. . . from the State News and its advertisers who invite you to Shop Early this year. A Special Supplement to The Michigan State News December 3, 1971 2 Michigan State News, Hast L*ansirtfz, Michiga Buy or Bring In Your Gifts And Wrap Them For FREE SEASONS GREETINGS FROM YOUR M.S.U. BOOKSTORE In the hih riiutioiuil Center L i uuOiKuisupi jseg 'saon 3|BIS i/ir»n/3ijv ^ ZIK The art of giving This icicle is one of natures A University is the most as unusual. A quick dab of presents to still remain on ways of telling people that it frustrating place to be in during shellac on them and Mom will speaking terms with you, take is cold outside .... as if they the Christmas receive a hand-crafted the practical route. didn't know already. season. Students anxiously wait for finals to end paperweight. SN photo by Stephi Rennpage Promise your Dad everything, so they can hurry home to their Offer to drive them to the city friends and family — but especially tickets to next year's - .. , football games. Make sure he empty-handed. The problem of mention that they don't even not being able to afford understands that you will pay have to pay for gas. Ask around Christmas presents is as old as for them yourself (you can . ~ . . ,, . that crafty old man, Claus, who worn- abou. that o,er Umm«r *?! 'JlT. 22 started the holiday, but many vacation)' and move on to the start ***** due andf1 h*ad on their research work a — students fear the loss of friends of your family. if they don't stock plenty of Browse through y0u r the midnight before the paper is presents under the tree. collection of records and select due they W,H be grateful" Set up the one your lonely friends with nice The problem starts when you aren't clever enough or don't Lctc, id brother would be most surprised looking girls or guys making sure have to receive. Along with it, attach you have plenty of mistletoe enough time to make your around. a note that reads, "In a few presents and don't even have enough money to afford to wash years, these will be collectors If you have scrapped enough items." Give him Danny and the funds together to go your dirty laundry. shopping, Juniors' Greatest Hits" or make sure you know exactly Buying presents There are ways to get around "Deedee Sharp's Mashed what you want and where you THE Potatoes." are going to get it. Check the buying presents and still keep friends if you are willing to be newspapers for the sales and clip out coupons, VERSATILE original and unusual. A little Pick a poster especially if you forethought on the part of plan on purchasing all your „— r—- — Carefully V/Oiciunjf examine ciaiiiiiK the lire walls of nrwontcaf tho WiUISOl your room and take down the presents at the d™*store- students can even get them The Sony 124CS around the holiday crowds and poster that isn't hiding the To wrap it all up, be sure you for business or pleasure shopping, legally. paint-chipped spots. Roll is up give even the smallest The first rule is to plan in gift with a on the go! carefully and give it to your smile because the advance. Write a list of the favorite sister spirit is what people you can afford to leave remembered how much you saying, "I Christmas is all about. s16995 out. Obviously, you have to buy admired it the last time you presents for your family or were up." She will be thrilled You expect to spend Christmas in the beyond words at your Neeo never heard it so good. care of your local Salvation generosity. beLp? Army. Narrow the list down to the brothers and sisters who remembered last birthday and The next group of people have to worry about you during the The LISTENING EAR 337 1717 HI FI BUYS work from there. 1101 E. Grand River Christmas season are your Phone 337-2310 Mother is usually the easiest friends. Make another list, with person in the house to buy for, two columns, your friends who except when you don't have any believe excuses and those who money. Students need only to must get presents, take a quick look around the campus grounds to discover Some believeable excuses many items that double as include, "I left your present on Christmas presents for Mom. the bus and I'm just waiting for A short walk them to return it:" or to really A snort walk with a pair of impress them say, "I ordered scissors along the railroad tracks } °ur Present from France and near South Complex may get it's being held up in New York Gift list bigger you a bouquet of dried flowers harbor because of the dock that are so popular and strike. If they are understanding, overpriced in the department y°u can say, "I'm sorry, but you stores. Keep a sharp lookout as know how broke I am." you walk along the Red Cedar for the friends and than ever; 9 River for stones that strike you acquaintances who require November 26 - Get Instant C December 22 Fri.-8:00 The holiday season has a way of putting a crimp Sat. -2:30 & 8:00 in the old budget, what with gifts, travel and a host Sun. - 4:00 of other expenses. Special Week-Day Programs ■ But Instant Cash from your MSU Employees Credit Mon.f Dec. 20; Tues., Dec. 21; | Union can get you out of the hole fast, and at Wed., Dec. 22. 2:30- 8:00 a low cost, too. Admission Prices Once you've opened an Instant Cash account, you If Adults $1.00 ' can borrow a little or a lot as often as necessary - MSU Students (I.D.) 75c without delay. Children 5- 12 -50c Enjoy the kind of holiday deserve this year. . . you Instruments and optical devises at the planetarium will reproduce the sky at the time of the first Christmas, so you will be able to see events which have been suggested as possible explanations for the Christmas Star. A/1SL/ Emp Sky Scanning JVBRAMS. 1 ^ Dec. 9 - 8 p.m. Topic: I The Pleiades Star 600 E. Crescent Phone 353-2280 Cluster Admission Free Open 9:30 to 5:30 Monday thru Friday PLANETARIUM li-61 *£ l^QUI33an k ABDUJ 4 Michigan State News. Easf Lansing. Letters My FeUow Santa: SantatoClaus Ms. would greatly appreciate "Ho, ho, ho" stuff has gone on some more of those Walgreen's Please understand that I harbor long enoigh. 3) Making only watercolors. And we mustn't no hard feeling for your not Spiro Agnew watches is clearly a forget the help: please, Santa, a racist affront to elves granting my wish for a new box of crayons for A1 unicameral legislature last year, everywhere: we demand the Ballard and a new typewriter but I understand you have right to immediately begin the ribbon and red velvet fez for problems with Democrats at the production of Mr. Keebler trusty Jim. And, oh yes, is there sundials, 4) Either North Pole too. If I may. you someway that you can make housebreak those however, I would like to alter eight tiny people forget about that reindeer, or you find some new my request for this upcoming Rockefella Foundation stuff? Yuletide season and instead ask lackeys. We await your answer. you to grant me a nocameral C.R. Wharton Jr. "Dr." C. Platrc "Twinkletoes" legislature for 1972. ♦ * * Larrowe William G. MiUiken Dear Lackey of the Imperialist Toymongers — Dear Santa: Greetings: No offense, but we won't be Please see that Wesley Fishel As you may very well know needing you this year. Ever since stays on the political science your United States Selective we got our hands on the student faculty. If he ever leaves we're tax it's been Christmas every Service System has recently sunk. revamped its draft classification SDS day. ♦ ♦ ♦ system. Your category, IV-E The ASMSU Student Board (Elves over 400 years of age ), My Fellow Michigander — • * * * has therefore been abolished and Mr. Kringle: you have been reclassified I-A M. Claus: Could you fix it so that I could S. Claus