W ednesday MICHIGAN >v UNIVERSITY STATE TAT I NEWS Volume 64 Number 76 East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, December 1, 1971 White, prof censured for By S. A. SMITH releasing pay respect for duly established procedures and lists presentations. The proposal was defeated. no release of names and that only the high, State News Staff Writer institutions. In other considerations, the council A member of the MSU board of trustees low, median and average salaries of each heard an informal report from Anne C. academic rank in each department, school "These men took considered action that and a full professor were censured by the and center be released. displays utter disdain for due process and a Garrison, chairman of the Building, Lands Academic Council Tuesday for their rule of law," Williams said. and Planning Committee, regarding The FAFCC recommendation followed a a separate actions involving the publicization study of pay policies at other colleges and He said it was the unanimous proposed new campus dog ordinance. of the faculty pay list. recommendation of the FAFCC that the universities and a compilation of the data Trustee Clair A. White, D-Bay City, and council censure White for releasing the list The proposed statute makes the current obtained from an opinionnaire distributed Bob F. Repas, professor of labor and of salaries while the board was withholding to the faculty regarding preferences in animal policy more specific and restrictive. industrial relations, were the targets of the action pending a report from the FAFCC publicizing salary information. If passed by the board of trustees, the formal citation, which criticized their and that Repas be rebuked for mailing the Sixty four per cent of the faculty ordinance will prohibit persons from actions as displaying "utter disdain for due list of salaries or causing the list to be returned completed questionnaires. Of process and a rule of law." mailed while the FAFCC recommendation (Please turn to page 15) those voting, 75 per cent voted to release Frederick D. Williams, chairman of the was under consideration by the pay lists and 72 per cent favored a policy Faculty Affairs and Faculty Compensation which would include not disclosing administration. Committee (FAFCC), proposed a motion Williams further stated that such actions individual names. to censure White and Repas. The motion as those taken by White and Repas passed with 66 "yes" votes, four opposing votes and six abstentions. Williams pointed out the voting pattern during his presentation to the Academic "undermine the committee system established under the Bylaws for Academic Criteria Council. White released a copy of the faculty pay Governance and they constitute a Wiliams said the substantive issue of the . . . (ensure list to the State News in October. Repas, as chairman of the Committee for a Rational salary pay list was less important than the "challenge that has been hurled at the serious threat to the whole structure of academic governance under a rule of law." for pickin Pay Policy, recently mailed copies of the system of academic governance. A half hour later, Henry G. Blosser, Frederick D. Williams, chairman of the FAFCC is the center of salary schedule to all faculty members. professor of physics, cited uneasiness with I attention at a meeting of the Academic Council Tuesday. His proposal, Williams proposed the censure motion early in the council meeting as a point of "This challenge to the system of academic governance emerged, not from action taken by any duly established his vote to censure White and Repas. He asked the council to rescind the motion panel adopted by the council, called for the censuring of Trustee Clair a! personal privilege. The FAFCC recently governing body, but from the action of and to place the matter on the agenda of By JUDY YATES White, D-Bay City and Bob F. Repas, professor of labor and industrial completed a recommendation to the two men in particular,"he said. the January 1972, council meeting. He State News Staff Writer central administration that some salary added that White and Repas could then be ] relations. He added that White and Repas acted information be made public. "without regard for fair play and without given an opportunity to make Fifteen student representatives to the State News photo by Terry Luke The committee suggested that there be Academic Council Tuesday approved the criteria for selecting representatives - at - large to the standing committees of the E. Pakistani independence urged Academic Council. The representatives, including representatives from the various colleges and representatives - at - large, met By the Associate Press Ram, in a television interview in New independence fighters, and West Pakistani "threatens the following the regular meeting of the The communique also alleged that two security of our country." Academic Council. Delhi, was more forceful, declaring: "War troops. Pakistani Mirage jet fighters had intruded Similarly, she said, "the presence of can still be avoided if the rulers of Pakistan Representatives, who were elected this J Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and see the writing on the wall and give Pakistan said its troops have evacuated a into Indian air space over Kashmir on Pakistani troops in Bangla Desh is a threat term, approved four criteria proposed by a ■Defense Minister Jagjivan Ram of India third border village in East Pakistan in face Monday but were chased away and that an to our security. subcommittee of the group. "ailed Tuesday for Pakistan to give Bast independence to the people of Bangla of Indian attacks. Indian border patrol had been attacked in "It is not In our national interest to let Desh. 'Hie people of Rangla Desh expect Selection of student members to the A Pakistani military spokesman asserted JPikistaii independence and avoid possible nothing less that that." that northern state. an entire population be annihilated. It is a standing committees will be based on the I war on the subcontinent. in Rawalpindi, West Pakistan, that Pakistan In his television appearance, Ram threat to our freedom and security." students' working knowledge of the I Ms. Gandhi told the upper house of The apparent hardening of India's official forces were still operating under restraint Ms. Gandhi ridiculed Western efforts to reiterated that Indian troops could move committees and their- ability to present ■Parliament that President /^gha Mohammed stance toward Pakistan came as Radio secure a mutual withdrawal of Indian and against hot pursuit across the Indian into East Pakistan in self-defense as deep as Pakistan reported that Indian troops were thoughts clearly. ■Yahya Khan of Pakistan could make "a border. the range of the Pakistani guns. India has Pakistani troops from the borders. Prospective members will also be ■gesture toward peace" by pulling out his making some advances in a drive inside The spokesman said heavy fighting was in so far acknowledged three crossings. East Pakistan. The Indian government has scrutinized according to their desire to ■troops and allowing East Pakistan to progress around Pachagarh in the northern Pakistani howitzers have a range of up to Opposing UN involvement in the communicate and their ability to answer ■establish an independent Bangla said the fighting mainly is between he most tip of the East Pakistan-Indian West 20 miles. subcontinent crisis for the second time in Mukti Bahini, the East Pakistan questions. ■ DeshBengali nation. Bengal frontier where Pakistani troops "The intention is to eliminate the danger three days, she declared: "This is an Applications for the standing committee withdrew two miles "under heavy which these guns pose to our civilian attempt to confuse the realities of the situation. Those who are moving in this positions are available in 101 Student pressure." population," Ram added. "It is more Services Bldg. through Dec. 8. The The Pakistanis have already admitted the effective to silence these guns from their direction cannot but be suspect in the eyes committee approved a suggestion to extend loss of two border villages, Chaugachab and of the Indian people." ■SENATOR CLAIMS own territory." Ram also acknowledged for the first time Pakistan's Yanya has proposed stationing the application period if the need arises. Jibannagar, on the West bengal border The Bylaws for Academic Governance about 180 miles farther south. that members of the Mukti Bahini — whom UN observers on the East Pakistani border. Pakistan claimed that the Indians threw he said totalled 70,000 — had been Radio Pakistan reported Yahya had require that at least one of the two seats on each standing committee designated for Nixon accep in fresh forces and were using tanks in the attack from south of the sugar mill town of Pachagarh after failing to take the town recruited inside the refugee camps on Indian territory. Ms. Gandhi described the influx of the received a personal message from President Nixon about the crisis. members - at nonwhite student. - large be reserved for a from the north. (Please turn to page 15) (Please turn to page 15) refugees into India as an invasion that The spokesman claimed that in fighting for back p in the Sylhet district in the northeast, Sunday, Pakistan inflicted 168 casualties Official seeks to merge while taking losses of seven dead and 20 wounded. 14-0, the provision designed to J■Sparkman, WASHINGTON (AP)-Sen. John measure, get the pay boosts for teachers and others An Indian military spokesman in Calcutta said Indian troops were still inside D-Ala., said Tuesday the Nixon administration has sent word it accepts a denied them so far because of the freeze East Pakistan in the Balurghat-Hilli region, ■Senate provision and refusal of the Pay Board to approve 200 miles north of Calcutta where they designed to insure that city, campus bus ing l ■most pay raises them. crossed Saturday following what was negotiated before the Aug. I" teeze are received retroactively. It states that the retroactive raises shall described as a Pakistani artillery attack. be paid to the extent they are not A Defense Ministry communique issued unreasonably inconsistent with the pay J■*'"Thisbemeans, he told a reporter, that there no Senate floor guidelines for Phase 2. These guidelines in New Delhi said that only sporadic fighting had been reported from the area fight on the ■Proactive pay provision In the bill permit increases of 5.5 per cent. during the day „..u and that »..<» a « Pakistani ■^tending President Nixon's wage - and • The administration greatly prefers the counterattack had been repulsed. ■Pice - control authority. Senate language to the retroactive-pay Beneath the surface turmoil of the highway controversy lies I sParknian, Banking Committee chairman provision adopted by the House Banking another simmering debate waiting for its moment in the limelight. ■"id floor manager for the bill, said Committee. This states that the raises shall While officials and residents debate placement of concrete, mass ■. Publican members of his panel had told be granted unless they are grossly transit is just beginning to break into daylight. Pim George P. Shultz, Nixon's budget disproportionate to the guidelines. Library hours Mass transit in the Lansing area has been an accountant's ■ has ok'd the provision. Separate actions in the two branches The Undergraduate Library will remain nightmare and a political hot potato for some time now and most made it appear almost certain Tuesday that people expect it to remain so, though the Lansing Transit Ir if-r ®dministration ■ anking Committee opposition, the wrote into the (Please turn to page 15) open until 2 a.m. every night until Dec. 10. Authority comes under new management Jan. 1. However, while buses along Grand River Avenue run in the red, their campus counterparts enjoy full passenger loads and almost manage to break even—an achievement city officials eye Senate votes to exempt somewhat enviously. James Cramer, acting manager of the Metropolitan Lansing Mass Transit Corp., has said he would like to see campus and local services integrated, with shared bus passes. East Lansing officials, including Councilwoman Mary P. Sharp textbooks from sales tax and Traffic Engineer Gordon E. Melvin, have suggested that it is time for the University to begin cooperating with the city in studying integrated bus service to accommodate students, faculty members and employes who live off-campus. "TTiey envy this system and the number of passes we sell," Max By RANDY GARTON The original version would have Neils, campus bus service manager, said. "They're losing money eliminated this on-campus exemption. "I by the tons." State News Staff Writer thiqk they'll buy it," he said. However, Sen. Harry DeMaso, R-Battle In other Senate business, lawmakers Neils said he does not believe the University would have Creek, believing that the bill was an unanimously passed a bill prohibiting anything to gain by joining with local lines, which he charged lose unwarranted expense for students already thousands of dollars |Jhe Michigan Senate Tuesday hard-pressed by high college costs discrimination in public accommodations on the basis of sex. month, and are subsidized by every I « u"lmous|y Passed an amended version of introduced an amendment removing the city and federal grants. I bill exempting the sale of textbook tax. "We handle more students in I 1 tor Mrrent to co"e8e students from the 4 Interest in this bill was sparked by the one day than Lansing does in a state sales tax. "I think that college students have recent efforts of women's liberation groups whole month," Neils boasted. I cnii • surv'ves. the bill will save Michigan enough expenses without this burden," he to frequent several all-male restaurants and He estimated campus buses I m"eg,ans "bout $350,000 annually. The bars in Lansing. said. usually handle approximately I Whp HOW goes back to the House» The Senate also passed unanimously a 35,000 people each day, with I expectedC°nCUrrenCe °n t'18 version 'S Though the bill would deprive the state bill permitting criminals to be sentenced to the numbers jumping as high as of revenue, DeMaso believes that the 50,000 in the winter. I Dr^ kill as it originally passed the House measure corrects a law that is unfair to consecutive terms instead of serving time Neils pointed out that the for different crimes concurrently. I thonal Cwter bookstore, but must e tax at university. off-campus stores. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Dece, ccmber | i news Will blasts use of drug squad members to recommend that the city the agony people go through in this situation, cease ordinance," he added. summary By BILL WHITING State News Staff Writer cooperation metropolitan harassment of with area accused the Metro Squad, drug patrol unit. He cited drug offenders as the a I've seen it work, I don't like it and I think they should do away with it." Will said policemen from outside of East Pointing out that the team's now** functions hazy, and community input, Councilman r^ they were i * J . From the wires of AP *nd UPI. Members of the East Lansing primary reason for breaking relations. Lansing are a hindrance to establishing good rVinKliim Coublurn f#\lrl told tnun. team . " UPfti'nA I 1 Police-Community Relations Team wanted more "Making someone squeal on their buddy is one membe« he (V ...WI0 relations with the community. He said local citizen's advisory boardrri V '«V0H community input at their first public meeting technique of the Metro Squad," agreed Circuit which police would be better able to treat drug offenses Monday and they got it. Court Judge Maurice E. Schoenberger. He said Approximately 40 residents their views before the board which turned out to air police often use the threat of enforcing harsher state drug laws to secure as a medical problem. Police Chief Charles F. Pegg, a member of the and procedures. He more involved in saidcHwIkSa£ the way the h consists of cooperation from Metro Squad advisory board, said that unit operates. aeP« representatives of the community, business accused offenders. concentrated on traffic in hard drugs, providing a Will charged that the sector, students, University and police. "It's the technique of 'I've got a good deal for service local police are not equipped to handle, from a lot of views in the department « "It is not in our national interest Charles W. Will, unsuccessful candidate for the to let an entire you Mr. Defendant if you make a buy for me He added, however, that his department has been Councilman George L. community» population be city council in the last election, asked team from your friend,'"Schoenberger said. "I've seen Griffiths tolri tk cited for its cooperation with the Drug "What I hear here annihilated. It is a threat to our Education Center and works with St. Lawrence me.' He noted the tonight in aUit?i> freedom and security." Hospital on treatment of alcoholics. change in anf "*1 Indira Gandhi Responding to a request made by Nelson postal employe* after a recent *1 Proposed regulations and said this might be mJ!!™11 Indian prime minister youth Brown, 1104 Hagadorn Road, for an anonymous drug identification service in the police department, Pegg said he would like to look into the possibilities of such a program. other area of public He said he favored a review board so that employment 100 r*r cent civilian control of1 H" 0utl may be maintained. See story page will seek politic Hie police chief defended the charging drug offenders variously under harsh state statutes practice of and relatively light local Patrolman Michael that " today the of his mind at the Gersten, average policeman is team memh, scSSj - ordinance. concept of review said this was WASHINGTON (AP) - A coalition of youth leaders of YCF, said the group hopes to register as many as half of the 25 principle that political parties must be open and responsive to "Most of the arrests are made under the felony usually due to a understanding of what was involved Sj |aw>" said, "Charges are usually determined Chief Pegg said that announced Tuesday plans to million potential youthful voters all citizens and that the after the arrest." any complaints form a National Youth Caucus by year's individual officers Russian pennant on next presidential presidential nominating He said he tried to follow the are investigated th^* Mars as a means of gaining influence election. decisions of those parties are not the cjty councji jn passing interpretation of the ordinance, procedures established by the Michigan o in the major political parities. Duane Draper, president of the The Chicago meeting will be the sole preserve of self-selected intending it was passed for offenders charged Rights Commission. He noted, many complaints appear to be howS S The Russian Mars 2 spacecraft fired a capsule held at Loyola University 'party leaders,' " Draper said. with possession of- a small quantity of drugs. "har^m National Association of Student Friday, Saturday and Sunday. tactics used against the containing a hammer and sickle pennant to the surface He also said the young people "Council called a small quantity two cigarets (of officer." 61 Governments, said the Draper said, organized by 100 would go after the Republican Pegg cited other problem areas of Mars and went into orbit around the planet, Tass marijuana)," he said. in movement to be shaped at an student-body presidents from party, also. community as being runaways and reported Tuesday. Judge Schoenberger attacked that He said treatment of these shoDliftiJ Emergency Conference for New across the country. The Soviet Union thus became the first nation to Voters in Chicago this weekend Delegates will be instructed in 'T.!je. ^ixon adm'n'stration asks that the young and the poor interpretation, however, saying, "The ordinance easy, problems quick, or sure and the social causes cannot! would align itself with the Black workshops on delegate selection possession of marijuana, period. It does not them are not within behid claim landing a man-made object on Mars. work within the 'system, he , department reach. Ponnnc Caucus anr]and Wnm^n'c Women's Panni.c nrop ed ures. |f amount The ,aw js thefe if want The committee plans to The news agency said the unmanned craft braked at Caucus. procedures, oartv mechanics. party mechanics, sain. hut thev "but they trv try toto head head off off . .. continue it The purpose, Draper said, fund-raising, press techniques, the 18 to use u -y ^ th , .. .. buck to the c|t meetings in January and is year - old vote and 3:19 p.m. EST Saturday and went into an oval orbit seeking VJ - » would be to maximize their precinct level organization, and student voting rights; they reject interested with a maximum distance of 15,534 miles and a strength at the 1972 presidential other political skills, the Scranton Commission plea ,.j haye been disappointed that there persons to serve Approximately 17 people serve on the teamZ on the tej minimum distance of 858 miles. It gave no indication nominating conventions. Draper said a primary concern for reconciling leadership. hasn-t been more use ^de of the local and are appointed by the mayor. whether Mars 2 was taking pictures or would Meanwhile, the Youth of the youth groups is that even try a landing. Citizenship Fund, one of the with delegate selection reforms major coordinating groups such as those being imposed by journey to china pushingregistration of the newly the Democratic National eligible 18 - 20 - year - old Committee, "there are enough Institute urges elimination voters, announced it has received young hacks to fill up all the The United States dumped about 90,000 tons of $400,000 in grants to continue its work. Carroll Ladt, executive director convention vouth. "We are seats committed alotted to to the Nixon plans week visit chemicals, largely defoliants, over Vietnam between WASHINGTON (AP) - national security affairs adviser, of Vietnam: "We do not President Nixon plans to spend a expect Japan. Hangchou is i 1965 and 1970, an independent peace research said Nixon's conferences with to settle it in Peking." southwest of Shanghai. organization said Tuesday in Stockholm, Sweden. HELP GREEN AMERICA full week in Communist China, visiting three cities, during his Chairman Mao Tse-tung, Premier Chou En-lai and others would While he predicted-the Chinese With a population of 784,01 1 rt I In an extensive report on chemical and will raise the subject of Taiwan, Hangchou was described biological historic journey there in focus on problems of direct he said, "the United States Kissinger as a less hectic site weapons, the Swedish International Peace Research Institute said the risk is growing that such Put cash in your February. After the White House concern to he two countries position is that the ultimate talk further with members ofl weapons, rather than