Europe . . . Wednesday hear'$ the first news of the MICHIGAN Warmer . . . STATE NEWS World on thi» day, several with rain expected. High of STATE . . . yean ago. Nebraska and 58 degrees. jo'celebrate Admissions Day. UNIVERSITY 64 Number 119 East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 1, 1972 Congressmen applaud Nixon trip ASH1NGTON (AP) - President Nixon who It were was briefed at the White House. announced that Nixon feels he congresstional leaders' support f for the results of his mission to already has adequately filled in the American public his accomplishments He also disclosed that the two top on and impression after summit leaders have been invited to visit meetings with China leaders and in a continuation of Sino-U.S. s seven days in that country. White House said Nixon received Press secretary Ronald L. the President was on Ziegler said tial support from the bipartisan nationwide television and radio with his statement , of House and Senate on his Monday night and will have "no further c journey. This was bome out by report as such to the nation." nt from the congressional leaders As for an early news said he would entertain conference, Ziegler that request but he oviets call foresaw none in the immediate future. The big news at the White House Tuesday was Nixon's announcement to ip a bid to Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield, D-Mont., and Minority Leader Hugh Scott, R-Pa., that Chinese Premier Chou En-lai btain votes plans to Invite them to visit China at a time that will be mutually convenient. Both Mansfield, who served as a U.S "OW (AP) — The Soviet Union Marine in China in 1921 ■ 22 and was a its first sharp attack on President professor of Asian history, and Scott, a nil's trip to Peking on Tuesday, collector of Chinese and other Oriental Jng China of "entering a dangerous art, have previously expressed an interest in with the ruling circles of the U.STA." article in the Russian trade union going to mainland China. Ziegler said that at the last meeting with -per Trud dismissed Nixon's journey Chou in Shanghai, when the -• as a publicity stunt to capture question of people - to - people contacts and exchanges in this election year, between the U.S. and China was ud was the first of the controlled discussed, the premier said he knew of the interest of press to deviate from a cautious Mansfield and Scott in of the Nixon trip. coming to his thrust of the article was to portray country. He told Nixon he would invite and his Chinese hosts as conspiring them, Ziegler said, and the President passed along decide the fate of the North the invitation at the White House . The article said Nixon was Tuesday. Ziegler said "I think they're pleased that -g on Peking for support of his the invitation was zation policy in return for certain extended," and he said the two senators President Nixon discusses his -ns. probably will make the trip to China Tuesday with congressional House Speaker Carl Albert of trip together. leaders in the White House Cabinet Room. Oklahoma, Nixon, and Senate whole world condemns the crimes Included at the meeting are Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana. (Please turn to page 17) from left. Republican Senate Leader American military in Indochina but ching intently the activities of the Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania' AP Wirephoto mling Circles," Trud asserted. They are avoiding anything which Reps revised k! look like a criticism of the U.S. A pass leaders of China broke all records ng Nixon's visit to ingratiate -Ives to the United States. They tried creite a favorable Impression of A new section has been added to City, it faces "a rough go." include that body of precedent of former 'knowingly" are expanded to assist the -rives in the eyes of thoae who guide By JOANNA FIRESTONE exclude from "mental disease or defect" Essentially, the new criminal code times which are not specified in the new determination of a finder of fact relative to foreign policy of the largest imperialist State News Staff Writer abnormalities manifested only by repeated brings the 22 - year - old body of statutory code as actual felonies or misdemeanors. whether a reasonable person would have After more than a year of debate, the law up to date, totally eliminating any legal Drafters of the bill say exclusion of known of specific conduct of criminal or antisocial conduct. is they have achieved. But they have law crimes merely throws out • Numerous amendments have ichieved something else: The entire Michigan House of Representatives standing of so - called "common law." common circumstances. been archaic infractions that are never acted made to change age ■ line designations in Tuesday passed a revised criminal code that The proposed revision was authorized • The provisions covering the "essive world, along with the corrals the cumbersome 3,500 sections of accordance with "expert advice" and by the legislature in 1964, through the upon or are clearly anachronisms. justification of using deadly physical force rnnation of the activities of American the current statutory law into a recommendations of law single 250 - creation of a special joint committee of the Other major reforms are as follows: have been expanded to cover "place of enforcement -"■lism against the peace and freedom • The definitions of work" as well as dwelling. page act. legislature and the State Bar of Michigan. "intentionally" and (Please peoples, also condemns the Maoists for The bill, passed on a 58 - 41 turn to page 17) vote, will Action establishing the special committee ing entered a dangerous plot with the now be sent to the Senate where, according came in response to a call by the " circles of the U.S.A." Michigan to its sponsor, Rep. J. Bob Traxler, D - Bav Supreme Court to redraft the state's criminal statutes. Though the Senate Judiciary Committee held open hearings in 1969, it was not until Petitions on ASMSU tax enote vote the code was reintroduced to the verified; quick vote legislature in 1970 that intensive House seen Judiciary Committee programming was directed towards a public and committee rif fin's businp/an study of the proposed code. The greatest impact, initially structural, of the proposed revised code is that it By BECKIE HANES decide the fate of ASMSU's 50 cents per referendum difficult to hold, Buckner term tax. explained. WASHINGTON (AP)-The Senate, with Mansfield, D-Mont., and Hugh Scott, R-Pa., condenses the 3,500 sections of statutory State News Staff Writer Of its law now making up the criminal law to a ASMSU chairman Harold Buckner said If the referendum is held March 10, its absentees back in town, The petitions seeking a referendum on as a compromise. Later it sealed this into Tuesday that the petitions needed 3,224 results will not become effective until itself Tuesday and rejected the the bill 66-29. right 37 separate chapters, with a total of ASMSU's tax have been verified with only 347 sections spanning a comparably terse signatures from full-time undergraduate March 30, barring any judicial cases, amendment to strip the federal It contains mild restrictions ten of power to issue some on 250 pages. signatures to spare. This means an students to constitute a referendum. This Buckner said. This means ASMSU will still I busing orders in busing but does not challenge the power of Traxler said effort was directed towards all-University student referendum will be total would be 10 per cent of the full-time be able to collect its tax for spring term desegregation cases, the federal courts to continue to issue held within the next 10 class days to vote against it the elimination of long - standing undergraduate student body. during registration. The results of the was 50-47, which busing orders where the judge required to Students will be voting referendum will affect summer term. i with the 43-40 tolly last Friday end state-imposed school segregation. loopholes, ambiguities, contradictions, on an archaic language and a number of poorly amendment to ASMSU's constitution "The University has already begun _ t the proposal of Sen. Robert P. The three Democratic hopefuls who jn.R-Mich. researched and drafted sections. saying that the student board has the duty procedures to assess the students for a kree of the five Democratic voted were Sens. Edmund S. Muskie of Maine, Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota The new code would create five specific areas of crime. The first includes crimes Informer and responsibility "to levy no tax or assessment of any nature." A simple (Please turn to page 17) -ntial contenders who had been and George S. McGovern of South Dakota. majority will pass the amendment. Friday returned for the test and such as murder, rape, assault and kidnaping Each voted against Griffin and for the "I would hate to see the amendment Last day -- 'dvocates the margin of to victory for civil reject Griffin, Mansfield-Scott compromise. that involve danger to persons. The second involves crimes of property, while the third reward pass in a small voter turnout," Buckner rules on crimes of theft and robbery. The said. Friday is the last day victory was not final, however. The to submit petitions fourth category concerns crimes against the Since ASMSU is constitutionally bound for State News editor will continue to debate - in - chief and the higher »n school desegregation bill up to Tickets on sale administration of government and the last in Berrigan to hold the referendum within 10 class days upon the presentation and verification advertising manager for 1972 - 73. today and another version of the grouping covers crimes against the public Petitions should be no longer than seven order — pornography, prostitution, riot of the petitions to the board, ASMSU may nder or other stringent antibusing HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - Boyd run into a bit of a problem, Buckner said. double - spaced typewritten pages and ents still could be Tickets will be on sale at the door for the and disorderly conduct. Douglas Jr. sought a taxfree $50,000 should include offered. The verified petitions were presented to a resume of the petitioners ' Rita Coolidge, Don McLean concert at 8 One of the major changes the proposed reward from the FBI ad its informer re'ecting the Griffin amendment, Tuesday night's board meeting leaving only qualifications and background, reasons nate voted 63-34 tonight in the Auditorium. Tickets are code seeks is the abolishment of all against the Rev. Philip Berrigan and sue to adopt again the eight class days remaining in this term. why he is applying for the position, and onered common law crimes. Common law crimes other antiwar militants, it disclosed by the Senate leaders, Mike $3.50. was in which Tuesday. Legally, the referendum could be held on ways he would operate and March 29 or 30, Buckner said. improve the State News. Any full - time The revelation led to a defense charge "I will recommend to the board that the registered student is eligible. Petitions that the federal antiwar conspiracy trial of the referendum be held before March 10," he should be submitted to the State News GENERAL ED PLAN so-called frameup". In Harrisburg seven is "a said. The first two class days of next term are holidays and registration days making a Board of Directors, 345 Student Services Bldg. a mystery letter to a person addressed only as "Molly", Douglas, a 31 - year - old ex • convict, said he was asking that "$5,000 be paid me the first week in Council OKs proposals December 1970 and the rest of it at the start of the trial wide open." In return or when things are blown ASMSU delib Douglas pledged to "help the acceptability of waiver exams for general education courses with government obtain enough evidence to By S. A. SMITH .•I *>t the State News Staff Writer implementation timetable of the proposed general Section 2-d of the proposal was referred to the Educational Policies Committee (EPC). prosecute these people concerned." Berrigan and his six codefendants accused of conspiring in the summer are coostitution "on of modifications was approved by the Academic Council A second proposal to permit students to take general 1970 to kidnap presidential aide Henry A. By BECKIE HANES ' «t the education courses credit credit also referred to EPC. appear on the same referendum with the second special meeting called to discuss the - no was Kissinger, vandalize draft board files in State News Staff Writer student tax proposal. several states and blow up an underground .ions 2 through 6 were approved with no major Some debate followed the proposal which was introduced by heating tunnels in Washington, D.C. A motion to adopt a new constitution The most significant changes arise in the .PMcal changes in Margaret Lesher, student representative - at • large. A concern was that would reduce the size of the board, e for slightly more than two hours. The The "Molly" letter came to light when make the executive officer a nonvoting structure of the student board. The expressed that by permitting general education courses to be - implementation and a proposal to create a General the defense asked the court "to compel the constitution proposes that members be a "°n Council will be discussed at the next regular meeting token without a grade, students would in effect be permitted to member and change geographical government to reveal the records of any drawn from 10 colleges on campus and the take a total of 75 credits without receiving a grade. There is a representation to college representation » -teseVCl1' «ny at nCXt 3 p.m. Tuesd«y- The March meeting will open 15 current minimum of 30 credits for credit - no credit and no money transactions between Douglas and the FBI or any other was planned for Tuesday night's ASMSU chief executive officers of off-campus, agency of the U.S. co-operatives, residence halls, fraternity ■taT.9ection of th« general education package, which required courses are now permitted to be taken without a grade. government. meeting. and sorority associations. Ms. Lesher argued that students would be more likely to Chairman Harold Buckner made the b, '1711 ^e required 45 credits of general education need In a subsequent news conference the The three residential colleges, Justin experiment with general education courses - take more classes motion to adopt the constitution which he ^ solely within University College, was approved last defense claimed "Molly" was a cover name for FBI agent Delmar H. Mayfield Jr. termed had many "internal changes." If Morrill, Lyman Briggs and James Madison, A Motion to (Please turn to page 17) the board approved the constitution it will include consideration of the criteria and (Please turn to page 17) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesda ^March ] news summary Ecological anarchy predicted By JOHN LINDSTROM ''This is a new extent that that work that must the spiritual sense and make vt which is a very terrify I A libertarian anarchist Pleas"re a greatpartof life, real possibility/- From the w|re> of AP and UPI. revolution has, because of the enlightenment," Bookchin said, "and I believe that it will be the be done will be considered as an .rt » Bookchin concluded his talk must choose bptu, J ' * «l I state of man's technology and last enlightenment under Such a society would allow saying: "What I've described to destruction eco,o0l the ecological crisis, become a bourgeois barbr.rism." for the greatest development of you m|ght not come true. The revolutions™ *n*h - Bookchin has recently oublished of the area. Bookchin said that Gov. Milliken Tuesday voiced strong "School groups have to be a book entitled "Post - in thethi t he also opposition to constitutional amendments on the Anarchism". Scarcity saw new ecological battle" if the system is going to h! *0' g ° ** UPP Delegation to reassure allies Modern technology is a techniques used in everyday life in these communities such as issue of busing to achieve racial balance. He compared busing with prohibition and said Milliken warned. product of a hierarchial view of MURRAY BOOKCHIN increased use of wind, solar and that busing is a complicated, emotional issue and In contrast to the tudents crun governor'* James plain, old \ A delegation of U.S. officials is enroute to Europe domination — attempts to dominate where man man and environment which incapable of supporting life. will be possibly nuclear energy to supply a community with "I don't want us to deal with the problem in the constitution." seek Bradley, D-Detroit, homes in the suburbs urged bla*X' the quick s with White House orders to reassure allies that the nature, "where is born into He said he felt the busing question would be adequate educations for their if thev "h" United States supports international cooperation in his social one position or must To survive man must reform himself away power. best handled through legislative action. He cited the plans for children ^ from this businp hanc • expanding satellite communications Technology would also struggle to achieve a new hierarchial view to a view of life After a two - hour meeting with the Detroit Washington, D.C. and Lansing L tfc 1 The journey conies a month after the White House rejected plans for a SI40 - million satellite system position." The hierarchial view, Bookchin said, developed with prevalent during the tribal period of human existence, become decentralized, Bookchin added. So that instead of giant School Board president, Milliken said the need for changing the base of school support was even reason. "These antibusing mov« housing patterns as the only satisfactorily leave15 ION the rise of the political state over centralized factory complexes more evident. available for jointly owned by U.S. and European governments to the last 5,000 to 6,000 years. Bookchin must said. He said man re-adopt the view that man producing for an entire nation, Milliken said he emphasized to the Detroit achieving equality of eduSj} improve air navigation on overseas flights a decision From the development of this such as the Detroit based auto School Board that they consider borrowing the Pr - is a part of — and not master of Bradley pointed to recent tests • that reportedly irked industry, there would be local European allies. view, Bookchin maintained, the — nature and that all men are money needed to complete the year and tighten indicated lesser achievement for The six member delegation headed by state has become factories, producing for the local their studentsofi - George a "police free and equal. budgets even further. city areas, and the fiscal crisis in the bureaucracy that will totally area and run by local workers. Dp Mansur, deputy director of the White House Office of Bookchin said that a great school system, while stressing the need [ASHINGTO oppress the human spirit." mass of youth has adopted this Milliken said the state would not bail the minorities moving to suburbs. leaders t Telecommunications Policy, is seeking to sooth ruffled But Bookchin saw as the nese Moreover, technology has begun view, as evidenced by the troubled school system out of the red and then has spent allied feelings and redefine cooperative programs using to replace the natural, organic organic farming and recycling greatest advances of a new pointed out that under his proposal the state "I know as well as anyone the aed Tuesday, satellites to improve air - traffic control. environment with an inorganic movements. technology the elimination of In the way barriers th, would be required to make sure school doors of achieving truly open ut president! economic scarcity throughout lawmaker said adding, housing' New constitution the world and the of remain open. before us which we dare not "However, a challL je any de proposed automation use techniques to new Busing was not hurting his petition drive, which he said would have over 75,000 signatures been denied jobs, denied ignore. Black, point of me: ien the ma The State News is published by the students of virtually eliminate human labor. housing, and no by the end of March. through antibusing actions - mav be doni ned to even 1 King Hassan II places before voters Michigan State University every class day during Fall, "We can limit work to the At present the petition drive has no specific chance to learn.' ^ ary pilots als today in Rabat, Morocco a proposed Winter, and Spring school terms, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during Summer Term, and a constitution that cuts vaguely into his special Welcome lere had bee Week edition is published in September. Subscription rate authoritarian powers. ton might The opposition front, called A1 is $16 per year. Member Associated Press, United Press International, 'IN BEST CITY INTERESTS' ey, held by jwever, be; Koutla al Watania, has recommended Inland Daily Press Assn., Michigan Press Assn., Associated als appeared boycott, Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press Assn. TV firm defends a charging that the pie, State Di Second class postage paid at East growth referendum "only gives substance to Lansing, Mich. te two pilot: .Editorial and business offices at 345 Student Services lixon brougl vain and false solutions which reduce Bldg., Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, State Dep the dimensions of the crisis in 48823. situation. Morocco to a simple problem of Phones: By CRAIG GEHRING In a letter to City Manager exercise these News/Editorial rights. The FCC Councilman George revising the constitution." 