r Kraut . . . Friday Cloudy . . . and frankfurter week (Feb. MICHIGAN and windy with occasional ' L 26) aim* Promo*e *he STATE NEWS . . . flurries. High around 35 STATE snow degrees. UNIVERSITY 64 Numberlll East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 18, 1972 ixon departs cHINGTON (AP) - "journey President Nixon for peace" to China , ."We,.r" h,ve future," he said. What we e™' differences in the must do is find drifted down from slate - on gray skies, was televised live nationwide — a prelude to the extensive live television coverage planned journey to China departure, Nixon stressed repeatedly that he had no expectation of spectacular an exchange of athletes, scholars, scientists and students. Chinese leaders future. might avert warfare in the _ a historic mission he said he that we can have a way to see for his eight days in China. results from the trip. And, attempting to calm a rebellion The joumey to the Communist nation Xrtakine for all manking in search our differences without He spoke after of increased against the trip by some of the more comes three months before another being enemies at war." After a 45 - hour stay in Hawaii, historic Nixon mission — to Moscow for mmon ground with the long-hostile From the White recommended by his physician to readjust communication between mainland China conservative wing of the Republican party, luted Asian Communist power, House, where school and the United States — perhaps through he steadfastly argued that talking now with summit talks with Soviet leaders. children, Cabinet officers, congressional to time zone changes, the President flies to he embarked for the first face - to - Guam on leaders, government employes and tourists Saturday for an overnight stop. .mmit meeting ever between U S. bade him farewell from the With his wife and an official party of 13 winter-faded rhinese Communist leaders, he South Lawn, Nixon flew White House and State Dept. advisers, by helicopter to d his words of hope with words of Andrews Air Force Nixon will arrive in Peking on Monday — Base, Md. There he boarded his Sunday night U.S. time — and become the . under no illusion that 20 blue, silver and white presidential jet, "The first American president ever to set foot on f hostility ... will be swept away by Spirit of '76," for the 10 hour Chinese soil. k 0f talks," Nixon told farewell - nonstop flight to Kaneohoe Marine Corps Air Station on the Before returning to the United States iies Then he winged westward to northern shore of Oahu. Feb. 28, he will have an open-ended series in the first leg of his 20, 395 - mile, of talks with Chinese leaders Mao His departure, which Tse-tung came as light snow y journey. and Chou En-lai, attend a round of four banquets in three citites and visit the Great Wall and other Chinese shrines and historic NS INCOMPLETE sites. Nixon met for 45 minutes Thursday with Democratic and Republican congressional leaders, giving them what Big Ten to review House GOP Leader Michigan described as Gerald R. Ford of "a realistic appraisal of the possible results." He promised to brief them upon his return. segregation In his brief farewell remarks, Nixon recalled his statement of July 15 — when he announced that a secret summer mission to Peking by his foreign affairs adviser, By BARBARA PARNESS under what circumstances, I just don't State News Staff Writer Henry Kissinger, had set up the know," Cady said, referring to the request for a hearing by Robert L. Green, director unprecedented summit. "That statement was, as you will recall, of the Center for Urban Affairs; Thomas e chairman of the Big Ten rules and that this would be a journey for peace," he •committee said Thursday charges of Gunnings, asst. director for minority said. Nixon noted, too, a toast offered by legation by three MSU black counseling, and Joseph McMillan, director Chou when Kissinger was in China. of Equal Opportunity Programs. istrators will definitely be considered "The American people are a great nference officials, but arrangements people," he quoted the Chinese premier as n have not yet been made, Cady said the March agenda contains saying. win H. Cady of Indiana University several items of "foremost importance." "The Chinese people are a great ["There's no question" that the Big He said conference officials will have to people. The fact that they are separated by ill discuss the charges. decide the priorities for hearing three a vast ocean and great differences in "major" items — the charges by MSU philosophy should not prevent them from of course we will hear the black administrators, the suspension of the finding common ground." from MSU and mo6t probably from Minnesota athletes and fundamental Nixon said if his talks with Communist Big Ten schools as well. But just conference legislation. leaders bring progress toward finding that the arrangements will be, I don't common ground "the world will be a much "Cady said in a phone interview. safer world." A. Fuzak, MSU's Big Ten faculty "We wlil either have to hold a very extended meeting or schedule a special And, motioning to the hundreds of tative, wrote a letter to Cady Feb. school children on the lawn — many of Gtlng the items raised by the black meeting to discuss some of these matters," them chattering excitedly as he talked — tors be placed on the agenda for he said. Nixon added that he hoped "all those h Big Ten meeting "as a major young children there" would have a chance consideration." "to grow up in a world of peace." seems to me that riate to structure the meetings so It would be Early enrollment About 200 Americans — including 87 accredited news media personnel — are \ administrators or faculty, in flying into China with Nixon, joining about President and Ms. Nixon wave goodbye from the doorway of a helicopter on the South Lawn at the White House ' Early enrollment continues from 8 a.m. 100 already there making advance numbers, could appear before the "ate body of our conference to to 4:30 p.m. today for students with last arrangements. Thursday as they leave for nearby Andrews Air Force Base to board the Spirit of '76 for a flight which will take their concerns and names beginning with E - K. In the months prior to the day of them to mainland China. AP Wirephoto endations. I believe the matter to peat importance," Fuzak said in his « y said he has not yet responded to but expects to do so this week, said the scheduling of the discussion pend in part on the court decision County jail's goal: rehabilitation By RICK WILBINS State News Staff Writer a ^ sisasi m weeks ago, jail term "is to try to turn an unpleasant into a productive learning Frank said, "is community involvment. That's where we are better able to deal Frank said, his dark-brown hair falling over his collar, "the guards were a little hostile, appeal by the two Minnesota GNSWVj with an individual than Jackson State but now they don't think 'ball Two scared 21 - old men, experience." anything of it." players for a temporary year - "Our main interest is in breaking the Prison of Southern Michjgan is." ing order against their suspension convicted of stealing a couch from an MSU "Ingham County Jail is no longer a mm m crime cycle," Jim Frank, acting director of Frank said that there are several closed system where everybody's attitudes by the Big Ten. Cady said the building, stand before the judge in Mason's (decision is expected this week. small district court house. Their faces pale the jail's rehabilitation program, added. follow-through programs in Lansing, remain static," Gallagher explained. "The 'actly when we will hear them and i aawf "We try to get them here before they get Charlotte, St. Johns and Mason. He said turnkeys (guards) are geing influenced by fast as the judge declares "30 days in into something serious and end up at the jail works locally with the East and the staff and their attitudes are changing." Ingham County Jail." Visions of dimly-lit Jackson. North Side drug programs in Lansing. Like most rehabilitation programs in the cells, brutal guards, unsanitary conditions Most of the 180 inmates are in jail for All four members on the jail staff and terrible food probably race through state prisons, the program at the jail drug - related crimes, Jerry Gallagher, indicated that much of the credit for its bomb calls these two young men's heads. At Ingham County Jail, in Mason, however, only the food is bad. ICJ is one WK«<* »=«rity submarine, that's absolutely essential if we are going to stay up with the momentum of the Soviet Union." before Congress Wednesday. He said the Soviets are working on a with k "?tified »nd they number of projects to improve their antisubmarine warfare to hav superintendent But later, meeting with reporters on Capitol Hill, Laird said, capability, making it necessary for the United States to proceed m J 'f build!n« Only 32 pints short of reaching its goal, the Red Cross Blood Drive "If there are limitations. . . arrived at through the negotiating with a new underwater weapons system. said, but .l revealed nothing, process, those limitations will be abided by." Moorer said China is now becoming "a significant nuclear continues today in the lower lounge of Shaw Hall. As of 5:30 p.m. - chanoe^JJ at l 4r h0® dld not w#nt ®nd hegan evacuating Tnursday, 968 pints of the 1000 pint goal had been donated. Between Laird shifted his position after speaking briefly with President Nixon on the White House lawn as the President was leaving on power" and that regardless of how relations among China, the USSR and the United States develop, this country will need ^ 145 P m. They later asked 10 a.m. and noon today, there is a need for donors with A positive and his China trip. What they discussed was not determined, but shortly afterward Laird qualified his earlier remarks on ULMS. enough nuclear power "to cope with both the Soviet Union and China simultaneously." "torn to page 15) O positive blood. 2. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Pridav- Febn„» news Milliken urges prison reform in « third area of reform, Milliken ^ In addition to reducing the numbers of criminals actually incarcerated, Milliken expressed the need to update the prison professionalization of local correctional system.-71 f°r yiCm-sthroughout summary Gov. Milliken warned state lawmakers Thursday that unless system, including renovation of Michigan's three maximum security institutions. state. Improvements on the local level advocated b included improvement of rehabilitative From the wfre* of AP and UPI. extensive and immediate prison reform is undertaken in Michigan, "In the budget I submitted last month, $700,000 was programs in i g(" tragedies such as occurred at Attica state prison in New York last recommended to begin the reconstruction program at Jackson better training of correctional staffs and the misdemeanant corrections bureau to provide estThr loc fall "could happen here." and to improve other programs of our system," he said. "Training localir n In a special message to the legislature, Milliken called assistance, consultive services and in - service traini eSwittl and education programs must be modernized, expanded and "We have an obligation to each of them (offP„Hg Michigan's correctional system "among the most progressive in emphasized; need classrooms, teachers and better the nation" but noted at the same time that its problems are we more concluded, "not to coddle them or make things ^ "enormous." equipment." them, but to help them change, to help each of thpr01* The governor, who termed the state's correctional staff the "Its buildings are overcrowded; its staffs spread too thin; its the talent and potential which lies buried beneaTh rehabilitative facilities need improvement," he pointed out. key to the rehabilitation program, asked for increased community exterior and antisocial behavior which has fnr Hi and volunteer involvement. isolate them." ee(1 * "KV will hare great differences To alleviate these conditions, the governor presented reforms in the future. What we must do is in three areas of corrections. "First, must to prisons for those really find a way to see that we can have we move requiring incarceration," he said. reserve NAMED REP-AT-LARGE our differences without being "Some criminals must be isolated from society until and unless enemies at war." they can be changed. However, many criminal offenders are not Kiang replaces Jaeger Richard Nixon truly dangerous to others, though some are threats to themselves. it Some criminal offenders are readily amenable to change and can achieve it much better in the community than in the artificial institutional environment of a maximum security prison." Milliken urged the development of better methods of Academic Council. requested a new election to executed in the h ' distinguishing the "truly dangerous" from the nuisance offenders Massoglia acted as technical replace Jaeger on the basis of representative to the aj and from those who do not require custodial control. coordinator for the election of election procedures which He offered presentence diagnosis of convicted men and women Council," the aDDe»i9Sk (BflUWUTS \r £ "The last time I was home Mom said she didn 7 want a high school graduate ' My parents wanted me to go to school w DAVE PERSON, me going awav so far to school because I would feel no closer to home so they could see me more ?m:m BILL HOLSTEIN, managing editor campus editor CHARLIE CAIN, city editor often. I came up here for just the opposite reason. Vanderbilt even offered me a ties at home. She was right, I guess. Mien you come to MSU from out of state you take the chance of finding from Louisville? But it BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor scholarship, but I turned them down. Too RICK GOSSELIN, yourself homeless." The fact remains, sports editor many people from my high school were real though, t going there. I only wanted to go to high place at which to c&sl have my a| Seven.time recipient of tnc Pacemaker award school once. dirty as Lansing, but ten degrees warmer), from out of state you take the chance of a feeling my case is for I've been at State three years now. Each exception to the general rule outstanding journalism. twice as tall as any edificies previously finding yourself homeless. East Lansing is Detroiters (there's still two winter term there seems to be one weekend but a transitory phase. thinp^ T' built in the city. I cannot spend the stand in Michigan: snow when practically everyone I know splits for "A Clockwork Orange" will surely hit rest of my life in East Lansing. Already I and dILy home. This last weekend was the annual the Mary Anderson in Louisville before it am charting a course for surely different. They can S" EDITORIALS reincarnation of bummer weekends past. So sitting in a bar FViday fighting both a makes the Campus Theater in East Lansing. points south when I grab my sheepskin next June. If you contact with the folks at marry a fellow home R' Detroiter and find !! Elmore Stephens, Darel Bishop, and Tom think dis lil' ol' suthan boy is a gonna stick cold and boredom, my thoughts started employment in Motown th!! Payne have donned UK basketball up heah in dese parts wif all dat col' wandering down 1-69 towards Derby City. probably be stuck in the V uniforms. weathuh, you crazy! forever. Stu-Fac Piton I break, hadn't been there since Christmas may not be there again until spring term ends. Louisville's changed an awful It's just not the same. All the high school friends are gone, many of them married. The faces around town are mostly But where can I go? Whothe hell do I know in Louisville now? I would be just as well off in Atlanta or New Orleans or However, many Americans have b* much more mobile. Most of us |« lot since I left three years ago. The tallest ourselves first as unfamiliar. All that is left is Mom and Dad, Orlando. From talking to MSU grads who Americans Michiganders abdication building in the metropolis of 800,000 Kentuckians 'l or was plus my little brother (he's as tall as I am) have gone through the same series of an but 20 stories then. "Dr. Zhivago" was still a first run film. C.ary and the fat pet suburban beagle. events, it's going to be lonely for awhile from across the Placement Bureau to fill country come t# Adolph Rubb still had an The last time I was home Mom said she wherever I go. When you work for the positions ] all-white basketball team. students have probably lived in didn't want me going away so far to school "Atlanta Constitution," they don't put at leM In denying the Piton staffs Even if one accepts Stu-Fac's Now two bank buildings climb towards towns during their lifetime. What cm because I would feel no ties to home. She you in a residence hall to meet new people request for a hearing concerning contention that a contradiction the grey southern sky (Louisville is just as call home when General Electric I was right, I guess. When you come to MSU like they do here at State. You're pretty charges of censorship placed against exists in the AFR, their action transferring your father from town to Honors College director Frank H. provides every three years or so? Is it no means by which the become attached to a pc Blackington, the Student - Faculty contradiction can be resolved. particular ar such a mobile setting? Judiciary has sorely neglected its Granted, they urged revision of In the rural American of t,re function in the University. Stu-Fac's Section Six. Yet the copies of the century and the stationary American action, or more properly, inaction, Pi ton's cover remain locked in early 20th, most men's horizons leaves the path wide open for other limited. Man only read Blackington's basement, and until about the "contradictions" within Article Francisco in the newspaper and administrators to take the same steps cc travel there via a time con as Blackington in squelching Six are resolved University journey. Today the Giants come to u expression of student points of view. publications can be censored by their from Candlestick Park on television Stu-Fac claimed it would be sponsor. getting there is a matter of just a few I unable to make a ruling in the case By refusing to hear the Piton case, thanks to the friendly skies of United outlook has been expanded. We ci because of inconsistencies in the Stu-Fac, in fact, upheld Academic Freedom Report (AFR). identify with other areas besides tt Blackington's decision to impound which we live. Section 6.3.2 of the AFR states full the Piton's cover. Blackington's The logical projection of all this ii freedom of content and editorial original purpose - to prevent one day we will all first think of ouq policy is guaranteed to all University publication of the Piton - has been not as Americans, but as earthlings i come more in contact with other