Texas . . . Thursday adopted the Declaration of MICHIGAN Independence from Mexico on this day in 1836. 64 Number 120 UNIVERSITY STATE East ITATE MEWS ... and windy with 2 to 4 of snow. High of 18 degrees. inches Lansing, Michigan Thursdav, March 2, 1972 enate votes down final HINGTON (AP) Iwn to by one vote a - revive the stringent Griffin amendment Wednesday and The Senate last - minute tie. not However, the Nixon administration take amendment. a public On the first test last position on did the Friday, Griffin's authorizes large additional formulas for aid to college sums and new students, both grants and loans, and also to all institutions of higher education. Another important problems. antibusing effort The Senate version of this more restrictions on puts many the use of this than A third important feature of a tough provision aimed at discrimination against women in admissions to college and 88 - 6 the $23 billion higher the President the bill in obtaining scholarships and in d proposal was adopted tentatively 43 part of the measure would make available requested. would set up a $390 - million hiring and school desegregation bill, but the Senate reversed itself • 40, For instance, districts program to pay scales when they work as teachers or Tuesday. $1.5 billion requested by President Nixon receiving the improve eduation for 177,500 Indian professors. controversial proposal of Senate passage of the to money would have to agree to develop children who attend public schools. mammoth help school districts facing desegregation The can Whip Robert P. Griffin of education bill, which covers many subjects quality, integrated schools and adopt plans Senate wrote into the measure on the „ to strip federal courts of power besides busing, sent it to floor conference with -r busing in school desegregation the House. is brought up again by Sen. Robert The congressional stand busing Kleindienst on f Kansas, the Republican national finally will be decided in that conference „ just before the passage vote, since the House did include three stiff time it was beaten 48 • 47 with antibusing amendments when it passed the •enator present voting just as he did legislation last November. twas rejected 50-47 Tuesday. difference was that the two The compromise Senate did put into the bill a to testify on amendment offered by -ts - Gale W. McGee, D-Wyo., and Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of T. Stafford, R-Vt. - were absent Montana and President Spiro T. Agnew sat in the Republican Scott of Pennsylvania in head off more stringent curbs. an Leader Hugh attempt to fund charge officer's chair for the third vote It contains mild restrictions on busing WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate Griffin rider just as he did when it but it does not challenge the power of the Judiciary Committee will take sworn previously. There was speculation federal courts to issue busing orders. testimony Thursday from Deputy Atty. id have put it over had there been a The major section of the full bill Gen. Richard G. Kleindienst and others on allegations that the Justice Dept. dropped an antitrust case after the defendant pledged funds to help finance the AIT VALIDATION Republican National Convention. Specifically, the panel will examine reports by columnist Jack Anderson that Abortion the antitrust action against International Telephone & Telegraph Co., was r after an ITT subsidiary dropped pledged $400,000 for the GOP convention next San Diego, Calif. August in pass signature Kleindienst, succeed whose nomination Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell to usually invalidated, Stack said that he already has been unanimously approved by the committee, expects few of the pro - abortion requested the unusual signatures to be tossed out. hearing, Chairman James O. Eastland, "Our people checked all signatures D-Miss., told a reporter Wednesday. Michigan Coordinating Committee accurately as they came in," he said. Other witnesses, Eastland said, will be bortion Reform announced late In order for the Anderson, Richard W. McLaren, former J-y that it has collected 5,000 signatures to be head of the Justice validated, they must have been gathered Department's Antitrust than the necessary 213,000 from Division and now a federal voters in the city or township judge in Illinois, res needed to force action on the and a representative of designated on each petition. ITT, a giant 'ear • old abortion reform bill, conglomerate. The coordinating committee r the State Board of Canvassers reported that response to the petition drive was jure at least 213,000 signatures, the will have 40 session days in "quite good" throughout the state, with Pro and con Kleindienst met office of Tuesday night in the Republican leader Hugh Scott of best success in W«yne, Washtenaw, The Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, chairman of the U.S. Pennsylvania, [to act favorably on the bill. If it fails Oakland and Ingham counties. Civil Rights Commission, talks Wednesday with Rep. a Judiciary Committee member, with Eastland and Sen. Roman L. is - as expected, the proposal will be As specified on the Norman F. Lent, R-N.Y., before they both testified at a House >d before the voters in a public petition, the Judiciary Committee hearing on school busing. Hruska, R-Neb., the ranking minority abortion reform proposal would amend the Rev. He«burgh followed Rep. Lent to the witness ]um this November. chair, telling the committee enactment of a constitutional member of the committee. amendment against busing "would be a major Hruska told a reporter that Kleindienst Jack Stack, chairman of the step backward in the quest for eqaul rights for all Americans." (Please turn to back page) Lent is the chief sponsor of the ttee. said 218,000 signatures were proposed legislation. gave them "a very complete and ted to State Elections Director AP Wirephoto satisfactory answer" to the allegations. J. Apol earlier Wednesday, but Rise ?ed that the petition drive will be ;d through the rest of March, "re s alerting petitions that 'e need a everyone that we are out," Stack total of 250,000 for a still in campus ra of error, so people still holding should be sure to send them in." Ironically, it appears that the Jan. 25 gh 10 to 12 per cent of all News Analysis violence at the University of Minnesota basketball in Minneapolis Ten commissioner Wayne Duke two black Minnesota players. Duke's suspended collected in petition drives are game with Ohio Top State University is one root of the suspension, which was supported last University officials privately the tolerance of formerly silent whites to admitted this week that racial polarization several weeks. Unfortunately, there is no presently potential racial violence at MSU. Friday by a vote of the Big Ten athletic the point white militarism may develop. In the Minnesota - Ohio State directors, enraged certain sectors of the etitioning opens and tension on campus might be on the increase partially because of controversy One significant manifestation of the racial tension was the decision to move accurate index of the racial atmosphere on campus, and most generalizations result three white Ohio State basketball game, players black community at MSU. up were hospitalized as a result of attacks on The blacks maintain basically that the oning for ASMSU district growing out of charges of discrimination the time of the MSU home basketball from the compilation of scattered personal game the playing court near the end of the Big Ten is a white racist conference and tatives for against blacks in the Big Ten athletic with the University of Michigan to 2 assessments and observations of concerned game that blacks are not represented spring term begins conference. p.m. students and staff. by black players on the losing Minnesota adequately Pwitions may be obtained in 334 Saturday. The time change is an attempt to team. After a subsequent Services Bldg. Administrators say they perceive a black prevent any racial incidents and will be While no one person or source can pass investigation, Big (Please turn to page one) Petitioning will last ■ white polarization among students, repeated for the remaining home games. valid judgment on the state of race days. faculty and staff that could lead to Furthermore, staff in residence halls relations at MSU, the current concern of violence if current emotionalism is not President Wharton's staff with the issue cooled. Overall, most officials characterize report informally that the number of individual white - black confrontations indicates that the mood on campus merits Green will address and issue the situation as one where blacks are taxing among students has increased in the past top level attention and possible steps at rectification. The problem with the racial tension, as one vice resolving meet of president put glected in it, "lies with the basic nature of man and mankind's historic inability to control the emotion, violence, and hatred of other men." Big Ten Robert Green, director of the Center for reps athlete if he wishes. Green will address the Urban Affairs, has been invited to address 20 representatives from other Residence hall management points out Big Ten the joint group of colleges at the Sheraton mmunique that all racial incidents in halls in the faculty representatives O'Hare in - past and athletic directors of the Rosemont, 111., outside Chicago. three weeks have involved individuals. Big Ten conference at 4 p. m. Tuesday. The invitation arises from While no major organized racial charges of The announcement was racial discrimination in the I (AP) - The islands of confrontation has occured to date, many made Big Ten raised Quemoy staff members fear that white demands in Wednesday by John A. Fuzak, chairman of by Green, Joseph McMillan, director of an issue in the 1960 election the MSU Athletic Council and lost by Richard M. reaction to black demands might faculty Equal Opportunity Program, and Thomas Nixon, were provoke representative to the Big Ten. Green will Gunning, asst. director of minority mentioned in the trouble. One such white demand is a communique attend the meeting as a the end of his Jewish student request for Jewish cultural point of privilege counseling, at a Feb. 10 press conference. talks in China, being extended to MSU at Fuzak's request. In a related move, Jack A. tie islands are still rooms for that group similar to black Breslin, there, within Edwin H. Kady, chairman of the executive vice president, said he would cultural rooms in the halls. Big . of p .t,le mainland, and under the Chinese Nationalist The tension on campus is attributed to Ten agenda and rules committee, said issue a response to the demands of black troops, Green was invited personally and athletes after a s the reason many different events and actions. may meeting with the athletes at for silence on the bring along 9 a. m. today. •led islands is one undergraduate student that the Chinese *r them as part of the Taiwan .hlch was mentioned in the * Mien consider the islands Province. Thus they are as Drive launched ^'ne v?f th(> Ch'nese "mainland" Nationalist wing. f' ttu> Communists , I win ia „• uir an<* artillery ®y Were superiority over the island. built up across n a massive barrage, and from on ASMSU co interest in circulating peititons with the proposed constitution, repulsed. seeking signatures for a referendum. ^mmunists that last shelled Quemoy Some ASMSU board members launched a .Var. Then the Communists widespread petition "This was the seventh time out of Mists worked drive Wednesday to place the revamped constitution on the eight meetings this term out an unofficial March 9 referendum that meetings have died for lack of along with the proposed amendment to a quorum. When the board eH a8reement that had been abolish the student tax and members don't want to take a stand on something, they take off charges for ASMSU services. ComCaS,0nally "imunists before- ASMSU chairman Harold Buckner had hoped to have the and go home," Buckner said Wednesday. would shell "This is a symptom of something bad when the board can't Quemoy board take action on the new constitution at Tuesday's meeting. onaiisl uternaU?. -days Each time' The constitution was but the being passed around and a motion begun, even attempt a compromise. They can't even listen to a question, much less both sides of an argument," he added. meeting died for lack of a quorum when three members Denver Fireman Gary Bamcord chews on a sucker ne said was hs walked out. Buckner decided to