V S. C. Library Q&at Larking, Mich. #*0 Freshman Officers Seniors Beat About Bush Await Washington as Will Be Nominatedi On 0n Collptfp \\72ii I?,* l ife* Question 0 College Life Question zl / Afs>s>+1 pep in Hir/elrtian's this workout. gridders feel Complete Mailing of Frosh Ap¬ pointments With Next Wed¬ nesday last Day. GIVE STUDIO LOCATION Firai Sales Campaign Before Advance in Price Nov. 15 to Git Under Way Next Week DATES SET FOR DEBATE CLINIC Library Gets New Lamps FARMERS'WEEK PLANNED HERE In Main Reading Roorn Corrinillff Starts Planning for Study Without Glare Wit) Result From Renovation; Other Ml Grratnt A; Event of State High Schools to Mrrt Changes May Also Be Made Soon. November 5 For Round Coming Year. Table Discussion. IK It! I ll IIAl l. \l> \ V OAD EQUIPMENT Foresters Take OPEN ENGINEERING ON DISPLAY HERE Annual Journey LECTURE COURSE Through Indiana Newly Farmed Rducational Pro¬ 'any Contractors Attend First Send Four Days Studying Trve gram Directed by Sefing Show in Five Years. Planting in Hoosier , State. STUDENTS ATTEND H.E. CONVENTION Faculty Membvri Alio lo MmI ■ in Grand Rapidt. Ay Short Course The annua) convocation of the Will Start Soon Michigan State Home Economics association 1st being reited b> H H Heath man, an M held today ACS MEETS AT ALBION S C forestry graduate <.f 1»23 Monday, October 211. is registra¬ and tomorrow at the Pantlind ho- points of interest also included tion A ond program ♦el in Grand Rapids. Since the day for short course men, who i , ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS T>,- Mot,*.* «>*■.«« tb. the caves and restored mill village annually visit the campus for a Will be held ;.» a later date m De- Memorial SlTVK'l president has resigned. Vice Pres¬ LEAVE FOR AIEE MEETING > ■ of Spring Mill State park, in el period of 10 weeks to take spe- < "h Plans Completed ident Dr. Gross is presiding. Miss their monthly meeting Albion, ciahzed courses in agricultural > ably be "X-H Julia Tear and Mrs. Mabel Ehlcr* Ostium, of th« elif- ' a They were The fourth day took the group gival Field are on the program. Among the nng depar tmcnt. and Tueaday, October 22 , into the stripped over cool lands The plans for faculty members going from here cf the same depart- addressed by Dr. Arthur Dox of The short course consists of " v,,u "" H vices for Miss Ruth Johnston have are Miss Alberta rd .Gizon JParke Davis Company. His sub- of southwestern Indiana, where two terms T", of eight weeks apiece, i i curious enough to study the AUTO ACCIDENT VICTIM now been completed. and they er* and Miss Love. Young, Mrs. By- tree planting is required to cover The credits ■re. left fur Purdue uni-l""' "» "rh* •"»""* 'h'"" received thus are as- , ample lamps on display, be sure TO if RETURN TO ixtiumx iu SCHOOL JtnifUL will be held in the woman's par¬ Prom this afternoon until to- the gigantic upheaval resulting lo .Herd the;""!' »,wf rep^bic as such when and if the tes remember that the same size Leslie Winch*! I, senior ag stu- lois of the Peoples church. Sun- from surface mining with electric student wishes to ak» dUtrui and .ludent A1"u' Vwenty-five from Ihr rol- enter the college shovels, moving 25 to 30 eoetini Ol the American ■'«•*» thMnutrjr d.p.rlment at- of Dertrlra) Engmerr. | "r.d«i «•» meeting yards of earth at one scoop lowing a visit to one of the RIFLERS TO INITIATE 85 j TO HONOR DAIRY TEAM MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Friday, Octotyr 25, 10:15 swered that we just took it on the like hell, and there aren't goj HOBBY GROUP TO MEET to be any small scores, chin, and then reminded them eithe The Italo-Ethiopian Situation Any students who are interest¬ that this sort of thing happens to all the best teams once in a while. That kind of spirit, springing . of defeat, is the true Spar', ed in stamp collecting are invited Political Science Head Explains Conditions Behind Car- They can draw their o.wn conclu- spirit, and is the stuff out of whj to attend the meetings of a local from the statistic of the State's great victories are rent War Maneuvers. group of collectors who meet the It struck at such as those showing six me once that • first and third Wednesday of each State student .body should p: Bv PROr. K II RYDER themselves worthy of their