Wednesday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE STATI MEWS Volume 64 Number 73 East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 24, 1971 Grievance plan returned to committee for revision By S.A. SMITH these points in their redraft of the 16-page attorney who is familiar with grievance making such provisions, the document grievance document: procedures; and would be lengthened considerably and State News Staff Writer • That the document should not provide • That the committee does not have to complicated further. that all cases be rehearable or consider amending the document to permit reviewable; The Interim Faculty Grievance • That the council did not intend that agrieved persons the right to legal counsel Groty also suggested that the committee Procedure—a subject of heated debate this each case be reheard at each outside the University community. include a clause to subsequent explicitly provide that month in the Elected Faculty and level Several council members expressed an (department, college, University and agrieved faculty member have access to Academic councils—was sent back to finally at the presidential level); reluctance to send the document back to all information pertinent to his case. committee Tuesday for further • That there be the possibility of a full the committee for revision, saying that the modification. "nasty job has to be done" and rehearing at the college level; should not The Elected Faculty Council moved early • That there not be the possibility of a be deferred. in the meeting to "defer further action on full "I'm not there's rehearing at the University level if a sure anything we (the the document until the ad hoc committee has had an opportunity to reconsider the full • rehearing occurred at the college level; That there be at least one complete committee) "unless we can do," Carlisle objected, get some interpretation of the House vote, entire document in the light of. key council's intent." . . rehearing at the next higher level from questions of ambiguity and legality." which the grievance originated; The proposal was introduced by Hendrik Zwarensteyn, professor of business law and • That the judicial board should not hear appeals of decisions in which professional "I too share the reluctance to send back for further review," Thomas this Greer, 59-39, kills office administration. k The remainder of the hour and meeting was devoted to providing the a half competence is the central issue, unless one of the parties alleges that there was a lack of due process; professor of humanities, said. "But I believe it would save time in the "Unless we make this long run." document abortion bill Academic committee with suggestions for remolding the document. Headed by E. Fred Carlisle, •That full transcripts be kept; • That the committee consult with an perfectly clear," he added, "we passing on the ambiguities." are only By the United Press International E. Fred Carlisle, standing, chairman of the ad hoc committee to draft director of undergraduate programs in the faculty grievance procedure, discusses the document with Hendrick English, the ad hoc committee was Greer likened such a situation to the The Michigan House rejected Tuesday a established last spring to draft Zwarensteyn, center, professor of business law and office grievance document. the Thanksgiving current problems involving the unclear move a woman to bring up for debate a bill to allow to obtain an abortion for any administration, and Frederick Williams, right, chairman of the Faculty Carlisle repeatedly asked for straw votes charge conferred upon the Student The State News will not publish until Committee on Nominations in setting up reason during the first 90 days of Affairs and Faculty Compensation Committee at the Elected Faculty to illuminate the intent of the Council in Monday because of the Thanksgiving the Academic Council pregnancy. Council meeting Tuesday. State Ne-vs photo by W.B. Remington various steps of the procedure. The council The rejection, on a 59-39 vote, marked asked the ad hoc committee to consider break. Have a happy holiday. representative-at-large elections. the end of attempts by backers of the bill The suggestions for revisions were to secure House approval for it this year. offered by several members of the Elected Backers of the proprosal now are U r.i uirHAPi rnv assesses . , age policies ■ Faculty Council, headed by C. Keith Groty, acting director of the School of Labor and Industrial Relations and a chief advocate of making the grievance expected to concentrate their full efforts on a petition drive being conducted to place the issue on the November, 1972 ballot. The bill was reported from the House procedure ... Rights and responsibilities of adulthood prolvbited from possessing or operating a MSU Ordinance 22.01, amended May 26, _ final and binding on the will be extended to those 18 years of age president. Social Services Committee in July without motor vehicle on campus. 1970, by the trustees: "The use or and older in Michigan effective Jan. 1, . recommendation, meaning it was I The University administration Tuesday Furthermore, the board lowered the age possession of alcoholic beverages, including 1972. More than 20,000 of MSU's 41,600 limit for student to live in beer and Groty suggested at the Tuesday meeting parliamentary tabled. The vote Tuesday ■wtinupd assessing the Impact of the a unsupervised wine, subject to State laws, is that the committee came on the question of whether to students are 18,19, or 20-years of age. also consider housing without parental approval from 21 hereby permitted in housing facilities jWred Age of Majority in Michigan on The board of trustees Friday removed to 18. However freshman and sophomores (rooms, suites and apartments) assigned by eliminating the hearing and appeal at the remove the bill from the table to allow ■tudent policies. University level so that a case could go debate on it. references to age in the requirements and will still be required to live in University MSU." 1 Policy changes regarding age directly from the college level to the The bill passed the Senate last March but prohibitions for driving permission for supervised housing. Nonnamaker noted Ruth E. Renaud, director of judicial programs, lequirements for driving, drinking, living students. The revised president. has been hung up ever since in the lower Student Motor Tuesday that the trustees reaffirmed, "that in campus, financial aid, and personnel Vehicle (Please turn to page 13) Carlisle pointed out to Groty that by chamber. Hrecords are outlined in a document Regulations now state that: the establishment of a residence off-campus "Freshmen, unless married, physically by a freshman or sophomore will not on ■prepared and distributed this week by disabled, or residing off campus, and first the basis of that criterion alone exempt the ■Elden R. Nonnamaker, dean of students. year Agricultural Technology students are State must slice student from the policy." llEIBERY CHARGES He said freshmen and sophomores who wish to exempt themselves from the on-campus housing requirement must still be either married or living with parents or a legal guardian. Nonnamaker noted that no budget Grand jury indicts further changes in housing policy are anticipated. "The policy for requiring freshmen to live in residence halls, and for sophomores to live in residence halls or supervised by 2--3%, Milliken says By JOANNA FIRESTONE be reduced from 2 to 3 per cent to keep In another area, the governor said he v ill spending and revenue levels equal, Milliken state senator, judge housing as a condition of enrollment is based on an educational philosophy which State News Staff Writer said he anticipates no tax hike for the next fiscal year. "fully support" efforts announced Monday by House Speaker William A. Ryan to is not related to the age of majority," he Gov. Milliken said I DETROIT (UPI)--A state senator and a released them on $1,000 personal bond. Tuesday it appears "It's a little too early to tell, but at this expand the state's open housing laws. said. "very clear" that the state will have to cut Ryan said he favors the establishment of ■ Wayne County Probate Judge Tuesday No trial date has been set. time our figures seem pretty close and I "Rather this philosphy is based on the back the $2 billion budget approved by the. bipartisan conferences to examine open ■ were indicted by a citizens grand The state will attempt to prove, the have no intention of proposing new taxes jury on fact that the many learning experiences legislature for fiscal 1971-72 by 2 to 3 per housing statutes as well as earmarking $100 ■ charges they attempted to bribe a public source said, that Youngblood and to finance the general fund budget," he available in the above housing are cent. million to aid poor school districts in ■ official to Szymanski acted on behalf of an agent of said. secure package-store liquor important and constitute an integral part "It is not yet evident just how much we I licenses for the supermarket to secure approval of the achieving equal education for all. a large supermarket chain. of an undergraduate's education at MSU will have to cut the appropriations," "I fully support him in that goal," licenses. |■ Citizens The indictments Grand by the Wayne County The grand jury charged that Youngblood for the freshmen and sophomore years," Milliken said. "The cutback will not Milliken said. "However, I am not precisely Jury charge that Sen. Nonnamaker said. necessarily reach 3 per cent, but there will sure what he has in mind in terms of ■ Charles N. Youngblood, D-Detroit, and and Szymanski allegedly tried to bribe an Other policy and procedural changes definitely be some sort of reduction — MLCC commissioner, who is not named, specific proposals." |Probate ■ Mng to bribe Judge Frank. S. Szymanski official of the with through Carl D. Renkoski, chief of the within the administration made pursuant probably about 2 per cent." The governor said reaction to his recent an Michigan to the lowered age of majority do not Clauses attached to each of the speech announcing his intention to appeal ■ Uquor Control Commission (MLCC) for Healing Arts Investigation Division of the require trustee approval, he said. This appropriations bills make it possible for the Federal District Court Judge Stephen I approval of off-sale liquor licenses for five Dept. of Licensing and Regulation. includes the lowered drinking age for I Farmer Jack home Renkoski instead cooperated with law governor to automatically cut up to 3 per Roth's ruling that Detroit schools are de centers in suburban students, effective Jan. 1, changed from 21 cent of each budget bill as a means of jure segregated has been "quite good." ■ Detroit, enforcement officials, it was believed. to 18 through an October recommendation keeping the state's budget balanced. "I have not yet filed the appeal because 1 Szymanski is a former Ail-American Prior to his arraignment, Szymanski said of the University Student Affairs "If the social services appropriation can at this time there is a question whether ■ college football that he would continue to conduct court player who played pro ball Committee. be held between the figures approved by Judge Roth's ruling is appealable," he said. I *>th three National Football business as usual. League Clubs, Drinking by students is permitted as the House and Senate, I am confident that Milliken said a final decision on his plans ■ Muding Detroit. Youngblood, whose father was a stipulated by the state age of majority and there will be a tight surplus at the end of to appeal the case will be disclosed "as ■ Informed sources said an agent of the registered lobbyist in Lansing from the fiscal year." soon as all the necessary legal work is 1949-53, said another lobbyist whose name IfPermarket I urther chain was being sought for he did not remember asked him for help in Cold The giant social services bill, the only completed." investigation by the grand jury. Th< . . appropriation yet to be decided by the "I think there has been more I "Sent, who was not identified, currently is securing a liquor license about a year ago. ■® "I told him I couldn't help him and sent legislature, is presently in a conference understanding 'back home' than there was Florida, the sources said. . . . and cloudy with a high committee where lawmakers are trying to initially among the black legislators with ■ Szymanski and Youngblood, both him to somebody else because he wasn't chance of snow showers. High in work out a compromise between the $535 whom I talked on the afternoon of the I emocrats, stood mute at their from my area," Youngblood said. "I only the low 30s. million House - passed version and $503 address," he said. "I hope we can keep it ■ saw him once after that when he asked me •Jfaignment before Judge Robert Evans of to go to lunch and I refused." million figure approved by the Senate. that way by taking some of the I.!'roits Recorder's Court. The judge Though he said the budget would have to GOV. MILLIKEN emotionalism from the issue." ■ (,d innocent pleas on their behalf and (Please turn to page I Jl A id cut could kill 9 M extended beyond December 1971, its effort to expand competence of faculty plans in Columbia. The project began in Development (AID), the federal developing areas. The program, begun in By NANCY PARSONS current termination date. members, conduct research on September, 1970. administrative agency in charge of June this year, is to lead to more specific State News Staff Writer The Educational Planning Project, a development problems, provide training The Non-formal Education Project calls nonmilitary foreign assistance lias projects in this field. contracted nine MSU projects aimed at program providing training, research and fellowships and in other ways support the for basic survey and analysis work on a The Agricultural Employment advisory assistance to educational planners department's efforts to analyze the world-wide basis related to the e current debate in the U.S. Senate improving agriculture, education in Turkey, is a cooperative project between problems of international agricultural Generation Project, begun in June this _ technology and health in underdeveloped development of non-formal education in year, is establishing relations with African I futn foreign spending will decide the countries. AID and the Planning and Budget economics. institutions which will provide training for I m/6 nine MSU international projects The contracts, which run for one or two Department of the Ministry of Education The agricultural economists and generate lij. °.f about 10 per cent of the years in advance, amount of more than $1 in Ankara. The program, began in January Agricultural Simulation Model, a research on employment issues in rural I Ther1ty s forei8n student enrollment. million annually. 1968, is scheduled to be completed in June program designed to aid in the formulating areas. 11|. e federal government sponsors both 1973. and evaluating of projects and intended to improve agricultural sector productivity, is Applications The aim of the Rural Agricultural I Th>t(?ra,ns and the students. The Latin American Marketing Program, The Agricultural Economics focused Applications for University College Program Management Project is to pinpoint IteS\m"ate vote 0ct- 29 wh,ch killed the ongoing project which assists Latin International Training and Research Grant on Nigeria, Korea and, in the future, other countries. Its contract, begun problems related to agricultural I by n fo,«lgn aid bill was followed an provides funding through AID to MSU's representatives to Academic Council and American countries in planning improved Agricultural Economics Dept. to increase in June, 1967, was renewed in June this University standing committees and to development by MSU faculty working ■ That PgaP measure early this month. marketing systems has received nearly $1 cooperatively with agricultural program I until 1'.easure extended the aid to Dec. 1 training and research capacities within the year. committees within the college, are available million in federal aid over the six years it leaders in Latin America and Africa. The Idiffe , legislators could examine the has been underway. department for work and research in Agricultural Economics Analysis provides in 170 Bessey Hall, 109 Brody Hall, S33 |issisU *inds of economic and military If the Senate votes to continue the developing areas. The project, began July 1, 1970, is an one faculty member to conduct research Wonders Hall and 245 W. Fee Hall from i Th/e ng *>iven to other countries. agricultural economics problems and (Please turn to page 13) on Monday until Friday, Dec. 10. 1 Agency for International foreign spending , the project will be 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 24.197, news More E. L. unionization seen picketing and other organizing tactics. conditions more," Westgate said «*i*k Ser we're here to make money, we're H„in. uKh During the Lums picketing, William Weld, News Analysis by providing jobs." da,ngoutpart summary Following the creation last week of a union combatting the threat, including the eventual financial secretary treasurer and business agent of the Hotel Restaurant Employes and Bartenders union, Local 235, promised that other East A major consideration, Westgate adH,.H been the lack of choice involved iJ' L * urg shop at Lums, visions of a totally unionized East replacement of part-time student employes with Lansing restaurants would be "put on the menu" establishment of a union shop. He ai»r«J the About 300 Lansing have begun to intrigue supporters of older, foil-time workers. for future organizing activities. statements made earlier by Lums « lth physically ha both unions and management. The presence of a union at Lums, both sides "'has The general attitude of students toward unions C. Patric Larrowe, professor of economics and Edward C. Rouillard that be forced to "cram the union employers shS*' jowded intc changed in the six months since Lizards' adviser to the union, argued that the "atrocious shop Senate suppoi insist, constitutes a beachhead for union ' employes vetoed ' 1 the union shop, union employe's throat." n mandatory in wages Gf the whole industry" could activate organization. The union victory will encourage advocates maintain. The now reason is that the student employes. Employers could avoid Despite management denials, employ^ . The bill, wt workers in other East Lansing trustees' approval of "legitimate actions taken by unionization only by "improving wages and union sympathizers have refused to accent T ebate in the I "The policy for requiring contemplate union membership, union backers our students to improve wages and working working conditions - by not treating students employers' claim to represent the st. h ? Under its p freshmen to live in residence halls, predicted. Employers, fearful of massive conditions" should stimulate union activity by- like migrant farm workers," Larrowe said. employe's best interests. tudent jompelled to unionization attempts, have discussed plans for and for sophomores to live in lessening fears generally connected with Management representatives have complained Although union supporters welcomed «. modify a stall that union agents concern themselves more with trustees' Friday resolution he delivery c residence halls or supervised the collection of dues and initiation fees than organization of student workers, which approSnthe , develop the housing as a condition of man™.