Thursday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Volume 64 Number 110 STATE state news East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. February 17, 1972 State Senate approves bill for May presidential primary opposed to listing a precinct delegate's that the change would deprive young election of delegates at the precinct level presidential preference on the ballot. people, minorities and other persons was complete, party regulars would "weed Michigan voters will have the Ryan said the provision would give a wishing to become involved in the electoral out" newcomers at the district and state presidential candidate with very few voted process of their chance to have a voice at conventions. opportunity to cast their ballot in a at least one delegate to the convention. presidential primary this spring. the state and national conventions. The effort to pull the bill back to the The Michigan Senate approved the Opponents of Ryan's amendment said These legislators said that once the basic house failed following a Republican House-passed bill by a decisive 34 - 1 vote caucus, in which Republican leaders Wednesday, despite a last-minute attempt decided to go ahead with the present bill. by House Democrats to call the bill back. Senators were also concerned that the Under the bill, Michigan will hold a combination presidential primary-precinct Piton hearing cost of the primary election would fail heaviest on highly populated areas, while delegate election on the third Tuesday in some districts would actually have a May of each presidential election year. surplus from the state funds allocated for Presidential candidates will be listed on the the election. More research? top of the ballot with precinct delegates — their presidential preference listed next to their names — on the bottom. the Delegates to rejected By JUDY YATES by Sen. Milton Zaagman, R-Grand Rapids, chairman of the elections committee, said national convention will vote for immediate consideration of such a revision that a bill dealing with the cost inequity presidential candidates in direct porportion State News Staff Writer because Article 6, as it currently exists, would be put together in the near future. Jiert Earl Barnes, left, who coauthored the book "Is Your Home Safe The Student to the number of votes the candidate - Faculty Judiciary fails to adequately define rights and The bill now goes to Gov. Milliken, who irom Burglars?" was arrested in Chester, Pa., Tuesday for a string of received in the primary. Wednesday denied a request for a hearing responsibility for the parties involved, thus, will probably sign the measure sometime purglary charges. Barnes, 38, had walked away from a minimum Pressure to have the bill sent back to the charging Frank H. Blackington, director of not providing the guarantees which they next week. Milliken praised the legislature y federal prison at La Tuna, Tex., on Jan. 7. House was applied by House Speaker the Honors College, with censorship and might reasonably expect," the opinion for the passage of bill in a statement AP Wirephoto William A. made a plea for a change in Article 6 of the states. Ryan, D-Detroit. Ryan is released after the Senate vote. Academic Freedom Report. The decision was made after the The request for a hearing was Calling the bill "one of the most filed Jan. judiciary met Tuesday with representatives important reform measures to be passed by 17 by the editor and staff of the Piton, an of ASMSU and the University Student the legislature," Milliken said a presidential Honors College magazine. Advisory Committee in an attempt to primary would "allow all eligible voters jreen offers The request charged that Blackington ascertain the legislative intent behind and newly enfranchised young voters to to debate did not have the authority to impound Sections 6.3.2 and 6.3.4 of the freedom have a decisive influence in the selection of 3,500 copies of the cover and title page of report. the presidential candidates." the magazine. "The positions of both the appellant and Blackington can find substantiation sue of bias in Big Ten within Article 6 of the Academic Freedom Report," the decision states. "To make a ruling in the present case would require the Judiciary approves judiciary to delete, or significantly alter either Section 6.3.2 or 6.3.4 of the reps-at-large election k BARBARA PARNESS freedom report." specifically referring to those who are the Big Ten. Section 6.3.2 of the freedom report [State News Staff Writer intimately involved with sports at the The letter also called for the presence of states that full freedom of content and rt L. Green, director of the Center moment, not the fans who have been one black official at each Big Ten contest editorial policy is guaranteed to all college Affairs. Wednesday issued r sending me hate mail, for they do not for the remainder of the season. (AUSJ), to void the election of student publications subject only to the fedvsc t»»d By JUDY YATES Je to debate anyone who disagrees know the issues and do not have the data I Green called Duke's telegram a counsel of the administrator of State News Staff Writer representatives - at - large, while made in J■een recent charges that black athletes have." "nonresponse." administrative unit responsible. The Student good faith, must be reversed," the majority exploited by college and The three administrators received a Section 6.3.4 states that the - Faculty Judiciary opinion states. The opinion states thrni an ■nal athletics. telegram Wednesday from Big Ten "We are yet looking to him to respond Wednesday released a majority opinion election of nonwhite minorities by their ■nized to the specific issues spelled out in our responsibility for all content, finance, supporting the Student Committee on sports at both the collegiate Commissioner Duke saying copies of the distribution and constituencies is n,ot provided for in the ■ofessional level have exploited letter are "being forwarded to all Big Ten communications to him. We are asking for staffing shall lie with the Nominations which provided for an all - Bylaws for Academic Governance. V Green said Wednesday, repeating a sponsoring agency, group or organization University election of representatives - at- The appeal was filed against AUSJ by faculty representatives and athletic a response saying that we have been put on involved. i he and two other black directors for review." the agenda for the Big Ten meeting and large to the Academic Council. the nominations committee on the grounds The opinion states that any change in "In light of the interpretation (of the Itrators mqde in a letter to Big Ten The letter to Duke from Green, Thomas furthermore that a full - scale set of that it did not have the authority to void the freedom report should be done ■ioner Wayne Duke Feb. 9. hearings will be arranged," Green said. through Bylaws for Academic Governance) by the the election. Gunnings, asst. director for minority the legislative amendment procedure "Furthermore, we are specifically Steering Committee of the Academic "We do not concern ourselves here with jone n who would like to publicly counseling, and Joseph McMillan, director outlined in the freedom report. Council, the judiciary finds the decision of this issue, tell them to name of Equal Opportunity Programs, called for requesting Commissioner Duke to take a the presence or lack thereof of a conflict of "The judiciary strongly encourages the the All - University Student Judiciary | and time," Green said. "And 1 am an investigation of racial discrimination in leadership role in this effort and not simply these bylaws," the appeal states. "We forward our request to Big Ten members," question rather the method of dealing with he said. the adjudged conflict." will Green said he urges President Wharton The majority opinion does not address irary and John A. Fuzak, MSU's Big Ten Faculty representative, to "provide leadership in itself to the authority of AUSJ to void the election but rules on the basis of conflict speaking to the legitimate concerns of of the bylaws. black students." The majority opinion is based on an fdergroduote Walter Adams, distinguished University interpretation of the bylaws by the professor of economics and former MSU Steering Committee of the Academic president, issued a statement Wednesday Council. The committee said that the committee may decide at that time supporting the demands for an intent of the council was to provide for a y DANIEL DEVER investigation of segregation in the Big Ten. whether to continue the program on a minority representation through the State News Staff Writer permanent basis. nominating process but that the election "The question is not one ot good will to involve I University Library Committee Chapin said that the success of the was the total student [Tuesday by individuals, but rather of the adequacy community. to extend hours in the program would be determined by of the institution of the people who make the number of people who leave the library Jduate library to 2 a.m. for spring after 11 p.m., the present closing time. it up," Adams said. A minority opinion on the decision if t action An attendance goal of an average of 300 Adams said he consulted a statistician forthcoming, Ruth Renaud, director of came after an ad hoc P'f, appointed who told him the chances of there judicial programs, said Wednesday. to study the students per evening has been set by Mark Bathurst, chairman of the Student P of Library Chapin as a standard for evaluation of the "accidentally"being one black official hours, recommended out of 36 in the Big Hen, are three out of Committee on Nominations and appellant ■of the change. extended hours program. 1000. in the case, said Tuesday that the judiciary ■jj'ng T-cton April 3, the new hours will The Library will operate the program had decided that the question of minority a Sunday through Thursday with three or four student employes at the "When you analyze the situation, still representation on the council will have to J*remain in effect until June 8. cost of about $1,000 for the term. be settled K the extended hours assuming the good will on the part of before the next election period from "We have this much money in our fund scheduled for spring term. to 2 a.m. individuals, I would conclude that the there will be no now," Chapin said. "But if we decide to current cast of Big Ten officials is not The majority opinion does not mention ■on o' materials and no reference continue the program permanently we the question in relation to the next T' The representative of Big Ten basketball," he liWill remain assigned reading desk, open. would have to make some adjustment to cover the added cost," he added. said. "This to me makes for bad government 43 election. The AUSJ decision to void the election P'd Chapin, director of libraries, because I believe in the marrow of my came about after Ron Johnson, Detroit Pe extended hours will be an The library committee also discussed The Red Cross blood drive continues today in the lower lounge of Shaw bones with Thomas Jefferson's statement sophomore, filed an appeal charging that ■fntal program for initiating new services specifically, Hall with 623 pints having been donated by 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. The spring term, that 'government is the strongest of which the bylaws were in conflict because they providing access, via telephone cable, to yogram J last will be reviewed, however, machine readable computer data bases. every man feels himself a part.' I don't goal of the drive is 1000 pints, with A positive and O positive blood needed provided for a total student vote for the meeting of the Library In other action Tuesday the committee think black players in the Big Ten can have on Friday. election of minority student ■ e during spring term. The (Please turn to page 171 (Please turn to page 17) representatives. County RICK WILBINS J S,ate Mews Staff Writer ., „ '•j,.,.* fyvsAli tJOTM I iMMK i>vr.v KTOfc — XP&& MK3T t - done to make them jails human storehouses." anything more than explained, "and some termed counties simply don't have the funds to adequately house explained, "is that there's a tendency to make them too large and too far away Mayor Lindsay's Criminal Coordinating Committee investigated that Justice ••ri'ii.rriT i "Prisoners have nothing to do," he prisoners. from the prisoner's resident community." city's jail system last November, it Pill the state "Other counties just don't have enough "If the jail is located far from the prison system is explained, "and administrators make no predictably concluded that "the only lless ,u>°d of an overhaul, it efforts to do anything but house and feed prisoners to warrant instituting the prisoner's home." he added, "then his relatives can't visit him often and his remedy to the detention conditions is to Kdtn rtothe (uP''ars in K°ocl working order them — even then, not adequately. The necessary programs and paying the proper take out as many persons as possible." county ja„ sy8tem. . %V. V inmate has no entertainment, no books, no people," he added. involvement with his community is The jails are overcrowded and hook I i i,,ndl9,h 0r century Quakers Mitt II newspapers, and he gets very little chance Kime and Goldberg both suggested that reduced." overburdened, according to Goldberg, teref0-in B incrr th*^8'the* .U)nd'tions, Institutional 3 WW* WJW«U kamw to interact with other inmates." W.A.Goldberg, professor of Criminal one pf the necessary first steps to reform is to regionalize the jails. Several counties Kime admitted that he did not see an immediate restructuring of the jail system largely because of the courts. "There are a lot of people in jail for § "hot-> a?,"1 Pr,8oner activities justice, indicated that he felt jail reform would fund one central jail according to this plan. towards regionalized jails. committing 'sin* offenses drunkeness ■Perhnnc ti of lheso Problems — www was as critical, if not more critical, than "Setting up a central jail for several "Once the jails are regionalized," Kime counties is and morals charges and so forth," Kime prison reform. going to be difficult because ■ today "hole" — remain with IM. www "Our facilities for minor offenders are explained, "then we can get the centralized vested political interests in the county will said. "What we need to do is decriminalize these acts." PecUnn!i ^a'ls are the backwater of in terrible shape," he said, "but what training, uniform standards, and adequate fight to retain control of the jail," he Time magazine reported that last year 1 direr 1 SyStC,m'" William Kime' Fourth in « series makes it worse is that there are three times programing essential to improving the jail explained. about half of the six million nontraffic !u th • corrections, said, the prisons, according to Zolton Ferency, as many people in jails as in prison." system." Many county jails throughout the Unless the method of funding the jails is Ferency said he was skeptical, however, nation are seriously overcrowded, Kime arrests in America are for 'victimless', ess h ,prisons m»y be making East Lansing attorney, who has worked for changed, however, the problems will that regionalizing the jails would be the said. crimes such as drunkeness, vagrancy, JP'ovement;'" I Wis ^ jails' we 866 very penal reform. "The jails are a greater blot on our penal continue, Kime said. best solution. New York City's jail system is often gambling and homosexuality. are even more "The counties pay for their jails," he "The trouble with jails like this," he considered to be American (Please 17) backward than landscape." he said, "because so little is jails. When turn to page 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Fehn.,r Ms. Irving free news summary From the wtret of AP and UPI. following NEW YORK (AP) - Ms. Clifford Irving was arrested as an arres U.S. Magistrate Martin D. Jacobs limited her travel to New York and Connecticut and set the monetary bond after hearing fugitive from Swiss justice on Wednesday and released on that the Zurich prosecutor "wishes to have all necessary $250,000 personal