I Brotherhood MICHIGAN Tuesday 1 Cold WKk (Feb. 20 - 271.1™ to STATE MEWS Wm STATE . . . and windy with scattered .mmitment" to all men. snow flurries. High of 26 UNIVERSITY degrees. Lg4 Number 1 East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, February 22,1972 Nixon has serious' talk with Mao Disagreement after unexpected seemed to be, the United States and PEKING (AP) — President Nixon talked 7 with Mao Tse-tung in an unexpected meeting at the chairman's home Monday Communist China would try in the days to end more than 20 years of enmity coming that began with the Communist takeover only a few hours after beginning his /d of the mainland and carried through the historic visit to China. There was a hint of Korean War and the present war in disagreement, but later Nixon suggested Indochina. the United States and China can be The President had been greeted by Chou friendly. at the airport on his arrival in late morning The hour-long discussion by the and they met formally in the afternoon President and the Communist chairman after Nixon's talk with Mao. was described by the Chinese and the Americans as "frank and serious" - (Please turn to page eight) indicating in Communist terminology that vm'- the talk ended in fundamental j? disagreement. But at a banquet afterward, a warm atmosphere prevailed in contrast to the subdued welcome given Nixon in late morning, and there the President proposed Nixon gets that China and the United States begin a long march toward peace without compromising their principles of communism and capitalism. welcome at Premier Chou En-lai suggested a normalizing of relations despite the great gulf of differences separating this, the world's most populous nation, and the United States, the world's richest. big banquet "There is no need for us to be enemies," Nixon told the banquet in his honor. PEKING (AP) — Throughout an eight - And Chou told Nixon: "The gates to course, three - hour banquet in President Nixon's honor a Chinese only band friendly contacts have finally opened." - Nixon went to the home of Mao, the mingled Chinese folk songs with such 78-year-old supreme leader of China's folksy Americana as "Home on the communism, for an hour-long "frank and Range," "Turkey in the Straw," and serious" talk. "America the Beautiful." The phrase was used by White House Nixon was so impressed at the way the band nimbly executed the Star Spangled press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler as well as - the official New China News Agency. This Banner — supposedly after 20 years indicated both sides had agreed on that without practice — that he left the head table after the final toast and strode description. The meeting, which came as a surprise determinedly to the bandstand to so early in the visit, had not been on congratulate the startled band leader. Nixon's schedule and it delayed a later With practically the whole press corps, formal meeting with Chou. Chinese and American, surging in the wake of the presidential coattails, the besieged Although Nixon had been expected to maestro appeared to think for one see Mao during his week-long visit, no time had been set. There was speculation that it frightening moment that a hostile audience was wearing down on him. would come at the end. At the banquet, it became clear that no Monday began for the President with a rather subdued airport welcome and an President \ixon is greeted by Mao Tse-timg matter how far apart Nixon and Mao unhailed entrance to the city but closed with his going from table to table and individually toasting more than 70 Chinese leaders with sips of mao - tai, the potent, sorghum - based Chinese whisky. "Any minute now they start passing Rhodesians are carried out to the ultimate, the black battle papers for us to sign," said Henry A. Kissinger as the "gombay" — bottoms up — toasts followed in dangerous profusion. At the sumptuous banquet in the Great Hall of the People, Premier Chou En - lai By NANCY PARSONS their tour of Rhodesia to survey opinions destruction have played right into our Rhodesians will, at some point in the sat between the Nixons at a huge circular State News Staff Writer on the proposals. In the eastern town of future, gain political control of their hands," Smith said, "what greater proof of head table beneath enormous floodlit flags Umtali, eight Africans were killed and 14 their lack of maturity, lack of civilization, of the United States and the People's a. perhaps more than any other country. But, for the foreseeable future, others wounded during one night of their inability to make any constructive ■ncountry, is in the midst of a battle the power of Rhodesia lies in the hands of Republic of China. the 250,000 whites while the country's 5.2 rioting. Before the end of the week, 14 contribution." The President seemed r'itical survival. The first public cries more deft persons were dead and 70 injured in the Twllite injustices million blacks retain a minimal voice in Though there is a great deal of manipulating ivory chopsticks than he did are being voiced by clashes. rack population and whether their government. The government sympathy for the African freedom fighters, in holding aloft the successive beakers of of Rhodesia claims that the Scandinavian governments are the "Went and the world will listen to The Rhodesian Parliament is divided most Africans are in favor of the proposals only crystal • clear mao - tai. ones to have given public In ■Ptos will be decided in the next few into a 23 - member Senate and a 66 - but an accurate measure of opinion is support for the moving from table to table for the member House of Assembly. The Senate is black Rhodesian cause. personal toasts, Nixon fixed each Chinese impossible with black activists denied The U.S. has not voiced an opinion on P future of the country's 5.5 million composed of ten Europeans elected solely access to the mass media. dignitary with a firm stare but the political problems in Rhodesia. compromised the formality toward the end |* is being decided by a British by Europeans, ten African chiefs elected Prime Minister Ian Smith made a pssion Takawira Mafukidze, a Rhodesian student by only touching the glass to his lips. Chou investigating the feasibility of by Africans and three senators appointed national address blaming a "hard core of ' at the Institute of African Affairs, in an earlier round of the same game was between Rhodesia and by the president of the republic. Unless experienced campaigner" for the rioting. two of the President - appointed senators more inclined to drain the cup. "Those responsible for all this barbaric (Please turn to page eight) £ !squestion that the commission must are Africans, the black population will never achieve a majority in the Senate. The Aether or not the majority of opinions, the commission encountered British agreement will not affect this body. Jans are in favor of independence violent outbursts by blacks who strongly I .r(acfletl last November. During tour °f the country to assess oppose the proposals. In theory, if the terms of independence At present 50 of the members of the House of Assembly are elected Europeans AWAITS BIG TEN ACTION and 16 are Africans. The constitution calls for African representation to increase when tudents will comply the black income tax reaches 24.24 per cent of the total. They currently pay .6 per cent. The voting qualifications based on economic and educational levels automatically qualify most whites while Lawyer By CRISPIN CAMPBELL or eyes refusal to bias suit give qualified blacks positions as referees and officials, if for State News Staff Writer fith U' housing code no other reason than the large number of excluding the majority of blacks. Under the proposed settlement, voting If the Big Ten Conference fails to black athletes in the conference. qualifications are to be reduced and voluntarily correct the alleged racial "This represents one of a series of income tax criteria abandoned. A new discrimination which exists in its ranks, concerns with the black athletes," he LINDA WERFELMAN Reuling had requested the signature of Louis R. Lucas, an attorney representing African voter registration list is to be said. "There is a tendency to treat them State News Staff Writer Muntyan's parents to verify his claim that the black athletes, is certain the outcome he was living at home, Muntyan said, created and as the number of blacks as employes rather then as students, of the ensuing civil suit will be in favor inn,,.12 r stud°nts Who were living "> violation of adding that he had refused to supply their eligible to vote increases, so will their representation in the House. of the athletes. added to this is the institutional racism of this society." the University signatures because he is over the age of 18. However, for the black Rhodesians to Lucas, attorney experienced in Lucas placed part of the blame for £ XT*tneP(,licy have *** they will »' Muntyan's main objections concerned „ numerous an school desegregation cases, the lack of blacks in officiating positions policy by moving to the involvement of his parents despite his gain two more seats in the House, the list much reach 6 per cent of the ,u* ^ KR ~* "u- qualified —" including the Detroit Roth case, said he in the Big Ten in the preconditioning of I Edwin housinB by sPrinB status as an adult and the "condescending European voters. When they reach the saw no reason why the courts would whites who do not ban blacks from jobs Vouch Keiiling, area director of tone of the letter," he said. apply the 14th Amendment to previous E81,1(1 Mond»y- An appeal of his case resulted in special second 6 per cent two more seats will bo added by direct election and so on until discrimination cases and fail to do the but do not consider them either. 1, ^75 students who were "They think 'There were never blacks p eariin. permission to live off-campus, Muntyan the number of Africans equals the number same in the case of the Big Ten. in these L nfr t,HS mon'h by the dean of explained. "It's another facet of institutionalism jobs before, so why should black of Europeans. people want these jobs now'." "I Of th 1° darify tHeir "They accept my written statement that But when will that time come? Claire . . . the court did not exclude the Big Lucas said the suit, if initiated, would Jondbv pL F°,icy had failed I'm in compliance," he added. Ten Conference in its school ■Until y "'dfcy, Reuling added. Despite the decision, Muntyan has Palley, of Queens University of Belfast and certainly be from the black athletes and situat'on cleared up, formerly of the University College of desegregation rulings." students of MSU, but hopefully also planned to move to an apartment spring Rhodesia and Nyasaland, estimates the Lucas said he had been informed by from all athletes and students in the Big lVvn,. , l" "Wster for spring term as an additional test of the Robert L. Green, director of the Center Ten schools, "as all students are entitled Nlosh ' The responsibility is University's policy of reouiring» students university & i»vm.y earliest possible n date .. for #h parity , to be . in, theH for Urban Affairs, that the Big Ten to 2035. On the other hand, Lord a desegregated athletic department." |*ith MW wllere they're living." between the ages of 18 and 20 to live in year Goodman, principal negotiator in the would provide span* on its March agenda "The courts have ruled," he said, fOore clai " 1 y a 11 • East Lansl n g supervised housing, he said. discussions last fall, thinks that majority for the black athletes and their "that white students are entitled to an living off d t,1al tlu> charge that he am urging other people being asked supporters to present their grievences. integrated education whether they want I""? Doii°a'npuS in v'olat'on of the to nrovide parents' signatures to refuse to rule will be reached in 16 years. The right wing Rhodesian He said the Big Ten schools cannot it not." L' „y "as "fundamentally d > it " he added wine Rhodesian magazine Finance estimates 10 years. Pronertv and magazine Property am escape their constitutional or II have iki^' ,l!le on|y evidence was "Well over 90 per cent" of the students Violence greeted the commission responsibilities by the systematic denial (Please turn to page eight) LOUIS R. LUCAS during hom » samp residence for (Please turn to page eight) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan TuesdilaV- Febn news Bomb kills 4 Irish terrorists BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) - Four the provincial capital. In the tangled wreckage pound gelignite bomb destined for Belfast, where Police said the coffin W»R . ■ two guerrillas earlier blew up a downtown gas death certificate suspected guerrillas accidentally blew themselves were two revolvers of a type favored by the signed bl bv mpanie<|| station, injuring several persons. Dundalk that L'V1 summary From the wfrei of AP and UM. up in a ball of flame Monday during an apparent attempt to sneak a bomb into battle scarred Belfast. ■ illegal Irish Republican Army, police said. Three women in the neighborhood were treated for shock after the blast. The explosion The car erupted 20 yards from a busy intersection on the main Ballygowan Road noninfectious noninfectious „llal .ho»edheh.dbMns|lot the lne disease b .y nat> died An . K-ysicjj dle, tha?