* °? According t with Uie rights of student employes. East Lansing JE? Senate panel enrollment is basdW'on an representatives have objected to businesses, especially restaurants with high interference with business and to die Senate E< educational philosophy which is turnover rates, are "susceptible to union people," deterioration in the res?1 needed to est not related to the age of according to Chamber of Commerce President University-community relation tate's school Thomas Westgate. "They always come to us when thev w,„t ike effect in I majority." The Citizen Eldon R. Nonnamaker Smaller businesses which employ fewer something, Westgate complained. "We w Dean of students Powell, Rehnquist workers he added. probably would not be affected because they are "not lucrative enough for the unions," If generally less dependable Student employes picketing their office." Both employers and union admitted that the resolution advocates may encou arent | organizer of ] indicapped cl "Although t istrict mu! organization. Westgate cited student reluctant Crimination, WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate Judiciary Clarence Mitchell, director of the Washington join unions, conditions in East Lansing businesses to cross picket lines manned nithout prope Committee Tuesday unanimously approved the office of the National Association for the would deteriorate, resulting in poorer and less by fellow student? efficient service, Westgate said. while Larrowe praised the "a pal, hearing Supreme Court nomination of Lewis F. Powell Advancement of Colored People, called on "all respectabibity" the resolution crar l, Zuckerberg Jr., and endorsed that of William H. Rehnquist senators who believe in human rights" to vote To finance union wage demads, employers would be forced to raise prices, hire older picketing. Jiildren said. by a vote of 12-4. against Rehnquist. German workers strike President Nixon's nominees for the two court At the committee's hearings, Mitchell testified workers or "give up," he continued. Despite the enthusiasm over the unionization seats that have been vacant since early in against Rehnquist's confirmation on behalf of Employers apparently consider working of Lums, the tight job market and the conditions in East Lansing equal or superior to students September now will be brought up for the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights. A legendary lack of interest in economic activism A strike by West German metal workers spread from confirmation in the Senate but not until the later witness for the AFL-CIO also opposed him. conditions in similar businesses throughout the could contribute to an absence of union automobile production to the electrical industry The nation. activity part of next week at the earliest. civil-rights and labor spokesmen did not, and to an insignificant increase in Tuesday in Stuttgant, Germany in the Union's first Republican leader Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania however, testify against Powell. "I don't know how they could improve membership. sanctioned walkout since 1963. said he has "no doubt in the world" that both Kennedy said Rehnquist has been "a voice of On strike were about 120,000 of the half million nominations will be confirmed although resistance to equal opportunity ... a voice of WASH1NGT metal workers in the district of North Rehnquist will be opposed from the floor. greater government power at the expense of AGAINST AT-LARGE ELECTION •rice Comn Powell, 64, is a wealthy Richmond, Va., lawyer individual liberty." increases for t Wuerttehberg-North Baden, the only region affected and former president of the American Bar Both Bayh and Kennedy said that Powell, jnd the Wes thus far. Association. Rehnquist, 47, formerly a lawyer in despite their disagreement with some of his views, puesday as th About 60,000 workers began the walkout Monday. Phoenix, Ariz., is a top aide to Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell. has demonstrated a commitment to constitutional liberties and human rights. Student panel will rule that employe stablished pri Nixon, in announcing their nominations on Powell's nomination, to succeed the late Hugo merit raises. Oct. 21, described them as judicial conservatives. L. Black, marks Nixon's third attempt to place a However, th Trade barriers selfish' Assailing artificial trade barriers, a special envoy of The four committee members who against Rehnquist's nomination were Sens. Birch Bayh, D-Ind.; Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., voted conservative Southerner on the Supreme Court. The Senate rejected his nominations of Judge Clement F. Haynsworth Jr., of South Carolina on 6 appeals next week iff decisions prices for F< iroducts and President Nixon said Tuesday night in London they Philip A. Hart, D-Mich., and John V. Tunnery, and of Judgy G. Harrold C?.rfwell of Florida. compensate D-Calif. So far none of the liberal Republicans who The Student Committee on committee may accept the named winners in that categor] nise in miners were erected by the European Common Market and However, a fifth member of the committee's voted against Haynsworth and Carswell has Nominations is expected to appeal or waive jurisdiction to Another appeal filed by OB he Pay Board other economic groups for selfish ends. He called for announce a decision next week the All-University Student alleges that one of th liberal Democratic bloc, Sen. Quentin Burdick of opposed Rehnquist's nomination to succeed In other dev£ cooperation in building a new world commerce system. North Dakota, voted with the majority. retired Justice Hohn M. Harlan on six appeals filed Monday Jydlciary. candidates, who ran in t! •The newly "The U.S. administration is determined to find a Bayh said in a statement that Rehnquist's On the contrary, Sen. Charles MrC. against th^ election of student vwo of the appeals, one filed category for nonwhite studen Advisory Be better deal for American farm trade," the envoy, record "reveals a dangerous hostility to the great R-Md., was among the Judiciary Cou.tni ue represontatives-at-large to the by the Office of Black Affairs who are neither black r ormer Rep. T William Eberle, said. "It is determined to find ways to principles of equal justice for all people and members voting to approve Rehnquist's Academic Council, Mark (OBA) and the other filed by Chicano, does not fill t! l-Mo., was sw individual freedom under the Bill of Rights." appointment. Bathurst, chairman of the Ron Johnson, Detroit discription of a nonwhite. ormulating rationalize the chaotic conditions of the world market committee, said Tuesday. sophomore, contend that Sherman Walker, Selma, Ala Sen. James O. Eastland, D-Miss., the committee Another liberal Republican senator who voted which result from nationalistic decisions which are often chairman, said "the liberals have tried to build a against Haynsworth and Carswell, Mark O. Regulations for the election minority students should elect junior, filed an appeal claimii economically senseless decisions." case against Mr. Rehnquist, but they have failed Hatfield of Oregon, also has announced his stipulate that all appeals be their own representatives. that one of the winners ir " utterly." directed to the committee. The Johnson finished first in a field category for bl support of Rehnquist. of eight candidates in the representatives violate ***************** category for black campaign rules by eampaignin i U.S. Russia, discuss trade Enroll at i LET QWm FIX YOUR J representatives. » within 50 feet of a poll boo 1 Two more appeals allege that The United States and the Sovieftinion were talking J TIMEX WATCHES I Calvin Conway, Flint special Walker finished sixth of eigl Tuesday in Moscow about a 10-fold increase in their Lansing Business University 5 AND AM. BRANDS 3 program undergraduate, candidates in the category f< commerce that would make America Russia's principal capitalist trading partner by the mid-1970s. LBII OFFERS INTENSIVE TRAINING | ELECTRIC SHAVERS jt campaigned for Mark Jaeger, black representatives. Greenfield, Wis., junior, within Informed source? said the figure of a S2 billion a year FOR CAREERS IN BUSINESS: 1 50 feet of the campaign booth in Election regulations previous! Kommendatioi ftO/ STUDENT North Hubbard Hall. approved by the Studei p>, to curb 19' trade turnover between the two superpowers was under IU /O DISCOUNT 4 IBM The appeals were filed by OBA Committee on Nominatio Their decisioi discussion during a three-hour meeting between • Keypunch COOPER S FIXERY } and Clyde Kiang, East Lansing prohibit candidates from ar lept. action Fi Secretary of Commerce Maurice H. Stans and Nikolai • Computer Programming MERIDIAN MALL * graduate student. Kiang finished form of campaigning within todmetampheti Patolichev, minister of foreign trade. EAST LANSING * third in the category that Jaeger feet of any polling places dun About 3.5 m • Secretarial ! teatment of o\ 3491994 J won. Two candidates were official polling hours. ***** ************ to 50 per ct • Legal or Medical Secretarial WINTER TERM «d by the dru Meir to visit U.S. • (3 months) We Aren't 'fight fatigue i Selling "Left-Over'' Turkey! The Federal B • Receptionist-Typist DAY a EVENING The White House mting on a s announced Fashion But Every WIG, WIGLET, 8 FALL • Merchandising CLASSES BEGIN itas, under t 4* Tuesday Israel's prime minister Golda • Accounting (Two Programs) iy that th f|n Meir wil1 meet w>th President Nixon in our lovely new studio lional Institut Dec. 2 during an unofficial visit to the • Business Administration JANUARY 3 ft. Lorrin M. he found tl ^ United States- • Court Reporting is selling at REDUCED PRICES! ^ * Ms. Meir is coming to the United reading: "W Koran said th 1 States Dec. 1 and wants to discuss ALL DAY CLASSES ARE OVER BY 1 P.M. EVERYDAY "IDD, NIMH ar I with officials here mounting tensions NO LIBERAL ARTS - ALL SUBJECTS ARE CAREER RELATED FRIDAY & SATURDAY MS. MIER i" the Middle East. FREE JOB PLACEMENT SERVICES WHEN YOU'RE READY ACCREDITED BYA.C.B.S. - FOUNDED 1867 Human Hair Wiglets from $395 U.S. balances Call or Visit Today - military flow Corner Phone 489-5767 Capitol & Ottawa Moving to force President Nixon's hand, the Senate VETS: USE YOUR CI BILL Modacrylic Wigs from *15oo voted Tuesday in Washington to make available S500 million in military credit for Israel and earmarked half of it for F4 Phantom jets. By a 82-14 roll call vote, it approved an amendment offered by Sen. Henry M. Jackson, D-Wash., and intended by him to "balance the unrestrained flow of sophisticated weapons to Egypt from the Soviet Union." Strikers settle or recess? A federal mediator predicts that shippers and striking longshoremen will either reach a settlement today or recess their talks briefly before continuing the effort to end the 54-day Nortli Atlantic dock strike. J. Curtis Counts, head of a three-man government team involved in the talks at Miami Beach, Fla., between the International Longshoremen's Association and the Council of North Atlantic Shipping Association, said, "We'll be through here Wednesday one way or the other." Reading cannot pay debts The Reading Railroad, claiming it cannot pay approximately SI 1 million in debts and taxes coming due shortly, Tuesday in Philadelphia filed for reorganization under the federal bankruptcy laws. The railroad operates about 1,200 miles of track in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. It filed its petition in U.S. District Court. The Reading is the second Philadelphia-based railroad to take such action because of staggering financial problems, due primarily to deficit operation of passenger and commuter trains. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 24, 1971 ^ Senate support India soys Pak urged on ed bill About 300 peaceful demonstrators, including mentally and .hvsically £wded handicapped children, their parents and supporters into the Cap tol rotunda Tuesday morning to urge downed, fighting Senate support of a bill that would make special education classes * mandatory in Michigan school districts. NEW DELHI (AP) — India subcontinent's two nations — Pakistan reported three of its The bill, which passed the House last summer, is scheduled for claimed Tuesday that its Gnat outgrowth of the East Pakistan Sabre Jets were attacked by 8 to debate in the Senate today. jets shot down three Pakistani secessionist movement that has 10 Indian Gnats inside East Under its provisions, the State Board of Education would be warplanes over Indian territory driven millions of refugees into Pakistan and "two of the Sabre compelled to "develop, establish and continually evaluate and and both sides reported ground India — brought these Jets failed to return." It alleged modify a state plan for special education which shall provide for battles in East Pakistan. The developments: that two of the Indian planes •he delivery of special education programs and services Pakistanis said they were #In New York, United Nations designed were shot down, jo develop the maximum potential of every handicapped person." fighting off Indian invaders, but Secretary-General U Thant A Pakistan army source in According to Sen. Gilbert Bursley, R-Ann Arbor, chairman of India claimed the attackers were expressed grave concern over the Dacca, the East Pakistani capital, East Pakistani rebels. He Senate Education Committee, about $50 million would be deteriorating situation. The claimed his countrymen to establish the special education India said all its planes programs in all of the United Nations announced plans demolished 18 Indian tanks and ^te's school districts. It approved by the Senate, the bill will survived the dogfight. Pakistan to evacuate relief personnel from inflicted heavy casualties on Hie effect in the 1972-73 school year. acknowledged two losses of its East Pakistan to Thailand. Indian soldiers in fierce ground The Citizens Committee for Mandatory Special Education, own and claimed two Indian *In Washington, the State fighting along the East Pakistani arganizer of the demonstration, said physically and mentally planes shot down. Department said a meeting borders with India. iindicapped children are discnminated against in Michigan. Pakistani independence would be held in the next few Senior army officers in "Although the Michigan Constitution states that every school fighters in East Pakistan listrict must provide education to all pupils without Demonstration described the fighting that began days with Soviet officials on the Rawalpindi, the central Pakistani situation. Pakistan's ambassador capital, said Pakistan has lost Incrimination, thousands of children in Michigan are going The Citizens Committee for Monday as a do-or-die battle to accused India of "a blatant act Mandatory Special Education and several hundred parents of drive out the Pakistan eight planes in the fighting over rithout proper education programs because they have handicapped army and of aggression." East Pakistan and suffered heavy physical children assembled Tuesday on the establish feual, hearing, emotional, speech or mental handicaps," House Bill 4475. The bill would steps of the Capitol to urge the passage of an independent Bangla *In London, the British ground casualties, Harvey provide equal education in every school district for all Desh-Bengali nation — in East military ), Zuckerberg, director of the Michigan Assn. for Retarded students government appealed to both attaches regardless of physical or mental handicaps. Pakistan. reported. But a jildren said. nations for "the greatest Pakistani army spokesman The new flare-up between the restraint." There were demands denied their State News photo by Terry Miller report. that the issue be taken to the A Pakistan military spokesman UN Security Council. said long-range Indian heavy Price agency In New Delhi, V.C. Shukla, guns pounded Jessore airport OKs steel hike minister of defense production, nearly 30 miles inside East told cheering Indian legislators Pakistan, that all four of India's homebuilt Gnat fighters returned safely HINCiTON (AP) Tht for controlling rents. WASIrNmI^«lnnP)|innrnIved Price Commission approved ™ntroll,nf> re"ts- •General Motors asked the humnprs bumpers and devices. and pollution-control Hmo time if hoc linear] nn^Av Qnn it has closed under 800 pmnlnvorc employers ma\/ may ctarf start now new also has allowed the nation's few from the dogfight Monday with Pakistani Sabre jets near for two big steel firms price Commission since Dec. 1,1970. merit-raise increases for a 3 per •The plans if they are state and local rent control Calcutta. . . ■d the Western w Floxtrio rvv rv> . » •• . • T \ -me sagging aag&Mig stock market waiivci, Many many analysts continued to administered in in guuu analysis good laiui, •.... cent price increase, , 10 oumiiiisiereu faith, are agencies to resume tneir _ • • including 2.5 « continued its slump in moderate their own He "c said !xtiu one uue Pakistani raiusiaiu craft ttcui blame the long decline as the Pay Board ruled ,i«Hav as the lay board ruled (Tuesday that employers may co cent based nor cent per based on nue and 0.5 per cent based on on risino rnst* rising costs trading. The Dow Jones average n„,„ i for 30 industrial stocks dropped — t uncertainty Phase 2. over ... the course on of . in line with previous pay policies controls subject to federal i and provide for rate ranges supervision, _„t_ .... . . ' escaped but pilots of the three j i _i i bus 482-4848 Lon*in9Me,rol-i,»< established practices ol granting improvements such as better which do not increase more than 5.18 points to 797.97, the first The steel price increases, merit raises. 