till! f £f!l Hill 1 i" varmmffls CO A iXUMI Specia' Supplement Tc The STATE NEWS Feb.3.1972 Film variety: of ' U By TONI PELLILLO ticket sales, whichever amount is films as well sensual as ones. added. State News Staff Writer largest. Other costs include Famous Hollywood films and Conformist," shown Feb. 11 - "It took six months to rental of projection equipment, get 12. box office attractions for general 'Good - bye Columbus' here on Movie - viewing has gained personnel, and charges for The Auburn group combines use of audience entertainment such as campus, but it will probably entertainment and cultural value popularity on campus with the advent of University property on "Camelot" or "Little Big Man" take two or three years to quality films, both weekends. are the speciality of RHA. get in their selection of films. "Man recent hits and vintage dassics, 'Love Story' here — if we can get for All Seasons" and "Anne Prices of a shown at reasonable prices. vary with the past Leach, an RHA film selector it at all," he said. Thousand Days" have been Students can see a film on popularity of the film, its age, for four years, explained that and audience appeal. Horror Upcoming attractions Auburn selections as well as any profits made above rental sponsored campus in a University movies can be obtained for costs by RHA include some political films such as classroom or auditorium for 50 charged by the film "Catch 22" and "The (Please turn to $37.50, Tom Leach, Haslett distributor - 75 per cent less than it would go back to the page 23) senior and film coordinator for residence halls in cost them to view the same a general movie in a public theater, RHA, said, while a film like services fund. « • •••••!!••$!!••*•••••*•«•• 5! •*••••!!••• ft "Woodstock" could be priced as Working with Leach, RHA without sacrificing quality for j ; : - t high as $2,000 for weekend employs about 12 others to aid The three in the projection of the films JBKKBtSk We would like to largest campus film Infamously known for and ticket taking. All receive a •••I. thank all the stereo and groups, in terms of activity providing adult and X - rated steady pay rate, furnished by «!!!■ photo dealers and (consistently providing films such as "Harlot" or "Baby RHA's entertainment University account. manufacturers, local HI every weekend) Vicky," the Beal Film Group has and popularity are the Real Film Obtaining popular shows and national, for their Zl also brought famous from film catalogs shortly after Group, the Auburn Film Co. and special help and ~ international films to the MSU the film has left the theaters is Residence Halls Assn. (RHA). support in making this The groups make their campus. Classic cinema favorites becoming more difficult for selections from film distributor such as "Blue Angel" and college film groups, Leach said. ft* Wi supplement possible. -- catalogs and usually pay a set "Seventh Seal" have been Pressure from theater owners has _ _ rWmm&l THE STATE NEWS rental fee or 50 per cent of the presented by the Beal group in caused the distributors to an attempt to provide serious tighten their selections, he ,n. i° 3Dicfs :u ji- ZERO 100 is the newest, most advanced automatic turntable. The name stands for Zero Tracking Error — up to 160 times less than with any conventional tone arm- new freedom from distortion — new life for your records. This revolutionary Garrard unit, priced at $189.50, has just been introduced with a special | British Industries Company Dept. J 601 Westbury. N presentation booklet. There are 12 pages, with j Gentlemen: Y 11500 Please send me the Gar¬ clear illustrations and diagrams, valuable to rard Zero 100 presentation booklet, anyone j comparator guides, and list of dealers. interested in fine record playing equipment. | Name Address We'll be glad to send you a copy. We'll also include I City full-color comparator guides, showing all Garrard | Stat® Zip j British Industries Company. . dhr«i«, of Ami. models. The Coupon is for your convenience. L NOW ON DISPLAY IN THE LANSING AREA * Hi-Fi BUYS * DISC SHOP * MARSHALL MUSIC CO. 1101 E. Grand River 322 E. Grand River 402 S. Washington, Lansing East Lansing East Lansing 245 Ann St., East Lansing * LEONARD WHOLESALE * THE STEREO SHOPPE ¥ MAIN ELECTRONICS 309 N. Washington 543 E. Grand River 5558 S. Pennsylvania Lansing East Lansing Lansing * WUULUU MERIDIAN MALL OKEMOS jf\mt /IFP£A£ ro TMC £ High Copyright 1970 by Esquire Inc. Hypothetical, president of power Institute of High Fidelity (IHF). stereos pitch resistor instead. The lower the one of this system's Reprinted by permission from Hypothetical Audio Inc., and This method is known as the defenders, Gentleman's Quarterly impedance of the load across this figure is "more meaningful you've just begun production of "power-bandwidth" method of these terminals, the more in terms of the kind of musical Power sells things. It appeals your new amplifier, the power rating measurement. current the amp can to the ego — especially with Hypothetical XP-150. That's a According to the IHF standards, push service the amplifier actually through them. Even sees." males. Even the nominally good enough name: the only the power bandwidth is the though practically all speakers have an There are two giant holes in aggressive American male needs trouble is that the amp only puts range of that mystique of power — out an hone6t frequencies over which 8-ohm impedance, we can just this vigorously defended theory. 12 watte per the amp can whether it's really him or just his channel. How in the produce at least go ahead and claim wattage First, is that many kinds of world are half its advertised music do toys. For instance, how many you going to justify the "150" power at a figures at a 4-ohm load, and require sustained flow given bearable distortion level; it simply call it the "adjusted of power from the amp. single men would be attracted j„ the model name? is within this by an economical, though range of power output." Since the clod Examples are loud organ Easy. In fact, here's how to frequencies that the tests are passages, sustained orchestral gutless, six-cylinder auto engine? do it in buying the amp doesn't know eight simple steps: made. While the resulting figures what that means, anyway, we and choral climaxes and many Apparently, society makes the 1. Impartial audio experts arent really true for the whole can go ahead and claim 54 watts. kinds of current rock music. assumption that a guy who agree that the simplest, most audible spectrum, if everyone Not bad,eh? These program sources can push drives a car with a accurate method of measuring went by this standard, some sort the amp 450-cubic-inch engine must be an up to or beyond its amp's power in watts is to of valid comparisons could be 5. But we can go much maximum one hell of a power rating, hard-chargin' man bridge across the speaker output made. Under this further than that. Now comes elsewhere. system, the especially if you like your music terminals with a heavy-duty XP-150 would achieve about 18 the most used, most loud and are using typical 8-ohm Predictably, the boys who sell 8-ohm load resistor. Then a watts stereo per channel. controversial means of making bookshelf speakers. Second, if equipment have also pure. 1000-cyde sine wave tone an amp more than it really is. the amp is truly of high seized on the power angle. To is fed into the 3. And now here we go, off quality, amp. The a.c. This is the "dynamic-power" there will be only a small them, power becomes the voltage across the load resistor is into the colorful dream world of absolute scale of quality for rating method — a descendant of difference between its "honest measured; the square of that Madison Avenue. We're talking the old stereo amplifiers ("the more figure, divided by the resistor's about the Hypothetical XP-150 method. The "music-power" rating wattage" and the dynamic power, the better the value (8), is the renaming has been power rating; a large difference amp's power per stereo amplifier, right? So, if we amplifier"). This simplistic channel in watts. From here on, can claim 18 watts per channel, done, perhaps, to avoid the between the two tests suggests a approach is, of course, absurd well call this figure the "honest it follows that we can unsavory image "music power" second-rate, inexpensive power get 36 acquired in the early '60s. Since when discussing an item as wattage." watts from the amplifier as a supply. Thus, makers of grade Z it's endorsed by the good old complicated as a modem amp — amps can show more impressive but that in itself wouldn't be so whole, right? Wrong. The total IHF, this is sometimes called 2. Okay, let's power-output figures. Even more say the power available from both "IHF bad if all manufacturers used the Hypothetical power." absurd is that the difference XP-150 can channels is not double the same standard measurement. achieve 12 watts per channel amount available from one between the two kinds of power But they don't. While there The plastic logic behind this is consistently over the entire channel, because the typical absolutely insignificant in aren't quite as many standards audio spectrum at a bearable amp's power system is that, in carrying speech terms of what we hear. With this of measurement as there supply just hasn't or music, an amp is unlikely to unreal distinction, the good old are level of distortion. However, at got the guts to supply full have to handle anything like the amplifier manufacturers, there