W ednesday michigan university state STATE NEWS East 64 Number 104 Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, February 9, 1972 enate passes resolution end coastal dock strike R. Harris, D - Okla., and Lowell dock strike proposal SHINGTON (AP) - Despite a - Conn, cast the dissenting votes. Weicker, R requested by President Nixon, came after the Senate emergency bill the Senate rejected an tive voluntary agreement in amendment to add permanent machinery The measure provides for termination rejected, 42 - 39 an amendment to provide lions the Senate voted Tuesday to of for dealing with crippling strikes in the the arbitration a permanent machinery for k 123 - day West Coast dock strike proceedings at any time a settling transportation industry. Lulsory arbitration. voluntary settlement of all issues is disputes in the transportation industries. Sen. Bob Packwood, R - Ore., who certified to the secretary of labor Debate on the . 3 roll - call vote sent the bill to by both compulsory arbitration offered the amendment patterned after sides. bill was under way when announcement of legislation requested by the Nixon fwilliam Proxinire, D • Wis.; Fred The vote in favor of the emergency a tentative agreement to arbitrate administration nearly two years ago, said if remaining issues voluntarily reached the it had been on the books there would have Senate floor. been no dock strike. Sen. Harrison Williams, D - N.J., The amendment would have provided chairman of the Senate Labor Committee, the President a sequence of options — a 15 and Sen. Jacob Javits, R - )liceman ass N.Y., its ranking Republican, said the agreement came as no surpirse and was anticipated in the - day extension of the 80 - day Taft - Hartley injunction for final negotiation, partial operation of the affected industry legislation itself, with a provision to and selection by an impartial arbiter of terminate proceedings upon voluntary either the last offer of management or of settlement. labor. ring to stop The Senate immediate end measure to the resumption for at least 18 months. provides for strike and no The support Packwood from amendment Republican senators, but Williams said its adoption would cause drew Angela salutes Binding arbitration would be completed problems with the House getting final in 40 days. police said the man beat Herman over the congressional action. Angela Davis raises her arm in a "black power salute" as she enters the loliceman from the Dept. of Public head with a tire iron. Police said Herman Alternating methods are provided for The House Labor Committee approved js assaulted with a tire iron early selection of the arbitration panel. Santa Clara County Courtroom Tuesday for pre-trial hearings. was hit in the stomach and ribs and a resolution authorizing a 60 ■ day lay morning while trying to Before reaching a final vote on the Following her are defense attorneys Doris Walker and Leo Branton Jr. received a concussion from a blow to the injunction against a portion of the strike. nonstudent for allegedly head. AP Wirephoto jng into a vending machine in Itural Hall. During the scuffle, Herman fired two :e said that officer Roger C. shots at the man but missed. , 25, answered a call from a MSU police report that East Lansing ENVIRONMENTAL DANCER DENIED nance worker at 6:31 a.m. Tuesday Police finally arrested the man, a 8 man attempting to break into nonstudent from Lansing, outside the I machines. Police said that Herman, Physics-Astronomy Building, inside a rith another officer, chased the man e cond floor of Giltner Hall. Herman was wrestling with the window well. He was transported to the Dept. of Public Safety's headquarters and was held for arraignment later in East Council rejects city building ban nd attempting to make an arrest, Lansing District Court. Police identified the man as Walter By BILL WHITING any construction in East Lansing which McMullen, 19, of Lansing. He was State News Staff Writer would add to the flow of waste to the the plant and the 186-unit development he arraigned on a charge of assault with intent would be in jeopardy if the ban was to commit murder, and was placed in jail sewage treatment plant. They also granted was planning would contribute only .04 imposed. Adams to talk Ecology came out the loser in an after failure to post $8,000 bond. a request from local developer Francis Fine per cent increase to present operations. "We consider that improbable fight with a medium-cost to rezone an area along "Are you also prepared to tell Dr. nonhousing of poor housing development Monday as the East Coolidge Road to people is an abomination, too," Fine said. Herman was taken to Sparrow Hospital be developed as a medium-cost Wharton that he can't add another 400 * Adams, professor of economics, Lansing City Council turned down a housing "If you decide on a moratorium, you will with lacerations to the scalp. He reportedly unit. people in the University, proposal to impose a building ban within or prepared not have effectively abolished it. Priorities speak at a Communications Dept. Griffiths said he had sought to propose to invite received nine stitches and was released in the city a convention of 1000 people?" become important because this will also be iquium about his experiences as limits. such a ban since he first came on the good condition. He will be off work for an Fine asked. "We won't add one iota of In 3-2 vote, the council voted a no vote to bring I president at 3 p.m. today in 106B indefinite period of time because of the a narrow council in November 1971. He harm." any underprivileged Jl are welcome. down a motion made by Councilman charged people to East Lansing." concussion. that overloaded facilities at the treatment George Griffiths that would have banned Phil Bozzo, member of the Coalition for plant have already resulted in polluting the Fine added that representatives of the Human Survival, challenged Fine's Red Cedar River and that the addition of Michigan State Housing Commission had assertion, however, and charged that the more housing units at this time would only approved of the site for his development result in further pollution. and warned that funds for the project development is actually aimed at ihoplifting arrests rise "I asked for this ban the first (Please turn to page 13) night I attended — ever since I became aware of what we're doing to the Red Cedar River," Griffiths said. "But I am troubled that this particular thing came up at this time." ASMSU OKs budget iince Jan. 1, judge claims Fine warned that there would be implications to the proposed ban which the council had to consider and many charged that By BOB NOVOSAD State News Staff Writer the effect of continued would be negligible treatment facilities. He said building in the city concerning the with funding revision approximately 88,000 people are currently connected to East Lansing District Court Judge two or three weeks, a new organization Maurice E. Schoenberger said Tuesday representing black students on campus or a that there has been a dramatic increase new clarification of who the black student in the number of people apprehended for shoplifting since Jan. 1. He attributes the increase in arrests to Jury pic After 15 individual budget presentations organizations represent would emerge. OBA students is on not representative of black local store merchants implementing and a plea to freeze any appropriations campus, Riddle said. "I'm giving the board advance warning .... an more stringent security systems to curb shoplifting, and to the fact that more arrests have always been made at the for trial given to ASMSU the Office of Black Affairs, Monday night passed an amended $48,550 budget with two major changes. official black campus," he added. coalition will emerge on A freeze is necessary to prevent OBA beginning of a term. Great Issues which was alloted $3,000 from misspending the money, Riddle said. Schoenberger said that roughly 50 per cent of the shoplifting cases that are tried in his court involve University Horrisburg HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - A jury of in the proposed budget was given no funds after expenses for "Cage" are paid. Great Issues will remain in the cabinet but must The board took no action on the request. Presentations included MECHA, a Chicano organization asking for $2,500; a students. He also estimated that 80 to 90 nine women and three men was sworn in go before the board to request money from Board representative from Women for Abortion per cent of the arrests made for petty Tuesday to try the Rev. Philip Berrigan Special Projects for any further Repeal accusing the board of "minds theft involve people under 25 years of and six codefendants on charges that they guest speakers. Off rotting in vinyl chairs:" and a request for age. conspired to kidnap presidential aide - Campus Council (OCC) revised funds to repair the locomotive on campus. A their budget request to $675 from $2,190. records check with the 54th Henry Kissinger as a gesture of opposition The 15 presentations requested District Court showed that there have to the Vietnam War. Following budget committee policy, OCC was not included in the proposed budget approximately $25,000 in total. Nine been 36 convictions for shoplifting since Jury selection was completed after 2V4 since it was a major governing group. Since groups did not give a presentation. No Jan. 1, 1972,'During the same time period last weeks of trial, during which prosecution OCC has no tax base the board accepted privisions were made, except to OCC. year, 16 convictions were made. and defense focused on the religious The total budget passed at 1:30 a.m. on this reduced request and budgeted $675 to Anyone arrested for shoplifting is attitudes of prospective jurors, the first roll call with 15 votes for and the group. formally charged with larceny from a questioning them at length about their three votes opposing the budget. Those views of political activism by priests and In a special presentation, Sam Riddle, building — a felony. However, voting against the amended budget were Schoenberger said that the court is nuns. speaking for the interests of black students, vice - president Kevin Harty; off - campus In addition to Berrigan, two of the urged the board to freeze any usually lenient and will reduce the charge to a misdemeanor. appropriations they awarded to the Office (Please turn to page 13) (Please turn to page 13) of Black Affairs (OBA). Within the next Schoenberger said that he usually imposes a maximum fine of $100 on the shoplifter, and assigns a written essay that asks the person to express his PANEL ISSUES REPORT thoughts about shoplifting in general, and the specific experiences from his Bargaining own arrest. The essay is designed to show the consequences of an arrest for shoplifting, including the humiliation of the actual arrest, the booking process at the police station, and the negative effect an arrest porcedures for the selection or rejection of community who wished to express By STEVE WATERBURY may have on a future job application. a bargaining agent and the impact of viewpoints, with representatives of the two State News Staff Writer "98 per cent of the essays show that bargaining on compensation and work prospective bargaining agents at MSU and the person is sincerely sorry," After nearly one year of work, the Ad load. with Central Michigan University personnel Hoc Committee on Collective Bargaining Other sections include the impact of Schoenberger said. He also pointed out who had been involved in the actual that the person's thoughts as expressed issed this week a 39 - page report on collective bargaining on the academic process of bargaining at that university. in the essay do not affect his fine or collective bargaining in higher education governance system, grievance and job punishment. and its possible impact on MSU. security under collective bargaining and the "During the summer a great deal of MSU police have made 23 arrests for Though empowered by the Elected position of potential bargaining agencies at contact by correspondences, by telephone Faculty Council (EFC) to make specific MSU. and in personal conferences was made with shoplifting since the beginning of winter term and the majority of the arrests have recommendations, the committee declined Also included in the report is a chart of key people in institutions throughout the to do so. country where collective bargaining was been made in the MSU Bookstore in the the current status of collective The committee will request that the bargaining either established or under consideration," International Center. in four - year - colleges and universities. "ippiinger, Southfield junior, demonstrates one of the varied James Howick, manager of the MSU EFC receive the report as an information according to the preface to the report. The Ad-Hoc Committee on Collective document for distribution "The committee also interviewed the . sh°Pl«fting used in local stores. The consequences of being Bookstore, said that he is implementing faculty. to the entire Bargaining was initially created on April present and past chairmen of major plainclothes security personnel force to tUJJ' 0 *ar °utway the value of any object that might be taken, Maurice E. a watch for shoplifters in the store. He Sections of the report deal with 20,1971. university committees as faculty persons Schoenberger, 54th District Court judge. (Please turn to page 13) bargaining models for university faculties, In compiling its report, the committee Rtxtfl News photo by Don Gerstner composition of the bargaining unit, held hearings with individuals in the MSU (Please turn to page 13) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Fehm^ news Council asks cable TV study • Permanent registration along Marigold Street could be in violation of which could be " basis for the,r secretaries, office personnel faciliti^, , ■ FCC requirements. He said he was concerned edit iiued operationRafter )Mhy l. Building, office personnel at th* i The East Lansing City Council has ordered that thecitv may not have a new cable television " know for a fact that under present PCC . ' summary City Manager John Patriarche to investigate recent activities of the National Cable Television ordinance prepared by the time National Cable's regulations. National Cable is In violation, he Center, and head resident , * adviser, or resident assistant in adviser, . From the w of AP ind UPI. Service in the city to see if they are in violation ll^TJ^uTd^ke^'TOmmunicate our concern to Colburn also charged that cable installation on campus. • A door of Federal Communications Commission (FCC) them the dilemma we're in as a city council over fees in student areas were quite high and said - to - door canvas of 'K„ regulations. tremendously complex dealing with a iremenaousiy complex siiuauuu, companies have charged only 75 cents, situation," *that other 7Tru^u«.i by volunteers, trained, deput u„ . „ the direction of the city clerk. City Councilman George Colburn said that Colburn said, "we should urge they cooperate asopposed to National Cables Jpo. He also • Grand recent work to install cable lines between with us in adopting an ordinance for the city and questioned certain construction and sales Special registration sites with th« of thedty Oerk, property owner or i had received no complaints administrators. "1 know for a fact that under about the company, but noted that the present • Deputy registrar training „ city manager to suspend the present FCC regulations. National ordinance allows the company's licensese if he shows cause. City applications will be issued by the dtv Judiciary After receiving a report on u» violation." Cable is in George Colburn to Attorney Jack Learned said that another draft of the proposed ordinance is now being completed route made by the city engineer and rib the council voted to hold a public h ASMSU and should be ready before the current license were unable to agree on a definite date r East Lansing city councilman expires. the report are being made available i'„ V? for voiding list Patriarche added Tuesday that it may take several weeks to complete the investigation. clerk's office. Other action on a e ln request from » Area Transit Authority for a Sec story this page. The council also acted on several other The Student-Faculty of representatives - at - large to appeal filed by Ron Johnson, $1,519,35 was deferred once again be Judiciary will release its decision the council. The appeal was filed Detroit sophomore, controversial issuesduring a 5 hour marathon lack of information from the authoritJ on the voiding of the election of Jan. 25 by Mark Bathurst, Johnson's appeal requested meeting, including the approval of new voter reason council voted previously to support a representatives - at - large to the chairman of the Student that the election be voided registration procedures, a report on the have the Authority become a Academic Council next Tuesday, Committee on Nominations. because the bylaws provided for peripheral route, and a vote to defer action on an department of Lansing, but action Britain orders dimout Beth Dugger, chairman of the an election of minority students additional subsidy for the Capital Area Transit been postponed until June. oi judiciary, said Tuesday. Ms. Dugger, Ruth Renaud, by the total student