Monday little i MICHIGAN Cloudy . . . STATE MEWS then/l» relished by the best of with a chance of STATE . . . precipitation, high in the low UNIVERSITY , 64 Number 74 Jordanian prime minister killed M • aIRO (AP) - Prime Minister Wasfi Tell 1 m .. MEN MENA A rnintuH quoted Zohir Mohsen, a member _ ... the three captives "in the name of our of the Palestine Liberation broadcast from Amman on Tell's death Jordan, an unrelenting foe of the executive Organization women and children who died at the hands extremely grieved that anybody should true soldier" and declared in a nationwide committee, as calling the that Salah was injured. take advantage of the tolerance and stinian guerrillas, was assassinated here assassination "one of the acts of of the criminal butcher Wasfi Tell." There The Egyptian statement said a medical broadcast that "this horrible crime was terrorists' atmosphere of security provided by this aimed at destroying the national Fascist thinking which conflicts was rejoicing in Palestinian refugee unity of Jjfce arrested three non-Egyptians thinking of revolution." with the near Bierut at the news of Tell's death. camps report showed Tell's death was caused by bone fracture, shattered intestines and country." the Jordanian people and kingdom." 'in2 Svrian passports. The official In Beirut, In Amman, the Jordanian government internal bleeding. Police sources said they had identified He declared 40 days of national Idle East news agency - MENA - Lebanon, three Palestinian said Tell would be buried Monday in the the three arrested men as Palestinians and mourning. student and labor President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, sent a tied the three said they were ordered groups appealed to royal cemetery after a funeral in the gave their names as Ezzet Abdul Fatah, Jordan Arabs under Israeli occupation telegram to King Hussein of Jordan Gawad kill Tell by the Black Ilul-Black Basman Palace mosque in Amman. The expressing "severe condemnation on behalf Baghdady and Monzir Khalifa. fear that the assassination might stir All prober movement, formed to avenge statement said he would be the first of myself and the Egyptian people for this three were said to be carrying Syrian additional'civil war in Jordan. deaths of guerrillas during fierce commoner buried in the royal ground. crime which took place on Egyptian land." passports. Before Hussein's broadcast, the Jordan between Palestinians and the King Hussein called the Jordan cabinet radio played martial music and broadcast A white chalk outline and still wet blood Sadat's promise that "all those guilty will in September 1970. into session army marks where he fell marked the receive due punishment immediately at his palace in readings from the Koran, interspersed ill was gunned down at the entrance to spot as ... We are Amman. Afterward he praised Tell as "a stell helmeted riot police with funeral music. Sheraton Hotel. The 51-year-old ringed the Nile-side hotel shortly after the shooting. minsiter was representing his A statement by the Egyptian attorney y at a 17-nation Arab League Council meeting called to plan [strategy against Israel. said a bullet struck Tell in the general, broadcast by Cairo Radio, said one assailant fired on Tell as he entered the hotel after returning from a lunch the Arab given by Nixon announces plans League secretariat. Other as he stepped from his car. He gunmen, presumably inside the hotel nbled inside the hotel, trying to draw own gun, and fell to the floor inside the [Bicc as bullets were poured into his v, the report added. lobby, then opened fire, the statement continued. The three arrested assailants admitted shooting Tell, the statement said. to talk wit Brandt lie of the gunmen was wounded in the One of the gunmen was wounded in SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. (AP) - Jordanian army major, the agency at the Florida White House in State William P. Rogers, Treasury Key Secretary shooting that broke out after the attack, President Nixon, due to disclose the date Biscayne. John B. Connally and national the statement continued. An of his mainland China visit by midweek, security radio said the Arab council met Egyptian The President already has scheduled adviser Henry A. Kissinger. security officer also hit. announced _ was Sunday the fourth in a series of meetings at home and abroad with leaders In announcing the meeting with Brandt gdiy evening and several speakers The statement made no reference to the pre departure conferences with allied of France, Britain and Japan before his oUnced the assassination • including the Sunday, Ziegler said the West German wounding of Foreign Minister Abdullah leaders, a late December meeting with West trips to China and the Soviet Union next chancellor will be accompanied hert by stinian delegation headed by Khalid Salah of Jordan. King Hussein said in a German Chancellor Willy Brandt. year. Canadian Prime Minister Elliot two key advisers, Foreign Minister Walter Brandt and Nixon will meet Dec. 28-29 Trudeau is expected to be added to the Scheel and Finance Minister Karl Schiller. list. The latest in the round of high-level talks The summit meetings start Dec. 13 with was announced shortly before Nixon was French President Georges Pompidou in the Panel mails out pay scheduled to leave California and flyback islands of the Azores in the Atlantic. Then, lists to Washington after a in the week before Christmas, Nixon will four-day Thanksgiving holiday visit here. travel to Bermuda for talks with British The President and his wife Pat arrived Prime Minister Edward Heath Dec. 20-21. here Wednesday night, had turkey dinner And early next year, he has invited Japan's at their oceanfront villa and made a trip By S. A. SMITH Repas said the FAFCC ballot reveals that information on faculty salaries. Trustee Prime Minister Eisaku Sato to San Saturday to Palm Desert, 70 miles east State News Staff Writer 75 per cent of the voting faculty "voted to Don Stevens, D-Okemos, said he supports Clemente for consultations Jan. 6-7. of here. repudiate the University's long-standing November board meeting, but he told the the efforts of the Committee for a Rational Presidential press secretary Ronald L. Nixon dedicated the Eisenhower Ik administration will be "let off the policy of salary secrecy." board that the recommendation reached Pay Schedule which he said Ziegler has announced simultaneously with Memorial Hospital there with a gathering are "just an ok" this week when a recently-formed Results of the FAFCC poll were relayed him too late for proper consideration. additional distribution" to the 50 spokesmen of the foreign governments •of officials and celebrities and copies of played a nmittee distributes the controversial to Provost John E. Cantlon on Nov. 18, Cantlon will deliver the administration's the salary schedule which he said, a>*a involved that the meetings with the round of golf in his only public appearance one day before the monthly meeting of the recommendation on release of salary already circulating on campus. high-level leaders will be strictly business lilt)' salary schedules to all MSU faculty during his California stay. nbers. board of trustees. The ballot results were information to the trustees in January. and that the discussions will range over [he Committee for a Rational Pay accompanied by a recommendation from current international issues and matters of ledule, headed by Bob F. Repas, the FAFCC supporting the release of the "My position in January is going to be bilateral concern. tar of labor and industrial relations, the pay documents public, high, low, without names. median and average salaries A second trustee Sunday indicated he would be in favor of a policy of open that this in formation should be open—all of it," Stevens said. Three top Nixon Administration officials will be in on all the sessions — Secretary of Sato's visit is said the salary ledules-annotated livered to the by name—will be University faculty through U.S. Postal Service. He said Sunday may boost the schedules should be delivered lay. lie cloak of mystery draped over MSU's his prestige lulty pay scale was lifted partly when istee Clair A. White D-Bay City, made TOKYO (AP) — The announcement that * President Nixon will meet Japanese Prime the pay document available to Minister Eisaku Sato at San Clemente, eral University parties, including the te News. The State Calif., Jan. 6-7 is being viewed here as a News placed its boost for Sato's political prestige. in the James Madison College library, Ironically, Nixon is the man whose lepas said his committee plans to sudden moves on the China and economic mplete the unveiling so that "if issues had caused problems which led to lividuals feel that they have been some predictions that Sato might be on his iroperly treated within a department way out as prime minister. could raise charges." Observers saw in the latest I* added that pay discrimination announcement a belief by Nixon that the 'ween men and women, between 70-year-old Sato would remain in office at went colleges and among departments least until next summer, when Okinawa is in colleges exists at this University. to be returned to Japan after 26 years of Kfully, inequalities in pay distribution U.S. occupation. onB faculty will, through an open pay Sato has been under political fire from icy, be questioned and eliminated, he opposition parties as well as from the minority factions within his ruling Liberal - el>as said his committee is working Democratic party for his economic and •ty through volunteer manpower and China policies and his method of handling tributions. Repas said he is soliciting the U.S. — Japan Okinawa reversion tributions to cover printing and mailing agreement in the parliament, where it is in Is of the ' salary lists. the process of being ratified. recent poll conducted Sato's political enemies have demanded by the Faculty airs and Faculty Compensation that the prime minister step down. Sato nmittee (KAFCC) indicated that of the % who wished to see some form of Salute replied that he intends to remain in office until after Okinawa's reversion. Sato's term ilicized pay policy, most favored as prime minister expires November 1972. Members of the Falange, the party of Gen. Francisco Franco, salute at a j«lng only a list of the high, low, Some of Sato's troubles started with j»i> and average salaries of each Hemic rank in each political rally Sunday in El Escorial, Spain. Many of the Falangists Nixon's announcement July 15 that his top department, school shouted denunciations of Franco's plan to restore monarchy to Spain. political adviser, Dr. Henry Kissinger, had «nter, without identifying the AP Wirephoto (Please turn to page 13) MSU problem : what do we do with cars? By BILL WHITING area and coming back in a certain length probably already exceeded the road's State News Staff Writer of time," he said. "In this situation we service capacity. face a heavy traffic problem." "Either we ignore the problem or we Campus routes, cross routes, counter Melvin said much of the provide for It," Melvin said. "As the ""s routes—it all bolls down to one of Lansing-bound traffic is bottlenecked at congestion gets worse, more accidents biggest problems facing the MSU the convergence of Grand River and will happen with more property damage Immunity. " man's That is, what do we do Michigan Avenues, an intersection and loss of life." best machine friend and which has the highest accident rate in He also finds it unfortunate that there von1 "fcU is threat> automobile? the city. is virtually no machinery for any the largest single traffic The steady traffic tie-up on Grand interchange of ideas between the city Pttator in the River also poses a problem to a large and University, although both units Lansing metropolitan according to Gordon E. Melvin, number of students, workers and have an effect on each other by their il Lansing traffic engineer—"more faculty personnel who come from the actions. The two bodies sometimes get "downtownLansingand Oldsmobile city to campus every day. Traffic together to discuss a particular issue, 7combined. volume on the city's main thoroughfare has been increasing at a rate of but Melvin pointed out it is usually after one or the other has already taken some Indi » survey Grand River Avenue d»ii over 48.000 vehicles travel approximately four per cent every year action. He said the mutual areas of iaJnt°wn throu8h the heart of the for some time, making it more and more concern, particularly in traffic and , University community—a last 15 years, sees the local problem as a difficult just to cross the avenue on housing, would be important areas on •noudy crowded situation which conflict between north and south traffic foot. which both should consult. The traffic engineer said most city He said University cooperation could I Stilted in high accident rates and movements as opposed to heavy easmg dangers for pedestrians estimates of future road use have fallen be valuable in solving the problem of east-west flow. "Our primary problem is ?. r,n8 to cross the street. traffic coming from the northern part of short of actual demand and considers it Melvin, c'ty traffic engineer for the the city wishing to go to the Lansing very likely that current car volume has (Please turn to page 13) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, Novemh,- ^ , NO DIRECTOR YET :isc news ASMSU vote unsettled (01 summary From the wjr«« of AP and UPI. Complete homemade with chocolate chip wine, After the candidates for Mickey, East Lansing junior cabinet director gave their 10 Wayne McKenney, Rochesterm! of the board or 12 me.nbers, to elect a director of cabinet cookies, Indian tobacco and minute presentation and the sophomore: Brian Parrott, services. Frumkin received 10 Lome i ju8t want considerable inroads into the to try," Frumkin said. terrorist forces and resources in Hijacked the past few months." Mark Jaeger, Holmes-Hubbard Geoffrey Johnson Smith jet representative, was initially running for the post, but threw his support to Frumkin in his British defense undersecretary presentation. prevents A Trans World Airlines jet, Ann flight Harrell, another air to have graduated from the Also meeting covered at the was Peripheral Route which is the lengthy proposed planned to detour traffic from ■jnetary and hijacked to Cuba by three hostess in the Kansas City-based University of California at fjriind Riv«r Avenue ■visits Pekinf , m„T. Grand River Avenue hntweon between suspected police killers, returned TWA crew, said one of the men Berkeley. Irhe Preside Michigan and MAC avenues ,atlf ! confessed to shooting New «He said he had been teaching Charlie Massoglia, from the j with Probe in Mars' orbit ReXK.