U 5. C. Library B&at Lansing, Mich. Michigan State News :ast i.ansinc, Michigan. i iudav. (xtokki Fraternities Pledge CHANGE SCENE'7 "AYS "FF Smnlny tittrh*. the Madame (nii-niiliPH have plerigeit, aii nrdinK l<« incomplete n |».n- Rorgny Hammer Will NATION WIDE DRAWING f>- "> the Intel-fraternity Cnum-il, a total of 211 mm. Tin- Present^Two Plays in Lansing If, i» riiin hmiar- hr-adn the llat with a total of 111 m-u Later This Month. Events Today and Tomorrow m.-n, ;,i .1 Sipma N'u lake* ner..nH plnee with no fewer than 27 ri.-., Include Inspection Trips. With 26 man huttnnwt, 8. A. K By fill.I MAGRANK pla.-r-x third. Urnl- Initiation, Football Game and .la < lo Alpha. (hnviiiK 2.7 Prtifn-aor VV. \V. .Mimdon.1 men, rank* fourth, and Delta Chi ,*)(! During Pan Two Dayi. • ng. *38. Merrill Benjamin, Sag- review to an authority in the re 'IV; Norman Kenyen, pmt- mmm, «»od. 38 firm to whlrh It appHe* «r*1 •« consequence mm »ir"T.A*H®Wmr. Kigma Na ba*efl on recent i Fentured by an it-Hack cm the present -v al — • a/.. sir. East Lansing. 38 Robert to varioua police official^. * ice. Hamburg. N Y 38 War- . fhitf among thoiwr to a* "a v- - • • .• Waltert. Buffalo. N Y . 39 tack the parole gy«t«m wa* ,Tl* iiam Grtnneil. bur Conk I in. Detroit Midland. 39 BUI 39 CONCERT TICKETS Dr. Walter N. Thayer, .NV-.v / .'^7^ ndenbutg. Battle Creek. '39 Vork commiaaioner of cirre< •ert Birzentwrg. Detroit. '39 ARE NOW ON SALE tion, who emphatically »!»•- tri.rur,<,'- year* • ^ »• ; ■f Schafer. Midland '39 John clared that Michigan'* f»ar* •• ■ rlen Herron. River Rouge. 39 td Sherman. Marshall. *39 Laming Concert Auociation An- plaft round Dakin. Detroit. '30 Don nourcr, Reduced Prim on ult. Detroit. 39 David Boyd, ton. 39 Paul Steeruma Jark- Student Pan*, "38: Harper Camp. Midland. . \! Prof. A. //. Nelson | tin. Owuaao. J* Jack Camer- COtt/iffl/CX DutlCS •;-r Sault Sle Marie, '39. Gordon '' -• -«»w, East Landing, '39 Despite Illness He iwita TWta S Sprinkle. landing. '39: Journalism Head, Granted Siirwy Wagner. *36 Seynvnir Fun- Leave of Absence, Writes v" ' • n Lansing. '39: Harrison NVu- '36, William Miller, JHint Neil Gracey. Flint, '38 Fro Eggsellent Eggsposition Har- •* Sentt, Flint. '38. Jame* Fire- Dowociw; Kubrrt fmch ' Thmj*h Pr.,( AlU-rt H Nrlwr.. Eggseeds Eggspectations ■» ■ .*!*•. 3». J'.hn Ciurofwn. turrtat ot t(w pul,I...Mm» *-"rn Spring. 111. S». Rohwrt I-"""-"' gh wrhool auditorium at E|gitraordinary Hens Effitend Tifmseltes m E„ U.»| Mr Martini's recent *-«o Ikoton. Ind. -J». William **•>«» lMvr m m Egfshrbitmn Hfff—E|jKllf Please: ir • Here's to Romance" H, r Oetrpit, -3». Jotm I^»r h" hr " tuwe** A.-.,od. Ohio, it Jumc-fl Taylor. murh w"rl' h" makes his ap|M*argtiee here espec¬ - N Y. -3D r«,«t Hawkin. bcrt,!d'-- " ially interesting Other artists appearing on this -«o. I#; John Carlml. 3»: Pr"' N'laon. *(,<«■ cla.w. m ! Stick)*. Eait Lan.mi. "it hHirnaliwn arr b».n« hawtlod lor course are Joseph Sri get:, ii • .(tcrick Travm. Richland 39 I.Uiyd Oil. iw» in- tionally known violinist, h Jose Iturbi, ->rt Ratdurff. Travrrv City ,Uuct"' h'"- '« *t,n dnrr-i« of R 25: and Gladys •" Wrovrr. Travrri* City. lh|- «ummrt and an c«-of- Robrrl Waitc. Jatk»ir. M. Ro<> mrmboc of anrrai c - ■ t- soprano from the ' 'tt NoCt. Grand Rap " Hart, Jackaon. 