5.5 per cent a year. - Rent panel chairman Curtis However, the price panel put which apply only to tin-mill A Pay Board spokesman said sajd the first task to be L[f decisions on higher auto Ipi ces for Ford and Chrysler Nixon hints products, Bethlehem cent are Steel 7.6 per cent for and 7.2 per for National Steel. These this was merely an amplification undertaken would be of the board's previously stated i some way to separate rents from devising The State News, the student products and higher coal prices policy that pre-freeze pay service newspaper at Michigan State products make up 10 per cent of charges, where these are University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter to compensate for a 15 cent practices may be resumed in the lumped together. jnise in miners' pay approved by the Pay Board last week. of his tox-reli Bethlehem's total sales and 25 per cent > of the nation's, the post-freeze period. Meanwhile President Nixon There was no indication of and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition wAouiMOOTi-ixT commission said. It said the announced the in September. Subscription rate is $16 In other developments: WASHINGTON r, names of the when the panel might per year. (AP) — and a Democratic plan for public increases were justified by higher complete Member Associated Press, United Press •The newly appointed Rent President Nixon told 14-member Rent Advisory its recommendations. International, Advisory Board, headed by Ser^;rte financing of presidential Republican leaders Tuesdayshe campaigns. labor and material costs. Board just before they were Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, The commission granted Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press former Rep. Thomas B Curtis, would seriously consider sworn in and began work. The Genral Motors request vetoing Senate Republican Leader Western Electric a price increase Association. HMo., was sworn in and began his own tax-relief bill unless it is Until the rent board works out makes it the last of the four Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania of 3.9 per cent on items Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial formulating recommendations stripped of costly amendments quoted Nixon after a breakfast totaling regulations that are approved by major auto makers to seek an and business offices at 345 Student Services 55 per cent of its total volume, the Price Commission rents on Bldg., Michigan meeting at the White House. increase. American Motors State University, East Lansing, The Pay Board, in its first private dwellings remain subject already has received Michigan. Sen. Wallace F. Bennett, permission specfitic ruling on merit-pay to freeze regulations, meaning. to raise 1972 prices by 2.5 R-Utah, told the Senate the $27 Officials meet to curb billion tax-cut bill it passed raises, said that existing contract provisions for merit raises may they may rise only in certain cent. Chrysler sought a 5.9 circumstances. cent increase and Ford asked for per per Phones: News 355-8252 Monday night ^"begs for a presidential veto,"^because of be continued, so long as Comercial, farm and industrial 2 per cent, but both were asked Classified Ads 355-8255 the "established rate ranges" are not rents are excluded from federal to resubmit their Advertising 353-6400 production of pep pills campaign-finarifce provision, affd becailse it would 6ut taxes far more than Nixon proposed as increased a more than 5.5 per year in new contracts, cent control. The Price Commission more information, requests with Business Office Photographic 355-3447 355-8311 it said where no contractual WASHINGTON (AP) — Ranking officials of three federal a step to stimulate the economy, merit -raise Senate Democratic Leader plans exist, "jncies met in a hurriedly called session Tuesday to revive a Mike Mansfield of Montana flmmendation, lost in the bureaucratic paper mills two months to curb 1972 production of declined to say whether LIEBERMANN'S pep pills. Their decisions were to be kept under Congress would pass a new tax wraps pending Justice bill this year if Nixon vetoed the ?t. action Friday distributing the nation's first amphetamine current measure. "Let's wait and THANKSGIVING SPECIAl dmetamphetamine quotas to the pharmaceutical industry. For all those who must remain behind. About 3.5 million such pills are manufactured each atment of overweight people and rare ailments. An estimated year for see said. what he does," Mansfield moves on to Meridian Mall Sat. If you want a 1 LB. PLATE LASAGNA '1.19 Lay-away now for to 50 per cent are diverted to Bennett, ranking Republican young, experienced illegal markets where they are on the Senate Finance barber, specializing in 2 MEAT BALLS 40 by the drug subculture, truck drivers, students and athletes fight fatigue and produce an euphoric "high." Committee, amendments said Senate long cuts, call for an 5" PEPPERONI PIZZA -85 Christmas! The Federal Bureau of Narcotics and increased the appt. today — 349 - 16 OZ. PEPSI Dangerous Drugs had been inting on a surgeon general's recommendation before setting revenue reductions built into the 2760. _JS. "tas, under the 1970 Drug Control Act. But it was learned tax bill by some $55 billion over WITH COUPON '1.75 the next decade. It still faces a 4980 Northwind Dr. (next to nday that the recommendation, prepared months ago by the Yankees) :onal Institute of Mental Health House-Senate conference (NIMH) had disappeared. j)r. Lorrin M. Koran, a special assistant to the NIMH director, committee, to work out he found the letter on his desk compromise terms, before final Monday with an attached votes on the whole tax bill. "reading: "Where had this been the last two months?" Koran said the letter would be discussed at the Scott said he urged Nixon to meeting of veto the bill. "), NIMH and the Food and Drug Administration. Levi brushed denim jeans, the softest, best looking Choose from our superb flares around. But, then, cotton i jeans by Levi i ® collection of attache have always been top choice. cases Metal button closure, There's a style and size to fit any need in western front pockets, back our complete selection of attache and business cases. And we'll emboss a name patch pockets. Navy, or initials in gold at no extra charge. brown, grape. 28-36 sizes. $8. SKAl VINYL ATTACHE CASES: 3" with file $23.00 4" with file $24.00 5" with desk and file $25.00 TOP GRAIN COWHIDE ATTACHE CASES 3" with file $24.95 4" with file $29.95 5" with desk and file $32.50 FREE GOLD MONOGRAM Jacobson's IS.I VmligP EAST LANSING 209 E. Grand River JACOBSON'S OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL NINE - E"'BUSCH, INC. • ST. LOUIS DOWNTOWN 107 S. - Washington MICHIGAN OUR READERS' MIND STATE UNIVERSITY Trustees high-handed in forcing student levy KEN LYNAM advertising manager To the Editor: As it stands right now WP'« taxed 50 cents a term DAVE PERSON, managing editor The board of trustees has once again for tliediJ* "" CHARLIE CAIN, city editor struck a blow for irrationality. While the called ASMSU and have It, except certain privilege lift, JOHN BOB GER, campus editor provost has his little hatchet out, cutting extended towards u? BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor back the funding for the various minority interests. The groups that rlnl, RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor educational units at MSU, the board of majority X* trustees has persisted in its financial folly wile"""" °,the'x'*nd»u,*.iS by allocating over 827.5 million for new Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award structures (Performing art center—$12 for outstanding journalism. What happens to the rights of million, ice arena—$4.5 million all-events building—$11 million). The performing art majority of students on this camou ' ,, i«r students who are center we can live with, but for the others, who don't go to ASMSU not athlete j °nve"lt,° that is a different story. cOTfertl "TfZ EDITORIALS This money is supposed to come from state appropriations, increased student students who are here at decent education? Don't MSU to « we co« football coupon fees and possibly an apparently not. While the quality 0f education declines, the jocks go marcl board additional 15 dollar a year tax on students. Nixon This is really great, except for several minor details that the board has apparently along. Have we not given enough to athletes, i.e., scholarships, slush fm neglected to consider. improved existing athletic facilities e without draining more First, the state is having some difficulties money to'tt only on paper meeting its present budget allocations without adding to them. Secondly, students are having enough difficulty areas? If the professional sports teams w good athletes, let them pay for the su facilities on campus, not the the taxpayers of the state. students financing small frivolities that they allow themselves, without raising the costs of the Trustees, this final fiscal fiasco must Phase 2 of the President's first week of Phase 2 was equivalent coupons. This year, student football For once, concentrate on the economic controls began with a to letting the proverbial cat out.«;of students whom you failed to majority coupons cost $8, next year they will cost consider whimper, not a bang, last week. the bag. The pay board has already $18. Thirdly, to have the gall to tax the consult. You people will have to come for election some day and when Among the first acts of the newly publicly shown weakness during'its students an extra $15 a year for some you we'll remember the kind of formed pay board was one allowing Left holding the Body Bag facilities that a majority may never use, is treatment | infancy. Unless it makes immediate we received from your so-called soft coal miners a raise fo 15 per beyond the absurd. adjustments, the board will never live institution. We won't forget when w cent. Considering the previously to see puberty. that lever in the voting booth. announced goal of holding wage • Phase 1 of the President's new increases to 5.5 per cent, the board economic Michael D. Addi policy was simply not long plainly went overboard in one of its enough to dismantle the inflationary Lansing sei first major decisions. Stephen W. St. Pk psychology which was spiraling the Of course the coal industry is now petitioning the price commission for American economy towards disaster. Phase 2 must be nearly as rigid as the The Doctor's Bag Southgate sei Robert C. Win Detroit se an 8.5 per cent increase in the price freeze itself to prevent inflation from November 21 of coal to cover the raise granted to flaring again. Unless the pay board the coal workers. Scores of other rapidly alters its stance, the unions and firms are waiting on the President's policy to half inflation By ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. sidelines with equally touching tales of woe as to why they should be will be for all practical purposes scuttled. Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at MSU Health Center. Names need not be mononucleosis) from one person to another. In spite of all the stories you hear about how one gets this viral illness, no one state for many men And a small amount stimulation will result fn orgasm. When premature ejaculation of Purity or. is a To the Editor: exempted from the previously Although one may not agree with included unless a personal reply is knows for sure. Therefore, without the announced exact mode of transmission persistent problem, it often tends to wage and price the entire scope of the President's requested. being known, improve dramatically once a, pattern of The State News the incubation period cannot be calculated. recently printed a guidelines. program, one must realize that these sustained penetration with ejaculation is concerning rapes on campus. The < Two weeks ago, when the pay I have heard that some people with established. Starting with simple measures are the policies with which the advised the women on campus to visl board announced all raises of more beautifully white teeth keep them that way first, your boyfriend and you might try to arm themselves and put up an angry figl nation must live for at least one My boyfriend and I have been dating for than 5.5 per cent would need their by occasional brushing with a household have intercourse again as soon as he regains ever sexually assaulted. The w more year. Nixonomics still fail to three years. We just started having sexual cleanser (scouring powder) such as Comet his erection following the first attempt. A presupposed that the traditionally pas approval and when the price deal seriously with the employment intercourse the past two months. Until this role of women aided the sex offender, or Ajax. I would think that other than the man usually ha» much more difficulty commission set a 2.5 per cent ceiling time we petted to orgasm. that taking up arms would solve problem, but on paper at least, they abrasion problem, the chemical used in ejaculating the second time than he did the' on price hikes, many skeptics should combat the ills of the dollar these products would tend to irritate the The problem now is that my boyfrierid first time. situation. maintained that these guidelines has his orgasm almost as soon as he enters. If this does not soem to work, your In reply it would seem that the abroad and the fires of inflation at sensitive tissues in the mouth. Is this a would not hold up. The critics said He gets very upset and feels that I am suggestion of returning to petting to takes delight in the fighting, not home. The President's policies, dangerous practice? that too many exemptions would be getting nothing out of it. I want to be able orgasm might be a good idea. However, docility of the modern woman. This is however, will work only on paper The very thin hard, dense layer that instead of setting the goal as one of he chooses to force the issue rather to help him last a little longer — for both granted to make Phase 2 effective. unless his pay board and price covers your teeth, commonly referred to as achieving orgasm, you and he can seek normal female companionship, of us. I'm afraid if I can't, he would be The coal case bears their point out. commission start taking a tough enamel, was never intended to withstand cooperate to get him used to sustained violent self-defense of a rape vie more satisfied, and under less pressure to Everyone was sure that some big stance towards any wage and price the same type of abuse as a kitchen sink. "perform" if we reverted back to petting. stimulation without orgasm. This can be reinforces this man's perversion and at This layer is so susceptible to abrasion that accomplished by ceasing to stimulate him same time reinforces the old-age imagi exemptions to the general rule would increases. In the early stages the pay What do you advise? We are using condoms many dentists consider some of the super as soon as he feels that an orgasm is woman as the frigid defender of be permitted. Yet to allow one of board has shown no inclination to do and foam for contraception. imminent. Most men can identify that the biggest exemptions during the whitening toothpastes on the market too virginity. abrasive. Using a household cleanser is sensation quite readily. As soon as the Of the warrior women, I ask: Is it w« Premature ejaculation is not uncommon definitely not recommended. As you also sensation passes, stimulation can be it? Is it worth killing a disturbed persor point out, there are a variety of chemicals early in a couple's experience with sexual resumed. The technique should be even risking your own life? in most cleansers, including bleaches, that intercourse. In fact, even experienced men continued until a fairly long period of There is something wrong with a soc War clouds could be irritating to the oral mucous membranes. have occasional episodes of premature ejaculation. You aid not mention how stimulation can be tolerated without an orgasm. This method of treating premature that gives such an extremely high valu feminine purity that an offense of often you and your boyfriend have been I would like to know the incubation ejaculation is described in greater detail in purity rates serious inji ry or even ins having intercourse; premature ejaculation is a very fine $1.25 Bantam paperback, death. period for infectious mononucleosis much more likely to occur when people great oatioos (number of days). in So would I. No onf has been successful have intercourse infrequently. Anticipation and a long period of not having sexual "Sexual Expression in Marriage,"by Donald Hastings, MD. Carol Ad Bath ju experimentally transmitting infectious release seems to create a hyper-excitable Copyright, 1971 Nov. 18,' With an aura of inevitability India by responding knee-jerk to the and Pakistan are juggernauting down bloody call of ancient animosities the road to war. Martial omens are the Indians have severely demeaned POINT OF VIEW everywhere present in South Asia. themselves in the eyes of the woHd Both nations are massing troops on community. their common borders. Violations of Clearly renewed Indian-Pakistani territory and airspace have become Economy better despite Nixon conflict will accomplish nothing save common. Both New Delhi and the snuffing out of thousands of Dacca t have begun practicing lives the abortive 1965 war over blackouts. Most ominous of all, Kashmir has proved that much. earlier this week Pakistani President Indeed, the very people that New Yahya Khan declared a national state Delhi purports to be aiding, the West By RICHARD LEE STROUT "No, I don't." "All I can say of "What do you do?" is," he growled as he settlement that came out of it. emergency. So acute is the Pakistanis, stand to be the most brushed past me, casting a scornful glance Picketing sometimes has its plea problem that "I'm a professor," I told him. at my sandwich board, "you're a some experts predict immediate and direct victims of any "In all my years in the labor movement," "You don't look like one," mightly surprises, too. Like the day of the outbreak of full-blown conflict he said poor advertisement for the University." Minnesota game, when Trustee White warfare. George Meany said awhile back, "I've never sternly. "And that's a pretty ridiculous I had to admit he had before the new year. It is time for the major world been on a picket line." That puts some of sandwich board me there. going by and saw us there on the sidev us here in East you're wearing there. Can Picketing isn't all beer and skittles, of "What's shakin', Tex?" he inquired. Lansing one up on the powers in concert to push for an you prove you're a professor?" course. You have your "We've got a beef with this hereo president of the AFL-CIO. "Would you like me to explain disappointments, If the doomsayers are right there immediate defusing of the simmering too. George ought to try it sometime. It's a inflation?" I asked. over wages and the union shop," 1 will be culprits aplenty to share the tinderbox in South Asia. The United Like two profs from ag econ I saw him. great place to meet new people, you're out in the open air, and you can have a lot of "No," he said quickly, "IH take your coming down the sidewalk, walking in that "That's all I need to burden of blame. By pursuing a States recently took one small know,'] he rep step word for it. But if you are a professor, then hop-scotchy way you do when you've "Got a picket sign I can carry?" self-interest protective stance the in this direction when it heavy raps, too. - rather Like the one I had with a straight dude what are you doing here?" spent a lot of time doing field work in Oh wow! I thought. If the Bay major powers, including the United belatedly - stopped all arms who sidled up to me when 1 was picketing "I'm trying to help the kids who work barnyards. Well, I said to myself, at least Bomber is here, the Plymouth Pol States and China, have thus far here get a decent wage, better working shipments to the Khan regime. Lum's last week. "You a Communist?" he these two dudes won't cross our picket line can't be far behind! And we sure can conditions..." like these local merchants are abdicated any meaningful chance to Much, much more effort will be says. To a member of the Old Left, those doing. that 6-foot, 6-inch frame on our pi "You mean to say," he interrupted, his are fighting words and I was about to use But the "economists" couldn't resist the line. pour oil on the troubled South Asian needed, however, if war is to be voice rising in indignation, "my tax dollars my picket sign to educate him when I two-for-one hot dog special, and in they waters. By brutally surpressing the avoided. The emphasis now must be checked myself. "What was that?" 1 go to pay you to spend your time over went. They didn't make it Than at last Friday's board mee any better, political and social rights of Bengalis on food and not guns and on demanded. ♦ here, butting into things you don't know either, when they greeted me on the way Trustee White presented a resoli the regime of General Yahya Khan obtaining just, anything about? I've a good mind to call a nonmilitary "I asked you if you're an economist," he out with "Howya doing, Charley?" as they endorsing "legal self-help and has placed itself on a par with the up Dr. Hannah and report you. Hell put settlement for the people of Bengla said. wiped stray ketchup on their coat sleeves. legitimate actions by our stud.