° tr°?PertK R°£,ert j ne Ministe: t f school in southern California," Legal Aid Department, and Cha ElLif^ a#'talkthem out of made taking us fto Africa Rosenbloom a when the officer routine stop of their she said A„ of them emphasized recommended that the board jnetary que! Britain's Jodrell Bank observatory said Sunday night thejr devotion to the Republic condemn the route, as the road the Soviet space probe Mars-2 appears to be in orbit PnlmLrfiLrf commandeered early .S Saturday at? vehicle Nov. 8 on Interstate 40 near Albuquerque. of New Africa movement." would mean the destruction of I all goes wt Group of 1 the Ms Caubre said the one 17 student dwellings, around the planet after a six-month flight from earth. Albuquerque, N.M. airport identified as Antoine told her jonnaily haj Mars-2, an unmanned, computer-controlled craft, by three black men charged with "The smallest one, his idon and ir gunning down a New Mexico Michael but had been name that «they had been hiding In a George Bell, Mundelein, 111. fUMBI was Europeans began its 248-million-mile journey last May 19. state trooper. sand dune for two days near the junior, was nominated by changed to the African name dollar agaii Signals picked up by Jodrell Bank's huge radio "I was concerned that Mahcha, said he killed the airp0rt, waiting for their chance. All-University Student Judiciary to the Anti-Discrimination iSMSl mvviini rrencies. telescope indicated that the probe arrived in the vicinity someone was going to die," said officer," said Ms. Harrell. Ms. The FBI identified the Board. The board approved the Some ASMSU members anticipated the l?teness ronnally al» of Mars soon after 3 p.m. EST Saturday. Capt. John McGhee. "These men Caubre said she sat with the hijackers as Michael Finney, 20, of Tuesday import s boarded in a violent, agitated nomination, night'i meeting which ended at 3 a.m. Wednesday and trio's obvious leader, who A-ard a settle Ralph Goodwin, 24, and Charlie manner and were obviously identified himself as "Antoine". brought along sleeping bags. Members were unsuccessful in istead, Con ready to commit murder." The stewardess said he claimed Hill, 21. They had been charged At 3 a m- the meeting died for their attempts to elect a new cabinet director. with murder. lacl{ of a quorum. ard. They McGhee convinced the State News photo by Terry Miller mtage for t Hussein praises Tell hijackers that he needed a goods 1 irkets. refueling stop and, after the Life dismal for fugitives refused to go to Atlanta King Hussein praised Prime Minister hijackers or Miami, the jet plane touched Wasfi Tell Sunday night in Amman, down at Tampa, Fla. Jordan as a "true soldier who fought to the last breath of his life for The 40 passengers on the scheduled Phoenix • MEXICO CITY (AP) ALL My a surveillance." economic resources, since the Jordan's dignity, peace, security and Albuquerque - Chicago - mother wouldn t believe It, including even rowboats. willing to go back to lace For the hijacker in government must feed, house The last airplane passengers Washington flight were allowed mused the young girl living with music. progress." temporary Cuba, life is and clothe them. ever of hijackers is when to deplane at Tampa while the other American airplane unpleasant. Cuban officials have see Much of the bitterness th< Br In a special broadcast over Amman crew of six was forced to u - u hijackers in the -j .. • Havana suburb u Jeasant. Cuban officials stated repeatedly that the vast have The hijackers, particularly the police and soldiers board a craft feel comes not from ar Radio after Tell was gunned down in continue to Havana. Americans, despair of ever seeing at Havana's Jose Marti Airport maltreatment by the Cuban of Miramar. Weve got a majority of hPackers are front of a Cairo hotel, Hussein said: their homelands and families to take them away. but rather from the fact that "This horrible crime aimed at Stewardess Bettv Caubre said P°°i\Wl 'Ve ? 3 "cv0™non crinuis, mentally again. Life for most is drab and Almost immediately upon United States will not or can was destroying the national unity of the she convfnwd their leader that 5SS5nIfi .n*'l°h* I unb*lanf°!, Persons and socially uninteresting because they live arrival on Cuban soil, the reach an agreement with BELFAST, -Bloody this airplane couldn't flv all the ifl °° ""adapted persons anxious to in a basically unsympathetic hijacker is placed in solitary on the subject of internation Jordanian people and kingdom." wav ttf Africa I lied tell in!? I ■ , cha"*e,their country of society that has another confinement. Then he is air and a piracy. quiet Sun them I had been to Cuba tS thai liter amid I P°o1 rcsldence for Personal rea*>ns of language and customs. subjected to intense questioning 5SVJ? ™ ^.yer any water, the house is an_unrevolutionary nature." The Cubans view hijacking as and a detailed dossier on his est explc treated there. - ,hev W0l"d be "in8 r ',he cook r impaign gardener keeping Russia will not interfere are us under drain on the country's slim the case of the United States, assembled [publican Ar which is be one of it! only 90 miles away, Gradually, the hijackers are they British army are prepared to hand over divided into two groups: those Ji lUWl I II <|sThe Sovran Union indicated Sunday in Moscow it all American hijackers, except the Cubans believe are lip the ille would reject attempts to involve the UN Security tical sol Council and the five major powers in the India-Pakistan low is the time to be those deemed to be in danger of political reprisals. endangered in their own'country because of their political views ^ j tl f G T f OffT vince c intended t crises. But they insist that any and those the Cubans feels are Try the Modern Music Series or the Explorer Series on. For the first time in this attack The Communist party newspaper Pravda said in its agreement with the United States undesirables. the British Broadcastit^thpinsHail, must include a right to extradite international review section that "reactionary forces in ii.uu.fcrc> u.w/1 Many of the American Corporation's ( BB The British those Cubans who have hijacked a Pakistan and abroad are doing ri.k«n hijackers in the undesirable award-winning seri everything to use the Cuban aircraft~ - ft and i „ 1.: ships, . . . category are reported more than .. ... .. ... . "Civilisation" will be shown fn . Saturday's s situation for aggravating Pakistani-Indian relations and n to the public beginning at for giving them the character of an international p.m., Jan. 20, in 108B Well hich a conflict." quar Richard E. Chapin, director While it has issued statements against the use of force ELECTRONIC libraries, has announced. imite was three otli in the crisis, the Soviet Union iias "Sponsored by the Friends •rritory, repeatedly said the the Library, this grand tour par basic problem in the area is an internal Pakistani problem involving East and West Pakistan. 3 for SC00 DISCOVERIES Western run Europe's history w through winter term ' Twenty-ei| 79 spring term 1972," Chapin $1 each.. . through jh Dec. 1, 1,1971 Each showing runs 58 minute From the U.S. space program. Written and narrated Super Special! British art historian Kennei Book has over 70 electronic Violence effects police? discount records Now through Finals: Clark, the series is described t inventions from NASA. Presents Time magazine JESUS CHRIST $£99 the electronic problem and details account of Western man's entt After four recent crimes incidents in which SUPERSTAR 3 or of the solution. Many can be pageant, from the first tentati' policemen are accused, Tokyo police said Sunday they re-emergence of art an made by hobbyists at home. are concerned about the effect on policemen of tension philosophy under Chariemagi Of interest to electronic students, to the heroic materialism resulting from radical leftist violence. Chiefs of Tokyo's eight district bureaus met to discuss welfare and personnel measures to help relax the mental Beechwood Ageing teachers, eng., and hobbyists. today." Tickets can be reserved members of the Friends of tl $2.90 plus 20c postage. Write: tension for the city's policemen, said Koji Kunimatsu, the metropolitan police department's chief public could be an Electronic Discoveries, P.O. Box 382, Flint, Mich. 48501 ($3.50 COD orders. Library by calling the Libra office before noon preceding each film segmen the Mondi relations officer. Allow up to 2 weeks for delivery.) R emaining tickets will I "advertising gimmick. distributed on it the Library main floor. a first-come bas Reference Des Prison break thwarted Six prisoners armed with homemade knives held four But it isn't. Raiford State Prison guards hostage for three hours early Sunday before other guards broke tliro jgh a door and captured the inmates, officials said. (For instance, last year we bought f* FREE SAIL The prisoners surrendered "without a blow struck" and no one was injured said Louie being Wainwright, almost 2V2 million pounds of Beechwood DELIVERY director of the Florida Division of Corrections. He said the guards were taken hostage by the six after strips,.. enough to fill 67 freight cars.) OVER! they failed in an attempt to flee the maximum security prison, Florida's main correctional institution. The rescuing force carried no firearms, spokesmen said. loo op a aaa\ \ Family wins hospital suit WHEN YOU SAY 50° OFF A court judgment for $294,777.25 against the Washington Hospital Center appears to insure that the Budweiser. YOU'VE SAID IT ALL! a 14" or 16" 1 family of 9-year-old Goerge W. Rose Jr. will receive more than $550,000 in pizza (one item | compensation for the child's or more) with . surgery-connected injuries. I this coupon ad • U.S. District Court Judge William B. Jones ruled that the reported $260,000 paid to the family by the surgeon and anesthesologist in a pretrial, out-of-court \ .Pizza . settlement could not be credited against the levied on the hospital by a jury. Following an operation for removal of tonsils and damages Beat i adenoids on Feb. 21, 1968, the child developed , i complications which ultimately left him blind and without muscular control of his arms and legs. ON CAMPUS-337-1681 OFF CAMPUS/CIRCLE 337-163]!^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday N< vcmber /i 3 -7 seal ills forld mee Education shows fcoMK (AP) "7 The.Vnl^fd Stat®K and Its major overseas trading meet here Monday amid signs that the deadlock of enrollment decline ners ly four months in their worst monetary crisis since World War Ly be easing. U.S. Treasury ftcretery John B. Con naily and finance ministers I the non Communist world s richest nations, the Group of Ten X be making their final attempt this year to agree on what the The College of Education, through its transferring here or being readmitted. Those t almighty dollar, and the other currencies financing their curtailment of enrollment policy, has cut its categories have 40 per cent fewer students than in 1970. le are really worth. enrollment nearly 10 per cent from 1970 levels. dement is crucial in the effort to avert the kind of trade war The college had previously said that there has Elementary and special education, secondary LjJjglped touch off the depression of the 1930s. been no significant desertion of the college by education and curriculum and health, physical Lnallv said before "Ivlng late Saturday night he was "very students fearing a bleak job market. education and recreation were the only mefal that progress can be made" here. William Hawley, acting dean of the college, said categories that made gains over 1970 figures with Twas one of the Connally's most optimistic statements since that the drop was primarily due to the an average gain of 6.4 per cent. Ldent Nixon brought on the crisis Aug. 15 by cutting the link p Hike tour curtailment policy but also reflects a drop in All other categories recorded significant losses , the dollar and gold, the backbone of the world's East Lansing Councilwoman Mary Sharp, left, discusses the bike tour of the campus designed to (college applications. Students are shying away according to an evaluation and research report and trade system for 37 years, show the need for better bike paths, with Walter Adams, front center, distinguished university I from the college to some extent because of the released by the registrar's office. pnd the scenes there were reports from Washington that professor of economics, and Wilbur Brookover, far right. East Lansing mayor at the onset of the job market, he said. With an overall drop of 10.2 per cent, college enrollment is down 474 students from last year's kon is anxious to speed up the building of a new, more stable tour last »vi liter thlI happiness is the Peanuts*gang in bath-time gifts. Theres fun in store when Charlie Brown, Peppermint . . The seasons change. And so do your needs. Meet them with a new Patty and Snoopy appear in bright multicolors on MasterCharge account from East Lansing State Bank. MasterCharge, the most flexible and economical way to beat the winter cold. plush, absorbent sheared cotton towels by Stevens <9 Utica. Peanuts-Another Determined Production. MSU Student Master Charge^pplicatioq. mi PRINT AL L INFORMATION REQUESTED BELOW) ONLY^^ jk I I I I I I [I Bath towel, 24x44". 2.50 NUMBER AGE DRAFT STATUS YOUR LAS I NAME Hand towel, 16x26 . 1.50 L NAME OF SPOUSE Wash cloth, .7 5 TEL f PHONE NUMBER SOCIAI.SECURITY NUMBER X POSITION E OF PRESENT EMPLOYER (IF TJUSTnes^HSTJET"" IESS ADDRESS ,DDRESS OE YOUR PARENTS Q (OTHER) BALANCE DUE CREDIT REFERENCES MONTHUPAYME^ IER OR LANDLORD I (WE) REPRF SEN SIGN A I URE OF APPLICANT DATE All juniors, seniors and grad students eligible regardless of age. Apply in person at the Brookfield Branch. East Lansing State Bank Jacobsoi \s East Lansing Oke«os Haslett Brookfield Plaza Red Cedar at Trowbridge JACOBSON'S OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL NINE MICHIGAN Michi TRB FROM WASHINGTON STATE NEW <3 UNIVERSITY Economy better despite Nixon Ui and Alfred Marshall and Keynes and all the industrial firms controlled 48 per cent while fJ0ANN By RICHARD LEE STROUT of announcing that rest was that the law of supply and demand the manufacturing assets. "Today," he controls KEN LYNAM We sat staring moodily at the television would ultimately regulate prices and jobs added, "these firms control 58 per cent are only temporarv"w"ne"ta advertising manager set the other night as Mr. Nixon in the middle of a statement snapped on that in the market place. But Gardiner Means while the top 500 firms control 75 per cent imagine dropped, a lot of the sure enough; contL' told Congress again just last year that that but we »i of the assets." All we can say is that if this will be kept DAVE PERSON, managing editor winsome smile of his and said that he knew isn't the way things work anymore; that from no! " Phase 2 is going to work because of "the sensational information has now seeped that things will never be CHARLES C. CAIN, city editor the Nixon Game Ptan I would collapse in a the same down to Mr. Mitchell it is pretty This is a new era. t JOHN BORGER, campus editor enormous public support" behind it. For Lyndon Johnson such year or so. It did. The Nixon plan was built widespread and must be accepted. Mr. Mr. Nixon plays BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor a questionable along with on the told theory that, If you depressed Nixon accepts it in his Phase 2 program businea RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor utterance would have brought hoots of leaders, and they know and unrt"""H But the peo| the economy, the resulting unemployment v which is largely based on it. him: just the other disdain but for Mr. Nixon we just let is day he add n< In Michigan and idle plants would end inflation after a pass; what's the use. If ever there was a while, like holding a man's head under He has set up three tiers of corporations whose prices the government will monitor, of $500 ■ . puIe oo/tS, nation whose mood is cranky, grumpy and campaign dinners on closed circuit s V ^ l morose this is it. Most of the public, we water to cool him off. He would either with the biggest on top — the monsters think, can't make head and what Mr. Nixon or tail Of Phase 2; interprets as calm down introduced a or drown. Mr. Nixon planned recession, but with annual sales of $100 million or over. America's top 1300 corporations. If you S!°"tILS'S 1 inflation kept right on. monitor them you pretty well monitor the . . - country js jn "enormous support" is just the universal hands; power and politics go Power together °kT EDITORIALS the industrial production side; that Che hope that maybe things will turn out better economy on the old-fashioned this time than they did in Game Plan I, It didn't work because power is now they probably account for 90 per cent of and demand has been notion of sup!,' which he abandoned like a sinking ship last concentrated so narrowly in big the manufacturing assets of the nation. able to keep them in line dropped he r2y Aug. 15. corporations, and the big unions they deal Their decisions are webbed together by Every effort abroad to Campaign fu Well, the odd thing is, we think they will. Get better, we mean. We know what an outrageous statement this is at a time when with, that we had the a recession doesn't drive down prices. They are "administered." Recently example of the steel industry, flat on its back from high prices and with banks. A staff Report report to Congress in 1968 found that the trust departments of the 49 largest economy by an Incomes policy n Pu,k Mr. Nixon is trying oe as we bnmn urn utUnt knovy; what >m.1. • will succeed? Largely because manage now) has failed' makes us think thh«I . S lor0!'