Thursday £ MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Volume 64 Number 80 STATI STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, January 6, 1972 Aerospace labor pact vetoed by Pay Board WASHINGTON (AP)^The Pay Board, in However, the board approved raises held up formal announcement for hours, cent boost, but the unions say 34 cents of it is a cost-of-living catch-up to make up its first rejection of a labor contract, exceeding those guidelines in the only two prompting the resignation of the board's for raises that would have come if they had chief public relations spokesman, Herbert Wednesday vetoed five agreements contracts on which it had previously ruled, not agreed in their 1968 contracts to a top containing a first-year 12 per cent raise for 11,086 Pacts covered coal miners and rail Wurth. The two unions involved, the UAW and limit for a cost-of-living escalator clause. more than 100,000 aerospace workers. signalmen. The board explained their the AFL-CIO International Assn. of In some cases, but not all, the companies Labor members of the board, outvoted acceptance on the basis that they were gave written promises that they would Machinists, have scheduled a strategy 9-5, were angered but did not threaten to justified catch-up agreements dictated by session of more than 300 union negotiators make such a catch-up. walk off or call a strike. raises in other contracts reached before the The five labor members of the board United Auto Workers President Leonard freeze. for Saturday in St. Louis. Woodcock and IAM President Floyd E. Smith said any joined in a statement, read by steelworkers Woodcock, a labor member whose union is Announcement of the rejection was decision on how to procede would come President I. W. Abel, calling the rejection a affected by the rejection, said the business made informally, first by board sources out of that joint meeting. Woodcock broken promise and an attempt to destroy and public members broke a promise to anc* then some of the board members refused to speculate on the possibility of a labor-management bargaining. honor the agreements. He added that he themselves. The board's executive director strike in the aerospace industry. But Abel added, when questioned by might go to court in an attempt to newsmen in the lobby of the Pay board's reinstate the contracts. The five rejected agreements cover The Boeing Co., North American Rockwell headquarters, "We have no intention to The board scheduled an afternoon walk off at this time." Corp., LTV Aerospace Corp., meeting to decide whether to recommend, or even to attempt to dictate, an Pop entertainment McDonnell-Douglas Corp. and Lockheed Woodcock, however, said some of the board's members, including Chairman acceptable figure to replace the 12 per cent Pop Entertainment tickets for the "Ike Corp. A sixth agreement, calling for a George H. Boldt. are so incompetent and phm raise. and Tina Turner Revue" and "Detroit" will first-year raise of 8 per cent for IAM unfamiliar with labor matters that the workers at the Pratt and Whitney engine S(Ho arrives f Woodcock said the contracts contain clauses opening them for automatic go on a.m. sale today at 8 a.m. at the Union, 9 at Campbell's Smoke Shop and at division of United Aircraft Corp. was not acted on. board may collapse of its own weight. He said that when the board had been renegotiation upon rejection by the board. working out its original guidelines last Nov. i , prime Minister Eisaku Sato waves as he arrives at El Toro The board's general guideline is that 9:30 a.m. at Marshall Music in East The vetoed agreements follow the 8 the labor members received what they rne Q0rpS Air Station Wednesday morning. Sato and President raises in new contracts may not exceed 5.5 Lansing. Price is $3.50 and $4.50. The show will be at 8 p.m. on Jan. 16 in pattern set by the UAW-North American pact, calling for a 51 cent increase in the understood to be a promise that the will have talks at the Western White House in San Clemente, per cent a year except in special cases when Jenison Fieldhouse. S4.32 hourly average. This is an 11.8 per then-uncompleted aerospace pacts would AP Wirephoto the top limit is 7 per cent. be honored if they followed the pattern set Klif., today and Friday. by the 1970 auto agreements. Woodcock had reported these assurances to his membership afterward. "We had right to believe that," he said. sileleak every Asked whether this means business and 'hite House public members went back on their word, Woodcock said, "I can make no other conclusion." Woodcock's criticism of Chairman Boldt, 67-year-old semi-retired federal judge India-Pakistan a if papers on war from Seattle, was joined by IAM Smith. "When we're trying to make a about one of these agreements, the chief point judge doesn't know what we're talking about," Wednesday extended both to whether summarize meetings of the -Special Action were supplied by the Pentagon to the Smith said. Ikhiwi ton fap> The Nixon with the National Security Council, which security probes were in process, and to GTOup on Dec. 3, the day the war broke White House as a normal procedure. And Rejection of the agreements came on a KKT £P.*JFJSB 5J-S? - Kissinger. * *• ramifications from the documents out, and on Dec. 4 and 6. The group, which meets in times of with duplicating machines so handy these 9-5 vote against a motion by labor t amid its biggest leaked-news An investigation was said to be under themselves. days, they did not dare guess how many members to approve the contracts in full. |r since the publication of the Pentagon Unlike the Pentagon Papers, which dealt pressure to weigh U.S. strategy, includes other copies might have been made. Labor members were outvoted by public way also at the Pentagon, whose minutes senior representatives from the White and business members. Chairman Boldt ps last June. of three December meetings of the with government decisions on Vietnam made some years ago, the Anderson House, the State and Defense Depts.. the The Washington Post, which fought the abstained. Security Council's Washington Special Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Central administration in publishing the Pentagon documents deal with inside administration lile newspapers ran lengthy accounts Action Group were published by Anderson Intelligence Agency. handling of a current issue. Papers last summer, carried a front-page p secret documents, FBI and other in syndicated columns starting last month. Anderson said the secret documents The documents appeir to be minutes of story Wednesday about the Anderson Fee refund Is were reported trying to find out Diplomatic sources said an internal inquiry show an apparent conflict between the the meetings made by Defense Dept. publications. > leaked them to columnist Jack last month found no leak from the State representatives there. Full-time students who do not wish to rson. The papers describe key White Dept. In the Pentagon Papers case, the its services may (See related story page 5) U.S. officials said that while the read the State News or use s strategy sessions during the Defense and State Dept. spokesmen authenticity of the documents is easy government fought to prevent publication receive authorization for a refund of the SI Pakistan war. replied with a blanket "no comment" to a Nixon administration's public statements enough to prove, finding out wl.o might of material it said would harm national subscription fee in 345 Student Services e informants said the most likely barrage of questions from newsmen, early in the two-week India-Pakistan war have passed them to Anderson is far more security. It carried the case to the Supreme Bldg. through Jan. 14. Students must bring appeared to be someone connected The administration's public silence and the positions its strategists were taking difficult. Sources said copies presumably Court and lost on a split decision. their fee receipt card to receive the refund. behind the scenes. He said Kissinger told newsmen Dec. 7 that it "is totally inaccurate" to portray ICT-FINDING ORDERED the administration as anti-India. One of the passages from the quotes Kissinger as White House strategy "I am getting hell meetings: every documents saying at one of the half hour from Milliken seeks High court to rule the President that we are not being tough enough on India ... He wants to tilt in favor of Pakistan." On Wednesday Anderson released the for no-fault' on school tax issue texts of what he said are three secret government documents. He said he acted after Kissinger accused him Tuesday of Nearly 33 per cent of the automobile bodily injury insurance premium dollar vehicles, motorcycles, property damage — except for other moving private passenger cars — income loss in excess of amount goes for attorneys fees. By JOANNA FIRESTONE quoting out of context remarks indicating "Valuable' lawyers' time is spent on both provided on "no fault" basis and continue present methods of school the administration wasagainst India during noneconomic loss in case of death, State News Staff Writer Gov. Milliken announced plans to give sides of each claim. To these costs must be financing. "To do otherwise would disrupt the flow the v "no fault" insurance high priority in his added the price to the taxpayers of the permanent disability, serious disfigurement Be Michigan Supreme Court Wednesday The documents, Anderson said. or other serious injury causing over $5,000 of public education in this state," Kelley 1972 legislative package. courts and juries, overburdened as they are, to take jurisdiction of suit filed in in medical expenses. a said. At a press conference Wednesday he added. Pn County Circuit Court by Gov. The Supreme Court voted 5-1 to bypass Milliken said "no fault" insurance would Intentional injury, driving a stolen car *n and Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley ■enging the constitutionality of school King through local property taxes. 1 the the lower court, with Justice Thomas Brennan dissenting. Justice Thomas G. Kavanagh did not vote. First Lady speed up payment for costs and for lost allow for more of the medical and hospital wages. It would also insurance dollar to and seeking to avoid arrest would be excluded from "no fault" coverage. Survivors of those killed in such cases Milliken's proposal — if implimented — would be more inclusive than the successful plan recently enacted in Supreme Court order, however, pay for actual losses. would be protected. Massachusetts. Florida, Illinois, Delaware, Brennan termed the suit "frivolous," says Nixon ■ lower court was directed to hold a calling it "merely another chapter in a The possible reduction of insurance costs The existing legal system for determining Oregon, and South Dakota all have "no ■•finding hearing within 90 days before would only be a byproduct and not a liability would be retained for commercial fault" plans that went into effect Jan. 1. Pigh court makes a final ruling on the continuing battle between the executive and legislative branches of government in primary benefit of the plan, the governor Tjitutional question. said. P Supreme Court fit Court to also ordered the allow interested parties to TVene in the case "who will fairly insure Michigan. "The question of federal should be settled in the federal equal protection courts," plans to run Milliken's passenger car plan would require every operated in Michigan to be Brennan said. "Nothing is gained by this ACCRA, Ghana (AP) — President Nixon covered by a "no fault" insurance policy. filiate representation of school children, „ „ Presently, the state allows uninsured F'lif! parents of said children and Court taking jurisdiction for the purpose of has definitely decided to run for re-election motorists to drive if a $45 yearly fee is attempting to forecast the eventual and his "chances are very good," wife Pat ^onomicallv disadvantaged school decision of the United States Supreme N}xon said on her visit here Wednesday. paid. Under the "no fault" plan, this law- would be eliminated. Court, except delay, confusion and she made the remark about his Th! 0riginal su'1, which was filed in the expense." candidacy to reporters. "No fault" bodily injury insurance, in It tkfie currenty Court ^ October, argues school aid formula violates In addition to filing the suit, Gov. Asked what the campaign might be like, addition to presently required liability Milliken is conducting a petition drive in she replied: "It's going to be whatever type coverage, would then be required as a equal-prot«H'tion provision of both the condition for registration of private : 1™fedpra' constitutions. his quest to revise Michigan's school the other side makes it. It might be easy passenger cars. A satisfactory self-insurance J!n8. the suit, Kelley pointed to a financing system. and it might be very difficult because we At a news conference Wednesday, the don't know who's the candidate on the plan would be accepted. i, T™100 by the California Supreme The "no fault" program would allow a declaring that state's system of governor said he has received "substantial other side yet." Michigan resident with any private Ip na"cir>g through its local property support" in the drive to put the property Nixon said in his television interview passenger automobile insurance policy to ILci! State school aid grants tax question on the November ballot. Sunday night he would make a decision on receive 85 per cent of lost wages, up to constitutional. If approved by the voters, the running before Jan. 14. amendment would replace school funding Ms. Nixon had no further comment on $1,000 for 36 months and unlimited actual ll'Jfn,clear from this review that the through property taxes with support by her remarks about his candidacy. But she medical and rehabilitation costs. I cVct X«em of "quires a court challenge to means of the state-wide income tax. seemed to make it clear the President had Injured nonwage earners would receive property tax financing of Milliken said two n*iln*?n were needed to decided to run again, although there was $20 per day for 36 months and survivors of Knfair ,on which, in my judgement, carry in Wednesday's petitions. little doubt that he would. a nonwage earner killed would receive $20 ■telleUn^ual and inequitable." he said. "If it required two people to carry it in. The U.S. First Lady flew from the festive per day for 36 months, under the proposed Kali/! the currenl system fails to I'd say it represents quite a substantial air of Liberia's presidential inauguration program. \ol rfuP-enditures P" PUP" among number of signatures," he said. Into a Ghanian economic crisis where her ",*u -1— Prompt payment of these benefits would Jlinit ,5°*? and thus discriminates African trip took on its first political be encouraged by charging insurance Icatinn W <»■«Opportunities. i denles substantially equal overtones. companies one per cent per month interest on claim payments delayed more than 30 from under a huge ^ static ° lV0,d a "chaotic situation" In Applications Ghana, struggling out debt left by the administration of Kwame days. <1 he win i°°,S' the attorney general Nkrumah and a stiff currency devaluation, In addition to delays and inequities, the fective h thal 8 rulin* be dec,ared Deadline for applications for majors in is hoping for more U.S. economic aid, present system of settling automobile vlbe«,nnm8 >1 year with the 1972-73 social work is January 19. Applications officials said in welcoming speeches. Ghana accident injury claims is inefficient and GOV. MILLIKEN and that the activo declaration not be may be picked up at 254 Baker Hall. received $246 million in fiscal 1971. expensive, Milliken said. so that the state can 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, January | news Joint By S. A.SMITH State News Staff Writer appointment plan draw A will four-page set of rules for joint appointments be presented to the council for action .esponsibilities in more than one department . The rules attempt to eliminate the is According to the proposed rules, if the recommended for tenure status summary The ambiguities and problems arising from inconcise rules for joint appointments of Tuesday by Gabel H. Conner, chairman of the Faculty Tenure Committee. uncertainties of duties, rights and responsibilities that arise when a faculty member has a 50 • 50 majority department at the probationary period, the secondary dep- is obliged to continue indefinitely end of From the wire* of AP and UP1. nontenured faculty may be in line for A faculty member is hired under a joint appointment. The rules state that "there must be the! clarification through a proposal to the Academic appointment when he has teaching or research clearly specified majority department with whom specified rights and privileges agreed upo„ start of that appointment period. Council. duties and the associated rights and prime responsibility for reappointment actions resides." Splits of 50 - 50 are "not acceptable." If the majority department decides t« - Some faculty members now work under a joint appointee tenure before thd Hanoi ties PO majority department which pays 60 per cent or more of the faculty member's salary. The majority department is charged with informing probationary appointment and the sec committee does not wish to be bound ' agreed upon rights and responsibiliti "It's (the campaign) going to be the faculty member in writing of the majority department has three options: whatever type the other side "performance expected of the ff.culty member makes it. It might be easy and it might be very difficult because we to end of Vietn and how its criteria for promotion or retention will be modified to take into account the don't know who's the candidate secondary assignment." • To locate another department will'1 HONG KONG (AP) - The Radio Hanoi declared that today after a month of Joint appointments are common among the on the other side yet." assume a part-time appointment on the North Vietnamese toughened "the only way for President postponements called by the faculty cf the residential colleges, of the College basis, or - Pat Nixon their terms on the issue of Nixon to get the U.S. prisoners of Human Medicine and among faculty whose United States and South prisoners Wednesday by of war back to their families," is Vietnam. interests may be classified as interdisciplinary. •To delay the final decision until t declaring the United States must to observe these two points: Hanoi declared an end to The appointee must also be notified in writing probationary period. end Vietnamization before they "1. Completely end the war of Vietnamization and a U.S. of his or her responsibilities to each segment of are released. aggression in Vietnam and withdrawal were "important and the joint appointment as well as the rights and The proposed rules were drafted An end to Vietnamization, the withdraw all its troops from significant links" in the peace responsibilities which may be expected from Faculty Tenure Committee which is U.S. policy of arming and Vietnam, and each of the academic units. and investigatory agency for all tenure plan submitted by the Viet Cong training the South Vietnamese "2. Completely end the at the Paris talks last July. Reappointment procedures, as detailed in the Conner said Wednesday that 80 per cent sc they can defend themselves, Vietnamization policy of Radio Hanoi said it was proposed rules, involve reappointment both with problems which come before the committ- has been implicit in Communist continuing the war." broadcasting "a commentary and without tenure. from joint appointments, most of which - Russian dissenter demands. Previously, the Communist 50 appointments. guilty This was the first time, negotiators at the Paris peace answering the lies and falsehoods voiced by Nixon," in a television Reappointments without tenure can be instigated by the majority