33 Robwt' Stimaon. Detrt Jwhn Hutton, I vrett. Baltic F**nty, MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Friday, Octoltcr II, 10:).' So f/r A'o TtS OFFICERS CLUB L A. ENROLLMENT Michigan State News. Ronald Friday, Grand Rapid-. COLLEGE '39,. Wovne Moore. Swart* Creek HOLDS MEETING Prof. NOW TOTALS 1,315 BULLETIN '30; Norman Obrum, Grand Rap¬ ids, *38; Norbert Miknnvit.i erford WcMifcId, and J. L. Van. —- — Grand Rapids,. *38; Ham Fish., C»mp forwtry doiiur1m.nl | L»r|Mt Inrrraw SfcoWH hi Hrttl Student Club Party tonight nt' ^ AusUn -36; l.loyd Morn I David Sloarclilfr, Bentoa Har■-1 nre In sout' J1- ll— Con I rid St Tflilill CwfM. !8:3f) in gym annex. Scruby's orch- j UB n®' "" *c ol bor, Choirn lo H. ad Advanced the Society of American Foresters |cairn. Members only are invited,- — but any others may join at the Military J Where cspfciol attention will be The liberal arts officials are j given to the problems controlling J highly elated over the increase of soil erosion by reforestation. While j "Indents enrolled In that division, ting of the KMiizaUon Of"" com- ^Michigan does not have quite as There are 1315 students (Ids year i|W.|OUJJ nn P,„sjon problem ns, m compared wiUi 1165 last year. Dean Anthony's office in Ag Hall CLASSIFIED io, nevertheless the The hotel administration bus prob- Monday night• at• 5:00 o'clock. COST Light BLUE KEY • home economics tree species thut are i ably shown the largest increase of The 4-H Club will not meet Finder call Tritr Still smiirting untler derogatory | fi mm men fx fuTorucu successful there will'any single division, jumping from The group will rdso > tonight, but will hold its regulai • their predecessors after the last H Key initiation more 111 freshmen Inst year to 30 this than a year ago. the national hon ry service fntternity visit the soil conservation school j year. Prof. 11. ft. Proulx attrib- meeting again next Friday, Octo- ^ FOR SAI.F. being conducted at Zanesvilte by utes this largely to the fact that * ing, topcoat t announced today that the initiation junior men this fall the government to train # men to do all of those who graduate from the will he placed on a strict scholastic and point basis. „ this work. 'hotel administration ing Tuesday at, LOST—Stud* course are Shout's home, i Reward Adilrei Assisted in his program by Dr. Fred T. Mitchell, dean r (if men, Walter Kissler. president of the group, states that ' There were five students who STUDENTS VISIT DETROIT candidates for Blue Key will need an average for.the last were graduated from this division llermian two years of I.MHK, the all-men's average for this school. At h j1 •iini' Students under the last year, nnd they were placed as Leonard K. Wettluufer, Lansing, Ray Vickcrstaff guidance of follows. Elizabeth Kbvhler, in the *37. Charles Wheel nek, levering, present 102 men qualify on that wore. tho 'professor Ulrey and Professor ORCHESTRA « Lawyers' club, Ann Arbor; Thorn- '38; Kenneth Wait*. Jackson, '38; ilansiMotts of the agricultural market- From these men will he selected tr» who have the highest u held Ing classes took a Held as Struthers. in Hotel Wlndemere, William Orier, '39, Franklin Lau- trip to De¬ Chlcago; Leslie Scott, In the Whit- number of