Wednesday J Every I am getting better MICHIGAN Snow. |n every ^y, TATE NEWS and colder with high in the STATE . . . a mid to supper 20s. UNIVERSITY L Number 8 East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, 12, 1972 MEETING of term Students sit on council, discuss report on pay By S.A. SMITH committee must answer in its deliberations questions from both the and said there will be faculty and open meetings, student council members. JUDY YATES hearings and advisory sessions in the Some of the questions the council Lte News Staff Writers future. members asked the tenure committee and L few empty seats at the first He asked the council members to forward suggestions to the committee to each other to consider before the next fCouncil meeting of this term as council meeting were: Lnt representatives joined 83 "facilitate the establishment of an Who has the final say on promotions and E administrative voting members equitable and realistic salary schedule." Williams' report was an informational pay raises? Is it wise to have a 60-40 Lire of informational report^ appointment or should there be a more £ report on the Faculty Affairs item which required no formal action the Academic Council. by distinct division? Is the section requiring ifv Compensation Committees An item the secondary department to commit itself ■ work on the controversial issue previously scheduled for action to the final tenure decision at the K.v salarv schedule was presented was presented by Faculty Tenure Committee Chairman Gabel H. Conner, but beginning of the final probationary ■ericl; D. Williams, committee formal council vote was delayed until the appointment premature? told the council that his February meeting. In other matters, Robert Perrin, vice L I,,, directed its efforts toward That item, a set of proposed rules president for University relations, reported a salary schedule since October, governing joint appointments of on the University's affirmative action plan. ed a battery of questions the nontenured faculty, illicited a number of The plan, which outlines female faculty in the tenure hiring goals for goal of 14.6 per cent for women in the system, sets a Meeting of tenured tract of the faculty by 1974. The The Academic Council met Tuesday afternoon in the first meeting in which the new student representatives had }lays seen current percentage tenured tract is 11.4. Perrin said that of women implementation of the in the full voting privileges. Reports were heard but no formal actions were made at the heavily attended meeting. State News photo by Terry Luke plan will have to include vigorous bills in legi recruiting and the training of more women. U' lacks committee, consistent substantive changes. and planned The House calendar has several priority no He said there will have to be a greater admission of women into the graduate schools if the plan is to be successful. President Clifton Whartor. commented financing plan ■2 legislative session should begin let note today, aides to leading items coming up for discussion today, but they too will be postponed until sometime next week, legislative aides agreed. Most representatives and senators were that the reason the report was made was that many young white males have expressed concern over how an increase in for all-events structure women in the faculty will affect their By MICHAEL FOX it was agreed that the administration would f said Tuesday, with most high not available for comment Tuesday positions. State News Staff Writer receipts from football student ticket sales. Jgislation being postponed until at ■week. because of continuing party caucuses. return at a later date with scheme. At the same board a financing The price of a home football game ticket is However, it was apparent from the Wharton also meeting, the being increased to $3 per game next 1 returning legislators emphasized that the are faced discussions with their aides and other increase in women faculty members will Dreams for an all-events building trustees approved a $4.5 million ice arena season. vanished Tuesday when a University and a $12 million performing arts center, Jsvy backlog of work — including persons close to the legislature that have come through projected vacancies. official "We are faced with pressure now to ■billboard control, congressional lawmakers will hold off until next week on The council also heard information on a acknowledged that the complete with financing plans. increase the planned 6,000 seats to at least Inment, no fault insurance, and consideration of most bills now awaiting proposal for administration will not continue to push "I have no other ideas for alternate ways 8,000 seats or at least plan so we can 1 sharing modifying the general for the facility at this time. to finance all-events building nor does - only the billboard action. education an expand at a later date," Breslin said. Ibill and the congressional program, from Educational Jack Breslin, executive vice president, The action is expected to grow intense Policies Committee Chairman anyone else. It's a mortgage and you need a Although the financing plan submitted Lester said the administration loss to ■onment measure are high on was at a steady flow of income," he said. and rejected in November is for 6,000 then, with such highly emotional issues as Manderscheid. ^lendar. congressional reapportionment capturing come up with a financing scheme for the Breslin noted that the estimated $11 seats, the increasing popularity of hockey- the billboard control bill The estimated $11 million facility. A proposal million cost of an all-events bulding might , — the legislators' attention. plan would remove the restriction might force an even larger facility. the House late in the 1971 that all 45 general education credits be for a levy of $15 per student per year for be lower than the actual expense of such a 1 This session is also expected to be much Demonstration Hall, the existing ice arena, 20 years starting fall 1974 was rejected by structure. Furthermore, Breslin pointed Jfttilwillnextnotweek, be considered in the an aide to Sen. busier than the sluggish 1971 meeting fulfilled within the University College and the trustees in November. out the estimate is for a facility with has room for about 4,000 but only about characterized by bitter interparty feuding provide a method for students to substitute "I think you can assume there will be no 1,200 good seats, he observed. iFleming, K-Jackson, the sponsor and bickering in committee and on the other courses for University College action on the all-events building for a long 15,000 seats. "If we're lucky, we might have the ice "There is pressure to increase the size of jsure, said. floors of both chambers. courses. A second proposal would time. I've asked the Athletic Council to arena for some part of the 1973-74 ■that Fleming wished to make the authorize work on four-year any new all-events structure as Jenison season." This is an election year session for the degree re-examine the need for the facility," If the bill, recently reported out granting programs in general studies within Fieldhouse already holds about 12,500. "The performing arts center is moving (Please turn to page 10) Breslin said. Why should we build another facility that fuse - Senate conference the colleges. The council will act on the The all-events building was approved in slower than the ice arena because it is a proposal in February. only seats 2,500 more?" Breslin said. bigger building and requires more extensive principle by the trustees in November, but Two years ago considerable debate planning," he said. "There will have to be a erupted over a similar administration considerable amount of private fund raising proposal for an all-events building. At that to finance it." CLASH OF CULTURES time, the need for such a facility which would accommodate basketball games and Breslin promised the performing arts center would be "distinguished and pop concerts was questioned. beautiful looking" but declined to cite a The all-events building shifted to a back projected target date for the facility. burner with the rejection in November of Chinese de the $15 per student levy. Planning for the new ice arena is racing ahead with the performing arts center moving ahead much slower. Fee refund confront N The administration will recommend two architectural firms for the ice arena to the Full-time students who do not wish to read trustees at their Jan. 21 meeting, with the the State News its services may EDITOR'S NOTE: The UN delegation They arrived with a Mao-inspired outlook or use which, hardened by a quarter-century of firm selection expected to develop plans so receive authorization for a refund of the SI from the People's Republic of China has construction can start in September 1972. American containment, rubs harshly subscription fee in 345 Student Services been in New York for more than seven The construction of the ice arena will take against the pluralistic grain of New York Bldg. through Friday. Students must bring weeks now, bringing two very different 18 months and is being financed by City. their fee receipt card to receive the refund. cultures into close contact for the first The incongruity begins at the Roosevelt. time in two decades. In a three-part Though not in the same class as the Plaza, it glitters with more extravagance than is series beginning today in the State appropriate for a people who glorify News, Robert Bao, a graduate student from Montevideo, the Chinese Uruguay, examines delegation's impact on both austerity. The $2,500-a-dav rate for 72 rooms on the 14th floor, hardly Cities will unreasonable by East Side standards, was the UN and Manhattan and their called "a bourgeois excess" by one of the attitudes toward the U.S. Bao spent a week in New York last month observing delegates. "We're definitely planning to move to a of state prim the delegation interviewing secondary , more suitable place," he assured me. While he spoke, Apol was meeting with sources, and talking with several of the Adding to the anomaly, the hotel is By JOANNA FIRESTONE the lieutenant governor and two unnamed delegates. nestled in a forest of towering, State News Staff Writer steel-and-glass landmarks of legislators, presumably on the topic of the s r;* • By ROBERT BAO proposed primary. capitalism—Chase Manhattan Bank. Irving State News Staff Writer "Until the specifics of the governor's Trust, Pan Am Building. First National Gov. Milliken, who startled the state City Bank, Brooks Brothers—like a Friday with his unexpected endorsement plan are announced, however, it is On one December morning in Manhattan, midtown transplant from Wall Street. of a statewide presidential primary, may be impossible to predict what problems we three men wearing dark gray Mao suits The Romanian ambassador, who selected may run into." handing the state's taxpayers another less stepped out of the Hotel Roosevelt at the the hotel, confessed that the unexpected welcome surprise, a top aide to State Particulars of Milliken's design are corner of Madison Avenue and 45th Street UN vote to admit Red China caught him Elections Commissioner Bernard J. Apol expected to be released today. and surveyed the area. Milliken's proposal was announced as an unprepared. said Tuesday. They saw an ambulance zigzag through "It last minute alternative to a special April election of was a thing—the "We expect the special polling to cost endless belts of bumper-to-bumper yellow Roosevelt just happened to have the about $850,000," the aide, who asked not precinct delegates which is being pushed by cabs, then blur into the distant smog. They state Democrats and is now in a Senate rooms," he explained nonchalantly, as to be identified, said. "And. as usual, it's watched pedestrians, mostly advertising though any other place would have served up to the local communities to carry the committee. executive types, rushing in every direction. with equal taste—or distaste. bulk of the expense." Both are designed to tap citizen response One gazed upwards at the pollutive The distastefulness in this case, apart If Milliken's proposal, the specifics of to the many presidential candidate blanket over the city, shook his head, and from the capitalistic milieu, is that only which have not yet been fully revealed, is hopefuls and to draw newly enfranchised murmured in Mandarin: two blocks away, the fringe of Times 18 to 21- year olds into the political approved by the state legislature, Michigan - "Terrible, just terrible. You can't even Square begins its sleazy sprawl. towns and cities would be forced to hold system. breathe the air." Chinese culture, in its present form, is the preferential primary and to fund it as The Democrats, in addition, must elect Then they hopped into a black, strongly puritanical. Prostitution and vice well. new delegates to comply with a party chauffeur-driven Cadillac limousine headed have been virtually eliminated in China's "Except for the actual printing of the mandate that directs state Democratic- for the UN. At $12 an hour, it is not the ballots and related paper work, each town organizations to do so before the 1972 most proletarian way to travel a mere four (Please turn to page 13) election. will have to foot a pretty good - sized bill," blocks, but better than to risk a mugging he said. "Hiring poll workers - challengers, The elections aide estimated that both N vice minister of foreign affairs of the People's November, when a delegation from Petitioning will be open until 5 p.m. today The aide said he did not anticipate any City Clerk Beverly Colizzi said funding of China, addresses the Genoral Assembly of the United Peking-the first permanent delegation in such a presidential preference primary in nations New York for the positions on Student Traffic major problems in scheduling a primary , City. He is one of the Communist Chinese the history of the People's Republic of East Lansing would cost about $3,000. Appeals Court. Petitions may be picked up probably in May. although the elections fn'lTti0n n UN Which has arrived in the city recently to represent the nation affair,. United Nations photo China-arrived to occupy a hard-earned seat at the UN. in 307 Student Services Bldg. commission may be somewhat pressed for (Please turn to page 10) time. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. Jun„art „ E.L. THREATENS PULL-OUT news summary FURTHER REDUCTIONS Rift plagues transit lin In addition, some local officials are unsure if the subsidy payments requested from each governmental u j By KAREN ZURAWSKI CATA can be met. From the wfret of AP and UPI. State News Staff Writer In a meeting Monday between Lansing and East officials, Lansing's reaction to East Lansing's possible wi Miss J Shoes Only nine days after officially taking over the Lansing bus line, was .. described as "very cool and reserved," bv - —, the Capital Area Transit Authority (CATA) already faces almost Councilman Terry J. McKane, Public Safety $5 and $6 insurmountable problems, local officials agree. chairman, and the council's mass transit coordinator. Com_ The CATA, created by six local governments as a possible "It runs counter to the traditional concept of the Im remedy for the ailing bus line, may be dissolved if East Lansing's months," he explained. Now even greater savings of recommendation to withdraw from the CATA is approved by the Basically the "traditional concept involved dividing some J "I'm not sure that it is necessary East Lansing City Council at its Jan. 17 meeting. control for bus operations among the various fashion dollars on these smartly government*! instead of Lansing having a major role, McKane said. to live and work with blacks, but East Lansing's possible withdrawal from the you should start with yourself. CATA styled fall and winter dress recommendation that Lansing establish a transit Your behavior is observed." M the east Room contract services to local communities, gives in the control of the system, he said. depart^™ Lansing a mai» pumps, casuals and flats. ^*■0® Wednesday's Feature Dinner -Judy Leepa, instructor in the Because of East Lansing's recommendations, CATA Center on Urban A ffairs ROAST SIRLOIN OF O O fT may not meet the Jan. 19 deadline set by the CATA bo- directors for notification of acceptance or BEEF AU JUS rejection of I increased subsidy shares, McKane said. & soup or juice "There is a rationale for waiting to see what will hanmJ explained. salad "I don't know what East Lansing will do about JacdbSoriS the su" two vegetables Asst. city manager Arthur Carney, one of r dessert representatives of the CATA, said Tuesday. Israelis attack Lebanon 1 beverage A recent CATA report indicated that the six would have to double and in some cases cooperating I triple what tiut' Use Alle'entrance or fourth level of presently giving in support of the bus system to covl Israeli troops swept into south Lebanon early Tuesday and blew up | JACOBSON'S OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY ramp for direct access. expected average monthly deficit of $14,751. houses in two revenge raids against Arab Carney agreed with McKane and said, "Well sit tight and- Premier EVENINGS UNTIL NINE Lansing responds to our recommendations." guerrillas. Saeb Salam of Lebanon summoned his army commanders and leaders of Palestinian guerrilla Jacoh^on's "I think they're willing to think and talk about "but they haven't had an opportunity to study it it," he yet." groups for an urgent meeting. At the United Nations in New York, Lebanese Ambassador Edouard Ghorra protested to the Council what the premier called "this Security flagrant aggression which resulted in loss of lives and property." Oil policy still unclear Representatives of 14 states talked with Interior Secretary Rogers C.B. SHOP T-MART! Morton Tuesday in Washington about oil and gas leasing off the Atlantic Coast and reported no clear policy agreement. Federal and state spokesmen told newsmen they agreed that the states would be consulted in any federal decision - making on leasing. There is no petroleum activity on the Atlantic at present and East Coast states have been maneuvering for control over any such decision. The federal government has leased offshore areas in the Gulf of Mexico and off California to private oil companies for a number of years. De Saulnier found unfit The Massachusetts Supreme Court disbarred Superior Court Judge Edward J. DeSaulnier Jr. Tuesday in Boston and said he is unfit to continue to serve as a judge. DeSaulnier had been named by convicted stock swindler Michael J. Raymond in testimony last July before the U.S. Senate investigations subcommittee as one of two Superior Court judges who took bribes to suspend sentence against the stock swindler in a 1962 fraud case. The state Supreme Court also censured Superior Court Judge Vincent R. Brogna, but did not disbar him or relieve him of his duties as a judge. Brogna was not named by Raymond in the Senate testimony, but he later identified himself as the second judge to whom preference was made. Muslims provoked gunfight The gunfight which left two officers and two blacks dead was provoked by a splinter group of touring Black Muslims who have been trying to overthrow national Muslim leader Elijah Muhammad, the mayor said Tuesday in Baton Rouge. Seven young Muslims in Baton Rouge have denied their organization was involved. Mayor W.W. Dumas declained to be any more specific at a news conference but said his information was based on the interrogation of 20 blacks arrested and on police intelligence reports. Steps to merge ordered The City of Richmond and suburban Henrico and Chesterfield counties were given 30 days by a federal judge on Tuesday to "take all steps . . . necessary" to merge their school systems in September. U.S. District Court Judge Robert R. Merhige Jr. entered the order as a followup to his landmark decision Monday directing the consolidation as a means of achieving "meaningful integration." Premiums must be cut The State Insurance Board ruled on Tuesday in Austin, Tex. that car insurance companies must reduce collision premiums for 1972 cars with crash - absorbing bumpers. Premiums for earlier model cars also can be lowered if they are equipped with bumpers certified by independent tests. The order signed Tuesday required a 20 per cent discount on collission coverage for cars that can sustain a 5 miles per hour crash, front and rear, against a stationary barrier without damage. I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, January 12, 1972 2. 1972 3 many cuts proposed shop ASMSU studies budget Meridian Mall By BECKIE HANES State News Staff Writer This is a significant reduction from the 26 funds last year. groups that received weekdays MECHA, a Chicano organization, requested 37,000 and Black Many organizations that received money from ASMSU last year Liberation Front International (BLFI) requested $12,000 for this for the first time were eliminated from ASMSU's budget when it was revealed to board members at Monday night's proposed year. Neither group would receive funds in the proposed budget. Also, Off Campus Council, which was allocated money last year, 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. meeting. Most of the board members were requested it again this year, but is not included in the proposed "quite pleased" with the budget. budget proposed by comptroller, Grant Grecu, Harold Buckner, The cabinet groups that receive chairman, said Tuesday. money in the porposed budget were groups many people felt were doing "beneficial" work, Last year was the first year ASMSU allocated money to Buckner said. These seemed to be the organizations in their cabinet such as the Draft Information groups that were given the most money, he added. Center, Women's Liberation, The Raft, Gay Liberation, Drue Education and others. Board Special Projects received $845.01 in the proposed This year, the budget. Buckner feels that this may be enlarged when the budget only groups in the cabinet to receive money committee discusses the budget during the next few weeks. If according to the proposed budget are Great Issues, Legal Aid, so, Uffice of Black many of the excluded groups could request financial aid from Affairs, Student Electronics and Student Services that fund with the board's approval. which include mimeographing and silkscreening facilities. Buckner also said the budget committee may decide to suggest to the board elimination of silkscreening facilities since this service has been losing money in the past. Buckner said Oecu E. Germans estimated that such a cutback would save ASMSU $4,000 a year in supplies and labor costs. $3,000 to This savings would absorb some of the increased labor costs of general expenses and allow expansion for Board Special Projects, ties in Bangla Buckner said. Grecu's budget had $49,750 as total gross funds available, using East Germany extended defeat in war with India last $20,928.99 for ASMSU expenses; $2,345.01 for the baord which includes Board Special Projects and elections and $26,476.00 for diplomatic recognition to month. India and Bhutan the cabinet. Bangladesh on Tuesday, spurring extended recognition earlier, The proposed budget will be discussed by the five - member hopes in Dacca of quick » endorsement of Sheik Mujibur Thfere ,Was 'mmed'af budget committee and open hearings will be held where groups, board members and students can voice their opinions before the Rahman's new government from £?, Ti ?• Wh'CJ has diplomatic relations with committee. Eventually the committee will draw up a other nations. budget to At the same time, President Wurle(l Mohammed Zahir Shah. Diplomats in Rawalpindi said he |r Armand Karow, professor in the Dept. of Pharmacology may have sought Soviet help the Medical College of Georgia, explains techniques used through the king in finding a link between West Pakistan and freezing rat hearts with cryoprotectant drugs to students Bengaldesh. biophysics. Karow is experimenting with keeping the East Germany is the third uen animal hearts alive for use in organ banks and the nation to recognize Bangladesh, ffects of the drugs on nonfrozen tissue. formed after West Pakistan's State News photo by Tom Gaunt ariner 9 data shatters eliefs about Mars' age scientists have decided. In fact, years ago. Now I can't imagine ADF.NA, Calif. (AP) - some Mariner scientists fossil surface." say. Mars Mars as a er 9 is rewriting the still might be stirring internally, Mariner 9 scientists at okson Mars. still undergoing «■ geologic Caltech's Jet Propulsion is the assessment of evolution. Laboratory here where the ists studying the latest ssent to earth by the tiny "Clearly, Mars has presently spacecraft is being controlled active surface process . . . don't agree on the interpretation raft from its orbit around whereas before we weren't sure of every photograph Mariner's riguing planet. whether we were looking at a two television cameras return. Mars 'emerging from the fossil surface like the moon," The scientists are unanimous r data is a planet that, said Dr. Bruce Marray of the on one point. The most exciting gieally speaking, quite California Institute of was a living, breathing, aspect of the Mariner 9 mission ! body. Technology. isn't what the photographs are "We could see geologic confirming about Mars, but the ' the moon, which was almost five billion years episodes on Mars but we new mysteries that are being couldn't distinguish if the opened. Mars, they are finding, quickly died in a fiery diverse than >al, Mars had a long life, episodes were taking place right is much more now or happening millions of expected. "The photographs are showing us a fantastic range of brand - new phenomena that no one ever suspected existed on Mars," The State News, the student newspaper at Michigan State said Dr. Carl Sagan, a Cornell niversity, is published every class day during Fall. Winter University astronomer. id Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays iring Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition "The process that might September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. duplicate this type of pitted Member Associated Press, United Press International, t opography on earth is so out of land Daily Press Association, Michigan Press Association, phase with what we've thought ssociated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press about Mars that it's just ssociation. amazing," said Dr. Robert Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial Dharp, a Caltech geologist. id business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan ate University, East SAVESSSSAVESSSSAVESSSSAVESRSSAVESSSSAVESSSSAVESSSSAVESSSSAVESSSSAVESSSSAVESSSSAVESSSSAVESSSSAVE Lansing, Michigan. Classified Ads Advertising 355-8252 355-8255 353 6100 | > SHEPARD'S FANTASTIC. CIC ANTIC. SKMI-WM VI Business Office 355 3447 Photographic 355-8311 | Over 2,700 Pairs of Famous SHOE SALE Brand Shoes j Over 1000 Pairs Over 400 Pair < m Over 175 Pair MEN'S WOMEN'S SHOES CHILDREN'S | > it a little warmer Values to $30 m hYciicli Shrinrrs J II lll|>i ll<> Jacks m Wi something from us j>> Sizes 6Vi to 15 A A to E Sizes 4 to 12 Width AAAA to D Values to $14.50 \ entire stock! > Values to $40 *797 (o S|997 10 II"7 Si misses' ski | % f21"7 to f;5.r; Downtown Only Downtown and East Lansing Downtown Only Over 450 Pair Over 250 Pairs Over 150 Pair m jackets reduced I MEN'S AVANT GARDE SNOW $ SHOES WOMEN'S FASHIONS SHOES ROOTS | 10.90 I « Sizes 7% to 13 Values to $30 - Most Sizes Women's and Men's <5> > Widths B to E Values to $32 > 15.90 S30 values < Values to $30 *12*" to *24,T - § si r7 to& East *21Lansing ,,T Downtown Only MlT 10 Downtown & East "LW5 Lansing I K The latest looks for the slopes. Nylon ski Jr Second Level l> Downtown jackets in popular pant coat and battle g Since 1144 First Choice or mu siuitnn ^ < jacket lengths. Mostly zip or snap frontv % a few with buttons. Assorted bright and fj dark colors, many with belts, contrasting ^vhepard > < top-stitch or quilt detailing. S-M-l.. g Jjj EAST LANSING 317 E. Grand River Ave. s We Card Shop s < m /H$ES Sportswear, 2nd floor Downtown, Meridian Mall. -309 E. Grand River 332-6753 MICHIGAN OUR READERS' MIND STATE NEW; Progressive' U', SN UNIVERSITY |i> really blatantly sexist KEN LYNAM To the Editor: This is not interfering with fo. fmmm* ; % advertising manager MSU proudly calls itself a liberal Pornography is overstepping thehZ pnumvrs V j' $ University and the State News with its liberty and is therefore licease We~ DAVE PERSON, managing editor "Ms. policy" considers itself radically trying to limit anyone's freedom CHARLIE CAIN , city editor progressive. In the midst of these liberal merely demanding that men taketh*' BILL HOLSTEIN, campus editor creeds, this institution and the paper have off our backs, stop defining us and BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor joined forces in the humiliating suppression into us "chicks", and allow us the RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor of women. right to define ourselves in reUtu Apparently pornographic films and ourselves and other women, instead^" Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award literature are essential to the male ego. and their needs. for outstanding journalism. Why is it necessary to feed the supposed FAILURE TO PRINT THIS needs of the men on this campus, CONFIRMS OUR BELIEFS ABOirr constantly searching for the ultimate BLATANT SEXISM OF SN. screw, at the expense of women? The Karen following quote comes from the SN EDITORIALS advertisement for Harlot: "I believe that Howell P the state should not interfere in the private E. behavior of adults which does not Lansing soph- _ Cam' adversely affect others." E. Grand Rapids fr New draft l BUT WOMEN ARE adversely affected by these films. These films degTade women and perpetuate myths about women such Jan.10; as: Women are completely sexual objects, women want to be raped, women are Bad pass amnesty must immoral, women have no aggressive sexual desires but are a passive outlet for masculine drives of power and lust, women To the Editor, Jy jane J |ate News country for a period of time. are not emotionally and mentally Yesterday morning 1 stepped on jte studer Sen. Robert Taft Jr., R-Ohio, has MSU bus, flipped out my responsible. The list is infinite. We feel, as a trusty freshm introduced legislation which would Opponents of granting amnesty also part of this university, that we have the faculty - staff gate pass and was with tl allow all draft resisters who left the claim repatriation would not be fair U»ke a seat when the bus driver right to demand, TO DEMAND, that this Judy Le for those unwilling to "serve their crucification of women be stopped by me that the pass was no longer country to return, provided they Renter oi tender" for bus transportation. I si serve three years military or country" by fighting in the war. eliminating pornography on campus. londay. down from the bus feeling rather government service. The bill could Taft's bill, which takes both these angr Leepa, two reasons; one, because 1 had not Hall potentially provide amnesty to as objections into consideration, seems informed that I could no longer us to be an effective compromise e Conscic many as 70,000 men. gate pass, and two, because this tension These men were so firmly set solution to the problem of draft arbitrary revocation of the and wl resisters who have left the country. transportation privilege had been u against the war that they put their lives behind their beliefs. realized earlier what most Americans They It is a giant st<*p forward from the current inane policy of leaving them The Doctor's Bag and decided upon at the beginning o( quarter. I consider this arbitrary chii of policy and failure to inform faculty e dorir le. The < place," s in exile. However, it falls short of now accept — that the Vietnam War staff of the change to be very discoum particul an equitable alternative for those By ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. to say the least. was an entirely immoral venture lasized which could not be tobrated and in who chose not to kill for political Now, if I am to purchase a bus p» m lies ir reasons they did not believe in. winter term, I will be charged an America which they couid not rightfully Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at MSU Health Center. It is worth emphasizing that any adult who needs iron on a addi& $5 since I did not purchase a pass fallh or is ir participate. Yet because they Most draft dodgers have already Names need not be included unless a personal regular basis also needs to see a physician to find out what is served at least three years in a reply is requested. wrong. The pandering of over - the - counter iron preparations Somehow, this seems a bit unfair. icans-"n< believed this strongly, they stand to Is it true that through jazzy TV commercials indicating that everyone needs it, by act be excluded forever from American foreign land, leaving behind their a person can get all of the iron he needs by is absurd and possibly dangerous from a medical I then started thinking about the home and previous way of life. They cooking at least one meal a day in an iron skillet? point of view. A life. Equally crucial is the fact that as person taking iron supplements may mask important symptoms policy of purchasing driving pt have made a considerable sacrifice to The odds are overwhelming that if you cook one meal a day in stickers. Any business or corporation matters