Friday MICHIGAN Volume 64 Number 81 UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Friday, January 7, 1972 U.S. planes make biggest strike of war, attack areas along DMZ The command said it had no way of for the cumulative summaries told of two The pullout of about 10,000 South distraction of a radar site 45 miles north of Vietnamese troops from eastern Cambodia, SAIGON (AP) — B52 Stratofortresses the DMZ and 10 miles from the Laos knowing which of 15 pilots reported Americans killed in downed helicopters last made their biggest raid of the war on the announced earlier, meant major shift in border. missing in the last three weeks of week and one in an armored vehicle that a demilitarized zone Thursday, dropping December were listed now as dead. hit a mine. Saigon's military strategy. Mir >ring the stepped-up air war, the nearly 300 tons of bombs on enemy U.S. Command announced that two It was the first week since March 1965 In Cambodia a battlefield lull persisted The Saigon command reported 205 targets. Americans were reported killed in when the recorded U.S. deaths in action except for a clash 30 miles southwest of South Vietnamese troops killed and 514 At the same time, the U.S. Command the wounded, and the allies reported 874 Indochina action last week — both of them were only in the air. capital, Phnom Penh. No casualty disclosed that a second plane had made a enemy killed. shot down over Laos. However, daily reports not yet processed reports were available. strike inside North Vietnam Wednesday, attacking a radar site only 64 miles southwest of Hanoi, the North Vietnamese capital. The rising tempo of the air war reflected allied concern that the enemy may try to launch an offensive soon, possibly timed with President Nixon's visit to Peking next month. Hike in debt be as large as the current one. But officials But the big deficit for 1972 has dashed One area where an enemy buildup has WASHINGTON (AP) - The Nixon The deficit that has to be financed indicated that the new request to raise the that plan. The deficit failed beyond been noted is in the demilitarized zone administration, faced with the largest through borrowing of the Treasury is even debt limit could come close to the $35 larger than that, since trust funds which expectations as the economic expansion separating the Vietnams. Nine waves of budget deficit since World War II, will be billion increase sought a year ago. proved not as vigorous as the B52s attacked storage areas, bunkers and forced to ask Congress to raise the national usually run a surplus are included. administration predicted earlier. debt ceiling earlier than usual this year, Treasury officials said the increase supplylines in the southwest corner of the needed in the debt ceiling will be left up to zone. The front along the demilitarized government officials say. Normally, the government likes to raise the size of the deficit in fiscal 1973. That As a result, tax revenues were not as zone had been quiet for weeks until last Shortly after the federal budget for fiscal the ceiling enough so it can borrow to pay 1973 goes to Congress in a few weeks, the figure will be revealed in a few weeks when for government operations through June strong. In addition, Nixon cut taxes to Tuesday, when an enemy attack killed the new budget goes to Congress. stimulate the economy, a move three South Vietnamese soldiers. Treasury Dept. is expected to follow up 30 each year and still have enough money that will Another sizable deficit is expected in increase the size of the deficit. American jets, in the year's two first with a request to increase the $430 billion left over for contingencies. fiscal 1973, however, although it may not so-called protective reaction strikes in limit. North Vietnam, attacked scanning radar. Treasury aides said the ceiling is expected U.S. military sources acknowledged that to be exceeded by March 1 unless rules had been broadened to include all Congress, as it usually does each year, complies with the government's request to budget to have radar sites. Previously targets have been radars that lock on a plane to put it in the sights of antiaircraft guns. One strike, within three flying minutes of raise it. As of Dec. 28, the national debt subject to the limitation was at $426 billion and still climbing. 1973 U.S. Hanoi and 22 miles across the Laotian A short fall in government revenues, new border, was the closest to the North Vietnamese capital since raids supporting the fruitless Son Tay prison camp rescue effort in November 1970. The attack plane fired one Shrike missile expenditure programs and additional tax relief granted by Congress are contributing to the big deficit for fiscal 1972, which began last July. a deficit, top official says with unknown results, the U.S. Command Last year, Congress boosted the debt said. The other plane caused suspected limit by a record $35 billion, trimming only $5 billion from the government's WASHINGTON - President Nixon's were running at a full employment rate of carry a large deficit, it (the budget) will not chief budget officer said Thursday the production. be inflationary," Shultz said. request. The government thought this should be fiscal 1973 budget soon to go to Congress But since the economy is far below full The budget director predicted the Fee refund sufficient to finance the administration's will carry a deficit but no request for a employment, the outlays will exceed economy will expand strongly in 1972. He value-added tax. revenues. Shultz, speaking at the National said President Nixon put on his wage-price projects deficit of $18.6 billion for fiscal Press Club, did not say how great the real controls at the right time, when the rate of Full-time students who do not wish to 1972, plus some leftover cash needs from George P. Schultz, director of the Office of Management and Budget, said the 1973 deficit would be. inflation was subsiding. read the State News or use its services may fiscal 1971. spending document will be balanced on a On the value-added tax, Shultz said the receive authorization for a refund of $1 The deficit for the current fiscal year, administration is studying the proposal, subscription fee in 345 Student Services Now, the 1972 fiscal year deficit is "full-employment" basis. That means its which ends next June 30, is estimated at estimated at $28 billion, the largest since spending would not exceed the revenues primarily in connection with a detailed Bldg. through Jan. 14. Students must bring which the economy would generate if it $28 million. "The budget is under control, study of how to finance public education their fee receipt card to receive the refund. but just barely," Shultz said. "We have a in the United States. problem." Asked if he thought the value-added tax would make a good substitute for the ON PAY SETTLEMENT When asked if Nixon would include a property tax, he said the levy is a request for a value-added tax in the budget, possibility. "This is what the Treasury' is Shultz replied, "no" without elaborating. studying," he said. "There are no decisions The answer did not rule out the prospect yet." Board described by- leaks of a later decision to seek a value-added A value-added tax has been tax. some as a national sales tax. Actually, "The President will end to the Congress a although it could be imposed in many responsible budget for the fiscal year 1973, different ways, it is a tax placed on goods - year pay raise for 100,00 workers at five I)clc<> a Irs WASHINGTON (AP) - The Pay Board upset to find later that the board staff had aerospace firms. a budget that is expansive but which would and services at each level of production and come into balance if we were at full distribution, for example manufacturing, Thursday let slip that it would like two re'eafd which sources the tabled the textsaid°f would haveresolution passed if The raises must now be renegotiated by employment," Shultz said. wholesale and retail. aerospace unions to stretch out over two the two unions, the Machinists and the leyates to the Paris peace talks brought to a vote. years the full amount of a 12 - per - cent Auto Workers, and brought back to the "It will take a fight to keep it there, I am "yen Van Tien of the Viet The board Wednesday had rejected one - year pay raise the board rejected board for final approval. sure, but it would be tragic to lose our in9. William J. Porter of the agreements calling for a 12 per cent first 5 earlier. - - The tabled resolution was ambiguously sense of discipline just as the disciplined Petitions , and Xuan Thuy of North Business and public members of the worded, but board sources familiar with it policies of recent years are paying off." 8tnam, top to bottom, arrive board were ready to impose such a said its effect would be to limit a first - Economists say that a federal budget Petitioning reopens today for seats on the 139th session of the talks stretch-out, sources said, when representatives of the two unions involved Applications year average hourly raise of 51 cents to about 34 cents. The remaining 17 cents balanced at full employment is not Student Traffic Appeals Court in 307 Student Services Bldg. Petitioning will >ich resumed in Paris inflationary, and Shultz echoed that belief. asked that It be put off for at least one Applications are still available in 101 would be moved to the second year of the "I think, despite the fact that it will close at 5 p.m. Wednesday. ,ursday. The U.S. warned week. Student Services for student seats on the contracts. ,rth Vietnam and the Viet The delay was approved Thursday 12-0, following Academic Council Standing n9 against any new "military giving the unions the appearance, at least, Committees: Curriculum, Educational ventures" they are believed to of being allowed a free hand in Policies, Faculty Tenure, Honors Programs, renegotiating the rejected 12 - per - cent Pining in South Vietnam. raise. Library, Academic Governance, Public AP Wirephoto But labor members of the board were Safety, and Building, Lands and Planning. ad checks prompt U' o tighten cashing policy By MICHAEL FOX mistakes and return a check when there jump in bad checks up 17.4 per cent from last year. was money in the account to cover it, most News staff Writer "This has been our experience in the past often a bad check results when the student or staff member makes an error in few years. It is a continually escalating Presidential hopeful Sen. Hubert balancing his checkbook or in making a problem," Terry said. ('a^hV '1al[ million dollars in bad Humphrey has his hair trimmed deposit. at a Miami barbershop Thursday ,h<" 1970 71 Sr St"dents and staff a' y*ar forced a Among the chronicles of bad checks, For last fiscal year, the average amount jueh nni; there is the case of the student who stole of a bad check was $68.02, which is morning before beginning a ng servj(1.Cy • an the University's rv'us, ln official said check his roommate's checkbook and wrote bad substantially higher than the $25 previous weekend campaign tour of Thursday. checks on that account. There's also the maximum limit on check cashing for Floridr. re sail) Je.rr-»yrasst- vice President for i case of the student who went to every students. The higher average amount AP Wirephoto ,747 were r I bad checks totaling residence hall grill within three weeks and comes from staff bad checks and the Iboiq^it a cup of coffee and a donut, leaving tremendous amount in bad checks written 3a"ks because J"!? l° th° University a trail of $5 bad checks at each grill. registration. have enonoh f "dl'nts and staff did by students at the checks uS•h*ir accounts to The new policies being enforced at the °f thi. k . 5181(1 that because Cashier's Office on the first floor of the (Please turn to back page) Vers'ty arp r C8Shpd by the Administration Building include a 0lninate , students, the requirement for two pleces of ""hy students. b*d Chnts and staff ° high in the low 20s. tiaVK ^®n unwi»'ng to make Terry pointed out the activity In bad ugn "hecks. checks increased 5.5 per cent from the b»nks occaa occasionally make 1969-70 fiscal year, with the dollar value 2 Michigan Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, January 7, |r news U.S. fears enemy plans summary From the wires of AP and UPI. to fight during China trip PARIS (AP)—The U.S. expressed concern Thursday over a Sunday, in which the President was asked about the possible AlRO (AP) ■1967 Arab- 1 n»twar' U-otiations major enemy offensive it believes is being planned in Indochina, release of American prisoners in return for a U.S. withdrawal Ilems. i'ke B presumably in the hope of disrupting President Nixon's from South Vietnam. ■happe" here forthcoming visit to Peking. iur most m'I The Communists hinted at such a deal in their seven-point As the Vietnam peace talks resumed Bnt and Israel following a four-week peace plan of July 1, 1971, but they also insisted that the U.S. ■ task is t" d "The budget is under control, interruption, the two sides bogged down in bitter accusations. must halt all its military and political support for the Saigon Each side accused the other of refusing to Aus told «" but just barely. We have a negotiate while government. Kir Sadat- violating its own commitments. problem." The Viet Cong went out of its way to deny President Nixon's Nixon said Sunday a prisoners-for-withdrawal deal was discussed at various times in the Paris talks, but Hanoi "totally Me United Sti -George P. Schultz assertion that he tried—and failed—to obtain the release of ■aced by Jose rejected it." But he said nothing about fixing a withdrawal Washing011 ' director of the Office American prisoners in return for a total American withdrawal. deadline. " 51. U.S. negotiator William J. Porter told the North Vietnamese Tien told Nixon had "tried to make everyone believe of Management and Budget and Viet Cong delegations: "I wish to caution newsmen is, who h you that the he proposed a deadline for an American withdrawal. I can affirm military efforts you seem to be planning on the western border of _,tton in (,|li South Vietnam and elsewhere in Indochina are not that never, from the beginning of the Paris conference three years X in five day: likely to ago until now, has the U.S. government proposed a time limit for Kfter devotin, achieve anything to your permanent advantage and will probably the withdrawal of its forces. His proposal is a pure invention." without a entail the loss of many more lives. Thuy also denounced Nixon's news conference as "a model of as diplomat "I urge you to reflect before you engage in the military hypocrisy and an exercise in provocation for publicity purposes adventures you apparently are planning." ilumbia, unti which smells strongly of gunpowder. We reject it categorically." AEC dual role challenged Porter did not elaborate, but the unusual warning was believed The U.S. delegation spokesman, Stephen Ledogar, was ■rgus said g( to reflect American concern that an IdBentsen. U enemy buildup in the jungles questioned about whether the U.S. had offered a total withdrawal of Cambodia and Laos may be the kChief U.S. d Environmental groups charged prelude to a major offensive to in exchange for release of American prisoners. coincide with Nixon's Peking visit next month. ,al brand o Thursday in Ledogar recalled that the U.S. is on record with a series of more than 3,l Washington in a lawsuit against the Atomic In veiled but unmistakeable terms, North Vietnam and the Viet Commission that the AEC should not Energy concrete proposals to which the other side has never responded. jit warplanes Cong have repeatedly expressed their misgivings that Nixon's trip These include a general cease-fire, an exchange of prisoners, regulate the atomic industry it protects and may lead to a Chinese-U.S. deal behind their backs. promotes. negotiations for a political settlement, a withdrawal of all Iso won an i At the end of the fruitless four-hour session. Porter told The suit asked a federal district non-South Vietnamese forces and the convening of a general court here to declare newsmen he heard nothing new from the Communist delegates Indochina conference. Itiisv iUovu.ighfttrv iit Egypt 'a unconstitutional the 1954 law assigning the which might give ground for hopes of a break in the deadlock. Egypt ar dual role to With the AEC. Both North Vietnam's Xuan Thuy and the Viet regard to the Communist seven-point peace proposals, This bridge near Wells Hall provides MSU students with Cong's Nguyen Ledogar said the other side expected the U.S. to accept them on short cut across campus. Winter will provide an alternal Van Tien angrily denounced Nixon for his televised interview an all or nothing basis and had consistently refused to explain route, however, when the Red Cedar River finishes freezir N what their proposals are, what they mean and how they are Former aide indicted related. over. State News photo by Donald Sa Goerge A. Haag, a former aide to Rep. James Collins, R-Tex., was indicted Thursday in Washington on charges The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State University, is published every class day during Fall. Winter E.L. WITHDRAWAL URGED he took salary kickbacks from three other members of and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and CLEMEN! Fridays and Japane Collins' staff. during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition two days in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. The 32-year-old Haag was also accused grand jury in Washington of obstructing justice by coaching one of the staff members on what to say in by a federal Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press Transit group Thursday reaffirm the two P testimony before the panel and with making false Association. By KAREN 2URAWSKI on greeted : Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial State News Staff Writer withdrawal from the CATA. guiding factor in the operation had the resources necessar sine, borrowi statements to House finance officials. and business offices at 345 Student Services "The authority, as it is of the bus company," as he had operate the transit up to the er The 23-count indictment said Haag told the three Bldg., Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. transit suffered another presently structured, will not be expected, efficiently jng that - members of Collins' staff that he needed contributions setback Thursday, as Arthur able to operate a mass transit Citing functions such He suggested that the uarters wher from them to set up a political slush fund in the Phones: Carne\ of F.ust Lansing's svstem that will satisfactorily planning, market determination could operate as a imente honi News representatives on the Capital meet the needs of the people in and labor relations, Carney said commission composed o( Marine di congressman's district. He also told the aides, Raymond 355-8252 Classified Ads Area Transit Auf >rity (CATA), the greater Lansing area." "We do not have the resources local governn music, Nix Fortner Jr.. Noel Lee Reed and Michael D. 355-8255 Henning. Advertising 353-6400 recomnu nded at -i meeting of Carney said. not the time that must be given representatives, with bus et members he needed funds for the salaries of parttime workers in Business Office 355-3447 the Auiiu.rity that East Lansing Carney will meet with to such matters to make for a being provided on a level ta Collins' office. withdraw from the organization. Lansing officials at 3 p.m. today successful operation." basis. erparts. Sato Photographic 355-8311 Carney cited the structural to discuss his recommendation Carney stressed that the East Lansing is not opp w* delegatio set-up of the organization as his transit," Car^residents •• and the fate of the CATA, which • ~ government representatives on to mass pai reason for recommending became effective Jan. 1, after the CATA were "only part-time stressed easy chairs Muskie campaigning three months of study. people" and said "we just Ithe scene. The CATA, composei Carney said he would submit afford to operate the Japanese lei super-free delivery cannot Sen. Edmund -Sv "Mti ski e qf Mai ye the recommendation to the East Authority." Lansing, East Laasing and in Prime Mi Lansing City Oouncil at their To hpndlu the "klng-sizt townships, was origi fW/ Nixon li