resort to a petition drive because he felt ie s dessert" as he sprays water onto a two-alarm bhue Tuesday night. The new constitution can come before the student body in a the issue should still be put before the student body. guess. BarooVd was just finishing up his supper when the fire beU ran, in h,s referendum with either 10 per cent of full - time He said the new constitution is an alternative to something •ton's Purees indicated new Wednesday approach to mainland ftatton With flighting gear on and his "dessert ,n h.s rancoat student body board. undergraduate signing or have action taken by two - thirds of the that isn't working, referring to the board. representation structure of the Ortk' 0,tlu>1ave off with 60 other Denver f.remen^to Ibattle the " no "" effect on the two ® packet, Barncord took Since Mark Jaeger, Homes - Hubbard district representative, The new constitution significantly changes representation by gentlemen1's agreement. blaze. was unable to finish the motion, several board members expressed (Please turn to back page) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 3ursda^M:ir,h news Milliken urges unified transit By KAREN ZURAWSKI from the Michigan Dept. of State Highways, necessary for the development of new increased funds under this bill, he m summary State News Staff Writer Money, flexibility and cooperation are needed to establish an integrated transportation system Milliken stressed avoiding the situation where the usefulness of highways Is debated against the usefulness of mass transit systems. transportation systems, Milliken said. The $83 million transportation package which "On the state highwav will be earmarked Tor a fJL » ' these primary emphasis in rural From the wtrn of Af and UPI. that serves all of Michigan's people, Gov. Milliken "It fe no longer a question of one or the other; passed the House last week is a step in this direction, he continued, pointing out that the The package which a*a!"Vysterj> said Wednesday, in Kellogg Center. the fact is that we need both," he declared. ofthe state's provide technical know-how of the engineers would be transportation fun Addressing over 300 construction engineers Innovations in technology and policies are needed. body, would provide a 50 p«.r "The responsibility for integrating existing Michigan s road systems and utilizing them to their best constructionProgrami"*! Milliken described his program ' Connally advantage will require technical know-how ana at "The rumors start gamblers start betting. All we going, the tells least as much innovation as that required to create new systems," he explained. equitable, balanced and would aid in system in Michigan to population and economy. progri, " forming a good IL accommodate . the"" The transportation package represents an e would be doing by allowing gold innovation in financing according to Milliken, as Though he predicted a very touah r. bullion ownership is lending credence that gold is worth more than ever before." to oppose sell it is the first time that the traditional highway ^lunds have been diverted for anything other than highways. Senate over his package, grassroots support for his The package Is expected to be he package re^fp!/" w!Tin- u With funding in the bill provided through a broueht™, WASHINGTON Senate committee in the middle of Treasury Secretary John B. Connally (AP) - Banking and Currency Connally said the reason ts discretionary fund and a research and different bills, some of which April th! Treasury Secretary John B. Committee. 'They don't have to mainly psychological. The free - would eiimh, Connally urged Congress have gold to gamble on." market price of gold has gone as development fund, Milliken declared that the bill funds for mass transit, are already Wednesday to resist, at least for Connally said Congress might nigh as $50 an ounce, largely could attack the most serious problem faced by circulating See story this page. Michigan city transit systems — meeting "We cannot stop urban now, the temptation to allow want to consider such a bill or because of rumors tnat tne decay and » operating costs. our cities unless we Americans to buy and sell gold. amendment later, but only after United States provide them with eff might seek a wide Amending a dollar - the question of international devaluation of the dollar, he transportation systems," Milliken Admitting that his package was often called warned devaluation bill to permit U.S. monetary reform has been said. In emphasizing "not a the mass transit program, Milliken noted that the mass transit citizens to own gold bullion for settled. "The rumors start going, the but a system that serves all the first time since 1934 would major impact of the bills was on highways. Of the people" Several members of the gamblers start betting," acknowledged the "sizeable pool ofensn' the two-cent a gallon raise provided in the bills, Mujib meets with Kosygin be misunderstood overseas In committee questioned Connally nervous financial markets, closely on the reason for keeping Connally said. "All we would be doing by allowing private gold 1V4 cents are earmarked for the Motor Vehicle talent in the state which can utilized in the development of and ouX i. Highway Fund. mass t- Connally said. tne ban on trading in gold since bullion ownership is lending systems." Prime Minister Mujibur Rahman of Bangladesh met "There are other things the the United States has officially credence that gold is worth more All three highway agencies — state highways, Mllliken's speech was for three hours Wednesday in Moscow with Premier people of the United States can refused to redeem dollars for than ever before." county roads and city streets part of a tw — will receive conference of highway engineers on Alexei N. Kosygin and Russian economic experts, gamble on," he told the House gold. campus. apparently outlining the need for Russian aid to his young nation. The meeting began in the Kremlin a few hours after Mujib arrived in Moscow. Summer of 72 SK»«IIY KP0S,,S Tass news agency said the talks covered questions of "ATL, Hums, Soc Sci in London" Rep introduces rent bill cooperation and "topical international problems of mutual interest." It reported the atmosphere was warm All students are invited to a and friendly. general meeting, with film, concerning summer programs in London. Thursday, March 2. By JOANNA FIRESTONE "After studying the problems "As a result of the the 101 beginning and termina" Uruguay elects president Bessey, 7:30 p.m. State News Staff Writer surrounding rental security testimonies from the hearings, I the tenancy must be used. deposits for nearly one year and felt that we needed a set of • The landlord has to Juan M. Bordaberry, a rancher-politician who has Rep. Earl E. Nelson, O - conducting public hearings logical rules to insure that the ~ the full security Lansing, introduced a long - throughout the state, we have rights and reponsibilities of both deposit to vowed unyielding war against leftist guerrillas, became awaited bill in the Michigan come to the conclusion that the tenant and the landlord tenant, or initiate court were for the of any amount o Uruguay's 55th president Wednesday in Montevidea, House Tuesday that would legislative action must be taken protected and enforced," Nelson use Uruguay in subdue ceremonies with none of the require landlords to pay tenants due to the unscrupulous said. security deposit, within 30 activities of both landlords and after the tenant vacates. If pageantry of the past. interest on security deposits. The main points of the bill, landlord does not, the tei He took over for a five-year term from President tenants," Nelson, chairman of which has been referred to the The bill is the result of the entitled to double the the Committee, said. Jorge Pacheco Areco. a fellow Colorado party member. recommendations made by the Committee on Urban Affairs, . • The landlord must He said landlords have been are: Special Committee on Rental his tenants of his s Deposits which was appointed deducting from security deposits • Limitation of the security name and address in for imaginary damages while by House Speaker William A. deposit to not more than the that he sells or transfen tenants have not been paying Ryan, D - Detroit, In March equal of one month's rent. interest in the property. Irish rebels kill man 19"/1 to investigate the problems their last month's rent for fear • The landlord has to hold • A local municipality in the rental industry relating to of not regaining their security the deposit in trust and he establish a Landlord and " mandatory security deposits. deposits. cannot commingle the. deposits Advisory Bureau which BELFAST (AP) - Terrorists marched a Northern . < 9 "We wanted to make sure, with his own funds. act as a clearinghouse irish militiaman from his home Wednesday and shot him that both sides were protected • Interest on the deposit tenants and landlords could to death, minutes after assuring his sobbing wife he so the bill also has a list of must be paid to the tenant. assistance and inforr ARTHUR TREACHER'S would not be harmed. requirements that tenants must • Checklists regarding the pertaining to rental matters. Militiaman Tommy Fletcher was in his farmhouse adhere to," Nelson added. conditions of rental unit at both only 100 yards from the border with the Irish republic ; when the terrorists Drive planned - presumably an assassination squad THE ORIGINAL of the Irish Republican away. Army - entered and took him Exotic to aid Bengali' TWO GREAT LOCATIONS IN LANSING: The Bangladesh Assn. of Laird sees draft cut Tist) & Chips,. RIGHT PAST FRANDOR AT plants is sponsoring a collection during lunch hour next Tu- Wednesday and Thursday at 2418 E. MICHIGAN Union, the International " . Secretary of Defense Melvin R. and all residence halls to aid Laird said Wednesday in Washington and at 10 million Bengali ref he hopes to cut the nation's draft to starting at returning to their homes. 50,000 men this year. "Our goal is The returning refugees still an all-volunteer force by June 30, 4100 S. LOGAN $4.50 find 75 per cent of industry in ruin, hundr 1973," he said. their railroad and hi Laird said the draft was 300,000 in "Treat Yourself to the Treacher Taste" bridges destroyed and 3" 1969, the year he took office, of their countrymen d\ 200,000 in 1970, 100,000 last year according to Prime Mi "and we hope to cut it in half again this year." O 1972 Jos Schllti Brewing Co.. Mllwaoke RIZER Sheik Mujibur Rahman. He made the announcement just contemporaries m o0o-o ii before a closed-door appearance before the House Appropriations 619 E. Grand River Committee. ©0°© 4 block east of Michael's Abortion law unconstitutional NOT ALL EXPENSIVE A three-judge federal panel ruled Wednesday in LOOKING DIAMONDS Trenton, N.J. that New Jersey's law permitting abortions only to save the mother's life is ARE HIGH PRICED! unconstitutional because it violates a woman's right to privacy. The court also ruled that the law is "unconstitutionally vague on its face" in that it does not protect doctors from possible prosecution if they give their patients abortion advice. The ruling stemmed from two suits filed in December 1970, by the American Civil Liberties Union. The court said that up until the fourth month of pregnancy, a mother's right to privacy, including the right to control her own body and decide whether she lias a#child, transcends that of the embryo. Pisces, when you pass GOP turns down aid Mils way again, Schlitz Malt will be(waltii 5 Ung. Republicans planning the party's convention this summer say they will not accept a disproportionate Don't worry, share child of Neptune. Schlitz of financial contributions from International ' Malt Liquor. Taurus the Bull, knows you Telephone & Telegraph Co. or any other single source. 7 don't stay long in one place. Your mind Chairman Richard L. Herman of the GOP Is full of wonder and Illusions, and Arrangements Committee planning for the August you must keep moving in your calm, thoughtful way. convention in SAn Diego said Wednesday in Washington Pisces, we won't bind you. But when you come the party would not accept "such a disproportionate again you'll receive a hearty welcome from Taurus share of the expenses from one source" as $400,000. the Bull. Schlitz Malt Liquor may shock your Herman said his committee, which is tranquil nature. But you'll appreciate the change. handling tinancial arrangements for the convention, will look into cash pa\ ments from San Diego groups that a»e expected Nobody makes malt liquor Ilk* Schlitz. Nobody. to pay $600,000. