5 MSII WRESTLERS WIN By Grapplers GARYSCHARRER State News Sports (134) won foruth place honors and Mark have qualified them also. roll Writer Maliey (i50) and Greg Zindel (177) the consolation matches but was pinned by BLuOMINGTON, Ind. finished fifth. Johnson, the Spartan 'little mighty Northwestern's Andre Allen in the third - MSU't MSU clinched the mite,' won his third conference title and wrestling dynasty was tested by conference championship after place battle. the semifinal matches and was voted the teams at the Big Ten tourney's "outstanding Tom Milkovich, brother of Pat, won this wrestling tournament finished with 95 here Friday and points. Iowa, expected to be the wrestler." He pinned his first Spartans' two third Big Ten title by Saturday, but the opponents, won a 16 defeating defending powerful Spartans biggest threat, placed second with 62 • 3 semifinal decision 142 pound champion Bill Willets of fought orf all points and and then defeated U M's Jim Brown, 9 - - challenges en route to their seventh University of Michigan was - Indiana, 8 - 0. Milkovich reached the finals consecutive third with 56 points. 4, for the championship. Big Ten title. Pat by winning 4 - 3, 10 • 4, and 8 - 1 The Spartans advanced seven "Winning the championship for the Milkovich, a Maple Heights, Ohio decisions. to the wrestlers seventh time freshman looked as impressive as is championship matches and merged seven first time," Spartan Coach times as good as the wrestler in the tournament. He wrestled any Willets was 19 - U this season as he with five individual entered the titlists. Greg Johnson said after MsU had Grady Peninger three matches, championship bout with (118), Pat Milkovich been crowned winning 16 - 1, 6-0, and Milkovich, who has never lost to a Big Ten Malecek (126), Gerald champion. "Winning never gets boring." blanked Minnesota's Jeff (16/), and heavyweight Ben Lewis in the finals. Lamphere, 4 - 0, opponent. Milkovich moved up to the 142 won titles for MSU. The Spartans qualified division this for the national eight wrestlers Calander was seeded No.l in the 134 season and his shutout over Rick Radman meet, and Peninger added Willets the second in the JOHNSON (158) and Dave Ciolek he was disappointed that pound division but was upset in the - was (190) took second places, Conrad Maliey and Zindel championships matches. Both shutouts Calander did not finish a semifinal round on a place higher that would pin by Steve Wessman were scored by the Milkovich brothers _£f_Minnesota. . Calander advanced through (Please turn to page six) Thai s . . . MICHIGAN Monday . . . celebrate Magha Puja today fATE MEWS which commemorates the gathering of 1,250 before Lord STATE Cloudy Buddha without prior summons. UNIVERSITY . cent . . and windy with a 40 per chance of precipitation. High of 40 degrees. East Lansing, Michigan U.S., IANGHAI (AP) - With both sides Peking affirm Chou En-lai announced no one-China' stands [rearing any attempt to dominate agreement on Indochina, but the United States foresaw world," President Nixon told a banquet [the United States and China agreed the withdrawal of all its forces "in the marking the official end of his visit. proposals for peaceful unification and its established to end the war over Bangladesh basis. ly to move ahead toward peaceful absence of a negotiated settlement." The communique, more detailed than stand Command. for the removal of the UN in December. While the communique went into ktence and the aim of keeping peace These and other elements many people had expected, was in effect in The two powers announced no move many details, the history of high-level talks [world. a 1,750-word communique emerged from three sections. Part of it told of the things * India-Pakistan: Both sides agreed that toward establishment of diplomatic between nations is that the sides Ly affirmed there can be only one what the two governments wanted summing up both sides could agree upon, such as more India and Pakistan should withdraw relations, but the United States announced reduce everything to don't [ and President Nixon promised the about the intensive talks their known . cultural exchanges and trade. its readiness to assign a "senior U.S. writing. This leaves U States will move toward leaders held the United States Separately, military forces from cease-fire lines the possibility of certain understandings to removing all last week. gave its stand on some representative to Peking" on a part-time be disclosed in later (forces from Taiwan. He years. and Premier "This was the week that changed the issues, and China gave its viewpoint. With both sides saying they wish to ?x bios reduce the danger of war, "Neither they added: should seek hegemony in Blacks reveal grieva the Asia-Pacific region and each is to the efforts of opposed any other country or group of countries to establish sucn hegemony." red of open "Hegemony" means the predominating authority. In brief, here is the way communique spoke of some of the assertion of the a before MSU-lowa game Women's Commission, women with main issues: By CRISPIN Y. CAMPBELL By&A. SMITH complaints against athletic funding and Coalition of Black Athletes, the Black • Taiwan: The United States does not State News Staff Writer State News Staff Writer Veteran's Assn., Black Liberation Front sundry Individual situations and objections. More than 100 MSU black In university campuses women tend A major charge against the challenge the premise that mainland students, International (BLF1), various * black hall I 'invisible.' Though they perform in a University Chinese and those on Taiwan maintain members of the Black Coalition Council, which was levied repeatedly caucuses and other concerned black against MSU there is one China and that the island of demanded accountability for expenditure Later Riddle commented that the [lym named professional manner, they are to positions of leadership, by both students and faculty is the lack of Taiwan is part of China. The U.S. of funds, academic quality, admissions groups. In the statement, read presentation was initially scheduled to run role models for female students. by Sam Riddle, no more than five minutes but the government wants a peaceful settlement by practices and the hiring and firing practices Flint senior and BLFI member, the Council constant positions littee leadership." of spokesmanship or to "Sheer absence of women in faculty of Chinese themselves and as tensions lessen of the University, at the opening moments called for: interference by officials and a booing administrative positions gives a silent but of the MSU-lowa basketball crowd caused the program to be extended in the area it will game Saturday • re assertion was put before the board powerful message to women students: That progressively withdraw its An end to the "waste" of the money to 45 minutes. tees military forces. The Chinese maintain that night in Jenison Fieldhouse. allocated to the various minority Friday by Mildred B. Erickson, it would be foolish and unrealistic to aim The Black programs late professor of American Thought the People's Republic is the sole legal Coalition Council, an of the University and a voice too high," said Barrie Thorne, asst. in the The statement defended the government of Taiwan and that the issue is outgrowth of the Regroup Phase 1 unity expenditures of these funds. suspended Language, the first person to testify at professor of sociology. Minnesota basketball players Ron Behagen tarings on women's status at MSU. an internal affair for China. meetings held earlier this term, represents a • A more open admissions In conjunction with the death of a • cross section of "progressive" black policy which and Corky Taylor, re-enforced the other persons listed grievances Indochina: Neither side seemed to will bring the MSU y substantial number of women in the higher students' organizations on campus, minority ratio of 7 per demands presented by the Coalition of omplaints, offered recommendations echelons of University operations was a give essential ground. The United states cent up at least to the state ratio of 15 including the black Greek per supported its proposals for elections groups, the cent. (Please |leaded with the board to rectify both charge that the women who are employed preceded by the resignation of President turn to page eight) id covert discriminatory practices at in faculty or administrative positions are The speakers, Nguyen Van Thieu, and a withdrawal of mostly women, . underpaid. U.S. forces. China reaffirmed td for six and one-half hours before A list of recommendations from support for Ms. the Viet oard and an audience that swelled to a Cong. Erickson, representing the Faculty • Japan: The United States reaffirmed a lot 300 at one point Friday afternoon Women's Assn., included: close friendship with the %e,iing. • Unbiased pay and promotion policies; have shown concern over the Japanese, who ie speakers • possible represented the faculty, Adequate representation in faculty, outcome of Nixon's visit to China. The ^'graduates, lied students, Chicano black women faculty, administrative and decision-making bodies; • Chinese reiterated opposition to "the students, Adequate retirement benefits; revival and outward expansion of I-time University • Japanese employes, Adequate benefits for part-time militarism." pi-technical employes, the Dept. of women employes; and • •y and Child Sciences, the • Korea: The United States expressed University Equal opportunities for women in the continued support for the South Koreans. >e academic advisers, the Michigan (Please turn to page eight) The Chinese said they favor North Korea's MlIASSELI CASE STUDIED Contract review slated By BARBARA PARNESS State News Staff Writer members. The procedures will be used for you should do it by amending the nontenured faculty members. The previously approved procedures," Wharton r University - administration scored a procedures will be used until the new told the trustees before the contract Tb"day in the case of Eileen R. Van faculty grievance document is passed. extension vote. asst. professor of natural science, Can Ion said the procedures, which ff e trustees The board rejected a motion voted to reconsider in make .he Tenure Committee the final by Blanche L mol'on giving a second one - year appeals body, have previously been Martin, D-East Lansing, to go through the T* extension to all administration's recommended appeal faculty members approved by the board of trustees. FJPPointed for fall 1971. Wharton urged the trustees to consider procedures step - by -step to consider r 4rd a'so unanimously Quiring the approved a tne "financial and procedural implications" changes. The motion was recommended by Wharton. lllack students protest faculty to have its of extending the contracts of these faculty ITK* Procedures ready for trustee members. Cantlon estimates that between The board also rejected a motion by Ms. Sam Riddle, Flint senior, (center with vtfiite slacks) led over 100 black students, members of the Black Coalition ■ if th . j1' understanding ten and twenty people would be affected. Carrigan to amend the administration's Council, onto the court at Jenison Fieldnouse Saturday night before the start of the MSU Iowa basketball ■dm/ dead,inc cannot be - met, the "You will in effect be recommendation to require a simple game. Kiddle read a saying that the statement protesting the suspension of Minnesota basketball players Ron Benagen and lliiBBnefu t0 (>onsider 0ther of procedures you already approved are no majority, rather than two - thirds, of the Corky Taylor and also demanding accountability of someone at the Bision" matter to prompt longer v did. If you want to change them, (Please turn to page eight) University for the handling of various minority programs involving both students and faculty. proved a motion earlier State News photo by Milton Horst Boint for l° E've facu,ty members not fall 1971( including Ms. ™iw lun>« m ih'„a St>cond ont> ■ year extension JtynL!01' u8 their w»y throu8h ■toUvi i Use ^e new grievance board voted to offer Board criticizes ■*«PDoin?Slrn,S K 'd forto fa» 8,1 faculty members By MICHAEL FOX Martin, D-East Lansing. Green and Thomas on or about Feb. 9, 1972, to charges of racial discrimination, but it 1971, and who State News Staff Writer Gunning, asst. director for minority Big Ten normal channels of due process. ' b,lt were Commissioner Wayne Duke; and denied, reasons for the does, •'recognize the historical excellence "Plaintiff's untimely actions pre-empted The board of trustees Friday officially counseling, and Joseph McMillan, director