January) I Make Monday MICHIGAN Cloudy STATE NEWS I slowly. .haste STATI . . . with late in the afternoon. a chance of showers High in the UNIVERSITY mid-40s. L ca Number 8* East Lansing, Michigan Monday, January 10, 1972 jEW DELHI STOPOVER Indian officials to greet eader of Bangladesh nFLHI (AP) - India Prepared a over, only India and Bhutan — whose But the Bangladesh leaders now claim to in as Sheik Mujibur Rahman foreign relations are guided by New Delhi exercise full control and maintain they 3 New Delhi for a triumphal have recognized Bangladesh - Indian . have the right to recognition from all on his way home to a hero's troops still garrison the country. nations. The Bangladesh foreign minister, Abudus govern",ent rad,° 84,(1 Prime Samad Azad, said in New Delhi Sunday Indira mbers Gandhi, President V.V.Giri of the cabinet planned to Thousands that the top U.S. diplomat in Dacca had acknowledged to him that the regime was sheik on his arrival from London, firmly established throughout the cuuntrv. ree nck-up British capital Saturday to the Samad said Herbert Spivack, the , 1 TV RENTAL ne detention in Pakistan. months of il ye«" old Bangladesh leader will • of Bengalis American consul-general to Dacca under the overthrown Pakistan government, told 137-1300 rally and call on Giri shortly after him "he is personally convinced now that the authority of the elected representatives in time forsaid, the broadcast TOffthis morning,Dacca, night HI resume ion entry into his an await Mujib of the People of Bangladesh is established in Bangladesh." lals of the secessionist government is expected to lead a prepared Samad and the Indian government issued )me as hero, liberator and i," or father of the bengali DACCA (AP ) — Thousands of Bengalis flocked to Dacca Airport Sunday to wait a joint communique Sunday, appealing for universal recognition, including Death of for the return of Sheik Mujibur Rahman, membership of Bangladesh in the UN. It Bangladesh mission in New Delhi the father of their new nation of was Samad's* first official diplomatic it during his stopover Sheik Mujib Bangladesh. Fire boats pour water on former British luxury liner Queen Elizabeth as the vessel burns in Hong Kong Sunday. gesture as a member of the Bangladesh thank the Indian government and its No one seemed to mind the wait. After government. She was being renovated for use as a floating university and cruise ship when destroyed by the raging-blaze. the decisive help they gave the not knowing whether the sheik was even AP Wirephoto m movement. alive since his arrest in the early hours of behind the Indian army that rebels i March 26 by Pakistani soldiers, his people ver the former East Pakistan from now were certain he was coming home. ders n dispatched by the central government in the West. And it Calcutta, India, that the insurgent iment set up shop during the i and war. The fledgling Bangladesh government made plans to welcome him as hero, liberator and father of the nation. "It will be a holiday for the nation, and its happiest moment," Prime whole Wharton faces continue at this month's trustee meeting a the new government has taken Minister Tajuddln Ahmed said. discussion of the conditions under which The heads of all foreign diplomatic By MICHAEL FOX missions in Dacca - including that of the State News Staff Writer News Background an out-state student may or may not pay in-state tuition fees. University attorney U.S. — also were invited to the welcoming Committee seats Lee Carr submitted revised regulations ceremony, Ahmed said. President Wharton's return today to his Another carry-over issue from fall term is that the high, low, medium and average for student domiciliary at the November "Everyone will be invited, even those . office building unleashes a new year's administration action on the proposal to board meeting which were tabled because jtions are still available in 101 salaries of each rank in each department, who opposed us," he said in apparent barrage of issues and problems which face Services for student seata on the school and center be made available to the establish a College of Urban Affairs. of other pressing business. reference to the American support for the University in the term ahead. faculty .without listing names. The Provost John E. Cantlon said Friday he ing Academic Council Standing former President Agha Mohammed Yahya Althoufh students returned to "business In administration's recommendation was doubted if the administration would be in retrospect, the central administration ittees: Curriculum, Educational Khan of Pakistan. as usual" last Wednesday with the start of and Wharton will a position to make a decision on the not be faced with Faculty Tenure Honors Programs, "We have no enmity. But, of course, one classes, Wharton did not return until this supported in principle by a faculty poll and is probably more acceptable to the college until February, though it had been employe pay raises, the federal economic f, Academic Governance, Public who was a friend in need will not be the weekend from a month-long speaking tour community than the State Journal's Dec. 2 predicted that the college would be game plan or the cross-campus highway I, and Building, Lands «nd Planning. same as one who was an enemy in need." of Asia. The institution operates smoothly thisterm. Last term's hot news issues, in Wharton's absence, but consideration publication of confidential faculty pay- approved last fall term. lists. The administration will probably however, will be replaced by new issues. and decisions on several key issues have been postponed until now. ocfors still Probably the most immediate decision for Wharton will be the review of possible avenues in which to cut back the University's spending in line with a 2 per Some student positions Info prickly' cent state-imposed cutback in MSU's $76 million apmropriation. Administrators last ■ARM, Denmark (AP) — Last August, Knud Kjaer Jensen, 56, stumbled and felll • a pile of branches cut from a barberry hedge. Five months later doctors are still s week would not elaborate on ways for which the $1.5 million cut will be accounted. It is believed that other items for on committees still empty »ng thorns from his body. Tie surgeons at the local hospital figure they've pulled more than 1,300 thorns | Wharton to initiate action on include Park senior, and Paula Fochtman, Petosky "It may be that the students do not Pi Jensen's arms, legs and | further efforts in his reorganization of the junior. Ms. Benn and Ms. Fochtman. two realize that the provision for body, and they don't know how many are left in him. | central administration. A new assistant vice candidates in the election, asked that the Bo far the record is 118 thorns members-at-large the committees is an on pulled out in one day," chief surgeon Erik g president's position to handle personnel Although the Jan. 1 deadline for the election be enjoined until certain Ptius-Jensen said. attempt provide minority to matters may be recommended to the selection of members on the standing procedural illegalities be corrected. representation," Hekhuis said. Jnsen Pck left the hospital to spend Christmas and New Year's with his family, but he trustees at the Jan. 19meeting. committees of the Academic Council has The election was held Nov. 18 after the Hekhuis said the delay in the selection again. S passed, the members from the University Furthermore, several administrators have illegalities were corrected. process caused by the term break also has ptially the surgeons treated him only for numerous infected scratches on his legs, § observed a desire on the part of Wharton to at-large have not been chosen. Hekhuis said another factor which caused had an effect on the response for the ■ then the deeply buried thorns began working their way out. The delay in the selection of student improve fund-raising activities of the the delay was the lack of response for members-at-large should not hamper (Please turn to back page) University. In an era of tight finances, it is positions on the standing committees. student effectiveness on the committees likely that MSU might follow the ■ Mvverm University of Michigan in establishment of because most of the members from the imMesrHumS a central administration post such as U-M's vice president who coordinates fund colleges, the Council of Graduate Students (COGS) and ASMSU have been selected, Louis Hekhuis, asst. dean of students said Interior Dept. \1A/R raising. C-' SMimiQ The great amount of publicity at the end of fall term over release of faculty pay Thursday afternoon. Hekhuis is coordinator for the selection of student information probably will not be repeated later this month when the central administration recommends to the trustees representatives to the council. Members of the standing committees representing the University at-large are oil, gos leasin chosen by student representatives to the Academic Council through interviews. WASHINGTON (AP) - The Interior proceedings," the study begun by Interior Fee refund 'The delay in the election really cost us Dept. has begun a detailed environomental last November is described by officials of some time and is one of the factors which - impact study of anticipated oil and gas both Interior and the Commerce Dept.'s caused the delay in choosing students to leasing off the Middle Atlantic coast. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Full-time students who do not wish to read the standing committees," Hekhuis said. Interior Secretary Rogers C. B. Morton Administration (NOAA), which was asked the State News or use its services may The election of student told congressmen Dec. 8 "we are not to help, as the clear first step toward receive authorization for a refund of the $1 representatives-at-large to the council was involved in formal proceedings leading preparation of just such an environmental subscription fee in 345 Student Services delayed a week when the Student Faculty toward an environmental impact statement. Judiciary issued an injunction against the statement." In his latest mS- senator from the fact that Eugene J. McCarthy, then a The Pennsylvania political organization, aide to McCarthy of Minnesota delivered Humphrey over the Indochina War. As a made clear Dec. 27 Its full scope was frd C|,r ke p,ace at the Poor Minnesota senator, had the majority of long friendly to Humphrey, is expected to the former senator's papers. delegate at the 1968 convention. Shapp when Interior sent NOAA an 18-page list the primary's popularity balloting. [>crats. 8 Spot favored by wealthy votes in The seeming contradiction came because have less influence on the selection of cast his vote for McCarthy- This year Shapp is reported to favor the of topics for detailed analysis. The two agencies gave a newsman a copy upon rt0^NiyViCe.president' who ,08t to of the separate balloting for convention delegates than in the past. After opening his candidacy here. Applications candidacy of Maine senator Muskie, but he request. le to sign n" 1968, plans to arrive delegates. In that balloting, delegates Humphrey is scheduled to fly to has taken no public stand in the race. The request included a map specifying 125 toiP P!rs enterin8 him in the favoring Humphrey won by a landslide, Applications for two member-at-large A Philadelphia executive, S. Harrison seven segments of a large area off the ly reform uVarlla P^ential primary, even though no delegates could run on a Tallahassee, Fla. in the afternoon to place his name on that state's March 14 primary positions on the board governing all Dogole, president of Globe Security coasts of New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, lificant nre rned the primary Into committed basis. ballot. Humphrey's aides have not said Campus Radio Stations are available to all Systems, Inc. is heading a nationwide drive Virginia and North Carolina, including ^ocratlp nvention battlefield. This year's primary will be conducted whether he plans to enter the March 7 New students in 8 Student Services Bldg. and to raise from $5 million to $8 million for Delaware Bay, Chesapeake Bay and w *>ennsvlvanirei8'('en*'a' candidates differently. The winning slate of delegates should be returned by Jan. 18. Humphrey's campaign coffer. Pamlico Sound. 