C. Library X Lar.alrig, li Michigan State News 411 111#- new* WT have IIHTORV.MA to print 1 —Hlate Newt Regrets -.While the f'll'i Awar IAST I.ANSINI., MK IIKiAN. RlilOAV. DCTOHKIt IX. PROF. A. H. NELSON, JOURNALISM HEAD, DIES Secretary of Labor YEARBOOK AIDS faculty Pays Tribute to] Director of Summer School Gives First Lecture ARE■SELECTED Prof. Albert It. Nelson \ And Publications Adviser on Studen t Program BY IRA MURRAY It S |»rrHidfi-t Mean n( \ J»|IIki! With M. S. C Sixteen Years Studmlt and Towntpcople Crowd Demonstration Hall Ballard. Christian, lo Hc»r Frinci Pi-rk,H» Explain Sncixl Security Wri*|leiworth «nd Amcrman DH ADH TA unin ^'an Funrr*I .Services for Sunday at 4 00 o'Clock From and Old A*r Pantinni. Namrd Aniitanl Editori. DUAIxU lU nULU F.t** Lendley Parlort in Laming; Burial «n Walcott. Indiana. Monday, f i.oni.t 11M»t vni \i BEGIN DUTIES AT ONCE UNION SMOKER it- I si:M lilMl I Price of Booh Still $3.75. After Nov 15 Cost W.ll Be $4.25 NEXT TUESDAY Seniors Get Discount. Spartar Coarhis and Football , Pictures of First Three Games to be Presented CO ED PARTY EATER Dean .»f I ihrral \rt* Oth# r New Service* include Bulletin Board and Frequent II. !•'!. Art,, rui.tr,, \\ ;,i Open Parties. YWCA TO HOLD FIRST MEETING All Girls Interested. Whether CLUB WILL HEAR • Signed Up or Not. are In¬ Frances Perkins Gives vited to Come. Interview to Reporter NOTED SPEAKER Secretary of Labor Grants Rare Captain Svdnev Ransom, of i avor to M S C Co-ed British Air Force Will Writer. Speak R» liOKfiritV I %Vf.lW»N ENGINEER. ASME MAN, IS GUEST OF DEAN DIRKS RADS TO VIEW AG. COUNCIL PLANS DEAN IS SPEAKER GAME IN BODY ANNUAL FESTIVITY ON FROSH SERIES Ray Vickaritaff Will Play for Girls Given Hints on Studf Hartatl Ball in Methods t i Weekly Gab. Union ENGINEERS AT DETROIT Dif af the tfrrft : Society of Autt*~ • A trip through 23. and an>or.e who <*»• offer a u,* Cadtliar M car should rvitify her by Monday plant wa* pad sr. woman suffrage wa« passed night Detail? on r«pen*r f'tcrr. *« !- did m*ft Uik.ng. eat- decided that a woman should -nd the University of PenmyUan- hours of departure and return f be secured through her offke BULL Fa TIN appointed to something and e and became the se«retary of ng and dating but htt> studying. After the u:L four upperciaaamen lembering her, aiked her if she the Philadelphia Research and of thf iid like to be or. the New York protective Association in 1907 In agricultural each pre*eT*u*i on* pease of the t to cheer the boy* to a RADIO CLUB TO MEET jstriai board *M a a* nev- 910 she went to New York City cwart ha* recei ved much cor- j wised in my life a* when a* executive secretary for the Con¬ •t»on came." Miu Per¬ sumers* League. In 1923 A1 Rmith SENIOR CLASS MEETING a wa* that they might include ex* from alumni, all over Tl»e State College Radio club' r* - <- urr truiar activities in their country which hat indicated will have a* gue*t* the member* > , kins went on "And Ifegt >* how 1 *pptwpted her to the State Indus- *;y the revival of interest in of the Central Michigan Radio as- got started in politics " 'rial Board and In 1928 she became i Thursday evening, •chrdulea. Also they were given •IHietic activities of the col- jjociatkm of Lansing at their regu- j j When asked if she were a girl chairman of this board. Governor There will be a meeting of In Last ng the regular class timely t-.ggesti<-ns about getting the Senior Class next