now stand, the U.S. will and fail to receive adequate treatment for underlying blood loss. size of this institution provides never benefit from whatever pursue their own beliefs. If the an iron skillet you will get more than your minimum daily Little children who are fed large amounts of formula or bottle pari contributions these men may make emotional and social scars of the requirement of iron. However, you would also get more than milk and do not have very much meat in their diet can very easily facilities to its employes, free of chi llC Vietnam conflict are your minimum daily requirement of iron by cooking in an become iron deficient. Babies need large amounts of iron as the yet MSU actually charges its faculty^B^ as adults. ever going to staff to drive to work and park. Thisi aluminum skillet, an enamel pan, or any other suitable vessel blood volume and muscle mass increases rapidly, as it does in heal, amnesty must be construed since the foods in a normal diet contain more than enough iron to infancy and early childhood. The breast fed child gets adequate a bit inequitable to me. Of course, there are those who to mean exactly what the dictionary prevent iron deficiency. Iron is a key element in red blood cells and is also found in large amounts in muscle, the liver, amounts of iron from mother's milk. A final point is that if the Univeisit stc claim amnesty to draft resisters will says it does: "The granting of spleen, bone marrow and all sorts of other places in the body. In ancient My boyfriend and I heard of a different way to have sex that serious about decreasing the amount nscientiot ifndermine the entire defense immunity for past offenses against consists of placing an ice cube in the vagina and the'n having campus traffic and lessening the pti Hindu medicine the treatment of anemia (an inadequate volume or Visfc njechanism of this country. They the laws of war." And if this of red blood cells) consisted of feeding the patient iron powdered intercourse. Does the extreme cold cause any damage to the problem, revocation of this faculty an service claim the draft will never again be "immunity" serves to undermine the and mixed into oil, whey, vinegar, cow's urine, and milk. body? privilege is an adverse action. By re< t Selecti effective if a large number of men effectiveness of the the bus privilege (as a part of the ( involuntary You might prefer the 17th century treatment which consisted ter Nov. servitude of the of iron or steel filings steeped in cold wine. If either of these seem Using an ice cube in the manner you describe should not cause permit fee) and having faculty and i or Vistt are allowed to successfully avoid draft, then we are all any harm. I agree with you that it does sound different but I the more for it. unappealing or inconvenient, the following are recommended: purchase additional bus passes ( ppropriati service by simply leaving the can't see any reason why it would be better than the run of the - • seems an unreasonable amount to speni high iron content foods include organ meats such as liver and :tors. - mill, non - aqueous, sexual intercourse, which if performed well go to work), the University is forcingd udents wl1 heart, wheat germ, egg yolks, some beans and fruits. Muscle is messy enough. meats, fish, fowl, green vegetables and most cereals also contain people to drive rather than ride the I thtm b and is, in fact, increasing the traffic do not generous amount of iron. Milk, milk products and non green vegetables are low in iron. Does the MSU water parking problem. led their \ The body has a complex system for conserving iron so that this suoply contain chlorine or flouride? Laura Wa tion Pet Laws must element is recycled continually. Loss occurs mainly sweating, hair, nails, in the feces and urine, and menses in the through Yes. A certain amount of chlorine can be found in almost all treated water. The naturally occuring flouride found in the water woman. This loss is so low that for a man, it is virtually in this area is supplemented during the treatment process to bring impossible to develop iron lack due to dietary deficiency. The the flouride level up to the point where it helps prevent the in campaign woman can develop iron deficiency anemia in circumstances where she has closely spaced pregnancies, especially if she breast formation of dental caries (cavities). The addition of flouride to drinking water has probably been one of the major public health Bunk-er? feeds the babies. She can also become iron deficient if she has measures taken in the past quarter century. In areas where demonstrated that very heavy menstrual bleeding over a prolonged period of time. A flouride has been added to the drinking water, the decrease in To the Editor: Every once in a while, one of our at least one man would generally develop iron deficiency anemia if he dental caries has been impressive. Today it coolies, yesterday legislator and perhaps even Although some people still was legislators manages to take a step in - a few underwent repeated severe blood loss such as bleeding from an think that adding flouride to drinking water is either a communist Before X-mas it was Japs. Who writer the right direction. One such person more who will follow suit — is ulcer, or other source. In recognition of the added need for iron, plot to poison other x-word us, or some malevolence, harmful effects puzzles anyway, Archie B is Rep. Richard Allen, D-Ithaca. concerned about responsible this element is administered along with vitamins to most woman have never been demonstrated and Wilma" advantages are very clear. Allen is donating his $2,000 pay government. He the during pregnancy. c.C.P.S. 1972 saw glaring raise to charities and other good injustice of the legislative pay raise in causes in his district. times of economic stress and did He said he was giving up his pay what he could to absolve himself MARY THOMPSON raise because he supports the wage from this selfish legislative bonanza. price freeze and is in sympathy with The Michigan legislature has teachers and workers who unable to get a scheduled increase. were wage proved itself time and time again to be an ineffectual instrument of the people. The pay raise fiasco is but In two decades I'll be forty tad my three pieces of ID ready, but he he knew. Certainly, Allen's decision has another case in point. Clearly, they At 12:01 a.m. Jan. 1, 1972,1 was reborn. by this time. One had a big crowd just took our order. I remembered I I noticed a few older people would make it with several policemen. We some political advantages - there are have much to do in the coming year From out of the world of uncertainty, wouldn't be needing and fake ID anymore — I remarks now and then. They must have As it turned out, the bouncer - many teachers and workers in his to prove their worth. Putting their unreason UnCola, I was delivered into was old been talking about the people next to me. a world of knowledge, reason, legal enough. went to school with, had been shot district as well as supporters of the pay raises to a good cause as Allen My eyes got used to the darkness and Cracks like "still wet behind the ears" and killed. In another bar, responsibilities and alcohol. Great changes who should be "hahaha a man broke r Phase 1 and 2. did could be the first step in took place. Beer, which just moments sitting next to us but six old - she ain't jail bait no more," not cue over his knee and stuck it t But more importantly, Allen has high school friends. Three chicks with their to mention "stupid pot heads - can't hold another man's head, killing him. achieving this end. before was still a substance physically football "jocks." Ah yes — I'd forgotten their liquor." There were numerous lushes unable to go down my throat as it was that all the people my age were now of around us that held the Funny, I suddenly didn't feel old illegal, could now flow freely. I could walk "Big Valley" wise, but younger and more inexpe' down the streets and have people see the legal age. They were already quite drunk, philosophy — "You raise a colt to hold a than I had before that obviously, for they were talking about the night. That saddle, but you raise a Man to hold his stepladder of life" is certainly strange- deep iines of wisdom in my face. I could be Allea: the c condescending and talk in terms of Vwhen I was your age ..." I could sign important same things they were when I saw them the last time, and not about such important things as world commerce and who would liquor." and Dick decided to liven things up a little began playing all the pep songs from enter kindergarten and are the lowest in the school. When fifth grade legal papers and have my name stand alone along, you're the cat's pajamas, Election time once again draws winning and losing. A limit without a co-signer. The country would be get the votes in the next election. the various high schools around the area. on the The piano player made his entrance. Old you're no one In sixth grade, but We'd forgotten the words to near for all our congressmen, one total amount of money spent by all straightened out when I cast my vote for ours, but our grade finds you king. The next Dick — used to go to my school some years football friends were right in there third of our senators, and our committees in a campaign should be my candidate for the office of President of singing freshman in high school — is one of, back. He's won some piano scholarship or and swinging. They were President. As usual, the whole the United States. Jus natural — the divine ready to fight Bay most unstable, but a senior in high established from the presidency to law of Justice — would now have me to something. I thought it strange that the City Handy, our rival school, should knows all. You think you've procedure of nominating, a city council race. carry it out. I could serve on a jury. owner of the bar liked classical music and anyone make a move. reached the top and crash — you're it hired someone to play it. I went to the ladies' room and was campaigning and electing will be a In many states, there is also a I walked to the mirror to cite the gray bottom again. I guess reaching H'ga' As it turned out, Dick was pretty out of afronted with some old bag who told me drawn - out, financially draining definite need for easier entry on the hairs which I knew would soon be about the last battle, or so 1 hop*- it, or should I say into it? He was playing "You know, honey - that beer will mess that tests the will of even the ballot. Petition requirements for the appearing. I saw my face — sober and stern his own version of "Bye Bye Blackbird" go expected I'd know everything, but with its new responsibilities. How wise I right through you." staunch political observer. Clearly, most part are more burdensome than felt — I had reached the Age of Reason. complete with words I didn't even dream We decided we'd better now do I see I don't really know anyt try another bar. Hell — in a little more than our election laws and traditions must Most of the ones around town were closed restricting. A new system involving I left to pick up my colleagues to go decades, I'll be be changed. bar-hopping. They looked remarkably the DOONESBURY 40. . . considerably fewer signatures should Skyrocketing electrial costs have be adopted. A small deposit subject same as the last time I saw them. They by Garry Trudeai concealed their newly acquired intelligence GOOD MORMHG, BROTHER.! REVEREND scorSLOAN'S long been a scandal in the United to forfeit if enough votes are not OVCCCDHB TO *THE EXIT, " -me NAME. PERHAPS very well. They even looked somewhat YOU READ ABOUT ME IN States. It is grossly undemocratic obtained could be readily adopted in anxious to get their first legal drink. We me copFseHouse d/alogves. often r WHERE PeoPLe *LOOK." I'M THE f/GHT/IAS when money can buy a man the AM SUCCESSFUL UV state and local elections to cover knew the bartender would welcome us YOUNG PR/e6T WHO / CAN REALLY / CAN TALK TO GETTING PEOPLe TO LOOK position he seeks. Yet, only administrative costs. with open arms and receive us into the —is THE va/juff. /AT themselves select ranks of veteran drinkers. congressional candidates are limited These are but just a few of the As we approached the bar, could tell the in the amount of money they may many changes that could be made. place was swinging. I almost knew for sure spend in a campaign. Usually there is They are not Utopian reforms - our which dignitaries of Bay City would be no limit to the total amount of election laws have changed many there - discussing important things over a money spent by a candidate, thereby times in the past. Clearly, we should drink. putting the less - than - wealthy once again examine and reform them Walking through those doors which swing both wavs, the person at a serious disadvantage. In and save future elections from ligh'^-s I couldn't make the Aind of suddenly dimmer. local races, especially, wealth can people who becoming financially consuming were there, but they didn't seem too mean the difference between bores. dignified. A man ushered us to a table. I I Mid»gan ate News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, January 12, 1972 5 SN board OKs Sail the S.S. j bylaw changes The Stale News Board of Directors approved four changes in the bylaws of the corporation Tuesday, including the deletion of a clause giving the trustees "veto power" over the selection of future directors. Article VI, section 2 of the bylaws formerly stated that "vacancies in the board of directors occuring during the term of any director shall be filled by appointment of the remaining directors, upon approval of the Board of Trustees of Michigan State University." The clause was recently criticized by a student group who claimed it gave the trustees indirect control over the State News. The directors' amendment deleted the phrase "upon approval of the Board of Trustees of Michigan State University." In other action, the board of directors changed the time of their annual meeting to the first Tuesday in March and amended Article IV of the bylaws so that no director would be Anil over serve more than three consecutive terms. The eligible to directors also moved to recommend to the trustees that any excess profits of n high atop the Chemistry Building one gets this view of the Shaw bus stop and Bessey the corporation be used for students in a loan and scholarship I. Rising over the campus in the background is Beaumont Tower. program or both. State News photo by Tom Gaunt hite racial attitudes hit l jane seaberry "There is not a black person importance of white Americans has "no fear of nonmilitant only answer is to "work on ideas who can be a racist because he late News Staff Writer doesn't have power," she said. making the first step toward blacks." and work with other white racial harmony. As solution to the a racial people. Black people are "A white person can be racist ■te students who come to because he has power." , 1 m not that . problems existing in this perfectly capable of articulating sure it is ,s freshmen are illprepared Ms. Leepa, who has worked country, Ms. Leepa feels that the for themselves." necessary to live and work with —e with the racial situation with public school systems in blacks," she said, "but you ■Judy Leepa, instructor In Renter on Urban Affairs, Alpena, Detroit and Grand Rapids, said that the educational should start with yourself. Your Honda y. system in America is not geared behavior is observed." Leepa, speaking at an She added, "You cannot undo L Hall toward reaching minority symposium on students. In relating her teaching the wrongs of our forefathers, [eI Consciousness", said that experiences, she said she but we can undo ourselves." tensions exist between was "awakened to the racial barrier f and white students on when faced with children unlike During a discussion involving herself. several white students, a fear of dorms situations are e B,e. The dorms are not a i place," she said. "It doesn't help to go into a school saying 'I'm going to teach association with black people was expressed. One student SOUNDsational ■ particular, Ms. Leepa black children'. I must learn to related an uneasy feeling when liasized that the racial |emAmericans lies in the attitudes of teach white children to change their attitudes," she said. "There encountered by "hoards of blacks" while passing through L.P. Stereo Album ■ and that racist is no reason for us not to know Fee Hall. lior is instilled in white how to educate blacks and ■icans-"not by I by omission, Chicanos, yet accident but by how." we don't know Ms. Leepa concluded that "white America is very afraid of DISCOUNTS Ms. Leepa also stressed the black America. To a white woman, a militant black man is a fear." She added, however, that (now thru Sunday) while having difficulty in )s now can use relating to militant blacks, she BARNES lista as substitute FLORAL Inscientious objectors interested In volunteering for the Peace OF EAST LANSING r Vista can now use the volunteer groups as alternative Ban service. tw Selective Service regulations, published in the Federal Ister Nov. 5, 1971, provide that volunteer service in the Peace lis or Vista be uniformly considered by all local draft boards appropriate alternative civilian service for s conscientious and up lctors. lidents who have National Defense Loans are exempt from Ing them back while they are in the Peace Corps or Vista. The Is do not have to be paid back until after volunteers have Jhed their volunteer work. ■tion Peace Corps / Vista recruiters are available from 9 a.m. 215 ANN ST. ED 2-0871 ■p.m. this week in 118 Student Services. Bob Seger BRAND NEW MORNING Land up in "real nautical >1 \It' . . . Jusl a feu examples of our great nautical jjear! Na\\ and red striped sweater $15 \aw knit skirl with anchor buckle licit $14 Na\> sailor dress with white »ros ■Maui Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Janu;apy 12 M Ichiga" - Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay More! Why Pay Mor Colburn begins] office hour plar THIS WEEK ONLY! MEIJER East Lansing City Councilman George A. begin holding regular office hours In city hall today. Colburn said Monday that he would be In Room hall from 7 to 9 p.m. each Wednesday. He said he was Colburn m I pu*l 201 I office hours in an effort to achieve better hotoi MEN'S communicate- ■ local residents and fulfill a campaign promise. ENTIRE Colburn added that if there was a good hold office hours on Saturday. He pointed out, anyone response, he mi howey?! entering city hall after closing hours will have to m J through the east entrance on Park Lane. 00 Councilman Robert J. Wilcox said he had given STOCK OF "no th FLARE JEANS to the possibility of holding special office hours and to. My office hours ate right herp during the davand,!1?! in the evenings," he said. Wilcox, who Is manager at Jacobson's, said he receives calls at his office and at home. had n°!!l '"■J JN TAPES J Other council members, Mayor Wilbur Brookover, Mm and George Griffiths were unavailable for comment. 