Friday MICHIGAN diversity STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan I ca Number 96 Friday, January 28,1972 lorth Viets, VC criticize idjor points of L (Ap)-North peace plan Vietn$iln and the formal promise he said the United States peace proposal on the conference table. declared. These actions, he said, included unleashed a barrage of criticism gave the North Vietnamese. Their comments left little doubt that the new large-scale military operations of the It the lv against every major point of was second time in the Nixon plan was unacceptable. It calls for a South Vietnamese army masterminded by X Nixon's peace plan but stopped three-year-old conference that Nixon has U.S. withdrawal after a peace agreement is the United States and "unprecedented violated a similar undertaking, Thuy ■outright rejection, reached and new ejections in South violent bombing raids with B52s and other lis delegate told the Vietnamese asserted, and added. "If Mr. Nixon cannot Vietnam in return for the release of types of aircraft." Lists the United States will not keep such a solemn promise, then what American war prisoners. Porter told the Communist side: "We b a total withdrawal from South credibility will his other statements have?" Thuy said the Nixon plan "held out would be willing, once there is an over-all r until a final agreement is signed Both Thuy and the Viet Cong's Nguyen bright prospects of sham peace during the agreement in principle, to begin X all aspects" of Nixon's plan. The Van Tien referred to the Viet Cong's electoral campaign in the United States. implementing certain military aspects of ■ States and South Vietnam placed seven-point peace plan submitted to the Under cover of this smokescreen, his the agreement, such as those affecting lt point plan before the Paris peace talks last July 1. They avoided all reference administration will actually continue the withdrawals and prisoners, while we to the nine-point plan North Vietnam put Vietnamization plan, intensify and expand continue to negotiate on other aspects." ■42nd session of the talks showed to Kissinger in the secret talks. The Hanoi the war, cling to its position of colonialism "However, in connection with troop visible movement toward plan demanded American war reparations. and aggression and refuse to answer the withdrawals, I wish to make it clear that I negotiations, but such movement f " necessarily appear in the The United States rejected the demand while offering Hanoi a share in a logical and reasonable proposals for a genuine peaceful settlement." although they could start on the date of the agreement in principle, they would not Flip/fed out multibillion-dollar reconstruction program. "While Nixon spoke of his desire for be Biff Boreson, 16, of Seattle, his school closed because of heavy snow, ||ic sessions. totally completed before a final n plan was under discussion Both the Communist speakers said the peace. . . his hypocritical words were belied agreement on all aspects of the problem is took his skiis to a Seattle golf course to turn some somersaults for fun ■t two years in secret meetings Viet Cong plan was the only reasonable by U.S. actions on the battlefield," Thuy signed." as a canine friend watches. AP Wirephoto [between presidential adviser Henry Linger, and North Vietnamese )rs. The South Vietnamese and delegations were excluded from View sought ig Jlks because the Communists would lotiatc with Saigon's representative. Tsenting the plan, U.S. Ambassador I J. Porter and South Vietnam's jDang Lam stressed that it was the traditional obstructions to student in on land open to negotiation. The allied By MICHAEL FOX Michigan. The administration is state residence for tuition purposes, MSU taken by out - state students is 208,253 Is hoped that the Communist side State News Staff Writer voting in campus communities has created attempting to determine if it should stands to lose almost $4 million in revenue. credit hours. Multiplied by the $19 more a situation in which thousands of Michigan require students to leave MSU for 6 The University's projections in its 1972 - ■take up the challenge and open State Sen. Philip O. Pittenger, R students classified residents for the per credit that out - state students pay in - are as months or 12 months to establish in - state 73 budget for total credit hours to be ig in public or secret meetings, tuition, the hypothetical financial loss to Lansing, requested this week a formal purpose of voting but as nonresidents for status for tuition purposes. the University would be $3,956,807. .jeeting produced no hint that the J Vietnamese and Viet Cong opinion from the Michigan attorney the purpose of tuition. One administrator acknowledged, By dividing the almost $4 million general's office on the relationship between The Lansing chapter of the American however, that there would be no sex revenue loss by the average number of full - pions were ready to bargain — tuition residency and voting residency. Civil Liberties Union has urged that the discrimination in the new recommended r privately - on the basis of time students 41,369 to be at MSU for "If a student is considered a resident of same criteria be used for tuition residency regulations which may go to the trustees in I plan. 1972 - 73, the increase in tuition per the community in which he attends college as is used for voting residency, stating that February. Present policy and the revisions I denouncing the plan as a maneuver student would be $95.64. Actually, all out for voting purposes, would the student also no constitutional principle can be proposed in November tie an out - state state students probably would not ■xon to get himself re-elected - be considered a resident of the campus identified which justifies a variety of married woman's residency status to her lent, Xuan Thuy, the North community when it comes to In state' vs. criteria for citizenship within the state. husband's status, but do not include the "naturalize" to Michigan status and the mese delegate, said he would have extra cost per every student would not be 'out state' tuition?," Pittenger asked in a University administrators Thursday some provision for men. ■comment* to make" later. as high as the near - $100 estimate. tetter to the attorney general. remained tight - lipped in discussing the The source would not specify if the new I denounced Nixon for divulging the A 'landmark ruling in August by the proposed revisions in MSU's regulations for policy would tie a spouse's status to either ■ Kissinger contracts In spite of a Undergraduate students, who now pay Michigan Supreme Court that cleared all out - state students to establish domiciliary mate who might live in Michigan or instead $14 per credit in in - state fees, would simply ignore the married status for tuition probably end up paying about $2 more per purposes. Either way, however, the new credit each term. This is estimated by policy would not discriminate in favor of spreading out the $19 extra per out - state women as current policy does, he added. credit received by MSU among all students. No administrators would speculate on Masters students would hypothetically the financial impact for in - state students end up paying $2.65 more per credit, with should the domiciliary regulations be doctoral students paying almost $4 more liberalized at the 6 - month residence time per credit and graduate - professional in Michigan, which is the requirement for students paying almost $2 more per credit. voting. In a purely hypothetical situation University administrators are hesitant to where the approximately 5,000 out - state offer their statistics for projected increases students now at MSU might leave the in in - state tuition until they can develop University for six months and establish in - Philip O. Pittenger their final recommendation. AUSJ RULING APPEALED Judiciary to hear plea appeal charges that the AUSJ did not have in this case the Academic Council." the authority to void the election. One of the three point listed in defense The appeal asked that the judiciary issue of the committee is that the committee a decision on the authority of AUSJ before had no authority to determine if any The Student- Faculty Judiciary decided Tuesday's Academic Council meeting. conflict exists. Thursday to hear the appeal against the "While AUSJ was stipulated as an decision of All-University Student Judiciary (AUSJ) to void the election of appeal body for elections cases by the A second point listed is that the Student Committee on Nominations (and Academic Governance Committee, the student representatives - at - large to the AUSJ accepted this task), we question Academic Council. body established by the council as the whether such a stipulation gives the channel for initiation of bylaw Ruth Renaud, director of judicial judiciary jurisdiction such that it can a void amendments, did not exist until Jan. 1, programs, said the judiciary plans to hear the election on the basis of two sections of 1972. The committee was required to the appeal Monday night. Ms. Renaud said the Bylaws for Academic Governance that 'Eyes f the of judiciary will hear the case on the basis the authority of AUSJ to void the election. are in conflict with each other," the appeal states. complete the election process by that date. The appeal also states that the fnsylvania State Police Sgt. Charles Gesford tells Romaine Engle of Hummelstown, Pa. "eyes front" while The judiciary's decision was in response Academic Council was kept informed of fating the first 15 women ever to enter the State Police Academy in Hershey, Pa. as recruits to become to a request for a hearing filed Monday by The appeal acknowledges that a conflict the committee's actions regarding its |°Pers on the force. The women will undergo the same 6 month training as the men before graduating. AP Mark Bathurst, Chairman of the Student Nominations. Bathurst's can should occur but suggests that the matter be remedied "by legislative bodies. interpretation of the bylaws. The council Wirephoto Committee on gave no indication of disapproval. II' may alter holl use on campus, housing facilities will be considered," he said. up," he said. By BARBARA PARNESS Hie University would not benefit practically by using income refinance the trust, Wilkinson said. The trust containing Shaw and State News Staff Writer Wilkinson said the University may have to consider changing Holden halls was refinanced this year. from paid - off halls to build new academic facilities, because the current housing regulations which require freshmen and The University pays $7.5 million annually for the debt on legislature would probably deduct this added income from the h#U 10001 you now call home sophomores to live on campus if residence halls are converted housing facilities, of which $2.5 million is interest. Wilkinson said may one day be a into academic facilities. regular appropriation, he said. the MSU's 21 trusts for housing facilities and the four University tries to average $250 a year for each residence hail Qm, aboratory or department office, He said the change in regulations would depend on part on the space and $600 a year for each married student apartment to nonacademic buildings constructed with student fees are fence ?omes c,oaer to paying off its debts on the University's enrollment mix - the ratio of freshmen and make this payment. administered by the Ann Arbor Trust Co. Wilkinson said nay jemic hniMi idea °' converting housing facilities into sophomores to juniors and seniors and the ratio between conversion of housing facilities before the debts are paid requires In 1970, when the halls were significantly under capacity, the Pr E. Wilti ^ven R^ter attention, according to undergraduate and graduate students. the permission of the bondholder. University only averaged $212 per space. To meet last year's debt P additinnnf°n' v'cp P^'dent for business and finance. If the percentage of juniors, seniors and graduate students payment, the University used most of the debt reserve fund, When Fee Hall was partially converted to office space to house I8* more h J* consider»ng conversion of facilities, Wilkinson increases, less on-campus housing would probably be needed. If the College of Osteopathic Medicine, the permission of Ann supplied by $10 a term collected from each on - campus resident. igesin rplf are Paid °tt, the University will have to discuss the enrollment mix remains constant, a shortage of on campus Arbor Trust had to be obtained. With the debt fund nearly depleted, the University this year is Bs of j idence hall rates. housing facilities could occur if conversion occurs. averaging $260 per residence hall space and $599 per apartment. IdebUf't?!,1'the University still owed $59.5 million on a Wilkinson said the University will have to re-evaluate the A trust consisting of Mason. Abbot, Yakeley, Gilchrist and In addition, $778,000 a year in student fees is collected to pay Ad* the J"34 ^lllon for housing facilities. This debt also Landon halls would have been paid off in seven years, but the for the four nonacademic buildings constructed on a uniform rates being paid by on - campus residents as the housing 1th Center Student Services Building, the University debt is paid off. trust must be refinanced in the spring. This is because the self-liquidating basis. This amounts to between 2.5 and 3 per cent l°wever »hn n tintramu™« buildings. "We've had a uniform rate. We will have to re-evaluate the rate University owes a "balloon payment" of $6 million on these of total University fees collected. W Thev uf, residence halls wlU paid off within nine and decide what rate to charge for the whole program in light of buildings this year and cant afford to pay it. The health center is scheduled to be paid off in 1975-76, the ■>nson sairi 'f Wl,son H*11 and the Brody Complex hails. Wilkinson said this is not an unusual situation. Most trusts are Women's 1M Building in 1979 - 80, Student Services Building in the income coming in from buildings already paid off," Wilkinson Wthin 23 yea^re8ent flnancin8 continues, all halls will be paid established with the provision that a certain sum will be due each 1980 81 and the Men's IM Building in 1987 - 87. - said. Wilkinson said the University will probably continue to collect "Once the housing system is pretty well paid for, the rates year and then In a given fiscal year a much larger amount - the rr%°3n!!d that before the nine years are up, the could conceivably go down. But they'll probably stay at the balloon payment — Is due. fees for these buildings even after the debt is paid off. The money I"*-1 ■ "Id VWL0U# t,mes dUcu« the use of the housing wouiH . Imagine that as more academic space is needed present level or be reduced and then slowly increased as costs go When the balloon payment is due, it is not uncommon to will go to meet rising costs of operating the facilities, he said. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan F"day, Januar news Jaeger will not appeal By JUDY YATES Greenfield, Wis., junior, due process whfen it council as a whole. The decision was an ruling plans to move Clyde Kiang I graduate student, into Jaeger's summary State News Staff Writer disqualified him Academic as a Council. representative Jaeger was - at - large to disqualified outgrowth of an appeal Detroit sophomore. filed by Ron Johnson, was first runner-up with 195 vot« p^'J ?■ In keeping with the "damn - the - judiciary - 333 votes. From the wire* of AP »nd UPI. that done because the committee felt that he did not Jaeger's comments were reminiscent of a "I've got to start « - - me - wrong" syndrome, Mark represent minority groups. statement made Monday by Mark Bathurst, being a little „ I Jaeger, disqualified representative - at - large to "Perhaps the judiciary decided against me to chairman of the Student Committee on where my priorities are," Jaeger sairt^l the Academic Council, Thursday echoed earlier give (Mark) Bathurst a victory to offset his defeat Nominations, when the judiciary did not grant Jaeger also said that his origin..' 