all but the extremes of the audio current to XP-150 can be said to achieve are both channels continuous sine-wave tone about many ways a given spectrum - the highest and 58 watts. But let's not manufacturer can, without simultaneously. lowest notes you can hear — it 36-watt-rated The applied during the "honest stop now. XP-150 would wattage" test. To carry the logic technically misrepresenting his can produce, say, 18 watts. This put out more like 25 watts — product, claim that his further, an amp is usually just 6. If we don't brings us to the "official" assuming it actually achieves 18 quail at raising 25-watt-per-channel amp puts method of measuring wattage, as watts per channel, which we coasting along; when maximum the acceptable level of distortion out as much as 200 watts. power is required, it is in rare, somewhat — thereby flouting all promoted by the hi-fi L«t's say you're Mr. B. S. industry's already know is a foolhardy short bursts. the efforts made to produce main front organization, the assumption. But that's all right, Mr. Conveniently, the amount of high-fidelity sound by creating ~ Hypothetical; go right ahead power an amp achieves and claim 36 watts during low-distortion components — we — we're such short bursts is covered. considerably can get a few more paper watts higher than the power it can out of the XP-150. The achieve over a longer period. dig it: 4. Here's a handy Electronic Industries Assoc. way to Two methods have been devised boost the rated wattage another (EIA), another zippy front for measuring the 50 per cent or so — on power organization, has a performance paper, as produced on short bursts; standard for usual. Remember that 8-ohm packaged console they're too involved to get into resistor we used to derive our phonographs that specifies 5 per here, but the effect is a cent total distortion pathetic "honest wattage?" Well, as the level all we have to do is considerably higher rating than use a 4-ohm "honest wattage." According to (Please turn to page 22) « YOU ARE THE PROMISE OF TOMORROW Students are the hope of today, and the promise of tomorrow. The education you gain at Michigan State will help you become the type of person needed to run your community, as well as our country, in the years ahead. Youth and education are vital to the welfare of America's society. Young, educated ideas bring progress necessary for the betterment of our nation. We at Motor Wheel Corporation know this, and the many young men and women we employ in responsible positions help keep us in the forefront of the wheel and brake industry. As a result, we consider the corporate taxes we expend for education an investment in the future. We are happy to contribute to your education at MSU, and we encourage you to make it mm your most valuable asset. MOTOR WHEEL CORPORATION 1600 N.Larch Street, Lansing sosjsjs s||©s ipjia jsmoc) iyb/H 09J JMJ OX MET Take time to By ANITA PYZIK Avoid no-name brands and stick to companies State News Staff Writer that have achieved a reputation for reliability and ... | r^^li quality. Find an established dealer with a good Desoite claims in a recent song that "the music reputation for sales and responsible service has died," stereo and hi-fi dealers report that the facilities. demand for sound systems is rising — to the tune of $300 million annually in the United States. Check into discounts offered in sound ■HV wkH Primary consumers are college students in the equipment before spending, for this is 18-25 year a highly old bracket, regarded by some dealers competitive field. Substantial discounts do occur as "the most uneducated when it comes to in the best stores on the best equipment, but a stereos ... and the easiest to rip-off." brand with a dubious warranty sold at a cheap Shopping for stereo equipment doesn't require price may be no bargain at all. vast knowledge of technical terms or electronics Visit different stores, listen to the various — a wise purchase can be made by knowing what stereos and compare sound. Good hi-fi shops to look for and taking the time to look around. have a sound room where prospective buyers can The prospective buyer should grasp fully the listen to loudspeakers while a salesman range of prices in the stereo and hi-fi equipment demonstrates and magnets. cones Never buy a field. It's important to make up your mind in system without listening to the sound it advance how much you can afford to spend and produces. what you want the equipment to do. An inexpensive cassette player can be In judging quality or performance, don't let the purchased for less than $20, a good stereo system advertised power ratings confuse you. Look for for as little as $129 or as much as $650 and a systems with a high RMS (revolution per full-scale console, including phonograph, tape millisecond) or continuous power rating — the deck, speakers and an AM-FM radio for up to higher an amplifier's power rating the more $3,500. distortion-free will be the sound it produces. Make sure the dealer provides a warranty with Don't judge loudness as a sign of quality. Some the product and offers service after the sale. dealers adjust the speaker on the model they're Manufacturers will not warranty a product unless pushing to sound louder and then turn down the it is bought from an authorized dealer, and volume of other models. Quality and efficiency without a warranty repair costs are high. Parts should be the key in purchasing speakers. are relatively inexpensive to replace but added Sound systems are rugged but highly labor costs of $15 an hour can result in a big bill. sophisticated instruments and should be According to one East Lansing dealer, the first periodically checked after the sale. Many stores Sou ml of music 90 days after the purchase are critical because 75 have free clinics that run stereo equipment Do you like to listen to more than your clock-radio? East per cent of the units need repair before leaving through a variety of tests every six months for Lansing offers a wide choice of stereo and music stores that the store. Ask if there is a service department in defects. Records may be ruined if the stylus is the store — if they have to ship out for service, it can help you out in filling your ears with music with the worn down or the turntable is warped, but a latest equipment and recordings. may take two to three weeks of unnecessary regular check will keep most stereo systems in State News photo by Bruce Remington waiting. good shape. WKAR plans HAS A format for community A unique format in radio programming, entitled "Audio Aftermath," is presented on KAMINS DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Stene* GIFT FOR HOME and CAR WKAR-FM, 90.5 stereo on Fridays from 10 p.m. until 1 a.m. Richard P. Rosemont, East Lansing senior and a director of PANASONIC the program, said that programming includes not only music, but information and public services aimed at the young people in the area. Rosemont cited as examples interviews with Dr. Werner of "Doctor's Bag," and information concerning the drug education center. "Audio Aftermath" also PANASONIC CQ-909 ran a series of consumer CAR STEREO CARTRIDGE PLAYER information programs, Combination 8-track/FM Multiplex unit • Per¬ explaining to listeners what to fect vertical head movement • Flush cartridge look for when buying stereos fit • Automatic channel changer • Push-button and stereo equipment. channel changer • Push button cartridge ejec¬ Daniel L. Wardlow, East tion • Switches for Lansing junior, and also a Mono/Stereo, Distant/ PANASONIC CX-355 director of the Local, and instant channel replay • Variable program, tone and balance control • Tuned amplifier CAR STEREO CARTRIDGE PLAYER explained that because the Perfect vertical head movement • Rich stereo station does not depend on stages for extra fine selectivity • Push-Pull audio system • Sensitive tuning • Rich stereo sound • Variable tone and balance control • money from advertising, the directors of "Audio Aftermath" sound • All solid state • Attractive Panasonic Automatic channel changer • Push-button design. channel changer • Compact Panasonic are free to develop any type of design • Automatic channel indicator lights. program format they feel will be of interest to the community. "It is kind of an experiment PANASONIC 95 in radio," Wardlow said. "We're trying to capacity." use radio to its fullest Both directors stressed their $1 1095 59 interest in presenting to the community SEE THE LARGEST SELECTION a program which is flexible and geared to their audience's interests. They want TAPES AND PLAYERS audience suggestions and AUTO KAMINS reactions to their program. OPEN 8 to 6 — SAT. 8 to 5 "What we do depends on PARTS 526 IV. Larch • Ph. 484-4596 what the people want," Rosemont said. SVfVNOOUd HI QISSIHIS )IS(IW Headphones curb noise levels In the past three years, there way to play one's stereo without do a good job of screening out headphones especially effective has been a marked trend toward pair of earphones that are disturbing the guy studying next external noise. The close in transmitting lower comfortable. The the use of stereo headphones. headphones door, or even to hear the stereo coupling to the eardrum also frequencies. should distribute the weight This has been especially true on above the racket of the party in creates a sealed volume of air When buying a headset, it is evenly on your head, and college campuses. With large the other adjoining room. they which increases the