&n,0b™ should be kept In mind that the antiwar RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor Canada or some other foreign country to years spent In Canada and a slap on the nonmilltary job the draft dn(toJ movement Is made up of many Individuals avoid serving the United States In a time of wrist when you return." getting off too easily. bJN Goldwater admlta that some of the men who challenged the country's Involvement pacifist will not serve Seven.time recipient of the Pacemaker award need should be treated like the law the g0- ' * who ran away are pacifists, but he adds In the war, within the laws. The protestors for outstanding journalism. violators they are. that among the evaders are "malcontents, in self-made exile have accomplished my capacity. But for there must be them! "They knew precisely what they were plenty 0f ooenid smart alecks and outright cowards." While nothing beyond encouraging potential dishwashers doing. They knew they were renouncing agreeing on the labels, I concur with draft dodgers to violate the draft laws. be allotted or latrine diggers ThXI their citizenship in a country which has not on a SunJi editorials been nothing but good to them. They were not forced to leave; they elected to leave." Sen. Goldwater's judgment that moat evaders are Indeed not the pacifists. If a But unlike Sen. Goldwater, I would not forbid these men to re-enter the country. !JL! dodgers th® reverse Civil mo8t ^nted and will get the wont job, w Whether or not'the United States had man was a true pacifist, one opposed to all However, I would set certain conditions so disgusting and dangerou.J Urban affairs been "nothing but good" to draft protestors who left this country, Goldwater wars and not Just to the one that happens to Inconvenience him for two years, then they do not get off lightly. Here are several alternative ways that can be used to deal with these sunshine patriots: undertaken, the more thiJ demonstrate their sincere faith fl makes an Important point: Draft dodgers are law breakers and, If they are not he would stay In this country and challenge the draft. If necessary, he would go to jail • Enforcement of the full penalties of their citizenship back. "d Mcrlflced to Imm^J1 become the hour ha punished, then respect for all laws diminishes. This is a situation that cannot for his beliefs. Running away from one's responsibilities is an Immature reaction; It the Selective Service Act against draft dodgers. This gives them the opportunity to plead the special circumstances of their thousands have given their US maintain our way of life' lives' in cert 3 be tolerated by civilized societies. If, in does not make the task any easier for those expect those who scorned MSU was born and developed our wivl who remain behind,» It turns 'public cases in court, so a judge and jury can when called upon to under what has come to be known as "The college would provide a addition, BUUI nun , the violators are actually nil » i vibvvi9 w bvvmbut sympathy away from the handful of true decide their guilt or Innocence. Thus the to society, to struggle pay their ob J the "land grant philosophy," a term tentative means by which the rewarded bv being allowed to return to the men who are true pacifists will be freed • a little themJ United States with no penalties (beyond pacifists, and conceivably It might Finally, an idea suggested1 which has meant many different University could begin to confront ancient practice of handing » » our nation's overwhelming social over to the things throughout the years. In the murdered , relatives for justice: there days when MSU was MAC, the land problems. The college must be are about! protestors who have left the grant philosophy meant a devotion sure, however, that it becomes a Goldwater s estimate) and there hia count agricultural research and vehicle for social involvement to community involvement. Times have rather than a political tool." SnXS me" 5il,ed in Ind(*hin«.l 70,000 serve for two years supporJ families of the men changed, however. killed; make tH whatever the families ask Our main concerns are no longer of tl them also aid the soldiers crop science and animal husbandry. a college would be, in essence, a who U black college. This is not necessarily permanently injured by the war I MSU has been a pioneer in the effort the case. The cities are facing a over were the combat roles of the called up because soldJ to make the physical aspects of life someone! number of other problems besides opening on the draft rolls when tlf in America more comfortable. The the country. purely racial ones. Others feel that University, however, must readapt its And if the draft the addition of another college dodgers w... llul_ structure to take into account the of these would demean the University's things, or if the families! social aspects which have been servicemen will not have them t academic standards. The addition of them stay in exile. We are neglected for too long a time. betl a 17th degree granting college would without them. In particular, the University needs indeed make the University's a greater commitment to the field of structure even more unwieldy. Yet urban problems. The main problem no one raised any similar objections IN0NSM facing America today is the problem about the College for Human of the cities. Yet MSU is doing little Medicine or any other of the newer in this area. Presently only two undergraduate colleges within the University. Costs entailed in expanding the programs deal with urban affairs: center into a college have also been The Dept. of Urban Planning, which takes a primarily architectural and questioned. The creation of the engineering approach, and the urban college will undoubtedly require studies program in the social science multidisciplinary program, a less additional funding. These additional funds should be obtained by recycle than optimum field of study. chopping some of the deadwpod from the academic structure, Cleverly hidden inside Owen Hall is another branch of the University however, rather than following the AP NEWS ANALYSIS ' lines of least bureaucratic resistance which deals with urban problems, the Center for Urban Affairs. The and cutting corners throughout the John University. Connally: which center has been a source of controversy throughout its history at MSU - personalities have often blurred rational discussion of the center and its purposes and In the past, the University has often followed the policy of cutting funds to all departments to create additional funds for new projects. By CARL P. LEUBfDORF Democratic National Chairman Lawrence F. 0' Brien said he would not be to way get the nomination this year for vice now? certainly win the general elections tl AP Political Writer surprised president and, in 1976, for president. accomplishments. The fact is, The time has come, however, for a if Connally quit before fall. O'Brien More likely, one top DeJ WASHINGTON (AP) Secretary of the Connally has refused to talk about his speculated last week, Connally's conscious choice of priorities. In - conceded he had no inside information, political future, and longtime friends say though, that the center provides an Treasury John B. will be determined by President 1 Connally, the top and spokesman for the secretary termed excellent starting point from which funding a College for Urban Democrat in a Republican administration, even his wife probably doesnt know what choice of a 1972 running mate. SoB the prediction ridiculous. he will do and when he will do it. to initiate a more meaningful Development and Social Change, the Is facing an election - year dilemma; which Fbr Nixon, the stakes in Connally's Connally thinks he has a chance, he These friends approach towards urban problems. policy makers would do well to party to back in the 1972 presidential decision are high: the former Texas describe as false one as soon as he knows he is out | election. rumored reason for a possible running, hell leave. The University will soon consider make budget cuts in areas which governor's presence in his Cabinet is a Connally This decision, and resignation — the desire to help his protege, the issue of expanding the Center for have been living on borrowed time, the political partial shield against Democratic attacks on Lt Gov. Ben Barnes, win the Texas At the same time, this DemociJ rather than nickel and diming all implications it holds for both President an economic program whose results remain Connally is under some pressurf Urban Affairs into the College of - - Nixon and Connally himself, figures in the uncertain. And it neutralizes the top governorship, and perhaps his brother, Democratic friends back home to rd Urban Development and Social departments to death. In particular, Wayne, the lieutenant governorship. the Dept. of Agriculture and the recurring rumors that the secretary may Democrat In a state with 26 electoral votes. If Barnes and the fold In time to be considered ! soon resign and return to Texas. Wayne Connally win the Democratic vice presidential n Change. Such a change would at long For Connally, the stakes may be even Democratic nominations in primary last place urban affairs upon a proper three residential colleges — which These rumors surfaced when higher: a chance, in one party or the other, even though most politicians thfl have fights this spring, they will almost close identification with the ■ not turned out to be the priority level in the University. A administration rules that out for 19r degree - granting program in an promised mini - Harvards within the OUR READERS' MIND urban affairs college would by great megaversity - should be If Connally hopes to the national Democratic have any politics, hi fj definition attract more students into evaluated in terms of present needs and priorities. certainly have to leave th« the field of urban studies. The administration before this year'scal SN reviewer unfair to 'Trying' Most opposition to the college, His key role in developing and «■ college structure could make it possible for undergraduates and though, has come from those who Nixon's economic politics would f graduates alike to follow feel its creation will serve the impossible for him to avoid involve! the campaign - on the Presidents si ambitions of a group of comprehensive program of classroom To the Editor: and field study of urban problems. administrators within the Center for This should not have been the point. morals, not praise them. By staying, however, he wouldN This letter concerns the reveiw