Modality Tuesday ii not an alluring theme. MICHIGAN F.H.Bradley Cloudy . . . STATI STATE NEWS and mild with snow flurries . . . in the evening. High between 35 UNIVERSITY and 40 degrees. -i 64 Number 118 East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, February 29, 1972 "No country should claim infallibility ami each country should he preftared to re-examine its own allilmles for llie common good." •U.S. statement from U.S.-Chinu communique President Nixon and Premier Chou-En-lai discussing Chinese-American relations. Nixon back in HINGTON me (AP) - President Nixon Monday from a historic mission he said has brightened prospects portion of leaders. a communique issued Sunday after a week of talks with Communist Washington after epic trip Shanghai, Nixon promised to withdraw all U.S. troops from Taiwan and agreed with It was relating to the portion of the communique Taiwan that caused most communique said. "With this prospect in mind, it affirms the ultimate objective of But Rep. John M. Ashbrook of Ohio, a for this generation." the Chinese to develop bilateral trade, consternation among conservatives. conservative But he also had endorsements from the withdrawal of all U.S. forces and challenging Nixon for the ores of congressmen, government some members of Congress, exchange programs and contacts between Administration officials defended it Republican presidential nomination, said including the two governments short of formal as a military installations from Taiwan. he was shocked and , diplomats and White H>use aides • warm praise from Sen. Edward M. logical application of the Nixon Doctrine "In the meantime, it will dismayed by the Nixon, his wife and official party diplomatic relations. that allies should be chiefly responsible for progressively President's agreement Taiwan. Kennedy, D-Mass., a longtime reduce it's forces and military installations on they arrived at Andrews Air Force administration critic. According to the 1,750 - word their own defense. And they argued that on Taiwan as the tension in the Md.( after a 6V4 hour flight from communique, the extensive talks with the board results justify the concession, at area Ashbrook said he was distressed also by Chou — and a brief session with party diminishes." where they paused for nine hours Before any rate. "the contrast between the conciliatory, leaving Elmendorf Air Force Presidential adviser Henry Base near chairman Mao Tse-tung - brought no The United States "reaffirms its Kissinger said deferential rhetoric employed by the Anchorage, Alaska, on the last interest the wording does not contradict the the chief executive stepped before change in the two governments' opposing in a peaceful settlement of the United States and the military propaganda leg of his 20,395 - mile journey, Nixon told Taiwan President's recent pledge to maintain the n cameras to positions on Vietnam. question by the Chinese themselves," the that marked the Chinese portions of the report to the nation, a crowd of about 1,000 that because of his mutual - defense treaty with Taiwan. under criticism from conservatives trip "the chance for peace for this communique." by his pledge that U.S. troops generation of people is the best since the Is 'y will be withdrawn from Taiwan. end of World War II." TAIWAN OFFICIALS BITTER emerging as the most - criticized Nixon told the cheering Alaskan crowd, which included about 200 children: Foreign "This makes me realize the big 0 amnesty responsibility to bring the world to build peace. a That world where was Nixon's nine we can the purpose of our peace — all live in trip." hour stopover at By The ASSOCIATED PRESS outcome of the eight - day trip another reaction Darmstaedter Echo told West Europeans to • Commmunist party organ, Rude Pravo, evaders, blow to Prime Minister Eisaku Sato's r Anchorage's Elmendorf Air Force Base was West Europeans look on President government. beware they do not get the same treatment commented: "There can hardly be arranged so he could readjust to time - Nixon's journey to China as a major step given Taiwan "should isolationist forces in anybody who would doubt the zone changes. After arriving in the cold, Reaction on Taiwan remained bitter and America gain an upper hand." ... toward world peace but some contend he stock prices dropped. principal intentions of imperialist strategy clear Alaskan darkness, he and Ms. Nixon One Swiss newspaper termed the are to set Socialist countries sold out Chiang Kai - shek's Nationalists The French government expressed ... against went to the quarters of the base communique's sections rr states commander to rest. and conceded much more than the Chinese satisfaction with the outcome of Nixon's on Taiwan "the final knockout blow for Nationalist each other and the . . . weaken the Soviet Union Communists did. Warsaw Pact countries. Anti Before leaving Shanghai, where he held eight days on the mainland. An official China." Others claimed Premier Chou En • Commentators behind the Iron Curtain statement in - Sovietism has become the common Paris said: "The French (ASHINGTON (AP) - Selective the last of his series of meetings with lai "won his case" and that Nixon gave in denominator of the two negotiating « Director Curtis W. Tarr Premier Chou En-lai, Nixon told a banquet on Monday saw in the joint U.S. - Chinese government can only be pleased with too easily to Chairman Mao Tse tung's . . . told communique a dark hint of a U.S. • the first stages realized in another ■ parties." Monday that granting amnesty to "this was the week that changed the world region of claim to the Nationalist island. A Bulgarian paper said the Nixon - Chou Chinese gang - up on the Soviet Union and the world by this policy which has War draft reslsters would The Chinese and American people hold But the French newspaper Le Figaro of be . . . its allies. Moscow, however, held its official universal application." dialogue arouses serious alarm because "id »t the future of the world in their hands." Paris said the U.S. promise to pull Nixon and the a dangerous precedent, tongue. The West German government also has Chinese leaders have 'old Sen. Edward In a communique issued Sunday In American military forces off Taiwan was become partners M. Kennedy's The Japanese press declared the voiced satisfaction but the newspaper "against the Socialist subcommittee that the Induction "made under certain conditions. community." »uld be wrecked "The American guarantee to Taiwan by granting total Chinese and U.S. leaders seemed to have now to those who chose exile remains," it added in regard to the U.S. defense treaty with the Nationalists. expected this kind of reaction from the Jn fight in Vietnam. Wd it cou|,j The Gaullist organ Nation of Paris said Soviet bloc and included in their a,«on 'ous <* of jeopardize the safety of in future conflicts, aet a precedent of selective laws and be unfair to men U.S. officials defending the communique was "only the tip of the iceberg," adding: "Everything points to a deep change in the world equilibrium and communique a section collusion of nations against others. There was no further comment Chinese on this, although the official denouncing the by the 0 enter the armed forces when nothing will be exactly the same as before." Peking People's Daily ran the text of the Taiwan withdrawal Mtion wou'd In Italy, the press said the visit was a communique on Monday. accept a precedent The Japanese press said the outcome of ii,."!th*t the * m'ght evulon of Selective some day be an vow major step forward with perhaps better results than expected. The Communist the visit was the third blow States against Prime Minister Sato. The by the United * newspaper L'Unita called it "an historic tradition," Tarr said. event." Japanese were embarrassed by Nixon's th". e!ihe 8ald' 8ome Americana who WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S. officials are spreading the cloak To pull out what American force is there now does not mean, But the independent II announcement in July — without prior Messaggero tt*untfy m8 1 h,ve were not under of the Nixon Doctrine over the President's commitment to the officials say, that President Nixon has weakened the U.S. commented: "It cannot be said that the consultation with Tokyo — that he would » ,lnce become withdraw troops from Taiwan, and arguing that the newly • treaty commitment to defend Taiwan, go to China. They were hit again by an argument disputed by final communique would make the White conscientious objector status Nixon'8 10 per cent import tax and other opened doors to China are justification enough for the the Nationalist regime. House wave the flag in triumphant uih LPreme Court decisions, concessions. When asked why Nixon did not reaffirm the treaty victory." monetary measures in August. thw* would ,n«truct draft boards commitment in the communique issued just before he left China, The conservative n Tempo asserted: The English - language Japan Times lUtnT * ch,nce ^ reopen their While refusing public comment on most aspects of President the officials here said he evidently did not want to offend his spoke of a "feeling of betrayal. "We believe that the most i^Ut, Select,ve officials Nixon's China trip, officials here say privately they are concerned Chinese hosts. Important result "The anxiety will still remain among the .Jberl,not y, Who said likely the to be large. about the domestic response to the U.S. promise to ultimately pull all American forces from the Nationalist controlled island. However, they didn't dispute an assertion that the omission of Nixon's trip ... is that the United States has assumed the role of attentive spectator smaller nations that, as the two giants United States seemed to indicate the Chinese leaders had insisted on the come closer together, their interests may With this in mind, they explain that the State Dept. and others and not of protagonist in the great rivalry Urn ! ?®*tor of Political exllea American Taiwan concession as the kingpin of the entire visit. that seems to be a dominant factor in be subordinate and agreements made at in the administration have advocated for some time pulling out or their expense." 1 «dmlm f**!!1 for them' criticized Taiwan. This Is In line with the Nixon Doctrine tenet that allies Although the officials agreed with presidential adviser Henry future events — the rivalry between the under ti! ,0n of the Motive A. Kissinger that the idea behind the trip was not to keep score of Nationalist Chinese newspapers assailed should assume more of their own defense burdens, these sources two main powers of world communism." lg0 he reform legislation paased said. diplomatic points won by each side, they said there were several worthwhile gains achieved by the United States. In Britain, the London Times said Nixon's pledge to U.S. forces from Taiwan. ultimately withdraw ^chuwttg Democrat accused Therefore, they indicate, it would be no surprise that the These included the items set out by the communique: Nixon's talks in Peking confirmed "that almost all the concessions must first come "The great name of America and its icH^'^wing •«, willingness to President agreed In China to "the ultimate objective of the Irregular diplomatic contacts, direct trade and various exchange from his side, not China's." people is covered with shame," said Taiwan's United Dally News. Its our ri,,ht of re8t"trants to withdrawal of all U.S. forces and military installations from programs. The Guardian took Sunday's joint A statement «d rn.operauon«-" 8 But beyond these is the main consideration for the U.S. commmunique to mean "a strong hint to by the Nationalist government said: "The question of Taiwan hemede h"d"ctlon Pfoc*" might The 8,000 American troops on the island are there primarily concessions, according to the American officials, the fact that China and the United States have started a the men who will succeed Chiang Kai - can be solved only when the government of Hr ohi t of Sen- to support U.S. forces In Vietnam, the officials said. Before the dialog. shek that they would be wise to seek a the Republic of China has succeeded resLtl. 