campaigned among "my fellow New next meeting Jan. 17. The city conceived rebuilding job" of moving mass series of si Englanders" on Thursday in Concord, council needs to approve the transit from its stature as a providing support for the to his journej N.H., casting himself as a virtual recommendation before East "second or third class public bus system, which had favorite son in New Hampshire and steadily losing money Hi Lansing's withdrawal becomes need to an efficient dependable, effective. A recent survey condur saying a defeat in the March 7 progressive well-accepted transit CATA showed that the Under the CATA as it is now system," Carney suggested that presidential primary "would be a would amount to $14 set up, Carney said local Lansing form a transit disaster" for his White House government representatives to department, month to be divided bet YOUR TV campaign. the Authority are called on to Citing successful city-operated the six governments ao Ytaza Beat He said he expects to win but won't act as staff members, and not as the number of miles travels bus systems in Kalamazoo and BY THE 1 take New Hampshire voters for policy granted. body acting as a Ann Arbor, Carney said Lansing ^ •23.00 ' OFF A A 14" 1<1" OR OR 1fi" 16" PI77 PIZZA increased subsidies expe He filed nominating petitions and from each governmental the $500 fee to put his name on tlie New - Hampshire ballot and eluded 50( (1 ITEM OR MORE) OFFER GOOD THRU JAN. 10 some cases doubling and tri previous support of the sys BY THE IV 9.50 "most of my major competitors" for Carney denied that the OFF CAMPUS figures were reasons for bypassing the lead-off state. - CIRCLE DRIVE 337-1631 ON CAMPUS DELIVERY 337-1681 recommendation, COMPACT Hoover credits devices REFRIGERATO KMC IV R 337-1: FBI Director J. RENTALS Edgar Hoover said Thursday in Sorority United Rent All 351-565j Washington that conviction of syndicate gangsters has - increased and inuch credit for the rise is due to evidence zz tr gleaned from electronic surveillance devices. "These devices have been increasingly valuable in penetrating these complex, tightly-knit conspiracies involving intricate security precautions, and most of the Winter Rush a i THE DAILY % 1,200 arrests under the Organized Crime Control Act were made possible by them," Hoover said. He said that convictions in the field of crime rose from 468 in 1970 to more than 650 in 1971 organized Sign UP MER DIAN MALL and added "much of the credit for these gains should go to court-approved electronic surveillance devices provided for in recent legislation." It's Fi Pioneer auto maker dies Robert S. McLaughlin, a pioneer automobile maker TODAY XPOSED! Panic In New York; Ski anywheE can go ski ti a' no chaegt selection of Cfioose (Eon Thru Jan. 10th r who grew up with the industry, died Thursday in bindings It Menami* A'Mkt Loose Oshawa, Ont. at the age of 100. SKI RENTAI Poles and b Up until last year, he spent an hour daily at the plant At last, the bargains are out in the Pe< weeken of General Motors of Canada, Ltd., that he built in 101 Student Services semi-annual Meridian Mall open' It's the At all thEee Oshawa in 1907. Sidewalk Sale Friday and Saturday! Fun! Foods! DOWNHILL McLaughlin was chairman of the board of General ''esh new s Fashions for Motors of Canada at the time of his death. He retired as 8-1 2pm, 1 -5 pm family, and everyone. Values for home furnishings galore. the whole TheiE Custo Let ot director of the parent firm in the United States in 1967. Don't miss out on the values at the semi annual Meridian sidewalk sale! Friday and Mall Saturday. East Grand River and Marsh Road. Baby on moon predicted Space expert Wernher von Braun predicted Thursday in Washington the moon will be colonized and a baby am - born there within the next 19 years. "I'm convinced that before the year 2000 is over, the first child will be born on the moon," said von Braun, SHOPPING CENTER deputy associate administrator of the National East Grand River Aeronautics and Space Administration. and Marsh Road "Coming back to earth, maybe to get his college education, he may even complain about the one-G gravity - you know, that he isn't used to it." MiLhigan State News, bast Lansing, Michigan Friday, January 7, 1972 3 STATE LAWYERS CLAIM S. replaces )Voy to Egypt No fault plan hurts poor AP) The only U.S. diplomat based in Egypt since By JOANNA FIRESTONE i Israeli war is leaving his post with the hope that suing for pain and suffering because his State News Staff Writer |l967 Ara brjn^ so|Ution to the Middle Kast. medical expenses do not reach $5,000. ""'/lions are not going to be easy but intractable The State Bar of Michigan turned thumbs The same kind of discrimination between Wot iJkp Berlin, can be negotiated and that is what I hope down to a key provision of Gov. Milliken's accident victims could also arise in Another gap in Milliken's . rt, in 1972," Donald C. Bergus said Thursday. recommendation, Franck said, it its failure proposed no fault auto insurance plan late different locations within a state, the Inmost important task is to .naintain the cease-fire between Wednesday, calling the plan potentially Illinois court said, since medical hospital to prohibit arbitrary cancellation by fur . jsra,,| | do not see war serving anybody's purpose .... unconstitutional because it discriminates costs may vary from one part of the state insurers or refusal to renew policies. H v is to do what we can to facilitate these negotiations," against the poor. to another. "We do not criticize the governor's lu told an interviewer after bidding farewell to President The provision, part of a comprehensive Milliken said the purpose of proposal because it is labeled no fault," he program revealed by the governor including the t'ifnfted States announced Wednesday that Bergus was to be Wednesday, prohibits a lawsuit by an proposal in his plan for a Michigan no fault said. "The State Bar of Michigan has in fact endorsed a no fault auto insurance program Ud by Joseph M. Greene Jr., who has served as No. 2 man accident victim for pain and suffering, program is to omit the percentage lawyers which would provide prompt and adequate Washington London and New Delhi and is the same age as where death, permanent disability or now take in fees when battles to engaging in court determine noneconomic losses payment without litigation for losses in the disfigurement are not involved, unless vast majority of auto accidents — including mswho has serged eight years in Egypt and one year in medical expenses exceed $5,000. under the pain and suffering category. vehicle damage losses which today account (ton in charge of its Egypt desk, plans to leave Cairo for A similar provision in the new Illinois no The Bar also criticized the governor's for more than two-thirds of all the In five days, hoping to avoid long goodbyes. fault law violates the U.S. Constitution, proposal because it excludes recovery from insurance premium dollars paid by et devoting nine years of your life to a country, you don't according to a recent Illinois Supreme the party at fault for vehicle damage in a American motorists. Xwithout a sense of regret," he said. Bergus has accepted a Court decision, because it arbitrarily moving accident. This would make it fndiplomat in residence at the University of South Carolina, discriminates between rich and poor. necessary for every motorist, through his "We do believe that any no fault plan Tnlumbia, until May. The Illinois court noted studies which insurance company, to bear the cost of which fails to meet the most serious £ sai(j goodby to Sadat privately after escorting Sen. indicate that the affluent pay more for partial or total loss of his vehicle even if he problems of the present system will hurt Id Bentsen, D-Tex., to the president's office. medical and hospital care than do the poor is not at fault. those it is most intended to help," he said. lChief U.S. diplomat in Cairo since the 1967 conflict, Bergus' because of inexpensive treatment made I brand of diplomacy won Egyptian assurances of safety available to low-income families. "The governor's plan appears to based on Voir /'/// it in Franck said the governor's plan fails to [Tore than 3,000 American living in Egypt in 1970 when U.S. A high-income accident victim, the Bar the theory that the insurance company is meet these problems although it does E|t warplanes were overhead during Israel's deep penetration This gaping hole near the Library was dug recently to allow argues, might reach the $5,000 the driver's good friend," Michael Franchk, include some desirable and useful features medical-hospital State Bar executive director said. access to a broken water main. There was some expense threshold which which improve upon no fault measures ■also won an invitation to Secretary of State William P. Rogers seepage into the Library and a few books were permits him to sue for pain and suffering "Anyone who has ever agonized over introduced in the Michigan legislature to ■isit Egypt last May on a precedent setting trip. Formal ties damaged. losses while a poor accident victim whether or not to report a minor claim to date. Ireen Egypt and the United States were severed in 1967. State News photo by Milton Horst receiving low-cost treatment is barred from BOWL "MIDNITE COUPLES" Nixon, Sato open discussions Every Saturday nite CLEMENTE, Calif. (AP) — President Nixon said Brandt had remained in Florida for International trade and industry. sources expected the proposal to be discussed at 1 and Japanese Prime Minister Eisaku Sato a vacation. "He sends his best wishes," Nixon Stans was reported by the Los Angeles Times the San Clemente talks. *No average necessary Id two days of talks at the western White said. "He's fishing. He likes to fish deep sea." Thursday to have proposed that Japan, the U.S. White House aides refused to discuss specifics E Thursday that U.S. officials predicted Sato made the 33-mile trip from his Newport and the Soviet Union undertake a joint hunt for to be covered in the meetings, but indicated ■d reaffirm economic and political ties Beach hotel headquarters by motorcade, traveling petroleum in Siberia. The times said Japanese trade matters would get high priority. *Dollar prizes paid same nite Tn the two Pacific powers. down the coastal highway and then a freeway, n greeted Sato warmly when the black shadowed by a security helicopter circling aloft •Liquor served in lanes ne, borrowed from the presidential fleet, in the sparkling blue sky. o the entrance of the low slung office Even before the two allied leaders began their (our prices are competitive - Jjng that serves as the President's two days conference, White House officials compare) Kuarters when he is at his nearby oceanside indicated they expected hard bargaining to focus pementf home. NOTICE on troublesome trade issues. These officials have a Marine drum and bugle corps played contended that Japan's tariff and quota system Call now for reservations L| music, Nixon introduced Sato to 14 U.S. discriminates against U.S. products, and that Ct members and other officials here for Japanese curbs on U.S. investments are too stiff Br level talks with their Japanese The U.S. preoccupation with economic issues Timber Lanes & Lounge lerparts Sato then introduced Nixon to the was underscored when Secretary of Treasury For your convenience during the first few frustrating, hysterical, and e delegation, and the two proceeded to John B. Connally, Nixon's chief negotiator on 2900 N. U.S. 27 bummer days of Winter term - we will be open late. Starting today, esident's paneled office where they sat in international trade and monetary matters, paid leasy chairs as photographers filed in to an informal pre-conference call on his Japanese until Friday, Jan. 14, our hours will be 9 to 9. except Saturday — 9 to Lansing, Phone — 489-1467 Tlthi iu'ne. counterpart at a Newport Beach hotel Connally 5. So, don't pull your liair out. buy your books, drop and add, I Japanese leader asked Nixon about West also had dinner with Nixon Wednesday night. etc., and then stop by and look at some hi-fi components. See ya! Ian Prime Minister Willy Brandt who had While Nixon meets with Sato. Connally confers li'H/i Nixon last >veek in Florida as part ul' with Japanese Finance Minister Mitoio Miauta and It's series ot summit talks with allied leaders Secretary of Commerce Maurice H. Stans meets ■to his journeys to Peking and Moscow. with Kakuei Tanaka, Japan's Minister of HI FI BUYS Welcome | BY RENT I YOUR TV. THE TERM . . Alpha Too Omega The Mm conliallv im ih' of mhi lit 5- 1101 E. Grand River Phone 337-2310 Back! !23.00 | BY THE MONTH Open Rush *9.50 7-10 P.M. Mon. ■ Wed. Free Service Free Delivery Free Pick-up /.>/ I'jVi'i'fsn'vii |EJU IV RENTALS 1 I I I ( oil for ritlrs 337 1300 try cross-country skiing Join us for a cozy lunch or dinner — it's ?. wonderful way to start the winter term. Enjoy our luncheon stacks, It's Fun! It's Easy! sandwiches and salads. And for your evening dining pleasure I Ski anywhere anytime. Individuals and groups an go ski touring anywhere there is snow . . . a'no charge We otler Michigan's largest I ec,l0n of quality Scandinavian cross country skis. I SALAD BAR hi °ose ,,om 3 wide variety of boots, skis and | SKI1 "ings It's easy to learn. Come join in the fun. RENTAL Rent Poies and your cross-country skis, boots, Heie s a savings you won t STEAKS LOBSTER bindings for just $5.00 per day or $7.50 Ar„n!!kend Ful1 week ra,e. $10.00. a"th,ee Raupp locations. want to miss on great looking SPIRITS downhill skis. Raupp's Lansing location has a cowhide belts by Albert Weiss ThPi" r6W selec,ion of downhill Customizer skis and boots. with ornamental metal buckles et 0ur system will foam-fit any boot. experts fit you up. in antiqued or gleaming K1N E WI N E S gold tone and silver tone There s a variety of widths in black brown or tan. Sizes S M L Serving Sun.-Thurs. RAUPP 11 a.m. 10 p.m. Campfitters jAop' - '••59 ORCHAR0 LAK( FARMINOTON Fri. & Sat. til 11:30 p.m. »' SOUTH A&Hlt V ANN ARBOR »o« t Michigan ian«i>iQ(t«r Lounge open til 2 a.m. Jncobsoi is 1110 Trowbridge Road 351-8720 JACOBSON'S OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL NINE MICHIGAN ART BUCHWALD STATE NEWS UNIVERSITY Glorious momen 0 JOHN JUEL editor-in-chief KEN LYNAM candidate 1 milli advertising manager WASHINGTON - "Ladies and Excuse me, please. Excuse the TV cameras get in, DAVE PERSON, managing editor gentlemen: "This is John Chancellor of NBC News thank you . . . sir, what please^' CHARLIE CAIN city editor isy0llrn. , and I am standing at the entrance of the "Archibald Partridge iv 0f BILL HOLSTEIN, campus editor Democratic National Headquarters here in Fails, Kan." BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor Washington, D.C., with Larry O'Brien, "How does it feel to be the RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor chairman of the Democratic party, as well Democratic candidate to annou- as many other political dignitaries on what presidency of the United States?" Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award indeed is an historic occasion. We are "Well, it certainly came as a- for outstanding journalism. gathered to honor the one millionth person me. When I left Cranberry Falls to announce his candidacy for President of ago there were only 897,561 ai, the United States on the Democratic candidates and I really didn't ticket. near it. But my wife th!' Elsbeth & "The excitement has been building all drive by way of New EDITORIALS morning. As you can see by the computer a chance.'" Jersey you behind me, the Democratic candidates have "Sir, could you tell us been announcing on the average of 45 an announced for the highest why J hour. land?" officii Council at-larg "In just a few minutes the millionth candidate will walk through this door, and he will be in for many surprises. "I want to give the country a choice. The other Democratic candidates people are all "There goes the computer - 999,996. . same thing. I feel the people .999,997. . .999,998. . .999,999. . .ONE ideas, new innovations and new erase MILLION! And here he comes - the man They sick and tired of the rl group who is the one millionth candidate to announce he will run for President of the old people." are formulas. Partridge stands United States on the Democratic ticket! "Are you going to run in The apprehensions many had "There is bedlam here in the lobby. That the... "All of them. The polls indicate about the 10 at-large minority cheer you just heard came from volunteer very good chance to take New H- representatives to the Academic workers. And now, as you can see, the Florida, Wisconsin, California and Council were partially fulfilled when millionth candidate is being surrounded by providing the voters split betw the Democratic party dignitaries, who are other 999,999 candidates." Mark Jaeger, one of the "nonwhites congratulating him and slapping him on the "Thank you, sir. Mr. O'Briei who are neither black or Chicano" back. Let me see if I can get my make the presentation. Let's listen. members of the council, was ousted microphone in here and talk to him. "Mr. Partridge, on behalf by the Student committee on Democratic Party it is a great hor Nominations. to welcome you as the one millk OUR READERS' MIND presidential candidate. To sh< Jaeger's name was allowed on the ballot in the Academic Council at appreciation I would like to pre with a check for $25. large elections last term by this very Frat "I also am presenting living: total experience' you i committee. At same the committee accepted election time Jaeger's external differences. "Females only" a prepaid airline ticket which entitle one round-trip flight on the between Washington and New York self-proclaimed minority status with seats have the same impact as no questions at all. But after his "whites only" schools and "males "Furthermore, to show our gratit:il are giving you this $10 election, the office of Black Affairs To the Editor: total education while he is in college. championships won by fraternities. bag of dim only" bars. Arbitrary separation of One of the most important aspects can make 100 local telephone questioned Jaeger's legitimacy. With the increasing complexity and of Perhaps fraternities are best known for sociological groups can only make us fraternity life here at State is that of small our social programs, and launch your nationwide campaign. Despite his 1/16 Winnebago Indian impersonality of the large university comes rightly so. We do "That isn't all, Mr. Partridge more aware of our external group living. Through mutual cooperation an ever increasing need for students to be everything from an evening at Mac's Bar to Democratic party takes care of heritage, Jaeger was unseated as differences. The day when we all learn able to identify with a smaller group. The we govern ourselves and maintain our a ski-weekend, to a formal party. Here is a gift certificate which ent being nonrepresentative of any that we are all alike, all equal is still fraternity today, even more so than in the house. Friendship is the key to fraternity The opportunity to develop one's life and small group living is just that. to one bucket of Kentucky Fried minority's interests. far away when we find ourselves past, provides a group of friends to which capacities for leadership are greatly In any state where you choose to The crucial point here is not the individual feels a sense of belonging Learning how to study, to discern, and to enhanced by fraternity membership. creating barriers in order to break and identification. evaluate is vital to one's education, and Whether it is a house officer, a committee "Ladies and gentlemen, as you whether Jaeger has the qualifications barriers. fraternities extend this type of learning Mr. Partridge is speechless, his to represent nonwhite, nonblack, member, or campus organization, the Additionally the campus at-large At a school of 42,000 students it's hard into the practical world. Discussions opportunity is there if you want it. These crying and even Mayor Daley ha and non-Chicano people. The matter was less than enthusiastic about the to find someplace to be. Be in the sense around the house will expose you to running down his cheek. This ha that you need something to become leadership experiences can