U.S. exhibit to depicts TBILISI U.S.S.R. (AP)—Twenty - three young Americans, all of whom speak 'These people are information-starved. with the Russian American people. They hang on every word you say," added This group of "They kept pushing him on it. 'Do you Russian, have begun a six-month visit to guides will stay with the one of the really have two cars? You must be a very the Soviet Union to try to show how guides, Nick exhibit for six months while it tours three rich man'. Here one car is out of reach for people live in the United States. Grigorovich-Barsky, 26, of Washington. Russian cities—Tbilisi, Moscow and the average person." "They stand there like sponges and take Volgograd. Another group will relieve They are guides at a U.S. exhibit called One of the most popular items at the "Research and everything in." them for the second six-month period and Development-U.S.A.", a "The most common question the final three cities-Kazan, Dometsk and exhibit has been a 1971 Lincoln display of American gadgetry ranging from the concerns Continental Mark III. Every day Georgians computers to coffeemakers which opened purchasing power of the American Leningrad. have swarmed around the car, in this capital of Soviet worker," said A1 Estrin, 35, an industrial The exhibit came to the Soviet Union peering Georgia Jan. 24. engineer from Washington and one of the under a mutual agreement on cultural under its hood and feeling the red leather The guides are assigned to the exhibit to older guides. "They want to know how upholstery. explain how the equipment works and exchanges. An exhibit of Russian folk art what it's used for. But much everything costs." opened in Washington Jan. 12 and will "Somebody must have been spreading a they have had to go rumor," said Grigorovich-Barsky, "because Most of the guides are in their early or to five other cities. field questions on such varied topics as the mid-20s. Many of them studied the Russian "The the question has come up several times. Vietnam war, current American rock question has arisen about why we "Is it true language and Soviet affairs in college and you're going to n.ffle off the groups and the planned world are sending to Russia consumer goods Lincoln Continental. Is it true that the view their visit to the Soviet Union as a instead of an art show," Thomas said. championship chess match between millionth persons who .alks through here American Bobby Fischer and Boris learning experience. Other guides have "But some Americans don't seem to Spassky Russian parents and learned the language at will win the Lincoln Continental?" of the Soviet Union. realize that this show is a great revelation home. The guides said that besides cars the "The guides have been instructed not to to people who don't have these things. Frank Shakespeare, director of the U.S. "One of our guides had a difficult time Georgians seem most interested in housing, initiate political discussions," said exhibit Information Agency who officially opened clothing, health services, freedom to travel director John Thomas. "But they are not explaining the other day that he had two the exhibit, praised the guides as the cars at home — one for him to use to abroad, food, comparative prices and going to walk away if people ask exhibit's "human element" and go to entertainment. an ideal work and the other for his wife to questions." shop. way to establish person-to-person contact They found it incomprehensible. (Please turn to page nine) Moiula1 MICHIGAN Sea hunt? TATE NEWS STATE lades of Lloyd Bridges, it's none other than John Lindsay, mayor of UNIVERSITY v York City. Acting like a presidential candidate Lindsay inspects e effects underwater pollution is having on a natural reef near Key ftrgo, Fla. AP Volume 64 Number 97 East Lansing, Michigan Wirephoto Monday, January 31, 1972 Pakistan leaves Commonwealth KALPINDI. Pakistan (AP)-President Bhutto spoke to newsmen on the eve of He said he wanted to meet Sheikh Mujib and it was only a question of timing the that he also would seek a way to find room Jar Ali Bhutto withdrew his country ■the British Commonwealth his planned visit to Peking at of the Chinese government. the invitation without Indian troops in Bangladesh. He announcement. for Bangladesh in that family of nations. Australia and New Zealand would be the first major Western powers to recognize the Sunday, claimed Mujib's regime was not He said he would not automatically really in A Radio Pakistan broadcast said: "In Sheik Mujib would like his nation to join Dacca government. [g that the world "will no longer use control in the east. response to the wishes of the the Commonwealth, according to British ms a football." break diplomatic relations with Of Pakistan, Bhutto people and Cyprus became the first Commonwealth said, "We are the government, Pakistan's membership in the deputy opposition loader Roy vernment statement said Pakistan Commonwealth countries recognizing defeated nation" and that Jenkins, nation to recognize Bangladesh last week. recognition of Commonwealth has been terminated, with who met the sheik in Dacca last Ithe organization of former British Bangladesh, but would consider each case Bangladesh by others will make it harder to Indian forces invaded East Pakistan last immediate effect." Wednesday. les after learning that two members, on its merits. negotiate for a settlement with India. month and forced the surrender of the The announcement coincided with the Bangladesh has been recognized Pakistan army—and the end of Pakistani ■ Zealand and Australia, planned to "We are prepared to have excellent so far arrival in Rawalpindi of Commonwealth mainly by Communist nations. lnce recognition of Bangladesh on bilateral relations with Britain and other In London, diplomatic officials said Britain, rule in the province—on Dec. 16. The commonwealth countries," he said. Secretary General Arnold Smith for talks Indian government said its forces entered ■y and that British recognition would privately that the British government had with Bhutto. East | soon. Pakistan has broken off relations with been in close consultation with Pakistan at the request of the a number provisional Bangladesh government. Ice of lost Bangladesh, the former Kast Pakistan, in a two-week Communist bloc countries recognizing Bangladesh but has not severed her of foreign governments, on the question of including Pakistan, Persuasion Windy . . . Of tlie 150,000 Indian soldiers that were recognizing Bangladesh. Diplomatic sources said Smith had come in East Pakistan at the height of the ■ith India last month. relations with the Soviet Union, which also The officials said Britain already had to try to persuade Bhutto to keep Pakistan and warmer with a high in military campaign, according to Indian . . . recognized the new nation. decided it must recognize the new state in the Commonwealth. They speculated the high 20s. On his Commonwealth decision, Bhutto military sources, about 50,000 still remain. jide linked said: "National honor is more important than pounds, shillings and pences." No rancor NO PLAN FROM STATE PANEL Hughes' He said Pakistan has no rancor for the British people and he urged the Pakistani lography P YORK (AP) - Author Clifford press not to attack Britain. Bhutto said Britain had presented him with a fait accompli on the eve of his visit to Pekihg and therefore the decision to severe connections with the High court to dec Commonwealth had to be taken "in A Michigan Supreme Court dominated newsmen a week before the FYiday Democratic commission members ■ may have obtained the material for deadline division in the upper chamber. Iward Hughes book from computer keeping with Pakistan's honor." by Democrats will determine how the and admitted that there was no hope of refused to consider any plans put forth by a state's legislative districts will be the Though Kleiner maintained he did not compiled for the billionaire's He said he did not like "the parting of reaching agreement. Republicans. Instead, they said they know how the proposed Democratic plan I use and leaked to Irving by an the ways" with the Commonwealth but apportioned. "There's really nothing we can discuss would only be willing to discuss their own would affect the party The partisan hot potato fell into the balance in the I former Hughes employe, Time maintained that Pakistan would be failing now," one member said. plans. legislature. Republican analysts said it »ni' siid in its duty as a self-respecting nation if it court's lap Friday following the final The GOP members maintained that the "We told the Republicans these Sunday. are would have given Democrats 22 to 16 ■anwhile, federal investigators in did not take the decision. meeting of the bipartisan Michigan Democrats did not wish to compromise on good, legal plans." A. Robert Kleiner. control in the Senate. a confirmed that they subpoenaed Pakistan has been a member of the Reapportionment Commission. The any aspect of their plan because they knew Democratic chairman, said the week prior The first apportionment commission to records to check Commonwealth since it became commission's failure to reach accord that if an agreement was not reached the to the deadline. Irving's claim that meet also could not reach an agreement. In |t with Hughes in Key Biscayne last independent in August 1947 along with automatically sent the issue to the court. problem would go to a predominantly Michigan Republicans are concerned 1964, following the adoption of the 1963 India. The commission's failure came as no Democratic Supreme Court. because they now hold the narrowest of Michigan Constitution, the apportionment ie of several probes on both Nations with Commonwealth status are surprise to anyone folllowing the While the high court is technically a majorities in the Senate and are the issue went to the Supreme Court which I of the Atlantic into mysteries fully autonomous, but recognize British unproductive series of meetings to discuss nonpartisan body, its members are minority party in the House. Lt. Gov. chose the Democratic proposal. ■"ding the book which Irving claims leadership in some matters of mutual different reapportionment schemes. nominated at partisan conventions and the James H. Brickley as president of the Chances are excellent, most legislative interest and have close trade ties. Members of the Republican contingent majority of the seven court members were Senate is the Republican's margin of autobiography he compiled with observers believe, that 'he 1964 scenario of the eight-man commission met with nominated at Democratic conventions. victory in what is otherwise |s'cooperation. Bhutto said he asked Britain and other a 19 - 19 will be repeated. BN. who has been quoted as saying Commonwealth countries to give him until wife was the woman who withdrew he returns from China before recognizing [a Swiss bank $650,000 which Bangladesh. He is to return Wednesday. r0n Human Justice' |w Hill Publishing Co. had intended "If Bangladesh has come into being, it i>gnes, is to appear Monday before a will not disappear tomorrow," he said. P Jan Ial grand grand jury. Another date with a jury also was reported Free atmosphere A TV panel moderated by Walter Adams as PS for the 11 Referring to Sheik Mujibur Rahman's part of the University College symposium, year - old writer. new government in Dacca, Bhutto said: Tie, saying those who have seen "On Human Justice" will be held from the "We want what they want and we want to I 11:30 1:30 p.m. today, mansucript "agree it contains the know what they want in a free a.m. to not I ("lease turn to page nine) atmosphere." Tuesday, as previously announced. wskie's delegation size M by Arizona city vote lii;1*'nas Ari/ K (AP) Sen. Edmund South Dakota between them, showed strength and, accumulated more delegates some 1,600 candidates for seats in the state convention. Approximately one-third of emerged Trom a vote of the candidates were committed to Muskie, L "'°"a l)''inocrats as their favorite than Muskie. considered the frontrunner one-third were uncommitted, and another ■in nom'nation, but the for the Democratic nomination. ■ urban third divided between Lindsay. McGovern areas cut his share of They will battle the Miane senator for I« to the state convention. and eight other possible candidates. control of the state's 25 delegates to the When the complicated count was ■v anH Is' N,'W York M»y°r John V. Democratic National Convention in Miami | '» George S. McGovern of Beach. Fla., next August. completed