recognizance bond in the case of her husband's disputed toward Hughes autobiography. assurances that she will stay in his jurisdiction." Irving claims to have written Hughes' autobiography after "We do not read the court decisions as seeking racial balance. HEW head assails numerous meetings with the elusive billionaire, but Time, Inc. — which was to have printed excerpts from the still unpublished McGraw - Hill Inc., book - has called it a hoax. The objective seems to be ending Irving has said his wife, Edith, 36, was the mysterious "Helga the dual system." Secretary of HEW Elliot L.Ricahrdson busing amendment WASHINGTON (AP ) - A member of President Nixon's R. Hughes" who opened secret Swiss bank accounts and deposited $650,000 in checks intended by McGraw - Hill for Hughes. Swiss authorities say she later withdrew the money, then Cabinet-level committee charged with seeking solutions to the put most of it in another account. See story page 2. problem of school busing frowned Wednesday on the The Swiss government obtained an arrest warrant Tuesday on constitutional-amendment approach. a complaint that she was wanted for counterfeiting, forgery and Welfare Secretary Elliot L. Richardson said many such larceny in connection with transactions with the McGraw- Hill proposals now in Congress could weaken civil-rights laws and checks, which were made payable to H.R. Hughes. hamper school - desegregation efforts. Ms. Irving's attorney. Maurice Nessen, who also represents her In response to questions at a news conference, Richardson said husband in twin grand jury probes here, objected to a monetary Trade policy relaxed he does believe that in some areas there has been excessive busing bond, which she must pay if she violates the terms of her to achieve racial balance. freedom. Continuing to relax its trade policy with the Soviet Nixon has appointed a committee to prepare busing recommendations for his consideration when he returns from But New York lawyer Bernard Reverdin, representing the Union, the Nixon administration Wednesday in China. Washington approved 52 licenses for export of $367 Swiss, said authorities were "very much intent on having Ms. Richardson said statutory' guidelines on busing should not be million of machine tools and other equipment to the Irving present at trial in Zurich." Warrant issued too specific, in terms of cost, time and distance, because those Saying he was aware the author and his wife have two small Soviet Union. details vary in each situation. children, Reverdin did not press for confinement in jail. Edith Irving, wife of author Clifford Irving, holds "It is equality of educational opportunity all concerned their The licenses will go for the Soviet Union's big truck we are Ms. Irving, smiling, arrived at the courthouse 10 minutes late. Barnaby during a trip to a New York delicatessen T plant to be located on the Kama River some 400 miles with," he said. Later in the day a warrant in behalf of He did not rule out the She wore a black jacket, brown pleated skirt and patterned red from Moscow. possibility of a constitutional the amendment but said he has not seen any proposed so far which and orange blouse in sunny, spring - like weather and went government was issued by a U.S. magistrate for her Approval of the licenses does not mean that the total would not be too broad and subject to a wide variety of directly to a courtroom in the skyscraper. She is wanted by Swiss authorities on charges of bank amount of tools and equipment will be exported. It is interpretations. Her expression became somber as one of seven U.S. marshals and passport forgery. A law be crossed the room to place her under arrest. only a general approval to export that much. can changed relatively easily he pointed out, while APWir amending the Constitution is a cumbersome process. Richardson said he agrees with the President's stand against Pot legalization hinted busing solely for the purposes of racial balance in schools. The HEW secretary added, however, "We do not read the LASHES TRANSIT BILL court decisions as seeking racail balance. The objective seems to Sources close to the national be ending the dual system." marijuana commission in Washington say it will urge that Americans be legally free to privately use pot - but won't encourage them to do so. Commission officials refuse to comment or to release The Michigan State News is published by the students of State University every class day during Fall, Winter, and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition is published in September. Subscription rate Rep charges ' copies of the report - which is going to printers this By KAREN ZURAWSKI "Out of $83 million in campus. is $16 per year. compare mass transit to week — until it is delivered to President Nixon and State News Staff VWter the package, less -than $150,000 Member Associated Press, United Press International, He also does not approve of police protection, l Congress March 22. Inland Daily Press Assn., Michigan Press Assn., Associated The transportation package will go to Lansing," he declared, the present formula earmarking service. But, a source close to the panel's work said "the Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press Assn. currently in the Michigan House "Out of every dollar generated half-a-cent out of the two cent Roads are a public which provides funds for mass for highway purposes in Ingham per gallon proposed increase for thrust of the report is to defuse the marijuana issue, to Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. however, because transit is simply a gesture of County, three are moved away." mass transit. While 60 million needed for the tramp strike away the emotional mythology about the drug, Editorial and business offices at 345 Student Services "tokenism" for mass transit, Under the amended road will be spent on new roads, $20 because the hysteria is far out of proportion to the Bldg., Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, commodities, Brown 48823. Rep. Jim Brown, R-Okemos, formula, Lansing would qualify million will be spent on transit, transit is a more p< substance." Phones: said recently. for $210,600 for mass transit, he said. Brown also su~ Brown, who voted against the However, because of the clause "We'll never catch up with argument that the gas News/Editorial 355 - 8252 transit bill last week, does not limiting state funding to not this method," he declared, for mass transit would Classified Ads Amendment action blocked 355 - 8255 see it as being "truly defined as a mass transit more than one-third of the Instead, he would prefer to to people away from package." operating costs, Lansing could establish an authority endowed centers. »i\|? A c: t .•« 8Dn„. ,oW A^^iang Claiming he could still >/ote > receive «rX>v415Q,UQft. au svkb wity. f taxing (powprs or to use "The farmers in ion N^Q^a^j^stitutionM . 355 -'a*47 fp*. transit bill, be, insisted According to some supporters money from thegenoraMundfor County will never' amendment to guarantee women amend however, that radical ctongq? .fit Ahe bill, Lansing m«y not be mass transit, Photographic * would have to be made in the confined to the lower Detroit transit system," equal rights with men was blocked in figure. The highway department "We would have to do the Senate Judiciary Committee Campus Information 353 8700 - road formula with more funds They point out that different originally depended on the convince them t for mass transit. Wednesday in Washington. steps could be taken through general fund for money and something for them to But agreement was reached to vote WWMWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwWkyyyyy Ei capital outlay to maintain the found it an irregular source of transportation for otherv on the proposed amendment on Feb. 29 and to file majority and minority 111 TY £ I fUlUL I I 0( 0 C T11 I UULIl K nF I 0 n Ul ' MCI ITIOU I J %»note bother JSR f ^ half of the mass transit fund, department would receive quite Forms to wai reports with the Senate two weeks w m- $10.4 million, is to be awarded a bit, and the next year, because later. *1/ I# ■■ A 1^ M A 11^ 1% ■ | | ■ ilV J on a grant basis, and Lansing of general conditions, it would fox deductio |K0K0 BAR AND RESTAURANT! might be able to receive as much receive a greatly reduced Sen. Birch Bayh, D - Ind., chief ^ ji. $50,000 to $100,000 more, as Brown amount. now ovoilabl Senate sponsor of the amendment, H says there are too In 1938 the principle of Most student enr1' said the agreement would prevent • many highways and the gas tax earmarking funds for highway eligible to waive their further delaying tactics by opponents „should be cut and taxes use only became part of the deductions for federal J increased someplace else. within the committee. WELCOMES YOU SEVEN DAYS « WEEK TO: , • However, he is aware of constitution. It evolved in 1947 into the State Motor Vehicle popular aversion to higher taxes, Fund which provides revenues to tax, the University: office said recently. "Any one who did"" £ • GOOD FOOD •MIXED DRINKS* DRAFT DEERi and admitted that it does color the Bombing results in arrests ►his thinking. State Highway counties and cities Dept., by set tax liability last year will not earn more than There Brown claims to have formulas, this year is eligible to file The bombing of police and fire headquarters Wednesday in Manchester, N.H. has been linked by the J THURSDAY NITE IS PIZZA NITE* 12"-ONE ITEM-$1.25 found no support for the ►transportation package on mass Brown does not agree transit supporters with who so tax we will not deduct payments," Mary state attorney general to plans to blow up the New principal clerk i" Hampshire primary headquarters of President Nixon. )f TUESDAY NITE IS PITCHER NIGHT. PITCHERS FOR LESS division, said. 2 BRANDS, AND DARK BEER The special exemption' A man and a woman were arrested and charged in the W4-E, are not a" bombings shortly after the three''blasts occurred. Atty. SERVING NOON SPECIALS - SANDWICHES, STEAKS departmental offices, W, completed at the payrolj Gen. Warren Rudman said that when the two were taken into custody a news release concerning the 4 CONTINUOUS MUSIC! ™,NNERS 350 Administration - bombings also was obtained. CONVENIENTLY LOCATED PIZZAS IN OR OUT! When overwith KALAMAZOO & CLIPPERT ST. CALL 351-2919 results, individuals The release said that besides the police station, the or 337-2125 income tax statemen Nixon headquarters also had been a target. No bomb ' ¥¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥*****-**^***¥¥ * spring to obtain a pays found at the the government. Ms. was headquarters, where 12 antiwar demonstrators said that most student" were arrested Saturday during a talk by could avoid the trouble George Romney, secretary of housing and urban NOT ALL EXPENSIVE an income tax return to development. taxes back by simply LOOKING DIAMONDS W4-E form and not to taxes withheld ii ARE HIGH PRICED! Apollo launch set for Dec. 6 Apollo 17, the last planned manned mission to the moon, will be launched on Dec. 6 and it's scheduled to land in a moon mountain valley thought to be filled with volcanic ash, the space agency announced Wednesdayfromthe Space Center, Houston. The landing point will be in the center of the upper right quarter of the moon, as viewed from the earth, several hundred miles north of the Apollo 11 landing site. The landing site is named Taurus - Littrow for the nearby Taurus Mountains and for the crater Littrow. Treatment progress made Employing researchers a new method to aid breathing, report dramatically promising results in DON MCLEAN treating hyaline membrane disease, a leading killer of newborn infants. plus Often called glassy - lung disease, it caused the death of the infant son of President John F. Kennedy. Early reports show survival rates of from 70 to 90 RITA COOLIDGE with Marc Benno and the DIXIE FLIERS per cent for the disease that three years ago killed half of its victims and a decade ago killed up to seven out of 10. Today the disease 20,000 and 25,000 causes the death infants, virtually of between all of them Ma r 1 • 8 pm $3.50 at Marshall Music, Campbell's, •AUDITOR## MS premature. ,n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, February 17, 1972 3 DAI Army scraps old equipment in Vietnam Vietnam - /AD\ RnllHxvore U (AP) -Bulldozer# are busy making junk 1.1 ■ * fhd;n" ?f,lutior , L uio'ment the U.S. Army says is not worth keeping and t0 th,s ,rony fo wartlme economics: spring. usable equipment. * !Lve to give away. »« to y 'sposal the scrap heap area8ency "ys the only itesm legally consigned "There, they've done it to us again," sighed S. Sgt. Sylvanus The reason, those it would cost more to disposal men say, is the accelerated with drawal. n a muddy hill the ebbing American military presence any other way. dispose of in Watts, pointing to three steel acetylene gas cylinders dumped near U.S. military units are in haste to pack up and get out, and Eidunes of crushed desks, lockers, air conditioners, a heap of scrap aluminum. * « bunks , steam tables and other paraphernalia of u/«^8tc°I the incomin8 Warren S. Everett, the equipment has been so judged, says "We've had them bring new motors in here, still in the crate, dumping equipment is easier than going through channels. somP 3,000 tons of metal alone. agency's deputy director in Vietnam. and I've turned them back. We can't Equipment left legitimately at the facility is available to U.S. accept those things, but 'the bulldozer strikes, much of the equipment is could be put♦ ?f onnMhH1 H has served U-S- units until dumping time and and allied military units and to other agencies to sue by the Vietnamese, who there's only half a dozen of us. We haven't got the men to keep It through supply channels. To bypass the red tape would be to invite Jfhut usable. A small amount is new. r ° t of the metal here - and at seven other Army rom roofs to automobiles with an adeptness born of patch up anything all out." "I had a Vietnamese officer offer me an AK47 rifle if I'd corruption. Vietnamese interest in American necessity. A tour of the yard turned up four - wheeled just castoffs is evidenced by hydraulic lifts let him come in here with a truck and load Lt rfisDosal facilities in Vietnam — will be sold for scrap at occasional attempts to steal from with olive drab paint unsullied, cans of up," said Watts, who teh Phu Bai facility. lubricating oil and more is from Nashville, Tenn. ■ ringing f^m $4 a ton for light iron and steel to $100 a ton Hie disposal men are bound hand by red tape designed acetylene bottles. A smashed toolbox leaked wrenches into the on one GIs complain that some of the scrapped to prevent mud. A battered computer keypunch stood in the rain. equipment is better corruption and pressed on the other by a work load than they are using, but that gripe fteasy 10 be 8hocked at the WMte' h"4"01 so easy to that has doubled in the last month and may double again before While the yard crew is racing to keep up with sorting and paperwork, a steady stream of trucks spirits in more and more professionally suspicious air. brings out Watts' "Nobody has ever been denied anything if they had ^ proper paperwork," he said. "In most cases they jsut want something Jobless toll goes up in Britain extra for themselves." In any case, the disposal men say they have neither manpower to spare equipment from the weather and the bulldozer, and neither their own. resources nor space nor authority to distribute it on )0N (AP) pproached three ^AJl^hooe^of'avertino tnt«i ■ the striking miners and cuts getting worse each day, 15 per cent and authorities normally used by post office Everett sys $35.9 million in used equipment was officially shutdown^f Britain's LaIAipJh K because of the power ahwtdown of Britdn,i^llberforce told newsmen with'te"run B°«rd. Lord pressure was building up on both warned it could hit 20 per cent, engineers to pump out manholes consigned to military and other recipients in the fiscal year that ended last June. d Briton were tdd to etactrfci power WiwHU. to Inquiry would draft its settlement. his sides to reach an early For Individual homes this