which Musicals are known to be escapist and what The University could come to work Urban Affairs. Personalities, Donovan Reynolds wrote about the To misunderstand a show and then to keep out of a messy situation is wrong with that? Must every evening in review it accordingly is a great injustice to The Democratic candidate i closer with Michigan communities in however, should not be allowed to COMPANY production of "How to the theater be spent pondering the troubles impede the concept of the college Succeed In Business Without Really of the world? Mr. Reynold's main the cast. They are a group of people who Senate against incumbent Republij dealing with urban problems. performed very well and understood the G. Tower may well be former Sew itself. The question of whether MSU Trying". Why didn't he write a fair review. objection to the show was that it is not true spoof atmosphere. It is a shame that Yarborough, Connally's chief enert Some, however, have attempted What was written was a soap box pertinent. He missed the boat, the play is a to discredit the concept of an urban should add a college of urban affairs the reviewer was so thick that he had to state's tangled Democratic politic! discussion of whether or not a college satire about the rise of people in the world should be decided on the merits of have the satire labeled for him. In Texas, Connally probably woj affairs college. Some claim that such audience can be happy with pure escapism. of business and jabs at our the potential of such a college alone. capitalistic In his last paragraph, the reviewer to take a role in the Democratic <* got against the administration whose | Of course, the specific programs around to his job, and praised the he had helped shape. for the college have yet to be worked performances of Peter J. Marinos, Dee Dee Deignan, and Patricia Kirk. He In addition to being someljij Nightsticks out. However, at this stage, on the basis of concept alone, the University would do well to add the Cosmic enterta achnowledged Rick Brown, and this should be extended to the whole cast. political coup for the President, uj~ entry into the Nixon Cabinet in^ 1970 gave the 54 - year • old « Recently members of the To the Editor: entertainment from ASMSU next term. I The evening was fun, and the cast made chance to step onto the cente college. The college would provide a University Committee on Public tentative means by which the I would like to personally congratulate hear they are planning on such fine it so; It is a shame that a reviewer has to national and International stage. the ASMSU Pop Entertainment committee ruin it for so many Safety questioned whether campus entertainers as Flatt and Sbruggs, Bobby by a narrow theatrical His performance since has m l University could begin to confront for bringing us such a wealth of musical attitude. police officers should carry firearms. our nation's overwhelming urban talent during this year. Imagine the wild Vinton, and Donny Osmond. — COSMIC! relishes that role. But the ■ Richard Rexroad Jn particular, members wondered social problems. The college must be gyrations and ear shattering performance approaching when he must V whether nightsticks might not prove Baltimore, Md. Steven Friedman his future lies, and that, > r of James Taylor, the contemporary sophomore equally as effective for self - sure, however, that it becomes a comment so much needed given to us by Feb. 16,1972 Director anything else, seems likely to ] vehicle for social involvement rather Feb. 18,1972 course. protection, and have the advantage A1 Hirt, an oldtime goodie in the 5th than a political tool. Dimension who reached their peak 5 years of being a good deal less lethal than service revolvers. The expansion of the Center for ago and have been coming down ever since DOONESBURY Urban Affairs provides an then, the talent and social relevance of Ike Public safety officials reportedly and opportunity for the University to Tina, the heavy, electric, acid-rock conceded that the committee sound of Gordon Lightfoot, and continue, as it has done in the past, finally, members the man who has proved himself might be correct but to by writing indicated that they felt the academic play an important role in hit after hit after hit, Don McLean. I'd also American life. In fact, to continue de like to thank them for 7HOVSANP& Of M/LSS P&tA. community would not approve of cancelling the Byrds FROM HOME. HUN6RY, - emphasizing urban problems on concert, a group that has never shown any vxep. pts&fnceo anp such a change. Nightsticks, they said, talent despite the fact that have a more negative connotation in campus is equivalent to dropping they have produced over ten albums. back into the 19th century. Urban the popular mind than do pistols. This year's committee has done so much The State News is interested in problems abound; the University more than last year's. Last year we were must begin to seriously deal with faced with nowhere groups polling popular opinion on this exhibiting little them. Expansion of the Center for variety, such as Jethro Tull, Judy Collins, contention. Readers are urged to James Urban Affairs into a College for Gang, the Byrds, Sly and the Family send their views to The Editor, 341 Urban Development and Social Stone, Grateful Dead, Richie Havens, the Student Services Bldg., Campus. GueaB Who and Mountlan. Change must be achieved. I'm looking forward to more greet n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, February 22. 1972 5 [No fault plan introduced hirh SmH Writar Smart iIgMCT™' the would establish d ^satisfaction with the long ,m ^b|"e Jb"d IMjJed °Ptm'?m"y Ti"y requires ownarT practlc* t P""?"1. of ""y "»'""It of t!.l« type of protection, Proposals^ A wage-earner could The disparity In treatment of SHOP-RITE STORES' «s ?fikjsa.,sss KSiiiffss* 2?a5r he,~ SfsrtSsSs&affiy isriss asr«£s The amount of money, If r-"tfftss jjsxsxB issiS'sr^ ™*—!?-cs = s■ tttssw: Induced the bill o„ each vjWde owner protect.hi, no Lull^ billsTve "milSS ThTa'!^ P°"t0 ™tMm" ViSCsM Lulni many controversial accidents In which he, passengers In the governor's bill Is the most maximum benefit of $155 I t^e118®ctlon of the bi» which Vfect section.. week for 52 weeks abolishes the right of a person ^governor's plan deserves Another major difference is U0t at fauU.to br,ni "ult 'or ough an airing as any of ryil IC iVInnC In treatment of non wage earners ?"W a«f' S* party flt fctner no fault plw« which I Ulf ICU '»»U5/C/OnS Smart said the gownor's bill I! the acc,dent> Smart | bee" lntr?d"C6^t J22 . . , P'°vlde8 'or compensation of Predlcted- '"SL-.TtfUlw" r *d' m„D throuah the present SI? day for,one 23fs^ Sblaticer year" PurPose no fault law, but they may well & he doe..... ;.K:"r ?£SS 3,r ^S,r~^^"'o.neadr cX.i'.'wlS M^'ru^ from both political Part of MSU's new Chamber and DeFalla's "Homenaje a the general public and Music Series, the artists Debussy." Bruggen will perform PrOnrfim W11 I DlV/Ck rlntn !'ance industry," ne said. wlU Perform works by Bach, Van Telemann's "Two Fantasias" Uyi Ulll Will ylV© QQTQ [this reason, I have high Eyck, Telemann, Ponce, DeFalla and Van Eyck's "Doen a compromise to be and Villa Lobos. Daphne." The Bach works are Considered one of the most on careers in business successful champions of recorder » timbre and technique, Bruggen is °PPortun"'fs in programs and advancement Use this ad SPECIAL on his first extensive American e 1 a '11 n 8 . m a r k e t i n g, possibilities offered by the rmanagement, design, business various companies which will be concert tour. In addition recitals, he is also appearing to and other related areas is the participating in the program, as your weekly shopping OF THE WEEK topic of the Third Annual Thirty firms are expected to ao.out with a number of S^a^N Business Career Night to be held participate, including such list and you'll save S$S symphony orchestras. from 7 to 10 tonight on the companies as Celanese Fibers, cu^g'ia' anHsrtude^ of. Segovia has second floor of the Union. Business Career J.L. Hudson, Lord and Taylor, Peters Mich. Grade 1 ■ . - ot(„Lii established i, a " ii excellent a Business career Night iNigru is Sears, Levitt Building. ■ PIZZA OVEN ignited and ■ of $100. Police said the room «'ital» an '*h*dt. ,an exfce,)*"t j L .. ..— . sponsored by the MSU Dept. of Jacobson's, Montgomery Ward, »fire inside a Domino's was apparently unlocked at the Ration in this country both Human Environment and Design Minnesota Fabrics, Crossroads » car at 2:05 a.m. loop at Sunday North Wonders time of the theft, and said they have no suspects. "Performer and a teacher. and the Col|ege of Human Ohiglia has been praised for Ecology. The program is being Bureau. Imports and the Better Business Ring Bologna 69c , ■police said the East Lansing the "liquid ease" with which he coordinated by retailing, interior HDept. extinguished the fire A TAPE PLAYER and seven Plflys as weH as "the delicacy design, and business students Wimated damage to the car tapes were also stolen between and sheen of tone and the and faculty in these areas. 9:30 p.m. Saturday and 9:30 infinitesimal degrees of The purpose of Business Spartan All-Meat USDA Choice a.m. Sunday from a car MOTHER FIRE CAUSED by a Cherry Lane apartment. parked dynamics" he can achieve. Career Night is to provide Tickets are available in students with information on Skinless Franks 1 lb. pkg. 6% mated damage of $800 in Police said the total loss and advance at the MSU Union the job opportunities, training asity Village apartment at damage was estimated at $129, Ticket Office. Boneless Rolled I p.m. Sunday. Police said and said there were signs of Indents of the apartment forced entry to the car. Peschke's Braunschweiger, Chuck ■been ironing clothes ■when some of the material Itment ; fire. was on a Police said the also heavily AN LARCENY from . mm*... ATTEMPTED a Coke by the chunk 49° $1.09 lb. ii bv smoke. machine was interrupted at 5:35 a.m. Monday morning in the llIR STEREO TAPES were ,obby of East Akers Hall when a 84° ' Seven-Up from a students room witness contacted police. Police the Uncola in 6-pak, 16 oz. 8 p.m. Saturday and 11 said they were unable to locate no-return bottles ■ Sunday in West Fee Hall. the suspect after they arrived, > estimated the loss at $29, and were unable to estimate e had been a party da™ge to the machine, leroom during the night. I STUDENT TOLD police liomeone stole 21 stereo ■ from his room between 7 MOOSUSKI at the - GABLES! 9 p.m. WED. Feb. 23 Happy Hour price* - Door prizes Gala Towels colors with jumbo roll borders, 3/$1 8C Ski flick - Trip Info. I p.m. Friday and 6 p.m. Jiffy Corn Muffin Members only - memberships uv. with an estimated loss available at the door. Tonight is special HARVEY Ajax Liq. Dish Det. label 39* \WALLBANGER NIGHT Kraft American Reduced Prices Birdseye Awake H p.m.