Logic . . . MICHIGAN Friday ;an onlV defeat conclusion., not ^54 pren1ISeS Brian M stableford Number 1 UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS East ... Warmer and sunny with low 30s. degrees. a Saturday cloudy . . . high in the and 40 Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 11, 1972 , Bv CRISPIN state Big Ten segregated, blacks SPIN Y. News Y. CAMPBELL CAMPBELL Staff Writer blatant segregation and announced would be willing to take whatever they steps Affairs: Jn«>nh Affairs; the Equal Joseph H H. McMillan McMillan, director of Opportunity Porgram; and •One black official at each Big Ten to bring this matter to a satisfactory say " prove a viable Lup of MSU's b,ack faculty> necessary to rectify the situation. In a statement issued Thomas Gunnings, assistant director of contest for the remainder of the season ♦The conclusion." specific means for concerns and more determining more trators and athletes Thursday by Robert L. hiring of black officials at all levels In a statement issued specific ways to Green, director of the Center for Urban minority counseling. The black for each sanctioned by the black deal with the problems of black Big Ten conference with administrators and faculty called for: Big Ten athletic event athletes of MSU, they sanctioned and athletes." no later than fall 1972. Speaking of the fall 1972 deadline given applauded the actions of the black faculty to the Big Ten and administrators: Conference, McMillan said the black faculty and •A public hearing in the next "Their concerns highlight administrators expect Big Ten many of the MSU to have at least one black Conference meeting at which black problems faced by black athletes not only at the officiating faculty, in the Big Ten but the nationwide athletic University's next conference event. administrators and athletes from all In any event, he community. said, "we will try to universities, in or out of the Big Ten mitigate the overt and covert Conference, will be allowed to give "Ultimately a Big Ten Conference of all discrimination which exists in black athletes to be held at MSU the Bie testimony and make reccomendation might Ten.." regarding the improvement of the status of blacks in the conference athletic programs. •In a letter to Big Ten Commissioner Wayne Duke, Green, McMillan and COUNT NEARS 500 Gunnings expressed their concern with the various problems and injustices of black athletes in the Big Ten Conference: •The problems experienced athletes as a function of their race. by black Faculty unit never •The number of black athletes who complete their education due withdrawal of financial and other to the authorization support once their athletic By STEVE WATERBURY during a personal contact campaign eligibility has ended. conducted Wednesday. State News Staff Writer "We had a very successful day," T. Wayne Taylor, professor in the Science and Math Teaching Center and vice president of, •The method used to select MSU MSUFA, said Thursday. "I am not sure of Big Ten Faculty Associates (MSUFA) officials based upon the recommendations spokesmen announced the exact number of cards that we now of Big Ten coaches: "a Thursday their have collected, but MSUFA is closed culb — organization collected nearly 100 getting very restricted to white males." collective signed close to 30 per bargaining authorization cards cent." Speaking for the all-black group, The MSUFA personal contact drive was Green later stated that any deliberation launched Wednesday morning at a occurring at the upcoming March Big Ten breakfast meeting in the Union and was Conference meetings that in climaxed by a dinner meeting at the MSU any way failed to include strong black faculty- administrative and athletic input would be 2-soldiers Faculty Club. The ranks of MSU faculty members unfortunate. participating in the drive for signed cards If the Big Ten failed to dead from were swelled cooperate, by the presence of faculty Green said Louis R. from other Michigan Lucas, NAACP colleges and attorney in school desegration cases had universities. agreed to represent the group in any suit It is necessary for MSUFA to obtain initiated against the Big Ten. In response to Green's call for his Irish blast signatures from 30 per* bargaining unit in order to secure a cent of the support, President Wharton issued a Michigan Employment Relations statement noting the serious nature of the BELFAST (AP) — Guerrilla terrorists Commission (MERC) supervised issues presented: killed two British soldiers Thursday bargaining night election. "I am requesting Dr. John Fuzak, our as Nothern Ireland Premier Brian Faulkner Such an election was approved warned by Big Ten representative, to discuss these his Protestant majority to stand MERC last week for faculty members at rt Green, director of the Center for Urban Affiars, speaks during a press conference Thursday in which the issues fully at the together in the face of growing military Eastern Michigan University and lien conference was charged with segregating black athletes. The possibility of filing suit against the forthcoming meeting. I Wayne am also urging a meeting of the Big T^n and political pressures. State University. lerence was mentioned if conditions did not improve. Green is flanked by Thomas Gunnings (right), asst. presidents ... to hear the The two soldiers were killed and MSUFA members appear confident that fetor of the center, and Joseph H. McMillan, director of Equal Opportunity Programs. recommendations of athletic another was seriously wounded when an an election will be held in the near future State News photo by Ken Ferguson representatives and faculty representatives 'explosion wrecked their jeep at Cullyhanna at MSU. and to consider the near the border with the Irish "We may already have reached our proper step necessary Republic. A third man, shot by police in a Belfast objective in terms of a narrow definition of mm ENTRY UNCERTAIN gunfight Wednesday, died in a hospital, bringing the death toll since August 1969 a bargaining unit," one MSUFA member said. to 243. Thirty - seven have died this MSUFA announced earlier year. this term A 14 year - old boy, Patrick that it possessed about 400 - McVicker, apparently was fighting for his life after valid signed cards, Crunch being shot on a excluding additional RuMiruAri By MICHAEL FOX rAu felt ■ in deg Roman Catholic barricade in the Wednesday. Faulkner, addressing a rally of his Protestant - capital based ruling Unionist party, hit dozens of doubtful or duplicate cards. Including Wednesday's cards, the MSUFA total is now about 500 signed cards. The MSU chapter of the American The situation which is Assn. State News Staff Writer developing, Ms. degree program of their choice despite 85 out at "confused political activity and wild of University Professors (AAUP), which is Arata said, is that the University only has credits of courses and a GPA of at least reveals that the "average" student has a speculation" which has been set off by competing with MSUFA for the role of fixed resources in many areas but has 2.77 instead of a 2.0. n to MSU and maintenance of 2.0, administrators agree. reports that the British government is faculty bargaining agent, has obtained t increasing numbers of students who desire Ms. Arata's about admission of "Admission at the junior year is a point about 410 signed cards, - average grade point average does concern of maximum planning a new initiative intended to end excluding ssarily guarantee students a degree admission to degree programs. pressure. The University the violence in Northern Ireland. sophomores to upper - division degree duplicate or otherwise invalid cards, I college of their Traditionally, the end of the sophomore programs is echoed for different reasons by upper division programs cannot absorb or This initiative is reported to Sigmund Nosow, chapter president and choice, several include rlly administrators warned year has been an evaluation point for the Willard Warrington, director of evaluation assimilate our own students who want this University to review a student's progress services. Warrington contends that the slow admission to a degree program, and then (Please turn to page 16) Jor example, admissions an an incoming freshman before admitting him as a junior into a rise of the overall undergraduate GPA is one throws in about 2,300 transfer (Please turn to page 16) certificate students a year from s a nursing major probably degree program. forcing MSU colleges to impose GPA community colleges. P" be admitted in his "A Student can be in good standing with requirements above the former magic Crunch," Ms. Arata said. junior year to the University, that is, have a 2.0 or higher "good standing" point of 2.0. PJ°gram ^or a c'e8ree even » |Ve "SU grade point average I do not his was GPA, but not be admissible to an upper division," Ms Arata said. Administrators are not sure how many GPA The registrar's office Thursday released information for fall term 1971 Possible solutions to the problem to date include the imposition of quotas and tougher requirements for admission to Rooms clean really admit freshmen indicating that the average undergraduate degree programs, she said. The quotas, students with 2.0 GPAs or higher are GPA was 2.77 while the total University | "toArata, majors, for example, math," however, still leave students with GPAs as granny asst. refused admission to a degree program of GPA including graduate students was 2.84. provost for above 2.0 with rejections from their first fwite education, said recently. their choice. An estimated 50 to 200 The data reveals an end in a 10 - year choice and second choice degree program. students each year are refused entry to a steady climb of the average GPA, but still MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — Grandmotherly, Amont the majors in which quotas have :]•: 54 - year - old Adele Borserine has been released on $5,000 bond after being fudy foresees surplus been imposed are art, mathematics, social work, engineering and criminal justice. In charged with cleaning up Miami Beach nursing, the school only has 80 positions £ hotel rooms "in more ways than one," because of its limited resources and the ■:j: police said. A spokesman for the Dade County lowest GPA admitted to its degree program Sheriff's Department said the 115 - last fall was 2.9. teachers in '■v Michigan "Quotas pound Kansas City, Mo., widow used are imposed because of limited J! maid's uniforms and pass keys to resources available rather than the tenuous job burglarize rooms in hotels along the market," Ms. Arata said. tourist strip. By RANDY GARTON John N. Winbume, associate dean for "She was spending her month's State News Stf ff Writer Though Hawley said he had no quarrel with the figures cited students affairs in University College, vacation in Florida," a sheriff's by the board of education study, he said that last year all MSU disagrees that there are limited resources department spokesman said. "She ^YrnenM^^' Catp in Michigan is likely "ne. State Board a of to be a ticket to the graduates with teaching certificates who wanted teaching jobs were able to find employment, save one. and maintains the much better job University could do a apparently has uniforms for all the hotels on the strip, and she's Education study revealed 'This is not counting, of course, wives who had to stay in reallocating faculty, just walk facilities and effort in order to meet the into a room, clean up, and split with Lansing because their husbands still had two years of school to Ithat MiLtrends teacher training continue, the study complete," Hawley explained. increasing demands in certain areas. He anything that took her fancy. adds that some freshmen and J teacher* r8an WL'" have an average of 16,000 to 19,000 sophomores "Then she'd wrap the stuff up in ■1980. °r w"om no jobs will be available each year In simply plan their first two years poorly and brown paper packages and mail it home 1970-71, MSU granted 2,682 provisional teaching fail to take courses to Kansas City," the spokesman said. certificates, Hawley said. required by a college ■listedr'f!! rea"y hard analysis of the trend that we have In terms of newly-trained teachers alone, Novak said, the for admission as a junior to a degree Ms. Borserine was arrested 7 Edwin IL- Novak time" program. Tuesday N thousands ()f said.' 'Itstate Board of Education shows clearly that we are study indicates that Michigan in 1971-72 will have an oversupply of 13,222 teachers, with that figure perhaps reaching 16,350. ad charged with possession of stolen qualified Several administrators expressed regret property, possession of burglary tools teachers who are not and won't The cause for the drastic drop-off in teaching jobs, Novak said, that the screening by colleges for juniros to and possession of stolen credit cards. is two-fold. admit often focuses Officers investigating the case said Ms. 11972, statnc !'Ibased on suPP'y and demand projections only on GPAs and that students are not Borserine's new car was filled with furs, Is 'n l97o °n,y new teachers will be able to "The evidence clearly shows that public and nonpublic school being provided with m the program of their initial choice. One jewelry, traveller's checks and keys from 1to be job hunting Mid that 21,661 neW tt'achers are enrollments, which determine need for teachers, will level off in corrective action advocated is to increase 33 hotels. this decade," Novak said. "And, second, the gross annual supply the importance of the first two years in a |nN inav™1.estimate' °my be for possible jobs is optimistic. of teachers will greatly exceed demands." students major, both for on - campus MSU The sheriff's spokesman said officers on the order of 5,211 new teachers," Though the board recognizes the limitations of the study, undergraduates and also community i watched Ms. Borserine mail a Novak said, it really does not believe the projections for supply package to college transfers. ; Kansas City just before she was arrested. '"ege of Rd?anL.° cutl back on the number of admissions and demand are very far off. : When postal authorities opened the ,i[1' but this William Hawley, acting dean of the "y °f Novak said that the study indicated there was some "I think it is an extraordinarily complex : package, they said it contained a $2,000 teachers m°Ve WaS not d,rectly related to the geographical inequity in the teacher supply and demand - some problem which spans the entire University | mink coat that had been reported stolen rural areas need teachers, but urban and suburban regions are far at all levels. Quotas are : from a hotel. °urees avflluM16..'}!?811^ °' students enrolled In line only a tetnpurarv "vauable," oversupplied. answer," Ms. Arata said. Hawley said. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan _F"day, Wmmv „ news Milliken eyes land use board By JOANNA FIRESTONE and to implement and coordinate state land use preparation of a zoning and planning act, "Population, land summary State News Staff Writer programs Pending creation of the permanent agency, formualtion of guidelines for a slate land use plan and a review of all state programs that availability of energy principal factors which are will man*™ 2"!?' >»■ sha^y 5| From the wjret of AP and UPI. Gov. Milliken Thursday announced that he the state in the will ask the legislature to establish a permanent Milliken said he will establish by executive order impact upon land use. future," he said an interim Office on Land Use from within his "Before long, it will be too late to bring a land use agency to develop state land use policies "The development office. Duties of the office, he said, will include rational order to land use in Michigan," Milliken of a dodui,.. said. "In many respects, it is now or never. "We can no longer take a parcel - by - parcel provide a guide whom we must provide as to the numtnpo'1 for j„ of 1 2 tu*l Thieu use programs will approach to land use. We need to develop an guide the cites rif "Everybody knows that the where development will overall land use policy." take nhrl proposal is a joint peace plan of of development it will be. And fin,!? Whl the United States and South Milliken's recommendations were designed to potential will determine whethe?.! *1 people and industry can h«> i co Vietnam. When we said I will put muscle behind the suggestions of his Special anticipated rate of population over Commission of Land Use which was created in growl resign one month prior to the new election, we meant it. " peace 1971 to study the state's land use policies. Although his message centered mainly on land foUo"wine re"M ""*• Nguyen yah Thieu When we said I will resign one use, the governor also presented suggestions in a South Vietnamese president NgSyen° Va^Thfeu Sred ThursdayI t th,t "^re's^no dTsa^enu-nt S between this government and month prior to the new election, we meant it. number of environmental fields. •A "Truth in pollution allow Michigan to control enforcement. expand its surveill„„ ,Jr I P Vietnam will LL ^o further .... the government of South Vietnam" go Thieu said that "we cannot farther because if we make He indicated that he wilt establish a special >tnmission on energy composed of •Stiffer water pollution leeislatinn, I the requirements on Sec story this page. Secretory°ofC Ista te" WiIIianf' P Under the allied eight - point another step, I am sure we will representatives of the utilities, consumer interests •Stronger deterents pending federan on "noise poiiutS Rogers' assertions of flovihiiitv Peace Plan new elections would fall into a bad hole and South and environmental groups to recommend a state •Billboard controls. P iutl0l|J in the allied position follow a cease - fire and Thieu Vietnam will fall into the hands energy policy. Included in policy consideration, •Control of toxic substances Thieu confirmed a rift would resign a month before the of the Communists." he said, will be expected future demands, costs •Legislation by inn, h between Saieon and President v°te, in which all political Thieu termed unacceptable 0f energy and the impact of future energy allowing cities to 1 additional mill for garbage Nixon's administration over the factions including the Viet Cong two points of the revised Viet generation and use on the environment, disposal im J' U.S. postpones peace talks latest allied Deace nlan Hp could participate. Cong peace plan — that he resign •Purchase of pollution control7 towns and cities to be used sharply criticized Rogers, saying R°gers to,d a Washington now and that the United States In addition to the land use and energy by public Jj commissions, Milliken recommended the creation •Regulation of sand removal from M that if the secretary of state new conference Feb. 3 that the set a troop withdrawal deadline The Vietnamese Communist delegates to the Paris meant what he said "It is a United States was flexible on the ta order that discussions would of a third committee to shape population sand dunes and the restriction of a| vehicle operation on some peace talks accused the United States 011 Thursday of serious violation of Vietnamese composition of a caretaker begin on a political settlement, guidelines for the Michigan. dunes. planning "new military adventures" and poured scorn sovereignty " government, on the length of on the new allied peace plan. "I will talk with Mr. Nixon !;in}e that ™e.u wo"ld res*n The United States then announced an indefinite about it,"Thieu said in a before the election and on other postponement of the next round of talks because of a television interview with five Vietnamese newsmen. unresolved questions. "Everybody knows that the PAY, HIRING LEVELS HIT pro-Communist antiwar meeting scheduled for this In Washington, the State PK.£ weekend in Versailles. The United States feels it will the United States and South Dept. declined comment but " "" "" trouble the neutral atmosphere of the peace talks. Referring to the Versailles delegates as "a horde of Communist - controlled agitators," U.S. Ambassador Gerald L. Warren, deputy White Vietnam," Thieu declared. 'U' sex biases revealed William J. Porter told the Communists at the 144th in each college of the University faculty in line with those of Neiberg added that she bi session of the peace talks: "Our side does not wish to By CINDI STEINWAY from 1971 to 1974. male faculty. most jobs are created! State News Staff Writer The study shows that the agree to a meeting next week ... We will notify you They also explained that the certain person. number of women faculty plan does not really show an "No one will know»L when we have determined how soon a meeting will be members employed at MSU and increase in the number of desirable." department needs i| their salaries are uniformly lower Using charts from MSU's Affirmative Action Plan for than those of men faculty of the women employed in the departments within the various professor unless bulletin is an open! created j Women, Mary Krappo and same academic rank. colleges. everyone a chance to ci Vickie Neiberg, both of the ''This is Thousands missing in snow Alliance to End Sex pattern discrimination against a class of "Replacements are stated, but the number of she said. women hired Such a bulletin 1 Discrimination, illustrated people, not due to any per department within the originate through a 0 Thousands of Iranian villagers were unaccounted for demonstrated differences in recently how women are still colleges is kept secret. Out of organization such as. Thursday in Tehran after a week - long blizzard that being discriminated against at professional qualifications," said eighteen colleges in this Department of Faculty 1 dumped 10 to 26 feet of snow in outlying areas after pay and hiring levels. Ms. Neiberg. four years of drought. "MSU women need to know Both women explained that University, including administration departments, and be published openings and qualifid monthljf what this paper means to them," since the differences were due to only 69 additional women will needed would then be cii Newspapers put the figure of missing persons at Ms. Krappo said. The chart class discrimination, precise be hired by 1974," Ms. Neiberg to a wider audience. 