Friday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE East STATE NIWS Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 4, 1972 Hanoi's new peace plan seeks Thieu's resignation PARIS (AP) - The Vietnamese Saigon administration the formation of a Cong appeared to be abandoning Communists demanded Thursday that any problems in the negotiations for political three-segment government of national further consideration of the Nixon plan, President Nguyen Van Thieu resign as part concord with view to problems by addressing the subject of of a revised peace a organizing general which is backed by South Vietnam. troop withdrawals to the United States and plan which they claimed elections ..." Other proposals had offered the subject of Thieu's resignation to new openings for an end to the demanded that the coalition government Porter did not address himself to the war. be set up before the Viet Saigon. The United States made no detailed Cong would begin Viet Cong plan, but in Washington William The revised Communist plan also talks with any Saigon authorities. H. Sullivan, deputy asst. secretary of state response to the Communist revisions but While elaborating on their own plan, the specifically called for an end to the U.S. air for East Asian and Pacific affairs, told the war and threw some new elements into a suggested the North Vietnamese and Viet Communists told U.S. Ambassador William Cong should take another look at President House Foreign Affairs subcommittee there proposed political settlement. These J. Porter they do not accept the Nixon seem to be some elements of interest in it. Nixon's eight-point plan revealed last week. included election of a constitutent plan. Sullivan said that for the first time the The Communists said the two assembly and working out of a constitution Unveiled publicly only last week, it was enemy appears to be elaborations they offered on the separating military after Thieu's departure. offered to the North Vietnamese last Oct. negotiation table demonstrated new 11 by Henry A. Kissinger, the President's flexibility in negotiating a settlement. foreign policy aide. The revisions referred to a seven 'Missing' "This G - seems to indicate basic month - old Viet Cong plan. Though the misunderstanding of the negotiating Communists refused to spell out how process generally and of what our proposal Thursday's clarifications changed that plan, is designed to do specifically," Porter said. officio observers noted these essential differences: *The elaborations called for Thieu's Under the U.S. plan, he added, the United States is prepared to begin withdrawals and prisoner exchanges while troop I sour immediate resignation, while earlier other points are negotiated. WASHINGTON (AP) - A State Dept. While cautioning that no one except the proposals had demanded only that the Cold work United States stop backing him. "Ours is a proposal which is consistent with the principle that fully the official acknowledged Thursday that Americans missing in Indochina are dead. many North Vietnamese really know how many of the over 1,600 military men the United ♦The elaborations demanded that the jien in Princeton, Minn., use propane heaters to thaw the nozzels United States set a "specific terminal date" political future of South Vietnam will be left for the South Vietnamese people to His statement to a House subcommittee States says are captured or missing are drew an angry reaction from the mother of really dead, Sullivan said the government ses pouring water on one of five 3 - story business buildings for troop withdrawal. The earlier proposals decide for themselves, free from outside a downed American pilot. keeps track of the names of men who are |>yed by fire Thursday. Ice forms on upper stories of a building had set down the end of 1971 as the withdrawal deadline. interference," Porter declared. "We recognize, of course, that many of probably dead and notifies theii families. about 20 residents of apartments were safely evacuated, He said the plan was not submitted on a the men lists as Pilots in other planes sometimes report *The clarifications on a political missing in Indochina are leraturesof 12 below zero hindered fiiemen. settlement said the Viet Cong would on take-it-or-leave-it basis but one open for almost certainly dead," said William H. that no parachute was opened when a U.S. AP negotiation. Sullivan, deputy assistant secretary of state jet goes down, and rescue plane pilots Wirephoto Thieu's resignation discuss "with the But the North Vietnamese and the Viet for East Asian and Pacific affairs. sometimes report a "high probablity" that the pilot did not survive, Sullivan said. Ms. Donald Shay, of Linthicum, Md., \Freshman did not dispute that some of the missing admission are dead but said Sullivan's saying so only causes more grief for their families. Ms. Shay, mother of Air Force Capt. Donald Shay Jr. and an asst. national coordinator of the National League of By MICHAEL FOX to date for first - time freshman status for recognized programs in vocational and Charles Seeley, associate director of Polley said the University will admit American Servicemen Captured or Missing IState News Staff Writer fall 1972. The University will receive about technical education. Western Michigan admissions and scholarships, said that 52.1 women students at about the same rate as 1 5,000 in Southeast Asia, called Sullivan's remarks [University will admit as many appliofttions for freshmen University reports applications down 29.7 per cent of the first - time freshman in previous years, which is generally a slight "a terrible thing to say." n fail 1972 «it did in fall 1971 admissions, Polley commented, with about per cent from last year, with Similar admissions for fall 1971 were women, increase each fall. He also commented on statewide downward trend in 100 more women than men applying so far percentages for other colleges: Central while overall undergraduate fall admissions factors "Why make it public," she told i influencing the apparent downward reporters after the hearing. "We should s for admissions, MSU officials for fall 1972. Last year at this time, about Michigan University, 29 per cent decline; were 46 per cent women. Registrar's data trend in applications. Among the factors he 300 more men than women had applied for hold out until the last hope." sday. However, the proportion of Grand Valley State College, 20 per cent indicates that 42.76 per cent, or 17,811, of cited is the end of draft deferments for In reporting to the House Foreign nay be higher and the number of admission. decline; Eastern Michigan University, 10 the total 41,649 MSU students who college students. Affairs Committee on the status of U.S. A report on statewide admissions trends per cent decline; Northern Michigan enrolled fall term were women. Seeley Je students lower. "The economy at the national level is a efforts to free prisoners of war held by the Alley, asst. provost for admissions prepared in January by Central Michigan University, 9 per cent decline; Wayne State emphasized that sex is not considered in significant factor, not only in terms of enemy, Sullivan said, "We are continuing ds. said that enrollment at MSU University (CMU) predicted that next University, 5 per cent decline; University evaluating an application for admission. financial resources to come to college but to do all in our power to assist our men of Michigan, one per cent decline. )ized and the freshman admissions year's freshman class at the total state level also the increase nationally in tuition." held by the enemy, to obtain information nain at about 6,700 for the next might be the smallest in years. Of nine "I know of no responsible official who "The job market of course is another Applications from in - state Michigan public colleges and universities anticipates any significant growth in our Colder factor. This includes the expectations about them and word from them, and to secure their earliest possible release." Ifor the freshmen class are up by surveyed by CMU, only two reported enrollment," Polley said Thursday when . . . and windy with occasional snow people have about higher education and But he said the U.S. government will Tf Jan. 31 compared to a year ago. increases in admission applications. asked if MSU enrollment had stabilized. flurries. High between 16 and 22 degrees. the fact that many college graduates are not encourage or cause the collapse of the The MSU increase is slightly more than Several University officials have South Vietnamese government as the price I state applications decreased by one - tenth of one per cent. Ferris State observed in recent weeks that with the (Please turn to page 15) for obtaining the release of the prisoners. ■f Jan. 31 compared to last year, state legislature refusing to fund any more College attributes a 5 per cent increase in ltal of 10,561 applications received admission applications to its nationally students in its appropriations, an overall limit on enrollment now exists. Furthermore, it is believed that widespread ASMSII SENT PLAN enrollment limits ISH SEND TROOPS such as exist in education, nursing and cirminal justice may be applied to many other academic areas or even all MSU colleges and departments. Revised budget offered 'ish refuse Any such constrictions such as widespread enrollment limits for academic units in the University would end the By BECKIE HANES State News Staff Writer tight budget, chairman Harold Buckner $4,500 and student electronics from said Thursday. $2,000 to $1,600. traditional flexibility MSU students enjoy ASMSU's proposed budget, as returned "So far I have not heard any screams of The committee decided that student Irofesf on in changing majors during their freshman and sophomore years. The University's growing commitment to admit transfer from the budget committee, was sent to all board members Thursday with the biggest revision occurring in board special projects. rage or agony from any of the board members who have seen the budget," Buckner said. groups should be funded through board special projects. Student groups requesting money can come before the board to students at the junior - class level from The committee has recommended $7,701 Most of the money added to board request a specific amount and the board Northern Ireland, but as replacements, not community colleges may shrink the lower be allocated to this department instead of special projects was taken from various f AST, Northern Ireland (AP)- lordered a reinforcements. class sizes, some Administrators predict. $2,281 which was recommended by services in the cabinet. Great Issues can either vote to approve the request by- battalion of army funding through board special projects or Iments to Northern Ireland on The paratroopers have borne the brunt "We do not have quotas," Polley said comptroller Grant Grecu. appropriations dropped from $4,000 to deny the request. •y. Defiant civil rights leaders of civil rights accusations of brutality while regarding the number of women or After four meetings, the budget $3,000; Legal Aid from $9,000 to $8,300; »o call off breaking up marches staged in defiance of minority students admitted to MSU. thinks it has come up with a Office of Black Affairs from $6,000 to an illegal protest march Last year was the first year groups ■ Sunday near the border with emergency laws against processions. outside of the cabinet were allotted ■ Ireland. British Prime Minister Edward Heath money. This year, expenses including loop movements, which will bring appealed to Lynch, William Cardinal telephone and labor expenses; the board, length in the province to 15,000 Conway, Roman Catholic primate of all including board special projects and fe announced after another day of Ireland and John Cardinal Heenan, the tes and elections; and the cabinet were the only explosions in the streets of British primate, to intercede with civil categories included in the budget. Brthern Irish cities. rights leaders to have the Newry march Last year, the budget committee ■the border in the Irish called off. republic worked on the basis of trade-offs, Buckner Truster Jack Lynch pledged tough Lynch said in Dublin he hoped the said. "This year we worked more as a r crush insurgents "seeking to march would be allowed and that there unit." * the institutions of the state." would be no repetition of Londonderry. ■ccused outlaws of Heath contended the march could be »y night's destruction of Britain's leading The groups deleted were cut for definite used by terrorists as cover for another ■ •n Dublin and warned such men reasons, Buckner said. bloody confrontation with the army. "To be consistent with our philosophy, fdangering "our institutions of Northern Ireland's Security Committee, certain things had to go," he added. ^nd democracy." comprising provincial government, police Other than the disappearance of over 20 and army chiefs, warned the march is student groups including Off-Campus Pdon, the British foreign secretary, * Uouglas-Home, illegal. Council, this year's proposed budget has demanded full Community Relations Minister Basil another new look. Previously, funds were Ption from the ,rish govemment Mclver demanded: "Is it right that we added together under each allocation. This E. ye.d embassy and told Dublin should even contemplate gathering people year, the committee decided to have the ff"«nge its present attitude toward together under circumstances in which total appropriation broken down into the Otherwise, he declared, it emotion could well overcome reason with individual programs which each cabinet lanH id.° the mo8t serious the possibility that further bloodshed department intends to pursue during the pna lasting damage - to the might result from possible confrontation." year. ■hL i our two countries." Ill o' ync^ he had promised March organizers said they expect at No cabinet |'i compensation. least 15,000 people from both sides of the department may overspend particular program by more than $50, lnaTLP,art,y of the 550"m»n 2nd border to attend the demonstration, any determined in the bookkeeper's ledger, during "fantry new °ut of planned to take place in total silence. They as without board permission and no said any bloodshed would be the Friday The rost wl" ,eave responsibility of the army. department may spend funds for projects listed in the budget without board fcm,^adqUarter8 s«'d the Newry. nicknamed "El Paso" after the not permission. iarv S Wre dispatched "y measure" for as "a violence it has seen from its position on the As usual, total budget allocations are the civil rights frontier over the past 2Mi years, was hit by not to be exceeded without board ■tv of M Planned for the ^ugh a rampage of burning, stoning and looting |y of Newry on Sunday in 1969 when a civil rights march got out permission. Previously, the departments could id aS !1,?llSaid the demonstration of control. Teracv" J"to thoso who died Gun battles between British troops and Winlery visitor change their mind and spend more on one particular project or spend their total try similar m«rch in the Irish Republican Army, which is Beverly Twitchell, asst. editor of the MSU News Bulletin, found this friendly looking snowman waiting to see her allocation all at once, Buckner said The I were kill ?!nday- Thirteen men fighting to bring Protestant-dominated new procedure is intended to eliminate this |>ers. in clashes with British Northern Ireland under the rule of the in her office in Linton Hall Thursday. Maybe he has a chilling tale of life on campus that he wants her to print. practice. mainly Catholic republic, crackled through State News photo by Tom Dolan aratroopers are also the streets of Belfast for most of Thursday. (Please turn to page 15) being sent to 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Frid, M news Lansing police padlock summary From the wires of AP »nd UPI, Paradise Theater doors null and void because it denied due process of law. "It was the court's opinion that the revocation of our license was null and void," Howard said late Wednesday after posting The doors to Paradise flew open for a moment Wednesday, bond. "As far as we were concerned we still had a valid license. then slammed shut and were padlocked by the Lansing Police Howard complained that,instead of sending someone out to Dept. talk to him after he reopened the theater in the afternoon, the Part owner of the Lansing Paradise Theater, Steve Howard, city sent plainclothes policemen out with a warrant for his arrest was arrested again 6 p.m. Wednesday for operating a theater and the closing of the theater. He charged that the police harassed "The army claimed that shots without a license on a warrant issued by Lansing District Court customers in the building at the time by not letting them leave had been fired by snipers on the Judge Earl MacDonald. Howard opened the theater to show and demanding their names and addresses. X-rated films earlier in the afternoon. "It looks like another big fight," Howard said. "It roof of flats. The stark fact This was Howard's second arrest in running battle with the looksjike remains that all those people a well just have to take the case to court and fight them again." killed were on the ground." Lansing City Council over showing alledgedly pornographic films. Howard said he filed an assumed name certificate with the In court decision handed down Tuesday by Mason Circuit a county clerk to comply with a Michigan statute which got his last Prime Minister Jack Lynch Court Judge Sam Street Hughes, Howard's request for an case dismissed from court. The certificate is necessary if a injunction against the city of Lansing was dismissed because of a business is operated under a name other than the owner's. legal technicality. However, in doing so, the judge ruled that the "I don't have any intention of giving up,"he said. "We have city council's action to revoke Howard's license to operate was consulted other attorneys and made sure everything is legal so there will be no technicalities for the city to squeeze out on." Howard said there are several alternatives which he and his The State News is published by the students of attorneys are considering, including amending the previous Michigan State University every class day during Fall, request for an injunction or filing for a new one. He also said he Winter, and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays may reapply for a new license and seek a writ of mandamus if he and Fridays during Summer Term, and a special Welcome is refused. Week edition is published in September. Subscription rate Howard added he would seek an injunction against further is $16 per year. harassment by the city. In addition to his latest charge, Howard Wave of arrests spread Member Associated Press, United Press International, faces charges of showing obscene movies and also has a lawsuit Inland Daily Press Assn., Michigan Press Assn., Associated pending against city and county officials. A of arrests of Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press Assn. A pre law student at Lansing Community College, Howard said wave suspected subversives in Brazil Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. he reopened the theater on the advice of his attorney, Norman spread on Thursday in Rio DeJaneiro, and at least four Editorial and business offices at 345 Student Services Van Epps, of Owosso. Rio newspaper reporters were in custody. A source in Bldg., Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, "It depends on how you read the law," he said. "My attorney the military - run government said more than 200 48823. read it one way, the city attorney read it another way." Phones: Howard said previously the city council was "acting as a first Cold slum hie 1 persons had been rounded up since last weekend. Most of those in jail were students, including the son News/Editorial 355 8252 class censor board" In revoking his license on Jan. 17. - With bouquet in hand, this snow-girl behind of Brazil's ambassador to Paraguay. Lawyers said Classified Ads The coundl took the action after a warrant was issued by No. 2 Parking R»| authorities even arrested a 77 355 . 