certainly be been a day that will long be remem which must be seriously investigated different ideas and force you to justify Academic Council at-large elections, helpful in future years. involved in and identify with. Many never your own. American political history. This , is whether any special interest group as shown by the extremely low Fraternities today certainly don't breed find a place, but rather just exist. Some of Athletically the fraternity blocK^bas been Chancellor in Washington. Now Sdeserves special consideration in any turnout. The nature of the election find our place in fraternities. conformity. There, are to^ many us the strongest part of IM sports. This is well opportunities to be different when you art our stojdio^ in New York ..." r,,Universit}Mvide governing group. In probably had much to do with it. proven by the number of All "U" a fraternity member. It's all a Copyright 1972, Los Angeles Tin part of the particular, the time has come to** The average white male MSU student What does joining a fraternity really "total spectrum" available to you. examine whether the 10 at-large mean? Is it fun and games? Is it an easy way to seats on the Academic Council was unable to relate to an election where only nonwhites and women get through those dull classes? Is it the Nixon bomb The fraternity system as it enters it's 100th year at State will continue to should be exclusively reserved for would be winners. status symbol way to date the "foxy" girls on campus? No, it isn't. Most provide an educational experience based on LETTER POLICY guys come to To the Editor: special interests. Of course the opposite has been mutual understanding and democratic college to get an education; not just an We've had the atom bomb, the hydrogen When students were granted seats the rule for much too long. But the academic education but a "total bomb, the napalm bomb and now the regulation. Too many people are willing to laugh us The State News welcomes all on the Academic Council, many idea of campus government should education." The total spectrum of college "Nixon bomb" — seven and a half tons of off as archaic and useless They should be typed and signed claimed life is available as a fraternity man at MSU. square mile destruction killing everything because we have that certain be to involve all people. The funny names and history. So what? home town, student, faculty The guy that wants to get it all together within a mile radius. Its unofficial name is underprivileged groups , would not be structure of the Academic Council can do it as a Greek and have a good time, the Command Vault. I suggest that this I believe that the "total experience" of standing, and local phone adequately represented. Thus the ten fraternity life can be the most rewarding included. No unsigned letter at-large seats prevents this. The too. unimaginable horror be named the "Nixon part of your college career. accepted for publication, and no let at-large seats were reserved for these arbitrary racial and sexual D-escalator Bomb." be printed without a fraternities don't produce men out of a Ron Barnes signature e: groups. Yet the results of the Robert A. Kutchins qualifications for at-large mold either. Instead we offer the President extreme circumstances. All letters election of undergraduate Haslett resident representatives should be eliminated. concerned male the opportunity to get a Dec. 29,1971 Interfraternity Council less than 300 words long for puU representatives to the council from All individuals interested in holding Jan. 5, 1972 without editing. the colleges do not support these such a seat should be allowed to claims. Nonwhites and women were petition with the 10 largest vote elected from the colleges; they have BARNEY WHITE getters in a general election receiving Q not' been left out. In this light, the spoils. reserving the at-large seats for The Academic Council provides a women and nonwhites only allows means for students to* promote them special consideration when they merit nothing of the sort. Even more significantly, the serious upheavel in the academic structure of the University. The council's present form alienates a Let's bury the corpse now psychological implications of setting considerable number of students. It up nonwhite and nonmale seats on must be changed not only in the It sort of was a tradition really. Every roughly 18 aphids and their parasites the council establishes new barriers of fairness but also to remind null-power cornacopia. TTiey move around name Wednesday afternoon for as long as I can seeking to suck their share of the so much from year to year that Why? to replace the traditional racist and us that we are not boys, girls, remember the State News edit writers have they By default, of Who else null-power of ASMSU. seldom have ample opportunity to course. sexist ones. The council structure Chicanos, Jews, blacks, and orientals, gathered around in their cave to get their The blacks were the first to become consolidate their power. Besides they lack stupid enough to want, to need, a only serves to remind all of us that but people, one people which must weekly yucks by examining a transcript of coopted. Giddy with heady grants of the null-action of ASMSU? the previous night's ASMSU a corporate identity, and their cream is all we have failed to learn to meeting. money and office space they have become too often skimmed off People, haven't you had just ignore our learn to live together. And the doughty student board could by other campus enough? Student government is no an ingrained part of the null-power social groupings. always be counted on to do something structure and are exceedingly loath to upset even a joke on this campus - it has bi asinine, be it capriciously impeaching one A simple transfusion of it. personnel in and a cancer unhealthy in nature and it New welfare another, holding brownie encounter session or — a favorite — granting thousands of student tax dollars to organizations which Certainly, they still bandy about buzz words such as "racist" but this is knee-jerk of itself is not the answer. The now stands breeds living flesh and bone. system as it mediocrity for that is its of remedy. reminiscent of the ceremonial name-calling do not even obliquely serve student of the so-called Paris Peace Talks. Few save Remember: simply because has been for all something MISPLACED MIM( slight interests, generally "minorities" of one sort iotpr the occasional your memory does not a or another. them seriously Kevin-come-lately takes anymore. mean that it must necessarily always be. To: Max Neils, manage Sometimes, too they would opt to simply There are alternatives. automotive services For a brief while it looked like the freaks freak out all over the place For openers you The first bill to go before the U.S. leaving poor Dr. might be able to breathe some life into the might consider the would require all mothers with Hekhuis, the faculty advisor, adrift in a biblical suggestion which moldering stu gov corpse. But they were begins "If thine Re: Bus pass House of Representatives, H.R. 1, children under the age of three to cloud of turkey feathers. eye offend thee ..." price hikes just doing it for a trip. As soon as "political was the Nixon administration's In all of those several years of Dear Driver: prize register for work, the Talmadge Wednesday involvement" became passe, as has This leaves the Greeks heir to the welfare proposal. Since afternoons I truthfully cannot recall more student its proposal put the age of the children than a handful of true psychedelic experimentation, they dropped government sarcophagus. With the price of bus passes introduction last January "accomplishments" it like a hot roach. Consider the freak nee Interesting; what the up to six. Also, an amendment to an that were extracted. But what the we have here is the completion of a classic up, it looks like there's going11 has been "lost" heck, we Justin Morrill regime of a year or so ago. dynastic cycle. In the beginning all was measure in the older bill has taken would tell ourselves, so what if ASMSU lot more (ruekin' than bussii steps to (Moral: beneath the hair we arc the same Greek, blazer-wearing, legislature. As a result, taxpayers encourage businessmen to hire isn't worth the powder it would take to people our parents are.) plastic-smiling, campus this term. have had a year to become even blow them to Snyder, at least racist/elitist Geek. Now on the horizon recipients for on the job training. they The poor dormies, the RHA-ites and the tarnished star generate good copy. of the more disgruntled with rising welfare The basic idea here is sound. other building blocks of nature, have never neo-Greek, R.C Unfortunately this is blue-jeaned, long-haired, elitist and plastic costs. even no longer true. really had a chance to dip deep into the rises toward zenith. Further, the traditional answer to I used to think that it was just me Last week the bill or rather a few welfare chisling has been to cut becoming jaded to the machinations of DOONESBURY parts of it-was acted on in the form appropriations. Usually this dubious student boardsmanship. It was simply my by Garry Trudej of amendments to a Social Security jaundiced eye, I thought, that made the tactic serves only to punish the sick, YESS/R, JUST TODAY I ISPECIALLY I/O ENGLISH. measure. The result was hardly a the old and others who people involved appear even less competent MICHAEL, YOU ARE WAS THINKING, *OH, THAT WHEN IT COMES TO are unable to (if such a thing is possible), the squabbles SOIE KIND OF great step forward, but at least it was SMART y ultimate in ^ven't fallen asleep) a Term with knowledge the way we are its parent is one 0off learning learning experience, chance to experience, aa chance U, ton ci.!|5J!! two students were nn suspended jWj ^re fretchln8 and padding, packing a Paper for few small borrowed ideas into an emerges. Man wins again! supposed to be when we begin astonishment, because the B. read an* original J;--;-!: thesis, a full -- Of course, at our level we are to package and produce .it in the - offspring. .. exposes the system for . range of disciplines and topics, turning in identical papers to indigestible soup of superfluous thui. i i tui.u A. . .. „ „ * —' . sophisticated aDoui very sopmsiicaiea about now how we most impersonal impersonal and ana efficient emcieni what u is. wiidi. it is. MSU cries, "Did iviau cries, uia Ii sire sire an easily-digestible j crystillization pvpnic events events rirmi firmlv firmly / in • in minri• ,4 mind, ii* 1 wmiM would verbiage manded Because what is absurd, and describe this process. We are wav possible? It takes a little this bastard'.'" and turns its head of the world. When it begins to like to submit the b seeking truth, etc. etc. But guts,; revolting awareness, and a from the term-paperservice. For offer education, we'll all enroll. following as a i mpossible expecting the vu'T -"Tir'r" anyone who has ever lot of money to buy a term PhLnin! T,, P : Profusf'y a"al T"680 StUd.ent ^ encountered the world knows paper. 1 confess the thought of it ( ® ° PaPefj. excrete something small and that its stuff is inherently makes me feel guilty. But the surfacing. To think we have We bought into Write-On long in in asmrlnf i "]|0re aspiring nporpp.orahhur » a °us hurdles degree-grabber faces, faroc compact intallinlkla enough intelligible, a itlomnnii n to be unmanageable, that it's always betrayal of ourselves to ourselves reached the point where we buy diamond in »u° u the . , . ,, , ... ,, ago. What we're really disgusted escaping our grasp. But we have has taken place long ago. Buying our way through college! (Well, with is ourselves. Like the registration process, toilet, so to speak, the hubris to think we can study term paper writing is an exercise Act timing. The first-term Psychology ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ wades through The term paper is the last act 8omething-or-other""oi?e hour a In the modern drama of n three or four quote-unquote Education which spends weeks of stars Efficiency and on one ten-page Productivity. Pursuing the goal day, three days a week for ten weeks Every day at the same time the beast comes to class J Welcome Bock Students And Faculty J J and we aU happen to be there to student is going to of a secure mind, the University graduate, by the time she's a bravely shuts up all of creation ^ak him up? Incredible, _ . Professional KWIK STOP » SlurJ* Senior she's learned to register in into disciplines, embodies in With the growth of ten minutes (room-hopping and colleges and departments, and OPEN fill Universities vlllIJ1Illltl comes »,*»»..*■ the v..* ...jg like the star of a Japanese science-fiction movie, [[smiling reptile greets old and new drinkers alike at line-cutting and forging then divides the disciplines into signatures at will) and to spend classes, packaged prizes of at most one all-nighter wisdom which fit very nicely professionalization of its tasks, Teachers professionals, want to to become be certified, ; Abbott Road. Pink lizards, anyone? concocting a passage 20 to (with the help of computers) J n State News photo by Ken Ferguson 30-page paper. The tricks into certain buildings at certain hours at certain seasons of the tenured, guaranteed unionized, sanctified. exercise dominion paid, their 2:00 A.M. Students clump together over "THE COLDEST BEER IN TOWN" College year. particular tiny portion of the /ening into these boxes, and agree to spend their time there for ten weeks with one teacher. We all Beast, they establish territoriality (this department, this specialty, this class). Now Domestic & Imported know how it works. It is The who is going to expect that . CHILLED WINE - CHAMPAGNE )ver variety of System. But it is us. The principles involved are students, living for their entire cogent Ufe in the same Domestic & Imported lies ranging from suicide to Courses designed to develop Man and nature is the subject make the world managable, try mo » t cla sub simplicity.^Try^to —»»«—« »— atmosphere, aren't going to DAILY 9:30 - 2:00 A.M. | SUNDAY 12:00 • 2:00 A.M. | professiona|ize their tasks too? on microscopy will be conversational and reading skills of Field Natural Science, Indoor to create something tangible out We all know we've got it all Ined in the 54 courses in French, German and Spanish Plants and Flowers, Orchid of the world without actually down to a System (strange word CONVENIENT PARKING - LOCATED NEXT TO THE KOKO BAR yL by the Evening College are being offered. Culture and Wilderness Survival, touching- it,- acting- upon popping up here) which allows Man and the future will be Divide , and - reduce, categorize us to expend ,ust the bare ★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ling College, a division of explored in the courses; You and To register for Evening College Kontinuing Education the Universe, The Literature of courses and for further It, holds noncredit courses the Unknown, Actualizing information contact the |term for students and Change in Life Style, The registration desk in the main rs of the community. The Children of Tomorrow and lobby of Kellogg Center 8 a.m.- I week-long sessions cost an Cybernetics: The Mind/Machine. 5 p.m. e of $18 with special lie class. DONALDSON lational affairs will be ii the courses China he World, ASSOCIATES The Israeli Conflict, Northern : Civil or Religious War Insurance/Investments i.S. Foreign Policy in the Financial Planning for the Professional Man ic0mpact Ifrigerator | RENTALS ;d Rem • All 351-5652 Representing Central Life/Iowa JANUARY WHITE SALE of WEDDING GOWNS 10% OFF ON ALL SPRING-SUMMER Ibur four years WEDDING GOWNS PURCHASED IN JANUARY of college should be EVERY brand new Spring and included white, ivory, pastel. Our Summer style is collection of new worth more than a degree. But there's a lot more. For instance, you can choose from Spring-Summer bridal fashions is complete. At BRIDES Army ROTC is the leadership course. Enroll in Army ROTC and you learn to lead — to work with people. You're 17 different branches of the Army. This enables you to serve SHOWCASE you save 10% during January on all assured of a challenging job after graduation with the option as an officer in a field directly related to your degree. We SPECIAL orders as well as bridal gowns in stock. This of returning to civilian life in two years or less - with a also have a flight program that can qualify you as an aviator even includes dresses by PRISCILLA, coutourier to while you're still in school. If you are a veteran the first post graduate "degree" in leadership and management White House Weddings. experience. two years of our program will be waived in your case. Plus we take care of you while you're still in school You In Army ROTC you are guaranteed four or more years of BRIDAL GOWNS FROM $55 will receive $100 per month in your junior and senior years uninterrupted ^jliege because of a special draft deferment You will have an opportunity to apply for an Army ROTC You can also postpone your active duty service as an officer scholarship which pays for all tuition, books and fees. if you decide to aainan advanced degree. When you look at all the facts, Army ROTC has a lot to offer you. Mon., Thurs.: 10:00 • 9:00 Tues.,Wed., Frl., Sat.: 10:00 -6:30 Freshmen and Veterans-Add Army ROTC. Ph. 332 5081 Pick Up An Add Card For Military Science 121. 1047 E.GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING Call 355-1913 or stop by Demonstration Hall today. 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. Januj 122LZJ9 Michigan BENGALIS REJECT PLANS Pakistani offers to visit Dacca Rv THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Bhutto said a visit by him before allowing him to return to released than in hearing of a visit democracy. But he backed from any pledge to President Zulfikar All Bhutto would permit further talks with Dacca. by Bhutto. end ' law and set offered Thursday to travel to Sheik Mujibur Rahman, the Humayan Rashld Chaudhury, "No head of state visits another country without a governments up constiS Dacca for reconciliation talks Bangladesh leader detained in head of the Bangladesh mission in the i but a Bangladesh spokesman Pakistan. Bhutto has promised In India, said In New Delhi his formal Invitation," Chaudhury remaining Pakistani provi J said since the Pakistani leader to release Sheik Mujlb country remained worried about hadn't been Invited his offer was unconditionally but said he Sheik MuJIb's safety and was aald, "and we have not Invited Bhutto to visit Dacca." Bhutto said he law aa "cover" for his neSded2 r»f„ meaningless. wanted one more round of talks more interested In getting him Chaudhury's comment which he said next would, land ownership and reflected Bangladesh's claim to The agrlcul? nationhood, so far recognized new govern™ Local church only by India and Bhutan. Bhutto, who took over following loss of the territory to nationalized 10 basic Industry categorta Sunday but agriculture—the mainstay 0i 0 -> Indian-backed secessionists, Pakistani economy-in D continued to maintain It could hands. 