points according to a siieciflc rating-scale. Points '■ ft ltd :trr.it yesterday. fei, Buffalo, N Y.. '39; Ma ten The ohtcct of the tier. Detroit, and William Krsl and are awarded for the following activities: Class ofTicers; stu Randolph, Forest Hills. N. V '39. , trip view . his to the Detroit publ Howard Thorsoiv, who arc con- ThrU Kappa Nu dent council; publications; captains, mem tiers and managers i and to get Ideas regard it fl nected with the accounting dlvt- Carl Rrown. Nashville, '38. Ar- of varsity athletic teams; winners of service awards; officers .% sion of the Horris-Kerr-Forstcr chie Ross, Grand Rapid*. '38; An-, and members of honortirie*; officers in social fraternities; > hotel In Chicago. . thony Smith. Sodus, '38 John Long Overcoats union board; forensics; musieiil organizations; officers in vv VMM wutrh II lillrd |uiij of Scully, Howell. '39; Adalbert College men desire extra other student.organisations; cheerleaders; officers in the V.; ^ <- nlHlr by. floating effort- p„ Zink. Ray City, *37; Frank Martin. ■ length in Overcoats. Saginaw, •»; Jock f'clcncn. fientnn s I,-, I^onut .bucks Ml II muil Harbor, '38, (.eslie Harper, Try on our Polo and othc chairmanship of freshmen and sophomore party committee. ;l .J, |laro|d Mlcharll,. Pittsburgh, Pa *39; George Young, models anil you'll fnd them A list of these activities will be sent to each of the 102 t jjHlddlv They may be III love, lull 'j, ||„v Hoffman. De- . CHI I he other hand—ah, watch I ron River, '38. plenty long and still witi men on the scholastic list. leolt> w Herbert Hrlhlg. Detroit. Trlm 7" the essential "balance" that Candidates are re<|Uested to fill '* A < i iinitiiilugy ria,. at them out and return them promptly. SyracMiwj .univrrtUjr ha. ducovcreri that 'on-blg. Oak Park. "fiobert Haulc, Jit. Juarph! gives them style of distinc¬ Under this new ruling, Blue Key will no longer la* vul- ♦veil, if not Davis, Korkford, '39, Don Brwk- y III., 19. Char In j tion. Thick, warm woolen •a' people of nor- | of extreme durability, nerable to the attack of students who are critical of honorary jt, They arc (lifted enndge. Rrrckenridge, '38. Robert |N y " societies because of their frequent entanglements with fra ." i malty dcvrl,,|»st lllulk< (ainiing. '39 Alvh, '38. Charles Dennis. Lu $22 to $32.50 ternity politic* Men who ui•* chosen will he publicized, 38. James Wright. Berke Try on one of the famr their convention on this campus. The i need, the f«»deral gov- styled, at $3.50, 11 tmtire student IhmI> joins the local chapter itt welcoming the u" K I, now .upplylng milllun, and $5. ke ii ,iK)t",V itenllry lUlmnch. M. CARD Y delegates. puMthtc tm i«.tgr»d. rh.U-M tluura, Ihilile Crrak. 19. ^u/ •i, mi then work tor higher:jfrr} Kuliim. Ovid. '38. fr.nklm Corduroy blanket lined For years the little copper- switch of the Tau Betes . has sigtiifieil merit in tin- engineering world. I'm Urotne a diched , 1(V, MacNaugbtuii, Mulbken, '38, Reu- JEWELRY coats with slicker interim ing, 'Town and Country Ovrr Strand Theater brand. $0.95. I ntemlwr of that organization, ami his character and leader "f Ht ,rrcI - James Scruloo, U'troit, month j ship were also considered. Me was, and still is, expected a Hroogiyn, 37. IU»t*rl REPAIRS AT i to fultHl all the accomplishments his superiors expected of ,n,.,.w ;"InWarded 4^'! » maulers 2" Vr. cent for each; d lahpemmg, '38, Fiank LOWEST COST MAYiBROS. f him when he was initiated. As a natural result, the Tau »t*iku degrr and 75!