subsequent newspaper releases pertaining of the administration of conference criticized Robert Green, director of the of Equal Opportunity Programs, had to the the board from assisting in a manner the contract aforementioned," Thompson's policy." Voting against the resolution were which, in the opinion of the board, would Center for Urban Affairs, and two other charged in a Ffeb. 9 letter to Big Ten resolution states. E»lng f March 17 meeting came black MSU administrators for the methods Commissioner Wayne Duke that the Voting for Thompson's resolution trustees Patricia Carrigan; D-Ann Arbor, Don Stevens, D-Okemos, and Martin. have been appropriate to seek remedy for lt5ton I' pme"ts opposing the the three men used to charge the Big Ten conference was racist because it trustees Warren Huff, D-Plymouth; Clair were The resolution criticizes the three men alleged discrimination; however, the board H*ost j()h.,y fres'dent Wharton and athletic conference with racial discriminated against blacks in its official White, D-Bay City; Frank Merriman, for possibly appearing to be concedes, this would have deprived P611 the ioa Cant,on. The board discrimination. ranks and in support in financial aid to R-Deckerville, and Frank Hartman, behalf of MSU and it emphasizes that speaking on plaintiff of significant publicity. "latter an hour and a half- Trustee Kenneth Thompson, R-Grand black students. "The board urges discretion to those D-Flint. Green and the others do not Strath!"10 bt>r°re the board as "The board does not endorse the recent speak for the who would employ their stations within Rapids, introduced the resolution oitidzing Written in legal University. Stating that the University will f'C: ^"reaffirmation" r^fei r, or 0 interlm grievance Green and the two other administrators as a substitute motion for a pro • Green actions of Prof. Robert Green and associates, to wit — a press conference held resolution refer to Green. uses prose, Thomspon's the term "plaintiffs" to take grievances with the Big Ten through the on University to implicate the University a sensitive issue in an insensitive I r Gunning and McMillan. At the MSU Athletic Council, the board nontenured faculty resolution introduced by Trustee Blanche on or about Feb. 9, 1972; a letter written no time does it make a statement of the criticized Green and the others for ignoring (Please turn to page nine) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, Febi'niary 2j, news ASMSU awaits petition count By BECKIE HANES "There Is no kind of stall being made since, we want ample The petition containing nearly 3,500 State News Staff Writer referendum to decide on whether signatures i time to give the student body time to know the ramifications of ASMSU sh,,„.!?questi|i«» summary Petition signatures requesting a referendum on ASMSU's tax will not be verified until Tuesday afternoon, forcing the ASMSU the whole Issue," ASMSU chairman Harold Buckner said Sunday. If the referendum request is verified, ASMSU would have to student tax. cents per term. Presently, each undergraduate student CS» i The petitions are being checked to 1 18 taxed 5g , I From the wjre» of AP and UPI. board to postpone the usual Monday night night. meeting to Tuesday hold a referendum within 10 class days. The referendum would signatures there are and if these signatures are ^7* discover i. I be held by March 10 since the petition was presented to Buckner tax The Cafeteria. meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in Phillips Hall Thursday. A simple majority vote is required for approval of the - paying students. If the signatures total 10 full - time undergraduate student J? I li«e, I proposed amendment. on the tax. body, a refererX m wi"1 °f the I If the petitions are short a few beset I signatures Burim ELECTS 1972-73 OFFICERS would urge the board to still have would not be bound to have one. a referendum'even thhou8hm >* I "The board would be on they I shaky ground if they chose tn i "This board, in my view, has \ the issue, he said. 10 ignore I closed its eyes to its own polity; it has delivered a slap in the face to the black people of this COGS hikes The petitions propose an amendment to saying that the student board-has the duty and levy no tax or assessment of any nature." "If the referendum passes, the board ASMSU'c resDonS ... ^""bility "to | Utio11 I still has monev > By JANE SEABERRY Any graduate student is eligible for one of the no-interest with but would have to end or community and it has made a State News Staff Writer loans which must be repaid within 60 days. Brown said that as restructure all of its Legal Aid and Pop Entertainment since they woulri JL *" i sham of University policy." The Council of Graduate Students (COGS) during its weekly students had many reasons for borrowing money and, though an to make all these services free until k**?^ I Trustee Patricia Carrigan meeting Thursday raised the maximum allotment of graduate interview is required before receiving a loan, students are not the wording of the referendum money ran out ThU a I students loans from $100 to $250 because of the increased need obligated to disclose the purpose of the loan. Applications for nature. prohibiting an assessment' or , I any I of graduate students. loans may be obtained at the COGS office, 216 Student Services •We could «et around the awessment' Jere Brown, treasurer, noted that no defaults have been Bldg. donations for our services, but it would not thing if WP ^ . reported, though there have been four extensions on the loans. During a less heated discussion 1972-73 officers were chosen, of the items," Buckner said. "Even if we be practic"- Up ' make the s< Borrowing has been heaviest during registration period and funds with Robert Menson elected president. have always been available. The COGS graduate loan fund Other officers elected were Jo Lynn Cunningham, vice dubs and charge membership dues, this assessment." would still 'I*0' I I presently contains about $5,000, Brown said. Buckner said the petitions' submitters did president for University relations; Beth Andrus, vice president for to how the money was not seem to k I graduate welfare; Ken Howe, vice president for internal affairs; Tom Louis, recording secretary; Mary Lu Larson, corresponding appropriated, but objected to the they were being charged a tax. faff! II act th*t "I find it hard to believe that a student secretary, and Jere Brown, treasurer. of services from ASMSU," he said. Buckner hasn't gotten Sfium-i I Representing the Married Student's Union, Ed Terdal said that he fJh5 I j/raiTR itwmn presented a proposal seeking the backing of COGS to raise $400 average student at ASMSU paid an average of $6 in "All of the things ASMSU has been praised for in taxes to Mow I d3 I * for the Married Student's Union for the distribution of mailings the years are the cabinet services and this Itetaunmt 220 S Howard St./next to the x-way to on-campus and off-campus married students. Terdal said that the mailings would be used to inform married students of the importance and benefits of the union before the petitioning drive, would successfully destroy these services," The agenda committee meeting for amendment if Buckner said today was cancelled DaaJd I I I slated for spring term. Buckner said. "Everything will between Michigan and Kalanwoo meeting," he said. - probably come out at Tuesdavt ,s 1 The drive is aimed toward achieving a graduate student tax to "Since there was no justifiable reason for calling off the be used to establish the union on campus. The request originally meeting, the board will probably not send anything back for TALENT SHOW! set at ASMSU. $800 was reduced to $400 due to a $400 allotment from another week. They were displeased last week did not come out of agenda committee," Buckner when everythinf I said ■ Every Tues. Night. . . 8:00 to 11:30 Food - Drinks - Lots of Fun! (Auditions on Mon. Night - 8 p.m.) Dam collapses; over 50 TRIVIA NIGHT! Although he practiced back home, Richard Nixon watches to make sure he is Chou En-lai bends using his chopsticks correctly as Premier over in the Chinese manner with his at a If you you'll love like trivia and beer. Trivia DONT FORGET! Night! . dead in W.Virginia flood banquet Sunday in Shanghai. Thurs. Night. . . "The Norwood" . . . 8:30 - 11:30 MAN, W. VA. (AP) — A over the 16-mile hollow where water rushed down the valley of water, black with accumulm A five piece combo from MSU! rupture in an earthen dam that Saturday's flood waters Buffalo Creek Saturday coal dust, poured into BufbL caused a flash flood killing an virtually wiped out 14 morning. Between 1,500 and Creek and gathered momenta] estimated 50 persons or more Appalachian coal mining camps. 3,000 persons lived In the valley, as it surged down the nun came only about 90 minutes Moore said the death toll was The flood came after almost valley, after authorities had been estimated at "more than 50." three days of heavy rain when an assured that "everything's ok," Inhabitants had littfl State Police said the list of earthen dam holding back 15 to warning. Many who survived J at the dam, officials said persons whose whereabouts 18 acres of coal mine drainage so by fleeing to high groundn Sunday. could not tell how many of water broke at about 8 a.m. The the sides of the valley. A deputy sheriff said a ditch these were persons who had had been cut across the dam to survived the flood, but had relieve pressure on the structure become separated from their caused by the rain-swollen waters it backed up. families. Relatives and friends lined up Key te West Virginia Gov. Arch A. to try to identify bodies laid out Moore made a helicopter flight across in Man the floor of a gymnasium which was serving as in trial 7 temporary morgue. Only 10 HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - presidential adviser Henl bodTeWad"been ^Ttivel? ^ government's chief witness Klaringer identified by early Sunday at the Harrisburg 7 conspiracy Boyd Douglas Jr. disaj afternoon trial comes out of hiding this 13*4 months ago, immediat Survivors told of entire week to testify how he kept the after he wis jj SHOP families being trapped when the FBI '"formed about antiwar plot to an alleged kidnap prison, and went secretly bet a federal grand jury that The best "stereo value' indicted the Rev. Philll Berrigan and his sr in town: codefendants on conspinj charges centered around thJ Fly your opposition to the Vietnam Government lawyers saidP A Chinese worker laughs at left as President Nixon uses a pair of pliers at an industrial exhibit Sunday in Shanghai. own jet! Douglas: "He's the key, f question about that. Hejto Watching in the background is Premier Chou En-lai. what happened and how. The defendants also < charged with conspiring to Mj FLY NA up heating tunnels in fe«| buildings in Washington, U J and vandalize draft board or around the country. The defense has told of nine women and three tnejjnf that there was ne • Deferments For Underclassmen • Guaranteed Flight Training kidnapping or bombingar draft board raids, when t| • Immediate Openings In Aviation -'Eye Sight occurred, were the acts | Waivers Up To 20/100 A cleanup crew removes the splintered remains of the intermediate • Free Aviation Orientation • Surface And Flights Aviation Programs Open To Underclassmen concerned individuals. Douglas, 32, met Bei April 1970 when both werej buildings which were Individually, each of the components pictured above has created a • Starting Salaries Up To $12,000 prtaon „t the slammed against a bridge at new standard of sound •iMo On Campus - per - dollar stereo value. Together, these Training Penitentury - DoJf J Lorado Saturday by a flash flood Buffalo Creek. components will provide you with more quality sound and reliability •30 Days Paid Vacation Per Year assaulting an FBI1 1 forging checks, Berrigan I on than you could have bought a year ago for over five hundred •Programs For Men And Women Below, other debris were dollars. The Smaller Advent Loudspeakers are the destroying draft flies-■ I jumbled near Amherstville. only speakers costing less SEE THE OFFICER INFORMATION TEAM The government claims I AP Wirephotos than $100 which can reproduce the entire musical inexpensive speakers cannot produce the lowest octaves of music: the range. Most DATE: 28 FEBRUARY TO 3 MARCH Catholic priest recru^ l lowest strings of a double bass or electric bass TIME: 9 to 5 prisoner to smuggle 'J guitar, the lowest pipes PLACE: PLACEMENT BUREAU out of the prison via of a pipe organ. The Smaller Advent can. COMPLIMENTS OF THE DETROITNA VY LEAGUE notebooks and that he uij The Kenwood