-2 a.m. Breakfast Drink Cheese Slices, 12 oz. 9 oz. 4/$1 Individually Wrapped the at 58 Toasty Treat Waffles 'Sealed-Sweet,'5 lbs. WHO'S I*i« (Hubbard, Akers, Fee) 6 count 10/$1 Florida Oranges 66c Heatherwood Fresh a week long Special. Michigan Yellow Skim Milk, $2.00 for a 2 item small pizza. $3.00 for a 2 item large pizza Cooking Onions, This offer good at This offer good at Trowbridge shop only Vi gal. 3/$1 3 lb. bag 28' Trowbridge shop only | * •Please please Name j Name have coupon __ have coupon f CLIP AND SAVE THIS COUPON filled out. filled out. | Address ■ when driver arrives | Address __________________________ when driver arrives i I $2.00 for a small $3.00 for a large 2 item Domino's Pizza 2 item Domino's Pizza Save 21 Offer good February 22-29. Call 351-7100 for Spartan Grade A Butter Limit One With coupon and $6.00 purchase HOT, FREE, coupon expires 2 26-72 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan . ruesday, Febru Power plant curtails pollution By KAREN 2URAWSKI Niisson estimated ath the denied Monday that it had "uniform and manageable fuel." soot particles in the emission, may be detrimental to the State News Staff Writer conversion to gas saved the plant refused the request and said it "It's a great misfortune that Wayne Yates, operation environment of water life. In $525,000 last year in fuel alone. was still under consideration. A there isn't more gas in the supervisor, said, enclosed waterways, Contrary to the experiences such as on other campuses, the MSU Gas costs 50 per cent less company official noted that it world," Niisson said. According to Yates, one of lakes, they say the higher water Power Plant 65 is nearly than coal, he explained. "It was just in the early "talk" Referring to the coal burning the best mechanical pollution temperature results In faster pollution free, according to Paul works like a Cadillac, but is stages, and no money had been Shaw Plant, he said, "it is like devices is the electrostatic plant growth. This congestion of A. Niisson, utility cheaper than a Volkswagen." provided by the Michigan something out of the dark ages, precipitator, a device which the water by plants can In turn superintendent. Niisson would also like to legislature of the conversion. with its labor and dirt. removes small particles of smoke rob the water of oxygen "Since switching from coal to use gas at the Shaw Lane Power Power Plant 65 has an Power Plant 65 normally and dust by passing them necessary for animal life. gas a year ago December, the Plant, but said that Consumer interruptable gas line with provides most of the campus through an electrically charged Conservationists attempt to plant has become more efficient, Power Co. had refused their Consumer Power, Niisson said, power, but In times of stress and screen and then through two convince people it's bad for less expensive and almost initial Request. Given a 24 - hour notice, the during equipment overhauls, the charged plates, wildlife, he said. "A couple of pollution free," Niisson said. He explained that Consumer company can cut off MSU's gas University relies more on the It lis used most efficiently with good sized plants in New York Located on the southern Power Co. was refusing to open supply for a total of 90 days a Shaw Plant and an electrical high sulfur coal, but MSU has have never started up through boundary of campus, the plant, any new contracts due to year. tleline with Consumer Power, he never burned high sulphur coal, their efforts — right or wrong." built in 1965, provides nearly all problems or shortages it night When that happens, the said. Yates said. However, the Board Other problems encountered of the campus electricity and create. Power Plant reverts to coal Niisson, superintendent of of Water and Light does, and in the utilization of atomic ML However, Consumer Power usage, but It is not very one of the biggest power plants now they're facing some power plants indude the eight frequent, Niisson said. Last year, in the country, termed pollution problems, he said, year period from start to finish he pointed out that there had "a very complex probelm." The government pollution needed to build a plant, and the only been three incidents for a A mechanical dust collector is guidelines restrict microscopic fact that people have to take total loss of six days. used at the Shaw Power Plant bits of fly ash and nitrous what's in operation. Niisson is very pleased with creating a change In the air flow, oxides, and set The state has a few months to "very, very low" the switch to gas because it is a which results in a reduction of sulfur dioxide comply to the restricted contents, Niisson said. directive of the Environmental The government says you Protection Agency in regards to can't burn high sulphur coal permissible limits of particles, College offers course which works well with the electrostatic precipitator, Yates sulfures and Niisson said. nitrous oxides, He noted that at a recent about poverty "It's a robbing Peter to pay Board of Water and Light ' Paul situation," he commented. meeting, young people were discouraged that the state was Powvr-f ul /position The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources is soil focusupon ^iences the world couree will poverty pXuM^uchts just the federalgoing to comply standards and not with be As MSU Superintendent of Utilities, Paul A Niisson 4 WHO SKEW AUNTIE ROO?/ offering a new course next term among P'^y- wgt . scru5bing method which mixes stack emission with stricter. man ultimately responsible for the heat and the campus. He stated that Power Plant electriciw 1 V RATED GP COLOR An AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL/ f dealing with action programs to . . )tj f chemicals to creat a controllable "We in this business don't 65 is <,,»<* largest power plants in the country and that it i« ai„ J V HEMDAIE PRODUCTION «l ' alleviate the poverty in dreams and realties of nroduct are renorteHlv know how to meet federal underdeveloped countries mechnization, ecological aspects j hOWever standards, let alone state," he pollution fre- aln overseas of food production around the exP«ns ve- However said. State News photo by Terry M world, and processes by which ? » »• f 1 President and Mrs. Nixon (along Developed and taught by Roy selected countries develop. echnology for pollution control Donahue, professor of crop and with their friends, the Beat Film Offered from 7 to 8:30 p.m. J? no* rea,,y that E1*8* at this jy1 \NV Tuesdays and Thursdays, the . . , .. , v group) request the honor of course is open, with no ,K There is not pat so utlon for your presence Tonight 7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45 prerequisites, to student For contact more Donahue any information. in MSU 409A ^ Prob,em of Pollution," he fludcu. Atomic power plants which !°me P®°P|e 88 Providing :for Capital Capsules * '( I J 0 ) I in 106 B WELLS future power needs also have Agriculture Hall. their drawbacks, Niisson said. The Republican members of proposal on March 6. election He noted that atomic plants as judges fa. the Michigan Legislative A bill that would place a may not be over 70,1 „ heat the water a couple of Apportionment Commission constitutional maximum age only fair that candida- degrees and dump it back in, Monday filed a plan for state limit for state legislators was other public office "not polluting in any other introduced byJ legislative redistricting with the In the Senate restricted." 1 way." Michigan Supreme Court. Monday by Sen. William Faust, The senator s Conservationists however The so-called Republican D-Westland. many competent public ! claim that thermal pollution plan was an attempt by the four In support of his bill to place are over 70, but thei Republican members to get as a 70-year-old limit on growing concern m close to the one man-one vote legislators Faust said, appointed or elected be MOOSUSKI MEMBERS concept as possible, a release "Inasmuch as candidates seeking » reward for past services! . . . going to Colorado with us? stated. PLEASE let us know whether riding or flying,by WEO. Population variance in their plan is 92 between the largest and smallest districts for the Councils to feature conformist lMUNARDO MSTOIUCCI Senate and only 72 population difference in the House of STARTS TONIGHT! Representatives. The submission of this plan makes the end of seminar on famil efforts by the eight-man The Michfgan Council on conference on the j THURSDAY apportionment commission to Family Relations and the Saturday in the Union, FRANS OSCAR reach agreement. The court will Michigan Home Economics The workshop* BRUEGGEN GHIGLIA ^gu^^Uii^an^^^Democra^^AKn^r^Donsorin^^a^^ong ■—by highlighted by a keynote: Beatrice Paolucci, Recorder virtuoso Great classical guitarist ASMSU Pop Entertainment & New Players chairman of the Family E Dept., and a luncheon PROGRAM- PRESENT by James Trosko, »s professor of human medic TOMMY A panel discussil American women will cli workshop. It will be it MSU CHAMBER MUSIC SERIES by Renee Firestone, co "Tommy borrows from dance, of the Greater Lansinl FAIRCHILD THEATRE 8:15 P.M. Panel of American Womei ) GLAOMER Public: $5.00 MSU Students (w/I.D.) $2.50 vaudeville, the revue and musical Registration will begi Tickets at the Union and die door _ _ CAMPUS a.m. and will be followed 355 -3361 lW|tDQp.m. Theatres 355 6686- Paolucci's address in Pa m 1 PR0CMM INFOftMMKM 41? 3905 AN RHA PRESENTATION and B and small discussions. The lui IN PATRIOTIC COLOR ICHIGAN nmaram will beein at 12: Theatre-Lantinq STARRING THE FABULOUS "They Call Me of SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Trinity" "Hilarious and utterly outrageous" Los Angeles Times .SMINGTON • DOWNTOWN TODAY AT 7:2 5 9:30 WED. AT 1:30-3:30 "Hysterically funny . . . tremendous fun . . . strongly anarchic in sensibility. The polymorphously perverse orgy 9:30 p.m. a-. _ with which the film ends is a Voice revolutionary vision" Village Clint Eastwood "The hottest act in the country and the most unbelievable American Cockettes phenomenon since Martha Mitchell. The are the Dirty Harry current sensations of the counter culture." Rex Reed 'Triumphantly vulgar. . . decadent" Rolling Stone PLUS! THE BED" prize - winning erotic short NOW! OPEN 12:45 subject from LA PLUS! THANK YOU MASKED MAN a film by Lenny Bruce PLUS! A Carefully Selected "STRAW Preview from a Coming Attraction-All this Raunchy T MOG*M IHfOBMMtQ* 33? Ml? , max von sydow liv ullmann Entertainment for ONLY $1.50 bibi andersson erland josephson director o( photography sven nylcvist IN 106 B WELLS produced by svensk * , r filmindustri-cinematogroph COLOR Dy DgLuXG' THE WEDDING IS RATED X ! it.«ulire f.zv-v.ts I R|n- ~7j United Artists BULY Thp Wedding will be performed at 7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45 You MUST be 18 Tonight in Wilson Aud. you MUST be able to yrs of age and JACK 7:30, 9:30 L prove it — all persons TOM LAUGHLIN required to furnish I.D.'s required $1.00 admission and DELORES TAYLOR proof of age. TECHNICOLOR (PG) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, February 22, 1972 SPORTS irackmen gain MSU cowboys n Big Ten foes By GARY KORRECK Stat* News Sport* Writer in collegiate MSU rodeo fans will get a One of the best teams entered Detroit Loifi 83-57 track win over U-M Saturday waa the second in is College of Law will chance to see some of their local Black Hill State College of compete against those from the y years, but only the third In the two schools' 17 meet heroes In action this weekend Deadwood, South Dakota. Dakotas, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska when the third annual According to Frost, Black Hill and Wisconsin. the Dlttrlch era, Karl A. Schalderman waa the only Intercollegiate Rodeo comes to took second place in the Frost said, "The rodeo is Jto enj°y «ny success against U-M, managing a victory and a the MSU livestock pavilion. national collegiate finals last interesting and exciting sport an «ven meetings. — Included the year. It's top performer, Tom n among this weekend MSU cowboys get Sttrich is also the first coach to bring a Big Ten track title to participants are the president Miller, was rated the All - around a chance to work with 1 turning the trick outdoors in 1965. Spartan trackmen pro rodeo and vice president of the MSU cowboy. - stock as well as compete against jLd both indoor and outdoor titles in 1966 and have been rodeo club. Other top names include teams from western states." ■ threats ever since, President Bob Bragg will be Thurston Hamrick, also of South The bulls to be used for the his season alone, MSU performer? have set two world Dakota, and R.J. Smith of competing on bareback and riding competition reportedly rds Ave Big Ten records, six school records and four Jenison ' saddle broncs and vice Otisville, Michigan. Hamrick and records. • weigh between 1,500 and 2,000 je president Kathy Heath will Smith will provide pounds. ,g the parade have been sprinters Herb Washington and participate in all scheduled