®!\ you in your place." Or the two new city councilmen most ruthless of dictatorships. And Desh. "Oh. Well, yes, I am. And how may I I didn't have the heart to tell him we're turning improve wages and working conditi down our invitation to the East Lansing area." It passed, 7- • serve you?" into our second prexy since "Dr." Hannah join us on our "Can you tell me about this inflation we picket line. Some of us were pretty sore If you know your history, you kno have?" split to get the foreign aid program in about it at the time, but we shouldn't have resolution can be Important. In t shape. been. As I reflected Deal days it was mightly handy for ( Groovy, I thought to myself. Two birds later, 'That other Enforce cros with same one stone. Picket and teach at the time. "Well," I began, in my best classroom manner, "we start with some "Look, Dad," I told him quietly, pointing to my watch. "It's 11:30 P.M. None of my classes meet at this hour. Or do you expect me to be over there George never joined anybody on a picket line, either, and look where he is.' Looking back on it, I have to admit, too, that Councilman Colburn's statesmanlike to be able to carry signs that reaa President Wants You to Join the U East Lansing is a little late getting a» Try crossing Farm Lane between vehicle shall yield the right-of-way to basic definitions. Now, there's demand-pull preparing the agenda for this term's the union train but thanks to theBh^t inflation,and then there's cost-push." posture served a useful purpose when he Bomber and his buddies, when we Bessey and Shaw Hall during the 20 a pedestrian crossing the roadway workshops, pro seminars and practicums?" used his good offices to get us minute class break. Don't wait for I was getting into an in-depth analysis of He didn't have an answer to that. talking again next place we'll be carrying signs within any marked cross-walk or the demand-pull effect of the Indochina with Lum's and helped get the generous "The Trustees Want You toOr£|» the cars to stop you'll be there all within any unmarked crosswalk . . . war, drawing insoquants in the air with my day. Don't try to walk across by With this in mind, the hands, when I felt a tug at my sleeve. It University was one of my fellow pickets. "Dr.," he yourself you will be run over. police should increase their patrols at Needless to say, the Farm Lane asked, pointing to a figure rapidly problem crossing areas. Perhaps if disappearing down the block, "who was crossings provide only one example motorists in violation of this that fellow you were just talking to?" of this acute ordinance pancampus problem. were faced with a patrol Or the one I had with one of our local car and a possible ticket merchants. He was on his way into Lum's and or fine, Section 42.02 of the Ordinance when I asked him to support us by not they would be a little more careful Code states "... the driver of a going in. He looked me up and down around pedestrians. coldly. "You work here?" Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. November 24. 1971 POINT OF VIEW MICHAEL FOX Hitchin' a ride: By some JIM CONNELLY Thanksgiving vacation suggestions sentence Nebraska is on said three-day jail sentence, hitchhikers; to have and a Vvdf! National network television will explore and expose the American dream my hometown. The admission of membership, and other status of drugs the lucky Birmingham , Colorado is purported to offer escapist Birmingham as home is symbols reveal children have at their disposal, American Dream on a special prosperity. The roaclu's, many students are 10-day sentence. a CBS documentary entitled ". at times a difficult one for me pages of the Detroit newspapers' or the daily executive's ritual of the problem of how they . . because the town has a deserved social columns are filled with a 5 p.m. liquor store purchase. but What If the Dream Comes going I" 6et home or are reputation among many cynical „ So, with sign in hand and True?" to be broadcast at 10 "happenings" in Grosse Pointe, Smlv contemplating the bleak thumb extended, stand youth as an all-white, Bloomfield Hills, and I do not hate Birmingham. It is Lnect of being stuck on on the p.m. Thursday on WJIM-TV, upper-middle class ghetto. Birmingham. nearest Channel 6, in the Lansing area. my hometown and somehow, tmpu-1S over the break with expressway ramp I do not deny the disfavorable even though the 12 other students. exuding the optimistic hope that The hour-long program will only black faces your next door image that Birmingham has here are maids and laborers, the neighbor will be follow the quest of one Tradition and status quo reign among many antiestablishment driving by. With a little luck Birmingham, Mich., family for in ,'ity has a place in my heart. There are a variety of you might be home people. At times, the town of Birmingham, and the poverty \fter all, no city is perfect. just in time fulfillment of the American in Detroit 20 miles to the south „nventional modes of to eat your Dream. CBS 30,000 reminds me very much Asportation the student may all the while Thanksgiving dinner camera crews spent of the racist Birmingham, does not touch the happiness Take a look at the East several weeks in the Detroit ^ose from to complete his thoughts about thinking the return happy suburb of Birmingham over a Alabama, whi^h was displayed in and bounty of the town. I Lansing "dream" city. Is the civil rights movement of the doubt, however, that the (odus home - the airplane, the trip. year ago to film the prosperity or well-being found in us a train or a car. However, 1960s. My Birmingham is also a documentary will show the side the $60 suede vest, happily documentary, which will focus land of ich of these has its drawbacks, bigotry. effects of Birmingham's stoned guy with the $400 stereo is rather expensive to fly; OUR READERS' MIND on the family of Sam and Jane Greenawalt. prosperity: the wide assortment system? ses are slow and tedious; and More than 500 MSU students Indeed, to be trite I would ,in service has been cut back observe that Birmingham folks currently on campus have often assess each other ierely. Life is most journeyed to this University annual income. Of by their The car poses jfferent problem. For ond an entirely To the Editor: I debated for a time on the man, important with his superior superiority over this sick man; I from the dream city of Birmingham. They will probably sit down Thursday night after a derogatory course, I must point out that none of my comments about dream city apply to my own THINK YOU'RE SHARP? KNOW A LOT ABOUT A LITTLE? OR A LITTLE ABOUT A LOT? ling, not everyone owns one. whether or not to strength, could use this very big Thanksgiving dinner with ome people who do own cars answer the was attempting to save my life. their families in Birmingham and' family or my friends: the SPORTS, MOVIES, LITERATURE, editorial of Jean Roberts. weapon against me. My life is too valuable to be ,01 often give rides to people So I ceased my useless watch the documentary on stereotype is of the general SCIENCE, POLITICS, TV, RADIO, COMICS Finally, I decided I really placed on a gambling table to community, not any particular ho live in the same town, but struggling and did, I believe, a prove a point. If that man, by WJBK-TV, Channel 2, which AND OTHER MIND BOGGLING CATEGORIES should, for her letter may residents thereof. Furthermore, I ir students who live in Sauke far more intelligent . . . serves the Detroit area. misinform some readers. thing. I went succeeding to rape me, has won do not knovg the family in the fcnter, Minn ., for example, this with him into the woods and let According to one bit of Jean, you refer to the "two a point because I allowed him tfution might not be the answer rapes at him rape me. And I talked with "to vent his aggressive sexual promotion, the special show will documentary^ knifepoint in Sanford TRIVIA! have been waiting for. this man for an hour afterward, consider "Is prosperity the same Birmingham is the land of Woodlot in the last two weeks." feelings," he can have that point. are those whose parents I feeding him the words I as well-being?" prosperity: if two cars, a big am one of the two girls who I have my life. jjfl drive up to get them, but was raped, the "19-year-old hopefully felt he wanted to hear. I feel it is sad that women At this point perhaps some house, several snowmobiles or iese people are few in number, The man escorted me back to personal reflections about other such things, a manicured MSU coed" you may have read must be afraid to walk alone, parents don't relish a long about in the Police the road and thanked me for the and I can understand your anger, Birmingham are in order, for it is lawn, a c o untry club just to save their offspring resent Briefs. I Every Wednesday 8:30 - 11:30 your implication, Jean, "enjoyable time" he had had. Jean. But my advice would not ... little trouble. that I played "the passive role of Would the man have killed me be to carry weapons. Rather, it if 1 had continued to STUDENT SPECIAL TONIGHT the woman in rape," as if I had struggle? I would be to keep out of those Hitchhiking, a form of don't really know. He said he situations committed a crime. Surely you from which these isportation that has been would and, Jean, I KIMACK OR BRATWURST don't think I docilely was in no weapons are supposedly going to nd since time immemorial, skipped position to argue. If I German Potato Salad & Saurkraut with that sick man into the was a save you. lis grown increasingly popular karate expert or a 6-foot woods, merrily singing the Bob giant, I I may not agree with you recent years, despite the fact may have continued to struggle. at it is illegal in many states. Dylan song "Lay, Lady, Lay." 1 feel I was smart to stop when I tactics to reduce rapes, Jean, The advantages of hitchhiking No, advice. I I first fought followed as your hard asJ(I did. I refuse to be criticized but, believe me, the advice I am giving comes with "the determination of a victim to be Jfanb'n&tem immediately obvious. It is a Restaurant because I did not "become angry could, Jean. The man had a victimized no more." lap way to travel almost knife which I and shout." I was not repeatedly kept Name withheld by request /where in the continental attempting to prove my female foiled States. All you need is a pushing away from my throat. I Nov. 17. 1971 pushed, struggled; I managed to ign with your destination bite his hand. But I was alone iritten on it, and a thumb with and no match for this man rhich to indicate that you are a Ichhiker. physically. Even if 1 had had knife in a sheath, I would not a SPARTAN BICYCLE have had time to pull it out, .Italso helps to have some idea unless, of course, he was a real STORAGE /the direction you must fate' sportsman and stepped back to reach your home town. The give me the time. Besides this, Insured Indoor Heated Storage siest way to insure this is to icquire a highway map. Do not For Winter Term your ride's sense of irection. Just because he can phone 337-1239 from 8 - 10 a.m. and 1 - 10 p.m. s not mean he nows enough to point it in the Jhtdirection. After all, it could Iter your vacation plans a bit ride triumphantly ?f in Atlantic City nd you wanted to go to Chicago. A major disadvantage to tchhiking is that police are rely sympathetic to the Welcome... tchhiker's situation and are lite generous with tickets, :lf, ANN ST. ED 2-0871 states impose a jail hepards EAST LANSING 317 E. Grand Hiver Winter Is Here relief from the ordinary. The Olde Wotfld is a relief from the ordinary. Superb' sandwiches: fine wine and imported beers, all in a cas¬ ual E'iropean atmosphere. The Olde World is located in the center of East Lansing on MAC. Look for a dis¬ tinctive red and blue awning. outerwear in the greatest array $25 1 is I I, I uts BI^EAD a tut ALE ® ^ of styles and fabrics VS/ Vf, STOIil OM ) We've got more of everything. Top brands, newer stylings, fabrics. Men's outerwear from such names as McGregor, Windbreaker, Lakeland, Gleneagles, Wool rich. Ringer, \hepc jW$atJls 211 M.A.C. Avenue under the red and East Lansing blue, awning Cresco. Wools, polyester/cottons, cotton corduroys, suedes, leathers, nylons zip-on or stay put linings of quilt or lush pile. There's a casual coat or jacket to suit every man. .. every man's life style in a great lineup of down-to-earth colors. . . with j2fi POWNITOWN EAST LANSING Regulars and longs. 37.50 to$150. Store for Men, Downtown and Meridian Mall. Washington 31, liast urand River Ave. Ask us about free parking in city ramp 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Novcmhe^ ,9 Beck fuses roc Few takers for nickel into a good,unified must all decide/To mend our evil ways/Or let the old ones ride We must make the changes from . . . First his guitar provides a grumbling undertone. Gradually giveaway it takes control of the situation the basic situation." and drowns out the rest of the The sale of the century was on After a three year sabbatical, And the music is alive with at Meridian Mall Tuesday group with a decisive electrical Jeff Beck has finally gotten hope. Beck truly plays this one hum. morning. himself together and recorded a from the heart. His guitar solo "Train, The sign read, "Special Sale! Train," has a well new album. begins with a painful shriek, as conceived, tantalizing Dimes only 5 cents." Whille his last album fulfilled beginning though he is trapped. But he which serves to amplify the Marty Leibowitz, Southfield all the hopes that some freshman, and Elise Deakyne, fights determinedly, as the impact of Beck's guitar later in Yardbirds music and "Led drums Grosse Pointe freshman, portray the agitated the song. The clear, shrill sound were Zeppelin I" had created, his heartbeat. Finally with a last which eventually comes is giving away $4 in dimes and latest effort, "Rough and nickles for their great effort he breaks loose reminiscent of the guitar on Psychology 161 Ready," displays a fusion of (from society) and explodes "Beck's Bolero." project. various hyphenated rock sounds Most people of ecstaticly into freedom. Jeff Beck is one musician who were wary into a unified whole. their sign. Middleton's more contented has managed to remain For instance, instead of hiring fairly solo can only sound anticlimatic. anonymous in the super-hype "Nothing is for free. You have a horn section to produce a Beck to earn everything you get," one displays an unusual world of rock music. Perhaps it "jazz-rock" effect, Beck got concept of the blues on "Rayne is that he is not very woman said. himself a real, pianist. The result prolific. Park Blues." In contrast to many "I thought he was just a is a song like "Got the Feeling." blues musicians who vacillate Nonetheless, whatever he lacks in ambition to exploit flipped-out Jesus freak giving his It begins real funky, but when form the slow and heavy, monetarily, he more than makes money away," Joan Black, East they turn it over to pianist Max O.D.'d on smack, to sexually up for in musical ambition. Lansing resident, said. "That's Middleton it suddenly becomes frenzied, O.D.'ing on speed, On "Truth," he excelled at why I didn't take the nickel." jazz. Middleton's piano work is Beck seems to prefer a more rock and roll and One woman, after receiving blues. impressive throughout the poetic view. "Beck-Ola" was the masterpiece her nickel bought Leibowitz a album, and on this song he "Rayne Park Blues" begins of "heavy music." How, "Rough Hot Sams Pretzel. outplays Beck, who only starts with Beck alone, his guitar and Both students said they to get down as the song fades Ready," is funky, heavy, sounding lonely, wistful. jazzy and bluesy at various enjoyed the morning, though out. Middleton joins the sadness, and times, and in various they were surprised that they "Situation" is one song that slowly begins to find harmony combinations. The result might actually had to talk people into manages to stand out on this with Beck. They get closer and be termed "good music." taking the nickels. album. The lyrics go as follows: closer until, suddenly, euphoria "The time has come/When we is all pervasive. Together they mellow out, seemingly with the reassuring knowledge of happiness. Another high point on the album occurs at the end of "I've Been Used." Here Beck closes Quartet' performance good the song in protest of his lot. Rv By nD. n CPHI FPi (SI. SCHLEGA The quartet is Composed of violinists cello, both professors of music. the last of Beethoven's early In formal expansion from impressionism without its to. Walter Verdehr, asst. The program consisted of a quartets in which he explored to limited motivic material, the professor of music, and Beethoven quartet and a work the fullest the classical quartet coloration. The last movemel technical basis of which is the e Beaumont String Quartet Theodore Johnson, associate by Paul Harder, associate model as developed by Haydn was the most complex tonal tone-row a fine performance Monday professor of music, Lyman professor of music. and Mozart. method which was and full of rhythnl originated by Arnold irregularities la Stravinsky NORTHSIDE in the Music Auditorium. Bodman, viola, and Louis a NOW! Potter, The quartet, No. 6, Op. 18 is Monday night's performance of this quartet was very Schoenberg. Bartok. This quartet wi done nicely. It was well-phrase ai DRIVE-IN THEATRE satisfying. Throughout there was the instruments were NOW! v a nice interchange and balance Actually it was an enjoyable 2 Miles North on US-27.. 