355 • 8252 John Patriarche, National Cable finally set March 31 as the National Cable Co., contends that it is attempting to Griffiths called National Cab With the opposition staying away, Classified Ads deadline for grandfathering 355 8255 vigorously denying charges that prevent the claim that it is and no signs of any sort of a campaign . possible loss of cable protecting it is operating in violation of rights. rights of city reside Display Advertising 353 - 6400 television service to residents of to vote it down, the constitution Federal Communication Zylstra told the city that if "laughable." Griffiths said could get virtually unanimous support Of 4V2 million voters. Business Office Photographic 355 - 3447 355 - 8311 Commission (PCC) regulations, has told the city of East Lansing National Gable had not established grandfathering rights, also questions National Cab explanation that the p En that it is pursuing which he says has now been importation of signals ^ Campus Information 353 8700 po^ij^ which - are in the best interests of city Roger E. Zylstra, Washington, accomplished, the company caused by subscriber tai Flood deaths near 90 residents. D.C. counsel for National Cable, claimed in an accompanying would have been obligated to seek certification from the FCC equipment. r top letter that "National proceeded to operate in East Lansing. He Griffiths related that it I The commander of National Guard his information that Natiq troops working in in good faith to protect the said that this certification right the area where 16 Appalachian coal camps were devastated by floods said Tuesday in Man, W. Va. that DISC of East Lansing citizens to receive the maximum service process could have months to complete. taken six Cable now claims t subscribers in the city. He I National cable is appai permissible" under "The real threat to the the death toll, which now stands at 67, not exceed 90. probably will SHOP regulations. FCC advance of CATV service in East Lansing would have rested in the disconnecting subscribers al Marigold Street. "Most of those that were reported If music is important in your life, sooner or later you will own this Zylstra said National Cable missing are ability of anti • CATV parties "I would like to hear froj expanded service into East such probably alive," said Col. William F. Maroney. no - compromise system. Listen ... and you'll hear why! Lansing in December 1971 so as WJIM - TV - which has subscriber to National Cabtf There were still about 250 persons listed as vigorously opposed CATV East Lansing," Griffiths said. I missing that the signals put into before the FCC — to frustrate or unaccounted for after Saturday's flash flood in operation at that time could be the certification process before National Cable indicated tl Buffalo Creek Hollow, but protected under grandfathering Maroney said he belived the PCC by opposing the East it is going to continue withl rights established by the FCC. most of those were alive but had not come out Hollow. Normal access to the stricken area was cut off. from the is* cJ? n, - $8? Zylstra said it was thought at the Lansing application." expansion of service into IT National Cable also answered Lansing. The company srJ time that Jan. 1, 1972 would be the cutoff date for charges that subscribers in East plans to lay two • way capabil establishing trunk lines throughout the cl grandfather rights. Lansing have been receiving Grandfather illegal signals. The company The system would provide I rights is a $500 million overcharged procedure established by the contended that the situation was video origination centers I an isolated incident in which a various parts of the city. !ML FCC to allow cable systems to protect certain signals that "single subscriber" was "misusing the equipment placed National Cable outlined p( Of every $25 collected by doctors last overcharge, new statistics indicate, and the grand total of excessive physician fees topped $500 million. year, $1 was the subscribers have been receiving which might be prohibited through a change in regulations. in his home ot allow the reception of unauthorized TV to build an office garage and studio. The comp buildj signals." National said it has indicated it will submij The PCC required a system to be The National Association of Blue Shield Plans in operation to be eligible to taken "appropriate steps" to detailed plan to the city m| super system refused to pay 4 per cent of total doctor charges in rectify the situation. three weeks. 1971, $40 million worth, on the ground that they were too steep. The overcharge works out to more than $500 million when the Blue Shield findings are applied to the $14 billion paid from all sources for physician services last year. Court urged to intervene Pollution is The Bose 901 loudspeaker system is the end product of 12 years of becoming so dangerous to health, the BIRMINGHAM Supreme Court was told Tuesday in Washington, that university research, and is now the most highly reviewed speaker system WfOSSE" P0INTE DETROIT the high court should assume an immediate and regardless of size or price. It uses a combination of direct and reflected ANN ARBOR commanding role in some interstate fights over dirty air sound, so you'll hear it just as it was hfeurd at the live performance. DEARBORN GRAND RAPIDS and water. EAST LANSING In three After thorough testing by our own service department, we selected the cases involving more than 30 states, the court was urged to assume jurisdiction before the legal BIC/LUX 71/3R as a perfect match for the Bose 901's. The BIC/LUX battles move through the lower courts. receiver delivers 50 clean RMS watts per channel across the entire In one, Vermont wants New York to audible range. And the pre - amp is extremely flexible. remove or cover Plus, pre - set or over a mountain-sized manual tuning on FM. sludge bed sitting in the middle of Lake Chainplaiu which borders on both states. By using the PE 2040 changer you'll hear virtually no distortion or I' \M tracking error, and you'll get extremely long record life. Our service \ " mm Involvement plan \\r rejected department mounts the Shure V 15 II cartridge in the 2040, and uses , - an oscilloscope in setting it up to make sure you get the ultimate from V\W this turntable combination. I lie Nixon administration Tuesday in Washington * rejected proposals by congressmen, Mastercharge including Sen. 00 1200 " 1-dwartl M. Kennedy, for U.S. involvement in the complete system Bank Americard Ireland crisis and said "sweeping declarations by North 90 days same as cash EflrlTl outsiders" could worsen the situation. Martin J. Hillenbrand, asst. [\tytr /yJUX. European affairs, rejected secretary of state for Kennedy's proposal that President Nixon ofler U.S. mediation in Ulster The Disc Shop and turned down point by 323 E. Grand River point a congressional resolution proposed by Kennedy and nearly 40 other members of 351-5380 Congress. fo^i^edTniurHSts til 9;0jJ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 1, 1972 LEGISLATURE SEEKS PLAN Apportionment debate By RANDY GARTON and Democrats in the Congress, VanderLaan's plan will pass the two weeks and opens some solid Democratic districts and State News Staff Writer though it maintains the Republican - dominated Senate compromise between the two nine Republican's present majority of in the next day or so. In the Republican, leaving three Impassioned 12 seats to the Democrat's plans will then have to be seats in what are considered speeches, Michigan House, a similar plan worked out. backroom political maneuvering seven. In fact, the plan offered "swing" districts. Difficulty is and a filibuster marked the by Rep. Donald E. expected over these last districts, apparently originated with Holbrook Jr., R - Clare, is „ Holbrook ,, s , ... plan, unlike with most Republicans opening of the debate on Congresswoman Lucien N. expected to pass within the next opposing - VanderLaan's, draws up seven a p,an that may cost them seats - congressional apportionment in Nedzi, D - 14th District, and the Michigan Senate this week. Congressman Elford A The Michigan legislature has Cederberg, R - 10th District. until March 20 - March 30 if With a Republican majority the court agrees to in the a Senate, VanderLaan t$E$ Judge extends limit postponement — to come up hoped to pass the bill at the with a plan that will satisfy both Monday night Senate session, Republicans and Democrats. only to be stymied by a After that date, the issue will Democratic filibuster led by Sen. go to the federal courts. Daniel S. Cooper, D - Oak Park. Attention in the Senate this Cooper opposed the VanderLaan Keeping cruise along the Red Cedar River on their skates while others in the things week centered upon a offered by Robert Majority Leader Sen. VanderLaan, R - Kentwood, which plan would protect plan, and hoped to persuade the Senate to accept a plan slicing several districts up in order to boost his chances in the on Gables' background stick the incumbents in Michigan's 19 L plain, Old walking. As long as the ice stays hard and thick, the skater, will have the advantage congressional elections. injunction and prosecute pickets violating the congressional districts. "I hope that this will give me restraining orders, he said. Lf the quick shortcut and relaxing recreation. ^ VanderLaan's bill has the a shot at a seat," he said ! State News photo during by Tom Dolan support of Michigan Republicans his filibuster, which lasted until "The restraining orders have nothing to do on 2:20 a.m. Tuesday Judge Ray Hotchkiss Tuesday extended the with why we pulled the pickets Sunday night — jlXON URGES MERCY morning. Also involved in Cooper's time limit on a temporary restraining order the pickets just decided to stop picketing and it issued Friday concerning employe picketing at looks like an election will be held soon," Weld plan was Sen. John T. Bowman, D the Coral Gables in a show cause hearing in said. - Roseville, who plans to run for a congressional seat this year. Ingham County Circuit Court. The question of an appropriate Under Cooper's plan, a new Hotchkiss upheld a restraining order voting unit is Prisoner's fate debated the only thing holding up the election he added. district would have been carved preventing pickets from blocking the Gables' out for Bowman. The plan entrances, interfering with the customers or using The controversy centers around which would have placed two present derogatory remarks about the Gables or its employes should be allowed to vote when an IaSHINGTON (AP) — President Nixon discussed with December, but since then we've heard nothing," Ms. Walsh said Democratic incumbents in customers. election is held to determine if employes are in lese leaders the fate of John Thomas Downey, the American from her Collinsville, Conn., home. another district. Tuesday's temporary injunction will extend favor of unionization. | has spent 20 years in a Chinese prison, the White House Downey and another American, Richard Fecteau, were Cooper's hopes were dashed, the time limit on the restraining order to thirty Alex Vanis, owner of the Gables, said, "The id Tuesday. captured when their plane was shot down over China while however, in Tuesday's session days. at presidential press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler refused to when it became Bill Weld, financial secretary - treasurer of judge did what was right in my mind, now we ostensibly lost on a flight from Korea to Japan. evident that have to hold hearings to figure out who can vote de any details. "The matter.was discussed from the The Chinese alleged that the two men, Republicans would not easily Hotel and Restaurant Employes and Bartenders officially listed as in an election." point of mercy and compassion" Ziegler said. civilian employees of the Army, were CIA give up any congressional seats. Local 235 said his union's attorney, R~v Jen the matter was first brought up by newsmen Ziegler agents who were dropping Nationalist spies into the mainland. Persons close to the state Rapaport, did not contest the order. Vanis said business was back to normal at the toed to even discuss the matter of Downey and two American Weld said the restraining order will be n< Gables since picketing has stopped. legislature belive that ry pilots also being held by China. effect until an election is held. "It wasn't fair what the pickets were doing to If employe grievances are not resolved after our business, because people were afraid to come •here had been speculation by government officials privately thirty days, the court will issue a permanent in Panel — now things are picking up," he said. ■ Nixon might work out some arrangement for the release of Iney, held by the Chinese since 1952 for alleged espionage. OKs am However, beyond Ziegler's acknowledgment, government tills appeared to know little of the substance of the talks. For ■pie. State Dept. experts responsible for the cases of Downey ■ the two pilots said Tuesday they had not even been informed to insure wome 7 e(l U U ™ jNixon brought up the matter with the Peking leaders. tie State Dept. officials were not the only ones uninformed WASHINGTON (AP) - The In the previous Congress, the committee reported out not te situation. According to Downey's sister, Joan Walsh, the proposed women's rights after the House approved a only the House - approved Iney family has heard nothing from the government. amendment to the Constitution similar amendment by more amendment but also identical cleared the Senate Judiciary than the required two - thirds amendments by himself and Sen. [The Chinese commuted his sentence to five years in Committee Tuesday by a 15 - 1 majority, all efforts to bring it to Marlow Cook, R-Ky. vote after all attempts to water a vote in the Senate failed. it down were rejected. Bayh, anticipating While all three amendments Dp Entertainment bids Approved by the tbuse last Octobep by a 354 - 23 vote, the amendment" provides that opposition filibuster again this year, said he Imagines the an are alike, Bayh said this strategy would provide for flexibility in *?* tAc "DtUfA /4te*uC . . . Our coutitry and the Congress must make Senate maneuvering in many critical . . . equality of rights under the law toughest battle will be to muster case an decisions affecting each of us, both at home and abroad. As [r top rock performers » performance of the Byrds and Commander Cody, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex. a two debate. • tWWttMnajority to cut off He said that as a precaution, antibusing amendment to the Constitution should be attached to the equal - rights amendment. "Your Man in Washington," it's pressions of individual opinions and I assure you they make always helpful to have ex¬ an important contribution to my efforts in representing our nally scheduled here for Feb. 25, was cancelled because of District. To make this convenient for Sen. Birch Bayh, D-Ind., chief you, I am once again I Byrds' recording obligations and not because of Pop ertainment, Hugh Surratt, chairman of the Pop Entertainment Senate sponsor of the distributing my annual questionnaire. If you'd like to "tell it CATCHUP amendment, called the to your Congressman" here's your chance! mitte, said Tuesday. . . . rhe announcement was made in response to criticism of the committee's action heartening but he said "we still have a I McLean Rita Coolidge concert scheduled for 8 tonight in • significant battle on our hands" (Auditorium. id cause the (the Byrds) cancelled so close to the date, it was to get a good show together," Surratt said. He added, in the Senate itself. ON YOUR 10e . . . I LETTERWRITING I ver, that the committee feels that the McLean - 1. Increase the Federal minimum wag* Coolidge from $1.60 to $2.00 per hour? ft should be one of the year's best. 2. legislate no-fault automobile insurance on the Federal level? cause of the inflexible dates given Pop Entertainment by the 3. Grant Federal and wsity, the committee must negotiate with bands for a certain 4. Approve In the area publk employees the right to strike? of national health insurance: 'check on* or more) I Je are not in a good position for bargaining with bands here, □ a new program of health care for the poor to replace Medicaid f it in competition with places like Cobo Hall who can offer mo ney," Surratt said. att also noted student hostility toward the type of All night 50% OFF stationery and notes □ [7; additional tax credits for premiums for private insurance. a program to help meet costs of catastrophic Illness. I □ require employers to provide health insurance for employees. s offered. He added that the committee realizes the xl«nce of "soft music," but the committee is frted effort" to book more rock "making a tonight the Show Bar Eaton's Montag's Hallmark □ □ complete nationalization of health insurance. no new legislation. I performers. Come bottle cutter 5. Replace the property tax the basic of public school fi-nds? □ □ M spring term, the committee is again negotiating with the and Rathskeller see our as source □ is and Commander $9.95 6. Expand agricultural and non-strategic trade with communist nations? □ □ □ Cody, although Surratt emphasized that Pig definite can be planned because of the instability of 7. Exempt those working after 6S from paying Social Security taxes? □ □ □ king agreements. However, Elton John is scheduled to appear ' < and the committee is working to get Stephen Stills, also □ □ □ ■•spring performance. If the committee's financial position is Toble, a free spring concert featuring a well • known group B«lso be planned. Now Appearing: Babysitters 421-27 East Grand River Avenue 332-5069 I If you're not receiving my Newi I DOMINO'S'7" pizZa People letter and would like to have i . . . just check here C of sref oUSM I Married Housing, Brody Complex, Fee, Akers, Hubbard, I |i week long Special. This Holden. special Holmes, McDonel, Owen, Shaw, Wilson, Wonders, Case and in Va 10. %ou Establishing a . single, fix-year term for the Presidency? I $2.00 for a 2 item small pizza. $3.00 for a 2 item large pizza 11. A national primary election to select Presidential candidates? 1 This offer good at Trowbridge shop only This offer good at Trowbridge shop only 12. 1 J. Earmarking $1 of Federal revenue your Foderol Income tax for partisan presidential campaigns? sharing to aid state and local governments? I I 14. luslng to obtain racial balance In our schools? ! 'Please I * please 15. Federal aid to private and parochial schools? , Name have coupon I Name have coupon I I dress ~ filled out. when driver arrives filled out. when driver arrives *)* It. (fatvuU Do you . . . feel that existing laws discriminate unfairly against women? I ; $200 for a small $2.00 ! $3.00 for a large 17. Now do you feel about the □ Satisfied way price-wage controls C Dissatisfied are working? □ No opinion I 2 item Domino's Pizza 2 item Domino's Pizza ! ; II. Do you approve the President's efforts to end the war In Vietnam? I Mr. Offer good March 1-8 I I Call 351-7100 for I I HOT, FREE, LMail to: REP. CHARLES E. CHAMBERLAIN, ___ House_of_Represen»atives, Washington, D. C. 20515 * B fl MICHIGAN STATE C 77 O UNIVERSITY The Doctor's Bag KEN LYNAM ARNOLD WERNER, MD advertising manager Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at separate column to the subject inititally, study is still not appreciated and/or talked emotionally 111, probably nom rather than answering questions. about by Gay Liberation or the so - called called DAVE PERSON, managing editor MSU Health Center. Names need not be heterosexuals n?*"1" BILL HOLSTEIN, campus editor included unless a personal reply is The view of the person who engages in homosexual activities is a distorted one. straights. Homosexuality is not something absolutely present or absent in the vast especially heterosexual d.