or charge batteries. means power cuts of up to nine n more hours without next two weeks rested on the recommendations "very Hid heat. success of the three-man Inquiry urgently." British Industry, already hours a day, with three-hour tho^nI"iiTof la bright spot appeared, headed by Lord Wllberforce, a Ipendent inquiry into the former High Court judge. The The government-named go can recommend can recon panel but not impose down to a three-day work week because of the shortage of power blackouts following three hours of power supplies, strain. Newcastle ' Hospitals in the area said they would Pay list release supplies, laid of hundreds of R>od supplies from milk to Inlners' strike that has His panel had originally been a settlement. The Coal Board, thousands of additional workers, beer, were threatened as stop taking- in any more patients ■ electricity cuts came to expected to take 16 days before however, has promised to accept Power CUB lurrin, off he., - hits 2 colleges Lj gnd its members suggesting a way out of the whatever recommendations the and light in homes across the proving plente reported Nut further power cuts would cripple *u f me"Se„« E „._ti '1Mw1 Ed to recommend a pay power crisis that threatens to inquiry makes for settling the The presidents of two Michigan colleges have been ordered Enent by Friday. If dose British industry and throw strike, now in its sixth week. country sharply increased. In the production. admission continued, British Rail into court to show cause why they should not make public salary |d by the government's 20 million men out of work, by The miners have made no such morning between 5 and 10 per Emergency measures included Joseph Rippon, 60, electrician, was killed information of their employes. cent of the nation's power the loan of 30 small power Enird and the union, an the end of the month. pledge. The presidents of Saginaw Valley College and Delta College supply was withheld to conserve generators by the post office to J, Ed come by the weekend But It flnbhed Its hearings Nevertheless with the bit. ESKTlE"'[1" ..... . "b^., changing switch* _ will appear at 10 a.m. Feb. 22 in the Bay City Circut Court after pin's worst blackout since after only two days, split evenly from nationwide electric power afternoon the figure had risen to iron lungs. The generators are thf 8 81l,ed dunng 8 power cut. a month • long battle between the colleges and the Bay City Times. Prime Minster Edward The newspaper has brought suit against Saginaw Valley iring early College, a four - year school, and Delta College, a two - year Heath's Conservative enrollment government, severely criticized by the opposition all week on community college, for their refusal to release salary data and names of their employes. charges of intervening too little and too late in the power crisis, Student goofs ruin schedules faced a crucial Parliament. Debate test opened on the in Sears SALE enabling legislation needed to Ldarlene larock schedules, according to asst registrars Victor Henley and form. The most common error, computer checks for impossible seauence numbers. Frist priority, he said, goes to students who must have their _ _ bring Britain into the European Common Market. Rejection in the vote Thursday would force SAVE '44 Idents make many careless SonTrr^said at least one out of the Tl"8 °L8 'Students sometimes mark the classes" at certin" timw ofThe HeathV government to resign, Complete ski package includes skis ( S-300 ) , ■at earlv enrollment which or? PVprv 20 ™ «tnHpnt« mnkpc cnmp tastead of a one In the °— grids ».»«, sequence number on wrong «■ their iwu day. aay. These inese include mciuae disabled In in past past, Common toramun Markel mariwi Boots, Bindings. Regular separate prices total Ithem ■ to have incomplete kind of error on his enroilmem n,s ZlbK nu™Pfre- C°Ur8e enr°lln?en.t to™*>a class and get placed in ^rumentirely "in students, athletes whose sport is ballots Heath has been helped by season" a particular term a split in opposition ranks on the $153. This error is relatively easy to different from the one they and certain members $109 of the issue. spot by comparing the sequence wanted. State News staff NOW [xon leaves number marked in grids with the There have also been cases of sequence number written in Arabic numerals at the top of students marking incorrect Second priortiy goes to NEED ELECTIVES? SAVE to'12 Parkas student numbers, Sorum added, graduate students and third to |r China each box, Henley said. They get no classes as a result, students in Honors College. '34 ISHINGTON (AP) jou save "If students would take only three minutes more, it would us and themselves a great and the student whose number they marked will get two sets of classes. Seniors receive fourth priority, students new to Honors College fifth, juniors sixth, sophomores The Dept. Romans in English Translation Offered by the of Romance Regular $42 Regular $37 . . . . . . '29 - President Nixon, after doing 11th - deal of work," he said. Students who filled out their seventh and freshmen eighth. and ■homework at his secluded mountaintop retreat, departs At enrollment, a recording is enrollment forms correctly may Classical Lang. & Lit. WELLS SAVE to '20 Skis Von the first leg of his self-described "Journey for Peace" to almost continually urging HALL 355-8350 pps. 39 & get the classes they requested on Henley said 84.d per cent ot 76, Course Catalog Regular $70 . . . '50 ■Nixon prepared to fly back by helicopter after an overnight students to recheck their forms, the basis of a priority list. ^ stufe"4 ^ enr1oUed Tt Camp David in Maryland's Catoctln Mountains, an army he said, but they often do not. Priority for classes depends *?r w,"ter ^lassf0 Regular $35 . . . . '25 ts wrapped up final details for his historic 13 • day, 20,395 - "We can only check out partly on the first letter of a November. Of the 33,163 CIA 3 0 2 Classical Limited Quantities Broken Sizes obvious errors," Henley said. student's last name, Henley said, stud®"ls wh° pwticipated, 62.6 pip • including plans for a star-spangled departure ceremony, Backgrounds. Masterpieces of classes a^nm^SmTm Student enrollment forms are but other factors also influence igressional leaders and Cabinet officials are to join a ind flag-waving school children who will be on the White checked three times, he it. they requested. Roman Lit. Theme: Individual Isouth lawn to bid farewell to the President, Ms. Nixon, and explained, once before the flUUMHODIJiajULlLilllJUUMLR" .jj vs. State MWF 1-member official party at 10 a.m. EST Thursday, student checks out before the forms leave the and again ^ 12:40, Mr. Tyrrell Complete Package kon will make brief remarks at the ceremony which follows a 1 House meeting with bipartisan congressional leaders, irollment area and the CIA 352 Metal Skis -Buckle Boots - Poles le presidential jet leaves Andrews Air Force Base, Md., at Archaeology of ■ 10:30 a.m. for a 10 hour nonstop - flight to Hawaii, where WHY NOT A PRAYER Haly- Principal Sites of Sicily Season *78 and Haly - Color Sides T Th I will tay two nights readjusting to the time change before Weekend '11 TRIP? 10:30 Mr. Seaman Ion to Guam for an overnight stop. 1 will land at Shanghai and become the first American Learn the ART of true the stables Weekly *22 lent ever to touch Chinese soil at 9 a.m. China time next PRAYER and the LAW no — one evades. A little book you LTN 427 Rom. Civilization Daily *6 |iy8p.m. er a Chinese Sunday, will treasure. Sl.50 ppd. HAM & CHEESE Armchair tour of Ancient navigator joins the crew of the "Spirit of '76," Barbon Corp. Bo* 491 - E, Rome - Color Slides MWF I fly on to Peking where he will be officially welcomed by Manitowoc, Wisconsin 54220 Choice of Swiss or American 11:30 Ms. Matzke le leaders at 11:30 a.m. China time 10:30 p.m. Sunday. I week in three Chinese cities — Kangchow is the third - cheese on light or pumpernickel See Europe bread. ^devoted to an open - ended series of talks with Communist RBgularly Only 85c «round of four banquets, and a side trip to the Great NO PREREQUISITES the different way- Vt OFF TODAY WITH THIS AD! ALL IN THE I Discover the World on Your j 2843 E. Grand River ^ ENGLISH LANGUAGE by bicycle! SEMESTER AT SEA s>nmrirify»nmnnmnnmfwnfr 2 weeks of sightseeing and Sails each September & February bring your cycle home! I Combine accredited study with j educational stops In Africa, Aus- *-'if ! ■ tralasia and the Orient. Over 5000 students from 450 campuses have already experienced this interna¬ SALE "Wings and Wheels" lets you see Styrla, the Province of Austria that is renowned for scenic beauty, on the most intimate terms possible. You're not encased in a tional program. A wide range of motorcoach or absorbed in the operation Men's Footwear | financial now aid is available. Write for free catalog: of a car. You smell the flowers as pass them and you feel the sunshine on you ^Chapman College, Box CC12, Orange, Cal. 92666 15.90 and 19.90 your back and your view is not obstructed and you can stop at will. Every day is a fresh start but not an An exceptional opportunity obligation. If you choose to stay around the town for a change one day it poses to buy fine leather boots no difficulty at all. And on each day's excursion there's the possibility of at reduced prices. . .fat dropping out at any point along the way. A motorcoach follows the itinerary to a limited time only. pick up cyclists who tire. The bike you use on the tour is a A. Multi-hued suede patch boot. 10-speed, lightweight "Clubman" tourer and it's yours to bring home with you. (exce^ JeaWierc) Regulaily $25. now 19.90 Its purchase is included in the the tour and represents a sizeable price of B. Block/grey ankle boot. savings over the U.S. or Canadian retail purchase price. What a nice memento of Regularly $25. now 19.90 a wonderful holiday it makes! C. Brown slipon shoe boot. 6epartures every two weeks from Regularly $20. now 15.90 New York beginning April 3. Hotels and 2 meals & day included. Apr., May, Sept., Oct. $550 June, July, Aug. college travel JaoabSon'S 130W.Grand River , 12-5 JACOBSON'S OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL NINE 351-6010 tltt& Sal- A* ART BUCHWALD MICHIGAN STATE NiWS New and UNIVER8ITY who's in ^ : ?*.«L KEN LYNAM WASHINGTON - The new Nixon waa "Ah, come on Dick " tv,. jWATSP.v^] * advertising manager furious. The White Houae ataff had never ••id. "I was just having fun i.?4 Immm n>t seen him so mad. "Whore la he?" he never appeared on a television ik xi DAVE PERSON, managing editor demanded as he opened cloeeta, looked .nd he came to me for.? BILL HOLSTEIN, campus editor under beds and searched behind the drapes. figured It wouldn't hurt a™ CHARLIE CAIN, city editor BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor "Who, Mr. President?" "The Old Nixon," the New Nixon said, accused the Democrats The New of Nixon said "F™ a A RICK OOSSELIN, sports editor storming down the halls. sake, Tricky, can't ■ For "I think I «aw him In Bob Haldeman's head that w« Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award office," someone said. mudsllnglng? for outstanding journalism. "I might have known it," the New "Look, you didn't say it Hal*r, CHflRue? JVN6LS MAP Monday when White House Press visit. News, we are now disappointed that our SCARE? OF and i'll see Me? Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler listed clarification was not referred to when the IF I CAN the President's itinerary on the State News published Mr. de Mars' / , Ho. F/6UX£ our g ^ vete lost. kJHERE (Lie Chinese mainland, he added that the comments. ARE By removing more of the trade President has removed more trade barriers with Peking, the President Gene Rietfors barriers with Peking. China now will has made the possibility of Editor, MSU News - Bulletin enjoy the same trade status as the meaningful negotiations Feb. 11,1972 Soviet Union, meaning U.S. firms more likely. The move indicates once again that EDITOR'S NOTE: Opinions expressed in can export practically any the U.S. is more than willing to take letters to the editor are purely those of the nonstrategic products to mainland the initiative in improving relations writer and do not necessarily reflect the China. with mainland China. opinion of the State News. n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, February 17, 1972 Ihkm - • ACUPUNCTURE DISCUSSED Panel urges research \ • \l By TONI PELLILLO State News Staff Writer obstruct the transmission or information. Pang Man, director of research at Northville State Hospital, admitted there is little research or infomation in America on The mysticism surrounding acupuncture, the ancient Chinese acupuncture but thought the topic would be worthwhile. method of anesthesia by Little inrormation is available to Americans about the Injecting needles into the skin and the current need for future research into its field of medicine in the People's Republic of China. Last apparent success, were explored four American physicians briefly visited China to January, by three Chinese psychiatrists and an MSU view the physician in a panel presentation Tuesday evening. hospitals and private practices. The last time the Bamboo Curtain Part of the MSU "China Week" opened for such a visit was in 1949. series celebrating the new lunar year, the discussion reviewed Because of unavailability of up ■ to - date classical Chinese principles and practices of information, Chen medicine, the roots of which are found in long - concentrated his talk on the philosophy of ancient classical On needles standing traditions. Chinese medicine which emphasizes opposing principles, "yin" I ' Acupuncture, a 2,000 - year old Chinese method, involves and "yang." Ronald Chen (»econd trom right), a mAinhor a member nl tho of the . . _ inserting long, thin needles into - the skin at one or more of 365 Harmony homeostasis of the two is the basis for I Gennesse County Commission on Mental Health Service, ***[ °td Chinese medical Week in celebration practice i> a part of a "China acupuncture points located all over the or state, Chen explained. a healthful of the lunar body. "Yang represents active principles like I spoke Tuesday evening in 102B Wells Hall as part of a panel new year. When a patient is punctured with the needle, major operations vigor, outreach, warmth, light and force," the psychiatrist said. | discussion on acupuncture. The discussion of the 2,000 State News photo by Jeff Wilner can be performed without the use of anethestics. The reel no pain and will remain patient will The opposing force, yin, represents and darkness. tranquiltiy, structure, cold awake during the operation. "Dependent upon the manipulation of the needle and the These complementary forces can be extrapolated to organ timing of the treatment, it could regulate disease in the systems. "The stomach as an organ pertains to yin, while the through either stimulation or equalizing effects," explainedbody ebe/s shoot bus driver, Dr. process of digestion within it pertains to Yang," Chen said. Ronald Chen, commissioner of Mental Both forces must be present to accomplish a Health Services for specific task, he Genessee County. added. H.C. Tien, a Lansing family psychiatrist, presented a television program at the discussion showing pictures of Chinese patients undergoing Mangled by that merciless mid-term? I ritish surgery with acupuncture needles inserted in various parts of their bodies. soldier Hollowed out by the hourly horrors? In one instance, a Chinese patient received a small local doseage of an anethestic and a single acupuncture needle to her left earlobe before surgery to remove a cyst from her ovary. During the operation, the patient was able to converse with the Tonight-Get It Out llFAST, Northern Ireland Creggan district. His body, shot of taking part in an illegal march border shootout between British surgeons and was completely awake. A cyst the size of an orange 1- Terrorists dragged a bus through the head, was dumped in Newry 10 days ago to protest troops and ™ removed from her body, reportedly without any feeling of It's Quart Night 1 away from his screaming later at the edge of a road on