^ u '8 ,, Pi""181 A,® ^0 AUClltOI Alpl i' being optimistic is as unfashionable as we thin ? Weissenberg wearing a mini-skirt at a funeral but there foreign steel flooding the country, and yet commercial banks held $607 billion in recession hit bottom last f in MSU's problems it gave a big wage boost to workers and set year somen™ it is; we just think the economy is going to assets. But never mind the figures, the and Is gradually aS not improve almost no matter what Mr. Nixon does. new high prices for its own products. It passed the load on the consumers in a > point is that the old laissez-faire, free enterprise economy of supply - and - getting better though you may not have noticed it Th funny thing is that several of the ton ml He will ope , 61." O Opus £ Monday night the U.S. Senate $60 million as Nixon did in 1968. If One reason is that Phase 2 finally accepts concentrated industry . .. demand that Herbert Hoover used to administering the new Nixon prom iocturnes" t< the intention of the bill was to make the fact that economists have been writing Nobody has explained this better than think too begin passed a tax bill that included special worship now belongs pretty much to so - George Schultz, head c After about for 40 years, ever since Berle and the Hon. John N. Mitchell, attorney American folklore. It is naturally left to a Budget and Management, and Herber eissenberg a provisions for government funding of political campaigning more Means invented the phrase "administered general, who, in a speech June 6,1969 said Republican President to quietly accept the Stein, member of the Council of ade his profi political campaigns. This bill, though equitable, then the Senate should prices." The old theory of Adam Smith Advisers Kconom that in 1948 the nation's 200 largest fact and to base his policy upon it, all the who Is a spokesman for the a tour o it does not have its advantages, is in have put a $20.4 million ceiling on th program. They are allied to the illiard. nei the main contrary to the democratic campaign expenses-whether the monetarist school of Professor Following a Milto process. fund was used or not. Friedman, which believes that the amour uierica, he re of credit available from the Fed Tov.lih.rm In essence the legislation would Another major problem with the prosperity ... or — turns Ui shuts it off, like water fromi oi DrkPhl! The winner allow a taxpayer to choose whether proposal is that it carefully excludes faucet. >ared as s< or not he wants $ 1 of his taxes to go giving third parties proportionally jlharmonic, Better to a political campaign fund. If he equitable funding. The limit on It's all pretty enna Philha recondite, but elects to do so he may pinpoint the important thing is that they prayerful! dat Milan's general fund taxpayer funding for believe that the economy is He lias also I party the $ 1 should be channeled to third parties is only $6.4 getting bettei slowly, and will continue to do so Ravinia witl or he can choose to put it in a million-more than two-thirds less Arthur Burns, head of the >nna Philhar non-partisan general campaign fund. than the other two Fed, will ju parties. keep the credit faucet on Their slogan . ickets are a' In its present form the bill will allow Additionally as the plan is set up, "In Arthur We Trust." Phase 2 is just Republicans and Democrats to use any third party funds in excess of kind of icing on the cake. )tud In April, 1970, Mr. Nixon told up to S20.4 million in public tax $6.4 million would go to the general monies. Third parties would be fund where it could be transferred conference, "Frankly, if I had any I'd be buying stocks right now." TheDo< limited to S6.4 million. If a party into the Democratic or Republican Jones Industrial Average stood at 735 decides to use the public monies, however, it would be barred from party banks. The most serious indictment of the promptly dropped 10 points. By \ 1970, it was down to 631. Taking formula 736 - 100, a Mutual Fund th, red raising or spending private funds. special tax bill provision, however, is HSU studi invested $10,000 on Mr. Nixon' There are, of course, many points that it places the government in orking i would have declined to $8700. But the of view to be taken on the bill. On control of the handling of campaign one hand, the Senate's proposal funding. It is highly questionable stocks rallied. They shot up to 950 afterh froze wages and prices, or an increase o a"n°( edit for their would guarantee the two major whether the government has any around 30 per cent. The "Nixon Fund" was worth $13,301 parties a reasonably large campaign business extending itself into this Id cooperi Stocks have fallen since then but last wee fund. This would theoretically offset area. Political campaigning has using Schot the fund still showed a comfortab! fiscal advantages normally Bjc Educati some traditionally been a private endeavor $11,200 or so. As Democrats ruefull shared by the party in power. SU stude mainly because it has, as far as is remark, it all goes to prove that Mr. N'ixo aching basi Moreover, the plan would allow the possible, prevented governmental 'TOP OF THE MORNIN' TO YOU, LADIES — AND ISN'T IT A tRYIN' SHAME WHAT THE waif wise to. adopt a policy, they virj ith and ot taxpayers to select the party of their intervention which may favor one WICKED BRITISH ARE DOIN' TO US ALL ... T Indeed, he abandoned his aversion ults this fa choice, thereby making campaign Peking, Moscow and a managed econom party over the other. all at about the same time. stem of teacl funding a clearly representative Departments endeavor. The problem of spiraling campaign ducation, However, there are enough catches costs and campaign ART BUCHWALD financing is to severely outweigh the advantages. indeed a sticky one since it is so floral fr< For instance, no party would be clouded with partisan emotionalism. lis pros compelled to use the money in the Nevertheless, the Senate's proposal PARIS (AP)- taxpayers fund. Therefore, no limit appears to solve few problems and in Explaining Thanksgiving Day agnant indust exists on how much a party can fact creates aging enough new ones to ra spend. Clearly, the party in power critically alter the texture of ychiatrist tol will not use the fund if it can raise American politics. inday. Prof. Marcel Itiser to tl (Every Thanksgiving Day the French important holidays is Thanksgiving Day to their heart's content. They landed at a "I ambassador to the United States delivers am a maker of war (je suis Hurt, attribu a (known in France as le jour de merci place called Plymouth (now a famous fabricant de la guerre) and not a mal ine of pre Legislature strong note to the State Dept. demanding donnant). voiture Americaine) in a wooden ' to know why all the government offices in Le sailing of phrases.You, bred as a scholar (vous, freedon jour de merci donnant was first started ship called the Mayflower (or Fleur de mai) etes hich confrc Washington are closed. A fourth secretary by a group of Pilgrims (pelerins) who fled in 1620. But while the pelerins were pain comme un etudiant), can say iti on the duty desk at State hands him the from l'Angleterre before the McCarran Act killing elegant language, such as you read rost it u t e s the dindes, the peaux-rouges were following reply in a language the French to found a colony in the new world killing books of the pleadings and wooings < ^petition. H (le the pelerins, and there were several hard for Massachusetts became ignoring ambassador will understand.) WASHINGTON - One of our most nouveau monde), where they could shoot Indians (les peaux-rouges) and eat turkey winters ahead for both of them. The way the peaux-rouges helped the pelerins was when they only taught them to grow corn lovers, such as you think best adapted win the heart of the maiden." Although Jean was fit to be ti (convenable a etre emballe), friendshi the first physical or mental damage due (mais). The reason they did this was state to prevailed over love and he went to do h adopt "no fault" auto reparation. No fault in Massachusetts OUR READERS' MIND because they liked corn with their pelerins. duty. But instead of using elegant langur insurance at the beginning of the covers only doctor bills and In 1623, after another harsh year, the he blurted out his mission. Priscilla " lost year. Now that the program is eleven pelerins' crops were so good that they muted with amazement and sorroi wages while the accident victim is decided to have a celebration and give months old, The New York Times (rendue muette par 1'etonnement et reports, Massachusetts drivers face the "alarming" prospect of 20 under a doctor's care. discrepancy is not as bad as it seems, This Need Jewish studies thanks because more mais was raised the pelerins than pelerins were killed by by les tristesse). At length she exclaimed, interrupting th per however, since conventional peaux-rouges. ominous silence: "If the great captain o cent lower auto insurance rates. To the Editor: Every year on the jour de merci donnant, insurance plans for permanent Holy Days. This clearly reflects a lack of Plymouth is so very eager to wed me, wh This mutation was largely We would like to pose some parents tell their children an amusing story brought questions sensitivity by the administration towards does he not himself and take th disability are still offered in the concerning the deficient state of a Jewish the needs of the Jewish students and other about the first celebration. come about by the very nature of no fault state. trouble to woo me?" (Cu est-il, le studies program at MSU. Formost, why who may be directly affected by the It concerns a brave capitaine named Miles insurance. Under the no fault system Kilometres? Pourquoi ne vient-il pas auprt Despite the obvious benefits of no haven't Jewish studies even been Standish (known in France as Kilometres university's actions. Perhaps the minute de moi pour tenter sa chance?) auto accident victims promptly considered as part of the newly formed Deboutish) and fault, it has only been adopted in Jewish student population (roughly 5 per a young, shy lieutenant Jean said that Kilometres Deboutish recover damages from their own ethnic program? The Jewish history and named Jean Alden. Both of them were in seven states, only two of which are cent) is not impressive enough to warrant very busy and didn't have time for thos insurance policy, whether or not culture is as colorful as that of love with a flower of Plymouth called any other consideration on the part of the true no fault plans. A no fault ethnic group. Why then is this rich Priscilla Mullens (no translation). The vieux things. He staggered on, telling what they are to blame for the accident. heritage administration? Why didn't the University wonderful husband Kilometres woul program for Michigan has been being denied to all students of this take actions to amend the capitaine said to the jeune lieutenant: hardships it make. But finally Priscilla arched he bottled up in committee in the state university as a worthwhile learning "Go to the damsel Priscilla (allez tres vite placed on those involved with MSU? eyebrows and said in a tremulous voice Conventionally, victims only legislature for some time now. experience? Also, why among the seven We seek answers to our questions chez Priscilla), the loveliest maiden of African, three Japanese, nine Chinese, and ... we Plymouth (la plus jolie demoiselle de "Why don't you speak for yourself, John recover damages when they can The lawmakers claim they need seek them NOW! (a chacun son gout)." twenty-six Spanish courses is there not a Plymouth). Say that a blunt old captain, a I prove the accident was the other more time to study the Ronley H. Pious And so, every fourth Thursday proposal. Yet single class offered in Hebrew by the man not of words but of action (un vieux party's fault. Even then long court Beth Dzodin November, American families sit down a they have been considering no fault language department? Detroit sophomores Fanfan la Tulipe), offers his hand and his hassles attempting to determine for two whole years now. Another point of conflict directly heart, the hand and heart of a soldier. Not large table brimming with tasty dishes, a Rhonda Rochkind for the only time during the year eat bet which party is actually to blame The Massachusetts system shows concerns the scheduling of fall 1971 in these words, you Detroit freshman know, but this, in than the French do. often delay payment of damages for that no fault can work to the registration on one of the Jewish High Nov. 22, 1971 short, is my meaning. Copyright 1971, Los Angeles Times years. The delays are so intolerable consumers advantage. The only that less well-to-do families are often forced to settle out of court for less parties being shortchanged by no fault are lawyers who handle And found To the Editor: You'l than equitable amounts in order to insurance litigation. But there is wasor To a guy who disbelieves the philosophy, survive while the family head is chee* enough of a backlog on the nation's "Finders keepers; losers weepers," it is very recovering. Opponents of no fault have dockets to prevent any competent lawyers from being out of work. distressing to suddenly notice when he needs a Lost and Found column that the )) A choice centered their arguments on two On the federal level Senators campus paper lacks such a service. How main Philip about it, State News staff? Are your points. First they argue that no A. Hart, D-Michigan, and Warren G. readers entitled to such service by your fault will make drivers more reckless Magnuson, D-Wash., have introduced newspaper or aren't they? if they no longer must fear the threat of an immense negligence suit. The thought careful for any that drivers legal will reason be less defies all a bill which would permit drivers to collect damages from auto accidents from their own insurance company. Either the federal or the state no I 18, Only too glad to be the first contributor, contribute the following: Found: Nov. Womens' 1971 IM — - on one the bike path pen. Will return before on 'if THAT'S CAllEP WITHOUT ANSUIE^/ AN5U)ERIN&y H< accurate description. Hopefully, this last is logic. No one wants to get into an fault proposal should be given the humble start of a great service to the auto wreck. serious consideration before the end campus community. The second main charge leveled of the year. Inequitable insurance Robert D. Martin against no fault is that it will deny freshman c policies have endured in Michigan accident victims suffering permanent and the nation for much too Chicopee, Mass. long. Nov. 20, 1971 •*>T,ow Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Mo.iday, November 29, 1971 5 Unicameral Bv jy JOANNA FIRESTONE ousting ^ present bicamera| to Drove he'™™. movement — 7fi.memh« bucks touah odds 76-member Senate, .ww elected on a ..m 5" wbre?^"? „„ „ said. State News Staff Writer "Using this figure, the ... Conference committees are have one-house city councils. Kovemmtnt, ary. Well the fierce partisan basis, would include state's portion for 55,200 found in all two-house systems Despite ntrols wj,', Nebraska, they said it 6e 100of 140 legislators are as tough as ihe°n T* that haS dlvided four representatives from each of the 19 congressional districts students in grades K thru 12 to resolve differences when a bill economic the vast cultural, and demographic 11 now w<* also mldn rwspapers opposed it; unicameral system in 1934. SISXXS Rep. Joseph ne D P. Swallow s chief justification of could be financed for one entire school year. passes different the House and Senate in forms. Generally differences and Michigan, between Nebraska Swallow - he samee on, wmbent legislators opposed it; One young idealist, however, R-Aloen Swallow, the unicamera! concept hes in "Or, based on the 1969 annual comprised of three members again 57^. .