girls entertainment, as well as escape After the Friday night session y| DIU and distance man Ken Popejoy. events. time for riders, In between the there will be two Saturday, one I'l 20.5 300 bested the old Big Ten mark by .7 second and Dick bull riding sessions. DeWitt, a member of at 2 p.m. and another at 8. ■miiton, after sharing the 60-yard dash mark for the better lof two years, has made It his own with a B.8 clocking, joejoy'a 4:00.9 mile was the second best ever run indoors by Turning Barrel racing will be Just one of the th the board of directors, has entered the bareback bronc and Hamrick is also a well - known bullfighter. The announcer will be Hadley Sunday's competition is slated to begin at 2. many events which will be run at the third annual bulldogglng competition and juglan and he also anchored the distance medley unit to a Intercollegiate Rodeo In the livestock pavilion, sponsored by the MSU rodeo another board member, Paul Baret from North Platte, Tickets may be obtained at lolmirk of 9:64.2. all over the U.S. will club. Turns from Anstead, Is scheduled to ride the Nebraska. the livestock pavilion between 8 >rlng medley team of Washington, LaRuc Butchee, participate, including a large Spartan contingent. The teams come from as far .and 5 Friday or at the gate. Ron bulls. i Mike Murphy aet a State Newt photo by Chris Fischer Kathy Anderson and Lynn west as the Dakotas, as well as Cost for each session is $2 loff iol standard of 3:24.1, Race will compete in the barrel from the Midwest. Along with general admission with an MSU .Mrld mark. Washington also tied the THOMAS PLEADS GUILTY race and Ms. Race will also enter MSU, entries from U • M and in the goat tying competition. ID. Id mark In the 50-yard dash, Mike Lipka is entered in the SEND TODAY FOR |nlng m the Toronto calf - roping and ribbon • roping. ■titional. at 5.0. The show promises, according FREE CATALOG ON Jyo-mller Randy Kllpatrick l«n» a school record 8:50.6 The has a year left at the Dallas star o to club member Randy Frost, "all the events of a regular rodeo plua a few collegiate events." The first session, beginning YOUR SEMESTER > Cawleman, Murphy W Kderson and Mike Holt - 25lo Quane Thomas pleaded rSg'b^k f^ed and charged at the same marlJuana |n the car They Friday at 8 p.m., will be highlighted by a steer wrestling AT SEA uulltv Thorn™ ®«arched and found one h-v* m jwjrrjry r..imi.» contest. Six or seven steers will S| rt uat year, set the school °(3:12.9. Caaaleman has and wa8 lven prob.ted sentence. sssr" ™;" -ttt: be set loose and competing three • man teams a aeries of will attempt to catch, saddle and ["threatened mil Wornnln'a Bill Werheln'a "You are'7'voijnir ncrsnn ti%r ""derBt#nd y°u On Feb. 8, a grand Jury ride the steers the finish 1.6 timing In the 600 and has have the potential of a ore*? lt'« on!>rt ^ i*W '"dieted the Thomas brothers on over fnore % lumper yeis to go after It. future," Duff iuSL Ho™ « Garmon wked Thoma? k h » t g° the mar,Jutn" p0S8eMl°n ^ line. Del Gregory has Oarmon told the 2i ThomMl They could have been sentenced Sid 24.4, just", foot running wnsatlon. Thon^VeoHed . „ „ adhere Boucha inks y from Fred Johnson's Thomas sne.kin* , ?.^,replUr V°Ur lt from two yean, to life under Texas law. fitter Marv Roberts has has publicly since he than hi ? hi!!? Pitcher •cu-uiti Spartan mark and than he had tobut inore hi. 6 PJ>w®r to Thomas refused to sign his Wings « Vof time to go after Dave t " SwboysearlyIn the 191 SCSl Wh„° returned i HIT ! 1971 contract with the Cowboys he said under the terras DETROIT pact *»•' wjlJ:"® y (UPI) - The > 52-9 already this brown suit as did his 21 old brother Bertrand wh - year • I": ^rr„.r«Ki°tda^ Detroit announced the Olympic hockey Red Wings Monday signing of star This . . . Boucha to Henry There will probably be great a two-year contract, team in rushing, temptations," the judge said. beating out the St. Paul Fighting Saints of the recently l/omen gymnasts, "You have to be strong enough to resist and not be associated with drugs or anything like that, Thomas left the owner team calling Tex Schramm a liar and coach Landry "A plastic man." organized Pitcher beer Do you tell me you have the He was traded to the Boston strength to resist these Patriots but that swap was COMPLETE at GREATLY pgers victorious^ temptations?" nullified when Thomas allegedly "Yes, air, Your Honor," refused to undergo a physical. AUDIO j ("defeated women's uvmnastlcs Eastern Mlchluan Stolk added 9. The Junior varsity al»° beat Michigan, 35-38. Thomaasald. Thomas returned to the Thomas and his brother were Cowboys after the 1971 season SERVICE reduced prices I Henry Ford Community The MSU women's swim arrested during a Sunday drive In started. He went on to become Le In a trl-meet Saturday te«m w111 conduct Its first the country, Jan. 30. Their car the team's leading rusher for the DUANE THOMAS • Qualified Technicians Ficored 81.05 while Eastern swlm-a-thon to raise money for a •topped because It matched second year in a row. e Prompt Service id 67.10 and -_je Miller Henry Ford once apaln led trlP t0 the Nationals and to support the International Swimming Hall of Fame In Fort the d"cr,pf{;l°n of * ,tolen automobile. The car, ^ been loaned to Thomas by a however, • •90 Full Test Facilities Day Warranty & Labor • Parts Tonight I, winning the alUrSund Lauderdale, Fla. Dallas auto dealer as a publicity Jon with a 34.15 total. Th® ,wlm wlM be held Thursday at 2 and 4 p.m. ^ n t ?: „ Convenient Location at at Mac's Bar ir took two firsts In the the «r deteJST th? The Stereo Shoppe |meet events, vaulting and the c#r detected the 0601 of 2700 E. Michigan in's basketball team jfr **********★★★★★★★ 543 E. Grand River Ave. ••ted Michigan Thursday J Olde Tyme Pizza Prices Hours: 9-6:45 Sat: 9-5 43-18. Dana Ruhl led from your Varsity I with 14 points and Linda ► CI 7C )I./U delivers a 12" medium 1 item Pizza (each additional itam 25c) ^arsTty Men's IM a ffO CC delivers a King 16" 1 item Varsity or „ ■ }£.UJ pjm (#acf, additional Itam 40c) assorted hardbounds $1 per pound II managers of all teams Valid Feb. 22 with coupon il»»d In the basketball ^ VCWIU 1CU, Stmt Tf IVII tvupuil Selected sale items up to 80% off Toffi should call the IV FREE, r FAST, rmo 1, nuHOTi ulli DELIVERY starts at 6:30 v li\ x stairs M for their schedule. Menu: (Special orders are not Included) Jto foil fencing tournament *Subs (3 to I All |*iln ■ fancing P of Jenison. at 7 p.m. Fob. 22 In room handball singles on the 4tl- VARSITY! choose from) ♦Foot long Varsity Dogs ^Homemade Spaghetti Hurry while the sale Campus Book Storo lasts! good things 1227 E. Grand River PPlinship will begin at 8 ■| Feb. 23. Contestantf * I 000 CC17 (inside only) 332-6517 *Pinballs 131 E. Grand River Yl call the IM offi. e fo» ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ must come to an end Especially a love affair with your car. But don't fret. Check with your MSU Employees Credit Union about financing a new "love affair" with a 10% new car loan. And if you'll check with us first, you can arrange financing in advance and get trade-in and dealer cost information to help you get the best possible deal. Your loan will be protected with life and permanent dis¬ ability insurance at no additional cost. Best of all, you can repay your loan the convenient credit union way - by payroll deduction. Your credit union - it should be your only source of credit. If you're not already a member, join today! To help promote the new Hobie's FREE DELIVERY policy the Sandwich People are giving free cokes today with every on campus delivery order of a FREE COKE DAV! Hobie's sandwich. For fast free delivery call 351-3800 Day! and Have a Hobie MSU 600 E. Crescent Dr. • EMPLOYEESI CREDIT Open 9:30-5:30 Monday thru Friday ;[umoJ • Phone 353 2280 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, Nixon has talk with Mao (Continued from page one) "This is a positive move in 73-year-old premier declared. the contacts between the two insight into the American way of Chou said the visit afforded conformity with the desire of "The American people are a peoples were suspended for over thinking," Chou concluded, an opportunity to normalize the American and Chinese great people. The Chinese people 20 years. "and with this a new start can be relations broken off a generation people and is an event are a great people. The people of "Now through the common made In relations between our ago, after the Nationalists of unprecedented in the history of our two countries have always efforts of China and the United two countries." Chiang Kai-shek were routed to relations between the United been friendly to each other, but States the gates to friendly the Island of Taiwan States and China," the owing to reasons known to all, contact have finally opened." Nixon made no specific Chou acknowledged that proposals at the banquet for new fundamental differences exist relations but he has said this between Washington and Peking; subject would be one purpose of m nevertheless he suggested his visit to China. Students to comply with code 1 * Chou himself at a conference of °e"*r. t?"t 8, ^n«ne«e-U.S. nonaligned Asian nations at Jr'endshlp In spite of (Continued from page one) Bandune Indonesia in 1955 fundamental differences, is Reuling said, adding that some term, requires freshmen to live These' Doints reiterated' bv necessary for the future of world who received letters requesting of those contacted had received in residence halls unless they are ChQU tQ N[xon a're. y peace. explanations of their living exceptions to the housing policy "married students, students who # Mutual respect for the "As we diacuss our situations were not In violation were not in violation of the will be twenty years of age by of the housing policy, Reuling soverei2nty and territorial differences, neither of us will policy or were living in the last official day of compromise principles," Nixon said. "It's just that we did not have University - supervised housing, registration fall term of the The Student Housing Policy, current academic year, veterans lnte|£rjtv 0f nations • # Mutual nonaawession N said. "But while we cannot close Preiident Nixon and Chou En-lei appear to have reached an After y the accurate explanation." which became effective fall with one or more years of active UlltUIa. ' impaste at to whom ihould »• I litrUi. service, students living with as they arrived for a meeting in The Greet Hell of the People in Peking. 90 r,t Mutual equality. parents or legal guardian or students taking six or less credits * Peaceful coexistence. "We hope to gain a clearer five "And so let us in these next days start a long march AP Wirephoto j during the term in question." A "similar policy applies to to^er" N°l X! „phomores, who are required to live in residence halls or in A Azfec . measure nf rhnmlnt* on different roads leadingto.the same goal: a goal of building a Lawyer eyes Big Ten bias suit University - supervised housing. un,ts °f Chocolate wor d structure of peace and (Continued from page one) only when It effects them their children. or Detroit plan to consider of the six insi Students who found in are xjrw YORK (UPI) — The ,us i Hi u i An advocate of busing, Lucas nothing plans wtt Vtot rUdpeople nIeZAXTach Stlon C' uu "Therefore, to get a bond he claims did not violation of .he policy will be said there are two ways from Issue passed in the inner city desegregate! He said one of the expected to move to supervised known to have consumed .