efficiency of best to get the advice of a dealer should fit numbers of students packed into snugly around your Headphones provide an easy the system — a very low wattage in deciding which headphone ears to a relatively small living space, solution to both problems. provide an effective seal of electrical power can produce will best serve your needs and for cutting out external noise. separated only by paper-thin Headphones are miniature extremely high sound pressure the requirements of your residence haU walls, it has Try a number of different sets loudspeaker systems, and when levels in such a sealed air equipment. As a general rule, the to discover the combination that become a real problem to find a fitted tightly over the ears they volume. This acoustic seal makes quality of the headphone should is best for you. Listen to each be matched to the basic quality set long enough to get a good of your stereo unit. The cost of idea of its individual sound headphones ranges from a few qualities — its clarity and dollars to well over $100, but it reproduction fullness. Listen to is usually not wise to go below different types of music at the $20 or $30 price "range for a different volume levels to test a pair. full range of responses — the Since you may well be using headphones should produce a the headset for long periods of mellow reproduction that does time, it is important to find a not blur, even at full volume. Club plans for photographe The East Complex Photography Club will sponsor a photo contest for all MSU amateur photographers. The contest, "Vision I," is open to any student who is over 18 and does not get more than 25 per cent of his yearly income from photography. Black - and white prints in three categories will be accepted. - They must be at least 20 square inches in area with a maximum size of 11 by 14 inches. All prints must be mounted, framed or rigidly supported for display. No mounting may be larger than 16 by 20 inches. The categories are: (1) Portraits, animals, fashions and nudes; (2) Aerial views, architecture, travel or scenes; (3) News, sports, action or experimental pictures. Fees for contest entrants are 50 cents a print. There is no limit on the number of entries. On the back of each print the entrant must list his name, phone number, address and student number. Technical specifications (such as camera or technique used) are optional. Students may also indicate if they want to sell their photographs. There will be five cash or product prizes in each category. Ten honorable mentions in each category will also be given. Entries will be judged by professional photographers from the East Lansing area. Entry forms will be available in all residence halls 14. Entrants must fill out and mail the starting Feb. attached cards to Vision I, P.O. Box 161, East Lansing, Mich., 48823, by March 4. Winners will be announced between March 31 and April 1. The winning photographs will be on display at Kresge Art center from April 2 to 8. By the time Phil gets through paying sensitivity and separation for tuition, books and an outrageous specs. The If you think it sounds good on paper, turntable is our best-seller, and wait'll you hear it. rent, he doesn't have a whole lot left comes complete with a matched base, In our unashamed attempt to get for a stereo. - tinted dust cover, and Shure BSR McDonald makes the RTS-40A magnetic you to think kindly of us, we offer for people like Phil. It's cartridge. The speakers are true a full color 22"x 29" poster of this a complete two-way sealed acoustic suspension, AM/FM/MPX Phono component stereo boy-girl photograph with the with amazing bass response. system. The receiver delivers an quote from Shakespeare about We invite you to see the RTS-40A at BSR McDonald-for only $1.00 honest 50 watts and boasts excellent your nearest BSR McDonald dealer. postpaid. It makes a lovely gift. BSR (USA) LTD. ROUTE 303, BLAUVELT, N.Y. 10913 □ Send fall color posters. I enclose $ (cost $1.00 each postpaid) Mcdonald □ Check here if you want our free catalog of turntables and stereo systems. ★ STEREO SHOPPE 543 E. GRAND RIVER - 337-1300 * Hi-Fi BUYS 1101 EAST GRAND RIVER - 337-2310 ★ DISC SHOP 323 EAST GRAND RIVER - 351-5380 t*blOU IOU0SDlfjq jgyta aaiirjiommm MUSIC STRESSED IN PROGRAMS Radio stations present The music itself is stressed at how variety By KRISTEN KELCH program director Vahan Staete News Staff Writer FMK, not the personalities of Ryan describes the sound of the disc jockeys. Tweedle WJIM-AM radio. STATION FORMAT LOCATION explained that the format calls Last June, JIM switched from for music that the listeners can a MOR format to that of Contemporary hit music, the modern contemporary country, identify with. WJIM-AM Contemporary Hit 1240 contemporary sound. "It may be a Carol WJIM-FM MOR and music which is gentle on King song "Now," Ryan said, "the 97.5 your mind, are all part of the sung by Johnny Mathis," station has a direction, more WILS-AM Contemporary 1320 sounds of Lansing area radio Tweedle said, "but it will be a excitement, and it moves with WILS-FM Contemporary 101.7 stations. song the listeners know." society." WVIC-AM Rock 730 FMK never plays fewer than Hoping to appeal to the 18-25 WVIC-FM STEREO Rock - 94.9 three records in a While some row, and age group, JIM, like FMK, WFMK FM STEREO MOR 99.1 metropolitan radio stresses the music rather than a stations stress news programs as repeats a record once every five WITL-AM Modern Country 1010 the backbone of their personality format. hours. The station concentrates WITL-FM Modem Country 100.7 programming format, Lansing on attracting those listeners "Our aim is to provide as area stations depend on various between the ages of 18 and 49. much music as possible," Ryan types of music as their audience Even the commercials of FMK said. "That's what people rely drawing card. emphasize the more music sound on radio for." the air. white collar workers, originally of the station. Ryan said he believes that Donahue said that from rural areas and now working Relatively new to Lansing "The commercials don't stand personality is going out of radio. contemporary country is at the Capitol building, are radio is the sound of Stereo out obnoxiously," Tweedle said. different from the country and included in ITL's audience. "There are not as many Island, WFMK. Its unique "They blend with the music." individual radio stars as there western music of past years. A 14-year DJ veteran of rock format was developed last April. FMK interrupts its music used to be," "Western music went out radio, Donahue made the switch Ryan explained. about 1956," Donahue said. "It to country music almost two format approximately 12 times There was a time when some Typed was about the as having a middle - of - an hour for commercial material. radio disc jockeys were as cowboy singing to years ago when he came to the road (MOR) format, Tweedle said that a main popular as actors, his horse, that kind of - Ryan said, but thing. WITL as a programming program director Chuck Tweedle problem at FMK is that it is an now the trend is more music and Very few stations play western consultant for Midwest Family, described the mu$ic of FMK as FM station only. Because music row." radio chain with only less DJ chatter. a stations ranging somewhere between Top about 20 Donahue said that the located in per cent of all cars Unlike JIM and FMK, WITL, a Michigan, Wisconsin 40 soft rock and the established have FM contemporary country sound is and Illinois. radios, FMK is totally contemporary country music sounds of Sinatra and Dean out of the modem. competition with the station, does stress DJ Martin. AM stations at peak "It has the sound of strings Believing that people involved driving personality in its format. in country music are generally times. These times Dave Donahue, ITL's program and electric guitars, just like the "The are early friendlier than those in the Top key to the Stereo Island morning and mid-afternoon, rock groups," he said. format is to weave a warm place director, said that "the country 40 field, Donahue said this could when people are driving to and listener wants more than music." that's a hep sound, but easy Blue collar workers make be caused by the competition from work, Tweedle said. He encourages his DJs to be up the bulk of WITL's audience. listening," said Tweedle. between rock DJs to "make it ii Contemporary hit music is unique, separate individuals on Donahue also mentioned that the big radio markets." GRAND OPENING OF OUR NEW STORE SOME OF THE GREAT VALUES IN OUR SOUND ROOM AKAI FULL LINE PILOT CR 80T MC 31 CASSETTE SAVE MOO $19995 NOW $18995 DAVID TV & SOUND 5830 S. Pennsylvania 393 8510 % mile n. of 1-96 Open till 9 p.m. daily Next to Driftwood Sat. till 5 p.m. Now is the best time to purchase a magnificent Magnavox . . . because during this once-a-year event, most Magnavox models are substantially price-reduced with truly significant savings: Save up to $151 on Color Stereo Theatres ... up to $101 on fine furniture Color TV ... up to $102 on Stereo consoles ... up to $80 on Stereo Component Systems. Save on Monochrome TV, Tape Recorders and Radios, too. Whichever you choose, you'll enjoy the built-in perform¬ ance and reliability that have made Magnavox a leader in the field of finest quality electronics for over A ko, 60 years! A stereo in disguise! There's a pull-out 20-Watt EIA music power stereo FM/AM radio- phono behind the doors of Spanish drum table model 3463, a six-speaker omni-di- mensional sound system and record storage! Early American and Contemporary styles, too. High-Performance Stereo FM/AM Radio-Phono System-model 9299 will satisfy even the most demanding audiophiie. 