„se,Sou,N»"» CHARLIE CAIN, city editor The view is distorted by our society In majority of men and wo.nen who engage in goes on than does molesting ofsrn,,,J BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor Several weeks ago, a letter to the editor general, which considers homosexual homosexual activities. And, few men wid I am not homosexuals RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor of the State News noted that I had not behavior as aberrant. And, the view is engage in exclusively homosexual activites homosexually aware of any evi^ dealt with problems involving active peonlp L * homosexuality in this column. The writer distorted by the person engaging in homosexual activities who often sees throughout their adult life (4 per cent of white men). The majority of men who have children heterosexually than eq^,^ active people Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award was correct. I checked 700 consecutive homosexuality everywhere and sometimes been, will be or are active homosexually for outstanding journalism. letters I received during a two - year period succeeds in pointing out the small are also active in heterosexual problems of the ones of homosexual'^'™ seeking care from pridl and found one that had to do with differences between themselves and others relationships. physicians, rather than ur!!nPreiu homosexuality. That letter was written by (merely sexual activity) rather than Thus, while Withheld accurately quoted diseases. Oral EDITORIALS a man who was not concerned about his focusing on the vast similarities (just about Kinsey by saying that 37 per cent of white the same sex and anal hazards regardless inS* sexual behavior but wanted advice about everything else except sexual activity). The men have a homosexual experience to sexes, and as I have of th?* the draft. He requested a personal reply distortion is so great, that we even label orgasm between adolescence and advanced indicated H usually nothing ifco^J are from me, which he received. much Dependent people homosexuals, as if that defines adulthood, many of these experiences have Radio Free upon letters from readers for the subject matter in this column, the explanation for them completely, rather than talk about their homosexual activities. A person may been isolated incidents, few have persisted over more than a three year period, and a The major problems faced homosexually active kJ person^. J - my lack of response to gay issues seemed engage in hundreds of heterosexual acts great many occurred during adolescence Most people who have clear. But, I wondered why I had not and one homosexual act and be labeled when such activities are quite homosexually have been been orl J about time received more letters. Are homo9exually active readers unconcerned about their sexual preferences, or are their concerns no homosexual, yet one heterosexual among as many homosexual acts is considered an accident of sorts. act commonplace. The suggestion that all of these people are homosexuals (whatever that means) is absurd. The irony of the heir activity at isolation, fear some of madeunU time. exposure C? ■ different than anyone else's? Perhaps it difficulty (at least for the mu After more than 20 years, Alfred situation (I wouldn't even use the word took a letter in print to break the ice. maintaining an ongoing relatioJ Radio Free Europe and Radio "liberalization" of the Soviet Union Kinsey's monumental work, "Sexual humor) is that many of the people who especially as he ages, takes its Following Name Withheld's letter, I Behavior in the Human Male" and the condemn homosexual activity must have toll ft J Liberty, the American - sponsored instead of liberation. In essence the seem that much of the received two more communications having companion volume on the human female, engaged in such activities themselves. We grief would be lessened aforemeJ stations which dutifully transmit the stations have become useless relics, to do with homosexual behavior. The if societv'i J still provides the most accurate data on fail to recognize gradations, no matter were different and if we "truth" behind the Iron Curtain, structures leftover from the Dulles picture was brightening. The "issue" might homosexuality and one of the most where we stand on the scale. the description of behavior ceased tocoL stand to be deserted by their Daddy days which no one has ever gotten come out of the closet after all. The witll stereotyped ideas about homosexuality are enlightened discussions of the subject available. However, one of the most Gay issues are hard to define from my medical point of view. Most people who identity of a person. "I Warbucks the U.S. Congress. around to scrapping. In - Government funding of the two such that it seemed worthwhile to devote a important lessons to be learned from that are defined as homosexuals are not the homosexually midst of all this I networks expired last week and a It only seems appropriate, as the active woman specifically be mentioned. For i / U.S. attempts to achieve a more reasons, society has always new funding bill seems unlikely to harmonious relationship with the dealt I kindly with her than with her? pass Congress. Communist world, that relics which counterpart. One view might be thi The two networks are Cold War serve only to antagonize the kindness stemmed from sexism i leftovers which clearly have no place Communists should be tossed away. woman was not seen as being worti in what the President calls "an er3 of Radio Free Europe and Radio concern. I think many women feel this homosexually! negotiation." The CIA has provided way and this explains! Liberty fit snugly into this category. about half billion dollars greater allegiance to the Women's! one - There are those who want to movement than to Gay Lib. 1 through the years to the two stations revitalize the two stations, namely The society we live in is a in their battle to counter Soviet the Nixon administration. that is very resistant to reality! modification propaganda with some of their own. Legislation is pending to finance the prejudices against homosexual f In the past, Radio Free Europe and irrational though they may be, i stations until the end of the Fiscal Radio Liberty were viewed as a long standing and are part and pun year, which ends June 30. Most our Judeo - Christian ethic. While means to keep the Russian people | parties agree, though, that any post - necessary to fight for more ratT informed of the truth until their land June funding is unlikely. approaches in dealing with sexual beh] was liberated. In fact, some officials The deaths of Radio Free Europe it is irresponsible to encoun commitment to homosexual actia hoped that the two stations would and Radio Liberty mark a small step serve as a seed from which a grand in the improvement of American when a person has a choice and when! people's revolution would grow. relations with the Communist world. a commitment is bound to be accompT by considerable grief and unhappine Well, it hasn't quite turned out The significance of the step lies not rights of people engaging in homoa that way. Radio Free Europe and so much in its length, but in its activities are as worthy of defense J the rights of anyone else; to this Radio Liberty now focus upon direction - the right one. end] Liberation serves an invaluable role. Br the extent that Gay Lib focuses o& differences of the homosexually 1 [New housing person, and lobbies for homosenL Gay Lib defeats itself. To tural challenge back to Gay Lib: "We arel 'I REALLY DON'T KNOW HOW TO ADVISE YOU ON YOUR SCHOOL BUSING PROBLEM—IF I possible brothers and sisters, whether you likel boon WANT TO BUS PEOPLE SOMEPLACE, I JUST GO AHEAD AND BUS 'EM!' not." Clearly, Gay Lib needs morel called heterosexuals. c.C.P.S. 1972 The Senate Banking and Currency mainly in the suburbs, has been Committee has approved a bill which occupied almost exclusively by POINT OF VIEW could, in effect, disperse a moderate income people, not the substantial number of low income poor. The pending legislation would families from central cities into outlying areas. The legislation deals with subsidized housing - housing change this by requiring that 20 per cent of new subsidized apartments go to low income families. The Aid Robert L.Wi units built mostly by private or tenants would not have to pay more By LYNNE STOKES years in a reformatory. Worldwide through the black community honking nonprofit groups under mortgages on guest of the Chinese government. H than 25 per cent of their income for and KIP WALDO publicity and protest finally forced their horns and firing pistols. They also began a which Uncle sam pays most of the personal interviews with Chairman! East Lansing residents release. It was to this Monroe that scare campaign to drive Williams and other interest. rent, as in public housing The Williams returned. leaders of the "Communist - NAACP" out and continued editing his newsletter. P government will make up the Williams joined the local chapter of the of town. All requests for protection from In 1969 he left for Tanzania, an| Thus far this housing, being built Revolutions don't just happen; they are months later returned to the U.S. H difference. NAACP and elected the legal authorities were ignored or born out fo the dreams and blood of was president. In 1957 to Michigan and became a i This shift would allow more low they were able to integrate the public denied. Out of this situation grew Williams' associate at the University of N individual men and women. Robert F. income families to move out of the library. They then began a campaign to advocacy of armed self - defense. They Center for Chinese Studies, and beg* NIGHTSTICK POLL Williams is one of the people who has integrate the municipal swimming pool. formed a chapter of the National Rifle central city. Presently they are changed America. Societies always pay legal battle to clear himself of ttj Although built by tax money, it was closed Assn. and began to arm themselves. kidnapping charges. Despite the faa Last week the State News restricted economically to residing in tribute to their great humanitarians, but to blacks, and city leaders refused to build In August 1961, the movement came to none of the other four defendant* requested its readers to respond to public houisng units, located almost usually not until after they have crucified a separate pool for them. Blacks head when Freedom Riders entered them. requested a ever been prosecuted, Gov. MillikT the Dept. of Public Safety's exclusively in inner city areas. By that the pool be reserved one or two days Monroe. After few In 1955, Robert Williams, a veteran of a week for black children. The city refused, a days of picketing, and agreed to extradite Williams to I contention that the academic making inexpensive suburban angry mob of whites attacked the Freedom Carolina. Extradition proceedings! the Marine Corps, came home to Monroe. saying it would be too expensive because Riders and large numbers of whites began temporarily been stopped by court* community would more readily housing available to the poor, Monroe was the county seat and the each time the blacks used the pool they income groups could become more southeastern regional headquarters of the massing for an attack on the black and Williams is attempting to raise eP accept campus police officers would have to drain the water and refill it. community. White people began driving armed with guns than socially integrated. Racial housing Ku KIux Klan. The tetato of race relations Under Williams' leadership, they organized money to prepare a court case. I in Monroe is best evidenced by the world - through the black streets, shouting and On Thursday night Robert WilliMi nonlethal nightsticks. In all there integration would also result. famous 1958 "Kissing Case," in which two a picket line around the pool which finally firing from their cars. When the Stegalls, a be speaking in 106B Wells Hall abof resulted in its being closed. white couple who advocated were 15 responses, hardly a Granted, the bill will not achieve black boys, age 7 and 9, were arrested for "open season experiences in China and his fight il At this time the Klan began increasing on coons" drove through the black landslide. Of these, 13 favored open housing in the suburbs rape after a white girl had kissed one of their activities in Monroe, holding large the legal lynching planned for * them. Hiey were each sentenced to 14 community, they were stopped by a crowd North Carolina. It is time that. westt clubs over guns. overnight. In fact, the legislation rallies, after which they would drive of blacks and taken to Williams' home less may only affect a small portion of all permitting the crucifixion of those Certainly, this mini-survey is than a block away. Williams stepped have the courage to fight for a more than a little Perrinesque, but suburban housing. The bill's between the angry crowd and the OUR READERS' MIND and took them into his house for Stegalls humane society. Come Thursday anflj perhaps it does indicate a few significance lies in the fact that it of the China that Robert Williams^ cracks in alleged overwhelming marks a sincere effort on the aprt of protection. Minutes later, the chief of and of the America that Robert police telephoned Williams and told him knows. Contribute to the Robert w Equal justice for all? campus support for firearms. The the Senate to deal with the problem that the state troopers were of segregated housing. After the coming in and Legal Defense Fund and wnte a iei| University Public Safety that Williams would be hanging in the Gov. Milliken. Committee might do well to busing fiasco last week, the Senate courthouse square within 30 minutes. will do well to get back on the right To the Editor: requires that their dignity be equally Williams and his wife left pursue this matter at greater immediately track on civil rights legislation by outraged. and went to New York length. An Open Letter to Aaron: City where he If I knew where you lived, I would call learned he had been indicted passing this housing bill. We are sorry that you were taken from along with 4 you when the next solicitor comes that others for "kidnapping" the our University Village doorstep last Stegalls. When you might be here to witness the equal the FBI entered the case, Williams fled first Saturday with such discourtesy by the treatment promised by the MSU police. to Canada and then to Undermining MSU police. Perhaps they felt is necessary Cuba, where he Perhaps they will send one of their black lived for five years. to attack your dignity in order to impress There, he talked officers so that the white culprit may feel extensively with Castro and Che, and upon you the gravity of your offense. Or the racial dimension of his degradation as continued editing the possibly they wanted to impress in some newspaper he had way the gawking University students. you must have. begun in Monroe. He visited North what's wrong You did violate the ordinance against campus University soliutir^ and E. D. La Guire Lansing graduate student Feb. Vietnam in 1964 and talked to Ho Chi Minh. In 1965 he moved to China with his family and spent three years there as a recycle! your ignorance of the law is no excuse. 27, 1972 Selective Service Director Curtis However, it may be of some consolation to DOONESBURY bv Garry Tru maintained? W. Tarr said you to know that the MSU police later Monday that granting The only quasi-credible argument assured me that your blackness had draft dodgers amnesty would set a to this end is that the United States nothing to do with your treatment. They dangerous precedent. The problem, might need to utilize a draft in the promised to treat all solicitors with equal Tarr indicated, is that total discourtesy. amnesty case of "grave national would emergency." This means that the serve to undermine the many white If, however, this nation cannot children of your age who come here effectiveness of the conscriptive muster sufficient fighting men in the selling candy, Junior Achievement projects, and system. face of outright attack we might just newspaper subscriptions will hence be He is, of course, made to lift completely as well hang the whole thing up their coats to have their correct. Tarr is, however, avoiding anyway. pockets searched and to be summarily the larger question: In escorted by a firm hand on the elbow to a light of At present, all that denial of a Nixoniun promises to abolish the squad car and sped away. draft amnesty accomplishes is to I am wondering if the two little white dralt, is there any reason why faith in continue the chastisement of men girls who are scheduled to deliver our Girl conscription should be who followed their consciences. Scout cookies should be warned away. Equal justice, I think you will agree Aaron, Wednesday, March 1, 1972 Wouldn't you want a gun? The University Committee disarmed of their service for an attempted larceny from on a Public Safety effective that in the 44th year a gun on campus presents little recently appointed revolvers and be required to vending machine. In that opportunity for physical a subcommittee to investigate carry only nightsticks as a confrontation, the police officer history of the police violence. MSU police have made deterrent to anyone desiring to certain policies and defensive weapon. was hit over the head and department, only two shots have 961 arrests since July 1, 1971. commit a crime at MSU. After practices of been fired by an officer in the the Dept. of Public Safety that The investigation stems received a concussion. While That's 961 opportunities where all, who is afraid of a cop that need revision. More than line of duty — the two shots does not carry a gun? likely, directly from a recent incident trying to stop the fleeing someone might have pulled a one of fired in Giltner Hall. knife drawn I'm glad I'm not a the issues the in Giltner Hall where a MSU suspect, he fired two shots both or a gun against the cop, of which missed. And for those two shots fired because I feel that this is one of subcommittee will probe will be police officer was assaulted and arresting officer. In other words, the question of whether Some people I've talked to in the line of duty, some those 962 chances where the roughest and most or not struck three times with a tire people are a often MSU police officers should be have expressed shock and want to take the police force in criticized public service iron by a man under cop might have been killed. jobs in suspicion general and tack their hides up dismay over the firing of the two Nobody, but nobody is going any community. Just the mere shots by Officer against a wall. I think people to tell me that MSU is a fact that only two shots have Roger Herman. who believe this are a little bit sanctuary for the nonviolent been fired by MSU They find it impossible to police officers in the line of believe that MSU is not an ivory off, or don't really know what is generation when a poli<"3 force duty in towered community with a wall going on at MSU. has over 4,000 report ed criminal over 44 years, should tell GEORGE WHITE around it that keeps the evil A nightstick as a defensive instances in one year. Nobody everyone that the Dept. of Public Safety has a conscience people out and allows the good weapon is fine; it can be used to tell that MSU is a law can me in. ward off blows, help subdue a abiding peaceful community beyond reproach. ones They argue that armed cops are not conducive to a person, or to strike a person when there are 91 assaults in one Let me ask you one question: proper community relationship, without inflicting a serious year. Nobody can make me If you were that cop in Giltner and serve only to injury. It is a very dangerous believe that the 577 burglaries Hall having the living heck beat The classic peaceful, law-abiding students. antagonize The fact of the matter is that MSU is no different than any weapon in the hands of a well-trained police officer. But it is primarily a short range on campus in 1971 were committed by an overzealous worker from the Salvation out of you with a tire iron and you you had a gun by your side, do think you might have been other city in Michigan with a weapon; you can't use it to Army. afraid enough for your life to try population of 65,000. MSU has apprehend a fleeing suspect. In other words, nobody can and defend it? roughout man's history, Mali s greatest king — a little students its murders (two in 1971), its A gun is designed to be a tell me that the cops would be Anybody that likes to live and government have historical proof that things will "representing" _ deadly weapon, because any able to do just as an effective might have pulled that trigger in with the decision of work out if you're not afraid to population on campus. — not provided^"for" "irT"the rapes (seven in 1971)- and its arrest, even a routine traffic of law enforcement armed with job self defense. I know I would ,y the "book" or doing make a few changes. _ question was and still is: Are constitution. I'm afraid we'd all share of uPon coPs- In check, may present an have. nightsticks only. A . .. be ,. Jf right." Yet many will persist what they truly representative of their . attending .f 'n® Michigan State 1971' there were a total of 12 cop without ■ancient African history, what s right" is interpretive, constituents — minorities? 