Tuesday J MICHIGAN Ir." UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, January 11, 1972 Volume 64 Number 83 Man robs city bank, kills branch manager By RICK WILBINS have been set up throughout the state, by Ingham County Coroner Jack said another teller works only on busy Holmes. Holmes attributed the cause of days. police said. CINDI STEINWAY An elderly woman — the only other death to a bullet wound to the heart. Police said they "have no idea" which State News Staff Writors person in the bank at the time of the This is the first time the branch bank has direction the gunman fled. Officer Potter robbery — described the gunman as a black been robbed, according to William said, however, that he did not see a green A man described by police as slender, male, about 5' 7" tall, with an Afro hair Fleming, executive vice - president of the Mustang traveling east on Lake Lansing husky-voiced and dressed in woman's style, wearing a brown tweed coat with a East Lansing First National Bank. Road as he approached the bank from the clothing, shot and killed a First National fur collar. Fleming would not disclose how much Bank branch manager early Monday The woman said the robber looked like a money was stolen, but said a previously estimated $18,000 to $20,000 was "a little Construction workers in the immediate afternoon and fled with what was first woman, but she said she believed him to be reported to be $20,000. a man because of his deep voice. high." area said they had not seen a black person Killed in the robbery was Stanley Irish, The assailant apparently entered Fleming said it was not unusual for only one teller to be on duty during the day. He (Please turn to page nine) 62, of Webberville. Irish had been manager theone-room bank about 1:45 p.m. of the bank for the past two years. Trie Monday police said, and ordered Irish to Robbery fatality bank is located in an underdeveloped section of Lansing Township at 3332 open a small safe in the manager's office. After following the gunman's orders, MILLIKEN PROPOSAL Lansing Road. Irish struggled with the robber and was lilance attendants are assisted by East Lansing police in removing The assailant — believed by police to be shot twice. A third shot passed through a tody of the manager from the North branch of the First National operating alone — escaped from the scene plate glass window near the front of his Jin East |p Monday afternoon. Lansing. He died at the scene from wounds received in a State News photo by Terry Miller - in a green Mustang, according to a Michigan State Police report. Roadblocks desk. The teller pressed the silent alarm as the robber fled, notifying area police who Brickley bo reached the scene of the robbery within minutes. Lewis Potter, of the East Lansing Police for primary spite by a court test, the establishment of voting could reduce University revenues by several in a call and the FBI took her away for further questioning," Potter stated. "She FBI and was quite hysterical," he added. .State Police immediately sealed calling it a "very significant and important election reform Michigan." measure for the State of Brickley said in a prepared statement A third possibility would be a percentage system. For example, if Candidate A received 51 per cent of the vote and Candidate B received 49 per cent, A would million dollars annually. off the bank for the rest of the day. receive 51 per cent of the delegation's vote, residency by a student will not enable the that a presidential primary would help student to be classified as an in - state The desire of the MSU administration to Irish was pronounced dead .ninutes after insure the full political participation of the and B would receive 49 per cent. student for tuition purposes. Michigan's differentiate between residents and state's newly - enfranchised young voters Brickley also took a swipe at the Asst. Atty. Gen. Maxine B. Virtue said in nonresidents through the use of criteria While avoiding the "pitfalls" of an April Democratic proposal for a spring precinct I thousand MSU students who are December that Michigan colleges and other than voting residency is likely to precinct election, a proposal backed by primary, saying that the plan would "only itered to vote in Michigan will encounter support among state legislators. Fee refund have changed the date of selecting these universities can charge nonresident tuition Michigan Democrats. , / continue to pay out - of - state The legislature, through amendments to Full-time students who do not wish to read While the specifics of the governor's plan delegates." regardless of a student's residence for the Democratic response to Milliken's voting purposes. higher education appropriations bill, the State News or use its services may have not yet been released, there are linark ruling in August by the has made it clear that it favors special several possibilities based on the operations proposal has been non - committal. Robert ■Supreme Court that cleared all "Colleges and universities, as we see it, receive authorization for a refund of the $1 consideration for the children of Michigan of the growing number of states holding Mitchell, deputy chairman of the Michigan Itioiitl obstructions to student do not automatically lose their right to subscription fee in 345 Student Services taxpayers in the form of lower tuition Presidential primaries. Democratic State Central Committee, said charge (nonresident) tuition as of the Bldg. through Friday. Students must bring Ji campus communities, coupled moment a student determines that he (Please turn to page nine) their fee receipt card to receive the refund. Under the "winner take all" system, the ■lowering of the voting age to 18, candidate who wins the primary, whether (Please turn to page nine) wishes to register to vote," Ms. Virtue said ? possibility that thousands of io were classified as in a letter to State Rep. Michael A. Dively, R Traverse City. college and university - might be reclassified as Ms. Virtue's statement was welcomed by fcidiiiis in recognition of their MSU administrators. If MSI' was forced to pidency. charge in • state tuition to all students who * the present situation is altered establish voting residency in Michigan, this PALI LEADER RETURNS Towds in Dacca This skier makes a mark" to prevent quick "sitz being finished by the finish. He was lail weeping Mujib participating in the Student Ski Assn.'s "Great Escape Weekend" at Schuss Mountain in which AP) Sheik Mujibar Rahman Bangladesh and against Bengalis in West MSU skiers took part. Pakistan. veeping with emotion Monday SN photo by William Thursby I his Bangladesh people their ties But the sheik said that persons living in an were gone forever, his nation who are guilty of having aided s of thousands turned out to the Pakistani forces would be dealt with by him as Bangladesh's first the laws of Bangladesh. A U.S. diplomat joined the "All collaborators and their henchmen ception. will be tried under the law of the land and each will be punished," he vowed. "No one I ■'5 • minute speech at the Dacca guilty of bucnery, loot, arson and rape can P0 the same place where the go unpunished." He appealed, however, to leader launched a civil disobedience his people not to take the law into their ff against »1 Pakistani rule last March own hands. year - old sheik publicly Thousands climbed over fences onto the ■ appeals by President Zulflkar Ali airport tarmac as Mujib's four - engine jet |»f fakistan. Pakistan that Bangladesh remain touched down. They screamed the Bangladesh rallying •recourse also was the site of the (Please turn to page nine) T Dec. 16 of Pakistani troops in Pthen h.ast Pakistan. ■ thunderous J'the ■ '(>u are not y has done in applause, the Sheik people of Pakistan: You be responsible for what my country. But I Students on council educational program at MSU, should claim >• be either graduates o J is no longer possible for J™> to I broken. remain with Pakistan. The News Background student interest and comment at today's council meeting. Drafted by the Educational Policies Undergraduate student members of the Part, Mr, Bhutto, committees are chosen by their colleges, you live in Committee (EPC), the plan offers a f also be in peace." peace, The idea of student participation in the of faculty members of the eliminate any feelings of unfamiliarity the graduate student members are selected province method for increasing the alternatives for major governing body of the University has among the students. In the past, faculty by COGS, and the at - large members are lmLlhe'k warned- "If Pakistan crystallized gradually in the minds of Academic Council. Fourteen student representatives from and administrative members of the council students in meeting the 45 required credits appointed by the student members of the .f J 011 any "dentures, at the students and sympathet ic faculty members. silt in undesignated seats in the large of general education. Currently all general Academic Council. d any powor. we will not allow it the colleges, 10 student representatives - at education requirements must be met Today 31 students will sit among 104 conference room. large, six representatives selected by the within the University College. faculty members and administrators to - called for A reception and dinner at Kellogg Center None of the 22 at - large committee an international Council of Graduate Student (COGS) and discuss and vote on some of the issues that Monday evening was planned by the members have been appointed to 11 the student member of the Steering in ,.rim,qU'r committed ,in,° atrocities he said by Pakistani forces may radically affect student's academic Committee will have full membership President's office so that the student The EPC proposal will be offered for discussion today but formal action on the committees yet. The difficulty in making in lives. Academic Council members would have an the appointments can be charged to a lack Academic Council has emerged in privileges on the council at the first plan will not be taken until the February of interest among students and a The opportunity to meet with the faculty and meeting of winter term today. Academic Council meeting. the past several yeare as the most powerful Although there are 16 colleges, only 14 administrative council members informally bottleneck created by a time - consuming faculty body on campus. At 3:15 p.m. before the first official Academic Council injunction involving procedural illegalities pickets on sale today I he faculty will embark on a new representatives will be seated today. James Madison College has yet to select its meeting. The EPC is one of 12 University which function in standing specific- in the at - large election to the Academic direction in the area of faculty power: it Introductions were scheduled for committees Council. will, for the first time in MSU history, representative and the Cbllegeof Human and recommend proposals to the ■11?^" °n sale ,or »nd share its advising and rule - making Ecology is scheduled to select a Monday evening so that time need not be areas council for action. Student membership on surrounding the ifiidpr 9VUe P,US Tder at 8 p.m. Sunday in Jonison D®troit featuring authority with student council members. replacement for Clyde Best, Brooklyn. reserved for today's meeting to present the 31 students. A long agenda, filled primarily all but the Faculty Tenure Committee was Despite the difficulties selection of the at large committee Decisions on changing the grading policy, N.Y. junior, who was selected student with informational reports, is planned for authorized by the Bylaws for Academic members, student representatives to the iv b* I !ts are $3 5° and 54 50 member of the Steering Committee. Governance, approved last May. Student advice on financial and budgetary matters, All council members will be seated the council meeting. Academic Council are in for a highly BnsiJr d at Marsha» Music in curriculum revisions and "any matter One item in particular, the informational membership on the committees is divided educational experience today. C",neb0«'* Smoke Shop and alphabetically in the Con Con Room of the into undergraduate, graduate and members ■on pertaining to the general welfare of the International Center in an effort to report on modifying the general University" will no longer be the exclusive 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, Ja^ I m. ft n [associated] news i j Court to rule on visa denial 1 press WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court agreed Monday to The lower court, in a 2 - 1 decision, held the law denies the subversive affiliations and his "flagrant abuse of the freedom of Americans to receive information. afforded him" during the 1968 visit. °I summary rule on the government's power to keep Marxist visistors from The majority In the lower court supported speaking in the United States. The court backed away from a ruling on use of church property tlle ri 1 The issue will be aired at a hearing later in the term in a case because of a change in Florida law. The case concerning parking and open academic exchange." ™!| From the wiret of AP and UPI. "Determining what aliens should be allowed t( concerning Dr. Ernest E. Mandel, an internationally known facilities exempt from taxation and used during the week by the Belgium writer who was denied a visa to lecture at American Central Baptist Church in Miami to collect fees. temporary basis involves considerations not only nf"3 colleges, universities and conferences. Two Miami residents, Florence Diffenderfer and Nishan Paul, security, but also of foreign policy," said the E In granting the review of a Justice Dept. appeal, the court gave claim the exemption is unconstitutional preference of one appeal. The Mandel case was one of ten appeals the government a chance to fight for retention of sections of the McCarran Act that were declared invalid by a three - judge federal religion over others. The Florida legislature, in changing state law court, up to full numerical strength now with the granted re J last year, exempts church property from taxation only if it is "I tell the panel in New York City last March. These sections ban visas for Justices William II. Rehnquist and Lewis F. Powell people of Pakistan: used predominantly for religious purposes. In another major development, Rehnquist jr aliens who advocate You be happy. You are not or teach "the economic, international and governmental doctrine of world communism." Mandel was admitted to the United States in 1962 and 1968. from consideration of a government appeal f()r disqualjful He was denied a visa in 1969, the government said, because of his apD j responsible for what your army has done to my country. But 1 wiretap policies, which he helped shape when he wis? J attorney general. regret it is no longer possible for In addition to sidestepping the church - " j..