-P. oppced ias darpd tn „haii„ .uJ "'P^n the 1964 U.S. Supreme Court savings, funds would be from each house, the conference confide system t that a one-house could be successfully tradition"! one decision, with two-house system 1^72 of W« 147 ' colleagues man, one vote sufficient to put 242 fully committee must work out a final adapted for use in the Great nd busines But the people passed it. and has collected 35,000 late last spring Under that ruling, legislative equipped State Police officers on compromise acceptable to both Lakes state. >e "nderstan in Michigan- the odds against signatures from Michigan voters At 38, Swallow is bodies must be appointed on the our highways or fund more than chambers, addressed one of a basis of population rather than 40 Commissions on Aging to "Ontario, our next-door Gop dozen or so young "it's a common tactic for each Hnancii legislators special interests, making two serve our senior citizens." neighbor, has conditions very bent on shaking house to pass a bill with only similar to ours," he said. "Like circuit Tv at 'K dimes out ^ionist traditional system of state government. up the separate houses unnecessary, according to Swallow. But despite the 1964 decision, Nebraskans addition to one house argue that in being economical, eliminates a minor differences," Swallow said. "The bill in this case is Michigan, it is industrial and metropolitan with a comparable His efforts now referred to a conference population — and the one-house are centering Firs« in a series no state has since changed over duplication of effort and makes on a petition drive that would committee where, more often system has worked out very well governor, and a Senate split of to the one-house system. lawmakers directly accountable hopin place the concept of a one-house than not, it dies. This permits there" 19-19, with the tie-breaking vote "The major reason for this is for their voting records. the members of each body to i>ed he legislature on the November given to a Republican lieutenant that only 14 states, including 1972 ballot. Unlike the Michigan legislative say, 'I voted for the bill, but it governor. Michigan and Nebraska, have the process, some action is required Fnrth trpmnrc ''I have died in committee '" u manage always considered Swallow said he detects right of initiative petition on all bills in Nebraska. Each ,icy (i.e., wl pianist Alexis Weissenberg, who has been acclaimed for his unicameralism to be a more partisan undertones in the whereby citizens can start gets a public hearing before a Since conference committee hit Cnrrihhf*nn is failed so L jorowitz-like technique," will appear in concert at 8:15 tonight efficient more economical idea legislature's failure to pass reform action independent of reDorts cannot be amended on luuvun the Auditorium. for committee, followed by two tne floor, agreement in both KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent think this on Michigan," Swallow said. "I certain controversial bills, the legislature," Swallow said. floor debates prior to the final ? we think th ffeissenberg's all-Chopin program is part of Subscription Series guess the dismal failure of the "The Democrats say it's the The Nebraskan 49-member houses is often impossible, thus (AP) — Slight earth tremors have vote. I" in MSU's Lecture-Concert Series. ... ''ear present session to achieve any Republicans' fault, the legislature 1.5 million In Michigan, however, hearings delaying and sometimes killing been reported for the first time sometim serves final'action. etter He will open his concert with "Polonaise - Fantasie in A Flat, real noteworthy legislation Republicans say it's the from Mt. Soufriere on this anyway 31." Other selections will include "Sonata No. 3 in B people at a cost of only are held only for the more But finally nudged me into Democrats'fault, and meanwhile $250,000 a year, meeting for controversial bills, such as although it is the only Caribbean island. The volcano f the Opus 58," "Ballade No. 4 in F Minor, Opus 52," and four attempting to get the 300,000 nothing is getting done," he said, state to adopt the unicameral has been showing signs of top 90-day sessions in odd-numbered abortion and drug reform, and ixon ^ _rnes" to be selected by Weissenberg. signatures we need to bring the The unicameral remedy, which years and for 60 days in proposals may never be released system, Nebraska is not unique unusual activity for the last prograr head o After beginning piano studies in his native Sofia, Bulgaria, question up before the voters." Swallow readily admits won't even-numbered years. from House and Senate in its use of this legislative form, month. and Herber eissenberg continued his musical education in Israel where he The current standoff in the solve all the state's legislative If the unicameral system had committees. All 10 Canadian provinces A report issued by I of ide his professional debul at 14. He was immediately invited to Michigan legislature stems from problems, would condense the been in effect here over the past operate under the one-house seismologists Saturday night said Kconomi ike a tour of South Africa and then come to the U.S. to attend In addition to forcing action system as do Switzerland more rocks have >man for th a three-way power struggle present 148-man bicameral five years, the state of Michigan on all appeared in the between bills, the unicameral Austria and the emerging nations crater lake and have risen from to the nei the Democrat - system into a single body of could have saved approximately Following a successful tour of Israel, Egypt, Turkey and South system also makes conference Qf Africa controlled House, Republican lawmakers. This" proposed fessor Milto - jerita, he returned to make his American nniciiiiui debut ueuui with wur the New a $15 million in taxes," Swallow committees unnecessary. "m" American cities but one from^the^olSo hlTi^rr^"8 PeH fed (n!i°Un turns »rk Philharmonic under the direction of George Szell. ? water The winner of the Leventritt Competition, Weissenberg has fromi peared as soloist with major orchestras including the Berlin jlharmonic, the Philadelphia Orchestra, Boston Symphony, enna Philharmonic, Chicago Symphony, Buerische Rundfunk lite, but dat Milan's famed La Scala. 'V prayerfull He has also been invited to such major summer music festivals getting bette , , Ravinia with the Chicago Symphony and the Salzburg with the to d° s°, j (nna philharmonic. red, will juj r^kets are available in advance at the Union ticket office i neir slogan MUSIC CO. 245 Ann St., E Lansing se 2 is iust NOW IN STOCK: Jf udent a ALL-STAR ROCK 'N SOUL ALBUMS CHOOSE FROM HUNDREDS! NEW SELECTION YOUR CHOICE :redit as including: NONESUCH MSU students have been sociology, psychology, Spanish THE DOORS CLASSICAL L.P.'S orking as classroom teacher and human ecology, IRON BUTTERFLY lies in a nonformal teaching No concept of failure exists, tuition and receiving class and an adult is encouraged to BUDDY MILES JOHN MAYALL EACH edit for their work for nearly a learn at his own individual rate, ». Robert Luebke, temporary PAUL BUTTER FIELD Id cooperation with the program director, said, THE BYRDS using School District Adult Students do not have to get BEE GEES coiJiforub isic Education program, 47 credit for doing the work nor do SU students have been And Scores More! they have to be a MSU aching basic reading skills, volunteer, he stressed. ,lir^ ith and other materials, to ALL STEREO^ 8 this fall in a modular' maiVy" \yor^lrt£ ill conjunctly TwfcK narVy' RJtal local fecial social agencies, the stem of teaching. adult education program reaches WHILE SELECTION LASTS Departments involved include; those who want to finish high ducation, social science, school, need more education for SHOP EARLY 4 SPECIAL BUY their job, or just want more education. He cited the person i,.,$5 lAoraI freedom' YOUR who bought a home with a ills prostitution 48-year mortgage at 12 per cent CHOICE PARIS (AP)-Prostitution is a interest, as an example of the type of person they try to help. ignant industry and its clients Volunteers also teach English e aging rapidly, a Paris ay Bychiatrist ' d told a meeting here 6 85 « fsecond to and foreign students not directly related to the University, TOP 5 STEREO ALBUMS vlser to the Paris Appeal Volunteers are also needed for (je suis i *rt, attributed the relative «ddit °«al P[°«ram® s.uch "s not a maki e of prostitution to the ?J0^ 24< where vo unteers f ilar (vous, q d freedom" of the 1970s, direct,y ,nto..a PersonJ hom.e to , can say iti kich confronts professional 'ostitutes with unpaid mpetition. He said prostitutes Luebke plans to hold a special u"K ,r„r.keo'i f*T«riingHjpro,'^ to be tie »leave their families at home interested. He said there is i ), friendshi ent to do h earn a need for minority volunteers. living in France. »ant languai Priscilla ' and sorro' A & MRECORDS jment et CAT STEVENS 'TEASER AND THE FIRECAT ved me, wh nd lake th errupting th it captain o salad >99 ATLANTIC ARETHA RECORDS FRANKLIN "ARETHA'S GREATEST in a t-il, le vi HITS" •il pas aupre ei •boutish wi for thos 299 ling what ulous tres i arched he woul voice sandwich rself, John' This Christmas let heard... yo 'hursday i r it down dishes, an< at STEREO CHRISTMAS raeat bette I 99 ItCil CAMDEN 'A PARTRIDGE FAMILY CHRISTMAS CARD' 2 J OUTSTANDING BUYS RCA RECORDS You'll find lettuce, tomatoes and special including: "The American Family Album of | Pawning* nestled among the meats and Favorite Christ mas Music" | ROBERT SHAW CHORALE cheese in every Hobie's submarine. Your outstanding performances | LIVING STRINGS choice of a wide variety of sandwiches. by: Arthur Fieldler/Boston I LITTLE DRUMMER BOY Pops, Robert Shaw Chorale. | Specially priced 2-record set | MARIO LANZA [99 ELVIS PRESLEY I1CJ1 ORGAN MASTERS N6J Hobie's Plus Many More fficlJqfPizza MOTOWN RECORDS THE JACKSON 5 YOUR CHOICE "The Jackson 5 Christmas Album" DELIVERY PHONE 351 3800 While Slection Lasts Trowbridge Roed Dine in or carry out. 3" Shop Early fo Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, No,embet j, 197| L/C to revitalize Free classes ^8 Ml offer for living-learning At last the impersonal, nonacademic skills Carlin said, affairs. U Express, Expand, Experiment The Bikini Brigade will also be "We were institutional atmosphere of the In an effort to provide tired of the "The students know the (EEE), a conglomeration of free continued, Ms. Schoch said, "We and ra, huge living-learning complexes students with options outside classes taught by students, is -else in t he drugs syndrome and ! Student Affairs Offices are there main of the University College, (UC), the reguired disciplinary courses Butter field Hall's answer to the for problems, but they need entranceway and the group is on the way to being of American Thought and academic pressures on campus. revitalized. Language, Natural Science, more s t u d e n t - f a c ul t y EEE, organized by Karen lobbying for diet food in the snowballed " 8 absolu interchange outside an office," , cafeteria," she added. Edward A. Carlin, dean of UC, Humanities and Social Science, Carlin emphasized. He said he Schoch, Butterfield's head "We are also planning a Students said last week he believes Carllin spoke of encouraging felt projects involving students ndviser, is a nonacademic number of one-shot undergraduates living in Brody, idence directors and and gj£& method for students to get to s.«id. "We're planning deals," she classes thi^n ^hing Wonders and F\?e halls are looking department chairmen to work professors in film productions, environmental Sgj .'*$ know the people in their hall, a banker talk about on having checking residents sinned m'r Bu,tterfi- for extracurricular involvement closer together than in the past, concerns and topical seminars * she said recently. accounts and a discussion spaces with 2?n 465* beyond the classes held there. On a second level, Carlin would begin to solve the This fall, classes in crocheting, Ralph Nader for on participating stU(1,» "We are not setting up a new presented the idea of one night each. graduate impersonal aspects of UC. knitting, sewing, leather work, living-learning program, but students working in each Student re-examining the old one to see Affairs Office per complex and what we ought to be doing to •>. ">4% macranie, decoupage, Italic handwriting and guitar were offered free of charge to , EEE began last year as an alternative to residence halls As one student i Ms. Schoch, "I may belw becoming more involved in As another answer to the simply being a place to eat and out of school, but 1 c make progress more effective," Butterfield residents. beautiful leather belts!" undergraduate instructional problem, Carlin several weeks sleep, Ms. Schoch said. "We had Christmas presents in ago introduced the concept of mind," Ms. Schoch said. TRANSCENDENTAL integrated UC classes to the curriculum committee. This Roy H. McFall, director of would encompass the current Brody's Student Affairs Office, MEDITATION UC required courses into taught a class Saturday mornings a series titled "Automobile Anatomy" taken team fo^ two years teaching situation, he under a v in hopes of teaching coeds some ★ CAPITAL basic facts concerning explained. as taught by automobiles. Maharishi If the money and resources Moiislrr on cam/ma For winter term, EEE is GOV. MILLIKEN said he supports a planning a first aid class, bridge House-passed bill which Mahesh were available, Carlin said he It seems unlikely that this poor sole (soul?) will have anyone would make possession of marijuana a misdemeanor. believes a way could be found to lessons, candle making, a plant following in his footsteps. Perhaps it's the fabled Big Foot The bill, which would rewrite the state's Yogi cure class, ice skating and drug laws, has passed break up the now tremendously both houses in different forms and is now in large living complexes. monster? swimming in addition to the fall committee where a compromise package will be written. a'conference State News photo by Chris Fischer The major difference in the Senate and "ouse approved versions centers on the marijuana section. The House bill would make possession a misdemeanor while the Senate Transcendental meditation is a natural spontaneous tech¬ wanted to keep it nique which allows each individual a felony. to expand his mind and "The final bill should include both stiff improve his life. penalty provisions for pushers and a humane, progressive approach to individual users of 2nd drugs," Milliken said. Introductory Lecture with color film TONIGHT PARLOR C; Union 7 pm HICKORY Project nearly finished CORNERS - Eighteen ponds on 40 acres of and stocked later this fall. ATTY. GEN. FRANK J. KELLEY politicians and state lawmakers of both parties of controversial issue of court-ordered school has accused suburban approaching the busing in a cowardly Construction of a $200,000 land will be the "test tubes" of the impact of the run-off upon an,d sometimes "demagogic" manner. for information call 351-7587 or 349-4967 The facility has the potential freshwater systems. 8,1 *n^erv*ew with two Detroit Free Press reporters, Kelley Experimental Pond Facility at the ecologists. The ponds are MSU's Kellogg Biological Station 100 feet wide and seven feet of becoming a national research "There are a few other pond als° Position taken on the ^ by U.S. Sen. Robert is nearing completion. deep. A well, capable of site where scientists from other facilities in the country," p-Griffin, R-Michigan. The facility, financed by a laboratatories work explained Donald Hall associate Kel'ey >? expected to seek the Democratic nomination to ru delivering 500 gallons per can together professor at Kellogg Biological Gr? 19J2.... grant from the Division of minute, will supply water to a on problems of freshwater . Biology and Medicine of the reservoir. A network of concrete environment. Station. "But none of them are There has been timidity and cowardice on the part of alotof National Science Foundation, pioes and valves will fill and for such intensive ecological su,b"rl>an politicians," he said. "I see all kinds of demagogerv holds promise of being the site investigations." with the issue, playing on the fears. empty individual ponds. One of the first experiments "Instead of exploiting it, they sould have tried to of one of the most intensive quiet fears, The ponds are lined with planned for the facility is an tried to balance it. And that includes some members of ecological studies of aquatic life. plastic to prevent water loss investigation of the influence of Special meet set i^arty." my own through seepage. The liners are aquatic plants on fish feeding. covered with soil to promote The ponds also have capabilities An ABC Pictures Corp. Presentation A "Kotch" bottom-dwelling plant and for watershed management on planned route GOV. MILLIKEN Wednesday signed into law a bill reducing the Company Production • Color TOM MALLOW intoxication presumption level in blood alcohol tests of KEN SHAW animal life found in natural >sidiary ot the American Broadcaitinf Companiti studies by diverting agricultural drinking ii Releasing Corporation ■ Ofrected by It waters. The ponds will be filled run-off into the ponds to study A special meeting of the East drivers from .15 of one per cent to .10 per cent. ARTHUR WHITELAW Lansing Traffic Commission will The action is leveled at toughening the state's stance on drunk I Walter Matthau ihd :P ★ ★★★★★* ★★★★★★★★★★★ be held today at 8 p.m. to drivers. [ role only he could Tonioh' Jim sTERiinc consider approval of the "This legislation is a vital link in our entire state approach to 1\ make I II 1 so excitingly different... you'll start talking about it _ ' ' 7:40 - 9:40 f 1 if U. AUDITORIUM TOMORROW MITE 8:15 PM TICKETS AT THE } Come out * proposed peripheral route. The commission will meet at the Hall on Abbot Road. City the problem of alcohol and traffic safety," Milliken said. The governor said although Michigan traffic deaths har decreased in recent years, "our yearly toll of traffic fatalities still \; from the opening scene. - — UNION & AT THE OOOR J week lon J exceeds related." 