those involving third announced this Tuesday, Henry relationship between Taiwan and mainland hierarchy after I relatively cheap and easy to produce, will be used for parties. mass destruction unless effectively eliminated. It urged the United States and the Soviet Union to pocket! A. Kissinger said summit talks to be held in Peking, Hangchou Feb. 21 Shanghai and 28 will not policy Hie White House foreign specialist said - the People's Republic of China should be settled negotiations." through direct initial conversations in Pet and Shanghai. >F • arrangements have been made While resolve their differences and seek a comprehensive he reported that disarmament treaty on chemical and biological weapons. SELL YOUR BOOKS result in bringing peace to Vietnam or settling the future of indicate "a reasonably successful outcome" for the first visit ever Nixon will seek a better general outline for Nixo Taiwan. made to mMnland China by an understanding of the views of meetings has been fixed, he Chinese leaders, said Kissinger, ■"there's going to be AT Kissinger, the President's American president. and a means of continuing free-wheeling nature to ipheral Kissinger said Nixon will spend communication between two discussion." Hall I Thieu visits Cambodia at least four days in Peking and countries isolated from each rdon G. President Nguyen Van Thieu flew Campus. that while the hours may be devoted to face - early-morning other for nearly a quarter century. jineer. Jelvin to - face talks with Chinese No hea into eastern Cambodia look at the nine-day-old Tuesday for a operation Book | leaders. The President's full itinerary Kissinger said Nixon like also to make "at least would a jroval route o: there by 25,000 South Vietnamese has not been fixed but said Nixon would stop Kissinger only on beginning" in opening areas of until May id to ( iject to troops. communication outside the American territory during the inning co At almost the political or diplomatic realm. same time, South 507 E. Grand River flights to and from China. At Approval Vietnamese government helicopters lifted 300 paratroopers into a Across from Berkey least one stop, he reported, would afford the President an Peking, the Communist Chinese capital of four million, firing stern hal froir landing Free store side opportunity to rest and adjust zone near Dam Be, about 20 - parking is a northern city of Gi miles inside Cambodia. himself to time-zone changes. lying between The suit filed against the boa ibot Roai the upper reaches of the Yellow of trustees and five Universi Associated Press correspondent Secretary of State William P. I, was ti Sea and Mongolia. Shanghai is officials by John Hildebran Rogers and Kissinger will quest froi Huynh Minh Trinh reported that U.S. accompany the President. the country's largest city with a former associate professor rward a B52 bombers and Sauth Vietnamese population of 6.9 million and social science, will not be hea In summarizing the American ij rther actii fighter-bombers softened a seaport lying west of the until May at the earliest, Represent up the approach to talks, Kissinger said southernmost main islands of landing zone before the spokesman in the office of Jud udent Hi combat Albert J. Engel said Monday. assault. The i at paratroopers encountered The suit, filed Oct. 12 in U no resistance. District Court in Grand Rapid i a charges the defendants \ discharging Hildebrand for losing th reason and Nixon, Trudeau to confer g Permanent matches or g legitimate providing him with writu reasons for his discharge. Jverse using in I e ft incense free with Hildebrand also charges th President Nixon and Canada's Prime Minister Pierre the defendants did not foll< Elliott Trudeau will meet in Washington on Dec. 6 for consultations prior to Nixon's Peking trip, the White ft purchases of $15 g prescribed discharging him and procedures denied hi House announced Tuesday. an opportunity to present Trudeau thus will be the first of the allied leaders ft or more case. Lei and Carr, Universi' Nixon will meet in his series of conferences at weekly attorney, has filed a reply on t intervals through December and into January. % THE OUTLOOK 217 Ann St. 8 part of the defendants denyi the charges. Next to Mini-Mart ^ The case has been assigned , Fngel. Jerry Rupe found guilty , Christmas Cheese Selections I Jerry Rupe, the first person to go on trial in connection with disorders at Kent State University last MICHIGAN STATE DAIRY CLUB year, was found guilty Tuesday in Ravenna, Ohio of interfering with firemen. 122 Anthony Hall The jury, after deliberating eight hours, was hung on A three other charges: arson, first-degree riot, and -!» ='•= assaulting a fireman. The charges stemmed from a fire on the SH campus the night of May 2 which consumed the school's ROTC building. The prosecution had contended that Rupe set fire to the building and "participated in a riot." It also 0U1 said he was one of the persons who assaulted a fireman and chopped fire hoses." SNO COLOR IN THIS "MINI- POSTER" OF ONE OF THE SP0 Elderly aiiotted meals PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES! PAI The Senate approved meal program for the Tuesday a federally financed 1. Buy a whole bunch of Flair need black, red, blue, green, brown, pens. You , Aqua (11). Olive (12). Please do not color unnumbered areas. swi elederly at a cost of $250 million orange, yellow, pink, purple, grey, aqua & 3. Congratulations! You have created a for two years. olive. (You need them anyway for school.) 1 genuine full color portrait of someone you 2. Now—color in the The measure, passed 88 - picture according to I know and love. Maybe. If he is not your 0, provides $100 million in these color guide numbers. Black (1). Red L favorite presidential candidate, have pa¬ fiscal year in 1973 and $150 million in The MSU DAIRY CLUB fiscal 1974 to be (2). Blue (3). Green (4). Brown (5). Orange L tience. You'll see will be selling Christmas Cheese Nov. your man soon in the 29-Dec. 10 (Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - allotted by formula to the states to nutritious meals for persons 60 and over. establish low cost, (6). Yellow (7). Pink (8). Purple (9). Grey (10). 1 Flair Election Collection! Four selections are available ranging from $3.50 5 p.m. with up to 11 varieties, with prices 3 One in four of the to $7.50 postpaid anywhere in the U.S. Boxes elderly lives in poverty, and their Gillette picked up at 122 Anthony available at number comprises 20 Company PaperMate Division © 1971 reduced prices of $3, $4, $5, per cent of the nation's poor. and $6.50. Orders may be made In 122 Anthony or by calling 353 - 5089. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. December 1, 1971 V VWSL FROM 6-9 MONTHS U' to extend program By MICHAEL FOX months will provide for an even greater and more enriching State News Sports Writer experience for the fellows without unduly interrupting their academic or career plans," he said. President Wharton announced Tuesday that the Presidential The president's office announced that applications will be Fellow program will be extended to nine months instead of the available starting Thursday for those individuals who might wish six-month terms the fellows have been serving. to apply for the 1972-73 fellowship. The deadline for application The change will extend the length of participation for the is Feb. 1, 1972, with selection to take place during winter term. current two fellows—an undergraduate and a graduate The fellowship program offers an internship in the student—through the end of spring term. The current fellows' administration for those selected. A stipend is offered, which will program was to have ended in March. The final group of fellows under the be increased to account for the extension from six to nine $75,000 Rockefeller months of the program. Foundation grant will begin their fellowship next fall and work The original Rockefeller grant of $75,000 only covered four through the 1972-73 academic year. Originally, the final group was to have begun their six-month groups of fellows, with the group starting next fall to be the last fellowship in March and continued through September. under the current funding. The program, which began in "We have been very satisfied and greatly encouraged with the September, 1970, is considered a pioneering effort at l ir(> alarm learning experience which has taken place during the course of familiarising selected students and faculty with the internal the fellowship for the individual fellows. However, our experience workings of the administration. Afire on the fifth floor of West Holmes Hall drew three fire extinguished by Andrew Dudek, Allen Park junior. has led us to conclude that perhaps six months is not an optimum In addition to the income provided by the fellowship stipend, trucks, one police car, the chief's car and a rescue truck. State News photo by Milton Horst the fellows enjoy an office in the administration building plus period of time for the fellowship," Wharton said. However, the fire, caused by a burning candle, was "We hope that extending the fellowship period from six to nine other privileges. Britain hits U.S. The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition JOME ^P,RT:^,nC?^i^Ii currencif's"8110" °f foreie" worded on the assumption that took this to mean there may be Georges Pompidou of France in sources added. in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. Member Associated Press, United Press International, □ income today on some form of dollar torni a The sour ops nnt.H ources noted ,u the t'»ere wOUld be no devaluation a fallback in American position. December may hold the key to a of the dollar by raising the Arthur F. Burns, chairman of solution. The American plan presented Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, bv Volcker ureed an iiDward K'X'u tted the U.b.""plan plan to settle . tie Paul a" Vokke^Tr^ . volcker, Treasury by "fficial Price of 8old- U did not> the Federal Reserve Board here however, entirely rule this out. for the talks, is among senior The other ministers European finance revaluation by were said to be ready overseas America's major trading Dartners Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press Association. international money crisis, imdemcM.,y, on Monday, „,s Some European delegations American officials who have to accept some other torn, of paging 11 per Sm. ?n re"urn Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial Iference sources reported, been urging Nixon in recent dollar devaluation that would the United States would drop and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan ■his would be only part, weeks to accept a dollar accomplish the same thing, the 10 per cent import surcharge State University, East Lansing, Michigan. lever, of a solution to the hock among the Group of K since the crisis developed Teachers file suit devaluation against gold. Treasury Secretary John B. Among these would be a change in the value of special drawing Nixon imposed Aug. 15. An per cent average Phones: Connally, the head of the rights in the International News 355-8252 revaluation by the others would [r President Nixon laid down HeT^ M?"etary Fund-so-called Classified Ads 355-8255 i°nwith the u5, hard ,66" paper improve the us J tough economic policy in ■gust, according to sources ■osat in on the sessions, against pay freeze v it identified against this kind of dollar line gold-aga.nst Connally the dollar and the American Xhe Europeans balance of payments by about $9 billion, meeting Advertising Business Office 353-6400 355-3447 Photographic 355-8311 ■he sources emphasized, . The Michigan Education Assn. executive secretary, said the suit deviation The French were reported to delegation were reported to consider the French position one separately Tuesday morning, ^id the v s offer was not good Ver, that there seemed to (MEA) has filed suit in U.S. filed on behalf of 11 teacher be the only delegation here of intransigence. Sources said ■ room for further bargaining District Court seeking to have enough, Wayne, Genesee insisting that a dollar ciations in Wavne, associations Connally believed that if the ■ the American plan, which President Nixon's executive and Macomb counties. Eash of Revaluation must be made in French "would be a little less Budes an offer to drop the 10 orders setting up the wage-price the associations has been unable terms of gold. The French intransigent here we could see Remember Bill Slack, the barber p cent import surcharge in freeze declared unconstitutional, to get school boards to honor finance minister, valery Giscard our way out of the woods." [change for an upward Terry Herndon, MEA contracts negotiated prior to d'Estaing, called the U.S. plan On their side, the Europeans August 15. Some contracts were unacceptable. planned to warn Connally that from the Head negotiated in 1970. With France leading the without a dollar devaluation Shop, last spring "It is our belief that the opposition, it was considered against gold, or an equivalent, in \gency OKs wage-price unconstitutional freeze was use an of Poss'hle that the meeting the settlement package, they are between Nixon and President prepared to act alone, the term? Well, he's moved to emergency presidential powers," Herndon said. "In addition, it is ^ Meridian Mall. |>f peripheral those edicts honoring contracts, as excuses are for not 7* acting ^ Pre-Finals SPECIAL... — - - — f jL * If you're looking for a young, experienced barber, who specializes in cutting long hair (and who isn't?), Bill's the man to see. ^ officials "to reject this plan,and illegally." TONIGHT? lEast Lansing Traffic Immission voted to approve work to devise a Plan that wi!l Herndon said the suit also Call 349-276Q for an appt. (y one half of the proposed not, increase the housing points out that %fle hps been (Be sure and ask for Bill Slack specifically) Iripheral route at a meeting in shortage in East Lansing, and no indication from the school I Jtv Hall Monday according to further inconvenience students boards named that they did not m » m Irion E. Melvin, city traffic of Msu" ^ the resources to fulfill their ^ SI /\ ij ij Bill Slack will *gjneer SHC president Paul L. Nelson agreements. I I | I f help you get your head together ■Melvin said Tuesday the said the group is concerned that "Apparently," Herndon said, ■ ■* * ■ ■ ■ Emmission was withholding its the route will result in the "they have interpreted the Bproval of the eastern half of destruction of several homes and President's wage-price freeze as a le route running from Abbot zoning changes of residential load to Grand River Avenue, sections to commercial in areas ■bject to review by the city where there is high student reason for not paying salaries previously agreed to and k* budgeted for." ^ HOURS renting. The suit is filed against the ^ ining commission. Approval was given to the The western half of the route United States of America, the L LISTEN TO 8-10 p.m. item half of the route which consists almost entirely of district director of the Internal THE SOUNDS is from Michigan Avenue city-owned property which will Revenue Service and the ^ OF THE FABULOUS th of Grand River Avenue to not necessitate tearing down any respective school boards in each - BASOOTIES Herndon said. { of the 11 districts, Road. The action, Melvin houses, Melvin said recently, taken in response to a at the Accessories for ..... . quest from the city council to „ ward a report to them for rther action. Comfortable Living . . . Representatives of the MSU udent Housing Corp. (SHC) *" in attendance to present ^ ^ WATER BEDS U.L. LISTED /\S^QlGy< * BEAN BAG CHAIRS commission with a Miss J gives HEATERS SHEETS solutuion passed by the cup's board * CUSTOM (fitted for waterbeds) three cheers for chino posing the of directors route because of its FRAMES * PILLOWS Glass Iverse effect on student ///11 \ \VX * BED SPREADS in an army-style using in East Lansing. 309 N. Washington / M > bottom The resolution calls Leonard Downtown Plaza, Lansing 489-6168 on city jacket and pant Tiankard always a papular drinking cup complete with flapped pockets. . an at-ease to symbolize good fellowship and cheer. outfit in olive, navy or -e>i bill a Other My Lai, more limited in scope, meant bypassing the usual chain of "But the whole thing was a matter of again. s for perhaps have undoubtedly further command. pragmatics. I need to do something after I "I've looked at life from the mpany t< graduate this June. You just don't go too stnA tainted the U.S.' involvement in Yet, even though a gross violation far in life with a B.S. in social sci multi. I angle and from the left one. You havel jets, com borrow your means from the metimes Vietnam. of civilian-protection laws had been don't want to drift for tl.e rest of my life. straights J committed, the horrid tale of My Lai Janine and I want to continue living your ends from the left. That end it all comes out way inl jnply witl The Army, as many who have did not surface until almost a year together for a while longer. Why hell, we right. You can talk! fertising i you want about changing the world listened to the trials agree, seems after the massacre. Only when it was probably will get married pretty soon. social psychology class, but unless inyj HE MIC intent on covering up. A number of We've got to do something with our lives, you1 obvious that the Army could remain can't just run out to a commune and grow out and take some action on your on presenting observers believe that a number of silent no longer, were men indicted vegetables. you're only doing the castles in the sl Jesday mmission high-ranking officers have not told and trial dates set. trip. We can change the world, but notM "And like I was thinking — who's going petition Jhe truth under oath, either to being vagabonds and Bohemians. We hi Lt. Calley's trial attracted into business programs these days. The to be chemists, ing Coui protect * themselves or to avoid 11 lawyers, engineers, a nationwide attention and he was guys who at age 45 Will be kndckfng down federal v Nixon to ignore Mansfield amendment and to businessmen, They're the men who mi embarrassing the Army. There have imprisoned for life-a set $100,000 a year as vice presidents of American what it Is. We just can't ederal en sentence that ign< been too many contradictions, too no date on Vietnam something like Seagram's. Where will these that." imp lion, President Nixon withdrawal. -News Item many "I can't recall" to believe that subsequently folks come from? Not out of the sociology Nor can America ignore Roger. lohn R. E reduced. But everyone else indicted public the truth has always been told. has gone free. Out of the 13 officers tim of inl accused of covering up My Lai, for 'We fully It is obvious now, from all the e full aw testimony given, that the men of instance, only Col. Henderson stands Charlie Company, First Battalion, to be convicted, and even he probably will be found "not guilty". The Doctor's Bag le, howe cent level the prival Clearly, the Army trials have served little purpose By ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. besides, perhaps, appeasing the nation's Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at guilty conscience. The responsibility be found in their nostrils on and off, but for the massacre remains MSU Health Center. Names need not be this rarely occupies very much of their the more wondering what kind of plans to increase much less in size. While I ai 'ong h included unless a personal you have for his penis and testicles. the subject, I may as well point out agt reply is time. Your overall conveniently obscure. And the Army description makes it eizes requested. sound as if the child is Would you please settle that large penises have nothing to do wi is once again free to very anxious, or you carry out and his parents are something for a superior sexual performance. Incidental NEW Y01 very anxious, or both. couple of girls? We have heard that a Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon's war I have a two-year-old nephew. He always Two-year-olds can show anxiety by being young what do you do when you see someo mg arm man with in the manner they have so bites his unable to be alone or unable to exceptionally large feet also has a with large feet or a thick neck? eapons an fingernails, almost making them play by large penis. Also, there is a thick nock - disastrously prescribed. bleed, puts his fingers in his nostrils and themselves, by frequent and repeated Harlen tantrums large organ theory. Will you tell us if there tchine plays with his genitals every time he gets (all two-year-olds have some Is it is any truth in these true that a person can the chance. You have written that there tantrums) and a variety of sleep statements as we have itgeant is been foot and neck immune to poison ivy by eating a sin^ '",000, Peoples nothing worng with kids playing with their disturbances, among other things. Sources watching quite a bit pc leaf? Some people swear this is true. At least e party of difficulty at this lately! age include a new baby genitals. What do you think of biting in the house, mothers returning to work Men with I've got a good case of poison ivy, and fingernails and putting fingers into nostril*? without exceptionally large feet have is igoo an adequate substitute to care for great diffuculty in buying shoes. Aside slowly spreading despite my efforts Would you advise a way to the stop these? All child, domestic disruptions including insuring from that, no definite statement halt it with Fels-Naptha soap and Caladry a N I can think of is putting something hot on his fingers so he would not mouth. What is your opinion? put them in his the absence of one parent, pressures toilet training and harrassment over to name a few. over eating, made about any other behavioral problems and/or attributes may have. Thick necks do not correlate can be physical or they Isn't such treatment usually enough todi it up, or must I go to the Health Centerf( a penicillin shot? ME This past weekend the foundation I'd begin by looking for things that might with penis size either. In Now liberals, with the bitter taste of fact, erect penis for a fourth liberal-oriented political Chicago '68 still in their mouths, Biting nails at age two is not model be seek to putting the child under pressure and size seems quite independent of body size. It Is not true that a person can becon ELECT party was laid when the Peoples behavior, especially biting them until they remedy those first. Putting An unerect penis is not a good measure of immune to poison ivy be eating the s u seem prepared to follow the same bleed. Any two-year-old child's something hot on his fingertips probably the size of the erect Party held with 200 an organizing convention course. Feeling they were sold out fingers can will only make him clutch his genitals all organ as the small ones get much larger while the large ones tend Poison ivy produces an allergic dem*" (inflammation of the skin) which resu 10< people from 28 states by the Democratic Party regulars at participating. As yet they have no from contact with oily substances foun candidates in mind for 472, but the the last convention, the Peoples OUR READERS' MIND that plant as well as in poison oak a Party has, like its American poison sumac. This type of allergy deve l possibility of a Peoples party Independent Party counterpart, after repeated exposure to the p candidate running for the Therefore any exposure should be avoiae ***** presidency decided there isn't "a dime's worth in at least some states seems of difference" between the two Eating the leaves is potentially v strong. The political consequences of such dangerous; having it on your arms a a move are vote in '72 be a Democratic obvious. A Peoples Party would, in any other year, major parties. The Peoples Party may or be a significant factor in the may not coming Returning to in loco parentis sounds preferable to having it on you mouth and gums. You should see a physician for se ' Party vote. In states election. Chances are that if the To the Editor: reasons. First of all, poison ivy at t where the margin between the point out the need for "intensive, within the University, I find It hard to of the year would be most Democrats come up with someone I should like to point out a discrepancy coordinated and carefully "nusUf : Republican and Democratic in your editorial consistently utilized" believe that you are trying to revive It. For may have another type of da-mB : like Sen. George McGovern or Sen. policy. In the "Special support services "to offset the student's candidates would be slim, the Admission " editorial on Nov. that is exactly what proposition(2) would course it is possible that you d Ted Kennedy, the party will dissolve. 