3-day St. John's Student Parish of retreat for a few days to bring them Since Its beginning In 1966, retain links to Pakistan. "I believe there is great aentlment for Pakistan among the people of East Pakistan," he aald. "Existing realities are mrt Despite Bhutto's p|eds. Sheik round leaders Mujlb will be fl return to Dacca after of talks, Band¬ continued au th, t East Lansing plans a "Weekend closer to God and to each other the weekend has been based on remarks. " In Christian Living" to be held the Idea that people, as a permanent realities." In Christian community," Mark Bangladesh was the province each term for MSU's Catholic McAlplne, student coordinator community, help each other to of East Pakistan until India students In Springport, for the retreat said. grow In faith and understanding crushed Pakistani defenses In a e Michigan. "The basic Idea of the weekend Is not to preach, not to This term, on Jan. 14, 15 and 16, 50 people and members will live, talk, 18 team play and of God. two-week Alpine said many go with assisted the secessionists in questions about religion, about war last month and setting up the government of Evans to serv< r convert. It's to give people the morals, about their lives on chance to live In a Christian pray together at the Michigan campus. Some go with gripes Bangladesh. as minister at Baptist Assn. camp, borrowed Bfew about their church and others go Bhutto, talking with reporters atmosphere with other people for the weekend for the retreat. under a tent on his ancestral just to meet new people. farm In southern Pakistan, said UNIVERSITY EDGEWOOD UNITED One student whose friends he would fly to Rawalpindi on church for de< talked him into making a CHURCH SEVENTH-DAY 469 N. Hagadorn Weekend said he had expected Friday for the wlndup conferences with Sheik Mujlb. The Rev. Noel R. Evans ADVENTIST CHURCH An Ecumenical Fellowship to see a lot of holy people But he refused to divulge details will serve as minister of clutching roaarys and was of the Worship Services Sabbath School 9:30 surprised to find most everyone release. Bangladesh leader's Church for the Deaf house< 9:30 else with the same questions and the First Assembly of God, Worship Service 11:00 Sermon He said he already has freed Weber Drive, Lansing. E* doubts about their faith and K. G. Smith, pastor Dr. Truman A. Morrison Dr. Kamal Hussian, the only who Is deaf, will begin church. New Liturgy 11:00 other leader of Sheik Mujlb's Sunday as Minister to the Reservations for the winter 149 Highland Ave. College Group Meeting Awaml League independence of the Greater Lansing Area. term Weekend In Christian Call 351-8994 if you 6:30-8:00 party held by Pakistani Before coming to the Lti Living are being taken at St. authorities. The need area, Evans served as asst. pi of Ea transportation Fbr rides call John's office on MAC Avenue or American-educated Hussain of the Silent Assembly ol the 11 new | 332-0606 or 332-8693 by phone. surrendered last April following Riverside Tabernacle in f ST. JOHN the March 25 military where his wife, who is also STUDENT CENTER THE crackdown during which Sheik was music director. Sunday Masses: 327 M.A.C. §;30 6:00p.m. EPISCOPAL COMMUNITY AT M.S.U. Mujlb was arrested and the seeds of civil war were sown. Bhutto said he planned announce new steps later this to The church offers Su School at 9:45 a.m. and Wo Service at 10:50 a.i Sunday, regardless u 11:15 9:00'- The R#v. Jack Hllyard, Chaplain month toward restoration of denomination. ■flNGTON ( Saturday 7:00 p.m. "Join the Jesus Pivpk' ;on indicate ALL SAINTS CHURCH UNIVERSITY carrier-led ta United Pentecostal Chur i Indian Ocei BAPTIST CHURCH 360 Clement (near ikistan war 4608 South the Sveden House) ng of reguU Hagadorn Sun. Morn. 10:00 is in th John D. Walden - Pastor >a. Sun. Eve. 7:30 llini™ Walter Bucher, Pastor For Information Tra^i^rtytioP <» Wed. Eve. 7:30 For rides call •*'W5i07&4'ar'872-4T55 ID spokesm fim s?id An be expeci DUcusilon Gf6up 11:00 A.M. Bus Schedule 332-8472 ian Ocean " M.A.C.: 8:00,12:30,4:30 PiSttffV r"""' The Rev. Wm. A. Eddy For more information School of Ditclpleship 6:45 the future, Rev. Ron Hackworfh East: Mon. thru Thur. 9:30 P.M. and transportation are able to d ph. 351-3389 or Worship Sunday School Phone: 372-4755 484-7589 r U.S. 10:00 AM 11:00 AM UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN Central United Methodi n choii Across from the Capitol CHURCH CAMPUS HOUSE UNIVERSITY UNITED Worship Seiviccs 310 N. Hagadoru 251 W. Grand River METHODIST CHURCH 9:4.5 11:00 es EPC Discussion Groups 9:30 a.m Dr. Howard A. Lyman Bible Study 9:45 a.i 1120 South Harrison "The Mandershi Beauty of God's l.oti . Worship 10:45 a.m. I Phone 351-7030 icultural ecc Nursery ) ALV "Do You Need Crib Nursery thru Klndergi 9:45 • 12:00 ed chairrr Minister, Kali Ruffner • Can- an Enemy 7" ional Policie • G Some Adult Classes 9:4 Thursday, 332-5193 332-3035 • 351-7844 Rev. Donn Doten lersheid sue* Church school 10:45 e.rr ollings, pi Free Transportation Bus Service available log)', as chaii 485-947/ EPC meets Morning Worship 9:30 and 11:00 broad educ Christian Reformed Church Church School 9:30 and 11:00 o advise tl :il and the and Student Center Nursery PEOPLES CHURCH changes and 1509 River Terrace (across from Hubbard Hall) 11 AM "1" The Cleft of the Rock " EAST LANSING Visit our new Student Center — east lansing trinity church JrIn Vk. open dally 9 a.m. • 11 p.m. Lunch Wednesday 12:30 • 1:30 841 Tlmberlane Drive The Olde World Bread and Ale would like to wish you a very Happy New Year and welcome you back to East Lansing. MORNING SERVICE EVENING SERVICE Stanley R. Rellly, Acting Pastor in Interdenominational East Lansing Telephone: 351-8200 SUNDAY SERVICE 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. University Classes 9:45 a.m. As you prepare to face a new term — take time out to discover the unexpected at the for transportation call 351-6360 882-1425 "Man with a Message" P"1, Dr. Robertson preaching at H or Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer 7:00 p.m. Olde World. There you'll find Olde "To Reflect A Resolve World Flavor ... in the food and in the FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF OKEMOS 4684 MARSH ROAD LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES atmosphere. Join us today and discover (near Meijers Thrifty Acres) for yourself, but remember, CHURCH SCHOOL expect the An unaffiliated church ALC - LCA LCMS unexpected at the Olde World Bread and proclaiming the for Students and 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. Bible as THE WORD of TTie Faculty at for Students at Crib through Adults Ale, 211 M.A.C. Avenue! Living God. University Lutheran Church Martin Luther Chapel Sunday Services Division & Ann Streets 332-2559 444 Abbott Road Coffee Hour We 332-0778 9:45 A.M. Bible School Classes for all ages Pastors: Walter Wietzke After Services 11:00 A.M. Pastor David Kruse Worship Service George Gaiscr 6:00 P.M. Junior & Senior High Fellowships 7:00 8:30 P.M. P.M. Praise Service WORSHIP HOURS WORSHIP FIRST CHURCH OF 16 Counibus (a college university, business 8:15 a.m. Matins CHRIST, SCIENTIS1 youth rap & snak session) (QldeWorkb 9:15 a.m. Common Service 10:30 a.m. Common Service 1st 8. 3rd Grand River Winthrop E. Robinson, I. Phones 349-2830, 349-2533 11:30 a.m. New Expressions at Collingwood Entrance 59 East Lansing Toyota 2 Sunday Services 10:30 a.» ,d'o. heat, iterior SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH Lesson ■ Sermon Subject • >6 Dodge C BHJEAD and ALE 1518 S. Washington Sunday "Earth's Darkest Hour" 7 p.m. Lansing Sacramcrt '8, automat Jht red fini Resuming the series on Revelation wPontiac Wednesday Testimonial MemI lew motor, 2 What does the word of God say about the darkest 8:00 p.m. day In history? mish, 1 2~ v 9:45 A.M. Sunday Evening Sunday School to age 10.30 am 20 WiatBSL 9.000 College Bible Class Fellowship miles, » in the fireside room. Reading Room Temporarily Renault Dr. Ted Ward, 8:30 p.m. "tomatic Located In Church MSU, Teacher refreshments OPEN Dr. Howard F. Weekdays 9 ■ 3p.m. Sugden, Paator Mon., Tuet., Thurt., M> cylinder an James Emery, Minister of Youth eves 7 ■ 9 p.m. ood tires 11:00 A.M. All an welcome to "Filled or Falling?" attend church FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening services and visit W and use the reading Call 482-0754 for information. )7 E. room. Mich nuary 7 State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, January 7. 1972 7 Michiga" CITY OF ACCOMMODATES NEW VOIERS EAST LANSING 1 he backed) City officials add 1 1 precincts cent of the eligible voters might expects current figures to 1047. Patriarche said he is strongly advocated by state le to end By BILL WHITING register, another 20 per cent will diminish somewhat this month currently negotiating with Democrats, whose convention nt JP State News Staff Writer probably register in their home after the election rolls are University officials over possible delegates must be elected in the constltut| sites for precinct polls. same year as the national election. 1 'n the towns, and 20 per cent probably purged of outdated registrations. 1 Patriarche predicted that city tani Pro will not register. A proposal submitted by the vino Responding to the large "I think Coalition for Human Survival polls may rise from the current ie needed m, number of we can accomodate Campus precincts include No. new registrants who 4 with 754 registrants, No. 11 (CHS) and Project: City Hall to 24,000 to 30,000 persons for for his flocked to the polls for everyone pretty well," he said. nfg establish 42 precincts was the national elections this year. >®xt would Seven precincts now encompass with 485, No. 12 with 766, No. t November's city elections, East He said, however, that they will ' and agrlcul the MSU cmpus which has 13 with 753, No. 14 with 447, rejected by Patriarche because of Lansing officials nearly doubled No. 15 with 744 and No. 16 the added costs of administering probably drop again by the next 8 0 ve f the number of precincts by approximately 3,000 registered 0 voters. Although several with 609. Married housing is that many polling places. election. citegorio redistricting the 14 former included in No. 1 with 1165, The preeintls had to be He called county delegate Sunday but divisions into 25 sections. precincts approach and surpass mal rutty the 1,000 mark, Patriarche No. 2 with 107 and No. 3 with established by Jan. 1 to be elections "an administrative The city council narrowly beat considered in a special election nuisance" which could be a iomy-in a Jan. 1 deadline by approving which is currently being deb?ted headache if the special election the new precinct plan at a short to'» pled., by the Michigan legislature for bill is passed. In addition to the special meeting Dec. 28. A major vlll be * ifl« Ik". Hanglai th» change took place where one divided into six on campus large precinct was new ones. Rep wonts April. The election would be for county delegates, who would be selected at that time on the basis $5,000 to $6,000 average cost of elections, Patriarche said the city will need approximately 21 1nurd of the number of local precincts. oting chini akep City Manager John M. "By redistricting, we allow addition to the 29 now owned. Patriarche and Beverly Colizzi, city clerk, drew up the new boundary lines in December to to aid, train more people to be eligible," Patriarche said. "We felt it He noted, however, that the city is considering changing to a insure that they were established wasn't fair to those people who computerized method of voting. would like to be delegates. They The city manager said that in time for requirements for a A bill that would incorporate Michigan departments providing would have been frozen out." elections in August and possible special election in April social, training and manpower aid to citizens into a Department November exceeded their He said that the bill is under to select county convention of human Resources, will be introduced early in the 1972 session, consideration in the Senate, budgets, costing more than delegates. the sponsor of the bill said Thursday. after being in the house. It is $14,000. Patriarche said the new boundaries were based on the "In the present situation all our federal funds go to the agency number of potential voters in an they were scheduled for and cannot be transferred and we lose millions of dollars," Rep. Raymond C. Kehres, D-Monroe, said. There area and the percentage who would probably register. "We Authorization of such a large department would permit the tried to come up with an state to redistribute funds to the various departments within it on estimate so that a precinct basis of need, thereby going around federal restrictions, he said. would not go over 1,400," he place. said. "Even with a concerted Other organizations that would be included in the Dept. of " precincts registration drive, none of them would probably exceed 1,400 registered voters. "We could guess wrong," Human Resources include mental health groups and perhaps the Michigan Employment Security Commission, Kehres said. "The department would contain all the state bodies that handle a Patriarche admitted, "but we manpower, training and social problems," Kehres said, "and open the 11 new of East Lansing ihows the lines of the newly partitioned voting precincts. Included precincts formed to accomodate the new 18 to 20 year old voters. can accomodate any overload." He said that as many as 60 per slots for new departments affairs." being considered such as urban A plaee flint offers dancing. U.S. to patrol Indian Ocean A place with booze INGTON (AP) - The tied down by the Vietnam war, vessels in the Indian Ocean. how long the U.S. naval force area," Friedheim said. "I think it Pentagon officials said the at prices you'll Friedheim told The U.S. task force, including would remain there, Friedheim could be anticipated that Russians have nearly 20 naval 'esus People' on indicated Thursday newsmen. costal Churc arrier-led task force sent Indian Ocean during the U.S. Navy leaders have been urging that a regular American naval presence be maintained in a helicoDter carrier and amphibious unit, entered the a Marine Indian Ocean Dec. 14 ostensibly said "an end date does not exist at the moment." He said this is not a permanent Seventh Fleet naval vessels would operate more frequently there." vessels in the Indian Ocean area, including guided missile destroyers and cruisers. love. The place? ent (near kistan war marks the the Indian Ocean ever since the to be in position to evacuate assignment. The Indian government is in House) of regular U.S. naval Iliscotec Meanwhile Friedheim said the n. 10:00 is in that vast and British began pulling out and the Americans from war zones in Friedheim recalled that the expected to protest any regular United States has been U.S. naval operations in the United States is taking over .7:30 ;a. Russians sent their first East and West Pakistan. Indian Ocean, as it did when the some of the communications spokesman Jerry W. squadron into that ocean more But the war was virtually over developing a communications i.7:30 and other support activities all m s?id American, mval ^han three years ago. by: then and the U.S. naval force Station at an airstrip on the Enterprise and its accompanying which have been carried out be nf'872-4t» be expected to, wise 1 In recent years th^y"have' v^dn Mved in an area oHndia Island of Diego Garcia and Ships sailed through the strait of Malacca during the recent the British at Bahrain in the an Ocean "from time to the support of Secretary of and Ceylon. It has remained suggested that this was a tipoff of U.S. intentions in the Indian Indo-Pakistan war. Persian Gulf. the future, Defense Melvin Laird. there since, engaging in what the Hackworfh able to do that now" Friedheim made the comments Pentagon calls routine training. Ocean. 372-4755 sr U.S. warships are while he was being questioned Pressed for some idea as to "We are interested in the about the reasons for the chairman continued presence of the the Capitol nuclear powered carrier 1 Senices Enterprise and seven other naval 11:00 es EPC post I A. Lyman if God's I.on ed Mandersheid, professor icultural economics, was chairman of the ional Policies Committee Wo O/ O STUDENT DISCOUNT •Timex Watch Repair 'Electric Shaver Repair Classes 9: Thursday. •Engraving lersheid succeeds William •Keys Made I 10:451. •Scissors Sharpened ollings, professor of Also a Large Selection log), as chairman. EPC meets weekly to of Electric Shavers broad educational issues advise the Academic Watch Bands A Idents Our Food Is il and the provost on COOPERS FIXERY AHAKARflElft CHURCH changes and revisions. MERIDIAN MALL 349 1994 VNSING Steak Chicken SERVICES Beef* Fish • Sandwiches 600 N. Homer at E. Saginaw nuar Frandor Shopping Cantar 11:00 A.M. 50(i 1 W. Saginaw across from tha Lansing Mall at HOLIDAY LANES Lanes available for OPEN Bowling all day and evening. Open 9 a.m. daily Just north of Frandor - 337-9775 Lansing Ski Club Billiards Cocktails Good Food Box 1314 E. Lansing 48823 Phone 332 0600 Conveniently located north of Lake Lansing Rd. on Dawn Ave. : Hour We've Moved To Services A New Lot bur Hi lies I aclinic JRCH OF 18 Year Olds *12 Well Groomed Slopes CIENTIST •2 Double Chair Lifts Welcome! •6 Tow Ropes d Entrance • Excellent Snow Making Equipment ® Toyota 2 door •Certified Ski Instructors •Lessons Offered Daily Sr * healer' blue with white $? •All New Rental Equipment Dodge Charger •Pro Ski Shop 8ir Conditionin8' $995 St mien Is. r"""m SfK"~op.y,»ow $895 memberships are now available on a limited sr." to o m'K m>w t^es $1295 Seasonal basis, for week day skiing (good until 6 p.m.), at Temporarily Church "" "Rinjult r»dio, ■ • heater, good $35.00 per person. For your membership enclose a check or money $? runn'ng car"' order (no cash) payable to The Lansing Ski Club, with the registration blank below. !°od'tires'*automalic 2 door' radio, $895 Name urch d visit fading Wheels Toyota E Michi,a„ USED CARS 3? 3 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, January? ^Ajchiga"S FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AID Loan guarantee hits $1 billion Funds, Inc. loans and guaranteed 'During the 1970-71 MSU's Office of Financial Aids Office of Education said. By BECKIE HANES educational loans through academic "The amount loaned during State News Staff Writer year, 2,375 students was also involved in the various out-of-state programs as borrowed $2,199,230, an the past 12 months alone is processing and approval of 369 The federal the three guaranteed funds. government average of $920 per loan," guaranteed educational loans greater than the total loaned In guaranteed more than $1 billion This total is part of the $6.9 Dykema said. through out-of-state programs the first three years of the In financial aid loans for college million borrowed by MSU "This represents an increase of totalling $415,351. program's operation. During that students in 1971, the Dept. of students during that academic 701 loans and $757,213 over the Providing the most loans was same one-year period the average Health, Education and Welfare year. This was an increase of previous year," he said. New York, granting 111 of these student loan rose from $876 to (HEW) announced this week. $1.5 million from the previous United Student Aid Fhnds, loans for a total of $126,000. $1,008. The HEW Office of Education year. Inc. loans granted 221 loans "It was the first time in the Approximately 29 per cent of said that more than one million Michigan Higher Education amounting to $190,017 for the six-year history of the program the total loan volume under the Assistance Authority loans past academic year. The postsecondary students use the average that the number of borrowers federal program has entered federal Guaranteed Student provided the most financial aid loan was $806. "This represents exceeded one million and the repayment status involving $1.2 Loan Program. This includes to MSU students in the a gain of 49 loans in the amount number of dollars borrowed billion. Nearly 95 per cent of the those students in about 4,000 guaranteed loan category. of $29,025.66," Dykema said. exceeded one billion," the HEW loans In this category are being higher education institutions and repaid on a regular basis with the 3,500 vocational, technical, remaining 5 per cent accounted business, correspondence and for in defaults, bankruptcies and trade schools in the United deaths and disabilities. States and overseas. "Over the last six years Henry C. Dykema, director of approximately 4.4 million loans financial aids provided statistics have been made for a total of Thursday on financial aid for more than $4.1 billion under the MSU students guaranteed by the Guaranteed Student Loan EARLY WEDNESDAY EVENING police said the door was valued at $150. Concert in Union federal program. Program. The loans are provided MSU students were loaned observed a 1971 Cadillac exceeding the speed A MAN'S WALLET was stolen from a locker in by nearly 20,000 lenders, limit near the International Center. The officers the Men's IM. Police said the locker had been left $2,804,598 during the 1970-71 including banks, savings and loan academic year under the federal followed the car south on Birch Road. After a open, and the total loss was estimated at $7. associations, insurance Guaranteed Student Loan Program with Michigan Higher Fducation Assistance Authority chase, the car turned a corner