Monday in college now interested in poll- Frank tin Roosevelt kept her on along with ont » roommate" lar meeting tonight at I o'clock., night at 5;00 o'clock in Old* Also all amateur radio operators' tics, what steps the would take. the board, and then brought her Hall, according to an announce- Bradt, who ha Following these talk* Dr. E. L. Mis* Perk in* exclaimed. "1 to Washington with him. for over thirty year*, being clasa Austin gave a summary of the ■UT. KIT RATINGS or other* invested in radio are. haven't the slighted idea"* And Mia* Perkins is in private life businesa of leader, and member and president mor» important study problems invited. , lut A code class for beginner* at ; again, in answer to another ques¬ Mr* Paul Wilson and she ha* one Michigan lie also conduct* a and *1*1 suggestion* for their rem¬ of the State ederatton board of edies This lecture | 7 30 will precede the meeting \ tion. she very definitely said, "No c your "coach." I to any girl who wishes . to join,!' Next Monday. in Chicago, attending the an¬ |°* SQiI ginningt with the first Hats that arc "the top." In neal ciatetl convention Collegiate of. the A3SO- Press this f fond whd has earned the required I jikj p«int». t. The American School of the known f the Bibledust tostorm up chronicled our recent n debacle our wide selection you will find smart, new mixtures, week Wilma Porter and Don .The fall term intrumural .porta i Air, incorporating st-veral new last year; the Tennessee valley siilt finishes, smooth felts O'Hara, assistant business fin this year are hockey j and soc- features In Its regular plan of and the New York water supply, Hnd novel flecks. Styled for NEWS REGRETS LOSS managers, handled the affairs err. Hours for hockey practice i broadcast Instruction, will resume I'rlmary lessons in mu.lc, niter- [ young men. i.-.i. Monday and Wednesday frnm 'its courses In gooxmphy. history, noting with more davaneed lessons j The Stlite News deeply tepret* the !o*s of it* friend and I SC. end Tuesday and Tliursday' literature, selcnce. planned fur the Intermediate adviser, Professor Albert H. Nelson. Through his untiring fr in 4-Y elementary Hours f.-i son i r arc-music, vocational guidance, and grades, will be the Thursday pro*. $2.95, $3.50, $5 Monday and Wednesday from 4-S. current events, when It opens Its gram fare, as well as the element* ( Small shape college cap, $1. efforts and willingness to assist he has Irecome an integral Tuesday and Thursday from sessions over a eoosl to coast Co-|ary science programs on the his- part of the. college newspaper. . uint.la network on Monday. Octo- |tory of the earth Blankot-linrd Corduroy We, of the news staff and journalism department, probably and badminton hove l>cr 21 The programs will be The vocational guidance fro-, Coats, $<>.*15; double-breast¬ ed Reefers, $7.50; brushed- knew and worked with Professor Nelson more than the other to the li t of fall term ''.sird thereafter each Monday to^ure for the upper grades and high Friday, inclusive, from 2:30 to school students, dramatizing new wool, sport-back Sweaters, campus groups. Through bi* personal guidance, the stu¬ :i (Ki p m, EST, with the usual I fields of endeavor and means ol §3.50; Botany worsted Tie*, dents who have known and have Iwun associated with Mr. including: true Scotch plnidv, Nelson, have profited by his sincere a**i*tnn«e and complete reresses during holiday