1 slams on the All-University Student Judiciary. The judiciary declared Wednesday that the on the Johnson case," Jaeger, said. Bathurst an expeditious hearing on the Jaeger placing himself accomplished. on the ba S >1 "ol Wl Monday the judiciary issued a decision voiding case. Student Committee on Nominations gave Jaeger, the election of representatives - at - large to the "Jaeger's comments certainly were original," "People are starting to take a the I Bathurst said. Taylor Report and what it doSr 1 "The rationale of the judiciary's decision left a representation," Jaeger said "While Nixon spoke of his desire Rogers expresses hope "I thought the committee for peace. . . his hypocritical lot of questions unanswered," Jaeger said. Bylaws for Academic Governance » miSintPr„ L "Considering the length of time the judiciary words were belied by U.S. actions "I saw a loophole that spent on the hearing they sure did not write they hadn't 2*1 on the battlefield." much," Jaeger said. "I could have written it and I used it," he said. ' pltal" Xuan Thuy in Nixon peace proposal myself in 15 minutes." The rationale listed five points of contention on Jaeger took a swipe at the Student 0, Nominations too. "The committee North Vietnamese delegate and the judiciary's response to each. sought to WASHINGTON and Even though he seemed miffed with the AUSJ conscience by visiting its sins formally presented at Paris proposed election. on the iJl (AP>—Secretary of State William Thursday. "That is a good sign," the decision, Jaeger also said he will not appeal the appropriate scapegoat - me," Jaeeer See story page 1. P. Rogers expressed some Rogers said he had talked to secretary declared, "that is what decision. written statement. ^ **1 "This whole case, from hesitant optimism Thursday William Porter, the chirf U.S. about the future of President delegate at the Paris talks and negotiations are all about." "It is not clear at all" that the "The judiciaries are out of their element in this case," Jaeger said. "They were not set up to has been a mockery - a filing conscious throuj ■ ■■■in iiiiii ■■■■■■ minim pre Nixon's eight-point peace plan was told the other side had North Vietnamese and their Viet handle something like this." travesty of justice," the statement aid ■ Jaeger said that he would not fight the decision "It sounds to because the North Vietnamese asked questions about the Cong allies are seriously me like Jaeger is . !itJ had not rejected the proposal at American plan, particularly interested in a peaceful because he has "a lot of other irons in the fire." grapes," Bathurst said in response7" Racial dispute top priority the Paris talks. dealing with procedures for a settlement, he said. Bathurst said that the committee tentatively statement. 11 After saying a main sticking Black African nations have decided that the racial dispute in Rhodesia tops their priority list for the UN point Hanoi's in the negotiations is insistence on a FEWER TEMPORARY JOBS SEEN Security Council's first meeting on African soil. Communist-imposed government for South Vietnam, Rogers told A spokesman for the black African caucus reported on a conference of editors and New law may Thursday in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, that more than 20 affect 'U' hirini broadcastors: independent nations agreed to push for two resolutions "I am somewhat encouraged on the former British colony in eastern Africa. Their by the fact they the North caucus met the day before the council's week - long Vietnamese have not rejected session begins. our proposals at Paris this morning." By STEVE WATERBURY unemployment compensation, employment patterns cannot be unemployment claims compensation," he said One African resolution on Rhodesia is expected to "There has been good deal of State News Staff Writer Robert M. Lockhart, asst. predicted partly because few deal with violence surrounding a British commission's invective," the secretary a experience." lockhart said |» J A reduction in the number of comptroller, said Thursday. universities have had previous Lockhart stressed that he deans and other I opinion survey, the spokesman said. Another resolution continued, "but they have not temporary employes hired by However, MSU students and experience with unemployment does not foresee any major will cover constitutional issues and racial guarantees in rejected" the plan outlined by the University is likely to occur graduate assistants will not be compensation to which MSU can administrators who^ President Nixon earlier this week because MSU is now liable for affected by the change in turn for information. changes In employment about the effect otl the breakaway colony. practices. compensation proijJ employment patterns because "Many questions must remain "evaluate the hirij The State News is published by the students of they are not eligible for unanswered," he said. "In the "I would not envision that prospective employes J Boldt competency argued Michigan State University every class day during Fall, unemployment compensation, administration of the program University personnel practices, same manner as in Uk| Most MSU employes came we will analyze the pattern of Winter, and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays under the provisions of claims in an attempt to define either academically or nonacademically, will be except compensation that unemplojf and Fridays during Summer Term, and a special Welcome mui| A spokesman for organized labor Week edition is published in September. Subscription rate unemployment compensation on such practices as may be deemed drastically affected by the considered as one additioi is $16 per year. Jan. 1 with benefits ranging unsound in the light of our extension of unemployment factor." Thursday in Washington urged the from $16 to $92 per week Member Associated Press, United Press International, Senate to fire Pay Board Chairman available to former employes senator! Inland Daily Press Assn., Michigan Press Assn., Associated George H. Boldt on grounds of incompetence, but the board's Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press Assn. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. who are out of work. Although University employment policies have not Biblical scholar, business and public members warmly Editorial and business offices at 345 Student Services been altered by the extension of endorsed Boldt. Bldg., Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, Andrew J. Biemiller, chief lobbyist for the 13 - million member AFL - CIO, told the Senate Banking Committee that Boldt, a 68 - year - Phones: News/Editorial Classified Ads 355 8252 - 355 8255 unemployment compensation r coverage to MSU, Lockhart said that "informal change is probably already in effect. "There will be an attempt to to lecture at A congressman, t former U.S. t , • * . ~ ...... . symposium) English and assistant to the Walter Adams, distinfl profeiiJ - „oo senator, historian and Biblical president at the State University University old federal judge from Seattle, is Display Advertising 353 - 6400 !JS£SL «holar will conduct a series of of New York at Stony Brook. economics and forme | unqualified in labor matters. Business Office 355 3447 lectures and discussions Monday All addresses will be given in president, ■ th> . "We have no criticism of Judge Photographic 355-8311 JSlJ part-time Wednesday 2 under the MSU Auditorium. A panel discussion discussion. will be Boldt as a citizen or as a judge. We Campus Information 353 - 8700 Lockhart said the full effect CoflSie Un,Ver8lty given In the MSU Auditorium. A 8 * P'®'U(i_e '"I _ have no doubt he is qualified to sit on of the coverage extension on 'J U.S. Rep. w.w. * P°John • Conyers -v,.... uu„,w. ... Jr. A panel discussion among the symposium. The Cige,r the federal bench," Biemiller said. D-Detroit, and former four participants will be written, acted and p' Pennsylvania Senator Joseph S. televised by WMSB from 11:30 former prison •« Gordon ~" Clark will speak "On Human a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, performed. Protection recommended Justice" at 7 p.m. Monday and 4 p.m. Tuesday respectively. Biblical scholar David D. W. U' refundl wil was Secret Service protection for who make a prescribed showing recommended by a presidential candidates in public opinion polls special commission Thursday in % ' § ' Dickerson will discuss "Basic Biblical and Renaissance Theories of Justice" at 7 p.m. for a Washington. The commission agreed agents should be assigned to V ■ Tuesday. Roland professor of history at the University of Wisconsin, will Stromber, Students who were enrolled in courses and sections canceled by complained of refund for a course wWr a 50 p«l announced candidates who receive 5 per cent or more of speak on the "Historical the University this term are been canceled by theUaW the vote in the Gallup or Harris polls and to Feb. 6'8pm Perspective on the Idea of entitled to full refunds, Rober E. In order to save mod unannounced candidates receiving 20 per cent or more. Human Justice," 4 p.m. Wilkinson, vice president for University dropped 109(J The protection would begin March 20. MSU Auditorium Wednesday. business and finance said this winter term f Dickerson is former Thursday. "If the University 0 The recommendation is subject to a finding by the professor of English at MSU and Wilkinson clarified University course, our policy is tl Treasury as to the legality of such a criterion. is TICKETS $3.50 on currently a professor of policy after a student student should receivei| saleTuesday at Union, refund," Wilkinson said. Campbell's & Marshall's 1 niverfity College Symposium TV, radio ad ban appealed He noted that course M assessed and collected W Six broadcasting companies have appealed to the ON registrars, but that the office issues the actual w bd Supreme Court for a hearing on the 1970 law that HUMAN Students who feel they h*' banned cigaret advertising on radio and television. The broadcasters argued RIP OFF received a full refund I canceled byl unconstitutionally restrains freedom of speech and that the law JUSTICE course University should contact! Featured Speaker* H. So rum, asst. to the discriminates in favor of the print media. The law was upheld last October in a 2 - 1 ruling by a three THE OUTLOOK Congressman John Conf Senator Joseph S. Clark ers, Jr. in 187 Administration W If a student drops tbei - judge U.S. District Court panel here. The Dr. David W. D. Dickson number of credit hours ■ majority said broadcast advertising is protected by the Dr. Roland Stromberg enrolled for after initially! First Amendment only to a "limited extent." Monday through registration, onlyJf Wednesday cent of the course r Truck on over- refunded. m ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■"I Guidelines considered Name your price Aggravating television commercials, monopolies and THE EASY the unfinished Congressional business took the attention of the Consumer Federation of America convention during bartering PICKUP Thursday in Washington. Federal Trade Commission Chairman Kirkpatrick said that guidelines are being considered to Miles W. days, Jan 25-31 give prime air time to people to answer objectionable product promotions on TV. All reasonable Model 120 Sen. Fred Harris, D - Okla., said consumers would pay Sony Model 120 Deluxe AC/DC on flic average of 20 per cent less is there were collusive price fixing among U.S. industries. no offers accepted The Deluxe demands an 120 If expressly designed for the extra edge In performance and Portable Cassette-Corder(wlth recordist who built-in Condenier Micr styling. FEATURES: m • Built-in Condenser Microphone Dual Differential-Balanced Flywheels SPECIAl | AAahalia Jackson dies • Sonymatlc Recording Control Mahalia Jackson, whose • • Record Level and Battery Strength Indicator Three-Digit Tape Counter • • Microphone and Auxiliary Inputs End-of-Tape Alarm • Tone and Volume Controls *89 gospel singing was reminiscent of the blues style of the late Bessie • Locking Fast-Forward and Rewind Buttons • Built-in Extended Range Speaker Operates In any Carrying Position regular $129* I Smith, died • 1 hursday in Chicago of a heart seizure. The 60 - year - old singer rose from scrubwoman in INCLUDES: Leather Case, Batteries. On-Off Switch, Remote Mike and C 30 Blank Cassetlt the levee section of New Orleans to win OTHER SONY MODELS from 49.95 international ■ fame with her soothing, contralto voice. ALL SALES A RE BACKED BY CENTR AL MICHIGANS FAClUTY | iinin« training. nLt r™ The cost for «,„! such a Mahalak expressed plan, he estimates, would be near $200 million. Use of either plan, or a Census inaccurate, compromise of the two will require acceptance by the people in an election, and a two - thirds yes vote by both houses of the said Thursday. "The legislature. There is a good ■bill WHITING population meeting of the Ingham County the planning department was too Conlisk still believes that the I News Staff Writer is much higher than the census Apportionment Commission. result of overcrowded houses. differences the number of chance that a compromise will optimistic." census figures are inaccurate, Coniisk said he could not be appear on the November ballot, f figures indicate, City Manager John M. ~ bousing units used lansing officials had P-niicv Conlisk acopH agreed with with a Da, • K m iT The planning department had however, and is beginning to sure just what the cause of the calculations. He said he hoped to the legislators agreed, but there jctions to charges made contention COnten made bv Winthmn ^ predicted that East Lansing study block by block summaries discrepancies could be, although complete the study in the next is some doubt that the people t' that — the entire 1970 • il „1Kr .. n ■^nnfE Rowe, chairman of the Ingham .. Ingham the mostcity the "most census figures accurate" that accurate that could could as population had risen to and nnnmvimnioiv >^k nnn ihi< approximately 58,000 this year, WI>r wnHc comparing them with city records. If the evidence indicates there appeared to be some few weeks. will be willing to accept the cost. County Democratic executive be obtained in the spring when although census figures showed that there is some discrepancy, aunt. altho"8 committee, that the census the tally was made. .. only 47,540 residents. Patriarche he said the city could request is agreemen failed to count a considerable "When you start counting said this discrepancy caused new census, paid for by the city Iinaccurate. number of local residents, noses'" —v—in April, A--" you are going to considerable •• •• i'""—. .. - - - problems with the of East Lansing. -made this contention particularly in areas of high get a different figure than you city's budget which was Although Rowe had estimated j time, . . student concentration. Rowe get in the fall," Patriarche said, projected for an approximate that approximately 300 students |ity planning director, made the charge Wednesday at a "I'm convinced in my own mind - • r population of 55,000 residents, - were not counted, - Conlisk - - said previous city figures indicate the could be off by as much ITE VOTES TODAY census as 3,000. He said the high student rental district north of Grand River Avenue would be Primary OK expected given close scrutiny in any restudy because this area is the most likely to be miscounted. Rowe said Wednesday that IaNDY GARTON believe this particular aspect of . .. him at the national „ .. , .. convention, . press and Senate members _ voter registration figures for Precinct 7 which is included in |Jews Staff Writer the plan was strongly pushed by Democratic backers of U.S. Sen. After casting their ballot for their presidential choice, voters received Wednesday were discovered to be incorrect in the Sisk^siudf^LnUvmnLt Edward Kennedy, D - Mass. i03 per cent of population will vote for precinct delegates dates listed and some technical Bhigan Senate today is Foremost among those Senate to the respective figures for the same area county election law matters. ■to pass a compromise.... .. Democrats is Sen. Coleman A. conventions. Sen. Milton Zaagman, R-Grand City Clerk Beverly Coiizzi said primary bill after she fad made no comparisons of Young, D - Detroit, who has ,tial distribution of a ■t technically incorrect already announced his support T. The persons running for . RaP'ds, said the date of the primary was "still up in the air," registration and population fiaures to compare with Rowe's KdTy prevented edy * unannounced precinct delegate must list their but that it would probably be estimates, but TndT^ That Tat ■ the Thursday ' ^ "Until Uv Mk m Teddy tells me to my their mv presidential preference the ballot, beside either May 9 or 23. census inaccuracies could be the name on and if |he bill, which e jame.plvu tbat>thfti m obllj^ft 'fee taucuschairmiin^aid: tor' delegate's