0h,°' to grant amnesty if war ballooned there were only a handful of U.S. troops in Taiwan This is considered by the administration as the key to the peaceful accommodation of differences in its i'CCept8e,therlnduotlonor and what the President said In China ties in with the American Vietnamese withdrawal program, according to the officials. President's hope for "a generation of peace," a say they hope the American people will understand. point that officials with Peking." task of recovery of the mainland, the unification of China and the deliverance of In Prague, the Czechoslovak our compatriots. ^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan -TueSday' Pfbn^ NEW ELECTIONS PLANNED news summary From iht wtr*« of AP and UN. Italy faces political strife ROME (AP) — Italy, with Its government defeated and the Communists to oppose Catholic candidates to the and. Leone, parliament dissolved, has plunged into 70 days of political a Christian Democrat, won as a straight center man. campaigning for new elections to end the country's wont political crisis since the war. Recently, the Christian Democrats have been more stubbornly The elections, on defending conservative positions. They feared their government Sunday May 7, will test how much the strength of Italy's rival political parties has shifted in the partnerahip with the Socialists might pave the way for the four years and indicate what if past Communists to edge Into power. any new coalition could put together a majority government. President Giovanni They reflected the feeling of wide sectors of voters who turned Leone away from moderate parties. this the week that dissolved parliament on . . was Monday, a month and a half after the changed the world . . . The breakup of the Roman Catholic • Socialist coalition which had ruled this Atlantic Alliance Chinese and American people hold country for a decade. the future of the world in their hands." After vain efforts to bring the four center • left parties back together, Premier Glulio Andreotti formed a minority Author-anarchist government made up solely of his Christian Democrats. Richard Nixon He was defeated in the Senate The president told him to Saturday after only nine days in office. stay as a caretaker until a new will talk on parliament is elected. with a simplified, The alliance of Murray Bookchin, author and inorganic Catholics, Socialists, Democratic Socialists and environemnt that will be Republicans split over such major issues as relations with the ecologist - anarchist, will speak on radical ecology and incapable of supporting life. Communists, labor unrest, a weakening economy and a Man's survival is totally controversial divorce law in this Catholic nation. humanistic life styles Tuesday at With a dozen parties 7:30 p.m. in the Union Gold dependent on reversing the struggling for power, the whole political Room. destructive trend, he has started. situation in Italy appeared to have moved backward to tensions Bookchin also claims that the Israeli forces withdraw and rivalries typical of the cold war period of the 1950s. Bookchin, contends that present ecological crisis has The trend was signaled by the marathon elections in man, through industrial made the development of an parliament which finally voted Leone to the pollution, is not merely Israeli forces withdrew from southeastern Lebanon country's presidency anarchist - Communist in the last December. The Socialists joined an all - Marxist front with destroying the complex organic twentieth century distinct on Monday after four days of attacks on Arab guerrilla environment but replacing It a havens near the border. Israel claimed about 50 possibility. The reason, he says, guerrillas had been slain and nearly 100 wounded. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ is ttat man must be free in order McLean, Rita Guerrillas acknowledged losses of 20 dead and 36 wounded. J Leap Year Special J Officials decline to survive. He claims that the anarchist - Communist view of a Coolidge to comment on balanced' community, which perform dual Leaflets distributed to villagers warned of further Israeli assaults in the fighting area Lebanon clamps * 75° off on a King 16" ? protest at game includes a humanistic technology and a decentralized Both Don McLean and Rita concert Coolidge down on guerrilla activity. The attacks were in retaliation for guerrilla raids last J (1 item or more) Varsity Pizza J President Wharton and other society, have become preconditions survival. for human Wednesday night at 8 p.m. In the Auditorium. McLean is most noted for his song, "American will perform Pie," but week that killed an Israeli couple and three soldiers. * with this ad. Feb. 29 * top University officials Earlier in the day, Bookchin his past has consisted primarily of appearances Street and the Merv Griffin Show; club stints at on Sesame maintained a "no comment" will debate with MSU intructor The Cellar Japanese youths captured ? 332-6517 Free, Fait, Hot Delivery Starts at 6:30 J posture on the Saturday night protest of more than 100 black students who delayed that start of economics Alan Shelly, who describes himself as a Door, The Main Point, The Second Fret, the Bitter End and the Gaslight Cafe; and over 40 the Northeast. college songfests throughout ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ of the MSU-Iowa basketball Communist. The debate will be at 1:30 p.m. in 116 Bessey Hall. Adding greatly to the package is Nashville reared Rita • Japanese police list two men killed and IS wounded game by about 45 minutes to Also, Bookchin will participate Coolidge. As the daugher of a preacher, she kicked off her read a list of demands. musical exploits singing in church choirs at the Monday in Karuizawa while storming a mountain villa age of two. The blacks walked out onto Now one of the more active studio vocalists to capture five armed leftist youths who had held the Cooper, associate professor of around, Rita the basketball court Saturday has backed - up the likes of Dave Mason, Graham caretaker's wife hostage for nine days. zoology, concerning ecology at Nash, Eric night during the National 3:30 p.m. at Synergy, 953 Clapton, Stephen Stills, Carole King, Booker T., and Joe Authorities said the youths opened fire and one of Anthem and refused to leave Grand River Ave. Cocker. them used the woman as a shield. He until they were allowed to read wasoverpowered and the hostage, Ms. Yasuko Muta, demands over the public address 31, suffered only slight injuries, police reported. For about eight hours during the day, there was system. The demands centered on University accountability of expenditures, academic quality, Flood's death nothing on Japanese television except live coverage of admission practices, and hiring the events here. Commerical stations even 4,000 le and firing practices at the advertising so as not to miss anything. passed up University. over MAN, W. Va. (AP) — The toll Approximately 350 persons National Guard troops of known dead roae to 66 In are mining or unaccounted for, Contributions made public flood - stricken Logan County officials say. under the debris of the former clusters of hornet on Monday and It was feared the mobile homes which number would contlune to Another 4,000 people are dotted the If • mile Sen. George McGovern Monday mount as rescue workers search homeless and there have been the remanls of 16 coal mimne where the people died. made public a list of 42,472 promises of quick federal and An earthen dam at the camps. state a)4 for them. contributors to his Democratic of the hollow crum presidential campaign, and challenged Saturday, unleashing a w his rivals to disclose their sources of The State News is published by the students of water which swept down political money, too. Michigan State University every class day during Fall, valley devastating everything Winter, and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays path. "Today's disclosure is required by and Fridays during Summer Term, and a special Welcome "It left the worst di no law," the South Dakota senator Week edition is published in September. I've ever seen - there is Subscription rate said.'i am doing so with the hope that Is $16 per year. left up there at all, " said the people will require others to do Member Associated Press, United Press International, police Cpl. W. M. Garrett. the same." Inland Daily Press Assn., Michigan Press Assn., Associated "I'm afraid to say how Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press Assn. more people we r McGovern, in a statement released Second class postage paid at East Garrett said, "we've found _ while he campaigned in Miami, said Lansing, Mich. Editorial and business offices at 346 Student Services ones visible on top. But m* "all presidential candidates have Bldg., Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, the- communities i the obligation to set standards of 48823. heaps of debris and we" conduct if they pretend to be able to Phones: idea what might be under News/Editorial Officials trying to • lead the country." 355 • 8252 assess the former popu'"' 355 • 8255 Buffalo Creek hollow beli Display Advertising 353 is likely that at f • 6400 homes were wiped out, aff Douglas testifies at trial Business Office 355 - 3447 at least 4,000 people. It was estimated that as Photographic 355-8311 Star government witness as l,00u mobile homes w Boyd Douglas Jr. testified Campus Information 363 8700 needed, and some of these • Monday in Harrisburg, Pa. that the Rev. Philip Berrigan beginning to arrive in the solicited him to smuggle letters out of the federal penitentiary where both were convicts in the spring of Ronald McDonald 1970. "I asked Philip Berrigan if there was anything I could do for him," Douglas testified at the antiwar conspiracy trial of the Roman Catholic priest and six others. get "Philip Berrigan asked if there a message out or get a phone call to was any way a I could friend. I said I thought I could get a letter out for him if that's what he wanted." You're a 1972: trade deficit large DOLL! The nation began 1972 with another large deficit in AND WHAT A DOLL. Soft its trade balance but key business indicators pointed toward an improving domestic economy, squeezable, cuddly, cute, the government said Monday in securing, bright and love- Washington. The January trade deficit, the amount by which the able. value of imports exceeded exports, was $318.9 million, Just the thing to leave showing anew that the Nixon administration has a long way to go in correcting the trade imbalance. a friend while you At the same time, the Commerce Dept. said, the are living your government's index c." leading business indicators rose legend. 2.3 per cent in January, the steepest climb in 12 months. Kennedy angers Thurmond Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., used the word "traitor" Monday in Washington, D.C. in referring to Southerners granted amnesty after the Civil War. An angered Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C., said he'll use the word against Kennedy "when he runs for president." Kennedy was holding hearings into the possibility of amnesty for the thousands of young men who have fled the United States or gone to jail rather than fight in Vietnam. Reaching for precedents from history, Kennedy remarked that "After the Civil War we traitors." gave amnesty to 234 W. Grand River -1024 E. Grand River higan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, February 29, 1972 3 te court cides on Authority will organize liability services for By MICHAEL FOX one of three decisions released "The authority will enable the State News Staff Writer the State Supreme Court ruled The new MSU Health Care University to establish a coordinated owners are liable for any accident Authority clinical program that will jointly involve established Friday by the board of trustees Muelder drafted the recommendation their cars are involved while on the student health service, the College of will be convened in the next for the new health week, a authority along with Human Medicine, the College of other drivers. spokesman for President Wharton said Elliott G. Ballard, assistant to the -wing a case involving a Detroit Monday. president. President Wharton requested Osteopathic Medicine, the School of a -court said that when permission is The Nursing and other academic units that are new authority will orgainze and study of the health care structure at MSU involved in health care," Wharton said. someone other than the owner to administer health care services at the in January because, "Our two - year car, the burden of proof is on the University including services of the experience with the present system "Through the authority, we will be able to show the auto was driven without University Health Center and the academic indicated the need for reforms." to develop facilities and programs that will ,r knowledge, programs of the two medical colleges. The meet the educational and research The "need for reforms" which Wharton trustees debated the establishment of the objectives of the University cited arose largely from the establishment as well as the if the driver takes the car to places authority last Thursday night and voted health care needs of students and possibly -n those agreed upon between him and expansion of the two MSU medical unanimously for it Friday morning. other segments of the University - owner, the court said, the loaner is In his presentation to colleges since the previous operational the trustees, document for health care was community and the public." nsible. Milton E. Muelder, vice approved in president for October 1969. The document second ruling, the high court said research development and approved Voting members of the new Health Care acting vice Friday is largely an internal administrative that parents of a child killed president for student affairs, Authority will be the deans of the two said, "This reorganization which will have only an medical -fly by another person may collect authority assumes line responsibility for colleges, the vice presidents for indirect impact on students in terms of student affairs and for business and amounting to how much the child health care delivery. For the first time, we improved administration and cooperation ve been worth in the future and the have an interface of academic departments finance, the director of the School of of University health units. raising him. Nursing and a representative of the clinical staff. Ex officio members will be the chief j already Incurred do not executive director of the authority and the te the total measure of the value of Group plans meeting assistant provost for health affairs, neither -ices of a minor child any more than post being filled at this time. earnings is conclusive upon the um earning capacity," Justice xussoa The chief exective director of the E. Brennan said. Health Care Authority, yet to be named, is is t still competent for a parent to show, in addition to past WON*! for married students the overall administrator of the and reports to the central administration. authority that future services will exceed in Another tree sarwl? Roger E. Wilkinson, vice president for business and finance, told the trustees that both past and future costs of the The Married Student Union will hold an housing will also be discussed. the new authority will not create a 's maintenance, support and Mary Swartz, Grand Rapids, freshman, gives a toss to some open meeting at 7:30 tonight at the separate old bargaining unit should the issue of staff newspapers at the recycling box in West Akers Hall. The