God Tuesday hath made man upright, but michigan Cloudy . . . ihey have ,ou8ht wt manv STATE NEWS • • . and clearing. Snow invention!. ' - Ecclesiastes, VII, 29 state diminishing with a high in the lower 30s. university East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 30, 1971 jjxon sets REPLACES WASFI TELL [eking trip Hussein names official jor Feb. ■WASHINGTON (AP)-President Nixon In fly to Peking Feb. 21 to begin a 21 for prime minister post Etoric mission aimed at "normalization of lLons" with mainland China, the White AMMAN, Jordan (AP) - King Hussein JLeannounced Monday. picked a new prime minister Monday to persons, many of them weeping openly. A 21-gun salute was fired as his coffin was Sheraton Hotel while in Cairo for meetings of the ■As this news was released simultaneously take the place of assassinated Wasfi Tell lowered into joint Arab Defense Council. and in the Chinese capital, press a grave beside King Hussein's The Egyptian press quoted Rabbah as and gave a sign he will continue his hard Jcretary Ronald L. Ziegler said American line against Palestinian guerrillas who grandfather, King Abdullah, assassinated in Jerusalem in 1951. Tell is himself saying: "I am proud. At last I did it. We have been following him for six months ■fficials will provide additional oppose his monarchy. the first commoner to be buried in the but could not lay hands on him." ■formation on the trip within the next Named to succeed Tell, a sharp foe of the cemetery. Newspapers also said he identified m hours. guerrillas, was Ahmed Lozi, 46, regarded as Four Palestinians have admitted to himself as one of those who ■He said he would be able to disclose a technical expert. Lozi immediatly flew helped form »day the length of the President's stay off to Cairo to take Tell's seat at an Arab Egyptian police they killed Tell to avenge the "Black September Organization" to Palestinian deaths in the 1970 civil war avenge the Jordanian army operations ■ mainland China and other details such as conference to plan joint strategy against with the Jordan army and in further |e route he will take on his unprecedented Israel. Tell was slain Sunday in Cairo. fighting in July when the guerrillas against Palestinian commandos in September 1970. light to become the first American The king seemed to serve notice that he driven from Jordan. were Another of those arrested was quoted as Jesident ever to go to China. remains unrelenting against the guerrillas In Cairo, the Egyptian state prosecutor saying he was in Lebanon with Rabbah 15 ■There had been published and broadcast by appointing Maj. Gen. Mohammed charged the four Palestinians with murder, days ago when they heard Tell was going to ports in the United States that hitches Rassoul Kilani as his chief adviser for the Middle East News Agency reported. Cairo. j developed in planning for the Nixon national security affairs. The four were identified as Munzer The government presssaidthey embraced Kp but Ziegler said, "preparations Kilani was chief of military intelligence Khalifah, Ezzat Ahmed Rabbah, Gawad ar.d considered this Intinue to go well and the general for six years, until Hussein removed him in Khalil Baghdady and Bassam Badran. lifetime to was their chance of a fcmework has been established." 1970 as a concession to the guerrillas "get rid to Tell who killed Tell was assassinated on the steps of the 10,000 Palestinians." ■The joint Washington-Peking during preliminary attempts to settle ■nouncement of the February date was differences between the two sides. Tusually brief: Lozi was once Hussein's chief of protocol f'The government of the People's but later entered Parliament and finally jepublic of China and the government of became a member of the Cabinet. He U United States of America have agreed served as finance minister under Tell. lit President Nixon's visit to China shall tin on Feb. 21, 1972." ■That will be some three months before .Announcing the appointment of Lozi after Tell's funeral Amman, Hussein said: "I have decided that the best way to honor Successor Jjxon is scheduled to visit Moscow for the memory of Wasfi Tell is to retain the Cother first-ever summit conference with Let leaders in their capital city, lin advance of the Peking and Moscow team he headed in his lifetime to serve this country and its sacred, just cause . . "The policy established under Wasfi Tell . for Arab co lips, as the White House has announced is to be the same policy of your AMMAN, Jordon (AP) — To friends, brook no opposition from Jordanian Whin the past week, Nixon plans a series administration in the service of Jordan and Ahmed Lozi is "a nice, polite, quiet fellow politicians, especially Palestinians from H face-to-face consultations with the all the Arabs." who should do a good job." To critics, the Jordan's west bank, now occupied by the Riders of such major allies as Japan, The announcement said Lozi would also new Jordanian prime minister is colorless Israelis. Britain, France, West Germany and hold the defense minister's post as did Tell. and likely to operate only in the shadow of Lozi tried to compromise with these Janada. Lozi, like Tell, is from the east bank of King Hussein. politicians but eventually was dropped ■On July 15, Nixon stunned the world by Whallu way to go the Jordan River. occupied by the Israelis. The west bank is Lozi's job following the assassination of Prime Minister Wasfi Tell in Cairo from a previous Jordan Cabinet after a ■Isclosing in a live television-radio on dispute with former Prime Minister Bahjat Toadcast that he planned to go to Peking Saturday's wedding at Ft. Benjamin Harrison in Indianapolis, Ind. came But Lozi does not have the influence Tell Sunday will be to keep Jordan's Palestinian Talhouni over the guerrilla issue. (fore May of next year to leek mote off without a hitch as 1st Lt. Jerry W. Brothers, left, took Jane Ann had within the army and among the east problem from boiling into a new crisis. Lozi is likely to be overshadowed as urinal relations between two powerful bankers and Bedouin tribes. principal adviser to the king by Maj. Gen. Swindell as his bride in the military post's Protestant chapel. Tell was buried in the royal cemetery But first Lozi had unfinished business in pUDtries that have been diplomatic and AP Wirephoto after a state funeral attended by 3,000 Cairo. Hussein sent him off shortly after Mohammed Rassoui Kilar.i who was named Hussein's national security adviser. geological enemies for a quarter century. his appointment Monday to take Tell's as Lozi was brought into Tell's Cabinet in i place at the joint Arab Defense Council October, 1970 as finance minister wher, meeting there to play strategy against the economy was reeling under the effects Nixon ■ WASHINGTON hints at Israel. Tell was killed while in Cairo for the sessions. In a statement before leaving Amman, Lozi, 46, said, "I pray to God to help me contine in the footsteps of the late martyr cf the 1970 civil war with the guerrillas. He was instrumental In obtaining loans from Western governments and international organizations to keep development projects moving ahead after (AP) - President Nixon MacGregor and other aides met with that locate in ghettos or rural areas. thereafter - of the campaign check-of Wasfi Tell, under his majesty's guidance, in Jordan lost $74 million in annual subsidies peclared Monday he will veto the pending lix cut bill unless it is Nixon for three hours Monday. Afterward, These and other Senate amendments, he Pr°visi°n; B"1 *e. Sh,te ,?Uf 'fby'S order to preserve the unity of Jordan. Thus from Kuwait and Libya because of stripped of both a White House press Secretary Ronald L. said, would result in an additional deficit 'efKT» debate" to the on <:he.issue. h,ehly P°ht,cal nature of we will stand united against evil, treachery Hussein's crackdown on the guerrillas. Jheck-off plan to finance presidential Ziegler said Nixon "concluded that should of $4.3 billion in fiscal 1972 and $5.5 'cc'"> Republicans, with an incumbent in the and aggression." Lozi was graduated from a teachers unpaigns and a set of "budget-busting Congress fail to remove from the tax bill . . billion in 1973. enate amendments." the ,., „ , White House; bitterly opposed the Tell was a tough foe of the guerrillas and college in Baghdad, Iraq, and taught briefly . budget - busting Senate amendments MacGregor said Nixon did not talk about amendment, I Nixon's warning was relayed by his chief and the the supporter of the monarchy who would before entering Jordan's civil service. political check-off rider, he will be "political effect - either in 1972 o* Tapitol Hill lobbyist, Clark MacGregor, as a unable to give his approval to this lonference committee met to settle particular legislation." Inferences between House and Senate Both MacGregor and Ziegler said they are srsions of the bill. optimistic Congress will pass a bill I Rep. Wilbur D. Mills, D-Ark., discounted acceptable to the White House before its pethreat, telling reporters: Christmas recess. They would not say I "It's not the first time a statement like whether the President would call Congress Pat has been made. It's a polite way to put back into special session if it quits without pessure on the conference." doing so. I Mills, who heads the House conferees as Nixon proposed the $26-billion tax-cut ■hairman of the Ways and Means bill on Aug. 15 when he announced Phase T°mmitt«\ refused again to state his 1 of his new economic program. The Position or, the Senate - approved provision legislation cleared the House in a form India's Prime Minister Indira |o finance presidential campaigns. It would reportedly acceptable to the White House - Ghandi meets with Indian pnnit taxpayers to allot a dollar of their but it underwent major revisions on the Fome tax to a special fund. But he is Senate floor. soldiers Sunday during her tour Jwved to favor the basic idea. One change sought by the deficit-ridden of the Punjab state front line I Mills has said that if Nixon vetoes this Democratic party would allow individuals W'H be impossible to to earmark $1 of their taxes to finance positions. pass this year a Fcut measure which is a AP Wirephoto major part of presidential campaigns. presidential program for stimulating MacGregor said Senate amendments had economy. "ballooned ... to greater than $40 billion over three years" the tax-cut provisions ir. Council reps the legislation. The additional cuts, he told newsmen, would increase the federal deficit by "many billions annually and thus tentative and four representatives to are highly inflationary." MacGregor specifically mentioned three fnivers'ty standing committees, major provisions added by the Senate: Tax locations may be picked up in 170 relief for parents of college students; an V Hall, 109 Brody Hall, S33 Wonders increase to $800 in the personal income mi or 245 West Fee Hall. tax exemption; and tax credits for firms Antihighway sentiments growing in U.S. By KAREN ZURAWSKI State News Staff Writer transit should consist of. Local officials, such as East Lansing's senior planner, Lansing's executive asst. buses. By the first of the year a Capitol Area Transit Authority is tentatively Two Michigan firms are involved in a demonstration project at West Virginia downtown and tinted area. The air-conditioned glass vehicle wtii stop only University where experimental where the passenger indicates 'o more mayor and State Highway Dept., heads scheduled to go into effect, in hopes of Operations with a slab-sided sleek Other campuses nearer MSU'r. size are pavement, no more cement conjure up images of buses when "mass rescuing the present bus system which F "iculous cries capsule vehicle about the size of a also considering mass transit systems, perhaps, and possibly transit" is mentioned. up to last month has lost $15,000 a package delivery truck, will begin in the among them the University of WttK e r'C shouted by highway foes, cri,'s do The State Highway Dept. is "totally month for the last five months. fall of 1972. Minnesota, University of Montana and exist and are increasing committed" to encouraging the All of Michigan's city transit olume systems Called a "horizontal elevator" and a the University of Texas. and number around the development of public transportation ®untry. are experiencing a financial crisis, with "people mover," the vehicle will run Possible systems best suited for the facilities according to one of their much of the transit money coming from |A r°ad rejected ir a Canadian recent statements. the General Fund, an untenable along a concrete guideway on rubber campuses as well as central business tires connecting the campus with the districts and other concentrated Md Ll "Ik' Ca,'f°rnia. 'n Fast Lansing situation. Five of 16 city transit systems population areas are the "people , e formation of a national "Exotic and innovative mass transit in Michigan have collapsed completely. Applications movers," or Personal- Rapid Transit fohJngJrouP in opposition to he systems are financially unrealistic for a Nationally, mass transit suffered a (PRT) systems. *owi8y restlessness ^un(* are a" indicative of community the size of Lansing, collective deficit of $332 million in The College of Social Science will accept PRT systems are automatx \ with the present eond in a series however," the statement continues. 1970. °f ... applications from undergraduate students controlled small vehicles operating en transportation — modes that They point out that the only form of Other forms of mass transit do exist, between the "road'' people and in the college for seats on three special guideways offering nonstop «idl n°l be.en &b'e to satisfactorily mass transit suited for the low-density besides buses and some are being standing I Wh.?"llution. congestion and safety. "transit" people, fundamentally, area is a rubber tired vehicle operating considered on campuses around the committees to the Academic Council today service from origin to destination. everyone mouths their support for mass and Wednesday in 205 Berkey. ohlom1'^ 1)6 d°ne to alleviate these on the present road network — namely nation. (Please turn to page 13) ms is the focus of a battle raging transit, but they differ as to what mass 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 3 Mich news Wharton expected to tam summary From the wires of AP and UPI. pick rating panel By MICHAEL FOX public. Wharton reportedly has sense of urgency in filling been personally compiling the Dickerson's State News Staff Writer post, an list of candidates. adminsitration observer said ds and pl< President Wharton is expected Wharton said Monday he had this week to finally name Monday. One unconfirmed not yet named members to the members to a rating committee explanation for the delay is that rating committee. He is Wharton anticipates trustee which will evaluate candidates "The board won't vote for a presently attempting to tie up opposition to any replacement for the position of vice president loose ends in tl Greek. they won't vote for a black he might name for the administration this v and they won't vote for a female traditionally liberal office. he leaves the and no one else in their right mind said would run for the office. " Monday that Wharton would The opposition would come in probably send letters out before the form of conservative trustees - Harold Buckner ASMSU chairman Friday to individuals he wishes who might block the liberal to Wharton will be away on a serve on the rating replacement. The unconfirmed committee. The vice president four-week speaking tour of Asia. hypothesis for Wharton's delay for student affairs post was It is expected that he would like noted that November, 1972 IiisnlI to injury to send out the letters asking trustee elections might yield a Dickerson who resigned citing people to serve on the rating more favorable alignment to gain This poor tree has not only lost its leaves, but is also receiving a closer trim. "the killing demands of the job" committee before he departs. approval of liberal hasn't caught any of the various viruses which have been Hopefully this t There has not been any great a circulating among the tree families he had held since replacement. State News photo by Jim K|ein India battles In Pakistan tan Monday in DEFENDS ENVIRONMENT on a measure of i charged Indian forces fought been ; and had taken control of Milton E. Muelder, vice Group plans highway lawsuit a key town in the western sector. president for research and According to the version given out in New Delhi, the development. Indian force was operating "two to three miles" inside Wharton had told the East Pakistan in the northern sector around Academic Council on Oct. 5 that Balurghat. he would in the "fairly WASHINGTON (AP) before he sends Congress, An Indian spokesman said the Pakistani had fired into near as had not yet received the EDF Interstate Highway System," he services and amenities future" contact the groups to be Environmental Defense F\md requited by next Jan. 1, his letter and had no immediate wrote. "Some observers also India's side of the border and the involved in the selection (EDF), citizens' group whose recommendations for accompanies this shift. troops were a comment. view the system as the classic * "The demands attempting to knock out a threat. procedure. Although no formal lawsuits stalled the Alaska apportioning the federal $5 - Hellegers said EDF lawyers are example of a program whose continued highway whil Pakistan's army claimed the Indians were on the procedures have been adopted pipeline and jeopardized DDT, is billion - a - year highway - aid considering whether a court environmental costs went continued massive building,! attack in the west around for the selection process, the going after interstate highway program. could enjoin the executive uncalculated before the decision reliance Jessore. in the east near the private automobile, Comilla, in the northeast of Sylhet and in the north president is expected to name a construction next. Interviewed Monday, EDF branch from implementing was made to build it, and at six-man committee EDF has asked Transportation place on our oil supply" and to rate lawyer John Hellegers said the legislation which was adopted in became evident only after the results in increased Dinajpur and Balurghat. individuals for the position. Secretary John A. Volpe to absence or inadequacy of such a the absence of drilling, Wharton is expected to name prepare a wide-ranging an adequate fact." spills, and strip-mhv—' statement would make a lawsuit impact statement; that is, "The pattern of leaping first oil reserves dwindle. two non-administrative faculty environmental impact statement against the Transportation Leftists being defeated members, one administrator Department by EDF a distinct whether a court could block the and looking later, of course, was * "The air pollution that c highway funds. exactly what NEPA was be expected to result from familiar with the position, and possibility. mo Si in letter to Volpe on Nov. Group sets a intended to put a stop to," he three students to the rating Such a suit, Hellegers said, highways and more care Uruguay's traditional Colorado and National parties . 