Friday MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Volume 64 Number 121 STATi STATI NiWS East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 3, 1972 Faculty group, U' officials define bargaining unit limits academic staff bargaining unit. signatures from 30 per cent of the launched Monday was planned at the »nt Nixon makes a hit with the kids whether it's in The alleged agreement on employes in the unit. Peking, above unit definition is a bargaining MSUFA steering committee meeting on (ey Biscayne, Fla. He was pictured with the Chinese likely to result in a flurry The final definition, approved by the children on University administrators and of activity in the Thursday. MSUFA attempts to gain the 4 and in Florida Wednesday of this week. AP next few weeks, with Michigan Employment Relations necessary additional cards will focus on Wirephoto representatives of MSU Faculty Associates MSUFA and the MSU chapter of the Commission (MERC), of the (MSUFA) reportedly reached agreement American Assn. of unit bargaining those academic groupings that are included University Professors is at stake in the race for Wednesday on a definition of faculty and signed in the expanded definition but which were launching competing drives to secure authorization cards. Only an organization not included in earlier tentative definitions. with authorization cards from 30 per cent The agreement between the of the unit can participate in deciding the administration and MSUFA was reportedly limits of the bargaining unit. reached during a five - hour meeting held If MSUFA is the only Politicking agent to reach the Wednesday in the president's conference 30 per cent figure, the agreement reached room. with the administration on a definition of In attendance at the the unit is likely to be meeting, in accepted by MERC. addition to representatives of MSUFA and However, if the AAUP reaches 30 per denied the AAUP, was Ernest Frey, a MERC by cent, it will actively contest the definition WASHINGTON (AP) K in MERC hearings, Sigmund president of the MSU chapter of the AAUP, said Thursday. Nosow, (Please turn to back page) Acting Atty. Gen. Suit entered — Richard G. Kleindienst denied According to an MSUFA release, the vehemently agreed upon definition is broader than the Thursday that the settlement of an antitrust unit originally suit against International Telephone and Committee Chairman James O. Eastland, sought by MSUFA in its Telegraph Corp. was based on political D - Miss., also disclosed that former Atty. petitioning of the Michigan Employment considerations. Kleindienst also told the Senate Judiciary Gen. John N. Mitchell, who Kleindienst was nominated to succeed, would the day. testify later in Relations Commission bargaining election. The for a larger number of employes in the collective against U-M Committee he did not know of reports that The Senate is still to act on Kleindienst's unit reduced the MSuFA percentage of ITT committed $400,000 to the 1972 Republican National Convention until six nomination, which has been approved by the Judiciary Committee. Kleindienst asked signed authorization cards to below the 30 per cent level that is necessary before tuition rules months after the antitrust settlement that the judiciary hearings be MERC will conduct a was reopened for bargaining election, A suit claiming that the University of made. Calhoun Collier, president of testimony about the ITT case. MSUFA, said Michigan cannot charge out - of - state Kleindienst has been accused by columnist Thursday. tuition to students who have "I would like to say "The registered to categorically and Jack Anderson of participating in expanded unit definition will vote in Ann Arbor was filed specifically that not until December 1971 require more authorization cards than Tuesday by six negotiations to settle the ITT case during were U M students. - did I have any submitted knowledge, direct or indirect, secret meetings with Wall Street financier as a showing of interest in the The class action suit was filed in that ITT was being asked to make a and ITT director Felix originally proposed unit," Collier said. Rohatyn. Washtenaw County Circuit Court and is in A five - day signature campaign to be behalf of the students and other U - M students in the same situation. Wharton criticizes blacks' tactics The suit is a spin - off of the Michigan State Supreme Court decision last year that allows students to register to vote in the city where they attend college. U - M, like MSU, has continued, By RANDY garton Riddle called Wharton's statement "pure, before Saturday's basketball game. His Breslin and Smith said. however, to classify out - of - state students State News Staff Writer unadulterated, concentrated bullshit." statement said in full: Jni ^sponse to Wharton s statements director of Equal Opportunity Programs, on the basis of initial In related action, acceptance representatives of the "MSU prides itself on its adherence to Riddle said that the coalition Tnomas Gunnings, asst. director for information. lent Wharton issued a gtatement Coalition of Black Athletes and the MSU fully minority counseling and Robert L. Green, f criticizing the actions of the the principles of freedom of speech and the supports the actions of the black athletes Currently at MSU a student who enters athletic administration met director for the Center for Urban Affairs, the Coalition Council at Saturday's Thursday to free exchange of ideas. At tne same time, and the demands of Joseph McMillan, University as an out • of state student • discuss demands made by black athletes at tnose who would utilize tnese y ' ln. cannot have his ill game - which held up the game (Please turn to page ,ov 13) residency classification a Feb. 22 press conference. The group will principles it 45 minutes — as an abuse of the have a responsibility not to abuse them. changed, unless he leaves the University for meet again today. 12 months and stays in ■s of freedom of "A flagrant example of such abuse was Michigan. speech and the Wharton denounced the presentation U M officials had no comment on bange of ideas." by the unauthorized - the more than 100 black students who appearance of a group of suit. | Coalition Council spokesman Sam occupied the Jenison Fieldhouse floor individuals on the basketball court of Jenison Fieldhouse last Saturday night. "The University cannot and will not AAUP hits The MSU administration presented a proposal for redefining domiciliary to the tolerate repetition of such trustees in November, but the issue was irresponsibility jstin announces list and violation of clearly - established rules of tabled at the time and has been under of conduct. Tnose who would do so must be prepared to accept the consequences which the University will board in study ever since. Some administrators have expressed a desire to have the domiciliary issue resolved at the state level by a vigorously apply. uniform recommendation of the primary candidates "Many clearly - defined avenues exist within the University community for the redress of legitimate greivances. Students, "does not endorse the recent actions of Professor to-wit — a Robert Green and associates, press conference held on or about so that one month stipulation while another requires 12 months in residence legislature college will not have a six - college as a non Opposing President Nixon on the GOP faculty, administrators and the public have The MSU chapter of the American Feb. 9, 1972; a letter written on or about student. - By JOANNA FIRESTONE ballot will be Republican Congressmen John every right to expect that all persons on Assn. Feb. 9, 1971, to of University Professors Big Ten Commissioner A hearing for U - M to show cause State News Staff Writer M. Ashbrook and Paul N. McCloskey. this campus will use these avenues and (AAUP) issued a Wayne Duke; and subsequent newspaper why statement Thursday it should not be Candidates named Thursday will have conduct themselves with criticizing the releases... prohibited from charging dignity and resolution passed by the board of trustees out - of - state students who have | was not a surprise to be found until March 17 to decide if they want their respect for others. The AAUP statement calls the trustees' registered Friday denouncing the tactics of three black to vote in Ann Arbor the }yI on the list of 15 candidates whose names on the ballot and which party they resolution "an open attack on higher tuition is "For my part, I will continue to be administrators faculty scheduled for March 23. according to Secretary of State prefer. charging racial members who express their opinions to the responsive to the sincere concerns of the discrimination in the Big Ten. |H. Austin, will appear on Michigan's In a special letter to Alabama Gov. George community and will strive to assure a The AAUP Council will meet Saturday to community at large." [presidential primary ballot, pt, which Wallace, Austin told the fiery third party leader of 1968 that if he runs as a Democrat positive University climate in which to discuss a resolution on the specific charges The statement said the board action is a violation of the AAUP "1940 Statement on 'Tommy' was issued in accordance learn, to work and to live." made by Robert L. Green, director of the ASMSU jf provisions setting up the primary, on the primary ballot, he may not run as a Executive Vice President Jack Breslin Center for Urban Affairs; Thomas Gunnings, Academic Freedom and Tenure" which Pop Entertainment and New jits "individualsmedia Nional generally advocated representative of the American Independant and Alien Smith, of the Coalition of Black asst. director for minority counseling; and states that "the is citizen college or university teacher Players will present "Tommy" with music news to be potential party in November. The one-party only rule Athletes, issued a .. when he speaks or writes asa by the Plain Brown Wrapper at 7 and 10 p. Joseph McMillan, director of Equal . a statement following Itial candidates." was enacted in Michigan in 1891. citizen, he should be free from institutional m. today and Saturday and at 8 p. m. Inatic hopefuls included in the list Thursday's meeting saying participants Opportunity Programs. The American Independent Party, made Sunday in Erickson Kiva. Tickets are $2.50 "considerable progress" toward The trustees' resolution said the board (Please turn IRep. Shirley Chisholm, Sen. Vance however, will be considered as a recognized to back page) and may be purchased at the door. I Sen. Hubert H. satisfactory resolution of the issues raised Humphrey, Sen. party on the May 16 