Married Student Activities Unit in City Councilman George Colburn will unionization arise. ecological Spartan be among the speakers move is in hopes of Village to discuss efforts to make the union participating at the third decision of the court stated preventing the need of paper companies to cut meeting. Colburn will speak on local down and a major governing group with a taxing The main trustee objection raised about nfessions made by accused persons more more trees to make paper products and promoting government and how it capacity. relat to the the court ordered psychiatric exams reuse of scrap paper. new authority was that it excluded the • Married Student Union. mental health care sector as handled by the admittable as trial evidence. The topics of State News photo by Bruce family medical care and Dept. of Psychology and the Counseling Remington cable television as it relates to married Robert P. Boger, director of the Center. Trustee Patricia Carrigan, D-Ann Institute of Family and Child Research, and Donald Melcer, associate Arbor, said, "What is sickness? What is professor at CEMEI the Institute of Family and Child Study, health and at what point does mental health enter the picture?" will speak on the expansion of day care facilities for married students. Muelder responded that the psychology Jobs and counseling areas had been consulted plentiful for minority grads Thomas H. Kirschbaum. chairman of the Dept. of and that the current attitude was that the Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology will discuss the new authority at this time should only establish an "interface" for the human availability of contraceptive counseling to married students. medicine and hospital operation of the By JANESEABERRY For State News Staff Writer minority students majoring in discriminatory practices in these areas by University. accounting, financial administration, various businessmen. Erlmg S. Jorgensen, director of close ite the high unemployment rate computer science, mechanical engineering, "Many employers are actively seeking circuit television, will talk about cable minority individuals, Placement electrical engineering, and marketing, minority employes in professional In television and its relationship to the Council to meet u officials expect 1972 MSU prospects are even brighter, said Huey positions because they have historically contrast, records show that 95 married student percent of all 1971 MSU graduates received communtiy. y graduates to fare better in the job Edwards, asst. placement bureau director. been discriminated against. Edwards attributes this demand to They are trying employment, though many worked as A than any other group. past to rectify the situation," he said. Edward J. Terdal, Married Student special meeting of the Academic railroad brakemen, waitresses, and factory Union Council is scheduled for 3:15 p.m.todayin president, said recently that all hands. Although many blacks are sought in those interested in any of the topics of the Con Con Room of the International these areas, Edwards noted that discussion are welcome to attend the Center. The council will very few Many college placement officers find resume discussion ngela Davis trial opens, blacks venture into these fields. He attributed this deficit to lack of high school preparation of black students, and that market women are also but the faring well in the job white male liberal arts meeting. Babysitting service will be provided for of the proposed modifications general education requirements. of the graduate is the toughest to place. children of students who plan to attend. ry selection commences poor backgrounds in math and the sciences provided by inner city schools. Many blacks were also swayed from seeking these N Union reps from JOSE, Calif. (AP) — The trial of black militant occupations, Edwards said. and Angela Davis on murder, Ga conspiracy charges opened Monday with jury selection in a "tn here. tightly secured Most blacks at MSU, however major in 8 social science or political science, where • year - old Communist sat unsmilingly and silent, as the names of the firet the job market is tightest. Many graduates pective jurors were drawn from a wooden drum. Four were under the They were five men and seven in these fields obtain employment with the age of 21 - all students. face . All 12 were white. federal government through the Social utor Albert Harris Jr. later reread a list court hearing of 104 prospective witnesses he to snow what he describes as "n Ms. Davis' role in a 1970 courtroom County Civic Center that left four men dead. The list includes John 'ITiorne plans escape try at Security Administration, and the Depts. of Health, Education and Welfare, and c Jose, attorney for slain Soledad Brother Housing and Urban Development. Others " Jackson of Pasadena. George Jackson, and Jackson's mother, are provided employment in municipal By ANITA PYZIK "chance to make some money instead of State News Staff Writer picketing all the time," "Ms. uavis entered the courtroom and governments and in community service Roach said when contacted earlier on gave a clenched fist salute to supporters, Monday. Court Judge Richard E. Arnason programs as social workers. Edwards noted, Roach said the union will delayed the trial start 45 minutes while he Representatives of the Hotel - Restaurant agree to an election if the pnvately with attorneys. however, that these jobs are much lower Bartenders Local 235 have been ordered to Employes and management will allow only employes handling food and in court paying than comparable occupations in appear in Ingham beverages to participate. proceedings, prosecutor Harris put into the record his protest against County Circuit Court today to show why restraining orders by Arnason last week that prospective industry and that 125,000 to 175,000 "We can't represent the employes who are ID checkers, jurors not be questioned on the death federal jobs are expected to be eliminated. concerning employe picketing at the Coral Gables should not be extended. janitors or do general service — our union is for the employes who prosecutor claimed that work with the food and drinks," Roach said. a California Supreme Court decision Feb. 18 Although employers are seeking Hie temporary ruling restraining order, issued Friday by Circuit Vanis said, however, that all ^punishment is also asked unconstitutional is not final, so should not affect the trial, minority graduates, Edwards expects the Court Judge Ray Hotchkiss, prevents pickets from blocking the in an election to determine if employes should be able to vote that one of 13 overt acts "boom for black people" to slack off. Gables' entrances, everyone was interested in a union. from the indictment. It detailing the alleged conspiracy be interfering with customers and using "All employes should accuses Ms. Davis and Jackson's 17 Attributing this future drop to increased derogatory remarks against the Gables or its customers. participate because it is in their - year - old brother interest," Vanis said. "Besides, the ID checkers serve drinks 2' s'a'n 'n the escape try, of having "advocated the release from lawful of the Soledad liberal arts graduates, Edwards stressed the The show - cause hearing will determine if the restraining order sometimes too." Brothers at Los importance of obtaining a degree and should be made a ense a Angeles rally June 19,1970. preliminary injunction. A preliminary Roach said Local 235 had notified the State Election attorney Leo Branton objected, and Arnason denied the prosecution impressive grade point average. injunction would extend the time on the restraining order. Board without prejudice. Alex Vanis, owner of the concerning the election and that it "will probably be held before "Because there are so many applicants, Gables, said Monday, "We are doing 10 days are up." Davis, released on $102,500 bail last Wednesday, previously was denied bail this because our customers were being harassed by pickets Roach said technically an election cannot be held because • California law prohibiting it in requirements are stringent. There are also blocking the entrance and using four letter words. We couldn't do of er her capital cases. others looking for these same jobs, jobs." It's the unfair labor practice charges filed with the National Labor arrest 16 months ago, she was accused of plotting an escape attempt in anything through the police, so we decided to take this to court." Relations Board against the Gables but added that the •judge, two convicts and Jonathan Jackson very competetive for everybody," Edwards The court order states that charges were killed by gunfire Aug. 7, said. pickets presented a physical danger would be held in abeyance until after the election. to customers and caused the management an "irreparable loss of "If we can't do that, we will resume Mge Jackson, one of three black inmates charged in the 1970 slaying of a business profit." picketing and hold the Although some sources expect election after the charges are cleared up," he said. Tim Roach, union representative, could not n wis is not on 8uard, was fatally shot in violence at San Quentin Prison last Aug. 21. upward swing of the job market, many be reached Roach said it was up to the National Labor Relations Board Monday afternoon for comment on the hearing. • accused of being president at the Marin escape try but is charged businessmen prefer having present and the State Election Board to determine ^Plying who could participate the guns used. ^ ■ Picketing » iwncmig was suspended at waa*nueu ai the me Gables Sunday nigm uauim ounuay night because oecause and when an election could be held. the union agreed to hold an employe election and give pickets a "We are optimistic that it will be soon," he said. esus y ROBERT BAO Movement sweeping through MSU furnished with radical - chic memorabilia - Leon Morton, president of Catacombs State News Staff Writer are now decorated with Jesus posters. Youth Ministries, estimated the local The Jesus movement, fostered by a movement at about 6,000 as .J "an. dangling lifelessly like a recent surge of campus evangelism, has with a few hundred two compared Because the Jesus Movement in East ."■suddenly comes to life when a been sweeping through the residence hall years ago. Muzik noted that at the vanguard of nes down from heaven Lansing is still embryonic, its membership radical Christiantiy is the controversial to cut him like a hurricane, whirling scores of students "Since we opened," he said, "more than defies classification. However, Richard Children of God, who interpret Jesus's onto the lap of Jesus Christ. For example, 700 indidividuals have made Christian Muzik, East Lansing graduate student, who he exclaims New Testament exhortation to "hate" jubilantly, within the past two commitments. They asked Jesus to forgive recently spent three months in California last. Jesus can do it for months, one • third of parents to mean just that. Locally, they their sins and to take you the 300 students living in Landon Hall charge of their lives." researching the movement, said the local number less than half a dozen. Morton conceded that about 25 per were converted. composition parallels the national one. ?onthe "ofS,Cene Cross depicted by a front "At the end of last year there were only cent of the converts are probably "hanger - Muzik identified three basic Christian In spite of these diverse orientations, Walk, the new a dozen Christians here," a Landon ons who will jump on any faddish groups: Muzik said a spirit of ecumenical tolerance h iapfr,which' with debut resident recalled. "But we were very bandwagon." The prevails. "dennmi ?• the incre®sing spread dedicated - as you can see." • Straight Christians, by far the Unlike their West Coast brothers, most majority, who work within such "The animosity between Christians •*1 Chri na !onal' fundamentalist, ,'st|anity at MSU chaplain Roger Palms, author of of the Christians here come from the established organizations as doctrinal issues has gone out of over * MSU. "The Jesus Kids," said the seeds of this Campus fashion," mainstream of American culture. Hence he .t?Jl believe how fast the 'Jesus revival were planted about four years ago First of a series they resent being called "Jesus Freaks," a Crusade for Christ. Inter for Christ and the - Varsity, Youth explained. "Our love for transcends minor disagreements." Jesus t eor?„r°? 