24, , Hellegers said the added, Whether further highwi committee. Furthermore, he will could test for the first time the swept aside the challenge of a new leftist coalition and environmental statements The letter urged Volpe to building is consistent wi the Colorados moved toward victory Monday as election submit the list of nominations for the position to the conference extent to which the legislative process is covered by the prepared on individual highway projects do not meet the need assess: "The downtown decay and suburban sprawl which ... meeting air quality standards * "The massive toll th returns drifted in slowly. committee. broad consideration of result from building highways in reliance on the privi With more than half of an estimated 1.6 million votes The list of candidates Wharton impact statements under the what the federal highway and around cities automobile takes in terms counted, the Interior Ministry reported that the ruling compiles will not be made chS^ within!? ohlSh!?n"f 1969 National Environmental program is doing to the nation, tendency of highways to draw death and severe Colorado party had 397,570 votes, the Nationals SnZS nlSf fll r _ , . . Policy Act (NEPA). i uiav nwt uiDrni. "Few, rtrw, if 11 federal programs any,, ifufidi un^idii^ anv commerce, iwiiuiriu', jobs lODS. population and PODUiailOn ana compared with " 351,858 and the Broad Front leftist coalition 221,933. students real power^iiiside The A Transportation Department have had as significant an tax base away from central cities forms of transportation, such The results seemed to endorse President Jorge Pacheco COnvenLlThallso7l972 spokesman said Monday Volpe environmental impact as the the erosion of municipal rail transit.'" Areco's hard-line emergency decrees to combat 'Only by a concerted effort in Chicago can we hope to rival the ASMSU board may try communism, labor agitation and his special enemies, the power and organization of the ears of ma Tupamaro guerillas. They have been Latin America's political machines which run our littee < i actii most.successCul laftwiirg urban.guerrilla organization. < v poljtjcql parties. But the^process •.nirfcvfti apoiiK an J rsr.r. " »oh T>CK<^UhcAA made candles, needlecraft, leathercraft, Stri statement during a Senate Finance Committee hearing But on President Nixon's nomination of Ms. Banuelos for Studio sculpture, and other original handiworks U.S.treasurer. by students and faculty. Agents found 36 illegal aliens among about 300 deodorant to stop tn ^ You'll find the Flea Market a great problem of feminine employes at her Ramona Food products plant in tmy-as-a-fingertip i™1' , ,jjjj Gardena, Calif., in the Oct. 5 raid. place to do your Christmas shopping, Suppository is us easy an^ so don't miss it. to insert as a tiny tampon wo For more information stop by the be. It begins dissolving to kill bacteria, stop instantjjf fen" Wankel engine patented Union Board offices on the second floor ftHFSffs*'— odorwhereit starts... internally- in the vaginal tract. of the Union, or call 355-3355. Registration You feel clean, fre; for hours. No bath fee is $3.00, and if you can make a flea, stopsodorthe way Ford Motor Co. announced Monday in Detroit its German subsidiary, Ford Werke A.G., has maybe we can make a deal. signed a Wankel rotary engine patent and technical license agreement, but that it has no immediate plans for manufacture of the engine. ^ Tt-IVcM/UKatOK Union Bldg The Wankel engine has been recommended experts as a substitute for the conventional internal by some 4Z906 2nd floor mc combustion engine in attempts to develop a PUu 4X5X253 LOFwmm I: ^pollution-free power source for the automobile. Sunday, Dec.5,10"71 1-4 pm Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 30, 1971 Council to discuss Senate to [ampus dog statute retirement Inucussion on the proposed campus dog ordinance is scheduled I, the Academic Council meeting at 3 p.m. today in the Con The Michigan Senate will face The Senate will convene Room of the International Center. a controversial retirement bill Tuesday after its four day ■ ■A f-ne C. Garrison, chairman of the committee on buildine which would lower the Thanksgiving break, d planning, will present a status report on the dog statute! legislative retirement age from The retirement bill would not 60 to 55, when it returns from only provide for the change in l progress v report on the status of the Interim Faculty the Thanksgiving recess today, retirement age, but would also ce procedure will be delivered to the council by E. Fred The present retirement system propose a cost-of-living factor chairman of the ad hoc committee charged with allows legislators to voluntarily based on the consumer price -doping the procedure. contribute some of their >ndex- Khe ■ grievance document was returned to Carlisle's committee earnings to the retirement fund, Sen. John T. Bowman, (he Elected Faculty Council on Nov. 23 with and qualify for benefits after D-Roseville, one of the bill's emendations for changes. reaching age 60, depending on sponsors, commented the number of years spent in unfavorably on the attendance ■Mirk ■ Bathurst, student member of the steering committee and office at pre-Thanksgiving sessions and ] of the student committee on nominations, will submit a Fear of public comment was he urged that action on the bill ; report on the fall term activities in implementing Record cycle jump evident in the discussion on the be postponed until more rent participation in academic governance. Gary Davis. left, and Rex Blackwell are ihown as they made bill. Sen. Gary Byker, legislators were present to ■a report of the University curriculum committee will be given feet, 3 inches. It was 3 inches better than the record held wnat was biUed as the world's first double motorcycle jump R-Hudsonville, warned that the consider the issue, Tcommittee chairman Robert F. Banks. n ay at oenix, Ariz. Davis' jump was measured at 103 by Evel Knievel. Blackwell jumped 92 feet, 5 inches. The bill could attract unfavorable The bill came out of motorcycles passed within three feet of each other. feedback from the public. committee only because of a legislative deadline, according to Alvin J. DeGrow, R-Pigeon. Foes tail to deny Nixon controls Release of the bill for Senate action provoked heated discussion in the Senate retirement system over the itself. IfiTflN ( API * WASHINGTON (AP) — tallre talks with n Democratic , , leaders Committee would fail. Legislators voted to delay action President Nixon As the debate opened, Senate vote against the bill because he is Proxmire Democrats: "We o deny have convinced him the votes are rroxmire told wiu i^eiuucrais. »»e decontrolling the decontrolling me economy nexi next when the wnen me bill first presented dui was iirsi Uension of his wage -and - not available on that side to kill alinw ZTpay uf allow most designed to leaders said they hikes stopped by can be hope the bill convinced the 1973 extension could be giving Mr. Nixon an year at timing of his own to theSenate Nov. 14. Le control authority until • the extension. the passed and sent to the date will be kept. opportunity ot insure his own choosing." . .. Aug. 15 - Nov. 14 freeze, House Tuesday or Wednesday, rril 30, 1973, suffered a Sen. Fred R. Harris, D-Okla., covering teachers and other re-election by selectively But Sen. John Sparkman, [[back in the Senate Monday, announced that he would seek The not D-AJa., floor manager for the kn. William Proxmire, D-Wis., to limit the extension to two measure only would bill, said he is supporting the Republican Leader Hugh Scott extend to April 30, 1973, _„o strongly opposes such an administration's request because - ,t months, from April 30 next year of Pennsylvania said he . . . Itension, conceded In his iening speech in the debate to June 30. This, too, likely to fail. seems that an effort will be made to kill this provision. assumes Nixon's power to control wages prices and rents but also give P™erS to a "-month Period when it has no °ver a Play opens he does not believe it wise to try to deal with the question in a _it he had become convinced it It appears, too, that any him standby authority to put *ay of ,whether on national election year. ■not possible to block it. attempt by the administration to But Sen. John G. Tower, R-Tex., ranking Republican on ceilings interest. on dividends and they would be used wisely. campus ■He said virtually all eliminate from the bill the the banking panel, made it clear Republican senators back the retroactive-pay provision _t iiiit Proxmire, chairman of the _ fw-| v«oilman ui „„c As far nP .m an prices are as Fnvn, hit- concerned, "Butterflies Are Free", lesident on the issue and that inserted by the Banking he would not support such a Senate-House Economic he said, "the Pay Commission starring Jan Sterling will be Committee, announced he will and the Cost of Living Council Presented at 8:15 tonight in the The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State cannot even agree among A^,to"ur??- •„ , , University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter themselves as to the effect of Ms Sterling will play the ro e and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays hiring yule break their actions..." of Mrs. Biker a Scarsdale matron and mother of Don during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. „ He added that the Pay Board Baker, a young blind man trying Member Associated Press, United Press International, Bills maintain priorities to gain independence from the already appears to have made a Inland Daily Press Association. Michigan Press Association, interference of his overly big mistake in approving a raise Associated* Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press solicitous mother. Association. ... , °^. more than Per cent f°r John Spencer will portray Don Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial primarily because of the backlog of miners. Buicer, who moves to his own By randy garton and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan State News Staff Writer important legislation that state lawmakers apartment in Greenwich Village u* have facing them. State University, East Lansing, Michigan. »l. People thought this would save a lot of The Nixon Phase 2 program, and has a romance with his next ii . , Nta. ., money," Thatcher said. "They assumed door neighbor, would-be actress Phones: th.,blll. wouldn, * re-Introduced S colK« congressional now fislature that are not acted upon prior to n.; «•« would eliminate a lot of the "-wobble,Z" .nd ."nenfo,ce,ble Jill Tanner, p,.yed by P.mel. News 355-8252 ie new year will simply be carried over to printing bills." redistricting measure, bills that would ban hn8tmt bv consumeJ! and Classified Ads 355-8255 What seemed * t M winter session, the clerk for the State work out In practice good in theory, just didn't no-return bottles and Phosphate hostility by consumer and The comedy, one of Advertising 353-6400 fnfrv and the seriols Thatcher said. se of Representatives said Monday. detergents, .... 6 the "no-fault" insurance bill, . ..... ^ ^ country, /nd thl f longest-running serious plays, is the* third attraction in Business Office 355-3447 | Clerk T. Thomas Thatcher said that the "We still had to spend a lot of money on economic confusion is likely to MSU's Broadway Theater Series, Photographic 355-8311 s of many citizens that bills now in storage and other things," he said. slow the economy and aggravate Tickets are available at the Jcommittee or low in priority will die if Bills now in House-Senate conference unemployment." MSU Union Ticket office, ■ome action was not taken were Under the present Constitution, bills will committees include the drug reform bill, Infounded. I "They'll be in the same place for the carry over from every odd year to the next even year and will die after each even year, and the welfare appropriations measure. The present legislative session will ADVENT* BOSE • Mcl NTOSH • DUAL* KENWOOD pxt session," he said. Thatcher explained. He said this practice probably last until Dec. 30, though I Thatcher said that under the pre-1963 was initiated so that bills would die with informed sources say that it is doubtful Michigan Constitution all bills not passed I the end of each legislator's term. I the that lawmakers will stay in Lansing after |by the end of the year had to be Concern over this issue was generated Dec. 15. X Your "first step" into HI Fl should give assurance > § LU that you own a real component system that offers all of the performance and flexibility of the more complex and expensive systems. LT) c • CL 1 0 1 2 Miss J gathers t/i heathery knits by the CO bunch to look her U C sharpest at holiday j) •< doings. They're great mixers in smooth and textured acrylic/polyester LU aztec «ken wood ■ garrard in Tops, salmon heather sizes S-M-L. Z This is made possible by the heart of the System, the Kenwood KA-4002. The KA-4002 offers features that are not available in any other amplifier in its price 5 Pant and skirt, 5-13. A Elephant-embroidered t range. A few of the specifications of the KA-4002 are: cz 20 Watts riMS per channel (20-20,000 Hz) * Less than 0.5% IM and Harmonic sweater, $13. in Distortion at rated output * Tuner, 2 Phono and Auxiliary inputs # Main and z CO remote switching for two sets of speakers * Tape monitor and headphone jacks. Pull-on skirt. $8. • o B To compliment the KA-4002 we picked the Aztec Minuet speaker system. It CO Turtleneck sweater, $9 cz combines an 8 inch, low frequency driver with a 2% lb. magnet assembly and a 3 rn Striped < inch high frequency driver to produce very clean low bass and smooth, well Button-front vest, $11. pant, $16. dispersed high frequencies. Not only does the Minuet sound great but its appearance is hard to match in its class. a Q Completing the system is the Garrard 40B Automatic Turntable with a Shure 32 M-44-7 magnetic cartridge installed. The Garrard 40B is a three speed changer < with multiple or single play capabilities, a cueing device, and low mass tone arm. O JAop* z rn < HI FI BUYS * Total system cost - not including any m U 1101 E. Grand River additional federal surcharge which TO Phone 337-2310 might be imposed - - ool L* The Disc Shop jacobson's open friday thursday and evenings until nine <•£ 323 E. Grand River 351-5380 JaeobSQj Vs TE AC* SONY • JBL* PE*KOSS*SHURE *e mm MicWi MICHIGAN POINT OF VIEW STATE NEWS D< UNIVERSITY New York abortion clinic: No mil By State TON Ne I called the clinic, seeking a weekend situation in detail, covered birth control stay would have to bes KEN LYNAM Name Withheld By Request appointment. (Calls can be made any day alternatives and provided detailed next week since most emended into of''these advertising manager of the week between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.) information regarding the abortion are performed during the week My appointment was scheduled for a little procedure. Faulty diagnosis of the i, DAVE PERSON, managing editor Don't worry and, more importantly, more than a week from when I called but In the course of the hour-long pregnancy thus complicates the nth CHAR LIE don't wait — this may be the most discussion with my counselor and the CAIN, city editor could have been made for within five days JOHN BORGER, campus editor important advice for women considering a if I had been willing to take one in the abortion Itself, several significant points reason, it is p'munical important that the BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor legal abortion at an out-of-state clinic such middle of the week. The receptionist emerged. accurately inform her RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor as Women's Medical Services in New York surveyed my medical history and told me * Though women are advised that they time of her last menstrual gynecologist 0? high City. For, while the anxiety can put what to bring to the appointment. will spend three to six hours at the cll.iic, because other factors period ^J ent'ion ft< unnecessary strain on an already tense and Upon arriving at the clinic from the most stay about three and a half hours, car ^ lutant, Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award undesired situation, the miscalculation, it is important to erence to wait can hamper receive referral as soon as for outstanding journalism possible ?t" icts noise efforts to secure the earliest, most problem pregnancy is discovered I motor per inexpensive, least time-consuming and And, for those opposing legalized abortions in • The abortion itself relatively simple and safe method of takes little me peaking to Michigan because they fear the state will become than five minutes and Is abortion. A relatively PJ „y Club an "abortion mill," I can only say that the clinic tranquilizer is administered about 5 hun EDITORIALS In retrospect, I find many points I wish 1 had been aware of before my trip to New handled a heavy weekend volume of patients with minutes before the procedure and , |£ „ on 'noise" anesthetic at the start of the York, points I wish I had been aware of dignity, professionalism and, more importantly, abortion T 'P°r8ry counselor advises the Admission before my trip to New York, points which may answer some questions and allay some fears for readers facing the same situation. genuine concern for those who desire not to be pregnant. progress of the abortion and what expect. patient on M- (like be . othei avoi • The presence of Many of my original questions were an interuterine aevu nee, Oyer mo6t of which is spent waiting, filling out (IUD) in no way