the the killing of 13 snipers, Catholics in The accused included Martin Deafness, paraplegia, migraine and schizophrenia are other Igers Wednesday night in other side of the city. Londonderry's areas in which the Chinese [jnderry and executed him The soldier died when bun "Bloody Meehan and "Dutch" Doherty, have been applying acupuncture with day when British who escaped earlier this t getaway car. A British terrorists riddled a jeep with year aPParentsuccess. r was slain near Belfast, machine-gun fire. He was the Darade>°PS "P 8 Catho,ic fron» Belfast's Crumlin Road jail Neither the Western nor the Eastern world can scientifically Jng Ulster's death toll in 2'A 51st British trooper to die in t»,J , . , and 'ater to'd a Dublin news and accurately explain how or why acupuncture works Tien ■of violence to at least 245. Northern Ireland's factional the rain rain after the °?e °Ut andS hearing conference they were IRA men. The IRA struck twice in hypnosis." likened the mystical punctures to being a "second cousin to ■Newry, Bernadette Devlin strife^ 15 otlier Roman Catholics ,he case involving Ms. Devlin "We «nt° ll»tCheermg fr^W»d Be,fast Wednesday, shooting and The needles interrupt the flow of pain throughout the body [ court victory by gaining and °ther Catholic leaders, Bet" S Ron, MrsJnl ! m w°u!,diin8 f British Paratrooper parts, Tien hypothesized. Thus, the feeling of pain does not reach (nement of a hearing on Including Social Democrat and riehts^earipr McSh»ne, a civil iigiiu> ifduer. andthe on later b owing up a tire depot to city the brain and the body rests peacefully. He likened the situation Now Appearing: Universe Ks that they participated in Labor party chief John Hume, Among the accused with Ms. s north side. tn that of n a foionhnno telephone conversation ...i where interference could I marches. Placard-carrying was put off for a month. Devlin, a member of Britain's ■scheered the decision. There were tumultuous Parliament from Northern i scenes outside the Newry court Ireland, were Frank McManus, AQUAREST , . |nmcn pulled 47 - year - old when it adjourned the case. The is Callaglinn. man in a part time the Ulster' Defense court said the lapse would allow passjons to aK)| and perrnjt the also a member of the London parliament, and Austin Currie and Ivan Cooper, who like Hume ixmdon Holy Outlaw'' to depicti lent and a Catholic, from gathering of evidence. are members of the Nothern WATER BEDS Qus in Londonderry s Tj,e defendants are accused Irish parliament. Judge Martin McBirney Berrigan 'underground' OK turned aside the prosecution's fno/e The film "The Holy Outlaw," portrait of Father Daniel must for request a a quick trial by saying- "The course of iuctiri Ber"gan> the Jesuit priest who was convicted of a felony for would best be semd bj buming 7 n,es at Cantonsville, Md. in May 1968, will be FROM $9.99 at p.m., 8:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. today, rof for Nixon adjournments of one month." The film charts Berrigan's Friday and BUY DIRECT FROM FACTORY underground evasion of the FBI dragnet for four months beginning in^Aprii 1970. Berrigan |MSU professor, named to f^BA degree frbnl Harvard and a decided to go underground instead of GUARANTEED phono 3,71 *09081 post uei;iut:u lo of Transportation post Ph.D. from the serving his three-year prison University of republic town of Dundalk. seVen "sentence rf'thl?Ter 'TZ"' Hazard - h - ir"blirrin8 T ^- ■*> <*«»"<«•»»*»■*••» t ^ adviser has served as to federal and state an of charges of illegal with Lee Lock wood 10 days before his arrest, film clips of the actual burning of draft records at Cantonsville along with his We've moved to kortation needs. Bortation needs" a f«encies including the Secretary of Defense, the po^'°"of»r",s the Office of The dropping of the charges brother PhUip and seven others and scenes of a sermon he 1649 Greencrest Ave. delivered in a Philadelphia church ttinf?nHrd('rP?nfeTr0f fcting and transportation Command U-S" Army and Transport Training was; seen the Governor's in Belfast as evidence ln the emotional climate Admission to the Auburn Film'Group presentation is $1. ■stration, was named by Economic Expansion Council. created by Londonderry's (corner of Haslett Wnt Nixon to the post or Hazard issued a 10-year "Bloody Sunday" the IRA has ■ Owen lirotlierton • Secretary of report on the utilization of the been granted room for ■ - representative and Hagadorn) wrtation for Policy and St. Lawrence Seaway, in maneuver, "EXTRA!! fcational Affairs. Pending connection with the St. The judge said there was | Senate confirmation, Lawrence Seaway Development insufficient evidence to try the Id will leave loauo m«ii MSU i„ Corp., in 1969 men who were arrested after a e job involves I advice to the secretary of Bortation on new legislation livilies related to highway, providing ibm Selectrics The Best Food and Mixed Drinks These Recent Graduates COMPLETELY Tf pipeline, urban transit rater Jlsaid. transportation," ■cerning the international RECONDITIONED NEW MACHINE 5BILL'S RESTAURANT: OF Your School Are Now J of the post, GUARANTEE •esc involve yher treaty Hazard said "landing rights FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY AL & BAR Minnesota Fabrics arrangements - freign countries." prd has been a menber of CALL ; CLAMBAKE F'ty at MSU since 1957. P° that, he taught at the cf Texas and at ■ University. He holds an Kent AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES 1477 Haslett Road. Haslett 339 ■ * Z Every Fri. & Sat. 718 E. Phone Grand River IV 2-6100 6-10 p.m. " ■ - ^ Employees Retina (.ooU Ittl Daniel Kasenda half mmn ( (try Stark sandwiches submarines giant giant shaved HAM genoa SALAMI with HAM .89 1.65 TURKEY-SWISS melt choice ROAST BEEF .89 1.65 S YOUR CAREER OPPORTUNITY BACON,LETTUCE and TOMATO .89 tender torn TURKEY .89 1.65 REUBEN on pumpernickel 1.19 kosher CORNED BEEF .89 1.65 IN FABRICS? fresh TUNA salad .89 Canadian HAM .89 1.65 gourmet Minnesota FABRICS plans to exceed options .15 SPARTAN SPECIAL 1.19 2.19 each month for the next 18 months. a new store opening swiss cheese .25 gourmet options THIS MEANS WE WILL DOUBLE BY FALL 1973! mushrooms or pepperoncini mushrooms or pepperoncini .25 Care to GROW rapidly with us? Business candidates double meal .60 preferred, plus otheVs interested in large volume retail double meat .60 store management. Averages SOFT DRINKS REGULAR .25 (coke,sprite, specialties orange,black cherry) SMALL .15 giant kosher dill PICKLES MR. DUANE HANSEN WILL creamy SHAKES (vanilla,chocolato, BE INTERVIEWING ON CAMPUS. sharp Cheddar or wholly Swiss CHEESES mocha,strawberry) .39 (select your own wedge) prices start at milk .20 rich fudge BROWNIES .20 Wed., Feb. 23 Campus Placement Thurs., Feb. 24 Office COFFEE or ICED TEA .20 delicious lowfat fruit YOGURT .45 h0T CHOCOLATE 15&.20 CHIPS and SNACKS by the bag .20 Livery hours. fabrics, inc. , 351-38cJo Hobie's 10P m 1:30 a.m. the sandwich people daily f P,ni- • 11:30 Sunday SPARTAN SHOPPING CENTER TROWBRIDGE at HARRISON Thursday, Fchrnn 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Whan faced by a long, cold walk one of the out' (tick out the thumb and hope a kind soul will m The ideal weather for hitch-hiking, will come *' pawing of winter and the entrance into spring. State Newt photos * by NiC|< j* Rep race sees between Richard Nixon and Nixon, Muskie in close race Steiger called Muslde the independent, taking votes from plan comes from people in the United States should set a date for total military withdrawal "The draft forces men into the military but with the new poses no serious difficult both parties. welfare bureaucracy who don't Edmund Muskie in the "strongest Democratic candidate from Indochina with the release defense pay raise from 33 cents "A young know where the bill will leave memb Rep. William Steiger, R - upcoming presidential election and only viable candidate to run Steiger, also a member of the of American prisoners and the to 53 cents of every defense contribute if he House Education and Labor them," he said. doesnV Oshkosh, Wis., and youngest jn an informal question and against Nixon" and said Wallace safety of U.S. forces as the only dollar and a volunteer army, the to know everything -1 member of the U.S. House of answer session Tuesday night in would pose somewhat of a Committee supported Nixon's Steiger said Nixon is keeping conditions. armed services will have a better rather be in the most of his election promises House 1 Representatives predicted a close Emmons Hall. threat if he ran as an family assistance program over quality," he said. than the Senate the present welfare system. and fulfilling his commitment to Steiger is confident that the bees* draft will end in June 1973 and wtould have to "The present system is end the war with compete will be replaced by a volunteer prima donnas, each of ARTHUR TREACHER'S Vietnamization. Steiger said being the inequitable because a man wants to be president." knows he can get more money He supported Nixon's policy army. youngest member of the House from welfare than from a full but warned that Muskie's time job — but the new plan rejection of the settlement offer ^ ^ — a/,nv\ ^ THE ORIGINAL Tislj would welfare break the guaranteed income and induce might jeopardize a Vietnam peace. TWO GREAT LOCATIONS IN LANSING: people to work," he said. The proposal would create 8 million new jobs, provide "Muskie is subverting Nixon's efforts to end the war by rejecting the plan before the Capita 1( Capsules training programs and day care enemy did — now they will RIGHT PAST FRANDOR AT centers for low income families, think the nation is divided on ATTY. GEN. FRANK J. judge and a state senator. structured Tisil & el)if 5 2418 E. MICHIGAN he said. "I can find no one who will defend th^ welfare system and the issue and may hold off on a settlement until the election," KELLEY Wednesday filed a request with the State Court of Appeals that an appeal be Charges against Judge Frank S. Szymanski and Sen. Charles N. Youngblood, D-Detroit, for those primarily students i| ultimately get college to Steiger said. and neglects to alleging conspiracy to commit 99c and at the only opposition to the new Muskie proposed that the accepted in the case of a Detroit bribery and attempted bribery, majority of the studi need to develop mirk were dismissed by Recorder's skills," Kelsey said. Court Judge Elvin L. Davenport 4100 S. LOGAN VW Trade-Ins Kelsey said the || -LET'S GET Jan. 27 for being "vague and ambiguous." committee would It Come In All Sizes power to subpoena m "Treat Yourself to the Treacher Taste" | ACQUAINTED At n Suds when we say case Kelley's request asks that the be reopened and Davenport's dismissal examine the books of tt{ of Education. "The Resoluti^ Dog "we^ challenged. make a lot of things better," we prompted by rainy« § 9 9* 4receiveW H from one And if Victor man s Henry "•»" her from the Invading Germans. Warren, the older and slightly Immoral carrier pilot, marries a senator's daughter and gets shot viewpoint of a participant i; always exciting, even if th participant is fictitious. Stephen Crane wrote 'The Red official urges Americans RELEVANT The ROMANCE Department of Romance Badge of Eny realized that the o d down at Pearl Harbor. Victor's daughter, becomes the Madeline, Courage" working from By STEVE SICILIANO When a foreign student comes to MSU he is given a test which Language is offering the ft order was irrevocably newspaper accounts of the his following courses (in English) measures proficiency in English. If the student had no ILj and man was now secretary to a famous radio American Civil War; Herman Lack of time and interest on the part of American students has previous knowledge of English, it usually takes two or three terms Spring Term: |Eo Hal warfare. a new Insecure age of personality In New York City and has a stormy love affair with Wouk spent seven years created a gap between Aemrican and foreign students on the MSU campus, Paul E. Munsell, asst. drlector of the to become proficient, Munsell said. researching and writing "The English Language However, most sutdents have studied English several years |e Winds of War," Herman him. Winds of War" Both novels seem Center, said recently. before coming to the U.S. ROM 499 Sec. 2 | monumental novel about Finally, Victor's wife Rhoda, "a singularly attractive woman," authentic because both authors American students just do not have the time to sit down talk to foreign students for and The Language Center makes a recommendation or whether the Beginnings of the Second wants to leave her husband for gathered the facts needed to He pointed out that any length of time, Munsell said. students should be admitted to the University but cannot prohibit Spanish Civil War through its Par, sees the great (and reproduce events accurately and many times a foreign student will be the admittance of any student because of his shortcomings in literature. MWF 11:30 ■ another man — one of the associated with an American student for lius) men and events of clearly; but more importantly, the two are roommates. In such cases the only one term, as when English. 12:20, F 9:10-10:00 ■ 1941 through the eyes of occupational hazards of long - both stories are told in terms of American student "We stand somewhere in the middle of the philosophy that married couples In best thinks it is useless to help in such a short time. ■ Henry and his family. selling the characters' feelings. A reader says 'If you think you can make It we'll let you in,' and 'unless Itered around the globe, falls in love novels, It seems. Victor himself understand this and can with the daughter of with the identify Munsell explained that it is difficult for an who has his own schedule and routine to American student you're perfect, we won't let you in,' " Munsell explained. ROM 499 Sec. 3 ■t from one crisis to situations of the story. become Interested in the K each family member a British war correspondent, but While a historian sits back problems of his foreign counterpart. Contemporary French Films. ■ out his personal destiny shows more self control than and writes "It would really help the Lecture TT 3:00 • dispassionately about foreign student if his roommate or ■ 4:30 friend sat down and had Recitation TT 7:00 *he terrible events which Rhoda: He sleeps alone. a tank battle, Victor Henry sits long discussions with him," he said. RAFTI - 9:30 Munsell explained that there are few students K, them. There is Byron, In between the personal In a church steeple used as a MSU with no knowledge of the who come to p.m. V's younger son, who affairs of this rather amorous spotting tower, sees a dead who do fall Into one of three English language. Those students I a Jewish girl he loves family, Wouk manages to categories: wives who had no soldier beside him who was ILDEA K chance to study, students who were unsuccessful Vly to Warsaw and saves introduce Roosevelt, Churchill, killed by a strafing airplane, and in learning the ROM 499 Sec. 5 language and students who had not studied English at all. AR lUGHN OFFERS RESOLUTION ARE SPN 326 We Have Support for amnesty urged A Complete Line of Kelly Chicano Culture In the Springfield Tires for your Car Including United States. W 7:00 • 10:00 Radial, Glasi-Belted. Polyester and p.m. Nylon. Every size Available. Come in and ■tncurrent resolution was resolution," Vaughn said, "to have fled to Canada rather than Compare Our Prices During East Lansing ultimate sacrifice of forsaking of amnesty under the power X (ced in the Michigan recognize that the involvement be involved in the war and their freedom to live and work granted them in Article I, Sec. II Bargain Days. of Representatives of the United States and its 354,427 have been classed as in peace in the land of the free'. of the U.S. Constitution to ■ day supporting combat personnel in Southeast deserters because Optional amnesty for all Asia was a tragic mistake and to not participate in the war. they would They recognize as did John F. "grant reprieves and pardons for SUNOCO Jo violated the Selective serve as a reminder Kennedy that war will exist until offenses against the