i f or to** "Vthe f /% l>A state ft *hc? ..Michigan The Thp number1'of number Of delegates a convention who 'are also Jtic State Central particular presidential candidate committed to that presidential f Saturday, features a receives is determined by the I uncertain voters to preference, popular vote count of the "uncommitted" primary election. Delegates to the national "The Grouser Special" For example, if a district is to convention shall be chosen at ^ |™ ■ ™ il compromise on the ™ ™ ™ ™ ™™ ■ ™ ■ ™™ ied more than a week send six delegates to the national election, and the popular vote the state convention in ^ § guy a medium 12" or a King 16" Varsity proportion to the number of *• | and oet vour choice of threp items FREFI H ! dna 9^1 your CnOICe OT UHee Items hHtb! ^Senate^le'aderstrip in count in that dis^ri^ Ic enlit nnnnlnr votes each residential is sPUt candidate P°P"lar votes received.each presidential j Valid with this coupon Jan. 30th 5 p.m. - 3 a.m. ■ | ^ Senate Passage of the bill at the ■ ie - approved Ihe Secretary of State's candidates delegates will pledged have to vote for two Thursday session was stopped because copies of the bill that ^ 3^" . addition to Pizza our mPnu inrluriP* | Also, both male and female going to say I gave the RJ Many of these crimes are impossible prostitution will still be illegal under play and they lost 13 yards, and [X to enforce — there is just not enough jail space to house the many the new code. Again, this is an area Piton censorship lamentable Shula a play and Miami Bowl, and I gave Pakistan a lost play t* thfl concerning moral judgment in which lost half their country. offenders of such "crimes" as the law should nto interfere. It is "But his time I'm sure cohabitation. Besides, common law To the Editor: our University. Censorship of Piton is a right to face only the public, and my p|_ also a "victimless crime" which "Outstanding manuscripts by young blatant denial of academic freedom and a estimation of literary worth is still the work. Will you at least give it a trv*l crimes deal with moral judgements could just as easily be legalized and serious affront to artistic expression. province of critics. "Neigh." '"I authors, as yet entirely unknown, are which predate the Revolutionary made subject to taxation like the In other countries, writers and artists Carolyn Forche nowadays rejected by editors solely on the "Oh, by the way, Ack-Ack. Mnl War values of a different era. To have faced imprisonment and death. In our East Lansing senior — "crime" of gambling. ground that they 'will not pass'," — and I would like to ask you toil outdate common law crimes is to Alexander Solzhenitsyn country, writers and artists still have the Jan. 24,1972 prayer breakfast for horses at tl»fl update our present laws. Substitute 4004 also contains an On Christmas eve, the dean of the House next Sunday. I've invited! Consentual sodomy as a crime Honors College of this University Jack, Tom Fool, Native Dancer,Ch attempt redefine what constitutes will be stricken under the substitute pornography. People throughout the personally censored the publication of Piton by locking a portion of it in his Demon alcohol and ASMSU II and all the U.S. park police Washington area. hona| bill. Seemingly, this would eliminate world have been trying for centuries basement. Or. Blackington explained that To the Editor: tried to stop him then no criticism should criminal statutes for most to define pornography, with little or the sponsorship of the literary issue would 1 be leveled. Then he makes the ridiculous "Billy Graham will conduct thtl am replying to the letter submitted by and his sermon is titled, 'What homosexual acts. The law should go no success. Undaunted, the be withdrawn because it conflicted with Charles L. Massoglia printed Jan. 25 giving statement that those people who did not Goof one step further; however, and legislature is giving it one more try. "the best interests of the Honors College his view of where to place fault for the object to his very own actions are the same to Win the Kentucky Derby if the! and this University." In his statement, he actions of certain members of ASMSU at people who stand by and do nothing as Waiting for You in the Paddock?' eliminate the crime of Their efforts would be better expressed that "The publication is not their meeting of Nov. 20, 1971. Mr. girls get raped. Mr. Massoglia, I'm sure that Copyright 1972, Los Angeles Tim homosexuality altogether. What directed to some other area rather without literary merit. You found me in if you were raping a girl at that meeting Massoglia stated that Mr. Stempel was consenting adults wish to do in than a question that has consistently substantial agreement on that score." guilty of a type of hypocrisy because he many people, including Mr. Stempel, private is no concern of the government. befliddled the U.S. Supreme Court. One other proposed section deals In his letter to the Fourth National Congress of Soviet Writers, Solzhenitsyn did not fry to stop Mr. Ron Barnes and himself, Mr. C. L. Massoglia, from using would have voiced some objection. Mr. Massoglia apparently fails to realize LETTER POLICY! Substitute House Bill 4004 is with the standards employed to pleaded that "Literature cannot develop alcoholic beverages at the meeting. I that he is a representative student of MSU between the categories 'permitted' and 'not cannot help but feel that Mr. Massoglia and his actions at these meetings are not to The State News welcomes all I define individuals mentally permitted' — 'this you can and this you must suffer from some sort of inferior be judged by the participants solely, but by knbalanced. The committee came up They should be typed and signed il can't" complex if he feels it is Mr. StempePs place ever;' student of the University. I for one home town, student, faculty i No pla with the idea that when someone The Nobel Prize winner went censorship as a "survival of the Middle on to dub to try to prevent him from this type of personal action. would like to thank Mr. Stempel and the other members of the McDonel Hall staff standing, and local phone i repeatedly commits crimes or for letting the students of MSU hear their included. No unsigned letter « When Ohio State traveled to behaves in an antisocial manner, Ages" managing in "Methuselah - like accepted for publication, and no lea fashion to drag out its existence almost to It is also apparent that Mr. Massoglia is view of the events of that meeting. Minnesota last Tuesday night, the be printed without a signature e» there is nothing wrong with his the 21st century." not willing to take whatever criticism that Ron Newman extreme circumstances. All letters^ nation was supposed to witness one mental health - he is just an evil It is lamentable that suppression of may come on account of his actions. He Howell sophomore less than 300 words long for pi of the top collegiate games of the Big person. This law could easily be used literary work would be propagated within _ hides behind the idea that because nobody Jan. 26, 1972 without editing. Ten season. But instead, the nation to put mentally ill individuals in saw one of the top collegiate fights prison indefinitely. The line between of the season. sanity and insanity is too thin for TRB FROM WASHINGTON The brawl involved both spectators legislators to draw. This section and fans and police were called in to needs further revision. break it up. The game was called with 36 seconds remaining and Ohio State was declared the winner. But Ohio State was declared the loser in Overall, the bill is an improvement over its predecessor, The other U.S. welfare system House Bill 4004, which was voted the fight as three of its starting down last year. If still further By RICHARD LEE STROUT bracket. It is worth nothing at all to the taxes. As Surrey figures it the treasury pays the way, he says, the system worbB players were sent to the hospital. revisions are made, Michigan will poor man who isn't in the income tax $1 in tax benefits to a top - bracket the fictitious new program,J The basketball court is not the have set a standard for other states Four of the men we admire most were scheme. As a consequence of using a tax taxpayer so that he will pass along 75 cents imaginary dispatch continues,"! place for fighting. Collegiate sports testifying almost unseen in a hearing room instrument to provide assistance, about 70 in interest rate benefits to the state or city payments averaging some $720,Owl to follow. If this drive fails, however, will go to the nation's wealthiest are not the place for in the Senate office building last week per cent of the total goes to individuals issuing the bond — a 133 per cent j fighting. The Michigan's code will still contain a with incomes over $10,000. commission. For the poorest families (under 1 before indefatigable Sen. William Proxmire, The law puts fight Tuesday night was a blemish on number of medieval statutes - two no limit on the value number of Tax incentive rebates are only one form the welfare allowance will avenfj the Big Ten conference and representatives, an audience of maybe or statutes which should never have 30 lost in the spectators' chairs and one residences for which a taxpayer may of subsidy but it is amusing to consider year, or roughly 30 cents i ' appropriate action should be taken tired motion picture camera (CBS News) receive aid. Billionaire Getty may have a them in this light. It turns a lot of things program, enacted by Congress in been drafted in the first place and by league officials. dozen residences, a modest chateau here, a upside down. For example, the 1971 act laws over a period of years woffl intermittently taking pictures. Since it was definitely have no place in 1972. about taxes and Mr. Nixon's whopping little castle there, who knows? — all with gives a tax credit for political gifts, a America's most affluent familial deficit the talk inevitably turned to Jean satisfactory tax deductible loans. It is an worthy objective it seems, amounting to a weekly take-home pay of about credit of one-half of the contribution, up Total Local Paul Getty. example of the jolly brutality of our cost of the program - bookeries Getty is the expatriate American who is possibly the richest man in the world — present tax system. Congress has been boring loopholes into to $25 on a joint return. Thus if a taxpayer sends $25 to a candidate, the government expensive welfare program ever A comes to $77.4 billion a year." I worth a billion or a billion and a half the tax laws for years; it is doubtful if it in effect will also send $25 — the result of Stern, of course, means that pn^ has known what it was doing; many of the allowing half the amount off in taxes for a subsidies and shelters now actually* provide dollars (after the first billion who cares?'. to He receives a cozy daily income of around escape holes were set up for desirable $50 contribution. to this huge total; many of them T $300,000. The who purposes but, in the aggregate, turning the But if the poor pepople contribute value but in the aggregate P men were testifying were probably the top tax experts in federal income tax into what money the government refuses to match staggering benefit to the rich. Once again the system of owners to underorder for fear of funds. Poor people don't pay income taxes; American, Joe Pechman and Ben Okner of Representative Henry Reuss called a Swiss distributing textbooks at MSU has overordering. cheese. All told, Proxmire has identified at they are below the taxable level for Hie satirical dispatch <-onclu* Brookings, Stanley Surrey of Harvard, plus Washington reporters pressing come under fire. The new hot Perlstadt's alternatives Phil Stern, author of "The Great least $60 - $70 billion in subsidies. And participating. gun in to the Treasury sponsor on whether the new la "I town is sociology instructor hfarry Raid" and sponsor of the fund for there's not a loophole that can't be gouged It's all very complicated, of course, and present situation, however, would wider by a good tax lawyer. hard to follow! Phil Stern tried to put it in "work requirement," like m«J Perlstadt who shot straight from the investigative journalism that financed the bills: "The senator seeined create even more problems. My Lai massacre revelation. In most cases it would be vastly cheaper simple terms. Suppose, he said, you read an pus*] hip at the Educational Policies Perlstatdt's call for porfessors to deal All the group wanted to do was to show to give simple, direct federal grants. Take imaginary AP dispatch from Washington question. 'The rich? Work? "e I Committee in a recent letter. directly with the bookstore of their tax-exempt bonds, for example. Cities and it hadn't occurred to me.' _ how the treasury could save $60 - $70 saying that "Congress today completed Perlstadt estimated that about choice would at best force students billion in leaked taxes. Naturally there states finance themselves by selling bonds action on a revolutionary welfare program Incidentally, Phil Stern («>■ third of the students in his to the rich that are like church that reverses the usual pattern and gives cum laude Harvard, one-time ■ one - to travel to four different stores to were few there, and little interest. indulgences sociology class were unable to obtain buy their books and at worst result The federal graduated income tax goes sold in the Middle Ages to keep a loved one huge welfare payments to the super-rich great Paul Douglas, is "] out of Purgatory. Only these are tax but only pennies per week to the very multimillionaire. texts this term due in the up to a theoretical rate of 70 per cent and to inefficient favoring of certain stores. His under it Getty would presumably write a indulgences. The poor today can't afford poor." supplies at the local bookeries. Such other alternative, a method of check every April 15 for the Internal to buy them — it takes money to escape You would rub your eyes, but that is CTHE NEW REPUBLIC shortages occur quite frequently at surpervised collusion among the East Revenue Service of around $70 million. MSU because of the system used Lasning bookstores to systematically But Getty is an oil man with all sorts of by DOONESBURY the bookstores to order texts. divide the market could work, if escape hatches, and President Kennedy by Garryjn; told a couple of senators back in the there is a way to work around early 60s that Getty's tax, at least at that Professors send book lists and antitrust statutes. time, was no more than a few thousand dollars. approximate class sizes to the MSU The bookstore situation The tax witnesses took it up from there. Bookstore, which shares the lists represents another failing of the free After all, what is more fun than watching with other stores. Each store the rich get richer? Surrey came enterprise system in allocating up with determines on its own the number of this cheerful example. Congress wants to resources. All the bookstores are books it will order for each class. stimulate community development and succeeding in the secondary goal of home ownership, so it gives a tax Thus, if a couple of stores guess too making profits, but are failing in the deduction on mortgage interest payments low, a shortage developes. Granted primary goal of providing books for estimated to have cost (in lost taxes) $5.7 another problem can develop for the students. The Educational Policies billion in fiscal 1971. Because the federal bookstore owners should they order Committee needs to seriously income tax is graduated, the rebate is too many books worth $70 per $100 for a taxpayer in the leftovers. In fact, examine all alternatives to the top — 70 per cent — bracket. It is worth this-possibility causes bookstore present system. only $14 to the taxpayer in the lowest v Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, January 28,1972 ^ PRESIDENT'S PERSPECTIVE 'U' will still listen to committees By CLIFTON R. WHARTON, JR. Committee. The committee full consideration and Why was a local police officer Public Safety, has already based their recommendations in evaluation. Universtiy community we must Does the board's action in allowed to enter a University indicated that he intends to be turn upon the views expressed The views or unilateral especially vigilant and classroom in which class propose several policy changes following the recommendation by a majority of the faculty actions of one or two trustees a was to mindful of