Sunday, Muskie had 189 Arizona Democrats voted Saturday to delegates, Lindsay 118, and McGovern select 500 delegates to a state convention 102, with 85 uncommited. The percentages will not translate Feb. 12. Those 500 will choose the 25 FOGS seeks officer delegates to the national convention. exactly into that proportion of the 25 national convention delegates. The 500 Muskie won 38 per cent of the 500 state convention delegates will meet first in tray delegates elected Saturday, Lindsay 24 per congressional district groups to elect six I Council Graduate Students cent and McGovern 20 per cent. national convention delegates from each of f°r graduatp students Uncommitted delegates, favored by Though just a coincidence, the street sign has significance in relation to the message being related by the young Arizona's three congressional districts and backers of Sens. Henry M. Jackson, man with the Dennis Moyer of Grant, Ky., is a self-proclaimed "Jesus Freak" and was carrying the cross B°GS S as an executive officer D Wash and Hubert Humphrey, U-Minn., , then the 500 delegates will meet in a state cross. ■l«in 4 c, d,,iona' information "dent Services is won 17 per cent. convention to pick seven more national convention delegates. on campus Friday to tell others about Christ. Bldg. Registered Democrats choose between State News photo by John Dickson Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, Januar news Future of mass transit studie By KAREN ZURAWSKI where we stand," Lansing City Councilman, Program and heavy reliance on the mass transit package in the House, are not too promising, Organizing the buses under Program, however, is a last the u I State News Staff Writer Terry J. McKane, the council's mass transit alternati^J summaryj McKane said. coordinator, said Sunday. The long period of indecisiveness about the "The Model Cities Program has come out with "If the CATA falls and the Though the CATA is not on the agenda for dinartn, I From the wire* of AP and UPI. future of the Capital Area Transit Authority today's Lansing City Council meeting, private so much already, I'm very hesitant to ask them knocked out, it could be considlSn1! (CATA) may be broken this week, as Lansing meetings between officials are scheduled to go again," he said. The Model Cities Program had to "bail out" "but it's a long ways down the roa? H and the CATA continue to consider alternatives throughout the week to discuss options. the bus system for the last three months of last The idea of forming a city do handle the bus system and 1 and possible solutions. Options cited earlier by council members year by contributing $42,000, McKane said. under study with a replaceT!?*! "By the end of this week, we should know inch-ding possible aid from the Model Cities report except "National honor is more "They've done more than their share, even three weeks. Ha In tiT important than pounds, shillings though they have a vested interest in mass transit Though McKane admitted that in their area," he added. are out and out against it" he and pences." • ^ Kelly calls A feasibility study is being conducted by the -Zulfikar A li Bhutto for policy board of the Model Cities Program about running the buses as part of a nonprofit organization, according to McKane. However, might be able to from the mass VlClliail recefv^ transit pa. tjj| ... ...v miuo Pakistan's president House of Representatives. package in some observers doubt the practicality of such a in state's distric system, because the Model Cities has to appenl for federal funds anew each year. These observers "I don't think it has a efectlonyear'™ chance (of n I do not see this as fonning a basis for a continuing mass transit system. Atty. Gen. warned the Frank J. Kelley Failure by the legislature to changes in population," ' Joy Wooten, one of the CATA representatives from the Model Cities Program, was not SSLfft SStJ present system should be run governor and adopt a constitutionally occurring between the 1960 and and how the nearly 12 die in Londonderry legislature recently that the U.S. acceptable plan, his letter Constitution and federal statutes implies, would result in court 1970 censuses, Kelley said. optimistic about additional funds being obtained from the program. be reduced. A $15,000 a month substantial cut-back rf S i 1 likely, according to some on congressional districting are examination and consideration The House Democrats are "The last time buses were discussed, a seems McKane said they would obseL! 1 Hospital authorities reported 12 young men were shot being violated and must be of congressional districting. changed by Feb. 29, 1972 or confident they can get apportionment bill passed in two the statement was made that 'thi3 was the last changes as minimal as possible." attempt 'X 1 Kelley stated that an allegation time'," Ms. Wooten said. dead Sunday in gun battles with British troops in face court action. made by officials of the or three weeks. Londonderry, Northern Ireland. "I must advise you," he said, Republican party in a lawsuit "it is the responsibility of the against the secretary of state Rick Sitz, aide to the House The city's main hospital treated 13 others, including Waldheim praised| state legislature to prepare a were "unquestionably true." Committee on Elections, said, two women, for gunshot wounds. valid congressional districting "The current congressional "We fully intend to do it before Four of the killings came in an exchange of gunfire the deadline because we're plan which abides by the one district act, 1961 PA 282. is that broke out as British paratroopers moved into a unconstitutional result of working on a proposal that man - one vote principle." as a Roman Catholic protest rally to grab rock-throwing should go if we can keep the Democrats in line." youths. Districts under curfew Even with a few negative votes, Sitz claims, "we should still make it under the wire." as chief UN officii UNITED NATIONS' N.Y. (AP) - Kurt problems is important, the first thing An aid to Sen. Milton Zagman, to J Two city districts were placed under army curfew in R.Grand Rapids, said the Waldheim, who plunged into his new job as UN restore confidence in the United Nation Dacca, Bangladesh Sunday following clashes between senator, who is chairman of the secretary - general last month, is drawing praise making the organization solvent u]1 Senate Committee on from officials and delegates pleased with the Secretariat more efficient. Bengalis and the minority Bihari community. The Indian army, trying to avoid involvement in the Municipalities and Elections, decisive new way in which the world body is On his 11th day in office, he a "will do everything possible to being run. department heads a memorandum s civil affairs of Bangladesh, pulled out of two districts - When the tall Austrian diplomat was named to make the decision, and not let it Mirpur and Mohammedpur - on Saturday. They also pass to the court by default." the top post here on his 53rd birthday Dec. 21, handed over two battalions of regular Bangladesh troops some predicted that he would be inconspicuous, Two weeks later, he ordered a six • i over cautious and underactive, leaning over freeze in recruitment of middle echeloncH - exculsively Bengali — who are conducting - • backward to avoid offending entrenched aimed to save $1 million. And he house-to-house searches for arms. p Secretariat bureaucrats and touchy member "streamline" the Secretariat in unspecified! No official casualty figures were released but governments. He made a public suggestion that nt according to an army officer on the scene, 20 people But in the month since going to work New governments, some of whom don't p were killed or wounded in Mirpur and Mohammedpur Year's Day, he has become a TV personality; has budget assessments promptly enough to k« during three days of sporadic fighting. been invited to Washington; visited Rome, United Nations in ready cash, should leafl Athens, Addis Ababa, Mogadishu and Nairobi; organization $20 million by the end of Man begun to shake up the Secretariat, and acted save it from a $24 million cash shortage in! decisively on the United Nations' money problems. Old praised Waldheim fcl Eight safe in plane crash "He's a dynamo. I'm pleasantly surprised," hands here economy moves but doubted that his fi J declared a Secretariat official. schemes would work. They did not see hoi A U.S. Navy plane with 10 persons aboard has crashed "He will be his own man," said another. could unravel the peacekeeping r The secretary • genera) is the chief Edvard Hambro of Norway couldn't do itl into the Meditejr^n^un while approaching the 6th Fleet administrative officer of the United Nations, and year using some of the same ideas. And I aircraft carrier independence for a landing. can bring to the attention of the Security expected few advances. t(ie Navy announced Sunday in Naples, Italy that Council any matter that threatens international But only one thing Waldheim has done! eight of those aboard were picked up safely by the peace. He and his staff comprise the Secretariat, has brought him public criticism. That «i Independence and a search was continuing for those which reports directly to the General Assembly. confirmation of Thant's action in expellinfH who are still missing. The plane went down Saturday. Waldheim has established a notably different Chinese Nationalist correspondents froaV The plane was a Grumman C2A Greyhound, a style from his predecessor, U Thant of Burma, headquarters by request of the d who often devoted himself to international Communist delegation. twin-engine turboprop plane used for transporting diplomacy and more or less let the Secretariat Waldheim Is wary of bad publicity. He personnel, mail and freight to aircraft carriers. The plane run itself. seized every opportunity to establish > d was flying to the Independence from The new secretary - general has said Naples. publicly image and kill the idea that he is an old-If that while helping solve the world's political • nothing, don't • rock - the - boat bureaucnl Stans defends contributors Election sa Be a "Hustler" like The Union Man! President Nixon's chief campaign fund-raiser, Maurice H. Stans, Sunday for reptol in Washington defended the motives of Sign with the Union Man for the M.S.U. Union committeeI up Building large contributors with special double elimination Billiards Tournament. Matches start interests and said few seek Tuesday February 1st, with all full time students eligible to government favors. participate. There will be 3 separate events: men's pocket The election of two w "The idea that there is billiards, coed pocket billiards, and men's cushion billiards. members and one stifl a relationship The entrance fee is $3.00. Prizes will be member of the Ac«d»| between what government does and awarded to the winners in each category and you can enter Coucnil for the sel«J what people contribute is a more than one committee for a vice pidi very event. The finals will be held fallacious one," said Stans, who is February 14th. So register now at the Union Building Billiard Room and be a hustler of student affairs is agenda Item of the tbj Tw resigning as Commerce secretary to tool. run the Nixon campaign's finances as council meeting. A slate of four B he did in 1968. members and two student!* "Of the major contributors to the prepared by the CommittJ Republican party in 1968," he added, Committees and *■ "most of them, practically all of Official B.C.A. rules will be in effect with the winners submitted to the council them, asked no favors of any kind representing M.S.U. in the Association of College Unions Bp from the government." Region VII Tournament February 18, 1972 at Kent State Council members will I University, Kent, Ohio. for two faculty membeuj one student. Records to include photos The special commil advisory to the select a successor presldjjj for Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston is UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SYMPOSIUM Dlckerson, who vacate■ experimenting with adding color pictures to medical ON position June 30,1971. W records to overcome several problems of written In addition to "M Academic Council memWl communication, doctors. including sloppy handwriting by HUMAN JUSTICE special one committee member willed* of the S Under the direction of Dr. Kenneth T. Bird at the Committee, two studenBl hospital's Logan Airport Medical Station, the staff is snapping pictures of everything from infected toes to Today selected selected by ASMSU by COGS) severely cut heads and placing these photos into the persons appointed by P1®"1 records. Wharton. 