6,000. illustrates the projected number salary inequities could not be said. Among them is a U.S. female college student and two of men and women to be hired determined in individual cases. Another drawback, she added Ms. Neiberg cited ui in Illinois and New York male companions who went mountain climbing near "No one else needs to prove is that this number to be hired is | his salary, so why should. such fair hiring pro< Ttjiran on Monday. A five - man mountain team that set promised b^'^Wie'^plan, and been women?"Ms. Neiberg asked. currently no group has the implemented. out to search for them Tuesday also has vanished. As representative^,,^ the power to enforce it. "The Affirmative A CwTicials said the mountain is covered with 39anchesof alliance, they said they believed "Any new jobs that open up for Women can only cc the most practical remedy of the within the departments are very an ideal of the t situation would be-in the next hard to hear about since there is women to hire. Through dj University salary adjustment to no open advertising medium for the University Irish peace talks suggested bring the salaries of women the jobs," Ms. Krappo said. Ms. ideal," she said. can r Britain's Cabinet decided on Thursday in London to make early bid for reconciliation between Northern Ireland's protestants and Roman Catholics providing the uneasy lull continues in that embattled Reps strengthen province. Prime aides are Minister Edward considering an undisclosed Heath's of billboard codel package of proposals for presentation Pressure for passage of some Creek, sent it to! The Michigan House of to new peacemaking talks which they Representatives sent a kind of bill has been mounting Appropriations ComnT hope to get started. since the U.S. Transportation DeMaso said he objet'" A rose is a rose is a rose- toughened version of the billboard control bill back to the Michigan Senate Thursday. Dept. announced recently that the next quarterly allocation of haste with which l wish to deal with the bil The House simply placed funds to Michigan would be said that the tax would pr Nuclear blast detected amendments the Senate had withheld due to the state's not be enough. removed back in the bill and failure to pass billboard Sen. Republican Robert Majority VanderLaiM I| The government said Thursday in Washington it had rejected several other legislation. detected presumptive evidence that the Soviet Union amendments that weakened the Backers of the bill say that it Kentwood, said the bill ] bill further. meets minimum federal probably pass. had touched off another underground nuclear blast VanderLaan said f One House amendment standards that were worked out the first this year. would give the State Highway with Transportation Dept. the measure was impq The Atomic Energy Commission said seismic signals because $250 million wo# Dept. a voice in determining officials last spring. The state "presumably from a Soviet underground nuclear whether a billboard may be billboard industry also favors the cut from the budget ifth«| not enacted. explosion" had been recorded. It said the signals placed across from a business on measure. a primary highway. The Senate In the Senate Thursday, originated at approximately midnight, EST, from the version did not include lawmakers deferred until today the USSR's nuclear test area at Semipalatinsk in Siberia. department in the decision. A second amendment would action on a bill that would extend the 50 per cent income Bus to shuttle| tax increase enacted last year Food costs up this year give local governments power to enact stricter billboard the past its July 31 expiration date. passengers ordinances than the state law. The bill was reported out of Government economists say it will cost consumers This is the second time the Appropriations Committee to Wharton tcl S6.6 billion more to eat this year, mainly because of around for this bill, which has Thursday, and Senate leaders rising supermarket prices and substantial boosts in what been severely criticized by said that action would be taken A special bus shuttle • farmers get for raw products. environmentalists and Highway on the measure. After some will provided on camft Total food spending this year is expected to be a Dept. officials. Opponents claim discussion, however, the bill was transport people to ■ record $125 billion, up 5.8 per cent from 1971, the that the bill is far too weak to provide the protection that put aside until today. The bill would extend the 3.9 Hubbard Wharton's State | II"1;0'! Agriculture Department announced Thursday in federal law requires. per cent income tax rate that University speech ai |■ The bill was first passed by was voted last year. The Monday. Washington. previous Last year the food bill increased S4.4 billion, a four the Senate, then amended by the rate was 2.6 per cent. H*? Bases will leave J House and sent back to the extension is necessary if the Planetarium per cent rise. The 1972 projection would not be a record, however. In 1970 food spending was up nearly Senate, where amendments were the House state is to balance the new rejected. In budget. at 7:30 passengers to the' p.m» * .m eight per cent. Part of the dollar increase, officials said, is because Until Valentine's Day! this last move, the House the bill came up for rejected the Senate amendments discussion Wednesday, when following the continuing Ulltl1 8 tl dl 1 the U.S. population is larger. But the biggest impact will and sent the bill again to the Taxation Committee Chairman Richar<1 0;,*3f *3 be from higher retail food prices, estimated now to rise On Valentine's Day a rose is love. And on Valentine's Day roses are upper chamber. Sen. Harry DeMaso, R - Battle of public safety^.! people Plann,"8theircaisl impossible to find. Just when you want to say love most, the florists arc about four per cent for store-bought groceries. out of roses. But not Jon speech to park th Anthony. We'll have roses right up to near the intersection ■ Valentine's. We'll stay open even on Sunday for Fee-posting plan proposed our prices will your convenience. And stay as low as ever: 6 red roses, greens and ribbons, and m«rj!>% of and Shaw "We arc Lanef; asking memljP Jjj valentine hearts $5.99; a dozen roses from $10.00. the store Friday the University take advantageof«J„ The Nixon administartion Thursday in Washington proposed health insurance regulations that would ^ & Saturday with order congestion m to preve% ■ M m § this ad (except require doctors, hospitals and nursing homes to maintain fee schedules for public inspection. The proposal was contained in a amendments sent* to Congress that were designed to package of J°1 Frye boots) Otherwise,20% off there are -sat-rjrl su" to Mfil »r few P Hubbard Hal | | aqthony in the tie-in with President Nioxn's health insurance legislation. IWSS^ everything. The American Medical Association earlier announced 211 Abbott Rd. Dig it. it would oppose the 809 E. Michigan, Lansing IV5 7271 Free Next to State Theatre h. 351-0825 fee-posting plan. Parking Behind Store A the speech e News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 11, 1972 3 wse defea Police still investigating [ass 1 ■l it transit received at least a temporary if not a fatal jolt U-M fi res; rewards set s Gov. Milliken's bill establishing a State «y< a njSCretionary Fund with aid for mass transit was Ann' Arbor police are ^narrow vote in the House. Monday, that destroyed rare responsibility for the outbreak continuing their investigation books in the graduate section of of arson. lfS' opposed to diverting the traditional highway funds into 20 cases of arson that have the library. So far no one has been k transitt use t and to raising taxes in an election year, occured on the campus of the At the onset of the fires on ,1 54 - 50. The bill needs 56 votes for approval. injured by the fires, but University of Michigan since Jan. Feb. 3, a man called the U - M university officials are afraid a « of bil1-in an attemPt to 8ave il for ""other vote 27. student newspaper, the Michigan fire Jfmoved to reconsider it. A total of $10,000 in rewards might be set at a time and Daily, and told a reporter that place where death could result If Milliken's "top priority" $83 million a year has been posted for information the fires would continue uutil unless the L Hon package, the bill would provide $20.8 million a leading to the arrest and Angela Davis is freed. Ms. Davis apprehended arsonists are ^Michigan cities to help in the supervision and planning of conviction of anyone who has started one or more of the fires. is the black philosophy teacher Krasny said soon. that his standing trial in California on rf'lhP^fund would be distributed to Michigan's 16 largest The Detroit News said it would charges of conspiracy to murder department is working with n areas to aid their bus lines. The other half would be pay $2,000 for information university security security and kidnap. officers so that they can be dling urban congestion, through bus systems or other leading to each conviction for The Committee to Free "more alert in areas where fires previous arsons, and $2,000 for Angela l^'the Capital Area Transit Authority had been information leading to any Davis on the U - M have been set, campus has denied any could be set." or where fires ■f the bill's passage to help with their troubled financial future arson conviction. There is Tit was estimated that Lansing could receive nearly a maximum reward of $10,000. L year if the bill were passed. Ann Arbor Police Chief The State News is published by the students of ' •"he transit bill were passed, it would still be necessary Walter E. Krasny said Michigan State University every class day during Fall, Thursday Winter, and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and bill of the package to be approved, before mass that "I have not the slightest and Fridays during Summer Term, and a hrnuld receive any funds. idea why the fires have been set, Week edition is published in September. special Welcome I" nd bill raises the 7 - cent - a - gallon gas tax by 2 cents, or who is setting them. We are Subscription rate is $16 per year. \ half • a ■ c0"1 a 8a,lon for mass transit- The House has not sure if only one person or a Member Associated Press, United Press Xoted on this bill. group is involved." International, Inland Daily Press Assn., Michigan Press I asportation package, which was sent to the House last The fires have been set in the Assn., Associated ibv Milliken, has faced tough opposition from the ' Under pressure from powerful lobby groups (UilUny snooping U - M Library, in the Union Building, in residence halls, and Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press Assn. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial and business offices at 345 Student Services ' t|U, highways and roads, the bill languished last The form of sculpture has in classroom buildings. caught this student's attention during her stroll through the main Bldg., Michigan State University, East Laasing, Michigan, En "the House calendar and was almost killed. gallery of the Kresge Art Center. The statue is part of the permanent collection and is available Estimated damage caused by the fires is over $5,000, but does not Tfn has pledged to veto any transportation plan that does for viewing any time. Phones: lide funding for mass transit. include the damage caused by State News photo by Terry Miller the two latest fires set News/Editorial 355 - 8252 on Classified Ads 355 - 8255 Adams a critic' as president Display Advertising 353 Business Office Photographic 355 Campus Information 353 8700 - - 6400 3447 355-8311 BARBARA PARNESS ■terback. I'm jusl Adams said that as president impersonality and you don't try you," he said, - n Staff Writer onlooker from the stands." he lie had to cope with the to manipulate people. You don't Adams said the best defense said. . . problems of any large use people as instrumental ends of a leader from pressure groups tie also r Adams, distinguished question on ""[used to answer a institution: President Wharton's dehumanization, - ends which they don't is not to want anything from Krsity professor of depersonalization and alienation, understand and ends which they them. lies, spent nine months as ■president testing "the performance since MSU two years ago. "It would be indelicate for coming to 'You break down the don't have in common with "The only valid defense for a leader from pressure groups is * Such a deal for Sunday $ Hway" of doing things, but me to say," he told the not to want the post in which he "over the long run" he finds himself. The only thing le ; as MSU done the job well. discussed his questioner. something good student replied. "Not if you to say," the had Singer vows that I found helped me maintain sanity and some clarity of vision $100 off president Adams then explained that was to laugh at the whole setup. il to December 1969, even if he said favorable The most ridiculous thing for me Kept, m Wednesday. of Communication about Wharton, the student would then say "But you're things truth in Irvin president of anything," he said. was that I should have been on a (1 item Varsity or - King 16" more) PIZZA. Li' always believed that a Good with this coupon on ts well in a job only if he leaving certain things unsaid. NEW YORK (AP) — Nina van Pallandt flew in from London "So 1 can't win," Adams Sunday, February 13, from 5 P.M. it. Although I [retted 'copping out', I concluded. Thursday after having vowed "to tell the truth about Clifford Irving, even if it means him going to jail." NttV on Try our subs (3 to choose from), Footlong ^ HHP? Adams explained the model r the long run, I On arrival at Kennedy Airport, she told reporters, "I do not i this job well," ADAMS on which he based his want to answer any questions." Varsity Dogs, Homemade Spaghetti ( inside yL presittehcy and some problems The blonde Danish cabaret singer is scheduled to testify only) Pinball, Foosball, Ample Parking and of the job. Inside dining. ^ said he did not want "sometimes a man wants to He said the philosophy Monday before a federal grand jury probing possible mail fraud in the mystery surrounding Irving's *-^ the rest of his life between the different prove a point. "For once in my life I had a behind his nine months in office was the "charismatic or populist billionaire Howard Hughes. purported autobiography of FR EE. FA ST. HO T DELI VER Y ( Visit our Mechanical VJ that compose and live laboratory to apply the model" of Irving claims he collected the material in 100 hours of Madness Room!! a University. critics notions on alternative leadership, "The populist leader gets out meetings with Hughes and that one of them was in Mexico just a jji fighter. I fight against year ago. ways of doing things. 1 knew into the arean, the I place of Ms. Van Pallandt, who has said she loves Irving, disputes that light against G.M. that if these ways worked well, combat and is therefore visible, claim, saying she was with Irving on the Mexican trip and that he bag. 1 am a teacher they couldn't ever b e He is accessible and part of the could not have met Hughes during the less than two hours place is in the discounted," he explained. they hesaid action," Adams explained. were apart. Adams refused to respond to "The leader in question The fraud question was also being investigated in Zurich, sponse to a question a question on what changes he thinks that his audience, Adams said constituency is Switzerland. would like to sec at MSU today, the the job because people and he has to have "I'm not a coach. I'm not a faith in the people," he added At Uncle lohn> >•, S. Viets intensify raids A C~ Pancake enemy troop positions Is A JGON (AP)-U.S. and Propeller • driven Skyraiders U.S. reconnaissance jets also Work of Art I Vietnamese warplanes and subsonic jets of the South ranged over North Vietnam to air in large numbers Vietnamese air force flew pinpoint supply buildings in the 1 intense raids to another 85 strikes, many of event President Nixon orders ■ increased enemy attacks them in the central highlands another bombing campaign 1 central and northern and coastal lowlands where an against the North. enemy offensive has been Besides the smaller jets, U.S. J) spokesmen said U.S. predicted. B52 bombers rained explosives in P ew 85 «t-°rCe Jet fighter strikes in South - The targets were suspected on an enemy base camp 26 miles enemy troop concentrations, southwest of Da Nang. ■of ?mpar,fd to a daily bunkers and supply trails. Some ft monUi ■nfs in strikes were in direct support of he raids ., the allied ground troops battling were in the Viet i Cong and North Jtary region and Vietnamese forces around the idK«!t *ontum ral Binh Dinh> outskirts of district towns and provinces. military camps. heart rings f°r Vour Valentine. I Per'ect as a small I 9'ft. or as a treat I ,0r yourself Solid I 4 karat yellow gold, finely detailed I ^ Small heart finger ring I Wl,h a fiery diamond. $20. IB Sman cut out heart I 0n °val signet ring $25. i r,u fine jewelry department X Jacobsons MERIDIAN MALL las* Grand River and Marsh Road MICHIGAN TUB FROM WASHINGTON STATE NEWS university Nixon's lost press |i* By RICHARD LEE STROUT back in the characteristic laugh. do not mature for 120 years." "All in," says Pat McKenna. And so on; if you were in the next room Congress has coincided y critical KEN LYNAM "Well, what's the news today?" asks you would hear frequent bursts of questioning by t*D(lrr' advertising manager It will be just about three months now FDR. laughter; finally when questions were nothln, l„ lhe since Mr. Nixon held his last regular press exhausted it ended. conferences. But in the J DAVE PERSON, managing editor BILL HOLSTEIN, campus editor conference Nov. 12. This is a kind of anniversary. In 1971 he held nine, in 1970 Voice on left: "That's what we came to find out. We'd like a nice hot news story." Nothing anymore like that now, of powers they are a and nation. Something bridge betwS h* . CHARLIE CAIN, city editor four and in 1969 eight. "Is that you, Fred Storm?" the course. President Nixon is the most aloof Washington without them. BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor There used to be a friendly intimacy in President asks. "Fred, you're getting too President of modern times, maybe In I think I am reaso RICK these things. It was an adversary big. There are three people trying to see history. As the secret papers printed by it. I think more GOSSELIN, sports editor relationship, of course, but it was around you. Here, take this chair. It's Jack Anderson about the Pakistan war Washington and more inform»7 symbiotic, too. The President needed the yours from now on. Is that better?" revealed, he communicates with his top in spite of carping and criS7 Sexen.time recipient of the Pacemaker award press (we thought) and the press needed Chorus of voices: "Much better. Thank strategists through Henry Kissinger. other capital in the world |£f> for outstanding journalism. the President. For example, I remember you, Mr. President. The United Press ought Former interior secretary Walter Hickel other democracies, most of i®0 one with Franklin Roosevelt. There was a not to have such big men." couldn't even get in to see him. parliaments the opposition the is £ great trampling of feet going in and we executive questions fa® EDITORIALS were all crowded in front of the big table covered with mementos and totems, with Voice on right: "If it is true, as stated, that the administration intends to make its The statistics tell the story. FDR in a little over three terms had 1,000 press Nobody does that to Mr. Nixon, occasionally when he »?. Gus Gennerich his personal bodyguard, and public works ultimately self - liquidating, conferences; twice a week before the war personality. p C| [ 6U9 residence a couple of Secret Service men, and smiling Marvin Mclntyre and a male stenographer seated by his desk, and perhaps Missy how do you PMG Farley, FDR: "I account for that statement etc?" can't see who asked that of and once a week during the Truman, if my figures are right, had well over 300; Ike cut ifedown to 200. Kennedy war. Mr. for There Mr. Nixon has always disliked they interfere with his was no chance to ask I 1 LeHand, his personal secretary, and a question but it sounds like the Buffalo in his bright Thousand Days averaged Carswell or Haynesworth or Lt couple of visitors to see the show squatted unfair al Evening Republican. A man came in the about one a fortnight. Lyndon Johnson prefers making these sudden to on the raised pedestal of the big French windows. The reporters stood and it took some time to get all 75 or 100 in. other day and said, 'Is it honestly true that some of your plans will not liquidate themselves for 120 years?' I said, 'Yes, that had 158 press conferences and was always seeing individuals separately. The funny thing is that we thought It TV appearances of his. He de Gaulle notion that something mysterious, aloof there Student heads are going to roll in University for their fell FDR chats with those in the first rank is really true.' You see, we are making was important to. have these conferences. about the man in power the Dean of Students office once transgressions, this