22, poor educational training." You go on to do: revive in loco parentis. poison ivy, the oil can remain on you Peoples Party could be the deciding But if Democratic Party mossbacks say ". . . support services myst be made As a matter of fact, in the Nov. for an awfully long time and reei p mandatory. A student who feels inferior In 23, factor. In short, a significant editorial,"Students had no say in ice areana can occur. Mild cases require relativ Peoples force another Hubert Party turnout could destroy any down the nation's throat, the Hunphrey A chance a classroom will not for the most help voluntarily . part seek erection," revival of the your roundly condemn "a little treatment. Plain calamine loU recommended over Caladryl chances the Democrats might have of supposedly defunct loco j, Peoples Party will no doubt be reclaiming the White Jbuse in '72. galvanized into action. To the Editor: I interpreted this portion of your parentis doctrine." calamine lotion with an antihisUJ The philosophical ramifications of The treatment of Gary Ganakas by the editorial to mean that the University The writers of the two editorials be the same individuals. may not added. The latter can its own allergic reaction. Calamin occasionallyj>ro the establishment of the Any effort on the part of the fans at the varsity- freshman basketball should (1) set up intensive counseling and However, I assume Peoples Peoples Party to run a candidate for advising programs for "special admission" that editorial policy should show some should be applied cnce the Party reach much further. The very game was inexcusable. Booing and heckling consistency. Can appearance of the rash decreases President have nothing more students and (2) make the use of these you, in all fairness, _ can by the fans started before the game began existence of third and fourth parties than a masturbative consequence. and continued throught the contest. services mandatory for admissions" students. I cannot "special prescribe in loco parentis for some students and not for others? that, the application of a recommended, but a doctor s p <»rt,,s°n®'friptio)|C points to serious inadequacies within But the Democrats themselves can ill Regardless of his basketball ability, he disagree is necessary for this. Penicillin ha the two deserves better. with proposition(l). But when students Yours for consistency! major political parties. afford to ignore the threat of a have fought such long hard battles hi the treatment of poison ivy Alwynelle S. Ahl "T7 hL has ocVu The jury has voted against Theoretically, the Republican and fourth party cancelling them out of on the team Gary guilty of being the in loco parentis attitudes and functions of Natural Science secondary infection h,, occurredred- Democratic parties are big enough to by nepotism before the game item the 1972 election. In essence, each began and Ganakas will never receive a fair this i encompass all points of view on the trial in an East party's stance eliminates any chance Lansing court. In the past good American political horizon. it may have of accomplishing its few years many have been hit by the wrath THAT'S WHAT HAPPEN*] The major parties at this moment basic end-the defeat of President of Spartan fans (Duffy Daugherty and Bill i(0U HAVE NO ANKIE-TIES... seem to be disintegrating. Southern Triplett to name a few.) But never has one Nixon in '72. The Peoples Party and done so little to deserve it as Democrats unprepared to meet their the Democratic Party must find Gary Ganakas. Spartan fans be fair, give party's demands for an end to racial Gary a discrimination in local party affairs some other means now to accommodate each and present a united front chance. Robert Weisman .11 OFF-QA have gathered in the Wallace Detroit senior camp. in the coming election. Nov. 23,1971 3 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, December 1, 1971 Pressures linked with suicide who most often succeed, Rosen much, Rosen said. home teiling everyone what an particularly high pressure student must pass through said. The drug culture has, in some excellent student their son or university," he said. "At such By LARRY LIMBERG before he or she reaches college, The reasons are not clear-cut aspects, served as an escape to daughter is, he said. The universities as Harvard, Yale or Rosen said. but seem to lie somewhere in the many of these people because it individual is then expected to even Michigan the academic Low self-esteem, a void future As the individual moves social structure of the society, has given them a place to excel scholastically. The better stress is considerably greater. It and severe academic stress are Rosen said. The male is not only associate with individuals who he does, the more his parents follows that at such institutions through grade school and then among the major causes of share their attitudes, opinions high school, most mental put under the strain of having to boast, the circle inflates and the suicide rates are much student suicides in the university imbalances are discovered or the cope with a world that moves at and beliefs, Rosen said. soon the person begins to look higher." community, Dr. Lionel W. an unbelievably rapid pace but In many of these extreme for a means of individual drops out of society escape — an Rosen, asst. professor of he is also It has long been though that altogether, thus never attending expected to be pressure situations the student honorable way out of an psychiatry, said recently. successful in such competition. suicide occurs more often per college, Rosen explained. Women attempt suicide more faces, the major cause is good impending dilemma. For some the pressure is just too old mom and dad who sit at MSU is not considered a capita on the university level often than men but few of these This filtration process also than it does in society in general, attempts are actually made with Rosen said. This is trye of higher accounts for the infrequency of the intent of suicide at the graduate student taking their own pressure universities but studies life, Rosen said. They could better interpreted as please for help, he added. Suicides accounted for two Evening College have shown that suicide occurs less frequently in university communities as a whole than in level. Here the individual is subject to the greatest academic strain, but yet, again through the society, he said. process of elimination, the deaths at MSU last year. The immediate cause of a suicide attempt could be set for final This is explained best by a process of filtration that the weaker personality haj been removed, he said. anything from an argument with a lcved one to a feeling of Students and their spouses they are offered winter term are: of Young Children in Groups, * insecurity andunfulfillment. The may register for winter term Mondays: Basic Folk Guitar, The Literature of Imagination, reasons are innumerable, Rosen courses in MSU's Evening A Practical College during final exams next Defense, Rapid Reading, Course in Self Northern Ireland: Civil or SPARTAN BICYCLE A model's model said, but it is important that Religious war?, Planning Your these pleas for help are answered. week at the registration desk in Suicide, Recorded Blues: Robert the main lobby of Kellogg Johnson to Chuck Berry and Trip to Europe and Women: Potentials and Perspectives II. STORAGE Center. Wilderness Survival. A Field Natural Science course I Former Miss America, Pamela Eldred, strikes a pose at the "Ignoring the situation could * Insured Indoor Heated Storage Tuesdays: The Arab-Israeli will be held on Saturdays and I Dodge Polara Exhibit during the 1972 Detroit Auto Show, very serious easily lead to dilemma a much within more A special reduced fee is Conflict, Mandate for Survival, Ballet for Adults on Sundays. lie show which ran through Sunday, featured all makes the available in many of the courses U.S. Foreign Policy in the For Winter Term Courses on Physical Fitness for id models of foreign and domestic automobiles. individual," he continued. for full-time students and their Though women attempt 1970s, Yoga Exercises, Women will be held on State News photo by Tom Dolan spouses. Students needing course suicide brochures or more information Macrame, and Youth: Divergent Mondays, Tuesdays and phone 337-1239 from 8 - 10 a.m. and 1 - 10 p.m. more often, it is men can contact the Evening College Perspectives. Thursdays. * office. Wednesdays: The Children of Tomorrow, Cybernetics: The Most classes begin the week of Mind/Machine Controversy, Jan. 10 and meet two hours a Etching, Practical Philosophy, night, one night a week for six and You in the Universe. Capitay Capsules 11 i .i * 11\ m to eight weeks. * Thursdays: China Faces the Some of the courses and nights World, Guidance and Discipline |0V. MILLIKEN Tuesday signed into a law a Personnel Advisory Council designed to improve 1 permitting companies to charge a maximum the quality of public personnel administration. K per cent per month interest on loans up to The Michigan Civil Service Commission was |00, compared with a present ceiling of $300, mum designated in July by the governor to administer n retaining the present 1.25 per cent ceiling on the program and supervise allotment of $432,000 ©over $400. in a federal grant to Michigan this year. The the bill also increases application and license council, which includes local government (s for small loan companies, requires a representation, will act ir. an advisory role to the Knpany to have at least $50,000 in liquid commission. Half the money is earmarked for lets, compared with the present $10,000 or finetimes local units of government. DEC. 10-13 liply with less, and requires companies to the Truth in Lending Act regarding nrtisingand disclosure provisions. The act authorizes grants for training, interchange or temporary assignment of $139 employes between federal, state and local INCLUDED IN TOUR: government service, cooperative recruitment and the MICHIGAN STATE EMPLOYES ASSN., examining programs of Government Service * Round Trip Party Jet from Detroit Metro Airport Presenting 19,000 Michigan state employes, Fellowships designed to broaden the educational * * Reserved seats and luncheon served enroute ■esday urged the Michigan Civil Service Morning departure from Detroit backgrounds of public servants. * Transfers to and from lmmission, at its public pay hearing in Lansing, * * * airport and your hotel * 4 Days and 3 Nights in Nassau ■petition the Federal Pay Board and Cost - of - A CONTINUING EDUCATION * Deluxe accommodations at the Beautiful EMERALD lring Council to exempt state employes from CONFERENCE for registered nurses, licensed BEACH PLANTATION RESORT HOTEL ■ federal wage controls. lki practical nurses and nursing, .students on * :i Preregistration of all rooms - double occupancy ■ederal employes have already received such an "Changing Patterns of Care for Children and Jemption. Youth," will be presented by Michigan Nurses lohn R. Doyle, MSEA executive secretary, said Assn. at 9:30 a.m. Dec. 2 at 120 Spartan Ave., Je public employment sector has been the East Lansing. * * * ■tim of inflation, not its cause. MICHIGAN PARENTS of children from age 5 fWe fully realize the need to curb inflation and me full awareness of the financial plight of the through age 16 have saved an estimated total of lite, however, public employes still deserve a at least 15 million in dental bills if their children ■cent level ofcompetitivenesswith the employes have been drinking fluoridated water since birth, ■the private sector arena," Doyle said. the Michigan Dept. of Public Health has determined. : tftaa _ iMILLIKEN announced Tuesday the The estimate, based on the costs of filling pablishment of an 11-man Intergovernmental cavities, breaks down to an average savings of about $46 or just over six cavities per child. LIMITED: CALL IMMEDIATELY long hits bank, Marc Ambrose — 355 Linda Schwartz - 33 - 9408 - 4282 lei'zes $ 16,000 TOP CASH FOR We also have tickets to the LIONS - VIKINGS Game - and [new armed ■ng york (AP) - A hooded with automatic trips to LAS VEGAS and LONDON for more information see our Classified Recreation ad today. leapons and shotgun stormed USED BOOKS a Jwchine Harlem bank Tuesday, - gunned a police ■rgeant and escaped with 116,000, police said. PAID AT STATiaM».I- BR&1TDS AT 3DISCOXT1TT PEICES jAt least eight bystanders were » hurt, some by gunfire. They """ in good condition. FOR THE MOST COMPLETE R IE! COOPER FIX YOUR J Campus, COLLECTION OF THE VERY - TIMEX WATCHES AND AM. BRANDS } 3 Book^gK^ LATEST HIT RECORDS & (ELECTRIC SHAVERS inO/ IU STUDENT /O DISCOUNT \ J Stofe^BS^ TAPES J 507 E. Grand River COOPER S FIXERY 1 MERIDIAN MALL 3 Across from Berkey EAST LANSING * 349-1994 ************* J Free store ■ side parking new designs and patterns! DO YOURSELF A "FINAL" FAVOR dress shirts BEFORE EXAMS! JOHN LENNON "IMAGINE" 5.99and I II »14" or 16" 'tem or more) with this coupon. Offer pizza (one RECORD REG. 4.62 $099 6.99 Beat Bood until Dec. 3. Men's dress shirts take color, on new new patterns, za great new designer details . and Knapp's has them at these special low prices. Gift Dad, brother, ON TAPE REG. 5.94 NOW $3.99 husband, son ... without duplication. Choose from fancy woven dobbies, stripes, prints in all the dramatic ON CAMPUS DELIVERY I "f-CAMPUS AND CIRCLE DRIVE new colors. All perma-press. Sizes 14 Vz to 17. Store for Men, Downtown and Meridian Mall. 337-1631 337-1681 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Decer Iranian marines seize Wharton tells pi on islands in Persian Gulf TEHRAN, Iran (AP) Iranian marine force took over three tiny islands at the mouth An Britain to help external attack. him against The island of Lesser Tumbs is been informed of the occupation, and opened fire, for filling vacancy i of the Persian Gulf on Tuesday, uninhabited, but a small police The strangely named island familiar with the - " responsibilities of the Seven persons were killed in a garrison was patrolling one drawn from the9 n 'tpodtio Greater specks on the map - are .n°nacademic brief clash with a police garrison Tumbs at the time of the strategically important. They ranks, and the third"chosen'T^ admin^ on on« of them, Greater invasion. About 200 persons live President Wharton announced Tuesday nonadministrative can command the entrance of membership of thP fL n Tumbs. there. afternoon that the special rating committee on Wharton will submit The action sent British the gulf in the 60-mile-wide evaluation committee a list of candiS Embassy officials into a huddle An Iranian report said the Greater Tumbs police had not Strait of Hormuz where half of the world's oil supply passes, the vice president for student affairs will consist of nine members, four of whom will be students. recommendations made to him after 7?^ with Iranian leaders, because by th Wharton's announcement of the formal executive vice president, and the Greater Tumbs and its sister other iv* procedures to be used to select the new vice vice presidents. The president island, Lesser Tumbs, are British protectorates. The third island, Abu Musa, was occupied under Study ties president for student affairs came almost six months after the June resignation of Milton B. Dickerson. submit the entire list the other recommended officers at the time evaluation committee to rate the may or m he to? J? an agreement with its ruler, the candidal " Sheik of Sharjah. to infection In a statement to the Academic Council, Wharton outlined how the nine-man evaluation the While noting that he would ratings, Wharton said that he not behnL, JS?1 Iranian authorities said their committee will be composed but did not offer island landings took place with NEW YORK (AP)—A high infection rate has been associated any target date for the committee to make a "ignore the implications of a negative the committee, should one raJLi formal British agreement. with a widely used new method of feeding some occur" Hp very ill hospital recommendation to him. the committee to label But in London, the Foreign patients a total diet by injection, according to a study at the each emu Three members of the committee will be "acceptable" or "unacceptable." Office blacked out all official " University of Minnesota. elected by the Academic Council, with the two "The ratings are important in that comment on the incident. The new technique enables doctors to feed a diet of sufficient tl faculty members and one student to be chosen the president, in exercising his responsibility!-- Privately, British informants calories through a vein. from a list comprised of four faculty members know in what measure his insisted Iran acted on its own. Infections have been reported with the routine intravenous preferences are sh,', and two students to be nominated by the by the academic There was conflict, too, over feeding, but the new report has found a much higher rate of Committee on Committees. Wharton noted that to attach due community and in^! the reaction of Sheik Saqr of infection than would be expected and one that is more difficult such persons may or may not be members of the measure in making a nomination to the weight to this infonj nearby Ras al Khima, who has to treat. Academic Council. board fort nP controlled the Tumbs islands The report appointment," Wharton said. by Dr. Curry and Dr. Paul G. Quie appears in the One member of the Steering Committee of the Wharton indicated earlier this and whose territory Britain is current issue of The New England Journal of Medicine. week that treaty-bound to defend. Drs. Curry and Quie said they studied 33 patients who had Dearly fits Faculty elected by the Academic council will would formally ask the involved groups bt serve on the committee. Two students, an Friday to initiate the selection 0f The sheik, according to reports fungal infections of the blood between January 1968 and August John Vincent Staus, of Tarentum, Pa., shot a black bear undergraduate and a graduate, will be selected membership of the committee. He said TW— from the area, was shocked and 1969. Of these patients, 22 or 67 per cent, received the during Pennsylvania's bear-hunting season and then had the for the rating committee by ASMSU and the that the entire evaluation will be angry. In a protest to London he treatment, called parenteral hyperalimentation. Council of Graduate Students confldenl was said to have sought to Of the 22 patients, 18 died and of these, Dr. problem of transporting it. He stowed it in the front trunk (COGS) with no names of candidates being disclosed Curry said, clinical of his compact car and headed home. respectively. Furthermore, Wharton said he will invoke the pact that binds evidence suggested the infection was a major cause of death in 13. recomme The three other members of the committee will AP Wirephoto an appointment to the trustees ' be appointed by the president, with one to be ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ appropriate time". WIN A PAIR OF K2 SKIS, MARKER BINDINGS, GARMONT BOOT & SASKA POLES Campus busing draws (Continued from page one) has not been able to break even "Any system that operates 7-500 pas** with only 10 or 15 on current facilities, "I think you would find many buses and two are highway coaches currently housed under the becomes much worse. envy parking privileges if the situation experiments with computet^ services, radios and mini-but for the last two or three years, complaints a term can't be all students objecting to paying so Spartan Stadium. In some areas, shopping Neils said they were (Inane NO PURCHASE NECESSARY!!! He cited higher wages and costs bad>" Neils says proudly. But much and not getting the use of "We give good service here," centers have agreed to let through federal programs whl AND ENJOY A VARSITY PIZZA TOO!! ^ as well as a diminishing student" each year the systemis subjected the system," he said. Pointing Neils said defensively. "U-M students park there to be bused are the first of their kind. * * ■■■■■■■■■ COUPON ■■■■■■■■■■■■ population on cammjs as reasons clamoring from critics who out that nearly one-fourth of doesn't provide half the service into campus," Neils said. "But dismissed suggestions for J * for the system's dilemma. call for a free transportation on-campus students use buses we do." we have enough of our own land 75c OFF on a Med 12" or monorail system as not b«l $1.00 OFF KING 16" 1 ■ * Operating at an annual cost of system for 811 students, similar, now, Neils estimated as many as Four main routes currently here without using other parking flexible enough to meet I on a or more ■ * "nearly half a million dollars, the they ^ to that offered at the one-half to three-fourths would service campus buildings, space." He said did not feel more needs of an VARSITY PIZZA ■ expand! X* system receives nearly all of its University of Michigan. probably use those facilities if including one along the parking ramps would be built on university, I