'diversity, Inc.* — - assaults upon police officers If the Supreme iok said that the son or I his is true to some extent, yet Ron Johnson, Detroit " ""I auP^me Court hadn't «■*>«■ codes weaPons ranging from knives and tire irons to clenched would always be heir to sometimes the rules are so sophomore, thought not. He '?c k Clearly clearly wrong ... „r>A tn ihp >r and succeed to the on his father's death, wrong thev they conflict. conflict violently against what is best for filpri an appeal pharoincr filed an annpal charging that bylaws were in conflict because that thp the _ "J)®1 ltlltlOnal u4'°nfj during ^!C°"itniCtlo.n,' on the erounds ■ ■ Pe^it' •• P ask^e - » - whv y the this rule could not be the people. they called for In these cases there is „„ ed in all cases. For In the«? cases ther vote" to, e Sundiata was one of choice but to do what is right, ■ greatest leaders but his n° matter how subjective that ''minority the ,l„»„ of B n 1 "^ceSe'ttt'my"'Jmhem brothers and sisters would have ^ts at a tleeing suspect. I tell tnem that the co? was tryin8 to representatives." to carry protect his own life, and also the is a little "off." Upon "light seem. This is how rules are (If there are any reactionaries photographed I.D.s the city and be in their cabins _j the throne, the son changed, laws are rewritten, reading this column, prepare; by ,ives of others" 1 My the lives of Id amuse himself by constitutions are amended and yourself, I'm about to use the 6 p.m a la Rhodesia others, because what is to stop a ; at his subjects societies are reformed. I agree with Ron Johnson and m from clubbing another cop The Student-Faculty of this bylaw ii: 'r'r'r? are racist. You student «*» ii?r.ra ^«» almost killed another one ,$• inside Judiciary was recently faced cannot logically call reps-at-large a "minority rdless of laws, customs with that classic decision. The "minority representatives" if representative" hU/hlr ' " ■us/ner the building. constituents do. ^ ^ Qf publjc gafety p book,''This dude had issue dealt with they are not elected by has ■He was replaced by Mansa Right now a philosophy and written ■ u„.. ... SnnHin#n'c representatives-at-large of the minorities. Looking at that of "H" 6t "i.' " !* ..l.n e guidelines governing the decislo^doe^'t loom"/, ^Ty ^"'officers. A c a d j Council. e m c The bylaw inversely, it would be fair reps-at-large are -*■»*«••• minority for blacks to elect the rest of the *u A i.i__ 311 1 luuin dS AMi.t ~ii i I 1 An * Academic Council and call them monumental as historical °fflcer Is only al,owed to shoot Supremie Court rulings, but representatives of white that>s defense of his life or that of no excuse not to students." correct mictakpc" citizen, or when trying to Because of this bylaw, blacks, READER'S MIND Chicanosanos and oiner ana interpret what's rieht but it !nt*^re\what minorities ic „i„„, ,„u„„ s "8™ other minorities tiro it sure apprehend a dangerous felon " , who has committee an act Q„ .„f of have no input to the council, The minority vote count is ^r when someone s wrong violence against another person. Those rules have been so insignificant when compared to |len way oft base the white vote count; therefore, A TIME TO LISTEN! whit e electing representatives for blacks. The All-University Student women's column Judiciary saw the error in this bylaw and sensibly voided the THE HOBIE'S HOUR OF MUSIC! election. However, on Feb. 16 the AUSJ decision Music you can get into ■the Editor: was nullified Ink you Steve Allen for your article (SN 2/24) in which by the Student-Faculty every night from 11 to 12 ■fined the woman's problem and its solution for all of us Judiciary. Their grounds for on WVIC, FM, 94.9. Imisguided hung-up women who just have a few voiding the AUSJ decision: "... Brought to you compliment Illogical barriers to overcome before we finally come around Opinion states that an election of The Sandwich People at ■lize that "the guys" and their game is what is really meant of nonwhite minorities by their constituencies is not provided Hobie's. )u want women to for in the bylaws for Academic Have a Hobie day! stay in their place, why don't you lay it Kline instead of giving us this white middle class liberal bull Governance." ■sexism only becoming sexism when it is blatant. Wrong, Imagine the state of this nAllen. I give you credit for one thing — for trying to keep i's consciousness of themselves down in an effectively ■way. But I'm afraid most women, whose everyday material •stances demand that she defer to men in a culture defined University if the U.S. Supreme Court had not amended their laws toward monopolies like the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, on the Hobie's THE SANDWICH PEOPLI ■ilt and controlled by men, can see beyond the dangerous Ts presented in your article, lerous because you show a definite lack' of concern for the ■ values that are at the root of women's $100/month ' problems. Women become fully human by ■ accepting every drink and upevery line and jumping into every bed men offer them. *n are very liberal when it comes to this type of ce of women. And all during this game, women are also to enjoy being called "chicks" and getting a rating from _°° we unable to see that the game is a sick symptom of Piety that reaches all the way back to the class "Mie., being cast in role of helpmate and wife and oppression while attending college F solution for women is to enjoy oppression. Don't fight it r 'Hi women can have it as good as they want as long as I1') the game. And that way, we'll all get along in this |Ktle world. Sorry. If the black movement had accepted reasoning they never would have had a movement. °"len know that as long as they let themselves and -1*™ and their role be defined by men, they will remain Ei! ° ma'e culture and will thus be unable to emerge n persons. Mambars .1 «w laodars (lasi " Ann Scannell Allen Park sophomore Iraln during rt» summ.r »* NO 0N-CAMPUS Feb. 25,1972 OBLIGATION, ore DRAfT DEFERRED and rwaiva * commission Hi. day Ihny «"»*«"• •»«" p of being ripped-off on electronic AVIATION GUARANTEED BEFORE lllltfl service? *0* YOUR PRIVATE LKIHSE. •W'T* v Ti 50%off' if// I;,, STANDARD LANSING- :* 24 E. LANSING REPAIR RATES::j: Iff all the details about Marin* Officer W FOR GUITAR AMPLIFIERS, TV'S, STEREOS. RADIOS ETC. Cap*. N*n*y or Cspt. Foot at Ihi MacMiMrt RAPID SERVICE Wholesale prices on parts and stereo equipment. FREE ANALYSIS. Stop in between NOON and SIX at The Electronic Joint 222 ABBOTT RD. (in back of White Monkey) Across from State Theatre Or call 332-0265 24 hr». a day *e;C^Pare THESE TV REPAIR CHARGES flNYrni °N,CS W7.50/MIN. JONES TV $24.50/MIN. g March H*«rdi2 L . $30/M,N- ELECTRONIC JOINT $6/MIN. 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesd;la*. Marchi Child's Winter's snow doesn't keep these youngsters at the Institute for Family and Child Research from enjoying outdoor recreation. They still find the enthusiasm for climbing, crawling, riding and running that warmer weather offers, but simply add the touch of bundling up to stop the cold from intruding so drastically into their fun. State News photos by Chris Fischer Rebirth called crucial to true Christians bunch of fanatics getting high By ROBERT BAO a murmurs of tongue-speaking. crucial aspect of the Christian the opiate of religion," he whoever You are, here I am, campus convulsions, during State News Staff Writer on The minister delivered a Mary Jane explained. experience. take me.' which ■ told a companion before the terrifying account of hell, "As they devoured a They observed that I a result," he said, "It was the most exciting John, a 22 - year - old senior service. reinforced by numerous "churches that have been dead smorgasbord of counter - culture their rebirths experience of life," she their j and ex herion addict just back The worship began with outbursts of "Amen" and "Yes, my offerings — Maoist revolution, friends theL - an for years and years are suddenly have ostracized from Vietnam, decided recently added. "It was revolutionary, Zen Buddhism, transcendental anthem, and took the form yes." '"They to attend the North Lansing soon of hand-claps, foot-stompings, waking up." like being first on the moon." meditation, handwriting analysis add call us 'burnedl Midway through the sermon, Most converts to the Jesus freaks,' "Mary Jane J Church of God. shouts of "Hallelujah" and John was seized not by Though fear and emotion and communal living — spiced "That's all right," ErJ — Movement find it difficult to "There's nothing funnier than "Praise God" and unintelligible accompany some cases, many with more than 100 LSD trips. laughter, but by the Holy Ghost. articulate their rebirths, much "Since our commitmeL rebirths culminate from a sober, "For all practical purposes, He walked to the altar, less their baptisms in the Holy Christ, we've experienced! rational process: A rejection of we couldnt hack it," Erik turned around to face the joy, happiness, adventuiM Spirit. material values, a pervasive sense recalled. "We discovered that congregation of about 150, "It's impossible to put my of malaise that society is falling toatlity than ever before."! stretched both arms up high and people alone couldn't provide feelings, in words," a apart, a starving hunger for any answers." "And we haven't evJ bowed his head in repentance. East Lansing," Mary Jane I Farmington sophomore said. spiritual fulfillment, and a "At the commune we were "I accept Jesus Christ as my "Jesus is the truth and the "Praise the disillusionment with both drugs living in," Mary Jane noted, "the Lord/l personal savior," he declared, his Second in a series perfect comforter. What more and oriental mysticism as love was so great it wouldn't exclaimed happily. 'L face sweating, his eyes fixed in a can I say? Erik and Mary Jane safl trance. "Churchianity." solutions. even get the dishes done." The coordinator of Cross "I guess having Jesus come discovered Jesus after a i Erik and Mary Jane, both Then, last summer, Erik's 17 - Some members of the rational search for audience rushed forward to Walk, the new Jesus publication, into my life is like having a seniors, converted on New year - old brother came to East j noted that a phenomenon called burden lifted off my shoulders," Year's Day after a roundabout, However, one coed col touch John. They seemed Lansing and explained Jesus to that her rebirth had "Baptism in the Holy Spirit" he said reluctantly. four • year search that them. J delighted, but not stunned, for might occur shortly after Another Christian described undertones. 1 encompassed virtually all of the "We were extremely skeptical during the past several months rebirth. rebirth as "getting caught in frustrations that spur crisis - at first," Mary Jane said. "We "The Hold Spirit lures I they had seen sinner after sinner "Rebirth occurs when one something, like a whirlpool, that Christianity in the for stricken youths to Jesus. couldnt see how we could repent at the altar and swell the very attractive accepts Jesus as savior," he you just can't get out of." "When I was a freshman," guy," si ranks of the Jesus Movement. accept someone like Billy explained, "while baptism is an Liz Peters, Muskegon junior, Erik recounted, "I thought the Graham. But gradually, we She explained] Though not all conversions intense, personal experience echoed this idea when she key to happiness was money. throughout high school d are so dramatic and described her rebirth. began to understand acted like a social butterflL during which one is literally But then 1 realized the answer Christianity, and on New Year's instantaneous, the Jesus drenched with the spirit of "It was late at night," she antennae tuned to thel Movement was people, not things, so Day, we prayed for forgiveness. holds the act of Christ." recalled. "I was alone at home, reflexively studied We were reborn." crowd. Then she got a ditfl i being con^ert^d; known as He added that though some reading "Befbnd Ourselves" by a handsome schoolmate] ^rebirth,* qTth^pne, distinctive psychology." A"' "Right," Erik agreed. 'The took her to TH&VERY SPECIAL WATCH • - theologians downplay-the Catherine Marshall. I became In that year, Brik met Mary Lord said to us, 'You don't have a prayer m criterion that separates true FOR VERY SPECIAL PEOPLE. concept of baptism, the Jesus dominated by a sense of Jane and the two began a to Christianity from mere Movement exphasizes it as a urgency, as though a freight play foolish games to find Me. "But after the date,"! romance, based in part on the Ill be coming soon, so you'd "I forgot his attractivei Rolex is world renowned as one of the train was taking me to the end. I philosophy of Erich Fromm. better be prepared.'" became obsessed with Je world's finest timepieces. And this handsome ffl«aminaainimnnninHimmn tried to forestall it, but I Their love flourished through "We got this Rolex Datejust is a fine example of Rolex couldn't, So I said, 'God, the ensuing three years of to want driving hunger Jesus in out hearts," three days. Shortly was reborn." thereaj styling. Stainless steel case features 14 karat yellow gold fluted bezel and crown. The ^ — movement is a 30 jewel chronometer. //1 V\X >— Matching Capital/ Capsules bracelet is stainless steel and 14 karat yellow gold. $400. THE STABLES Ir i i ,i i i il * Ideal for the Spring Graduate. BARBEQUED CHICKEN A BILL PROPOSING state supervision The state's day care program Is designed to permit aid! controls, and study of day care centers was introduced in the Michigan House Tuesday dependent children's parents to obtain regular employment, I MORGAN'S '/2 chicken served with our own tangy barbeque sauce & ranch fries. by the Rep. Philip Mastin, D - Hazel Park. Mastin introduced the bill he said, to determine better where complement work incentive programs and other efforts offl Dept. of Social Services. Regularly $2.75 and how funds Fine Jewelers Since 1876 being used by the State Dept. of Social Services for day care centers are being spent. The department has asked TONIGHT (3/1) ONLY $1.75 WITH THIS AD for a 56 per cent increase over its Meridian Mall * Okemos previous year request. THE CONCEPT OF THE extended school year receivJ The current budget, he pointed out, is based on care of an boost Tuesday as the State Board of Education approved! annual caseload of 15,400 cases, or ^ 2843 E. Grand River 36,000 children, while this request for next fiscal year is for an estimated 20,400 cases or pilot programs to extend the school year in four nearby sc" anfWTnmremnnnnninnrinnnntf about 54,000 children. districts; East Lansing, Okemos, Haslett and Northville. The state board is experimenting with the longer determine whether it will save money and better utilize ac throughout the state. . — MERIDIAN MALL "We are strongly urging the legislature to make cerUun in school law to permit these projects to go ateBdand to Ff the necessary funds." Edwin L. Novak. State Board of Ed ca enj East Grand River and Marsh Road president said. . J The four participating districts have indicated that eauu- can be delivered more efficently In an extended year. will utilize the "45 - 15 approach; 45 days of school anM vacation. Whereas the other districts are experimenting *| term option. * * * N A PROGRAM THAT enables trustees of Jackson State W to use facilities on the campus of Jackson Community 1 has been described as an "obvious success," by HaroldM« 1 dean of vocational and technical education at JCC. I The 70 trustees are bused to the campus from lup- J a.m. four nights a week, where they study courses electronics and electrical welding. bhvoJ Gus Harrison, director of the Dept. of Corrections aj the economy of the program because it makes use 1 facilities rather than constructing new ones witm ( Similar programs are underway at Camp Po" .®( Priwn. | Pugsley and are being considered for Marquette Stat I *■ BOOK B1FT| 7:30 p.m., Thursday, March 2 HARDCOVER SALE EVERETT HIGH SCHOOL 3900 Stabler St., Lansing 30% to 60% OFF REACHOUT RALLY ALL HARDCOVER BOOKS | In Preparation for the ★ Buy My Heart at Wounded Knee ★ Complete Walker ★Art Books Wednesday through Sunday LEIGHTON FORD LANSING REACHOUT ★ Wheels ★Novels October 13 MOTORCYCLE SHOW All Seats Free 1972 All Welcome comer of Ann and MAC phone J Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March I, 1972 ^ W rig ley is so sure that its meats are the tenderest, tastiest, DOUBLE juiciest you can buy, we'll give you double your money back if you're not delighted with any beef-cut you buy! Because Wrigley buys only the top three grades of U.S. CHOICE Beef and prices it the same, or less than Economy Beef, how can you go wrong? Only Wrigley YOUR MONET BACK discounts the price and guarantees the quality. / GUARANTEE 'WRIGLEYj USDA CHOICE BEEF at ECONOMY BEEF PRICES GOOD THRU MONDAY, PRICES MAR. 6, 1972. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF ®S3H^ 3 3 Hindquarters, with whole Back Forequorters, with whole Back 3 Wings and 3 Giblets U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FARM FRESH ALWAYS LEAN ROUND STEAK - 3 LBS. OR MORE SIRLOIN STEAK FRYER PARTS HAMBURGER $108 CUT I lb. $|26 28:z 58:s YOUNG TURKEY WINGS OR USDA. CHOICE BEEF FAMILY PACK 139 HERRUD S FRESH ft U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF 5TH TO 7TH RIB Drumsticks. LEAN MEATY BUTT r Cube Steak.... KNEIPS LEANER .. I ib. Pork Sausage. . 2: Rib Roast £ 77? YOUNG TENDER SLICED Pork Steak. Corned Beef Rounds. 98' Beef Liver BJ* WV q wO | U.S.D.A CHOICE BEEF Round Bone Roast. ? 9 12 LEAN & MEATY SLICED 1 i0 79 SELF BASTING GRADE A 1014 lb. Avg. LEAN HAMBURGER FROM 3 LBS OR MORE |£ 89 28 CAMELOT Pork Chops. Honeysuckle Turkeys 40 ,b. Ground Chuck All Meat Franks 2 1 BE WRIGLEY SMART - COMPARE WRIGLEY'S DISCOUNT PRICES AND QUALITY SERVICE!! CALIFORNIA CAMELOT FRESH ICEBERG LibbyV 88* SALE Apple 58° as8'! WHOLE KERNEL CORN ££$CKAM STYLE CORN Pie .'«? LETTUCE <88 CALIFORNIA ONION CUT GREEN BEANS Wishbone Dressing 'm'48* Off SWEET PEAS FOR Limit 6 Cans of Each MACARONI 8 CHEESE Kraft Dinner ?;r18c c r; *8? 