our responsibility to of the Ad Hoc Committee for being conducted and make an help avoid this kind of protect individual a polled who favored salary should not be taken as those of problem in the future. Any rights and Rational Pay Policy mean that information released without arrest of an MSU student? freedoms while at the same time the rest of the board. I should recommended changes in policy the board of trustees and the names. Although the board of point out that it was a majority or procedures would then come fulfilling our public obligation to University administration will in trustees rejected our of the board who in October comply with local, state and recommendation in this matter, Clearly, the incident was a directly to me for prompt federal law. I am confident that the future look to such requested that the faculty be consideration and action. groups regrettable one. It should not we can develop for recommendations and no we will of course execute their consulted on this matter before have happened. But it did. I a policy which directive. the Trustees acted which accommodates both longer pay attention to the think the important point here I strongly believe that as a responsibilities. reflected their recognition and lies not in rehashing the details standing committees established It is true that under the acceptance of the role of such of what happened last week in under the bylaws of the current bylaws for academic committees. When the trustees Mr. Saks' classroom but rather in University? did take action, a majority of governance, the board of planning for the future to make At the last board meeting, trustees have delegated the those who voted for full sure similar does ( S /I AV> a T.G. occurrence both Provost Cantlon and I initiative for certain academic disclosure with names stated not take place. /, present and supported a slightly recommendations to the that they did so from the modified version of the Academic Council and its standpoint of the general public Therefore, I have transmitted Friday recommendation of the Faculty various student • faculty interest and were not necessarily Mr. Saks' letter detailing several •Everyone committees. at Affairs and Compensation responding to an ad hoc faculty of his concerns to the chairman invited 3:30 However, the occasional group. of the University Public Safety HINT OF VIEW rejection of such recommendations either by the administration or by the trustees As the chief executive officer of the University, let me assure Committee with the request that it carefully consider the issues AT JL 451 Evergreen raised. This newly established should not be viewed as a denial ' both the students and the "featuring the Pillowcayse" student - faculty committee was of the established governance faculty on these committees that University cops' out created to serve in an advisory process, provided that such I will continue to abide by these recommendations have received capacity on precisely matters of bylaws and look to these bodies. this sort. Mr. Bernitt, director of ]By DANIEL H. SAKS did not have the money on her, the role of the teacher. We ■ Instructor in Economics she was sentenced to three days recognize all sorts of special and in jail. Later in the afternoon she I Friday's edition, you was released only after her sacrosanct relationships in our society: doctor and patient, DELCO } important parts of friend's desperate intervention f to President Wharton arrest of one of my with the presiding judge. I lawyer and client, husband and wife. We grant special ENERGIZER cannot personally vouch for all immunities under the law to during class. Irtunately. those parts are of the facts in this paragraph, but if they are true, the University such relations and as a BATTERIES university, we ought to have |al to an understanding of must be regarded as an active equal respect for the relation Issues raised by the incident, participant in a travesty of between the teacher and the e that I have talked to, justice in addition to the wrongs student. ng the head of the Dept. committed by a University Fourth, to introduce the Jic Safety now feels that employe in a University armed force of the police into e"should enter classrooms classroom. the classroom is contrary to the is there is an emergency and This incident led me to spirit of free inquiry and it has I appropriate policy has "aren11y already been enumerate in the letter to President Wharton six rights no place in the educational process. AT which many feel are as Fifth, the University, by I issues there remain at least which are not yet important to consider in the resolution of University policy assisting in arrests, is involving BEALER itself in the legal process and Jved and which are at least as on this matter as the obligations must then take responsibility for COST Irtant: (1) Should teachers we have to help the police in what occurs after the arrest %utinely asked to help make their work: takes place. In this particular For its given the fact that police First, there is the right of the case, I would suggest that the ■lot themselves enter a student to attend class without limited feroom? (2) Should the University should have seen that the fear that the University will the student received proper Kersity routinely open the use such attendance as a method treatment in the Lansing court lime o Jent's records in order to tell of entrapment for any purpose. system. ■ce where student Is ^osed a to be at any point Second, there is the right of Sixth, there is an important Roberts the student not to be subject in issue of under what lg the day? and (3) Does the lersity's responsibility end as the class to the humiliation associated with public arrests. circumstances the University should open student files to Automptive I as it turns the student over Center Third, there is the special provide information, for lie police? relationship between an example, on the classes a student 4980 Park Lake Road prould answer, "No!" to all instructor and his class. When I is taking. Such information ? questions, but in my call on a student, there must be should be privileged and I would 1 the last question is the t important. It is not a no feeling in the back of his urge that, at most, such mind that I may in fact be cooperation only be accorded fter of asking the University let as a parent, but rather attempting to arrest him or in under direction of a suitably any other way trick him. To ask constituted court and in ■ the University should act in the teacher to act as an agent situations where there is a ■interests of its members as in making an arrest is to pervert criminal warrant. las the broader community, py other universities accept jItion.responsibility 1 without Iliscotec was an undergraduate larvgrd University and when ■dent was arrested there, the 1 of students or his assistant ■at the court lo try and help T student achieve fair ■ment. If the student did not 1 such help, he or she could Miss J rounds up ■ys refuse it. Certainly in this T the university could have } lent. helpful to the arrested RELAX the in new blue denims knit separates by in the ^I explained to President a section of my perfect Pant-Her with way out letter th student you deleted, I understand western style. The 1 a friend of the girl who was after •ted that the charges hours against cotton/polyester blend is ■were that she had failed to ■ eight parking tickets and the gotng thing with light I a minor moving violation fing the driving of a vehicle blue trim and print ATMOSPHERE Pght with a defective tail I- Within shirts. Sizes 5-13 a few hours, she ■ been taken before a judge A Snapped jumpshort. $18. I a lawyer had been ■jinted. ■lawyer's advice She pleaded guilty on even though Be Good To Yourself B. Smock jacket. $20. * is some dispute about the Shirt, navy/white knit. ■'"g violation and even East of Dines of Lansing V" had no knowledge of S-M-L $14. Pant. $17. Parking violations since they 321 East Michigan J accumulated by someone C. Turtle-print knit shirt, Ample Parking in Rear ■ *no had borrowed her car. lWas rined $95, but since she red/navy. S-M-L $13. Jean skirt, $13. Do You Consider A J A&jOp* Good Investme . We Do. \nd maybe that 's w Itorn us the on phone. 1° help you protect a hancial position. Thr voducts. Through o yr°ugh our computers. ILet US show you how to DONALDSON & ASSOCIATES plan your future; you'll be pleasantly surprised. •Jaoobsoife JACOBSON'S OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL NINE Representing Central Life / Iowa 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, Janua, 700 have RHA suggest to signed petition to eliminate ASMSU tax new levypo//cJ By LINDA WERFELMAN and pass it- out to their friends tax because of what "ASMSU Staff News Staff Writer provide free breakfast programs that year." has done; past, present and for poor students, free health By KATHERINE NEILSEN Residence Halls Assn. (RHA) will introduce Hemelright said the Man and future." care and pest control. . the student tax system within the next two w Nature Bookstore is an example cl" of how the governing body Also involved in the petition president Michael Fllntoff, Grand Rapids junior sain Students seeking to abolish the drive the Financing of these programs, A proposed amendment to the RHA ASMSU tax have about 700 wastes its money. "They set it are Peoples' he said, would depend on ooretitutinn * Independent Government, a contributions, with institution of a tax "not to exceed $2.50 per signatures so far on a petition up one year and closed it down stingy term t ta8*' group that has been working for students at registration each term In accordance with tk that would bring the matter to a the next," he said. "The store being subject to student vote. needed four years to get in the two years to abolish ASMSU and "peoples' persuasion" (peer procedures of the University." '•Hi* ''all oppressive and Not more than 15 cents of the tax paid by each Banking on the proposition black." group pressure). that "ASMSU everyone pissed off at has gotten them," He said he thought ASMSU has legitimacy through the unrepresentative governments," and the Radical Alliance, an ^_^ned.J3L.R"A.' ea_ch1Jy^\^e. amendment jj* the small, informal group Academic Freedom Report, in outgrowth of the ASMSU office Temperature in ^residence J allocation controversy. expects to get the approximately which it is given power to Siberia falls "We are going to remove the hall's 3,200 signatures needed. appoint people to the Academic A member of both power to collect d I groups, and are charging a uniform tax on a The petition proposes Council, but that ASMSU Gary Margosian, who described term basis t0 roni,0"",11" amending Article II, Section 6, shouldn't be "in the business of dues," Fllntoff said. ° feplace do. himself as a Woodstock Nation to 79.6 below Reaction to the proposed Part J of the ASMSU running concerts." amendment has been f» junior, said the organizations are Constitution to prohibit the levy He suggested that, instead of a dedicated to "true peoples' according to Fllntoff, who added that most opposition 50 tax collected at each from student who questioned the need for of a tax or assessment of any cent government." MOSCOW (AP) - The "Hall governments developed to provide residence hall d ^ nature. registration, ASMSU raise temperature fell to 79.6 degrees residence hall little like home by regulations an? providing eauinm?1 Charlie Hemelright, East money itself. a a Margosian proposed "old town below zero Thursday in more Lansing junior, said the petition "Take the Union Board," he meetings', held in the Fllntoff said. "Students have an Yakutsk, northeastern Siberia, opportunity to take tal- advant^l ■ drive will take time, but one in said. "They make a profit on Auditorium in which every Tass the equipment," though many claim dues do not pprovide rj!fl reported. It was three students he talks to are flights to Europe and use it to student there would have one comparatively springlike in which benefit them, he added. e faabt signing it. run things they want." vote. He said a student Moscow at 4 below. Before the tax could go into effect, the amendment m "ASMSU is a giant grab bag," Jeff Smith, Libertyville, 111., government group should serve The coldest temperature ever be approved by two-thirds of the members of RHA and then5 he said. "They get their money senior, said he is opposed to the the East Lansing community and recorded in Siberia was 90.4 Reach for it majority of the student body In a campus-wide referendum P The referendum below at Oymyakon on Feb. 6, All eyes are on the ball in this action from a men's presentation of the must be held within 10 class dan J 1933, and at Verkhoyansk on amendment, according to th» EDGEWOOD UNITED intramural basketball game between Akat and Akabrama, constitution. e 8 UNIVERSITY Jan. 3, 1885 and Feb. 5 and 7, EAST LANSING 1892. A reading of 126.9 below both teams from East Akers Hall. Basketball is just one of "This is not perpetual tax," Flintoff emphasized «i_ CHURCH a SEVEN I H-DAY was recorded in Anarctica on several intramural sport programs offered on campus. students can vote the organization out of existence 469 N. Hagadorn FRIENDS MEETING because* ADVENTIST CHURCH Aug. 24, 1960. State News photo by Stephi Rennpage constitution must be readoptedevery three years." An Ecumenical Fellowship Worship Services Quaker Meeting for Worship Sabbath School 9:30 Sunday 1:00 9:30 & 11 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 K. G. Smith, pastor Sermon "Conditions For Change" First Day School 1:00 TO DECIDE ON ASMSU LEVY Child Care Provided Dr. Truman A. Morrison 149 College Group Meeting All Saints Parish Highland Ave. Call 351-8994 if you need transportation 6:30-8:00 For bus schedule 332-0606 or or rides call 332-8693 800 Abbott Rd. E.L. Further Information 337-0241 Buckner calls for vote on tax ST. JOHN By BECKIE HAYNES solution to the current student the study of this matter. fees or dues which include pledges a sorority. ICC co THE STUDENT CENTER State News Staff Writer tax controversy. Presently, students are able to ASMSU, Residence Halls their revenue by collectiijl EPISCOPAL COMMUNITY "The best thing for all student Association Sunday Masses: receive a refund of their $1 (RHA), per person per term from tip An automatic referendum AT M.S.U. taxes would be to have them subscription fee for the State Intrafraternity Council (IFC), people who live in coopen 327 M.A.C. every three years for all student come up for a review News because of a new fee - Intercooperative Council (ICC) that are members of the cot taxes was recommended by and Panhellenic automatically," Buckner said. refund policy. Council, ASMSU chairman Harold If such referendums were Buckner said. Off Buckner reasoned that a three - Campus "In other words, the sti The Rev. Jack Hilyard, Chaplain Buckner this week as a possible scheduled and organized rather Council does not - year time span would allow charge a body can control ASMSU tii than being held during the heat everyone coming into the student tax. Saturday 7:00 p.m. ALL SAINTS CHURCH referendum. We can charged of controversy, taxes might be Radio Board does UNIVERSITY University the chance to decide charge $1 50c per term for each stutf more rational, he said. "And tax rates since he considers per term for each undergraduate BAPTIST CHURCH these student taxes on We can charge 25c petti might be three years the average turnover student living in a residence hall upon action of the board, Ba spent more rationally by groups, for the student body. and must have the approval of we want to charge 75c petl! 4608 South Hagadorn not just ASMSU." the residence hall students to First Church of The idea of having these we need a referendum,"" John D. Walden Pastor Some board members have automatic referendums appealed increase this rate. said. the Brethren - expressed concern over the use to Buckner since this would The student governing groups "I don't know of anyone J For Infonnation of student money for financing have a maximum rate written Walter Bucher, Pastor . allow both sides the chance to would put their tax up I 3020 S.Washington or Transportation * 44 major governing groups, prepare any cases. "If ASMSU into their constitutions and any referendum right now." Bi [.A.C.: 8:00, 12:30,4:30 Worship 10:00 A.M. Bus Schedule 332-8472 ASMSU, State News and Radio knew a referendum was coming lowering of the rate needs said. Discussion Group 11:00 A.M. Board. Many feel these taxes, approval of the group itself Buckner East: Mon. thru Thur. 9:30 P.M] For more information School of Disclpleahip 6:45 dues or fees should be abolished up automatically, they would while increasing the maximum predicted if i| and transportation worry about how they are using referendums resulted i Worship Sunday School or revised and are encouraging rate requires a referendum, 10:00 AM 11:00 AM the money more," he said. defeats, the elimination! The tax rate in all areas should Buckner said. ASMSU services and tip UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN be set by the student body, not ASMSU charges an capacity to finance the sp Central United Methodist by the board of trustees or a undergraduate student tax of interests of student f CHURCH CAMPUS HOUSE UNIVERSITY UNITED Across from th* Capitol board of directors, Buckner said. 50c per term which is the would result. 