seasons, joeeupetion, which met with The plan lit education by radio. | favor of not only school children the' $1; fine "all-wool flannel , knowledge of their problems. He was never known to fad in conjunction with the school (but of adult listeners, will eontin. House Robes, $6.50. to be of value to those he could aid in any way. room Instruction, was started as iue to bo presenti-d on Fridays, to¬ His work See ut. experiment in February of i nether with current events.. our attractive' Over¬ In keeping campus journalism organization* operating wi»h coats in new colors and «!«•- wi*ek j —— great efficiency, stands as a marker to hi* never teasing signs. You'll enjoy their ability to be of service to those with whom he worked. i sUmulatfj Upward of 18.000.0(H) ppople an? st.sle. warmth and low iihd en- individual j United playing basketball throughout the , prices, $22 to §32.50* SN •. .States. the pupils. WHILB THE CAT'S AWAY— t— — . , The assistant editor* will put out the Ray Viekerstaff MAY BROS. pafa-r. The Hat Store cf the Town* JJ\ The editor betakes himself to Chicago for th« general 233 S. Washington Avenue y purpose of learning something about the operation of a! , >V campus newspaper; the husme*s manager i* going because 0 he should know something about business and t>««au*< h» y hasn't seen ("hieago; the associate editor is accompanying •4| the two at ttie editor's revuesl i<» act a chaperonc i« i the Jg* business manager. , 'Rhythm is our business" Hut the laer and of serve yoii," says ( their duties and accomplishments. I Hiinning this paper isn't « hdd play. Our general reader. ;|0; who scans the headlines on the lii: t and third pages, then | | turns to the scandal column, has MUle knowledge of the grinding routine glV sheets of newsprint ; I necessary to the priMluction of these four That's fact, n^t whimpi nn When a man undertake« Sandy "t tu inlit this or control its Imancinl atlao*. he ha* 110 excuse-for making ftlibj* on anything. It' his job to keep !||| the machinery clicking smoothly no matter what the con p|J| (tit ions may he. When he blunders he should .admit n. and correct himself. Clg And when a man undertake- Mm operation of the- pa'per frolti either oditoria! or business standpoint, he inn t I jg willing to subjugate all hi* collegiate \*.»rk to the n i* lb " $jf$ havg to forget alM.n • viade . imiih i.rmulai ncfivrtie • I jSj and recrcatioi 8g It la up to the inter?-, the student IWaiv at. large, to put ||g Mich a tiuui t§j| in offWe (1»i* winter. If they refn-e progress of (he pi^-*(»e« live leaders - an easy to wat« h tin matirrwhen and that's all ® the field i* so restricted -they have no grounds for >n ui-ii I ,1 later. fill This issue provides them with a good opportunity l.i ob t & nerve work iloiie without siijsmvcsion. Students should «.»>» j jg| aider that. } Wi Nor in that All. Thi v should continue to observe the work I of these men during the duration of tht wot the following: oiv IIoW ? they ask. We sugges* i;-at the atylo, an ability to write sensibly and » there is to the typogiupbii al neatness anil < <«rm tne*s. U>r (|ualitv rather than uunntity m e.uh i By way of intieduction, we might » Distel is concerned maittlv with, straight Men!. .... stone*, while Harry Wisrmr ha> super\ fleld. Hoib amount ot expcneine. men have abihiv. |N.th has The> both nspite CORDUROY Whether they will sutmed or tmt is ui Bel! System set up bet