1 Student frMS(J[ Your wins Rhodesgranfl a member of Phi Alan L. VerPlanck, Lansing Choice 4.08 senior, recently became the fourth student from MSU to win the nation's top liberal arts students. Beta u honotJ " •2.94 a Rhodes Scholarship. The He is editor of b< announcement of the award was Honors College Bulletin Our Reg. $5.83 WITH COUPON made Dec. 19 by the Rhodes Red Cedar Review, a Scholarship Trust at Wesleyan distributed literary mi University in Connecticut. the MSU English Dept. , The scholarship carries a RECORD DEPT. $3,600 annual stipend and He has written Preview magazine, a poetJ nubjU Pr. provides for VerPlanck at least of the University of i^y two years of study at Oxford has received LIKE IT? BUY IT WITH— University at England. Awards in fiction and Creative^ Our Reg. $3.97 The Rhodes Scholarships were essiyj pr. the MSU English established in 1902 by the will Dept. Leaving for Englm of British philanthropist and October, VerPlanck plan $1.03 colonizer, Cecil Rhodes. Winners SAVE | are chosen for their intellectual attainment, character, leadership and physical vigor. study English and intelli history at Oxford. Veterans to talk Each year, 72 winners are chosen throughout the world, with 32 coming from the U.S. on membership MEN'S WEAR DEPT. The MSU Veterans Am VerPlanck, an English major, is meet at 7:30 tonight u American Legion hall (bi COMPACT A r b y ' 8 ). A REFRIGERATOR reorganization of membership drive, and TG be discussed. The .... U1 Cc RENTALS end with a smoker. All meetiq Ml8READ h 4/1.00 United Rent • All 351-5652 veterans are invited to atteo PRIDE COSTA DEL SOL Topcrest DECORATOR TOWELS 2 JX UNIT PRICE .2C/ ft. ASMSU'S SPRING TRIP IN great New Sweden SHOESTRING POTATOES '/I.00 Ice-breaki Frozen SPAIN e method lanes opi :e Cc $243°" MARCH 20-28 ARMOUR PORK ROAST:. 63< of I. $ vi.Kim si £ VERIBEST FIRST PAYMENT DUE JAN. 20 aker fron of Cai will spea EOR INFO: ind Thurst CALL TRAVEL OFFICE Jorps am PORK CHOPS 79t CENTER LOIN today will ARMOUR VERIBEST 355-4560 3-5 M-F all Lounge 89' lb. Wilson Hal peaker, is being AFTER SIX CALL: 'eace Corf JOANIE 353-1088 TOP FROST Kaf.turkev OR SALISBURY STEAK fiHIMEftC If lnnEK(p 'IT* 9&£ I HAIK ONE GALLON Our Reg. 37c Rings of TENI beauty are TOPCO 81EACH28C UNIT PRICE 7.0c per Qt. joys forever POP REQI FOOD CLUB QUICK 0ATSI9C UNIT PRICE l.le par oz. IGLI B" to 10" Own Reg. PILLSBURY FIOIIR ■ 77( UNIT PRICE 7.7c par lb. to 12" Own Reg Alt Floral Curved ^\rtCarveC^ SAVE 25c Love 1 toward the purchate of: I A with thie coupon toward the purchase en ^ 25c Rings Antique Love Rings Golden bouquets c0 of happiness! ArtCarved Matched bands of love, WITH COUPON HENRI'S 25c KIST SUGAR FREE POP floral wedding bands as lovely as are Spring. Your love is too! etched in antique pattern*' beautifully goldc" nm! diatinctivelv ArtCarvw. Choice of our entire stock SOUR CREAM DRESSING 0FF with coupon Our Reg. i ■ 12 fl. oz. can Wedding love rings $5.83 3 varieties 8 fl. btl. /nnA ■ from ArtCarved are P«rl Expires Set. Jan. 15, 1972 oz. Expires Sat. Jan. 15, 1972 | - | CHERRY, ROOT BEER. COLA " Expires Sat. Jan. 15, 1972 WITH 10/69 I of love. Come in and choose yours soon COUPON I A GD Meijer VERDANT IIClD Meijer - B - FLORCITA THRIFTY ACRES THRIFTY ACRES gflSS Jewelry and O SHOP MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES II with purchase Monday thru Saturday - 9 AM to 10PM 3R appoi Open Wednesday East Lansing, Mich. Evenings PHONE 337 1311. anuary 12, j Wednesday, January 12, 1972 )ins| Board to add 2 new precincts plat By BILL WHITING State News Staff Writer East Lansing City Clerk Beverly Colizzi to station deputy registrars at East Lansing High School, River Avenue, married these districts include No. 6, with housing units in Spartan Village, approximately 200 students short of its projected capacity. Colburn n Hannah Middle School and MacDonald Middle University Village and Cherry Lane apartments; In making the boundary changes, the board >day. Members of the East Lansing Board of School and recommended that at least one be No. 7, with nort'w campus residence halls and plans to level off the populations by the 1974-75 Room 203 Education Monday voted to approve the placed on the MSU campus. school at 667 MacDonald and 559 at most of those in the Red Cedar and South year he was holdij redistricting of voting precincts for school Board members added that absentee ballots complexes, and No. 8, with Shaw Hall and halls Hannah. The committee's suggestions were elections and establish deputy should also be made available at places where nmunicatioj/l local schools. registrars in three in East Complex. unanimously approved by the board. registration is handled, including the three Katz said residents in Precinct 6 will continue Board members also approved a hike in tuition The board approved a recommendation onfe» he might J Malcolm Katz, superintendent of East by secondary schools, a place on MSU's campus and city and township halls. to vote at Red Cedar School, but negotiations are payments billed to the University for elementary 3ut> however J public schools, and an advisory committee which Lansing still being continued with University officials and secondary students living in MSU-owned r|11 have to ojj included representatives of local political parties, In redrawing city precincts, the board divided the University campus into three sections over sites for other district voting. He said, housing and attending local schools. The hikes amounted to a $5.27 increase for elementary to add two new however, that the Union and Auditorium were districts and establish procedures iven "no *and had thoj to encourage voter registration. They called on because of the increased numbers of registrations in the area. Bordered on the north by Grand probable voting sites. Katz said that nearly 10,000 registered voters students and $3.74 for each secondary student. nod The charges are based on a state formula and ie d«y and « y reside in the campus area, although he could not be sure just how many would vote in a school special agreement with MSU which allows the district to bill the University each year for he receivei J election. None are scheduled until June 12, he pupils living in campus housing areas and attending East kover, Man, J lent. " ™ Plan unveiled said, although there is a possibility of millage votes sometime in the spring. He indicated that a recently defeated millage vote for Lansing Lansing public schools. The board refused to give an extension to a Community College may be placed before voters lunch program operated by parents in the Bailey again before the June election for board addicts using members. School district. Although it has been in operation MSU| since September, the board refused to approve its extension past a previously agreed-upon March In other board action, boundaries for middle date because of a lack of liability insurance iranll school districts were changed to reduce a WASHINGTON (AP) - Heroin on a machine much like those If addicts signing up for which was to be carried by the parents. addicts used to keep track of newborn methadone to shake their drug burgeoning enrollment at Hannah Middle School receiving methadone and underenrollment at MacDonald. The action The program arose this year to offer a would have their feet babies in a hospital nursery. habit throught they were being has been under consideration for nearly a year supervised sack lunch program at the school for photographed much like babies Through use of a regional or watched by the police, they and has produced considerable opposition from children whose parents could not be home at in a hospital nursery under an national filing system, which would be frightened off, Jaffe some residents. lunchtime. Three paid supervisors guide the experiment unveiled Tuesday by ultimately would include a said. President Nixon's top adviser on footprint photo of each of the The foot photo idea is now program which operates at no cost to the school, A report made by a boundary committee said drug abuse. nation's 500,000 methadone being tried out on the 300 that Hannah although parents are charged $1.50 a week for currently has 605 students, each child. Forty - three children are The idea, said Dr. Jerome H. users, duplicate registration methadone users in Washington, currently although its optimum enrollment is considered to enrolled in the program. Jaffe, is to prevent addicts from would be prevented. and with those in Baltimore, be 550. MacDonald, on the other hand, is selling the heroin substitute on Jaffe emphasized that a key Jaffe said. the streets by consideration is keeping any Jaffe, director of the Special registering for methadone control programs in methadone file separate from Action Office for Drug Abuse, different clinics. ''When operational system. nationwide, the system will be any FBI or police identification That's why, Jaffe said, said his office will make available federal funds for any drug clinic which wants to try WINTER able to ensure that no patient is fingerprints could never be used. out the idea. receiving methadone from more than one clinic," Jaffe told a Exhausted news conference. Tltr latest CLEARANCE Here's how it would work: A in hair styling, metal sculpture near Kreige Art Center is constructed heroin addict registering at one of old mufflers. Resembling a student after a long day of the 300 methadone clinics u i^s ami hair S to talk rops and adds, the figure is a little bent out of shape. around the country would have pirri' styling, State News photo by Milton Horst a picture of his right foot taken bership stylist . . . Veterans Asa 30 tonight _ C.LA 11)1.4 WKLLSl egion hall (i* A posi IMPERIAL ot3y '/2 off • . n of the di drive, and TG The meetinj smoker. All Capital/Capsules '( I J 0 > >i\ M louse of Beauty nvited to winter months. Much of the distribution program that would 0JECT TO EXTEND testing will be conducted in eliminate nearly all property On FAMOUS reat lakes shipping the winter season Michigan waters during a taxes for school operation costs. four-year period starting this "The present system of MSU ASIAN STUDIES CENTER SOL received Gov. Mllliken's Bent. year. "The financing results in inadequate and unequal education for a vast is offering - $6.5 million seaway tests will be tration project which watched closely for indications number of Michigan children," pen the St. Lawrence of new job opportunities," the governor said. "South Asia and US Foreign Policy" to 12-montli shipping Milliken said. Milliken said that either he or * * * Lt. Gov. James H. Brickley series of 8 seminars presented to the general LABEL great potential for a al expansion," the TWO MORE SESSIONS IN A would conduct the hearings. public as an educational service. No said. series of public meetings on will range from using educational financing have been registration or enrollment fees. devices to manning scheduled for early this year COMPACT ce-breaking vessels to Gov. Milliken said Tuesday. e methods of keeping The sessions are being held to REFRIGERATOR THURSDAY EVENINGS. 7:30 9:30 pm SPORTSWEAR - lanes open during the explain the governor's proposal for revised educational RENTALS beginning JANUARY 13 a financing and school aid United Rent All 351-5652 e Corps - I through MARCH 2. of lecture AN. 20 ROOM 10(i aker from the Federal of Cameroon, West WOOL and HUGE will speak at 7 p.m. id Thursday about the Corps and Vista. The CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS PANTS SELECTION OF JEANS oday will be in the West II Lounge and At a time when American understanding of Thursday Vilson Hall Lounge, Asia is more imperative than ever, this is a peaker, Samuel M.A. being sponsored by public service program dealing with the Corps, Vista. complex relationships involving the USA, SWEATERS eace USSR, China, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. For additional information, phone 353-1680. COLORS and STYLES HOLIDAY HAIR SALE TENDED BY OVER 300 to POPULAR DRESSES CHOOSE FROM REQUEST" IGLETS EVERY ONE NOW SKIRTS REDUCED $6.95 4SCADES to 12" „ NOW ALMOST °wn Reg. $15.95 $9.95 SAVE COATS '/2 OFF UP a|cony Beauty Sajor^ TO •Fashionable Hair Styling at Lower Prices 'Complete Wiggery Service • OPEN EVENINGS OFFER EXPIRES JANUARY 29, 1972 The Smart Stork Every Need of the ..Itf191 Shop '-ImsleVs203 E. GRAND RIVER "Lath- in- Wa i tin# " (Across the street from 372-8766 - W. Saginaw; the student union) 393-8568 - S. Pannyslvania; 349-3400 - W. Grand River, Okemos IV4-9607 OPEN MON., THURS. & FRI. TIL 9 P.M. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, JanUilary h| SPORTS Rick Gosselin Cagers dump Wisconsin, 83-76 By CRAIG REMSBURG Big Ten game in two starts as its record for the season fell to 8 - The shooting percentages fell behind quickly after the Two free throws by Gary A foul shot by filler and a Denny McLain not pretty much told the story, opening tip-off. Two baskets three - point play y State News Sports Writer 4. Hitting on only 14 of 43 shots each by Leon Howard and Gary anakas, Ganakas, a jumper by A1 Smith and a driving lay - up by put the cagers just one point a Tiger necessity "It was a pressure game and it from the floor in the first half, Watson put Wisconsin into an Robinson closed the gap to 24 - behind, 32 • 31. Both teams It was home, sweet home for, was a victory for the bench for the Spartans turned the tables early 8 - 0 lead. Robinson traded baskets just before the the MSU basketball team US)" finally 23 wlth 7:45 left in the half. But half to go into the intermission Spartan Coach Gus Ganakas after the intermission to connect connected on a turnaround the Badgers scored eight straight Tuesday night, and nearly all of "Ron Gutowski, A1 Smith at a 57 per cent clip. At the free jumper to get the MSU caeers at 35 - 33, with Wisconsin 1 A* the 8,009 spectators at the game and points while the Spartans could Lewis an played well throw line, MSU made 17 of 27. the board couldn't be happier. only put in a shot by Kilgore, to enjoying the edge, aa an j and we n'.eased with were pleased w„ were with the the make it So who needs Denny McLain back? „ Mike Robinson, with 26 ... As cold shooting - wise as the total effort of everyone." Rumors (and that's about all they can be points, led the Spartans to an 83 weather outside, the Spartans labeled! k, Wisconsin held the MSU cagers electrical Texas Ranger right handed hurler comin»7L Detroit after a year in exile with Washington. Rut • ■ IU ■ III MM . Mill, Ml .111 Ml" ^ CheCk f°r 25 minUteS Unti> FOR BIG 10 TITLE McLaB More Sports Breslin converted two free be coming back as the American League's superior H*1 on page 11 throws to put the Spartans in pitching artist. He will be coming back as the circuit's i i i iiii front for the first time, 43 - 41, unproud possessor of a 10-22 record that not only demon Fleldhouse. Bill Kilgore scored 18 and Brian Breslin added 13 with 15 minutes left. 