482-7409 coordinated and had , among the instruments. The piece of music and recognizable unity. Adagio ma non troppo, the as^such. The first movement was Though string quartets are stj GIANT (4) FEATURE HORRORTHGN second movement, was the best. basically as clear and lucid as esoteric listening for til This movement contained many traditional quartets, but it COME AS LATE AS 10:30 & SEE ALL an general public, Monday! ingenuiously - presented set of had a definite 20th century performance certainly coiril variations on a fairly melodic character. The adagio movement have been enjoyed by mol theme. The movement was had the evocative power of people. especially well-phrased and held together quite nicely, though perhaps the cello could have been stronger in some places. In general this quartet came across very well though in some passages, especially the faster ones, where the ensemble was not completely coordinated. The quartet by Paul Harder, composed in 1959, was an essay ARSON IS SUSPECTED in a Monday night fire at Kellogg! Center in two adjoining conference rooms on the first floor,! according to police. The fire, which caused an estimated $130 in I damage to a chair, table, and teletype machine, was extinguished! by the building manager. Police said they found clear evidence of I arson in the fire, which followed an alleged confrontation I between white and black conference members, after which the| black members walked out of the meeting. ATTEMPTS TO BREAK into a change machiw, a washing! machine, and a dry cleaning machine were reported between 61 p.m. Monday and 5:30 a.m. Tuesday, according tc police. The! vandals were unsuccessful in their attempts to pry loose boxes on the machines in the Cherry Lane laundry, police said. coin| THE COIN BOX on a Yakeley Hall basement ice cream! machine was taken from the machine between midnight Monday! and 5 a.m. Tuesday. Police said the coin box had been pried off! of the machine, and an undetermined amount of money had been| taken. TODAY OPEN at 7:00 P.M. Shows 7:10 9:10 Feature 7:25 • 9:30 - SAT. & SUN. - OPEN at 1:00 P.M. Shows 1:10-3:10-5:15-7:15-9:20 Fbature 1:25 - 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:35 - 9:40 "THE CHRISTIAN UC0RICE STORE" A CINEMA CENTER FIIMS PRESENTATION PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS A FILM BV LEWIS GILBERT // "friends' BEAU BRIDGES'MAUD ADAMS-GIIBERT ROLAND UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM Product end Directed by Scrttnplty by STARTS TODAY EXCLUSIVELY! rw,.,.,, Storv bv MON. NOVEMBER 29 8:15 P.M. LEWIS GILBERT JACK RUSSEIL.A/ERN0N HARRIS LEWIS GILBERT TICKETS AT THE UNION AND AT THE DOOR MSU STUDENTS $1.00 1 FAIRLANE S61 -7300 ir." CINEMA r CINEMA VILLAGE 64? 8888 1 M ELTON JOHN BERNIE TAUPIN .* 476-8800 2 94-1900 355-3361 ■ ?MXl lord Rd I of (tie Maple at CoolidjM' H Aieociete Producer 355-6686 ' Mile b MitfdlfcOfcH n • Mi jU.iJliM GEOFFREY HELMAN TECHNICOLOR" A PARAMOUNT PICTURE Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 24, 1971 1Hours set by ?ct The jfthrough Kfhrieht, Monday ■I bra r i e s Library Undergraduate Library, the assigned reading wjH remain open until 2 through Dec. 3 and Dec. 9. TTiomas asst. director of made the Portraying the from Charity", Cabaret ran Neil first scene Simon's "Sweet are members of the Company. The play Nov. 11, 12, 13 and last SMC assails for Kent State decision high court ^"^continuation Lticc begun of at the end of last a weekend at the Union Ballroom. The play was The Student Mobilization Committee (SMC) issued a permission to begin the trials in a 6-1 vote Friday and disallowed grand jury of Portage County, Ohio should indict the survivors statement Tuesday criticizing Etin. the rest of the directed by Daniel M. the U.S. Supreme Court for its any further delays, though the of the violence at Kent State Eliding, including the Vigliarolo, Livonia decision that 25 people indicted court has not yet disposed of under an unclear 'riot law' while fc flrence and Circulation desks sophomore. in the Kent State University final appeals in a suit challenging the indictments. no mention is made of those (KSU) disorders of May, 1970 uncharged and untried National "hesaid. must stand trial. Guardsmen and state officials uT ,dded through the period In addition, a federal court has responsible for the four deaths," A total of 25 people were ordered expunged as prejudicial the SMC statement read. 'extended hours, no services indicted by the Portage County a grand jury report „l be available other than grand jury, but two of the accompanying the indictments ri reading. defendants are still at large. The statement also called which upon blamed the KSU the Supreme Court to throw out The Supreme Court granted administration and some faculty the indictments, and asked MSU members and absolved the students to send their National Guard in the fatal contributions to the Kent State Connection:' exciting at times shooting of four students. 25 Legal Defense Rind, in care of the SMC office in 320 "It is tragic irony that the Student Services Bldg. By JACK EPPSJR. Later that morning, after strong characterizations are also the film like a falcon looking for State News Reviewer sunrise, he parks his expensive a car almost wipes out a mother Theater, is definitely car and developed. Each of the prey—waiting for the moment he and one of the changes to a beat-up characters, whether policeman child, and I could feel the better action films released this can strike and then moving 6 Despite the fact that the jc story line of "The French little Ford and assumes the role or racketeers, have a familiar of a poor Italian immigrant quality about them. quickly and ruthlessly for his own selfish neurotic motives. impending crash as a subway train races towards the back end Qf another train. year. Its surface depth goes beyond the basic action and entails some ~ .n.i« § ! brilliant. t WINNER OF ft interesting plj uninteresting, the film at wife from his nickel-dime photography, ICon ection" is unimaginative trying to make a living with his They could be people you Being a cop enables him to have passed on the street and release his aggression and push an exciting chase A jines, is very exciting. restaurant. Popeye and Doyle "The French Connection" noticed only momentarily but scene, and some strong The film's director, William stake-out the place and people around. now playing at the Michigan begin to you know you've seen them characterizations. fiiedkin, keeps the audience see his connections with Popeye's character is well big time somewhere before and it bothers contrasted by his quiet partner Evolved with the screen action narcotics dealers. you. p faun r1 ' irough good photography and In this type of film very often Doyle who approaches his job as R MikeNfctoK AnnMaiftti The two strongest characters, a line of work. He is more ZHiVAGO WI •The French Connection" is a exciting action-packed picture, that work as a team. ft "'Carnal Knowledge (Btedit ng. nothing more emerges than an Doyle and Popeye, are two cops attuned to the people he is ' Popeye, in dealing with, lis f Wed: 6:15 8:15 10:10 lie of international intrigue This could be enough to justify f% bout wealthy French racketeers particular, is the type of lawman The problem with setting up Thurs.: 2:15 4:15 6:15 8:15 seeing a film, but in the case of that never ^ Wed: 7:00 muggting dope into this quits playing cops and this type of relationship is that it Lj Thurs.: 3:00 8:30 "The FVench Connection" some robbers. He 5l45. v No Twi Lite Hr. tlj Hie New York City moves throughout can fall into a "Dragnet-type " H Kylice are brought into the partnership, but in the case of y JENNIFER O ™ Teeminglv foolproof deal purely "The French Connection" they fi NEILL C1MRLTOM g Library GARY GRIMES develop it well with two distinct H€STOM TWW k accident. One member of the arcotics division, Popeye, who joys pushing people around, plan personalities emerging. Some of the characters do, * ^ there s a QM€Gh | _s nothing better to do one of duplicate however, fall into a stereotyped image. At times it is obvious that < MAM® ft Ling and tails a big tipper he tots at a local restaurant. While Several thousand library books the film is trying to force an 1 'Summer l« books cover many subject areas, |I image of a police department or and his partner, Doyle spend will be sold to the public frojn night following this suspect, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Dec. 1 including history, literature, i "mister big" from France. foreign languages and fiction, „ _ | Also, Friedkin belabors a point oT42'' tame unexplanable things ippen. The suspect after through 3, Henry Library, associate director of the Koch, copies," featuring sets as well as single {spending Koch said, *ui" 5 shots developing *1 M Wed: 6:15 8:15 10:10 /Thurs. : 2:15 4:15 6:15 Wed: Thurs.; 6:00 8:00 9:55 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 U W tpendiistiurant ng heavily at inthe drives away a announced this week, "As duplicates of those i^e modified Dutch auction. forces the audience to recognize C'lTwiLiteHr 5 30 b ooi M brarcsvmlt a luxury car. already in the MSU Library, the All it and thereby weakens his books will be sold for $1 the first day, 50 cents the second point. / 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 332-6944 Ilions invite band the sale, he stated. Ito play at halftime The sale will be held third floor of the Library. Only books condition will be on Undergraduate the still in good sold, Koch reany most important is that it brought me into the story. I became highly involved in the action and kept anticipating what was going to hanpen next, Open 12:45 OSd VSKI added. Feature 1:15-3:15-5:20-7:25-9:30 b Spartan I squirmed around in the seat — - Marching Band "We «nd quickstep Into thejiational tention Thanksgiving Day. .Td ils b and to the ^IWHERE ARE YOU | For the first time since 1938, public," Bloomquist said. le band will The program will be similar to perform at the that of the MSU-Minnesota game .MERCIAN Ietroit Lions' traditional iliday game. A national levision audience estimated at ■e than 40 million will view halftime show. Featured tunes will include "Close to You," "Rainy Days and Mondays" and ...WE LOOKED EVERYWHERE FOR YOU IN EASY RIDER! "Get It On." IfitSpartan,cowin n Band's performance. Kenneth Bloomquist, director arching band, said all 215 band The Disneyland characters and Winnie-the-Pooli and friends »n ...N-O-W! ...BILLY JACK FIGHTS THE ESTABLISHMENT! embers will travel to Detroit From iq3k1936 to 1938 the MSU M band, then under the direction Iiursday morning and provide legame and of Leonard Falcone, played for halftime itertainment for football fans. every Lions home game. BILLY Bloomquist said the Lions' iinization has asked the band perform many times before, it the band's schedule would Hallow it. | He said the fact that the game nationally stermining >n to perform. televised factor was in the a JACK Aid offere or winter egis trati Students wishing to secure a J°rt term loan for winter 'gistration should file an PPjication and make an ^ointment with a counselor as *>n as possible, according to t* A. Scarlett, asst. Jftor of the Financial Aids 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, No,cmh„,. iM Promise The process began, Rosenberg said, six years ago when he and seen and leukemia and has been tested by laboratories across the on in cancer here to improve and create better compounds for their no separate ways, as there is need for a permanent body drugor organic medicine antibiotics, but have been largely and fighting an associate were using platinum U.S. and in England and cancers, he said. of institute on campus, ignored recently. electrodes to study the effects of Czechoslovakia. Rosenberg commented. The A man who participated in the "In fact, the platinum an electrical field on bacteria Results show that the Rosenberg complimented the University, with its facilities and development of "one of the cultures. The bacteria in the compound we have been using most promising drugs in recent compound had one of the University for its help and resources to draw on, has been a involvement. has been known since 1850," cultures did not divide, but broadest spectrums of action of great help, he said. years for the treatment of Rosenberg said. cancer'' outlined the merely grew larger. any class of antitumor agents "What we had was an interest But it was not the electrical that have been discovered. development and implications of field that caused this as other and excited faculty and the Rosenberg made the point that Of the 140,000 compounds the drug Tuesday. Meanwhile, it was discovered fadism in medicine has been a that the National Cancer Barnett MSU personnel later discovered. that side effects are negligible ability to draw an assemblage of Rosenberg, professor specialists," he said. hinderance to developments such Institute has tested for of biophysics, said the The cause was a compound and reversible while the tumor is history of as the one made here. Metallic antitumor activities in the last the drug demonstrated the formed by platinum ions with destroyed. After work on a specific compounds were once widely 15 years, only about a dozen inadvisability of "fadism" in the bacterial culture medium. Presently the compound is used in medicine before the age have been inorganic, he said. project, the specialists can go medical research while speaking After initial tests against finishing phase one tests with to about 70 University Club tumors in mice, the compound the National Cancer Institute members at their luncheon. was submitted to the National and is being slated for human testing in the next phase. Premarital The drug, a platinum Cancer Institute for screening compound, was developed from and further tests. Since that time it has been found effective Fbr the future of the drug, Rosenberg sees even more se basic, noncancer research at MSU. against a wide range of cancers promise. Preliminary tests show that the compound when used with certain other drugs has a greater effect than the sum of moral act, spe V V WnnlGa the effects of each drug when Premarital sex, in and of itself, to have a working definition of "Prostitution may not live up is a very natural and moral act, morality. to the moral ideals of society," an asst. professor of philosophy He explained that a necessary Benjamin said. "Yet, luimtttflwiiMtult ~T " + WHIP" said condition of immorality is that prostitution certainly cannot be Monday night. Martin Benjamin, speaking on the act must not violate the called immoral. Possibly a better "Sexual Morality" as part of autonomy of another person or description would be Akers Hall interfere with his best interests. Sexuality imprudent." Symposium, said that before "Robinson Crusoe acting alone someone can view sex as either on an island," Benjamin said, Benjamin said individuals can moral or immoral, it is essential ^"can be neither moral nor gain enrichment and fulfillment immoral." By virtue of being from mutually engaged sexual IRANIAN FAMILY OF RUG WEAVERS alone he is merely nonmoral, because he cannot interfere with acts, but sexual self-gratification Thanlisgiring dvcor PRESENTS AN EXHIBITION AND WITHOUT RESERVE at the expense of hurt or deceit Seasonal decorations such as this Indian corn, remind ui the autonomy and well being of to the partner, is immoral. that there is more to the festive holidays than just fun. PUBLIC AUCTION another, he said. Benjamin implied that an State News photo by John Dickson I of over 200 pieces of old and new handmade Oriental individual is only responsible to society for acts that affect PERSIAN others. ^ ✓ — //i \V\ '—.—" >— Applying his definition of RUGS morality to sex, Benjamin said sex is, in and of itself, morally neutral. Capita 1/Capsu 1 es '(I J U ) I )\ THE MICHIGAN HOUSE of traffic in Fornication, masturbation, narcotics and other GOV. MILLIKEN Moni oral sex, prostitution, sodomy Representatives voted Monday dangerous drugs. signed into law a bill which! to approve a wide-range erosion "This agreement stresses the permit a tax and homosexuality are, in and of control bill designed to curb control of drugs before they political contributions of ui deduction! themselves, morally neutral acts, Benjamin said. But each of abusive land uses and preserve reach illegal channels," Milliken $50. these acts can be engaged in in the state's water resources. said. "I am convinced that this The new law, scheduled! The House sent to the Senate an immoral way if they are the proposal which would approach will do more to reduce take effect Jan. 1, 1972, wof combined with brutality, drug abuse than our past mean a maximum tax s; cheating, lying or deceit, he said. permit the state Water Resources attempts to arrest and prosecute $1.95 for a $50 contribution! Commission to write new rules individual abusers of dangerous SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2 PM Premarital sex can be immoral governing a broad range of "land drugs." THE AGRICULTUlJ if it is predicated on deceit; yet, use" or "earth change". COMMITTEE of the Michl FREE EXHIBITION FROM 12 NOON by itself, it is not a sexually Democratic Party Tuea According to the bill, housing -4 REP. JACKIE VAUGHN III, Lovely for the home or office to include: Imperial Crown immoral act. development, highway building, D-Detroit, Tuesday met with mounted an all-out offeifl Kerm|ns, RjOyal Crown Kashan, Partsilk Quao, Tgbris, Benjamin said people often sewers, ^taggiog, mining and Gov. Milliken ^o request against the appointment of! executive order ending the Butz as secretary of agricuM fsahaa, Baluch and Bokhara. agriO£R)re fould all be subject to PERSIAN BAZAAR, 191 N. Marion St., Oak Park, 111. confuse aesthetic moral ideals restrictlonran. 1,1973. censorship of prisoners' mail in "President Nixon's cl f with immorality. That is, society * # * Michigan's penal institutions. Butz is like naming Jack! at the HOLIDAY INN may view an act that is very GOV. MILLIKEN TUESDAY Vaughn also asked the Ripper dean of Vassar," !T to name an Katz, secretary of the Demoil distasteful and label it immoral, signed a statement along with governor 3121 E. GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING he said. state and federal officials ombudsman at each prison, who farm committee said. agreeing to a program fining would attempt u .esolvi prison state and federal roles in the conflicts and problems. The qualifications but he'sl fight to control the legitimate ombudsman would report morally or practically quail drugs and to suppress illicit drug for the job. I don't know h< directly to the governor. man who holds more I You'll be ready 20% DISCOUNT ON SI00,000 in agrobusiness si can be expected to represent! interests of dirt farmers wh™ TYPEWRITER REPAIRS getting a pitiful 95 bushel for corn," I'' 1 * for a change FOR MSU STUDENTS GOV. M . L LIKEN appealed to President NixoB I take immediate action r FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY preventing a Minnesota mil company from dumping it filings in Lake Superior. I Milliken recommended! AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES on-lar&l disposal solution toT 1477 Haslett Road, Haslett dumping problem caused byfl Reserve Mining Co. of S" Bay, Minn. Timex faces Christmas with new faces What better gift than one of these J27 After three days of turkey you'll be ready for our fresh Maine newly-designed Timexes, styled Madman across lobster, lobster tails or delicious steaks. with color and flair? the water REGULAR 4.62 So when your parents bring you back set your sails for fine dining Or, if you prefer more familiar faces, at the Starboard Tack. Mickey Mouse© and his friends are still here. Proof that times may change, but Christmas never does. SALAD BAR SPIRITS Z41£S My, how you've changed WINES STARBOARD Minnie Mouse© T-mex Mickey Mouse© Titnex Your Choice $-1 7* XACf( Charge it! Zales Custom Or use your Charge • Zales Revolving Charge Master Charge or BankAmericard. Layaway now for Christmas. Elegant Gift Wrap At No Charge Serving from ll:oo a.m.