KR - 4130 FM stereo receiver has informer when discovered. enough power to satisfy both you and the Advents. It produces 24 watts RMS per channel, across the entire musical range, at less than 0.5% total distortion (RMS is the most demanding and least flashy of the various n power - rating systems.) The tuner sections will separate weaker stations on a crowded dial from their brawnier them with an amazing fullness and To match the quality and neighboring stations and receive clarity. reliability that the Kenwood and the Hobie's THE SANDWICH PEOPLE Advents represent, we recommend the Garrard SL55B with a Shure M44E cartridge. The SL55B has a Stop in to see us, or if you like we'll heavy platter, a synchronous motor, is fr*e) a convenient cueing control and comes with a dustcover and base. stop in to see you- (on campus delivery Come to The Disc Shop this week. You'll be surprised how much sending the sandwich people's best (with $1 50 quality sound your four hundred thirty dollars will buy. minimum)! For delivery call 351-3800. Master Charge Located in The Spartan Shopping Cem complete system $430 90 days same as Bank Americard cash Trowbridge at Harrison. Day! The Disc Shop 323 E. Grand River E.L. 351 - 6380 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Micliigan Monday, February 28, 1972 3 oneer 10 word Board names executive Jupi kemnEDY, Fla. (AP) for new University post — America's Pioneer 10 was , J1 day for the longest, most ambitious unmanned space ever attempted • a 22-month odynsey to gigantic, baffling -and eventual escape to wander forever through other u.. fund raising and - final hours of the countdown ticked away on the specifications of the foundation , approved a budget of $651,000 for MSU'. In other action Friday, the new rpntaur rocket, aiming for blastoff in a favorable launch television Channel 23 which is • •between 8:52 p.m. and 9:22 p.m. The rocket is to hurl the Approved a liberalized leave targeted to begin UHF broadcast outwards at more than 31,000 miles an hour, nearly 7,000 The board of trustees Robert F. Banks named policy extending accumulated Friday was Sept. 15 as WKAR-FM. A bid of paid sick leave time to pregnant faster than any previous space vehicle. the second dean of James $349,700 from RCA Corp. everything works, the complex spacecraft will set many ^ison Col,<*e at salaryof accep'ted to pay for transmitter was women employes and part-time It will be the fastest manmade Object In space. It will be development andlin (liclan * • $22,000 a year effective March equipment for the new station - employes who work half-time or to penetrate the Asteroid Belt, the first to explore 25 ^ 1- He succeeds Herbert Garfinkel which will replace Channel 10's more on a continuous basis. •'and the first to leave our solar system. It *411 relay data SST fi Scott to fill IZ rLyitZ the t w post effective who resigned to return to current MSU operations. • Authorized a new pet -record distance. April 15. teaching Bas a professor of The $651,000 stati ordinance requiring animals brought rthe remote chance that it one day might be intercepted by political science in July 1971, transmitter equipment on campus by „nt outer space creatures, it bears a gold plaque that tells Scott, 57, has served as an Banks had been acting dean and provides funds for an budget pedestrians to be leashed. unpaid consultant on fund antenna, • Gave the green light to a $2 "wings and scientific symbols when and from where it was member of the Madison building alterations at the Dobie edand by what kind of beings. raising to President Wharton for faculty since the college's Road transmitter site. million annex to the Manly Miles the past year. He is a 1935 just 11 hours after launch, because of its great speed, inception in 1967. micro-wave equipment, testing Building on Harrison Road to L 10 was to cross the orbital path of the graduate of MSU and currently provide leased office space to moon, a quarter and monitoring miles from Earth. Apollo astronauts require three days to president of the National Only the College of Human the transmitter. equipment and University relation groups. Restaurant Assn. A preliminary Ecology remains with • Named Erwin P. the same distance. set of duties and an acting a new Health Care Authority - flight plan calls for the nuclear-powered probe to reach responsibilities dean after the trustees Friday to Bettinghaus as chairman of the approved by the trustees states also voted to organize and administer Dept. of Communication Cjnity of Jupiter on Dec. 20, 1973, zipping within 87,000 that Scott will coordinate remove the term health care services at MSU was effective April 1 at a During four days near the planet, 13 instruments are to all "acting" from the title of established Friday after the salary of private fundraising. William B. Hawley, professor $24,250 a year. many secrets of this massive body, most of which are trustees discussed the new • and acting dean of education, Named Robert C. Ward, an beneath dense, swirling clouds which form blue and pink No authority at the board's salary for Scott was Hawley had been called back osteopathic physician from Mt. ,nd give it the appearance of a bright-colored beach ball. - of the experiments is to relay crude image pictures of the approved Friday, but it will from retirement to serve as Thursday night open meeting, Clemens, as professor and The authority will be probably range between $31,000 acting dean of the composed chairman of the the cloud layer and may get a look at one of Jupiter's most and $37,500 a year. College of Qf deans and other newly is features - the great red spot, which seems to float Education after John E. Ivey established Dept. of Family administrators involved with Medicine effective An ad hoc committee on ^signed as dean in August 1971. July 1 at '-h the clouds, at times growing to 30,000 miles long by providing health care on campus. a salary of $40,000 - miles wide. planet's strange properties led some experts to note Down llir hatch ?nd/S£* at WOr*. the August 1971, recommended iT Though the trustees named a year. Kejth GBoldhammer of I years ago that Jupiter behave* more like a star than a .. Kathy Walters, Ypsilanti sophomore, swallows new vice president s post. The Oregon committee and Scott wUl gtate University to the deanship It has even been suggested that it might be the stillborn during "Nostalgia Night" Friday in Gilchrist Hall. goldfish a f the sun, since stars like the sun are known to occur in the bowl with more fish is snack Terry Ziemba, Detroit junior and shop supervisor. Ms. Walters placed Holding continue to work on the details of a proposed foundation to receive contributions. Trie effectjve continue j as j Hawl dean until then. A g^p of faculty members in the will OUTLINES - great planet has a mass 316 times that of Earth and is second in the FOR FINALS AND WAIVERS f"than twice the mass of all other planets combined. contest, swallowing 16 fish in 45 seconds. foundation was approved in college petitioned p,„Vrwct Provost .1/ John E. Cantlon to have the trustees State News photo by Jonathan S. principle Friday with the Kaufman trustees requesting a final remove the ATL: 111, 11* report ''acting" Hum: 241, 242, 243 qualification from Hawley's title Soc: 231 A, 232A & ley urges crackdown during his interim period as an expression of the University's B, 233 A Nat. Sci.: 191 A, 192A & B & C, 193A & C appreciation for Hawley's work. Chem.: 130, 131, 141 Economics: 200, 201 Geography: 204 y Utility RANDY GARTON rate increases opposed characterized the mid-sixties. History: 121, 122 Math.: 108, 109,111, Psych: 170 Statistics: 121 112, 113 jts News Staff Writer "Many large Kelley then suggested that steadily increasing cost-of-living granting rate of return increases FREEDOM gas and electric the regulatory commissioners index a statement to the Federal utilities had actual earnings Detroit, and other to public utilities. He said that "PLUS" (These Book Digests at 50c apply the guidelines outlined for Michigan cities any return on investment over Each.)" Commission Saturday, averaging 12 per cent or better large businesses in the Economic Gen. Frank J. Kelley during this period of time," Stabilization Act of 1970, to the recommendations K e 1 I e y ' s other lOper cent should be backed hv FROM Devil in Massachusetts included "detailed factual findings, and Autobiography of Ben Franklin :»ted a crackdown on Kelley said. The utilities have public utilities. • • • • • B Citizen Tom Paine The Black Experience c utility rate increases, been generally successful in tightening the procedure for not mere speculation." -- Under these guidelines, esting that state convincing the regulatory Kelley said, no increases would CAPTIVITY Puritan Dilemma Poor White Afro - American History - Frazier Uncle Tom's Cabin The State News is sions auu.v u,c commissioners that these be granted until the published by the students of utility Michigan State University every class day Biography of Malcolm X c guideline to gas and abnormally high earnings should requesting an increase could during Fall, mmnanies that laree be treated a£ the norm, or "even clearly show that without such Winter, and Spring school terms, Mondays, and Fridays during Summer Wednesdays businesses under the the floor, for future earnings." an increase, "the ability of the Term,<*nd a special Welcome ic StabEtion Act of Kelley said that the various utility to render services would Week edition is published in is $16 per year. September. Subscription rate coming usee must raUSlf0U0W- follow state regulatory commissioners be substantially impaired. Member Associated Press, United Press have al«J been victims of an International, "ey's statement was read Kelley said that recent price Inland Daily Press Assn., March 3 &1 217 E. Grand Rive, 332-4616 -t. Atty. Gen. Hugh B. inflation psychology, and increases granted the public Michigan Press Assn., Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press Assn. ★ i at price commission s at the civil therefore have been inclined to utility companies had forced grant the increases requested by local business to hike their Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. *★★★★★★★★★★★ service Editorial and business offices at 345 Student the utilities prices, contributing to the Services n in Washington D.C. Bldg., Michigan ' te University, East Lansing, could not attend because 48823. Michigan, : committments, Phone his statement, Kelley * News/Kdilorial 355 - 8252 I the large increases * Classified Ads 355 pe been granted to public . 8255 companies ' * Display Advertising 353 6400 - iing the price * HARDCOVER SALE Business Office 355 - 3447 authorized *ed ' by * Photographic 355-8311 Ions. * Campus Information 353 8700 30% to 60% OFF - ry said the increased rate rn was due * primarily to * "tors. The first, is the "inflation ' Kelley that has prevailed ' AIL HARDCOVER HOOKS * Cation ft-ql country over the past few Tbe expectation that ★ Buy My Heart at Wounded Knee * d material costs ★ Complete Walker * would ★ Art Books Kinpted the utilities to ask 1 :teases that would cover ★ Wheels ★Novels * $199 ikipated higher costs. ty said the public utilities «lso become used to the corner of Ann and MAC phone 332 1414 } earning rate that ^ • Single-lens reflex-full-focusing screen created viewfinder with split-image rangefinder. Lunch for less than $l00 • Quick-loading mechanism-fast- loading eliminates the need of threading film • Built-in highly sensitive The newly remodeled these through-the-lens CdS spot meter- gives you accurate and precise readings. Union Cafeteria has . Fully automatic preset-diaphragm— developed a special menu features assures brightest image before and after exposure. for todays economy. Check this menu for delicious lunches for under $1. Monday EN WEDNESDAY 2/28 JEANCUUDfMlLr ; AT 9-.30 A.M. /NOWOB Tuesday Shaved Beet sandwich Turkey Noodle soup 2/29 cup - trl *>ean garnish CI Belle,Hduuell Wednesday JacobSoriS 3/1 Thursday 3/2 Friday MICHIGAN OUR READER'S MIND STATE NEWS State News UNIVERSITY KEN LYNAM advertising manager To the Editor: appalling,/'ncompefeJ organizations devoted to the Your reviewers appall me. Your movie t„, I DAVE PERSON, managing editor speak with Instructors ..0W1 BILL HOLSTEIN, campus editor reviewer in particular, one Jack Epps Jr., is difference. Mr. Epps has thA ut I CHARLIE CAIN, city editor certainly incompetent. Further, your wrong in his BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor theater reviewer is Eppps. laughable. First, to Mr. opinions, but In relation to your not SjJ other reviewer RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor When the first State News review of «y merely that anyone Succeed » reviewing Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award "Billy Jack" was published I shrugged it off as a misunderstanding on the part of . realize that the play who, seemingly^ was * □ for outstanding journalism. the reviewer. Since he has repeated this early '60s should not be revSll misunderstanding, 111 clear it up for him. "Billy Jack" is not a simplistic dealing with Truly, the man seemed to think written quite ityl EDITORIALS the complex problem of good and evil. The recently. This is Had either of your unfojj central problem dealt with in this picture themselves critically to the reviewers srfJ Is whether violence or nonviolence Is more work., J would not have ,1 ASMSU tax efficacious obvious evil. In dealing with extremely By the way, If Mr. Epps really believes reviews had been such blatant reacted, even unfavorable Ha misunderstanding &s th» this film was as unrealistic as he claims, he demonstrated deserved disputation good For years the student government idea, ASMSU. Wednesday a should grow his hair to his shoulders and then spend some time in the Southwest. I'd wager that his opinions about "Billy broad Jack's" portrayal of reality would quickly of this University has been an affront coalition presented Board Chairman Rib. 18 J change. to its constituency. It has frittered Hal Buckner with petitions Lastly, although a minor point, Mr. away tens of thousands of tax containing approximately 3,500 Epps continued Insistence that the fight dollars, hassled endlessly about issues of insignificant import and, in signatures calling for the abolition of the student government tax. If the scenes me. is in this film Involve Judo grates on They involve Hopkido Karate. Since it obvious that the reviewer has no Support strikj general, proven itself roundly petitions are validated, ASMSU will conception of the difference between Judo To the Editor: incompetent. be constitutionally obligated to hold and Karate, I'd suggest that he attend In the last few weeks, however, People from the Coalition for m. a referendum on continuance of its practices of the sizable on - campus Survival are helping the workers there has been some small atl levy. Gables picket this week. We'd I glimmering of change. Following the The explain why. lead of upper - level student board problem with the abolition M. RUTH THOMPSON The employes of the Gables move is that it in effect cuts off its are J officials, ASMSU has managed to people to support them by not patr nose to spite its face. It is all well the place until the management draft its first quasi - respectable ai and good to eradicate our present give them a fair deal. Those of i. budget in memory. A clandestine move is even underway to a sweeping structural change that implement panel of retromingent representatives, but not at the cost of abolishing essential government Hypocrisy in the Movement work wages in this community for of $1.30 and $1.60 an hour! people at the Gables, know this isn't! deal. People work for these mi^L would bring student government in services. There is a very real danger wages bel line with the realities of Academic they need a job and they have to tab! that this would be the actual The bus had stopped at the Union. Those women who are striving towards still wanted to retain their they can get. Council representation. feminity — they outcome of the present petition Betsy, a girlfriend of mine who is a self - equality with men — equal pay, equal job were proud to be women. Students and young people hi... Ironically, after years of drive. proclaimed Women'slabber, got on the bus opportunities, equal number of career stuck in this box for a long time u| Then the movement got polluted by enough L complacent apathy a segment of the with her arms full of books and assorted choices — I feel, are being hurt by Betsy's here because there aren't The matter is virtually academic girls who thought they knew what it was Owners of places like the student body has seized this moment at this point. The petitions have packages. As usual, there weren't any seats type of women's libber, who is supposed to all about. They thought being equal with Gables| to mount offensive left. As she stood there shuffling her cargo, represent the movement, will only be literally made a fortune off of us an against already been circulated and the a young man offered her his seat. men was being able to Identify with them. we're the ones who buy their h Right on pushed into believing women aren't worth student This generation of females were the ones food and we pretty much shell outl body is faced with an either - cue, she promptly began her well ■ listening to. The old "they say one thing, who abandoned shaving their legs, burned ABORTION PETITIONS or proposition. It remains to be seen, rehearsed speech, "I'm just as able to but mean another" rings true. they want us to. But, maybe | their bras, joined the truck driver's unions however, how cutting off the funds perform anything as well as a man. You important is that there are a lot of ul were seated first, so you should stay I'm also sick of women yelling that men and dressed exclusively in men's attire. have to work to be able to stay u The State News apologizes to to such services as legal aid and the there." exploit th^m. Women are equally as guilty Sadly, thses girls were the ones who got the here. Thousands of us compete for to] all the people who came by ASMSU loan program will serve the of discrimination. Male ballet dancers, most publicity. Men, instead of His mouth gaping, the boy didn't know sex listening to jobs and management knows that I Friday to pick up abortion interests of the student body as a what to do. He finally said something to hairdressers, fashion designers — these are the ideas of the original movement, sat won't take the wage they pay there J reform petitions. We seriously the effect that he didn't view her as a weak viewed as very unmasculine by women. I back and laughed at this new breed of cat. others who will. I whole. underestimated the magnitude of As creature, but he thought, since she had so guess girls like Betsy feel it is all right for The bra burners were the who As students or young people, a I insufferably poor as the much to men to be forced to conform to a certain ones the important tilings we do a the response to carry, she would be more viewed the Movement as a fad — something our suggestion present student government has comfortable sitting down. established sexual criteria, but women conditions under which we do thd that people take a petition home often been, the student tax should they could temporarily become involved in. The following weekend, I saw Betsy at a should be free to do whatever they want determined by someone else. Usually! for the weekend. By this Through their efforts, all hope of reaching be maintained. The risk of to. losing a party. I got there rather late, so she was far legitimate goals was lost. Men began to isn't much we can do if we're being* afternoon we should have a new number of valuable services is too ahead of. me drinking - wise. The thing If view all Women Lib members as bull dykes, off. The employes of the Gables area a topless bar is opened up, women's batch of petitions in the editorial great a price to pay for the which confused me was that old anti - lib members immediately denounce it as when in effect the ones who were the most we can do something about how mufl office. Please come back in or get anything - male Betsy was acting like the exploiting women. What they seem to involved were still the most feminine. are going to get paid in this commfl amputation of a few incompetent in touch with The Editor, 341 prime example of a sexual object — the forget is that no one forces women into Thanks to Betsy, and all girls like her, They're saying they want a chanT junior politicos. If a referendum is in very idea she so publically objected to. She these jobs — they are qualified and apply women's lib has tenfold the amount of bargain — to have part of the a Student Services Bldg., Campus. fact held, the student body should was wandering from man to man mauling of their own free will. opposition and work as it had at the determining what fair working condl The petition is presently and wages will be out there. That's! support the present tax structure and every one. A recent film on campus is an example beginning. You can't expect men to change within 30,000 signatures of then turn its attention toward Since Betsy wasn't wearing a bra (and of this. The film showed women, as the beliefs they were raised with overnight. the union will mean. The Gable's o™ Your she is quite well endowed) many of the When call them all sorts of names, understand this also. That's why tl success. help can really developing amore realistic formula women's lib put it, as nothing but sexual women make a difference. boys were making comments. She said to men only believe more firmly in their view taking it very seriously. It's seriou for making ASMSU an effective objects. I sincerely doubt that, deep inside, one guy, "Everyone knows what's there — of women as scatterbrained, dizzy chicks. they don't like it. governing body. every man believes an X-rated film star is why should I hide it?" The guy took her It's important that all of us i! typical of all women. Instead of banning up on this one. He asked, "If you don't Women's liberation now has a community support this effort, ff want to be treated as a sex object, why do this film, as many women would like to,' connotation which it conditions at the Gables will help i never meant to have. you flaunt your most obvious sexual why don't the girls show they are just as This is why the coalition people are Many view it h| The Senate characteristic in a guy's face?" You're acting like the old type of teasing female. capable as men and produce their own film using male exploitation as the basis? as liberation from being a woman. That is not what it is be. Women are proud of the fact that supposed to they on the picket line. When you make plans to go oi You're nothing but a hypocrite." When women's lib first started, it made were bom female, and don't want to be week, don't plan to go to the Gables! Betsy called him a chauvanistic pig and a lot of sense. Now it is just another farce. maybe you've got some time to help! The U.S. Senate took a giant step anything else — they do not want to be Senate's previous civil rights policy. walked away. He raised an interesting In the beginning, women wanted to be sign. hampered by It, though. a r back into the days of "separate, but In the past, the Senate has been in point. Is women's lib really accomplishing given credit for having a few brains. They Perhaps the movement should not be Labor Tasl equal" schools Friday when it passed the foreground of the struggle to anything, or is it defeating its own wanted equality with men — not inferior called just Women. Then maybe those Coalition for Human Sul girls purpose? nor superior — just equality. The women like Betsy could undertand it better. Feb. 22! an amendment sponsored by Sen. promote integration in all fields, Robert P. Griffin, R - Mich., banning especially the schools. Now, federal courts from busing school however, a majority of those children on the basis of race, color, senators present for Friday's vote has DAN DEVER religion or national origin. The in effect negated all the responsible, passage of Griffin's amendment sane deeds of the past. No defense represents the most irresponsible The Senate has, for the time action by the upper house in some time. The substance of the legislation being, called a halt to the school integration process. Busing provides the only means to integrate large regsfor represents a complete reversal of the metropolitan school systems, school What right does the University have in rights, protections and guarantees of fair systems which must be integrated if expense of not only my finances, but also protections and guarantees o telling me where I have to live? treatment which are held by all citizens, my rights. America's school children not to are treatment" that it promises I] Pep That's the question I have been and the University may not deny them to asking In answer to these charges, the Academic Freedom Report. be taught the lessons of prejudice, myself regarding the present controversy him." University would say that living In J racism and hatred. Should the over the University Housing Policy. And It can start by