8 here on campus," on the West Coast. media might have given impetus to the term usually reserved for a visible minority Navigators. They come, for the most part from Middle running Z ??.ted "Everywhere I "The movement began with the street trend. whose intoxication with the America. There is no disagreement in the Holy Ghost **tiint ur'Stians- The whole h uit .mint has been Infected by the people who emerged from the hip scene of resembles hallucinogenic highs. who • The Roman Catholic Pentecostals, movement, however, about the second flower children, political activism and Although East Lansing is at the tail - are trying to breathe some "Holy coming. Convinced that it will take place drugs," he explained. "They were end of this nationwide phenomenon, Bible They also resent being labeled Spirit" into orthodox churches, which they soon, hundreds of youthful evangelists are herhjenHLor^,,,, another uld, i° disenchanted with both society and the studies, Jesus buttons and Jesus bumper fundamentalists the even though they accept Bible literally, because the term believe tend to be lifeless and too ritualistic. They advocate trying to damnation. save their peers from eternal counterculture, and out of despair, they stickers are proliferating everywhere. Two charismatic Christian coffeehouses, the Alternative and connotes a "holier - than thou" arrogance services complete with faith discovered Jesus. - healings and hu5 tot, ■ n ■ ■■■■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■anil Bl a 11 r t. ™ they mean they want to talk about it as It is important to note here, however, maintain our credibility with the less important proposal in a parting of they define it. And such a point of departure all but insures that any concrete dialog, any in depth consideration is, by definition, doomed to failure. that blackness is often more a political rallying point than an actual statement of cultural identity. It works since the individuals involved happen to be black. If incendiary elements of the campus community the we had no such illusions about faculty member in question. We University. Becoming an activist 60 s he was used to would flagellant immediately r^ant .Y kZL hkT ^" "The week that changed the Beyond this, the joint statement expected him to make a scene. We were the "racist" brand. Consider the insidious charge that they were not the fact that they were not It wa world" has finally drawn to a close. contained little of disappointed. intention to do this paramount "You're not black, so you can never Polish Democrats from the again t or or Upper At roughly 2 p.m. the same day the political sinecure. He No one doubts that President importance. Cultural exchanges will understand what it means to be black." Peninsula could suceeded serve just as well. editorial ran the gentlemen in question « Nixon's historic journey to China has be implemented and the two great This is the kind of thing that has made me A classic making a fool of himself u example of the use of appeared in the State News office with his nations will begin a cautious move throw hands in the past. "blackness" as contrived element for credibility that much more. profoundly altered the fabric of up my a notorious goon squad. The group refused international affairs. The burning back toward mutual diplomatic Undoubtedly, there is a sound political cohesion and activism is the to speak with the editor - in - chief in his In sum, the philosophical basis for this position; "racial incident" I mentioned. That office, opting instead to make a very unstrained entire incident! question that remains is, in what direction have international affairs recognition. As far as the Indochina War and other aspects of however, an absolutist administratjorwjf^^xceedjn^y^unfortunate affair began when prolonged, exceedingly loud scene in the coincidental to color. political m.„Z| * been altered? international affairs are concerned, That's why I don't racism. You simply can't usually write! From the beginning the when the rhetoric is cleared away pin it do well. Now don't get me President's trip was the 6pitome of little again is disclosed. wrong: ri_ denying that this is one hell of il calculated obscurity. To be sure, the Undoubtedly Nixon and Chou society in the sense that a si mass media was alive with reports, have agreed, at least in principle, to a number of people are denied ri_ analyses and on - the - spot telecasts good deal more than they can at privileges that others have, I anil of the presidential party. Most present admit. This is the normal that, particularly in a college coran we spend much too much coverage, however, revolved around way with diplomacy. What the time itL nature of this may or may not be the wrong things, getting embroil seemingly endless banquets, ballets philosophical soul • searching oral and gymnastic meets. will only be determined through the things as "institutional racism'! Journalists had hoped that passage of time. becoming pawns in essentially n Sunday's joint communique would Small yield political chess games cleverly d With race smokescreens. at last shed some light on Nixon's Politically and diplomatically, the clandestine talks with Mao Tse-tung Nixon trip has yielded little concrete Sure, to ultimately change sc and Chou En-lai. There were in the here and now. There is, , have to change people's heads, bj some don't do it by browbeating one an surprises in the document however, a second dimension to the ' as rending our hair in anguish or n it finally emerged, but something President's journey which can have around shouting slogans. We can on less than a plethora of hard equally profound ramifications. by hanging as many of our bi diplomatic fact. The American people have possible up on the wall, rolling J learned about the Chinese, albeit shirtsleeves and getting down to| The major revelation in the Sino - there is much that they should have together. American statement was the £# implication that the U.S. will not suspected all along. The inhabitants Utopian? Sure, and I may not btfl g personally underwrite Taiwan's of the most populous nation in the describe the path all the way totlT world live much like people but I can visualize the first step tin separation from the mainland the thousand mile journey. It invo indefinitely. Nationalist officials are everywhere, they laugh, they cry, of us freeing ourselves from the dt doubt they work and they play. The w ■ no utterly aghast by this 'WHO WAS THAT ELDERLY, BALDING CHINESE GENTLEMAN WITH LICHARO NIXON?' self - serving politicals of ir" disclosure, but in light of the Chinese people raise families and hue who exploit indeed create,! currents of international diplomacy respect their elders. They are not all dynamics for their own ends. over the last few months it fanatical automatons and they do OUR READERS' MIND not all dress alike. represents something less than a complete surprise. Further, their leaders are not the mad dog scheming Fu Manchus we contingent Taiwan Taiwan's "territorial integrity" is upon two factors: Chiang were told about in another sensitive man. Mao Tse-tung is anything but a frothing age. Chou En-lai is an impressive, learned and Peripheral route: damage to pari To the Editor: 2. The area served by the small park is Kai-shek and Personally, I'd prefer that the city build area to attend and express their pj his party and the anti-American ideologue. He is in In response to your editorial of Feb. 24 the most densely populated section of the band shell in the park instead of a building viewpoints. island's military utility to the United fact a commanding, silver-haired on the peripheral route, I would like to city. Thus, the route would eliminate a a road through it. make two points. George A. CI States. As the U.S. abdicates its elder statesman. good portion of the park available to area 1. You stated that construction of the East Lansing Couol unfortunate self-appointment as residents and locate a heavily-traveled You did not mention ir. the editorial Quite possibly this is the Feb. IT western phase of the proposed peripheral four-lane'road adjacent to what's left of how residents in the park area feel about world policeman and as the Vietnam "change" the President and the route would create "very little the park. Playing touch football, the peripheral route. During the recent city conflict winds down, the latter sailing factor becomes increasingly world community have been so avidly discussing - a profound environmental havoc." mention, however, that 20 per cent of You failed to Frisbees, or just enjoying the sun will not be the same at the Valley Court Park when council campaign, citizens who live immediately to the west of the park Good music? | unimportant. Further, within a very attitudinal change on the part of the Valley Court Park would be eliminated by it is subjected daily to heavy doses of noise organized into a group called Parents for a To the Editor: few years the chief policy makers of American people. Before the Nixon the road if plans already drawn are and air pollution caused by the Livable City. They distributed literature After reading Tuesday's letter J the World War 11 Cold visit the Chinese Peoples' Republic followed. automobile. throughout the area publicizing the route's editor concerning the ASMS!" - War Entertainment Committee, 1 belie* location and stating their reasons why the generation will have all but passed was an X-quality to us with vague route should not be built. In addition, the is hope of getting good music back! from the scene in both Taiwan and negative associations of Korean War officers of the Central School Lansing. That letter was th# parents the United States. With them will go much of the unreasoning chauvanism that has bound Washington to and Cultural Revolution. This curtain of ignorance has now been parted and we find, instead of threat, Partnership com organization concern over concern the have publicly expressed peripheral route. A major is their fear that the route would condemnation of Pop Entertaining I've seen, and it hit right on the ■ I'm almost ashamed to sayJ O curtail accessibility to the park by students university that presented Al H support Taipai all these years. wonder and promise. To the Editor: what the committee may view as the most at the grade school. Fifth Dimension last term. It is Publicity in recent days relative to the urgent or important. for Pop Entertainment to pi current preoccupation of the University I am sure all of these matters will be McLean; after all, the music has be Committee on Public Safety tends No one can presently predict what the here for six months. somewhat to tilt proper perspective. committee may eventually recommend as fully discussed when the council holds a _ No fault insur Mindful that this committee, comprised of seven students and seven faculty members, *° any matter of existing policy. The fact that we are not truly representative of a public hearing on the issue 7:30 p.m., March 14, at the Hannah Middle School Sure, I understand there exists>J problem, but there are many outs* young and probably inexpensive! auditorium. I encourage all residents of the conducts its business in open constituency makes it doubly important who have a lot to say musically, ! meetings and welcomes press coverage as well as that we take the time to tap many sources input Yes, Badfinger (soon to play a ■ welcome to from any source, two noted, to the end of points should be understanding what the of information and opinion. We are sensitive to the emotional loading of some MBPIAOEDMEMO"" Humble Pie, Uriah Heep, Cat i>W Tuna, Commander Cody, Alice w committee is up to: of the issues coming to the attention of the Rex, etc. ... #■ committee, therefore anxious to forestall Just add my name to the lis 1. The committee is strictly advisory in misinterpretations of our activities which To: The Academic Community who are discontented and oj At long last a no fault insurance its functions. It does not set policy, nor may result in unnecessary anxieties. Our ((w, T accident to bring damages against the does it have the authority to change Re: Abortion reform the Pop Entertainment Commit^J bill ultimate aim as a committee is to assist in has been introduced to the existing policy related to public safety Student opinion gathered (ifitsg party at fault. the development of improved Michigan legislature. The bill would issues on this campus. all?) Who selects the groups. « ■ No fault has been employed in police-community partnership on this know was ever consulted aboui iu i in essence bring Michigan's auto campus, in the cause of quality public It's up to you: take insurance system into the 20th Massachusetts with immense Sliccess. 2. A major function of the committee is safety services for all. a petition home. All I really want though,^ ^ Claims are being paid rapidly, as to study and evaluate public safety good music for a change, Century. Presently, policy holders services, facilities and policies. We see this would be cosmic. expected. A by product of no fault Louis A. Radelet — The Michigan Coordinating carry insurance on their liability for - as a continuing job, which we are doing in the state has been lower auto University Committee on Committee on Abortion Law Reform being at fault for damage and injuries through subcommittees. We are presently insurance rates for the consumer. Public Safety incurred by others. Companies refuse engaged in reviewing all policies, rules, and Feb. 24 1972 This has been brought about regulations of the Dept. of Public Safety. to pay claims until fault is mainly because insurance companies no Existing policy regarding armament of DOONESBURY by Garry Tru established, a lengthy legal process. public safety officers is simply one of In the interim, individuals and longer have to pay as many lawyers' families often in dire need of some fees as in the past. many matters coming under scrutiny. It should not be made to appear as the only / dear 6uvs, li/ELL here r \?