3255 Raymond L. Scodeller, Ingham County prosecuting attorney, for gives the photographer an icy profile. But rltfit approach on a nice spring day she just might withif - year - old woman, accusing her of giving money to a student suspected of Display Advertising 353 - 6400 confiscating Howard's films and charging him with showing obscene movies. little. State News photo by Milton nNttJ Business Office 355 . 3447 Hoi subversive activities. Three newsmen from Ultima Hora and one from O Photographic 355-8311 Campus Information 353 • 8700 Jornal were confined at political police headquarters in Rio. No specific reason for the arrests was known. PROTEST RUSSIAN SHOW Talks take step forward Jewish groups By KRISTIN KELCH He said he had not been informed by the State Negotiators for the two halves of State News Staff Writer what those procedures were. DepLifl Germany ended two days of talks on a T general traffic agreement Thursday in Students representing the Jewish activist factions of the MSU "There will be four uniformed policemen itI concert," Bleachler added. Bonn and decided on a month - long Struggle for Soviet Jewry, B'nai B*rith Hillel Foundation, Hatikvah and Jewish Defense League, will peacefully demonstrate pause before meeting again. Beachler said that the orchestra, which has been is State secretaries Michael Kohl of the Osipov Balalaika Orchestra performance tonight. The || country since December, has met with demonstrations ltd demonstrators will gather at 7:15 p.m. in front of the Auditorium East Germany and Egon BahrofWest U.S. engagements. to protest the Soviet treatment of the Jewish minority within the "So far," he continued, "there have not been any disnptJ Germany will hold their next meeting U.S.S.R. of any TTi F4st Berlin'un' March 9, allowing Kenneth Beachter, dtrettor performances." oMherLectyre-Cbncert Series, said • * 1 KoJal tp take a vacation. . .. Thursday that University security proc^d^r^s at the concert yili The protest \vffl be HlnJcUki at the U.S'S.R. racier t)nifl *-.* be standard. Beachler also explained that becauie the Bahr told .newsmen the ialk& had. a cultural exchange sponsored by the State Dept., the University performance, the Jewish groups claim. P taken a step forward but added that Herbert T. Konstam, Detroit junior, and spokesman for■ is required to maintain some federal security procedures. the end of the bickering is nowhere in Struggle for Soviet Jewry said, "we are not \ sight. He stressed that the agreement appearance of the Osipov, or its right to free speech. F , will not constitute West German are protesting the denial of these same rights to the Jmifl recognition of East Germany. SPAGHETTI IS AN ART Russia-the Jews of silence." Konstam said that the demonstration will include pit Senate rejects aid cut ON LEO DAVINCI NIGHT outside the Auditorium, distributing leaflets to the an they arrive and during intermission, and distributing lei the orchestra prior to their performance. ENDLESS Spaghetti, Garlic Toast Beachler said that the series has agreed to the demo# The Senate Thursday in Washington rejected a move procedures outlined by Konstam. and Fresh Salad (Vegetarian Sauce Available) to cut off, later this month, medical and wlefare aid to Cuban refugees who have been in the United States at In other developments concerning the demonstration,* EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT students and faculty members of the Music Dept. pi least three years. petition opposing the protest to the State News on T11 The vote was 74 - 8 in favor of an amendment by 5-9 p.m. Those who signed the petition believe that there is nothio| Sens. Lawton Chiles. D - Fla., and Edward J. Gurney, R gained by such actions against artists and musicians. Fla., delete the ALL YOU CAN EAT "It is through music and art," the petition stated, "WB to provision in the foreign aid - appropriations bill that would cut the Cuban refugee aid possibility of greater human understanding and commuw^ program off on Feb. 22. 4 Abbott LIZARD'S sssss Press relations restricted' A news study committee in "President Nixon has come close to Washington says killing off the presidential press conference as a public institution Shiver-me- Sft.0THE.G/ during his term of office." The report, prepared Committee of the Associated Press by the Washington News Managing Editors timbers! ft so .■J Association, noted Nixon held nine news conferences Your crew will agree - last year while recent presidents had averaged 24 - 36 yearly and added. there are no cozier quarters "It is obvious that the President's relations with the in town than The Starboard press are more restricted and controlled in his behalf than those of any other modern Tack day president." for lunch, dinner or * ★★★*★★★★★★★★★***[ ABA faces relaxing in our lounge. }THE VARSITY WEEKEND SPECIAL! challenge Join the Captain this Sunday The American Bar Ja medium 12" Varsity Pizza with 2 items ofl secret Association's endorsement of government wiretapping faces a roll - back night before or after the I your choice and 2 large cokes for $2.50 or 'fl |King 16" Varsity Pizza with 2 items of Y° attempt at the lawyers' meeting in New Orleans. concert. The move is planned (choice and 4 large cokes for $4.25 by the Philadelphia bar, which I Valid with coupon Friday Feb. 4th andSat.ft favors a ban on electronic surveillance except that 15th considered vital by the President for the nation's mmmmmm* security. SALAD BAR All use of wiretapping to combat organized crime Try our subs (3 to choose from) Varsity Dogs, Homemade Spaghetti ('nS, I Footl<|?J would be prohibited. STEAKS I he Philadelphia LOBSTER SPIRITS only), Pinball, Foosball, ample parking 1 lawyers will make their proposal to inside dining. the ABA's policy - setting House of Delegates, which open Friday and Saturday till 3 A.M. convenes Monday. FINE FREE, FAST, HOT DELIVER Y f Com' VARSITY 1971 profitable for GM General Motors Corp. reported Thursday in Detroit Serving Sun.-Thurs. that ll)71 was its second most profitable 11 a.m.- 10 1227 E. Grand River year in history, p.m. with earnings totaling $1.93 billion on record sales of $28.3 billion. GM's record profit year was 1965, when Fri.& Sat. til 11:30 p.m 332-6517 earnings Delivery Begins at 6:30 P.M. , were $2.12 billion on sales of $20.7 billion. *************** n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 4. 1972 works to affect education legislation W feARA PARNESS interests1 ar^usuaHv'^ransmithpH !n )V"8hi"8t°n- 1 recognize that reports and copies of President don't want to overdo it," he responses to the University. coming to MSU two through them onTthe ttreorv that '"v, years ago. Staff Writer de*ns ™d department Wharton's speeches. said. He said he would like to "I think it would be helpful in unfon there s see tnere Is strwwtli^ is strength. The /"T" Wh° specific The interest T 8program Wharton hundreds of in a „v You do this with some Perrin said he feels make personal in some instances for this to associations can have Michigan's s register each year • . a - ft more will b^ much ... u v. ii in u i c discrimination. Again, uiiM.1 iiiiuiduuii. Mgain, knowing appearances before congressional happen. He ha? a great r—>— Knowing congressmen provide provide "fine line committees commit studying education - ideas in terms of higher Igross as official is not one Coneress Congress th than If h^"^ f°" said. if each institution knowledgeable about them," he thfl vnlllmo n f into a t kin r*r* the volume of things that flow tknf flmn illicit cooperation" with MSU. He saidHiC'T T Lin nnibying. Usually our Their problems tend to follow the impact of an institution J channeled through the same pattern," he said. We try to coordinate. To ■associations of which my fcember," Perrin said. ,rnn', who came to MSU knowledge, we're successful," he WASHINGTON (AP) — The shortly after President Wharton said. raise the ceiling on the national presided over the committee ■ niversity does. took office in House unwilling to accept the January 1970, Though satisfied with the Ways and Means debt from the present $430 sessions on the debt ceiling, said administration's projections for send telegrams to get the Congressional Record Committee voted Thursday to „r (h, Michigan | „,sh , had more Ume worked for 10 years as an aide present level of contact with billion to $450 billion, but only afterward administration a whole year, both of revenues ,0 lh„ „le ^ p>ttic][ y give the deficit-plagued Nixon until June 30. predictions were unconvincing, delegation when read it," he explained. administration less than half the and expenditures," Ullman said, McNamara, D - Mich. As vice ^ and staff constraints" prevent President Nixon had asked especially since the size of the He said the whole |of particular interest The two major organizations president or Univereity relations any increase in this contact. extra borrowing power it asked for f raise to $480 billion with impending deficits had not been procedure needs revising, with budgeting |up for consideration, that do most of MSU's lobbying he is responsible for MSU's He said the and to recall its spokesmen by no time limit. forecast. more provision for participation are the National Assn. of State federal relations, University tries to earlu summer for another grilling Secretary of the Treasury "The balance the effect of committee was by Congress. xiation's alert us Universities and Land Grant sending on the eoncomy. John B. Connally had testified ,ecial importa Cone^'lnd^thrAmeriZ trying^ Council on Education. University VpreLm "genera! policies and concerns congressional6 ofVice^wi^ The Democratic-controlled committee approved for House the $4®° binio'1 f|gure would take care of government mailings of selected University consideration next week a bill to borrowing needs until February 1973, although the budget for LEADER BLAMES 'MINORITY' the year ending next June 30 is estimated to be $38.8 billion in the red and the proposed budget for the following year short by ■ fficial blasts embassy attack $25.5 billion. He said unless granted promptly, the debt some would bump the present ceiling relief was . . i a / a p\ ... . . . . about March 1. . .... ■N, Ireland ( .. ) Wednesday night as the action statement seemed to place the "Those who try to usurp the Lynch said many northern But Democratic members of jnister JacK lursday that outlaws under the cloak of of a small minortiy of men who, blame on the Irish Republican functions of the state will not be Protestants now are thinking in the committee soon made it patriotism, Army, officially outlawed in tolerated." terms of a union of Northern evident they had no intention of Jeking to overthrow seek to overthorw the southern Ireland'as well x is in the The prime minister also Ireland and the republic. Q Bstitutions — led the institutions of the state." north. letting the administration and its assailed the British army's role in pat burned down The crowd was estimated by Lynch spoke of "dangerous the Londonderry killings and economic policies off the Bibassy in Dublin. He police at 30,000, but Lynch men who are dangerous above all said he "The unity we seek will be financial hook until after the I tough measures to hoped a repeat march in one determined to find room for November presidential election, sought to make clear that he did to our institutions of freedom lie authority of his Newry this weekend by civil their talents and If Columbus had traveled a little not view the attack as the result and democracy. sensibilities," They reminded farther, of spontaneous outrage by all of rights demonstrators would go he added. "We too will have to administration spokesmen of he would have discovered the "Groups proclaiming ahead "and will not provoke p face unexpected ade his accusations them over the killing of 13 up to some changes in our 1963. In that year Republicans at the Olde Wot Id Bread and Ale. 21 1 themselves to be members of reaction like ■n£ a two • day Roman Catholic civilians in Derry-shooting present stance and policies, in Congress with their M.A.C. Avenue in East debate on Northern illegal organizations have gone down of innocent people by conservative Southern Lansing. like Londonderry on Sunday. The about intimidating ,people and paratroopers." their special cheeses at prices even he the Dail, the Irish attack followed a Northern Protestants have Democratic allies kept the peaceful rally seeking to give the impression Lynch criticized the British always could afford. Expect the and march to honor the opposed the Catholic administration of the late unexpected at that these organizations are now army version of what happened >#ovm fclwI,v the Olde World. You'll find Olde Jibed the assault that Londonderry dead, he to have a hand here," Lynch in ChuYch'T"constItuTional Londonderry after paratroops privileges in the Democratic President John F. World flavor in the food and in embassy The said. republic and the Kennedy on such a short fiscal . moved against demonstrators ban leash that it had to apply three the atmosphere! on divorc and the army's claim that 200 times for extra borrowing rifle rounds were fired at the contraception, power. soldiers before they opened fire. While Congress routinely iers accuses "As far as I know, not one of these troops was injured by Nuts fo CalorieS. trims administration requests for borrowing power, no request IMW bullets or nail bombs," Lynch ... , during the intervening years had said. 'VThe army c)aii»ed that COUnf Oil nb^f^fcated'so roug jeopardizing *' shots had been fired by snipers '•V-.. one. ' ■ on the roof of flats. The stark JfEW YORK (uP Ij— in the final exefcuriv£»teio ... fact remains that all those Calorically speaking, watnuts^r€>-mwtrtJtrs said, advoeate$*'W any *'*•* people killed were on the not among the lowest or the ceiling higher than $450 billion BI^EIAD ALE rGTON (AP) - Secretary of State sides could agree on what the U.S. position might Rogers accused Edmund S. Muskie be. ground." highest of fuel foods. Depending gave up what had become a if He cliamed the on the size of the kernels, eight hopeless fight, damaging prospects for a Vietnam Irish Foreign Minister Patrick J. Hillery met monstration Rejecting the Nixon settlement offer ith Rog^rs Tbursday morning and told UC11IUI1BUSI,UU a)though hough had 5een was „ao legal lc OI to 15 lo AO halves contain 98 calories, Rep. A1 Ullman, D-Ore., who knemy turned it down, newsmen L'wsmen later he urged the United States to „ . ■ it ha(j Northern lMllirwl,e been banned by reports the Diamond Walnut ftd Muskie's stand "harmful to the Ireland's government. Kitchen. suggest to Britain that it seek a political solution prest" to the troubles. Muskie, Maine senator and On Vietnam, Rogers said a a that enemy envoys Uti& week we one , said it is apparent the other side will had shown some interest in Nixon's eight-point plan, which might lead to successful negotiations. DownTown ^eatautty the Nixon administration terns and he He said that Muskie's rejection, made in a thete tpeciallxf pnicecL I for the Democratic presidential lould respond seriously to ones he has Wednesday speech would encourage the Vietnam '104 S WASHINGTON SQUARE Ph 482 8415 Communists to believe the U.S. public is divided tould mean the killing of American over Nixon's offer and therefore dissuade them OUR BIG etnam can come to an end sooner," from serious negotiations on it. 6 Month Anniversary Special I in a statement. "I do not think it is SPECIAL LABEL SALE! national interest to try to promote Muskie has said that the United States should FREE 20' BEVERAGE HAS BEEN RESTOCKED! set a date for total military withdrawal from today — 2-11 with this ad and a LOTS OF JAMS AT SUPER tnade his remarks at an unscheduled Indochina, with release of U.S. prisoners and 1. "Nilsson Scmilsson" where he also said that any safety of U.S. forces the only condition. The Pastrami Special LOW PRICES!!! I intervention in the conflict in Nixon offer calls also for a cease - fire. Grilled Pastrami, Swiss Cheese, Harry Nilsson $3.5 ■eland would be Onion and Tomato Slices on Toasted inappropriate and Responding to Muskie's portrayal of Nixon Rye J Iductive. offer as an attempt "to win at the conference OPEN 7 - 9 MON. - SAT. 2. "The Great Blues Men" Bed States is willing to play a role if it table what we have not won and cannot win Various Artists - 2 L.P.'s on SUNDAY 7 7 $4.4 ling the conflict, Rogers said, if both the battlefield," Rogers said. 3. Paul Simon (without Garfunkel) $3j KIRTS/ Ronald McBonald 4. "Incredibly Live" Country Joe $3. 5. "Peter ..." You're a Peter Yarrow 6. "Greatest Folk Singers of the 60's" Various Artists 2 L.P.'s $4 Lengths DOLL! - 7. "Jamming with Edward' Rolling Stones & Ry Cooder AND WHAT A DOLL. Soft, 8. "Muswell Hillbillies" £ Kinks VALUES TO $20. squeezable, cuddly, cute, securing, bright and love- ★★★ able. m - ONE PRICE! Just the thing to leave a friend while you We carry pre - corded stereo 8 tracks, cassettes, open reel tapes too! Most at $5.77 are living your legend. ★★★ We have nice stereo stuff . . . and Weservicewhatwesell! Z>1S(? SWOP HOURS: DAILY 9 9. SAT. 9 - 6 M IC H IG AN IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST STATE NEW! Mr. Nixon's hidden persuaders UNIVERSITY about it. Or suppose the Fbod and Drug There is enough secrecy and politics in KEN LYNAM By RALPH NADER government without resorting to this Administration wants to issue final which permit those afZV advertising manager extraordinary pre - clearance by the White regulations regarding drug safety. The FDA regulations to have their i„2 y EDITOR'S NOTE: The State News will run House over these health and safety must send this final regulation over to OMB where special interests, hidden from docket administrative or, occasional?