abolisnw But the University is denying me my residence halls is a condition of enrollment. Another impressive display of Griffin amendment stand, busing will The policy requires an unmarried full - housing policy. rights by discriminating against my But why does the condition apply only to black solidarity was made time freshman, under the age of 20, to live Saturday only occur when school systems in a residence hall, unless he is a veteran or particular class and age group. Because I freshmen and sophomores? night as a group of blacks, led by adopt the practice on their own - a have the misfortune of being a freshman To be completely fair and free from is living with his parents or legal Sam Riddle, Detroit senior, guardian. and am only 19 - years - old, I am denied discrimination, the University would have occupied rare occurence. A similar policy applies to sophomores. the right to make my own choice as to to apply the condition to all center court of Jenison Fieldhouse undergraduate The Griffin amendment also raises In view of the recent age of majority where I will reside. for 30 minutes. The students, regardless of class, age, military group was serious constitutional questions: legislation and considering the guidelines To the University, however, it is not a set down in background or anything else. protesting the banning of Minnesota Does the Senate have the right ro the Academic Freedom question of rights, but a question of By discriminating against freshmen and basketball players Corky Taylor and define the jurisdiction of federal Report, I find the policy is violating my money. Because it made the mistake of sophomores, by denying them their rights, Ron Behagen from Big Ten rights as an adult and a student. building too many residence halls, the by forcing them to pay for the University's play for courts? This sea remains uncharted. But 1 may be a bit the remainder of the season. presumptuous; University must think up ways of keeping mistake, this institution Is exploiting the The Supreme Court will eventually perhaps the University has not heard of the those buildings full, or It will face a After about 10 years of very students it strives to educate. of black solidarity here at can only wonder why black student displays MSU, one have to constitutionality determine of the amendment. The court has endorsed the Griffin age of majority act. Perhaps the board of trustees does not know that and over are now adults. persons age 18 financial loss. And the present method is at the It is about time for the start allotting students those University to "rights, [ recycle SE?* The housing policy, however, treats groups must continue the cue of such the concept of busing before, but freshmen and sophomores like high school children, pep rally - like tactics to that was before Powell and requiring them to get the signature of their DOONESBURY prove their own solidarity to Rehnquist were robed. parents or legal guardian to verify that they by GarryTru themselves, especially when such Fortunately, the Griffin live at home. tactics serve only to alienate It fails to recognize that as people amendment comes up for another adults, who might otherwise be freshmen and sophomores are their own I a aoxijje sympathetic vote this week. If the Democratic "legal guardians" and where ever they hjhat? stole from to their cause. The 1 stand - in at the us. center presidential candidates will make a choose to reside, that is their home. » \ court contributed about as detour to Washington from the Regardless of the board's familarity supply pepi much to the cause of LAST MONTH.. blacks as with the age of majority campaign trail, chances are the legislation, there is Mayday did to the antiwar Griffin amendment will be defeated. a document that I am sure the trustees 'SCHUTl 1 movement. have heard of, the Academic Freedom No matter how valid The Griffin amendment represents Report. their point, the means employed by the first in a series of steps to end In outlining the rights of students and Riddle and his followers have the responsibilities of the served busing to achieve racial integration. university, the °nlv to strengthen the solidarity of It, and all of the bills which will freedom report states that: "The student is those who would not only a member of the academic opose their ends. follow in its backwash, must be Right on, Sam. defeated. community; he is also a citizen of the larger society. As a cWren. he r«t»lns tho«» n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, February 28, 1972 Hostile audience Rv LESLIE LEE By LESLIE LEE State New* Staff Writer Phillip A- Hart and former state senator Sander challenged the war. Muskie two hour _ Hart and Levin and his on challenges Hart, Levin busing, minority representation and candidacy were all but forgotten in the Hart defended Muskie by pointing out that none of the other Democrats seeking the nomination were there for the vote schedule of the Senate is unpredictable and the candidates did I owned Sen. Edmund Muskie's bid for the Democratic exchange. either. not expect the vote when it came. Hart was This is because, he UJJl nomlnatin In Michigan Saturday morning by meeting the press to challenged by several members of the audience and explain Muskie's absence said, increasingly the people are demanding that the candidates meet with them and are Hart predicted, however, that when the amendment comes up Iniedominately hostile campus audience. Sen. Robert Griffin's during the crucial vote on the process. asking for a voice in for reconsideration Tuesday, Muskie and the other candidates will L audience of nearly 300 was dominated by members of amendment to prohibit busing to achieve be there and the proposal will be defeated by a four or Ave vote school integration. The As a result, 25 states now amendment passed by a 43-40 have primaries and a candidate must ■Lib Veterans for Peace and McGovem supporters who the Senate. margin 8 in spend a great deal of time margin. to secure the campaigning in these states if he hopes Hart was unprepared for the next nomination, Hart said. challenge, however, as Coupled with this, the members of Gay Lib asked Hart if he supported freedom for Poll finds support for homosexuals and if he would fight to end discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Noticeably shaken, Hart said he hadn't Lindsay thought about the problem and has done no research into it. He admitted he was unaware of the issue and promised to look By .IIIOY Ru JUDY YATES YATES u.uu. oc a. • . „ _ into it but persons who described themselves as homosexuals State New* Staff Writer « pressed for his firm commitment to enter legislation to end Hub.',. IS!"e 8W"che'1 lo Lindssbu,'nonc the to get students interested in the precinct delegate discrimination. They also asked if homosexuals would receive I survey of 114 students taken Friday Lindsay, McCarthy. ISS McGovem .upper*,, changed p^ference. election. "Certain conservative factions in the state minority representation at the Democratic national convention in Miami in d that 63 of the 79 students who said they Ditzhazy said that the reason for the outcome August. After the interviewees stated Democratic party are trying to pull the wool over Levin j vote for Edmund Muskie In the Michigan bcratic presidential primary switched their preference the surveyors asked them: their initial "is there .If™ !TS °?U,d Sbus,ng the Senate passed tb* that "arnendment wasJtaken students' eyes," Ditzhazy said. "They would like interjected that the Democrats have not succeeded entirely in gaining representation for the 16 per cent black to see the ence to John Lindsay after some any way that you would vote for John same precinct delegates elected as last population in Michigan and the national population in the Michigan Lindsay *'nday- year thereby systematically excluding youth." cent women. figure; 52 per primary if he were to speak here He said the fact that none of the "survey was conducted within a six hour asking for your support?" front runners were presidential present for the vote coupled Ditzhazy said that for that reason his group is "First things first," Levin said. by the two week - old MSU chapter of i__ ru*-.. . with Lindsay's strong opposition to the urging students to get involved in the election. They were also challenged on Muskie's statement that he could fi j. y for *72." The surveyors found that 70 «i inrtL for S-' Lindsay 72 said M6!Sunday "? that 80 °f amendment showed the voters that Lindsay Ditzhazy said the regional " organization not be elected with a black running mate. Ent of the 114 people surveyed favored Sen. of the people who said they would per cent would stand up for his convictions, Sn? Lif SeV? '°Unt,el =7 surrou"d'n8 East Hart aeienaea nan defended musjue Muskie'ss nonesiy honesty ana and saia statement was that Muskie regretted that it is a said the intent 01 ine intern of methe vote for Lansing with a particular emphasis on MSU. political reality The Lindsay group is also but that he would not be elected with a black - - - - sponsoring the visit The group is presently vice-presidential of Tom Burns, national chairman for the working with Jackie candidate. Lindsay Vaughn although he has not come out in favor of campaign to campus Friday. Burns will be here "The question is," Hart said, "between Muskie and a white to contact several of the Lindsay yet. vice president and Nixon and whoever he community leaders. picks as a running mate Ditzhazy said the group will also be working Lindsay has not announced whether he will be — Who is going to move us toward the a candidate in possibility of having a Michigan's primary. black vice president?" ■CANDLE APPARENTLY A STUDENT WAS arrested at between ^MMSWaSBSBSBSSSESSSSSKttm 11 p.m. Saturday and Quench CATCHUP Turning started a fire that 2:50 a.m. Friday In East Shaw 10 a.m. Sunday from Jenison k a room at about 4:05 Hall for possession of two pellet Fieldhouse. Police ^Saturday in East Wilson guns. Police said the student was suspects. have no your (Police said damage to the released at the scene pending thirst ■ was estimated at $3,350, notification ^id there were no injuries, prosecutor. iist Lansing Fire Dept. was from the county A STUDENT WAS arrested for being drunk and disorderly at I ON YOUR an(j for usjng obscene jo contain the blaze, and NINE REGULATION SIZED at language UETTERWRITING 12:30 a.m. Saturday outside here were no reports of basketballs and one t to other rooms In the basketball autographed West Wilson Hall. Police said his with an estimated case has been referred to the THE STABLES value of $213 were stolen county prosecutor. KLICE ARRESTED A ft Ident for drunk driving at •"« l.m. Saturday near Lot X. •) Perkin's Lenten Specials PITCHER NIGHT BALE TONIGHT E officer was returning the to the police station, he (• Mon: Spanish Omelette Plate 50% OFF id another nonstudent for )f Low Prices on Beer |j under the influence. Tues: Mushroom Omelette Plate Malt stationery and notes Liquor on Tap V*ed: Cheese Omelette Plate Eaton's No Cover ^ STUDENTS WERE •• Flicks Montoi/i d for soliciting magazine ft riptions in the married ling units during the *1.25 Dance to Spider tonight Gold Rush on Tues. - Sat. Come Hail mark see our bottle cutter lend. Police said the Kits were operating from a % 1^ Each omelette is made with $9.95 3 Kny in Indiana, and said p the men were released If country-fresh eggs and served with 3 buttermilk THE STABLES STUDENT; I notification from the iifti tin v pancakes or toast and jelly 2843 E. Grand River i?oRr^B' 421-27 East Grand River Avenue 332-5069 FABULOUS) UNBELIEVABLE! HOURS: 225 LEAP YEAR Ann Street DAILY: 9:30 8:30 iscount records SAT: 9:30 - 6:00 Phone 351-8460 SUN: 12:00-5:00 SALE! All $4.98 and $5.98 list Albums Kids nowadays ain't got no shame. ONLY k|F " HOURS* nvwit®. $J29 Mon- Fsb- 28 6 p m '12 midn'0ht Tuej Feb ^ g;30 a m 12 mjdnjflht SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Jim Price Kuki nowadays ain't got no shame. In Jim Price's own words: The freedom to go beyond just the ho rns to "It's just an expression of freedom:' also play organ and singon your first solo album. The freedom that comes after years of play¬ The freedom to call that first album "Kids ing trumpet and trombone with Delaney and nowadays ain't got no shame!' Bonnie, Joe Cocker, George Harrison and the s3 29 On A&M Records Rolling Stones. Produced by Jimmy Miller 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan SPORTS Hawks fla Iowa tumbles cagen track for by 'S' one game In his MSU By CRAIG REMSBURQ varsity career i The Iota was sixth in 10 Big Ten State News Sports Writer Spartans, who now own an 11 . 