community. Authority. "I don't know why the City of u, The council voted to implement a series of The British government decided Tuesday 'The judiciary tries to put a director of judicial programs and Johnson said that only minority reluctant to take over," Patriarche saidfl! in London lot of thought into the reasons James R»iney, judiciary students should be allowed to recommendations from City Clerk Beverly "We've already said we would support td to declare a state of emergency and order a di»r.out to for its decisions so wewill meet member, » . Monday with the vote in the election, Collizzi for voter registration, including; that move." ^ conserve power because of the five - week - old coal again Monday night to write the Steering Committee of the strike. rationale for the decision," Ms. Academic Council to hear the expected to take effect today. The decision is Dugger said. Ms. Dugger said the judiciary committee's clarification of the section of the Bylaws for IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST A government spokesman said the first restriction reached a decision when it met Academic Governance will be a ban on floodlighting and advertising signs. Monday night. She said the concerning the elections, Power stations and generating plants will then make cuts judiciary members will spend the on a rotating basis, the spokesman said. Coal stockpiles dwindled at power depots, and violence erupted in the Midlands between police and week thinking about the reasons for the decision before writing the rationale. the The committee members told judiciary members that the intent of the council was to have Nixon disavows tax hike The judiciary heard an appeal an election of nonwhite WASHINGTON (AP) — The Democrats put pressure on the intention of seeking a value- 1971, induded a picketing miners attempting to keep supplies from ... Jan. 31 charging that the minorities to the council Nixon administration Tuesday President to submit loophole - added tax kind of tax as or any present a tax • reform reaching a large cok depot in Birmingham. All-University Student Judiciary through an all-student vote. disavowed any intention of closinf tax - reform proposals by it applies to the fiscal 1973 "To me, and to— (AUSJ) did not have the The election was voided by raising taxes in the coming fiscal March 15. budget," Shultz told the term means jurisdiction to void the election AUSJ Jan. 24 as a result of an year while congressional Rep. Wilbur Mills, D - Ark., congressional Joint Economic further e 1 iminatiol Malta takes no ultimatum chairman of the House Ways and Committee. preferences and so P Means Committee, in a letter to He repeated administration loopholes in the federal il estate and gift tax system] Nixon called on the President to for congressional requests Talks on the future of military bases in Malta submit proposals by March 15 wrote. spending restraint and for a collapsed Tuesday in Rome when Prime Minister Dom for closing loopholes In the "If this is what y spending ceiling set at the $246 Mintoff reacted in fury to a take - it - or - leave - it federal income, estate and gifts billion level of the president's mind, and am sure it is,J taxes. And he implied that budget. package from Britain and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. "We will take no ultimatum," the leader of Malta told newsmen in an angry voice, "Malta is not a Little Caesars failure to do so could imperil further increases in the federal debt ceiling. Chiding Congress for what he administration requests for sees as congressional efforts to tell the President how to run his job, Schultz said increases in complete action on anjl proposal you should give! benefit of your thinkiq" _ colony." Mills' letter came as a defense spending are sought for message ... not laterthu Mintiff, Defense Minister Lord Carrington of Britain compromise with efforts of substantive reasons and not to 15' ^teza Beat several House Democrats to hold stimulate the economy, and the NATO secretary - general, Joseph Luns broke up a pending $20 - billion Mills's letter referred to the up their morning meeting after less than five hours of talks in two days. They went home. increase in the federal ceiling unless Nixon acted to debt efforts to link approval of debt ceiling increases to tax reforms, - Great Issues! boost revenues by reforms And it a(jded that proposal of a a 14" or 16" ptzza, one item or more, closing loopholes. value - added tax would not be tA/;// Qv«m;nfl| Brandt expects ratification OFF offer good thru Feb. 11,1972 Rep. Henry Reuss, D - Wis., considered tax reform. Will eX0mine| who initiated that move, said The administration has Mills' move seems to him a disclosed it is studying the value . / r ON-CAMPUS DELIVERY (TROWBRIDGE STORE) °37-1681 happy solution. George Shultz, . added tax, a form of national SOC/O/ rQlOTI Chancellor Willy Brandt declared director of the Office of sales tax, as a means of financing OFF CAMPUS, CIRCLE DRIVE (E. GRAND RIVER) 3, M631 on Tuesday in Bonn, Germany he is Management and Budget,said he schools and relieving property „ Social Refo confident that the West German believesthere should be a taxpayers. Revolution will be the to "moratorium on increasing Mills wrote Nixon on the Great parliament will ratify his nonaggression UC 499. revenue by increasing tax rates." presidential economic course, treaties with the Soviet Union and Thomas Greer, Great I "The administration has no emergency moves of Aug. 15, Poland. chairman, said the couif He said there is "no sensible and developed in response to J The State News is published by the students of realistic alternative" to his policy of requests and in r Michigan State University every class day during Fall, student voters i reconciliation with Communist Winter, and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays elections. Eastern Europe. and Fridays during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Ten MSU faculty it Brandt spoke at a luncheon for Week edition is published in September. Subscription rate will conduct lectures bi is $16 per year. with an anthropological foreign correspondents on the eve of Member Associated Press, United Press International, historical review of cl the opening debate on the treaties' Inland Daily Press Assn., Michigan Press Assn., Associated ratification in the continuing through d Bundesrat, the Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press Assn. brought about thrj upper house of parliament. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. technology, directed in Editorial and business offices at 345 Student Services social movements and the| Bldg., Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, coercive non - violence. 48823. Canadian The discussion will also| unemployment high Phones: News/Editorial 355 violent protest and re means of changing a so - 8252 Classified Ads which appears unrespoi 355 8255 Unemployment in Canada rose to 7.7 per cent of the ■ non - violent methods, c« work force higher than the United States - in - Display Advertising 353 • 6400 on areas of Asia and | Business Office America. January. 355 - 3447 The course is open I Statistics Canada reported to day showed that Photographic 355 - 8311 seniors regardless of their J 665,000 Canadians were out of work last month, Campus Information 353 8700 - A student may re - r~" 135,000 more than in December. to 12 credit hours. Miss J favors the No elections' declared red/navy/white team President Hugo Banzer Suarez declared on Tuesday in La Paz. Bolivia that no elections will be held in in a layered set by Bolivia until his military - civilian regime has eradicated an "inheritance of anarchy." ZumZum The long "When the country has been constitutionalized," the 45 - year - old army colonel said in an interview, "The blouse-top dress and its road toward elections will certainly be followed. ribbed and zipped bolero Appeals court orders stay travel like a charm Need The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of help in selecting courses Appeals ordered a stay in acetate/rayon Tuesday in the Richmond consolidation order and ordered an accelerated metropolitan school hearing Sizes 5-13 P $32. for Spring Term? See the new on the appeal for the week of April 10. But the court said that to prevent any unnecessary delay if the lower court decision is affirmed, the state Board of Education might College of Social Science require the Richmond and Henrico and Chesterfield County school divisions to proceed with tentative - planning for the consolidation. Handbook for an outline of Textile deficit to improve all Social Science courses. The nation recorded a trade deficit in textiles of almost $2 billion last year, its worst in history, the Commerce Dept. said Tuesday in Washington. But department officials said the textile deficit Available February 10th at the Libraries, Residence Halls, Fraternities- I JacobsoriB should improve this year with the signing of new Sororities, Co-op Houses, the Counseling Center, each Dean'sof,ice 8 voluntary agreements with Southeastern Asia countries with Academic r I to limitexports to the United States. Advisers in each Social Science College nMI | Department. If you don't see it, ask for it. They said also the new currency settlement should help the textile trade picture as upward valuation of JACOBSON'S OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL NINE key foreign currency makes textile imports more expensive. Mjchigan state News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, February 9, 1972 3 SOLUTION TO STRIFE Faulkner rules out Irish unity .d-r Northern Ireland declared: "What we have seen of anxious to warn off u . ft'"1'. Minister Brian Wme the Irish republic, we do not weakening in theBriUsh iht ofrl Undfr b'°°dy stru^le or whether to ruled out any idea Ilk,. like. w„ Hn We do not admireoHmi™ the aPain"t the against fh" Irish i"L Rpniihiirnn ' tit?' * the overwhelmingly Catholic show " " some real courage and tv as a solution to the petulant and bellicose utterences Army, prepared to launch an w'!?1 Ji* "n nf' »g- oenernsitv " generosity. "and bloodshed which ofits public figures on the world organization in thu,»w ednesday as D-Day in a new The Protestant :ken his province. stage.' hardliner, the *,T«esday **.» Faulknerspoke night, he Jrel.nd 8 Prote.t,nt « North™ n»,ority, T?."t.lf'l minority, benl on bringing the ProteUnt-taied government f tT. Rev. Ian Paisley, was a smoke screen for charged the "equal rights for Catholics" issue a united In preparation for the 24 Ireland. hours of protest meetings, xon urges po hunger vigils and school boycotts, Faulkner's government "We are determined to resist to the end — and that means to canceled all police leave. the death," Paisley proclaimed. While rejecting a united e Ireland - a solution advanced 1 he. Protestants sulfur by were stop many prominent British politicians, including former Laborite Prime Minsiter Harold J®« .1 ° lau,nch IZ? "t^ f i" j , Vlster SHINGTON (AP) - benefits available to commercial which is used, under *""" N^[khner conceded ^ 4 Nixon has proposed construction. permits, for the grazing of cattle and sheep the No(rthem Ireland the provinces o^mSton Protestants pollution tax, a levy on ln addition to the legislative *An order for development government must allow more lories and power plants proposals, the Nixon message of standards to protect farm ro°™. for. refP°nsible Catholic r sulfur from their announced a number of Today's meeting will plan the *«cks. executive actions in the workers from pesticide Partlc,Patlon ,n power. first, of a series of weekend poisoning. Faulkner said, "All political rallies intended to demonstrate inistration spokesmen environmental field, including: *An order for preparation of leaders of our community must tax would encourage *a complete ban on the use the the strength of Protestant energy - saving new insulation decide very soon - for time is not feeling against any compromise rv to meet regional Qf poisons to control predator standards for multiple-dwellings unlimited - whether to dig still with the IRA's fight to end =ty standards that take animals on federal land, much of built with federal aid. deeper trenches for a long and Ireland's 50 years of partition. n"l975. I the extent that they 'however, the sulfur tax passed on to consumers ,rm of higher prices for v and other products, sulfur tax was one of a Enrollment data reveals n legislative proposals in a special message on - nvironment, sent to Tuesday. n said he will propose a encouraging states to decrease in student body ntrol of the location of are transfer students from community colleges. Vs and airports by 1975, About 30 per cent of the total student 1 which fail to obtain body is enrolled in University College and about 5 per cent enrolled in Honors approval of their plans Next time the masses of people on campus seem to be College, the new winter term data indicates. Other colleges ..[ would start losing crowding you out, appreciate the fact there are 1,903 fewer continue in much the same statistical I highway and airport students wandering around the MSU position as with fall term campus this winter term figures. ction aid and land - compared to fall term. Statistics released Monday by the Finally, after analyzing with numbers the total University ition money from the registrar's office paint an interesting picture of the current term's student population, the registrar's tables turn to the nd Water Conservation student population composition. The official MSU winter enrollment is 39,746 this undergraduate masses who are 54 per cent male. The average year, a 2.5 credit load per undergraduate is 14.5 credits. The year they delay, their per cent increase from winter 1970 and the largest number of junior class with 8,826 bodies claims 27.4 per cent of the aid in these areas would students in previous years to tolerate Michigan winter weather in undergraduates with the largest junior class in MSU's ced an additional per pursuit of a higher education. Of this total student history continuing to ' population, outnumber the other class levels. would be redistributed about 22,818 are men — 57.4 per cent. The second largest class this winter, as was true fall -with approved plans. There are 32,139 undergraduates on campus which term, is the senior class, constituting 26.1 per cent of the on also proposed to compromise 80 per cent of the student total. Of the 39,746 total, undergraduate students. The freshman class ranks next with 23.4 ge the development of 21.8 per cent, or 8,665 students, are married. The sources of the per cent of the wetlands by removing students are 37,128 undergraduates. Only 20.4 per cent of the undergraduate returning to campus from fall term, 1,415 students, or 6,564 bodies, are sophomores this winter. The ibility of projects located readmitted to MSU after an absence of a term or more and 1,203 current sophomore class was an abnormally small class in terms of lands from certain tax new MSU students. Of the 1,203 new students, more than half its freshmen admissions in fall 1970. Misses & Juniors Famous Manufacturer FLARE-BELLS Oh, do it again . . . Pant . . . even if done it before you've never . . . jive to the look of the 40%* in nostalgie crepe and jersey dresses . . . it's VALUES TO $28.00 just a smattering of Green's fashion distinctiveness. NOW 2 p- FOR nW*y Directly across ©Ijr Canterbury from the Union MAC at GRAND RIVER Open tonight "til 9 Michig MICHIGAN AP NEWS ANALYSIS STATE NEWS Battle in W UNIVERSITY ""ID*. whose tax ^ .a KEN LYNAM The White House By EDMOND LeBRETON advertising manager raising of the tax issue by contributed, Associated Press Writer JWi latest and most visible in DAVE PERSON, managing editor WASHINGTON (AP) - Democrats who a BILL HOLSTEIN, campus editor see President Nixon's handling of the balloons on the tax, possibly ofS,J form of national sales CHARLIE CAIN, city editor economy as a major election-year issue are a tax 11 BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor having the time of their political lives with legislation to raise the national debt ceiling. That led to committee barrages of auesiin hearing room and th?i . NAD RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor House. ne The House is expected to pass Secretary of the Treasury U Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award Connally and others said yes a val ,! 