^! DAVE PERSON, managing editor Ralph Nader's column for the next three agencies. There are also serious legal hearings. When111 BILL HOLSTEIN, campus editor weeks on an experimental basis. The State questions as to whether the Office of the public administrative process which the FDA has to adhere to by law, can persuade passes a health and a safety particular department J, CHARLIE CAIN, city editor News welcomes any reaction to Nader's Management and Budget has the authority administer and enforce or .1 BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor column from its readers. to impose such an iron grip. As if realizing a White House aide to weaken it. Again, if that i ^ RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor the legal brinkmanship of his order, Mr. the Dept. of I^abor is considering the not authorize the intervene ihuTH WASHINGTON — With election year upon Shultz specifically excluded the setting of job safety standards for a toxic decision and appropriate tit? seven-time us, the Nixon Administration has quietly independent regulatory agencies, such as chemical or gas, the OMB - White House - making, detailed basis and outside especiallv ^ recipient of the Pacemaker award moved to centralize in the White House the the FMeral Trade Commission, from such group can engineer a delay or tell the for outstanding journalism. administrative due process. making of safety and environmental policy a requirement. But such important Department to drop the idea. Of course, the censored or overruled In the past, OMB's be Executive branch agencies. In a secret consumer and environmental agencies as pre I (Jan. Editor: In Friday's 28) of the State However, you may remember that at the end of the previous meeting I stated that I didn't nice to rise above the petty foolishness, cheap politics, and entire stock of Ski 1 the article by Crispin Y. wish to vote on this issue until personal vendettas which have long been hallmark of the Clothing and Equipment I on page 14 indicated there was a substantially greater a itep. Vaughn ASMSU Board. I thought that presented Ms. turnout of board members 1 with I'd appeal to a higher principle, a special tribute (check the minutes if you don't I by the State of Michigan remember, or if you missed that i.e., that more than the bare |tla Davis. I am interested meeting too). minimum of board members should ■ answers to two questions, prst is whether or not this I still hold fast to this point, OPEN TONIGHT TIL 10:00. If the article was accurate, and that is exactly why I called bcond question, assuming for the quorum call. If you can fcuracy of the report, is by Authority did Rep. Vaughn r the State of manage to look past your own very self ■ centered stands on 50% OFF ON ALL SKI CLOTHING Michigan? this issue. I will have to explain MEN'S, LADIES'AND CHILDREN. to you what would have Glenn L. Johnson Professor of happened had I not asked for the quorum call. agricultural economics Since the issue in Jan. 28, 1972 question REG. SALE COLD WEATHER SPECIAL Head Warm-up Pants 37.00 18.50 Denietre Ski Sweaters 27.50 13.75 Tsmpco Down Filled Coats 59.50 29.75 Roffe Ski Parka 45.00 22.50 Head Ski Parka 70.00 35.00 a LARGE bowl of piping hot CHILI AAANY-MANY-AAANY MORE beginning FViday at 5 p.m. 4 AbboU through Sunday midnight I.IZMtP'S 351-2 ITEMS. SAVE AT HEIGHT OF fJl "JUULAHH SEASON. HURHMRJUUUUUULRp Old-time fun with a SAVE 40% ON ENTIRE new twist STOCK OF SKI EQUIPMENT Pioneers enjoyed good food and REG. SALE drink with their frineds. So will you at The Stables. Head Skis GK03 S100.00 60.00 Head Skis 360 155.00 93.00 NO COVER Head Skis Kastle Skis 240 CPM 17 115.00 185.00 69.00 111.00 Kastle Skis LA FEMME 150.00 LOW PRICES ON BEER Lange Dynamic Ski VR17 185.00 90.00 111.00 Lange Boots Comp 180.00 108.00 REG. SALE TERRIFIC MIXED DRINKS Lange Boots Henke Boots PRO ELITE 150.00 70.00 90.00 42.00 Scott Poles Stars & Stripes $35.00 Henke Boots PRINCESS 76.00 45.00 $21.00 NEW MENU AT Marker Bindings 45.00 27.00 Scott Basic Aluminum Look Nevada Bindings 55.00 33.00 Poles 14.95 9.00 PIONEER PRICES Cubco Bindings Marker Elastimat Bindings 22.00 67.50 13.00 33.75 Bauer Ice Skates Scott Poles Tri-color 30.00 18.00 Men's Figure Only 25.00 12.50 MUSIC BY: MAGIC-Fri. & Sat. only at. THE STABLES WILEY'S -Sun. 2843 E. Grand River nfKinrHTrwo 5 jnowsmeistw 213 E. Grand River E. Lansing, Mich. Ph. 332 3531 5kop OPEN MON. SAT. 9:30 Till 5:30 WED. and THUR. 9:30 - Today Fri. 9:30 to 10:00 9:00 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 4, HALSTEAO PLANS ACTION 8-yeor-o|J 1 con Tenants to withhold rent obfa/n| By LINDA WERFELMAN made me disgusted and sick to find a situation like this in gun permjl State News Staff Writer Haslett," he continued. "But by holding to a tough line on this Atty. Gen. prank j Residents of Haslett Arms Apartments voted Wednesday night you can put me out of business; you can carry this so far that it will cease to be beneficial." Thursday ruled that Mil! to withhold 35 per cent of their February rent in response to year - olds anTl - Margie Doyle, resident manager of Ifeslett Arms, said that she may what they considered the bad faith of the apartment management. had not received complaints from many of the tenants who attended the meeting. Most repairs should be completed this licenses to buy concealed weapons pistols an^J1 Apartment manager Lee Halstead refused to discuss a specific reaction to the nonpayment of rent, saying only "I know what week, whe added. She cited portions of a letter sent by the resident managers to th"TVer'yearKe"ey the 18 - - olds added!B n I'm going to do." handguns from a person J About 120 of the apartment's residents signed a pact tenants, which said, "We don't think that the committee is indicating that they would withhold rent after a three - day - long representing you. Sixty - two people have made the decision to than a federally . since such dealers are licensed siiii j failure of the building's heating system, which began Jan. 14. withhold rent for all of you." Stephen Kirouac, Grosse Pointe senior and member of the William Wuestenfeld, Akron, Ohio, junior and resident of the by the federal statute the sale of pistols foi committee representing the students who have refused to |>ay the to « building, said that the letter, which said apartment leases included under 21. p full amount of rent, said Halstead had indicated that he w6uld a clause allowing management to confiscate a tenant's personal Kelley said in a consider taking committee leaders to court or issuing eviction Col. John R. Plants notices to tenants who withhold rent. property if the tenant failed to pay rent, was a "last ditch threat." the Michigan State 13 Residents who met Wednesday to discuss complaints against Police 1 persons between 18 Halstead management rejected Halstead's offer of a $35 reduction Charles Massoglia, director of ASMSU legal aid, predicted that a of February rent for each apartment unit, with rent to be paid when repairs were completeed. the decision to withhold rent would influence other tenants encountered problems with apartment managers. who Holding would not be buying prevented! handguns f| Lee Halstead, manager of the Haslett Arms Apartments looks residents of the apartments authorized, non-licensed "What's been done in our apartment shows what conditions "This is the infancy of tenants asserting their rights in East on as "Federal l„w se_ we've been living in," one resident said. "We can't live on Lansing," Massoglia said. "It simply shows landlords that tenants take a vote that resulted in a decision to withhold 35 per cent of the February rent. "We can't does! prohibit the private sale 1 promises." want to be considered as a group." live on promises," said one resident. State News photo by Don Gerstner Other tenants cited inconveniences involved with slowness of handgun by one not license J dealer as long as the repairs and charged that they "had not been dealt with in good the weapon does not trans] faith." cross! RAs defend their roles lines," Kelley said. Halstead agreed that "you have every reason to be worried "I would su about the future due to your experience in the past. whenever a pist "I sincerely felt that we were giving you the maintenance, so it license is granted to ahy ™ under the age of EDGEWOOD UNITED By ANITA PYZIK centers mainly around RA viewed themselves as policemen him," said Mark McAlpine, Shaw Jack Casey, an Abbot Hall should be made, 21,anoU_ UNIVERSITY CHURCH State News Staff Writer duties, which in past years and said they had refused to Hall RA, "you have to have marked on the license stamp! SEVENTH-DAY r a, said an rA is better than an to| 469 N. Hagadorn _ . . . . . . included "policing" the halls to take action against students for someone around who can handle effect that it is unlawful T ADVENTIST CHURCH An Ecumenical Fellowship defended their role I?fe"u_ In the enforce strict drinking and using drugs or cohabitation personality problems." impersonal information center U.S. Public law fot any fe wi" 1x1 the Suest ;sPe®'[L First Church of 4608 South Hagadorn may use. the United States and Canada, H a-m- servia' Sundm the Brethren John D. Walden - Pastor The fisheries men will also define those areas of the Great will speak at 8 tonight at John *he East Lansing Trinity Chi* Lakes where permit-holders may fish on a commercial basis. A. Hannah Middle School, 819 841 Timberlane St. ■ For Information The department said it is offering only a limited number of Abbott Road, on the subject, Taylor, a native of PanB or Transportation 351 4144 permits in order to protect Great Lakes fish stocks from being "Adventure into Inner Space." w^o spent his early years! Bus Schedule 332-8472 overharvested. The permits will be free and will be up for renewal The lecture, which is free and member of the Christian Discussion Group 11:00 A.M. School of Discipleship 6:45 after a year. open to the public, will be °f Panama, once the CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH por more information church among Panamas and transportation Worship Sunday School populace, will relate! AND STUDENT CENTER ph. 351-3389 or 11:00 am experiences in the Costa f 484-7S89 10:00 am PEOPLES CHURCH 50% off e verything in missions. i 1509 River Terrace (across from Hubbard Hall) 11 AM I Dr- George Taylor, guest speaker EAST LANSING the store Friday During a study furlough! the Latin American Misl Visit our new Student Center •— EAST LANSING TRfNITY & Saturday with Taylor received his docof open daily 9 a.m. -11 p.m. CHURCH 200 W. Grand River and masters in couns^ Lunch Wednesday 12:30 -1:30 Stanley R. Reilly, ^1 841 Timberlane Drive East Lansing at Michigan 332-5073 f| this ad (except at MSU, and presently ti guidance and counseling atl MORNING SERVICE EVENING SERVICE Acting Pastor Frye boots) University of Costa Rica. I 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. li I Telephone: 351-8200 SUNDAY SERVICES All college age students! Rev. Brink University Classes Interdenominational 9:45 a.m 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. ^Otherwise,20% off invited to meet for skating and discussion at 5 ■ pizza,P preaching both services Serman The Gospel Troubadours 6:00pm 'everything. Sunday with the College StuJ group of the Unitaj 211 Abbott Rd. for transportation call 351-6360 or 882-1425 Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer 7:00 p.m. Youth Sunday Universalist Church, 855 G« Next to State Theatre ph. 351-0825 the St. Information can be obtaij youth of the church along at the Church office. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF OKEMOS 4684 MARSH ROAD LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRIES with Boy Scout, Troop 2 will participate (near Meijers Thrifty Acres) CHURCH SCHOOL An unaffiliated church proclaiming the for Students and Faculty at for Students at 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. I'd like to buy the world a Coke. Bible as THE WORD of The Living God. University Luthetan Church Martin Luther Chapel Crib through Adults On a hill lop in Italy we assembled Division & Ann Streets 444 Abbott Road young people from all over the world lo bring you this message from the Sunday Services 332-2559 332-0778 Coffee Hour Coca-Cola Bottlers all over the world 9:45 A.M. Bible School Classes for all ages After Services •ll s the real thing Coke Pastor David Kruse 11:00 A.M. Worship Service 6:00 P.M. Junior & Senior High Fellowships 7:00 P.M. Praise Service FIRST CHURCH OF 8:30 P.M. Counibus (a college university, business WORSHIP HOURS 8:15 a.m. Matins CHRIST, SCIENTIST youth rap & snak session) 9:30 Communion 9.15 a.m. Common Service a.m. 10:30 a.m. Common Service Grand River Winthrop E. Robinson, Rev. Phones 349-2830, 349-2533 at Collingwood Entrance East Lansing Sunday Services 10:30 a.m. SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH Lesson ■ Sermon Subject 1518 S. Washington Sunday 7 p.m. Lansi "SPIRIT" "Woman and the Beast" Wednesday Testimonial Meeting What startling future event is portrayed in this figure? 8:00 p.m. 9:45 A.M. Sunday School to age 20 Book of Revelation 10:30a.m. College Bible Class Fellowship in the fireside room. Reading Room Temporarily 8:30 p.m. Dr. Ted Ward, Located in Church refreshments MSU, Teacher OPEN Weekdays 9 - 5 p.m. Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., James Emery, Minister of Youth eves 7- 9 p.m. 8:30 and 11a.m. AH are welcome to "God Gets to us" attend church services and visit FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening and use the reading Call 482-0754 for information. Cola Bottling Cor n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 4, 1972 7 AS GUESTS-IN-RESIDENCE ■ . is ElfiBl Kelleys wined, dined by coeds By C ATH i T ROST City senior; Kris Stopa, about politics, residence hall life but I can't imagine living here Kelley, said he does not Dearborn junior, and Ms. and the local bars. for three months." foresee the legalization of Michigan Atty. Gen. Frank J. 1 4 — W^L Kelley and his wife Josephine, guests • in • residence at McDonel Hall this week, wined Covington, ®?"Vnd Plymouth junior represented McDonel Hall at the kept Kelley and h's "It's a good program. It's great," Kelley said in reference to the guest - in - residence plan, He added that the residence hall food was good by comparison to other college marijuana in the near future. He also said he has found MSU students more apathetic wife busy and dined with four McDonel answering questions "We've been here for three days, dormitories he has visited. towards political issues than he Hall coeds expected and cited as an Wednesday at Northwind Stables. "We really felt stifled in the dorm," said Nancy Covington, Peace Corps, example the small turnout Tuesday for U.S. Rep. John Conyers who spoke as part of resident assistant in McDonel, the University College "so we decided Symposium on Human Justice. deadline to show Mr. W Kelley what the places around here are really like, you the beer joints." know, for Ms. Kelley said she campaigns for her husband only in special circumstances. The Kelleys have Order, jtU'ttsv It was cheese gourmet night in the McDonel cafeteria. "I hate Students planning to enter action training programs in the Recent job availability polls readjustment stipend upon three children, two of whom graduated from MSU. show little improvement in the completion of service. After consuming a mushroom cheese," grumbled the attorney Peace Corps or Vista following Ladded benefit of being McDonel Hall's "Guest in Residence" this week, Atty. Gen. Frank general, and the group bundled June graduation, must have their job market. Lawyers, architects, The Peace Corps program is a city planners and teachers can two year commitment to an cheeseburger the attorney L and his wife were treated to dinner Thursday at the Northwind Stables by four coed up for the long hike over to the applications in processing by the general returned to McDonel Stables. gain valuable experience in their underdeveloped nation, with a Hall for scheduled discussions ^,5. The reason: the students wanted Kelley to see one of the student oriented "beer Patti Simmons, Davison March 15 deadline. respective fields while three month language and with the residents of several jn the East Lansing area. Slaje Nevvs photQ by vv/illiam Thursby Recent developments junior; Susan Munson, Traverse contributing to a major input to cultural training program. floors. concerning early 1972 draft calls the rehabilitation and Travel, training and living make it possible for any male development of those in need. allowance are paid with 48 days regardless of lottery number to Vista programs are a one year vacation allowance and a ransit agency to apply for Peace Corps service. commitment to an agency in one readjustment stipend of $1,800. modify Prior to this date, the Peace of the 50 states and American Those interested in applying Corps could only select from territories. Travel, training and those with lottery numbers over or for more information call living allowance are paid, plus a 800-424-8580 toll free. 125. Any male rejected for service on the basis of a low lottery number should routes, reduce staff now us reapply. Those starting following graduation will be training covered under the next fiscal year budget and will not be subsidy payment from $9,337 to |karenzurawski about $6,000 could lower the being able to go along with the The board postponed until affected by recent budget cuts. lie News Staff Writer modifications. June consideration of East Applications are up 40 per total monthly operating deficit |L to find a way for the by nearly $6,000. "It could be a solvent bus Lansing's proposal to dissolve by the end of this the CATA and form a city cent over Past ye»rs but ■ Area Transit Authority The lowered subsidies may company volunteers are still needed in |)to finish the 1972 fiscal city's fiscal year," he said. department in order to have hi8h demand areas like nursing, insure support of the CATA by In further reductions, the time to see T the black, the CATA what effect the engineering, math-science and its six governmental members I decided Thursday to who had been reluctant or garage staff was cut from eight changes would have. 'aw- I to three men and operating the existing bus routes Ifdules and to reduce the unable to meet their required subsidies. buses from 13 to 10. "If we didn't do something, ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ I board also agreed to ask Les Hopkins, project we'd lose the entire thing," Joe y^- This Sunday how about a deal 1 to share the cost of manager for the Dept. of Kiersey. CATA chairman, said. VARSITY KING PIZZA | ng and maintaining the saw Transportation grant to Lansing, "It's not a total job, but a fajr' le until the end of the Lansing City Council as job." |der the new schedule, tiled i take effect Feb. it airport and the East routes will and three others be Wharton asked i on a 'r Varsity off" - King 16" ]iI if" e Meridian Mall route panel women's on (1 item or more) PIZZA. Good with this coupon on J! As a result of the meetings held by the women's groups at ' » d to go on Hamilton MSU, President Wharton has been asked to appoint a steering Sunday February 6, from 6 P.M. on [to Okemos, out on Marsh committee to do preliminary wo(k on the status of women at I jh Meridian Mall. |The west end of the MSU. Try our subs (3 to choose from), Footlong ^ ill route was extended 01 ga Dominguez, administrative assistant for the Equal Varsity Dogs, Homemade Spaghetti ( inside yL lie mall to the K • Mart Opportunities Programs office explained that the committee will for a three-month period and will hold open meetings only) Pinball, Foosball, Ample Parking and 3 serve Inside dining. [ md to Park West during this time. ^ ^ Jbe Miller Road Route was "The steering committee will determine the type of FREE, FAST, HOT DELIVERY f Hearye I to run from Washington organization most resoonslve to women's special interests, define Issues facing the women at MSU and develop a proposal for ledown Miller Road and VARSITY they future action," Ms. Dominguez explained. lick to Logan Street, lent the overall loss, routes (nduced to 40 ■ minute lb, with the exception of She added that the committee will also assume a women's advocate role by digging up and studying problems women face on this campus. * We "After Wharton has selected the steering committee, a mass fwidian Mall route which ^ 1227 E. Grand River T°f riders. • it has an minute intervals adequate meeting will be called for the purpose of all interested women to communicate their Dominguez said. concerns to the committee members," Ms. Any person or organization interested in being considered for J 332-6517 ,, fast ... so jf ■reduce modifications, which the steering committee, may submit names and qualifications to W Delivery starts at 5 p.m. Lansing's monthly Ms. Dominguez, 312 Administration Bldg. before Feb. 15. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ better h Welcome Soviet Artists. Please- it for the I On Message For Your Government Icbruary 4, 1972 many of you will attend the performance non-Jews who protest and fight cultural, intellectual and religious ffthe Osipov Balalaika Orchestra. The Orchestra is sponsored and -fi Imported by the Soviet Government. That lDwnduct a concerted government continues campaign of cultural suppression against repression. The Soviet Government denies the vast majority of its citizens the right to emigrate to escape persecution and discrimination. separates FJewish citizens. Those relative few who are granted such rights are subjected to a I The Soviet Government denies its Jewish citizens the campaign of confiscation and harassment before being allowed to right to pay for the rabbinate. leave. 1 The Soviet Government denies its Jewish citizens access to 40%O The apparent goal of the Soviet Government is to eradicate the psh religious, and cultural literature. Soviet Jews as a cultural, historical and ethnic entity. 1 'he Soviet Govcrnmentsendsits secret police agents into Jewish pscs of worship to intimidate and harass those who attend. We have no basis for claiming that the individual artists of the up to off Osipov troupe support or even favor the policy of their ItJ S0V'Ct Governn,ent denies its Jewish citizens the right to government. We support the concept of the university as an open Misses' and juniors' co-ordinated sportswear V "ic N.cllrcw language and I 'He Ti Jewish history. forum for all ideas and all artistic modes of expression and we do by several leading makers. Put together one or Soviet Government not deny the right of Soviet artists to come and be heard as artists. severely discriminates against its Jewish more exciting fashion looks in knits and We cannot remain silent however, when the government that |J|/ensthe daily life, universities, the civil service, the sciences, the arts sponsors these artists denies freedom of religion, culture and woven fabrics, solids and patterns. A super 'r requiring them to disassociate themselves from assortment, at super savings. ,ler'tagc in exchange for the full rights and benefits of Soviet intellectual expression to its own scholars, scientists, and citizens. We ask you to think about these things as you watch the pnslup Lt Sovict Government imprisons and commits those Jews and Osipov troupe perform. r™ERTGARFINKEL K!)N zacman fjdb. meltz Professor Asst. Prof. POLITICAL SCIENCE CRIMINAL JUSTICE POLITICAL SCIENCE 24. ALEX DIMITRIJEVIC 25. PHIL JOHNSON 26. ROY T. MATTHEWS Asst. Instructor EDUCATION Adviser Assoc. Prof. SOCIOLOGY HUMANITIES jrs! jeans Asst. Prof. Ecschles|nger Professor POLITICAL SCIENCE 27. BENJAMIN )?, ' isnoebel HUMANITIES W. WOLISINSON Instructor LABOR IND. RELAT. 