-12 p.m. 1110 Trowbridge Road 318 S. Washington 351-8720 (acrou from FREE SPIKJT) and Lansing Mall Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 24, 1971 Pentagon plans action against 5 officers II. WASHINGTON .--on (AP) confirmed Tuesday The were killed and 76 wounded the surprise assault in I identify them or discuss details, Baldwin . — a procedure which evidence that could change the responsible for "failure to insure and enlisted men claimed the ons or reprimands are Spokesman" Jerrv sources said the five include William C. Westmoreland, Army _ w Maj. usually forecloses any further secretary's mind regarding the that adequate defense measures bases's defenses were lax and the Gen. James L. Kinned for five high-ranking Friedheim acknowledged only Baldwin, former promotions. punishment, which does not were taken" around the hilltop troops were not prepared for an chief of staff, following officers 88 a re8U,t of the that commander of the Americal "liters of intent to tZ Division. The others, including two require trial by court martial. outpost. Similar complaints are enemy assault. investigations. body North Vietnamese attack administrative action" were sent colonels, a lieutenant«>lonel and a The sources said a lengthy lodged against the other four, FVoehIke's action is based on The sources said Westmoreland Cu!s. Fire Base »•>■;nxr Mary mmAnn .uv -three Americans last io to uve five individuals Nov 8 It was learned that Secretary major, face either reprimand, investigation of the March 28 one of whom also is accused of the recommendation of Gen. recommended that Baldwin be B^ch. Thirty-three Americans Though Friedheim refi refu TOP FROST FROZEN _ _ I MAIL TO: SPE-D-PICS • Box 299 • "l? — 127 — Cincinnati, Ohio 45214 • 120 — 620 Dopl. MS • WHIPPEO TOPPING PET RITZ FROZEN MINCE OR a Hobie is a u/hole meal. PUMPKIN PIESI8C 29 oz. wt. can sweetPOTATOES 3/874 |T5 save 29< s 29 10 ^ save 10° toward fh* purchat* of: |i " co pillsbury b iMWWll, cake mixes 4/951 B il°* ken-l-ration | PFEIFFER ROQUEFORT RED WINE & VINEGAR OR "ON CHUNKY CHEESE | oz wt box Expires Sat. Nov. 27, 1971. WITH | ! dog food • 10c OFF! i DRESSING incncc With 11 COUPON I I Expires Sat. Nov. 27, 1971 WITH COUPON I I Expires Sat. Nov. 27, 1971. |U UI I IN & CARRYOUT cm Meijer THRIFTY ACRES HIGH Meijer THRIFTY ACRES iHGD Meijer THRIFTY ACRES I 93°Trqwbri 351-3800 HoWe's 5125 W. SAGINAW SHOP MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER Monday thru Saturday • 9 AM to 10PM - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA Sunday -10 AM to 7 PM 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 2< 24, 197| SPORTS MSU-M clash to pit Gagnons RICK OOSSELIN m By CRAIG REMSRURG State News Sports Writer wins and one tie in 104 contests. A second rivalry, though on same team as Bernie, but has It's a special thrill for Gllles to the start of the game, both been an opponent of his play against Bernie and the were bomed 8-1 and 7-2, to even Hockey a winner much snaller scale, concerns the players will meet at center ice their record at 2-2. cousin's in one way or another, entire Michigan squad. and exchange greetings. Other key players on the When the MSU hockey team play of Spartan center Gilles for about ten years now. "I really get excited when we "We'll needle each other a Michigan squad include goalie if given a chance takes to the ice against the Gagnon and his cousin, Bernie "We are good friends off the play them," Gilles said '"Hie little and talk about hockey and Karl Bagnell. defenseman Brian University of Michigan Gagnon, who is currently ice but on the ice he's blue and It's about time the MSU Board of Trustees Wolverines in a home-and-home performing for the Wolverines, game means a lot to many our teams," Gilles said. "But Skinner, and freshmen forwards reali/rH n. . gold and I'm green and white," people and when we beat that's about all." Gary Kardos and Pat Donnelly, the sport of hockey is a potential financ ial series this weekend,not one, but Gilles is smaller, at 5-5 and bread winn. he said, referring to their At Its last meeting, the board OKd two rivalries will be resumed. 145 poinds, compared to uniforms. "He knows 1 hate Michigan, it makes you feel Bernie will try to get his team the last two former Detroit plans for a "' • arena. And from one who knows-it The one most important is the Bernie's 5-9, 175 pound frame, good. 1 want to beat them bad " back on the right track after a Junior Wing standouts. was long overdue "* Michigan and he doesn't like Just before the Friday disastrous series with Wisconsin The Friday contest at I covered hockey last season and sat in the or.** traditional competitive struggle and doesn't possess as hard a k MSU." between the two Big Ten shot as his cousin. warm-up session begins c— • prior to last weekend. The Wolverines Demonstration Hall is slated to bej[jn at 7.30a.m. Both teams (which is a bench along the first row of center ice). The press box should uppe? ' schools. Spartan hockey teams In the past two years, Bernie best view of by all rights provid?,., press box atVm inf then go to Ann Arbor for the the game. But not the through the years have only has captured scoring honors, in series wrap-up Saturday night, Even those seats of the restricted been able to come up with 33 total points, between the two, with the game scheduled to get that select bench is were view variety T li being credited with 81 points, under way at 8 p.m. in the house! supposedly the best seating in m!lfte on 44 goals and 37 assists, to Bucs'skipper Gilles' 75, 41 goals and 34 assists. Michigan Coliseum. One casualty for the Spartans in the 3-2 and 1-3 series split Dem Hall stands far and away as the the country. It is an insult to worst ice Dala... players and fans alike to £ 1 seen in that arena on calls it quits But Spartan coach Amo ^ with Minnesota last week throughout the Friday and Saturday nieht! 1, ! Bessone is happy to have Gilles was season. But that insult is soon Don St. Jean, who broke his terminated. w PITTSBURGH on his team rather than Bernie (UPI)-Danny nose and received a cut good for The new rink is expected to be Murtaugh, who twice has for a couple of reasons. 17 stitches. The senior left wing ready for the 1973 74 "Bernie is the best hockey hockey season. It will cost $4.5 million and will seat (i managed the Pittsburgh Pirates suffered the injury when a (which in my estimation is a mistake because in ten v'M« 000 to World Series victories, player they have, is bigger and Gopher defenseman rammed his they'll just have to expand it). announced his retirement today has a harder shot than Gilles," head into a metal bolt and plate But the new rink is a start. and batting coach Bill Virdon he said. "But Gilles is a better behind the net. St. Jean is MSU has one of the largest athletic was named to succeed him. team player, checker and skater. departments in the expected to play against the country and ranks up near the top ten in the Virdon, 40, played centerfield I would rather have Gilles on my Wolverines, however. number of intercollegiate sports it offers to its students. There are on Murtaugh's first world team." Don Thompson leads all 14 championship team in I960. Gilles has never played on the Spartan scorers in the statistics released yesterday, to no one's surprise. The ail-American center has seven goals and three assists in the first four games played. Right wing Mark Calder is second in points with five, on Gagnon (10) in four goals and one assist, while Michel Chaurest, Gagnon, Norm Barnes and Bob Boyd are all tied with four points apiece. MCCC 104 Goaltender Jim Watt has made saves in four games and has tMUT 250 During the weekend of Dec. Macomb County Community J4. Amo lirssonr College won the Michigan 1971 8 bl* fnes at Madison. The Thanksgiving Day collegiate team karate championships held at MSU last blowing four games after he Wisconsin set, will pit the sports of varsity acclaim on this campus. They primarily supported through the football team. The new are all weekend Spartans against national SPECIAL DINNER MCCC took top honors with powerhouse Denver, with two hockey rink will allow the hockey team to claim a number two seating financially, and will relieve at least some of the soup or juice 42 points, while the Spartan at home and two ,n burden the football team must tow. karate club team was second Denver. Not only that, it will undoubtedly be a benefit to roast turkey • dressing or gravy 36 hockey with points, Western But the task at hand for the recruiting on this campus. There's no way it can't be vegetables and whipped potatoes Michigan was third, and the MSU skaters is the two games Gilles Gagnon will attest to that. When Gagnon was bread and butter University of Michigan last. with Michigan. A sweep over the recruited by Coach Amo Bessone to play Donna Valerie and Jackie hockey at MSU, coffee or tea Wolverines would increase the he was given a tour of the campus and saw everything. Happy Thanksgiving ice cream or sherbet Adler of the U-M squad placed first and second in the women's Spartans' overall record to 5-1, 34 jn both WCHA and Big Ten Everything that is except the rink. "When I came here to visit they showed me the dorms, all individual championships. from Mona and the staff at ALL FOR action. the grills and the classrooms," Gagnon said, "but no rink." ONLY $295 This borders the ridiculous side because a person is 'We Card Shop recruited to perform as a hockey player and isn't even shown the building he will spend most of his four years at 7 MSU In. ;m" . 309 E. Grand River 332-6763 Days a Week "We've lost quite a few players through the years because of our present rink," MSU hockey Coach Amo Bessone O 1971 Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co., Milwaukee and other great cities. said. "A young player this year was either going to play at MSU or Michigan Tech. He saw Tech's new arena and SAGITTARIUS, decided to go there." NOV. 23-DEC. 21 But back to the financial side, the hockey team should provide immediate dividends. Hockey has grown that much in popularity. Look at Kent State. That Ohio school built a posh, new hockey rink and it doesn't even have an intercollegiate team yet! Kent expects to ice a team next season. Kent realizes what a successful hockey team can mean to an athletic program and built the new rink-through student funds -for the financial benefits to be derived in future years. Michigan Tech just recently built a new rink. 1 ech funded the rink through student funds. And all yo 1 people who feel you're being forced to fund the rink with your meager $6 a year starting the next time you buy football tickets (and you're not even obliged to buy tickets), listen to this. The Tech students voted to assess themselves a tax of $14 per student, per term until the rink is paid off. It is worthwhile to point out that Tech has only 5,000 students as opposed to the 40,000—plus on the MSU campus. If you want to go first class in anything, you've got to spend money. The hockey program is going first class. Wisconsin thinks so highly of its hockey program that it rents a public rink (Dane County Memorial Coliseum) to play its home games in. The downtown Madison rink provides spectators with comfortable seating and an enjoyable atmosphere. All ticket prices—including those for students-range from $1 to $3. And it goes without saying that Wisconsin has led the nation in attendance in two of the past three seasons. If the rink is there the fans will soon follow. The rink will soon be there. - pyi ROUTE OF THE CHIEFTANS Want to experience the pleasure of really fine dining without the crush and coldness of today's chain-store Indian Trails facilities? Then come a little out of the way to Bill's Has (7) Buses Every Day restaurant and Bar, Lansing's best-known unknown. Bill's friendly family atmosphere and fine food have for over fifty years established a reputation among area diners. Now to Chicago and intermediate stops at: A Sagitlarian likes to Bill's wants YOU to experience the pleasure of good food BATTLE CREEK and KALAMAZOO with buses departing served amidst pleasant surroundings and invites you to try share his experiences. the Olde Towne New England Clambake - Lansing's oldest. at these respective times Towards BENTON HAfcBOR SOUTH BEND Enjoy the tempting taste of sea-fresh cherry- stone clams Even his Schlitz Malt Liquor. nestled amongst succulent shrimp heaped in wire basket Leaving East Lansing 8:45a.m. 2:15 p.m. 6:55 11:15a.m. along with your own whole, pound • and - a - quarter 6:15 p.m. 5:15 pm. Sagittarians are good-vibes people. And Schlitz Malt Liquor goes lobster, steamed live on the premises as you order and 11:35 p.m. down well with Sagittarians. Because Schlitz Malt served up with ample drawn butter, fresh stalk- ripened is Taurus, the Bull. Known for its Liquor Buses Departing for dependable good corn, toasty corn muffins and a crisp Bill's tossed salad. All taste, and sociability. People under a your sign love freedom and like to take on a challenge Taking risk doesn't bother you. You're independent and spirited. You say for only $6.50. So come a little out of the way and get acquainted with the best-known unknown place to eat in Flint whatever you think, and sometimes you can be with Bay City and Saginaw Connections pretty blunt. town. Despite the fact that you're plain spoken, people like you because you're Leave 9:15 am 5:30 pm gifted with bright optimism and an uncanny intuition. And there's nothina East Lansing 12:50 p.m. 7;40 pm BILL'S , you like better than sharing your ideas with friends. Your ruling planet, Jupiter, gives you a lively, almost »t: 2:40 pm 9:30 pm Sundays only in compulsive interest Phone East Lansing Bus Terminal people. And people sharing good times is what Schlitz Malt Liquor is all about. You always introduce your friends to the Bull, because he's for arrival and departure schedules got the stuff you admire. Sagittarius and the Bull-you're both brave and information bold, and proud. RESTAURANT S BAR 3322569 Nobody mokes molt liquor like Schlitz. Nobody. Air Conditoned — Rest Room 718 E.GRAND RIVER Deluxe Coaches Available For Charter PHONE IV 2-6100 Write or Call Owosso, Mich, toll FREE 800 - 292-3831 ' Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 24, 1971 Eric fulfills prediction More than three years ago 'S' cagers upend frosh By MIKE ABERLICH .-ioartan Coach Duffy State News Sports Writer 88-62, although a number of where the Kilgore-Hairston finding out he was the halftime got in foul trouble, as the big 6-8 I Daugherty said that MSU had matchups kept the more than matchup left off, as both twisted attraction for the spectators, the junior had to try to cover the I. young prospect in Eric 3,000 onlookers amused. through the opposing defenses youngster gave up the ball and spidery Hairston, who kept the I Alien.who would become the TTiere were plenty of showmen 6-8 junior Bill Kilgore met on drive after drive. ran to his father. frosh in the game in the first half I Spartans' best open field present for the annual with noted freshman Lindsay Although a halftime show The varsity broke it open at before tiring, as there was no I ninncr since Sherman Lewis. varsity-frosh scrimmage Tuesday Hairston for the first time, and wasn't scheduled in the night's the halfway mark of the first suitable backup man for the I Allen, a little 5-9, night at Jenison Field house, and the two big men were both agenda, one pint-sized fan half with four quick baskets by Detroit Kettering former star. 1165-pound halfback from not all of them were on the caught goaltending a number of followed the example set by the four different players. Rivers is the only other frosh I Georgetown, S.C., played his court. times while trying to choke off players and tried his hand on the Brian Breslin drove through player who measured over 6-3 I final collegiate game for MSU The Spartan varsity taught the the other. Guards Mike court, only to give up when he the frosh defense for two, Ron Ilast week and in his frosh a lesson in fast breaking as Robinson of the varsity and Pete found he couldn't get the ball Gutowski popped in a 10-yarder Without Kilgore (who was in I three-year career has made they outran the cage freshmen, Davis of the frosh took over even close to the basket. After and Mike Robinson added a constant foul trouble) and J Daugherty's prediction I golden. twisting drive good for another Hairston, who fouled out with 5:55 remaining, however, the pair before Lindsay Hairston was I Seventeen records were set caught goaltending, giving the play under the basket was |or tied by the fleet-footed NAMED NCAA PRESIDENT varsity a 21-10 advantage. anybody's action, with even the I "Flea" even though he missed Before that, things were kept 5-11 Robinson pulling down I four games because of injuries close thanks to Hairston's plenty of rebounds. |I in |iso his sophomore year. He did not see much running I action in the first four games Harriers 13th scoring and the rebounding efforts of Lovelle Rivers. Pete Davis laid one in off the boards Robinson played most of the contest while leading all scorers with 26 points, but his ■ last season when he was a to untrack the freshman with an playmaking abilities were even I flanker. I Allen was a unanimous ■ choice for the all-Big Ten Erie the Flea but Gibbord early lead. Hairston converted both halves of a foul try to make it 4-1 but a more important to Coach Gus Ganakas, who is looking for that leader at guard to replace the ■ team. Coaches around the By GARY KORRECK In addition to Gibbard's Breslin two-pointer along with a void made when Rudy Benjamin (conference continually State News Sports Writer election, the association moved bucket by Kilgore put the graduated. I praised Allen, and Daugherty to set up qualifying rounds, in varsity five ahead to stay. Allen Ganakas hopes to get that I admitted that he ran out of MSU's harriers finished 13th in *he 5orm °[ djstrict competition, Smith led the varsity first half leadership from either Robinson ■ superlatives for describing barrage with 10 