150-Watts IH F music power, an Air-Suspension System with two High-Compliance 12" Bass Woofers and two 1,000 Hz. Exponential Horns, plus a deluxe Micromatic player with Magnetic Cartridge, Cue Control and Stylus Pressure Adjust¬ ment. Jacks for optionals, too (tape, headphones). A dust cover, too. Space-saving console styling plus the wonderful convenience of the Magnavox Total Automatic Color Sys¬ tem, as well as the brighter, sharper pictures on a Matrix Tube—are all yours to" enjoy with Early American styled model 6334! You may also choose from compact and beautiful Contem¬ porary and Mediterranean styling. HAGER IOME CENTERMM 1115 SOUTH PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE Versatility of By JONATHAN KAUFMAN cameras varies two images are lined up; when parallax problem, SLRs feature a State News Staff Writer they form one image, the camera wide range of interchangeable is focused on the subject. lenses. Along with their light Are you seriously interested in photography? weight and compact size, lens You probably, like most Like the twin-lens-reflex interchangeability makes the people, already own a camera. camera, the S^R ideal for fast action under a But you may want something rangefinder-viewfinder camera wide. of picture-taking more versatile that does not usually offer conditions, gives better quality pictures than a Kodak or interchangeable lenses. a Polaroid. A good SLR is a precision Better cameras are grouped The more popular SLRs instrument. Depending on what into two categories: roll-film viewfinder works like a features you want, prices range cameras and miniature (or periscope. The ir :e seen in the from under $100 to over $1,200 35mm) cameras. Roll-film viewfinder is the same one the for camera bodies and lenses, cameras have been made for over camera "sees" through the lens, Film for these cameras comes 70 years. Miniature cameras reflected into the viewfinder by in metal cans called cassettes. A began to appear in the 1930s. a mirror system. When you take 35mm cassette can hold enough The best-known roll-film the picture, the lower mirror is film for 36 pictures. Half-frame cameras are the so-called "box lifted so the image can be 35mm cameras can take up to brownies." While they are easy recorded on the film. 72 pictures per cassette, but to operate, they are not for they are not recommended: they serious photographers. The advantage of this must be enlarged twice as much The more advanced roll-film somewhat more expensive as full-frame 35mm pictures to cameras are called "twin-lens system is that the image you see get the same size prints, which reflexes" (TLRs). These cameras through the viewfinder is the also means that any defects in g have one lens to focus and same as the image recorded on the negative or poorly focused compose the picture and another film. There is no problem with areas of the picture will be twice lens to take the picture. Since "parallax" — a final picture as large, these lenses are connected, which is different than the image focusing the first automatically you saw through the viewfinder The smaller negative size also puts the second in focus. because the viewfinder lens was means a smaller picture area in a different position than the covered. If you're using color Most TLRs give 12 pictures on PSiotography as a hobby is growing rapidly in this country, picture-taking lens. (To illustrate film the cost of commercial roll of film. With a half-frame this effect, look at an object first a but not every moment is a glamorous one. developing and printing is attachment, TLRs Photographer with one eye and then with the some can give Jeff Wilner, Birmingham extremely high. However, if you -24 — each one-half the size of sophomore, is occupied with one other: the slight difference in the develop your own film or take a of the routine tasks that are 'the normal picture the camera necessary for that great shot to position of the eyes causes each lot of pictures and don't care ever "develop." State News photo by Tom Gaunt one to see a takes. slightly different too much about enlargement The advantage of the TLR is would from a 35mm negative. lenses, scene.) quality, a half-frame camera may so they are less versatile its large negative area. When The TLR is thus useful in than 35mm Besides eliminating the be a good buy. cameras. enlargements are made, the taking pictures that will be Today the most popular picture doesn't have to be enlarged greatly or that require a cameras for serious "blown up" as much from negative as it would from the large negative size, such as group the shots, portrait work or landscape photographers come in are 35mm. They two basic types: We've got it ALL! smaller 35mm size. If there are pictures. raqgefinder-viewfinder (RF) and any negative defects, or if the The disadvantages are that single-lens reflexes (SLRs). picture is blurred, it will not TLRs are larger and weigh more show up as much in an than 35mm cameras. Most TLRs When you focus camera, you see two on an RF images. By CAMERAS enlargement from a TLR as it do not offer interchangeable turning a ring on the camera the new/used 4x5 CROWN GRAPHIC New! $1 59. 95 YASHICA CANON M514 0ur Latest Addition 8 & SUPER 8 PROJECTORS • 8-Track player • Garrard Turntable POLAROIDS • AM/FM/Stereo Radio • Headphone Jack • Two-way Speakers 6%" Woofer & 2" tweeter STEREO EQUIPMENT • Clean lines with used Walnut veneer Cabinets NEW 8 TRACK TAPES $3.00 USED $2.00 Come See, You'll STEREO RECORDS $1.25 Buy! Our Ail-Time Bestseller: The M4800 • - MUSICAL Two-way speakers • • Garrard Model 3000 turntable AM/FM Stereo Receiver INSTRUMENTS • Automatically switched head - new / used phone jacks • Dustcover DRUM SETS etc. • Walnut veneer cabinets TRADES Great! LAYAWAY $1 3795 Come see us first, for the best price in town d iscount records 225 Ann St. 351-8460 HOURS: DAILY 9:30-8:30 SATURDAY 9:30 6:00 SUNDAY 12:00-5:00 HOURS WILCOX MUSIC 509 E. MICHIGAN 8-5:30 p.m. LANSING 485-4391 Wfe*i»e E>G£Si(BBlRg oarjp a J I ieoRtfe lOtft wttK 4 GHANNEb DAY! AT CENTRAL MICHIGAN'S LARGEST, MOST COMPLETE CENTER FOR 4-CHANNEL EQUIPMENT g g-s A 4-CHANNEL SOUND REVOLUTION A NEW DIMENSION IN SOUND. . FROM IVC Add a Metrotec 4-Channel Decoder/Amplifier to your existing stereo See and hear the complete line of JVC system. The Metrotec decodes 4-Channel 4-Channel Sound Equipment. Let us records & broadcasts in addition to demonstrate the SEA Sound Control Center. the most adding a new dimension to existing stereo . . unique tone control records for just... system available today! Listen just once and you will likely join the JVC sound revolution! $139.95 THE 4-CHANNEL EVERYTHING Stop guessing which way 4-Channel sound is going! Enjoy all techniques for broadcasting or recording, existing or proposed, today or tomorrow, with the QR 6500 AM/FM 2-Channel and 4-Channel stereo receiver - synthesizer - decoder - amplifier - and - control-center. A complete line of Sansui 4-Channel "EVERYTHING" receivers are available from... A SANSUI BREAKTHROUGH $230.95 THE SANSUI OS-1 QUAD SYNTHESIZER The QS-1 may be added to most stereo systems to create the newest sounds of 4-Channel. WAS $199.95 ANNIVERSARY PRICE $119.95 SPECIAL HOURS: "Your Sound Headquarters" Fri -10 to 9 Ask about our Sat -10 to 5 5-WAYS-TO-PAY 543 E. GRAND RIVER 337-1300 PLAN Mon- 10 to 9 aiaot gnaoax i i p JI?O BUT EQUIPMENT COSTLY 'Quad' gives top-quality sound By RAY ANDERSON transistors and smaller to buy "discrete" with an decoders also require an State News Staff Writer components began to have their ASMSU loan. listening is still definitely additional stereo amplifier for limited. The RCA quad catalog effect. There are a number of good the rear channels and two more contains 68 matrix "You never heard it so good, Quadraphonic is now available selections, four-channel receivers on the speakers. The lone exception at huh fella?" the clerk queried. one of which is Van Clibum. to the public in a wide variety of market, ranging in price from this time is the Sony SQA-200 The Sony SQ system has a The astounded patron nodded jump delivery systems. Even more $749.95 for the Fisher Model which has an amplifier built in his head in agreement and on others as it was developed in important is its rapid acceptance 801, to a compact Panasonic and retails for $127.50. continued listening, listening, by the recording industry. model that is cooperation with Columbia a "giveaway" at There is a peculiar problem Records who have cut 52 matrix listening, listening. Experts forecast that it won't be only $429.95. That friends, does with the decoders. TTiey are not records. These will sell for $1 long before the consumer will be not include the extra pair of able to get any record, tape, universally compatible, and until more than stereo records. speakers required, or the the industry standardizes the Quadraphonic has been cassette, cartridge and FM four-track tape or record So, if you have access to described by some as an audio procedure for encoding there someone's station in inundating - four - way changer. will always be a chance that the checking account or bath that can put the listener - sound. Alternative system are independently wealthy, get into the ozone about as fast as a records or tapes you purchase