publications subject only to the sustained by Stu-Fac. cu Granted language and cultural l_ advice and counsel of the In the final analysis, the only exist, but we are all people, one p administrative unit responsible. means the editors of the Piton had which can learn to live together. Section 6.3.4 additionally states that available to settle their differences But all this is many years a the responsibility for all content, with Blackington has been closed to I'm stuck in East Lansing on an finance, distribution and staffing lies them. Even if Section 6 is revised, warm, rainy day with absolutely not) do. You must be too if you have re with the sponsoring agency involved. the Piton case could not be heard. far already. I'm going to go fry m Yet a wee bit of analysis shows To do so would be a clear case of an chicken now, Col. Sanders style. Ya that in essence there are no ex post facto ruling, for one cannot still have a Southern style Sunday di contradictions in Section 6. The change the code and then try a case even north of the Mason-Dixon line. '"gives adrotnittcjlurs the which occurred before the change. M# in ri-fht to athriso-and' counsel publications; never does it'mention Thus-for better or worse the Piton issue js now settled. Student OUR READERS the right to censor. How Blackington expression has been denied without a came up with the notion that he had hearing ever being held. Stu-Fac has this right defies all logic. The duty of the sponsor of a University publication includes the responsibility for its content, but it clearly ducked the issue in the Piton case, placing the reputation of the entire University judicial system in serious jeopardy. Once again the To the Editor: 'Right on' for Roland de Mars encountered) assured me at one stage that Why do some of these one section I respect Mr. de Mars for trying hi, The current Roland de Mars controversy my record was good enough (a 3.3 average classes coincide, so the student cant take does not include censorship powers. channels did not work. for six years before conceding deB strikes me very strongly as I am a former in French) to gain admission to graduate two, even if he wanted to? sympathize that he was trying to impf student of "The Beard." I know of his school. These questions will stay unanswered as system which IS overladen with si struggles with the department and am In May of my senior year, having heard long as students don't ask for answers. shiru and aloof Ph.D.s, whose sympathetic with his efforts to improve a nothing of either acceptance or rejection These questions may not be unique to the consists of the coffee room and I And now, hopelessly static situation. Lest anyone feel that Mr. de Mars is a into grad studies, I asked on of the "Graduate Studies Committee" members Dept. of Romance Languages. Only by raising questions can we ever hope to get morning department meetings nothing is accomplished. typical aloof, pompous Romance Language in person. Although this man had been my answers. I wish that someone had raised Jerry professor, who is crying for himself in his instructor in two classes, he assured me some questions and done East Lansing graduate sfl letter of resignation, I would like to note some yelling that he had never heard of me, either as a when I was a sophomore. Feb.10 the that this SNAFU man: student or as a name on an application. . . (1) held "soiress" at his house so Fortunately, I was able to gain students could get to know him and each admission into another department (by other better. virtue of a 10 minute interview with the On very special occasions the State News presents the priceless for the defense it offered of the Nixon's administration's civil rights (2) Brought in real Frenchmen to talk to us, so we could get a better feel of the chairman of the department, and no red tape), and am currently completing my Waste control SNAFU award (State News Award current French culture and language requirements for a masters degree. record, a document pointing out To the Editor: For Unreason). To receive this honor (3) organized at least one major This episode of lack of communication and to accurately predict this. If tha "progress" made in civil rights in the Concerning your editorial entitled an individual or group of individuals last four years. weekend excursion per term — a weekend is a major complaint against the R.L. Dept. "Fault 'U' Projections Hurt Sewage News buys newsprint from a suppliej must distinguish itself in a singularly in Canada or the like! — the purpose being I am quite sure that this fault is not unique the supplier who must meet the demi RAPPORT and EDUCATION. to one department,but rather Treatment," I would like to add a few ration the product. absurd manner. Past recipients something remarks. include Eva Braun, for the time she And look at the progress made. Needless to say, he did not receive any reimbursement from the department for all which endangers the University) as whole. 1. To blame the 4 . H o wever, the consideration must be where do 1 impoj There are other unanswered questions assess on University for The report itself boasts of the his extra efforts. These efforts, failing to predict estimated enrollment from here, and how can i e leam frol called her husband a humanitarian; which relate to the case of Roland de Mars: increase in federal civilian minority General Motors Corp., when they pro-6tudent, above the call of duty, were in Why are some of the best and most should be considered in perspective of the 1960s. The dramatic the proper mistakes. The Waste Control Authoj defended the safety features in the employment from 389,000 to no way politically motivated. interested instructors, such as Ursula newly created University-wide officj increase in the student-age population 390,000, the appointment of seven As a student in Romance Languages, I Franklin, no longer at MSU? attempt to work with the City oj Corvair, and Senator Roman Hruska, was pleased with the courses in Why are the three resulted in overcrowding the colleges in the Lansing. Together, we may be able W black ambassadors, the promotion of most aloof profs State of Michigan. Michigan State R-Neb., who felt that there was a composition - conversation (I chose Mr. de (stuffed shirts, if you will) the ones who this and other environmental problem five black military officers and an Mars as my instructor for seven consecutive responded by opening its doors to students Mark E. M place for mediocrity on the Supreme choose the grad students? Court. increase of $300 million (whoopee) terms) and, in a word, I was disgusted with Why does the instructor of the AMLEC who otherwise would have been denied an Director, Waste Control AutJ in aid to minority businesses. Yes sir, the handling of the literature classes. summer education. Feb. This week another individual has program have the worst accent of 2. The important point Is that the the minorities are moving right up, Despite this, I hoped to continue my all, including the students? earned the SNAFU laurels. So studies as a grad student in French. University recognizes the overloading of the thanks to the Nixon administration. What type of politics allowed this man without further ado, the State News The late chairman of the R.L. Dept., Dr. to go to France for this program? sewage treatment facilities and is trying to is proud to award a year's supply of Alpo to (ta-da) the White House staff The report, however, fails to cite Blend (who was one of the finest professors and gentlemen that I had ever Why do they offer one section classes, leaving the student no choice of profs? cooperate with the City of East Lansing to remedy the situation. East Lansing has Support Gree any statistics comparing signed an agreement with the Water To the Editor: . unemployment rates, education Resources Commission to have in The Black United Front, 0ffice°] levels and average per capita incomes operation by December 1973, a tertiary Affaire, supports the efforts underw Dr. Robert Green, and the BlacK « of minority peoples of the present to E.L. election treatment plant. The increased cost of Open those of 1968 or minority averages to white averages. Nixon may have To the Editor: advice and experience of the city clerk of operation is not only due to processing larger volumes of sewage, but removing phosphates and more effectively treating Assn. We feel that our black more than just "slaves" to bring g the hallowed halls of the Big Beginning spring term the MSU made some small progress in A recent State News editorial urged the Detroit, George Edwards. He lived through the effluent. Even if the system was not insure that the racist brothers is ended, the;Black I expiration II East Lansing City Council to overloaded, the present system could not breaking up all-white southern adopt this nightmare of an election. It should not Library will remain open until 2 a.m. computer hardware to assist in a fast and meet the current standards for sewage pledges our support and <>urU"ftJ The new hours constitute an school districts through Atty. Gen. accurate compilation of East happen here. treatment. resources of brotherhood to aid the| Mitchell's office. However, progress Lansing 3. The University is a customer of the Athletic Assn. in their experiment by the University made in other civil rights-related ballots. I must with great urgency and Gary Paul Andre* East Lansing municipal operation. As struggpavjd kj Library Committee to see if there emphasis make you aware of the "Detroit East such, Black Unitedl Lansing senior part of the responsibility lies with the will be sufficient student support for areas such as food stamp distribution Election Fiasco of August 1970." Feb. 121 Feb. 14,1972 and public housing developments can I had a tremendous supplier to meet the needs of the consumer continuance. Presently the library opportunity to more easily be attributed to a observe, first hand, the almost total DOONESBURY closes at 11 p.m. Democratic Congress, not the Nixon rejection of a municipal election. The State The committee is to be Election Commission finally certified the administration. /NCAse Vou PIP/YT I'M A V.C. commended on their action. The election, after the Wayne County Board of HEY, (HARUE KNOW, you RUNN/N6 HMD YOU TERRORIST. ANP Election Commissioners could 0065 HAUS BEEN present comparatively early closing' Most not cone TO TH A COOO ON£ time has proved a serious importantly, the Nixon unanimously certify the election as a valid OCCUPYING OOR COUNTRY TOO! A/NT NOBopy administration has clearly set itself indication of the wishes of the Detroit FOR nrnzcKJ yews //v thesc PORTS inconvenience for many students electorate. The election ballot punch cards ANP BY THE WAV. MY WHO 4/N'T HEARD over the years. against the concept of busing. NME'S PHRED, NaT OF "PHREP THC defaced, destroyed, and hundreds _ were •nreenaI OT " Nixon's claim of being a champion CHFtRUE If the committee can further see others were lost. The election slates of civil rights, in light of his fit to address itself to themselves (the list of candidates and reopening the antibusing stand, is sheer hypocrisy. graduate stacks and liberalizing issues) were also defaced and sometimes removed. Thus the election results were periodical checkout policies, they The Nixon record on civil rights tenuous. What kind of might manage to bring library democracy is served has been abysmal. To claim under these sorts of circumstances? operation back in line with the needs otherwise is a clear attempt to Before any action is taken on of the student body as a whole. adopting delude the American public. computers to the East Lansing voting operations, I implore you to seek the ii State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 18, 1972 5 POINT OF VIEW SN controlled By dt ogilive CLARK WHITE editorial and sports pages in today's newspaper, although Dr. Green is not the only black administrator by But why does the State News have such a narrow outlook? East involved, a fact that the Could it have something to do with the racial composition of the Laming graduate students State News overlooked In Its presentation of the "facts." staff? Just how many blacks are employed by the State News? and 16 others How long have they been employed? What positions do Why is it that the State News editors found it necessary to they make negative editorial comments not once but hold? We know there are some black reporters, but where are the As concerned black and white students at twice In one day black editors and blacks in managerial positions? Or would MSU, we would like about this laBue which is of great concern to black people, black Innf "tte,ntlon t0 the blas inherent In the State News coverage especially since both editorials (one is guised as a sports column editors serve to remind you of the fact that "we are a from learning to live together?" And at a long way ™,CTra,ge ?f 'Mue8 imP°rt«nt to black people on this demonstrated In the flagrant and racist by the sports editor) say easentially the same thing. Is this a university where there are so many black athletes, why Isn't there a balcl: sportswriter? attack against Robert L. Green that appeared both conspiracy? Never mind, we know the answer. We've heard it on the enough. In both columns you called Dr. Green to task because he has "There aren't any qualified blacks around" - a typical white READERS' MIND made race the issue. He has not made race the issue. The white liberal copout. Our intent is not to get involved in a debate with the editors of the State News over this issue. What we would like population made race the issue a long time ago. Surely the editorial staff Is not so naive that it does not recognize that the to emphasize is that the State News should accept the They're also juvenile white population has made the distinction very responsibility of addressing itself to: (1) Its internal structure and apparent by its actions and inaction. analysis of the institutional racism intrinsic in the University structure. It should expend some effort talking to some of the You agree with Dr. Green about the need for change in Big athletes who are experiencing the problems, rather than Ten athletics, but you qualify your agreement by saying that he giving credibility to white coaches while denying credibility to black jieEd'tor: , , fhn Poh 1fi Mr»rVghmn.0nnV,,0lent^.meanS,A?.y 8 01 u 11 ° " to eliminating News again has singled out one should not be concerned solely with the plight of black athletes. coaches and administrators. Instead of , of the site State News News Is Is ^tLl wrsuwfoi politicalpewuaslon, who who m k makes dlscrimlnation inequality of person to malign and vilify. Does opportunity is through the writer of the editorial hear But If Dr. Green did not articulate the concerns of black athletes — and It was perfectly legitimate for him, as a black trying to negate the seriousness of the discrimination which does exist within the Big K example of how the demands of the white power aggressive affirmative action footsteps? Ten, the State News should be in the vanguard of the administrator, to do so — who would have drawn the public's investigation. media sets out to destroy establishment Is Immediately which is incidentally mandated Joseph H. McMillan, Director attention to this problem? edibility of one black man vulnerable to the most savagely through federal orders. The fact - Equal - Opportunity Programs We expect to aee an end to this type of "cheap shot" editorial, ■ has dedicated his life to racist Instrument of our times, that the Big Ten employs only Thomas S. Gunnings, Director You say that not only black athletes have the problem, but and we would hope that the State News doesn't inflame the issue 111 change and progress the editor s pen. It has created one black official In football and white athletes get "put out to pasture too. The pasture doesn't to the point of further polarizing students on this campus. and destroyed Stokely one in basketball is a blatant Minority Counseling Center discriminate." Again, you can't be so naive as to think that the It's not the credibility of black administrators that is in •rl ~ 'nd. R,*P LBr°wn- example of tokenism. Tokenism February 16,1972 problem Is the same. By virtue of skin color the problems of question; rather, it is the credibility of the State News and its Thanks maligned Dr. Martin Luther King to blacks Is an extension of blacks are compounded by not having a degree. Instead of "white liberal" editorial staff. . Malcolm X. discrimination and an aspect of devoting so much space to raising questions about Dr. Green's [or . , ter ^e Big Ten racism. Affirmative action plans credibility, why don't you devote some space to editorializing favorably on Issues of HILLEL FOUNDATION n of Delta Stpnt Phi S"25SSS'SI'S? JS?!'"i!"' quolM.'ncl concern to black people. For example, certainly the editors could have written positively about the 319 Hillcrest at W. Grand River 332-1916 fity K»b«0°"™W» -ouU Ilk. to Gteik thank "rll.w" "by™ three«i7»Tl7Ic>liy''to"el"m"n«e Z™ate de.l.ned necessity for having funds allocated to BLFI's breakfast program. black administrators. d ">"!' FrldtA (Feb. 11, 1972) ■ membersibers of ti Sabbath Services 8:30 p.m. tonight, Followed by Or don't you see a positive effort of this kind as their assistance black administrators, Dr. Robert discrimination and tokenism. State News you indicated Dr. Rohort State News indicated that Lnnirvy for for their vou that being relevant? Shabbat Dinner. Sat. 10 a.m., Kiddush following. VJ offers of assistance V' °reen- Dr- Th°m«8 S. Perhaps our juvenile writer of there is a quota for admission to It seems that the only time the State News seeks to editorialize i fire Feb 12. The on ,ng* "nd Dr- JosePh H- the State News editorial should major In the Mathematics Dept. on issues relating to black concerns and problems is when it can SUNDAY, FEB. 20, 5:30 p.m. Lnf hof Aipna Kappa Psi Alpha Aloha ivapp _P_ McMillan. To single out Dr. acquaint himself with This Is false. The nearest thing be ■nmJPBaet?ffitPi,DSlU ■ QrnC|0» Dclo _i ' Green °ree" Rio Ton and an,dIs Bit plt him h'm" annfkav "8alnst the iffftmative actlon"be'fore' he fhere >» }° « quota has been amlnut fVm . «#l-_-II... <.1 ■ > _ thorn is tn n nuntn haa hoon critical, eg. the State News editorial of Jan. 26, 1972, which said: "Hopefully, however, the council will realize that there is no Buffet Supper ■ftal'L Slama Chi, Theta Chi Big Ten 1B" is another attempt on atfAmn^ i .1 ImnnooH Kw Tooohoy a I ■ P/liinofinn at any imposed by Teacher Education _ ".T"1" aiiempt on begins to take slaps sla PROF. WESLEY FISHEL will lead a Iphl more place for 'nonwhlte only' and 'female fV,° *• only' designations Kappa Psi are deeply * °parthf tl?e preM to J"*11*1 Particular Individual. on persons attempting to today than there was for 'whites only' and 'male only' restrictions discussion on "WILL OUR WITHDRAWAL K"' h one bl,ck m,n who '■ As two of the writers and tran®fer ,nt<> Mathematics In the past." Why is It that when the tables are turned J' i.Ain the help nt n.ith Kim dedicated to social change. signers of the letter to Wayne Education. There are no quotas you brand » of_Ruth, Kim Thrfte hl.pV ,HmlnV the situation as being "absurd? " (State News, Jan. 26) END THE VIETNAM WAR7" ,7» from Phi Mu on have Three b,ack "dmlnUtrators Duke we will take full to major In mathematics. Lrdav morning was j.ave 'eveled charges of responsibility for the thrust of Robert E. Sacks I |„rd.y morning was dlscrim dlve fpund th>t th< m It's Honey Dlpptd! I WIN! WIN! $100 [FAMOUS RECIFE Every Week takeROTC? FRIED CHICKEN "With me, it all came 1900 E. Kalamazoo 4616 S. Cedar with purchase of any waterbed unit starting at $60.00 down to one word. Money. 