complicated iosure to n< answered by a counselor when I sought airport, there was a short wait (weekends my abort. end d w_._ This had been my major concern American put to assistance from the Michigan Clergy for Problem Pregnancy Counseling Service, wiiich includes a counseling staff at the are busy) before a group of us were called, told to fill out several forms and sent to the laboratory to have blood samples forms, having lab samples taken, talking with the counselor, preparing abortion and the routine for the pelvic • Total cost of the abortion at Medical Services is $150; an Womei additional! »ur sleep ca emal world Drug Education Center on Grove Street. taken. Next, we waited in an inner waiting examination that precedes it and may be needed for Rhogam medication (fining The Commission on Admissions One able the woman has Rh negative ranted sou example of this lack of There I was referred to Women's Medical room, completing questionnaires and being recovering. This latter term is somewhat blood ai and Student Body Composition coordination can be seer, in college advised by clinic personnel about the man involved has an Rh positive sounds Services, which handles abortions in cases misleading since patients are required to appointed by President Wharton a aid programs. Currently, many of pregnancies the length of mine, and was medical procedure (vacuum aspiration) stay at least one hour after the abortion type. Prescription costs for antibiot hwashers, year and a half ago made many given information for contacting the clinic. involved in abortions performed at the and may stay lip to three hours, but many (which may or may not be prescribed) josals and e efforts are being made by four-year excellent recommendations. Its However, my contacts with clinic clinic. feel physically able to leave after a half _$4. part of institutions to admit a larger We were called, individually, by utant." personnel — from first to last — proved far hour. • The clinic provides treatment of the expanding role of printed follows We are all percentage of disadvantaged more enlightening and calming than counselors who were assigned to us on a * In addition to being questioned material describing the community college in the students. But the efforts one-to-one basis for the remainder of our precautions, physi reall] same are second-hand information from any source I routinely about my medical history by the results and symptoms of Michigan education system deserves appointments. The counselor discussed my receptionist and the counselor, I was also complicatio rsounds I being made by community colleges consulted. with a telephone number to call ch our lives special consideration. and seemingly with questioned by personnel in the lab and (collect) more any time to relate urgent medical probie Funds for education in this state recovery room and by the physician just lyer, past effectiveness-in large part because or questions. Patients are told that of Audi* prior to the abortion. clinic will help defray medical are noticeably diminishing in the community college structure is • Women expen ences, sa seeking abortions ranged from resulting from abortion-relit proportion to the growing needs of primarily directed towards the the well-to-do middle-aged to young versations c our school system. Therefore, as the complications if they are not covered decibel rs Uii married secretaries, from housewives educationally or financially medical insurance. n traffic is Commission noted, it is absolutelv accompanied by their husbands and several disadvantaged. children to college students on a quick A follow-up questionnaire, suney necessary that educational Many students do not apply to the personal feelings and physical results, is weekend trip to NYC and even a be sent back to the clinic after two programming be consistent and junior colleges, however, because unnecessary duplications be they are not assured of access to an eliminated. Yet, with respect to two upper-level program in a four-year and four-year colleges inconsistencies institution. If transfer students had "Many of my original questions were answered and duplications abound. this guarantee, more students would by a counselor when I sought assistance from the take advantage of the junior colleges' Michigan Clergy for Problem Pregnancy Counseling OV. MILLI services instead of automatically Service . . . There I was referred to Women's AR intervi Medical Services and was given information for applying to four-year schools. Yet, . . . ing to achii so far, the four-year colleges have contacting the clinic." Michigan not attempted to set-up such a ipheral iss directly v guaranteed program, even though it "equal izi would help to relieve some financial My." 16-year-old accompanied by two up-tight Evaluation of the clinic's operation burdens. reference parents. They came from as far away as Bolicited. The Commission made it very clear North Carolina, Iowa and Mississippi. It-wide publ Personnel told me that approximat that * Most of the counselors .cation r» the two and four-year are young, 8Q„ per cent of all patients at Wonw said institutions not casually dressed and friendly and appear Medical Services ari fron. Michigan. are working concerned with each patient as an franJt I came away from the experience ml together. Clearly, the lines of individual. They reflect a croas-section of impressed with the humane nature of a^jon" L wil , communication should be opened up and programs adjusted to maximize society. Some are married, some have clinic's workings than with any ot 8 children. feeling. The care I received locally dui the advantages of each college The counselor explained that moat new the birth of my year-old daughter co system. counseling peraonnel are registered nuraes not compare with that dispensed at ncial base but that she was qualified to counael clinic, although childbirth, presumably, llic schoc because she had had an abortion, In more complex and trying experience. criminates addition to attending nursing school for a And, for those opposing legal! Military's n( in poor d b short time. Counselors also assist the doctor performing the abortion. * Each woman is given a pelvic examination prior to the abortion to verify abortions in Michigan because they fear state will become an "abortion mill," I only say that the clinic handled a he weekend volume of patients with dign ins, such ime tax hav HE MICHH certainly the length of the pregnancy as stated in a professionalism and, more importan RICULTUR no letter of confirmation required from her gynecologist. If found to be over the genuine concern for those who desire i to be pregnant. Opponents of abortion I ublic hearing illation that 12-week limit, she is referred to a hospital reform here are denying their Is honesty the best policy? Not in report was filed on him, he was given in NYC for a more complicated and more stricted use' realdents the opportunity to receive eq the U.S. Army. Lt. Col. Anthony menial jobs, and harassed concerning 10 a.m. I expensive procedure; In the case of a services within their own state If tl television appearances. auditoriu Herbert, who told the truth about woman making a quick weekend trip, the choose this course. hway buildii atrocities in Vietnam, has announced Only after Herbert formally ong t his retirement because of harassment charged his commander and deputy ticipating in by the military. commander with dereliction of duty OUR READERS' MIND the MSU P The most decorated GI of the was an investigation made. It ter, the M revealed iural Resc Korean War, Herbert thought he was that seven of Herbert's doing his duty when he reported allegations had been accurate yet no MSU SKI ( Foresty edit only swipe at gov't eight atrocities involving American charges were brought against the two Austria Da troops to his commanding officer. officers for trying to cover up the has been He was ordered to mind his own atrocities. $ business. The Army's 'or more ii handling of the case is To the Editor: mis-informed one. It that this clear seems was actually 300 million board feet less than quickly as possible. After all, aren't tome to Ski Shortly thereafter, he was relieved a example of its total A few of us In the Forestry Dept. are just another chance to take a swing at the the year before, and 1.4 billion less than even more interested in seeing new foi incompetence. A world and a law disturbed and distressed by your recent "present administration" with the Fbrest predicted for National Forests. on that land than the "protectors? I unto itself, the United States editorial. To put it simply, we wish you Service thrown in for grins. As for your picturesque comment on jobs are at stake. Let us first correct a few mistaken and MISPLACED MEMO military establishment rewards only would display a little more common sense and intelligent judgment instead of freely sensitive points. The "bulldozers clearcutting; the process Itself is nothing You mentioned exports (the flgiire, the "good soldier" who boring more than tree farming (and how often about 1 billion board foot too high). Tni keeps juiet extrapolating data from the N.Y. Times. A into the last remnants of virgin wilderness" have you seen someone and mindlessly carries chiding a farmer exports are Intended to assist nations out the well-informed, perceptive editorial might will never touch 16.2 million acres already for cutting all his wheat at the same To: The ASMSU Student Board caprice of his commanders. This is time?). are truly in need of wood. Lets do a lot more good in relieving the designated as off-limits. Not only that, but Much of this cutover land is artificially deprive them of their minimal comfort. Re: Perpetual Cabinet Director the sort of thing that the Allies economic stress placed upon the Fbrest due in part to excellent management by planted and that which is not Is Service BY THE PUBLIC the U.S. Fbrest Service, last year's cut was elections punished severely at Nuremberg. than a painstakingly designed to reforest itself as In less than five years, we will be abl< Dear Indecisive The Herbert case produce all the wood that the future' - only gives further You know, we may just have made a evidence of the need for a total demand on the present commer breakthrough here: in the last month tliat we've been trying to find ? re-evaluation of the nation's complex. As Herbert put it, "The military Not very hot for facts, either acreage. We could use a little help ft you, the public. Do you really need all extra space in your new home? Remem director the Cabinet's been doing Army has got to get back under To the Editor: lighting up that cigaret on the nat management practice. Clearcutting is a forestry is concerned with ail just fine its civilian control." And we would add: uses of forest trail? Where did the match go (3.2 mill on own. silviculturally sound method of land. acres burned in 1970)? Hal Buckner made responsible to the As member of the MSU staff, I enjoy reproducing forest stands after cutting. tuesd — a If you precepts of are truly Interested in what is honesty and humanity, if such is reading the State News, and recognize your Mistakes in human judgment have created happening on our national forests, I suggest possible in a death machine. right to editorialize. The editorial on Nov. some poor examples of clearcutting, but you investigate all facts before spouting We hope that in the future the edito Roast Tu 16, dealing with national forests, is these are small in relation to total In the board will refer to journals such as w use. off. certainly not well investigated or documented. Lake States, clearcutting of intolerant species such as aspen and jackpine is the business it is to record such developme rather than newspapers trying to WEDN Just a little c management The studies of national conducted by a few forest only way to reproduce stands. Clearcutting is the best wildlife management tool we A good place to start your search for facts would be a visit to the Huron Fbrest good copy; and so use your (he. pulp, i.e. wood) space valuable p» ">r Schensul' For most of the 1950s and the first have indited all national groups forest have in this area. • in Michigan and see where the action is and what lt is all about. constructive articles. thurs there The archaic laws and regulations are was the potential for a management, and all foresters as being Broiled E half of the 1960s the official manifest health hazard. interested only in timber production. the responsibility of congress, and American bugbear was fallout. In that decade and a half span Now Nature magazine reports that This simply is not factual! I might suggest you journey over to the organized foresters have long asked for modernization of mining and grazing laws. David D. Olson Oscoda County Extension Director, Friday fallout has for all practical radioactive debris was blamed for purposes Natural Resources Bldg. and obtain more • Our national forests are not headed for MSU Cooperative Extension Service jfof Bur ceased to exist. Direct credit for this facts. The history of national forest "eventual destruction". The practice of Nov. 17,1971 everything from colder winters to decreased production in milk cattle. change of events is layed to the management is one of dedicated men who pushed and established the first wilderness SATUrI atomic test ban treaty which forbids Whatever the case this much is areas in this country. These same men were CtrtdZjL CVMoiXsij Mfrui. „ Baked P, atmospheric detonation of recorded fact: before the test ban thermonuclear devices. the first to establish public recreation areas jfylOA and AM**- iwwWo.} a^d. treaty over 200 million tons of dust, on public land. /S-o /W OP The lesson is clear. Man Let us take a look at your accusations: - iuAidud (fjidtuid. a. dirt and other atomic jetsum found can, in fact, reverse the awesome and • The last remnants of our virgin forests its way into the earth's atmosphere. deadly pollution of his environment. All are not being bulldozed! This country has Strontium-90 and cesium-137 had that is required is a little vast areas both within and outside the Zoning increased to alarming proportions in sense and a common national forests which are set aside as followir measure of perpetual primitive or wilderness areas. milk and other food items. In truth cooperation. • Clearcutting is not in itself a bad land Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 30, 1971 5 Pecan Hits noise pollution decibel range. The sound from a f SHOP-RITE STORES' m t0NIPELLILLO cL News Staff Writer Jjne shot can average about 160 ^bels. he said surfer ™ the lJIn5ed State# in Africa which contrasted with from some hearing loss. some of the statistics found in , he said. Other considerations such as diet and daily activities .. . . The threshold of pain" for frequency of hearing the National Health ■ . Survey. must be taken into account current ecology kick has human8 is aboul UQ t() 13& lo« Increases with age. The frequency levels and added Syer importance to one give importance \ to rfivp decibels. Over said More More males than females sounds that elderly ——i— » members of >i.e m"31 £• i . - — _K„_.^ai tan havejiearingjproblems. —•••»• , ,pu the ««■= tribe »uuc could hear auu vuuiu near and February 1970, all societynoise, Herbert J. discriminate about 340,000 nUr Ine incidence of hearing loss distinguish did not necessarily Michigan workers are protected dean of the College of distinguishable tones, he said, ls higher in whites, decline with old age, Oyer said, against excess noise in job Immunisations Arts, said making it a "noisy, noisy, noisy percentage-wise than in In some cases, hparing capacities situations by law. Following world we live in." nonwhites. remained very good. earlier federal government .... „,s. - - Citing some statistics from a u Lower socioeconomic levels regulations, Michigan workers -tion t0 this insidious United States National Health °.w greater loss than higher The absence of warfare, cannot work for more than eight 1intant," Oyer said, in Survey, Oyer said: socioeconomic levels. complicated and loud machinery hours at the 90 decibel range the detrimental -* " J 6 - Approximately eight million 0yer referred to an audiology and electronics were probably and for only 15 minutes at the noise has upon mental study done with a primitive tribe Partial reasons for these findings, 115 decibel level, Oyer said. rr \"w C|ub on the effect of BLACK ARTS CO. aUvdy pg|ni( iff human hearing, Oyer as a cause for r permanent loss of be ^ other pollutants which avoided by man or Oyer emphasized that Festival to go on By WANDA HERNDON ,l!e to noise is inevitable in State News Staff Writer in East Lansing, but in other areas and this tour will enable them American society. Not even to do so. —close off the — our sleep can we jnul world of sound, he said, il"6, festival held success of th,e "rat MSU Black Arts Company's on campus early in November, the Students interested in auditioning for the winter Black Arts Festival may try out from 7 to 11 p.m. has been invited to perform at company of 34 Tuesday in Parlor A of (fining noise as "any Northern Michigan University in the Union and from 7 to 11 p.m. Wednesday in the Union Sun •mted sound", Oyer listed Porch. sounds of motorcycles, ^soqineSaeginaw'naW 8011001 a"d BUCna V'Sta High Sch°o1 The winter Black Arts Festival will be a drama presentation (washers, radios, garbage Wil! Happy Perf°mill8 the entire fall Black Arts consisting of two one act plays and a two act play. Festival consisting of uu josals and even running water Ending" by Douglas Turner Ward, Gerald Lemons, Detroit junior has prepared a one act pJ7t of the "Invisible Mitchell, original M.S.U. utant." £k,.M,U5'c: Past a"d in Saginaw Resent," and "Tell Pharoah" by Lofton Dec. 13 and 14 and at NMU adoption of "The Spook Who Sat By the Door" by Sam Greenley and Thomas Rachel, fe are all victims of sounds Ve flattered that NMU's president John X. are the two high school Jamrich and Dec. 15 one act play "Rats" Cleveland, Ohio, senior will be directing the by Israel Horowitz, which depicts Harlem Students-Faculty-Staff SPECIAL 8 really don't want to principals have invited the Black Arts tenament life. The two act play will be "Ceremonies of Dark Old „ .junds that don't really Oyer said. ch our lives," Company to perform at their institutions," G. Les Milan graduate student and cofounder We had to turn down Washington of the company said. Men," by Lonnie Elder, which portrays a black family's struggle to leave the ghetto. Use this ad as pur grocery A nCes, said that normal enough support and interest in the Black Arts Company versations occur at the 65 to we can put on a major spring production," Washington said so that HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL decibel range while noise traffic is in the 85 to 90 He also stated thet one of the main goals of the Black Arts Cor.ipany is to spread the cultural awareness of black art not only Admissions Board representatives Farmer Peet 2 lb. pkg. J — /71 \N\ will be at Michigan State University Ranch Style Bacon 99° Small Meaty Center Cut Lean Rib Capital Capsules Spare Ribs 59° Pork OV. MILLIKEN SAID IN A Water Resources Commission. lb. Chops ,AR interview Monday that jointly with the MSU College of Freezer Sale: 78° Human Medicine and the School ng to achieve racial balance A MEASURE THAT WOULD Michigan schools was OPEN MORE STATE land to of Osteopathic Medicine. Stachnik has been director of Whole or Rib Half ipheral issue" that did not directly with the problem public horseback riding has been introduced in the Senate. the 1970. drug abuse office since June, Pork Loin 58c = Rand A. Neyland Charles A. Coverdale "equalizing educational The sponsor of the bill, Sen. lity." Charles N. Youngblood, Thursday, December 2: Rand A. Neyland (Harvard M.B.A. reference to a series of D-Detroit, said that "Horsemen STATE CIVIL SERVICE WORKERS with six or more 1970), Assistant Director of Admissions, will meet with all Special Trimmed Mich. t . approximit its at vvomi .m ijjn wide public hearings on his reform program, saj(j he hoped to "have are property owners and they pay certiuniy tfexes, joo deserve and tjiey of stat6 use years of continuous service will receive bonus pay totaling $6,224,125 Wednesday. ■ • ; Michigan State University students who are interested in the Harvard M.B.A. Program. Fj&y- December 3:..