■ n and a definite ul Wynkoop. Muktivtou. N Y purpose in lite. That is why we lake more pride in wtl- , tM<1) n Falun Prosit. Hiamsi. '39. W»l- there, hinting coming their convention to this campus than we would for . lent* xet, on the aver axe. RENT-A-CAR Mi MotelJ. Midland. '37 I^nbc , nnv other organist ion. Isellt-i grades than tbuae who do • aurn.. DeUiat. '39. John Mar not have to work thru way While SN 1 jwtt. KtngAloit, '39. Millon la>hn- (he aptitude ratutk «f h»rdl. IVttuit, '3 THE OATH OF ALLEGIANCE Ford V-k'» — ( hrMnlrU _ Plymouth* — lluirk* l)r. K Mather. Harvard geology professor, I'onlUtre . ni toll need to ' month* in rttllcg« loir* recently that he would refuse to take the "loyalt> '' a* t-ow a* Ur prr .Vltlr, InrludittK All Ga* and Gil While lead* on. i crilH'd for teachers hv the new Massachusetts law m j thai they slum n 120 E. OTTAWA ST. kliould thi- University ask the faculty to suhst ritie to it. He ' of pUtpOfM' 111* lea* I'honr :i.1.1.'t I aaid he believed most Harvard professors would follow him, l Accortiing to Mr. Mather, the oath hill was undemm rutic *" • and constituted "the entering wedge in America for addi- " KKATKRMTIKS I'l.KINiK 37 llm. 2|| IIROTHEHS TO-IIK M tiofial legislation that ultimately would regiment all schools. «sl.t rt.lMMtmcnl (Owtinurdfiwr Oklrtt ry Kutchina, Hamtramck. '37: ( s, IshM»bcrwr Ijmwm^. '38; D«vtd Bivmme.Umgwood. Grant. '38. Ed1 HiM.drtt all MklMK lot Frank $ churches and cultural utstitution* m ohedteiae to whateccr m •it, t wild e.t'h Mnrnt \ndri — m Ferndale, Gordon Poor, state olfnials hap)H'ii lo l»e in power." LurMMig. '38; Itirh.rd ; |n. A'll»8«uw I ,t,BMubi,n Itiittlr Eaton Rapids. '37. Dm Mabskey,: Crrek. 38; | We ask now iC this is typical Harvard intellect or typical !! t ll,. ..mm- tliIn.' li.ch.rd 5trcm«. Ur.nd H.pid., Lansing. *39. : | ; Harvanl obsj injo \. VV, ■ nvall the old adage: "You can '37; Thwdwr Richards. Manama, Delia I hi ! I .• I. lhni! i«m ur*k James Collins. Kalamazoo, '38, |1 always tell a Harvard man; hut you can't tell him much " N y .J, Rolwrt Hutint. tir.n.1 Art Johnson, Three Oaks. '38; Joe! j Assuming that lb Matlur a true American, interested " v«i• to which college* j '97; Bruce Mcfcwing. Latt- ,EVERY WED'DAY o in flu pitH'urenvent of Mason. Ney. Ohio, 38. Charles <| [f in Contributing to. and benefitting from, American society. .■M.-Mllv IM.MI uUd.tr. *inga *3<|i ^ \ DArmstartter. De- „ J„hn tVrrK-ku«l ritnt, Campbell. Ckivrrdale, Ala . '37. ADMISSION Ilk- \ J f he should not feel it Mow hi* pride to swear allegiance to "" . !««■ t- liKht tn 1833 ., Cfiarles Bonne j. East Tawas.