2,000 and more than one-half of those Heaths are alcohol MICHIGAN CONSOLIDATED GAS CO. was authorized Wednesday to raise its residential gas rates about $1 a month p- customer to cover higher wholesale costs. Tonight Hov gone to Chicago The Michigan Public Service Commission said the increase is At consistent with Phase 2 price controls. 7:45 and 9:30 3 Presenting. DAYS the most irreverent, irrelevant [JJ™ 0NLY father and son team 0NLY (] since the Frankensteins. , A Herbert Ross-Peter Hyoms Producti 1 & Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 29, 1971 7 Aid bill to affect MSU students By BILL HOLSTEIN would take at least a week to The House bill authorizes the State News Staff Writer educational expenses of all The House bill removes the simply compile an analysis of all expenditure of about $20 billion fiscal 1975 and the House the differences between the two over dependent children in authorized appropriations to maximum of 15 hours per week MSU students in need of bills. five years, while the Senate computing family contribution increase that the student may work and financial aid stand to be affected bill allows for about $16 billion to a student's income. by steps to $675 million The two bills make provisions over in fiscal 1976. allows for participation of by the higher education bills for four years. The amounts of many aspects of higher money Also, there are some Both bills change the criteria students enrolled on at least a now are, of course, subject to differences between the Senate's awaiting action by a education, for selecting recipients for the half-time basis. The Senate bill House-Senate conference service and including community change during the conference. and the House's idea of the role authorizes $285 million for each continuing education One of the major differences of guaranteed Work-Study program. The committee—probably more so programs, college library between the education loans, changes give preference to year through fiscal 1975 while than students at other two bills is the where the federal government the House bill authorizes $330 programs, sex discrimination, students with "great financial universities. concept of a "basic entitlement" pays interest on an educational construction of academic in S.659 through which a need" instead of students "with billion for fiscal 1972 and Federal money constitutes a loan for a student until after facilities and vocational student would be entitled to a he low income". Hence, students increases by steps to $450 major part of the financial aid education. The House bill has graduates. million in fiscal 1976. whose family's income falls in available to MSU students. yearly grant "as a matter of Both bills increase the annual attracted attention because of the middle range, but who still The House bill also authorizes MSU has the biggest right"-currently $1,400 minus loan limit for guaranteed $50 million to provide special Educational Opportunity Grant anti-busing amendments his needs money to meet expenses, expected family education loans from $1,500 to attached to it. can get work through this Work-Study opportunities for (EOG) program in the country contribution. Family $2,500 but the House seems to But two areas in particular program. Vietnam veterans. and has contribution is determined by Work-Study and have been controversial in the encourage the use of these loans National Defense Student Loan months that the family income, assets, more than the Senate. bills have been programs that also rank among dependents and other expenses. The Senate continued the immersed in the legislative If this the largest in the sum is insufficient to interest subsidy only to students country, Henry Dykema, director of financial process—student financial aid and aid to institutions. meet college expenses or income is too high for a student family from families with adjusted SPARTAN BICYCLE aids, said recently. All three Both bills, and presumably the incomes below $15,000 while programs are federally financed. at least in part to qualify for a basic compromise measure that will be though costs are above his grant, even the House removed the $15,000 STORAGE worked out, increase the amount adjusted family income criteria The conference between the ability to pay, the student would and allows each university to Insured Indoor Heated House and Senate is expected to of money flowing to students, be eligible for a supplemental decide which students are most Storage but attempt to shift some of the smooth out the numerous grant. in need of loans. burden to the private sector For Winter Term differences between the bills This Senate arrangement is in The Senate bill stabilizes the passed by the two houses before through the use of guaranteed place of the current Educational education loans, for example. present ceiling on new loans at phone 337-1239 from 8 - 10 a.m. and 1 -10 p.m. the Congress recesses in Both bills, as well as the ones Opportunity Grant system. The the current $1.4 billion level mid-December. House, on the other hand, Making cam lies Both the Senate proposed earlier by the Nixon retained the current bill, S.659, administration, support the setup through fiscal 1975 while the House bill authorizes the total Michele Qualtiere, Birmingham freshman, is making her and the House bill, H.R. 7248, notion that every qualified making less-sweeping changes. Under the provisions of H.R. principal amount of new loans ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ are huge, to increase by steps complex bills with so student, regardless of his to $2.4 own Christmas candles this year in West Shaw Hall. To make the candles, she first melts an 11 pound bar of wax over a hot plate, then adds colors and pours the liquid wax many differences between them that some observers were personal financial right to a means, 7248, has the grants the annual limit for EOG would be increased college education and $1,500 and the eligibility for to billion in fiscal 1976. Currently, in the fiscal year 1971, more than a million loans ^Students, ituj'jt Faculty speculating after the House } that the federal o either a regular mold or a sand mold. State News photo by Jeff Wilner passed its bill Nov. 5 (the Senate passed S.659 in August) that it government is such obligated to help him realize that right. years would grants extended to five if necessary. The bill require consideration of amounting to over $1 billion were taken out by students. Concerning National Defense NOW IS }TH Student Loans, students will be Imay cut aid to MSU } | able to receive more money through this program because the Senate would increase the to sign up for annual loan limit from $1,000 to $1,500 while the House bill Funds bills eliminates the annual limit and retains the aggregate limits of } ASMSU's trip to } By BILL HOLSTEIN the "authorization bills" conce $5,000 for four undergraduates. years for set the funds authorized for The Senate authorized $375 SPAIN certain of children in the state from _ State News Staff Writer limit on the level of funding for student aid programs will families with less $11,000 income range now million for each year through than $3,000 JmSU' s director ■ids says he of financial has "no a set of programs but do not actually come determine how much is actually through. To determine how the yearly income. receive the majority of aid at MSU. If the funds for the bills money Dykema said he is concerned were slashed sufficiently, these spent. sign in 307 philosophical argument" with He said the that is appropriated should be that a formula similar to the students would no longer have up room higher education bills now measures still have distributed, legislators in both Student Services Before the U.S. Congress, but he to go to the appropriations houses developed state-allotment House's will evolve, causing adequate access to financial aid. TIMEX WATCHES or yL As concerns about some of the committees of each formulas to Michigan and MSU students to The reason is that the money AND AM. BRANDS come to an information *1 guide that suffer despite congressional would be distributed "from the Essible effects of the congressional body before the distribution. assurances to the contrary. He ELECTRIC SHAVERS meeting DECEMBER 2, 7:30 p.m. actual level of bottom up", taking care of the- (ompromise bill if it receives funding is The Senate formula is based Jadequate funding. determined. on the number of full-time said students in states like Alabama would get the largest lower income brackets first. MSU has requested federal 1fl°/ STUDENT in the MSU CREDIT UNION for information call J ■ Both low a House and Senate bill, action by It is widely recognized, even enrollments at by the congressmen who wrote within a state while the House universities share of the money because of funds to support about $9 IU /O DISCOUNT more ^ awaiting ■inference committee, authorize a the bills, that the final bill will > formula is based on a the poverty level there. This would make for a significant million in financial aids for MSU COOPER S FIXERY 355-4560 (3-5 after 6 pm call: pm) J E increase in the amount of ftderal aid to students and only get a fraction of the combination of factors — the amount which it authorizes to number redistribution of funds for students for the 1972-73 fiscal year. Of that $9 million, roughly MERIDIAN MALL EAST LANSING Joan 353-1088 J of university = financial aids, he said. $7 million would from ■niversities. Henry Dykema, be spent. Dykema. said that enrollments, the number of high Moreover, Dykema said, federal coffers. come 349-1994 *** $ Bwtor of financial aids, said perhaps only a quarter of the" school graduates and the number students in the $9,000- to © 1971 Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co., Milwaukee and other great cities. SAGITTARIUS, 25% off Sale NOV. 23-DEC. 21 A Sagittarian likes to share his experiences. Even his Schlitz Malt Liquor. 0-^vV Sagittarians are good-vibes people. And Schlitz Malt Liquor goes n^sTdown well with Sagittarians. Because Schlitz Malt Liquor is Taurus, the Bull. Known for its dependable good V^\ taste, and sociability. People under your sign love freedom and like to take on a challenge. Taking a risk doesn't bother you. You're independent and spirited. You say whatever you think, and sometimes you can be pretty blunt. R/ITY 12—8 Despite the fact that you're plain spoken, people like you because you're gifted with bright optimism and an uncanny intuition. And there's nothing you like better than sharing your ideas with friends. Your ruling planet, Jupiter, gives you a lively, almost compulsive interest in people. And people sharing good times is what Schlitz Malt Liquor is all about. You always introduce your friends to the Bull, because he's got the stuff you admire. Sagittarius and the Bull-you're both brave, mon.-sat. bold, and proud. Nobody makes malt liquor like Schlitz. Nobody. 227 Ann St. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Monday, November ( I ive iicers s Pi it] ANN ARBOR, By CRAIG REMSBURG State News Sports Writer — Two goals by Michel Chaurest, a the puck at every opportunity and in so doing, kept Wolverines disorganized until the third period. Chaurest opened the scoring for the icers on a shot into the upper right of the power play, with far I to g combined with tenacious forechecking and tight defensive play, Michigan net, at the 8:26 mark of the first period. Chaurest's enabled the MSU hockey team to gain a split in a two-game series goal came off a rebound of a St. Jean shot, while Michigan's Michel with the Michigan Wolverines over the Thanksgiving weekend. Jarry was sitting out a The 4-2 Spartan win Saturday night offset a 5-1 pasting the two-minute charging penalty. icers received at the hands of the Wolverines the night before. The Thompson scored his eighth goal of the season early in the second stanza. Zippy went in on the left victory left the Spartans with a 4-2 overall record, 2-2 in both side, on a two-on-one the WCHA and the Big Ten, while Michigan slipped to a 3-3 mark break, used linemate Mark Calder as a decoy, and blasted a shot over the left shoulder of Wolveirne slap for the season. goaltender Karl Bagnell. Bob Michelutti and Norm Barnes drew assists on the Don Thompson and Don St. Jean also tallied for the MSU play. squad, while Bernie Gagnon and Randy Neal scored for Michigan. Michigan's half of the Gagnon cousins, Bernie, closed the gap "We finally got some scoring from our French line," Spartan to 2-1 just under three minutes later. Barnes lost the puck at the Coach Amo Bessone said. He was referring to the combination of "M" blueline and Gagnon gathered in the loose puck to go in alone on Jim Watt and score center Gilles Gagnon, left wing St. Jean and right wing Chaurest. cleanly. "We also kept the slot covered, but the key to our win was our A power play goal by St. Jean put the Spartans ahead 3-1 at 7:40 of the period. St. Jean faked left, then went forechecking," he added. right, and From the opening faceoff, the Spartans seemed to pounce on finally backhanded a shot past the out-of-position Bagnell. Gilles Gagnon and Chaurest assisted on St. Jean's first goal of the season. Chaurest scored his second goal, his fourth of the year, and the French line's third of the night, to the embarrassment of goalie Bagnell. Bagnell came out about fifteen feet in front of his net to clear a loose puck but mistakenly hit Chaurest with the disc. Chaurest gained control of the puck and had an open net to shoot at. "I was very surprised to see the puck on my stick," Chaurest commented. "I just couldn't believe I had an open net to shoot at. I don't care to score goals, though, as long as we win." Neal scored the Wolverine's second, and final, at 3:59 of the third period. goal of the night a. scores! > Any Michigan hopes for a comeback ended, however, when Gary Connelly was tagged with a tripping Michel Chaurest (no. 11, dark jersey) scores the first of his Jean, made the save. Chaurest scored on the rebound penalty, along with a 10-minute misconduct, a two-minute major two goals in the 4-2 Spartan win at Ann Arbor Saturday to and a game misconduct, with just under six minutes left. help give the icers a split in the weekend series, after night. Teammate Don St. Jean (no. 20) took the original 5-1 Friday night. losing "We started playing better early in the game tonight," Gagnon shot but "M" goalie Karl Bagnell, on his stomach under St. said, assessing the 4-2 $>artan win. "Everyone played together, State News photo by W. B. Remington not as just one player." The Friday contest, before 3,833 disappointed MSU fans at Demonstration Hall, was a complete reversal of form from the game Saturday night. SMITH, DEFENSE SHINE Jarry and Neal scored first period goals, Jarry's coming when MSU goaltender Watt lost his stick, to give the Wolverines a quick Cagers two-goal advantage. Defenseman Barnes scored a power play goal to cut the "M" lead to 2-1, on an assist by Gagnon. Barnes took a slap shot from the left point to tally his first goal of the season. Bernie Gagnon killed any ideas the Spartan leers had to win the ByGARYKORRECK from the corner almost halfway limited role. clobber The turnover game, with a short-handed goal at the 17:29 mark of the period. State News Sports Writer through the first half to give the As well as being a genuine figures L Thompson failed to keep the puck in the Michigan zone and Spartans a 15-11 lead and they crowd pleaser, Smith drew misleading, though, as \|fl high made nearly 57 per cent of Rick Mallette took the stray disc and passed across the ice to The Australian Nationals outscored the Aussies 40-13 en praise from coach Gus Ganakas. 72 shots while the Aussies thf Gagnon. Bemie sent a wrist shot into the upper right corner of visited Bast Lansing for a route to a 55-24 halftime bulge. "A1 Smith has made col a very make only 20 of 70 for a the net to make it 3-1 for the Wolverines. basketball game Saturday and The two squads traded good showing and he could 31 per cent. Randy Trudeau and Paul-Andre Paris scored in the third period they might have done well to buckets through most of the become a starter," Ganakas said. 6-9 Hockey Crosswhl to make the final 5-1, thus completing the flat game for the have acted in a visitors role and second half until Bill Kilgore Ganakas attributed the win Spartans. watched the action from the started an 11 point Spartan popped in 17 points for f mainly to the defense, though. Nationals and Ray TomlinJ stands where 3,231 fans saw the outburst late in the game with a "Our defense was terrific in the added 10, but CrosswhiteJ Spartans riddle the Aussies follow up shot. early part of the game," he limited to three rebounds. 