ RENTAL. 372-4948. O f\N 1966, excellent condition, new Lansing. GTtopckmgfjam 393-4085. Major and minor 351-3176. x-5-11-24 spring. Cedar Village. 351 brakes, generator, battery, ball tune - 2-11-23 joints, rebuilt engine, asking $825. ups. Minor engine repair. Free TV RENTALS - Students only. Low NEED ONE girl winter. Cedar 353-4631.3-11-24 estimates. 24 hour road service. Tim Gage, Proprietor. 10-11-24 monthly and term rates. Call Village. Great roommatesl Call 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV 351-6770. 3-11-23 Scooters & Cycles MINOR VOLKSWAGEN repair. RENTALS. C will have 1970 KAWASAKI Trail 90, top Honest mechanic. Call 351-6995 3-11-23 Apartments CROSSWORD aasaa IeII N shape, $285. Also, 3 hp. electric MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East PUZZLE □aaasE I W A < three and f start Pathfinder, all terrain vehicle, like new, $385. Phone 349-9570. 3-11-24 Kalamazoo Street Complete auto . . . Since 1940. painting collision service. IV 5-0256. C and GIRL WANTED to sublet winter / spring. Cedar Village. 351-6329. 5-11-23 Kms ana un rIE1 tsji 1. Disencumber 28. Hopelessness 5 0|| 4. Urial 30. Debatable |c apartments Qwl &tude*Ui., Mawued SiuA-antd, 7. Dad 11. Caucho 12. Craggy hill 31. 32. 33. Kimono sash Wisdom Humiliate □00 □□ □303 0 13. Egg 36. Arm bone □anas at the end atul tycuudtu, 14. Pixy 37. Mar„hy ongaig aauuuu Im of . . . 15. Ascend 17. Palestine seaport 19. Highlander s 39. 42. 43. 44. Article Headliner Exclamation Afflict 3. Mars Severe CAUGHT IN THE HOUSING 4. skirts 45. Bondman Socks 6 5. and 9 mont 20. Elbow 22. Twitching 46. Coterie 47. Piggery 6. 7 Pari of a Qivil servant 8, Grandparent will SQUEEZE? 9, 10, 16. Golf stroke Town in low Related 18 Equanimity take your troubles to 20. 21. Compute By birth available. Call 1 22. 24. Seaman Seven PARK WEST i 25. Musical composit'i 26. Distress s Ctopcfcmgftam APARTMENTS 27. Daughter of Zeus 29. Retired ill 32. Frozen rain 33. Church rec( 4620 S. Hagadom 5530 West Michigan Ave. IP 34. Vampires 35. Wolfhound MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVEL Y BY: at Saginaw i 36. Unicorn fisf 38. provisions Alco Management Company Contact Mrs. Louch 484-4640 1 i 40. Instant 41. Eng. city suci cathed 23, !91 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 23, 1971 9 .GIRLS. Cedar Village, rent UNBELIEVABLE! FEMALE notiable. Winter, spring. ANTIQUES - BUY AND SELL 100 USED V — • vacuum cleaners. Tanks, WANTED - ADDITIONAL //1 Wv ^ 2-11-24 GENERAL LINE. Daily 4-7 p.m., canisters and uprights. Guaranteed companions to accompany me on Saturday 1-6 p.m. 541 East Grand Capital^ Capsules one full year. $7.88 and up. trip to California, April 1st May ue filRL needed wint,f 8nd tpri°8 River. Below Paramount. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING 1st. Send information to Dennis - tms. Cedar Village. 337-2595. GIRL NEEDED 332-0112, 676-1590. 5-12-1 COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. Florian, 905 Reo Road, Lansing, 7-12-3 winter. Own room" PIONEER TX-700, AM/FM, stereo Opposite City Market. C-11-24 Michigan. Include telephone MAN for two bedroom ^'^*23° CarT,pu* CaM 351 2203! tuner. Miracord, model changer. Akai, X-360-DS, 40, stereo COLE'S BAKERY number. 5-11-23 SUPPORTERS OF A HOUSE bill that would functional areas of concentration to meet this Townhouse, winter/spring. TUESDAY ONLY Special. 4 loaves BOARD EXAM Tutoring. Local provide mandatory special education for challenge. These areas are research, services, ^250. 351-7018.3-11-24^ 3 GIRLS needed for 5 man Very close, nice. 337-0818. 