Personalized music But there is an alternative for yourself a quadraphonic system glass of Boone's Farm and a hit might not work on your and impress your friends. Just So, what exactly is those desiring quadraphonic decoder. of Michigam domestic. remember that speaker quadraphonic, quadrasonic, without having to mortgage a Matrix list limited quadrafonic? It is a very national defense loan. placement is extremely Record companies at present Like other electronic important, and if you get too personalized system for musical "Matrix" four-channel sound are innovations, "quad" came on leaning toward the matrix - many people no one is going to appreciation. If you dig sitting in has similar recording decoder slowly before the rush of system because they appreciate the four - way - sound orchestra pits, that's where it's Madison Avenue brought requirements, but the signal is feel the public will be more unless everyone stands together at, and it has all the privacy of reduced to two channels with inclined to alter their present in the middle of the room. Come public acceptance. your own bedroom. the help of an encoder. To get system than to buy completely to think of it, that might not be Manufacturers are presently the benefit of four-channel new ones. But the range of a bad idea. It was first used in 1904 when building two separate systems sound the listener needs a Thomas Hood MacDonald which bring you quad results: decoder. Audiophiles claim the designed a phonograph with four "discrete" and "Matrix." sound of matrix is not as good as separate sound-horns, leading to four needles. two Rather than one (monaural) or (stereo) signals, there are four distinct signals coming from discrete quadraphonic, but the coversion is cheaper and the decoder is said to enhance the SHOCK THEATRE The next major development four or more microphones at the performance of any stereo of four-way sound came from recording end. At the receiving record or tape collection. the creator of Mickey Mouse. end, "discrete" quad requires a The decoders range in price "Fantasia," Walt Disney's four-track head to separate the from $159.95 for a Sansui QS-1 f animated classic, made first sound, two stereo amplifiers to Synthesizer to $29.95 for a kit Every Saturday at 11 -K) commercial use of a strengthen it, and four speakers version of the Electro Voice This week-"CRY OF THE WEREWOLF' quadraphonic soundtrack in to bring it home. Don't expect EVX-4 Decoder. But these Nina foch, Stephen Crane 1940. It then went into a phase of "benign neglect," a system known only to purists and audiophiles until nearly a year ago when the advantages of means ■ _ . sights! Tapes and &s0unds1 Progress: on campus! Equipment headphones Picture this: o sharf> TV go 4-trac for only There have been many $£^88 goodies in the electronic industry during the past couple years. Among the most exciting have been advances in quadraphonic sound. In this game of electronic one - upsmanship comes the most striking advance of q uad ra ph o n it- headphones. Before you shake your head in disbelief and ask, "How in the hell am I supposed to hear four separate sources so close to my head." The ear, unlike the eye, absorbs senses from every direction and these new Instant picture and sound, headphones developed by Koss (Model K2+2, Quadrafones, 75-sq. inch picture, front-mounted speaker and controls, $85) have an extra reproducer streamlined cabinetry. One of our better values slightly behind the normal position in each earpiece to take t® advantage of that ability. jcwtLtns Electro Voice is planning to My, how you've changed _2SL_a » do them one better in the near Open a Zales Charge Account For Shopping Convenience future when they market a quad • Master Charge • R.inkAmi'i u.ird ' headphone with a built - in decoder. It will create the effect of four - channel sound when 318 S. Washington p lugged into a conventional IS (across from FREE SPIRIT) stereo amplifier. Price of this piece of equipment has not been listed but it ..... ^qvlxis fl., , and means no additional Lansing Mall amplifier and speakers. op Entertainment seeks top artists for programs By STEVE RADDOCK (which they rarely, if ever, are), into the group's University State News Staff Writer a third consideration - group fees account and used to either - induces the Pop Entertainment About the only thing worth sop-up losses (as was the case committee to rub-out the names with the recent Ike and Tina ripping-off of the Pop of a large clump of candidates Entertainment office in the Turner Revue) or provide the with the butts of their pencils. Student Services Building is a requisite backing for a free concert. jacket somebody might The cyst on Pop occasionally suspend from the Entertainment's neck has been room's pigeon-leg-like coat Although some people believe the spiraling trend of groups' hanger. The room is that plain. fees and otherwise, the Pop Yet this very same cubicle has preparatory costs. Entertainment group selection been the womb for the According to Randolph Webster process is more scientific than Jr., asst. director of Student arbitrary. Committee members groundwork that's filled the Activities, where it once cost bellies of two arenas with gnaw on agents' lists of group thousands of ravenous music $5,500 to bring the Lovin' availabilities, record sales charts, freaks. Spoonful at the peak of their copies of Billboard and student popularity to MSU, it would surveys and then see which Formally unpackaged in 1965 now run when it sponsored a concert by Pop Entertainment groups are left stuck between about $15,000 to persuade their the Serendipity Singers, Pop teeth. A little more either Dionne Warwick or the Entertainment was initially picking, and they're about ready 5th Dimension to vibrate their to breast-fed by the ASMSU begin direct negotiations with vocal cords on 3>artan terrain. the student tax. After producing a agents. couple of sets of successful pop Where Pop Entertainment and rock performances, the unit used to lay down $2,000, sans During the past two terms, has become a self-sustaining group fees, for Pop Entertainment has brought whipping-up a entity. show in Jenison in 1965, they're such groups as the 5th Iff, up Picking a group or solo artist now obliged to fork-out about to appear at either Jenison $8500 Dimension and James Taylor to iml away per concert. Over $1500 campus. But the prospects for The 5th Dimension concert Fieldhouse or the Auditorium is of the aggregate sum goes for getting "superstars" grow Concerts are one of the ways of the series like playing spin-the-bottle by was one compensating a contingent of increasingly dim as entertainers' for MSU students to sponsored by the ASMSU yourself. Your choices are rather cops from the Dept. of Public fees continue to rise. This satisfy limited. In the case of Pop Safety. their hunger for music, such Pop Entertainment situation has been further Entertainment, selection is Despite this seemingly as this one by the 5th Committee on campus during aggravated by producers who further restricted by two one-way flow of cash, Dimension. each term. Pop buy rights to a foreign group's factors: (a) the planned dates of Entertainment often strains its entire American tour and then SN photo by SN photo by Jeff Wilner Jeff Wilner a group's tour and (b) the way towards a profit margin of raffle them off to the highest availability of facilities. Even if 8-12 percent. Surplus funds are bidder, usually large municipal these two factors are compatible subsequently rechanneled back coliseums - skating error? no problem! The largest factor causing decreased record life is skating error. It occurs as the arm on your turntable gets closer to the center of the record. As the radius of the circle that the arm travels becomes smaller, its own inertia forces the arm to push toward the inner groove wall, instead of riding in the center of the causes three things to happen: groove. This the rabco ST-4 1 shortened record life 2 rapid deterioration of the stylus 3 audible distortion $16000 Rabco's new ST - 4 eliminates tracking error by using a concept called straight line tracking. The arm maintains a perfect right angle to the shaft from the beginning of the record to the end, thus eliminating skating error! This is accomplished when the rubber "wheel" in the arm engages with the rotating shaft below it. As the stylus moves inward the rubber wheel "straightens" the back of the arm, keeping the stylus in the center of the groove. The 2 speed ST - 4 uses a syncronous motor for exact - speed and very low wow and flutter. The arm is capable of accommodating the lightest tracking cartridges available, and the cueing devise is gentle, both up and down. And, unlike all other manual turntables, the arm raises at the end of the record! IN THIS AREA . . . available only at: HI FI BUYS 101 E. Grand River Phone 337-2310 7 optional dust cover The Disc Shop 515°° 323 E. Grand River 351-5380 ■ ■ J • I • J • ■ ■ isaNimi unoA IIJJVA ampus Students aren't generally Hali and WMSN serves all the radio: diversity made up of the network anything from Henry Mancini to network that Ott feels most aware of the campus radio other residence halls. Each manager, each station manager, Jimmy Hendrix, from Frank students are unaware of is the network, according to Dick Ott, station staffs disc jockeys, RHA members and managers, Sinatra to Melanie, from Johnny free station manager of WMSN radio- public service managers, sportscasters and ASMSU