^lijt^XDbyerdale.(HarvardM.B,A, Pork-Loin Half Pork Loin 68° - lichigan. frani( and 1971), Assistant to the Director of Admissions, will discuss xperience m (e7 a very open land as much as anyone else." W5Sj0n" with the people of The bill is now before the with minority students how the Harvard M.B.A. Program Employe paychecks will range Faygo Pop Senate Conservation Committee. from $145 for the lowest helps prepare minority group members, both men and :higan on his Pr0Perty tax 16c 1th any of salaried workers to $950 for women, for management positions. all flavors, 32 oz. i locally dur governor proposes to do ! GOV. MILLIKEN LAST those occupying the highest daughter coi with the property tax as Specific undergraduatecourses or majors are not required WEEK accepted the resignation salaried positions with the for admission to Harvard Business School. Four-fifths of Ispensed at :ial base for the state's of Thomas Stachnik, as director highest seniority. recent Harvard Business School students majored in presumably,! lie schools because it of the Office of Drug Abuse. Civil Service officials said the humanities, social science, physical sciences and cperlence. criminates against persons Spartan Facial Stachnik, whose resignation is bonus was not affected by Phase losing legal!: engineering. ise they fear g in poor districts. Alternate effective today, will begin his 2 of President Nixon's economic ins, such as a graduated new post Wednesday working policy. Financial aid is available to all those who demonstrate need. tlon mill," I lome tax have been put forth. landled a he Special fellowship funds have been set aside for minority students. ? ■e 2 imporUn who desire of abortion their fe iblic MICHIGAN DEPT. OF iRICILTURE has scheduled hearing - one Illation that would establish a stricted use" list of pesticides proposed The Harvard M.B.A. degree is oriented toward the preparation of men and women for general management positions in the total spectrum of domestic and Tissues white, 200 ct. package 5/88' to receive e international corporations, large and small businesses, new for 10 a.m. Dec. 9 in the first state If businesses, consulting, government, education, non-profit or auditorium of the State — ,n se«>09 institutions, and new community enterprises and ca°,ee* a°dl° Comet Cleanser [hway building in Lansing, v°u seeV,1°9 IT » the nt>ev ,s organizations. giant 'mong the agencies 2V/2OZ. Kicipating in the hearings will For times and places of meetings, contact the office of the MSI' Pesticide Research -St »*aS> "|0a\ data a ...» Huey Edwards, Assistant Placement Director (355-8347). iter, the Michigan Dept. of ie Pe,s°' itural Resources and the cot***" and ^ . ^te, 9*'™ use- Great Western 24* MSU SKI CLUB Appian Way Pizza trip to regular ''t Austria Dec. 27 Jan. 9 has been reduced to $349 - has a wine for 121/2 OZ. all, aren't ing new to lor more information, ^eto Ski Club meeting. before, during and Fun Pac Ice Cream __ Pillsbury Cookies ;nnr A jtectors?" -CUT OUT AND SAVE" after dinner. Vanilla gal. size 99 Sugar or Choc. Chip 2/99 the figure >o high). Th Spartan Strawberry ScfotsnH s ta„ M i|( st nations " od. Let's il comfort. Halves, 10 oz. pkg. LLi6o! 17° ■ will be abl the future Oven Fresh 20 oz. onc US IMo. 1 Ida 3 lb. bag - it commer ttle help ly need all f LANSING MALL MERIDIAN MALL loaf Premium Bread la Red Apples 49° tie? Remem on the na go (3.2 mil tuesday Presents for Your Dining Pleasure 'SUNKIST' NAVAL ORANGES n. 44° night special •e the edito such as wh $1.54 CLIP AND SAVE THIS COUPON developme ying to ml Wednesday night special $1.35 valuable p' ice for m lflursday night special $1.46 pher D. Hu( f|(iuay night special Conn.Juni seven othe *^eef Burflundv w/Buttered Rice $1.59 Pale Dry New York State [ov. 18,1®' Cocktail Sherry Pink Catawba Produced by the - >>jked Pepper Steak i in r $1.69 solera process, this, driest sherry, This delightful pink wine, made from N£ KN0UI5 our makes a fine cocktail Extra Dry ,'ie Catawba grape, DAPBP! when served chilled. Champagne «n be served as a woefore-or after- OPEN SUNDAY 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 P-m- It can also be served with pic or cake as New York State ?inn" wine with a dessert wine. Fxtra Drv hors d °cuvres» Champagne. chccsc or nuts- Ewning Specials include and beverage roll, butter and a choice of two of the Produced in the slow, true manner and wing: salad, potato, vegetable, dessert. fermented in the bottle. Pleasant Valley Wine Company, Hammondsport, N.Y. 14840 _.CUT AND SAVE— Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, N0, Rep cites bicameral liabilities By JOANNA FIRESTONE State News Staff Writer ''Many of the issues confronting the legislature today have a one-house legislature. I'd be more than happy to resign he can't hide behind conference committees or party dictators, state representative districts ?! n would be the h are the same as when I came in same, from the legislature today." Supporters also claim that a Joe Swallow would like to "Four representatives, Lansing in 1964." But his plan to oust 72 unicameral legislature would trade his $26,000 • a - year job Swallow said legislative reform Senators, from each district for a spot in the unemployment lawmakers has not made establish a better working — advocated by the governor would be elected every four Swallow any new friends. situation between the state and line — and he's inviting 71 of his and other years, but not at the same time a top state officials — House Speaker William A. federal colleagues to join him. will never come from within the governments, president is chosen," he said. Swallow, the 38 - year - old Ryan, as well as most House and Communication, Swallow "This way, the voters can give legislature. Senate Democrats have tried to state representative from "Until nine years ago, the agreed, would probably be full attention to state and cut the unicameral idea of the Alpena, is waging a one-man war two-house system had some improved since the 19 U.S. federal problems at different pass, since they fear that Congressional districts and 19 elections." on Michigan's bicameral legitimacy — one house based on legislature. Instead of the Republicans will get an land area, the other on automatic edge in a system 148-menber two-house system, population," he said. "But in based the current Trunk murd on Swallow has proposed a 76-man 1962, the Supreme Court congressional districts. unicameral body to legislate the state's affairs. drastically changed this Second in a series Even his own House party arrangement in the case of Baker U.S. Constitution, the same rule leader, Clifford A. Smart, "After seven legislative years in process, the vs. Carr, when it said, in essence, I'm that while the reason for states is not extended to governments created by the states. The rule R-Walled Lake, gave a resounding "No!" to the idea of asks for completely frustrated with the to have two senators at the for FLORENCE, seeping from them and would state governments is one a one-house legislature. present arrangement," he said. federal level is /AD. 4t not allow her to take them. embodied in the man, one vote. If, as legislators we've been &P|hWta«ita Ruth^Judd, the "Therefore, two houses are no doing our jobs, then we've 19 30s trunk murderess who Ms. Judd, daughter of a small town Indiana preacher and wife longer needed and are, in fact, nothing to worry about," escaPed jeven ,times ,and once remained at large for seven of a physician, disappeared but an expensive, confusing and Swallow said. was arrested a short time later unnecessary liability." "A unicameral legislature is a Swallow noted that ir. 1961, consolidation, not ^ ^'l!J^°"! Board of Parole and Pardons on when her husband told police then governor John B. Swainson amputation" "'The'"guys" *who"ve ** l£>*a,! freedo™ where to find her. ordered a blue-ribbon panel to been accountable to their The T'Sf w°ma" ' no" 6J; Convicted after a stormy trial, investigate legislative efficiency. constituents shouldn't have any wasJ evicted of the 1931 she was sentenced to die for Ms "The panel supported trouble getting re-elected " murder of Agnes Anne LeRoi, LeRoi s death. She was declared substantial reform and agreed Swallow said a single house is 27 The bodies of Ms. LeRoi and insane three days before her that a unicameral legislature the only way to increase Hedv'g Samuelson, 25, were scheduled hanging and was Tuesday Night might do the job well," he said. legislators' responsiveness to the dismembered and shipped to Los transferred to the Arizona State SALAD & SPAGHETTI GORGE "But the legislature refused to act. voters' opinions. Angeles in two trunks. Ms. Judd Hospital in Phoenix. I guess maintaining two houses is "The current session proves was never tried in the &>muelson Between escapes, she charmed (All You Can fat) just human nature in this case — what happens when buck-passing slaying. patients and employes, waving a kind of political runs wild. When controversial ^"^d s attorney, Larry their hair until the $1.95 self-preservation." bills, such as the abortion Debus, said she wanted to live state board of cosmetology Ijig III up Wine Special Swallow, whose boyish good proposal come up, the houses out her life in seclusion with the stopped her. Getting ready for Christmas by decorating the fourth floi Wednesday Night looks and shy, half-smile make pass them back and forth or California family she was Her death sentence was of West Akers Hall are Marcia Okon, PITCHER NIGHT him look younger than his 38 shove them into committee and w°rkmg /or 'Marian Lane" commuted to life in 1952, and left, Long Island, freshman and Lorrio Piestrak, right, Wilkes n!1 years, said he is not particularly it's impossible to nail down who when her identity was six months later she Barry, | ( dirt escaped cheap) fearful of losing his job. voted how discovered in June 1969 after from the hospital for the sixth Lizard's time. State News photo by 224 Abbott "Losing my seat in the House "A two-house legislature her last ""P® which las^d Stephi Rennpaj would hardly put me on provides an escape measure to seyen years- welfare," he said. "As a lawyer, avoid responsibility, both by There has been enough I'd be better off finanacially in a parties and by individuals. If "°t°"ety. Debus said. "She private lawpractice than I am representatives are all elected at wants ai^> opportunity to escape now. once, the people will look at all th® Past " "If I were assured we would of them at the same time. This ^he trunks containing the Beal Film Group presents another fabulous double feature at 8:30 only would give them a four-year shot bodies of Ms. Judd s friends to do what they think needs to a"lm) J" Angeles on Oct. JEAN COCTEAU'S be done," he said. ' 1931. The attractive, A STUDENT ATTENDING a THREE VENDING A WRISTWATCH VALUffl Swallow said a one-house 26-year-old name-haired medical meeting in the Union Gold MACHINES $75 JBcatitu LASSIC FANTASY were vandalized was reported stolen | system, rather than ^ t perpetuating secrftary went to r—r "..--b railroad Room reported to police that Sunday, with total damages second-floor Emmons 1 itself, requires the politician to station to c'a>"i the trunks, but her purse had been stolen estimated at $66, according to TONIGHT "stand up and be counted" since attendant noticed blood between 4:20 and 4:35 p.m. MSU police. The glass front iii a resident. The student told that a party was in pf Sunday. Police said there were his room Thursday 100 Engineering cigaret machine in North Case afterl and " RHARHARHARHARHARm no suspects. Hall broken out and the when Admission to was an unidentified f A WILLIAMS HALL coed was both films is display packages were stolen, entered the room and then! the victim of a sex-motivated police said. Other machines in immediately. The residents! $1.50 no I.D. GostaGavros assault Sunday evening when an East Fee Hall and the Student police the watch was discovl v>thc unidentified black male allegedly Services Building basement were "A sensuously fascinating who gave us 7" grabbed her as she was walking also broken into. to be missing shortly aftej film Priceless, gorgeous, suspect left. . . . down the hall from her room to exquisite." N.Y. TIMES JBtast the lavatory, according to police. new gives us The coed told police she was walking down the hall when the WMSB to rebroadcast LIFE MAGAZINE The Confession suspect approached her wearing only trousers and asked for a match. After she went to her nostalgia presentation INCMAR BERGMAN'S room for the match she returned University television station WMSB will rebroadcast at nol and the suspect grabbed her. She today "As Time Goes By," an hour-long examination of nostalB "Strange amalgam of various si loneliness and lust then ran to her room again and surrounding the 1920s and 1930s. . . . dark locked the door, police said. James W. Cash, who wrote, produced and directed the j psychological Implications. Mr. Bergi Is trying to tell us something each ' questioned local experts on nostalgia, including Pulitzer P progr^ Individual viewer must fathom and winner Russel Nye, professor of English, to determine tf J er for himself." Save! Save! Save! of the nostalgia craze. NEW YORK TIMES at 7:00 and 10:00 Rent Your Television Cash used facilities of the University's National Voice Libri and East Lansing's Curious Book Shop to describe Free Delivery f»rn politic^ MSU BROADWAY THEATRE SERIES '71-72 PRESENTS Free Service Free Pick-up II J" %J per mo. scientific and motion picture history. The program was first broadcast at 10 p.m. Sunday. TOM MALLOW KEN SHAW COMING THIS University TV Rentals «. WEEK ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★* 351-7900 ARTHUR WHITELAW BR°ADiyAy The world's richest man J Now Playing The Fabulous . . the sriV present REASON" and the worlds poorest Jfln 5TERLMG ^<77 boy BASOOTIES T"*es are getting it ready now... ■ in the Show Bar UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM at the TONIGHT 8:15 P.M. TICKETS AT THE UNION AND THE DOOR (one hour before performance) $5.00, $4.00, $3.00 MSU STUDENTS $4.00, $3.00, $2.00 355 3361 355 - 6686 BUTTERFLIES LAST TWO DAYS Showplace 106B Wells Hall Admission $1 ARE FREE Showtimes 7, 8:45, 10:30 Beal Film Group and everybody, everywhere, A New Comedy by will be LEONARD GERSHE a little Set Designed by Lighting by Costumes Designed by RICHARD SEGER JULES FISHER ROBERT MACKINTOSH worse off Directed by for it. ELIZABETH CALDWELL Original New York production directed by MILTON KATSELAS "Enormously Entertaining" ■ N. Y. Times A winning comedy, warm and touching." N. Y. Post Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 30, 1971 jriion flea market Brody Complex |0 offer,r those Yule gifts looUngfor unique Christmas gifts this season, the form information |„ion Board Flea Market wll feature handcrafted items from 1 Km to 4 p.m., Sunday in the concourses and parlors on the For students in the The group has held three A ride board and a loaning Brody ■"ond floor of the Union. Complex, SOB meetings with Dan Preston, board has been successfully means something fJLrame belts and wail hangings, silver jewelry, hand puppets other than the usual obscenity. director of Learning Resources started by SOB, McFall said. The Utographs, and prints are among the items to be sold, Candv' { Students of Brody (SOB) is a Center, to talk about using the loaning board will help students FLn Ann Arbor junior and coordinator of the sale said She student information center facilities. Meetings have also who need sleeping bags or other ffTj that all items are student-made. which was organized this fall. been held with professors to such articles, he added, fV Christmas Flea Market has always been a chance for Counselors got the center discuss methods of studying and A system for professor Indents to make extra money or save a few dollars on a reallv going, then stepped out of the how to take exams. evaluation is underway in the fecial gift" ^ Rosaen 8aid- She announced that 27 student way, Roy. H. McFall, director of SOB has also organized a SOB office. Flyers were sent to Ctgmen have signed up to sell their wares and others can sign the Student Affairs office in telephone list for undergraduate the residence halls in Brody h through Friday. Brody, said Wednesday. students who want to talk to an Complex and students were ^signing up entails coming