department. New Eliminating all 50 - 50 appointments - however, that Vietnamization talks had linked a prisoner interview Sunday. Nixon said all negotiations may occur with other departments, lift the confusion surrounding the questir was directly linked to a release release with a timetable for U.S. U.S. forces could not be and if the majority department and/or the other which department the faculty member of the prisoners. President Nixon withdrawal and the overthrow of withdrawn from South Vietnam departments are unwilling to assume the vote for departmental committe- Vladimir X. Bukovsky, a leading political dissenter has made Vietnamization a key President Nguyen Van Thieu's long as one American is held percentage released, the faculty member is not representative to the Academic Counc charged with "subverting Soviet authority," was point in his plans for withdrawal as sentenced Wednesday in Moscow to a maximum term of regime in South Vietnam. prisoner. reappointed. representatives to standing committees. of U.S. forces from Vietnam. The talks resume in Paris seven years imprisonment and five years in exile, reliable dissident sources reported. The sentence - the severest possible under a Soviet 10 BOLSTER SAGGING INDUSTRY law foi "anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda" - The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State consisted of two years in prison, five years in a labor canip said. and five additional years in exile, the informants University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Fridays Nixon OKs space plan m/ i The 29-year-old Russian, who has already served three in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. (AP) golf ball on transportation system designed evolutionary approach," in resulting economics may years in labor camps and two in insane asylums for his Member Associated Press, United Press International, President Nixon flashed the to help transform the space appears to developing the shuttle. But he operating costs down as I — Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, lower line supf political activities, was sentenced by a Soviet people's Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press go-ahead Wednesday for a frontier of the 1970s into said "we can have the shuttle in one-tenth of those for p court at the end of a one-day trial in an industrial six-year, $5.5-billion space familiar territory, easily manned flight by 1978, and launch vehicles." photo by Do Association. district just outside the Soviet capital. shuttle program intended to accessible for human endeavor in operational a short time later." Fletcher, meeting Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial bolster the sagging aerospace the 1980s and '90s." As he met with Fletcher at his newsmen after his 45-r and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan industry and ultimately usher in Because the vehicle can shuttle ocean-front office, Nixon toyed session with the Presiden State University, East Lansing, Michigan. of routine space travel by repeatedly from earth to orbit U< an era with a white plastic model of the the shuttle is the only maji Hexachlorophene use cut Phones: News laymen. After meeting at the Western and back, Nixon said, "It will revolutionize transportation into delta-wing craft. The vehicle will take off like a program NASA's that can budget — whicl fit 355-8252 White House with National near space by routinizing it. It Classified Ads 355-8255 rocket, dump its booster pods dropped in the past few Aeronautics and Space will take the astronomical costs into the ocean, then go into from $6 billion annual The Food and Drug Administration moved Wednesday Advertising 353-6400 Adminsitration officials, Nixon out of astronautics." orbit like a spaceship. It will about $3 billion. Business Office 355-3447 in Washington to restrict severely the use of cosmetics said he decided "the United "In short," he added in a land like an airplane after It also offers, he said, and other products containing hexachlorophene, acting on the basis of laboratory tests which suggest the chemical may cause brain lesions. Photographic 355-8311 States should proceed at once with the development of an entirely new type of space statement, "It will go a long way toward delivering the rich benefits of practical space utilization and the valuable discarding in tank. space its major fuel The shuttle will be able to stay possibilities for interna cooperation in space. European community PP1 in orbit up to 30 days, and expressed interest The action would affect hundreds of widely sold OPEN TONITE You can count on US .... spinoffs from space efforts into the daily lives of Americans and usually will carry a crew of two perhaps 10 per cent o plus two passengers. But officials development cost, he sait Sj-oducts. loposal wouldAmong theothers, the agency' bar use s four-point iChlorophene in all for the lutes! styles all people/Aiq.. Besides scientific and military Baid it could be outfitted carry a dozeh more passengers. to scores of nations want t( scientists aloft in the s Alt Universal ^osmetics including such -wfMmular items as applications, ,the space shuttle The White House announcement once manned flights begin. lot set a date Mti-perspirants and feminine hygierttffprays. The Heart Throb program will bring the direct added: Fltecher's deputy, Geor st the disi employment of 50,000 in the "The interior of the shuttle Low, said the craft probabl by Fashion Tress aerospace industry, hit hard by will be pressurized so that be equipped with a d< the phasing out of the Apollo Muskie policy questioned The "Now Look" wig of ELURA program, said NASA passengers shirt-sleeves and crew can travel in mechanism compatible wi psdav comfort without docking system of Soviet Jr-c . Grti Administrator James Fletcher. spacesuits. No special flight craft — a development ht Tuesday agi Sen. rdmund S. Muskie of Maine began his declared campaign for the $45" About half the jobs will be on the West Coast, he said, and the bulk of these will be in Southern training would be required for passengers, making it possible to that has been under dis for a year. ominations cl of law. send scientists, doctors, artists, White House Wednesday "ODDS H EHDS" from '15" | California. m band photographers into space." g finals« Washington and said if he wins he! Initial contracts won't be let The shuttle system, Nixon Restrictions p m the would seek "as close to an until this summer, but Fletcher observed, "will immediate; said most major aerospace more access to the give more people itatives-a withdrawal from Vietnam as possible] NEW companies will share in the perspectives of space" and will liberating upon rock fe: littee also dec and void i after I took office." LOCATION NEW HOURS shuttle program. He specifically mean that "men and women "A t 4 Corners initiation of Former Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy 9:30 - 6 p.m. Daily mentioned McDonnell-Douglas, with work to do in AUSTIN, T I in Okemos" space can h Jaeger rail wi rival for the Democratic presidential Thurs. nite til 9 p.m. (UPI)—Promoters will ha\ 349 ■ 2953 Grumman, General Dynamics, commute aloft, without having get special permits before sti {er was top v nomination, questioned the sincerity Boeing, North American to spend years in training for the rhite represent Rockwell and Lockheed as firms skills and any rock festivals in Texas. of Muskie's war-policy position. rigors of old-style Texas legislators adopt nor Chicano that "probably will be Muskie, the Minnesotan said, "was the1 space flight." "Mass Gatherings Act" •tegory o involved." Because most of the vehicles most active representative of Johnson To trim technical and can be recovered and "used up sanitation and prote< in heritage, requirements that must be decision was administration policy at the 1968 economic risks, Nixon said again and again - up to 100 before promoters can 29 on an app convention," when McCarthy was NASA will take "a cautious times," Nixon said, "the authorization to hold fes Affairs. The waging an antiwar campaign. it a member ientative of a Police Learn killings rise in '71 The FBI says some 125 of the nation's 481,000 local, county and state police employes were slain last year and the majority died while investigations. The FBI statistics, released making more or less routine The MSU KARATE Karate Club will hold its first meeting of the term and give Monday, listed 20 of the lemonstration 125 deaths as ambush-type attacks, where on Thurs., Jan. 6 at 7:00 p.m. in the lower gym of the Women's I.I policemen were lured into a trap by phony burglar reports and the like or gunned down in patrol cars [Bldg. Co-ed classes will be held for beginning, intermediate, and advanced student by sniper fire. The 1971 figures were 25 per cent higher than 1970 when 100 police were killed in what authorities refer to as criminal cases. Some 86 policemen were murdered in EVERYONE WELCOME 1969. Stock market prices up Stock market prices advanced sharply Wednesday in New York, pushing the Dow Jones industrial its highest closing level in nearly four months. The blue chip indicator closed up 12.20 904.43, its highest close since Sept. 20 when it stood at average to points at seuett Ijartbs concert 905.15. Trading was heavy, with 21.35 million shares changing hands on the New York Stock Exchange. Parks give joy, beauty' President Nixon has proclaimed 1972 to be National Park Centennial Year in San Clemente, Calif. The first national park Yellowstone - was established in 1872. "In every time and season, our parks give us their January 7tfj at 8 p, in. joys and beauties. They have enriched the citizens land beyond measure, and have of this union ballroom inspired more than 100 $1.00 atiut i ss ion nations to set aside over 1,200 national parks and reserves," Nixon wrote. e News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, January 6, 1972 3 ■Michigan !> 1971 items get legislative priority By RANDY GARTON Bv RANDY GARTON riii Bill rii 517, consideredj weak ,by persons involved would. pay their . . problem, he added. session. ■ the House was "very close" to conference * committee the last and state ecologists, would limit the client's costs without taking the "If we can get over that one "It will require day after day the 56 votes needed tc pass one day of the 1971 session. RAY ANDERSON number, size, and distance from case to court in an attempt to we won't be too bad off,"he of debate," he declared, of two prospective "Our number one priority is to State Newt Staff Writers the highway of state billboards. fjx blame. said. "because everyone has a reapportionment plans. see tht the billboard bill is • Mass transit. This The major problem the Ryan is convinced that the different theory of law and "This is a very political issue," passed by the Senate," Stempien Billboard control legislation, he said. said. "The state stands to lose up complicated bill would raise legislature must solve, Speaker budget will be approached more order and some crazy things mass transit, congressional funds for mass urban transit and of the House William A. Ryan realistically this yea and might come up, but it Stempien commented that the to $16 million in federal reapportionment, highway improvement by an D.Detroit said, would be enacted relatively early. extremely important." federal courts might step in if highways funds if the bill isn't revenue-sharing and no-fault increase in the gasoline tax. continuing and renewing the "I think the governor's budget Though lawmakers were the legislature fails to reach passed soon." insurance are among the priority • Congressional revenue sharing bill. The bill as will go through pretty much generally in agreement about agreement on new congressional Stempien claims tnat the bill Items that the Michigan intact, Ryan said, "because this which bills deserved immediate should have been passed the last reapportionment. Michigan's passed and signed last year was .districts. legislature will consider in the congressional districts must be based on municipal taxes which is an election year and attention, Majority leader Sen. "My judgment is that we'll be day of the session. VanderLaan, given only four weeks," he said. "I was on the phone begging upcoming session, legislative "*PPortioned accordin8 to the determined the measure of need. furthermore it will be difficult Robert leaders from both parties agreed 1970 census results. The more taxes a city paid the to increase taxes at the probably R-Kentwood, and House Though he considers him (Senate majority leader Wednesday. • Revenue-sharing. The state more funds they received from income level." Majority floor leader Rep. reapportionment a priority item, VanderLaan) not to adjourn," The bills are carryovers from would return state and local tax the revenue sharing plan. This Ryan also expressed interest in Marvin R. Stempien, D-Livonia, Stempien said the bill that Stempien said. "But he did the 1971 session. revenue to aceas or urban blight, year, Ryan said, school taxes rapid senate passage of a house each accused members of the should be given number one anyway." Briefly, the priority bills are • No-fault insurance. Put wouid be included which he — passed bill that would allow other chamber of delaying priority is the Senate-passed When contacted, VanderLaan concerned with: simply, in any accident involving maintains would cut poorer the election of new precinct action on these bills during highway billboard control bill said he believed the billboard bill • Highway Billboard Control. privately-owned automobiles, cities proportionate share, 1971. that passed the House and was was still in committee, a belief This measure, substitute Senate the insurance companies of the because school taxes are paid on VanderLaan said the inability reported out of a House-Senate Stempien bitterly disputed. linn the basis of each school districts precinct delegates elected in of the House to formulate a ability or desire to pay. A school district 1968 should be able to make a congressional In the inner city of decision for a presidential plan will force the Senate to reapportionment CORRECTION State law bans Detroit student paying only $400 per candidate when things have take up the issue in a separate per year in school taxes changed so drastically since committee. In Greens' ad on Wednesday, Jackets were advertised at January 5, 1972, Nylon Ski SI0.00 each. This was a would receive less revenue then," the speaker said. "The House and Senate made Ryan suggested that if the deal earlier that the House typographical error and should have read $11.90 each. sharing funds than a wealthy a campus liq school district paying $800 per student indicated. per year, Ryan senate does not move on during the first week the bill lawmakers would probably die. the would formulate a plan and send it to the Senate," VanderLaan said. "My plan this session is to Students and faculty alike may be legally allowed to drink on Resolving this inequity wilt Criminal code revision is begin consideration of Sincerely, campus If they are over 18 years of age, but they will have to require a great deal of debate viewed by Ryan and many other congressional apportionment 'n State News Advertising leave campus to buy a drink or packaged liquor. according fo Ryan, but property legislators as necessary, but the Senate." A spokesman for the State Liquor Commission acknowledged tax relief will minimize the difficult to pass early in the Stempien, however, said that Wednesday that state law prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages on state-owned property, which includes the MSU campus. The exceptions to the law, which is Michigan Statute 18.988, do not mention universities. There had been some speculation In the University community that the Union and Kellogg Center might start serving liquor. Although the serving of liquor is allowed at approved social functions and in student rooms, the sale of alcohol is prohibited, the spokesman said. Tiril iiip The actual application of state law, a spokesman for the liquor j golf ball on a tee, the commission's enforcement division said, would come In the form of no licenses for the sale of alcohol being issued to ASMSU POP ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTS L, appears to rest atop Lwer line support. establishments operating on state-owned land. |N photo by Don Gerstner iUSJ fails to set ppeal review date Academic Freedom report. By JUDY YATES The freedom report stipulates that a defendant State News Staff Writer be entitled to a written notification of the time and place of the hearing. Jaeger's appeal*charges that he was notified of the hearing in writing not university Student Judiciary (AUSJ) >t set a date for the review of an appeal by the chairman of the committee but by a member of the Student Activities Division lis; tin disqualification of a student The freedom report also states ihat the e io tne Academic Council, Kenneth defendant be notified of three courses of n, asst director of judicial programs said lesda\ action -to admit to the violation and accept any action taken, to admit to the violation and Ili .Jr Gu cnficld. Wis., junior, filed the request a Hearing or to deny tht violation Tuesday aguinst the Student Committee dominations charging it with denying him Jaeger's appeal ..tates that he was notified of ss of law. the hearing but was not notified of any alternative (decision handed down by the committee eek of fall term disqualified Jaeger Jaeger also charged that he was not provided election for student with a written statement of the charges against [estntat ives-at large held Nov. 18. The mittee also declared the votes cast for Jaeger him as the freedom report requires I and void and stipulated that a new The appeal states that Jaeger was not informed that he was entitled to counsel. The freedom rmination of winners for the category in report stipulates that the student shall be entitled |h Jaeger ran was to be made. to counsel of his choice. s top vote-getter in the category for khite represent at ives-at-large who are neither Jaeger's final charge states that section of the freedom report which says "The student r Chicano. Jaeger classified himself in shall be entitled to refuse to answer questions" lory on the basis of his 1/16 Winnebago has been violated. h heritage. Je decision was the result of a hearing held "In its rationale, the committee has implied n an appeal submitted by the Office of that I am denied the prerogative of silence," the p Affairs. The appeal alleged that Jaeger is appeal states. "I would maintain that this is < member of a minority group nor a tantamount to guilty until proven innocent." tentative of a minority group. Jaeger has requested that if the judiciary decides to hear the appeal, it be done in closed (eger's " nents appeal is based his on five alleged on rights as defined in the session. Clearance IN JACOBSON'S J SHOP FOR YOUNG MEN Substantial mhnlions on SPORTSHIRTS JAN (6 * JENISON * 6 PM. ALL TICKETS $3.50 & $4.50 KNIT SHIRTS VESTS AT MSUNION, CAMPBELL'S, MARSHALL'S JEANS SLACKS Long and short sleeve shirts, sizes S-M-L. Jeans and slacks waist sizes 29 to 36 mm TICKETS ON SALE • J; tool >sot i's , bi ill®.. SI K)}) TODAY JACOBSON'S OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL NINE MICHIGAN TUB FROM WASHINGTON STATE NEW! UNIVERSITY Nixon can be defeated in 1972 JOHN JUEL nation also has social President (Mr. Nixon included) manages to A good deal can be said for By RICHARD LEE STROUT instability. Our Mr editor-in-chief dangers are not external but within. By a push reform through institutionalized Coming to the White House with We read a good deal in the papers about process of residential segregation we are inertia. Our government is booby - trapped principles is not a bad idea up to KEN LYNAM with