1 for tax was being looked outstanding journalism. present limit — contrasted with the into; n0no « had been made; no, there $50-billion increase Nixon asked — and it is are n good only until June 30. That terminal plans to propose any new taxes date means that, before the presidential nominating conventions, the nX*"" !"d Ue ""»• By JUD Bridging the administration must come Congress for more debt authority — and more barbecuing on the economic issue by back to State ie News studer open or Democrats. of the side packet," Unman, D-Ore., who presided SSS? iding con- Since the House Ways and Means demic Coun Bozos without 0« Committee took up the debt-ceiling hearings. he Fac debt-ceiling "It is quite evident that legislation Jan. 31, Democrats on and off there will be a within jmittee has amendment. that panel have been pounding the proposal for s™ Commit The Michigan Legislature seems administration with the size of the deficits increase." ty, Commi ready to enact another scheme to The effect of the amendment Others sought to put their party', — $38.8 billion for this year, $25.5 billion jrams am would be the preservation of the on income-tax reform, prevent Michigan children from next. to raise revenues by presented nmittee e being bused to achieve racial balance status quo of interracial relations in They've been asked barbed questions closing ri( the state, less than desirable state loopholes. Value-added is widely m in the schools. Last year they passed a about the failure of government officials to as hitting especially those of |ow j resolution calling for a of affairs. Busing provides a means to predict their full magnitude; the prospects a although advocates say this effect achieve at least an artificial mixing of for additional taxes,, and the basis for the constitutional convention for the mitigated. he Acader Nixon spokesmen's continued optimism Sen. Henry M. Jackson of purposes of banning busing forever. the races among children at an early about economic recovery. one of the Democratic Washin So farfcw other states have followed age. The effect of busing would be to presj* teach children that there are no aspirants, said it is "absurd to be tj • L that lead. about ^ essential differences among the races. a value-added tax, a sales t 0111 DC disguise, when closing major This time around, though, the By making the contacts with loopholes could produce $20 I state's lawmakers are taking another members of other races at an early in revenues." course. A proposed amendment to age. children will be less likely to A group run the state constitution has been learn racial prejudice. of House Democrats ine introduced by 75 House members. The amendment states, "A student Without busing no such mixing can occur. Instead, schools would The Doctor's Bag Rep. Henry S. Reuss of Wiscon Senate-House economic subcomi chairman, and Rep. Sam Gibbo INN ARBOI nbow luraged by tl Pe shall not be assigned to, transported only become integrated as rapidly as Florida, a member of the Ways and oking poet J< By ARNOLD WERNER. M.D. to, or compelled to attend any neighborhoods become integrated, a Committee, said they will vote i ded to try tl production. However, there does not appear to be a rood which raising the debt ceiling unles as the bar particular public school on account process which need not ever occur, Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at MSU Health Center. cancels out the effects of other foods. As I have indicated in this presents tax-reform proposals. erfor youth, of race, religion, color, national inner city schools are seemingly Names need not be included unless a personal reply is requested. They said also they will try to l column before, some of the gasees produced are inflammable. ive mem origin or any other purposes without capable of preserving the present My wife and I have noticed that certain foods, particularly the Among the situations other than dietary ones which influence the bill to require Nixon to make ibow Party \ the prior written approval of the ghetto pathology through legumes, cabbage and eggs, lend themselves to the production of gas production, anxiety ranks high. There is some dispute over proposals. un for the I parent or guardian." unnumbered future generations. flatulence. What is it about these foods that cause this condition? whether air swallowing, often associated with anxiety, increases id! at a cor Connally, the principal adminisl They have done a fine job of Also, can the effect be counteracted with another type of food? gas production or whether it just produces more belching. But spokesman for the debt-ceiling lift,i i Rights I Legislative passage is practically accomplishing this throughout the We live in a small apartment and the odor is sometimes when a person is anxious his gut works in strange ways. Viral for a cause that was lost from thi end. assured, which would place the present century. unbearable. gastrointestinal illnesses and any use of antibiotics can influence when he tried for an increase that the bacterial population of the gut and change gas production. carry the government until February matter on the next statewide Besides the social question There is a noticeable seasonal variation in the type of letters I and so avoid another confrontation culty set election ballot. Chances good involved with receive. Within a few days I received several letters similar to this are the antibusing My question concerns the growth of hair on tne penis. I am the election. McGove that the public would also ratify the amendment, constitutional one, which I can only assume is due to the cold weather driving not worried about this, but I have about a dozen hairs gathered At one point, he smilingly tot considerations must also be made. people indoors. As you can imagine, some of the questions were along the left side and underside of the penis but none on the Democratic-dominated comn more difficult to answer than other*. I *eally do not know If men glans. Is this unusual? • no j Democrats might not gain by The Supreme Court ruled in 1970 are noisier than women or what th« difference is between a silent confrontation this summer - "thing that similar antibusing amendment fart and an explosive one. Fortunately, the present letter is a Hair on the shaft of the penis is not at a)l unusual. Usually the be a lot better by then." Fruitless to the New York constitution was unconstitutional. Backers of the answerable. The vast bulk of gas that is passed by rectum is produced in situation is just as you describe it, penises; nor have I seen any with hairs on and I have not 9een any furry the glans. A lot of The Democrats obviously to take the chance. the small intestine and large intestine by bacterial action on amendment are hoping that the two people spend a lot of time worrying about the size, shape and various foods. The volume of gas and the composition of the gas Questionable and arbitrary new Nixon appointees William appearance of their penises. As with other simple functional is determined by the nature of the food material worked upon, as administrative decisions devices, the best attitude to take is: If it works, don't worry Penance are par for Rehnquist and Lewis Powell will well as by the type of bacteria involved. In fact, the bacterial about it. the course in any bastion of bungling help overturn the past decision. population changes somewhat in response to different foods Monday S.A. Smith, renow To help keep in good physical shape over the winter, I would ingested. State News reporter, informed bureaucracy, this hallowed However, the court has rarely like to do some jogging. However, I am concerned that the rapid institution of The legumes (including navy beans, soy beans and lima beans) that her column of that same higher learning reversed itself in the past within as and deep inhalation of cold air might possibly be harmful to my are pretty wicked gas producers. This seems to occur because entitled "Let's open notwithstanding. The latest local short a time period as two or three they are broken down into low molecular weight carbohydrates lungs. inanity, however, ranks high on the years. and are acted on by a certain type of anaerobic bacteria (they Vigorous physical exercise in cold weather can put an added proceedings" would have all time list of cake-takers. work in the absence of oxygen) that live in the small intestine and strain on your cardiovascular system. This is of special concern to more aptly headlined "Let's Although busing will not The "they" have colon. Careful experiments have been done to demonstrate the older men and people who are not in good physical condition. In EPC proceedings '' As a result! anonymous immediately cure all racial ills, it particular part of the bean and the specific bacteria involved. fact, there have been quite a large number of deaths due to humiliated editorial editor recently decided that the apple does provide a means to start Gas production from these foods can begin in about six to jogging when undertaken with excessive vigor by out - of - shape resolved to write "EPC not A( vending machine now located just bridging the gap between the races. eight hours after they are ingested and last for as long as 24 men. If you have been jogging all along, you probably run a off the lobby of the Student Services hours. Diets high in meat protein produce heavy gasses in larger hundred times: EPC not AC, Busing, of course, is inconvenient greater risk of frostbite or slipping on the ice than doing damage Building can better "serve" students and costly. However, when volumes and eggs seem to do the same thing for some people. to your lungs, but all three problems can be remedied by running not AC .. . if moved to the basement of the compared to the social costs of Cabbage and other foods are equally infamous in regard to gas indoors. University Health Center. maintaining present racial barriers, If "an apple a day keeps the ousmg suddenly becomes a bargain. doctor away," what good is if if you Michigan's legislators must come to OUR READERS' MIND have to go to his office to buy one? realize this. In defense of Ro Princeton P To the Editor: To the Chairman, Romance of the very few professors who I knew seem to do. wealth of In addition to Mr. de Mars' the exposure of their many u d College of Urban Development and Social Change. in, we want it now, rather than after we get Green made an initial faculty members divided according to "emphasis groups" ^nnsal to create MSU's 17th college get our recommendation presentation to EPC in December when rather than the traditional departmental was presented to EPC the proposal was setup. in, Lester Manderscheid, EPC chairman, given to the committee. Green and his staff met "It is proposed that the college serve a major service function said. with EPC in January to answer specific questions on the proposal, accessible to all students in the University, liie Manderscheid said. college plans to "I think it's quite prepare courses which will provide a basic understanding of the advisory panels appropriate for EPC to solicit as much information as necessary in order for them to make a decision on the college," Green said. fundamental relationships between racism and urban development," the proposal states. The development of an undergraduate degree Copies of the proposal are available in the offices of Ruth program will be the first priority of the college, with a Hamilton, CUA asst. director for curriculum; Wilbur Brookover, graduate program planned Student associate director, and Green. Comments on the for the future. college should be By JUDY YATES Committee has an opening for a representatives-at-large posts can be action. addressed to the EPC chairman or the individual's representative to EPC, Manderscheid said. The proposal does not contain and t. j degree requirements of the college. These will be college specific details on curriculum IMPORTED I representative from the College developed when and if the board of trustees approves the state News Staff Writer chosen. of Human Ecology. Business Interested students can pick The Committee on Academic philosophy of the college, Manderscheid said. MUSIC BOXES Xjine student positions are Affairs Committee has an up applications for the Governance continually reviews "The trustees could ask for details and if they do that will K open on seven of the opening for a student from the committees between 8 a.m. and have to be developed. In the with Hummel figures the Bylaws for Academic past, the trustees have created Xjjng committees of the College of Arts and Letters. A 5 p.m. in 101 Student Services Governance and recommends to colleges based on relatively short statements," he said. Idemic Council. representative from Bldg. the council whatever Green said that if EPC makes it recommendation on the the Faculty Tenure University College is needed on The changes in college by March 2, he hopes the trustees will Faculty Tenure the bylaws the vote on the college Littee has two vacancies. the Curriculum Committee and Committee is the judicial and investigations committee's indicate. at their March meetinp. T Committee on Public the Committee on Honors The investigatory agency for all new college, which would enroll its first class in ^tv Committee on Honors Programs has a position open for tenure actions. It interprets The Committee on Business September, 1972, would be problem - oriented, multidisciplinary, ■/rams and the Library a student from the College of tenure rules and acts on cases of Affairs examines and evaluates include field experience and emphasize the formulation, Tmittee each have one Arts and Letters. deviation from those rules. It policies within the service development and testing of "strategies for social change." ■ncv. Currently, also reviews existing rules, functions and business office The proposal states that "a new integrated multidisciplinary pour positions are open for representatives-at-large to the suggests appropriate changes and that affect academic and body of knowledge needs to be generated which organizes and Iresentatives from the Academic Council have been suggests policies and procedures research aspects of the coordinates the approaches of the various sciences into a sitting in on the committee body of for the dismissal of tenured University. theory about human problem solution. Jhe Academic Governance meetings until permanent faculty. "It would be the intent of this college to attempt to organize The Curriculum Committee is The Committee on Public the Safety examines clearing house for all policies curriculum matters. It reviews affecting the public safety of tne 3inbow party people University community, including and courses, evaluates all changes in curricula and degree the east Room public safety services. LOOK AT THESE TUNES: Honors Programs Committee requirements and advises the Wednesday's Feature Dinner cuuncil and the provost on ♦Love Story reviews and evaluates BAKED SPARE RIBS with run for city council for honors students within the programs appropriate action. The main function of the committee is SAUERKRAUT 3.00 *Romeo & Juliet colleges and departments and ♦Raindrops SPECIAL PURCHASE Inn ARBOR (UPI) - The Genie Plamondon, the wife of advises the Honors procedural. It takes leadership in apple sauce College on considering the establishment soup or juice ♦Lara's Theme |nbow People's Party, the imprisoned former White alterations of present programs and deletion only $6.50 of salad Turaged by the parole of pot Panther Leader "Pun" and on plans for future curricula. courses and two vegetables ♦Many Others Koking poet John Sinclair, has Plamondon, was one of the five. activities. dessert lded to try the ballot box as In addition, the party's slate The at-large member of the The standing committees I as the bandstand to win includes Jerry De Griek, Nancy Committee on Honors Programs indirectly affect the actions beverage of Use Alle entrance or fourth level of er for youth, Wexler, David Black and Nancy must be a member of the Honors the Academic Council by ■jve members of the Eurghardt. Each candidate will ramp for direct access. College or have been enrolled in making proposals for action to DON'T v Party were nominated run in a different ward of the honors courses or programs. The the council Dinner and cocktails served until 9:00 and conducting p.m. FORGET tin for the Ann Arbor City city. position on the committee open studies in their particular areas VALENTINE': ndl at kend. i a convention of the Rights Party over the entering some "We've been thinking of electoral politics for time but it wasn't until for a student from the Arts and Letters is open to a student who is not in the Honors College of assigned to them by the council. Student representatives Jacobsoris DAY! 319 E. Grand Rive E»t Linsing, Mich. Phone 337-1314 John was released that we College but has been enrolled in at-large to the committees honors courses or programs. are chosen through interviews Iculty set meet realized we had the time and the energy to actually get involved," Library Committee studies conducted by the Student ■ McGovern Ms. Plamondon said Monday. and evaluates library services, Committee on Committees, a Ms. Plamondon sees herself facilitates policies and advises subcommittee of the And now a word about Jhe first organizational and the Rainbow Party as part, the provost and the director of representatives-at-large to the New Extra Crispy Chicken from Kentucky Fried Chicken: |ting isofscheduled Faculty for for 8 of a whole community of people libraries. It also places under council. i who "are very much part of Ann continuous study the current Representatives from the Iwednesday in 31 Union. Arbor but are not represented library needs and projected colleges are chosen from within Tep. Dale Kidtee, D ■ Flint, on the city council." needs and suggests appropriate their colleges. J speak to the group in "There's an awful lot of on to Richard E. Conlin young people in this town who Leslie Lokken, relate to us and we can reach by liairpersons of the 6th our campaign. :t Citizens for McGovern. l, East Lansing graduate Pent, will describe the j/raiTR nstfctn it activities on campus in NEED ELECTIVES? lion to Presidential hopeful [e McGovern. THE Restaurant 220 & Howard St./next to the x-way ROMANS,in |EE BOYNE MOUNTAIN I English - see pg. 39 of course j between Michigan and Kalamazoo '■ spring break at Boyne catalogue. come to MOOSUSK1 0HT AT THE GABLES, 7 - 9 TRIVIA NIGHT! " 1 Feb. 9. , Bring your old pt stubs. Membership and ID CLA 302 CLASSICAL BACKGROUNDS Master¬ Every Wednesday . . . 