8 in the electoral college in the primary is bound to vote for the Hampshire primary, where the victorious 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, JanUalary |0 Michigan news Budget proposed for ASMSU out allowances to its "good children", or in this . . . ... L . J —1 After open hearings the budget will again go case, its good organizations, as the budget finally before the board where it is expected to have til I— —. iho larooct le request nf largest rPdllocI "It's obvious of unnrnvim,,. approximately $37 we cannot . ... give out .» summary ASMSU's budget for this year is "pretty well comes up for debate, Grecu said. The budget proposed by Grecu will go before chairman said, approval quickly, Harold Buckner, ASMSU money that is requested," Grecu said Last year, the committee held more tfc. From the wfr«« of AP and UW. drawn up" and will face open hearings soon, Grant Grecu, comptroller, said Friday. the ASMSU board where it will be referred to the The procedure is "very arbitrary, Grecu said hearing. The committee expected students to voice opinions but in! budget oommitUv for discussion and then proceed 'and not very logical." But it seems the only way mosti/ ASMSU will act as the "father figure" handing to open hearings. of doing it," he added. made pitches for dollars, Grecu said "tL "If we continue doling out money just like not enough feedback from our constitUe, allowances, this isn't good," he said. ASMSU is Classified mem going to have to find another purpose, Grecu said. Usually, the budget issue comes up before the Grecu expects a few of the same arise at the hearings that arose last board during fall term, but the cabinet director them being how much ASMSU "All those who have examined, shouhTi the program agree that oil-import quotas are not working, and yet the program is continuing to cost easing of oil hassle held things up. The board wanted to settle that issue first, Grecu said. The board decided to reopen petitioning for cabinet director in April since they could not general expenses. Not only did the University but ASMSU must now approve pay all of the ml 11 and social security for its staff, elect anyone after balloting over 20 times. Grecu ex American taxpayers more than $5 "Our problem is that we are WASHINGTON (AP) — In a needs in the event foreign oil In his proposed budget, Grecu allocates forced t billion a year through higher oil the pr0gram gree that with a fixed income of 50 cents document reportedly suppressed sources were cut off by war or ft01 prices." oil-import quotas are not approximately $47,000 to various student student," Grecu said. "Expenses by the White House, the other events. organizations and to ASMSU's general expenses. keep ^ working, and yet the program is but the revenue stays the same." - Sen. William Proxmire Antitrust Division of the Justice "No ASMSU's budget is based on request forms presumption of security continuing to cost the American Last year, the estimated budget for D- Wis. that oil imported for use hJXth!I JhS4' from organizations turned in last term. Grecu by the lmPortance can attach to a taxpayers"more than $5 billion received approximately 25 requests for money was $46,750. This year, fall enrollment' See story domestic product by reason of its year through higher oil prices,' and Grecu does not anticipate a great this page. petrochemical industry manufactUre from petroleum," he said, with MECHA, a Chicano organization, making nui has no bearing on national dropouts. the memo added, security. The memo, made available by trash bag or a plastic toy is Sen. William Proxmire, D- Wis., urged the President to allow the no more essential to national S. VIETS PROBE ATTACK security because it is made from Strikers ignore rapidly growing petrochemical pleas and plastic industry virtually petroleum, rather than from paper or metal," the memo said, Terrorists unrestricted access to imported Britain's 280,000 striking miners refused Sunday in London to fight a raging pit fire or send back safety oil feedstocks. National security is the Next week pr0xmire's congressional joint Economic mar workers to half the nation's mines-despite pleas from keystone of the oil-import committee begins an control program which since their own leaders. examination of administration SAIGON (AP) - The South Chuc, the newly appointed chief individual with great plans to another U.S. official "b, 1959 has applied strict quotas to The miners struck last midnight in the first national 0il policies and their relation to Vietnamese government of Binh Dinh province and beat the Viet Cong in Binh Dinh you use a grenade or ex petroleum imports, a policy the President's Phase 2 economic 'aunched an investigation mauor of Qui Nhon, who called and they want to get rid of him. device it discourages stoppage in nearly 50 years. The strike appeared solid which places a floor under the program to control inflation Sunday into one of the worst the students together to rally He had just taken over and he at government rallies.' throughout the country. domesitc price of oil as an terrorist attacks of the war. them against the strong Viet wanted to talk to the youth, to incentive for continued "This memo clearly reveals Authorities said some of the Cong influence in the province, get acquainted with them and to The grenade went off ah American oil exploration. that national security is not a more than 100 victims may have Chuc was reported in good deliver his message of what he minutes after Chu Refugee program begins The policy is based on the need to maintain consideration in limiting the been killed or injured when they condition with shrapnel wounds plans to do In the province." addressed the rally, an importation of petrochemical were trampled in the panic that Qf both legs and his face. His — •-» "They could »—-- tried have to ... walking among the uninterrupted supply of feedstocks," Proxmire said. followed a grenade explosion in deputy also was wounded, assassinate him with rifle," said greeting each one indivi More than 1,500 Vietnamese war refugees have been petroleum to meet domestic "All those who have examined tightly packed quarters. While authorities in Qui Nhon airlifted from northernmost Quang Tri province to Phuoc Tuy province southeast of Saigon in w'lat U.S. officials said reports reaching them put the toll at blamed it on the Viet Cong underground, officials in Saigon ev government officials described Sunday as the start of massive resettlement program. a The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State nine Vietnamese killed and 111 wounded, but some Vietnamese said it may have been internally inspired political plot an Academic authorities put the count at 12 to assassinate Chu, and suggested Sources said the Saigon regime lar eventually hopes to University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter persons killed and 115 wounded, that the Viet Cong may not have and Spring schootterms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays relocate up to 250,000 villagers who have displaced by the war and currently live in refugee already been during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. Accounts from both U.S. and South Vietnamese officials at the scene of the incident in j^n involved. Officials acknowledged that no to discuss camps. But success of the scheme depends on the Member Associated Press, United Press International, one questioned thus far saw the coastal Qui Nhon, 275 miles terrorist. There have been government's ability to persuade them to move. Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, An agenda dominated by northeast «*' Saigon said the .... present „a progress wnsot.Ill uruKrw>s reDon report amsts, and the possibility that the informational reports on the WNGTON "This one is strictly for volunteers," said George D. Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press grenade was hurled from a goals and implemenl terrorist is among the wounded affirmative action report, frculty hiirman ol Association. procedures of the affin Jacobsen, who as pacification chief is the senior distance by a terrorist into a was left open. The investigation salaries and a plan for modifying I Commisi Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial action plan, American adviser to the South Vietnamese government. and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., government - sponsored rally_of centered on interviewing the general education program e agency n Michigan Council will also hear "No one's going who doesn't want to go." 1,200 young students and their witnesses. will set the lly cod 1 State University, East Lansing, Michigan. teachers pace for the first from Frederick D. The dead inp,uf,p(1 included two two Col. Chuc had been on the job Academic Council only nine days and had replaced winter term. The meeting of chairman of the Faculty ursing" Phones: council will and Faculty Comp •power ind Pakistan to back pact News Classified Ads 355-8252 Most The Tniured of the injured were were an ineffective was described province as a chief. He meet at 3:15 p.m. Tuesday in strong and the Con Con Room of the Committee, on the pr< that 1 now era is; on, 355-8255 students. The Incident occurred that committee's v dynamic leader determined to International Center. nger, "indu i Advertising 353-6400 ,rW. Saturday night in the Qui Nhon reduce the.Influence of the Viet faculty salary schedules A proposal for rules [ up the res A senior Business Office 355-3447 «OCCer Stadium. governing A two-Dart proposi Foreign Ministry official said Sunday in n . Pnmr in Rlnh Dinh nrnvlnrp nnH Cong in Binh Dinh province and ;«>»> joint appointments of . . pa™ PI°P.P.. it's wares" Photographic 355-8311 increasine the flexibili Rawalpindi that Pakistan will back a Russian proposed Among those wounded were to wipe out Corruption among nontenured faculty will be MSU's General educ promotior international security pact for the subcontinent as a way evera government officials, South Vietnamese government presented for action by Gabel H. including Col. Nguyen Van officials. reouirements will be to retain ties with Bangladesh. 'The Viet Cong wanted to get Conner, chairman of the Faculty Tenure Committee ^ ETucational its start m Pakistan's endorsement of the pact would constitue a rid of him, Committee chairman said one U.S. Robert Perrin, vice pres.dent major policy departure for the new government of Manderscheid. Council v official. "He dynamic for University relations, will AQUAREST a lction on the plan President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. The Russian backed pact February meeting. would make Voscow the dominant foreign power on the Asst. provost Herman subcontinent. The Russians TRY IT! YOU'LL LIKE IT! will tell council membe have a friendship treaty with India, proposed changes in resid long-standing sway in Afghanistan and growing college grouping fo WATER BEDS So I tried it. I thought I was going to of sele influence in the new nation of Bangladesh. purposes die. Ice boating with the MSU Sailing Distinguished Faculty Club. No Noise. No Pollution. 80 mph. winners. The Academic ( 6 inches off the ice. Klein meeting will be the first accuses reporters seating of 31 newly FROM $9.99 student representatives students will have full President Nixon's communications director, Herbert G. Klein, Sunday in privileges in the Act Washington accused some news BUY DIRECT FROM FACTORY Council. reporters of libeling Henry Kissinger in accounts of Kissinger's role in GUARANTEED strategy sessions on the India-Pakistan war. Klein said he has read some news reports which "I consider to be libels against Henry Kissinger, accusing him of lying." He did not name the publications. Klein was asked to comment on columnist Jack Anderson's disclosure of secret papers said to be minutes of White House strategy sessions on the India-Pakistan conflict. Old theories not refuted Two years ago, with the first moonwalks fresh in their minds, excited scientists gathered for the first lunar science conference. They expected many old theories about the moon's origin to be refuted. The third such conference starts at the Space Center, Houston, Texas, today, but the old theories remain and much of the expectancy that marked the first session is gone. Even with samples in hand from four manned landings and one unmanned probe, scientists are unable to prove or disprove any basic ideas about how the moon came into existance and settled into its orbit of the earth. Father of dance' dies Ted Shawn, often called the father of modern dance in America, died Sunday in Florida Hospital in Orlando after a long bout with emphysema. He was 80. Edwin M. "Ted" Shawn started dancing in 1911, a time when dancing was thought too effeminate for men. His career did much to remove that stigma. As a 20-year-old divinity student at the University of Denver, Shawn was paralyzed by diptheria. The exercises he did to restore mobility led him to dancing. nuary |0 State News, East Lansing, Michigan Michigan Monday, January 10, 1972 3 SN copy of pay list taken from Madison's library By LESLIE LEE and the library did not officially acquisition of the library, she State Newi Staff Writer recognize the document as being explained, and was left there in its possession. only under the voluntary The release of supervision of student librarians. faculty and staff The copy, according to a Checking into the level of pay lists caused perhaps the librarian who asked not to be interest currently generated by „,lLluul Sf"' .*° "1 r° vefrsy in the named, was examined by a Targe the issue, it was found recently hnwlvir L ~ , J?0:*' number of students and faculty, that the State News copy was She e8Umated ll,at nearly 15 Sn m^h h«. IlJ i f a Persons examined the list each m'ss'n8 from the Madison library. A librarian said that is Drug abuse meeting th? the thpft^of a onnv of Ih day during the first few weeks must have been "taken back by Gov. Milliken (2nd from left) met Friday with the directors of the Office of Youth Services, the list «nn«lntlv llTLtlll M apparently went unnoticed. before the interest died down and that lnterest increased the person who placed it here or Office of Drug Abuse and Alcoholism, and Synanon House in Detroit. Following the meeting, The controversy began in agajn else it was ripped off." the governor announced an appropriation of $300,000 to help young people with drug abuse near the end of the term. The State News did not October when Trustee Clair A. pick it problems. The copy was not an official up. Judget for j White, D- Bay City, released a State News photoby Ken Ferguson enrollment salary list to the State News and e » mailed other copies to faculty great nun members. In a similiar move Robert F. Repas, professor of UNIFORM STATE CODE SOUGHT labor and industrial relations, released a separate list. Passage fo The controversy was escalated when Richard P. Oleska, asst. professor of business law and office administration, placed a seen copy in the MSU Library set up By RANDY GARTON can good building rules, shortage in Michigan today," he would municipalities have the The bill is definitely intended through the reserved reading we desk. That State News Staff Writer can assure proper economy said. "By keeping economic opportunity to amend the code to encourage the growth of the copy was checked - in in hniirtina />r»nofrriir>tinn out building construction, costs down, premanufactured to suit particular local needs, pre manufacturing industry in by director of libraries The Michigan Senate is Forbes said that the present housing might help this." The amendments would then be Michigan, Forbes said. Hard water sailing Richard E. Chapin and expected to take favorable diversity of building codes Forbes said it was likely that a sent to the commission for "By creating uniformity, the eventually returned to Oleska. action on a House-passed "doesn't allow builders any e of reaching speeds of up to 80 miles per hour, commission created by his bill approval. This "opt-out clause," state will become a prime Meanwhile, the State News uniform construction code that latitude" in the types of ON class iceboat belonging to the MSU Sailing Club would tailor the new code on as it is called, does not apply to market for this industry" »•- r laced its copy in the James many lawmakers believe would buildings or construction existing national codes approved premanufactured housing. added.