t< Hawks, 343 Charles street, by refusing to be dismayed bv i and Liberia arc two route, the key to her head, already has a targe and in- conclude, it defeat and by throwing, their Fini up maining independent countries .sessions, teresting display in the college li- | of 1,10 slory I there on the scoreboard. . port back of the team more v ! Africa today. Abyssinia is now France, as we all know, fears heartedly than before. \\\ i (tacked by Mussolini with for her security. She thinks Cer- There arc no dues to be paid at j It was the Boston fans them- a great schedule yet tr» pi. v ian forces for reasons that' many may obtain advantages icse meetings. - J selves who first pointed out to me and we can't too soon let th. • beyond the scoreboard. decisively apparent to tha j which will enable her ! In the closing know that all State fans an stro- (the recent defeat. Besides France lif the first place knows her empire In Africa might ship and control of the I as K,vcra| state players left backing them to the limit" HARLAN CLARK, *35 L ie Isthmus of Sucsz- « be wrecked. student prpess by university nu-1 tho flc,d thr Vadium roared to the e to the Far East. Thus does the world speculate thorlties is a last resort weapon tribute of thc thousands who stood that can find justification only in and chMTedt not merely because t is adjacent to ex* upon this, most delicate situation, ing.i* of England.; It is easy to see that every nation rare circumstances. | thpy cmj)d WT„ afford to hut man. ie north, dependent .would suffer serious consequences When university authorities jfpst,y ot|f of ,,lnr<.rr reaped and s of the Nile. lm-j in case Italy shall succeed. Wo. maintain a censorship of a «tu- af|rmrj|tlrjn for the stato tram In HEADS UP! dent newspaper, it ceases to be a | the west and north wonder how a nation, repuffed to m Sudan, an English I he poor and without ' resources student newspapet and becomes hfld Q c,r8n,v fm|Rh, acquittoa themselves like STATE is May SO arc- win \.• ■ ns. hnvr .brains. Is'ef win- Tonya on the ran promote such an undertaking. an administration newspaper. In mon and Spaltanjt. and after all. brawn — we have s t \ i> V.-.AT SEND YOUR LAUNDRY HOME ^RAILWAY istal atrip «•! doubt fi EXPRESS ^« en'.* the point, r |M»pui*teti. .«tr t along i tdrictcil territory N"t that «»!< Ethiopia alleviate the condition s»> nun certainly * There's nothing like a good the |N>pulation j Mi id 11 Dure Ihe rot Without any harmful j>->« holt or blague, for in*tam»\ would a! opiKiaitioiL A famine effective: hut they would l awakening to the this seemingly STATE CAN BEAT Well call for it. whisk it awav ctoprogH the remaining native Birth control, t i really a dutuib- and bring it back again. Ratlw .i - ^would conflict with their mor. But a war—ah, that'* the » moral ideas infantictde like ich idea. Kill Vrn with the idea la practically every individually and WASHINGTON Express and sure. service is Economical, safe, awnit too— of 'imperialism. ni. » Vm think they'll ail lie heroes Then pllecltvely, u prevails generally that in rates are low—and our *V*nd- wnd them into the •nerl* aim mountain* where their demise Hut changed way the conflict may dra-> ing-it-collect" service » partic¬ Won't he unpleasant tor the home folk nations uito another woild TUMBIONTM 12(1 officers with nu ularly popular. Prompt pick-up It's etpt umve: but its pfTU-tive mlnd.spc|Kjlinr the And the peasant* don't money when they can he lien** through credit hour* earned, 11 note than with all Us 1.200 officer* j Again the League of Nations is tragic results, You Can't Beat and delivery service in all im¬ it. When the slaughter is over the Italians will ihulk up a more Hum 120 hours Under' seriously weakened and may be portant cities and towns. • Foe few ns*.''records of their \alei in history. And neus of Sumyers direction the com- 'completely discredited as a result. ( service or information telephone Sandy's advanced t»» « t-.oinogenous j Ttiu* the one agency U\at bid been Italy will t* world news. I1 the United the hope of a better day would be Vt-s, it's nuutoifimnt. tiki Jonathan Swift; who proposed ] KAII.W AY EXPRESS AGENCY. Inc. ♦wept away making roasta of (he excess children of nver-|K>puiatctl Ire- [' I is easy to detect the