effective immediately. get back in good with he Twelve tons of asphalt, 48 North Pole Democratic Party? Just the same thing I asked for truckloads of gravel, a gross of Director, Michigan State Selectivi last Clair White, trustee cans of yellow paint, 17 green year, only this time it's * * Service System * signs and a few score acres of really important. You see, I Sir: Elves and MSU will do nicely. retire in June so if you can just Distinguished Members of the Reindeer The State Highway Dept. Dear Santa: keep those snotnoses from This year I will require a few Liberation Front — * * * * printing words like —, — and things. For example, if it would Brother Claus: Please bring back the Days of for another six months 111 not be too much out of your From minorities and Yore. be clear. way I would greatly appreciate hippies and long-legged liberals and things All we want for Christmas is The Greeks Louis J. Berman, four new trustees, preferably that go "point of order" in some office space, hummm. State News General Manager Republicans this time. Also, the the night, Santa deliver us. Joint Issue Hal Buckner, Chm. ASMSU Pvt. Claus: ♦ * ♦ To: S. Claus, Chm., Dept. of I really appreciated the Goodies servo-shock typewriters you delivered last year: they were an PLUG INTO BROTHER SLICK Re: Requests immense help in teaching correct spelling. I think this year well Sir: need to escalate if we're going to continue to turn out good £ We mo6t certainly could 2,500 job openings. use tittle journalists, so how about 12 reams of copy paper that self-destructs if the margins are Sheldon Lowry, Director exceeded by more than two Multi-Disciplinary Social Science spaces. * * * Santa: Mary Gardner, associate prof, of journalism * * * Ditto. Mr. Kringle: John E. Ivey, Dean How about a recount for College of Education Christmas? Up Against the Wall Santa! Gordon Thomas, Mayor emeritus On behalf of Elves Local No. Dear Kris: 001 I present the following demands: 1) Since the sun sets Thanks for the present, albeit a only once a year at the North Pole we feel that the couple of months early. Hey, present one more thing: Let's not have a daily wage scale is clearly recount for Christmas, exploitative. 2) We demand the establishment of employe Wilbur Brookover, Mayor grievance proceedures - this (P,ease turn to page 11) Don't Go Home Empty-Handed Remember the future Spartans in your family with MSU T-shirts, sweat-shirts souvenirs YOU'LL GET OFF WEARING IT AS All MSU jewelry (except rings) is still on sale for 50% OFF MUCH AS HE DOES MAKING* IT • • • Catch up on overdue letters HATS • COATS • PANTS • HANDBA6S on any of our colorful, fanciful stationery from BELTS • POUCHES • ALSO: FRYE® BOOTS . . . CAMPUS BOOKSTORE Brother Gambit SI ick"Trading Co. ☆ ☆ 131 E. Grand River across from the Union ++ '&UISUE-J JSE3 -S/M3/S/ ajejs m lay, December 3, 1971 Seemingly enjoying the wintry weather, this dog was found following his shadow (and his master) around campus. SN photo by Craig Porter Yule By ROBERT BAO whatsoever. We emphasize the means Similarly, Mehmet Sahin, According to Chung, a celebration. Santa Claus is The vicissitudes of Christmas outdoors—travels to the coast, graduate student from Turkey, Christmas has a cooling effect on known to very few people celebration around the world sports and a lot of communal said, "We don't celebrate the war, apparently because there." anywhere from animal activity." Christmas because it's a both sides temporarily can range recognize "Unlike the United States, Christian holiday, and 98 per that sacrifices to outdoor safaris' making love is preferable to The most unusual where everything is closed on cent of our people are complete with baboons, making war. noncelebration of Christmas, Christmas, in Kenya the Moslems." Raman Padmanabhan, however, described by Chin flamingos and cheetahs. businesses was But Sahin added that Turkey Recently several foreign more than stay open and bustle graduate student from India, Ann-Ping, junior from Taiwan. students at MSU described the ever," he observed. has an equivalent holiday during said: "We had to go to school on Bedi added that the American which animals are sacrificed, Yuletide activities—or "Christmas is a public holiday Christmas," Ms. Ping tradition of family get togethers especially by the rich. in India, but there isn't much of nonactivity—of their native did not complained. cultures. apply to Kenya except "Our religion says: 'Don't for a few converts to sacrifice if you're in debt,"' he Michael Bottenheim, graduate student from the Netherlands, Christianity. explained. said Christmas in his country In South America, Yuletide Sahin stated that the spirit of festivities stretch from Dec. 16 Christmas is reflected in Turkey revolves around eating. "Around December, the food to Jan. 6, the "Dia de los during Ramdan—a Moslem industry in the Netherlands is by Magos" (Day of the Wise Men), holiday which varies according far the most important," he according to Gabriel Robayo, to the Arabic calendai^when noted. "Our custom is not to graduate student from people are supposed to fast for a Colombia. month. exchange gifts, but to exchange food and sweets, especially a He indicated that the central "I, myself, haven't fasted focus of the season is on though" he confessed. pepper cake called Taai Taai." Pham Chung, graduate student Bottenheim added that the midnight Christmas eve, when Dutch concept of Santa Claus is people get together with their from South Vietnam, said Christmas is strikingly different from the families for the "Buena Cena", a legal holiday there a American version: religious dinner. even though only 12 per cent of * Robert Babe, graduate student the people are Catholics. Santa Claus is known as Sint Nicolaas. from Canada, said the Canadian Calling himself a non-Catholic, he said: * Sint Nicolaas comes not approach to Christmas is as "On Christmas eve I enjoy from the North Pole in a sleigh, commercialized as the American but from Spain via a boat. one. going to Church. I go around * and look at people." Children leave shoes instead Though most foreign students of socks beside the chimney, and at MSU come from they do it on the eve of Dec. 5 non-Christian countries, they instead of 25. said Christmas might still be * Sint Nicolaas sends his celebrated, but in helper, Black Peter, presumably unconventional fashion. a sixth century saint from Bhoocha-Oom, graduate Turkey, down the chimney with student from Thailand, the gifts. explained that her country is An even more striking version mainly Buddhist, but that during of Christmas was described by the Yuletide season it is Nilam Bedi, graduate student customary for older relatives to from Kenya: become philanthropic and give "It's a general holiday that has money to their nephews and no religious significance nieces. Seafarer, Viceroy, and Kazoo pants all reduced 20% Permanent matches or incense free with purchase of S1 5 or over. THE OUTLOOK 217 Ann St. '224 Abbott Next to Mini-Mart Have a good break! smvnafl uaids &na 6 Michigan State TVe s, East Lansing, Michigar SN pr Norwegian Swedish recipe JULEKAKKE (more 1 cup butter 4*4 cups milk or less pronounced "jew-la-cab-ca") titillotion PRESSYLTA (HEAD CHEESE) 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon card am on seed 2 yeast cakes in recip 'A hog's head (about five pounds) 2 pounds lean pork 3/4 pound raisins 2-2l/i pounds veal shoulder Vi pound citron 1 large piece hog's rind Two quasi-famous chefs, John To every quart of water: enough flour to form a firm dough Juel and Dave Person have 1 tablespoon salt Meit butter and sugar in milk. While lukewarm add consented to release some of 5 whole allspice flour, 5 white peppercorns cardamon seed and dissolve yeast cakes. Knead well. Let rise until their internationally popular light. Add raisins and citron. Knead again. Shape in loaves. Let 1-2 cloves recipes to State News readers in rise again. Bake in oven at medium heat for about 1 hour. time for the 1971 Christmas % bay leaf holidays. 