and jumped the curve, crashing into a wall. The subject fled from police, but the car was identified as a stolen THE COFFEE MACHINE on the third floor of the Student Services Building was broken into Wednesday night. There was an undetermined companies, credit unions and others, the report continued. The Guaranteed Student Loan features Severe /u vehicle from Flint. Police are continuing their amount of damage and loss to the machine. Loans, United Student Aid Program marks the first Last term, the Union Board musicians. In fact, the most excessive volume or distort investigation. Police said they have no suspects. combined effort by educational Rosenber THREE SOFAS FROM West Fee Hall lounge A COED'S ROOM in West Wilson Hall was began what they hoped would inexperienced member has been The wide rangf " and lending agencies and federal iputer key I be a regular series of rock playing for 12 years, repertoire spares Lhem from were reported missing Wednesday. The value of robbed of $25 Wednesday afternoon. The coed and state governments to concerts featuring local talent. Endorsements of their ability set classification, but they the sofas was set at $904. Police said they have told police the door was closed but not locked, provide financial assistance. no suspects. and the money was in her purse. Now, in only the second come from such people as Kevin toward a jazz approach tot A GRADUATE STUDENT returning to Owen Art 407 to meet installment of that series, they McCarthy of WVIC and music, with some electa A STEREO, KNIFE, and stereo tape cartridge Hall following Christmas break told police his will reach their goal of providing members of Plain Brown music thrown in were reported stolen from rooms in West Fee occasionally attache case, several diplomas, a pair of glasses, Hall. The items were taken from locked rooms 3 times a week some of the best local Wrapper. While they are becoi and two books were stolen from the reception desk. He said he left the lobby to continue over the Christmas break, and had a total estimated value of $247. Police said there were History of Art 407: Ancient entertainment by presenting Severe Hands at 8 p.m. today in A look at their instruments shows that Severe Hands is no increasingly involved in own music, some of the JUS Sculpture meets at 3 p.m. on the Union Ballroom. ordinary band. Lead singer unpacking his car, and the items were missing no signs of forced entry into either room. you can expect to hear Fi he returned. Police said they have no Tuesdays and Thursdays instead Tickets are $1 and will be Lawrence Kieft plays flute, when A COED TOLD East Lansing police that while night will suspects. A FRONT DOOR in East Fee Hall was she was shopping in the Student Book Store her billfold was stolen. Total loss of currency was of on Monday, Wednesday and Friday as indicated in the Class available at the door. All four members of Severe Hands are experienced electric vibes and congas. Michael O'Sullivan plays such musicians as Emerson, and Palmer, Jack Bruce, Ch nti reportedly kicked in Wednesday night. Police $32. Police said they have no leads. Schedule Booklet. keyboards and flugelhorn, Lloyd and Traffic- •ence Dalton plays bass and Severe Hands (short for Se Auburn Film Group Pre sen Allan Albaitis plays drums. Hands of the Severed ORSON WELLES NOW Members of the group will tell that they strive for a must be a good group you surviving in jobscarci high-fidelity sound, with clarity Lansing. The Union Board SHOWING MAcberb Award winning adaptation from Shakespeare and' separation, and high-intensity sound, without a made it possible for you decide for yourself tonight Of all the film productions of the works of the BarJ, this one by Orson Welles stands alone because of the unusual treatment accorded the play by Welles* cinematic artistry. A craggy castle seemingly hewn from living black rock, primitive rough costumes, a foreboding playof light and shadows, encircling masts, camera work and dramatic angles reminiscent of the earJicL Citi'V" Kane e J : Friday, January 7, 1972 9 Madison paper By LESLIE LEE debate rages State News Staff Writer week and putting pressure on the Madison Senate to act by publication. Banks explained his action by the lack of provisions writing letters to the official college publication, the Madison in the new bylaws for the paper. In November, the acting dean of James Madison College Notes. However, also in the absence of provisions, Banks continued to ordered the student newspaper to cease publication. The ensuing The two students, Michael Betzold, St. Clair Shores senior and publish an official college publication, Madison Notes, through controversy still rages on. Stephen Murray, Blue Earth, Minn, senior, have hit the Senate for the office of the dean. Two students in particular have been inaction and "inanities" in dealing with the issue. What followed was an exchange of letters between the Review's adding fuel to the fire this Betzold criticized the senate for its concern with Madison's editor, Betzold and Banks. Betzold took his case to Madison's image as presented through Its papers to the rest of the Board of Review and asked that Banks be ordered to cease Garbage University. He also charged that established by precedent Inaction by the governing bodies had that the office of th dean is above the publication. The board did not interfere. The matter was taken up by the Madison Senate under its authority to establish college publications and then referred to subcommittee for further jurisdiction of the bylaws. He also expressed the fear that through discussion and preparation of proposals. recycling the inaction of governing groups, the Senate may collapse as did the previous governing group, the Madison council. Murray charged the Senate with driving the students away from Geology-minded citizens Itself and announced his intention of abstaining from any dealings are follow. with the group. Murray complained that student participation cm'^nTl688' f" Ef8t Lan8,t^ The CEA Project began last was being stifled by the senate. AeVZfn Env,r°nment£ July and has been receiving an The controversy began with the Implementation of new bylaws wpImv recently , ^ member local In reference to a said increasing amount of glass bottles for the college. At that time Acting Dean Robert F. Banks glass recycling project. ordered the student newspaper, the Phalanstery Review, to cease In recent weeks, workers W06WM WrOWUTIWUBilP collecting glass from metal OPEN AT 7:00 P.M. Shows at 7:15 - 9:15 containers located at three Feature at 7:30 - 9:30 nearby Meijer Thrifty Acres Sat. & Sun. Open at 1:00 P.M. parking lots have found raw Shows 1:15-3:15-5:15-7:15-9:15 garbage in the special receptacles Feature 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:3 used to collect the paper sacks in which consumers bring their glass bottles. Citizens bringing glass to the Keys to your health containers at the Okemos location will have to dispose of their own paper sacks. A CEA Rosenberg, Detroit senior, tries his hand at a »nge spokesman said that unless iter key board. He is a technician at the Biomedical avoid s them from consumers mixing the i, but they nputer Services Office, which will be working with garbage with the paper o^ glass, pproach to t )Vv Hospital in computerizing all their records. the removal of similar containers State News photo by Tom Dolan at two other locations will some electr occasionally I I • becoj chamber repairs are volved juse ne . of the to hear Ft UuUitib- ntinue through recess Capitol's House chamber the repairs, Kehres said, was to <-°mPlete remodeling which is to BKoine necessary repairs avoid the possibility of a gallery be .done (ollowing this years the current holiday recess collapsing and injuring or killing COSt aPProximately ke it safe for public observers and representatives. „' " . of the 1972 legislative But there were other factors Kestrictions will be placed on st the furor over involved in the decision to make Capitol temporary repairs. the numuber of people that can Vlfw session from the KILOIMlO^. ling during the past year, "We wanted to help keep the belatedly discovered by government open to the public "" ' r\^ 'echmcoky G • from womi em that the two and therefore decided to have ging galleries in the House them (the galleries) temporarily that were to be repaired before the governor by plexiglass, were CABARET BEAL FILM GROUP PRESENTS FOR PERSONS OVER 18 YEARS OF gives his State of the State irally unsound. It was address," Kehres said, AGE - Hubbard's Night Spot discovered that the The address is scheduled for needed reinforc«m«nt featuring Al (Tiki) TONIGHT AND SAT 106 B WELLS ■ Thursday, Kehres said, and Hudson, Little. JSaookie Lihe weight uL installation ;Ot the be»rns should red capacity. Rep. be comple&d it tfifet tftnS in and the SouJTftmners Sun. Jan. 9 Hubbard's RHARHARHARHARHARHA id C. Kehres, DMonroe, anticipation of many visitors, Cafeteria 9 p.m. • 2 a.m. assistant to the house He estimates that the cost of PRESENTS VLVLYL Admission $1.00 .said Thursday. the temporary strengthening will most important reason for be $600, and added that Everyone has heard the story of the little boy who cried wolf, until no one would Relieve him when there really WAS one. Well, the Beal Film Group knows that many persons feel that way about ADULT FILMS. Often, the audience has been promised everything — only to be given nothig. film LL ANIMALS Group presents — Tonight & Sat. 111 O'ds HARLOT The film with word of mouth RE EQUAL is a complete departure from anything we have ever shown previously. HARLOT has broken record? in New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles; SOME animals are over 200,000 people have seen the film — many have come twice. HARLOT 'e equal than others — is the film that makes all other adult films immediately passe. HARLOT is the film to which all others will be compared in the future. It is the John Hains and Jay Batchelor ULTIMATE adult film. ™ted color film of lfge Orwell's HARLOT 1IHSL The minimum remission was set felt that a A hard net to follow by the distributor at $2.00. The distributor $2.00 admission would discourage those who were merely curious Night of the Living Dead FARM those who hadn't seen an erotic film before and wondered what they were Curse of the - like. After viewing the film ourselves, the Beal Film Group agrees - HARLOT IS NOT FOR BEGINNERS. (The theatrical price was $5). Those desiring admission to this film must sign the following statement: Living Corpse 'lolence - !r°m the comlc tradition of the cartoon by not employing vhich u h,hln9sher» 'hurt' realistically. The film was subtitled 'A Fairy a) I am 18 yrs of age (or older), b) I am ware of ti«a nati're/content of this " Is baiir.ii ca"y ml,|M0lh9- Though It has some comedy and much lle transiaii * ,ab'e about '•volutions and their ultimate failure. It Is an film and came of my own free will (not coerced in any manner to attend), The diainn?" i°' vyh*t °rw#" Jo simply described In his memorable scone '% ,4k#n vlrtually from the book, and the story follows c) I believe thct the state should not interfere in the private behavior of Bucket of Blood Hons " - m ,l,m le8VM Ul w,,h f*w Illusions about ourselves or our adults which does not adversly effect others. Her*,the CHICAGO CENTER FOR FILM STUDY. 1 Owen's h|an,ma,oel "'toon, a sardonic feat of the imagination, using mated ca?, n,5t,lr a,,#9ory of political and social life. We are so used to "Wiurr, aa '"give uu 45 tomlc that It takes a while to adjust to this use 4ud,8"c« wer* baffled in 1955. tried to laugh, then HARLOT IS RATED X - INCREDIBLY X Tonight in Conrad Aud. 12:00 n(1 Monies wjii ?i wa*ch ,n horror or confusion, audentf Interested In lna|ng the nr. ? much ,h#t ■* f«clnatlng here, as will those Interested Sat. in Wilson Aud. 12:00 school a You must be 18 yrs of age and able to prove it. All persons must h3ve IP — those without will not be admitted. NO EXCEPTIONS will be made. Students, faculty and staff only COLOR 7:00 TONIGHT & Sat 001 8:40 I.D.'s required $1.00 admission ■ m.nn SHOWTIMES: 7:00, 8:1S, 9:30, 10:45 TONIGHT: AND SAT 111 Olds Admission $1. iRHARHARHARHARHARHAj 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, Januai FIRST HIRED AT STATION WVIC u gets female newscaster first female newscaster at the covered local campaigns during to WVIC in May of 1971 as a not a nine to five desk job," she close of last year. She said she that election year for local cub reporter. said. She described an average believes the broadcast field is television. Before becoming a newscaster, day as fast moving and flexible, In the newsroom at WVIC's "wide °Pen to any hard working "With only one year of college all my stories were delivered by with a lot of coming and going broadcasting station, a petite 6irl who is willing to find out and no journalism background, other people, but now what I do to gather the news, dark-hared female ' dons the what it is all about." my early jobs were writing on Sunday is often what 1 "The pace and pressures are so earphones twice every other Before coming to WVIC, Ms. commercial spots and working in created," Ms. Martin said, who intense prior to air time, that all Sunday to bring area events to M«rtin had worked since 1968 voice production. Then my boss covers stories in the Lansing-East the training one has really pays the public. for Fetzer Broadcasting in her felt on-the-job training in copy Lansing area. off," she added. Having worked in radio hometown of Cadillac. She writing and tape editing was Normally working from 45 to Out of all the reporting she's broadcasting for three" years, described her first experiences as necessary to be good in this 50 hours a week, Ms. Martin done, Ms. Martin could only Mary Martin became WVIC's primarily radio oriented, but she business," she explained. reports the news two Sundays a remember one case where Such training apparently paid month at 12:30 p.m. and 5:30 someone thought it was odd she off with job offers coming in p>m was a female reporter, from Wisconsin and other areas "The time element is most "Most people are interested in of the Midwest. Ms. Martin came hectic, because this is definitely what I am doing and respect with hard work," she 'Zorro' comes The Mexican Robin Hood MD to ploy to In the future, she would like move to a large city radio of the betU Sat. Jan. 8,1 & 3 p.m. Room 105 S. Kedzie. market but realizes "that is "/turf that's . the judging Frankenstein" everyone's dream." meet I" 1,1 & 3 p.m. in concert She said she believes WVIC is A new voice has been added to the air waves with Mary Martin becoming the first» ind "McCal -18 107 S. Kedzie. youth oriented and enjoys newscaster at WVIC. A veteran of 3 years of braodcasting, she can be heard on the Sunday n* Boris Karloff in Dr. Charles H. Sander, associate working there. every other week. State News photo by Milton Hor jtment In h professor of pathology in the the uncut 1931 College of Human Medicine, will be giving a violin recital at 8:15 i"( costar: version. tonight in the Music Auditorium. id directed ^^ A student of music since age 11, Sander enrolled as a music It noted f Airing of Nixon's views major at MSU. Hie son of a doctor, Sander himself switched his field of study to medicine to fulfill a lifelong dream. his roles an that just c Sander, who has given several recitals locally, will perform RHARHARHARHARHARH^ works by Tartini Kreisler, Prokofieff, Bloch, and Saint-Saens. Accompanist for the recital will be Marie Black, an Okemos resident. liars" is obv laker r for hlr his creative ting shows PRESENTS may cause India-U.S. r does it c< effect of tl et he pla MIDNIGHT nal, ith. cess seemin Much is due NEW DELHI (AP)-Columnist Jack Minister Indira Gandhi's former often receives special briefings frc of Arthui CARTOON SHOW Anderson's disclosure of President Nixon's views during the Indian-Pakistan war could cause a permanent breach in India's information adviser. Neither the prime minister nor any official of her government, however, has Foreign Ministry. The stories about the Anderson, ltman. j" is just 1 have received only moderate till mediocn relations with the U.S. informed sources made an official comment on the Anderson displ Indian newspapers. in unimagi said Thursday. papers. They added, however, the fact that A U.S. Embassy spokesman said However, the papers ung. smiliiij Nixon favored Pakistan came as no Ambassador Kenneth B. Keating, copies of put the stories about Keating's cab burgular ale surprise the systenv to the Indian government. whose cables questioning U.S. page 1 in Friday's editions. policy ings of thr America's support of Pakistan was made statements were received here in news The National Herald, considere, 1 and thei clear during the war at the UN and in dispatches Thursday organ of Ms. Gandhi's Congress parts afternoon, was statements issued by the State Dept., the making no public comment. "The only question is who infected sources noted. Keating's personal stature conceivably with the hate India virus, whi nsing "Unless things change could go up in the Indian government, but Nixon communicated his mental to be that there is little very much in Washington, the conclusion would appear prospect of an sources close to the Foreign doubted there would be any marked Ministry to his advisers like Kissinger and whether the contagion spread from" "W Indian-American dialog as long as President change. to him." Nixon is in office," the Hindustan Times "American ambassadors, it seems, are "In fighting the President unflincl he hili said. Its editor. George the American press sets an Verghese, is Prime seldom taken seriously in New Delhi or example dis>* Washington," said an Indian journalist who press in other democratic countries. DELCO ENERGIZER BATTERIES The BEAL FILM GROUP PRESENTS AND TONIGHT & SATURDAY —kg CLINT H This Othello' is one of the boldest you will ever see! BOB! EASTWOODH There is no question that Sir Laurence's Othello is a 1 Jti PLAY MISTY V POINT spectacular exciting as man who becomes his mind is inflamed with jealousy. more flamboyant and BbSBR HARD R0UNDTREE & AM rat for me WJ ^Fn: S!>, a" LJSat 9:55 Invltntloiivm1 *<> tCTWr... H lie sti Definitely a picture you should see!" N Y.TIMES MSun: 2:00. 4:00, 6:00. 8:00. 9:55 2:15.4:15.6:15.8:15 » RBl j^j . . . Frl-Sat Twi-ute Hr. Adults 90c 5:15 "Four Stars! Highest Rating!" . N Y.DAILY NEWS - 5:4^Y Hc was left Cor dead. |B He would not forget. Ijiin richard harris VR7 RH1 the f 9 ONE PERFORMANCE PER 'Ma-*n EVENING W itaerness'^11 v rl-Sat Twi-Llte Hr. Adults 90c 5:30 • 6:004V H Written and music by Harry Nilsson OPEN TRY0UTS MSU l)rjpi of Theatre £>iv Laurence (Dlttner "MAN OF LA MANCHA" "HEDDA GABLER" "OEDIPUS" Tonight in Wilson Aud. 12:15 "AN INDIAN VILLAGE Sat. in Conrad Aud. 12:15 PLAY" PLUS A COUPLE OF SURPRISES "WINNIE THE POOH" Students, faculty and staff only I.D.'s required $1.00 admission MONDAY and TUESDAY, IAN. 10 & H Shakespeare's "most perfect" play AUDITORIUM ARENA THEATRE admission $1.50 7:30 p.m. RHARHARHARHARHARH/^ .104B WELLS IN COLOR e News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, January 7, 1972 51) PELLILLO professor refutes Darwin's theory Slnofm^hypothtSe8on the Monkey 1925. but of theory forms of Invertebrates. These better fits the Idea that many jn his paper, Moore sided with derive that man "evolved" from aj i_L 'yfinorman. portions Trialsof the are invertebrates evolved into forms of life spontaneously the group of scientists which such a lower organism, Moore *7 "Son I. Darwin's theory of evolution commonly accepted tod.,: animals with backbones; fish occurred, of the "polyphyletic" —»•—» maintain that — —" any alteration of' said. ITrellito"" l,rklna science 'said that Darwin', c' ,a"y, statei that more In his paper, Moore refuted Into amphibia, amphibia Into theory. DNA material (resulting in a Other data Moore obtained mnlrlcal evidence, theory'expressed In today's J°mp forms °f ,lfe evolved the popular "monophyletlc" reptiles, reptiles Into birds and At the convention, Moore gene mutation) brings about from other scientists showed l#Ersaid in a textbook?U ' '.elected ir°m, F,r,t hypothesis that .late, man I. the mammals, early mammaU into attacked the Darwinian theory only an alteration of the traits that some types of mice, skunks delivered before a indoctrination" Moore anrued P ?fnteJ ln u1869- Darwinism end result of a complex primates, and primates into man. with various tests he devised to already inherent in the organism, and bears have a greater -jr i;rrr.