/rfF*THlS ' IS A O/RTy rotten, stinking " tr item which we are studying, nor iuell, ME 'SHIVERS retribution receive nothing. No fault The problem now before the necessarily am in vietnam, (uftc. cur i Loue REHPIN6 THIS LETTER, would MP aeuEve tr! EVEN STILL. Z MARK. JUST THINK OF change all this by providing legislature is to debate particular 5penp for payments within 30 days. me, it's no every. n(6ht TH€ APVENTVgES Ot'CJ> provisions of the bill. In its present p/CN'Cl" /n ferr not know¬ ing if it djill 9e my Additionally, accident victims could receive unlimited payment of form the no fault auto insurance bill merits passage. With any kind of Ready medical benefits under the bill. Wage luck, the final version of the bill To the Editor: earners could receive up to which passes through the legislative $12,000 a year for three years; nonwage Mr. Kaufman, the hospital called: Your gauntlet will bear enough brains are ready. earners, a lesser amount. Another resemblance to the original to also be section of the bill abolishes the right worthy of incorportation into the Terry Grady of a person not at fault in an state's legal code. Birmingham junior Feb. 25,1972 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, February 29, 1972 WRITES TO CITY MANAGER Cable TV firm denies By CRAIG GEHRING stations of the to import the company's intent signals of WKBD and WTVS in Detroit. weeks ago has not turned up any irregularities thus far. He using the both on same charge equipment" for and off campus. Page change will be that "students will lose a valuable service and indicated he will not release National Cable Co., an East suggested it will take a ruling the capacity to watch various According to Patriarche, National Cable's letter, denying from the FCC to clear the Lansing cable television firm National Cable's denial stations." He said if this serving MSU married housing, hinges the charges, until after the confusion up. happened it would be a mistake, upon the claim that the investigation is completed. has reasserted its denial that the Colburn agreed with Page, Davis said he does not want company operates under two company is not in violation of sets of regulations. He said Questioning the legality of saying "it doesn't make sense" to see the student service National Cable's operating under that National Cable can operate Federal Communication National Cable does not curtailed, but wanted to see the Commission (FCC) regulations, operate two separate regulations, Page under two sets of regulations. rate structure on as a cable TV system but as a campus altered. in a letter to City opinioned, "They are obviously Colburn explained that he wants "I Manager John master antenna service on am totally unsatisfied with Patriarche. basing their claims on a to clear up the question of illegal the present rate structure campus, which does not place The denial follows technicality." importation before National because married housing is not charges any restrictions upon the Page wondered made by City Councilman "whether Cable salesmen "lock in on" the being treated as high density importing of channels. National Cable can arbitrarily George Colburn and WMSB - "We know they (National community. housing as it should, but as TV Manger Robert D. decide that they operate under Colburn said that his goal is Page that Cable) are carrying the (allegedly individual units," he explained, one set of regulations on campus to cut student rates in half from Dsvis said he will do allege National Cable has been illegal) channels on campus," anything he and another off campus." $5 month. "We have importing TV signals into East Patriarche emphasized, "but per a lot of can to lower the student rates. Lansing in violation of FCC their Admitting he was no lawyer, tough negotiating yet to do," he contract with the Page said it was regulations. emphasized. "I am in favor of a University allows this." He understanding that National Colburn claimed that explained he was not stringent ordinance." Under the National Cable has been any East aware of Lansing residents who Cable antenna could status claim master Colburn said he will suggest removing a device from the TV have been receiving the as long as the that the city council hold a I surgeon works calmly and intently over a patient in a second floor set which blocks out the allegedly company served a single owner special session just to consider operating room at illegal illegal channels. (the University). He explained, the CATV ordinance. "I want lpiversitv Health Center. Other medical personnel assist the surgeon and keep a close signals. Page asserted National Patriarche said the eye on Cable has failed to however, this is no longer the the council to argue the |efunctioning of mechanical apparatus. State News photo by Tom Gaunt properly investigation of National Cable notify the FCC and local ordered ordinance out in the open," he by the city council three "That is one reason why we related. (WMSB) did not JMC say anything Robert H. Davis, asst. provost plans while National Cable was still in charge of educational operating only on campus, development ar programs, because they had this claim," opinioned that Page is correct in Page continued. saying National Cable no longer By LESLIE LEE n ew v ir f't Page also expressed doubt operates as a master antenna York ■ City to examine the ■ National Cable can claim ;e News Staff Writer trip, the JMC Seminar in Fine productions of "Jesus Christ they service on campus. orms of art available there Arts. University credit. Ms. Ward said operate under two separate sets Davis expressed concern, > years „ on occicfo^t ago an ass stant around the theme Superstar," and David Merrick's "religion and This year's trip has no theme "Moonchildren." previous experience indicated an of regulations when they "r~ however, that the effect of the „ of fine ar u m Justin the arts." average cost of around $130 to as such, the originator, Barbara — ■ * —- (rill College got the idea ,g of Since that time the concept Ward said. her students on a trip to has resulted in an annual spring to expose It is merely designed Also included will be tours of art museums, ballet, more JSoto^twT $ RHARHARHARHARHARHAj the participants to a theatrical experiences, and number of art forms that are not meetings with artists of different Hno The entire payment of $77 is M»h m Mc Warn =aiH PRESENTS 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan TuesdilaV. Feb, SPORTS 1^29 | Hoosier tankers Russell, favored in Big Ten dump By PAT FARNAN Gary Hall, sophomore distance Ctate News Sports Writer MSU hX^ylV^' *1 By STEVE STEIN State News Shorts Writer freestyle star John Kinsella, versatile Larry Barbiere, and MSU's Ken Winfield joined the nation's top ten in the 200 - The Ann Arbor - freshman were anything but based U-M Michigan""U2JJ white's fie|d JjSL 1 backstroke and distance Several national and international swimming stars will freestyle junior Jack Horsley. butterfly against Northwestern, whose freshman, Ric Phillips, is gracious guests of the host MSU cagers last night, as the hijfnXyresuUrwCMtin^l be on display later this week as the 62nd annual Big Ten The fantastic Hoosier team does not end with the ranked in the 500 and 1000 freestyle. - undefeated contingent blue & maize recorded victory Jflcit staring th?»| Swimming and Diving Olympians. Sophomore Wisconsin's Murphy number 12 last night, 102 • 92. relaxed Championships come to the backstroker Mike Stamm, for Reinschreiber is ranked Offensively, the game started intermix?Sit MSU Men's IM pool March 2 - 4. example, holds the American, National powerhouse Indiana, NCAA and conference records in nationally in the 200 - butterfly. Spartan cocaptain Jeff Lanini slowly as both teams had trouble finding the range. The Spartans me The Wolverin^l gating start!!, I the overwhelming meet favorite, the 100 - backstroke and has won five AAU titles. defends his 100 - breastroke title scored first but Michigan r?"d baskets half hut hi"ing^n?wi*P hot handUnd»y sports five 1968 Olympians — in his home pool, and Minnesota countered with seven quick got a Co ■ captains Mark Spitz and Freshman Bob Alsfelder is a diver Craig Lincoln returns to points. hittino i strong butterflyer; Pat O'Conner MSU straight to put defend his one meter title fought an uphill battle within six. is tough in individual medley, against - trying to recover from U-M's the s a tough OSU squad. If you use butterfly and breastroke, and Tickets for preliminary early attack on the basket, but a U-M „Jhe Honlg . tj squad a,,,, tampons, Bill Heiss is a top swimmer in freestyle sprints and the IM. afternoon and evening final sessions are on sale for $1 and steal and a three point play evened the score at 21 apiece. "coring barrage which i *■ you already know Hall and Spitz are the top how to use Indiana swimmers, both having $1.50 respectively students and faculty for at MSU the 1972 lii» Ton Wrestli fouls hurt the Spartans in behind part one of last night's episode, the streaking Wolvll Hie won the World - Swimmer - of Jenison ticket office. allowing the Ann Arbor Spartans mad* 1 break the internal - the - Year award twice, Spitz in representatives 12 opportunities with only s? ' I 1967 and 1971 and Hall in 1969 remaining, chipping awa,I deodorant.".. Norforms. and 1970. Between Spitz, Hall and PLAY IN MADISON sftsssr* That brief Kinsella, the trio holds or shares f|urry seven world records and are enough to cool the h.. Cagers, Badgers in defending champs in nine Big neldhouse however as Ten individual events. M Joe Johnson, and Ohio State's Reed Slevin, the rest J Wolverines forces defending 100 - freestyle champ, kept pin* away until continues quite a list of By RICK GOSSELIN close game. They beat Purdue twice and knocked hometown Spartans. victory eluded! nationally - ranked swimmers. off Indiana at Indiana which must say something P State News Sports Editor .Campy Russell led Stopping feminine odor is Michigan, second - place favorite if you go by comparative scores between us and Michigan scoring parade wi| I for the 12th straight season, them. easier than you think. Each After experiencing what MSU basketball points and a fine brings butterflyer Byron "We always have a hard time when we play in floor A tiny-as-a'fingertip Norforms^ coach Gus Ganakas termed "one of the most followed by Johnson McDonald and breastroker Stu Madison. The last time we won there was in witl "Suppository" is as simple and crushing losses we've suffered," the Spartan 1963. We've had a lot of close games up there Hairston captured game so safe to insert as a tiny tampon. basketball squad moves back into action in a not honors with 32 tallies. but no wins to show for it," Ganakas added. Just insert—it begins dissolv¬ - so - common Tuesday night cage contest agaist The Spartans in particular must focus their ing instantly to kill bacteria, COMPLETE Wisconsin in Madison. The opening tip is scheduled for 8:30 p.m. defensive efforts in on Badger center Kin Hughes, Spartans| stop feminine odor where it who has gained more confidence since the Lansing time. starts . vaginal tract. . . internally, in the AUDIO The Spartans fell to Iowa Saturday night, 102 beginning of the season. You feel clean, fresh, odor- - 98, after pouring an unprecedented 60 points "Hughes is a much stronger player now than SERVICE finish hie onto the scoreboard by the end of the first half. he was against us the first time," Ganakas said. free for hours. No shower, no The 98 Spartan points was one of the "He held Purdue's Bill Franklin to 10 and seven douche stops odor the way highest Norforms do. • Qualified Technicians point totals in a losing cause that an MSU points in two encounters, and Franklin annihilated karat^ basketball team ever registered. And on the heels us. • Prompt Service FREE NORFORMS MIN1-PACK plus booklet! Write to: Norwich • Full Test Facilities of that loss, the Spartans must now hit the road for return engagement with Wisconsin. "Hughes will definitely be our number one problem. He's been blocking a lot of shots lately in •90 Day Warranty • Parts PharmacalCo., Dept CN-C, Norwich, and has been N.Y. 13815. Enclose 25^ to cover & Labor In that earlier match, the Spartans toppled the a key# man in their defense," 15 members of the Ganakas continued. karate club traveled to mailing and handling. Badgers on the tartan surface of Jenison Convenient Location at The Spartans will be out to snap a two Fieldhouse, 83 - 76. Mike Robinson led the game this past weekend to con losing streak and to build constructively on their T The Stereo Spartans with 26 points and Bill Kilgore pulled in the fourth annual Mk Shoppe 15 rebounds. But Ganakas expects a much 4 - 6 Big Ten mark. The MSU cagers need two Invitational Karate Toui 543 E. Grand River Ave. more wins in their final four games to break the tougher game this time around. and three Spartans U Don't forget "Wisconsin is a good, solid club," Ganakas season above .500. zip code Hours: 9-5:45 honors among the your Norwich Products Division said. "Even when beat them here it over] IP The Norwich Pharmacal Co. I Sat: 9-5 we was a Robinson continues to lead the Big Ten in participants. The Spartans entered scoring with a 27 - point average. The sophomore the mens and woi guard has been getting help of late from the Men's IM forward lines, with Allen Smith and Brian Bresiin competition at the stat looking impressive in the past two losing causes. tournament. The Jenison Tartan track will be available for Bresiin hit for a career high of 23 Margaret Solmon led It points ^ II. Fly your joggers Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week from 8 6:30 p.m. a.m. till 3 p.m. and from 5:15 til against Iowa and Smith led the team in rebounds with 15. Smith took runner - up honors in Tiro in tin* hank taking first place in them division. Jim own jet! The track will also be open from 1 p.m. till 3 p.m. and Sunday, Mar. 5 Monday, Mar. 6 scoring to Robinson against Purdue with 19 points. The next home action for the Spartans will be MSU's Brian Bresiin goes in for an easy basket Sharp took a place in the lightweight d for black belts. against Iowa through Thursday, Mar. 9 from 8 a.m. till 3 p.m. Saturday night when the University of Michigan Saturday. Bresiing scored 23 points against the Hawkeyes, Bruce Henderson also and from 5:15 til 6:30 a p.m. visits. career high for the East second in black belts Lansing junior. heavyweight division. FLY S-T-R-E-T-C-H & SEW ™ IN ICER'S WEEKEND LOSSES & FABRICS Boyd injures shoulder 4960 Northwind Driv«, • Deferments For Underclassmen East Lansing 332 0879 • Guaranteed Flight Training MON. • FRI. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. • Immediate Openings In Aviation -'Eye Sight SAT. 10 a.m. 5 p.m. It - game set with Notre Dame at the Badgers Friday Waivers Up To 20/100 • was a tough weekend for mark at the moment for the • KNITS OF ALL KINDS! the MSU hockey team and an South Bend. WCHA playoffs, set to begin Wisconsin checking wa. Free Aviation Orientation Flights even tougher experience for icer Boyd took a Badger skater March 7. If he does play, Boyd tight Don Thompsi •Surface And Aviation Programs ... Open To Underclassmen defenseman Bob Boyd. hard into the boards in the MSU will wear a harness of some sort scored 28 goals this seaso • Starting Salaries Up To $12,000 The Spartan squad not zone at the five minute mark of to short of the all-time • Mo On Campus only protect the shoulder. Training lost twice to Wisconsin at home, the first period Sunday and The six • foot, 185 pound record of 29 set by •30 Days Paid Vacation Per Year came out of the collision with a by 5 - 0 and 6 - 4 scores, but also sophomore blueliner also Jacobson in the 1964 • 65 • Programs For Men And Women lost Boyd for this weekend's two separated right shoulder. suffered a two - stitch The 5 - 0 shutout agai gash on ... "We took some X-rays and his icers Friday was the right arm in Friday's contest SEE THE OFFICER INFORMATION TEAM they didn't show a break," Dr. it suffered by a Spartan teai so was double trouble for DATE: 28 FEBRUARY TO 3 MARCH James S. Feurig, Director of Olin Wisconsin did it by an iA Wrangler thinks Americans TIME: 9 to 5 Boyd against the Badgers. Health Center and team score at Madison in 1965 PLACE: PLACEMENT BUREAU physician said. "It was a . Last shutout handed COMPLIMENTS OF THE DETROITNA VY LEAGUE stretching of the ligaments and ICE CHIPS: High -scoring hockey squad on home ice we liave his shoulder in a 0 job in the 1968 • 69 sling." spend too much for clothes. rightwinger Mark Calder failed - Feurig said Boyd is a question to get a single shot off against by Minnesota. CUT OUT AND SAVE _ And Wrangler's doing something about it. They're giving you what's so hard to get these days. What you pay for. Wrangler LANSING MALL MERIDIAN MALL WJeons Presents for Your Dining Pleasure > TUESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Broiled Top Chop't Fillet Miqon Lizard's Steamship Round WEDNESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Schensul's Famous Fried Chicken Roast Roof Rnffcl O THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL A delicious, choice cut of beef specially Broiled Baby Beef Liver w/Onions $1.2 prepared through low temperature FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL cooking to achieve the perfect tenderness and taste - THE SIGN OF FINE ROAST Baked Turbot J1J BEEF SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL With Family or Friends Roast Chicken w/Dressing $1J Tuesday Night Dinner Begins at 5 Bells OPEN SUNDAY 11:30 to 7=00 $2.25 J.W. KNAPP CO. - Downtown P"^ Meridian Mall LIZARDS MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES Evening Speciels include roll, butter and beverage and a choice of two ol tWi (branches) following: salad, potato, vegetable, dessert. YANKEE DEPT. STORES(brancheg) --CUT AND SAVE— ■ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, February 29, 1972 Group to delay antibias plan Bv KAREN By KAREN ZURAWSKI 7IIRAW.CKI State News Staff Writer The Human Relations Commission Is not orientation, The cultural orientation current or physical appearance." city ordinance pertaining to discrimination „ Some are not ready to accept * an ordinance dealing with final decision this week on a expected to make a prohibits bias based on race, color, homosexuality, some do not see an ordinance as the best way of proposed antidiscrimination religion and national origin. handling the isssue and some favor the ordinance's ordinance that would prohibit bias because Under the proposed immediate of sex and sexual ordinance, discrimination based on the passage. outward aspect of a orientation. person and on a person's system of beliefs "The commission is concerned and aware and values would be prohibited. of the need for Instead, it will recommend further study and the community understanding of the various forms of informal establishment of public forums to aid in People charging discrimination could file for relief in circuit discrimination not covered public education and to court, with the city required to provide bond by law," Eddy said. "However, the provide a better understanding of the for any such action commission is not sure what matter, the Rev. William taken. legal phraseology will be workable in Eddy, commission chairman, said. this case." The 12 The maximum - member commission, which received the penalty now for a violator is $500and or 90 days ordinance earlier this proposed in jail or both. The ordinance would add that a convicted The commission, which meets the first month, "lacks a common mind on what is liable to the person month in City Hall, is a data Wednesday of every action should be taken," Eddy said. plaintiff for three times the amount of actual gathering and recommendation body damages. for city council. It is The commission will make its up to city council, after recommendation at a public commission recommendation, to enact laws to receiving a meeting 8 p.m. Wednesday at East Lansing City Hall. However, the "bugaboo" of the ordinance would remedy the based on sexual orL. tation defined prohibit bias situation. Submitted by Gay Liberation and the as "the choice of sexual Coalition for Human partner according to gender," or Survival, the proposed ordinance would prohibit discrimination homosexuality. Amendments to city personnel rules prohibiting discrimination "on the basis of religion, According to members who attended a closed age, sex, marital status, sexual week, the commission is divided into three meeting last on the basis of sex and homosexuality are also under city council camps on the issue. consideration. THE DAYS OF FIRE Editorial WASHINGTON (AP) The ad r AND BRIMSTONE ARE OVER. - authority of federal courts to h t supreme Court agreed o carry paid station, declined to accept one - to decide whether Monday free state prisoners. announcments on such issues as minute paid announcements by SwiJ'l l riff television stations are radio and required In In uranHnn Federal Communications u granting a heanng to the x the Vietnam War and other a group of businessmen opposed a little help from snow and ice, this shiny slide offers a to broadcast paid Commission and two networks politically sensitive topics during to the Vietnam War. advertisements advertisements, "he he clnnot cannot ffatl'v flatly Remembei advertisements this year's election refuse to accept advertisements the old-time descent after a short climb. Then it's a run to the end on matters in the court campaigns. kept the FCC from public issues, said Judge J. preachers who I the line for another turn for these children at the \titute for Family and Child Research. rji. I he »V will „ . • .. justices announced also , , 6 ??_AUiueiinei. F decision is reached Thisuntil unill ,a could a will.b! compelled candidates. tTLutime to Democratic"NauScommittw bereviewed^ ^ °Pini°n repent in tones State News photo by Chris Fischer they will nnncirlaf consider on an appeal by U.. i-1 take a ' UIU asked the FCC for an order that shook the year or more. The dispute California that could limit the in 1969 requiring broadcasters rafters? Those This means stations will when WTOP, a ^ h to sell Appeals by the FCC, ABC, r Washington radio time to responsible groups for days are gone CBA* *and operators ofWTOP the solicitation of funds and for ICHES MORE STUDENTS comment on public is argued this would give unfair advantage to affluent partisans, The Paulist, for instance, speaks cut down the time available the language of for news and public affairs today because he is part of to¬ Survival programs, involve the courts day. He is August the U.S. Circuit Court broadcast regulation, restrict the not course moves to ruled isolated in a pulpit but part of the that a total ban on li f MAGGIONCALDA .1J'Most deaths 'n the entirely 'how to' in structure," TV editorial advertising violates the First Amendment. FCC's supervision and the hm»Hr9dm journalistic hamper freedom of cause Maybe he became a Paulist be¬ he felt uneasy about the state of the world. Or because he wanted 1J p' wilderness are caused format," Risk said. "The video The main topics discussed in by useless Risk cautioned. "One of the medium offers us greater to change things. But whatever he expenditures of energy, lack of major aims of the course will be leeway the class will be: using materials is doing—whether he is a parish in that we don't have to have Survival, one of confidence in the person lost, at hand for shelter priest, a missionary, a press, radio Sears less to assist students in the overhead projectors, films and building; fire or television personality, an edu¬ popular classes on and failure to recognize the five development of sensitivity and making and cooking; edible and involved in the slides in the classroom as we cator or University L. has added 19 television basic needs of man; food, confidence toward the outdoors poisonous plants; trapping, Apostolate, the Paulist is would have to do in a live class." con¬ \s this term in an attempt shelter, water, fire, and signals," and to lessen the inhibitions of snaring and preparing animals; cerned and involved. Sears is Jch more MSU students survival instructor Paul H. Risk today's urban man toward open For the most part the course water procurement; and on campus . . |to survive in unfamiliar said recently. spaces." uses U.S. Air Force survival signaling. Also included will be "The course will not be The course was originally manuals and films. principles for all - season survival looking for in jungle, sea, mountain, desert fashioned as a practical Commercially produced films and arcticenvironments. men or women educational vehicle that would are also used, and slides taken by build the confidence of a Risk supplement the other park The three credit naturalist or career outdoor man materials. - course is interested in in his environment. Interest open to all students. Paulists meet the challenges among students in other fields starting a career in that change presents. led 60 students to attend the For more information about one class offered fall the Paulist priesthood, write to: term. It is ADVERTISING Rev. Donald C. Campbell, C.S.P., SrHESF" Vocation Director, Room 600 rnrsr. -i COPYWRITING paulist fathers. a ncnt constitutional ^tempting the How of funds for 1(;„ studen^ anfd °n[y that restricting property Ion the general election the,P"b"j Underschoo's'" the ^"^ndld amended "*** ^ke Wildlife Relrve, Risk said. It is hoped that the Our representative will be here March 6, 7 and 8 complaint sufficient time will be ..aid Richard S. available to permit the students in the television Sign up in the Placement Office sessions will get some practical Student Service Center I of Detroit will head the legislature and the people if ■ittee which is experience by a field trip. seeking necessary to formulate new "In the television sessions we |00 signatures on the constitutional means to finance public education," he said. hope to avoid the purely lecture ffluuuuLttMHaaajuuiaRjuuur''- GEN. FRANK J. fV Monday e i asked the Court to make in the suit fcng the constitutionality ■hoot property taxes HHi A big love affair. |e July 1, 1973 instead of v 1, 1972 date he had THE STABLES Jequested. Py, supported by Gov. B>, asked the court to rule SMELT DINNER 1 Property tax ■itutional since Deep fried. A crunchy it does delight served with ranch fries. f>tnote, they claim, equal 1 opportunities for _ Regularly $1.75 p's children. * the trial of the facts $1 Tonight (2/29) ONLY with this ad. Ifrred by the Michigan r Court has not yet been 2843 E. Grand River b the Ingham County 1 Court and some of the iDOMlNfn'/" pizza people offers McDoneL, |a week long Special. $2.00 for a 2 item small pizza. $3.00 for a 2 item large pizza This offer good at Trowbridge shop only * | f This offer good at Trowbridge shop only Please 1 I * please Name have coupon ' I Mamp have coupon filled out. * Address | filled out. I Address wnen driver arrives | when driver arrives ll $2.00 for a small $3.00 for a large 2 item Domino's Pizza 2 item Domino's Pizza Offer good February 29-March 7. Call 351-7100 for Stroh's...Fiom one beer lover to another. IIOT, FREE, FAST THE STROM BKEWatY COMPANY. DETROIT, MICHIGAN ■»}>* Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan _ Tuesday, Febru to reach peoplSfr classified is the best wavi Auto Service & Parts FRANKLY SPEAKING ly Phil frank For Rent For Sale GET Action WITH A The State News does not . permit racial or, religious MARANTZ FM stereo receiver. Want Ad 18 100 used MASON BODY SHOP, discrimination in its Kalamazoo Street. . . 812 East Since 1940. Apartments Empire turntable with Shure arm. canisters J Sony TC-650 stereo tape deck. • AUTOMOTIVE 1—r advertising columns. State News will not The Complete collision auto service painting and IV5-0256. NEED GIRL MARCH and / or New ELECTRO-Voice speakers one ,ul1 DENNIS oisT^o'^1 year f7LGu,"J accept . spring. Only 1 block! 332-2162. 26% off list. CAMERAS, SLR'S, Scooters & Cycles Auto Parts & Service advertising which discriminates against religion, C-2-29 3-2-29 view finders. Polaroids, projectors, COMPANY, 3,6 rhUl| and equipment. Used color and FOREIGN CAR Parts - CHEQUERD Aviation race, sex, color or national black and white TV » EMPLOYMENT FLAG, 2605 Street, 1 mile East Kalamazoo west of campus. stereo amps, tuners, sets. Used receivers, shop ANDT0;-;~--T consistent record „ Lo«l turntables, speakers, 8 - track and 82^*8^1 » FOR RENT 487-5055. 6 2-29 TWO MEN for four man. Old Cedar cassette, home decks and Village for spring, rent reduced Apartments VW - GUARANTEED repair. 20%. 351 4099. 3-2-29 carplayers. Used 8 - track tapes, Houses RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at $2 each. Stereo albums, Okemos Road. 349-9620. C-2-29 typewriters, wall tapestries. Police Rooms 2 OR 3 needed for two bedroom. Automotive band radios. WILCOX mixers U' 8(r*l# > FOR SALE Close to campus. Reduced rates. SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East etc m,.. Animals PONTIAC LEMANS, 1967, overhead Employment 351-5967. 