2-3 slices onion SAN BAKKELS V4 carrot 1 cup butter Spices: 1 cup lard Juel, who says he is funding 2 tablespoons salt 2 teaspoons ground cardamon his college education with 2 tablespoons white pepper 3 eggs (beat slightly before adding) money he made baking girl scout Va teaspoon allspice % teaspoon salt cookies during his grade school Vt teaspoon cloves 1 cup sugar years, submitted recipes for old 6 to 7 cups flour Norwegian treats brought over Clean hog's head and singe off hair and bristles. Clean teeth by his ancestors years ago. with stiff brush and cut off ears. Soak in cold water for 6 to 12 Cream butter and tard together, then add sugar, cardamon, eggs Julekakke is a Christmas bread hours, changing water if necessary. Place with other meat and and flour. After putting in the fifth cup of flour work in the and SanBakkels and rind in boiling water and cover. Bring water to boiling point balance slowly. Press into forms and bake until light brown. Fattigmand are Christmas again, skim and add remaining ingredients. Simmer V/t-2 hours or cookies. until tender. Remove meat and cut rind away from head. When FATTIGMAND cold, cut all meat in thin slices. Spread cloth or towel wrung out 4 eggs in hot water in deep bowl and line with rind right side down. 4 tablespoons cream Person, who earlier this year won a Arrange fat and lean meat in alternate layers, sprinkling spices on dash of cardamon seed Betty Crocker award for his each layer and cover with pieces of rind. Pull cloth together 4 tablespoons sugar peanutbutter omelets, submitted tightly and tie securely with string. Place head cheese in saucepan, 3 teaspoons brandy only one recipe. "When I think cover with stock and cook slowly for ten minutes. Remove to enough flour to form of Christmas, the first thing that a dough platter, cover with board and put weight on top for 24 hours. comes to my mind is that old After that time, remove cloth keeping head cheese in strongly Roll out dough and cut in anall pieces. Fry in deep fat until Swedish delicacy, Pressylta," he salted water. Serve sliced with pickled beets. light brown. said. Lansing Jaycees offer t VARSITY SPECIAL FOR FINALS! ■ — — — — SUNDAY -• Yule dial-a-Santa Claus Medium 12" 1 item Talking to Santa Claus is as easy as dialing 482-1515 this month, thanks to the Lansing Jaycees. The 30 second VARSITY PIZZA from Santa for the benefit of message for Only 51.50 A Lansing area youngsters will be in operation 24 hours a day until ChristmasEve. Additional items 25c each. SUN. Dec. 5th 4 PM till 2 AM Dec. 6 TAKING OFF FOR THE HOLIDAY? DEAL FREE DORM DELIVERY & PICK UP ONLY COUPON — — — — — — — MONDAY PIZZA FOR A 9" 1 item VARSITY BUCK A PIZZA only M.00 Mon. Dec. 6th 11 AM till 2 AM Dec. 7th FREE DORM DELIVERY & PICK UP — COUPON ONLY DAY $1.00 OFF ALL FROM YOUR on a LEAVE YOOR IMPORT WITH OS! KING 16 1 or More item VARSITY PIZZA MAJOR TONE- Additional items 40c each Tues. Dec. 7th 11 AM till 2 AM Dec. 8th FREE DORM DELIVERY & PICK UP ONLY COUPON VARSITY OP SPECIAL! 10ST 6-cylinder $36.99 Includes *33.99 valve adjustment, ■WEDNESDAY compression check, new plugs, points, and condenser, Buy a Med 12" or King FREE distributor removed and 16" 1 or more item VARSITY And Get A Ham & Cheese or PIZZA Delivery inspected, timing carburators synchronized, set, FAST Roast Beef Sub FREE all-mund lubrication, oil change HOT 332-6517 w/penzoil z-7 * Wed. Dec. 8th 11 AM till 2 AM Dec. 9 FREE DORM DELIVERY & PICK UP ONLY *popular sports cars only THURSDAY "GREASER SPECIAL" recision Imports Buy a King 16" or Med 12" 1204 E. Oakland (before Penn. Ave.) VARSITY PIZZA & IV 4-4411 IV 2-4444 Get Your choice of any 3 ITEMS FREE „ . "specializing in j Thurs. Dec. 9th till 1 AM Dec. 10th BANKAMERICARO finer sportscars' | FREE DORM DELIVERY & PICK UP ONLY * ************* This offer good thru Jan. 4 J./IV/-/CV /\/S" ■" —."""•"•'It ueSiij^ifv '8insuB"7 7sug '-VAi.Jvv ojejs ucShfaifV 9 BUT SPIRIT REMAINS Yuletide season turns to tinsel remains. From the bright By MAUREEN McDONALD Q. Santa, what have you been the Pay Board. You see many of A. Oh yes. He's considering an sparkling eyes of children as State News Staff Writer doing for income since you lost them have children who investment in a travel agency. He they open their new toys, to the your saintly seat in heaven? wouldn't want coal in their may offer a special sky sleigh contented smiles of the aged, Twas the night before A. Actually, (his stomach stockings. tour, utilizing my reindeer, you when someone remembers to Christinas and all through the rolled with laughter this time, Q. How about your elves, are know those twelve animals draw call on them. Christmas, for all house, not a creature was stirring like a bowlful of jelly) I'm still they satisfied with their unemployment 364 days a year. its commercialism, could not . . . except Saint Nick, stuffing collecting royalties on that Kris toymaking wages? Q. Santa, perhaps I'm exist without the spirit of joy it goodies in stockings. Kringle flick, "Miracle on 42nd A. I've been forced to give presumptuous, but you've continues to generate. Well, Alas, this famous scene of Street" and I still pose for a them a raise. What with all these turned into quite a businessman. Merry Christmas. I have to get Yuletide bliss is but an eggnog number of pictures, for new-fangled safety features the A. Times change, Virginia. The back to my work now. hallucination. The Catholic Christmas cards and the like. FDA requires, my elves are Yule season used to stretch from Church said, last year, that Saint Q. Speaking of posing, how do working a good deal of overtime. my feastday in early December Nick was a myth, and banished you deal with the vast number I can't afford a strike at this to Epiphany Day in January. TREAT him from sainthood. of Santa imposters? time of year. Christmas day, itself, was a day This reporter interviewed the A. Ho, ho, ho . . . Most of Q. Speaking of strikes, has the of religious reflection on the YOUR benevolent red-suited man at his them are unionized. We've had a dock strike affected your usual birth of Christ. Now the tinsel is North Pole villa, to find out bit of trouble this year with the supply of fan mail? up before Thanksgiving in stores FRIENDS what he has been doing with his workers demanding a wage A. Well, I've had to send out and taken down on Christmas time. increase, but I have friends on Dancer and Blitzen to the docks eve. Christmas has become a to pick up the surface mail. hectic maze of bell ringers, Sleigh fare is quite economical. harried shoppers, stuffed cash GREAT Q. My, I nearly forgot to ask, registers, and gaudy decorations. how is your old friend Saint Q. Is that all there is, Santa? HOLIDAY Christopher doing, since he lost A. Somehow, underneath it his sainthood at the same time? all, the genuine spirit of giving GOODIES! Fresh Baked EASY * Specialty Cookies (springerles, lebkuchen, pfefferneusse, and more) PICK-UP * Stoilens * Fruit Breads Sony's New Model 120 - (pumpkin, banana, berry,etc.) The light vwight portable * Fruit Cakes with a built-in mike. * Decorated cakes, pies * Sheet pies and cakes ON (served in squares - great for guests) You never heard it so good. SALE