• i across the ice at Lake Lansing. The Sailing Club Madison College Library in the considerably ease Michigan's materials they may use. by the federal government. Most at 7:30 p.m. every Monday night in 39 Union. third floor of Case Hall. The ... severe housing shortage. Forbes is particularly construction company officials State News photo by Don Gerstner copy was left on a reading table «j tj,ink there's a good chance concerned with the growth of favor this approach, he said. for passage," the bill's sponsor, the premanufactured or Forbes said opposition to the Rep. Joseph Forbes, D-Oak "modular" housing industry in bill has come from some civic HHD LANSING SKI CLUB ew AEC chairman Park, said Saturday. "We're Michigan. Many municipal going in with 84 votes — that's building codes forbid such kind of a mandate." housing, primarily because of organizations, notably the Michigan Municipal League, an association of Michigan mayors. HUP? Season Memberships Weekday - Good until 6 Price $35 p.m. ncil - Briefly, the construction fears that low-cost housing The league's primary objection code measure, House Bill 5252, projects would be built with to the bill, Forbes, a former would create a commission that premanufactured units, fears 12 slopes 6 rope tows mayor of Oak Park, a Detroit lans tighter codes Alpha Tau Omega would have 12 months in which that Forbes says are exaggerated, suburb, and past member of the 2rts "The misconception about code for Michigan. Presently, premanufactured units is that group, said is the provision that would sweep all present building We're as P.S.I.A. codes vary in almost every they are all low-cost housing," codes away for a uniform code, municipality, creating he said. "I've been through "The mayors want all cities different as Certified Ski School Phone 332-0600 ;ress report o difficulties for builders and many premanufacturing plants implementi WNGTON (AP) - The adherence to codes and that while it was proper for the which presently have codes you are. hairman of the Atomic standards, there may be APr tn fnctpr nnri nrotect thp buyers alike. The bill would also and seen houses that sell for based on national codes to be f the affirn also hear a i O-mtata. agency may concedes have been The ine to ta tan, tou«he, ^uUUon," lndu,try when it 11 DiVe smokine time pipe-smoking 'naustur>\wnen had come"was w„Pyou„„, for the young, reactorine premanufactured or "modular' SS,'° fi!i *J5L2«JKSSF local amendments" Forbes said. Come, learn and enjoy... L„llcinfl housing, rapidly growing Forbes emphasized, however, ISRAELI FOLK OANCING „ rick D. Wil llycoddling and a "This would defeat the whole he Faculty A ursing" the private MidT"irdon't^iieTOEthat!liat *• < • * — other" element-Tof "thlf\ndust™ branch otner elements oi me mausiry of the building industry, that low-cost housing is „The focus of my concern ,s desparately needed in Michigan. purpose of the bill.' Forbes said that Weekly Classes Beginning y Ccmpem •power industry. But he this point in time, the AEC to*b« self-reliant that era is past. should be urging industry to use uniformity," Forbes said. "If we "There n the progn i now on, says James R. «This ^ no longer an infant nuclear power - or urging the industry," he said, "it is rapidly TONIGHT ittee's wo' schedules, nger, "industry should be public to perceive the benefits of approaching mature growth at 8:30 for Men & Women . . . up the responsibility for nuclear power. /,O STUDENT Room 34 Women's IM rt proposa you should not eJcpect lhe AEC ;he flexibilit its wares without any "Those are decisions that the to fight the indu8try's political, /Oi DISCOUNT Taught by experienced Israeli teacher. promotional activity by industry itself should make - socia, and commercial battles." •Timex Watch Repair teral educi will be pres EC which gave atomic and sell to the public. "We've about reached the 'Electric Shaver Repair Participation in classes is free. its start nearly 20 years The 42-year-old official made "Engraving tional Po where we have a pretty *Kevs Made Sponsored by The Israeli Club of MSU. chairman I the comments when asked to u.l u t that holds true, he , i j i j . good handle on what such •Scissors Sharpened Council will said in amplify on a lecture he delivered device8 can do toward Alio a Large Selection the plan C terview, not only for to the atomic-power Industry In stimulating natural gas of Electric Shavers ing. r-power projecto but,aUo commercial exploitation a speech last October, only a producti0n. But the question Watch Bands e the first (o 31 newly-d nmental regulations led by the AEC. YOUR TV . . . . Developing Trays? resentatives. ever, he said there already have full ' BY THE TERM Wedding Albums? Siiminary STORE ON . i the Acad indications the courts believe egulations may not be even the *23.00 V enough. And he added BY THE MONTH . E-4 Processing Kits? if the nuclear industry ('t show "meticulous *9.50 5PEN-STEAMBOAT . Projection Lamps? SALE Free Service March 18-27 Free Delivery Portatlon-Lodglng-Llfts Free Pick-up . Cable Releases? wicnlcs-TG'i every NEIAC TV RENTALS $230 337-1300 . Slide Trays? . Titling Sets? If You Sail EVERYTHING BUT EVERYTHING . Light Stands? Or Ever Wanted to . Moy ie Reels? Af LEAST 20% OFF . . Electronic Flashguns? loin the Sailing Club this winter. We have something for everybody. . . Agfa Rapid Film? UP TO 50% OFF . . Aluminum Equipment Sailing classes for the novice. Cases? w to sa" tfl's winter, sail this spring. No experience THE BIGGEST SALE IN OUR HISTORY . . Good Advice? LATEST NEW CLOTHES 00IN0 INTO SPRING ALSO Racing Seminars ON SALE, AS IS EVERYTHING . . Friendly Service? Lyh Davis . fifth Flying Junior Champion In the AT 671 n • White " A" Amtrlcan intercollegiate Sailor ENTIRE STORE ON SALE NO EXCEPTIONS Bier'o emC ^r'es ^ Sunflshchampion In North America, I 1 sPeakers for experienced sailors. ARKS PHOTO SNOFI Ice Boating Instruction bagpTper 524-26 E. Michigan t;he 484-7414 lety. 'f1*6 ®nc* in 3 class, construction, maintenance, Pines pv? °at8- i exP«rience necessary. Parties & I g exPerlence absolutely required. AND IF WE DON'T HAVE IT, WE LL ORDER IT! Meeting Tonite 7:30 Union 321 e. grand river, e. lansing MICHIGAN AP NEWS ANALYSIS STATE NEWS IJNIVER8ITY More war for Cambodia in 19721 KEN LYNAM By ROBIN MANNOCK the opinion of longterm residents here. Cambodia. Felled by a stroke last spring marshal's most vocal the aces are in Lon Nol's opponent, J and semlparalyzed the strongman premier hand " * advertising manager Associated Press Writer Even the Increasing flow of American-made Insisted on directing the operation from his In those circumstances some otn-. weapons cannot change that. to avoid taking PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) - The "We had a spirit and a faith that were Phnom Penh villa. responsibility 0|j DAVE PERSON, managing editor The Communist command let 20,000 tough decisions. One result could J crumpled paper streamers and empty more important than any of the military deterioration CHARLIECAIN , city editor bottles of New Year's have been swept setbacks we suffered when we were Cambodian regulars advance up Highway 6 of Cambodl', ? BILL HOLSTEIN, campus editor without onposltlon, then chopped them up economy. ' BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor away and Cambodians have awakened to a stumbling around at the beginning of the A disastrous slide In the prospect .of more and bloodier war in war," laments a leading politician. when their supply lines were stretched value of J RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor thin. The Cambodians were forced Into was halted in October 1972. "But the spirit and the faith are gone b< enclaves that shrank and fell despite heavy devaluation and the Cambodia has become a main now." growing' U.S. and South Vietnamese air support. almost $100 million Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award battleground of the Indochina war. There Nearly gone, or at least weakened Is the worth for outstanding journalism. The debacle on the northeast front economic aid. is no sign the North Vietnamese and Viet extraordinary resilience that enabled the All that could be Cong will let up on the attacks that have Cambodians to snap back after humiliating opened sluicegates of whispered criticism undermined h defeats. of Lon Not for the way he demanded by the current enemy strategy '„{ ravaged the lush countryside for nearly two years and left the Cambodian economy a Morale hit a new low and stayed there increasing say in the day-to-day running of highways to hamstring vital suppiv' unidentil shambles. the country, and for the activities of some This creates shortages that coi nev«paPer' EDITORIALS Government troops, their morale sapped after the costly collapse a month ago of operation Tchenla Two, a campaign advisers. Civilian politicians, angered by the another inflationary spiral. Another outcome, analysts (sting that by a string of recent defeats, are weaker personally devised by Premier Lon No! to premier's decision last October to say « short-circuit the parliamentary system and the onset of general than they have been in many months, in regain control of the northeast part of war-weariness rule by decree, joined military critics in So far the Cambodians have Lower drinkin age, saying Lon Nol must go. But removal of Lon Nol — perhaps by plenty of fight against Vietnam* historic enemies of their nation recently there has been guarded «j easing him upstairs into a largely of negotiations with the North ceremonial job as chief of state — is about Vieb and Viet Cong. There is no higher drinking the only thing on which the Marshal's opponents agree. Consequently he seems destined to retain this while Lon Nol heads the however. Some Cambodians seem \... expect, On Jan. 1 taken unfair power at least until Cambodia's senior President Nixon's visit to Pekiiw' Michigan's advantage of their army officers and civilian politicians can work to their disadvantage. 18-21 year-olds were given the proximity to campus. Their sin is Fortl overcome their suspicions and agree on a time editorials have questioned the< privilege of drinking legally. At the doubled in this instance since their successor. of hitching Cambodia to an Amer same time in a few local drinking price hikes violate the spirit, if not "The situation becomes more untenable at a time when the United States., establishments all old and new the letter, of the President's Phase 2 with each day," complains one of the to extricate Itself from Southeast A4 customers were given the privilege of economic policies. Local consumer paying higher prices for beer and groups would do well to call the new liquor. prices at Mac's and Lizard's to the ART BUCHWAID Mac's Bar has raised the price of a attention of government regulatory pitcher from $1 to $1.25. Lizard's agencies. The price hikes lie well over mug of draft beer has gone from 35 the 2.5 per cent Price Commission cents tc 40 cents. The reasons for standard and no doubt fall into one Down and in D. these price hikes are obvious. The of the many grey areas of Phase Two standard rule in pricing procedures is legislation. to price an item at the highest Yet no matter whether the price possible level you can get away with. hikes at Mac's and Lizard's are legal With a flood of 18-year-olds or not, they definitely represent a WASHINGTON - It Is no secret that not the newspapers that he called Don unleashed upon the bars the demand move to take advantage of a unique only Is President Nixon the number one coach of the Miami Dolphins, at 1: for beverages has increased situation presented by the lowering football fan in the United States, but that and told him he wanted him to try considerably. The numbers of those of the age of majority. It will be up he also has been instrumental in calling to end Paul Warfield on a "down alienated by the higher prices are to the individual consumer to the plays for several football teams. pattern against the Dallas Cowbovi dwarfed by the number of new determine whether the market will Washington Redskin fans learned, much Super Bowl. to their chagrin, that the President How does the President of the drinkers, enabling these stand these increased prices. The suggested an end-round play to George States, with all the problems and wot establishments to get away with individual should keep in mind that Allen which he said he'd like to see the the world on his shoulders, find raising their prices. Once again local businessmen have most East Lansing raised their prices. area bars have not Redskins use against San Francisco. Allen used It when the Redskins were on San call pro football plays? Here's how It's done: □I Francisco's 10 yard line and Roy Jefferson Every morning when the Preside was thrown for a loss to the 22. The up he is given a football briefing by Antiwar electi Redskins pever recovered from the play. But President Nixon does not discourage easily, and last week it was reported In all Kissinger on what took place dur night at all the camps. (When Billy F