vetoes. The Founding Fathers He goes to Peking and Moscow; who will win in 1972: what we don't read concentrating the poor and black in central advertising manager is what difference it will make. The race is cities surrounded with a Berlin zoning wall. consciously made it that way. We set out — it Humphrey had tried that Nfo like We try to ameliorate this by busing to on a voyage of reform but our craft is a and the GOP would be a sporting event and there is an trying to i DAVE PERSON, managing editor undercurrent of disassociation, a school but if blacks lived in suburbs they barnacled Mayflower rather than a jet him by now. It was Richard feeling Nix- CHARLIE' CAIN, city editor almost of despair tluit it really won't matter wouldn't need buses — they would be there plane. Government is skillfully counter - used to demand a rigidly balanced7 BILL HOLSTEIN, much. This lack of confidence in the already. We treat the symptom, not the balanced into self-limiting divisions of fortunately he has dropped the jj campus editor BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor capacity of government to solve problems cause. power. opposed government controls RICK is rather terrifying. Gap Record slapped on the freeze. He dep. GOSSELIN, sports editor Right now the Washington political guess And the income gap isn't getting smaller. Look at the recent record. We have tried centralized government — and is is that Sen. Muskie will get the nomination The president of the American Finance to reform the Corrupt Practices Act pushing it. He made a Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award career of ^ Reds under beds and now goes to for outstanding journalism. despite tough competition. It is recalled Association, Joseph Pechman, last week offered regulating campaign expenditures since 1925. No luck. We are the only big nation with them. Not a bad n' that four years ago we were all writing that us a more refined analysis of U.S. thing to , Rockefeller had a chance but in retrospect income distribution: the lowest fifth of in the world without national health wisdom to drop worn-out noti- Nixon had it in the bag all the time. That American families, he says, get only 3.2 per insurance. That leering old outrage, the oil accompanies this with a gift 0fL may be Muskie's position today, though it cent of the nation's income, contrasted to depletion allowance, is still around, issues, the next best thing for a EDITORIALS is easy for a front-runner to stub his toe. Can Muskie beat Nixon? Most people here 45.8 per cent for the upper fifth. The top 5 nodding and simpering at us. Or again, after Martin Luther King and the Kennedys to solving them. Favorite per cent of the families gets 19 per cent of doubt it, the odds would favor the the pie, and the lucky 1 per cent at the were murdered some hoped we would get Mr. Nixon is election favorite, i President about 6 - 5, or higher. Our own an effective federal apex get 6.8 per cent. In other words, the 1 gun control law. The foreign trips, reduction in U.S. 'd personal hunch is that, yes, Muskie will get per cent at the top receive a slice more gun lobby deflected the threat with a flick Vietnam, signs of a better econo: the nomination, and that he will then beat than twice as big as all 20 per cent at the Nixon of the wrist. enormous campaign kitty, and con using the President. Yes, that's what we said. We warn readers, though, that this is a minority view. Just the same, it's our bottom. That's where crime, and hate and social disorder come from, the deprived lower fifth. This year's campaign issues won't be presented in just these terms, of course, but the public has an instinct for real publicity. fcThese advantages justif favorable odds but aren't being oversold? we wonder |( hunch. Can a new President change that? We values; they are desperately looking, we He goes to Peking and Moscow;r to prolong Well, so what? Will an overturn radical difference? Consider America's basic problems: the wealth of the richest nation is badly distributed; one of about make a think Muskie (or another Democrat) would try. He is sponsoring a bill with Sen. Mondale, for example, to try to make social security taxes more equitable. But a think, for a leader they can trust. Nixon—? Well. 1972 is a referendum on the President. Are you for him, or against him? Do you want Mr. Nixon for four more will that end the Vietnam War a armaments race? In Indochina Ar, casualties have gone up one-third sir1 Nixon took office and he has L President Nixon's attitude toward The President is not only receiving nine Americans is poor; one of eleven is reporter can't watch Washington for any years? That's the normal issue in any resume bombing with dreadfu the Vietnam withdrawal - POW pressure from Hanoi but also from black. With unparalleled resources the length of time without wondering how any second term American election. concussion bombs The .... eeo. release dilemma was in essence his constituency at home. The Getting better, we judge synthesized in a television interview leaders in Hanoi are not the only unemployment will still be h1 November. Sunday night when he asked party who want the U.S. to On the negative side, we don't r> rhetorically, "Does the enemy want withdraw from Vietnam. The Nixon very high as a the United States to withdraw from camp American people have been applying particularly with John Mitchell"" Vietnam, or doesn't it?" Nixon similar pressure for years. campaign manager. In 1960 he 1; apparently feels he holds the trump Yet despite being attacked from 1968 he managed to turn an initial card in the poker game being played two fronts the President continues to poll advantage of 45 - 29 with the American POWs. use the POWs as a bargaining chip in Humphrey into a break-even question mark — no mean feat; his h Hanoi has other ideas. In fact, to the negotiations with Hanoi and the victory included the first hostile C paraphrase the President, their Viet Cong. He has failed to realize for a new President in a century. attitude can be summarized as "Does that Hanoi care^ little whether the In the 1970 midterm election Mr. the United States want its POWs lost his cool with that disastrous P; U.S. maintains a small residual force back or not?" The POW situation has in South Vietnam. The number of speech, which created Muskie. And 1972 he is all set to take the highror become the classic no compromise - such a force would render its and will fall off once more, we susp possible confrontation situation - military impact practically he is pushed. It takes practice to lo the U.S. will not withdraw from Nixon, and he is not an easy commc inconsequential. Thus the threat of a Vietnam until the POWs are released residual force serves no purpose as a package. There is a tendency to ' and Hanoi will not release the POWs means to conclusive negotiations. insecurity with hyperbole — his prog^ until the U.S. withdraws from Congress just a year ago was the "m Instead, the POWs are being reaching ever presented to an Air Vietnam. employed as an excuse to extend a Congress;" the financial agreemer All this rhetoric ignores month was "the most significant one more seemingly endless war at the expense fundamental issue, perhaps the most and agony of Americans and history of the world;" the mo; crucial of all: "Does marked "the greatest week in the r the United Vietnamese alike. It would be of the world since Creation." §tates want . to withdraw from heartening for the Nixon It will be hard to top that, even w Vietnam or hatl^.Tke official p&licyi administration to show'more than election. of this tountfy, as stated in the • verbal concern for the POWs and diluted version of the Mansfield meet Hanoi's highly reasonable THE NEW REPUBLIC amendment, is to withdraw from demand for their release - complete Southeast Asia as soon as possible. withdrawal from Indochina. JOHN JUEL Ouster of jou Incorporation: looking bacl appeases U an Last July 1 the State News embarked on ambitious experiment—incorporation. Following a trend set by five other Big Ten professional journalists from outside the University—has made a few changes the State News fiscal year now runs from Jan. The most obvious, of course, is the direct protection from prior censorship. The possibility of censorship from any directly to the University president placed them in the hands autonomous board of directors Since the student the State News founding of the UN in endorsed Peking's proposal and newspapers, 1 to Dec. 31; an accounting firm was University body-be it an advisory board, a concerned with quality became a nonprofit corporation, journalism 1945, Tang Teh-cheh, veteran ousted the reporters. retained to do a study of State News faculty adviser, the president or the board University politics. The current board independent of University financial business of trustees—dissolved on correspondent for Taiwan's This is in direct violation of a 1946 control. procedures and its incorporation, wide range of expertise and interests: recommendations have been adopted; the further, even our own board of directors government - subsidized Central resolution which stipulates that "the At the end of the first fiscal period and student members—Linda Gortmaker, News Agency, has been reporting on with the benefit of six months subscription fee refund period was are legally prohibited from interfering in Lansing graduate student and a f press and other existing agencies of experience extended from registration week through the tone or content of the paper. As the events of the under incorporation, we are now in a State News staff writer; Tom List, Ba organization. In information be given fullest direct the first week of classes to make it easier specified in the articles of incorporation senior and president of the corpo 1954, he position to evaluate the initial effects of was joined by another access "to all UN goings-on. East the venture. for those who don't wish to read the State and the bylaws, "both tone and content of and Deborah Witgen, a junior jour reporter, Lin Chen-chi, from the News to get their fee back. But in general, (the State News) are determined by the Germany, which is not a member, You may not have noticed any change in the daily business of getting out a student editorial staff and the directors major; two faculty members-. same Taiwan agency. Last week, has correspondents from its the State News since coming back this fall. Senger, chairman of the Schc: newspaper has continued as before. are "prohibited of powers of veto and Journalism and William Wallner, Pro! both correspondents were abruptly That's probably because there haven't been government - controlled news media Over the long run, however, there are censorship over the news and editorial of etomology and a former chairman told to turn in their press passes, any real changes to notice. Incorporation at the UN and nothing is said. The clearly several solid benefits inherent in the content thereof." has had a negligible effect on the day to State News Advisory Board; and thus barring them from further shift from a University controlled to an But equally as important, ousting of a fully - accredited day operation. Th& seven-man board of incorporation professional journalists—Arthur Gal' relations with the UN. newsman who has been with the UN directors who heads the management of incorporated newspaper, benefits that can has removed the State News from editor of the Ann Arbor News and It seems mainland China does not be measured as much in the unfortunate University financial control, for 26 years just because one nation, the new corporation—three student an area where Spaniolo, manager of the Niles! situations they prevent as in the freedom much more subtle forms of coercion and want its reporters taking part in any members, two faculty members, and two Publishing Co. Red China, wants him out, is not they provide. censorship can occur. At the American organization which allows Taiwanese only unfair but also obviously Collegiate Press convention this fall, a The new system of having the b: participation. Since Taiwan was major complaint expelled from the UN, Peking feels Taiwan's government news agency politically discriminatory. The UN was created to act as a mediator in opposing world forces. Constructive politics were controlled of many student newspapers was the fact that their finances by another body, usually directors—a group actively involved i operation of the State News thr" the year-select the editor-in-chief To the Editor: the University itself. Few editors felt able should not be allowed to As it stands now, the UN is J A the students for whom lt. , - , t it is intended There _ advertising manager is a vast impro" Do you want to get into something to strongly their administrat!ons on over the old participate in UN happenings. U appeasing the political whims and constructive but don't know where to will be information tables set up at Berkey a given issue since th advisory board system, knew ^ next a group of individuals Tnant, under pressure from Peking, wants of, at most, a few nations. begin? We of the Michigan Youth Politics and Bessey halls from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on month's largely unfair operating funds could be with the newspaper business were Institute believe we have an idea that may today and Friday, Jan. 6 and 7. During or after that time you may also stop by or conveniently squeezed off. At some together once each year to choose help you out: it is called the Manpower Khools the situation Is even worse, with successors to the two Bank. The idea behind the Bank is posts. The advi Mujib release to provide a referral service for anyone who would like to get involved in the various kinds of political activity but isn't basically uuDi U"'on . .« „ M.Y.P.I. Manpower Bank, UN Lounge, We need your name, phone number, , tTXT . the newspapers revenue sludent government, leaving the controlled the mercy of ambitious junior politicians. With incorporation, the State News is by paper at board was composed of four ff members Council, chosen through Aca< two students appointed ASMSU and two students appointed by able to commit himself full time. As mailing address and a description of your now responsible for its own financial president. Often the question to help Pakista planned, the Manpower interests. Bank will be set up !4 affairs and is free from outside fiscal whether groups which receive State in the It doesn t require much commitment to following manner: control. The University receives a news An interested individual Vvili first list your preferences on a sheet of paper coverage and editorial comit be backhanded benefit from the same asked to fill out You are in no way obligated. Give yourself fact, should have a say in who should head Pakistan's novice President commanded an elected majority. a form listing those areas since it is no ,onger responsible for the of activity which interest him, a chance to do something worthwhile. student editorial department. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto took his first Where the machinations of Bhutto including content of the paper or liable in the case of Of course, abortion reform, voter registration, Stephen A. Jones lawsuits. only time will tell what constructive action in many months and Yahya laid the basis for the final verdict will be on partisan politics, ecology issues. When an Coordinator, Manpower Bank Thirdly, incorporation has taken the incorporation, by announcing the release of Sheikh after the six month's conflict, their incarceration of Mujib organization is planning an activity, they Ypsilanti, Senior business affairs of the State News out of experience with Mujibur "Mujib" Rahman from and simultaneous invasion of East may contact the Bank and we will put Jan. 4,1972 the hands of a faculty adviser answerable new system, the prognosis is definitel house arrest. Mujib will undoubtedly them in touch with those people who have healthy one. Bengal actually set off the explosion. indicated an interest in their particular be proclaimed leader of Bangladesh The release of Rahman, "The one DOONESBURY upon his return to what was man who can make peace in activity. There would be no obligation for Garry Trudeau the person to become involved in the wecc, you CAN formerly East Pakistan. . Pakistan", at this late time is activity. ASK HIM WURSBLF There is irony aplenty here since as We no/, here He ' reminiscent of closing the gate after cannot promise that we will canes a traditional enemy of Bengali the water buffalo has escaped. immediately present each person with a desires and Mujib's Awami League, multitude of possibilities. This is a new service. But each additional person Bhutto shares prime Bhutto probably sees the action responsibility as increases the chances that the Bank will be for the carnage of the Pakistani civil a step toward some sort of able to present meaningful possibilities to war. It was because of pressure from reunification scheme. Doubtlessly everyone involved. The larger the Bhutto and others that former Mujib will recognize that the best Manpower Bank becomes, the more President Yahya Khan refused to future for the East Bengali people functional it will be to organizations in search of people. assemble the National Assembly, a lies in fulfilling the promise of an The only chance of success for this body in which the Awami League independent Bangladesh. service lies in a large response from you, e News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, January 6, 1972 5 WHAT PRICE SECURITY? Anderson leak stirs quandary WASHINGTON (AP) - At the such leaks, affect vital U.S. interests. the leak appears somewhere in making, the special actions center of the latest instance of This is the Washington Special In this capacity the WSAG met the NSC. group has played a particularly government secrets finding their Action Group (WSAG) set up in early last month to deliberate on The administration says such important role. unauthorized way into the news 1969 under the National American policy for the disclosures compromise national President Nixon ordered it media Is a very high-powered Security Council (NSC) as the Indian-Pakistan war. These security and make it very formed in April 1969 after administration agency government's command post for deliberations were made public difficult for the WSAG and NSC deciding that more traditional, purposefully designed to avoid unexpected crises that could over the last two weeks by bureaucratic methods failed in to give a full airing to important columnist Jack Anderson. handling the crisis caused by problems. The WSAG membership during As part of an NSC that has North Korea's shooting down of those talks contained some of of the American reconnaisance Cooking assumed more and more an w the highest and most important members of the administration: administration's foreign-policy aircraft. presidential adviser NSC to bakeoff chairman Henry Kissinger; Central Intelligence Agency Theater group stages director Richard C. Helms; then Expertise in creative cooking national finalists, Deputy Secretary of Defense has netted a Spartan Village wife "The competition is scheduled David Packard; Adm. Thomas H. •\1 is to improve the eating Your four years of college should be fou might be happier at >£tna. worth more than a degree. But there's a lot more. For instance, you can choose from Army ROTC is the leadership course. Enroll in Army ROTC and you learn to lead — to work with people. You're 17 different branches of the Army. This enables you to serve idmnn yC afor figures, finance many careers open to you. As an actuary, as an officer in a field directly related to your degree. We assured of a challenging job after graduation with the option Wavtnl? if '-na Casualty might be accountant, computer programmer or of returning to