CANDY GIFTS KWAST OAKERIES HI FI BUYS F rand or - Brookfield Plaza 351-5032 - 337-0832 - 485-0615 1101 E. Grand River Phone 337-2310 this ClTRiSCMAS Santa Claus has been spending a lot of time in recent weeks Qive feiRtb in the Greater Lansing Area. A little girl at Meridian Mall looks shocked that Santa would even consider asking whether she had been good all year. to State News photo by Don Gerstner Holiday Special UNt>CRStANt>iNQ Bonat All Seasons Permanent. Great for adding body to hair. Especially Shags! $15.00 permanent for only $10.00 Wigs and hair piece styling. Stylist.... CLAUDIA WELLS fcetA tbetA Pi MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR from IMPERIAL House of Beauty Just South of the 1-96 X-way 6425 So. Pennsylvania In TML Building, Phone 393-1877 fg Michigan Mull- IVeivs. Eraf Lansing, Miclil««n Break lonely for some By BOB NOVOSAD time for a reunion with their vowed to be better prepared for current issues with his old State News Staff Writer exchange organization, where this holiday season, friends, as well as serving as an they can hash over their new "Last year I stayed with a opportunity for social activities. "The Christmas break has been experiences. Many students, fnend in New "The Christmas a very bad experience for me," however, are unable to travel, Jersey and was season is very homesick," she said. "It lonely, but the longer you stay says Krishna Kumar, graduate and are forced to spend their was [jfce here, the less you are homesick," student from India. vacation on learning new customs all campus. Hue claims. "I don't want to Tm isolated from my family. over again." Staying on campus is not a "At home we celebrate the stay on an empty campus when I have no place to travel away complete disaster. Some new yetr not be with my friends." from campus, and find nothing students like Clyde Kiang, Christmas, so the can American holiday really has no Not all foreign students have to do here during the break," he Formosa, graduate student, have the advantage of having spent a said. "All I can do is some found that the break gives them meaning for me," she said, she said she has no definate previous holiday season in the general reading and get some a chance to brush up on their relaxation." "Back at home in plans for this year states. For some students, this language and communication Suriyan will be their first experience India we have Christmas difficulties. Tishyadhigama, also celebrations. We have parties, from Thailand, graduate student. with an Americ an Christmas. 'The longer you stay here, the visit friends and the big cities easier it is to adapt to the agreed'""that he was very Masanobu Koutake have special holiday homesick at Christmas time last Futsukaichi, Japan, graduate programs. American way of life," Kiang But here in the states Christmas said. "Previous Christmas breaks year. student, is one of those students. is a lonely time for me," Kumar "j was impressed by the family He said he just wants to know have helped me relieve pressure " continued. 1 unjt during the holiday season,' what Christmas is like. from studies, and have let me His reaction typifies most hc said. "I had to learn new "I have no foster family, so I make up some of the cultural foreign students' feelings toward differences." traditions all at once even have no idea of the Christmas the holiday season spent at MSU though Christmas is different celebration," he said. "In Japan Kiang has spent nine years in from our new we cook special food; and have away from home. Foreign America, year celebration." students inevitably feel with work occupying his time Tran Hue, Vietnam special presents for the children. and school. He used senior, is a homesick and the Christmas member of an I wish I could take a long trip to to be a traveler at Christmas exchange break reinforces this feeling of time, and says he has seen nearly ^ the organization, and is planning to see Christmas in America isolation for most of them. group jn Chicago during firsthand." every state in the country. Now tne Some students from abroad term break. He said the visit Another graduate student he is content to spend his are able to spend their vacation gjve jjjm a chance ^ discuss from Japan, Takemi M\de from with friends, while others travel vacation at Owen Hall. Tokyo, is not apprehensive at all Friends Umpawun Satayanurug, about the Yuletide, in fact, he is across the country. Others find Thailand, graduate student, has A i. . most anxious for it to come. This student finds that with a Australia gives "I'm going with a friend to little creativity you can make New York," Ide said. "I have and instant friend ... if you Introducing: THERESE O'NIEL jungle to natives 80 why shoud 1 * happen to like kangaroos. SN photo by Don Gerstner formerly of Bernard's in Werdand LAE, New Guinea (AP) — An a specialist in biow combing, dry styling, and shagi. Australian Supreme Court judge Perfect new look for the Holiday! has handed back to tribal ownership 500 acres acquired at Yule tree fia/iJicvia few, the turn of the century when fykj, £ JlaiA Germany controlled what is now the Australian-administered Trust Territory of New Guinea. to White Across from Berkey Hall 549 E. Grand The judge said the land had RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) - The national Christmas tree that will River been "inherited" by the for appointment, call 332 - 4080 grace the White House lawn during the holiday season was given Australians when they captured an official sendoff this week. German New Guinea for Britain LL Gov. Pat Taylor officially presented the Fraser fir from the in 1914, but there was no mountains of western North Carolina to the White proof House as a that it had ever been properiy crowd of about 250 persons watched at a ceremony in front of acquired by the Germans. the State Legislative Building. The tribe getting the jungle land Taylor said the tree was "a symbol of hope and peace from GET YOUR GIRLFRIEND A GIFT held a huge feast and sing-sing to North Carolina to all the American CERTIFICATE people." He said it was the celebrate. first national Christmas tree to come from North Carolina or from the South. Daylon Rogers of Raleigh, president of the North Carolina Tree Growers Association, said the 65-foot tree, mounted on a large flatbed tractor trailer rig, would arrive YOU ARE THE PROMISE OF - Officials said the 75-year-old tree was Washington on Monday. when a fire ravaged the forest "miraculously spared" where it was located in year the national Christmas tree tradition 1924, the began. TOMORROW Students are the hope of today, and the promise of tomorrow. The education you gain at Michigan State will help you become the type of person needed to run your community, as well as our country, in the years Youth and education are vital to the welfare of America's society. Young, educated ideas bring progress necessary for the betterment of our nation. We at Motor Wheel Corporation know this, and the many young men and women we employ in responsible positions help keep us in the forefront of the wheel and brake industry. As a result, we consider the corporate taxes we expend for education an investment in the future. We are happy to contribute to your education at MSU, and we encourage you to make it your most valuable asset. MOTOR WHEEL CORPORATION 1600 N.Larch Street, Lansing Friday, December 3, 1971 9 POSTMARKED NORTH POLE Seasonal mailoffices h By NANCY JABLONOWSKI For Christmas seasons since Orange County, Fla_; Lawrence One Christmas, near Orlando, A second version claims that State News Staff Writer the 