8:30 - 11:30 pieces of Roman background If you like trivia and beer , . , MWF 12:40 Mr. Tyrrell. YOU'LL LOVE TRIVIA NIGHT! I can hardly get a word in |UT YOUR monthly edgewise around here, 1 living expenses CLA EOLOGY 352 of ARCHA¬ ITALY AND but I'm Regular Principle sites of Sicily and TOMORROW NIGHT .. . 8:30 to 11:30 Kentucky Fried Chicken and I'm just as Italy — color slides T T H 11:30 MR. "THE NORWOOD" "finger lickiri good" LOWELL SEAMAN A 5 every - piece combo from MSU playing kind of music you could want! JI HotowEntrance Fee Lot Rental Rates J Model Clearance Sale LTN 427 ROMAN THIS J Elsy Finance Terms CIVILIZATION Armchair tour of Ancient FRIDAY tHu,IEAU estATES Rome • color slides. MWF NIGHT ■!Xan's largest 11:30 Ms. Matzve . . IK?rk 1"0ME 0F mobile "The COMMUNITIES COOK P46-6400 NO PREREQUISITES SISTERS" ALL IN ENGLISH Slje JfcUr Jfork Colonel Sanders' is the one place in town for two kinds of chicken: Regular Kentucky Fried Chicken® ON CAMPUS and New Extra Crispy. GOOD ON EITHER EXTRA CRISPY OR REGULAR P|ease deliver the New York Times as checked below: (Delivered to Bucket Reg. $4.25 Dinner Reg. $1.45 | dormitories, married housing, and department offices on campus only., This coupon \ i gravy, coupon slaw, or roll. good only I I "Delivery begin, on Sunday. February 13th, ends March 18th. good only at | at participating ' ^ gf ^ participating Weekdays (Mon. Sat.) (30 issues total) - $5.40 (18c per copy) Kentucky Chicken Stores. □ Sundays (5 issues total) $3-75 (75c P°r copv) Fried Chicken Stores on a Bucket or , Offer good thru Feb. 13 I Barrel Offer I Weekdays and Sundays (35 issues total) $9.15 Barrel Reg. $5.55 good thru Feb. 13 name PHONE. 1 040 E. Grand River 1620 E. _ Michigan 4238 W. Saginaw SCHOOL ADDRESS . East Lansing 3140 S. 3200 N. East Q Payment enclosed. Make checks payable to John Peacock. Logan Send to John Peacock, P.O. Box 334, East Lansing, Mich. 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesd; SPORTS ^£hruary9i 'S' icers seek eighth straight RICK 60SSELIN MSU Relays feature By CRAIG REMSBURG seven-game streak. In the process, the senior State News Sports Writer netminder has stopped 262 enemy blasts, or an Nearly everyone at one time or another has heard the slogan "when you're hot, you're hot." average of 37 shots a game, and was named as the Most Valuable Player of the MSU-Michigan Tech array of big names This adage is particularly true at the moment series just completed. when talking about the MSU hockey team. A good portion of the credit for the fine play And you think the Beverly Hills phone book has a lot Winners in their last seven games, including a of Watt must go to the defense, however. Bob names. Boyd, Norm Barnes, Rick Olson, Chris Murfey The cast assembled for the MSU Spartan Relays sweep over Michigan Tech last weekend, the at u torrid Spartan icers hope to put some heat on the and Uve Drews have all combined to tighten up Fleldhouse this weekend is nothing short of a trackman-1""01 University of Michigan hockey squad in Ann the defense in front of Watt. Some close In addition to an already star studded company Z,'"* Arbor tonight when the two teams meet for an 8 backchecking on the part of all three lines has MSU, outstanding team and Individual performers fromT^ p.m. contest. also helped tremendously. Missouri, Air Force, Drake and Tennessee will be on k* "This game should be tougher than last time "If one line doesn't seem to be able to score assault the American record book. hani1' in a game they play well defensively," Thompson There simply won't be a bad event in the one dav because we're playing them in their rink," center tw affair. Spartan track coaches Fran Dittrich and Jim and co-captain Don Thompson commented, said. "This takes some of the pressure off the Gibh!!?11 referring to the 7-2 Spartan win over the lines that are doing the scoring." already had second thoughts about scheduling the two mil meet's first event. Doug Brown of Tennessee is the Wolverines in a game played here Jan. 19. Whatever the reason for the streak, the Icers fastPtf thus far In the track season, clipping the cinders "But we are playing a real good defensive will have to continue to play good hockey if they 8:39 on the two mile course. Gary Harris of Western to uTt, game and if we just keep playing as well as we hope to beat an always troublesome Michigan mLm 1 have been playing we should be in fine shape," squad tonight. The Wolverines, with an 8-11 nine seconds off Brown's best and MSU's Randy Kilnatri!!8? Zip added. record, are coming off two home wins, by 7-5 of 8:53 plots him in a strong challenging position patrick«l* "I wouldn't want to have to single our one event Thompson has been one of the leaders in the and 9-6 scores, over Colorado College this past as k„i , best this weekend," MSU head coach Dittrich MSU surge as he has scored seven goals in the last weekend. And the Michigan team is especially be just one. The runners competing are said "Th1111 five games, helping to make the line of Bob tough in their own rink. gunning for the Michelutti, Mark Calder and Thompson one of A Spartan victory would mean many things. It and are running better times for ly®l* this early in the year than 1 can - the hottest in the WCHA. would be three out of four over the Wolverines ever remember." "I'm playing harder than I was earlier in the this season and it would mean a victory in the 4 The tartan surface will season," Thompson admitted. "I played poorly Big Ten race, where the icers are currently third in the first half but Michelutti and Calder have in the four team league. And the fifth-place definitely be a factor in the guaranteed fast times Saturday. been playing good hockey and we've been able to Spartans, who have a 10-9 WCHA record, have Herb Washington has already click as a line lately." played one less game than the top four clubs and "One thing is for sure though - we cant get a win over Michigan would enable them to make gone on record as saying that he will run a 5.8 60-yard dash this any better goaltending than we've been getting. up some ground in the standings. season. The tartan provides a Jimmy has been unbelievable." North Dakota is resting in fourth place with smooth, impregnable surface Don "Zip" Watt, indeed, has performed well in the Spartan nets, allowing just 13 goals in the 32 points while the MSU icers are close behind with 28. that provides quick times In the first race as well as in the meet's finale. "When you've got Kansas running for the sole purpose of trying to qualify its mile relay SHOP T-MART! and distance medley team for the nationals, you know you've got a solid meet," Asst. Coach Gibbard said. "Kansas used to go to Houston to qualify, but they feel that with the tartan, we have one of the best surfaces around." "Coaches used to bring their teams to the MSU Relays for conditioning purposes," Dittrich noted. "But now the runners are better conditioned and this be one of the premier relays in the country this season. W match our times here with anybody's." Gibbard said the Spartans will be out to qualify for nationals in the spring medley and the distance mi Washington added that the sprint medley unit (with Ron Mike Holt and Tom Spuller joining Washington) will be oi the American record. But the two medleys are not the interests of the MSU team. Marshall Dill and Ken Popejoy vested interests in the competition as well. Dill will meet his stiffest opposition of the _ Burton of Purdue and Kim Rowe of Michigan in'the 300-yi dash. Burton has washed Dill's best time of 30.2 and Rowel been clocked at under 31.0. , Popejoy, who set the Big Ten record in the milee last Salt will compete with Bowling Green's Dave Wottle, Gordon Minty, Missouri's Mark Visk and Northwestern'- for honors in the mile. All have posted times under 4:1 Popejoy's 4:00.9 at the head of the field. The meet will not only be a challenge to the runners and men competing, but also to the MSU student body. The Relays will be one step below the nationals as far as competit goes. "The last time we sold the place out was in Ryun was here," Gibbard said. "If the students come out infc this week there shouldn't be a seat left. People attending probably see a lot of our Olympic runners in this meet. MEET THE MAN FROM SOLAR! "A dynamic approach to the Occult" At the UNIVERSITY INN - Trowbridge Rd. FEB. 13, AT 7:00 P.M. The founder of self-reliance co operative farm in Northern Mich, will lecture on "Education In The New Age & The Re-appearance of the World Avatar. No Admission!! ALL YOU NEED IS AN OPEN MIND!! PS If you think good wine has to be pensive, you're in for an uncxpated surprise at the Olde World Bread and Ale. 2 l I M.A.C Avenue in East lo¬ sing. Expect the unexpected .it the Olde World, you'll find Olde World flavor there, and not just in the food! mfWoM BRJEADWALE State News, East Lansing, Michigan Michigan SPORTS Wednesday, February 9, 1972 7 ;partan Smallest trackman defeat By CRAIG REMSBURG Il ,, ' was USe a State Newt Sports Writer heart-Stopping see saw affair at Jenison Tuesday night but the MSU basketball team makes big showing id with some clutch shooting and rebounding in the By GARY KORRECK Ryun's national collegiate as slowed down by ,o minutes to score an 89 - 79 victory over Illinois MSU State News Sports Writer indoor mark. miler Ken Popejoy set mononucleosis at the beginning a crowd of 6,132 persons. He came back, less than an the Big Ten indoor record Ken Popejoy is not big. ohast yearrs"indoor season. ..... Robinson led the winners with 29 points and Bill hour later, and ran the fastest Saturday in Jenison with If he didn t wear a sleeveless "This year I've been able to jo're chipped in with 21. Nick Weatherepoon had 22 for 4:00.9 clocking. a preey one would not be able to two mile he'd ever run. "I needed the workout,', maintain the strength I built up in the fall," he said, "I was able victory gives the Spartans a 3 - 4 record in the Big pick him up against the green explained Ken, "I'm not as big to run well during the term and white setting of MSU's ' and a 10 • 7 m*rk overall while the Fighting Illini as most of the other milers and I break and keep in shape until Id their thrid contest in five Big Ten starts. Illinois is Jenison Fieldhouse. have to build up my stamina. 'll. 4 for the season. Last Saturday, though, Ken "I felt amazingly good last *We got some great hustle from everybody and we also Popejoy ran an indoor faster than anyone in the Saturday; I put all my energy state Relays may provide him mg key rebounds late in the game," MSU mentor Gus Big into it," he added. with a chance to snap Ryun's Ten ever has. akas said of the win. "And Mike Robinson's Popejoy said that he knew he Lmance was superb in the first half." With a 4:00.9 clocking he was close to the four minute record , Popejoy Ts more concerned with his team's The story in the first half of the action was indeed the chipped a full second off Mark pace when he heard his half mile efforts in the distance medley shooting display put on by Robinson. The slender Winzenreid's old mark, and came time. "I went all out the next within half reiay. homore sensation was good on 10 of 14 shots from the second of tying Jim a quarter and just hoped that I and electrified the crowd with his long, floating could last," he said. "It (the relay) should be i rs from just outside the free throw line. Robinson PREVIEWS BIG TEN MEET To his credit, he hit the tape interesting race," an he said, "If Ad 21 points in the half and at one time hit on six under a full head of steam; full, we're going to win it well need anyway, for someone who'd to get down to around 9:50, and Robinson" and Gary Ganaka* continually harassed the already run 1,750 yards. that should qualify us for the I backcourt men and came up with three steals between Tankers get set for OSU "This year I've made a major nationals." m The thefts, along with the shooting of Robinson and improvement in my time," Lore, vaulted the Spartans to a 12 • point lead, 38 - 26, commented Popejoy, "but the Typically, he cited himself as Ji four minutes left in the half. thing that's really helped t r__ _ needing improvement if the But a couple of buckets by Weatherspoon, who was high having a good cross country relay unit were to come through, X) for Illinois with 14 points in the half, and four points a slicht Sund(TrdoB8 Saturday' m two-of the loP contenders for dropping its meet to Indiana last year of 1:55.6 in the 200 - background behind me." "ni111 get other nthar chances -fc * run to ■ guard Jim Krelle helped to close the gap to Just six the Snartan tankers'face one S ?°n£ren,Cj, fionors behind weekend, 85 - 38. The Hoosiers butterfly placing second behind ___o Popejoy explained that he did Jbe m"® this season," Ken said, Ijts, 40 • 34 with a minute to play. Both teams he toucher teams ntheBie « ♦ Ind,ana and Michi6an- now possess the best times in the Indiana's Bob Alsfelder. not compete in cross country as "but right now the distance d baskets twice and the two squads went Into the T.m. Thursday. Iiadminton, women's land doubles play will Special ■tonight and Thursday this Valentine's Day! I the Women's IM. 'Jonathan a Livingston Seagull story by: Richard Bach THE {VALENTINE ORDER 'Intimate Behavior by: Desmond Morris •Be Here Now WEATHERYANE RARE EARTH IN CONCERT ROSES by: Lama Foundation EARLY Plus: Hallmark STUDENT BOOK Woolco's discount $6.57 Valentine's Cards! STOR 421 - 27 EAST G RAND RIVER AVENUE 30% off Feb. 9, 10 40% off Feb. 11, 12, 13 50% off Feb. 17, 10, 19 Okemos Store only Selected Items! ROLLING STONES HOT ROCK'S Woolco's discount price $7.77 Our Annual S Check all Our Gamble Early All Nationally Advertised Brands - Don't Procrastinated Hit Stereo Albums Skis Boots Poles Clothing - - - The Longer You Wait Accessories - The Greater The Risk Woolco low STORE HOURS discount priced 4310 W. Saginaw, Lansing Mon. Thru Sat. - 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. 2283 Grand River, Okemos Sun. only - 12 noon 5 p.m. WOOLCO MERMAN MALL A All Stores ^^weooraml Rivw *Ve and MnrVi Ftaari ' m=—m Wednesday, Febrn g Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan MSU By BOB NOVOSAD State News Staff Writer police stress safety equipment available to the MSU department has a budget of "Sergeants earn around $16,000, vacancy currently in the Dept. community," Bernitt said. $922,000, with 86 per cent of and lieutenants and the captain of Public Safety. He said that he The director of the Dept. of Bernitt said that the MSU that amount paid out in salaries. of the force make around has received over 30 applications Public Safety Monday night told police function as a municipal "Our recruits and privates $19,000." for the position already. members of Alpha Phi Sigma, police department, and serve earn between $9,300 and Bernitt discussed The police force has a the honorary police fraternity primarily as a service $1 2,640," Bernitt noted employment possibilities for the recruiting philosophy, according that the MSU Dept. of Public organization and not as a law checking the Dept. of Public 10 criminal justice majors, and to the public safety director. He enforcement agency. Safety's annual report. reported that there is only one said that officers are required to Safety is a "wedding of emergency service functions and "I'm not bragging or being have two years of college police operation.-" naive," Bernitt said, "but I think training, and are taught to be Richard O. Bernitt, speaking we are doing a hell of a job." able to talk their way out of a Bernitt said he considers MSU to 10 members of the honorary group in the conference room of as a city of 65,000 people, or the 18th largest city in Michigan. String quartet violent situation instead of becoming physically involved. Olds Hall, said that the Dept. of He said he has pride in the fact Public Safety was established to He said the campus community that four officers on the force give safety and protective has more people than 69 of the chamber music hold masters degrees and one Is a services to the MSU community. 