9 overall 'co,tests thu A It was a basketball game that was delayed in starting for 40 fourth In 11 conference starts and the wi„ mark ^ minutes and It took Iowa just about that long on the court to Io*» v* By GARY KORRECK outkicking persistent John Clark record to 10 -11. wln uPl*d iuZ clinch a victory over the MSU cagere Saturday night. State News Sports Writer of Iowa for the win. Cool's For Iowa coach Dick Schultz, the Trailing 60 - 51 at the end of the first half, the Hawkeyes got victory w* MSU's trackment tuned up for 1:52.7 880 qualified him for the 23 second - half points from guard Rick Williams to eventually since It avenged an earlier 100 - 91 defeat »t^K pecl,%li the Big Ten meet next week by NCAA finals — Iowa's Mark slip by the Spartans 102 - 98, before a weary crowd of 8,131 at Spartans In Iowa City Feb. 12. he h*nd»o| Steffan challenged at 1:53.2. "We were as emotionally high tonight as we'v. slapping Iowa's Hawkeyes 95-44 Butchee added a 31.0 in the Jenison Fieldhouse. Schultz said long after the game had ^ * Saturday, in addition to setting Williams wound up with 33 points and center Kevin Kunnert ended "Th r®fnaDJ* 300, his best effert of the little out of us but we got our six field house records. season. Marshall Dill was second chipped in with 27 to pace the Hawkeye attack. MSU super-guard momentum back and this is the first game we've won at n.^lay too Ken Popejoy, Ron Cool and at 31.6. Mike Robinson, who was guarded by Williams and visa versa time." the fn?,i »C>eco0(|l oul "ne in La Rue Butchee posted fast much of the game, had 33 for the Spartans while Brian Breslln times for the Spartans and Del The delay Schultz mentioned occurred befo*. added 23 to the eager offense. It was Breslin's highest point total Gregory picked up his points Gregory and John Morrison in the long jump (23-10'A) and contest when about 100 black MSU students walk! ^ added 10 points apiece to lead the way. the triple jump (47-2). court during the National Anthem and refused t^,°utonto mile Popejoy of ran his second best the year, a 4:02.', Teammate John Ross grabbed second in the long jump with a Wrestlers win seventh straight leap of 23-2. (Continued from page one) his second conference title by Morrison led a Spartan slam edging Purdue's Mike Cerqua, 2 • the boards. The Hawkeyes held on the uS10'1* in the hurdles; taking the in 8.5 and the lows in 8.0. Mike Hurd was second and Rich hiehs Grapplers win 3 - Malley lost an opening round 2 decision to defending (150) champ Jerry Hubbard of U - M. 1, by the margin of a stalling point on Cerqua. Lewis won 3 - 40. MSU widened the margin to nine advantage layup by Breslln put the Spartans on top for the (wii4* points at the h.?f 8,4 Chicago Jacques third in both events. Herb Washington, after slipping at the start, took the 60 nice' Big Tens The Decatur, 111. junior won four matches in the consolation bracket but lost to Wisconsin's 0 and 4 - 1 decisions before entering the finals. U - M's Jerry Hubbard won — Iowa kept coming back after the intermission hnL twisting jumper by Williams put them in the drivw'sT^ a lead the Hawkeyes never relinquished S8e*U9. By RICK GOSSELIN his second title at 150, Iowa's "We played real hard in the first half and in 6.3, with Butchee second and Rick Lawinger, 2 - 1, who in the «w.A State News Sports Editor Dill third. BLOOMINGTON - At the conclusion of the 58th continued in the consolations John title Evasnevski and Ohio won the State's 177 Jim got fatigued," MSU mentor Gus Ganakas the Spartan fadeout. lamenS K ! ' xP'*ia for third place. Bob Cassleman took the 600 annual Big Ten wrestling championships held here Friday Humphrey won at 134. "When you get tired you begin to throw Radman entered the finals by the ball ■«.„ in 1:12.4 for MSU and he and Saturday, three awards were presented. Minnesota finished In fourth, a lot," he added. "We were in foul trouble with Garvir upsetting No.l seeded Jan TONITE! anchored the foursome of Mike The top wrestler award went to Gren Johnson; the team Sanderson of Iowa, 7 - 3, in the Purdue fifth, Northwestern and Mike (Robinson) and their guards started to Murphy, Tom Spuller, A1 trophy went to MSU; and the award for most falls in the semifinals. Radman faced U - sixth, Ohio State seventh, go jJ Henderson and himself to a 3:18 quickest time went to John Panning of Minnesota. Initially, M's Mitch Mendrygal in the Indiana eight, Wisconsin ninth Iowa connected on one less shot from the floor 3q win in the mile relay. at least. The falls award was changed to Gerald Malecek of and Illinois 10th. they outscored the Spartans at the free throw line, 24 championship match and lost, 4 - is Dave Dieters finished first in MSU, whose 5:44 total time for two pins beat Panning's - 2. The pair exchanged second the 1000 at 2:12.4 and Marv 6:38 handily. period reversals, but Mendrygal Public: $6. $5. $4. MSU Students $1.00 Roberts won the shot with his second best toss of the season, a "When I heard that Panning won I didn't know what to think." the 1972 Big Ten champion 167 - pounder Malecek scored a third round point and also had riding time escape Hairs ton, 52-4. said. "If I had known I needed another fall to beat Panning tickets at the Union on Radman. I would have tried harder in the championship match." and the Door Malecek his second Russell won Randy Kilpatrick and Rob As it stood, Malecek won the 167 title by virtue of his 5 355-3361 * 355-6686 conference championship, Cool cruised to a 1-2 finish in - 2 victory over Ohio State's Bill Reinbolt. Maybe Malecek defeating Ohio State's Bill the two - mile - Kilpatrick came could have pinned Reinbolt if he put his mind to it. He sure Reinbolt, 5 - 2, in the finals. in at 9:06. as hell was confident that he could. And that was pretty San Francisco's Iowa gathered only three first much the attitude of the whole team. The Spartans as a team weren't overconfident. Let's just say that the MSU Malecek also won the Falls Award for the most pins in the vie tonight places, but two of them were least amount of time. The senior LONGEST with excellent performances. 440 man Dick Eisenlauer ran a grapplers knew they had the championships well under control. Belle Plaine, Iowa ace pinned his first two opponents and won a 4 The prowess of the MSU 48.2 and Pole vaulter John Tefer It isn't a question of beating MSU anymore. It's a basketball program will be on RUNNING soared to 16-1; both effort question of filling in the remaining nine places. The 0 semifinal decision. Zinoel won his first match, 6 display tonight, but it won't be rating with the top Big Ten Spartans realize this and their Big Ten opponents from a varsity standpoint. 1, but lost to IU's Jim Clary by FILM performances of the season. acknowledge it as we'l. "The nationals are where it's at," MSU 118 - pound a 3 - 2 overtime score in the The MSU freshman team will face its toughtest challenge of UNWANTED semifinal round. Zindel lost a 5 70 WEEKS HAIR? Electrolysis champion for the third consecutive year Johnson said. "The Big T<»ns are . . . nice . . . but compared to the nationals its decision in the consolation bracket and won a forfeit the season when it goes against the University of Michigan frosh (only permanent at 7:30 p.m. tonight in Jenison Hair Removal) child's play." victory for fifth place. Facial, Halt lines." Sody Pat Mi'kovich, the only freshman to win the league Fieldhouse. The game will Virginia: crown in this year's competition didn't seem awed by the 'Jefending champion Ciolek feature a rematch between HANCHE TTi lost his title to Iowa's Paul conference three • mat circus, either. MSU's Lindsay Hairston of STILL GOING! "1 remember Tom used to call home and tell us he won Zander by default. Entering the final period Zander led, 3 - 2. Detroit Kettering and Michigan's the Big Tens and we'd all say 'wow'," Milkovich the Campy Russell, formerly of With 2:25 remaining in the younger said. "But now, well, now that I've won it myself match Ciolek was forced to have Pontiac Central. .. .it's just like winning another big dual meet." Students need only present an ankle taped after an injury. an I.D. card whereas faculty and When action resumed, Ciolek staff must present their collapsed after escaping from basketball activities card. All Zander. Moments later Ciolek's VARSITY PIZZA anxle gave out again, and the referee awarded Zander the others must pay general admission price of $1. Hairston tuned up for his 50c off on a championship. Fenton senior Ben Lewis won rematch by leading the Spartans to a 106-81 win over Grand Medium 12" (1 item or more) jf Rapids Junior College in a game played Saturday. Hairston Varsity Pizza - with this ad, Feb. 28 collected 35 points and also chipped in 26 rebounds the 332-6517 Free, Fast, Hot Delivery begins at 6:30 7 Spartans fought back from a half time deficit. Willie Glover was next in line for MSU with 27 points. The Spartans have won nine of trn games thus far this season, losing only to Purdue in Purcue. Michigan is undefeated on the season. Russell is the leading Wolvering scorer. rharhaihwarharha Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan -SPORTS Monday, February 28, 1972 Badgers By CRAIG REMSBURG State Nsvvi Sporti Writer each with standings. 40 points In the One bad break, defense man Bob Boyd however, waa sweep Thompson's tnree goals gives Young scored Almost, but not quite, pretty Two goals by Don Thompson a separated suffering him 28 for the year, 21 of them aecond period to early In the make it 2 0. described the itory for the (who had a hat trick) and one by five minuteright shoulder at the • much in the WCHA, while Calder's The laat three Badger MSU hockey t^im Sunday Mark Calder In the laat period period Sunday. mark of the first tally waa No. 20 in league play, by Stan Hinkley, onegoala, one erased a 5 1 Wisconsin Boyd i> by Bob afternoon. • lead and Badger goaltenaer Dick Lundeen and another marker A last deflnately out for thia weekend'a Perkins waa In the neta Pnday by ■ ditch third period nearly curries the Spartans to a encounter at Young all came on breakaways Notre Dame, but .*1- rally by the Spartan leer* fell tie and an overtime. he may be ready for the night In the 6 • u whitewash, the and Watt really had no chance short a> they loat to WCHA "Almost Isn't good enough," playoffs. coming flrmt shutout against the Spartana on any of them, h?\ leader Wisconsin by a acore of 8 MSU Coach Amo Beaaone Center Gary Winchester led since the 1989 • 70 season. Wisconsin clinched the ■ 4. Combined with a 6 0 loaa at mumbled In the leer lockerroom Wisconsin Johnston steered a paaaout Ten title with ita two wina Big • after the game. Sunday with two and the hands of the from iinemate Jim Badgera Friday Young not only needs a split with night, the icera are now tied for "It was a helluva comeback goala, with Lloyd Bentley, Dave behind Jimmy watt for the first Denver this weekend Arundel, Jim Jonnston and Wiaconsin to win the third place with North though and we didn't quit," he Brian goal Friday. WCHA crown. Dakota, added. "That's a Erickaon adding singles for good sign." the Badgers. ^MSU fencers lose two; The * beat only Chicago-Circle The MSU fencers travelled to Detroit laat weekend and lost Foil, posting a 6-3 record on one of his best two of three at a daya. Ira Schwartz IMSU nstmlnder Jim Watt kicks out his left leg to stop a shot by Wisconsin's Norm meet In the Motor quadrangular City. Foil won two of three was 5-3 and Chrla Held went 2»1. Ijl, dark )srsey) In the icers' 5 ■ 0 loss Friday night. Cherrey (No. Detroit and Wayne State matches, beating Detroit and 8partani Bob Boyd (No. 6) Paul Herring led the winners llirnsi (No. 3) rush In to clear out the area for Watt. and Norm defeated the Spartan fencers Chicago Circle while loaing to Wayne State. Epee defeated In Epee with a 4-8 record, while 17-10 and 19-8 freahman Jon Moss State News photo by John Dickson respectively, Wayne State, but fell won both of while M8U's lone to Detroit his matches. victory came and Chicago Circle. fcflDED ON FINAL MATCH Sabre left Detroit wlnless against the three other schools. All three starters In posted loaing records. The Spartans ended sabre If Columbus had traveled a little he would have discovered the farther, Robin Luce led s fine their dual unexpected season with a 9-8 at the Olde Wot Id Bread group record, same as and Ale, 211 of Individual performances In M.A.C. Avenue in East ^ MSU L meet to Gymnasts lose gymnasts lost a In the all - around to U-M received a standing ovation from QUALITY AND SERVICE their special cheeses at could afford. the Olde World World flavor Lansing, like prices even he Expect the unexpected at You'll find Olde in the food and in Michigan Friday competition, Michigan's Gura coach Szypula commented. . . the crowd as his teammates the atmosphere! 