3007 N. East Street 309 N. Washington I needed a scholarship to It's 489-6168 Honey Dipped! Leonard Wholesale Plaza Lansing go to college. And I got one from Army ROTC. It pays for all my tuition, books and lab fees...it's "My reasons are really a good deal!' basically selfish, I guess. Quite a catch! Jobs are really getting hard to get these days, and I know for a fact that a lot of employers think an ROTC guy's got a head start in management King crab legs . . . and things like that!" oysters on the half shell. . . buckets of steamers . . . the Captain now offers you these specialties in addition to his other dinner selections. "I never considered myself especially "Maybe I'm different, but patriotic, but I do feel that everyone's got I've been considering the Army an obligation to his country. And by taking as a career. I kin the Captain really think I can Army ROTC, I'll get to serve mine as an contribute something, change soon for lunch, dinner officer. It's that simple'.' things, make them better, or relaxing in you know?" the lounge SALAD BAR Yets, Sophomores, Grad Students Apply STEAKS LOBSTER SPIRITS for the Army ROTC Two Year WHAT'S IN IT FOR YOU? PLENTY Program. FINE 'Bjfr WINES JUST CHECK OUT THESE ADVANTAGES: - 17 Army Branches from which to choose - Draft deferment for both undergraduate and graduate schooling Serving* Sun.-Thurs. Lounge open til 2 a.m. - $100 per month while in the program - Extra-curricular activities 11a.m.- 10 p.m. 1110 Trowbridge Road - Only two years active duty obligation - Guaranteed job after graduation, start at $8200 plus benefits 351-8720 Fri. & Sat. til 11:30 p.m. Cull 355-1913 or Stop by Dem Hall today () Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, Febi 18 1 Cyprus slowly edges toward NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) - homes mark the dividing line The Greek C y p r lot government is willing to challenged Athens to try and Makarios Is arming himself not civil war 1967, nearly eight years have reasons of Turkic.. Basking in the Mediterranean between the Island's government under bearded Arch sun, this island of the legendary predominantly Greek and - bishop Makarlos controls the compromise with the Turks on a Cyprus solution. oust him by force. To strengthen his position, against them but against the Greek junta and Its forces In passed since the last serious bloodletting between Greek and ^ themoving been Turk^ji free7vp> love goddess, Aphrodite, Minority Turkish populations, airports and the coastline and it Makarlos, a Greek Orthodox Makarlos recently Imported a Cyprus. Turkish Cypriots. Negotiations presents an improbable setting the ceaaefler lines of the last runs the island. Its heart belongs The present Turkish attitude for a settlement have been under archbishop, refuses to let Athens secret shipment of Czechoslovak for strife and civil war. major intercommunal fighting In to Mother Greece but its spirit is decide the fate of Cyrpus. He arms. reflects the slowly Improving way for the last 3years. Business booms. Tourists 1964. The biggest UN peace growing abound. Nightclubs ring with force in the world, 3,100 men, independent, precipitating a increasingly fears a compromise would mean the virtual partition of Cyprus, Normally, this would have thrown the Turks into a frenzy, relations between Greek and Turkish Cypriots. Greek Cypriots still car.not enter Turkish Cypriot areas without special permit - for have sta*te^m1ngi|ngX^' Cypriots in 42th, laughter and foot • stomping keeps the two armed camps at confrontation with the military And he has, in effect, But they apparently realize Except for a brief flare- up In nightclubs and Greek "bouzould" music. But bay. government in Athens. In trade, restaurant! businem w' and take a closer look and you see The Turkish Cypriots, who Insurance, Turkfi rvl why Cyprus has been dubbed "a number less than 20 per cent of ■ ■■«• «**■* ■ — - ■/•■■■irf •re dealing IncrllS^ place of arms." Barbed wire barricades, Zoology meeting the population but demand a say in the island's government, are HISTORIAN LEiTIIKES ?™>k they Cyprfots"trade are to jw'hev m sandbags and broad stretches of penned up in the barbed wire outside world. gutted schools, factories and to plan courses enclaves left over from the 1964 These intercom fighting. They control their own relations are 8tiU jJK undergrads Acropolis' role traced for areas, fly the Turkish flag and pr,vate UNIVERSITY depend on the Turkish busine,, nongovernmental Institutto The Zoology Curriculum government for their sustenance BAPTISTCHURCH lectures Wednesday with a brief Committee will hold a meeting and military protection. "What is it that makes a man Patrides spent most of his youth By ED RUDZATS discussion of Greek civilization 4608 South Hagadorn for zoology undergraduate students who want to suggest Despite appearances, the Turkish Cypriots are little more try to do his very best?" he asks. in Greece, United States returned to the for his B.A. at in the 5th century B.C., dealing Committee offers Professor C.A. Patrides, "If something like the Acropolis John D. Walden Pastor tour of Library - course changes and propose new than nervous spectators of the noted historian from Kenyon College and received his with the myths of that period the happened once, man can courses. mounting crisis. PhD. at Oxford University. He and the development of The For Information University of York, England, is certainly do it again, whether it Community Com The meeting, sponsored by The emotional issues that currently giving a series of technical or artistic taught at the University of sculpture up to the 6th century for International Program or Transportation 351 4,44 divide the island now are Greek lectures on the California at Berkley till 1963 B.C. Thursday'8 lecture included the Zoology Undergraduate Acropolis and achievement of the same sponsor a tour of the Bus Schedule 332-8472 since then has been a a visisit to the Acropolis Advisory Committee, will be in and Greek Cypriot. the part it has played in magnitude." and through Library at 1:15 p.m Moi School of Discipleship 6:45 the East Shaw upper lounge on Athens wants to settle the Athenian history from ancient member of the faculty of the slides and an attempt to examine for wives of In the third of his three foreign studen Monday, Feb. 21 at 7:30 p.m. festering Cyprus problem once times through the modern wars University of York, England. each temple in tum, with Those Worship Sunday School lectures, entitled "The Acropolis needing transport , of noon to 10:00 AM 11:00 AM Students who want to and for all. The Greek and that almost particular attention given to the should contact Wilma Hroad tracks r destroyed it. at Athens - The History of an McCj become zoology majors or who Turkish governments both Patrides said that his lectures Professor Patrides began his Parthenon. 332-4765. are Ideal" to be given today at 8 , Waste Contr are taking zoology courses are members of the North Atlantic ST. JOHN were an "attempt to define the i., in the Kresge Art Center, (partments dii also invited to attend. Alliance and the Greek limits of human aspirations. Patrides will be dealing with the STUDENT CENTER itified. Sunday Masses: historical development of the THE Central United Methodist Acropolis from the 5th century 327 M.A.C. UNIVERSITY B.C. modern to times, 8;30 EPISCOPAL COMMUNITY Across from the Capitol 6:00p.m. SEVENTH-DAY emphasizing the various 9:45 9:00D.m. AT M.S.U. Worship Services conquerors who occupied the 11:15 9:45 11:00 ADVENTIST CHURCH Holy Communion at 5:00 p.m. temple and the manner in which Saturday 7:00 p.m. Sundays in the Alumni Chapel The Rev. Jack Hilyard, Chaplain "It's impossible with men, but possible with God" Sabbath School Worship Service 9:30 11:00 they adjusted the Acropolis to suit their own assumption and cultures. The following employers will be interviewing from Feb. 28 through March 3. March, June and Corp:; Rockford Public Schools; U.A. Air P U.S. Army; U.S. Army/Women's Conr lom ALL SAINTS CHURCH Dr. Lyman preaching K. G. Smith, pastor This lecture will also include August graduates of all degree levels are eligible Marines; U.S. Navy. v' to interview unless otherwise indicated. March 2: ARA Services Crib Nursery thru Kindergarten a discussion of the bombing of Inc.; Ame 9:45,11:16 If you are interested in an organization, please General Life Insurance Co.; Amoco Produi ho 800 Abbott Road 9:45 - 12:00 the Parthenon in 1647 and the 149 Highland Ave. sign up in the PLacement Bureau Monday, or at Co.; Cutler-Hammer; Dayton's; Dun & Bradi 351-7160 Some Adult Classes 9:45 state in which it appears today. Every Wednesday Call 351-8994 if you least two school days In advance of the Inc.; Kraftco Corp.; Liberty Mutual Insui Church school 10:45 a.m. Professor Patrides is a Lenten Thought - Tklk . and Prayer 8:00 - Holy Communion need transportation interviewing date. Co.; Miles Laboratory Inc.; Naval Unden 485-947/ recognized authority in his field. Additional information is available in the Feb. 23rd 10:00 Holy Communion & Sermon He is the author of "The Systems Center; Portage Public Schools; S 17th Annual Placement Bulletin posted each week at the Security Administration; Solon Local S< Gus Ganakas Missionary Conference Feb. 18th - 20th Phoenix and the Ladder: The Placement Bureau and in most departments. This District; State Farm Mutual Insurance Head Basketball Coach Rise and Decline of the Christian bulletin lists specific majors requested by the Teacher Corps; Upjohn Co.; Walt Daily Masses: speaker east lansing'"Trinity jrin church View of History" and numerous articles on Milton, Renaissance and the Christian the Interviewing organizations. Students are advised to interview with Westport Public Schools; U.S. Air F Marines; U.S. Navy. Disney W M.A.C.: 8:00,12:30,4:30 fl employers even though they have not completed March 3: Blevlns Realty; First Nat |women s libera East: Mon. thru Thur. 9:30 P.Mi traditions. .. their military service. Many employers have & Trust Co. of Michigan; Lansing PublicSc Born In the United States, indicated an interest in Interviewing the student Traverse City Public Schools; U.S. Air (inning at no 841 Timberlane Drive before and after his duty with the Armed Forces. U.S. Navy; U.S. Naval Ship Missile S i in music, UNIVERSITY CrmiSTIAm Dr. Geroge W. Peters, East FIRST CHURCH OF Feb. 29: Leo Burnett Co. Inc.; Good Humor Engineering Station. | a wome Professor of World Missions Lansing H will meet. I CHURCH CAMPUS HOUSE CHRIST, SCIENTIST Corp.; Goodyear International Cor.; Llbby The following employers will be inlervl Dallas Theological Seminary Telephone: 351-8200 McNeill & Llbby; Goodyear Tire & Rubber; for idical lesbianism 310 N. Hagadorn 251 W. Grand River summer employment. Discussion Groups 9:30 a.m Grand River Motor Wheel Corp.; Sears Roebuck & Co.; U.S. Feb. 28: Camp Greenwood; U.S. Navy, I [p.m. Breif disc Air Force; U.S. Army; U.S. Army/Women's fad on crimes agi Bible Study 9:45 a.m. at Colllngwood Entrance Feb. 29: Good Humor Corp.; I I demonstr Worship ' I0i45 a.m. Friday: 7:30 p.m. Opening Address Fast Lansing Corp.; U.S. Marines; U.S. Navy. Army/Women's Corps; U.S. Navy. f ALWAYS OPEN Nursery Saturday: 9:30 a.m. Collegiate Fellowship 'Sunday ■Services 10:30 a.m. March 1: Booth Newspapers Inc.; Leo Bumett March 1: Booth Newspapers Inc.;] ptfense at 2 p.m. Minister, Kail Huffner 10:00 a.m. University Student Seminar lesson ■ Sermon Subject Co.; Inc.; Hallmark Cards; Honeywell Inc.; Army/Women's Corps; U.S. Navy. Kraftco Corp.; Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.; March 2: Naval Underwater Systems Ci ip session cot 1:30 p.m. Missionary Councillng 7:00 p.m. Evening Service Miles Laboratory Inc.; Montgomery Walt Disney World; U.S. Navy. lology surrouru 332-5193 332-3035 351-7844 "MIND" County ir bodies is sc Public Schools; Parke Davis & Co.; Pennwalt March 3: Blevlns Realty; U.S. Navy. id children' portatlon iver the Sunday: 8:30 Morning Worship Wednesday Testimonial Meeting 9:45 a.m. a.m. Christian Education Hour 8:00 p.m. -Bye Miss American! jence and the lidren at 4 p.m. 11:00 a.m. Morning Service Sunday School to age 20 10:30a.m. IK movies will I 6:00 p.m. Evening Service 1) p.m. and Reading Room Temporarily j women Located in Church ns of their coi FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF OKEMOS OPEN f "The Worn 4684 MARSH ROAD Weekdays 9 ■ 5 p.m. (near Meijers Thrifty Acres) Mon., Tues., Thurs., Frl, eves 7 - 9 p.m. An unaffiliated church proclaiming the All are welcome to Bible as THE WORD of The Living God. a attend church services and visit Sunday Services and use the reading room. 9:45 A.M. Bible School Gasses for all ages 11:00 A.M. Worship Service 6:00 P.M. Junior & Senior High Fellowships 7:00 P.M. Praise Service 8:30 P.M. Counibus (a college university, business youth rap & snak session) pEOplES DON MCLEAN Winthrop E. Robinson, Rev. Phones 349-2830, 349-2533 chuRch Interdenominational plus RITA COOLIDGE MORNING SERVICE - 10:00 a.m. S®v by JOli UHE1 o-d STANlfY HART kwd on it* novel by JOEl Llfltl Mutt Sy MARVIN HAMIISCM PANAVISION* Colo' by Of lUU* Raunchy Entertainment for |R|-T^Z7r~~] Tonight in Wilson Aud. ONLY $1.50 7, 9 Sat. in Conrad Aud. THp Wedding will be performed at 7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45 7, 9 Sun. in McDonel Kiva THE WEDDING IS RATED X ! 9 1200pm Fri 12 00pm Fri You MUST be 18 yrsof age and Conrad Wilson you MUST be able to prove it — Students, faculty and staff only 12 00pm Sat. 12 00pm Sat all persons required to furnish W 11 so n Conrad proof of age. I. D.'s required $1.00 admission THE WEDDING-IN 106B WELLS W«HARHARHARHARHA .00 FEB 18 & 19 State News, East Lansing, Michigan Michigan Friday, February 18, 1972 9 Egg immerses viewers in ugly tragedy plight Of the parents of a •• .ippled daughter. serious lack nnllftr*1v of vision in the about the original potential in together. In Albee's play the ogetner the couple retreats play-act any longer. moving C direction, for at the conclusion the marriage (symbolized by the insights into the ploys a.t nutter m "Joe for a succ^ful Egg," being PANORAMA nto a world of P wisecracks and § personalities we do not really know what to feel. Even a cursory reading of "egg") which is no longer there the end of the play. couple gives up their illusion and seem to be looking for another Giving the characters British accents was a bad idea. Only Ms. and devices, the dodges and strategems we use to come to ■ this week by the i ♦ ° basis for their marriage. What Duckwell could sustain it grips with adversity. It is a Arts Company, we ®mPty Joc Egg. They the play reveals that the In fact, Joe Egg serves the happens in this play, and which throughout the play, and she wm j pretend she is a concert pianist playwright wants to transfer »me function as that of the penetration oenetration stnrv .hnnt inva anri story about love and Besses not only to the tuberculosis, us the director fajls to emphasize, is makes the others look bad in marrjaee and askc KS hopelessly crippled gin-swilling, aristocratic old lady, or a our empathy from the father to the mother at the end of the illusory child in.I Edward Albee's "Who's Afraid of that the child stops functioning comparison. •hn»t tk. questions about the use nrnfmmH «J.»iof irony hut to the disintegration The mother Virginia in this way. Their marriage is indulges her play. For "Joe Egg" is really Woolf," by keeping the marriage as a means n of maintaining one's relationship between the husband in his clowning and doomed, for the wife refuses to The play give6 sudden and sanity. play-acting because "it makes r.»