3.99 ( Assoc. Prof. enxg hegarty Instructor CRIMINAL JUSTICE 28. DONALD WEINSHANIS Asst. Prof NATURAL SCIENCE EILUaT a- gibs0n Instructor CRIMINAL JUSTICE 29. ANTHONY LINICK Assoc. Prof. HUMANITIES iOBERTrAGOLDBERG Professor CRIMINAL JUSTICE 30. DONALD GOCHBERG Assoc. Prof. HUMANITIES Many variations of a leisure favorite, the jean. ■«rrvi£ctr0jaini0w,c2 Assoc. Prof. CRIMINAL JUSTICE POLITICAL SCIENCE 31. DAVID KLEIN 32. DAVID KATZ Professor Instructor SOCIAL SCIENCE SOCIAL SCIENCE Waist and hip -slung, wide legs, flares, assorted Asst. Prof. Asst. Prof. POLITICAL SCIENCE 33 JOHN LOPIS Instructor TEACHER EDUC fabrics and colorful solids. Long and short |;^ueknal°shmesquita a"' p"" POLITICAL SCIENCE 34. CLIFFORD P. BORBAS Instructor TEACHER EDUC sleeve cotton knit tops with novelty SOCIOLOGY 35 ANNA MARIE JOOSSE Teaching Asst TEACHER EDUC. necklines. Fellow 36. ALFREDO H. BENAVIDES Teaching Asst. Bps" CRIMINAL JUSTICE Tf ACHER EDUC. Instructor PHYSIOLOGY 37. FRED A. BELINSKY Teaching Asst. TEACHER EDUC. Professor Sportswear, Meridian Mall 38 DOUG McCONKEY Head Advisor IS-- Y Fellow CRIMINAL JUSTICE RESIDENCE HALLS Fellow CRIMINAL JUSTICE 39. GEORGE M. KESSLER Assoc. Prof. HORTICULTURE • Professor KisLHR,ST'AN Fellow CRIMINAL JUSTICE 40. STANLEY STARK MANAGEMENT # Shop Knapp's Meridian Mall Icalvin j 5Elesnik Grad. Asst. CRIMINAL JUSTICE 41. DANIEL JACOBSON Professor GEOGRAPHY & EDUCATION # |CiWANis Instructor CRIMINAL JUSTICE CRIMINAL JUSTICE 42. MARTIN FOX 43. ESTHER SEIDEN Professor Professor STATISTICS & PROBABILITY STATISTICS & PROBABILITY £ today and Saturday 1 0 to 9 'CHard rDcHRlST,Al^ 44. MICHAEL E. BORUS Assoc. Prof LABOR & IND. RELAT. f HUMANITIES 45. ROBERT SPIRA Assoc. Prof. TEACHER EDUC MATHEMATICS 5 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February ^ | Phase II for grapplers: face Oklahoma By GARYSCHARRER But Peninger is also Spartans. teammates, Greg and Jeff State News Sports Writer optimistic for MSU to But it will be homecoming Zlndel. Jeff will wrestle at 177 champion fro^'pl8! The first of the big wrestling successfully challenge the "horses and means of recruiting" for Oklahoma freshman Jeff Callard. Callard, a state for the Spartans. wrestle sooner Struve. Struveupsetu heavySj 4 powers, the Oklahoma State, fell to Spartan strength two weeks of the Big Eight teams this champion and prep all-American last year at East Lansing High Johnson will wrestle Breece's freshman brother Jim at 118. 400 pounder tying him 2-2. Chris ftyj'l t'I Pat Milkovich, 8-3, will go at transfer had ago, and now the University of School, will likely be matched won U ' 'J Oklahoma is set to challenge MSU's hopes are centered up with Gerald Malecek at 167. 126, Conrad Calander or Mike matches and a favoritid MSU's 8-1 record. around two-time NCAA Ellis (134) Tom Milkovich (142) national title. "te f< MSU and Oklahoma will test champion Greg Johnson (118) Callard, 4-1 this season, went Mark Malley (150) King (158), Lewis was upset bv t». each other 7:30 Saturday night and Midlands Tourney 35-0 last year and had 33 pins. Malecek (167), Zindel (177), sophomore at the Sports Arena and another champions Conrad Calander Malecek is 13-1 on the season Dave Clolek (190) and not Lary Ave^ large crowd is anticipated. (134), a Kent State transfer, and with eight pins. Callard will also heavyweight for MSU will be wrestle against State but has since Okl The Sooners are 4-2 in dual Ben Lewis. won hd Tom Milkovich (142). get a chance to visit prep regular berth. "■ meets this season, but their With the Spartans having only losses were registered against the three dual meets remaining country's No. 1 ranked team, before the Big Ten tournament, DAVID VS. GOLIATH Iowa State and defending Peninger said that wrestlers national champions, OSU. should soon begin peaking for "Oklahoma traditionally has excellent wrestling teams," the championships. Although the senior has been Swimmers m Spartan Coach Grady Peninger sidelined for two weeks, and not said. "And even though they being allowed to work out, By STEVE STEIN and a Big Ten mark of 3-2 after including fjve 0]J might not be up where they Peninger said Radman's layoff State News Sports Writer crushing Purdue and Iowa last swimmers who alone w would like this season, they still would not have a significant It's not easy to go into a weekend. Ten, NCAA and and outdoor titles. AAU 1 Indiana's dominance is not have a good wrestling team." The Sooners will come into Catch catch if effect on his condition. "We work so damn hard to swimming your meet knowing that team is swimming not only just a recent occurence, either. Spartan swim the meet with a solid week of the best team in the The Hoosiers have captured four Dick Fetters realizes get where we are that he'll be able Big Ten, but th work behind them. They MSU's 158-pounder Gary King plays a quick game of cat and mouse with an Illinois wrestler the best In the consecutive national hard to get up to to get back in a short time," he country and swim L wrestled against Iowa State during dual meet action last week. King is replacing Rick Radman in the Spartan starting said. championships, and have won 11 but he mentioned that possibly the world. Monday night, losing. 28-10, line-up while Radman is out with a skin infection. state News photo by Craig Porter Warren senior Gary King will However, that's the situation Big Ten titles in a row. always swim well when! whipped Cincinnati, 33-3, wrestle for Radman and needs a the MSU swimming team will In addition, famed swimming down there." F Wednesday and met Ohio last NCAA title year came in MSU, in 1967, has blemished good wrestlers, and as many as victory to earn a letter. King face Saturday afternoon as the coach Jim (Doc) Counsilman's "We have the how well wc can do incentivj University Thursday night. 1963. that string. they need, and are able to offer split in two matches last Spartan tankers take on squad has a dual meet winning streak of 70, and a home pool best," Fetters comment*™ agil MSU has been out of action In collegiate wrestling, the "Actually, only three schools full scholarships," he added. weekend. powerful Indiana in since last weekend, when it The Sooners most prominent Bloomington's Royer Pool. string of 55 meets without a Indiana coach CoJ Big Eight Conference, of which in the U.S. should ever win the "When any outside team wins swept past Big Ten opponents, Oklahoma is a member, NCAA wrestling title," Peninger the national championship, it's wrestler, Gary Breece (118) The Spartan swimmers go loss. believes that his teams' 1 Purdue and Illinois. continually dominates the sport. said. "And they are all Big Eight considered a tremendous upset. suffered a recent concussion and into Bloomington with an Twenty lettermen return for the national crown 1 Oklahoma's team is always In the past 18 years a team from schools, Oklahoma State. Iowa You would have to catch all will overall dual ill not be wrestling against the overall dual meet record of meet record of 5-2 5-2 from from last last year's cham years champions, upon he performance I named with the country's top the Big Eight has captured the State and Oklahoma. Hoosier freshmen. "It I three schools in a weak year, and wrestling squads. The Sooner's national honors 17 times. Only this is always against the odds. very difficult unlel "They are able to recruit S' icers freshmen comethrougl journey to Tech mentioned. However, the possess a handful 0f| Hoi, f for two reknown swimmers. more must games First, consider < Mark Spitz and Gary Hal Spitz, a 21-year-old I our effort and I hope the long race. Gagnon has nine goals and from Santa Clara, Cal f rest we have had has done us is credited with 20 assists, good member of the 1964 an! mEBBfliiSS for 29 points. United States Olympic! some good," Bessone added. Eight big points, a five-game The Spartan icers haven't Don Thompson, with 10 and is the holder of fi«| winning streak, the Governor's played since they won their fifth tallies and 12 assists, and Michel medals. Cup and a chance to move up The freestyler and but! straight game on Jan. 19, a 7 - 2 Chaurest, who has scored eight from sixth to fourth place are ail times and assisted 11 won four AAU titlfl romp over Michigan. Bessone on on the line tonight and Saturday said that the MSU players were markers, are second and third, summer. He holds thretT afternoon as the MSU hockey records and is a six timej I TODAY skating hard in practice this respectively, among MSU FROM 10 to 9P.M.! team meets a tough Michigan Tech University squad in a crucial two-game series at week and that everyone appears ready for the task at hand. Uve Drews will perform at a scorers. Since the Governor's Cup is awarded to the team with the most goals in the series, this champ. World - Spitz was nam Swimmer - of tl in 1971, a repeat since - I Houghton. defense post tonight In a Spartan Spartan firepower must assert that award also in 1967. f The Spartans, 8 - 9 in WCHA itself. On top of all line-up change. Regular blueliner action and 11 - 10 overall, are Chris Murfey must sit out the Tech's Gary Crosby tops his accomplishments, Spitd two American, three NC^| making their first appearance In action In the first game due to ir» stoitng^with nine goals THE 6ANSUI QS-1 Tech's new Student Activities his fight with Michigan's Bob and 14 assists, in leading the four Big Ten records. QUAD SYNTHESIZER .. . Arena and Coach Amo Bessone Falconer in .the game two weute Huskies to an 8 • 8 record in the Hall was n a ■ admits that this series is of the ago. League rules stipulate that a WCHA and a 12 ■ 9 • 1 mark World-Swimmer in 19i^ do • or - die nature. player banished from a WCHA overall — a rather poor Huskie 1970, and he holds tha "Right now it is the most contest for fighting can't play in record in the individual | showing thus far. A 4-CHANiMEL SOUND REVOLUTION WAS $199.95 important series of the season his team's next league game. A very versatile s NOW $119.95 for us," he said. "We want to took a silver medal I FROM JVC . . . Leading the Spartans in "Tech is still one of the finish in one of the top four backstroke at the '68 OM See and hear the complete line of JVC 4-channel scoring prior to the Tech series, contenders and they have too sound equipment. Let us demonstrate the SEA spots in the standings so we can center GiUes Gagnon is hoping much personel to stay down," and he has won four NCj have the home-ice advantage for to break his third place tie with 11 AAU titles. Sound Control Center ... control system available today! the most unique tone THE 4-CHANNEL EVERYTHING! the first series of the playoffs. Mlnnesota-Duluth's Walt Coach Bessone commented. He holds four Aid "Defense seems to be their Enjoy aU techniques for broadcasting, "Eight point mean a lot to Ledlngham in the WCHA scoring problem this year but they'll three NCAA and three ^ existing or proposed , with the QR 6500 records also. explode anytime on you." Other Indiana sufl AM/FM 2-channel or 4-channel Stereo A minor feature is that Tech lMa*m hkd1 Receiver - Synthesizer - Decoder - is include sophomore Mikel celebrating its annual Winter holder of the American, | "**'' Amplifier - and - Control - Center. A Carnival this weekend. The MSU complete line of Sansui 4-channel and Rig Ten record ir "EVERYTHING" Receivers are available icers hope to do some rejoicing backstroke; and sopl from $239.95. on their own with a sweep in the A NEW DIMENSION IN SOUND . . . series. John Kinsella, the J Add a Metrotec 4-Channcl Decoder/Amplifier to recordholder in the 150 MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVES IN OUR STORE TODAY: your existing stereo system! The Metrotec decodes freestyler and winner I 4-channel records & broadcasting In addition to • Mr. Clear Ericson of Metrotec NCAA titles and seve| adding a new dimension to existing stereo records • Mr. Gene Darnell of Sansui COMPLETE titles as a freshman,f silver-medal winner in I $139.95 at HOLIDAY LANES AUDIO Olympics. I The remainder of the! Lanes available for OPEN squad holds an endless J Bowling all day SERVICE TOMORROW and evening. Open 9 a.m. Just north of Frandor - daily 337-9775 Billiards Cocktails Good Food for the Serious Audiophile •Qualified Technicians • Prompt Service of awards, records and tit MSU women! Michigi Trade in your old 355 HEADPHONE DAY • • Full Test Facilities 90 Day Warranty & Labor • Parts beat The MSU basketball team women's! del headphones - regardless of make, model or condition and save $$ on these Koss Michigan Tuesday night, r - «« Convenient Location at headphones. .. OFFER GOOD TOMORROW (2-5-72) ONLY .. . with Dana Ruhl scorl The Stereo Shoppe 543 E. Grand River Ave. points and Dianne | Hours: 9-5:45 adding 10 for the winn| junior varsity also won,! Sat: 9 5 its Michigan rounterp? One Item FREE On a large (16 inch ) PIZZA with thi« < coupon. (Expires Feb. 13,1972) (MAC Avenue Store Only) FREE DELIVERY DOMINO'S) M.A.C. AVENUE J 1 Restaurant delivery 543 E- 0RAMD tt'VC*-N««t to Paramount Nawt-337-1300 T.Hf Plact for Pizza! 351-8870 D e News, East Lansing, Michigan I tficlug*115 Friday, February 4, 1972 9 lymnosfs to g Revenge the motive lorn Minnesota, Iowa By State THOM GATES News Sporti Writer The Hawkeyes ended Michigan's 45 winning streak to take over first place In the Big game for MSU trackmen I wcii gymnastics team has Its work cut Iowa is led by two strong all By GARY KORRECK approached 48 feet. Eric Allen, Dave Dieters. I ft this weekend. Friday night the {*". 7a,'n «nd - around men, State News Sports Writer if he's ready, can go even "I don't know If 111 be able ]ts '!'hi: * Showalter. Walin finished farther. f»<* a -strong Minnesota squad and third In the Michigan State's indoor track to go yet," commented Dieters, Big Ten AA competition and ranked theycan get their rest the Spartans will 17th nationally last year as a freshman. squad hosts Northwestern at Three events MSU lost last "I've been getting cramps in my he number tt one onr ««». In team «. the league, the Showalter scored well enough to take 3rd in the Jenison Field house Saturday year will be well covered legs and I'd hate to have to sit m on Saturday afternoon. n Saturday afternoon, Big Ten Invitational earlier this season. and coach Fran Dittrich feels Saturday. Dill, LaRue Butchee out the rest of the season by v night meet will begin at 7:30 p.m. that his Spartans will more than and Tom Spuller will be running An interesting battle to watch making them worse in this Ii"l8 later the Saturday match will be between MSU's all Saturday will uncontested in the 300 and Marv meet." hours around man Randy avenge last season's opening Roberts, not around at this time Fj.jO p.m. Both meets will be held in the Balhorn and Iowa's Walin. They went to the three - point loss to the Wildcats. last year, has been throwing the Spartan hurdlers may also be Sports Arena, same high school in Illinois and Walin just edged "We're going to turn the running breathers. John shot between 51 and 53 feet. Im liliesastics fans call can expect W to see iwu out Balhorn to get his third place finish in last tables on them this year," Morrison, Dave Martin, Rich Etind exciting meets this weekend as the year's Big Ten meet. Dittrich said. "We have the The Wildcats' Parker Reynolds won the event with 49 • 7 last Jacques and Mike Hurd will I host tits Gophers and the Hawkeyes. "I know that I will have to be at my best to depth they had last year and he likely not be facing any ■ut to both Minnesota and Iowa last year hones of aveneine both eat him." Balhorn commented, "and the whole (Northwestern coach Don year. competition. hioh Amedie) knows it." Another plus for the Spartans L G-men teani will have to be at its best to win but we are "I may run Rogers in the The Northwestern will be sprinter Mike Holt, who fired up about these meets and we should give itinerary highs for some extra work and I SDjrtans are coming into this weekend them a good battle." currently lacks entries in the 300 was edged in the 440 by Mark Edwards In the lows, but it f 2 and 1 dual meet record. Their only Ken Factor, MSU's number two all - - yard dash, and Amedie added, Drozd in Evanston last season. depends on how they feel," P t thc hand of the number two team in around "We may not have anyone in the Drozd is gone, but Holt is, Amedie said. performer, will also feel the pressure this lL SIU. In that match, however, the weekend as both Iowa and Minnesota have strong hurdles or the long jump." said Dittrich, "much faster than The meet begin* at 1 p.m. he was last year." ■nsscored their season high of 158. number two men. Right there the Spartans ■ beforeyou are impressed by the Spartans' would pick up 36 points, more "He ought to be going around "I haven't really had a good meet this year," than half of what they need to in 49.0 Saturday," added ■ you had better look at the Gophers' and Factor stated, "but if I don't miss in any event win. Dittrich. Hfi^yes stats. this weekend I should score well. The team in * The Wildcats will not be shut Holt's competition will be ■ Minnesota squad has won its last four general is going to have to have few misses if we ■uidhasa seasonal high that is comparable plan to win." out, though. High jumper Rick Doug Roski and Paul Zaulcky, ll"s 1,'s'record is even more impressive. It is a Rat has always been strong and last The Spartans will travel to weekend for meets with Indiana Indiana next II Rogers has gone six - feet - ten - inches and half - miler Tom Bach has covered his event in 1:52.9. neither one having run the 440 yet this year. "Mike's also a very valuable State and Ej it showed signs of being even stronger. Indiana. Dittrich added that member of our mile relay team," Northwestern pole vaulter, said Dittrich. Holt ran a leg on IrURDAY in bloomington Ralph .Jaramus, "Might be able to take first." Jaramus has cleared 14 feet this season. After those three the Wildcats the current MSU indoor record relay team, and led off the relay in last year's meet with the Wildcats. ranks are thin. Dash man Ted Bob Cassleman, another mile Cagers, Hoosiers in rematch Edwards has run 6.1 in the 60 but MSU's Herb Washington and Marshall Dill have done better. The triple jump may be close, relay team member, should have little trouble with Glen Gibisch in the 600. "This Ls Gibisch's first time in this event" as Northwestern's Joe Harper explained Ademie. Indiana's Hoosiers By rick gosselin in Indiana love their basketball The Spartans have a Z d r>nr» niavor i* v goes "around 45 feet" according Tom Brown, normally a half • Ite News Sports Writer i las Spartans Saturdayclubbed Indiana in Jenison and I expect a much closer game plotting in the conference being pushed around to Amedie, but MSU's Del miler, will carry North western's hing is quite as easy the Fieldhouse, 83-73 but the this time. standing and also fancy the idea The Hoosiers, with last of a f'rst division finish. In Kckoned wTis Mw Z'h Gregory has been "coming into his own" said Dittrich, and has hope in the 1000 - yard run ie around as it was the Hoosiers have reputation of Mike Robinson The slfJXr against MSU's Ron Cool and . . ~r .kic because of this MSU . vicir m«ii Hr "ikying JTC a T1?1'0" °f playing better 8on their home Saturday's Saturday's loss, are all but Ganakas' three year tenure as Detroit Northeastern nmH.t (ill Coach Gus Coach Gus Ganakas is court. eliminated fi from the title picture, ^ad basketball coach, the sJms to na%e f,nal ha?e tinally arriv^ v arrived nwk'Tn" ronference Tread SECURITY Thpir i, Wt*nS h«vn Jd (or the worst when he The home crowd docsi , lot Thei, 0-4 SpafUns have never on . ■ his cagers down to a .am» a p|,y ls good ,ot pllc(, ,„d „ first division ground this late in has Ln making i m'wnl tto'nSSXS! the percentage wil1 ** a lon8 cl,mb back to the the season. Another victory over - . shot of late, late hittine ton. Ind. Saturday to make the difference when u hitting for for a .500 finn cIiD ° 1th can a firet dlvision much les6 first Indiana would provide I acquaintances with the game gets close. The people p|ace momentum in the r form of «■ a c,,p in cach of the last two gamef, And when you take as MSU I*™ and ™m_g ;fr!ak !or return it to the many as 28 shots in a single LIFE INSURANCE PROTECTION $30000 game, that wull .500 mark is quite a TYPE OF INSURANCE: WHOLE LIFE & TERM [osh friendly confines of Jenison put streak on line Fieldhouse for Tuesday night's compliment. PREMIUM: AGE 21 - $13.72 a month encounter with Illinois as a .500 Lmril Itrti Prlcri In fbr Nntl«n: TOTAL PREMIUMS AT AGE 65: $7,031. 