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. "The records system of America Television Panel oriented, and today is largely word unfortunately it's in the worst Discussion. The four the slate are: faculty men^ mode-handwriting," Dr. Bird says. "Vision is not WMSB Norman Abeles, V- . properly utilized records." Channel 10 psycholoyg in the J Center; Marjorie &■ rj professor of history, j"jL Henneman, Pro^,ssornn2iefi Sprays, bird death linked 4 p.m. husbandry, and uoJ JOHN CONYER JR Thornton, associate p Thousands of dead birds, many of them robins, have psychology. been found in a field in Homestead, Fla. Main Auditorium Conservationists believe they w^re spraying. poisoned by chemical The student Paula M. Fochtman. fal,(lldfftJ(| Alice Wainwright, president of the Tropical Audubon junior, and Wyonia Detroit junior. Society, blamed the deaths on the aerial spraying of a potato field. Is A brief resume attached to ^ thJ "This kill is significant," she said, "as birds are but one element in agenda of the Acad ^ the life cycle and chemicals enough to kill vast numbers of birds could strong Balloting the beginning of will taf „ affect man eventually himself." meeting and,U themeeli« tabulated during th n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, January 31, 1972 I year Spartan Village Rep's bill provides L„ flood an area to I The , outdoor ikating rink provides such as this for write-in option Ey game, for area The confusion surrounding the "The vice presidency is only a "There would be really no cost proposed Michigan presidential heartbeat away from the involved. All that would be ■ photo by Nick Jackson primary was compounded presidency and this is an required is for the ballot to Friday when Rep. Jim Brown, opportunity once again to contain a space for the write-in R-Okemos, announced that he permit the people to express preference." has prepared an amendment to their desires on who they would The Okemos Republican said the bill to allow for write-in like to see take over the that if the concept is not votes for vice presidential responsibilities of this high incorporated in the original bill, preferences. office should that become he plans to introduce an necessary," Brown said. amendment to cover the situation. A vice presidential preference, he indicated, would not be .Viet troops move past DMZ "We talk these days about binding on the delegation, but more fully involving the voters, would give an indication to the and this amendment coupled presidential nominee and the with a presidential preference convention delegates of the relative strength of the primary in Michigan will allow various voters a maximum contenders. opportunity to make their voices heard on the leaders who will guide their "Not only would this allow JON (AP) ~ Thousands of Hanoi troops, including a Division, normally held in reserve, has been on the move through Two infantry regiments, one sapper regiment and one artillery fortunes in the years to come," Bivisi°n normally held in North Vietnam,are moving across the southern panhandle of Laos, apparently headed for the regiment are believed to have been operating in the region for the voters to express themselves in a maximum way, but the Brown said. ■litarized zone and through southern I^aos toward South triborder region, where the frontiers of Laos and Cambodia join some time. In addition, one regiment of the North Vietnamese Brown proposed the idea in results could have a great impact »s northern and western frontiers, U.S. military sources South Vietnam's central highlands, about 300 miles north of 320th Division, which normally operates along the DMZ, has letters to Republicans and the on the convention's selection of Democratic party chairman Jar.. Saigon. moved into the triborder region. f Vietnamese forces bombarded South Vietnamese bases a vice president," Brown said. 25. J the demilitarized zone with more than 200 rockets and ■Saturday in the heaviest shelling attack along the norther 1 since last fall. In three ground clashes, 47 North TO SEEK VENUE CHANGE The State News is published by the students of Lse troops and six South Vietnamese defenders were Michigan State University every class day during Fall, Te Saigon Command said. Winter, and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays of U.S. B52 heavy bombers, smaller tactical fighter - Davis _k and Fridays during Summer Term, and a special Welcome I and gunships were trying anew to slow the movement of Vietnamese troops and supplies southward. The bombers I between 700 and 900 tons of explosives along South to appea Week edition is published in September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. Member Associated Press, United Press International, 's border with Laos and inside the southern half of the Inland Daily Press Assn., Michigan Press Assn., Associated SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) — charges stemming from the Aug. expenses from public funds for motions. Angela Davis will appear in court 7, 1970 shootout at the Marin Ms. Davis' defense. Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press Assn. I senior U.S. officials say the Communists' main target The request that the state pay Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. here today for arguments on County Civic Center in which He has contended that her defense trail costs is directed to I Kontum, a provincial capital of 30,000 in South Editorial and business offices at 345 Student Services four defense motions attacking four persons died. defense fund is nearly depleted the Santa Clara Coutny fs central highlands, Bldg., Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, lilitary sources said one regiment of the North jury selection and asking the But the trial has been delayed and expenses are running Counsel's office, which has 48823. state to pay defense costs and to hear the motions. The between $5,000 and $15,000 a indicated opposition, _e 321B Division had moved south across the DMZ Phones: move her murder-kidnap trial. Iweeks, while units of another division, not identified, prosecution estimates arguments month. Ms. Davis has been jailed in The 28-year-old Communist will take two weeks, but the The defense also has filed two the country's Palo Alto facilities News/Editorial 355 - 8252 (orted to have moved into the A Shau valley and the Khe and former UCLA philosphy defense says they may take up motions attacking selection of a while workmen remodeled a Classified Ads _|ion in the northwestern quadrant of South Vietnam instructor was scheduled to go to a month. 355 . 8255 ■to the Laotian border. jury panel. Moore has expressed section of the main Santa Clara on trial today on murder, about possible County Jail here for her. Display Advertising 353 - 6400 Sources disclosed that the North Vietnamese 308th kidnapping and (conspiracy The trial was moved here concern discrimination on the basis of Officials say the new living Business Office 355 - 3447 from San Rafael — scene of the race> financial condition, sex or quarters are just about ready for shootout. The defense now says Photographic 355-8311 ethics. her, but sheriff's spokesmen say widespread publicity about the 't has not been determined when Campus Information 353 • 8700 tMSU to consider code cost of expenses the trial and security will prevent a fair trail. So, they have asked that it be moved Deputy Atty. Gen. Clifford Thompson, the asst. prosecutor, said the motion to move the trial she wi" be moved ****************** again. probably would be heard last. Chief defense attorney Howard Moore Jr. said he also Chief prosecutor Albert Harris Jr., asst. attorney general, } PIZZA FOR A BUCK student publications has asked the court to order said he would oppose the change That's right, one buck buys a 9" pepperoni or payment of "reasonable" of venue and jury selection r mushroom Varsity Pizza. |l will handle [night committee a backlog student items at in Aker's west organizations whose primary fonction is that of student publication. definitely be concerned with this year's budget, Buckner said. The budget committee finished with AQUAREST \; 9" pepperoni or mushroom Varsity Pizza for $1:00 with this coupon. I I |nce room, chairman Another motion was made to the budget Friday and will try to Valid Jan. 31st. I uckner said Sunday. delete Section 12 entirely. The mTER BEDS announce budget hearings this Bf the stuff in policy whole issue has remained in week. Buckner hopes to have the II be coming out," policy committee ever since. board take action on the I said. This will inlude The controversy originated budget at either the next meeting or the In addition to Pizza our menu includes Subs, 1 12 of the Code of when Joint Issue was not given following meeting. Footlong Varsity Dogs, Homemade Spaghetti is dealing with student office space by ASMSU due to ins. their political affiliations. FROM $9.99 (inside only) and Pinballs. 112 states that ASMSU Two student presentations ■endorse all from your a political party may also be made, Buckner BUY DIRECT FROM FACTORY Jate. The board will not predicted. One presentation will VVARSITY financially to any propose a closed circuit 1 political campaign television news network and ask however, ASMSU may for ASMSU's support, GUARANTEED />//<>»«>.t.ii-oooti f political issue. The second presentation will We've moved to 1 was made at the be made by Pop Entertainment. I meeting suggesting Buckner did not know what the ■rticle 3 1649 Greencrest Ave. J 1227 E.Grand River Wle would read: to Section 12. nature "This would be. of their presentation RENT J 332-6517 | not apply to registered Next week's meeting will (corner of Haslet I FREE. FAST. HOT DELIVERY **************** YOUR TV Owen (starts at 6:30) UrotUerton-liepresentative . . . and Haiiadorn) ***************** 3 "JPerkins Family Restaurant J BY THE TERM Dinner *23.00 Specials Schedule M0N: STEAK BURGER PLATE ^ BY THE MONTH french fries, cole slaw 1.25 *9.50 TUES: 2 PC. BAR B Q CHICKEN Free Service mashed potatoes, cole slaw Free Delivery 1.35 Free Pick-up WED: SPAGHETTI the sport coat option A LA DIFFERENCE play. . salad, garlic toast NEJAC TV RENTALS 1.30 337 1300 *★★*★★*★**★**★** Knit polyester coats with double strategy: sustain the fashion interest by retaining the loose half belt, or adopt the classic look by removing it. In either case, it's a lighter approach to the new season. STOP" A. Navy/white or maroon/white herringbone stripes. St kwg®?! — B. Brown/white or navy/white geometric pattern. Each, $60. Contrasting solid doubleknit slacks. $24. KWIK 410 S. STOP CLIPPERT JacobBoriS CORNER OF CL1PPERT & KALAMAZOO, JACOBSON'S OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL NINE MICHIGAN ap news analysis STATE NEWS Snags in the peace proposal UNIVERSITY JOHN JUEL editor-in-chief forced equipment, all weapons and dismantlement infUtrathn 34 the south By WILLIAM L. RYAN defeated and are therefore to I KEN LYNAM AP Special Correspondent change their strategy." This meant, he added, that North Vietnam was "faced of all whatever." bases, "without any conditions C.mbodb. surrendering a To hITV'J strong D'ithH advertising manager President Nixon's Indochina with a new situation with many advantages On the date, Nixon says he would acceptance of this idea»| peace and bright prospects," although there stili withdraw U.S. forces totally within six "taking away the right of proposal may sound logical and fair to months of an agreement. The other side DAVE PERSON, managing editor would be hardships ahead for the many Americans, but the road to peace is BILL HOLSTEIN, campus editor wants a date for total withdrawal first. littered with snags. There seems a clear population. CHARLIE CAIN, city editor danger that the war will be intensified, The general must have been aware of Then it will talk about other matters. «• .hey me,n lhsm BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor Nixon's proposals, and what he seemed The Communists are unlikely to agree to though perhaps only briefly. to RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor Behind this sort of assessment is the fact say in effect was: "Why settle for less if unfettered, Internationally supervised that Hanoi apparently reads the U.S. there's a chance to get it all?" elections. It is Communist tradition to Apart from those snaes n.