„ Property jj Surgeon Gene court mooted also the test of proxy statement Bangladesh to remain with ">l proposal Pakistan. " Sheik Mujibur Rahman of a change of heart, this one by the Dow Chemical c,, An antiwar group, which held a few shares of the ft had proposed a vote by all shareholders on bannii^l napalm for Securities and use against human targets. Dow invoked a Exchange Commission that allows ci rj Peking plans successful rigid antismoking He said Canadian studies have shown that omit shareholder proposals related to social or The SEC did not object, but when the U.S. District of Columbia ruled it be required to give SEC appealed to the Supreme Court. Justice William O. Douglas was the sole dissenter political Circuit it Court! WAHINGTON (AP) - Surgeon General have it reviewed prior to publication by a when those substances are reduced, carbon church and Dow cases. He said he was not as in J Jesse L. Steinfeld suggested Monday that number of persons known to share his "ewe, opinion of smoking," said Kloepfer. "They monoxide generally declines also. colleagues to effectively kill a case. He described Dow* Presidential press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler, the government more actively protect the health of were just as careful not to submit the Moss said his consumer subcommittee corporation wielding immense, virtually unchecked poy returning from an advance trip to China, said Monday in cigaret smokers and nonsmokers will look also into the advertising of small through new laws. report to any of the many scientific said "A whole panoply of substantive and procedural riJ Washington the visit to make arrangements for President There is "no longer an honest experts who disagree with it." cigars which, "look like cigarets and, more involved in the dispute. Nixon's Peking summit was highly successful. Steinfeld, a nonsmoker, avoided importantly, are inhaled like cigarets." He In other actions the court: disagreement among medical scientists" proposing specific legislation to curb said they avoid the broadcast advertising Terming the preliminary meetings "very successful," that "cigaret smoking is deadly," Steinfeld •Declined, without comment or dissent, to hear« said at a news conference in releasing a smoking or protect public health. But he ban on cigarets and cigarets' taxation. that the delegations to this summer's Democratic Ziegler said, "And the representatives of the Peoples Health Secretary Elliot L. Richardson has said reforms could include setting should be apportioned strictly on the basis of Republic of China with whom we dealt could not have sixth major report to Congress linking maximum limits on tar and nicotine in told Congress he supports Federal Trade the"! smoking to fatal diseases. numerical strength in each state. Federal Judge June L. been more cooperative." GJ The Tobacco Institute immediately cigarets or taxing each brand by content, Commission efforts to require health agreed with the "one - Democrat, one - vote" formula In a planeside news conference at Andrews Air Force warnings and tar and nicotine listings in all described the report as false, misleading ending tobacco subsidies and banning all reversed by the U.S. circuit court here. Base, Ziegler said the advance party which left for and "a gross insult to the scientific cigaret advertising. cigaret ads but will again recommend •Granted a hearing to the Federal Commuoi Peking Dec. 29 would report to President Nixon and community." The 226 - page report lists tar, nicotine legislative action if regulatory efforts fail. Commission in its quest for authority to order cable ttj "Once again the Dept. of Health, and carbon monoxide as smoking Health warnings now are required only on details would be released later. He declined to say systems (CATV) to originate some of their own progm_ Education and Welfare has failed to make ingredients most likely to be harmful. cigaret packages. The U.S. circuit court in St. Louis has ruled the FCCexcl whether additional preliminary trips will be necessary It said nonsmokers be harmed Steinfeld said that though 44 million the objective report on smoking and health before Nixon goes to Peking next month. research required by Congress," said even can by prolonged exposure to large amounts of Americans smoke, another 29 million have power under federal law. [ • Agreed to decide in a case from Tampa, Fla., whethi William Kloepfer, senior vice president of cigaret smoke in a small room. Sen. stopped smoking due to "concerted clerks should be allowed to issue arrest warrants, a J the institute which is the voice of the Frank Moss, D-Utah, immediately governmental and citizen campaigns." But permitted in Florida and New Jersey. f industry. announced that his Senate Commerce he said the government has not succeeded •Agreed to decide in an Indianapolis case whether laboij "Those who prepared the surgeon subcommittee will hold hearings Feb. 1, 3 in discouraging youth from taking up the Pope assails arms race general's report for him were careful to and 10 on a bill limiting tar and nicotine. habit. pickets may operate from a store's parking lot during ci to sign up the store's workers. Pope Paul VI assailed the arms race |Monday in the Vatican City as an ARSON CONSIDERED The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State epidemic afflicting both large and Liner fire spurs small nations. University, is published every class day during Fall, Winter In an annual most speech to diplomats accredited to the Vatican, the Pope called the arms race "perhaps the disconcerting phenomenon of and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. Member Associated Press, United Press International, Inland Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press HONG KONG (AP) — Harbor authorities say arson could not - - devoured the ship "surprisingly, university he planned to make of nltAMAMAMalltf 4%»a+" no ckft eaf phenomenally fast" as she sat in her. Im I probe] smoldering hulk. It g&llOTlS of fuel in tK«l our times." be ruled out as the cause of a ^"8 Kon8 harbor undergoing "We shall try to salvage the tanks and harbor authofl Association. "It is an epidemic phenomenon," he Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. fierce fire which sent the once - renovation as a sea-going ship if it is possible so as to carry an explosion or leik| Editorial continued. "No people seem to be and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan majestic Queen Elizabeth to the university. on this postgraduate work," he Poj1"1® j;£ePort- atjlelo bottom. The ship's last master, added. Yung renamed her the It will have to g escarp its contagiousness.''^. State University, East Lansing, Michigan. The 83,000 - ton former Commodore Geoffrey Marr, said Seawise University and was Marine Dept. spokesm* Phones: luxury liner, which once reigned "t his home in England he didn't refitting her as a floating school - - old Queen Elizifl proudly over transatlantic travel, believe the fire would have and cruise ship when the flames saw service as a troop Solar explosion recorded News 355-8252 capsized about noon Monday engulfed the ship so quickly if it struck at noon Sunday. during World War II. S Classified Ads 355-8255 after 24 hours of fire twisted her had started accidentally. A spokesman for Yung said carry soldiers across the! A solar Advertising 353-6400 explosion so violent it might have rocked the Business Office 355-3447 steelwork and collapsed all 11 of "It must be sabotage," Marr another $8 million or $9 million at 30 knots, outif her decks. said. "I cannot understand how earth back on its heels a bit - had it been aimed in this Photographic 355-8311 had been spent on the refitting marauding Nazi submwii An officer of the direction - has been recorded by an optical device for Hong Kong it could have spread so quickly to date. The ship's first voyage After the war tP fire service said unless it started in two or three the first time. the blaze as the Seawise University was outfitted as a passenger! places simultaneously." planned for next summer. became the pride of thi Solar physicists of the Naval Research Laboratory Gordon Milward of Hong A spokesman for Lloyds of Ll"e- During the posn (NRL) were elated not only at the dramatically Kong's Marine Dept. said that London said Yung originally days of liner travel, shel informative pictures themselves but at the when the 1,031 - foot vessel insured her for $6.25 million but million mile# and cirf keeled over, fire fighters could the policy included an escalator than a million passengei demonstration of a completely new method for observing solar flares. see right through het — "from to keep pace with the cost of '"M' " Major explosive outbursts of the sun's atmosphere cause such effects on earth as blackouts of long - What is life without love? the — top right down to the keel" because the destroyed her innards. flames had refurbishing. "We understand the almost completed the refit and ship(had Elizabeth was sold tt the third time to Yunjl distance radio communication and even of "Tbe possibility that it was therefore the total insurance million, telephone service, spectacular displays of the northern lights, and deliberately started is purely must rise to about $8 million," a — geomagnetic storms in the earth's natural magnetic field. conjecture but everything has to spokesman for the insurance Ex-director, 731 be considered," Milward said, company said. "It could have happened for any J Fire authorities said no lives of 3M Co. diesl of a thousand different reasons." were lost in the blaze, although C.Y. Yung, the Hong Kong between 800 and 900 workmen ST. PAUL, shipping magnate who owns the were aboard. Most fled by (AP)—Herbert P. Bi Agency to list violators vessel, said in London that the blaze "makes me cry." Asked normal exits but some jumped former president andii into the harbor or shinnied of Minnesota Mini! about Insurance collections, he down chains. Nine Chinese Manufacturing Co WASHINGTON (AP) The Cost of Living Council said he was more concerned said about the loss of the floating workmen were hospitalized. Saturday night. I Monday it will begin disclosing the names of Monday evening the vessel Buetow, who was j violators of President Nixon's wage - price controls. lay on the harbor bottom at a 65 suffered a heart att" Donald Rumsfeld, council director, said that under the degree angle with only her huge attending a private pa new disclosure policy results of its investigations may also be reported to persons who file RENT twin funnels, part of the hull and the portside clear of the Buetow joined the 1926 as an auditor. I I complaints with the water. president from 19531 council. YOUR TV . . There was no sign of oil and retired from the | Names of violators and those under investigation were leaking from the smoking, 1968. automatically withheld during the wage - price freeze BY THE TERM unless the government went to court. UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS '23.00 ( Mm. age 19 & completion of ol leott 1 yeor of collvg* ) GRADUATE STUDENTS and FACULTY MEMBfll Consolidation ordered BY THE MONTH THE ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE A U.S. district court judge has ordered the *9.50 • • ,• compiling 350 outitanding Boy*. Girli. BroihM* CA/% and Co-Ed Camps, located throughout the New consolidation of the mostly black Richmond school die Atlantic State* and Canada. Free Service system with the predominantly white systems of two Free Delivery ... INVITES YOUR INQUIRIES concerning maimer employ neighboring counties next September. Free Pick-up Couneelora. Group Leaden. Specialties. General Countelc Judge Robert R. Merhige Jr. said Monday that the Write, Phone, or Cat! In Person Constitution clearly required breaking the lines of NEJAC IV RENTALS Association of Private Camps — Depl H Maxwell M separate jurisdictions to bring about meaningful 337-1300 Alexander, Executive Director ■ 55 W«»t 42nd Strut, OX 5-2656, N«w York 36, % integration, which he called essential to quality in education. THETA CHI "If there is to be public education it must, under the Constitution, be afforded to all on an equal basis," Merhige said in a 325-page opinion granting the consolidation request of the Richmond City School Board. Gravity causes bounces Gravity highs and lows caused spacecraft orbiting the moon to bounce by as much as 100 feet, a scientist said Monday at the Space Center, Houston at the opening session of the 3rd Annual Lunar Science Conference. W.L. Sijogren of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., told some 600 scientists that positive and negative gravity anomalies, or irregularities, toy with orbiting spacecraft about the moon, causing them to change altitudes frequently. Mil He said a setting of radio tracking data from Apollo 15 confirmed and closely defined areas of intensified From one beer lover to another. BRF.WERY COMPANY. DETROIT, MICHIGAN 4«2J< gravitational attraction on the moon. FOR RIDES CALL ED 2 3581 453 ABBOTTflJJ Mi*" State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, January II, 1972 3 IN 3RD PRESIDENTIAL BID Humphrey pledges end to By the Associated Press Thursday his entry in the April war Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey can develop another to rebuild p.m. Monday Most deadline, of the candidates 25 Massachusetts Democratic stops in Tucson and Phoenix. formally announced on Monday our neighborhooods and crime «--» J!" \ Humphrey already has visited that he will try again for the ridden cities . . . Our task is not personally present in primary. In addition to filing for Arizona, telling a crowd in Phoenix on Saturday that he presidency. He promised to end reconciliation, rebuilding and Pennsylvania. Muskie, on a the Pennsylvania race, Lindsay the war in Indochina and said rebirth, campaign swing from Florida to has announced plans to run in deserved a second chance at the that if he had been elected in .. ..consin, stopped in Florida and Wisconsin primaries, presidency. The former vice president, McGovern scheduled a day of 1968, U.S. involvement in the Springfield, III., for a news who was linked with the conference with Sen. Adlai E On a Republican side, Rep. fighting would be over by now. 7 J ° w . campaigning in Arizona, seeking = ■ Paul N. The Minnesota senator senator made Joh,1SOn administration polices Stevenson III, who formally that state's 25 convention McCloskey Jr. of the announcement in on Vietnam, said, "Had I been endorsed the Maine senator. delegates. The delegates will be California said CBS has denied Women organize Philadelphia, where he entered elected in 1968, we would now be out of that war. I repeat that jn Boston, Lindsay's campaign chosen at a state convention on his request for equal time to the Pennsylvania Democratic manager said the New York Feb. 12. The South Dakota respond to President