8j BUTTER BISCUIT OR CORN Jiffy Muffin Mix P°- 10c WHOLE TOMATOES Con, ASSORTED FLAVORS W* FRENCH GREEN BEANS NEW CROP FLORIDA LARGE SNOW WHITE * UfcbU/ Sa WHOlE GREEN BEANS TOMATO JUICE "488 Faygo Pop SMALL OR LARGE CURD Fairmont Cottage Cheese %Br c6 CM 45s O Valencia 5 49C Bag Oranges Fresh Cauliflower HEAD AQc VFRUIT COCKTAIL c FIVE NEW FLAVORS Henri's Dressings 38e GOLDEN RIPE 10? » SLICED PEACHES «88! Rich Hunt BANANAS * W& M PEACH HALVES Tomato Sauce '19e NssB BARTLEn PEARS r —i BLUE RIBBON FRESH MEL-O-CRUST FRESH SLICED MEADOWDALE ALL FLAVORS LibbyV T0M1T0 CATSUP5-88 Grade "A" White Ice UbbU> ItMON CHER* SPICY OR RIG! TOMATO JUICE 2 88 Large Eggs Bread Cream R QQc ROc ^ Spaghetti with Meet Balls fc Homestvle Hash 2< 2 ■• M" Pineapple Juice ^ ^ K Ml « Baal Stew tittlS" »P"CM Nectat Juice 3'c"."WI* 88" Pineapple toapeltuil Juice 2Ai;.M'j 44 20-oz. Loaves ^9^9 WC?n01' Limit >5400 South Cedar >5621 West Saginaw •600 Frandor • 2010 East Grand River ACROSS FROM LANSING MALL IN THE F ANDOR SOUTH OF JOLLY RD IN OKEMOS NEXT TO NEXT TO K MART DEPT STORE Nf XT TO K MART DEPARTMENT STORE K MART DEPARTMENT STORE 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesda ^VMarch l SYMPHONY OUTSTANDING Germans to air Concert works superb article due to the orchestra's relative unfamiliarity with more than made up for by the overall excellence of Barenboim, were by prof control, The especially in the lyrical adagio, in which Zukerman turned an A communication profeaaor's Chicago Symphony Orchestra Monday night once again often rather dull section into quite a musical performance. essay on communis « proved their righl to be included among the foremost orchestras The concert opened with Webern's Five Pieces for persuasion research problems will be one of 29 0,1 Orchestra, broadcast on German radio of the world. Daniel Barenboim led the group in an outstanding an early 20th Century work for a chamber orchestra of some 22 communications colloquium. as part of an int*"^ program of works not often heard at concert performances. He soloists. The work, a series of tonal images, is perhaps best heard nterr>»tiom| and Pinchas Zukerman, violin soloist, demonstrated in the Bruch stoned. The individual members of the orchestra showed a Gerald Miller said his paper, a revision of Violin Concerto the same dynamic rapport and stage presence as quality one he u™ of tone not often heard at MSU. It served as an similar colloquium in 1968, will be translated , they displayed the previous night in their all ■ Beethoven duo interesting into n for« introduction to the remainder of the concert, if not a recital. The occasional moments of rhythmic uncertainty, perhaps deep taped, then broadcast March 20 over Radio Mas <» IT1*" ^ musical work. American Sector) in We«t Berlin. lKadi° 'n the The culmination of the evening came after the intermission. For an hour Barenboim ard the orchestra RIAS is controlled jointly by the United Stat« p |i^tetft^N0W THRU SUN-: kept the audience , enthralled with a superb performance of Bruckner's Ninth FYance, according to Miller. En^ « Symphony. Barenboim remained in perfect control of the well Miller said the paper wlU be presented as rounded and impressive crescendos and part of th« 34 during quiet lulls literally ongoing free university program. Miller said several of hT 0,1 made the audience sit forward to hear. The brass section was submitting essays for the colloquium are famous In impressive, though overly loud in spots. The blending and balance and all are internationally known. thW' r" of brass and string at the opening of the final movement was a thing of beauty. Miller said he had originally been asked hv representatives in 1967 to write an essay on comm . ^ Throughout the work the string section was able to supply the research problems with special mass of sound needed for a performance of this powerful work. The paper he emphasis on persuasion^1? Though the low woodwinds and brass seemed troubled with subsequently composed examined " intonation problems early in the work, this was soon remedied. contemporary areas of persuasion and indicated where Lf"* was needed, he said. researc At the close of the symphony, with the final chord in the brass held sustained against the last string pizzicatos, one almost The original essay was broadcast over RIAS anticipated a clatter from the stage as a horn player passed out from holding a high G - sharp for what seemed like an eternity. Lovely Rita said, and then compiled with 28 other papers into a in 1968 m book ASMSU Pop Entertainment Committee presents Rita Barenboim and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra received Coolidge and Marc Benno and the Dixie Flyers in concert Miller Indicated that the 1972 prolonged applause from an almost full house — a well deserved colloquium, which runs with Don McLean at 8 tonight in the Auditorium. Tickets Feb. 7 through July 8, will probably be heard by 5 000 tn mrw ending for a gratifying concert. are $3.50. Berlin area residents. ' Sunfighter' fails at greatness By MICHAEL D. OSBORN Reviewer good with as she has been her "White (compared Rabbit", potential of being another significant step forward for rock conception of how much Wood", minor song, perfectly ruins a good melody a... money, time and discipline it placed as buildup material to the excellent lead guitar I was honestly expecting "Rejoice", "Lather", and "Hey, music in general and the cameo takes to bring it off. last song; "When I Was a Boy, I start of a decline that work, £5 great things from "Sunfighter", Frederick") but there was all the album in particular. A cameo is Paul Kantner is the most tears ap« Watched the Wolves", major the because "Bark" was an excellent more reason for hope that she when only one or two artists carefully sewn design of tl album, and Paul Kantner's three would experienced composer doing song, only partially realized. album's beginning. reveal more of her appear on every cut and have cameos, and he is farthest into This last song is symptomatic "Diana 2" and "Unive songs there showed him to be in capacities on a solo album. written most or all of them, but it, but both cameo albums of the second side's failure to Copernican Mumbles" top form. Grace Slick was not as "Sunfighter" had the are backed up by anyone the ("Blows Against the Empire" realize the album. The song, meant, like "Titanic" and "I PROGRAM INFORMATION 332-6944 artist(s) feel would be most and "Sunfighter") that he has although it tries, and has the at the Wood", to build ti NOW! approriate for the particular not lived up to the promise set out by each. In each, there is a potential, simply does not have the musical vitality and climax of the final soij *PPims* concept has tremendous grand structural design — complexity necessary to hold "Holding Together"; do, in a certain perverse sense,I Open 12:45 potential, but no artist I know "Blows" was the ballad (with down the all-important position that each song is worse than tl of has been able to bring it off appropriate preliminaries) of the of last song on a side. This is the last. "Holding Together Feature 1:00- 3:10- 5:15-7:20 -9:25 i successfully. This is because the hijacking of a starship; song that will linger in the though it starts well, is tl rock music field is not as fluid THE MOST SHATTERING CLIMACTIC "Sunfighter" is a much more listener's mind after the album is biggest disappointment c yet (in terms of recording musical construction whose only over; and if it's a crummy song, EXCITEMENT YOU WILL EVER SEE! album. contracts, etc.) as it might be parallel that I can think of is this colors the and because the musicians doing impression of the "Sgt. Pepper's". In each, there is entire side. "Holding Together" "A BRILLIANT this sort of thing have no real a sabotage of the grand design "Wolves, etc." has the have been done c by the incoherence and so much bett^ PROGRAM INfORVJ' potential to adequately fulfill add a rhythm FEAT OF downright mediocrity, .nvwy the obligations of its position, change or ti E3 plus an audible lead gu 1CHIGAN of the songs, especially the but one senses that it was rushed (Jorma Kaukonen or G MOVIE Theatre • L -nsinq crucial ones, vital to the design. meet an album deadline, and Chaquico would have been go The first side "Sunfighter" neither the composer nor the Peter Kaukonen would ii MAKING!" sets forth the design: "Silver performers were satisfied with it. been acceptable) and s Spoon", major song, well done The second side starts off -time magazine tightening of the lyrics; that'sI Complete "Diana", interlude (by itself, well enough with "Million" and the song really needs. And to "DUSTIN HOFFMAN'S Shows at this is an awful song, but it "China" — the first dead serious ends it. 1:00 - 3:00 makes an excellent link; 1 believe FINEST PERFORMANCE 5:00 - 7:00 song I've ever heard Grace Slick Alas, the album is good, bj this was intentional); SINCE MIDNIGHT 9:05 P.M. perform — but then deteriorates. only because it fails in "Sunfighter", title song, well "Earth Mother", whose standard aspirations at greatness. I lo COWBOY'!" With UncM Hmmus mnd tha crtttmrt done; "Titanic", interlude and from Jo*/ CtlantMm Hmrrit ctmxxic tafat "We are - - the - best - generation forward to the day when s< -the national observer ABC PCTUBtS COflP presents very well done; "Look at the - that's - ever lived" rhetoric - artist, perhaps Kantner, can pj Wall together the first great cam album; it will elevate the ard nSAMPfCHWAMS Song to the stature of the Beatles. that time is not yet. Bj with Susan George dw South Troupe to play full-length feature motion picture opera, Tommy EMILE de ANTONIO'S in Erickson Kiva JftNCLAUDEKILLY "Tommy," the rock opl 4' written and made famous England's "The Who," wiUl performed at 7 p.m. Fridayl the Erickson Kiva. Plain BH Wrapper will provide the m The combined effort! ASMSU Pop Entertainment a the New Players, the sw revolves around the lifej Tommy, an incurable, backwi child. j Even though he is blind, ■*»»• ""I »« - believes ther. belle.^ there are some high l«ve. level curiosity, he attached two students filed past the plant with the nation nation, havehave nr™™ » L7~ Pri,. detector machines. He connects theological and philosphical polygraph electrodes to a no reaction. When the chosen thatTwie'nlZ/ml . , P°llard ^ he was assuming a pair of polygraph electrodes to implications to the experiments, dracaena plant to see how long it killer walked by, the plant your words thTJ « ♦ T Th 1 ,Wf a"d then waters the He said in this story that his would take water he had given fainted. message anvwav - hvli newsnnndw.^"16^ "rl' work could show there is the plant to travel from its roots your mind y by readln8 "T? ^ ^ „ . . T?8 gra,d"al "hange ,n the scientific justification for prayer, to its leaves. But on camnnQ gt"em"'d. he rea,lzed his mo sture of the plant as it draws Robert Anderson, chairman He got an immediate reaction dentists U7K are skentLl e skeptical. ' me ini £ hi Itl spehcuMv* water since he had not seen how the changes its electric resistance U.P tf?ro"Jh ltss roots of the Religion Dept., said that when he turned on the lie Ra!w i" ? d t0 comment on experiments were staged or what level, according to Backster. This Backster's _ exneriments mav D0int^ut that there - if valid detector Backster savs the reaction was similar to a person p'thoS th* £ , ^°dkih/v h Pta^ d they Ut'tho"ght However, he explained, heh Ch,,nfeh polygraph charts. A°" the are underTJ.TonlaltaS.Z.'80" °f SUch nature religions Since then Backster an exPeriment hadl a, feeling Backster's results Backster has been quoted as has absurd. He said Western were nukes (results produced by saying his experiments indicate religions made thousands of similar traditionally have had no Ford eyes Iterial poses problems profound theories of nature. Instead, they have dealt with an inanimate or materialistic object. in China, abroad sales The TEL controversy and AVIV, Israel (AP) confusion which Backster's President Nixon's trip to Peking Paul Sim on' loses past experiments have provoked might open the way for quality underlines that deficiency, he American investment in China or said. it might not, but either way the a a r i n a how MffTirrrrrriH ihii n Anderson said he agreed that Ford Motor Co. would like to ■ * through contortions the plant experiments could sell cars to the Kenally popular they 'Duncan". was'?- ?,^le5e are a Down by the Schoolyard" that demonstrate that plants respond Chinese, Henry ■is surprising that Simon few good lyrics hidden here and rinfi mrirlpn horo onH i. i work out well. n i. r Ford II said Sunday. i DOWNTOWN LANSINO to prayer. . "We would be happy to sell Tunkel only released five , e, .™u?,c continues the there. The music is lightweight As on the S : G albums the "But this does not preclude in China — as in i 116 K. Michigan KRI E KVKNINc". I'ARK ix if you wish to count by^mDVa^ziS^S^^c81^1!!"8 f- !" 2'd Frie"ds" and''0",y production is near flawless, and the fact that there is stilf another any other place in the world," said Ford, leaving |raduate" soundtrack.) (0 years since "Bridge toatoJxJSt he'^ nhvino Unf£?u£2S h!Ving Boy ,n New Y°rk • but the Unfortunately there are some nice phrases. sidemen (credited for the first time) do real nice work. nonscientif.c justification to Israel for home- {mm t i " " ' Joubled Waters", and it than ?n 2 h 55 MSW " even tries SOme new The album fits nicely into the | if the duo has broken Song Th?. W» The iowpomt yS|°/.is reached uyj t/1CHS' band on SUchl"Mother as the Jamaican background if you don't try to and Child SAN listen to it. A piece of polished I this in mind, Paul ier rt r g- ' i g^ty Reunion ' Sfefan Grossman's fluff from someone who has FRANCISCO'S | "Paul Simon" album r hV » h I K if'To. P uying bottleneck guitar on "Paranoia done much better in the past, LONGEST j great expectations. [£yLhliI? urappeui s violin. b,ehl"d (Yes,S^Phane Blues , and Airto Moreira's it sounds percussion on "Me and Julio «Paul Simon" stands as Simon's [Simon wrote the songs, niro „ poor imitation of Hot "Self Portrait" RUNNING t of the vocals, and e acoustic guitar on I; albums, so who'll i Students eligible to win FILM flail that much? developments of elements 70 WEEKS present in ■ hearing "Paul Simon" ,eloped a great respect "B"d8e "Bookends" and ^"Jroub',d WaU'«*;" For ror the record, this Simon's first solo album. "The prizes in photo contest and Garfunkel's rt futions to S & G. The-iUg proWem is the Pau, Simon Album" was released STILL GOING! d to what Simon has .®l1Tn J" written well as ripped off) some great (« by CBS bootleeeed in America in England and But that „ . songs in the past, but there are collation . .... . the past this album is „ ofdemo Ru,eS and entry procedu^s are available in most r«idence halls Indeed. But further "one on this album. Once one of tTpesJrith SimLnon Zealand °r by writing the contest directors at P.O. Box 161, East Lansing, leJrrrtiCPOPr^ he acoustic guitar and only mora |R-AM to air r^t0.^erUnn°U^fth'"gS contained two songs not A hard act to follow WaS" Waters The Boxer" to f1 available on S & G albums. IITKitf h had Actually, the latest album is men/ory on counter "Cecila" but "Paul Simon" lacks anything to I life, times redeem "Armistice Day". Once again the lyrics are Life and Times of Mao provided, but this time on the fa special one - hour • inside jacket. Maybe he was y produced by the afraid that if you could read the kan Broadcasting lyrics before you bought the jn (CBC), will be aired album. . . . Wednesday on Not only are the lyiics lM (870). lacking in value for their own ■Life and Times of Mao sake, | traces Mao's early life V callow, poetic youth ■dership of the largest they often difficulties in singing, Simon has to resort to a lot of lead repetition to fill out lines and to so that KEEKS Inearth," says the CBC. puts the word "survival" 11 ilCiTsi A hard act to follow. D5M IHSjih avsiH BS55H A hard act to follow. rivmiw A hard act to follow. mona A hard act to tollow mona FROM BILL OSCO IN COLOR FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OVER 18 100 Vet Clinic Admission $2.00 Shown at 7, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45 for Ladies & Gentlemen over 18 yr». BEAL FILM GROUP PRESENTATION 1 0 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Fire breaks out in U-M dwellirng ANN ARBOR, AP - Thirty coeds at a University ... sorority house fled to safety Tuesday when fire L dwelling. More than 60 fires are believed to havP k ? ™ campus since Jan. 27. been set on J Authorities said the latest fire, which Monday, did not appear to be arson, but added that followed t„ T under investigation. i?0thetfll that cau«J| About 600 students were evacuated from a resirfo„ Monay after a fire was discovered in a was confined. cleaningB loset- Another small fire Monday on the fifth floor of tK „ Cook Little Science Building also was included n! .! 01 although Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter Krasnv appear to be part of the series of deliberately set fir« ** the Fire^Chief first floor Arthur Stauchjaid of the Alpha Tuesday's blaze w damage at $6,000. XI Delta sorority"hou» aitC°nfine"* Sizzlers Cube Steak $1.39 lb. Approximately 360 construction engineers are expected! attend the conference at Kellogg Center to discuss and plar the highway department's role in state mass transportation. CHOICE Representatives from General Motors, Bendix Corp. and TOP ROUND ROAST I highway department are also expected to address the conferen - 1.29 WW^Ie'Q^uPP,y~CLas,s RUMP ROAST 1.12 56c A 5 SAVE 56c with thii coupon 10c £ SAVE 10c SAVE 10° ranlqbie/ 49 toward tht purchase of: & !co^ iward th» purchaM of: (•want the purchase of: AJAX 4 Varieties ON 0N •LAUNDRY DETERGENT 14* oz. ■ w - CHIFFON J 1 | Expires Saturday, March 4, 1972 I | SOUP Expires Saturday, March 4, 1972 5/$1.00 j SOFT MARGARINE 37c S With | Expires Saturday, March 4,1972 QD Meijer THRIFTY ACRES BBGD Meijer THRIFTY AC RES Q|H © Meijer TH RI FT Y A C RES i 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA 1*08? r\ - | Cam r> wfjy^ n°t?\ SHOP MEIJER THRIFTY ACRE? Monday thru Saturday - 9 AM to 10PM Sunday-10 AM to 7 PM )hop < n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 1, 1972 11 TO HALT ENGLISH GOODS Ulster league begins boycott By MAUREEN McDONALD head of the New York State Newt Staff Writer boycott have to occur. Public Day Parade March 12, will be He is Longshoremen, and Matthew opinion polls show that over 70 the violence in Ulster. Floats will optimistic that The League for Ulster Justice Gulnan, head of the settlement can be reached in Transport per cent of the British public depict the prison in Longresh, \ Pten* a cont,nuous boycott of Workers Asssn., in the boycott, favor withdrawal of troops from which O* Kennedy said Ulster, citing that it is now English goods, commencing 0 Kennedy said. Northern Ireland." fashionable in British circles to today Daniel 0 Kennedy, resembled a German talk about Irish unity. Harold British ships will be unloaded chairman, said in a recent today, and British cargo will not O'Kennedy added, "If you concentration camp. Wilson, leader of the Labor start off by hurting British Marchers will carry crosses to tLva L «Vi#W Irish-American Club. be shipped by the transport economic Interests they will put symbolize the Londonderry Party, favors withdrawal of British troops workers, O'Kennedy said. pressure to bear on the British from Northern The league has the "It is regretful," O'Kennedy residents killed on "Bloody Ireland. cooperation of Teddy Leason, said, "that such government." Sunday" things The league has also done research But, O'Kennedy doubts that and lobbying for the -- O'Kennedv called the the British Torries would like to Kennedy - Rlbicoff resolution in j „ v e »11 11 lose the 10 to 12 unionist votes Economics c a o n on the tne dissolution or the Parliament Londonderry Incident blwed He in Northern Ireland, nntAH that t wiHaomr r mvi of Northern Ireland,withdrawal of British troops in Ulster, and gjE SSomb CondSgIhe ©'Kennedy hopes that more hearina which will m*k« it a jroups will Join support for Irish Hamming present aw =i«lon rights. of 11 people's dH A similar resolution has been between Irish neonle* Detween Irtsh peop,eB- Moath^ u>s- »upport in "everypre™, state where there Is an Irishman." r Ji crowd up to the feno. for a look at their human observer. One, thouBh, finds that he Introduced in the U.S. House, He said that the International |'t quits make It to the front as the other four hog all the space. These little pigs are residents The Dept. of Economics will MSU Economist". Book prizes "nder the sponsorship of Commission of Jurists in present $50 prize for the best I the Swine Research Farm on Forest Toad. a# c of a 5 papers to be — i. i i n_• • • will be given to all five authors P/i?0"*)'cu Martha f*Hfflfhfl congressmen, Switzerland asked to beKuf allowed Martha I. .1 amps Griffiths, James O ■ i< published In Its of papers published, ■ . Ham O'Hara m/>/ii»fn u State News photo to mediate fthe affair, but were iuam by Ken Ferguson undergraduate journal, "The and Lucien Nedzi, all from refused by British authorities. The papers will be selected Detroit. O'Kennedy does not predict for publication in the O'Kennedy added that the favorable outcome for the Irish journal jrug analysis from those submitted theme of Dtroit's St. Patrick's side. by program professors in the department as the best in their classes. In addition, any undergraduate may submit a paper which uses imed at public service economic analysis in the discussion of a problem. deadline for papers is The April 15. Meriam said the operation Is one of several ways his office is The second annual MSU by KATHERINE NEILSEN trying to curb drug abuse. It is also promoting Economist will be published In and empathy yoga, meditation training in high schools as possible alternatives to September 1972 containing the drugs. Selected papers written between seersucker plaid is jthlgan's new drug analysis program could increase the "Schools have not provided Mlity both crisis centers ~ and state bureaucracies, enough alternatives for self • spring term 1971 and winter 0 a member of the State Office of Drug Abuse and development in the past," he said. "We're trying to give studentc term 1972. Prides Crossing's big a choice of what's good for them as they see It." idea for Miss J b Meriam, program director for education for the office, Ek program, in which the state health department has begun in western-cut pants j drugs for crisis centers, is a real delivery of public shaped slim at the top J doesn't " happen a lot that the government gets to the grass and Meriam said in an Interview. "A lot of bureaucratic widening out at the n't reach all the people who are asking for help." ankle in said crisis centera involved in the program, like East big bright i Listening Ear and the Drug Education Center, relate A NONSTUDENT FROM plaids of care-free on the third floor of South lo a specific population - street people. He said the new Galveston, lex., was arrested for Kedzie Hall were stolen between on the floor. He told police that L might lend some of this credibility to the government a black male about 20-vears-old soliciting magazine subscriptions Feb. 22-28. Police estimated the cotton/polyester w Involved. took the ' era 0« »he n * _ m said he has at the same time been making I to Increase the credibility of crisis centers in other circles, a concerted police'belleved^cf at 6:35 be £fi2 ^ * $?6' Wld ^ Pollce investigating, 5-13 sizes $14. p.m. Monday In Case A SPARTAN VILLAGE ■see crisis centers as playing a major role in Michigan," he Hall. Police said his case has resident told police that been Id the agencies 1 In what involved in the he termed new a service participate countywide community on an referred to the county someone prosecutor. put sugar into the gas tank of his car prior to 7 p.m. $SAVES Monday. Police said there is no i'tjb»ic ' A BJLLSu. DRIVER DRIVER has estimate of damage to the car Ifiid , the operation, < which provides partial analysis of most identified two'students for yet, and jajd they have I with nplete analysis of those especially troublesome, has complete " fting used forged bus passes at suspects. Wing <2 illoted in two counties because it would be too 5:45 p.m. Monday at the bus Jacobson's complicated chateau It i statewide project immediately. stop by the Human Ecology fe pilot counties were chosen to compare a metropolitan Building. Police said the county n County, with rural Van Buren County. The state is prosecutor will be notified, and o see if the number of toxic drug reactions declines in a warrant for their arrest may be A CAMERA WITH an estimated value of $500 was HOWELL. focounties, he said, issued. stolen about 4:25 p.m. Monday • No Entrance Fee u who use the confidential service will also be asked to from a restroom in Wells Hall. ■ Low Lot Rental Rates er their evaluation of ' it, he said. He stressed that persons FIVE CUSHIONS FROM a Police said a student was using ■ Model Clearance Sale ig drugs to a center must return to the center for the couch in the women's restroom the facilities, and left the camera ■ Easy Finance Terms it said drug analysis makes possible emergency warning |tdient«shipments In an area. Doctors, hospitals, health and crisis centers are all in communication now, he ithus aiding treatment of toxic drug victims. It drug analysis program, financed within the state public 546-6400 PARK B budget, also provides anonymous, public Information for B>nd county health departments, he said. 546-6667 SUES JACOBSON'S OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL NINE 1-96 * PINCKNEY RD. EXIT the east Room Wednesday's Rature Dinner lobster a la 3.50 The Quality Is newburg in therry wine soup or juice Shiver-me- JUIARANTIM salad two vegetables dessert beverage timbers! Use Alle'entrance or fourth level of ramp for direct access. Dinner and cocktails served until 9:00 p.m. Sizzlin' Your crew will agree - there are no Steak Dinner $1.79 cozier quarters in town than the Jacdbsoris Starboard Tack for lunch, dinner or relaxing in our lounge. Feast on King crab legs, oysters on A SPECIAL SELLING OF the half shell, buckets of steamers and SYNTHETIC WIGS our other delicious dinner specialties. "I V Join the Captain tonight before or after 20% OFF ^ ■ ■ •WW Our Reg. $14 •ALL WIGGERY SERVICE AVAILABLE the concert! Ba|cony Beauty Sa^ STEAKS SALAD BAR LOBSTER SPIRITS |0pen MON THRU FOR APPOINTMENT, LFR' 'til 9 PM PHONE: f EN sat 'til 6 PM fine Sir WINES 349-3400 Serving Sun.