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, March 2, 1972 3 QUESTIONNAIRES ANSWERED Departments involving students Most of the replies are dated late situation in the department. It and committees to which December. were having no trouble making they also asks for comments or are a party. the bylaw stipulations fit their According to the Bylaws for suggestions about student Particular situation. Few said Although the bylaws do give Academic Governance, each student representatives the participation in the department. they had encountered any right Replies to a questionnaire department, school, center or Sue Hughes, asst. director problems. to vote on all matters, of they are sent to the various __ _ departments institute that has academic student activities, said restricted from voting in matters last "December^stTow "that" resPonsibilities> must "develop of exclusive Wednesday that the Hekhuis The bylaws also state that the concern to the generally speaking the Patterns for the significant office plans to organize the students of each department faculty, matters affecting the departments are taking steps to }"vo'vement of its students in replies into a report and present distinctively professional duties constituency are responsible for actively involve students in the decision making processes of the faculty and - - it to the Committee matters in department decision-making by which policy is formed." on selecting, according to patterns which the Academic Governance, of their distinctively Questions in the a own choice, their professional rights of the processes, it was learned standing committee of the faculty questionnaire include "has your Academic Council. representatives in the councils Wednesday. are at issue. ^ _ niiiiio ^ student constituency?" students weren't The,v iState News is published by the students of participating, mm-jg o f "students,"'questions "the ®nd "has your department but generally the departments Michigan State University every class day during Fall, department chairmen on the d.ev.e'°Ped Patterns for the do have active student Winter, and Spring school terms, Mondays, extent of student participation s,gniflcant involvement of your participation," Ms. Hughes said, and Fridays during Summer Wednesdays Once upon a tune within the department and the students In the decision - making Most of the replies said that Week edition is published in September. Term, and a special Welcome Subscription rate methods by which students have Processes by which policy is tne departments have defined is $16 per year. |The children listen closely and one young miss even helps flip the pages as they are read become more involved. their constituencies and had Member Associated Press, United Press International, I at the Spartan Village Day Care Center. The reader seems as intent a story Hekhuis has received The questionnaire also asks if taken steps toward involving Inland Daily Press Assn., as the children as the Michigan Press Assr.. Associated Ipictured pages turn towards "happily ever after." State News photo by Tom Leone approximately 54 replies since the 85 memos there are any reasons why the those constituencies in policy Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press Assn. were sent Dec. 7. byIaw stipulations do not fit the forming. Many replied that they Second class postage paid at East Editorial Lansing. Mich. and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan State University, East Lansing, Board OKs redistrictina Michigan, Phones: J III I WHITING By BILL WHITING state News Staff Writer fcast Lansing will be Tuesday. unon upon hv by thp the fncrham pAiinf«. Ingham County Apportionment Commission ... county Republican Chairman outcome which Roger M. Busfield, Jr., although as a ey did agree to include several compromise. they described their districts. He indicated that there plan was a which is split among Spartan News/Editorial Classified Ads Display Advertising Business Office 355 355 353 355 - - - - 8252 8255 6400 3447 >sented by one more county The five-man board, made up Busfield said that seven conflict between Ms. Emery and Village, Lansing, and Lansing imissioner after next of four Republicans and one amendments. Busfield and districts Township. Busfield said that this Photographic ^55 " 8311 were amended because county Democratic Chairman of Charles E. Brooks, D-19th lumber's elections, according Democrat, voted to accept the questions raised at the public was probably the most Campus Information 353 8700 Winthrop Rowe both expressed District, but he said he heterogeneous area in the - | district revision plan agreed redisricting plan suggested by satisfaction with the final hearing held at the county understood that Ms. Emery county, although control of the courthouse in Mason. While would not run for another term. district will probably rest with Rowe observed the plan was She was unavailable for the married housing units. somewhat partisan, he indicated ■let's get Illeged comment, however, Berrigan it was fundamentally sound and As many as eight districts Although Rowe indicated offered reasonably objective representation to various groups in the county. were conceded by Democratic, Busfield as while he said that the swing districts will probably lean more toward the Republicans, Busfield said they ■acquainted ills plot to blow Busfield said Lansing will have three that another 12 East Republican. That leaves two districts more districts which could remained swing will tend to be unpredictable with the majority more ■ At Dog n Suds when we say "we ' make a lot of things better," we entirely within the city — two either way, he said. There are [ARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Berrigan, on campus. Presently, the campus is included in only one currently the board, eight Democrats on running either In all, way. only seven changes I really mean just that. Whether^ it's on the bun, in the basket or in I the jug, we've got the best food 4 8, entered reenter the prison daily as a were made in the Republican jReb. Philip Berrigan's initial Lewisburg in the spring of 1970 district, represented by Susan H. Rowe said that the number of you've ever tasted. To prove it, study - release student at nearby Emery. Two other districts are proposal, which Rowe said |jty as a militant antiwar to begin a six year term for iliin was the blowing up of destroying draft board records. - Bucknell University. He was shared with Meridian student-oriented districts could served to reduce the partisan just bring in the coupon be- low and see for yourself. paroled Dec. 16,1972. Township run as high as five, with three in effects and increase h and Lansing. the Ing tunnels in Washington, Douglas testified that he was He turned FBI informer while Busfield indicated that about East Lansing and another two contiguity of the districts. Other Irding to an FBI - recruited by Berrigan to smuggle serving as Berrigan's courier, four districts will be left wide located in Lansing, members of the commission are Dog n Suds Drive-In Ircepted letter read letters in and out for the priest, Among these student districts 1431 E. Michigan Ave. Douglas testified, and provided the county prosecuter, clerk and lesday at his trial. open with no incumbents. He will Lansing, Michigan Douglas, a 31 - year - old copies of the letters to the probably be District 19 treasurer. said he was careful to avoid fThe district is still the convict, was able to leave and federal agency. conflicts between incumbents, 11 am to midnight. 7 days i i golden fleece," the or isolating representatives from STANDING AFTER A IN W r 1 Subcommittee to assess i FREE: $1 GALLON I le letter was turned over to FBI by informer Boyd Iglas, COMPlETE CROWDING, A DIFFERENT WAr- - Thisjentitles one hungry group to a big. FREE, frothy galloni of of Dog n sAdlruot S&ds root I star government opinion on reps-at-large AtJDIO i ss at the federal J of Berrigan conspirac_> and six The Student Affairs Subcommittee of SERVICE beer; with any carry-out $2.5.b .50 or or more more. ry-out purchalelof purclia^elof vl I SILL'S ~ ■endants, including the nun. ■Since ^ble resources for the subterranean appear Committee on Academic Governance will hold early spring term to assess student opinion on at - the University public hearings large • Qualified Technicians i 1 %S°s g"n°S>uds°Drive 1431 J1 E. Derive-In Michigan ligan Ave. Lansing, Michiga Lansing, higan I f J I in the district this should ■ priority for the winter of representation to Academic Council. The hearings will represent "one of the student input" on the issue of major sources of • Prompt Service • Full Test Facilities RESTAURANT i Offer Expires Wed., March 8, 1972 J-71," Berrigan is quoted in reserving seats on Academic •90 Day Warranty ■of more than a dozen letters 1 into the trial report Council for minority and women students and on the electing student representatives, Michael Grebner, chairman methods of & Labor - Parts & BAR by of I Atcy. Gen. William Lynch. the subcommittee said. Convenient Location at LIEBERMANN'S jHowever, less than two |ths later, a the government The University Committee on Academic will receive proposals from the opinions to Academic Council for Governance, which subcommittee, will present its a final decision. The Stereo Shoppe 543 E. Grand River Ave. CLAMBAKE Every Fri. & Sat. 6-10 purported plan to p.m. Formal invitation will be issued to student Jpissinger "PLATEN-STANDER" Hours: 9-5:45 718 E. Grand River presidential aide Henry government and minority groups, requesting that they present their opinions threatened to push Sat: 9-5 Phone IV 2-6100 tunnel bombing scheme into during the hearing, but other students also will be encouraged to Vkground. participate, Grebner said. Students interested in making presentations should &hy not coordinate it with Jnc"in against Capital utilities" Grebner at 108 W. Holmes Hall before March 10. notify For people with more ... a practical way to was quoted as writing ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ | Aug. 22,1970 letter that is sense than money. store records |of the Tnd the others. indictment against VARSITY PIZZA SPECIAL ■ynch's reading of the letter ■ timed to reach its climax 75° off on a King 16" lthe August 22 missive, one * (1 item or more) Varsity Pizza ■many exchanged between "n and |was allegedly Sister Pant outside the walls of McAlister. his chief 5 with this ad, March 2nd. ■ Lewisburg, Pa., federal * 332-6517 Free, Fast, Hot, Delivery starts at 6:30 ***************** * This year's best buy in Europe! Unlimited first class rail travel throughout The Honda is one of the best car ventilation. Front bucket seats with Western Europe - 11 countries - via Eurailpass. bargains going today. headrests. Front-wheel drive. The kind Records are For a mere pittance, you get it all. securely stored and readily of road-hugging maneuverability accessible in this new Air-cooled, four-stroke Gustavsberg rack from single normally found on more expensive Sweden. Made of tough moulded 21 days $125 2 months $210 over-head cam engine. Self-adjusting cars. And the kind of gas plastic. 12 - 3A" 1 month $160 3 months $250 mileage that high, 5 - wide, with four IV2" compartments. front power disc brakes. sends service station attendants Stands on any shelf to keep records upright. In or 2 months of unlimited second class travel Rack-and-pinion steering. Flow-thru running for cover. orange, blue, yellow. by student - railpass $130. (Must be purchased in U.S. - not available for The Honda Car. sale in Europe). $1,473.