Thru 2 AM Dec. 2nd— Free Dorm Delivery & Pickup Only 5 M»revenues from primarily student tuNe"» such suggestions as they were free. extremities of campus, shortruns campus and warned that When the University began VARSITY SKI GIVE-AWAY!! S □ patrons who pay $15 per term threats to current qua,ity bus Neils said the system would through, and routes to the curtailment of sor^e staff bus system in 1964, offid ■ X *($20 in the winter) for bus 8ervice and suspects a not be able to cope with the Brody and Fee residence hall parking privileges might have to " inquired what city bus II passes An average of 7 500 to changeover would bring strong daily campus population of complexes. He pointed out there be considered if the traffic would charge to service ■ *9»,ouu w. 500 people peopiei ouy na«lbry year to Though otbec univerities, "We're close enough to t detemtfiw trends and needs notably Kent State, are Lansing bus system right Simply give coupon-entry blank to the Varsity Delivery*" FLORAL within the University. He currently conducting says Nells, 'f your Pizza, OF EAST LANSING pointed out that routes may or bring It In yourself I change with the needs of the riders. DELIVERY Seafarer, Viceroy, "Our main purpose is to get cars off campus," Neils said. To YOUR that end, he said, the bus system and Kazoo pants is doing the best it can with VARSITY what it has to work with. He suggested, however, that reduced 20% traffic problems could be 1227 E. Grand River alleviated by more rigorous Wednesday FORUM: ' The yL enforcement of University 10:30 a.m. AM RADIO Revolution" Dr. Albert I 332-6517 THE OUTLOOK traffic ordinances and building SMITHSONIAN: "Sing for Your Institute for Advanced Sti >4- \ of peripheral campus routes and Vote8" campaign songs from Rational Psychotherapy, 217 Ann St. Next to Mini-Mart parking areas from which people 1800 to 1968, with Herbert Thursday could be bused to the center of Collins, curator of political jD„ AM NATIONALP history. rriTH « tt It 11 a.m. FM MUSIC FROM . mttqip THEATE INTERLOCHEN: A concert by J Pf" FM MUSIC ™EAU the 1971 National Music Camp harato8a HAVE YOU GIVEN Symphonic Band. MUCH THOUGHT TO 7:30 p.m. FM RAD| AM BOOKBEAT: WHAT YOU'LL SMITHSONIAN: Part H J Robert Cromie interviews BE DOING "American Music Machines. Shirley Ann Grau, author of TOMORROW? "The Condor Passes" THERE ]S A DEADLINE FOR THE RETURN 8 p.m. FM MUSIC 1 OF YOUR YEARBOOK PHOTOS DON'T FORGET EAST LANSING Finding a job ROCHESTER: Montiverdi; J that gives you Maria Stella; Teleman; Sonata 317 K. Grand Hivrr satisfaction isn' C-Major; Bach: Prelude I YOUR WOLVERINE PROOFS - THE FINAL easy today. Not ir AM COOPER UNION Fugue in E Minor. Soloists d 'The Long John Snow a world as con¬ Eastman Collegium Musictfl Bruce Bellingham conductor. I DEADLINE IS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1971. fusing and com- Boot" But the Paul- ROOM 36 A UNION BLDG. M-F 9-12 and 1-5. ist finds a fre¬ 9 p.m. FM JAZZ with F quent joy in his NEJAC TV RENTALS Thornton. own way of life and values that are 337-1300 CLxaAsk lasting. Christmas Flea Market As a Paulist he may counsel a run¬ away youth, listen to Man's the problems of senior ganize citizen, a Home or¬ a greatest Actually, there will be no fleas at the Mass or a conduct forum on nar¬ invention Flea Market. What you will find hand¬ was the are cotics. Because Paulists have al¬ made ways been pioneers in communi¬ candles, needlecraft, leathercraft, cations, he may communicate sculpture, and other original handiworks through the printed word or through mass media such as wheel... by students and faculty. radio, films or television. You'll find the Flea Market Whatever tool he chooses, the a great place to do Dark brown suede Paulist gets his "message" your Christmas shopping, through. so don't miss it. Sizes 7 thru l 2 Can you think of any other life that will provide more inner For more information stop by the Wool satisfaction for you? Union Board offices on the second floor Shearling lined For more information about of the the Paulist priesthood write to: Union, or call 355-3355. Registration Crepe sole Rev. Donald C. Campbell, fee is S3.00, and if you can make a flea, C.S.P., Vocation Director, Room *30 No. 200. maybe we can make a deal. EAST LAlSSIISf; STORE OlSLY poulfcf fathers. a close second was Union Bldg 2nd floor \hepards the card. /H

_ , . - . Washington, D.C. n n They told a diabetes and an equal number .... they found suggested evidence 113(1 been under treatment for 1 infornuti . _ „ .. u .. » 4 diabetics—including those reporter their findings are are suspected of having of reduced longevity and an to 15 years by diet, the oral ard for ( ''ttoiT we have countless -onfidently and completely." " RYAN AND PURSELL: "It is treated with the controversial significant and constitute "the "hidden" undiagnosed cases. increased death-rate from drugs, or insulin. *k that 8«nces of duplication And indeed, Swallow has done 01016 difficult for special-interest oral drugs—may live significantly strongest challenge yet" to a The government-supported groups to corrupt two houses longei cardiovascular disease among "The average longevity of cision confusion and' tlis homework well. groups to corrupt two houses longer than nondiabetics of report 18 months ago by a group—called the University patients treated with the oral these patients was 10 percent oups befo Speaker of'th^House William. !,ha" ?"e" Unicameralism is Suou. tu. u than one. Unicameralism is a comparable ages. government-supported private Group Diabetes Program antidiabetes pills. greater than would have been 518 A- Ryan, D-Detroit, who ^byistsdream.'" ion of This was reported Monday to research group that casts >(UGDP)— reported early last example, of the SWALLOW: "To the contrary, In Monday's report, the anticipated by life insurance aid Tuesd the American Medical suspicion on the safety of the passed by the Senate in the -ommands the Democratic rank actual experience would indicate year that the oral drugs may do Georgetown team said they had tables. . . of non diabetics," the confident Association by a team of oral pills in treating diabetes. •closed. 9.7O session, 249 were of the legislature, and Sen. Carl more harm than good when used examined the records of 1,840 report states. ated by the House. And of D- Pursell, R-Plymouth, recently ies "tt 548 bills passed by the lower Prepared a series of arguments iraber 286 were turned down *g«'nst the one-house system the Senate." that S*all°w fended off with )ne reason for incomplete ratlonal and convincing aplomb. {Illation, Swallow said is RYAN AND PURSELL: jrmakers desire to satisfy "Bicameralism embodies the cial-interest groups by passing concept of.one house acting as a bill in one house with the cheCk and balance on the other, arranged understanding that p^e delay between passage of a mnutaH, rillbekil,!d . ^.er; , bi" 'n one house and eventual mini mini-bui bui 'Another familiar tactic is for passage in the other permits e financ ih house ^ Pass a bill with necessary deliberation by the ne major differences between jeCOnd house and indication of rams will r kind, two bodies, he said. The opinion » ons for r in this instance is referred to not bei conference committee where, SWALLOW: "Check and meet t ire often than not, it dies, balance in the historical sense Is permits the members of more appropriately applies to tpandi :h body to say, 'I voted for the checks and balances between e bill but it died in the separate branches of y began mmittee.'" government —legislative, I, offld bus lit n this way, Swallow said, sxecutive and judicial. In the rmakers avoid accountability legislative sense, it denotes two ervice t voters who elected them and houses, each predicated upon a leir prli ide" into re-election. separate base—such as the ten set 'But of course, all this English House of Lords vs. the erating otributes to is a very secure House of Commons, or the f city lin federal Congress with the Senate gh to based Upon state sovereignty or Ight now land area vs. the House based gislators set upon population. "That's what checks and balances mean in the legialative Ik on funding sense and to compare with this ..... j . the Michigan legislature is Michigan legislators will ridiculous. In state government, the views of legislators each j,ouse js based upon the funding of higher ition at a meeting of the lerican Assn. of University ofessors (AAUP) at 7:30 p.m. ednesday in 35 Union. Sen. Gilbert A. Bursley, R-Ann fbor and Rep. Richard A. oung, R-Dearbom Heights will guest speakers at the meeting, ursley is a member of the Mate Education Committee Young is a member of the use Appropriations ommittee. The meeting is open to all terested persons. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, DecemK„, | Lack of jobs spurs Lecture <*, on fake school racket Po No, this is not a scarecrow Herberto Castillo i , The high rate of unemployment lias spurred a racket of phony political and Civil Service correspondence schools. The schools claim to left over from harvest time. It is just a snowman in Mexico, education?* Wj|i 41 prepare their students to take the government Civil Service exam standing in Politics In Kexiro" for a cost ranging from $100 to $300. front of Wells Hall enjoying today In Wonders Kiv„ ^ 6" D. E. Wightman, civil service examiner in Lansing said recently his new coat of snow plus the that most of the courses are based on the sample questions the warm sunshine. Castillo, a nrnfi. J Me^o K* SN photo by engineering at the government sends out free to persons interested in taking the Craig Porter University exam. He also said that people who take a phony course usually coordinator 0f a » do worse on the exam than those who study only the government magazine, , samples. was jailed ff* than two years after the Wightman emphasized that there are no civil service schools student riots in r connected with the U.S. Civil Service Commission or any other His speech win Mexico qJ agency of the government, including the Post Office. be * &£UU. An.**0" Police list cautions against holiday theft By RAY ANDERSON police protection for their property during their absence, someone to watch their and CAROL THOMAS private property, off-campus tiny locks on the large glass television, typewriter or tape could be almost entirely avoided local police and apartment apartment or live in it while maintenance dwellers should either take their doors provide a quiet, deck. If the property is if students would properly provide the management cleaning „ State News Staff Writers managers agree. they're away," Tucker said. unobtrusive way for a thief to recovered the owner can be secure their apartment before wit " Whilestudents living on campus valuables* home or rely on Off-campus apartment Tucker said that students enter an apartment, many thefts located with little difficulty. opportunity to COnZ can count on locked halls and someone else to guard their dwellers have a serious theft living in larger apartment houses departing for home. operation. Even are conducted through these Thieves often go from door to So t problem during vacations where their unit may be far from Securing the apartment means working LAST DAY because apartments are the manager's should get convenient doors, he said. door asking for a ficticious notifying the landlord of your door must enter after by'a si- At Studnets can foil a patio ringing a bell @1 ... person so that they can find out extended absence, making sure further insure the 1:30-3:30 -5:25-7:25-9:25 expecially attractive to would-be together and arrange for people burglar's attempts by purchasing security oft what apartment or groups of all keys are accounted for, and DEAN MARTIN thieves, according to Detective who will be there over vacation a length of wood or metal rod to dormitory rooms. Sgt. Dean Tucker from the East to watch the other apartments. apartments are vacant, Thicker properly identifying all valuable Loss from theft h«s "SOMETHING BIG" place in the bottom track on the said. items that could be carried „oi -- Lansing Police Dept. Patio doors are often an easy excessive during the THURSDAY ... At 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:25 - 7:25 - 9:25 "We door, Laskowsky said, which "If sombody comes to your away. break in hop would advise students way to get into an unoccupied who makes it impossible to open the door and asks for somebody Gary North, co-ordinator of preceding ye fBiU Cosby comes to the big screen will be gone over the apartment, according to Officer door from the outside without who doesn't live there, report residence halls, said that compared to the losses by in holiday to either take their Lanny Laskowsky from the East while students are a starkly dramatic role! breaking the glass. him or her to us," Tucker said, maximum precautions are taken in valuables home or arrange for Lansing Police Dept. Since the residence halls. The East Lansing police and "it's better to check out an to make sure halls stay locked Though t the MSU Christmas break is an police started a innocent person than miss a during the three-and-a-half week 'Bill Cosby program of thief." break, but that the University invitation for thieves, said, the combined No' And 'Boy cMan | DRESSES $ identification-number Nathan Hammond, who registration for valuable articles manages nearly 500 student early last summer, but the rented apartments in East does not assume for stolen merchandise. Only Ftee and Owen responsibility Halls, locks on individual houses, and halls, the pre»n of employes security during the day, roc- | program has been relatively Lansing is concerned about which are used by students who an alarm system that shows'by ^ Colo REDUCED UP ignored by the students living students' lack of concern for both on and off-campus, East their valuables. His tenants are remain during the break, remain open. The other hails, he said, small light in the managers o" any room being illegally en | Lansing police say. given a handout on apartment are only open during the regular I make it more difficult to k~ One manager of 700 TO 40 % security when they sign their working day to allow from a room. apartment units reports that lease. He even includes only two of his apartments have information about theft |^ registered their stereos and other RHARHARHARHARHARH/1 | THE OUTLOOK valuables with the police. In the identification program, insurance, which he claims cost approximately $30 apartment, a per year per small amount when "MASH' |217 Ann St. Next to Mini-Mart students may borrow a small engraving tool from the police, divided among perhpas four people and protecting thousands IS THE BEST then engrave their driver's license number on a stereo, of dollars worth of private property. AMERICAN WAR Beal Film Group presents another fabulous double feature at 8:30 only Holiday-break thefts in dormitories and apartments are AN OVERCOAT, WITH a of glasses in the pair the coat reported to police th COMEDY ^Tf ^IJEAN COCTEAU'S not an extremely severe pocket, was stolen from the Akers cafeteria he had left it on the coat outside of the cafeteria ai._ Bcautu LASSIC FANTASY problem, maintains between 6 and 6:30 p.m. was missing when he returir SINCE ' jl Hammond, breaking and entries Monday evening. The owner of SOUND / A WALLET currency was stolen from WITH I CAME IN!" r and ' student working in Giltner Monday, police said. The wal was was left in an unlocked desk a found to be missing at t jously end of the day. fascinating film . . . Priceless, gorgeou* exquisite," N.Y. TIMES Beast THREE BICYCLES WITH total estimated value of $1< were reported stolen to M~ police. Bicycle permit nuirf" F3870 from North Hubba Hall, F8580 from West Sha INGMAR BERGMAN'S and F1242 from East Ho NEW YORK POST Hall, were missing. "Touched with Genius!" psychological implications. Mr. Bergm TIME MAGAZINE is trying to tell us something each FOUR MORE VENDIi Individual viewer must fathom and "It demands maturity machines were vandaliz MASH An Ingo Preminger Production ver for himself." NEW VORK TIMES and sophistication" HERALD TRIBUNE at 7:00 and 10:00 Monday with estimated at $28.40. ! a total dair DONALD SUTHERLAND-ELLIOTT GOULD TOM SKERRITT drink machine in the I Co Starring SALLY KEUERMAN • R08ERT DUVALL » ANN PfLUG Research Bldg., a ■ - RENE AUBERIONOtS Produced 'The Swedes again prove by INGO PREMINGER Directed by ROBERT AITMAN Screenplay by RING LARDNER. Jr Sh that when it comes to sex they are machine in North Case Hall,: milk machines in Landon ai from a novel by RICHARD HOOKER Music by JOHNNY MANOEl SVENSKA INSTITUT Berkey Halls were vandalised. Color by OE LUXE® PANAVISlON® more graphic —' more explicit OF SEXUAL RESPONSE more exciting Tonight in Brody Southwest presents TODAY OPEN at 7:00 P.M. ...and at least 2 years Dining Hall 7, 9:15 ahead of all others Shows 7:10 9:10 Feature 7:25 • 9:30 - -aoxomc € USUAL and UNUSUAL SAT. & SUN. - OPEN at 1:00 P.M. Shows 1:10 3:10 - 5:15 - 7:15 • 9:20 - Ffeature 1:25 • 3:30 5:30 - 7:35 9:40 - SEXUAL PRACTICES in SWEDEN MAKES MOST 2nd WEEK! "A RAMBUNCTIOUS TRIUMPH! MARRIAGE MANUAL THE KJELSGAARD-OLSEN REPORT OR EXPOSE FILMS THE'70s FIRST GREAT EPIC! SEEM LIKE SOME- IN LIVING COLOR 'Little Big Mao' is the THING FROM new westers to begin all westerns!" DISNEYLAND! FOR ADULTS OVER is "DRSTIH HOFFMAN IS A MARVEL! Life at mrj moment and foil of dazzling surprises!" SHOWN TWICE AT 7:22 AND 10:22 "Get a good grip now thru tue. on your popcorn!" 7 big days — Wall Street Journal exclusive St'AN first run BURY adults only Portray two teenagers who fall in Love and special guard Attempt to Survive in will supervise an Idyllic World of their DtJSTIN HOFFMAN "UTFIE BIO MAN" admissions. Own Creation. id s will de Panavision Technicolor*(Gpj ® Tonight in 108 B Wells required! no one under PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS A FILM BY LEWIS GILBERT Russ Meyer's "friends" 7:15,9:35 18 admitted! f Students, faculty, and staff only Finders Keepers no children no infants i Dweltd by ScfMnptay by IQyvers Weepers (W|l Storv by LBMSGIBERT JACK RUSSEll-A/ERNON HARRIS LEWIS GIBER! I.D.'s required $1.00 admission an EVE PRODUCTION .n EASTIHNCOLOBl ELTON JOHN„ BERNIE TAUPIN kvaiiabie]I l^ARHARHARHARHARHA Ann CHAPMAN SHOWN TWICE 9:00 PM AND 11:30 • Paul LOCKWOOD Eatt Lansing On M-43 BOTH HITS SHOWN TWICE 349-2250 GEOFFREY HELMAN TECHNICOLOR* A PARAMOUNT PICTURE , tcords Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, December 1, 1971 LUDICROUS AT BEST 'Friends:' 101 soggy minutes "Friends" is a nauseating movie about two young lovers in evening and then takes it off and the dialog. its shear naivete and devotion. when she gets home. What is really too bad is that The idea of two kids running a candy store relationship trying For two young lovers who are to create their own world. As Gilbert may have had a fairly away from a cold world is all too two human beings supposedly communicating with good story if he had exercised believable, but it should be interacting each other, the actors had a hard some control over his actors. treated in an intelligent manner. I they are anything but human. time even talking. Each line was a The first innocent love, as Gilbert seems to have sold out | On the screen they project a love cliche that could have been Shakespeare's "Romeo and by trying to second guess the soggy sentimental relationship taken from any afternoon soap Juliet" shows is truly the most public, while he really f that seems, at best, ludicrous, j Like the movie "Love Story," opera. If two people really powerful of all loves because of underguessed them quite a bit. talked this way all the time, one this film begins with a poor, would have to leave the room, little rich boy whose father can't for they would inevitably get I seem to transmit any warmth or sick to their stomach. 'J love. The 15-year-old boy spends The director placed the film in H streets his time driving around of Paris alone. the a pastoral setting in Southern The film is drawing an obvious France. It is obvious that he One afternoon, he accidentally parallel to Shakespeare's expected to carry certain parts , meets a 14-year-old girl at the "Romeo and Juliet." Where of the movie by the pure impact zoo. Her father has just died and "Romeo and Juliet" is a delicate of the scenery alone. But when 'bri ends' she has moved in with her portrayal of a love so pure that coupled with poor dialog, CLINT EASTWOOD relatives who really don't want I-Friends." a film about two young lovers, is currently showing at the State Theater only death can draw it together, embarrassing acting, and The her. Dejectedly, the two lost "Friends" is a bumbling ■paramount release was produced and awkward movements, it seemed ■John. directed by Lewis Gilbert, with musical score by Elton souls find each other and to develop a begin relationship of misrepresentation of innocence. young all the more ridiculous. "PLAY MISTY FOR ME" Elton John created the musical innocent love. Lewis Gilbert, who also score. That too, like the scenery, ...an Invitation directed "Alfie," seems to have was out of place. When he broke had a hard time getting his into a song everything suddenly Jassical music's appeal young actors to loosen up before the camera. Throughout the film they screen move awkwardly across the and deliver their lines picked immediately but - up and became more interesting, extremely out of place with the rest of the film. JESSICA WALTER donna MILLS JOHN LARCH story by jo helms • • screenplay by jo heims and dean riesner directed by clint eastwood stiffly. Certain fog filters were used at produced by robert daley • a jennings lang presentation irowing "Friends" shows a definate a malpaso company production • a universal-malpaso company picture MSU campus times to produce a dreamy on restricted to older people. Blue lack of professionalism in both acting and directing. Both young actors Neither had the same fault. could present their effect. This did nothing more than make it seem as if the camera was out of focus. It also technicolor' [r] SHOWN 2ND AT 9:30 Budapest Symphony Orchestra, To appreciate classical music one showed the lack of subtle PLUS By NAT ABBATE jeans and beards mingled with the Beaumont String Quartet does not require a person to dialog with any sincerity. control that the director, Lewis I State News Staff Writer suits and ties, all sharing a and the Saar Chamber Orchestra, become a snob, he said, and They tried hard, too hard, to be Gilbert, had. makes HAL common interest in the pianist The rise in the popularity of sincere, sincere' but Dul it ?ut comical came out 11 came As far 1 inyone who ou s a wj,0 has been favorably added that the onlv reauirement comicai as photography was the WALLIS classical music on campus has is a"d made the aU(*ience laut»h concerned, there were some PRODUCTION Kssical music has wl e- compared to Vladimir Horowitz, increased gradually,, awu.uuig an open mind. . a.,Hipnfp rV according to ™ if n Monday monaay night's is wiJ£ embarrassment. pretty pictures and some nice nigni s concert is RED SKY AT MORNING on camniK r»—: — * . > . * • .