United to our "The men who have chosen the distant day when the States." Me Act because of elected officials that war should to resist service in the armed conscientious objector enjoys |ons to the war in not be entered into when its forces have done so at great the same reputation and prestige it Asia. consequences are not clearly personal sacrifice,'. Vaughn said. the warrior does today." —solution, introduced by understood and supported by 'They have been separated Listing corrects Several prominent public Jickie Vaughn III, D • the people of this country." from their jobs, their loved ones, officials at the national level, pt, would show the Vaughn said that since the their friends, and they often schedule error ire's support for amnesty beginning of the U.S. suffer including President Nixon and the additional burden of several candidates for the office se who evaded the draft involvement in the Vietnam War, loss of esteem from their of President, have expressed an An error was made in the .ed to continue their roles 27,200 men have performed community and nation. In inclination to grant some form spring term schedule manual fcers of the atfqed forces. alternate service as conscientious Jlaving the coinage of their of amnesty to those \yho have involving a biological science OPEN Till Ts the intention of this objectors, more than 50,000 Convictions, they haw made the violated the Elective Service course. Section 901 of BS 2»£, Biological Science for Nine presidents, including Elementary Teachers, is listed in Washington, Jefferson, Madison, the manual as meeting from Jackson, Lincoln, Andrew 12:40 1:30 on Thursdays. The - Johnson, Grant, Coolidge, and actual meeting time for the 2:00 A.M. Truman, have granted some sort section is 11:30 -12:20. "THE COLDEST BEER IN TOWN" Domestic & Imported Jack ■ feet male described eight inches tall, officer. Police said they stopped a car for a traffic violation and violation. TWO STUDENTS WERE WASHINGTON'S CHILLED WINE - CHAMPAGNE Bg a 200 pounds brown leather and jacket the driver falsely identified himself as being the passenger in arrested Tuesday afternoon for allegedly trying to use a forged BIRTHDAY Domestic & Imported | robbed a student at bus pass at the Conrad attempt to avoid arrest on an em an I of $232 at 3:30 p.m. Auditorium bus stop. Police said outstanding warrant from the DAILY 9:30 - 2:00 A.M. SUNDAY 12:00 • 2:00 A.M. ly in front of the Lansing Police Dept. The their case has been referred to ■ration Building. Police the county prosecutor. passenger was also arrested for SUNDAY and MONDAY CONVENIENT PARKING - LOCATED NEXT TO THE KOKO BAR A I man approached the playing along with the hoax. $28 IN CURRENCY and a Bafter he had cashed a Feb. 20 Feb. 21 wallet were stolen from a ■d ordered him to drive STORE SECURITY students room between 1:30 and MALL-WIDE BARGAINS! Jitown ■olice Lansing. He then AGENTS from the MSU 7:45 a.m. Tuesday in West said they are Bookstore in the International McDonel Hall. Police said the A /pirited /pedal |E LARGE PIZZAS Center apprehended a shoplifter at said a 12:40 p.m. Tuesday. juvenile had allegedly Police door to the room had been left unlocked, and the student was sleeping at the time. H lansing mall 5330 W. Saginaw Hwy, at Pondero/Q, ■olen from a Little stolen a shoulder patch with an ■ delivery Bd 11:30 p.m. ■ of Mayo Hall. Police car between Tuesday estimated value of $1. He was released to the custody of his © 1972 Jos Schtitz Brewing Co., Milwaukee ar by George parents pending notification ■ the loss at $15. from the prosecutor. PUDENT AND a A STUDENT WAS arrested at T"1 were arrested at 8:20 p.m. Tuesday in the loop at lednesday morning on Snyder Hall for possession of Jiver Avenue on the what police believed to be two |oge of campus for ■ their identities with mescaline tablets and a quantity of hashish. Police said he was 0 obstruct a police originally stopped for a traffic career in law... without law school. ' you become a Lawyer's Assistant. II do work l~ work which traditionally done by lawyers is challenging, responsible r° intellectually stimulating. Lawyer's S are now so critically needed that Sirloin ■hoi i® 'nstiiute for 1 eryou a position in Paralegal Training can the city of your choice Steak Regularly *1.79 *n0. a hi9her starting salary than you'd pect as a Dinner recent college graduate. Here L "reer as a professional with financial irnfr "Pertise. ,ha< increase with your developing you are a student of H you're an Aquarian, OTURDFIY, 5UT1DAY. mOflDAY - KBRUflRY 19 20 and 21 high academic |r. er.In9 ar|d are interested in a legal come speak with you've probably already found Our resular $1.79 famous sirloin steak dinner. A hearty, delicious our representative. Schlitx Malt Liquor. sirloin steak served with baked potato, crisp tossed salad and roll. Contact the Placement Office © All for just $1.39, in honor of Washington's Birthday. It's a won¬ A Aquarius, you're anything but traditional. representative of The Institute /TjL You're often a wild dreamer, and always derful value, we cannot tell a lie. will visit your an independent thinker. That's why campus on: you THURSDAY, \_/T7)) get along so well with Schlitz Malt Liquor, FEBRUARY 24 lu (Taurus the Bull. Schlitz Malt Liquor is the unique drink that stands PONDEROSA STEAK HOUSE apart with a bold taste all Its own. And that's where tender B»«se rin"10 r ail or ab°ve dale is inconvenient lor you write The Institute lor Information what you respect. You know you can be lost for days in your idealistic things are alwcys happening dreams of the future. And when you join the _THe Institute for earth-bound, you continue to seek originality and surprise. Like Schlitz Malt Liquor, Taurus the Bull. Paralegal I 13<* floor. Training Nobody molcoi molt liquor like S«hliti. Nobody. <01 Walnut St.. Phila Pa 19106 4220 Saginaw Ave. (I block III. of Ware (215) WA 5-0905 . fly) Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Thursday, Fcbrua, SPORTS Ice playoffs changed Trainer Don Kiger Dcwicniinr By CRAIG RtMbo scheduled for March 7 and 8, the Wednesday (hat the playoff plan the first round of competition, j team pjayS the team that this season is more equitable the squads that placed the State News Sports Writer asset for finished in the No. 8 position, than any arrangement used highest in the standings during Time is getting mighty short before the annual WCHA hockey playoffs get under way and a couple of major changes in the The No. 2 squad meets the No. 7 team, team three plays team six and four faces off against five, The first four finishers in the previously. "It's the fairest system we've had in the league in a long time," Bessone commented. the regular season will again have the home rink advantage in the second round, set for March 10-11. Thus, if teams 2, 4, 6 and wrestler* post-season setup this year could standings will have the home ice "With the two game, total goals 8 make It to the second round, ByGARYSCHARRER nearby Okemos High, is one of make for an interesting series of advantage in the opening round round, it is a six period series, teams 2 and 4 will be at home State News Sports Writer three assistant trainers to MSU volunteering hls Grand contests. — a two-game, total goals series, not just a single game. This gives when they meet their Spectators attending any of Head Trainer Oayle Robinson. Ledge football team .J » h£h The top eight finishers in the Last year, unlike the present both teams a better chance in opponents. MSU's wrestling meets this year He has been on the MSU 10-team league standings at the end of the season gain a playoff system, the first round was a one-game elimination match, the first round, especially the team that loses the first game." The two teams that gain wins in the second round are then probably have, on occasion, watched the quick but accurate Athletic training staff for two years after serving three years as attempts to be 'or its wrestling nW* ^j he can fit spot. In the first round, MSU Coach Amo Bessone said Of the four teams that survive placed in a pool with 33 other taping of an ankle or shoulder or a student trainer. the hlg| Into his teams across the country for whatever, by a tall, well-dressed Kiger entered the training schedule NCAA championship playoff young man whenever a match aspect of athletics when he went Kiger lists his goals,, J one, consideration. Bessone is was stopped momentarily for back to school for a P.E. degree becoming a t* chairman of the selection the treatment of an injury. and sought out a part-time Olympic competition job. committee that includes Michigan Coach A1 Renfrew and Although spectators may only be vaguely aware of his Earlier he had quit Oliver where an ankle and knee eventually trainer looking^ position *£1 injury Bowling Green mentor Jack presence, Spartan wrestlers finished his football playing professional or collJLl Vivian. If the Spartan icers make might be forced into a state of days. After working in the it to the top, however, Bessone will step down from his confusion without their team trainer Don Kiger. construction business for period, Kiger decided to finish a brief whether it be or wrestlfon] freshman football |J with his championship in favor of Notre "He's such a big part of our school at MSU. He approached for intentions of J a masters Dame's Lefty Smith. team, It's almost unbelievable," Robinson for the purpose of associate J wrestler Tom Milkovich said. becoming a student trainer, and degree, but somehow 3 •••••••• "He does so much little stuff for now, only a few years later, us and so much extra work that Kiger is busy on high school, Wrestling js fcl Now As A Musical challenging he is like a second father to us. college and professional levels of sport for said, because unlike hi J "He is more than a trainer," athletic training. HO\VTOSIKTO!(I in business without Milk added. "If some of us have personal problems, we'll go to him. He continually goes above fie said he has always wanted to make the pro level, and through the contacts of Spartan sports, injured wrestled afford to miss two competition because really trying effect it would , and beyond what he's supposed track trainer Jerry Kimbrough, \ to do. All the wrestlers feel the conditioning. And 99^ Kiger has been working the past because it js , same way. We all appreciate Don three summers in the Houston a contact! produces many injured Kiger." Astros Florida farm system. that Kiger is asked to 8:00 p.m. Kiger, a 1960 graduate of ' In the fall he has been meg* Wrestlers do not like the sidelines with to] IN WONDERS KIVA - FEB. 17. 18 19 minor J since they may lose a J 5:00 matinee job, so their confidence is! IN WONDERS KIVA FEB. 20 in Kiger and his || - ^ Tickets on Sale Now techniques. TICKETS AT THE DOOR "Most of the time, 11 tell a kid, unless it's n* TOMMY that he shouldn't because most injuries p Chicago Symphony (the rock opera quicker with work," Kiger said. "It n but there won't be practic] damage done." by the who) Kiger is always and first in the training rood usually the last toT ■ Tickets at Campbell's, Marshall's & the Union especially when wrestlaj ?2 Feb. 25. 26, 27 March 3, 4, 5 Greg Johnson stay to wc Fridays & Saturdays 7:00 & 10:00; Sundays 8:00 after practices. "We have never had a I in my 12 year history* who has given so unselfil his time as Don Kiger,"T ENDS TONIGHTI open 7:00 p.m. Grady Peninger said.] come to a kid's house | middle of the night if mi "THE TOUCH" "We have injuries all th but the* wrestlers haiect SHOWN AT 7:20 - *25 P.M. faith in Kiger," he si wouldn't be for I1 WHERE ARE YOU* Feurig and tape, we have a wrestling team." M ERICA?,J M IOOMO Gymnos/iij Orchestra ... erywherc for tou in in tri-meel EASY RIDERl Daniel Barenboim conducting n-o-wi ... billy jack 1 Pinchas Zukerman Violinist jhts thi istablishmintiibb \ WEBERN The MSU wool BRUCH gymnastics team dtlT Central Michigan, 84.251 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA BRUCKNER MONDAY. FEB. 28, 8:15 P.M. in dual meet actioul weekend, and will resunT UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM "Hilarious and utterly outrageous" Los Angeles Times PUBLIC: $6. $5. $4. MSU STUDENTS (w/I.D.) $1.00 Tickets at the Union 355 6686 355-3361 BILLY against Eastern MichipL Henry Ford Community | in a tri -meet SatunT Jenison Reldhouse. JACK The tri -meet will be hd "Hysterically funny . . . tremendous fun . . . anarchic in sensibility. The polymorphously perverse orgy strongly RHARHARHARHARHARHA ...mi ll maki tOU ANOKY..IVIN maki you p.m. on the third Jenison. There is n II charge. with which the film ends is a revolutionary vision" Village Voice PRESENTS runious...ob. If rou'ti a woman YOUIV HIABN...ABOVI All rNIITI'S NOffl - binak The thrasehe< MSU women * Central, Ukind COLOR I ••*».. «r . through third place W "The hottest act in the country and the most unbelievable American phenomenon since Martha Mitchell. The 1 events: thrashed, balance1 parallel bars and floor eifl Cockettes are the current sensations of the counter outcast. Not loved at home or Ginger plays rough MSU was led by Hastings freshman, whotoT RaeanntJ culture." Rex Reed >te and fugitive existence that s to reform school. The there's not a man alive In all four of the J Actually mentioned events in ad that she can't take on, "Triumphantly vulgar. .. decadent" Rolling Stone autobiography of Truffaut's Ihood, THE 400 BLOWS has picture winning the all ■ , been re edited by him into a pnt down,or slice np. competition with a total m that 35.10. J The women's team is PLUS! THE BED a prize - winning erotic short flipped on the season. subject from LA the screen ** PLUS! THANK YOU into a new MASKED MAN a film by Lenny Bruce era of CUE MAGAZINE OPEN AT 7:00 W frankness ¥ FEATURE AT 1 PLUS! A Carefully Selected Plus 7:25 - 9:30 p.i*| INGMAR BFRC,MAN'S and fun! Preview from Detective a Coming «As funny , Harry Callahan. Attraction -All this as any Ggd Syndicate wide open I detffls He doesn't American Raunchy Entertainment for comedy THEABDUCTORS break murder cal theif ONLY $1.50 of this ¥ CHERI CAFFARO RICHARD SMEDLEY JENNIFER BROOKS WILLIAM GRANNELL .S&SSCSROBERT RALPH T. DESI0ERI0 SSSn^DON SCHAIN G ORPIN cm. « KENT EVANS He smashes EVfi COLOR by Deluxe IADULTS ONLYI decade!" » JOSEPH BRENNER ASSOCIATES INC ^0 A DERIO Production Thp at Wedding will be performed 7:00, 8:15,9:30. 