■ hll<; a to determine which the benefits of busing schools, the government must metro plan would thines'l housing before spring term, chocolate a? a food, also used as ' may be viewed — the try to dJ iL * _f government free either give the people In the combat the "white flak" Reuling said. The University a counting unit, the Chocolate ?! Jltlwl'^InteXenw or sociological - educational suburbs whirlpool spas or claimed thai may place hold cards on those Information Council reports. standpoint and the "adequacy of causes a large pereentf students who fail to comply Involve them In the problems of of white students to leave! Rather than counting by tens as resources." before spring term registration, we do, they used 20 as a median. Then he concluded by The first, sometimes called the schools," he said. desegregated public i he continued. In a court hearing scheduled systems for other segre The University may not grant por example: quantities up to quoting Chairman Mao: "So multiracialism, contends that districts or to 20 were represented by dots; the many de«d8 cy out to b« done disadvantaged children benefit for 9:30 a.m. today in Detroit, privately 0 exceptions to the housing policy Luces and his associates plan to segregated schools. next unit flag, repeated for and always urgently. The world from efforts of . was a the renewed while students are In violation of amounts up to 400; next, a fir ro,,s on. Time passes. Ten white faculty and administrators "flush out Roth Plan number Although he considers "white flak" |j the policy, Reuling said. tre€) which signified up to 800 thousand years are too long. and white children suffer no loss three" and later present a a problem, LuL "The policy applies or it next unit _ 8 000 _ Was Setee the day. Seize the hour." In academic achievement but me t ropol I tan school said the rising costsX doesn't," he explained. "The indicated by a sack because each Sa,d Nixon: "This is the receive a broader cultural range. desegregation plan. maintaining private schools ill the government tax sack of cocoa contained about hour. This is the day for our two Lucas explained "the Lucas said he chose to on exempt the "segregated acadei peoples to rise to the heights of adequacy of resources" develop a metro plan because he was removed will force t viewpoint by saying that people felt the court would prefer one students back into the si will act to correct an injustice good metro and one good system. The President's use of the A jCTi A AjfY A A words "long march" evoked memories of the "Long March" of 1934 when Mao's Communist forces, fleeing from the heavy Rhodesians struggle for power pressure of Chiang Kai-shek's i coming to the defense of thl THE STABLES Nationalist armies, marched (Continued from page one) government in power. Hayden Hones, East Lansing government because it provides^ 6,000 or more miles from Duquesne University, feels that graduate student of African buffer against independei Kiangsi Province on a torturous the vast U.S. investment in the movements history at MSU, said that the gaining too n SMELT DINNER route to Yenan in a remote area mining industry in that country lias blocked U.S. support for the trouble in Rhudesia has always control in Africa," Jones said. I of Shensi Province. The march is dissent. Big business in a foreign The black Rhodesian lack the organization i fightej Deep fried. A crunchy an epic of Communist Chinese existed but that the complete delight served with ranch fries. history. country relies on a stable suppression by the police state strength to defeat the highl economy and social continuity has silenced most opposition. trained white police force. If tl Regularly $2.75 SPRING BREAK IN and the position of those "One of the conditions of violence continues, tl| companies Is more secure with the investigating commission was commission, which is e ASPEN: $230 by train, $246 by the present Rhodesian ONLY $1 TONIGHT WITH THIS AD plant (itiiinbiri only). that they were to have complete to announce its findings in tl STEAMBOAT SPRINGS: $220 2843 E. Grand River by train, $236 by plan* (members political freedom to ascertain next few weeks, only - S^n up by WED. 2 - 23 Duchess elected public opinion," Jones said, "ao undoubtedly withdraw, ll that the security framework had Smith could then tell the w PrtTHTrvifwnmnnnnnnrTOgBTrg 240 MEN'S IM 393-9199 to be lifted. he had given the whole busi to hospital board 'That gave the people their a fair and reasonable chance b| first chance to say publicly what that a minority of «„ PARIS (AP) - The Ducheu blacks had disrupted the fair td of Windsor has been elected an they have been aaylng privately of all along. But when the public opinion, just like fl honorary governor of the knew they would. American Hospital of Paris, the commission leaves, the country will tighten up severely," Jones But even If the violi board of governors announced. outburst were quickly put d( She Is the first woman to be said. it will leave Smith with tl Your "first step" into Hi - Fi should give STUDENTS elected a member of the board 'The Immediate future for Rhodesia looks very, very bleak. constant worry that It will riseB assurance that you own a real component system since the hospital was founded any time. This will «lw, r offering top performance and flexibility. WANT A FULL in 1910. South Africa ruled (a strong white country) is physicall - doubt, add to the uneasiness! Rhodesia's small white rul* This is now possible. SELECTION class and affect any white Immigration plannf to tl /V country. j Smith almost assuredly j come out the victor as he alwi has In the past but his poslti will be visibly insecure. Part three will examine Glial an independent country facj the grave economic « problems associated with # rule. This little slipstick to speai could increase your the starter IT'S A GOOD DEAL! From KODAK University professor! typing speed The heart of "the starter', system is the amplifier. . . the Kenwood KA - 4002. It offers features never before available in its price range. Delivering MOVIE PROJECTORS by two or three days. 24 RMS watts per channel, IM and harmonic distortion are a low 0.5%. Plus, you can run main us We listen when student! tell whet they went. That's how Students will be elated over a completely new and remote speaker systems, and use 2 auxiliary, and a tuner input. phono, 2 our vast stock of art and drafting supplies was built. KODAK M50 "93. way to correct typing errors: Liquid Paper's® new You told us what you want dispenser, slipstick. We very carefully chose the Aztec Minuet speaker the and we got Itl No hassle at STUDENT KODAK M68 . . , 49" When you're typing the big one, the 30-page BOOK paper you've been sweating for weeks, that's when system to compliment the amplifier. Combining an 8 - inch woofer (2% lb. magnet) and 3 - inch STORE I KODAK M105 . . . Mf 7995 mistakes bug you the most. So you slow down. And the closer you get to the bottom of the page, tweeter, you'll hear clean, smooth, bass, and well dispersed highs. And wait until you see theml •acrylics •oils KODAK M110 ...WlH" the more you clutch up. Mess up now and you've got a whole page to retype. When you've got a slipstick handy, you don't Really beautiful! •brushes •met board KODAK M109 .. . «T 99" The Garrard 40B changer completes "the starter." •rulers worry about mistakes. One easy touch releases a Operate it either manually or automatically, in •poster pelnts special fluid that buries the mistake and leaves a SOME MOVIE three speedsl And there's a damped cueing device, •pressure lettering clean new surface like the paper itself. So you type relaxed. And make fewer mistakes. •silk screen sup. PROJECTORS WITH On the big assignments, Liquid Paper's new slip- •drewing boards •prints ZOOM LENSIS $260 stick could put you days ahead. complete system •water colors •construction paper ONLY '10°° EXTRA •meiling tubes •portfolios •pedded envelopes HI FI BUYS •ert tissue •art books •tracing paper 1101 E. Grand River Phone 337-2310 •stencil The Disc Shop STUDENTi BOOK 323 E, Grand River 351-5380 STORr 114-111. MICH. AVE. 123 Mastercharge • 30 - 60 - 90 days • BankAmericard 421-27 EAST GRAND RIVER AVENUE BankAmehicard Liquid Paper Corporation 332-9069 SS M ft* itiri doers: Mmflifi. ||||N si fruit t ie s eo j m umiV, n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, February 22, 1972 9 sTATE NEWS CLASSIFIED New In Town? Get A Place To Live Quickly Read . . . Todays Classified Ads! The State News does not Employment FRANKLY SPEAKING tyPhilFmnl, permit racial or, For Sale Personal Service religious OREAM JOB. Teach discrimination in its methods used in make - up ROCK 'N' ROLL. Make your PREGNANT? PANICKY? Consider FOR QUALITY service on stereos, Hjllywood for own advertising columns. The natural or high style looks. wall of sound. Fender Bassman the alternatives. Pregnancy TV's and recorders. THE STEREO State News will Training SHOPPE. 337-1300. C-2-29 not at our expense. with bottom. $175. Counseling. 372-1560. 0-2-29 ■gSS*--. accept Money is Fender advertising which good if you're ambitious. Can lead to executive Bandmaster with bottom, $150. SPRING BREAK discriminates against Sunn Solaris amp complete, $150. WATERBEDS FROM $9.99. 0 Parts & service religion, WOODARD COSMETICS position. VIVIANE All three units are housebroken Guaranteed. Direct from factory. BAHAMAS $159 race, sex, color lyiation or national subsidiary of General Foods and in good shape. Call DUE Call 351-0908. Drive a little save a ACAPULCO $219 Iployment origin. 351-6623. 0-21-2-29 EAST, 349-3831. 3-2-22 HAWAII Weekly flights to London, $149. $269 IR BENT BABYSITTER WITH own WOLLENSAK STEREO Tape «artment$ transportation. Monday and Recorder, 17 tapes, accessories, Wednesday, 11:30-2:30, 1 child $150. Call 332-1285. 3-2-23 PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITURE only. 484-8639. 3-2-22 in a relaxed, informal atmosphere. INCOME TAX SERVICE. $4.50. Call Automotive WIRE FRAMES? Many styles - Call to find out about our great 355-4979 between 1 - 4:30 p.m. iR SALE EXPERIENCED BEAUTY operator White or yellow gold at OPTICAL prices. 351-1767, 10 a.m. to 10 3-2-23 Liimals 1970 FIAT 850 Spider, good full time, MARTINS HAIR DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan p.m. x-5-2-22 labile Homes condition, best offer, 351-1151 FASHION, East and 351-3758 after 6 332-4522. 3-2-22 Lansing, Awenue, 372-7409. C-5-2-25 VOLUNTEER MUSICIANS needed Typing Service - g, Found p.m. 10-3-6 for audition for horns, sax, drums, Irsonal JEEP CJ-5 warn hubs and overdrive. NURSES RN-LPN. Roselawn Manor COLE'S BAKERY electric guitar for Black music COMPLETE THESES service. Tnuts personal New tires, metal top, rust proofed, Nursing Home, 707 /Vmstrong TUESDAY ONLY SPECIAL. 4 show. For more information call Discount printing. IBM typing and Ial estate plus amphibious excellent condition. trailor both $1500. Call Road has positions available. time 3-11:30 p.m. shift. Full or Full loaves Home-Style white bread, $1.00 at our bakery foods 355-4606. 353-3310, 353-7326 or 332-0211 (evenings only!. 3-2-24 binding of theses, resumes, publications. Across from campus. {creation 355-2986. 5-2-25 part time 11 p.m. - 7:30 a.m. concession. MEIJER THRIFTY Corner M.A.C. and Grand River, Lice shift. Excellent salaries and benefits. Apply in ACRES, Okemos, South Peanuts Personal below Jones Stationery Shop. Call COPYGRAPH MERCEDES BENZ 280-S 1970, air SERVICES, lyping Service conditioning, AM/FM radio, Mrs. Swan, person or call 393-5680, Personnel. Pennsylvania, West Saginaw Road. 337-1666. C-2-29 Lsportation 34,000 miles, 332-6250. 3-2-24 5-2-24 KROGER, Frandor, Logan Center, 4002 West Saginaw 1721 , MARILYN, CONGRAT'S on No. 2 Visit RABORN'S RAZORS ACU'sl Right on to No. 1 at kNTED North Grand River. C-2-2-22 at OLDSMOBILE 1965. 9 passenger, SEVERAL SALES positions available i deadline Vista Cruiser, automatic, V-8 for individuals who want to earn W GREEK THING T TWATS EITHER Eastern.Love, E LJ. 1-2-22 EDGE EAST YAMAHA 12 string, $100. Gibson I one class day before $400. Call 332-6440, Mark. 4-2-25 better than average income. Call VERY NEW CHEESE OR VERY OLD ES-330 with case, $250. Real Estate Hair Styles for men Ication. _ 489-9370. 5-2-25 353-7437. 