105-71. Kilgore led the Spartans with commented. Other Spartans in It took the Nationals nearly 15 rebounds and added 10 In addition, the Spartans doulR two minutes to score their first figures were forwards I points. picked off 58 rebounds to just field goal and once the teams Gutkowski, Pat Miller and Bi Sophomore Mike Robinson Free coffee! , 32 for the Nationals. Ken James, Breslin with 13, 11 reached double figures MSU ran/ pumped in 16 points and junior a 6-3 gurad, paced the away with it. transfer student A1 Smith had 13 points respectively. Australians in that category with Brian Breslin hit a soft shot points and 13 rebounds in a Ganakas substituted free) 9 as well as scoring a game high 18 points. throughout the game and oi football star Billy Joe DuPrJ making his first appeamace in) Spartan basketball uniforj failed to score. While pleased with his teanfl One cup, Its the least we can do during exams T rans-Michigan TV RENTALS performance, Ganakas addl that he was not sure about t| Spartans future lineup. »e Delivery per »e service $9.50 month Ganakas' first moves will I COFFEE HOURS - 7 PM TO I AM se Pick-up plotted December 1, when tB SUNDAY THRU FRIDAY, DEC. 5-10 Airlines NEJAC TV RENTALS 337-1300 cagers visit Missouri for tl regular season opener. DAILY FLIGHTS TO THE ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★J UPPER PENINSULA . CONFIRMED SEAT FARES AT 1/3OFF * MSU jtJ INSTRUCTORS * APPLY AT ALL TIMES FOR STUDENTS . . . Flights to: ESCANABA,HOUGHTON bring your book lists in and MARQUETTE, SAULT STE. MARIE, your students will receive a TRA VERSE CITY & BOYNE MT. J ~ Charter Service for ski weekends is also available For Schedule & Reservation Information call TOLL FREE: 1 800-632 1720 DISCOUNT for charter information 351-2777 T®S s&wtfsrs i B§9K MJ7 Lansing Ski Club 255 Ann St. 332-1414 Box 1314 E. Lansing 48823 ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★*** Phone 332-0600 Conveniently located north of Lake Lansing Rd. on Dawn Ave. FACULTY, FuvUiiws Include advanced degee *12 Well Groomed Slopes *2 Double Chair Lifts candidates union (nan *6 Tow Ropes * Excellent Snow Making Equipment "Certified Ski Instructors * Lessons Offered Daily *AII New Rental Equipment *Pro Ski Shop wants to remind you that the deadline for renting Students, cans & gowns is Tomorrow , November Yur friendly sympathetic McDonalds. Seasonal memberships are now available on a limited basis, for week day skiing (good until 6 p.m.), at Hoods from other universities must be $35.00 per person. ordered early. For more For your membership enclose a check or money information, call 355-3498 order (no cash) or ask at the union desk. payable to The Lansing Ski Club, with the registration blank below. 234 W.Grand River 1024 E.Grand River OPEN SUNDAY-FRIDAY DURING EXAM WEEK UNTIL 1:00 AM ncwdcn'tHDPgej! iber 29 I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 29, 1971 9 PH.351-8460 Christmas discount records Daily 9:30-9:00 Sat. 9:30-6:00 hours: inc. Sun. 12:00-5:00 PRE-FINALS CHRISTMAS SALE A MAJOR HAPPENING LIST SALE PRICE FROM 598 359 SAVE NOW! ANGEL RECORDS NEW RELEASES! BEST SELLERS! INCLUDES ALL AIMGEL INCLUDES ALL CAPITOL 40% OFF RECORDS 40% OFF RECORDS BRITTEN Elgar: Sea Pictures DUETS WITH iade For Tenor, Horn and Strings Mahler: Five Songs from Riickert THE SPANISH GUITAR Les Illuminations .Janet Baker Laurindo Almeida guitar Martin Ruderman nut* Salli Terri Sir John Barbirolli vc Wagner THIS WEEK ONLY DIE MEISTERSINGER Karajan "Christopher Parkentng's playing of Bach is so intelligent, sensitive and adept that one can forget everything but the music." This was the acclaim awarded by The jN.Y. Times Donal Henahan to the Bach jperformances contained in "f he Classic \Style"— the young California guitarist's debut album. Two subsequent albums of Spanish [repertoire "In the Spanish Style" and j"Romanza" followed that auspiciousj irst program. ||~*Ssg*-|| If H 1 i/V. Now — Parkening and Bach are back bWHH | .. in a brand new program. Eight tran¬ scriptions for guitar — among them jjesu, joy of man's desiring, Sheep may I safely graze and Preludes 1, 6 & 9 from (The Well-Tempered Clavier. The album presents Parkening at his! most sensitive it may ... also be Bachj at his most beautiful. ALSOj ALL PRE-RECORDED CASSETTE AND 8-TRACKTAPES ON P6785 30% S-36771 S-36772 i!'"en^er8 and Ozawa volume I - Mozart's magni¬ Volume II—Monumental Mo¬ Volume III — Mozart at his CAPITOL ANGEL ■f,;'..1 ■ ilt 1(1 rii> enormously 1io,n classics ficent "Hatlner" (No. 35) and "Urn" (No. 36) Symphonies zart! Magnificent new Angel recordings of Symphonies most familiar! Today's "hit" —Symphony No. 40 in G mi¬ LIST Kit nor and the equally exciting .« cur,icy. Ra —in impeccable new record¬ No. 38 (■■Prague") and No. Kth it. u^ands concerto" ings by the great Karajan 39 in E flat. Karajan, The "Jupiter" (No. 41). New re¬ Kmn hll;,rious sense of and his Berlin orchestral Berlin Philharmonic and An¬ cordings; unapproachable »lhiLCon,r'1sts strongly gel Records now set the performances by the great force. Superb Angel sonics. ■lew k' hW stren8th of the standard of comparison. Karajan. inri "u "i . of ril"i'intirism" Prokofiev's No. 3. In the five years since the finest and most celebrated duction. For both stereo first release in Fall 1966, of theirearlier recordings. and mono releases, Sera¬ |S1RAPHIM Only: Seraphim has become the leading label for low-price Bearing the much-honored phim maintains Angel's aegis "Great Recordings high standards of record¬ classical records in Amer¬ of the Century" are many ing, tape transfer, materials ica. A product of Angel priceless historical perfor¬ and pressings at modest 1y g pet disc Records, Seraphim makes mances, mono treasures available outstanding new of the early LP and 78 eras, cost to the collector. A Classic I fc"lisl:cfSERAPHIM^) stereo recordings by Angel meticulously remastered Opportunity -98 per disc V"' artists hitherto unreleased in honest original sound to save ... yet give the best in America as well as the for truest possible repro¬ Specially Priced ... ] 0 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan MomlaV- November i SPORTS 'S' gropplers ByGARYSCHARRER for places in the lineup and rookie candidates that should fighting injuries. State News Sports Writer several freshmen prospects "The could become good wrestlers, season is pretty long What will Spartan Coach also make contributions. "Handy Miller, Jim Bissel, though, and the worst thing is to Grady Peninger and the MSU Greg Johnson (118), Tom Greg Zindel, Pat Milkovlch, Jay worry about these guys that are wrestling team do to collegiate Milkovich (134), Gerald Malecek Riggs and Steve Morey are all injured," Blubaugh said. wrestling in the 1971-72 season? (167), Dave Ciolek (190) and very good wrestlers," he said. Peninger cited lack of depth a Peninger and assistant Coach heavyweight Ben Lewis reign as Milkovich, brother of Tom, is a problem. Doug Blubaugh, since coming to Big Ten titlists and will pace the an Ohio State champion and is "Actually we are thin in some MSU in 1963, have built a '72 Spartan contingent. currently battling for the of the weights, (126), (134), wrestling dynasty. The Spartans Johnson was granted another 126-pound berth. Bissel, from (142), (190), but it will be worse have been Big Ten champions year of eligibility by the Big Ten Hasslet, was the state champion next year," he said. "This is our for the past six years and have because of an injury in his last year and will provide constant problem". also entered the elite of national sophomore year. The little competition at either the 118 or Both Peninger and Blubaugh $»-yr"T Powers- MSU was national senior heads the Spartan attack 126 weights. Morey and Zindel look at the Big Ten, as a whole, o 7 champion in 1967 and in the last this season. In two seasons of are East Lansing products who to be much improved and' four years has never finished competition Johnson has won both were runner-up in the state below fourth. stronger than in the past, two conference championships meet as prep wrestlers. Zindel Although, based on returning On paper this year's grappler and two NCAA titles. He has an comes from a wrestling family, personnel, MSU would be the squad appears to be even opportunity to become MSU's Jack Zindel was a Big Ten solid favorite for the conference stronger than last season's team, first three-time national champion three yerrs ago, and title. University or Michigan will In pre season national ratings the champion. But, Johnson will not Greg joins brothers Bruce and " .... potent contender and Spartans are rated second to be wrestling until sometime in Jpff on this year's squad. Heady? Iowa State. All regular from •• the wrestlers January because of an October Riggs is a Waynsburg, Penn. Northwestern, Iowa and Wisconsin will also be struggling ten eight knee operation for torn native who is giving Malley Spartan Tom Milkovich eyes an opponent in preparation for the first move in competition last classifications return, including eluding jfor the top honors. season. The junior middleweight sensation has already won two Big Ten titles and will be a key cartilage. competition at 150. , ' "I'm nc great one for five conference champions. A Milkovich has moved up to the for MSU's drive to the conference title. number of wrestlers who .predicting the future," Blubaugh were 142-pound weight division, but The season opens Saturday at said, "but it's hard to stop the State News photo by Milt Horst injured last year are now pushing Peninger said that his ace Indiana and already the Spartan momentum that has been middleweight would miss the strength is weakened because of p»nerated." Girls Here's an attractive first meet because of illness, . . . injuries. The Spartans also have a good alternative to Strike cancels Milkovich, only a junior, has "We are going into'this Indiana already won two Big Ten titles meet without a good solid and could become the league's micleous of last schedule to their advantage this year. After traveling to Iowa year's team," Jan. 8, the Spartans have nine unemployment or first four-time winner. Peninger said. consecutive home meets, dead end employment: ENROLL IN LBU's Trotters contest Junior Ciolek and seniors Malecek and Lewis won their Besides losing Johnson and Milkovich for the first meet, including national powers Oklahoma State University and GREG The scheduled appearance of Rledho„se ticket office either "m tZl^'Slluv T "t"he E'"S "" ,ho JOHNSON "Mini Secretarial" the world-famous Harlem over-the-counter or by mall. Globetrotters basketball team The MSU Varsity club mail, "pper w™ghls. At the Big Ten tournament -ch course this Term has been cancelled because the dominate sponsored the visit of the . . . and LBU's Placement Office to have you on a good job earning just may be able a goodincomeby Trotters continue to strike for better working conditions. Globetrotters, who were supposed to take on Shamrocks, the Trottem re«ul.r the Boston last year, MSU set a conference record for most points. The Spartan power came not' on,y Legs taster. Venison Fieldhouse, blause T^SSTlhe L film! O^Tnd ETR01T (U A Secretary's three most important skills are shorthand, typing and Hnglish. LBU's Mini-Secretarial course includes: Speedwriting of the strike, which two weeks ago, it nHpfinitPlv or began about is cnacel.ed „nHi tho been slated to go into the MSU Ralph Young Scholarship Fund. proceeds had ^ You"| Scho,areh|P ' u"°- ninners-up j h Abaiace (150) finished J°h" J*"Jf^2L?"flj1 and Lon Hicks (126), professional more than years, died He was 6 < GlobetJotters Globetrotters reach reach «n an ru \ » 45-year Globetrotters have been period tour on the Rjck Radman (158) and Bruce By GARY KORRECK State News Sports Writer It wasn't enough to surpass the that offset the high-stepp irardin was Shorthand one of the quickest and easiest forms Zj d , third-Dlace honors 265-yard rushing performance of Green Bay's Dave Han Jay and was agreement and continue their anH Ponr^i in 87 countries and have of shorthand to learn. Typing Mark MaIIpv Fbotball players will probably the 49ers, though and the Jets Durkee kicked five fired their first shutout ever Hampton. The much maligned M nines Spreei . . . while knocking the uring his foi All offered by the only accredited college in the Thni' »hnu Those who purchased tickets ?anit 7,60b on X. the North American 'ncluding Although the freshmen The big story was the return of high-powered San Diego Charger offense got into the ad. strike by area that specializes in training secretaries. can receive refunds starting continent, and 3,049 overseas prospects h°ve „ot been around Joe Namath to the New York offense to its knees in a 31-0 «ts normally plodding irtment and Accredited by the A.C.B.S., Founded 1867. pa"mount News They jong enough for a realistic Jets lineup. Namath entered the romp. Running back Fred Willis game stampeded for 2! Center in East Lansing or winning claim^a fantastic record of 10,333 while losing evaluation of their talents, game against the San FVancisco churned to a pair of scores in the Clint Jones racked up 155 neral arrangt Call or Visit WINTER TERM BEGINS B|ubaugh mentioned several 49ere in the second quarter after win. tying a team record. Bob Davis suffered an ankle New Orleans outscored the Brown plunged for a MONDAY, JANUARY 3 the Vikes sprain and passed for 258 yards Packers 29-21 and it was the scores as sc and three scores. high-kicking of Charlie Durkee Atlanta 24-7. At Buffalo. J.I). Hill i Intising business fecial {, i recurring knee inji caught two touchdown Bills outlasted \nv university Bina. " " * S /*"2?-20. John r.ovp'old! All Seasons Permanent. pair of 40-plus yard Hole Corner Capitol & Ottawa Phone: 489 5767 to highlight the Bills first Great for adding body to hair. Especially over a year. at I Denver, on the strei Shags! $15.00 permanent Floyd Little's 16 yard for only $10.00 jaunt and on the weal Pittsburgh's Bobby Waldi Wigs and hair piece styling. failed to punt out of th Slylist zone, hung on for a The girl CLAUDIA WELLS Karin Berg in Rolling Stone described as having >a superlative voice, a feeling for a victory over the Steelers. lyric at hand, a feeling for beat and melodic line, and. what s this, the feeli I and warmth are underlined with intelligence t ii - Finally, at Philadelphi has a new album I he girl is Helen Reddyancf the album ir'< ' ides her current single,' No Sad Song"written by Carole King andTon Sterr IDont Remember My Childhood by Leon Russell, time'by Paul Parrish.and IMPERIAL Redskins hammered out win over the Eagles songs by John Lennon. Randy Newman, Donovan, Alex Harvey, David Blue and Helen Reddy herself. sr.8b7 House of Beauty Jefferson legged out a Just South of the 1-96 pass for the winning tou X-way 6425 So. and Curt Knight set a clul Pennsylvania In TML Building, Phone 393-1877 goal mark with his 23rd season. ANNOUNCING: When you know it's for - Special in-store prices en the world's most populai single-lens reflex system- Honeywell Pentax Spotmatic ll-w/f 1.4 lens. I keeps -OPENING To main> holiday flash pictures rosier I lion Happily, all your special moments together will your ever'. -UNDERG -NO ON-O be symbolized forever by your engagement and CAPRO FL3 Electronic Flash S11.96 -C0MMISS wedding rings. If the name, Keepsake, is in the ring and on the tag, you are assured of fine quality CAPRO FL5 Electronic Flash 519.96 -MORE PA and lasting satisfaction. The -FLY JETS is perfect, of superb color, and engagement diamond HONEYWELL Tilt-a-mite '11.16 precise cut. Your Keepsake Jeweler has a selection of many lovely Tin» styles. He's in the yellow pages under "Jewelers." amateur movie cameras that malic professional modes possible. Keepsake MINOLTA Autopalc 8-D4 139.95 MINOLTA Autopak 8-D6 188.95 The "take-along** automatic from Honeywell: VISIMATIC 615 s79.95 ( ilium's little gianl-versalilily at a modest price: CANON TL-QL- with case '159.95 SPECIAL PURCHASE CANON FT *199.95 (ireal gift POLAROID SQUARE SHOOTER 29-95 Gifts & Stocking Stuffers: camera bags, tripods, projection screens, slidetrays, film, filters, cable releases, close - up sets, photo information books. \We wish you the best of luck ou finals fa a joyous HOW TO PLAN YOUR ENGAGEMENT AND I S"H .". JO n looUet. WEDDING I "PUnn;,, Your Enn^m.nt and" plus I lull color loHrr a,d 44 pq. Bride'. Book gift .Jn, ,,11 lor only [ ARKS PHOTO SHOP 2S<>. F-71 524-26 E. Michigan Holiday Hours: Mon. & Fri. 9:00-8:00 ' Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sat. 9:00-6:00 MUSIC CO. ■■ Phone: 484-7414 402 S. Washington. j^K EE PSA K E DIAMOND RINGS, BOX 90, SYRACUSE, N.Y. 1 3201 Lansing Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 29. 