■ The 101 minutes ot joy the ... ... ^ ur 1 n g intermission, Ken Beachler, director of the color, but that was all. Like the . ■ ,m have been at the any indication, classical music is kids tried Ij> m n/itiv nidh» people were enthusiastic about MSU Lecture - Concert Series. a growing force on campus. to portray reminded * • rest of the film, the photography Tt0r,Um Mf c ,» . , the concert' and some offered Part of the reason for this Beside offering a change of pace ™ of thf woman at,th* seemed as corny and forced as hatnJra" BuiearS pianist, senberg. Bulgarian otnist classical t,he'r °P'nions on the music has been received increased popularity could be from rock music, these concerts who paints on a smile for the the mixture of rock and classical do have some advantages over the scenery, the musical score, Jformed a number of C.iopm s on this campus music recently, he said. Students their freakier counterparts, Jrb in a concert. "Comparatively speaking, the hear groups like the Beatles For example, would you ■eissenberg, dressed in coat here is I program «•-> excellent," cAt-ciici..,, a using using symphony symyiiuiiy orchestras urciiesirab in in believe that tney Believe tnat they didn't nave have to tails, seemed to nypnotize postal worker from Lansing the background and classical stop the Weissenberg concert alienee into silence as he commented. music becomes less strange to once to remind people not to |ternately caressed and The number of college them, he said. smoke or sit in the aisles? Inhandled the keys of the students who an nterested Another possible reason, ■einway grand piano. The in classical music not oes according to Beachler, is the rise d bitter bravedJheweUnow [op' e.wh0 cold sat entranced surprise him< ho said. "In of a new romantic spirit. fact, I'd be disappointed if Symphony orchestras play ■roughout the performance, there \ ■ fewer young people RICHARD THOMAS • CATHERINE BURNS RICHARD CRENNA • CLAIRE BLOOM sensuous music which is easy to ■ arcely moving u ntil DESI ARNAZ.JR. here," he said. pick up on," he said. JOHN COLICOS • HARRY GUARDINO ■issenbt rg ended his renditions Qne elderly woman said she not to say the r FIRST AT 7:15 ■various Chopin pieces. came to the concert because she however." phs audience was ,not i^kes $ranovand Chopin and , because she had a ticket. \ntigone richard elke suu/a nigel | \uditorium play in usic that tonight," she added. so Among the performers who have appeared before receptive many a people night like "The music itself is its best spokesman," he added. "Getting students into a concert only problem, because once they're in, the music takes is the jOHnson sommER koscira greer suzafma leigh TECHNICOLOR* TECHNISCOPE* audiences this term are the over." sugcistco mature audiences Ia student theater group will a Universal Release %sent Jean Anouilh's version f Sophocles' u "Antigone" at 1:15 tonight through Sunday in ; arena theater of the [uditorium. The play is the ■sonal, down - to - earth" lory of Antigone who defied P uncle by performing burial fchts for her brother, director ■ussell Howes, Standish ■aduate student, said. ■The cast of "Antigone" ^eludes Lane Lesnick, Lincoln fecial program undergraduate, The worlds richest man » Antigone; Richard Colopy, Nng junior, as Creon; Ann and the world's poorest boy Ne Spata, Lansing junior, as ■mene and Gordon Meyer, Barleton freshman, as Haymen. are getting it ready now... ■Admission will be $1. Ihodesia plans lame preserve ■ SALISBURY, Rhodesia (AP) T The government announced Ims to form what it called the orld's largest wildlife preserve y joining the Wankie and jcoria ding other Falls game parks and land for a total area l!' 1 .11 li's Open 12:45 Feature 1:15-3:15-5:20-7:25-9:30 JfetWHERE ARE YOU |\ MERCIAN ...WE LOOKED LAST DAY EVERYWHERE FOR Showplace YOU IN EASY RIDER! 106B Wells Hall Admission $ 1 Showtimes and everybody, 7, 8:45, 10:30 Beal Film Group everywhere, will be a little &ULY worse for it. off JACK urnMAKt "iullOUS YOU ANGRY..IVIN OR. IF YOU RE A WOMAN MAKt YOU BREAK Commonwealth United Presents a Grand Film Starring COLOR! cPeterSe^ers &j Next! ELLIOTT GOULD in "THE TOUCH" inual$ieGMagic 10 Michigan State News. East Lansing. Michigan SPORTS MSU cagers open RICK GOSSELIM season at Fans deny By MIKE ABERLICH As Missouri a sophomore. Brown proved that he could chance to State News Sports Writer carry a load, as he averaged 14.9 points while It's somehow fitting that the MSU basketball leading the Big Bight in free throws. The other two starters returning to the bent over backwards to team will be involved in Missouri's last Tiger Gary Ganakas is a big man. time he just earns the keep him ont d game at lineup are guards Greg Flaker and Mike Griffin. Brewer Fieldhouse. I don't care what the program lists his size as. right to p|av 1" Although neither are known for their scoring He's a big man. He's got to be to play basketball "During fall drills I buried him I n,„ Chester L. Brewer was the Spartan Athletic ability, both Flaker and Griffin are able leaders, ahead of him at the Director back in the early 1900 s when the relying on their experience while working the on this campus. guard slot competitor and won't accept that. R,?!?0" school was still known as Michigan Agricultural ball into the big forwards. If Ganakas played basketball on any other team or at any other school, he would be the works. He busts his He gut jn Dr«rtiS,ai| IS'' College. In 1910, Brewer left and ended up at the University of Missouri, where he became AD for The Spartan guards, on the other hand, are less most popular player on the squad. But Gary games. I just can't Ganakas concluded. klep the Tigers. experienced and much smaller. Mike Robinson plays his roundball at Michigan State in a very, measures in at 5-11 on his better days and Gary very touchy situation, and he'll never be able to Gary is the team's field general Brewer Fieldhouse has seen its h,» days, though, Ganakas is 5-5, and neither has had much court live it down. don't see that. They don't want to sJth, and with a brand new arena now that. Th gracing the time, with Robinson only a sophomore and To start out, Gary is a modest 5-foot-5, basketball crowd at MSU tan se Missouri campus. Brewer Fieldhouse will no Robinson is a whale of a Ganakas a junior. 135-pounds in stature. Compound that with the longer be the home of the Tigers following Bill Kilgore is an excellent scoring threat At the corners, Stewart will start 6-4 fact that he is playing his basketball in the tonight's MSU game. junior Mike Jeffries and 6-5 soph A1 Eberhard. Jeffries can t see that Ganakas rebounder Bum?1 The Tigers, coached by former Missouri all-American Norm Stewart, finished with an was used as a reserve last year while Eberhard toughest conference in the nation. But these two items are excusable. Gary's being MSU Head controls the flow if averaged 16.0 points on the frosh squad. Coach Gus Ganakas' son is not. impressive 17-9 mark last year while tieing for Although the Tigers are rated as a Big Eight second place in the Big People have the impression that because Gary Eight, winning nine of 14 contender, Oklahoma is considered the one to is Gus' son he doesn't have any talent. They just conference outings. watch in the conference, with Missouri, Kansas envision a little guy running around on the court ItH be the first time the two opponents have State and Kansas right behind. % * ——-a®*; ■ I fatt. met since 1949, when the Tigers rolled over the Spartans, 73-54. MSU won one of the Bill Kilgore, Brian Breslin and Pai Miller will make up the frontcourt for the Spartans, with big letters GANAKAS stamped all over him under the uniform of a losing basketball team. It's too bad people are as nearsighted as that. ■ three-game series played between the two although junior forward Allen Smith is expected Take the varsity-freshman clash of a week ago. schools, taking a 43-33 decision back in 1937. to see plenty of ection. For a student body that has prided itself on Stewart, who is in his fifth year as Missouri's Smith, a 6-7 junior college transfer from head coach, will have three of his five starters going first class in both academic and athletic Chicago, 111., popped in 13 points against the phases of collegiate life, the students sure took a returning from last year. Australian Nationals last week while in for ISrexlin f Graduation took only Henry Smith from the short time. According to Head Coach Gus only a whirl in the bush leagues that night. The treatment of Ganakas that night was pitiful. Tigers. Smith was an all-Conference center, but Ganakas, Smith will probably earn a berth on the There was no excuse for it. I don't really give a 5-8 Bob Allan, who was making the transition starting five should he continue to improve. hell if you like Ganakas or not. At least give the from forward to center for this year, injured a Reserves Tyrone Lewis and Ron Gutkowski Waa/ca knee and will miss the Tigers' first six guy a chance. He didn't get one in that frosh games. both have a shot at starting eventually, also. game. Allan, who averaged 10.8 points per game last Lewis averaged 23.8 points per game for the When the starting line-ups were introduced year, will be a heavy loss to the Tigers in the first frosh last year, but as yet hasn't been able to before the game, everyone was cheered. Some portion of the year. Without him, Stewart must complete his switch from forward to guard, players were given token claps and others were rely on 6-7 John Brown to carry most of the load which is where Ganakas hopes to on the boards. play him. given rousing ovations. At least everyone was Gutkowski has been a spot starter for two years. greeted warmly until Ganakas was announced. Then the crowd got vicious. Ganakas was booed off the court before the game could even begin. DON'T WASTE MONEY The kangaroo court that the crowd set-up for Volleyball Ganakas had found him guilty — with no evidence to back its stand. Textbooks held over the During the game Lindsay Hairston missed a winter break may titl e on line shot. And then Bill Kilgore would miss one. And (>ar\ (wan al, as lose The women's then Pat Miller would miss. And then Ganakas would miss one — and the crowd would Gary intramural boo. their value. SELL NOW all-University volleyball Garakas would steal the ball and the crowd Spartan offense. He lugs the ball upcourt for tlJ championship game will be would rustle. The little fella' would dribble team and can break a press better than anyi for TOP CASH at played 7 lower gym p.m. tonight in the around two men and the crowd would sit else on the squad. But people don't see that. of the Women's IM They can't see that Garakas, despite his size,! silently. And then Ganakas would be upended Building. The two competitors a superb defensive player. He can cope with for the championship are and the ball would bounce into the awaiting arms fast break better than anyone else on the tlf of a freshman forward — and the crowd would squat Shaw's-Ma—Hall and Campbell He can cope with pressure. He's Campus Soup Group. Both team represented the residence hal cheer. Gus Ganakas is only the third basketball coach n MSU history to have a Gary Ganakas has the loneliest job on ta proven that M putting up with his supposed "home town" fail losing record. And he'd Book division in the playoffs determine the two finalists. t< to anything he can to change it. And that ncludes playing his best personnel. He knows the, basketball court. Ganakas isn't pitted with just one person in a given game everyop? else. He's plotted against 12,501 - hi one^n-al lill apabilities of the players Store on hisieam better than player assignment and the potential 12,500 anyone. If he plays Gary, it'fftwcause Gary Is the can attend a game in Jenison. Gary is a Ai| best player available. big mai but not that big a man. Kareem Jabbar All intramural "Believe me, I don't like to play (Le 507 E. Grand River champions and Gary," Gus Alcindor) isn't even that big a man. runners-up for fall term are explained. "And it's apparent that the people of I'm not saying that you have to like Garl Across from Berkey asked to report to the lobby of East Lansing don't like me to play him either. Ganakas. All I'm saying is that he deserves Free store - side parking the Men's IM tonight at 7 p.m. I've tried to keep him out of the line-Up. I've chance. | for a picture session. IN UPI FOOTBALL POLL Nebraska so NEW YORK (UPI) - The top-rated Cornhuskers The Big Ten Nebraska, which outlasted received 32 first place votes Champioj Wolverines, who received tr Oklahoma 35-31 in the from the 34 coaches other first place vote, advanct Thanksgiving Day "Game of the participating in this week's from fifth to fourth and tl Decade," has strengthened its balloting and out-pointed Lambert Trophy hold on the No. 1 spot in the Alabama 338-306. The Nittany Lions jumped I United Press International board second-ranked Crimson Tide, of coaches which received one first place sixth to fifth. Auburn's loss | major college football Alabama dropped the Tige ratings. YOU CAN MOOSUSKI MEETING nod, moved past Oklahoma after its impressive 31-7 win over Auburn for the Southwestern from fourth to sixth. WED. DEC. 1 Conference championship. Colorado exchanged [ STILL GET 109 Anthony 7:30 A few spaces still Oklahoma, Nebraska loss with only the marring its record, with Georgia, moving into in the only other change in no.J t| available for Boyne Week fell only one notch while top 10. Arizona State at no.l Michigan and Penn State each and Louisiana State at no. P A FREE Dec. 12-18 moved up a place. remained the same. SLY and the FAMILY STONE There's a Riot Going On YEARBOOK THE DOORS Other Voices PORTRAIT THE MOMMAS and the PAPPAS FOR THE RlRMINGHAM GROSSC f'OlN.TF People Like Us OtTROIT . 12 ANN ARBOR DCAR$t>RN GRAND RAPIDS NOW ONLY FAST I ANSlNG WOLVERINE Woolco's low discount price \/^\/X Reg. 4.62 wwMmmMww W00LC0 MERIDIAN HOWEVER-TUESDAY DECEMBER 7TH irz»3 1980 Grand River /We MALLfr and Marsh Road 1 * CALL 353-5292 t Polyester fiber fill. jtyle events. COLORS: Beige, Lilac, Pink COLORS: White Top w/Pink & Lilac Skirt on White Background t takes a fairly good freshman swimmer about a year to really SIZES: 10 to 18 SIZES: 10 to 18 but peon ,me a good swimmer," Fetters said. "We'll just have to wait ;e «•- that. H| how they come along." that Mj| three top Spartan swimmers that Fetters is counting on are 'at and 100-yard breastroke champion Jeff Lanini, a senior from Solid nylon. Side zipper with tassel tly pull. Two nton, Cal., junior butterflyer Kenneth Winfield of Little outside pockets with schiffli embroidery. ( NJ.. »nd last year'8 most valuable swimmer, backstroker Contrasting satin trim around neckline, sleeve cuffs and pocket tops. Dilley of Champaign, 111. Dilley placed in three events at the Kodel ® Polyester fiber fill. Fetters has COLORS: Shocking Pink, Blue a "real good" 400 SIZES: 10 to 18 medley relay team which includes' Dilley with the backstroke, Lanini swimming the breastroke, and Winfield's specialty, the butterfly. Freshmen prospects are for the freestyle battling spot on the MENS & BOYS relay team. They Include Bill Hall, Grand Blanc graduate and state Jim 100 freestyle champion, Bradford from Hall High CHUCKA School, and Paul DeMoss, from P. San Mateo, California. ^ The 1000 and 500 long freestyle events, the yarders, will be dominated by John Thuerer, as BOOTS they have been for the past three Warm pile lining. Popular styles. Leather uppers. years. Thuerer, from " 's Sizes 7 to 12. Boy's Sizes 3 to 6. Rhinelander, Wis., holds MSU varsity recqrds in the 1000 and 1650 yard events. Junior Paul Virtue and freshmen Ted Shively and Paul Fetters will back up $6.97 to $7.97 pr. Thuerer. WITH COUPON USk m Freshmen hold the key in the other Our Own Reg. $8.97 freestyle events, the 50, ®nd 200. Winfield will swim to $9.97 pr. the 50. and so will Hall. Fetters feels that the frosh can DICK FETTERS "save the day" in the 100 and JO. Hall. DeMoss, and Jack Martin, a transfer from the niversitv of Virginia, will head the Spartan contingent in the his size, 00. DRY SKIN SPECIAL DeMoss, Bradford, Hall, Martin and Brent Sweitzer, a freshman the squa om Jackson Parkside who placed in the state 200 freestyle, will ALPHA KERI rim the 200 yard freestyle this season. Hie four fastest freestylers will combine to form the 400 eestyle relay team. Winfield, Dilley and others will also be given shot at the relay team. BATH OIL Dilley will swim the 200 backstroke, his specialty, with 8 oz. Khmen Sweitzer and Paul Fetters also competing in that event. with free Keri Lotion Lanini, junior Larry O'Neil, and Torty Bazant will compete fpir lie Spartans in the 200 breastroke, while Winfield, who placed in lie Big Ten and the nationals for the past two seasons in the 200 mtterfly, will represent MSU again, with Pat Burke also wimming that event. He one and three meter divers suffered an uncommon amount f graduation problems as all-Americans Tom Cramer (fifth !n the LADIES DEPT. utionals) and Jud Alward (ninth in the nationals) graduated. Our Own Reg. $2.27 COSMETIC DEPT. Therefore, sophomore Mike Cook will be MSU's premier diver lis season. Junior Kim Ridinger, sophomore Denny Fliechman, ind freshmen Tom Benson (Bloomfleld Hills Lahser) and Barry hn Amberg (Utlca) will also try to fill the gaps left by the divers. CENTER LOIN CENTER RIB ^ Indiana, the national powerhouse, is once again expected to run ^ my with the conference title, but "the rest of the conference PORK CHOPS 87<77< lelow first has tightened up much more than ever," says Coach hampi veribest pork Buy one pair of blue h U.S. HO. 1 MICHIGAN FLAVORBEST jeans at regular price and get the 2nd pair W red delicious APPIES 4 * 48t! for $1.00. jumbo roll THE OUTLOOK 217 Ann St. Next to Mini-Mart | } assorted decorated TERM TOMTEIS 39* COOKIES 12 Ct. oven king Pkg. 3/100 FOOD CLUB Willi ICING $ PIONEER SX-440 cinnamon musselman ROUS 5/1.00 i wt can AM-FM Stereo Receiver The SX-440 has features for The SX-440 combines 01 every member of the family. Features that will give years and years of superb listening Pleasure. elegance in design with excellence Performance. It offers perfect reproduction of FM mon- APPLESAUCE 6/1.00 UNIT PRICE 16. aural and stereo broadcasts . . . clear.interference-free reception. You can add a complete stereo system to this I I 18* ^ £ SAVE 18' with thii coupon c SAVE $2.00 versatile receiver. It combines readily with record players, stereo tape recorders, reverberation amplifiers. You can I .X toward »ho purchai* of: ^ II A wHh this coupon ^ | | toward Hio purchase of: even connect two s a separate speaker systems. Music power solid 40 watts (IHF). Visually, the SX-440 is at the forefront of !co* I POPPIN GOOD "ON! SCO * Our Own Reg. $8.97 to $9.97 on InvisibleinnbehindSC MARS FUN SIZE 6bnnw ku.L contemporary design. » . _ __ •_ i n\m\ki nn J YELLOW POPCORN i CANDY BARS cqci■ ■ MENS & BOYS „ „ i Expires Saturday, December 4, 1971 w|TH COUPON Expires Saturday, December 4,1971 I CHUCKA BOOTS $6.97 $7.97! Coupon | | Expires Saturday. December 4,1971 WiTH COUPON I ClD Meijer THRIFTY ACRES sb CID Meijer THRIFTY ftCRES i|GD Meijer THRIFTY ICRES 1 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA SHOP MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES Monday thru Saturday - 9 AM to 10PM iSunday-10 AM to 7 PM SlWMhina,on. Lantino ?1R An" SI.. E U"»'"H 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Decerns, Students warned of business Because of the tight national companies operating in deceptions economic see exactly what he needs. But what recourse does the In all credit or installment By BOB ROACH situation, Michigan, Eiler said, include Whether the insurance customer d«y8, he is fully r«„ Executive Reporter "money-making schemes" are consumer, at 18, or over 21, sales, whether for home cosmetics, automobile additives is after savings or financial have he has now on the rise, according to and cleaning preparations. One once signed a improvement or for time Andrew Eiler, of the Michigan security, Eiler said, he should at contract for any goods or payments on other purchases, Shady businessmen reap of the companies claims its least explore other opportunities millions of dollars annually from Consumers Council. The most services? the businessman normally "sells cleaning product is both a that offer the same end results. S. Martin Taylor, deputy the the broad and fertile field of costly of these are known as paper," or contract, to a consumer ignorance. The field "pyramid sales" or "multi-level furniture polish and a paint Eiler is particularly critical of director of tM Michigan Dept. finance company to whom the separate legal action * stripper. specialty policies such as of Commerce, advises the is then businessman. Tho r will be extended further, experts distributorship" operations. "That's gotta be one helluva a consumer respoaslble for company mustbeDairi fear, after Jan. 1 when Michigan 'The basic component of a children's life insurance, cancer distraught consumer to "just sit payment, Eiler said. ,r chemical compound," he said. insurance or extra-income down and, with good common The federal truth - in Perhaps most law makes 18-to-20 year-olds pyramid sales plan is for the lending the 18-year-old conZ®' - Another money-making insurance for long-term Hill adults. parent company to profit from, sense, ask'Have I been wronged law requires the finance said, is that But while Michigan's 250,000 in effect, an endless chain letter scheme in wide use "work-at-home" mail-order plan is the hospitalization. or treated unfairly?' If the company to notify the consumer able as an to file suit aduuT^'. " "Ask yourself," he said, "tf answer is yes, you've probably n* new young adults will be able to in which a sales force of it has bought the contract and sign fully legal and binding 'distributors' is recruited to pay Second in a series that frequently attracts — and you really want to insure your got some legal remedy." allows the consumer 15 days small claims court R£ contracts for the first time, the an 'investment fee' for the distributor gets a cut of the bilks — invalids, shut-ins, the child's life. That makes him a elderly and the young. One such liability to you as long as he's Regardless of what a salesman or a warranty may say, the law from time of notification to tell .r-rj? than $800. >» District courr *? experts say they will stand a privilege of selling the investment fee from each recruit the finance company if the • company tells the prospect that alive." preside over better chance of keeping their company's product," Eiler said. !