to the Union Board office, second "Flunkers Anonymous," upperclassmen about a particular asked to evaluate their past Lor and listing your name and what you are selling. A $3 entry modelled after "Alcoholics major. professors. SOB plans to set up a L is charged to pay for the extra tables and chairs needed," she Students can get a different filing system for future student eclion Anonymous," is being quided by SOB, McFall said. perspective concerning a major it reference, fife. Rosaen said she believed the Sunday before finals was a Taking a final look at itself ii "If students are in trouble and they talk to a student in that "We will serve mainly as a Lod time for the flea market, as students who have been IS in the spring, improved bicycle paths will be don't know what to do, they can major, McFall said. branch for other organizations Cdying all weekend for finals need an interesting break. available for it. State News photo by Stephi call someone for help," he SOB has considered starting a so students won't have to traipse Rennpage explained. computer dating service for all over campus," a SOB staffer Brody complex. Computer time said. has already been Creditors secured, McFall The office is located on the said. first floor of Brody Hall. _ nn.iMl Executive Reporter maioritv majority net act is general counsel of the Bankers Assn. is T.awcrtn Lawson Becker, Michigan leery of • character and ability to repay. Best bets among student new ou'regoing to be in trouble." adults from some knowledgeable IBy BOB ROACH you're now between 18 and Taylor warns the 18-year-old, . _ _ f person you can trust." "I don't see any real applicants will be the college and particularly the" college years old. And maybe you've change The "Kaleidoscopic lure" is eB thinking that after coming," he said recently. "With junior or senior with good student, to "practice extreme the surest road to ruin for the those over 18, there will be grades, Shumway said, because caution in regards to thigan law makes you a full credit risks and bad good young consumer today, Isaac on*;s, just "grades reflect character." door-to-door salesmen and said. lit on Jan. 1, you can buy like with those over 21. Young women will also fare telephone direct mail "Now that the 18-year-old will ything you want by just "The 21-year-olds more often better than or young men, he solicitation." soon be able to sign a fully jning on the dotted line. Hold have a steady job, but then most added, because experience shows i! It's not necessarily so. A general rule of thumb is to binding legal contract, he'll find 18-year-olds will be entering the they are better at paying bills. never sign a sales contract on the many businessmen — and not While you're eyeing a new credit market without bad Receiving credit will be first encounter with a imponent set, a Mustang credit a one necessarily just the sharpies — rating. Like those over 21, problem for the 18-year-old door-to-door salesman, he said, displaying all sorts of youth stback or maybe even a place the country, commercial however, they'll need still a consumer, but experts agree that Ask questions, ask for literature, culture products, ranging from ithorities aren't certain the co-signer if they are a bad credit keeping it will be the bigger then ask him to come back in a flashy cars to stereos and lively First in a series risk." problem. And while the week. This way you can discuss clothing, in a colorful and .sponsible creditor will S. Martin Taylor, The bleakest prospects to face slcome you with open arms deputy unscrupulous businessman may the purchase with someone else alluring package," he said, director of the Michigan young adults seeking credit will Prey on the novice credit while cooling off from a high Isaac rejects the notion that Id a waiting sales contract. And Dept. of Commerce, said he isn't so be in the s of credit cards, I one that does, they warn, ~ ' consumer, experts agree that pressure sales pitch, he said, and many businessmen will be wary according to Frank Shunway] . 'd better think twice about, optimistic about 18-year-old common sense is the best also test, to a degree, the i8.year.0i£| credit adults being treated equitably general manager of Michigan preventitive against reliability of the salesman, consumer, adding "he's a good ne credit authority who by creditors. Baiik Americard. over-extending one's credit. As a former Detroit police legal gamble because he has a full kinks the young consumer will "Most businessmen are, by "It's going to be damned Budgeting is of the greatest detective and now a field lifetime of earning power ahead to little under the new age of nature, conservative and before tough for "the 18-year-olds importance, particularly for the investigator in the Michigan of him." they extend credit to someone because credit cards are young person, Andrew Eiler, of attorney general's consumer Still, the tougli ex-cop now without unsecured credit," he said. "We ^he Michigan Consumers protection office, Howard G. chasing shakey businessmen is a proved track record, have no real control — no liens Council, said. Isaac is familiar with most of the Meeting they'll ask 'Can I collect?' " he said. or collateral — and all we have to is a person's credit "Like everyone else, the young fraudulent schemes and optimistic about the 18-year-old adult as a consumer. About half of rating." person should have already businesses that exploit the "There's only one real lesson Michigan's The 18-year-old consumer figured out how much he has to In public young adults to-be are married and working at a regular job, spend for ent, food, unwary consumer. All consumers should consider his the 18-year-old adult has to learn," he said, "and that is — said Taylor, an attorney and transportatio and other three-part warning stressing the majesty of his like syst member of the governor's special commission on the age of Shumway said. "To be blunt essentials," he said. "The rest of our losses in the under-25 y°ur income should then be bracket are significant and so we earmarked for savings or "time, roots and advice." "Don't be rushed into signing a contract for something you signature." MOOSUSKI MEETING majority. They will be a better credit risk than the half that are prefer an applicant to be at least discretionary spending." should really give a lot of WED. DEC. 1 With the increased students or part-time workers, 26." "Before buying anything on thought to," he said. "And deal 109 Anthony 7:30 emphasi^ Tfr 'nrtfllcts, but he adds: it's Still,, some 18-year-olds will credit, just make damned sur» wtyh businessmen who have feing placed today on the be "carded," but only those best you've got the money to pay for _ ^roo4s in your community. DOOR PRIZES lcyrle as a form of campus going to be tough for the Good Ski Flick! ■ansportation, the Free 19-year-old couple to buy a a n k '*• Somebody can offer you a Lastly, you should ask for advice 'once - in - a - lifetime' deal for ■Diversity is holding a meeting house on their own. They just include, besides credit rating, on'y $10 a month, but if you've fday for students who want to [cycle their cycle." haven't had the time to build strong credit rating." a an assessment of the a applicant's on'y got an extra $5 a month, "I worked hard all summer iThe meeting, which will be |ld at 4 p.m. in the second )r lobby of the Union, will rharharharharharha! to get enough bread for a down payment on my communal new bug. So I'm going to baby it!' i on a biking stem (CBS), a pool of bicycles d and maintained by the nmunity for everyone's use. ■The bicycle, termed the "MASH latest, most efficient IS THE BEST lonpolluting form of mass portation by its supporters, 1 E 7S ^ MICHIGAN 0 AMERICAN WAR ,*I | especially adapted to a GLADMCR liversity setting according to le New Community Service Inject. W|toQp.fW. Theatres tAWIIS. COMEDYj ■Identified by distinctive color INFORMATION 4ft? 3905 SINCE ^markings, 1 no locks. the bicycles would A communal ICHIGAN Theatre - L'aminq SOUND HJ r , ■stem would also sier method of provide an transferring Open 12:45 • Shows At CAME ■cycles from ■"dents to incoming students, graduating 1:10, 3:05, 5:00, 7:05, 9:05 In Tho Great Tradition IN!" Of Ar Bypassing auctions and fcoundments. ■Other advantages listed by Community Service Project Jlude a saving in time and ■oney by the grounds FPartment and police who COLOR BY DE LUXE* P>M not need to impound Pjycles. TP for most A communal repair students who do phave the equipment to repair Jwr own bicycles would also be ■mefit. >EAN MARTIN MASH St*"* An Ingo Preminger Production You worked hard for that new car of yours. Now all you BRIAN KEITH DONALD SUTHERLAND ELLIOTT GOULD TOM SKERRITT have to dp is take care of it. Part of it's using the right CoSlxnne SALLY KEUERMAN • ROflfRT DUVAll ■ JO ANN PfLUG ■ BENE AUBERIONOIS gasoline. Amoco®. The type most new car owner Nut ['something Productdby INGO PREMINGER Otrected by ROBERT ALTMAN Screenplay by RING LARDNER. Jr manuals recommend. (nowledgeI big' gp It IjggjjjjTjOjj From i novel by RICHARD HOOKER Music by I0HNNY MANOR Color by DE LUXE® PANAVISION® a Amoco is specially formulated for your new car's anti¬ pollution engine. Made to help it run better, longer. And Amoco can double the life of your tail pipe and muffler compared to fully leaded gasolines; spark plugs last TONIGHT ! longer, too. That's why more new car buyers use Standard gasolines j 5:20 - 7s25 - 9:30 than any other brand. When it comes to high-quality In 108B Wells BILLY gasolines, you can depend on Amoco and the other gasolines at Standard. All the time. n everyone^ life JACK TECHNICOLOR* CP ^2" 7:30, 9:30 So now that you can count on. you've got that new car, use the gasoline ■0TT*the,lcVi a Students, faculty You've got a new car We've got I^MMER OF a new car gasoline and staff unly , 42 6:15 [hi 8:15 I.D.'s required PARAMOUNT, PICTURES ^4 PRESENTS '1.00 admission You expect more from Standard and you get it.,- "friends'" RHARHARHARHARHARHA TECHNICOLOR" ■AS-jRl @ Standard Oil Division of American Oil Company 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Ten basketball preview By MIKE ABERLICH while tossing around a football, State News Sports Writer and so far, the injury hasn't responded to treatment. For 10 CHICAGO - The Big Ten has days it was even in a cast. But even without Hornyak, assimilated a new look among who may not be able to return the coaching ranks this year with until early in January, the the addition of two new coaches — one who formerly coached at Buckeyes are stacked deep In talent. West Point and another who The three frontcourt men will should have. all be returning, as will one Indiana's Bob Knight was head man at the U.S. Military guard who started on spot duty last year. Seven-foot junior Academy the last six years. He Luke Witte will carry the load at sees the game of basketball as a the post, where Taylor noted, simple one, whether at West "he's a little more inclined to Point or in the Big Ten; "I don't think basketball is a agressiveness this year." very As a sophomore, the Buckeye complex game, it's just getting behemoth average 18.9 points good shots and limiting the shot of your opponent." per game while taking on the At Minnesota on the other average of only 14 shots per contest. Flanking Witte will be hand, Bill Musselman layed 6-8 junior Mark Wagar and 6-5 down the line Sunday at the Mark Minor, the only senior on annual Big Ten basketball press conference much as would a drill Taylor's ten-man roster. Ulan Horn yah sergeant. Guard Dave Merchant saw some action last year while Jim "I like to play a disciplined Cleamons was out with an style of game," barked IN TNE HEART Musselman, "I like to go with the phase of the game that is consistent. Offense isn't, so I injury. Cleamons, the league's Most Valuable Player last year, was the only one of the starting five lost to graduation. concentrate on defense, which is At Michigan, Johnny On more constant." Musselman's practice sessions spends most of his time saying have been behind locked doors "Oh, Henry!" while watching his thus star, Henry Wilmore, practice. far, and his strict tactics Orr's success, or failure, may seem to indicate that his team Air/»- Wvuiherspoon depend on the availibility of leading scorer last year, while of MSU are all big men who ' ntlL6'™!!! annA^tthoJrOI ""t must ^e watched, most anyone could take the league 6-10 center Ken Brady, who Indiana will have defensive be depended upon to lead S' v~vhJ?f 11 LETS coaches (excePt 0hio State's crown. recently underwent an operation standout Steve Downing and respective schools, w. fted Tay'or) agreed that the Taylor's Buckeyes will return for bone chips in his knee. Murhiavpllian tochiavellian1 lPuHprchin leaderehip At any At »nv Joby Wright coming back. Both Wisconsin and Northwestern" defending champion Buckeyes six of their top seven players in Purdue and Indiana both have ' p ." would be the favorites to repeat, are among the league's top rely mainly on the balance . an attempt to repeat as Big Ten two top-notch frontcourt men an average team either way twenty returning scorers. their starting fives, since although everyone was bubbling leaders, but the leading scorer returning. Bob Fbrd and William Musselman would have none of ® over J[th the usual optimism on from list year's team is still a Franklin take the corner Nick Weatherspoon of Illinois, Wildcats will be returning all of their starters from last " \ their own squads and insisting question mark. Allan Hornyak, a positions for the Boilermakers. Jim Brewer of Minnesota, Kevin and Wisconsin will be OF THE BEAST .... . . . Though Minnesota is one team that this would ^ the ygar ^ ^ junior guard bruised his hee, Ford was the league's sixth Kunnert of Iowa and Bill Kilgore back three of five. get We offer a for those who developmental alternative in education want to affect the structure and '/2 PRICE COLOR PRINTS? COACHES OPTIMISTIC priorities of our society. SAVE ON SLIDES- MOVIES - BIW PRINTS, TOO Programs in the arts, communications, the social This low price saves you up to 50% over usual "drug store" prices, sciences, education, problems of minorities, law, political science, urban studies, environmental science, psychology. rushes high quality color prints back to your door in just a few days. Try the film service used on many mid-west and southern campuses. SO EASY, SO CONVENIENT . . just use your own envelope and the coupon below. Fill in name and address, write name on roll or cartridge, enclose coupon and remittance. Or, use the coupon to get film mailers and dis¬ Big Ten better balance By RICK GOSSELIN its own this year," Brad Snyder, envisions a strong race, and again Our count coupons; order film and flashes at low prices... a better deal than sliding scale tuition plan enables students State News Sports Editor coach of Northwestern, the envisions his Boilermakers to be to attend who might otherwise be unable to "free" film. Savings and processing quality guaranteed. afford league's cellar-dweller of a year in the thick of the struggle. a quali ty educat ion. CHICAGO - And as the ago, said. "If there is a weak Johnny Orr knows he has a 1971-72 Big team in the Big Ten this year I 4 ; YOUR ORDER MUST INCLUDE THIS COUPON- Ten basketball focuses on its first week don't know who it's going to be powerful team in his Ajfchiga# concurrent work/study program helps students season Wolverines and realises that find meaningful jobs to of nonconference play, league It Isn't going to be offense In his squad's forte. support themselves and to ... complement course work and individual and group coaches are again bubbling over Northwestern." Henry, of course, is Henry projects. with optimism. Snyder went on to explain the Wilmore. Now a junior, Wilmore At the Big Ten basketball eventual winner would be "the is again looked upon as the 01 ,"m meetings held Sunday in team that got the breaks and can scoring punch for the unit. And Chicago, the coaches seemed to win the close games . . . and if last year wasn't a total fluke, Talk wi th us. Contact: ' enclosing m tiln ?S< p, be in mutual agreement that the there are going to be a lot of Wilmore will very definitely Scott conference would be better close games in the Big Ten this provide the Wolverines with that Newkirk, Admissions, Drawer B, balanced this season and that no year." scoring punch. 