3-11-24 automatic reverse, professional tape deck, Lear Jet, portable, 8 Home style white bread, $1.00 at - classes for Kaplan Tutoring handicapped children will meet at 9 a.m. today communication and coordination. our bakery foods concession. courses now being formed for: on the tfDROOM apartment, immediate track tape player. Used STEREO, MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES - Capitol steps. A spokesman for the speakers.amps,receivers, changers, Citizen's Committee for Mandatory Special STATE INSURANCE COMMISSIONER occupancy, close to campus. SENIOR OR graduate student to Okemos, South Pennsylvania, - December and share house, private tape recorders and decks, cassette Education announced. Russell E. Van Hooser has issued a directive to all 332-443 2. O room, near and 8 - tracks West Saginaw Road. KROGER - campus, available now. players, used 8 Frandor, Logan Center, 4002 West In a prepared statement, the Parking. track - sponsoring companies writing property and casualty ,Tni to sublet winter term. Old References, IV2-8932. 3-11 24 tapes $2 / each. TV sets, Saginaw, 1721 North Grand organizations said that parents of handicapped insurance in Michigan prohibiting them from Police D.A.T. exams - January band radio, C,d,r Village. $70. 351-5271. typewriters, imported wall tapestries. All River. C-11-23 children from all over the state will be on hand restricting or modifying insurance coverage of 2-11 24 LARGE FURNISHED to voice their support for House Bill house,less equipment tested and guaranteed. 4475, which 18-year-olds who change residency by registering than 1 mile to campus, available WILCOX SECONDHAND passed the House by a wide margin and was to vote away from their hometowns. ~cD ONE girl to sublet winter February 1 to December 31 For information 8nd enrollment. recently reported out of the Senate Education Van Hooser said the order relates to L, Cedar Village Apartments, 332-0626. 2-11-23 STORE, 485-4391. 509 East Michigan. Call Collect (313) 851-6077. Committee. j70 month. Nice roommates. 8 5 30 p.m., Monday 18-year-olds who have insurance coverage on 351 7656. 1-11-23 through Saturday. Bank WE DO most repairing and __0;13-12-3 * * * their parents' homeowners policies which Rooms Americard , Master Charge. broken frames. OPTICAL replace BAGELS!! DELIVERED fresh FORMER STATE SENATOR N. Lorraine Beebe ordinarily provide fire and theft protection to D|_ NEEDED to sublet winter Layaways, terms, trades. C DISCOUNT. 2615 East Michigan Sunday morning. To order call has been appointed chairman of the Special property of the policyholder and resident ROOMMATE NEEDED 351 -0009, 351-3521. 3-11 -23 Coordination Division of the term. Own bedroom, call now for COMIC Avenue, 372-7409. C-3-11-24 President's relatives anywhere in the world. trailer. Can have own BOOKS, science fiction, 351-0356. 2-11-24 bedroom, % bath. Oil, gas, phone paid. $75 Playboy, Committee on Mental Retardation. "It is the opinion of the Michigan Insurance / paperbacks for sale. SKIIS, YAMAHA Novice, 170 c.m., STORE YOUR bicycle at Spartan Ms. Beebe will coordinate the activities Bureau that the act of month or $21.25 / week Call CURIOUS BOOKSHOP, 541 East poles. Miller bindings. Buckle Bicycle registering to vote by a Grand River. (Below Paramount). Storage now. Phone concerning mental retardation in the areas of student does not void the off premises protection Steve, 351-1385. 3-11-23 boots, parka, size five. All 337-1239 from 8-10 1-6 p.m. 332-0112. 5-12-1 a.m. and 1- Indian affairs, commerce, industry and labor of the excellent condition. 10 p.m. 10-12-3 parents' homeowners policy," he said. 332-6440. ROOMS. SINGLES AND DOUBLES. relations, youth relations, international relations, FRIDGIDAIRE governmental relations and legal rights and SENATE MAJORITY LEADER Robert UBLEASE 2 man. Cedar Greens. Cooking facilities. Utilities paid. REFRIGERATOR, PREGNANT? PANICKY? Consider Call 372-8077. C apartment or dorm size, desire STEREO SYSTEM: protective services at the federal, state and local VanderLaan, R-Kentwood, has been elected to Through September, $80 each. $25. Phone 332-4064. 1-11-23 Fisher, Dual, the alternatives. Pregnancy serve as a member of the executive committee of before 2 p.m., 351-3647. Allied, headphones. Price levels. Don Counseling. 372-1560. 