83 counties in Michigan, and has trained lawyer. He noted that the collection of its water distribution The Guarneri String Quartet, often acclaimed by critics as the own One of the members of the these services complement each facilities, produces its own heat, world's master of chamber music, is next in MSU's Chamber fraternity asked why there are has its Music Series at 8:15 tonight, in Fairchild Theatre. other. and own police no women on the police force. The group will perform Mozart's "Quartet in D Minor," "In performing safety department. He said the Dept. of Public Sibelius' "Quartet, Opus 56 (Intimate Voices), and Bernitt noted that his *>m services, the Dept. of Public department currently has two Mendelssonn's "Quartet in E Flat Major, Opus 44, No.3." Safety has 71 employes, Safety works towards industrial accident prevention, pest including civilian desk clerks, a Members of the group are violinists Arnold Steinhardt and applications from women, and said that if a woman were hired Some heaven John Dalley, violist Michael Tree, and cellist David Soyer. All are control, sanitation, fire parking patrol, and 42 police faculty members at Philadelphia's Curtis Institute of Music. "she would have to do the same This angel appears to have fallen from grace and consequently made its mark on earth,I prevention, and making first aid officers. He added that the work as a man, and that means impression was found on the ice of the Red Cedar River, the work of flailing arms and le| Tickets are available in advance at the MSU Union Ticket riding uniform public patrols." State News photo by Office. Don POSSESS LEADER Exorcist' plots occult n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, February 9, 1972 9 Handsome Al tangos into Florida .. Note: The kw«- following The following "I «ee here." "I »ee here," he said glancing he said glancing ... paper emotlnn an<1 ... . . ■ ■ .n with permission from at the front page, "The Alligator Mtndelstamm r.r*L ^"7' oraUy graph,c interpretations of He claims that he lost his hair Alligator photographer, snapped Ph.D. at Vanderbilt In labor, of him. when he was in college. It seems pictures of the event until Senor HE HAS BEEN at Michigan "What could I do with a degree h®w«s running a temperature of Mandelstamm bounced over to *?«;« SSi?« State since 1983, with the „ , In foreign language?" he said. ,vU)e university Is facing a HaU Auditorium. , ,heB"'nt .i.uikbi(I either a every square or box motion poini with k Pk'^1 -—-- ? ae,be8,|1°w Boldlng, a 108 and It supposedly burned him, took poor Gary Into his wou,d hav® an»wered hla hair off. exception of one term at "Then one day, when I was 'ltd highway through Turning suddenly he said, with his hands and wrkesTS he q?M lo,n of what the most Two o'clock came, and him. arms, and danced the tango with Dartmouth College, and this a senior, I decided to take a, was MSU recently. At 2 today, Instead of skipping term at UF. economics elective. I liked «f,y. thc P,ctur~.0f ^-tojnarch.m teach you the unaduUmt,S overhead projector ,n ,h Important.Invention ever made Mandelstamm suddenly GARY'S FACE FLENCHED. As undergraduate, he as an ftunately. r Mandelstamm — . doing tango, O.K.?" & VatcT tThh^hhZ^mm^?/' straightened his body, raised his The class absolutely hurt with "Ito ,tral«hten J ^ an majored in language and It, and I said, AAAhhh, eureka, 1 will take a masters In economics, o were not suitable for •Toiim BUT NOW u i. . Hla lectures """ we shall proceed anecdotes, outlandishfilled iiAiii nu lectures are ruled with with utnnnnhee®®_ ttttttttttttt. . eyebrows, placed his hands laughter. minored in chemistry. "My combine It will all my languages Suction. to dlscusa the mercantilists." he ' tales lales and "nd MUrJ\U.P' turnip," Mandelstamm said racing over of together and with an expression Mandelstamm began teaching father always told me,'Alan,'he and go into international trade." lust on his face, he began economics in 1952 at Michigan said, 'whatever you do, when "I've always wanted to be X ALISON GORMAN . ,4 Mandelstamm, describing . 1U1 the scratch It down on the clapping, one. .two. .one two State. He continued there until . . you finish college have a a overhead projector, "The turnip three." teacher and help people, and ■llgitor Feature Writer himself as having a somewhat 1956, took a year off, and the, profession'," Mandelstamm said, weelll one thing led to another, because of the revolution In I ,#nt. in Economics 201, "fubstantlal body," said his Una Alan B. Mandelstamm, philosophy of teaching is "to Chocolate «-l ^ «m u?re: , Laughing hysterically, the until 1959, he taught courses in class proceeded to clap,"one... labor at Northwestern fluttering his hands out in front and here I am," ha said. Schlect, there goes another .two. .one two Ji economics professor make the student miserable, of . three, one... University. « ■ MSU learned to do the courae. . .weeeelllll, I like to P"f. Mandelstamm regularly .two.. .one two three." From 1959 to 1963 In Jin 12, Instead of teach because I'm a ham. set as a brings supply of at least a half dozen "Slowly." "SLOWLY," he shouted, Mandelstamm taught the history of economics and ILtlnii In the hearing on "No really, the student pencils to class each day, for he With one arm extended out courses in rr Alice Loop Road. wavering, I'll do almost anything has a problem with managerial economics at breaking to the side, with full Spanish Vanderbilt. He received his 1 we that there Is a Luihighway problem them about how 1 smashed the to relieve their boredom. I'll tell gum f them. HE ALSO BRINGS a dancer stability, Senor Mandelstamm, Professor de los PROGRAM INFORMATION 482 3905 nd 18 ke what?" KuMian empire, or like today, handkerchief to wipe the sweat Principals de Lamm asked, thumbing about the baths in Bangkok." »copy of the Alligator. rW{ptr> "However, I will not *" ..w.. „.... . NPW vnnv midh °? th«topi of his bald head and SW YORK UPI) The when it gets too hot for him, he the stage in front of the class. tu disturbed fundamentally from chocolate • lover In search of simply takes off his shirt. SK. CARES!" he screamed what I'm trying to do, which is "fw w»y» ^ enjoy his favorite sexlly danced Economia quite the tango across All the while, Gary Woifson y °'r8°n' 0 ICHIGAN Theatre Lan*inq OPEN 1:00 P.M. • .mis j over his head, to teach economics, and cover !Lav0.r. ,ho«ld w«tch for f ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ TODAY SHOWS chocolate flavored chewing | i about the ducks, the material." - at 1:10- 3:05 ABRAMS - liMclulfthe time!" TEACHING with ,xlreme S 5:05-7:05- 9:05 P.M. The munchables Included a candy with a caramel - cheese J 5 PLANETARIUM SU maverick' writes center covered with a thick BEST WESTERN COMEDY layer ■ of chocolate. It melts to make a SINCE "CAT BALLAU"!" ■ delectable chocolate fondue, ■ |ttc/e on union reports the Chocolate ■ Manufacturers leader Association of ! TERENCE HILL in Iseems quite fitting L nnhlished that a Bridges: The Rise and Fall of ^ P:S'A' ,A"d how about l|v I leader published article article about Harry Bridges, the about R«Hir.Bi Labor in Radical in the th» n s »• U.S. Larrowe said he has been chocolate - mint pecan cakes, chocolate s^^ies^bar and - freeze - dried ■ SCHEDULE ADMISSION PRICES The ferick of the labor doing research the subject for form, . 8:00 & 10:00 p.t... ADULTS $1.00 Call on SAT. 2:30, 8:00, & 10:00 MSU Students Vient. was written by the p.m. (I.D.). . . 75c the past ten years. """ SUN. Children (512) S0c tick of the MSU faculty, C. 4:00 p.m. . No Pre Schoolers Reprints of the article are MOOSUSKI at the GABLES - Admitted Jc ("Heavy Rush" ~~ "I FOLLOWING 8 and Trinity available at the assigned reading 7-9 p.m.WED. Feb. 9 prober When") Larrowe, desk of the Library and the Happy Hour Prices! 10 p.m. SHOWS Lor of economics. ■ the wake of the Door Prizes - Ski Flick The Album A N0D IS AS G00D AS A WINK i Membership & ID Required • TO A BLIND HORSE Will Be Played Coast dock strike, periodical section. (Memberships available "*sbbbsbbbbbnbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbb£ 's article brings to light at the door.) f the power and the of this giant in rJi labor. Jidges, president of the ■national Longshoremen's gifts for your special ■ Warehousemen's Union, Illy threatened to close "'The Touch', a fascinating ■ the ports of the world If less imposed compulsory picture to placa In Bergman's Lion In the West Coast gallery of haunting axparlencaa Strike. and yours." —Archer Wlnaten, N.Y.Poat |nsidered a radical of d labor he organized the kind >r Francisco general | of 1934 and has remained union leader ever alnce. ft' Elliott Qould inlngmar Je article which appeared In (January Issue of the Bergman's imla Law Review, outlines »' four trials and acquittals 1938 to 1955. lied "Did the Old Left Get rfoeess? The Case of Harry rharharharh/warha the article details the lent's vain attempts to irldges a member of the ftiunlst party. \ article pi gathered by Larrowe li was upcoming book, "Harry drawn from PRESENTS |HYNOT A PRAYER ^YFR ' > the ides. A TRIP? ind ART the LAW of little hook you true no CATCH-22 IS THE MOST MOVING, MOST INTELLI¬ m "•sure. Corp. Bo* 491 $1.50 ppd. - E, GENT JHE MOST HUMANE - OH, TO HELL Wisconsin 54220 c. WITH IT! - IT'S THE BEST AMERICAN FILM I'VE SEEN THIS YEAR! It comes as close to being an epic human comedy as Hollywood has ever made! Alan Arkin as Yossarian provides the film with its continuity and dominant style Arkin is a deadly serious actor, he projects intelligence with such mono-maniacal intensity, he is both funny and heroic at the same time. Nichols remains, as he Lff^NjORMATIQN 485 MM was before, one of our finest directors." -wwcTr cml«f "IT'S ONE HELL OF A FILM! A COLD, SAVAGE AND CHILLING COMEDY! Firmly establishes Nichols' place in the front rank of American directors." bruce wiluamson, playboy "Viewing Arkin is like watching Lew Alcindor sink baskets or Bobby Fischer play chess. A virtuoso player entering his richest period! A triumphant performance!" -time maqaiine niurder cases. Pushes them. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF I f VALENTINE CARDS J PERSONAL GIFTS Tonight in Brody Southwest Most of all youll low the Stuffed animals, MSU Dining Hall 7,9:30 jewelry, much more! Students, faculty, and staff only MSU BOOKSTORE I.D.'s required $1.00 Admission In the InivrnolioiKil (.vnter rharkarharharharha 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Michiga men's Fiction writers ler A DECK SHOE plan MSU clinic The Clarion, a summer workshop in science fiction wriu nfc SPECIAL^ chosen MSU as the site for this activities this ^ SPECIAL year R r Wright, associate professor in Justin Morrill Colleo 1111 Thursday. ge' ^ Wright, one of the codirectore of this year's wori™i, Want to 1 lelcend, or group Choose from blue, green or white. Cushion insole. Pull that tentatively it will feature such science Action authoP ^ irting time: Delany and Theodore Sturgeon. The workshop is schwinui r tween 10_a proof eyelets. Sizes 6% to 12. of July 2 through August 12 and will Involve approximate * writers of all ages from throughout the nation. J The center Sponsored jointly by the provost's office, Just|n M usual pefi° \ $2.97 College, Lyman Briggs College, and the College of Art#* callers in LADIES WITH COUPON Letters, the workshop Is one of the best known efforts type, Wright said. Manuscripts written by those attending the workshon win k. rWof|'> in, it seem< ke of 1971 lack of published in a book called the Clarion and $500 prizes w k! step-in awarded to the writers of the short stories judged to Hp 'Our troub literary efforts. ik. lheb* u /ear grant,' Our. Reg. $3.97 money, we Workshop members will be housed in a University resM there. SLACKS were hall and will pay a $250 tuition charge plus room and J!!? 1/ Wright said. The workshop has been held previously at Clairon ***< Collet. I 'We were i oming phor Assorted fabrics and colors. Pennsylvania and Tulane University in New Orleans. Robin Sm! >re there is i Wilson founded the workshop at Clarion College three ve#». Tie center Sizes 10 -18. | Wright said. Leonard Isaacs, associate professor In Justin Morrill Coiu. y R,J0' ling for m< ie on the tl I will codlrect the project with Wright. ™ Feedback SWI1 JUMBO STORAGE |a/ds in med CHEST If you are among the V $3.00 lucky 95 per cent of the population(l 30%" x 15" x 1314" can produce audible brain waves, an alpha Wave machine win give you a "high" by S recycling the waves out m.. ana in tne other. Walnut woodgrain 97' The Electronics Joint, located in the back 0NATHAN corrugated of 200 lb of the Wu ate News St Monkey on Abbott Road, will have six feedback machine S LADIES WEAR middle of this month including the one available now TV ITs VHF st Hartmann, manager of the Electronics Joint, said that he l-time UHF HOUSEWARES DEPT. of no other place In Michigan that sells the m " "• machines. mm »eus me machines n it will ex| Though •—" the "7 principles upon which "wva the feedback machli Derate have I—"K"" h«*>n known trie leeaoack machta ,cn" orogrammii ^ operate have been known tr>rfor decades, meditational .. use of station, Wfl FACIA! TISSUES ■ amplifiers Is just now becoming widespread. Accordlni nel 10) Hartmann, the machines can compress the results of a con, ast time wit SCOTTY years' meditation Into a few days, or even hours. The apparatus consists of two electrodes i Commerci positioned ontt it goes to (Unit Price 11c per 100' head In accordance to the effects desired, a control box ha September around the neck, and earplugs. It is designed to aralify the m letters to alpha waves as he meditates. THANK ones it I PIC FILLING 3 While other brain waves are associated with the thoujj first began processes, alpha waves are related to awareness, Hartmann s2 YOU He has heard feedback machlng users describe their experience Channel 60 "detached, happy and calm," while others remembw CHERRY (Unit Price 25.4c per lb.) "explosions of color." He said "it seems like physical objects*1 will not programs I far away, and everything is clear when Trial station they're done." The machines come in $70 and $300 models, and rental WMSB stati tern WAX PAPER will be set. Hartmann also lets interested individuals lut will insl try out II equipment. number c waxtex MO. , (Ur Price 0.2c (Unit per sq. ft. POLICE tjerapt of the ir fires and tl wi we wouli of the to TOP FROST FROZEN USDA GRADE A THIN FRIES A STUDENT WAS arrested for shoplifting at 2:05 p.m, [ Monday in the MSU Bookstore in the International Center. Police said the student had allegedly stolen a $1.95 tape cassette and was apprehended ant and things th spend wouldn't e: to t us to fin everythin tr by store security agents. Police said his case ha out liit IME1JER FEVER THICHS39t a been referred to the county prosecutor. • * * * * POLICE REPORT THAT a typewriter with an estimated valuel of $150 was stolen sometime last week from an office in the Soil Science Building. Police said that the student who reported tbeH theft told police that the office is usually locked. • • * * * FOOD Clll8#fiSts '£ 55t A $60 RADIO was stolen sometime Friday or Saturday fromil lab In the Life Science Building. Police said the radio belonged tol a student and was locked in a room there are over 100 keys available for the room. at the time, but noted tbit| * * * * * pkg. A VENDING MACHINE In the Soil Science Building wail pkg. broken into with a reported loss of $12.75 in coins and $70 inH damage to the machine. Police said the machine was broken intoj SPAKE RIBS - 59( between 1 and 8 a.m. Monday and said they have no suspects. LEAN MEATY TOP FROST FROZEN WAFF1ESI Il6t BRUSSEl SPR0UTS 57C EAST LANSING .117 E. Grand Kivrr GREAT IN PlilSBURY FLOUR 77C TIME SPRING UNIT PRICE 7.7 c per It PRICES IN 1 HIS AD GOOD WED. 9 THRU SAT. FEB. 13 FEB. 12, 1972 MUSSELMAN REGULAR OR LO-CAL $100£ SAVE $1.00 S51-00 16 to 16% oz. 6/99c | A ^ with »hi. coupon foword lh» pgrchat* of: ^ I I APPLESAUCE wt. can ;co^ mens **oN" UNIT PRICE 16.SC per I * DECK SHOES $2.97 i WAGNER BREAKFAST 31 Our Reg. $3.9/ WIIH | 11 Good Wed. Feb. 9 thru Sat. Feb. 12, 1972 COUPON | DRINKS 54 fl. oz. REGULAR 39^ 37' ?IUp iiijw ffiimlciS IN 3 FLAVORS btl -sipeb mdRHEis ? 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. (RAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA DOWNTOWN EAST LANSIN°J 3 South 317 East Grand R|ve j 1 SHOP MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES »Sunday -10 AM to 7 PM Washington Monday thru Saturday - 9 AM to 10PM A tk us about free parking in city n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, February 9, 1972 II ;enter offers Subjective black writing nfo on events recommended by editor By CRISPIN Y. CAMPBELL Want to know about the activities in Ann Arbor this State News Staff Writer man cannot get caught in the Newsweek and consequently he Jkend or how long a movie will be at a theater and its The senior editor of Jet trap of obiectivitv. objectivity.1 \yas fired." jsaid. "Tlierefore, helping shape and the direction to rtine times? Just call the Hubbard Information Center Higgins stressed the in which magazine told a group of black Higgins reminded the the news will een 1° a m- and 9 pm' on any weekd®y- importance of a full all-black audience that blacks go — making it journalism students that a black understanding of the manner in more relevent to the were still the victims of reporter cannot really be being community." The center averages eight to 10 calls a day, except during which blacks have been the last hired and the first fired. 