civilian life in two years or less - with a also have a flight program that can qualify you as an aviator "ccess satisfaction and securities analyst, for example. In these while you're still in school. If you are a veteran the first positions and others you'll be helping post graduate "degree" in leadership and management two years of our program will be waived in your case. 27 million people who depend on /Etna for experience. iavbe'ihlaJCu 1 t,lou8ht about insurance, security in a shaky world. We have a trwSu. «.U haVen''hcard reputation for not letting them down. Plus we take care of you while you're still in school. You In Army ROTC you are guaranteed four or more years of A brochure called "The Whole Truth" will receive $100 per month in your junior and senior years. uninterrupted college because of a special draft deferment. becom^P,C' l5cci^use our business spells out how /Etna works, and the many You will have an opportunity to apply for an Army ROTC You can also postpone your active duty service as an officer lf,hc larwi>ct° S0P^'sticated, we have one hecountrv 4co!T1Pllter installations in specific opportunities we have for people scholarship which pays for all tuition, books and fees. if you decide to eaman advanced degree. When you look at of all talents. It's an honest picture of an all the facts. Army ROTC has a lot to offer you. "'ermsof „ you lb'nk of insurance honest business. °i'H be t.,LrCmiVms and settlements, nv°lvcd witEn Why not stop in at your placement nd real wal hTudceply /Etna is office soon and read it. Freshmen and Veterans-Add Army ROTC. estate bonds, equities, You could do yourself—and many J u rc ana'ytically.minded, there are other people—a lot of good. Pick Up An Add Card For Military Science 121. are a« Equal Opportunity Employer OUR CONCERN IS PEOPLE Call 355-1913 or stop by Demonstration Hall today. LIFE & CASUALTY 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Thursday, January a ■ TO U-M FACULTY GROUP Panel to urge pay negotiations IV RICK V By STEVE WATERBURY fulfilling similar goals," officials. "to prevent and to overcome "All of these were below U-M's State News Staff Writer according to a report issued by "In addition to its role as a inequities suffered by less standing in 1966-from one to A faculty committee at the the Committee on the Rights negotiating agency, CESF should advantaged faculty members." more than $2,000 below-ln University of Michigan (U-M) and Responsibilities of Faculty also be given the responsibility During 1971, faculty members average compensation." will recommend to that Members. to investigate, analyze and at MSU sought to increase the Collective bargaining will soon university's Senate Assembly The proposal calls for the otherwise monitor the economic power of a faculty committee to come to U-M also, "unless firm later this month that it approve reconstruction of the Committee treatment of all individuate that consult with the administration measures are undertaken by the a procedure involving on the Economic Status of the comprise the U-M faculty," the on matters of faculty faculty and administration to "consultative negotiations" with Faculty (CESF) as a professional report reads. compensation and academic strengthen faculty participation administrative officials on salary consultative negotiating team budget, but the proposal was in university governance and &r rr:frrc.rri3 levels and other faculty responsible for formulating The committee, which would defeated by the trustees. unless faculty compensation can compensation matters. specific requests regarding have a paid staff, would The CESF report discloses that be markedly improved," CESF The recommendation "stops salaries and fringe benefits for recommend to the Senate there has been a loss In the contends. considerably short of full academic staff and for Assembly (a faculty body similar overall comparative economic At MSU, an Ad Hoc collective bargaining but aims at negotiating with administration to MSU's Academic Council) standing of the U-M faculty, guidelines and procedures for dropping from 17th nationally Committee on Bargaining, which has been Collective So shiney you can sec yourself! assessing performance, in 1966-67 to 35th in 1970-71. studying faculty unionization display of Modern Man's technological prowess this cafeteria dishwasher determining salary ranges and "Thirteen of those above the since spring term, will issue its In a disgorge! making salary adjustments and U-M in the latest standings have would develop procedures for entered collective bargaining working with the academic units since 1968," the report states. report during January to a meeting of the Elected Faculty Council. endless stream of shiney plates. It force this term. offers mute testimony that MSU students are back State News photo by John M inl j Ct bill TO of prop U.S. SAIGON (AP) jet strays, Vietnam-Laos mtlil tmPr0V< s from pletion it of the introduced t - A U.S. escort readiness of an antiaircraft several times late last year border area seen trucks, touching off many Millions of leaflets hav ipresentatives. fighter broke off from planes battery to fire, but in recent and again in the past two days, harassment, possibly calculated secondary explosions, in raids dropped on enemy tei bill's spon assaulting enemy targets in Laos weeks of increasing antiaircraft to lure U.S. pilots into ambushes have not chosen to get close Wednesday 10 miles northeast of declaring that these airer able, R-Lw» and made the first air strike of activity, even scanning radar over the North. enough to tangle with U.S. Krek in eastern Cambodia. friend and foe alike and Id bring rel 1972 against North Vietnam, the signals have been construed as a These sources said recent MIG fighters, a command spokesman In an effort to cut down on the enemy not to shoot at and el U.S. Command said Wednesday. threat. said. activity has been no greater than losses on medical evacuation Officials are raising < The F105 plane darted 10 With North Vietnamese enemy Other termed the MIG before the five-day air campaign waitinj miles across the Laotian frontier sources helicopters, the U.S. Army is March to assess wheth^Jonsiders MIGs haunting U.S. air appearances in the North against North Vietnam last painting most of them white program works, Tuesday and fired a Strike operations over Laos, B52 week. The raids hit at four MIG Ground missile at a search radar about bases in the south of North with red crosses and has ordered action V effect of I bombers, heaviest in America's defensive machine guns removed Vietnam was reported |jg actually disc 45 miles north of the air arsenal, raided in South Positions grow Vietnam, but most of the MIG by Friday. scattered. m m > k I demilitarized zone separating the Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos force is based around Hanoi, the Vietnams. The command for the second straight day, the [ovements," ht capital farther north. reported suspected destruction command reported. Heavy in ecology field The U.S. Command reported of the site. tactical air strikes continued 108 "protective reaction" strikes i The U.S. plane had not sensed radar lock-on, meaning against enemy supply routes and attack forces in Laos. The need for professionals in the environmental careers is last year, 25 of them in December. That does not Bridal fair plannec , MILLIF that a nt The North Vietnamese increasing every year. By 1980, include more than 1,000 strikes vl law for MIGs, about 1,200,000 workers will be needed, approximately twice the number for 1970. flown during the five-day campaign. These were labc-led in Union, Jan. 27 ed by thesoaF he soap in< CUNT The areas open to "limited duration protective preferred no reaction" strikes. he said. Mill EASTWOOD professionals include ecology, Washington officials have said A bridal fair called "Woman Is" will be presented from i i bill into meteorology, oceanography, U.S. planes hit 35 to 40 targets until 9 p.m. on Jan. 27 In Union Parlors i the pliosphj urban A,B,C and Ballrooi PLAY MISTY planning and A fashion show at 2 p.m. and 8 environmental protection. but missed some others during p.m. with fashions spon ijents and o the five days. Reliable sources in by Bridal Showcase in East Lansing will be featured If to 8.7 per c< FORME MOOSUSKI MEETING Saigon said, however, that bad program. The program will also include booths set up b\ i ke effect July Invitation Jan. 12 6:30 - 9:00 pm weather was still holding up a Lansing merchants and interest groups providing informal! Detroit Cor to terror... matters ranging from at the GABLES damage assessment. housekeeping to careers for women. Carol Spring, East HAPPY HOUR PRICES In other air action, field Lans'ng graduate student, said the , the program is, "To with membership and ID reports said U.S. helicopter acquaint students with various pro* (DlOrer services, information, and opportunities which a r (New members still being gunships and strike planes senior, someone preparing for marriage, or anyone inter gradu™ He was left for dead. accepted - 353-5199.) destroyed four cars and four setting up house would find necessary." He would not forget. '• t>PWg„a graduate advisar in Wilson out tril richard hams AtibDai Flint Group rresetm Hall, is coordinate yrugrafh dm* ftpresen" looJfi"g for 12 models for the fashion show. 'Manin the ORSON WELLES Several national companies ragmenting tri including glassware, mattress igo and its i silverware firms will have booths at the program. Wilderness' MAcbexrh A ward winning adaptation from Shakespeare participating in the prog-am will be Problem Pregnancy. Pli Parenthood, United Ministries in Higher Education, Life Alternatives, marriage counselors, placement advisers, and Organiza ire of Africa w World Travel by Lewis Saturd from off-campus housing and married Of all the film productions of the works of the Burt), A speaker of national housing. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ this one by Orson Welles stands alone because of the program, prominence may be keynoting unusual treatment accorded the play by Welles' cinematic artistry. A craggy castle seemingly hewn BEAL FILM GROUP PRESENTS FOR THOSE OVER 18 IN 111 OLDS from living black rock, primitive rough costumes, foreboding playof light and shadows, encircling masl camera work and dramatic angles reminiscent of th earlier I'itixen Kane it »ee.ns are The Union reportedly, has also changed," Dmochowski at a low point according to Tom alumni went bankrupt in 1935, explained. "The students have Bushouse, manager of the board. however. residence halls, they didn't need stage programs Union then and have been IS days' as the hotspot been in a tough financial bind. been more interested in the Union as much." propaganda apprehensive about using it RSi Fewer students use The Dept. of Residence Halls education-related rather than students Normally there are over 100 The University assumed A bookstore also had been as every since." Sjtructure. Finances working on the board, control, paying off the alumni he said, but this year the figure debts and using funds from the located at the Union, in the basement, but with the KUALA LUMPUR elf! has dropped to what he calls "a Dept. of Residence Hails and very active 16." Food Services to finance the construction of the International Center, that facility, too, was ( U P I) — The Malaysian government is using a unique er Bushouse said he expects Union. An east wing was added moved. method for home propaganda It disgorge are back CapitayCWules /(I j 0)1) students aware will become more of the Union in the coming terms. A massive publicity campaign and a in 1938. A $3 remodeling project was million completed in 1949 and a south wing added. The MSU Union "A lot of students used to pass through because the bookstore was here," Dmochowski commented, "but when it was is putting on stage shows billed as "an evening of information through drama." song, dance and NOW! OPEN 12:45 Feature 1:00-3:05 —5:15-7:25-9:30 membership drive are being was one of the largest student moved to the International Called "Pentaram," the shows UJARR6H B€RTTV BILL TO prohibit the objected to a clause in the bill legal authority to operate activities centers in the nation at Center in 1964 or 1965, many revolve around Malaysia's which nullifies local ordinances Michigan high school athletics. planned, he said. inS of property tax for GOLDI€HfiUJn "We've had our problems," that time. of these same students stopped national ideology —new it .< 1,1 improvements until 6 from the date of Lion of the improvement banning detergents. Milliken "Supervision and control over responded to their complaint interschoiastic athletic activities saying, If the common council is vest in the Michigan Board of members "want to have an Education," Kelley wrote Sen. Bushouse said, "but the worst Is over. Membership on the board is starting to grow again Dmochowski, who has been manager since 1941, said many developments since then have coming by." The Union had housed two other important activities that economic policy. They also preach racial harmony between the Malay majority and the -W- (Dollars) i introduced in the House impact here, they ought to work John F. Toepp, R-Cadiilac, who and the people already involved taken away many of the have since been moved to other Chinese minority. One recent show had an audience of 10,000. leaflets hav (wesenUtives. had asked for a formal ruling last are very enthusiastic. I think students who used to use the buildings, drawing more students enemy tei I bin's sponsor Frederick through their lawmakers." September. students will soon begin to building regularly. away from the Union. these airci tible. R Lansing, said, It realize that the Union has more "I suppose one of the things International students, who once ' alike and 5 bring relief to home THE MICHIGAN SUPREME Under the present law, Kelley to offer them than just a that really emptied the Union to shoot ;r5 and eliminate the Court Issued 133 opinions said, the state board could only cafeteria." was the opening of the student ire waiting fldiate raising of taxes which during 1971, an increase of The Union has been attracting services center in 1958," he said. nearly 40 per cent. The court delegate such responsibilities as ess wheth onslders a negative income the operation of tournaments students for a long time. "Previous to this time, we had disposed of 1,279 matters on housed all the student groups, court order or opinion during and could "not lawfully delegate Originally modeled after the tion in foe effect of this procedure to the association the Cambridge University Union in including student government. eported |jg ictuaily discourage people 1971. The number of But when the Student Services making home dispositions for 1970 was 1,235. promulgation of rules, the England, it opened in 1925 m when MSU was still Michigan Building opened, they all The Court's docket at the end interpretation of rules and the ovements," he said. determination of eligibility of 1971 showed a 22 per cent NOW SHOWING! a ov m.j. frodhovich under such rules." improvement over 1970, with ' RICHQRD BROOHS 188 of 260 cases in the pending , V. MILL1KEN Tuesday nec J that a new phosphate inventory ready for court consideration. This is compared A bill sponsored by Toepp would give the MHSAA the ol |jw for Michigan was to 1970 when 243 of 325 cases power to do what it had 27 K N« Slag* t» Lev.n ?ANAVISlON* Coi JAMKS BRIIK.KS I.D.'s required $1.00 admission IKOIHVfcO H\ KK.MAROUH IJSTUNK MINI HYKRKDKARUN TKMMUMUR' Jjlj"-!(gj"j RHARHARHARHARHARHyN ThursJay, January 6 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan FOR MINORITY STUDENTS 'Freak' aids habit, Job awareness urged sells comic books By KAREN ZURAWSKI By NAT ABB ATE "Just because someone is hired doesn't mean he necessarily State News Staff Writer State News Staff Writer performs the duties of the job," he said , noting that some people In addition to the prejudice and bias that minority people he had placed had been racially hassled. "I sell to support my habit." encounter in employment, a main problem facing minorities In "You're only that which people perceive you to be," he The rationale of your friendly neighborhood pukner? Not qU|J job placement is their choice of a major or study area, according explained. They are the words of Ray Walsh of the Curious Book Sho to Huey Edwards, asst. director of business and education at the To aid in the placement of minority students, Edwards 541 E. Grand River Ave. who is a self-proclaimed comic b Placement Bureau. maintains contact with the students through black aides and freak. Edwards, who has worked at the bureau since 1970 and has black student groups, often informally structured, in the various Walsh's basement store shelters a staggering array of COlll_ focused on minority employment, explained that some students through lack of knowledge choose a major where there is "a low majors. books, old and new. Students shuffle in and out constant!! demand for the skills that they develop." Evening presentations to various groups, counseling and enjoying another new wave In the popularity of comics. speaking to minorities at orientation about the job situation in Walsh said comic books have become increasingly popular o\ When a freshman enters college, he should be made aware of the past few years, but said he could not pinpoint the people the job situation in the field in which he wants to major, Edwards their possible majors are also some of Edwards' duties. wJ said. If he enters a saturated field and does not plan on getting a Edwards said his duties differ from those of other directors in are readiiig them. 1 that he is not zeroing in on specific areas for black minority "You can't stereotype them," he said recently. "The majoril job in that area after graduation, "it's his decision," Edwards added. employment but works "across the board." of readers are males, but they're mostly just people looking (f "Very often, however, the student is very bitter about it," he One of the main features of the minority job placement escapism and an enjoyment of an art. " program, Careers Night for minority students, will be held again "A lot of people do consider comic books as an art and added, "because he was not aware of the situation." them that way, paying little attention to the story r this year on Feb. 3. Though there is an emphasis on minority employment, mainly line," j Edwards explained that the fifth annual Careers Night, which added. black at this point, Edwards stressed that this does not limit any [ will be held at the Union, allows seniors and students receiving Many students are collectors ar.d concentrate on trying I student ir. his area from seeking his assistance. Edw; ids disagrees with people who believe that blacks are their degree the following year to meet with employers in a obtain every issue of a certain comic, he said. " somewhat unstructured situation. The next day formal interviews "I price comics for collectors. The better the rece'ving preferential treatment over whites in job placement condition, t are set up at the bureau where a "mutual interest" exists between higher the price," he said. now. the employer and the student. Consequently, a person may pay from five cents to $25 forl Terming it "patently false," Edwards said "it is analogous to Sharing parallel responsibility with Edwards in the area of single comic book at the Curious Book Shop. The two mo| running the first 50 yards of a 100-yard race shackled. In the business and education is Eugene Washington, who has worked at valuable comics in the store are "World's Finest No. 2" process of being released, they're being declared equal," he said. (194J the bureau since 1968. and "Walt Disney's Comics and Stories No. 1" (1939), Walsh sail Blacks have had a history of not using the bureau, relying