* Bud Kouts Honda m college travel 2801 East Michigan Two Blocks West of Frandor EAST LANSING 209 E. GRAND RIVER Open Monday and Tuesday evenings til 9. DOWNTOWN 107 S. WASHINGTON 130 W. Grand River 351 6010 •plus shipping and dealer preparat MICHIGAN OUR READER'S MIND STATE NEW! UNIVERSITY Rock coocer KEN LYNAM advertising manager numerous DAVE PERSON, managing editor BILL HOLSTEIN, campus editor To the Editor: previous - named CHARLIE CAIN, city editor The ASMSU groups haw u Pop Entertainment yew but were uanable BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor dates into their to fit ^ RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor Committee appreciates feedback concerning its operations. Our office is under contract and plans. We^ always open for those who wish to come in them to record ColumbialL during the and rap and leam where we are at and the to appear here. The Umeth Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award various complexities with which we are ■nd Commander planned 11,^ for outstanding journalism. Cody (if til confronted. For example, Mr. Richard Rexroad in his letter to the editor "Cosmic mltabte.) We The March 1 did concert yJ«, onmk: Entertainment," Feb. 22, 1972, appears to widely the2? McLean, who though EDITORIALS express concern that the music emphasis of a Jethro Tull, Byrds, James Gang, Grateful style, has been of songwriter and performer, Dead (though he also Includes other along with Student gover varying styles of music, Judy Collins,Sly, and the Guess Who) has not been CooUdge, formerly and her Russell, and own. a now a singer with fine perfo HW0 represented this year and in this we agree. a chance to Unfortunately, Pop Entertainment Committee or any other student group for The committee does music that would student publics. We feel appeal to try to Z that J»m Student government has ground that matter does not have unlimited dates B.B. King, The to a standstill during the past two from which to construct its yearly program Tina Turner with "By changing its structure, Detroit, and — usually three dates In the fall, two to Lightfoot have satisfied a large years under the student board ASMSU has at least a chance of these diverse tastes. With three in the winter, and three or four in the district representative system. Both the e overcoming the current petty spring term averaging approximately nine Ike and Tina, these last five she on and off - campus, cliques and personal and group power tripping dates per year. This provides little sold out. However, we do recognia special interest groups have been able which has brought the past board flexibility to book groups. We have placed certain areas of music haVe bin to stampede the polling places to to a standstill. The present district firm bids for Traffic, Faces, Emerson, Lake neglected. Certainly hard rock » and Palmer, Alice Cooper, etc. and wanted concerts need to be receive disproportionate representative system must be scheduled as - to engage the Airplane, but found groups can appear representation. Blacks have been a abandoned." they on campus. wouldn't be touring until fall. All the powerful voting bloc for the past Incidently, credit for Al two years while the freaks and the respect. The use of college reps, appearance here should go to the Greeks have respectively dominated further, may rededicate the student Marching Band. the off - campus representative slots. board towards academic issues which POINT OF VIEW Again, for further information or The result has been chaotic. have been completely neglected in visit please drop in at 107 Student " or call 353-3860. The cause of the present situation the past. lies in the geographic selection Present board members have process for number of board members. A on and off - balked at the proposed new constitution. The reason is simple - Time to tackle the bookstores campus groups have been able to most of the board is composed of send out their masses to vote for interest group members who stand to certain candidates, negating the votes lose their power base should the By WILLIAM C. HAYS that we have the power to drive them out of business, one by other students place for candidates unaligned to any particular interest college representative system be adopted. Currently a petition drive is Lansing senior one. In short, they wlllhaveto engage in the unfamiliar capitalistic practice known as price competition if they Intend to sell us their SN, Riddle er The major sources of textbooks for MSU students are two products. group. Given the present structure, underway to force the new Furthermore, I am proposing that this drive be coordinated by To the Editor: bookstores, Campus and Student, both of which are located off • this is certain to continue. Only the constitution to a vote, should these ASMSU. This would be an opportunity for them to show the An editorial in Monday's campus, on Grand River Avenue, and the MSU Bookstore, (Feb. identity of the special interest groups vested interests continue, as in the located in the basement of the International Center. There are community that they can provide valuable services, and not just State News displayed a scr involved may change. past, to fail to compromise. That a other sources, such as Gibson's Tom Sawyer's Book Raft, and the empty promises such as a proposed wholesale record store. perception of the black stand-in l student - operated book exchanges, but the above three storesare For a number of reasons, this spring term would be a Saturday night. According to SN," A means has been devised to petition drive is needed to put the good our principal sources of textbooks. These stores apparently time to enact this proposal. The weather will be warm The means employed by Riddle correct this situation. A new ASMSU new constitution before the students enough engage in little or no price competition between that competitive shopping will not be a burden, and our rreshmen followers have served only to themselves and constitution has been developed indicates how little the present board the buyer faces an identical pricing policy at every store. Each have had two terms of experience with the stores. We have the solidarity of those who would which would have student board is concerned with student interests. store has essentially a guaranteed share of a substantial market, enough time to organize it, if we start now. their ends." members elected from the colleges, To appease these special interests and is under little or no pressure to change its practices. In short, Perhaps a short sketch of the economic operation of the stores Right on, SN. with major governing group heads they are content to sit back and wolf down their share of the would be in order here. Retail prices are set groups, five voting seats on the by textbook cake, and wouldn't dream of rocking the boat. A recent State manufacturers to give the stores a 20 per cent Better should Riddle and friends filling up the rest of the seats. The proposed new student board have profit over book News article showed bow these stores divide up new book orders costs on new textbooks. The comparable margin on used staged their protest in Spartan £ board chairman would cease to be a been reserved for the fcgads of major in certain courses, and it is reasonable to assume that this market textbooks is 30 per cent, although I have»heard rumors that all where not so many people would voting member of the board, except governing groups, a provision which split extends into other areas, too. textbooks are not repurchased at the advertised 50 per cent rate. been inconvenienced. Martin Luther in the case of a tie vote. The needs to be eliminated from the The only ones really hurt by such a system are us, their Tbeir overhead costs are a nominal 23 per cent of should have conducted civil gross sales, so customers; yet I have not seen a realistic attempt on our part to that on paper the stores are doing so demonstrations in the Mojave D~ chairman would further assume the proposed constitution. There is no badly that I can't Imagine change the situation. Therefore, I would like to offer the how they are staying in business. antiwar protestors should duties of the present cabinet rationale for continuing the present They have their own proposal for lowering textbook prices, of Yellowstone Park. following proposal: director, a post that would be double representation system of the Students purchasing textbooks for spring term should go first course. They shift the blame back to certain eliminated along with board vice professors who Riddle and the Black Coalition board, other than the fact that the to a target bookstore, say, for example, the Campus Book Store. refuse to use a textbook for any length of time, thereby depriving erred not in the means they emptor chairmanship. There would only be major governing group heads could Students could write down the prices for each book, and then their students of available used texts and resale outlets. The worst in the viewpoint they expressed, other officer in ASMSU, the take their list to another store and compare prices. If the target offenders are apparently the sociology, political science and one provide some continuity with past who would defend the [ comptroller, who would be selected boards should the college bookstore's prices are not substantially lower, they should make philosophy departments, who refuse to teach out of any book head-stomping actions of Ron Be their purchases at some store other than the target store. that isn't current. The bookstores praise the hard science through petitioning by the board. Corky Taylor necessarily lose cre< representative system be adopted. Conversely, if the target store's prices are lower, they should departments, such as mathematics and physics. This is offset by and hamper their own attempts to The benefits would be multifold. This same continuity would be return to it to make their purchases. the fact that texts for such courses are higher in price initially, support for more important and legit' By making the majority of the board provided by giving these officers ex I hope that the above does not sound as if I am suggesting a and are usually kept by students rather than resold. members college representatives, officio status on the board. In fact, boycott of the Campus Book Store; I am not. I am merely In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that this is only a special interest groups would have a suggesting a method by which the students of MSU can inform proposal, but it is one that can work If we get together on it now. considering the performance of the these bookstores that they no longer have an automatic slice of I invite comments or criticism on it, but urge that we don't much harder time dominating the past board, it could be questioned just the market, and that if they refuse to sit on our hands and do nothing this time. board. They could no longer work compete with each other whether any continuity is desired. geographical proximity to advantage. With this single change the The board would thus become more constitution should be passed. By LESLIE LEE representative of general student changing its structure, ASMSU has interests, if the elections of college at least a chance of overcoming the reps to Academic Council is a fair indication. Seemingly only those who get involved with the affairs of their colleges would be elected under current petty personal and group power tripping which has brought the past board to a standstill. The Revitalize Soc present district representative system this system, meaning that the must be abandoned. The college The College of Education and the These are some attempts to change, and already placed quotas on all of the they can use their hands. student board members of the future representative system presents at College of Social Science are the two further emphasis is placed on quality rather "professional" degree granting programs in In effect, the college is would have some background in the least some new hope for student largest colleges in the University. Between than quantity and new means of evaluation the college to insure that the education in becoming a diploma quality of them, over 30 per cent of all students, or and screening. education students receive will make them workings of the University. New government, a structure which at the useless degrees. nearly one out of every three are enrolled. Better teachers? Who knows. attractive to employers. board members in the past have present serves no useful purpose in What are these two giants of degree * An where the two Complacency should not usually had to start out cold in this the University. The college is branching out in all area colleges share a hallmark of either college, nelt programs, each with over 6,000 students, similarity Is in the area of job placement and where are they going? directions, trying to meet different deeds for its graduates. Employment figures afford It. Nor can any unit To compare through different programs and new and multiversity if it hopes to su them: ever more revolutionary would seem to indicate that both are viable institution. techniques. Antisexism • The College of Education is large, it has spacious offices in a building that was Doesn't this indicate they are in trouble? having a relatively harder time placing their graduate than other segments of the A return to the vibrancy of education during its w Id andent & completed in 1958 for