3-2-23 2828% E. Grand River PLYMOUTH FURY 1966. $400, t||8tions/Corrections Standard stick shift, 60,000 miles OVERSEAS JOBS for students. ®l*mYSFEAKIHk/MtS&/ E.WMNAMM. SONY T.C. 630, Brand newl Own PRESQUE ISLE Heights. $600 down and take over payments. Lot 177, 371-4570 Australia, Europe, South ■ noon one class day 882-4845. 3-2-24 America, Africa, etc. All echo unit built in. $325. Pie - shaped. 655-3391. 5-2-24 DISSERTATIONS, THESES, term "e publication. PONTIAC professions and occupations, $700 Microphones and everything papers. Expert typist with degree FIREBIRD. 1967. included. Can be seen, 731 in phone O/erhead cam, 3 speed. $600. Call - $3000 monthly. Expanses paid, For Rent For Rent Burcham Drive, /yjt. 302A, after 22 TO 235 acres North, South, East English. IBM. 351-8961. 0-2-29 882-5241. 2-2-22 overtime, sightseeing. Free or West of Lansing. For details on 6 p.m. 3-2-23 information. Write, JOBS our fine selection of farms and TYPING THESES and letters, etc. TRIUMPH 2000, 4 door sedan, 1967. OVERSEAS, 15071, San Dept. 02, Box Apartments Rooms Animals vacant lands call Doug Pews or John Rapid accurate service. Experienced. 393-4075. C-2-29 Diego, California Grey. 372-5512. PROGRESSIVE Triumph economy and roadability 92115. 10-2-24 REALTY. BL 2-24 MSU AREA, Okemos. 1 plus 4 door family convenience. and 2 OKEMOS. VERY SILVE RPOINT SIAMESE, 3 males, 1 ANN BROWN: bedroom quiet, own Typing and multilith Low mileage, good tires, body. furnished and female, 6 weeks old, litter trained, EAST bedroom, no lease. $80 / month, LANSING, by owner, 3 offset printing. Complete service $695. Webberville, 521-3902. For Rent unfurnished, modern, air - had first shot. 489-3490. 1-2-22 deposit and references. 694-8335. bedrooms, walking distance to for dissertations, theses, x-3-2-24 conditioned, carpeted, heat 5-2-28 TV AND furnished. 349-1607. 11-2-29 campus,$24,500 .332-3784. 4-2-25 manuscripts, general typing. IBM. STEREO rental, satisfaction guaranteed. Free POODLE, WHITE standard male, 4 22 years experience. 349-0850. VOKSWAGE N SQUAREBACK, months, housebroken, AKC, $70. C-2-29 sunroof 1965. Rebuilt engine. delivery, service and pick up. No ONE MAN for 4 man apartment; for For Sale 393-6530. 2-2-23 Recreation Must sell, or trade for motorcycle. deposit. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C spring term. Phone 332-2129, Call 353-1874. 3-2-24 355-7569. 4-2-23 KENWOOD KR-4140 AM/FM stereo DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES BAHAMAS $119. Nassau or receiver. Dual 1215 automatic sponsored by Student Freeport. Call Bill Janz, 337-9525. .00 S.00 13.00 26.00 VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER 1967, Apartment& SINGLE MAN to share East Lansing, turntable. TEAC A-20 stereo Veterinarians Wives starting March BL 4-2-25 SAVE SAVE SAVE including all factory built in very deluxe, 2 bedroom, 4 man, cassette deck. New Electro - Voice 30. Call Mrs. Dykehouse 646-6456 XEROX COPYING - offset - - best 75 10.00 1 6.2 5 32.50 furnished townhouse. $67.50. speakers 25% off list. CAMERAS, camping gear, and pop-top. Call before 6 p.m. or Mrs. Dries TV, HI-FI repairs, recorders, radios. quality at reasonable prices. THE 675-5396 after 5 p.m. 4-2-25 485-1265 or 351-0790, 5-2-22 SLR'S, view finders. Polaroids, 337-2014 after 6 p.m. B-4-2-24 Dependable, low rates. Clip and COPY SHOPPE, 541 East Grand KStudent Services Bldg. projectors, and equipment. Used save. 351-6680. B-1-22 River. Phone 332-4222. C-2-29 VOLKSWAGEN 1964. New starter, TWO GIRLS needed to sublease ONE OR two bedroom furnished color and black and white TV sets. GOLDEN I student ads must be regulator, battery, plugs. Good spring term, across from campus. mobile homes. $25 - $35 / week. Used stereo amps, tuners, RETRIEVER weeks old, AKC. Shots, wormed. pups, 10 PAINTING INTERIORS. It costs no ipaid body, tires. Clean. $425 or offer. 351-5708. 4-2-25 Ten minutes to campus. receivers, turntables, speakers, 8 - $125 each. 349-9265. 5-2-22 more to have the best. Free 484-9254. 1-2-22 track and cassette, home decks estimates. Grad students. } sate Newi will be ONE TO four men needed spring and carplayers. Used 8 - track AFGHAN PUPPIES, 18 champions in 349-4817. C niibte only for the VOLVO 1968, 144S. 4 - door term. Cedar Village, reduced rates. tapes, $2 each. Stereo albums, bloodline. A.K.C. Near Battle d«y'» incorrect automatic. Top condition. 27,800 351-5338. 5-2-28 typewriters, wall tapestries. Police Creek. 616-731-5266. 3-2-22 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Theses, miles. Evenings. 351-8312. 5-2-28 band radios,ice skates. WILCOX term papers. IBM, carbon ribbon. SUBLET, 2 'bedroom, unfurnished, SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East GERMAN SHEPHE RD pups. Not Math / Greek symbols. Best rates. CAPITOL VILLA. Sublet spring / activities building, outdoor pool, Michigan Avenue. 8-5:30 p.m., registered, $25. 487-5866, no Call 351-4619. 0-2-29 Scooters & Cycles $185 including utilities, plus summer. 2 bedroom unfurnished, Monday - Saturday. 485-4391. anMver 332-0443. ask for Gordon. ptool. After 6 p;m. 332-2908. Bank Americard, MasterCharge, TVPWJG JERM pepers and theses. deposit. Phone 694-0769. 3-2-24 5-2-25 Automotive 4-2-25 Leyaway, terms, trades. C Electric typewriter. Past service. 1970, 650 TRIUMPH. Luggage rack / BURCHAM WOODS. One 2 bedroom *,16-2-29 helmet. Excellent condition. Call Mobile Homes |N HEALEY Sprite 1963.. 485-3082. 3-2-24 furnished apartment available ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL: Beanbag v paint, no rust, or chairs, $10; Fitted waterbed immediately. Heat paid, $180. To ROYCRAFT, 10' x 44', Lot 56. Mint condition. New SUZUKI 1966 X-6, 2 helmets, 250cc, June 15 or Sept. 15. 351-3118, if NEED ONE girl spring / summer. sheets, $5; with purchase of any Excellent. $2500. Can refinance Wanted I. 500 bills. 393-7574, unit. best offer. Call 641-4272 agter 6 no answer, 484-4014. 6-2-29 REBIRTH, 309 North Must sell. 6726 South Washington, SPRING BREAK Hawaii, $269; k 32-22 New 3 - man, 2 bedroom. Call - DRUMMER NEEDS work. Seven p.m. 5-2-25 after 5 p.m. 351-2183. 3-2-24 Washington, 489-6168. 0-6-2-25 Lansing, 349-3636. 2-2-23 Acapulco, $189; Bahamas, $159; ONE GIRL for large 2 years experience. Rock preferred. - man spring Ring STUDENTOURS, 129 |NHEALEY .... Sprite 1969. MOVING. MUST sell. Washer/dryer, 484-4234. 3-2-23 term. Negotiable. 351-1562. ACTIVE 12'x 60'on lot. 15 minutes East Grand River, 351-2650. >, good condition, $850. Aviation 3-2-24 GIRL NEEDED for two - man. Rant electric range, complete living from MSU, furnished, washer, C-2-29 free through February. Close. dryer, [042.3-2-23 Rent reduced. 351-4932, room suite, lawn mower and lawn disposal. Must sell. 646-6344 after DANCE BAND; straight music; for lELAIRE. Air conditioning. LEARN TO training. FLYI All Complete flight courses are 339-2310. 1-2-22 tools. 371-1607. 5-2-25 5:30 p.m. 10-2-22 SPANISH entire Resort. summer at Lake Contact H.L. Weiss. 70 Michigan Jl over payments. 332-6416 government and VA certified. PIONEER SX-770 Garrard 55B RIVIERA North Shore Drive, South Haven, »4p.m. 3-2-23 FRANCIS AVIATION. Airport 3rd GIRL for 1 bedroom apartment. Lost & Found Michigan 49090. 637-4701. NEEDED, amplifier, turntable. Best offer. Write Road. Call 484 1324. C-2-29 GIRL, Immediate No deposit. $50 plus utilities. One March 19 to 27th 332-2061. 5-2-25 or call. 3-2-23 occupancy and/or spring term. block. 351-7531. 1-2-22 LOST: VICINITY North Harrison 8 days & 7 nights 351-5997. 5-2-25 3M COPY machine, model 107. Like CHICAGO A uto Service & Parts WANTED 1 2 girls or couple. between Michigan and Grand - RIDERS needed. - or new. Ideal for small business. Must February 25 and s209 River. Black, brown, and white return February Air • conditioned, no lease. sell immediately. 27. 351-2457. 1-2-22 Call after 3 Beagle Bassett. Female, one year FOREIGN CAR Parts CHEQUERD |CAMPER, 1959. Two beds, - Liberals preferred. 489-6501, p.m., IV4-2240. 5-2-23 old. If found, please call its, many extras. $800. FLAG, 2605 East Kalamazoo leave number. 3-2-24 Jet, Accomd. in Luxury Apts. 351-3513. 3-2-24 "11.2-2-22 Street, 1 mile west of campus. breakfasts, parties, etc. i panel 1964. Runs great, 'W 487-5055. 6 2-29 GUARANTEED 1 LOVE S r na Spring term term. Close. ^ 1fi07 351-1607. AMP-JORDAN BASS. "*** 4 tim0S' $10°- 625-7071. 3250 Solid State LOST: MEN'S watch G.L.R. Reward. Call 332-8696. engraved, PHONE BOB 351 - 1304 LINDA 332-4282 - repair. 3-2-24 52-24 RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at ASK ABOUT TRIPS TO Okemos Road. 349-9620. C-2-29 CEDAR tiain , mam TioT- f . r„P Zh • „ / SYMPHONIC STEREO, 3 months °'d. AM/FM, band. $130. Personal HAWAII AND JAMAICA JNRM0N2A, 1965. Excellent MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East LZny air. 351 5785 BL1 2 22 $2° C8" EUROPE: SUMMER '72. Round trip "condition. K, weekdays. 3-2-24 Carl, Kalamazoo Street. Complete auto . . Since 1940. painting and VILLAGE V ■ mm Kh ■* HAVE FUN upholstering - Make money. Learn at THE jets from $219. STUDENTOURS 129 East Grand River, 351-2650 68, 442. Dark green, collision service . IV5-0256. °LhER hTN!wD share bath, VS utilities paid. No lesse.1 JAVELIN ctor, - in skils - 200 cm; hi„rfirw«. sa' UPHOLSTERY SHOP. 485-2612 about classes. 5-2-24 C-2-29 USE YOUR C-2-29 They'll be leasing (vinyl top, white interior, 4 ' for Summer & Fall 351-1406 after 5 p.m. 2-2-23 He^^r$270nn^^ZsS>; SUPPORT YOUR business with a MASTER CHARGE • 623-6150, Dansville. sacrifice for $130. 485-9745. LADIES NEEDED Employment starting Wednesday, FURNISHED, 2 bedroom, sublease. 3"2"24 boost from Want Ads. Advertise services there. Dial 355-8255. AT THE STATE NEWS March 1. ASES 17 to 50 BABYSITTER NEEDED. 10:30a.m. ^WINDOW " Van, excellent - 2 p.m., 5-10:30 p.m. East Compliments of John Rohe $r759489032m6e5 2^8 SP8rr°W' $175- 489-0326. 5-2-28 TEAC A"24 Stereo cassette deck. 5 month$ o|(J $12g 351.1151 LEARN TO EARN! customized. 372-1015, Lansing. Male or female. Call 332-0618. 3-2-24 Apt. 642 5-2-28 CROSSWORD Cedar Village Office ONE GIRL needed to sublet spring limited. 1,1 '967. Six 351 - 5180 term. New Cedar Village. Call SCHVYINN 10 - speed man's bicycle. Current full and parttime jobs PUZZLE BABYSITTING WITH infants. Light 351-9423 after 5 p.m. 5-2-23 available to those trained in ACROSS - cylinder, stick. Bogue St. Good condition. $50. Call Vflood condition. $650. housekeeping. Own transportation 349-9374.3-2-24 keypunching and keyverifying. 1. Copies 31. (iTNiisI «54.3-2-24 to Haslett. 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. weekly. References. 339-2026. at the Cedar ONE GIRL needed for 3 - man spring 5. Rabble 8. Solid 33. 35 EEkS! I F,stbac'< Coupe. 26,000 5-2-28 FURNISHED STUDIO for 1 or 2. m. Evenings, 351-3819. 5-2-22 KLH-11, $110. Both excellent Enroll now to learn this good 11. Army meal Parking. $32.50 week. Ski Tcsm „n-»now flj\ battery, engine heater, per Includes utilities. 251 Spartan condition, new 1971. 351-1405. paying skill at SPARTAN KEY PUNCH ACADEMY 12. Shoulders 36. WOMEN OR girls, 18 or over for Individual ,men's Alpj J*ndovyBeautiful defrost. Excellent Avenue. 332-6078. 5-2-25 Houses 2-2-23 instruction and free job 14. Main 38. 100 easy, pleasant work in our office. thoroughfare 40. ,o on tM'1 body $875 placement assistance. Call Phone 332-2094, before No experience necessary. RjII or EAST A GOOD MATTRESS and box spring 16. Sadiron 42. 20 poundsl TWO GIRLS, needed spring term for LANSING, duplex, carpeted, 2 393-8615 for more information. 'P.m. 4-2-25 part time, days or evenings. for double bed, $25. 372-8396 17. Therefore 44. i right • Waters Edge Apartments. bedroom, full basement. Excellent pay. Apply in person Appliances included. 1 block from 18. Sworn promise 45. mornings, evenings, 372-0321. The M'"J lre only, 4980 Northwind Drive. 351-4806.3-2-23 campus. Married only, child 5-2-28 20. Athletic 47. 5. Weaverbird ,1 food K'j under 25 4-2-25 NEED ONE man for 3-man. The welcome. $210 / month. APPOINTMENTS MADE, or just building 6. Bovine drop in, 355-3359. UNION VlpKl'H 'you drive BABYSITTER - HOUSEKEEPER. 