10-12-3 the National Conference of State 7-12-3 LIVE CHEAPLY in a single room. GUILD negotiable. Phone 694-8954. Under President Nixon's directive and uttirrate Legislative "Starfire" electric guitar; 3-11-24 Leaders during 1972. Spartan Hall, men and women. nice condition, $125 with acc. Peanuts Personal commitment to reduce the more than 6 million VanderLaan is one of 10 legislative leaders IANTED: GIRL winter and spring 351-1176. 10-12-3 487-0470. 3-11-29 Americans now afflicted with mental retardation, USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 elected to the committee by a in University Terrace Apartment. the majority of state East Michigan. Dishes, books, PAULA. I'M sure going to miss you. President's Committee on Mental 332-6730. 2-11-24 ROOM FOR man. Across from Retardation has been reorganized into four legislators who are holding their annual meeting coins, antiques, rockers, junk. Good luck at Central. Keep in Union. 211% Grand River in San Diego, Cal., this week. ^RTMENTS AVAILABLE for Upstairs. 10-12-3 Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open touch. Cathy. 1-11-23 December occupancy. Furnished, Saturday and Sunday. Furniture Service University Terrace, across from SENIORS OR grad students, and appliances open all week, 10 ^ I1*B no WHAT'S, nnni aA i Hall. Roommate service, parking privileges, 5 blocks from men, COMING SOON - 8 track tape am - 6 pm/ Phone 371-2843. C Recreation NEED MATH help? Experienced BAG specials. 20 selections, various teacher, with M.A. Call Ray i e HALSTEAD Union. Call 351-8177 before 8:30 artists on one tape. Special price. APPLES, PEARS, sweet cider. Apple __15J^039. 3J1/24 MANAGEMENT, 351-7910 or a.m. or after 5 p.m. 1-11-23 wood. And Gift Variety Tours MARSHALL MUSIC. C-1-11-23 packages shipped Manager, 332-1822. 8-12-3 PAINTING INTERIOR. Brighten up by United Parcel. BLOSSOM present ROOMS - PARKING, kitchen, close that room for the TV-RCA. B/W, 21" console, ORCHARDS, 2 miles North of ACAPULCO holidays. Grad :ED ONE girl for 4 girl apartment, to campus, 207 Bogue, Call beautiful cherry cabinet, $15. Leslie on Hull Road. (Old U.S. 127) students, experienced, references, 'immediately. Great location, 332-8696. 10-1-7 332 1918. 1-11-23 1-589-8251 9-5 p.m. Closed _UrtJ£ourselfGo! reasonable. Jere, or Bruce 332-2616. 2-11-23 349-4817. C Mondays. O $219.00 plus tax For Sale ORANGES, GRAPEFRUIT - Dec. 28 - Jan. 4 Announcements for It's What's Beginning Orchesis will meet at 6 Houses 22 CALIBRE truckload wholesale to all. SOMETIME SHOP. 4375 North WATERBED HEATERS. UL listed, themostatically controlled. (Preset Space Definitely Limited Typing Service Happening must be received in the State News office, 345 Student p.m. today in 218 Women's Marlin-Carbine, new Intramural Bldg. followed by with strap, 2 clips, 2 boxes Hull, Leslie. 1-589-8690. 4-11-24 or variable.) REBIRTH, 309 Don 351-8732 SErvices Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two Advanced Technique at 7:15 p.m. of TYPING SERVICE, prompt and RL NEEDED. $70 per month. $25 longer rifle cartridges, and cleaning North Washington, 489-6168. i. Close to campus. Free Terry 393-4357 professional plus reasonable rates. days before public Outfit. Call 393-4085. 10-11-24 C-11-23 ed to 25 SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale, Carol 882-2632 No State Sen. Philip Pittenger, Immaculate. 351-2549. Theses, themes, other diversified brand new portables - $49.95. $5 announcement! will be cepted by R-Lansing, will speak at 8 tonight in 0-7-12-3 SKIIS, HEAD masters, 200cm, car Shirley 351-8732 services also available. Phone phone. No an per month. Large selection of 882-4018 or write The Sheldon lobby. Everyone is top ski rack with locks, boots, 10 reconditioned used machines. accepted for outside the welcome aparlr mMHOUSE, 30 acres, barn, 2 narrow. 485-5613, 353-2263. Company, 5818 Durwell Dr., needed for 3 $75 / Singers, Whites, Necchis, New SKIIS. KAESTLE, 210cm, Lansing. 