ballot, should Wallace by the black athletes. IJackson, Sen. Edward Kennedy, decide to run asa third party candidate. The "It was agreed that there would be no I John Lindsay, Sen. Eugene Alabama governor captured 10 per cent of public discussion of the points under p. Seii' George McGovern, U.S. the state's vote in the 1968 presidential consideration until there has been an prD. Mills, Sen. Edmund Muskie, opportunity for a full exchange of views Wallace and Mayor Sam Yorty. and recommendations (Please turn to back page) on all the issues," ickner outlines results students vote . bybeckie hanes In the case of Pop Entertainment, they Student organizations Currently backed I State News Staff Writer would have to honor their remaining by ASMSU total 36. This group includes contracts which include an Elton John the American Civil Liberties Union, the J frill 'S the whisPered question concert scheduled for spring term. Buckner Conservative Students of MSU, Gay ltw,0ne ASMSU member to said the only catch is that ASMSU will not Liberation Movement, Grapevine, Student Fther AcwoThe reccnt controversy be able to charge for the concert. Mobilization Committee, United Blacks of ■ left ^U will have a tax for Therefore, ASMSU will be forced to pay Wonders and Women for Abortion Repeal. L|eff„^(a"y wondering how such for the concert with no ticket sales to help If the proposed amendment passes, the ISU rk • ard and its services. them 1'his would significantly deplete the University will probably notify the groups aine !?"an H»">ld Buckner money remaining in ASMSU's account, that ASMSU is no longer a solvent body, iCnrtL ? ramifications if the Buckner said. Bucker said. They will then give the groups PtttlJ? t0 abo,ish ASMSU's a specific amount of time to find another backer before closing their account, he Student organization account backing added. w Passes. the student refers to the student organizations which Buckner expressed some doubts as to o* seven V cabinet services hold accounts with the University through whether these groups would find another .Buckner said. These services the backing of ASMSU The University backer and predicted that many of the Sues P^VStudent Electronics, refuses to recognize a student organization accounts with the University would be Vou, „ ntenainment. Mlmeo unleTthey are backed by a solvent bod^ closed by the end of spring term. Quite a l0t8«ni/«t, traUon urive and Usually student groups are backed by Student organizations need an account rCi«T Tunt bank'ng- The ASMSU since departments on campus with the University since the University French customs agents seized 937 pounds of pure heroin - described as the biggest haul in Fof their fu°„Uia °°me to * halt 88 cannot foresee how much money they can aboard this shrimp boat, Caprice des Temps, in Marseille. The dockside price was estimated at $4.25 million to $5.1 history - Thursday Il^ymenl ^ * made. were out on loan allocate to independent student million with the final value, if paid for ymnts kbeing organizations. (Please turn to back page) by users, set at $106.25 million. AP Wirephoto 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ^ Man arrested for arson news at U-M faces examination summary By JOHN LINDSTROM freshman committed was oredered building. by Washtenaw University Housing Officer From the wfrct of AP and UPI. State News Staff Writer County Judge Ross Campell, just Dave Foulke set up more ANN ARBOR Randall B. minutes after his arraignment in - stringent security measures at Caswell, arrested for arson the Ann Arbor District Court. the South and West Quad Wednesday night in connection Caswell had originally residence halls on Friday to with the Feb. 3 fire in the appeared before the Ann Arbor counteract the arson University of Michigan's Harlen court for arraignment Thursday The new security measures "They (the eighth session) will Hatcher Graduate Library, was morning. He stood mute before called for a locked door policy, start out broke, without the committed to the Ypsilanti State Judge Sandorf Elden while his where residence hall Hospital for 60 days for attorney, Raymond Clevinger, identification is required before power to fund themselves and psychiatric asked for a continuance from examinations, admittance to a building; and with the job of trying to convince Thursday. arraignment on the grounds of guest admittance to a building is the students to give them back the The 19 - year - old U - MI Caswell's medical condition. allowed only when escorted by a power to "tax." Judge Elden granted a resident. continuance until 2 p.m. Students in several residence Harold Buckncr, ASMSU Thursday, and set bail at halls, however have called for an Chairman $50,000. easing of the regulations. The See story page 1. AT the afternoon session measures have now been made Clevinger asked for a psychiatric voluntary for each hall. examination because he said When asked if the arson there was a serious question as appears to be done by any group Hashish run foiled to Caswell's medical state. The library fire, which Caswell is suspected of starting, of people Chief Krasny said, "I doubt it. It probably started with one person and then others The refrigerator yawns open in the charred interior of this room on Hunted the fourth floor Hall. The fire caused $7,000 damage Friday damaged 100 books. It was one started doing it after all the night after being startrJ L ° Police announced Thursday in Tel Aviv they foiled of 67 fires, all suspected arson according to a University fire safety officer. publicity about it came out." State News photo an attempt to smuggle SI million worth of hashish into cases, which have plagued the by Craig P North America disguised as shock absorber units for university since January 27. Chief Krasny said that their trucks. A investigation of the fire spokesman said police seized 220 pounds of the produced sufficient evidence to drug in a raid Wednesday night on an apartment near arrest Caswell and that the TO GAIN PRECINCT SEATS Tel Aviv and arrested four Israelis, aged 30 to 35. Washtenaw County prosecutre The would be smugglers were caught packing two - - issued both an arrest and search warrant for Caswell on pound bags of hashish into brick - sized units which were disguised as shock absorber units for Wednesday afternoon. Krasny heavy - duty Dem did not say if their investigation trucks, the spokesman said. of Caswell's room in Gomberg House evidence. produced any Krasny said that Caswell was new By BILL WHITING The controversial vote, which vote aisfudenfs Murder susped relurned not being held in connection State News Staff Writer was hailed by some observers as a Although some party members been made available I fought to have the delegate ratio county clerk. He chard with any other fires. No other victory for students over a labor based on the last city council there were not A self arrests are anticipated yet, but, Student participation in the faction, set the ratio at the lowest election in which a record accomodate all those enough 3 - styled Black Power leader was returned Krasny added, "the cases are still Ingham County Democratic possible point allowed by the number of voters participated, shown an interest in nij Thursday to Trinidad under heavy guard to face murder open and under investigation." party was given a shot in the arm state central committee. The Rowe said the party executive the precinct posts. charges in a "garden of death" murder mystery. In addition to the Hatcher Wednesday when a party meeting 48-38 vote effectively blocked a committee had ruled that it must "I am distressed aim Abdul Malik, 38, also known as Michael X, was Graduate Library fires have voted to set the ratio of local move supported by other party be based on the last vote for the said. "All of my allotnu struck several dormitories and precinct delegates at one for factions which sought to have it office of arrested Wednesday in Guyana, on the northeast coast .secretary of state. He Democratic party ha»_ the university's administration every 50 voters. set at a higher level. said that this position was taken of South America. He was brought to this southernmost been distributed. Some! East Lansing Democrats are to avoid Caribbean island nation aboard a commercial jet. possible court wards don't have any at af meeting at 1 p.m. Saturday at All challenges. Malik and five other persons, including a North SAintf Church, 800 Abbott Rowe pointed oul The committee's ruling, petitions for precinct dl American still at large, have been charged with the • BOUZOUKIE Road, to organize precincts and however, reduces the number of must be filed by Marchl BACKGROUND choose precinct captains. killings of Gail Ann Benson, 27, a divorcee and the delegates, since the vote for 15 signatures. He said C Candidates running for precinct secretary of state in 1970 was daughter of a former member of the British Parliament, MUSIC only requirements fL delegate positions are urged to significantly lower than the and Joe Skerritt, 25, a local barber. attend and pick up petitions. position are that a person! ocuncil vote iast year. a registered voter in thedjT Winthrop Rowe, county Rowe indicated that the Five would represent. chairman, said the delegate executive committee is to • GREEK decision will raise the number consider two other questions Gilly senlenced 1o die AND ofprecinct delegates from East which may have an effect on the AMERICAN Lansing to between 115 and 125. final number of delegates. These Jordan, Isral Paul E. Gilly was sentenced DINNERS Previously, only approximately include verifying disputed figures 77 have been sent to the county Branches from the last election, and how Thursday in Washington, Pa. to die in the electric chair for his role in For reservations convention. "This will mean about 25 seats absentee ballots should be counted relative to precinct to cooperate! arranging and then helping to carry out the slayings two years ago of for the students," Rowe said Thursday. "I think it's really counts. He said that he expected to halt air crasl 489-1196 United Mine Workers insurgent Joseph pretty reasonable. Of course it have a final report from the A. "Jock" Yablonski and his wife and More branch offices in the East Lansing/Meridian doesn't accomodate all the committee by March 9. TEL AVIV, Israeli students who want to be Jordan and Israel, unak| m area than all other Rowe said that he did foresee a daughter. delegates, but I think it does give problem, however, In a lack of together for peace n< No date for banks combined are going to start talkinl was set Gilly's them a pretty fair