310 N. Hagadorn 251 W. Grand River Worship Services Using ASMSU as an example, he maximum rate they are allowed. METHODIST CHURCH Discussion Grouos 9:30 a.m 9:45 11:00 said students would have a direct RHA charges 16c per year for "Some amount of moM voice In how they think student student living in a residence hall. needed to run an organiatiol 1120 South Harrison "Be Salt, ChristiansI" Nursery • ALWAYS OPEN Phone 351-7030 government is working. IFC charges $2 por man in a he said. Our ad vantage is tint| Dr. Lyman title and another loss would only calibre to step in. Steve 90 - 89 double overtime win. He or more points on ^lie verge nT t£ douse „L 7h Zn "flushing aspirations. the,r championship teammate Downing, of was a highprovides whoMcGinnis, school has six led the team occasions thisin season scoring andon lastJohn five games Rjtter n , £„.llv «rJd «mewUh . ,he Downing situates himself at times. Kim Shepherd at th «" . k. M,r The Hoosiers were leix m center cenwi for iu* the ww Hoosiers and Joby Wright has been out the starting r ^ 8 frame Downing's right hand man of to h the tn w lth in much the same rut as the 1970 manipulates his 6 _ "Indiana co Id Ril T^hi! lo mfJd Msu team Prior to this season 85 under the boards to Perfection- ,ate- Wr'Sbt is the number eight the best team • * w L ?„SZthey lost a superstar to the ABA m a game against Kentucky scorer In conference action, year," GanZl*! Lrg lSThr^j£SgSggami But the three losses have been (George McGinnis) on a hardship m December, Downing hit for toting a 19 point average. He's "akaS51"u administered by a total of nine points: dropping a one point decision point to Minnesota, a six pointer to Ohio State and a two overtime game to All-staters Wisconsin. The Saturday match will be afternoon contest, a rare in campus bumped down from the normal 8 p.m. starting time to The charisma and excitement "We feel that we can give them Up and at Vim accomodate regional television as it is the Big Ten game of the week. The new starting time is which highlighted the 1971 a little better competition than Michigan State High School they're accustomed to seeing," basketball finals will be Armstrong remarked. "There is a Mike Robinson leaves the floor for a moment to take care of his scoring duties against Michigan in a game played earlier this month. Robinson will carry his 19.5 league average into Saturday's 2:05 p.m. In the telecast, Con recaptured in Jenison Fieldhouse great deal of talent and depth on game against Indiana at Jenison Reldhouse. Starting time is 2:05 p.m. Kremer will be standing in for tomorrow afternoon as the MSU this team." Mike Robinson hul in Bill Flemming. frosh will entertain the BUF All Freshman skipper Matt Aitch recent g ■ State News photo by Bruce Remington Indiana cannot afford Stars. holds much respect for the All - number - s Last year's "March Madness" Stars. "I don't know that much conference scoring i "Dazzling and astonishing photography spectacle featured the personal about them, but we'll expect a 19.5 average. -cool and penetrating humor."—Playboy confrontation of Kettering ace, good match. Aitch commented Booking lote for Lindsay Hairston pitted against "They have some good players another all - stater Tom McGill especially in Tom McGill." LINDSAY HAIRSTON rebounding with of Flint Northern in the Class a 13] midterms this "A" finale. The two will be rematched FOR DUAL MEET weekend? again this year in the traditional battle of the best on campus vs. Perk Come to up! the freshman at 11:45 a.m. All - star coach, Erwin Armstrong, back for another try this year after witnessing a three G-men travel to Eastel point setback at the hands of Saturday the MSU gymnastics team will travel George Olson will give the Huronsujj the last year's frosh, noted that, in to Ypsilanti to compete in what was scheduled as on the still rings and the side horse. his estimation, the Stare are a a triangular meet with Eastern "Eastern has rrog G Michigan and a good squad thisy_ better team then they were a Western Michigan Universities. WMU will not be hope to beat them," Coach George Snl \hop year ago. competing and it has been rescheduled as a dual meet between MSU and Eastern. "but reach our main concern in this mee a score of 159 or better." EMU is a young squad and is led by two former "At the start of the season we se. „ NOW OPEN ALL NIGHT Women's IM state champs. Rich Restaino and Randy Mills. Restaino is Eastern's best in the floor exercise 156 at this point," he added, "but ail 158.35 against SIU we had to reset o 75< pre# All managers of Free League while Mills is a solid all - around man. This will be the gymnasts' last nc„ McDonel Kiva - Sat. Jan. 29 FRIDAY and SATURDAY Basketball teams (men or meet before they open the Big Ten so women) will meet at noon today Floor exercise is the strongest Huron event. home meet against a strong 2755 E. Grand River Sun. - Hiurs. 6 a.m. to 11 p.m in Room 203 of the Men's IM. Besides Restaino and Mills, Joe Sawtell will give next Friday. Eastern extra punch in this event. "It will be 1, 3, 7, 9 , 11 pm & 1 am 1st Light E. of Hagadorn 332-1447 The team entry deadline is Restaino and Sawtell will also lead the way for a good meet to find | Thursday, Feb. 3 at 10 p.m. strengths and weakness," Larry lj| the Hurons on the parallel bars, while Mills is member, commented, "because thereif their number one man on the high bar. large crowd there to psych you u| RHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHA PRESENTS THIS MAY BE YOUR LAST TONIGHT THRU SUNDAY! CHANCE TO SEE THIS FINE A MASTERPIECE! MOTION-PICTURE-THE FILM IS BEING WITHDRAWN BY DON'T MISS! THE PRODUCER INDEFINITELY PAUL NEWMAN f$ BUTCH CASSIDV AND THE SUNDANCE KID (S ROBERT REDP0R0. KATHARINE ROSS Big Mama Bev] The Henry Butler Trio |l Tuesday thru Saturday |}| 'no cover charge THE TIN LIZZIE i 3411 E. MICHIGAN AVENUE (JU8T WEST OF CAMPUS) 361 2460 FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY ONLYI 3 Big Hitsll Not that it matters.but most of it is true. A GEORGE ROY HILL-PAUL MONASH PRODUCTION CoStarring STROTHER MARTIN JEFF COREY HENRY JONES Executive Producer PAUL MONASH, Produced by JOHN FOREMAN is YOUR miuing dM#8,'n Mujic Directed by GEORGE ROY HILL, Written by WILLIAM GOLDMAN Composed and Conducted by BURT BACHARACH A NEWMAN-FOREMAN PRESENTATION IKE thrill to h PANAVISION* COLOR BY OEIUXE Dw Ml MMtfi *.p >.u,n in n, w „ e j f HBUSEOT Far MATURE Audlmcn a thrill! i TWO-LANE __ ^TiSSlNC Tonight in Brody Southwest Dining Hall BLACKTOP" ~£?>| G1BI5, Tonight in Wilson Aud. * UNIVHSAl PlCTUtt • TfCMNlCOlOU* [R] J at 7:00 only 7, 9 Shown at 8:30 7, 9:15 only Saturday in Wilson Aud. 7, 9 "PLAY HATES" Sunday in McDonel Kiva 7:00 Saturday in Conrad Aud. and KIRK D0UGIRS 7, 9:1^ at SVlUfl KOSCMRELI WflllflCH j| Students, faculty, and staff only Sunday in McDonel Kiva 0:00 C>7 Louelv "UNKISSEO BRIDE" Shuwii late^ j I.D.'s required 9:00 $1.00 admission ujhvtodh' m*jjniv£nsalpicrune • tichnicolon* RHARHARHARHARHARHAl^ Plus. . . . .1 7:00 "TAKING OFF" n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. January 28, 1972 SPORTS Grapplers By GARY SCHARRER State News Sports Writer the Hoosiers 36 meet. - 6 in its opening ended with another knee injury. Malley has wrestled at 150 '.his most of last season with a neck meet a fourth - placer in the NCAA Bill Barnard Injury. "Malley lost (177) 10-1-1, season and has lost only once a referee's MSU's Jim Metzler "Malley gained national decision for third place at the wrestling team, gaining (190) 8 - 1 and against seven victories and two prominence by beating Jerry greater confidence following its heavyweight Mike Cerqua 9 2 draws. Malley, Midlands," he added "and then - a two - time Hubbard of Michigan, 9 1," he tied Arneson of' Oklahoma victory over Oklahoma State last bolster Purdue's lineup. Cerqua Illinois prep champion from Peninger said. "Hubbard is a State last week who finished weekend, swings back into Big placed second to MSU's Ben Decatur High School missed Ten competition this weekend Lewis in the conference returning Big Ten champion and second in the country last year." with meets against Purdue championships last year. University today and Illinois University Saturday. Both contests begin at 3:30 p.m. in The Illini meets, are 2 - 2 in dual defeating Wisconsin, 17 15 and Ohio State, 30 - 12, and - Tankers at home against the IM Sports Arena. losing to Iowa, 28 Purdue, Iowa swimmers - 9 and Neither the Boilermakers not Indiana, 22 - 13. Illini wrestling the Illini are figured as hopes lie in Bob Mayer (126) challenging powers to the with a 8 - 1 - 1 record and Enos Spartans. Last year Purdue By STEVE STEIN Two are freestylers — Bob Doug Martin is the top Brownridge (142) who is 9 - 1. State News Sports Writer Hawkeye finished eighth in the Big Ten Barr holds the Iowa season - best swimmer in the 500 As of Thursday, MSU's lineup - freestyle. tournament and Illinois was An important weekend is time in the 200 - freestyle, and was not definite, pending ninth. Spartan Coach Grady coming up for the MSU Jim Haefner swims the 50 and Sophomores Chuck Nestrud outcomes of challenge matches and Pete swimming team as the Spartan 100 - freestyle. Schorgl swim the 200 Peninger considers Purdue the between Conrad Calander and Battle of stronger of the two teams again Mike Ellis at 134, and Ben Lewis tankers will swim two Big Ten dual meets with an opportunity The otlier Hinsdale freshman individual medley and 200 - breastroke respectively for Iowa, this season and said that it has and Larry Avery for to add two conference victories. is 200 -backstroker Brent and both will have to face some "very good" wrestlers at heavyweight. Gorrell, who will face a fine the top three weights. Purdue will provide the Spartan co - captain Jeff Lanini. ! wrestler Marl; Malley (right) locks arms with Jay Arneson of Oklahoma State in a Peninger said that Greg opposition tonight as the Spartan freshman backstroker, Freshman John Blumer is the The Boilermakers are 5-4-1 Itch last week. Malley tied the NCAA second placer and sports a 1 - 1 2 record this season Johnson would go at 118, Pat Spartans and Boilermakers battle Paul Fetters, and last seasons's top Iowa diver. this year and against common most valuable MSU swimmer er sitting on the sidelines with injuries last year. opponents, Purdue defeated Milkovich, 126; Tom Milkovich, at the Men's IM pool beginning MSU students are admitted State News photo by Craig Porter Alan Dilley in that event. Indiana 18 16. MSU 142; Mark Malley, 150; Gary at 7:30 p.m. After that meet, free to Spartan home meets with - whipped King, 158; Gerald Malecek, 177; the MSU swimmers will return Iowa junior Kevin Keating an ID card, while general Jeff Zindel, 177 and Dave to action Saturday afternoon swims the 1000 - freestyle and admission prices are $1.00 for MICHIGAN RELAYS Ciolek, 190. against Iowa, beginning at 2 p.m. Iowa has one of its stronger the 200 - butterfly, while junior adults and .50 for children. The competition will mark teams this year with the addition debuts for King and Zindel. Irackmen to get warmup GARY KORRECK "like last week, we won't be competition than last week. King, a Warren senior from Lincoln High School is for Rick Radman who has a skin infection. Zindel is an East wrestling of several fine freshman swimmers. The Hawkeyes, who swim at Northwestern tonight before 1 WINNER OF 6 DAVID LEAN'S ACADEMY AWARDS! medley team; both should be meeting the Spartans, have a 3 - News Sports Writer D'ttrich said, Lansing sophomore, wrestling in "U-M has a tough team and doing better." 1 overall dual meet mark, and the place of brothers Bruce and DOCTOR ^ L in essence does wl" ™5? « Eastern Michigan's pretty good," "But we're looking for Greg who are sidelined with have lost their only Big Ten E W indoor 3^°'*?, SUle •» "Ef™ poshed us l„ meet to Wisconsin. Iowa had a jam should b« mow th»n |for its Big Ten pe ""XS .to comm«ntol that 1^"' "hy last WMk' he wou|cj be looking for ways to Assistant coach Jim Gibbard improvement all along the line," injuries. he added. Leading the squad into Ann successful weekend last week, Although the Spartans have defeating Western Michigan and ZHilAG^ I Northwestern Feb. 5. Arbor will be sprinters Marshall been plagued with injuries this Northern Illinois in dual meets. season, substitutes have become Three of the Hawkeyes top Dill, varsity record holder in the "k to [ravels Ann Arbor for to Ann wltlJ the Wildcats. a iot Qf strong independent 300, Herb Washington, winner more than competent swimmers are freshmen from Michigan Relays, t.m ^ "We can have as many guys as runner at the meet." of the 60-yard dash at Eastern. replacements, as in the case at Hinsdale, (III.) High, one of the , we want In Saturday's meet," he Hoth nittrirh and r.ihharci ' ' 150 where it appears John top high schools teams in the as many weeks. only run 28 guys. —«- -szss.SLsss as hard as it has all year and rtix?ulchee-■consl!,e,,t point getter. Abajace's wrestling career has country. "What I have to do Saturday Dittrich expects "a general, is find out who will run where in overall improvement." sn score the Northwestern meet" "We'll be watching some According to Dittnch the events closer than others," he Popejoy in the mile, Bob Cassleman in the 600 John most difficult area to cut down said, "especially our shuttle Ross, 1 in will be the sprinters. "We've hurdle team and our distance Roberts i got a lot of good dash men and a I MSU women varsity lot of good 440 men," he tall team defeated Wayne f0 explained. |n its initial contest of the • 52, Wednesday night. k Stoik led MSU with 23 I while team mate Diane V added 15. en's team will be a ■ (Women's IM) for game |er two arainst Eastern n tonight with the junior Jland game to start at 6:30 the varsity game Ing at 8 p.m. His first Candid Camera feature film. "What Do You Say to a BOUT TIME SOMETHING1 Beal Film Group presents ANOTHER fabulous double feature Naked Lady?" LIKE THIS WAS SHOWN!" THE in 109 ANTHONY "IT'S A BIG COME-ON! NOT WHAT IT PRETENDS TO BE." FABULOUS AND What can you say? "SHOWS THAT MAKING LOVE IS NOT LIKE SHAKING HANDS." "IT S TERRIBLE THAT THEY SHOW MOVIES LIKE THIS- I CAN T BELIEVE IT!" "I THOUGHT IT WAS TERRIFIC A film -HAD A REAL MEANING!" byAIIen Funt. Music and lyrics by Steve Karmen. "A LOT OF FANCY WORDS MARX Assistant Producer Richard Briglia. TO SHOW WHAT IS COLOR by DeLuxe. United Artists REALLY AN EROTIC MOVIE!" one of their great Tonight in Conrad Aud. ROOM SERVICE 7, 9 also starring Lucille Ball and Ann Miller Shown at 8:45 only Students, faculty, and staff only Shown in 109 ANTHONY I.D.'s required $1.00 admission "wages th« world at 7 md 10:10 p.n - $1.00 for both films - NO ID required 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Fridaj ary ij Daley: uncontested 'Boss' of Chicago "Boss: Richard J. Daley of Chicago/, by Mike Royko. 