1840s, postal authorities County, Ken.; Bolwar County, Fla., received its name on on Christmas Eve, 1882, Santa How would you like a holiday have worked overtime to Miss.; and Roane County, Tenn.; Christmas Day, 1835, when the Claus walked in during a letter meeting postmarked from channel holiday mail post offices in these five cities fort originally surrounding it was called to discuss a possible town through Christmas, Santa Claus, or five official American cities handle 3.5 million letters and completed. Each year during name, and inspired their decision Santa's Workshop, the North named Christmas. cards during the Christmas mail jingle bells season, 300,000 to honor the jolly man himself Pole? Located in Gila rush. County, Ariz.; messages of holiday cheer are with a town named after hfan re-routed by Florida's Christmas Regardless of its origins, Santa post office. Claus, Ind. is a busy town both Santa Claus himself postmarks winter and summer. Tourist mail routed through his favorites include Santa Claus namesake city, located near Park, Kriss Kringle Street and a Evansville, Ind. Two 23-foot high statue of St. explanations for the name have Nicholas, weighing 42 tons. arisen through the years. Another Santa-spirited village, Some town historians claim Santa's Workshop, the North that when the town applied for a Pole, is located on the side of post office 85 years ago, Santa Whiteface Mountain at Fe was suggested as the town Wilmington, N.Y., near Lake name. When officials learned Placid. that another Indiana village was Completed in 1949, the town already named Santa Fe, they includes a permanent home for decided to call their town Santa Claus, and ten log houses Santaclause. It was later changed which are workshops for Santa's to the traditional two words. elves. Ready...cassette...go! The TC-60, Sony's lowest-priced Cassette-Corder, is perfect for budget-minded students and housewives, for personal cor¬ respondence, or just for fun. SALE s49" Splat Snowflakes didn't stay shy of the camera as a photographer took pictures of Holmes Hall students returning to their residence hail after a fire alarm forced them to evacuate the building earlier this week. HI FI BUYS State News photo by John Dickson 1101 E. Grand River Phone 337-2310 Pre-Christmas Bona These plus many, many more beautifully bound books at similar savings Regularly $12.95 NOW $6.95 Regularly $19.95 Regularly $15.00 NOW $6.95 NOW $6.95 Campus, 507 E. Grand River Book/ Across from Berkey Sior |\ IL6\ '£ i3C\UX303Cl Many making By CAROL THOMAS The $1.50 book provides varnishing process involved in own Low price is definitely an complete instructions on how to decoupage immediately brings incentive for the knitter or gifts and the rest of the gift is State News Staff Writer supplied by the knitter. make such exotic treats as some drawbacks to the gift idea, crocheter, since a scarf and hat, Candlemaking, due to dandelion wine, plum wine, since each coat of varnish or a short sweater costs only $3 Students with more time than raisin wine, and blended fruits. applied to the wooden object or $4 for the yarn and needles, (Please turn to page 11) money are in great abundance at The additives like yeast can be must dry usually for eight hours MSU if the sale of handicraft materials is any sign of a new purchased in small kits.Since the before another can be applied, kits manufacture wine with but Dave Miller from the Ace trend in Christmas gifting. under 12 per cent alcohol Alley Shop reports that Stores featuring winemaking, content, makers of the wines decoupage is tremendously candlemaking, knitting, need not worry about the popular among both students decoupage, and knitting consumption of the homemade and townspeople in East materials report a tremendous brew by minors, according to Lansing. upsurge in the sale of Including varnish, sandpaper, Cyndi Opalek, a clerk at Linn's. make-it-yourself gift items. Another relatively new prints, and hinges for a box, the "When you give somebody home-type gift making art is that average sized decoupage project something you made yourself—it of decoupage. would cost somewhere near $5, means more," commented a with each additional piece done customer at Michael's, heavily Originally the word decoupage was used to denote the cutting being less expensively because laden with candle wax. and pasting of paper pictures on more of the supplies can be The newest addition to the articles to form designs, popular bought in larger, cheaper panorama of do-it-yourself items in the Victorian Era, but modern quantities, according to Miller. is the winemaking kit, offered usage includes the varnishing and Macrame, the art of tying for sale at linn's Camera Shop and the Ace Hardware sanding processes used to seal knots, is extremely popular Alley the picture onto the article being among students, Miller said, with Shop on Grand River Ave. decorated and into the wood. only a few students venturing Ranging in price from $10 for In decoupage, a cut-out print outside the realm of belts and simpler wines to $20 for is glued on a wooden, metal or purses in the Christmas sparkling wines, the separate kits contain all the ingredients glass object, then coats of gift-making. varnish alternated with sanding Cord, the only supply needed for white chablis, cherry, of the surface are applied until necessary for macrame, is red burgundy, and blackberry the print is buried under the relatively inexpensive, and a belt wines, plus a deluxe kit for cold duck. varnish, making it look like a usually costs between $1.50 and part of the wooden object. $2.50 to make, depending on After the first batch is made with the fermentation tank and Decoupage supplies like the style of the article. wooden boxes and plaques are Shiny nylon cord and colored bottles provided in the kit, available at several places on rough jute cords are the most additional wines can be made Grand River, Beverly Batten's popular items at the Alley Shop, using refill kits available, or Miller said, but some students upstairs shop across from the making the wines from Human Ecology Bldg., the Alley use leather or velvet strips to "scratch" using "The Art of shop in the Ace Hardware store, make smaller, less expensive Winemaking" available at both and Michael's art store. items or trim larger items of stores. The long and drawn-out different materials. The old-time favorites, knitting and crocheting are leaving the area of Grandma's rocking chair and returning to the student population with the suss recent popularity of long scarves, hats, and vest-sweaters, Macrame according to Illah Monroe, manager of the yam shop at ways to put the MG Pblachek's. Susan Aud, Warren macrame vest on Senior, examines a gold nylon cord display near the side entrance of East "Scarves, hats and those short, concept into action. easy-to-make "shrink" sweaters are definitely our most popular Lansing City Hall. The vest, an example of a do-it-yourself Christmas present, was made by a local craftsman. State News photo by Don Gerstner items," she said. MGB/GT Uncompromised dedication to sports car handling and performance. That*s what the MG MSU Bootery concept is all about. And that's what you get in the MGB / GT. Plus grand touring comforts and conveniences. is playing 2. MGB. The sports car Santa Claus this year! with a great heritage. The MGB is successor to the MG's that, 25 With a purchase of a years ago, sparked the sports car phenomenon in America new pair of shoes or boots, from now until O. MG MIDGET. The MG concept Christmas, we are has always stood for value as well as performance. Latest