break." delegate petitions which have execution, but appeals were expected other on the nondl to take several months and perhaps front - to prevent air cf years. The last execution in the state nriMYPiAd Israeli civil af liiscoifeei authorities said that Jo was April 2, 1962. DINING • COCKTAILS' agreed to radio comi In any event, Pennsylvania between Israel's Eilat A| BANQUETS the Red Sea and I currently has no electric chair. It was DOWNTOWN LANSING Jordanian arifield opeifl ordered dismantled two years ago 489-1196 116 E. Michigan Aqaba, about six miles during the administration of Gov. FREE EVENING PARKING Israeli and Jordaniaj Raymond P. Shafer, and incumbent tower operators wouldB Gov. Milton J. Shapp has said there each other's^ will be no executions while he remains communications and aJ other on traffic toH in office. collisions in the narrow above the twin seaside iff Rep's posilion queslionned super styles in cotton knit shirts The House Ethics Committee Thursday in Crew necks or zipper-front Washington agreed to examine "the appropriateness" of convicted Rep. John Dowdy, D - Tex., remaining as a for on up to the-minute foshion full voting member of the House. The agreement came at the request of Reps. Charles ook m these red/white/blue Wiggins, R - Calif., and Jerome Waldie, D - Calif., who had asked the committee to charges on which Dowdy was found guilty and investigate the bribery sentenced to 18 months in jail and a $25,000 fine. short sleeve knit shirts. Comfortable, colorfost SEVERE HANDS JEFFELLI01 Rep. Melvin Price, D - 111., chairman of the and cool. Sizes S,M,L Be Good To Yourself committee, refused to say, however, if it would look $5. into the facts of the bribery charges against Enjoy Your Favorite JOE JANETll Dowdy or Mixed Drinks only at the constitutional aspects of the House's action East of Dines of relating to a member in trouble. Lansing 321 East Michigan Ample Parking in Rear Muskie appeals for supporl Sen. Edmund S. Muskie, appealing for support from W "my friends and neighbors" in New Hampshire, said Thursday in Portsmouth he is running against a ' "phantom" opponent the percentage of the vote he wins in next Tuesday's Democratic presidential primary. ml He told a group of supporters there that the press will interpret Tuesday's balloting in which he is expected to run well ahead of his rivals, on the basis of rt whether he achieves "a upon yet." percentage they haven't agreed ^ Have A Nixon urges reform adion President Nixon uracil Congress Thursday in Key Biscayne, Fla., to complete action on the package of health care legislation he submitted last that reform ol the health care year, declaring , Jaoobson's in ***** WITH A || Shop system "remains an item ol highest priority on my unfinished agenda for MINIMUM Hot America." \ORDER OF L 1 he major portions ol the Nixon $1.50 package, including a national health insurance of the $5.80 program, per month medicare premium, are and elimination JACOBSON'S OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL NINE Ns THE SANDWICH 3 in House and Senate committees. pending SPARTAN SHOPPING CRfeJ TROWBRIDGEATH—r Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 3, 1972 3 cal man talks Castro hints Mujib on aid between C WASHINGTON (AP) — Cuban not to be quoted by name, spent J. Day, of the United Ministries in Higher Education, met Prime Minister Fidel Castro is resuming a dialog." 45 minutes with Castro not long Sheik Mujibur Rahman, Prime Minister of Bangladesh, telling intimates he is no longer ago and said Castro's position Theberge said Castro's apparent tly to discuss the Emergency Relief Fund sponsored tour of inflexibly opposed to resuming a toward a dialog with the united reappraisal of his hardline fluntrv that began Thursday. anti-American stand stems more friendly relationship with States is unmistakably more tour, called the Airlift for Understanding, will consist of 70 the United States. flexible than it was just a few primarily from a desire to free -ns, divided into task forces, who will study the troubles and Cuba from what has become an Diplomats attuned to Castro's months ago. almost total dependence on the of Bangladesh. thinking say there has been a acts as the Emergency Relief Fund's location representative decided Soviet Union, change in his views since Another Castro expert who has gladesh helping to arrange the tour. He will also help allocate last September when he declared detected a change in the prime raised for that country. that Cuba has "no intention or minister's attitude is Prof. James in the economic sphere, the meeting Sheik Mujib paid tribute to those Americans who desire of resuming relations with D. Theberge, director of -ntinnually supported freedom for Bangladesh. He also made Yankee imperialism." Theberge said, the Kremlin is Latin-American studies for the , that his government welcomed the tour. The first evidence of the Center for Strategic and demanding more and n»re say on how Soviet economic resources e want them to see everything, to know what has emergence of a "New Castro" happened International Studies of are to be used in Cuba. He "he said. came in Child last Nov. 25 when said Georgetown University. Castro might find the Soviet tour will serve as a preliminary event to a giant fund raising he declared that an era of ,or Bangladesh, called by the Emergency Relief Fund presence more tolerable if Cuba as "the U.S.-Cuban friendship might be st humanitarian relief program Theberge said he has received showed some sign of economic ever undertaken." The possible after the Nixon information indicating that progress. In Cuba, even sugar is ing tour particiapants will act as speakers in various administration leaves office. Castro is "astoundingly unities to help raise funds. In private conversations, Castro rationed. well-informed" about the has made it known that Emergency statement was no slip of tongue. One diplomat, who asked the the position of a number of U.S. newspapers and editorial writers on U.S.-Cuban relations. . • given them . °"lcia's no direct Castro has signal of a desire for resuming In a dialog and an interview, Theberge said there is Van Tassell some question as to that Castro's concern over the whether the explains troubles Nixon viewpoint of U.S. opinion makers administration would agree to could be aimed at giving him a talks prior to the November "feel of the possibilities of elections. S^aWVVrlter pwgram'where TfewMSUsSce Sd^hnfoeramLDeied tote commented. claimin« instructors who haven't said that whites living in an all - Van Tassell never really instructors volunteered their time n off with her department, and talents to set up informal saved that the charge was a result of published one." white environment could not an interview this week, science classes for people in the Ms Van ThskpII Haimprf that 0I)|yone con\P,a.,nt- "Dificient in standard of help but be racist, m Tassell explained the inner city of Detroit. The goal of the institute never received thp t! WfSi a™""8», s|"t ordinary performance . . "Some of my colleagues took it of her problems in the the program was to monev . 1970, she explained, another charge read. as a personal attack," she went Science Dept. give the "The administration Most people were aware that I "I believe they're charging this on. "People must face their controversial assistant people a better foundation for holdine the f^nds It neler ffofe to thPP°t ,? ? ' g because didn't give standardized prejudices in order to deal with the sciences. Ms. Van exDlaiSd "S t Tlie „ Tassel th'S StU?ent S° W8S Ultra " tests like the ordinary RatVisl^gllei' us" she «' them." Ms. Van Tassell claimed -EL'S! inted to teach for next fall stimulate learhlng .jilTuS .^e^en^din ^udTnV"myiTf ™w"'th Zd«l» "" ™ * ''c°?P°rtl°e *»*«# •» .. .. « the charge that she "... had little Live Folk Entertainment rb\cr;s,rS concerning the charges The administration required happened to the «»• Tdva„ t^H d..™* .h„ sssmanner'wasyet ^<*>—1^. d'smissal and the new that the students pay for the Evidently there money, was a the coed wanted a grade that she did not deserve. According to Ms. Friday and Saturday -SgSceS ,„te S sp„ke vo7unternworkU8bvMSU C™™nica"on fP;'the °f;icials Van Tassell, the girl was told to "How can they gauge thaf" she commented. "Is it Draft Beer „„ her Corn beef and a2 UgTace Sub - Sandwiches charges brought against It was at this point that Robert L. The controversial had gone into a general fund." professor tion began with her . u u ???" and the CtontKr reluctantly tr 7^1^ w7' that Van m Tassell n i. t: Ms. e 3S5S " the Sunday was unproductive of faculty to the needs of minority . ... followed them out, — the scholarly activity. students No Cover Charge program was dead. That was my rrigan praised initial run administration." - "I was denied money for in with the research several times," she "I discussed institutional claimed. "Yet I've managed to When asked about the charges racism," Van Tassell explained. ormer publish four papers since I've says in against her. Ms. Van Tassell been here. I know of In her discussion with other reappointed faculty members, Ms. Van Tassell R1SBURG, Pa. (AP) — the FBI in the course of court uc. Berrigan was quoted smuggling mail in and out of the 11I1CI1I,0 rtU ril y as praising informer penitentiary for the priest. More dated Oc7'25 'mi Douglas devo ion to the than a score of these letters have Ms. Van Tassell says she can refute every charge. 