224 pgs., government is fascinating and terrible at the same time, but Royko always handles his subject skillfully and often characters who parade around Chicago shadow. The faithful party (including in Daley's substantial selected friends and the civil defense sirens, and started a he sent his firemen jogging down an panic On expre^wJ!!0^'! $1.25 (paperback) New American Library. humorously. relatives), the judges, the criminals and the ex - criminals on the to prove how fit they were (and how easv ft ""1 "He runs Chicago like a small family business," Royko writes, city payroll, all take their cues from Daley. Loyalty Is rewarded massive traffic jam.) But when Martin Lut^nr tol "and keeps everybody on a short rein. They do only that which with a job; unpleasant ends await the defient. ghettoes burned, he asked Daley to shoot In *1 they know is safe and that which he tells them to do." They make for interesting reading. Take Daley's fire chief, for went him one better and ordered his doHcp J\ars°' We are treated to the spectacle of a wide array of political example: the day the White Sox won the pennant he turned on Apparently the only ones who do not shortcomings are a majority of the Chicago 2°°'% Chicago is the last major city in America run by a political vni ' city has been corrupted long that itsTesidpm ' ^ machine. Richard Joseph Daley is the undisputed master of this machine, the man who has kept an iron grip on Chicago through ARRAIGNED FOR ASSAULT hardened to scandal. so Corruption did not begin with not end when he steps down. two decades of scandals and riots and assorted other ills. Chicagoans have h, screamed into their ears for so long that they havehJ bond Daley slowly through the hierarchy of Chicago politics. It Judge released rose took him 30 years to get from precinct captain on the tough Irish South Side to the fifth floor of City Hall. Now his power in Chicago is absolute. The spoils system of Chicago government guarantees him a lifetime rule over his Cook County fiefdom. As instructions to turn left at the on explained that the strict medical The coed, working for the Daley has been re - elected four times Thk frauds, ghetto riots, the 1968 convention deba.u qualify Daley for the title of "the greatest mav » •""'I - long as the thousands of officeholders who depend on him for (as his admirers call him) but it will not be Bo™i„ "n "* jobs get out the vote on Election Day, "Daley's Chicago" will be northgate exit of Lot I on lied interpretation of the word shock Dept. of Public Safety, reported the incident to a MSU police him great. Boodne^ Cedar Road. The incident did not apply in her case. He Royko has deftly pictured the character of a man a political fact of life. I A district court judge was occurred about 9:30 p.m., Jan. added that she was treated officer. Police said they he rules. Royko shows no bitterness in Now Mike Royko, a columnist for the Chicago Daily News, has "Boss " i, ' l written "Boss," the story of Daley's rise to power. Royko has arraigned in 54th District Court 22, after an MSU basketball earlier this week for diarrhea and investigated the case and turned no ax to grind, as Daley's political enemies do' mIu! Thursday morning before Judge game. upset stomach, but could not it over to the prosecuting the book is so good: Royko can look at Daley rlT "1 an said little that is not already known about Daley; but he has put the man and his city into perspective and examined his attitudes Maurice E. Schoenberger on The coed, whom police determine if it was related to the attorney who issued the being astonished or revolted. U|> and actions closely. The picture he presents of big - city charges of assault and battery refused to identify, was taken to accident. complaints. and failure to comply with the the University Health Center Edgar stood mute at his mxum iNKHnmnw ipmi? instructions of a coed employe after she was struck. She was Selection setup arraignment and the court 3RD BIG WEEK! hired as an assistant traffic treated for two ruptured skin entered a plea of not guilty. He TODAY OPEN AT 7:00 P.M. control director. for award starts blood vessels in her thigh. requested a jury trial. He was "The Devils" at 7:25 - James Edgar, 55th district Dr. Loren Hatch of the released without bond his The preliminary round of the on 9:25 The Devils is not a film for everyone... court judge, allegedly struck the University coed with his car after he Health Center described the coed as "shocky" selection process for Distinquished Faculty Award the personal recognizance. Schoenberger said Edgar was * CAPITAL CAPSUL refused to comply with her when she was brought in, but has begun. With each eligible notified by mail of his |t is a true story, carefully documented degree college selecting an award winner, undergraduates and arraignment, a standard procedure in misdemeanor cases, THE MICHIGAN HOUSE Thursday rejected a and bill t, J historically accurate - a serious work by a graduate students must file voluntarily came to the each Jan. 15 as a public holiday commemoratino theJl nomination forms through their court Thursday morning. distinguished film maker. As such it is likely Schoenberger added that he has Martin Luther King, Jr. m respective departments before The bill was eight votes short of the 56 needed Feb. 15. All decisions will be "nothing to say regarding the form to be hailed as a masterpiece by An amendment prohibiting it from many. becoming a pa final. case." for state employes failed to save the bill sponsored bv R«J But because it is explicit and highly graphic Schoenberger, however, did say that he is disqualifying Vaughn III, D-Detroit. ' in depicting the bizarre events that occurred However, the bill was returned to the House himself from the case because he Appw Committee on a reconsideration vote and ould ow what I II performance of the education include and introduce the idea * Guerillas kill When you start having and canno^do ^n of controversy of they can orison nnnrd problems, you figure you're Lms to re-evaluate the accountability of education. snJlfi? re^fir^Q Pr,son guard going to get screwed every time I of obtaining tctors qualified "Public education is like a certain amount of - semes r performance football game," he said "the T"? educator should k H,™? be able to say (AP) - Gunmen in a passing c "But I want to work on this r or the payment of objective is' to score the what^cana^coJvSlkh V n „rte/,n miir(l ki"ed a prison guard Thursday as Pr«Perty to get it running right.' nlv when it can be P. only when it can be tourhrinwn—fn touchdown-to a&t get tho he left home to 20 to work. Resident complaints Schools should irs the child * ~ . . eet awav he'eft home to go to work. ;rated that students learn ■sanent procedures that ready for adulthood." "And this is not done, except from tMt 1 ne studintS n! Police sources said the killers rising out of a country filled v "tudents' in the 'case, normativef reference tests. tests Tests , R°?olfo Lencino apparently JULIE'S medieval history and tradition. It is rare in 100-yard were Tupamaro guerrillas. RENT a the new profile of Holland that H |lishments in terms of run. A system of first down^s JtSdlfntsTo'Veet "gotta PAWN SHOP rmined goals. usually used," Porter said. - four They said Lencino bullets as he leftwas for hit by Punta Reed exploits in his splendid film, "The New Holland". ca The me present came plan is not game plan is not [,®rformance- there certain things that all ,tha' Carretas, the penitentiary from YOUR TV . . . are which 106 m > d FRIDAY mmuK9 D col A u ic acuon woum De oic^ a"lon wou'a oe to can new lo call new tudents should be able iftothey periodic tests should see do, on ^ t 6 b tunneling under BY THE TERM FEB. OSIPOV Boishoi Opera the walU 4 '• ?the nation!f i to try ^ plays and hehead to direction, off in another can do them," Porter said. "We BALALAIKA in ate accountability added. To do this a number of want a„ of the students to get to '23.00 ORCHESTRA things rds and assessment should hopefully take place, the first down " BRAMS NOW SERIES A AB ■ires not based on norms To accomplish r some of these BY THE MONTH Ws. $9.50 This young r of all this SHOWING quickly string quartet has ra established a reputatioi GUARNERI one of the finest in the wc (mentation is quality Free Service Featuring: violinists Arn i for every student in Free Delivery STRING Steinhardt and John Oalley, vi< }n, Porter said, PLANETARIUM Free Pick-up QUARTET Michael Tree, and cellist David Soyer. k it incumbent on us to CHAMBER MUSIC I that what the wisest professor wants for his is what we want to give NEJAC TV RENTALS 337-1300 l or daughter of any » laborer in Michigan," said there were ly three phases to quality i. Defining the goals of lion, insuring quality Ition and assessing the lance. I I I I PROGRAM SCHEDULE FHI 8:00 & 10:00 p.m. SAT. 2:30, 8:00, & 10:00 p.i SUN 4:00 p.m. ADMISSION PRICES ADULTS MSU Students (I.D.). . Children (5-12) $1.00 . 50c 75c your sails lis must No Pre - Schoolers Admitted fine dining first decide what |y want a child to be able Is our planet being visited by spacecraft controlled intelligent creatures from another world? Explore with us by d do, he said. A goal the possibilities of highly developed life forms on other planets. Witness dramatic demonstrations of some W<.STUDENT . mysterious UFO accounts and learn some basic types of observations to perform when you see an "unknown in l/Ot /0 DISCOUNT FOLLOWING 8 and [Time* Watch Repair ic Shaver Repair OBSERVING SESSION 10 p.m. SHOWS fngraving ' at the Planetarium THE ALBUM ys Made Sunday,Jan. 30th TEASER AND ssors Sharpened 1 5 a.m.-7 a.m. THE FIRECAT a Large Selection TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE by Cat Stevens J of■' - Fri. & Sat. til 11:30 p. m. §.,< , in next IS;,Vs s,c,iTs & Lounge open til 2 a.m. STARBOARD 1110 Trowbridge Road ^SPECIAL PRICE! TACI{ words only 351-8720 $2.00 adl'n8 is TODAY! P' Student Services 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, jatlll! |, Check into ) ur sPecial on I "Sights Si Soun^B The State News does not CROWN GRAPHIC view camera, LOST: MEN'S wire rimmed glasses, permit racial or, religious LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight discrimination in its training. All courses are SLRs, relfex, range- finder, Canon camera and leading brands. Some gold frame, photo grey lens, black case. 351-5532. 3-1 28 DO IT ■.YOURSELF ldea7 im*.nation. BARGAIN*" J advertising columns. The government and VA certified. 712 East FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport cameras, $1 - $5, 8mm and super - Michigan . • AUTOMOTIVE State News will not accept 8 movie projectors. Used slide FOUND: GERMAN shepherd 484-5433.4 1-28 U Road. Call 484-1324. C-1-31 - Collie Scooter* & Cycto vertising which projectors, $5 up. Binocular close cross, male, about 1 year old. Auto Parts & Sarvioa discriminates against religion, - out. Sale on 30 pair skiis, $5 up. Owner please call 353-3193. Cold and Aviation race, sex, color or national Employment 30 pair ski boots, $3 - $15. Used ice skates, reduced prices. 1-1-28 YourBafc, • EMPLOYMENT origin. Insulated boots. Snowshoes. 500 OVERSEAS JOBS for students. LOST: SLIDERULER, Albert Street • FOR RENT shot - guns and rifles, new and area. East Lansing, brown leather Australia, Europe, South America, Apartments used. Big selection electric heaters. case. Call 676-5686, urgently Africa, etc. All professions and Portable and electric typewriters, To Houses occupations, $700 to $3000 monthly. Expenses paid, overtime, $15 up. Used stereo, amps, tuners, keep your car in dT Rooms A utomotive sightseeing. Free information. receivers, changers, tape recorders, LOST THURSDAY afternoon in [or the easier Auto winter starts J • FOR SALE Write, JOBS OVERSEAS, Dept. decks, speakers, records, tapes, Erickson. Blue Linde Star white Service fc'A color TV sets, Police band radios, column of STATP J Animals MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE 1966, 8A, Box 15071, San Diego, gold ring. Sentimental value. 6 tapestries. WILCOX Reward. 35 3-6450, 351-5976. Classified Ads. Mobile Homes cylinder automatic. Excellent California 92115. 10-1-31 SECONDHAND STORE. 509 East 2-1-2 now! •Lost & Found mechanical, economical and always starts. $395. 393-5066. Michigan, 8 - 5:30 p.m., Monday - • PERSONAL m job with 2-1-28 Saturday. 485-4391. LOST: BLACK AND TAN male dog. gospel • PEANUTS PERSONAL BankAmericard, Master Charge, Resembles wire - haired Terrier, meetings 7x1 • REAL NOVA, 1970. Six cylinder, standard, STYLIST wanted. VILLAGE Layaway, terms, trades. C wearing red collar and flea collar. every night ex«pt Carriage Hill Gospel %i 1 $«J ESTATE HAIR Child's pet. Reward. Phone still under warranty, excellent HAIR Lake Lansing Road. .RECREATION SHOPPE, 4663 Ardmore, 54 USED SEWING machines, 61-28 condition. $1475 or best offer. Okemos. Phone 349-0430. 5-2-3 $9.95 332 5988. 3-1-28 •SERVICE 355-2874. 2-1-28 up. Singers, Necchi, Elna, Typing Service BABYSITTING IN Spartan Kenmore, many others too Peanuts Pei PLYMOUTH STATION my numerous to mention. Zig-Zag and Personal •TRANSPORTATION wagon Village home. Preschool children. 1967. Automatic transmission, Well cared for, very reliable. Call UNTIL THIS DRLG REACTION SUBSIDES, straight stitchers. Consoles and jenny, we just • WANTED portables. ELECTRO-GRAND, discoveredI snow tires, $850 cash. Phone 353-6823. 2-1-28 XV AVOID HISW PLACED IF 1UBW.' PORTRAITS, COLOR Candid birthday was January ]=M 804 East Michigan, Lansing. 9 353-7926. 3-1-31 Weddings, passports and belated Happy DEADLINE a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday 9 - 12 Birthday| 1 P.M. MARRIED COUPLE for caretakers QFMNKLYSftAKJHG/PH ISZ3/£-. LAWN6 noon. 0-5-1-28 identification. Commercial your co-workers. M-28 1 one class day before PONTIAC CATALINA 1967. 55,000 of Nursery School. Graduate photography. Evenings. Call publication. genuine miles. Good mechanical students preferred. Free USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 3552751, MILLER condition. $995. Phone 353-0962 unfurnished 2 bedroom East Michigan. Dishes, books, PHOTOGRAPH ICS. 5-1-31 Cancellations/Corrections after 5 p.m. 1-1-28 apartment, plus washer / dryer coins, antiques, rockers, junk. - 12 noon one class day and utilities. 484-6598. 2-1-28 For Rent For Rent Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open ELECTRONIC YOGA - INNER before publication. RAMBLER 1964. New battery, SPACE ELECTRONICS offers brakes; low mileage, good body, GENERAL HOUSEC LE AN ING. Houses Saturday and Sunday. Furniture model 7000 brainwave / Recreation PHONE 355-8255 needs some work, best offer. Flexible hours. $2.20/hour. Own Apartments and appliances open all week, 10 am 6 pm. Phone 371-2843. alphawave monitor. Excellent '72.Rol - EUROPE: SUMMER 347 Student Services Bldg. 337-0631 after 6 p.m. 2-1-28 transportation. Uniform C-1-31 biofeedback training device. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. 1 GIRLS WANTED to look for house. jets from $219. STUDENT® furnished. 485-9069. 5-1-28 girl ATTENTION MEDITATORS. RATES 15 word mlnlmurr RAMBLER STATION wagon, 1966. desperately needed for new 2 Have dog and some furniture. 351-1144. 5-2-3 C 129 East Grand River 351J 1 bedroom apartment. Own room, Immediately. 489-6276. No. DAYS V-8, Classic 770. Automatic TEMPORARY JOB, key puncher No. $75. No lease. Near Frandor. 373-6880, Brenda. 2-1-28 Men's flannel shirts, all sizes. transmission, power brakes, power needed to work regular office AVON PRODUCTS SPRING BREAK WORDS 1 3 5 10 steering, low mileage. $550. hours. $3.50 hour. Phone 485-7610. 1-1-28 Levi's, Bell's in blue denim, 10% DISCOUNT with this ad. - AcapulcoJ per ONE BEDROOM 21.00 339-2207. 1 -1 -28 373-1390. 5-1-28 furnished, very corduroy and scrub denim. Call ALICE 355-1177. Bahamas, $159, Hawaii 1 15 2.70 8.10 11.25 LARGE 1 bedroom deluxe furnished reasonable, carpet, bedroom STUDENTOURS, 129 E«1 carpeted, $90. 2324 5-2-3 16 2.95 8.85 12.25 23.00 TOYOTA 1971. Red deluxe sport MARKET RESEARCH apartment. Carpet, air Commonwealth. 482-6906. 1-1-28 Bib overalls. River. Ring . . 351-2650.C1 coupe, disc brakes, air ASSISTANCE: To conduct house conditioning, heat furnished. 711 Blue chambray work shirts. Burcham. Call 337-7328. 0-2-1-31 17 3.20 9.60 13.25 25.00 conditioning, reclining bucket to house survey on Lansing West SUBLET LARGE 3 bedroom. Stove, Real Estate seats, chrome wheels with radials, Side. Open hours; part time. $3 refrigerator, carpet, basement. 18 3.45 10.35 14.25 27.00 radio. Must sell. Call 393-8854 BARRET'S MEN'S WEAR L.S.A.T. April exam after 5 p.m. MARRIED STUDENTS $200 / month plus deposit. 2 miles - 3-2-1 February. Call 487-3629. 4-1-28 19 3.70 11.10 15.25 29.00 & FACULTY from campus. Call 372-3017. 111 West Grand River D.A.T. — April exam PRICED TO SELL I TRIUMPH BABYSITTER FOR 2 toddler boys Williamston GT6+, 1970. Yellow 20 3.95 1 1.85 16.25 31.00 70 fastback. Excellent condition. and light housekeeping. Start 1, 2, fit 3 bedroom apts. EAST LANSING, close to campus, 3 655-1766 M.C.A.T. — April exam acres betwee 14,900 miles - Cheap. 