legislative Uke'r before his desk. You see his head thrown loans for planting black walnut trees which Yet without them the country seems to be would diminish the liberalization comes as small mystique if again. Last week 275 students were held a press conference, say and informed that they were living in comfort. It is questionable whether a asked him face to face about fo violation of campus residency codes. so - called institution of higher In Truman's day we would have in and asked about it. Not Failure to immediately comply can learning should ban individuals for can't ask why he pardoned a and will result in expulsion. noncompliance with exchegeur - or whether he JU_ based housing regulations. really means toj The upshot is a curious kind of burden the poor with a national administrative Catch 22. Students The present residence hall system or why he vetoed the mothers' can apply for special permission to is a monument to bad planning. In bill. Certainly the press shouH remain off - campus, but only after the early sixties the trustees, over snarling, snapping prosecutor, bu, days Presidents were supposed to I they have complied with university objections of University things like that. "I try to have administrators decreed the building regulations. To "comply" a student conference when I think there iii must move into a residence hall, of Hubbard and other residence interest," Mr. Nixon said. That I therein signing an unbreakable halls. Their rationale was simple and December 1969. Like a man who wears a housing contract. Heller could not simplistic: to maintain MSU as a top aloof President always runs have thought of a better ploy. university of superlatives - the most from the irreverent. For exa Merit Scholars, the biggest land area, episode at the White House At root is the perennial issue of the largest residence hall system. where a singer pulled an antiwirj full residence halls vs. student rights. The warnings of the University from her plunging neckline and administration have the President and guests about J. The true culprits in this residency proven the war. What audacity! Martha program are the trustees who distressingly accurate. To retire the cried that she ought to be "torn recently ordered the Dean of bond issues on these various edifices limb." What made the thing so i Students to tighten up on residency they must be kept filled to capacity. that right in the reception for violations. As aJways, the motivation Thus the University winds up in the Readers Digest were the Rever is financial: Empty residence halls position of forcing students to reside Graham and Norman Vincent P „ have their own sure pipelines to mean empty university bank on - campus. When a whippersnapper from accounts. There is no good reason why the i| troupe starts, killing them a £er*aioty- present residency ruto«i -s^udest body should have its living ■ Christ and the war you can are far"better than stWuteS of times opticus reduced compensate rot- why the moral foundations of thei past. Only freshmen and sophomores errors in past planning. The academic 'OH, YEAH? WEIL, I, TOO, AM A SKYJACKER, AND I, TOO, HAVE-A-BOMB . . are so shaky. under twenty are required to live in community should pressure the residence halls or an "approved" board of trustees to find and alternative, e.g., fraternities. implement alternative solutions, PRESIDENT'S PERSPECTIVE Previously, only seniors, married perhaps including the renting of students or students over twenty - residence hall space to private At present, it is Law school one could live in unsupervised off - concerns. campus housing. To the as many as 75 students who stand to be thrown out of the indefensible to compel any student to live in a residence hall against his will. By CLIFTON R. WHARTON, JR. progressing such fields as urban affairs, criminal justice, discrimination at Michigi| governor did not include funds for the law The Haldeman •What is the status of the proposed college of law for MSU? school in his 1972 • 73 budget request, we are still hopeful that the governor and the medicine, communications, environmental sciences and human ecology would enable University. How will this be hi when will the hearing be held? us to develop a strong and unique program legislature will take positive action this •The administration and the I share the k • That question is under study by a legislative committee on legal education joint year. I strongly believe that a college of law, continuing our long standing tradition of public service. Presently the only law schools' in Michigan are in Detroit and Ann trustees have agreed to hold I hearing similar to the one held forH chaired by Sen. William Ballenger, R-Ovid, located next to the state capital, would be and Rep. Jackie Vaughn, D-Detroit. Since able to provide a top quality, highly Arbor. - campus highway. The hearing! White House Chief of Staff H.R. domain, it automatically becomes If funds are provided in the 1972 - 73 scheduled for 2 p.m. Feb. 2514 November the committee has had two staff innovative law curriculum. It could Haldeman was hitting well below the open discussioa The First members located in Fee Hall working on a appropriations, we will begin the planning Center. Organizations and J complement and benefit the agencies of belt in his charge that unnamed Amendment to the Constitution report to be issued soon regarding the state government and make a major process immediately and enter the first interested in making a pre*""^ contact the office of Vice PresK class of law students at the earliest possible critics of President Nixon's latest guarantees this freedom of open feasibility of establishing a law school at contribution toward meeting the discussion. Michigan State University. date. indicating their interest and rt peace proposals were "consciously burgeoning legal education needs of place on the schedule. Organia The University originally submitted a Michigan. aiding and abetting the enemy." In Despite the inappropriateness of • In February there is supposed to be a receive priority in the allocation ■ proposal for a law school to the State The diverse and complementary essence, Haldeman labelled critics of Haldeman's remarks, however, they Board of Education in 1969. Although the of hearing on the problems of sex with individual witnesses folio** resources a large institution like MSU in the President's war plan traitors, a do point out the possibility that tag which ill fits such men as Sen. sometime during the Presidential • Recently we saw you and Mi.| George McGovern, D-Wis., who have campaign, some candidate may OUR READERS' MIND at a performance of the B put their lives on the line in the past unknowingly make a comment Company. Do you usually attend| in defense of our country. which could have a harmful effect on other students performances? view Hopefully, Haldcman's point of is shared by no one in the present administration except negotiations with the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese. To prevent this, the President should take every Recycle this newspaper today •Yes, we do so a though there are always P finding the time to do so. W•" Haldeman himself. At the very least, step possible to keep all the To the Editor: dorms. I'm glad to have come into contact in the dorms. To get a successful I have been thorough W Haldeman owes the peace plan critics announced and unannounced with these individuals. Here is a list of campuswide newspaper recycling operation number of splendid a public apology. presidential candidates informed Earth Week 1970 has brought to the these people: Val Bartoletti - Mason; Amy is the first step that we have to take before recently, we were particular^ The President's proposals are not about the progress of the war and public's attention many problems that deal Southwell — Holmes; Michael Fox — we can go on to other things like glass, the performance of w beyond reproach. Be revealing the the negotiations in Paris. with the environment. One of these Wilson; Barb Courtney — Wonders; cardboard and other various items that can Company. Their attempt J problems is in the area of solid waste Carolyn Bezy - Case; Cathy Corcoran - be recycled. To me this is very important direct and act in plays which proposals to the public. President Only a disclosure of this sort can disposal. The solutions to this problem so Akers; Nancy Armitage and Jim DeWitt — because students with the help of MSU can significance to the blacK « Nixon should have fully realized that prevent injury to America's peace far have been to burn or bury it. Now Williams; Pam McCracken — Shaw; Ruth run a successful recycling operation instead highly desirable and should M8] not all reaction would be positive. initiative and, hopefully, unfortunate many concerned individuals are bringing Cain — Campbell; Debbie Zimmerman and of an unnecessary filling of the landfill. since it is of value both »JL When a matter enters the public remarks like Haldeman's. the idea of recycling as another solution Gail Beckley — Gilchrist; Roger Tclschow But in order to be successful, everyone students as well as the | for solid waste disposal. — McDonel; Pat Wiener and Sue Fulton — has got to help by starting to recycle their University community. These same individuals are starting and Rather. There are a lot more people that I newspapers. If I can be of any help to your The emergence of we did not have room to list, but they all running newspaper recycling in their dorm or your recycling operation, please Company is most «ie Punish presence, and that ofthe deserve credit for taking their concern and call me at 353-4321. Would you do me one The Federal Trade Commission choking the airways. decep Deepest regrets translating it into action programs. My three main concerns are: (1) to help other dorms start newspaper recycling, (2) favor? Could you please recycle this newspaper today? Eco-Peace. Fred J. Moore Compnay, again underscores _ plan and develop a Perfor on the campus. To this end, " J| to bring up the volume of recycled Buchanan sophomore is fully committed. HopeW, proposed last month that A more viable alternative would newspaper and (3) to do some studies of Director of E-QUAL will produce concrete resu n broadcasters should be required to be To the Editor: amounts of newspaper recycling going on a severe tightening of the Feb. 9,1972 distant future. give equal time to advertising regulations and penalties against false counterclaims. Should this be advertising. The Federal Trade Much comment has been generated over DOONESBURY by GarryW my remarks » reported by the State News allowed, television and radio could Commission should be armed with on Feb. 9. I believe that a careful become worse battlefields than the funds and wading eev, va little uzeep personnel sufficient to of the article would reveal my intention of MATS THE 0i& peftlp i Plain of Jars. adequately police all televised distinguishing BLACKS from the MS EATING P/NNER'( Granted, much of today's nonexistent entity of nigger (at least in my why PON't you shou) advertising. Madison Avenue advertising is of questionable violations of the public trust should mind). My opinion often is markedly SOME respect for the different than that of black student! and I \ .— aver!cm veracity. The public is still deceived be met with stiff fines and forced ^ r/6mt/n6 certainly don't believe insult is conducive by fraudulent assertions, disgusted public retractions of fraudulant to better understanding. I was told that I MAN I? with ads of poor taste and tired of claims and deceptive ads. was "against giving niggers 7000 dollars." I the endless succession of commercial A private individual faces severe thought that we were dealing solely with the programs of BLACK people. I regret after commercial. punishment when he knowingly lies that I may have insulted anyone However, the creation of equal to gain monetary advantage. There is unintentionally. time for counterclaims won't no reason why unscrupulous Kevin S. Harty necessarily solve the problem and corporations should be treated any ASMSU vice chairman will only add to the clutter already differently. Feb. 9,1972 Friday, February 11, 1972 5 POINT OF VIEW The good news ByC. PATRIC good tilings: the College of "Mr. group together, first thing you "Oh, he didn't give Frozen programs we used to run in the Happy" Agriculture and International know, State's offering a B.S. in you on that one. That's what Foods to the Aggies," I says. old days. 1-ARROWE Programs." mobile homes. "'Dr.' Hannah figured what with our exchange program in Iran is I was "He passed the word down: going through a stack of "You gotta great sense of "Only one in the country, really all about." fan mall the other agriculture declining in Get into projects where the "You got me on those three, a morning when humor, Lash," he chortles, too. 'Dr.' Hannah was real proud importance, problems of the bucks are. International young colleague drifted in. "you've sure come up with a fine of that. I'll admit. But war and peace are cities getting worse, we Programs with four "Dr.," he says, "I don't pair of rip-off outfits. Seriously, "TV-dinner comes up the overriding issues of our time. always agree with you, but I do people hear shouldn't be building up the bonanzas: ecology, income Where can we leam about isn't there something positive about the caper, admire the way you're the say why don't College of Agriculture. He was distribution, race relations, you can write about?" you do the same thing for us. them?" conscience of 'U*. for cutting it down. conflict resolution." "I am serious," I replies. "Let Right away, we got a Dept. of "Dean's got the answer to "There is one thing, "He gave Frozen Foods to "Lash," he says, looking that one, too," I says. "It's though. me tell you why. Frozen Foods." You always write about what's HRI." glum, "you make International "Back when "Dr." Hannah "Aggies must've dug that," he "Did anybody object? I hush-hush, but he's had feelers wrong with MSU. Isn't it time president, MSU Programs sound like a call girl out and he thinks we have a you said something good about was was an says thoughtfully. "Get to hire mean, besides the Aggies? Like operation. Don't you see academic supermarket: dude chance of getting Dr. Yahya 'It? more faculty to teach new pointing out to Mr. Hannah he's Or could it be you don't from mobile homes comes courses, consulting jobs with anything wrong with that?" Khan as an exchange prof — you want to be fair-minded?" around, asks us to set up a Swanson's and Banquet, research making MSU into a vocational "Not if they're giving the know, he's the Pakistani patriot "Since school?" customer his money's worth." you asked for it, degree program in house trailers. grants for Chicanos from the who led the resistance to Indian sonny," I says, "111 give you two "Dr." Hannah calls his executive Patio people." "Object? Oh, no. You didn't "What about this?" he says. aggression." talk back to 'Dr.' Hannah." "I read in the State News "Not "Gee, Lash, you sure are even you, Lash? You've International Programs say it's shown a heap of courage all the broad-gauged," he says as he got going to help backward up to go. "I know the radicals time I've been here." countries with their don't agree, but I sure can see "Me object? Not me. I didn't JOHN BORGER have tenure in those days. But I environmental problems. What why you're a front-runner for makes them think they're one of those Distinguished don't want to talk about that," I qualified?" Faculty Awards." says. "I can see you don't get it," I "Well, you know how I feel "Anyway, by a happy says, "surely you've heard the about teaching," I says. "I don't coincidence, our new prexy is an dean D.C.: say the value of our expect any awards or prizes. I city beset with fear agricultural economist.' Under overseas projects is the feedback just do the best I can, 'cause I his dynamic leadership to the campus. Take water figure I'm just doing my job." Agriculture's moving again. pollution, for example. Isn't it Right now it's the fastest - better to do the experiments on growing college in the the Zambezi, and use the SHINGTON - Night cuts There's been. Some University. know-how we pick up there to core of Washington, this arming themselves with mace or lot of talk recently about Interesting statistics, felt the fear, h„e inched "That's the way it ought to clean up the Red Cedar?" city which thrives on its a police dog for even a routine corruption, especially on the police vananttu recentlv Washington Post renorted """"-*footstepsin th* ♦ footsteps and and 7' t'""\ """6" glanced over my glanced over be, too. Our Aggies, you might "But what if the experiments Misplaced ndless circle of incestuous w* to . c., parked a block " "Kl. shoulder to find nothing but ests, kept alive by that r,„m ££«,£ r,nd say, are the grunts of the Green Revolution, carrying their full screw up the natives the river?" who live memo ficant people who fancy ..nil S r„S !25°1965 ih." crime """j*' Random notes, and that's all share of the fight to increase the near "That's the point, elves to at be "insiders." night, darkness cloaks "yoJ'do^r.r.'o'wo^.S STSS X£!S!S In getting mugged. You just have Free World's production of food and fibre." somebody's gonna get screwed kid. If ASMSU RTo: ASMSU to the underground shopping mall up, isn't it better them than us?" "bleeding heart" courts Fvrpnt ty's slums and masks the jf continual construction / worry about having your house broken into." It is obviously the called L'Enfant Plaza The man Ce COurtS andthe nation thP ' ^ h th- Th ^ "OK," he says soberly. "But "It's the same with race Re: A list of your lid. That dion. The daytime dinge h*"Pr better nf of 'h° the H"A two alternatives. who with was arrested in connection toughLd ifthe mid 6^ F^om ™ J! ^ T kTL ? you still gotta be kidding about International Programs." relations. We might be able to avoid future Newarks, Wattses, clings to many buildings At a party not long .that crime was the private i964 to 1970, federal sentences either is" accomplishments ago, to "Wrong again. You've heard, and Detroits if we could use its a top pears under the cosmetic if floodlights. someone related the following tale, which he said had first been -To Kr her to her her car.\ car. ^ 8 I'™™ 38 Per <*«* Paroles were also reduced, so wither the spirit I suppose, what International Rhodesia, say, as a lab." for the year. runs son The securit. , security guard employed time Programs was like under 'Dr.' "You make a lotta sense, but is a kind of beauty at reported in the crime column of became even longer Hannah?" r> examp «e by the thp federal fpnpra crnvpmmpnt government, .. - ° where could we go to learn how Dear Go - getters louse lu| as ghostly-white the Washington Post: otherwise known as the Capitol per cent figure "You mean like the CIA to distribute national - would indtcate income i antiwar nment structures and Two men had an auto Cops, are even more numerous using us as a cover in Saigon, and fairly?" The People - more And durin th|s 1%5.70 ine and nil monuments rise like accident on a D.C. street. One (per square foot) than the period of harsh LETTER POLICY our big project in Thailand, "The dean's way ahead of about Jg castles out of the man went to call the police and metropolitan police, but their federa, crime punishment, the beefing up the educational Martha tiding darkness, was mugged on his way to the effectiveness is more r£te wse 45' infrastructure to keep the OTIS MCDONELOTIS MCDONELOTIS MCDONEL ;"torn lie there are few people out telephone. The second man was questionable. They are selected The State News welcomes all Commies from winning the yOut in this fantasy world, mugged while he waited with the ^ much for easy answers ling so 11 by patronage, not by merit; * * * letters. They should be typed hearts and minds of the Thais?" on for tl ire afraid, and hiding. cars. He went to a "Right. Our new prexy hits telephone to many have never fired a gun in in his Statp of th. lJnion and signed with the home town, Reverent report this to the police, and East Lansing, first thing he does, their lives, though they are address President Nixon said ®tud«nt' f»c.ulty or staff icent Pei is much talk of crime when he returned he found that he orders a critical reappraisal of [re armed and their weapons carry ?lines to The general assumption his car had been stolen. major crime in the district had Mn'LfiS our international dimension." tip: from em abou to be that if you havent victim yet, you soon will There were some incredulous comments, but no one seriously ,sayear's l."nT~n letter ^ will be accepted for "Golly," he says, "you mean publication, and no letter will be he doesn't believe in the domino bombings, there has been a not diminished. can un doubted that it could have fanatical insistence on the printed without a signature theory?" of the am living in Washington's "Of courae he does!," I barks is cept in Georgetown, which as the "class" district happened. In Washington, when you ask appearance, at Hordes W least, of security, southeast section," which a rewnt !, * ®^ * J at him. "But he's a university yPjv1 Feb. 11 growing college one. a friend where he lives, he may Capitol Building guards, blanketed the i^e of Rolling stone deserlbed ^,^300^lori longTo president, not a do-gooder. With ngton closes down early, end his directions with the nd as "a jungle." Though there is surrounding grounds Jan. 20, for much talk of crime, I have yet to publication without editing. B his connections in government f 9:00 are ets are empty •ening. The doors of my locked at 11 p.m.; by after "it's safe. comment.example, when President Nixon see any. And - despite the talk Relatively speaking of delivered his State of the Union course. address to a joint session of - i like this town. But I have and the foundations, he could see drying two years ago funds were up for the cold war 4? OTIS MCDONEL OTIS McDonel Cafe MCDONELOTIS MCDONEL you must bang on the glass * * * Congress. a receptionist to let you There are so many policemen That was the day that, in town that you practically trip because of rain, I decided to liking the night streets, you all over them. They are friendly, take the underground route Tired of an hour's wait ently have the entire though; they smile and are good from the Senate Office Building inent to yourself, from you can watch a parade of to talk to if you have the time, You smile back and feel through the Capitol to the Cannon House Office Building. I and then a trip to the lobby? ng headlights. It is an friendly too, partly because it is had no difficulty until halfway solitude, for all the talk such a relief to get away from through the Capitol basement, ime makes held? you imagine the "pig" stereotype (which, when I was turned away from a and the ers y. crouching in every The feeling is not unlike however, has broken loose in full fury during the latter phases of police barricade for lack of proper identification. In trying at HOLIDAY LANES of walking o hold through a many a peace demonstration) to find my way out, however, I fird on the way home Lanes available for OPEN Bowling all > held to and partly because you hope was stopped four times. day Dracula movie, and you The cynic says the cops and evening. Open 9 a.m. daily hearing are or the relative Just north of Frandor - 337-9775 eb. 25 I safety of everywhere, but they do no is and You're not too sure about the good. He Is convincing. Billiards Cocktails Good Food d if you do chance to meet resentatk >ne on the :e Presid streets, there is use of and re< camaraderie. Wary * are Organiz exchanged In silence lie moment of not llocatioii - quite - followin "8has passed, jand Mi the G friend who lives in Mown says he could not w people further inside the Your dining A port o' call attent o- The y crime - or the fear ices? is so great there, he says, nuch * ,ys prol sctilinear Ms. . Wh , deligh Dock for dinner at the Starboard Tack. Treat your special girl to a memorable Valentine's Then why bother, evening in our cozy quarters. Call 351-7100 right now for the hottest Model X! fastest delivered pizza in town. ■•Perfect choice SALAD BAR for my fe' Whether Krrru,t,pe'ker#' STEAKS LOBSTER SPIRITS ■U'ilS(n P tht enii ni yUU ,tTU>0,h. , me In end We deliver to your ['""""ire Rectilinear line. FINE door, providing your dorm lets us. U Serving Sun.