hazards, 219 Abolt Hood. Eool lamsing land, was only a piker comiuurd wjth MusMilini. Announcement el Uit discovery individual countries. England j I'hone 5-2825 red-tailed hawk n«w to sci- with her great empire fears that! for wan made at Cornell univcr- her holdings will be endangered The seniors—see feature story inside—don't seem to like college. It's funny how long some of them stick around, feel- recently by Dr. Geoige M nr. curator of birds at the um- , and the threats of dissolution will ! .be intensified. She can not biook > Food. Pricf and Service Railway Express aobmcv inc. ing as they do alio at it. I varsity. :an enemy near the Sues Canal j NATION-WIDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE friday. October 25, 1955 MICHIOAK STATU NEWS Showing Tomorrow SPORTORIALS STATE IS To Decide Future By HARRY WISMER. Sports Editor Sideline Coachl^O NOTRE DAME Pride enmeth before There may be a world of truth a fall. For State Eleven Saturday afternoon the football* will around Maeklin Held, for the Spartans of disasterous eastern jaunt last week are bark home rearing .to go zzr™7" Michigan State after their | ROVA| TV__ —-THIS WEEK-END Irving Berlin—or maybe it was Schuman-Heink but pride is aealnst anvthlnr th.t m»y come. nrtrrn.ln.lhm Is written all ovrr H" Spartan highness, Sir Albert — No Clamour '! Cumbctlan nr Prir Albert Of Rambler Outfit Already Holdt all i • the v the fares of Ihr Stair plavrrs and Tnarh Jlmmlr Counrrlman and r nt t The Sporting World Watches Spartans Here Tomorrow to Decide rompany have picked rather a had time to teat the akill of Charlie Durhnm s a b,oody H'lnglisn- Victory Over Strong Pitti- Trouble Here Real Strength of Bachman Eleven; Boston Game Barhman-s aroused trldders. r :m w,th 1 ~ U>t«* bu,T 'he old burgh U«iver«ity Harrieri. his patios. - Injuries Healed and Spartans Ready Tnjuirios come and go in every football camp, but State has had jthlete and a bloody good mo! | into the future supplied us with a nore than their share of them this fall. Warmbein began festivities STATE VICTORY SEEN scoop unrivaled by any columnist Florid face that faces four country. Your MeI.cmoros \ aroused State eleven tomorrow afternoon is going to > week before the Grinnell game, injuring his shoulder, and from "ms of Michigan weather, a pursy Brcktold and Spark, in Cloir • . -h"\v the home folks that it was all a mistnke Inst week. that day to this mishaps of one type or another torso with the old country round¬ led last week in calling 13 \ ..oia,I that came home from the east badly crippled is in have been cropping up all over the Spartan Race (or Individual Honor,; ness. cavalry legs that add a bit squad. In fact, the East Lansing team deported .1, ifo once more and is primed to meet an aggregation from for Boston last Saturday with Brandstntter, Warm¬ if a swagger to his walk a brau Gardner and Wait* Trailing. at ion received from our lad Is Albert Amiss, prize grounds¬ \| in that is smarting in the throes of a losing streak. bein. Colina, Sobo, and a few others on the dis¬ man of the athletic department ttv JACK HFKKV o"' Washington eleven lost iHst week to Duquesne of abled list. Soon after the fray got under way, Take a look at the velvet-grnss- When the " • ••iirgh. Previous t,, that they had been beuten by llli- Burolits, Sleder, Schroeder, Ziegel and Wiseman Spartan rroaa- r*d gridiron. Neat as a pin and ami Southern Mcthodiat. were mowed down by the injury Jinx. However, country team meets the Notre after a week of which these men have been held I>nme aprjfrejration this Sat- vill is* lighting tomorrow »nt to the lad's , v.- an important bit of VARSITY CAGE out of scrimmage, a strong Spartan "lineup is just about set to take the field once more for the first time since the. bloody privilege t urdav at Maeklin field they will be trvinpr to keep up the dub must c be pet marhir good, because no Michigan game. tion When the occasion call* its fine surface record made by State teams has. ever produced cha stott :,| last week was pointing for the Spar- keyed SQUAD CALLED *J SLCQEfL J iprhaps you have noticed that the State frosh Take a gander for the past three years, that for a little extra neatnrss in your tiros -- a little Tlte result will !