351-8753 or March 6, 4 days a week, 10 a.m. - some with study or 4 man, furnished. Call after 5 Lansing and Williamstonl 351-1029. Anytime. 2-1-28 7 p.m. Occasionally overnight. p.m. 351-4757, 485-6483. 3-2-1 FURNITURE, LINENS, kitchen quality built brick hom All student ads must be Okemos area. Prefer single, mature supplies, etc. complete for 2 years old. 35' x 15'bam,J prepaid The State News will VOLKSWAGEN, 1970. Orange fastback. AM/FM radio, air - from *145 per mo. EAST SIDE. $160 per 2 bedrooms, $150 - month, plus deposit. Call bedroom apartment. Cost $4500. Sell for $2250. Phone 694-0604. full basement. 15' x 2( barn also Silo and tool hoi , be conditioning. 38,000 miles. 393-0450.1-1-28 5-2-2 responsible only for the $1850. Call 351-6814. 5-1-28 UNFURNISHED About 50 acres cultivated J Rooms GERRY "DOWN" • acres pasture with « first day's incorrect sleeping bag. VOLKSWAGEN 1968. Sedan, white children welcome lot. Nice creek, flows jj insertion. -25° "Year round", 2 man, with sunroof, engine recently For Rent please, no pets OWN ROOM in duplex. $50+. nylon, back packing tent. Chris around. More acres av overhauled, snow tires, excellent Soil bank pays Available immediately. Call 351-4636. 2-1-28 condition. 38,000 miles. $1100 TV RENTALS. Color, $19.50 per 337-0054 after 5 p.m. 2-1-31 Ernie Teachout 482-6461.1 A utomotive 351-1453. 1-1-28 month. Black and white, $9.50 per month. MARSHALL MUSIC, KNOB HILL MSU, NEAR. 1 or 2 girls preferred. 43 USED VAC'S. $5.50 up. compact. Filter Queen, Hoover, Kirby, BLOCK & BRIDLE HORSE SHOW CHEVROLET VOLKSWAGEN VAN. Excellent 351-7830. C-1-1-28 Electrolux. Uprights and Tanks. TEACHOUT & GARDfJ condition. 1966. convertible. V-6 automatic. Good Negotiable. Call Impala APARTMENTS Available February 1st. Furnished, clean. Parking. Phone 332-0322. 1-1-28 ELECTRO-GRAND 804 East Michigan, Lansing. 9 a.m. to 5 March 31 & Entries jn Pavilion April 1 REALTORS satisfaction guaranteed. Free 353-6822 after 5 p.m. x3-1-28 349-4700 p.m., Saturday 9 - 12 noon. Monday, January 31 through 371-1930 delivery, service and pick up. No deposit. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C OPEN Monday - Friday MSU-NEAR. Two people needed to 0-5-1-28 Friday, February 4. CHEVROLET 1963 Biscayne. V-8 share room in house. Call VOLKSWAGEN GHIA 1970 9 a.m. • 5 p.m. CERAMIC BUSINESS. I 332-5903. 3-1-28 YOU WON'T believe our large WHO'S WHO at MSU? Get the MSU and all equipment and M convertible. Orange, Mag wheels. Saturday 12-5 p.m. selection of frame styles. PROFESSOR RATING AND Still on warranty. Reasonable. 489-7332 after 8:30 p.m. 3-1-28 Apartments LOCATED MILE NORTH ROOMS, SINGLES and doubles. OPTICAL DISCOUNT. 2615 East COLORING BOOK. Send $2 to Shows nice return. I Albertson, 372-3719; fl OF JOLLY RD. ON Cooking facilities. Utilities paid. Michigan Avenue, 372-7409. Rating Book, P.O. Box 1614, East C HEVY 1957. 2 door wagon. CASA DEL SOL. 1 bedroom luxury Call 372-8077. C-1-31 C-5-1 -28 Lansing, Michigan. 5-1-28 STRONG REALTY, 37l| OKEMOS ROAD 2-1-28 1966 Oldsmobile Cutlass -S. Boro VOLVO 1970 142S. Green, air - apartments. Hotpoint appliances, - warner T-10 4 speed. Muncie 4 shag carpeting, drapes. Models GIRL NEEDED to sublet a 4 OKEMOS, VERY QUIET. Deposit conditioning, radio, tape, new - man. COLE'S BAKERY MOTORCYCLIST: START the speed. Plymouth 4 speed. open Wednesday — Saturday 12 - and references. All utilities paid. Michel in radials. $2600. $87 per month. Close to campus. 489-7554, 655-1621. 2-1-31 offer. 351-0893. 3-1-28 Best 6, Sunday 1 - 5. From $170, 351-9098, 351-9036. 3-1 28 No lease. $80 / month. 694-8335. SURPLUS BAKERY foods at season with a club sponsoring Service reduced prices, 1/3 to 1/2 off at favorable legislation, trail rides, including heat. For information, 4-1-28 retail prices; great eating, great safety training, etc. 353-3739, CHRYSLER 1963. V-8, automatic, »„» ARE YOU PAYING 332-1 142, 372-4303. 129 HASLETT AREA, near Meridian economy I Surplus store, 640 349-2359. 3 1-28 Visit RABORN'S RAZOlj power, four door. Good o" TOO MUCH FOR Highland Avenue, East Lansing. Mall. Modern, spacious, carpeted, For Sale South Waverly, immediately EDGE EAST condition, reliable, comfortable. AUTO INSURANCE? 1-5-28 very attractive. 1 bedroom, North of 1-496 Expressway. WATERBEDS FROM $9,99. Moving. Best offer. 351-3191. Why not give me a call? laundry facilities. No children or SUPPLIES FOR C-3-1-28 Guaranteed. Direct from factory. Hair Styles for men I that project at 3-1-28 Don NEED ONE girl for Cedar Village as Call 351 -0908. Drive a little, save Sakowski soon as possible, 4 - man. pets. 351-4006 after 5 p.m. 5-1-28 bargain prices. BARGAIN BARN, 712 East a lot. New address effective 2828% E. Grand Ri«| CORVAIR 1962 Monza. Automatic. 351-8076. 2-1-31 Michigan, Lansing. Animals 371-4570 SENTRY 1 AND 2 bedroom furnished, January 31, 1649 Qeencrest One - owner. 40,000 miles. Good INS. 676-1930 available 484-5433.4-1-28 Avenue, East Lansing. 3-1-31 immediately. Phone condition. $225. Best offer. Call ONE GIRL wanted for apartment. HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT ENGLISH SETTER - Hunting dogs, IDEAS GALORE for decorat.n|B Close to campus. Immediate GOOD USED Hanover wooden skiis. house apartment. BARP 332-0237. 2-1-28 orange or blue Beltons, 1 to 3 PREGNANT? PANICKY? Consider or A uto Service & Parts 351-7910. 5-2-3 Cubco bindings. Reiker boots, 6. BARN, 712 East MicM occupancy. No deposit. $56 / years, sired by Merry Max, the alternatives. Boot carrier. Poles. $65. Pregnancy FORD COUNTRY wagon, 1966. 9 MASON BODY SHOP, 6U East month. 355-3613. 1-1-28 1 BEDROOM deluxe apartment, 487-3158. 1-1-28 outstanding bloodlines. AKC. DOCANANN KENNELS, 10480 counseling. 372-1560. O Lansing. 484-5433. 4-1-28J passenger with luggage carrier on furnished, carpeted, $165 includes Kalamazoo Street . . . Since 1940. SUB-LET, ONE bedroom apartment, South M-52, Perry. 625-3480. top. Phone 489-3529. 3-2-1 heat. East Lansing, available Complete auto painting and OLD - FASHIONED cape. Elbow furnished, 1-3 persons. Close to February 1.351-1529. 3-1-31 2-1 28 collision service. IV5-0256. C-1-31 length, black long haired monkey FORD ECONOLINE Van 1964 MSU. Call after 6 p.m., 351-8336. 1-4 MEN wanted for Cedar - fur. Perfect condition. $70. Call NEED HOME immediately for extra CROSSWORD Average working condition, needs Village 351-5286. 1-1-28 minor repairs. Best offer. Mr. VW-GUAR ANTEE D RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at repair. NEED 1 man for 3 bedroom duplex, spring term. Reduced 351-5338. 5-2-2- rates. Call beautiful Persian cat. Male. 2 years. Shots. Call Carol 351-4939. PUZZLE Davis, 339-8255. 4-1-28 COLE'S BAKERY KWa Okemos Road. 349-9620. C-1-31 close to campus. $52.50 per 2-1-31 26. Aviation month. Call 351-1979. 2-1-31 FINE BAKERY food for all meals. GIRL NEEDED to share with one. Open Sundays. MEIJERS ST. BERNARD puppies, AKC. 1. "lights out" prefix Air, pool, dishwasher. Close to THRIFTY ACRES 5. Trench 29. Steep WALKING DISTANCE TO MSU, - Okemos, S. Reasonable price for students, campus. Rent negotiable 8 Commotion 31. Yellow ocher STORY newly decorated and furnished 1 Pennsylvania, W. Saginaw. good house dogs. Call collect, 351-4932. 2-1-28 KROGER — Frandor, Logan 1-723-7793. Owosso. 5-2-1- 11. Adjoin 33. Bushmen bedroom cottage, including Center, 4001 W. Saginaw, 1721 N. 12. Japanese 34. Farinaceous utilities. 332-6717 after 4 p.m. admiral meal 1-1-28 Houses Grand River. C-1-1-28 SAMOYEDS, AKC. Females, one 10 13. Pelage 36. Aerie weeks, one 2 years. Shots, 14. Arm bone 38. Italian cheese E A ST SONY 6045 Receiver, dual 1209 DATSUN SALES MODERN SPACIOUS fully carpeted apartment. GE 2 bedroom LANSING, 3 bedroom completely furnished. $300 / turntable Stanton with base cover and X-rayed.Terms available.339-8587 4 128 15. Exulted 17. Art of 42. Living on an island 681 EE cartridge, 2 3165 E. MICHIGAN month, utilities included. Students appliances, air - conditioner, Rectilinear XII speakers, 2 construction 45. Shakespeare's One Block From Campus garbage disposal. Phone 339-9291 welcome. 393-3068 after 6. 10 2-1 Rectilinear XI speakers. All Mobile Homes 19. Tissue river after 5 p.m. 4-1-28 THREE BEDROOM furnished home cartons and 20. Massive 46. Clumsy boat packing materials available March 1 to August 31. separately or $600 for all. 10' x 50' GENERAL, furnished, 24. Space suit 47. June bug Okemos. $250 per month. 393-8816. 2-1-28 carpted, bar. On lot in East 26. English 48. Stitch TWO BEDROOM luxury apartment in Burcham Woods. $189 / month 349-4187. 2-1-28 Lansing. Call 351-9352 after 4 bullfinch 49. Snoop GUITAR AMPLIFIER, 110 watts. p.m. 2-1 28 — includes 351-3118. If heat, no water. answer Call call THREE BEDROOM house, $125 per Two 12 inch speaker reverb r- T" 22 r- * 7 e 9 .o month or single rooms about $50 NEW AND used homes, on lots at 484-4014. 5-1-31 tremelo, very clean. Must sell. nr nr~ 482-3295. 5-2-1- 393-8816. 2-1-28 MOBILE HOME MANOR. 1 mile East of campus, on bus route nr li~ ar SKIIS. HEAD Masters 205's. Good condition. Call 351-4559. Ask for Phone 332-2437. 3-2-1 i? n nr Nsm wwa Tom. 2-1-28 MUST SELL 1970 Vindale 12' 1972 x 60\ sr IP % JON DATSUN PICK-UP unfurnished, i?- LARGEST SELECTION Court. 339-8912. 6-2^1 completely carpeted, disposal. King Arthur's 1 ST IT" fir 22 im rr»iaim 1957 ROYCRAFT mobile home. 10' W vr ir IT x 47'. On lot close to campus, Your car caught cold? sr vr W W *1998 Kramer has everything to fix it. partially 882 7036. 1-1-28 furnished. $1500 w tr Service, too. i Mi n sr w !_ __ We Stock Over Lost & Found a Million Parts w 4T~ USE YOUR + ~ © KRAMER AUTO PARTS 800E. Kalamazoo St. 484-1303 MASTER CHARGE AT THE STATE NEWS LOST: male BLACK miniature trimmed poodle, red collar. East Lansing. Answers to "Peppi". 351-0656. 3-1-31 w ft? sT n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, January 28, 1972 13 Stans resigns from Cabinet LINGTON ro«tA#f Interested i.individuals around hing Service exchequer of one of the two gowns from the pages of Modem 1"ter^lea 11 the booth seemed willing to hear displaying jewelry, cookware, major parties," Nixon said with Bride Magazine's spring issue committee, they were luf ? china, dinnerware, silver and ■VE SAVE SAVE a smile. highlighted Woman Is - A day Lansing represented by Penny Black, a tfUS S'de °f the ab°rtl°n ,SSUe" wedding trivia. Flower Stans' resignation is effective senior, and Marcy arrangements by John Line of ■COPYING. Offset, jt reasonable prices. THE best as soon as Peterson is confirmed devoted to women," held Jankovich of Lansing. Lansing were displayed and Just (i trim Thursday in the Union. where to find alternatives to featured throughout the bridal IhoPPE, 54 East Grand by the Senate. "Our purpose is to Shoichi Yokoi, a former Japanese Army sergeant, who has Sponsored by the Wilson Hall communicate abortion were offered. show. ,e 332 4222. C-1-31 Stans' leaving the cabinet came the other survived in the jungles of Guam since World War Edward J. Terdal, a Staten II, gets his as "no surprise," as Nixon • °.C'j Committee, the day included two spring bridal shows alternatives to abortion. We are Island N.Y. graduate student, Door prizes were awarded to first hair cut in 28 years at Guam Memorial Hospital in loNAL typist. Theses, acknowledged, since it had been only two weeks old, with a vnnvnrnntn/) f U ticket holders following each carbon ribbon, '"ith With gowns from Brides j tu ** s • a i > m «. ° Agana Wednesday. Yokoi, who was found by local L®?,'?„ . . ._ ols. Best rates. repoted for weeks that Stans growing membership on Showcase, Lansing, and a fair of campus," Ms. Black said. She Students Union on this '"■V"* VTun #• "™ .™"r bridal. &ndal show' s Gift "^'cates, fisherman Monday, fled into the jungles during the 1-4619. 0-10-1-28 would resume the campaign post forming in the wedding accessories, and silver national and local women's addid 'that a problem community. not""""""""" He defined the of"» and china sets -- were among the American invasion of the island in 1944 and had lived there since. purpose of the union as ever office. tax increasing communications AP Wirephoto within the married community ■ration ■187 077?. 10 2 1 of america. IT'S what's . and providing services to married students. "As a group less than a year Index data shows HAPPENING ■lity service on stereos, jrders the stereo old, we are currently trying to fc. 337-1300. C-1-31 achieve major governing status in the University community," he ||CFD typist. For quick iv ird Ph.D. work. Call Grace 349 2434. B1-1-1-28 explained. He said a fair amount of support from constituents was needed to going. get the union economic upturn Off-Campus Housing ran a WASHINGTON (AP)—The respectable 0.9 per cent, the Passer said the indicators Anni booth with its director, Dolores VI 351 8961. 0-1-31 r It's What's The College of Business Membei of co - ops and friends government's leading department said. dealing with employment were Happening must be received In the undergraduate counselor for are invited Bender, answering questions as indicators turned in a solid gain The government says that the the most State News Office, 341 Student freshmen and sophomores will hold lo a wine tasting party at encouraging, 9 tonight t Ulrey House, SOS MAC to housing possibilities for next last month, providing new index, compiled each month, is a The indicator of the average KSIS Typing (Including Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two office hours from I to S |rsl No term papers please. class days before publication. No p.m. Ave. year. She recommended spring evidence the economy will be good gauge of whether the work week increased by 0.5 per Tuesdays and Thursdays and from 1 term the best time for strong this year, the Commerce eferences. Phone vill be accepted by as economy is ready to move up or cent and unemployment to 3 p.m. Fridays in 315 F.ppley Ipincott, 489-6479. 1-1-28 >ne. No an Center. Those interested in volunteering students to begin house-hunting. Dept. said Thursday. down. insurance claims, 11.6 per cent. for the Boys' Club of Lans Other local display booths The leading-indicators index Asst. Commerce :epted for ;nts will Secretary An increase in the ■HESES and letters, etc. meet at 2:IS p.m. today i were held for career planning, advanced by 2.2 per cent in Harold C. Passer said the The MSU Promenade wi" Student Services Bldg. or call 3: unemployment insurance claims rate service, present their Winter Hoedo\ at 8 family planning, women's December, and the November December report and the indicator means fewer claims are ■iced. 393-4075. 4400 for information. C-1-31 liberation, Jewish students interested in p.m. Saturday at Everett School. and placement increase, originally reported at a November revision point to a being filed, alternatives to the traditionul service counseling. weak 0.2 per cent was actually a "year of strong economic gains." Eckankar, the ancient science ol JWN: Tyoing and multllith wiH meet at 8 tontgtlTM Hillel House, soul travel, welcomes all to a "These two labor-market Jrint'ng. Complete lervice 319 Hillcrest Ave. discussion group at 7:30 p.m. series strengthened in the closing ats, general typing. IBM. Richard Schlegel, professor of Gay Liberation Movement will Saturday in 34 Union. months of 1971, in contrast to a snce / 349-0850. meet at 3 lackluster showing earlier in the Bills physics, will speak on "Transfinite p.m. Sunday in the upd la There will be an informal Numbers and Cosmology" at a Stefanoff lounge. Student Services year," Passer said. |TE TH"SES service, meeting of Pi Mu Epsilon at 7:30 p.m. Monday in 204 A Wells Hall. Building. Call 353 - 9795 for information. discussion of the principles and techniques of the Bah'a'i faith at 8 p.m. Sunday at 1220 Woodcrest, apt age "This turnaround may well be signaling a significant nting. IBM typing and 4. Call 351 - 7698 for information. reduction in unemployment in P of theses, resumes, Veterans for Peace and Vietnam Women's LiberatU 1972. lions. Across from campus, ,A.C. and Grand River, Bones Stationery Shop. Call tsraph Veterans Against the War will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday in 35 Union. Movies will be shown and plans Women's Fair at 1 p.i Union- Gay Liberation will open sensitivity gruop Sunday in the Union Green Room. sponsor at 7 p.m. an spur sen to deba While the indicators employment may have been strong, those dealing with for services. discussed. 