Ween slam pod i rig ra t (1 iider—*nre approaching. As COATS Are as Ct'SS necessary to your comfort Ncnv we kimw what jl tnki ■< In get decree tenr is to welfare Thiak vf it m . tree. out of the pu|. SN Fountain Pens $ Bttuard to Trunk: The the ura it $1.00 $5.00 , LANSING FLORAl. CO. Natural and Dark Shades SPECIAI. CORSAGES $1.00 • M. S. C. Stationery Slicker Lined • M. S. C. Rinjrs • Pins — Compacts ELLISON BOOK SHOP>"o. • Strand Arcade • Cigarette Cases try, Floys, Rare and First Editions, Dollar Stories, d Book* and th*> Newest in Fiction and Non-Fictk.n m - Complete Garden City Put dishing Co. Series rowdy $3.50 to $25.00--No\v Only fi.oO to $1.80 Each M S-3MU Oprn Saturday, »;(Hi A. M. In »:(*• P. M. Lewis, Inc yrid»y. 0ctober 18, ' MICHIGAN BTATK NEWS State Squad DepartsMWS START SPORTORIALS HERE'S HOW THEY START AT BOSTON CLASSIFIE .LOST—Warren wrist watch.' For Contest in Easf TRAINING FOR Call' Left in library Wednesday. STATE 2*7913. Harry Fox. | Eurbush . Zarza Galllgan Zindel With Boston COURT SEASON Colleg . Perrault .. ..Dahlgren PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS, RVf been loud in their lalm that they have an J Keogh .... ... Buzolits Iricdit'ttcr, C.lhw, Umuii, Wl m lijml Twcaty-twa CmMiIci Bid far efealed and untied. Sometime ! Dominck List it Bschma's Spsrtins U»«J» Earttr. Sw- SUrtiH Fasts With Rack sad Cahill ...... basrJ Se«r"8 was in good spirits, although several stars were definitely on the tumn. A au- squad of 34 former col- | iiortant game on the schedule with Bn-ton college of Bos- """ h,^ SU,« were be; injured list. With such men as Waimbcin, Colina, Edwards, and lege players, from Tulsa univer- 1 Magazines - Soxs - Ties Mass. The team was accompanied hy Coaches Bachman IT M^ay. A squad of Brandstatter suffering from hurts incurred in the last few games ilty, the University of Chicago1 Shirts • Drug Sundries k. ,i Kttiir» Athletic Director Ralph Young, Assistant Director B*fn . .. « men- ithe Sjtuation !K>t |#jle on any ttXl and will various Pacific coast schools i Mmudig, Secretary John Hannah, and other notable, of J, f*" worko"U.; B.ch.nsn has a habit of showing a go play a series of ten games in ' , ■ _ c,nt„ enlleire among which were seven letter . the basic fundamentals of football r tidugan State couege. jwmner, from last year', wtsa- Ur third team lha, t. called onon o, , The team la scheduled to arrive in Boston Friday at 11:30,,tiunal team. ,| uill then move into the*__ — --- I with last year as a comparison, ■el Mailer where they will T.'t' V'" "rMd* Small's styles speak with ,heir headquarters du, gthnr Stay in the eastern Wtoom nght guard.; S.eder, H. JYidty afternoon the »«iroe!lhrnan t,ami 1 Ha,bert*- quarterbacks; lgj4j|,g wlth tlu. var,lfy rew.rvpi wii put the final touches on year ago. are struggling for he came Saturday. r, making the trip are as fol- Bustwi Gmbc Broadcast ice on the Spartan five, rlock. Keck, St holts. Rolen, Zurza, Gaineg and Lehn- "bite, Frixso and J. Smith are , left ends: Zindel, Rom and r an. left tackles; Dahlgren. The the services of an are performei *» pleasant task of! »,M"b *'*11 known stars as Clark Char i lain and Tom Ottry )i PAR MITOGA* ise, Herrkk »nd h'tolM ">'• h»rrt-r pack fur State. Hu ver. it appears that Edw r. the cage roach Beetilold may I* the runner to «trp the front ranks this y ARROW'S GIFT State will go into the game Sat- R.him* and H rrick combined