«■ re- eleven this fall has some hoys who hid fair to someday wear the more style to Basketball Gets Under Way as Varsity Insicnj of >lirhl|.in State College. The most promising of the your collar • Dan • has had r new men are Hud Belenger. Iank» right end from Glen Ellyn. III., — step out in the Hilt, VanAlstynr Works With ftiio many feel wilt win varsity laurels as early as next fall. This SB .1 mm's neie shirt uifh Pf_. 18 Veterans. rugged Illinois youth has al Ithe requisities of a sterling college end; being well versed in the art of blocking, taekling and pass receiving. the nonmilf AKoMT rot' Coach Ben VanAlstvne started lar. Sanforized Shrunk. Helenger is also n fine student having enrolled here as an honor the basketball rolling last week student from his prep school. Another hoy who has shown promise with a first call for varsity squad is Gene finh-k. Michigan City. Ind.. halfback who boots them far and wide and who has displayed exceptional passing ability for a e bid's old English t yearling. Ciolek weighs rlose to I HO. and if he speeds up a little he should go far. Moving along we find that Steve Saar, speedy and elusive quarterback from Arlington Heights, is the dean of the frosh hall carriers and shows promise of future varsity ability. Along the forward wall Haul Vollmer. husky center from Eeorse apepars to have an excellent rhanre of earning the varsity award in "36." Paul Lwitig. sturdy tarkle from Providence. Rhode Island, is a promising candidate for that all Important post Some of the best frosh talent In college have been unable to practice due to probation •ohahlv the most outstanding of these Js Norkv Sher- of l.anstng Eastern, who was all state quarterback in his last AFTER THE GAME years in high school and who Is a great prospect Kr.cky has A studying hard. also, and it is hoped In all concerned that Lyle ibtaln that "f " average and aid the Spartans in future years. under and the " HOT CHOCOLATE —AT— HARBORNE'S ability WEAR A OR CORSAGE ii Basketball, the king of winter sports, has been under v y for • the past two weeks tinder f'naelt Ben Van Alstyne. one of the great¬ est rage coaches in thr business today. Van Alstyne is sure to miss . s Boh derrick, Arnie Van Eassan and Mike Rouse. ! men were considered with the finest in thr land, All three of these r and rausrd plenty i f heart aches for opposing coaches and players I Collegiate Flower Shop over a three year s tan derrick and Van Eassan are Mill both in Corsage Makers to Michigan State C ollege Since P.1211 school while Rouse is studying law at the University of Mirhican 211 Abbot Ro.nl I'honc 370 -\dolph It it pp. the Kentucky University club. TRIAI. IIORSE WE TEl.EGRAril I LOWERS . ranked all three of these Spartans with v so far as individual mc the best IS college basketball players in the nation last Washington university has Inst nccrned. but McFarlut year. At present It Is not certain Just who will fill thr guard posts three games in a row. all to major , make it interesting for any left vacant by Rouse and derrick, However. Joe Smith and Han They ramr rlose to opponents. £I, a has ideas on , crossing tL Reck appear to be doing very well, and may lie thr answer to Coach sticking the lllini hull in the jugu¬ - ' Van Alstvne's prayers. While Maurice Buysre. sensational l.an*ing lar. however, which means that WALK*OVER Touch Football pivot man is hark in college this tear, and will undoubtedly fill thr thry have the stuff that makes , renter post O. K Other renters who have looked good are Bill good teams. Illnols walloped I' Schedule C ain and dorian Wllkenson. in deceinber. State's first game will come ofT early S. C . by three touchdowns. But it seems that they are sing¬ GRAITLI.RS NOTICE School-proof (a* ing the deepest shade of Saint Sports" ' Coach Fend Icy Collins i l,onio blues now that seven good men and true 1 there's a phrase quests all freshman and vars that drools literature now. doesn't • What with cla"*cs, studies letterv on the reception. WKAB i It?) are on the rrutrh list with in¬ and week-end*, every rollrgo ;es it five times as strong as any st juries and whatnot. Everbearing girl hay enough ..n her mind The college station will be on the strawberry plants ran't even hold t all-col- without worrying aUut what** the candle