representatives and two Cash to Junior Walker." He announcements offered to any His station is one of the newscasters as well as engineers. students - at - large meet described WFEE's programming campus organization. six stations operated by the The network was founded in approximately once each month as all progressive rock, WKME "It's the student's radio Michigan State Network, the 1966 by a vote of on campus to "hash out everything." and WMCD programming as station and nobody knows student controlled and operated undergraduates and provides the However, Ott said that the board mostly progressive rock, and what's going on," Ott said. campus radio system. campus with music, ABC can't tell each station how to WBRS and WEAK programming WBRS serves the Brody syndicated news, Lansing and operate. as combinations of everything. The network is attempting to complex, WKME serves Shaw campus news as well as live WMSN programming includes Ott added that "WBRS has one receive more student response Hall, WEAK serves Wonders and broadcasts of Spartan soccer, soul, rock and progressive music. of the best rock and roll sounds and is planning a Wilson halls, WMCD serves survey to hockey and baseball. "We try to play a little bit of in Lansing." determine the favorite groups McDonel Hall, WFEE serves Fee The Radio Board of Control, everything," Ott said. "We play One major service of the and records of the listeners." BAFFLE YOUR FRIENDS! Hi-fi terms amplify knowledge A B TEST: Comparing packaged reel or magnetic tape frequencies are divided. In a two introduces new tones caused by measuring the relative intensity performance of two (or more) designed for use on a special - way speaker system, for of sound. It is one - tenth of a mixing of two or more original pieces or systems of hi - fi - kind of tape machine. instance, the crossover bel, the fundamental division of tones. Phase distortion, or equipment by switching frequency is the point at which a scale for expressing the ratio of nonlinear phase shift, distrubs instantly from one to the other. CASSETTE: A smaller version the bass information for the two amounts of power. the natural timing sequence Dealers use this technique to of the tape cartridge that uses woofer is blocked from the between tone and its related assist in the buying decision. tape that is about one - eigth tweeter and vice versa. DIAPHRAGM: The moving overtones. Transient distortion inch wide. member of a loudspeaker or disturbs the precise attach and ACOUSTIC FEEDBACK: An CROSSTALK: Signal leakage decay of a musical sound. microphone. annoying interference (usually at CHANNEL: A channel is a between two channels. low frequencies) created when complete sound path. A DISTORTION: Any information DOPPLER EFFECT: The sound or vibrations from mono phonic system has one CYCLES: A measure of which didn't exist in the change in pitch of a sound due loudspeakers are picked up by a channel. A sterophonic system frequency of electrical impulses original. Harmonic distortion to relative motion of source and microphone or a phono cartridge has at least two full channels or of sound vibration. See disturbs the original relationship listener. Theoretically it occurs and amplified by the sound designed as a left and a right. frequency. between a tone and other tones in loud - speakers when a low - system. Physically separating naturally related to it. frequency and a high - frequency DECIBEL: Abbr. dB. A unit for Intermodulation distortion (IM) loudspeakers and microphone or CHANNEL BALANCE: Equal (Please turn to page 19) record - playing equipment can loudness from both left and solve the problem. right channels. AMPLIFIER : An electronic CHANNEL REVERSAL: Left device for magnifying electrical channel is heard from the right signals. Stereo amplifiers consist speaker and the right channel is of two power or basic amplifiers heard from the left speaker. in one package. In an integrated amplifier, both preamplifier and CHANNEL SEPARATION: The power amplifiers are built in one electrical or acoustic difference package and made available as a between the left and right single unit. channels in stereo. Inadequate separation can mingle the two BAFFLE: Although this term channels which results in sometimes applies to the entire monophonic sound. cabinet or enclosure that houses a loudspeaker, it is strictly CLIPPING: A distortion that speaking the panel of such an occurs, mostly in amplifiers, enclosure. when maximum obtainable voltage is reached. Can also be BASS REFLEX: A loudspeaker caused by too high an input enclosure in which radiation voltage to either a preamplifier from the rear of the cone is or amplifier. allowed to escape through a hole (or port) in such a way as to COMPONENT: A stereo augment the lowest tones. Also component is a specialized item called ported, reflex or vented to of equipment designed to do a reflex. particular part of work in a stereo system. BIAS: An operating current or voltage that fixes the correct CONSOLE: A radio and or performance characteristics. phonograph system sold complete in a single cabinet. BuOM: Accentuation of one or Consoles may or may not more individual bass tones. include stereo components. CAPSTAN: A rotating shaft in Because speakers and record - a tape recorder that moves the playing equipment share a single tape at constant speed. cabinet, consoles usually pose a threat of acoustic feedback. CARTRIDGE: 1. (See Pickup) A Consoles are commonly called record player pickup is a voltage "packages" by the audiophile. - generating device with a stylus (or needle) assembly. 2. A tape CROSSOVER: A point in the cartridge or magazine is a pre - audio spectrum at which SOUND OF THE SEVENTIES: WVIC Presents IN PERSON THE SHOW OF THE YEAR BLOODROCK CANNED HEAT FRIDAY FEBRUARY 18, 1972 8 PM LANSING CIVIC CENTER All Seats Reserved $6 $5 $4 Tickets Now on Sale at Wurzburg's (and Mario's in Jackson) HURRY FOR CHOICE SEATS pe\^i\dujo uoBjd! o9J9;g I THE PHILOSOPHY BEHIND THE A SOUND SUGGESTION ON ! SOUND SHOP' STEREO COMPONENTS We Many dealers sell the 'BEST' stereo strong/y feel that music is a totally components, but do so with inflated personal experience and that our fundamental objective is to satisfy the specifications or by degrading competition. We acknowledge that there are many fine Individual needs of every enthusiast. We sell and stock the lines we do, because we feel lines, and do feel we sell the best. BUT! We will back up our lines and claims with they present the audio listener the necessary range of performance, flexabilitv. No-Nonsense, meaningful specifications on and characteristic sounds required. At the amplifier and tuner performance. Our same time giving the enthusiast experienced audio personnel can and will superior value to other available products. explain these specifications and with our complete display facilities, will gladly demonstrate the difference! THE HEADQUARTERS FOR 'STRAIGHT STEREO ANSWERS' THERE ARE MANY REASONS WHY MORE AND MORE AUDIO ENTHUSIASTS ARE COMING TO MARSHALLS 'SOUND SHOP' FOR THEIR STEREO SYSTEM NEEDS. PLEASE DROP IN TO SEE AND HEAR FOR YOURSELF. * SELECTION - Quality products selected for performance, flexibility, and reliability * PERSONNEL - Young, knowledgeable people capable of assisting in the choice of a personalized component system. **SERVICE - All sales are backed by Central Michigan's largest and most complete electronic service facility, Ask about our extended warranty! * SPECIAL EXTRAS - One year free speaker exchange plan. . . and much more. SONY * CROWN * DUAL * EPI * THE GIANT KILLER' PIONEER * RECTILINEAR * GARRARD * OUR STEP UP' SYSTEM A K A I * EV * WEST * A small and inconspicuous system in size and appearance SONY/SUPERSCOPE * FISHER * BASF * only, but not in SCOTT * SSI * TDK * JVC * MARANTZ * sound. NORELCO * WOLLENSAK * HARMAN KARDON * KOSS * STANTON * SUPEREX * SHURE * AND OTHERS I. P"" I Wn The Sony TA 1010 Amplifier. Unlimited flexibility The SCOTT 357 AM/FM stereo for an amplifier in its price range. Delivers 15 RMS receiver, 25 watts RMS power per channel BOTH channels watts per channel BOTH channels driven. Coupled than 0.6% harmonic distortion. driven, less with the EPI model 50 Excellent tuner. The speakers for unbelievable Garrard SL72B turntable with sound. The 50's are purposely designed for specific base, cover, and $29.95 cartridge (again your room placement to make up for small size. Add the choice) for immaculate record playback. We complete this Garrard SL55B turntable with base, cover, and 24.95 system with our popular WEST LAB Mark V speaker systems. A cartridge (your choice) for low record wear and quality sound. The AKAI audio tape recorder line has three-way acoustic suspension system. 12" woofer, been received with 6" mid-range, 3" tweeter Oiled walnut overwhelming enclosures. 3 YEAR WARRANTY enthusiasm across the nation, especially Separately $491.95. 