«rrKrrwMr.5 .1:;^?::,:::: evaluate the accumulated data scientists have on evolution. "Darwin's followers are guilty Favorable gene mutations, Involving a change In the skin chromosome count than man. A donkey was listed as having 62 color of an organism, allowing chromosomes, of using circumstantial evidence for survival of the fittest or "There Is absolutely no 5 FLAIR IN 'DOLLARS' in their explanation evolution," he said. of greater adaptability to the environment, Is another theory pattern of Increase of chromosome count that Moore argued against the of some Darwinians. might possibly be construed or monophyletlc hypothesis which Moore discounted this correlated with so-called increase I eotty disappointing states that a between living animals and the animal and protein relationship plants can be assumed because plant* have similar patterns or physical proposal by saying that such changes occur only within that type or organism and not across limits cannot of kinds. "Mutations be regarded as In complexity of organization of major groups of animals," he said. The naturalist said he did not wish to present his explanation characteristics. mechanisms for changes across of the creation (spontaneous glgglos while running around In quickly received critical support not evoke a response from the But, there is an absence of ' Beitty-who proved to circles. I really didn't expect limits of known kinds," he said, generation of many organisms at f the better American H8 a good suspense thriller. Its audience. The difference empirical iplrlcal evidence of genetic The MSU professor derived a the same time) as the only much from her, and she didn't successful elements can be seen connection," the naturalist said, 'judging from hl« between these two films proves chromosome chart showing the hypothesis, but merely as an let down. Inversely In "Dollars" failure, m "Bonnie and me , that it Is audience involvement, .... Followers of the monophylellc number of chromosomes from alternative to Darwinism. Where the "Connection" used 7* -1 g a Mr. andvast "Dollars" Is billed as a action, characterization, and the ability of a film to take the audience out of the theatre and evolutionists often use structural changes In chromosomes protozoa to mammalia and another chart for plants. Moore "Science teachers and professors, who use the results suspense film, but it l approaches plain excitement, "Dollars" is ntment in his new film, put them Into the film that ations) and numerical (mutations) believes the charts to be the first of research specialists sshould be P." Intrigue in much the same way a paced like a love story and does duty bound costarrlng Goldle house makes It successful, changes in chromosomes to of their kind, In academic painter approaches a directed by Richard blank white wall-scene after explain the relationship between According to the chart, man freedom and responsibility to , . organisms, he said. Moore wrote has 46 chromosomes while some present both monophyletlc and I, noted for carefully un,:,r„8n,,'un'n,ere"ln8*"d Aquarists plan meeting that "all reference to different types of protozoa have over 800. polyphyletic interpretations," his roles and not taking that just comes along, iars" is obviously just a niter for him, with little i By JACK EPPSJR. State News Reviewer Richard Brook, the director, failed to grasp the art of suspense and refused to use . I • tO CllSCUSS, QUCtlOn , • r • flSh I phenomena of chromonsomal rearrangements constitute nothing more than ad hoc untestable hypotheses." This makes it unreasonable to »•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••« Moore said, Darwinists explain natural his creative talents. plan to remove embezelled funds careful and Imaginative editing sold and are a "problem session" selection and organic diversity as ting shows no creative from their safety deposit boxes, with good action photography The Grealer Lansing Aquarium -here experienced aquarists the outcome of mutational r does it contribute to He solicits the help of to develop the Intensity and fear Society will meet at 7:30 p.m. .... effect of the film. The prostitutes around Hamburg, that he obviously wanted to Saturday in the basement of the answer questions and tiy to help changes. While Moore did not er he plays Is one Germany, to closely spy on the portray. Capitol Savings and Loan Assn. hobbyests in the problems of deny these two concepts, he did Ml seemingly without depositors. Bldg., 112 Allegan St., Okemos. running an aquarium. disagree th.' Much of Beatty's "Dollars" is a failure primarily A few months ago a film Highlights of the meeting will cess is due to the fine because of incoherent directing entitled, "The French Include an auction where NOW! OPEN 12:45 of Arthur Penn and caused by choppy editing, and Connection" was released and unwanted fish and equipment Feature 1:00 • 3:05 Utman. uninteresting characterization, 5:15 7:25 • 9:35 p" is just another run FVom past performances, Warren mediocre film. It is Beatty has shown that he has theatre* dinner lill an unimaginative story talent, but It takes the right ung. smiling man who director to draw it out. wrgular alarms. While Goldie Hawn is once again cast the systems, he studies jn her permanent role of the Ings of three crooked dumb blonde who mutters s and then devises a incoherently punctuated with WED. SAT. SUN. "HIGHEST RATIN6I 'DOLLARS' IS THE WH0PPIN6 nsing FUN PICTURE OF THE YEAR! It's Richard feiffer's Brooks' sly, subtle and hilarious account of an elaborately-planned, successfully executed rob¬ be hilarious dis-Organized Crime. comedy about people menu] Featuiing an hors d'oeuvre tray served at intermission I bery of a bank in Hamburg. THIS IS THE SEASON TO BE HAPPY AND JUST 60 TO SEE T (Dollars) ANDBEHAPPYr,-WANOAHAtCNr.Tort0.-,Nr» and ample buffet with: U1RRR6H IS WORTH YOUR INVESTMENT! PKRFORMtD BY PRIME RIBS OF BEEF R£QTTV A slick, fast-moving, nicely -packaged and The LEDGES Players LOBSTER NEWBURG caper story! Continually exciting!" /"Al IM£ BEEFSTROGANOFF JEFFREY LYONS. WPIX TV GOLDI6 served following the performance HPLUD THEATRE and DINNER 50 Sundays at The Tin Lizzie. (Dollars) Doors open at 5:00 p.m. ($6 75 for students THE OANO THAT RICHQRD BROOHS CMADMT IHOOf muPOHr SUNDAYS AT Ostr.txited by COLUMBIA PICTUR6S Technicolor TODAY: J™ COMPLETE SHOWS AT I i . PROGRAM INFORMATION 482 39 ichigan I Theatre Lansinq ■ THE TIN LIZZIE FOR RESERVATIONS. TELEPHONE 351 2450 NOW SHOWING 1:20 - 3:20 - 5:20 • 7:10 • 9:05 LA-0-J OPEN AT 1:00 P.M. it s doggone wonderful! TODAY 1:30 • 5:26 • ... 7:25 At 1:30 - 9:30 P.M. @B PROGRAM INFORMATION *15 MIS 13 N. WASHINGTON - DOWNTOWN She s leash and license set from the 4 Detective Harry Callahan. He's footloose Conneiy and collar-free! james* Bond 007 , - IAN FLEMINGS . Diamonds Forever" Forever Forever GP KEEV PANAVISION' TECHNCOtOR* UllltBd ArtlStB ^ Clint Eastwood Dirty Harry TECHNICOLOR [vanishing point! TECHNICOLOR CINEMASCOPE NEXT: The CARRY ON GANG In "CARRY ON CAMPING" CUNT EASTWOOD jn"0IJTV HAf &l'J! - 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, January 1 SPORTS Flu-bit t MSU, Souix engage in crucial ice series ^1 ready By STEVE STEIN fo record against North Dakota's mark of 5 State News Sports Writer - 5 in the WCHA and 6 • 8 overall. By CRAIG REMSBURG Two of the MSU swimmers hit by the flu bug should Leading the Sioux effort will be center Jim be t State News Sports Writer full strength for the Spartans' home meet with IowaSili Cahoon, who is tied for twelth in the WCHA p.m. Saturday, and three others will be ready but still * Hoping to improve on its current hold of ninth scoring race with five goals and 10 assists In 10 because of the virus. 61 place in the WCHA standings, the MSU hockey games. Teammates Dennis Johnson and Earl Coach Dick Fetters said that distance team will face the North Dakota Sioux in a Anderson are close behind with 12 points each. freestyler John i*- should be at almost full strength and that crucial North Dakota goaltender Dave Murphy has breastroker Ti eight-point home series tonight and is probably the most healthy of the five, and should be allowed 39 goals in 10 contests for a 3.9 average. Saturday night. swim. Faceoff for both contests will be 7:30 p.m. in Murphy, ranked 6th among the 17 WCHA goalies However, Alan Dllley, Ken Winfleld, and Paul Demonstration Hall. Reserved seats are $1.50; who have seen some action thus far this season, DeM0St has stopped 245 total shots. recovering and Fetters does not know how strong thev will adult general admission is $1.00; high school meet the Cyclones' tankers. 111 students are admitted for $.50 and MSU students Heading the Spartan offensive attack will be "It takes a while to build back up after Gilles Gagnon, Don Thompson, Michel Chaurest you have can get in, with an ID, for a quarter. commented Fetters." The effects are still felt three and Mark Calder. or ft Under WCHA rules this season, teams that only after you get rid of It." face each other in one two-game set during the Gagnon, the leading scorer for the icers, is tied Fetters is optimistic that the affected swimmers for third among league marksmen with seven will be year, like the Sioux and Spartans this weekend, rebound completely and be at top strength for the opening awarded four points for each game won, goals and 11 assists, for 18 points. The flashy It's funis are instead of the usual two. center may not be at full strength for the North no! in Big Ten swimming season next week. Otherwise, the rest of the Spartan swimmers are ' "A double win this weekend will put us in a tie Dakota series due to an injury to his right knee ready f- invasion of the Iowa State Cyclones, who finished for second place," Coach Amo Bessone last week. the 1 Mark Calder (no. 16. white jersey) scores one of his three goals against Denver in a 6 3 Spartan season with a 9-2 dual meet record, and a third commented. "That's how important this series is Thompson is close behind Gagnon in the point place finick win recently. Calder, cited by assistant coach Alex Terpay as "the team's most consistent Big Eight Conference. 31 to us. If we're going to stay in the race we have parade with 24, on the strength of 12 goals and 12 assists. Chaurest and Calder rank third and player," is counted upon to help scalp the Sioux this weekend. One of the losses suffered by the Cyclones came at the to win both this weekend." "North Dakota has a fast club and it passes fourth in scoring for the icers with 21 and 17 the MSU tankers, who well. They're a good team and should be tough." points respectively. Iowa State 69-44 last year Coach Bessone said some changes would be Iowa pool. Following a disastrous trip our West, in which ^|CET MOD Til f APftl IMJI the Spartans lost four straight, and a split in the made in the line combinations for the weekend "■■■ ■ I^WIm ■ il In fact, MSU has wot Great Lakes Invitational Tournament, the icers set and he is true to his word. Gagnon will center dual meets with the will pit their 3 • 9 WCHA and 6 • 10 overall Don St. Jean and Chaurest, a line that has seen since the two have plenty of action together. swimming competition, G-men in first Iowa State Jack McGuire and swimming Jerry Symons bring their into the Men's Intramuri divin| By THOM GATES it should be a good meet." optimistic about the season. The year. Sophomores Murray with an 0-1 dual meet mi State News Sports Writer All but three lettermen from team has already set its goal of Kravits and Edkins are other top season, and a third-place last year's 7 - 6 club are back winning the Southern men here. the Big Eight relays. In their first dual meet of the this year for North Carolina and Intercollegiate Gymnastics Team captain John Brantley is The ISU dual meet loss year, the Spartan gymnasts will will be joined by seven Championship and the trip to a solid performer on the still at the hands of Big host a strong North Carolina top-notch freshman prospects, the NCAA Finals that would go rings with junior transfer Steve opponent Wisconsin, squad Saturday at 1:30 p.m. i Coach Fred Sanders predicts a with that title." Lapinsohn pushing him hard for Spartans face the Badg the Sports Arena in the Men's vastly improved team, one that The side horse, still rings and the top spot. All-around men their first conferenn chance of making the parallel bars should be the Fox, Peers and Edkins should Wisconsin next Friday. Iowa State coach McGid "We have never faced them NCAA Finals, strongest events for the Tar also give strong showings. that he has basically the om before," Coach George Szypula "We started working out the Heels," although the team may The long horse vault should be team he had last season, said, "but they are supposed to first day of school," Coach not be weak at any spot, strong with several returning have some solid performers and Sanders said, "and we're very includes two Big Sophomore Mike Hardy, who lettermen in that event. Fox and conference winners in di had an outstanding freshman Hardy lead the list along with breastroke. year, returns as a top performer Norris Crigler. Steve Spikes won botht ION, Ga. (U in the floor exercises. Other Fox and Bob Semes lead a meter and three meter divi Oakland At standouts should be freshman strong parallel bar corps. This, in rent a burgli John Tucker «U.». and all-around men iu^rr-..u«..-«ruu..u„»H may be the team's best season, and will provide S Rick Fox. Ron Peers and Ben event. White MSU lacks depth at sophomore Mike Cook isfactory" cc Edkins this position, the Tar Heels have some tough competition. n, who was heads an improving divinf le by bulleU The side horse will feature excellent depth, freshman Joe Burt, the also consisting of Tom B "P* HosPita Virginia On the horizontal bar Fox and Dennis Fliehman, Kim Ri James Lawn high school state champion last Semes will again be the top and Barry VanAmberg racy ward, ir performers for North Carolina. Narcy coaches the j Peers, Edkins and Bill O Bnen divers I COMPACT will back them up. ,owa State captajD REFRIGERATORl . 211 RENTALS After North Carolina Spartans will again meet another the Hanson is the breastroke °f the Big Eight, an abbottju.^. United Rent All 351-5652 I tough opponent, the Salukis of Southern Illinois at SIU. runner-up in the medley. Spartan co-capti Big Ten 100 breastroke holder Jeff Lanini will le Spartan breastrokers i Hanson. iSTULES Fake turf( survey sh< HOLLYWOOD, Ha. (U An NCAA committee rep Wednesday then significant difference be the number of Injuries su in football games plave artificial turf and those p on genuine grass. A committee on athletici said its survey covered games on natural grass an on all three types of syn turf and showed there * January special average on turf. of 2.76 injuries per grass and 2.8C Dr. Samuel I. F\ienning< University of Nebraska, Knapp's own heads the committee, sai difference was not great e to indicate there are injuries on Astro Turf, Turf, or Poly-Turf than on The physician also point Wonder Value that the greatest frequenj injuries seems to be on m" hosiery ,¥ f\k stretch mesh pantyhose th with opaque nylon panty top, And proportioned sizes small, medi¬ um, and tall 99! 3 for 2.90 1 Pr 4, or that \ Atter opaque nylon pantyhose what in favorite colors, proportioned sizes S-M-T. Stock up and save! 99s 3 for 2.90 FRE Agilon® stretch panty hose Smooth-fitting nylon panty-hose 59 won't stretch or bag. In propor¬ tioned S-M-L. 12 for s3 pr. j DINING * COCKTAllS BANQUETS DOWNTOWN LANSlN 116 K. MU'hit:'" KKI-E KVKNINI'I I'AKKIW State News, East Lansing, Michigan Michigan Friday, January 7, 1972 13 Januar SPORTS ?rs Cagers open Big Ten with 'M' 91-82 score with Wilmore rickgosselin InH^n'» eef J, News Sports Editor directing the show with 26 points. The Big Ten season opens Wilmore what to lilt ..W l . iTZ t0 1 m not to° haPPy that we VanPelt wil1 be on the bench °pen th® SeaS°" W'th and ready for dutV a«ainst the the Spartan coach Michigan page to his book when he was pronounced fit for duty by team Presents # Michi8an' the SParten coach Michigan cagers.cagers. doctors. Wilmore is back in a m«n« /i Saturday and MSU Coach (Jus many defensive said. "But it's there and we've orohlpm* I j" ~ ™,u s there and we've VanPelt VanPelt suffered suffered a a shoulder shoulder Ganakas will have Bill Kilgore man iua^rnn't h Ganakas has hopes that an» °ne got to play it. It will definitely separation against Minnesota "Uhisf0first game since Wilmore's presence on the court ODenine with8" 3 big eame 11 not only opens during the fo°tball season and at center in the starting line-up, joined by guards Mike Robinson his right knee in the isn't too much for the Spartans, has all Am»ri fnL™. ♦ OUr conference race and can was not expected back until and Gary Ganakas and forwards •hoiitd be ji, invitational who have an n hopes of jumping into ! Tr? Provide a Psychological lift to . ltn Iowa Stiu lg!t mid-December, is a touuh Pn midway through the season. But Brian Breslin and Pat Miller. Hll f ef ill in ?Jn't enough Tl,esd»y an early lead in the conference G an a c enough chore, but the winner but it is also our key the Owosso junior has Michigan will open the game comnonnrt»H !nP,I.0, .. ' Jvage a Wolverine win race. K .»m , Bame °f the season-it pits us specialized in doing the with Ernie Johnson at center, "Michigan with Wilmore is a Jt h With our biggest rival." impossible during his athletic Wilmore and John Lockard at V'er John n, tinceton. John"y Orr s rnn I very strong team," Ganakas said. archrival 'ifnhuLn^! m"!" Ganakas has some consolation career at MSU and his the forward posts and Wayne „s on the short end of trokerTim# Michigan at Michigan. # }n that rugged boardman Brad recuperation just added another Grabiec and Davey Hart at the khmilrl u. EARLY SHOWDOWN guard slots. Rrlurniiifr to union Both MSU and Michigan will be bolstered for the The game will be played in Big Ten Michigan's Crisler Arena with opener pitting the two teams with Henry Wilmore (left) S' grapplers the opening tip scheduled for 2 returning to the Michigan camp and Brad VanPelt (ri^it) joining the Spartans following injuries. By GARY SCHARRER Greg Zindel and juniors Conrad heavyweights and Blubaugh is State News Sports Writer MSU s nationally second Calander and Mark Malley. Coaches Peninger pleased with the competition the and younger Avery is giving Lewis. THE } Blubaugh will have eight 'GREASER SPECIAL': ranked wrestling squad travels to undefeated wrestlers from the Iowa for a Saturday afternoon ten different weight classes for meet with the always potent their attack against Iowa. Hawkeyes. not The Spartans have yet appeared at home but after the Iowa meet have nine Defending Big Ten heavyweight Ben Lewis heads the Spartan list with two pins in Billy's fine IS • • BACKjj Greaser Coupon'1 consecutive home matches. X 4. many matches after the first I !* as __ The Spartans have defeated dual meets. CJ T T P K DPP Buy a Medium 12" VARSITY RSITY flZZA Indiana, 36 - 6, and Minnesota, , UIIVJI r\IICC 33 6, in dual meets this season - , ^ « starting to come in to and !* and Iowa has whipped Illinois, s °wn>' Blubaugh said. "He is ■ • ODOTQllOn Get Your Choice off Any 28 9, in its lone meet. - In recent years Iowa has starting to believe in himself. He 's beginning to realize that he | !* produced good wrestling teams ca" be tough." |3f and again this season have fine ls sometimes called MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (UPI) 3 Items Free!!! !* wrestlers in Dan Sherman (118) "Gentle Ben" but Blubaugh said - Detroit Tiger manager Billy Sunday, Jan. 9th, Only John Evashevski (177) and Paul that the Fenton senior is finally Martin was listed in good FREE DORM DELIVERY & PICK UP ONLY Zander (190). Sherman places becomi"g more aggressive and condition at St. Mary's Hospital .COUPON, second behind MSU's Greg the name may soon go. Wednesday following surgery for Johnson in the Big Ten tourney last Ud until iast P season Lewis sea.™ Lewis was ITT1 °f was hls knee CaldUm Jdep?i* .