'Hie cagers never that. gave up their lead after Wrestlers favo how bad the transposed Washington Senators are, much McLain has lost in both control and poise win season of 1969. hut^ since hkJ 31 points to the MSU effort. Leon Three straight two - pointers have finished fourth, • fourth, just has to be a combination of TTie Tigers don't need McLain, though a lot of Howard had 25 to pace the By GARYSCHARRER Tiger fan,® losers. jjy Breslin vaulted the Spartans State News Sports Writer second and third last year in the fac ors that shou,d not haPPen like to believe that the Tigers are desperate for his ser^I The win evened the Spartans' into a 63 - 55 advantage and it NCAA meet. again. flamboyant McLain, who was voted the greatest right Detroit Tiger history only a few years back, will h! Big Ten record at 1 - 1 and appeared the game was out of The season long awaited wrestling for Spartan mat Based on potential, this year's Spartan squad could be one of ™ 'e s, "bev^ll* a"£1 they will prove prove 'it.t games again. In all probability he won't even nev» come cloal increased their overall mark to 7 reach for the Badgers. But' my doubts he can ever win 20 again. ■ - 4. Wisconsin dropped their first Wisconsin connected on six fast supporters begins this weekend the Ijest ever. Big Ten mdiv|dual ^ ^ statement has points to close the gap to 63 - 61 with MSU s home opening titlists in Greg Johnson, Tom „ nntimkm surrounding | Without a doubt tl meets. MSU has been on the road Milkovich, Gerald Malacek, Dave need another TONIGHT! with just over six minutes left. in previous matches this season comine from Penineer it starting ^ MOOSUSKI at the GABLES Three buckets by Kilgore but tangle with Southern Illinois Ciolek and Ben Lewis return from the ten weight divisions. will _ , eventually prove significant. 4 But how practical ! for Detroit to deal wotjjfl settled the issue, however, and Not only was Peninger an h 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. Door Prizes - the cagers were never threatened Friday night and Ohio Runners-up John Abajace and 1 services? Is it worth ar Ski Flicks HAPPY HOUR PRICES! With membership and again. Smith hit a shot at the University Salturday evening in Mike Ellis are back and third - " occ in tho J in the team? If Mlf| ID (Memberships still being final buzzer to make it an 83 ■ the first of nine consecutive home meets. place winners Lon Hicks, Rick Radman and Bruce Zindel J"t ^e ^as ranks coaching r"®t as well. "l His Hi! kj McLain comes back, hef accepted) 76 final. are ^ have to take a back J The nationally ranked listed on the Spartan squad. ^pY^r'Mn I Mickey Lolich, something Spartans have an attractive and Although MSU has already ^'estl>>!« 1962, College Coach of the Yiear in s never done before in hislif murderous schedule in been plagued by injuries in the of the Wrestling^ Coach Year" in 1967, and McLain and Lolich ti preparation for the Big Ten and early season, several "Amateur Man of the Year" in would both spring up a® GRADY PENINGER national tournaments. Annual underclassmen have stepped in 1967. World War II and thtl powerhouses Oklahoma State and bolstered team depth. . . season being fought i|l It's about time! and Oklahome visit the Spartan Freshmen Pat Milkovich and [n 1970 lnt° the Peninger was inducted the Wrestling Coaches Hall again. f hatHom-rtnnrlc battlegrounds Hiic winfur this winter anrl and fire® 7.inriel have hrnkpn into Greg Zindel have broken into into And the old standby! A calendar of Aldienuar OI menmen state »val U-M, with a highly the starting lineup and juniors °J Fame by the Helms Athletic "If anyone can handle hi J reguarded outfit) will Balso competing In their first year, Foundation for his outstanding Martin can," pops for women. challenge the Spartan strength in Conrad Calander (134) and Mark contributions to the sport. u, realistic is it to shove tbtfl Start the New Year with the moct «n. 8 duaI meet. Malley (150), have looked In most parts of the country situation on Martin? Hi. usual calendar you've ever seen. The 1972 Calendar of Men for Women. A Grady Peninger has been the impressive at times. wresJting is not the big spectator did Martin handle the n| Spartan head coach for nine MSU did get shocked by being attraction that basketball is, but Tiger badboy Willie H p'lmw mpn"0' Pornogfaphic study of years Together with assistant defeated at Iowa in a dual meet wrestling has made great strides, year? Horton wouldirtB The Quality Is "This is a large hanging calendar (13" x Coach Doug Blubaugh, Peninger 19"), 13 pages (including cover). It's the, has built MSU into the dominant first of its kind and will surely become a last week and finishing second, 11 points behind the country's ®^fc,ally at. MS.U' .Th*.re Wl11 be ^eral meets of standing room DFNNY McLAIN pose for the offltiril picture. Ted Williams, team in conference mat action. No. 1 ranked team Iowa State in only at th.e ,sP°rts Arena this calm and poised individual that he is, was COhenC't°it abom'time *"°n-™s supposed to bel became objects The Spartans have won six the Midlands tourney last 'j MRANTIH men handle McLain. He couldn't. Bob Short couldn't. for hanging? consecutive Big Ten titles, and in month, but neither setbacks sP°rt and good for the Spartan And Jim Campbell, after all the grief he went ButMaijP Special student price $2.50. Nationally 1967 MSU became the first throud Big cause much concern to Peninger. wrestlers, who deserve better McLain's suspension and individual privileges, is a. .vAri. .ai A J??: Ten team to win the national Peninger pointed out that in fate than the support given to await with open arms the return of McLain? If suppj Calendar, P.O. Box 827 title. Since then the Spartans 1967, when the Spartans won 80,11(1 of the °tner teams in the you tu you're only kidding yourself. Farmingdale, N.Y. 11735 the national title, Iowa State conference, Detroit is a sports town that has never been able to hi Sizzlin' Please rush—calendars at $2.50 ea. (plus 50 cents postage and handling). Enclosed is my check money order for Alpha Tau Omega beat MSU by 27 points Midlands title. in the *A colle8e wrestler has personal sacrifice than any more other controversial athletes. And when the athlete is on his] tour of duty through the Motor City, he just doesn't panoT We're as "Maybe that's a good omen," athlete," Peninger said. Steak Dinner $1.79 different as Blubaugh said. "Wrestling teaches more "Maybe the smoke signals are self-discipline than any other Look at the Pistons and Reggie Harding. Detroit welcon 7-foot bundle of troubles back to Cobo Arena and he could lead the Pistons to the promised playoff land. Hefi coming back," Peninger added. sPort- It's very difficult to hold you are. "By losing to Iowa we y°ur weight down. And first time around and did worse in his comeback. Look at the Red Wings and Howie probably lost our second ranking wrestlers are the only athletes Young. The Wings ns noncitizens •» are just beginning to become politically involved and concerned. He said the cause of this is now * - -1—"— '**" 'Australian society is very masculine and male-dominated," Mason said. "Women are still M««nn Mason oooa sees mmtf" many U.S. that disappoint him. t things rum I in fh the revolutionary very « .Unt prevalent personal dimension where people are still> Australia is not the giant put before businesses and! bicycle on ,v. the „:a sidewalk.11. nnnnrtunii.*int opportunist can offer only a r indefinitely without chaining it good standard of living, fewer to a wall." pressures and higher taxes to the living in the United government's the subservient and second-class pressure cooker that the U.S. economic development. Contrary to what average citizen, he added. In lor more than three years suppressive attitude and the fact that most citizens." He indicated Is," he said. "Aussies are not; "We're still a relatively simple many Americans think, there is no sPite of this, he pointed out, the Italian is going home this differences between male and caught up in the great chase as developing society," Mason said.': ■EBB with a different view of of the students are of an aristocratic business class and female wages for the same job and said Australian women are Americans are. City life is muchi "Australia has much less crime. : A murder still rates front "gold in the streets" and few Australian government is still fortunes to be made in Australia, luring skilled and semi-skilled have little to complain about. page Mason said. Australia is immigrants by paying half o( in, 30, Abbot Hall Much of this is changing with not allowed in bars unless slower in Australia and there is a news and a person can leave his developing and full of their fares. Ssrrq: be escorted. fier labeled) education becoming more On the personal side, however, coming '\jm available to all classes, he said. on- Hut MclJI bsssss! lot about Australia. "The new youth movement is beginning to point out a number of Mason said he prefers the Australian sexual roles. He believes in the male and female AFTER BANK ROBBERY who has received things for us," Mason said. as distinct individuals but he said 'from University of "Many of our hypocrisies, are he also thinks there exists a Police look for gunman •"«. "utaiJ ia in Canada and from being brought out. Aussies "female essence" which the P°ise since fcl State University, Is complain about the rugby team American society blurs. of apartheid South Africa , for a doctorate at MSU. l4U£ Mason further explained that playing in Melbourne, then they ralian people are not as male friendships in Australia are go and suppress the true native aware of self-conscious generally strong. He pointed out Michigan State Police continued their When last seen, the assailant wore an 11 a.m., Thursday, at the Australians, the black aborigines. iericans," Mason said. "Australians are also that most males have one good search Tuesday for a gunman wanted in Afro wig, gold earrings, a long, tweed coat, Gorsline-Runciman Funeral Home of ,f our national problems MASON starting buddy with whom they become connection with the robbery of the First with a brown collar and carried a black Williamston. The Rev. Harold to resent |s blindness to social a consequence of this Australia foreign imperialism very close friends. In referring to National Bank of East Lansing's north purse. Kirchenbauer of the First United does not have the taking wealth out of their what he called "Mateship ethic," branch and the murder of the bank's Initial reports indicated the robber fled Methodist Church of Williamston will revolutionary Sained that Australians social occurrences the United country," Mason said. "We are becoming more aware of our Mason seemed upset that much branch manager, Stanley Irish, of from the scene in a green Mustang, but preside during the open service. have the time nor the States has. own of the Western world thinks it is Williamston killed in the holdup. officers are now searching for a 1966 Ford Irish is survived by his wife, Da A. Irish nce for awareness There are many ways Australia poverty, like the U.S. is," a facade for Australian Fhirlane 500 with extensive damage to the of Williamston; two daughters, Ms. Thomas he added. Still at large is a black male, e adult commitments is socially behind the United homosexuality. He explained approximately 35 front end. Poole, of Madison Heights and Joan Irish As another example of years old and about 5'7" irly in their lives, States, according to Mason. As difference between Australia and that friendships of this type tall, as described by the elderly woman of Ypsilanti; one son, Dean Irish of itralians are a very an example he cited the fact that came about when Australia was Officers indicated Tuesday another Owosso; and six grandchildren. Also the U.S., Mason referred to the teller present during the robbery. The man linded people, Mason the student developing and were based on automobile and more than one person - youth movement is — who disguised himself in women's surviving Irish are two sisters and one nd they want their group liberating of the American the belief that two men against might be involved in the hodlup. Police had brother, all living in Ohio. just beginning in Australia in the same so they have because students there female. Most American women the environment are stronger clothing according to police — escaped first speculated the man was operating Flowers can be sent to 205 E. have would not fit into Australian with about $15,000 according to FBI ed themselves from than one. alone. always been viewed as estimates. Middlestreet, the Williamston brand of the He explained that as society, he said. Funeral services for Irish will be held at funeral home. IOLICE BRIEF 9. But 1 alwiql Afta^ftOED'S I from the BUS pass was reception desk (Tigers could biT nth Wonders Hall. Police lie bus pass was number tSOA^ | 1 cukunju) UAj : .Vau^JU— ^0 rfjtxi^iVUJLA— 10 Wednesday, January ]2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan '972 1 Get It i U.S. air defense called weak f U.S. air defenses virtually „ WASHINGTON (AP) - Calling flown around. But the Jt, Pentagon called the _ The Russian ■ built plane lumbered into the U.S. Cuban west where . bomber Soviet missile a Soviet attack missile or would come or afraid there is some thinking that the bomber threat is too adequate southern would cost $70 million to tiZI small In comparison to the million. w useless, a House subcommittee possibility of an enemy attack defense zone at 250 miles an from, according to closed - door Jk Out nuclear missile threat to warrant The report said the said Tuesday an enemy attack from the south extremely hour without being spotted by testimony by Gen. Seth J. new defense system could come through a 1,500 - remote and said there is no way the U.S. defense system until the McKee, commander of the the cost of defense. could?! mile gap between Florida and the Soviets could launch a pilot radioed for landing North Air Defense Command. Hebert's subcommittee urged completed by the mid lovl California without advance bomber attack without the^U.S. instructions, the report said, But McKee said at one point Secretary of Defense Melvin R. This would consist Airborne Warning and 0f ilI warning. knowing about it. even though Havana had filed a chances for radar detection of an Laird to speed up development (w 1 It released testimony by the Pentagon spokesman Jerry W. enemy bomber at 500 feet of a new three • part air defense System. AWACS, the over-t?l flight plan into Miami nearly horizon radar is would be practically nil because system - and meanwhile to I the airdefense system's commanding Fried heim acknowledged, four hours earlier. nearly at roadv f effective coverage starts at 2,000 install a sophisticated new over - operation. ' general that there is no however, that some U.S. border "Since our potential enemies the - horizon radar to protect the antibomber radar around the sections are not under 24 - hour know of the gaping holes in our Doctors report nation's entire perimeter "that radar protection - citing a lapse air defenses," Chairman F. "I would say we do not have U.S. southern border. cannot be either underflown or between phasedown of the Edward Hebert, D-La., said "I an antibomber system that It quoted a defense contractor present air defense system and think it is high time that the cannot be either underflown or as saying one of the radar units improvement development of a flown around," McKee said. could be installed in six months Present air new one. defenses were American people were let in on this open secret." McKee said he is personally for $5.7 million. McKee said an in King's condition! Remember 1960 Prices? assailed by the House Armed Services investigating "They should know, for example," the New Orleans COPENHAGEN, (AP) —Doctors Denial subcommittee in a report on the said, "that there is reportjl [Well they're back congressman continued improvement at The VARSITY!!; Cuban airliner that landed at New Orleans International a 1,500 - mile open stretch from Florida to California virtually Legislative action Sunday in the condition of Km « T" a * a m m COUPON - - - - Airport last Oct. 26 with 21 devoid of military surveillance." FYederik IX, who suffere4|| Cubans bound for a sugar U.S. bomber defenses are (Continued from page heart attack last Monday. U one) A medical bulletin fal $1.70 on|y $2.50 conference. aimed against the north, east and 110 representatives, and many tangible returns for their votes. Thus far, the bipartisan harmony that must prevail If the Copenhagen's Municipal Hospital said no further bniuj Delivers a 1 item Delivers 1 item politicians will be anxious to a ARTS show their constituents some controversial legislation facing on the 72-year-old moni^f 1 2" Medium KING 16" the embattled lawmakers is to be condition are planned. VARSITY PIZZA BILLBOARD passed, has not been evident. VARSITY PIZZA Priest 25c For each additional item 25c For each additional item Bitterness still lingers between such party leaders as Rep. ejects The LECTURE-CONCERT SERIES Jan. 12 & Jan. 13 only. Jan. 12 & 13 Only Marvin R. Stempien, D-Livonia. miniskirters La WITH THIS COUPON COUPON WITH THIS COUPON -----COUPON invites you to watch "ARTS BILLBOARD" Primary cost House majority leader, and Sen. Robert VanderLian, R-Kentwood, Senate majority 60 SAN MARTI NO, Italy (Afy-JlB (Continued from page one) - year - old priest interrupts Ken Beachler, host leader, over the failure to reach his Sunday Mass because "The cost of a primary is hard From A 30 minute preview of performing arts to estimate since the advent of consensus billboard bill and on the highway congressional objects to girls we»riJ miniskirts in church in this sir 18 year - old voting," she said. - activities in the Greater Lansing community, reapportionment. town near Rome. "With the great rise in student Future dissension also looms Members of the congr January March, 1972 voting, we will have to hire more VARSITY — FAST TONIGHT, January 12 at 7:00 P.M. people and obtain more voting over Gov. Mllliken's porposed Presidential primary and the said the Rev. Alceste Giusti Id, the altar half way through A machines, so the cost could run Democratic scheme of going service to check whether 11(1 VREE Sunday, January 16 at 2:30 P.M. (Repeat) somewhat higher than $3,000." Ms. Colizzi said no additional through another round of year ■ old girl was wearing a ml i HOT 1227 E. Grand River Channel 10 items would be placed on a primary election ballot since the precinct delegate elections. under her coat. She was. * DELIVER 332-6517 major issues facing East Lansing voters were resolved in the November 1971 election. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ LAST FOUR DAYS! NOW! Open 12:45 Feature , . 1:00 -3:05 ( / 5 ^ 5:15-7:25 BcAL FILM GROUP PRESENTS FOR PERSONS OVER 18 YEARS OF 9:30 AGE- FEIiUDI MENUIIIN /VIOLINIST UJflRR€n B€flTTV NEW LOCATION: 106B Wells G0LDI6 HflUJn is probably the most widely known American musical artist. His fame in every part of the civilized world has made his name famous even to those who have little or no W*W*W* interest in music. That his sister, Hephzibah is a brilliant pianist is not so widely known. Nevertheless, she has performed many times in recital with her brother. The warm rapport which these two artists enjoy will long be remembered by all who receive them. — Program — Man in BRAHMS Sonata No. 2 in A., Op 100 Everyone has heard the story of the little boy who cried wolf, until no one BACH Unaccompanied Violin Partita Wttdernessi would Relieve him when there really WAS one. Well, the Beal Film Group rf^Today at 6:15 and 8:15 C No. 2 in D minor filTwl-Llte Hour, Adults 90c, J knows that many persons feel that way about ADULT FILMS. Often, the BEETHOVEN Sonata No. 7 in C minor 5:45-6:15 1 audience has been promised everything - only to be given nothig. YEHUDI and HEPHZIBAH MENUHIN EESEEF THURSDAY JANUARY 20 8:15 P.M. UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM brtvetadby RICHARD BROOHS Tickets at the Union MSU Students $1.00 Distributed by COLUMBIA PICTURES Technicolor ® 355-3361 355-6686 Naxt - "THE TOUCH" PRESENTS HARLOT Cinema is the new language of our time, the youngest and most vital of the arts. One of its most exciting expressions is to be found in the short film. Distinguished directors such as Goddard, Polanski, Lester, and Truffant developed their individual styles In the short film. Brilliant young talents, many as'yet unknown in this country, have created personal works of The film with word of mouth dazzling virtuosity and imagination. is a complete departure from anything we have ever shown previously. HARLOT has broken record? in New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles; over 200,000 people have seen the film - many have come twice. HARLOT is the film that makes all other adult films immediately passe. HARLOT is the film to which all others will be compared in the future. It is the ULTIMATE adult film. New CINE HARLOT A hard act to follow PROGRAM 1 (this week) and PROGRAM 2 (next week) TOGETHER HAVE WON THE FOLLOWING PRIZES (among others) (InternetTonetin niHrn! GoldenAi.ocletlon) Film ~Critics' Ducat; Venice Film - i»t Festival - Silver Lion of St. Mark; FIPRESCI Prize; Oberhausen Festival of the Short Film'- Prize; Pr * Simon Debreullh (Mannheim) - Beit Short Film of the Rrst "The motion picture thai asK» the question, Who polices the police?' Balboa Leipzig Festivals; San Francisco Film Festival - Year1. Festivals; Mar del PlJtl' The minimum admission was set by the distributor at $2.00. The distributor Golden Gate Award lnte,„! GIAN MARIA VOLONTE FLORINDA BOlKAN felt that a $2.00 admission would discourage those who were merely curious Short Flfm'- ^ompet',loni lnte'natlon»' ^"ration of Cine Clubs Prize; Tours Festival of the ■ — those who hadn't seen an erotic film before and wondered what they were SZ IT, Cannes Film = Festival - " Official' LOnd°n FMm Fe'tlVal Se,#c,,on'N,w York Film Festival Selections; French Entry; Official Belgian Entry; Annecy Festival of the INVESTIGATION OF A CITIZEN Animated Film - Special Jury Prize; Bergamo Festival of like. After viewing the film ourselves, the Beal Film Group agrees - Science Fiction Films - Grand Prize; Prix JEAN VIGO - of t^e Short Film; Milan — 1st Prize of International Technical Films on Art - Diploma; Trieste Festival of French Film Critics' Award; Cracow Festival above suspirion HARLOT IS NOT FOR BEGINNERS. (The theatrical price was $5). Industry of the Cinema- Melbourne Screenplay by UQO PlRRO and EUO PETRI Film Festival — 1st Prize. Produced by DANIElE SENATORE lor VERA FILMS • TECHNICOLOR Those desiring admission to this film must sign the following statement: [R]-^sr= •'6 a) I am 18 yrs of age (or older), b) I am aware «f the nature/content of this Program 1 Features: film and came of my own free will (not coerced in any manner to attend), Francious Truffant's Les Mistons ACADEMY AWARD WINNER \ c) I believe that the state should not interfere in the private behavior of Richard Lester's The Running, Jumping, and adults which does not adversly effect others. Roman Polanski's The Fat and the Lean Standing Still Film BEST and 6 other extraordinary film« FOREIGN FILM HARLOT IS RATED X Tonight in Brody Southwest - INCREDIBLY X This Outstanding Motion Picture Program plays at 7:30 & 9:30 Dining Hall You must be 18 yrs of age and able to prove it. All persons must have IP - TONIGHT 7,9:15 those without will not b« admitted. NO EXCEPTIONS will be made. 104 B Wells Admission $1. NO ID Judith Crist — Even Santa Claus had come through, Just about 49 weeks Students, faculty, and staff only SHOWTIMES: 7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45 Culled from International festivals, these films, offered as New early. Cinema, are wonderfully varied — animations, documentaries, fantasies, cinema verlte, first efforts, major works, minor masterpieces, I.D.'s required $1.00 admission experiments. 106 B WELLS . . .they've been selected with Intelligence and taste to offer a stimulating — and frequently exciting and on occasion thrilling — sampling of the creative work being done In film, N.Y. Herald Tribune Lhigun State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, January 12, 1972 SPORTS leer Colder isn't flashy but is steady goal scorer By CRAIG REMSBURG scholarship offered to him by proposed new ice arena State News Sports Writer MSU. (scheduled to be ready during "I knew Zip was already going the 1973 - 74 season) and to to school here at MSU and Bob score an overtime goal. Hockey Coach A mo Bessone Boyd was going to attend State As for the fortunes of the icers was putting on his hat and coat too, so I decided to come here as during the remainder of the in the near - empty MSU locker well," he commented. season, Calder see a big move * room following the icers' 4 - 1 "Boyd lives on the same street upward — IF. £ win over North Dakota Saturday as I do at home and Zip lives "If we take these two coming & night. about a block away so we know games with Notre Dame, well be "We haven't seen a better each other real well." in real pood shape," he said. k game in years here," he said, Not known for his skating As long as Calder patrols the « between puffs on his cigar. "And skill, Calder is quick to admit right side, Spartan opponents $ Goal l Calder was outstanding not only that he will not flash by too will surely feel his presence. * tonight but last night too. He many opposing players. In fact, * |U right winger Mark Calder leads the Spartan hockey team in goals' this season with 15. has been our steadiest player all his lack of speed may be the o has teamed with all-American Don Thompson on a line for the past two seasons, is season." greatest obstacle in his desire to f Lsophomore. The Spartan mentor was play pro hockey. State News photo by Jonathan Kaufmann referring to Mark Calder. who to "If I had about eight more :: date is the leading goal socrer for steps over everybody else I the MSU team. In 18 games this might have a chance in the * season, the personable right U-M aide winger has scored 15 goals, 10 of Pfo's," he laughed. "I've got no great speed and I really don't if them coming in 14 WCHA like to skate. I do the best I can contests. though." L THE WILDERNESS'. . quits post Calder, in fact, only needs two more tallies to better his entire goal output of last season. The on In an his effort to work not skating but on his only Left for shooting as well, Calder goes out sophomore insists, however, that on the ice to practice with the dead a on lonely river bank, for AD job he is not doing anything different this year than last. junior varsity every day. This is in additon to a two - hour all he had "I quess the bounces are going workout with the varsity that to do was ANN ARBOR, Mich. (UPI) - right for me this year," he immediately follows. hobble across Dave Strack, 48, associate explained. "But one year of At the beginning of the 600 miles of athletic director for the experience helps a lot as does current season, Calder set a frozen University of Michigan, resigned playing with Zip (center Don frontier and Tuesday to take a position as Thompson) another season. I personal goal — that of scoring kill the only 25 goals this year. He may just athletic director for the who had usually know what Zippy is make it, although some of his man University of Arizona in Tucson. going to do now before he does teammates ever befriended Strack, a 1946 graduate of it." are kidding him him about the manner in which he is Michigan, joined the university's athletic staff in 1960 as a Thompson and Calder both scoring them. attended Thistletown High basketball coach. His teams won "They put a sign on my locker School in Toronto, Ont., and that says 'garbage goals'," he three straight big ten titles in this is one of the reason Calder chuckled, "but goals are goals no •. technicolor ® • horn warn© bios ,c. 1964, 1965, and 1966. decided to take the hockey matter how you get them." The physical education major has two big ambitions before he hands in his no. 16, and he has a good chance of attaining them both. Calder wants to play in the OPEN at NOW . . At 1:30-3:30 5:25-7:25 r mm 9:30 p.m. I J g Detective Harry Callahan. He doesn't break murder cases. He smashes them. IORTHSIDE NOW! IIVE-IN THEATRE i North on US-27.. 482-7409 NOW! u EXCLUSIVE FIRST RUN (X) FILMFARE (3) X HITS ADULTS 8NLY TOsTvr NOW - THRU - SUN. CUNT YOU MUST BE 18 ID'S REQUIRED ait Lansing On M-43 (3) X fllliS EASTWOOD NOTE-NO ONE UNDER 18 ADMITTED " Camera Oscura No ID's necessary SPECIAL GUARD WILL SUPERVISE ADMS. DIRTY presents ID'S REQUIRED HARRY TONIGHT BEWARE A THE FEMALE PROGRAM INFORMATION M2 3905 FABULOUS OF THE ICHIGAN DOUBLE Theatre • Lansinq FEATURE Cat Ballou at 7 and 10:15 HULLABALLOU! Born Free shown at Shown in 8:30 100 only Engineering TECHNICOLOR CINEMASCOK starts FRIDAY: "It's a Joy . . . the Jokes and gags are nonstop!" L.A. Times TOBACCO iSSNG' Booor PE DESERT SUN! Starring COLOR DIXIE DONOVAN • JOHNNY ROCCO ll°R^N ; BARBARA MILLS with Debbie Osborne • Wendy Winters Produced and Directed by BUCKALEW CawB$^ K^gNATTONA^lcnw A BOXOFFICt INUHNA1IONAI PICTURt 2nd at 9:13 A campsite for sore eyes. _ EXTRA ADDED X* FILMFARE PUSSYCAT PARADISE" at 10:48 Cnnmr second feature — color COME AS LATE AS 9:13 AND on "Glowing with bef»"ty." .s" ALL (3) FILMS COMPLETE EXTRA ADDED 3RD FEATURE "NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD" • Camping Time Magazine ELECTRIC IN-CAR HEATERS Shown 3rd at 10:30 ##############J ® In COLO* jl 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Januar STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED 355-8255 Get Cash Buyers For a Small Investment. Place a Classified Ad Today! FRANKLY SPEAKING r Phil frank For Rent For Sale GET Action WITH A not The State permit News does racial Employment GIBSON /orSojj ES-33;;:-| or WantAd WSTM religious in its discrimination advertising NORTHWIND STABLES needs Bartender, waiters and waitresses. Apply in person, NORTHWIND Apartments PIONEER 8 track stereo recorder. New 8 track stereo tapes $2.99. Garrard SI-95 stereo changer. Sunburst finish accep, first 355-6360.2-1- i rerT l P ONE GlRL needed immediately for columns. The State Ampex Micro 54 stereo cassette • AUTOMOTI STABLES RESTAURANT four man furnished. January rent News will deck. Pioneer TX-700 stereo ZOOM Scooters & Cycles not accept LOUNGE. Ask for Fred, paid. Close to campus. 351-0026. LENS SnhJ tuner. Sansui 1000A AM/FM 95-230mm. i^TJ Auto Parts & Service advertising which 351-1200. 2-1-12 B-1-1-12 stereo receiver. Nikon FTn with $120. discriminates against WestinghouuTa Aviation 135 mm and 50 mm lens. USED ► religion, race, sex, color or NURSES, R.N. ROSELAWN MANOR SKILLED - L.P.N. ONE GIRL needed immediately for STEREO, amps, tuners, receivers, used, best 0f(er rjfl EMPLOYMENT evenings. 2 I-13 national origin. four man. Furnished. January rent ► NURSING HOME, 707 Armstrong changers, tape recorders, decks, FOR RENT paid. Haslett Arms. 351-1185. SUNN speakers, records, tapes. Color TV Apartments Rd. has positions available. 7-3 shift and 3:30 11:30 shift, full or - sets, Police band radios, SOLAR I s including two 12 il* Houses part time. Excellent salaries and typewriters, cameras and West Avalon t benefits. Apply in person or call, equipment. Tapestries skiias and $190. Fender f Rooms Automotive Mrs. Houses boots. WILCOX SECONDHAND Swan, 393-5680, Personnel. ► FOR SALE 5-1-14 STORE, 509 East Michigan 8 to Animals MUSTANG 1968 Cobra-Jet, 4 TWO BEDROOM house, close to - 5:30 P.M., Monday - Saturday. speed, disc brakes, 21,000 actual campus on Mifflin Street $180 / Mobile Homes miles, must sell. Call 332-5208. TELEPHONE SOLICITORS, month. Plus utilities. 489-7994. 485 4391. BankAmericard, Master RUG. BLUE tweed 501 nylon. 9',i,~L 'Lost & Found 5-1-13 experience preferred. Part time, 9 5-1-18 Charge, Layaways, terms, trades. 1 year. $30. GoodcJJ ► PERSONAL a.m. - 1 p.m. or 5-9 p.m. $2 / hour. Apply Room 32, 210 337-259^ PONTIAC, 1964, V-8, radio, EAST LANSING. Lake Lansing Road ► PEANUTS PERSONAL winterized, tuned, new muffler, Abbott. 3-1-14 MOVING SALEI 1971 COMPONENT 2 area. Large, three bedroom. REAL ESTATE battery and shocks. Must sell. DISHWASHER. 6 days, 10:30 a.m. - Appliances and carpeting. 10-50% off <-;•« Pnce. $775. RECREATION $325. 332-1819. 3-1-12 3:30 p.m. Hard work but well 484-2556. Evenings, 372-8814. 5-1-18 20% off on antiques offer.^Call 349-3070 J SERVICE paid. Must be clean and THE QUAINT SHOP PONTIAC 1969 Firebird, 19,000 Typing Service miles, brand new tires, AM/FM dependable! RESTAURANT, downtown JIM'S TIFFANY WANTED: PERSON or persons to 144 E. Ash Mason A BEAUTIFUL Gitmjjl TRANSPORTATION radio, air conditioning. $2100. Lansing. 489-1196 for I'LL aw THIS /MUCHIORteUOSCK— share 3 bedroom duplex, Waverly 676-5361 guitar with deluxe 694-0616 before 2 cas.iT Must sell. Call 339-9268. 5-1-18 , pm J WHEN W COPOUT-raJ REMUY COP OUT! Saginaw area. Call 371-2759. and WANTED appointment. 