6ne of the -ATTENTION- iftprtheinttprh .fter ZZ JS read the latter had secretly been into identified the court by record Douglas and in the major charges is unfair treatment him to the FBI. ofsome students. last three days, charge emerges in truly "It's a long, sad story, ' Due to an error in the ing fashion," the Rev. tfuA week we " falls under state law, Ju must [if.s however, sue in the state your original filed by University - connected people as well as residents of the inner city and the suburbs. | ,] 1ULIES no longer in the state, Unfortunately, the council's t decision cannot be effect in such cases is minimal N until he returns (and he because the present law allows ITEMS OUT OF It be caught even if he does the second holder to collect his I Even if he is still in the lucre carte blanche. PAWN Jowever, he may simply Not surprisingly, this bill has FOR SALE! ■hat the guarantee attracted some powerful ♦Guns * Rifles *Watches you 'Musical Instruments you had really never ■ed; he may deny opposition, particularly certain banks who would rather from •Diamond Rings At Least 500 Other Items For that great iood friends get cPretzel on the upcoming Itogether at the cBell put a little I SUN DAY SPAGHETTI SPECIAL Wondering about the condition of your audio equipment? IAI1 you can eat — $1.50 Just bring in your amplifier, preamplifier, or receiver — regardless of age, make, or where you bought it. The Marantz J Also serving fried chicken for SI .50 Featuring Amy and Julie Miller people will take it from there. BEER and WINE SPECIALS on guitar First, they will thoroughly test your equipment (except the s"9p m. 1020 Trowbridge Rd. tuner section of your receiver) on $7,000 worth of precision in your laboratory equipment. And they'll tell you if you're getting all the sound performance you paid for. In addition, the results will be plotted on a graph for your records. You'll also get an attractive brochure that explains exactly what's been done and what it all means. This coupon is worth There are no strings attached. And you don't have to buy anything. We're bringing the Marantz people to our store simply to get you to know us e little better. $2.00 Date: MONDAY. March 6th TUESDAY. March 7th Time: 12 - 9 Each Day p.m. toward the purchase of See Monday's State News for a new pair of sandals SPECIAL SAVINGS (Think Spring Break!) on Marantz Audio Equipment. Directly 5*U. Bootery M.S.U. Shoe Repair p25 E. Grand River 501% E. Grand River from the coupon per purchase Expires March 18, 1972 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan EXPLOITATION CHARGED PAPTO RJtCTCI.XWG Term paper Work to By DANIEL DEVER them themselves, term paper firms cited He said some instructors have He added that term Ha*i<«anea Hoi— — Vaak 5U0 of 21 lba. State News Staff Writer papers give companies are contributing to the given up term papers completely, instructors a better basis upon Hoidan 500 Charging that term paper philosophy that an education companies "exploit students by should be solely entertainment with no work involved. while others are now making the papers optional. which to grade students evidencing the students' depth of by McDonal &50 paper c making them pay for Harrow said he is still assigning But Harrow pointed out that thought. Alter* l»5<> undermining their own papers, allowing students to He said that the term paper Sixteen residence halls education," Kenneth Harrow, how much a student gets out of chose their own topics with his companies claim to be Vllnon Vjo actively involved i succeeded in collecting about 1.9 tons of asst. professor of humanities, education depends a great deal approval. But he said he has "revolutionizing" the system by newsurint h?.?' "W blasted such firms as Write On upon the work the student changed his policy slightly to getting the "dead wood" out of Shaw fcoo starting Feb. 21. The halls will continue their efforts, and the State News k™PE2J! - and Creative Research in an himself does. assure that students are writing education. will publish tha prope« the papers themselves. Vondtn fcoo Friday. the re«Jlts ^ interview this week. But Harrow said the companies Fred Moore, Buchanan He said by encouraging According to Harrow, the term "Students must be able to are "based on sophomore and advivr fraud, and that's Qilchrlat 230 projects, said a weekly goal of 10 tons has been » . students to buy papers rather paper companies a re identify what they have in their hypocritical. You don't set e "Lots of Interest In paper than researching and writing accomplishing one thing — they papers," he said. If he suspects a revolutionize a system by Bailer 800 recycling is now being genera, being dorms and by spring term, we are causing some instructors to student has not written the paper hypocritical." hope to have all actively participating," he said. Only ten camn.! .. UNIVERSITY change their policy of assigning himself, Harrow questions the He suggested that Instructors William# 175 dur ng February, but the number is dormitoriesTe Jl* papers. student to find out if he has an "keep the faith" and continue environmentalists gain awareness of the steadily increaslniu BAPTISTCHURCH understanding of the paper's assigning term papers on the Caee 150 "Our biggest problem is project he hHhIh 4608 South Hagadurn Machines OKd content. Harrow said last term he found premise that all students will not Campbell 105 students, Moore said A raising the level of large percentage of the comSL John D. Walden - Pastor at least 10 papers which he was cheat. Harrow added that he knows of Owen • unaware of the recycling efforts or unsure of how students! projects. Moore suggested contacting him sure students did not write no businesses, other than the for Inform^! For Information for French vote themselves. Mnnon-Abbot • starting recycling projects. mrormatlon term paper companies, that are The Unlvendty Is not or Transportation 351-4144 "It is natural for students to based entirely on fraud. sponsoring the paper collection effort Phillipa-Snyder • residence hall managers are Bus Schedule 332-8472 PARIS (AP) - Mechanical want to get out of work," said He said legislation has been such as loading docks and cooperating by aUowinc use of h?' School of and electronic voting machines Harrow, "But term papers give proposed in the state of New Ratbar • storage bins. Discipleship 6:45 have been approved for the 197 3 students the opportunity to do Weight estimations is the accompanying chart York to outlaw such business from an environmental were Worship Sunday School catalog, The Earth Tool Ki» 10:00 AM 11:00 AM legislative elections in France, something in education that they practices, and he said he hopes TOTAL 3.7*0 lbs. measurement used estimated that 30 replacing the pa ?r ballot and otherwise would not have a that MSU would investigate the *r«evc1irtK fiwr»i unavailable horizontally folded in half) equals 100 Inches of newsDrinnL ballot box in cities of more than chance to do in ordinary matter and pounds of urge such legislation almost accurate, Moore 6aid. or-- ST. JOHN 30,000 inhabitants. classroom work." in Michigan. STUDENT CENTER Sunday Masses: THE 327 M.A.C. Research animal 8:30 6:00p.m. EPISCOrAL COMMUNITY Saturday 7:00 p.m. AT M.S.U. The Rev. Jack Hilyard, Chaplain ALL SAINTS CHURCH Did By TONI PELLILLO State News Staff Writer you ever wonder what through miles of provided mazes researchers with the necessary data? and researchers are usually killed immediately after scientists have finished their studies. But their disposal hit "The Waste Control Authority intends to stop this practice of disposing of dead animals in this guidelines, could result a - serious problem that the center the stopping of ton of collects about research animals federal grants for research month happens to the hundreds of furry All the mice, and burns 9:45,11:15 dogs, cats and disposal is another matter and the insane and illegal method," projects, he predicted. then white mice after they have run frogs used by University University has no policy on Rosenhaft said. More importantly, the University incinerators. A Every Wednesday 8 p.m. whether the animals should be danger treated with radioactive ma Lenten Thought - Talk "If researchers will not of infectious animals could be Central United Methodist burned, buried or ignored. voluntarily comply with proper during research are buried, and Prayer multiplied in improper disposal, UNIVERSITY Recent complaints from disposal methods, they should said. March 8th Across from the Capitol the director said. This is not faculty and students to Mark E. only The center charges $1 Lilian Green Worship Services SEVENTH-DAY not be allowed to conduct their offensive to the University Rosenhaft, director of the newly research plastic bag (with a 35 MSU Faculty 9:45 11:00 ADVENTIST CHURCH on campus," he added. community in odoriferous terms, capacity) for • "Ethics in Business" formed Waste Control Authority Rosenhaft said the complaints but also in terms of physical pickup and "Jesus People" on campus, have stated that some Howe estimated that "i have cited experimenters at health. Daily Masses: Sabbath School 9:30 dead animals are being dumped share" of animals i. Wm. A. Eddy Dr. George A. Fellon Giltner Hall, the Womens' The brought in M.A.C.: 8:00, 12:30,4:30 Worship Service 11:00 into land fills and trenches. After responsibility of carcass from researchers, but adm preaching Intramural Building and the East: f.lon. thru Thur. 9:30 P.M, disposal is up to the individual that some experimenters d! K. G. Smith, pastor a period of time, the flesh begins Natural Science Building as being researchers or departments, said of the animals Crib Nursery thru Kindergarten to rot and themselves. a stench develops. negligent in their disposal of 9:45 - 12:00 Fred E. Howe, service and The Waste Control Au 149 research animals. Highland Ave. research coordinator for the will ask various departmen The National Institute of Call 351-8994 if"you FIRST CHURCH OF Health guidelines are specific in Center for Laboratory Animal voluntarily comply with need transportation Resources. center or other CHRIST, SCIENTIST their prohibition of proper f— dumping "We pick up animals for many disposal. A thoro dead research animals in landfills Grand River departments." he said, "but our investigation will foilow: or open bins, Rosenhaft said. If service is strictly voluntary, not researchers continue violating the necessary, warned Rosenhaft. at Collingwood Entrance mandatory." Howe estimated EAST LANSING.TRIN TRINITY CHURCH East Lansing "With inexpensive alter Sunday Services 10:30 a.m. (such as the center), there' reason for the inhumane fl 841 Timberlane Drive Lesson Sermon Subject ■ Stanley R. Reilly, East insanitary practice of dir Acting Pastor Lansing animals in landfills," R~ "MAN" Telephone: 351-8200 said. Interdenominational He urged students discov University Classes 9:45 a.m Wednesday Testimonial Meeting other campus environm 8:00 p.m. Sermon problems to contact the W 6:00pm Sunday School to age 20 Control Authority's office, 10:SO a.m. Wednesday: Mid-week discussion & prayer 7:00 p.m. Administration Bldg., * Reading Room Temporarily investigation and action occur. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF OKEMOS Located in Church OPEN 4684 MARSH ROAD Weekdays 9 - J p.m. (near Meijers Thrifty Acres) Mon., Tuet, Thurs., Fri, eves 7- 9 p.m. Griping citizen An unaffiliated church proclaiming the aim high in Ita Bible as THE WORD of TTie AH are welcome to Living God. attend church services and visit ROME (AP) - A jobless1 Sunday Services and use the reading scaled the monument to 9:45 A.M. Bible School Classes for al II room. unknown soldier to r ages 11:00 A.M. Worship Service against unemployment 6:00 P.M. Junior & Senior High one more monument to Fellowships 7:00 P.M. Praise Service city's list of high "" 8:30 P.M. Wmthrop E. Robinson, Rev. Counibus (a college university, business youth rap & snak session) Phones 349-2830, 349-2533 pEOplES perches. and Last week, a score c women had clambered City Hall, St. Peter's dome CHURCH the Colosseum. Their MORNING SERVICE - 10:00 a.m. Interdenominational ranged from housing to " licenses. Rev. Brink preaching S&uik foaf&st iAui-A 200 W. Grand Rlvar at Michigan The climber, 26-J^ 332-9073 Coslmo Martinez, was EVENING SERVICE - 7:00 p.m. 1518 S. Washington Sunday 7 p.m. Lansing on the top central cornice * A Dr. Harry Love, Michigan Contervative .SUNDAY SERVICES big Travertine monu, Baptist Association 0:80 and 11:00 A.M. overlooking Piazza Veneiii s*id he would come down Visit our new Student Center 9:45 A.M. Book of Revelation authorities find him a job. "Miracle ofDialogue" open daily 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. College Bible Class in the fireside room. Fellowihlp Rev. Carl Staser Lunch Wednesday 12:30 - 1:30 Dr. Ted Ward, 8:30 p.m. MSU, Teacher refreshments preaching Dr. Howard F. CHURCH SCHOOL Sugden, Pastor Si30 and UiOO A.M. James Emery, Minister of youth Crib through Adult* 8:30 and 11a.m. "God Has A Purpose" mmm AND STUDENT CENTER-1509 River Terrace Hubbard Hall) FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening Coffee Hour Call 482-0754 for information. After Services LCMS Lutheran Ed&cwood United Church for students at MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL Campus 469 North Hagadorn 332 - 0606 An Ecumenical Fellowship WORSHIP SERVICES 444 Abbott Road 332-0778 Ministries 9:30 & 11:00a.m. Bus Schedule 6 p.m. Meeting Pastor David Kruse ALC-LCA Sermon by University bus atop near YakeleyHall 5:30 WORSHIP HOURS for students and Brody complex (at blinking light faculty at Dr. Truman A. Morrison Harrison Road) on 5:36 11 a.m. Communion UNIVERSITY 6 8:30 Wilson (at 9:30 a.m. Communion p.m. university bus stop on Birch 5:39 1st & 3rd LUTHERAN CHURCH University Group Dinner Road) Matins 1020 S. Harrison and Program Wonders and Holden (at unlverilty bus 5:40 2nd & 4th stop on Wilson Rd.) The weekend. And you've got a little tim 332-2559 for faculty and staff at 10:44 Pastors Shaw (brief 5:44 to spend. Any way you want. Good times, stop In front each side ASCENSION LUTHERAN Walter Wietzke 10:47 Phillips, Snyder, Mason, Abbot (at 5:47 good friends. And Coca-Cola to help 2780 Haslett George Gaiser university bus stop In ftont of the 337-7961 physics building) make it great. Dr. Roy Schroeder WORSHIP HOURS WORSHIP HOURS 8:30 a.m. Holmes Hall (stop In drive In front of each side) 5:50 I ttfs the real thing- Cok©» and 10:30 a.m. 10:30 Common Service East Akers (brief Schools a.m. stop In the drive 5:52 9:15 area) a.m. 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Hubbard Hall (atop in drive in front of 5:53 « Col* Company t>y Coca—Cola Bottling Company a both sides) __________ n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 3, 1972 ^ Council will consider By S. A. SMITH State Newt Staff Writer News Analysis they became voting members. According to the minutes of the Feb. 1 meeting, "the chair members asking the rescinding of the censure motion. Repas is not a created last November when the Academic Council announced that the member of the Academic Council". a trustee and a professor have not yet rippled into Counl.i t COmpo8i1tlo1n of the ™uncil. The November Academic request (to reconsider its Nov. 30 motion of censure) would appear on the council agenda" for the The motion to come before the council Tuesday does not rescind stu2 Z cor"Pr sed solely of faculty members. In January the meeting. Tuesday the November censure motion. However, there is tion to insure that future censure or reprimand motions 37JuilTu Jwina tW? bT" taking their seat8' and now there are However, the agenda item is some council member will introduce such a motion. a possibility that one session of the council will not be acted on until the M taking action o mbers;In on an effect, a new and different council will be issue that future resolutions of reprimand." a "proposed policy with respect to If the motion to rescind fails, the council will have essentially on will be introduced by Gordon E. Guyer, chairman of was brought to consideration before recensured Repas and White; if the motion to rescind Repas said Thursday that he will distribute a note to all council passes, some id Committee, at the Tuesday council meeting, people could Interpret the vote as approval of the methods Repas roposal is an answer to James McKee, professor of and White employed. who at the first February Academic Council meeting FOR MARRIED STUDENTS Reconsideration of the censure of Repas and White at the it the censure action taken at the Nov. 30,1971, council Tuesday motion could raise some of the same objections that critics e rescinded. In November the council approved a motion saw in the method of the first censure: the item was not on the re Bob F. Repas, professor of labor and industrial relations, agenda, there was no time to check with council Better members' ■tee Clair A. White, D-Bay City, for their actions in the constituents, and no definition of the word "censure". nd publication of the faculty pay list. 'ieinal censure motion was introduced by Frederick , chairman of the Faculty Affairs and Faculty By ANDREA AUSTIN services However, an attempt to define "censure" after the fact is meaningless in terms of Repas and White. There is nothing in the Academic Council rules that says the council can not censure tion Committee (FAFCC), as a point of personal Though the Day Care Center and gynecological services for someone, nor are there any rules saying the council can censure. is Proponents of functioning, Boger said, it is students and wives. gather "hard data" showing the Neither are there any rules defining censure, providing due process improved "too tight" and too need for this free service. "The for objection focused on what they considered the health and child care, University He recommended that expensive. "From the family planning the person censured or any idea of what censure means. pactions of Repas and White because the men went outside cable television for married question is how fast will it The only function the November censure married students keep pressure on the clinic," Kirsehbaum said, "you motion serves is to ling channels to accomplish something which had been duly housing, and advanced roles for grow," he said. provide a lesson to those faculty members who have since get a total health package." This d to a recognized University channel. students in city government University to increase these includes, he explained, entry their hasty move to criticize. With the regretted kinds of services. Erling S. Jorgenson, director Committee passage of the Steering ;C had made a recommendation to the central presented the issues for married Into a statewide system, an of MSU closed circuit motion, perhaps such rash action will be prevented Married Student Union television, from recurring. Oration to institute a pay policy which would release high, students at the Married Students optional education period and said a cable communication Union President Edward J. Terdahl said dan and average salaries at each rank in each unit but open meeting Tuesday sexual counseling. few things have been done system would be valuable to this names. The administration was still night. The service at the health considering FAFCC's because a lack of effort has been community." jndation when Repas and the Committee for a Rational Speakers from the University center is "beginning to affect the translated as "apathy" ty mailed to all members of the faculty a list with names of and East by the ■1 salaries. een the November meeting and McKee's recent gain Lansing told the students to unify their group, University administration. Ray Heifer, of the Dept. of distribution of gynecological care in the area," Kirsehbaum "It would be easy to connect with the University's system," Special recognition from the Human Development, stressed said, but local doctors question he said. "The technicalities in liction of the subject for council consideration, confusion University, and build a powerful the need for this I expressed as to whether Williams' censure motion was an in Repas and White for going outside the normal processes base from which to work for services they want. the the need for married students to establish an official voice in the University. "They and wives adequately) program. say they served (students before," Lansing are simple; making your voice heard is not so simple." Pepperoni Days! jsity operation, for the fact that they did open the pay data A survey of students in he pointed out. "Now "You need to know how they are There are innovations married immunity or for both reasons, married housing a few years ago, big noticing the number of patients an arm this students want to initiate, jginal censure motion said in part: Donald Melcer, day carc center group has," he told from members of FAFCC do hereby unanimously recommend coordinator, noted, showed the married students," and how decreasing." the University is Terdahl said. First, "to provide Pepperoni is free on Schlesinger United Artists NOMINATED FOR 4 ACADEMY AWARDS! v-AUD. Pianist Public. »5. »4. $3. MSU Students: $1.00 SERIESB TONIGHT AT: 7:30-9:35 SAT. 