3 Chalet, 2 blocks from campus, 349-9675 or 349-0560. 4-2-25 SHOP AND compare! consistent record prices in town. Lowest BUILDING BARBER SHOP. 21. Lawful 23. Sweetsop 50. 7. 8. Inlet Manufacturer's slormal enefj days per week. One 2 year old $79/month. Call Dave or Cindy, MARSHALL MUSIC. 245 Ann C-1-2-22 25. Electric 52. motto ^ importanj ",u 1 icm child. Pleasant home in Okemos. 332-6197 about Apt. No. 20. WANTED, GIRL. Large Room, Street. C-1-2-22 current 53. 9. Effortless keep expert. 349-3827 after 5 p.m. 2-2-23 2-2-22 furnished, no lease. Close $52 plus FREE A lesson in complexion 26. Expensive 10.Abound dlatj ... ie the utilities. Pets welcome. 489-1345 care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan It's a diet tj lY should you NEEDED: PART time office help. 1 GIRL needed for four-man spring evenings. S-3-2-22 SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. Brand or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. 28. Bus Stop" author 54 13. Behold 15. Repetition whether n term. $55/month includes new portables, $49.95. No experience necessary. Work MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS at home. 1 $5.00 per month. Large selection r- 3- 4 s 7 6 9 IO 19. Weed a nastiy.J to pay evenings 6-9 p.m. Call 351-3701 after 6 p.m. for more information. utilities. Horse, animals welcomed. 393-4545 evenings. 3-2-23 ' ONE PERSON for liberal house. Own room, carpet. Close to campus. of reconditioned used machines. STUDIOS. C-2-24 " li % 13 21. Varnish ifui Women'! 1 di,t-'] lra for your 2-2-23 APARTMENT: LUXURY 2 man, $81.25, plus deposit. 351-9191. 5-2-22 Singers, Home and Whites, Necchis, New "many others", $19.95 SOME GALL! Although gallstones have %iS \6 ingredient 22. Pastoral poem permitted! furnished, sublet for spring term, to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS 24.Prong PART TIME employment with NEAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. plagued people for some 27. Askew right off campus. Call 337-1565. FRANDOR. 16 U.S. s*1 T,J 'insurance? merchant wholesaler. required; phone Automobile 351-5800 BL 2-22 Quiet share house. Carpeted, dishwasher. girl to 1115 N. Washington, 489-6448. time, turning them into jewelry has just recently <7 19 % 20 29. Small bomb the scie«"j $95. 489-1551.3-2-24 C-3-2-24 21 11 iA m 30. Thousands of *Jentr'y Insurance SOCIETY C-3-2-23 CORPORATION. IMMEDIATELY: ONE girl for 4 girl, Cedar Village, Call 351-8424. Rooms 100 USED vacuum cleaners. Tanks, become a new and profitable business. 2s 26 17 2ft % years 32. Nacreous u°s. ar>d compare BUSINESS AND MARKETING 3-2-23 canisters and uprights. Guaranteed You don't have to pawn 51 34. Italian wine full year. $7.88 and up. % one center MAJORS. Wearever Aluminum ROOMS, SINGLES AND DOUBLES. your gallstones to get extra eit 20 P"" ritoday' Tl j n Incorporated opening new office DESPERATELY NEEDED one girl Cooking facilities. Utilities paid. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. cash! Good things you have 16 37 & 3V 37. Maine's senator Sakowski In for two man apartment. Call Call 372-8077. C-2-29 around your East Lansing. Need new Opposite City Market. C-3-2-24 house that you 351-4339. 3-2-23 HO Ml si M4 39. Social call personnel to fill it. Call Mr. AKOS 0 l(n i» o-H 8^6-1930 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. or 10 p.m. to QUIET, CLEAN room. Mala student. No parking or cooking. Close. 2 E.T. Mai no longer use, dollars in your pocket when can mean % if % % 40. Zenith 41. Make muddy NEED ONE girl to sublet spring Me 10:30 p.m. 351 7319. C term, Waters Edge. 337-2257. 351-1754 after 7 p.m. or 351-3439. 1-2-22 you use State News Classified Ads. Just dial 355-8255 for a % 51 Si 43. Discordant 46. Soldier 5 2-25 x NEATLY GROOMED male or to ikil 10" 1 0**1 SENTRY famale, week end work, must be ovar 21 and have a drivers license. SUBLET. TWYCKINGHAM, 3 man, ADULT - QUIET, close, 2 rooms. USED BOOKS. 15,000 • 10c each. friendly Ad Writer. She'll help you word your ad for % 4M % « 48.Phosgene 49. Smalt cyst „m D»IJ SUHANCE Capital City Airport. 489-0710. 5-2-22 $225/month. 351 1285 after 5 p.m. 5-2-25 share bath. Parking. $24. 663-8418.3-2-24 SA»-E. 2-2-23 669-9311. TWO DAY fast action. Do it today! 51. Peacock butterfly 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tucsd;laV, Febru Profs awarded grants . »r- . . i /% n xt a * ...... for cancer study By TONI PELLILLO can now synthesize RNA molecules in the laboratory, we biochemist said. the host. To test this phase, tumor - 1 hope to cells will hf> State News Staff Writer study the effects of the modification in cell-free systems." Rottman said the research will be in three phases. The first will both before and after platinum ^cted j„ In essence, the research will revolve before the treatment should be the treatment -n' The National Cancer Institute recently announced separate around a naturally concentrate on assessing the extent of chemical modification in onw'in l n,,ce iniw research grants totalling $108,025 to a pair of MSU scientists for occurring modification that can be mimicked in the laboratory maligiiant cells versus normal cells. The second phase will involve growth, Aggarwal explained. "ave the tn„ he added. The study will also test the biochemical and inorganic studies of cancer. studying what the modificaton is doing in terms of the biological hypothesis that th„. Rottman explained that by Fritz M. Rottman, associate professor of biochemistry, was the understanding how a cell expresses properties of the RNA. The final phase will be an attempt to more sensitive to the destructive action nf „i !! tum°Hii certain gene potentials, the mechanism 1 —ii »i piatinum ti recipient of a $92,705 three-year grant and Surinder Aggarwal, behind understanding define the enzymatic machinery responsible for RNA normal cell tissue. cancer growth will be furthered. modification. Both research teams will submit associate professor of zoology, received $15,320 for a two-year theirr results Scientists agree that cancer cells have the same to 8c study. genetic- Using synthetic molecules in studying the RNA modification is journals for publication. potential as normal cells. The difference is that unique method in cancer research, Rottman said. MSU will provide the lab facilities Flottman's six-man research team will be involved in what he something has a and some nr.* gone amiss in the control mechanisms, AggarwaPs project involves the study of an inorganic chemical with the costs covered by the research termed "basic studies" concerning the control of genetic causing rapid necessary, eW[ "uncontrolled growth" due to something scientists have expression through selective stabilization or degredation of RNA not yet upon a tumorous growth. Furthering the 1969 discovery of Rottman has been a professor hero ' s.iPenmbers include Rep. Marth Colorado and the Smokey Mountains Brown will speak on the Michigan fVntpr- Center; I.ihrarv Library, directors directors nffirp- office; Business Career from 7 to 10 Night will be held tonight on the second over spring break at 7 p.m. today in presidential primary and the coming Dept. of Television and Radio, Griffiths, asst. D-Detroit; Samuel 116 Natural Science Bldg. electior 322 Union; the theater box Corl professor of floor Union. All interested students areinvited. The College of Business The Christian office in Fairchild and the departmental offices of English secondary education and cumculum and Harry Hall FROM $9.99 Undergraduate Counselor for Organization will meet a Rapid and Efficient Reading freshmen and sophomores will hold and history. Michigan State Chamber of classes will be held from 8 a.m. to 5 office hours from I to 5 p.m. todya in 34 Union. All a Movies in the showing Commerce president. BUY DIRECT FROM FACTORY . Monday through Friday in 204 Tuesdays and Thursdays and from The Chess Club will meet at 7 Registration will begin at 9 Bessey Hall. include Fields', "The Fatpl Glass a.m. A $5 fee will be charged 3 p.m. Fridays in 315 Eppley p.m. Wednesday in the West Shaw ting room. Please bring sets. of Beer," Chaplin's "Tillie's students and a $8 fee charged to GUARANTEED /'/">»"■ ."*•>/-iwwfl The Horticulture Club welcomes Punctured Romance," and nonstudents. Ms. Griffiths will We've moved to The Packaging Society will Laurel and all to a meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday r Joint Issue number 4 is out. Pick Hardy's "Way Out speak at 10 a.m. and then at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in in 209 Horticulture Bldg. Migrant , West." participants will retire to small workers' point of view will be International Center. Nonmembers «P * «>py at our advertiser,, workshop sessions. discussed. are invited. Proceeds will be used to help A 12:45 p.m. luncheon is also 1649 Greencrest Ave. The MSU Railroad Club will meet The Individual Swim Meet i ;30 establish a film library for the scheduled. at 7:30 p.m. Thursday will be open to all ail Big ten schools and the There will be a dinner for East Visitors p.m. today in 31 Union. students. Call the IM Sports Dept. for University of Chicago. The afternoon program will include panel (corner o f llusli Complex MSU Volunteers at 5:30 information. Deadline for entry is a on community Owen Urotlierton p.m. today in the Hubbard 1966 Tickets "Tommy" are f >r on the rock opera sale at the Union, noon Wednesday. • representative ami lln^ulort Marshall Music ind Campbells. St. folkdancing Johns Student for Parish beginners offers at 8 Campus Action Bible study will There will be a meeting of all Scope Volunteers at 7:30 p.m. the east Room Wednesday in the Bolunteer Bureau, tonight at 327 MAC welcome. Ave. All are meet at 9:30 tonight in the Oak Room, Union. Please attend if possible. Tuesday's Feature Dinner ::'7F5. 11 meet MSU Students for McGovern will at 8 STUFFED FLANK STEAK 3.00 tonight in 35 Union. All succulent herb There it $tanp*, ji& members should attend, especially dressing i hap imagined it.' oh those interested in becoming precinct soup or juice miss salad sk)eet5t0ry, i've ' delegates. found you at last i two vegetables dessert There will be a meeting for computer users, sponsored by the beverage Operation Advisory Subcommittee, Use Alle/entrance or fourth level of at 7:30 p.m. today in 402 Computer ramp for direct access. Center. Dinner and cocktails served until 9:00 p.m. A panel of four from Provincial when 5he answers the poor, i'll remove my 006 House Inc. Nursing Home chair will speak on Aging in America at 7 p.m. Jacobson's plfsh at if it loere a hat, today in 30 Union. i'll bou) and in a very p16n1f1ep manner i'll 5ay MOOSUSKI goes WEST! Spend Spring Break with us In Aspen or Steamboat Springs. Take the train or fly (members Brilliant, Compassionate, Inliirinliiuj, Convincing- only). Sign up by Wed., Feb. 23. More Info, available In Room 240 Men's IM 353 - 5199. "(Dr. Weinberg's] book might be consid¬ -CUT OUT AND SAVE' ered liberal, but it is really revolutionary, once its basic assumptions have been ac¬ cepted, as they must easily be. Logic, humaneness and imagination are all on Scfcmfls his side." - GERMAINE GREER, Author, The Female Eunuch "Dr. Weinberg is the only therapist I know who has taken the trouble to learn how to write; as a result, he is a pleasure to read. What's more, in Society and the Healthy Homosexual Dr. Weinberg has something very important to say to everyone, no mat¬ LANSING MALL MERIDIAN MALL ter what his sexual preferences are. I think MILLER, Author Presents for Your Dining Pleasure $5.95 at your local bookstore, or from STPs' Sl. 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All coupon and I Baked Swiss Steak OPEN SUNDAY 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Evening Specials include roll, butter and beverage and a choice of two of the following: salad, potato, vegetable, dessert. 1 CUT AND SAVE | M.nl 16: 570 University Hall, Univ. of Cut, H'1'