the Redskin quarterback, got Into ai N0NSTU ayne, Ind., a Toddle House restaurant a montl Saturday the alii force Kissinger woke up the President it Viet w In the morning to break the newi But usually, most football problemi the night are handled by the White nterlng of Police said ended al duty officer, who prepares the wmn equlpmi ce hill, Traditionally the first few weeks of dead issue. Only two men-Paul for Kissinger In the morning.) j found the the new year are a time for hope. This year, more so than many, appears to hold some optimistic McCloskey and George McGovern-have radically differed from Nixon's war stance and they Paving the road to survival After the briefing, the President breakfast meeting with the N Strategic Football Agency, a to mately $5( 00 of stolei posse ssic group of men who advise him signs-Nixon is visiting China and the post little challenge to him. eld In the Ir It seems likely that Nixon will end options he has regarding thevarioui Soviet Union to try to patch up A world at grips with its problems and bred of in its Richard Helms of the CIA reports sndlng ari greed and a lust for power cannot struggle to pull out of the war diplomatic differences, Bangla Desh his "phase out" with the withdrawal yet unable to find any solutions will either be tolerated. Escalation from small arms to gracefully. Until that time - and it does President on Injuries the playen is a reality and the economic outlook of American ground troops and doom Itself to extinction or ultimately find atomic bombs Is an all too simple not appear it will be soon sustained. He also shows the coming - the alternatives to sidestep that misfortune. operation. American soldiers and Innocent is guardedly hopeful. Unfortunately, maintain air and other logistic photographs taken by his agents vho Optimists tell us that our world will The seventies appear to hold a promise of Vietnamese will die. Infiltrated the teams, usually as wata SAME TV one exceedingly sour chord remains: commitments. Clearly this is not the rested successfully seek the latter but only by a relative peace. The Vietnam War is winding In another side of the world, Egypt Then he gives estimates of what eac on the war in Indochina. "withdrawal" that the American strong sense of diligence and an i. Police down, though at a snail's pace. China has struggles with its arch foe Israel. Each should do on the following weektH sa In 1968 President Nixon pledged people seek. unyielding sense of humanity. Anally been admitted to the UN. Nixon has country fights for a small piece of land and the point spreads which his coq was allei to wind down the war, but on his Only a concentrated effort by the The road to survival, they tell us, is broken the diplomatic ice with Red China an undefined ideology while na-like subi crop* are not people have figured out. own schedule. He has done that, but antiwar electorate can change this through peace. and plans to visit with both communist Irrigated and guns become more important The head of the Joint Chiefs of Perhaps more than any single current powers. Bengladesh has gained its than butter. then gives his presentation, using with a tedium obviously designed to ungainly possibility. The war must human trauma, has threatened the _ war Independence. The people have suffered. For most, their show the weaknesses of the offensii enhance his political bank account. once again become a vital issue, a stability of individual, state, and the world. We are, however, unfortunately not yet lives are a daily battle for another meal, defensive teams, and makes a case for He also drew the focus of public politically solvent area of concern. With the disastrous level of nuclear buildup free of the repercussions of war. The U.S. another pair of shoes, or a small piece of aerial bombing to avoid casualties sentiment away from Vietnam and This means that demonstrations of possessed by all major powers, violence remians deadlocked with North Vietnam clothing. Many children in all parts of the ground. to less controversial areas such as considerable size must be held, voter world live In abject poverty, caught up in a He is followed by "Jimmy the i information leaflets on the war street fight against almost certain death. Snyder, one of the few outsider pollution. Yet nations senselessly continue to attends these meetings. Jimmy the But his latest move-a massive distributed and most importantly, OUR READERS' MIND grapple with one another for control of a makes the betting line for all the fr bombing effort in North peace candidates must be supported rather pitiful populace. Ideology is pitted games, and President Nixon relies Vietnam-indicates that Nixon is still and aided in their campaigns. against Ideology, religion against religion, advice as much as anybody he ti committed to winning the war, and Nixon-and Humphrey and nationality against nationality, man against (The President also has a hot1 More Jewish students his brother. Howard Cosell when he needs a the public be damned. Nixon knows Muskie-must be made to realize that As the New Year begins, the world information fast.) that his electorial future probably no the public has not forgotten about hungers for a cease-fire on all fronts and After the President hears out longer rests on how many men he Vietnam. Otherwise, the war may hopes are high. But the collective finger of advisers, he goes alone into his pulls out of Vietnam. The war, for still be winding down come election every armed nation will undoubtedly office in the executive office buildii all practical purposes, is a politically time 1976. remain stuck fast to the trigger even as its To the Editor: a yellow, lined legal pad, to decide though these would undoubtedly also be of possessor slumps to the earth, dying of do. The editorial of Nov. 22 spoke of interest to the general University battle fatigue. Should he tell Don Shula to call i Hike in bus reordering priorities for special admissions, based in part on the commission's and its recommendations. Both the report community. Moreover, the freshman Jewish student proportion in the pass or a draw play? Should he Shula to go for the bomb, despite editorial and commission report on special University (one in twenty) is well below both the national youth-age proportion MISPLACED MEMO opinion against It? Or should he» ccach to try an "end around" pl»y admissions of new students closed their and the proportions of Jewish students :0R RIDE To: Sen. Robert even though it didn't work W wrong transit eyes to a glaring injustice in the present composition and formal course offerings of the University in comparison with the enrolled at comparable universities. Such a state of disaffairs on projected special projects for enrollment of minority Speaker William A. Ryan. VanderLaan and Re: Your pleasure with the 1971 Redskins? The President can get the best from every source. He can call « With the the national youth composition and student students in decisions of such significance campus already feasibility of implementing legislature. greatest football minds in the counl enrollments at major universities must be rectified with regard to justice. dangerously congested with too comprehensive bus service to be Dear guidance, and he has all the intell subsidized by all members of the comparable to MSU. Never again. Pollyannas- services in the country at his disp<* many cars, the University is Most comparable universities have formal seemingly trying to do away with the academic community, students, course offerings in Hebrew, We're glad somebody likes it. when it comes down to the final • Yiddish, or Richard Omark only Mr. Nixon can make it. A1" only form of mass transit left-the faculty and staff alike. Such a system both; MSU has neither on campus, even Chapter Chairman -The what makes the Presidency of the bus. This year, the price of bus would provide the added benefit of Jewish Defense League People States the loneliest job In the world. passes has not only been increased, Dec. 1,1971 making possible the banning of cars Copyright 1972, Los Angeles Tim* but it has become nearly impossible for people to share a pass. In essence, from most parts of the campus, thus Abolition DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeai alleviating another near-chronic To the Editor: Of\AW£ND SCOT the University is making it harder problem. This morning Hat MARK, TP SLOAH'S TUB NAM6, and harder for people to use the bus I found myself in SO*/.' X'AITHB It might also prove useful to utce you voneeT agreement with one of your editorials. This SOMBON6 ... ruts /s HOHTIN* yOUNG system. investigate the feasibility of a situation, without parallel in my rum GUY H/HOS pmesr who can S7»trrep mts New TALK TO THE cooperative transit scheme between experience, moves me to write. ASMSU is YOUN<3.\ The problem here, however, is not the University and the City of East indeed hidebound, useless and expensive. It the avarice of the University, but should indeed be abolished, as you suggest. Lansing, since the two practically To your suggestion that some cabinet rather a mass transit situation which constitute one metropolitan entity. services be financed by a student tax, I is rapidly deteriorating. The Clearly we must begin immediately would add only the proviso that each tax voluntary subscription imethod is to address ourselves to the question authorization should be for a term of two not working; costs have almost and would have to be renewed by of adequate mass transportation at years, aj become prohibitative for the this University. If we do not, we may majority of the voters at that time. individual student. Mark Charles | awaken one day to find the entire East It is time to seriously Lansing graduate student investigate campus paved over. Dec. 2,1071 n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, January 10, 1972 5 Group hits SN policies, will file suit against MSU Freedom Report. over a symbolic burning of the By MICHAEL FOX 5 / The sections cited are Article State News, the newspaper's State Newt Staff Writer 1.3, whlfch prescribes that the articles of Incorporation and its A small group claiming that University teach by example, bylaws. the board *of"rtrustees *exerts father than by threat; Article "We are here to protest the $1 editorial control over the State News announced plans Friday to file suit against the University 6.3.1, which states "The tax collected by the State News University shall not sponsor any without our consent," Will said »tudent publication;" and in reference to a trustee action } GET HELP ALL TERM for allegedly violating the —i.e.—j—o Academic Freedom Report. Chuck Will, spokesman for the Article 6.3.5, which states at November's board meeting "Every Student and University which accepted the subscription publication shall identify the refund policy in lieu of a } STUDY AIDS FOR Hot press off the MSU Students for a Free Press, said the group would file an application with the »ponsoring agency, group or referendum on the tax. organization." Will stated that the State Will announced the suit at a News, which was incorporated in J THESE COURSES: light attended rally in front of July, is a "dummy corporation * jnidentified members of MSU Students for a Free Press burn a copy of the State News Student-Faculty Judiciary today for a hearing on their the Administration Building, which has no stock or NATURAL SCIENCE wspaper's articles of incorporation and its bylaws. The students held a rally Friday complaints. The group contends The number of students at the stockholders." ig that the State News Is a dummy corporation controled by the trustees. State News photo by Terry Luke rally never exceeded the up to a Will also alleged suppression 182-191-192-193 dozen newsmen as Will presided and censorship of news and a "lack of activism" on the part of the State News. He cited MOST ALL TRACTS examples, including the Show probes newspaper's failure to publish the complete text of a letter Will wrote Service to the Internal Revenue explaining why he was ATL-DIGESTS AVAILABLE ON Ltoni pellillo For those waiting for a visit n°t paying his 1968 income te News Staff Writer saucers" are discussed. ' ° have anylndirattoMTfV watTr atmosphere. r from a resident of one of the t«es to protest the Vietnam MOST BOOKS |sky isncninp a fiery .Most of the cases of the red, unidentified flying objects have supply. Then, the flight officer one bilUon Citable planets in Warthe chicken shit nature of in color, of "Universe I" announces that a Because the fuel supply is our galaxy, scientists have State News criticism of the J |y deep* rmusic fills the some pace-like n'U.mlHentlfied Plausible explanations - but landing on Jupiter, a planet 11 dwindling, the spacecraft returns P^cted ^he^rob.abi.lit.y L?..™™ SOCIAL SCIENCE ■ ' instances have never been times the size'of the" Earth" will to earth, resolved that "no a visit to be about once in every reluctance of the State News to fci Iwft lands ,a before your completely explained scientists, lending by nfnotthpeven be attempted because physical evidence beines exists in for intelligent is assuming that the beings "^,^ra"onth^e*8. 100,000 years. This Information addition to the establishment 231A-232A-232B scientists, lending more more mvstprv mystery of the strong gravitational cfmno ar<«iiu»inn.i forces beings exists in our solar svstem our solar system _ „ about to be visited by to the program. of that planet. The danger is ~ m^t iook beyond our 11U ze spacecraft utransportation and new sennces, such as Associated modes now Press(AP). 233A-233D iiioont wirv spacemen The audience is launched on furthered by the poisonous gases solar system known to man. A »«"er ™"en Nov. 26 by 1? ni.npt or calaxv9 an ,ma8inary excursion through trustee Warren M. Huff, Sr.Kultt. 