1 periods, like the recent draft lottery, when over objective and advocated victimized over the ethics of Higgins said the black press Jfcallers •" inquired about their numbers. For a time this subjective journalism in a speech objectivity: "As long as we have racial should get away from frivolous delivered recently in Owen divisions in the country we will stories and deal with the serious jt seamed that the center, founded during the student "White newsmen pretend to Graduate Hall. ojve need the black press," he said. and nerve-wracking ike of 1970 to combat rumors, was going to fade away us ohifiotivp views white problems Chester Higgins, on campus as t to lack of knowledge of its existence. spewing their subjectivity on us. .. Movin8 to the improvements bla^ " 11 should a guest of the Center for Urban Therefore, I am an advocate of that could —. be made in the black be a medium for information, H f.lrni<5h lur troubles began when ASMSU cancelled our $200 - Affairs, addressed himself to the subjective journalism and Higgins commented upon _rt . , y. ar grant," explained codlrector Duane Clark. "Without problems of the black journalist bringing out the black truth in the need for young black in a predominantly white media > money, we couldn't advertise and let the students know that manner." journalists to "bring in black Expressing disappointment then'. Cindy Zacharias, Midland freshman (at system: He then moved the 8tories> to explain the complex on the loss of the crusading were file to Cheryl Parsons, Perrysburg, Ohio, freshman cabinet) and "I have heard (questions) in are two of the the last few year (as arguments advocating the moves of government, to alert spirit of the black press of the ,'We were also short of volunteers to handle our two twenty volunteers who staff the Hubbard Information to) whether diminishing need for black black P^P1*5 to the hazards of 1940s and 1950s which which phones. We still have two or three hours a day Center on the third floor journalists should aspire to be journalism and the black g of the Undergraduate Library press in not voting and to advise them in cihallenged American society for re there is no one in our office." objective or whether they should a society where blacks are the many ways of everyday the equal rights of black people, > center has approximately 20 volunteers and is lottery^"^ ^ ^ 2°° Ca"S °" °f the draft aspire to be advocates, that is, to be subjective - to supposedly "being integrated ,ife:" , g for more. Anyone interested is urged to visit the present their into the white media." If the b,ack Press 15 to the third floor of the undergraduate library. subjective views as to the news. Wue (the b,ack Press> need to on State News photo "As a Higgins gave the examples of survive 't must also have a get back into this kind of by Tom Dolan newsman, a black Samuel Yetts a former editor of ;c°mmunion between the black crusading spirit in order to be newsman," he commented, "I Newsweek and Bill MatUy Press and the black businessman, relevant, to be worth saving. If have always said that a black former NBC White House iwho supply the life line of we don't do this I don't think correspondent - blacks journalism - advertising," he we re worth saving." SWITCH TO IIHF integrated into the white media who were, according to Higgins, expelled because of their opinions. A career in law... WMSB to enlarge under Citing the circumstances which Yetts was fired, without law school. iONATHAN KAUFMAN abo"1■ fe,w things wh*b may be the northeast of the present coverage dollars. ... Higgins said: "Sam Yetts wrote a book named The Choke', which in essence stated that blacks were When you become a Lawyer's Assistant, you'll do work traditionally done by lawyers |Me News Staff Writw '.TTm„re Th/vrT The VHF transmitter, which ~«=-* WILX «"d MSU country ^a^bt^nTounded £ — work which is and intellectually challenging, responsible 5 VHF station changes programs from the Public share the operating expenses of He explained that the $1.7 stimulating. Lawyer's settled their labor Assistants are now so Broadcasting Service (PBS), Page Unirs — critically needed that ZvtutayndwTrdsob.yd 'to the iransmutter, was no Mime UHF broadcasting 11 it will expand its public *»'<*. PBS is the non-commercial WILX-TV » time they in proportion on the to air- million dollars from WILX has not yet been ^located by the Ionger needed and consequently The Institute for Paralegal Training can for *1.7 mUHon moVes were be ins? made to Dut offer you a position in the city of | programming. national network that WMSB is WILX p.,s 70 p., ce„, of the WMSB: «W your choice station, WMSB-TV (VHF affiliated with, cost, MSU 30 per cent. University proportion would be put into a Thls ZTtoTcoStiSS — and a higher starting salary than you'd nel 10) now shares Under the present Funds to build the UHF angered the editors of expect as a recent college graduate. Here shared-time arrangement WMSB building, what proportion might 8 is a career as a professional with financial st time with WILX-TV, [nL Commercial station. a 's restricted in the programming Hospital thefts: tranmitter come from a $420,000 grant received from be put into equipment, what proportion would go or some Once Again! MOOSUSKi at the GABLES rewards that increase with your developing it goes to UHF Channel it can do because it is only on the U.S. Office of Education expertise. [September it will change the air 38V4 hours a week, 'inside' scoop Sept. 15,1971. on other purpose is just not known at this point. It is a decision 7-9 P.M. Wed. Feb. 9 Happy Hour Prices - Ski Flicks - If you are a student of high academic letters to WKAR-TV - As WKAR-TV, however, it MFW vork mtpi\ _ The University is providing which the University Door Prizes - Trip Info - standing and are interested in a legal U it had when the will be on at least 80 hours Membership & id Required career, come speak with our representative. ones a than - - $100 --- million worth $155,000 in matching funds. administration is grappling with (Memberships available at door) i first began operations on week. Now PBS programs can be goods, ranging from bedsheets to Pages said bids have been at this moment." [Channel 60 in Janaury recorded and played back several medical instruments, is stolen Contact the Placement Office. times in order to give alternate A representative of The Institute everv vear fmm hnsnitnk in th* ./ will not have "hard viewing times for people who United States, says a security ^termination has been made on will visit your campus on: programs like the area cant be reached during the expert. who will build it. trcial station, Robert D. hours WMSB braodcasts now. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24 WMSB station manager, 'Ultimately we hope to Most hospital losses are inside We may be a little short," he but will instead cover a provide a 24 hour a day jobs, Eugene Fuss, Honeywell and ,w.e "!ay have to make 801116 nTX^ ^ntl' the - - number of important service," Page said. security engineer reported to can decide ons-what we the American 'society for ?&-• lIndustrial Security. There are T . lir atierapt wouldn't be to WKAR-Ty P>an« to be on the air all of the incidents such from about 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. more than 3,000 hospital items that can be used in a home, and Mst« IU /O DISCOUNT The Institute for I fires and the robberies, A new UHF transmitter will there is a •Timex Watch Repair er we would take a look be built on University property ready resale market for medical instruments and 'Electric Shaver Repair Paralegal Training ; of the key or more in Okemos, about 20 miles to electronic devices, he said, •Engraving bnt things that happen in •Keys Made Thick stack of Kosher and spend time •Scissors Sharpened rmwpiMcr* more on corned beef on dark rye. Also a Large Selection .HI-FL b wouldn't expect people of Electric Shavers Watch Bands :VUn,£| 5-2-14 THEMTELLING ABOUT THE one DENNIS full year. $7.88 and up. DISTRIBUTING HOMETTE 1970, two bedroom, PREGNANT? PANICKY? Co TRANSPORTATION furnished. 12' x 50', washer and the alternatives. Prewj WANTED PART TIME employment with OFFICE OR commercial space, OLDPA/S UIHEM SmtEIMPc COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. dryer. MUST SELL. Best offer. Counseling. 372-1560 0-2^1 merchant wholesaler. Automobile East Opposite City Market. C-3-2-10 Call 355-1105. B-1-2-9 Lansing. DEADLINE required; phone SOCIETY downtown Reasonable. Gary 349-3358. CAinrvsuvmte mprkERSI ' FOR SALE. Friden calculator, $45, CORPORATION. 351-5800. ACTIVE 12' x 60' on lot. 15 minutes 1 P.M. one class day betore C-3-2-9 10-2-22 &numvsf>£A*m /an/si* /£■ LANHM. MM Minolta 16mm camera $17, radios from MSU, furnished, washer, dryer, publication. $10 each, clock radio $10, boy's disposal. Must sell. 646-6344 after Cancellations/Corrections WANTED, SMILING lady - for sales Apartments For Rent For Rent bicycle $10. 355-9619. 3-2-10 Contact Jerry 5:30 p.m. 10-2-22 MARIE'S FAMILY STOREI 12 noon one class day work with Stanley Home GREAT LAKES 8' North Magnolia Avenue. foods. Imf before publication. Products. Car necessary. June GIRL WANTED for four man. Rent x 35', near MSU. Specializing in 9 Wilkinson, 485-8349. 5-2-14 paid through February 15. Close. Rooms SKIIS-OLYMPIA, boots size nine, Carpeted, excellent condition, breads. B-1-2-9 PHONE 351-6115. 2-2-9 Apartments and poles. $45. Phone 484-4152 $1200. 351 0087. 5-2-15 AFRO CUTS and all Afrostta 355-8255 ROOMS, SINGLES AND DOUBLES. evenings. 2-2-9 UNION BUILDING BAI FEBRUARY RENT FREE. One girl MOBILE HOME for sale, 10' x 50', SHOP. C-1-2-9 Cooking facilities. Utilities paid. DRUMMER - MUSICIAN needed, close to campus. $55/ SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. good condition, $1595. Can be RATES 10 word minimum Call 372-8077. C-2-29 Brand month until June 15th. Call new portables, $49.95. seen at Trailer Haven Court. Lot No. DAYS GIRL NEEDED spring term for 4 No. 351-8425. 2-2-10 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE south. $5.00 per month. Large selection No. 403. 694A8301. 5-2-15 WORDS 1 3 5 10 An excellent drummer is needed man apartment, call, 351-9229. of reconditioned used machines. Quiet for student. Near busline. to fill 3-2-10 Singers, Whites, Necchis, New L.S.A.T. a position starting March ONE GIRL - Cedar Village, March $15 a week, plus deposit. Phone Lost & Found - April Exar 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 26, with an established group through June. Reduced rent. 627-5454. 5-2-10 Home and "many others", $19.95 based in MEADOWBROOK TRACE, 1 man. to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS D.A.T. Lansing. The group 349-4817. 3-2-11 LOST: April Exam 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 own room, $57.50 / month. Call BLACK cat. female, vicinity dresses uniformly, plays DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. 882 1698. 3-2-10 EXCELLENT ROOM for man, near Audubon Road. 351 -8277, "TOP-40" commercial rock with 1115 N. Washington, 489-6448. M.C.A.T. April Exa 4-MAN FOR spring and / or summer, graduate student, foreign 355-3489. 3-2-9 - 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 plans of evolving into a floor campus, C-3-2-10 close. $65 / apiece / month. students welcomed. 337-2592. show group. We work 49 weeks 332-3852. 3-2-11 11.70 23.40 2-2-9 FOUND: GLASSES with case. 18 2.70 7.20 per year with 50% on the road. If MclNTOSH MC-30 power amps. Head 606 skiis, Lange pro boots, C-wing Wells Hall. Friday. Call you feel capable, have ONE OR two bedroom furnished 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 SINGLE. MALE student. Bloc- 351-8927. 3-2-9 personality, good musicianship, mobile homes. $25 - $35 / week. Ricoh TLS-401. SLR camera with TUTORIAL HELP by Ph.D.I 32.50 and interested in a fantastic Ten minutes to campus. Houses Union. Cooking, parking. 314 zoom lens. CAMERAS, SLR's, FOUND: SMALL black dog near sciences, including math, pi 3.75 10.00 16.25 Evergreen. 332-3839. 3-2-10 view finders. Polaroids, projectors, and opportunity with excellent pay 641-6601. O Administration Building. Male. computers. Call 35W 347 Student Servlc es Bldg. EAST LANSING Duplex. Carpeted and equipment. Used color and call 393-4182 or 694-8232. Call 353-2829. 2-2-10 0-2-9 NEED ROOMMATES for summer 2 bedroom. Full basement For Sale black and white TV sets. Used All student ads must be Appliances included. 1 block frorr term. Move in June. Call stereo amps, tuners, receivers, LOST: LARGE long -.haired black PORTRAITS, COLOR Cfl prepaid campus. Married only. Chile turntables, speakers, 8 - track and 351 9226. 2-2-10 welcome. $210 / month SKIIS KNEISEL Blue Star, 200 cm, cat. Yellow eyes. Near Tijuana weddings, passportr brand new $135, boots Humanic cassette, home decks and car Taco on Grand River. Reward I identification. Coming The State Newt will be 349-9675 or 349-0560. 6-2-11 MANAGER TRAINEE. Immediate BURCHAM WOODS. Comfortable 1 ladies, 6 M, good condition. Best players. Used 8 - track tapes, $2 351-9488. 3-2-11 photography, responsible only for the and 2 bedroom apartments. Open offer, 355-3642. 5-2-11 each. Stereo albums, typewriters, 3 5 5-2751 opening with leading national first day's incorrect retailer. Excellent benefits and immediately, furnished, heat paid. wall tapestries, Police band radios, LOST LAST WEEK: red 3 - ring PHOTOGRAPH ICS. B 12-9| From $150. Phone 351-3118, ice skates, WILCOX C.P.S. 300 notebook. 355-6738 insertion. salary with quick advancement 484-4014. 4-2-14 FOURTH NEEDED for four SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East 3-2-11 I CHALLENGE opportunity. High school education required. Experience bedroom house on Fairview. Own Michigan Avenue. 8-5:30 p.m., letter writers v helpful. Apply Woolco Dept 711 BURCHAM room, $50 monthly. 372-6725. Monday - Saturday. 485-4391. LOST: GOLD Tissot watch. Women's opinions to identify then) Automotive Store, Meridian Mall. An Equal 3-2-10 BankAmericard, Master Charge, IM. Sentimental value, reward. Mike Fox. S-5-2-10 Ideal for married couple. Large 1 Layaway, terms, trades.C 351-8314. x-5-2-14 Opportunity Employer. 5-2-9 bedroom furnished deluxe 207 BOGUE. Singles. $65. Cooking. BUICK SKYLARK 1966, V-8 DREAM JOB. Teach make - up apartment. 800 square feet of TEAC 1500 tape deck. Echo Peanuts Permiq Parking. Dave, 351 9666, LOST: SUNGLASSES in case near automatic, power steering and perfect living. Balcony. Phone automatic reverse and stop, one methods used in f-blly wood for 355 8313. 5-2-14 Student Services. Need for eye power brakes. Starts every day, 337-7328 year old. $275. 625-3618 before 3 natural or high style looks. condition. Reward. 351-1097. BARB, WE appreciate $475. 332-1154. 4-2-14 p.m. 5-2-10 in PLS-160. You're Training at our expense. Money is CHEAP BUT NICE. Remodeled x-2-2-10 SINGLE MAN to share East Lansing CAMARO, 1968 228, Hurst 4-speed, good if you're ambitious. Can lead very deluxe 2 bedroom 4 man Lansing house, furnished for 4, P.A. SYSTEM, Carvin (California). isn't. The Guys down frontj low mileage, 456 and 373 gears, to executive position. VIVIANE $200 monthly. Utilities, heat paid. LOST: GOLD wedding band, near furnished townhouse, $67.50. 200 watts. Good sound, complete. air lift, $1700. 663-4889. 4-2-11 WOODARD COSMETICS, 332 3398. 4 2-11 • Save on package Wells Hall. Reward. 353-4681, LAURIE, LINDA, Pim, | 485-1265, 351-0790. 5-2-11 Sell cheap. 332-4704. 5-2-11 subsidiary of General Foods. 351-0309 after 5 p.m. x-3-2-11 Thanks for my yellow d» deals during Demo come true. Dizzy. 1-29 CHEVROLET, 1953. 2 door, stick. 351-6623. 0-21-2-29 WE DO most repairing and replace Best 1 OR 2 girls needed for apartment in offer over $75. 371-4736. broken frames. OPTICAL ATTENTION: BIOLOGY, house; rent negotiable; c|ose. Demonstration DISCOUNT. 2615 East Michigan Personal 351-4382. 2-2-10 responsible. $125 per month. Saturday Feb. 12, 1972 PHYSICAL SCIENCE AND Avenue, 372-7409. 5-C-2 11 CHEVY 1965. Utilities and deposit. 351-3969. LANSING HAMMOND ORGAN Excellent running, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. GENERAL SCIENCE 1 BEDROOM apartment for married 0-2-29 economical 6 cylinder, $450 or COLOR TELEVISION, 25 inch SOCIETY. Entertainment by best offer. Call evenings 349-3329 MAJORS. couple. Close to campus, carpeted, console; $250. Our sets are 3 BEDROOM furnished ranch, 1 mile Hugh Garlock at the organ. Public 3-2-11 laundry facilities, furnished. $150 reconditioned and work well. Northeast of campus. Married invited, bring a friend. Grinnell's All college of natural monthly. Heat paid. Immediate JIM'S ELECTRONIC SERVICE, Frandor, Monday, February 14, DATSUN Science and other majors, occupancy. Phone Westphalia, couple or family. Available late 240Z 1971. Perfect March to June 30. 351-0456. 484-7711, 9-5, Monday - Friday. 1972 at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments condition. Rustproffed. $4100. interested in making 1-587-6680. 5-2-11 309 N. Washington 5-2-10 will be served. 7-2-14 Call Al 393-9279. 2-2-9 application for teacher bedroom Downtown, Lansing certification 1 AND 2 furnished, programs in NEED 1 or 2 girls for duplex on Animals FREE A lesson in USE YOUR available immediately. Phone ... complexion Biology, Physical Science and HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT Spartan Street winter and / or care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan General Science should note 351-7910. 5-2-11 spring. 351-6846. 3-2-11 TOY POODLE puppies. AKC or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. MASTER CHARGfl IMPALA 1963. Automatic, power, the following dates. Deadline registered. 7 inches high. Shots MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS to submit MAN FOR three Large house. 50% OF F on all merchandise, except and wormed. $40 or best offer. AT THE STATE NCT runs very well, best offer. Dennis completed man. STUDIOS. C-2-10 Near Own room. consignment. 1 day only. 882-8853. 3-2-9 355-1823, 353-6875. 3-2-11 applications for Spring term campus. MARRIED STUDENTS Furnished. $80 / month complete. Lincoln's Building, February 12th. 1972, February 18, 1972. A MGB GT 1967, blue with black notification of action will be & FACULTY 349 1258. 