giving away a free proof: this MG Midget, still one of the lowest- gift. priced true sports cars going M.S.U. BOOTERY BROWS MPNTED CMS 225 E. Grand River © 5014 N. Grand - Lansing Open Wed. till 9, Thurs. & Fri. till 8. The Finest MG, JAGUAR, & AUSTIN Service In Lansing. Friday, December 3, 1971 11 Plan r> a jk r\ ■ />r>r-v a nr> fflf for $61 wlfk with fVlO the HienAiinf discount n. ahead f By CARL STODDARD . • am * Free port is $6 less. For $33 you can fly to New To qualify for a student depending on the particular All airlines and travel agencies York City, and for $90 to Los discount you must be between route of the bus. He also in the Lansing area advise If you plan on traveling this the ages of 12 and 21 and have a getting Angeles. reservations as soon as emphasized that round trip Christmas break and have not student identification card. The possible a A bus ride to Detroit is tickets are somewhat cheaper. United Airlines official warned." yet made reservations, you may card will allow the holder to fly "All the airlines are booked considerably cheaper than Train schedules and prices run into problems. "Hiere are still at two-thirds the normal fare. It flying. Greyhound charges were not available at 'he end of a limited number of air, train, cannot be used between 2 fairly solid," a United Airlines $4.15. On longer trips the saving p.m. official warned. "You will find November. Information may is less. It takes a and bus seats available, but they and midnight Friday of Sunday. day and a half now be available at the Michigan The cost of the youth card is $3. virtually nothing available from to get to Miami by bus and the are filling fast. before Christmas to the first part cost is $59.65. "Hie Railroad Assn. (MRA), 601 To fly from Detroit to Miami For those going to the of ride to New Prudden January." York City costs $35.20, and to Bldg., Lansing. costs $65 with a student Bahamas, Eastern Airlines has A flight from discount. United Airlines offers excursion flights from Miami to Lansing to travel to Los Angeles the fare is a flight from Chicago will cost a student $18. $82.80. Hie prices vary slightly, "If you want to go anywhere Lansing to Miami Nassau for $38. A flight to To Detroit the cost is $13.50. a Greyhound spokesman said, around Qiristmas time you'd better get your reservations soon, because the trains are filling pretty fast," an MRA Do-it-yourself gifts add spokesman advised. This year, as before, the majority of travelers will probably be going by car. If you plan on driving, the police special Christmas touch (Continued from page 10) candle artist. enthusiast, is the molds for the our past," said Beverly Batten, recommend that you first make a thorough check of your vehicle. Tires should be porperly inflated and in good condition. Also, make sure that all lights newly-marketed kits and waxes various candle shapes. owner of the upstairs decoupage and the brakes are in good order. is becoming popular on campus. Scented waxes, colors, glitter, shop on Grand River. The process of melting the wax and complicated shapes can be "Once you have the molds, Ms. Batten said the sales in her If you are a member of the and pouring it into the mold is added to the basic process, and and they cost three or four shop have jumped tremendously American Automobile Assn. simple, and all deviations from the biggest investment, dollars apiece, the wax the procedure are up to the according to a devoted candle costs only this year with needlepoint, (AAA) it will route your trip for pennies per candle." knitting, and decoupage items. you and recommend "I think we're going back to 'Think Christmas," she said. accomodations. Letters (Continued from next registration pending paqe 4) payment of parking violations Dear Mr. Klaus: incurred on the night of Dec. 25, 1970, on the roofs of Snyder We are sorry to inform you that Hall, Phillips Hall, the Computer you have not sufficiently proven Center, et. al. Also please note your residency status in the City that you have been cited under of East Lansing, and, therefore, Section B.O.Z.O. of the Elf we are unable to add you to our Motor Vehicle Regulation for voter rolls. If, however, you operating an unregistered sled on were willing to shave and get a campus. haircut like all good Americans, then I'm sure Richard O. Bernitt, Director something could be worked out. Public Safety Beverly Colizzi, Hey Man: East Lansing City Clerk * * * Next year can I please have a Kringle, Kris, 001225: managing editor who won't make me write hokey "Letters This is to inform you that a hold to Santa" columns. card has been places on your Barney White Great Gift Ideas For Everyone On Your Christmas List ! Check our component headquarters for some of the greatest equipment around — Sony, Pioneer, Rectilinear, Dual, EPI, Garrard, Akai, Superscope, Scott and complete audio accessories MUSIC CO. 245 ANN ST. 402 S. WASHINGTON Christmas Hours (beginning Dec. 13) Mon. - Rri. 9:30 - 9:00 OPEN WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY TIL 9 FREE PARKING WITH VALIDATION sa Djosiptunesnvv 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Two bicycles lie deserted behind Holmes Hall under a pile of freshly fallen snow. SN photo by Milton Horst Halls show By JANE SEABERRY holiday spirit State News Staff Writer Where Halloween special Christmas dinner Sunday gift-giving will be a special season with a decorating party Landon Hall will continue the Christmas dinner, Sunday, for and popcorn roast in the hall fire pumpkin-carving left off, tradition of inviting President Gilchrist and Yakeley hall Christmas, one of the most Christmas projects begin with places. Wilson Hall's holiday Wharton to their Sunday residents. celebrated events of the year, far nearly every hall celebrating the celebration began with the Christmas meal. In addition, Mason Hall residents will surpasses Homecoming and even season with dinners, parties, or decorating of a Christmas tree, Landon held an all-hall decorate their doors. Prizes are Halloween in MSU residence other functions. Monday night. Also planned are Christmas party, Thursday night. given for the best decorated halls. Many halls will be serving a a pancake-eating contest and a Christmas dinner at Case Hall doors in each house and in the special dinner to be held is usually a "pretty gala affair" hall. Butterfield Hall also Sunday. Tree decorating was adviser remarked. The meal sponsored a contest in which 4 SURPRISE one also an event at Mason and will be highlighted by the each floor selected a theme and Abbot halls Monday evening. carving of a whole side of beef each door was decorated and an elaborate desert table, all according to that theme. HER FOR served in the atmosphere of Angel-cherub week was In a more socially conscious candelight. An ice carving celebrated this week by manner, residents of Phillips Hall contest will wind up the Campbell Hall residents. In this held a Christmas party for ^bristnfas ® LIFETIME evening's festivities. At merriment will continue with a choir-sing, followed by a annual gift-giving ritual, each underprivileged black children Gilchrist Hall, the floor member randomly selected from the East Lansing a name and of another hall resident, for four days the Cherub community. VALUE traditional candle ceremony. gift-giver secretly bestowed a gift However, for nearly all hall GUARANTEE The senior residents file through upon her angel. The rite ended residents, the season will be the hall holding candles Thursday at the all-hall marked by finals, and fall term's decorated with red ribbons,and Christmas party, where the end, when MSU students will then present them to a favorite Angel, in return, presented her return home to celebrate the underclass resident of the hall. secret cherub with a Christmas holiday season. For those who Also, one woman selected to gift. remain over break Owen and Fee Diamond guard set play Santa Claus, red suit and Still other halls provided Halls will be available for all, delivers gifts to Gilchrist holiday atmosphere in different housing. $350. residents. Following the ways. Mavo Hall celebrated the Diamond love ring $19.95 Modern Modern marquise games Library Books $325 . 