11.1 »» points, but In Coach won the top apot with a 54.0 lili'i words The It waa a final "moral just .05 ahead of MSU's Balhorn tally was who had a 53.95. carried him from the floor. Senior A1 Beaudet also had a "The team has and they well. 'We're really great spirit support each other ready for the Big THAT'S OUT OF SIGHT Inn 161.76, MSU 180.65 good meet. He had some trouble Ten meet now and we Morse, appearing in his last In a few events but in AA hope to • complete selection of frames H predicted the match was dual meet as a perform well and let the ' 1 until the last event. Spartan, end his competition he had one of his judges • sunglasses and wire-rims career with an '-jjecare^jfth^es^' WW n won five of the six outstanding best meets of his career. • prescription lenses ground performance on the parallel bars "It was a tough meet but I fhe only event that the and he scored a 9.45. He • repairs while you wait Kite a were able to win hone, despite a good was feel we gave a strong showing," RENT i effort throughout the Monday night YOUR TV. . . &gU&i Gpticiani BKJEAD an//ALE! 0^ i Ward Black and ALCO UNIVERSAL BLDG. j Boys edged out MSU's PIZZA SPECIAL BY THE TERM IZIegert by scoring a 9.2 to 1,15 to win floor exercise. '23.00 I Ktzlny posted a 9.36 to I the Individual honora on orse. .in's Ray Gura took the T/ln the vault with a 9.3 i' Spartan captain Charlie 2s 1 price °! ■ I FOOD BEING SERVED 6-12 MIDNIGHT BY THE MONTH '9.50 Free Service a was defeated by Wolve'a Free Delivery I Sales despite his 9.26 on \ ; Sale* hsd a 9.3. MSU'a Bslhorn caputed flrmt TOWN PUMP 307 S. Grand, Free Pick-up NEJAC TV RENTALS I on the high bar with a 9.0. Lansing 337-1300 LEAP YEAR SALE! OUR LOWEST PRICES EVER! EVERY LP-ONLY s3" each MON. FEB. 28: 6 p.m. 12 midnight - TUES. FEB. 29: 9:30 a.m. - 12 midnight /v Km* Y Garcia fircla * Sroi. album BS 2SS2 V JrJ ,u'; g. m 11/- . n : T|* wj il On Reprise I© Albums and Ampex distributed tapes. AMERICA NHtndrlx Themes Like Old Times X* ,lbumInMSthe West 2049 IE Wsrnar Bros./Vlva album 2VV 2572 The Jimrry Durante Show. McGee and Molly, Amo9 N' Fibber Andy, Stella Dallas. The Eddie Cantor Show, Mr District Attorney, Tarzan, Duffy's Tavern. Captain Midnight, Ozzie and Harriet and one STORE Includes: Sendman/Here TAPES hundred and seventy more. I Need You/Pigeon Song WIDE ON SALE! America SALE Warnar Bro». album 2S7S TOO! VIVA How Much Bread Will Fill Spartan Stadium? ^8 ANN iscount records STREET EAST LANSING 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 10% Off Cigarettes 3/99° The Discount Price on all Film Developing ir Black students list demands ♦!„„«! from „«o. n„.» When asked about the that a feeling of mutual reject very likely that If they (Behagen Michigan - MSU basketball game. Riddle made (Continued from page one) When ! wa Taylor) are not reinstated or — limit 3 pkgs limit noceihip connection with a and support exlated and Deiween the exrnea between uw and "Our wu» existence •" In America rewtinn reaction t„ to th» '' c°mn»«nt tlment mS> no Black Athletes last week and "(coupon) at. at black athletes and students reviewed by an Impartial board has been radical, therefore we Friday by thp Expires after 3-4-72 Exp1r eVatUr"!-4-72 criticized Big Ten Commissioner 'm *h?™ there. won't be any more Big mu«t employ what may be seen Trustees '!? C Wayne Duke and what they ijn East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only "We in contect with termed his "pseudo .-judicial j^^tfeenor r^p "n dence .re several Big Ten progressive black " games taking place," he xit a solution." method T * 1.10 COUrt °f aCademiC between the two universities and "tudent organizations and It Is "Certainly they won't hold a * — - stated that the Riddle further * m®thod the Biff thev thm "-J ln n ' d011 Kodak Color Film council planned to hold a dlscrlmln»n!!l af#t*nc«^ Crest conference at MSU spring term ««\y. ri n' 126, 127, 620 to form an organization of all Qf nrs nnn!!!Pport the actkJ Toothpaste Trustees to review Van Tassel contract blacks at Big Ten schools, including students, faculty, trvino Gre^ nninf McMlfij ont«eitl athletes and others. University," ha'SlV0' « 89° 6.76 oz. 59C (Continued from page one) Tenure Committee to overrule a mlnutia," Hart "n said. meeting. the board came up with board All I want administration and i, the due Citing the recent board of truatee "censure of Robert L. were merelv SmaeSK JS* h • tb limit 1 limit 1 department decision not to White argued for the motion some ritematlve proposals none process she said Green, director of the Center for (coupon) (coupon) by citing the "Inadequate" ot^hichwas satisfacory to the Ma. Van TaaaeU said she will v.„ t„~> Though uMk 1)600 Expires after 3-4-72 East Lansing Store Only Expires after 3-4-72 East Lansing Store Only reappoint. Tho Porriaon mntinn u/raiiH reasons offered Ms. Van Taasell administration, Cantlon Mia. I continue to fight for "due Urban Affair.; Jo.aph H. »„ ® H"£ S /-"•< McMillan, director of the Equal JUmSS JSSSMTS * '>Or' S^tlon ofX «5on to Sex bias grievances aired at (coupon) Expires after 3-4-72 East Lansing Store Only (coupon) Expires after 3-4-72 East Lansing Store Only making The class action. class passed the board by action motion Mj[ch 0n,y ^ m(J W|rTen Huff, D-Plymouth, opposed the a 5 - 3 vote. Stevens motion. hearing 1.00 1.50 Trustees Frank Merriman, "Everything was so confused R-Deckervllle; Kenneth here, it was impossible for us to to continue their (Continued from page one) opportunities available to them. Opaque Opaque Thompson, R-Grand Rapids, and come up with a decision that Is, following promotion) and not education J Frank Hartman, D-Flint opposed was administratively possible," -a of financial aids be restricted by age. The exiating situation is center would: 1 Knee Sox Panty Hose the motion. <5t„v»nc Stevens caiH said fniinwin* following th» the A list of recommendations Echoing a demand made at perpetuating Itself," she said. • Counsel and refer . Josephine Wharton, the November board of trustees The frequently-mentioned women; m "I think this board is getting meeting. plight of the mature woman who Act as a liason administrative assistant In the meeting, Ms. Wharton told the between I 69° 89c limit 3 enmeshed In the administration of this University and I cannot Cantlon said Sunday he hopes , " Issues . Eaual Opportunity Procram8 and a representative of board to "specifically designate the percentile of new positions has raised a family and attempts to enter college to further her academic unique requirements »nd problems of m limit 3 (coupon) applaud this activity. We're clarified for it before the March Women Employes, to black women to effectively education was focused on by women, and Expires after 3-4-72 Expires after 3-4-72 East Lansing Store Only ^Hf|flFUiJULaAJLIlJLiLa|7fflJ|j|l|giala tools work better when they're on sale, right!! ihj 150,. $109 limit 1 no, 74c limit 1 Come |.Saturday See, Come Save 10% 50% - OFF Mond.v . (coupon) Expires after 3-4-72 ; (coupon) Expires after 3-4-72 1 I " 1 (IWiibb/l |H HI | [ East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only ACE HARDWARE 1.00 1 301 E. Grand River 3.50 Suave Weila Balsam train during th« Creme Rinse Hair Conditioner OBLIGATION, art 691 limit 1 (coupon) Expires after 3-4-72 East Lansing Store Only 16 oz. East limit 1 (coupon) Lansing Store Onlv commission «ht BULLETIN RANTEED BsfcfiRE'IMfi GRADUATING SENIORS LK,M" 8 Track SItereo Tapes GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS $3I59 i about Marino No!ilmit WbtfiV or Cqpf Fout. ARE NOW AVAILABLE (cou Expires at ter 3-4-72 East Lansln( FOR PURCHASE STATE DISCOUNT Limited Supply — Get Yours Now 307 E.Grand River Next to "The Card Shop" 28-Mardi 2 MSU BOOKSTORE V n State News, East Lansing, Michigan STATE NEWS Monday, February 28, 1972 9 CLASSIFIED Low cost and 355-8255 high results make Classified Ads a grest combination! Don't delay, call today! potion WITHA The State News does not For Rent FRANKLY SPEAKING by Ph i Frank rant Ad1 permit racial or, religious For Sale discrimination in Recreation advertising columns. State News will its The SINGLE MAN Apartment* PROFESSIONAL RECORDING equipment; Teac 7030, 8 mikes, 2 FREE HAPPY HOURS NIGHTLYI Trustees ■^K'cyclej advertising not accept which very to share East deluxe, 2 bedroom, 4 man Lansing - mixers etc. Must sell. Call 351,6669. 5-3-1 Dan Bahamas $159. STUDENTOURS 351-2650. Telephone C 0 Parts & Service discriminates against religion, furnished townhouse. $67.50 (Continued from page one) 351-8575 or 485-1265. 5-3-1 Liation race, sex, color or national MUST SELL, Panasonic 280-S stereo lpLOYMENT origin. GIRL OVER 21. Own r cassette recorder player, AM/FM demeanor," the resolution states. The three administrators have rrent airport but quiet. 484-: $150 or best offer. Call STUDENTOUFiS 351-2650. C 5 p.m. 5-3-2 353-4145. 3-2-28 called for one black official at uartmenti each Big Ten contest for the WANTED ANTIQUE TRUNKS, large SPANISH remainder of the season, a -GIRLS to shared old selection, study iSALE Scooteri bedroom CAMPUS APARTMENT. Furnished, HILL jewelry, 882-9157. 3-2-28 miscellaneous. RIVIERA of the number of black athletes who never complete their dishwasher, A/C, pool. Free March 19 to 27th kintals CYCLE education as a function of their INSURANCE ~C.nOM parking. Free bus to campus. 3- 8 days & 7 nights jobile Homes Michigan's Largest insurer, any man, $60 / month, 2- man $90 / Animals race and a hearing before the Ten. The last request has been Big j g, Found cycle, ISONAL Harrison, 332-5335. any rate. East LLOYD'S 144 Lansing North or month. Prefer Grad students working girls.Available March 1st. 349-0893. 2-2-28 / ST. BERNARD puppies weeks old. Reasonable, - AKC, 7 Jet, Accomd. $209 in granted with a discussion of the discrimination charges plannea inuts PERSONAL OF Call Luxury Apts. LANSING. 11-3-10 393-0296. 4-3-2 for the breakfasts, parties, etc. Big Ten meeting on ]al estate NEED GIRL MARCH and PHONE BOB 351 1304 March 6 - 8. Creation Aviation spring. Only 1 blockl 332-2152. 3-2-29 BASSET HOUND - white, 20 month male, field AKC, red and LINDA 332-4282 - "I wish to (vice LEARN TO FLYI champion bloodlines. 393-9069 ASK ABOUT TRIPS TO disappointment express my and publicly Iping Service training. All Complete flight 2-2-29 HAWAII dissassociate myself from the courses INSPORTATION government and VA are certified. MINIATURE SCHNAUZER puppies. AND JAMAICA action just taken. This board, in Tnted FRANCIS AVIATION, Road. Call 484-1324. Airport TWO MEN for four man. Old 3 males. Black, black /silver, salt / my view, has closed its eyes to its own C-2-29! Village for spring, rei pepper. AKC, 8 weeks old. Shots, policy, it has delivered a 20%. 351-4099. 3-2-29 paper trained. Good family dog. slap in the face to the black class day before A uto 393-0232. 3-2-29 people of the community and it one Service & Parts has made :ation. WANTED, a sham of 1-2 girls EUROPE: SUMMER '72. Round trip University Hations/Corrections MINI-8 Tape player, two Craig furnished apartment until June. Mobile Homes jets from $219. STUDENTOURS policy, Ms. Carrigan told her speakers, like new. $45. 372-0593 731 Apartments, Burcham Drive. 129 East Grand River, 351-2650. board colleagues after the won one class day vote. 2-2-28 332-0641 nights, 1971 CERTIFIED 12' x 52', 2 C-2-29 Trustees Martin and Stevens 1 publication. 353-1883 anytime. 4-3-1 bedrooms, $4000. Available now. concured with VW Carrigan. PHONE - GUARANTEED repair 393-3852. 10-3-10 RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 2 OR 3 needed for two bedroom. Service "Martin Luther King could 3558255 Okemos Road. 349-9620. C-2-29 at Close to campus. Reduced rates. Apartments Rooms DETROITER 12' x 44'. 2 I have gone through normal BRIDGE CLASSES starting March 6. 351-5967. 3-2-29 furnished, shag procedures in Montgomery, Ala., ONE GIRL for four- carpet in living Certified instructor. Bettie FOREIGN CAR Parts - CHEQUERD FURNISHED ROOM, close to room. $2600. Call 355-0290 and I suppose the blacks would * in Cedar T" No. DAYS PL AG, 2605 East Kalamazoo Village. Sublease spring. campus. $70. Call 337-2793 or 489-0534 after 5 p.m. 3-2-29 or Brickner. 349-4247. 3-3-1 have eventually gotten No deposit. 337-0189. 1 3 5 10 Street, 1 mile west of campus. MARRIED STUDENTS 5-3-3 332-6246. 3-2-29 equal 487-5055. 