While Splderman remains the most popular single hero aj instead on work-of-mouth about job information, Edwards said, Marvel is the most popular brand, Walsh said underground comil but the situation is changing. are becoming increasingly popular. But the audience for sul "Last year I had one-third the numbei of students I have this comics as "Zap" and "Young Lust" consists mainly of read J year, which is indicative of the increased traffic," he said. and not collectors, he added. However, it's "a very bleak year", he said. "If the economic conditions were changed, I'd be more successful than I am now. feiffer's MSU compensation By MICHAEL FOX people State News Staff Writer MSU employes came under the provisions of unemployment December. Student employes, however, Monday. Lockhart said that the Issue claims will be accumulated by a uniform percentage assessment employes began earning weeks for each week of Fourteen such credit v i | Featuring an hors d'oeuvre The projected cost of compensation on Jan. 1, including graduate assistants was resolved by applying similar against all payroll accounts, providing unemployment providing benefits ranging from enrolled in classes, arc not guidelines as used by the Social Lockhart said. required before an individufl tray served at intermission $16 to $92 per week for eligible for the unemployment Security Administration in He explained Wednesday that collect the unemployl compensation to MSU employes and ample buffet with: may reach a half-million dollars employes out of Work. The comepnsation program. Though defining an individual by his the funds would be collected by compensation, which meal Michigan Legislature extended the Federal Employment "primary intent" in his making an approximately MSU claims will be cleared! PERFORMED BY PRIME RIBS OF BEEF annually, Robert M. Lockhart, The LEDGES asst. comptroller, said this week. the unemployment benefits to Security Act Amendments of connection with the University. one-half of one per cent after the second week off Players LOBSTER NEWBURG Lockhart noted that most all universities and colleges in 1970 provided for coverage of Primary intent for students is assessment against the total Tenured faculty member] BEEF STROGANOFF higher education employes, the defined as securing an education, michigan's professional payroll of each department. working in the summer tr resident theatre served Michigan Legislature delayed in not working for MSU, Lockhart "The individual will not bear between the regular i following the performance passing implementation explained. the brunt of financing this years are not eligible fol DONALDSON legislation until December The $500,000 projected cost program. We will assess the benefits. Pregnant women! because they were engaged in of the unemployment department's payroll and the do not receive benefits fof program is THEATRE and DINNER ASSOCIATES debate over the definition of a an estimate based on the problem we will be faced with weeks before and SO student. experience of industry, which is will be where the funds will following confinemeni $7 students with ID) Sundays at The Tin Lizzie. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Insurance/Investments Students, according to the new law, are not covered by the unemployment compensation not really comparable," Lockhart said. In effect, MSU will be come from within the payroll accounts," Lockhart admitting that this would make said pregnancy. job If a worker quil without good attributable to the Universi provisions for any week during self-insured because the less money available to pay would be disqualified froJ which they are enrolled and University. benefits. jyiJJ reimburse the employes within departments. SUNDAYS AT Financial Planning tor the Professional-flan t. attending classes. The confusion state for, payments it makes out over student coverage held up to unemployejj.MSU faculty and passage of the law until the final staff. The funds that MSU Excluded from the program in .addition to students are certain agricultural labor and services Bi#t covurei discharged for misco intoxication, participation! week of December, with the law strike, or an act of assault,f THE TIN LIZZIE FOR RESERVATIONS, TELEPHONE 35V2450 Representing Central Life/Iowa collects to reimburse the state going in effect Jan. 1 and just for payment of 1972-73 signed by Gov. Milliken on unemployment compensation rendered by a minor while attending high school. There is no distinction between part-time or sabotage connected witl work. and full-time, or annual and seasonal, employment in the 20% DISCOUNT ON new law. The only criterion in that an employe earn more than Meeting sla1e| TYPEWRITER REPAIRS $25 a week. &STULES Beginning Jan. 1, MSU to plan wome FOR MSU STUDENTS ALL STUDENTS All students (especially In advisory groul Mathematics, Statistics and Probability, and Computer An organizational mectin|i Science) with the following FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY qualifications are Invited to apply a Women's Adv for membership In PI Mu Epsilon, Commission on the Statu® national honorary Mathematics Women at the Universitji •rnlty: scheduled for 3 p.m. toda! AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES Completion of At least five qu Minimum grade h through 215 point: Math All U 401 Administration Bldg. The commission will funcl 1477 Haslett Road, Haslett Sophomores 4.0 3.4 Juniors 3.4 3.4 as an advisory body to I Seniors 3.0 3.0 Office of Equal Opportul Programs for women on can* Pick up and return applications at All established women's gi the Mathematics Office (212 A Wells)before Thu., Jan. 27. Total their representatives I 'SPRING'S99 JSEW LOOK membership fees: $15.00. For ' interested individuals! Tormatlon phone Cathy Meehan ai 353 1074. welcome. Junior Year in New York of New York fJnivers!'y sponsors a Junior Year in New York. The College, located in the heart of the city, is an integral part of the exciting metropolitan community of New York City—the business, cultural, artistic, is yours for the making. and financial center of the nation. The city's extraordi-1 nary resources greatly enrich both the academic 1 propran. and the experience of living at New York You can wear today's fashions University with the most cosmopolitan student body in the world. 1 without borrowing from tomorrow's budget. When you sew from our variety of spring fabrics which are arriving daily, the style This program is open to students recommended deans of the colleges to which by the I they will return for will be 1972 but the look will still be you. their degrees. There arc strong and varied offerings in many areas, such as line arts, urban studies, languages including Mall Store only SIDEWALK SALE - non-European, mathematics in the College and at the Jan. 6, 7, 8 % off Courant Institute, on psychology, and others. assorted fabrics, notions A qualified student may register for courses in all other schools of the University, including the specializations in Commerce and Education. I The University sponsors programs in Spain and France Write for brochure (o Director, Junior Year in New York MERIDIAN MALL Okemos 349-2360 DORNET VILLAGE 5421 W. Saginaw I New York University New York, N.Y. 10003 485-3342 Hours: Mon. - Sat. 10-9; Sun. 12 - 5 luary 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, January 6, 1972 9 Summer classes set abroad Education in the Western World; ED 882, By NANCY PARSONS Overseas Study, International Studies and Study Office, 108 Center for International Education in Japan, and ED 883. Independent State News Staff Writer Programs and the Office of International Programs, by April 30 so that housing and Extension in the Continuing Education Service, transportation arrangements can be made. Study, are being offered. Studying the German language in Vienna and Social Science 232, Comparative Industrial In the past two summers approximately 250 Political science courses 454, Special Topics in the Danish welfare Societies; Soc. Sci. 233, Challenges in system in Copenhagen are students participated in the overseas studies Comparative Politics; 349, Politics of English just two of the unique on-the-spot educational Internationl Relations, and Soc. Sci. 300, program which, for the additional cost of an Speaking Democracies and 490, Independent programs being offered to students for credit airline ticket, allowed them to take University Directed Research, are being offered in London Study are being offered in London for those who this summer by MSU and courses in an international setting for what it have successfully completed two courses in the for sophomores. by Bryn Mawr College In Pennsylvania. would have cost them to attend MSU. go^g] sciences. Comparative Criminal Justice will be held in Several of MSU's credit programs are sponsored London offering courses Criminal Justice Applications for the six-week courses running The Dept. of Romance Languages annually directly by departments through the Office of July 3 - Aug. 18 must be made in the Overseas Practicum and Field Training and DJ 890, sponsors a French program In Paris offering FR Criminal Justice Practicum and Field Training. 311, 312 and 313, Advanced Oral French, and FR 427, the Contemporary French Scene. Requirements for enrollment are sophomore The University of Barcelona will be the scene standing and the completion of CJ 110 and CJ Bar owners e for SPN 311, 312 and 313, Advanced Oral Spanish, and SPN 427, Spanish Culture. German 321, 322 and 323, German 375. MSU courses offers two additional overseas study through consortium arrangements with other universities. Composition of Conversation, and GRM 427, The Contemporary German and Austrian Scene, Students with the equivalent of a third-yeai is being offered in Vienna. college-leval competence in Spanish and a 3.5 or in staggering A minimum of two collegiate years of study is required for application in any of the language 4.0 average in Spanish courses can earn 12 credits this summer in Mexico City. This program runs June 18 July 30. - programs. Students with a minimum of two collegiate With the The School of Social Work is sponsoring drinking . age lowered from 21 to 18, who were out of college - who do not like the courses SW 882, Seminar in Social Work: years of Russian language training or the local restaurants and taverns have noted a sharp younger crowd. Comparative Social Welfare (Denmark and U.S.); ^ WVHli equivalent and junior status, preferably, may increase in business - although they expected business to drop off in the future. Chuck Rose, general manager of the Cave of SW* 885" Social Work "in "Denmark nd SW 890 earn 12 credits June 12 - Aug. 16 while studying the Candles on Abbott Road, reported his special Problems in Theory and Practice, for five in Leningrad. Sam Howes, the manager of Lizard's Abbott on business had doubled. He said this was an jn Conenhagen. Practicioners and social Planned field trips, free time for independent Road, said he had been "overwhelmed" by the indirect result of the new law — the older study and exploration and guest lecturers will science or education majors are eligible, Increase in the number of new drinkers. Howes drinkers from Lizard s and the Gables who had Freshmen and sophomore students can earn play an integral part in the learning process of all said he thought this was due to the proximity of been driven out by the new drinkers were now their ATL 112, 113 and Independent Study of the study programs. his place, which is just across the street from coming to his place in greater numbers. credits or the,r Humanities 242 and 243 credits Bryn Mawr College is sponsoring two summer campus. in programs being offered in London. programs in Madrid, Spain and Avignon, France ■ v-' ' "They're spending money like it's going out of He said he expected business to level off again, a new offering in the overseas study program offering students intensive work in significant style," Howes said. He added that he expected but at a higher level than before. He added that it in Comparative Retailing being held in London, aspects of the culture of each country. business to taper off soon. The courses begin in mid-June and will was too early to say what this new level would Juniors and seniors, preferably with one course /Vf/> slioic At the Coral Gables on E. Grand River Ave., owner Alex Vanls said business was "very good," With the lowered age, more 16 and 17 year in marketing, may enroll in MTA 351, Retail continue for six weeks. Administration, MTA, 452 Retail Policies and [ivjan Frazee, Mt. Clemens sophomore, sets his sights as but tapering off. He said the new customers were olds have tried to get into bars and lounges. Problems, and MTA, 409, Field Studies in A limited number of scholarships are available 'iuck Tanitzewski, Grand Rapids, senior, takes notes. The not heavy drinkers, and seemed to come there Vanis said he now had two ID checkers at each Business. for both programs. For information regarding (irveying was being done in front of the Men's IM Building mostly to dance. door to keep out those under 18. He said it was admission, write to the Director of the Center or Graduate students and teachers earning Vanis said the under 21 drinkers seemed to be the Director of the Institute, ft Bryn Mawr preparation for the construction of the new ice arena. difficult to recognize them because it was a new graduate hours may enroll in Comparative State News photo by John Dickson driving out the older group — those 21 and older crowd, and the faces were not familiar. Education being held in Tokyo. ED 804E. College, Pennsylvania, 19010. > earning week of SOLICE BRIEF credit Tlje Grateful Dead in individu inemploy vhich moa be cleared I week of STUDENT TOLD police his forced entry, and police said from room 447. The theft ty member pirked In Lot I was broken they have no suspects. occurred sometime Tuesday. summer m TuMdiy night. Tht trunk ^ POLICE SAID VENDING ?gular been locked, but a wrlit A STEREO AND speakers machines In the Physics eligible fo tli, tool box, a pair of gym were reported stolen by - At,^n„mu nniiHin„ mnA tho nt women ind $35 In currency was ' Hubbard Hall coed. She said the Astronomy Building and the benefits equipment had been left In the and six fourth floor trunk irunk room over ov.r brokin Into Towliy. . . ■ Thm w«i . ... ifinemen Christmas break, but was missing - - ,n machines."npWiP Police m said they u have worker qui ervices no subjects. good he Univers alified froi anned for . BLACK MALE described . , ANOTHER CAMERA AND only oniy as oeing 20 as being «u to 10 22 years old years uiu red a mtscon S HODD0 "t*pe V*i*rtled tepotwtily Admlhtetritlron Administration WhdfcllKed two vending machine^ Hi the Student r 11 stolen from the vending machine fa the Student rticipation irgsret Angwln Hoppe, wife Building. Police said the recorder Services Building Tuesday. of assault, Police said there was no estimate irry R. Hoppe, professor of valued at $195, and camera and nected wit died at 8:30 p.m. Jan. of damkges to the machines. lenses worth $545, were stolen Sparrow Hospital after a fill new. , 1. Hoppe, active In LANSING SKI CLUB SIQt€ national student activities Season Memberships 1 former Instructor in the _ lish and French Depts. She Weekday • Good until 6 p.m. womq ||„d her undergraduate Price - $35 ree from University of Ifornia at Berkeley, and grou Dpleted her masters program HSU. tmorlal services for Ms. P.S.I.A. be held at 2 p.m. Certified Ski School 15, In the MSU Alumni Phone 332 0600 ipel. the right Your choice! contraceptive for you 2*00 •n these UJestdox saving p Right, because it's effective! Right, because it's gentle, so you can use it with confidence. And big reasons why Warper Bros. brip£s these ore the Emko Foam should be your nmunity contraceptive. Over ten years of testing and medical studies artistic, extraordi- prove Emko one of the most mic effective contraceptives avail¬ tl?eny bacH alive! York able Yet it contains no hormones and therefore cannot harm your ent body general health and well-being. Of course. Emko Foam has Jed by the avil other important advantages, n for "Marl* $M8 regularly $7. >KkiUrly S"M8 too. There are no complicated schedules to follow, no prescrip¬ 4M # 98 tions or fittings, end you use it Live two record set. Also y areas, iluding nd at the NOW Hf 1)| Vt BUk or 1,11 598 AVALON Mm- NOW "II y WIH'IK l«'sr Or- only when you need protection. Besides, you hardly know it's there. With all of these advan¬ tages, you owe It to yourself to try Emko. Um one of our convenient charge plan* • Custom Emko Foam Two Ways . Charge • Zalct Revolving <- It.trgc Regular with delicate, clear Music Co. • Mn.lrr Charge • • applicator ZAlts • Pre-Fil. that can be filled up My, how you V* changed to one week in advance VUi 318 8. Washington IJ. .!!!«> lis (across from FREF. SPIRIT) ■ cMiMciMin ro»m 245 Ann St., E. Lansing , ST LOUta MO 402 S. Washington, Lansing 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, January r, SPORTS Swim team ails; flu hits five men Spartan cagers confident By STEVE STEIN State News Sports Writer MSU swimming coach Dick Fetters Is hoping that five of his swimmers can recover sufficiently from the flu to be able to swim after successful guys have confidence in big nights. Sophomore guard Ganakas hat utilized against Big Eight opponent Iowa State Saturday. themselves, In the coaches and Mike Robinson has been the starting \ Junior backstroker Alan Dilley, junior butterflyer Ken Winfleld, combinations |nl the coaches have confidence In most prolific scorer, but non-conference sophomore breastroker Tim Ranval, and freshman freestyler Paul Spartan basketball Coach Gus the players. And you don't buy Ganakas emphasized that other games for I DeMoss all have seen limited practice time this week, while senior Ganakas Is a bit more that stuff, It's earned." players are needed to come purpose of blending talents with team irj distance freestyler John Thuerer started swimming Wednesday. comfortable now than what he Ganakas said he is surprised devcloiJL Thuerer also had the flu, but returned to practice, and should was two months ago, or at least through and that is happening. Since different players have J that the Spartans are scoring as Juniors Brian Breslin and Bill quite a bit of action, Gin be ready to swim his specialties against the Cyclones. more confident. Before the season started many points as thev are, Kllgore have sparked several bench has also "I hope these guys will be able to get back in the water and Ganakas talked about a averaging 73 points per game. MSU wins and senior Pat Miller strengthened. build themselves up for the meet," said Fitters, "We need them "I thought that we would have to win." "respectable" MSU team that provides experience and was would have to counter with a more slumping periods within a praised by Ganakas for "We have gone to ou Dilley, while his best event is the 200 backstroke, won the 200 game, but we have demonstrated continually giving an all-out butterfly in the Spartans' first meet victory over Eastern powerful contingent of considerably and I feel co.