805 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MSU's Gus Ganakas, team will be able to run away Dick Shultz, whose Iowa team Maryland 21201 TEL: 301/752-3656 • MAIL TO: SPE-D-PICS ■ Boa 299 • Cincinnati, Ohio 45214 ■ Dapt MS with it. finished in seventh place last acknowledging that with an "The Big Ten is coming into season, expressed the same sort average size of 6-1, 167-pounds of satisfaction in his team and his players aren't considered the took a backhanded slap at the most overpowering in the critics who have pegged his team circuit, has taken the problem in for another second division stride and has retained his sense Top Cash finish. of humor. I "We don't "I'm sure a lot of high schools really care where we're picked to finish right would like to schedule us," now," Shultz commented, "It's Ganakas said of his Spartans. where we are at the end of the "Though we really don't have season that counts." any size, we do have good George King of Purdue again rebounding." ^V:;;^VXXVvxX\\\N^ 'lh •'t,, ^\\w ^vvw\ xxNN- For Your V'<r dressed for the contest and saw some action when Barnes is now necessitates conferring total power of When a situation arist vhich is not covered in a sprained ankle In the third period. ' administration on the commissioner," said Pollin. the Constitution or by -1 s, he has the authority DeMarco, AJ Laking and Dennis Hogan skated as a unit "We fully realize that in so doing we are to make such a decisio vhich, in his judgment, third line early In the first period. A while later, Larry conveying unprecedented authority to Walter shall be in the best inter s of the NBA. rich, Mike Miller and Bill Slpola formed another third, or Kennedy, but we have no hesitancy in doing so Jlne. because of the excellent leadership he has In addition, the comt sioner shall, wherever whatever the reasons, the changes helped to bring the leers provided during the past eight years." there is a rule for which penalty is specifically convincing 4-2 win. Hie forechecklng, so loose Friday Kennedy's authority gives him the right to fixed, have the authority - fix such penalty. continually harassed the Michigan squad and the defense Center of defense played well, especially Boyd, who is our steadiest MSU defenseman Bob Boyd (5), who is usually the center of attraction on the Spartan defense, ian)" BEssone commented after the contest. "But we displays his skills offensively in a game with Michigan this weekend. Boyd was named Saturday to work on our third line." as the number two star in the U-M - MSU game by the press representatives of the Ann Arbor 20 shots got through the defense to goaltender Jim Watt area. a good indication of the tight job of forechecking the State News photo by Bruce Remington were doing. ulties marred the action Dig men who - weekend. The >on to lead ie s were called for 13 FOR OUTFIELDER RICK MONDAY chools, good for 26 minutes, forth western ihe first game, and 12 the balance ctions for 32 minutes in the s fives, since returning all from last will be 1.up. ted for 11 for MSU players were 2, respectively, ^ 22 and six Friday and Holtzman swapped toA's total minutes of The , PHOENIX, ARIZ. (UPI) - Monday, a former standout at pitched the 92 ilties for the two teams, only traded lefthanded Ditcher Chjcago Cubs KMo^y was the nation s a no-hitter against the Atlanta Braves on Aug. 16, 1969 Cleveland McDowell now Indian pitcher Sam Ken ' .. - — mtuuweii likely. now seems imeiy. t power play goals were Holtzman to the Oakland A's for h k n ^ *:ho,ce *h®n l,?e and had periodically expressed a A story in a Detroit newspaper !d, however, and all of them1 outfielder outfielder Rick Mondav Monday. ^cba" draft was started >" desire to be traded. The Monday reported that the Tigers MSU skaters. Barnes trade was disappointing Thp Two invnlvoH mammon: — ii , , . .. .. "r, d nic offering centerfielder are uiicimg miwrneiuer Mickc miUKey Lted Friday and Michel Leo Durocher and Dick Williams . . ,, uJ ° news to^ Detroit Tigers,-& > who Stanley, actuuu OMUHC), second uaaciuaii baseman Dick urest and Don St. Jean were Dresent present for for thP the ce"terflel,|er when Williams> until last season had expressed a desire to acquire McAuliffe, and pitcher Mike !d while enjoying a man announcement and Dnrnrhpr "iV" iT'"" .started Holtzman. The ..Vnuium»n' '"f Tigers ngers are Kilkenny for the Cleveland le lefty. In the Saturday said "Naturally, we don't like to Mang J Monday h"t 245Tn B»t,_the .tory says, the Indl iff. drafty I in the ^ r.lt n Michigan itrwas * P"Che' lik\HolUmr but "6 no secret he didn't like 18 l"W> to homers and 56 RBIs iaaon. He had !' .. the baH park (Wrigley Field) and Monday elebrated his 26th S-T-R-E-T-C-H & SEW ™ Jng the Wolverines he wanted to be traded. birthdav on Nov 20 er played is a tribute to t tolhe the were DUr?Ch6J add,ed' "Besides- looking for £!ni«biniSh ,n? who C0U,d play every day and an we outfielder new Holtzman, once Sandy Koufax because he is both Jewish and lefthanded, was billed as the FABRICS4960 Northwind Drive, i| Lar y Jacklnovlch and Monday is that kind of player. a 17-game winner for the Cubs East Lansing 332-0879 *S pola, along with the He'll play either centerfield or \n both 1969 and 1970 but MON. • FRI. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Huv ri«htfle,d for us- He'8 «ot the tailed off this season and SAT. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. I n^ rnlr.iHvrj.ml d#f"I1,e the " flnished Wlth a 9 " 15 reCOrd MQir Wllllam8 Mld that Holtzman along with a 4.48 era. His most KNITS OF ALL KINDS! riLri hfnLE would be one of the A's re8ular spectacular season was in 1967 1 Zrt h.nHP.PH 0^r 8tarter8' when he posted a 9 - 0 record in wmirfl coming Friday when Bernie deal ',Th® rea8on we made thls ,8 because we>re uncertaln a season curtailed by military BankAmericard service. En of Jim 0dom and ^C81186 we The 26 - year - old lefthander That third goal was the [USt/ound out ,^huck Dobson tot point of the game for £ Wolverine Coach Renfrew ^e 17th of December, Williams it the changes were made by lone, the forechecklng me close and the defense By the time Phil gets through paying sensitivity and separation specs. The If you th it sounds good on paper, *ned up. The result for tuition, books and an outrageous was a turntable is our best-seller, and wait'll yc dear it. PJ4-2 win for the Spartan rent, he doesn't have a whole lot left comes complete with a matched base, In our ashamed attempt to get l Saturday. for a stereo. tinted dust cover, and Shure magnetic you tot1 kindly of us, we offer BSR McDonald makes the RTS-40A cartridge. The speakers are true a full co 22"x 29" poster of this for people like Phil. It's a complete two-way sealed acoustic suspension, boy-girl tograph with the I AM/FM/MPX Phono component stereo with amazing bass response. quote fr jhakespeare about system. The receiver delivers an We invite you to see the RTS-40A at BSR Mcr ,i Id-for only $1.00 honest 50 watts and boasts excellent your nearest BSR McDonald dealer. postpair makes a lovely gift. SPARTAN BICYCLE STORAGE Insured Indoor Heated Storage love For Winter Term phone 337-1239 from 8 - 10 a.m. and 1 ■ 10 p.m. Learn Computer Programming Strait's This and AII BSR The Disc SI op 323 EAST GRAND RIVER Systems AVE. are avai EAST >le at. XNSING . . 351-5380 Leam to program in Evening School COBOL and EASY-CODER Beer. THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT! THE ABOVE RTS-40A SYSTEM COMPLETE W°rk with a computer located "right FOR ONLY . . . the classroom." —Compliments of a friend Use One of the Stereo Shoppe Special C dit Plans ^credited by ACBS . . . Approved for Veterans . . . Fr6e Job Class begins Placement Assistance 2La*awaV I I ... especially for students! I I AJ January 3 fusing business STEREO SHOPPI & university Ottawa 543 E. Grand River — East Lansing — 337-130 Phone: 489 • 5767 ? 0 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ber STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED CALL 355-8255 Thanks to Classified Ads, Users Get Fast Results At A Low Cost. FRANKLY SPEAKING ly Phil Rank GET Action WITH A The State News Automotive Employment For Rent not permit racial or does ForRei Want Ad religious discrimination in its advertising MG MIDGET 1965. Excellent condition, very sharp, wire wheels. SALESMAN necessary. NEEDED. Car Opportunity in ONE MAN for large, quiet, 2 man apartment. Available December NEEDED GIRL spring. Cedar to suhi $650. 351-0226 after 5 p.m. Advertising field. Call for 1st, 361-0242 evenings. 7-11-30 4-12-3 W 3 » AUTOMOTIVE columns. The State 3-12-2 interview, 485-7854. Local Scooters & Cycles News will not accept Company. 2-12-1 GIRL sublet Auto Parts & Service advertising which MUSTANG 1968, 6 cylinder, fine married students winter /«*• j WANTED: GO-GO girls, $6.50/ Village Apart, discriminates against condition, automatic transmission, & faculty 351-5799. 3-12-2 Aviation radio, 45,000 miles. Phone hour. Part time waitresses, also. »EMPLOYMENT religion, race, sex, color or 355-1104 afternoons. 1-11-30 Call 482-1064, Terry or Dick. TWO GIRLS winter national origin. 4-12-3 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. » FOR RENT laundry, campus bul'""* some with study Apartments MUSTANG 1968, excellent BABYSITTER FOR 8 year old boy. 351-0721.5-122 * condition, 6 cylinder, stick shift, Houses 3-5 p.m. Monday through Friday. ONE GIRL for new shocks, snow tires, 20 mpg three" i Rooms FOR SALE Automotive economy,$995 355-3160. 4-12-3 efter 5:30 Beginning Jenuary 3rd. Charles. 337-2230 after 5:30 p.m. 420 from M45 —• _ 'Prmg. $53. Call 3 3 7 1 826 3 4-12-3 BEAUTIFUL Animals CHEVROLET BELAIR 1966. 2 MUSTANG 1969, 3-speed automatic, UNFURNISHED apartment"" girl needed for winter Mobile Homes door, automatic, new battery, 6 cylinder, excellent shape and CLEAN, DEPENDABLE student to block from campul. ter "■ live with faculty family winter and children welcome sho^l 'Lost & Found brakes, 7 tires, excellent economy. $1200 35 1 8908 4:30 p.m. 332 4228. ► PERSONAL condition. $575 negotiable, 3-12-1 . spring terms, room and board in please, no pets 5-122 f leaving country. 355-0197, exchange for child cere and light ONE AND two ►PEANUTS PERSONAL 355-7779. 4-12-3 MUSTANG 1965 convertible GT. housework. 349-1913. 4-12-3 bedroom^ REAL ESTATE CHRYSLER NEWPORT Must sell, best offer. Call 351-3985. 2-12-1 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST ASCP KNOB HILL I mmediate halstead occ Manage!! 1 1968 phonea^ - RECREATION company. Power steering, brakes, automatic registered or eligible, to work SERVICE Typing Service transmission, exellent condition. 484-5938. 5-12-1 OLDSMOBILE F-85 station wagon 1964, automatic, no rust, original Fridey - Saturday night shift. Apply Sparrow Hospital APARTMENTS APARTMENTS owner, low mileage, plus snow Personnel. 487-6111, ext. 353. 349-4700 AVAILABLI TRANSPORTATION CORVAIR CONVERTIBLE 1963. tires. $400. 353-5390. 5-11-30 ^0MAKE1HE FOPA* S05W 4-12-3 OPEN Monday - Friday December occupancy. Furl WANTED Automatic, $150. Call Bill, University Terrace, acro»T 353-5420 after 7 p.m. 3-11-30 OLDS CUTLASS Supreme 1970. All JUST LIKE HCME WU BE UF66D HOUFW WAITRESSES, FULL or part time. 9 a.m. • 5 p.m. Williams Hall. Roommate J DEADLINE Saturday 12-6 1 P.M. one class day before 1968 CORVETTE 390 hp., not power, air, stereo, 30 options. List $4500, balance $2700, take over V6ETACI5P OR A H4lR(m!' Nights. Will train. Must be dependable. Apply in person. LOCATED V4 MILE NORTH p.m. abused, new brakes and exhaust, 7 payments, phone 4 8 5-4298. ROCKY'S TEAKWOOD publication. OF JOLLY RD. ON excellent tires including studded 5-12-1 LOUNGE, 3600 South Logan. Cancellations/Corrections snows. Call 372-1377 after 5 OKEMQ8 ROAD" p.m. 3-12-3 ROOMY 4 - man available fy - 12 noon one class day 4-12-3 ONE GIRL needed winter and spring campus. Parking. Rm before publication. GOVERNESS FOR 1-5 year old, 11 terms. Cedar Village. 337-2595. deposit. 337-0468.6-12-3 1 DATSUN 240 1970. Excellent 4 p.m. daily. Phone condition, $3000. Call daytime, Automotive Aviation a.m. - 7-12-3 PHONE OPEL GT, 1971. Yellow. Excellent 337-1411.6-12-3 COUPLE, ONE bedroom fu,, 351-7637. 3-12-2 condition. 8,000 miles. 7 months utilities 355-8255 old. Tape deck and extras) TRIUMPH TR4A 1966 convertible, CHRISTMAS BREAK. WANTED: PERSONS 18-25 for ONE GIRL for 2 man apartment, included. $ 135 L RATES 10 word minimum DODGE 1969. RT 440-4 speed, 351-1408. 3-12-1 edditional fastback hardtop, promotional advertising. Ability walking distance. 332-0487. 349-4071,349-3084. 6-12j| WORDS 1 No. DAYS 3 9 10 excellent, 24,000 miles. $1245, 351-7397.4-12-3 PEUGEOT 1963, Excellent shape, 32 sharp. 882-8506. 3-12-2 VOLKSWAGEN 1963 Bua, wood BAHAMAS dictates earnings. An equal opportunity employer. Call 4-12-3 ONE GIRL desperately needed for ONE MAN to sublet Cedar Village. a,,,.., 351-1128. &l| _ mpg, must sacrifice — $350. 371-3280 between 9-1 for DRIVE interior, good condition, Cell four girl apartment. Terrific $99 A Mercedes - Benz, 1962, 332-8940. 1-11-30 appointment. 10-11-26 10 220b, 489-3994. Best offer. 4-12-3 location. 332-2616.3-12-2 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 Beautiful interior, dependable transportation. Bob PINTO 1971. 1 Large leaving - must sell. BOOKKEEPER, FULL time 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 353-1388. 3-12-2 4-speed, 2000 engine, discs, radio, VOLKSWAGEN, GHIA 1966 Includes, 5 full days, round trip jet, TWO BEDROOM available FAIRLANE 1964. Good running etc. Was $2450, now $1850. AM/FM radio with rear speakers, -air, between Detroit and Freeport. Deluxe accommodations at preferred, basic bookkeeping skills, good business writing and December. $200 / month. Call 4-man 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 headrest. Must sell, make offer. efter 6 p.m., 337-0780. 4-12-3 355-8114. 3-12-2 Holiday Inn. Double occupancy. 339-2032. 3-12-2 attention details. Hours 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 condition. $50 or best offer. 694-9913 after 4 p.m. 3-12-2 PINTO, 200 engine, 4 ■ speed, disc Transfers, Plus tips and taxes. flexible, to call for appointment, GIRL TO sublease winter and spring apartment VOLKSWAGEN SEDAN 1969. 337-2310. 5-12-3 terms. Close to Phone brakes, A-70 tires, etc. Like new, campus. 20 124 FIAT 1968. 4 door sedan, new Excellent condition, many extras. 351-8635. 3-12-2 HAWAII 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 cost $2400, now $1795. 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 tires, plus 2 snow tires, good 339-2625. 2-12-1 Must sail. Best offer 332-6984. DOMESTIC AND foreign auto mechanics. New business forming CLOSE TO condition, 37,000 miles, $600 or 4-12-3 2 - GIRLS needed. Meedovrisrook 347 St udant Services Bldg. best offer. 651-5867.4-12-3 PONTIAC LEMANS 1963, in Lansing aree. Only experienced Trace. 4 - man. $65 each. Call CAMPUS All student ads must be FIREBIRD 400 1968, blue. Hydramatic, vinyl top, radio. Call convertible, good condition, new tires, automatic, 332-8641. 1-11-30 $250. Skip VOLKSWAGEN 1963 Ghia, condition, needs timing, Skip 332-8641. 1-11-30 good $100 $299. need apply. Must have own tools. Ample opportunity for the right profit sharing. For interview 303-0112.4-12-3 NORWOOD APARTMENTS Need to AT REASONABLE! prepaid 372-6725. 4-12-3 appointment. Call 393-3624. sublet winter, spring and summer. Complete deluxe package. The State News will be FORD 1965 convertible, good PONTIAC, GRAND Prix 1969. Has VOLKSWAGEN 1970 squareback, Call Frank Buck, 351-2286 10-11-26 Available December 11. One large RATES power disc brakes, windows, brand new tires. $1900, or best bedroom apartment, furnished, responsible only for the first day's incorrect condition, automatic transmission, steering, air conditioning, AM/FM LEARN TO FLY I Complete flight carpeting, air conditioning, Call 332-4432 1 power steering. 371-1567. 5-12-1 radio. Must sell, just married. training. All co laundry, free parking for 4 cars. insertion. $2700. After 5:30 p.m., phone Close to campus. $175. Call government and VA certified. LEMANS, 1967. 6 cylinder. Power Jackson, 769-6416. 6-12-3 337-0551:'4-12-3 VOLKSWAGEN 1967. Runs antf FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport For Rent steering, brakes. Excellent ■ looks good. Must sell. Call -: Road. Call 484-1324. C condition. $650. 349-4434. 4-12-3 PONTIAC LEMANS 1966. Console, 484-3113. 4-12-2 CAMPUS NEAR. 227 Bogue. BURCHAM woods, TV AND Stereo rental, satisfaction Furnished 1 bedroom, carpeted, automatic, power steering end Auto Service & Parts number of apartments opeifl MAVERICK 1970 guaranteed. Free delivery, service air Automotive - automatic 6, brakes, good mechanical VOLKSWAGEN 1969. Rebuilt conditioning, laundry. Married December. 1 and 2 bed* and pick up. No desposit. Call radio, low mileage, best offer condition, body and interior couple or single girl only. $160. furnished from $160. Hi! engine, new tires, greet shapel KING'S FOREIGN CAR SERVICE. NEJAC, 337-1300. C AMF SNOWMOBILE 540cc twin takes. 351-1309. 2-12-1 excellent. Asking $600. Call $1500. Cell 353-2084. 7-11-30 Phone 489-5922. 4-12 -3 Manager. 351-3118. 745 Bui Repeir end service on Volkswegen, __489-7961.202-1 Dr. 10-12-3 electric start, wide track. 30 hp. MERCURY MONTEREY 1966. Triumph, MG end most other EAST LANSING Luxury Duplex. 2 COUPLE TO sublet. Married housing 337-9321.4-12-3 Automatic, power steering, good PONTIAC 1969 Bonneville, 2 door VOLKSWAGEN CAMPERVAN foreign makes. 320 South Charles, bedroom and 3 bedroom with GIRL TO share my apartment ■ apartment. Winter term. Call herd top. Air, power steering, and fireplace, large yard, all carpet, air rubber, 4 door, automatic rear 1965. Factory rebuilt motor. Very just off Eest Kalamazoo. Phone 355-2766. 4-12-3 and spring term. 4841 ASTRO 1962, 394 Oldsmobile. brakes, good tires. All blue, 372-8130. 0-12-3 conditioned. 393-8170. 4-12-3 window, new battery, snow tires. good condition, with large luggege 484-1328. 6-12-1 10,000 miles. 4 speed 115,000 miles. $275. Telephone excellent condition. 57,000 miles. rack. 882-8676. 4-12-3 GIRL NEEDED winter / spring positraction, many accessories. 351-3823 evenings. S Best offer. Phone 393-8170 before CHROMED WHEELS $50 velue for TV RENTALS • Students only. Low terms. Old Ceder Village. Ver light, very fast. Must sacrifice, 5 p.m., 349-1193 after 6 p.m. $30. Fit Plymouth or Dodge, VW CAMPER, 1970. Pop - up top. monthly end term rates. Call 351-3339. 3-12-2 $800. 339-8588 after 5 p.m. MERCURY 1963, Power steering, 4-12-3 694-9435. 1-11-23 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV Carpet, Very clean. $2675. 5-12-1 brakes AM-FM radio. Starts well RENTALS. C 351-8825. 3-12-1 WANTED ONE girl winter term. 2 BEDROOM apartment, TEMPEST 1967. Four door VW - GUARANTEED repeir. in cold weather. 349-3636 after automatic, power steering, best RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 et ONLY $9.00/ month. Free deliveries. Cedar Village reduced retes, occupancy, close t CHEVY, 1960, 283, 3 - speed. New 5:30 p.m. 2-12-1 351-6086.4-12-3 332-4432.0 offer. 355-0874. 3-12-2 VW SQUAREBACK by original Okemos Road. 349-9620. C SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV front end and shocks. Runs good. Excellent transportation. $75. owner, new tires, and bettery, RENTAL. 372-4948. O MGB 1971, 7,000 miles. Radio, THUNDERBIRD 1966. Full power, NEED ONE man to subleese winter / GIRL TO sublet » excellent condition, $800, 1678 S. PAIR SEARS studded snow tires. 332-5657 before 8 a.m. after 5 perfect condition. Call 4 p.m., excellent condition, new tires, Hughes Rd. Brighton 546-9694. 7.75 x 14. Excellent condition. spring. Ceder Village. 351-2078. spring, new apartment a p.m. 2-12-1 353-1914. 2-11-30 loaded. 332-8556. 4-12-3 4-12-3 "" - Varsity. 351-2165. 5-11-30 4-12-3 $50. 355-5669, 5-12 1 Apartments GIRL TO sublet winter and / or ONE GIRL for CampuiJ MASON BODY SHOP, 812 Eest Kalamazoo Street . . . Since 1940. FURNISHED, INCLUDES all spring. Old Ceder. $70. 351-5898. Apartment, winter-spring. $ utilities, plus parking, across from 4-12-3 349-3309. 2-11-30 Complete auto painting end ®topctungf)am collision service. IV 5-0256. C Employment campus. 351-1176. 8-12-3 TWO GIRLS sublet 4 man spring, Evergreen Arms. Close winter / to ONE apartment GIRL needed terms. 332-8866. 2-12-1 for 4 girl winter and spring campus. 361-3307. 