Nixon's pledge. There were several mayor would announce Senator's itinerary included Jan. 2 televised interview, primary and joined a long list of other entrants Dorninguez, Administrative Asst. in the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs makes a other candidates in that contest. Monday in the recent meeting of a concerned group of women from the University community. The April 25 contest for „• a Humphrey, 61, said "A Mas held to form an alliance of women concerned with women's rights. State News photo by Craig Porter nation Marshall that developed Pennsylvania's 182 • member JTelegati?" plan to rebuild Europe National to l,he Democratic Convention. The group Student leaders' is the third largest state >ur die in Baton Rouge delegation. Sens. Edmund S. Muskie of Maine, Vance Hartke of Indiana, and Henry M. Jackson of of delegate e Washington; U.S. Rep. Shirley support of a Michigan "I welcome the governor's Chisholm of New York and By JOANNA FIRESTONE presidential primary as a means belated move in the direction of ter racial confrontation Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace, third party candidate in 1968, filed declaration papers in State News Staff Writer A state wide campus drive to to insure Despite new ouncement, voter the input. governor's Rep. Jackie youth representation through a presidential primary," Vaughn said, "but I question some The mayor said the indicent Harrisburg, the state capital. muster support for a proposed Vaughn III, D- Detroit, and aspects of his proposal. was to last until 6 a.m. Tuesday. City and parish police blocked Mayor John V. Lindsay of New 1,3^1 Anrn"plerHon"nfnrerinrt Mitchell denutv "The governor's proposal Ion rough. La. (ap> Robert Xputy sheriffs and two apparently stemmed arrest from of two or three Black the Dumas said there was a o'f the area by circling the block meeting of blacks at the Temple containing the theater. They York and former Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy of Minnesota had S^gatesdrew, lackluster chairman of the Democratic State deputy Mitchell, Michigan Central excludes _ , ^ minority representation and appears to violate the one ■ black demonstrators were Muslims seized while soliciting response from MSU student Theater, site of the Monday wore helmets and carried entered the Pennsylvania leaders on campus Monday in Committee, went ahead with a person — one vote principle Monday in an exchange of funds last week without a confrontation. Last Friday night submachine guns, riot guns, primary earlier. Still another the wake of Gov. Milliken's preplanned conference with mandated by the U.S. n a predominantly black license. those who attended the meeting double - barrelled shotguns, Ml candidate, Sen. George S. Friday announcement that he student leaders and refused to Constitution," he said. "Because Jiolice said. "They're talking about taking called for "a change in carbines and M16 automatic McGovern of South Dakota was 'ill support a full-fledged abandon support for the special no Democrat has actually seen ■gunfire began, police and over our city," Dumas said, conditions, money, good homes weapons. expected to file before the 5 the governor's proposal it T witnesses said, shortly presidential primary in Michigan, election concept. "We're clearing the deck and and peace." The April election proposal, difficult to make a thorough ioon when young blacks Milliken's announcement took ady to take them on." The governor called out state designed to pull newly analysis of the proposal or its j area streets with cars The last count from police on much of the spark out of police and about 800 National enfranchised 18 21 year - old implications. of • state license - - Hughes to contest 0Ut . those injured totaled 20, Vaughn's proposal, however, and Guardsmen. McKeithen said the voters into the political system, "My main hope, however, is i told residents: "We're students attending the meeting that the governor will not place including newsmen Bob Johnson Guard was ordered to assemble calls for a special election to , give you your city and Maurice Cockerham, both of on a request by Dumas. select seemed content to hold off insuperable obstacles in the path new precinct delegates. WBRZ-TV in Baton Rouge. Henry Baptiste, black Supporters of the move say a chocang between the two of this much needed reform by "Woody" Dumas biography release a v,. - i'e police officers as well as Reed Canada, a businessman, cameraman for WBRZ-TV, said special election will guarantee altematlv« until specifics of the proposing a presidential primary ■ Bauer, the city's chief of said he spotted Johnson in front the first shots came from young that the new voters' voters'voice voice will be §overnor s P'an have been full of complications that are revealed. I had been beaten badly of his store, "bleeding badly blacks dressed in suits and bow heard through their delegates at impossible of solution." from the head and I saw him get ties. He said "five or six blacks' LOS ANGELES ■ police attempted to move (AP) A fr0m the autobiography, isay tlie forthcoming= presidential hit with another bottle. He fired from between buildings Irs used as street barricades. Hughes Tool Co. spokesman said the autobiography is genuine nominating conventions, hurt bad, real bad and from alleyways with pistols Monday that court action may ■eputies killed were white. , , . despite denials aeniais to the me contrary contrary Gov- — —> however, took Milliken, las said, "The chief has "urnas ">,,rem'd wlth c'?v- and shotguns. The blacks opened be necessary to settle the during a two hour telephone »w*y m"ch of the enthusiasm Irettv » badly whipped." He • Joh» McKeithen and parish "fT.„.«ic .rj - fire, Baptiste said, when police authenticity of a eforthcoming ■ '• * ■ ■ interview with a man identifvincJ b generated by the election county officials and imposed a • » , u.. u:_ ■ the shootings "useless and arrived autobiography of billionaire himself as Hughes, proposal by his unexpected I, -» 5:30 p.m. citywide curfew. It barricadin recluse Howard Hughes. "It is becoming apparent it may never be settled anywhere other than in court," a Hughes the ea^st Room urged to spokesman replied when iters informed the book's publishers planned to go ahead with plans Tuesday's Feature Dinner to release the 1,000 - page NEW ENGLAND DINNER 3.00 >w addresses document. The however, spokesman added, that it wouldn't be brisket of beef buttered new cabbage necessary for Hughes himself to potato,carrots, creamy horseradish sauce lent voters registered in immediately,' Ms. Colizzi said. city boundaries run through the appear in court to contest the salad 'We are going to try and make building and a change of room ■Lansing may be canceled "We are going to try and make autobiography rep to ^ ^ which the dessert le polling lists this month if sure not to cancel an> one lhe could result in moving from Fast McGraw - Hill Book Co. plans to beverage ■ do not notify the city city who is an eligible voter." Lansing. Several residence halls publish. Use Alle'entrance or fourth level of ^office of a change in their Peter J. Eckel, asst. manager of in east complex are affected by "His Hughes legal counsel ramp for direct access. ks. A1 Flory, director of the Dept. of Residence Halls, this, including Hubbard, Akers, could fight this," the spokesman Kive relations for ASMSU sa'd cards coming to hall boxes Holmes, McDonel and Oweas. , warned Monday that would normally be placed in the right box if a student still lives in Ms. Colizzi said there was still Representatives of McGraw time for people to notify her Hil, and yfe magazine, which is Jacobson's its who may have changed the same hall. If they are not in office of address changes before planning to serialize excerpts room assignments in the same building, they are the new registration cards are residence halls could returned to the post office, mailed sometime in the next ■their week. The cards are being mailed East Lansing voter where they will probably be JACOBSON'S OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL NINE to all registered voters notifying Ration canceled when new returned to the clerk's office. e mailed out within the Eckel said residence hall them of the new precinct He said that if a notice of personnel may run into a divisions which were established lge in address has not been problem, however, in halls where last month, tbe cards might not reach I destination, resulting in ■ that name removed from Bting lists. i&J erly Colizzi, city clerk, said itudents who have changed address, but remain in the residence hall, should TURNER e the cards, not be forwarded though they under plus DETROIT sky blue heathers bloom it law. Uters who have any type Jan16-8pm • Jenison$3.50 & $4.50 for Miss J in College Town w address should notify us at Campbell VMarshall s'Urnon. separates. " clerk's office) . .a now-to-spring wardrobe done with flare and pastel-power in smooth-k.iit polyester/acrylic. Sizes 5-13 A Pull-on vest with chambray pockets. $11. Front-zipped pant $16. B. Yoked chambray shirt of polyester/cotton. $10. Front-pleated skirt. $13. jOop' m 11 ' MMSL mmm •Jaoobson's OPEN RUSH Jan. 10 -12 7 10 p.m. MICHIGAN WHITE STATE NEWS $ O UNIVERSITY U' life: really a different trii control, but we still have n A year or so ago a friend of mine in a bonds of the parent-child KEN LYNAM matrix ' relatively nigh student post stated that the That's probably why advertising manager student tvt»I want to hassle one thing he wanted most was to "get out endlessly ov„ ■ DAVE PERSON, managing editor of it." they're trying to attract attention { At the time I was perplexed. trying to be "functional" and VU CHARLIE CAIN city editor , "No, we're really not living in a microcosm of BILL HOLSTEIN, campus editor Why, I thought, should he be in a hurry and "meaningful" and the b«fl to bust out of a prestige position that had life here at all. The University operates as its own student board member BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor universe of discourse with its own axioms and (read' iJ RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor taken four years to earn? Why hurry the there is and, thereby, be nattJT advent of adulthood when college life can corollaries. Petty hassling may be the name of the head for their efforts. d\ be such a gas? human game, but usually not of the same order or It's kind of a sibling competition! Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award I have since come to understand his this blooding of one another for outstanding journalism. intensity as is the student case." on thtJ position. interaction. After all it isn't reallvtl Periodically when I used to get really this play world, the shadow bummed out by the incessant bickering, academic commodity. So ii[.l go ah, backbiting and treachery that accompanies blast one another and prove that yc EDITORIALS any tell quasi-political student undertaking I'd myself "Pull it together: college is having spent all our lives within the student generate an unreality in the dynamic of "baddest" dude around. the vanquished get to remain Remeir simply life in microcosm. Hassling is the paradigm. student organizations. It doesn't really wlu It has to do in part with not really matter if you're not quite as competent as University, they're not dead orn nature of all things and if you can't make it General ed now you sure as heck won't be able to make it out in the real world." believing in yourself because there is always an overseer, the University. you might be since, in the final analysis, It doesn't really matter — there Is always a like that. The "U" perpetuating the lookingglassnesj ofl either since it serves well to to. doesnyL Students and the organizations they form bail-out. So what if you waste a few thou? It's a pretty standard rap: you've probably heard it several thousand times are in many ways reminiscent of notorious The "U" won't go broke. It's not like the academic churls occupied and 1 merits implemen by now. The problem is that its wrong. There's bodies such as the South Vietnamese Diet - the similance of meaning is there while fate of the Free World depended upon your decision or anything. trouble. Thus, they've created a called "grades" and with it brourt existence a sub-culture unique in litt|J the substance is wholly lacking. In fighting the war for student power we m«_ something very unique about the student a sub-culture in which the organization trip. Simply, playing at but And, indeed, with this "student council" have hailed the drafting of "Freedom" individJ Today the Academic Council will With these reservations we feel that not quite accomplishing "real" living is mentality it is doubtful that they would documents crying "In loco parentis is guage his worth relative tol receive "A Proposal for Modifying the general education proposal not, in general, typical of life "out there." even be able to seize the opportunity to dead." But "in loco parentis," the individuals to the hundreth decinull the General Education Requirement constitutes a constructive That we fail to realize this is dut only to rise to functionalism were it presented. University as parent, is a state of mind. We And this provides framework withinl to operate a reward-punishment dy| lack of meta-perspeetive; to the fact Knowing that someone or something else may have freed ourselves from tne social at Michigan State University." If modification of the fabric of the our has final authority in most cases tends to and political shackles of administration Appointing someone to an exewJL that most of us have never been "outside," implemented, this document could educational process, and one which administrative position on the basil greatly expand the limited general should be most welcome to the academic record is of the same g« education curriculum currently students of this University. appointing an individual to high of offered by University College. the basis of aristocratic birth. Itghl Under the proposal, all colleges in or no consideration to 1 administrative abilities. Indeed,! the University would be urged to Accompanying the general grades as an appointment criteriil education proposal is a second develop options to American actually undermine the intent JT Thought and Language, Natural proposal which advocates the original appointment since in nunyL creation of four-year, degree-granting high grades are a sign of the verylj Science, Humanities and Social Science, tailored to the specific programs in "general studies" within executive abilities: the man with thl needs of their own college's students. the various colleges. In effect, such a GPA may have achieved 1t beeau*l proposal would offer a degree unable to interact with otheiT This process would in some cases therefore stayed home and studied. 