< ■ By DONOVAN REYNOLDS piece of theater. . ''J ble It Is extremely k Bute Newt Raviewar ^ inadequate advice of a bumbling r "<>-»'>• SECOND TIME NO BETTER SitIt •"> diitano* tk I general practioner, a German -ii'll 2™ (who C.I1, .hrt, lisss- »t: 'Billy juntic seizures of the 10 - old girl. The performers i speeches ua,en«, we Hidience; ugly are directly to immeraed and extremely tenae gestures to help them to endure i. . „ h„f"n.kJKKnZ.MPOrtJay,8 bitter and bewildered father, Lthe some^edi?v7 way exorcise the demon. wants to The second act introduces the rich and successful friends of the By JACK EPPS JR. more to harm the Jack' supposed in the film, is the fact that the reviewed ability to ring out every available entertainment then I suggest you who hates himself well as as the couple (portrayed by Dave State News Critic message of the film than it does illustrious management of the penny from a film before they take a second look at an on - situation. In which he finds Carson and Sherry Caldwell), good. The film becomes nothing Butterfield Theaters has the change the marquee. "Billy campus group, the Beal Film has been billed u a himself, ft is a Briston school The man Is the Since "Billy Jack', is being more than an emotional purge of outright audacity to tie • up one Jack" has played itself to death group. Although they don't have self-righteous and » but the play is totally urlfKmit urlt teacher C Auronm and would like his tr\ ho full condescending "liberal," whose brought back to East Lansing, I the audience's own guilt making more theater for who knows in this area, It has been here processed popcorn or candy, not without wit, classroom 1. to be full of Joe Eggs, them feel falsely self - .. It is bow long with a D - rated film since Oct. 6 and has yet to leave, they do have a fine selection of ~ . . . . *« -x l. fatuous advice bespeaks a glaring * ho ught maybe I should i _« u righteous lvlf; but the wit is so bitter, with 'eyes straight ahead and insensitivity and even cruelty, reconsider my negative response by passing it all off on the dirty when better motion pictures — The management of the films at the right prices. operate, that it provides no hands on head." One feels he Ms. Caldwell gives an excellent to the movie stated in the State villains of the silver screen, the greats of the contemporary Butterfield chain is not fulfilling ———— I ftom the tension of the would have even resented a performance as his snooty, News earlier in thy school year Everyone automatically cinema, like "The Last Picture its responsibilities to the citizens When the mother refers to normal daughter. inhuman wife, who sends a chill (Oct 13, 1971). On a thoughtful identifies with the underdog Show" — will probably never of this area by beating a rotten daughter as "a living The mother, in an excellent down the spine when she steps second look I find that my Hollywood hero and not the come to this area at all. piece of meat until it turns to a.»the audience can only and sensitive protrayal by Judy to the footlights to confess, in attitude towards "Billy Jack" narrow minded cliche - ridden The Butterfield Theaters have dust. end with a gasp or an Wright, is an "earth-mother" very direct terms that she has changed slightly. I now find villain wearing_ . the black hat and always been noted for their bad If you used to turn to the ,-eiy nervous kind of type, who lavishes affection on physically loathed the sight of Phony contrived collection displaying the dirty smirks. taste in the cinema and their State Theater for special film r cats, fleas and goldfish. She the child and would have "put it audience oriented gimicks — a Who wants to identify with aeems to be trying to smother away" instantly if it had been cp"ect,?n of cars in lakes, judo the fall guy, the jerk of society, Tonight from Beal „ play is not even a black her guilt for some promiscuous hers. c,outs ,n the face- and colorful the pawn in the game? Who an excellent ^ such as Joe Orton's relationships before her Miriam Duckwell is superb as rain Ranees that have little to do wants to really say that he Is the DOUBLE FEATURE It the Butler Saw. Orton marriage. She is the incurable the doting obtrusive mother dlrect Plot- prejudiced American who does himself at a distance from optimist ("Where there's life, who has obviously made her son * , TRUFFAUT A®,1 wrote in my first review, roughing it .. everything short of actually characters and laughs at there's hope"); finding a the spoiled and weak personality L [', & . fa h,8hly complex pouring flour on defenseless 5, But in "Joe Egg, pathetic kind of satisfaction in a that he is. She knits useless J?rob,ern ,nto two opposing children? "Billy Jack" is a throw BERGMAN (meters set themselves at a single arm movement by her clothes for the litte Joe and 8°°d and evil. back to the corny war films of :RANCOIS TRUFFAUT'S carries on about such matters as thp JPProach to the '40s, except that today FIRST FEATURE FILM Uncle Neville's epilepsy ("He 2 ^ e"tire thuuman,tarian,sm sells better rchestra to offer wasn't family. He happened to marrv Auntie Mav that's all" JgS?! at.tltude ™m 7t complete with one - What really .. amazes me, re you'll find these brand names of quality boots in stock-Raichle, Lowa and Vasque, To which her son'replies, "So, dlmens,onal characters, does beside the lack of understanding a division of Redwing. Fifteen different styles to choose from. As low as ,0 • • out family is only epileptic by ****************** $18.95. Let one of our Campers' ist Puccini opera „ u- * Pro Shop experts fit you up. Turandot," the last of Financial assistance for the play, the father breaks down. He. )r m «« <* MmM •* ■ m tta Nno Puccini's operas, comes production is from a grant of the tries to kill Joe, but bungles the jL frj fj / L* XI V / f-f/XJyll Si/k lestage in a concert version Musician's Performance Trust attempt, just as he has bungled. Q (dby the MSU Symphony Fund In New York. No tickets everything else in life. He packs 'Jf- the at 8 p.m. Feb. 24 in or reservations are needed for his bag and leaves. original Italian Sandwich Theatre and 8 p.m. either free performance. yL The fatal flaw in the play is a 26 in the Okemos Fine Arts ^ usually 95c p -ductor Dennis Burkh H PRICE WITH THIS AD ! bes the opera as "a mental work containing Down I own and remember, we're of Puccini's most j era writing." The 300 involved Include 104 S WASHINGTON SQUARE OPEN ALL RHARHARHARHARHARHA soloists, a symphony tn, chorus, children's Over 7,000 of &.IRF ■ id a brass band. role of Turandot will be our Famous PRESENTS by Jeannine Crader, who Pastrami Specials Sold mr 2755 E. Grand Hver —larly starred with the York City and San opera companies. The Have you tried one yet? SROG 1st Light E. of Hagadorn Take out orders anytime lead, Calaf, will be tenor Deis, whose performances £yH°P Phone 332-1447 "THE YEAR'S bten acclaimed "superb" acr(*sthe country. BEST COMEDY!" -Mollis A/pert. Ming area artists John Saturday Rev,* Stephen Oosting and Henaen play the three i ministers, Ping, Pang and "THE LIVELIEST fairy tale story deals with ,'J of the young princes Ginger plays rough- AMERICAN «*k the hand of the ice " Turandot. Prince Calaf there's not a man alive COMEDY SO FAR j solves the riddles, Ud teaches the princess the of love. that she can't take on, THIS YEAR!" infef to put down,or slice up. play First and foremost of U Wave masterpieces Is this "THE FUNNIEST story of a young boy turned outcast. Not loved at home or AND FRESH¬ winds in wanted at school, he sinks Into a private and fugitive existence that leads to reform school. Actually EST FILM OF the autobiography of Truffaut's THE YEAR!" cert tonight childhood, THE now 400 BLOWS has been re-edlted by him into a -McCa/Cs Richard's Woodwind will be heard in concert "Brilliant... Tremendously "AS FUNNY AS Meaningful." knight in the Music NEW YORK TIMES ANY AMERICAN "um. The Richard's "One of the Oeat Timeless .*« organized in 1948 as French Pictures." COMEDY THIS the first resident wind NEW YORK POST -in the United States. DECADE!" • present quintet is of flutist Alexander oboist Daniel Stolper, "Hat Elsa Ludewlg . bassoonist Edgar Kirk INGMAR BERGMAN'S NATALIE WOOD ' ROBERT CULP n®#ch hornlst Douglas r bob a carol a ted a alice [ They will perform M (1956)" by Walter ELLIOTT GOULD/DYAN CANNON • eminent American and "Quintette (en w ' Choros)" by Villa - IE foremost Brazilian quintet has performed Ginger's back, baby. J the United States Syndicate wide open) Eve and this season the Tonight in 107 S. Kedzie ■J*West Presented concerts 7:30 ,9:30 and the South. «ncert 's open to the ""bout charge. "A clever symbolized comedy Intended as a bawdy 1HE ABDUCTORS song of Innocence and experience, a Sat. in 107 S. Kedzie frisky marriage of Heaven and 7:30 Hell. Bergman's deep-revolving , 9:30 6 in time spirit dredges up greet gloomy gems of wisdom that flash light from many facets Into heights and is depths Of life."TIME MAGAZINE reported »' JSrtory lftR Dept. change for h« CHERICAFFARO richard smedley-Jennifer tonight - - 7:30 - 9:40 COLOR by Deluxe IADULTS ON brooks At 8:45 Admission $1.50 only Students, faculty and staff only I.D.'s required $1.00 admission - ?5, action 1. The 8 will meet sat. and sun. at: 104B Wells FHday, 119A Berkey 2:00-4:00 5:50-7:45-9:40 Beal Film Group RHARHARHARHARHARHA 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Friday. Mao stifled China s economy, prof says By ROBERT BAO "This speeded up indoctrination," the professor noted, "but it squash his opponents, inoluding chief dissident Liu Shao-chi. has provided us with a unique situation r,mv, _ State News Staff Writer slowed down the economy. The Communists were too ambitious, "But even though Mao demolished the dissidents," Koo added, comparisons." m which ^ I Mao Tse-tung's overambition, especially the attempt to and their plans backfired." "the standstill policies have remained to this day. They are Another student pointed out that Indin transform human nature, has wrecked the economy of China. wishy-washy, of the wait - and - see kind." aid, whereas China had none; Degan with Compounding this misallocation of resources, Koo said, many This thesis was presented Wednesday In a "China Week" To support his thesis that Mao's economy is a fiasco, Koo "Is It better," the student overeager Communists tried to sustain the record-breaking queried, "to do nn.K, ■ lecture by Anthony Koo, professor of economics, who confessed to the audience of about 150 persons that his views might be advances prior to 1958 by launching the Great Leap Forward produced several statistical exhibits which contrast the economic than to do a lot with nothing?" "othing without adequate forethought. pei jrmance of China with those of India and Taiwan. Another member of the audience said th» r.n biased. ..«~i 4... v 1 allure of "They built canals without first doing soil studies," he said. 'A market economy, such as Taiwan's, moves the I ..... »_ slowly," Koo Leap Forward was due to a series of n . "By nature, man is a rational - economic creature motivated "As a result, the transportation system was taxed to the limit, explained. "A controlled economy might move faster, but it takes r.natu«' inundated much of Chineae land and not to an,, disaster - m by self - interest," Koo explained. "Traditional economic systems resources were wasted, and the economy collapsed." only one mistake to wreck it, as happened in China." plan concocted blindly by Chairman Mao °Verly ^bl accept this assumption as given and evolve from there. The background of the Great Leap Forward was traced Koo's statistics, which he admitted were selective, were "Besides," he said, "the welfare of'a count*, . by I "But Mao has reversed this procedure. First he invented an Koo to a party split: The Maoist faction wanted total land questioned by a number of students after the lecture. reflected by economic statistics, but economic system, and then he tried to adapt human nature to it." One asked how a valid comparison could be made between also bv notl reform, whereas the dissident faction advocated a slowdown in the quality of life, which China has achieved " n Koo argued that to turn people into selfless Communists, vast land reform together with more emphasis on the industrial sector. China, with 800 million people, and Taiwan, a tiny island. "Yes, I agree with you," Koo expenditures were diverted from physical production into mass The Harvard educated professor illustrated the "The two countries have i similar cultures," Koo mentioned that point except that I ran replied «i . education. in terms of cliches: ■ party dispute replied'History out of time" *0,11(11 "The Maoists wanted to accelerate the trend of agricultural reform, to 'strike while the iron is hot.' The dissidents wanted to halt the trend, so they said 'don't rock the boat'. However, the BUREAU SEEKS VOLUNTEERS dissidents wanted more industrialization, which the Maoists believed was 'putting the cart before the horse.' "It was a question of which came first, the chicken or the egg," Koo said. After a standstill period, during which neither side Koo said Mao inaugurated the Cultural Revolution of 1966 to prevailed, People seek assistance The Volunteer Bureau has Coldwater Hospital and she We have had several requests has four children received the following requests received not one visitor. She is for volunteers with Spanish - that need taken can- of from people who are needing now in a pilot project in the speaking ability to help kids while shell someone to volunteer a little of Lansing area along with eleven with school work both in the hospital. There relatives in this are Jl their time and energy. In most others. They are living in a area anJ classroom and after school. A lot can't afford to cases, it's necessary to have your family-like home living situation of these kids are failing. They babysit. She will hire an,l own transportation. If any of in a house outside of Lansing. have enough problems trying to to be at her need sJ these interest you or if you want home fromfl Cindy needs a lot of attention — get along in the system without until 1 a.m. to see what else is available, call she has seventeen years of it to whentw hufl having to fail in our schools gets home. She has to 353-4400. make up. The other residents because of language and cultural she finds someone «a1 Cindy is a mentally retarded need to be taught ordinary differences. Maybe just one befor can have the 20-year-old. For 17 of those household-type activities such as volunteer could be enough to operation. years she was a patient at sewing, cooking, brushing teeth help a kid from being drowned and recreational activities. The The in the situation he's in. community s| otlier residents could coordinator at Sheridan! use many Mary has to have an School is volunteers. Transportation might operation soon. The problem Is constantly T be provided. that her husband works and she requests for men to w< boys on a one-to-one bu school in a recreational cai Sheridan Road has the! Doctor to present highest ADC rate in the kids Lanj really n| dependable male figure. F talk someone with a car cc on immunology few other men Tuesdays and get involved! "big brother" type activitJ to go « Roger is a recently re veteran who is interest getting into an apprena program. The problem is never completed high sdk, this is a prerequisite ford the program. He needs sJ to tutor him at arranged tiL that he can pass his GEI1 school equivalency.) Hel help in math for four hours a week. about tf ANI).... THEY'RE LEARNING KAS1* THE STUDENT NURSES" 3rd at 10:50 DAR ST NEAR JOLLY RD n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 18, 1972 11 House violates building code By LINOA WERFELMAN Tags on two fire extinguishers Indicated they had last been State News Staff Writer Residents said they have received no inspected early In 1970, though laws require response to complaints inspection every six filed with University and city officials and are power re8'dent C,harge* that the building', electric months, Wibert said. "It just wouldn't do any good; It's like reluctant to persist. wX and °HC!11each ni«ht- Plaster crumbles from the "Electricity is adequate legally If you dont cook," one resident said, resident said. yelling at a wall," one P! ^ cally overflow- but owner John G. adding that all of the 45 resident use hotplates, Delores Bender, director of off campus ?u bulldlnS mect8 eve«y code there to." frying pans and other electric cooking appliances In their rooms. housing, said residents inapectore .In » the East had failed to follow porceedures which would have produced Lansing Building Dept. have disagreed Consequently, "somebody's blowing the electricity at least once a walns?wi' hS hi?„P iHd„n°,uef hlm that condemnation proceedings night," he continued. responses to their complaints. "When I told them bring the building Inspector in, they backed off," she said. they'd have to f HaM: 215 ho"18 St., will begin March 3 unless he Cooking in any room that also is used for sleeping is Illegal Wibert said, adding that "rooms are Most residents "make do with what we've HourinrReSutaKm0re tha" 20 V,°lati0nS °f thC EaSt Lansln* The lack of facilities for food just wired to the minimum." preparation has "created a habitat one the building was inexpensive, and close to got," according to student, who said few tenants wanted to complain because U " .d0eS I10*1™*1 the code or we wouldn't be 0 for bacteria," he continued. The letter cited rusted and defective campus. "People joke about it all the time, but I don't think anyone Z dtiad,ine on the third of Mtich," John plumbing fixtures, and has any real complaints," he said. "You're not , Lansin8 housing Inspector, said. indicated that at least one bathroom did not have proper screwed here that much." really getting nolnt Th»tClL0f^malntfn/nce has ,et this thing deteriorate to the ventilation. "Everybody complains about the johns more than more " ,S "P t0 m,nirnum standards any anything else," one resident said. "Sometimes these toilets Deterioration of the building has not been sudden, according overflow, this shower leaks and this bathroom really stinks." to the Building Dept. records, which indicate that notices of lPuinrainClUtaterel!ftriCfl ^iring letter sent to Gardner In November is a maj°r Prob|em, according to a by the building inspectors. The letter also cited "numerous about heat. The complaints" from residents violations of the housing code have been sent to the owners since heating system is required to maintain a at least 1963. «o according to Gardner, "nd but!xit the systems are in "excellent condition," temperature of 70 degrees, Wibert said. The building was considered undesirable as letter said that a new fire alarm long ago as 1960, system must be installed and that according to Stephen Terry, MSU asst. vice president for finance. exit lights must be rewired. The temperature in one room "felt like 25 degrees," at one University records indicate that the building, constructed in time last fall, one resident complained. "My room is freezing all 1924 as the Campus Hotel, was purchased by the University in the time - any room with windows is freezing," another added. 1936 to be used as a women's residence hall. MSU sold the hall in Linguistics dep Condemnation proceedures would involve in declaring the dty council action building a "public nuisance," Wibert said. A series of hearings would follow the 1950, Terry said. The building was in good condition then, according to Ray Hart' today African council's action if it were to say the Lamphera, coordinator of maintenance and development for . . . Different class, building should be condemned and Gardner chose to appeal city's decision. the University married housing, who was the manager of the buidling, then know North Hall. is rabbit keeps his eye on the photographer which this aspects of Africa A three credit as and African linguistics will be sociolinquistics Repairs on the building have begun, Gardnersaid, adding, "the k) looks up from her studying to keep an eye on him. His _ seminar, linguistics 880, allows things that the b in Olds Hall recently reminds us that Easter is covered in a course and seminar Building Dept. recommend are not unreasonable participants to present topics and we will do what they tell us." Linguistics and t«eJ.DfPt- caching. °f dealing with structural, State News photo by Ken Oriental and . Residents indicated that they have observed no recent changes Ferguson sociocultural or historical 'n the building. "When African Languages. they come and hang the sign on the door, aspects of Africa and countries he'H probably get around to the of the African repairs," one resident said. "But Diaspora. he does have good intentions." Language in a Changing Africe, LD A 499, will [Capita VCWpsu les concentrate on questions public policy in the new African states. Instructors in this teaching project are linguists as well as specialists in Africa. The team of - TOMMY f,?'S Lengthen said, lULD SI KbNO 1 n&N ^iJlat,^body;'^^r8^n to investigate these DeStigter, R - Hudsonville, said, three credit course will surveya (THE WHO'S ROCK OPERA) DeStieter said the bill should different facet of Africa from piGAN S mo torboat allegations In order to ascertain have been he,d , a has been introduced whether support of the Women's committee for linguist's viewpoint, fcHouse of is nf Representatives. Representatives. Prnnr«m Program closer s^nHnv Closer scrutiny. committee for Development Tp. Raymond Smit, R • Ann appropriation would, in fact be V sponsor of the bill, said creased speed of modern support of murder and would be in violation of the very legal and ART AUCTION] 'oats poses a threat to constitutional ideals which the john franklyn rs and other boaters, as fcto the environment. legislature is sworn to uphold." Ms. Ferguson is an RENT galleries outspoken pit's bill would add speed opponent of dons and update exhaust measures, abortion reform your tv. . . 