7-12-2 ONE MAN needed for Camp GIRL SUBLEASE winter / spring. Apartments. Call Barry, 3.' GOOD PAYING Part time job for ONE GIRL for four girl, sublet Close. $70. Two - man. 361-3176, 2-11-30 Has ambitious single or married girls. winter and spring. $55. Close to 351-8238. 4-12-3 only 2 Choose your own hours. Call campus. 351-1099. 7-12-2 ONE BEDROOM apartment,Vij between 12 and 6 p.m. 482-2165. 3-12-1 GIRL FOR four man winter / spring, to main campus. Winter- j HARRISON ROAD across from $67.50. Close. Lest half month optional summer. No d Cherry Lane Apartments. Large, free. 337-0857. 3-12-2 MALE SINGER wanted to sing with furnished, 2 bedroom apartment brass rock group on New Year's available December 15. 332-4426. four-man apartments Eve. $50. 353-8372. 2-11-30 FACULTY WIFE will babysit in Cherry Lane apartment, mornings, 9-11-30 ONE AND 2 bedroom apartments from $145. 10 minutes from MSU. Children permitted. EAGLE ____ nursery school atmosphere. CREST NORTH, 694-8975, 4330 355-7774. x-3-11-30 Keller Road, Holt. C left. 6 and 9 month $ NEW UNITS AVAILABLE $ 3, 6 & 9 MONTH LEASES, FURNISHED & leases available from UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS * MASTER COLOR TV ANTENNA $60 per man. * HUGE SWIMMING POOL £ BAR BQ GRILLES * ALL PETS ALLOWED Call 351-7166 * RECREATION BUILDING with SAUNAS PING PONG TABLE, BILLIARDS & COLOR TV {Etopdungfjam MEA90WBR00& 4620 S. Hagadorn To get to Meadowbrook TRACE MANA GEMENT EXCL USIVEL Trace, go two miles south of YBY: Michigan State Campus on 1-496. Exit west onto Jolly Alco Management Company Road and go to corner of Dunckel Road. PHONE 303-0210 OPEN 9-6 DAILY OR BY APPOINTMENT n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 30, 1971 For Rent For Rent For Rent For Sale FOUR MAN spacious f maN~ needed ,hara apartment east For Sale Recreation I1*B ii o WHAT'S wnni f Int with Gr8d i,ud*nt' °r located close to person. campus $60 / lansing, mauTsTudenu, SKI BOOTS. Rieker m i apartment, 332-8295, r h.re V°ur 7 12 S'!™0??1 Parking, refrigerator. uni-fit, size 7'/, HOMETTE. FRONT kitchen, n om - [ill ih»re yc _ -1.19.1 5-12-3 P ' 332-5791. 5-12-3 8'/,. New. $75. shed, L.,308 after 5 p.m. 339-9369.4-12-1 353-9291, on lot or off. Williamston. Must nassau $159 sell immediately, HOOMS 655-2073 Dec. 27 31 m'rt'ii~vo »ublet wint#r- £*d"r 2 BEDROOM furnished apartment parking. i.ra.vci™ NEW 5" 6-12-3 - pV'»>IM Kid winter, two roan beginning winter. 349 0813 5 p.m. B1-2-11-30 after wjjsfs,.;" 3°-- <=•» Oscilloscope, $100. Transitorized Volt - Ohm meter, $40. Shakespeare bow, $15. Call STAR REGAL, 1968, 12" x 46', furnished, $2,950. Phone spain $249 Dec. 26 - Jan. 3 women |2flt. close to cimpui Call E*"* 2 BEDROOM, completely furnished carpeted, ample parking, some cooking, furnished parking. room, 351-0798 anytime, 393-4175. 4-12-3 332-0336, any time. 6-12-3 Announcements for It's What's The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will between 11 a.m. SONY 230-W. reel Happening must be received in the have utilities. $175 / month. and 2 p.m. to reel tape a lawyer available from 9 a.m. Call 4-12-3 10' x 50', NEWLY State News office, 345 Student 349-1586. 5 12 3 recorder, speakers and head set, carpeted and to noon every ■"nNF flirl to sublet spring remodeled interior. 114 Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two Wednesday and from I ■D $150. 372-7208 after 4:30 Trailer Frank Buck, 351-2286 to S Good location • Hasle.t For rent: 3-12-2 p.m. Haven, 332-0795. 3-12-2 publication. Items p.m. every Wednesday and Furnished Thursday during the fall term. Those ^ $62.50 a month. 351-8943. Housei car garage, male of 2 bedroom. 1 female, $25 > 2 5 words. No wishing an appointment are asked to J-3 VINDALE 10' CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY WITH ill be accepted by per week each. Limit 4. 641-4528 ZENITH PORTABLE TV 19" x 50', furnished, check with the ASMSU NEAR screen, STUDENTOURS. Nassau $169, business FRANDOR. _ Furnished 3 4-12-3 $50. Drapes and carpeted, skirted, with shed, near uncements will be office, 307B Student Services Bldg., InEPOSiT $69.50. One Bin bedroom home. 1V4 bedspread, $7.50. Jamaica $219, Acapulco $219, ■ baths, newly call 882-1087 after 5 p.m. 4-12-3 campus. Must sell, 351-3779. epted for vents outside the or Call 35 3-0659. „ / spring Next to Cedar carpeted end lots of 4-12-3 Europe $189. Specials on Hawaii, greater Lansing There will be a parking. $300 DOUBLE. Large house, block from il charge for tl ,, 351-3853. 2-11-30 a Puerto Rico, Spain, Aruba, Free / month, heat Included. Call campus, sublet winter / SKI IS, KRYSTAL fiberflex Loretta McKendry, 351 4092 3 12 2 spring. 205cm, PARKWOOD brochures. 351-2650. 0-2-11-30 482 0879 Tyrolia binding, 9M Koflack 5 1964, 10' x 51 ', All - University Student Judiciary JflEDROOM furnished 372-2523. 2-12-1 buckle boot, tree, poles. $75. Expando, freezer, shed, 2 office hours are from 3 to 5 p.m. ■iment. $160 / month. Call attractive, single room" for 355-8027. 3-12-2 bedrooms, Nice yard. 418 Trailer Real Estate Monday through Friday in 331 1)980, December lit. 5-12-2 NEW 2 bedroom nome in Southeast graduate woman, near campus Haven, Leave note or call Student Services Bldg. Washington University Law School will speak to the MSU Pre-Law Club section of Lansing. Can references. 332-1746. 5-12-2 STANDARD RADIO amplifier and 332-5657 before 8 a.m., after 5 to* near one bedroom men students, house 4 immediate tuner. Call for information. $100 p.m. 4-12-3 EAST under LANSING Luxury Duplex at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in 118 krnished. carpeted. $150 / occupancy. 393-3590. 4-12-3 For Sale 355 6866. 3-12-2 each construction. side, all 3 bedrooms The Coalition for Human Survival F.ppley Center. Enth pi^ eiec,nc- Laundrv ROLLOHOME 1956, 8' x 40', 2 carpet, air conditioned, fireplace, excellent J, lines No Pets. Crafts room In NEARLY NEW 4 bedroom Ranch GREAT FOR bedrooms, furnished, near neighborhood. 393-8170. 4-12-3 Union. All MSU Volunteers are invited to a ■Lent. ■ Phone Westphalia, off West Saginaw Street in CHRISTMASI Plastic campus. Call 351 8304. 4-12-3 Ther discussion of "Urban Language" at 4 x-3-12-1 inflatable furniture. a meeting of the p.m. today in 6 Student SErvices . Many styles, EAST colors. All half price. LANSING. Immedite Pre-Vet Club at 7 p.m. Thursday in Phone CASH PAID for past season APBA ■lease 2 man Cedar Greens. 337-9215, noon midnite. 5-12-3 - Lost & Found possessions on this 3 bedroom 146 Giltner Hall. You must attend cards. State condition price. R. brick and aluminum Ranch in this meeting to The Mortar Board will Erough beptember, $80 each. , sign up for the trip to meet at 7 Toon before 2 p.m.. 351-3647. ANTIQUES- BUY AND SELL Burgdahl, Box 1263, Gretna, LOST: MALE brown / white dog. Pinecrest. 154 baths, foyer the Detroit Zoo. p.m. today in 239 Bogue St., apt. CLOSE TO campus. 2 bedroom, full GENERAL LINE. Daily 4-6 Louisiana 70053. 1-11-30 Half Collie, half Saint entrance to large living room, 124. Selection criteria for next year ■l23 basement, garage, Reasonable p.m. Bernard, dining room and will be discussed. Ideal for Saturday 1-6 p.m. 541 East Grand answers to "A.J. Seal". Burcham / panelled family family, married couple ENCYCLOPEDIA, FUNK & room. Convenient kitchen with bMEN needed to sublet 351-5712 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 4-12-3 River. Below Paramount Hagadorn area. Patrick, 337-2372. Wagnall's, 36 volumes, $25. Silver 2-11-30 breakfast bar and built in People interested in working with JLckingham, $65 month. Call 332-0112, 676-1590. x-5-12-2 flatware, quadruple plate, Nobility King size basement. Swimming - range. Service the Grapevine Journal next year will 17-3199. 3 12 2 GIRL NEEDED for house close to pattern, with chest, 58 pieces, LOST: BLACK Cock-a-poo with long pool privileges. Price $29,900. 6 p.m. Wednesday in 4 campus. $70 including utilities COLE'S BAKERY $100. 485-0641. 1-11-30 luiiATE MALE, liberal, 3 Call 351-8229. 3 12-2 TUESDAY ONLY Special. 4 loaves black hair in area of Financing available. appointment call Ev Alton For TYPING TERM papers and theses. Studer is Bldg. TFee apartment. $195 / term. Home - style white bread, $1.00 at OLYMPIA MANUAL typewriter. COLLINGWOOD Apartments. Call 351-8282. Reward. 2-12-1 485-0965 or INGHAM HOME Electric typewriter. Fast service. The Black Arts Company will hold £■3025. 2-12-1 NEED ONE person for house across our bakery foods concession. Office portable. Excellent REALTY INC' 482-1693. 5-12-3 349-1904.20-12-1 auditions for the winter term from Butterfield / $60. MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES 351-1695. - condition. Asking $75. 485-5998. LOST: MALE Collie. Sable and production from 7 to 11 tonight in h ROOMMATE for 2 - man. 4-12-3 Okemos, South Pennsylvania, West Saginaw Road. KROGER 3-12-2 white. Looks like Lassie. Answers FARMHOUSE, 4 bedroom, 2 baths, Union Parlor A and Wednesday in the Across ff<>m campus. $55 / - to Prince. Family pet. 6 acres, barn, woods. Jolly Road, The LARGE ad for Union Sunporch. Reward. t,,!,. Call evenings, 332-8995. GIRL, OWN room, $58.35, across Frandor, Logan Center, 4002 West WATERBED UNITS $60. Any size. 332-3044. 3-12-2 east of Hagadorn. Adjoining 10 the small ad price. from campus. 351-4810 after 5:30 Saginaw, 1721 North Grand River. , acres also available. Will sacrifice C-11-30 Includes mattress, liner, frame and Student Service Applicatons for at-large student p.m. 3-12-2 pad. REBIRTH, 309 North LOST: GERMAN Shepherd, curly for immediate sale. 337-7252. representatives to the Academic mH needed winter / spring tail, male, answers to "Sherman". 5-12-3 Directory Council STEREO CASSETTE Recorder, nice. Washington, Lansing, 489-6168. Standing Committees are Cedar Village. 351-3186. GIRL NEEDED for large 349-0722. 4-12-3 house, close $25 in tapes included. C-1 -11-30 available in 101 Student Services to campus. $55. 351-0209. $60. 3 BEDROOM Ranch, near MSU 3-12-2 Bldg. through Dec. 3. 353-1887.3-12-1 Farms. 1 acre rural lot. Fireplace, TYPING CHRISTMAS GIFT SERVICE ■Dl0 APARTMENT. $129 / TWO-GIRL apartment in house, SELECTIONS. Available with gift certificates for Personal carpet, drapes, stove, refrigerator, , prompt and professional plus reasonable rates. The Friends of Armenia wish to TV, bus service, utilities GREAT STEREO. Scott receiver, full n, private entrance, near campus your every musical need. basement, 2 car garage. Theses, themes, other diversified led. 337-0530. 3-12-2 $60 each. 351-7013. 3-12-2 Garrard turntable, $175 or best HAIRCUT the way you want it. MARSHALL MUSIC. C-1-11-30 - 337-7252. 5-12-3 services also available. Phone offer, 339-8489. 5-12-3 UNION BUILDING BARBER 882-4018 or write THE SHOP. C-11-30 |D ONE girl winter term only, NEXUS CO-ED Co-op. Winter term SANSUI 5000 Receiver. 500 Rever - SHELDON COMPANY, 5818 s from Williams. $50. openings, $210 room / board YOU CAN see the savings with amplifer. New! $400 including Service Durwell Dr., Lansing. C The Chess Club will meet at 7 p.m. ki-9518 3-12-2 Contact 351-0100. 4-12-3 quality glasses from OPTICAL TUTORIAL HLELP by Ph.D.'s. All cases. 487-3234 before 4 p.m. Wednesday in Shaw Hall west DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan 2-12-1 sciences, including math, physics FOR QUALITY service and stereos, meeting room. Bring a set if possible. TYPING THESES and letters, etc. Avenue. 372-7409. C-5-12-3 and computers. TV's and recorders. THE STEREO I MAN needed for apartment. GIRL NEEDED winter. Own room. 0-1-11-30 Call 351-8629. SHOPPE. 337-1300. C Rapid accurate (Service. H month rent free plus $75 Close to campus. Cheap NIKON FTn with Nikkor 50mm, Experienced. 393-4075. C Applicants for College of Social Call 351-3268. Across USED MANUAL cigarette machine. Science seats 351-2203.2-12-1 135mm with Nikon case. Akai on various committees Excellent working condition. Best X-200-D automatic reverse stereo marriage stick ELECTRONIC REPAIRS. Stereos, BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. may sign up in 205 Berkey Hall. offer over $50. 332-5039. 5-12-3 A UNFURNISHED DUPLEX, three tape deck. Fisher TX-200 stereo heavy stick is a wedding radio, recorders, TV's. No job too large or too small. Block Applicants will be interviewed at |lAN NEEDED to share bedrooms, walking distance from CRESTWOOD 12 amplifier.Panasonic AM/FM stereo certificate in Africa's Dependable. Reasonable. Call off campus. 332-3255.0 3:30 p.m. Thursday in 203 Berkey nt. Starting string guitar and 351-6680. 0-6-12-3 now or Bakayiga - MSU, Available January 1, $225 cassette recorder with speakers. tribe. The man 332-5995 or 351-1248 case. 1 year old. Excellent New Electrovoice spaakers reduced include utilities. Call 351-0598. accepts his life partner by TYPING IN my East Lansing home. n. 2-12-1 4-12-3 condition, $80. John 489-9478. prices, liberal trades. Used stereo, STARVING ECON student Close The Packaging Society will meet at bopping her on the head with willing to campus. 332-3306. 3-12-1 to trade knowledge of Econ 200 & x-1-11-30 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in 204 speakers, amps, receivers, the stick. PNYBODY(S) or couple. Share 201 to failing Econ students - for International Center. JANUARY TO June near Frandor 2 changers, tape recorders and If you're a kh mate. Own room, laundry, HENKE BUCKLE ski boots, size newly wed or a price, $4 / hour, call after 6 p.m. bedroom, screened porch, large decks, cassette and 8 - track K. 355-0802. 1-11-30 10%. Italian made wooden about to become 332-3345. TUTORING. 3-11-30 JMC class on T.S. Eliot will give fenced yard, players, used 8 track tapes $2 / one, you furnished, $190 clarinet. CCM skates, size 12. - don't need to resort to drastic poetry readings at 8:30 tonight in the month, utlities paid. each. TV sets, Police band radio, 372-4696. 332-2192. 5-12-1 |EBN TWO bedroom apartment 3-12-2 typewriters, imported wall measures to find the things PAINTING INTERIOR. Brighten up ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith Phillips Cafeteria. Interested listener*. h GE appliances. Just 15 tapestries. AM equipment tested y'Ou need to set up that room for the holidays. Grad offset printing Complete service |nutes from campus. 882-6988. GIRL NEEDED: Winter term, $70 / and guaranteed. WILCOX housekeeping. The STATE students, experienced, references, for dissertations, theses, The Journalism Graduate Student month. Call Carol, 337-9741. SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East News Classified Ads will reasonable. Jere, or Bruce manuscripts, general typing. IBM. 5-12-1 help Organization will hold an import,' 3-12-1 Michigan. 485-4391. 8 - 5:30 PM. you find a place to _349^817.c 22 years experience. 349-0850. C |CI0US 2 man furnished Monday through Saturday. live, meeting at 7 p.m. today in the tment. Excellent campus PIONEER TX-700, AM/FM, stereo Bank Americard, Master Charge. furnishings, a second car, a SNOWPLOWING - FREE estimates Journalism Reading Room. GIRL NEEDED $70 per month. $25 job, sporting goods, etc. i. 351-1143 or 332-8370. securities. Close to campus. Free tuner. Miracord, model 40, stereo changer. Akai, X-360-DS, Layaways, terms, trades. C and best rates, residential or commerical. Call Dave at ACE, Transportation The University College Social washing. Immaculate. 351-2549. BOARD EXAM Tutoring. Local automatic reverse, professional 351-6184. 7-12-3 Science Student Advisory Committee 0-7-12-3 SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale, classes for Kaplan Tutoring NEED RIDE to Miami, Florida, will meet at 4 p.m. Wednesday io j; |HARD LANE APARTMENT. 2 tape deck, Lear Jet, portable, 8 - track tape player. Used STEREO, brand new portables - $49.95. $5 courses now being formed for: FREE SENIOR PORTRAITS. CALL must arrive 12/ 17/ 71 355-6294. Bessey Hall. Members are urged to m town house apartments, ONE person for 3 man, own room. per month. Large selection of 2-12-1 ill individual speakers,amps,receivers, changers, 353-5292. A SERVICE OF THE buildings, private $60 / month. Lansing. 489-3222. reconditioned used machines. i. Pennsylvania and tape recorders and decks, cassette Singers, Whites, WOLVERINE. 0-12-1 NORTH CAROLINA and 2-11-30 Necchis, New along 177 2-9805. 4-12-3 and 8 - tracks players, used 8 - Home & "Many Others", $19.95 Gay Lib December 11. Riders needed. Call track tapes $2 / each. TV sets, to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS 332-8194. 6-12-3 ■ailing fo. Police band radio, typewriters, DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. Reutter Par and march a to the imported wall tapestries. All 1115 N. Washington, 489-6448. LONDON, $149. ROUND TRIP JET Capi equipment tested and guaranteed. C-12-2 from New York. WILCOX SECONDHAND For information and enrollment. Typing Service departures with open return. Call Weekly STORE, 509 East Michigan. 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, Call Collect (313) 851-6077. Frank Buck, 351-2286. 0-12-3 485-4391. 8 5:30 p.m., Monday canisters and uprights. Guaranteed FRANDOR, NEAR- furnished, 2 0-13-12-3 through Saturday. Bank one full year. $7.88 and up. SAVE SAVE SAVE bedroom Duplex. $220 a month. XEROX COPYING- offset December 15, occupancy. Americard , Master Charge. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING STORE YOUR bicycle at Spartan - best Wanted J GIRLS needed sublease. One Layaways, terms, trades. C COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. Bicycle Storage now. Phone quality at reasonable prices. THE 351-9080. 5-12-1 COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand one winter / spring. Opposite City Market. C-12-2 337-1239 from 8-10 a.m. and 1- RIDE TO Chicago; Today is the final day for petitions River. Phone 332-4222. C person and dog; ■1-6366.5-12-3 COMIC BOOKS, science fiction, 10 p.m. 10-12-3 after December 11. 332-0731. for the College of Arts and Letters Rooms Playboy, paperbacks for sale. Animals PROFESSIONAL 3-12-1 student positions on Academic ■OROOM, furnished duplex, CURIOUS BOOK SHOP, 541 East FREE A lesson in complexion TYPIST. Term Council standing committees. The East ... papers, theses. Tiling, call Grand River. (Below Paramount). Call 484-4519, East Michigan Best rates. Call 1 Electoral Commission will meet 332-4211 after 6 LIVE CHEAPLY in care. GIRL for 4 girl house, starting at a single room. PUREBRED, GERMAN Shepard 351-4619. O p.E,J. give me a call. 3-12-1 Spartan Hall, 1-6 p.m. 332-0112. 5-12-1 puppies, shots and wormed. Phone or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. December 15th. Call 351-1478. 