^8, Rhw1 Carprntrr. Haiti*' Tl'MM* PAL NIT* | ; his ciHintry Als»ut U»o years ago, the most intelligent men ek. '39 Boh Alton. Lansing.' thur Harold Sparks, Saginaw, '38. Ar- * THI RHDAI I.AUG* Qt'CKT MTS (i in America framed a i onstitution t«« preserve dennn ra» \ ,, , Franklin Pell Battle Creek. Hnu, St. Joseph. '38. Manlcy j Dayton. Richmond, '36: W Rood j j that has stood the test of time, ever since, Ami the people Theodivrc 11 u*ford Birming- • . ^ J; of that time, those who built the foundation of fhis Unied t. *39, Richard H Davis. Lan-: Taylor. Lapeer, '38, ton, Richmond, *36. Rex Lamerson. Stanley Day¬ 1J1J.IJW-IJIIRBJ9 h. Stae* with their awn sweat and bhs>d, w<»re proud t<> support lfc !, '39. Harry Willion, Fremont, Lansing, *37, William Schcffler, m , ^ H that document, proud to acclaim it as their program of V »>r",""<*t.t pomtc.l|^|Mlk DcUoit, '36. Khucl Myers. Toledo. ■ j government . ■ -I.Mr.it W.. wlUt 111, Hirh.n, Vrrhrul Thrrr Rlvm. '38. Q. J. Eskil, Iron Mountain. nottlwd th. buy 39, John Manes. Iran Mountain. State !.,n. > I | b Today such more intdkHtual cucles. a show of patriotism is up|»arentl\ pus.-t^ laigisiators who ask for sworn !i:; in ^ I. ,1„t rrturti. hu f.th- o.»d,l !.»r I.,, „„t,«, w,u, tbr J9; c«orr- Wolf. Drtrott. '38: 39 , Jtrt Arthle Wolrint Wfuuilnnd. I?;' R»»oeit S((.4TI>1 Softnaw. •»;. Ralph Henne. Bay port, *38, Lieber. Hancock. '39. War¬ Coflege Baok Store | afttrmation of l«ivait> .t«» the gxivernment are » »n>ideied ; '»'""t. C.rt Hoboth.nt. Brul.h. "38, Wrl- ren Fleiachaucr, Lansing, '37; My¬ | dictators with !»ase motives, V bngton Kibble. Detroit. *39; John ron Wtrueke, Saginaw. *39, Ed ktwlari.- A prr. FritiWr. Saguua. •d ii I'1 their action Dr. Mather sees an effort on their part 1° command otadieme from school*, chutvhea ami cultural «» , . xtng prv-Mem lt»r tl* Uvy* Take! u J# wuu,m p|c^. Holt, Lansing, *38; Larry Date I. '39; Gcoigc M. S. C. STATIONERY io4her chaw and listen closer: f Bedell. Dc- [-;# ll IliaUtutious, • i But it Shea king! hap|H-ns that right now the |ier«xmnel of those Se Ttu- w hole dat» family of the lad! was western daiisportod en masse to the} ""-Jfc 85c ^ I churches, ' si lusds and cultural institutions have to ot»e\ the ^ father got an university, even where better position his i | | ^ rulings laid down b\ their iegislatuiv* What 8 more, they . ttu> highway department i AUTOMATIC PENCILS MumsaiCorsages -f <*have been iniiiig that very thing for the last century and a i iiv tmiosiuBw »<> get a college f hitlt l«c75c ; . «tcgi%v it» itaiy ttow without pro Ur. Matht-r *huuM i,h,!f thut durtttK ntn*t f hi* life he « nulnaiy imu. •8-hn.) to korp thr pr«,v. to |w> Uxr*. to aldilr |.y Far Ike Gum nfflc rule*, lo *»r#r m»|H oxlh* in thr IW. To pluiiKr hi* »up|*irt to.thr pm-mw of rt-xukr kiltluuity for rverythiiyt ELLISON BOOK SHOP Collegiate Flower Shop Al'TOPOINT PENCILS [he hk* Already U-rn lUiipoGtng *houW rail for no lamenting. (IMboCUM) But we Mill want to ktiuw: "1* thuv Harvard intellect, or ) Harvard oliatitwey ?" October 11, 1W5 MICHIGAN STATK NEWS Three Frosh Downwoodcroft wins iiifiiiiMiiiimmirfifmii • t * YESTERDAY— )Vartan was only 0-0 when the Spartans Down in the freshman team limped off the field at Lawrence SPORTORIALS ...The... room and in the varsity room at wi'h the win Kan ;i.t has long Central Teachers in fKT WHO GAME the gym there la lacked on the been known as a ll> HARRY HJS.MI.lt, Spurt* Milor basketball power !n ji spirited game played, la*' : Sideline Coach wall, under class, a set of train¬ and H i giid ing rule* that date hark to Noah. f i r rncridnualy in 'be hist decade reputation has grown lard Fought Game •lay