for Zhovavaky. the quarter. Reports have It that he * wrestling tourney will be I h.ip|a-ningt«» her -hoc*. In our out Monday, October This evening at 7:15 over station R'JIR Jack ... looks like a shortcake around the *n at 4 o'clock in the wrestling | * Walk Over BUGGIES your Itrppinstall. trainer of the Spartans for the paat ijg rib area. A strawberry Is a bruise j ' feet are proof against the hard 21 years will be on the Peoples Finance Service. Inr. program along with Jimmie f onnrrlman and Old Man Col. I. Pick Em. This program which that went to high school. If you must know. Other casualties include llohhs. knock* that campus are education. part uf * a WALK-OVER is dedicated to football has been a feature on punter-end who was to have an cover overnight in many rases. SPORT: S»ft, rugged brown BURTON'S W JIM all fall. The man largely responaltde far operation on an ailing leg Wed¬ Inridentallv, let's turn out I (Ml per Voorland call. the success of these programs is Joe Gwinn. man¬ nesday; lludgens and W'lmberly. cent for tomorrow's game. The $6.85 Walk-Over SI • Shop ft ager of the Peoples I inanee Jack Hepptnstall will barks. Injured shoulder and leg; apathy at the turnstiles for the K. 221 S. Washington ngton ii answer several interesting questions on this pea- Lnndy. tackle, foot fracture, and I', game should not he repeated, W'endt. tackle. Jaw fracture: and and above all, those helmeted men gram. and it should he a great ane for the fans to Wagner hack. Is suffering from can stand a little cheering on the tune In on. dellenstall has been with Ktate lor a painful charley horse. way bark to the victory rut. 21 years and has served under more coaches a than any other trainer in America today. While Washington was evident¬ ly regarded as a trial horse by the Prof. R H Shcrill of the Uni- foregoing opponents, she will rolina wide awake It never falls, and be¬ come to East Lansing today with took on fiv« N. v Mrt'ltOSSEN'S Dail) Ktvnllf Srrrkr HAND WciVKN side, "it clears the head immedi¬ a high rating from the Spartans. Yoik thugs recently when one of 1 B Ptyi Ctllegr Exptnu< ately " according to Jesurun. The Green and White are all tiie mtook 30 cents from him. Al¬ Wool Ties If Bachman and h — Wednesday. Nov- He also gave an inkling of the through underrating any team and though three radio patrol curs r 6. Wuiiwr Game No. 7 • By Associated Collegiate Press > novel means he uses to promote should show the old lime fight finished the thugs after Professor $1.50 er Game No 8 New York - Harold Jesurun '37. throughout. Kherill had knocked out one of nc No 12—Thursday. Nov..1 Columbia University student who . "Fernando de Rio set his alarm Don't let those injuries fool you. j them, he is credited with a moral i 7 Winner Game No. 9 vs. attracted wide attention last year clock at 6:30 a. in. 1 sneaked in . If a player is In shape, he will re- t»r Game No. 10. when he instituted a "waking-up" when Tie was asleep and put it 'or his fellow students, is ahead to 8:30. When ho failed to Kord Koats tmp No 13—Tuesday Nov- r 12, Winner Game No. 11 back i this j ' full of de- awaken on time the next morning, $5.45 Football if pia.ved i. v 12. t kin or shine postpone- business i expand his novel I pointed out to hiin the unreli¬ "I'm all i t for a big s ability of alarm clocks, and told him how foolish it was to depend ' In Hotel Downey nnr Main Dlnin« Room .nil in Ito ( aflcr Khnp ,M will tin* Superior Sweaters $1.95 I If a single game is held up. he confided to our reporter, "I'v on such erratic devices. He finally r A LA CARTE nil TXUI.E I)' NOTE wrvten . >id* up the lemainder of the already got a lot of customers, and saw the light, and del Rio is now HURD'SI tibm university will re¬ trmntln, >n« tnMubk lets bequest of $25,000 ti schedule my new method of getting them one of the numerous Jesurun sat¬ • "to found as many schol- up never fails" isfied customers," THE GRILL The Germans act Shakespeare The new method proved to be a au» i! will in tiie sciavoU of ! For Utorrtmlnalin, Frn»l» «ir drill lurnt.hr. r.rh rvmln, both science" under tbe terms better than anyone else, in the phial of ammonium chloride, pre¬ poput.r .nd rUHlr.l rnlrrtalnmrnl. Hprrlnl l.nnrbruw. *■111 of one of its graduates judgment of Professor Elliot of viously treated with sodium hy- Support the advertisers in the droxide to obtain the gas. A few Michigan State News; they gup- Kubmhh 51.75 ana Up >nk Vanderpoel of East Or- the English department at Am . J-, who died last month herst jwhirf* of this and the patient is port your college WMPY Says- Tim Stale Let's Go" MTCTTTOAN STATE NEWS Friday, October 25, 1 Mr, Scabbard and Blade Pledging Sub-Debs Romp Cache College Supplies and Semi-Rustic i-liusite Harvest Harvest /fan Ball State Theater smortc astfr (liana-Ohio State—Ohio ??