3-1-14 WEDDING GOWN, si;e 10-12. Car 2-1-13 GREAT B U V DEADLINE SUNBEAM ALPINE tape deck. Ladies' new Schwinn 19 65 WORKING WIFE wants student for @FXWKLV5PEAMft /0M/S13/£■ LAJWN6. MM. bicycle, 5 speed. 351-2346. Encyclopedias, like convertible needs help. Best offer. weekly housecleaning. Must have 2 GIRLS $67.50 / month each. - 1 P.M. one class day before 3-1-12 bookcase included 1 Call Gail Kirkendall or leave Utilities paid. Own room. 533 own transportation. Phone 332-5698.3-1-14 publication. message at Shop 351-7726. 5-1-17 339-9357.3-1-14 Spartan, anytime. 351-6028 6-8 FREE PARKING at rear of store, for Cancellations/Corrections convenience. OPTICAL LIBRARY BOOKS used"I 12 noon one class day VEGA, 1971, G, T, Dark green, black ORGANIZATION FUNDRAISING For Rent For Rent your 10c. 2,000 at ] — interior, excellent condition. Cost NEED TWO PEOPLE for room in DISCOUNT. 2615 East Michigan 25c. before publication. opportunity. Chance to meet your - $3100 new, $2495. 677-9851. financial goals with our thing. Call large Spanish house. Shaw at Avenue, 372-7409. C-5-1-14 FLEA M A RKET.l PHONE 355-8255 21'12_ collect, 1-673-2121. 2-1-13 Apartments Apartments Hagadom. $58.00 / month. 351-4684. 4-1-14 _ NEW FENDER Rhodes. $570, new TEAC 347 Student Services VOLKSWAGEN 1968, Sunroof. WANTED: 1 male roommate. (2)a-40105 3 Bldg. TRIM CARPENTER. Part time, EAST LANSING studio apartment. Conga $80. Used Fender Reverb „ RATES 1 5 word minimum Mechanically excellent. MUST experience needed in hanging Meadowbrook Trace. $57.50 Furnished. Utilities included ROOMMATE NEEDED in house heads, auto reverse! SELL TODAY! $825. Call monthly. Own bedroom. Call until June. Own room. Across 250 deck, Pioneer paneling. 355-6851 after 5 p.m. $129. 332-4586 after 5 p.m. SR-J] 351-2164 noon to 5 p.m. 1-1-12 evenings 882-1698. 3-1-12 street from campus. $73.33 per unit. 489-7218. 3114 3-1-14 3-1-13 month. Call 332-4451 between VOLKSWAGEN, BLACK 196^, EAST LANSING or Lansing. One 5-7 p.m. 2-1-12 VOICE OF MUSIC portable stereo, GUILD FRETLESS elm MODELS FOR ADVERTISING excellent condition. Older industry. Experience preferred but in bedroom furnished. Large airy River's Edge good condition, $50. Shag carpet West Fillmore amplify conservative owner. Radio, EAST LANSING. 3 snows. not necessary. Contact Alex at rooms. Beautifully maintained. bedroom 9'x 12', like new, $20. 351-7341. West speaker bottoi $525. Call 372-6422. 1-1-12 Omega 3 Studio, 393-8354 Suitable for faculty, grad student, & Duplex. 1V4 bath, kitchen, dining 3-1-12 Electro Voice S| between 9-5:30 p.m. 5-1-18 business or professional or married room, living room, recreation VOLKSWAGEN 1967. Sunroof. Excellent running condition. couples. Lease. 332-3135 or 882-6549. 0-1-13 Water's Edge room. Daytime 353-7815, nightime 655-3217. 15-1-31 NIKON F, ASAHI - PENTAX with 200mm lens, excellent condition. PERCUSSION: NEED Jazz drummer Good tires. Good body. Call fluent in Jazz - Rock Medium. Call Must sell. Best offer. Call 882-5829 after 5 p.m. 3-1-14 MUDSHARK anytime for ONE GIRL needed for 4 - man APARTMENTS 3 BEDROOM house near campus. 353-7041. 3-1-13 10 SPEED BIKE audition. 484-4704.3-1-14 apartment. Close to campus, nice $150 / month plus damage VOLKSWAGEN FASTBACK 1969. features. Call Joanne 351-2072. deposit. Call after 5 p.m. LEICA M-3 with meter and filters. Radio, luggage rack, new tires. 6-1-14 393-0599. 5-1-17 Also Canon FTb and FD35mm $1300. Call 355-7997. 3-1-13 ACTION "GAZELLE" Mfg-E 4 man apt. lense; 353-4682, 355-8187. 3-1-13 in Holland. REG $11! THREE GIRLS to sublet 3 man. FEMALE PREFERRED. Share 4 PEACE CORPS - All student ads must be January rent paid. Within walking man log house on lake. Own SOFA, in good condition, $90 or Aviation VISTA distance to campus. 351-7688. furnished room. Stone fireplace. best offer. 351-2354 after 5 p.m. prepaid LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight 3-1-12 full) furnished 339-2310. 5-1-17 3-1-13 Now to Feb 15th 10? The State News will be training. All courses are Recruiting on campus for HOLMES Excellent finish. volunteers. January 12-14 in SOUTH near Sparrow EAST LANSING. Three bedroom, Sin) responsible only for the government and VA certified. Placement Bureau. Come in Hospital, two room efficiency, close to campus furnished, washer, dryer. Good USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 gears, Nylon sn first FRANCIS East Michigan. Dishes, books, day's incorrect AVIATION, Airport furnished, utilities included. No neighborhood. stronglight cranks, 2 Road. Call 484-1324. C-1-31 for more information. Spacious yard. coins, antiques, rockers, junk. •nserticn. pets, deposit. $100 / month. VA gum walls Chr 372-5665, extention 250; Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open 351-3969. O 332-4432 393-3068, evenings. 5-1-17 Saturday and Sunday. Furniture fork tips, Weiii Auto Service & Parts HOUSEKEEPER. 3 or more days / ONE FEMALE to share 1 bedroom. and appliances open all week, 10 centerpull brakes. week, willing to clean and iron. EAST LANSING. Spacious family frames only. Fits ma MASON BODY SHOP, 812 EaTt Own transportation. 372-0587 Nicely furnished Call after 6 p.m. Close to MSU NEfD IMMEDIATELY one girl for home. Completely carpeted. Three am C-1-31 - 6 pm. Phone 371-2843. 9" to 6' 3". 28 lbs 351-8336. 2-1-12 Automotive Kalamazoo Street . . . Since 1940. evenings. 3-1-12 - bedrooms, living room, dining Complete auto painting and room, family room, new kitchen. EXPERIENCED BEAUTY operator. WOODMERE APARTMENTS. Fireplace, garage. $300 NEW GOLO high fashion black BUICK, 1966 LeSabre. Transmission collision service.'lV5-0256. C-1-31 MARRIED STUDENTS per SMITH BICYCLE CEI needs work. Otherwise excellent Trowbridge. Spartan Shopping Needed. One man for three man. month. 351-7098. 3-1-13 boots, size 5ViM. Regularly $40, running condition. $300 or best VW-GUARANTEED repair. Center. East Lansing, 332-4522 & FACULTY Furnished, close to campus. Phone for sale, $20. 203 Evergreen, East 5-1-12 GIRL NEEDED 4141 W. 12 Mile Ro offer. Can be seen at 2537 Kate RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at 351-9036. 3-1-13 for house, own Lansing. 4-1-14 Holt or call 694-2455. 4-1-14 Okemos Road. 349-9620. C-1-31 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. room, $43 plus utilities, close to Berkley, Mich 480 WANTED AT once! Responsible GIRL TO sublease 3 - man. $65 / campus, call 487-0542. 3-1-12 RECTILINEAR III SPEAKER married students to work together some with study 1-313-541-8274 month. January rent free. Call system, 3 months old, warranty CHEVROLET cylinder, NOVA 1970, standard, still under six Employment part time. Can you use an extra $100 a month? Call 489-1671, ask 351-8963 after 5 p.m. 2-1-12 MALE TO share 3 man house. Own included, no scratches. 351-1378. Priced to sell I 2-1-12 9—6pm Mon-Sit bedroom. Near campus. Call warranty, excellent condition, $1600. 355-2874. 7-1-17 TYPIST w.p.m. - part time 4-10 p.m. 70 5 nights a week. Apply in for Mark or Alice. 5-1-14 from *145 per mo. GIRL FOR 2 girl. $90 per month. No deposit. 711 Burcham 351-7717. 484-5550, after 3 p.m. 3-1-12 WILTON CAKE suppli Call after 10 p.m. 5-1-18 SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. person. 42754 Albert St. 2-3 p.m. HOLIDAY SITTERS. Needs married CHEVROLET W couples without children to live in UNFURNISHED FARM. ONE mile from MSU, 4 Brand new portables, $49.95. items in stock. MARY 1 964. 4-door, bedroom, furnished, carpeted. $5.00 per month. Large selection SUPPLIES. 11213 Jen ONE GIRL. Winter term only. Cedar excellent mechanical condition. client's homes and care for their children welcome 625-3739, call after 6 p.m. 3-1-12 or reconditioned used machines. West St. Joe, Gr# WE NEED an experienced part time children while clients go on Village. Rent reduced. Call New exhaust system and tires, bartender and cashier to work vacation. Wife must be free during please, no pets 337-2568. 3-1-14 DOWNTOWN LANSING. 2 bedroom Singers, Whites, Necchis, New 627-4888. 5-1 13 $395. 332-1918. 2-1-13 home and from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the "many others", $19.95 day. All employees are insured. furnished, near capitol. Parking, COLE'S BAKER* evenings. Good pay and working ONE MAN needed for 4- to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS CORVAIR Phone 694-9464 KNOB HILL pets, children okay. $150 includes 1965. 2 door, blue with for man DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. SURPLUS BAKERY I white interior. No rust, new tires, conditions. You must have car. 3-1-12 apartment in Burcham Woods. heat. 393-1313. 5-1-13 1115 N. Washington, reduced prices, 1/3 to new exhaust 4113 South Cedar Street. $58.75 / month. 351-1297, 489 6448. system. Engine in retail prices; great eat 393-4848. HOUSE OF ING C-3-1-13 excellent condition. $395. 484 0222. 1-1-12 RESTAURANT. 5-1-12 STUDENT EMPLOYMENT. 12 to 20 hours per week. Automobile APARTMENTS 371-4778. 1-1-12 WATERSEDGE APARTMENT needs Rooms South Waverly, im HAMMOND CHORD organ. Model North of I-496 Ei PART AND full time positions with necessary. Phone 351-5800. 8 - 349-4700 1 man for 4 - man. $75 / month. LADY OVER 20 - furnished, 2 room DODGE DART 1965. 6 5:30. C-1-12 S6. Call Jack,353-5266, weekdays. C-3-1-14 cylinder, subsidiary of Alcoa. Car 351-1966. 1-1-12 arrangement with refrigerator and excellent running condition. OPEN Monday Friday 3-1-13 necessary. Call 351-7319. C-4-1-14 9 a.m. S p.m. room cooking. Close to Union. Radio. $325. Call 337-2706 after • FOR SALE. 1961 W( For Rent $23 / week. 663-8418. 3-1-13 5:30 p.m. 3-1-13 Saturday 12-5 100 USED Vb ium cleaners. Tanks, p.m. canisters and -yights. Guaranteed with Computer Institute for Social LOCATED V4 MILE NORTH ROOMS NEAR campus. Free TV and REFRIGERATORS AND portable one full yeai. $7.88 and up. FORD, 1967 Fairlane 500. 4 door, Science Research. Trainees who OF JOLLY RD. ON parking. All utilities, phone DENNIS DISTRIBUTING V-8 automatic, radio, power dishwashers. ESCHTRUTH qualify for work - study will be OKEMOS ROAD TWO OPENINGS - One male for a 2 included. No lease. $105 / month. steering and power brakes. ELECTRIC CO. 315 S. Bridge, COMPANY, 316 North Cedar SKI RACK. Good < man and 1 female for 4 man. Call 351-5500. 2-1-12 Excellent tires. See at Spartan Grand Ledge. Phone 627-2191. ONE OR 2 girls needed for Opposite City Market. $250. medium sized car 351-4160, 351-3911 respectively. Sunoco. Michigan at Harrison. 0-1-18 apartment in house. Winter- 2-1-13 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE South. 3-1-13 after 5:30 p.m. 351-63« 7-1-14 Spring. Close. Rent negotiable. Near Michigan Avenue. Quiet for BUSINESS MAJORS VISTA and REFRIGERATORS, RENT them at 351-4382. 5 1-17 SUBLEASE 2 person apartment, - student. Near bus line. $15 a A.C. & E. RENTALS. 1 790 Grand FORD GALAXIE 500, 1963. the Peace Corps seeking Business immediate occupancy. 332-0942. week, plus deposit. Phone River, Okemos, Phone 349-2220. 1 OR 2 girls needed to sublease Cedar Reliable transportation, 4 door. Majors to work at home and radio, $125. 353-9437 or abroad. Talk with the Deposit refunded on return Village, spring term. Call B-1-1-12 627-5454. 3-1-13 CROSSWORD S P|S p 489-6846.5-1-18 representative. January 11-14. 0-5-1-18 332-2930. 3-1-13 SINGLE ROOM, male student, linens MSU Placement Bureau. 4-1-14 furnished, near campus. 332-1682 PUZZLE X ECU TERM TV RENTALS - only $23. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, South, MEADOWBROOK ill KARMANN G HI A 1968 Mechanically excellent. Must sell, Red. STUDENT WIFE to help with Monday and Friday (about $8 month). No deposit. Call NEJAC. 337-1300. C-5-1-14 furnished studio, utilities paid, private entrance, $115 plus 3-1-13 ATTRACTIVE ROOM near campus ACROSS 28. Continue ^ TXRI * PI A very reasonable. 482-7510 after 5:30 p.m. 2-1-13 housework mornings. Own transportation. TV deposit. Phone 627 5454 4-1-14 TRACE for graduate or upperclass woman, 1. Flagpole a subscription fi |AR I(B ■tM AND STEREO rental, 5. Female warrior 30. Eskimo 0.ME LIE $1.75 per hour. Call evenings references. 332-1746. 3-1-14 satisfaction guaranteed. Free 11. Queried MAUERICK 1970, _6 351-2323.3-1-13 delivery, service and pick up. No •Low $50 per Apt. 13. Me*, shawl 31. 32. Snaffle Welt UL ;E| LA J' MJ.Sk |I ROOMS WITH kitchen ■ and living deposit. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C River's & Water's Edge 14. Sand flea 34 room Commercial Deposit privileges. Close to campus. NurRses - v,sta Corps seeking nurses p"2 to work at Apartment Furnished. 351-8154. 1-1-12 16. Damask 36 Vow TV RENTALS — Studwits only. Low *3-6-9 Month Leases 1/. Preceded 38 Four in hand A L 1 We mob roadster-tmt t,:. monthly and term rates. Call SINGLE ROOM for girl, 18. Tiny 39. Wing R E3|M wheels, radio, good condition. 3' ',-7900. UNIVERSITY TV * pay by 20. Cancel . . .. Furnished & Unfurnished term, reasonable, near M-78. Call 40. Strange Must sell. $1000. Call Jackson RENTALS. C-1-31 21. Plural ending 351-4490. 1-1-12 42. Bewitch 1-784-6678. 3-1-14 •Olympic Size Pool 22. Mud volcano 44. Record player TEACHERS - PEACE CORPS and compact DOWN 24. Fr. article MUSTANG, 1966 Fastback, four - Vista seeking education majors with math, science, English, refrigerator rentals *Gas Bar BQ Grills ROOMS FOR from campus, very men. Clean, across 25. Demijohn 46, Heavy cord 47. Mixed a salad 1. Twin crysta v speed,good condition, new brakes, united rent-all. 2790 reasonable. East Includes parking, TV, and phone 26. Crow 48. Lemon drinks 2. Clinkers recent tune - up. Phone 349-2504. languages, vocational education, Grand River. 351-5652. Best *Pets Allowed rates WANTED 332-8635.3 1-12 or other areas of concentration. GIRL to sublet spring r- 2 3 4 r~9 £2 ZZ 3-1 14 4-1-14 Talk with a representative January now. term. Cedar Village. No deposit. •Recreation Building — r-[7 * 11-14, MSU Placement Bureau. DESPERATE. Call 351-4051 ask MEN CLEAN, quiet rooms. " 12 ia~' MUSTANG GRANDE Saunas - Ping Pong - - ond.t 1971, 4 1-14 Apartments for Chris. 2-1-12 Billiards - Color TV Cooking. Close to campus i4 VZ> 485-8836, 487-5753. O 15 i6 brakf ' STUDENTS WITH farm backgrounds 1 MAN for deluxe townhouse. Own •Two miles south of n~ needed to work in 55 countries SINGLE MAN to share East Lansing, room. $ 7 5 / month. ROOM FOR rent. Males. •8~ ir 5- — around the world. Talk with a very deluxe two bedroom, four Meadowbrook Trace. 393-8738. MSU off 1-496 West Cooking privileges. Near campus. 5T~ Peace Corps representative furnished townhouse. 3-1-13 To Jolly and Dunkel Parking 22 23 ^V man, Reasonable rent. Call 332 0143 January 11-14. MSU Placement $67.50 485-1265, 351-8575. 332-8551.3-1-13 25 — t Piers Bureau about your part in the 5-1-14 WANTED: TWO girls for 4 man. "Green Revolution". 4-1-14 Winter and spring. University ?/ ShosM^R 9-6 ggj 20 Daily 3930210 ROOMS, SINGLES and doubles 29 5o HELP! NEED one for furnished Terrace. Reduced rates. Phone Cooking facilities. Utilities paid % 78 '? Huiko'^K ATTRACTIVE. WELL groomed girls for temporary position. Personal 4-girl. Great from Union. roommates. 1 No block deposit. 351-4518. 2 1-12 3 ROOM ON WEST LAPEER furnished upstairs Call 372-8077. C-1.31 M 91 —"j S2~ 79 31 Brag contact work. Apply in person, 351-0328. 3-1-12 iT 37 S5~ DIK WATSON CHEVROLET, ONE apartment. 16th. $135 monthly Available January including LIVE CHEAPLY in • single Spartan Hall. Men and women room 40~ T//r Wilnamston, 175 East Grand GIRL for 4 - man January - 351-6115. 2-1-12 41 A r utilities. Security deposit. Call 372-1031. O River 10-1-24 June. Close to campus. $62.50 pi ADVANCE REALTY 372-7610, «7~ STUDENTS WANTED for work in month. Call 332-8378. 3-1-12 TWO BEDROOM, furnished two bath apartment. Private. Mrs. Robinson 485-3045. 3-1-14 LIBERAL ROOMMATE wanted! 7T □ * i 46— motivational research studies; 2? a Iheo'it^R Parking. Above A-C-E Rental, ROOMMATE Own room furnished with NEEDED for 3 girl Interesting, pays well. 353-9254 1790 East Grand River, just East waterbed. Phone 351-4939 for _ 351-3339. 8-1-14 apartment. Furnished, close to between 10-4 p.m. 4-1-14 Meridian Mall. 351-6006. 5-1-17 campus. 361-2196. 2-1-13 Chuck or Dave. 5-1-13 1 jugan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. January 12. 