309 N. Washington Main Floor Leonard Plaza n rules which were set Downtown, Lansing BY THE TERM I under the Manne Safety * * * Sat. 1(1967, Many of Michigan's February 19th s do not have speed HOUSE REPUBLICANS '23.00 Viewing 1:00 p.m. Auction 2:00 p.m. TOOK A swipe at the BY THE MONTH Democratically - controlled House Appropriations Committee Thursday for '9.50 Feb. 25 - 27 A R L. hoosting the proposed social Free Service • oil painting* March 3 - 5 |OPRIATIONS FOR THE services budget to $602.86 Free Delivery iJt;.- I . Jr Erickson Kiva i of Women's Program million, $8 million above the '-wei^colors ~ Tickets at nent would be used for Free Pick-up governor's recommendation, Works of such artists as: jilize abortion campaign'. the Union, "I'm appalled that the I prompted Rep. Rosetta Appropriations Committee NEJAC TV RENTALS Dall * Vasarely *Bernard Buffel Marshall Music, n, D • Detroit, to ask the Chagal *Boulanger *Jack Levin membership would vote out this 337-1300 and many others Campbell's |l|in *on theHouse bill. to take no major budget bill for the next fiscal year with only 30 minutes Smoke Shop. 1 is the clear duty of this of discussion." Rep. Marvin MERIDIAN 4 THEATRES who needs the world when you There's a world } own the moon and stars. that's changing with you . . . friends" elton john Frl: 5:45, 7:< 0Sat: 1:45, 3:< W LectuRe | Sun: 2:30, 4: Frl-Sat. Twl-l SH0PPIN6 CENTER East Grand River & Marsh Road co rx:er*t 1 A iV OPEN AT 7 P.M. AT 7:25 - SUN. OPEN AT 1:15 9,30 1 semes AT 1:30 - 3:30 iHINGTON-DOWNTOWN '«DAV COPENHAGEN Spanca Crllly glvas you the romance and HURRY ... FINAL WEEK! ^ WORLD tempo of fairy tale Denmark and Its friendly people. Shopping for bargains on Europe's narrowest main street, Must End 4:00 P.M. Wednesday All they wanted was their chance to be men...and he gave it to them. UNI V TRAVEL SERIES sidewalk cafes and some unusual Danish customs .. . and much much more. — ~ , DON'T MISS IT! -°Bdav MARTINA Fantastic! "Gorgeous Is the only word |ciiiiier about for her voice." The leading soprano of murder and madness the Metropolitan Opera singing songs i things that go doo in the night CJCHIUliflliTHe) .&«. UN IV ARROYO and arias by Puccini, Handel, Gluck, Faureand DeFalla. Brahms, AUD SERIES B Public: $5. 4. 3. MSU Students: S1.00 [ will have you applying the ;*5!DAV FRANS Oscar Qhlglla, famous classical guitarist and Frans Brueggen, recorder virtuoso i 22 BRUEGGEN clutch to your popcorn .. . performing In an exciting )olnt recital. fai'rchi'ld OSCAR i eastwood does a crackerjack i0b! THEATRE GlilGLIA All Seats SS.00 MSU Students $2.50 CHAMBER wednesday Starring Stubby Kaye as Barney, the wctive Harry Callahan You don't assign happily wed veteran of 23 years, who 23 OF THE tries to find out what he's been missing him to murder with three wildly unlikely ladles he lures cases. •S?VP M- RED HOT to a folding bed. Hilarious! aud lovers hrqanway Public: «5. 4. 3. MSU Students: $4. 3. 2. sunoav DANIEL Two of the exciting musical stars of last season's BEETHOVEN FESTIVAL BARENBOM return for a recital of the music they love — an ALL • BEETHOVEN I™. Public: $5. $4. $3. MSU Students; program. $1.00 ZUKERMAN SERIES a JOHN WAYNE in A Mark RydeB Film "THE COWBOYS" Co-Starring R0SC0E LEE BROWNE - BRUCE DERN ^bndav CHICAGO Conducted by Daniel Barenbolm Featuring violinist. Plnchas Zukerman in lffbn? place COLLEEN DEWHURST as Kate • Music by John Williams • Screenplay by Irving Ravetch'A Harriet Frank, Jr. 28 SYMPHONY a program of Webem. Bruckner and M Eastwood and William Dale Jennings • Produced and Directed by Mark Rydell- Panavision* Technicolor* • Bruch. An evening which promises to be DINING COCKTAILS ... • From Wlrner Bros .A K: ey Company ^fvPM- ORCHESTRA an unusual Students: $1.00 treat! Public: $6 $5. $4. MSU BANQUETS AUD- "■fly Harry DOWNTOWN LANSING 1489-1196 116 E. Michigan 2nd WEEK! SERIES b TODAY. 7:00 & 9:30 Tickets for nwvM seating wants at the Union. World Travet at §S FREE EVENING PARKINGS tha door. MSU Students must hava i.d. 355 - 3361 355 - 6686 ^TECHNICOLOR- . Warner Bro$, A Klnnty Company SAT. SUN. 2:00 4:30-7:00-9:30 1 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan -Ridav. Febn. SPORTS- Four wrestlers to see Kilpatrick ac/epfl action in last home meet at close By GARY KORRECK Washington wdMtnyJ By CRAIG REMSBURG "All four of these guys are great Stat* Newi Sports Writer kids and they'll be sorely The evening crown.01 State New» Sports Writer missed," Penlnger sadly said. "You just don't easily replace kids either stood or »h °' When It to distances Four members of the MSU wrestling team are scheduled to see like this and It's almost like your own kids leaving home. They're comes Randy Kllpatrlck's game Is halfway mark 5 d to * their last home action of their college careers Saturday afternoon all-American guys In my book." one — and didn't man t ° «tn„ h "■ and possibly the only coach sad to see them make their exit is Other seniors on the squad who are not scheduled to see any Saturday, he goes up against a Brown and KnnUntlll Spartan mentor Grady Penlnger. Other coaches across the action against the Badgers but who have made a big contribution face that haunted him In high crossed the flni«h i trkkl country are probably sighing with relief. to the MSU team effort are Mike Ellis and Gary King. His time of . Greg Johnson, twice national and Big Ten champion; Rick The grapplers are out Saturday to increase their 10-1 season •chool days In U-M'i rS„ Spiin InY™' Radman, a third place finisher in the Big Ten last season at 158; record as well as tune up for the Big Ten Meet next weekend, to Schott. was not happy W|th°i? Gerald Malecek, the winnlngest MSU grappler this year and the Big Ten champion in the 167 pound weight class last season; and be held in Bloomington, Ind. Penlnger, however, has limited knowledge as to the strengths, or weaknesses, of the Wisconsin "He beat me in the state finals once," Kilpatrick under "I wouldVn 8-50 " h hL Ben Lewis, the 1971 Big Ten leader In the heavyweight class all remembers, "but he'a only done will start for the Spartans Saturday against Wisconsin. team. "When you set n„! 1 "This is the first time we've wrestled Wisconsin in my 12 years 9:04 In college." The action will get under way at 4 p.m. in Jenison Fleldhouse • as coach here at MSU," he explained. "Duane Kleven is In his Kilpatrick, a streamlined your time you another one." , * a change from the previous meets held in the Men's IM. second year as coach of the Badgers and from what I hear, he's two-miler for the MSU trackmen got a better team than their record indicates." has been getting the short end of His previous h*.t Major Changes To Teacher Pending meets with Michigan Friday night and MSU the following afternoon, the Badgers are 6-7 for the season. But even it all year long and last week's loss to Doug Brown of 8:53.6 against North "Saturday's oao!! Preparation Programs with a sub-par record, the Wisconsin team has some Individuals who could give some of the Spartan wrestlers trouble. Tennessee In the MSU Relays slower than I exDsoJJil BEGINNING FEBRUARY 21 Beginning Rich Lawinger, in the 150 pound class, has the best won-lost was typical. He lost to Brown In of Kilpatrick said 11,1 on thli date, students with last thin 70 credit* may one pretty tired and 'dh Initiate a change of major preference to an record for the Badgers. He has been victorious over 24 opponents the most elementary or secondary pre ■ education program. The change is Initiated at the Randy Kilpatrick, two-miler for the MSU trackmen, will be exciting events on the taking over the lead appropriate and has lost to just three. Lawinger will face Mark Malley of the University College or Residential College office. Pre ■ education a favorite in his event Saturday against U-M. Relays program - excepting the "Brown told m* changes are made with the understanding that prior to reaching Spartans Saturday. world records by Herb that he couldn't upper school standing (85 credits) the student must make Ed Vatch, at 167, and Pete Lleskau ("their beet wrestler" - faster either," he haveg application and be approved as a candidate for a teaching certificate Penlnger) should also present a challenge for MSU grapplers added by the department responsible for the teaching major. Last fall, Kllpatric Malecek and Greg Zindel, respectively. Vatch is 20-5 and FEBRUARY 21-25 edged a couple of times, For secondary education onlyi Students with 70 credits or more may file an application for change of major with the department responsible for the teaching major. (Elementary changes cocaptain Leiskau is 15-8 for the year. Spartan junior Tom Mllkovich will be seeking to keep his undefeated record Intact, as he is 14-0 for the year in the 142 Tankers swim country encounters one with Brown. "I had a ' |J 1 winter, 1972 have already been accomplished.) during pound weight class. longer w»y from then, After winter, 1972 applications for upper school changes will be Others set to wrestle against the Badgers are Pat Mllkovich, a though" reviewed once each fall, winter and spring terms. The application "And anyway, I 126 pound freshman, Conrad Calender, classed in the 134 caught 1r deadline each tern^ll^bMh^hlrt^Frida^nheji division and Dave Ciolek, at 190. I Penlnger indicated that he expects a good meet and that he hopes his wrestlers get In tip-top condition for the Big Ten in year's final the nationals." Kilpatrick explained Intended to pass Brown t| thj competition next weekend, an event the Spartans won easily last Bv STEVE STEIN champion Ohio University will titles in succeasion, and the he had In the nad year. ®d by Ohio's Bill H pool this weekend to meet the onjy one junior, and It Is two Wlnfleld In the 50 • freestyle, were forced to pi MSU swimmers in the Spartan freshmen, Rlc Phillips of and Sophomore Bill Pritchard P*ce to pass him, tankers final dual meet Colorado Springs, Colo, and Phil should have an equally as close *'After 1 passed |L competition of the season. of Hinsdale, III. that will battle In the 100 - freestyle with Kilpatrick said, "1 notlcJ Northwestern s Wildcats bring their small roster to East Lansing gjve the Spartans their toughest the Spartan best in that event, h*d hlm boxed in, ao I tq events. freshman Bill Hall. 1 d ,tay wt»ere I wu and tonight in a meet beginning at Phmip, wUi challenge MSU Brad Routson swims the h,m back." 7:30 p.m., while conference distance freestylers John distance freestyle events for Thuerer and Paul Virtue in the Ohio, and comblnea with Dave Kllpatrlck's next g 500 and 1000 • freestyle. Both Shaw Hall Presents Thuerer and Virtue swam very Dyson In the 200 - freestyle. Dllley and Paul Fetters will break the Jenison 1 record of 8:49.9, w_. well In the Spartan meet against face Ohio's Steve Kuzma In the Brown's winning time, u SRC Ohio State last weekend, with Hiuerer winning both events. 200 • backstroke, and the Bobcata Larry Heimbach swims that, a trip to the natloni Twelve two • mlleriwt in concert Dodson's best event is the the 200 - breastroke. the trip to Del 200 - freestyle, and will Tom Mistak leads the Ohio Kilpatrick said a tii probably oppose either Bill Hall one - meter divers and John 8:45 would get him tt Saturday or Alan Dilley, Spartan who swam the season best last Vollmer heads the three • meter Bobcat competitors against Mike He has seen duty u going 4:11 last i i| Afternoon weekend. Cook, Kim Ridinger, Tom member of the Spi Jerry Wallace is the top Benson, Barry VanAmberg, and mite relay team, and hi 1-5 p.m. Wildcat backstroker, Don Dennis Fllehman, the Spartan run the three• mileoutdoj McKenzie will awlm the 200 - divers. "I haven't done t ' butterfly against Ken Wlnfleld Northwestern has a 4 - 6 the three mile ; and Bill Stirling Is the commented, "but I'm gi Shaw Lower Northwestern opponent for Big overall dual meet mark and a 1 - 4 Big Ten mark, defeating Iowa do work over spring Ten breastroke champ Jeff but losing to Purdue, Minnesota, and try and get ready fo- Lounge Lanlni. Wisconsin, and Indiana, while y®>r- Ohio's Bobcats have won 1 dollar three Mid America conference Qhlo U. is 6 - 4. The Spartans "It's hard to remerr • 5^ a '5 . 4 overall and a 3 • 4 to high school," 1 conference mark Into the final «dded, "and think I * weekend. trying to get under 10:00 THE COMPANY" PRESENTS Beal Film Group Presents TONIGHT 81 Sst. in 111 0 Now As A Musical luvt the children home. Houflo Succeed in business without really trying ELIZABETH i 99* 8:00 p.m. TAYLOR IN WONDERS KIVA - FEB. 17, 18 MARLON Saturday, Feb. 19 - 5:00 matinee IN WONDERS KIVA - FEB. 20 8:30 p.m. BRANDO IN THE JOHN HUSTON-RAY STARK PRODUCTION TICKETS AT THE DOOR REFLECTIONS IUUH1 0PEN TODAY sat 7:00 pm- Sun 1;00 IN A GOLDEN EYE . p m Feature 7:20-9:25. - Sat. Sun. "Peculiarly agitating film . .. tense and neurotic chancM 1:20-3:25-5:25-7:25-9:25 p.m. . a feeling of degeneration beneath a surface of normalcy..."MY. Times A violent man and "The kind of picture that brings on bated breath a gentle woman the end... H N. Y. POST who made the mistake of $1.50 7:30 and 9:30 111 Old* Co'0!- trying to care for other people. iBRAMS NOW SHOWING I BILLYJACK Just a person who protects children and other living things It our planet bains vlalted by ipacecraftcon,ro" Intelligent creatures from another world? Expw" the poiilbllltlei of highly developed life for mi o" planet 1. Wltneia dramatlo damonitratloni 0 f myiterloui UFO accounti and learn iome belie iyp jn I observations to perform when you »ee an un*n . FOLLOWI^p THE ALBUM UFO ENDS "nantucket MARCH 12th sleighride •*,T0M LAUGHLIN DELORES TAYLOR By Mount"" CO** CLARK HOWAT TfCHwcoio** .aat,, ■ No Admittance After Showtime WILL BE PLAYjOJ State News, East Lansing, Michigan ii^y 181 Michigan SPORTS Friday, February 18, 1972 13 leers face Duluth in crucial home series By CRAIG REMSBURG the past month, something it squad. Thompson and Michelutti scored seasons. State News Sports Writer hopes to continue. The icers Thompson centers a line with two goals apiece. Winners in nine of their last swept North Dakota twice in an Bob Michelutti at left wing and ten games, the MSU icers have MSU hockev mentor Amo t'ght ' P^'nt SerieS ear,y in Ca,der on ri8ht winS - a ... Adding five assists to his two been led in the surge by the play has undoubtedly used a January and they also ambushed combination that was goals against Minnesota, of goaltender Jim Watt. Watt the word crucial Michi an S TwicT u7 at particularly hot against Thompson became the No. 1 will carry a 3.4 goals • against many times Houghton two weeks ago. during his long coaching career Minnesota last weekend. The scorer in Spartan hockey average into the Duluth series, in describing a scheduled Capturing n* D...U the two - game set line accounted for eight of the history. His 137 total points (on the second best mark in the . j jg ^ jjgjj jn tjje 55 gQajs anc| 72 assists) broke WCHA behind Wisconsin's Jim team and an sweep over the Gophers, as the old mark of 131 set by Tom opposing club. Makey. The latter has a 3.1 But while talking about this Calder notched four and Mikkola during the 1964 - 67 averaee. „ . . ... weekend's eight - point home 7 h series with the University of nT Minnesota in - Duluth, the strength his voice indicated that he really meant what he had to say. £? fart thaHhA R im ahhTih'8^ hf^he Bu,,d(*f hold *14 " ' Gymnasts to "This is the most crucial "eud«e 2"1"* series on our schedule," he said, emphasizing the - top effort word>We need from everyone thr°uSh the years and for 3 tough matchuP are the for meet with the Minnesota because Duluth has - By THOM GATES season that the Spartans will be good incentive for the Duluth team in scoring balanced a team as anyone in the is State News Sports Writer using compulsory routines in a championship meet as our n It should i. . Captain ^apiam Walt Ledingham, wait Lieaingnam, 5 a o -• regular meet. optionals be a great n nc j • are coming along real d of hook™ " U' kpH 175 pound w,n8er currently Saturday, the MSU gymnasts "This wil| be an important well." y* ran fnurfh in tKo Aftpr fivoctrainVif ranked fourth in the lea8ue Inaniui travel to Co,umbus' Ohio weekend just for that fact," MSU's Dave Ziegert as well as .ra'gnt games on scorine race_ Ledingham has for for aa unique dual meet with Captain" . . n3nl,in rharii0 Morse Balhorn put Charlie Morse Balhorn nut their their Rio Ten Big Ten won'four VT IT Ohio State. Starting at 11 a.m. commented. "It will be a chance winning streaks the line Of th? IV 1 ly this season in WCHA action and both teams will perform for us to find out how we score the Buckeyes have on a as top floor pretty good to ^ the Should Game icers. look has assisted on 19 BuUd tallje compulsory routines and then at 1 p.m. they will execute their usjng them and where our exercise man in Jack Leonard d for 3? . time for both the contest K strengths and weaknesses are." and a strong AA man in Reed "Ledingham is fighting for Cooling off ST."