1 — *» - I,"' The remainder of the program is devoted to reported cases of f? XfnoutJ1T' publication in HUMANITIES: ]?ty in of other intelligent universes, spacecraft of the future, The mission is to find life n Students will give ^ UFOs from the first recorded sighting ("Ezekiel saw the wheel rally. th« *** News was read at the 241-242-243 or planets, the current °,ther planets, while journeying way up in the middle of the °[ y°ur chicanery to Abrams' Planetarium through Mercury, Venus, Mars, ALL TRACTS . . . _ |,t sky") to observed unexplainable flee^s udents in order to fatten 1 "UFO" could be an Mercury and barren surface piano, dance show phenomena within recent years. Although 94 per cent of the th,nk «ale News bank account I have forfeited J ,8 experience. ™ke» it unsuitable for life as we Four students will present a music who is also a dancer and reports received concerning y.0jr. r,V Grange lights, flying saucers, and students, Hurrs letter charged, * CHEMISTRY: it doesn't attempt to ^now JJ; A» the. ®pace.cr#ft piano and modem dance show F.«.u...»imiuen. « at choreographer. spacecraft are explained by U.S. re'erring to the State News * 130-131-141 e all the answers journeys to Venus, with Its deep, 8:15 tonight in thq MSU Music The other performers - all Air Force sources, the remaining re™nd policy, [tiding the mystery of dense atmosphere and Auditorium. dancers - are Delia Davidson, 8|x per cent constitute the 1116 letter was not published * Rifled flying objects, the 1,000-degree Fahrenheit The recital will Include piano sophomore from Chicago; Susan mystery unsolvable with the because of "limited space at the ft a realistic approach to temperature, the possibility of works by Liszt, Weber and Ishino, an East Lansing High current scientific knowledge and end of the term," Bamey White, * ECONOMICS: ■ ueitlon. Through a human life Is further discounted. Bartok performed by WllliRm School senior, and Graham data now available. State News editorial editor, said * Iflc approach, reported Mars, with moon-like craters Moulton, a graduate student In DeFreitas, a graduate student from England. — * 200-201 The dances some of which be solo performances and some * III II II III HISTORY: group performances, will feature original choreography by each of the four. } 121-122 The group will also present a * simultaneous piano and dance I improvisation. I STATISTICS: N0NSTUDENTS from A STUDENT WAS arretted at he waa side, but were forced to Jiyne, Ind., were arrested the Shaw bus loop by police, attest him after he allegedly The four have ■ Saturday morning by Police said the 19-year-old kicked an officer In the leg. I for the alleged breaking student had ten bags of what pnT IrF .RRmrn * Orchesls, wlhich preseints diince X'.tlSn .htS. Lee AWCAKE HOUS 121 Entering of 25 student was alleged to be a POLICE ARRESTED A admission charge for the dance Police said the men were marljuana-llke substance In his "onstudent for drunk driving aud piano recital. SPECIALS '•nded after carrying ^ possession. His case has been GEOGRAPHY: equipment from a referred to the county ! hall. A subsequent has been released from jail £l I found the men to have it nroMcutor. prosecutor. pending prosecution. RENT MON.&TUES. 204 |mately $500 In currency ANOTHER NONSTUDENT a 1971 Volkswagen was stolen Steak burger Plate TO of stolen merchandise stopped for a traffic violation at from the Shaw parking ramp YOUR IV. french fries and Cole Slaw MATH: . . r possession. They are Wilson Road and Farm Lane was leld In the Ingham County found to have a quantity of Thursday night. Police said the or wm locked and there was no key BY THE TERM $1.25 * 10 pc. Shrimp Basket ■ending arraignment m' on what police described as hashish in the ignition. Police said they french fries and Cole Slaw 108-109-111-1 12-113 * in his possession. Police said his have no suspects, '23.00 has been referred to the $1.25 prosecutor. MOOSUSKI MEETING BY THE MONTH WED. I SAME TWO men were WED., Jan. 12 6s30 - 9i00 p.m Spaghetti ■nested ■n. Police said on a narcotics A SHAW HALL student was they found arrested by police for being at the GABLES '9.50 Cole Slaw and Garlic Toast PLUS I was alleged to be a drunk and disorderly. Police said HAPPY HOUR PRICES $1.30 Free Service Ina-like substance in their they first attempted to take the •tudent to the Free Delivery 301 Clippert across from Sears BOOK OUTLINES — hospital because Free Pick-up 1 Mile from MSU NEJAC TV RENTALS 50c EACH THETA CHI 337-1300 L_' III! I II HI Afro-American History Autobiography of Ben Franklin Devil in Massachusetts Black Cloud Uncle Tom's Cabin Poor White SPECIAL Puritain Dilemma Black Experience Polyester Knit Shirt Malcom X $6 Give your winter °R RIDES CALL ED 2-3581 453 ABBOTT RD. wardrobe a lift at J SOLD savings with this soft * pull-over top with Hobfe'S |ONLY AT * All Live On shirt-style collar, cuffs * * * and zippered front. CD CO Black, white, red or navy, gold. S-M-L. CAMPUS| MUSIC LITTLE SEPARATES ld yourself Of those mind and pains with a HOBIE S owich. Salami with ^mpus delivery body wracking hunger Ham Roast Beef, Turkey, Corned Call 351-3800. Then Live Beef and Ham. On I SHOP every evening. THE SANDWICH PEOPLE Jacobsoris Hobiefe SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER TROWBRIDGE AT HARRISON JACOBSON'S OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL NINE (ACROSS FROM THE UNION) I- *★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Monday, January iq 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan < SPORTS *kr» ■ ' . ambush . leers back in the race. By CRAIG REMSBURG score in the second session. goaltender Murphy in favor of Michel Chaurest popped his State News Sports Writer In previous games this season, Sioux netminder Dave Murphy's an extra attacker and the move right shoulder out early in the the Spartans were scored upon stick was broken when the latter resulted in a quick goal by period and missed the remainder Oh, how sweet it is! 25 times in the third period bowled over Murphy in a scoring of the series. He should be ready Third period goals by Frank while they were only able to Hogan. Gilles Gagnon won a attempt. faceoff deep in the MSU end and to play against Notre Dame next DeMarco, Bob Michelutti and dent the twine for 12 tallies. Calder then got a pass from Dennis Hogan gave the MSU got the puck to Norm Barnes. weekend, however. But the tables were turned in Michelutti and blasted a shot The defenseman found Hogan Jiockey team not only a 4-2 favor of the Spartans over the Dennis Johnson, who suffered past the helpless Murphy into cutting up ice and fed him a Jrictory over North Dakota weekend as they scored five the left corner of the net. pass. Hogan skated in and a dislocated shoulder late in the Saturday night, but a sweep in goals in the third period Friday Thompson also received an assist notched the first goal of his game, closed the gap for the the crucial two-game series with and three times late in the game the Sioux as well. on the tally. collegiate varsity career, to make Sioux to 2-1, after deking Watt Saturday. Both outbursts broke DeMarco scored what proved it a 4-1 final. out of position. J Coupled with the 7-1 Spartan open otherwise tight, defensive to be the winner at 9:18 of the Then came the wild third Jwin Friday night, the icers Friday night saw both teams contests. final period. It was his second play a rough, hard checking period. Bob Boyd blasted a shot improved their WCHA record to North Dakota opened the from just inside the right point goal in two nights and his fifth game and 24 penalties called. J>-9 and their overall season mark scoring in the Saturday contest of the current campaign. Dave with only 1:01 gone. This tally )o 8-10. North Dakota fell to 5-7 at the 16:51 mark of the first Although the Sioux carried the jn WCHA action and 6-10 period. Kelly Cross put a Roberts and Chris Murfey play during the first period, they turned out to be the clincher. assisted on the goal. went into the first intermission overall. backhand by MSU goaltender Michelutti put a backhand at the Calder got his second goal of • "This was a big game to win," Jim Watt for the score. wrong end of a 2-0 score. shot into the right corner of the DeMarco put the puck into the the game at the 7:20 mark to (Coach Amo Bessone said, Mark Calder, the leading goal net to make it 3-1 eight minutes net make it 4-1. Gagnon notched his jfollowing the Saturday contest. scorer for the icers with 15, took [Taking all eight points puts us advantage of a break to even the later. North Dakota pulled a during a scramble in front of goalie Murphy and Calder scored season ninth and tenth goals of the within 14 seconds of each Sliding goal by putting the disc in off other to North Dakota netminder Dave Murphy makes a sliding save as teammate Al Hangsleben the right post. put the game out of reach. Don St. Jean ended the to tie up the Spartans' Frank DeMarco (white jersey). The MSU icers were not denied for scoring with a backhand into the however, as they won the game 7 • 1. OPEN IRYOUTS lower right corner. State News Photo by Craig Port MSU of Theatre WIN BY 32 "MAN OF LA MANCNA" "HEDDA GABLER" "OEDIPUS" G-men club "AN INDIAN VILLAGE PLAY" By TOM GATES "In general I was pleased with the way the meet went,"t State News Sports Writer Szypula said. "Several performers did real well and we foundl "WINNIE THE POOH" In their first dual meet of the year, the Spartan gymnasts some of our strengths and weaknesses." I defeated a young North Carolina squad 120.40. by a score of 152.0 to . "We have several top performers." Coach ftypula went<#| say, "but other than the still rings we have no real 1-2-3 pu TONIGHT and TUESDAY Captain Charlie Morse led the way for the Spartans by winning three events—the side horse, parallel bars, and the still rings. that could hurt us later on in the season." Asst. coach Joe Fedorchlk also stated that there is still rc Morse received scores of 9.05, 8.75, and 9.0 in the respective improvement. AUDITORIUM ARENA THEATRE events. "Under the new scoring system anything over 8.5 is an "We had several misses in the meet," he said, "and we afford to make these mistakes." cj excellent score," Coach Szypula commented, "and Charlie had an Coach Fred Sanders of North Carolina commented that this| 7:30 p.m. excellent meet for this early in the year." Other Spartans that faired well were Randy Balhorn, who won the first meet of the year for his young squad, and he exp« the scores to be somewhat low. the all-around competition, Dave Ziegert in floor exercise, and Al "The fact that several of our performers were nervous kept! Beaudet in the horizontal bar. Ken Factor, who has been slowed scores low," Coach Sanders said. "The jitters may have costM with a cold, finished second in the all-around competition. point or more on each performance. I was happy however,® I KEPT able to score 120 in our first meet." HARLOT we were Gymnastic's power Southern Illinois will 'be the Spartans J opponent on Jan. 29 at SIU. WOMAN KEPT BY BEAL FILM ANOTHER WEEK BEAL FILM GROUP PRESENTS FOR PERSONS OVER 18 YEARS OF AGE - NEW L0«ATION: 106B Well* —«•«* ■'* GP \ 355 3361 355 6686 HARLOT Cinema is the new language of our time, the youngest and most vital of the arts. One of its most exciting expressions is to be found in the short film. Distinguished directors such as Goddard, Polanski, Lester, and Truffant developed their individual styles in the short film. Brilliant young talents, many as yet unknown in CAN AN Kl RATED The film with word of mouth this country, have created personal works of dazzling virtuosity and imagination. MOVIE BE MADE THAT I is a complete departure from anything we have ever shown previously. WOMEN WOULD WAMIl HARLOT has broker, record? in New York, San over 200,000 people have seen the film — Francisco, and Los Angeles; many have come twice. HARLOT is the film that makes all other adult films immediately passe. HARLOT is the film to which all others will be compared in the future. It is the ULTIMATE adult film. WW TO SEE OR HUSBANDS WOULD TAKE THEIR cwem TONIGHT 100 Engineering WIVES TO? HARLOT A hard act to follow PROGRAM 1 (this week) and PROGRAM 2 (next week) TOGETHER HAVE WON THE FOLLOWING PRIZES bmong Mannheim Festival Balboa- Golden Ducat; Venice Film Festival - Silver Lion of (International Film Critics' Association) - 1st others) St. Mark; F.I.P.R.E.S.C.I Prize; Oberhausen Festival of the Short Film — First Prize; Pr x Simon Debreullh (Mannheim) - Best Short Film of the Year's Festivals; Mar del Plata- THE ANSWER IS SIS AND REASON IS A NEW MOVIE CAllI THE] Leipzig Festivals; San Francisco Film Festival - Golden The minimum admission was set by the distributor at $2.00. The distributor Gate Award; International Experimental Film Competition; International Federation of Cine Clubs Prize; Tours Festival of the Short Film - Special Jury Prize; London felt that a $2.00 admission would discourage those who were merely curious Film Festival Selection; New York Film Festival Cannes Film Festival Selections; Official. French Entry; Official Belgian Entry; Annecy Festival of the - those who hadn't seen an erotic film before and wondered what they were """ *"■ Special Jury Prize; Bergamo Festival of Films on Art — Diploma; Trieste Festival of like. After viewing the film ourselves, the Beal Film Group agrees - Science Fiction Grand Prize; Prix JEAN VIGO - French Film Critics' Award; Cracow Festival HARLOT IS NOT FOR BEGINNERS. (The theatrical price was $5). of the Short Film; Milan 1st Prize of International Technical Industry of the Cinema; Melbourne Film Festival —-1st Prize. Those desiring admission to this film must sign the following statement: a) I am 18 yrs of age (or older), b) I am aware of thd nature/content of this Program 1 Features: film and came of my own free will (not coerced in Francious Truffant's Les Mistons any manner to attend), c) I believe that the state should not interfere in the private behavior of Richard Lester's The Running, Jumping, and Standing Still Film adults which does not adversly effect