<>•!• yq) In Cashless Storeroom • • Feature Dull Social Week End ii 1T0WI ' State - VanderhiU Five Mtti? Ivy* in ,. i,;.. ,(1 parties ' Dispensary Furnishes Paints, Chairs, Salts, pesks. Cheesecloth, < eh a tress: Try Vand m.iV" sabres tonight while • ' i I'l-i-rtitmu an and Chlorine for Maintenance of M. S. C. . . ' ,.N patter-path r as !!»<» he;r freshutnn:pnd.-transfer daught-; . * ; _ . . w>v - va!" .u< ■ • h, '" I j Drop Into the College Prujr Stores for Pe^y Jones Candy G R i. Hit- ( oiipon , m I.nine- x v mi to o I ■ SHIOOI. || nl FREE Tin-'l iiti' I SAMPLE units W illi \n> I I SEItVlt'K Ohio Prof Compiles P " ■ I I.I NdlEs the Average Arc of .Man's Achievement COLLEGE DRUG CO. i ' I (.rand Klver |?K H Grand Rl\cr Thomas Eduon is Given as Ex Lafayette Graduate ample to Prove the Truth rilOM :• 31(16 Held Captive in China of Contentions. Daily Matinee 2:50 tar CAMPUS CAMERA Nights and Sundays 2.V Children Ahuos ' ID. tUDU \N1> \ 1 t'CHAt Who s Got the Whole World Woozie? You tell em. Quote I HctcComei eeoKic Qtvtqt Cfutdt BURKS AllIN Geo'oo Dorbiaf-Betty furnett I M NK.W MONDAY Tt KMiAY - I | wall ac k HKHUY • JAlKIL (ckm'elt of the "()'SHAIJGHNKSSY\S BOY" 1 politu.. WASHINGTON if Lieberntann's -1th Anniversary and message from '•'>* S<-- I. t steamship luuwd from $40 to $50 and 3$ Fall Handbag Parade cov ski If you are a sho Vladivo»ti'k you had better be genxi after your Our Bap ilopartment hail played winners Brinson and Lrmckr, it i* charg¬ (rf!..ioiS and the catalog said lee 30Ui birthday and Broke before your m fashion for four years, and has earned ed, hod planned to bribe the as-: were to be $40 So he :ued hi 34th, or you may never get any Bukant a wide reputation for "firsts" and "auc- sisUnt warden of the jai! m Wu¬ college udministiatinii tor the ex place, and if you Jean toward ees.-i's. ' Anani we launch the baits that tra $10 The whole law school. sports covered by the JUeket chang, where Walden »« being He poetry, you may expect to be at arc destined for a great held. Wuchang i* dii»> M> ; faculty was lined up against him,, demanded in the name of the stu- : between 82 and 33. reception—show¬ but the Judge* gave the boy the' dent body that the ticket contract ing ih. modern manner in which Pari* tte Hankow on the Yangtse In Ih". Lehman points toward In¬ nod He won his ease. hamiles her baft*. this way the pair intended to gain | be kept and an uproar ensued. ventor Thomas Alva Edison as a I But the athletic department was prime example. Between the ages WE 0IVTTE YOIE ISSPr.CTIOS leave and have Lcmckc remain Tlvat reminds us of a simihu "over the barrel," and was help* of 33 and 36 Edison took out a behind in hi* place. Once Walden incident at the University of iesi total of 312 patents, more than a was safely out of Chinese terri¬ Minnesota. Last year the editor • * * fourth of all those he • received tory, Lerncke was to have efh.t- of the campus yearbook noticed Now that we have conic to the during his life time. ed hi# own release by a nvrrc de¬ that the athletic department was i end of this column we feet it safe claration of his true identity. intending to charge admission to' to inform you that a professor of A Professor Kipp of the law WuhluM Are. Two other men said to be in¬ the Yale*Minnesota hockey scries rhetoric at the University of Illl- faculty at the University of Bonn, volved in the plot are Brain Nadis. Tho editor looked on the back ojlliu&s has declared that "columnists in Germany, was forced to resign a Soviet Russian and a typewriter his season athletic ticket and saw-belong to the mhron school of recently because his maid patron¬ j salesman by occupation, j that hockey was included in the j writing." ized a Jewish butcher.