1 involve the designation of already program for students who don't What kind of grades do you supped want a single area of concentration use in the real world. There are no existent courses - usually of an in the form of a traditional major. It course. Can you honestly imagii introductory nature - as fulfilling Board of Directors of General V the college's general education would also take the pressure off students who are presently forced to selecting a corporation president bj requirement, or in other cases his Living Point Average was .5 aboj_ require the creation of altogether declare a major after two years even competition? The grade-an ompiiJ new course listings. if they have no special interest area hierarchy makes as little sense. 1 It would be understood, however, in mind. Still other students would No, we're really not living I that such courses would constitute have the flexibility to tailor their microcosm of life here at iflf substitutes for the University degree program to their individual University operates as its own univJ discourse with its own axiom! College's general education needs. program corollaries. Petty hassling may be thtl which would remain in existence. With the implementation of of the human game, but usually notF The proposal would retain the four-year general studies programs in same order or Intensity as is the«] all the colleges, there would no case. University requirement that there be The air clears and I begin towondJ 45 credits of general education longer be a need for the longstanding might not be so bad on the outsidtl studies. proposal to elevate University The College to a four - year, degree - all? Is this the beginning reasoning behind the proposal metamorphosis? is very sound. The purpose of general granting program institution. A four education is to insure that every - year University College degree - IRB FROM WASHINGTON student at this Universtiy obtains a granting program would only "rounded education" within the duplicate the general studies Nixon: politics by indirection parameters of his specific major. programs of the various colleges, Requiring all students to take the resulting in extra expense same inflexible general education unjustifiable in terms of the U's tight course sequence often results in budget. needless duplication of material, Role to excuse keep troops in.) Nothing like that now; just a hint. He he dashed off to California tol Indeed, with the several colleges By RICHARD LEE STROUT "Mr. President," continued Rather, "you wasting both the student's and the conceded that he had made mistakes, but Minister Sate to try to square thin(| said in March, 1971, that 'under no couldn't quite let things drop at that. He University's time and money. offering four - year general studies First there was an advertisement of Japan, which shows some s circumstances' would you normalize explained, a little defensively, "My strong Proviso programs and taking over much of alienation. We wonder how long Mr.fl Montgomery Ward, and then one for the realtions with China if that meant Taiwan's point, if I have a strong point, is can sustain this peculiar mixture There is one other proviso, the responsibility for meeting the 45 March of Dimes, and after that the expulsion from the UN. How come?" performance. I always do more than I say. of] credit general announcer, as though apologizing to rhetoric, rapid n however, that should be added to the - education Mr. Nixon said it was a good thing to end I always produce more than I promise." millions for depriving them of their the freeze with China. self-righteousness, and politics •! passage of the general education requirement, the role of University favorite broadcast, took us into the White After making this breathtaking comment, indirection? proposal. The various colleges must College will undoubtedly be a House and there was Dan Rather about to Question make a concerted effort to create shrinking one in the coming years. ask Richard Nixon questions for the next His interlocutor paused with an OUR READERS' MIND As its share of the general education hour. It carried right back to 1960. general education sequences that are expressionless face and then asked the next truly worthwhile educationally. It burden is reduced, fiscal adjustments Only in 1960 it wasn't a respectful question. It was all quite impersonal. Polls, asking questions but young Jack The message is newsman would be exceedingly unfortunate it will have to be made by the provost's he said, gave Mr. Nixon high marks for the colleges only duplicated the pap presently being offered in many of office. The concept of a general degree Kennedy in the Nixon - Kennedy debates, a relatively unknown Catholic senator, running for the Presidency, with most of the press against him, a ghastly campaign decisiveness, for willingness to change. But about half of those queried, he noted, "said that you had failed to inspire cle( the University College courses. program, along with the general confidence and faith and lacked personal education proposal mentioned deficit and the polls giving Vice President Further, the rationale for Nixon a comfortable margin, 50-44, after warmth and compassion. Why," asked To the Editor: out a people. maintaining an inflexible 45-credit above, will help bring greater Rather, with the interest of one housewife I congratulate you for publishing H.R. You don't have to reword the Pi the conventions. minimum for general education flexibility to curriculums often Mr. Nixon last week may have recalled asking another about a biscuit recipe, "do Hoppe's letter dated Dec. 3, 1971. His The message, to us, has been qultecld course work is somewhat wanting. strictured by arbitrary requirements 1960. He is a man of television; the you suppose that is?" racist attitudes were expressed so In closing, I would like to sayfe Checkers speech was a brilliant tour de The question may have been unfair, but eloquently that I knew immediately that surprises me that such a narrow ij Perhaps if the college general not always in the best interests of he must surely be a professor of English. the situation, like the debate with Jack person is teaching on this campus. education surrogates are truly the students. In the same stroke, the force; the 1960 debate probably cost him The professor points out that he too On second thought, no it doesn't. the election; the 1968 victory was an Kennedy, was one that Mr. Nixon had overextended University College comes from a upgraded this 25 per cent of an expert job of packaging; the ill-natured brought upon himself. It Is a crucial issue, multi-ethnic background. too; the election may turn on it — the Fbur nationalities, all white. His very undergraduate's career will not seem program can be returned to a more Phoenix speech in 1970 (attacking question of presidential personality. Mr. existence is proof of the "Great Society's" like such a waste. Again the onus is manageable shape, hopefully with a youthful dissidents) helped create Edmund Muskie. Since then he has used TV time Nixon replied reasonably enough that "my acceptance these white "ethnic" groups. upon the colleges to see that the consequent improvement in the strong point is not rhetoric, it isn't The United States Constitution excluded and again for stunning, dazzling prime-time "modification" of the general quality of its course offerings. announcements while almost dropping showmanship; what counts," he said, "is blacks and Indians specifically when it was education program represents a Eventually, as general education performance." written. The only reason Chicanos weren't old-fashioned press conferences manifest improvement rather than a phases into the rest of the 'U', Thought A valid answer, we think. But the President couldn't quite let it go at that or mentioned is because The good ole' USA wasn't into Its imperialist bag yet. Of MISPLACED ME* simple matter of bureaucratic University College may well be There is a school of thought in America the Civil Rights Act changed all that regards the President as sacrosanct, a carry it off. It recalled that uncomfortable course, rearrangement. phased out. defensive look when he was under the hot that. Hah! Tell that to George Jackson, kind of monarch, who shouldn't be To: Provost John Cantlon lights in Chicago in 1960 in the first debate Thomas Whitehawk or Caesar Chavez. questioned by lesser folk and who, to with Kennedy. Teddy White recalls it In his There are a lot of you who don't even Re: Theft of the faculty salari attack, is lese majesty. It is a tough "The Making of the President, 1960," — know those names. We know them and we from the James Madison Librar)] assignment for a critical interviewer, Challenge knowing that he is talking to a man who is part political leader and part Sacred Cow, trying to be respectful without being "tense, almost frightened, at times glowering, and occasionally haggard-looking to the point of sickness. half slouched, his 'Lazy Shave' powder . . know your culture also. We know that In Ireland two groups of Christians are fighting over the same God! We know that West Germany supplies I got it back. obsequious and all the time pushed Portugal with arms faintly streaked with sweat, his eyes to suppress blacks in her African colonies. Monday, amid the tumultuous reaching some sort of accord with forward by professional pride in his craft. welcome of hundreds of thousands exaggerated hollows of blackness, his jaw, And finally, we know that a man from West Pakistan will be in Dacca's best Dan Rather for CBS, was calm, dead-pan, jowls, and face droonino with strain " Austria with his racist ideas almost of Bengalis, Shiek Mujibur Rahman interests if these diplomatic ends matter-of-fact, with an icy delivery of wiped finally set foot on his native soil questions some of which were brutally are to be achieved. It is doubtful, for direct. Of course everybody watched to see again. Hailed as "bangapita," the example, that Washington would how the President reacted in this, the father of his nation, Mujib's task has ' mchael, from the it's just A hunch, See, even remotely consider dealing with evident opening of his "nonpolitical" look8 op things so But i can't help feeung it wre only just begun. campaign for re-election. It was all on a far, x think, my you youths megd someplace good lord watare out poverty. Bangladesh without a go - ahead copptte House here is to comb when you ft5»_ willing, **/ going HUNGER, HATk, From the moment of its inception, very, very high level. perhaps it tv uss tub from Islamaba. i going 7t> catch, it's uk£ relaxing this COFFSe- INAR, frustration ^ Bangladesh was one of the most "Mr. President," Rather said in effect, i / going to go! House can se the perfect will even **2 and inadequate By releasing Rahman, West "you told Time magazine last week that milieu. dynamic, exciting, now torn a profit. . fp°KT HCO&ng. / impoverished1 nations on the globe. Pakistan's new President Zulfikar Ali Vietnam will not be an issue in the Even if the scars of the Pakistani civil Bhutto made the first overture campaign 'as far as this Administration is war can be healed, massive amounts concerned because we will have brought toward some sort of settlement. We of the American involvement to end.' Does 11 foreign aid will be necessary to set are not advocating the surrender of an Dacca on its fiscal feet. ending American involvement mean total Bangladesh's independence, but if withdrawal?" Before anything can be done, Mujib is truly intent upon his Mr. Nixon said no, it didn't, not so long however, Mujib must obtain statement that "we have no enmity" as Hanoi holds a single POW. ^ irlgggg diplomatic recognition from the he would do well to return Bhutto's (A good many of us wonder whether Mr. 1; isrc* community of nations. Clearly, Nixon is holding U.S. troops there to get I'll gesture. the POWs out, or using the POWs as an n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, January II, 1972 MSU POLICE FORESEE MORE ARRESTS Most drunk drivers under 21 By BOB NOVOSAD State News Staff Writer the bulk of those arrested for In this drinking in the bars will need case, police said, the arrest of five young adults drunken driving arrests on cars to return to campus, and bloodshot eyes are a dead for drunken driving, and the Campus Police Monday said campus are expected to continue will obviously be more likely to giveaway. arrest of another for being drunk I they have already arrested seven to be in the 18 • 21 age group. be caught for drunken driving A breath test is mandatory for and disorderly. students for drunk driving on "Students will be leaving the than those students drinking in suspected drunk drivers under Zutaut predicted that the campus this term, and attribute dormitories to drink in the the dormitories. Michigan's implied consent law. lowered the arrests directly to the lower bars," Zutaut said, "and these drinking age would In order for someone to be Officers administer the test only result in increased public drinking age. students are the ones we are stopped for drunk driving, the after the arrest has been made drunkeness and more arrests for Capt. Adam J. Zutaut of the more concerned about." Zutaut --- __ l Dept. of Public Safety said that explained that those students operator of the vehicle must first and do so only at the station exhibit erratic driving behavior. house. driving under the influence. Zutaut urged students to r Deviations from normal driving, The breath test is given after a according to police, include 15-minute waiting period while remember that drunk driving is a misdemeanor and calls for an excessive speed, weaving in the the driver is not allowed to ■i — UP Center e road and abnormal use of the horn. smoke, drink or eat. Refusal to take the test calls for an automatic suspension of the drivers license. A first offense may also be punishable by 90 After someone is stopped for automatic suspension of the days in jail along with a $100 drunk driving, police first run a driver's operators license under fine routine identification check. The Michigan law. Ms. Hoppe rites crisis serv driver of the vehicle is then given a variety of sobriety tests Zutaut said that the Dept. of Public Safety has not altered or set for Saturday 'Because we administered by the officer. MSU police said the tests they changed check any of their patrols to for intoxicated students Memorial services for Ms. „jj the reaion 12 residents of House of Abelard (Abbot Hall) gave for participating in a The Open Door, a crisis operation. The center now use may include picking coins driving cars. He added that Margaret Hoppe will be held at 2 off the pavement, walking a students will receive no different jur table tennis marathon over the weekend. These two players represent the teams intervention center, is seeking operates on a 12 hour schedule p.m. Saturday in the University I jn the tourney, with Peter's Pummelers ponging the