25% off diamond embraceable $265. Imagine Every Picture Tells a Story Shaft Santana Tapestry Every Hood Boy Tiffany Deserves a Favor - Who's Next Ram Bark Solitaire Carpenters Teaser $150 & the Firecat More Illustrations Enlarged other 5 diamond fancy ring YOUR (^t?ristipas STORE $179. albums at tremendous everyday low prices Buy Diamonds ' Budget With Confidence Terms ampus 10% MSU Discount ""'Oil Across from Berkey .tUSIWCMtU WPIOHNMtU Open every night till ue3n{o;w '8uisuv~i jspg ajeJS uBSnjajJH ^| Museum parlor deco By CINDI STEINWAY Brinker-type skates or mechanical horses and State News Staff Writer carts run by a clockwork mechanism to make the horses move and the driver crack his whip. "The little girls Tucked away in the Americana case, main always looked for china head dolls and checked their floor, west wing of the MSU Museum, is a stockings for spinning Victorian parlor decorated in the spirit of a "turn tops or colored doth books," the curator stated. A set of tiddly winks can also be found under - of the century" Christmas. - the tree, termed a "game of fun for the whole family" by Berryman. Hi xplained that the Designed by Val "winks" in those days were made of Berryman, curator of brightly historical artifacts and Roger Mitchell, punted bone chips. Kalamazoo senior, the case is used t o portray A big attraction in the display is a green-suited rooms of early American households. Santa, sporting brown shaggy hair, gent over his sack filling the stockings near the fireplace. "The tree standing in the right comer is "This Santa is pretty odd compared to today, trimmed with shiny ornaments and original as there was no set stereotype for him in those antique candleholders which came from Gladys days. He could have brown, black or gray hair, Olds Anderson, daughter of R.E. CHds," and any colored outfit, as illustrated by the Berryman said. Candles and popcorn strands old-fashioned Christmas cards around the adorning the branches were customary to this parlor," Berryman said. period, he added. A melodian, described by Berryman as an organ-like instrument smaller than a full-sized "A red and blue oriental rug wraps the base of parlor organ, stands next to the tree. Decorated with a bowl of unpolished real the tree under which are spread authentic toys English walnuts, the melodian was popular dating from 1870 through 1900. The toys are among middle class folk because of its easy displayed openly, as set out by Santa the night mobility, added before," Berryman explained. Berryman. "Authentic 19th century Christmas cards are placed throughout the room, illustrating flat and According to Berryman, on Christmas morning the children found small, inexpensive items fold-out varieties. Most of the cards dye-cut method, printed in Germany, with the are of the Decorating decorating the tree and larger, more costly items colors embossed onto them," set underneath it or hung in Berryman Val Berryman, curator of historical artifacts, at the stockings on the explained. mantel. He said he believes the children were Museum, at left, and Terry Shaffer, curatorial assistant, Ibe parlor will be displayed happier with fewer toys then, through New touch up the Christmas tree in the Americana case in the as there was little Year's Day during the regular museum hours of 8 main floor of the Museum which holds a replica of a money available in the middle to lower class a.m. to 5 p.m. homes depicted in the display. Monday through Friday and 1 Victorian parlor at Christmas time. p.m. through 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. State News photo by Terry Miller "The big toys for the boys were usually Hans Church sponsors ANNOUNCING: annual Yule party Special in-store prices en the world's mest popular; University Christian Church is sponsoring its annual all-Church single-lens reflex system- Honeywell Pentax Christmas party at 8 p.m. Friday at Groesbeck Colony Clubhouse, located at Fairview and Heights avenues, Lansing. Spotmatic ll-w/ff 1.4 lens. The party, for all parish members, junior high age and above, To make your holiday flash pictures < rosier than ever.' will include swimming and refreshments. Interested parishioners may contact Ms. Chad Edmonson for details. CAPRO FL3 Electronic Flash S11.96 The church choir will present "The Story of Christmas", a cantata by John W. Peterson, at 6 p.m. Sunday. CAPRO FL5 Electronic Flash s19.96 s The Bible school classes will present a Christmas program at 6 HONEYWELL Tilt-a-mite 11.16 p.m. Dec. 19 featuring plays, songs and recitations. Both activities will be held in the church, located at 310 N. The amateur movie cameras that make professional Hagadorn Road. in ovies possihie. MINOLTA Autopak 8-D4 139.95 MINOLTA Autopak 8-D6 *188.95 All jeans The "take-along" automatic from Honeywell: VISIMATIC 615 *79.95 $500 Canon's little giant-versatility at a modest price: CANON TL-QL- with case *159.95 SPECIAL PURCHASE CANON FT *199.95 Dresses Great gift POLAROID SQUARE SHOOTER *29.95 reduced Gifts 8t Stocking Stuffers: camera bags, tripods, projection screens, slidetrays, film, filters, cable releases, close - up sets, photo information books. up to \We wish you the best of luck on finals & a joyous holidayj 40% ARKS PH0I0 SHOP 524-26 E. Michigan THE OUTLOOK Holiday Hours: Mon. & Fri. 9:00-8:00 Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sat. 9:00-6:00 217 Ann At. Plione: 484-7414 Next to Mini-Mart I ■ I • f I I St. \Le>l '£ !3qui339Q - tepiJ.) MIKE ABERLICH Santa: a football hero? But one miracle did happen Santa finally got his chance to For the benefit of all of you line, an ail-American linebacker With that resolved, Santa's and a strange looking econ prof. during the halftime against this play, and although the Spartans skeptics out there who don't next problem was to try to Protestant school that didn't win, he grew to like believe in the myth of Saint For penance, the poor rookie break into the starting lineup. was forced to sing three Boo He wasn't that fast, you know. everybody liked to watch reindeers. Nick, there is an alternate story because they would cross that might be of some interest, Bo's and five Hail Tuffy's while Oh, hecould scurry up a fireplace The rest is history. themselves before every play. A especially to sports enthusiasts. swallowing page by page the first with he best of them, but herd of reindeer stampeded There has never been a more ten chapters of the MSU catalog. Now, if you really think that fireplaces were scarce in Spartan through the locker room, wiping heart rending tale in all the After that episode, Santa was Stadium ever since Moody Hayes that's too unrealistic to believe out the entire first three teams history of this humble school downcast. He had to find a way of OSU had gone on a rampage in that Saint Nick garbage, but and leaving only Santa, the team than when Tuffy Taugherty to get back into the favor of the and torn down personally, I prefer to think of every fireplace took the poor little chubby kid rest of the