to' showed excellent form in winning to COLLEGE MEN urday minus several of their star form what wi s halted as one of •n<* freshman tryout, over the four i' barks The injury jinx which has;the best guarc combinations ever t ® seconds hern playing havoc with the Spar- ' to perform foi the Spartans. Van \ tans all fail has again smitten them. Faast-n was o le of the best tip- There are no self satisfied* football and it is quite doubtful that suth femive renter? in this section and j winning fram this rear. At least therr previous to the departure of the the Spartans hope to wind up with j team Thursday, Colina wrenched a good .500 playing percentage. . his knee again, and is definitely Butler university. Temple, Pitts- j , out of Saturdays clash. t.mgh and West Virginia are the j The Boston club which enjoyed n*"* teams scheduled To make t an open date last Saturday in room for them Western Reserve, ♦ preparation for the fast traveling j Wayne and HitUdale were drop- ' HART SCHAFFNER & MARX contingent, is in good shape phy-' ped sicaliy. and set to play the game The season will open at home of their lives against the Spartan* December 3 with Albion college CoSch MtNamara ha? his organi- .«*» 'he opposition ration all set tu go. and it will ' series with the The rest of the will see home and home University of SPORT CLOTHES Mm htgan, Ypsi Normal and Mar- big up-swing - - • are on a WATCH. JEWELRY and quelle Three game, will be PEN REPAIRING wt,h **" HUltoppers. two ^ th# <4 them here on successive nights for Fall Game* away will be with Temple. Pitts bt, $30 ' SEND YOUR LAUNDRY HOME ; r; ^RAILWAY ^ EXPRESS^* ceuiu JnailOAN STATU NEWS' Friday, October 18, 1935 I Institution. During the]doing their work Michigan State of Football Game Here Scribe Issues Final : ASME CHAPTER h»- wax among us, he College can ill afford to lose s«, COLLEGE This Week Results in Slump imxelf to his colleagues, j faithful a member of its staff of.poet of the students: nor can his acquaintances afford in Quota of Social Activities Warning to Yearlingsjj BULLETIN j VISITS DETROIT it to be one of those the loss of so faithful a friend. duals who is a. delight; With many students irninR to their homes for the week¬ Wear That Pot or Think it Over in the R»d Cedar River, Warns' Thr Ijitliemh •Indent, or^4,. 'Takes Trip Through Cadillac frustration. In his pass- Secretary II anna h, D p n n Sonhomnrr Authi «''» th «Vcn ' .««• a great 1 nss, which Anthony. Ralph Young, Coach end as a result of mi nway-from-home date in the football '• ' „ «ntor p|an, > hope will measur- Bnrhman, and Glen S t * w a t- ? schedule, social activities on the campus nrc few. A Union •ed. but It Is stimulat- are attending ' the State football . dance in the ballroom tonight, wit'* Red Drennnn's orchestra k that his influence for game at Boston this week-end f thi*- college and com- and cannot be reached. Howevet. furnishing the music for dancing, heads the parlies of col¬ I t«- felt for many vearx we know that the above state- lege Interest, Off enrRptis the outatAndinK feature srhedulefl - ;.i.tiit> -.'