-Thurs. 11 a.m.- 10 p.m. tetrE\L,n,ing kZJ E' Linilno Frl. & Sat. til 11:30 p.m. DOMINO'S 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, Febru* 'GREEN PICKLE' PATROLS Student shapes MSU police equip bike co-op/0nJ van Plans for a bicycle cooperative to provide student wholesale bike store, repair clinic and a touring Ci.,k w "" to handle emergencies term are currently being formalized. Scott Wasmuth, Birmingham Junior, said he will t*k when enough student Interest Is demonstrated Qu„., "S will be handed out In the residence halls next week to h The Dept. of Public Safety van was purchased to provide Peterson said that the police if students want a low-cost bike shop. fle more intensive emergency force was previously using two The co-op will be a nonprofit organization has a new addition to the police dm ■ station wagons as force — a Ford van equipped services and to promote better emergency promote bicycling from an economic and ecolorical ,7. 21 with emergency ambulance relations between police and the vehicles. He said the van was a "Bicycles provide essential transportation at th"i welcome addition because it has. equipment which also functions as a patrol vehicle. campus van community. He said the was equipped by officers more room to work in during an possible costs and cut down on noise and air pollution "w The van is a marked police who donated three days of their emergency. Wholesale prices will be offered on all types of hiv J spare time to the construction of The Dept. of Public special service clinics where members can learn " vehicle that has the capacity to Safety handled 294 stretcher cases last carry two stretcher cases. The bus is on the road at all times, the inner chamber. By mounting the emergency year, or 25 per cent of all the New police maintenance. Fast, low-cost repair will also be provided 10 Long-range plans for the co-op Include proposals in and police said it can respond to equipment by themselves, police cases involving the the existing campus bike pathways and build sim! Sgt. Peterson of the Dept. of Public Safety demonstrates the oxygen breathing apparatus in the . any emergency within three said they saved about $5,000 on transportation of an individual. bikeways in East Lansing. new police van acquired recently by the department. The interior of the van was built by minutes. the cost of buying a van that was Peterson said the van, A yearly fee of $2 will be charged for membershinI officers of the department. Due to the emergency rescue nature of the van, it will not be used Sgt. John A. Peterson of the already assembled. nicknamed the "green pickle," co-op. Members will be able to participate in scheduled bit ,J Peterson said the van has has been used several times for high speed chases. and races and may get discounts on bikes and Dept. of Public Safety said the repair servi | been in operation only about a already. State News photo by Ken Ferguson week, and has been inspected by EAST LANSING the State Health Dept. He said FRIENDS MEETING the van "passed the inspection m with flying colors." Quaker Meeting for Worship First Sunday 1:00 Day School 1:00 Child Care Provided van Emergency equipment on the includes splints, bandages, breathing apparatus, air masks, two stretchers, burn blankets, Sinclair blasts jail conditions All Saints Parish and a broom and dust pan. Police said the van also has a 800 Abbott Rd. E.L. toward a single end and that end Further Information porta-power unit, which can be By NANCY PARSONS Arbor, spoke to an overflowing them trying to shoot me. is unity for people of all Airplane and Mitch "Our main RydJ 337-0241 used to pry open car doors in a State News Staff Writer crowd in the Emmons Hall "I tried to be nice and not nationalities. emphtffal has been in music and serious accident. lounge about the conditions in reactionary or rebellious so that "We're going to concentrate for nl ST. JOHN THE Being jailed in Marquette the maximum security prison In after I'd been in a situation or a all of our ideas and resources on entertainment, but III STUDENT CENTER State Penitentary "Attica of the Upper Peninsula. bloc for a while the guards "We want self-determination developed as a pel EPISCOPAL COMMUNITY Michigan" for 2V4 years for "The place is like Siberia. It's would come in to rap . . . The a particular area to test them for all the people from all over potential, as an econoinij Sunday Masies: struggle isn't against the guards and use It as a proving ground to not only for ourselves W AT M.S.U. possession of marijuana has only hundreds of miles from where the world," Ms. Sinclair said. 327 M.A.C. served to sharpen his way of the inmates live and because politically even though 99 per see if we can make it and then "We're not white people; we're eventually for ourX Holv Communion at 5:00 p.m. cent of them are stoned racists," use that as a model for other community and ouil thinking about the need for probably 98 per cent of them rainbow people. We're a whole Sundays in the Alumni Chapel Sinclair said. communities. We're still nation," Sinclair said, revolution in the society, John are poor. It cuts out their friends color combination, developing The Rev. Jack Hilyard, Chaplain Sinclair told students Wednesday and relatives from having any Sinclair was released from experimenting." our culture as we go along." night. communication with them." prison last December on a "We're Saturday 7:00 p.m. ALL SAINTS CHURCH Sinclair and his wife Lenl, In his talk, sponsored by the developing i $2,500 bond pending the Ms. Sinclair said that they Sinclair said that much of his essentially a socialist e« founders of the White Panther Emmons Hall Scholastic Assn., outcome of a suit he has filed chose the name Rainbow for latest efforts have been directed system which will be bull party In Detroit and the Sinclair said in prison he tried to against the State of Michigan their party because the colors of toward establishing an ruins of the capitalisticm Rainbow People's party in Ann accomodate the guards and charging that he was denied his a rainbow can remain distinct communal officials because of the tensions Independent recording company economic i) personal political freedom. and still work In harmony for groups like the Jefferson Sinclair said. Central United Methodist that surrounded his Since his release, Sinclair has Across from the Capitol imprisonment. been working with his wife in Daily Manas: Worship Senkes "My initial reaction was they the newly organized Rainbow 9:45 11:00 wanted to kill me so that I People's party. Working in Ann M.A.C.: East: Mon. thru 8:00,12:30,4:30 Thur. 9:30 P.M. The Rev. Wm. A. Eddy "When The Saints Go Marching In" Dr. I.yman preaching undertook a rigorous physical Arbor, the party has already discipline just in preparation for established food co-op6, houses for runaway children, their own Chinese hate Crib Nursery thru Kindergarten UNIVERSITY policing system and a free 9:45 medical clinic. 12:00 prof tells Sena • UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN SEVENTH-DAY "We're working on ways to Some Adult Classes 9:4b ADVENTIST CHURCH build a separate economic bases CHURCH CAMPUS HOUSE Church School 10:45 a.m. , which eventually can totally 310 N. Hagadorn 251 W. Grand River Sabbath School 9:30 replace the established ft should "We have, by our behavior in and leaving the Commt Discussion Oroup* 9:30 a.m. 485-947/ capitalistic system," Sinclair to Americans that come ap tjojjmrprise Bible study 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 thieyare hated and toward China for over 100 choice but to dance to said. and feared by the Chinese, an Worship 10:45 a.m. K. G. Smith, pastor years, by our Immigration laws tune," he said. - ALWAYS OPEN When asked If the People's MSU history professor said in and by our treatment of Chinese Nuriery party was going to remain Washington, recently. in the United States, earned Minister, Kail Ruffner Campus Minister, 149 Highland Ave. Cohen said one of tbi Gary Hawes Testifying before the Senate their fear and their hatred. Call 351-8994 if you divisions between tl EDGEWOOD UNITED Foreign Relations Committee at Prof. Cohen pointed out that 332-5193 332-3035 351-7844 351-8232 need transportation peoples was the turn^ the invitation of its chairman, Americans participated in the CHURCH Sen. J. William Fulbright, Prof. humiliation of the Chinese from American aspirations fot| Free Transportation 469 N. Hagadorn Warren I. Cohen covered more the 1810s to the 1940s as they well being. UNIVERSITY An Ecumenical Fellowship than 100 years of interaction sought to enjoy the imperialistic CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH BAPTIST CHURCH Worship.Services between Americans and Chinese. privileges other nations had "For approximate^ 9:30 New Liturgy "Though the Chinese may taken from the Chinese by force. years . . . American A AND STUDENT CENTER 4608 South Hagadorn 11:00 Services have less reason to hate "Additionally, from 1945 to and the businei| First Church of Dr. Truman A. Morrison Americans than to hate Japanese missionaries and i John D. Walden 1949, the United States the Brethren - Pastor 1509 River Terrace (across from Hubbard Hall) or a number of Eurooean interfered in the internal affairs whom they were n College Group Meeting Walter Bucher, Pastor For Information 6:30-8:00 peoples," he said, "there is of China, supporting an believed that a strong, | Visit our new Student Center — nothing' peculiarly unpopular Nationalist independent China w ' or Transportation 351 4144 For morning and evening open daily 9 a.m. -11 p.m. 3020 S. Washington bus schedule or rides call Marxist, nothing un-Chlnese dictatorship, rejecting Chinese advantage to the United! Worship 10:00 A.M. Bus Schedule 332-8472 Lunch Wednesday 12:30-1:30 Discussion Group 11:00 A.M. 332-0606 or 332-8693 about their hostility. Communist overtures for help. he testified. School of Discipleship 6:45 for more information and transportation EVENING SERVICE MORNING SERVICE 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. ph. 351-3389 or 484-7589 Worship 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM PEOPLES CHURCH TRADE YOUR HOME FOR A BRAND NEW "Honesty Is Tricky Business" Rev. Brink preaching EAST LANSING There is No Better Buy In FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF OKEMOS Rev. Hoksbergen preaching The 4684 MARSH ROAD Interdenomlnat lonal Lansing Area! for transportation call 351-6360 or 882-1425 (near Meijers Thrifty Acres) 200 W. Grand River PRICED ««« LOWEST FHA-VA unaffiliated church 523,990 CONVENTIONAL TERMS An proclaiming the at Michigan FROM ARE AVAILABLE Bible as THE WORD of The Living God. 332-5073 9:45 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Sunday Services Bible School Classes for all ages Worship Service SUNDAY SERVICES 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. BREftDGE Sales by General Realty Company 6:00 P.M. Junior & Senior High Fellowships "Living three levels" mooelhome5 7:00 P.M. Praise Service PH0NE 8:30 P.M. Counibus (a college university, business 393-8333 youth rap & snak session) Dr. Julius Hschbach Saturday 12 to 6 Built by Republic Winthrop E. Robinson, Rev. Phones 349-2830, 349-2533 preaching Closed Thursday Development Corp. CHURCH SCHOOL 11 AM "Wake 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. Up To Reality" Crib through Adults EAST LANSING IRINITY CHURCH 3JRIN Coffee Hour 841 Timberlane Drive n After Services Stanley R. Reilly, East Lansing Acting Pastor Telephone: 351-8200 FIRST CHURCH OF Interdenominational LCMS University Classes 9:45 CHRIST, SCIENTIST for students at Lutheran Serman A Purchased People" a.m 6:00pm Grand River MARTIN LUTHERAN CHAPEL Campus Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer 7:00 p.m. at Collingwood Entrance East Lansing 444 Abbott Road Ministries Sunday Services 10:30 a.m. I.esson ■ Sermon Subject 332-0778 Pastor David Kruse ALC-LCA SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH 1518 S. Washington Sunday WORSHIP HOURS for students and faculty at "Look'A City Falls'" Wednesday Testimonial Meeting 11 a.m. Communion UNIVERSITY 8:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. Communion LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday School to age 20 1st & 3rd 9:45 A.M. Book of Revelation 10:30a.m. Matins College Bible Class Fellowship Division and Ann Streets 2nd & 4th in the fireside room. Reading Room Temporarily 332-2559 8:30 p.m. for Faculty and staff Pastors Dr. Ted Ward, Located in Church Friendly feelings and the great taste of refreshments OPEN Walter Wietzke MSU, Teacher Coca-Cola. That's the way it should be. ASCENSION LUTHERAN Weekdays 9 ■ 5 p.m. George Gaiser Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor 2780 Haslett 337-7961 WORSHIP HOURS James Emery, Minister of Youth Mon., Tues., Thurs., FrL, eves 7- 9p.m. Rf it's the real thing. Coke. B:30 and 11a.m. All arc welcome to WORSHIP HOURS 8:15 a.m. Matins "Hear and Live" attend church 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. 9:15 a.m. Common Service services and visit 10:30 a.m. Common Service FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening Sunday Schools and use the reading 9:15 a.m. Call 482-0754 for information. Com - Col* Bottling company of W n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 11, 1972 7 Seminar to focus By KAREN ZURAWSKI on new transit systems State Newt Staff Writer to determine what wnulrfwould h.™ have to be k. done. Though no one has been appointed yet to represent the . # Increasing congestion in the medical complex and aesthetic and Westinghouse Transportation Center. University at the seminar the person chosen will be part of a refl°<'?f. were *wo m°tlvating concerns cited by Faverman who three-man panel composed also of members from Westinghouse, Alden and Airtrans project vehicles are being . gnectrum of alternate forms of urbantransit systems said I m excited about what the future holds for industry and built for practical application in Morgantown, W. Va., Dallas, 'e campus mass the Bureau of Transportation to focus of a transit seminar March 14 and 15 at Kellogg transit systems." generate discussion and ask Tex., and Tampa, Fla. The other four companies have begun questions. Siefert, noting that the systems were applicable to construction on demonstration systems for the 1972 k IIrban Transportation Technology," cosponsored by the medium-sized cities as The first day of the seminar is devoted to general topics, International Transportation Exposition at Dulles International JNe* Lansing, Grand Rapids and Flint, did not including the evolution of Bureau of Transportation, Dept. of Commerce ad MSU foresee a total campus system, however. automated urban transit systems, their Airport near Washington, D.C. in Mav. applications and their economy. ■^Michigan's first exposition and seminar about new urban "The cost would be all prohibitive, and I doubt if the On the second day, the seven transit hardware companies will Most of the systems have rubber-tired vehicles which run University would want it," he said. automatically along elevated tracks. The lightweight vehicles n^major translt hardware manufacturers will present and the seminar has also aroused the Interest of people from the make their presentations with models and even full-scale vehicles. diagrams and possibly carry from five to 20 passengers at speeds can ranging from 25 to 50 their wares to acquaint governmental officials and Depts. of Marketing and Transportation Administration, miles per hour. The companies involved include: individuals with the new urban transit systems which Electrical Engineering and Systems Science and Urban Plannin® Bendiz-Dashaveyor Co.; Ford Motor Co.; Alden Self-Transit Co.; Vought Aeronautics-Airtrans Ifnoeration ^ or will be operational by June 1,1972. and Landscape Architecture. 'II show that It's not all a dream and that something is Project; Varo Monocab, Inc., Transportation Technology, Inc., Rovert Siefert, University architect, said. J&fert and Gerald Faverman, asst. dean for research and Stafe Singers r .mait of the College of Osteopathic Medicine, are tiidly interested because they would like to see a "horizontal to give concert W' or a "people mover" like Fee Hall and the Life Science JheCo buildings are separated by the railroad tracks, and Kted transit is seen as speeding the movement between the an of Mozart, Bach save more ■buildings efficiently not only of people, but also of supplies The MSU State Singers will laboratory animals. r believe there Is some value in strategies other than Lbiles for moving people," Faverman said. Lh men agree that it is worthwhile to speculate five or 10 give a concert Sunday Auditorium. The 60 ■ in at the 8:15 p.m. Music voice mixed choir in February o the future, but point out that no study has been done will present a program which ranges from Mozart, Purcell and Bach to works Henry Llksinger to present Debussy, Paul Hindemith. Samuel Barber The group, conducted by and by trvice in word, music Kobert A. professor of music, Narris, associate goes on every spring break. Past tours tour .gjret MacArthur, a New England folk singer, will present ItMiated service of word and song with the Rev. Robert \ 10:30 a.m. Sunday at the Unitarian Universalist Church, [rove St., Lansing. have included the Eastern United States Midwest and colorful new Mn explained that the program, "Our Encounter with >' consists of a series of 10 reflections or meditations ponding to different stages in life. tween the written and spoken sections of the service, Ms. Irthur will sing songs that relate to the expressed thought, Theater to stage drama Dept. short sleeved "Turn, Turn, Turn," "Going Home" and "Amazing The MSU Theater Dept. will present "Slow Dance on the £ MacArthur, from Marlboro, Vt., sings a broad repertoire of Killing Ground," a drama by Longs, concentrating on these from New England. William Hanley, at 8:15 p.m., Ctead of a guitar, however, Ms. MacArthur plays a dulcimer, today and Saturday in the Arena lortnetked modem folk Instrument related to the guitar Theater at the Auditorium. I is held in the lap and plucked with the fingers. Tickets will be available at lere will be a reception after the service. the door for $1. le following employers will be interviewing J.L. Hudson Co.; Illinois Tool Works Inc.; I Feb. 21 through Feb. 25. March, June and Koehring Co.; Lpzwrus; Marshall Field & Co.; 1st graduates of all Minnesota Fabrics Inc.; Naval Ordinance degi^ev levels are eligible Laboratory; O'Neil's; Rike's; Saga Food ServiA Jterview unless otherwise indicated. Administration Corp.; Texaco Inc.; Westinghouse ■ you are interested in an organization, please A luxurious new fashion look in machine washable, ■up in the Placement Bureau Monday or at Electric Corp.; U.S. Dept. of the Treasury. no-iron Arnel ® triacetate knit. Exciting collection of t two school days in advance of the Feb. 24: Baxter Laboratories Inc.; Bedford ■viewing date. Public Schools; Cedar Point Inc.; Ciba - Geigy bright and light colors, jacquards, stripes and fancy idditional information is available in the Chemical Corp.; Dekalb; Doubletree Inns Inc.; solids. All short sleeved with popular medium spread, ent Bulletin posted each week at the Herman & MacLean; J.L. Hudson Co.; Kroger longer point collars in sizes 14^2 to 17. Stock up at this ■ment Bureau and in most departments, Co.; Lakeland Community College; Lazarus; great low price for a southern trip now, or for a cool, ■tudents are advised to interview with Michigan Dept. of Civil Service; Minnesota crease-resistant and comfortable new fashion look on lovers even though they have not completed Fabrics Inc., Mutual of New York; Paralegal the job this summer. Store for Men, main floor I military service. Many employers have Training Institute; L.D. Schreiber Cheese Co. ated an interest in Inc.; Westinghouse Electric Corp.; U.S. General Downtown and Meridian Mall. interviewing the student fc and after his duty with the Armed Forces. Accounting Office; U.S. Plywood Division. Feb. 25: Alexander Grant & Co.; American J*. 