tvoning the Woodrroft in i) of T Flip' < le#m out tin- l»y a w.irr polo Cavalry «»f 11 By IIARRY UlSMI It. KpnrU l.dltor Drue again we take off on Dob M"u ny- <•' 'hi- I* BACH H WAV— . Theae ironclad rules of athletic behavior offer the elastic a queer contrast to regulations governing KIPLING t ome In, come in and Join the The practice field has the athlete today, some being fun. ' lies, hey. ruake a stab at 10 doing into 11'i- last j»cru»d ffdr St«t« Ycarlieft Trounce Heavier Mount Pleiunt tne IWHM* out their- Ad. l.indJM'y hrthl ' His lull, :< j,- weiful *»i|Mri«d once again 'hat the strict to the point of absurdity. the Kansas t -State score and get Eleven 12-6; Kobtmen St«)(e Telling Offrniive oft t« id otic that will lie plenty tough lo tal ■ For instance: All team mcmlrers famous overnight. should l»e In their room* by 10 to Score Twice in Final 20 Minutei. ('lurk, Vount, I imlv, mi radio tonight o'clock every night unless permis¬ Thin evening at 7:15 Mr. Joe (iuinn of Ihe sion of the coach is granted other- Ry Ml ItON Mr|HlN,\|.|) People* finance Service, Inc . of II? West Alley.in present* for your |ilr,iuirr iff freshman squad carried the Spartan colors to a ' an interview over tV'IM In which Mr. Arthur 4. I#el it not he said that this regu v over a heavier and more experienced Central Clark, head of the athletic council, will Interview lation is amiss In any uiv; rath¬ er. the player of tot that n Is iMHlh the Klariiiff (toodliffhta of PAUciijriil Ad. I.lnilwv, roach of Kama*. and Mr. Ralph ■ittngply 11 Is beneficial to lie In lit tl WATCH REPAIR t VV'fHlnesday niifht. Young. And tip (op off the program will he old enough. Coach John Kohs' M»n*-?«-r- time hill is not Prompt Skilled Service man Colonel t. Pick I hi who will again pick the compelled to do MWfpt the leather rtt ros* the Ml. I Vacant zero 11 • limes in as many quarters, twice to Is* rfnailed ha* school liked to dirtate today a habit of plrklnr up*rt* 'hat have turned out <1. and hhen the riiii ended a hard fought contest, the lads handle their own well he • i Ilii' I't Ing and are Just a* well off phv i sled a short 12* Itit . prugra - (Additional Sports steady. i the Central .State u> '' " I* th." a»rti*M And the smoking issue. While Spartan hands. ^P»r'an deferw« TV .deadlocked, and a scan*}### jomw tie in the old days tobacco was scorn¬ • am work marred H^-med iwvitaMr ed upon and its user was I.jobbed to durante vile forever in athletic n performance in in th« third qu;utf» however fifties ttidav is a problem that Is if of the game, hut jm handled bv the individual The it was not until ',?h *J,nr' UfK woiod that the pit ii#h tiling. h"^ the hut I It- the E- II - j uid ZindcJ MVIIVWKI tt* ipr »|rre lieUn his (iwti 35 yurd u twisting and . thiouuh tin* t*n- ; 11 mil inir Supplies | f.uns and l"i*tol> Traded I tdlow the tea j Let I * f ill Vour Wants Party, ! STEVE'S I'EACE Saturday evrri Ihe i flub is tossing their annual fall dann with mustr bv Red Dr. Ihe Kansas team are I 'll I I Mi'Mvan Vr I ansin honored guests as well .« all the roaches and plav era »| the State club. Ibis should be the event of the fall season, so sup.