„ fear "Vietnami/.ation" in Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award proposals as signifying a flagging American Maybe it's all Hanoi talk and maybe distrust free elections. The only free thet°'i for outstanding journalism. will to continue involvement much longer. there is still hope for the proposals, but election ever held in a Communist - ruled it is only mildly suggests perpetuation successful Tot^l Hanoi apparently sees big possibilities for given the way they read the situation, the nation was in Russia in 1918, ant^when the ofan'ant r?f its cause in the U.S. political campaign. North Vietnamese and Viet Cong leaders Bolsheviks were trounced, they promptly regime. Vietnamization, tran away from the polls are to be their race's views any more than a minority announced his visit that China 1^ president is but a heartbeat away comment on the current system: The current fiasco regarding the selection biggest threat to us." congratulated. representative, so no one gets from the presidency, people should citizens deserve a larger say in tht of students as "at - large" representatives "It was before, but now that hi to the Academic Council is absolutely shortchanged. Second, there is no reason to be given an input into the vice affairs of their country. However, Theoretically, there is no reason for believe that different races have Nixon is going there, it's notasbigm ridiculous. In the name of equality of inherently as it was before." presidential candidate selection any presidential primary must be restricting any seat on any governing body different interests in the academic opportunity MSU held an election in which to a member of any particular race. As "Who are the biggest threats fl process. Brown would provide voters conducted within the political reality governance of a university. Third, even if it candidates were segregated apartheid • style justification for this practice minority is conceded that different ethnic United States right now?" MacCt with the opportunity to write-in a of America 1972. into groups based upon such relevant groups leaders claim, "Well, those minority deserve representation per se, it is not demanded. vice presidential choice when The Michigan Legislature has qualifications as genitalia and skin color, only they members who do get elected serve their the minorities who should be awarded vote in the presidential with white males being cleverly excluded constituencies, not their ethnic group." "Cuba, the Soviet Union and | primary. This played around with the presidential racial representatives; the majority race would provide the powers that be in from all categories. "Well, if China is no longer a t should also be represented, since primary bill for too long as it is. There several falacies in this any the two major political parties with a are excuse. decisions made will affect more of them us, why are we still building thf| Proposals like Brown's serve only to No thoughtful person could morally First, those members who belong to the than of any other group. system to defend us against their mi rating of sorts for possible delay final consideration of the bill, legitimize such a sham by casting his vote: majority race are also elected by their number-two men. "Because Canada is mad at us. J a bill which should have been passed As a practical matter, the charge that long as we started building it wi However, Brown's proposa a week ago. Presently Michigan minorities will be underrepresented is well finish it in case Trudeau fl neglects one salient reality in tht voters have no say in the selection of factually untrue. On the ASMSU student funny ideas." process of selecting vice presidential candidates: For better or worse the presidential candidates. To start "IT hardly sovereign state board there are seventeen voting members, not counting those from the Office of MacGonnacky couldn't be convioj still think Nixon should go to Or worrying about vice presidential Black Affairs. Of these, three are black, for choice is always the result of partisan and then work his way up to CI'" candidates at this stage is absurd. a percentage of over 17 per cent, or about makes some gaffes negotiating haggling and the desires of the The Michigan Legislature has long To The Editors: to the defendant is one of the more double the percentage of blacks in the over Communist country, it might as J presidential nominee. In this light, ago proven it is only capable of After reading numerous articles and patently absurb propositions ever voiced. If - all student population. The two seats little one rather than a big one." letters expounding on the sanctity of the the young lady does not wish to be Brown's proposal might as well allow reserved for the OBA "correct" this crossing one bridge at a time. classroom and the horrid injustice served on embarrassed in the presence of her peers "deficiency" and push the percentage of "It's too late," I said. "NixonJ the young lady arrested before an then perhaps she should ponder this the black votes on the board to 26 per cent. next time she tears up a parking ticket. heart set on going to China. F economics class, I feel compelled to get a lot more TV coverage going Viet veterans9 respond to these extraordinary outpourings of ivory towerism. Firstly, the police stated they had tried And thirdly, the idea of the "sanctity" of the classroom is doubtful at best. MSU is not a sovereign state immune to all rules, Among the undergraduates selected for .the Academic Council through the various colleges, three of sixteen members are than he would if he went to "Look, I don't care if Nixon wf Havani-J to Peking, but it seems to me that to contact the student on several occasions regulations and procedures of local law black, for a percentage of over 18 per cent. be much more beneficial i' «e 1 but were unable to reach her at an enforcement groups. Although many of the Blacks constitute 16 per cent of the bridge to Cuba first. This countrym not properly apparently bogus address. In such a case, the police either make the arrest at a scheduled class where they are almost venerable faculty, steeped in tradition and quietude in the sheltered halls of academic, prefer not to think about it, MSU is a part of the real world, and in being so, will representatives from COGS. So much for the myth about minority representation. without Havana cigars for 10 y<®| has China got to offer us that»'tc^ now in this country?" always assured of reachingher, or they can I suggest that the at large seats on the - At present, pressure groups are money floating around downtown waste more of their time and the taxpayers occasionally have to reveal part of its "real Academic Council be abolished and if world" self to they "Cheap labor," I said. "If we C*M busy lobbying in the legislature for Lansing, the case for supplemental money by playing continued games of cat some of our ostrich-like are not, I advocate a mass boycott of any to terms with Mao Tse-tung we" increased benefits for Michigan veterans bonuses might be and mouse. faculty. Perhaps it will bring their heads election held for the purpose of out of the scholastic fog long enough to those seats. filling 800 million people working i<" 1 Vietnam - era veterans. These groups strengthened. The state, however, is Secondly, even an individual receiving unjust parking citations is showing put some relevance in their future work. wouldn't have to work at all. | maintain that present GI bill benefits facing a tight money situation. With better than vintage Havnnas'.'" complete disregard for the law when they are inadequate They say GIs cannot many state programs being cut back, fail to take any action in the matter. The "I may be selfish," MacGonnfji be expected to live and attend school it makes no sense to add new ones young lady in this case did not fail to pay Terry W. Ruprecht Pbul D. Rolig "But I'd give up Nixon's triPtol^j on the SI75 per month presently which could only yield marginal one fine, but eight such violations. Such Lansing senior one good box of Montecristo cf* flagrant lack of responsibility to the legal Lewiston, Idaho sophomore day." provided by the federal GI bill. benefits. Jan. 25, 1972 Jan. 25,1972 ~ The veterans would do well to Even if the finances were'available, system of this city does not deserve a place Copyright 1972, Los Angeles n and time of arrest that is acceptable and direct their plea for greater however, implementation of a bonus DOONESBURY no 1 (embarrassing. The idea of the arresting compensation to Congress instead of at the state level would create officer expressing his apologies in writing NO, THANKS the legislature. It was 1M TALKING TO Congress, not national inequity since veterans from ANY ny f?.0. TC. the legislature, which passed the Gulf other, poorer states would be denied FINISH / r C OFFICER TOOAY. FOR A ION6 VHC AHYklAy! k/ITH ANY Li**, THIS TIME of Tonkin resolution that opened up equal pay for equal service. 1 orLltUR peooee LAST IF I'H ACCEPTER NEXT U£EK, lOHttE THE REST ro Gerour the I'andora's box of evils LETTER POLICY j oaPre? TERH AllGHr TO DROP Z WON'T HAI/E OF YOU 60YS AKE3CAWH6 OF A TERM .<"P ■ One of the founding precepts of - now QOT OF SCHOOL AMY I'LL BE UJ/NG/NG MY known as strategic withdrawal, tiger this nation was the division of vAy ro vierNflfi! cages and Lt. William Calley. powers both in the three branches of The State News welcomes all letters. America may owe the Vietnam the national government and They should be typed and signed with the veterans home town, student, faculty or staff some return for their toil between the states and the federal besides the standing, and local phone number highest unemployment government. The State of Michigan included. No unsigned letter will be rate in ten years, but restitution would do well to leave the business accepted for publication, and no letter will should be made at the federal, not of maintaining the military up to the be printed without a signature except in the state level. extreme circumstances. All letters must be national government that mustered it If there less than 300 words long for publication happened to be extra to begin with. without editing. n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, January 31, 1972 5 $1.10 fudents' caution urged $1.10 $1.59 Cepacol Mouthwash Cigarettes Crest Toothpaste Contac MO*. 73c 2/66- 59° ith job placement books 6.75 limit 1 limit 2 pkgs oz. limit 1 89c limit 1 (coupon) (COUPON) (coupon) Expires after 2-5-72 Expires a ft or 2-5-/2 Expires after 2-5-72 (coupon) East Lansinq Store Only East Lansing rtore Only Expires after 2-5-72 East Lansing Store Only IKAREN ZURAWSKI jobs and said, "Some people will hirin "e Lte News Staff Writer g«* jobs, but many more will Kodak, one C',te^ of the listed distributed to schools over the $3.50 69c country, in placement bureaus, $1.85 69c companies, as an example. deans. officu8 |jbraries flnd' Wella Balsam Scotch sl„u,d not rely too $3 £ tw Liquifilm Sucrets K" ra"ler «"t>'E% KM ssssz Hair Conditioner Hair Set Tape Wetting Solution Throat Lozenges U,^.n William pennar!fnt, ar?d aPPrenticeships. deadlines, their widespread However, >oth MacLeod and i6o,.. -o, lf information, director of student wim™ Available jobs, tj,ese books, range according to from fruit distribution and the economy. Clail Morris, women's asst. director of placement at the $239 29' 2 oz. $129 24'S 48° Cent at the Placement picket and safari drivers Many of the books to be bureau, termed the College limit 1 (coupon) limit 1 limit 1 limit 1 laid recently. overseas to jobs for the missile available to students now had a Expires after 2-5-72 (coupon) (coupon) (coupon) Feod, cautious about minded in the United States. - Placement Annual more useful, East Lansing Store Only Expires after 2-5-72 Expires after 2-5-72 Expires after 2-5-72 mid - fall East Lansing Store Only The books usefulness, often these summer publishing deadline, he Ms. Morris compared the East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only said. Jobs that existed then, no annua' to a telephone book, jdon't put a lot or siock djrectorjes or catalogs describe longer exist now. which one oould use most ■they're pushing. themselves as offering one of the He also explained that 90 Minute $1.79 | 1 listings are factual, dui but )areest a efficiently a< a reference or '?r6est and most. comnrphpnsi„_ an(J m Vitamin C r,.f comprehensive company have starting point. 8 Track Stereo • Tapes mav listed Cassette Blanks .. 