Hong Pong Flugs 312-259. volunteers to expand their from 4 p.m. to 4 a.m. daily with straight line, standing on one leg treatment than older adults. Memorial Chapel. The family a 35 member staff. or having the driver touch a East Lansing Police also said requests there be no flowers. State News photo by Bill Whiting services to a round - the • clock there have been no changes in Volunteers would take part In finger to his nose. Contributions may be made in an eight day training session Arresting officers may also their regular patrols since the her name to the Foreign Student starting Jan. 14 at the Edgewood forego the sobriety tests and Age of Majority Bill went into Emergency Fund of the eased pot' law United Church, 469 N. Harrison. make a visual determination of effect. However, they reported University. p says During the program, volunteers will be taught to recognize and isolate troublesome human the driver's Dhysical appearance. Library shows feelings and emotions said Fraternities aid Michael Forest, a staff member. By RAY ANDERSON drug use control one year in jail and a $1,000 fine. Formerly the South Side Help Center, the Open Door, located at 1840V4 S. Logan in Lansing, depends on volunteers to man telephones. contemporary works by poets Offer State News Staff Writer Possession of more than two ounces, Traxler warned, nas been defined in the bill as a quantity for "redelivery", a felony punishable by up to four years in prison and a $2,000 fine. "Most of our needs revolve around volunteer help and community recognition," said Works of post-World War II poets printed on "flying leaves" Opportunities ...n of penalties for use and possession of marijuana was are currently on display in the ^ Monday as a significant but only incidental part of "Contrary to what many law enforcement people have said, the Forest. MSU Library Main lobby, taken law is enforceable and the penalty more nearly reflects the nature The center receives its funds tiprehensive Controlled Substances Act of 1971, by Rep. of the crime," Traxler said. from individual donors or from the Special Collections The deep need of man is the need to overcome Traxler, D ■ Bay City the bill's sponsor, Division. his separateness. Fraternity, based on this He bases his opinion on a feature of the bill that permits police church groups. er said the bill, which Is to take effect April 1, is patterned The "flying leaves", single I after a federal drug control act that classifies everything to search a vehicle when an officer has "probable cause" to The majroity of calls received printed sheets of poetry, feature concept, while also drawing its purposes from leroin to aspirin on a descending scale based on relative suspect possession of more than two ounces by the person or are from MSU students with the needs of today's society, offers individuals poets Allen Ginsberg, Gary persons involved. problems ranging from sexual J It further regulates the distribution of these drugs, Col. John R. Plant, director of the Michigan State Police, inadequacy to loneliness and Snyder, William Carlos Williams, the opportunity to develop themselves as whole lit easier for the state to restrict illegal use, he added, Gregory Corso, black poets lion of the marijuana penalty reduction provoked much concurred and recently in the Detroit News described the bill as depression according to Forest. LeRoi Jones and persons. Education for the fraternity member is "new legal ground and if the courts uphold It, we may have Gwendolyn Ivc and public controversy because of the drug's expanded He said extreme cases are Brooks as well as a time for intellectual and personal growth; an works by gained a new tool, instead of losing one." referred to the Ingham County |)ng Michigan's youth, Traxler said, Traxler added that the legislation is the best that could be made Mental Health Dept. Michigan poet Theodore exciting opportunity to work with others and to lvey recently conducted by the Detroit Free Press revealed Roethke. share with them the joys and problems of the in view of the limited scientific data available for legislative le out of every three people between the ages of 18 and 25 ki to having experimented with marijuana. Among those review, but as the evidence becomes more specific penalties for group. It is a dynamic experience where man can 5, the percentage dropped to one person out of every 20. bring the penalty for possession, particularly at the lower drug possession and use will have to be further re-evaluated. DONALDSON & ASSOCIATES begin to understand others, and therefore to understand himself. ■ the spectrum reflects a basic change in the attitudes of f the representative said. lof marijuana penalties will be lowered by the bill to a Correction... Is . . Each of the twenty-nine National Fraternities chartered at Michigan State University is in some lea nor punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a $100 fine, The advertisement sponsored John Ashby Mike Romano> ways unique. Similarly, each person within a ler emphasized, that though the penalties have been by IFC appearing in particular brotherhood is a separate entity, each ■. possession and use of marijuana remains a crime. yesterday's State News Mike Donaldson Barry South with his own interests, ideas, goals, and n of less than two ounces will be punishable by up to did not include: Doug Dykhuis Russ Tarrant personality. Therefore, the fraternity is also a Delta Chi - 332-0866 Rod Knight Larrv Van Buskirk forum which considers not only those short 101 Woodmere range goals of chapter programs and campus Boh Rogerson Bill Wright >n"1 i^ j* Call for Rides activities, but also those issues which confront "capital Steve Donaldson the University and the total society. It is a catalyst to help individuals observe, evaluate, learn, and then act. MILLIKEN MONDAY anyplace In the state where RUSH SIGMA CHI 4 4 What can you say about Fraternities share common underlying iiblic his concern for an principles though manifested in different forms. late and long - arrested drinking drivers are range subject to court - related alcohol 729 E.Grand River Phi Gamma Delta that you Fraternity living is a conscious way of life. It is in to Michigan's land educational programs, John T. founded upon friendship and responsible action jiroblem by releasing a McConnell coordinator of commission's full report, Call for rides for the common good, while at the same time Michigan's Alcohol - Highway pn said that the special Safety Projects said. can't say about Wilson Hall?" encouraging individual self development and lion was appointed last |d ofhadlandfocused on the "would The grants, he continued, 337-9020 discovery. It treats innovation and change openly, while offering opportunities to grow, to augment alcoholism 4 admitted management, that the program services so they could 'It's yours!" learn, to participate, and to be challenged. Look nS and controversial handle the the additional to MSU's fraternities for a total experience. needed for reform numbers of problem - drinkers Share some time with us this week! good deal of time to generated from the court - referral - alcohol - education AT JL can by • no longer take parcel approach to a system." The house on the hill. Call Phi Gamma Delta, the Fijis Alpha Gamma Rho Alpha Kappa Psi 332-0834 332-5048 We need to develop an . •r land said. use policv," the 332-5053 Alpha Tau Omega Beta Theta Pi 332-1434 351-3921 Delta Chi 332-0866 IGAN'S ATTACK ON 332-5035 Delta Sigma Phi 'INKING driver received of federal funds Delta Sigma Pi 332-2591 as a a policy change by the Delta Tau Delta 337-1721 Institute on Alcohol Delta 351-1238 M Upsilon Alcoholism, the state Farmhouse 332-8635 department announced WZSS&Q} ■ Kappa Sigma 351-9591 may now be awarded Lambda Chi Alpha 351 2984 rid alcoholism treatment ■ We're as different as you are~! Phi Delta Theta 332-3568 "abilitation services ■ 451 Evergreen 332-1434 Call for rides. * Phi Gamma Delta 332-5053 0 Delta Chi Phi Kappa Psi 332 5039 Phi Kappa Sigma 337-1611 5 induction The Christian Science Phi Kapr>a Tau 332-2577 ■m- Delta Chi will meet at today in 30 Union, ■embers will be inducted Monitor. Facts. Ideas. Solutions. That's what '/2 PRICE COLOR PRINTS? Phi Sigma Kappa Pi Kappa Phi 332-8696 337-9146 the Monitor is all about. SAVE ON SLIDES — MOVIES—■ t W PRINTS, TOO Psi Upsilon 351-4687 337-9091 To prove this to yourself, Sigma Alpha Epsilon send us the coupon. This low price S.MS io» up to 50% over Usui drug slori prices, Sigma Alpha Mu 337-1714 rushes high quality color prints back to your door in just a few days. Try We'll send you the the film service used on many mid-west and southern campuses. Sigma Chi 337 9020 free copies without SO EASY SO CONVENIENT . just use your own envelope and the coupon Sigma Nu 332-2501 below. Fill in name and address, write name on roll or cartridge, enclose obligation. coupon and remittance. Or, use the coupon to get film mailers and dis¬ Sigma Phi Epsilon 351-4160 count coupons; order film and flashes at low prices...« better deal than Theta Chi 332 3581 v the "free" film. Savings and processing quality guaranteed. | (Pl.ise print) Theta Delta Chi 332 2563 term I Please send me some free #•••••••••••••••••• Triangle 332-3563 $23.00 I copies of The Christian : YOUR ORDER MUST INCLUDE THIS COUPON- Zeta Beta Tau 349 0388 I Science Monitor. y the month *9.50 These houses are all open Service Free City Fre* Delivery tonight Wednesday and Thursday Pick-up * Z48EA 7-10 p.m. l,c '» rentals THI CHigSTIAN Sokno: monitor □ »up *0dK0lo, ««• IN Mnicuk... P.O. Bo* 125, Astor Station Call for rides. J37 1300 MAIL TO: SPE D PICS • Bo* 299 • Cincinnati, Ohio 45214 • D.pl Boston, Massachusetts 02123 • *.•••••• ••••• 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, JanUa„, J -c - J Official links bike ring, thefts By BOB NOVOSAD referring to the greater East The Public Safety Dept. is Zutaut said the only ways to pliers. Bernitt, who regards himself as State News Staff Writer Lansing and Lansing areas. expecting students to bring an prevent thievery are to register the student's "hired mercenary," Bemitt said he has a theory additional 14,000 bicycles to Police said they are no longer ha(j a confession to make about the bicycle, and to use a heavy .. - :"".T "V lui about the bicycle thefts, but campus spring term, which chain and lock made of impounding WW'*"®" the bicycle thievery problem. MSU has one of the largest cannot it. He believes prove would swell the ranks of bicycle hardened steel. A steel chain can bicycles from Dicyci L. ,ou\c ever seen. The from a car parked in Lot I. locker was locked, but| 1972 Calendar of Men for Women. A -The only reason for not using Police said a window had been were no signs of forced eij . . * ... , A FAIRCHILD THEATRE WAS photographic, not pornographic study of the Electrical Administrative pried open, and estimated the Board was for that board's broken into Sunday night, police HARLOT IS HELD! loss at $75. This is a large hanging calendar (13" 19"). 13 pages (including cover). It's the x convenience and because it has said. Entrv to the building was Memorial ritl first of its kind and will surely become a A COED'S PURSE was stolen collector's item. from Bryan Hall. She told police Isn't it about time men became objects the purse was left in an unlocked schedul©cl foB■ for hanging? Special student price $2.50. Nationally room with the door shut. The BcAL FILM GROUP PRESENTS FOR PERSONS OVER 18 YEARS OF advertised $3.95. AGE at value of the purse and contents AA r Qf^llu/nnJ - was estimated at $20. * Calendar, P.O. Box 827 Farmingdale, N.Y. 11735 ;ase rush calendars at $2.50 A BRODY HALL student A memorial servic NEW LOCATION: 106B Wells ea. (plus reported the theft of his bicycle Stcllwagen< associal, J valued at $116. Police said the registration permit number was of psvchoIogv ffho| p-5141- Thursday evening, will bJ 8 tonight In the WondnT Wolf Wolf Wolf POLICE SAID A first floor window night to gain Hall. were Police was ransacked broken said that offices machines vandalized. Police and vending estimated the total damage at Ki™e Sunday nowers be omiUed entrance to Olds servjce famM Heart Assn of Michigan Any me contributions may be se.... Stellwagen, 42, who hi 1 fraf 1 Everyone has heard the story of the little boy who cried wolf, until no one with the Dept. of would Relieve him when there really WAS one. Well, the Beal Film Group $300. since 1961, died of ai Psyd| knows that many persons feel that way about ADULT FILMS. VENDING MACHINES IN Often, the Wells, Marshall and Morrill halls sufferj heart attack. audience has been promised everything — only to be given nothig. wprp were hrnkpn broken into over the into nwr ° frQm [he nu a„J ■ fever. weekend. Police said all of the machines had been damaged, but Surviving _ are his wife Ml _ have not yet determined the Dansville and children, Carla, Michael, ^ hisj of Lansing. HARLOT The film with word of mouth Cinema is the new language of vital of the arts. One of its most our time, the youngest and most exciting expressions is to be found in the short film. Distinguished directors such as Polanski, Lester, and Truffant developed their individual styles in the short film. Brilliant young this country, have created personal works of and imagination. talents, many as yet unknown in Goddard, dazzling virtuosity There a ry comes to matter are two issue. Wh« ABORTION of sides LIFE! is a compete departure from anything we have ever shown previously. DEATH. I mw HARLOT has broken record? in New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles; over 200,000 people have seen the film — many have come twice. HARLOT For P R 0 Lll is the film that makes all other adult films immediately passe. HARLOT is the film to which all others will be compared in the future. It is the information, cont| ULTIMATE adult film. THE RIGHT TO L emm COMMITTEE. HARLOT A hard act to follow PROGRAM 1 (this week) and PROGRAM 2 (next week) TOGETHER HAVE WON THE FOLLOWING PRIZES (among others) Golden Ducat; Venice Film Festlva tics' Association) — „ , Balboa- , , , _ ,BuHn (Mannheim) - Best Short Film of the Year's Festivals' Mar del Pia.V Leipzig Festivals; San Francisco Film Festival - The minimum remission was set by the distributor at $2.00. The distributor Experimental Film Competition; International Golden Gate Award- International Federation of Cine Clubs Prize-Tours Festival of .h felt that a $2.00 admission would discourage those who were Short Film - Special Jury Prize; London merely curious Film Festlva. Selection; New York Film Festival Salmon," — those who hadn't seen an erotic film before and wondered what they were Cannes Film Festival - Official French Entry; Official Belgian Entry; Annecy Festival Animate Film - of the Special Jury Prize; Bergamo Festival of Films on Art - like. After viewing the film ourselves, the Beal Film Group agrees — Science Fiction Films Diploma- Trieste Festival of Grand Prize; Prix JEAN VIGO - French Film Critics' Award; Cracow HARLOT IS NOT FOR BEGINNERS. (The theatrical price was $5). of tHe Short Film; Milan 1st Prize of International Technical Festival Film Festival — 1st Industry Cinema; Melbourne Those desiring admission to this film must sign the following statement: a) I am 18 yrs of age (or older), b) I am aware of tha nature/content of this Program 1 Features: 15, 8:15J film and came of my own free will (not coerced in Francious Truffant's Les Mistons any manner to attend), c) I believe thct the state should not interfere in the private behavior of Richard Lester's The Running, Jumping, and Standing Still Film 0 Today5^45at 6:^-1^ Twl-Llte Hour, 90c. Adi adults which does not adversly effect others. Roman Polanski's The Fat and the Lean . GENt WSDff | and 6 other extraordinary films HARLOT IS RATED X You must be 18 yrs of age and able to - INCREDIBLY X ^ This Outstanding Motion Picture Program plays at 7:30 & 9:30 f prove it. All persons must have IP - those without will not be admitted. NO EXCEPTIONS will be made. Admission $1. 