>«rt your team and and Join sity Had in Ihe mmt »ee you lh'< - h.rful of parties hid Wagner, - tome star out the Var¬ guard Mac's Cut Rate for the Spartan* hi th« head man. and he and the VOIR IIEAlJQt'AUTEItS FOR buy* are all anxious b < •• v»u on hand EAST LANSING CAFE Cigarettes Hi 2 fur 25c Also for ;t Varied Menu Complete Line Five Different Choice* at Karh Meal Magazines • Soxs - Ties - MEAL TICKETS — 21 MKALS — $1.00 Shirts * I)ru« Sundries YEA, STATE! BEAT KANSAS! ACROSS FROM HOME EC. BUILDING GRAND OPENING SATURDAY ONLY, OCT. 12, 1935 Everybody Eats at Wimpy** Two Wimpy's 5c - - - - Sundaes 5c Free Cake and Coffee Down Town] KOH Mil.I.IM V.N S.v , MICHIGAN STATK NEWS Friday, Octolier 11, lt!)3jj C A M P U S C A M K R A Bclhlrhem Lutheran Churrh CO-ED CARNIVAL • W K A R* YEARBOOK AIDS | Fall Term Party VOGUE TO GIVE i nr en rnrn ' Schedule Listed IS SUCCESSFUL Radio Program ARE SELEt I ED by Dean's Office TRIP TO PARIS Many Cirli Sign lip for Adivi- bro«a"n« .Slton.'wKAR, w«" Frrd Brian and Addir PoapriKil j D»,M ,#r F'«'"ni,r "d Xonlr.l i. Oprn lo All Co-rd. lie, at Fir,. Event of Hh initial proffrofn of It* regul 1» N.i„,d Are Named A..I.I Aniitanti ona ' Sorority _P.rtir. Or.du.ting Thi, Yr.r: III Kind. full schedule of brondrasting. Tl Buiinen Staff. program* will bp presented in tl irjYIvJit «j>iril, the fr afternoons, from 2 to 4 p. m., five days in the week. The regular Appointments to the bt xtrii- ■ n,H,n program of farm nervier ! staff <»f the H»36 Wolverine, 1 •wing! news will l>e presented a* usual, gun State eollege yearbook, Mixtures Mixtures And More Mixtures That's Ihe Thiiur for Kail Statequctte Gray, blue and green mUiun Its (OIIM.IWV il v MvC'lellat Snap Brims ami Tvrolei-.. Hubert Fowler.! y\g Cntiw me j items I Marian Cook, f.li/atieth Crane,! halfriHim $3.9") and $5.00 ,H" i Following hist year's custom j Dorothy Pickett, Hetn.v Baxter,! I'** Mary Mayo. open house.; [there will la* il regular program of flretehen Hock. Florence Rothfuss,; Murv Mayo hall i a,t hue t etiology, and its many inter-j Bill Ingleson. Bill Wenban, June| 11 s jesting divisions Another Inter-(Smith, Waytie Hicks, Kdnn Jane rxting program to N presented j Smith This staff directs the sell- i October 2ft— Scabbard arid Blade, pledging'. j party. Little Theatre ji , Bronson Scruby and His Orchestra MV/RC7S iANSirSC amp (ait I All ! will be on the eeonomlr legislation ling and distribution of the nn-j F.lectic. fall term party "9v tin iMk« riut.iou | of the 74th congress, to be under j iiital. and also keeps the accounts ! Kappa Alpha Theta. fall term "Some people,'' said M h" ipartmenl Chi Omega, open house -shallow. a waste ..f vain In addition lo these many sut»- j ADCA CPPDIiTADV K 1 1 ' K " 1 ' < lamina. The> forge! ih.o I. nt<: Jectn there will Ik* many nthei /lI\Ei/t JLvIiLI Alii j party on it as one of then mo i'""!'."' ' Hlffrrrnt Mlure M.i- m«" !»»<» '» •"»"» A ».