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:35 7:35 - 9:40 )r'™rv« seating SUN. 3:30-5:35-7:35-9:40 MSU events at the Union, v Students must have I.O. 355 • 33 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan A Rita, Don: sultry young lady walks on Mine)." contrasting talents that drew the audience back. You get the feeling of stage at the Pop Entertainment dig, and McLean got Into, too. Much has to be said for The guitar is McLean's way of loneliness, futile attempts at concert, Wednesday night, "It's a good song," he quipped, keyboard player, Mike Utley. communication. When the guitar One of the most touching communication, and the wearing skin - tight leather pants Ms. Coolidge's weak attempts at warms the audience, the shy degradation of saviors who only and a body shirt, with flowing songs was "Sister Fatlma," a piano playing were well covered performer begins to speak with tearful ballad of a nun who save money. He is a bitter brown pig tails. "Look, but by Utley on the organ, short quips on Detroit, charges $5 for free flowers and person. don't touch," is the statement The lead guitarist, Charlie Catholicism, reviewers and the counseling advice, Rita Coolidge presents on stage. Freeman, polished off the like. He changed the pace on a Rita stands proudly as she Cream's "Born Under a Bad wails out with "Black banjo spiritual, "Couldn't Keep - eyed Sign" with a little country To discover what songs he c„■ i i It To Myself," a down home Boogie." Her movements are flavor. sang requires a knowledge of the School Chlldrer tribute to an inner faith in God. rather mechanistic, but always The country element comes suggestive. Her throaty voice can alive in all of Rita's songs. She Then, his encore returned to match a feminine Janis Joplin, was born around Nashville, moroseness in a tribute to Van announce anything, including his , or a hip Bobby Gentry. Ms. Coolidge electrifies her Tennesse, and has sung back • up her own. presence ... but in a way, that is to leom language Gogh, titled "Vincent," where for most of the big time country She shows a lot of potential McLean. he says "this world wasn't meant back - up band, The Dixie artists. fojr someone as beautiful as you as an entertainer. She can belt Flyers. Together they can She's also done back ■ up He made a rather vicious BONN (UPI) — Every (Van Gogh)." out a tune with the fervor of a enhance a spiritual or mellow a work for Leon Russell, Joe assault on record reviewers who 10-year-old school child in West blues number, like "Most Likely gospel singer, or the polish of a Whether the world was meant Cocker, and Graham Nash and Germany will be learning a You Go Your Way (And I'll Go big - time vocalist. But shell picked through "American Pie" for anyone like Don McLean is has only recently gone out on have to touch the audience a with a fine tooth analyzing foreign language by 1975 at the little more and melt a little on comb. McLean stressed that latest, according to Hildcgard anyone's guess. Perhaps McLean RHARHARHARHARHARHAI stage to equal the effectiveness "feeling" is far more important in the of her voice. than actually interpreting. Hamm-Bruecher, State Secretary Ministry of Science and doesn't know himself. He returned back to his room Don McLean, in comparison, Education. after the performance and liil a ami lh„, PRESENTS has little voice and much talent, as a guitarist, song writer and As an example, McLean sang Teachers from English - speaking countries probably will locked the door. He refused to be interviewed, but came out to Though only two^thirds full, the Auditor,um enthusiastic audience for the Rita held a little ditty on "living on the have to be brought to West sign autographs. Coolidge Don McL entertainer. concert Wednesday evening. The "Delta GCCAT! McLean walks on stage with Amazon'' where the Germany in order to meet the Well, so much for finding out creator of "American Pie" provided Lady" and th" "prophylactics crawl" and the goal the government has. set, what "American Pie" really a contrast in music The first the seeming attitude of "Let's styles with both types bring thecrowd to their feet. indisputably great film of 1971!" "menopause lives" and so forth. Frau Hamm-Breucher said. —ANDREW SARRIS. The Villtge Voice get this over with" and begins to You get the idea. Hopefully the State News photo by Ken Ferguso, play — no introduction, no song critics will. SLDCPLATIVE! title. Within the first five He went on to a sing - along Funny, moving, immaculately realized." —VINCENT CANBY. New York Times minutes we were tempted to leave, but there rendition of "American Pie" REGISTRATION ENDS TODAY was a feeling which the audience seemed to AMASTEEDIECE! M.S.U. VS NOTRE DAME A film every viewer should savor for himself!" —HOLLIS ALPERT. Saturday Review LCC millage By KAREN ZURAWSKI East Lansing City Hall will be According to Knight D. great deal of State News Staff Writer open until 5 p. m. to register McKesson, connected with LCC between interchan LCC and MSU n interested persons. Haslett and millage headquarters, the •dded that many of Mgn Today is the last day local Lansing city halls will be open increase "will permit us to students had attended LCC. residents can register and still be until 8 p. m. continue just the way we are." With the student vote m At stake in the April election The millage would also will be able to eligible to vote in the April 4 functil is an increase in the present one - provide for the addition of a Lansing Community College according to Flory? however I mill levy to two mills on the technical building to the college, is not (LCC) millage election. expecting a large siufa' property tax. and the building of an turnout. auditorium with 550 capacity. a - person "We'll be lucky to pull 30 cent," he said. J Defeated last year by eight McKesson agreed, n votes, in an election where with Flory that East LansiM 44,000 votes were cast, the one - Okemos and Haslett could mill levy would extend to 1980, 1 the deciding factors, because 1 McKesson said. "their pro - educational bias." f Though a small general The millage question will J turnout is expected, the feeling the only issue on the ballot! is that students could be the April election. It will M Influential in the outcome. mark the first punch card Al Flory, director of Lansing. However, McKesson vote] legislative relations for ASMSU, not forsee any trouble with th df said East Lansing could win or punch card system, explainiq lose the election. that "it isn't a complia He pointed out that there Is a vote." ★★★★★★★★* ***** »★★★★*★★★★★★★ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 3, 1972 1? By esus 0u ROBERT BAO ROBERT BAO -News Staff Writer Movement: long-lastinq Hooding the market or faddish? "However, nuwever, if there is virtue in the hypocritical and derelict in many continue to multiply like loaves movpmpntS"h °CriSy^ in..ihe c|imate of a fad, I would thank .. ways, the but bases her rationale on the continues in its due course, a new Jesus Movement a young people will and fishes, ^non-Christian wave of spiritualism, Jesus hnmn t n^oaned. The God for it. I welcome anything eventually vent their hostilities some observers predict the movement movement of planets and stars. "The present surge of spiritual age will be heralded in by - it's h !| that that whets the appetite for and become cosmic cross, thus dissipating the — the vanguard of the merely a theological hula Christian ? nol,ow brand of inquiry about God." renewal movement in churches." will soon become stale. rebirths came about because Jesus Movement. Iwao Ishino, chairman of the "A lot'h Although the movement Richard Muzik, housefather of during the Great Conjunction of One student, a recurrent target turday night in January, Anthropology Dept., said that nd and snow whooshed iustfnrth° ^ Pn'®s com®'iere evolved outside church Bethel Manor, who recently spent the present wave of 1962, when seven planets of evangelists, says he will loudvihP ° hC establishments, Farrell predicted three months in California like Christianity, occupied the zodiacal sign of personally expedite the laws of -n trees, more than 150 oes, ne added. it will become "the short-lived messianic Aquarius, the transaturnian fathered in the warmth of strength of studying the movements of the past, springs anthropology and astrology. f,combs - a candle-lit nrp«irton»V^!p' n f °" u °vt0n..' the church of tomorrow." movement, discounts such an from social turmoil. planets Neptune, Uranus and "I'm getting sick and tired of ent featuring Christian Mini«tri0c °H f fTk u , "In their childhood," he outlook. "Given cultural flux," he Pluto \fcere respectively in hearing about Jesus," he said. rock m . use of explained, "they were "The Jesus People believe that Scorpio, Leo and Virgo." "I'm going to buy a gun to shoot nmCIlt GosDel US'C ° ^>roPa^a',e explained, immunized by a mild dose of churches are cold, apostate and in answers in "people look for Ms. Baron added that as the the next guy that tries to convert Earthen' Vessel, i vessel' a■ IOLal local traditional ways, Last in a series "Martin i nfK -i u * Christianity which repressed cahoots with the Establishment," which often involve procession of the equinoxes me." „ Luther hymns to them from getting the real thing, he explained. "They have created from heaven." a pipeline reverberated with fciro losl lluinDer wirn wprp "®^°™ers.Jecause'y1"108 The contagion in the movement a new church, fresh and Ishino added that once society Y¥¥¥Y¥¥¥Y¥¥Y¥¥¥YMM everybody clappine and s'ineintr- healing 88 now ref,ects the fai,ure of spontaneous, in which faith is not regains ^ T version jn of the 1Rolling "Get high on JLus/Get high of J«ul "hfnE "p ® « churches in their primary purpose expressed in the traditional Movement will order, the Jesus Jf" KAPPA ALPHA PSI ^'^h/uilSs/He's mJGetM^ron on 'gh °" Jesus*Get ^ppens\ob^popular'today" w subside. PRESENTS heard that Jews/He the w,y/ ( s^t u high, get high on the Lord." "The Jesus Movement will °'^ Although the Church has been Tl K As the legions of Jesus , • ,, . . People Astrologer ^er will that the moven.'v' Baron agrees AN ELOQUENT NIGHT WITH 0ne member °f the fade out, audience, last,"he predicted, "because /ni give Him my life gittlng ncar the b>ck ghook h,g kjds ^ dissatisJied ^th £ the THE NUPES s .. of Index . fin„ersthrusted fingers thnuted he«^L <«Xhe more I hear material world of adults. Their THEIR FIRST ANNUAL STATE • WIDE it, the less I inner needs cannot be met TALENT SHOW the audience,noving up LAST THREE NIGHTS Uke ,the sajd over the djn Qf by science and tech j eby thhepower(m o,the Holly ,Ghost0. b t . FEATURING sy»c^l«, with >pp„ule ,,he „„g THE SUPERLATIVES :«£>■ The „orav energy nulMtlna pulsating ef.ySome clergymen helieve the Many clergymen and older FAIRCHILD THEATRE TICKETS CAN BE Christians share his longevity of the movement ASMSU POP ENTERTAINMENT & NEW PLAYERS MARCH 4, SAT. concern that depends on its acceptance of the OBTAINED FROM the Jesus Movement tends -officer scrape the surface of Christianity, to church, The Rev. Roger C. Palms, PRESENT 10:30 P.M. ANY KAPPA MAN seldom penetrating beyond the Baptist chaplain at MSU and give talk cosmetics to the real experience, As a result, men such as B. Gale author of "The Jesus Kids," said the movement lacks the Third Comin TOMMY biblical .1 „ nffinar of thp Hettrlck. executive director of knowledge that churches »'cull,e-°"!f?;,°ll„ the Church of God, f«,r the provide. can CSP . hv the North movement might fizzle after the "They've jumped on a 1Q68 ' will be the kdcUsh aspects wear out. theological riding horse and gone "Tommy is a happy sensual experience. l,. at the "Any movement of this vigor," galloping out into the blue," he °j It's