21: Jacobson Stores pion; Quaker Oats Inc.; Morse Chain Appraisal Co. Inc.; Baxter Laboratories Inc.; Co.; Texaco Inc.; gstown Sheet & Tube Co.; U.S. Dept. of the Cedar Point Inc.; Johnson Wax; Kroger Co.; Main Lafrentz & Co.; Montgomery Ward & Co.; R. J. Jfb. 22: Abraham & Straus; American School Reynolds Tobacco Co.; Southern Oakland Girl Hipan; Central Mutual Insurance Co.; Scout Counsel; U.F. School District No. 1; ■turners Power Co.; Elkhart Y.W.C.A. Summer Camp; U.S. Plywood Division. Community **; L.H. Field Co.; The following employers will be interviewing Himelhoch's; >d Corp.; Jewel Food foi summer employment;. Stores; Kellogg ■Lincoln National Life Insurance Feb. 22: Abraham & Straus; Himelhock's; Co.; Lord & V; Manufacturers National Bank; Midland Kellogg Co.; Lincoln National Life Insurance Co.; K Schools; Neisner Brothers Winkelman Stores Inc. Inc.; Rike's; Food Service Administration Feb. 23: Abraham & Straus; Doubletree Inns Corp.; Texaco I Thunderbird Graduate School of Inc. JUtional Feb. 24 Cedar Point Inc.; Doubletree Inns Inc. Management; Winkelman Stores ■Yellow Freight Systems Inc. Feb. 25 Cedar Point Inc.; Johnson Wax; Abraham & Straus; Atlantic Southern Oakland Girl Scout Counsel; YWCA ■neia Co.; Doubletree Inns Inc.; FMC Summer Camp. Corp.; ENJOY W0NDERFU men's brightly FOOD & COCKTAILS -rpAi DINNER MUSIC - WINES/— AlES CANW.ELI6HT striped cotton IN 010 W0RLD ATMOSPHERE Since 1861 1m Hosts — Stan & Mu Brmr specializing velour shirts GERMAN AND AMERICAN CUISINE "Smrtrateo Srtr fat" Reserve the WeinKeller now (up | ,??7NT.?WN lahsing I^MKI l""?** |"Sf,,i *»MH Parking Ramp «<»» H to 125) Party. for that Spring Term Bring yOUr Valentine to Brauer's FOR HESITATIONS that special dinner (A Polaroid icture will be taken with our Call IV 9-4311 regularly $1 6 ^compliments! Great looking softies for your leisure life. Casual shirts of lOO'/r plush cotton velour with long sleeves,contrasting solid color collar and £ Are you prepared for 4-button placket front. Horizontal stripes in a lively array of colorful combinations. S-M-L. Store for Men, main floor Downtown and Meridian Mall. the Unexpected? Guaranteed Purchased Options protect your I right to buy up to $90,000 of Life Insurance r regardless of what happens to you. All at cost that's unexpectedly low. Checl^ into it. ' I DONALDSON & ASSOCIATES Representing Central Life Assurince Co. / Iowa 351 1420 _____ Shop Saturday Downtown 10 to 5:30, Meridian Mall 10 to 9 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Frid»y, Februar SPORTS MSU RELAYS SCHEDULE, Titles up for grabs Lonfl Jump (Prelims & Fin-. Triple Jump (Prdlm. & Two Mil* Run . pjjj Section); Prelim, Fln.l, «„ 7o y^ ** in Spartan Relays By GARY KORRECK game being played by the 24 medley relay they may save Hurdles, 60 Yard Da* Yard Low fO Hurdles; Preli,J Yard Dash, Run, 1,000 Yard Ru * Shuttle Hurdle State News Sports Writer visiting coaches. All are holding Brown for those, as his 8:39 Mil* Run (First , at least one ace; and all are open two-mile time should be i ^ Section) Who s on nrst. waiting for someone else to play good enough to qualify him for g Pole Vault Lou Costello familiar sports s first> the NCAA finals. s 7:30 Two Mile Run query may perhaps be amended jn the meantime, the 0ne man who ghould be 7:45 Distance Medley ReUv "Wholl ^?k1 ?f individual guest list Is getting easier to keep track of Is MSU's 8 300 Yard Dash fhrst^ when innl^urf8 t« denials and additions than J()hn Morr|80n, who'll be Shot Put silurd.y', mX' sKL Jk US, r°"e' °' "" ?0llCM",n■ "» •» »«" High Jump relays. Shuttle Hurdle Last year there were over 6 Relay entries In tne High School Mile relays, of which a field of vaulters who have M rrav .n season long and his 600 Yard Run 300 were actual p^ticlpants, and thU year promises at least as approached 16-feet remain, Wallck who goes 17, Is traveling Jf0Te UrttriouW be an 60 Yard Dash ma"y" excellent p|aCe to catch them. 1000 Yard Run . . to Houston where the jumpers it Even more confusing is the higher. co higher. go Morrison will also stride for John Morrison Doug nroirn "who's who", "who's who' or "who Isn't", Dave Wottle, a four-minute the shuttle hurdle relay team, Spring Medley Relay (Two Si 70 Yard High Hurdles miler from Bowling Green has which has gone 29.6 in Its only also decided to vacate In favor of outing this year but coach Fran Two Mile Relay Houston. Dittrlch said, "they're better 70 Yard Low Hurdles Young Men's Badgers Bill Tipton, a heralded high school hurdler a few years and now a late bloomer back in than that." He may be bluffing, but few of the 25 coaches have as many Mile Run College Mile Relay University Mile Relay college, Is supposed to come and aces to work with as Dittrlch Long Sleeve Sweaters run for his school: Eastern does. tmwwmimwju test for Michigan. Tipton has been running for the Huron Track NEED TOP PERFORMANCES club, though, and there is a The heat is on the MSU champion under tow In Tom question concerning his 7.50 fencers at 10 a.m. Saturday in Gialmo, who won the 1971 title, eligibility. Madison. Wis., as they face "We'll have to take a The relays have also Inspired powerful Wisconsin and wait-and-see attitude towards an unintended guest in Big Ten Wisconsin - Parkside. Wisconsin had been rated as a Wisconsin," Schmitter said, "They might be tough and I triple jump champ Patrick Onyango, of Wisconsin, who has Tankers face tough OSl big factor in the Big Ten race think they have good balance, decided not to go wherever his early in the fall by Spartan Any unevenness on our part team is going and, instead, has By STEVE STEIN is "as good as anybody. On lately, and according to Fi Fill in your wardrobe now with a few Coach Charles Schmitter could hurt us. If everyone is up become a last minute entry in State News Soorti Writer a good day, he can beat anybody had the only good swim 111 Wisconsin, as of Feb. 5, does to par, well have a chance his specialty. In the world In the one-meter." Spartan loss to Indian f extra sweaters at a savings. Carefree, appear to have some weak against the Badgers." Even MSU is getting into the toiwhM. home dual The swimming events will be weekend, in the 200-buttJ points. The Badgers' record Wisconsin - Parkside has been act, with Eric Allen, second to swjmming meet competition very cloee, with previous times Winfleld is also the topi stands at 5-4 in meet In existence since 1969 and its Onyango outdoors last spring, COmes to East Lansing Saturday 9howin« osu to have j"8t » tanker in the 50-freestyle.wl comfortable, washable Orion acrylic crew competition. Epee is the weakest fencing teams have been listed as a "possible" participant, afternoon as Ohio State's s^B^t advantage. However, he holds the top time oil weapon with a record of 34-47 annually tough. The Spartans Anen has been working out Buckeves meet the SDartan several events could be decided season of:22. while the BadgerIger strength lies in edged mem iasi year, 14-13, eugea themlastyeg, it-io, in a some since football season and gome tankers" In tankers the Men's ln the Men's IM pool by less than a second. IM dooI Spartan junior Ken Winfield four teams that willaretwoof| necks and turtlenecks in MSU and OSU< a variety of styles foil and sabre. Foil has a record meet described by Schmitter as may) or may not, be ready heolnnine at 2 d m be st of 61-20 and has the 1970 Big going "right down to the Saturday. «w„ *d too oerformances has been the 1)681 MSU swimmer for third place in the Hjl including ribs and patterns. M, L, XL. Ten foil champion in Ned be The MSU starters in foil will Upon ^closer scrutiny, the sSUSSJ meet early in March. "Their Cohen. Sabre's record is 44-37 and it also has Big Ten Jr. ^hw»rtzJ1S4) Jim situation becomes more swimmlng Scieszka, Robin Luce and Chris confused. savs co^h Ui'ck Fetters »Qur swimmers are all for third place i interesting," Fetters r Hi? hav^Sed^Rov^aS^I Take th® two^ile' f(? awa^ of it, and I think that "This will be a good few IkL W Hi »nrf Jii example, where Tennessee s we'U swim very well." battle." n^k n»v?Tn^f^n will hS 0008 Brown 866,118 a sho6"in OSU brings a 6-1 dual meet The Buckeyes probably I JUMES sabre JJ?™ Tom,inS°n reserve 1)6 winner.If Tennessee has any interest and 2-l Big Ten record into the the edge because of their df Jacobson's In the two-mile in relay or distance meet, while the MSU tankers are iloo^ng for their sixth overall dua} meet victory against three,, team, and Wisconsin, MSU J Minnesota are also involve the struggle. Shop ITEMS OUT OF losses, and their foufth lliiseotec] conference triumph against three PAWN Another of OSU'i | defeats. *• swimmers is senior ( FOR SALE! The Buckeyes possess a Schmidt, who swims'] ♦Guns * Rifles 'Watches strong diving team and their best 200-individual medley a ♦Musical Instruments JACOBSON'S OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL NINE •Diamond Rings ^ swimmer is the versatile Reed 230-butterfly. Schmidt's I At Least 500 Other Items 9 Slevin, who swims the 50 and Spartan opposition intheDr §100 freestyle, the Alan DiUey and Jeff Lanini,! £ 200-backstroke and the has the best time of the q Electronic Engine DANCE • 200-individual medley. Spartan diving coach John of 2:01.39, and from W the butterfly, where Winfk 0 Narcy's divers will challenge the his seasonal best time of 1:5| from 9-1:30 0 Bucks squad, especially last weekend. Diagnosis sophomore Mike Cook on the a KEN WINFIELD Jim Beahren is schedi 2 one-meter board, who Fetters oppose Winfield inj to the 50-freestyle, and f Shawn Sentz Is the top And Tune-up MEET THE MAN FROM SOLAR! distance freestyler agaist St sounds of "A dynamic approach to the Occult" John Thuerer and Paul V" Big Ten breastroke d INCLUDES: Lanini's top Buckeye q 1) CHAMPION PLUGS 6) SET CARBURETOR ON REQUEST At the is senior Gary Grunau. SEVERE HANDS 2) DELCO POINTS 7) SET EMISSION CONTROL SYS Last season, 3) DELCO CONDENSOR UNIVERSITY INN 4) ADJ TIMING TO MAX. EFFICIENCY - Trowbridge Rd. MSU barely, 64-59, ud| FEB; 13, AT 7:00 P.M. The Spartans tankers would! 5) ADJ. DWELL nothing more than to evail 95 95 Be Good To Yourself founder of self-reliance co¬ 28 8 cyl 24 AIR CONDITIONED CARS ADD $2.00 6 cyl "Enjoy a Pitcher of Sangria" operative farm in Northern Mich, will lecture on "Education In The New Age & The Re-appearance of score with the Buckeyes. MSU wraps up its season meets next weekend against | duil i witnB Northwests® East of Dines of Lansing the World Avatar. No Admission!! Ohio and will take a WJ Roberts Automotive Center 321 East Michigan break while preparing forftf Ten Swimming and B AT THE CORNER OF GRAND RIVER & PARK LAKE RD. Ample Parking in Rear ALL YOU NEED IS AN OPEN MIND!! Championships March 2, Just before the viaduct to Okemos at MSU. 3rd Annual SPRING Hobie HOLIDAY TO Five winners will receive a Hobie Holiday for two EUROPE at Schuss Mountain. Entry blanks available at Hobie's Listen to the Hobie's Hour SPRING BREAK FLIGHT TO LONDON $180 No purchase necessary. on WVIC for complete details CALL UNION BOARD 1-4 PM AT 353-9777 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Ffidar. ftbru,, Michigan SPORTS 'S' gymnasts Cagers visit lowa;i Indiana op eye .500 plateau By THOM GATES important factor in the Big Ten last year by only .2 of a point By RICK GOSSELIN in scoring Willi a tu poini siraignt 30 point State News Sports Writer Championship. and ISU will be out to avenge State News Sports Editor average and is hitting bom dose Spartans as MSU art !HflS * C A MAWAAMt /\f Kid oknto Imam. uaJ^ffW01 ( /\f li. 1_1 U/a of his shots from performcr^such8asM?al lTround to .50 percent of Its lat four « . ( 7LS CnaSweeWkendbe^ Indiana State is led by The shoe fits for the MSU the floor,•or. As as a guard, ne a guara, he Keys keys hit ror nit for 21 points77k poinU Jwh ^1 are £ inc nl t hev y travel to Tme Haute'■' man, will do as many as 18 national champ Dave Seal on the basketball team. the entire Hawkeye offense, against Illinm.^ - Indiana for a Friday night meet routines in less than two days," still rings. Seal has been team captain Charlie Morse averaging a high 9.4 on the In Big Ten seasons of Williams is also deadly from the providing the Soar! 1 with Indiana State. Then on commented. "It takes a lot of season and an interesting battle previous yeare, If the Spartans free throw line standing third In momentum for the i " Saturday morning they travel to lost a few games early, they the conference, missing only "Mike's play physical endurance to do well could develop between he and . Bloomington, Indiana for an throughout the whole meet. This MSU's Morse. Morse reached his would passively sit back and four shots in 31 attempts. was artful"™* afternoon meet with Indiana, TTradw Zht'Trt will w«*e„d »" ■» »' 93 »«k «»" watch as everyone took Williams hit for 40 hits in commented after tS.' advantage of MSU's underdog Iowa's upset of nationally game. "He reallv n.» st.rt .1 7 30 P* star at I. D m* Tnd the team's strength." The Indiana State unit that is steadily The improvrin,. Sycamores also have a role. But this year's team Is ranked South Carolina and out there." ,puto» Saturday a thg Spartans wju face on FViday different. poured in 35 In the Hawkeye Bill Kilgore is the strong horse team which is led Being an underdog Is nice Joss to Michigan. of the Ganakas scori J Having' two meets less than night is another top notch team, by Ed Slezak and Ken Murphy. Rated number five in the Slezak is averaging 9.2 on the only when you win. And of the Kunnert is also a consistent Kilgore played one "r"1 19 hours apart is very tiring. ato nation, the Sycamores have a year while Murphy is scoring three MSU conference wins this scoring threat, averaging over 16 games of the season ■ With the travel involved between season, two have come while the points per game. The Fighting mini TuecH^ the two meets it will be even team average of 158.83 as 9.1. Spartans had the underdog garb seven-footer is as deadly at the 21 points and conwk'1 compared to a 155.175 average Coming off a big win over on. Indiana was first to fall and a other end of the court as well as rebounds. Kileore good test of the '<>''«>" gymnasts SP"*?- MSU IlHnoi., the Hooslere of Indian, upset the Sycamores have high hopes of defeating the brilliant effort against Illinois he Is the conference's second 12 from the «, fi0Ml1' Spartans' endurance, has moved the Spairtans to leading rebounder, pulling down percentage like an Spartans. "Our squad is an improving within one game of .500. over 14 bounds an outing. anybody. that°^i MSU will get a chance to Another kev unit and in last week's meet . reach that plateau when it faces If the Spartans and the IlUnois win LBRAMS NOW scored 4.65 points higher than Iowa in Iowa City Saturday at Hawkeyes get involved in an effort from the free m ' was the < we have all season," coach Jim ^ i Brown of IU stated. "The team 7:30 p.m. The Spartans, if one out-and-out shootout, Ganakas MSU, which had beenmm PflR SHOWING showed signs of peaking and we goes by the records thus far this will be the favorite in the will have a pair of six shootere better averages from tk that he can depend on. than from the tlx hope for a real good meet with season, game. But MSU isnt accustomed Mike Robinson, a name throughout the"year chari™ MSU." Indiana's hopes lie in a strong to the top seed and with Iowa's becoming well known in college on 15 of 18 free throw*!! I ring team comprised of Benny ^ upset victory over Ohio State basketball circles, has his average than provide that 1(1 ^ h and Landy Fernandez and Jack pp* Tuesday night, the game could on the rise as he plotted three victory bulge. ^ / I • C Malmedahl. IU will also provide in fact be rated a toss-up. MSU is tough competition for the league play and 10-7 overall. Iowa is 2-5 In the Spartans in the parallel bars and side horse with the men competing. same three conference and 8-9 on season. the Twellman Iowa is extremely tough at ADMISSION PRICES Beal Film Group presents home, having size and cage savvy to win on any given night against Atlanta's | PROGRAM SCHEDULE Pat Miller (35) looks bit disgusted as he comes down any given team, as proven first pick a ADULTS $1.00 FR1 8:00 & 10:00 p.m. SAT. 2:30, 8:00, & 10:00 p.F MSU Students (I.D.). . . 75c TONIGHT and empty handed against Indiana's Steve Downing (32) in a Tuesday against the then first SUN 4:00 p.m. Children (5-12) 50c game played two weeks ago in Jenison. place Buckeyes. No Pre - Schoolers Admitted SATURDAY State News photo by Jeff Wilner "Iowa's got two really Steve Twellman, center halfback for the MSU senior Is our planet being visited by spacecraft controlled by impressive players," MSU Coach Gus Ganakas said. "Rick soccer team this past season, intelligent cieatures from another world? Explore with us in 111 Olds Hall Williams is a terrific outside was selected by Atlanta in the the possibilities of highly developed life forms on other planets. Witness dramatic demonstrations of some shooter and a great, great first round of the North American Soccer League te specific timi mysterious UFO accounts and learn some basic types of observations to perform when you see an "unknown in One Item FREE ballhandler. He's an excellent passer and shoots a lot from the draft Wednesday. He was one ,hesk> " FOLLOWING 8 and outside. When he hits, he's really of 35 collegians chosen in the f 10 p.m. SHOWS THE ALBUM On a large trouble. professional draft. Twellman was named to UFO ENDS A Nod Is As Good As "Kevin Kunnert is impressive if only because he stands seven the first - team all - Midwest MARCH 12th A Wink. Horse . .To A Blind ®>' Rod Stewart (16 inch) feet tall. He's a shot blocker and squad and to the second team all • Amercian unit - I Faces has a nice touch on his shot. : - earlier this month, for his fine WILL BE PLAYED PIZZA with this He's improved a lot from last year," Ganakas added. play this season with the 7 - 2 STEVE TWELLMANl Williams is number six in the 1971 Spartan team. Be?.'! Film Group Presents — coupon. . • " ■ V ->• for persons over 18 yrs. of age JACQUE Expires Feb. 17, 1972 LINE (MAC Avenue Store Only) Some people will say BISSET annual rod FREE DELIVERY MSU will hold its I The new intercollegiate rodeo on fl classic 351-8870 - 27 in the Judging PaviliJ cops and rodeo will feature top cop robbers flic IDOMIIMO'S riders from other IT schools and man} schools. ^ Im.a.c. avenue Satisfaction Performances \ BULLITT I Restaurant DELIVERY p.m. Feb. 25; at 1 and Feb. 26; and at 2 p.m. IV ■ There are only 2,200 J goes too far. We don't 1 THE Place for Pizza! UHRANIffB color — 7 and 9:30 351-8870 the Judging Pavilion an' are at a premium, f* rodeo was a sellout. think so. Tickets can be o E.H.A. Presents: the Judging PavilionJ Beef Sandwich $1.09 Camera Shop and Stables in Ma at W Directors All tickets will cost 1 Is the film that dares to Beal Film Group presents TONIGHT & SAT. in 104 B Wells BREAK the LAW of the Jungle Series fl 3-RING GIREUS TORN F0R ADULTS CURTAIN and ,mi m cup grw LEE MARNIE MCI rated - , Tonight and Sat. in ELVIRA MA DIG AN- 107 S. Kedzie ADULTS & FfUNNY I 7:30 'Perhaps the most beautiful movie in history" ~ theASIC YORKhR 109 S. Kedzie TRADER HORNEE was made 8:30 "Exquisite is the only first word that surges in my mind as an by, with & description of this exceptional film. Its color is absolutely gorgeous.' for ADULTS! NO person under 18 will be 1 of music and, equally admitted. ALL PERSONS MUST HAVE eloquent, of silences and sounds is beyond v I.D All patrons will be required to show description. The performances are perfect, that is the only word.' - Bosley Crowther, !