„ some consistency and seem to be effort. Guard Gary Ganakas that whatever is Michigan. conference teams. With the Big avoiding these slumps," he said. provides stability and along with time will be needed "itl Wlnfield also swims the 50 and 100 freestyle events, and his loss Ten opening game against The Spartans do not have the Robinson have proved to be provided," said in reference to (;anT could hurt the Spartans in those events. University of Michigan this Al Sm established star so Ganakas has DeMoss is a promising freshman from San Mateo, California weekend Ganakas has reason to poised floor leaders in later Tyrone Lewis, Bill Cohrjl believe that the Spartans will to rely on certain players having stages of games. Ron Gutkowski. who took third in the 200 freestyle against EMU. fare better in conference action Ranval, from Dearborn Heights, finished third in the 200 than the last place predicted for breastroke against the Eastern Hurons. them. MEET NORTH CAROLINA In addition, the Spartan relay teams could be affected. Hopefully, the MSU tankers, who sport a 1 - 0 dual meet record "Going into the Big Ten 1 due to their victory over Eastern, will be at full strength against a know we will be more than G-men eye home victor! isstmll I In* Western respectable and that is what I tough Iowa State contingent, one of the top teams in the Big Eight Conference. on front had hoped for in November," Pat Miller leaves the court for a two-point play in a game Ganakas said. "We could even be Seniors Jeff Lanini and Thuerer were named co-captains of the played early in December with Western Michigan. Miller has in the Big Ten title race if we get Spartan tankers for this season by vote of teammates. Lanini been a superb sixth man for the Spartans this season, off to a good start. We've holds the Big Ten record in the 100 breastroke, while Thuerer averaging 6.5 points per game though he hasn't been a showed ourselves that we are not On December 4, the MSU gymnasts competed in the Big Ten holds MSU varsity marks in the 1,000 and 1,650 freestyle. starter. State News photo by Milt Horst bad and now we are prepared to Invitational Tournament held at Chicago Circle. Although the play in the conference." team as a whole did not fare too well, several individual MSU has played nine games in performers placed high in the meet the early season and with its 6-3 Assistant Coach Joe Fedorchlk said the competition was very Nettles, fou record have surprised a few people. After defeating nationally strong and c lack of depth hampered the Spartan team. Starting the new year and the dual meet season on a winning note against ranked Kentucky the Spartans North Carolina Saturday is hoped for by the gymnasts. The meet- banned by are no longer an unknown. And according to Ganakas the was to be held at Jenlson but has been moved to the Sports Arena in the Men's I.M. It is scheduled t'> begin at 1:30 p.m. CARACAS, VENEZUELA (UPI) - Gralg Nettles, star third Kentucky victory has provided The squad came back from Christmas break a week early to baseman of the Cleveland Indians, Wednesday was banned for his players with intangible work out and add some polish for the coming season, Coach Thursday Nix lit ROAST BEEF BUFFET life from the Venezuelan Professional Baseball League along with four other U.S. player* for allegedly trying to pressure their team into paying them extra money above and beyond their contracts. Nettles, Charles Brinkman, Bill Wynne, Jerry Cram and Tony factors such as pride and confidence. "Beating Kentucky and then having the ensuing success that George Syzpula said that these work outs were not organized by that he has been pleased with what he has seen thus far. Despite the team's poor showing in the Big Ten Invitational, the squad should become stronger in the weeks to come. The return CHARLIE MORSE k Musser were all members of the Aragua Tigers. followed gave us pride and of Captain Charlie Morse, who was forced to miss the Big Ten (All you can eat) Big norm confidence, ad we didn't have meet because of an injury, should add some depth to the team. 5-10 p.m. that before," Ganakas said. "The Key men for the Spartans in the North Carolina meet are Randy Balhorn, Ken Factor and Al Beaudet. In addition to these $2.50 all-around performers, several others should help out. Friday HAPPY HOURS 3-7 p.m. Another variation has sprung up on of karate the MSU In the floor exercise competition, Dave Ziegert, Rich Stout or Larry Ladd will perform. Don Waybright will compete on the side horse, Jack Swersie will perform on the rings and Dick Manning ready foil will try for a win on the high bar. campus as a club sport. The Lizard's 224 Abbott latest club is the MSU Shoryn R.Y.U. Karate club and all Morse will perform in several events. The parallel bars are the sore spot for the Spartans and this event will occupy the LA. O attention of Morse above all others. But he will also sec some interested parties are asked to call Harold Armour at either action on the side horse, rings and possibly the higli bar. The Saturday contest will be the first real good opportunity for LOS ANGELES $125,000 Glen Campbell I (UPI)-{ 485-6500 or 626-2290 at the earliest convenient time. Syzpula to see what help some promising freshmen will give to Angeles Open, one of the oil the team effort. Two of the more highly regarded newcomers are regular U.S. golf tournameB Swersie, no. 4 man on the rings and Stout, no. 4 man in the floor kicks off the 1972 pro tl exercise. ► today, the first of 45 ml LIEBERMANN'S North Carolina has two top still rings and Rick Fox, who performers in John Brantley on the performs on the lonp horse and the events with prize money of nr than $7 million. parallel bars. Lee Trevino,' Arnold Pali| There is a general admission charge for the contest of $1 for George Archer, Miller Bj adults and $.50 for children. A MSU I.D. card will allow students A NEW ATTACHE CASE and faculty in free. Billy Casper and Frank I and most of the other big nal After the contest with the Tar Heels, the gymnasts travel to money-winning pros are hcrel Southern Illinois for a tough meet with the Salukis on January this inaugural 72-hold t 22. The team will thrn compete in a triangular meet with Eastern Rancho Park, a mi will keep you organized Michigan and Western Michigan, at Ypsilanti, on January 29. course. The tournament was first hi yj S-T-R-E-T-C-H & SEW ™ in 1926 and has run every since except in 1943. dun World War II. f FABRICS 4960 Northwind Drive, in There is one notable absenll Jack Nicklaus, the No. 1 1971 who will collec® East Lansing 332-0879 $244,490.50, a record-shaiter| sum. MON. - FRI. 9 a.m. • 9 p.m. Nicklaus started his pro ci SAT. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. in the 1962 L.A Open andul KNITS OF ALL KINDS! $33.33 in a tie for last place I does not like to start I tournament grind this early! the year and he frankly does* like the Rancho course, a f 36-35—71 layout that * 6,821 yards. Available without prescription. There's a style and size to fit any need in our extensive collection of fine attache and brief cases. And we'll emboss your name or initials in gold at no extra charge. IN SKAl VINYL 3" with file $23.00. 4" with file $24.00. 5" file $25.00. with desk and Instant Cash can put I1N TOP GRAIN COWHIDE you in the picture Whether you want to try your hand at skiing, snowmobiling, or any other winter activity that costs money, Instant Cash is waiting for you at your MSU Employees Credit Union. Your credit union wants you to get the most out of life. If you've got the Chilling. Creamy. Thick. Rich. McDonald's Shakes. Chocolate. time, we've got the money for all your recreational needs. Strawberry. Your Basic Vanilla. (Straws included at no extra Give us a call or stop by soon. cost) av.llHhlo In MNHAPPl.E. 234 W. Grand River EAST LANSING 209 E. Grand River 1024 E. Grand River DOWNTOWN 113 S. Washington 6.00 E. Crescent Dr. • Open 9:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday* Phone 353-2280 Open Sunday - Thursday till 1 AM. Friday - Saturday till 2 i State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. January 6, 1972 11 | Michigan SPORTS alston accepts Line changes jeriver's offer n CALIF. (UPI) - Stanford University football os icers meet HND0R*J> who guided the Indians to two stunning By CRAIG REMSBURG we needed some help up front so situation, both Terpay and #John «.ts has accepted the head coaching post of the State News Sports Writer we moved him up," Bessone Bessone indicated there may be |B°wl Her Bronc0i' uJt thp University announced today. Spartan hockey fans watching said. "He's looked pretty good some line juggling for the " ^ piston will succeed Lou Saban, who left the icers take on North Dakota up there so far, though he contests this weekend. yecwhall ' Conference professional team last month started out as a winger, by the Don Thompson, just at home Friday and Saturday uheadcoach of the Buffalo Bills. way." recovering from a severe groin nights will see somewhat of a "I don't really care •j it would be difficult for him and his family to if look" on the team. But it where I injury, will center either Bob play as long as I'm playing," Michelutti or Don St. Jean on 16 Francisco bay area but that he was looking forward remains to be seen if the changes Roberts said, commenting on the left side and steady Mark .nhPlD the Denver Bronco organization." in personnel will turn the team in* Calder on the right. s notified by Bronco owners Gerald and the switch. . n said he WM around from their rather poor about 8:25 a.m. PST. Taking Roberts' spot on the Center Gilles Gagnon will be start. fFbipps ^aid he would fly to Denver Thursday and spend two _ In an effort to shake up his blueline will be either Uve flanked on the second line by , "to the Senior Bowl at Mobile, Ala., Friday Drews, who has done pretty well either St. Jean or Dennis before going I team and improve on its 3-9 lately (according to Bessone), or Olmstead on left wing and record in the WCHA, Coach transfer student Chris Murphy, Michel Chaurest on the right ;ver has never had a winning season. "They had some injuries which Amo Bessone plans to rearrange who has just gained eligibility wing. his three lines and possibly use this term. They will join regulars A newcomer to the team who some new defensive Bob Boyd, Norm Barnes and has a chance to see a little action combinations. Rick Olson. against North Dakota is Darl Bessone has done some The first two forward lines Bolton. Bolton has just been experimenting with his third line have caused some difficulty for recruited from his hometown in the last few games and may have the team lately. Assistant Coach Coppercliff, Ont. and he was to come up with an effective trio in Alex Terpay said Wednesday take part in his first Spartan left wing Frank DeMarco, center that of the last 20 goals scored practice session Wednesday Bill Sipola and right wing Dave against the MSU squad, 17 of afternoon. Roberts. them have been put past Both games on FYiday and Roberts has been moved up to goaltender Jim Watt while the Saturday are slated to begin at the front lines from his defense first two lines were on the ice. 7:30 p.m. in Demonstration post in an attempt to beef up To correct this glaring Hall. the front line. So far, especially ISew mail in the Great Lakes Invitational Tournament last week, the In an attempt to add size and depth to the forward lines, MSU Hockey Coach Amo Bessone six-foot, 195-lb. Roberts has moved defenseman Dave Roberts (2) to right wing. Roberts, who possesses one of the hardest done an acceptable job. shots on the team, scored a goal in the Great Lakes Tournament. "Dave was having some State News photo by Milt Horst problems on defense for us and ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Girls b-ball streak ^ Now Playing ends after 1 32 wins * UNIVERSE ■1958 he went to Utah State where his teams compiled a * I.mark before he was tapped for Stanford. Hie defeat of Georgia's Taylor County high school girl's * in the Show Bar basketball team, the Lady Vikings, to the Perry high school Iiford has not had a winning season since 1957 when Ralston Pantherettes Tuesday, snapped one of the longest winning streaks Jover in 1963. The Indians were only 3-7 his first season, but in the nation. Until the Vikings met the Pantherettes, that team and ■not had a losing year since then. had won 132 straight games. Iton declined to divulge how much money he was getting or "I think it was a miracle we did it," Viking coach Norman The NORTH BATES ■terms of his contract. 1 defer to the Broncos' Carter said. "It's never been done before. I think the record will organization for any such stand for time immemorial." Lncements, he said. in the Rathskeller Jston said he has seen the Broncos play only rarely. Cay have watched them in their exhibition game in Seattle Tit the 49ers," he said. "I'll find out more about their needs Crow. I'll find out their plusre and minuses. That's Tonight is quart night Wing that just takes time." on both floors fosh cagers at the BSf S in SKI yea Equipment istic is the outlook for the MSU freshman basketball ■asthey continue their campaign into the new year. Behave a great deal of talent on this team. It's possibly the ■frosh squad in several years," freshman Coach Matthew RENTAL said. COMPLETE PACKAGE isey Hairston, former ail - star from Detroit Kettering, and le Rivers of Detroit MacKenzie should provide the spark Metal Skis, Buckle Boots and Poles vill ignite the little Spartans in their quest for victory. 7 don't necessarily consider ourselves a running, fast Season Rate |ing team," Aitch said. "We'll do just what the situation Rent your ski park- th |nt Aitch. strength is probably the greatest weakness which will age now ihem 15th and bring bark March $78 ■t!l!Sh?enfacod with a ru8R{'d schedule again this year li^yof'ear ~ that one should be COn,eSl Wil1 bc aBainsl 8 talented Gennessee College squad January 11 at Jenison Fieldhouse. Weekend Rale, Thurs. thru Mon Weekly Rale Daily Rale Call 351-8000 Frandor Only II *22 '7 MER DUN MALL tow that you can fly to Europe for peanuts, here's how little you shell out to get around: ■ EXPOSED! UM F*m PrWMh Panic In New York; i M ^| $130 for Two Months of unlimited rail travel in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland. Meridian Mall Ipi Vou shell out $130, and Pyou need is the bread and get a Student-Railpass. pean trains have some other advantages for you. They take you from city center to city center, so you don't have ill in I na fide student between 14 and 25. 1 something to show you're Our Student-Railpass gives you all that unlimited to hassle airports. And the stations are helpful homes away from home, with Pictograms that give you informa¬ Exposed! P travel on the tion in the universal language of signs, and dining rooms, 100,000 mile railroad networks of those At last, the bargains are out in the open! It's the I 0un'ries- For two foot-loose months. So with low air bookstores and other helpful facilities. semi-annual Meridian Mall Sidewalk Sale. . ■ an° Student-Railpass you've got Europe made, Now, here's the catch. You can't get your Thursday, Friday and Saturday! Fun! Foods! lauei Student-Railpass gets you Second Class Student-Railpass or the regular First Class Eurailpass in Fashions for everyone. Values for the whole I 'on our trains. You'll find that there's very little Europe—you have to get them before you leave the coun¬ family, and home furnishings galore. Don't miss irtaKi s about Second Class. Besides being com- try. So see your Travel Agent soon. Meanwhile, send in out on the values at the semi-annual Meridian Mall | e' c'ean. fast, and absurdly punctual, the Euro¬ the coupon for a free folder, complete with railroad map. sidewalk sale! Thursday, Friday and Saturday. East Grand River and Marsh Road. ^DENT-R/ulmss ~..... u. Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, I urailpass is valid in I Pain, Sweden, Switzerland. Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, 1 railPass, Box 90, Lindenhurst, New York 11757. e Send me your free Eurailpass folder with railroad map. □ Or your Student-Railpass folder order form. □ I Street Ct 1/ML \j I C|ty— state zip SHOPPING CENTER East Grand River and Marsh Road =— SSSS5SS=*£S» > 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, January 6, Michigan • • •*# • Cash In 197^ Sell things you don't need with STATE NEWS Classified Ads. Dial 355-8255 today! illEGE TF i OFFICI Vest Grand R ,351-601 FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil fnmk For Rent For Rent For Rem GET Action WITHA The State News does Employment not permit racial or Want Ad religious in its discrimination advertising WANTED, PART time office help, work evenings, no experience Apartments Houses Rooma fy Sm< Impc necessary. Call 351-1333 for PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE Tobai ► AUTOMOTIVE columns. The State additional information. 0-3-1-7 SUBLET LARGE one bedroom. SPACE AVAILABLE, kitchen near Michigan Ave. Quj( Hxpei Scooters & Cycles News will not accept Capitol Villa Apartment. No facilities, living room, parking, deposit. $150 per month. Call 337-1611.3-1-7 student near bus line. $15 Ave.M Auto Parts & Service advertising which BABYSITTER FOR 3 children. aftei six, 351-7702. 2-1-7 plus deposit. Phone 63 Aviation discriminates against 5-9:30 p.m., 4 nights a week. Own TWO GIRLS needed for four man 3-1-7 ' transportation, 75c / hour. Phone EMPLOYMENT religion, race, sex, color or NEED GIRL to share 1-bedroom house. Own bedroom. Off Beal ► 332-3373. 5-1-11 ROOMS NEAR GEORGE T national origin. winter / spring. No deposit. Street exit. $58 351-2279. 1-1-6 campus, f ► FOR RENT parking, STUDENT WIFE with own Convenient. Small pet welcome. all included. No lease. utilitiBI OM TAILOR Apa.tments 337-0810,355-2370.2-1-7 NEAR FRANDOR. 2 bedroom $105/, transportation to work Monday 351-5500. 3-1-7 Houses duplex, semi- furnished, carpeted, and Friday mornings in East ONE FEMALE to share 1 bedroom. rent and lease negotiable. Rooms Automotive Lansing home. Call 351-2323. Nicely furnished. Close to MSU. 351-9080. 3-1-10 SINGLE ROOMS $210 p 3-1-7 ► FOR SALE Call after 6 p.m. 351 8336. 3-1-10 furnished, carpeted, TO SELL. 1969 Triumph GT6+, OR two people for room in parking, cooking, wash Animals PART AND full time positions with ONE green with white racing stripe. 2 GIRLS for 4 man winter - spring. large house. 485-0522. 3-1-10 Dave, 351-2103. 3 1 7 Mobile Homes Low mileage with good body. subsideary of Alcoa. Car University Terrace. Reduced rates, 'Lost & Found Must sell. Call 355-1217 after 4 necessary. Call 351-7319. C-5-1-11 next to Williams. 351-4518. 2-1-7 ROOM FOR rent near Frandor. LARGE ROOM for stu ForS ► PERSONAL p.m. 2-1-7 $41.25 per month plus utilities. block off campus, ATTENTION: 3-4 male volunteers PEANUTS PERSONAL to WANTED ONE girl to sublet winter Winter and / or spring term, parking. 204 Beal IURNITURE F TOYOTA C0R0NNA Deluxe 1970, assist with Boy Scouts Michigan at and spring. Large apartment close 351-9386. 2-1-7 before 1 p.m. 3-1-7 Michigan D REAL ESTATE 4 door, standard transmission, School for the Blind. Also, folk to campus. 337-2172. 3-1-10 antiques, n RECREATION 26,OCX) miles, 2 snow tires, $1550. singers, folk groups, rhythm and SMALL ROOM. Split costs. About ROOMS FOR rent in house Hunters Pi blues band, and jazz groups to SERVICE 487-5798. Call after 12 noon. ONE GIRL needed immediately, or $65. Until June. Inquire 3 to 4 from campus. 351-4835 ,jay and Sund 1-1-7 play for a coffee house on any time January. Own room, p.m. 419 South Clemens. 2-1-6 5:30 p.m. and 10 p.m 3-1 ,pliances open Typing Service Monday nights. Contact Nets $75. (Big Bargain). Walking 6 pm. Phor TRANSPORTATION TOYOTA COROLLA 1971, 9,000 Bullock, phone 373-3730 after 1 p.m. 1-1-6 HEWIISNT TUflT MV CAR distance. 351-5533. 2-1-7 1 WANTED: 1 person house. Own room. for 4 - Close man to MALE, REASONABLE WANTED miles, 29 miles per gallon. AM/FM furnished, quiet, clew TWT WE OUST"BURKED?" • radio, excellent condition. BARROOM PIANO player, nites and CLOSE, 2 bedroom flat. Furnished, campus. Nice house. Rent: $81.25 campus, free perking, wint ANSING'SO DEADLINE 353-9503, 394-0168. 5-1-11 basement, 2 car garage, porch, plus utilities. Security deposit of 332-3094. 2-1-6 weekends. For auditions call Mr. 1 P.M. one class day before Qmwysr&KiHG/ BOX /SZS / E. iMsm. Mm $210 monthly. 132 Beal. $81.25 necessary. Call 351-9191. discount Seward, 616-781-3961. 5-1-11 ROOM AND board for 2. 35 publication. VAN 1964 Ford. New everything. Call 351-5998, after 6 p.m. $450. 