6-11-24 ions man, 3-11-23 Home 81 "Many Others", $19.95 Wood Christmas Break The University 185cm with Cubco College Student nth. utilities. Call 663-3865 bindings, HAMMOND CHORD organ. Sell or to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS SPAIN $249 The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will ifter 6 p.m. 3-11-25 boots; Humanic, men's 8. TYPING TERM papers and theses. have a lawyer available from 9 a.m. balloting concerning the method of trade. Equal value. 641-4561. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. 332-8437 evenings. 5-11-29 ACAPULCO $199 Electric typewriter. Fast service. to noon every Wednesday and from 1 501-29 1115 N. Washington, 489-6448. selecting all University College 10 QUIET female; own room; C-11-24 NASSAU $169 349-1904.20-12-1 to 5 p.m. every Wednesday and student representatives during regular $65 / month, no lease. 332-8841 CRESTWOOD GUITAR, 2 months Animals LONDON $149 3ARBI MEL: Typing, Thursday during the fall term. Those office hours today in the four UCSA ifter 5 p.m. 2-11-24 multilithing. wishing an appointment are asked to offices. old, $125 new, $80. Extras WATERBEDS $30, any size. Units, Call Frank Buck, 351-2286 No job too large or too small. Block 353-1887. 2-11-23 $60. Mattress, liner, foam pad and check with the ASMSU business BLUE ROAN - very off campus. 332-3255.0 apartn MNDOR, NEAR- furnished, 2 - frame. UL listed waterbed heaters. spirited. office, 307B Student Services Bldg., The English Undergraduate Mroom Duplex. $220 a month. WEST GUITAR amp. Avalon top, 2 Buckskin mare. Call after 5, CHRISTMAS BREAK. or call 353-0659. There will REBIRTH, 309 North be a Advisory Committee will meet with December 15, occupancy. 15" Utah speakers. Used less than 393-0096. 3-11-24 COMPLETE THESES service. nominal Washington, Lansing. 489-6168. C charge for this service. people interested in various 3519080. 5-12-1 ISLTO SHARE house in Okemos, 100 hours. 339-2606. 3-1 KE NWGOD KR100 Ret MANUAL OFFICE typewriter. SAMOYED registered. PUPPIES, A KC Females $150. Males BAHAMAS Discount binding printing. IBM typing and of theses, resumes, publications. Across from campus, David Imig, asst. professor o family and child sciences, will discus committees from 3 to 5 p.m. today in the Poetry Room in Morrill Hall. "Adler." New -' used 7 months. corner M.A.C. and Grand $99 room, $60 / month. Call 1970, less than 1 year $125. Will hold till Christmas. Call River, "Marital Enticement" at 8 tonight it Students enrolled in the College of 0 $150. Call 627-7417, after 6 p.m. below Jones Stationery 371-4353. 2-11-24 watts. 351-3319. 2 11-23 393-5495, after 3 p.m. 5-11-24 Shop. Call the Married Students Activitie Business may petition for seats on COPYGRAPH SERVICES Building in Spartan Village. the Academic Governance and other Includes, 5 full days, round trip Jet, HORSES BOARDED. Box stalls, tie -air, between Detroit and Freeport. _337-1666. C is until 5 r m. "',^v. 20. stalls, pasture, excellent care. The LBC Coffee Hour presents "/ ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith 641-4444. 5-11-23 Holiday Inn. Double occupancy. offset printing. Complete service Trip from Chicago" at 4:15 p.m The MSU Sailing Club will hold a Our Fastback Transfers, Plus tips and taxes. for dissertations, theses, today in 106C Holmes Hall. racing clinic lecture at 6:30 p.m. POODLE PUPPIES - miniature AKC, 1 female, $50. 3 males, $45 each. manuscripts, general typing. IBM. today followed by a regular meeting 22 years experience. 349-0850. C at 7:30 p.m. rcJay in 101 N. Kedzie 393-0963. 3-11-23 Mobile Homes HAWAII TYPING Rapid THESES and letters, etc. The MSU Ski Club accurate 1 service. meeting $299. Experienced. 