1,1,1 J^iisTthe books " Ijnnnn ^/nnnn j°bs' or from tcntative job openings with the "II doesn't promise to find Ld. He suggested the L 50,000 to 100,000 positions. books, but because of the you a job," Ms. Morris stressed, 500 Milligram MacLeod, who looked at economy, were not able to meet Id daughters of current of thp listings commented, fs are more likely to find ««j know they're doing little earlier expectations. In addition, the book, are The an. available tc ua all I, normally graduating 89c limit 2 $359 No Limit ioo's $"|39 seniors, offers information about (coupon) limit 1 ■ (coupon) (coupon) Expires after 2-5-72 job interviewing and resume f East Lansing Store Only Expires after 2-5-72 Expires after 2-5-72 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only writing. It also touches on graduate school, women's placement and opportunities in' $1.19 the armed services. Ms. Morris thought that it Arrid Extra 5X7 Color Enlargement 49c was particular.., valuable in that Dry Deodorant FREE Chap-Stick (following employers will Cleveland Electric Illuminating Brothers Inc.; Sperry Flight ^ llstedunder ■rviewing from Feb. 7 Co.; Danners Inc.; Dow Systems Division; State Farm ,d'ngs Wlth c.ross T Feb. 11 March, June gust graduates of all Chemical USA; Dow Corning Corg.; Greenwich Public Mutual Ins. Co.; Touche Ross & Co. r®ference tc "stlngs according to geographic. >rea. 6 oz. 77 e limit 1 with Er-.h Roll of Kodacolor Film we Process P. om the Negative of your Choice 33° | levels are eligible to Schools; Hewlett-Packard Co.; Feb. 11: Cutler Hammer Inc.; „ , (coupon) No Limit limit 2 ,v unless otherwise Howard Johnson Co.; Magnavox Sears Roebuck & Co.; Touche "It s unre; ;tic to expect a Expires after 2-5-72 (coupon) (coupon) East Lansing Store Only Expires after 2-5-72 Expires after Co.; Marathon Oil Co.; Old Kent 2 5-72 are interested in an Bank & Trust Co.; Seidman & Ross & Co.; University of bool< wi" ®ci you a job," she East Lansing Store Only j Michigan; Westwood ,sa'd onc w'" 8et a j°^ f°r ion. please sign up in Seidman; State Mutual Life Community School District; you ~you ha c to send resumes, l-ment Bureau Monday last two school days in Assurance Co. Stouffers Foods. of America; Xerox Corp. ' make contacts and do digging." $1.50 10% OFF The Kodak Color Film [of the interviewing date. Feb. 9: Arthur Young & Co.; Flashcubes itional i in information the Placement is Bell Dow System; Camp Mataponi; Chemical U.S.A.; Mortar Board Discount Price on all 126,127, 620 posted each week at ment Bureau and in lartments. This bulleting (Ireenwich Public Schools; Hoover Co.; Jewel Co. Inc.; nominations 7 » 97' Film Developing 12 Exp. JJftC Kawneer Co. Inc.; Ixist Valley limit 1 No Limit limit 1 ific majors requested by Lodge; Magnavox Co.Minnesota (coupon) (coupon) fviewing organizations. Mutual Life Ins. Co.; Nasa-Lewis Mortar Board, senior women's Expires after 2-5-72 Expires jftei 2-5-72 honorary, will be accepting East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Expires a''t>r 2-5-72 nts are advised to Research Center; Northern nominations of junior women until Feb. Belinda Novik, Only with employers even Illinois Gas Co.; Owens Illinois selections chairman, said Saturday. Ms. Novik said anyone can submit the name oi a 35 mm 20 Exp> ey have not completed Inc.; Proctor & Gamble Co.; junior woman re 108 35 im ■; ilitary sen'ice. Many who meets the criteria of Saginaw Township School outstanding scholarship, character and rs have indicated an District; Union Oil Co. of Calif.; service to the University or community. A junior oman can even Kodachrome Kodak Coinr Film Polaroid Kodak in interviewing the submit her own name, she said Dept. of Natural Resources. ?fore and after his duty Feb. 10: American Express All nominations should be submitted t David Ralph, Slide Film Instamatii' 126 Color Pack Film Tri X Film Armed Forces. Co.; Arthur Young & Co.; Avon porfepor of commutation, at 545 S. Kedzie Hall. The person : Bendix I U.S.A.; Dow Corning Corp.; Dow Products Inc.; Boston University; Dow Chemical USA; submitting the name should know the nominee and the include informati v.', on reasons for the nomination. how they 20 exp. $"| 39 $-p $369 20 EXp 69° ■toward Johnson Co.; General Telephone & Electronics Any questions about Mortar Board or the . lection process limit 1 limit 1 limit 1 should be addressed to (coupon, limit 1 i ■ bank of Detroit; Sheii Service Corp; Hughes Aircraft; Ralph of Ms. Novik at 35 7730. E xpires after 2-5-T2' (couppn) Expires after 2-5-72 (coupon) (coupon) East Lansing Store Only Expires after 2 5-/2 Expires after 2-5-72 ies: Square D. Co.; Motorola Inc.; Owens-Illinois East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only ■oods; Bell System. Inc.; Proctor & Gamble Co.; J.C. Penney; School City of Gary; ****************** 79c Sears & Roebuck & Co.; Shure Wall Posters 20% Off The jaa.s.U Instiuctors GetJ Ivory Dishwashing Reg. Special Safeguard Discount Price sves stealing trees *your students booklists* Detergent $£00 S-J39 Soap on all Foster-Grant preserves, yards J for in now for next term J 22 oz 53C M00 69c 3'<2 oz. 13c Sunglasses youi 15% discount* limit 1 (coupon) No Limit (coupon) limit 4 (coupon) i limit 1 (coupon) (AGO (AP) — Walnut armed with chain saws and Expires after 2-5-72 East Lansing Store Only Expires after 2-5-72 Expires after 2-5-72 Expires after 2-5-72 ■ued for their East Lansing Store Only %. BOOK BAFT East Lansing Store Only veneers by heavy duty trucks, were almost East Lansing Store Only |stolen i manufacturers, and from the forett yards of impossible to catch. Jerrold Soesbe, director of the Lake Forest Preserve district, of Ann and MAC phone 332-1414 J $2.00 $1.19 $14.95 69c Bfficials say. said "These guys are worse than corner Shoe Saver Jergens Northern Mist Magic 1 Donnelly, chief Dutch Elm disease." **★*★★*★****★★★** Jfor the forest preserve Water Repellent Lotion Room Humidifier Spray Sizing ■says at least 25 of the Wolverine Distributing Presents . . . ■rees, up to 100 ^ disappeared years 8 oz. *]39 10 oz. g3C $088 49° $ STRIKE in the last 2° oz. fclly *6 of them in the last said the thieves, A LANSING IT AREA MERCHANTS RICH$ limit 1 (coupon) Expires after 2-5-72 East Lansing Store Only j , limit 1 (coupon) Expires after 2-5-72 East Lansing Store Only limit 1 (coupon) Expires after 2-5-72 East Lansing Store Only limit 1 (coupon) Expires after 2-5-72 East Lansing Store Only ^ ■ GET AQUAINTED BONUS CERTIFICATE ; 79c $1.50 SI .00 $2.00 Jmplete BOOK THAT CONTAINS OVER Colgate Opaque Opaque Com Silk (audio $4% A (|ll|vv meals, gifts, merchandise ENTERTAINMENT Instant Shave Panty Ifose Knee Sox WW Compact ervice AND SERVICES FOR ONLY $ U 49° 89* 69c S-J39 14.95 elsT'TO* oz. Je Serious Audiophile Pitied Technicians limit 1 limit 3 limit 3 limit 1 (coupon) (coupon) (coupon) ■"Pt Service your'book at Expires after 2-5-72 Expires after 2-5-72 Expires after 2-5-72 ; Expires after 2-5-72 1 Test Facilities East Lansing Store Only PICK up East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lasing Store Only Warranty - Parts $1.35 i $1.79 SI .79 $2.00 4980 NORTHWIND DR., E. LANSING Penient Location Stereo Shoppe at (NEXT TO YANKEES) Staylree I Virginia Maid Perfect Fit Prell Concentrate ■E. Grand River Ave. FOOD DRY CLEANING PHOTOGRAPHY MISC. Mini-Pads Panty ilose Panty Hose Shampoo I Hours: 9-5:45 AUTO SERVICE BEAUTY CARE SERVICES $137 -Sat: 9-5 ENTERTAINMENT 20, 88° limit 1 89c limit 3 89c limit 3 7 oz. Tube | limit 1 (coupon) (coupon) (coupon) (coupon) Expires after 2-5-72 Expires after 2-5-72 Expires after 2-5-72 Expires after 2-5-72 go native, East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only E $1.49 $1.00 $1.00 $3.00 * Sandal toot Sheer Nylon Orion Extra Width go hassau Panty Hose Sheer from waist to toe Knee Sox Knee Sox Panty Hose ' Experience a tropical island 69c 59° limit 3 69° limit 3 S-J49 surrounded by blue ocean waters limit 3 limit 3 (coupon) (coupon) (coupon) Expires aftei 2-5-72 Expires after 2-5-72 Expires after 2-5-72 Expires after 2-5-72 flights and sandy beaches. East Lansing Store Only East Laslng Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Visit Nassau with its British atmosphere and native culture, and listen to its calypso sound. Enjoy eight days of tropical sun. STATE DISCOUNf island tours, and the happiest 'happy hours' ever. 307 E. Grand River Next to "The Card Shop" For further information on Union 1Open Wednesday and Thursday Nites till 9:00 P.M. Board flights call 39777. Michigan Mo"day East Lansing, _ Jan^y 3| „ Outstanding loans plague ASMSU By BECKIE HANES or ASMSU could ask the principal back," Grecu legal action can now be taken this on a credit record before fines and fees. "We had more notification procedures than action. The outstanding |„ans » M I against themselves instead of gets out oi • ■ someone even ■ State News Staff Writer University to reinstate the hold explained. school," Grecu said. anyone," Grecu said. have been card policy for the purposes of "I don't know if the students their parents, Grecu warned. —, » ASMSU business office sends sent already Grecu said thjl With the new no hold card collecting overdue loans realize the ramifications this can "Since nearly everyone .s an The "o hold card policy was out at least three reminders to A collection policy in effect, ASMSU's loan "We must pay the collection have," Grecu said. With the age adult now, these forms are legal, begun beta . .,nouB», students with overdue loans used in the agencv. program is suffering from an agency 6 for their services and we of majority in effect, students binding contracts he said th eJ[® *aSoff overdue . bjf( before they begin taking other «an past byT abundance of outstanding loans -• won't even be getting the should be more concerned since "it would be bad news to get notification dims, program. This loans that were 2 for fall term, ASMSU out? OR r;";g \-tf comptroller Grant Grecu said "lore than a student had year ^ eTwMJte' Hour, Adults 90c] Friday. For fall term 1970, ASMSU PROBLEMS INVESTIGATED school and dr "NOTCH The local area collection immediately transformed from a the result of misunderstanding classes to publicize his services. Hall and the ombudsman limit. Only one luan ,t. agency will be contacting as mild-mannered man to a being A new symbol of his office was encourages all students with may be held or insufficient information. many as 65 people this week to equipped with the power to also designed. problems to drop by. undergraduate student recover some of the money. "I get a good deal of service. handle students' troubles. No, "If we end up losing a lot of satisfaction. It's a great pleasure this man is not Clark Kent, to me when I can help a this money, we have two although to some students he student," he said, "although choices," Grecu said. The loan may be a superman. He is James there are some things I can't do fund could be dropped entirely Rust. MSU's official a thing about." r«0C*»M MUftTJ.'l W 3905 ombudsman. The term ombudsman was Other frequently expressed grievances concern financial aid, POLICE BRIEF E22n&XS229 Indian group first used in Sweden in the 19th money problems and poorly century for the official who prepared or apathetic checked the government and instructors. slates meeting protected the rights of the "Much teaching is done by citizenry. Rust's job is just that. inexperienced teachers. There driven off the road. His POLICE WERE CALLED to case has store security agents. P0_ His office staff listens to student to discuss plans grievances on any subject and 1 are those who prefer to teach remove a student from a coed's been referred to the County his case has been referral graduate students when they room at 2:36 a.m. Saturday in prosecutor. prosecutor. "TRAIL of the North American Indian may, when necessary, initiate have to teach undergraduates." West Fee Hall and when police A NONSTUDFJNT FROM Student Assn. will hold a general investigations or recommend Rust said it is as if they teach Okemos was also arrested for A HUNTER" membership meeting to discuss further action. His office first arrived, the student struggled BATTERY W|]| with their left hand. with them and refused to leave. drunk driving by police at 12:40 estimated value of 9 future plans for fund-raising instituted as a result of who "just wanted someone to Color [G| activities, action on pending administrative concern about talk to". Police said the student was a.m. Thursday in the Fee Service stolen between 111 As result