1 YEAR FREE SPEAKER EXCHANGE 299 the new GX machines with Glass & X'tal ferrite heads. Heads unmatched by 3 YEAR SYSTEM WARRANTY other line any on the market. Because of the demand for AKAI, while all other lines 1 YEAR SPEAKER EXCHANGE 419 are going up in price, some NEW AKAI models are going DOWN in price. The GX220D tape deck; GX heads, three motors, auto reverse, SND on SND, low noise tape switch, and more. Was $399.95 NOW 369 95 SHOP MARSHALLS FOR ALL YOUR Word is rapidly getting around about the performance NEEDS IN superiority of SONY Stereo High Fidelity EPI is a relatively new line for Components. It's a quiet revolution started by people who LISTEN by many audio equipment reviews and STEREO us, and in this area was nearly unknown. We purposely say was because it is already becoming one of the most popular lines we by amplifier clinics. People are latching onto SONY sound quality and reliability. SONY offers more AND have ever sold. Like all speakers EPI have their character, however, theirs is to reproduce the musical own refinement than ANY other component line in its range nearly exactly as delivered to the price range. Marshall's is Central Michigan's exclusive dealer for SONY High Fidelity Components. FOUR-CHANNEL terminals. You really have to hear EPI to speaker realize the real difference. There are reasons for the difference, Incidentally, we held AMERICA'S first SONY sponsored amplifier clinic! SONY components priced SOUND but for that you'll have to come price? EPI can fit anyone's in. What about from $119.50 to over $1200.00! We specialize in music and budget. From $55.00 to $1000.00 each. music reproduction AT MARSHALL'S SOUND SHOP WE'RE VALUE CONSCIOUS. VALUE IS NOT ONLY BASED ON PRICE, BUT ON PERFORMANCE, FLEXIBILITY, AND SERVICEABILITY PER DOLLAR! OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT IS CENTRAL MICHIGAN'S LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE FACILITY 245 ANN STREET 402 S. WASHINGTON f£4i E. LANSING LANSING 351 7830 3729600 Open Wed. & Thur. until 9 p.m. Open Mon. & Fri. until 9 p.m. MUSIC CO. Stereo jargon amplified (Continued from page 17) recoraed. llie use of four tracks the same program by careful POWER AMPLIFIER: An audible by being transmitted permits stereo in both directions initial adjustment; not intended electronic unit that takes its so una are being reproduced of tape movement, or to control volume. mechanically to the pickup. audio input from a tuner or pre ■ simultaneously. The low - alternately, monophonic amplifier and provides power to SOLID STATE DEVICE: Any frequency movement will raise recording across four times the LOUDNESS CONTROL: A drive the loud tne higher frequency when the - speaker also element that can control current length of a given tape. control that automatically called a basic without moving parts, heated cone moves forward and lower it amplifier. boosts the bass when the when the cone returns. The filaments, or vacuum gaps. All FREQUENCY: The rate per program is played at low PRE - AMPLIFIER: An semiconductors are solid state practical effect is very small. second of repetition of volume. This restores a natural amplifier designed to receive the devices. This includes diodes, vibrations of musical pitch as balance to the sound that is lost very small electrical inputs from transistors, and integrated DuBBInG: Copying a tape or well as of electrical signals. Low because the ear is less sensitive record from another pickups and/or tape head, circuits. tape or record. frequencies refer to bass tones; to low frequencies when volume provide equalization tone ENCLOSURE: An high frequencies to. treble tones. is low. control, volume and /or loudness STYLUS: The modern acoustically designed housing or control, and produce output counterpart of the old structure for a loudspeaker: also FREQUENCY RESPONSE: A MIXING: Blending of two or sufficient for the input of a phonograph needle, consisting of a cabinet to house a component. curve indicating the relative more audio signals for special power amplifier. a sapphire or (preferably) response of a system, or part of effects. diamond tip precisely shaped to FIDELTY: The degree of a system, to be flat when RECTIFIER: An essential part conform to the groove contour. faithfulness to the original response is uniform at all MONOPHONIC (or Mono): The of the power supply of any accuracy and honesty in sound frequencies. total program is heard on only system powered by a 60 Hz line; TONE ARM: The arm that holds reproduction. one channel. That signal channel it converts AC into the DC the pickup cartridge and ensures GAIN CONTROL: A control for may be heard from one or many required for operating the that the needle is correctly FILTER: An electrical or adjusting the amplification of a aligned with the groove. loudspeakers. equipment. electronic devise tnat permits system. See volume control. certain frequencies to pass while NEGATIVE FEEDBACK: An RESONANCE: A TRACKING: The ability of the tendency of needle to follow the obstructing others. IMPbDANcE: A quantity electronic process of sampling mechanical parts, e.g. pickup wiggles in a the output, combining 180 stylus, tone arm, record groove. analogous to resistance (also loudspeaker FLUTTER: Rapid variations in measured numerically in otims), degrees out of a phase with the cone, enclosure panel, to vibrate TWEETER: The loudspeaker the speed of a turntable or tape that determines tne relationship input; the result improves the at one particular frequency, that handles the hi£*st frequency. transport that causes a wavering between voltage and current in performance of the system. causing undesirable everemphasis of musical pitch. WOOFER: A an audio or AC circuit. of that frequency when it occurs loudspeaker unit built in the program. (See also boom.) FuUR - TRACK TAPE: Quarter LEVEL CONTROL: A control PITCH: The frequency of the specifically to handle the lowest audio frequencies. - inch recording tape in which intended mainly to ensure that sound that determines its RUMBLE: A spurious low four separate sound paths are each part of a system produces position on a musical scale. frequency sound caused by WOW: Slow, regular variations in vibration of the turntable motor the speed of a turntable or tope or associated machinery, made transport. Wash dirty alb Please Rush Me The Questionnaire & Directions For CUPID COMPUTER, clean, Without proper storage and removed undistorted by gently running a another item which should not I understand that I am under no obligation to join. care for records, even an tissue over the surface. be neglected if you expect excellent stereo system will have More heavily soiled records undistorted sound. problems reproducing good can be cleaned by careful A diamond needle does not sound. washing in soapy water followed last forever and it is a good idea Records should be stored by a rinse as described above. In to have it checked after about J Addr©SS vertically with as little room at both cases avoid oversoaking the six month's use. Then it is J | the top as possible. This cuts label. possible to estimate the life of down dust accumulation. Record cloths are not the needle and the Cupid Computer owner will be Lansing, Mi. recommended to protect records Box 702 prepared to buy another when 48903 2-3 When records do become because dust is trapped in them the original is worn out. soiled and dusty, they can be and converts the covers into Experts also suggest testing restored easily. The record abrasives. even a new needle before should be held with the left buying The needle of a stereo is hand under cold running water COLORED FLICKER LITES while the fingers of the right hand are run through the stream of water. Care should be taken THE ALLEY SHOP gg8 not to wet the label excessively. *M- •* AW BBJB After washing, shake the record to remove excess water. ARTWORK AT ACE Remaining drops can be Well, all they need is your finishing touch of creativity. We have the most complete selection of It won't macrame and decoupage supplies to help .■ make your belt, purse, plaque, key chain or 'I be too novelty a work of art. long before . we . . II11"ACEi HARDWARE I n inside i mrr 201 K. Grand River rent again for summer Try and fall. earlier i Improve A us this year rj • 2 johns C Actual Size •balcony (/KQ • close to campus, * ~ P Wfdm y Wicker World offers a welcome alternative corners, to drab walls, empty spaces, lonely and 3.85 RIVER'S EDGE dreary atmospheres. WATER'S EDGE MODEM MLESALE'BTRIC 2143 Wl^rand River \ APARTMENTS 349-0840 4692 Okemos Rd. OPEN: Mor (See Dick or Mary) 349 1220 Mon. Sat. 10-5:30 p.m. (across from the Host Office) ^ Tues., Wed. 3324432 e recor a HORACE WHITE brownie and Cryin' Kevin Harty. psychedelic blues sounds from to starving welfare recipient. ignored "Fm as Good as Louie State News Critic • "I Got Students on my Mind', the master of the electronic Bender Ever Was" aria. Impresario Clarence Winder does by the Academic Councileers. If metaphor. If you liked his last • " JI Jive" by the Joint Issue a superb lead with worthy 1971 was not a vintage year you liked their last release, "The release, "Southeast Asian Jog Band. At featured lead backup from musical masters for the record industry. Never Massey - McKee - Taylor Tango', Serenade," youll really dig typewriter is Chuck Will, Baljit Singh and Sheldon before in the history of the you'll love "Students." Cuts "Rag," the second in Wharton's formerly of the Funky Lowery. vktrola had so many companies include their chart - busting "Foundation" series. Included • Coalition. Hits include "I Got "The Merchant of East released so many albums that "Win - a - baa - aa - go," plus "I'm in an Appropriations are the State News Blues", Wee - oo. Lansing" by the Chamber of showed so little talent and those old favorites "Doin' the Funk', and "Put Your Trustee in Oh Student Board Let Us In," Commerce. This is a "must - originality. Nevertheless, Killingsworth Kick', and "Don't Me." Background by Robert "The Radical Rag" and many, have" for all opera buffs. amongst all the dross