20 Big Ten ball club. CASH VALUES AND DIVIDENDS AT 05*: Indiana $tt,7S3 jainst Central Michigan has made I'm one PROF IT AT AGE 66*: $5,726,80 adjustment in its line-up for the I By PAT FARNAN Hte News Sports Writer is in hot pursuit sporting a 17.1 normal. 1 Schneider also has two other .former St. Johns prep star Dean Eisler, another past all • stater Spartan clash, reinstating guard Whi^ into the starting five- White was rePlaced by Kim SieoS Tlp^ ■ Michigan State freshman ho missed the early Chip w_„ alon8 wlth Joby Wr'Bht and Steve Downing, will Provide the Hoosier fire power, mcraeoii^Hg formidable opponent kekend when the much Roundfield, of course, will be pitted against Spartan scoring ■ted Chippewa squad HtoJenison Fieldhouse. leader Lindsay Hairston in what Jacobson's f East L ansiiv o I wlroih'havT made £"'d sha^ UP to be ^uite a Kfon'Sats fwhrkh CaUf WJJ f0 b6f | the plebes off on dedbytherecenta^ BCoach Walt Schneider's a bad cordially invites lhad built a five T string which brought J 'o their annual game mO/: _ /OiO STUDENT DISCOUNT Timex Watch Repair Potion with the U 'Electric Shaver Repair » Mt. Pleasant. • M •Engraving dfJL 1 f Chips had beaten the two consecutive 'Keys Made 'Scissors Sharpened Also a l arge Selection ON-CAMPUS DELIVERY (TROWBRIDGE STORE) 337 1681 f your guests ¥| l°™8into the contest. I Central attack is paced of Electric Shaven OFF CAMPUS, CIRCLE DRIVE (E. GRAND RIVER) 337-1631 J» Roundfield of Detroit I" leading Chip Walcli Bands & I dents to atten J ■"ith an 18.4 average, but scorers COOPERS FIXERY MERIDIAN MALL 349 1994 T^iHclminkof Holland Save up to 50% tke O.o off original prices, preview skowing of happy hours on Bridal Fashions for 1972 Men's and Ladies'Boots. Large Selection-Zip-ups, Lace-ups, Monday, tke seventk of February pull Over 100 styles-many colors. STEINS OF BEER ons. at seven-tkirty in tke evening This is East Lansing's most At GREATLY East R oom, Tk ir d Fl oor fantastic boot sale ever! REDUCED PRICES sunday: Jacokson's JON NOON - 2 PM - 2 AM 3 PM MSU BOOTERY IrES WED 2 PM 2 PM - 4 PM; 7 9 PM - 225 E. Grand River 4 PM; 7 • 9 PM Hurry on down Complimentary tickets available in the Bridal Salon for the beat selection. 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Fr'day, Februii ruary 4 1 Film series lacks creativity, story line The finer films in the series were studies of film montage or, The other, "Natural Habitat", supposedly "an effort to build is that it lacks any degree of them were There isn't much to say about vnirt , the new Genesis film series. The were the documentaries. They in other words, a collection of was too long but still held suspense". It revolved around a believability or even basic the scriDt It or »nysi stood out because they didn't ™ovin8 P'^tur^® best possible comment I can together together thematically with the babysitter receiving obscene suspense, negating whatever Genesis erour> make is that you may like the rely upon the ability of the thematically. The first of the best cinematography of the phone calls she has the call effect was supposed to be profiteering oraL?* {, films proSl'H excellentSilen|JJ«ity wu «n program. traced and is shocked to find out created. designs its films. But that all depends upon but instead they relied upon the matching of old blues The last film of the series, where the calls are coming from. what you are looking for in the These films basically lacked consumption rath ability of the filmmaker to find music and candid photography, 'Foster's Release" The only problem with this film cinema. a good subject and then seek it was artistic ability. The majority of artistic endeavor ' I went to the showings out. expecting to view the nation's finest young creative artists hard This is the Home of Mrs. Levant Graham" was the finest evaluates msu faculty at work in their medium depicting their views and visions film in the program. It is an of life. I was looking for depth unstructured study of the ghetto and insight. I was expecting to see classical film technique merged with modern experimentation. This idealistic lacked the necessity of proper family. The in the diverse success of the film is personalities of the family and the sensitive portrayal of the household itself. _ Rating OQ ,,„0„ .. and suffer book from excessive years back which produced a 'col coloring book, plans to J approach to these films was my motivation to build the story Ms. Graham's home becomes an I ^ t Hon. Ac n faculty ratine generalization. For example, the yellow - colored evaluation book this term and is moreintJ first mistake. around. More or less, they institution and she as figurehead State News Rev.ewer student ^/atkins effort if advertising instructor who is of faculty which was also yellow in exposing the need foB These films, I hope; are not lacked the basic elements of supports the lives of its There are 2,224 MSU faculty ? j-J.' onlv in terms of "facts and figures man, very in its attempt to critique faculty an evaluation system « the nation's best, or else we are drama, and without that there members. The situations and involved in instructional entering a period of decline in isn't much to work from. circumstances of the family were programs and their abilities arc intention rather than boring." Several faculty very severely. The ASMSUeffort filling the void himslll „rrnmniichment As a colorine members receive good reviews was much more serious and response to his 1 film medium. Most of the the films, except for four Most of the films were the brought out and the people and as diverse as their names k ?he Bureer Kine "Bicvcle such as, the human environment sincere, but it was received very advertising in the work of the California film their lives were opened up to the Occasionally, out of desperation «afetv Colorinc Book" is better and design instructor who is apathetically by students. Even classified section has bu. documentaries, were lacking any students which reaffirms my audience for an unbiased and brotherhood (and " For $2 a student can chuckle "excellent, well versed, has a last year, several thousand copies but a Grand River | They had the feel of a 8 mm home the center for filmmaking in this documentaries try to force an noble effort to rate the faculty enthusiasm in students." dust in the Student Services movies on a more professional country. Admittedly, they seem interpretation af information, and publish the findings. nrofessor of manaeement who Perhaps Watkins followed shoSl "insinid but fair — an easv Ah, the list is endless. Building. the lead 7 level. They lacked a basic story to have a fair degree of technical "Mrs. Levant Graham" leaves One recent effort, published line, a central theme, any competence, but that is nothing the audience to their own in January, is the "MSU „rader " Or the assistant Watkins has rated about 387 More recently, some students University of lo"w"a l attempt at serious better than a hollow shell personal impressions. Professor Rating and Coloring professor of romance languages ' MSU faculty members. He distributed rating forms to and faculty have encouraged the newspaper which on Jan.l ho js "elderlv has strong compilation of the Student a special preregistration IJ characterization and they even without a story to build around. Two of the documentaries Book" by Ronald N. Watkins, a students fall term and, after accent " Or the packaging Instruction Rating Survey faculty members, the T ? instructor who "has nice legs, is editing to clean up the language, (SIRS) forms, distributed at the they are teaching this „ easy to listen to but seems offers his book as a stimulus to end of each term, into a their salary. "So rcmemL WHO SAYS A NICKEL unsure of herself." Or even the doubtful journalism professor, promote some group to do the complete and accurate job of handbook of faculty evaluation. The SIRS survey would then be Iowa newspaper warned you pick an instructor, i' "interesting, knows subject and evaluating faculty which he distributed to all students by the the best as judged WON'T BUY A LOT? has a great deal of experience." The evaluations are useless deems necessary. Watkin's effort is reminiscent University administration just like the term's schedule manual, administration of the pick someone wit AT PAPPY'S PIZZA PICNIC A NICKEL AND THE COUPON BELOW rrrnrTIBMMliM rnir n of a similar noble effort Watkins, who has printed salary." sponsored by ASMSU a few about 2,000 copies of his I'm not sure that sali_ WILL BUY YOU A SINGLE PIZZA OF YOUR CHOICE FROM ANY ONE pmcmm mfommtmm jhmi' i ( >i> a y OPEN TODAY < >itni at 7 »<> i'm .i 7:00 P.M. very I m indicative of qualit^ Feature at 7:20 9:2S skeptical of numerical OF PAPPY'S SELECTION OF TWENTY FAMOUS PIZZAS. - Saturday & Sunday as an assessment of leamil certain, however, that £ BEER DRINKERS TAKE NOTE! OPEN 1:00 P.M. Feature at 1:20 - 3:25 - 5:25 - 7:2S 9:30 ten word evaluations! PAPPY'S SERVES THE LARGEST PITCHER (64 oz.) FOR THE LOWEST PRICE IN THE STATE j going to help any MSU I CLIP AND SAVE THIS COUPON Bergman's first English language picture select good faculty n "'The Touch' course, one precept that A COUPON EXPIRES FEBRUARY 15, 1972 realized is that what onel Tired of is a work every bit as judges as a good qualil NOT VALID one single ONE COUPON FRIDAY-SUNDAY ENJOY hamburgers and pizza ? mature and mysterious as professor, for example tJ essay exams rather than | FOR TAKE-OUTS pizza PER PERSON PER VISIT LIVK Try the homemade /nn// /fftl'c || HI anything Ingmar Bergman has - guess foils, might be ba for another student. OLD TVMi: FOR FIVE CENTS n t done in the last few years!" Any serious rating I avoid overall value ji MOV IKS P\PPYS PIZZA PICNIC i:m i:im vi\mi:m —Richard Schickel, Lite Magazine and instead focus oJ constitutes the eduf 6527 S. CEDAR. LANSING 393-3250 "Ingmar Bergman's 'The Touch* Is experience afforded I instructor. Also, the best film about love he has assessments, especially! RHARHARHARHARHARHARHARH^fiHARHARHARHA ever made." —P»r»lop« QIIHatl, Jht New Yorker comments, and commentF a faculty member's! impediment, should bea - Elliott Qould Finally, after gettinl PRESENTS t ™ Ingmar jollies out of the evaluatil cartoons in Watkin's Bergman's almost anticllmatic in bl As with the ratings, and \| The Continuation of faculty, some are gi others are intolerable. James A.Michenerls Epic Novel...I The MSU Professor J and Coloring Book, by I N. Watkins. 36 pages $2. f {WeotS East Lansing On M-43 Beal Film Group Presents An EXTRAORDINARY TONIGHT and Saturday Prof of musid DOUBLE FEATURE - 106 B WELLS NOW THRU SUN. EXCLUSIVE! The motion picture to see again and again . see it with someone you love. to give recitcj (3) ADULT HITS Clarinetist Elsa I.D.'S REQUIRED Verdehr, associate profa music, will be heard in a his was a recital at 8:15 tonight Music Auditorium. Ms. Verdehr will bei game of by painist David rtennei professor of music, and th total Beaumont String Quartet. [corruption...! Among the works performed will be the ' Quintet to. Op. 34" bj hers a I Maria Von Weber an "Sonata Concertante in ►struggle for AT 7:00 & 10:00 Major" by Franz Danzi. Also the program 1 man on ' ACAOIMY liberation! a AWARDS works by two contetnl COLUMBIA PICTURES PRESENTS _bELIZABETH THE and a Woman WINNER Polish composers, "■ Miniatures" by Krzji M RICHARD Penderecki and W| Taylor Burton HAWAIMNS Lutoslawski's Preludes." IN THE BURTON-ZEFFIRELLI PRODUCTION OF THE MIRISCH PRODUCTION COMPANY CHARLTON HESTON FRIDAY FEB. 181| theIaMING ■AIM MIRISCH PRODUCTION GERALDINE CHAPLIN, JOHN PHILLIP LAW. MAKO. TTNAIhEN THE HAWAIIANS LANSING 8 PM CIVIC J ofthe chrew ALEC McCOWEN. HENRYMANCINI WVIC CENTER PRESENTS! Vj ftuiuui rikiiiuai r M'CahMir by JAMES A.MICHENER Hvue- Pimucm* Sc„f»pi„* JAMESRWEB8 WALTER MIRISCH o„tcitd TOM 6RIES isrSL] PANAVISION' COLOR b/Del uxe' United Artists Tonight in Wilson Aud. Tonight in Conrad Aud. 7,9:15 7, 9:25 Sat. in Conrad Aud. Sat. in Wilson Aud. 7, 9:25 7,9:15 Sun. in McDonel Kiva Sun. in McDonel Kiva 7:00 9:15 Students, faculty and staff only Students, faculty and staff only $1.00 admission I.D.'s required $1.00 admission I.D.'s required All Seal* Reserve' Tickets on sale Kosltchek'* and WVIt "l Mario's In Jack*"1 RHAIMARHARHAI^^ State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 4, 1972 11 Lightfoot: beautiful, sad style By STEVE RADDOCK public. Guided by a tacit nudge, Bob Dylan, Judy Collins, Glen State News Staff Writer he firm. Doing commercials, he Clements immersed himself in Campbell, Barbra Streisand, on lead acoustic guitar "omposing crisp, unpolluted _1U1IIC 1Iiailul feels, is "Prostitution." and Rick Haynes Johnny Cash, Waylon Jenning song "The Last Time " well Gordon Lightfoot brings to on electric dots lomSt°ko"lliar"ont«ri?> b"Sl°' 1U wri,i"° ^ Richie livens, MidRichie Havens. rejecting a clump 'of as d'vSr^ as MSU his finely-sculpted brand of bass. Intertwining the three, the would probably be .boTtte SSTT"? by, %'■ J""1 "4 Widely regarded as one of the jingle requests from Canadian music, his manual six and poet-storyteller-singer unravel a tale of the will beauty and si„ of electron. Ye. d«plte its shriveled proportions and the KlL Sln^tn '" Sylvia, and - most genre, PrP ' lc wr'ters in the folk Lightfoot recently refused beer cigaret companies, railroads, a 12-string guitars, and his sadness of life to the audience at company and a dairy string-ticklin'appendages: Terry 8 p.m. Sunday- fact that its drawing card for the last 25 years has been a larger - than - life statue of Samuel de DINING WITH CULTURE Champlain, Orillia is Gordon Lightfoot's birthplace and the environment that textured his music. truck After summers spending a couple of Ontario, Gordon poppin' blisters as a driver in Northern Lightfoot Troupe comes to Tin Lizzie better than "Next" and the Tin Lizzie provided its intermission. Hors d'oeuvres are For this reason the Tin Lizzie attended Los Angeles' Westlake "Adaptation". In coming weeks patrons with portions of prime served during intermission. No dinner theater may not score too College, a music school that "Beyond the Fringe" and rib, shrimp creole, and chicken drinks are included in the cost of high with MSU students. shortly thereafter hit a dissonant The Tin Lizzie has . brought "Thurber's Carnival" will be paprikish. Wines are also the dinner, which at $6.50 for However, considering the cost of his1 enrollment theatCT l° EaSt Lansin8 on the Tin Lizzie's available for those who are so MSU students with ID, may taking a woman out to dinner fertHilprf Liehtfoot fertilized ugntioot nn an iSll interest t in !!"• ,S.unday n'ghtS' The ,ocal drinking and eating emporium StagC Given better matcria1' the inclined. Wine prices range from coming attractions could quite $1.75 for a half bottle of Ouinta scare off a number of Face it, not too many MSU people. and then to a play or a first run film, one rapidly comes to the ^chestration. have it, he made As fate would has his musical joined forces with the easily be extremely entertaining. Ledges Players, Michigan's only Do Avolar to $5 for a full bottle males on a are willing to shell out $13 Sunday evening. conclusion that it's not such bad deal after all. a debut woring TV commercials, ofBeaujolais professional resident theater As for the dinner part of the In I960 Lightfoot underwent group, to present a series of dinner theater format, the food Cocktails are available before a metamorphosis as the music of plays throughout winter and is ample and filling. Last Sunday the plays begin and during rete seeger and Bob Gibson induced him to abandon the early spring term, '"EVEL KNIEVEl' IS AS UNPRETENTIOUS AS IT IS Two short comedies are plastic playground of Fritos and currently showing, Elaine May's / INFORMATION 482-3905 ZESTY, WEIL-WRITTEN ...AND DIRECTED... Fanta for the quiet prairies of folk. In order to put some "Adaptation" and T. McNally's "Next". Neither will be recorded starts TODAYS mICHIGAN OFFERS PLENTY OF ACTION." creases in his new Gordon sang over seas of 10 - approach, as one of the top ten heavy weights of all time. "Next" !UJ Theatre Lansinq - minute heads in bars and concerns the plight of a Senor lounges. 40-year-old called in for a While tavern stints sanded man draft physical. The sketch let me blow | ^tonum will be alive with the music of Gordon and shellacked his style, commences on a comical note litfoot Sunday night in an already sold out concert. The Lightfoot moved further into and ends with a comment on my own nose, a) Artists recording star has five bestselling albums and tt known for his million-selling singel "If You Could light folk music when his rejection in our society. Trying ''Remember Me" was to be both cute and please! LMy Mind." gobbled-up by the Canadian philosophical, McNally fails both ways. "Adaptation" is a TV game fchestra from where one gets a chance to live Russia his life all over again. Ralph Edwards would be proud of this one. The idea is novel, but the play gets to be a drag after a perform folk festival' lOsipov Balalaika Under Chief Conductor are graduates of the Moscow while, as the moderator keeps moving the contestant from one square to another square to still another square, and on and on ftt will perform in a Vladimir Fedoseyev, the group Choreographic Academy and and on. ■"folk festival" at 8:15 presents a varied program perform classical and character However, one cannot judge lithe Auditorium, ranging from uniquely Russian roles. the Tin Lizzie's dinner theater Joseph C.Levine Presents An Avco Embassy Film festival will feature 75 folk songs to classics by such Tickets are available in format on the basis of last Jg and singers from the composers as Tschaikovsky, advance at the MSU Union TferenceHilk Sunday's entertainment alone. ■ Opera Company and ticket office. ■rom the famed Bolshoi Moussorgsky and Rimsky-Korsakov. • The Ledges Players have done "They fhe orchestra uses choirs S Yulla aniT'Utan fsTaV Vlaso7, * I w . « Cainvn ■ d balalaikas, Russia's instrument plus other soloists with the Bolshoi Ballet will be seen in a "Russian Jstruments like the Choreographic Miniature" and in flicnfrc* dinner I Trinity" ffilsJllJilsfslIld TODAY 7:20-9:20 Continuous Sat. Sun. find "gussli." a "Choreographic Duet." Both with Bud Spencer Stiffen Zarahari&s 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:20-9:20 $3 DanSturkie GisdaHahn 5828 W. SAGINAW • 484-4 >% Fhrley Granger Efcna fedemonle ami with Produred by Mo Zir*jaraUi ■■■■ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ IBRAMS NOW SHOWING ^^XPTATION^^^MTiemr by Elaine May by Terrence McNally "Two Modern Comedies on Featuring an hors d'oeuvre American Life" tray served at intermission Feb. 6, 13, 20 and ample buffet with: PKRFORMED BY PRIME RIBS OF BEEF The LEDGES Players SHRIMP CREOLE michigan's professional CHICKEN PAPRIKISH ■SRAM SCHEDULE ADMISSION PRICES served following the performance ADULTS $1.00 MSU Students (I.D.). . . 