the college to meet University. As Walter Adams, distinguished needed. The College of Social Scien boon to college the needs of the '506, needs that in contrast to most enterprizes, are smaller now than professor of economics, said last week, "We don't even know what makes kids The compromises Multidisciplinary Program, which over half the students in avoid the stagnation. they were then. learn ..." social science, poses the greatest problem Perhaps a tightening of the The movement to end sex of the amendment, said that on the A coffee lounge graces the fifth floor If In this area. These programs allow the student wide latitude in choosing a college would help them to focus their oo and the feeling is one of spaciousness they could discover that, they could and return a sense of purpose- discrimination in public colleges and average, women receive less solve many career and allow him to define his own which brings ease and a sense of of their problems and offer a Further a restriction on nonp universities has gained more scholarship and loan money then blueprint for education. Unfortunately, the educational goals. momentum. The Senate has voted to importance to those visiting. And yet, solid But they provide few degrees should be Instituted^ men do. According to Bayh, men there rings an emptiness in the vast emphasis seems to be on how to make kids leam rather than what will make them employment goals. seriously anticipating ^10 deny federal funds to higher average $760 in financial aid corridors of Erickson Hall, a loss of on One graduate adviser in the following college wont una learn. program education institutions which annually while women receive an direction plagues the college. said things are so bad on the unemployable. job market for discriminate against women. The average of $518. • In contrast, the offices of the College With an emphasis on quality, the College of Social Science is trying to avoid their graduates that the college sent a The option should be available Senate ban covers sex bias in student of Social Science are scattered across the memo to the advisers telling them to urge who seriously want it, but thJ| the mistakes that education has made. admissions as well as faculty staffing. Bayh's contentions are further campus where ever a spare room can be their students to leam a trade such as Informed their knowledge wi Because of its phenomenal growth It has The Senate provision is in the reinforced by the fact that females found. Usually small and overcrowded, carpentry, or any type of work In which market value. form of on the average receive higher through these offices the college attempts an amendment to to define itself and struggles not to buckle the pending higher education bill. It undergraduate grades than do their under the pressure of too many students DOONESBURY by Garry Tr will not cover those male counterparts, but receive traditionally and too few resources. TO HONOR. male or female institutions which significantly fewer admissions to PRWm, ruHpez- SAP INJURY, A STANP yOU INJUREP I AWAftp have admitted only one sex since graduate school. proposal has been made to build a new building to house the college, but it is youe hrnp wwl.e you THc PURPLE HEfieri evroyso* their founding. Universities lost our in to? gone recently coed will have seven years to While the Bayh amendment alone will not put an end to the practice of not on this year's priority list, likely to be on any new list until nor Is It the teemm mctnfim AN, vessiR. CONGRflrumr/ONSh \ fiien cM- jvn61ss complete the transition without loss making women second-class citizens legislature decides to spend more on the of federal funds. construction of academic units. overnight, it certainly represents a Women have • traditionally been step in the right direction. Perhaps if The goal of the College of Education discriminated against in admission to in earlier years was merely to universities foresee a loss of grind out both undergraduate and teachers fast enough to fill the graduate monetary funds, they will be expanding schools, scholarship awards, faculty classrooms of Michigan. We now produce h'tv prompted to stop their outdated, fully one - half of the teachers that will be and promotion and salary, outmoded and outright senseless needed this year. out. uirch Bayh, D-lnd. sponsor practices. New directions? Experiments? Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, March 2, 1972 DETROIT: l9 State Study calls Detroit dying city By BARB PARNESS N?ws Staff Writer key to black Detroit's problems is poverty, combined with myth that their Americans resolve problems. I don't thing type" building, escape from the continue to go down the slide.' "urban lifestyle" and inadequate also controls the Congress. They Detroit is a dying The first part of the program city and no the failure of state and federal that's always true. I'm sure that don't have the votes on any medicine can really save it from governments to provide effective housing in the city. would require the federal level of government," he said. the grave, the situation in Detroit was He rejects the notion that ns according to Milton laylor, professor of economics aid programs. "Nobody gives a damn about worse in 1960 than 1950. But we didn't resolve the downtown building programs or government to initiate an income maintenance program in But Taylor said he believes the reform is essential even if it and coauthor of a new problems, programs like Model Cities can the form of a negative income study on poverty or the poor," he I'm sure we knew they existed, cannot ultimately solve Detroit's • have Detroit s fiscal crisis. provide "fundamental solutions" tax. He considers this idea tour^j The charged. "Detroit is fast So why shouldn't it be worse in to urban ills. He considers forced problems. — fit OUt gn study called "Detroit: becoming an all - black city. The 1980 than 1970," he explained, "entirely feasible from an "You can't abandon a million Agenda for Fiscal Survival" has or voluntary consolidation of had the movement to the suburbs is an administrative and cost point of and a half people. I want to lust Taylor explains the flight to the suburbs and core city as imbia pul>l|shed by the MSU irreversible trend. the suburbs in terms of view." prevent Detroit from becoming he ^me Institute for racism, unlikely solutions. The second thev Community "I think there's a national inadequate land for "suburban "I don't think the aspect requires an even worse jungle than it is. >ned was the Development and Services. The - cities can changing the state's tax sharing But I don't think anything can coauthor is Richard be rebuilt. I suppose it would y (If Willits, formula to favor the core cities, really be done to save Detroit," they Charlotte graduate student in cost more than the Vietnam war One cancel the suggestion offered in the he said. Drug economics. costs to rehabilitate our t■ cities, if study is distribution of agents combines taxes The study is available from >f the Taylor, an they're going to be rehabilitated, inversely according to softet expert on But the per capita the Institute for Community Praised as taxation, studied Detroit's fiscal movement to the income. Areas with more poor Development and Services in situation for two years. He said suburbs is irreversible," he said, people would receive greater !T< along wit '"ger with some people in Detroit are state court Elderly whites and poor blacks mak extensive use of shares of the tax money, Kellogg Center. SALES AGENT fine Perform AGENDARHt calling the study the "rotten apple" study because of the A police agent posing as a city services uut contribute little Increased state aid would allow necessary improvement of We need a future account executive or sales executive type. opportunity was furnished to in revenue. Taylor said this is a FISCAL SIRVIVAI, cover design depicting Detroit a drug buyer does not necessarily the education and other city Ideas and s the rotten defendant to commit a basic cause of Detroit's fiscal promotions" and make try to . core of an apple. constitute illegal entrapment, services, Taylor said. some REAL MONEY now. crime, .. al to the Taylor absent reprehensible crisis. We have some promotion Ideas gave a copy of the the State Court of Appeals ruled creative activity or persistent Finally he advocates an end for our product — you add that James study to Detroit Mayor Roman He proposes a three pronged yours Deca y fighter Gribbs last week. He said he Wednesday. overexertion, does not program of fiscal assistance to - to "exploitation" of Detroit by the suburbs. He said the — It's a wide open game. Fun and dough. mension, ft A three - man appellate panel constitute entrapment," the Detroit, even city The first product Is a 'oit, and thinks Gribbs is ignoring the held that illegal entrapment may though he said he income tax rate should be SHI RT which is a fast girl's BODY Ia Milton Taylor, professor of ecnomics, and Richard Willits court's opinion said. believes "Detroit is going to selling Item large city's real problems. be a legal issue only if the changed so that nonresidents right now all over the country, i the coauthors of "Detroit: Agenda for Fiscal police 1the Survival," "Gribbs won't admit these agent actually solicits illegal pay 1 per cent instead of the excepti0 five shows h« book dealinQ with the problem of urban decay in problems. He thinks he's turned narcotics from a seller, current 'A per cent. Residents EPC to _ do recognia haVe been 'd rock Michigan's largest city. The book, which offers alternatives tt present fiscal problems, is sponsored by MSU's Institute the corner. That's because running for office again," Taylor said in an interview. he's The case Nadort, 19, of Ottawa County, involved Steven develop report now pay 2 per cent. At the same time that he advocates this program, Taylor orders. We ship direct to customer on receipt of order and money. Community Development and Services. who convicted of illegal sale eduled an. as soo for The study maintains that the o{ was heroin and sentenced to 20 - about proposed college said he is doubtful the reforms These body shirts are first all nylon, multiple quality, colors and lpus. 21 in prison after he will be enacted or that years they can If you're Interested, write to allegedly sold heroin to a police The Educational Policies Committee really save the city. us for Al (EPC) will meet today to "I'm / // I agent posing as a gasoline station develop a set of recommendations for the provost on the pessimistic. Detroit go to the attendant. proposed College of Urban Development and Social doesn't have the votes. Suburbia INC. Change. controls state government and it Capital Capsules According to the court The meeting is not open to the 10 East 49th St., IN public. record, the station attendant was Lester Manderscheid, EPC chairman, said the committee will hired by the State Police Dept. begin meeting at 10 a.m. and hopes to complete work on the as a contact in the narcotics Glenn Herriman VW, Inc. man recommendations by 5 p.m. field. He testified that he did not The report is scheduled to go to the Academic Council The bill's Tuesday as an information item, Manderscheid said. If editing and j EXECUTIVE ORDER G. Fleming, sponsor, Sen. James PUBLIC HEARINGS WILL PeoP,e hf. waus Hugh Sul ABLISHING se< R-Jackson, said the BE HELD next week in Benton ^U^'n£"arc° „s .j reproduction of the report are not finished by . committee will report to the council on its Tuesday, the imcnt Commi tate ralized state government governn fnwsure is a response to an Harb°r and St. Johns on a ' e Feb. 22,: r processing centers as part of - 'nc|dent that occurred - ... Senate bill that would authorize . tjm^asked . asKea Nadort"tcMsell INaaon to sen The board of trustees is progress, he added. expected to discuss the college at its aster plan for a statewide Southern Michigan March 17 meeting. Prison a few agricultural growers to form -ement information system yea«ago. accredited cooperative toned by Gov. Milliken associations and would require V le er arbitration of issues in disputes fe must insure the most Several inmates held some between growers and processors Prison employes hostage, ive and economical use of state's automatic data Flemm* »,d- Following their in the event that attempts at mediation fail. THE o&*ii& they were charged with The bill is sponsored jointly making kWnaPpmg but the appeals court rt the decision s," Milliken said. - master Dlan provides for hf,d that the kidnapping statute ^ not aPP'y in this instance. by Sen. William S. Ballenger, R-Ovid, and Sen. Charles O. Zollar, R-Benton Harbor, JATEATHERYANIl lidation of the ten existing Tennis tmental computer centers Brauers 186 seven state data centers, argest of the seven data Anyone? rs will be the Central Data Center which is X Jersey Dresses M and friends Spartan Stai formed lidation of the through mm Dept. of >ple would sury and Dept. of for Miss J nitr Luther inistration computer de: civil ojave Desert ould marct Well, it could have been he was search¬ ®12 BILL PROVIDING FOR A num life sentence for ing for a good bowl of soup ... if he any had traveled a little farther, he would Coalition Co of the Michigan prison Rexrve our banquet room for that ikes and holds hostages DOWNTOWN LANSING Preseason selection of the have found the best bowl of soup this ysemployi by spring term party. Take passed the Michigan Senate finest tennis equipment side of his Old World, at the Olde advantage of special xpressed. Call IV9-4311 i groin-" tsday. available. Racquets by Head, World Bread and Ale. 211 M.A.C. in not Behage Wilson & Bancroft; shoes East Lansing. Stop in at the Olde World savings on dresses to round out by ' lose credi Adidas; and all types of top today and discover what Columbus missed. your casual wardrobe. Choose FACULTY & STUDENTS OF MSU ittempts to line accessories. See us at our it and legit tennis pro shop before the season these acrylic jerseys with passes you by. OKO BAR AND RESTAURANT: JimDe long or short sleeves in an dna• Blanc i Feb. 28, WELCOMES YOU SEVEN DAYS A WEEK TO: 4310 W. Saginaw Lansing WMSWotW, BRJ3AD and ALE! assortment of solid colors. 