of numerous P»OC«M iNro»M»no)i gs-MK State Indian legislation, the student unrest, was officially However, most problems arise a arrested and taken to Ingham area. Police said the man ran a Thursday and 2:40 p.n.1 formation of an Indian News opened fall term, 1967. from student complaints about complaints, Rust has aided in County Jail, and plead guilty at stop sign and drove his car over a from a car parked on I H Bulletin increase and public future plans to awareness. meeting will be held at 7:30 The Since becoming the first unfair grades. In these instances obmudsman here. Rust has the ombudsman explains the encountered numerous appeals procedure stated in the the enactment of several codes protecting students' rights. He recommended the more flexible his arraignment. He was fined $50 for trespassing. A STUDENT WAS arrested curb and onto the grass. has also been referred prosecutor. His to case the Road at they have Bailey Hall. Pofc no suspects. | p.m. today in W131 Owen Hall situations ranging from housing Academic Freedom Report and drop policy which went into effect in A STUDENT WAS arrested TWO RINGS Will (Center for Urban Affairs). and traffic problems to students aids them in using this process, 1969, a code of for drunk driving by police at for shoplifting at 3 p.m. ESTIMATED VALUE J professional conduct and the 4:36 a.m. Sunday at Service stolen from Code of Teaching Road by Farm Lane. Police said Thursday in the MSU Book store were Practice Building on J» tht| Responsibility, which provides they stopped the car after it was in the International ('enter. Police said the student had Police said the doortoaj allegedly stolen a book valued at was unlocked, and indicM $4.50, and was apprehended by they have no suspects. ANNOUNCING: RA POSITIONS FOR 1972-73 ACADEMIC YEAR QUALITY AND SERVICE Off-campus students and students interested in applying for RA positions in halls other than their place of residency THAT'S OUT OF SIGHT may submit an application to the Head Resident Advisor in the hall of their cftoice between February 1, and February • complete selection of frames 6 7, 1972. Applications and additional information will be • sunglasses and wire-rims available at the Office of the Head Resident Advisor or • prescription lenses ground reception desk in every hall. • repairs while you wait Students interested in RA positions within their present residence hall, will be notified by the Head Resident Advisor of the date and location of the general information HatoA, Q Tues.-Sat. Y^'s swing with Magic FRENCH FRIED MUSHROOMS MARX ^ NO COVER one of their great comedies THE STABLES OR ANY ONE OF OUR ROOM SERVICE 2843 E. Grand River also starring Lucille Ball and Ann M'"er OTHER SPECIALTIES! Shown at 8:45 only 351-1200 t* h HinnnnnnnnriiiiimiS" mnims k mntfrwm mnnmvnmnnnnr ml KK ravages the world at 7 and 10:10 p.m. - Shown in 100 $1.00 for both films Engineering - NO ID requi^ n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, January 31, 1972 7 * ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Women will form * 9 i panel . on sex bias OUR NEW I PRICE ON ALL J _ By CINDI STEINWAY "Two weeks following the council, we all share equal State News Staff Writer Wharton's study of the list, a mass concerns," she said. meeting of all concerned At the opening of the meeting, The women's groups women and women's group Ms. Bender read a letter from concerned with ending sex representatives will be held. Wharton to the women's group discrimination at MSU will form Falling around the first of NONESUCH March, the meeting will be representatives explaining that a steering committee to establish to the confusion resulting from the a presidential advisory council accept the names Wharton has chosen and discuss what the January correspondence on the issue. between the group, the board, steering committee has done," Against sexism The committee was proposed to consist of 12 women holding Ms. Dominguez said. Ms. Neiberg suggested that and himself was not an attempt to abuse the women's rights. open meetings for the next three During January, Wharton had Bender, director of Off-Campus Housing, speaks Thursday to a group of women months on their "release time" be given by the findings in the denied the women's groups «cerned with the ending of sex discrimination at MSU. The women recently decided to LP'S problem. department heads to any women selected to the advisory council representation before the board Lablish an advisory council to President Wharton on the issue. It was decided the study on of trustees, believing them to be State News photo by Craig Porter sex discrimination presented to by the president. the board of trustees at their "The advisory council will not forming under the auspices of EOP. When informed of their January meeting would function well if its members are I bortion serve as intention of forming an advisory the basis for the steering not free from work to attend repeal committee. Vickie Neiberg, of the Alliance to End Sex Discrimination, meetings," she explained. The steering committee was designated to define a structure commission to his office, Wharton set up a February hearing for the women concerning sex discrimination. headed the proposal for forming meeting the needi of all women In the letter, Wharton said the I I this campuB, to consider the ■ • the committee by suggesting on major goal of setting up an national a Issues concerning all minorities plan in national campaign and to develop a proposal for future action to be presented to advisory council within the University community concerr.1 him and he will further assist the | ANDREA AUSTIN Wheeler, who wai Indicted In Detroit Initiated by women at luhhtwoSK.1""1"*' the board of trustees, Ms, women In their efforts, ,u°flo u" ^ 1868 abortion ,law. Un °r the W,yne state University and All eligible names and any Dominguez stated. Any women affiliated with the Lansing and MSU sensitivity training. additional Information the "Assuming an advocate role, University are eligible to serve reb. l^ and Id are scheduled the committee "We want to bring out all the la to analyze srl of Women for women believe relevant toward theae matters on tl.e ateerlng committee by on„ Repeal Ri'Pi'w winwill attend ■"»»« "•« the ,e"l°'18 "nd 1mu®« to ■ woman, to tell her acrvlng on the advisory council In detail and contacting Dolores Bender In the n'i National Abortion work! ho pi on abortion about all the avenues that are would then be forwarded to preaent their findlngi to the Off-Campus Housing office, or I Conference at Boston founseIng and referral, national open," Mi. Wllklnion said. President Wharton after Feb. 15. mass meeting In March," she Olga Dominguez In the EOP Lltv Fob. 11 • 13. to build l^B'«l«tlon and court actioni and She stressed that the group Olga Dominguez, EOP added. Any changes or addltlona toward better representation office, both In the Student »l campaign IIC,mP ' for abortion Jorced •t®r Nation. from antlabortlon reform Attacki groups will not Juit couniel a woman administrative assistant, was would be made at that meeting, Services Bldg. seeking an abortion. elec ted to submit the list of The deadline for names to be the group decided. |e second annual *uch " HJght to Life are also "We want to offer more than names to Wharton and bo Dolores Bender, director of accepted is Feb. 15. Tide meeting sponsored ex^®< What , would benefit our name to get an abortion, Ms. Wllklnion responsible for additional Off-Campus Housing, said that he Women's National said publicity. I', Action Coalition will group right now," Mi. Wilkinson li to see how other the list of names the president approved by might be he coalitions s strategy for groups are setting up thler reconsidered, but that It seemed abortion referral. We work In important to express some trust several different areas now," she In him and In the women I to force sterilization counseling or referral until we || of all restrictive get the training." n Jceptlon Ill not laws. only for abortion," The first WONAAC THE STATE APPEALS COURT ruled m n r nMainrt conference was wiiicivllvC "tin held 111 lltflU in vllilc June Thursday that the University of Michigan la not required to bargain with the it • j, 52Jh*ii5^.i;S2 added, "but anything 1971' *nd <"•» w°°onn University of Michigan Interns-Residents Assn. o men n fls from Ml'chliian and 25 from Kast The re8ent8 ,u,ve refu8ed to bargain with the group that was J and as a group. We Bp repeal Florida's ibhb want Unlink Lansing, Ma WllktadnIS? Ms. Wllklnion aald. f°rmed by ,nterni' "sldent8 Hnd postdoctoral fellows for collective bargaining purposes. nn law and set up lobbiea i j t un« <• «nooruon Abor U o n ° Reform" work, °n .^ cou_rf. "pinion._whlch uuiurm won r...r»d ..,11., nil* by the lalso have Ik" abortionI...",''™ laws Wilkinson different hAC wishes said, Including intent of 1905 law. to change. a J,man r«?iT'th«ir v*omen realize their Petitioning .ufn.nn/jlim f°r „i»«« an abortion ...u iM referendum, «. a claas action suit In J and value," she asserted, fly will stand up for Selves and change their Kt of themselves. Women ■would have a lot of clout |f'd really get It together." t conference will begin is rally ftb. 11, titled [ to Win Abortion Law Speakers are as yet |ounced, but Lynne •on, spokeswoman for the Lansing group, said the 1 will probably Include |AAC coordinator Dr. Roberts and Shirley At the Olde World Rroad and Ale. 21 1 ' -A.C. Avenue in East I.ansing. you'll find Olde World flavor in the food J" aylnand 0 '^c atmosphere' Come on out discover the unexpected, like auteed Mushrooms, at the Olde World YOU'LL LIKE ALL i BI^EADwALE OUR RECORD PRICES J 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, Januar STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Want to sell something? Avoid the Rush 355-8255 — Call Classified Early 355-8255 For Rent FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil Frank Peanuts Personal ^ I1*B WHAT'S wnni a. The State News does not Kit permit racial or, religious CAROLINE: CONGRATULATIONS discrimination in its Apartments on failing THE test. Respectfully, with love, The Gang. 1-1-31 advertising columns. The NEED ONE girl for Cedar Village as • AUTOMOTIVE State News will not accept soon as possible, 4 - man. Scooter* & Cycto advertising which 351-8076. 2-1-31 1-31 Auto Parts & S«rvi<* discriminates against religion, 1 AND 2 bedroom furnished, Announcements for It's What's Aviation race, sex, color or national available ESCARGOT. CREAMCHEESE, Happening must be received In the immediately. Phone • EMPLOYMENT origin. HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT SCARLATTI, SUZZIE AND State News office, .141 Student LITTLE BABY MICHAEL Services llldg., by I p.m. ut least two • FOR RENT 351-7910. 5-2-3 class days before publication. No MUCHO THANKS FOR MY Apartments announcements will he accepted by BESTEST BIRTHDAY, POUPEE. LARGE 1 bedroom deluxe furnished phone. No announcements will be Houses 1-1-31 accepted for events outside the Rooms greater Lansing area. .m. Tuesday • FOR SALE Employment Recreation Seven workshops and groups will I Animals OVERSEAS JOBS for students. be available at liimily Services Night OUAL Mobile Homes Australia. Europe, South America, Houses SPRING BREAK - Acapulco, $189; at H p.m. Tuesduy at the Day Care *Lost & Found Africa, otc. All professions and Bahamas, $159; Hawaii, $269. Center, I 7 JO Crescent Hoad, Spartan occupations, S700 to $3000 THREE BEDROOM house, $126 per STUDENTOURS, 129 East Grand Village. • PERSONAL monthly. Expenses paid, overtime, month or single rooms about $50. River. Ring 351-2650. C • PEANUTS PERSONAL Richard Schlcgel. professor of sightseeing, Free information, 482-3295. 5-2-1 • SI'KINd HKI'IAK physics, will speak at a meeting of I'l • REAL ESTATE Write. JOBS OVERSEAS, Dept. Mu Kpsllon ut 7:30 p.m. today in 8A, Box 15071, San Dieflo, EAST LANSING, 3 bedroom • RECREATION 204A Wells Hull. •SERVICE California 92115. 10-1-31 completely furnished, $300 / month, utilities included. Students JAMAICA =l Vcterunt for I'eace und Vietnam The Coulltinn Se mil Ism u Typing Service STUDENT EMPLOYMENT. 12 to 20 welcome. 393-3068 after 8. 10-2 1 'DISCRIMINATION OM THIS CAMPUS- Veterans Against the Wur will meet at Tuesduy will m In JJ| | •TRANSPORTATION hours per week. Automobile necessary, Phone 351-5800. 