7Sc ■ 4:00 p.m. Children (5-12) 50c No Hre - Schoolers Admitted WITH STUDENT ID hi heing visited by spacecraft controlled by THEATRE and DINNER features from another world? Explore with us lities of highly developed life forma on other Witness dramatic demonstrations of some UI'O accounts and learn some basic * to types of $6£ ($7.50 without studemt I.D.) Sundays at The Tin Lizzie. Doors open at r 5:00 p.m. r perform when you see an "unknown in FOLLOWING 8 and 10 p.m. SHOWS THE ALBUM 1 SUNDAYS AT 1 THE TIN LIZZIE | HAWKWIND by Hawk wind PLAYED WILL BE "LAYtU _ FOR RESERVATIONS, TELEPHONE 351 2450 Beal Film Group presents ANOTHER fabulous double feature TONIGHT AND SATURDAY THE AND in 111 OLDS ms FABULOUS presents lh® original uncut version Presented by R.H.A. unseen for 35 years THE GREAT ONE MIDNIGHT NOYIE ORGY Devoted entirely to the ' Best of TWILIGHT ZONE MARX Two completely different programs one of their great PROGRAM A PROGRAM B comedies 12:15pm Fri. 1200pm Fri. Conrad Wilson ROOM SERVICE also starring Lucille Ball and Ann Miller 1215 pm Sat 12 00pm Sat Shown at 8:45 only Wilson Conrad Shown in 111 OLDS $1.00 admission FEB. 4-5 the world at $1.00 for both films - NO ID required 7 and 10:10 p.m. - 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. Fehrin. Biblical justice with David Dickson's speech ideal useless, prof Tuesday night. Dickson suggested been endorsed by Christians at one time or another," he said, Heaven - says the Christian Utopia that creed just as the view of "after the - was invents , that the Bible can be of great value to modern man in his search "largely because the Bible does not define what is just and what is revoluti»W| the Marxists to popularize for justice. not." Marxism, Stromberg The Biblical concept of justice is useless to mankind, Roland Biblical philosophy on justice is basically a paradox. Stromberg compared Christianity's treatment of justice to the Followers of each philosophy were drawn in«. Stromberg said Wednesday in the last speech of the University Stromberg insisted. It endorses both a retributive and a loving Marxist attitude. Both philosophies set up judicial Utopias, but better, more just life in another society, he exDlai ! College Symposium "On Human Justice." justice, he said. fail to suggest reasonable standards of justice in the present Stromberg said traditionally there has h«, Stromberg, a European intellectual history professor at the "War, slavery, dictatorships and many other social ills have all society. thought on justice. Positivists such as the SonhicJl tw° « University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, said the Christian doctrine claimed that justice is merely the will of the S4,1(1 ^ "does not present any clear - cut ideas for implementing justice" society. Ul,n8 elr in an earthly life. In opposition to this, natural law "Christians are told," Stromberg explained, "to obey the IN WISCONSIN, IOWA lat a true justice can be realized advocate k by following n»f»! "I imperfect laws in this life, but to hope for a perfect justice in another, more heavenly life." Stromberg said that the natural law theory of under "devastating" attack in recent ii, '* years Manw eh« Stromberg's claim of Biblical inadequacy sharply contrasted this philosophy in times of crisis, however Beal Film Group Presents TONIGHT and SATURDAY States eye ne Stromberg was critical of the Utilitarian coneW equates justice with the good of the majority "I don't think this attitude is he addert necessarily realists »l , ^ ' In Iowa, the issue provoked - year - old high school students effect, controversy still a law that is good for 175 whites and don't think so." bad for KmH °r 25 Nj emotional debate centered were allowed to drink, they surrounds bills that would lower Stromberg said he thought animals deserved in Wisconsin and Iowa around the lowering of the legal would influence younger the minimum age requirement l seem justly, too. u ro be | likely to follow the lead of drinking^ age. The state Senate students to do the same. for police officers and for the "Humans have always tried to show," he exm,- Michigan in giving 18 - year - finally passed an amended possession and purchase of animals don't have to be treated justly because thev h i olds the full rights and version of a House-passed age of He said the situation would handguns. consciousness as we do. But I don't think this true " air responsibilities of adults. majority bill, tacking on a be impossible for school Att. Gen. Frank J. Kelley's He said that he thought it is unfortunate that m The legislatures of both states section that would lower the this week passed bills that would drinking age to 19 instead of 18, lower the age of majority. which passed the House. administrators to control. Opponents of the amendment, however, said it ruling Thursday that 18 - year - olds may purchase and possess handguns from state authorities thing as the "rights of lamb." "It seems ironic to me," he said, "that the same thereis^ J have devised a system of In the Wisconsin assembly, The 19 - year old would devalue the newly-won is expected to relieve the logjam justice based on nation1? - probably done so with a pen in one hand and a Die™ ,3 only a minor technicality stood amendment was endorsed by Lt. voting rights for 18 - year - olds. of bills now in the Senate. the other." F ieorl in the way of a bill that would Gov. Roger Jepsen, while Gov. "Please do not say to these reduce the legal drinking age, the Robert D. Ray has backed an 18 young people it is a greater age at which a person could - year - old limit. privilege to drink than it is to marry without parental consent, Although backers of the vote," Sen. Charlene Conklin, enter into contracts, own real amendment noted the political R-Waterloo said. estate or become licensed in implications of the differing A major battle on the some professions. opinions of Ray and Jepsen, amendment is expected in the The bill, which passed the who are vying for the House. Wisconsin Senate 92 5 was sent Republican gubernatorial - In the Michigan Legislature, back to the House, where swift nomination, they said their sole lawmakers are still struggling to A NONSTUDENT WAS shooting the firecrackers off 12:35 p.m. passage is expected. Wisconsin concern was the effect that 18 - complete passage of a package of arrested by police at 8:45 p.m. outside their window. Police said Wednesday] first floor shower Gov. Patrick J. Lucey is year - old drinking would have bills related to the age of rt. Wednesday outside a Spartan the students were also charged estimated the loss at $| j:P\ expected to sign the bill, called on the high schools. the "age of minority" in that Sen. George Milligan, R-Des state, when it reached his desk Moines, sponsor of the 19 - year majority measure. Village apartment after officers observed him window - peeking. with littering when they attempted to get rid of the said the watch was st< the student was takingJ Police said his case has been fireworks by throwing them out sometime next week. old amendment, said that if 18 f Mfy Flair Lady - referred to the county the window. One of the students A LANDON was also charged with possession HALLj prosecutor. police that her v of a mechanical switchblade contents with ai knife. of $8 was stolen Ca WINNER OF 8 ACADEMY AWARDS betwej INCLUDING BEST PICTURE A SNYDER HALL student and 11:45 a.m. her room. Later in Wednesj .... plus reported to police that his watch between 4 and 5 p.mJ stolen between 12:30 and rhs National Film Board of Canada's was roommates' wallet ] stolen, with a value J masterpiece Police said they for either case. havenj POLICE REPORT] transistor radio, valued was stolen either Mq Tuesday from the a basement of I janitor] Theatre. Police said thej suspects. A STUDENT'S I was stolen sometime I from the racks at Snyl Police estimated the loj The registration permil was F - 4371. RENT YOUR TV . B T* UNDER 18 ADMITTED; •ft chains I ************************ e News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 4, 197. 13 Bagpipes blare By JAN SHUBITOWSKI The body quickly becomes the horns are unplugged one at a while at MSU some Irish insist it was ROTO drum and bugle ...... . Scottish bagpipes and kilts do hyperventilated from the time until all four are corps. tremendous amount of wind open. He Ireland. It is also popular today But in the spring of 1969 ROTC is then a not exist only in old movies, required. full-fledged piper. in those countries that were at dropped them, due to lack of I hey There is are here at MSU, and you The student controversy over one time under British influence, interest among the members. gradually builds where the bagpipe originated, such as Canada, India and Since then the Highlanders Mau scot ?? members of the up his skills, and as he advances The Scots claim it was Scotland, Tawian. Highlanders. have met as a club using the This group of students, In Scotland, all the bagpipers ROTC ballroom for practices, faculty and staff members rrw £££ Scholarship and dancers are male. They consider it practically They tried to get support from weekly to practice the art art of ' the music department, but no bagpiping and Scottish dancing. sacrilegious for girls to wear music instructor could play the Their members range in from veterans to beginners. skill for high schoo kilts, McKay said. The MSU group, however, bagpipes. The beginning bagpiper starts consists of both male and female The group takes off on a practice Nearly 600 high school seniors will arrive on campus today to part in such horn, "Scotty" participate in a testing pipers, but only women dancers. activities as the MSU program which will select Alumni McKay, MSU student and Distinguished Scholars. The men have been too shy to International Ftestiva! held every member of the Scot take it up, McKay said. spring, the Alma Competition Highlanders, The students, who will be tested Saturday and will meet said. After a couple of months The MSU Scot Highlanders 'or both dancers and pipers and on the faculty representatives from their chosen academic majors Friday, practice horn learning the will spend Friday night in University residence halls. were originally a part of the the Tulip Festival. Pipe down fingering and rhythm, the beginner progresses to the bagpipe itself. "It gives them a chance to meet associate director of admissions, said students," Charles F. Seeley, adding that students last year probably did not receive a complete picture of University ^Kay, Vassar senior, and Julie Somalski, Essexville junior, cradle their bagpipes and play Even with three of the four life since they were placed in local motels. horns of the together. Both are members of the MSU Scots Highlanders bagpipe section and have the bagpipe plugged, ,haped instruments well in hand. McKay said the beginner finds it State News photo by physically exhausting to play it Terry Miller fore more than a few seconds. olunteer Bureau lists jecific requests for aid following requests have test. His opinion of himself isn't Environmental Confederation is Men to the Volunteer helped either when he is told practical problems - such as looking for volunteers who are taking her grocery shopping, bv people who could use he s a failure. He needs someone interested in actually doing dp from a volunteer, b or to spend a couple of hours a taking her for food stamps, and something about the taking her to the bank - might information call the week helping him with his math environmental mess. They need well facilitate her improvement. tr Bureau at 353-4400. class. ' people to help with their Alice needs to be taken to these j is an 8th grade, On Monday nights from 7 to newsletter and do some general mid boy who live on the 9 p.m the Allen Street Boy places only two or three times a office work. month. The request came in side of Lansing. He Scout Troop meets The trouble Delores is a May have a very high opinion is. they don I have enough Spanish - and she is still looking for speaking woman who is taking someone. Family Service Agency ol and this opinion gets Pf°Plc to ,lelP >c»d the troop, courses at the East Side Action will let someone use their itry time he fails a math »ne scoutmaster says that car if Center. She, and several other the transportation could be provided volunteer can get for someone who is interested in women, must take care of their transportation out to the children and attend classes. If giving up two or three hours on agency, id and gore Monday for a scout troop. they could find someone to babysit their kids on either There is a blind LCC student Wednesdays or Thursdays, they )hosized in who needs readers for his could attend classes more regularly. English and psychology classes. Alice is a middle-aged woman Is readings The bus that goes through East who is unable to work due to Lansing stops within five blocks physical and .mental disabilities. Irv enthusiasts had a taste of. ^ if >'ou don'1 have any she has really been trying to hinnHv bloody, unrv gory other transportation. overcome these problems and The Michigan Student of Galway Kinnell's assistance with some minor [Wednesday night. Camera Oscurrf presents hell rkd 12 of his poems T6l^jfC!HT and SATURDAY Boted that his readings prated on dying animals. n the mood," he told (rflow audience. JAMES DEAN II cautioned that one Ibc careful what he writes Ti as he is careful what he d the audience that | is us whatever it is that - rot just a poem, ■ell's latest book. "A Nightmares," joins his «i of "Black Night," a "Four Collections of is from French," and poks of Poems." J PMStWTS. HKirillgty ■ ON, , PROOF Of AGE REQUIRED C ; ► wild, 9 free BOXOfflCE INTERNATIONAL PICTURE *-*' an- I 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan February Play GET Action WITH A Employment FRANKLY SPEAKING fay Phil frank For Sale For Sale Personal The State News does not permit racial religious MORE FUN in the sun with Sun MclNTOSH MC-30 PREGNANT? Want Ad or, power amps. discrimination in its POLI SCI Majors: $2 / hour doing Shades. OPTICAL DISCOUNT. Head 606 skiis, Lange pro boots, the PANICKY^rvJ library research on legislators. At alternatives p "!'l 2615 East Michigan Avenue, Ricoh TLS-401. SLR camera with Counseling. 372-156Q. » AUTOMOTIVE advertising State News columns. will not accept The least 15 hours / week for 3 weeks. 351-1098 Saturday 2-5 p.m. 2-2-4 372-7409. C-2-4 zoom lens. CAMERAS. SLR's, ojjl view finders, Polaroids, projectors, Scooters & Cycles Auto Parts & Service advertising discriminates against which religion, SALES COLE'S BAKERY SURPLUS BAKERY foods at and equipment. Used color and black and white TV sets. Used 3®7n a 40 descriptive comment! page Coloring Book " If you can't smile, don't call, Aviation race, sex, color or national reduced prices, 1/3 to 1/2 off at stereo amps, tuners, receivers, f you have a car and are willing to retail prices, great eating, great turntables, speakers, 8 - track and 9e t THE m c J » EMPLOYMENT origin. work 15-20 hours per week for a college - oriented organization, economy) Surplus Store, 640 cassette, home decks and car professor rAT|J ' FOR RENT South Waverly, immediately players. Used 8 - track tapes, $2 AND working strictly students on a lead North of 1-496 Expressway. C-2-4 each. Stereo albums, typewriters, COLORING BOO! Apartments appointment basis, please call wall tapestries, Police band radios, Now Houses BOB LADD, 351-1560. 3-2-7 HEAD SKIIS Langc Boots, 8% with ice skates, WILCOX available at I The MSU Book Rooms Automotive PART TIME employment with bags, also Sony cassette deck and SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East Af * Store! FOR SALE reduced pr ► merchant wholesaler. Automobile tapes. 355-3071. 3-2-4 Michigan Avenue. 8-5:30 p.m., Animals FORD CAPRI 1971, 4 - speed, required; phone SOCIETY CORP. Monday - Saturday. 485-4391. INEXPENSIVE TV Stereo Mobile Homes 15,000 miles, brand new Radial 351.5800. C TWO OVERSTUFFED living room BankAmericard, Master Charge, , - Alpha Wave machines ply tires, $2400. 372-0336. 2-2-4 chairs. Aqua. 1 vinyl Straddle - Layaway, terms, trades.C 'Lost & Found ELECTRONICS JOINT ir MANAGER TRAINEE. Immediate lounger. 2 antique white bent White ► PERSONAL JAVELIN 1968, 6 cylinder, new wood chairs. 1 AUTOMATIC REVERSE. Dokorder Monkey opening with leading national antique white book 332-0265. 2-2 7 >PEANUTS PERSONAL paint. Runs good, $900 or best shelf. Call after 5:30, 351-2526. stereo recorder, speakers / retailer. Excellent benefits and offer. 487-0559. 3-2-4 5-2-8 microphones, $175. 8 - track car REAL ESTATE salary with quick advancement BOARD EXAM tutorinc opportunity. Senior or recent grad stereo, speakers, radio pac. $50. RECREATION MAVERICK 1970. Standard 6, GUITAR - GIBSON LG-1 and case. 351-1476. X-1-2-4 AIWA TUTORING courses i preferred, experience helpful. Call SERVICE excellent condition, $1250. Phone Excellent condition. $175. Phone Personnel Office 349-2111. An L.S.A.T. - April Exarr 351-3015, 353-6723. 2-2-4 655-3256. 3-2-4 Typing Service Equal Opportunity Employer. Animals 5-2-9 D.A.T. - April Exam TRANSPORTATION MUSTANG 1968 Fastback, stick BOOKS. 1848-1930. Religion, Civil WANTED War, Circus, West, Mississippi, POMERANIAN PUPPIES, female shift, sport deck, $1350. DREAM JOB. Teach make - up M.C.A.T. Pekinese, AKC. Manx no - tale - April Exar 351-5393. 3-2-4 methods used in hbllywood for Heratio Alger, dictionaries, DEADLINE natural or high style looks. SAVE AT THE HfE WINK3WT horticulture, etc. 489-7255. 3-2-7 kittens. 349-3127. 1-24 1 P.M. one class day before OLDSMOBILE DELTA 1969. Asking Training at our expense. Money is OHtMmSHAKlH*/BOX 1523/E LANSt^6. Mm DESPERATELY NEEDED homes $1350 or offer. Must sell. good if you're ambitious. Can lead USED FURNITURE Flea Fair; 314 publication. 489-4434. 5-2-8 to executive position. VIVIANE East Michigan. Dishes, books, for several nice mature cats. Please LANSING HAMMOND C Cancellations/Corrections WOODARD COSMETICS, coins, antiques, rockers, iunk. call, 332-3331. 1-2-4 SOCIETY. Entertaining. 12 noon one class day OPEL RALLY 1971. Excellent subsidiary of General Foods. For Rent For Rent Bargain Hunters Paradise. Open Hugh Garlock at the organ. P< PURE BRED German Shepherd before publication. condition. Call 349-0136; after 5 351-6623. Q-21-2-29 Saturday and Sunday. Furniture invited, bring a friend. Grind and appliances open all week, 10 puppies. $40 each. Phone and weekends 339-8025. 7-2-11 Houses Frandor, Monday, February! PHONE BABYSITTER, RELIABLE woman in my home, near Marble School. Apartments a.m. - 6 p.m. Phone 371-2843. 627-9824. x-3-2-7 1972 at 7:30 p.m. Re " 355-8255 OPEL STATION Wagon, 1969. C-2-29 ONE FOR 4 bedroom house. Own will be served. 7-2-14 Automatic drive, low mileage, 5 days, own transportation. ONE MAN for 4- man apartment. RATES 10 wore1 $1350. 4205 Mar- Moore Drive 351-4448. 2-2-7 Close to campus. $60 per month. room; grad preferred. Close, SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. Mobile Homes .^nirr.urn $65.50 Visit R ABORN'S Lansing. 372-0352. x-5-2-4 Call 337-9489. 3-2-4 everything. Fireplace, Brand new portables, $49.95. RAZ0R| No. 12 MARKET RESEARCH. Part study. 332-8161. 3-2-4 No. time, $5.00 per month. Large selection MUST SELL 1970 Vindale 12' x 60', EDGE EAST WORDS 1 3 5 10 car essential. Hourly rate plus OPEL, AUTOMATIC , 12,000 of reconditioned used machines. unfurnished, completely Hair Styles for actual miles, 1969, like new, expenses. Reply P.O. Box 725, MARRIED STUDENTS Singers, Whites, Necchis, New carpeted, disposal. King Arthur's men 10 1.50 4.00 e.50 13.00 Lansing, 48903. 5-2-10 $1245. 351-1957. 5-2-10 & FACULTY home and "many others.", $19.95 Court. 339 8912. 6 2^1 2828'/; E. Grand River | to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 FULL TIME, experience, night cook, 371-4570 PLYMOUTH STATION Wagon 1967. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. 10' x 50', 2 - bedroom. Good must be neat and dependable. 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. Automatic transmission, snow 1115 N. Washington. 489-6448. condition, newly carpeted, electric SCIENCE FICTION, Comi 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 WALT'S RESTAURANT in some with study tires, $800 cash. Phone 355-1100 C-2-29 range, furnished ($2300) or Playboy, Baseball CardL Williamston. 655-2175. 5-2-10 responsible. $125 per month. unfurnished ($2000). 694 6061. 23.40 7-12 p.m. 3-2-8 CURIOUS BOOK SHOP,54 ifl 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 Utilities and deposit. 351-3969. B1-1-2-4 GIBSON GUITAR JS. Southern Grand River (Below Pjramo| 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 PINTO 1971, 2000cc, AM/FM radio, 4 speed, studded For Rent from M45 per mo. 0-2-29 Jumbo Ratback. Call 663-3511 after 7 p.m. 2-2-4 1-6 p.m.! 332-0112. 3-2-4 - snow tires, EAST LANSING. Attractive 2 25 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 excellent condition, accent group. TV AND STEREO rental, UNFURNISHED bedroom duplex. Built ins, REVEALING EYE j 487-3210 anytime. 