steady going, down - to - earth rock,. from Captivity" he n°ted, "is bound to pick up a said. "They have zeal and - / ,m , o tonieht In ,ot of fakes- It'8 made up of many commitment, but they lack . . well performed by the si urn a s immature people — young and depth. They need a church to . author of 'nexPer'enced- Whether it will moderate their enthusiasm." Plain Brown Wrapper " 1 "rlmm.nH " a honk last deP®nds on their genuineness The Rev. Dr. Arthur L. Farrell, nstheaction m the Navy and integrity." director of Michigan Baptist :°..0 f the Pnphio's Pueblo's captain pantain The Rev Jack Hilyard, Convention, finds the Jesus 1 ne nev- J incident, will the inriHpnt. will tell tell of of Jpi*?pa"an cha?,ain 8t Qf the Movement authentic doubts the genuineness genujneness of "The Kingdom of God never riences as a pnsoner of movement. has, un<*'nf ^TueZ^s nd,th; 'Etching The Spirit catching of of the cannot be measured,' the Holy 1 wave or never of a will, come on the fad," he said. emission. Hunter, in ex -convict explained, "but I can be cynical converted to Christian ^ g#y U>1 # feeIi[fg of and became a consultant intoxication, like drugs." D#ve Caudjll( an MSU junlor March . prevention, will also gnd lea(J ^^.ctatc Mews Admission 7 & 9 guitarist of the Earthen Cash Prizes 109 Anthony Vessel, deplores the Jesus MSIT students :ird annual . i - symposium is sponsored button Jesus T.shirts and other MSU chapter of the Science Organization. f#d.ortented merchandi9e now film festival Erickson Kiva ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★■A-*** day concert } VARSITY PIZZA TGIF & S SALE March 3,4,5 Fridays & Saturdays RHAkHARHARHARHAlWi in honor of J ! CO cn buys a Medium 12" 1 7:00 * 10.00 »■ PRESENTS Stravinsky I ^»JU 2 Item Varsity Pizza and ^ 2 Large Cokes with coupon | Sundays 8:00 MSU music and theater March 3 & 4 | ments will present a I concert in honor of 8 items to choose from vinsky, the great 20th composer who died last age 89. $4.25 2 item buys a King 16" Varsity Pizza and THE BEAL FILM GROUP PRESENTS - FOR PERSONS OVER 18 YEARS OF AGE - THE TONIGHT AND SATURDAY Stravinsky work to be 4 large Cokes . ULTIMATE X "A Soldier's Tale" du P.. with coupon March 3 & 4 ! Soldat), composed . It will be presented at 2 :15 p. m. Sunday in d Auditorium, ♦Subs (3 to *Homemade Spaghetti work which is to be choose from) (j"si^c°nly> played and danced" ♦Foot long *Pmballs Varsity Dogs *inside dining ing to Stravinsky's ctions is based on a FREE, FAST, HOT DELIVERY MONA a of Russian fairy tales. ~cal ensemble includes ruments that act both ruments r orchestra and as it is narrated id acted and danced throughout the by the by yL iVARSITY 1227 E. Grand River , the Soldier and the J 332-6517 "d of ensemble will be Jf- Delivery Starts at 6:30 p.m music faculty Walter Verdehr, violin; l> Bodman, bass; Elsa 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 332 6944 'I! Verdehr, clarinet; n 1|1 |] , Kirk, bassoon; Gene trumpet; Mike Lorenz, and Mark 3RD WEEK! Open Daily 12:45 A LANDMARK" , Johnson, Shows Today & Sat. narrator 1:15- 3:20-5:25-7:30-9:35 will be FVed associate professor of The Soldier and the THE MOST SHATTERING CLIMACTIC I be portrayed by Nick EXCITEMENT YOU WILL EVER SEE! and L«s Washington, assistant in the Theater Everything you have ever seen previously was merely preparatory to the Performance will be "DUSTIN HOFFMAN'S experience of seeing MONA. MONA is the ultimate X film. The degree to which MONA is explicit is quite simply, unparalleled, MONA will show J>y Dennis Burkh and n LaCasse. FINEST PERFORMANCE you more than you'd expect to see; perhaps even more than w°fk, composed at the SINCE'MIDNIGHT COWBOY'!" want to see. you may PROGRAM 4 °f Stravinsky's neo • - THE NATIONAL OBSERVER Wtod, is characterized ist Walter Verdehr as "A BRILLIANT FEAT PIT AND THE PENDULUM a The Beal Film Group sings no bull. We warrant that MONA is as explicit Peat deal of charm, It OF MOVIE "a sardonic. MAKING!" as anything presently screened in Los Angeles, San Francisco or New RETURN OF THE FLY bit Everything York. If you doubt us, simply ask tongue- in -cheek." anyone of the several hundred people MASTER UF THE WORLD who have seen MONA during its preview screening here at MSU. They will P <0 "It flawlessly tell you that MONA is the ULTIMATE X. Tonight in Conrad Aud. 12 p.m. Slage expresses the Sat. in Wilson Aud. 12 p.m. operella belief that MSU Opera manhood requires P'esent Gilbert Workshop and rites of violence" PROGRAM It MONA IS HATED X-YOU MUST BE 18 ' Gondoliers" Friday -turday in the Music FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER -H A u d ' t O r I u mwill . AND YOU MUST BE ABLE TO PROVE IT. WAR GODS OF THE DEEP be held at p.m- on Friday and y, and at 2 p.m. • Admission PLUS BKggff," is $1 for Performances and 75 MONA will be screened at 7, CURSE OF 8:15, 9:30, 10:45 FRANKENSTEIN Je Saturday matinee. (considered to be the best S / staged comic include Admission $2 Frankenstein film soloists, ever made) and orchestra. ADANKl MtLNICK Producwn Tonight in Wilson Aud. 12 #f Workshop, Mrs. Leona under the Showplace 106 B WELLS Sat. in Conrad Aud. 12 p.m. WHtert p.m. M(?ast Productions of $1.00 vS !randTuttl" and A Beal Film Group Presentation „ A"iahl the Night JPSS!5S mtmnpc***™*" 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 3, „ STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED 355 8255 SUDDENLY... There's jiwi as® £EfT yaJvertisel FRANKLY SPEAKING Automotive Automotive Employment by PhilFronk For Rent Th« State News does not CHEVROLET IMPALAS, 1971 beige TEMPEST 1966, stick, need money! SERIOUS ROCK Drummer desires permit racial or, religious Apartments UMtAdl 2-door hardtop. Brown vinyl top. Best offer over $350. 351-5986. work. Experience, versatile, tight, 4-door, dark green, hardtop, 3-3-3 discrimination in its excellent equipment. Jon automatic, power steering, brakes, 332-4927. 4-3-3- ONE GIRL for three man advertising columns. The AM/FM - spring State . 484-8415. 5-3-9 Mr. Welsh, 372-1098, VOLKSWAGEN 1968 CAMPER BUS. Sleeps two. With water DREAM JOB. Teach make - up t«rm. Old Cedar 351 8905. 5-3-6 Village. Call advertising News will not accept which • automotive Scooters & t supply. Clean interior. Good methods used in Hollywood for discriminates against religion, Auto Parts & Cycle, CORVAIR MONZA 1965 Coupe, body. Good running. 2 - year G.W. natural on high style looks. DESPERATE ONE girl spring term. race, sex, color or national Sen automatic. Excellent condition, warranty. $1595. CURTIS FORD Training at our expense. Money is $73/ month. Cadar Village. Aviation $475 or make offer. 694-9294. of WILLIAMSTON, 655-2133 origin. • 3-3-3 4-3-3 good if you're ambitious. Can lead to executive position. VIVIANE 332-2310. 3-3-6 • employment for rent WOODARD COSMETICS, 3 BLACK girls need 1. Sublease 1968 COUGAR X-R7. Air, rear VOLKSWAGEN 1969, exceptional subsidiary of General Foods. spring. Cedar Village, $73. Apartments defogger. Best offer. Call after car_ many extras, reasonable, must 351-6623. 0-6-3-10 Houses 353-5725. 3-3-6 5 30 p.m. 393-7491. 5-3-3 se|| 484-9603. 3-3-6 For Rent Rooms WAITRESSES, NIGHTS, no 1 OR 2 girls needed for spring. New • for sale CYCLONE 1966, 40,000 miles, 390 VW1965, good condition, 61,000 experience necessary.full or part apartments, close to campus. $55 automatic, positraction. Best miles. $450. 676-2068 after 4:30 time. Will train. Apply in person, / month. 337-9372. 3-3^ Houses Animals offer. 339-9723. 4-3-6 p.m. 3-3-6 ROCKY S TE AKWOOD 3 M°bile H0mes LOUNGE, 3600 South Logan. BRENTWOOD, NEAR Frandor. 2 BEDROOMS, furnished, 3 miles Lost & Found DATSUN 1971, 4 speed, VOLVO, 1966. 1800S, overdrr from campus. $200 / month 1-3-3 bedroom, unfurnished, available Call undercoated, vinyl top, radio, snow tires, excellent conditic immediately, carpeted, air - 485-8354. 5-3-7 » personal I warranty. 372-1814 between 5:30 - 7 p.m. 3-3-7 Michel in X's. 482-3984. 5-3-9 ASSISTANT GARDEN Shop conditioning, carport. $170. THREE BEDROOM, carpet, drapes, •peanuts person Manager. Spring and summer FABIAN REALTY, 332-0811. 1 real estate ^ tooliout for re ARE YOU PAYING terms, full time. Pants and garden 482-4619. 482 0571. 2-3-3 appliances. Nearby. Small family] FORD 1965, 9 passenger wagon, T00 MUCH p0R AUTO INSURANCE? supplies sales. TWISS no pets. $190/ deposit. 332-8061. 3-3-6 month plus » recreation power steering, excellent running condition. $450. Call 332-6236 I Why not give me a call? LANDSCAPE CENTER, East NEED GIRL spring. $110 entire •service after 5 p.m. 2-3-3 t Don Lansing. 351-0590. 6-3-10 THE F16URE/ ARE IN1 WE DOUBLED term. Americana after 5:30 p.m. Apartments. Call 337-2142. 2-3-3 LIBERAL PERSON for country Typing Service | FORD 1967 wagon,V-8, automatic, Sakowski H ORTICULTURE AND house, own room, pets welcome, 3 miles East of Mall. Lots of 'transportation! SENTRY IMS WANTED ■ 1 OUR JOB PLACEMENT OF/TOPENT/ LA/T room, power steering, power brakes, 676-1930 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ONE GIRL for 4-man, spring, garden. 349-3798. 2-3-3 good condition, $795. 641-6345 STUDENTS. Saturday and AflDNm - ROM 2 TO 4!!' reduced rates. Close. 351-4518. deadline 641-6193. 4-3-3 Sunday retail sales of plants and 3-3-6 MSU NEAR. 2 bedroom, carpeted, Scooters & Cycles garden supplies. Guaranteed base furnished. Immediate occupancy. 1 P.M. one class day be plus commission. Experience not *23/f LMum MAN $165/ month. Call 484-4704, 4-6 publication. WANTED, Twyckingham, i CYCLE INSURANCE Central necessary. Orientation prior to spring, $60, no deposit, utilities Cancellations/Correctioj - p.m. ONLY. 2-33 Michigan's Largest insurer, any early April start. TWISS paid. 332-3939. 5-3-8 TWO OR THREE people needed for — 12 noon one class OLDSMOBILE "88" 1965. Power cycle, any rate. 144 North LANDSCAPE CENTER, East For Rent For Rent before publication. dr steering, brakes. Engine just Harrison, East Lansing or Lansing. 351-0590. 6-3-10 house. Gunson Street. $61 each. rebuilt. $400. 355-3135. 4-3-3 332-5335. LLOYD'S OF Own rooms. 351-0592. 1-33 OFFICE SPACE, 100 to 2800 square LANSING. 11-3-10 STUDENTS, EARN money now. 86 Apartments phone feet on first floor across from OPEL KADETT, 1967, Very good students needed for full or part campus. Air - conditioned, 1, 2 or 3 men to sublease large one REJOICE SPRING, relaxed 355-8255 condition. $750. 353-7875, SHEP'S MOTORS time, days or evenings, earn $30 - bedroom apartment. $175. Air - atmosphere, couples invited. ■all 484-ouba. 351-7684 evenings. 