others. Roman Polanski's The Fat and the Lean and 6 other extraordinary films JUDGE FOR YOURSELF- HARLOT IS RATED X You must be 18 yrs of age and able to prove it. All - INCREDIBLY X TONIGHT This Outstanding Motion Picture Program plays at 7:30 8< 9:30 "e^^FRE! persons must have IP — those without will not be admitted. NO EXCEPTIONS will be made. 100 ENGINEERING Admission $1. NO ID ^FRANOOR CTR.3100 E.SAGINAW/ WEDNESDAY ■351-°03Q AT 10:00 AM Judith Crist — Even Santa Claus had come through, Just about 49 weeks early. SHOWTIMES: 7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45 Culled from International festivals, these films, offered as New Cinema, are wonderfully varied - animations, documentaries, fantasies, cinema verlte, first efforts, major works, mlnoi masterpieces experiments. .they've been selected with Intelligence and taste to offer a stimulating — ant 106 B WELLS . . frequently exciting and on occasion thrilling — sampling of the creative work being done In film. N.Y. Herald Trlbuni NOTE: NO ONE UNDER 18 ADMITS n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, January 10, 1972 SPORTS >ld second ills S' upse "Tyler was hitting that outside RICKGOSSELIN shot and that really hurt us." Sport. Editor The Spartans looked like ■JoB-For one ^basketball squad waa half, world beaters In the first half as they completely dominated the Wolverines. •n came the second half Tyrone Lewis was a surprise i isult, an MSU loss, a starter in the Spartan line-up and hit for seven quick points in the Wolverines dropped the game before being pulled in on the opening day of favor of Mike Robinson. Ten season Saturday Robinson didn't start the game I Ann Arbor 83-75. because of disciplinary action hiean outscored the leveled on him by Ganakas for in the final 20 minutes failing to report for practice last contest, 47-37, and that Sunday. f was enough to overcome Robinson was not involved in eaier two point lead MSU one of his better games, scoring IS for itself at half time. only 12 points and clicking on , game belonged to only 5 of 17 from the field. ;.n when the Wolverines Robinson's slack was picked df a ten point lead with . gsleben mo„ up, however, by Brian Breslin, mjnutes |eft in the who hit a season high of 20 leniedforlo„, on a short jumper by points. Center Bill Kilgore Wilmore. The Spartans matched Breslin's output in ,ever really a serious threat addition to copping game that, though they cut the rebound honors with 16. »an lead to four points The Spartans did manage to during the remainder of outrebound Michigan over the entire contest, 54-47, but the Spartans were not hurt as team's shooting percentage of 40 by Wilmore as they were was down five per cent from the he New York junior's seasonal average. rting cast. Wilmore hit for "1 was pleased with our overall ints, but MSU Coach Gus play," Ganakas commented after las cited Pat Miller the game about the loss. "We ing "a great job" covering came out shooting cold in the MSU center Bill Kilgore tlverine aU-American. second half and that hurt us. scores two of hi. 20 points vard Ernie Johnson was When we needed a bucket the against Michigan Saturday. >'s high scorer with 24 ball wasn't dropping for us." SN photo by Bruce Remington nd guard Terry Tyler a key in the MSU k Today at 6:00 , 8:00 all by coming off the |Twi-Llta Hour, Adults and scoring 13 points, J 90c. 5:30 - 6:00 e were more concerned CLINT EASTWPOD ■topping their other people use Wilmore will always %is share," Ganakas said. Lect^Re 1 , PLAY MISTY i RENT corx:ewt (Today at 6:15, 8:15 |Rj Twl-Llte Hour, Adults [OBR TV BY THE TERM ... semes 90c, 5:45-6:15 Save YOURS '23.00 BY THE MONTH *9.50 Tickets for this Winter Term's exciting list of entertainment events 0 Today at 5:45, 7:45 Twl-Llta Hour, Adults 90c, 5:15 - 5:45 at will go on sale tomorrow. Jan. 11, 'Man In Tha Free Service at the Union Ticket Office. To Wilderness Free Delivery Student Book Store . Free Pick-up assure good seating .... BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW! k Today at 6:15, 8:15' NEJACIV RENTALS I Twl-Llte Hour, Adults ' Jults 1 Phone: 355 3361 90c, 5:45 -6:15 337 1300 Hours: 8:15 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. With Paperb WHO ARE YOU? You You are are one one of 1,200 students in of 42,000 students registering at a co-ed dorm. the I.M. for outside You are one of 500 students in a lecture room You You are are one a of 70,000 spectators at a student number at MSU Michigan State football game With Used left! Are you lost? Maybe so. In high school you felt a part of You are one of 42,000 students. You are an individual. Why the school, not a part of its statistics. be anothei face in the crowd? We still ha ty LOOK f0 THE GREEKS And With A place to begin. Not a nucleus to revolve around. Rather, a foundation to build upon. A catalyst to help individuals observe, evaluate, learn, and then act. for your books A place to find yourself. AHYTIME A total living experience. Alpha Gamma Rho 332-5039 522 Abbott 332-0834 423 Evergreen Phi Kappa Psi A Pha 337-1611 236 N. Harrison %ha Tau Omega Kappa Psi 332-5048 123 Louis Phi Kappa Sigma Phi Kappa Tau 332-2577 207 Bogue Mon.. Tues., Thurs., Sal. 8:30 am-5:30 pm; Wed. 8:30 am-9:00 pm 332-1434 451 Evergreen 526 Sunset &ta Theta Pi Phi Sigma Kappa 332-8696 351-3921 1148 E. Grand River 101 Woodmere Pi Kappa Phi 337-9146 121 Whitehills 810 W. Grand River Across from Olio at 421 East Graod River 351-4687 Jelta Sigma Phi Delta Sigma Pi 332-5035 1218 E. Grand River Psi Upsilon 337-9091 131 Bogue 332-2591 217 River Sigma Alpha Epsilon 526 Sunset 337-1714 Je|ta Tau Delta 337-1721 330 N. Harrison Sigma Alpha Mu 337-9020 729 E. Grand River ^Ita 'Mm ho Upsilon 351-1238 1708 E. Grand River 48 Sigma Chi 332-2501 601 Abbott use Nu $B& 332-8635 151 Bogue Sigma 126 Orchard 351-4160 f»PPa Sigma 351-9591 715 Grove Sigma Phi Epsilon 332-3581 453 Abbott sassa* rhl Gamma Delta 351-2984 332-3568 128 Collingwood 626 Cowley Theta Chi Theta Delta Chi Triangle 332-2563 332-3563 139 Bailey 242 N. Harrison 332-5053 239 Oakhill 349-0388 5003 Campus Hill Dr. 304E Zeta Beta Tau THESE HOUSES WILL BE OPEN MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND THURSDAY ^sponsored by NIGHTS IFC . CALL FOR RIDES. Student Book Storo 3 Michigan State News, 1Bast Lansing, Michigan Monday, January |01 SPORTS 10% Off Cigarettes 2/66° The Discount Price on all Film Developing 'S' City. wrestlers flows) thoueh Their kids just " - ... 6 lead. Calendar won . . 1-U his match nt. m n.vo firtlalr Big Ten champion Dave Ciolek up limit 2 By GARY SCHARRER pkgs no limit State News Sports Writer "it may end up being the best looked sharper than us. We'll 7 - 2 and Miikovich easily wrestled[Paul Zander whom he (coupon) (coupon) thing ever happening to us," have to take it in stride and defeated his opponent, 16- , defeated, 16 • 5, In the Midlands Expires after 1-15-72 East Lansing Store Only Expires after 1-15-72 East Lansing Store Only MSU's wrestling team has won Coach Grady Peninger said. "A point for the Big Ten." ^The "scoring system for Tournament two weeks ago, but six consecutive Big Ten titles wrestler hits a stale period every The Spartans got off to - wrestling „ meets has been this time Zander pinned Ciolek and is a favorite to repeat again now and then and if he hits it losing start when Lon Hicks changed this year and if a and provided Iowa with the 2.25 this season, but the Iowa early in the season he can (H8) and Pat Miikovich (126) decision is greater than ten victory margin. Kodak Color Film Hawkeyes did not appear too consider himself fortunate. dropped 6 - 2 and 8 - 5 decisions points is still worth three team "Ciolek got dumped to the awed with the Spartan strength "Our guys were really draggy," respectively. Conrad Calendar points. A pin has been changed mat, hitting on his head and that Flashcubes they upset MSU, 22-14, Peninger added. "I'm not taking (134) and Tom Miikovich (142) dazed him," Peninger >*'■""* him Ppninwr said. said 126, 127, 620 as Saturday afternoon at Iowa anything away from them earned decisions to give MS J a 7 from five to six points. Milkovich's shutout was worth "That caused us the meet right four points. In the 150-pound there. It was regrettable 99° S —I IUCI IV Mawlr nniiivnllir Kit# lrtrftfl nf CnKoPI " 89° i naturally but kind of sobering." tl Ct weight class, MSU's Mark Malley — - wrestled to a 2 - 2 draw. The Heavyweight Ben Lewis limit 1 limit 1 33 GAME WIN STRING ENDS Spartans then lost their lead wrestled to a 1 - 1 draw. (coupon) (coupon) when Rick Radman was After meeting Iowa, the Expires after 1-15-72 Expires after 1-15-72 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only decisioned, 11 - 7, at 158. Spartans tangled with Northern Gerald Malecek (167) put MSU ~ Iowa and whipped it, 31 • 6. Bucks streak Both Coaches Peninger and Close-Up 1.15 1.10 Secret by Lakers Spartans weights. in the final three Doug Blubaugh indicated that had Iowa MSU wrestled Northern first, the Spartans could MILWAUKEE, Wis. (UPI) - The Milwaukee Bucks ended the Freshman Greg Zindel (177), have also taken Iowa, Toothpaste Anti-Perspirant Spray 33 - game winning streak of the Los Angeles Lakers Sunday, wrestling in the place of his "I guess that every team has a handing the Lakers a 120 • 104 loss. injured brother, Bruce, dropped bad day," Blubaugh said. "We 676m 59° 3„z 59c The Lakers led 28 26 at the end of the first quarter, but the - Bucks came back to take a 51 ■ 45 lead at the half. The Bucks a the close 6 - 5 decision to league's better wrestlers in one of were there down and flat against Iowa, was no reason for Iowa to limit 1 limit 1 shot only 36 per cent from the floor in the first half and Los John Evashevski. have beaten us." " milkovich I (coupon) (coupon) Expires after 1-15-72 Expires after 1-15-72 Angeles was even cooler — hitting 30 per cent from the field. The East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only game stayed close in the third quarter and was tied 69 - 69 with 4:39 left. But the Bucks outscored Los Angeles 10 - 2 in the next 1.29 1.10 Prell two minutes to open up a lead of eight points and Los Angeles could never come back. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar led the Milwaukee effort with 38 points. Swimmers r Jergens Lotion Concentrate Shampoo John Block added 15 for Milwaukee including some tough buckets underneath. Jerry West led Los Angeles with 20, and Gall Goodrich, Hap »«. ggc limit 1 3oz Tube U1 limit 1 C]C Hairston, and Jim McMillian each added 18. now The win gave Milwaukee at 36 - 8 record while Los Angeles is 39 - 4. capture his meet oil (coupon) (coupon) For Laker All-Star guard West, the loss marked the first time plan was to "clobber with 1:53.5. Expires after 1-15-72 Expires after 1-15-72 By STEVE STEIN them in the first events and East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only that he has played in a losing cause for the Los Angeles squad this State News Sports Writer Ken Winfield, who h*l season. mentally defeat them." suffering with the flu, wof Back in October, when the Lakers lost their three games, West MSU's swimmers continued His plan worked to perfection events - the 50 1.89 1.59 their mastery over Iowa State as MSU won the first five events, freestyled was sidelined with one of his freguent injuries. Upon West's specialty, the 200 Saturday as the Spartan tankers lost two of the next three, and "but( Tame Coricidin "D" return to lineup, the Lakers rolled up their 33 game winning won 11 of 13 events en route to finished up with five straight Winfield turned it on ton] KAREEM JABBAR binge, the longest in professional sports history. freestyle event in :22.gM an overwhelming 80 - 33 victory first places. MSU's Tony Bazant third! Creme Rinse Cold Tablets over the Cyclones. The biggest upset of the meet :23.2, and Women's IM Spartan swimming teams have came in the three meter diving won 2:00.43, nearly five the l| stL 16 oi. $ 25s beaten Iowa State in 27 of 89c now -j 09 The Women's Intramural pool will be available for family 29 dual meets since the two first competition when junior diver Kim Ridinger defeated all-Big ahead of the second! finisher, Spartan Pat Burkel ATJL limit 1 met. limit 1 Eight diver Steve Spikes, is recovering from the fliTT (coupon) swimming each Sunday from 5 Coach Dick Fetters said that accumulating 314.30 points to Expires after 1-15-72 Expires after 1-15-72 p.m. until 7:50 p.m. Children the times posted by the Spartan Spikes' 283.55. MSU's Mike The 1000 yard freestyJ East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only The house on the hil must be at least 53 Inches or swimmers were "good, but not Cook finished third with 270.80. handled in usual sty] able to swim two widths of the co-captain John Theurer.l f 5.98 great, and there were a couple of Cook and Ridinger finished 100 milligram pool. All children must be slow times. But, I'm very pleased opened up a lap lead m second and third to Spikes in the Stereo L.P. accompanied in the water by at with the results." through the event, and 1 one meter diving as Coach John least one parent. Fetter's concern over the into first place with 10:13.1 American Pie- Vitamin C Narcy's divers continue to Junior Paul Virtue! Jan. 12 is the deadline for health of his flu-bitten swimmers improve. second in the 1000 1 basketball team entries, Don McLean Residence Hall, Sorority, and of the Iowa State squad all but vanished by the end of the Larry O'Neill took first place 10:27.6, and then camebj in the 200 breastroke, edging Big ioo's easily win the 500 freest]! $389limit 1 JJc limit 1 Independent and Open league entries are due at noon. meet. The Spartan coach said that Eight breastroke champ Dirk Hanson by little more than a 5:05.24 Co-captain Jeff Lanini wol T second with 2:19.00. Tim (coupon) Expires after 1-15-72 J (coupon) Expires after 1-15-72 ■ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Ranval took third for MSU with 200 individual medlefl 2:05.55, and it \ 2:25.43. East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only —zm 1.50 We're as different as you are~5 STUDENTS. Freshman Paul showing great promise. He won Fetters is breastroke leg in the 400 mi relay which contributed ha to the Spartans winning of 451 Evergreen 332-1434 Call for rides. 