3-2-8 REK-O-KUT PROFESSIONAL 347 St udent Servic es Bldg. satisfaction guaranteed. Free carpeting, fireplace, no pets. $170. Research at Ohio S children welcome turntable. Sony, TC-255 tape All student ads must be delivery, service and pick up. No 10^4 Parkvale. 351-6097. 5-2-> deck. Harmony hollow body Univ., has shown that II TOYOTA COROLLA 1971. Blue deposit. Call NEJAC, 33?-1300. C please, no pets electric guitar. 332-6671 after 5 1970 ELCONA, 52' x 12', 2 frequency wiHi which® radio. $1600. Call after 5:15 p.m COUNTRY HOUSE share. prepaid to 10 p.m. 2-2-7 bedroom, $4000, owner will carry person blinks his cyifl is | 485-4170. 5-2-8 minutes from campus. 2 bedrooms TV RENTALS. Color, $19.50 per The State News responsible only for the will be VOLKSWAGEN 1971 Super Beetle. month. per Black and white, $9.50 month. MARSHALL MUSIC, KNOB HILL in 3-2-4 3 bedroom house. 489-9756. HEAD SKIIS - Men's. Also, poles and boots. Excellent condition. contract. CERTIFIED 487-5898. 3-2-4 accurate indication of tr degree of anxiety he feels. 1 1971, 12' x 52', 2 If you're blinking 11 first insertion. day's incorrect Excellent condition, 2700 miles. Orange. Must sell. 355-1251 after 5 p.m. 3-2-4 351-7830. C-1-2-4 TV RENTALS Students only. Low APARTMENTS Rooms 351 6654. 3-2-8 bedrooms, air - conditioned, skirting, shed. $4200. 372-3607. than usual and your centers around your anxiJ budjf - TEAC 1500 tape deck. Echo 5-2-9 monthly and term rates. Call 349-4700 ROOMS, SINGLES AND DOUBLES. automatic reverse and stop, one let STATE News Classif| Look.out ARE YOU PAYING Ads come to your 1 " 351-7900. UNIVERSITY TV OPEN Monday - Friday Cooking facilities. Utilities paid. year old. $275. 625-3618 before 3 MOBILE HOME, 12' x 50', 2 years TOO MUCH FOR Automotive AUTO INSURANCE? RENTALS. C-2-29 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Call 372-8077. C-2-29 p.m. 5-2-10 old, set - up on lot with skirting. Look around your home I Why not give me a call? Saturday 12-5 p.m. Near campus. 482-4689. 5-2-7 good things you no longer! BUICK LASABRE 1963. Excellent OKEMOS, VERY QUIET. Deposit COLE'S BAKERY or enjoy, make a list of thel Don LOCATED Va MILE NORTH running condition $200, or best Apartments OF JOLLY RD. ON and references. All utilities paid. FINE BAKERY food for all meals. Lost & Found then dial 355-8255 for| offer. After 4 p.m., 337-0947. Sakowski No lease. $80 / month. 694-8335. Open Sundays. MEIJER SENTRY OKEMOSROAD 5-2-7 friendly Ad Writer. 3-2-7 INS. 676 1930 EFFICIENCY APARTMENT for THRIFTY ACRES, Okemos, LOST: MALE Irish Setter with flea South Pennsylvania, West WATERBEDS FROM married couple. Uptown East ONE BEDROOM apartment available PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE south. collar in Abbott, Lake Lansing S9J CAMARO Z/28, 1968. ' j . C • o n 7~ Lansing. $135 / month. 351-9028. now. (March 19th Groom call Quiet for student. Near busline. Saginaw. KROGER. Frandor, Road area. 351-3971. 2-2-4 Guaranteed. Direct from lacf bXCELLENT CONDITION. 351-1957. AUtO SerVlCe & i arts 3-2-4 Logan Center, 4001 West Saginaw, Call 351-0908. Driv again.) $140 / month. Pat $15 a week, plus deposit. Phone 1721 North Grand River. C-1-2-4 5-2-10 lot. Now located at I 351-2384, 393-0440. 2-2-4 627-5454. 5-2-10 LOST: SILVER charm bracelet MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East 2 BEDROOM, unfurnished, except in Greencrest Avenue, Easl Lsnj CH5.V.Y ,'MPALA 1966' Runs $325. well> Kalamazoo Street. . . Since 1940. ONE GIRL needed immediately. MSU, NEAR. 1 2 KING SIZE waterbed, frame with Rossow's envelope, later Monday afternoon in downtown East 0-2-29 Complete auto painting and Reasonable. Across from campus. or girls. protective plastic and foam pad. 641-4554. 3-2-8 Nice sunny apartment. Only one collision service . IV5-0256. Phone 332-0792. 5-2-10 Immediately. Furnished, clean. $60. 351-2015.3-2-8 Lansing vicinity. Sentimental block from Berkey. $67.50 / C-2-29 Parking. 332-0322. 1-2-4 value. Reward. 337-0446 after 5 CHEVY 1964 4-door, 6 cylinder, month. 332-2152. 3-2-7 . GIRL NEEDED to share apartment HUMIDIFIER. FURNITURE antique p.m. 3-2-4 must sell. Best offei. Call after VW GUARANTEED EAST. CONVENIENT. Grad student lace, ice skates, records, books, repair. with one. Immediate occupancy. five, 353-7924. 3-2-4 RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at or older. Quiet. Phone. Parking. miscellaneous. Come look around. Rent negotiable. 731 Burcham. LOST: Okemos Road. 349-9620. C-2-29 372-7973. 3-2-8 Saturday, February 5, 9.5 p.m., PURPLE, "Peter Max", 351-4932, 339-2310. 1-2-4 prescription sunglasses. If found CUTLASS, 1968 442. Dark green, 547 Charles, corner of Beech. black vinyl top, white interior, 4 • BURCHAM WOODS. Comfortable call Sara 337 1305. 4 2-8 1 GIRL roommate needed, studio, 1 and 2 bedroom For Sale 1-2-4 speed, $1 300. 623-6150, immediately, Okemos. 349-9867 TURQUOISE KEYCASE found, Dansville. 5-2-8 apartments. Open immediately, COLOR TELEVISION, 25 inch after 6 p.m. Ftent negotiable. 3-2-4 furnished, heat paid. From $125. SCHOLARLY BOOKS. Rare and out Virginia Avenue Monday night. console; $250. Our sets are Phone 351-3118, 484-4014. 4-2-8 of - print books bought and sold. Describe. Call 351-3850. 2-2-4 USE YOUR - DATSUN 1968, 510, 4 door sedan, reconditioned and work well. Aviation LARGE 1 bedroom deluxe furnished Hours by appointment. 351-8397. runs very well. $775. Call Dave JIM'S ELECTRONIC SERVICE, 355-2695. 3-2-8 WALKING DISTANCE to MSU, 1 4-2-4 484-7711, 9-5, Monday WHATEVER YOU you want to buy, MASTER CHARGE | LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight conditioning, heat furnished. 711 - Friday. bedroom cottage, furnished, 5-2-10 there's a good chance you'll find it FALCON 1962, excellent condition, training. All courses are Burcham. Call 337-7328. 0-1-2-4 including utilities. Ideal for grad SANSUI SP100 speakers. Sharp in the Want Ads. Check now! AT THE STATE NEV government and VA certified. sound in cabinets. Best offer. low mileage, 6 cylinder, good gas student or married couple. FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport ONE GIRL to sublet in 4 man NATURAL MINK coat. Full length. - Manager, 400 Gunson, Cottage 18. 332-0774, after 5 p.m. Ask for mileage. Call 371-2030 evenings. Road. Call 484-1324. C-2-29 Size 14. $100. Originally $4,000. apartment winter and / or spring Phone 332-6717 after 4 p.m. 2-24 Ken. 5-2-8 5-2-8 Very good condition. 339-9311 terms. February's rent paid. Call 337-1824. 1-2-4 after 5 p.m. 2-2-7 CROSSWORD FORD 1962. V-8. Excellent Employment Houses PROFESSIONAL RECORDING set - condition. Everything works, fine body, does not burn oil. Darlene BURCHAM WOODS. Sublease up: TEAC 7030, 8 mikes, 2 12 STRING Aria Guitar, thin neck, PUZZLE mixers, stands etc. Call Dan, excellent condition. Mike ACROSS 351-2279. 1-2-4 furnished, efficiency apartment NEAR SPARROW. Two bedroom 351-6669. 5-2-9 351-3794. 5-2-10 No. 55. Spring term, heat paid fenced yard. Unfurnished. Clost 1. Crypt 35. Obfuscate $130. Phone Manager 351-3118 to shopping and schools. $125 , 5 Quadrant 37 Fit of month, $125 deposit. One yeai 8 Reward peevishness STORY lease. 372 8573. 1-2-4 11 Moslem prince 39 Potpourri 12 College cheer 41 Betel palm EAST LANSING Duplex. Carpeted 13. Majority 45. "" River horse 2 bedroom. Full basement 14 Sainthood 48. Hail and ONE - BEDROOM apartment. Spring Appliances included. 1 block frorr 17. Threefold farewell DATSUN SALES / - summer. Furnished, balcony, air conditioning. 351-5785. 2-2-4 campus. welcome Married only. Chile $210 / month 18. Of the dawn 19. Totem pole 49. Importune 50. Soil 3165 E. MICHIGAN 349-9675 or 349-0560. 6-2-11 21. Localities 51. Odin's son 2 General ONE BEDROOM luxury apartment 24. Anchor tackle 52. Compass point One Block From Campus WHOLE HOUSE $150, room $60 Bradley 8. close to campus, furnished, air, 27. Yoyo 53. Napoleon's 3. Short skirt 9 No utilities, 10 minutes frorr „ . pool. Rent negotiable. After 4:30 campus. 8-12 a.m. 882-4201 29. firm exile island 4 Cocktail or 10. Lon8l"f L p.m. 332-8340. 3-2-4 30. Criticize DOWN borough 15 t'"PiS,i!ii1 32 Bumpkin 5. "Exodus' hero 16. Tin to I ONE BEDROOM near campus CHEAP BUT nice. Remodeled 34. Callow 1. Finesse 6. Demolish "1'rr0,s " February 23 vacancy. Carpeting, Lansing house, furnished for 4, 20. Also air, parking, furnished. Phone $200 monthly, utilities, heat paid. 1 22 Walk on Ihj 351 2207 after 5 p.m. 3-2-4 332-3398. 10-2-11 23 Make do 24 World War® agency 'VALENTINE SPECIAL'^ 25 Indian mulberry | 2 DOOR COLOR DISPLAY 26 Slate policeman® SEDAN LARGEST SELECTION IN TOWN $4.00 for 1" 28. Prate 31. Basis of I 33 Accompli '72 DATSUN 1200 Your Kramer has car caught cold? everything to fix it. $6.50 for 2" 36 men! Electron'1 1 STOCK NO. 9091 $10111 Service, too. Deadline Thursday 2/10 @ 3 p.nT 38. Comme'®! Musical STORY PRICED I5J1SI 7 Student Services ^ Bld^f 40 42, Man's n'1"! We Stock Over a Million Harts .355-8255 43 Rem 1 can* 1 44 Movie KRAMER AUTO PARTS DATSUN 800 E. Kalamazoo St. 484-1303 45 Chapeau r 7 I yjchig*" State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 4, 1972 1 5 Panel to I;ra7h7r WANTS life of portfolio. N° P"V^V efltive and subtle. Call jnn 337 7600- 3-2-4 study plan to ,anuls Personal i:HENm7eVB^re dosed, lined them for me. I Love change bias law By BILL WHITING State Newt Staff Writer The commission said they penalty for conviction of an Efv<- v7A_ would make a report on the offense would be a $500 fine or Alphabet, 26, a student Members of the East [TgNoi the anonymous Lansing proPosaJ "tl„th1eir next meeting 90 days in jail or both. organization, are holding a I writers who criticize my ; Human Relations Commission on the r'rst Wednesday in March. In the policy statement of the bake sale and video slide voted Wednesday to receive and - - J" t0 identify themselves. The ordinance calls for the ProPosal- the groups state that, film show study a proposed ban of discrimination because of through today in Jfox.S-5-2-10 antidiscrimination ordinance .Soc|,al peace in this city Kresge Art Center to raise submitted by the Coalition for "religion, age, sex, marital ^P6"®8 uPon the maintenance ■'"may The Crescent Moon status, sexual orientation of an atmosPhere of tolerance money to replace items stolen Rr you- Love, the Gemma Human Survival and 'Cay cultural orientation or physical ^ mutual "*P«ct; therefore, from the Art Dept. 11-2-4 i_ Liberation Movement. appearance." The maximum practice of unreasonable SN photo by Terry Luke discrimination by one individual ■Jf PLEDGES, Shar, Colette, against another in this city is ■pelta Zfta Sisters. ^-2-4 harmful to the community as a Isolations margie Ijn Pledge Pin for Active t on Meet tudy whole citizens." as well as to its individual EjtaZeta Sisters. V2-4^ The proposal would replace the current JrTlVE Congrats! We're re8l I Love you AEPhi Sisters. black policemen color, religion antidiscrimination ordinance which specifies or national origin. race, A request to amend that The solutions to the problems of the black policeman - his cued It's y°ur birthday i ordinance to include lifestyle image, his relationship to the black community he serves and the im'coming. Shortstuff. jac rest of the police force — will be the was submitted several weeks ago concerns of the conference by city councilman George A. jnd kisses for a happy to be sponsored, in-part, by the MSU Center for Urban Affairs (CUA) and the Dept. of Criminal Justice this spring. Colburn. The commission to "ate has °o action on that Freshman admissions stabilize |G.W.G.1-24 The 2'/2-day conference, "The Black Police Officer in is being funded by New Detroit Inc. and Detroit", nroDospd orrtinanr* (Continued from page one) HAPPY one year designed and _df£. S orienUUon to business of figures. The figures community colleges before being University has no rigid cut - off IvERSARV. i love you %CH. LOVE. candy. 1-2-4 'mU«TrnintzaTiii ^ COnSU,tation of The Guardians, a black mean the choice <5 Lxuri having difficulty finding jobs are only up to the end of January and because they cover admitted to Penn State. At Ohio State University, the point for high school grade point Each of the video tape discussion sessions consonant with average or college board exam to be held in five their only that period I don't think culture orientation mea? the administration announced scores. education," Polley said. Me^ adopTe d°f b ^'a^pwron ** and "I think the CMU report is they spell out any real catastrophe for those schools recently a reduction in its Columbus, Ohio campus and "We look at the junior sophomore accurate. I have one word of year in high school. If CM'FOR EXPANSION caution about the whole whose applications are way enrollment by about 1,200 the GPA in academic areas such ludroom Cape Cod is located cUA, school of i down or windfall for those who students this fall. Ohio State has as science and English is 2.75 or iV 60' x 380' lot. Ideal zszstJH^sssr M'ch'e,n'the obiecil,e5 or the are up." established ceilings on its better, and the boards are at „jn! Close to a. or Can schools and be purchased on V.A. terms. For * * rr ■ To mobilize • i• officers see critical ... f community areas within Detroit where black _ community relations problems and the local v™,,b?bv- whether the result of birth or accident) and choice of fa«^ion Budget plan The CMU report comes at a time when the Pennsylvania State University newspaper is transfer student and freshman enrollment to hold the campus at 45,400 students. The State of least average, then the student is accepted for admission," Seeley said. _iment call Mrs. Robinson community support structures to According to the DroDosal (Continued from page one) implement the any individual or reporting that "student phone Ohio is enforcing a 40,000 JsiO ■ ADVANCE REALTY, recommended changes in police-community relations which be allowed to take group would The proposed budget, as directories won't get any student limitation which the T0R or 485-3045 Great emanate from the conference. court action returned from the budget thicker" because the university I home! 3-2-7 * To increase local awareness and against an offender, although he university is attempting to meet. concern in the Detroit area committee, was sent to the has stabilized its enrollment. The See ley explained Thursday of the unique pressures under which might not be the one board members Penn State newspaper reported the black police officer in with a letter the criteria MSU applies in the city must work. discriminated against. It also stressing the importance of the that more students are being evaluating applications for * To also provide a national focus on the provides that the city shall be next meeting to be held at 7:30 funneled to Pennsylvania plight of the black required to provide bond, admissions. He insisted that the policeman in all major U.S. cities. p.m. Monday in Hubbard Hall's * To explore methods and Representatives of Gay multipurpose room. strategies for communities, police Liberation officers and departments to lessen these * To unify the black support each other and work more pressures. policemen of Detroit so they can better complained to the city councii at its last meeting charging that stalling tactics "Because nature members of this have of the special meeting several TRADE YOUR HOME FOR A BRAND NEW ONE! ns. Full hi with effectively toward the were being used to suggested that There is No Better Kpnvite office or ltd •••? 2 car improvement of the situation of the black police officer in on Detroit. proposed antidiscrimination delay action somew aat tighter procedures be followed," Buckners letter The Buy In ff/J MOl+lM garage. " Too many amendments. reads. Lansing Area! riced under The ground rules include having I immediate sale poircn LOWEST FHA-VA fur or I1*B ii d WHAT'S. people speak when recognized Ton Choice of terms or Who's Whose ^ wnni da i and only on the motion under CDi'M $23,990 CONVENTIONAL TERMS ARE AVAILABLE fill SHEFFIELD ROAD It 614% mortgage with debate, a procedure which is not adhered f/i to at most ASMSU 40UT & GARDNER ENGAGEMENTS meetings. board At Monday's meeting the perlqd of will go into a special presentations. Any WE&EDGE Sales by General Realty Company ® » REALTORS 371-1930 Announcements for Happening must be received in the It's What's People interested in helping demonstration for Soviet on Jewry the group having made a written appeal for funds by 5 p.m. today may have one speaker make a 10 MODEL HOMES PHONE MBTO&oge State News office, 341 Student should call 355-6718, 332-1916, 393-8333 piSING. Pinecrest, $23,500. Services Bldg., by I p.m. at least two 351-2105 or meet at 6:45 p.m. today - minute presentation to the ranch. A surprising class days before publication. No on the Auditorium steps. board. The board may then ask Saturday 12 to 6 Built by Republic JOLLY ROAO o the usual house. At Cindy Kay, Monroe senior, Phi Closed Thursday announcements will be accepted by questions after the Development Corp. By owner. 351-6216. Gamma Nu to Erick Johnson, Lansing. MSU Grad. phone. No announcements will be The Union Board will presentations. sponsor accepted for events outside the spring break flights to London and Following this, the board will Sue Demmer, Dearborn senior. Phi greater Lansing area. Nassau. Information is available at move back into a period of old Gamma Nu to Biel Hermann, the Union Board office or call business for debate by board The Central Michigan Amateur University of Detroit senior. Alpha 353-9777. members only and then action | BREAK - Hawaii, $269. Sigma Nu, Beta Gamma Sigma. Radio Club will meet at 8 tonight at o. $189; Bahamas. $159; the American Red Cross may be taken on the budget. Building, The Auburn Film STUDENTOURS. 129 1 800 E. Grand River Ave. Group Terry Konecny, Durand senior, Phi present "Cleopatra" at 8 tonight and ^ | Grand River, 351-2650. Gamma Nu to Richard Wilson, Saturday in 109 Anthony Hall. Women interested in planning and Marlette. MSU SKIERS < 1: SUMMER m #t '72. Round trip $219. STUDENTOURS Grand River, 351-2650. Kathi Kolb, Midland junior, Phi Gamma Nu to Craig Killian, Orchard Lake, MSU Grad, Sigma Chi. creating the Women's Fair will meet at I p.m. Saturday in 35 Unior p.m. The MSU Golf Club will hold a third instructional session at 12:301 Intramural Saturday in 137 Bldg. New memberships M Women don't miss THE \ mich. ski festival: mmmm will be accepted. | Service This weekend at the Albatross gl feb. 11 12 13 Coffeehouse - Friday: folk music |NG INTERIOR: Paint with Brad Lang; Saturday: folk music id wholesale, reasonable, •ices, grad students. Pamela Murray, East Grand Rapids ""ended ^n of the prev with Steve Reynolds. The Albatross Traverse City ,heses, r ' 9nneral typing. IBM. Wanted be held at 8 | p.m. Saturday at Farmhouse "•n-rience. 349 0850. Fraternity, 151 Bogue St. For rides Women's Intrai information call 332-863c AT or COMIC BOOKS, Baseball Cards. 332-0427. Beatle Books, Items 111 CURIOUS tTE THESEs 7e7vice~ BOOK SHOP, 541 East Grand The Spartan |■"'Ionso,n,i"hMBM,Vpi"9and River (Below Paramount) 1-6 p.m. 332-01121 x-3-2-7 and Saturday in I02B Wells Hall. Kresge Art Center today. DEALER , ""umes, WANTED A lot: 1 ticket to Gordon The whole Madison communit) People interested in using an aloha COST |qrAPH0n0rVserv'ces. |*caih Sh°P- Can' Lightfoot concert. February 6. Julie, ED2-1760. Leave name, invited to in the Case Hall a party at 7:30 p.m. I'ric roc wave feedback machine should call 332-0265 and leave number. A name and phone meeting will be arranged. For a Our Annual Shi (Jearance number. 1-2-4 limited Gamble Early - All Nationally Advertised Brands 11 CuftirSlQ* lime onlw Skis - Boots Don't Procrastinate!! Poles Clothing (l Cm a. wliAAicta^, tjtAifi.. Roberts Accessories The Longer You Wait - fo a <*- The Greater The Risk |/«uj Automotive STORE HOURS Center 4310 W. Saginaw, Lansing Mon. Thru Sat. - 10 a.m. 9 p.m. 2283 Grand River, Okemos Sun. only 12 noon 5 p.m. 4980 Park Lake Road All Stores 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, Febnia^. j | Prof claims anger stirs sexual arousal Barclay, associate professor of Barclay suggested that the opposite characteristics to be stronger and sexier." made to feel angry by the words experimenters by becoming sexual people " n psychology, said in a recent development of anger, hostility between men and women During the interview, Barclay of their regular instructor and a sexually aroused. The latter He anticipated i?