6-2-29 london $199. rights," Stevens said. "But 8, FACULTY NEED sometimes you have to call the 150 4.00 6.50 13.00 ONE girl, Cedar Village. STUDENT MOTHER desires woman Lost & Found MASON BODY SHOP, 812 Spring term or immediately. roomer, March 18. Close. Phone problem to the public's East ISO 4.80 7.80 15.60 Kalamazoo Street. Since 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. 351-7446. 3-3-1 351-1356. 3-2-28 LOST MEN'S Gold BAHAMAS $159. attention. I say procedures be . . 1940. wedding band, Complete some with ACAPULCO $219. damned at times like this." study L 6.00 9.75 19.50 collision C-2-29 auto service painting and IV5-0256 TWYCKINGHAM. NEED 1 man f SINGLE, Union. MALE student. Block 355-2732.3-2-28 1-2286 "Coleman Young (D-Detroit) Cooking, parking. 314 deposit. 351-5437. 5-3-3 °9 Evergreen. 332-3839. 2-2-29 LOST won't be off base when he calls $145 23.40 — one gold wedding band. 12.70 7.20 11.70 from per mo. Inscription — "from today until this board racist," Stevens 3 00 t.oo 13.00 26.00 Employment ROOMS, SINGLES AND DOUBLES. forever" if found call Chris, muttered after the meeting TOPLESS GO-GO Dancers. For UNFURNISHED Cooking facilities. Utilities paid. 355-3157. No FWday. 13.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 Call 372-8077. C-2-29 2-2-29 interview. Call 489-1655. 10-3-7 children welcome PAINTING INTERIORS. It costs no ttgdtnt Services Bldg. DREAM please, no pets ONE PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE South more to have the best. Free Service JOB. Teach MAN for 4-man in Cedar estimates. Grad jtudent ads must be methods used in Hollywood for Village. 351-4055, 351-2310. near Michigan Avenue. Quiet for student, near bus line. $15/ week 349-4817.C students. laid natural Training or high style looks. at our expense. Money is KNOB HILL 1-2-28 plus deposit. Phone 627-5454. 3-2-28 LOST: 2-12-72 small red dog, part Visit RABORN'S RAZORS Typing Service |Sttt< News will to good if you're ambitious. Can lead ROOMMATE OR two leasees for Irish Setter, "Rusty", 332-3309. APARTMENTS ruble EDGE EAST SAVE SAVE SAVE only for th« to executive position. VIVIANE 2man, furnished, $165/month, 2-2-29 d«y'« incorrect WOODARD COSMETICS, close, 332-6438 after 6 P.M. 5-3-3 For Sale Hair Styles for XEROX COPYING - offset - best men quality at reasonable prices. THE subsidiary of General Foods. 349-4700 351-6623. 0-21-2-29 WATER BED UNITS, frame, mattress Personal 2828% E. Grand River COPY SHOPPE, 541 East Grand liner and foam pad, $60. UL listed River. Phone 332-4222. C-2-29 OPEN Monday - Friday PREGNANT? PANICKY? Consider 371 4570 •ai .PART TIMfc employnnont with 9 a.m. ■ 5 p.m. heaters, $27. REBIRTH, 309 the alternatives. Pregnancy IAutomotive merchant wholesaler, /^itomoblle required; Saturday 12-Sp.rti. 3f -3118.3-3-1 North Washington, 489-6168. O Counseling372-1560. 0-2-29 FOR QUALITY service on TV's and recorders. THE STEREO stereos, phone 351 5800 LOCATED Vt MILE NORTH |NCE 1961. Must sell. See SOCIETY CORPORATION. OF JOLLY RD. ON ONE MAN*for1 TtAO* A-W Stereo cassette deck. 5 SHOPPE. 337-1300. C-2-29 C-3-3-1 One months old. $125. LADIES NEEDED 8 Collingwood or call OKEMPS ROAD block from 332-4203. 5-3-2 campus. 351-1151. Transportation ■65 5-3-1 SMALL GROUP (Jazz-Blues) needed ONE MAN for four man AGES 17 to 50 Typing Service TWO for Friday and - si LEONARD WHOLESALE'S NEED ride, vicinity ■ Mustang, 1970. Very good Saturday nights. term. MEADOWBROOK TRACE. Miami, Auditions IV9-4311. BRAUERS Twyckingham. 351-7 Available March 15th. 1 LEARN TO EARN! Florida, March 17. II, best offer takes. $65. 5-2-29 bedroom, LOW PRICES ON 351-2070, MI56. 5-3-2 1861 HOUSE. 5-3-1 $155 / month. 393-1531. 5-2-29 PHOTOGRAPHY _ 332-3372. 3-2-28 ' MAN Current full and THREE NEED ride. BARTENDER PART time evenings apartment for sublease. LUXURY parttime jobs Daytona or IDLET STATION wagon. 2-man, furnished, for Honeywell SLR available to Lauderdale. Share and Spring and summer. Cedar Green spring term, right off campus. Call gas. Call Saturdays, experience helpful, 351-6806. 3-2-29 Apartments. Next to Brody keypunching aind keyverifying. apply in person 4 - 6 p.m., or 9 - Dorms, swimming pool. 351-2673. 337-1565 Monday - Wednesday, PENTAX Sp 500 11 p.m. CAPITOL PARK MOTOR or call collect 313-646-9591 *« • 5-3-1 TWO NEED ride home to Florida. HOTEL. 500 Thursday - Sunday. 5-2-29 List $199.95 TYPING THESES and letters, etc. South Capitol Enroll now tc> learn this Have made drive good Rapid accurate service. many time. Avenue. 3-3-1 OUR PRICE 1498i paying skill at SPARTAN KEY Experienced. 393-4075. C-2-29 Louise, 355-8696. B-1-2-28 ■let, 1968 wagon, 307 cu NEEDED GIRL for spring, furnished PUNCH ACADEMY Individual ■ automatic, radio, power f $995. 485-6671. 3-2-28 HOSTESS Apply in AT Northwind Stables. 1 LOVE apartment. Pool, air - conditioned. $55. Burcham Woods. 351-1099. Visit Leonard's instruction TYPING TERM papers and theses. 3-3-1 person, no ohone calls. 5-2-29 Darkroom Dept. placement i assistance. 393-8615 for Call Electric typewriter. Fast service. Wanted » imore information. 349-1904. 16-2-29 and Savp WANTED SIX models for well - known firms. All letters will be CEDAR ONE TO term. Cedar four men needed Village, reduced spring PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Theses, NEED RIDE Detroit DAILY, Lansing - rates. - Lansing. Call' Jim S., answered. Everyone interviewed. 351-5338. 5-2-28 313-222-6600 VILLAGE Math / Greek symbols. Best rates. 517-485-4419 , P MONZA 1965. Please send name, address, 5-2-29 Body. Call 351-4619. Q-2-29 > excellent condition, telephone number and photo. NEEDED, ONE man for 4 man apartment. Close. 332-4432. O L.S.A.T. - April Exam p? or 332-5053.5-3-3 Models. Post Office Box 284, East ] GOING 1 309 N. Washington ON SABBATICAL? Lansing. 10-3-10 They'll be leasing S.A.T. Graduate couple, ex- teachers, will April Exam ' X-R7. Air, rear for Summer & Fall GIRL FOR 3 - man, spring. Pooll Downtown, Lansing - house - sit starting Fall. No -Jt offer. Call after BOOKKEEPING AND general office. $65 / month. 351-4404. 5-2-28 , starting Wednesday, M.C.A.T. — April Exam publications. Across from campus. children, no pets. References. Box k 393-7491. 5-3-3 Full- time. MARANTZ 18 FM stereo receiver. 393-02 1 0. March 1. Corner M.A.C. and Grand 172, Trufant, Michigan 49347. Meadowbrook Trace. 1-2-28 Empire turntable with Shure arm. River, 4-2-29 |° P.*00. 1968. Full power, Houses Sony TC-650 stereo tape deck. below Jones Stationery Shop. Call Compliments of Jane, COPYGRAPH excellent throughout, New ELECTRO—Voice speakers SERVICES, DON'T FORGET blood comes owner. Jane, Jan & JoAnn GIRL TO share house. Own 25% off list. 337-1666. C-2-29 only $1350. Phone CAMERAS, SLR'S, from people. Save a life. Give 3-2-28 Apt. 251 6 bedroom, $80 / month, includes view finders. all utilities. 882-1126 after 5 Polaroids, projectors, ATTENTION D-LYON Suitors: Mod blood. Professional donors p.m., and equipment. Used color and DISSERTATIONS, THESES, term compensated. Bjw A'ternoons, * pick up camper, 1963. Cedar Village Office 351-5180 weekends anytime. 3-2-28 black and white TV sets. Used - Bod Raffle now in progress. Call 353-3657. 1-2-28 papers. Expert typist with degree in English. IBM. 351-8961. COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER MICHIGAN 351-3253. Bogue St. at the Red Cedar FEMALE TO share house, own stereo amps, tuners, receivers, 0-2-29 337-7183. C-1-2-28 turntables, speakers, 8 - track and bedroom, no lease. $55 / month. TUTORIAL HELP by Ph.D.'s All cassette, home p '"uipped 969 Marquis Brougham, 489-7239. 3-2-28 carplayers. Used 8 decks and sciences, including math, physics, uhbq - track tapes, □□ gann • Excellent $'995. 482-3840. 3-2-28 HOUSE IN the country on Aurelius $2 each. Stereo albums, typewriters, wall tapestries. Police and computers. Call 0-2-28 351-8629. CROSSWORD QGH0 DQ □□□[! TELLER, ACCURATE typist with 2 BEDROOM apartment. Air - Road. 3 bedrooms, furnished, 4 miles from campus. $240 month. band radios. WILCOX VATERBEDS FROM $9.99. PUZZLE I6® Chivy 1 ,on STATE office experience. Phone conditioned. Self - contained 393-0716. 3-2-29 SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East Michigan Avenue. 8 5:30 P.M., Guaranteed. Direct from factory. ACROSS Inir 1 Uuck- E*cellent PERSONNEL CAREERS. utilities, newly remodeled and Monday — Saturday. 485-4391. - Call 351 -0908. Drive a little save a 1 Soda sipper 4-dicious ■fa condition. Interior carpeted throughout. Call ONE 25 Bnny STUDENT for house in lot. Now located at 1body needs Interview with Mr. Baker. Resident Manager 489-0862 Bank Americard, Master Charge, 1649 6. Mistreat 26 Soupfin □a nu unnD 489 1441. 3-2-29 country. 80 acres. Phone Greencrest Avenue, East hon# Layaway, terms, trades. C Lansing. 11. Relative 28 A R i« lor ;« <82-9740. Tom 3-3-1 « between 4-9 p.m. 10-3-8 675-5496. 3-2-28 0-2-29 12. Old Glory Misplaced 29. Loathe C|ANA,L YS l S\ c o lHe C TlHATE FISCHER SPEAKERS XP-15-b's 15" 14 Infer For Rent ONE OR two bedroom furnished NEW CO-OP. Reminder. Birthday 30. Missile site l"ll7nftiflht b,ue' 20000 mobile homes. $25 - $35 I week. party and meeting tonight, 207 woofers 3 speaker i Peanuts Personal 15. Individual 31. Bowstring E i. i AIHEIOP ALI Kon 30?^', Good 1^393-0362. 5-3-2 inning TV AND satisfaction STEREO rental, Ten 641-6601. O minutes to campus. Bogue. 9:30 P.M. Call me . . . 351-1242. 1-2-28 16. Right hand page: abbr. hemp 34. Sooner than guaranteed. Free IOBBI: GREAT Dave, 351-9666. 355-8313 Raidl 17. Calamitous delivery, service and pick Congratulations on going Active) 35. Grow up. No afternoons. 1-2-28 ■ «Wne ^ radio, flood Bu°- New deposit. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C ONE MAN for 4-man spring. Next Love, your AEPHI Sisters. 1-2-28 18. Sea bird 19 36 Red light 43. Uproarious 4. Ironwood ot only to campus. 1 % baths, furnished, 4 BEDROOM house, furnished, TYPEWRITER, - Tse-tung 37. Commercial 44. Weaving reeds Pegu UNDERWOOD ».^8 20 Formerly, - 8811 Phone OFFICE SPACE, 100 to 2800 square shag carpet. $65 / month. campus, sublease spring term Olivetti, portable, $15. Typing Real Estate Tokyo 38. Cone-bearer 39 Cosmetic DOWN 5. English river feet on first floor across from 351-0717.3-2-29 332-8963. B-1-2-28 table, metal. $10. 349-9374. 1. Malicious 6. Oak nut campus. Air - conditioned, 2. Shy 7. West German EAST LANSING 22. Search 42 Push carpeted, available soon. Parking. DUPLEX, 2 bedroom, well furnished, 4 bedroom 3. Scamp - house. capital Phone FABIAN REALTY. lots of closet space, 3 baths, utility room, separate dining room. ' 2 3 5 7 8 ISf% ' » 332-0811, 482-4619, 669-9873. yard, pleasant area, $185. Recreation room, 2 fireplaces. By 7-3-3 SUBLET. EFFICIENCY, across from 337-0461. 5-3-3 owner. 332-2745. 5-3-1 " w Apartments campus. between 5 Parking. 351-4574, call - 7 p.m. 2-2-29 Rooms STEREO KLH-11 with dust covi months old. New, $200, EAST, 2 bedroom, modern kitchen, -M t yy ,«1 13. Grimy 18 Object BRENTWOOD, NEAR Frandor, 2 $125. 351-1405 after 5 p.m. garage, fenced yard, assume VA •7 IB /V' 19 Myriad mortgage, $1500 down. 372-5452. %'9 21 Sort bedroom, unfurnished, available 2-2-29 '/A 2 FURNISHED apartments, all CLOSE HnlHc immediately, carpeted, air - TO campus. Doubles, 20 21 22 utilities, 400 block West Barnes. $110 and $125. Married couples only, no pets, no children. conditioning, carport. $170 FABIAN 482 REALTY, 332-0811, 4619, 482 0571.3-3-1 kitchen, included. 5-3-3 laundry, utilities $53/month. 351-2029. WEDDING GOWN, veil. Size 8 Originally 485-5317. 3-3-1 $500. Best 10. offer. SUPPORT YOUR business with ; from Want Ads. Advertisi i! w 1 & 25 24 Mine., ijar 2 qirls ,or 4 ,™m universi,v W 1* MM" 39. Nurses |^3 Sk'ng *«25. | Terrace Reduced rates. 351-4518. 3-2-29 41. Italian river | 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan JiSHINGTC pome Monc ii he saic etce for th (ores of i [s, diploma id Nixon, 1 I they arriv I Md„ aftei i, where tl lithe chief pion cameri u under ct I by his | iteiy will b I it emergini arr < ■ashingt* I'm Directo PR Monday ►» War di f "idsetadt T 'old Sen JMy subcomi P could be i Py now to f "i»n fight ii |«ld ■ "itlon itcoui in ■(r°U8 pn T«ce of lav n 'o enter ^ nation w fitting f that pmetradltli he sa ■he country *®ent mig r 'or conac RjtaCoolidge rofSuprem he wo Nice ■J*1". but men cAppeartiig witli Dori^McLeari J Feelirf cAvailable ori A&M records arid tapeS T^y, number Who is ®me 8 ere j'h*n « ha\ dTVIaibti l*8pm *cAud. cAt the Disc V ,dmlnl8tri f "nder the i IJWlgO. rM«ssachu# of ah( Tickets on sale at Marshall's, Campbells, MSUnion •Ist Album- P'•criflce th PoMtaown C *ld the 1, Presented by ASMSU Pop Entertainment Ci^ed b! eFeel'1 2nd • c.jNblA Eft' Ulster R•0 ac ^nlce.