-Tburs. Lounge open til 2 a.m. 5,25 W SAGINAW 2055 W. CRAND RIVER 620Q S. PENNSYLVANIA 11 a.m.- 10 p.m. 1110 Trowbridge Road Fri. & Sat. til 11:30 p.m. 351-8720 FOB APPOINTMENT, CALL: " 1 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday SPORTS Gymnasts Spartan Thompson! for league By THOM GATES Writer State News Sports a big man on ice All that lies ahead for the Spartan gymnasts this season is the By CRAIG REMSBURG have been the reason. Toronto and Big Ten championships to be held this weekend in Champaign, State News Sports Writer "After the Christmas break from what 1 my broth started clicking and playing a hear ° ht,« Illinois. The g-men concluded their regular season last Friday night . Don Thompson has put some we little harder and we've done best 13 - year oil 0D,P with a close meet against Michigan. The Spartans came out on the real honest • to • goodness Zip alright," he added. "It's a shame short end of the score in that meet but they did complete a into the MSU hockey team Mick got hurt (broken left p. . p Performed [J leg) Etoblcoke winning season. The gymnasts compiled a 5 • 4 dual meet season lately and is once again battling but Bill Slpola did a good Job indlang _ | and in coach Szypula's words "are fired up for the championship for the scoring title in the over the weekend and I think meet." Western Collegiate Hockey he'll work out Just fine." Several individuals have stood out for the Spartan g-men Association. Although the Spartan leers during the season. Randy Balhorn in all-around competition, Earlier this season, however, lost twice to Wisconsin last entry captain Charlie Morse on the side horse, rings, and parallel bars, the senior centerman had doubts weekend, Thompson scored a Don Waybrlght in the vault, and Dave Ziegert in floor exercise that he'd ever get moving. three - goal hat trick to run his have all performed well throughout the season. "I didn't have my heart in the goal count this season to 28. In "The father of Ken Factor, MSU's number two all-around man, has been game in the first half of the his last ten games, Zip has «,! hampered by injuries all season long but he should be ready for season and my scoring statistics turned the red light on 13 times. eJ Dan Flnegon and got me J this weekend. A1 Beaudet, the number three AA man, has been showed it," Thomspon said "He's one of the best centers a full 8cho J steadily improving this year and in the last two meets he has contributed a lot to the team. Zipping before practice Monday. "I don't really know why. we've had here," MSU Coach Amo Bessone commented. "He's dS'ftnsu',,Don"£l didn t know what tol when I came here Sophomores Larry Lad and Dick Manning are two other MSU's center ice ail-American Don "Zip" Thompson lets a shot go against Mick (Bob Michelutti) was got good speed, a good shot and becauX Jerry Mra/ek of never seen the campus 1 improved gymnasts. Lad is a floor exercise specialist while Minnesota - Duluth that slid wide of the net. Thompson is near the top of the WCHA having troube adjusting to his he's done a helluva job learning scoring happy here thouth"! Manning works the still rings and high bar. off wing on our line and (Mark) - how to adapt to his size wonder. '' P "The team has a great attitude going into the championship race going into the season's final weekend with 28 goals and 28 assists. Calder and I were both a little disadvantage." meet," coach Szypula said. "We know that we have shot at the State News photo by Bruce Remington down on ourselves so that might At 5 - 5 and 150 pounds, Zippy WaS sophomore Player of tJ name(j| title but we also know that to win everyone will have to perform Thompson gives away height and in the 1969 70 well. It will take a lot of extra effort. season!- weight to most opposing as a Spartan. Last if The lack of depth is the vital factor in the Spartans hopes for the team title. Thoughout the season the top performers for the FOR NATIONAL MEET pivotmen in the league. Yet, in three years of varsity selected to the fid vear American squad and til Spartans have held their own against the other top performers in competition, he has scored 61 team all the Big Ten. WCHA unit | - goals and assisted on 84 Spartan basis of his 19 Randy Balhorn lost the AA competition only once during the goaisT Wrestlers tallies — a pretty fair record for begin work assists. 1 season and that loss came at the hands of Michigan's Ray Gura, a player who's supposed to be who only defeated him by .05 of a point. too smell to succeed. Combined with his this season, its not 1 Morse has scored well on the side horse and still rings and is the harA "Size really isn't a hindrance why top contender on the parallel bars. Ziegert is rated in the top In college hockey," Don said. Thomspon approached by the M® hi] three in floor exercise and Don Waybright is a stand out in the By GARY SCHARRER ! Spartan Uoach Grady being two-time (118) national "Skating ability is important as North vault. State News Sports Writer feninger will take eight MSU titlist Greg Johnson. He is joined well as handling the puck." Stars of the I wrestlers to the NCAA meet but Hockey League and drtl MSU's Big Ten championship by Pat Mllkovlch (126), Tom Don certainly has had plenty the St. Paul indicated his disappointment Milkovich Fighting Sf wrestling team took Monday and (142), Gerald Malecek of practice in both of these the fledgling World that not all ten Spartan wrestlers | Tuesday off but resume (167) and heavyweight Ben areas. Association. 1 Jtvere able to qualify. Lewis. He started skating at the age workouts today in preparation (or the national meet March 9, The Big Ten conference sends Conrad Calender (134), Rick of five on a rink behind his "I want to play and I'll go where the pro| the first four placers in each Radman (158) and Dave Ciolek home in Toronto, Canada and offj jo and 11 at College Park, Md weight and Mark Malley and (190) round out the MSU followed a dally hockey regimen best," Thompson said, of factly. "The WHA il - J Greg Zindel had to settle for contingent. for years. better for though I If!0/ me fifth placelandings. STUDENT Last year MSU placed third "In the morning I would go they will have younger! III /O DISCOUNT "Malley is capable of beating behind Iowa State and out and play some hockey and a lot of college pi# •Tlmex Watch Repair anyone In the country at 150," Oklahoma State and the same before school started, then come might take me a long! Hometown "Electric Shaver Repair Peninger said. "Not* taking teams, along with Washington, home and play during lunch and break Into the NHL." I •Engraving Malley to the NCAA meet is will likely battle for the top then play some more after The physical educatiol •Keys Made going to hurt us. honor this •Scissors Sharpened "Our only prayer for Zindel season. The Spartans have been rated school let out," he recalled. could play for the SpartI Also a Large Selection 'Then after dinner I would go fall term, since he starteL and Malley to get to the No. 2 to Iowa State all season out and skate some more." here in the middle of il Trust of Electric Shavers nationals is for somebody not even though Iowa State lost to He had plenty of company on Watch Bands ffa Hfyazm eight feet tall. You just have to Detroit, the Spartans came away Detroit 6 - 3 and Chicago Circle Held went 2 - ]. with only one victory, despite 5-4. Epee had a topsy - turvy play someone different each week," Hairston explained. some good individual Sabre took it on the chin in but were winners in Hairston competed in several performances and occasional all three matches. The Spartans Herring at 4 - 3, and Jon Mi sports in his hometown of weapon strength. They won lost the weapon to Chicago 2 " "Moss is going to bi Detroit before concentrating on against Illinois Chicago Circle, Circle 5 - 4, while Detroit and S°°d and tough kid," basketball. "I ran cross - country Hairston for Hvo over linssell 16 - 11, while losing to Detroit Wayne State handed them said of the 19 - y, for a year, played baseball and freshman. even played football before the There were no stars in i coach put a stop to that," as all three starters remarked the number one frosh 'EVERYONE IS THE KEY' losing records. came up rebounder. "Basketball was kind Schmitter said that of a tradition in my family and I Spartan's performance i guess that had more influence on Detroit and Wayne me then anything else." Hairston commented on the tendency of the press to briefly S' hungry for track title disappointing. point, sabre, which epee, fairly strong, was "... fell down, getting ! build up his rematch with was off. We (| "archrival" Campy Russell. "I By GARY KORRECK do as well as anticipated State News really don't think about playing Sports Writer Hurd. Based on current Big Ten 'We have a real good chance of wby>' don't know,"hesi. individual. Basketball is this strength will really get its times no less than eight men But Schmitter did have an a The door to the winning the title. But we need as team sport. When you lose Big Ten test in the Big Ten finals. including these three, have gone for the foil squad. "Foil many places as we can get." team loses. It's not an individual throne room ™y be tough to llul„uuai As Dittrich said, "We've got either 7.8 or 7.9 in the low came back against Chicago and each leaf thing in my mind." Hairston °pen f°r MSU's trackmen when our background; now is the time hurdles. With a 2 - 1 man and CC was tough. They An engagement ring remarked. *bey travel to Columbus, Ohio for the final exam." us this time. I would say] in the band individually advantage it would help the with a Continental heritage: handpolished. Basketball is a challenge for ^is weekend for the conference Butchee's role will be most Spartans to get either, or both, looked as good as they hi Lindsay Hairston, I love the championships, but coach Fran important here, as Washington to finish in the top five. year," Schmitter said. Light bursting Dittrich is not game. I relate to basketball," ""ttncn is not giving up hope. He had particular prai from a band of lace... Holly. giving up nope. ^ an(j- - Qm have rate(j- pre . — The long jump, though commented Hairston. "I would Everyone will be the key,' meet favorites in the 60 and 300 Johnson's 24 8 is currently foil man Robin Luce, & As unique as it is beautiful. . - eight diamonds clustered Just in time for happiness. like to be a professional, but I've Dittrich said, as the Spartans go respectively. second best, may give the was Luce's win in the last| in starlight... which won the day \ Just in time for love. got a lot to learn before I take after only their second indoor Butchee ranks with the top Spartans another chance to that step." title in 22 years. six in each event, but where he make up ground. Del Gregory Chicago Circle. Gus Ganakas and Matthew Senior sprinter LaRue finishes in* the finals will and John Ross are rated 3 - 5 in the Schmitter was happy j Aftch are overjoyed that Butchee will be one of the main determine how much the the conference and should eithegS showing of the substita Hairston chose to learn on the keys in a serious Spartan this meet, as well as in othq Spartans can narrow the point move up a notch, they'd give campus of the Red Cedar. challenge to break Wisconsin's addition to Moss, he note gap between themselves and MSU additional points, five - year lock on the Wisconsin — it is expecially while sophomore Ed I Park free The two - mile, 600 and 880 conference indoor title. lacked experience all with purchase significant here as the Badgers should also be interesting point Along with Herb Washington are weak in the dashes. races. Wisconsin's Glenn Harold beginning of the si 319 E. Grand River Av East Laming, Mich. RENT and freshman Marshall Dill, Butchee and the Spartans have The hurdles are another focal point for the Spartans. and Bob Scharnke are currently 1 - 3 in the Big Ten, while MSU's coming along. The Spartans end their I Phone 337-1314 YOUR TV. enjoyed almost unprecedented Wisconsin sports a top - notch Randy Kilpatrick and Rob Cool dual meet season with a | . . dominance in the sprints. In all, man jn record, the samt Greg "Grape Juice" rate 2 - 5. The Badgers best the Sprartan trio has grabbed 12 Johnson while MSU counters times have come on oversized They will busy this I BY THE TERM preparing for the Big tracks, though and the Big Ten Be prepared '23.00 kappa alpha psi final should be close. In the 600, Wisconsin's Skip LARUE BUTCHEE conference champion! Saturday at Madison, Wis. PRESENTS Kent tops Bob Cassleman's BY THE MONTH an eloquent night with time by .1 of a second; though Cassleman beat Kent in last !9.50 the nudes year's final. Free Service Free Delivery THEIR FIRST ANNUAL STATE TALENT SHOW FEATURING WIDE — The 880 times are similar also Wisconsin offers John Cordes, second at 1:52.5, and MSU has Cage tournament Free Pick-up Ron Cool, 1:52.7. the superlatives With the Badgers non - NEJAC TV RENTALS 337-1300 FAIRCHILD THEATRE MARCH 3, FRIDAY TICKETS CAN BE OBTAINED FROM contenders in the mile relay, MSU will have to fight strong at MSU for womenl 10:30 P.M. ANY KAPPA Illinois and U - M to grab a necessary first. The MSU women's basketball team will host the first I Dittrich said, the Spartans tournament this Friday and Saturday. Ten schools ! will need to come up with their best participate, vying for the top three places. The first three tj performances of the year from this tournament qualify for the regionals. this THE GABLES SIDE OF THE STORY: weekend. "If everybody Hay begins at 1 p.m. Friday in both the Wonrn's I.M gym Men's I.M. sports arena. Saturday, play will start at 10 a.m. the first place championship game at 8 p.m. . Mi. Anderson is confident that her team will do well in the 1 tournament and said that the team "should qualify 101 Apparently there is a misunderstanding in regard to the current regional tournament." f labor predicament at the Coral Gables. In stands ai hopes of helping to rectify FREEDOM The women's varisty basketball record currently this issue, we wish to correctly inform you as to what our position really is. Let's talk facts. The proper way to determine whether a business is to be unionized is to have either the state or federal FROM government conduct a secret ballot election. All responsible unions Cage gomj follow this procedure. No responsible union secret ballot election in favor of ignores the process of a taking the employees on strike, CAPTIVITY switched causing the business to lose customers, and causing employees to lose The two remaining! basketball games, o wages and tips. The union never approached the Gables to ask for an Michigan Saturday andi" election. This is ridiculous! with Northwestern a wee coming have been moved ""j normal 8 p.m. starting V March 3 &4 p.m., acting Athle^« We took the initiative, and asked the union for a secret ballot Burt Smith announced election; the union refused. We have, ourselves, petitioned the Michigan Employment Relations Commission for an election. We understand the union opposes the election, now why? What do they FREE-DELIVERY have to fear? After all, the secret ballot election conducted by responsible state officials is the only way that our employees may freely express themselves without fear of any pressure, by either side. We stand ready to abide by the results of a secret ballot. Query? If jGeatl a union will not respect the wishes of the employees enough to RAUPP Campfitters consent to an election, and if the union wins an election, will respect the employees opinion after the election? We doubt it. Come on Local 235, let's get off dead center! they ^izza 2208 E. Michigan Ave. Order a 16" pizza of any variety and pay the price of a 14", or order a 14 • P'"a I and pay the price of a 12" 489 4188 The management of the Coral Gables pizza. 1 coupon per pizza. Good thru March 3,1972 , Also in Ann Arbor; Kalamazoo, Farmington; and F vans ton, ///. ON-CAMPUS DELIVERY (TROWBRIDGE STORE) 337 1681 OFF CAMPUS, CIRCLE DRIVE (E. GRAND RIVER) 337-1631^ |Micliigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 1, 197 15 SPORTS diana tankers here to defend title jjte tTrful By STEVE News TEVE STEIN STEIN Sporti Writer Indiana should lRt)ne Is one indoor The of the ^ best if ,f not the best facility in the country. Hoosiers, who are Minnesota to t'ue Bucks. pose serious threats most any other conference. Byron McDonald is one of the Reinscheiber nation's is one of the again looking forward to Purdue, Illinois, Iowa and best in the 200 could turn out to their - tP what defending Northwestern all country's top butterflyers, and butterfly and Rawdon Peterson NCAA have 'nrd shattering weekend in . championship later tough individuals. some Larry Day is strong also. is the top ■ Men's IM P°°' as the Bi8 March, are the Stu Isaac will be Badger distance favorite to overwhelming Indiana brings its usual the up among freestyler. cop their 12th top breastrokers and Chris Big Ten title. Michigan, outstanding contingent of stars Hansen should Big Ten one meter diving tnships come to MSU straight - which has taken second to the meet, led by five Olympic place in the champ Craig Lincoln leads the ■'no Thursday afternoon place 11 veterans, and backstroke events. Minnesota Gophers. several nationally Inning through Saturday straight the favorite seasons, is once again for the runner ranked tankers. Ray McCullough and Jose Purdue sports two fine - up Hoosier Arnaha are the Wolverines top freshman in spot. co - captains Mark Maury Wolfred and Ktan swimming coach Spitz and Gary Hall are sprinters, Mike Whitaker is the Larry Krauser. Wolfred holds the Bitters has ™iA rePeated,y Ohio State seems to have the defending conference champs in strong swimmer in the Purdue top mark in the 500 and ■Lit the dual meet season edge to be choice the thrid • place six individual events. breastroke and IM and Joe 1000-freestyle and also the 200 - JLybodv seems to swim because of the Buckeyes five time - Spitz, a Olympic gold medal divers Crawford leads the Michigan IM and 200-backstroke while B«hen they come here' strong diving and relay teams winner, is the champ in the 50 against Ohio State's strong Krauser is tough in the 100 and »ly because the MSU pool though MSU, Wisconsin, and freestyle and the 100 and 200 - contingent. 