2283 Grand River [GOOD FOOD •MIXED DRINKS* DRAFT BEER? Okemos THURSDAY NITE IS PIZZA NITE! 12"-ONE ITEM -$1.25 TUESDAY NITE IS PITCHER NIGHT, PITCHERS FOR LESS HI-FI | Jacobsoris 2 BRANDS. AND DARK BEER H ? BUYS || JACOBSON'S OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL NINE SERVING NOON SPECIALS d not b - SANDWICHES, STEAKS J I Come talk to the people from Advent about to ,eg iny unit f neiths® survive! „ CONTINUOUS MUSIC! CONVENIENTLY LOCATED PIZZAS IN OR OUT! 2 T their Model 201 cassette deck, the Dolby LkAIAMAZOO & CLIPPERT ST. CAIrL 351-2919 J or 337-2125 | system, pre-recorded cassettes, and Crolyn How t and enthij wild grof tape, laScience i: Today March 2, at Hi-Fi Buys. dependable | The Advent cassette deck is Review,* in their October ... it is the one that sets the I that single piece of I equipment which may well 1971 issue, had this to of the Model 201: "The say standard recorders." for cassette! is your watch? 69 PONTIAC GTO | bring about the demise of the phonograph record as we sound quality, especially with the finest playback The people from Advent will I Not very? We'll fix it. Our Tune-Up Special includes* know it. Utilizing the Dolby amplifiers and speakers, was be at our store to talk about I Noise Reduction system, cleaning, oiling, polishing, literally awesome, as was the pre - recorded cassettes (that I and set up for the new total absence of audible hiss testing, adjusting and electronic ivailable tj chromium dioxide tapes, the which will replace records),! or other timing for only $12.95 t they sif Advent 201 is like a very background noise . . the Dolby system, and the I er will In fine rumble - free turntable . Listening quality is Model 201. If you arel matched by only skeptical of this new high I with an excellent cartridge, except that it is also capable open - reel one other recorder operating at 3^ ips, and by performance medium, cornel down and be surprised. ZA My, how yonto changed u of recording. Stereo very few operating at Vh ips 4 speed, power steering, of good premium tires, vinyl roof, Use one of our convenient HI PI BUYS charge plans IV... 44,000 miles - 4 speed lovers must see • Zales Custom Charge • Zales Revolving this onel Charge • Master Charge • BankAmerici 1101 E. Grend River Ave. WHEELS TOYOTA 337-2310 318 S. Washington xisitiis (across from FREE SPIRIT) imITVIxis * a copy of the complete review is available at our store. 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Fundamentalists look to Bible for truth noted that God created Eve to By ROBERT BAO among other things, the Bible is Bible studies teacher explained, ravings, generous kids are serving ^•tfoyed Samson State News Staff Writer full of contradictions. "is that our love for Him should the Lord. serve Adam, that Paul enjoined Man is sinf ,,, "The Bible says 'Thou shalt "We're not running to the top women to keep quiet in Last term, an English One Fundamentalist said greatly surpass our love for churches, ano that in general, of some mountain to await professor recounted a novel in not kill' in one part, but in parents and friends. which the hero, a librarian in an other parts, it gives examples Biblical scholarship, while doomsday," he added. "In fact, I the Holy Scripture exhorts interesting, has no relevance for "Unfortunately, the Children females to remain submissive to infinite library, desperately tried where killing may be required." of God have taken the quote out personally delivered tons of food ftSS® the average Christian. males. to find the Book of Truth. Rev. Jack L. Hilyard, in the Watts ghetto." of contej^, and teach converts The strict adherence to Jonathan, a married graduate At the professor described Episcopalian chaplain at MSU, the futility of this fictional called the resurgence of "An egghead can spend years to literally hate their parents." Biblical Fundamentalism also student who directs an tonds to v, , on research,''he explained, and evangelical group, said Women's search, a student suddenly Fundamentalism dangerous. "It is destructive," he discover moot points that don't A member of the Berkeley, results in male chauvinism. often distract men women from l-.bw.fa,1""* interrupted him. affect the truth of the Word." Calif., chapter of the Children of "The scriptures are very However, 0ne C0M explained, "because it dismisses clear," Christianity. "(J'mon, we all know you're Biblical God, currently visiting East a young member of the "I've ntlon Hall explaJ talking about the Bible," the student asserted. Biblical scholarship. It is typical of people who grow up without said, are contradictions, he not real ones, but only Lansing, denied that his organization teaches hatred. East said. "God Lansing Trinity Church never chose a woman another seen one guy after get knocked out of the chauvinism inherent^ applies only to life nn Jesus Movement by girls," he to life in Herbert Green berg, associate much thinking, similar to apparent ones. "No one ever told me to hate to be a great Christian leader or Heaven. ^ professor of English, said his protesters of the late - sixties anyone or anything except evil," a prophet." complained. "The same pattern "m the eyes "For example," he argued, recurs in the Bible Bathsheba ofJ*,. experience reflects a mentality. 4lthe Bible teaches both free will he said. "Underneath all the Reciting Genesis, Ephesians — "My training is that the Bible easy answer, a formula and other Pauline letters, he led David astray, and Delilah controversial aspect of the Jesus answer and predestination. They might screams, chantings, rantings and Movement — the fundamentalist is inspired by God — but men that doesn't require much thought," he said. sound contradictory, but only acceptance of the Bible, word wrote it," he added. "I see it as because man lacks the the nistory of a people." for word, as divine truth. "Anybody who relies on the Hilyard noted that literal Members of the Jesus understanding to fathom it. IN HOUSE PANEL DEBATE Bible for reliance on the Bible may give Movement, however, dismiss guidance," Greenberg "In science, you have the these criticisms by quoting 1 said, "will find himself in a one a sense of hope. same problem. Does light consist Corinthians 1: 19 - 20: Antibusing difficult situation, because "But that only provides an of particle or waves? 'i"he two "The scripture says, 'I will theories appear irreconcilable destroy the wisdom of the wise, only because scientists so far and set aside the understanding lack the understanding." of the scholars," So then, where charged Wednesday. to or required to attend does that leave the wise men? Or One snag in the fundamentalist position appears Rep. Norman S. Lent, R - particular school." a particular school on the! the scholars? .. . God nas shown in Luke 14:26 "'If any man New York, sponsor of the Lent admits the bill has "very race, it is same just as wron J — WASHINGTON - A amendment in question, said he little chance" of being reported thing to other cV come to me, and hate not his 1972, he said. father, and mother and his proposed constitutional was merely trying to prohibit out of committee. He has I . . . amendment to ban busing to the racial classification of school Cellar noted own life also, he cannot be my publicly charged that the that achieve racial balance is not only children for any purpose. hearings on the bill have been a amendment would J disciple." race conscious "antischool desegregation" but Both statements came in "farce and a charade." This remedies! "also fundamentally an testimony before a comment drew angry response desegregate schools. [ antiblack amendment," Father subcommittee of the House from committee members. "If you are going to ea Theodore M. Hesburgh, Judiciary Committee, chaired by these methods, Were the bill to pass the you are J chairman of the U. S. Emmanuel Cellar, D - New York. set back integration House, Senate leaders have made by| Commission on Civil Rights, The committee is in the third it clear they would oppose any decades," he told Lent. "I don't think day of hearings, which may last several weeks, on antibusing antibusing constitutional is as deseoj important a policy ol amendment. the individual amendments sponsored by Lent If such a constitutional as rights] and other congressmen. amendment were to ever receive children who would haJ Hearings were begun after two - thirds support of both bused," Lent replied. T Lent, a first term congressman houses, it would require Hesburgh testified whose political reputation is ratification from three - fourths adoption of Lent's iJ largely based on antibusing of the states. "would be a backward in the quest fJ majol activities in the New York In his testimony, Lent said Senate, gathered 146 of the 218 court ordered busing, which is rights for all Americans"! signatures on a discharge "making a complete shambles of Hesburgh sai<| petition necessary to bring the the nation's public school amendment would i amendment before the House system," must be countered by strike at without consideration by the a busing, but w. constitutional amendment outlaw, for committee. because courts have ignored integregation: purpol Lent's amendment reads: pairing of 1 previous statutory attempts at closing of segregated sc "Section 1 - No public school inferior quality, t,. rememdy. children shall, because of his "If it was wrong in 1954 to provisions for minority dj race, creed or color, be assigned assign a black child to a and redrawing of att& lines "no matter howl equitable such lines mighl all children in the distiic "We have had a half to improve the sc said, "and we haven! I very good job. | neighborhoods simply hi schools." "I don't want to see an] have to go to a bad sc my point is this: for yeai kids had to go to tt schools. Now, when I precious white kids have them, suddenly everybo excited about it." The Penthouse] AJull Kntcrtuinmciil ~ 1rd BIB HIT *" 3 BeUe dc Jour* ■Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Thursday, March 2, 1972 7 Indiana, f.ve time Olympic gold medal Big Ten tank By STEVE STEIN State News Sports Writer meet opens Hall and John Kinsella will alt see action. Spitz will be making his first appearance since he finisher Gary Conelly. winner Mark Five finals this evening highlight the first Kinsella will be the favorite to defend Spitz (left) was named day of was named the 197i recipient of the James G. his Wednesday as winner of the Sullivan competition at the Big Ten Swimming and Diving Sullivan Memorial Trophy 500-freestyle title, which he holds the Big Ten record Award Tuesday given to the of 4:31.20 set last season. as the top amateur athlete of the nation. Championships in the Men's IM pool. nation's outstanding amateur athlete Tonight's session, which gets underway at 7:30 by the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU). Hoosier teamate Bill Baird p.m., features the finals of the 500-freestyle, It marked the