1971 11 EPOSIT ABUSES CITED All Stereo L.P.'s Cigarettes NOW priced $4.77 Crest Landlord problems told By KRISTEN KELCHKElf.H ■ W 1 ■ V* 2/66' limit 2 pkgs $3.69 Toothpaste 59° State News Staff Writer (coupon) limit 1 appointment. Expires after 12-4-71 (coupon) After finding the Expires after 12-4-71 heichteni'd student awareness that complaining may help man apartment in good condition, the maintenance East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only told Carver that he would te l«ndlord Prob,ems has caused many students to air their relate this information to the • management. ^ of an investigation headed by Rep. Earl E. Nelson, Uter, $85 was taken from Carver's damage deposit. He was 20 Exposure 10% OFF The Discount Price Kodak Color Film -sine 8 liearln8 was he,d on camPus recently, enabling i. f0r dama8e done to the ceiling of the bathroom, caused jijfi'ed tenants to voice complaints concerning their by the toilet overflowing in the upstairs apartment. There Slide L Approximately 50 people appeared at the hearing was a $25 Pat Pulte, charge for carpet cleaning. Processing on all 126,127,620 Hagen, legislative affairs director of the Off Campus - - manager of Cedar Village Apartments, said that he does testified at the hearing that his organization received not feel there has been an increase in landlord 99c I ' , 200 complaints last year concerning rental deposit dissatisfaction. But, because of the emphasized today between the haves and the power struggles which are Film Developing 89c have-nots, those No Limit who normally would remain silent are No Limit -res Bender, director of Off Campus HOusing, said recently beginning to voice their (coupon) (coupon) rie does not feel the situation is getting worse, nor does she dissatisfaction, he said. Expires after 12-4-71 Expires after 12-4-71 Ms. Bender said that one East Lansing Store Only t the problem Is localized. way to handle security deposit East Lansing Store Only -t Ms. Bender calls "bad faith" results between tenants and complaints is for the tenant to take the case to small claims court. -Kjg when lack of maintenance or confusion as to who is to Also, any promises that the 35 MM management makes prior to the tenant moving in should be maintenance occurs. easiest definable area of complaints concerns security put down In the lease. Kodaclirome 5 X 7 Color Enlargement ■t abuse,"Ms. Bender said. Slide Film Flashcubes example she gave involved a female student who paid a deposit on a one bedroom house, with one carpeted room, ) 39° $"| 39 p udent's landlord did not return any of the deposit, claiming ! he used it for carpet cleaning. limit 1 (From Kodacolor negative only) limit 5 99° -y j. Orlandoni, Troy senior, said that, after vacating her (coupon) nt last spring, she was charged $9 by the management of Expires after 12-4-71 A STUDENT WAS arrested lament to have fingerprints cleaned off the light switches r. Sunday afternoon on charges of stealing a Christmas tree valued at $4, according to MSU East Lansing Store Only The student was seen police. Carver, East Lansing graduate student who testified at by police walking near the McDonel service $1.59 entrance carrying the tree. The $1.25 Value •cent hearing, informed the management of his apartment 30 student told police that he and a in advance that he would be vacating. He had to make three companion had cut down the tree from a nearby tree farm. Contac Christmas Gift Christmas rent appointments to have his apartment inspected before his Cosmetic ord finally sent the maintenance man to keep the third A 15-YEAR-OLD East Lansing resident was arrested Thursday Cold Capsules Cards & Tags Redi-Tied Bows Cotton Balls evening and charged with possession of marijuana when MSU police picked him up in front of -chief o curfew. Officers said when the curfew Phillips Hall for violation of they began searching the suspect after violation, the juvenile took a plastic bag filled with a 87° limit 1 29° 59° 49* limit 1 marijuana-like substance and began to eat it. Police recovered (coupon) (coupon) limit 1 enough of the bag's contents for evidence. The juvenile was Expires after 12-4-71 Expires after 12-4-71 (coupon) ay s I dies in released to his parents. East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only ires after 12-4-71 POLICE ARE SERVING complaints against Chesapeake and Ohio railroad for Tab-A-Day with SII CI T I VI I ETROIT (UPI30 )—RaySunday more years, than e. He was 69. years died eariy Girardi and thenn,Detroit a Detroit Times police reporter Police Commissioner after suffering a heart attack at for his blocking campus streets for more than the five-minute limit. In two separate blocked a street for eleven and ten incidents, the trains allegedly minutes, respectively. Police Iron Multivitamins Christmas Gift Wrap Eaton Corrasable he rardin was rushed to Harper Hospital shortly after 2 said the complaints resemble a parking ticket, and will probably Bond Typing Paper high-stepf a.m. cost the railroad $500-$l,000 per violation. s Dave Hai jay and was pronounced dead at the hospital. fd five field ,s the last Irardin, who announced his retirement one day before his birthday in November, 1967, remained on the jo n as police A BKj RAl'IDS RESIDENT was arrested for 69c limit 1 49c violation of limit 1 kickoff r< nissioner until July 22, 1968, when he was replaced (coupon) by nan otics laws after police stopped his car for violation of liquor (coupon) mnes Spreen. Expires after 12-4-71 laws. Police said they found Expires after 12-4-71 pipes, papers, and a cigaret roller and East Lansing Store Only ing his four years as commissioner Oirardin faced a "sick two hags strike by no;icemen, grand jury investigate1 is of the containing alleged marijuana. The suspect was arraigned btiore », " MAN 10 sublet winter, 349-4071, 349 3084. 6 12-3 ROOMY 4 - man available. Next to CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 3?. Romaine spring. campus. Parking. Reduced I Incensed Cedar Village. 351-1128. 31 Discover 6-12-1 deposit. 337-0468. 6-12-3 4 Nothing 34. Desert blooms left. 6 and 9 month 8. Gremlin 36. Morse's foot 11. Blunder $ NEW UNITS AVAILABLE 12. Norse navigator 38 Anthology 10 Weighty $ 3, 6 & 9 MONTH LEASES 13. Rival 43 Sideboard 47. Scot, chemist 14. Sheep's cry FURNISHED & SSTC. IS ££" leases available from UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS * MASTER COLOR TV 17. Abalone shell 19. Utmost 20. hyperbole loo bad 22. Happen ANTENNA 26. lenderness $60 per 28. Deserter £ HUGE SWIMMING POOL 30. Precious metal man. J|t BAR BQ GRILLES 31. Witch bird * ALL PETS ALLOWED Call 351-7166 £ RECREATION BUILDING with SAUNAS PING PONG TABLE, BILLIARDS & COLOR TV ClDMlungfjam MEADOWBBOOK 4620 S. Hagadorn TRACE To get to Meadowbrook Trace, go two miles south of MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVEL YBY: Michigan State Campus on 1-496. Exit west onto Jolly Alto Management Company Road and go to corner of Dunckel Road. PHONE 393-0210 OPEN 9-6 DAILY OR BY APPOINTMENT Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 29, 1971 13 Rooms For Sale Pergonal Real Estate J'l'V 10-12-3 TlaNSING, ™le students, trade _ Equ„ HEAD SKI IS, brand CHORD organ. va|ue Seiilor 641 4561 new, never been F «rE. or STuninc r „ ere. Call ,A lesson 484 4519, East 485-7197. ,n compHxtoo Lansing Michigan C0SMETICS M* FARMHOUSE, 6 acres, east of acres 4 bedroom, 2 baths, barn, woods. Jolly Road, Hagadorn. Adjoining 10 also available. Will sacrifice Campus faces problem: room., parking refrigerator. used. $110. 349-2990. 5-1 i.2g ".! "1"^ " ' ' /0 for immediate sale. 337-7252 what do I, .5791 5-12-3 do with cars? 5-12-3 q PARKING, kitchen, clot# 3campus, SKIIS. KAESTLE, 185cm with Cubco 2lQcm^ Wood bindinos rn,„ PA,N,CKY? Con7lde~r ?"ves Pregnancy 3 BEDROOM Ranch, near MSU we 207 Bogue, Call boots; Humanic, men', 332-8437 evening,. 5-11-29 r Counsel,n9- 372 1560 10-12-3 Farms. 1 acre rural lot. Fireplace, J2-8696- 10-1-7 PRIVATE carpet, drapes, stove, refrigerator, (Continued from page one) planners by surprise, according the University which create extension from Abbot Road EYE full basement, 2 car garage to Melvin. A The expression survey of bicycle traffic hazards and add to the • SINGLFS AND DOUBLES. SKI BOOTS. Rieker uni-fit~si7e 77~ 'fjrivateeye" 337-7252. 5-12-3 getting large numbers of people trends and needs three years would take out any buildings, !ina facilities. Utilltie* paid. 8 54. New. $75. 353-9291 tracks back to Allen ago confusion along Michigan and and he argued the eastern half across Grand River by pointed to declining sales and Grand River. "It's inconceivable 372-8077. C 339-9369.4-12-1 rinkerlon, a Scottish born investigating use of a shuttle-bus interest. running to Michigan Avenue was American detective and Civil Service running from city In the face of no that the largest traffic generator necessary to provide an access i0 Y £ U STUDENT, male. PI0NEER TX-700. AM/FM. stereo War intelligence Agent. The FOR QUALITY service neighborhoods to University major programs toimpending in the area not being adequately route to the northern nriuileges, share bath with tuner. Miracord, model 40, stereo expression evolved from the and stereos, centers. He also alleviate serviced," he said. neighborhoods. changer. Akai, X-360 TV's and recorders. THE suggested it congestion, Melvin said certain The cross campus route DS. trademark of his STEREO would be worthwhile to study Although adding more lanes to automatic reverse, agency - an SHOPPE. 337-1300. C professional open eye techniques may be put to use to provided a natural access to the Grand River Avenue may be one tape deck, Lear Jet, portable, 8 illustrating the integrating the campus bus provide more efficient use of track tape • company slogan: "We Never STARVING service with city lines and University, he said, since traffic way to gain more time, Melvin GLES, EAST LANSING, player. Used STEREO ECON student willing existing arteries. East Lansing is from three directions now Sleep". coordinating the two systems to anticipates the same "hue and ^tive. clean, quiet, cooking, speakers,amps,receivers, changers' If you never to trade knowledge of Econ 200 & tape recorders and decks, cassette sleep because 201 to failing Econ students for make it convenient for students currently cooperating in a merges at the Trowbridge Road cry" against that as against other ing. Call Monday or after 6 of - wishing to get to their classes metropolitan area survey to and 8 • tracks budget worries, put them exit on 1-496, but "just comes m"351-5604. 3-12-1 players, used 8 a price, $4 / hour, call after 6 p.m. proposals. "They tell us to solve track tapes $2 / each. to rest with the 332-3345. TUTORING. 3-11-30 study the feasibility of into a blank wall." He said TV sets. help of and back. the problem, but don't widen Police band STATE News Classified Ads. computerized traffic signals. people have to make a trade off, RACTIVE, SINGLE room for radio, imported wall tapestries. All typewriters! If Bicycle paths would also help Such a anything or build any sduaie woman, near campus, you make a list of them ELECTRONIC REPAIRS. to alleviate the problem and system would be sacrificing one thing to solve highways," he said. i. 332-1746. 5-12-2 equipment tested and guaranteed StWM, then dial 355-8255. radio, recorders, TV's. Melvin speculated a current controlled by information fed another problem. Mass transit would be largely WILCOX Dependable. Reasonable. Call into a central computer by SECONDHAND study would result in some type The peripheral route, part of inneffective in the Lansing area, STORE, 509 East Michigan 351-6680. 0-6-12-3 sensors in the roadbed. East For Sale 485-4391. 8-5 30 p.m., STORE YOUR bicycle at Spartan of plan being put into operation Lansing's master he said. "Before mass transit, Monday This system, he said, would be development plan, is designed to ""ough " - Bicycle Storage now. Phone next spring. Alternatives include you have to have the mass of far more responsive to traffic provide access to the business at FOR CHRISTMASI Plastic Americard , Master Charge. 337-1239 from 8-10 a.m. and 1- several one way bicycle right of people to move," he contended. situations than the current section, with an emphasis on He said mass transit systems flatabie furniture. Many styles. Layaways, terms, trades C ways on alternate streets, All half price. Phone interconnected three dial system pedestrian traffic. By routing have to be made attractive and BOARD designating certain streets as which allows for 37-921 5. noon - midnlte, 6-12-3 COMIC BOOKS, science fiction EXAM Tutoring. Local bicycle routes and discouraging longer light cars north of that area, Melvin convenient before people will classes motor vehicles on those streets, cycles during peak traffic said Playboy, paperbacks for sale! for Kaplan motorists would be Tutoring begin to take them seriously. "It LAMB coat, size 14- 16, CURIOUS BOOKSHOP 541 East courses now being formed for: and pathways for those who just periods for freer traffic flow. discouraged from driving isn't a matter of economy," he 60 Persian lamb hat, $20. Grand River. (Below Paramount) want to ride for relaxation. But he warned, "it still may not through, although he said. "It's a lot cheaper to ride a .5343. 1-11-29 1-6 p.m. 332-0112. 5-12-1 PRIVATE GUITAR instruction. handle the volume going through emphasized it was not a The tremendous influx of bypass bus than to drive a car to Folk, Rock, Classical. All styles. the system." route for traffic on Grand River. downtown Lansing now." ERBED HEATERS. UL listed, APPLES, PEARS, sweet cider $3 per lesson. Inquire at bicycles in the area — well over Apple MARSHALL MUSIC, 351-7830. Melvin said the real problem Because the proposed route Melvin isn't sure just what the urmostatically controHad. wood. And Gift packages shipped D.A.T. exams - January 10,000 registered — caught city lies in inadequate entrances to runs through a section of Valley next bV United Parcel. BLOSSOM step will be, but in the Court Park and several meantime he tries to explain to ORCHARDS, 2 miles North of Leslieon Hull Road. (Old U S FREE SENIOR PORTRAITS. CALL WHAT'S predominantly student-rented angry motorists why they have 127) For information and 353-5292. A SERVICE OF THE 1-589-8251 9-5 p.m. Closed enrollment. apartment houses it has met to wait through three traffic Happening SONY 6065 RECIEVER Mondays. O Call Collect (313) 851-6077. WOLVERINE. 0-12-1 with strong opposition from signals and why nothing has 0-13-12-3 This Week Only - $325 student groups. Melvin would been done to make the Grand (enwood, Marantz, Sansui USED FURNITURE Flea like to see half the plan retained, R i ver-Hagadorn Fair: 314 Road at comparable savings. East Michigan. Dishes, books, Peanuts Personal at least. intersection any safer after 55 coins, antiques, "If the majority of people are rockers, Bargain Hunters Peradise. Open junk! SNOWPLOWING - FREE two-car accidents occurred there MID-MICHIGAN D°NNA, HAPPY elegant 18th. Love and best rates, residential or opposed to the peripheral route last year. ELECTRONICS Saturday and Sunday. Furniture Little Ray Ray. 1-11-29 commerical. Call Dave at ACE, nts for It's What's The Blacl because of housing, I hope it "The problem is going to ceived in the audition 927 E. Grand River 351-6184. 7-12-3 wouldn't affect the other part of exist," he says a little wearily. 34S Student production from 7 it," he said. Only the western East Lansing Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. ai "It isn't going away." PAINTING INTERIOR. Brighten up class days before publication. # 351-8388 Animals that room for the holidays. Grad announcements will be No Wednesday in tiie"unio"n accepted by INTIQUES-BUY AND SELL Recreation students, experienced, references, ERAL LINE. Daily 4-6 p.m., 1-6 p.m. 541 East Grand PUREBRED, GEHMAN puppies, shots and wormed. Phone Shepard reasonable. Jere, or Bruce, 349-4817. C phone. Items are limited to 25 words. No announcements will be for events outside the greater accepted Lansing Gays interested in forn Street Theater group will tonight. Call 332-5 644 or < Sato to visit Below Paramount. NASSAU $169 (Continued from 371-1571. 