10:45 Richard Schickel LIFE Alice Tonight at 7:30 9:05 THE WEDDING IS RATED X ! Tonight in Conrad Aud. You MUST be 18 yrs of age and 7,9:15 you MUST be able to prove it — all persons required to furnish Students, faculty, and staff only proof of age. At 8:45 only Admission $1.50 I.D.'s required $1.00 admission THE WEDDING-IN 111 OLDS 100 Engineering HAR# Beal Film Group RHARHARHARHARHARHA I Michiga" State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, February 17, 1972 SPORTS Depth: * By GARY KORRECK State News Sports Writer Take the BO 60 • yard . dash, for vard daah, key for examDle. example. In Herb Washington, Marshall Dill and LaRue Butchee, MSU haa In world world • record three of the top 26 sprinters In the midwest while U • M offers - record holder After an awesome performance before a home crowd at the Gene Brown. The MSU Rodeo Club will MSU Relays last weekend, Fran Dlttrich's trackmen shift back to Brown is good, but he won't beat Waahington and Dill, and • pontor 11 * annual reality and a dual meet with U • M Saturday. probably not Butchee. Also, Butchee and Dill will run the 300, Intercollegiate rodeo on Feb. U - M came closest to the Spartans In the against U - M's Kim Rowe who is also good but will have trouble 25, 26, 27 In the Judging relays, taking three firsts to the Spartans five, but as Dill Is the world record holder in the event. Pevilion. Tickets Saturday's story will be one of - coit $2 and depth. The long jump, with Del Gregory and John Ross, should also are still available. SN photo by Chris Fischer belong to the Spartans, as will the triple jump. U • M has the advantage in the rest of the field events, though, led by 6 • 10V4 STANDINGS high jumper John Mann and shot putter Steve Adams. Pole vaulters Bob Mitchell and Larry Wolfe have each cleared BIC TEN WCHA 16 • feet for the Wolverines. Hurdler Godfrey Murray is a favorite in the highs, and team mate Mel Reeves will challenge in the lows. MSU's Mike Hurd and Wisconsin 17 5 John Morrison have times similar to Reeves' and Morrison has Denver 14 passed the U - M hurdler before. g Minnesota-Duluth 13 Mike Pierce, who has a 2:12.5 clocking in the 1000, 9 may have North Dakota a shot at another first for U - M but the Wolverine's 13 9 hopes would IS TIME IT'S OSII, ND MSU Michigan probably end there. Michigan Tech RHARHARHARHARHARHAI S' fencers under fire Notre Dame Colorado Col. Michigan GREG WARFIELD late News Sports Writer nearly equal. Coach DeCicco has stated the epee is Notre Dame's strongest point, Mike Ohio State's record is 8 • according to asst. sports 3, Haughn and Jim Osetek starting,with Dave Tomlinson in Minnesota PRESENTS |MSUfencers have proven while foil Is fair, and sabre lacks information director Marvin reserve. M,|Ves able to stand up Homan, and again, epee seems to ■pressure. They faced two depth and experience. be the best weapon. "COMPLETELY FASCINATING TO WATCH ■ schools, Wisconsin and Spartan Coach Charles Schmltter plans no great ■sin . Parkside, and beat |15 • 12. Now they face and sabre Schmltter echoed DeCicco. "Our strong changes in his lineup. Ira point is in epee," he said, Schwartz (19 - 3), Robin Luce JULIES AND MUST BE PRONOUNCED A TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT! Redford is nothing lore tough schools, Ohio the weakest, with foil and Jim Scieszka will start in find Notre Dame, at 10 falling in between. foil, with Chris Held as probable short of stunning! Not since Brando The Irish have Saturday in the Men's IM close to kept pretty form, according to Dave reserve. Epee starters will be has an actor had more presence on the Paul Herring (21 - 2), Bill NEED MONEY? screen! Lucille Benson's performance _e Spartans will be Kempton. asst. sports Mathers and Mark White, with information director at Notre Jlng for revenge this time. Dame, with epee the strongest probably either Ed Lemke or SEE JULIE! (as Pollard's Mother)-'Best ■ Dame beat them 20-7' Jon Moss In reserve. Sabre will Eear, while Ohio State point. WE LOAN MONEY ON have FYed Royce (21 ■ 7), Ed ANYTHING OF VALUE. ► Supporting Actress Stuff'!" J 1 them a 17 -10 defeat. -Lit Smith. COSMOPOLITAN He the Fighting Irish have Fr. Don in vicotries thus far in Berrigan Found A Better Way of Serving God SUN THEATRE "FAST! ROUGH! EXCITING! ■ l, vs. 8 • 2 for the WILLIAMSTON TferenceHilk Robert Redford, as always, is totally devoted to the THE Miles East on Grand River character. He's inside it. j Its $1.00 - Child 50c HOLY rri. - Sat. 7-9 p.m. What looks out is a charming liar, thief, Mon. Tues. 7:30 only wm - *They Call Me Trinity" • OUTLAW lover, deserter, brave, not lucky, and a man "THEY CALL with Bud Spencer Stefien Zacaharias Dan SturkJe who'll never stop ME TRINITY" GiaelaHahn FJeno.Pedemonte and with Farley Granger t trying. Brilliant!" f K with t hi famous -Archar Wlmten. NCW YORK POST A Wed. & Thurs. if*!41- ANAVCO IMIMIY " 'Little Fauss And Big Halsy' is a REAL THRILLER! Robert Redford 1 takes another giant step forward as the most exciting [ling take down leading man since talkies!" micHfliu. . MDFOIID POUAftD " IITTW MUSS AflD 01* HAISY AN AIM RT1 RUDDY PRODUCTION IAUWH MUTTON NOAH IIIRy LUdUf BCNSON WINNER OF 3 ...Radiant Virna Lisi ... A superior R who needs the world when you ACADEMY AWARDS sophisticated look!" — Crowthtr, N. Y. Tlmti r own the moon and slars. DUSTIIM HOFFMAN i f ' z-j n JON VOIGHT Tonight in Brody Southwest Dining Hall 7,9 ETON JOHN M W a person wfio protects * chidren . and other l living things. p *A violent man and a gentle woman IT'S PURE B|| ■PIMMr ' ■■ who made the mistake of KOtCH^ ,ry|n9,0 A care for other 1 ptogra* HURRY! LAST DAY 1:25 3:25 5:25 GOULD 7:25 9:25 AND A - - - - 0§§§I§ STARTS THE FRENCH CONNECTION OPEN DAILY 12:45 - FRI & SAT R PURE DELIGHT! Shows at 1:15-3:15-5:20-7:25-9:30 FRIDAY! 'move' "DUSTIN HOFFMAN'S FINEST PERFORMANCE SINCE'MIDNIGHT COWBOY'!" -THE NATIONAL OBSERVER "A BRILLIANT FEAT OF MOVIE MAKING!" - TIME MAGAZINE "It flawlessly expresses the belief that ELLIOTT GOULD PAULA PRENTISS GENEVIEVE WAITE pMOVE A PANDRO S BERMAN STUART ROSENBERG manhood requires - FtOOUCTION PROOUCCO BY PANDRO 5 BERMAN NMCTtO BY STUART ROSENBERG Scimnplav by JOEl HEBE* and STANlfY HART BoMd 0* nov.1 by JOEl UEBER Muk By MARVIN HAMUSCH PANAVISION* Colo, by OE IUXE* rites of violence" -NEWSWEEK ABC Tonight in Wilson Aud. HCTUR£S_C0ftP_ggrants__^ The 7,9 ISHPfman n SAM PtCKINPAHS Students, faculty and staff only I.D.'s required $1.00 admission A DANIEL MEINCK Production EaS AmVj Music by JERRY FKIOMG Screenplay by WM0 Z!L AG G000MAN and SAM PEOGNMH BdbyDAMElMElMCK Orectod by SAM PtCKWPAH flP«suRcuuratt* mwcmi efiMocAsrwc ctwws nc |a>on| oenwmoBv okmm* miiamc IRHARHARHARHARHARHA 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Feb, STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED Every Day is Bargain Day In The Classified Ads. Shop , And Use Them Often! 355-8255 Employment FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil Frank For Sale Personal GET Action WITH A The State News does not 100 USED vecuum cleeners. Tenks, PREGNANT? PANICKY? Consider permit racial or, religious DREAM JOB. Teach make - up Want Ad discrimination advertising columns. in its The methods uied in htollywood for natural or high style looks. canisters end one DENNIS full uprights. Guerenteed veer. $7.88 and up. DISTRIBUTING the elternatlves. Pregnancy Counseling. 372-1680. 0-2-29 Training at our expense. Money is • AUTOMOTIVE State News will not accept good if you're ambitious. Can lead COMPANY, 316 North Ceder. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE 202 Scooters & Cycles advertising which to executive position. VIVIANE Opposite City Merket. C-3-2-17 Section 901. Blologicel Science for elementary teachers will be Auto Parts & Service discriminates against religion, WOODARD COSMETICS, changed from 12:40 - 1.30 STEREO • J.V.C. emplifier, 76 wetts. Aviation race, sex, color or national subsidiery of Generel Foods. Thursday to 11:30 - 12:20 351-6623. Rectilinear XI, Gerrerd turnteble. »EMPLOYMENT origin. °-21;2-29 _ 351-5292. 8-2-18 Thursday, McDonel Kiva. Plcaie register accordingly. » FOR RENT BUSINESS AND MARKETING MAJORS. Wearever Alumirtum 50 YARDS used gold tweed Apartments FREE ... A lesson in complexion Incorporated opening new office carpeting. Kitchen / family room. care. Call 484-4619, East Mlchigen Houses in Eest Lansing. Need new Good condition. Call weekends 349-4184. 3-2-18 or 486-7197, Lansing Mall. Rooms personnel to fill It. Call Mr. AKOS Automotive 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. or 10 p.m. to MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS ► FOR SALE STUDIOS. C-2-17 10:30 p.m. 351-7319. C Animals VOLKSWAGEN 1968 sedan, white EUROPE: SUMmVr~«I Mobile Homes with sunroof, engine recently overhauled, mow tires, excellent PART TIME waitress, waiter, JOHN HOLT •ts from $2,9. 129 East Grand stuS 'Lost & Found busboy. Hours 10 a.m. • 3 p.m. GIBSON LES Peul Copy, perfect RlVt. „ condition, 38,800 miles. $1100. C-2-29 ► PERSONAL Experience preferred. 484-4567. condition, plush caee, cheap. author of Phone 353-7233, 361-1463. 2-2-17 332-2228. 3-2-18 • PEANUTS PERSONAL 1-2-17 "HOW CHILDREN FAIL, REAL ESTATE For Rent KENWOOD KR-4140 AM/FM stereo THE UNDERACHIEVING VOLKSWAGEN 1965, Sedan. Good receiver. Duel 1215 eutomatic RECREATION SCHOOL" shape. Call 676-2068 after 6 p.m. TV AND STEREO turntable. TEAC A-20 stereo rental, SERVICE 5-2-18 cessette deck. New Electro - Voice satlsfectlon gueranteed. Free will discuss his views Typing Service VOLKSWAGEN 1964 Sedan, 55,500 delivery, service and pick up. No speekers 26% off list. CAMERAS, on education TRANSPORTATION deposit. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C SLR'S, view finders, Polerolds, miles, runs good, must sell. $350. projectors, end equipment. Used Friday, February 18, WANTED Phone 485-4282. 3-2-21 OFFICE OR commercial space, TAKE A SEAT'LOOSEIY TRANSLATEP color end bleck end white TV sets. 8:1S p.m. DEADLINE Used stereo amps, tuners, VW 1964 bleck. Needs minor $300, firm. Cash. repair. 351-4501. downtown East Reasonable. Gary 349-3358. Lansing. ME&NS SIT DOWN'. receivers, turntables, speekers, 8 • 1 P.M. one class day before 10-2-22 treck end cessette, home decks Everett High Auditorium. 2-2-18 publication. fimvaysaw/fot/sx' end carplayers. Used 8 - track Students, $1.00 Cancellations/Corrections CAMPING EQUIPMENT, tents, tapes, $2 eech. Stereo elbums, for Information call Scooters & Cycles sleeping begs, cots, heeters, end For Rent For Rent typewriters, well tapestries, Police 351-7240 or 349-4597 - 12 noon one class day bend redlos.lce sketes. WILCOX everything you need. A to Z before publication. 1970 HONDA 450 Roadbike. Disc RENTAL 393-2232. 3-2-18 SECONDHAND STORE, 509 Eest WATERBEDS FROM $9.99. ROOMS. SINGLES AND DOUBLES. PHONE brake, electric stert, 9,000 miles. Good condition. $800 or Apartments Cooking facilities. Utilities paid. Mlchigen Avenue. 8-5:30 p.m., Mondey - Seturdey. 485-4391. Guaranteed. Direct from fectory. Cell 351 -0906. Drive e little seve a 355-8255 371-4696 before 2 p.m. 3-2-18 Apartments ONE GIRL needed spring term. $73 / Call 372-8077. C-2-29 Bank Americard, MasterCherge. SPRING BREAK lot. Now located at 1649 - H Layeway, terms, trades.C RATES 10 word minimum ALLUETTE SNOWMOBILE, 20hp, TWO month. Cedat Village. 332-2310. LADY - CLOSE, quiet, single and 1 Greencrest Avenue, Eest Lansing. Acapulco. $189; Ring BstaU, MEN, spring, for 4-man 3-2-18 efficiency. $17, $23. 663-8418. 0-2-29 East .... STUDENTOul trailer, used 90 hours. A-1 apartment. $150/term. 351-0099. Grand Rjw 3 condition, 14 months old. No parking. 4-2-18 For Sele: Generel Electric 11" WORDS 1 3 5 10 5-2-18 AVAILABLE, NOT ME, 2 nen C£29_ porteble color TV, $90; elso SEA FARE Sacrifice, $600. Call collect. 279-9457.5-1-18 apartment. 1 girl needed. RBnt FEMALE GRADUATE / Smith Corone porteble electric After receiving complaints RUSSIA - SCANDIUM 10 1.50 4.00 e.50 13.00 negotiable. 355-8314, 351-5848. 3-2-18 upperclassman, close, quiet. typewriter, $50. Cell 372-7536 from resorts on England's 5 wks. $350 inclJ 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 1970 KAWASAKI lOOcc, 10-speed $12.50 weekly. 332-1746 after efter 6 p.m. 3-2-18 Kent Coast of beaches being London Departures.T 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 treil bike. Just rebuilt with TLC, Hooker pipe. $425. 646-3514 ROOMMATE SUBLEASE. Spring / SINGLE MAN to share East Lansing, 5:30 p.m. 3-2-21 OFFICE DESK, $40. Lerge, wood in littered by ferry passengers, group camping travel (J summer. Cedar Greens. Cell efter very deluxe, 2 bedroom, 4 man, Britain's cross channel ferry - 30). Also Europe, J (evenings). 1-2-17 furnished townhouse. $67.50. FURNISHED WITH kitchen excellent condition. 353-9086. 23.40 5 p.m. 351-5937. B1-2-17 service planned to serve tea in Experienced. Write: 1 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 485 1265 or 351-0790. 5-2-22 privileges. Country home. Bob. 3-2-18 BULTACO 1971 250, with I.S.D.T. after 5 p.m. 332-4951. 3-2-21 paper cups that dissolve at Earth Expeditions, Ltd] SUBLET. MARCH 15th-September 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 pipe and head. IV5-7051, 15th. 2 bedroom sea. Agents for Transit 1 apartment. 32.50 487-0223. 2-2-18 Capitol Villa. Our furniture. 2-3 For Sale If you're dissolving In a sea Ltd., Box 1497, K.C.I 3.75 10.00 16.25 of budget worries let State 64141 girls or married couple. Must care 347 St ud«nt Servlc •S Bldg. Aviation for cat. $165/ month. Owners will ONE OR two bedroom furnished SEWING MACHINE Cleerence Sele. News Classified Ads be your BAHAMAS $119. NiJ SCIENCE FICTION, comic books. subsidize cat. Call 351-0599. mobile homes. $25 - $35 / week. Hardy Boys, Tom Swift, Hot Rod Brend new portables, $49.95. life preserver. Sell some Freeport. Call Bill Jan? J All student ads must be LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight 3-2-21 Ten minutes to campus. Megezines, Playboys. CURIOUS $5.00 per month. Lerge selection things you no longer use for B-4-2-18 prepaid training. All courses are 641-6601. O BOOK SHOP. 541 E.Grand River or reconditioned used machines. cash dollars. It's easy. Just government and VA certified. COZY 2room furnished.Wlth utilities. (downstairs) 1 - 6 p.m. 5-2-18 Singers, Whites, Necchis, New make a list, then dial Service The State Newt will be FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport $95 I month, deposit. TU2-0879. NORTHWIND FARMS. Sublease. home and "many others", $19.95 355-8255 for the Ad Writer Road. Call 484-1324. C-2-29 Own room, bath. Large deluxe. to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS responsible only for the 2-2-18 3M COPY machine, model 107. Like who'll help you word your $110 / month, plus deposit. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. first day's incorrect new. Ideal for small business. Must 351-1969. 5-2-21 ad to appeal to the cash Auto Service & Parts ONE GIRL needed to sublet spring Call after 3 inserticn. term. New Cedar Village. Call sell immediately. p.m., IV4-2240. 6-2-23 ' ^#«rhlnflt°n' 48^448. buyers who'll to raj to your rescue. Do It today MASON BODY SHOP,. 812 Eest 351-9423 after 5 p.m. 5-2-23 3-5 BEDROOM Duplex. Carpeted, If Kalamazoo Street. Since 1940. possibly furnished, aveileble FISHER 600 Receiver. ExcelleUT" fit ASS AND chrome enti teble*» , . immediately. 351-8920. 3-2-17 chrome teble lemp, bleck vinyl EVERYTHING FOR YOUR HAIR. FOR QUALITY « SUBLEASE SPRING term. 2-3 man condition. Cell 355-9504 or Automotive Complete euto peinting and apartment. 1 block off campus. sofe, cheir end ottomen, 20 gellon Sprays, shampoos, hot combs, and TV's end recorder!. THE J collision service IV5-0256. 355-4840, Bill. 3-2-21 . Call 351-1737. 3-2-21 MSU AREA, Okemos. 1 and 2 ell gless equerium complete. Cell dryers. UNION BUILDING SHOPPE. 337-1300. C-2-zff AUSTIN HEALEY 3000, 1960. C-2-29 bedroom furnished end BARBER SHOP. 1-2-17 Completely reconditioned. Call unfurnished, modern, air - NEW YARI classical guitar and case. 332-0841, deys. 3-2-17 SI'RINc; IIKRK I VW GUARANTEED repair. TWO MAN apartment, spring / Nylon strings. $140. 651-5398 BAHAMAS conditioned, carpeted, heet PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITURE J55-940_5_after_5P;m. 6-2-21 RANDY'S MOBIL. I-96 at summer. Close, furnished, furnished. 349-1607. 11-2-29 efter 6 p.m. 3-2-21 Animals In a relexed, informal atmosphere. CHEVELLE MALIBU 1965. Good Okemos Road. 349-9620. C-2-29 balcony, air. 351-5785. B-1-2-17 Call to find out about our greet condition, good tires, must sell. SKIS, BINDINGS, boots, poles, $225 MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS, AKC, occupancy) -br«ak(ast.frss 1 AND 2 bedroom furnished, price*. 351-1767, 10 a.m. to 10 $350. 353-6031. 3-2-21 value new, now $95. 355-5906. choice puppies. Cute, heelthy, tennlu many exti p.m. x-8-2-22 Employment MARRIED STUDENTS eveilable immediately. Phone HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT 2-2-18 Intelligent, from good bloodlines. Call Frank Buck or Rich Kandcl CUTLASS 1964 convertible, 59,000 8i FACULTY 351-7910. 5-2-21 372-3196. 3-2-18 WOMEN OR GIRLS 18 or over forees^ LAST DAY for "Eest Lansing miles, power steering and brakes, pleasant work in our office. No Peanuts Personal BRIDGE CLASSES » bucket seats, $300 or make offer. Bergain Days". Check out our intermediate, duplicitt.l 694-0730. 3-2-18 experience necessery. Full or part 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. 2-MAN APARTMENT to sublet. Special Sales and Savings. MALE, FEMALE unrelated Manx Bettie Brickner. 349424] Spring term. Pool. Close. kittens. Cock-e-poo pup. Hed time, days or evenings. Excellent some with study MARSHALL MUSIC, East CONGRATULATIONS ON going 332-0789.3-2-17 shots. 484-3006. 3-2-18 CUTLASS 1968. V-8 pay. 4980 Northwind Drive. Lansing, C-1-2-17 activel Jodie, Chris, Margie, Rosie, PAINTING INTERIOR. 