3-2-29 Michigan Avenue. 8 - 5:30 P.M., 351-6669. 5 3-1 "" 0,11 ■ Mobile Homes cam six. 4 barrel, hurst shifter. Monday - Seturday. 485-4391. ONE GIRL for three spring 'Lost & Found Black with vinyl interior, red exterior white top. Low mileage. term. Old Cedar - man Village. Call Bank Americard, Master Charge, Lay away, terms, trades. C dnimalt ► PERSONAL Sharp! Reasonable! Will arrange 351 8905. 5-3-6 MINI ATURE SCHNAUZERnZ PEANUTS PERSONAL financing. Call before 6 p.m. 3-3-2 Scott 484-4596 EARN MONEY selling Vanda Beauty Counselor Cosmetics. 351-2425. STEREO KLH-11 with dust cover, 6 months old. New, $200, now POPPer. Black, black AKC, 8 weeks oWcJ i REAL ESTATE $125. RECREATION 5-3-3 351-1405 after 5 p.m. P«per (rained. Good wil SPRITE, 1968, 34,000, great shape, 2-2-29 393-0232.3-2-r vl SERVICE roll bar, extras, new battery, ONE GIRL for spacious 2 - man. Typing Service shocks, etcetera. $925. 337-1721 WAITRESSES, NIGHTS, no Spring term. Close. 361-1607. WEDDING GOWN, veil. Size 8 - 10. ST- BERNARD Puppiet - ask for Scott. 4-3-3 experience necessary, full or part 3-3-2 Originally $500. Best offer. TRANSPORTATION time. Will train. Apply in person, 485 5317. 3-3-1 WANTED TRIUMPH GT6+, 1970, overdrive, ROCKY'S TEA KWOOD 124 CEDAR. 129 BURCHAM. 2 man DEADLINE good running condition. Best LOUNGE, 3600 South Logan. MOTHER. I'LL BE SURE 10 LOCKUP furnished apartments, including BICYCLES - Falter of West BASSET HOUND vvh i ta - AKC rJ offer. 484-7304 after 5 p.m. 3-3-2 heat, $62.50 $82.50 per man. Germany is now proud to present 20 60 NO WEIRDOS WILL GET IN!" month * ii 1 P.M. one class day before 3-3-2 135 KEDZIE, $85 per man. Lease a bicycle that solves all storage champion bloodlines VEGA 1971, midnight blue. 20,000 starting June 16 end September 1. problems; folded. These bicycles 2-2-29 publication. miles. $1700. @HtMiKLySrtAKlN4/ BOX 1523 / £. lANSm. MICH. Days, 487-3216, evenings till 10 are among the finest tooled bikes Good running Cancellations/Corrections - 12 noon one class day condition. 393-0362. 5-3-2 DRUMMER - MUSICIAN p.m., 882-2316. 0-1-2-29 in the world. The grandeur 10 speed races is only $119.95. See Mobile Hornet 1 before publication. VOLKSWAGEN 1961. FURNISHED 2 man, sublease, clean, them today I MERIDIAN Overhauled, 1971 CERTIFIED 12* runs good. $100. Call 349-3748 For Rent For Rent close, air, pool. 332-8922, RECREATIONAL SALES. 2682 x PHONE after 5 p.m. 3-3-2 An excellent drummer is needed 625-3879. 9-3-10 East Grand River, East Lansing, bedrooms, $4000. AvailatwH 355-8255 to nil a position starting March Michigan. Phone 337-2300 next to 393-3852. 10-3-10 " VOLKSWAGEN 1968 CAMPER 26, with an established group Apartments Apartments ONE GIRL needed spring. New Tony Coats. 9-3-10 based in Lansing. The CHAMPION 10' x 50~ RATES 10 word1 mlnirrium BUS. Sleeps two. With water group apartment across from Varsity dresses uniformly, plays SINGLE MAN to share East Lansing, SUBLET. EFFICIENCY, across from Pizza. Reduced rates. 351-2183. COME LISTENI Solid sound. 2 shag carpet, air, partly fur j No. DAYS supply. Clean interior. Good No. body. Good running. 2 - year G.W. "TOP-40" commercial rock with very deluxe, 2 bedroom, 4 - man campus. Parking. 351-4574, call 4-3-3 Royal Electro - Voice *jeakers, or unfurnished. Must sell i Price negotiable. Call WORDS 1 3 5 10 warranty. $1595. CURTIS FORD plans of evolving into a floor furnished townhouse. $67.50. between 5 - 7 p.m. 2-2-29 $120. 2 Jensen X-45 speakers, leave message at 694-Uol 10 1.50 4.00 £.50 13.00 of WILLIAMSTON, 655-2133. show group. We work 49 weeks 351-8575 or 485-1265. 5-3-1^ ONE MAN for 4- man. Close. $70. No rip off. 351-2593. 2-3-1 694-9252/3 4-3-3 per year with SO% on the road. If BRENTWOOD. NEAR Frandor, 2 Parking. Great deal! 332-2253. WANTED, 1-2 girls to sublease DETROITER 12' x 44'. 2 bM you feel capable, have bedroom, unfurnished, available 3-3-2 FENDER SUPER Reverb guitar 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 furnished apartment until June. IV 1966, excellent condition, dark personality, good musicianship, 731 Apartments, Burcham Drive. immediately, carpeted, air - amplifier, good shape, $175. furnished, shag carpet iTL and interested in a fantastic ONE MAN for four room. $2600. Call blue, call 351-5409 mornings or conditioning, carport. $170 - man. Spring. Benjamin Miracord turntable. 35M» 15 2.2S 6.00 9.75 19.50 opportunity with excellent 332-0641 nights, 353-1883 FABIAN Reasonable. 489-0534 after 5 p. evenings. 3-3-2 pay REALTY, 332-0811, Americana Gibson J-50 guitar, DeArmond call 393 4182 or 694-8232. anytime. 4-3-1 482 4619, 482-0571.3-3-1 Apartments. 351-6085. 3-3-2 Pickup $250. 351-3050. 3-3-2 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 You're under 25 TWO Ijost & Found 1 20 3 00 8.00 13.00 26.00 BARTENDER PART time evenings GIRL OVER 21. Own room, near MEN, spring, for 4 - man BOSE 901 speakers, brand new, must and Saturdays, experience helpful, airport but quiet. 484-2169 after apartment. $150 / term. sell. Call after 5 p.m. 485-8672. 3.75( 10.00 32.50 but you drive 5 p.m. x-5-3-3 351-0099. 5-3-6 4-3-3 LOST: SAM0YED 1 6 S apply in person 4 6 p.m., or 9 CAMPUS . 11 p.m. CAPITOL PARK MOTOR months old, leather coll* ll 347 Student Servlc es Bldg black nose, eyes, like an expert. HOTEL. 500 South Capitol ONE MAN for 4-man spring. Next YOU CAN see the savings with All student ads must be Avenue. 3-3-1 INISHED A PA F FOR FALL to campus. 1V4 baths, furnished, quality glasses from OPTICAL REWARD. 372 8659 2-3-l"l shag carpet. $65 / month. DISCOUNT. 2615 East Michigan prepaid Why should you HOSTESS AT Northwind Stables. 351-0717.3-2-29 Avenue, 372-7409. C-1-2-29 FOUND: PURPLE Com p Apply in person, no phone calls. DAIILMANN Bessey last Tuesday,! The State Newt will be 353-8067. 1-2-29 have to pay 3-3-1 ONE OR two girls for spring. Great LANGE STANDARDS. Fit si/cs responsible only for the APARTMENTS 2 MAN roommates. Close. 351-8384. 7V4-9, Humanie L7HN, ski rack, first day's incorrect WANTED - apartment for sublease. 5-3-3 LOST: GREY cat. Spartan \| extra for your SIX models for well - Spring and summer. Cedar Green trunk with locks. 351-4248. 3-3-2 vicinity. Child's pet. 3 insertion. known firms. All letters will be Apartments. Next to Brody 2-2-29 answered. Everyone interviewed. Dorms, swimming pool. 351-2673. Houses CAMERA-YASHICA Electro 35-GT, car insurance? Please send name, address, ROOMMATE WANTED - Architect 5-3-1 one year old, good condition, $75 LOST: 2 12 72 small red <* telephone number and photo. (30) desires straight, clean, NEAR FRANDOR. 2 bedroom or hassle Ken Ferguson 355-6716. Irish Setter, "Rusty", 33 Automotive Models, Post Office Box 284, East intelligent swinger - type college ONE OR two girls needed spring. house, furniture available, central 5-3-6 2-2-29 Give Sentry Insurance Lansing. 10-3-10 grad to share 2 bedroom Cedar Village. $73. 351-6329. air conditioning, garage, available AMBULANCE 1961. Must sell. See a call and compare unfurnished apartment. Phone 5-3-2 March 15th. 351-8920. 1-2-29 LUDWIG. 7 drums, 5 Zildjians, Atlas LOST one gold weddinj| at 208 Collingwood or call LOCAL SUBSIDIARY of Alcoa. 351-2749 evenings. 373-3674 stands, fibre cases. 351-4248. Inscription "from tc rates. - 351-3165. 5-3-1 days. 3-3-2 3-3-2 Need 6 men part time and 2 men married students EAST LANSING, 3 bedroom house, forever" if found call | Don Sakowski full time for immediate furniture available. 351-8920. 355-3157. No quest AUSTIN HEALEY 1958, 100-6. employment. Call Mr. Kovach, NEEDED 4th girl. March. & faculty 1-2-29 "WHO IS JOHN GALT?" Bumper 2-2-29 Good body and engine. New carpet, seatcovers, top, windows. 676-1930 351-7319. Car necessary. C Meadowbrook. $50 / month. No deposit. 882 7066. 3-3-2 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. EAST LANSING duplex. Carpeted, 2 Stickers. Call 1-2-29 Paul at 353-7495. $625 353-6495 or 349-4886. TELLER, ACCURATE typist with Personal bedroom, full basement. . some with study 3-3-2 office SUBLET. 1 bedroom, carpet, air. SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. experience. Phone Appliances included. 1 block from BOSS 302 Mustang, 1970. Very good SENTRY PERSONNEL CAREERS. Interview with Mr. Baker. $155 /month. Meadowbrook Trace. 393-8505. 3-3-2 campus. Married only, child welcome. $210 / month. Brand new portables, $49.95. $5.00 per month. Large selection PREGNANT? PANICKY? 0 the alternatives. Preg shape. Must sell, best offer takes. Call 353-4156. 5-3-2 INSURANCE 489-1441. 3-2-29 ROOMMATE OR two leasees for from *145 per mo. 349-9675 or 349-0560. 5-3-6 of reconditioned Singers, used machines. Whites, Necchis, New Counseling. 372-1560.02-2| 2man, furnished, $165/month, BUICK SPECIAL MALE student HANDICAPPED graduate close, 332-6438 after 6 P.M. 5-3-3 UNFURNISHED Home and "many others", $19.95 LADIES NEEDED | needs male assistance to to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS conditioning, automatic, V-s. Scooters & Cycles share double room. Room paid, children welcome DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. AGES 17 tc Need money. 351-4354. 3-3-2 4 MAN call Dave, after 5:30. 355-4015 apartment in Burcham 1115 N. Washington, 489-6448. NEED EXTRA helmet? Red Flake, 4-3-3 Woods. Will sublet for $54 please, no pets C-1-2-29 CHEVROLET STATION wagon, like new! $12. Andy 332-5039. monthly per man. Furnished. EAST LEARN TO EARN!! LANSING. 3 bedrooms, 2 1967, 9 passenger, automatic 1-2-29 COLE'S BAKERY transmission, V-8 engine, power steering, power brakes, $500. SUZUKI 500 1970. Custom paint, Travel summer. 'round the world this Sail a Foreign ship. Men and women, no experience good 351-3118. 3-3-1 KNOB HILL baths, $210 339 2961. 1-2-29 / month. Call TUESDAY ONLY SPECIAL. loaves Home 4 Current full and parttim«| LUXURY 2-man, furnished, for - Style white bread, available to thoi mint condition. Will store until 882-5189. 2-2-29 APARTMENTS pay, Send stamped - self - $1.00 at our bakery foods spring term, right off campus. Call DUPLEX, 2 bedroom, well furnished, keypunching and ke spring. $595. Ken 332-5039. 3-3-2 addressed envelope. Now. 337-1565 Monday - Wednesday, lots of closet space, concession. MEIJER THRIFTY CHEVY 1962 convertible. Runs, MACEDON, Box 224, Irvington, utility room, New Jersey 07111. or call collect 313-646 9591 yard, pleasant area, $185. ACRES, Okemos, S. Pennsylvania, $65. 525 Dorothy Lane, CYCLE INSURANCE Central Thursday 349-4700 W. Saginaw Road. KROGER - - Sunday. 5-2-29 337 0461. 5-3-3 351-8177. 1-2-29 Michigan's Largest insurer, any PART TIME OPEN Monday - Friday Frandor, Logan Center, 4002 W. paying skill at SPARTAN | cycle, any rate. 144 North employment with NEEDED GIRL for spring, furnished 9 a.m. • 5 p.m. HOUSE IN the country on Aurelius Saginaw, 1721 N. Grand River PUNCH ACADEMY Indi«f 1964 CORVAIR merchant wholesaler. /Vjtomobile Van, good Harrison, East Lansing or r»t. Pool, air - conditioned. Saturday 12-5 Road. 3 bedrooms, furnished, 4 C-1-2-29 instruction and free ■ required; phone 351-5800 p.m. condition, must sell to appreciate 332-5335. LLOYD'S OF $55. Burcham Woods. 351-1099. miles from campus. $240 month. 08. 3-2-29 LANSING. 11-3-10 SOCIETY CORPORATION. 5-2-29 LOCATED W MILE NORTH 393-0716. 3-2-29 VM C-3-3-1 OF JOLLY RD. ON STEREO, dust cover, $90. Call 355-4960 before 7:30 p.m. CORVAIR MONZA 1965. Body, 1970, 650 TRIUMPH. Luggage rack / OKEMOS ROAD engine excellent condition. helmet. Excellent condition SMALL GROUP (Jazz-Blues) needed Rooms 1-2-29 Call 351 -2297 or 332-5053.5-3-3 for Friday and Saturday nights. ONE GIRL for four - man apartment 485-3082. 4-3-3 Auditions IV9-4311 BRAUERS in Cedar Village. Sublease spring. CLOSE TO campus. Doubles, 1968 COUGAR X-R7. Air, rear TRIUMPH 500, 1969. Mint 1861 HOUSE. 5-3-1 No deposit. 337-0189. 5-3-3 kitchen, included. laundry, $53/month. 351-2029. utilities CROSSWORD defogger. Best offer. Call after condition. $800 firm, also 1971 5:30 p.m. 393-7491. 5-3-3 Suzuki 125 trail bike. 281 miles DREAM JOB. Teach make - up NEED ONE girl. Cedar Village. 5-3-3 PUZZLE on methods used in Hollywood for Spring term or immediately. FORD 1967 wagon,V-8, automatic, new 482-8819. 5-3-3 engine, asking $425 natural or high style looks. Cedar Village 351-7446. 3-3-1 GIRLS, EAST Lansing, singles, 1 ACROSS 27. Iron symbol double, kitchen privileges, quiet, 28. Blue grass power steering, power brakes, Training at our expense. Money is good condition, $795. 641-6345 HODAKA 100, 1971, 2500 miles, good if you're ambitious. Can lead Apartments TWYCKINGHAM. NEED 1 man for 2 clean, attractive. Call after 6 p.m., 1 Ballet step 29. Fingerstall 641-6193. 4-3-3 351-5604. 1-2-29 4 Scat! 30. Word of refusal excellent condition. $395 with to executive position. VIVIANE man apartment, spring. No WOODARD deposit. 351-5437. 5-3-3 8. River bottom 32. Incisors helmet. Call 355-9028 and ask for COSMETICS, OLDSMOBILE "88" 1965. Power subsidiary of General Foods. 11. Brazil seaport 34. Near Bill. 5-3-2 Are habit - Forming, but not 12. Protege 35. Shakespeare's steering, brakes. Engine just 351-6623. 0-21-2-29 rebuilt. $400. 355-3135. 4-3-3 harmful to your health. 13. Medieval river Aviation SPARTAN HALL, men and women, money 37. Sonnets OPEL 1969, automatic For Rent GIRL NEEDED for 3 man spring. singles, color TV. V4 block from 14. City on the 38. Slippery transmission, LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight vinyl top, radio and heater, They start leasing for Evenings 351-3819. Reduced rent. campus. 215 Louis, 3-6 p.m. daily. Loire 39. Toward the training. All courses are TV AND STEREO rental, 50. American 16,000 original miles. Cream Puff satisfaction guaranteed. Free 4-3-3 372-1031. 0-1-2-29 16. Skulk mouth engineer government and VA certified. 17. Peddle 41. Stain $1050. 