2-11-30 page one) 32 0112,676 1590. x-5-12-2 HALF Dec 27 SPAIN $249 - 31 Typing Service The SIAMESE kittens free t ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will visited Peking and talked with Chinese Premier Chou En-lai and COLE'S BAKERY have loving people. 485-5001 after Dec. 26 - Jan. 3 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST, a lawyer available from 9 a.m. that the President himself was going to Peking to confer with SDAY ONLY Special. 4 loaves 3-12-1 to noon every p.m. papers, theses. Best rates Wednesday and from 1 Chinese leaders before next May. e style white bread, $1.00 at to 5 351-4619. O p.m. every Wednesday and Then Nixon announced Aug. 15 a divorce of the dollar from bakery foods concession. Thursday during the fall term. Those EIJER THRIFTY ACRES - Mobile Homes wishing an appointment are asked to gold and other new economic policies - aimed in part at forcing South Pennsylvania, check with the Japanese to revalue their yen currency and at improving the SAVE SAVE SAVE the ASMSU business law Road. KROGER - MOBILE HOME Frank Buck, 351-2286 XEROX COPYING- offset office, 307B Student Services Bldg., U.S. — Japan trade imbalance. - best wdor, Logan Center, 4002 West or call 35 3-0659. There will be On the China issue, Sato was not consulted in advance. And in campus, excellen quality at reasonable prices. THE a bginaw, 1721 North Grand River. $1200. 351-0087. 3-12-1 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY WITH COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand nominal charge for this service. the economic field, Nixon's moves hampered Japan's recovery •11-30 River. Phone 332-4222. C from a business slowdown. STUDENTOURS. Nassau $169, 1968 RICHARDSON 12' x 52', All-University Student Observers Jamaica $219, Acapulco $219, Judiciary interpreted the plans for a Sato-Nixon meeting as a |RE0 CASSETTE Recorder, nice, excellent condition, partly EXPERIENCED TYPIST: for quick included. $60. Europe $189. Specials on Hawaii, sign of improved U.S. — Japan relations, which have been strained tapes furnished, King Arthur's Court Puerto Ripp, Spain, Aruba. Free but quality Ph.D. work. Call since the two Nixon announcements. 3-12-1 $3500. 484-8871 or 641-4207. 349-2434. 1-11-29 brochures. 3S1-2650. 0-2-11-30 The China question further harmed Sato after the United 3-m :TRIC GUITAR and amplifer. A representative of Washington Nations General Assembly's decision to oust Nationalist China try good condition. Call Teresa, 73-7728. 3-12-1 HOMETTE. FRONT kitchen, shed, on lot or off. Williamston. Must sell immediately, 655-2073. tONDON 8 Days 7 Nights University Law School will speak to the MSU Pre-Law Club at 7:30 Wednesday in 118 Eppley Center. p.m. in the Union Gold Room MSU Scots and give its seat to Communist China. Before the vote, Sato announced Japan would join the States in cosponsoring resolutions aimed at seating both United Chinas. 6-12-3 Highlander KE BUCKLE ski boots, size KAY'S TYPING Service. Theses, When the effort failed, Sato's political enemies denounced him i. Italian made wooden inet. CCM skates, size 12. 32-2192. 3-12-1 STAR REGAL, 1968, 12' x 46', furnished, $2,950. Phone $199 Dec. 22 to 30 general typing, IBM electric. Phone 393-3588. 1-11-29 The Spartan Wives will sponsor at Christmas Ba/aar from 7 to 9:30 tonight at the Married Students Demons! Sanford tosser, wil for a "serious blunder" in foreign policy. Opposition against Sato from the left mounted further in the last two weeks as his Liberal - Democrats rammed the Okinawa 332-0336, any time. 6-12-3 COMPLETE DELUXE PACKAGES TYPING SERVICE', prompt and Housing Office, 1205 S. Harrison WE ARE ALSO PLANNING Road. Handmade gifts will be offered agreement through a committee and then through the House of professional plus reasonable rate1;. Alpha ACADEMY, 12' x 50', furnished, TRIPS TO for reasonable prices. Representatives despite noisy and sometimes violent opposition Theses, themes, other diversified organi/aiti vill 111 ACAPULCO AND ASPEN from parliamentarians and some segments of the general public, pickups. Dark sh®d-. washer. 351-0093. If no services also available. Phone Tuesday in 38-39 Uni 332-4422.6-12 3 882-4018 or write THE MSU Volunteers are invited t particularly trade unionists, students and Okinawans. SHELDON COMPANY, 5818 discussion of "Urban Language" The MSU Those opposing the agreement objected that it does not call for Struggle I Lost & Found Durwell Dr., Lansing. C p.m. Tuesday in 6 Student Serv will hold a strategy m ousting U.S. forces from Okinawa after the island's return and iftmanship. Call 882-1110. today in 37 Union. does not spell out that nuclear weapons will be removed. Real Estate PROFESSIONAL TYPING Service. LOST: MALE brown / white dog. 50c per page for standard P e t it io AT STEREO. rd 339-8489. 5-12-3 Scott turntable, $175 receiver, or best Half Collie, half Saint Bernard, answers to "A.J. Seal". Burcham / J"""""""" EAST LANSING on this 3 bedroom manuscripts. 339-9306. B-1-11-29 FORMER member-at- All-Univ in 8 Studen The world s richest man "" " and the worlds poorest boy Hagadorn area. Patrick, 337-2372. BI-LINGUAL (English - brick and aluminum Ranch in see the savings with 2-11-30 £ Pinecrest. 1 'A baths, foyer Spanish) Typing executive in my home. secretary. Call vill be a ulity glasses from OPTICAL entrance getting it ready now... to large living room, 355-8162. B-1-11-29 meeting at 7:30 p.m. SCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan Personal dining room and panelled family Wells Hall. "The Gar are 372-7409. C-5-12-3 room. Convenient kitchen with DISSERTATIONS, THESES, term breakfast bar and built - in range. papers. Expert typist with degree POETRY WANTED for anthology. MANUAL cigarette machine, Include King size basement. Swimming in English. I.B.M. 351-8961. stamped envelope. wllent pool privileges. Price $29,5 working condition. Best IDLEWILD PRESS, 1807 East to over $50. 332-5039. 5-12-3 :ing ■ Woman Play" at 7:30 p.m, Olympia, Los Angeles, California appointment call Ev Alton BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. y in the Union Living Room, 90021. 9-12-3 STWOOD 12 485-0965 or INGHAM HOME No job too large or too small. Block eeds will be used to buy gifts for - string guitar and REALTY INC' 482-1693. 5-12-3 off campus. 332-3255.0 Excellent PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP - John 489-9478. 1M week, 16 session progrem: NORTH SUBURBAN - Sharp two Movement TERM PAPERS s and Moder "Lighting, Posing, Composing The typed by bedroom home. Fully carpeted, experienced typist. Near campus. ■vill meet at 8 tonight in 21 LD Starfire" Face and Figure." For further electric guitar; breakfast nook, mature shade Phone 484-1874. 20-12-2 Wor •s Intramural Bldg. Eippry1' V AlRil < —| condition, $125 with NW70.3-11-; acc. information, call Don DeKoninck's Studio, IV5-8253. trees, or large lot. Only $15,500. Can assume 6 3/4 per cent The Mortar Board will meet at 7 512:3 TYPING TERM papers and theses. mortgage. Call ROGER PAVLIK p.m. Tuesday in 2 39 Bogue St., atp. KING Professional. $150 Electric typewriter. Fast service. LOCATE LOST PETS fast. Dial REALTY, 371-2890 or Oscar 124. Selection criteria for next year bfst °«8r. 351-1326 Jerry. 355-8255 now for a quick - action Krieger, 484-3776. B1-1-11-29 349-1904.20-12-1 will meet in 4 Student Services Bldg. Clssslfled Ad. at 6 p.m. Wednesday. COMPLETE THESES service. Discount printing. IBM typing and Transportation Itad binding of theses, resumes, Stude+Ui, Maw publications. Across from campus, corner M.A.C. and Grand River, below Jones Stationery Shop. Call NORTH CAROLINA and along 177 December 11. Riders needed. Call COPYGRAPH SERVICES, 332-8194. 6-12-3 cuid .,ytdw.ayt 337-1666. C LONDON, $149. ROUND TRIP JET TYPING THESES and letters, etc. from New York. Weekly Rapid accurate iservice. departures with open return. Call 3 DAYS ONLY CAUGHT IN THE HOUSING Experienced. 393-4075. C Frank Buck, 351-2286. 0-12-3 Showplace ^ ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith Wanted 111 Olds * offset printing. Complete service Admission $ 1 and SQUEEZE? everybody, for dissertations, theses, Showtimes GIRL TO share my apartment manuscripts, general typing. IBM. winter 7, 8:45, 10:30 22 years experience. 349-0850. C and spring term. 484-0585 484-1328. 6-12-1 Beal Film Group everywhere, Take your troubles to FOR GLAD tidings look for. something you've lost with a Want RIDE TO Chicago; person and dog; after December 11. 332-0731 will be Ad. Dial 355-8255 3-12-1 a little PARK WEST 1 GIRL for 4 girl house, starting December 15th. Call 351 1478. 5-12-3 worse off APARTMENTS bLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 fo, all positive. A and AB negative, B negative, negative $10.00 O %for il' negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN 5530 West Michigan Ave. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, Commonwealth United Presents Grand Film 507V4 East Grand a Starring i River, East at Saginaw Lansing. Above the new Campus Contact Mrs. Louch Book Store. pm Hours, 9 am to 3:30 Monday, Thursday, and 'TfeterSellers &jCR 484-4640 Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 pm to 6:30 pm. 337-7183. C in'^fe cMagic ] 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 29 Positions open for volunteers Qod The following opportunities A male volunteer, with are available through the MSU experience in scouting, is needed The Spartan Stadiur Volunteer Bureau. Unless to act as a Cub Scout Leader for filled with otherwise indicated, volunteers a pack of 12 boys between the cheering »*,.?! must provide their own ages of 8 and 10. competitive and* players * transportation. For more snow covered empty „gain5t * information, students should Male volunteers are needed to pile of coa) contact the volunteer bureau. act Big Brothers to SN photo as many local by Milton All kinds of tutors are needed Hor, boys, on a one-to-one basis, for help — young and old, males and females - with math. Volunteers are needed to work typing, reading, spelling, English, in a" aft" school recreational slixc accounting and other study program for girls in upper areas. elementary grades held at on Volunteers are needed to tutor various Lansing schools. A a one-to-one basis with volunteer would work in one of eki Spanish-speaking students in the several groups at one of the Lansing School District. A schools under the supervision of supervisor will provide training a school leader, for the volunteer in teaching or I English as a second language. A couple of Lansing residents washinui need someone to transport them STUDENTS' DISPUTES fly jtoric missii t0. around the city several times a month. A man in a wheelchair jtions" wi wants a ride to his brother's ouseannoui As this new Legal house. Aid A woman needs and in transportation to the bank and grocery store. and The Pakistani the Refugee F\ind Michigan Coordinating Committee for Abortion Law Dept. ■retary ficials formation 1 hours. Roi Students seeking legal of ASMS U fee for one hour consultation is He said he Reform have volunteer openings defer the legal expenses consultation on anything from $25, MSU students pay $3 for a student legal day the in publicity, research, rights landlord-tenant disputes to Ms. Leonard said the lawyer 15-minute Ms. Leonard said that of the there was mainland C Oil llic milch community work, office work criminal offenses can find it at that Legal Aid Dept. furnishes sessio'n. The » such existence when he was program difference in fees is paid by 40 students per week that t route he v and other areas. here. the MSU Legal Aid Dept. One of the first snowmen of the season gives passers-by the A girls' every Wednesday and Thursday ASMSU from the 50-cent receive consultation"only a ight to 1 basketball team needs The department, active since is under contract to ASMSU and student tax paid at registration, half-dozen have complained in resident ever cold shoulder. This freezing character found behind the Music Building. was a coach to supervise them on 1968, developed in response to also serves as adviser to the the five years I've been here." Bologna to offer There had I Monday nights. Transportation the students' need, according to State News photo by Tom Gaunt student board. In cases where a student must The lawyer, Kenneth I. Smith ports in th may be provided. Lucille Leonard, office manager Though the average minimum go to court ASMSU does not free buS service develope of Lansing's Hildebrand, King i but Z and Smith, has been connected _ _kt , jntinue to with the MSU Legal Aid Dept. .,BOLOGNA- Ital: (AP)- imework ha for four years. £ free government announced th, U' seeks rush hour bus The join minority scholars service will b An MSU graduate, Smith said inouncemen provided starting in 1972 in though MSU was the first a (usually brie attempt to reduce downtowi 'The gov university in the nation to have a automobile traffic. epublic of ( By CRISPIN Y. CAMPBELL because there are some faculty and students on the NAS semifinalists are invited to compete for W93P [ United SI this campus who feel that all black people are program, Cofer cited what he believes is its only it President one of the 10 Alumni Distinguished Scholarships weakness the lack of follow-up THE ALLEY SHOPl — a MSU's need for a proper mixture of people program to Feb. educationally deprived. the University offers every February. in from all demographic levels is being met by the "They put all blacks in t'.ie help students once they are on campus. That will b same category," During its 10-year existence the program has Unviversity's scholar recruiting program, Cofer said, "all Chicanos in the same category." been criticized for its elaborate recruiting He said though the NAS semifinalists do very ixon is sch according to Lloyd M. Cofer, consultant to the "The NAS people change some minds and well, especially if they get past the first year, lother first-< Office of the Provost. that's why you have to get good black students." . . . campaign, which has given MSU the largest number of merit scholars in the country. they have problems — personal, educational and 26 MORE DAYS TILL XMAS oviet leaders Cofer, a professor in administration and higher Cofer said the program was first started to Cofer said he believes these criticism academic problems in adjusting to a different allow yourself enough time to In advance are "a education, recently returned from New Orleans, induce National Merit Scholars to attend MSU, ips, as the case of sour grapes — MSU makes the trips and setting. make those extra-special gifts La., where he had been recruiting National but it began to include the NAS semifinalists in ithin the pa sends frequent correspondence whereas the other You provide the time and love Achievement Scholars for MSU. 1969 at his suggestion. faceto-fi universities do not." In reference to the "follow-up program" Well provide the macramrf& decoupage The National Achievement Scholarship Formerly separate, the NAS and National Merit Cofer said MSU goes to get these scholars now supplies. ' iders of si program (NAS) is a branch of the National Merit being developed, Cofer said: meeting and trips, which take Cofer and the because the University cannot compete with "In the past, if a student had ritain, Fr program which offers financial assistance to other MSU representatives to over 40 cities any significant anada. blacks and other minority students of high around the nation in late October and some of those in the East that "buy black problem he would end up in the counseling i H i' H |! wsjDEi rnTT On July 15, early students with offers of full scholarships just to center. But this coming fall MSU will find itself scholarship. "We have to get this type of black student November, are now being combined this He noted that this year, also for the first year. create a good image." with more assistance for incoming NAS and ACE HARDWARE] sclosing i roadcast tha time, While pointing out the qualities of the Merit scholars." (ore May < ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ wntries thai relitii eological WE HAVE NOTES WE HAVE HELP en FOR COME IN TODAY AND GET OUR FOR N, NEWEST COLUMBIA RELEASES WAIVERS FINALS WASHING! clared Mon ix-cut bill u heck-off p ATL: 111, 112 NATURAL SCIENCE: AT OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICE unpaigns lenate amend Nixon's wai jpitol Hill Ic an NAT. SCI.: 191, 192, 193 onference 181-191A-191B-191E- 192A- NO LIMIT-NO COUPON-NO SALE- ifferences b SOC: 231, 232, 233 ersions of thi 192C-193A-193C Rep. Wilbur HUM: 241, 242. 243 lie threat, tell SOCIAL SCIENCE: "It's not th •ut has been 231A-231B-231D-232A-233A (essure on th BOOK OUTLINES- ATL: 111-112 Mills, who I luirman o HUMANITIES: 241-242-243