.as great, his ments express the feelings of thesi Is the visit of Cab Calloway and his Cotton Club orchestra al the Lansing armor,-. • Tw~ rlMe„, ^ ttsr. Outside of these t w o ,rU Bnd Rulh A,wMI n„,v„ events the week-end pro- into the Alpha Phi hen.. S i,.i.,v Let/ring Havens gram contains only a scatter-' ORCHESTRA Ing of fraternity and other Alpha group parties. formal initiation of the Kr 11'1 tan alumnae affiliated wit Phi I hi Alpha Phi Chi Alpha in holding a r.i party Saturday night with.R. Wcstvpld and Mr and Mis !)r CARD Y JEWELRY Over Strand Theater Jane MrClollan wax one of th Week-end guests at the Omega hnuw The Alpha Ch other »a REPAIRS AT Dorothy Plott. a student from Ant LOWEST COST Alpha Gamma Delta , „i /\lph.i \i Iklf-j l< • t» AC. MEN ATTEND MEET * The Alpha Gamma Deltas hnvciv«ek been entertaining Julia Ryser, na i « - * tionnl chairman, who arrived f||| Omega i'ilONt 5-310* Statr Theater Dally Matinee 2:30 ir.r Monday and Is.leaving today. ^ formal Initiation was" he Niuhts and Sundays 25c Following a banquet Thursday Monday night by Chi Omega T fa evening came the formal Initiation of Eleanor Norwood, Flint. '3fl; -:jg Jenn Watt. Flint, '3 ; Margaret initiated ar- Diana Your Mary .lane Dough '.'lit K fir ©w©§ TODAY AND Children Always KATIRDAV - 10c Melehing. "3H. Alice (inddanl. ':! ■ It K I'OWKI.I. and JOAN IILONDELI. Montgomery. Laming. 'H: Jean Mary Jane Heath. '37. June Ilea Beukema, Holland. *38 * • * rj7i jum? jjjj, j treter. Margaret he, *37; Hetty Wright. '.Hi BROADWAY GONDOLIER" \h© Popeye Cartoon "Dlttl Divert" V.V.VA'.V.V.V.V.'.V.WA Mary and Patricia l.ourin of Hay Cit^ were week-end guest- fit the Alpha Phi house SPOUTCASTER i! BILL PORTER and Ills Orrhestra •hmt** 5-8850 A. F. of 31 OLD FASHION TAFFY ICE CREAM SODA OR SUNDAE —AT— MARY STEWART'S j PHOTO FANS PLAN MEET w HARBORNE'S . C«ltAL LAllLESfi SINI»W Mo\l»W "llrUht llxhts TI MIIAV Sunday Nite Special EVERY WKD'DAV II«>t Chicken Sandwich . ADMISSION lllc and Mashed Potatoes ' rntll ljo rraiwv mi, nut. TIITRMItY I.AIIIIS (U KNT NITK Dessert and Choice of Drink \ We Mail and Dclitcr Candy—East I.an*ing and Phone 5-S622 IT'S NEW WHAT? WHO? WHY? Royal Portable WITH TOUCH CONTROL 1VIgate- La fay et U* The Ret • BUDGETEERS! Come in nnd ask for WHERE? Raul, i , iVlumbla-Penn —Petin I'llTI.IJS JONES. College Representative for HOW MUCH? $22.50 ha* u Ft>rdham - VarulerbUt One fot Keep posted". Know what's what in men's clothing. You will find M »rquette-St M fur the JillHopper* them ,in Rich man Brothers Manhattan Holy Croas - Clothing. Kappa Delta M ichtcan-Wisconsin i The Kappa Deltas held an ini¬ Wolverine* once more, — Try the Style, quality, tailoring, and fit. tiation ceremony lust Sunday Navy*Yale A tough one. but1 SIMPLY GRAND What more could any college running for tlie following girls: we'll take Yale to sink the Navy CAMPUS & PARTY man ask for at $40.00. Our price ; Charlotte Yeagtr. '36; Charlotte Nebraska-Kansas State — The j Wheat ly, '36; Hemic* Proctor, '38. Cornhuskers. is $22.50. and Hetty Heald, '36. Nurth western-Ohk> — Remcm- ber Drake* I Kappa Kappa Gamma Pitt-Notre Dame — Toughest of | SUIT TOIt'OAT OVERCOAT Patricia Ryan and Viola Rob- the week, but ray mother was] ;erti were vlsitora at the Kappa Irish. TUX and FULL DRESS | Kappa Gamma house Tuesday. Washington-Duquesnc — Heads | Sport and Fur-Trimmed I take Duquesne. It's tails. yeta T»u .Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha alumnae and' COATS & SUITS ALL $22*50 AU. WOOL (active members held their annual 'Founders' day dinner and service ' Tuesday. Afterwards the active The Rkfcma Grates Co. [chapter initiated Mary Simpson, '36. and Florence Ciapham, '35. LARGEST FLOOR M TOWN STAGS 40c - LADIES 25c . J ' v'v % Kiy