200 freestyle. ■ - Todd Smith, Tim Moore and butterfly. Spitz also swam a leg Steve on the Skilken lead a strong OSU Steve Stasukaitus placed last winning 400 and 800 diving - freestyle relay teams. squad. Smith took third season in the 50 - freestyle. in the one and three meter last Hall took the 200 Illinois freshman Rod - season. MacDonald will be tough in the backstroke, and the 200 and 400 Ohio's top swimmer is Reed [GOSSELIN - and individual medley last season, was also Slevin, the defending 100 - distance freestyle, as will brothers Joe and John Tanner a member of the victorious 400 medley and 800 freestyle champ, also swims who swim the freestyle springs - backstroke and IM. and Dave Druz in the IM and freestyle teams. Indiana swimmers John Kinsella, a silver - MSU's top prospects are butter flyer Ken Winfield, one of butterfly. medalist as a 16 Northwestern has a fine • year - old in the Lain big favorites the 1968 Olympics, defends his titles in the 200, nation's best in the 200 - butterfly; versatile Alan Dilley distance freestyler in freshman Ric Phillips and a strong middle yard freestyle. 500, and 1650 Mike Stamm is back after his - who is strongest in backstroke; defending 100 - breastroke distance freestyler in Phil Dodson. The Big Ten championships here champ Jeff Lanini; John Thuerer Big Ten swimming championships will be held at MSU this weekend over 100 backstroke title. - Iowa's Jim Haefner and Bob and Saturday. Afternoon preliminaries will be held Thursday, Friday in distance at 1:30 for Thursday and Michigan coach Gus Stager freestyle and diver Barr in the sprint and middle Friday and at Mike Cook. noon Saturday. All ,n't about to blow the other Big Ten schools out of brings a team that would win distance freestyle contain the evening finals will be held at 7:30 p.m. Iference as far as overall athletic prowess is concerned. Wisconsin's Murphv top Hawkeye chances. State News photo by Craig Porter ■ Hoosier football team wasn't a favorite to win the Big Ten I titie and showed everyone why during the year. The I basketball team was, on the other hand, a favorite to cop ■ honors in the basketball sector of the Big Ten, but & to drop its first four games to severely crimp title 1 Hoosier wrestling team sent two grapplers into the Big ■championship finals last Saturday, one a defending Ion, and both came out losers. The baseball team in Engton hasn't won a title since 1949, and the track team, T it is considered one of the better squads in the i, has a reputation of not being able to come up with |tch win. Indiana is definitely not one of the athletic powerhouses in SAVE 30° ON 10-LBS. Eberhord the Big Ten. But don't tell Doc Counsilman and his Indiana Hessler's Finest U.S. No. 1 swimmers that. The Hoosier swimmers are in a little world of their own. are the best. Not They just the best. BAKING POTATOES THE best. Their pool dominance is untouched by any college team in any college sport — ever. UCLA is only a rookie at taking national titles in basketball as far as Indiana and swimming goes. The Hoosier tank squad has _ —mti| taken eleven straight Big Ten titles and has left everybody ™ " "' v i standing at the bottom of the pool for the past four years as far as national competition goes. In Olympic competition, Indiana could almost qualify its entire x iV» team as the U.S. entry. The Hoosiers sent 20 swimmers to the Olympics in 1968. This year's Big Ten championship meet to be held Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the Men's I.M. pool should I DICK FETTERS once again be a showcase of Indiana swimming superiority. If well for Indiana, East Lansing will be hit with a bigger ive than any Hawaiian island ever experienced, weekend when I attended the Big Ten wrestling ships at Indiana and the Spartans were running away the mat marbles, a writer from the Indiana student paper »ted that "Michigan State might have the wrestlers but "re got the swimmers." And swimmers Indiana has. Many have said that the best intercollegiate swimming ition takes place in the Indiana practice pool, the Big Ten meet, the Hoosiers have 13 of the 19 )ns from last year returning to compete for titles this "latest swimming release from Indiana (from three weeks <1 31 Hoosier swimmers that have already qualified to the nationals. And, yes, that was three weeks ago. yone will be competing with Indiana but I doubt if can beat them," MSU Coach Dick Fetters said. "There three or four different contests for positions in the s that should make the meet very interesting. We will be Wisconsin and Minnesota for fourth place and there joe another great M. battle between Ohio State and Michigan |«lso go as far as to say that in August when everyone is 7> their television sets watching the Olympics in Munich, [°ur swimmers there will have also competed in the meet Is weekend," Fetters predicted. Im(let will feature two sessions daily for the three days. pand Friday afternoon sessions will begin at 1 p.m. and ft activities begin at noon. The afternoon sessions will be IWiminark's and time trials. The three night sessions all I/ O and all will feature finals. ^.cost $1 for all students, faculty and staff with proper .• The general admission price is $1 for all afternoon "wand $2 for all evening finals. Summer of '72 I ATL, Hums, Soc Sci in London" All students arc invited to a general meeting, with film, concerning summer programs in London. Wednesday, March 1. Brody Multi - Purpose Room, 7:30 p.m. SAVE 17c! Polly Anna mm mmmm bread 3 $1 I 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ichiga" a Wednesd; ^March l STATE NEWS nc Fort SANSU TMC deck leV196 Classified I "on SL-9 nj $95 X^15 353-0 355-8255 iMPETlTlOf M„ker w" 35, Do"- 3"J nG juitar, e stereo Ph< GET Action WITH A The State News does not Scooters A Cyclet FRANKLY SPEAKING by Phil frank For Rent For Rent For SqI€ 68.3-3 3 permit racial or, religious Want Ad discrimination advertising columns. in its The TRIUMPH clean, very BONNEVILLE, fast, new electrics, new verv Apartments Apartments HARTJAVEUNsVr^ 0C STER tire. 30 day guarantee, $800. BRENTWOOD, NEAR Frandor, 2 WANTED, 1-2 girls to sublease ♦ AUTOMOTIVE State News will not accept 337-0245. 5-3-7 bedroom, unfurnished, available furnished apartment until June Scooters & Cycles advertising which MOTORCYCLE immediately, carpeted, air - 731 Apartments. Burcham Drive. Auto Parts & Service discriminates against religion, INSURANCE. 4-6-9-12 monthly policies. Low conditioning, carport. $170 332-0641 nights, 353-1883 Aviation race, sex, color or national FABIAN REALTY, 332-0811, anytime. 4-3-1 ' mat solvfK rates. FIEDLER INSURANCE. ► EMPLOYMENT origin. 676-2449. 0-1-3-1 482-4619, 482-0571.3-3-1 P'ONems; folded are among ,he »ine|, TJ FOR RENT CAMPUS » ONE GIRL for four - men apartment in the world. The Apartments Aviation in Cedar Village. Sublease spring. Houses No deposit. 337-0189. 6-3-3 ThTmrr,i5on,v^ mem todavl Men STEREO, Rooms LEARN TO FLY! Complete flight RECREATIONAL SALE turntable, n Automotive training. All courses are NEED ONE girl, Ceder Vlllege. East Grand Rjvet| of Sony il FOR SALE E|# » government and VA certified. Spring term or immedietely. Michigan. Phone 337-23DI 73.3-3-3 Animals OPEL KADETT, 1967, Very good FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport 351-7446. 3-3-1 Tony Coats. 9-3-10 Mobile Homes condition. $750. 353-7875, Road. Call 484-1324. C-3-10 APttlMEKTS MACHINE C 'Lost & Found 351-7684 evenings. 5-3-7 TWYCKINGHAM. NEED1 men for 3 COME LISTEN?;^" Royal Electro new port Auto Service & Parts men epertment, spring. No ■ Voice per month. L ► PERSONAL PANEL 1965 Chevy 1 ton STATE deposit. 361-6437. 5-3-3 5120. 2 Jensen $70. No rip off. Ui jnditioned ui 'PEANUTS PERSONAL HIWAY DEPT. truck. Excellent FOREIGN CAR Parts - WILLIAMSTON: 2 bedroom Duplex, 351.21 , Whites, f mechanical condition. Interior REAL ESTATE CHEQUERD FLAG, 2605 East cerpeted, eppliences, eir • ,nd "many ot ready for traveling, body needs FENDER SUPER Kalamazoo Street, 1 mile west of conditioned. Phone 655-3840. ),95. Terms RECREATION some work. Phone Tom at amplifier, BOod ^ campus. 487-5055. C-8-3-10 3-3-3 hbuting SERVICE 484-7500 or 482-9740. 3-3-1 GIRL NEEDED for 3 men spring. Benjamin Mlracord N, Washingto Evenings 351-3819. Reduced rent. Gibson J-50 gUjtar 0 Typing Service VW GUARANTEED repair. 4-3-3 Houses Pickup $250. 351 3050.; PONTIAC LEMANS, 1967, overhead RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at TRANSPORTATION cam six. 4 barrel, hurst shifter. Okemos Road. 349-9620. C-3-10 SIONAL R WANTED Black vinyl interior, red exterior NEEDED ONE men sublease spring/ 1 BEDROOM, Furnished, carpeted, bedroom BOSE 901 »e'l. Call speake~rs7br7^ it; Teac 70: with white top. Low mileage. summer. Ceder Greens, cell cerpeted, $90. 2324 after 5 pm 4 etc. Must M DEADLINE MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East 361-5937. B-3-3-2 Commonwealth, 371-3522 or 4-3-3 1 Sharp! Reasonable! Will arrange Kalamazoo Street. 69.5-3-1 . . Since 1940. 482-6906. 1-3-1 1 P.M. one class day before financing. Call Scott 484-4596 Complete auto painting and 1 before 6 p.m. 3-3-2 BEDROOM, furnished. Sublet publication. collision service. IV 5-0256. fSZ3/B. spring, summer, $136 / month. 3 BEDROOMS, furnished, 3 miles Animal C-3-10 Cancellations/Corrections Neer campus. 361-6430. 3-3-2 from cempus. $200 / month. Cell 12 noon one class day 486-8364. 63-7 before publication. Employment For Rent ROOMMATE WANTED - Architect (30) desires streight, cleen, 1-2 PEOPLE. SPRING SPECIAL. 1964 Ford Spring. Own rooms. GRAND RIVER CITGO 1054 PHONE HOSTESS AT Northvvind Slab|w intelligent swinger - type college Excellent location. Rent 3558255 Wagon $125, 1963 Rambler $50 or both for $150. 351-5683. 2-3-2 oVin 9-3-10 Ver' ' Apply in person, no phone calls. Apartments grad to shere 2 bedroom adjustable. 351-6882. 63-7 3.3^ unfurnished apartment. Phone SINGLE MAN to share East Lansing, 351-2749 RATES 10 wore1 mlnlrrlum SPRITE, 1968, 34,000, great shape, evenings. 373-3674 GIRL NEEDED, own room, dose, Sold loose c WANTED SIX models for well - very deluxe, 2 bedroom, 4 - man deys. 3-3-2 rent paid until Merch 16. After 7 Choose from No. No. DAYS , roll bar, extras, new battery, known firms. All letters will be furnished town house $67.50. modern styles, all diirr p.m. 361-6899. 1-3-1 WORDS 1 5 shocks, etcetera. $925. 337-1721 351-8575 or 485-1265. 5-3^1 3 10 answered. Everyone interviewed. NEEDED 4th girl. Merch. ask for Scott. 4-3-3 10 1.50 4.00 e.50 13.00 Employment Please send name, address, Meadowbrook. $50 / month. No deposit. 882-7066. 3-3-2 4 BEDROOM house, furnished, near TEMPEST 1966, stick, need telephone number and photo. TWO GIRLS for four - man spring campus, subleese spring term. COMPONENT SYSTE money! Best offer over $350. 351-5986 SALES REPRESENTATIVE. Degree Models, Post Office Box 284, East term. Chalet Apartments. 332-6963. B-1-3-1 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 in Business or Accounting. Family NEED ONE girl to subleese spring 3-3-3 Lansing. 10-3-10 351-5185. 3-3-3 term. $66 e month. Close to man with sales background. Phone EAST LANSING duplex. Carpeted. 2 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 Barb 489-1441 PERSONNEL campus. Phone 361-6366. 3-3-3 TRIUMPH ONE MAN for tnree-man, spring bedroom, full basement. GT6+, 1970, overdrive, flood running condition. Best CAREERS. 3-3-3 A Career term. University Terrace, $170 / Appliances included. 1 block from 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY. One or offer. 484-7304 after 5 p.m. 3-3-2 term. 351-8168. 8-3-10 cempus. Married only, child 1 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 STUDENTS, EARN money now. 86 of satisfaction two girls. Liber els preferred. No welcome. $210 / month. students needed for full lease. Air- conditioned, pets. Rent or part GIRL 4-MAN spring term. Close. 349-9676 or 349-0560. ^3-6 VEGA 1971, midnight blue. 20,000 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 miles. $1700. Good time, days or evenings, earn $30 - and unlimited Quiet. Rent negotiable. 332-3476. negotiable. 489-6501 after 5 p.m. Leeve number. 2-3-2 running $40 per day, $15 - $20 per 3-3-3 SUBLET, 2 bedroom, basement, 347 St udent Servlc es Bldg. condition. 393-0362. 5-3-2 All student ads must be VOLKSWAGEN 1961. Overhauled, evening. Must have car. Apply in person only. 4980 Northwind earnings CEDAR GREEN Apartments. Three 1 garage, carpet, stove, $180 / month. Campus 2 miles. refrigerator, Drive, East Lansing, (next to bedroom units eveileble for 372-3017. 3-3-2 runs good. $100. Call 349-3748 prepaid after 5 p.m. 3-3-2 '" > Yankees). 3-3-3 helping the utilities included, no pets, deposit, spring term. Phone I6-3-7 361-6631. LANGE - STANDARDS. 714-9, Humanie L7V4N, DUPLEX, 2 bedroom, well furnished, Tht State News will be VOLKSWAGEN BUG 1965. Rebuilt world's $130.351-3969t^j^-10 1 lots of closet space, utility room, trunk with locks. 351-4 responsible only for the LUXURY 2-men, furnished, right off engine, one owner, excellent yerd, pleasant area, $185. first day's incorrect condition. $550. 351-4338. 1-3-1 citizens own a campus, for spring and / or summer term. Call 337-1665 337-0461. 5-3-3 CAMERA-YASHICA Elect* insertion. Travel 'round the world this VOLKSWAGEN 1961. Good running Monday Wednesday or call or hassle Ken Ferguson condition. $275. Call 355-6121 summer. Sail a Foreign ship. Men and women, no experience good "piece of - collect 313-646-9691 Thursday - Rooms 6-3-6 after 6 p.m. 1-3-1 married students Sunday. 6-3-7 pay, Send stamped - self - CLOSE lobile Hon Automotive addressed envelope. Now. the rock." «t faculty TO cempus. Doubles, LUDWIG, 7 drums. 5 Zildji VOLKSWAGEN 1969 bug, radio, 8- MACEDON, Box 2 24, Irvington, kitchen, leundry, utilities stands, fibre esses, i track, brand new tires, good New Jersey 07111. included. $53/month. 351-2029 Interviews for men and women 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apt$. JW-2 AMBULANCE 1961. Must sell. See condition. $1150. 882-9184 after 6-3-3 March 7 & 8 Placement Center iirnished. Musi at 208 Collingwood or call 6 p.m. 2-3-2 SMALL GROUP (Jazz-Blues) needed some with study 1 GIRL needed to subleese. spring COLE'S BAKERY SURPLUS BAKERY tollable. Call ( 351-3165. 5-3-1 for Friday and Saturday nights. term. Ceder Villege, reduced rent. SLEEPING ROOM. GIRLS VOLKSWAGEN 1968 CAMPER MALE HANDICAPPED graduate reduced prices, 1/3 to 1 *ssage at 694-5 Auditions IV9-4311. BRAUERS Cell 332 2930. 3-3-3- preferred, close, furnished, AUSTIN HEALEY 1958, 100-6. BUS. Sleeps two. With water Good body and engine. New supply. Clean interior. Good body. Good running. 2 - year G.W. 1861 HOUSE. 5-3-1 student call needs male assistance to share double room. Room paid, from $145 per mo. AMERICANA APARTMENTS now perking, seperete 332-0322. 3-3-3 entrence. economy! South Surplus S IRTIFIED *. $4000. Av 12' carpet, seatcovers, top, windows. Dave, after 5:30. 355-4015 Waverly, EARN MONEY selling Vanda Beauty renting for summer end fall. $625 . 353-6495 or 349-4886 warranty. $1595. CURTIS FORD Counselor Cosmetics. 351-2425. 4-3-3 UNFURNISHED 332-6322. B-1-3-1 SINGLE ROOM, mele student, North of 1-496 Ex 62.10-3-10 3-3-2 of WILLIAMSTON, 655-2133. C-3-3-3 5-3-3 linens, furnished, neer campus. 4-3-3 PART TIME employment with IAILER Court EDEN ROC Apertments now renting Phone 332-1682. 3-3-3 BOSS 302 merchant wholesaler. Automobile YOU Adults only. $ Mustang, 1970. Very good for summer end fell. 332-6488. CAN see 1 shape. Must sell, best offer takes. VW __J, excellent condition, dark required; phone 351-5800 quelity glasses from ( "tool tax inc B-1-3-1 SPARTAN HALL, men end women, Call 353-4156. 5-3-2 blue, call 351-5409 mornings or WAITRESSES, NIGHTS, no SOCIETY CORPORATION. DISCOUNT. 2615 East t12. B-1-3-1 singles, color TV. 54 block from BUICK SPECIAL 1966. Air evenings. 3-3-2 ARE YOU PAYING experience necessary, full or part time. Will train. Apply in person, ROCKY'S C-3-3-1 TEACHER FOR Co-op nursery. Helf KNOB HILL RIVERSIDE Apertments EAST now end renting West for cempus. 216 Louis, 3-6 p.m. deily, 372-1031.0-8 3-10 Avenue. 372-7409. C-3-3 conditioning, automatic, V-8. out TEAKWOOD THE ULTIMATE ( APARTMENTS end fell. 332-8292. ,ou summer Need money. 351-4354. 3-3-2 TOO MUCH FOR LOUNGE, 3600 South Logan. time. Begin classes March 17th. TTS3000A, Rabco SL-8 AUTO INSURANCE? Phone 371-1168 or 349-0698. B-1-3-1 GIRLS, GRADUATE or senior V-15, Type II, $402 val CORVAIR MONZA 1965 Coupe, Why not give me a call? 3-3-2 4-3-3 students, single room, $60, $25 361-8886. 3-3-3 automatic. Excellent condition, Don 349-4700 NORWOOD APARTMENTS now deposit. References. IV2-8932. $475 renting for summer end fell. 30-3 or make offer. 694 9294. Sale nwdr i For Rent OPEN Monday - Friday WATERBED UNITS, fren 3-3-3 9 361-2744. B-1-3-1 SENTRY INS a.m. • 5 p.m. liner and foam pad, $60. 676-1930 DRUMMER - MUSICIAN ROOMS, SINGLES AND DOUBLES. M& Foui TV AND STEREO rental. Saturday 12-5 p.m. heaters, $27. REBIR CORVAIR MONZA 1965. Body, CAPITOL VILLA Apertments now Cooking fecilities. Utilities peid. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free LOCATED % MILE NORTH North Washington,<89 engine excellent condition. renting for summer and fall. Cell 372-8077. C-3-10 351-2297 or 332-5053.5-3-3 Scooters & Cycles An excellent drummer is needed delivery service and pick up. No OF JOLLY RD. ON 332-5330. B-1-3-1 BRIDAL VEILS, Headpi« deposit. Call NEJAC, 337-1300 to fill a position starting March C-3-10 OKEMOS ROAD yardage, liquidati CEDARVIEW 1968 COUGAR X-R7. Air, rear KAV"ASAKI MACH III, 800 miles. 26, with an established group FURNISHED 2 man, sublease, cleen, APARTMENTS now 489-3882. B-1-3-1 based in Lansing. The group OFFICE SPACE, 100 to 2800 square renting for summer end fell. dresses close, air, pool. 332-8922. 351-5647. B-1-3-1 uniformly, plays feet on first floor across from 626-3879. 9-3-10 "TOP-40" commercial rock with campus. Air - conditioned, CYCLE INSURANCE Centrel ONE MAN needed for four CROSSWORD - plans of evolving into a floor - men CYCLONE 1966, 40,000 miles, 390 carpeted, available soon. Parking. ONE GIRL needed Michigan's Lergest insurer, any show group. We work 49 weeks spring. New spring term or immedietely. Phone FABIAN REALTY. automatic, positraction. Best cycle, 144 North epartment across from Varsity eny rate. Twyckinghem. $70 /month. Cell offer. 339-9723. 4 3-6 Harrison, East Lansing or per year with 50% on the road. If you feel capable, have 332-0811, 482-4619, 669-9873. 7-3-3 Pizza. Reduced rates. 351-2183. 351-0119 efter 6 p.m. 3-3-3 PUZZLE 332-5335. LLOYD'S OF 4-3-3 ACROSS ECONOLINE 1964 Window" Van! personality, good musicianship, 27. Supplied f°UNG male c LANSING. 11-3-10 and 124 CEDAR. 129 BURCHAM. 2 men "•!d Plaza j Very good running condition. interested in a fantastic 29. Chaste $300 or best offer. 393-2874 TRIUMPH 500, 1969. Mint opportunity with excellent pay Apartments ONE MAN Perking. Greet for 4- dealt man. Close. 332-2253. furnished apartments. Including I.Queens stadium 30. Tennis strokes 351-2268. 3-3-3 call 393-4182 or 694-82 32. heet. $62.60 - $82.50 per men. condition. $800 firm, also 1971 ONE MAN for 4- 3-3-2 5. Traffic snarl 32. Prop man spring term. 135 KEDZIE, $85 per men. Leese Suzuki 125 trail bike. 281 miles One block from 8. Petroleum 34. British Isle cempus. starting June 15 end September 1. FORD 1967 wagon,V-8, PART TIME work. Available 20 ONE MAN for four 11 35. Sautes on new engine, asking $425. 332-4203. 5-3-2 - man. Spring. Deys 487-3216, evenings till 10 Sage or mint power steering, power brakes, 482 8819. 5-3-3 hours per week. Need 12 men Reasonable. Americene 12. Compass point 37. Egg drink p.m., 882-2316. O-8-3-10 good condition, $795. 641-6345, with cars. Call 351-7319 for Apartments. 351-6086. 3-3-2 13. American 39. Shoe lace ONE GIRL/ 2-man spring and/ 641 6193. 4-3-3 HODAKA interview appointment. C-3-10 or 100, 1971, 2500 miles, summer. Close. 332-8176. ONE GIRL needed for writer 41. "The Bear" 3-3-3 4 men excellent condition. $395 with TWO MEN, spring, for 4 - man 14 Wild party 45. Incentives apartment. Availeble Merch 18. 1 OLDSMOBILE helmet. Cell 355-9028 and ask for JOBS EUROPE guaranteed and apartment. $150 / term. 15. Strenuous 47. ChicaRo "88" 1965. Power block from cempus. Completely Bill. 5-3-2 salaried England, Switzerland, ROOMMATE OR two leasees for 351-0099. 5-3-6 business steering, brakes. Engine just 17. Free ticket rebuilt. $400. 355-3135. 4-3-3 year - round, 1st class hotels/ 2man, furnished, $165/month, furnished. Utilities end perking center m 51. ritl.|n City in l.Boutil included. 349-9609. 