* 7:30 p.m. SRO crowds are •sa optional routines. Compulsories are the routines "The team that scores the best in Compulsories will Klein. The Spartans have compiled a 5U defenseman Bob Boyd (No. 5, white jersey) holds an opponent at bay while blueline expected. lanky kid — a good skater that are picked by an probably win the Big0 Ten meet." • 3 dual meet record thus far _ , j er Norm Barnes chases the puck. Boyd and Barnes are expected to head the . . . Spartan The 12 m 10 uoit and a fine prospect, ueaauuc international gymnastics MSU team has . Randy Balhorn added. this year and are 2 -1 in the Big je against Minnesota-Duluth this weekend. had much c o m m e n ted, so me what committee (usually comprised of "As a team we hope to score Ten. After the road success concerned about the job of the top gymnasts in the trip to Ohio State News photo by Craig Porter important games category in „„ world) between 145 and 148 points State the gymnasts will return containing the junior skater. and all performers must perform these routines. They are an usjng compulsories," coach home for the season finale • Brown th George Szypula stated, "If we arch - rival Michigan. That meet n V the nit tints* PRE-GAME UNDERDOGS Pat Boutette and Haakstad are not far Lyman behind - mportant factor in score well on them it will give us will be held in Jenison. championship meets but are ild. Ledingham among Duluth rarely used in dual meets. scorers. Boutette has scored 13 This will be the first time this during th DEEP PURPLE NOT Kllpatrlck goals and has 15 assists, for 28 >'s Bill Ha i to pick passed Cagers to visit Purdue at 6-2. The points, and Haakstad has compiled a 10 -14 - 24 total. Duluth One minor problem the team has encountered JIILIES CANDY APPLE J TRY ON "ROCK ON" 'I RICK GOSSELIN Spartans are next at u has been in the goaltending inHh'ij i ^ ."r8 for runner-up .. 69 FRI. 8. SAT. Sports Editor 4-4. individualai , standouts. If you OVer flve more 8 *ame than department. The Bulldogs have Purdue is the question mark Steve Downing, given ud an averaee of four eoals JAMS, JIVE, JUICE match rosters with any team, Franklin is hauling down close ryone figures that the of the conference. The ITEMS OUT OF Boilermakers are Boilermakers have beaten rhe chances are Purdue will come out with to 20 per game (19.4), while a game wffinSdSwSSt ranking fourth in the PAWN ( SEVEN NIGHTS more impressive Ford is also in double next They stand at 3-4 in tough teams this season and lost figures Don Thoi ompson, Giles CARLE'S BAD TAVERN (oil performers. (11.4). FOR SALE! Ison Fl»|i race play after a brief to the weaker ones. Michigan fell Until Mike Robinson bumped Gagnon, Mark Calder and the *Guns * Rifles *Watches whlc d first place early in the to Purdue last Saturday and the him from the lead, Bill Franklin rest of the MSU goal scorers will ♦Musical Instruments The Boilermakers have "You won't find a better Boilermakers turned around and try to take advantage of this ♦Diamond Rings I time, ini was the league's top scorer, one-two offensive-defensive At Least 500 Other Items enational nit personel. They also lost in overtime to Wisconsin Franklin is averaging 25.4 points slight shortcoming in the Duluth le home court advantage Tuesday night. Purdue has lost punch in the conference than mileriwi! per game. Franklin and Ford," Ganakas Detrol ir game Saturday, three of its four home games this Bob Ford is the number seven said. a time guess who's an underdog «son. scorer in the scorer in the l m then, despite having a better But Purdue is not a team to conference i than their hitting for 19.2 The Spartans once again will duty u i opponent, be considered lightly. And it points per game. Both players be the smaller team on the ts spring surely won't consider the are heavy rebounders as well, court, and will once again rely ROUTE OF THE CHIEFTANS Spartan Spartans are oneof only Spartans, the preseason pick to with Franklin holding a on the fast pace game for is in the conference at finish scoring i, and he ,iff, ,.tye basement, lightly, commanding rebound lead of results. lie outdo (the ,500 leveUo,^^ Ifli, I Is* Indian Trails ine too lie Spartans happen to be "Purdue sees us," MSU Coach irth place team in the Big Gus Ganakas said. il e yet "They're tj I'm |c though a silver dollar's thinking about us. They're [torn the league lead. Ohio ver sprlni probably wondering why we're ind Minnesota are wedged 4-4. They won't take us lightly, Has (7) Buses Every Day ready for lead with 7-2 marks and Since they're home they should ol," Kll Ink I er 10:00. w is clinging close behind be sky-high for the game." THE I To Chicago and intermediate stops at: BATTLE CREEK and KALAMAZOO with buses departing osh at these respective times Towards LEO DAVINCI NIGHT Purdue cagers WEATHERVANE Leaving East Lansing BENTON HARBOR 8:50 a.m. 2:15 p.m. 6:15 p.m. SOUTH BEND 6:55 a.m. 11:15a.m. A MASTERPIECE EVERYTIME Has Selected Items Up To 11:35 p.m. 5:15 p.m. ENDLESS Spaghetti, Garlic Toast k HSU frosh cagers travel Buses Departing for and Fresh Salad (Vegetarian Sauce Available) Aitch's Green and White Ntyette, Ind. Saturday to contingent has just completed a |what test of could the be their five day vacation from Flint EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT season thus competition, however the with Bay City and Saginaw Connections H*Purdue freshman. former Spartan stalwart feels the 5-9 p.m. Leave 9:15 am 5:30 pm ►fame marks the first road lay - off was advantageous to the :j East Lansing 12:50 p.m. 7:40 pm ALL YOU CAN EAT p of the year for the mini - team. I at: ans, but 2:40 pm 9:30 pm Sundays only OFF according to "As a season continues into ®i mentor Matt I" sxpecting no Aitch,, the early spring months, players travel often become fatigued both Phone East Lansing Bus Terminal for arrival and departure schedules and information $1.79 physically and mentally," remarked Aitch. "When you Some Skis, Boots & Clothing 332-2569 f Boilermakers reserves are become run down as a result of Air Conditoned — Rest Room LIZARD'S « tallest team the little Deluxe Coaches Available For Charter grueling games and practice "shave faced all year - 2283 Grand River, Okemos sessions, a rest can be very Write or Call Owosso, Mich, toll FREE P time they've been pitted helpful," he explained. 4310 W. Saginaw, Lansing 800 292-3831 J > team which holds a The Purdue fron line sports ■advantage over them, ■toy re big, strong, and I'M the ball a lot," Aitch excellent Tom Garret, who is height with pivot a seven - man footer, .Attfi €/ . Mted. presently leading the "They've lost to JM and Miami (Ohio), good ballclubs, and a Boilermaker scoring attack. Forward Willie Price, 6 handles the brunt of - 6, the 3RD INTERCOLLEGIATE i w a good test for us," he rebounding chores averaging over 18 caroms per contest. * RODEO* NG MSU MING PAVILION 3rd I! Hot spiced wine at the Olde World? That's right, at the Olde World, you'll Annual discover Olde World Flavor . . and not just in the food. There you'll find hot CHERRY spiced wine served steaming hot with a big slice of lemon and a cinnamon stick, it's great on those cold winter days! Ex¬ PIE EATING pect the unexpected at the Olde World Bread and Ale, 211 M.A.C. avenue in CONTEST!! East Lansing. tomorrow sat. feb. 19th 2 p.m. ) 8 and I J?iflan State Fraternities " °r°rities competing to WUMt HOWS f who can eat their MU) Ple cherry the quickest 25th - 8 pm KET ..." Don't Miss It" 26th 1, 8 pm DE" February J - 27th - 2 pm J BKJEAD WALE Wheels Toyota Tickets: Linns Camera Shop, White Birch Stables, MSU Pavilion J • Used Cars 2112 E. Michigan, Lansing 372 - 0975 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, Fehr,„. There are many ways to tell people what you This is the SFAFE best way. have for sale. WANT AOS Automotive Automotive Employment FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil Frank For Rent The State News does not permit racial or, religious AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite New top, new paint, no rust, or dents. Mint condition. New 1963.. FOR Wagon. SALE. 1964 Ford Good condition. 337-7104. 1-2-18 Station $120. BABYSITTER WITH transportation. Monday and Wednesday, 11:30-2:30, 1 child own Houses discrimination advertising columns. in its The [VfeSAdl everything. 500 bills. 393-7574, nights. 3-2-22 LEMANS 1963 convertible, V-8, only. 484 8639. 3-2-22 State News will advertising which not accept • automo^vTj Scooters & automatic. Runs well. $150. EXPERIENCED BEAUTY operator, HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY, on discriminates against religion, Cycles AUSTIN HEALEY 3000, 1960. Auto Parts & 349-2098, Rick. 2-2-21 full time. MARTINS HAIR Aurelius Road, 3 bedroom, Servi Completely reconditioned. Call race, sex, color or national Aviation FASHION, East Lansing, furnished, 4 miles from campus. 355-9405 after 5 p.m. 5-2-21 OLDSMOBILE DYNAMIC 88. 1962, origin. » 332-4522. 3-2-22 393-0716. 3-2-21 EMPLOYMENT power steering, brakes, radio and * FOR RENT CHEVELLE MALIBU 1965. Good air condition. Good condition. CHILD CARE / light housekeeping in condition, good tires, must sell. 485-4576 after 4 p.m. 3-2-21 Rooms Apartments $350. 353-6031. 3-2-21 exchange for room / board spring term. One infant child. Own FEMALE Houses OPEL GRADUATE / WAGON, 1969. Automatic transportation. 339-9119. CHEVROLET Rooms 1966 Impala, 4 door transmission, excellent condition. BL-1-2-18 upperclassman, close, quiet. For Sale sedan, $495. Olds 1967 Delmont A real economy car. Phone $12.50 weekly. 332-1746 after » FOR SALE 425, 4 door hardtop, $850. 5:30 p.m. 3-2-21 372-0352. 2-2-18 NURSES RN-LPN. Roselawn Manor 3M COPY machine, model 107. Like Animals Telephone 669-7455. 1-2-18 new. Ideal for small business. Must Nursing Home, 707 Armstrong FURNISHED WITH kitchen Mobile Homes PONTIAC FIREBIRD, 1967. sell immediately. Call after 3 CHEVROLET 1966. Excellent Road has positions available. Full privileges. Country home. Bob, *Lost & Found Overhead cam, 3 speed. $600. Call time 3-11:30 p.m. shift. Full or p.m., IV4 2240. 5-2-23 condition. New snow tires, stick, 482-5241. 2-2-21 part time 11 p.m. - 7:30 a.m. after 5 p.m. 332-4951.3-2-21 »personal ■ $400. 351-2346 or 351-0244. FISHER 600 Receiver. Excellent shift. Excellent salaries and ROOMS. SINGLES AND DOUBLES. » peanuts person! 2-2-21 VOLKSWAGEN 1967. Excellent condition. Call 3559504 or benefits. Apply in person or call Cooking facilities. Utilities paid. 355 4840, Bill. 3-2-21 » real estate condition. AM/FM radio, best Mrs. Swan, 393-5680, Personnel. CUTLASS 1964 convertible, 59,000 offer. 351-1453 after 3 p.m. 5-2-24 Call 372-8077. C-2-29 » recreation miles, power steering and brakes, 1-2-18 NEW YARI classical guitar and case. ►SERVICE bucket seats, $300 or make offer. WANTED, GIRL. Large room, Nylon strings. $140. 651-5398 694-0730. 3-2-18 VOLKSWAGEN 1964 Sedan, 55,500 MAKE YOUR next party special furnished , no lease. Close $52 after 6 p.m. 3-2-21 Typing Service i with the big band sound of THE miles, funs good, must sell. $350. CONTINENTALS, unbeatable plus utilities. Pets welcome. 489-1345 evenings. S-3-2-22 'TRANSPORTATION! CUTLASS 1968, 442. Dark green, black vinyl top, white interior, 4 Phone 485-4282. 3-2-21 price. Write: CONTINENTALS, SKIS, BINDINGS, boots, poles. $225 ► WANTED 1 value new, now $95. 355-5906. 1629C, Spartan Village. 2-2-18 REALLY, block from campus. DEADLINE SAMPlgSt' speed. 1-623-6150, Dansville. 1 2-2-18 5-2-24 BUSINESS STUDENT with K),\HE cc**T 6NE CUT Cooking, parking facilities, all utilities paid. $54. 355 5262, 8-5 STEREO - J.V.C. amplifier, 75 watts. 1 P.M. one class day tx 5-2-18 DATSUN 240-Z. Late 1971, like accounting background needed as ewwr&mm/Bw. ezz/E lAusm. MKU. p.m. 1-2-18 Rectilinear XI, Garrard turntable. publication. credit manager for local direct new, rustproofed. Call Al, /W 1968, sedan, white with sunroof, mail firm, familiarity with 351 5292. 5-2-J8 Cancellations/Correi 393-9279. 3-2-21 engine recently overhauled, snow GIRL, FURNISHED basement. MSU YARDS used — 12 noon one class computers and / or mail collection area. $60 / month. Utilities paid. 50 gold tweed tires. Excellent condition, 38,000 helpful. 20 hours per week now, carpeting. Kitchen / family room. before publication. DODGE WINDOW Van, excellent miles. $1100. Phone 353-7233, For Rent For Rent 353-0769 or 332-5622. 1-2-18 possibly full time later. Send Good condition. Call weekends condition, customized. 372-1015, 351-1453. 1-2-18 resume' to: E.S.S.. Suite 11, 349-4164. 3 2 18 PHONE $700. 5-2-24 For Sale South Points Plaza, Lansing. 3-2-21 Apartments Apartments 355-8255 EXCELLENT RIDE, 1962 Comet. SECRETARY, EXECUTIVE, part TWO MEN, spring, for 4-man SCIENCE FICTION, comic books, RATES io w 2-2-1! Perfect time, (1-6) now, possibly full time $150/term. 351-0099. Hardy Boys, Tom Swift, Hot Rod No. DAYS running, clean. $270. John apartment. No. 351-8412. 2-2-18 Out ARE YOU PAYING later. Must have excellant 5-2-18 Magazines, Playboys. CURIOUS GIBSON LES Paul Copy, perfect BOOK SHOP. 541 E. Grand River WORDS 1 3 5 TOO MUCH FOR qualifications including ability to COUPLE, TWO females needed for condition, plush case, cheap. AUTO INSURANCE? work well with figures, unlimited (downstairs) 1 - 6 p.m. 5-2-18 332 2225. 3-2-18 ONE GIRL needed spring term. $73 / duplex; spring - summer. $52.50. 10 1.50 4.00 e.so RAT, 850, Spyder WANTED. Will Why not give call? potential for the right person. 351-0356. 1-2-18 me a month. Cedar Village. 332-2310. ROCK 'N" ROLL. Make your own pay cash. 355-2182, 694-8712 after 5 p.m. 3-2-18 Don Apply in person at 3308 South 3-2-18 KENWOOD KR-4140 AM/FM stereo 12 l.ao «.ao 7.10 wall of sound. Fender Bassman Sakowski Cedar, Suite 11, Lansing. 3-2-21 TWO Gl RLS spring for 4 man receiver. Dual 1215 automatic with bottom. $175. Fender SENTRY INS apartment. Block from Olin, turntable. TEAC A 20 stereo 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 FORD TORINO 1971. V-8 676-1930 DREAM JOB. Teach make - up married students 351-3717. 2-2-21 Bandmaster with bottom, $150. cassette deck. New Electro - Voice automatic, power steering, snow methods used Sunn Solaris amp complete, $150. in Hollywood for & faculty All three units are housebroken speakers 25% off list. CAMERAS, 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 tires, 17,000 miles, ecxellent, natural or high style looks. MT. HOPE 90q, bachelor apartment, SLR'S, view finders. Polaroids, •$1395. Call 351-6354. 2-2-18 Scooters & Cycles Training at our experts*."Moriev It basement, furnished, limited and in good shape. Call DUE projector*, and equipment. Used 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 good if you're ambitious. Can lead 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apt*, cooking, private bath. $90 EAST, 349-3831.3-2-22 color and black and white TV sets. 1970 HONDA 450 Raadbike. Disc some with study 3.75 10.00 16.25 FORD to executive position. VIVIANE includes utilities. After 6 p.m., Used stereo amps, tuners, LTDBrougham 1971, 10,000 brake, electric start, 9,000 miles. WATERBED UNITS, frame, miles, AM/FM stereo, air, WOODARD COSMETICS, 372-0321. 1-2-18 receivers, turntables, speakers, 8 Good condition. $800 or mattress liner and foam pad. UL 347 Student Sen powerworks. 355-5269 days. subsidiary of General Foods. track and cassette, home decks 371-4696 before 2 p.m. 3-2-18 351-6623. 0-21-2-29 from *145 per mo. TWO ROOM, share bath, deposit, utilities paid. See 322 Elm Place listed heaters, $27. REBIRTH, 309 North Washington. 489-6168. and tapes, carplayers. Used 8 - track $2 each. Stereo albums, All student ads must| OVERSEAS JOBS for students. No. 5 $90.351.1405 after 5 p.m. prepaid typewriters, wall tapestries, Police SHEP'S MOTORS UNFURNISHED STORY'S AUTHORIZED BMW, TRIUMPH, YAMAHA Australia , E urope. South America, Africa, etc. All professions and occupations, $700 children welcome if interested. 1-2-18 ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL: Beanbag chairs, $10; Fitted waterbed band radios,ice skates. WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East The State News responsible < » ONE MAN for 4 man apartment; for Michigan Avenue. 8-5:30 p.m., Transportation & SNOWMOBILE DEALER 2460 N.CEDAR - HOLT - $3000 monthly. Expenses paid, please, no pets spring term. Phone 332-2129, sheets, $5; with purchase of any Monday - Saturday. 485-4391. first day'j overtime, sightseeing. Free unit. REBIRTH, 309 North insertion. (Just South of 1-96 Overpass) 355-7569. 4-2-23 Bank Americard, MasterCharge, SPECIALS PARTS & SERVICE 694-662 1 information. Write, JOBS OVERSEAS, Dept. Q2, Box KNOB HILL MANAGE LARGE nice apartment Washington, 489-6168. 0-6-2-25 Layaway, terms, trades.C lor UNDER <1000 ENGLISH OBSERVED TRIALS. 15071, San Diego, California near Potter Park, $125 per month, AMP-JORDAN BASS. Solid State, precise motorcycle 92115. 10-2-24 used 4 times. $100. 625-7071. For Sale APARTMENTS The most For Sale: General Electric 11" plus $100 security deposit. Call sport. Films of Sammy Miller and 3-2-22 489-4730 evenings. 3-2-21 portable color TV, $90; also 68 MUSTANG Mick Andrews. Call 355-0926. NEATLY GROOMED male or 349-4700 MOVING TO 220 electricity. Must Smith Corona portable electric Animals Green, 2 dr., H.T. radio, 1-2-18 female, week - end work, must be FOX RUN APARTMENT. Sublet typewriter, $50. Call 372-7536 over 21 and have a drivers license. sacrifice 15" TV, KLH-11 stereo heater, 6 cyl., wsw STORY OPEN Mondav - Friday spring term or longer. 10 minutes after 6 p.m. 3-2-18 DOBERMAN PINSCHER-I ALLUETTE SNOWMOBILE, 20hp, Capital City Airport, 489-0710. system and other items. Call PRICED .... 9 a.m. • 5 p.m. ride to campus. 2 bedroom, shag puppies, 9 weeks old, have! trailer, used 90 hours. A-1 5-2-22 Marty, 351-1405. 1-2-18 $995 condition, 14 months old. Saturday 12-5 p.m. carpet, pool, many extras. Unfurnished. $185 includes all OFFICE DESK. $40.Large, wood in excellent condition. 353-9086. 2 shots. 337-0743.5-2-18 j Sacrifice, $600. Call collect, LOCATED V4 MILE NORTH DUAL 1219 279-9457.5-1-18 BUSINESS AND MARKETING utilities. Deposit, $185. 694-0769. M91E turntable with Shure 3-2-18 WEIMARANER PUPPIES.| MAJORS. Wearever Aluminum OF JOLLY RD. ON 1-2-18 cartridge. $150. Deutsche shots, $100. Good hi 67 OLDS CUTLASS Incorporated opening new office Grammophon Beethovan show dogs. 487 0906. BULTACO 1971 250, with I.S.D.T. 0KEMPS ROAD collection $10 / box. 484-6169. Animals 5-2j Green, 4 dr., HT, radio, pipe and in East Lansing. Need new GIRL NEEDED to share great head. IV5-7051, 1 BEDROOM apartment for married 6-10 p.m. 1-2-18 OLD ENGLISH Sheepdog 1 heater, auto. V8, PS, PB, personnel to fill it. Call Mr. AKOS apartment with one.Pool, air. Rent 487-0223. 2-2-18 WSW. STORY PRICED 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. or 10 p.m. to couple, close to campus, carpeted, negotiable. Close. 351-4932, DOBERMAN PINSCHER. registered. $100. 332 4893B Quality 10:30 p.m. 351-7319. C laundry facilities and activities 339-2310. 1-2-18 COLE'S BAKERY p.m. 3-2-18 $995 puppies with best of bloodlines. Aviation room. Furnished, $155. FINE BAKERY food for all meals. Reasonable. Paper trained. Unfurnished $140/month plus Open Sundays. MEIJER AFGHAN PUPPIES, 18ch For Rent ONE GIRL for apartment, close. 339-8302 after 2:30 p.m. 1-2-18 bloodline. A.K.C. LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight electricity. Immediate occupancy. $56 / month. No deposit. THRIFTY ACRES, Okemos, Nearj 67 OLDS DELMONT 88 TV AND No pets. Phone 1-587 6680. 355-3613. 1-2-18 South Pennsylvania, West Creek. 