team. manager, the coaches and the Santa as in sight, brick by brick. You see, econ prof unharmed. Tuffy's helper. in the red jumpsuit in under his One day during the first game at that time, they didn't have wing and made him into a real of the year, he saw his chance sideline markers and Moody had football hero. when an overzealous punter to do something to get his team Twas a long, long time back. (who went by the nickname of riled up. Yes, even before Howard and Horseleg Harry) booted the Well, now Santa had to find Dandy Don and that other guy football right out of the stadium something else that he could do even knew about and into the smokestack of the better than anybody else so Monday night football. Power Plant. Needless to say, Tuffy would let him play. They scoffed at him at first. with money scarce (the freeze First of all, he was at a big No one would have thought that and all, you know) and the disadvantage because his he could ever turn into a first football team on a strict budget uniform wasn't exactly the same rate tackle. Butwhen the (they only charged two bucks a as everyone else's. With hi red transformation came, all of the ticket back then), there was only flannel pajamas, he stuck out doubters finally believed in one football. like a sore thumb amid the Santa Claus, Superjock — the So it was up to Santa to save green andwhite of the rest of the poor man's Alex Karras in the day. Without hesitating, he Spartans. BVDs. crawled up the smokestack and Every night Santa would, It wasn't all roses, you know! much to the amazement of without fail, pray to Sparty that Poor Santa made his first 50,000 awed onlookers, he he would look like the rest of mistake by singing "Hail emerged with the football. the team, but that failed to do Michigan" while showering with Santa was now one of the any good. the entire first string defensive boys. S| THE ALLEY SHOPS 22 MORE DAYS Till XMAS Allow yourself enough time to make those extra - special gifts for Christmas. You provide the time, and love. We'll provide macrame and decoupage supplies. " ii n inside —ttt ACE HARDWARE 201 E. Grand River 351-6184 !\o more randy Rick Gosselin, State News Sports Editor, looks downhearted when he realizes he has finally consumed the Christmas Flea Market last candy cane on the Christmas tree which enhances the State News editorial office. Gosselin ate the candy under threats to his life by City Editor Charlie Cane who bought the treats. State News photo by Craig Porter Actually, there will be no fleas at the Flea Market. What you will find are hand¬ BLACK - LITE SALE made candles, needlecraft, leathercraft, sculpture, and other original handiworks by students and faculty. You'll find the Flea Market a great place to do your Christmas shopping, so don't miss it. For more information stop by the Union Board offices on the second floor of the Union, or call 355-3355. Registration fee is S3.00, and if you can make a flea, maybe we can make a deal. Union Bldg 2nd floor Sunday, Dec.5,19~71 1-4 pm Hynuaav axiw - riday , December 3 Holiday By « DEVER into productioD this week. He doll, "You wind it up and it Mr. Claus modern toys also previewed elf." But Claus was very cool '.ate ft' Staff Writer aid the new products indicate freezes,'' Qaus said. Some of the several new "stocking stuffers" about the whole situation. As ue the more modem approach his others were: a recording of Ted ORTH now in production. These walked off rne stage he said, "I POiJE—In a special industry- will be taking this year. Kennedy saying, "I will not include an English - Cuban want to mai.e ssage t the United Elf Of the several new run;" a tour map of the UN myself perfectly products dictionary for airline passengers, clear—I am the president!" Workers (UFW) today, Mr. S. presented, the ones that autographed by Mao Tse-tung; Army surplus gas masks for Haus, president of the Little Old generated the most interest were Besides his labor problems, and a new book, "How To Win y Corp. announced plans for the people who live in the city, and informed sources have indicated political toys. The fust one An Election In Five Easy Steps" Daniel Ellsberg's version of "My that Claus has been * oral new Christmas toys to go shown having was the Richard Nixon by Nguyen Van Thieu. Secret Life". troubles with the vice-president A strike by the Elves in late of the firm, Spiro Eggnor November delayed production Rumors have been circulating of many of the products, that Eggnog will be dumped in explained the little old toy 1972. However, no one at the maker "But we hammered out a Pole is quite sure who woulc settlement, ho, ho, ho, and by take his place. working overtime we can get Possible candidates for the job these items finished before the are John Comally, secretary of big day," he added. "Of course mistletoe, jingle bells, and now the reindeer have midnight nips; George Rummy threatened to walk out on me." secretary of brainwashing; and After his speech to the UEW, Henry Kissinger, special adviser Claus met with union leaders on foreign affairs. including Good N. Meany to But despite all of his problems. discuss possible wage increases Qaus was very optimistic. He for 1972. It was only last month stressed that his plan was bein^ at the annual labor convention carried out ahead of schedule that Meany shocked the world and his objectives would be met by calling Claus a "dirty old before the Dec. 24 deadline. I (DVENT*BOSE•MclNTOSH•DUAL*KENWO D• We sold 47 of these stereo systems io just I , 4 weeks... and ■ Christmas peace A Christmas candle in the diape of a dove holidays and throu^i the coming year. i i among some hollys symbolizing peace over the i \ it wasn't just the 1 | State News photo by Fred Mendenhall low price that did it. Think ot Christmas! Think of Jewelry & Gifts! Think of Select from America's finest brands of diamonds, wedding rings, watches, silver, pewter, stainless steel It's the BSR RTS-20 Stereo System. A compact music center for the dorm, apartment or home, and the biggest system around for stereo savings. This space saving music package centers around a strong, but sensitive AM/FM stereo receiver. Featuring automatic frequency control - for drift free FM, and jijjtomatic gai£ control to pull in Pewter & silver by those distant AM stations. And dont let the convenient * size of our Micro - Mini turntable |5to" tall) fool you! International This allows for unique placement and it includes a cueing * Oneida control and adjustable tracking force that shapes it up as a * Metawa professional performer all tht vay. The Speakers- Acoustically matched, wide range, jnd having a walnut grained finish, they look as good as they soun . The BSR RTS-20 only at Hi-Fi Buys and The Disc Shop and STILL ONLY $129.95 The Disc Shop Jewelry and Art Center Qs 319 E. Grand River East Lansing, Mich. 323 E. Grand River 351-5380 PHONE 337-1314 TEAC* SONY-SHURE • PE-JBL* KOSSI T& Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ' , « •» * <• We have something for everyone on your Christmas lis,! Cook Books Joy of Cooking Time/Life Foods of the World Children's Books Hugh Johnson's World Atlas of Wine Charlie & the Chocolate Factory by Dahl Sports Books Complete Book of Bicycling James & the Giant Peach Sloane by Dahl J95 New from Dr. Seuss The Lorax 3 And many more! Stocking Stuflers (Paperbacks) Laura Wilder books Little House in the Big Woods Save on either or both of these books with Winnie the Pooh this coupon! Milne Goggles with coupon Whistle for Willie Keats with coupon Offer good through Saturday, December 12, 1971 STUDENT BOOK STORE ACROSS FROM OLIN