second (third) returns as do straight year that an IU Wisconsin's Rawdon Peterson and 200-individual medley, 50»£reestyle, one meter swimmer has won the award as Michigan's Ray springboard diving and the 400-medley relay. Kinsella was honored McCullough, who also placed in the top six and will Time trials for each event except the by the AAU in 1970. challenge Kinsella. relay will Spitz is the defending champ in the take place during this afternoon's 50-freestyle, session, which and he also Defending champ Hall leads a large contingent of begins at 1 p.m., though the diving preliminaries and currently holds the Big Ten record of u semifinals are scheduled for a 2 : 20.83 in that event. returning Hoosier swimmers in the 200-individual p.m. Award winner Meet favorite Indiana will havestarting the time. Purdue's Steve Stasukaitus is back after placing medley. Hall will be joined by Mike Stamm (second), Larry Barbiere (third), and Pat O'Conner (fifth). champs in four of the five events, as Mart defending fourth last season as are Ohio State's Jim Beahren Spitz, Gary (fifth) and Minnesota's Tom Hodgson another Indiana tanker, sixth place (sixth) returns to face Hall. | MICHIGAN GAME 'C' • • * S Sparfans seek /uniorj AUBURN FILM LRICK GOSSELIN Etc News Sports Editor and next in line was Ganakas and Pat Miller with four Gary The Spartan defense will be takes up against the wall when apiece. ¥ msU basketball loss at The Michigan invades Jenison M,i„ 101-point effort by the Fieldhouse Saturday afternoon. Celebrate with: Tuesday night not Badgers was their ■dropped the Spartans game output of the year and the ■place in the Big Ten but second in the last two games highest single The Wolverines, with Henry Wilmore and Ken Brady back at in rodeo JOAN BAEZ CROSBY, STILLS, NASH & YOUNG ■ dimmed the light against the full strength, suddenly defensive are near the top of Kathleen Heath, an MSU JONI MITCHELL the fterablv concerning the sagging Spartans. Two games conference standings and junior from Stockbridge, placed JOHN SEBASTIAN Jets of finishing the season back against Iowa the Spartans boast one of the most offenses in the league. explosive fourth from all women entries in last ■winning record. yielded 102 weekend's rodeo and the DOROTHY MORRISON points, but scored The MSU-Michigan clash has MSU womens team finished ■ Spartan cagers have three 98 themselves to Everyone did it... for the sheer love of it. ■left and must win two of keep the game been changed from its third behind Black Hills State close. Against TJe in order to finish above Wisconsin, MSU conventional 8 p.m. College and National Cbliegeof was never in the contest as the starting time to a 2 p.m. scheduled Business. [The Spartans play Badgers rolled to large second tip - Ln at home Saturday, half leads, climaxed off. The following Saturday's The men's rodeo competition by the 27 Jute in Columbus Tuesday point spot found at the match's game with Northwestern at Jenison has also been shifted to was won Business by National College of ftrthwestern at Jenlson the conclusion. (Rapid City, South Ig Saturday. It all bolls Ganakas had the afternoon starting time. Dakota.) University of North Mo beating one of the two concern over expressed his team's Acting Athletic Director Burt Dakota finished second and Headers. Smith explained that the South Dakota State University defensive deficiencies earlier in change 1 Tuesday night's game, the weelat his press luncheon. was made to accomodate the was third. ..It happened one weekend by the tea. lound itself in a state of "I'm a little concerned with many out-state visitors from Offensive dependence on Ann Arbor and other our defensive leaks," Ganakas distant Bill Kilgore ptobinson and Bill Kllgore. said state areas, who would Jro Spartan aces scored 49 "We prior to the Wisconsin game. have to drive home late at normally were worried about the night ■ team's 74 points with no if the game had remained team's brilliant play we have at its 8 TState player scoring more p.m. starting time. gained more offensive X points in the outing. confidence. Now we're ■Smith had the six points He also added that the concerned about the defense." switches would act as further experimentation for the STANDINGS prospect Saturday of scheduling all games in the afternoon for next season. :TBALL w 9 3 L Pet. WCHA W L Pts. a The freshman team will preliminary game with Aquinas play RHARHARHARHARHARHA 9 8 3 3 .750 .750 Wisconsin Denver 20 17 6 9 48 46 College prior to the varsity game. PRESENTS 727 MSU 14 12 40 "I'm a little concerned with 6 5 North Dakota our defensive leaks," Ganakas .545 16 10 40 5 6 .455 Minn. • Duluth 14 12 iqid prior to the Wisconsin game. 38 "We were worried about the 5 6 .455 Michigan Tech 11 13 30 4 7 team's offensive productivity .364 Colorado Col. 10 16 26 4 earlier in the year but with 7 .364 Notre Dame 9 15 26 Mike's brilliant paly we have 4 7 .364 Michigan 10 16 24 gained more offensive 2 9 Minnesota .182 7 19 14 confidence. Now we're concerned about the defense. " "GOODBYE. COLUMBUS IS BOUND TO BE A GREAT TENDER, LOVING. SUCCESS!" FUNNY-SAD!" RffiRDBENJAMIN JACK KLUGMAN taGRAw Tonight in Conrad Aud. 7,9 A HOWARD 6 MINSKY • ARTHUR HILLER Production John Marley & Ray Milland erIch se6al artwhur hiller howard G MINSKY DOT GOLDEN FRANCIS LAI iwJm I SOU W0 TMCK At BUM AVAILABLE ON PARAMOUNT HC0ADS ^ Tonight in Wilson Aud. 7:30, 9:30 , I I.D.'s required $1.00 admission BEST BU ARE CLASSIFIED^ ADS GET Action WITHA~ Forffp, Want Ad he PONTIAC LEMANS, 1967, overhead cam six. 4 barrel, hurst shifter. Black vinyl interior, red exterior STUDENTS, EARN students money now. needed for full time, days or evenings, earn $30 - or 86 part TWO Apartments GIRLS for four - man spring with white top. Low mileage. $40 per day, $15 $20 per __viii.ge. £ Pt term. Chalet Apartments. Sharp! Reasonable! Will arrange evening. Must have car. Apply in 351-5185. 3-3-3 financing. Call Scott 484-4596 person only. 4980 Northwind NEEDED: before 6 p.m. 3-3-2 Drive, East ' ensing, (next to ONE MAN for three-man, spring •pring term, A no ^7^. Yankees). 3-3-3 term. University Terrace, $170 / term. 351-8168. 8-3-10 cell Tom. 35^ KENNEL GIRL and receptionist, evenings in small animal hospital. MEADOWBROOKTRACEa SCOUT 1967, 4 wheel drive, Warn 3 to 8 p.m. Apply in person, 721 married students SL4,™"- lrrirnedi«teocQ North Larch. 2-3-3 3 3 6 m°nth' Ca" R,y'® hubs, short cab, good condition, & faculty $1100.627-5439. 3-3-6 TEACHER FOR Co-op nurstry. Half 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. SUBLEASE 3 apartment J time. Begin classes March 17th. man SPRING SPECIAL. 1964 Ford 0-6. Phone 371-1168 349-0698. with Furnished, parking, $210/J Wagon $125, 1963 Rambler $50 or some study 351-3198.5-3-8 /l1- or both for $150. 351-5683. 2-3-2 x-4-3-6 1 186 SPRITE, 1968, 34,000, great shape, EARN MONEY selling Vanda Beauty from *145 per mo. or 2 girls needed for immediately 4I -- roll bar, extras, new battery, Counselor Cosmetics. 361-2425. 5-3-3 Close. 3Si| shocks, etcetera. $925. 337-1721 ood ask for Scott. 4-3-3 UNFURNISHED 1 MAN for kes. 3-man, dose to children welcome pool. $65 I month! TEMPEST 1966, stick, need money! WAITRESSES, NIGHTS, no experience necessary, full or part please, no pets 351-3239. B 1-3-2 ' 1 Air Best offer over $350. 351-5986. ,o 3-3-3 time. Will train. Apply in person, TWO BEDROOM apartment! ROCKY'S TEAKWOOD TRIUMPH GT6+, 1970, overdrive, good running condition. Best LOUNGE, 3600 South Logan. KNOB HILL third men. No lease $60. 339-9468. 2-3-2 or a offer. 484-7304 after 5 p.m. 3-3-2 3-3-2 VEGA 1971, midnight blue. 20,000 APARTMENTS DESPERATE ONE gi„ $73/ month. Cedar ^ vl 332-2310. 3-3-6 miles. $1700. Good running @MM/3BMUZ/B(X/S2S/ B 4NUW. MM- 349-4700 condition. 393-0362. 5-3-2 3 OPEN Mondav Friday BLACK girls need 1. For Rent 9 a.m. • 6 p.m. spring, Cedar VHIagtl VOLKSWAGEN 1969 bug, radio, 353-5725.3 3-6 Saturday 12-6 p.m. track, brand new tires, condition. $1150. 882-9184 after Scooters & Cycles Scooters & Cycles TV AND STEREO rental. LOCATED U MILE NORTH 6 p.m. 2-3-2 Satisfaction guaranteed. Free OF JOLLY RD. ON 1 OR 2 girls needed for iprinl CYCLE INSURANCE - Central KAWASAKI MACH III. 800 miles, delivery service and pick up. No OKBMQ8 ROAD apartments, close to cartel deposit. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. / month. VOLKSWAGEN 1968 CAMPER Michigan's Largest insurer, any $850. Call 337-0106 after 6 p.m. C-3-10 337-9372.3-36| cycle, any rate. 144 North 3-3-3 GIRL NEEDED spring term,4-man BUS. Sleeps two. With water apartment. $62.50 / month. BRENTWOOD, NEAR Frm supply. Clean interior. Good Harrison, East Lansing or OFFICE SPACE, 100 to 2800 square 351-9229. 6-3-8 bedroom, unfurnished, 1 body. Good running. 2 - year G.W. 332-5335. LLOYD'S OF 1970, 650 TRIUMPH. Luggage rack / LANSING. 11-3-10 helmet. Excellent condition. Cell feet on first floor across from immedietely, carpi ., warranty. $1595. CURTIS FORD 485-3082. 4-3-3 campus. Air - conditioned, GIRL FOR 3-man. $65 / month. conditioning, carport.I of WILLIAMSTON, 655-2133. carpeted, available soon. Parking. FABIAN REALTY, 33* 4-3-3 Pool - air • conditioned! 351-4404. TRIUMPH 500, 1969. Mint (on, Phone FABIAN REALTY. 5-3-7 482-4619, 482-0571. 2-3-31 ling condition. $800 firm, also 1971 Aviation 332-0811, 482-4619, 669-9873. Suzuki 125 trail bike. 281 miles 236 VOLKSWAGEN 1969, exceptional on new engine, asking $425. LEARN TO FLYI 7-3-3 NEEDED 4th girl. March. NEED GIRL term. Americi spring. $!1o| car, many extras, reasonable, must Complete flight 482-8819. 5-3-3 Meadowbrook. $50 / month. No after 5:30 p.m. 337-2142. sell. 484-9603. 3-3-6 training. All courses are deposit. 882-7066. 3-3-2 | government and VA certified. Apartments VW1965, good condition, 61,000 SUZUKI 500 1970. Custom paint, FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport ONE GIRL for < 1 GIRL needed to sublease, spring miles. $450. 676-2068 after 4:30 mint condition. Will store until Road. Call 484-1324. C-3-10 ONE MAN for 4- men spring term. reduced rates. Close. term. Cedar Village, reduced rent. p.m. 3-3-6 spring. $595. Ken 332-5039. 3-3-2 One block from campus. 3-3-6 Call 332-2930. 3-3-3- 332-4203. 5-3-2 /W 1966, excellent condition, dark Auto Service & Parts NEED ONE girl to sublease spring MAN WANTED, TwyclJ 1971 HARLEY blue, call 351-5409 mornings or SPORTSTER XLCH, term. $65 e month. Close to spring, $60, no deposit,! evenings. 3-3-2 excellent, offer or ^custom,r liirfect, best FOREIGN CttW Parts - campus. Phone 351-6366. 3-3-3 paid. 332-3939. 5-3-8 trade for Corvette. CHEQUERD FLAG, 2605 East 355-9014 evenings. 3-3-6 ( looiti ov' ARE YOU PAYING Kalamazoo Street, 1 mile west of ROOMMATE OR two leasees for NEEDED IMMEDIATELY. One or jfc. '0,r0u TOO MUCH FOR campus. 487-5056. C-8-3-10 jflKr— " I 1 Why AUTO INSURANCE? not give me a call? TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE, very clean, very fast, new electrics, new VW- GUARANTEED repair. 2m»n, furnished, $165/month, close, 332-6438 after 6 P.M. 5-3-3 two girls. Liberals preferred. No leese. Air- conditioned, pets. Rent CAMPUS WISHED APAR1 tlra. 30 day guarantee, $800. negotieble. 489-6501 after 6 p.m. JJb Don RANDY'S MOBIL. I -96 at Leave number. 2-3-2 FOR FALL SENTRY INS Sakowski 337-9245. x-5-3-8 Okemos Road. 349-9620. C-3-10 HOWARD 6761930 HODAKA CEDAR GREEN Apartments. Three DAHLMANN 100, 1971, 2500 miles, KEEP ON truckln.'. Repair work SUPPORT YOUR business with a boost from Want Ads. Advertise excellent condition. $395 with helmet. Call 355-9028 and ask for Volkswagen bugs, busses,or Ghias. GRAND RIVER CITGO. 1054 on HUCHES . . 1 bedroom units available for spring term. Phone 361-8631. APARTMENTS Bill. 5-3-2 6-3-7 services there. Dial 355-8255. East Grand River. 351-9274. 9-3-10 is not living at Cedar Village (we think) I But ONE GIRL for four mmspl you can be if you hurry in Ceder Village. SubKwfe SAVINGS MASON Complete BODY SHOP, 812 East Kalamazoo Street. . . Since 1940. over. Now leasing for Summer & Fall. GIRL 4-3-3 NEEDED for 3 Evenings 351-3819. Reduced man spring. rent. No deposit. GIRL OVER 337-0189.5-3-p 21. Own re auto painting and airport but quist. 484-21® collision service. IV NEEDED ONE men sublease spring/ 5-0256. 5 p.m. *-5-3-3 Cedar summer. Cedar Greens, call on C-3-10 Village 361-6937. B-3-3-2 VOLKSWAGEN BUS tires. 4 regular Apartments 1 BEDROOM, furnished. Sublet Continentals, 2 snow tires. 16,000 miles. Call 351-9317. 2-3-3 spring, summer, $136 / month. Bogue St. at the Red Cedar Near campus. 351-6430. 