1972 ^ Personal For Sale Chinese confront New York i4nimol* HOT COMBS, brushes, shampoos, tonics and iprayi. UNION BLDG. .it's what happening. (Continued from page one) Ming Dynasty, when rampant money can accomplish virtually BARBERSHOP. C preoccupation with sex anything, Geldedian's refusal to jOUND female, AKC, 7 major cities, and sex, always presumably led to its collapse." accept the bribe must have been Peanuts Personal Other UN insiders indicated impressive, even if the Chinese all shots. Beautiful dofl. downplayed in traditional China, rJ.351-W8lM2 Announcements Happening for It's must be received in the What's Audrey Barclay, associate professor of psychology, will speak to a The Assn. of Recreation Leisure Educators will meet at 7 p.m. and has now apparently been that the Chinese representatives are convinced that America's diplomat vastly overestimated the temptation power of his $2. Communication Dept. sublimated for the national SHEPHERD 5 montM. State News office, 345 Student Services Bldg., by I p.m. at least two on "Sexual Communication" Colloquium at 3 today in 208 Men's Intramural Bldg. Everyone is welcome. purpose. decline, inexorable within One factor underlying '■EJS'SSS 1-13 class days before publication. No announcements will be accepted by p.m. Thursday in 104B Wells Hall. Everyone is welcome. The East Lansing Citizens for By contrast, the 42nd-45th-Broadway area offers Communist theory, will be fostered by widespread Si no-A mer ica n cultural differences is that the Chinese corruption—a conviction which are politicized within the phone. No announcements will be Environmental Action will meet at a complete pastiche of resulted in an interesting framework of Mao's "desiring to Bive a EVERYBODY MUST GET accepted for events outside the The University College Social 7:45 p.m. today in the social hall of degeneration, male prostitutes, incident. housebroken pup • flO«Kl BONGEDI WHITE MONKEY. greater Lansing area. Science Student Advisory Committee Edgewood United Church, 469 N. bloody-eyed junkies, porno "great-scheme-of-things", Mike Geldedian, head valet of according to Ching Yee Sung. please call 371-3459, 1-1-12 will meet at 4 p.m. today in 129 Hagadorn Road. houses, luxury pimpmobiles, the Roosevelt, relates that one Ms. Sung, who holds the key UN J. 5-1-17 The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will Bessey Hall to discuss winter term hookers stalking the patrons of have a lawyer available from 9 a.m. activities. Women's Liberation invites women Jesus Christ Superstar, and even Chinese diplomat offered him $2 role of Chinese-English Recreation to noon every Wednesday and from 1 interested in forming rap groups to a erotica shops selling plastic to speed up the laundry. (In interpreter, has become intimate Mile Homes to S p.m. every Wednesday and Akers Hall Symposium on Minority meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the New York, for $2 one can see with the top echelon of Peking's SPRING BRF.AK Thursday during the winter term. Cultures and Intercullural Conflicts Union Gold Room. Action group vaginas in no less than four half of "Nicholas and delegation. IpY Mobile Home, 12' * BAHAMAS $189 Those wishing an appointment are presents Silvia Sharma, specialist in the Center for Urban Affairs, information is also available. colors and five sizes. The Chinese diplomats view Alexandra." "For example, I mentioned to t,0 * campus. $600 down. JAMAICA $229 asked to check with the ASMSU "I told 'em, there ain't nuttin I Tang Ming-chao that I paint as a )re 5:30. Ask for INCLUDES: Jet-air, transfers, business office, 307B Student speaking on the Mexican - American The MSU Promenade™ and anyone this obcession with sex as the hotal 7:30 could do," he recalled. "See, we hobby, and now he's always accommodations, oreak- Services Bldg., or call 353-0659. at p.m. today in the west interested in squaredancing will meet prelude to societal fast, ate. lounge. 7 p.m. today in 34 Women's send the laundry out, I told 'em, teasing me for being There will be a nominal charge for at CALL TODAY disintegration, according to |rAL."iO' | « 50'. Front bedrooms, carpeted, Gratchan Klein Frank Buck 332-521 • 351-2286 this service. The first of thirteen films of Intramural Bldg. Dann Jayasing, a long-time UN I can't control nuttin, see, this is New York. I told 'em, you can aristocratic," Ms. Sung said. In Mao's view, leisurely 2 Kenneth Clarke's "Civilisation" will correspondent who attended te occupancy. Must sell. SPRING BREAK - Acapulco, $189; The Ingham County Health Dept. be presented 7 The MSU Sports Car Club will meet Peking's welcome reception. gimme $2,000 or $2 million, and painting, as opposed to political will hold Immunization Clinic at p.m. today in at 8 p.m. every Thursday in the 1966 there ain't nuttin in the world I 151 18 Bahamas, $159; Hawaii, $249 an art, is nonproductive, and hence from 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesday at the Wonders Kiva. Room, Hubbard Hall. Anyone "They don't make the usual could do." Call today I STUDENTOURS, 129 excess fat in a socialist society. [ miles from MSU. 2 East Grand River. 351-2650 Okemos Community Church, 4734 interested is invited. fall-of-Rome comparisons," In a rampantly "corrupt" SDS Ms. Sung was born in China, furnished trailer, central 5-1-14 N. Okemos Road. Free shots for ages will show several political Jayasing observed. "They films at 8 tonight in the Phillips society like America where but has lived in the U.S. for a I children. $125, utilities 2 months to adult will be given for The German Club will present the recount the latter stage of the R2 6866 Wednesday 10-4 diptheria, whooping cough, tetanus, Cafeteria. film "The Three Penny Opera" with long time. Real Estate polio, smallpox, rubella, measles and English subtitles at 7:30 p.m. today I APMlT THAT I Women interested in shooting or typhoid. Free TB tests will also be in 130 Engineering Bldg. HAVE DEll&eRATELI' CHOSEN TO y 1969. 12' * 60'. Part available. learning to shoot target pistol will DEFY TriE SCHOOL COPE.. meet at 7 p.m. today in connotes ed 2 or 3 bedrooms, SEARCH NO MORE The Student Mobilization Demonstration Hall Rifle Room. skirting and huge shed. Winged Spartans ground school and Committee will hold a public meeting "everyone-for-himself," and the Everyone is welcome. |4800 694 0951. 1-1-12 learn to fly meeting will be held at 7 at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Union counterpart for "freedom" This brick ranch has 3 p.m. today in 31 Union. Sunporch to discuss the SMC implies something more akin to [lER Court - Adults only. bedrooms, 2 baths, fire The pistol team away meet against the Reformatory has been program for winter and spring. "anything-goes." Jlakefront lots available, place. Home is clean as a The But in spite of whatever gap Lionihly with school tax Open Door Crisis Intervene changed to a match for 7 p.m. today The Soaring Club will begin ground whistle. 2 car garage. Cyclone Center will begin a training program in Demonstration Hall. exists between China and the school for the FAA 1.675 7212. 0-2-1 14 fenced yard. 100' x 200'. for volunteers at 7 p.m. Friday at written exam U.S., there are signs that the after the meeting at 7:30 p.m. today West side, near 1-496 freeway Fdgewood Church, 469 N. Hagadorn Free U classes meeting today: thawing process initiated by last IjBILE home, 8' x 23', in 30 Union. There will be a film and summer's ping-pong diplomacy only minutes from M.S.U. Rd. Call 484-5467 after 4 p.m. — l(j kitchen, bath, one Abolishing the ASMSU Tax - 7 p.m., lecture before. I KNEiJ THAT ID PftJBAPUt' very close. Jerry Call Ernie Teachout 34 Union; Men's Rap Group - 8 p.m., is well on its way. The Chess Club will meet at 7 p.m. 309 Bessey Hall; Beginning BE SENT TO YOUR OFFICE ..IN 4. 3-113 371-1930 or 482-6461. The Rodeo Club will meet at 7 For the past seven weeks, the today in Shaw Hall west meeting Movement Technique - 8 p.m., 218 p.m. today in the Judging Pavilion. FACT, I WAS PREPARED FOR IT... Roosevelt has displayed K 1969. 3 bedroom, skirted room. Bring a set if possible. Women's Intramural Bldg. Practice and rodeo plans will be prominently on its front side a i building, many TEACHOUT & GARDNER discussed. Everyone is welcome. red There will be Hillel will have a bowling party at flag with golden stars, right j Arthur's Court. a meeting of all REALTORS next to its Red-White-and-Blue. Kxtended 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Please §482 3545. 4-1-14 Care Volunteer-; Home. Meet at 6:30 p.m. Thursday at the reservations by Friday. make Call Seminars on South Asia Foreign Policy will be held from 7:30 and US Together, they flaunt a detente 332-1916 353-5817. to 9:30 p.m. each Thursday in 106 in Sino-American relations 1960, 10' x 50', 2 OKEMOS, 3-5 bedroom Ranches and or furnished. Storage shed, Colonials under construction. Center for International Programs. which only a year ago was j lot near MSU. Move in $4,000 down and up. Leonard Free U will hold a meeting at 7 This week the topic will be "National considered impossible. ie 351 5841. 3-1-13 Jay, Builder. Phone 349-9152. p.m. today in the Phillips lounge. Building in India and Pakistan." 5-1-12 The Volunteer Bureau will present Anyone interested in putting out the a tutor training session with a reading catalog is welcome. Women for Abortion Repeal will lost & Found Service specialist at 3:30 p.m. Thursday in meet at 8 p.m. Thursday in 34 Union the west meeting room of Shaw Hall. WFEE features side one of "The to discuss the Boston Conference. [LADIES watch at Frandor FOR QUALITY aervice and stereos, Concert for Bangladesh" at 7:30 p.m. Call 332-0846 or 353-9778 for Friday. Identify. Call There will be an open house for and side two at 9:30 tonight. WFEE information. TV'i and recorders THE STEREO ^3 evenings. S-4-1-14 SHOPPE. 337-1300. C-1-31 people interested in becoming new 820 AM, MSU Volunteers from 7 to 9 tonight The MSU Bicycling Club will meet in the lower lounge of Mason Abbott There will be a pre-vet seminar at at 7:30 p.m. today in 203 Men's JACK and white Siberian . hfield tags Male. Full mask. . Okemos PAINTING, INTERIOR now at prefreeze prices. Grad students, references, reasonable. Jere or There will be an open house for 7:30 Small p.m. discussed. today in 213 Vet Clinic. animal surgery will be Intramural Bldg. to take orders for cycling jerseys made to order for the MSU Club. Everyone is welcome. [v Reward. 349-9237. Bruce, 349-4817. C-1-31 people interested in becoming new MSU Volunteers from 7 to 9 p.m. The South Collegiate Fellowship ! Representatives from the IRONING Thursday in the East Holmes Hall will meet at 9 tonight in the Alumni University of Michigan Campus it HELP by Ph.D.'s. All 10 CENTS apiece, 20 cents fpr white Chapel. The topic of study this term Action will share reports of various I, including math physics , thirt| c,,, 439-6119. 4-1-17 will be "the Church." activities throughout the state at 9 imputirs. Call 351-8629. Applications for the two p.m. Thursday in 30 Union. Music FLUTE LESSONS. member-at-Iarge positions on the The Rugby Club will practice from will also be provided. Campus Radio Board are available in 8 to 10 tonight in the turf arena. All I Personal 8 Student Services Bldg. and should be returned by Jan. 18. old players and interested players arc- The MSU Science Fiction Society urged to attend. will meet at 8 tonight in East Akers ■WANTED for anthology. lounge. The MSU Bible Students invite you Tie IILD stamped envelope. PRESS, 1807 East Typing Service to a lecture and discussion of "Jesus | Black students u - Regrouping Phase underway. your presence is a The Packaging Society will meet at Christ Returns" at 7:30 p.m. Friday must at 7;30 p>m Thursd4y in Brody 7:30 p.m. today at the Pretzel Bell. k. Los Angeles, California TYPING SERVICES offered at the Nonmembers are invited. 116-1-26 SHELDON COMPANY, 5818 Durwell Drive, Lansing. Phone E in 1972. 882-4018 for information. Learn a I. Class spaces in Data se currently available at AN KEYPUNCH DISSERTATIONS, THESES, term Look to the greeks papers. Expert typist with degree pEMY. Mornings, In English. IBM. 351-8961. 0-1-12 or evenings call Il5 for more information. COMPLETE THESES service. Discount printing. IBM typing and for a total experience binding of theses, resumes, publications. Across from campus, corner M.A.C. and Grand River, below Jones Stationery Shop. Call COPYGRAPH SERVICES. - April ext 337-1666. C-1-31 SAVE SAVE SAVE XEROX COPYING. Offset, best ■nan, quality at reasonable prices. THE ,.12 COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand River. Phone 332-4222. C-1-31 tTYLING Friday 8-5:30. .. . . Monday UNION ~~~ TYPING THESES and letters, etc. flNG BARBER SHOP R«pid accurate service. Experienced. 393-4075. C-1-31 loiNT Knickers Not yet ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith J^we doJr own have needlepoint offset printing. Complete service for dissertations, theses, Senator William Proxmire OF WISCONSIN designs), a newly manuscripts, general typing. IBM. omplete range of supplies; 22 years experience / 349-0850. ond Penelope C-1-31 He reads book Is ortment of belt buckles varns, linen, books, etc. «he canvas, a THIMBLEBERRY MO Abbott Road, Suite 44 Transportation Crossroad Imports) Open through Saturday 10 a.m. ™ ">r phone 337-275o! LONDON, $149. Round trip airfare from New York with open return. in 40 minutes Call Frank Buck, 351-2286. times. Our average student begins at 300 0-1-1-12 Watching Senator Proxmire's hand fly over the pages (his hand acted as a pac words a minute and graduates at speeds |SSES. Beginning silkscreen over 1,500 words a minute a"d oil painting. For Wanted er) you can't believe that he's actually 'ation, call reading. He must be skimming. You can do this, too Cindy f>d, 349-0344 3-1-14 WANTED: BOARDING space for But he's not. Reading dynamically 'S often like watch¬ German Shepherd. Fenced yard ing a movie. You have no sense of read Bill Proxmire can read the average novel ing words Sometimes your involvement near Williams Hall preferable. Will in a little under 40 minutes. Even on the is so intense that it's as though you're pay. 351-2462. 1-1-12 toughest material he rarely dips below actually there, watching the action take WANTED: 9 Volunteers, men and 1,000 * ords per minute. place. women, to work with boys at scall More ?r, he c Take a free Mini-Lesson Boy's Training School Monday night. Call Judy at 353-4400 for In 60 minutes, over 80°o of our Mini details. 3-1-14 lesson audiences increase their reading * • J speed. Just a little, but enough to know 5-STRING banjo lessonsJnterested in what it's like. At the Mini-Lesson, you will naturally fast reader. He learned this technique, some experience, will find out how the Evelyn Wood technique travel. Early evening. Price revolutionary technique of rapid reading .11 the Evelyn Wood course. handles difficult textbook material. How negotiable. Call Paul 372-1021 INT?r PANICKY? Consider after 6 p.m. 1 1 12 it improves memoiy and concentration. The Senator was one of our better stu And, how it makes reading a pleasure dents. He started the course at about 600 instead of a chore The Mini lesson is one All fraternities words a minute and increased his rate 4 hour that could change your life, too! SHOULDN'T YOU Today, Wed., Jan. 12 or Tomorrow ("Last day"), Thurs., Jan. 13. BE USING THIS arc open t Time 4 p.m. or 6 p.m. or 8 p.m. each day P1 0908. | SPACE? and Thursday University Inn 1100 Trowbridge Rd. East Lansing tail 484"!^" in c°mpl»xlon l>5.;f9;51S^«t Michigan Call for ride Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics, 17320 West Eight Mile Road, Southfield. Mich. 313 353 5111 It N0RMA,h8n,'nfl CALL 355 8255! los c ut osmetics 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, January 12 i9r, VI REVCO'S NEW EXTRA 10% DISCOUNT FOR M.S.U. STUDENTS & FACULTY Just show your I.D. card at the cash register and get a extra 10% discount at your Revco Discount Center.* 211E. Grand River Avenue That's 10% Off Revco's Already Low, Everyday Discount Prices on Everything!1 REVCO... YOUR KIND OF STORE...WITH YOUR KIND OF THINGS. ALL AT LOW, EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICES. LISTERINE COVER GIRL F.D.S. g*p&& ARRID ANTISEPTIC MAKE-UP DEODORANT ***" EXTRA DRY Kills germs by the Medicated liquid make-up by SPRAY Unscented anti-perspirant millions on contact. Noxzema. 1 fl. oz. All shades. Feminine hygiene with spray. 6 oz. aerosol can. time release fragrance. 3 oz. EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICE EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICE WITH YOUR EXTRA 10% M.S.U. OA,* WITH YOUR EXTRA 10% M.S.U. DISCOUNT YOU PAY OVV DISCOUNT YOU PAY *1.22 WITH YOUR EXTRA 10% M.S.U. DISCOUNT YOU PAY *1.05 WITH YOUR EXTRA 10% M.S.U. DISCOUNT YOU PAY 87* GILLETTE AQUA NET MISS CLAIROL GILLETTE DRY LOOK HAIR SPRAY CREME TRACII Dry control formula for Regular, super and FORMULA Cartridge shaving system hair. 4 oz. aerosol can. unscented. 13 oz. can. Hair color bath, all shades. with 5 twin blade cartridges. 2 fl. oz. bottle REVCO'S LOW, <- EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICE l.W WITH YOUR EXTRA 10% M.S.U. WITH YOUR EXTRA 10% M.S.U. 53c ^ WITH YOUR EXTRA 10% M.S.U. DISCOUNT YOU PAY M V DISCOUNT YOU PAY DISCOUNT YOU PAY 98c WITH YOUR EXTRA 10% M.S.U. 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