'Man In The I SHOWTIMES: 7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45 Judith Crist - Even Santa Claus had cc igh, Just about 49 weeks early. Wilderness/ Culled from International festivals, t s, offered as New Cinema, are wonderfully varied — animations, documentaries, fantasies, /erlte, first efforts, major works, minor masterpieces, 106 B WELLS experiments. frequently exciting and . . .they've been select on occasion thrilling — Intelligence and taste to offer a sampling of » work stimulating — and being done In film. \ Today at 6:15. 0;J ...j N.Y. Herald Tribune I Twl-Llte Hou., """" ' 90c. 5:45 - b:l State News, East Lansing, Michigan Michigan Tuesday, January 11, 1972 SPORTS * glSTEN KELCH pjrst Qet that ice co tu Cagers face Wisconsin tonight By RICK GOSSELIN State News Sports Editor The MSU hoopmen have "It would have been nice to Jenison Fieldhouse with the opening Big Ten game. Coupled Watson. Needless to say, MSU compiled a 4-3 record while have come home from Michigan opening tip scheduled for 8 p.m. with MSU's 83-75 loss to cpnter Bill globetrotting in the grinding with Kilgore will have his a win, though," Ganakas Wisconsin will move into the Michigan the stage is set for a work cut out for him along the Gee but it's great to be back ®even game. road triP that continued. contest with a 8-3 record, match pitting the conference's backboards tonight. hpine a pacifist, chicken - hearted female, I wondered h^me. Ganakas described as "extremely The Spartans will duel with including a razor - thin 81-80 first place team with the league's Brian Breslin. whose 20 points f' s d0ing, witnessing my first hockey game, Friday night, Simon and Garfunkel? No. sattafy,n8- the Wisconsin Badgers tonight at victory over Iowa in Saturday's cellar dweller. was not only v v is a fast • pa^ sP°rt to follow even for those who Gus Ganakas? Yes. a team high against "It (the conference race) is Michigan, but also i nd the game. For me, it was nearly impossible. Up until For a month to the a personal day the going to be a real ding - dong high, will be expected to memorable evening, my knowledge of the sport was quite MSU basketball team has been battle," Ganakas said at his career give Kilgore a hand on the Lj I knew that the game was played on skates, and by living out of the suitcase. Monday press conference. boards against the Badgers. !*r„nnini! on the hockey freaks across the hall from me, I Lexington, Ky., Knoxville, "Minnesota beat Indiana, Ohio Mike Robinson will again be in i that the puck was the football of hockey. Tenn., Indianapolis, Ind., State beat Purdue down at the starting line - up for MSU „ before the game began, I became fascinated with the Houston, Tex., and Ann Arbor Purdue and Wisconsin came off against the Badgers after missing - themselves. Having been cursed with two left feet, the fact have been the home - away - wining a close game. It's funny his first collegiatestart the players were even capable of skating impressed me from - homes for the Spartan how against one game can change your Michigan Saturday for -ndously. Dressed in what looked like football jerseys, air cagers throughout December and entire outlook on the season." disciplinary reasons. :ed knee pads, and lumber jack gloves. 1 wondered how they early January. Wisconsin will center its game "Mike was late for practice last »ed to move, much less make skating look so effortless. around 6-foot-ll center Kim Sunday (before the Michigan In effort to make the hockey equipment less foreign to me, I Hughes. game)," Ganakas told reporters to identify it with objects that I was already familier with. Men's IM "Hughes will present some after the Wolverine battle. "He the puck became a large oreo cookie, while the hockey problems," MSU Asst. Coach came Monday. Now if he had resembled a Hat golf club. Bob Nordmann said. "He's not a missed practice I might have h organ music blaring, the The Men's IM program physical, aggressive player but he suspended him. But he was only - first entered the rink, and announced a new policy for does have a good shooting late." -ht reminded me of casual basketball court reservations. touch. He has surprising ■°re seekers, skating in time Reservations can nowbe made 10 he beat. However, the a.m. a day prior to the endurance and has played almost every minute of every game for Women's IM --here quickly changed, reservation. Other reservations, Wisconsin so far. He pretty loud buzzer sounded, and including paddleball, will still be much controlled Kevin Kunnert There will be a basketball 6 p.m. on the battle was on. Skate blades day before the (Iowa's center) last Saturday and officiating clinic Wednesday ing, players pushing and reservation. this was a surprise." night at 7 p.m. at the Women's one another, some The Residence Hall bowling Wisconsin will back Hughes on IM building for all women who ,ling to the ice, all in an \ deadline is being extended to the forward line with 6-foot-5 wish to officiate women's Wedmsrtflv at t to gain control of one flat, Wednesday at mnn TVuw will K<, noon. There will be a Leon Howard and 6-foot-7 Gary intramural games this season. [circular disk. meeting for the Residence Hall e goaltenders, dressed basketball managers tonight at 6 liresliii for two opriately, but bulkily, p.m. nded a tiny square of FYaternity basketball managers Spartan forward Brian Breslin scores two of his team-leading 20 points against Michigan on a ned ice as though their lives will meet Wednesday at 6:30, hook shot as MSU center Bill Kilgore moves in for a possible rebound. Breslin and Kilgore hope nded on it. Sliding on their and Independent managers will to help the Spartans control the boards against Wisconsin tonight. »chs, falling to their knees, meet Thursday at 6:30. State News photo by Bruce Remington catching the puck in their s, were among the tactics to an protect their territory opponent's goal, the tension mounted, it Freshmen cage RENT ted the spectators was well YOUR TV . . . Tuesday Night »players. SALAD & SPAGHETTI GORGE Bt that big turkey, smash In the face", one fan was d yelling as a State player swatted tach. BULKILY PADDED? his opponent in the experienced the former MSU star. "This team been idle recently. "We've been BY THE TERM *23.00 (All You Can Eat) S1.79 By PAT FARNAN Wine Special «t's see a fight, hit the referee why don't ya?", screamed has a great deal of talent and without the services of our five BY THE MONTH State News Sports Writer her fan as one player made a karate • like chop, forcing the experience, including 30 - year • best men. They've been working Wednesday Night r out of the hands of a North Dakota Sioux, The MSU frosh basketball old Jim Gilliam, and a couple of with the varsity for the past !9.50 PITCHER NIGHT e crowd went wild when a fight began in the northeast contincent will attemDt to big men °Peratin8 underneath week and this could have a (dirt cheap) on of the rink. his is what I've been waiting for all night,come on, hit him maintain its unblemished record tonight at 5:45 p.m. in Jenison ^ go' continued A.tch. ^ de/ri™nta'effe? on Lindsay Hairston, 6'8' pivot " Free Service Free Delivery Lizard's 224 Abbott i, cream him against the wall,"an excited fan yelled. Fieldhouse against a talented GCC has been troubled with {"■? ^om Detroit Kettering, has Free Pick-up the faceoffs, the spectators clapped in time with the music. Genesee Community College — oiiffiKiiitir the Spartan assault on the .peed and skill, the players chased the puck from one end of squad. boasting nearly a 26 rink to another. some key players in their attack, ., . fVi , c , NEJAC TV RENTALS the game wore on. tension and emotion ran high. Tired and The freshman cagers have but it should be ready for P«>nt average m the two Spartan 337-1300 compiled a perfect 2 - 0 record tonight's confrontation with the ed, the players argued more with the referees, more hockey in early reason competition. The younu Spartans. performance, of Lovelle Rivers ! were iammed a«ain8t stomachs, and more penalties were Matt Ait* . coached Spartans Aitch seemed concerned with ®,,P®, Jh i have disposed of highly tauted ully, one player, In a hurry to leave the penalty box, Western Michigan and Muskegon the fact that his Spartans have yn^.y ® —" iently ran Into a referee, knocking him down. And the crowd Community College in their two red. encounters thus far. GCC, the Flint-based college, OPEN RUSH )e Crozier named has established itself as a running, fast - breaking quintent terim Sabre coach capable of breaking open any ballgame. delta tau delta "They're happy to run the ball IFFALO, N.Y. (UPI) - Joe Crozier, coach and general on any occasion," said Aitch, Monday - Thursday? • 10 P.M. sr of the Cincinnati Swords of the American Hockey , was named Monday as Interim coach of the Buffalo 330 N. Harrison MOOSUSKI at the GABLES es' National Hockey league entry. ozier will run the club "until such time as" TOMORROW! ailing George Jan, 12 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. DOOR for ride* call 337-1721 Kh" Imlach was able to resume his duties, said Seymour PRIZES! SKI FLICKS! HAPPY x, Sabre president. HOUR PRICES! (With lach, who suffered a heart attack last Friday, was reported m • m b •rshl p and ID) New Ing comfortably" Monday. nzier and Imlach have been long • time friends. pharharharharharh^ TURE YOURSELF AS presents AULIST. CAN AN (X) RATED LOWEST RATE OFFERED BY ANY MOVIE BE MADE THAT •FINANCIAL INSTITUTION IN TOWN!! WOMEN WOULD WANT TO SEE OR HUSBANDS WOULD TAKE THEIR WIVES TO? .■cture a L ider who > ad of century A man his THE ANSWER IS EH AND THE J tame true vision REASON IS A NEW MOVIE CALLED ian with 1 !hef ihat Your credit union leads the way to lower costs DBc'y C0ULd hc mod«"> Isof,h ,Tugh ?» mcet the GIAN MARIA VOLONTE FLORINDA BOLKAN in 1972 with new car financing at a new lower rate - . hurch in every ace INVESTIGATION OF A CITIZEN |dn'H.f ,\< omnuini,y thai just 10%. And that's a true annual percentage rate. Don't be J' ^bdlkiimcj on above suspirion deceived by quotes from some lenders who use misleading Id comn ommunity that Screenplay by UGO PlRRO and EllO PETRI through the Produced by OANIEl E Sf NAIORE »oi VERA FILMS • TECHNICOLOR* dollars per hundred, discounted, or add-on rates. This is the Wnui i 'W""J and one lowest cost new car financing available from any financial [Rj : e institution in the Lansing area. And remember, a loan from your MSU Employees Credit ACADEMY AWARD WINNER JUDGE FOR YOURSELF- I ! Union is automatically covered by life and permanent dis¬ ability insurance at no additional cost. i lo do so P|V«-*n the free- VX FOREIGN FILM Visit your credit union before you go new car shopping. SEE FREE Tonight in Wilson Aud. 7,9:15 A loan counselor will not only arrange your loan in advance, he'll also give you dealer cost and trade-in information that'll help you save even more. Your credit union - it should be your only source of credit! iSii ipbtn c s'p v !,:,ld ( WEDNESDAY A or. Rn,,,. v location Di¬ Students, faculty, and staff only ll K ' oni 400 MSi 0030 AT 10:00 AM J QUN"fathers. I.D.'s required $1.00 admission MSU EMPLOYEES IcreditTi union 600 E. Crescent Dr. • Open 9:30 5:30 Monday thru Friday* Phone 353 2280 NOTE: NO ONE UNDER 18 ADMITTED Irharharharharharha 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan | lichiga" STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Let One Of Our Friendly Ad-visors ForS 355-8255 Help You Word Your Classified Ad — Call 355-8255 Mobile ia'tTpos >d, '' FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil Frank For Rent For Sale storage GET Action WITH A The State News does Employment COLE S BAKERY „ near cai not permit racial or SONY TC-20 Case)te 2'63 after 5 Want Ad religious discrimination in its advertising NURSES, ROSELAWN R.N. - MANOR SKILLED L.P.N. Houses TUESDAY ONLY SPECIAL. 4 loaves Home - Style white bread, $1.00 at our bakery foods Sony TC-124CS Plus accessor,,* C8, Casseil.* , , 12' x& columns. NURSING HOME, 707 Armstrong 489 44 U. it,.. d 50 The State GIRL NEEDED for house, own concession MEIJER THRIFTY * AUTOMOTIVE Rd. has positions available. 7-3 News will not room, $43 plus utilities, close to ACRES, Okemos, S. Pennsylvania, accept Scooters & Cycles shift and 3:30 - 11:30 shift, full or campus, call 487-0542. 3-1-12 W. Saginaw Road. KROGER, W.LTON CAKE ' Auto Parts & Service advertising which part time. Excellent salaries and items in Frandor, Logan Center, 4002 W. stock, MarC* u discriminates against benefits. Apply in person or call, SUPPLIES, 11213 Aviation religion, race, sex, color or Mrs. Swan, 393-5680, Personnel. MALE TO share 3 man house. Own bedroom. Near campus. Call Saginaw, 1721 N. Grand River. Jerry C °U'RE ' * EMPLOYMENT 5-1-14 C-2-1-11 national origin. 484-5550, after 3 p.m. 3-1-12 tarranean < • FOR RENT jal furnisW BABYSITTER WANTED. Tuesday FARM. ONE mile from MSU, 4 HAMMOND CHORD 421 after 6 Apartments and Thursday afternoons. Must S6. Call UIQ Houses bedroom, furnished, carpeted. 10 SPEED BIKES Jack,353 S?6fi have transportation. Call 625-3739, call after 6 p.m. 3-1-12 3-1-13 TTE, 196' Rooms 349-1537. 5-1-14 A utomotive immediate FOR SALE 100 USED • FULL TIME night cook wanted, DOWNTOWN LANSING. 2 bedroom furnished, near capitol. Parking, "GAZELLE" Mfg Raleigh j vacuum canisters and uprights clein^ Animals GTO 1966. 4 speed, must sell, good c shape, best offer. 694-8584. experience only. Call 655-2175 pets, children okay. $150 includes in Holland. REG $119.95 one full year $788 Mobile Homes for an appointment. 5-1-11 •Lost & Found __5Jj13 heat. 393-1313. 