a few rare Let Your Salary Go Down." "the poll - cat" Perrin, Aligator many other knee - slappers. Tracing Lums' classic story of gems did manage to sneak •"We're in Charge Now" by the A1 Ballard and Jim "My Daddy • "More of the Same" by the life and death in the college through. Below you will find a Crazy Council Combo. Yes, Runs the State News" State News Soul Society. Led by student rip - off business, the C brief run down on the cream of those lovable musical - rogues are Spaniolo on the Juelophone. conductor John Juel, this of C belts their way through the the crop, the most pleasing up to their old tricks again, • "KeynesJam Sounds', by the pleasing group of clean - renowned lyrics of "There's a platters of the past year. In churning out heavies like "Don't Economists 3. A melodious Student Born Every Minute" scrubbed, bright - eyed, all - short, the anxiously awaited B. Pave Me In,'. "I Got You Pegg - Horace White's "Big Ten:" blending of the distinctive American boys and girls will and "Whatever You Do, Don't ed" and "Marijuana Ain't No sounds of those three renowned Let Them Register" and many, •"Board Again" by Howlin' Hal Sin." Combo regulars delight you with offerings such George departmental nightengales: as "Who Needs Controversy," many more. Buckner and his Luminous Colburn and George Griffiths baritone "Handsome Al" "I'm in Love, I'm in Love With • "No Hair!" by the Joint Lackies. A crowd pleaser for (known collectively to fans as Mandelstamm, "Charismatic Attila the Huff" and, of course, Session (of the legislature.) A years, Howlin' Hal is back with "George Squared") are joined by Walt" Adams on bass and mezzo "You Deserve All the News That must for rock opera buffs. If another great release. Cuts Wigglin' Wilbur Brookover at soprano C. Patric "I Just Want - Fits." A collector's item. you dug Hair". youH really get include "Where, Oh Where Did lead guitar. Wigglin' Wilbur to be Noticed" Larrowe. it on for "No Hair!," the Our $ 5 0,000 Go?," "Oh, replaces Chuck Will, who Mandelstamm rallies through a • "Placement Bureau Blues', Calcutta" of the Geritol "Everything's Coming Up couldn't get it together for the medley of his best stage hits. by the Merry Multidisciplinary Generation. William Ryan sings Stempel" and "Who's Afraid of part. Adams does his famous "If I the Big, Bad Judiciary." Good • "Rockefella Marching Society. Soulfully sung the lead role as Acting Governor. Rag" by C. were President" routine while by the entire student body and William Milliken plays his arch - vibes from Jeff D'lackey on the "Reggie" Wharton. Heavy, Larrowe belts out his often - faculty of the College of Social nemesis Mr. Republican. Hits Science, this albumn's theme is include ''Abortion?," the eternal problem of the QUALITY HI-FI AT A SAVINGS! transition from starving student "Reapportionment?," "Budget?," etc. Better sound at no-nonsense price is Choices limited what —j ^EAL/stje-is all about. Realistic "Modulaire" System "2690" for 110 top films' Only at Allied Radio Shack could you get a solid-state modular component stereo of this By JACK EPPSJR. quality at a price this low! The Allied "2690" State News Reviewer Stereo Receiver packs a clean 30 watts peak power for room filling stereo. Has tape recorder inputs As a film reviewer I have been asked to and outputs and switchable AFC. Built-in AM-KM compile a list of the antennas for fine reception; terminals for best films of 1971. It is impossible for anyone living in the greater connecting an external FM antenna. The Lansing area to establish a thorough list of "The Ten Best of '71" "Modulaire" turntable features light weight tubular since they couldn't see even one third of the total films pickup arm for precise tracking and precision released motor for accurate speeds. Plays any size records at nationally. Any list relying upon the films shown in this area all four speeds, even intermix*. Comes complete would have to be sadly incomplete. with two-way Air-Loaded speaker systems of Let it be mentioned here that if it were not for the Beal film matching oiled walnut finish, a challenge to group under Steven and Michael Sunshine and the RHA film speakers many times their size. series under Tom Leach, this campus would be completely out of This four piece "Modulaire" system lists for touch with the film medium. The Beal film $159.90 Now at Allied Radio Shack for SI 39.90. group should be especially praised for their continued excellence in their classical REALISTIC AM/FM Stereo programing. Clarinette III Music System The following are those films that I have seen that I feel deserve some sort of special mention. A Stereo system with the "looks" and "sounds" They are not necessarily the best of the year, although you've always wanted. The Clarinette III has a many of the films deserve best of the unique rotary control that lets you "fingertip year even though they played in this area. tune" to the dramatic "black-out" dial. And there are jacks for adding a tape player and for taping Best in the Lansing Area for '71 direct from the radio with a recorder. The 4-speed BSR "mini-changer" plays all records and has a 1.) McCabe& Mrs. Miller swing away control arm for manual/auto play. 2.) The Conformist *129* There are also separate bass/treble controls. The matching speaker systems have 3.5-ounce ceramic 3.) Five Easy Pieces magnets for deep bass. Oh, and don't worry, the 4.) Little Big Man $129.95 includes the contoured dust cover. 4-Channel AM/FM Quadraphonic 5.) Carnal Knowledge Stereo System 6.) The Devils Here's the most advanced audio product ever, 7.) Johnny Got His Gun offered to you by Allied at an unbelievable price. 8.) Hellstrom Chronical The separate components would normally cost other than Lansing area $877.50, but as a total system, Allied has slashed the price to $777.00. The ARS-747 quadraphonic 9.) The Straw Dogs receiver combines the REALISTIC/E-V Stereo-4tm 10.) The Clowns adapter with a made-by-Fisher 4-Channel receiver. 11.) Harold and Maud It offers every state-of-the-art feature and is combined with four REALISTIC MC-1000 Best films shown by campus groups two-way Air-Loaded speaker systems and the LAB-36 4-speed Automatic turntable with custom 1.) The Blue Angel base and elliptical - diamond - stylus magnetic 00 stereo cartridge. Before you invest in quadraphonic sound, be sure to take a high-flying trip with the ni 2.) Feilini's Satyricon 3.) Beauty and the Beast ARS-747. 4.) Point of Order Custom "PRO" Stereo Headphones 5.) The Seventh Seal These specially designed headphones provide 6.) Women in Love comfort and convenience for "private" listening with all the volume and response you want. Made Worst of '7 I by a famous U.S. manufacturer and offered to you by REALISTIC at a price you can afford. 1.) Friends $239; Featuring liquid filled ear cushions, cushioned headband, and a 10-foot coiled cord. 2.) 3.) Omega Man Kotch 4.) Love Story A LUED RADIO SHAC Biggest Disappointment 1.) Billy Jack Open 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. daily, Sunday 12 to 5 p.m. 2.) Summer of '42 3.) Who is Harry Kellerman and Why MERIDIAN MALL Shopping Center is He Saying All Those Things About Me? 4.) Drive, He Said now THRU Your one stop tor discount! SUNDAY SOUND DISCOUNTS! RARE EARTH „„5SS»r IN CONCERT Woolco Discount price regularly 6.57 ^— i our choice of LATEST STER HIT ALBUMS Woolco discount price BOB DYLAN'S GREATEST HITS Woolco discount regularly 4.62 price regularly 5.62 your choice •LIGHTHOUSE Thoughts of Moving on JOAN BAE2 Woolco discount price • THE HILLSIDE SINGERS I'd Like 'iO Teach the World to Sing BLESSED ARE •GRAND FUNK RAILROAD E. P!uribus Funk or •CAROLE KING Music ROLLING STONES • TRAFFIC The Low Spark of High Heeled Boys HOT ROCKS reg. 7.77 • NEIL DIAMOND Stones 1964-1971 • DON MC LEAN American Pie WOOLCO MERIDIAN MALL 1980 Grand River Ave. and Marsh Road SHOP MONDAY thru SATURDAY 10 a.m. til 9:30 p.m. __^^^^^^OPE^SUNDAYSl2noontil6p;rrv^^_ii_i_i_iii__ <-iv, 5JJUIIUJ Film variety: spice of 'VJ' (Continued from page two) "The distributors know what Crawford warned that the size at the film showing to insure classics "Ben Hut" and they're doing — if they think a distributors have checks to as "King "Face of War" or "Triumph of film the most profitable return for has the capacity to draw Kong." the Win," a Nazi propaganda insure contract compliance. the distributor, Crawford said. many people, theyH charge The Auburn "We dont go for exploitation r'Im- Film Co. will accordingly," he explained. He explained that the present "Henry VI" and or violence films," said Tom Jim Crawford, East Lansing Although the distributors distributors often compare local "Cleopatra" this weekend. Merrow, Widwest City, Ok la. graduate student and head of the have no way of telling whether a advertisement showtimes with' sophomore, and coordinator for Auburn group, agreed that film fi]m was shown four times as number limited by contract. At the group. MSU Qneseries distributors often charge high Saturday matinees hopes agreed in the contract, or 40 are the to bring more times, the distributors send their political, cultural rental rates. times the exhibitor may speciality of MSU Qneseries, a and women's liberation films, he as do. agents to check on the audience group which has presented such said. 11 itII 111 ins II *;i II;fillliifi To Leonard's Low Everyday Prices THE CAMERA THAT DOESN'T KNOW NIGHT FROM DAT. BUTORS ' ' ■ ■ ■ v.,," 309 NORTH WASHINGTON AVE DOWNTOWN r; Downtown Plaza