°n cap and ad oining From last year and vpsr and rnnturori captured tho the , an unknown, wrestling the lieu Lcn is in »„nHnn« * Midlands title last week. As a team, Iowa finished second in shadows heavvweiohts of other And MSU now r* The surgery was performed bv surgery was,periormea t>y FAST VARSITY *11 Dr Harvey O'Phelan, the om is shot last vear's conference t oTficia" ouiciais admitted X of me unhers oi meet university hut u heavyweight u' sophomore r Larry Minnesota Avery is confronted with the Martin u Twinsfnrm»r » team doctor, Twine J FREE that Iowa would have a same situation - the role of manner former Twins * HOT ing to stop bL™fhanar!^ JZIJi Playing understudy to an 0?heIan said ,Everything * the 68 abl,s,hed contender for went fine," and that Martin will yL DELIVER} //#>#># V Ur 332-6517 Spartans Swould i pit ? a team national honors Lewis and remain hoSpitalized about four Avery are the lone Spartan jav«. X)N, Ga. (UPI) - Pitcher Johnny Lee "Blue Moon" Odom, identical to the MSU lineup for ★★★★★★★ ★★★ Oakland Athletics was shot twice Thursday while tryping the Midlands tournament in rent a burglary at a neighbor's home but was later reported SKI AUSTRIA! which the Spartans finished Shop Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. isfactory" condition. second. Regulars Greg Johnson, March 18-27 n, who was visiting his mother here, was hit In the neck Mike Ellis, John Abajace and 4U Vis e by bullets but was able to walk into the medical center Bruce Zindel are still out of rgia Hospital, accompanied by his wife, Perry, action. But the Spartans have MSU SKI CLUB lames Lawrence said Odom underwent treatment in the found adequate replacements in 240 MEN'S IM 353-5199 ncy ward, including X-rays, but did not require surgery. freshmen Pat Mllkovich and 203 E. GRAND RIVER sin l is hmi orroiv ui Vt.'lO a.m. slmr/i! PENDLETON UP TO AND INCLUDING HALF OFF SAVE UP TO 50% ON HUNDREDS OF DISCONTINUED PENDLETON SEPARATES Come to Hosier's tomorrow and take your pick from hundreds of First quality Pendletons at savings of up to % off! All are fashioned of 100% virgin wool. . . styled in the Pendleton tradition. . . and come in an amazing array of colors and patterns. Sizes range from 8 to 16, 36 to 40 but not every size in every style and color. Yes, tomorrow is the big day for Pendleton collectors. . . and a smart time to become one! Here are just a few examples of the great savings! the time you save will be YOUR OWN... And give you more time for your favorite things. We will increase your reading speed 3, or 5 COATS. reg. $80 to $100 M5 I" times—and you still maintain comprehension. You'll also learn a study technique that will be a definite improvement over unorganized cramming. DRESSES, reg. $38 to $50 *20 to *26 Attend a Mini-Lesson. They're free -and you'll get a complete picture of our course and JACKETS, reg. $30 to $75 l<» Ml what it will do for you. SWEATERS, reg. $14 to $20 *8 lO *10 FREE mini-lesson schedule Mon., Jan. 10 or Tues., Jan . 11 SKIRTS, reg $16 to $28 ^ lO *15 Time 4 pm or 6 pm or 8 pm each day University Inn PAINTS, reg. $22 to $26 *12 to Ml STPLACE EVELYN WOOD P READING DYNAMICS SUITS, reg. $75 to $90 M2 to *48 COCKTAll* $ University Inn QUETS Trowbridge Kd. 1100 Trowbridge Rd. 17320 West Eight Mile Road Southfi*kL Michigan 48075 i N LANSlN East Lansing 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan i't itlay, Jtm Michigan S STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED The Answer to "What to Do With Your Old Car." For Re' CALL 355 8255 Sell It With a Classified Ad. Call Us! ^Hoi DOM ,urnilh to cadPus FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil *qnk For Rent For ied. 5-6 $tuc The State News does Automotive For Rent Lease » GET Action WITH A 44. 3-1"7 not permit racial or Apartments Want Ad Apartrtu>mt TO SELL. 1969 Triumph GT6+, religious discrimination green with white racing stripe. Apartments toi wan'80* f< in its advertising Low mileage with good body. ,90m. $67 columns. The State Must sell. Call 355-1217 after 4 UNFURNISHED, 2 bedroom TWO tfEDROOM duple s paid 3b1 6 ► AUTOMOTIVE apartment with stove and carpeted, close, Spic*' News will not accept p.m. 2-1-7 Scooters & Cycles BURCHAM WOODS. Two furnished refrigerator. Utilities furnished. Call 355-8218. j,7 1 litis $66 or $ advertising which Adults only No pets. $130 per Auto Parts & Service discriminates TOYOTA CORONNA Deluxe 1970, month plus deposit. Off South THREE 'an. 484-882C against BEDROOM Aviation 4 door, standard transmission, Washington near Reo. Call Ovid, du EMPLOYMENT religion, race, sex, color or 26,000 miles, 2 snow tires, $1550. 1 834 5234. B 1 1 7 5!' L^eP I shart' 4 b< national origin. 487-5798. Call after 12 noon. side Lansing FOR RENT ble 15th. 4 Apartments Rher's Edge Houses TOYOTA COROLLA 1971, 9,000 TWO MEN for four SUBLET needed f< miles, 29 miles per gallon. AM/FM man; & 4 man Rooms Automotive radio, excellent condition. Twyckingham; 351 3199. 2-1-7 $65/month. bedroom, 2 baths f0r Jil 351-0209. FOR SALE Spring 351-9288 * 3,1 CHEVY 353-9503, 394 0168. 5-1-11 Water's Edge 3wn lansii* Animals II, 1963.Radio. Reliable ONE MAN to share luxury apartment GIRL TO share transportation. Best offer. Phone VAN 1964 Ford. New everything. my apartmi Mobile Homes in Okemos, winter and/or spring APARTMENTS and spring tern,. 332-1782. 2-1-7 Call 351-5998, after 6 p.m. $450. La,9e Lost & Found term. Own room! $65 a month. 3-1-7 efficiency, $60 31 349-3603. 3-1-7 484 1328. 5-1 1? ► PERSONAL DATSUN 1970, 4-door, automatic, PEANUTS PERSONAL red, radio, disc brakes, low VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1968. HOLT. Two bedroom, stove, MADE TO Rooi mileage. $1600 or best offer. Excellent condition, new battery, • 1 subleaw REAL ESTATE 355-6128. 3-1-11 tires. Rebuilt engine. Best offer. refrigerator furnished. Married couple. No pets. $165, all utilities man apt. apartment. 76 Burcha, RECREATION After 5 p.m. 332-0218. 2-1-7 paid. 627-5812. 1-1-7 SERVICE Typing Service VOLKSWAGEN, New 1966. Best offer. QUIET, 3 bedroom duplex in Mason. • full) furnished NEED 2 girl roommateiim„ engine. Good condition. Need one student, $65 / month. Waters ■ Edge. Close TRANSPORTATION FAIRLANE 1966. Light blue 2 door, automatic, 289, power brakes. No Reason for sale: baby coming. cor know wrr heuustsridpiwt 667-4291. 1-1-7 • close to 351-4806.3 1 7 WANTED rust. $595. Phone 351-4597. 2-1-7 Phone 646-6250. 2-1-7 THINK He KM0U6 WHRT HE WT SHIP! campus NEED ONE girl for 4 man. Campus DEADLINE VOLKSWAGEN 1966. Sunroof, FALCON CLUBWAGON Windowvan 8#/f2z/£. aWNS. MM Hill Apartments, $62.50 per 1 P.M. one class day before for trucking. Carpeted, snows, snow tires. Call 351-8143 after 5 month. 349-3309. 1-1-7 332-4432 p.m. or all day on weekends. publication. some rust, need generator, 1416H 3-1-10 SUBLET NEAR campus. Furnished, WANTED ONE girl to sub Cancellations/Corrections Spartan Village. 355-0905. 3-1-10 •ARKING, kn shag carpeting, sauna, gym, pool. and spring. Large ai>artr - 12 noon one class day FORD GALAXIE 1964, newly Employment Employment One person or couple. $115. Inn to campus. 337-2172.3 us, 196 10-1 207 7 I before publication. rebuilt America Apartments, Arlene, ONE GIRL needed for four man transmission, new muffler, 353 9422. 3-1-11 PHONE 355-8255 58,000 miles, $375. Call 332-1039 apartment immediately. Chalet VOLKSWAGEN, GHIA 1970, PART TIME draftsmen, preferably STUDENT WIFE with own Apartments. Close to campus. Call SINGLES after 6 p.n. 3-1-7 convertible, orange, mag wheels, experienced in tool & die, hours transportation to work Monday NEED ONE FOR spacious two man 351-5185. 3 1-7 CAMPUS CAMP 19 facilities 347 Student Services Bldg. still in warranty. Reasonable. arranged. 489-5037 Mr. Vasher, and Friday mornings in East apartment. Winter / spring, '2-8077. C-1-3 FORD E C0N0LINE Van, 1964. ONE LEFT RATES 15 word minimum 489-7332 after 8 30 p.m. 3-1-7 46 P m* 2"1"10 Lansing home. Call 351-2323. immediate occupancy, $77.50 / WANTED: 1 girl roommate for 3 girl Green. New valve job. Runs good. 3-1-7 No. DAYS month. 337 2235. 1-1-7 apartment, winter and / or spring. $500 or best offer. 694-5861. VW SUPER BEETLE 1971. AM/FM RELIABLE SITTER needed. One New, fully furnished, No. 2-1-7 radio, 4800 miles, mint condition." child in Close to campus. 351-4382. 3-1-7 WORDS i 3 5 10 my home, Monday, PART AND full time positions with SUBLEASE ONE girl for four man. 3 bedroom apartme 546-0970.1-1-7 Tuesday, Thursday. Own features including dishwi subsideary of Alcoa. Car or 6 months. Delta Arms, WALKING DISTANCE to MSU. 1 21.00 15 2.70 8.10 11.25 FORD GALAXIE convertible, 1966. transportation. Call 349-1385. Call 351-7319. C-5-1-11 Good condition. Phone 332-4589. necessary. 332-0580. 1-1-7 bedroom cottage furnished Special rate for two [ 2-1-10 including utilities. Ideal for Phone 351-2169 after 16 2.95 6.85 12.25 23.00 2-1-7 WE NEED an experienced part time APARTMENT FURNISHED. graduate student or married BABYSITTER, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., bartender and cashier to work 17 3.20 9.60 13.25 25.00 Utilities paid. Parking. 1 or 2 couple. Manager 400 Gunson. FORD, 1967 Fairlane 500. 4 door, Tuesday and Thursday. Must provide from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the CLOSE, 2 bedroom V-8 automatic, radio, power Aviation boys, ava'iable now. IV2-6677. Cottage 18. Phone 332-6717. own transportation. (Within walking evenings. Good pay and working 3-1-11 3-1-7 18 3.45 10.35 14.25 27.00 steering and power brakes. distance of Brody.) 332-4687. 1-1-7 conditions. You must have car. $210 montln SINGLE d< Excellent tires. See at Spartan LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight 4113 South Cedar Street. 332-2349 5 1-12 c«, bath, kit< 19 3.70 11.10 15.25 29.00 Sunoco. Michigan at Harrison. training. All courses are NEED ONE girl to sublet winter and PENNSYLVANIA NORTH. Large, 393-4848. HOUSE OF ING 32-0063. 1-1-7 7-1-14 government and VA certified. ACTION RESTAURANT. 5-1-12 spring. One block from campus. upstairs, 1 bedroom apartment. NEED GIRL to share U 20 3.95 11.85 16.25, 31.00 FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport Call 351-1275, 355-9653. 3-1-7 Furnished, utilities included, winter / spring. No Road. Call 484-1324. C-1-31 PEACE CORPS deposit, $125 per month. Convenient. Small net (12 / week GTO 1966. 4 speed, must sell, good WAITRESSES, PART time noons TWO GIRLS needed for 4 girl Cedar t Road near VISTA and full time. Experience 337 0810. 355 2370. 2 shape, best offer. 694-8584. Village. Reduced rent. Call >01.3-1-11 All student ads must be necessary. Must be neat and 5-1-13 Auto Service & Parts 332-4965. 3-1-11 prepaid Recruiting on campus for dependable. JIM'S TIFFANY River's & Water's Edge volunteers. January 10-14 in RESTAURANT, downtown NEED ONE man for three man. Apartment Hou*o$ The State News will be MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East Placement Bureau. Come in Laming. 489-1 196 for Twyckingham. $65 per month. Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. NEED ONE girl for six responsible only for the . . . for more information. appointment. 5-1-11 332-2206. 2-1 10 MUSTANG 1968 Complete auto painting and ROOMMATE SERVICE Close to campus. Cat first Cobra-Jet, 4 - day's incorrect collision service. IV5-0256. C-1-31 3324432 Winter only. 3-1-7 speed, disc brakes, 21,000 actual insertion. miles, must sell. Call 332-5208. FULL For Rent ONE GIRL needed for 4 - man TIME night cook wanted, apartment. Close to campus, nice VW-GUAR ANTEED repair. NEAR EAST Lansing, experience only. Call 655-2175 COMPACT features. Call Joanne 351-2072. HE L PI NEED two womer* RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at house. Furnished, cart, , for an appointment. 5-1-11 6-1 14 January-June. Old Cedar OLDSMOBILE DELTA Okemos Road. 349 9620. C-1-31 REFRIGERATOR RENTALS Village! monthly. Deposit 88, 1965, 351-3339. fe-1-14 UNITED RENT-ALL. 2790 East 332-0829, nights A-1 shape. Also 1965 Chevy. Call SINGLE GIRL wanted to live in Grand River. 351-5652 Best rates 5 111 Automotive after 6 p.m. 371-2925. 1-1-7 country home and help care for 3 now. 3-1-7 carried students ONE MSU for furnished Employment young children. Private room, & faculty woman apartment across from campus, BMW 2002 1969, air conditioner, OPEL GT 1970. Canary yellow, EAST LANSING 4 board, transportation provided. TV AND STEREO rental, $60 a month 332-6246 after 3 AM/FM radio. Best offer over black interior, stereo tape, EXPERIENCED BEAUTY operator. 372 1031 for appointment. furnished, carpet. S ROOM foi radio, satisfaction guaranteed. Free p.m. 3-1-7 : $1750. 393-1291 after 4 p.m. excellent condition. Accept any Trowbridge. Spartan Shopping 0-1-14 delivery, service and pick up. No 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. Lease, deposit 65 3-1-10 reasonable offer. Call 332-3603 Center. East Lansing, 332-4522 some with study 393-0450. 5-1-11 deposit. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C TWO, 1 bedroom furnished Tioking. Pho 3-1-11 5-1-12 STUDENT EMPLOYMENT. 12 to 20 apartments, immediate CHEVROLET 1963. V8, all power, hours per week. Automobile TV RENTALS MALE TO share 3 bedr - Students only. Low occupancy Okemos and near OPEL KADETTE 1 100 snow tires, best running '63 in town! $275. Evenings 355-3160. fastback, radio and over 1967, 30 miles per gallon, new clutch. Phone necessary. Phone 351 5800. 5:30. C-1-12 8 - monthly and term rates. Call 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV from *145 per mo. campus. $150/month 349-3919. 3-1-7 with 2 others. Gradu preferred. Everything CLEAN, ing. Close 2-1-10 $85. 485-0460 3-1 7 B36.487-5753 RENTALS. C-1-31 351-2061. 3-1-7 355-3183. 2-1-7 MATURE RESPONSIBLE person UNFURNISHED SUBLEASE win rt R and spring. CHEVROLET NOVA with references to care for 2 Modern apartment. Close to NEAR FRANDOR. : 1970, six TV RENTALS. Color, $19.50 per PEUGEOT, 1963. (Four-door Sedan) FULL TIME sales position for children welcome $290 / month. Two duplex, semi- furnished, cylinder, standard, still under children, ages 7 & 3% from 7:15 month. Black and white, $9.50 campus. warranty, excellent condition, Excellent engine, body, 32 mpg., aggressive young man, looking for a.m. to 5:30 p.m. please, no pets bedroom. Contact Manager rent and lea Near per month. MARSHALL MUSIC, $1600. 355-2874. 7-1-17 four speed transmission, snow a career opportunity. Sales 332 4432. 3 1 7 351 9080. 3-1-10 - Laingsburg. Must have own 351-7830. C-1-1-7 332-8940. 1-1-7 experience necessary. Excellent transportation. 675-7286 2-1-7 CHEVY IMPALA 1967. hardtop, new tires, power steering 4-ojor PONTIAC TEMPEST 1966. stick, earning potential and benefits. Phone HAGER many fringe FOX GIRL TO do housework, ironing, 5 REFRIGERATORS dishwashers. AND portable ESCHTRUTH KNOB HILL 2 BEDROOMS. apartment at 2 bath, furnished 1790 E. Grand and brakes, snow tires. 626-2106. COMPANY, 482-5501 ext. 153. hours / week. Call Mrs. Marshall River, Okemos. Parking, private. good engine, low mileage, $400. 351-5986. 3-1-7 4-1-10 evenings, 349-4697. 2-1-7 ELECTRIC CO. Grand 0-1-18 Ledge. 315 S. Bridge, Phone 627-2191. APARTMENTS 349-3066. 3-1-7 ROOM FOR rent near $41.25 per month i-lu MUSICIANS NEEDED for stage 349-4700 Winter and / or spr band. ONLY those serious about BARROOM PIANO player, nitesand 351 9386. 2-1 7 TERM TV RENTALS Only $23. poHuns music need apply. Call Rock, weekends. For auditions call Mr. OPEN Monday - Friday 355-9938. 3-1-7 "About $8 month". No deposit. Seward, 616-781 3961. 5-1-11 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. WANTED: 1 person loi Call NEJAC. 337-1300. 7-1-14 Saturday 12-5 SINGLE EFFICIENCY to sublet, house. Own room, p.m. Amity Hall, $129 / month. campus Nice house R» LARGEST SELECTION ^ GERMAN MOTORS REFRIGERATORS. RENT them at AC & E Rentals, 1790 Grand LOCATED U MILE NORTH OF JOLLY RD. ON Utilities included. Call L. 355 2131. 2-1 7 Dorsey, plus utilities. Security $81.25 necessary Call id- No lease II util IN TOWN VW River, Okemos. Phone 349-2220. OKEMOS ROAD BOO. 3-1-7 - PORSCHE 2-1-7 Deposit refunded on return. Your car caught cold? SPECIALIZING IN 5-1-11 EAST LANSING or Lansing. One SPACIOUS, 2 bedroom duplex VW & PORSCHE apartment, furnished, carpeted, SPACE A V A11 ABl E, rooms $21 Kramer has everything to fix it. omplete Engine Overhi bedroom furnished. Large airy ihed, carpe close. 355-8218 after 3 p.m. rooms. Beautifully maintained. Service, too. $53.75 each for four. 3-1-10 337-1611. 3-1 1 3. cooking, 1 Apartments Suitable for faculty, grad student, business or professional or married 351-2103. 3-1. NEW OR REBUILT SUBLEASE WINTER and spring, 2 couples. Lease. 332-3135 or ©We Stock Over a Mil ion Parts PARTS FOR SALE 882-6549. 0-1-13 KRAMER AUTO PARTS insed German Mechanics 2152 W. Gd. R|i l 349-3330 or 3 man apartment. Burcham. $175/month. Terms 731 can TWYCKINGHAM: 1 or 2 girls be arranged 351-3318. 3-1-7 800 E. Kalamazoo St. needed immediately. $70 / month 484-1303 "We lake pride in our work " Call 332-2204. 3-1-11 1 GIRL to sublease new 3 man luxury apartment close to campus. $ low '50 PER APT. DEPOSIT Call 337-9372 3-1-7 NEED campus. ONE girl, 1 block from Furnished, balcony, air - conditioning, 2 bedroom, 2 * STORY 3, 6 &9 MONTH LEASES/' „ , GIRL OVER 23 to share duplex, person. $80. Arlene 9 5 p.m FURNISHED 4 / • • S"/1f, at 135 Burcham. $64 / month 351-1326 after 6 p.m. 1-1-7 MEADOWBROOK logna, sin, cos, tan, cot, % calculations for margin and mark-up problems, and 31 American-metric arc, conversions 2 MAN near disposal, heat and 351 9036. 3-1-11 campus, furnished, water furnished. *2168 (directly). Easier, faster and To get to TRfteE Meadowbrook Trace, go two miles south of does much more than conventional rules. A full size NEEDED ONE girl for 4 apartment. Winter and / or spring. - man log-log rule at >/> the normal New Cedar Village. 337-2009. Michigan State Campus on 1-496. Exit west onto Jolly cost. 2-1-10 SYSTEM WERN, BOX Road and go to corner of Dunckel Road. 315, MADISON HTS., MI PHONE 393 0210 ONE GIRL needed winter and / or 48071 CAMPUS REP. OPEN 9-6 DAILY OR BY APPOINTMENT 353-2198 spring, own room. Twyckingham. 351-2689. 3-1-11 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, January 7, 1972 15 For Sale For Rent For Sale Real Estate 100 USED vtcuum cleaners Tanks, Houses canisters and uprights. Guaranteed Animals GROESBECK AREA. 3 bedroom ont full yaar, $7.88 and up. Ranch, 1V4 baths, garage, finished nM furnished house. On# DENNIS DISTRIBUTING IRISH SETTER, purebred ftmala. btstment, low township taxes. ' COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. seven months, all shots, needs $24,900. Phont 332-5507. 1-1-7 56 student*. $60 $65 Oppositt Citv Market. C-3-1-7 • good roomy home. $40 ."<• 484 7045.3-1-10 OKEMOS, 3-5 bedroom Rtnchesand Colonials under construction. 44.3-1-7 YOU CAN see tht savings with FREE PUPPIES, black males. 311V4 $4,000 down and up. Leonard quality glasses from OPTICAL Stoddard Ave. 332-5486. 3-1-7 'L" w8n(ed for 4 girl house, DISCOUNT. 2615 East Michigan Jay, Builder. Phone 349-9152. nm $67.50 / month. Avenue. 372-7409. C-3-1 7 5-1 12 srpa.d 3b1 C028. M-7 Mobile Homes EAST LANSING, 1937 North SPECIAL THROUGH Mondayl Harrison Rd. Two story colonial, i 556 or $45. Own r< Waterbed units, $50. Includes 3 bedrooms, 254 baths, family 484-8820. M-7 mattrtss, liner, frame and pad NEW TRAILER Court - Adults only. room, fireplace. 351-9575. 3-1 7 REBIRTH, 309 North Scenic lakefront lots ,are 4 bedroom housa. available, Washington, Lansing, 489 6168 $50.00 monthly with school tax Announcements for It's What's The Book Exchange will operate The Badminton Club invites Lansing. $70 compltte. . 6 K u AtzaO Hauc C-4-1-10 included. 675-7212. O-2-1-10 Service Happening must be received in the from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. today in West tudents and faculty to play from State News office, 345 Student Shaw Hall lower lounge. We need o 10 tonight in the lower gym of tl GIBSON ELECTRIC guitar, ES 335 12 x 60 BARON mobile BILLIE'S BALLET Studio-European Services Bldg., by I p.m. at least two Vomen's Intramural Building. home. with case. Excellent condition. Partly furnished, with extras. 15 trained, professional ballerina and class days before publication. Items needed for large houst. Sunburst. $245. Call 393-4182 minutes from MSU. teacher now accepting pupils are limited to 2 5 words. No The Students' International or 393-6276 ^35,-0209. 