*"I and aggression towards members guest instructor from Yale (who result was attributable to the from other nsv interview. through gender roles. stressed that love is different k ' Intercourse between college "Anger and hostility are the of the opposite sex is "There is no way one tan from sex. He explained love as was really an imposter). gender-role concept which the general drivPth students can be an expression of underlying motives behind why unavoidable in our society. The love a person that is the opposite being of a more cognitive The regular instructor told supports the idea that responsible for th*0' hatred for members of the some young adults engage feelings are a function of a of himself—you can only hate concept and not related to the class he was disappointed "dominant, aggressive males are aexual arousal in ' opposite sex, Andrew M. in sex," he explained. training process that emphasizes feelings that occur in late with the students' performance them," Barclay said. For some couples, marriage is adolescence. on a recent midterm a crumbling institution, Barclay He said that love is a feeling examination and that a number Black said, because it is only a means generated from the thinking the couple is employing to learn portions of the body as opposed of them had failed. He then promised to hand back the examinations after introducing about opposites or how different to the physical portions of the each partner is from the other. body. And, Barclay implied, the "guest" from Yale. The following employers will be Iniei viewing from*L« presentation The only flaw in director Thomas Rachal's He agreed with the portion of such thinking involves learning Sigmund Freud's theory of which accumulates as an After a few haughty and contemptuous remarks to the through Feb. 18. March, June and August graduates of levels are eligible to interview unless otherwise indicated 1 »iul By CRISPIN Y. CAMPBELL State News Staff Writer attempt to expose MSU to a new dimension in sexuality which states that individual grows older. It is class, which were purposely designed to arouse anger in the Fleb. 14: Bechtel Corp.; Celanese Corp.; Control n»i J as love builds up, so does rather unlikely that a young Detroit Bank & Trust Co.; George H. Hormel and black drama is the Co s The MSU Black Arts Company will present ambiguity of the play itself. hate. Unlike Freud, Barclay does adolescent could love, the students, the Yale gentleman sat Peabody & Co. Inc.; Martin Marietta Corp.; New Y \1 "One-Act Black Drama" at 3 p.m. Sunday in 101 While Rachal's direction of Garrett in a most not attribute these feelings to psychologist said. down. Barclay's assistant then Cooperative Extension; Social Security Administration- v., 1 Bessey Hall. difficult role provided the impetus for excellent innate instincts. The gender roles Barclay recently completed passed out test booklets Haven Hospital. ' The 90-minute program, first presented in drama, many viewers left confused as to the pose an explanation, he said. research on the relation between containing pictures designed to Feb. 15: American Oil; Amoco Chemicals Corp.; Fairchild Arena last month, consists of turee one meaning of the vignette. Perhaps some sort of American women are trained aggression and sexual arousal measure anger and sexual arousal Cork Co.; Crysler Corp.; Continental Coffee Co. Cont!I?l act plays: "The Spook Who Sat by the Door," explanation should have been offered to to be wholesome and passive and and presented the results last through descriptive paragraphs Corp.; Detroit Bank & Trust Co.; General Foods Con?l "The One" and "The Ghost Dancers." American men are brought up to December at the American Assn. written by the subjects. facilitate audience enjoyment and participation. Kresge Co.; Martin Marietta Corp.; Mobil Oil Corn• iuT Gerald Lemmons' adaptation of Samuel be constantly competitive and for the Advancement of Science Barclay said that the study Greenly's "The Spook Who Sat by the Door," "The Ghost Dancers," directed by G. Les physically aggressive, Barclay meeting in Philadelphia. showed both aggressive and Business Forms Inc.; New York State Cooperative Social Security Administration; Standard Oil Division ExJj while an example of initiative and talent, left Washington, was by far one of the company's His findings were that anger sexual imagery increases as a ^ something to be desired in the way of length and best-directed and best-acted presentation. said. These influences are evident in the feminine female stimulates sexual arousal and the result of an aggressive arousal. Feb. 16: American Oil; Armstrong Cork Co.; Products Co.; Ford Motor Co.; General Foods Charminl direction. It is the story of Rainbow Rivers, the down - Corou! and the athletic male, he imagery associated with anger by And, the psychologist said, men Topsoil & Supply; Mobil OH Corp.; New York State (Wi More time should have been given to allow the and - out black comedian, and his wife the subjects is often sexual in were more sexually aroused in Cayella, explained. Extension; Schlumberger Well Services; Sears Roebuck&l audience to reflect upon the last statement, "Go who have been enslaved by Rainbow's What if the gender roles were nature. situations where women were Singer Co.; Southland Corp.; Standard Oil Division' W get your own," and a more realistic fight scene dependence and loyality to Kingsly — the altered and men and women In 1962-63, Barclay and an dominant, but they were also Manufacturing Co.; Win Schuler Restaurants Inc. ' was needed. • "blond-haired, blue-eyed devil." were always considered equal in associate conducted a study in a more defensive about their Feb. 17: American Appraisal Co. Inc.; American The talent of Dexter Randal, John Williams, sexual or aggressive feelings. Can I When Cayella shrieks, "If I had killed his doll their sex roles? Barclay replied classroom situation at the Charmin Paper Products Co.; Chicago Tribune; Foote Shelly Moncrief and Neal McAlpin made a rather In other studies, Barclay Cc (coodoo), I could have gotten both of you," the that such totally recognized University of Connecticut which Belding Advertising Inc.; Ford Motor Co.; Fresh Air So- quick look at Samuel Greenly's plot a destruction of the balck family unit is mirrored asked the question: Would found that both sexes expressed worthwhile experience. equality would be "an upset". "The dating game would be angry men and women become more sexual imagery on the Standard Oil Co. of Calif. & Chevron Research Co/1 The pseudodrama, "The One" by Oliver by the minstrel boy - like action of the black Journal/Gannett Newspaper Group; Szabo Food Service! man to emmulate his white "partner." ruined," he said, "because men sexually aroused or would anger pictures in which the opposite Travelers; Western International; Wickes Corp. I Pitcher, relates the constant struggle for identity would be attempting to uphold inhibit the expression of sexual dominant. Also, the of the balck man in a white world feeling that Linda Calloway as the desperate Cayella was their aggressiveness, as expected, impulses? " sex was researchers found that women Feb. 18: Foote Cone & Belding Advertising Inc.; Loufel "he could accept his excellent. Co.; Sears Roebuck & Co.; Standard Oil Co. of Calif, ft qJ color and not his role," not The students were gradually responded to hostile male realizing the mutually exclusive nature of the The acting of G. Les Washington as Rainbow and the women would be trying Research Co.; Western International; Wickes Corp. WheelabratorFryel ® was the highlight of the drama. choices. NOTICE TO ALL STUDENTS Academic Advising, Enrollment and Registration For 1972 Spring Term GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS COLLEGE OF BUSINESS HONORS COLLEGE CHANGE OF MAJOR FROM THE REGISTRAR Academic advising for Spring Term, 1972, will take place All Honors College members are requested to confer with FRESHMEN AND SCPHOMORES: University College The 1972 Spring term Schedule of Courses and Academic during the period of February 7-16. Students should adhere their academic advisers prior to the beginning of enrollment students with 84 or fewer credits initiate changes of majorL to the following schedules: Handbook will be available to dormitory residents in their on February 17. No Preference students and those who preference in the appropriate University College Academic! residence halls on Friday, February 4; and to other students 1. Freshmen and Sophomores in Accounting and have questions concerning adviser assignments should see a Student Affairs Office. at the counter in Room 150, Hannah Administration Financial Administration, General Business, General staff member in Eustace Hall. South Campus Residents: S33 Wonders Hall Business Prelaw, Management, Marketing, and Hotel, Brody Residents: 109 Brody Hall Building beginning on Monday, February 7. A summary of what to do — where, when. .. concerning Restaurant, and Institutional Management should see LYMAN BRIGGS COLLEGE East Campus Residents: 245 W. Fee Hall the enrollment and registration procedure for Spring term is counselors in the Advisement Center, Office of the North Campus and Off- Campus Residents, including! Assistant Dean, Room 7, Eppley Center. Counselors will be 1. Students should contact their academic advisers during Shaw Hall: 170 Bessey Hall. outlined in the 1972 Spring term Schedule of Courses and r available from 8-5. the period of February 7 through February 16. Academic Handbook. JUNIORS AND SENIORS: A student wishing to change! 2. Freshmen and Sophomores in Economics, Business his major in one degree college to a major in another degree! 2. Following approval of the program, students should Your discussion with your adviser will be based on a Education, Distributive Education, Office Administration, college must initiate the change in the office of the assistant! Student Academic Progress Plan which you should develop and Honors College should see their advisers in the bring to E-30 Holmes Hall a copy of their programs dean of the college in which he is registered. If the change is! (or may wish to modify or develop further) in conference respective departments during the advisers' regularly according to the following schedule: approved, it becomes effective at the beginning of the next| with your adviser. Bring your Progress Plan record with you scheduled office hours. term. I to see your academic adviser according to the arrangement 3. Juniors and Seniors in all majors should see their The student must meet the requirements for graduation! Wednesday, February 16 8-12 and 1-5 A-D in your college (and possibly department) as outlined advisers in the respective departments during the advisers' given in the catalog current at the time the change n! Thursday, February 17 8-12 and 1-5 E-K below: regularly scheduled office hours. All Seniors should review effective. Thirty credits must be completed while enrolled! their graduation requirements with their adviser. Friday, February 18 8-12 and 1-5 L-Q in the major in the college in which the degree is to be! Monday, February 21 8-12 and 1-5 R-S 4. Graduate students should make appointments to see earned. 1 Tuesday, February 22 8-12 and 1-5 T-Z COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS their respective advisers. Residence college students (James Madison. Justin! Morrill, Lyman Briggs) must initiate changes of major in the! All undergraduate majors in the College of Arts and COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION ARTS student affairs or dean's office of their respective college. COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE Letters, except Studio Art majors, should see their COUNSELING: Facilities of the Counseling Center ait academic advisers during their office hours on Monday, Audiology and Speech Sciences 353-8780 February 7-16 The Handbook of Undergraduate Courses in the College available to assist students considering a change of major or! Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, February 7, 8,9,10. Advertising 355-2314 February 7-16 of Social Science is prepared each term to assist students in Journalism 353-6430 major preference. ENGLISH MAJORS SHOULD GO FIRST TO THE February 7-16 selecting courses for their next term's schedule. Course UNDERGRADUATE OFFICE IN MORRILL HALL 201, Television and Radio 355-8372 February 7-16 outlines submitted by the faculty usually include Communication COLLEGE OF HUMAN MEDICINE HISTORY MAJORS SHOULD CONSULT THE information on textbooks or reading lists, course content UNDERGRADUATE ADVISER IN MORRILL HALL 341, Advising Schedule for Spring Term, 1972: Pre - advising and objectives and guidelines to be followed. Medical Students MUSIC MAJORS SHOULD GO FIRST TO THE periods February 10-16. Telephone 355-3471 or see Miss All students must have consulted with their academic! Handbooks may be examined after Feb. 10 in the UNDERGRADUATE ADVISING CENTER. MUSIC McGeachy in Room 545 SKH for schedules of advising adviser by February 17th. Please come to the Office ot Libraries, Residence Halls, Fraternities, Sororities, Co-op BUILDING 155. MOST HUMANITIES STUDENTS ARE teams. Enrollment Agreement forms must be completed by Student Affairs, Room A-234 Life Sciences Building. Houses, Counseling Center, in each Social Science Major ADVISED IN THE UNDERGRADUATE OFFICE OF THE February 17 in order to guarantee the Com major a place in COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS IN LINTON HALL Department with academic advisers, and in each Dean's Communication courses. Office. Please ask for it if not readily displayed. Medical Technology Students 207. HUMANITIES PRE-LAW MAJORS SHOULD CHECK DR. GESNER'S OFFICE HOURS WITH THE HISTORY Labor and Industrial Relations — Graduate students All students must have made an appointment byl JUSTIN MORRILL COLLEGE February 4 th to see their academic adviser. Please come to" DEPARTMENT SINCE THESE HOURS WILL BE should see their advisers before enrollment and registration. 1. During the period Feb. 7 -16 students should see their Room 48 Giltner Hall or call 353-7800. SOMEWHAT DIFFERENT FROM OTHER ADVISERS. Social Science — Undergraduates — First term seniors Advisers will be in their offices at least one hour each academic assistant or faculty adviser to plan their academic (130 cr.) must see their adviser before picking up Permit to morning and afternoon of these four days. Check with schedule for spring term. Students who do not know their COLLEGE OF HUMAN ECOLOGY adviser can check in office 59. SENIORS are reminded that Register. Miss the crowds by coming during the term. department offices for the hours of individual advisers. Adviser office hours Make an appointment to minimize waiting in line or if you for graduation, your Field of Concentration must have the are available in 141 Baker Hall. See Any student who desires an appointment with hisadviserB your own Advisfer. should schedule an appointment during this AcademicB cannot come at the hours scheduled. You may, of course, approval of your JMC faculty,adviser. see your advisers at other than these dates during their 2. Justin Morrill students will early enroll for all courses Social Science - Graduates — 206 Berkey Hall. Phone Advising period. Appointment sheets will be posted outsideB (university and JMC) in the Snyder Hall trophy room from 355-7531 for an appointment. the door of each adviser's office. It is imperative thatB regular office hours or by appointment. Studio Art majors should see their Art advisers on 8 - 11:30 a.m. according to the alphabetical schedule and Anthropology — Mrs. Judy Tordoff, Undergraduate students in need of special help make appointments^ dates published in the spring 1972 edition of the Adviser is available in her including: Monday, February 7. All Studio Art classes will be office, Room 346 Baker Hall, dismissed on that day and advisers will be in their offices Schedule of Courses and Academic Handbook. 3. JMC course descriptions will be available outside the Daily from 8 to 12 and 1 to 5. 1. New freshmen and transfer students. 2. Honors students. 3. All students who have transferred to College^ Human® from 8-12 and 1-4. Advising Center (11 Snyder) on Feb. 14th. Geography — See Michael Graff, Undergraduate Adviser Ecology and have not planned a program with their newB in Room 318 Natural Science during regular office hours or COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE 4. NON-JMC STUDENTS: In order to give enrollment call 355-4649 for an appointment. advisers. 4. Students on academic probation. 5. StudentsB AND NATURAL RESOURCES priority to students in the college, you cannot early enroll revising long - term plans. g for JMC courses, (exceptions for spring '72 — 239A sect. 1; Political Science — Students wishing to be advised prior Bubolz, Borosage, Whiren, Cole and Earhart will meet! College of Agriculture and Natural Resources students 259A sections 3 and 5; 259B sect. 3) Spring term JMC to enrollment and registration should call Miss Susan their advisees in Child Development in a group session on« should see their academic advisers by appointment during courses will be available to you at early registration (March Lawther, Faculty Adviser for Undergraduates, anytime Wednesday, February 9, from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. in rooni| the period February 7 - 16. Appointments should be made 13 - 17) and at regular registration (March 27-28). You are between February 7 through 16. 207 Human Ecology Building. prior to February 7. advised to check the open course list outside tne Advising Center during these registration periods. An open course list Psychology — Mrs. I/lary Donoghue, Undergraduate Adviser in the Department, will be in her office, 112 Olds Graduate Students: Please participate in early enrollm®'-! will be publsihed by Marsh 1st. More information on Justin Classes will be cancelled if there are not enough studen | COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Hall, February 7 through 16 during posted hours, for enrolled at the close of the early enrollment period. Morrill College and courses offered in the college is Students in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, advising prior to early enrollment. nlan with! available in the Advising Center (11 Snyder) or call 3-9599. Please bring your schedule book and a tentative in Industrial Arts, and upperclassmen in Special Education, You should see your academic adviser for information on Sociology — if additional advising is needed, majors should consult with their advisers between February 7 and how a Justin Morrill course can be used in your program. should arrange an appointment by telephone with their February 16. Advisers will observe normal office hours academic advisers. during this period. COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCE Criminal Justice — Students who have not had their UNIVERSITY COLLEGE- Undergraduate Elementary Education and Special programs planned for the Spring term should report to NO PREFERENCE Education majors who are assigned to the Advisement 1. Schedule an appointment for a conference with your room 412 Olds Hall for advising on the Center need not see their advisers unless special assistance is academic adviser by signing the appointment sheet following dates: February 14 15, 16. Students with programs already An appointment card for conference with : needed. Advisers will hold open office hours Feb. 7-16 for designating his available hours. This sheet will be posted developed need not report. a students needing assistance. Office hours for each adviser near his office door on 3 February. Conferences are to be academic adviser has been mailed to each No Preference will be posted in Erickson Hall lobby. held during the period 7 February to 16 February. Social Work - Freshmen and Sophomores - See Mrs. studont. If you did not receive a card or were unable 2. For your appointment, bring to your academic adviser Sally Parks, Room 220 Baker Hall, 353-8626, Feb. 7-16 keep your appointment, you may come to the advisemen® and 17-23. Office hours 8-12 and 1-5. office before February 17. your planned program for Spring term and go over it with are | JAMES MADISON COLLEGE him for his suggestions. Urban Planning - For early advising and enrollment see Each i o Preference student who has earned 85 ^cre