points to send Gary Ganakas, who ended I Allen's ability. the NCAA meet Monday but for teams before they can run in the varsity out to a 41-22 lead. or with four points while Jim Gibbard took home a title , "®tlonal meet- Smith in after Kilgore playing a anyway as he was named * wer® hoping that came good defensive game. ALLEN'S RECORDS president of the NCAA Cross . . , Ration would have prevented Country Coaches Assn. some of these schools who NCAA Single game rushing, 350 yards, vs. Purdue, 1971 The Spartans, who had been Prol>ably didn't belong here Single game all-purpose running, 397 vs. Purdue, 1971 given a good chance for the top bo™ f"'1* m• said Gibbard. ten, never really got out of the Gibbard explained that a 400 plus maze ot runners and number of schools from the Single game rushing, 350 yards, vs. Purdue were, according to Gibbard, Tennessee area, the meet was Ma ' " Season rushing. Big Ten games, 1,283 yards, 1971 "pretty far back all the way." held in Kn°xville, came just Season total points, Big Ten games, 110, 1971 (first to "We didn't completely bomb bfcause 'their coaches wanted break 100 point barrier) out," said Gibbard. "We beat them to be there.' Season touchdowns scored. Big Ten games, 18 everybody in the Big Ten, and . her® were a lot of schools everybody from Michigan." her® who weJre last in their Career rushing, 2,654 Gibbard attributed the lower conferences and they only got in yards MSI Career rushing than expected finish to the large , , ' attmepts, 520 number of participants in the Gibbard also pointed out that Season rushing 1,494 the top 15 NCAA college n,^ TUES-WED-FRI EVENINGS (6-9 pm) Season rushing attempts, 258 According to Gibbard, the d'v«sion runners were allowed to Season total points, 110 Spartans were placed in the enter the field and he areued ,1 We will inspect such items as Season touchdowns scored, 18 middle of the field at the start of that "theV have their own meet and overall performance while tires, brakes, exhaust, lights % to you wait. We'll have Single game rushing, 350 yards vs. Purdue the race and were trapped there in;' :* refreshments for you and our new 1972 cars on display. after the race began. With the new district setup, Single game total offense, 350 yards vs. Purdue "A lot of teams got in the on,y the toP from each of Career total offense, 2,654 yards way," he explained. "We the eight districts will be allowed AN APPOINTMENT WILL BE NECESSARY couldn't get out of the middle. to compete in the nationals. ALLEN ALSO ALL-BIG TEN "It was disappointing to the Gibbard's Spartans are in an PLEASE PHONE 482-6226 team and to me," he said, "but area 'Deluding 34 schools and I Spartans were named Tuesday to the Taylor and defensive end Mike Keller. out of 92 teams, I don't think four conferences, from which (Associated Press All-Big Ten team. Eric Allen and Northwestern aces selected to the first team 13th was that bad." five teams wil1 qualify to I VanPelt were unanimous selections and included iRon Curl and Joe DeLamielleure were also first safety Eric Hutchinson, end Barry One of the major compete in the finals, Pearson, quarterback Maurie Daigneau, and disappointmets must have*oomV pfrSU is hoping to land the site I team picks. offensive lineman Tom McCrieght. to Ken Popejoy, who missed for the first strict runoff with iHHt) imOU Ohio State earned three positions, Minnesota making the top 25, and Indiana also placing a bid. J■ unanimous University of Michigan had three of six* had two and one each went to Purdue, Iowa, all-America status, after he'd Gibbard said that he expects Glenn Herriman choices, including offensive guard Illinois and Wisconsin. ■ Reggie McKenzie, linebacker Mike Taylor and The Buckeyes picks were center Tom DeLeone, made it last year "He just didn't run as well as his position as president of the association to hold some weight 6135 W. Volkswagen, Inc. ■ defensive back Tom Darden. Other Wolverines defensive tackle he would have liked," said "> the final voting. Saginaw — Lansing — 482-6226 George Hasenhorhl and ■ honored on the first unit were halfback Billy linebacker Stan White. Gibbard, "but there were so many runners there it was hard to break away." Sailing club invited Why stay home . . |o Sugar Bowl race I The when then* (ire round-trip learn MSU sailing club's racing has been invited to "Chuck and I we can can do it, if get there. Our money only youth fares * like these! ■ompete in the Sugar Bowl situation is bad. We're not going Detroit Rome ^ents held annually at Tulane - $259 to accept until we're sure we Iniversitv over the Christmas have a way down and money to Detroit - London This is the second time $252 cover expenses. It costs money Wit the Spartans have been to travel to all the necessary Detroit - Paris $262 ^iivited by Tulane on the regatta to be considered by the commendation of the midwest selection committee. Detroit - Amsterdam $262 ia Mid-America representative. "Without outside help, we I'This is the toughest regatta won't be able to accept the Detroit - Copenhagen $272 Pyear," remarked all-American Invitation, and without the Detroit - Frankfurt $272 7>uck White, "at other national Sugar Bowl we can forget about Peets the teams national ranking." must go Detroit - Luxembourg $248.32 I™ugh eliminations, and Davis also mentioned the next team in line to represent the jMsequently, r hot' a lesser team can Midwest would be the University *Ages 12 - 25 inclusive or luck into qualifying. of Michigan. ■Jti must be chosen to go to the TfwBowl, first See us for details by your district f'he best, and then by the ~TV RENTALS rj~no luck—just ability and p'ormance." J?re shooting for number college travel *'n the 130W.Grand River nation," said Dick NEJAC TV RENTALS r®' Spartan team captain. 337-1300 351-6010 SH0PPIN6 CENTER East Grand River and Marsh Road QUICKSILVER. A New Album on Capitol Meridian Mall QU/CKSIL VER and all CAPITOL RECORDS are available at. has a Santa for you! The Disc Friday, November 26 at 2:00 PM, Santa will 323 EAST GRAND RIVER AVE. Shop EAST LANSING arrive at Meridian Mall! Lolly, the magic clown, will make him appear by magic! There'll be a Santa Train and other rides for the children! Music Co. A Santa photographer! And Santa will pay serious attention to every Christmas wish... everyday til Christmas Eve! all day, Vk ________ 402 S. Washington, Lansing 245 Ann St. E. Lansing [| Customer Parking 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. Nov-i- - , A HAPPY Automotive FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil Frank For Rent For Rent GET Action WITH A The State News does For H ent not permit racial or Want Ad OLDSMOBILE "88" 1963. Good TV AND Stereo rental, satisfaction HARRISON ROAD across from ONE BEDROOM religious discrimination condition, 4 door, power, $125. guaranteed. Free delivery, service Cherry Lane Apartments. Large, apartment. $160 tnon,. „ in its advertising 487-3751 * AUTOMOTIVE columns. The State 8-5 after 5:30 p.m. p.m., 3-11-29 882-7793 and pick up. No desposit. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C furnished, 2 bedroom apartment available December 15. 332-4426. 351-1580. December 1«^Jj <] News will not 9 11 30 DUPLEX, OWN Scooters & Cycles accept OLDS CUTLASS Supreme 1970. All Ma,u,e TV RENTALS - Students only. Low woman, share expenses Auto Parts & Service advertising which power, air, stereo, 30 options. List c«iJ discriminates against $4500, balance $2700, take over monthly 351-7900. and term rates. UNIVERSITY Call ONE MAN for large, quiet, 2 man close. 332-8476 11124 ^ Aviation TV apartment. Available December religion, race, sex, color or payments, phone 48 5-4298. RENTALS. C ONE MAN to » EMPLOYMENT 5-12-1 1st, 351-0242 evenings. 7-11-30 sublet vvinter national origin. Twyckingham. $70 * FOR RENT ONLY $9.00/ month. Free deliveries. 332-3939. / ^"1 1 1 24 OPEL KADETTE 1968. Apartments Good SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV MARRIED STUDENTS condition, low mileage, RENTAL. 372-4948. O ROOMY 4 Houses economical transportation. & FACULTY campus. - man available"^ Rooms Automotive 337-7482. 5 11-24 Parking Red deposit. 337-0468. 6-12-3 * FOR SALE 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. CHEVY VAN 1961 Rebuilt engine, OPEL 1900, 1969 Sharp, radio, low Apartment$ some with study Animals GIRL SUBLET winter and" new starter, regulator, tune - up. mileage, make offer. 355-7847. Mobile Homes 3-11 -29 spring, bus. Beech* Best offer. 351-8328. 2-11-24 Apartments. 332-0178. Mi. *Lost & Found .PERSONAL CHRYSLER Power steering, NEWPORT 1968 brakes, automatic 1970 GREEN 1900 Opel automatic. Call 353-8064 or 353-8164. 2 MAN, one bedroom, next to from M45 per mo. FRANDOR NEAR BEDROd » PEANUTS PERSONAL 3-11-24 FURNISHED, carpeted, transmission, exellent condition. Brody. Winter. Spring. 351-5059. UNFURNISHED month plus electric Lai ► REAL ESTATE 484-5938. 5-12-1 3-11 24 PEUGEOT 1963, Rebuilt, must sell, facilities. No Pets. Crafts ► RECREATION children welcome roc CORVAIR best offer. 32 mpg. 332-8940. basement. Phone Westp CONVERTIBLE 1963. ► SERVICE Automatic, $150. Call 2-11-24 please, no pets 1-587-6680.3 11-30 Bill, Typing Service 353-5420 after 7 p.m. 3-11-30 COUPLE, ONE bedroom turn TRANSPORTATION WANTED CORVETTE 1966, 2 tops, Radials PINTO 1972. 2000 engine, discs, tires, etc. Like new, only $1895. 339-2625. 2-11-24 KNOB HILL utilities included. $135 | 349-4071,349-3084. 6 12 3 ] plus snow tires, low mileage. P.M. DEADLINE 641-4493. 2-11-24 THUNDERBIRD 1966. Full power, 'Kzem STi/D£N15-fiRST QOOK ^ RIGHT FURNISHED, INCLUDES all utilities, plus parking, across from APARTMENTS Houses one class day before CUTLASS SUPREME convertible, excellent condition, new tires, campus. 351-1176. 8-12-3 349 4700 publication. 1969, low mileage, good loaded. 332-8556. 5-11-24 #&/< MILE NORTH Must sell. Call 355-9540 days or 669-9776. 2-11-29 ONE GIRL for four girl, sublet PHONE 393-4854 evenings. 2-11-24 winter and spring. $55. Close to OF JOLLY RD. ON FARMHOUSE, 30 acres, KING'S FOREIGN CAR SERVICE. persons needed for 3 ma 355-8255 VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK. 1970 KAWASAKI Trail 90, top campus. 351-1099. 7-12-2 OKEMPS ROAD 1966. Body and Mechanically Repair and service on Volkswagen, month, utilities, Call 663-3 FORD THUNDERBIRD, 1967. shape, $285. Also, 3 hp. electric RATES 1 0 wore 1 minimum good, must sell. 351-6995. start Pathfinder, all terrain vehicle, Triumph, MG and most other GIRL NEEDED IMMEDIATELY for after 6 p.m. 3-11-25 Loaded! Sharp condition. New ONE GIRL for Campus Hill 3-11-24 like new, $385. Phone 349-9570 foreign makes. 320 South Charles, 4 man. Cedar Village. Call No. DAYS brakes, shocks, alternator, battery, Apartment. Winter - spring, just off East Kalamazoo. Phone 351 4509. 5-11-24 GIRLS: ULREY COOP. S2artnient, 3.11-24 across fr«m campus. Reasonable. Ifi'tfCbRY 1206 E. Oakland 484-4411 347 St udent Servlc:es Bldg. MONTfcREY 1966. 332-6495; (3-11-24 332-6730.2-11-24 FRANDOR, NEAR- furnished, I Automatic, power steering, good VOLKSWAGEN BUS, 1964. 1971 MASON BODY SHOP, bedroom Duolex. $220 a m 812 East All student ads must be rubber, 4 door, automatic rear 1600 motor, radio, heater, good HELPI DECEMBER graduate needs APARTMENTS AVAILABLE for December 15, occupan Kalamazoo Street . . . Since 1940. window, new battery, snow tires. tires, fair body. $695. 371-3166. LEARN TO girl to sublease till June. December occupancy. Furnished, 351-9080. 5-12-1 prepaid 115,000 miles. $275. Telephone FLYI Complete flight' Complete auto painting ano 2-11-24 training. All courses 351-0399. 3-11-24 University Terrace, across from are collision service. IV 5-0256. C The State News will 351-3823 evenings. S Williams Hall. Roommate service. GIRL TO SHARE house be government and VA certified. responsible only for the VOLKSWAGEN VAN, low mileage, FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport GIRL TO sublet winter and Phone HALSTEAD own room, $60 / month. | first day's incorrect MUSTANG 1965, convertible GT, very good endition. Can be seen at Road. Call 484-1324. C Employment spring, new apartment across from MANAGEMENT, 351-7910 or 371-4353. 2-11-24 must sell, best offer. Call University Big Boy, Trowbridge Varsity. 351-2165. 5-11-30 Manager, 332-1822. 8-12-3 insertion. 351-3985. 2-11-24 Road. 351-5132. 3-11-24 Auto Service & Parts STUDENT EMPLOYMENT, 12-20 MUSTANG 1965., 6, stick, good VOLKSWAGEN 1969. Rebuilt PAIR SEARS studded hours necessary. per week, 351-5800, 8-5:30 automobile 1 Large GIRL term. NEEDED Own snow tires, p.m. mechanical condition, rusted, Automotive engine, new tires, great shape! 7.75 x 14. Excellent condition 0-3-11-24 351-0356. 2-11-24 SENIOR OR graduate studeni $300. 625-3654. 3-11-29 $1500. Call 353-2084. 7-11-30 $50. 355-5669. 5-12-1 4-man share house, private room, I WANTED: PERSONS 18-25 for campus, available nc ASTRO 1962, 39-1 Oldsmobile. TWO GIRLS winter spring. Pool, NOVA-II 1967. V-8, dual pipes, apartment - 10,000 miles. 4 speed VW CAMPERVAN 1965. Factory 'W - GUARANTEED repair. promotional advertising. Ability laundry, campus bus. $52.50. References, IV2-8932. 3-11-241 excellent exterior and interior, RANDY'S dictates earnings. An equal rebuilt motor. Very good MOBIL. I-96 at positraction, many accessories. plus all new tires, best offer. 351-0721. 5-12-2 Ver light, very fast. Must sacrifice, condition. With large luggage rack. Okemos Road. 349-9620. C opportunity employer. Call Phone 655-3725 after 3 p.m. 882-8676.3-11- 29 37 1-3280 between 9-1 for Rooms $800. 5-12-1 339-8588 after 5 p.m. 5-11-24 TIM'S AUTO REPAIR- 5011 interview appointment. 10-11-26 CLOSE TO _ Pleasant Grove Rd., Lansing. VW 1966, excellent condition, new CAMARO Excellent 1968. 327, 3 condition. Call Steve speed. OLDSMOBILE F-85 station wagon 1964, automatic, no rust, original brakes, generator, battery, ball 393-4085. Major and minor tune Minor - DENTAL ASSISTANT CAMPUS BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT - one LIVE CHEAPL t in a Spartan Hall, men ups. engine repair. Free /Receptionist. Full time, 353-3883, 393-8726 after 5 p.m. owner, low mileage, plus snow joints, rebuilt engine, asking $825. estimates. 24 ht> road service. girl needed for winter term. One 351-1176. 10-12-3 permanent position for mature, 6-11-24 tires. $400. 353-5390. 5-11-30 353-4631. 3-11-24 Tim Gage, Proprietor. 10-11-24 dependable person. Apply in AT REASONABLE block from campus. Shown after 4:30 p.m. 332-4228. 5-12-2 ROOM FOR man. person, 205 Ann Street, East Lansing. 2-11-24 RATES TWO BEDROOM furnished aprtment beginning winter. Call Friday THE NEW INN PLACE opening Call 332-4432 349-0813. 1-11-24 soon. Cocktail and dining room. ROOMS. SINGLES AND D0UBI| Waitresses needed, apply in person ONE AND two bedroom furnished. Cooking facilities. U1 to Mrs. Rinker, lower Terrace Call 372-8077. C Immediate occupancy. Office Plaza, Leonard Building, HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT 309 North Washington, Lansing. TWO GIRLS wanted for winter only. ROOMS PARKING, t COMPANY. Phone 351-7910. - 3-11-24 Campus Hill Apartments. Call 6-12-3 to 207 3ogut\ | will have 2 campus, 349-0897. 3-11-24 332-8696. 10 1-7 SHARE CHEAPLY with male. GIRL. SUBLEASE. Close. Winter / Anybody(s) or couple. Own room, ATTRACTIVE, SINGLE r spring. $70 / month. 351-8238, DOMESTIC ANO foreign auto 351-3176. x-5-11-24 laundry, utilities. 355-0802. graduate woman, near mechanics. New business 2-11-29 references. 332-1746. 5-12-2 I forming four-man in Lansing area. Only experienced need apply. Must have own tools. Ample opportunity for the right profit sharing. For interview TWO MAN apartment. Furnished, appointment. Call 393-3524. free heat, $155 per month. Village 10-11-26 Green Apartments. Call 349-1586 apartments available UNDER GRADUATE student. Good experience in drafting and also prepared to work with hands in a project on campus. Call Mr. or 349-3974. 2-11-24 ONE AND 2 bedroom apartments from $145. 10 minutes from MSU. Children permitted. EAGLE Rajendra, 353-5459 between 10 CREST NORTH, 694-8975, 4330 at the end of this term and 5 p.m. 1-11-24 Keller Road, Holt. C THREE BEDROOM apartment available, Meadowbrook Trace. ATTENTION STUDENTSI Sue, 373-4141 or 393-2654. 6 and 9 month leases 5-11-24 Earn $2 and more per hour, doing telephone work. Must have good ONE CHOICE ,new apartment speaking voice. Flexible hours. available. Furnished, all extras, short Call Mr. Walky, 393-5460. walk to campus. 351-2169. 5-11-24 Equal Opportunity Employer 093. O will be available. BURCHAM WOODS. A limited number of apartments OPENING AT NATIONAL CAR opening in IT- r- ■5" t"" ' e 9 .0 " December. 1 and 2 bedrooms, RENTAL, Capitol City Airport furnished from $160. HURRYI for neatly groomed rental agent. !5"~ Weekend shifts. $1.75 to start. Manager, 351-3118. 745 Burcham Dr. 10-12-3 ~ iT" isT Call 351-7166 Phone i 489-0710 for interview. 1-11-24 1-3 GIRLS, Cedar Village, rent W 20 MOTHERS HELPER. Babysitting, negotiable. Winter, spring uL 3-7 p.m. Own transportation. 351-0594. 2-11-24 21 22 h1W 24 ni Whitehills area. 351-3274. B-1-24 ONE GIRL needed winter and s~ 26 27 26 JO spring terms. Cedar Village. 337-2595 PART TIME EMPLOYMENT WITH 7-12-3 IT IT" 33 full line merchant wholesaler. Automobile required. 351-5800. 5T w ONE MAN townhouse, for two bedroom winter/spring. 7A \ 4620 S. Hagadorn FACULTY WIFE will babysit in $52.50. 351-7018. 3-11-24 WMMVMwvMmwmj AZ Cherry Lane apartment, mornings, nursery school atmosphere. 2 BEDROOM apartment, immediate W* L.r ___ w L_t MA NA CEMENT EXCL USIVEL Y occupancy, close to campus. 48" B Y: 355-7774. x-3-11-30 332-4432. O rr - Alto Management Company LL 5T GIRL TO sublet winter term. Old Cedar Village. $70. 351-5271 LL w 2-11-24 Wednesday, November 24, 1971 13 Student Service Personal Real Estate WE CAN cut, we can trim it. But you MSU's foreign projects DIRECTORY have to keep it combed. EAST LANSING, Immediate UNION BUILDING BARBER SHOP possession is available on this C-11 24 exceptional 7 room brick family home. Complete with carpeting, (Continued from page one) date but it is still uncertain tuition and $270 a month for COST OF LIVING drapes, 2 fireplaces, finished project, begun this year, is whether they will be extended. room and board. This was the allege travel bead crafts, • eyes examined A quote from Indiana State recreation room and built - in kitchen. Owner has purchased expected to expand its Miller Petty, asst. to the dean highest number of office mcokpaoe • glasses Univ. on the economy: "To geographic coverage to other for International Studies and AID-sponsored students at any art supplies, market, to market to buy a other home and anxious for quick developing areas. Programs, said that the projects Unviersity in the country. reproductions • contact lens rib roast — home again, home sale. For complete details call will "tread cautiously ahead 30 West Grand River Ave. DR. I.L. Collin*, Optometrist Floyd Nimphie, 349-2195 ^ MSU' funded through AID, is because no one really again, eggs on toast." 332-3501, EHINGER REALTY providing technical assistance knows ,351-6010 J*?!