>e signs up. provides for a "warranty for businessman performed his part small a,, for a dollar he can Cancer or extra income proceedings and neither d -' money if they know the more But retail product sales are One such company operating get fitness for purpose," Taylor said, of the contractual obligations information on how to make hospitalization insurance is This means the law guarantees or defendant can use a common deceptive schemes to generally of secondary in Michigan, he said, will claim satisfactorily, Eiler said. $1.60 an hour in his spare time. rarely worthwhile, he added a product must function at least Arguments are watch out for, and what to do importance while emphasis is to set up a clothing store for But If the consumer doesn't usually when caught up in such a placed on distributors signing up All the customer gets in return is because both require, before for the purpose it was intended, make his informally and the i- every 200,000 people and limit 50 blank grievances known In 15 decision is final and employment payoff, an extremely long term Laws also provide for a grace contract. more recruits, he said. The the number of distributorships applications and instructions to hospitalization period that is binding to 200. period on home improvement take them to employers in his with For his $500 investment, each rare, even cancer patients, seies contracts or any credit area. Eiler also warns distributor receives a wardrobe unwarj arrangements under which the Fine English Pewter Tankard and a number of discount cards to give his customers for use at Besides the money-making consumers, particularly college seller may place a lien on a schemes, Eiler said unwary students, against long tern person's home, Eiler said, consumers, particularly college magazine subscriptions. '"The On home improvement sales Fasting, d the store. The distributors are students, are often prey to salesman will boil it down for contracts including more than urged also told they can earn between $40,000 to $60,000 annually by signing up additional recruits. deceptive or high pressure sales you so that you'll appear to b< tactics for such products as insurance or magazine deal if you sign $300, he said, the customer may getting an exceptionally good cancel his contract by sending a for n But Eiler points out that up for five-year registered letter or subscriptions. personally The Pakistani Fast Committee recruitment expands the number subscriptions on a number of delivering a written notice of shelter. One While some such insurance is report esti- of magazines," he said. cancellation to the seller's place urging off-campus residents that 1,500 distributorships salesmen have been guilty of "It will look like just pennies a of business interested in contributing to the refugees die each geometrically. By the sixth level outright misrepresentation in week, but to qualify you have to next business before 5 p.m. of the Larry Buege, publici Pakistani Relief of recruitment after a distributor was assigned to get single telling the customer what he is agree to pay the entire price in day after signing, In any credit transaction Program to donate money at the booths set chairman Committee, for the said his 2 signing, the real problem is that just one year. Instead of the where the seller may obtain a up in the Union, Owen Graduate gt0UD 10 more recruits, there would be few trying to raise $5,000 to people, especially young small amount, you could end up lien on the customer's home, Hall and the International the 111,111 distributors in the people, really understand dying and homeless. Center. 200,000 population area that insurance, Eiler said. Before paying $10 to $15 a month for a Eiler said, the customer has the Buege said it costs 33 cents year, and I don't know many The committee is collecting was ostensibly limited to 200 option to cancel his contract in day to provide food, shelter buying insurance the young students with that kind of money for the more than 10 medical distributorships. person should really look at his writing before midnight of the treatment for million war refugees Typical products of pyramid long-term financial program to money to throw around for third day after he has received a dying of refugee. Currently the Pak- with Michigan State Seal magazines." copy of the contract. starvation, disease and lack of group has collected only $3; Buege said his group' hand made by Eales of received good Sheffield, England PROF SPEAKS TO CLUB residence hall residents support and 5,500 students are fig1 December 1. For each meal SPECIAL-TILL CHRISTMAS students give Lakes' up the h $1575 with your three-letter Large scale commercial fishing operations and the migration of development outlined The digging of the Welland Canal facilitated the migration change significantly until large scale alewife "die-offs" began would be as a recreational At present the program is at managements are contribute 55 cents to the program. Pakistani The Pakistani group has rel' resource, especially sports perhaps one-half of the lake's received pledges from sev monogram engraved sea lamprey and alewives into of these fish and created the Great Lakes upset their polluting the beaches and the fishing. capacity and Tanner predicted sororities and fraternities.r FREE problems for Michigan Howard , lamprey was destroying the But to do this an attraction that Michigan would run out of Delta Delta and Pi Bets ecological balance in the 40s and Tanner, also a professor of fast expert service 50s and forced Michigan to lake trout during the 60s. had to be created that would enough fishermen if the lakes sororities have already pled fisheries and wildlife, told Considerable sums of money excite fishermen, Tanner said. were stocked to their support, he said. develop its present lake University Club members. capacity. CAMPUS BOOK STORE management programs, the At the time lake were necessary to control these And the coho salmon seemed to management threats, Tanner said. be the answer. A science for the The new sports fishing has All of the money will be ' 131 E. Grand River director of MSU's Natural was left largely to the Consequently Michigan began to control and management of revolutionized lakefront towns to representatives of the Resources Dept. said Tuesday. commercial fisheries and did not take a closer look at lake salmon species had already and expanded greatly fishing Cross, UNICEF and CARE management. developed on the West Coast and Industries, he said. And the insure that the refugees re When Michigan had to spend proved to be adaptable to Great possibilities of future expansion the financial aid. great sums to clean up its lakes, Lakes conditions, he added. are vast. Michigan conn-oh it also began to take another So Michigan began a program per cent of the Great Lakes MSU is the first ma look at what the best use of the to control five species of salmon waters and Lake Michigan alone university to get involved « lakes would be, he said. The in concert to is larger than all the park provide sports the Pakistani relief prog~~ decision was made that the most fishing from early spring until systems in the nation, Tanner Buege said. productive use of the lakes fall. observed. YOU GOT YOUR "A" the east Room NOW GET THE PLUS Wednesday's Feature Dinner BROILED BROCHETTE OF Torn your books BEEF TENDERLOIN 3.25 mushroom gravy into cash at soup or juice salad two vegetables dessert Jacobson'a ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 507 E. Grand River 8 Track Stereo Tapes * Across from Berkey Free store - side parking 3" NEED ENERGY FOR YOUR EXAMS? m|=nnnijiif ; $1 oft ; SHOP AT Meats & * regular discount * Learn » price * Cheeses * with purchase £ Computer : °< : Programming » three » * * ****** * coupon r ****** OPEN ELEVEN in 7 a.m.-l 1 Subs p.m. Chicago IV (Vol. 1 & 2) Chicago IV (Vol. 3 & 4) Chicago Chicago Evening School FOOD STORES Rockin The Filmore Humble Pie * Learn to program COBOL and EASY-CODER There's A Riot Going On Sly Other Voices Doors •Work with a computer located "right And More in the classroom." • We stock over 250 titles •Accredited by ACBS ... Approved for Veterans THREE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 4 We also carry a full line •Free Job Placement Assistance of Hitachi Stereo •Class begins January 3 311 Albert — East Lansing Equipment 1880 Haslett Rd. - Haslett 820 W. Miller Rd. - Lansing MUSIC TO SET THE MOOD ■arising business KI C Beginning Dec. 1 the East Lansing store university • I N It* will be open ££ hours a day. DISCOUNT TAPE SHACK Corner Capitol & Ottawa Phone: 489 5767 402 E. Michigan (across from Dines) 489 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, December 1, 1971 13 state news classified Got Thck n x n • call3558255 ne Best Prices In Town From Classified Advertisers. Read The Ads Now! The State News do« FRANKLY SPiEAKING Automotive fay Phil Frank n°t permit racial or Automotive Employment For Rent religious discrimination FiAT 1970 850 convertible. VW SQUAREBACK by original SALESMAN NEEDED. Car Excellent condition and BURCHAM WOODS. A limited , '*• "dvertising columns. Call 489-4743 after 4:30 mileage owner, new tires, and battery, necessary. Opportunity in number of apartments opening in ■automotive News The State 3-12-3 p.m. excellent condition, $800, 1678 S. Advertising field. Call for December. 1 and 2 bedrooms, I Scooters & Cycles not accept Hughes Rd. Brighton 546-9694. 4-12-3 interview, 485-7854. Local furnished from $160. HURRY! I Auto Parts & Service advertising which 124 FIAT 1968. 4 door sedan, new Company. 2-12-1 Manager, 351-3118. 745 Burcham tires, plus 2 snow tires, good J Aviation J,,?Mmmate$ a9ainst religion, race, sex, color condition, 37,000 miles, $600 WANTED: GO-GO girls, $6.50/ Or. 10-12-3 ■employment or best offer. 651-5867. 4-12-3 or Aviation hour. Part time waitresses, also. national origin. carried students ■for rent FORD CHRISTMAS BREAK. Call 482-1064, Terry or Dick. 4-12-3 1965 convertible, good & faculty I Apartments condition, automatic transmission, 1 Houses J Rooms Automotive power steering. 371-1567. 5-12-1 BAHAMAS BABYSITTER FOR 8 year old boy. 3-5 p.m. Monday through Friday. 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. some with study Beginning January 3rd. 420 ■for sale Charles. 337-2230 after 5:30 p.m. 1 Animals CHEVROLET BELAIR 1966. 2 4-12-3 I Mobile Homes lost & Found door, automatic, new brakes, 7 tires, excellent battery, LEMANS, 1967. 6 cylinder. Power steering, brakes. Excellent CLEAN, DEPENDABLE student to from '145 per mo. condition. $575 live with faculty family winter and negotiable, ■personal leaving country. 355-0197 condition. $650. 349-4434. 4-12-3 spring terms, room and board in UNFURNISHED ■peanuts personal 355-7779. 4-12-3 MAVERICK 1970 automatic 6, exchange for child care and light children welcome ■real — housework. 349-1913. 4-12-3 estate CHEVELLE 1964 SS. New radio, low mileage, best offer please, no pets ■recreation brakes, takes. 351-1309. 2-12-1 (service rebuilt, 327 ci, very good condition. 351-1397. 2-12-2 HAWAII MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST registered or eligible, to work - ASCP I Typing Service MERCURY MONTEREY 1966. Automatic, power steering, good Friday - Saturday night shift. KNOB HILL $299. CHRYSLER NEWPORT 1968 Apply Sparrow Hospital rubber, 4 door, automatic rear ■transportation Power steering, brakes, automatic Personnel. 487-6111, ext. 353. "wanted transmission, exellent condition 484-5938. 5 12-1 window, new battery, snow tires. 115,000 miles. $275. Telephone 'HERE OmsTHE 'QO STVDV, I'MSftCRlFlCINl^ 4-12-3 APARTMENTS DEADLINE 351-3823 evenings. S NURSERY SCHOOL teacher wanted 349-4700 ■ m. one class day before COMET 1966 automatic, 6, MERCURY 1963, Power steering, T&PUT'flUTHBOOSU COLLEGE' SPSRCHI' for Co-op nursery. $12 per good session. OPEN Monday - Friday condition, low mileage, snow DeWitt, 669-2240. 3-12-3 Tiblication. 351-52*9 evenings. 3-12-3 tires. brakes AM-FM radio. Starts well 9# &2Z/£. LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight 9 a.m. • 5 p.m. Xncellations/Corrections in cold weather. 349-3636 after LAWNS. MM. training. All courses are WAITRESSES, FULL or part time. Saturday 12-5 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 2-12-1 CORTINA government and VA certified. Nights. Will trein. Must be LOCATED U MILE NORTH 112 noon one class day over 27 1967. Good condition, $350 FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport dependable. Apply in person. OF JOLLY RD. ON ifore publication. m.p.g. or best. MG MIDGET 1965. Excellent Road. Call 484-1324. C ROCKY'S TEAKWOOD 882-7386 after 6 p.m. Must sell condition, very sharp, wire wheels. OKEMOS ROAD PHONE 2-12-2 $650. 351-0226 after 5 Automotive Automotive LOUNGE, 3600 South Logan. p.m. 3-12-3 GIRL TO share my apartment winter 355-8255 3-12-2 PONTIAC 1967 Cetalina. Excellent, Auto Service & Parts and spring term. TRIUMPH TR4A 1966 convertible, 484-0585, CORVAIR 1963, 3-speed, needs GOVERNESS FOR 1-5 year old, 11 484-1328.6-12-1 $850, best offer. Must sell additional iATES 10 word minimum work, gr^st for dunebuggy. $250 MUSTANG 1968, excellent 337-0530. 3-12-3 fastback hardtop, KING'S FOREIGN CAR SERVICE. a.m. - 4 p.m. daily. Phone or best offer. 351-9315. condition, 6 cylinder, stick shift, sharp. 882-8506. 3-12-2 337-1411.5-12-3 3-12-3 Repair and service on Volkswagen, new shocks, snow tires, 20 mpg PONTIAC 1966 GTO. 4 speed, 389. Triumph, MG and most other 1964 CORVAIR, needs VEGA WAGON, 1971 demonstrator. STUDENT EMPLOYMENT, work, best economy,$996 after 5:30 Good shape. Must sell. $425 foreign makes. 320 South Charles, offer. Call between 5 - 7 Low mileage. Warranty. Good 12-20 hours per week, 355-3160. 4-12-3 just off East Kalamazoo. Phone p.m., 694-8584. 3-12-3 deel. 332-4704. 3-12-3 FURNISHED, INCLUDES all 332-1164. 2-12-2 372-8130. 0-12-3 automobile necessary.351-5800, utilities, plus parking, across from MUSTANG 1969, 3-speed automatic, 8-5:30 p.m. 0-12-1 PONTIAC LEMANS 1966. Console, VOLKSWAGEN, GHIA 1966. campus. 351-1176.8-12-3 1968 CORVETTE 390 hp., not 6 cylinder, excellent shape and 5 automatic, power steering and WHEELS, 6.50 x 13, fits Corvair, economy. $1200. 351-8908. AM/FM radio with rear speakers, abused, new brakes and exhaust, 7 Dodge Lancer, Plymouth Veliant, TWO GIRLS sublet 4 man winter / excellent tires including studded 3-12-1 brakes, good mechanical headrest. Must sell, make offer. with used tires, and 2 For Rent condition, body and interior 339-2032. 3-12-2 snow spring, Evergreen Arms. Close to snows. Call 372-1377 after 5 tires,6.50 x 13. $40 best offer. p.m. MUSTANG 1965 convertible GT. excellent. Asking $600. Call or campus. 351-3307. 7-12-2 EAST LANSING Luxury 4-12-3 489-7961. 2-12-1 351-9315.3-12-3 Duplex. 2 Must sell, best offer. Call VOLKSWAGEN SEDAN 1969. bedroom and 3 bedroom with ONE GIRL for four girl, sublet CYCLONE GT 1966. 38,000 miles. 351-3985. 2-12-1 Excellent condition, many extras. fireplace, large yard, all MASON BODY SHOP, 812 Eest carpet, air winter and spring. $55. Close to New exhaust, positraction. $850. PONTIAC 1969 Bonneville, 2 door Must sell. Best offer 332-6984. conditioned. 393-8170. 4-12-3 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 OLDS CUTLASS Supreme 1970. All hard top. Air, power steering, and Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. campus. 351-1099. 7-12-2 4-12-3 ... 337-0477. 3-12-3 power, air, stereo, 30 options. List brakes, Complete auto painting and ■ 347 Student Services Bldg. good tires. All blue, ONLY $9.00/month. Free deliveries. $4500, balance $2700, take over collision service. IV 5-0256. C APARTMENTS AVAILABLE for DATSUN 240 excellent condition. 57,000 miles. VOLKSWAGEN 1967 camper, SELCO COMMUNICATIONS TV 1970. Excellent payments, phone 485-4298. Best offer. Phone 393-8170 before December occupancy. Furnished, ■All student ads must be condition, $3000. Call daytime, low mileage, pop-top, fully VW GUARANTEED RENTAL. 372-4948. O 5-12-1 5 p.m., 349-1193 efter 6 p.m. - repair. University Terrace, across from 351-7637. 3-12-2 equipped, 349-2763. 3-12-3 ■prepaid 4-12-3 RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at • Williams Hall. Roommate service. Okemos Road. 349-9620. C TV RENTALS - Students only. Low Phone VOLKSWAGEN 1967. Runs and HALSTEAD |Th< State tows will be DODGE 1969. RT 440-4 speed,I looks good. Must monthly end term rates. Call MANAGEMENT, 351-7910 or excellent. 24,000 miles. $1245, sell. Call jnsibte only for the PAIR SEARS studded snow tires. 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV 484-3113. 4-12-2 Manager, 332-1822. 8-12-3 351-7397. 4-12-3 7.75 x 14. Excellent condition. RENTALS. C day's incorrect OPEL GT, 1971. Yellow. Excellent $50. 355-5669. 5-12-1 narticn. SI MCA 1966, 4 door, great heater, ROOMY 4 DiWV^^A .Mercedes - Sena, I960, condition. 8,000 *Sil8tf. 7 months - VOLKSWAGEN 1970 squareback, TV AND Stereo rental, satisfaction - man available. Next to old. Tape decHr'iirtd' extras! only 35,000 miles. Graduating! b«st1d new tires. $1900, or best campus. Parking. RedutBiJ 220b, Beautiful interior, dependable transportation. Bob 351-1408. 3-12-1 $200. 393-8577. 3-12-3 offer. Phone 484-9698 efter 5:30 p.m. 5-12-3 Employment guaranteed. Free delivery, service and pick up. No desposit. Call deposit. 337-0468. 6-12-3 353-1388. 3-12-2 PINTO TEMPEST 1965. 2 door, It's a good FULL TIME and NEJAC, 337-1300. C TWO GIRLS winter 1971. leaving - must sell. part time work. - spring. Poo!, 4-speed, 2000 engine, discs, redio, deal, $500. Call for information, VOLKSWAGEN CAMPERVAN Mornings and evenings. Married laundry, campus bus. $52.50. Automotive etc. Was $2450, now $1850. 489-3690. 3-12-3 1965. Factory rebuilt motor. Very men preferred. 351-3000. 3-12-3 351-0721. 5-12-2 355-8114. 3-12-2 good condition, with large luggage Apartments ■F SNOWMOBILE 540cc twin TEMPEST 1967. Four door rack. 882-8676. 4-12-3 NEED PART time income? I made FAIRLANE 1964. Good running ■slectric start, wide track. 30 hp. PINTO, 200 engine, 4 speed, disc automatic, power steering, best $8000 part time while at M.S.U. ONE BEDROOM apartment, V4 block condition. $50 or best offer. - offer. 355-0874.3-12-2 VOLKSWAGEN, 1500S, 1965, very §337-9321.4-12-3 694-9913 after 4 p.m. 3-12-2 brakes, A-70 tires, etc. Like new, last yeer. Call 351-7319 for to main campus. Winter- spring, cost $2400, now $1795. good condition. $650. 355-7846. personal interview. C optional summer. No deposit. BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT - ont iTRO 1962, 394 339-2625. 2-12-1 THUNDERBIRD 1966. Full power, 3-12-3 Female. Phone girl needed for winter term. One Oldsmobile. FIREBIRD 400 1968, blue. 6-10 p.m., excellent condition, tires, GOOD PAYING Part time job for block from campus. Shown after |l0,000 miles. 4 speed Hydramatic, vinyl top, redio. Call new VOLKSWAGEN 1963 351-5125. 3-12-1 itraction, many accessories. loaded. 332-8556. 4-12-3 Bus, wood embitious single or married girls. 4:30 p.m. 332-4228. 5-12-2 372-6725.4-12-3 PONTIAC TEMPEST 1967, OHC 6, interior, good condition. Call Choose your own hours. Call light, very fast. Must sacrifice, sharp. $900 or best offer. 489-3994. Best offer. 4-12-3 ■|800 339-8588 after 5 p.m. FIAT 1968, 124 Spider, 5-speed, 351-1892 efter 3 p.m. 3-12-3 TRANSPORTATION SPECIAL - 1961 Pontiac, starts, runs, heater, between 12 and 5 p.m. 482-2165 3-12-1 BURCHAM WOODS excellent condition, extra sharp. VOLKSWAGEN 1967. Under 40,000 $1195. 882-3459. 3-12-3 $100. 485-6089 after 5 p.m. PONTIAC, GRAND Prix 1969. Hes miles. Good condition. Must sell 3-12-3 Limited Number of W, 1960, 283, 3 - speed. New power disc brekes, windows, this weekend. Best offer. Phone BOOKKEEPER, FULL time front end and shocks. Runs good. preferred, basic bookkeeping Furnished Units GIRL SUBLET winter / spring. Cedar FIAT 1971, 124 Spider. 8 track steering, air conditioning, AM/FM 485-6107..2-12-2 Excellent transportation. $75. radio. Must sell, just married. TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1966, runs skills, good business writing and Village Apartments, Call stereo. Good condition. Best V32-5657 before 8 a.m. after 5 $2700. After 5:30 p.m., phone good, needs axle work, $350 or VW CAMPER, 1970. Pop - up top. attention to details. Hours 351-5799. 3-12-2 offer. 332-0443, after 2 p.m. One Bedroom $159 best offer. 355-9110. 2-12-2 Carpet, Very clean. $2675. flexible, call for appointment, 3-12-3 Jeckson, 769-6415. 5-12-3 351-8825. 3-12-1 337-2310. 5-12-3 Two Bedroom $189 George Jake HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT Till June or September East Lansing resident represents: COMPANY. Phone 351-7910. 6-12-3 Ctopcttingfyam HONG KONG Custom made clothing at UNIVERSITY INN if Manger 351-3118 no answer 745 BURCHAM DRIVE 484-4014 ONE GIRL for walking 4-12-3 2 distant r 1000 Trowbridge Road, East Lansing ONE GIRL desperately needed for Don't deal with strangers . .. Visit our display four girl apartment. Terrific Has Get custom measured for your suits, sport location. 332-2616.3-12-2 only 2 . . . jackets, shirts, formal wear. Select from more 2 BEDROOM apartment, immediate than 6000 fabrics, English woolens, Scottish TWO BEDROOM available occupancy, close to campus. December. $200 / month. Call tweeds, Italian silks, Double knits and many 332-4432. O after 5 p.m., 337-0780. 4-12-3 others. ANY MATERIAL -$59.00 four-man apartments 2 suits or more - 10% off. Money back guarantee if not 100% satisfied. (We will be on hand to make alterations after delivery.) Postage and Duty Extra CROSSWORD PUZZLE 1. Business ACROSS 27. Land measure "Call George Jake, 351-5500, room 1UY or 337-7000. transaction 29. Bromine in 5. Pronoun chemistry left. 6 and 9 month $ NEW UNITS afl AVAILABLE 3, 6 & 9 MONTH LEASES 7. Fish hook 11. Fruit 12. News service 13. True maples 14. Benefaction 30. Duck genus 32. Greensward 34. Insinuated 38. Fold over 39. Chews FURNISHED & 15. Sweepstakes 40. Smallest UNFURNISHED 17. Mortar beater integer leases available from APARTMENTS ± MASTER COLOR TV 18. 19. 20. 22. Gambling cubes 41. Stalemate Meadow barley 43. Musical ending Vision Obstacle 44. Edible fish 45. Gold ir heraldry 48. Sodium symbol ANTENNA 23. Reddish-brown 49. Information "2. Soothe 24. One 46. Radio-guided 3. Wood bomb DOWN £ HUGE SWIMMING POOL indefinitely $60 per man. 4. Ger. industrial 26. Plural ending 47. Prohibitionists 1. Extra — — city t- r~ T~ T- 4t BAR 00 GRILLES rr~ 2 ■ 7 5. 6 Traduce Age ir >2~ 7. Ship channel * ALL PETS ALLOWED ■ 8. Bitter ST" 15" •6 ! Call 351-7166 9. Festivals * RECREATION BUILUING with SAUNAS W 10. Young chickens PING PUNG TABLE, BILLIARDS & a __ 16. Lockjaw t 18. Personal ~ 5o~ 5 COLOR TV r journals 21. Cry vmmm ■ W//MW//MW 25. Badger (EUrprliingfiam MEAD0WB&00K p*J wmm ■ _ v/, M mammwvM _ _ J _ 37 27. United 28. Orange 30. squeezer Flightless birds |p" <£/ vT p z 40 31. Catnap To get to TRACE \r~ 42 45 33. 