616-731-5266.3 2 |^ STEREO rental, A K C AIREDALE 5-2-18 puppy. 4 dr., radio, auto, V-8, P.B., government and VA certified. satisfaction guaranteed. Free Saginaw. KROGER, Frandor, Housebroken, excellent with GERMAN SHEPHERD," P.S. wsw STORY PRICES FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport delivery, service and pick up. No TWO-MAN apartment with two Logan Center, 4001 West Saginaw, children. Best offer. 882-8332. 6 weeks, all shots, $40.® . . . Road. Call 484-1324. C-2-29 bedrooms. Spring /summer. Close. 1721 North Grand River. C-1-2-18 deposit. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C B-2 18 $895 337-2719 or 355 0340. 1-2-18 2-2-21 MUST SELL: TOTAL Auto Service & Parts STE REO-$500 (Two KLH - 6 ONE GIRL needed to sublet spring speakers.best Benjamin - Miracord 69 TOYOTA VW - RANDY'S GUARANTEED repair. MOBIL. I-96 at FORMAL WEAR term. New Cedar Village. Call 351-9423 after 5 p.m. 52-23 changer, Sansui 2000 -A amp.) CROSSWORD CEDAR VILLAGE, girl, immediate ALSO: Seeley bed, $70; TV, $30. Beige, 4 dr., radio, heater, 4 spd., WSW. Great Economy!! Okemos Road. 349-9620. C-2-29 Rentals, at LOW LOW PRICES occupancy, and / or spring term. SUBLEASE SPRING term. 2-3 man dressmaker, $10; percolator, $5; PU7ZLE 351-6517. 3-2-18 4' x 2' four frequency - color STORY PRICED MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East ACROSS apartment. 1 block off campus. organ (lightbox), $100; LPs, 50c- 26 World weary $995 Kalamazoo Street. . . Since 1940. TV RENTALS. Color, $19.50 per Call 351-1737. 3-2-21 $1.50. Open house Saturday 9-6. I Concession 28 Elegance Complete auto painting and SINGLE MAN to share East Lansing, month. Black and white, $9.50 Evenings, 482 3742. 2-2-18 6 Backbone 29. Sworn promise collision service IV5-0256. very deluxe, 2 bedroom, 4 man, Houses 11. Ethan or Ira . per month. MARSHALL MUSIC, furnished townhouse. $67.50. 30 Paraffin 65 OLDS 88 C-2-29 351 7830. C-1-2-18 485-1265 or 351-0790. 5-2-22 COLE'S BAKERY 12. Grapefruit 31. Sign of the Black, 4 dr., radio, heater, SURPLUS BAKERY foods at 14 breath zodiac CAMPING EQUIPMENT, tents, auto, V8. LOADED STORY PRICED PS. PB, WSW. Employment sleeping bags, cots, heaters, and WANTED: TWO roommates to share house. Two miles from campus. reduced prices, 1/3 to 1/2 off at retail prices, great eating, great 15. Prune 16. Land measure 34. Goddess of retribution everything you need. A to Z Own room. Call Nick, 482-5001. economy I Surplus Store, 640 17. Sun disk 35. Spring month TYPING AND general office work. $595 Full time. MEADOWBROOK RENTAL 393-2232. 3-2-18 MSU AREA, Okemos. 1 and 2 3-2-21 South Waverly, immediately 18 Deportment 36. Curse North of 1-496 Expressway. 19. Vigor •37. About TRACE, 393-0210. 2-2-18 bedroom furnished and OFFICE OR commercial space, unfurnished, CHARLOTTE. 6 bedroom home, C-3-2-18 20. Saul's 38. Pitcher 4 Visible I modern, air - 69 DATSUN downtown East Lansing. conditioned, $450. per month, utilities paid. grandfather 39. Circle the 5 Consequ^ BABYSITTER-HOUSEKEEPER, 3 Reasonable. Gary 349-3358. carpeted, heat 6 Divide furnished. 349-1607. 11-2-29 First and last month rent plus SONY TC-122 cassette deck, year 21 Termite earth Blue, 4 dr., radio, heater, wsw days per week. One 2 year old 10-2-22 7. Interior i child. Pleasant home in Okemos, deposit. Call Darryl Haynes, old, very good condition. Will also 22 Unaccented 40. Altercation 1. Leah's father STORY PRICED sell tapes. 355-3071. 2-2-18 8 Rascal L 349 3827. 2-2-18 1 AND 2 bedroom furnished, 393-0450. WEAVER 23. Fleet 42. River mouth 2 Make happy $995 ASSOCIATES. 2-2-18 9 Compassl COUPLE FOR assistant managers to Apartments available immediately. Phone HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT SUNGLASSES, SAFETY, Qr 25. Adjuster 43. More recent 3. Substitute 10 "Lily "!?■ live in, some maintenance, 351-7910. 5 2-21 ONE OR 2 girls, own room in large 4 tempered lens. Or any Optical Astolat ■" 1 - OLDS 98 permanent position. Call bedroom house, 1 block from needs. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 13 Abalone I 882-2566 or 393-0694. 3-2-21 NORTHWIND FARMS. Sublease. campus. Available February 15 - 2615 East Michigan Avenue, 18 Some I Blue, 4 dr., H.T. radio, Own room, bath. Large deluxe. June 15. $60. Beal Street. 372-7409. C-5-2-18 ]9 Patriarcni heater, auto, V-8, P.S., P.B., Power seats, Power Windows, $110 / month, plus deposit. 351-1969. 5-2-21 351-6088, 6-7 p.m. 2-2-18 SKI BOOTS Lange Pro, size 9, P 71 Hail and ■ farewell ■ pp mm wsw REALLY LOADED EAST LANSING, duplex, 694-0943 after 6 p.m. $75. 3-2-18 22 Unit of J STORY PRICED ONE OR two bedroom furnished carpeted, 2 ilhiminatl $295 mobile homes. $25 $35 / week. bedroom, full basement. Appliances included. 1 block from P 24 Rnwan ?5 Dinne' trfl c| W m9 LARGEST SELECTION IN TOWN * MmM 641 6601.0 campus. campus. Married only, child welcome. $210 /month. 349-9675 or 349 0560. 3 2 18 PP 26 loi short* Council J Your SUBLET. MARCH 15th September 2/ Kind of * car caught cold? 78 Deposit I 15th. 2 bedroom apartment. ONE MALE. Private Kramer has everything to fix it. room, i() Stake f STORY Service, too. Capitol Villa. Our furniture. 2-3 girls or married couple. Must care for cat. $165/ month. Owners will everything furnished. Laundry room, firepalce, color TV, dishwasher. Off street 32 Author L< 33 Field rat | We Stock Over paiking. 35'Silent a Million Parts subsidize cat. Call 351 0599. $70 /month. 372-1525. 3-2-18 3-2-21 use your 36. - fa | Maxilla L 3156 E. Michigan ONE Rl.OCK FROM CAMPUS KRAMER AUTO PARTS COZY 2room furnished.With utilities. ONE PERSON for liberal house. Own room, carpet. Close to campus. master charge m 38 39 Unus^i a $95 / month, deposit. TU2 0879. 41 live 800 E. Kalamazoo St. 484-1303 $81.25, plus deposit. 351-9191 2-2-18 5-2-22 at the state news V m % n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 18, 1972 15 For Sale Peanuts Personal ■TIHE SCHNAUZERS, AKC, w Looto- Cute' he8l,hy' CONGRATULATIONS •clival Jodie, Chrii, Sisters. 1-2-18 ON going Margie, Rosie, Debbie, Jill. Love, your Alpha Chi Common Mart Km good bloodline,. LONDON (AP) —Prime Minister Edward Heath's crisis of 26 members. oppose British entry into the * ■3t96.3-218 Real Estate - Coming in the middle of Common Market. Empower the government in the House of Commons. It outstrip exports. beset government won a narrow Britain's power crisis that has to adapt British laws and Heath involved was then approved by more Output has slipped and unofficial himself |"feMALL I;; cock-a-pOO pup. Had unrelated Manx 306 SOUTH Hayford. Lansing. A real vote of confidence disrupted the nation's life, the personally in the campaign with regulations to those of the than 100 votes, with 69 industrial investment has neat older 3 bedroom Thursday night as the House of vote in the Commons took on Common Market without Laborites voting in favor, more home warnings to some antimarketeers stagnated. r484 3006. 3-2 1 8 1 car attached garage. Well with a located Commons barely approved a bill the nature of a demonstration of that he would have to seeking special parliamentary than countering the opposition Above all, 280,000 for University people. Will sell. clearing the way for Britain's confidence in Heath's resign and permission on each. of 39 Conservatives. striking coal Kretriever pup«. 10 V.A. of F.H.A. entry into the Common Market. administration. ask Queen Elizabeth to dissolve miners have sparked a ■fN.ld AKC. Shots, wormed. Immediate Parliament and call a national But since last fall a lot has power crisis that has occupancy. The vote in the 630-member The second of three readings disrupted tj'349-9265_5:2_-22_ 627-9765 HUHN Call Jerry Cole with MARGUERITE house was 309 301. - But it was a qualified vote that put Heath on close and election if he lost. The issue before the House of of a bill passing through Britain's happened to transform the situation. the life of the nation, thrown nearly 2 million workers out of REALTY. 627-5436 The size of the majority notice that he will have to tread parliament is a key stage. 6-2-18 Commons nominally was Britain has lost much of the work or on reduced shifts and represented a political setback warily if he is It enables lawmakers to for Heath, who has made a going to retain the whether to give crucial second buoyancy it then enjoyed. threatened Heath's fight against backing of the country. reading to a measure that would debate the underlying principles Imports now are beginning to inflation. British linkup with Europe the It came after intensive 9 room brick and aluminum do two and concepts. If approved, the things: mfobile Homes executive ranch in Gettysberg centerpiece of his government's backstage efforts had been made program. His Conservative party by Conservative * Legalize Britain's entry into measure then goes through a Estates. Lower walk out level has EVERYTHING. Even a normally commands a majority to rally dissident followers who party managers the Common Market and by 1973, committee stage — meaning the entire House of Commons sitting Prof of physics elected separate bar and pool table as a committee — for an examination of details. 12' x 60', man to share, room. "Quintessence of gracious living." "Seeing is Next it goes to the House of officer to faculty group ^ T between 3-4 p.m. only believing." Priced to go. Call WHAT'S Lords, which has the right to Sherwood K. Haynes, professor of physics, has been elected ■35V-1800 or evenings, Gay Gardner 371-1930 or amend or modify some of its vice president of the American Assoc. of Physics Teachers. 13704. 2-2-18 evenings 349-2044. HAPPENING provisions. All this takes The MSU physicist served as department chairman of months. physics for a 12 year period ending in 1969. £*12'x 60'on lot. 15 minutes Currently, Haynes is on sabbatical leave at the Centre de Spectrometrie Nucleaire et de ku furnished, washer, dryer, Finally, the bill comes back TEACHOUT& GARDNER | yust Sell 646-6344 after to the House of Commons for a Spectrometrie de Masse in Orsay, France. REALTY, INC. In Orsay, he is pursuing studies on the low - |n. 10-2-22 REALTORS third reading debate when radiations which follow radioactive disintegrations energy atomic changes are considered, then, if by using iron - fcONl969, 12' *60' with T free magnetic spectrometers. ^expand° on ,ivinfl room' approved, it goes again to the Lords and Queen Elizabeth for Twice previously, Haynes has worked in France with some of lYiany extras. Parked in EAST LANSING, close to campus, the problems of the FVench educational system. He has isor Estates, Dimondale, ideal for faculty and staff. 1806 automatic royal assent. recently Announcements for It's What's The Shaw Club will present SRC Everyone is welcome to attend the experimented with unstructured laboratory work and self - paced L 646-6088. 5-2-21 Linden, 3 bedroom, remodeled Happening must be received in the at 1 p.m. Saturday in the Shaw lower East Lansing Bicycle Shop Co - op The British leader's authority instruction. kitchen, full basement, well kept. State News and prestige were high last office, 341 Student Workers organizational meeting at 8 Haynes has also taught at Williams College, Brown University, most & Found By owner. 351-0423. BL-1-2-18 Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two tonight at 146 CoOingwood. October when he put the central Vanderbilt class days before publication. No University and the Massachusetts Institute of Gay Liberation Movement will issue of British entry to the test ■ at Men's I.M. last PRESQUE ISLE Heights. $600 down Technology. Friday. and take over announcements will be accepted by hold a k.gger at 8 tonight at 302 "Winnie - the Pooh" will be payments. Lot 177, phone. No announcements will be ■ wedding band, ((inscription - Pie MAC Ave., apt. 2. Call 353 - 979S for presented at 1 and 3 p.m. Saturday 1 - shaped. 655-3391. 5-2-24 accepted for events outside the to REH 8-20-66 Alway). more information. and Sunday in the Arena Theater. Itimental value. Reward. greater Lansing Aging area. PARK AVENUE. 3 bedroom, 1V4 1(922.3-2-18 baths, carpeted, fireplace, full basement, garage, fenced yard. to The Company will present "How Succeed in Business Without meet Gay Stefanoff at Liberation 3 p.m. Movement Sunday lounge, Student in will the Services Tickets "Tommy" Marshall Music and for are on the rock opera sale at the Union, Campbell's. as cause Close to school, churches, park. Really Trying" at 8 tonight and Bldg. $21,500. Phone 485 8061. 1-2-18 | MEN'S ring, engraved EAST LANSING, older excellent condition, 3 bedrooms, home, Saturday and at 2 p.m. Sunday in the Wonders Kiva. The Baha'is will have an informal discussion of the Baha'i faith at 8 The Gay Liberation Sensitivity Group will meet at 7 p.m. Sunday in the Union Green Room. Only those discounted by J. Hagadorn area, Sunday at 1220 Woodcrest, apt. who have participated in previous study, living / fireplace, dining, 2tt SDS will prese p.m. Society should stop wasting Frederick Swartz said. The to follow a program of exercise, id. 353-7690. 3-2-18 4, or phone 351 - 7698. All are sessions should attend. baths, double garage, central air. Salt of the Earth" the valuable resources of the passage of time does not cause proper nutrition, and periodic welcome. By owner. 332-0555. 3-2-18 aged, the national chairman of disease. health appraisals. More Personal Eckankar, the ancient science of Another series of soul travel, will hold an open the American Medical Assn.'s Speaking before a seminar on importantly, however, he urged n Ho use frate Expectant that they participate in mental Committee on Aging, said aging, Swartz discounted the IanT? PANICKY? Consider Recreation sponsoring the winter term Blood P«ent Classes will begin the week of discussion group at 7:30 p.m. exercise daily. Feb. 21. For information, contact Saturday in 34 Union. Tuesday. "aging as a disease" myth. Halternatives. Pregnancy piling. 372-1560. 0-2-29 BAHAMAS $119. Nas7a~u~~o^ Freeport. Call Bill Janz 337-9525 487 6xt. - 6111, ext. 284, or 3372 • 3610, The MSU Baha'i Club meets at 10 In medical terms, no one dies To avoid sickness and senility of old age as such anymore, In old age, Swartz urged oldsters Calling for a merger between the enthusiasm of youth and the 337. The Expectant Parents' B-4-2-18 Organization also sponsors classes for a.m. every Saturday in the Union wisdom and resources of the | john holt unwed mothers. Call 332 - 6781 for Grill. aged, Swartz said that there SPRING BREAK Hawaii, $269; information. Snowy Owl finds - should be no discrimination of author of Acapulco, $189, Bahamas, $159; Folk Music at the Albatross this I CHILDREN FAIL, Ring .... STUDENTOURS, 129 Who's Whose weekend: Friday - Paul Luczak; age in hiring practices and no East Grand River, 351-2650 The Israeli Folk Saturday Maureen McElheron. The compulsorary retirement of Dancing Group - | UNDERACHIEVING C-2-29 will meet at 8 p.m. Monday in 218 Albatross is located at 547 E. Grand certain age groups. But all SCHOOL" Women's Intramural are welcome. Bldg. Beginners River Ave. MSU roosting spot should be required to involve themselves in continuing Mary Ann Ebert, Lathrup Village to Applications for Secondary education to avoid obsolescence, Jerry Novickas, Birmingham The Lansing chapter of Hadassah Education - Social Science - MDP It seems as though education southern regions for food, he he added. sophomore, Evans Scholar. will present Bozo the Clown at 11 must be filed by Feb. 25 in 141 has gone to the birds, as was added. As an illustration of his Way, February 18,, ,v and 2 Baker Hall. Students will be notified witnessed by many MSU Besides lemmings and various a.m. p.m. Saturday in the attitude towards aging he 8:15 p.m. Eastern High School auditorium. by mail after March 10. students and faculty Wednesday. species of mice, these owls have recounted the story of three For on top of the Natural been known to kill and eat ENGAGEMENTS The Soviet The MSU Golf Club will offer the elderly persons at a retirement irett High Auditorium. film "The Fate of a Science Building, sat a white fourth instructional session on hares, rabbits, ground squirrels, home in Florida who were ■ Students, $1.00 Man" will be shown at 7:30 p.m. i "Short Game" at 12:30 p.m. Snowy Owl,, looking very rats, moles and shrews. When discussing who they would like Ifn information call Monday in 101 North Kedzie Hall. studious but unconcerned about Saturday in 137 Women's Intramural hard pressed for food, they will to be buried next to. The first ■1-7240 or 349-4597 Bldg. the people watching him from eat whatever dead animals or two mentioned several famous The MSU Observatory will be Diana Beauchemin, Roseville, open to the public from S to 10:30 . below. birds they can find, or will names of the past but the third Graduate Student to John E. Carroll, p.m. Saturday. Children under The MSU Broadcasters new series attack animals caught in traps. said Elizabeth Taylor. age 13 Hampton Bays, N.Y. Graduate should be accompanied by an adult. "Spectra" will premier at 7 p.m. The owl had been spotted on Student March 11 on channel 10. top of the building, at about Im.-April Exam Hillel will offer services at 5:30 7:30 a.m., Wednesday morning, ■T.- April Exam EUROPE: SUMMER '72. Round trip jets from $219. STUDENTOURS 129 East Grand River, 351-2650. . p.m. 10 today followed by supper and at a.m. Saturday followed by The MSU Broadcasters present "Mimes and Masks" at 11:30 will by Marvin Hensley, professor of zoology. itol bomb threats a.m. Saturday on channel 10. C-2-29 Kiddush and Mishna class. (Continued from page one) speaker, youH believe me when ■AT.- April Exam Judy King - Smith, Minneapolis, The owl remained stationary I say the people back home are Minn, junior to Steve Zalewski, The MSU Tolkien Fellowship will the remainder of the building's upset." Trenton senior. on one part of the building, Service Hillel's Sunday Supper and meet at 8 tonight in the South Hubbard lower lounge to discuss the according to Hensley, until occupants to leave. The dome The house had just settled Speaker will feature Wesley Fishel, about 3 p.m., when crowds was vacant as the fateful hour writings of the Inklings and the into the important discussion of TV, HI-FI repairs. Recorders, radios. professor of political science, came and went. Lovecraft circle. began attacking the owl, forcing commemorating the "sweet Dependable, low speaking on "Will Our Withdrawal Following the all - clear signal sixteen" rates. Clip and Service it to move to another position leap year birthday of JOGICAI. SCIENCE 202 save. 351-6680. 