393-4075. C Students for McGovern will holi scheduled Tor tonight has been WINDSOR 1967, 12' 60', partially organizational meeting at 8 t postponed jnril Pec. 1. costs less x greenbacks furnished, or rent with option to PROFESSIONAL today in 34 Union. All intere: TYPIST. Term buy. Will locate 351-8932 Complete deluxe package. Call papers, theses. Best Show and tell your original works rates. Call between 9-5, 372-1785 after 5. Frank Buck 351-2286 351-4619. O at the Dec. 5 Christmas Flea Market. 3-11-24 Dave Buck, 35 3-0011 The Block and Bridle Club will To register, contact the Union Board, meet at 7:30 p.m. today in 110 second floor of the Union, 355-3355. TERM PAPERS typed by DELTA 1968, 12' x 60' witl Anthony Hall for the last meeting of LONDON experienced typist. Near campus. The Christian Science Expando, early American decor Phone 484-1874.20-12-2 Organization must sell immediately, best offer will be meeting at 6:-5 p.m today in 485-1440 (evenings) 3-11-23 8 Days 7 Nights The Arena Theater Workshop will e Alumni Chapel basement. All ire present "The Killer" at 8:15 tonight Lost & Found '199 Dec. 22 to 30 COMPLETE DELUXE PACKAGES XEROX SAVE SAVE SAVE COPYING- offset - best quality at reasonable prices. THE COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand and Wednesday in the Arena Theater. Tickets are available at the door. positions on the Student Traffic Gershen Kaufman, asst. professor Appeals Court in 307B Student LOST: BLACK, satin macrame belt, WE AR E ALSO PLANN t NG River. Phone 332-4222. C in the Counseling Center, and Judith Services fringed ends, vicinity Kresge Art Bldg. Petitioning will TRIPS TO Krupka, asst. professor in the continue through Nov. 29. Center, Nov. 19. 332-2097. ACAPULCO AND ASPEN Counseling Center, will lead sexual 2-11-23 Transportation enrichment program for couples at 8 a Free U classe today: LOST NOVEMBER 17: Orange tonight in the Married Students Sexism and Sexus Activities Building in Spartan Village. Albert St.: Macrame 7 p.m.. 117 Spiral notebook containing - FROM WHERE you sit, check the Psychology notes. 353-0492. Bessey Hall; Pottery - 8 p.m.. Kresge 1-11-23 better jobs in today's Classified Ads. GREYHOUND Sculpture Building: Auto-Mecbanics - 7:30 p.m., 210 Bersev Hall; Alternative Lifestyles and Vocations - Personal Real Estate now has direct bus service to 7:3- p.m., 458 Evergreen St. POETRY WANTED for anthology. Pontiac, Royal Oak and EAST LANSING nearly 2,000 Birmingham, from the East t/(U4A - j Include stamped envelope. IDLEWILD PRESS, 1807 East Olympia, Los Angeles, California square feet in this lovely 8 room Cape Cod. Well cared for and in Lansing Bus Depot. Departing on Wednesday at 4:25 Utiacfe ... choice location. $33,500. Call p.m. 90021. 9-12-3 For reservations call 337-2405. 5-11-24 Lansing Bus Depot, East Vke Qijft thai TOYOTA Corolla A 9 332-2569. Service 9 HOUSE OF NUTRITION 142 3 E. Michigan FOR QUALITY service and stereos, TV's and recorders. THE STEREO LONDON, $149. ROUND TRIP JET from New York. Why settle for 489-6902 Manager Clara Wilson Weekly SHOPPE. 337-1300. C departures with open return. something quite ordinary "Quality Foods at Low Prices" Acapulco, Jamaica, Hawaii also for that special someone PEANUT BUTTER I FREE SENIOR PORTRAITS. CALL available. Call Frank Buck in your life? Why settle for a plain jane? FAMILY OF MAN, East Grand River. 0-2-11-23 INC. 201% 353-5292. A SERVICE OF THE WOLVERINE. O-11-24 351-2286. 0-11-12-3 We offer approach a truly unique to modern Get a fully equipped Toyota and start living. FHEE ... A lesson in complexion care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan WE STRIP all types of furniture. BIX FURNITURE STRIPPING Wanted photography. A wildly different or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. SERVICE. 136 South Main, Eaton FEMALE VOCATLIST seeks to link approach. It costs no more! MERLE NORMAN STUDIOS. C-11-25 COSMETICS Rapids, 663-4231. 5-11-24 with talented, versatile, creative musicians. Object - Combo - Band. An explosion of color. A beautiful experience. ELECTRONIC REPAIRS. Stereos, 484-6160. 