35. Administer Bricklayer Meadowbrook Trace, go two miles south of nr 46" w 36. Bequeath Michigan State Campus on 1-496. Exit west onto Jolly 37. Oldest MANAGEMENT EXCLUSIVELY BY: W w % Road and go to corner of Dunckel Road. members Jklco Management Company PHONE 393-0210 % _ __ 42. Boob 43. Is able OPEN 9-6 DAILY OR BY APPOINTMENT 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, De< Member 1 For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Sale FjorRent For Sale NEEDED TWO girls for house in GIRL TO sublease winter and spring APARTMENT E, i Lansing. 2 and GIRL TO sublet winter, spring. LIVE CHEAPLY in a single room. USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 WATERBED HEATERS. UL listed terms. Close to campus. Phone 3 man furnis-.ed. Near campus. Beechwood Apartments. $59.38. January. $37.50. 332-0415. East 3 12-3 Spartan Hall, men and women. Michigan. Dishes, books, thermostatically controlled. 351-8635. 3-12-2 351-2777, 351-9036. 3-12-3 351-4187. 3-12-1 351-1176. 10-12-3 coins, antiques, rockers. Junk. (Preset or variable.) REBIRTH, EAST LANSING. 4 bedroom, Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open 309 North Washington, 489-6168 351-3821.3-12-3 ^ MAN NEEDED TO sublet. MEN. Saturday and Sunday. Furniture furnished, CLEAN, quiet rooms. C-12-1 Twyckingham, $70 / month. carpeted. $235 I and appliances open all week, 10 month. Lease, security deposit. Cooking, close to campus. 393-0112. 4-12-3 351-5538. 2-12-2 Winter / sping. 332-3939. 5-12-3 am -6 485-8836, 487 5753. 0-3-12-3 p^/ Phone 371_-2843LC NEW 5" Oscilloscope, $100. 651-6124. 3-12-3 Transitorized Volt • Ohm meter, '19 'Ui^tVbiv^ NORWOOD APARTMENTS Need 1 WANTED: ONE girl to sublet winter, TWO MEN needed SKI BOOTS. Rieker uni-fit, size 7V4 • to sublet CLOSE TO $40. Shakespeare bow, $15. Call FOUR MEN or girls for four man campus. Large single 8 V4. New. $75. 353-9291, sublet winter, spring and summer. spring. Campus close, 351-1275. Twyckingham, $65 month. Call C0MPI house. Carpeted, furnished, rooms. Cooking privileges. Newly 339 9369. 4-12-1 anytime, 393-4175. 4-12-3 Available December 11. One large 3-12-3 351-3199. 3-12-2 PA decorated. 351 5130, 332-6595. bedroom apartment, furnished, Lansing, east side. Call Don, 3-12-3 SONY 230-W, reel to reel tape 3-12-3 ' ejlle- 589-8 carpeting, air conditioning, laundry, free parking for 4 cars. ONE GIRL winter and / or spring. 4 man. Americana. $70 a month. 482-4738. 3-12-3 ANTIQUES BUY AND SELL GENERAL LINE. Daily 4-6 p.m., recorder, speakers and head set, H m, $70 / FEMALE. FURNISHED. Close to Saturday 1-6 p.m. 541 East Grand $160. 372-7208 after 4:30 p.m. simple, dignifiedV^- 4 DA Close to campus. $175. Call Call 351-3314.3-12-3 353-3025. 2-12-1 Call 3-12-2 now.Write month. Carol, 337-9741. campus, kitchen facilities, $60 / 337-0551.4-12-3 CAMPUS NEAR. 227 Bogue. NEED ONE girl. 4 man, winter, spring. Cedar Village. 351-4509 MALE Across ROOMMATE for 2 from campus. • man. $55 / .^1^.1 need GIRL winter term. Close to month. 332-5622. After 353-0769. B-1-12-1 Includes utilities. 5 p.m., 332-0112, 676-1590. x-5-12-2 ZENITH PORTABLE TV 19" screen, $50. Drapes and bedspread, $7.50. Planning soc,e,v East Lansing. 3-12.3 139 Furnished 1 bedroom, carpeted, 3-12-3 7' POOL Table $50, Snowmobile sled air campus. $60. Call 351-1425. $85, 2 wheels and snow tires, 825 call 882 1087 after 5 p.m. 4-12-3 conditioning, laundry. Married PRIVACY, 3-12-3 CONVENIENCE, and x 14 $15, 1 new wheel and tire couple or single girl only. $150. NEED ONE man for 4 i l, winter / quiet. Go with single room for SKI IS, KRYSTAL fiberflex 205cm, Phone 489-5922. 4-12-3 ;, dishwasher, ONE MAN needed winter / spring 450 x 12 for $20. 641-4561 10%9 discount rent. Call terms. Cedar Village. 351-3186. LARGE HOUSE in Lansing. Share with couple. $100. Phone Mike, man, approved housing. Emphasis on studying, close to campus. No 3-12-3 Tyrol ia binding, 9M Koflack 5 buckle COUPLE TO sublet. Married 332-0268. 3-12-3 412-3 boot, tree, poles. $75. housing 484 0263. 1-12-1 cooking. Parking near, extra. $11 GREATY BUY on records. 18 355-8027. 3-12-2 apartment. Winter term. Call a week by the term. 428 Grove 355-2766. 4-12-3 EAST LANSING. 4 man, near STUDIO APARTMENT. $129 / albums and case $38. Also blue ONE OR TWO girls to share house Street, close to shopping. and grey winter coat $15. STANDARD RADIO amplifier and Call month, TV, bus service, utilities wjth graduate. Own bedroom(s) 351-4266 or 349 4834, shown by tuner. Call for Vari GIRL NEEDED winter / spring 351-9036, 337-0957. 3-12-3 included. 337-0530. 3-12-2 351-2015. 3-12-3 information. $100. $gQ / month. Lansing, pets. Call appointment. 3-12-3 365-6866. 3-12-2 terms. Old Cedar Village. st Da 371-4162.3-12 3 351-3339. 3-12-2 GIRL NEEDED: Winter / spring. NEED ONE girl winter term only, 28- WOMEN. FURNISHED room, Own room. Call after 7 p.m. across from Williams. $50. SHARE HOUSE, own room, Spa< cooking, parking. 351-0798 River. 0-1-12-1 $50. Call 351-6517. 3-12-2 WANTED ONE girl winter term. 351-9018.,3-12-3 351-9518.3-12-2 beautiful people. Craig, 240 Beal. between 11 a.m. and 2 Don Cedar Village reduced p.m. rates, 351-1740. 3 12-3 4-12-3 351-6086. 4-12-3 NEED ONE girl, winter. Cedar Tern t only. Call ONE MAN needed for apartment. One month rent free plus $75 Animals Let Carol MALE ROOMMATE needed, close to ROOMS a FLAG do NEED ONE man to sublease winter / bonus. Call 351-3268. Across - PARKING, kitchen, close campus, $48.50 / month. Phone to HALF SIAMESE kittens free to Shirle spring. Cedar Village. 351-2078. campus, 207 Bogue, Call GIBSON FOLK guitar. $235 new, 332-2039. 3-12-3 your room decor and j HELPI GIRL wnated to share 332 8696. 10-1-7 sell for $125 or best offer. loving people. 485-5001 after 5 4-12-3 one bedroom apartment for winter 2 BEDROOM, completely furnished, EAST LANSING, 5 bedroom. Newly Excellent condition, call p.m. 3-12-1 the Flag Fad! we've riety Ti EMPLOYED STUDENT, 355-6281. 2-12-2 GIRL TO sublet winter and / or term only. 351-7021. 3-12-3 carpeted, ample parking, Kitchen privileges, share bath with HORSES BOARDED,. Grain and hay 'em all! A. Dean spring. Old Cedar. $70. 351-5898. 4-12-3 NEED ONE girl winter. Cedar utilities. $175 349-1586.5-12-3 / month. Call one. Bed linen furnished, parking. BOOKCASES $15 and $10. Bad - fed in box stalls, tie stalls and Watki iW Co. 1209 E. Village. Parking Space. Call SUBLEASE FRANDOR, NEAR- furnished, 2 Call 489-0583. 3 12-1 double $35. Dresser, $20. Call sheltered pasture. 3-12-3 641-4444. Saginaw URC 337-2378. 3-12-3 ONE GIRL leeded for 4 girl 351-6770.3-12-3 2 man. Cedar Greens. bedroom Duplex. $220 a month. SINGLES, EAST LANSING. Lansing, Mich. 48903 JAP apartment winter and spring Through September, $80 each. December 15_ occupancy. attractive, clean, quiet, cooking, MINIATURE POODLES. One Call Don before 2 p.m., 351-3647. terms. 332-8! 56. 2-12-1 WANTED: ROOM with Christian man or in Christian home. John, 7-12-3 351-9080. 5-12-1 r after 6 GUITAR. HARMONY Sovereign, f-70. Ten months old. Call Bob, female, two male, AKC, twelve fcMA weeks old. 882-7528. 3-12-3 GIRL SUBLEASE winter / spring. Close. $70. Two - man. 351-3176, 355-9010. 3-12-3 FRANDOR NEAR ONE BEDROOM 372-1598. 3-12-3 ASS 351-8238. 4-12-3 3 I R L NEEDED to share beautiful FURNISHED, carpeted, $150 / ROOMS. SINGLES AND DOUBLES. USED FUR coats, from $5 up. DACHSHUND PUPPIES - AKC, 7 PAII apartment overlooking Red Cedar. month plus electric. Laundry Cooking facilities. Utilities paid. 484-3787 between 11-1 p.m. 4-7 weeks. Black and tan. Deposit will facilities. No Pets. Crafts room in Call 372-8077. C hold till Christmas. Nyda Arthur. GIRL FOR four man winter / spring, Phone Linda, 332-3516. 1-12-1 p.m. 3-12-3 ANYONE SERIOUSLY basement. Phone Westphalia, Phone 339-9091. 3-12-3 in¬ $67.50. Close. Last half month forming a "Youth for call free. 337-0857.3-12-2 I. x-3-12-1 ATTRACTIVE, SINGLE room for Humph SUBLEASE WINTER and / or spring. NEED ONE person for house across GIBSON ELECTRIC guitar and Group on campus call co iSTIi 1 graduate woman, near campus, SIAMESE KITTENS, box - trained, or 2 girls, Delta Arms, from Butterfield / $60. 351-1695. amplifier. Very good condition. 313-881-2141 after 3 30, 332-0580. 3-12-3 ONE AND 2 bedroom apartments references. 332-1746. 5-12-2 482-4806 after 5:30 p.m. or 3-12-3 1 4-12-3 $100. Call Teresa, 373-7728. 1 Large WOMAN NEEDED, across from from $145. 10 minutes from MSU. Children permitted. EAGLE DOUBLE. Large house, a block from 3-12-3 1-224-2156 anytime. 3-12-3 CREST NORTH, 694-8975, 4330 GIRL, OWN room, $58.35, across campus, sublet winter / spring FREE KITTENS. Litter trained, BAGELS!! Union,Now or January for Winter from campus. 351-4810 after 5:30 MOVING - LEATHER chairs $70, Keller Road, Holt. C 351-4092. 3-12-2 calico female, black male. Will 4-man term. 351-1248. 1-12-1 couch $20, coffee table $35, bed p.m. 3-12-2 deliver. 363-8750, 371-3434. FINALS WEEK NEEDED: ONE girl winter and / or $80, hassock, lamps, table. ONE GIRL for four man apartment. For Sale 372-8072. 3-12-3 1-12-1 Winter / spring. $62.50. 349-3309. spring, $55. One block from GIRL NEEDED for large house, close SPECIAL campus. 351-5331. 3-12-3 t0 campus. $55. 351-0209. 3-12-2 LABRADOR PUPPIES, AKC Field 3-12-3 P.A. AMP good condition, still under apartment LARGE EFFICIENCY. Two rooms, NEEDED ONE man for 4-man, two TWO-GIRL apartment in house, HEAD 360, 180cm; Marker bindings; and and Bench champion line. Blacks yellow. $80 - $125. 351-6468. FRESH. SUNDAY bath. 745 Burcham No. 32. $135. blocks from campus, for winter / private entrance, near campus, 3-12-3 DELIVERY spring terms. 332-3738. 3-12-3 $60 each. 351-7013. 3-12-2 CLOSE TO Dec. 15.337-2256. 2-12-2 OLYMPIA MANUAL typewriter. Office portable. Excellent ELECTRIC GUITAR, Gibson Les ALASKAN MALAMUTE $1.00 DOZEN Paul Copy, perfect condition, puppies. SUBLEASE 4 man apartment, NEXUS CO-ED Co-op. Winter CAMPUS GIRL TO share furnished house, Capital Villa, close to campus. openings, $210 room / board. term condition. Asking $75. 485-5998. $195. 332-2225. 3-12-3 AKC, fine selection reasonable prices, from the Antrims Icy AT REASONABLE parking, utilities paid. 332-597 7. 3-12-3 Rent $215. Newly furnished. telephone. 332-5330. 3-12-3 Contact 351-0100. 4-12-3 GIRL NEEDED winter. Own room. 3-12-2 CHRISTMAS TREES. Cut your own. Beautiful pine, spruce, firs, Winds Michigan. Kennels See In northern their beauties 351-3521 351-000 Ti GIRL NEEDED, desperately. $60. December 2, 3, 4, 5 at 1931 Raby ALWAYS OPEN. RATES Close to campus. 351-5834. SUBLEASE TWYCKINGHAM winter and spring. One male for three Close to campus. 351-2203. 2-12-1 Cheap, $2.88. 4811 Balentine Road. (Go North on Abbott or Chandler Road, Haslett. 337-2176. 3-12-3 Friday, 8 Mondav -' 5:30. UNI 3-12-3 Road.) 3-12-3 BUILDING BARBER SH man apartment. 351-4723. 3-12-3 RNE JEWELRY Diam, BEAUTIFUL' IRISH setter. Adult C-12-1 Call 332-4432 COZY, COMPLETELY furnished 2 room apartment. Share bath with GIRL TO share apartment. Near UNFURNISHED DUPLEX, three bedrooms, walking distance from female, Champion bloodline, price negotiable to good home. MSU, Available January 1, $225 482-8423. 2-12-2 SOME DIFFERENCE! $50 ANYBODY(S) one other person. $95 a month or couple. Share include utilities. Call 351-0598. with male. Own room, laundry, including all utilities. Phone 4-12-3 i 30 day satisfaction 1970 IORIO R12 amplifier Deluxe 882-0879. 3-12-3 BASSETT PUPPIES AKC utilities. 355-0802. 1-11-30 NEEDED ONE girl to sub Tone unit. New in 1970 cost ' According to Theo Lang shots / wormed, nine weeks, British journalist in a boc Twyckingham Apartment. Win' JANUARY TO June near Frandor 2 $900, now $300. Stolen and MODERN TWO bedroom apartment COMPONENT SYSTEMS Phone 489-2943. 3-12-3 TOWNHOUSE, OWN bedroom, shag, term. 351-3065. 3-12-3 bedroom, screened porch, recovered items. Call 489-9063 entitled "The Differen with GE appliances. Just 15 large unfurnished, $70 monthly. No fenced between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Between a Man and Woman minutes from campus. 882-6988. yard, furnished, $190 JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS. lease. Immediate. 882-1678. GIRL NEEDED 3-12-3 men's 3-12-2 2-12-2 winter. Close to month, utlities paid. 372-4696. arfedale, AR, Give a living gift of love. AKC big toes a campus. Will discuss price. 3-12-2 registered. Show8nd Pet quality. proportionately longer th 332-8179. 1-12-1 MARTIN 12 string guitar. 1 SPACIOUS year. Fluffy white Samoyed puppies. women's. Great condition. Call Dennis From champion x - rayed clear You don't need apartment, SUBLET TOWO man, furnished, between 4-6 p.m. 351-5328. a longer I stock. The real "Winter to location. 351-1 143 or 332-8370. 351-5328. 3-12-3 Cedar Greens, winter / 3-12-3 step up to i 2-12-1 spring, Wonderland" dog. Excellent close. 351-5936. 3-12-3 occcupancy. Students. 393-3590. apartment with lots of gre playmate for children. Cash HASLETT AREA, 1 bedroom, SKI IS HEAD standard. 205cm with or will facilities. Just check them >139 [ ORCHARD LANE APARTMENT. 2 unfurnished, 309 N. Washington taketerms.882-0642 3-12-2 utilities, except TWO GIRL winter bindings, $50. 485-6089 after 5 right now by turning to bedroom town house apartments. electric / spring, near $130, call 655-3917, rental section of State Ne# Small individual buildings, private entry, all new. Pennsylvania and 351-4006. 3-12-3 campus, $57.50. 337-0256. 3-12-3 CLOSE TO basement, campus. 2 bedroom, full garage. Reasonable. GREAT STEREO. Scott receiver, p.m. 3-12-3 CHRISTMAS TREES, cut your own. Classified Ads. LAS CEDAR VILLAGE. 2 girls needed to Miller area. 882-9805. 4-12-3 SUBLEASE, BIG, furnished 2 MAN apartment in Cedar Village apartment, own room, near campus. 332-2613 evenings. sublease winter / spring. 351-7946. 3-12-3 ANNA LOVISA TREE Variety, sizes, prices, reasonable, FARM. BASSETT PUPPY, female, AKC, 3 BOARD classes EXAM for Tutoring, Kaplan Ti !99 GIRL NEEDED for house close to saw furnished. Close in. 332-2382. available December 15. 332-3757. 3-12-3 YOU CAN the courses now being formed for: GIRL TO share one bedroom campus. $70 including utilities. see savings with 3-12-3 3-12-1 quality glasses from OPTICAL apartment, $65. Call 332-0789. Call 351-8229.3-12-2 ONE MAN to sublet large 2 man, 2 3-12-3 DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan BEAUTIFUL PONCHOS. Imported. Mobile Homes TWO GIRLS needed sublease. One bedroom apartment. After 5 p.m., Avenue. 372-7409. C-5-12-3 ONE PERSON. Own room. $54 plus Hand - made, wool, unique colors, winter, one winter / spring. 372-9150. 3-12-3 1968 RICHARDSON 12' ONE MAN for 3 man utilities. 334 Evergreen. 351-0956. styles. 353-7108. 3-12-3 x 52', 351-6366. 5-12-3 apartment, excellent must be neat. $80 / month. Call 3-12-3 USED MANUAL cigarette machine. condition, partly DESPERATELY NEED girl til June. Excellent working condition. Best furnished. King Arthur's Court. after 6 p.m. STEREO RECEIVER. Allied 490. 2 BEDROOM, furnished duplex, East One block from campus. Twyckingham, offer over $50. 332-5039. 5-12-3 $3500. 484-8871 or 641 4207 M.C.A.T. exam - May 351-1965. 3-12-3 GIRL FOR beautiful double AM/FM 35 watts, RMS. 3 months 351-0399. 3-12-3 room, 3-12-1 Lansing, call 332-4211 after 6 close to campus. $60. 337-0818. old. $225. Call 337-0311. 3-12-3 WAVER p.m. E.J. give me a call. 3-12- For information and enrollr 3-12-3 Call Collect (313) 851-60 ONE GIRL wanted w Houses NEW TRAILER COURT - Adults lutiful VACANT. FOUR man apartment. only. Scenic lakefront lots O-13-12-3 apartment, close t campus. Call — ONE PERSON for house. Close to ^ hs, bricl Close to campus. $240 / month. 351-7442. 5-12-3 NEAR FRANDOR. Furnished 3 available, $50 monthly with FREE A lesson in complw 332-5322.5-12-3 campus. Own room, Good people. school tax Included. 675-7212. ... tonial, oi bedroom home. 1V4 baths, newly 351-2439. 3-12-3 care. Call 484-4519, East Mich NEED ONE girl to sublet spring 4-12-3 rmal ( carpeted and lots of parking. $300 SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale, GE REFRIGERATOR with deep or 485-7197, Lansing ' ONE MAN needed to share Good location - Haslett / month, heat included. Call NEEDED ONE male student. Large brand new portables - $49.95. $5 freeze. 16% cu. feet, coppertone, MERLE NORMAN C0SMET 'hen, fa; apartment with Grad Arms. $62.50 a month. 351-8943. per month. Large selection of COMFORTABLE LIVING, extra «med C) student, or Loretta McKendry, 482-0879, home. Excellent location. like new, $135. 372-4964 call STUDIOS. C-12-2 will share your apartment. 5-12-3 372-2523.2-12-1 reconditioned used machines. sherp, 2 bedroom, 10' x 15', ffic p Kitchen, laundry, parking. evenings. 3-12-3 485-1308 after 5 p.m. 3-12-1 Singers, furnished 351-7695, 349-0480. Hols K-12 332-1918.3-12-3 Whites, Necchis, New STORE YOUR bicycle at Sp* FOUR MAN spacious apartment NEW 2 bedroom home in Southeast Home 8i "Many Others", $19.95 3-12-3 496 exp — CRUICKSHANK PRINTS, colored. Bicycle Storage i WANTED: ONE man for 4 man, located close to campus, $60 / $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS section of Lansing. Can house 4 THREE BEDROOM, duplex, to B&W. Books, antique 337-1239 from 8-10 for M Meadowbrook Trace. Phone person. 332-8295, 7-12 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. collectibles. Buy, sell. At Goldberg for imr p.m. 10' 50', NEWLY carpeted and 10 p.m. 10 12-3 882-2694. 3-12-1 5-12-3 1115 N. Washington, 489-6448. Booth, Union Ballroom Flea C-12-2 Market, Sunday afternoon, remodeled interior. 114 Trailer BAGELSII Finals week specials' :uPancy, Haven, 332-0795. 3-12-2 NEED 1, 2 girls, $50 / month. Decmeber 5. 3-12-3 / dozen. To order, 35H*> 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, 351-3571. 3-12-2 Qlad Immediate occupancy. 355-9242 VINDALE QtudettU, 10' x 60', furnished, Ma 351-7672. 3-12-3 canisters and uprights. Guaranteed one DENNIS full year. $7.88 and up. DISTRIBUTING FISCHER FIBERGLASS skiis. 175 cm, ideal for beginner. Call Heinz, 332-0844. 3-12-3 carpeted, skirted, with shed, near campus. 4-12-3 Must sell, 351-3779. POETRY WANTED for Include stamped anthe envel teach0 Rooms IDLEWILD PRESS, 1807 a*ul tyacuiiu- . . . PERSON TO share house with Own room. Full family. COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. Opposite City Market. C-12-2 APPLES, PEARS, sweet cider. Apple STEREO COMPONENTS. Fisher amp. Allied speakers, tuner. $385. Asking, $175. New, PARKWOOD PARKW00D Expando, freezer, 1QB4 1964' 10' shed, 51 ', 2 Olympia, Los 90021.9-12-3 Angeles, Can tfl-193 privileges. Near 9694-8954. MSU. $75 / month. wood. And Gift packages shipped 3-12-3 bedrooms, Nice yard. 418 Trailer PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP 351-4251. Haven, Leave note or call week, 16 session pr°9r by United Parcel. BLOSSOM CAUGHT IN THE HOUSING 2 PERSONS house. $70 each, to share large room in December 15 ORCHARDS, 2 miles North Leslie on Hull Road. (Old U.S. 127) 1-589-8251 9-5 p.m. Closed of NIKON FTn with Nikkor 50mm, 135mm with Nikon < X-200-D automatic reverse stereo Akai 332-5657 before 8 a.m., after 5 p.m. 4-12-3 "Lighting, Posing, Composing Face and Figure." For^ ^ No lease, full use Mondays. O ROLLOHOME 1956, 8' x 40', 2 DeKoninck's Studio, IV5-8S of house. tape deck. Fisher TX-200 stereo SQUEEZE? EAST: 351-9196 after 3 p.m. 3-12-3 refined, SINGLE male roo~mfor~~qu5 HENKE 10%. BUCKLE Italian made clarinet. CCM skates, ski boots, size wooden size 12. amplifier. Panasonic AMF/FM stereo cassette speakers. New Electrovolce recorder with HOMETTE. FRONT kitchen, shed, 5-12-3_ PREGNANT? the PANICKY? alternatives. P™« Co"j beautifi hom east student, parking speakers reduced prices, liberal Counseling. 372-1560 10- Take your troubles to _ IV2-8304. 3-12-3 332-2192. 3-12-1 trades. Used stereo, on lot or off. Williamston. Must speakers, ** with GREAT FOR CHRISTMASI Plastic amps, receivers, changers, recorders and decks, cassette and tape sell 6-12-3 immediately, 655-2073. Peanuts Personal "lining 4 inflatable furniture. Many styles, 8 - track players, used 8 - THANKS famil track D.J.B. <01^ PARK WEST colors. 337-9215, All noon half - price. Phone midnite. 5-12-3 tapes $2 / each. TV sets, Police band radio, typewriters, imported wall tapestries. All equipment STAR REGAL, furnished, $2,950. Phone 1968, 332-0336, any time. 6-12-3 12' x 46', encouragement my Hon. I a" diploma belong to V° LKB. 1-12-1 Wn8> deli 1ch hn much J. Hen SANSUI 5000 Receiver. 500 Rever - tested and guaranteed. WILCOX Personal sh APARTMENTS amplifer, cases. 2-12-1 Newl 487-3234 $400 including before 4 p.m. SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East Michigan. 485-4391. 8 5:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday. - Lost & Found EVER READY: We top; Cora, Tort. EVER READY: can't ( 1-12-1 Maybe you teachoi BankAmericard, Master Charge. LOST: PAIR brown women's glasses, 5530 West CORNET KING Professional. $150 Layaways, germs, trades.C try a different approach Michigan Ave. or best offer. 361-1326 Jerry. Friday November 20th between 1-12-1 .— Shaw and Human Ecology at Saginaw 5-12-1 COLE'S BAKERY Building. Call Cathy, 353-1160. SURPLUS BAKERY foods at Contact Mrs. Louch 3-12-3 Shouldn't You Be 'MHouse USE YOUR COMIC BOOKS, science fiction. reduced prices. 1/3 to 1/2 off at 484-0709 Playboy, paperbacks for sale. retail prices: great eating great Using This Space? bar" MASTER CHARGE CURIOUS BOOK SHOP, 541 East economyl Surplus Store, 640 LOST: BLACK Cock-a-poo with long r 01 Hay; *res black hair In area of 'Iso av Grand River. (Below Paramount). South Waverly, AT THE STATE NEWS 1-6 p.m. 332-0112. 5-12-1 North of I-496 immediately COL LING WOOD Apartments. CALL 355-8255! expressway. C-12-3 Call 35 i-8282. Reward. 2-12-1 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, December 1, 1971 15 ound Recreation Real Estate fJelUXE PACKAlit easy drive to campus. il *nges '199 LONDON 8 days 7 nights dec. 22 to 30 Delightful on double 3#IlXK ?" 393 5081 showing or 2 bedroom corner lot. for D,ck a ranch Clean ^'y. personal as (Continued from Reps page one) not go into effect until Jan. 1. their constituencies. OK The standing committees and criteria members of the Honors College, Buildings, Lands and Planning love, 10(| complete deluxe teachout-gardner Though 15 of the 32 student Mark Bathurst, chairman of Bathurst also reported that the the colleges which will select the but they must be or have been Committee — Human Medicine, WE package to representatives were present at the Student Committee on sHOP, realtors student representatives elected membership for them are: enrolled in Honors courses or Social Science and Arts and the Academic Council Nominations, reported to the Clyde Best, representative from NASSAU 371-1930 they will not be officially seated on the council until the Jan. 11 meeting, Academic Council that 13 permanent and the College of Human Ecology, Curriculum Engineering. Committee Veterinary — programs. International Projects Letters. DAYS 3 nights 3 BEDROOM Ranch, near MSU meeting. The temporary student representative to the Medicine, Human Ecology, Committee — Agriculture and Boredom gives Farms. 