3-2-11 JUNIOR LEAGUE CEDAR DOBERMAN PINSCHER, AKC ttA,l,C| leather. Radio, rally kit, new mailed by March 6, 1972 in CHEST, 501 East Michigan, Lansing. 485 0865. 3-2-11 puppies, 8 weeks old, have papers, CROSSWORD carpets, much more. Very nice. 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. MALE, CLOSE to campus. Clean, shots. 337-0743. 5-2-11 yMMrpSiil Make offer, call IV4-1524. 3-2-11 time for early registration. some with study quiet, private entrance, sheets DUAL 1219 turntable with Shure M9IE cartridge, $150. Deutsche PUZZLE AGbjPPSI furnished. $12 / week, 332 3306. GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, E-37 McDonel Hall 355-1725 2 2-10 Grammophon Beethoven 3100 South ACROSS Fruit of the Cedar, STEVE'S OPEL RALLY 1971. Excellent collection, $10 / box. 484-6169, SUNOCO. 882-9412, 371-4470. 31. rose Medieval poem ^OiTjfJgl condition. Call 349-0136; after 5 and weekends 339-8025. 7 2-11 BABYSITTER/ HOUSEKEEPER with own transportation to from *145 per mo. ROOM. KITCHEN privileges 1V4 6-10 p.m. 2-2-10 4-2-10 1 Stage remark 32. Plant disease Bwffli Okemos. 2-7 p.m. Monday - miles from campus. Call Bob after 6 Fleet 33. Female ruff yiVlblo^K™ OPEL, AUTOMATIC 12,000 UNFURNISHED 5 p.m. 332-4951. 1-2-9 DOBERMAN PINSCHER - Quality 12. Starer 34. Hind • oiipr^a Friday. References exchanged. actual miles, 1969, like new, , 349-3666. 3-2-11 puppies with best of bloodlines. 13 Domestic 36. Spring lEiMlr $1245. 351-1957. 5-2-10 children welcome WANTED: ROOM in house, close, Reasonable. Paper trained. pigeon 37. Anglo Saxon In 0 0*1' semi - quiet, liberal, $50. Call 339-8302 after 2:30 p.m. B-1-2-9 STUDENT MAJORING in please, no pets Mary Kay 351-2170, 349 0893. 14 Young conger king rmylS PORSCHE 911T 1971. Best offer advertising to draw up sample ads. 15. Piano adjusters 38. Form of $6,000. Must sell. 337-1534. 3-2-11 PURE BRED German 16. Epochal over Good experience. New techniques COLE'S BAKERY Shepherd Esperanto 2-2 9 W BUS 1963. Great shape, no ru welcomed. 694-9431. 3-2 11 KNOB HILL LOVELY LARGE room with SURPLUS BAKERY foods at reduced prices, I/3 to 1/2 off at puppies. $40 627-9024. X-3-2-9 each. Phone 18. For example: abbr. 40. Large birds 42. Conduct down RELIABLE SITTER needed for one connecting bath. References. $70 19. Maybes oneself retail prices, great eating, great California 351 0069. 2-2-10 car. 12-3 p.n child Fridays .10:30 - 3:30. Own transportation. East Lansing area. APARTMENTS /month. 337-2479. 3-2-11 economy South I Surplus Store, 640 Waverly, immediately GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies. AKC. Registered championship 21 23. Drowse Zenith 46 49 Bury Appetizers 1. Seniority 2. Chemical salt WHATEVER YOU you want to buy, 351 0149. 349-4700 bloodlines. Shots and wormed. 27. Kindled 50. Relative 3. Soviet daily 2-2-J0 there's a good chance you'll find it North of 1-496 Expressway. Aviation MARKET RESEARCH. Part time, in the Want Ads. Check now! C-3-2-11 Reasonable. 882-8853. 3-2-9 28. French 51. Declare newspaper OPEN Monday - Friday illustr lot 4. Wild 11.LandtH LEARN TO FLY1 Complete fligh car essential. Hourly rate plus expenses. Reply P.O. Box 725, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. X2' TO1-, 17. App«"J training. All courses an Saturday 12-5 p.m. 19 Mislorl«T government and VA certified Lansing, 48903. 5-2-10 LOCATED lA MILE NORTH 20 Decree I FRANCIS AVIATION, Airpor Road. Call 484 1324. C 2-29 FULL TIME, experience, night cook, OF JOLLY RD. ON 22 Che"("S must be neat and dependable. OKEMOS ROAD peach P WALT'S RESTAURANT n Bapl'" I Williamston. 655-2175. 5-2-10 NORTHWIND FARMS, sublease, Tj BehaviCB own room, bath. Large deluxe. IS. Fend^W $110 / month, plus deposit. >9 BurtiU'V 351-1969. 4-2-11 labr'C T Beer Pretzels are a Freak. Cheese Pretzels are a Freak. DESPERATE NEED 1 girl spring Peanut Butter Cookies are a Freak. term, Twyckingham. negotiable. Call Karen, 337-2529. Rent VALENTINE SPECIAL Dream Puffs are a Freak 3-2-10 Color Display Ad * ' FkEAK OUT at CHARLES CHIPS NEED ONE MAN for four man $4.00 $6.50 - - 1" 2" wm*w//Mw*wm spring term. Cedar Village. Rent 4986 Northwind Drive, E. Lansing Deadline negotiable. 351-2780. 5-2-11 Thursday 2/IOC" 3 P.M. 47. 20% uISCOUNT FOR STUDENTS with I agent* J ONE MAN, needed to fill four man 347 Student Services 351 - 9022 apartment in Cedar Village. Call 355-8255 18 Leg*''T 332-4126. 5-2-11 n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, February 9, 1972 13 b^nuts Personal ON 5 OF CHICAGO 7 CVaVulationsi delta ■ T r°ni Pi and court inda Real Estate Rose Qu««n Sherry Nancy Davidson Dickerson. |2,ks to-M .he candidate. 1-2-9 Many Ml Announcements Happening for It's must be received In the What's Dermatology will be the topic Conviction reversal requested State News office, 341 Student discussion at the Pre Vet Seminar o for \ ~LAtt#°I?ey? The lawyers argued that the antagonism" and favoring the STlANSING - Rancher. Large 7:30 p.m. today in 213 a Chicago 7 told a federal antiriot section of the Civil rioting, but all were acquitted of Hoffman for Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least Vet Clinic. , appeals court Tuesday that five prosecution over the defense. prejudicial d yard. This home has 3 class days before publication. two Rights Act of 1968, under which conspiracy to do so. conduct. She said that 2S 000 No riot convictions The oral arguments touched The five convicted defendants oms, roomy living room stemming from the defendants were pages "of trial record is the best announcements will be accepted by Copies of Joint Issue violence at the time of the 1968 indicted, only a fraction of the issued were David Dellinger, 56; Si?ed kitchen, and 2 car are nov phone. No announcements will be violated their clinets' First evidence of the misconduct of ■ . $500 move in. $145 accepted for events outside the Democratic National Convention Amendment rights. They also raised in 547-page appeal brief before three judges of the 7th Thomas C. Hayden, 32? Je^ry C. theju SgebutinpaTular toe E?Mv Call Don Goodman. greater Lansing area. should be overturned arguing accused Rubin, 32; Rennard C. Daivs, I;«0.8 or 372-7251 DAY The Chess Club will meet at 7 p.m. today in the West Shaw t tne^ federal law U.S. was Judge Julius J. Hoffman, who District Court U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Five of the seven defendants 32, Abbie Hoffman, 33. They pretrial record shows his blatant Konism " 1m.TV.SI2.9_ have The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will room. Please bring sets. meeting nconstitutional antagonistic. and the judge presided at the tumultuous were convicted of crossing state were sentenced to five years in prison and fined $5,000 each, In OLDER home! A really neat to a noon lawyer available from every Wednesday and from I 9 a.m. Free U classes four-month trial, of "blatant lines with the intent to incite Two other defendants, Lee She criticized the judge's with 3 bedrooms, large meeting today: . - refusal to admit as a defense ,v to 5 p.m. every Werner and John R Fro.nes , . . _ _ Abolishing the . Tuesday, Wednesday ASMSU Tax „ Lchen 7 p.m., and dining room. - and Thursday during the winter ^ R J Clark,' former 34 Union; Advanced Auto Mechanics both 33, were acquitted of all Michigan term. iful Treed lot near parks and --- UAW _ MSU and LCC students - 7 p.m., 115 U.S. attorney general. wishing Bessey Hall; charges in the trial, which ended ■Tools. Call Don Godwin appointments are asked to check call 351 - 8861; Winetasting Kugby 8 p.m., Feb. 18, 1970. ■2 7251. DAY REALTY for with the ASMSU business office, call 351 3602; Radical Software - 7 In addition, information. B-1 -2-29 all seven Troupe readies - ^5 or 307B Student Services p.m., UN Bldg., or call lounge, Union; Beginning defendants 353-0659. Photography plus two defense Muskie - 7 p.m., Phillips lounge. IecT STARTER home. $2000 ime nonth. 6% mortgage at Boston Blvd., People interested in the Summer Spanish Program in Barcelona will Walter economics, Adams, will professor speak to of for pr lawyers were sentenced for contempt by Judge Hoffman at the trial's conclusion. The , p©rtOrmQnC© ,onc 484-4061. 3-2-10 a meet at 4 p.m. Thursday in 506A Communication Dept. Colloquium at (UPI) The United Auto lawyers, William Kunstler and , Wells Hall 3 p.m. Workers meeting, two each for Sens, endorsement. Leonard Wainglass, are among . A.. • •. , • IESBECK HILLS, 4 bedroom to have questions today in 106B Wells Hall on of Michigan Tuesday Hubert Humphrey and OT WllllQmS plQy l|evel.2 baths, carpet, family "Reflections as an F.x - MSU overwhelmingly endorsed the McGovem and one forGeorge Sen. The UAW has 600,000 members in Michigan, those arguing B for reversal of the 1^ with fireplace, 2 car garage. Women interested in attending the presidential candidacy of Sen. Henry Jackson. Nine other 37 per cent of its total roughly convictions. The Sophomore Theater Xner transferred. Phone second Annual Abortion Edmund Muskie, D-Maine. 1.6 Rubin and Davis attended the Practicum of MSU will present The general board of the candidates, including President million national membership, Conference There will be a discussion of fc-2758.1-2-9 in Boston should contact appeal court session. They were one of Tennessee Williams' Lynne at problems in the College of Human Nixon, were listed on the ballots The CAP council consists of joined 332 - 0427. Ecology at 7:30 p.m. today in 102 Michigan UAW Community but received no by Bobby G. Seale, earliest plays, ''The Action Program votes, the representatives elected by CAP chairman of the Black Panther | Recreation in MSUVA will meet at 7 p.m. the American today Human Ecology Bldg. All are invited party s political arm, announced (CAP), the announcement said. councils in local unions all across party, an original defendant who Purification," at noon today, 11:30 a.m. Thursday and 12:30 Legion Hall to UAW National discuss winter and the endorsement after its President the state and the state UAW also was held in contempt by hpE SUMMER '72. Round trip spring term regular Leonard Woodcock p.m. Friday in Studio 49, Ifrom $219. STUDENTOURS activities. All vets are welcome. Councilman George A. Colbum quarterly meeting here. already has retired workers council. Judge Hoffman after a mistrail located in the endorsed Muskie, but the basement of I East Grand River, 351-2650. will hold office hours from 7 to 9 The announcement said 57 In other matters, the was declared in his case. Fairchild Theatre. The Ingham County Health Dept. tonight in 203 City Hall. Visitors union's national governing board committee votes were cast for Muskie at the voted to support Arthur Kinoy, professor of will hold after 5 p.m. must use the Park Jias held back from any . "The Purification," a poetic an Immunization Clinic Lane Gov. Milliken's transportation law at Rutgers University, drama set in the Southwest IP CAMPING in EUROPE from 1 to 3 p.m. today at the Summer 1972 package, which has been opened the proceedings with an around 1880, deals with the trial Okemos Community Church, 4734 vs - from London to Turkey experiencing rough sledding in attack on the antiriot section of N. Okemos Road. Free shots will be Forum, of a rancher accused of countries. The NEW way, the an open discussion group a - ■ | the Michigan House. the 1968 Civil Rights Act. "It is Jury murdering his wife after finding sec Kurope. available for ages 2 months to adult. within Lyman Briggs College, will iligihle Campsites, bus als, sightseeing, local La Leche League will meet at 9:30 meet at 7:30 p.m. Holmes upper lounge. Two today in the West Selection ends It also endorsed the literally impossible to look tire indictments in this case at her in an incestuous affair with her brother. More significant is $530.00 Coordinator positions are open. educational tax reform proposal under the law and find that to London, all prices a.m. Thursday at 8I4L Cherry Lane . . . . the underlying theme of the brought forth by the Democratic . to discuss "The Advantage of (continued from page one) they comply with the first let to change) has to drop out for health or State Central Committee Jan. 22 young couple's attempt to break Breastfeeding The MSU Promenaders will meet to Mother and Baby.'. defendants are Catholic priests, other Amendment," he said. away from generations of rigid MINITREK -d'72 All women are invited, babies and for square and folk dancing at 7 p.m. one is a former priest, one is a reasons. The defendants in opposition to the one "The essence of the problem tradition, and the results of such Bo* 2198 preschoolers welcome. today in 34 Women's are accused proposed by Milliken. It said the Intramural and another is a former nun. is the validity of the L, |_a)ayctte, Indiana 47906_ nun of plotting in 1970 to kidnap Democratic plan was favored underlying an attempt at freeing themselves The seventh defendant on trial statute," Kinoy added. from their ancestors' code of |iG BREAK - Hawaii, $269; Moosuski will meet at 7 p.m. in U.S. District Court here is a Kissinger and stage his mock because "it contains a graduated Helene Schwartz, a New York ulco, $189. Bahamas, $159; today in the Showbar, Coral Gables. Kappa Sigma traU as a symbol of the behavior. fraternity is Moslem from Pakistan. group's income tax provision and other City lawyer, presented the STUDENTOURS, 129 Memberships and ID are required. sponsoring an All University Bridge opposition to President Nixon's progressive features." Admission is free for the ■m Grand River, 351-2650. New memberships will be available at Tournament with play - offs at the The majority of the jury is policies in Southeast Asia. appellants' case citing Judge 45-minute performance. the door. various complexes. Entries must be Protestant. One is a Roman In addition, the indictment made 24 hours in advance. Call 351 Catholic. There is one black accuses the defendants - of The sixth fi! 6891 for information. juror. Service in plotting to blow up heating tunnels in Washington and to A regional Gay Conference will be Three of the women pD, WASHINGS or ironings, held Friday through Sunday to jurors raid and vandalize draft offices laundry, hand care, are in their 20s. The eldest ASMSU OKs budget discuss strategy for the 1972 in several states, The seventh film in the mending, buttons member of the panel is a woman The government charges that d. GUARANTEED "Civilisation" series will be shown at elections. Call 353 - 9795 for ■ of about 60 whose four sons all 8:30 tonight information. the scheming was masterminded f. 882-1952. 5-2-14 in 221 Physics - were conscientious objectors, by Berrigan from Astronomy Bldg. a cell in the Three of the jurors have relatives SPAIN $229 Sophomore Theater Practicum federal penitentiary at The will present "Purification" at noon who served in Vietnam. Packaging Society will meet today in Studio 49, Fairchild Selection Lewisburg, Pa., through the use (Continued from page one) Buckner said this is the most at 7:30 p.m. today in 106 of six alternate of students should receive smuggled letters. He was an CALL International Center. Nonmembers jurors was the next order of incarcerated there at the time, representatives Dwight Newell money the board has ever had to appropriate sum to execute their and Randy Kalembar. All |NK BUCK 351-2286 are invited. *-'< • business before Judge R. Dixon beginning a six-year prison term voting work with since he has been a programs. I don't believe in Inter board members were present. member. IlCHKANDEL 332-5980 Fellowship will ■ Varsity Christian present a World Herman. They will be available for destroying draft records. He Board Special Projects, after ——~~■ • giving niggers, black or white, a | between the hours of I Service Mission Forum at 8 p.m. throughout the trial in the event later was transferred from the amendments, totals $9,691. ) cent." 12:30-1:30, 5-7 dally Thursday in one or more of the regular ASMSU's general fund the Green Room, Union. jurors Lewisburg. ASMSU Harty was also disappointed |TE LESSONS. Pr GIVE US the word. We'll put you in chairman Harold received $20,293 and the with the decision not to touch with cash buyers for cabinet was appropriated give McDonel Hall featur C1 Great Issues any funds. household goods. Dial 355-8255 Q $18,050. flfinovol fnnrl in/ilurloc General fund includes i... for a Want ad today. Let a State Valentine's Day Dance "However, I'm glad we left expenses, labor and telephones, ourselves News ad writer Friday in the cafeteria. some latitude so - help vou. The board involves Board we can be more JING INTERIOR. Chase away Special Projects and elections, responsive to ir im or blues, have us paint living room. Grad Typing Service Robert Slusser, history, will lecture on "Soviet rofes Council rejects building ban The cabinet includes Issues, Legal Aid. OBA, Student Great student needs with a Special Projects," Harty said. large Board reasonable, references. TYPING THESES and Union, China and South Asia" at letters, etc. Electronics, Legislative Relations 14817. C-2-29 Newell said he voted against Rapid accurate service. 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Con Con and mimeo. Experienced. 