0-8-3-10 18. Sea eagles 9 wife 0 1970, 650 TRIUMPH. Luggage rack / restaurants. For details write close, 332-6438 after 6 P.M. 5-3-3 ONE OR two girls needed spring. 19. Sister 48. Slug Minnesota 2" OPEL 1969, helmet. Excellent condition. Call JOBS EUROPE, Box 44188, Cedar Village. $73. 351-6329. GIRL NEEDED 21. Flavorful 49. French lily 52. Buddhist pillar l#* 'I'l 485 3082. 4-3-3 Panorama City, California 91402. 4 MAN spring term for 53. Leader apartment in Burchem 6-3-2 24. Greek letter 50. Heal vinyl top, radio and heater, epartment close to cempus. 1-3-1 Woods. Will sublet for $54 16,000 original miles. Cream Puff 351-6870. 3-3-3 r~ r" SUZUKI 500 1970. Custom pei^ monthly per man. Furnished. GIRL OVER 21. Own room, near r~ T~ ar- IT" r r- r~ to kN°w located $1050. 627-6386, Grand Ledge.' mint condition. Will store until WOMEN OR girls 18 or over for easy 351-3118.3-3-1 spring. $595. Ken 332-5039. 3-3-2 pleasant work in our office. No eirport but quiet. 484-2169 after 6 p.m. x-6-3-3 ONE MAN sublet wiring term. 731 nr is~ J" A«nup, Ees man Apertments. March paid. experience necessary. Full or part ■ apartment for subleese. 361-3306.3-3-3 sr w time. Days or evenings. Excellent Spring end summer. Cedar Green TODAY'S DAY! Apartments. Next to Brody __ pay. Apply in person only. 4980 w w 1 2^ GIRL: « Northwind Dr. 3-3-3 Dorms, swimming pool. 351-2673. ONE New Spring term. $70. No deposit. Ceder Villege. W~ iri 5 3-1 361-3469. 3-3-3 5T~ Today, March 1st, Cedar Village GERMAN MOTORS TO SUBLET 2 - men epertment. % ft ■ ■H *r w - begins leasing for Summer and VW ONE GIRL for three - men spring $116 / month. Spring. Close. io- it IT FT - PORSCHE term. Old Cedar Village. Cell 332-0789. 1-3-1 * Fall terms. Hurry over for the SPECIALIZING IN 351 -8905. 6-3-6 sr w tr best selection of apartments! VW & PORSCHE Complete Engine Overhaul GIRL NEEDED spring term,4-men $62.60 / month. w UT~ Pi1 All Minor Repairs epertment. 361-9229. 6-3-8 w * !L CEDAR VILLAGE APARTMENTS ONE GIRL for *>ecious 2 - men. GIRL FOR 3-men. $65 / month. W __ w hT Bogue Street Licensed German 2152 W. Qd. River Okemos — Mechanics Spring 3-3-2 term. Close. 361-1607. Pool - elr - conditioned! 361-4404. 6-3-7 % !l at the Red Cedar 349-3330 1r sr 5r 351 • 5180 Across from Bill Knapps ONE OR two girls for spring. Greet SUNSHINE, NICE WORD. 1 Glr77w % Vi J - roommetes. Close. 351-8384. Chelet Apertments, Close "We take pride in our work" 6-3-3 361 8636. 1-3-1 n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 1, 1972 17 For Sale Personal Mr',r SANSUI Stereo System TUTORIAL HELP by Ph.D.'s mom All ■I deck and Mlracord sciences, including math, bargaining physics ■^489-1963.3-3^3 and computers. Call 351-8629 Ibd"sL-96 ^ 5. XV-15, new turntable, 353-0147. 1-3-1 Stylus, MUSICAL groups FACT At 18% of the total ^PETITION »kii». Nevado Announcements discussions population, for It's What's Carl Folles, associate professor of today more than one In Happening must be received in the RJa,ker competition heel, American families own a every six physics, will speak on "Low J35 Don- 3-3-3 rvices ^ews office, 341 Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two Student Temperatures and High Pressures" guitar. One in every seven for undergraduates at 8 tonight in class days before publication. No own a piano. ■Jq (W'tar. Yamaha, $90. announcements will be accepted 221 Physics - Astronomy Bldg. phonograph, $60. Phone. No announcements by By STEVE WATERBURY more consecutive terms and all academic staff employes of MSU, L 3-3 3 For a string of great will be There will be a recep accepted for events State News Staff Writer including, among others, academic advisors, counselors and musical outside the Mortar Board members values, make it a greater University administrators and representatives of MSU Faculty librarians." I'mic Lansing ■ area. STEREO Systemlll habit to check the STATE I, ,ape deck $180. News Classified Ads. The Thursday members in theare Union Sunporch. All urged to attend. Associates (MSUFA) and the MSU chapter of the American Assn. of University Professors Excluded by the MSUFA unit are "cooperative extension You Horticulture Club will meet at (AAUP) will confer today on the faculty, research assistants and associates, practicing physicians p.ble! ^ar5h 353"2205 won't get exhausted this easy way. Whatever shopping 7 p.m. today in 209 Horticulture (clinical professors) and academic staff employes in the Colleges Bldg. to discuss the Do's and Donts of Human Medicine, Osteopathy and you o Orchard Heating. Club is sponsoring an all - university Veterinary Medicine, j vACUUM cleaners. are planning to buy, check photo contest and exhibition. Rules professional administrative staff, department chairmen, deans and the Want Ads first. Also present at the conference will be , listers and uprights, Trl-Beta are available in dorms or from P.O. Michigan Employment other executive and supervisory employes and all other at 7:30 p.m. Box 161, East Lansing. Relations Commission need one full year. $7.88 (MERC) elections officer Ernest Frey. employes." I DENNIS distributing today in the Captain's Room, A " Union" MSUFA and the AAUP are competing for the role of exclusive »tt A lesson in sntative from Miles T1nY 316 North Cedar. . . Call . complexion i»h . ... """* The ,ne South sou,h Collegiate Fellowship bargaining "oxb«u1,,,,& agem, for lacuuy agent lur faculty members meniDers ai MSU. at mou. MSUFA spokesman James W. Trow, professor of geology, LCit'v Market. C-2-3-2 care. nr or A O Pi. 484-4519, East Michigan '? 1 O "7 ..raJd't ^ to attend. speak" Membe™ , a are win present John Moore speaking on MSUFA petitioned MERC last week for an election at MSU ii recently issued a statement in which he assured card signers that 485-7197, Lansing Mall. i .. .. ''Have* QriantUie Scientists Discredited ,1 urhinh fg/mltir mnmk/w which MERLE NORMAN faculty members could vote on whether they desired J ^ n. j • the fact they have signed a collective bargaining authorization * STEREO. Like new. 8 - COSMETICS Creation?" at 9 tonight in the STUDIOS. C-2-3-2 The Spartan Shotgun Club will representation by either the AAUP or MSUFA, or prefered not to card is not ■ turntable, receiver, $200. meet with all Alumni Chapel basement, * ' be represented by a public information. interested students at 7 bargaining agent. "At no time will University officials examine cards and m,f Sony speakers. $35. p.m. Thursday in 203 Men's If the University administration reaches an Jp3.3-3-3 Peanuts Personal Intramural Bldg. No experience is The Streetcorner Society will MSUFA agreement with signatures or a list derived from them," Trow said. "The present "The Drig Show" at 8:30 on bargaining unit definition and if the administration anonymity of card signers is sacrosanct in the eyes of MERC." Thursday agrees to a consent election, no further MERC hearings may be ■MACHINE ■ Clearance Sale. 10,000 FEET, Happy Anniversary p.m. in the Abbott MSUFA representatives at the conference will be Calhoun *ew portable, $49.95. No. 61 Maybe we can start over The MSU Skydiving Club will * necessary and a bargaining election would probably be conducted Collier, professor of elementary and special education, T. Wayne within the next few weeks. m m0nth. Large selection next year I All my love, Pookie. meet at 7.30 p.m. today in 208 Taylor, professor in the Science and Math Teaching Center, The Streetcorner ditioned used machines, 1-3-1 Men s Intramural Bldg. All interested Society will William R. Owen, representing the Michigan Education Assn. and l/hites, Necchis, New present "The Woman Play" at 2 p m. However, if the MSU administration and MSUFA do not agree people are welcome. attorney Lynwood Beekman of the Lansing law firm of Foster, ■inn 'many others", $19.95 SUEBELLE: 22 Skldoo'd, so did Sunday in the McDonel Kiva. on a bargaining unit definition, a series of MERC hearings may be Em Terms, EDWARDS you. "Outdoor Hookerism" lives I The MSU necessary to resolve the differences, with MERC making the final Lindemer, Swift and Collins. Bicycling Club will meet Xbuting COMPANY. KAH. 1-3-1 at 7:30 p.m. today in 203 Men's Gay Liberation will sponsor an determination. The AAUP will be represented by Sigmund Nosow, professor K. vVashington, 489-6448. intramural rm.. „ a _ » open dance at 9 p.m. Saturday c».uiuojr si If the « >uc parties paincs agIKV on a bargaining agree ui1 uargaimiig unit definition but uiui aeumuon dui methe of labor and industrial realtions, Albert P. Linnell, professor and WELCOME LITTLE Sisters of ATO. It's good to have you with us. .r broken bikes to be fixed. acrsss&wfYLxrpis and liaht show. ;dmin^"i;on be required to produce signed authorization cards from at least chairman of the Dept. of Astronomy and attorney David Y. Klein IsiONAL RECORDING Your Big Brothers. 1-3-1 30 per cent of the defined unit in order to qualify for a MERC - of the Southfield law firm of Sharpies, Klein and Gale. The AAUP council met nt, Teac 7030, 8 mikes, 2 John GiUiom, chief loudspeaker Tuesday evening to consider the sell. Call Dan, Students for McGovern urge all supervised bargaining election. FALL PLEDGE Class and Elise: en8>neer of Electro - Voice, will interested to attend the MSUFA is position the AAUP will take on the bargaining unit. Smile, Ingham seeking a bargaining unit that includes "all teaching The MSU administration has not announced who will be its you finally made itl DDD. discu*s loudspeakers and speaker Democrats meeting at 7:30 p.m. faculty at MSU, including professors, associate professors, 1-3-1 systems at 7 p.m. today in 100 representatives at the conference, but Keith Groty, asst. vice today in Parlors A and B, Union. assistant professors, lecturers and instructors, fractional time I Animals TRI-DELTA CONGRATULATES teaching faculty who are employed six hours or more for two or president for personnel, will probably be present. The conference will be closed to the _ „ Councilman George Campus Capsule, a campus public. Carol, Cindy and RuthAnn. A. Colburn oriented TV jP PUPS, quality yallows, will hold office hours from 7 to 9 news program, needs Mortar Board Who? 1-3-1 writers and production people. is, good all purpose dogs, tonight in 203 City Hall. Visitors Sign - mined. Phone 676-1887. up sheets are posted outside the after S p.m. must use the Park Lane Reps TV-Radio and Journalism Dept. criminal code Real Estate en,r«nce- pass offices. ■ (LIKE small Greyhound) 6 EAST LANSING • 4 bedroom house. G»>r L»bef«tion will meet with the , old. Male, intelligent, The MSU Sports Car Club will 3 ^disposition, first shot, baths, separate dining room. Hu"lan Relations Commission at 8 meet at 8 p.m. Thursday in the 1966 Recreation room, ( reasonable. 484-5146. 2 fireplaces. By tonl«ht in the Council chambers, city Room, Hubbard Hall to plan owner. 332-2745. 5-3-1 halL Everyone is welcome. Call upcoming events. (Continued from page one) 0f the 353-9597 for House Judiciary magnitude," but confessed that who have already undertaken more information. people in the field of sex Committee, said he was very he expects the new code to face comprehensive revisions of their Recreation T. The 0 _ Spartan w Women's Pistol teamA , , The Rodeo aub will meet at 7:30 offenses. Consensual sodomy has pleased with Tuesday's vote. strong opposition in the upper penal codes. Eleven states have p.m. today in the Judging Pavilion. Lbeen stricken as a crime. "" • - BAHAMAS $119. Nassau or Freeport. .. meet ■*'lnst Detroit at 7 p.m. already enacted revised criminal today in Demonstration Hall. codes while 12 others, including Call Bill Janz, 337-9526. 4-3-3 The Pre-Law Club v The crime of adultery has the House has in the committee I KITTENS and Sealpoint. p.m. Thursday in 118 Eppley Center, code, the Michigan Legislature Michigan, have proposed codes The Spartan Men's Pistol team will eliminated. Iter 6 p.m. John or Diana. William Plzri* "former proftmor of process," he said. "There were joins the majority of other states SPANISH practice at 7 p.m. today in business law at MSU, will discuss his New language has been no major amendments to the in the legislative works. §19.1-3-1 Demonstration Hall. added to further clarify the 5, 7 weeks old. AKC. RIVIERA position as U.S. Attorney for New definition of "pornographic as we reported it out of committee. Let's face it. It was a Married students and spouses ers. Priced reasonably. March 19 to 27th material and performances." 250 - page bill and probably ASMSU studies constitution interested in playing Softball, tennis * |07. 2-3-2 8 days & 7 nights people interestd in working on the An entirely new sentencing more than a few reps just didn't or golf spring term should call Lindsay campaign, call 351-2066 or procedure is created, with three have the time to read it in its 485-0667 or 355-9765 for further |REAKS: THE FISH I of live brine v has a limited 209 Jet, Accomd. in Luxury Apts. information. come to the headquarters Grand River Ave., apt. 5. at 129'/i E. classes of both felonies misdemeanors, placing crimes in and entirety committee's so they relied judgement." on the (Continued from page one) budget. The board president shrimp in the class commensurate with I lenaders Invite There will be meeting for people Traxler said he h . would be- included in the would vote to break a tie. Drop in soon. 1522 East breakfasts, parties, e^c, 30 p.m. today a severitv confidence in the Senate's I- CpH^es of Arts and A on/1 T affovc Letters, »rpu:„ 'This makes 4-U~ the chairman the interested i# publicizing the • m. 485-6036. 3-3-3 PHONE BOB 351 1304 . Ty-vl, - in_3iLMtonien's Intramural Bldg. - Traxler, who is also chairman Natural Science and Social chief executive officer instead of Harrisburg Conspiracy trial at 7 p.m. ability to handle bills of major LINDA 332-4282 Thursday at St. Johns Student Parish, Science, respectively. a politician," Buckner said. between 4 & 7 327 MAC Ave. veryone would The duties of the comptroller ASK ABOUT TRIPS TO HAWAII Service represented twice; once through are specifically outlined in this People interested in volunteering their living unit and once constitution instead of the code AND JAMAICA time to Council OKs general ed plan help save victims in through their college," Buckner -Ulobile Homes Typing Service Bangladesh, call the Emergency said Tuesday. of operations. Also no vice HURRYI FEW openings spring. chairman is provided for. Relief Fund at 393-7666. N 10' x 50' in Holt, has Hawaii, $269. Bahamas, $159. The revised constitution The constitution also Ring STUDENTOURS, 351-2658. would also eliminate the board specifies that , partly furnished Brody H#11" A n,m wU1 be TV's and recorders. THE STEREO authorize University College to In response to questions from there was questioning, withdrawn from Taiwan prior to K kitten, 6 SHOPPE. 337-1300. C-3-10 develop upper level courses i reporters, the presidential months old, disagree nt or doubts a settlement between its Owen Hall. Call 353-1026 or Name: FLUTE LESSONS. vate Transportation Gay Liberation will be in the East Shaw representatives additional freshman and spokesman said that there was expressed at the White House government and Peking, but the lounge for sophomore courses; encourage nothing substantively new in the session. present force level of about I™ 5 p.m. Reward. instruction available at TWO NEED ride home to Florida, discussion at 7:30 p.m. Thursday. all colleges to develop new briefings Nixon gave to 21 Ziegler said there is without 8,000 would be reduced to MARSHALL MUSIC, 245 Ann Have made drive many general education courses; place congressional leaders. doublt substantial bipartisan a pre-Vietnam level of some Street, 351-7830. C-1-3-1 times. Louise. 355 8696. B 1-3-1 TowM Gu»rd meel »4 6 P-m- the responsibility of fiscal Nixon made it clear, Ziegler support for the communique 2,000 as American forces I^NG p|a*a male collie, near Thursday at the Tower to receive constraints on the provost; and said, "We're giving up no and he got the impression at the phased out of Vietnam, Saturday. PHOTOCOPIES 3cl Lowest price in NEED RIDE immediataly to Interviewing information. Contact an Ph" 351-2268. 2-3-2 town I CREATIVE RESEARCH, California (Arizona even). Call off,cer ,f """dance is not possible. provide that all course and credit commitments," to any other end of the presidential breifing 209 Abbott. C-8-3-10 351-5389 evenings. 1-3-1 proposals shall be routed country. session that it was the "overall With forces to the IfWionn/ It costs 7:30 The Soaring Club will meet at p.m. today in 30 Union. through normal University Although the congressional group included some critics of feeling on the part of the pre-Vietnam level of about PAINTING INTERIORS. eadership ^that it was a "2)000, Scott quoted Nixon u. Interested in no more to have the best. Free Wanted Ground school will follow at 8 p.m. successful rip. an estimates. G red students, Nixon followed up the saying, "We will withdraw the l"! ?rouP vveckend March The MSU Intramural Karate 95 - remainder when there is a 349-4817. C-3-10 f 5th. Call 339-2730. 2-3-2 Tournament will be held at 6 p.m. minute meeting with the peaceful settlement between r panicky? Consider MENDING. ALTERATION, new outfits made. Fast, reasonable. D0N'T FORGET blood omes only today in gym 3, Men's Intramural Bldg. Registration in the Men's Tax petitions verified congressional leaders with an 80 - minute meeting with his Cabinet. No details were given China and Taiwan.» Personally, Stott added, "I After 6 p.m. 35M839. 3-3-3 Intramural office closes at noon have no doubt whatever in my from people. Save a life. Give on this. blood. Professional donors (Continued from page one) able to charge any fee for the mind that we have in no way by s After his return to the f compensated. MICHIGAN services. this visit altered our treaty P,rect ROM $9.99. from factory. Typing Service COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER. Everyone is Invited to the ROTC StudentJaX and it's too late to Buckner termed the Capitol. Mansfield told newsmen commitments to Korea, Taiwan, 337-7183. C-1-3-1 the response among the . |m • Drive a little, save referendum of "drastic nature" or Japan." i- 0vv located at 1649 saying that the situation could bipartisan leadership group "was East Lansing. Ending the tax will not end be termed a "crisis." imanimously in favor of the The president presented estimates. Call 482-0056 anytime. ...... ... ASMSU for one or two years '"This puts the board s~ ~ accomplished. 1-t ]"P 8nd * Scott, Mansfield and others at 21J Men's intramural Bldg. Courts since they will still have money position to justify what they "Yum £.,,.ILDING 8r!'.iA,ro ^PP1'8*- BARBER ANN BROWN Typing and multilith 10 for to operate with, Buckner said, have been doing and re-evaluate He said Asst Secretary of the meeting with Chinese , ered boxes. a gift idea of offset printing. Complete This State Marshall Greens mission money will come from their actions," Buckner said. "In Ms Nixon, Scott said, for dissertations, t heses SERIOUS ROCK Drummer desires o Tokyo to advise Japanese manuscripts, general typing, IBM. work. Experience, versatile, tight, The Chess Club will meet ef a< at ?, cabinet departments that will no either case, some changes will leaders the ^ ^ he and Mansfield longer be able to offer any on trip is going very 22 years experience. 349-0850. excellent equipment. Jon •m. today in the West Shaw meetir have to be made," he added. well bab, w|U not to China services since they would not be Jey dont anticipate ^ ^ cBongressional • 332-4927. 4-3-3 jom. Please bring sets if Buckner said students should C-3-10 possible. |s # realize the value of the cabinet any trouble. Mansfield said he doubts any recess, or possibly between the fOU COULD SAY/PlEASE TRV "E> services before they vote. "I two political conventions effort was made to get the this STAY OUT OF THE RAIN BECAME don't want to sound summer. HOOKE SUEET LIKE SU6AR, AND over-confident, but I think we Chinese to act as intermediaries IF HDD 6ET U)£T, YOU'LL MELT" can sell (the tax) to the student in arranging a Vietnam body," he said. settlement. "We will simply have to As for Taiwan, the Montana Wharfon to talk convince the students that Democrat said reductions in U.S. EVOUR STeR ending the tax and any troops already were being made CHARGE assessments would hurt them on the island before the President Wharton will speak than it would hurt President's trip. at 7 p.m. today in Emmons Hall [SilATE NEWS more ASMSU," Buckner said. Scott told reporters U.S. Lobby. The public is invited. 18 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan JSSSSSS^M^il ,1 '/mm ■ rawbii m UNITED ARTISTS ■Mfli RECORDS, INC. Wi llll TF SERVICE FROM TRANSAMERICA CORP. >nightli\ SCOl Concert On United Artists] records tapes «fi^«ring with RitaCoolidge IstAlbum-Tapcsti 8 pm-Auditorium 2nd-AmericarvPic | at the TicketsOnSale at Door &at Marshall's,Campbell^,MSUnion DiscSM, 323 E. Grand River 351-531 $3.«o $3.59