8 EAST LANSING, close to campus, 3 NEVER' EI/ERV STOJT IS TREHTO WITH $220 * 7: JO p.m. toduy in JS Union, (ireen Karth MSU. " Ur° ' • WANTED 5 30. C-3-2-2 or 4 man, furnished. Call after 5 Includes: lood Co-op and DEADLINE p.m. 351-4757, 485-6483 3-2-1 THE SOME UNBIASED PIS INTEREST!" •air ruru Himlly of May will meet ut 7;JO p.m. toduy at 4511 I'.vergreen St. We need Campus Action WAITER CR WAITRESS, full and ttudy ut y:JO p., 1 P.M. one class day before part time, day or night. Call CLARE STREET, 2 bedroom 0MMyjB&M6/RX/5£*/ B UW\&. MM. • accommodations (HOLIDAY INN) Ouk Koom, Union • hvautlful pool & beach 351-2450 between 9 ■ 5 P.M. THE unfurnished with basement, stove publication. tin lizzie. 2-2-1 ► water spurts The Slcrru Club will meet at 7: JO The fourth and refrigerator, $155 monthly. • »(<>ir. tennis, horseback p.m. today In J4 Union for u film um Cancellations/Corrections Security deposit. Pay own rlillng available and discussion of upcoming outings. "Civilisation" htI - 12 noon one class day JOBS: PART, full time. Name your utilities. Call ADVANCE For Sale Personal •open har on planu consecutively ut t- before publication. hours. Positions for anyone. Call REALTY 372-7610 or 485-3045 a Rum n' Swizzle I'urty The MSU Scots Highlanders will Jlrody auditorium nmhu'^l after 6 P.M., John, 393-1528. • transfers meet ut 7 p.m. today in the Mrs. Robinson. 2-2-1 USED FURNITURE Flea Fair: 314 PHONE 355-8255 2-2-1 PORTRAITS, COLOR Candid Demonstration Hall llallroom for East Michigan. Dishes, books, Weddings, passports and CHEAP BUT Remodeled dancing und bugplplng. 347 Student Services Bldg. nice. coins, antiques, rockers, junk. identification. Commercial ALL AMERICA TRAVEL MODELS, PHOTOGRAPHERS for Lansing house, furnished for 4. Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open advertising and industry. photography. Evenings. Call Call: Buck 337-0962 RATES word itilnlmu m $200 monthly, utilities, heat paid. Saturday and Sunday. Furniture 3652751, MILLER Experience preferred but not 332 3398. 10-2-11 Diane .1SS-49I I No. DAYS and appliances open all week, 10 PHOTOGRAPH ICS. 5-1-31 necessary. Contact Alex at Dave J5 1-6765 am - 6 pm. Phone 371-2843. WORDS i J 5 10 OMEGA 3 STUDIO, 393-8354 OLDER FARM home. 3 bedrooms C-1-31 'plus tuxes & service* between 9 • 5:30 P.M. 4-2-3 45 minutes north of campus. Must BANK BY DOG 21.00 15 2.70 8.10 11.29 be conservative and responsible. EUROPE: SUMMER '72.Round trip Students Earn Money Now Animals A rilot Point, Texas gas jets from $219. STUDENTOURS $125 per month. Utilities and 16 2.99 8.85 12.29 23.00 station owner has a dog 129 East Grand River, 351-2650. 60 Students deposit. 351-3969. O CAPUCHIN MONKEY, 2 years old, named Fritz who carries Service 17 3.20 9.60 13.29 29.00 Needed for Full very nice pet, $50. Cell 351-5258, deposits to the bank. He also Or Part Time Rooms 18 3.49 10.39 14.29 27.00 evenings. 3-2-2 helps out at the station by Real Estate Days or Evenings Earn S30 to S40 per Day OWN ROOM in duplex. $50+. DACHSHUND TOT, AKC, registered, carrying oil, paper towels, Typing Service 19 3.70 11.10 19.29 29.00 Available immediately. Call credit cards and change. HIGGINS LAKE, naw 3 bedroom $15 to S20 per Evening rusty color. 3 months old. Had 337-0054 after 5 p.m. 2-1-31 Looking for a pet? You'll Ranch home. Complete with oak TYPING THESES and letters, ate. 3.99 11.89 16.29 shots. $95. Phone Sherry 20 31.00 882-9867 1-1-31 And a wide choice in the kitchen, gat furnace, attached Rapid accurate service. Wolverine Dist. columns of STATE NEWS garage, carpeting throughout. Experienced. 393-4075. C-1-31 ROOMS, SINGLES and doubles. Classified Ads. Check there Excellent financing. FABIAN Apply In Person Only Cooking facilities. Utilities paid. SIAMESE KITTEN, box-trained, All student ads must be Call 372-8077. C-1-31 REALTY 332-0811. Eleanor ANN BROWN: Typing and multlllth 4980 North wind Dr. eight weeks old. Reasonable. now! Fabian, 482-4619, 482-0571. offset printing. Complete service prepaid East Lansing 355-9886. 2-2-1 for dissertations, theses, WATERBEDS FROM $9.99. 3-2-2 The State Newt will be (NEXT TO YANKEES) For Sale TUTORIAL HELP by Ph.D.'s All Guaranteed. Direct from factory. manuscripts, general typing. IBM. Call 351-0908. Drive a little, save 22 years experience / 349-0850. responsible only for the sciences, including math, physics first day's incorrect HAIR STYLIST wanted. VILLAGE ZENITH PORTABLE 3 speed stereo and computers. Call 351-8629. a lot. New address effective Service C-1-31 HAIR SHOPPE. 4663 Ardmore, record player. Three years old. 0-1-31 January 31, 1649 Geencrest insertion. Okemos. Phone 349-0430. 5-2-3 $100. Call 351-7572 after 5 P.M. Avenue, East Lansing. 3-1 -31 TV AND Audio repairs. Sterec SAVE SAVE SAVE NEED HOME immediately for c XEROX COPYING. Offset, best radios, tape recorders, and hi-fi beautiful Persian cat. Mali ELECTRONIC YOGA - INNER quality at reasonable prices. THE Dependable, low rates. Call MORE FUN in the sun with Sun years. Shots. Call Carol 351 4 SPACE ELECTRONICS offers 351 6680. B-1-1-31 COPY SHOPPE, 54 €ast Grand A utomotive Shades. OPTICAL DISCOUNT. 2-1-31 model 7000 brainwave / River. Phone 332-4222. C-1-31 2615 East Michigan Avenue, CHEVROLET For Rent alphawave monitor. Excellent FOR QUALITY service on stereos, 1964, Impala SS, 372-7409. C-5-2-4 ST. BERNARD puppies, AKC. biofeedback training device. TV's and recorders THE STEREO DISSERTATIONS, THESES, term" yellow convertible. Power Reasonable price for students, ATTENTION MEDITATORS. SHOPPE. 337-1300. C-1-31 papeis. Expert typist with degree steering, brakes, very dependable. TV AND STEREO rental, good house dogs. Call collect, 351-1144.5-2-3 in English. IBM 351-8961. 0-1-31 Best offer takes. 351-2048. 3-2-2 satisfaction guaranteed. Free COLE'S BAKERY 1-723-7793. Owosso 5-2-1- INCOME TAX Service - in your delivery, service and pick up. No TUESDAY ONLY SPECIAL. 4 AVON PRODUCTS home or our office. TAX CHEVROLET 1963 Biscayne. V-8 deposit. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. G loaves Home - Style white bread, TYPING IN my home. Housewife 10% DISCOUNT with this ad. CORPORATION OF AMERICA. stick, good condition, $1.00 at our bakery foods Mobile Homes Phone 487 0772. 10-2-1 with 7 years secretarial Call ALICE 355-1177. mechanically sound. Call after 5 concession. MEIJER THRIFTY experience. Large and small 5-2-3 NEVER SHARE iM III p.m. 694-8937, no Saturdays. 3-2-1 Apartments ACRES, Okemos, S. Pennsylvania, W. Saginaw Road. KROGER, NEW AND used homes, on lots a MOBILE HOME MANOR. 1 mil Visit RABORN'S RAZORS projects. 627-5412. 1-1-31 UJlTH A restless im C HEVY 1957. 2 door wagon. PREGNANT? PANICKY? Consider Frandor, Logan Center, 4002 W. East of campus, on bus route EDGE EAST COMPLETE THESES service. 1966 Oldsmobile Cutlass -S. Boro NEED 1 mart for 3 bedroom duplex, the alternatives. Pregnancy Saginaw, 1721 N. Grand River. Phone 332-243T*. 3-2-1 Discount printing. IBM typing and - warner T-10 4 speed. Muncie 4 close to campus. $52.50 per counseling. 372-1560. O Hair Styles for men C-2-2-1 binding of theses, resumes, speed. Plymouth 4 speed. month. Call 351-1979. 2-1-31 MUST SELL 1970 Vindale 12' x 60', 489-7554.655-1621. 2-1-31 IF YOU have taken the Kaplan LSAT 2828% E. Grand River publications. Across from campus, unfurnished, completely Review corner M.A.C. and Grand Course, call Wally River, carpeted, disposal. King Arthur's 371 4570 FORD COUNTRY wagon, 1966. 9 married students Men's flannel shirts, all sizes. 332-3577 after 6 p.m. 1-1-31 below Jones Stationery Shop. Call Court. 339-8912. 6-2-4 COPYGRAPH SERVICES. passenger with luggage carrier on & faculty Levi's, Bell's in blue denim, PRIVATE GUITAR, 337 1666. C-1-31 top. Phone 489-3529. 3-2-1 corduroy and scrub denim. Folk, Rock, Classical. All styles. Lost & Found Peanuts Personal $3 per lesson. Inquire at 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. Bib overalls. MUSTANg 1969. Standard on the MARSHALL MUSIC, 351-7830. floor, new exhaust system, some with study LOST: BLACK and tan male dog. Wanted Blue ALPHA CHI'S fantastic pledges: studded snow tires. 30,000 miles chambray work shirts. Resembles wire-haired Terrier. Ann, Judy, Carol, Debbie, Sandy, RIDE NEEDED Toronto any 482-1009. 1-1-31 Wearing red collar and flea collar. SPRING BREAK Jill. Congratulations! Love, your OPEL STATION Wagon. 1969. from '145 per mo. BARRETT'S MEN'S WEAR Child's pet. 332-5988. 2-2-1 Reward. Phone AX Sisters. 1-1-31 BAHAMAS $159 weekedn. And want used 26" bike. Call 355-8113 after b p.m. 111 West Grand River SPAIN $229 Automatic drive, low mileage, UNFURNISHED ACAPULCO $189 $ 1450. 4205 Mar-Moore Drive Williamston FOUND: 2 female puppies, brown. HAPPY "26th" Leeevon. I hear you SERIOUS MINDED college girl, 21, CALL TODAY Lansing. 372-0352. 5-2-4 children welcome Owner call or free, anyone. 1165 love your money and mel Happy 655-1766 West Jolly Road. Okemos. 1-1-31 Frank Buck at 351-2286 would like to babysit. Own piease, no pets Days Honey. Arlene. 1-1-31 transportation. References. PLYMOUTH STATION wagon CROWN GRAPHIC view camera, _£L pich |<,anfr,| ^3-0022 351-3754. X-1-1-31 1967. Automatic transmission, LOST: BLACK miniature trimmed. DIZZIE GILLESPIE lives in Shaw PAINTING INTERIOR: Paint SLRs, relfex, range-finder. Canon snow tires, $850 cash. Phone 353-7926. 3-1-31 KNOB HILL camera and leading brands. Some cameras, $1 - $5, 8mm and super • male poodle, red collar. East Lansing. Answers to "Peppi". Hall. (Bird does 2.) Hi Sweetheart!Fan club: call 59089. provided wholesale, reasonable. References, grad students. WANTED: 25 watts USED stereo RMS or larger. amplifier. Call 351-0656.3-1-31 1-1-31 349-4817. C 8 movie projectors. Used slide 353-7601 after 6 p.m. 1-1-31 TOYOTA 1971. Red deluxe sport APARTMENTS projectors, $5 up. Binocular close coupe, disc brakes, air conditioning, reclining bucket 349-4700 - out. Sale on 30 pair skiis, $5 up. 1 Place Your CROSSWORD seats, chrome wheels with radials, 30 pair ski boots. $3 - $15. Used ice skates, reduced prices. 1 radio. Must after 5 p.m. „ou) sell. 3-2-1 Call ARE YOU PAVING 393-8854 OPEN Monday • Friday 9 a.m. • S p.m. Salurday 12-5 p.m. Insulated boots. Snowshoes. 500 shot - guns and rifles, new and used. Big selection electric heaters. nfs\ ^ Today PE0PLE ... REACHER WANT AD Just clip, complete, mail along with your PUZZLE ACROSS 30. Compass point 31 Squander A|0i * « ki \l o" TOO MUCH FOR LOCATED >/« MILE NORTH Portable and electric typewriters, AUTO INSURANCE? OF JOLLY ED. ON $15 up. Used stereo, amps, tuners, check or money order 1. Medieval 32 Fawn Why not give me a call? money 34. Soldier Don OKEMOS ROAD receivers, changers, tape recorders, decks, speakers, records, tapes, \ \»yJf Name 4. South African 35. Eternity CHEAPO-CHEAPO! One girl for color TV sets, Police band radios, fox 36. Formerly Sakowski T / Addruss 8 Camel's hair 2-man. Cedar Village. Rent tapestries. WILCOX 37 Hercules SENTRY INS, 676-1930 coat negotiable. Will rent immediately. SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East captive 351-4092. B1 1-1-31 Michigan, 8 - 5:30 p.m., Monday - V / / City ZiD Corin 11 Hydraulic pump 39 Myself Auto Sen ice & Parts 12 Radio wire 40 Chignon Saturday. 485-4 39 1 . I \ 1 Phonn Student Nn 13 Emblem of 42 Schnauier _ WORKING GIRL to share 2 man. BankAmericard, Master Charge, VW-GUARANTEED repair. Own room. $85. 355-1725. Days morning 44 If Layaway, terms, trades. C Consecutive Dates to Run DOWN RANDY'S MOBIL, 1-96 at or 339-9077 after 5 P.M. 3-2-2 14. Stylish 47 Innuendo Okemos Road. 349-9620. C-1-31 16 Nina or Pinta 50. Robot play 1 Sea mammal LEONARD WHOLESALERS Classification 18 Name ONE GIRL for 4 girl, large 51. Moslem priest 2. College cheer MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East LOW PRICES ON apartment, close, two baths, 20. Passenger 53 Eskimo 3. Among Kalamazoo Street . . . Since 1940. Print Ad Here: reasonable rent, heat paid. PHOTOGRAPHY 21. Morning 54.1 do 4 Man's Complete auto painting and 332-4050. 1-1-31 23. Polish 55. Greek nickname collision service. IV5-0256. C-1-31 Honeywell 25 Persia mountain 5. Thus: Lat GIRL NEEDED for furnished 4-man. 28 Trim 56 Panhandle 6. Personnel Aviation Immediate occupancy. S55 PENTAX sP 500 2 J H 5 * 7— r 9 ,0 LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight monthly, large bedroom, near campus. 351-8526. 1-1-31 List $199.95 " % % 15 149« % •2 training. government All and courses VA are certified. ROOM WITH kitchen privileges OUR PRICE 'M >4 16 % n FRANCIS AVIATION, Road. Call 484-1324. C-1-31 Airport Quiet, 154 miles from campus. Call Visit Leonard's 10 % '9 26 $% after 5 P.M., 332-4951. % Bob Darkroom Dept. B-2-2-1 ^ and Save ±1 21 23 24 W" M 1 BEDROOM deluxe apartment, Peanuts Personals 15 words $2.00 prepaid IB % 36 % 31 furnished, carpeted, $165 includes - . % ti ni>s«lulil heat. East Lansing, available 52 » U is 13 February 1. 