3-3-2 ITA MARK II Employment WOMEN OR girls 18 or over for easy 351-5180 ONE MAN needed for four spring term or immediately. • men TWYCKINGHAM. NEED1 man for 3 man apartment, spring. No deposit. 361-6437. 6-3-3 ONE OR two girli ni Ceder Village. $73. J pleesant work in our office. No 6-3-2 Twyckingham. $70 /month. Call experience necessary. Full or part 351-0119 after 6 p.m. 3-3-3 WILLIAMSTON: 2 bedroom Duplex, time. Days or evenings. Excellent for H*J Hard ONE OR two girls fop carpeted, eppliences, air - r pay. Apply in person only. 4980 Northwind Dr. 3-3-3 124 CEDAR. 129 BURCHAM. 2 furnished epartments. man conditioned. 3-3-3 Phone 655-3840. roommates. 6-3-3 Close. • Including heet, $62.50 - $82.60 per man. 135 KEDZIE, $85 per man. Leese OPPORTUNITIES starting June 15 and September 1. Days 487-3216, evenings till 10 CROSSWORD p.m., 882 2316. 0-8 3-10 UNLIMITED ONE PUZZLE GIRL needed for 4 man apartment. Available March 18. 1 ACROSS block from campus. Completely 27. Ourselves for gutsy guys and gals furnished. Utilities and parking 1. Changeling 28. About included. 349-9609. 0-8-3-10 4. Dish of 29. Portentous who want to do leftovers 30. Trouble something worthwhile GIRL NEEDED spring term for 8 Trifle 31. Statehouse and be highly paid for it. apartment close to cempus. 11. Arrowroot 33.Advance 361-6870. 3-3-3 12. Trouble spot 34. Hall open 13. Pepper plant 35. Buddhist pillar ONE MAN sublet spring term. 731 14. Pressure 36. Musical theme Interviews March 7 & 8 Apartments. March paid. 16. Vehicle 38. Disturbance 351-3306. 3-3-3 18. Demon 41. Bow at the Placement Center 19. Gather 42. Mountain goat ONE GIRL: New Cedar Village. 20. Bill of fare 44. Russian village Spring term. $70. No deposit. 22 Replenish 45. Cheer word Prudential Insurance Company 351-3469. 3-3-3 '25. Miss Gardner 46. Capable GIRL 4-MAN spring term. Close. T" w T~ r- 0 9 MALE HANDICAPPED graduate student needs male assistance to Quiet. Rent negotiable. 332-3476 3-3-3 " M 12 % •9 share double call room. Room paid, Dave, after 6:30. 355-4016. HAYFORD South, large 3 bedroom 'M is 10 % '7 4-3-3 furnished basement apartment, % %1 •e PART TIME work. Available 20 hours per week. Need 12 men utilities included, no pets, deposit $130,361-3969.0-8-3-10 %% JO a* % 2* 2M with cars. Call 361-7319 for % interview appointment. C-3-10 WANTED SIX models for wall - known firms. All letters will ba » 26 % d29 14 v4 $ 11 91 Ti answered. Everyone interviewed. Please send name, address, % %% *4 is telephone number end photo. % % OTA INC. Models, Post Office Box 284, East 36 S7 36 >9 Lansing. 10-3-10 NI Nt % MS MM SALES REPRESENTATIVE. Degree in Business USE YOUR M5 % or Accounting. Family man with sales background. Phone MASTER CHARGE YA >cks West of Frandor Berb 480-1441 PERSONNEL CAREERS. 3-3-3 AT THE STATE MEWS Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, March 2, 1972 ^ Student Service For Sale Recreation Abortion reformers exceed petition goal DIRECTORY HEAD COMPETITION ski is. Nevado Toe, Marker competition heel, 332-8635, Don. 3-3-3 (Continued from page one) "We sincerely believe that the of acting on the Senate - FREE passed 12- STRING HAPPY HOURS NIGHTLY! people will pass this once it gets bill. guitar, Yamaha, $90. on the ballot," Stack said. Portable stereo Bahamas, $159. state's 125 - year - old abortion Marianne Davis, chairman of Allege travel WASHDAY SAVINGS Me per load • tYEb EXAMINED 337-0468. 3-3-3 phonograph, $60. STUDENTOURS, C-8-3-10 Telephone 351-2650. law to legalize abortion for any "After it's on the ballot, the the petition drive, said that the office Tht beet for ku • CLASSES reason committee's role will be one of State News "take a Special Texas Washer 50c PANASONIC during the first 20 weeks petition • CONTACT STEREO Systemlll of public educator." home" campaign was "a LENS st Grand River Ave. WENOROW S ECONOWASH DR. I.L. Collin*, Optometrist Receiver tape deck $180. SPANISH pregnancy. abortion is outlawed unless the Currently, The committee began its help." great 3006 Vine St. Negotiable! Marsh 353-2205. petition drive last September ,1-6010 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. i blk. w. of Sean C6-Optlcal Services 3-3-3 RIVIERA mother's life is endangered by continuation of the pregnancy. after the House of Petitions can still be obtained through the State News office, »18S. Logan. March 19 to 27th Representatives killed all 893-4230 100 USED VACUUM hopes 341 Student Services cleaners. 8 days & 7 Bldg. BEAD CRAFTS, Tanks, canisters and uprights. nights V"? Smoke Shop Guaranteed one full year. $7.88 DECOUPAGE SUPPLIES ^ Imported Pipes ' Tobacco f the to the Z term, whichever occure first, shotgun, and demanded to know why his car was being pushed. student interest in participating provided the department has Committee of the After the situation had been explained, the man with the Council Players cast for the rock musical "Tommy" peers out of the bushes near Erickson in political campaigns when gun The New posted appropriate notice, returned to his apartment. Police said they are Monday. At n Kiva where the production will be presented Friday through Sunday. Music will be provided by scheduling tests, setting This provision is made for investigating, and ol the committee the have yet to issue any complaints. the Plain Brown Wrapper with tickets on sale at the Union, Cambell's and Marshall's. attendance requirements and classes in which enrollment is was more trimmed down specific. ASMSU - L State News photo by Terry Luke providing for alternative learning limited by physical facilities. A COED TOLD East Lansing police that a man exposed the Proposal before it himself to her about 6:10 p.m. Tuesday in a car traveling on presented to 1 Grand River Avenue after she had been picked up while Committee. hitchiking. The coed told police she glanced over at the man in Drive launched for vote (Continued from page one) signatures needed and have them done," Buckner said. "We're bring about the demise ol the verified petitions asking to the car and observed him in the act of fondling himself. The coed described him as a white male, six feet tall, wearing a navy blue sportcoat. Police are investigating. A GAS CAP was stolen from a student's car between & p.m. drawing its members from verified. Buckner said he sees this starting this now, since if it is ASMSU, but questions as tc not levy any student tax or Monday and 8:30 loss at $10. p.m. Tuesday in Lot X. Police estimated the THE college units instead of living passed, the eighth session will whether this is the besl assessment of any nature to the units. The new constitution would also incorporate cabinet constitution as an alternative to destroying all of ASMSU's start out with instead of a new constitution possibly in the approach. "Something must be offeree board, the approval of elections regulations for the referendum WEATHERY. director duties and board cabinet services and an middle," he added. in its place, something that will and designating March 9 as the SENIORS! chairman duties into one alternative to the present Buckner said it will be easier be effective in serving the date for the student referendum. executive position. The board president would preside over all student board. for the volunteers to gel signatures for this petition. students, and minimize the destructive politics that hold the In light of the student tax controversy, a motion was SPRING "Since the board refuses to meetings with no vote except to "We're offering something present board in a death • grip. passed that sends all items back break a tie. do anything with (the constructive instead ol The board will not move to agenda committee until the PREVIE With the starting Wednesday, the petition drive constitution), the board will have to live or die with what the student body decides," Buckner something destructive that would have the negative result ol ending ASMSU's services," he therefore, it is up to the student* of this University to demand a change," the letter concludes. referendum is settled but have them come out of committee no later than April 1. Items in union man petitioners have eight days said. The only other business thai agenda committee include before the referendum on the "If something isnt done now, explained. was transacted at Tuesday's budget requests for various ASMSU student tax scheduled we might not have the chance In an open letter to the meeting was the presentation ol student organizations. wants to remind you that for March 9. Buckner said this again. Each week it gets harder student body, Buckner said the leaves five days to get the 3,214 if you're graduating and harder to get anything elimination of the tax could March 12th you shoulc SPORTS rent NOW! your Cap & Gown All you have to Rise in campus race tension seen CENTER do is go to the 4th floor of the Union (Continued from page one) into areas like fiscal change in time. Building between 8:30 The events of the past few and 5:30 pm SKI in the official ranks or the accountability, admissions the week weeks apparently have lost their March 6 -10 Complete camping coaching staffs. To date, the practices, and University hiring black tactics to charge this and firing. original context and the issue backpacking gear discrimination have included a Beyond the current fervor has degenerated to a white For only $6.00 you can accessories are now ir. versus black position, one press conference by three MSU over basketball games, however, look as great as the Stop by and inspect tin black administrators, a nress the Feb. 10 charges of three administrator commented. He and Equipment Union Man in his Cap equipment from Al conference by a group of MSU black administrators that added that with the complexity & Gown. Designs and Gerry at University black athletes, other the Big Ten discriminated of the charges and the tough Weathervane. public charges by blacks, and a against blacks has put the issue personalities of some of the 45 - minute delay by a black on the agenda of the March 6 • 8 individuals involved, there may protest group at last Saturday's Big Ten meeting of faculty not be any solution short of MSU Iowa basketball game in representatives, Robert Green, emotional, physical, RENTAL 4310 W. Saginaw ifWel! • Lansing director of the Center for Urban nonproductive confrontation. newden Jenison Fieldhouse. 2283 Grand River The mood of the Affairs, Thomas Gunning, asst. While confrontation, predominately white crowd at director for minority counseling, especially violent clashes, are not WEEKEND SPECIAL Okemos the Saturday basketball game and Joseph McMillan wrote desired by the majority of the has been described as "ugly, very conference commissioner Duke community hostile to the black tactics" by of their charges. or administrators, the only clear any Thursday to those in attendance. Most Last Friday, the trustees consensus in the Administration administrators this week agreed passed a resolution criticizing Building this week is that there that if the game had been Green and the others for their is no one easy solution. No Monday Other rental packages also $1 1 forfeited to Iowa, as is called for tactics. Most administrators had rhetoric that President Wharton available .... CALL 351-8000 when a game is delayed by more pleaded with the board not to offers, should he decide to speak FRANDOR ONLY than 10 minutes, racial violence become involved in the issue at out on the situation, will cool this juncture, but aharshly the temper of the white and SHOP AT SEARS AND SAVE would have erupted. Hindsight assures most administrators that worded resolution by Trustee black racism already rearing its Satisfaction Guaranteed Sears or Your Money Back allowing the game to be delayed Kenneth Thompson, R • Grand ugly head. And no police action, SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. and allowing the blacks to read Rapids, won 5 - 3 support. or other repressive measure will their demands over the public Dissenting trustees labeled the resolve the issue, most agree. address system prevented any action "racist," a conclusion trouble last Saturday. No one is placing bets on this undisputed by the "no comment" reaction of Green " : ■ THE top choice of serkw enthusiasts Saturday's U - M contest, however, and the game "could and the others to the censure. Sam Riddle, Flint senior, BUY NOW! MAT THE PRICE RISE go smoothly or result in all hell serving as a spokesman for the breaking loose" as one assistant newly organized Black Coalition the dual 1219 professional AUT0MATI to the president put it. 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