™l flashes. Spartan ™mpeiimi society, open house much to be valued in both home games and those j number of years Magill hits been November 9— c lothes as in architecture U C rillD Di AKIC Sorority Initiates H. t. ILUd rLANo Scvimi Girls Todav I'll! I Vila Theta. open home j lid ('hi Alpha, fall term party i TEA FOR SUNDAY * I.ambda Chi Alpha, open house ' Masonic Temple, East Lansing. j Will Give Tt antler Students Delphic society, open house ? Chance to Meet Faculty. Bhi Kappa Tan, open house ■■ 1 ; November 16— '* ! /eta Tau Alpha, fall term party . fVtVWMVWWWMVW Al|,h„ , • ISPORTCASTER J. 01 "OO aoiliiv J 5 Ww>, Th"lr- Mm< Mayo. tall l.rm, party. Mary Mayo hall S|wrtciatrr is ushering in a Alpha Clu Sigma, fall term twain Churchill. M7. New K.a.inew era in s|m>i1s writing For pnrl> "ulby Aiulcimim. Bear Bake, j the fust lime, he is turning on his November 27— Brewei. '.'Ut. Traverse CiD.,new mwnltoit thai looks into "ANNA rue the'. Alpha Chi Omega, fall term KARKNINA" arvel Fugsley. ',3ft. Battle Cr«vk; id Man Jane j fulute Through this .wonder of party, Union CAHIH) AND KKKDiariC MAID M Withrow, 'M.j modem rmtacles, he is presenting , November 22— rand Itapids ,tI,r ,tnv Mj,esd «.f time Alpha Chi Omega, fall term Margaret Fox, president of the | He gives you a complete list, j party. ral chaptet. will preside at the j with results, of tomorrow* games '.November 22 6 1 Jwiiirltr Tnih.fi, I At thf sun... tin,,., lie i> prriUrinR1 A|)lha Omlcron Pi. tali mm iprcsirlent of the Central Miclugi for his enrollment in the select! j Farnphlets nuthumg the rules has compiled .1 t Jean | Alumnae pflrty chapter of Stgma Kapi I ••'<)«•• Of Hunt* Dm. for, in tlw ph( chl A|ph, r,dll, p,r1v jand form of the contest have t>een handling them thi lunge- ; Wi)| Jh* toastmistress for the ba 'received in the office of the State »■»» of prod it-turn, ho liivu* you, Sledet t Zuu d tbev ; l>|ta A|p|ul, f,|| an gut-t following initiation Chu j New s, w here they may be obtained lowing Intte Brtederwtein, '29. of Imi jlhr «,OH- «.t tin- 8talo-K*l)M> j t.uti,. Thoolrr cm request. at the tackic* \V, tu»l Mary Mayo, fall trim «ren at the guar Ht-brr. j wl|| p, mu,„ aprakur of ti Cun«». and j trrm pan,., Marv Mayo hall j - — — ; Vanderberg a' th •p. i banquet. j make ready for a new president, ! November 29— Halt-h'i Monthri-a W. F. MOROSKY INSPECTS " ' • " «- ' of Sipoa Kappa and :AI1 >»» n*w»|wfwra maki- ready j jlhcrr luua.f tiurais will dam* lo the i i«ic'« ,M thrall a tl lh»|*"rr- «P°rl '-Jlowtra will hatr Alpha Gamma ftho, radio party. Pi Kappa Phi, radio party 0. P. CAMPS, STREAMS ^."t'ti'iw Cp-ED DIVOT DIGGERS TO aurttrilj fall trrm parly in Uwllbo arorra «jf Saturday a famre on ■ : W F Morosky is spending the. weather bureau at F.i*? l^»n*ing SHOES Woman's Building, fall tr*rm - UllUr Thralre Saturday niahl ifriday lilaht party. Woman's building j week-end at Camp Au Sable in are to the effect that if w.G N? Patron, vtill hr Ih-an and Mi- II i *h.«' *'* "a* hl lvl" °1*" houre T""- ")*" hou" Sl«m. Alph. EprUon. Joint fr.. HICK'S *4- ratch to it; to win it one ha* toine** administration fraternity, tendty-sorority party, s, A. K, Cleaners and Tailors in-, win the All-College golf tourney jaugurated the school year of 1935 j Detroit-Oklahoma — Oklahoma Already over 20 have signed up with a short business meeting held [by 12 point* for a chance at the cup and the TIES - PUMPS j in the Union building on Tuesday j Foidham-Purdue—Out on* the ()u*lilV Work laurels that go with it. The Will tee off between 9.00 and 10:00! golfers evening William Klum, president- of the' jlimb for lhirduc. Harvard-Holy Croag —* Harvard Suit* Oumm* and o'clock Saturday Groetixvk. lorganUation, i>ir»id.