}. 693 M-43. s ,ncorPorated "-Optical Service. You can put more meat in COMPANY. BL-1-11-24 leading to the development of a what's going to happen." August student Benson, foreign advisor, said the Okemoif 34ft.iOiin 5218 S. Logan. 393-4230 your market basket when you strong graduate program in 25-year-old project may be learn to use STATE News GRADUATE STUDENTS: agriculture at Castelar, AID also provides $45 million washday savings affected if the Congress reduces Smoke Shop Classified Ads for extra MARRIED STUDENTS: Argentina. The one-year project, annually to bring between »c pet load dollars. Look funded foreign aid but will probably imported Pipes The best for around your with more than 13,000-15,000 foreigners to this , Um VETERANS: continue at some level. Tobacco A Ggars Special Texaa Washer SOc home, make a list of good $136,000, began this year. country to study and get Even if Congress decides to cut Expert pipe repair wendrow's econowash bob jones paints things you no longer use, The future of these programs on-th' ■ (raining. all foreign spending, none of the C. Ave..h\ Lansing then dial 355-8255 the Why pay rent? And, why is still uncertain. The contracts 3006 Vine St. about security deposits Last year AID sponsored 165 projects ... worry or AID-sponsored <*„„„■ .i.i2-4269 7 M»« to 11 p.m. | blk. number of STATE News the projects have with AID will for. i£!! ■ t'jdents at MSU, W. of Sean and poor rental students will be affected Classified Ads A friendly management? be honored to their termination ... You owe it to yourself to providing if I 11 im sr Pregnancy uent, U ARM ke 127 S. of Mason to I. exit, E. to Edan Rd. Riding parti a speciality. Halfway between Holt and on East M-78, 5 miles E. of Hagadorn STORE Counseling. 372-1560. 10-12-3 YOUR bicycle at Spartan information John J. Henry 485-6766 or Age policies studied 589-88 1 4. Mason on N. Cedar 694-2154 Bicycle TEACHOUT-GARDNER (Continued from page one) FE9-8391 Storage now. Phone Attorney, with trustee action the University business office, 337-1239 from 8-10 a.m. and 1- REALTORS Tuesday identified her office as expected in January. 10 p.m. 10-12-3 Nonnamaker stated: ANDOR KARMELKORN Call SAL? 371-1930 an in formation center for The University Health Center "The change in the age of those HOLIDAY parties 676 1930 1971 Suzuki T-500R $795 students and other members of is currenty reviewing the effect majority will strengthen the BOARD EXAM Tutoring. Local legal Plus license, tax and title EAST LANSING nearly 2,000 the University community who Donald Sakowski classes for Kaplan Tutoring - of the age of majority on its commitments made „n Balls, Carmel Apples, pi us square feet in this lovely 8 room by students courses now have questions regarding policies. One of the many since contracts and debts for ar being formed for: Cape Cod. Well cared for and in spring for only $300 down implementation of the age of changes affecting the medical incurred by them will be choice location. $33,500. Call legally Auto Life Renters - - SUZUKI OF LANSING majority for 18-year-olds. Ms. and psychiatric area is the SENTRY INSURANCE 5500 S. Cedar 393-7580 337-2405. 5-11-24 Renaud said she expects most binding. It is expected, however, lowered age at which a person that there may be some financial complaints to come winter term may voluntarily commit himself loss to the D.A.T. exams - January Service after the lowered adulthood is to a mental institution. University in that For Sale For Sale effected on Jan. 1. some students may declare For Sale M.C.A.T. Commenting on the effect of bankruptcy." exam - May FOR QUALITY service and stereos, Other internal changes in MSU IALIBRE Marlin-Carbine, new HAMMOND CHORD organ. Sell or TV's and recorders. THE STEREO th strap, 2 clips, 2 boxes of trade. Equal value. 641-4561 For information and enrollment. SHOPPE. 337-1300. C policy related to the Age of qer rifle cartridges, and cleaning 5-11-29 Call Collect (313) 851-6077. Majority include a revision in the student personnel record policy Health ,fit. Call 393 4085. 10-11-24 Q-13-12-3 panel plans FREE SENIOR PORTRAITS. CALL which allows for the notification 353-5292. A SERVICE OF THE LEONARD WHOLESALE'S of parents on matters of EVISION 24" RCA Console, LOW PRICES ON Peanuts Personal WOLVERINE. 0-11-24 mtiful wood cabinet. $15. Call discipline, academic actions, or 6-7984.1-11-24 PHOTOGRAPHY ■ TO: T.M. Chuck: Happy Turkey STARVING ECON student willing withdrawals only if the student IAGE SALE. URDAY, 10-4 FRIDAY, p.m. Round LUDWIG DRUMS. 5 piece set, good Dayl Love, Your Favorite Chic-a-boom. 1-11-24 to trade knowledge of Econ 200 & 201 to failing Econ students - for were under 18. In the area of financial aids, immunization clinic condition, $385. 332-8752. a price, $4 / hour, call after 6 p.m. the lowering of the Age of ,n seat, crutches, dog crate, 3-11-24 332-3345. TUTORING. 3-11-30 lies for llaneous. box springs, 354 Walbridge, East sr * Durst SAVE TO WE DO most repairing and replace PROFESSIONAL SUEDE and Majority would define the co-signer for a loan to be a The MSU College of Human Medicine Committee will hold its monthly immunization clinic from 11 Community Health ng 1-11-24 •Bell A Howell broken frames. OPTICAL leather cleaning and "legally responsible working CnO/ 5 a Happy PreLated refinishing. adult" of 18 or older who can a.m. to 3 p.m. this Saturday at the Church of God and Christ, I0OTS. Rieker uni-fit, size 714 - .-Miranda 50/O DISCOUNT. 2615 East Michigan Avenue, 372 7409. C-3-11-24 Birthday, iT. AhrT and ReTinue. 1-11-24 OKEMOS DRY CLEANERS, 2155 Hamilton Road, Okemos, demonstrate sufficient financial located on the corner of St. Joseph and The clinic will be supervised Logan St., Lansing. 1. New. $75. 353-9291, 349-0910. 0-1-11-24 means to repay the loan. by the MSU College of Human 9-9369.4-12-1 SKI IS, YAMAHA Novice, 170 c.m., 'CONGRATS No determinations of changes Medicine and is free to area residents as a 1 Complete Professional 1 AKPsi Pledges and Little community service. poles. Miller bindings. Buckle Sisters ELECTRONIC REPAIRS. Stereos, in admissions and records Diptheria, polio, tetanus, pertussis, small pox, measles, and IS BAKERY Fine bakery DARKROOM SUPPLIES 1 boots, parka, size five. All on your raids. Happiness is German measles immunizations will be togetherness. 1-11-24 policies resulting from the ' provided. Skin tests for gds far all meals. Open Sundays. exc»ilent condition, 332-6440. TB will also be administered. lowered adulthood have been iiJEH THRIFTY ACRES - Pi Phi Pledges, Where are those six finalized yet, but Nonnamaker lemos. South Pennsylvania, maids from Bakers Cleaners? said revisions would be decided stSaginaw Road: KROGER - STEREO SYSTEM: Fisher, Dual, FLUTE LESSONS Private We're waiting! 1-11-24 . . . indor, Logan Center, 4002 West 309 N. instruction available at upon by January. Washington 1 Allied, headphones. Price MARSHALL MUSIC, 245 Ann One admissions area affected is ginaw. 1721 North Grand River. Lansing negotiable. Phone 694-8954. 11-24 | 3-11-24 Street, 351-7830. C-11-24 Item Number 7 on the PIUS COLE'S BAKERY BAKERY foods at . ANTIQUES - BUY AND SELL 3ENERAL LINE. Daily 4-7 p.m., Animals CADDIES - ROSES, necklace, are beautiful. Thanks so much. Gaii. WE STRIP all types of furniture. BIX FURNITURE STRIPPING application which asks students for name and home address of parents or guardians for students Grand jury indicts Saturday 1-6 p.m. 541 East Grand ted prices. 1/3 to 1/2 off at 1-11-24 SERVICE. 136 South Main, Eaton under 21. It is expected that all Rrver .■ 'B II ow Paramount. SAMOYED PUPPIES. AKC (Continued from page one) iH prices: great eating great 332-0112, 676-1590. 5-1? 1 4 ^Rapids, 663-4231. 5-11-24 students will be asked to provide indictments, Senate Republican registered. Females $15&. Males At a Tuesday afternoon press jnomyl Surplus Store, 640 DAN —Teacher, Teacher, I love you. this information, with the age Leader, Robert VariderLaan, of nth Waverly, immediately $125. Will hold till Christmas. Call NEED conference Gov. Milliken refused f'IONEER Our day will come soon I Marsh. MATH help? Experienced Grand Rapids, said that the GOP TX-700. AM/FM. stereo 393-5495, after 3 p.m. 5-11 24 stipulation simply removed. to comment on the indictments, nth of 1-496 expressway. teacher, with M.A. Call Ray, Senate Caucus will tuner. Miracord, model 40, sterbo 1-11-24 consider 11-24 No decision has been made yet changer. Akai, X-360-DS, 351-4039. 3-11-24 stating that it would by Youngblood "an innocent man BLUE ROAN spirited. - very Phi Psi's. May be late but we regarding the release of grades inappropriate to discuss the unless found iRBEDS $30, any size. Units. automatic reverse, professional Buckskin mare. Call after 5, SNOWPLOWING - FREE and other academic information guilty of" the tape deck, Lear Jet, portable, 8 - 393-0096. 3-11-24 appreciate your serenadel Thanks, and best rates, residential or bribery charges at this time. grand jury charges. 0. Mattress, liner, foam pad and to parents of students who are track tape player. Used STEREO, ADPi. 1-11-24 commerical. Call Dave at ACE, Milliken said that he knew of "Just because a secret grand m UL listed waterbed heaters. 18 or older. The speakers,amps,receivers, changers, SPRINGER SPANIEL. AKC, 351-6184. 7-12-3 regulation the investigations prior to the jury charges a: person with EBIRTH, 309 North E.L.J, in commemoration of the 1st concerning the definition of j issuance of indictments Tuesday. tape recorders and decks, cassette registered, male, 2 years old. Bhington, Lansing. 489-6168. passing of our birth and in-state residency is currently something does not mean that 1-11-24 and 8 - tracks players, used 8 - Phone 627-2269. 1-11-24 PAINTING INTERIOR. Brighten up Though most legislators he is guilty," VanderLaan said in track tapes $2 / each. TV sets, awakening. LOVE is beautiful, the that room for the holidays. Grad being reviewed by the University declined to comment on the Police band radio, typewriters, FREE TO good home,1/2 German one constant, thanks for helping a prepared statement. "Under ■um.xrr, tWRTER r-, . students, experienced, references, ELECTRICRoyal able. excellent condition, |mported wall tapeVstries Al) Shepherd puppy, good watchdog me growth realize how much so. may yr. LOVE, reasonable. Jere, or Bruce, ^ IT*B 11 n WHAT'S, wnni i our grand jury system, a under person equjpment tested and guaranteed. and pet. 655-3781. 1-11-24 in peace, truth, 349-4817. C investigation has no and beauty be thru and mine rotvTo 355-6129. 6129"71-11-24 WILCOX SECONDHAND me. opportunity to defend himself. Hi roily,$7°. 355 111 24 thru u. sala. 1-11-24 ST0RE, 509 East Michigan. As a result our grand jury ANGES, GRAPEFRUIT - 485-4391. 8-5:30 p.m., Monday Mobile Homes Typing Service indictments have traditionally uckload wholesale to all. through Saturday. Bank Recreation •not 'held water' very well and JMETIME SHOP. 4375 Americard Master Charge. PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Term North , HOMETTE. FRONT kitchen, shed, many persons indicted under "II, Leslie. 1-589-8690. 4-11-24 Layaways, terms, trades. C papers, theses. Best rates. Call on lot or off. Williamston. Must TAKE ATRIP. Christmas this system are ultimately found 351-4619. O sell immediately, 655-2073. Hawaii $289, Jamaica $219, innocent." 1G MACHINE Clearance Announcements for It's What's Sale. COMIC BOC)KS, science fiction, 6-12-3 Acapulco $219, Nassau $169, rsity Student Judiciary VanderLaan said it was Wnew portables - $49.95. $5 Playboy, paperbacks for sale, Europe $189, Ski Holiday $289, Happening must be recieved in the 'month. Large selection of SAVE SAVE SAVE State News office, 345 Student unfortunate that persons CURIOUS BOOK SHOP, 541 East STAR REGAL, 1968, 12' x 46', conditioned used machines. XEROX COPYING- offset best Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two indicted by grand juries had to Grand River. (Below Paramount). furnished, $2,950. Phone STUDENTOURS TRAVEL - class days before publication, items endure the "Sets, Whites, Necchis. New 1-6 p.m. 332-0112. 5-12-1 332-0336, any time. 6-12-3 CENTER - 129 E. GRAND quality at reasonable prices. THE resulting damaging & RIVER. 351-2650. COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand are limited to 25 words. No "Many Others", $19.95 publicity. $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS River. Phone 332-4222. C announcements will be accepted by Petitions for at-large "In the WEST GUITAR amp. Avalon top, 2 ACADEMY, 12' x 50', furnished, phone. No announcements will be case of Sen. STRIBUTING COMPANY. representative to he College of 15" Utah speakers. Used less than Youngblood, this is not only '5 N. 11-24 Washington 489-6448 ' 100 hours. 339-2606. 3-11-24 shed, washer. 351-0093. If no answer, 332-4422.6-12-3 LONDON 8 Days 7 Nights TYPING IN Close 0-1-11-24 to my East Lansing home. campus. 332-2306. accepted for events outside the Natural Science Student Advisory Council is due in 103 Natural Science Bldg. by 5 p.m. today. unfortunate for individual, but it is unfortunate him as an ■SED vacuum Personal The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will for the legislature and for our cleaners. Tanks, '199 "ters and East Michigan. Dishes, books, have a lawyer available from 9 a.m. A representative from Washington court system," he said. uprights. Guaranteed coins, antiques, rockers, junk. to ? full year. $7.88 noon today. Those wishing an University Law school will speak to and up. Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open POETRY WANTED for anthology. Dec. 22 to 30 appointment asked to check with the MSU Pre-Law Club at 7:30 p.m. ■NNIS are DISTRIBUTING Saturday and Sunday. Furniture Include stamped envelope. COMPLETE DELUXE PACKAGES r That odorn the ASMSU business office, 307B Dec. 1 in 118 Eppley Center. ^Y. 316 North Cedar. and appliances open all week, 10 DISSERTATIONS, THESES, term IDLEWILD PRESS, 1807 East WE ARE ALSO PLANNING Student Services Wsite City Market. C-11 -24 papers. Expert typist with degree Bldg. , or call am - 6 pm/ Phone 371 -2843. C Olympia, Los Angeles, California TRIPS TO in English. I.B.M. 351-8961. 35 3-0659. There will be a nominal 90021. 9-12-3 ACAPULCO AND ASPEN your shower •0 Starfire" 0-11-24 charge for this service. electric guitar; APPLES, PEARS, sweet cider. Apple ie Arena Theater, 'condition, $125 with acc. wood. And Gift packages shipped 'WO. 3-11-29 FKEE A lesson in complexion COMPLETE THESES service. The MSU Science Fiction Society ble at the door. Parcel. BLOSSOM can't stop... ... by United will meet at 8 care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan Discount printing..IBM typing and tonight in the North ORCHARDS, 2 miles North of KING Professional. $150 or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. CHRISTMAS BREAK. binding of theses, resumes, Hubbard Hall lounge. e U Modern Dane Leslieon Hull Road. (Old U.S. 127) « offer 351-1326 Jerry. 1-589-8251 9-5 p.m. Closed Mondays. O MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS STUDIOS. C-11-25 BAHAMAS publications. Across from campus, corner M.A.C. and Grand below Jones Stationery Shop. Call River, WFFE radio in east complex leaves i tonight mural Bldg. in 21 Nev we'll stop the air for Thanksgiving, but will be COPYGRAPH hack after the break. SERVICES, $99 337-1666^0 There will be a Pi Mu Epsilon Free W QtudetUi, MavUed &tuAanU-. Includes, 5 full days, round trip jet, ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith offset printing. Complete service Transportation meeting at 7:30 204A Wells Hall. p.m. Monday in ...with a Norforins Mini-Pack -air, between Detroit and Freeport. for dissertations, theses, NORTH CAROLINA and along 177 Students enrolled in the College of I great—but free lor you! Showering's it can't stop the .ytlucayf manuscripts, general typing. IBM. and Deluxe accommodations at December 11. Riders needed. Call Business may petition for various . embarrassing feminine odor Holiday Inn. Double occupancy. 22 years experience. 349-0850. C 332-8194. 6-12-3 committees. Petiti6ns are due by S I that starts internally, where . . Transfers, Plus tips and taxes. TYPING p.m. Monday in 7 Eppley Center. soap-and-water can't reach. SERVICE, prompt and LONDON, $149. ROUND TRIP JET I That's why we want to send I professional plus reasonable rates. from New York. Weekly Free I you a fret; mini-pack of doctor- HAWAII U classes Theses, themes, other diversified meeting today: | aught in the housing services 882-4018 also or available. Phone write The Sheldon departures with open return. Call Frank Buck, 351-2286. 0-12-3 American Musical Theater 216 7:30 Bessey Hall: Auto-Mechanics p.m., - 302 Bessey Hall; 7 p.m., - tested Norforins. the internal |1 deodorant.'" |ust insert one tiny Norlorms • $299. Company, 5818 Durwell Dr., Education Reform and Firesig'n Lansing. 6-11-24 Wanted The: 8 102 I Hall I odorSuppository. inside the vaginal It kills bacteria I. squeeze? .■ tract...stops Complete deluxe package. Call Beginning Dance Technique - I fast for hours. Yet TERM PAPERS typed by WANTED: COMIC books, baseball p.m.. 218 Women's Intramural Bldg. Frank Buck 351-2286 experienced typist. Near campus. cards, science fiction. Wizard of Dave Poetry 8 p.m., 215 Bessey Hall Buck, 353-0011 Phone 484-1874.20-12-2 Oz books. Bring 'em back from Fiction Writing - 7 p.m.. 214 Berke; Take your troubles to LOCATE LOST PETS fast. Dial 355-8255 now for a quick - action homel CURIOUS BOOK SMOP. 541 East Grand River. (Below Hall. jven douching, protects y Norforms do. I Paramount.) 1-6 p.m., 332-0112. Classified Ad. The Streetcorner Societ: 2-11-24 present a benefit performance o park west BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. No job too large or too small. Block off campus. 332-3255.0 GIRL TO share my apartment winter and spring term. 484-0585, 484-1328. 6-12-1 "The Woman Play" at 7:30 p.m Monday in the Union Living Room Proceeds will be used to buy gifts foi senior citizens. apartments TYPING TERM papers and theses. Electric typewriter. Fast service. 349 1904.20-12-1 BLOOD DONORS needed. $7.50 for all positive. A negative, B negative FREE NORKORMS .plus booklet! Write: Norw MINI-PACK | and AB negative, negative, $12.00. $10.00 O MICHIGAN and other IPharmacal wich. N Y Co.. Dept. CN-A, Nor- 13815. Enclose 25C to mailing and I■ 5530 West Michigan Ave. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, things at 8:30 p.m. Friday Cover handling. Shouldn't You Be at 259 W. Grand River Ave. For I Namn . , 507V4 East Grand River, East I Street I at information, call 351-1 388. Saginaw USE YOUR Using This Space} Lansing. Above the new Campus City.. _ 1 Book Store. Hours, 9 am to 3:30 Contact Mrs. Louch MASTER CHARGE pm Monday, Thursday, and Petitions for Arts and Letters CALL 355-8255! student positions on Academic 484-4640 AT THE STATE NEWS Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 Council available at |M Norwich Products Division departmental Ll' are The Norwich Pharmacal pm to 6:30 pm. 337-7183. C offices and due by Nov. 30.