'The Endless Summer" will be 16. C-1-31 ivn at 1, 3, 7, 9, 11 p.m. and 1 Bills that would sweep away now out-of-date business investment were not, Folk'music at the Albatross this Sen. John F. Toepp, R-Cadillac, that would . Saturday in the McDonel Kiva. age requirements in many Michigan laws received indicating that this is still a weak weekend: Friday - Frank Thoreau initiate the charging of fees for persons wishing area of the economy, ntportation Who's Saturday - Tim Julian. The strong debate in the Michigan Senate Thursday. Albatross is open from 8:30 p.m. at The 48-bill package pertaining to the Age of to obtain identification cards from the State Police, and would make the misuse of the Michigan Four of the eight leading indicators increased and 4 547 E. Grand River Ave. Majority bill that went into effect Jan. 1, is card 0 Cleveland a concerned with changing the age for possessing a felony offense, was blasted by several declined, ll. Will share expeni The Alternative will be open from members of the upper chamber. J9.S 5 1 28 liquor, signing a contract, and other such laws. "This is unnecessary legislation," 9 to midnight tonight on Hagadorn Though the age of majority has officially Sen. Those declining were Road, across from Hubbard Hall. Anthony Stamm, R-Kalamazoo said, "and it indicators for new orders for changed, the legislature must clean up what most should be defeated unless you want to build legislators regard as routine technicalities. up a durable goods, contracts and There will be a Bible study from 9 fascist society in Michigan." orders for plant and equipment, The House-passed package ran into some Hillel offers services at 5:30 p.m. to 11 Saturday at the Stamm said that enacting laws about p.m. difficulties in the Senate, however, as Sen. identity industrial materials prices and ENGAGEMENTS today followed by dinner and at 10 Alternative. cards could lead to other legislation that would the price-labor cost ratio, Garland Lane, D-Flint, voiced his continuing a.m. Saturday followed by Kiddush require citizens to carry police identification. Improving, besides the I & nnled Mimi Downie, Ludington sophomore and Mishna class. The MSU Tolkien Fellowship will objections to legal drinking by 18-year-olds. Toepp, said 8,000 of the cards had been to Colin Saxton, Ludington senior. meet at 8 tonight in South Hubbard Concern was also expressed by several average work week and issued in Michigan since 1969 by request and free Alpha Gamma Rho. The Russian film "Strike" will be tower lounge, and at 4 p.m. Sunday senators over the section that would permit unemployment insurance of charge. He said the continuance of such 1 in the North Hubbard lounge. 18-year-olds to purchase handguns. indicators, were those for service would only add to increased police costs In other Senate business, a bill introduced by building permits and stock unless a fee was charged prices. The Phwesser Collect Rinded college girl, 21, Ann Delta Vindedahl, Gnlesburg junior. demonstrate in support of twe a babysit. Own Gamma to John Kneas, prisoners accused of assault at 2 p.m K 3-1-28 i. References. Norristown, Pennsylvania, Senior Albion College, Sigma Chi. at today at the Steven T. Masor FOR PRESIDENTS Building, Lansing. Saturday in the Union Tower Room. Place Your A class in Renaissance Dance for LBJ backs beginners will meet at 7 p.m. ^ Today check PEOPLE REACHER WANT AD .. or . Just clip, complete, mail along with money order your Saturday in the Tower Room, Union. Intermediate instruction will follow The Renaissance Ensemble will WASHINGTON (AP) - Johnson in the LBJ Library in 6-year term '64 because I was President and with a senator, if he feels bitter meet at 2 p.m. Sunday in the lobby Former President Lyndon B. Austin, Tex., asked if Johnson it not towards you, why there's no Nama of the was an expensive Music Practice Building. Johnson favors limiting chief meant to suggest that a campaign for me and we had reason you should strengthen .executives to a single term of six first-term president must be adequate funds." him by Addre Free U classes meeting this putting one of his key weekend: Friday - Yoga - 7 a.m.. years. governed in part by a desire to Asked if he might campaign in men in a spot that's rather Johnson made the statement win re-election. Johnson said he 1972, Johnson said: Zip Code Union Green Room; Skiing - call important for your political in a filmed hour - long interview thinks every public servant "has "Well, I never run from my 355 - 6264: Saturday: Yoga - 9 a.m.. program." piinna Student No. Union Green Room: Aquarium - 1 with correspondent Walter to think of that from the day he duty, and I don't know if there's Johnson said that Congress Union; North American Cronkite for braodcast over the takes the oath unitl the time his a thing in the world I can do and better to than Consecutive Dates to Run p.m.. 37 was me they were Indians 3 37 Union; Columbia Broadcasting System term expires." will do." to - p.m., . .. any other President I've Beginning photography - 4 p.m.. Thursday night. Cronkite also asked about the While saying he did not look known." And he described his Phillips lounge; Sunday: Yoga Johnson argued that if a influence of campaign forward with vice president, Hubert H. eagerness to Bd Here: , Unior 1 Roc rt; Sop president knew that "he had to contributors on the people they "getting on the cold chicken Humphrey, as having done the Recorder r p.m., 420 Evergreen - get everything through in six support financially. circuit again," he said of the best possible job. Humphrey, he St.; Beginning Darkroom Technigues 8 years" and need not worry Johnson termed this "one of Republicans: said, "did a lot more work than p.m., 200 S. Hayford St.; about getting re-elected, it the most serious problems we "If I think they're doing it he got credit for doing." Telepathy — 8:30 p.m., classroom C, would probably "be in the best have," and added, "I think every Snyder Hall. wrong and it's bad, I will speak However, he described the vice interest of the nation." But he candidate for public office is up because there were plenty of presidency as a difficult office wasn't too optimistic about beholden to groups and people them spoke up during my time." with "no real power." chances of such a reform, which with means." Johnson also discussed Johnson said President John F. would require a constitutional He acknowledged that presidential use of patronage as a Kennedy "was very good to me" amendment. contributions influenced him to type of club. when the Texan was vice "I would like to see us try it," some degree "in practically He said few senators had president "and tried his best to he said, "although I don't think every campaign that I've ever patronage problems with him elevate the office any way he we're likely to do it right now." run." He went on: but added: could." Peanuts Personals 15 words - $2 00 prepaid. Cronkite, who chatted with I don't guess it did much "If you're not getting along Job bureau sets rds°r Less: 1 7 days -15.75 day - $2.70 5 days - 11.25 Words Add: 25c per word 1 00 per word 1.40 per word earlier opening □ R>r the balance of the term, n □ the Placement Bureau will open Mail to: Michigan State News Classified an hour earlier, at 7 a.m., on 347 Student Services Bldg. Mondays to accommodate the increasing number of students MSU East Lansing. Mich. 48823 signing up for interviews and who have had difficulty because of early classes. 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Fr'day, Januar Free By CRISPIN Y. CAMPBELL Angela Davis These words of a 10 - year - "We all know that if your old Milwaulkee schoolgirl freedom is not gained, if you do born group urges black, held different she has been incarserated political idealogies, and o\eii»year.• for "Ideas into action are no good unless put that's what Angela action "Angela has every confidence that the peoples of the world other political world. Prisnn pmon«» State News Staff Writer express the sentiment shared not have a fair trial, then fairness , — Wednesday night when Sallye and justice will be lost to all. possessed a total committment She noted Riddle s ^tement was/is all about." will not stand by and allow this Ms. Davis Angela, Angela, Angela on Davis, mother of the imprisoned And for that reason, we have and dedication to the liberation concerning the MSU black sort of repression to destroy -peech with a fonoiaj the Wall UCLA professor, spoke to more dedicated our efforts and our of her sisters, brothers and all students being all theory and When asked about her her." her daughter: Angela our sister shall not than 500 spectators in the Vet lives to do oppressed people of the land — no action: daughter's condition Ms. Davis fall, every thing possible Ms. Davis said that persons Clinic Auditorium. to help you." replied that the massive action ana brothi,,, Reaginand all his hate could best aid her daughter by longer provides Ms. Davis spoke at a rally Vaughn then remarked: and protest across the country Shall not determine caused talking to others stressing the Faculty receives and the world our sister's fate sponsored by the Lansing "Today, the 28th birthday of had |uxury 1of 1 chosi„n chapter of the Committee to Angela is the day of the slavery officials to imporve Angela's need for solidarity and unity living conditions in Sinta Clara among all people to effect the n * ° v eme?t FYee Angela Davis and Other of our minds and in the case of freeing of her daughter and all n°ninvolvement. vote for S|eL Political Prisoners in conjunction Angela Davis, the slavery of her County Jail. genocide." Public Library pay hikes of 7.4% with the Black Liberation Front body too." International (BLFI) and the Vaughn presented Ms. Davis plans series of MSU Black Association. Veterans with a special tribute issued by the state of Michigan to Angela The University faculty received pay raises averaging 7.4 per cent Gordon Sam Riddle, Flint senior and Davis: for the 1971 - 72 fiscal year. Herman L. King, asst. provost for children shows master of ceremonies, welcomed "Presented to Ms. Sallye academic administration, said in a report released Thursday. the crowd and chided black Davis as a demonstration of love Though the raises were implemented in October retroactive to The East .Lansing Public students for their lack of visible personified." July 1, 1971, the provost's office had not compiled tables Library will present "Four - support: reflecting the raises until this month. The average amount of the A-■ r -A ; Footed Fun," a series of four "They are full of theory and Ms. Davis said rallies like this raises for faculty was $1,192 for 2,418 faculty, including on W" programs for children in no practice," he said, "Their one have enabled the family to campus faculty and off - campus Cooperative Extension Service kindergarten through second behavior indicates to me that gather the strength necessary to personnel. grade beginning at 10 a.m. Jan. they have a vested interest in maintain their sanity during the 29 in the Library. A separate report was prepared for the American Assoc. of The second program will be maintaning the status quo." Riddle then introduced Toni ordeal of the past 15 months. "It gives strength and University Professors (AAUP) survey which includes only those Feb. 6-8pm held at 10 to* 11 a.m., Feb. 12 Porter, cochairman of the assurance that the demand for and a puppet show of Rudyard committee, who thanked the the freedom of my daughter and persons whose salaries are di rived at least 50 per cent from instructional hinds and excludes human and osteopathic MSU Auditorium Kipling's "The Elephant's Child" crowd for their show of support other political prisoners will medicine. will be presented at 10 a.m.,*- and introduced For the entire University, the average raise for 10 month full another certainly win out. Feb. 26. The last program will professors was 7.2 per cent or $1,322 and for 12 month full TICKETS $3.50 on sale Tuesday at be a musical story hour with a cochairman, Rep. Jackie Vaughn "Angela is as innocent as any professors 7.9 per cent or $1,753. Associate professors earned Union, guest guitarist at 10 to 11 a.m., III, D-Detroit. Vaughn read a birthday letter one of you sitting here tonight," appointments averaging 7.3 per cent at the 10 month level and Campbell s & Marshall's March 11. he sent to Angela: 7.9 per cent at the 12 month level. Minority enrollment data Fast reveals increase in 1971 Free Delivery Delivery Minority enrollment at MSU has increased believe that minority enrollment figures are significantly compared to a year ago. approximate and not exact counts. Data collected during 1971 fall term Considerable effort was made this year tc registration reveals that there are nearly 3,024 validate responses. Some 1,600 cards which were minority students enrolled at MSU. A year ago, not completed during enrollment were checked nearly 2,064 minority students were enrolled. against registration information or reissued. A final count indicates approximately 500 persons 351-8870 Minority enrollment now constitutes about 7.2 per cent of MSU's student population of 41,649. Of the minority students enrolled in fall term for whom no information is available. Even those cards which were returned were 8 (excluding all foreign students), an estimated 41 double - checked if they appeared unrealistic. are American Indians; 237 are Spanish For example, telephone verification of 148 cards Hot Pizza Americans; 237 are Oriental Americans; and initially marked "American Indian," revealed 2,509 are black. more than 100 incorrectly marked cards. Delivery Supreme Among Indian students, only those who have Data on minority students attending MSU is one - fourth or more Indian ancestry were collected to comply with Title VI of the Civil counted as such, according to federal and many Rights Act of 1964. It is sent to the Office for tribal council regulations. The responses show 12 Civil Rights of the U.S. Dept. of Health, full - blooded Indian students, three with three - Education and Welfare. All institutions of higher education receiving quarter Indian ancestry, and the remainder of the estimated 26 with one ■ quarter to one - half DOMINO'S I federal assistance Indian ancestry. Again, however, the information are required to comply. However, students are not required to identify is dependent on voluntary responses. M.A.C. AVENUE themselves as a member of a minority unless they wish. The total of 2,509 black students compares with an estimated 1,954 a year ago, and an 1 Restaurant - • ' Since data is based on individuals identifying estimated 690 in 1967, the first year any effort ■ the Place for Pizza! • themselves with a particular group, MSU officials was made to approximate minority students. 1 J thiA week we sportswear tfate tpeciailtf clearance A STUDENT WAS arrested for drunk driving by East Lansing OUR BIG Police at 3 a.m. Wednesday near Bogue Street Bridge. Police said great aeparateM for leading the his case has been referred to the county prosecutor. 1. "Wierd Scenes SPECIAL LABEL SALE! casual life priee . . . . . . now al great POLICE ARE INVESTIGATING eight incidents of theft and 22 Classic Songs HAS BEEN RESTOCKED! damage to sanitary napkin dispensers. Police said machines in Doors 2 LP's LOTS OF JAMS AT SUPER Conrad Auditorium, Hubbard Hall, $5.98 Anthony Hall, and the LOW PRICES!!! Vs Chemistry Building were broken into. Total damage and loss to all of the machines was estimated at $108.25. 2. "Garcia Jerry (of the Dead) $3.59 to POLICE ARRESTED A student for driving on a revoked drivers license at 2:05 p.m. Wednesday at the west side of Spartan 3. "Jamming With Edward" Stadium. Police said the car was originally stopped for a traffic i Nicky Hopkins, Ry Cooder, £ violation. Rolling Stones $2.98 A SLIDE PROJECTOR with an estimated value of $200 was off stolen from a University owned van between 6:20 and 6:55 p.m. Wednesday. Police said they have 4. "Keep The Faith" no suspects. Black Oak Arkansas $3.59 • misses' & jrs' novelty pants 5. "Liquid Acrobat" Incredible String Band $3.59 now 6.99 and 10.99 6. "Spotlight Kid" Captain Beef Heart $3.59 • jrs' novelty cotton knit tops 7. "Loose" now 5.99 and 8.99 Crazy Horse $3.59 8. "Inner City Blues" • plain and fancy shirts, blouses Grover Washington Jr. $3.59 now 3.99, 6.99 and 8.99 ★★★ We carry pre - corded stereo • jrs* wool or corduroy blazers 8 - tracks, cassettes, open reel tapes too! Most at $5.77 now 14.99 ★★★ We have nice stereo stuff • short flip, a-line or pleat skirts . . . and Weservicewhatwesell! now 3.99, 6.99 „„d 8.99 T>1S