3:15 today in 210B Berkey Hall. men and women. MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS 5-12-3 351-1176. 10-12-3 371-1571. 2-11-30 TYPING TERM papers and theses. FOUR man STUDIOS. C-12-2 apartment. USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 Experienced typist. Fast Service. The Christian Science Organization » campus. $240 / month. BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 fo. East Michigan. Dishes, books, Call 676-1987. 1-11-30 will meet at 6:45 p.m. today in the P-5322 5 1 2-3 ROOMS. SINGLES AND DOUBLES. PREGNANT? PANICKY? Consider all positive. A negative, B negative Alumni Chapel basements. coins, antiques, rockers, junk. the alternatives. Pregnancy and AB negative, $10.00 O Cooking facilities. Utilities paid. Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open COMPLETE THESES service. Counseling. 372-1560. 10-12-3 negative, $12.00. J^TO JWiwood Apartments. sublet winter, spring. Call 372-8077 C Saturday and Sunday. Furniture and appliances open all week, 10 BASSETT PUPPY, female, AKC, 3 Discount printing. IBM typing and binding of theses, resumes, COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, MICHIGAN 7:30 The MSU Ski Club will meet at $59.38. 507% East Grand River, East p.m. Wednesday in 109 ■■<187.3-12-1 months, $60. 677-8561 after 5 PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP - ten EMPLOYED STUDENT, male. am - 6 pm/ Phone 371-2843. C publications. Across from campus, Anthony Hall. p.m. 3-12-2 week, 16 session program: corner M.A.C. and Grand River, Lansing. Above the new Campus Kitchen privileges, share bath with Book Store. Hours, 9 am to 3:30 "Lighting, Posing, Composing The I NEEDED to sublet one. Bed linen furnished, parking. APPLES, PEARS, sweet cider. Apple Face and below Jones Stationery Shop. Call pm Monday, Thursday, and Mingh.m, $70 wood. And Gift packages shipped FREE BEAUTIFUL gray Tiger Figure." For further COPYGRAPH SERVICES, / month. • I 'Ping. Call 489-0583. 3-12-1 kitten. 332-3516 after 6 p.m. information, call Don 337-1666. C Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 Shouldn't You Be 332-3939. 5-12-3 by United Parcel. BLOSSOM DeKoninck's Studio, IV5-8253. pm to 6:30 pm. 337-7183. C SINGLES, EAST LANSING, ORCHARDS, 2 miles North of Cathy Paulos. 1-11-30 5-12-3 Using This Spacer I??' ®^E man for 4 man, attractive, clean, quiet, cooking, Leslieon Hull Road. (Old U.S. 127) JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS. TERM PAPERS typed by GIRL TO share my apartment v\ £>»! P-«M, ok Trace- Phone parking. Call Monday or after 6 1-589-8251 9-5 p.m. Closed Give a living gift of love. AKC POETRY WANTED for anthology. experienced typist. Near campus. and sprjng term 484.0 call 355-8255! 3-12-1 Mondays. O Phone 484-1874.20-12-2 p.m. 351-5604.3-12-1 Include stamped envelope. 484-1328. 6-12-1 registered. Show and Pet IDLEWILD PRESS, 1807 East Fluffy white Samoyed puppies. From champion x - rayed clear Olympia, Los Angeles, California 90021. 9-12-3 stock. The real "Winter WINTER IS FUN! Wonderland" dog. Excellent playmate for children. Cash or will taketerms.882-0642 3-12-2 BAGELS!! Finals week special $1.00 / dozen. To order, 351-0009, 351-3571. 3-12-2 QstfuL Mavued. QtudetiU, and tyacuttii . . . ■Si?theRED pin Weathervane ■ Rlawn lanes ■ u 8 Easy to Win Mobile Homes THANKS KD's for four great terms CAUGHT IN THE HOUSING a as your E.H. In A.O.T., MDN. 3 Greater Lansing Locations offer special prices NEW TRAILER COURT - Adults 1-11-30 GAME at on packaged ski sets. Values from $50 - $160. only. Scenic lakefront lots TESTLAWN lanes Make your choice for winter fun at available, $50 monthly with 1 18°8w. Saginaw IV 9.9305 THE WEATHERVANE school 4-12-3 tax 1968 RICHARDSON 12' included. 675-7212. x 52', HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dorothea. best wishes today and Charles. 1-11-30 Very always. SQUEEZE? 2283 Grand River, Okemos excellent condition, furnished, King Arthur's Court. partly Take your troubles to I^STR, Ienterp 4310 West Saginaw, Lansing "Greater Lansing Racquet Club" $3500. 484-8871 or 641-4207. 3-12-1 Recreation Learn to fly In a Cessna 150. Ski Austria Over Christmas with MOOSUSKI LONDON 8 Days 7 Nights PARK WEST Introductory lessons $5. KAA and -AUSTRIAN SKI TRIP- '199 V A approved school, i AA examiner nformation CITY on AVIATION staff. call - For further CAPITAL "Your 2 Departures Dec. 10- Dec. 24, Dec. 26 - Jan. 9 Dec. 22 to 30 COMPLETE DELUXE PACKAGES APARTMENTS authorized Cessna dealer" WE ARE ALSO PLANNING For More Information Interested in Skiing,Parties? TRIPS TO 5530 West Michigan Ave. Call John 351-8647 ACAPULCO AND ASPEN - Join Moosuski - or at Saginaw Next Organizational USE YOUR Meeting Moouski Office Dec. 1 Contact Mrs. Louch Between 2 - 5 MASTER CHARGE LOCATE LOST PETS fast. Dial 109 Anthony at 7:30 484-4640 Lansing Mon. - Fri. AT THE STATE NEWS 355-8255 now for a quick - action Doorprize* 353 5199 Clrssificd Ad. . ™ 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, Novc,^-*1 Population trends Hospitals to train influence schools The black population Michigan's major cities has continued to increase, while in that more than 100,000 blacks moved into Michigan between superintendents, principals, school boards and teachers, MSU med student! 1960 and 1970, probably in "The State Dept. of Education Three major hospitals in Grand To date, 36 MSU medical education proSf ■ white population migrates to the search of better economic must assume its general students have trained in the community physicians suburbs. opportunities. leadership role as provided in the Rapids formalized an agreement three hospitals, including 22 ® Monday allowing for the clinical Grand Rapidt i The continous migration of state's constitution for providing who are currently assigned there are already very stron "1 training of MSU and U-M for 16 months of clinical Eighty-two per cent of whites to the suburbs, registered high quality equal educational undergraduate medical students graduate (interns and M Michigan's almost one million a 17 per cent decline of white opportunity," Kruger said in in the hospitals. training. The students are taught Program, says nr' ij blacks live in the central cities of population in the central or core testimony before a U.S. Senate Blodgett, Butterworth and St. by regular MSU faculty as well Moorhead II, directorof the ten Standard Metropolitan cities increased nearly 40 per subcommittee. as community physicians. education at Statistical Areas (SMSA). cent. He also recommended Mary's Hospitals officially BulterwortH These population trends will This population information, in-service training programs in more formed the Grand Rapids Area U-M students have trained in l!?.e Grand Kapids hnL accentuate the problems of and other socio-economic data, sensitivity and awareness for Medical Education Center (GRAMEC) at a contract signing Grand rmpms urtma Rapids over a u»ngt»r longer time but for shorter periods and in time ntUetJ^}^ rilcij„n( *m s . ~ wflom HO m inujl ">ierns desegregation in the public he said, have important teachers in school districts with ceremony in the Pantlind Hotel, . schools, a professor claims. implications for public growing nonwhite populations. Grand Rapids. fewer numbers. However, much nnf„ nCa!\ °-1 Daniel H. Kruger, professor of education — from the State "The relatively greater involvement is now MSU became " ^ large The ceremony was chaired by i industrial relations, said recently Dept. of Education to proportion of workers, both white and black with less than a the president of the board of the plo"r,b^L schools may new corporation, Dr. Craig .Iso send students to G„nd high school diploma, suggests Booher, director of medical Rap.ds to take part in curriculum. Its expanding to'Td^" & Mass transit the need for more relevant educational programs that will reduce the number of school education at Blodgett Hospital, Brief talks were given by Dr. undergraduate medical programs. ipnirnl awarded thic i. «*...»_! Similarly, thewho have ir»inl!l sh » t « • . first "IU8wU to 30 Andrew D. Hunt, Jr., dean of PRT systems are regarded as having the best probability of dropouts, estimated to be organization is open to other Ranids and the Pnllpffp th»» College of Human Medicine of Human Mpdicine hospitals and educational wh'ere Othei attracting auto users, as they are small with room from 4 to 10 50,000 in 1970. " area twwnit.ik- «. m .?iner ('om™uiil people and with practically no possibility of sharing quarters with "The problem of school MSU, and Dr. John Gronval, institutions that train I i,i. health w"Jre similar programs! dean of the U-M Medical School, underway, including J strangers. manpower. dropouts in Michigan," Kruger Over the past four years, the Jackson, Flint, PRT systems to be competitive with autos have to be able to noted, "is further complicated three hospitals have gradually The cooperative effort Saginaw Lansing| make the trip faster than the car, and this is possible onl- with a includes not only the training ol by in-state migration of families Soon after ih increased their cooperative medical students but also that of fixed exclusive guideway. with children from the South educational efforts in interns and residents and will the Grand R T? With a well-designed PRT system, there should be vi tually no and Southwest. approached MsiT S waiting time in off-hours and not more than a minute during rush uours. Cost if $4 to $5 million per two way mile in comparison to "For example, the number of students with Spanish surnames, collaboration with MSU and eventually include continuing possible affiliation "What we have created is a $27 jmillion per mile in advanced rail-oad systems and $50 while small as a per cent of the million for a subway. In a recent study completed by a Califoiria research company in cooperation with the Bureau of Mass Transportation, PRT total student enrollment, is growing," Kruger pointed out. "Much more attention," he llrarlv shopper major step toward the kind of area health education center recommended by the Carnegie FACULTY, systems were surveyed and 11 were chosen as possible systems for Michigan. The 11 systems were judged on safety, pollution, operating and said, "must be given to the educational problems of the Spanish surname students who Monday's heavy accumulation of inches, didn't this deter Ms. snow, reaching about 8 Mary Mitchell of Muskegon morning as she started out with her cart to obtain Commission," said Dr. Booher. "We are working with the area comprehensive health planners advanced degee candidates and expect that our progress in capital costs and land use patterns among other riteria. must adjust to a new social a supply of groceries. For these systems, which includes the More ltown system and this direction will be environment in Michigan." AP Ford's Activity Center Transportation (AC1 system, pollution Wirephoto continued." was very minimal. Since most vehicles are run by electricity, vehicle emission is nonexistant and the man source of pollution would come from the central energy plant. Cost is not prohibitive in comparison to other systems, with a CONFERENCE OPPOSED union man. major part devoted to capital investment and not operating costs, as most systems are automatic. The system can hold from 4 to 20 people, depending on which system is used, location and area wants to remind you that need. Most are run on elevated guideways which are supposed to be aesthetically more pleasing and space-saving than ground construction, at speeds averaging 25 to 35 m.p.h. Rubber tire vehicles are used in the majority, though some systems have air Welfare meet canceled the deadline for renting caps & gowns is Today . November 30. cushions which allow for a smoother ride and less wear in Hoods from other The National Conference on Social Welfare (NCSW) buckled to operating, but are technically more advanced and need more national averages for welfare programs, had significant social universities must be study. the pressure of members throughout the nation and cancelled its problems and that minorities compromised an extremely small ordered early. For more The basic problem with mass transit will center on annual conference this week. proportion of the work force in county programs. information, call 355 3498 ] nonouantifiable factors such as speed, pollution and aesthetic The conference, scheduled for May 14 through 19 in Anaheim, The committee voted unanimously against holding the or ask at the union desk. design. Costnot be the most important factor in the Calif., was opposed because of the selection of Anaheim as the conference in Anaheim and in July the NCSW Executive re-education of people to the benefits of public transportation. meeting site. Committee voted unanimously to support the assessment Personal Rapid Transit will not cool the American's love affair committee's recommendation. with his car right now and possibly never to the degree that some The controversy began when the Minority Caucus approved a In August the National Board of Directors reversed the people desire. Public transportation will act as a balance to the resolution in May opposing this site because of alleged racist and decisions of both groups by a 17-14 vote with two abstentions. car, relieving congestion in the inner city. It will not eliminate oppressive attitudes and practices of the Orange County Since that time social workers and social work organizations, other forms of transportation; buses will still be needed to act as community against minorities. have been protesting the decision. MSU social work students were feeder lines to the limited area mass transit systems, and cars will den't Topgel An assessment committee was appointed to make an evaluation mounting a petition campaign here to oppose the conference be necessary to bring people to the perimeter parking lots where the mass transit system picks them up and brings them to work. of the charges and reported that Orange County spent far below when word was received that the conference had been cancelled. now A BEST BUY! *169' CHRISTMAS HOURS: MODEL-M-504 8 - TRACK TAPE CARTRIDGE COMPONENT SYSTEM WITH AUTOMATIC TURNTABLE AND AM/FM/FM •MPX/60 Watt Output/Four Speaker System with woofer and one 234" tweeter in each sealed enclosure. one 6V2" d iscount records Ol i* 225 Ann Street Phone 351-8460 Daily 9:30 Sat. Sun. 9:30 12:00 - - -5:00 9:00 6:00 TUNER/Solid State AM/FM/FM MPX Stereo tuner with Push - Pull dual channel amplifier /FM Stereo (MPX) indicator/Slide rule dial with logging scale for accurate REPEAT OF OUR SUPER SPECIAL IT USED TO BE TOP OF OUR LINE] tuning/Complete two band operation: AM (540 - 1600 A GREAT BUY AT $149.95 KHz)/FM (88 - 108 MHz)/Built - in AM/FM/FM MPX antenna/Black out dial with tinted glass/Tuning Meter/Two Rotary Controls: Tuning, and Selector (AM,FM,FM,MPX, Phono & Tape)/Four precision slide controls: Volume, WELCOME WEEK Balance, Bass, and Treble/Two Rocker Switches: Power (Off on), AFC (Off - on)/ Front Mounted Stereo Headphone Socket. SALE Now Until Christmas STEREO CARTRIDGE with DIAMOND NEEDLE AUTOMATIC MODEL 500/" DELUXE STEREOPHONIC SOLID TURNTABLE/ Precision deluxe Garrard fully automatic turntable/Ultra light counter balanced STATE COMPACT COMPONENT SYSTEM WITH NEW TO OUR tubular tone arm/Viscous Damped cueing lever/ Studio AM/FM/FM STEREO RECEIVER" type 11" turntable with non - slip mat/ High compliance ceramic cartridge with long life precision diamond needle. Dual channel. Push - Pull amplifier /AO watt Solid MASTERWORK TAPE PLAYER/Automatic Program Selector plays State integrated AM/FM/FM Stereo Receiver / High program in sequence/Manual Push button switch provides Sensitivity Tuner /F.E.T. front end for silent tuning / DEPARTMENT! individual program selection/Tape Speed: 3'4 ips/Drive Each speaker system contains one 8" co-axial high NOW A NEW LOW PRICE mechanism — electrically governed motor with flywheel and compliance woofer - mid range and one 2" tweeter A Beautiful Buy AC CONVENIENCE OUTLET capstan/Computer - styled program indicator lamps. /Precision recessed deluxe MA-65 BSR automatic record changer, with ultra light counter balanced CONTROL CENTER REAR PANEL/External FM antenna connection/Aux (tape) output sockets (L & R(/ Speaker Output Sockets (L & R)/AC convenience outlet. tubular tone arm with cueing and adjustable anti - skate mechanism / Studio type 11" rubber matted al Only ^49'^ STEREO TUNER turntable /Four precision slide controls - Bass, TUNING CONTROl Three piece system of control center and two Treble, Balance, Volume controls / Rocker switch speaker - enclosures in walnut hardwoods with highly styled control Power (On - Off / Auto / Three Rotary controls STEREO HEADPHONE U panel with dust cover/Size: Center unit: 2134" wide x 9 Selector, Tuning and Speakers /High compliance 1/8" high* x 14 7/8" deep/Speaker Enclosures: 10" wide x FIVE PRECISION CONTROLS 15 cartridge with long life precision diamond - sapphire 1/8" high x 6" deep (each) needle / Illuminated dial with tinted glass /Slide rule 129f dial with calibrated logging scale for pinpoint tuning / Stereo Indicator Light / Built - in AM/FM and FM Stereo antenna /Front mounted Stereo headphone socket / Hinged Tinted Dust Cover / Control center *™NTASTIC VALUE! Model 4800 offers a COMPLETE 5 PIECE rear panel contains four (4) speaker output sockets, two (2) tape input sockets, two (2) tape output t^£!0PH0NIC COMPONENT SYSTEM with AM/FM/FM STEREO/ sockets, external antenna connections, and AC IuAK,ll/r-AMPLIFIER' 2 speAKER ENCLOSURES, GARRARD RECORD Convenience Outlet for Auxiliary power sources / £^.*GER and DUST COVER. THERE'S OILED WALNUT FINISH CABINETRY 30 WATTS and a ONE YEAR WARRANTY on LABOR and Three Piece System of Control Center and two PARTS! SEE AND HEAR IT NOW! speaker systems in Walnut hardwoods with deluxe highly styled control panel / Dimensions Center Unit: 17 13/16" wide x 15 3/8" deep x 9 3/4" high - including Dust Cover / Dimensions Speaker Enclosure each: 15 5/16" high x 9 3/4" wide x 6 7/8" deep. ORIGINALLY $199.95 WARRANTY - One year (from date of purchase) for A Christmas Giver's labor, parts and diamond needle at authorized Special Masterwork service stations. MASTERWORK Check Out Our Clearance Specials and Savell MASTERWORK NATUONELY ?H?ICpfNSETs?R&DUHC0TpSS PAN°D GRAINS T^SsED^*' oSe&cted 04 /fmeuca&JjeAt in 1893