332-2349.5-1-12 _2J-7 MOTHER'S HELPER for 2 year old jnnd Nam Cancellations/Corrections 3-1-7 NEED ONE or two girls to share 3 BEDROOM furnished house. One ment. Pre - 12 noon one class day twins. 20/hours week. Hours For Rent For Rent apartment. 1 block from campus. block to campus. All utilities WANTED: CHEAPEST • VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1 968. arranged. Own transportation. Call 332-1898. 1-1-6 furnished. 5-6 students. $60-$65 for sleeping. Won't bether lank tapes. Br before publication. 337-7495. 3-1-7 ' each. Lease and enwood and! Excellent condition, new battery, deposit. 10 cubic feet, storage 3) PHONE tires. Rebuilt engine. Best offer. Apartments Apartments THREE BEDROOM duplex, $225 332-5144.3-1-7 B-1-1-6 BRIDAL SALES - part time. Bridal 355-8255 After 5 p.m. 332-0218. 2-1-7 retail per month. Lease, security mid-michk and experience preferred. NEED 2 girl roommates immediately. deposit. 551V4 Lexington. WOMEN'S HOUSE wants women. ROOMS ACROSS from VOLKSWAGEN, 1966. Best offer. Alterations experience helpful. Waters Edge. Close to campus. Entrance in back. 337-9386. 420 Evergreen across from Bell Kitchen facilities, double, IECTRONIC RATES 10 word minimum BRIDES SHOWCASE, 1047 E. BURCHAM WOODS. Two furnished New 351-4806.3-1-7 x-3-1-10 Telephone on Abbott. week; single $21 pn 927 E. Grand engine. Good condition. Grand River, East Lansing. 2-1-6 Reason for sale: baby coming. efficiencies available $50/month See anyone home. 351-2029 2-1-7 351-8381 Phone 646-6250. 2-1-7 immediatedly, $130. Heat paid. EAST LANSING, close to campus. SUBLET 4 man Watersedge, 2 2-1-6 WOMEN OF all ages: 40% discount Phone 351-3118 or 484-4014. One bedroom apartment. on all your cosmetic bedroom, 2 baths for Winter and PRIVATE ROOM for one , apple wc needs. If Unfurnished except for range and EAST LANSING, 4 bedrooms, five minutes drive from VOLKSWAGEN 1966. Sunroof, Spring. 351-9288. x-3-1-10 -y 9th. Blossor interested, call 485-4473. 2-1-6 refrigerator. Married couple only, furnished, carpet. $220/month. No smoking. Phone 35 North of L< snow tires, Call 351-8143 after 5 $130 monthly. Phone 332-5988 GIRL TO share my apartment winter Lease, deposit. 651-6124, or 5-1-11 p.m. or all day on weekends. WAITRESSES, PART time noons after 6 p.m. 2-1-6 393 0450. 5-1-11 3-1-10 and spring term. Large furnished and full time. Experience EAST SIDE, 3 room furnished necessary. Must be neat and efficiency, $60. 351-4062,' MEN CLEAN, quiet basement apartment, suitable for SUBLEASE WINTER and spring. 484-1328. 5-1-12 NEAR EAST Lansing, 2 bedroom Cooking. Close to dependable. JIM'S TIFFANY couple. Clean and quiet. Utilities Modern apartment. Close to house. Furnished, carpeted, $225 485-8836, 487-5753. 0 COMPACT st RESTAURANT, downtown paid. IV2-7334. 2-1-6 campus. $290 / month. Two monthly. Deposit required. HP-480. 11 ONE GIRL needed for three man. 19 3.70 11.10 15.25 29.00 Lansing. 489-1 196 for bedroom. Contact Manager, 332-0829, nights 372-7456. VOLKSWAGEN, GHIA 1970, Ciose to campus. Cheapl Call EAST LANSING, single ij(f, AM/FM convertible, appointment. 5-1-11 STUDIOS. CLOSE, furnished, 332-4432. 3-1 7 351-0008, Christy 5-1-11 SE-50 r orange, mag wheels, or Gail.1-1-6 20 3-9S n-85 16>2S| 31.00 still in warranty. Reasonable. kitchen, utilities paid, deposit, MAN WITH a van available from 347 Student Services Bldg. 489-7332 after 8:30 p.m. 3-1-7 $85 to $110. 351-1405 between 5 SINGLE EFFICIENCY to sublet. WINTER-SPRING, 1 - 2 needed to 3:30 - 4 PM, 5 days a week. Phone River's & Water's Edge share house. Cheap, close, call -7 p.m. 2-1-6 R SX-9000 I 485-3569. 3-1-7 Amity Hall, $129 / month. All student ads must be VW 1969, good condition, automatic Apartment 489 3170. 3-1-7 Utilities incited. Call L Dorsey, ROOMS, SINGLES and year old. like n with s BEAL STREET apartments. 1 block ' prepaid W& NEED1 an experienced part time 355-2131. ,2^1-7 Cooking facilities. Utili Phont 351-2 i-l-T from campus. Furnished, balcony, ROOMMATE SERVICE COUNTRY LIVING. Cheap. Good Call 372-8077. C-1-31 The State bartender and cashier to work News will be air-conditioning, 2-bedroom. Two 332-4432 SPACIOUS, 2 bedroom duplex people live there. Liberal couple from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the responsible only for the person, $160 to $180. 6 - 7 p.m. apartment, furnished, carpeted, or single, 373-6850, 485-4018. evenings. Good pay and working 216 Beal St., Apt. 2A. 351-6088. close. 355-8218 after 3 3-1-7 LIVE CHEAPLY in first day's incorrect conditions. You must have car. ONE MAN needed, Meadowbrook p.m. a singli 3-1-7 $53.75 each for four. 3-1-10 insertion. Spartan Hall. Men and 4113 South Cedar Street. Trace Townhouse Apartment. $69 MALE TO share 3 bedroom house 372-1031. O 393-4848. HOUSE OF ING / month. Winter term. No lease. Aviation NEED ONE girl to sublet winter and 1 MAN needed for 3 man apartment with 2 others. Graduate student RESTAURANT. 5-1-12 Call 393-1868. 2-1-6 preferred. spring. One block from campus. at 135 Burcham. $64 / month. Everything furnished MALE, ROOMS, cooking, LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight Call 351-1275, 355-9653. 3-1-7 351-1326 after 6 p.m. 11-6 $85. 485-0460. 3-1-7 COLLEGE SERVICE division of WANTED: 1 girl roommate for 3 girl bath, parking, 1 block to training. All courses are Call Mr. Chapman 694-084' Automotive New York Times requests student apartment, winter and / or spring. government and VA certified. for on campus delivery. Contact MARRIED STUDENTS Close to campus. 351-4382. 3-1-7 MADE TO sublease, 2 man Rooms FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport apartment, 76 Burcham Woods. WOMEN: ATTRACTIVE BMW 2002 1969, air conditional Mr. Road. Call 484-1324. C-1-31 Degnan, collect at & FACULTY AM/FM radio. Best offer ove Call 489 3222 or 351-3118. SPARROW furnished, clean rooms, 1-212-556-1311. 3-1-10 WALKING DISTANCE to MSU. 1 NEAR, private sleeping 7-1-14 from MSU Union. $1750. 393-1291 after 4 p.rr bedroom cottage furnished room, light cooking. $45 / month. 3-1-10 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. 332-1760. 2-1-6 Call 351-7283. 1-1-6 Auto Service & Parts MATURE RESPONSIBLE person including utilities. Ideal for with references to care for 2 some with study graduate student or married River's Edge MALE STUDENT. Walking CHEVY ||, 1963.Radio. Reliable MENS SINGLE room. 3 blocks from MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East children, ages 7 & 3V5 from 7:15 couple. Manager 400 Gunson. transportation. Best offer. Phone Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Near Cottage 18. Phone 332-6717. & Union. Phone 351-5076 after 5 to campus, 627-5812. 3-1-7 $15/week 332-1782. 2-1-7 . . *145 . Laingsburg. Must have own 3-1-7 p.m. 7-1-14 Complete auto painting and from per mo. OUGAR 1968, all power, air, collision service. IV5-0256. C-1-31 transportation. 675-7286. 2-1-7 PENNSYLVANIA Water's Edge NORTH. Large, stereo, other extras, perfect GIRL TO do housework, ironing, 5 UNFURNISHED For Sale 7.35 - 14 4 • Ply snow tires, less than upstairs, 1 bedroom apartment. condition. Call 676 1154. After 6 1000 miles, $25 or trade for 15" hours / week. Call Mrs. Marshall children welcome Furnished, utilities included, APARTMENTS 1.7-1-v USED WINTER clothing snow tires. 351-8220. 1-1-6 evenings, 349-4697. 2-1-7 deposit, $125 per month. please, no pets 351-3969. O CLEAN, QUIET room, male no housewares in excellent VW-GUARANTEED repair. HERE IS licensed, economic, TWO BEDROOM duplex, cooking, no parking, 351-1754 Clearance salt this week RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at experienced babysitter in her furnished, • 1 man apt. after 7pm 2-17 Junior League Cedar Chest, FAIRLANE 1966. Light blue 2 door, )s Road 349-9620 C-1-31 Spartan Village home. No restriction. Call 355-3010. 2-1-7 KNOB HILL carpeted, close, $215 Call 355-8218. 3-1-7 per month. Michigan. 485-0865 3-1-7 ROOM IN house for rent, or free in autc natic, 289, power brakes. No ZENITH CIRCLE of rust. $595. Phone 351-4597. 2-1-7 APARTMENTS COZY 2-MAN apartment in house, • fully furnished exchange for housekeeping. Cell turntable and speakers, $101 Employment SINGLE GIRL wanted to country home and help care for 3 live in kitchen, close, $44/month/man 351-URGE evenings. 5-1-11 351-7437 or 351-0730. 3-1 FALCON CLUBWAGON Windowvan young children. Private room, 349-4700 (including utilities) 337-2147, for trucking. Carpeted, snows, board, transportation provided. 371-4778. 2-1-6 • close to campus RnnMc 04 ROOMS-PARKING, 0^1^ 7" T kitchen, ~ close to WEDDING AND engage" some rust, need generator, 1416H OPEN Monday - Friday set. 18K gold, Man 372-1031 for appointment. c"' Spartan Village. 355-0905. 3-1-10 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. NEEDED 2 for 4 sjKSir^s men 0-1-14 man EXPERIENCED BEAUTY operator. Saturday 12-5 p.m. apartment in Burcham Woods. FORD, 1967 Fairlane 500. 4 door, Trowbridge. Spartan Shopping LOCATED y« MILE NORTH Call Lew at 373-1047 or 332-4432 Center. East Lansing, 332-4522. STUDENT EMPLOYMENT. 12 to 20 V-8 automatic, radio, power 371-4778. 2-1-6 5-1-12 hours per week. Automobile OF JOLLY RD. ON ONE GIRL needed for four steering and power brakes. man necessary. Phone 351-5800. 8 - OKEMOSROAD Excellent tires. See at Spartan apartment immediately. Chalet 0 A PiMe L 8 ■TR. Sunoco. Michigan at Harrison. 5:30. C-1-12 2 BEDROOMS, 2 bath, furnished apartment at 1790 E. Grand Apartments. Close to campus. Call CROSSWORD E v e' ■D O £ ■w.i. 7-1-14 351-5185. 3 1-7 355-3183. 2-1-7 For Rent River, Okemos. 349 3066. 3-1 7 Parking, private LUXURY PUZZLE M A T1 AID a R 1 V)Y I O OlTH i.e. FORD ECONOLINE Van, 1964. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY, 1 girl for APARTMENT, air ACROSS T( Green. New valve job. Runs good. COMPACT 4 man. January and June rent GIRl FOR 2 girl. $90 per month. No conditioned, dishwasher, 25. Wit P L O £■ H A m|I 1 Famous rider $500 2-1-7 or best offer. 694-5861. ATTENTION: VOLUNTEERS REFRIGERATOR RENTALS UNITED RENT-ALL. 2790 East paid. $70 monthly. 351-0399 deposit 711 Burcham 351-7717. furnished, one bedroom. Rent $175 or need additional girl 7. Weeds 27. 29. Knock Stroll A I L. ■p u M aIai needed at Michigan School for the Blind this term, also, W.S.I.'s. Grand River. 351-5652. Best rates 2-1-6 351-9223. 5-1-11 12. Ill-sorted 32. Rolled lea « I* Mp r|B. FORD GALAXIE convertible, 1966. Contact MSU Volunteer Bureau. now. 3-1-7 GIRL NEEDED for term or NEED 1, 2 or 3 men f, 13. Architectural 35. And not ■c T |fDO< Good condition. Phone 332-4589. 353-4400. 1-6-72 TV AND STEREO permanently in East Lansing. $55/month, near cam TWO bedr, furnished draft 14. Summer lunch 37. ui. 39. War god g U M PIE R "l>] 2-1-7 rental, 337-0998. 2-1-6 apartments, immediate Faith satisfaction guaranteed. Free Furnished, own bedroom, $79.50. occupancy. Okemos and near 42. Turkish A N 1 L| LL T EjMI. NBS Why Phone after 5, 337-2474. 2-1 6 STUDENT TO fix lunch for 2 East M 1 O FORD rebuilt GALAXIE 1964, transmission, new muffler, newly Lansing children, 11:15 - 12:15. delivery, service and pick up. No deposit. Call NEJAC, 337 1300. C 1 GIRL to sublease new 3 man WILLOW. 3 room furnished apartment, carpeted, parking, campus. $150/monfh 349-3919 3-1-7 15. Cantaloupe 16 Austral, bird chamber 43. Straighten T tBh 5 Call 332-3130 after 4 p.m. 2-1-6 17. Silence 58,000 miles, $375. Call 332-1039 utilities included, female. 44 Perceptible luxury apartment close to campus. after 6 p.n. 3-17 FULL TIME sales position for aggressive young man, looking for TV RENTALS - Students only. Low monthly and term rates. Call Call 337-9372. 3-1-7 $95/month. evenings 2 1-6 Phone 371-4585 HoUSOS 19 Vassal 21. Moray 46. Sedate 47 Maroon DOWN 2. Nail polish Get a 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV NEED ONE girl for six man 22. Bishopric 48. Pigpens a career opportunity. Sales NEED ONE girl for two man house. 3. Plush experience necessary. Excellent earning potential and many fringe RENTALS. C-1-31 apartment for winter term. Must have car Call 351-7021. 2 1-6 CAMPUS CAMPUS Close to campus. Call 337 Winter only. 3-1-7 9741. 23 Graphite 49. Rest period 1. Artifices 4. Stowe character It cos REFRIGERATORS AND portable 2 3 4 3 4 OLDSMOBILE 88 1ti63. Clean, good radio, heater, good tires. runs benefits. Phone HAGER FOX dishwashers. ESCHTRUTH TWO MEN for four man; GIRL TO sublease 4-man house in ^7 8 i 10 II 5. 6. Commum Follow All Cc COMPANY, 482-5501 153. It ext. ELECTRIC CO. 315 S. Bridge, ONE LEFT East Lansing. Own room, Must sacrifice, $175. Phone 4-1-10 Twyckingham; $65/month. $60 7. Law stuc Grand Ledge. Phone 627-2191. 351-3199. 2-1-7 332-0135. 2-1-6 372 1213. 3-1-7 8. Copycat Prices JPEL KADET I fc 1 100 1967, FULL TIME night cook wanted, experience only. Call 655-2175 0-1-18 LARGE FURNISHED 4 man New, fully furnished, bedroom apartment. Deluxe two SHARE ROOMY house with 4 Grad 16 >7 i" IB 9. 10 Criteria Uneven reclini fastt>ack, >vet 30 irMes per gallon, for an appointment. 5-1-11 REFRIGERATORS. RENT them at AC & E Rentals, 1790 Grand apartment. Close to campus. $72.50 each Call 351-0982. 2 1-6 features including dishwasher. Special rate for two people. men. Private 489 3174. 2-1-6 room. $55. 19 % io TT ,11. Intellippic radio and ■ • v, clutch P'lone 18 Church be; Parce jgJTT 351 2061 3-1-7 MUSICIANS NEEDED for stage River, Okemos. Phone 349-2220. Deposit refunded on return. ONE MAN to share luxury apartment Phone 351-2169 after 5 P.M. ir % 20. Remote 1% % band. ONLY those serious about in Okemos, winter and/or 24 Pittalls meter 5-1-11 spring PLYMOUTH 19b3. V 8. power music need apply. Call NEEDED ONE girl for four man W 26. Tibetan gf Rock, term. Own room! $65 a month. steering, new battery, snow tires, 355 3938. 3-1-7 349-3603. 3-1-7 apartment. Winter and/or 28 Taro paste and m TERM TV RENTALS - Only $23. spring $125. Cbl' 485-0140 after 5 o.ti. New Cedar Village. 351-2793 33 34 ss & 30 Waken from: 2-1-6 APPLICATION BEING taken for "About $8 month". No deposit. Call NEJAC. 337-1300. 7-1-14 GIRL OVER 23 to share duplex. 2-16 39 %■J 31. 32. Awards Unrefined women, part time, mornings and South Lansing, nice location, 33. Bondman PONTIAC TEMPEST 196b evenings at DOG N' SUDS. 1419 furnished. Call after HEE Stick, 4 pm HELPI NEED two women 43 good engine, low mileage. $400. W. Saginaw. 2-1-6 393-2909. 4-1-11 34. txcuse January-June. Old Cedar 351-598C. 3-1-7 Apartments Village. 136 Nomad Mz- 351-3339. 8-1-14 w TWO OPENINGS 38 Dept store WANTED, PART time salesman, - fully furnished RENAULT 1967. Private owner, SUBLEASE WINTER and spring, 2 from campus. One female ONE USE YOUR 46 events good commission, flexible ecross MSU woman for furnished excellent mpg, care, 31,000 milws, 25 $395. Call 349 3283 for working hours, no doo' knocking, r-or appointment, call 351-3700. or 3 man apartment. 731 Burcham. $175/month. Terms can for four men and one male for two-man. 351-1143, 332-8370. epartment ecross from campus, $60 a month. 332 6246 efter 3 MASTER CHARGE w 40. Arrow poi 41. Baseball W 2400 appointment. 3-1-7 0-3-1-7 be arranged. 351-3318. 3-1-7 2-1-6 45 Thus: Lat. p.m. 3-1-7 AT THE STATE NEWS ci'ite News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, January 6, 1972 13 Student Service For Sale SUSPECTED TRAITOR SEEKS AID DIRECTORY Hound-Beagle mixture, 11 old, 3-1-7 fine house pet. weeks 484-8026 Bengalis terrorize man bead crafts. "• tvti examine6 with India. The razakars are Ilege travel decoupaqe supplies • glasses NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND puppies. By DENNIS NEELD blamed for atrocities against seeking protection from the only foreigner in sight. Bahini guerrillas. — the Bangladesh office art reproductions' • contact lens AKC, all puppy shots, $95. Phone Associated Press Writer Bengalis on a vast scale. Under hammering blows, the DR. I.L. 489 2728.3-1-10 The mob tried to drag him Collins, OptometrUi fell to the ground. His Grand River Ave. man West away, beating him savagely with ,351-6010 Enfield's Incorporated 693 M-43, Okemoi. 349 1940 C6-Optlcal Services IRISH SETTER, purebred female, This man had broken away fists. My shirt was ripped from hands were wrenched from my 5218 S. Logan. from an escort of steel-helmeted belt, and he was dragged away 393-4230 my back. ™Td Tom "LI0"' To DACCA ~ He clu"g in militia of the new Bangladesh "Razakar, Razakar, Razakar!" into the crowd. Campbell's washday savings CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMES 484 7045 3-1-10 m8 terror while the mob swirled about us, nation only to find himself they howled. The mob turned on me. "Why JSC pw load pummeling him and i1? Smoke Shop The beet for ton "*rty pattenu of molding FREE PUPPIES, black males. 311V4 howling for his blood. confronted by an enraged He pleaded with me to save did you protect him?" its leaders K"? imported Pipe* Special Text* Wuher 50c Stoddard Ave. 332-5486. 3-1-7 crowd, thirsting for vengeance, him. "No Razakar, no razakar" demanded. fL/j Tobacco d Cigars wendrow's econowash bob jones paints in front of Dacca's central post he screamed. "From where you come? You Expert pipe repair The Bengalis suspected him of office. American?" 1006 Vine St. My taxi stood at the curb, and iM C. Ave..E. ,ansin* Fait Service - The Price Is Right Mobile Homes being one of the razakars, the A cycle rickshaw had driven I offered to escort him to the As I entered the taxi, the 7 «.«. to IIp.m. I hlk. W. of Seeri «77-ai41 iV42M Mmob locally recruited militiamen who into him and brought him down. police. But the crowd wanted crowd pounded on the roof. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. 1964 collaborated with Pakistani As the crowd closed in, he Several hundred people quickly none of it. They wanted him BUD'S Parkwood, 10' x 51' with forces before and during the war george toth WE LIKE YOU! Expando, storage shed, furnished, grabbed my belt, desperately back in the hands of the Mukti surrounded the car, and again Auto Parts Inc. they demanded to know omtailoring SHOP Late Model Motors and Come and wash freezer, near campus, $2900. whether I was an American. 332-6263 after 5 p.m. 3-1-7 parts a speciality. "Our streets were thick with Halfway between Holt and Mason on N. Cedar 694 2154 A & M 911 E. LAUNDROMAT Saginaw TRAVELO, 12' x 60', Expando, shag carpet, double tier draperies, New policy fo bodies," raged Bahini. a "Razakars bearded Mukti killed our air-conditioner, near campus. people. You tried to save a 351-1194 after 1 p.m. 5-1-11 razakar. America was the friend for Sale For Sale For Sale WESTWOOD 8' Ideal for one x 42', or near campus. two students. of bus pass ir of Pakistan. Must sell, will negotiate, He thrust his face through the HIGH QUALITY Stereo equipment, URNlTUHt Flea Fair; 314 2 year warranty. Only 3 months COLE'S BAKERY 351-1545. 3-1-10 car's open window. "Why are Michigan. Dishes, books, SURPLUS BAKERY foods at old, up to 1/3 off. 663-8547. Students who purchased a bus pass fall term, Max A. Neils, automotive service manager, said you here?" he demanded. antiques, rockers, junk. reduced prices, 1/3 to 1/2 off at 1971. SQUIRE Mobile home. 12' x that he has received some complaints from but failed to keep the card that the pass sticker "Foreigners must not interfere." J, Hunters Paradise. Open retail prices; great eating, great 65', 5' x 24' Expando. was on will find themselves out of $5 when they students who feel that the yellow sticker on their It's hard to reason with a mob. l,v and Sunday. Furniture economyl Surplus store, 640 Mediterranean decor. Carpeting, buy winter term bus passes. ID cards is sufficient proof to enable them to But finally I persuaded them I liapces open all week, 10 South Waverly, immediately disposal, furnished or unfurnished. 6 pm. Phone 371-2843. North of 1-496 Expressway. 3-1-7 625-7421 after 6. 