393-4075. C-2-29 Room, International Center. the budget for two reasons. He PJALITY service on stereos, felt Great Issues deserved some rders. THE STEREO (Continued from page one) construction costs. He pointed infinitesimal to the point that it WE. 337-1300. C-2-29 Entries for the third annual MSU medium-income families in the A budget percentage money in their cabinet after out that rates are determined by would not be indicated on breakdown for the newly Student Film Festival may be their expenses were $9,000 to $14,000 bracket. He the state because it is subsidized paid and brought to the MSU Broadcasters said that proposed rental rates treatment statistics. City approved budget is per cent also felt Interfraternity Council ivpin^ Service manuscripts, general typing. IBM. 22 years experience. 349-0850. office, third floor Union, through for the units would be 10 to 15 by federal and state monies, _ .. .. ... .. Engineer Robert Bruce added that experiments are now being for general fund 20 per cent for the board, 37 per cent for the should receive funding along In wit h other, major making his tie-breaking C-2-29 ™ n„«tinn M.vnr conduc£Td at the ,ant in ^ cabinet and one per cent for governing Political Science Undergraduate effort to increase the efficiency .. . .. Fine replied that the higher . ., .. . Wilbur Brookover said, "The major governing groups. COMPLETE THESES service. will meet at 7:30 p.m. today in 10 i of the treatment and indicated issup js how p TERM papers and theses, Discount printing. IBM typing and South Kcdzic Hall. All majors ant costs were due to increased r to imorove the • jd we that 80016 overf,ow couId ** A controversy arose near the . ,Bu^,ne' te'med '£reat •ric typewriter. Fast service. binding of theses, resumes, non majors are welcome. move facuT disposal facility. IVe I've lonfS sewer disposed of at landfllK end of the meeting when OBA budg®f ■1904.16-2-29 publications. Across from campus. Corner M.A.C. and Grand River, The Soaring Club will meet at inclined to move Ive long felt in the direction made a motion to add a section to their department with $2,500 Pf86? a bfud«et JJ®*want,' he «* "tudento would Bargaining Griffiths said thatf he „ hoped „ |sSI0NALIBM,TYPIST. >. Theses. carbon ribbon, below Jones Stationery Shop. Call COPYGRAPH SERVICES. 7:30 p.m. today in 30 Union. Ground School will follow at 8 p.m. of moderate, low-income housing in East Lansing, and I the University and Meridian , Jlrnmiinitv , ,, hlark . JhiiHron said, i I Greek 337-1666. C-2-29 hesitate to block it at this time." Township would cooperate in ^ mnHnn fa;Lj ' "*t was the best meeting of symbols. Best rates. the city's efforts to reduce the the term ■351-4619. 0-2-29 Air Force ROTC will hold survival (Continued from page one) even though it was a amount of flow of sewage to the training at 7:30 Councilman Robert Harty did not support the lon8 one/' he said. The meeting W\ YOUR business with a Transportation Wells Hall. p.m. today in 103C Films on desert survival most familiar with all levels of who also voted Wilcox, against the ban, plant, but indicated he would be program saving "Everytime you ran seven hours long with a 15 JJ from Want Ads. Advertise administration, interviewed a pointed out that the city has not prepared to bring suit against don't vote for anything black it minute recess at 11 p.m. WANTED: RIDERS to Denver and there. Dial 355-8255. red. number of specialists in the field them under the Environmental Aspen Colorado. Leaving March received any notification from is labeled racist." The board decided not to of collective bargaining and Protection Act if they did not. iole 10th. Phone 349-1947. 3-2-11 The Horticulture Club will meet at the Water Resources out money in year long studied Accusations PJATIONS, T* Expert typist THESES, term 7 p.m. today in 209 Horticulture much pertinent to collective bargaining literature Commission about the situation 'Somewhere along the line a breakfast arose after the program motion failed ump sums for anything except ts own projects and services, with degree Bldg. for a presentation on and said the council could better r'lh- 'BM. 351-8961. 0-2-29 Wanted in higher education." handle the problem by long time ago, ^ someone should ^ that certain ASMSU board 3uckner said. But the board still "Headaches and Rewards of Pick - reviewing Your - Own Blueberries and In additions to their report, developments as they come said, ^Now — no more."' members would not allot money las a willingness to fund special ■ SAVE SAVE MARRIED COUPLE need furnished Qrjffiths insisted. "I'm 111 to SAVE 1 bedroom apartment close to Cherries." the committee established along, rather than imposing a ° sure "niggers." Harty said irojects for specific projects, he 1 COPYING - offset - best mini-libraries of materials on blanket ban. probably be painted the bad guy Tuesday, "I believe black idded. l'V at campus for spring and summer The MSU Rodec in this thing, but if this had been re.isoniihlo prices THE lub will n collective bargaining in several terms. Call between 1-5 p.m. fSH0PPE,541 % Phone 332-4222. East Grand Phone 313-834 8600 ext. 24. 7:30 Pavilion. p.m. today in the Judging locations on campus. The set Cl^ Manager John Patnarche a rich development, it's a sure C-2-29 located at the reference desk in thing it would have been the B-1-2-9 ^eed that the effect of the other way around." The MSU I'addleball Racketball the Library remains available. developm would be Club will meet at 7 p.m. today in 215 Members of the committee Men's Intramural Bldg. Newcomers are Loran L. Bieber, associate professor of biochemistry, Jacqueline Brophy, associate Campus Action will discuss the relationship of Jesus to mcaningfulness in contemporary life professor of labor and industrial relations; Donald R. Come, Shoplifting arrests up professor of social science; and ndJL* at 9 p.m. Thursday in 10SC Wonders William J. Hinze, professor of (Continued from page one) store since the Hall. geology. that no is beginning of The committee is chaired by one actually winter term. Sigma Delta Chi Mark of apprehended for shoplifting until Westgate said his store does Herbert C. Jackson, professor of Excellence Contest entries are due by they have walked past the cash not use electronic cameras to Thursday. See Barney. religion. registers without paying, and watch for shoplifters. He feels JStyLewe, said that the store will prosecute every shoplifter. Howick said that the number the camera system is not a deterrent, and the cost is not Order a Frostline kit. PAY/ one item on a shoplifter's list in the MSU Bookstore is blank feasible. the Judge Schoenberger voiced We'll throw in a feelings of both store recording tapes. Pens, markers and textbooks run a close managers when he attacked the casual attitude whereby free lift ticket. ripping [valentine special second. He also said that the national average for the volume off is considered acceptable and justifiable by the majority of The money you save on Frostline's outdoor equipment kits can mean a easy-to-assemble couple extra lift tickets COLOR of gross profit lost to at your favorite ski area this i shoplifters winter, whether it's Vail, l DISPLAY is six to eight per cent. Applied young people. Killington, or Lubbock. to the MSU Bookstore's total Like the Parsenn Jacket ($28.50). Nylon and goose down $4.00 for 1" volume of business, that loss would be about $120,000 "I would like to massive community start publicity a make it one of the lightest, warmest And the matching coats on the slopes. Warm-up Pants ($21 50) A full-length campaign in the next few $6.50 for 2" yearly. Tom Westgate, the manager months," Schoenberger said, two-way zipper lets you put them on or take them off with¬ out removing skis or boots. For days that aren t so cold wear "telling about the practical either the Down Vest Deadline Thursday 2/10 @ 3 p.i of Marshall Music, said that consequences of an arrest for Nylon and goose down give them ($11.00) or Down Sweater ($16 95). a few ounces weight but shoplifting is a major cause of q^^ 34^tudent i",uuoiu Services oervices BldglfDiau higher prices. He said his store in shoplifting. Maybe stop people from actually going we could many degrees of warmth. All Frostline kits are pre-cut and (p ^355 8255 ^ Kast Lansing lost about $5,000 out and is so simple even your roommate pre-labeled Assembly W doing it." could put one together. to shoplifters last All you have to add is a home year with Schoenberger indicated that sewing machine Frostline. records and sheet music the The kits made in America, top such by everybody m a program would involve items stolen. He reports that no the media, store merchants and arrests have been made at his the court. Wednesday, Februilary 9, J 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Report on TV violence YOU SAVE toned down, prof claims BIG WITH committee," Atkin charged, "five Atkin said he found a "modest" By RICK WILBINS State News Staff Writer definitely had some sort of tie to the major relationship between students who networks." Thomas E. Coffin, vice watched the more violent TV programs and Surgeon General's committee acted REVCO'S A students who exhibited more aggressive "politically and expediently" in concluding president of NBC, and Joseph T. Klapper, research director for CBS, were two of the behavior. that most 'children are not seriously Students who regularly watched the committee members. affected by TV violence, according to an four most violent programs indicated in the Atkin said the networks were able to assistant professor of communications who blackball persons from the committee. He report — Mannix, the FBI, Mod Squad, and did research for the committee. Hawaii Five-0 — were more prone to be The committee toned down the claimed that anyone who had suggested a causal relationship between TV violence aggressive than youths who watched conclusion of its report to favor the TV and aggressive behavior was rejected. Laugh-In and the situation comedies, he industry, Charles Atkin said recently. explained. The networks turned down 7 persons Two years in the making, the report by In families where parents stressed out of 41 potential appointees. the Surgeon General's Scientific Advisory non-aggressive behavior, the association Committee on TV and Social Behavior The investigation into the effects of TV violence began about two years ago when tended to be much milder than in families concludes that most children do not where non-violence was not emphasized, become significantly more aggressive after Sen. John Pastore, D-R.I., chairman of the 10% EXTRA subcommittee on communications, Atkin explained. watching violent TV shows. Atkin said it is difficult to tell just how Children who are already disposed to requested it from the Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW). much TV violence has affected people. aggression may be more seriously affected, People become hardened to violence after however, the report conceded. Forty-three separate research projects were funded with about $1 million from years of exposure so that sensitivity to "I think it is more reasonable to assume HEW. such violence is limited, he explained. He that TV violence affects everyone a little," Atkin said, "rather than a small minority a The results of these projects were then cited the public's numbness to sensitivity distilled into a summary and reviewed by to the Vietnam War news reports as an iTPTHTrrna lot. But the first conclusion suits the new networks hetter." the advisory committee. example of this phenomenon. Atkin participated in 3 studies for the Atkin said he thought one outcome "The. public reaction to the committee's conclusion won't be as committee. He edited one volume of the might be that people tend to think of summary report in one study. violence as socially acceptable since it strong," he explained. "Parents will look at the report and say 'my kid's normal, so he He also conducted research while regularly occurs on TV. won't be hurt by TV violence' and dismiss studying at the University of Wisconsin. He The TV Code prohibiting the "real, the possible link between TV violence and aggression." Atkin charged that many of the and two other researchers interviewed 624 children in the 6th through 10th grades in Wisconsin and Maryland. bloody affects" of violence may be doing more harm than good in terms of aggression, he also said. FOR M.S.U. STUDENTS & FACULTY committee members were already biased in A student was asked to describe his/her People will more often than not become favor of the TV industry before the TV-viewing behavior. Then the student's sickened rather than excited by real-life research on TV violence began. peers, teachers and family were asked to violence, and therefore, less aggressive, he "Of the twelve people on the describe the student's social behavior. explained. Just show your I.D. card at the cash register TO HONOR TEACHERS and get a extra 10% discount at your Revco Discount Center.' | 211E. Grand River Avenue V seeks stud THAT'S 10% OFF REVCO'S ALREADY LOW, junior and presidential fellow, is coordinating the distribution Administration Building information window on the first given and the skill they have shown in meeting their EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICES ON EVERYTHING!' I floor. classroom responsibilities." It The University provost's and collection of nomination office seeks increased student forms for two teaching award of $500 and is carries a stipend awarded each year to six participation this year in its programs which attempt to The MSU Teacher - Scholar efforts to honor outstanding highlight those faculty members Award, according to its text, is individuals. REVCO... YOUR KIND OF STORE...WITH YOUR KIND OF THINGS. MSU teachers at the graduate below the full professor level "given annually to members of assistant, instructor and assistant who students judge to be the faculty drawn from the Both the junior faculty ALL AT LOW, EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICES. professor level, a spokesman said outstanding. Nomination forms ranks of instructor and assistant Teacher-Scholar Award for are available from department assistant professors and this week. professor who in their brief DeLois R. Robison, Detroit chairmen or at the careers have earned the respect of students and colleagues for instructors and the Excellence In - Teaching Citation for • REVCO NATURAL COLGATE their devotion to and skill in graduate teaching assistants are a VITAMIN E DENTAL CREAM Board to conduct talks undergraduate teaching." It carries a stipend of $1,000 and is result of recommendations by the Committee on awarded each year to six Undergraduate Education (CUE) 200 I.U. Get a 69< Colgate toothbrush free when /IHM-S on MSU women's status individuals. in 1968, Ms. Robison said. Each tablet contains 200 International Units of Vitamin E. you buy this tube. 6.75 ounce tube. An open hearing before the board members can better The MSU Excellence - In - 100 tablet bottle. board of trustees on the status consider the proposals or Teaching Citations for Graduate REVCO'S LOW, EVERYDAY jr 0% of women at MSU will be held at complaints. Teaching Assistants, according DISCOUNT PRICE «».®TF 2 p.m., Feb. 25, in the Kellogg Speakers wishing to be to its text, is "annually awarded Vis WITH YOUR EXTRA 10% M.S.U. Center. President Wharton asked that represented on the prepared schedule may contact Perrin's to outstanding graduate teaching assistants who have distinguished 203 E.GRAND RIVER WITH YOUR EXTRA 10% M.S.U. DISCOUNT YOU PAY 3.32 DISCOUNT YOU PAY prospective speakers provide office at 474 Administration themselves by the care they have their vice names to Robert Perrin, president for University relations, who will prepare the jildg. POLAROID TEGRIN ~~~ schedule. Priority on the schedule will i COLORPACK MEDICATED v . be given to organizations, with individual speakers following. FILM SHAMPOO ^ Other factions in attendance will Polacolor Land film type 108. Helps relieve flaking, have an opportunity to present COMPLETE Eight 3% by 4inch prints. scaling and itching. their views after the scheduled Stimulates the scalp. 2 ounce tube. 5 LOW, EVERYDAY < appearances. DISCOUNT PRICE Wharton urged all speakers to WINTER DISCOUNT PRICE prepare a written statement of $ WITH YOUR EXTRA 10% M.S.U. I their oral testimony so that WITH YOUR EXTRA 10% M.S.U. DISCOUNT YOU PAY 3.59 DISCOUNT YOU PAY STOCK GILLETTE a PROTEIN 21 DRASTICALLY RIGHT GUARD SB SHAMPOO REDUCED A two second spray gives It actually helps you "beat the frizzies" you 24 hour protection Shampoo formulas for oily, against perspiration odor. dry and regular hair. 4 ounce aerosol can. 7 fluid ounce plastic bottle. REVCO'S LOW, EVERYDAY «A DISCOUNT PRICE » 10% M.S.U. WITH YOUR EXTRA 10% M.S.U. | 62* WITH YOUR EXTRA COME DISCOUNT YOU PAY DISCOUNT YOU PAY SEE ALL 10c TOP BRAND OUR CANDY BARS CIGARETTES Choose from Revco's entire stock of lOf candy bars. Choose from regular, king size NEWEST THINGS tor 33c WITH YOUR EXTRA 10% M.S.U. DISCOUNT YOU PAY 5 FOR I- EXCLUDING CIGARETTE A * STUDENT-FACULTY DISCOUNT OFFERED SPRING TOBACCO PRODUCTS. ONLY AT BAST LANSINO STORE. EVERY DAY IS SAVINGS DAY ON EVERYTHING AT REVCO? et's OPEN MONDAY THRU THURSDAY 9 A.M. TO 6P.M- from SATURDAY 9 A.M. TO 5:30 ' across WEDNESDAY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. student union 211 EAST GRAND RIVER PHONE 351/ open Wed. & Thurs. til 9 P.M.