5 if you missed the 15% his second straight 200 event by only two-tenths! Ambush Opaque discount on winter term backstroke, lowering his time two seconds to 2:05.16. second. Alan Dillev, WinT and Bill Hall we Spray Cologne Panty Hose Jack Martin, a transfer from 'books, ask your instructors to J the University of Virginia, won members of the victorious! MSU's 400 freestyle f 2oz. $-|69 89c COLOR YOUR place his Spring Term list his first event as a Spartan, the 200 freestyle, in 1:51.3. team of Paul DeMoss, 1 Hall and Bradford endei limit 3 limit 1 (coupon) (coupon) with us and save 15% then. Freshman Jim Bradford meet with a tight victory! followed Martin in second place Expires after 1-15-72 East Lansing Store Only Expires after 1-15-72 East Lansing Store Only SOUND the ISU quartet. If we don't have the lists we 1.25 1.39 WITH THE SEA can't order the books. We can accept you Daisy Ballet if you can accept us, ; Panty Hose Panty Hose ; T01 SJ^Tril't that's a fair enough 53° limit 6 $109 limit 3 3§®R 1MT (coupon) Expires after 1-15-72 (coupon) Expires after 1-15-72 ► corner of Ann & MAC phone 332-1414 deal for any relationship. East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 1.00 1.00 Share some time with us this week! JVC BRIGHTENS YOUR WORLD f Opaque Orion ; Knee So* Knee Sox WITH THE SEA . . . Call Phi Gamma Delta, the Fijis| SEA stands for Sound Effect Amplifier. And that ■ip\ 332 5053 69c limit 3 69c limit 3 stands for ever .nore control possible before. over what you hear than was (coupon) (coupon) Expires after 1-15-72 Expires after 1-15-72 A testing report in the authoritative Stereo Review East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only called SEA "the most effective tone control system we -v ^ have ever used." 2.00 20 gallon Revlon SEA lets you: Flex Balsam Garbage Bags * Exercise complete control of sound throughout the entire audio frequency range. * 17 Create entirely new sounds. oz. $*|39 limit 1 25 count 00^ limit 1 * * Compensate for variations in room acoustics. Compensate for sound characteristics peculiar to (coupon) (coupon) other components. May we remind you and yours Expires after 1-15-72 Expires after 1-15-72 that there are only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only JVC RECEIVERS FROM $199|95 35 Bath Size 89c Days until Valentines Dial loy Soap le) on your decoupage Dishwashing Detergent Ours Is the largest, r If you think good wine has to be ex 22 2 Begin with your choli pensive, you're in for an unexpected E 53° limit 1 surprise at the Okie World Bread and Ale. 211 M A C. Avenue in East I.an i (coupon) (coupon) sing. Expect the unexpected Expires after 1-15-72 Expires afier 1-15-72 at the Olde East Lansing Store Only East Lansing, Store Only If you prefer SEA comes in World, you ll find Olde World flavor a compact total system version from $199.95 there, and not just in the food! STATE DISCOUNT WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL 307 E.Grand River Next to "The Card Shop' [The Stereo Shoppe 543 E. Grand River 337-1300 Special Student Credit Plans Seal THE ALLEY SHOP |jjS ACE HARDWARE behind fOldeWorm 9 BRJEAD wALE 201 E. Grand River I . . n state News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, January 10, 1972 9 January If You Have An Eye For Real Value, You'll Eye The Classified Ads Regularly. Th* State News FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil frank not permit racial does or Employment For Rent For Sale For Sale religious discrimination NURSES, R.N. - L.P.N. USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 • n it* advertising ROSELAWN MANOR SKILLED Houses East Michigan. Dishes, books, Mobile Homes columns. The NURSING HOME, 707 Armstrong State Rd. hes positions available. 7-3 coins, antiques, rockers, junk. New DOWNTOWN LANSING. 2 bedroom NEW TRAILER Court -Adults will not Bergain Hunters Paradise. Open only. accept shift end 3:30 11:30 shift, full or - furnished, near capitol. Parking, Scenic lakefront lots available, advertising which Saturday and Sunday. Furniture part time. Excellent salaries end pets, children okay. $150 includes $50.00 monthly with school rt0 parts & Service discriminates against benefits. Apply in person or call, heat. 393-1313. 5-1-13 and appliances open all week, 10 am - 6 pm. Phone 371-2843. included. 675-7212. 0-2-1-10 tax tiation religion, race, sex. color or Mrs. Swan, 393-5680, Personnel. C-1-31 Loyment national origin. 5-1-14 Rooms 12' x 60' BARON mobile home. Partly furnished, with 15 rrent BABYSITTER WANTED. Tuesday minutes from MSU. extras. 393-6276. rtments and Thursday afternoons. Must MENS SINGLE room. 3 blocks from 10 SPEED BIKES 1-1-72 Union. Phone 351-5076 after 5 have transportation. Call 349-1537. 5-1-14 p.m. 7-1-14 Automotive TRAVELO, 12' x 60', Expando, shag carpet, double tier draperies, SALE SECRETARY, PERSONNEL Office, GIRLS SINGLE room, 3 blocks from air-conditioner, near Union. Phone 351-5076 after 5 campus. limals GTO 1966. 4 speed, must sell, good if you have good office experience 351-1194 after 1 p.m. 5-1-11 p.m. 7-1-14 ibile Homes shepe, best offer. 694-8584 end enjoy meeting the public, you 5-1-13 will g, pound enjoy this fast pace office, LIBERAL ROOMMATE wanted. Now to Feb 15th 107.95 typing and dictaphone required, Own room furnished with ISONAL MUSTANG 1968 Cobra-Jet, 4 attention to detail important. waterbed. Phone 351-4939 for speed, disc brekes, 21,000 ectuel IUTS PERSONAL miles, must sell. Call 332-5208 Hours are Monday - Friday, 8:30 - Chuck or Deve. 5-1-13 Excellent finish. Simplex 5. Good I ESTATE 5-1-13 salery end benefits. gears, Nylon saddle, Apply Personnel Department REATION Monday morning, 9:30 - 12. St. PRIVATE ROOM for one female, stronglight cranks, 27 X Personal OPEL GT 1970. Canary yellow, five minutes drive from campus. VA gumwalls Chrome VIILKOVICH (VICE black interior, stereo tape, radio, Lawrence Hospital. 1-1-10 No smoking. Phone 351-8994. fork tips, Weinman POETRY WANTED for anthology. rping Service Include stamped envelope. ASPORTATION excellent condition. Accept any reasonable offer. Call 332-3603. WORK YOUR own hours. Own your own business. 'HA\ie <1-1?, good condition. $50. Shag carpet afternoon. No BakS - Baka. -t- I it was his [ in the 400 LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight training. All courses ere FULL ri 'T"»—1— TIME sales position for from *145 EAST LANSING T-! or Lansing. One $1.00 at our bakery food* concession. MEIJER THRIFTY 9' x 12', Ilka new, $20. 351-7341. 3-1-12 know you'll make it! Wyandotte; bedroom furnished. Large airy ACRES, Okemos, S. Pennsylvania, government and VA certified. »ntributed aggressive young man, looking for UNFURNISHED Beautifully maintained. W. Saginaw Road. KROGER, ins winning Automotive FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport a career opportunity. Sales rooms. Road. Call 484-1324. C-1-31 experience necessary. Excellent children welcome Suitable for faculty, grad student, Frandor, Logan Center, 4002 W. Recreation !y two-tenths 102 1969, air conditioner, eerning potential and many fringe business or professional or married Saginaw, 1721 N. Grand River. Dilley, couples. Lease. 332-3135 or C-2-1-11 SONY TC-20 Casette SPRING BREAK M radio. Beit offer over benefits. Phone HAGER FOX car stereo and il were the 393-1291 after 4 p.m. Auto Service & Parts COMPANY, 482-5501 ext. 153. 882-6549. 0-1-13 Sony TC-124CS Cassette recorder JAMAICA $239 he victorious TUTORIAL HELP by Ph.D.'s All BAHAMAS $189 10 freestyle MASON BODY Kalamazoo Street SHOP, 812 East Since 1940. 4-1-10 WE NEED experienced part time KNOB HILL TWYCKINGHAM: needed 1 or 2 girls immediately. $70 / month. sciences, including math, physics and computers. Call 351-8629. plus accessories and 50 tapes. 489-4436. 15-1-14 SPAIN $229 1 DeMoss, )LET 1963. V8, ell power, . . . en ACAPULC0 $219 0-1-1-10 adford endei tight victory tires, best running '63 in $275. Evenings 355-3160. Complete auto painting and collision service. IV5-0256. C-1-31 bartender and cashier to work from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the APARTMENTS Call 332-2204. 3-1-11 TWO GIRLS needed for 4 girl Cedar EARN MORE in 1972. Learn a WILTON CAKE supplies. 1000 of items in stock. MARY'S CAKE evenings. Good pay and working SUPPLIES, 11213 Jerryson, off tet. 349-4700 special skill. Class spaces in Data VW-GUAR ANTEED repair. conditions. You must have car. Village. Reduced rent. Call West St. Joe, Grand Ledge. SPRING BREAK - Acapulco. $189; RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at 4113 South Cedar Street. 332-4965.3-1-11 Entry course currently available at 627-4888. 5-1-13 Bahamas, $159; Hawaii, $249. OLET NOVA 1970, six OPEN Monday Friday SPARTAN KEYPUNCH der, standard, still under Okemos Road. 349 9620. C-1-31 393-4848. HOUSE OF ING 9 a.m. • 5 p.m. Call today! STUDENTOURS. 129 NEED ONE man for three man. ACADEMY. Mornings, East Grand River. 351-2650. RESTAURANT. 5-1-12 nty, excellent condition, Saturday 12-5 p.m. Twyckingham. $65 per month. afternoons, or evenings call Animals 5-1-14 355 2874. 7 1-17 LOCATED MILE NORTH 393-8615 for information. Employment WAITRESSES, PART time noons OF JOLLY RD. ON 332-2206. 2-1-10 0-1-10 more NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND puppies. IMPALA 1967. 4-door and full time. Experience AKC, all puppy shots, $95. Phone Real Estate EXPERIENCED BEAUTY operator. necessary. Must be neat and OKEMOS ROAD ONE GIRL needed for 4 - man >P. new tires, power steering PIONEER 8 track stereo recorder. 489-2728. 3-1-10 dependable. JIM'S TIFFANY apartment. Close to campus, nice NEW DUPLEXES in East Lansing in now tires 626-2106. Trowbridge. Spartan Shopping New 8 track stereo topes $2.99. features. Call Joanne 351-2072. Center. Eest Lansing, 332-4522. RESTAURANT, downtown Garrard SI-95 stereo changer. an excellent neighborhood. Call 6-1-14 William 5-1-12 Lansing. 489-1 196 for Breakey, 372-4418. appointment. 5-1-11 Ampex Micro 54 stereo cassette Mobile Homes 2-1-11 - 1970, 4-door, eutomatic, WANTED ONE girl to sublet winter deck. Pioneer TX-700 stereo SUBLEASE, WINTER AND spring. 4 r*dio, disc brakes, low SINGLE GIRL wanted to live in and spring. Large apartment close tuner. Sansui 1000A AM/FM OKEMOS, 3-5 bedroom Ranches and HOUSEKEEPER. 3 or more days / man, Americana Apartments, 2 1971. SQUIRE Mobile home. 12' ge. $1600 or best offer. country home and help care for 3 stereo receiver. Nikon FTn with x Colonials under construction. ihip. to campus. 337-2172. 3-1-10 bedroom, furnished, $340 / 128. 3-1-11 week, willing to clean and iron. 65', 5' x 24' Expando. young children. Private room," month. Call 332-5322. 2-1-10 135 mm and 50 mm lens. USED $4,000 down and up. Leonard Own transportation. 372-0587 Mediterranean decor. Carpeting, board, transportation provided. SPACIOUS, 2 bedroom duplex STEREO, atrps, tuners, receivers, Jay, Builder. Phone 349-9152. CLUBWAGON Wi 372-1031 for appointment. evenings. 3-1-12 disposal, furnished or unfurnished. epartment, furnished, carpeted, HERITAGE ARMS. 1 responsible girl changers, tape recorders, decks, 5-1-12 rucking. Carpeted, 0-1-14 625-7421 after 6. 5-1-11 snows, close. 355-8218 after 3 p.m. to share 3 - man apartment. $77 / speakers, records, tapes. Color TV .-nit, need generetor, 1416H PART AND full time positions with ln subsideary of Alcoa. Car $53.75 each for four. 3-1-10 month. Call after 6 p.m. sets, Police band radios, Service Village. 355-0905. 3-1-10 STUDENT EMPLOYMENT. 12 to 20 355-3826. 2-1-11 typewriters, cameras and MARLETTE, 1967, 12' x 50'.Like Call 351-7319. C-5-1-11 he •ALAXIE convertible, 1966. hours necessary. per week. Automobile Phone 351-5800. 8 necessary. GIRL OVER 23 to share duplex. South Lansing, nice location, ONE GIRL for 4 - men January - equipment. Tapestries skiies and boots. WILCOX SECONDHAND new, immediate possession. Priced for quick sale. Phone 372-1218. FOR QUALITY service and stereos, TV's and recorders THE STEREO condition. Must sell, make 5:30. C-1-12 For Rent furnished. Call after 4 p.m., June. Close to campus. $62.50 per STORE, 509 East Michigan 8 to 3-1-11 SHOPPE. 337-1300. C-1-31 Phone 332 4589. 5-1-14 month. Call 332-8378. 3-1-12 5:30 P.M., Monday • Saturday. 393-2909. 4-1-11 FULL TIME night cook wanted, TV AND STEREO rental, 485-4391. BankAmericard, Master '967 Fairlane 500. 4 automatic, radio, power door experience only. Call 655-2175 satisfaction guaranteed. Free APARTMENT FURNISHED. EAST LANSING, close in, and bath, unfurnished, married 3 rooms, Charge, Layaways, terms, trades. CROSSWORD PUZZLE for an appointment. 5-1-11 delivery, service and pick up. No Utilities paid. '">9 and power Parking. 1 or 2 ACROSS brakes. deposit. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C couple only, $130. Phone «nt tires. boys, available now. IV2-6677. 1 Laban's See at Spartan BARROOM PIANO player, nites end 332-5988 after 6 p.m. 2-1-11 SANYO STEREO, reel to reel tape 3-1-11 »■ Michigan at Harrison. TV RENTALS Studants only. Low recorder. Excellent condition $95 daughter weekends. For auditions call Mr. - GIRL TO 3-men. $65 5. Romaine Seward, 616-781-3961. 5-1 11 monthly and term rates. Call BEDROOM sublease / or best offer. Call 332-3603. THREE duplex, $225 8. Fairy 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV month. January rent free. Call 2-1-10 per month. Lease, security 11. Sea eagle RENTALS. C-1-31 351 8963 after 5 p.m. 1-1-10 » '50 per apt. deposit deposit. 551H Lexington. 12. Orange drink f* 9 MONTH LEASES OSITy REFRIGERATORS. RENT them at AC & E Rentals, 1790 Grand Entrance x-3-1-10 in back. 337-9386. HELPI NEED January-June. Old Cedar two women Village. SONY COMPACT Model HP-480. changer, stereo system. Includes Dual AM/FM, speakers. 