5-1-11 The card is used as a $5 credit receipt, and receive the $5 credit. am a journalist and I am British, those who saved it will pay $16 rather than the Untti this year, students were required to turn and they let me go. SCUBA TANK 1970 Dacor 72 with full winter term price of $21. in their complete passes in exchange for a new "J" valve and backpac.$55. Phone Lost & Found The general reaction Wednesday among one and the $5 credit. But because of counterfeit ansing-s only 1-1-6 484-4152. 2-1-6 students who failed to save their receipt cards passes and forged signatures it became necessary j j aaaaa XWR&M'S TH£ discounter PIONEER 8 track stereo recorder. 12 INCH black and white LOST: SMALL white dog female, was needless to say, unfavorable. to require the pass sticker to be part of the DEADLINE ON THE New 8 track stereo tapes $2.99. TV, still brown spotted ears; Beagle face; under When attempting to buy a winter pass without student ID, he said. 0&E5? C0DETHIN6,, warranty, one term old. red collar; reward. Call 351-7969. Irand Name stereo Garrard SI-95 stereo changer. 351 9083 or 332-0670. 1-1-6 her receipt, at the International Center, Jan C. Neils said that the receipt card is used mainly V FRANKLIN.. ment. Pre • recorded Ampex Micro 54 stereo cassette Burggeman, Harper Woods freshman said, "I to "keep the books straight. deck. Pioneer TX-700 stereo ank tapes. Brand names tuner. Sansui 1000A AM/FM MICHIGAN'S LARGEST complete think their system is unfair. I showed them the The cashiers must have something physical to >nwood and Sansul. stereo receiver. Nikon FTn with display of guitars and accessories. Personal sticker on my ID, what more do they need to account for the students who paid for bus passes MARSHALL MUSIC. C-1-1-6 135 mm and 50 mm term. USED prove that I bought a pass last term?" during fall term," he explained. FREE A lesson in complexion MID-MICHIGAN STEREO, amps, tuners, receivers, SPECIAL THROUGH Mondayl care. ... Call 484-4519, East Michigan changers, tape recorders, decks, Waterbed units, $50. Includes lectronics, INC. or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. speakers, records, tapes. Color TV mattress, liner, frame and pad. MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS Service 927 E. Grand River sets. Police band radios, REBIRTH, 309 North STUDIOS. C-3-1-7 i, 351-8388 APPLE WOOD. Closing typewriters, cameras and equipment. Tapestries skies and boots. WILCOX SECONDHAND Washington, Lansing, 489-6168. 1-10 BLINKING CANE Walking alonside a roadway HORSES month. stalls. 4 BOARDED. $35 Hay and grain daily. Boj miles South of per MSU. : Ex-dean, King, 76, EITHER I DRES5 OR I 6ET KlCKEP OUT OF SCHOOL! I^N'TTHAT PI66V? UEAR1N6 A iry 9th. Blossom Orchards, 2 STORE, 509 East Michigan 8 to GIBSON ELECTRIC qultar, ES-335 882-8779,882-3820. 3-1-10 North of Leslie on Hull 5:30 P.M., Monday - Saturday. with case. Excellent condition. at night, the user of a new d. HJ251. 9 i 0 Id U.S. 1 27). 5 p.m. Closed 485-4391. BankAmericard, Master Sunburst. $245. Call 393-4182 or British cane ne«d only flip a switch to set off a built in FOR QUALITY service and stereos, dies in Louisville 1 mi • - Charge, Layeways, terms, trades. 4858 TV's and recorders THE STEREO lays. 0-1-10 blinking light and warn SHOPPE. 337-1300. C-1-31 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, drivers of his presence. Thomas H. King, 76, former He first joined the university as COMPACT stereo system. >1 HP-480. Includes Dual SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. canisters and uprights. Guaranteed If you've been getting PAINTING, INTERIOR now at dean of students at MSU, died an assietant football coach. In r^rr^} < Brand new portables, $49.95. one full year $7.88 and up. ger. AM/FM, speakers. warning signals that your prefreeze prices. Grad students, Tuesday morning in LouisvIHe, l»41 he was named head of the 1 $5.00 per month. Large selection DENNIS DISTRIBUTING SE-50 headphones. budget is In bad shape, let references, reasonable. Jere or Ky. He had been hospitalised School of Police Administration of reconditioned used machines. COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. State News Chaifted Ads Bruce, 349-4817. C-1-31 since suffering a heart attack and proteesor of law and in 1945 Singers, Whites, Necchis, New Opposite City Market. C-3-1-7 Home and "many others", $19.95 come to your ctd. Just go eight weeks ago. was appointed counselor for I THINK THERE'S SOMETHING \ SX-9000 Receiver, less through your home and make 0JROK6 WITH THE kjHOLE 5VSTEM, Mr old, like new condition, to $39.95. -DISTRIBUTING Terms EDWARDS COMPANY. YOU CAN quality see glasses the savings with from OPTICAL a list of all the things that Typing Service A member of the MSU faculty BIT I DON'T KNOU) MM u€ Phone 351-2697 afWTV CAN 00 ABOUT IT... 1115 N Washington, 489-6448 DISCOUNT. 2615 East Michigan you no longer use. Then dial since 1933, King served as dean He also served the University C-3-1-7 Avenue. 372-7409. C-3-1-7 355-8255 and let the friendly of students from 1950 to 1961. Ad Writer who answers, help m Org** of 1942 - 59; Wmttki the personnel 5-1-1 you word your ad for quickest results. Do it now! office, If44 - 48 and director of atumni relations, 1948 - 50. % PRIVATE RESEARCH j/ Our Fastback ^ PREGNANT? PANICKY? Consider the alternatives. Pregnancy ALL TYPES OF Following his retirement in counseling. 372-1560. C RESEARCH HANDLED. 1961, King returned to MSU to head the Ryukyus Project, 1963 IF THEY EVER UWERTHE V0TIN6 POETRY WANTED for anthology. for It's What's Include stamped envelope. i - 64. and then acted as a A6E TO f?Ev'£N LOOK OUT I WRITE FOR DETAILS: Happening must be received in the consultant and associate director IDLEWILD PRESS, 1807 East State News office, 345 Student costs less for special projects in the alumni greenbacks Olympia, Los Angeles. California Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two £>! 90021. EVANS RESEARCH class days before publication. office. 1964-66. SAVE TIME. Call for an COMPANY Announcemenfs are limited to 2 5 words. No announcements will be He is survived by his wife and m appointment, 355-3359. UNION 705 EIGHTH STREET, S.E. accepted by phone. No a son. Services will be at 2 p.m. BARBER SHOP. C-1-6 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20003 announcements will be accepted for events outside the greater Lansing today in Rattermans Funeral Home in Louisville, Ky. SAVE SAVE SAVE Recreation XEROX COPYING. Offset, best Memorial contributions may be A tape by the Rev. Tom Skinner made to the scholarship fund at quality at reasonable prices. THE COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand concerning the relationship of the the University of Louisville. SPRING BREAK Acapulco, $189, A PAULIST DOESN'T - River. Phone 332-4222. C-1-31 institutional church to current social Bahamas, $159; Hawaii. $249. issues will be presented at 7 p.m. WAIT TO BE Call today! STUDENTOURS, 129 Saturday at the Bethel Manor, 803 E. ORDAINED E. Grand River. 351-2650. 3-1-7 Grand River Ave. ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith TO GET SPRING BREAK offset printing. Complete service for Union Board is interested in people INVOLVED. dissertations, theses, for billards and pin-ball tourm JAMAICA manuscripts, general typing. IBM. $239 22 years experience / 349-0850. Anyone interested, call 5 3355 C-1-31 BAHAMAS $189 Anachronism will feast a COMPLETE THESES service. If \ou think Discount printing. IBM typing and today at St. Johns Studer that ordination Pre-1650 di SPAIN $229 binding of theses, resumes, 32 7 M.A.C. Ave. is something publications. Across from campus, like graduation corner M.A.C. and Grand River, —and the time ACAPULCO $219 below Jones Stationery Shop. Call The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will in between is COPYGRAPH SERVICES. have a lawyer available from 9 a.m. similar to marking time—then 337 1666. C-1-31 to noon every Wednesday and from 1 you couldn't be more mistaken. Frank 0 to 5 p.m. every Wednesday and The Paulists were founded Gretchen TYPING THESES Thursday during the winter term. with the belief that each man is and letters, etc. Those wishing an appointment are a member of the community and Rapid accurate service. TOYOTA Corolla I ( asked to check with the ASMSU he contributes his own thing. Real Estate Experienced. 393-4075 C-1-31 business office, 307B Student HELP : Each is an individual with his OKEMOS, 3-5 bedroom Ranches and Wanted Services Bldg.. or call 353-0659. 1 \ YOURSELF j own talents and he is given the freedom to use them in his own way. But not later. Now. Colonials $4,000 down and under construction. up. Leonard GENTLE FREAK, male, 30, seeks Ml TO SOME ! For instance, during the no¬ vitiate, novices work in such Jay, Builder. Phone 349-9152. economical place to crash winter lodern dance club, will % EXPERT i diverse areas as hospitals, voca¬ Why settle for a plain jane? tonight in 218 5-1-12 1 to 9 term. 489 2991 2-1-7 tional rehabilitation centers and ntramural Bldg. All EAST LANSING, 1937 North Harrison Rd. Two story colonial, TUTOR WANTED in Calculus and ADVICE j Universities.They serve as assist¬ ant chaplains, co-retreat masters, student teachers and psychiatric Get a fully equipped Toyota and start living. 3 bedrooms, room, 2V4 baths, family fireplace. 351-9575. 3-1-7 Analytical Geometry. 337-9303. 1-1-6 Call Bob. Cliff's Notes you are written with in mind. The expert ; J Paulist Seminarians create scholars who prepare them j ONE GIRL recreational programs, direct It costs no more! Service RENT - NEEDS HOUSING $65 or under. Prefer East know what you need to help you understand the toughest ; ; "Days of Recollection" for CCD students, direct film series, ex¬ literary works. They analyze * Lansing. Call 337-0590. 3-1-7 characters, discuss periment with the use of media All ; Corollas come loaded despite their low BILLIE'S BALLET Studio-European The Rugby Club will hold practice underlying meanings, ; in the liturgy as a preaching tool, originate and edit the Paulist trained, professional ballerina and CHEERFUL WOMfcN with at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the "Turf" interpret, explain-all with a ; Free Press, coordinate I enten Prices. Front disc brakes, four on the floor, fully teacher now accepting pupils extensive child oriented Arena of the Men's Intramural view toward helping you get j lectures and organize Home (children, teenagers, adults) for background will watch 2Vi to 5 Building. All interested players are more than just a grade out of ; Masses, to mention just a few. reclining front bucket seats, nylon carpeting, beginning, intermediate and advanced classes in East Lansing. year olds or lunch school, any age in her East and after urged to attend. literature courses Titles available now cover nearly ; When you commit yourself to ; the Paulists, it isn't a someday Parcel The Social Work Undergraduate tray, flow-thru ventilation, trip mileage Call 332-5511. 4-1-10 Lansing home. 351-9383. 2-1-7 Students will hold a "welcome back" 200 frequently assigned plays and novels ; thing It's now. Today. for all social work students and ; For more information about meter, tinted windows, whitewalls, wheel covers ar»d GERMAN MOTORS faculty al 8 p.m. Monday in the Union Gold Room. the Paulists write to: Rev. Don¬ ald I'. Campbell, C.S.P., Voca¬ many from more, VW - PORSCHE Transcendental, meditators are JUiffkcMnteSv j tion Director, Room 300. SPECIALIZING IN VW S. PORSCHE invited to attend the Student's International Meditation Society's Get Them Wherever poufetfathers. Complete Engine Overhaul Books Are Sold 'HEELS TOYOTA INC.® All Minor Repairs first meeting of the term at 5 p.m. Sunday in the Union Gold Room. Only Each NEW OR REBUILT A 27 minute Peace Corps film, PARTS FOR SALE "Norman Borlaug Revolutionary", ^ E MICHIGAN Licensed German Mechanics AVE. 5 Blocks West of Frandor 2152 W. Qd. River Okemos - 349-3330 will be shown at 4 p.m. on Thursday in 206 Horticulture Bldg. A Peace Corps representative will be on hand "We take priie in <>or work " 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, January 6, | Crash victim tells LIMA, Peru (AP)—"We were flying over the immense green "We weren't very high," Juliane Koepcke told a nurse When I woke up I was on the ground strapped to my seat. My walk and after a few steps I could see two or three bodies. I The wreckage was sP°tJ^ in dense jungle along the Shebonya fj*1ejI!!prtn^rTncathand 20 miles Juliane was foimn forest when I saw that the right .colony of floating down the P k^l who treated her after her 10-day foot was cut and my body hurt many there don't remember howi many River, a tributary of the Pachitea soo side of the plane was burning," struggle through the jungle to all over." were, but they didn't move, River. The crash site is about Tounavista, jsta both on the both her makeshift raft said a 17-year-old girl who safety. "The plane was moving She picked a Christmas cake On Wednesday officials said survived the Christmas Eve crash strangely and all the passengers and a bag of candy from the that a missionary search plane of a Peruvian airliner with 92 looked very frightened. wreckage—she had no other food had spotted the wreckage of the aboard in the dense Peru. jungle of air "Suddenly I felt myself in the and I lost consciousness, for 10 days—and set out along a stream, believed by search officials to be the Shebonya. airliner in the jungle about 500 miles east of Lima. Student turnout climbs A Peruvian air force helicopter She waded through swamps o flew over the site and dropped a I Officers ch book exchangel .... , .. . _ ■ — _ SSviSS r-sri-r-" at Shaw The with h^ntenf18 *"* ^ Ind,an Students are turning out in last term offers students the selling books through exchange will t dog Juliane colony reached the jungle of Tournavista on Jorge Torres, pilot of the search plane, said he saw no one increasing numbers this week to opportunityto buy and near the wreckage. An participate in the book exchange textbooks * * savings^over the students may pick and unsold books Frid«| up njL Mondavi DETROIT (AP) - Two The dog belonged to a next Tuesday after being found south unconfirmed radio report said located in the basement of Shaw ' PrioM. ' Tuesday. ■ patrolmen, accused under an old door neighbor. Some teenagers of the jungle city of Pucallpa. Torres had reported spotting a Hall. As of Wednesday students ooud eservice law designed primarily to who live nearby testified in She was reunited with her father group of about 30 people some afternoon, the ®e™,c® ^ad 20 per cent by using Organizer ex its I wrari protect a farmer's livestock, will be tried on charges of killing a dog. Patrolmen Henry A. Anderson, court they saw the officers lure and was resting under sedation the dog into their house. Wednesday at a hospital operated by the Summer Police reports show Gagnier Linguistics Institute, a U.S. distance from the wreckage, but handled over 4,000 textbooks it was not immediately possible for students. Large number ot A nonprofjt organization, the to determine whether the people students were waiting in line to exchange operates for the were survivors or a group of purchase books as volunteer 8tu(jents' convenience. Those with prize cash KAMPALA (AP)—Police I | to search for the oreaniypml 25, and John Gagnier, 27, whose admitted shooting the dog, but missionary group, at Indians or jungle woodcutters workers rushed to assist them. , wishing to sell text books may Mjss Uganda contest families snare a two-family flat, did so only after it had bitten Yarinacocha, near Pucallpa. Her trying to reach the crash site. Jeff Gaynor, spokesman for ^ fh-.r own prjce «nd own nnrP leave the and leave the tQ ^ whiclfl faces a prison term of up to four him and he was afraid the animal father is German-born the exchange, attributed the ^ at exchange. It the years if convicted. would harm his infant son. ornithologist Hans Koepcke. The Peruvian Air Ministry said increase to better publicity. He |9ooj{g are soi(j the students compete in the " contest in London. They are accused of coaxing Juliane told her harrowing tale Torres, a pilot for Action said he felt that the sales; tax receive the entire amount, He the animal into Gagnier's flat The two men, who were to Amande de Pina, a nurse who Catolica, a Roman Catholic now being charged at the MSU disappeared-along L Dec. 10, shooting it, dumping it off-duty at the time of the treated her at a medical station missionary group, reported the Bookstore had little to do with the prize money, leaving 191 "We charge no commission beauty queens and 500 in a nlactir* has anri Ipavina it. in in o plastic bag and leaving it in a a innirlonl incident, hnvp hppn SIlSDPnded in Trmrnovieta have been suspended in Tournavista. airliners fuselaee airliners fuselage was in the split in was split added participation the added participation in the gi lioxed in garbage can behind their house, pending the outcome of their After freeing herself from the two. The plane was a turboprop exchange. and make no profit on the sale the lurch, and the i This wooden sculpture provides Visiting Recorder's Judge Roy trial. seat, Juliane said, "I started to electra. The exchange, which began of books," Gaynor said. unresolved. its Christiansen of Huntington message through a Woods ordered the two men combination of texture and bound over for trial on a felony rectangular forms. The piece charge of malicious killing of an stands near Kresge Art Center, animal following a preliminary SN photo by W. B. Remington hearing Tuesday. Vaughn introduces mail voter sign-up We're here State Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, our democracy, we should be D-Detroit, announced trying to expand our franchise to Wednesday that he has instead of restricting it. If people introduced legislation to provide are qualified to vote, we should for a simple "post card" voter see to it that they have the registration system. opportunity to vote. The process Under the Vaughn proposal, outlined in this bill would the secretary of state would accomplish this." prepare printed registration Under the provisions of forms as a simplified method of Vaughn's bill, persons would still registering by mail. They would be able to register with the contain a statement of clerks of their cities, townships requirements for voter or villages, help you registration, instructions for "The mail form of registration completing the forms, a would simply be an easier way statement that the individual is a to do It," he said. "I am sure qualified elector, a statement of there are countless thousands the penalties for fraudulent who would take advantage of registration, and a place for the this method and many of those applicant to sign his name and would not otherwise register to address. vote." "Voter registration is often a confusing and inconvenient act," Vaughn said. "This mail system would make the whole process RENT with your simple. It would help people to books. register, and doing so, would YOUR TV . . . encourage them to vote." Vaughn noted that difficulties BY THE TERM and complexities in voter registration is a nationally *23.00 recognized problem. "The problem is to make is as ' BY THE MONTH easy as possible," he said. "In >9.50 ASPEN-STEAMBOAT Free Service Transportation-Lodging-Lifts Free Delivery Free Pick-up 1. We have 14 check-out lanes for last service. Races-Picnics-TG's every $230 NEJAC TV RENTALS 337-1300 You won't waste time waiting in line. MSU Ski Club 353-5199 2. Here are a few sample savings on used Spring Vacation books at S.B.S. New Used New Used at AFA 20J Edwards 1030 790 Econ 200 McConnell 109S 320 1300 975 Charter Jet Prices! Astronomy 119 Abell HPR 103 Hein gSO 640 975 730 Physiology 24] Tuttle Math 108 Fisher 1095 82° 8 days - 7 nights 895 6™ Zoo 341 Hotel, 2 meals/day, transfers charter jet from Detroit/Windsor Psych. 160 Wrench Moody 795 595 Jamaica (Jamaica Hilton) $373.00 3. 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