0 engine, standard transmission. Wide ovals 3-2-17 those winter blues, he RETRIEVER pups, 10 Debbie, Jill. Love, your Mpha Chi Houses GOLDEN on rear.Mags all 3-2-17 around.482-4976. COUPLE live FOR assistant in, menaqers to maintenance, from $145 per mo. MUST SELL: STEREO-$500 (Two KLH - 6 TOTAL weeks old, AKC. Shots, wormed. $125 each. 349-9265. 5-2-22 Sisters. 1-2-18 that bedroom or living ro Students, reasonable, fl - some EAST LANSING, duplex, cerpeted, 2 349-4817. C-2-2S speakers,best Benjamin - Miracord WELL FRANNIE, "Happy St. DATSUN 240-Z. Late 1971, like permanent position. Call UNFURNISHED bedroom, full besement. changer, Sansui 2000 -A amp.) Patrick's Pre • Birthday". We'll 882-2566 or 393-0694. 3-2-21 Appliences included. 1 block from new, rustproofed. Call Al, children welcome ALSO: Seeley bed, $70; TV, $30. chug - a- lug next month! Joenie. 393-9279. 3-2-21 campus. Married only, child TYPING AND generel office work. dressmaker, $10; percolator, $5; 1-2-17 please, no pets welcome. $210 /month. 349-9675 4' x 2' four frequency - color EXCELLENT RIDE, 1962 Comet. Full time. MEADOWBROOK or 349-0560. 3-2-18 AQUARIUM 10 gellons, complete set SAVE SAVE SA«| TRACE, 393-0210. 2-2-18 organ (lightBox), $100; LPs, 50c- - up, plus fish, $35. Call 487-0036. XEROX COPYING - o«aT Perfect running, clean. $270. John $1.50. Open house Seturday 9-6. 351-8412. 2-2-18 BABYSITTER-HOUSEKEEPER, 3 KNOB HILL ONE MALE. Privete everything furnished. Laundry room, Evenings, 482-3742. 2-2-18 AKC 3-2-18 AIREDALE Real Estate quality at reasonable prid COPY SHOPPE, 541 E«l FIAT, 850, Spyder WANTED. Will deys per week. One 2 year old room, firepalce, color TV, puppy. 306 SOUTH Heyford. Lensing. A reel River. PhoneJ332-422Zlr pay cash. 355-2182, 694-8712 after 5 p.m. 3-2-18 child. Pleasant home in Okemos, 349-3827. 2-2-18 APARTMENTS dishwesher. Off street parking. $70 /month. 372-1625. 3-2-18 HEAD 660's 205cm, Marker bindings. Used twice, best offer. 351-9083. 1-2-17 Housebroken, children. B-2-18 Best excellent with offer. 882-8332. neet older 3 bedroom home with e 1 cer attached garage. Well loceted TYPING TERM pepers Electric typewriter, f sn^ for University people. Will sell. 349-4700 349-1904.16-2-29 FORD VAN 1962. With 1967 engine, BUSINESS AND MARKETING V.A. of F.H.A. Immediete ONE PERSON for liberel house. Own sONY~TC-122~^tte~d^k7~yaw _ DOBERMAN PINSCHER- AKC paneled end insulated, excellent OPEN Monday - Friday condition, $400. Call 332-3707. majors. created 4 Recent expension has new openings end we 9 a.m. • 6 p.m. room, cerpet. Close to cempus. o)d v#fy condition. Will also puppies, 9 weeks old, heve pepers, occupency. Call 627-9766 with MARGUERITE Jerry Cole PROFESSIONAL TYPIST.j $81.25, plus deposit. 351-9191. sell tapes. 355-3071. 2-2-18 2 shots. 337-0743. 5-2-18 term papers. IBM, cerboT 2-2-17 will start our training program Saturday 12-5 HUHN REALTY. 827-6436. p.m. Math / Greek symbols N soon. If you consider yourself a FORD TORINO 1971. V-8 hard worker, energetic and enjoy LOCATED V4 MILS NORTH WEIMARANER PUPPIES, AKC, 6-2-18 Cell 351-4619.0-2-29J LANSING. 5-6 people, too many autometic, power steering, snow tires, 17,000 miles, ecxellent, meeting and helping people, Real Estate is your vocation. We are OP JOLLY RD. ON OKKMQ8 ROAD extras to list. 487-5148 after 6 ART AUCTION shots, $100. Good hunting and show dogs. 487-0906. 6-2-18 2-2-17 $1995. Call 351-6354. 2-2-18 prepared with e full training 1 BEDROOM apartment for married p.m. john franklyn OLD ENGLISH Sheepdog - 1%, AKC CROSSWORD program and e fest pace FORD LTD Brougham miles, AM/FM stereo, eir, 1971, 10,000 orgenizetion to essist you. Call Ed, couple, close to campus, carpeted, laundry facilities and activities galleries registered, $100. 332-4893 after 4 p.m. 3-2-18 PUZZLE 372-7251. DAY REALTY. 1-2-17 ACROSS 26. Writer cf powerworks. 355-5269 deys. room. Furnished, $155. 309 N. Washington Unfurnished $140/month plus Main Floor Leonard Ptaza boys' books MAKE YOUR next party special HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY, on Mobile Homes 1. Hard grained 28. Punctuation HQ electricity. Immediate occupancy. Aurellus Road, 3 bedroom, Downtown, Lansing MGB 1966, excellent condition. Tape with the big band sound of THE No pats. Phone 1-587-6680. wheat mark □u 6 CONTINENTALS, unbeatable furnished, 4 miles from campus. 10' 60' 6 George Herman 31, Early auto ua player. Wide ovals, 351-5526. 5-2-18 Sat. February 19th x TRAVELALL, Ideel for 2-4 price. Write: CONTINENTALS, 393-0716. 3-2-21 32. Spanish river 3-2-17 Viewing 1:00 p.m. students. Call 371-1164 after 6 □a 1629C, Spartan Village. 2-2-18 SUBLET ONE p.m. 3-2-18 10. Black 33.John • lerge one bedroom 3 MUSTANG 1970. White Boss 302, BEDROOM Cape Cod, full Auction 2:00 p.m. 11 Levels oil 35. finish line apartment. Next to cempus. Call BUSINESS STUDENT with basement, garage, $200 / month NEW MOON 1969, 12' x 60'with 7' 13. Spiritualist's 39. Highest male very good condition. Must sell. 361-5023 after 5 p.m. No. 138. 353-4157. 5-2-17 accounting background needed as plus security deposit. Call * unframed graphic 14' expendo on living room, session voice 3-2-17 x credit manager for local direct Margaret Alger. 676-1878 or 14 Greek letter 41. Belgian plus many extras. Perked in OLDSMOBILE DYNAMIC 88. 1962, mail firm, familiarity with ONE MAN evenings 1-546-4154. STATE * framed graphic Windsor Estates, Dlmondele, 15. Proverb commune needed. Reesonable, computers and / or mail collection WIDE REALTORS. 2-2-18 50. Ignore power steering, brakes, radio and sublet. Rivers Edge Apertments. * Phone 646-6088. 5-2-21 oil paintings air condition, Good condition. helpful. 20 hours per week now, Cell 351-1025. 3-2-17 51. Youthful years possibly full time later. Send WANTED: TWO roommates to share ACTIVE 12' x 60' on lot. 16 minutes 485-4576 after 4 p.m. 3-2-21 19 Miss Ferber 46. Star Spangled DOWN resume' to: E.S.S., Suite 11, house. Two miles from campus. from MSU, furnished, wesher, ONE MAN for four • man. Spring dryer, 21. Amount Banner OLDSMOBILE 1 964, 392 South Points Pleza, Lansing. 3-2-21 term. Furnished. Next to campus. Own room. Call Nick, 482-5001. Works of such artists at: disposel. Must sell. 646-6344 efter 23. Born 48. Figure of 3-2-21 8:30 p.m. 10-2-22 $65 / month. 351-0717. 3-2-17 24 Bowstring speech •Dall * Vase rely * Bernard Buffet SECRETARY, EXECUTIVE, part CHARLOTTE. 6 bedroom home, Ctiegel * Boulanger * Jack Levlne time, (1-6) now, possibly full time SUBLET. FOX run apartment. Close FOR RENT. 12' x 60', men to i~ !— s~ r2 5- r- y r- r~ OPEL WAGON, 1969 Automatic later. Must have qualifications including ability to excellent to campus, 2 bedroom, carpet, pool, many extras. shag $185 / $450. per month, utilities paid. First and last month rent plus and meny others call John, between 3-4 p.m. et 351-1800 or shere, only evenings .o — P transmission, excellent condition. work well with figures, unlimited month plus deposit. Phone deposit. Call Darryl Heynes, DYNA STEREO tuner, $95, like 484-3704. 2-2-18 393-0450. n RT A real economy car. Phone potential for the right person. 694-0769. 2-2-17 WEAVER ir¬ new, with Instruction book. 372-0352. 2-2-18 Apply In person st 3308 South ASSOCIATES. 2-2-18 361-1003. 3-2-17 Cedar, Suite 11, Lensing. 3-2 21 CEDAR VILLAGE, girl, immediate Lost & Found is- •S~~ ROAD ONE OR 2 girls, own room in lerge 4 RACERS: Formula C and / or spring term. Brabham with F3 engine, 6-speed OVERSEAS JOBS for students. occupency, 351-6517. 3-2-18 bedroom house, 1 block from LOST: AT Men's I.M. last Friday, iV sr ir " TV 23 Vocit4 gearbox, spares, trailer. $3850. Australia, Europe, South campus. Available February 15 - gold wedding band, (Inscription - 29 Houl'lf 72 nr W 646-3514 (evenings). 1-2-17 America, Africa, professions and occupations, $700 etc. All NEEDED, GIRL, spring. $160/term. June 15. $60. Beal Street. 8UNGLA88ES, SAFETY, or JLH to REH 8-20-68 Alway). a 361-6088, 6-7 p.m. 2-2-18 ar & — Eden Rock Apartments. tempered lens. Or any Optical Sentimental value. Reward. VOLKSWAGEN, 1961. Good - $3000 monthly. Expenses paid, overtime, 332-0184. 2-2-17 needs. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 366-8922. 3-2-18 mm m % il m V/M liikrifl J condition, $300. Cell 351-2704. sightseeing. Free CLOSE TO CAMPUS. Doubles. 2818 East Michigan Avenue, ST JT 2-2-17 Information. OVERSEAS, Dept. Q2, Box Write, JOBS Kitchen, leundry, utilities. $63 / 372-7409. C-8-2-18 LOST: BROWN scarf probably ~ln H5 month. 361-2029. 2-2-17 328 Natural Science. Pleese cell sr HO Ml 15071, San Diego, California 383-4308. 3-2-17 '™ARE YOU PAYING 92115. 10-2-24 COLE'S BAKERY MH" &T w 5r •u TOO MUCH FOR GIRL NEEDED to share greet SURPLUS BAKERY foods at LOST: MEN'S ring, Rooms reduced prices, 1/3 to 1/2 off at engraved is w AUTO INSURANCE? epertment with one. Pool, air • W NEATLY GROOMED male or soldier's head. Hegadom area Why not give me a call? available, immedletely. Close. retail prices, greet eating, greet Reward. 383-7890. 3-2-18 SENTRY INS Don Sakowski female, week • end work, must be over 21 and have a drivers license. Capital City Airport, 489-0710 361-4932.t}39-2310. 2-2-17 SINGLES. COOKING, perklng,~c7t^ Available Immediately. 327 Hlllcrest. 337-9612, 332-6118. economy I Surplus Store, 640 South Wavarly, Immedletely North of 1-496 Expresswey. SUPPORT YOUR business boost from Went Ads. Advertise wlTh~a \%L w is IT t 1 5-2-22 3-2-17 C-3-2-10 servlcee there. Diel 366-8265. n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, February 17, 1972 11 Student Service DIRECTORY WHAT'S County jails blasted |uegetravel OFFICE |west Grand River Ave. 351-6010 7 WASHDAY SAVINGS to 1 JSc POT load The beet for tow Special Texaa Wither S0c WENDROW'8 ECONOWASH 9006 Vine SI. lp.1 I blk. W. of StM« • tYtS EXAMINE^" • GLASSES • CONTACT LENS DR. I.L. Collina, "-OP*lcal Services 3218 ^ Log»n. Optometriw 393-4230 Announcements Happening must Happening for It's What's be received in the Farmhouse Fraternity is The Pre - Law dub will meet at are of (Continued from page one) Ferency said that many men cases — in "At the jail for domestic reasons. a jail in the immediate area," he said, "about men are contempt of court in domestic child support or whatever." one there refusing to pay alimony, - third for around," won't." he explained, "somebody has got to tell them to get to work. But the Supreme Court, which has the power to supervise the judges' work, Some penologists and lawyers liave suggested that a time limit be set to reduce the interval Campbell's BEAD sponsoring the winter Many people are in jail, between arrest and trial. CRAFTS, CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMES State News office, 341 Student Drive from 2 to 8 p.m. term Blood 7:30 p.m. today in 118 Eppley V? Smoke Shop DECOUPAGE SUPPLIES nmny patterns of molding Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two from 10 a.m. to 4 today and Center for those interested in visiting Ferency said, because they have Michigan Corrections Dept. p.m. Friday in the the University of Michigan Law not been able to pay bail and are officials imported Pipes ' ART REPRODUCTIONS class days before publication. No Shaw lower lounge. School. said that they felt 7 Tobacco & Cigars candle BOB JONES PAINTS announcements will be accepted by waiting for their court date probation should be more Expert pipe repair making «uppli«, phone. No announcements will be which sometimes does not come widely used as an alternative to Anyone wishing to place Enfield's Incorporated accepted for events outside the an event The Games Club will meet at 1 for several months. YhA.C. AveJ- Lansing 1.V-42t>9. 693 M-43, Oktmos. 34»1&4Q greater Lansing area. on the Union Board Calendar, p.m. Saturday at Farmhouse "There's no doubt that we imprisonment to jail. BknHf contact the Union Board. fraternity, 151 Bogue St. Call 332 - They stressed that allowing 8635 for rides need a speedier trial system," the offender to interact in his Free U classes or information. t -bud? University Inn Barber Shop The LARGE ad for Basic Electricity - 7 meeting today: p.m., 303 Bessey The MSU Pistol Club men's team will leave for Alma at 6:15 The Academic Committee of LBC Goldberg said. Goldberg partly community with supervision blamed the courts for the would be far more beneficial to Lo Parts Inc. jimmie born the small ad price. Hall; Gestalt Therapy - 7 Phillips library; Hypnotism 7 p.m p.m., today from Demonstration Hall. The p.m. will meet at 7 p.m. Sunday in the backlog. the individual, his family and the L Model Motors and - women's team traveling to Chief West Holmes upper lounge. The "Judges just sitting Suit 806 Student Service 208 Bessey Hall; Sexism and are community than isolating La speciality. Appointments Only Sexuality - 7:30 p.m., 109 Bessey Okemos will leave at 7 Demonstration Hall. Call 355 - 9829 p.m. from Student Advisory Council will hold Ii^v between Holt and 1100 Trowbridge Rd. Directory Hall; Student Pilot Lab call 337 an informal meeting at 8:30 p.m. - by 3 p.m. for equipment. Fur* East Lansing Ph. -351-1110 - 694-2164 Both meetings are open. 9321; Women's Rap Group - 9 p.m., 35 Snyder. nTZRENTAL DON stereo 8 track Mc LE AN-American Pie, ADCOCK'S CAMPUS STANDARD The Company will present "How The Group will in 33 Union. Public Interest meet at 7:30 p.m. Research today A Campbell Hall Mixer, featuring the Albert Smith Group, will be held Green issues challenge (haul rentals JAMES OANQ-Thlrds, CAROL KINQ-Tapestry and CHICAQO, GRAND RIVER AT HAOAOORN to Succeed in Business Really Trying" at 8 tonight through Without at 9 p.m. Friday in the cafeteria. JONI MICHELL, SANTANA and FREE SPICES Saturday in the Wonders Kiva and S There will be a more. $2.99 meeting to help (Continued from page one) 'Ith a $3. minimum fill-up p.m. Sunday. choose the school board racism and bigotry in sports." TIES OF LANSING candidates Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley will that feeling," Adams said. Call 351-7041 for the next election at 7 He said typical of the mail Frandor 351-5B62 SDS will present the film "The p.m. today sPeak and answer questions at 10:30 "The issue is not Bob Green . Saturday at the Families Coffee and phone calls he has received Salt of the Earth" at 8 or Cliff Wharton or Wayne tonight in the was one caller saying "Nigger we Albatross. Duke, but the sensitivity and Service Service Transportation gonna run you out of East Any student interested in responsiveness of institutions to Lansing yet." Another caller participating in the Youth Advisory The Auburn people who make up their Wanted Film Group will told him "when the faculty /pinf Service Typing Service COMPLETE THESES service. greyhound introduces new direct bus WANTED: ARTISTS, designers, Council 351 of state representative Jim call 355 - 1681 Jsent "The u8'y" at Good, The Bad and The 7 and 9:45 Friday and constituency," he added. Green said Wednesday he has becomes more organized, we're gonna effectively run you writers, >r - 0894. Saturday in 108B Wells Hall. received more critical and hate Discount printing, IBM typing and service to Pontiac. Royal Oak photographers, idea and all the other blacks off this ■ theses and letters, etc. and Birmingham. people. Write Box 1568, East mail on this issue "than I ever binding of theses, resumes, Departing Anyone interested in volunteering campus." ■id accurate service, Lansing. 5-2-17 received when I was involved in publications. Across from campus. on Fridays, 4:25 p.m. Fare, time to help victims in The MSU Sports Car Club wUl fenced. 393-4075. C-2-29 Corner M.A.C. and Grand River, $5.00. call the Emergency Relief Fund Bangladesh, meet at 8 tonight in the 1966 Room, open housing protests and Mail has come from places PAINTING, FIXING, CLEANING, at like Hammond, Ind.; St. below Jones Stationery Shop. Call ALL 393 - 7666, South Pointe Plaza, Hubbard Hall. Preregistration of the busing. EAST LANSING BUS DEPOT purpose errand man. Call OWN: Typing and multilith COPYGRAPH SERVICES Lansing. Saturday will be taken. "It appears as though I have Petersburg, Fla.; Belleville, El., 337-1666. C-2-29 351-2092, Johnny. 