13. 14 Bullfight cry Widow monkey River, Okemos. Phone 349-2220. 15. Leftovers © 351-3339. 8-1 14 Pioneer SE-50 headphones. hushed i Deposit refunded on return. SUBLET 4 man Watersedge, 2 351-1889. 5-1-11 17. Muffler bedroom, 2 baths for Winter and ifohnished _5-1-n Spring. 351-9288. x-3-1-10 GIRL FOR 2 girl. $90 per month. No SPECIAL THROUGH Mondayl 19. "0. About Inlet deposit. 711 Burcham 351-7717. ■artments TERM TV RENTALS (about $8 month). No deposit. only $23. WANTED: 1 male roommate. 5-1-11 Waterbed units, $50. Includes 22. Sandhoppers mattress, liner, frame and pad. 26. Night club Meadowbrook Trace. $57.50 fSIER COLOR TV Call NEJAC. 337-1300. C-5-1-14 monthly. Own bedroom. Call REBIRTH, 309 North 31. The Sails 7. Cross stroke on a letter ntenha REFRIGERATORS AND portable evenings 882-1698. 3-1-12 Houses Washington, Lansing, 489-6168. C-4-1 10 32. Culture medium 8. Enemy dishwashers. ESCHTRUTH 9. Everyone 33. Rustic SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC CO. 315 S. Bridge, Grand Ledge. Phone 627-2191. ANYBODY, $49. Includes own bedroom, laundry, utilities, non - NEAR house. EAST Lansing, 2 bedroom Furnished, carpeted, $225 GIBSON ELECTRIC quitar, ES-335 35. Sense 10. Affirmative with case. Excellent condition. 16. Broadside I* B» GRILLES 0-1-18 luxurious. Winter only. Share with monthly. Deposit required. 5 T~ r * 9 * 18. Pro % i Sunburst. $245. Call 393-4182 or I 2 3 4 male. 355-0802 anytime. 1-1-10 332-0829, nights 372 7456. 485 8668. 5-1-11 21. Bird s beak 5-1-11 13 ITS ALLOWED (2 23 Vinegar worm W % tl Apartments HOLMES SOUTH near Sparrow EAST LANSING. 4 bedrooms, HIGH QUALITY Stereo equipment, 16 24. Fourth caliph Hospital, two room efficiency, 15 KREATION BUILDING with SAUNAS ONE MAN needed for nice 3 men furnished, utilities included. No furnished, Lease, deposit. carpet. $220/month. 651-6124, 2 year warranty. Only 3 months old, up to 1/3 off. 663-6547. 14 % 25. 26 Pouch A presidential %% % or 18 (9 5 PONG TABLE. BILLIARDS apartment near Okemos, call Paul, 349-3079 or 353-9427.2-1-10 pets, deposit. $100 / month. 351-3969. O 393-0450. 5-1-11 «7 20 % 2J 22 23 2S nickname 27. Past :»L0R TV GIRL NEEDED for house, own % % %% % 28. Capture GERMAN MOTORS room, $43 plus utilities, close to campus, call 487-0542. 3-1-12 * V 29 9o % Si 29. Gazelle 30. Wine cask jl 3J S4 34. Coquettish VW - PORSCHE MALE TO share 3 man house. Own 35 % 3* 97 36. Mount SPECIALIZING IN VW & PORSCHE bedroom. Near campus. Call 1, after 3 p.m. 3-1 12 % 39 4o 41 42 4? -44 39. Cruising 41. Cupid Complete Engine Overhaul All Minor Repairs % f4,% % 58 % 42 Heart TRaeE NEW OR REBUILT FARM. ONE mile bedroom, furnished, from MSU, 4 carpeted. 4a 4* 49 43. Haw dance 44. Abound %% 45. R Haggard chtol„t0JVleadowbrook Tr>ce' 9° two mi,es ,outh of PARTS FOR SALE 625-3739, call after 6 p.m. 3-1-12 USE YOUR 50 VA f1 92. novel Licensed German Mechanics Md . J ^mpus on 1-496. Exit west onto Jolly 2152 W. Gd. River Okemos 349-3330 ONE TO share 4 bedroom house. to 54 S3 46. Sesame 80 to cwner of Dunckal Road. North side Lansing. $70 complete. MASTER CHARGE 47. Yellow tuber Available 15th. 484 4668 days. 48. Explosive OPFm a PHONE 393-0210 "We take pride in our work " 2-1-10 AT THE STATE NEWS daily or by appointment 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. Jan,, Service BILLIE'S BALLET Studio-European trained, professional ballerina and .it's what happening. Student at-large posts empty teacher now accepting pupils (children, teenagers, adults) for (Continued from page one) represent the colleges, COGS, Although there are 33 student representative even a I beginning, intermediate and advanced classes in East Lansing.. committee positions. ASMSU at-large. and the University seats will on be the council. 31 students seated Tuesday. The was disqualified by Committee on n £|I Announcements for It's What's Free U classes meeting tonight: Pick up books and money from the The interviewing committee, Call 332-5511.4-1-10 Happening must be received in the Computers - 7:30 p.m., 201 Bessey Book Exchange from 9 a.m. to 6 which is responsible for assigning COGS has chosen all 18 of its College of Human Ecology will Jaeger »s apDJS members, the colleges disqualification and S3 State News office, 345 Student Hall; Creative Writing - 8 p.m., 215 assigned select another representative p.m. today in Shaw Hall. members-at-large to committees, have chosen 38 of its 49 PRIVATE RESEARCH Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two class days before publication. Items Bessey Hall; Communes - 7:30 p.m., 616 Charles St.; Metaphysics - 7:30 The MSU Business Women's Club plans to make two members, and ASMSU has because their first representative, Clyde Best, Brooklyn, N. Y„ entitled to the appeal is settled. seat1 recommendations for standing ALL TYPES OF are limited to 25 words. No p.m., 6102 Abbott Road; will present police officer Sue Brown committees to the student appointed four people to fill the junior, was elected student announcements will be accepted by Auto-Mechanics - 7 p.m., 30 Union, showing the film "Self Protection for nine seats assigned to them. member of the steering RESEARCH HANDLED. phone. No announcements will be Call 484-5104 to start a class or get Women" at 11:45 a.m. Wednesday representatives Tuesday. There are 11 standing committee. James Madison accepted for events outside the more information, in the Union Ballroom. Hekhuis said the students hope committees which have student College has not yet selected a greater Lansing area. to have all 22 at-large members WRITE FOR DETAILS: membership. representative. Akers Hall Symposium on Minority chosen within the next two People interested in becoming a Cultures and Intercultural Conflict weeks. The student representatives to —new MSU Volunteer, come to our EVANS RESEARCH Information Open House between 7 presents Judith Leepa, instructor in the Academic Council will Mark Jaeger, Greenfield, Wis., •service the Center of Urban Affairs, speaking COMPANY and 9 p m Tuesday in the union "White Consciousness" at Members of the standing officially take their seats at the junior will take his seat on the on 7:30 Gold Room. meeting scheduled for Tuesday. council as a minority committees are chosen to — ■ - 705 EIGHTH STREET, S.E. p.m. today in the west lounge. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20003 Typing Jr ° Service • There will be a dinner for all Wilson The MSU Scots Highlanders will , Hall Volunteers at 5:30 p.m. today in meet at 7 p.m. today in the PRIVATE GUITAR instruction. T Y P I N G IN my home. Housewife the ,9« Room. Call 35 3-4400 for Demonstration Hall Ballroom for Folk, Rock, Classical. Ail styles. with 7 years secretarial reservations, bagpiping and dancing. $3 per lesson. Inquire at experience. Large and small MARSHALL MUSIC, 351-7830. projects. 627-5412. 1-1-10 , A The Israeli Club of MSU will All Boys' Club Volunteers will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in 6 Student sponsor Israeli folk dancing lessons COMPLETE THESES service. for men and women at 8:30 p.m. HORSES BOARDED. $35 per Services Bldg. Discount printing. IBM typing and Mondays in 34 Women's Intramural month. Hay and grain daily. Box binding of theses, resumes, student ticket distribution for Bldg. stalls. 4 miles South of MSU. publications. Across from campus, iserved seat Lecture-Concert 882-8779, 882-3820. 3-1-10 The Wilson Hall Student Assn. corner M.A.C. and Grand River, attractions for winter term begins below Jones Stationery Shop. Call needs 12 models for a bridal show. PAINTING, INTERIOR now at Tuesday at the Union ticket office. COPYGRAPH SERVICES. Call 53361 or 56686 for information. Tryouts will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. prefreeze prices. Grad students, 337-1666. C-1-31 Tuesday and Wednesday in apt. W2 references, reasonable. Jere or Wilson Hall. Call Carol Spring at Bruce, 349-4817. C-1-31 The Marketing Club invites you to TYPING THESES and letters, etc. 353-0599, 353-0601 or 352-0392 Faculty Night from 7:30 p.m. on with questions. FURNITURE STRIPPING. Old Rapid accurate service. Tuesday in the recreation room, apt. finishes removed to bare wood - Experienced. 393-4075. C-1-31 D. Twykingham. Rides will be Green Earth Food Coop will hold available from 7:30 and 8 p.m. in the ready for your new finish - Fast, an important meeting at 8 tonight in Teak Room, Epply Center. dependable, reasonable. HOAGAN the New Community Co-op, 343 HOUSE STRIP-IT SHOP, Treimportation r Albert St. All interested people are Williamston. 655-1410 E-Qual will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday LONDON, $149. Round trip airfare ta 35 Unlon* For your convenience during the first few frustrating, hysterical, and BABYSITTER, LICENSED, bummer days of Winter term — we will be open late. Starting today, from New York with °penreturn. Pre.Vet CIub mee, at 7 p.m. economical, experienced, available in her Spartan Village home full, 0*110 Buck< 351-2286. Tuesday in 146 GUtner Hall. Monday night until Friday, Jan. 14, our hours will be 9 to 9. except Saturday - 9 to part, any time. 355-3010. 1-1-10 5. So, don't pull your hair out buy your books, drop and add, — . The Block and Bridle Club will PIZZA SPECIAL tr anted meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in 110 etc., and then stop by and look at some hi-fi components. See ya! Typing Service Anthony Hall. Drawing for animals 2s 1 WANTED: CHEAPEST room, not for the Little international will take TYPING IN my home. 8 years for sleeping, won't be there often, place. FOOD BEING experience. Call Dolly, 484-5765. 10 cubic feet. Storage. 372-4098. price ■ SERVED 6 12 MIDNIGHT 5-1-11 Alpha Phi Sigma will meet at 7:30 °* i - HI FI BUYS 1-1-10 ~~~ ~~ p.m. today in the conference room, 7 ~ iWelcome 18 Year Olds! DISSERTATIONS, THESES, term ~ fourth floor Olds Hall. papers. Expert typist with degree CHILD CARE home, Reo School - in my area. licensed Have 3 , in English. IBM 351-8961. 0-1-10 Winiam De„a> Susan Graham and r 1101 E. Grand River Phone 337-2310 year old playmate. 393-4291. TOWN PUMP Frjends ^ pfesent a program of TYPING SERVICES offered at the modern dance and piano at 8:15 SHELDON COMPANY, 5818 tonight in the Music Auditorium. Durwell Drive, Lansing. Phone 832 4018 for information. 6-1-14 WOMAN WITH child oriented $ 307 S. Grand, Lansing background will watch 2% to 5 The MSU Theater Dept. will hold year olds and lunch. 351-9383. open tryouts for "Winnie-The Pooh" SAVE SAVE SAVE 1-1-10 at 7:30 p.m. today and Tuesday in XEROX COPYING. Offset, best , the Arena Theater. quality at reasonable prices. THE WANTED: BOARDING space for I If I could get my hands 01 COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand ^ Board wjU meet 7 p.m< German Shepherd. Fenced yard River. Phone 332-4222. C-1-31 1 T J39 near W, Hams Hal preferable. Will p new J ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith pay. 351-2462. 1-1-10 will be discussed. offset printing. Complete service for dissertations, theses, "TOM JONES" Type Singer looking The Undergraduate Psychology manuscripts, general typing. IBM. for Stage Band, etc. to sing Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. today in my first grade teacher na 22 years experience / 349-0850. popular songs with. Contact TK 304 Olds Hall to organize committees C-1-31 355-9489. 10-1-21 to implement programs for the That's Right!! PIZZA FOR A BUCK Id break her chalk? J ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■COUPON■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ It all began in the first grade. *: — VARSITY PIZZA $ But don't blame your first-grade teacher. It wasn't® With 1 Item of^Your^ Choice or t our ^noic her fault. It was the system she had to teach. The old "run, Spot, run" method. ^■ \Lm ■ only Monday, Jan. 10th Only 1.00 Dorm Delivery 8i Pickup Only You had to read it out loud. Word by word. And! that's the way it was until you became a second! grader. Where your teacher asked you to read silently! ■ COUPON But you couldn't do it. I'KI' h You probably stopped reading out loud. But you! From Your still said every word to yourself. yL yL HOT 1 FAST DELIVERY VARSITY 332-6517 If you're an average reader, you're probably! reading that way now. Which means you read only as fast as you talk.| About 250 to 300 words a minute. And that's not fast enough any more. Not when the average student has approximate™ 8 hours of required reading for every day of classes.* And since the amount of time in a day isn't about* to increase, your reading speed will have to. Available without In order to handle it all. The Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics course can| help. With training, you'll be able to see groups of prescription. words. To read between 1,000 and 3,000 words minute. Depending on how difficult the material is. pe'| At any rate, we guarantee to at least triple you'! reading speed, or we'll refund your entire tuition.™ (98.4% of everyone who takes the course accofl-j plishes this.) So don't waste time thinking about whom to] blame. Come take a free introductory speed reading! lesson. We'll increase your reading speed on the spot! It takes about an hour to find out how you can reduce! your study time by 50% or more. And it ought to be worth an hour of your time. To save thousands. ATTEND FREE SPEED READING LESSON | Today or Tomorrow Mon., Jan. 10 or Tues., Jan. 11 Time 4 p.m. or 6 p.m. or 8 p.m. each day University Inn >, 1100 Trowbridge East Rd. ? Lansing * Chilling. Creamy. Thick. Rich. McDonald's Shakes. Chocolate. Strawberry. Your Basic Vanilla. (Straws included at no extra cost) J Also Now available in PINEAPPLE, EVELYN WOOD 234 W. Grand River READING DYNAMICS 1024 E. Grand River 17320 West Eight Mile Road Southfield, Michigan 48075 Open Sunday call (313) 35-36-111 - Thursday till 1 AM, Friday - Saturday till 2 AM (collect)