5-M3 DENNIS COMPANY, 310 D IS T R | B J! Losi& N * PERSONAL MUSTANG 1968 Cobra-Jet, 4 EXPERIENCED BEAUTY operator. NEED TWO PEOPLE for room in Now to Feb 15th 107.95 Opposite City Market speed, disc brakes, 21,000 actual Trowbridge. Spartan Shopping large Spanish house. Shaw at 3-1-13 ; LADIES ♦ PEANUTS PERSONAL miles, must sell. Call 332-5208. Center. East Friday. Lansing, 332 4522. Hagadorn. $58.00 / month. Excellent finish. Simplex ♦ REAL ESTATE 5-1-13 5-1-12 351 4684. 4 1 14 SEWING MACHINE Cl,*~ 3823 evenir gears, Nylon saddle, # RECREATION stronglight cranks, 27 X Brand new portables MUSTANG 1968. 31,000, 6, stick, ROOMMATE NEEDED in house $5.00 GREEN pli » SERVICE WORK YOUR own hours. Own your per month. Large excellent condition, radio, new until June. Own room. Across l'/i gumwalls Chrome own business. Amway or reconditioned i,so,| Saturday. Typing Service tires, red. 351-6650. evenings. fork tips, Weinman 351-5221 Distributorship. Call 355-0933 street from campus. $73.33 per Singers, Whites, 'TRANSPORTATION after 2 p.m. 2-1-11 month. Call 332-4451 between centerpull brakes. 24" home and "many others" 5-7 p.m. 2-1-12 frames only. Fits most 5' to $39.95. Terms » WANTED ED™ OPEL GT 1970. Canary yellow, WANTED AT once! Responsible 9" to 6' 3". 28 No. DISTRIBUTING COMP DEADLINE black interior, stereo tape, radio, work together EAST LANSING. 3 bedroom 1115 N. married students to Washington excellent condition. Accept any part time. Can you use an extra Duplex. 1V4 bath, kitchen, dining C-3-1 13 1 P.M. one class day before reasonable offer. Call 332-3603. $100 a month? Call 489 1671, ask room, living room, recreation SMITH BICYCLE CENTER I publication. 3-1-11 for Mark or Alice. 5-1-14 room. Daytime 353-7815, SHOP AND comp Cancellations/Corrections nightime 655-3217. 15-1-31 4141 W. 12 Mile Road consistent record t„ P O NT I AC, 1964, V-8, radio, HOLIDAY SITTERS. Needs married MARSHALL MUSIC Per* — 12 noon one class day winterized, tuned, new muffler, For Rent For Rent 3 BEDROOM house near campus. Berkley, Mich 48072 245 couples without children to live in Street. C-1-11 before publication. battery and shocks. Must sell. $150 / month plus damage |V WANTE client's homes and care for their 1-313-514-8274 $325. 332-1819. 3-1-12 PHONE 355-8255 children while clients go on vacation. Wife must be free REFRIGERATORS. RENT them at AC & E Rentals, 1790 Grand Apartments deposit. 393-0599. 5-1-17 Call after 5 p.m. 9—6pm Mon-Sat. NEW GOLO high ■WILD PF during boots, size r.'iM. 347 Student Services SPITFIRE 1964, 7 tires, 2 snow River, Okemos. Phone 349-2220. Regularly pis, Los I Bldg. day. All employees are insured. HOLMES SOUTH near Sparrow for sale, $20. 203 Evergiem tires. New top, needs clutch Phone 694-9464 for Deposit refunded on return. SINGLE ROOM near Frandor. 1.16 1 26 RATES 15 woid minimum Hospital, two room efficiency, Lansing. 4 1-14 repaired. $275. Call 655-1457. 3-1-12 5-1-11 Kitchen, shower. $41.25 / month PIONEER 8 track stereo recorder. No. DAYS furnished, utilities included. No No. plus utilities. Winter / spring New 8 track stereo tapes $2.99. ILOR F COMPACT pets, deposit. $100 / month. WORDS r 3 5 10 SUNBEAM ALPINE 1965 STUDENT EMPLOYMENT. 12 to 20 REFRIGERATOR RENTALS 351-3969. O terms. 351-9386. 1-1-11 Garrard SI-95 stereo changer. hours per week. Automobile Ampex Micro 54 stereo cassette convertible needs help. Best offer. UNITED RENT-ALL. 2790 East 21.00 FEMALE PREFERRED. Share 4 * 2.7 0 8.10 11.25 Call Gail Kirkendall or leave necessary. Phone 5:30. C-1-12 351-5800. 8 - Grand River. 351-5652. Best rates TWYCKINGHAM: 1 needed immediately. $70 / month. or 2 girls man log house on lake. Own - deck. Pioneer TX-700 stereo tuner. Sansui 1000A AM/FM 16 2.95 8.85 J 2.25 23.00 message at Shop 351-7726. 5-1-17 furnished room. Stone fireplace. stereo receiver. Nikon FTn with Call 332-2204. 3-1-11 YAMAHA 12 string with p 339-2310. 5-1-17 135 mm and 50 mm lens. USED excellent guitar. $110 TEMPEST 1962, runs good, low STEREO rental, 17 3.20 9.b0 13.25 25.00 ACTION TV AND HELPI NEED two women STEREO, amps, tuners, receivers, offer. Call 332 3827. B 1 mileage, radio, has rust, emblems satisfaction guaranteed. Free January-June. Old Cedar Village. EAST LANSING. Three bedroom, changers, tape recorders, decks, alone worth it. $50. 351-9227. PEACE CORPS 18 3.45 10.35 14.25 27.00 delivery, service and pick up. No 351-3339. 8-1-14 furnished, washer, dryer. Good speakers, records, tapes. Color TV 2-1-11 NIKON F. ASAHI - PENTA* deposit. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C neighborhood. Spacious yard. Police band radios, VISTA sets, 200mm lens, excellent 19 3.70 11.10 15.25 29.00 TOYOTA COROLLA 1971, 9,000 GIRL FOR 2 girl. $90 per month. No 372-5665, extention 250; typewriters, cameras and Must sell. Best ol TV RENTALS Students only. Low deposit. 711 Burcham 351-7717. 393-3068, evenings. 5-1-17 YANT> PA 3.95 11.85 16.25 miles, 29 miles per gallon. AM/FM Recruiting on campus for equipment. Tapestries skiies and 353 7041. 3-1 13 20 monthly and term rates. Call 5-1-11 boots. WILCOX SECONDHAND radio, excellent condition. volunteers. January 11-14 in 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV EAST LANSING. Spacious family iseling. 372 353-9503, 394 0168. 5-1-11 STORE, 509 East Michigan 8 to LEICA M-3 with meter a Placement Bureau. Come in RENTALS. C-1-31 home. Completely carpeted. Three 2 MAN near campus, furnished, 5:30 P.M., Monday • Saturday. Also Canon FTb and All student ads must be for more information. NANT? NC VEGA, 1971, G, T, Dark green, black disposal, heat and water furnished. bedrooms, living room, dining 485-4391. BankAmericard, Master lense; 353-4682, 355 8187 TERM TV RENTALS - only $23. i are alter prepaid 351-9036. 3-1-11 room, family room, new kitchen. Charge, Layaways, terms, trades. interior, excellent condition. Cost (about $8 month). No deposit. iseling. 48' $3100 new, $2495. 677-9851. Fireplace, garage. $300 per SOFA, in good condition, WAITRESSES, PART time noons Call NEJAC. 337-1300. C-5-1-14 The State News will be 2-1-12 TWO GIRLS needed for 4 girl Cedar month. 351-7098. 3-1-13 best offer. 351-2354 alte and full time. Experience RBEDS responsible only for the necessary. Must be neat and Village. Reduced rent. Call SONY COMPACT stereo system. 3-1-13 irmteed dii VOLKSWAGEN 332-4965. 3-1-11 first day's incorrect 1966, 2 door, dependable. JIM'S TIFFANY Apartments Rooms Model HP-480. Includes Dual 351-0908. original careful owner. 40,000 RESTAURANT, downtown changer, AM/FM, speakers. insertion. Animnh 6-1-18 miles, excellent transportation. Lansing. 489-1 196 for ONE OR 2 girls needed for MENS SINGLE room. 3 blocks from Pioneer SE-50 headphones. SINGLE MAN to share East Lansing, $650. Call 351-8157. 1-1-11 apartment in house. Winter- 351-1889. 5 1-11 appointment. 5-1-11 very deluxe two bedroom, four Union. Phone 351-5076 after 5 A les ANYONE DESIRING I . . . Spring. Close. Rent negotiable. p.m. 7-1-14 Call 484-4 VOLKSWAGEN FASTBACK 1966. man, furnished townhouse. GIBSON ELECTRIC quitar, ES 335 playful, hoysebroken pi 351-4382. 5-1-17 PART AND full time positions with $67.50. 485-1265, 351-8575. 485-7197 Good engine, body, brakes. with case. Excellent condition. home, please call Automotive Bargain. Under $550. 332-0743. subsideary of Alcoa. Car 5-1-14 GIRLS SINGLE room, 3 blocks from 351-8943. 5-1-17 RLE NORf 1 OR 2 girls needed to sublease Cedar Union. Phone 351-5076 after 5 Sunburst. $245. Call 393 4182 or Chuck. 1-1-11 necessary. Call 351-7319. C-5-1-11 IDIOS. C-1- Village, spring term. Call p.m. 7-1-14 5-1-11 AUSTIN HEALEY 1967..Good HELPI NEED one for furnished 332-2930. 3-1-13 condition, hardtop, best offer over HOUSEKEEPER. 3 or more days / 4-girl. Great roommates. 1 block Mobile Honm COMBS, b VOLKSWAGEN FASTBACK 1969. DOUBLE ROOM on Grove. One USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 $1200. Call Chris 485-7212 or week, willing to clean and iron. from Union. No deposit. cs and spra Radio, luggage rack, new tires. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, South, block from campus. Lots of East Michigan. Dishes, books, 371-4244. 7-1-19 Own transportation. 372-0587 351-0328. 3-1-12 $1200 MOBILE home. 8 RBERSHOI $1300. Call 355-7997. 3-1-13 furnished studio, utilities paid, windows. Phone 337-2790. 3-1-13 coins, antiques, rockers, junk. private entrance, $115 plus Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open carpeted, kitchen, bat BUICK, 1966 LeSabre. Transmission bedroom, very clou married students deposit. Phone 627-5454. 4-1-14 LADY OVER 20 - furnished, 2 room Saturday and Sunday. Furniture needs work, otherwise excellent 351-0024. 3-1-13 Aviation PART AND full time positions with arrangement with refrigerator and and appliances open all week, 10 i running condition. $300 or best subsidiary of Alcoa. Car & faculty GOOD SIZED apartment needs girl am - 6 pm. Phone 371-2843. room cooking. Close to Union. offer. Can be seen at 2537 Kate, HOMETTE 1969. 3 bedroom, LEARN TO FLY I Complete flight necessary. Call 351-7319. C-4-1-14 to sublet winter and /or spring. $23/week. 663-8418. 3-1-13 C-1-31 Holt or call 694-2455. 4-1-11 with storage building, training. All courses are 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. Eden Roc. 351-1989. 1-1-11 government and VA certified. APPRENTICE POSITIONS available some with study ROOMS NEAR campus. Free TV and SONY TAPE deck, three heads, extras. King Artlm CHEVROLET NOVA 1970, six $6000. 432-3545. 4 1 1 with Model TC352D, like new. cylinder, standard, still under FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport Computer Institute for Social NEED GIRL to share 1 bedroom parking. All utilities, phone Recre Road. Call 484-1324. C-1-31 Science Research. Trainees who winter / spring. No depesit. included. No lease. $105 / month. warranty. Call after 5 p.m warranty, excellent condition, 337 0577.2-1-11 MARLETTE, 1960. 10 $1600. 355-2874. 7-1-17 Auto Service & Parts qualify for work - study will be Application forms available in 515 from *145 per mo. Convenient. Small pet welcome. 337-0810,355-2370. 1-1-11 351-5500. 2-1-12 WEDDING GOWN, sire 10-12. Car bedroom furnished. Sturags On fenced lot near MSU M CHEVY IMPALA 1965. 4 speed, PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE South. good condition, new tires, clutch, Computer Center. 5-1-17 UNFURNISHED ONE FEMALE to share 1 bedroom. Near Michigan Avenue. Quiet for tape deck. Ladies' new Schwinn jTowiiPhon^35V584r>^ bicycle, 5 - speed. 351-2346. and shocks. $400. TU2-8676 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 ~East children welcome Nicely furnished. Close to MSU. student. Near bus line. $15 a 3-1-12 1-1-11 Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. BUSINESS MAJORS - VISTA and Call after 6 p.m. 351-8336. 2-1-12 . . . week, plus deposit. Phone Complete auto painting and the Peace Corps seeking Business please, no pets 627-5454. 3-1-13 FREE PARKING at rear of store, for DATSUN 1970, 4-door, automatic, collision service. IV5-0256. C-1-31 Majors to work at home and ONE GIRL needed immediately for abroad. Talk with the four man furnished. January rent your convenience. OPTICAL red, radio, disc brakes, low SINGLE ROOM, male student, linens mileage. $1600 or best offer. 355-6128. 3-1-11 VW-GUARANTEED repair. RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at representative. January MSU Placement Bureau. 4-1-14 11-14. KNOB HILL paid. Close to campus. 351-0026. 8-1-1-11 furnished, 3-1-13 near campus. 332-1682. DISCOUNT. 2615 East Michigan Avenue, 372-7409. C-5-1-14 Okemos Road. 349-9620. C-1-31 NEW FENDER DODGE excellent DART 1965. running 6 cylinder, condition. STUDENT WIFE to help with housework Monday and Friday APARTMENTS WANTED GIRL to sublet spring term. Cedar Village. No deposit. ROOMS FOR men. Clean, across from campus, very reasonable. Rhodes, $570, new Conga $80. Used Fender Reverb Deluxe $130. Must sell I 351-5786 Radio. $325. Call 337-2706 after Employment mornings. Own transportation. $1.75 per hour. Call evenings 349-4700 DESPERATE. Call 351-4051 ask for Chris. 2-1-12 Includes parking, TV, and phone 332-8635. 3-1-12 3-1-13 5:30 p.m. 3-1-13 WE NEED an experienced part time 351-2323. 3-1-13 OPEN Monday - Friday VOICE OF MUSIC portable stereo, bartender and cashier to work 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. SLEEPING FORD, 1967 Fairlane 500. 4 door, 1 MAN for deluxe townhouse. Own ROOM, downtown good condition, $50. Shag carpet from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the NURSES - VISTA and the Peace Saturday 12-5 p.m. Lansing, no cooking, female only. V-8 automatic, radio, power room . $7 5 / month. 9' x 12', like new, $20. 351-7341. evenings. Good pay and working Corps seeking nurses to work at LOCATED W MILE NORTH Meadowbrook $13 weekly or $50 steering and power brakes. Trace. 393-8738. monthly. 3-1-12 Excellent tires. See at Spartan conditions. You must have car. home and abroad. Talk with a 3-1-13 627 9387. 2-1-11 OF JOLLY RD. ON Sunoco. Michigan at Harrison. 4113 South Cedar Street. representative. January 11-14. 393-4848. HOUSE OF ING MSU Placement Bureau. 4-1-14 OKEMOS ROAD ROOMS 7-1-14 WANTED: TWO girls for 4 man. WITH kitchen and living RESTAURANT. 5-1-12 room privileges. Close FORD GALAXIE convertible, 1966. TEACHERS - PEACE CORPS and Winter and spring. University Terrace. Reduced rates. Phone Furnished. 351-8154. 2-1-11 to campus. CROSSWORD BARROOM PIANO player, nites and Vista seeking education majors Good condition. Must sell, make offer. Phone 332-4589. 5-1-14 weekends. For auditions call Mr. with math, science, English, EAST LANSING or Lansing. 351-4518. 2-1-12 LARGE ROOM for male. One block PUZZLE Seward, 616-781-3961. 5-1-11 One off campus. languages, vocational education, bedroom furnished. Large WATER'S EDGE Girl needed Cooking, parking. 204 ACROSS airy . or other areas of concentration. Beal. 351-9749 before 1 26. rooms. Beautifully maintained. immediately for 4 man. $77.50. pm Vibration $ low !50 PER APT. DEPOSIT^""" OS'T"Nsv Talk with 11-14, a representative January MSU Placement Bureau. Suitable for faculty, grad student, business or professional or married 351-6115. 2-1-12 3-1-12 1. Small Afr. cobra 28. 30 Foo yong Make amends ajt 3. 6 & 9 MONTH LEASES 4-1-14 couples. Lease. 332-3135 or TWO BEDROOM, two bath PRIVATE ROOM for one female, 4. Air pollution 31. Ourselves I furnished apartment. Private. five minutes drive from campus. 8. Masterpiece © 882-6549. 0-1-13 32. Cooking (at * FURNISHED £ STUDENTS WITH farm backgrounds No smoking. Phone 351-8994 11. Billfish Parking. Above A-C-E Rental, 34. Gr. letter needed to work in 55 countries 1790 East Grand River, just East 5-1-11 12. Gourd fruit UNFURNISHED around the world. Talk with WANTED: 1 male roommate. Meridian Mall. 351-6006. 5-1-17 35. Bullfighter a Meadowbrook Trace. $57.50 13. Haw baking 37. Gape APARTjj ENTS Peace January Corps representative 11-14. MSU Placement monthly. Own bedroom. evenings 882-1698. 3-1-12 Call EAST LANSING studio apartment. MEN - CLEAN, Cooking. Close to quiet rooms. campus. pit 14 Enforce 39. Poisonous mushroom MASTER COLOR TV Bureau about your part in the Furnished. Utilities included 485-8836, 487-5753. O 16. Oil cylinder 42. Eastern name "Green Revolution". 