351-1529. 3-1-31 15 Words or Less: Over 15 Words Add: 1 day 25c - $2.70 P®' word 5 days - 11.35 1.00 per word 7 days - 15.75 Si % % w J9 i.) Pic"'"J wanted for Cedar Village 1.40 per word %' % [ 1-4 MEN 309 N. Washington ,!8 P'*r spring term. Reduced rates. Call □ □ □ M6 Ml TO" 351 5338. 5-2-2- Downtown, Lansing Mail to. Michigan State News %% MM MS % w H? %% USE YOUR TWO BEDROOM luxury apartment in Burcham Woods. $189 / month FURNITURE, supplies, etc. LINENS, complete kitchen for 2 347 Student Services Classified Bldg. So Si % « MASTER CHARGE includes heat, water. Call bedroom apartment. Cost $4500. MSU East Lansing, Mich. 48823 if 55 'fa 54 AT THE STATE NEWS 351-3118. If no answer call 484 4014. 5-1-31 Sell for $2250. Phone 694-0604. 5-2-2 % % n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, January 31, 1972 |alls will obtain services - r .v/ -r direct distance dialing nncT of silver. Joe sweaty silver, Joe leans over nvwr to the to the control :» CATHY TROST . By it roommate wise, he can choose - ..... , telephone on the wall and dials direct to to remain with the restricted the bill is only as good as the weakest link. Detroit. system." Smith, who lives in McDonel Michigan Bell Telephone Co. will It will be up to the room coordinator to The cost for five minutes send I'rfes to call mom and dad in — .75 cents each occupant of the room a letter get the money together and send it to the tlnst likely he will have to pull on plus tax. explaining the details of the new system company in one lump sum. Imck on down to the lobby to The cost In terms of hassle - minimal. and a "There are about 11,000 dormitory responsibility card which must be T change and catch the elevator Effective Sept. 18, 1972, the MSU mailed back to the company within 30 stations on the campus," Engelhardt said. X sixth floor telephone booth. residence hall telephone system will include unrestricted direct distance days after the beginning of classes. "We estimate that 80 to 90 these students will want unrestricted per cent of ■ ■ hassling with erratic dial tones, dialing The responsibility card consists of name an(| deaf and dumb operators, service. and address and the option to check the service. ' the machine $1.25 plus tax for The present system permits "Of course, problems will occur, but only box marked "restricted service." A room of conversation. campus and local calls and penalizes the we're going into this with the coordinator must be listed on the card who thought of in body and spirit, Joe returns student $5 for accepting collect calls will take the making it work" Engelhardt said. , responsibility of collecting KJ, chugs down a quick beer and without proper notification of the hall and paying the bill. Several universities throughout the state have been using the open call |u* pen and paper and the U.S. manager. "The responsibility card," explained R. system for irvice for future communications. Robert C. Underwood, manager of over a year with success. Northern H. Engelhardt, suburban manager of L ahead to fall term, 1972, and residence halls, explained that the student Michigan University (NMU) has operated Michigan Bell, "tells us that John Jones this system for almost two ie again, lying on his bed in the will have two choices on regarding the and Pete Brown are responsible for calls in years, „ thinking about giving the folks telephone service. their room and the bill will be sent to the Western Michigan (WMU) for one year and "He can choose open, direct distance U - M since September, 1971. dormitory room, not the individual." ■niy i shorts and with hands free dialing, or if the student feels that he can't The student will continue to The MSU telephone system is double pay for the that of U - M, which has 7,297 local telephone service through room and dormitory board charges. A separate bill for stations, and will be the biggest installation long in the state. |ns/ng distance calls will be sent by Michigan Bell which can be paid by mailing a check or "What is little known about MSU is that group paying directly at any office. "The University is the customer for the telephone service. We pay Michigan Bell we were the first system in the country to install direct dialing from rooms," Underwood said. "We pioneered dormitory Centrex in the early 1960s. It is now being b//c with the monthly rate and the student pays used in almost every college across the everything except long distance charges to nation." us," Underwood said. NMU initiated a trial period for the If the bills are not paid, Michigan Bell open call system during the fall term of will restrict the service of the individual Lansing Information and Referral encouraging clients to inform them of their 1970. Soon after U - M and other schools back to the present system of local calls. Ko N. Washington, is a Lansing effectiveness or lack of it. The center also "Bell decided that the service was both desired the right at the University City Chest funded group that informs the government of the need for to shut the reserves phones off at any time if the and worthwhile and took steps towards 1 link between the public and the new agencies. installation. bills are not paid," Underwood said. . system by putting people For further information "We have been waiting for MSU ns in touch with the right or help call the Engelhardt stressed that with three or service at 372-8550. more individuals because, after all, it is their telephone living in a room together, service." Engelhardt said. "The problems Inter catalogs over 275 nonprofit have finally all been ironed out." ■ and governmental agencies, then There will be an educational program | clients in choosing the most set up in the residence halls in conjunction Lncy for resolving their problems. with Michigan Bell to instruct students in §mith, center director, said, "We the details of the new system. ^ugh the red tape and the "It's a big school, with big problems," \ by giving information, phone Engelhardt said, "but we have high hopes I and occasionally setting up that it will work." fcnts and job interviews, tith said the service makes people ■ agencies that can offer help and means of getting into a (d social system, ftiterpret people's needs and link eding help with those who can (Continued from page one) he said. irvice handles a wide range of I during its 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. work "I would say they're interested in almost luent calls are received concerning every aspect of American life," said Shota jbloms as unwanted pregnancies, Sagirashvili. "They know very little about it or have ■ngs, the draft and the need for a very poor understanding of it." At 42, Sagirashvili is the oldest of the Housing. Inter follows up on its advice by guides and the only one who speaks Georgian. He is of Georgian extraction and a naturalized American citizen who works in Washington for the Voice of America radio station. ughes book Sigarashvili said some visitors to the exhibit asked him the other day about his home in Hyattsville, Md. tontinued from page one) "I told them I had a house and some I thoughts of Hbward Hughes," property around it — a yard where I plant crab grass. They wanted to know why I I has learned that such material don't plant cucumbers or tomatoes." ■ fact have come from an Jury computer printout that has ■tiled for eventual use by Hughes, Plots of private land are highly coveted in the Soviet Union and people who have ocument, supposedly available to access to them grow their own vegetables, (rent of former members of the often in short supply in the stores. fcrganization, contains virtually "I was demonstrating an electric wafflemaker at my stand," said Cathy ] 'hat has ever been published McCallick 26, of Santa Monica, Calif. "A ghes, as well as thousands of la dictated for and little Jewish man asked me if I could make by Hughes — Jnough for a dozen 'authentic' Snack matzoth on it and if we have matzoth in America. likeliest scenario is that Irving A young Cambodian girl munches on a loaf of bread after her "I told him there are a lot of Jewish obtained some or all of the soldier father and family fled Krek in eastern Cambodia following restaurants and delicatessens where you In the printout. It has been the withdrawal of South Vietnamese troops. The Cambodian can get matzoth, bagels, lox, all sorts of for example, than an angry troops were charged with the defense of the area but pressure things." employe from the Hughes She said the man told her from three North Veitnamese divisions quickly forced them out. [brought story happens to be the material to Irving, AP Wirephoto matzoth-making is viewed in the Soviet Union and as a religious rite true, Irving requires a license. tbahly not have needed many 8 - except for an excellent his wife, who [Time said. jjj »t could have former Hughes opened the bank been maliciously man who House of Wong imports Med it. If the material simply the Irvings' laps as purloined ^n Edith (Ms. Clifford Irving) * been the magazine Irving nor his attorney the brains behind said. the could be a little bit of China'to city 'mediately for comment. lnvestigators in Florida, U.S. Some of the "Chinese" foods there are stocked especially for « W. Rust Of Miami said, By KATHERINE NEILSON the guest Americans, brown rice and fortune cookies, for example. registrations of the "Most Chinese prefer white rice," Wong said. "Brown rice is . . Hotpl for last Sept. 23, a date House of Wong brightens a winter day for many people. used to treat sick people." r«ng said he and Hughes got To the Orientals who shop there, the store is a haven 'of He also said the Chinese never eat fortune cookies, a Japanese familiarity. Where else can they buy coconut milk, wanton skins iphy reC°rd part of the (noodles for soup), mochi (Japanese rice cake) and instant Korea invention. "The Japanese are smart", he said. "They knew Americans bou*ht ^e purported ginseng (tea)? would like it." ^me-L.ife Inc. planned to Store owner Y. C. Wong chats with customers from Korea, the Most of the food he sells is shipped in from the West Coast and *'°ng excerpts from it in Ufe Philippines, Thailand, Japan, and Indonesia during a normal day. Chicago. Food is not marked up drastically, but shipping costs ««h Many Asian war brides even come from distant cities to stock up publications have been make some prices high. on groceries. Inn Pendi"g resolution of Perishables come in by Greyhound bus, and some goods are To Caucasians, the shop offers the unfamiliar. kv.„,,a,rns about the book's There arc the bright paper fans and the wooden box imported from Hong Kong, through friends and businessmen. It is often a lot of work. For example, since East Lansing is not iphy prior rights to Hughes' disappearing-coin trick a customer hasn't seen since he was a a large trading center. Wong must travel to Detroit to pay import Id's F t0 My whether the hotel child. duties. ^en presented to a federal House of Wong used to carry fresh Chinese vegetables, but it Vnof a?°ther federal official, There are childrens' Chinese readers, with pictures explaining was driven out of the market when two discount groceries began | t 1 t0 •* identified, said they the Chinese symbols. And there is 'The Stationery of Prosperity", containing letters stocking them, Wong said. The larger grocery stores package the vegetables, he said, so that Going* going* gone! of different colors, meaning "prosperous as peony", "graceful as |Ust*w!^"at tion ic WM*t?"0naedthe said Kust. "The camelia", "lovely as gardenia" or "happy as pomegranate". several spoiled pieces may be hidden in with the fresh. Customers expect small stores to throw their bad vegetables out. With air Tom Gaunt, Franklin sophomore, demonstrates the finesse u needed to handle a sticky situation in the new sport of W>m.L ,, ng handled by an To 65-year old Wong, the Chinese grocery and gift shop is shipping costs at 40 cents per pound from San Francisco, Wong something that he and his wife Sau-Fong enjoy doing. could not compete. "skate-sailing." Designed by a Detroit engineer, the sail works pton." 6 Justice Department He anticipates getting some new products, however, from best on lakes where speeds of up to 35 miles per hour may be mainland China. He lias heard it might soon be possible to ie, usS flqfUOte