*■ >• proof of age. May well be the most beautiful film ever made" Newtweek Admission $1.25 106B Wells Showtimes 7:00 • 8:45 • 10:30 Shown in I A Beal Film Group Extravaganza Showings at 7, 8:40 and 10:20 Admission $1.00 104 B Weill Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 11, 1972 |j ,rt L collection of art exhibit: little more than brand names from he painting but It Is I ltute - now on display n hardly and there are other artiste In the synthesis of organic, crystalline representative of what Also showing are prints by &Oillery-P«'hiP* makes world. The historical importance and geometric elements. The aggressively curious and active. The »hows run until Feb. 27. Anusklewcz Minna Citron. Her works are ?, characterized by Ita American art. The important to of the name should not quality of the work is in the represented in the collections of Her art la not afraid of Hours are from 9 to 12 ajn. and ftLon of signatures. Namea basically dichromatic. The painting is overcome the visual importance articulate blending of these the National experiment, which Is a 1 to 5 P-m- Monday through Kin Arp, R°y Llchenatlan, optical activity of the work Is of the work. elements. The prints and Museum of Modern Gallery, the Art and the considerable event for a woman in her 70s. >nd from 7 to 9 p.m Tuesday. The gallery is open Anusklewcz and Andy limited by the There is also a collection of etchings are done with aquatint Whitney Museum of American K,! »re Included. chromaticity prints by Jan Gelb. Her work is a on zinc and copper. Both the prints of Jan Gelb from 2 to 5 p.m. on Saturdays parameter. Art to mention a few. Her art is and Minna Citron are for sale. nice to have a Much of the value of his work ®nd Sundays. a, of names, but I'm not la In optical effect. What sense lm?ed it Is important enough then does it make to have Ijtlfy the expenditure. When an Pictures' solos expensive Anusklewcz that is director buys art by the not an Anusklewcz. I Sme he may be taken by I,«ne kinds of marketing lioms the consumer faces. quality, not simply its external painting only approaches meaning of the man's work. It may be that many of these That the By JOHN MclNTYRE never rise above the level of here in "Baba uneven Hhls art is historically aignlflcance. A collection like this is then production works are mass Reviewer gimmickry. Sage" he essays Yaga." In "The vocal with is undistinguished, and his bass album worthwhile, but there is Irtant then it deserves a a playing is rarely more than little else to recommend it. produced because they are Greg Lake is an uneven minimal instrumental I in a gallery. But ofteh the often dysfunctional. It cannot marketable. Witness Warhol's vocalist. With King Crimson he with support adequate. His lyrics for Juat to prove that Keith fc which a gallery can afford afford the historically important Emerson, Lake and Palmer's used two basic styles: Smooth disappointing results. As an "Pictures" are better than his Emerson is not the only one involvement with his art; it is a newest LP instrumentalist, which is how he lot those that are paradigms' pieces, only the name. And monetary involvement. We can undertaking. is an ambitious ("Epitaph") and raucous ("Cat spends most of his time with usual job, but that is damning combining classical music and ■the artists' important often second-rate work by a first hardly blame an artist for selling wrote the Moussorgsky Food".The first style he can Emerson and Palmer, Lake adds with faint praise. In essence Emerson, Lake and rock, ELP throw In Kim libutions to art. rate artist is still second-rate his work, but we can blame original piano handle well as he does here in Fowley's "Nutrocker" as an ■ gallery should also collect work. a composition in 1874. The 1971 nothing but the gimmick of Palmer are the Nice with better encore to end the album. gallery for buying. "The Great Gates of Kiev" while playing three types of guitar. His letlcaily, it should collect An example is the painting by There is too much good art superstars used less than half of the author's the second usually fails as it does acoustic and electric guitar work vocals and more gimmicks. Emerson's Moussorgsky was luckier than at Is art by virtue of Its Richard Anusklewcz. It is a good that is also text, added lyrics playing makes the Tchaikovsky. reasonably priced art, and new movements and played the piece on instruments Moussorgsky never dreamed of. 2ND WEEK! Because "Pictures at an >nefit showing planned Exhibition" is one of the first concerts Emerson, Lake and Palmer worked on together, the f 21# amott m. oamtrom Feature at 1:20-3:25 - limited success they achieved with it is laudable indeed. The problems with the album are the "4THE TOUCH' help fund film library problems inherent in Emerson, Lake and Palmer as So far, the a group. supergroup is a work every bit as mature and mysterious as concept (where stars earn status I benefit film showing will take place to raise university, has the money to get film in one group then form another anything Ingmar Bergman has fc to establish a film library and obtain prints the quantity prints in desired," Wright said. group with other stars) has seen Universities In the Big Ten and the University The idea was felt to be a good one, however, two approaches develop: The done in the last few years!" ago, R. Glenn Wright, associate professor and the Committee on Institutional Cooperation supergroup can play together in —Richard Schickel, Lift Magazine .in Morrill College said recently, was contacted to a group context (Cream and investigate the possibility of jtitlvely scheduled for Fleb. 22 In 108B operating inter Blind Faith) or the members can [Ran for the showing Is h double feature of added. an - Institutional effort, Wright take turns "Ingmar Bergman's 'The Touch* Is soloing (Crosby, the best film about love he has Ifrom Charlie Chaplin, Betty Boop, and W. Through a series of meeting at O'Hare Stills, Nash and Young.) fields movies and a full length Laurel and International Airport In Chicago, the schools' Emerson, Lake and Palmer chose ever made."- QIHlait. The New Yorker k picture, he said. Slmlllarefforts are being dual the second method and approach to the problem was worked out. ran into ken by other schools cooperating In the Through one program the various schools are the basic problem with that "Bergman'e 'Tha Touch', now loaning films in their possession to each approach: The quality of the 'The Touch' la other at a cost of $5 solos. a fascinating per film, this contrasts with as brilliant |k specific times for the showings have not the usual $40 to $150 charged by film Keith There is no difficulty with aa tha baat plctura to placa Emerson. Anybody who In Bergman'a companies, Wright said. of hla j establishment of the cooperative film Another approach involves the could keep the Nice going would gallery of benefit raeant filma. jy will culminate efforts begun four years showings to raise the funds necessary to establish have to be a master. An amazing Conaummata haunting |rhen Justin Morrill College proposed an the library and a $26,000 grant has also been keyboard player and unmatched experiences ided film library on campus, showman, Emerson is also the artistry!" applied for through an agency of the and youra." ft were told that the University, that no arts, he best —Piaytey Mtfuin* noted. Moog player in rocvk, even If some of his solos in "Pictures" fngmur Bergman's first English language motion picture starring Elliott Qould, Bibi Andersson, Ma* fori Svdou "TJv Touch" Presented by ABC Pictures Corp. Down/own i coJor i RHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHA lesday on the sixth floor of North Hubbard Hall when she ed and hit her head on the floor. Police were called, and after nistering first aid, took her to the University Health Center, lis released after receiving treatment. PRESENTS TORE SECURITY AGENTS In the MSU Bookstore In the rational Center I apprehended a student for shoplifting at Wednesday. Police said the student had allegedly stolen lll| GATCH-22 pjn. use and pieces of candle scent worth $3. His case has been Ted to the county prosecutor. ***** love, peace, marie i FIRE HOSE and nozzle with an estimated value of $62 were »sometime before Monday from the third floor of Snyder IS THE MOST MOVING, MOST INTELLI¬ Police said they have no suspects. ***** GENT,THE MOST HUMANE - OH, TO HELL ANITARY NAPKIN DISPENSERS In women's restrooms In WITH IT! - IT'S THE BEST AMERICAN Student Services Building, Kedzie Hall, Berkey Hall, and Wells were broken into sometime Wednesday or earlier police FILM I'VE SEEN THIS YEAR! *t. Police said the total damage and loss of coins for all the It comes as close to being an epic human hlne was estimated at $6.75. Police indicated they have no comedy as wts. Hollywood has ever made! Alan Arkin as Yossarian provides the film with its continuity and dominant style ***************** Arkin is a deadly serious actor, he projects intelligence with such mono-maniacal intensity, he is both funny FOR A FEW and heroic at the same time. Nichols remains, as he was before, one of our finest directors." ~v,ncTyc™« .DOLLARS MORE: "IT'S ONE HELL OF A FILM! A COLD, SAVAGE AND CHILLING COMEDY! Firmly establishes Nichols' place in the front rank of m jr J American directors." bruce williamson, playboy "Viewing Arkin is like watching Lew Alcindor sink baskets Bobby Fischer play chess. A virtuoso player entering his or richest period! A triumphant performance!" -time magazine wood/tech ,£UNT SRV oiiimbyinichael , LEE Jt&DKUH wadleigh • produced by bob "ANCLEI 535rWBJUSA«l. RICIUIIOBfKJAMK.UTHMtGARfUWl JACTEUFWO.BUCKW* SfflWMfT, MnNmrttMae mmapkntbs mmtmstKtw jwvowiu ORSONWEUfS uoftttu : j r- maurice production • technicolor® from • a wadleigh-mauricejtd. tmimmvmmi w«ctedb> mm mcwis ,:J s opyri»M ® 1969 m«|num photoi, Inc. -- ——— - warner « - - - bros. Tonight in Wilson Aud. 7, 9:30 Tonight in Conrad Aud. 6:45, 9:55 Sat. in Conrad Aud. 7, 9:30 Sat. in Wilson Aud. Sun. in McDonel Kiva 6:45, 9:55 8:00 Students, faculty, and staff only irkk ^n,,hment of - 8:35 I.D.'s required $1.00 admission Notre •otre Dame - 7. 10:15 7, $100 J rharh^rharharharharharh/warharharha 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan F"day, Fehn, Work By RICK WILBINS areas the slightest thing went wrong." at art center design etching, soldering and Building and that their on them. Also, the emergency called fan. The silicone particles are State News Staff Writer Public Safety Inspector Carl burnishing were being carried mechanical condition be shutoff valve is located in a often inhaled by students. Eigenauer said that he did not through the room. He investigated. difficult - to - reach spot behind • Lifting equipment is Poorly ventilated rooms, full consider conditions to be recommended "point - of work" An investigation by the State the kilns. It does not work, inadequate; only one chain lift is of acid fumes and rickety kilns dan gerous, but that hoods exhaust hoods be News also revealed: however. provided. make working in some areas of improvements must be made as installed. * Acid baths in the etching • The Kresge Annex Building • The kiln blower is • the Kresge Art Center soon as possible. He indicated Exhaust fumes in the room are uncovered, allowing is overcrowded with sculpture disruptively loud. dangerous, according to several that the Dept. of Public Safety is ceramics area were being nitric and hydrochloric acid materials and projects. The hazardous conditions in art students. investigating the problem areas circulated through the building's fumes to circulate throughout Ventilation is inadequately the Kresge Art Center have been "We're forced to work in and is searching for solutions. fresh air vents because the room. In addition, the acid pro. ded by one fan. recognized by the faculty and unhealthy conditions much of He said, however, that ventilation was inadequate. Also, baths are not located under a • Poisonous lead oxide gas students for several years, the time," Ann Schick, Bath correcting the problems would the kilns' location presented a hood fan because a wall released when firing metals in Margaret Yuill, professor of art, senior, said. "Students working take more time and money than potential hazard to the building: separator has been placed there. two furnaces in the room is said, but nothing has been done on jewelry are inhaling acid students might expect. an explosion in the kilns could • The three kilns in the circulated through the room until just recently. fumes every day because there Eigenauer investigated the damage a large area surrounding ceramics area need repair. before being drawn out. Last fall, 85 ceramics isn't adequate ventilation in the areas last November. In a report the ceramics room. Makeshift repairs have been • While sand - blasting, students signed an open letter room." requested by president Wharton He recommended the kilns be made, but the kilns could silicone particles fill the air and to department chairman Roger "In the ceramics area," she he found: moved to the Kresge Annex collapse if too much strain is put are not drawn up through the Funk charging, among other • Room 201, where continued, "the kilns are in such jewelry- things, that the kiln area was bad shape that they could is made, was inadequately unsafe. collapse or explode any time if ventilated. Fumes produced in Eigenauer investigated the problem areas in November at Lansing Juvenile Funk's request. Eigenauer's findings were forwarded to President Wharton Dec. 10. Wharton, who was seeks overseas until early January, did activity not and reply until after MSU Schick Jerry Lapp, East Lansing senior, wrote him to ask that the Explosive issue This is one of the kilns in Kresge Art Center The following requests have other activities for a couple of learn. He's looking for a tutor in conditions be immediately that liashJ been made for volunteers to give pointed out by students to be a health hazard. Aimf hours either night. reading and spelling to give him investigated, a little of their time to help David's mother doesn't have a a hand on weekends or in the Wharton told them that Vice problem occurs from the inadequate ventilation of J someone. If any of these interest car to take him to get his allergy evenings. The man who President Roger Wilkinson and rooms in which acids are used. A Dept. of Public s2i you or if you want to see what else is available, call the shots at the hospital twice week. If they had the money, a volunteers for this must be Provost John E. Caution were inspection confirmed that there was a need 1 patient and have self-direction in immediately investigating the improvement of conditions. Volunteer Bureau at 353-4400. they could take a cab or a bus. aiding and assessing his progress, conditions. State News photo by The Lansing Juvenile Home is they they just can't afford it. Craig Pa starting a recreational program They need someone with a car on Monday and Wednesday who is available sometime ^n VA ltH H ET A Hit I? B evenings. The juvenile home is a Tuesday morning and/or Friday uRDiil'S TO IrK#%■ I VKIrfcIC security institution for kids who afternoon, are under the jurisdiction of the Several Spanish - speaking probate court and going to a people enrolled in Englisi' gym away from the home could language classes through Adult reaily be beneficial to them. Basic Education are having a Ecology panel planned Both men and women volunteers hard time learning the language are needed. The volunteers and need someone to help, them would play ping pong, during or after classes (which basketball, trampoline, and run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) This is a good chance for someone to By JONATHAN KAUFMAN It will also be able to conduct investigations, studi State News Staff Writer use their knowledge of Spanish hearings, and make reports to the city council andl to help another person. Local environmental groups will draft a proposed ordinance departments on the environmental impact of city j brownie troop from projects. siting up an Environmental Quality Commission for East Sheridan Road School is looking The commission willalsohave the power to Lansing. bring suit un for a volunteer to assist the Michigan Environmental Protection Act against public andiJ A straw 0f ab0ut 17 environmental group representatives leader on Tuesday afternoons. activities that threaten natural resources. Olson added thl at a meeting Wednesday night in Edgewood United Church on Sheridan Road School is located Hagadorn Road favored this proposal over five others presented threat of instituting a costly lawsuit gives the commissi] in the north side of Lansing and power of settlement out of court as well. has a high concentration of kids by james M oison, an East Lansing attorney, The group8 included E-QUAL, the MSU Sierra Club from ADC homes. Spanish In the event that a conflict arises with the city, he said,s| Committee, the Michigan Student Environmental Confederation counsel can be retained instead of the city attorney. speakers might be of special help and Citizens for Environmental Action. The meeting was to the troop. Members of the commission will be elected or appoint* The meetings last from about sponsored by the Committee for Environmental Quality in East the public at large, and it will be separate from the city pli Lansing. . commission. 3:15 to 4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. - >- The proposed commWon will be similar to the East Lansing- Rudy is a 40-year-old man Relations Commission set up in 1963, Olson add, except who is learning to read. He is Human Other proposals that were considered included: gettinJ that It will have additional powers beyond education and enabling legislation passed to increase the home rule pow very sensitive to not being tble promotion. East Lansing; repealing or amending ordinance 64 (which® to read but he really wants to the city planning commission) to set up a new p1 commission that would specifically consider environ considerations, setting up an Environmental Quality Cod similar to the one In Meridian Township (which meets | month and after six moths proposes ordinances to tt council), or starting an Environmental Quality Coalition,! would be a private citizens' group that could be set up if tB council rejects the proposed ordinance for the commission.I An ad hoc committee appointed after the meeting wll Monday to draft the proposed ordinance. It will also pn questionnaire on East Lansing environmental problems M be distributed to East Lansing residents and MSU studentiB lOiOO Sun: 2:00,4:00,6:00,8 Frl - Sat Twl IAdultl 90c 5:30 - 6:00 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••a**** 'THE COMPANY" PRESENTS Now As A Musical pg "A violent man and thjnflS. a gentle woman who made the mistake of PO HoufTo Succeed 7^ ^ 1 trying to Frl: 5:30, 7:45, 9:5*5 ♦ ess without reall in business really trying care for other Sat: 1:15, 3:20, A IHK 5)30, 7:45, 9:55 f 5:30, 7:45, 9:55 ' ~ " peOple. Sat: 1:00, 3:15, 5:30, 7:45, 9:55 Sun: 1:45,4:00,6:15,8:20 Frl - T«l.l »• Hr Adult* OOr BjOO - 5:30 aSun: 2:15 Ev«:6:00, f Frl - Sat Twl -Lit* Hr. Adults 90c 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. raw IN McDONEL KIVA - FEB. 10, 11,12 IN WONDERS KIVA FEB. 17,18 19 4th EXCITING WEEK! - 5:00 matinee Friday & Saturday Open 1:00 P.M. IN WONDERS KIVA - FEB. 20 Shows 1:30 3:30 5:30 7:30 9:30 - - - TICKETS AT THE DOOR "A FILM OF ALMOST FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY ONLjj "irSABOUT TIME SOMETHING LIKE THIS WAS SHOWN!" INCREDIBLE SUSPENSE! It includes among a great many chilling delights, the most brilliantly executed LAUGH AT disorganized "IT'S A BIG COME-ON! NOT chase sequence I have ever seen. A very good new kind of movie CRIMED composed of such ancient material as cops and crooks, with thrills and WHAT IT PRETENDS TO BE." chases, and lots of shoot 'em up. It moves at magnificent speed." — Roo»r flraantpun, N«w York Tlmat IHE "SHOWS THAT MAKING LOVE IS WINNER OF 2 GOLDEN GLOBE AWARDS: GANG BEST PICTURE & BEST ACTOR iSIOT LIKE SHAKING HANDS." nui "ITS 1ERRIBLE THAT THEY SHOW MOVIES LIKE THIS- I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" LiulLUH shoot f "I THOUGHT IT WAS TERRIFIC iLULLLLlu ■|08 METROCOLOfl •HAD A REAL MEANING!" "A LOT OF FANCY WORDS TO SHOW WHAT IS GjOfci&lUi) Bfsasysr REALLY AN EROTIC MOVIE!" (X) NO ONE UNDER 18 ADMITTED THE FRENCH CONNECTION 20TH CENTURY-FOX PRESENTS "THE FRENCH CONNECTION' A PHILIP D'ANTONI PRODUCTION SU.HW GENE HACKMAN FERNANDO REY ROY SCHEIOER TONY LO BIANCO MARCEL BOZZUFFI i State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 11, 1972 13 COGS quietly works to aid constituency By BECKIE HANES State News Staff Writer ^mi i ■ ' / NEWS ANALYSIS representing fewer students, COGS' image is low - key. Many breakthrough since Graduate Council had MSU an undergraduate body, does not hold a monopoly problems that are brought to COGS are settled within a student member and after COGS one nonvoting graduate formed in October 1969, ■dent government at MSU, as many may believe. The constituency are older, frequently married and more department and do not require University action or approval, they have moved up to five voting members. was 'I of Graduate Students (COGS) is the graduate student difference lies in their settled, the Minkel said. Graduate students are also farther along in their style, not their function or activities. After this major feat, COGS began to investigate other areas. rt with the same (Unctions on campus only at the Buclmer said, however, that profession and are concerned with issues which affect them COGS needs to publicize itself Tuition and fees, graduate assistant rights, the more directly, he added. foreign language Many graduate students come to ASMSU with mbeiTof COGS just seem to serve their constituency less problems and we have to direct them to COGS," he said. their At their last two meetings COGS has discussed the nominating requirement, stipends and parking occupied the minutes of their first meetings. They are just less flamboyant than committee, the student loan program, Day Care Center Last spring, COGS and the Graduate Council finished the ^organizations have the same purpose. ASMSU serves its we are," he added. Scholarships, a graduate student survey in the spring to get document called "Graduate Rights and Responsibilities" that has Ituency with a variety of services while providing a means of and their dlffe1ren.Ce'"lso budget. COGS serves "to ,n the size of their constituency insurance program feedback, parking problems, the recent been implemented. The document also defines the benefits nicati<>n for undergradueates to the administration and compared to the 