1 acre rural lot. Fireplace Bylaws for representatives from the 16 Steering Committee of the Education, Arts and University Natural Resources, Business and Academic Governance ']39 dec. 10 to 13 carpet, drapes, stove, full basement, 2 refrigerator' car aarano that the student representation stipulate colleges have been elected or appointed. council. Bathurst reported that the College. Educational Policies Justin Morrill. Faculty Tenure Committee — vocalist talent limitedi call 337-7252.6-12-3 ^ The college representatives to election of student Committee — Agriculture and lM.^BIAT3E55-4809 the standing committees of the Osteopathic Medicine, NEW YORK (AP) - Allen [/ 332-4282 Service E. Pakistan council are being determined according to the Bylaws for representatives - at - large to the council has been certified. He said the decision and the Natural Resources, Lyman Briggs, Social Science, James Education College. and University Swift, a leading voice specialist in radio and TV commercials, Why (Continued from page one) Madison, University College and Library Committee — Natural believes his gift of mimicry came FOR QUALITY service Academic Governance, which rationale of the Student and stereos Justin Morrill. acapulco? Science, Communication Arts from boredom as a child. message sent by stipulate that "the responsibility TV's and recorders. A similar THE STEREO ■Committee on Nominations Honors Programs Committee and Justin Morrill. Sun, Sand, Surf SHOPPE. 337-1300. C Nixon to Ms. Gandhi was for establishing the procedures regarding the six appeals filed — Natural Science, Human Business Affairs Committee Swift daydreamed a lot and delivered Monday. It was for determining which colleges — Why against the election will be ELECTRONIC Ecology and Arts and Letters. Human Medicine, Business and populated his dreams with Variety Touri? REPAIRS. SteVeo^ discussed by the Cabinet will select undergraudate announced next Monday. These students will not be Arts and Letters. interesting people. Tuesday. members on the lest Dates, Best Rates standing Authoritative sources said committees lies with the ( 28 Jan. 9 219.00 tax Nixon had appealed for India to undergraduate student Space Limited Don 351-8126 FLUTE i n st LESSONS rust ion . . . Private take steps to de-escalate the representative on the council." crisis. There was no comment Though some of the FOR PAY LIST RELEASE Terry 393-4357 available at MARSHALL MUSIC, 245 Ann from the government. representatives - at - large are Carol 882-2632 do it I Street, 351-7830. C-12-1 Apparently officially inspired undergraduate students, the Council Shirley 351-8732 reports appearing in the Indian college representatives censures pair FREE SENIOR press said India did not welcome interpreted the or and j( PORTRAITS. CALL phrase rietv Trours 313-875-0758 353-5292. A SERVICE OF THE Nixon's suggestions, which were "undergraduate representatives" we've s WOLVERINE. 0-12-1 taken as a means of to mean the college helping bail (Continued from page one) representatives only. m Watki AWAII-269 ' out the Pakistani leadership. Nixon was reported to have The colleges called upon to bringing any animal into any University grounds maintenance residence hall janitors workers and The subject, which was not a voting helped provide the matter for the Academic aginaw! UROPE-189 referred to Western press reports name members to the committees will be responsible standing building or University bus. impetus behind the proposed campus Council, was initially met with laughter from the council It also provides that any animal CAPULCO-219 PAINTING INTERIOR. Brighten that room for the up asserting India was giving active assistance and help to the Mukti for their own elections according on campus msut be on a leash and that a brought ordinance. She added that there have been 10 dog members. The dog ordinance information immediately followed the highly intense HMAICA-219 holidays. students, experienced, references Grad Bahini. to the patterns acceptable to person must be holding the other end of bites on campus this fall. There is the faculty salary disclosure discussion and the leash. further danger that barefoot ASSAU-99 reasonable. Jere, or Bruce' 349-4817. C 11*11 iin WHAT'S. wnm a. i Animals are further restricted from the contract persons pin worms and tapeworms from could provided comic relief to the meeting. In other action, Walter Johnson, member PAIN-229 SNOWPLOWING FREE estimates Beal Botanical Gardens and the Horticulture Gardens. dog litter, she said. of the steering committee, reported to the n - HRlSTMAS SPEClAl/i and best "Physical plant personnel are about council that the Interim Faculty Grievance rates, residential or itl »l DISCOUNT Prices commerical. Call Dave at ACE, Exceptions to the proposed ordinance ready to refuse to clean up animal excreta Procedure was returned to committee for include seeing-eye dogs and animals used and there is a constant battle in residence CALL TODAY! t 351-6184. 7-12-3 further consultation. for University research. halls and in married housing" because of The revised document will contain mm.a Typing Service Ms. Garrison said objections to dog excreta from physical plant personnel, the presence of animal defecation, Ms. Garrison added. reworded passages to make the procedure more legalistic. grievance Announcements for It's What's There will be a weekly Bible i NASSAU $169 Happening must be recieved in the for faculty, staff and students EEK Dec. 27 SP'XIN $249 • 31 XEROX SAVE SAVE SAVE COPYING- offset quality at reasonable prices. THE - best State News office, 34S Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two class days before publication. Items Student noon I P-n>. each Thursday ir Natural Resources Bldg. information, call 3-0823. Nixon accepts bill summers over COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand \i Dec. 26 - Jan. 3 are limited to 25 words. No (Continued from page one) River. Phone 332-4222. C announcements will disproportionate. be accepted by free U Modern Dance meets Harris said it would be SO BE PREPARED FOR WINTER phone. No announcements will be tonight in 218 Women's Intrar Nixon would get his requested IDAY madness for IN QUALITY DOWN-FILLED APPAREL KAY'S TYPING Service. Theses, accepted for events outside the Bldg. As a beginners class, newco extension to April 30, 1973, of a Democratic FROM RAUPP CAMPFITTERS. RY general typing, IBM electric. greater Lansing area. are welcome. his price - and - wage - control Congress to vote such sweeping Phone 393-3588. 0-3-12-3 to • GERRY Down Sweater Frank Buck, 351-2286 authority. powers a Republican Ideal to 20° F $30.00 The Senate, in a floor vote on president for a period extending All-Univi sity Student Judiciary Gay Liberation Movement is . ZEN EXPERIENCED TYPIST. MARY • NORTH FACE Sierra Jacket ANN LANCE. 626-6542. the bill, slapped down, 74-14, an beyond the 1972 presidential Ideal to 0°F $39.50 demonstration and march at 11:30 election. B-B1-1-12-1 attempt by Sen. Fred R. Harris, • SIERRA DESIGNS Whitney Parka 1-0009 But he won votes of only 13 Ideal to 0"F $43.50 D-Okla., to limit the extension other Democrats for his • ALPINE DESIGNS Expedition Parka o uays / mynro PROFESSIONAL TYPING Service. A representative of the to two months—from April 30 Washington Ideal to —60°F $84.50 50c per page for standard University Law School will speak to There will be to June 30,1972. proposal. a spaghetti dinner at 10. 3ER SH UN '199 Dec. 22 . manuscripts. FORME R> Bl 339-9306. B-1-12-1 LINGOALlEnglish the Pre-Law Club at 7:30 p.m. in 118 Eppley Center. today |7 p.m. Sunday at St. Johns Student tenter, 327 MAC Ave. For reservations, call 337-9778 before 6 Meanwhile, the House Banking Committee endorsed in effect also the extension of apptral lid Rlupp cats and will alva you • on»-diy trM eartlfi- for cross-coaatnr ski Uadiais) raatal aa oqalpmmt (skis, polos, boots tbo data of roar cholca. PLETE DELUXE "•ypiBflWh* executive 'siWreMiV PACK&TnnrP The Black Arts Comply will hold p.m. Thursday. presidential authority tb April 1ENCE! WE ARE ALSO PLANNING Typing in my hifih'sV'Call auditions for the winter term TRIPS TO 355-8162. B-1-12-1 production from 7 to 11 tonight in Sigma Delta Chi will hold its last 30,1973. WAPULCO and aspen the Union Sunporch. The committee defeated, meeting of the term at 8 tonight at ao Lang TYPING IN my East Lansing home. 234 Orchard St. Members are urged 22-11, an amendment that 9 RAUPP n a bot Close to campus. 332-3306. The BMW Car Club will meet at to attend and BYO. would have maintained the Differen Woman LUXE PACKAGE WITH 1-12-1 DISSERTATIONS, 7:30 dining p.m. room, Thursday Owen Hall. in the small present termination date: April 30,1972. Campfitters RESERVED TICKETS THESES, term The committee voted down >e s a papers. Expert typist with degree lger th also an amendment that would LIONS VS in English. 0-12-1 I.B.M. 351-8961. Applications representatives for to at-large the student Academic Demons n Hall. have exempted future increases granted state and local longer tc Council Standing Committees Free U VIKINGS are classes meeting today - a COMPLETE THESES service. government employes, unless groov available in 101 Student Services American Musical Theater - 7 p.m., Discount printing. IBM typing and these i of grei (Bldg. through Friday. Information is 216 Bessey Hall; Beginning Dance - were grossly binding of theses, resumes, themo ig to '139 DEC. 10-12 publications. Across from campus, corner M.A.C. and Grand River, also available. 8 p.m., 218 Women's Intramural Bldg.; Poetry - 8 p.m., 215 Bessey DowrTTown Hall; Fiction Writing - 7 p.m., 214 ate New LAS VEGAS below Jones Stationery Shop. Call COPYGRAPH SERVICES, The Chess Club will meet at 7 today in the Shaw Hall west meetir p.n Berkey Hall; Winter term ideas and information - call 353-9190 or DON'T LET YOUR 337-1666. C $QQ DEC. 9-12 room. Please bring a set if possible. 484-5140. jg DEC. 16-19 LIMITED CALL TERM PAPERS experienced typist. Near campus. typed by The Spartan Bowmen will meet BOOKS PILE UP! Applicants for the College of Social from 8 to 10 tonight in the Turf IMMEDIATELY Ambrose -355-4809 Phone 484-1874.20-12-2 Science committee seats may sign up Arena of the Intramural Building. Only at the DELI TURN THEM INTO c today in 205 Berkey Hall. Applicants Next tarn's teams will be organized. nda Schwartz - 332-4282 TYPING SERVICE , prompt and will be interviewed at 3:30 p.m. professional plus reasonable rates. Thursday in 203 Berkey Hall. People interested in attending the Theses, themes, other diversified Emergency Conference for New Real Estate can you get a services also available. Phone 882-4018 SHELDON or COMPANY, write THE 5818 There will be a MSUVA meeting at Voters in Chicago Dec. 3 - 5, call 355-8302 or stopinat312 Student Services Bldg. from 3 to 5 p.m. CASH AT WAVERLY schools 7 p.m. today in the American Legion Durwell Dr., Lansing. C Hall. Information will be available on Campus Cowboys and Cowgirls will FRESSER £ampus„ the term end party. futiful 4 bedroom, 2'A ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith meet at 7 p.m. today in the Judging , ,l)ricl< toial, only 2 and aluminum offset printing. Complete service for dissertations, thesos, Married students and spouses Pavillion for a Rodeo Club meeting. Book^2#v years old. inteu led in various team sports call Party will follow. "ma I manuscripts, general typing. IBM. CORNED BEEF, TURKEY, SALAMI dining, deluxe 22 years experience. 349-0850. C 485 ^('67 if living off campus or COLE SLAW, CHOPPED CHICKEN LIVER The MSU Bicycling Club will meet family room with signup at Married Housing r Store ** "led building. at 7:30 p.m. today in 203 Men's & SWISS CHEESE, and topped with ceilings. Excellent TYPING TERM papers and theses. Intramural Bldg. OUR OWN SPECIAL DRESSING l"'ct Pattern. Walk to Electric typewriter. Fast service. The MSU Ski Club will meet at SERVED ON AN ONION ROLL J? K-12 yet located right 349-1904.20-12-1 7:30 p.m. today in 109 Anthony Family Ecology Club will see ^ expressway for easy Hall. Films will be shown and door Urban 4-h in action at the Mt. 507 E. Grand River . or fof MSU campus. Price BARBI MEL: Typing, multilithing. No job too large or too small. Block, Vernon Community Center. The Across from Berkey "^mediate sale and group will leave the Human Ecology 7 "Pancy. Choice off campus. 332-3255.0 Building at 3:30 p.m. today. Free store - side parking Days a Week terms. Sophomore Theater presents "The World We Live In" or "The Insect FOR FAST efficient typing, Call Community Circle Players present Comedy" at noon today and Shirley Mense 339-2069. 3-12-3 Thursday in 49 Auditorium. "The Enchanted" at 8:30 p.m. teachout-gardner Thursday through Saturday and Dec. REALTORS, 371-1930 or 482-6461 TYPING THESES and Rapid accurate Experienced. 393-4075. C letters, etc. ^service. Wanted 10 -12 Barn and at 7 p.m. Sunday at Theater. Call 349-4340 the for SENIORS! a Hobie is a whole meal. LANSING Luxury The Pre-Vet Club will meet at 7 construction. Duplex 3 bedrooms Transportation COUPLE NEED ride to Pittsburgh GIRL TO share myapari and spring term. 484-1328. 6-12-1 p.m. Thursday in 146 Giltner Persons wishing to go on the trip must attend or contact Hall. field Linda union man One of my subs contains everything around December 18. Will pay, ^borhood. 393-8170. 4-12-3 call Jack, 337-2326. 2-12-2 Remington. needed for a LOCATE LOST PETS fast. Dial balanced meal- 355-8255 now for a quick - action Jim Dillard will give away United NORTH CAROLINA and along 177 Artist's "Nuff Said" from 12 to 3 wants to remind you that Dutiful colonial Classified Ad. if good for lunch, December 11. Riders needed. Call tonight on WFEE 820, 392 55. you're graduating home near 332-8194. 6 12-3 December 4th you should dinner, & snacks RIDE TO Chicago; person and dog; east lansing after December 11. 332-0731. Alan Kates will give away A & M's rent your LONDON, $149. ROUND TRIP JET "Rock in the Fillmore" from 6 to 9 Cap & Gown 3-12-1 NOW! All you have to from New York. Weekly tonight on WFEE. with option to do is go to the 4th buy. departures with open return. Call 1 GIRL for 4 girl house, starting "Jg 4 bedroom colonial Frank Buck, 351-2286. 0-12-3 December 15th. Call 351-1478. floor of the Union "family __ room, formal 5-12-3 Building between 8:30 deluxe ktichen and NEED RIDE to Detroit Airport and 5:30 pm the week December 15. Call Charlotte, BLOOD DONORS needed.$7.50 for bhn J-i ,.ch more- please call 1-543-1115. 3-12-3 all positive. A negative, B negative November 29th. Henry, 485-6766 for Fisheries and Wildlife "•onal and AB negative, $10.00 O The MSU showing or NEED RIDE to Miami, Florida, negative, $12.00. MICHIGAN Club will meet at 7 p.m. today in 183 For only $6.00 you can must arrive 12/ 17/ 71 355-6294. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER, Natural Resources Bldg. for the last look as great as the 2-12-1 teachout-gardner 507V4 East Grand River, East Lansing. Above the new Campus meeting of the term. Union Man in his Cap & Gown REALTORS Book Store. Hours, 9 am to 3:30 Wanted pm Monday, Thursday, and longer be meeting. 371-1930 Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday 1 Hobie's WANTED: CHEAP place to stay pm to 6:30 pm. 337-7183. C MECHA presents Heberto Castillo (acres k 4 bedroolT>. 2 baths, during break, close to campus. speaking on "The Feasibility of a lit 0; r.arn' wo°ds. Jolly fladom. Adjoining 10 Road, Jim, 355-6424. 3-12-3 FEMALE VETERINARY student Political Coalition Between Students 351-3800 ricn TTopget! krej . girl to share trailer. Winter, and Peasants on Jhe Situation in now needs lor :' Mailable. Will sacrifice BOB - WANT to rent your car, but spring. Near campus $60 / month. Mexico" at 2 p.m. today. Call ^2-3 sal«- 337-7252. lost your number. Barbara, 351-6468. 3-12-3 35 5-7290 for information. 489-9756. 1-12-1 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan AGAINST SOME MSU UNITS Panel gets sex bias charges By DIANE PETRYK level of Student Admissions form requires a physical 5) Vice president for the part of the University or lack State News Staff Writer Officer and Counselor. following maternity leave and University relations — of programs to meet certain A list of complaints alleging B. There is a pay differential yet maternity leave is not A. They complained that the needs of women. that a number of MSU units or between women home covered by payment of sickness telephone number for the Equal "Among these were the need economists and men who are benefits. departments discriminate on the Opportunity office should also for additional day-care centers basis of sex has been sent to the county extension agents. B. They allege that the Alumni be filed or for children of employes and listed under Committee Against C. There are a number of Office and the MSU Alumni antidiscrimination. children of students," she said. Discrimination academic departments who the by Mary P. Magazine are too highly-oriented B. That there "They also requested we Sharp, asst. director of Equal Alliance allege practice sex to the male was inadequate graduates and that dissemination of information investigate the possibility of Opportunity Programs. discrimination with regard to there is no organization for about the Committee applying for federal money The compiaints were brought in either promotions, appointments alumnae. Against being made available for by Vicki Neiberg and Mary in the tenure system or in the C. They allege that women Discrimination, the Antidiscrimination Judicial day-care centers. They also Grapo, representatives of the payment of salaries. The specific > coeds who complain of assaults Alliance to End Sex departments which they request to the Public Safety Dept. have Board and the office of Equal allege that there are insufficient Discrimination at MSU. be investigated with regard to been met with the remark such Opportunity Programs. Also programs to provide degree there should be an increased opportunities for older women Ms. Sharp conducted a these allegations are the as the following: "What's the number of stories about these in and cited the University of preliminary investigation of the following: psychology, labor and matter, didn't you wear your bra the State Michigan's plan for older women industrial relations, the College News. complaints, but all are still being today?" To the best of their students who wish to return to investigated. of Education including several belief and knowledge there are C. They also requested that a school to complete B.A. or "If the committee feels the sub-departments, journalism, no female officers in the Public statistics and probability, social representative from the advanced degrees." complaints are valid," Ms. Sharp Safety Dept. and they believe committees or the office attend "In connection with the said, "they will bring the science and the University this is discriminatory. meetings of the Alliance to End latter," she said, "they allege inequities to the attention of the College. 4) Office of the vice president Sex that one of the problems is the responsible parties. Then if they 3) Executive vice-president's for business and finance Discrimination. — The insistence of most graduate aren't corrected they will be office— specific complaint in this area is D. They allege that there is referred to the judicial board. A. There were several departments that students be that there are no head janitors discrimination against women in enrolled full time which "We've never done this before allegations made against the who are female but that maids terms of salary and so we'll be following the personnel office. Among them and janitors perform essentially administrative effectively bars women who - professional have other obligations and wish Brookover Report," she said. were: that there are no women tne same work and also have ratings in the office of to proceed at a slower Five main complaints were interviewers and that women different pay rates which results Information Service. pace." Ms. Neiberg said the alliance cited in Ms. Sharp's letter to the who applied for a job are offered in differentials being paid on the has another list of complaints committee. Excerpts from the only secretarial positons. Also, basis of sex. This would apply to Ms. that is being prepared. letter follow: that there is insufficient both dorms and food services 1) There are no women advertising by the personnel and the Physical Plant custodial by the Alliance representatives administrators in the president's office for openings on campus services. (Note,, that legal which are probably not subject office which means that women with the "Equal Opportunity" research has been initiated in to review by the Committee are denied positions of influence slogan attached. this particular area and this Against Discrimination or the at the top administrative level. One other complaint registered investigation has commenced Judicial Board but which they 2) Provost's office — against the personnel office was due to another complaint believe indicate A. There are no women at the that the leave of absence return insensitivity on received). oswass IFC expels 4 for lock of MINI-DIAGNOSIS po Interfraternity Council (IFC) Assembly voted Monday night that their involvement in IFC athletic programs also had been © ®- to expel four fraternities for limited. Presidents of the four TUES WED-FRI EVENINGS (6-9 pm) failure to pay IFC dues for over The fraternities also had failed fraternities were not available two years. to observe an IFC ban on the for comment Tuesday. § We will inspect such items as tires, brakes, exhaust, Alpha Phi Alpha, Kappa Alpha hazing of new members, James and overall lights Psi, Omega Psi Phi and Phi Beta Humes, IFC Chief Justice said. performance while you wait. Well have refreshments for you and our new 1972 Sigma will be excluded from all Because the four fraternities carson display. IFC activities, had attempted to withdraw from including intramural sports and IFC several years ago, they IFC-coordinated rush programs, IPC president Ronald Barnes said. probably would not object to being excluded now, Barnes said. They could appeal the decision IAN APPOINTMENT WILL BE NECESSARY PLEASE PHONE 482-6226 'These fraternities have shown of the IFC Assembly to the IFC no interest in IFC," Barnes Judiciary Committee, he added. added. "Why should IFC Although the four fraternities :j: 9 ~bty Q Stripes, prints, solid colors! continue to keep them as are black, their expulsion "was MOOSUSKI AUSTRIAN members of the Greek system if UmAAL OitAiCbwiU/... « how LEATHER GLOVES Famous May Queen by Hanes At. NYLON PANTY HOSE were $1.39 tolicatior n 'h® I ACROSS FROM OLIN AT MANYOTHER ITEMS 'S,V TO Jjvices Bl "heiday.