3-11-23 All Corollas FOUR BARBERS Visit our exciting loaded despite their low duty to serve on radio, recorders, TV's. Dependable. come you, 8-5:30 p.m., Monday - Reasonable. Call. 351-6680. BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for studio and gallery to Friday, UNION BUILDING x-0-30-11-23 Prices. Front disc brakes, four on the floor, fully BARBERSHOP. C-11-23 all positive. A negative, B and AB negative, negative $10.00 O prove to yourself what SNOWPLOWING - FREE estimates our imagination can do reclining front bucket seats, nylon carpeting, UNDERWATER and best rates, residential or commerical. Call Dave at ACE, negative, $12.00. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, MICHIGAN for you. Make an appointment Parcel tray, flow-thru ventilation, trip mileage 351-6184. 7-12-3 507% East Grand River, East RECORD Lansing. Above the new Campus now for that Christmas meter, tinted windows, whitewalls, wheel covers Book Store. Hours, 9 am to 3:30 gift he'll never forget. The world record for pm Monday, Thursday, and Qnd many more, voluntarily staying under Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 water is 13 minutes 42.5 pm to 6:30 pm. 337-7183. C from: seconds. And if you're WANTED: COMIC books, baseball barely cards, science fiction, Wizard of picture yourself uniquely holding head WHEELS TOYOTA INC. your above f water, stop floundering! Oz books. Bring 'em back from homel CURIOUS BOOK SHOP. *Doh 'DtKoKCHC^A Look for good things around your home you no longer use. 541 East Grand River. (Below Paramount.) 1-6 p.m., 332-0112. Studio Make a list of them then dial USE YOUR 2-11-24 MOO E.MICHIGAN »V£.5 Blacks West of Frandor 355-8255. A friendly Ad ttt3 7t.TOH Writer will put you in touch MASTER CHARGE GIRL TO share my apartment winter with cash buyers! Do it now. and spring term. 484-0585, AT THE STATE NEWS 484-1328. 6-12-1 PioMe«U tye inner city. One died, one suffered brain damage, and the other seven recovered after WHIPPING FROZEN h pital stays 1 he of up to 18 days. researchers visited the CREAM SQUASH homes of the stricken children and found that most of the pills 19* 8-Qz £25t eat ii by youngsters belonged to relatives or visitors who were or had been on methadone maintenance programs. In FRE one case a child removed a pill from a babysitter's swallowed it. purse and C0UHTRX FRESH §1* ' '4. FRESH TENDER SAVE b< QN RICH'S ROASTING HOG■EE* 33* 'POT The researchers found that E&Q A /hipped methadone pills consumed in the CQUNTRH FRPSH UO-FfVT SAVE 104 OH Blossom Queen CHICKENS nine cases had been obtained both by prescription in EGG NOG "if ■39 STRMBERMES medically orug-withdrawal from illicit or supervised programs "street" and sources. COUWTRS FRESH CREAM '-29 CHES< SAVE 104 OU 3AJAR CHUM KlkO EGG ROLLStt (fit 48 COUNTRY F6B5H t»sn SAVE TCi ON HARR.ISS CROWN OEU/IF Sirloin Steaks-Pro+*n <1.28 The authors advocate safety features for use of methadone, CHIP DIPW EW PUMPKM PIES <»7 * including childproof-sealed f | Cube. Steaks- Proten Frontier ♦ I. IB bottles, group and individual Sliced Bacon * 38^ counseling on dangers of accidental poisoning of children JSC'* \ TURKEY Breasts «.7&f and home visits to addicts with young children to ensure safe lifiP* (Continued from Ryan SAW 32* Re+urn do Hies - F/utJ /iOi. p e one) "I don't think it would do good," he said. any PEPSI FRESH CRANBERRIES Pittenger added that busing 1 within UaVto BakiVtf eoiA a district be might ^ acceptable, but cross-district busing or "busing across town" would educational not in his opportunities opinion help of "1 POTATOES inner city youngsters. In October, legislature came against school busing to achieve racial out the state 8' 67 %* IQi,W balance, passing resolutions calling for a nationwide constitutional convention to • Ctli-f. Pascal C«l*ri , » STALK. 39/ prohibit forced busing. • Fmk Piheappltts . . 39f each ACCOUNTING MAJORS • Calif Re J Stape* • • • • • • Paimo 39/ Ask any CPA about I Becker CPA Review Course • Fla. G»r«p«-froit S U3 lifVi • PitteJ D«t«s