1-1 7 485 8668 5-1-11 1 1-72 (children, teenagers, adults) for Meditation Society will hold the first There will he a orientation meeting beginning, intermediate and phone. No an for persons interested in working for meeting of the term at 5 p.m. Sunday m„ LANSING. 2 bedroom USED FURNITURE Flea Fair 314 MARLETTE, 1967, 12' x 50 .Like :epted for utside the in the Union Gold Room. the Open Door Crisis Intervention J near capitol. Parking, East Michigan. Dishes, books, new, immediate possession. Priced Center at 7 p.m. today at 1840'/: S. hildren okay. $150 includts coins, antiques, rockers, junk! for quick sale. Phone The Social Work Undergraduate Logan St. Call 484-5467 after 4 p.m. 372-1218 ,93.1313. 5-M3 Bargain Hunters Paradise Open 3-1-11 WILL BABYSIT in my Spartan Students will hold a Welcome Back Saturday and Sunday. Furniture Village home full time, part time, for all social work students and There will be a dinner for all Wilson Rooms and appliances open all week, 10 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. 1964 any timel 353-6836. 1-1-7 Service faculty at 8 p.m. Monday in the Hall Volunteers at 5:30 p.m. Monday in the 62 Room. For reservations, am - 6 pm. Phone 371-2843 Parkwood, 10' x 51' with Union Gold Room. C-1-31 Expando, storage shed, furnished, SOLDIER OF Fortune. Name job - call 35 3-4400. OLE room. 3 blocks from name price. Call 355-7567 ask for Typing Service Phone 351 5076 afttr 5 freezer, near campus. $2900. A tape on the relationship of the 332-6263 after 5 p.m. 3-1-7 Tater. Peace to all. 1-1-7 institutional church to current social Student ticket distribution for all COLE S BAKERY ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith issues will be FINE BAKERY food for all meals. presented at 7 p.m. Open Sundays. MEIJER'S TRAVELO, 12' x 60', Expando, shag PRIVATE RESEARCH offset printing. Complete service Saturday at Bethel Manor, 803 E. for dissertations, theses, Grand River Ave. THRIFTY ACRES - Okemos, S. :arpet, double tier draperies. ALL TYPES OF manuscripts, general typing. IBM. Pennsylvania. W. Saginaw. KROGER - Frandor, Logan Center, 4002 W. Saginaw, 1721 N. RESEARCH HANDLED. 22 years experience / 349-0850. C-1-31 Campus meet at 7 Crusade p.m. for Christ today in the Union will B'nai Brith Hillel will hold Sabbath ALL RIGHT, Grand River. C-1-7 1971. SQUIRE Mobile home. 12' x 65', 5' x 24' Expando. WRITE FDR DETAILS: COMPLETE Discount THESES service. gold Room for the first meeting of services at 5 p.m. dinner. Friday followed by Morning services will be held WHO'S NEXT?! Mediterranean decor. Carpeting, printing. IBM typing and at 10 a.m. Saturday. Call Hillel House ARKING, kitchen, close to disposal, furnished or unfurnished binding of theses, resumes, At Hillel this Sunday - Justin L. for information. 207 Bogue, Call 625-7421 after 6. 5-1-11 EVANS RESEARCH publications. Across from campus, Kestenhaum, associate professor of corner M.A.C. and Grand River, 96 101 7 SONY TC-20 Casette car stereo and history will discuss "The Counter The Sierra Club will meet at 7:30 WESTWOOD 8' COMPANY below Jones Stationery Shop. Call Culture in Education" after dinner at Sony TC-124CS Cassette recorder x 42', near campus. p.m. Monday in 34 Union. A club COPYGRAPH SERVICES. 5:30 lor information, call SINGLES and doubles. plus accessories and 50 tapes. Ideal for one or two students. 705 EIGHTH STREET, S.E. p.m. film and discussion of winter 337-1666. C-1-31 322-1916. ^ facilities Utilities paid. 489 4436. 15-1-14 Must sell, will negotiate WASHINGTON, D.C. 20003 2-8077. C-1-31 351-1545.3-1-10 TYPING THESES and letters, etc. Gay Liberation Movement will WILTON CAKE supplies. 1000 of FOR QUALITY service and stereos, The MSU Golf club offers the first RENT meet at 3 p.m. Sunday in the Union items in stock. MARY'S CAKE TV's and recorders THE STEREO of a series of instructional periods at Lost & Found Experienced. 393-4075 C-1-31 Tower room. Call 353-9795 for 12:30 p.m. Saturday in 137 Women's SUPPLIES, 11213 Jtrryson, off SHOPPE. 337-1300. C-1-31 Wtst St. Joe, Grand Ledge. Intramural Bldg. "Introduction to 627-4888 5-1-13 LOST: COLLEGE ring. State Golf" will be shown. YOUR TV Transportation . . . HORSES BOARDED. $35 per At the Albatross Friday and University College, Brockport, month. Hay and grain daily. Box Saturday two benefit folk concerts tale student, clean, PANASONIC ALL • channel 12" N.Y. Name within. Reward. Call - stalls. 4 miles South of MSU. from 8:30 p.m. on. The Albatross is BY THE TERM cooking privileges, portable. Good condition, must 351-4360 1-1-7 LONDON S149 round trip airfare 882-8779,882-3820. 3-1-10 located at 547 E. Grand River Ave. private bath. $12 / from New York with open return. ij, Call 484-1006. M-7 sell. Alan Marcosson at Elsworth Co-op, 332-3576. 1-1-7 LOST: BLACK and white Siberian Call Frank Buck, 351-2286. *23.00 PAINTING, INTERIOR now at Husky. Full masking. Bloomfield prefreeze prices. Grad students, BY THE MONTH SINGLE double. Private SKI IS. 207cm Dynamics with tags. Okemos vicinity. Reward. kitchen, parking. references, reasonable. Jere or , Salomon bindings, 204cm Lange 349-9237. 1-1-7 in 34 Union. All ai 2-0063 M-7 Dynamics with bindings, never Bruce, 349-4817. C-1-31 Wanted suggestions, call 484-5104. *9.50 used. 351-1529. 1-1-7 Personal W ho's Whose 2 / week for a double. Road near campus. Call UNIVERSAL COPYING machine, Typing Service GENTLE FREAK, male, 30, Free Service FREE ... A lesson in complexion economical place to crash w Free Delivery i01,3-1-11 HHm/>> automatic feeder, includes related care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan TYPING IN my home. 8 years term. 489-2991. 2-1-7 ENGAGEMENTS Free Pick-up supplies. Call 332-3603 2-1-7 485-7197, Lansing Mall. experience. Call Dolly, 484-5765. A or ANSING. Male students, MERLE NORMAN 5-1-11 COSMETICS CHEERFUL WOMEN with parking, refrigerator, SANYO STEREO, reel to reel tape STUDIOS. C-3-1-7 Ann NEIAC TV RENTALS extensive child oriented Sheerer, Farmington senior, Call 332-5791 for The listening Ear recorder. Excellent condition $95 DISSERTATIONS. THESES, term delta Zeta to Tom Filipski, Detroit background will watch 2Vi to 5 337-1717 337-1300 or best offer. Call 332-3603. POETRY WANTED for anthology. papers. Expert typist with degree year olds or lunch and after 2-1-10 Include stamped envelope. in English. IBM 351-8961. O-1-10 ROOMMATE wanted. school, any age in her East IDLEWILD PRESS. 1807 East Kathy Curatolo, Mt. Clemens senior, iom furnished with Lansing home. 351-9383. 2-1-7 Olympia, Los Angeles, California TYPING SERVICES offered Kappa Kappa Gamma to Michael At Uncle John's LANSING'S ONLY at the « Phone 351-4939 for 90021. 16-1-26 SHELDON COMPANY, 5818 Schey, West Bloomfield senior, Zeta ■Dave. 5-1-13 Durwell PARKll^p SPACE for motor home DISCOUNTER Drive, Lansing. Phone in rural area, 3-5 miles from East Beta Tau. 3R rent in house 1 block mpus. 351-4385 between of Brand Name stereo TIRED Visit OF THE ho-huTTf'needlepoint? THIMBLEBERRY 882-4018 for Information. 6-1-14 side of campus. 355-9277. 1-1-7 A SHOP, 210 Abbott Road. Suite IBM THESIS typing (including i. and 10 p.m. 3-1-7 equipment. and blank Pre - recorded tapes. Brand names 44. for (Above Crossroads Imports) new ideas on an old theme. Or equations) No term papers please. Phone Mrs. Lippincott, 489-6479 PERSON two cats. NEAR campus to board Expenses plus S3 / week. Joan E. Sprigg, Troy sophomore to Pancake 351-0458. 1-1-7 ROOM for one female, like Kenwood and Sansui. 1-1-7 utes drive from campus. Jking. Phone 351-8994. call 337-2750. Open Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. -4 p.m. SAVE SAVE SAVE Richard G. Wilbins, Jr., Arlington Heights, III. junior. Is A MID-MICHIGAN Classes in beginning needlepoint HERE IS licensed, economic, XEROX COPYING. Offset, best beginning January 11 and 13th. experienced babysitter in her Wendy L. Miller, Birmingham ELECTRONICS, INC. B-1-1-7 quality at reasonable prices. THE Spartan Village home. No sophomore to Ci.arles E. Brown, CLEAN, quiet COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand 927 E. Grand River restriction. Call 355-3010. 2-1-10 Detroit senior. '9 Close to River. Phone 332-4222. C-1-31 351-8388 ALWAYS OPEN. Monday through 36.487-5753. 0 Friday. 8 5:30 p.m. UNION PIONEER 8 track stereo recorder. BUILDING BARBER SHOP. ACROSS from campus, New 8 track stereo tapes $2.99. C-1-1-7 'icilities, double, $12 per Garrara Si-95 stereo changer. ngle $21 per week. 029 2-1-7 Ampex Micro 54 stereo cassette WRIST PRESERVER tjan&s concert deck. Pioneer TX-700 stereo scticit Wrist preserver is a little 4 WD board for 2. tuner. Sansui 1000A AM/FM 351-6891. stereo receiver. Nikon FTn with ounce pack you wear on your 135 mm and 50 mm lens. USED wrist. Puch the plunger, and STEREO, amps, tuners, receivers, whoosh, in two seconds a LVANIA AVENUE south, "EPI PRESENTS" changers, tape recorders, decks, Co-2 cartridge turns it into a Ave. Quiet for speakers, records, tapes. Color TV life preserver. near bus line, $15 a week sets. Police band radios, STATE News Classified Ads deposit. Phone 627-5454. typewriters, cameras and can be a life preserver too. The world's second best equipment. Tapestries skiis and Want Ads can save you time NEAR campus, free TV and boots. WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East Michigan 8 to and money. You don't have reproduction system all utilities, phone to run all over town to find 5:30 P.M., Monday - Saturday. No lease. the best buys. Just turn to $105/month. 485-4391. BankAmericard, Master the Classified Section now! Charge, Layaways, terms, trades. C ROOMS $210 per ttrm, PREGNANT? PANICKY? Consider carpeted, paneled, SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. the alternatives. Pregnancy -ing, washing. Call counseling. 372-1560. C Brand new portables, $49.95. 351 2103. 3-1-7 $5.00 per month. Large selection januan>7tfj at 8 p. in. of reconditioned used machines. For Sale Singers, Whites, Necchis, New Recreation union ballroom Home and "many others", $19.95 to $39.95. Terms EDWARDS : s'w.wt 6R*AK $1.00 atmiission "NTER clothing DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. lAcapu ico - 1 89 s m and small ""cellent condition. 1115 N. Washington, 489 6448. Baiwimas - 1 &fl » - .his week and next. League Cedar Chest. 501 E C-3-1 7 Uawa11TODAY!! CAU - 24 9 485 0865. 3-1-7 COLE S BAKERY 1«S SURPLUS BAKERY foods at CIRCLE of Sound reduced prices. 1/3 to 1/2 off at -and speakers, $100. Call retail prices; great eating, great or 351-0730. 3-1-7 SPRING BREAK economy I Surplus store, 640 JAMAICA $239 South Waverly, immediately BAHAMAS $189 North of I-496 Expressway. 3-1-7 'l8KAN0 Pn9a9e,TI®nt ring SPAIN $229 »"«•Si.-a*eu' Ph ACAPULCO Call $219 HIGH QUALITY Stereo equipment, rv9tPhPLR, No W00D' CIOS'n9 I "0m Shards. 2 2 year warranty. old, up to Only 3 months 1/3 off. 663-8547. h of Les|je Qn H 6-1-11 Real Estate h V°9ld6uDs'« . .. 5 Closed Animals |0HP4Rn S,0re° ,v,Um' PUPPY. MALE, Hound-Beagle mixture black and white 11 weeks r AM/'r lncludw Dual , Immediate occupancy. speakers. old, fine house pet. 484-8026. Executive home. Owner will 3-1-7 The nicest he«dphones. hold land contract with thing about the 100 (next to the sound) is the price GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies,AKC $3,000 - 4,000 down or trade from selact breeding. Parents in your present home. Close ONLY s09°° X Rayed. $100. Phone 669 9513. to M.S.U. campus. Four M-7 bedrooms, deluxe kitchen, beamed family room with Friendly feelings and the great taste of THE FISH - MONGEH is having his first annual rock and plant sale - fireplace, den, two car garage, Coca-Cola. That's the way it should be. and much much more. Call 22 types of live and the usual plastic plants plus 8 kinds of rock. for a personal showing, John J. Henry 371-1930 or ^ It's the real thing. Coke, 1522 East Michigan. 485 6036. Open Friday, 12-9 Monday 12-6 Saturday, through Sunday. evenings 485-6766. jum 1-11-7 TEACHOUT &GARDNER 402 S. WASHINGTON AVE. LANSING NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND puppies. REALTORS 245 ANN STREET, EAST LANSING lira Cix « ■ Company i>y Coca Cola Bottling Companv of Michigai AKC, all puppy shots. $95 Phont 371 1930 489-2728. 3 1 10 \ 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ITie following employers will interview with employers even Students wait for their U.S. Marine Corps; U.S. Navy; be interviewing from Jan. 17 though they have not completed requests to be filled at the U.S. Dept. of Health, Education through Jan. 21. December, their military service. Many & Welfare. book exchange in the lower March and June graduates of all employers have indicated an Jan. 19: Battle Creek Public level of Shaw Hall. degree levels are eligible to interest interviewing the student Schools; Ernst & Ernst; General SN photo by Craig Porter interview unless otherwise before and after his duty with Motors Corp.; Haskins & Sells; indicated. the Armed Forces. Mead Johnson & Co.; Oscar If you are interested in an Jan. 17: Arthur Andersen & Mayer & Co.; J.C. Penney Co.; organization, sign up in the Co.; Bloomingdale's; Cedar Point P.P.G. Industries Inc.; State Placement Bureau Monday or at Inc.; General Motors Corp.; B.F. Farm Mutual Ins. Co.; Stauffer least two school days in advance Goodrich Co.; M & B Top Soil & Chemical Co.; Summerour & of the interviewing date. Supply Co.; U.S. Air Force; U.S. Associates Inc.; Whirlpool Corp.; Additional information is Marine Corps; U.S. Navy. Win Schuler Restaurants, Inc.; available in the Placement Jan. 18: Arthur Andersen & U.S. Air Force; U.S. Army Bulletin posted each week at the Co.; Bloomingdale's; Chemical Material Command; U.S. Atomic Placement Bureau and in most Abstracts Service; Ernst & Ernst; General Motors Corp.; Grand Energy Commission; U.S. Marine departments. This bulletin lists Corps; U.S. Navy. specific majors requested by the Rapids Public Schools; Haskins & Sells; U.S. Air Force; U.S. Jan. 20: Detroit Baptist Camp; COURT HEARS APPEAL interviewing organizations. General Motors Corp.; Hallmark Students are advised to- Atomic Energy Commission; Cards, Inc.; Mead Johnson & Co.; Metropolitan Life Ins. Co.; MSU toughens Oscar Mayer & Co.; Purdue University; Reed City State Bank, Summerour & AssocLi.% Inc.; Swift & Co.; U.S. Air Force; U.S. Atomic Energy U-M DETROIT (UPI)—The Michigan court of Appeals Thursday rent levy $252,000 during the 1970-71 school year or the education of 386 Commission; U.S. Navy. cashing policy heard a lawsuit challenging the University of Michigan (U-M) children. The amount roughly was equal to what would have been Jan. 21: General Motors Corp.; practice of collecting additional rent from married students to paid to the district if the units were not tax exempt. Hallmark Cards, Inc.; U.S. Air On May 25, 1970, the regents raised the married pay for the education of the students' children. housing rent Force; U.S. Navy. The suit, an appeal brought to the Appellate Court from the by $6 per unit per month to partially offset the payment of the (Continued from page one) Students who cash a bad check The following employers will State Court of Claims, was heard by Judges Charles schools. L. Levin, A spokesman for the cashier's at the Administration Building also be interviewing for summer Donald E. Holbrook and S. Jerome Bronson. The married students claim the regents have no are assessed a $2 service charge legal authority office Thursday pointed tiredly employment: A group of 21 married students originated the suit to pay rental monies to the schools. March 5, at a stack of 200 to 300 bad by MSU in addition to whatever Jan. 17: Cedar Point, Inc. 1971, claiming the U-M Board of Regents did not have the A clerk for the Appellate Court in Detroit said it could be checks written by students at charges their own bank makes Jan. 18: Ernst & Ernst. authority to pay the Ann Arbor Public School District a portion several weeks before a decision is handed down. early registration during fall against the checking account. Jan. 19: Ernst & Ernst; Win of the student housing rent in lieu of taxes. term finals week. The total Terry explained that if a person Schuler Restaurants Inc. The suit, rejected by the Court of Claims, demands the refund number of bad checks from both can demonstrate that the bank Jan. 20: Detroit Baptist Camp; of rental monies paid to the school district for the education of early and regular registration will made an error in returning a probably be between 600 and check that actually was not bad, 900 checks. he would not have to pay a Purdue University. France's SST U-M students living in 1,300 married housing units, which are exempt from property taxation. MSU, which paid $309,620 in the last fiscal year to East J FACULTY & STUDENTS OF Because it takes from few service charge. Lansing for the education of the children of students living in \ KOKO BAR a days to several weeks for a check The Cashier's Office never has married housing, would be affected if the U-M married students to be processed through the accepted checks written on local reaches twice win the court case. University to the issuing bank, banks for cashing, except for The public schools in Ann Arbor claimed the district had the bad checks for this week's those checks issued by MSU burden of educating the children but received no direct or registration might not itself for payroll and financial speed of sound 'ndirect ^compensation. The regents agreed to pay the district • GOOD FOOD completely identified until aid. There was no dollar limit ior midterm. When the University staff who cashed checks in the has a check returned, it past and students previously had LONDON (AP)—Concorde 001, French-built prototype of HILLEL FdUNDATION 319 Hillcrest at W. Grand River } immediately sends out a letter to a $25 limit. The $50 limit for the student or staff member notifying them of the bad check. both students and staff should accomodate both groups, Terry the supersonic airliner, reached more than twice the speed of sound Thursday during tests off SABBATH SERVICES: • MIXED DRINKS This will be followed by said. Britain's west coast. Friday, 5 p.m., followed by Dinner telephone calls, certified letters In the past, the state auditor Saturday, 10 a.m., followed by Kiddush THURSDAY NITE IN PIZZA NITE! Jean Franchi, chief test pilot and finally court prosecution general criticized MSU for of Aerospatiale, described the 12"-ONE ITEM -$1.25 through the Dept. of Public offering any check cashing SUNDAY, JAN. 9, 5:30 p.m. TUESDAY NITE IS PITCHER NIGHT, PITCHERS FOR Safety. service at all. The Cashier's test as "very successful." Aerospatiale is the French Opening Supper - social at Hillel LESS | "As far as we are concerned, if Office, in addition to check Dr. Justin Kestenbaum, Associate Professor of 2 BRANDS, AND DARK BEER company partnering the British History, a student gives us a bad check at cashing, handles the payment of Aircraft Corp. in the Concorde MSU, will lead a discussion on "The Counter Culture in - SERVING NOON SPECIALS registration, he has not yet paid fees on deferred payments and project. Education." Buffet Supper. Everyone welcome. For - SANDWICHES, STEAKS rides, his fees and is therefore other such transactions. Franchi said the aircraft phone 332-1916. CHICKEN, SHRIMP DINNERS| registering late. The late "We recover more than 90 per registration charge is $15," cent of the bad check money," reached a top speed of Mach Anyone interested In studying Hebrew this quarter please CONVENIENTLY LOCATED PIZZAS IN OR OUT! 2.03—just under 1,400 miles an phone the Hillel Foundation. Terry said. Terry said. IsAMAZOO & CLIPPERTST CALL 351-2919 337 2125 J hour. or STEREO TAPES DISC SHOP RECORDS! RECORDS / mm fmiiiiiiiinmmr ms. 323 E. GRAND RIVER ARTISTS SPECIAL SALE Pliaroali Sanders Hum hie Pie Grass Roots PRICES LABELS B.B.King Spooky Tooth Three Dog Night List Sale Creedenec Free Isaac Hayes 4.98 298 James Gang Buddy Miles Rod Stewart John Lee Hooker Mother Earth Dave Bru heck 598 359 Quincy Jones Dave Mason Otis Spann Burl Bacharach Gahor Szabo Mystic Moods <^96 6" Carpenters Mark Almond Carole King Lee Michaels Who Cat Stevens Proeol Harem Wish hone Ash Nice John Coltrane Mamas & Papas hours Joe Cocker Stephen wolf 9 AM-9PM PLUS LOTS MOKE!! Mon