1-2-18 End the War in Southeast Asia? at The Resource Development Club on the building. for the initial threat Lt. William Detroit Councilwoman Mary V. 901, Biological Science 5:30 p.m. at 319 Hillcrest. Call 332 - will meet at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday Carter, commanding officer of »«nt«ry teachers will be in Beck, when the Seargeant at t from 12:40 - 1:30 PROFESSIONAL SEAMSTRESS. Dressmaking alterations, etc. Will Typing Service 1916 for rides or information. 338 Natural Resources Bklg. Hensley said, the Snowy Owl the State Police capitol detail, Arms received the second bomb l«y to 11:30 - 12:30 is usually a native of the Arctic. said he hoped that the threat i». McDonel Kiva. Please sew any project. 351-8954. 1-2-18 The MSU Folklore Society and threat, all constructive action SUPPORT YOUR business with a the Bangladesh Society will sponsor a There will be an organizational He continued that every year wouldn't lead to a rash of similar accordingly. boost from Want Ads. Advertise meeting for Asian - Americans at 8 incidents. being thereupon terminated. The IBM THESES Folk Concert at 8 tonight in the there is a noticeable migration of 3:45 p.m. time of explosion Typing (including p.m. Sunday in 34 Union. services there. Dial 355-8255. McDonel Kiva. these owls into Southern Canada "We have to hope that they equations). No term papers please. passed soundlessly as some " > 1 e r 1 THE Experienced, references. Phone The and the United States. are joking," he said, "But we representatives and their cohorts n g at TYPING THESES and letters, etc. The Games Club will meet at 1 Society for Creative cant take any chances because LSTERY SHOP. 485-2612 Mrs. Lippincott, 489-6479. 1-2-18 from the upper chamber were Anachronism will hold a Feast of Rapid accurate service. Saturday at FarmHouse PdiBes. 5-2-24 p.m. Fools at 6:30 p.m. Saturday in the Heavy migrations of the something similar to last year's rumored to have made their Visit RABORN'S RAZORS Experienced. 393-4075. C-2-29 fraternity, 151 Bogue St. Call 332 - way 8635 for rides basement of St. Johns Student Snowy Owls usually occur every Washington explosion could to the Olds Plaza and Jim's or information. four years, according to Hensley. occur." PbEDS FROM $9.99. EDGE EAST Center. Pre - 1650 costume is Tiffany Lounge for a better ■*<*d. Direct from DISSERTATIONS, THESES, term required. This is because their prey, the As the session returned to factory. Hair The Academic Committee of LBC view. ■*14908. Styles for men papers. Expert typist with degree Drive a little save a in English. IBM. 351-8961. 0-2-29 will meet at 7 p.m. Sunday in the lemming mouse, has periodic some semblance of order. Rep. No explosion resulted, no 0vv 2828% E. Grand River The Alternative Coffeehouse will fluctuations of abundance, Warren N. Qaemaere, D - located at 1649 West Holmes est upper lounge. The be open from 9 to midnight tonight suspects were found, and very Avenue, East Lansing. 371 4570 COMPLETE THESES service. Student Advisory Council will meet causing the owls to move to the Roseville, chortled "Now little legislation was completed. at 4930 Hagadorn Road, across from at 8:30 p.m. Both meetings are open. Discount printing. IBM typing and Hubbard Hall. PAINTING INTERIOR. Chase away Iunch bunch those winter blues, have us paint binding of theses, resumes, publications. Across from campus. 6:30 SAC - Mathematics will meet at There will be a Bible study from 9 that bedroom or living room. Grad p.m. Monday in 138A Wells Jail's goal: rehabilitation Corner M.A.C. and Grand River, to 11 p.m. Saturday at the ■®«icans carry an Students, reasonable, references. below Jones Stationery Shop. Call Hall to work on Convocation and Alternative. 12 billion 349-4817. C-2-29 Course Evaluation. The meeting will bag COPYGRAPH SERVICES, J*«year. 337-1666. C-2-29 be open. The Zoology Undergraduate FOR QUALITY service on stereos, carry your lunch to TV's and recorders. THE STEREO Advisory Committee will meet at There will be a Campbell Hall ■®°ney, then you'll like SHOPPE. 337-1300. C 2-29 T ransportation 7:30 p.m. Monday in the East Shaw (Continued from page one) Mixer at 9 tonight in the cafeteria circuit TV system recently New* Classified Ads. upper lounge. Members of the math science (chemistry, physics, featuring the Albert Smith Group. bought. Recent documentaries Zoology Curriculum Committee will l^e .™oney when you Typing Service LONDON $149 math and drafting); and in the and MSU programs will be "Conditions in the jail are ■J* Want and Ad way. Just eekly departures from Tor. Attorney General Frank Kelly will speak at 10:30 a>m. Saturday at third unit, business skills. presented, according to the staff. changing," Frank emphasized. start Inmates lacking a high school reading TYPING TERM papers and theses. the Families Coffee Shop, West The Badminton Club invites Sheriff Preadmore and his "Of course, there are some Acapulco $219 students and facuulty to play from 7 diplomacy take completion staff said they recognized that ' Electric typewriter. Fast service. Lansing Medical Center. Call 353 - things we all would like to see courses, and through the Lansing /GRAPHIC PORTRAITURE 349-1904. 16-2 29 Bahamas CALL $159 7965 for rides. to 10 tonight in the lower gym, Women's Intramural Bldg. School District, receive credits no rehabilitation program will changed, but the important ■ «W, informal atmosphere. Frunk Buck 351-2286 work unless the inmate's basic thing is that we're moving in the ■ ind out SAVE SAVE SAVE toward a diploma. An inmate about our great or Rich Kamlcl 3325980 The Auburn Him Group will The film hostility to jail life is reduced or right direction. W 351-1767, XEROX COPYING offset - best "Taking Tiger Mountain must take 60 hours of class to 10 -- present "The Good, The Bad and The eliminated. §*•5-2-22 quality at reasonable prices. THE WHATEVER YOU you want to buy, Ugly" at 7 and 9:45 tonight and by Strategy" will be presented at 7 earn one credit. With this in mind, Preadmore COPY SHOPPE, 541 East Grand there's a good chance you'll find it Saturday in 108B Wells Hall. p.m. Sunday in 108B Wells Hall as Inmates are also able to take in the Want Ads. Check nowl has eased many of the senseless River. Phone 332-4222. C-2-29 part of China Week at MSU. high school equivalency (GED) institutional rules that afflict The MSU Sports Car Club will tests. Tests show sex prisons. Wanted present Noctambulo, a night rally, on All credits earned at the jail Inmates are no longer Saturday. Registration begins at 5 * 'ULou. LCk '"Winnie. 1-2-18 Wish I p.m. with first car out from Y Lot at are filed with the Lansing School disciplined for sitting or sleeping NEED HELP locating clothes and 6:01. Call 349 - 0418 for Campus Crusade for Christ will District so that an inmate can on their beds during the day. of unborn child wedding ring taken from Men's meet at 7 p.m. today in the Union continue his education through information. Also, salt, pepper sugar and tCnyl'fr Bir,hdav ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith locker B-83 last Friday noon. Call Gold Room. Newcomers are the Adult Basic Education cream are distributed before T*C-S. 1-218 GlibneV*- offset printing. Complete service for dissertations, theses 355-5922. No questions. 3-2-18 The Spartan Film Society will present "The Holy Outlaw"' at 7, program. At the end of meals to spice the bland jail ANN ARBOR, (UPI) - the jail food. iscftteth® The Women's Fair will be held manuscripts, general typing. IBM. PAINTING, FIXING, CLEANING, 8:30 and 10 tonight and Saturday in Diagnosing disease and ALL purpose errand man. Call from noon to 6 p.m. Saturday on the program's first year, 22 inmates Preadmore has designated determining sex before birth are 22 years experienci-. 349 0850. 102 B Wells Hall. returned to high school, 30 KX2.frand C-2-29 351-2092, Johnny. 3-2-18 second floor Union. Proceeds will go toward a Women's Center. received diplomas and 41 that in men the in each of three floors jail will choose now new possible with technique a dramatic called trolled in a community college representatives to meet regularly fe?exciting ao ^metS1 IT'S FUN TO 5EE NEu) Places anp do neu> thins* IT'S ALSO A LOT IF kOU HAVE YOURSECRETAW EASIER Free weekend: U classes meeting this Saturday - Aquarium - 1 or university. Vocational training in with Preadmore. As a result of such "amniocentesis." It is a painless, almost fool - proof method of \A0oirr 60IN6 ON AL0N6 TO PHONE AHEAP p.m., 37 Union; North American machine and auto repair is also one performing laboratory tests on JOURNEY... FOR RESERVATIONS... Indians - 3 p.m., 37 Union; Yoga - 9 meeting, Preadmore recently the amniotic, water - like fluid a.m., Green Room, Union; Sunday: provided. A more extensive began allowing inmates to wear that surrounds the fetus. A team vocational program will begin longer hair, beards and Yoga - 3 p.m., Green Room, Union; of scientists at the University of this spring, according to the jail's mustaches. Beginning Dark Room Techniques - 8 Michigan Medical Center is one p.m., 200 S. Hayford Ave.; Soprano staff. The prisoners also put out a of seven in the nation studying Recorder - S p.m., 420 Evergreen St.; Ingham County Jail also has a paper, RAPport, with poetry, the subject with the help of Telepathy - 8:30 p.m., classroom C video tape machine and tape editorials, national and state funds from the National Snyder Ml. recorder to broadcast on closed • news, record listings and jail Institutes of Health. 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ^day, Feb, •naary i8 Trivia, talent tantalize bearing conventioneers patrons] stepped up to the mike, opened mammoth dangling cowbell. A (d) A duo who spouted Jackie champagne - gUzzlin, By STEVE RADDOCK ^ State News Staff Writer chomping on Himmelburgers. * his mouth and was thereupon oHmrxini —»— —•- poster of Ireland Btnoon hugs the wall while an Onwsis jokes and ." updated the Toppe T1^ rendition of I Think I'm Goin' sent reeling backwards by a adjacent stucco wall, while the —» . As a prelude to the talent "International r WK 0nt»rt,in.R show a bunch of German burst of feedback. After slapping vapors of sweating knackwurst, set the audience a » - StchS"on twitchin on drinking annKing tune tune records recoras, which wnicn the mike head a few times and bratwuret amh_r .... and smoki - brat fog goin' windows tWs head, hero outta mysleenin' cause in On Tn/ lln someone adjusting a magenta floodlight, up^ antbar wl„do«. then^«.n«on. aleepln' l»re In Sl.ten, a National Amateur Night," "The Battle Hymn of the he rang the cow bell and opened The my bed, over you"). Techniques' nt of wrpmnnv M»ior Reoublic " mw niaved At 8 53 the floor to anyone in the house, included, (a) A talking guitar Pumpkin Pip" masters ceremony _Major P Dlaver who brought along 75 As far Emille is concerned, P°H1 ^tfwar^Bowesand Ray Perkins ^ WirNC, who is The performing area at Frank player who brought along 75 L Th« narfnrminii «»» it Pnnk as As «s EnUUe isc, one seed the cashier hjm 8 peddles 50 Frank 'n Stein's gardener, 'n Stein, an old - world German pieces of sheet music fully "Talent Night" is pumpernickel, o would bang gongs with just their albums ;> 32 of xylophone "ticks, ^>low whistles xylophone sticks, lighting _ technician, MC, -taunu,:twc» west o ^ "iP"?J Frandor Shopping Center, looks when all he ended up getting was Other special nights are used in During Promotional FriZ ? di and throw bags of sawdust to promotion manager and owner, ',d»y night's hasten their exit. And so, for like it was built as an drowned out by a disinterested Wednesday's "Trivia Night" (a Party3' " EmiiJiinvitp< "Hune T1 many, the wheel of fortune had .. ^ oin^. afterthought. About the size of crowd, (b) A folk singer who 10 wienerschnitzete laid end to tried to break through the drone ..,k„ , wooden nickel goes to those a & . do the Snak!^ P! who can answer such questions kitchen stove „ jCe arc- ffierdrimarkson'helr end, it's surrounded on three of the chirping amplifier by sides by a cluster of Ethan Allen strumming with his wrists, (c) A as; "What was the name of the parking lot nd tl,ron Frank 'wee^TalaSE f° - type dining tables. Looming Dennis Day - type who asked overhead are a black light, four that the floodlights be turned show Tuesday night, several , • L,. floodlights, two hanging mikes, a off because he said he didn't aspiring performers were first DUSineSS nigHT pendulous sausage maker and a want his pimples to show and tripped ■ up by the screeching feedback of the house PA The Dept of Human system. Then they were were Environment and Design and the washed out by the nondirective College of Human Ecology will clamor of a pack of frat rats sponsor the third annual soaking up pitchers of Business Career Night, 7 to 10 Lowenbrau light and name - tag - p.m. Tuesday on the second floor of the Union. send Twenty - eight companies will representatives to discuss informally with students career The Hathsl^gllef* Mast Cha opportunities and academic • Live Folk Entertainment requirements in retailing, textiles, housing, interior design and consumer areas. Friday and Saturday Highlighting the program will • Draft Beer TWO NONSTUDENTS FROM Walled Lake being about 19-years-old, and said they have no be two bag lunch seminars were arrested at 10:50 p.m. Wednesday in suspects. which will be held in the • Corn beef and Helps people on-the-go Butterfield Hall for being drunk and disorderly, afternoon. keep going with convenience for assault and battery, and for possession of a $100 IN CURRENCY and a pair of pants was David Perry and Jack Sub Sandwiches - and safety starter pistol. Police said the men had come to stolen from student's room in North Hubbard Hockenberry, both representing Open 4 a visit a friend, and had gotten into an argument Hall, between 3:30 and 11:30 a.m. Wednesday Steelcase Inc., will hold a • p.m. to 2 a.m. with the girl's roommate and boyfriend. Police while he was sleeping. Police said the door to the seminar at 12:30 p.m. in 9 said their case has been referred to the county room nad been left unlocked, and indicated that Human Ecology Bldg. every evening except Nei sn e r Brothers' prosecutor. they have no suspects. representative Donald Sabin, will Sunday A TYPEWRITER WITH an estimated value of also hold a seminar at noon in STORE SECURITY AGENTS in the MSU Bookstore apprehended a student for shoplifting $90 was stolen from a coeds room between Feb. Stefanoff Lounge, Student • No Cover Charge 6-11 in North Case Hall. Police said they are Services Bldg. at 1 p.m. Wednesday. Police said the student had allegedly stolen a $1.50 book. investigating. The program, which includes East Lansing State Bank displays and slide shows, is A WALLET AND currency with an estimated presented in cooperation with TWO RATHER HALL coeds told police that value of $45 was stolen at 5:15 p.m. Wednesday the School of Business, a white male exposed himself to them at from the Men's IM Building. Police said a student Lillian D. Greene, instructor midnight Wednesday while they were studying in had left the wallet on a bench unattended for in human ecology, said that all a study lounge. Police described the man only as about five minutes. interested students are welcome to attend the program. HAPPY HOURS Traffic accidents SUPER SUNDAY SPECIAL up in Lansing area William H of the Safety Siegrist, president 1972, was 263, compared to 291 in January 1971. Fire alarms •1" oil on a King 16" Council of Greater Lansing, reported an increase in totaled 148 for January 1972, ( 1 item or more ) Varsity Pizza traffic accidents for January compared to 175 in 1971. Valid with this coupon STEINS OF BEER 1972, compared to last year, by both the Lansing and East However, both false box AT GREATLY alarms and false telephone Lansing Police Departments. alarms REDUCED PRICES are up January 1972, We also have subs (3 to choose from), Footlong Lansing reported an increase compared to January 1971. SUNDAY: NOON - 3 PM of 26 accidents in January. Total There 19 false box alarms, Varsity Dogs, Homemade Spaghetti (inside only) were MON 2 PM - 2 AM accidents number 736 compared and Pinball! to 710 in 1971. compared to 17 in 1971. There TUES 2 PM - 4 PM; 7 - 9 PM were 6 false telephone alarms WED 2 PM - 4 PM; 7 9 PM East Lansing had a total of 149 accidents, compared to 127 compared to 5 in 1971. last year. An increase of 22. Tickets on sale at Masonic * Ingham County Sheriff Dept. Temple, 217 S. Capitol Ave. FREE, FAST, HOT DELIVERY noted an increase of 63 Lansing, Mich. 48933 accidents in January 1972, APPLICATIONS FOR _ URfierajjsanx--}2£>SL ED2BSJ VARSITY compared to January 1971. SECONDARY EDUCATION CIRCLE ONE: They reported a total of 277 this SOCIAL SCIENCE - MDP | THURS. - 7 p.m. I Make Checks payable FRI. - 4:30 p.m. • 8 p.m. year, compared to 214 in 1971. The Lansing Fire Department Applications must be filed in 141 Baker Hall I j HOSPITALER CIRCUS SAT- - 1° a-m. - 2 p.m. - 6 SUN. - 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. p.m. CEIilSil showed a decrease in both Monday, 1227 E. Grand River ambulance and fire alarms. Feb. 21,1972-Friday, Feb. 25, 1972, Students | SEND ME NAME TICKETS ATS AMT. ENCLOSED $ J ; 332-6517 : ... Ambulance alarms for January I will be notified of ADDRESS I CITY STATE ZIP decision by mail after PHONE Delivery (begins at 6:30) 1% March 10,1972. PLEASE ENCLOSE STAMPED, SELF ADDRESSED O/ O STUDENT DISCOUNT FOR PROMPT RETURN ENVELOPE •Timex Watch Repair •Electric Shaver Repair •Engraving 225 Ann Street HOURS: discount records i«Ot •Keys Made •Scissors Sharpened DAILY: 9:30 8:30 Also a Large Selection Phone 351-8460 SAT: 9:30 6:00 of Electric Shavers SUN: 12:00-5:00 Watch Bands & Idents COOPERS FIXERY MERIDIAN MALL 349 1994 The NEED ELECT1VES? Romans in English February is the Month to Win Some Brend! Translation Offered by the Dept. of Romance and Classical Lang. & Lit. WELLS HALL 355-8350 pps. 39 & 76, Course Catalog All Bread Win all the Bread albums only CLA 302 Classical in this advertisement! Backgrounds. Masterpieces of s359 each nan Lit. Theme: It's quite simple, really, until the end Individual vs. State MWF all you have to do is 12:40, Mr. Tyrrell off the contest guess how much bread CLA 352 Archaeology of (Feb. 29, '72) it would take to ffill Italy- Principal Sites of Sicily and Italy - Color Slides T Th Spartan Stadium! 10:30 Mr. Seaman LTN 427 This is your month iff you lack crust Rom. Civilization Armchair tour of Ancient 1st prize: All four Brend nlbums Rome - Color Slides MWF and knead dough! 11.30 Ms. Matzke 2nd prize: Any three Bread albums Rules: 1. You must state size and brand of bread 3rd prize: Any two Bread albums NO PREREQUISITES 2. All guesses must be submitted by Feb. 29, 1*' ^ 4th prize: Your choice off any Bread album 3. Winners will be notified during the first week ALL IN THE 4. In case of ties, the earliest entry wins 5. Decision of the judges is final ENGLISH LANGUAGE 5th prize: Any single album off your choice