627-6386, Grand Ledge.' FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport delivery, service and pick up. No Summer & Fall NEEDED ONE SINGLE, MALE student. Block 51 Bleak 3-3-2 man sublease spring/ 18. Snood 43. He found Road. Call 484-1324. C-2-29: deposit. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C DOWN TOMORROW, March 1. summer. Cedar Greens, call Union. Cooking, parking. 314 19 Biblical Livingstone 351-5937. B-3-3-2 Evergreen. 332-3839. 2-2-29 fraticide victim 46. Cereal seed 1. Paid playei 8. Bo*ing ® PANEL 1965 Chevy 1 ton STATE A uto Service & Parts OFFICE SPACE, 100 to 2800 square 21. Toy 47. Vegetable 2. Manner 9 Blunders HIWAY DEPT. truck. Excellent feet on first floor across from ROOMS, SINGLES AND DOUBLES. mechanical condition. 1 BEDROOM, furnished, Sublet 23. Sir 48 Threshold 3. Financially 10. India" y Interior campus. Air • conditioned, Bogue St. at the Red Cedar Cooking facilities. Utilities paid. KEEP ON truckin.'. Repair work on spring, summer, $135 / month. 25. Cleanse 49. Harem room sound ready for traveling, body needs carpeted, available soon. Parking. Call 372-8077. C-2-29 Volkswagen bugs, busses,or Ghias. Near campus. 351-5430. 3-3-2 some work. Phone Tom at GRAND RIVER CITGO. 1054 Phone FABIAN REALTY. 1 3— r~ *- r- T nr 484-7500 or 482-9740. 3-3-1 East Grand River. 351-9274. 332-0811. 7-3-3 482-4619, 669-9873. ONE MAN for 4 ■ man in Cedar FURNISHED ROOM, close campus. $70. Call 337-2793 to IJ— nr % 13 SUPPORT YOUR business with a boost from Want Ads. Advertise 9-3-10 ===== ONE MAN for four - man Village. 1-2-29 351-2310, 351-4055. 332-6246. 3-2-29 or •M % ft* % •« services there. Dial 355-8255. GOODYEAR- 6.00 x 13, 2000 miles. Apartments term. Twyckingham. 351 7689. $65. 5 2 29 ONE GIRL needed for 4 man For Sale % ie ONE MAN for 4- men spring term. 2 GIRLS for 4 - man University apartment. Available March 18th. 1 block from campus. Completely HART JAVELINS. Brand new, never >9 %% 20 •1 21 % % '//a 23 24 % IX A House , and a Home One block 332-4203. 5-3-2 from campus. Terrace. Reduced rates. 351 4518 3-2-29 furnished. Utilities and included. 349-9609. 0-1-2-29 parking drilled, 205cm. Call Joe 487-5541 3-3-1 if" V/, 24 21 26 in Okemos, Ottawa Hills. 1 LATER THAT SUMMER SHE IaJAS 29 % ». 32 % 33 Feel the peace and quiet in this all brick low maintenance Helen Sweetstory was born THflWN FROM A HORSE ..ATALL, !5 % 36 »7 ranch, on a small farm on April 5,1950. DARK STRAN6ER CARRlEP HER surrounded by mature landscaping and shade. Ideal BACK TO THE STAPLES...k)A* THIS family home lAf It was raining the nteht of % 'ft 38 39 with 4 bedrooms, 2'A baths, first floor paneled lamily room, viewing a secluded deep rear . Karly possession. Call Art Warzel 332 - 3501, laundry, 2 fire places and a yard and garden her High-School prom. THE LOVE SHE HAP BEEN SEEKING; TU50 t'EARS LATER, in PAtflS SHE " %% 42 % 43 Ehinger Realty, ;s 332 - S3S0. M6 17 Me Ehinger Realty 79 l BO Y/< 61 Lhigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, February 29, 1972 Service J"T|#i»on in complexion J 404-4619, East Michigan TV, HI-FI repairs. Recorder*, 11*5 WHAT'S 11 ss wnn i SHOP-RITE STORES' ,, radios. ^ V' 7197. Ltnilno Mail. Dependable, low ratei. Clip and *ave. 351-6680. B-1-2-29 tf norman cosmetics Happening jDS.C-2-29 PRIVATE GUITAR instructio^ Folk, Rock, Classical. All Styles. Kc'btrbt't to Mrv# V°"- $3 per lesson, ■j building barber MARSHALL MUSIC, 361-7830 inquire at r.1-2-29 C-1-2-29 IfWAY TO GO LONDON $199. Ln . Marcus offered weamy departures from and New York with opan Toronto L this past Chriatmu return. Is called the BAHAMAS Announcements for It's What's The MSU Science Fiction $159 Happening Society The ASMSU Legal Aid must be received in the Dept. will 1 jransportatlonal ACAPULCO $219. State News office, 341 will meet to discuss Arthur C. Clarke, have a lawyer available from 9 a.m. L Environment. In it call Frank Buck 391-2286 Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at Student author of "2001: Space Odyssey" at to noon every Hours least two Wednesday and from 1 Jn heeled executive can 12:30-1:30, 5-7 p.m. class days before publication. No 8 tonight in the East lounge. Akers Hall to 5 p.m. every and Thursday Tuesday, Wednesday ■t luxurious stateroom BRIDGE CLASSES announcements will be accepted by MSU and LCC students during the winter term. starting March 6. ■inside the futuristic Certified instructor. Bettie phone. No announcements will be The MSU Promenaders appointments are asked to check wishing 1 while his chauffeur Brickner. 349-4247. 3-3-1 accepted for events outside the everyone to dance at invite with the ASMSU greater 7:30 p.m. business office, Ugh above in a cockpit Lansing area. Wednesday in 34 Women's 307B Student Services 1 by a Bldg., or call through FOR QUALITY service on stereos, Intramural Bldg. 353-0659. 1 maneuvers him TV's and recorders. THE STEREO People interested in the 1972 ■ the traffic. SHOPPE. 337-1300. C-2-29 Lindsay campaign should call 351 - The MSU Business Women's Club Tri - will r 2066 or come to the offices 7:30 p.m. at 129V4 will present Leland Carr Jr., E. Grand River Ave. Wednesday in the Captain's Room, People are University attorney, Union. feEDS FROM $9.99. PHOTOCOPIES 3cl Lowest price in needed to run for precinct "Some discussing All members are asked to Ld, Direct from factory. town I CREATIVE RESEARCH, delegates. Observations by the attend. A representative from Miles University Attorney" at 11:45 a.m. C09O8. Drive a little save a 209 Abbott. O John Gilliom, chief loudspeaker Wednesday in the Union Ballroom. Laboratory will speak. ,vv located at 1649 ~ engineer of Electro - Voice, will The MSU Sport „ Avenue, East Lansing. PAINTING costs no discuss loudspeakers and speaker The Chess Club will will hold an open Parachute Club more to have the meet at 7 best. Free systems at 7 p.m. meeting at 7:30 ■ estimates. Grad Wednesday in 100 p.m. Wednesday in the West Shaw p.m. Wednesday in 208 Men's students. Engineering Bldg. Hall meeting room. Bring a set if Intramural Bldg. for a *Personal 349 48,70 possible. film and information. demonstration, Ba stt Lyoni vill dis JulATIONS TO our new Typing Service "Legislation and the Older Pel The Table Tennis Club will from 7 to 10 play The Outing Club will meet at 7 ri, Stephanie, Sue, part of a seminar on Aging in tonight in the Sports p.m. today in 116 Natural Science I 9nd Kane. Love, your America at 7 p.m. today in 30 Union. Arena, Men's Intramural Bldg. Bldg. A caving trip to southern SAVE SAVE SAVE Anyone interested in practicing or Indiana will be discussed. XEROX COPYING learning competitive table tennis is — offset — best quality at reasonable prices. THE welcome. The Married Students Union will feal Estate COPY SHOPPE. 541 East River. Phone 332-4222. C-2-29 Grand Transportation The East Complex Photography meet at 7:30 p.m. today in the Married Students Acrivities Unit. USING • 4 bedroom house. Club will sponsor an all This is an important THREE - University meeting , separate dining room, m room, 2 fireplaces. By TYPING SERVICES in my home. NEED Lauderdale. ride. Day tone or Share gas. Call photo contest and exhibit. Contest rules are available in residence sitting will be provided. - baby Visit Goodrich's Close to campus. Phone halls 32-2745. 5-3-1 332-3306 351-6806. 3-2-29 0-1-2-29 or from P.O. Box 161, East Lansing. Murray communist Bookchin, anarchist For Sanders Fresh Baked Goods NEED RIDE DAILY, ecologist, will discuss thi I ecreation Lansing world ecological crisis at a COMPLETE THESES Discount printing. IBM service" Detroit - Lansing. Call Jim - S., Gay Liberation will meet with the the Coalition for Human meeting of Survival at ■ SUMMER '72. Round trip pi $219. STUDENTOURS binding of theses, resumes, typing and publications. Across from campus. 313-222-6600, 5-2-29 517-485-4419. Human Relations Commission at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the City Council 7:30 p.m. today in the Gold Union. Room, Vanden Brink Or Our Chambers, City Hall. Everyone is Grand River, 351-2650. nt Corner M.A.C. and Grand below Jones River, Stationery Shop. Call Wanted welcome. For 353 - 9795. more information, call as Seven workshops will be part of available • Home Made Ham COPYGRAPH SERVICES, Family Services Night at 8 (SPANISH 337-1666. C-2-29 CERAMIC TILE, carpenter work and tonight at 1730 Spartan Village. Crescent Road, Loaves, 2 lb. pkg. 1' [RIVIERA DISSERTATIONS, THESES, papers. Expert typist with degree teTm painting. Prompt service. Free estimates. Call 482-0056 anytime. a Trabajadores de la Raza will hold recruitment dinner for the March 19 to 27th h days & 7 nights In English. IBM. 351-8961. 0-2-29 4-3-3 University of Michigan School of Social Work for Graduate interested 7 The p.m. Horticultuire Club Wed n will n ... Peschke Flavor Sealed RIDE TO Aspen - Denver Horticulture Bldg. to discuss 's209 Sliced Bacon, area. Leave Chicanos at 6:30 p.m. tht Thursday in "Do's and Don'ts of March 10 or soon after. Will share 1540A Spartan Orchard Village. Call 355 - expenses. 351-0968. 1-2-29 2988 for more information. i. in |NE BOB 351 Luxury Apts. Ikfists, parties, etc. 1304 TYPING THESES and letters, etc. Walter Adams, professor of economics, and Alan Shelly, 1 lb. pkg. 78' - Rapid accurate service. (IDA 332 4282 Experienced. 393-4075. C-2-29 instructor in economics, will debate Holly Farms Grade A • at the organizational SERIOUS ROCK Drummer desires meeting of the ■ABOUT TRIPS TO TYPING TERM papers and theses. work. Undergraduate Economics Club at Experience, versatile, tight, 8:30 a.m. tonight in 39 Union. HAWAII Electric typewriter. Fast service. ^ excellent equipment. Fryer Thighs 59c Jon D JAMAICA 349-1904. 16-2-29 332-4927. 4-3-3 The College of Business V HOURS NIGHTLYI PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Theses, Undergraduate Counselor for Inn $159. Talaphona term papers. IBM, carbon GOING ON SABBATICAL? freshmen and sophomores will hold )IT0URS 351-2050. C ribbon, Graduate coupla, ax- teachers, will Math / Greek symbols. Best rates. office hours from 1 to 5 USE YOUR p.m. Call 351-4619. 0-2-29 houae - lit starting Fall. No children, no pets. References. Box Tuesdays and Thursdays and from 1 to 3 p.m. Fridays in 315 Eppley MASTER CHARGE SHURFINE YOUNG MOTHER HUBBARD SALE! ANN BROWN: Typing end multilith 172, Trufant, Michigan 49347. Center. Call 353 - 5987 for offset printing. Complete service 4-2-29 information. AT THE STATE MEWS ■NTOURS 351-2650. C f 6 for $1 for dissertations, 4 for $1 theses, manuscripts, general typing. IBM. 22 years experience. 349-0850. Don McLean Shurfine Peas _ plus Shurfine Fruit Cocktail Rita Cool idge Whole Kernel Corn with Marc Benito Grapefruit Sections Cream Style Corn HARDCOVER SALE J & the Dixie Pliers Pear Halves Mar l*8pm* AUD Cut Green Beans 30% to 60% OFF I k $3.50 at Marshal Music, Mandarin Oranges 11 HARDCOVER BOOKS J Campbell's, MSUrton f 16-17 oz. cans 11-16 oz. cans ★ Buy My Heart at Wounded Knee * ^Complete Walker ★Art Books * Shurfine Orange Juice $109 [iieels 6 pack, 16 oz. cans ★ Novels J Mr of HI-FI Ann and MAC phone 332-1414 J Spartan French Fries crinkle 9 cut or reg. 11° BUYS pkg. oz. Come talk to the people from Advent about their Model 201 cassette deck, the Heatherwood Chocolate Milk 4/$1 Dolby system, pre-recorded cassettes, and Crolyn tape, Thursday March 2, at Hi-Fi Spartan Margarine 1/4's 5/$1 Buys. The Advent cassette deck is that single piece of Review,*' in their October 1971 issue, had this to say ... it is the one that sets the! Cal. Sunkist Navel Oranges 59c I equipment which may well of the Model 201: "The standard for cassette] doz recorders." bring about the demise of sound quality, especially | the phonograph record as we with the finest playback know it. Utilizing the Dolby amplifiers and speakers, was The people from Advent willl be at our store to talk about V U.S. No. 1 D'Anjou Pears 5/49c Noise Reduction system, literally awesome, as was the pre - recorded cassettes (that I and set up for the new total absence of audible hiss which will replace chromium dioxide tapes, the or other records),[ Advent 201 is like a very background noise . . the Dolby system, and the I CLIP AND SAVE THIS COUPON I you think good wine has fine rumble free turntable matched . Listening quality is Model 201. If you are! to be ex - i P«nsive. you're in for an [ with an excellent cartridge, open - reel by only one other skeptical of this new high I unexpected I SUrPrise at the Olde World Bread and except that it is also capable operating at 334 ips, and recorder performance medium, down and be surprised. come| by I Ale 2l| M A C. Avenue in East Lan of recording. Stereo I !|?8 Expect the unexpected at the Olde very few operating at 7Vi ips 24 oz. loaf... Save 21° I "or'J you'll find Olde World flavor I "e and not just in the food! HI FI BUYS 1101 E. Grand River Ave. Spartan Jumbo BI^EADCWALE * 337-2310 if Bread 9C Limit One a copy of the complete review is available at our store. With coupon and $6.00 purchase Coupon >xpirt 3-4-72 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tue«|ay, FebnilIy39 "... llie I wo sides agreed that countries, regardless of their social systems, should conduct their relations on the i>rinci/>les of res/ted for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states, nonaggression against oilier slates, noninterference in the internal affairs of oilier slates, equality and mutual benefit, and Iteaceful coexistence." •from llie U.S.-China communUfuv With her Chinese hosts, Ms. Pat Nixon (picture at right) walks through Peking's Summer Palace grounds in front of "The Temple of Longevity" last Tuesday while the president was meeting with Chinese leaders. Below, President and Ms. Nixon attend a dinner in Peking with Premier Chou En-lai, with a backdrop of American and Chinese flags. At the extreme left is Chinese Vice Premier Li Hsien-nien, and next to him is interpreter Tang Wen-sheng. Ap photos