3-2-18 ■ printing. Complete service hit the heartstrings df American as well as various cities around isertations, theses, A meeting to decide the location and upper middle class white the state. NEED HELP locating clothes and its, general typing. IBM. DISSERTATIONS, THESES, tarm The Lansing chapter of Hadassah °f the Free Store will be held at 4 Green said that despite the experience. 349-0860. papers. Expert typist with degree WHATEVER YOU you want to buy, wedding ring taken from Men's will present Bozo the Clown at 11 racism," he said. "The hate mail P-m- today in 26 Student Services I have received during the last in English. IBM. 351-8961. there's a good chance you'll find it locker B-83 last Friday noon. Call criticism he will "remain calm 0-2-29 a.m. and 2 p.m. Saturday in the Bld8- Everyone is welcome. in the Want Ads. Check nowl 355-5922. No questions. 3-2-18 four days only reinforces my and not lose site of the Easter High School auditorium. determination to work aeainst objectives." The Shaw Club will present SRC Dave Glossop and Rick Linderman Why did TOYOTA at 1 p.m. Saturday in the Shaw lower will be guests at a meeting of Campus Action at 9 tonight in 39 Union. lounge. Bruce McCall will present a seniol oboe recital at 8:15 "Development Perspectives in Bangladesh and Pakistan" will be presented at 7:30 p.m. today in the Library to extend hours become the world's 3rd tonight in the Music Auditorium. Con Con Room, International Center (Continued from page one) and their methods of funding as part of a seminar on South Asia discussed whether the Library will be decided by the McDonePs African Cau< will and U.S. Foreign Policy. present a "Soulful Supper" should bear the burden of committee after the usefulness from 4:30 6:45 Gay Liberation Movement will purchasing the equipment and of Med - line is determined. largest auto maker? - p.m. today in the McDonel cafeteria. Meal transfers a kegger at 8 p.m. Friday the cost of the computer charge it be made in advance. MAC tA"e. Call 353 - 9795 for for the use of materials, or informi whether the student should pay fos these services. . . Tiny housewife W^ED Radio in McDunel Gay ...fciberatiow Mowrtieo*,mill will give away 100 albums and two Hall meet ^ P,m* Sunday In the Chapin said steps have chases~3 thu gs — Discount Records gift certificates this s,efanoff lounge, Student Services already been taken to connect week. Listen to 820 AM for details. Bldg> the MSU library with the National Library of Medicine from her home The MSU The MSU Sports Car Club will computer called "Med - line." PITTSBURGH (AP) - A 5 - Observatory will be open to the public from 8 to 10:30 present "Noctambulo I" Saturday. foot, 53 - year - old housewife p.m. Saturday. Weather permitting, Call 349 - 0418 for information. turned on thugs who entered her He said the only cost involved the 24 inch reflecting telescope will in Med - line is the installation of home, broke their gun and sent be used for observing celestial objects them fleeing. There will be a "black box" on the Library's a meeting for those Police said who are interested in the Romance teletype machine and the lease Sylvia Greenwald Language House at 4:30 p.m. of a telephone line to Jackson. was talking on the telephone today in 506A Wells Hall. when the trio entered her house Hillel will offer services at 5:30 Chapin estimated the cost of in suburban White Oak. She p.m. Friday followed by supper and these items at about $60 per at 10 Everyone is welcome to attend the month. paused in her conversation, a.m. Saturday followed by East Lansing Bicycle Workers berated them for tracking dirt Kiddush and Mishna class. on her kitchen Organizational meeting at 8 p.m. floor, then asked n Hillel's Sunday Supper and Friday in 146 Collingwood. "There computer time is not on charge Med - for line, if they were serious when they Speaker will feature Wesley Fishel. demanded money. "Winnie - the Pooh" will be but some of the other data bases Looking down the barrel of a - professor of political science, presented at I and 3 p.m. Saturday do have a computer chargie," speaking on "Will Our Withdrawal and Sunday in the Arena Theater. pistol, Ms. Greenwald yelled into End the War in Southeast Asia? at Chapin explained. the phone, "Call the police!" 5:30 p.m. at 319 Hillcrest. The Library committee then swung the receiver at the Student Mobiliz: resolved to go ahead with the gunman, shattering what turned Beta will meet at 7:30 p.m. 1 ne installation of Med - line out to be a toy pistol, officers i the Union Sun Porch. All Committe providing it on a free basis to said. i are asked to attend to help symposiui e the club and sign up for ln Int,och students. The would-be holdup men Initiation of other data bases turned and fled. because of low-priced quality cars like the Mark II 2000 we call it a "pact, high performance, Only Toyota can offer you such unusual STATE combinations because price is a big factor. There are several performance-luxury compacts NEWS built in Europe but some of these may cost $1500.-more and that ends your economy. WANT ADS Toyota believes in pride of ownership NOW AT as being a part of your driving pleasure BARGAIN DAYS PRICES, TOO! So get your hands on a Toyota you'll never let go!!! PH0HE 355-8255 1^? WHEELS TOYOTA INC. MICHIGAN AVE.-5 Blocks West of Frandor LANSriMG S CEDAR ST NEAR JOLLY RD Phono 882 2429 1 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Februai Science jargon: unbroken code Editor's note: When Chris Danielson was asked if he would cover a scientific seminar with an unusual name, he readily accepted. A page Following is his report. of opinion, humor, and comment "Do you know anything about Sir Gal, Sir Hipfor and the Hip Arabs?"I war hard up, so I replied, "No, but I'm willing to learn." When I enttred the Biochemistry Building at 4 p.m. January 24, I was convii. "ed that there was a big story waiting there for me. Did Sir Gal It *d a secret subversive band of Hip Arabs? What was Sir Hipfor? As I walked into t ie designated lecture room I was confronted by a man stacking 41 'leenex boxes on the front table. He either had a terrible cold or v is using the boxes - labeled ser, hyp and lys - to form coded messages. Stubby Kaye's I wanted to ask the man about all the romantic characters slated to be there, but I got no further than Sir Hipfor. "Serine hydroxyproline - ser hyp4 - Sir Hipfor, it all comes down to the same thing." I couldn't make head nor tail out of this coded jargon, but I decided to stay for the meeting. The meeting, obstensively a "seminar," revolved around the playing the ominous "Extensin Plot." Derek Lamport, an associate professor from the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) Research Lab, was the speaker. Lamport began by reading some jumbled limericks, probably a traditional incantation. He then picked up a potato sack with two By STEVE RADDOCK balloons in it. Popping the balloons, which he referred to as State News Staff Writer "daughter cells," Lamport said this was how he isolated the cell wall. I thought he was plotting to free Angela. Having missed the end of the football season by half a year After showing a slide of a machine that looked like a cross Editor's Note: The following is strictly a Fig Newton of the and since the soaring club rarely, if ever, has a pep rally, Stubby between an elephant and a cyclotron ("if yu've seen one of writer's fertile imagination. was subsequently informed that his services were no longer these, you've seen them all"), Lamport rattled ff a string of 10 1956 had been a real bummer for Stubby needed and his body was an eyesore. Not taking this lightly, he Kaye. Here it was, syllable words and flashed a shot of the Pentagt on the screen. nine months into the year, and the only work he had managed to began to violently strip the University's concession cart and smelt "Aha," I thought, "the plot thickens." the components with a fire spontaneously generated by his sweat At this point Lamport began hastily to arrang the Kleenex scrounge up were a song and patter stint in one of Biloxi, sock. Mississippi's self-service cafeterias and a cameo appearance in an boxes, spouting such homilies as, "Shoot Arabs wi. h acid and Encyclopedia Brittanica film on ductless glands. they're no longer hip" and "tryptid whippid wipes ou ." on the On Nov. 24 of that year, just as Stubby was leaving his north In order to appease him, University officials gave side. Stubby a side Chicago fiat for his semiweekly jaunt to Moonbean Office plank and a megaphone (actually a copy of Reader's Digest rolled I was still waiting to hear these secret messages transla >d into Temps, his agent called to tell him that he'd just been booked as up into a cone) and directed him to the divider strip on East layman's terms when the meeting broke up. I built up my c. irage the feature artist at a post-pep rally celebration at MSU. It seems Grand River Avenue. It is there that he did drive-in requests for and asked Professor Lamport to hit me with the raw truth. the final selection had been between Stubby, Norman two years until arrested for making obscene gestures at cars and "The AEC Plant Research Lab seminar meets at 4:10 p.m. Rockwell, Otto Preminger and the lighting director of the "Jackie Gleason pedestrians. every Monday in 101 Biochemistry," he said. "We try to keep the Show." University community informed about all the research going on The pay for doing the concert was minimal, if not here. My talk summarized our efforts to find out what causes the When all was said and done, Stubby Kaye walked away from inconsequential to Stubby: 85 bucks in bad checks, a week's this experience with a smile on his cell wall in plants to expand." It will take a better sleuth than me supply of cottage cheese and an autographed soccer ball. But face. As far as he was to crack his code. Stubby didn't care. He wanted the exposure and a chance to say concerned, it was just another stop on the tour of life. that he'd once played Demonstration Hall in East Lansing. So with a battered fedora hugging his noggin' and a change of underwear stuffed into a sweat sock, the meandering minstrel set out to thumb his way to Michigan. He was immediately picked up by the Chicago police on suspicion of vagrancy. Country music appeal grows After spending 30 days in the Municipal Penal Parlor-Suntan Spa, Stubby took a bus to the city limits and hopped a train, which he discovered, after clinging some 45 minutes to the undersides of a car, belonged to the Chicago Subway System. However, it didn't take long for him to untangle himself from a web of booboos and start afresh. By JOHN GLASSER Ramblin' Jack and Bobby Bear are mentioned Stubby managed to bum six rides but was either molested, look at what good country music is. with an illegal smile. It don't cost very m robbed or kidnapped by each of the drivers who picked him up. with a smile and a knowing nod. The backup music consist of some of the best it lasts a long while . . . ") to making lo To top it all off, he was obliged to both walk and trot the last 86 Country music is no longer only for the truck Kris Kristofferson is one of the best country Nashville musicians — Funky Donny Fritts, Billy distance ("Donald and Lydia" - "They I miles to Lansing. His clothes glued to his body by a coating of drivers and those from "down home." It is still writers and performers around. Most of the top Swan, Charlie McCoy and a whole list of others. love in the valleys. They made love in perspiration, his shoes caked with mud and full of pebbles, and for the beer drinkers and winos but they are now names in country have done at least one of his But even great musicians cannot make an album dreams. But when they were finished fa his nead encircled by a swarm of gnats, Stubby shuffled onto the l new breed of people. The people who have tunes. Heading the list is Johnny Cash who did without a strong lead singer. nothing to say, 'cause mostly they n MSU campus on May 18, 1957, some six months after his done the psychadelics and lived with the "Sunday Morning Coming Down. Kristofferson's songs, his voice and his style from ten miles away.") to old folks (Hel departure from the Windy City. Hendrixes and the MC5 are turning to something Kristofferson's latest album (which is old on tne fit together so well that it is difficult to find There" — "Old people just grow low Once in front of Dem Hall, Stubby was further detained when different — a bottle of wine, a doorway and some charts but new to most people who don't listen), words to describe them. When he writes, he's Waiting for someone to say hello ii he accidentally stomped through a buildup of horse droppings. fine country pickin'. Names like Merl Haggard, "The Silver tongue Devil and I," is a fantastic writing about people, about being down, about Hello.") to suicide ("Six 0' Clock News"- - being wasted ("Getting by on getting high on whole town saw Jimmy, on the six o'clock! women, words, and wine",) His brains were on the sidewalk. Blood wr Even his pretty songs such as "When I Loved his shoes. C'mon babe, spend the night! MSU TO COMPETE IN RACE Her", strike a familiar note and you find yousself me.") Hie album starts off great and getsi| saying "yeah, I've felt that before." As he sings you can feel it again. What he says is so simple •It might be these albums are i that you wonder how he does it. How can everybody but if you've a mind to li Canoeists plan anyone be so good and make it sound like it is yourself a bottle of wine and try them. easy? But Kris has been down — he's paid his dues. the group to man it. "If this world keeps right on turning for the By MARILYN HAGELBERG "It will only take one or two better or the worse and all he ever gets is older Sesames debut weekends to construct," ASCE and around . . . from the rocking of the cradle to member Wayne Crew, said. "We •the rolling of the hearse, the going up was worth You've heard of lead would like to have it completed the coming down." balloons. But would you believe by the end of the term so we can Another artist along the same line as in new rolls as concrete canoes? Kristofferson is John Prine. Kristofferson says on practice before the race." As unlikely as it sounds, there the back of Prine's album, "thanks to the people Requirements for the canoe really are such things, and their coming introduced a new event inlcude that it be canoe no more a two - man than 14 feet long at Atlantic for making good things happen fast to someone who deserves it." an edible burgeij to the sports scene: The concrete canoe race. and three feet wide. It must be made of concrete with Prine has to be heard to be believed. The first time I heard the album I thought I was stoned. NEW YORK (UPI) replace the hamburger, the - While it may ne»j sandwich of wj So far, concrete canoe racing at the University of Illinois built of its kind in the world. MSU. Nothing ever sounded that good before. So I reinforcing steel as necessary and future may well be a burger - mrJ" ' is a relatively unheard - of event. a 360 - pound concrete canoe. This year American Society Charles Eisele, president of foam plastic or similar materials listened again and got the same feeling of textured vegetable proteins. But MSU civil engineering When students at Purdue heard of Civil Engineers (ASCE) the junior chapter of the ASCE totalness. as required for floatation. Total Textured vegetable proteins a students are planning to enter of the achievement, they members at Purdue decided to here, said that several ASCE It must have been like stumbling into Dylan MSU in such a race April 29 at decided to build their own canoe cost must be under $50. class of food products made to simul«| enlarge the competition. They members are definitely planning when he first entered the village scene. meat in texture, flavor and aPP('ara"j Purdue University. and challenge Illinois to a race. sent invitations to other ASCE to participate in the Construction will begin as Prine says things in his tunes that leave They are made from edible protein sour" The event originated last year Illinois emerged the winner in chapters in the North Central construction of the canoe and as the necessary funds and nothing more to be said. His songs range from which include s°yb