33,000 approximately 8,000 students decision concerning retoractive increases in undergraduates ASMSU graduate assistant graduate assistants are to receive. L of trustees. serves. COGS stipends and the lack of coverage COGS is given by the State '18 "early $14'000 while ASMSU works with $48,550. BGS also provides services for their smaller constituency, News. student per "anced by a 50 • cent tax charged to each graduate The foreign language requirement has been abolished for ^constitution says COGS will "establish communication «WwT * term. Earlier meetings dealt with the student loan program, parking ■L naduate students and create channels of communication problems and graduate student stipends. All meetings, past and graduate students and more and more students have been eager to ■the other parts of the University." u,UKn£^o"«ity in image with COGS first wlth ASMSU "K™8 to begin and end recent, have encouraged graduate students to participate in participate in University committees since COGS' existence. meeting held in Paul Revere's bar in 1969. They "COGS has made excellent progress in becoming a viable and ■hVlsC°GS less contf°versial? Just because there are no loud have been conservative in their actions ever since. University committees. effective graduate student organization," Minkel said. "It is one les erupting at COGS meetings does not mean they are not associat€ dean of the graduate But because they are still discussing issues they discussed two of the most constructive graduate student tin University affairs connected with graduate students. school, was and three years ago is not an indication of inaction or lack of organizations in the r 5U chairman Harold Buckner feels since COGS and its 1, since LOGS . is a newer g their f°rmative stages. He organization said that purpose. In the beginning, COGS was formed to assure country." than ASMSU and is membership on Graduate Council by students. This was a major But in the future, will COGS still be seeking people for committee seats and still be looking for parking places? Agency asks student opinion Minkel sees financial support a growing issue. COGS vice president for University relations, JoLynne Cunningham, considers a life and medical insurance program for graduate students an immediate concern. Presently, COGS is occupying itself with a search for executive officers for this with waste disposal and disposal year. Their I JONATHAN u-aiicmam • tuam KAUFMAN and — tk. the engineers u based, their figures . . nominating committee will present a slate of candidates at the Staff Writer pollution control on the campus, for yearly waste output on one sewers, you stand the possibility These will be capable of next rs of meeting. was created last year. It is the overloading the sewage plant, handling projected volumes of first sample residence hall and on "in addition, there are many ■udent involvement is "vital college environmental statistics from the University of sewage up to the year 1990, as COGS may not be as impulsive as agency of its kind in drains that go directly to the well as materials that the present ASMSU, nor as vocal. But T to succeed," the director the Michigan, « . .. . . r they seem to serve their constituency adequately since the country. Red Cedar from the campus but system cannot handle . £ University Waste Control Its formation was suggested ,y to Olga Dominguez, by corjceRt I Opportunity Programs. w«h Bud Spencer Sfafim Zacahoriufl Dan Shirk le Gwla Hahn All they wanted was their chance to be men...and he gave it to them. Administration Bldg. I'Jww nxtamcrte and with feliey Granger Produced by dak) AngirnUi seRi'es CJOHituwMvuie)^ Art Wilson and Fred Keiffer "Chicago, Believe It or Not!" Taking present CHICAGO you along with them as they tour the great sights and sounds of the Windy 8:00 p.m. City . . . Bahat Temple, the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago's Front J*"*. WoRLD Yard and Buckingham Fountain, and CCOMBCMSO TRAVEL Spence Crilly gives you the romance and COPENHAGEN tempo of fairy tale Denmark and its friendly people. Shopping for bargains on Europe's narrowest main street, sidewalk cafes and some unusual Danish customs .. . and much much more. Fantastic! "Gorgeous is the only word £?eND,v MARTINA for her voice." The leading soprano of itropolitan Opera singing songs 21 ARROYO 8:15 P.M UNIV m- AUD Public: $5. 4. 3. MSU Students: $1.00 FRANS BRUEGGEN OSCAR Big Mama Bev| JOHN WAYNE in A Mark RydeB Fim"THE COWBOYS" Co-Starring R0SC0E LEE BROWNE • BRUCE DERN FAIRCHILD THEATRE GHIGLIA All Seats S5.00 MSU Students $2.50 The Henry Butler Trio: CHAMBER COLLEEN DEWHURST as Kate • Music by John Williams-Screenplay by Irving Ravetch'& Harriet Frank. Jr and William Dale Jennings • Produced and Directed by Mark Rydetl • Panavtson* Technicolor* • LAST Starring Stubby Kaye as Barney, the Tuesday thru Saturday From Warner Bros,A Kinney Company OF THE happily wed veteran of 23 years, who tries to find out what he's been missing with three wildly unlikely ladles he lures EXCLUSIVE NOW SHOWING! 8:15 P.M. UNIV RED HOT LOVERS to a folding bed. Hilarious! No COVER THE TIN LIZZIE AUD TODAY. 7:00 & 9:30 CHARGE Public: $5. 4. 3. MSU Students: tA. 3. 2. E SAT. SUN. 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30 rved seating events at the Union. World Travel at MICHIGAN AVENUE (JU«T WEST OF CAMPUt) 3H1480 J .t have I.O. 355 - 3361 355 - 6686 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, Fi-bruar MICHIGAN JUST ABOUT EVERYBODY Automotive teVESV Automotive Employment FRANKLY SPEAKING STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS UNIVERSITY by Phil fronfc Where you find the widest selection of values in town For Sale The State News does not COLOR TELEVISION, 25 inch permit racial or, religious BUICK MGB GT 1967, blue with black BABYSITTER/ HOUSEKEEPER SKYLARK 1966 , V-8 console; $250. Our sets are discrimination in its leather. Radio, rally kit, new with own transportation to automatic, power steering and reconditioned and work well. power brakes. Starts every day, carpets, much more. Very nice. Okemos. 2-7 p.m. Monday - advertising columns. The Make offer, call IV4-1524. 3-2-11 JIM'S ELECTRONIC SERVICE, State News will $475. 332-1154. 4-2-14 Friday. References exchanged. 882-3113, 9-5, Monday - Friday. not accept AUTOMOTIVE 349-3666. 3-2-11 x-5-2-16 advertising which Scooters & Cycles ■ BUICK ELECTRA 1961. Runs good MUSTANG 1970. White Boss 302, Auto Parts & and needs battery. $75 or best very good condition. Must sell. STUDENT MAJORING in GIBSON LES PAUL discriminates against religion, race, sex, color or national Aviation Service! ■ offer. 332-0841 days. 2-2-11 353-4157. 5-2-17 advertising to draw up sample ads. PROFESSIONAL, Kustom cabinet, • origin. EMPLOYMENT _ Good experience. New techniques Marshall 50 watt amplifier, 1 CAMARO, 1968 228, Hurst 4-speed. welcomed. 694-9431. 3-2-11 • low mileage, 456 and 373 gears, OPEL, AUTOMATIC, 12,000 actual Pioneer headphones. FOR RENT miles, 1969, like new. $1245. Electro-Voice SRO speakers. All air lift, $1700. 663-4889. 4-2-11 351-1957. 1-2-11 WANTED, PART time office help. Apartments new or excellent condition. Work evenings, no experience Houses CAMARO~1968, 327, V-8, 3 -speed, 351-1889. X-5-2-11 42,000 miles, one owner, $1000 OPEL RALLY 1971. Excellent necessary. Call 351-3701 after 6 For Sale Rooms or best offer. 349-1243. 5-2-17 condition. Call 349-0136; after 5 p.m. for additional information. WE DO most repairing and replace • FOR SALE and weekends 339-8025. 7-2-11 0-2-2-11 broken frames. OPTICAL CHEVELLE 1966, 283 V-8, stick, Animals Animals DISCOUNT. 2615 East Michigan runs extremely well, $475. PLYMOUTH VALIANT 1968. Signet DREAM JOB. Teach make - up Avenue, 372-7409. 5-C-2-11 Mobile Homes 339-2596. 3-2-14 model. Automatic, low mileage, methods used in Fbllywood for COLLIE/ LABRADOR puppies. 'Lost & Found tape player. $1050. 3417 natural high style looks. Eight 5 week old, beautiful. $5. CHEVROLET, 1953. 2 door, stick. Snowglen, Lansing. 484-3521. or SOFA/CHAIR, good condition, $30. 351-5977. 3-2-14 • PERSONAL , Training at our expense. Money is Best offer over $75. 371-4736. 3-2-15 good if you're ambitious. Can lead GE 36" stove, also good condition. $30. 332 6388. 2-2-11 •PEANUTS PERSONa] 3-2-11 PORSCHE 1966, 5-speed, good to executive position. VIVIANE PURE BRED German Shepherd • REAL ESTATE ' CHEVROLET 1965 Window WOODARD COSMETICS, COLOR TV, stereo, AM/FM puppies. $40 each. Phone • RECREATION Van, condition, Phone 332-2557 8 a.m. subsidiary of General Foods. 627 9024. 2-2-11 second seat, snow tires, extra tires. - 5 p.m. After 5 and weekends, 351-6623. Q-21 2-29 combination. RCA, walnut •SERVICE 694-8662.1-2-11 cabinet, very good condition. 1-468-3665. 3-2-15 Phone 393-4478. 2-2-11 Mobile Homes Typing Service CHEVROLET, 1962, 6 cylinder stick, convertible, reliable VOLKSWAGEN 1970. Yellow, For Rent 'fm>.SPRACTICING H£MA6IC-T«tlN6 A LIBERTY 8' x 35' on lot. furnished, •TRANSPORTATION • WANTED 1 excellent condition, $1200. Phone transportation. $125. 485-6828 before noon. 2-2-11 351-1965 after 5 p.m. 3-2-15 TV AND STEREO rental, m 05NiRiraw ikto A our excellent condition, newly painted and skirted, new furnace, DEADLINE satisfaction guaranteed. Free B lANM?. MM- MclNTOSH MC-30 power amps. Riverview Park. 489-3586 after 6 1 P.M. one class day tx CHEVROLET, 1962. V-8 283, power Scooters & Cycles delivery, service and pick up. No Head 606 skiis, Lange pro boots, p.m. 3-2-15 steering and air, Texas car, little deposit. Call NEJAC, 337 1300. C Ricoh TLS-401. SLR camera with publication. rust. $175. 694-0730.2-2-11 SHEP'S MOTORS TV RENTALS. Color, $19.50 per For Rent zoom lens. CAMERAS, SLR's, PEERLESS-1970-PERRY. Country Cancellations/Correctiod AUTHORIZED month. Black and white, $9.50 For Rent view finders. Polaroids, projectors, comforts, remodeled. Call — 12 noon one clas CHEVY 1965. Excellent running, BMW, TRIUMPH, YAMAHA per month. MARSHALL MUSIC and equipment. Used color and 625-3741. Will deal) 5-2-11 before publication. economical 6 cylinder, $450 or black & SNOWMOBILE DEALER best offer. Call evenings 349-3329. 351-7830. C-1-2-11 Apartments Houses and white TV sets. Used 2460 N.CEDAR - HOLT stereo amps, tuners, receivers, MOBILE HOME for sale, 10' x 50', PHONE 3-2-11 (Just South of I-96 Overpass) OFFICE OR commercial space, turntables, speakers, 8 - track and good condition, $1595. Can be 355 8255 PARTS & SERVICE 694-662 1 EAST LANSING. 1 bedroom, CYCLONE 1970 429 super Cobra downtown East Lansing. ' cassette, home decks and car seen at Trailer Haven Court. Lot jet, 17,000 original miles. Best Reasonable. Gary 349-3358. furnished, washer / dryer, garage, players. Used 8 - track tapes, $2 No. 403.694-8301.5 2-15 „ RATES $135 monthly, sublet. Call each. Stereo albums, typewriters, offer, 485-4084. 1-2-11 Aviation 711 BURCHAM Meridith 371-3522. 3-2-14 wall tapestries. Police band radios, ACTIVE 12'x 60'on lot .5minutes DATSUN 240Z 1971. Perfect ice skates, WILCOX from MSU, furnished, washer, dryer, LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight Ideal for married couple. Large 1 condition. Rustproofed. Call Al, 393-9279. 2-2-11 $4100. training. All courses are Apartments bedroom furnished deluxe SECONDHAND STORE. 509 East disposal. Must sell. 646-6344 after 5:30 p.m. 10-2-22 government and VA certified. apartment. 800 square feet of Michigan Avenue. 8-5:30 p.m., BURCHAM WOODS. Comfortable 1 2-2-11 Monday - Saturday. 485-4391. FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport perfect living. Balcony. Phone FORD LTD Brougham 1971, 10,000 and 2 bedroom apartments. Open BankAmericard, Master Charge, HOMETTE 1970, two bedroom, Road. Call 484-1324. C-2-29 337-7328 miles, AM/FM stereo, air, EAST LANSING. Attractive 3 Layaway, terms, trades.C furnished. 12' x 50', washer and immediately, furnished, heat paid. powerworks. 355-5269 days. From $150. Phone bedroom. Immaculate, carpeted, dryer. MUST SELL. Best offer. Auto Service & Parts 351-3118, 6-2-18 484-4014. 4-2-14 large pleasant lawn, garage, SKIIS KNEISEL Blue Star, 200 cm, Call 355-1105. B1 2-2-14 applicances, full basement, % brand new $135, boots Humanic FOR SALE. 1965 Ford LTD, 352 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East finished. Ideal for small family. CERTIFIED ladies, 6 M, good condition. Best 1971, 12' x 52', 2 engine, automatic transmission, Kalamazoo Street. . . Since 1940. MARRIED STUDENTS $235 monthly. $200 deposit. offer, 355-3642. 5-2-11 bedrooms, air - conditioned, $450. Can be seen at 1958 South Complete auto painting and Lease, references required. & FACULTY skirted, shed. $4200. 372-3607. Cedar, Holt, at Cedarway Gulf collision service . IV5-0256. 332-8831 after 4 p.m. 2-2-11 3-2-14 ONE BEDROOM furnished, air, Service. 0X4-9816. 4-2-15 C-2-29 347 Student Servl 1, 2, 8t 3 bedroom apts. carpet, everything; must sublease, CHEAP BUT NICE. Remodeled I MP ALA 1963. Automatic, power, VW GUARANTEE© repair. some with study t .rent negotiable, after 5 p.m. 3-2-14 call 3V?307 Lansftig house, furnished for 4, Lost & Found All student ads must b| runs very well, best offer. Dennis RANDY'S MOBIL, 1-96 at $200 monthly. Utilities, heat paid. prepaid 355-1823, 353-6875. 3-2-11 Okemos Road. 349-9620. C-2-29 332-3398. 4-2-11 LOST: BLACK dog, male. Mixed WHATEVER YOU you want to buy, from *145 per mo. WILL SUBLET, two bedroom deluxe apartment, one mile from campus. NEAR FRANDOR, own room, • See color prints Labrador - Setter. Collar. Vicinity The State Nevn responsible only for tl v there's a good chance you'll find it Employment UNFURNISHED $176. Call 351-3170 after 5 p.m. luxuriously furnished (Color TV, dishwasher). 339-9493. 3-2-15 made Burcham Dr. Reward. 337-7055 2-2-14 first day's in the Want Ads. Check now! 2-2-11 insertion. OVERSEAS JOBS for students. children welcome • Save on package LOST: BLACK Australia , Europe, South GIRL NEEDED to share great Rooms puppy, red collar. deals during Demo STORY'S America, Africa, etc. All professions and occupations, $700 $3000 monthly. Expenses paid, please, no pets apartment occupancy. with one. Immediate Rent negotiable. LOVELY LARGE room with Demonstration Vicinity of Gunson 332-1060. 3-2-15 and Beech. Personal Close. 351-4932, 339-2310. - connecting bath. References $70 / Transportation overtime, sightseeing. Free information. Write. JOBS KNOB HILL 2-2-11 month. 337-2479.3-2-11 Saturday Feb. 12. 1972 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. LOST: SMALL black and gray dog with red collar. fuzzy Call: WATERBEDS FROM S9| SPECIALS OVERSEAS, Dept. Q2, Box QUIET GIRL needed spring term for WANTED: ROOM in house, close, 332-3426. 3-2-14 Guaranteed. Direct from fac for UNDER '1000 15071, San Diego, California 92115. 10-2-24 APARTMENTS 2 - man. 351-6217 after 5 p.m. 3-2-14 semi - quiet, liberal, $50. Call Mary Kay 351-2170, 349-0893. LOST. SUNGLASSES in case near Call 351-0908. Drive alii lot. Now located a 349-4700 x-3-2-14 Student Services. Need for eye Greencrest Avenue, East La DRIVER, 21, for nights. Apply SINGLE MAN to share East Lansing condition. Reward. 353-1097. 0-2-29 62 VW BUG VARSITY CAB COMPANY, 122 OPEN Monday - Friday MALE, CLOSE to campus. Clean, x-2-2-11 1 deluxe 2 bedroom 4 man 309 N. Washington very Woodmere. 1-2-11 9 a.m. • 5 p.m. furnished townhouse, $67.50. quiet, private entrance, sheets LANSING HAMMOND 0 Beige, radio, heater, 4 spd. Downtown, Lansing Saturday 12-5 p.m. 485-1265, 351-0790. 5-2 11 furnished. $12 /week. 332-3306. LOST LAST WEEK: red 3 ring SOCIETY. Enl Just right for campus GIRL NEEDED for general office x-2-2-11 C.P.S. 300 notebook. 355-6738. Hugh Garlock at the organ.PI STORY PRICED LOCATED y< MILE NORTH work and setting appointments 3 OF JOLLY RD. ON ONE GIRL for 2- man apartment 3-2-11 invited, bring a friend. G $295 hours per night 6-9 p.m. Monday - ROOMS, SINGLES AND DOUBLES. Frandor, Monday, February OKEMOS ROAD spring term. Furnished, air, Thursday. Call for appointment, reasonable. Near Cooking facilities. Utilities paid. LOST: GOLD Tissot watch. Women's 1972 at 7:30 p.m. Refreshr campus. Day Call 372-8077. C-2-29 372-0056. 4-2-16 NORTHWIND FARMS, sublease, 351-8812, night 332-2603. 3-2-14 IM. Sentimental value, reward. will be served. 7-2-1' 67 OLDS CUTLASS 351-8314. x-5-2-14 own room, bath. Large deluxe, reen, 4 dr., HT, radio, WANTED, SMILING lady - for sales $110 / month, plus deposit. SUBLET MARCH 15 - September For Sale COLE'S BAKERY heater, auto, V8, PS, PB, work with Stanley Home 351-196r 4-2-11 15, 2 bedroom apartment, Capitol SURPLUS BAKERY foods at LOST: GOLD wedding band, near WSW. STORY PRICED Products. Car necessary. June Villa, privately owned furniture, 2 reduced prices, 1/3 to 1/2 off at Wells Hall. Reward. 353-4681, TYPEWRITER, SMITH Corona, non Wilkinson, 485-8349. 5-2-14 ONE OR two bedroom furnished single beds, one large double. Girls retail prices, great eating, great 351 0309 after 5 p.m. x-3-2-11 L.S.A.T. April Exam electric $25. After 4 p.m., mobile homes. $25 - $35 / week. only. Must care for cat. $165/ economy I Surplus Store, 640 351-6929. 2,2 11 Ten minutes to campus. month. Owners will subsidize cat. South Waverly, immediately D.A.T. - April Exam ATTENTION: BIOLOGY, 641-6601. O Call 351-0599. 2-2-11 DOUBLE BED with roller freme, North of 1-496 Expressway. Personal 66 MERCURY PHYSICAL SCIENCE AND C 3-2-11 M.C.A.T. - April Exam GENERAL SCIENCE excellent condition. Call dr, HT, radio, heater, auto, 1-2 girls needed immediately, spring. I BEDROOM apartment for married afternoons 332-2901. 2-2-11 PREGNANT? PANICKY? Consider V8, PB, PS, WSW. STORY MAJORS. 1 block from Berkey. $67.50. couple. Close to campus, carpeted, MARTIN D-35 guitar.Hardly used, the alternatives. Pregnancy PRICED 332-2152. 3-2-15 laundry facilities, furnished. $150 $400. Call after 6 p.m.. 332-3691. PIONEER PL-25 Foreign walnut Counseling. 372-1560. 0-2-29 All college of natural monthly. Heat paid. Immediate 3-2-11 $695 base. New Stylus. Excellent! $75. Science and other majors, NEED ROOMMATES for summer occupancy. Phone Westphalia, 332-1819. 3-2-15 interested in making term. Move in June. Call 1-587 6680. 5 2-11 Animals 351-9226. x-3-2-11 application for teacher 69 TOYOTA certification programs in 1 AND 2 bedroom furnished, 8' POOL TABLE. Fiar condition. Best offer over $45. 349-1608. CROSSWORD available immediately. Phone DOBERMAN PINSCHER, AKC Beige, 4 dr., radio, heater, 4 Biology, Physical Science and spd., WSW. Great Economy!! General Science should note HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT 1-2-11 puppies, 8 weeks old, have papers, PUZZLE 351-7910. 5-2-11 shots. 337-0743. 5-2-11 23. Herons STORY PRICED the PIONEER PL-41 turntable. AMPEX ACROSS following dates. Deadline 25. Parch $995 to submit completed 1455 tape deck. SCOTT 348B FM 1. Nurse Barton 29. Fashionable NEED ONE MAN for four man receiver. KLH 41. DOLBY tape BEAGLE, 6 month male, AKC. applications for Spring term spring term. Cedar Village. Rent Gentle pet and / or hunter. Must 6. The Occident 30. Styptic (2) BACHELOR apartments, 908 deck. Call HI-FI BUYS at 1972, February 18, 1972. A East Mt. Hope. Basement, negotiable. 351-2780. 5-2-11 337-2310 for these and more low, sell. Best offer. 349-1913. 1-2-11 10 Duke of 31. Charged msi 65 OLDS 88 notification of action will be furnished private baths, $110 and low used equipment prices. 1-2-11 Edinburgh particle Black, 4 dr., radio, heater, auto, V8, PS, PB, WSW. mailed by March 6, 1972 in time for early registration. $100 each, including utilities, in ONE MAN, needed to fill four man CHIHUAHUA - WHITE AKC. Male, 11. 13. Expected Injury 33. Camel's hair coat ,bNjn ejtMhJ lovely home. 332-3161. 1-2-11 apartment in Cedar Village. Call COLE'S BAKERY 1 year. Best offer over $75. LOADED STORY PRICED E-37 McDonel Hall 355-1725 ONE GIRL to sublet Old 332-4126. 5-2-11 FINE BAKERY food for all meals. 489-7342. 3-2-14 14. 15. Pineapple The Orient 36. 37. Permit Remote felili $595 Cedar Open Sundays. MEIJER MINIATURE DACHSHUND. 16. Devour 38. Norse god BUSINESS AND MARKETING Village, $70 month beginning THRIFTY ACRES, Okemos, AKC, March first, negotiable. 351 3034 Houses South Pennsylvania, West housebrokun, S months old, 18. Squealer 39. Concert waltz MAJORS. Wearever Aluminum 3-2-15 frinedly with children, wormed, 19. Copy 41. Prairie dog 3. Dismount 66 BUICK incorporated opening new office EAST LANSING Duplex. Carpeted Saginaw. KROGER, Frandor, 4 Cruise F all shots. Must sacrifice, best offer 20. Label 43. Egg shaped 4 dr., radio, heater, auto, in East Lansing. Need new ONE GIRL Cedar Village, March 2 bedroom. Full basement Logan Center, 4001 West Saginaw, 349-9237. 2-2-11 21. Hireling 44. Stimulate .1. Shoddy 5, Asphy>« I personnel to fill it. Call Mr. AKOS - 1721 North Grand fiver. C-1-2-11 6 Eh? V8, PS, PB WSW. A Great through June. Reduced rent. Appliances included. 1 block frorr 22 Three toed 45. Flirted 2. Smooth silk 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. or 10 p.m. to 349-4817. 3-2-11 campus. Married ST. BERNARD sloth ;. Eternity I Buy!!! STORY PRICED. only. Chile PUPPIES. AKC 46. Lariat gauze . . 10:30 p.m. 351-7319. C welcome. $210 / month SALE FURNITURE, dishes, utensils, registered, six weeks old, shots 8 Meager I bedding, etc. Saturday noon to $995 papt 4-MAN FOR spring and / or summer, 349-9675 or 349-0560. 6-2-11 and wormed. $100.Bank w 9. lessee [ r Timr ART TIME sales i u ■ help, even nas Call i < • < Sunday noon only.2310East Americard welcome. Call 10. Defense I EATON KIRBY COMPANY. Michigan IV4-6920. 1-2-11 12. Tropic"! 1-529-9032 or 1-529-9015. 2-2-11 627-9400. 5 2-16 3J2-3852. 