4-1-14 $129. 332-4586 after 5 p.m. 17. Counterpart 43. State: Fr. ANTENNA THREE GIRLS to sublet 3 - man. 3-1-13 LIBERAL ROOMMATE wanted. •19. Actress 44. Negative prefix ATTRACTIVE, WELL groomed girls January rent paid. Within walking Own room furnished with 21. Transaction 45. Cask $ HUGE SWIMMING POOL for temporary position. Personal contact work. Apply in person, distance to campus. 351-7688. 3-1-12 NEED four IMMEDIATELY one girl for waterbed. Phone 351-4939 for Chuck or Dave. 5-1-13 22. Singing syllable 46. Talking bud - man Cedar Village. $70. 24. Bra/. Indian 47. Deity 4C DAR DO GRILLES DIK WATSON CHEVROLET, 351-7656. 4-1-14 - 5— T~ Williamston, 175 East Grand HERITAGE ARMS. 1 responsible girl ROOMS, SINGLES and~double7 2 3 4 6 V r- » * PETS ALLOWED River. 10-1-24 to share 3 month. - man apartment. $77 / Call after 6 p.m. 355-3826. 2-1-11 WOODMERE Needed. One APARTMENTS. man for three man. Cooking facilities. Utilities Call 372-8077. C-1-.11 paid " 1 u 'ft 15 STUDENTS WANTED for work In _ Furnished, close to Phone JK RECREATION BUILDING with SAUNAS campus. LIVE CHEAPLY In 14 15 it PING PONG TADLE. BILLIARDS t motivational research studies; Interesting, between 10-4 p.m. pays well. 353-9254 ONE GIRL for 4 man January June. Close to campus $62.50 pi • 351-9036. 3-1-13 Spartan Hall. 372-1031. O a Men and single room. women •7 % 18 4-1-14 GIRL TO sublease 3 - man. $65 / COLOR TV month. Call 332-8378. 3-1-12 month. January rent free. Call >9 20 it NORTHWIND STABLES needs Bartender, waiters and waitresses. EAST LANSING, close In, 3 rooms, 351-8963 after 5 p.m. 2-1-12 MALE, $12 / Abbott Road week near for a double. campus. Call 24 % 25 26 22 23 % 27 MEADOWBROOK Apply In person, NORTHWIND and bath, unfurnished, married 332 2601.3-1-11 STABLES RESTAURANT couple only, $130. Phone Houses 26 29 90 LOUNGE. 351-1200. 2-1-12 Ask for Fred, 332-5988 after 6 p.m. 2-1-11 ROOM FOR rent. Males. Cooking 31 U %3i Zrnni~~^1ZZa GIRL needed V""a for 4 man NEAR EAST L»n«infl. 2 bedroom privileges. Near campus. Reasonable rent. Cell 332-0143 Parking % % 94 TRUCE For Rent apartment. Close to campus, nice features. Call Joanne 351-2072. house. Furnished, carpeted, $225 monthly. Deposit required 337-0829. nights 372-7456 332-8551. 3-1-13 %% 37 38 3 support classifiction is maintained so initial one - year period would becoming honorably discharged, double tier draperies, Students who are designated as hf ,is co"tinuo,us'y cause the classification status of moves to the State of Michigan ;ditioner, near campus. nonresidents nonresidents by oy MSU can nriou f "t* the student to revert to out - of - separated within ninety days after being from the service, may 94 after 1 p.m. 8-1-11 presently gain resident status if F* W "0t state" their parents move to Michigan ,u , L J *The in " state or out ' of ' re"nable. Jere or arrest of about 1,500 people - 4817. C-1-31 RIDERS NEEDED to share expenses the last year, most of Such an election would replace 1 _____— Typing StService to Denver, Leaving January Colorado Springs area. 11-14. Steve, Anyone Interested in the MSU Promenaders will meet at 7 p.m. hijacking, say Federal officials. More than 400 were arrested !l::^peTn9TOlortlon,,','d'n > to TUESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Broiled Top Chop't Fillet Mignon '1.49 337-0358. 1-1-11 Wednesday in 34 Women's The precinct elections would 'ING SERVICES offered at~the Intramural Bldg. for possession of Illegal drugs or -delegates to a state WEDNESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Sin,?rlve'C0MPANY. 8? n , 5818 Lansing. Phone Wanted narcotics when officers searched them for weapons. About the .. * convention, which in turn elect would < delegates to the national I- Schensul's Famous Fried Chicken $1.35 J2,.};18 for infoTmation. Undergraduate freshmen and sophomores will Counselor same number were illegal aliens, and at least 300 arrested as convention. o THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL 9. R.it.lcbit 10. Not spe*1 ING IN my home. 8 years 5-STRING banjo lessonsjnterested in technique, some experience, will travel. Early evening. Price orfice hours from I to 5 Tuesday and Thursday and froir were an arrested for trying to board airliner with a firearm, which Proponents of the presidential 3 Broiled Baby Beef Liver w/Onions $1.46 f 15 Set of Del" - 'j6"0®" Cal1 Dolly, 484-5765. negotiable Call Paul 372-1021 3 p.m. IVIday in 31S Eppley Ci primary claim that the 16 Dunlin is against Federal law. governor's proposal would bring FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL 18 Byron ID LiRl'te P0ySAy6 SAVE SAVE after 6 p.m. 1-1-12 Style Singer looking find Asian-Americans inlerestc The charges balance were jailed on ranging from unlawful^ • thy people much closer to the procedure Fried Turbot(fish) $1.49 i 20 Siibim u.°i!L aC.°PY,NG- Offset, best "TOM JONES" for Backup Band, etc. to sing Asian history, identity or . 7 , ,, flight to avoid persecution to 4. UlI'MUfllllUI VlVtllUie LIIIAIUI.H by e)ecU de|egates directly to V Bapt 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, January!, , Film series SHOP-RITE STORE? set at MSU Kenneth Clark's "Civilisation," the British Broadcasting Corp's award - winning film series, arrives on campus this week. The first segment of the 13 part series will be shown at 6:30 p.m. today in the multipurpose room of Hubbard Hall and at 8 p.m. today in the McDonel Hall Kiva. It will also be shown at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Wonders • -***' Hall Kiva. These showings are East Lansing's Friendliest jm being cosponsored by Justin '-t-Jb t .<* •** * Morrill College and Residence Hall Programs. Food Stores. . . Try M This first segment will be GOODRICH'S: 910 reshown by the MSU Friends of Trowbridge^ Putting it on ice the Library at 8 p.m. on Jan. 20 in 108B Wells Hall. Tickets for Open - Mon. - Fri. 9 to 9, Sat. 9 Four Shaw Hall residents practice their stick handling on this showing may be picked up LARRY'S: 1109 E. Grand the frozen Red Cedar River behind their residence hall. All State News photo by the Library RiveT John Dickson at reference desk have their eyes on the puck as Ken Lipski, Detroit junior, free of charge. [{Open - Mon. - Thurs. 9-9, Fri. & Sat. 9J WORSE THAN LAST YEAR Outlook dim for at the Placement Bureau, said Though the listed number of job by sitting back," he said. "they're good books, but don't MSU count them too much. Every He urged students to begin SPECIAL on Monday. jobs will increase before Summer jobs will be harder to The Placement Bureau has summer, "it will not reach last checking now with employers. It placement bureau has them." If a student does not get a Students-Faculty-Staff find this year than last summer, listed in its job catalog for year's total of between 7,000 employers are not coming to the and students should get an early start in job hunting, William summer employment 400 employers offering between and 8,000 jobs," he said. bureau, the student should begin "A lot of good jobs" are to actively contact them on his summer recommended job, MacLeod that he Use this ad as your grocery OF THE WEEKl for students through own, MacLeod said. "definitely get on file at his local MacLeod, asst. director of part - time and summer employment 2,000 and 3,000 jobs, MacLeod said. available Civil Service summer "The best time to contact state employment office." shopping list... you'll save! employers is over Easter break," There will be some summer employment, he noted, but cautioned studetns that he added. programs providing jobs for Lecture series competition is tough. Referring to that list thousands popular books of summer young people, he said, but the "preference will be for the Grand Prize USDA "Last summer some 200,000 student applied for jobs," he said. 15,000 jobs for students, he said, needy." Choice T-Bones & • ^5* v; set for this term Clerical jobs and clerk and carrier jobs with the Postal Service comprise the major part THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM Club Steak lb I39 Lean, Fresh Ground of the 15,000 jobs, but there are Programs for American Students 1972-73 are 'I he College of Communication Arts and its alumni association sponsoring a lecture series this term on "Human about 2,000 preprofessional jobs also available. ■ TWO YEAR PROGRAM- for high school graduates. Grand Prize Sirloin Hamburger C« mmunication: International and Cross-Cultural Any student interested in Civil ■ ONE YEAR PROGRAM-for college sophomores Steak lb I27 Communication." Service summer employment and juniors. h 59' Four speakers, among them an MSU faculty members, will should pick up an application ■ REGULAR STUDIES-for transfer students discuss the lecture series theme. AH lectures are open to the from the Placement Bureau. toward B.A. and B.S. degrees. public and will be held at 7:30 p.m. in 116 Natural Science Bldg. The deadline for applying for ■ GRADUATE STUDIES - Master's and Doctoral programs. The lecture series began last month when Warren J. Mitofsky, summer Civil Service jobs is Feb. director of the CBS News Election Unit, spoke on "CBS News and Elections: Some Implications for Cross-Cultural 2. ■ SUMMER COURSES-given in English. For applications and informatit Grand Prize Boneless MacLeod noted that there is a OFFICE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS / AMERICAN FRIENDS OF THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY I Communication." Mitofsky called the election process a "bore" and said election laws needed much reform. He said he did not believe the 18 - year - old enfranchisement would affect the defeatist attitude among many of the students who see a tight 11 EAST 69 STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10021 / 212 - 988-4400 | Rump Roast p joh market, and many will not national elections significantly. even bother to apply for a job. Joseph L. Stewart, a communications disorder specialist with "I guarantee they won't get a the Indian Health Service of the U.S. Dept. of Health, deep brown Education, LiMnrs Beans 10' and Welfare (HEW) will be the second speaker in the series. On with Jan. 17. Stewart will speak on "Communication Molasses among the American Indians" in a lecture sponsored jointly by the American 14 oz. Indian Programs of the MSU Center for Urban Affairs. Walter B. Emery, from the Dept. of Speech at Ohio State University, will speak on "Broadcast Censorship in the Communist World" on Feb. 17. On March 2, Alfred E. Opubor, director of the African Studies Center here, will discuss "Prospero and Caliban Revisited: Sociolinguistic Aspects of International Communication." Raymond A. League, president of Zebra Associates in New York, will be the final speaker in the series. He will discuss the implications of the fact that "Twenty • three Million American Consumers are Black," on April 6. Hersliey's Cocoa - 36' U' offers s 16 oz. bonking se invited 2 out of the last 3 Presidents us to teach our Speed Reading Course No-Cal-Pop all flavors 6/79' In addition to check cashing like most commercial banks. to members of the White House Staff. Franco American services, the University offers The check cashing policies of other banking services for the cashiers office have been (It these Kennedy and Nixon people could find the time, shouldn't you?) students in the cashier's office revised and now two pieces of on the first floor of the identification are required and a Take free Speed 28' Administration Building., $50 limit on checks applies a Reading Lesson on Evelyn Wood Stephen H. Terry, asst. vice president for finance noted recently. Terry said 1,650 students have except for MSU payroll or financial aid payments. Furthermore, no third - party checks or checks, written Lansing and Lansing banks will on East In 60 minutes, over 80% of our Mini-Lesson audiences Increase their reading speed. Just a little, but enough to know what It's Lifetime Membership If you want further improvement in your speed Spaghetti with meatballs 15 oz. pass book savings accounts with like. At the MInl-Lesson, you will find out of reading, study, comprehension, and recall skill be cashed. the cashier's office, although no how the Evelyn Wood technique handles you can, as a Reading Dynamics graduate, repeat ileatherwood Chocolate Golden Hearth 16 oz. interest is paid on such savings difficult textbook material. How it improves the course at any time. EUROPE! accounts. term, some At the end of fall $200,000 was on Spring Break Skiing memory and concentration. And, how It Milk, 32 oz. 4/1®° French Twins 3/1" I makes reading a pleasure Instead of a Mini-Lesson Schedule deposit in the bank. Terry said the net balance on $O QO $20 chore. The MInl-Lesson Is one hour that deposit in the savings accounts / taxes, etc. could change your life, tool Bay's English Muffins, fluctuates considerably, averaging MSU Ski Club 353-5199 Today or Tomorrow Head Lettuce between $100,000 and $150,000 with a low of around Over 500,000 graduates including B-pack, 9 oz. 22' hd. $50,000 reported at the end of "THE LORD KNOWS I have been Dean Amstead, University of Texas Tues., Jan. 11 or Wed., Jan. 12 / Conservatives who leel summer term. The University among plain stung. / The Navy's almost Rear Admiral Ashworth Birch Chef Pierre Hi-Pies; No. 1 Vine Ripened maintaias the standard security Bayh, U.S. Congress Time 4 p.m. or 6 p.m. 8 p.m. each an antique. / The Army has be¬ or day procedures including a heavy - duty vault and alarm systems gun to creak. / With Chiang McGeorges Bundy, JFK Cabinet Clark Clifford, LBJ Cabinet Apple, Cherry, Rhubarb, 881 Tomatoes LB. about to disappear / And welfare marching from the rear, / 1 held Superintendent Estes, St. Louis Dean Gates, Beaver College Alpha Tau Omega my thumb beside my nose / When faced with Presidential John Glenn, Astronaut We're as prose. / But now with William S. I. Hayakawa, San Francisco State University Inn Rehnquii Charlton Heston different as maging „ ( v|£w ? Mrs. Jacob Javitts □ X, 150 E. 35 Strei Herman Jones, U.S. District Judge you are. N. Y. 10016 Edward Kennedy, U.S. Congress S-T-R-E-T C-H & SEW Burt Lancaster George McGovern, U.S. Congress ONE DOZEN Marshall McLuhan $ FABRICS 4960 Northwind Drive, Dr. Frank Moya, Miami William Proxmlre, U.S. University Congress Dr. Margaret Ratz, Principle College University Inn 1100 Trowbridge Rd. Grade 'A' Large ^ East Lansing 332-0879 George Segal East Lansing MOM FRI. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Judge Juanita Kldd Stout EGGS Ben Wllllnghan, Genesco President » SA"? 10 a.m.-5 p.m. KNITS OF ALL KINDS! Phone number 313-353-5111 Success Warrantyl (collect) Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics Limit One 17320 W. 8 Mile Road with coupon and $5.00 purchase Southfield, Michigan 48075 coupon expires 1-15-72