3-2-11 17 CenW I 67 FORD PICKUP HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Living room, DOBERMAN 20. TwitcMB Blue, radio, heater, V8, WSW dining room, bedroom. Washer PINSCHER, AKC, NEED 1 or 2 girls for duplex on Adults 21 Falcon dw Perfect for and dryer, Westinghouse electric dog. Reasonable. After Camper!! STORY f RPWflS Spartan Street winter and / sea or range. Call 371-1607, after noon. 5:30 p.m. 484 6106.3-2-14 spring. 351-6846. 3-2-11 3-2-14 22. Branch | 74 Fori"olnL MAN FOR three man. Large house. SONY 6045 receiver, 2 Rectilinear 75 Broads11*® ■ LARGEST SELECTION ^ AJ Near campus. Own room. XI speakers. All cartons and „ SphUFf l*P{ns( I IN TOWN Furnished. $80 / month complete 349 1258. 3-2-11 packing materials. Separately or $285 for both. 393-8816. 2-2-11 p 27 sssl Your car caught cold? Kramer has everything to fix it. OLDER FARM home. 3 bedrooms, MAN'S TAN fringed Buckskin jacket, I 33 Confess ■ Flora a™* STORY Service, too. 45 minutes North of campus. Must be responsible. conservative and $125 per month. size 42. Never worn, $60. 355 5957. 3-2-14 34. 35 37. Pay "P Oats We Stock Over 38.M|ler"% a Million Parts Utilities and deposit. 351 3969 50% OFF on all merchandise, except 0-2-29 consignment. 1 day only. USE YOUR 40 Canon^JB 3156 E. Michigan ONE BLOCK FROM CAMPUS KRAMER AUTO PARIS ROOMMATE NEEDED h<„,w S|)rma Lincoln's Building, February 12th. JUNIOR LEAGUE CEDAR MASTER CHARGE U v»om'n;T 42. Hatche' I 800 E. Kalamazoo St. term. Block from campus $55 CHEST, 501 East Michigan, 484-1303 AT THE STATE NEWS 351-2048. 3-2-15 Lansing. 485-0865.3-2-11 n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 11, 1972 1 5 ■it's what happening! PEtsr"ciShTfnSlhe r,t Sp SHOULDN'T "r "i*r Announcements for It's What's There will be Lotions and legends Happening must be received in the to explore the a workshop religious and moral p.m. There will be Saturday. Call a Gay Dance at 8 353-9795 for The present "For Auburn Film Group will The Alternative Coffeehouse will There will be a Taco Dinner for YOU ■ H along P8^' State News office, 341 Student dimensions a Few Dollars More" at be open from 9 to midnight tonight MSU Volunteers living in Fee, Akers 111 of environmental information. 7 and 9:20 FrVnSh brides Services Bldg., by I p.m. at least two class days before publication. problems and ask whether there is a 108b Wells Hall. tonight and Saturday in at 4930 Hagadorn Road across from Hubbard Hall. or Hubbard Monday. Halls at 5:30 p.m. BE USING ■ times court luck by difference between secular and Call 353-4400 for Im »" lhe ww in cements phone. No aim accepted by ments will be theological Saturday at responses at 1118 S. Harrison Road, 1:30 p.m. meet Gay Stefanoff at Liberation 3 p.m. Movement Sunday in Lounge, Student Services will the Free weekend: U classes meeting this Saturday: Aquarium - 1 There will be a fellowship and Bible study at the Alternative from 9 reservations. Meet at Hubbard Hill meal line. the North THIS Th«. are a bride weeping greater Lansing ar outside the Call the 332-0861. Rev. Richard Jackson at Bldg. Call 353-9795 for information. p.m., 37 Union; North American to 11 p.m. Saturday. Everyone is Indians 3 p.m., 37 Union; The East Lansing Hne Arts - Sunday: The First The Horticulture Club welcomes Beginning Darkroom Technique - 8 Committee will present "Love in SPACE Baptist Church of l ast If P and turn to STATE Lansing, 940 S. Harrison Road, will you interested ii all to attend its weekly seminar at 7 p.m., 200 S. Hayford St.; Soprano Mexico", an exhibition by Paul Love, in the Women's p.m. Wednesday in 209 Horticulture Recorder 5 p.m., 420 Evergreen St.; from 8 a.m. to 5 Monday k Classified Ads for help. hold a weekend spiritual emphasis foi Steering Committee at MSU, contact Bldg. - Ground" will be presented at 8:15 p.m. through Friday at the East Lansing c are pe"Ple sel,m8 students and others at 7:30 p.m, Olga Domini)lie/, Equal Opportunity C, might and Saturday in the Arena City Hall. There wUI be a reception ■1 there that are in good today and Saturday and at 11 a.m. Programs, 312 Administration Bldg., Thea from 2 to 4 p.m. Feb. 13. CALL K re"ly and 7 p.m. Sunday. by Feb. IS. The Baha'is will offer a fireside, an Badminton Club invites The informal discussion of the Baha'i s and faculty to paly from 7 MSU Broadcasters will The Society for Creative Author llaim Ginott will speak at The Coi ee for a Free Store faith at 8 present "Become So Scientific Anachronism will 355-8255! y stolen Gibson 8 p>nli Saturday in the Sexton High p.m. Sunday at 1220 tonight in the lower gym, meet at 8 p.m. 12 string and p.m. Monday in t Woodcrest, apt. 4 or call 351-7698. 's Intramural Minded" concerning the black Saturday in the Tower Room, Union. Auditorium. Call 48S-9477 Bldg. i Bldg. Everyone ii experience at 11:30 a.m. Saturday on Fees for the Feast of Fools due. 0'6strin9'Ca" 34®'1133 °r for tickets or 484-0544 for Hillel's Channel 10. Call 351-2289. are i370 ask f°r Charlie. 2-2-14 jnforniation. Sunday Supper and Speaker will feature Maurice |rA|TS, COLOR Candid ■ The ieVenth fill in the The faculty of the ATL American Humanities track will sponsor a trip Solomon, professor of natural science, speaking on "Genetic Who's Whose —isports and |dd1 °9s Commerical commerical "civilisation" series will be sh< to the Detroit Art Institute at 8:30 Conditions Specific in Jews" at 5:30 7 p-n,t today m Brody Auditoi Saturday. Tickets are available Roughing it a.m. p.m., 319 Hillcrest Ave. Call Itogri phy. Eveni ngs. caM an(j at 8:30 p.m. in Wonders Kii in 110 Administration MILLER Bldg. 332-1916 for rides or information. 5 Cindy Mero, Lakeview junior. Delta KoGRAPHiCS. B1.1.7.U B1-1-M1 Joint Issue will hold an open Hillel will offer services at S:9o Delta Delta to John Fteven, Caro leeting for people interested in Albatroi junior, Delta Upsilon. Friday followed by supper and a this vacation? p.m. Ieanuts Personal Hersliska; Saturday Bob Carr. - Bill Kali! and The Albatross is open at 10 a.m. Kiddush. Saturday followed by 8:30 p.m. at 547 E. Grand River Ave. ENGAGEMENTS HRTHDAY marie The Games Club will meet at I ■ffman. from julie. Friends of Ulrey House are invited p.m. Saturday at Farmhouse "Pops" Zwick, Camp Highfields's to a wine tasting party at 9 tonight at fraternity, 151 Bogue St. For rides or sctor, will meet with Highfields 505 MAC Ave. Bring your own glass. information, call 332-8635. unteers for a rap session at 7:30 Breads and cheeses will be served. i. Sunday in the West Linda Lou Wilson, St. Charles, III. Fee Hall Good luck in IHAP Y 20th BirthdayI 1 1 you forever. The Academic Committee of LBC mal lounge. Call 353-1916 with junior, Delta Delta Delta to William The Dept. (thins you do. Barb. 1-2-11 will meet at 7 p.m. Sunday in the of Psychology will Mark Hoelzer, Clinton junior. sponsor a workshop on Determinants West Holmes upper lounge. Student of ttiman Sexual Behavior at 10 a.m. Real Estate Advisory Council will meet at 8:30 Sen. Philip Hart's visit to MSU to and 2:30 p.m. Saturday in 304 Olds Be prepared with discuss his endorsement of Sen. Hall. All are welcome. SHOULDN'T YOU Muskie has the best equip¬ been postponed until The Company will present "h< March 11. BE USING THIS SPACE ment! . tu Succeed in Business Withe meet The MSU Tolkien at 8 Fellowship will ?| Check out these icellent neighborhood tonight in the South Rea||y Try.()g„ a| # p m |oday and L good school. Low down to Audio Aftermath fror Hubbard Hall lower lounge to discuss CALL 355-8255 items at your Satruday in McDonel Kiva, Feb. 17 - 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. Fridays fantasy literature. t, immediate possession. o nearest b Green, at WESTDALE, 19 in Wonders Kiva and 5 p.m. Feb. WKAR-FM stereo, 90.5. Raupp 20 in Wonders Kiva. _ location . . . 11464 until 9 P.m. 2-2-11 iMSTON. BY owner. Cozy 2 > with den and Winter The MSU Term State Singers Annual Concert presented at 8:15 p.m. Sunday in th will be For your Boots |uhop. Aluminum sided. Large Backpacks al (or small family or older Auditorium. All are welcome. Valentine Down clothing t. $19,000 with $3,000 In Balance on land contract at Sleeping bags {.Call 655-3256 or 349-2286. Service All traveling PAINTING INTERIOR. Chase away and camping those winter blues, have us peint accessories that bedroom or living room. Grad Students, reasonable, references. om Williamston. 349-4817. C 2-29 vestment for the DEAR MISS 5(A)EETST0RV... |T I. This farm has a solid brick FOR QUALITY service on stereos, OCCURRED 10 ME THAT NO ONE > with full basement. TV's and recorders. THE STEREO HAS EVER URlTTEN THE STORk i 35' barn with full SHOPPE. 337-1300. C-2-29 OF YOUR LIFE...I SHOULD LIKE Year around stream s this property. Quite To C30 SO... 10 minutes from fcact K{. Can i be bought if desired. on Land Federal toil Typing Service RAUPP PROFESSIONAL term papers. TYPIST. Theses, IBM, carbon ribbon. Math / Greek symbols. Best rates. Also in Farmington; Ann Arbor; Kalamazoo; Evanston, III. Campfitters KHOUTSt GARDNER Call 351-4619. 0-2-29 Anew I REALTY, INC. TYPING TERM papers and theses. therefore, i plan to visit 40u for a feul weeks to version REALTORS Electric typewriter. Fast service. &ec0me acquainted, and to 349-1904. 16-2-29 gather information about of an old your life and career... SAVE SAVE SAVE favorite tltiA week vble 6%% land contract. Call XEROX COPYING - offset - best quality at reasonable prices. THE The Important Locket ^eatwuHywe | dLANSING Rancher. Large COPY SHOPPE, 541 East Grand River. Phone 332-4222. C-2-29 tAue ApecaxbUf yard. This home has 3 A sure gift to please. . .this new interpretation of the roomy living room, TYPING THESES and letters, etc. romantic Victorian Locket. Decorative overlay motif. OUR BIG id kitchen, and 2 car Rapid accurate service. About 1% X 2 inches. . .opens to reveal space for two SPECIAL LABEL SALE! rie. $500 My. Call Don 372-7251 in. $145 move Goodman Experienced. 393-4075. C-2-29 ?.6. BEFORE I ARRIVE, LOCK UP YOUR CATS PLEA5E pictures. HAS BEEN RESTOCKED! 16048 c LTY. B1 1-2-11 DAY ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith offset printing. Complete i ... On the LOTS OF JAMS AT SUPER for dissertations, theses, All#' LOW PRICES!!! | OLDER with 3 horns! A really neat manuscripts, general typing. IBM. bedrooms, large Park free kitchen and dining room, 22 years experience. 349 0850 C-2-29 with purchase treed lot near parks and rols. Call Don Godwin '251, DAY REALTY for r information. B1 -1-2-11 COMPLETE THESES service. Discount printing. IBM typing and Hil - binding of theses, resumes, We've been turning you on to the specials on publications. Across from campus. "The Rack" for a long time now. With the |^>LDER with 3 home! A really neat Corner M.A.C. and Grand River, recent increase in record prices, we now feature bedrooms, large below Jones Stationery Shop. Call kitchen and additional specials on "The Wall." When we've dining room. Nul Treed lot near COPYGRAPH SERVICES. only got few copies of parks and a a special album left, f01'. Call 1"51, DAY Don Godwin REALTY for 337-1666. C-2-29 "VAI-^NtllVE GITT QUITO it's moved to "The Wall." Keeping it on special so you won't get ripped so bad. Come in and information. B-1-2-29 DISSERTATIONS, THESES, term check out "The Rack" and "The Wall" . . . papers. Expert typist with degree Iftecrpfl/K ition in English. IBM. 351-8961. 0-2-29 T-SHIRT SPECIAL IBM IMAS $119 N8$SI1U or THESIS typing (including equations). No term papers please. VALENTINE J. Call Bill Janz 337-9525. Experienced. References. Phone Mrs. Lippincott, 489-6479. 1-2-11 DESIGN P BREAK P.S. Neil Young's "Harvest" should be in next - Hawaii, $269; Choice of white I^M, $189; Friday. Bahamas, $159; or tie-dyed ly-STUDENTOURS, 129 LGra"butJ P experience a conglomeration of educational ideas besides the basic university college requirements. genuine negotiations. Presidential candidates have a right to criticize th The answers to these questions can be found at Synergy, a Nixon asserted, but they must bear the community access center at 953 E. Grand River Ave. across responsibility^! the street from campus. Nixon also said there would be no tax increase thi* I 2 soldiers killed The President praised South Vietnam's Bob Walling, Synergy coordinator describes the center as "a clearing house from which people can pursue their Thieu as courageous and discounted President'f1, I speculation of ■ interests and develop their individual potentials — we open Saigon and Wuhington. 018 ritt up access channels to experience for personal learning and Talking without interruption for about 15 minut growth." (Continued from page one) release dangerous men in outset, Nixon said his meetings with Chinese lean political concessions to Northern circumstances where they would represent more of a dialog than negotiations becauv« "l One Synergy function is to provide a retail center Ireland's Catholic minority and simply resume terrorist truth at a beginning." 4 specializing in the sale of books, kits and equipment for an end or at least reduction of activity." Nixon said some of his Vietnam critics - and public education. Customers are encouraged to curl up on he w the internment without trial of the context of rivals for the White House - the carpeted floor and read any book they want, without might be He added that no system for the enemy in his cause rather than first paying for it. suspected terrorists fighting to the future government of war." "encouraging him tT1 Books are stocked after staff members read and bring the British province under approve The President said "various presidential them. Book catagories are divided into how the world the rule of the overwhelmingly Nothern Ireland could possibly work if the Protestant majority propose a solution that went beyond" his Jan. 25 candidates a J Catholic Irish Republic. p|an works, ways of attaining self - consciousness and felt it to be unfair to them. educational reform. Obviously intending the British government to take note Families and individuals hold Synergy, a community access center, is found under of his speech, he said; "It will be British authorities have can a membership in Paramount News. In one of its functions, as a retailer of Synergy for $300 a year. Members get a discount on utterly wrong to let the forecast a stepup in the IRA's books specializing in public education, Synergy internment issue become a guerrilla fight to take over Synergy sponsored courses, get a voice in the management encourages and operation of the center, a charge account and a customers to curl up on the floor and read any book they political bargaining counter. Northern Ireland, involving newsletter once a month. want. state News photo by Terry Miller "It would clearly be quite heightened fire power and wrong and irresponsible to greater expertise. City's animal card pop must be filled out and By CATHY TROST problem in East Lansing because The average number of dogs dog will break his chain and go "A lot of times dogs will fall they get into fireplaces and have picked up in a month is 30, with for miles," Mangles said. "I through the ice in the Red Cedar copies sent to the Michigan to be removed," Mangles said. 25 returned to the owner and remember one time when I got a and 111 go over and get them Health Dept. The number of The City of East Lansing is bites has been dropping with He also spoke of a woman five remaining in the pound. complaint from some people out," he explained. approaching the point of who housed 80 cats, of which "Our main interest in picking who had a female in heat and 11 three to four reported each population saturation, not in Mangles uses a tranquilizer month in 1968 and only 10 bites all but four had to be removed up a dog is finding the owner," dogs in their front yard." gun to aid in the control of people, but in animals. A because of the four-pet Mangles explained. "The first The trouble spots in East animals and has traveled reported in 1971. conservative estimate places the A dog must be licensed and combination law. time we usually give a warning. Lansing are the Center-Beal number of dogs at 1,500 to throughout Michigan vaccinated against rabies in 2,000, not to mention the "One of the strangest When a fine is issued, it runs Street area and the Park Lane from $14 for the first offense to Grove Street area. Many - demonstrating its uses and techniques. Ingham County. Licenses will be A MODEL OF unestimated hordes of cats, incidents," Mangles said, "was $25 for the second offense and complaints are issued from these sold at the East Lansing Police birds, foxes, raccoons, bats and horses. when two deer crashed through the window of an apartment at an appearance in court after the "I have never killed a dog in spots because a concentration of 11 years with a tranquilizer Dept. until March 1, after which the owner will be penalized. PERFECTION third offense." animals exists here. The task of regulating this Pine Forest. They apparently gun," Mangles said. "I have shot "The toughest part of the ENDLESS Spaghetti, Garlic Toast The normal procedure The MSU campus is also about 80 population falls to Larry saw movement in the window dogs and only one followed when a dog is picked overrun with animals and, died, due to accidental causes." job," Mangles concluded, 'Is and Fresh Salad (Vegetarian Sauce Available) I Mangles, animal control officer, and were spooked." up is removal to the Ingham though Mangles is not connected telling the owner that his dog who has held the job for 11 There have been no cases of A major problem in the County Shelter in Mason where with the Animal Control has been killed. I've had ladies Dept. rabies while Mangles has headed years. Operating out of the East spring and summer is the annual it is kept for five days. If the on the campus, he does assist Animal Control in East break down and cry. It's really EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT Lansing Police Dept. he works invasion of bald-faced hornets. animal is not claimed Lansing. hell." during this them when needed. Whenever a dog bite occurs, a five and sometimes six days a They measure one to two inches time, it is either put up for 5-9 p.m. week in pursuit of stray or illegal long and their stings are adoption or disposed. ALL YOU CAN EAT animals. "Over the past years I've had powerful enough to require their victims to be hospitalized. If the dog appears to be ;e injured, it is taken to Benson's to remove such animals as an "They are deadly hornets," Animal Hospital in East Lansing ■ a at ocelot, raccoons, a boa constrictor, foxes and even an Mangles declared. "They come where observations are run at right for your forehead. Last the city's expense. Authorization cards sought bus. Lensinfl Metre Lines 4 Abbott LIZARDS alligator," Mangles said. "It's not summer I removed 30 nests from Sixty-five to 70 per cent of just a matter of dogs and cats." houses around the area." the time I know where the dog Article I, Section 2-1.12 of (Continued from page one) question of bargaining unit size An important aspect of belongs and can get it back to at its Thursday luncheon the city code specifies that no Mangles' job is keeping the stray the owner," Mangles said. "I professor of labor and industrial meeting. person shall keep or house any animal within the city except dogs, cats, canaries or other animals which are commonly dog situation in1 control. The have a real good relationship relations, said Thursday. city code requires all dogs to be with the kids around here. If I licensed and registered and they must wear a collar or harness don't see them a second time." The AAUP has not actively give them a warning, we usually cards in recent weeks. In addition to Taylor, campaigned for authorization MSUFA executive board members are Calhoun Collier, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF kept as household pets. The with a license tag when off the The peak season for animal professor of elementary and limit on animals in one premises of the owner. special education, James W. A GOOD DEAL... complaints runs through Neither MSUFA nor the household is four. "The dog has to be tied up at Trow, professor of geology, February and again in June and AAUP has officially taken a In 1971, Mangles dealt with all times on a leash no longer July because this is the period stand on what bargaining unit Gladys Beckwith, asst. professor 15 bats, 8 foxes, 4 horses and than eight feet," Mangles said, when the female of American dog is in shape they will seek, but Taylor Thought and countless squirrels and raccoons. "or else it will be considered Language, and Clyde E. Henson, season, or heat. said he expected the MSUFA "Bats and squirrels are a big running at large and picked up." professor of English. "When a female is in season, a executive board to discuss the little Cats®* tTaat super-free delivery STRETCH YOUR DOLLARS! Little Caesars The SajtsttL Heat 2000A system MORE FOR YOUR MONEY SPECIAL Features a 70-watt Amplifier, a highly sensitive AM and FM Tuner GOOD THRU FEB. 16, '72 (with coupon) For the price of a 14" pizza get a 16" Section, Blackout Dial, and Multi-Speaker Selector Control. The Turntable is the Garrard 72B instead (same variety). Or, pay for a small complete with Base, Dust Cover and Shure pizza and get a 14" (medium) for no extra Cartridge. charge (same variety). PAY FOR A 14" PIZZA-GET A hungries! MORE for you Speakers are the Ultra-Flex 24. A 4-speaker 3-way system including a 12 - inch base, 6-inch lower mid-range, 3% - inch upP®r mid-range and a 2-inch super tweeter. 16"(SAME VARIETY). OR. PAY List LlSt *682 00 special CRED,T PLAN STUDEnt | 68Z*00 FOR A SMALL PIZZA BUT GfJ Stereo .Bankamericard Shoppe Price '499.00 A MEDIUM (14"). MMM! Save »183.00 •fankte"T1! •Layaway ON CAMPUS DELIVERY OFF CAMPUS-CIRCLE DRIVE (TROWBRIDGE STORE) (E. Gr. RIVER) 337-1681 337-1631 543 E. Grand River - Next to Paramount News 337-1300