5-3-7 AUTHORIZED $40 day, $15 - carpeted, available soon. Parking. conditioned, dishwasher, Liberal student landlord, 2 blocks RATES 10 wore 1 minim per $20 per Phone FABIAN REALTY. pool. on M.A.C. Furnished double, and DAY? IAMTZ I8F1 bmw, triumph, yamaha evening. Must have car. Apply in 332-0811, 482-4619, 669-9873. 351-7212.3-3-7 No. No. PEUGEOT 1971, 304, radio, heated & snowmobile dealer person only. 4980 Northwind apartment. Private entrances, WORDS rear window, Michelins, excellent 2460 N.CEDAR HOLT - Drive, East Lansing, (next to _ 7-3-3 MARRIED STUDENTS SINGLE MAN to share East Lansing, kitchen facilities, parking, utilities 1 3 Tf Ly TC-650 (Just South of I-96 Overpass) NEED PROFESSIONAL Typing? See furnished. Lease by term, ww Electro condition, only 1600 miles at just Yankees). 3-3-3 & FACULTY 10 - $1495. Call 482-1473. 5-3-9 PARTS & SERVICE 694-662 1 today's Typing Service column or very deluxe, 2 bedrooms, 4-man furnished townhouse. $67.50. reasonable. Call Steve between 1.S0 «.00 €.50 j St list. CAME call one of our friendly Ad Writers 351-8575 or 489-5922. 5-3-9 5:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. on 12 1.80 4.80 7.10 1 bders, Polaric 1971 HARLEY SPORTSTER XLCH, to help you. Dial 355-8255 today. 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. weekdays. 351-9063. 1-33 Lpment. Usi excellent, custom, perfect, best offer or trade for Corvette. IF TV AND STEREO rental. some with study SUNDECK, ROOM. Private for girl. 15 2.2b 6.00 9.75 Ed white TV SCOUT 1967, 4 wheel drive. Warn 355-9014 evenings. 3-3-6 Satisfaction guaranteed. Free Privileges In quiet house. 18 2.70 7.20 11.701' Lakers, 8 - 1 hubs, short cab, good condition $1100.627-5439. 3-3-6 TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE, very You're good enough delivery service and pick up. No deposit. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. from '145 I*'mo ONE NORTH MAN needed POINT for 2 bedroom APARTMENT. $95/month. 351-3439. S-5-39 Close. No parking. 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 1 jme decks an • track tapes clean, very fast, new electrics, new C-3-10 to earn $100,000 $70 / month. Own bedroom, pool, tire. 30 day guarantee, $800. UNFURNISHED air conditioning, can stay June or 2 BEDROOM house available March 3.75 10.00 16.2sb^Hipestries, Po SPRING SPECIAL. 1964 Ford 337-9245. x-5-£« by 1980, come and children welcome Sept. 337-9321.6-3-10 15th. 3 bedroom, available March 347 St udent Servlc es Bids. Wagon $125, 1963 Rambler $50, interview March Apartments __29th_. 351-8920.J vJ-3_ rORE, 509 or both for $150. 351-5683. 1-3-3 TRIUMPH 500, 1969. Mint on please, no pet? ONE GIRL for 4 man Americana 1 STUDENT for All student ads must lenue. 8-5:3( condition. $800 firm, also 1971 large 4 man house, 7 and 8 at the Apartments, next to campus. own room, $70 / month. prepaid inkAmericard SPRITE, 1968, 34,000. great shape, Suzuki 125 trail bike. 281 miles Sublet spring. Reduced rent. $70 / roll bar, extras, new battery, shocks, etcetera. $925. 337-1721 on new 482-8819. 5-3-3 engine, asking $425. Placement Center TWYCKINGHAM. NEED1 man for 3 KNOB HILL month. 337-2084. 6-3-10 372-9850. 3-3-6 Th« State Newt will 1 lyaway, terms, ask for Scott. 4-3-3 man WANTED: OWN room in liberal responsible only for t fCLES- - 1 apartment, spring. No MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE. 4-6-9-12 monthly policies. Low Prudential Insurance deposit. 351-5437. 5-3-3 APARTMENTS ONE OR two girls for spring term or immediately. Close. Rent reduced. 351-6115. 1-3-3 house. Close. Call Rose. 655-2060. __4-3-7 first insertion. day's STORY'S rates. FIEDLER INSURANCE CEDAR GREEN Apartments. Three 349-4700 EAST LANSING duplex. Carpeted, 2 676-2449. 0-1-3-3 1 bedroom units available for Company spring term. Phone 351-8631. OPEN Monday • Friday bedroom, full basement. Appliances included. 1 block from Transportation 1970, 650 TRIUMPH. Luggage rack / 5-3-7 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. campus. Married only, child For Rent helmet. Excellent condition. Call Saturday 12-5 p.m. welcome. $210 / month. SPECIALS 485-3082. 4-3-3 WANTED known firms. SIX models for well All letters will be - MEADOWBROOK TRACE. One for 4 man. Immediate occupancy. man LOCATED W MILE NORTH OF JOLLY RD. ON NEED Reduced ONE girl rates. spring Across term. from 349-9675 or 349-0560. 5-3-6 Rooms for UNDER '1000 $65 / month. Call Ray. 882-4681. COUNTRY HOUSE to share.Own answered. Everyone interviewed. OKEMOS ROAD campus. 351-2785. 3-3-7 GIRLS, GRADUATE c 3-3-6 room. 10 minutes from campus. Please send name, address, students, single room, $1 ONE MAN needed for four Fruit trees. 489 9756 or telephone number and photo. - man CEDARVIEW APARTMENTS now deposit. Referei 68 MUSTANG SUBLEASE 3 man apartment. Close. spring term or immediately. 3534516. 2-3 333 Models, Post Office Box 284, East renting for summer and fall. Green, 2 dr., H.T. radio, Aviation Lansing. 10-3-10 Furnished, parking, $210 / month. Twyckingham. $70 /month. Call 351-5647. B-2-3-6 heater, 6 cyl., wsw STORY 351-3198. 5-3-8 351-0119 after 6 p.m. 3-3-3 Rooms COUPLES OR singles needed| PRICED LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight house. Own 1 .... WOMEN OR girls 18 or over for easy 1 2 NORWOOD APARTMENTS now training. All courses are or girls needed for 4 man. 124 CEDAR. 129 BURCHAM. 2 man CLOSE TO 3-37 $995 pleasant work in our office. No renting for summer and fall. campus. Doubles, government and VA ceitified. Immediately. Close. 351-2073. furnished apartments. Including kitchen, laundry, utilities experience necessary. Full 351-2744. 8-2-3-6 FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport or part 2-3-3 heat, $62.50 included. $53/month. 351-2029 time. Days - $82.50 per man. ROOM / EFFICIENCY * Road. Call 484-1324. C-3-10 or evenings. Excellent 135 5-3-3 KEDZIE, $85 per man. Lease EDEN ROC Apartments now renting Close, reasonable. I 67 OLDS CUTLASS pay. Apply in person only. 4980 starting June 15 and September 1. car. Nancy 353-8869.3-3-71 Green, 4 dr., HT, radio, heater, auto, V8, PS, A uto Service & Parts Northwind Dr. 3-3-3 HOWARD Days 487-3216, evenings till 10 p.m., 882-2316. 0 8-3-10 for summer and fall. 332-8488. B-2-36 SLEEPING ROOM, GIRLS preferred, close, furnished, ROOM FOR male student. I KENNEL GIRL and receptionist, parking, separate entrance. WSW. STORY PRICED . $995 KEEP ON truckin.'. Repair work Volkswagen bugs, busses,or Ghias. on evenings in small animal hospital. 3 to 8 p.m. Apply in person, 721 HUGHES . . ONE GIRL needed for 4 man CAPITOL VILLA Apartments now 52-0322. 333 comfortable, parking. cooking 484-1006.1-3-3 pf«l j North Larch. 2-3-3 apartment. Available March 18. 1 renting for summer and fall. GRAND RIVER CITGO. 1054 332-5330. B-2-36 ROOMS, SINGLES AND DOUBLES. East Grand River. 351-9274. is not living at Cedar block from campus. Completely furnished. Cooking facilities. Utilities paid. BEAL CO-OPERATIVE $19| Utilities and parking term. 525 MJ 64 FORD FALCON 9-3-10 PART TIME Call 372-8077. C-3-10 hours work. Available 20 Village (we think)! But included. 349-9609. 0-8-3-10 AMERICANA APARTMENTS now 332-5555. 5-39 4 per week. Need 12 dr., radio, heater, 6 cyl. men you can be if you hurry renting for summer and fall. SPARTAN HALL, men, women, MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East with cars. Call 351-7319 for 332-5322. B-2-36 auto. Great transportation!! STORY PRICED Kalamazoo Street. . . Since 1940. interview appointment. C-3-10 over. GIRL NEEDED spring term for color TV, % block cempus. 215 QUIET ROOM. Male. $58 / ^ Complete auto apartment close to campus. louit 3.6 p.m. Monday - Friday. , No cooking. Close, f $195 painting and 351-6870. 3-3-3 351-1754 after 7 p.m. 1 Now 372-1031. 0-8-310 collision service. IV 5-0256 MALE HANDICAPPED graduate leasing for C-3-10 student needs male assistance to Summer & Fall. ONE MAN sublet spring term. 731 share double room. Room paid, Apartments. March paid. 68 FORD VOLKSWAGEN BUS call tires. 4 regular Dave, after 5:30. 355-4015 Cedar RIVERSIDE EAST 4 dr., Blue, radio, heater, Continentals, 2 snow tires. 16,000 4-3-3 Village 351-3305.3-3-3 Apartments now and West renting for [oa'pIhashI std. Trans., V-8, WSW. miles. Call 351-9317. 2-3-3 Apartments ONE GIRL: New Cedar Village. summer and fall. 332-8292. CROSSWORD p[i ;a!a s 1 am STORY PRICED ... $6g5 FOREIGN CAR Parts CHEQUERD FLAG, 2605 East - Spring term. $70. 351-3469. 3-3-3 No deposit. B-2-36 PUZZLE [E®Sp SBT jil 1 .mpBREAPJ Bogue St. at the Red Cedar ACROSS Kalamazoo Street, 1 mile west of campus. 487-5055. C-8-3-10 For Rent 351-5180 1 GIRL needed to sublease, spring APARTMENT SPRING term, 3-man, $80 each, 4-man $70 each, near 1. Prune 25. Sibling [MlEjNiiilR 6e Ueb f RB| 66 FALCON FUTURA Cedar Village, reduced rent. campus. 351-9036. 33-7 TV GIRL 4-MAN spring term. Close. term. 4. Shanty 27. Crafty Fat A UT 2 dr., yellow, 6 cyl., auto., VW- GUARANTEED RENTALS. Color, $19.50 per Call 332 2930. 3-3-3- 7. Bounces 28. Rules radio, heater, vinyl roof, RANDY'S MOBIL. repair I 96 a month. Black and white, $9.50 Quiet. Rent negotiable. 332 3476. NEAR SPARROW Hospital, newly 11. Silly 30. Experienced gfflpji 33,000 actual miles. Like Okemos Road. 349-9620. C-3-11 per month. MARSHALL MUSIC 3-3-3 GIRL NEEDED for 3 man spring. 13. Atop 33. Sought office ■■a j arP- ATM new. STORY PRICED 351-7830. C-1-3-3 HAYFORD South, large 3 bedroom Evenings 351-3819. Reduced rent. decorated, 1 bedroom, air conditioned, carpeted, - 14. Wild rice 34. Flange ^^iTil fHt o muJ . .. 4-3-3 unfurnished, $135, furnished 15. Blood fluids 35. Home of the ex| $895 Employment furnished basement apartment, utilities included, no pets, ONE OR two girls for spring. Great $160 . 484-8818 or 371-2732. re. Venerable Incas l.eJ deposit, 1-33 17. Mayday 36. Norse poem SALES REPRESENTATIVE. Degree $130. 351-3969 0 8 3 10 roommates. Close. 351-8384. 66 MERCURY 19. Hawaiian 38. Clothing in Business or 5-3-3 Accounting. Family wreath 40. Match 4 dr., V-8, auto, P.S., P.B. man with sales formal wear ONE MAN for three background. Phone GIRL OVER 21. Own room, naar - man, spring, 20. Rubicund 41. Spouted RENTALS AT GIRL FOR 3-man. $65 / month. Radio, heater. STORY Barb 489-1441 PERSONNEL airport but quiet. 484-2169 after own bedroom, $75 / month. Call 21. Home of the Pool - air conditioned! 351-4404. vessels 1. Truman's PRICED CAREERS. 3-3-3 low-low prices 5 p.m. x-5-3-3 - 351-3360. 337 . . 5-3-7 Expos 42. Earth goddess birthplace 23. Five-dollar bill 43. Science 2. Kind of orange EARN MONEY selling Vanda MEADOWBROOK TRACE, clean, 1 24. Hor.«e fare Beauty SUPPORT YOUR business TWO GIRLS for four 44. Born Counselor Cosmetics. with a man spring NEED ONE girl to sublease spring bedroom, air - conditioning, $155 i r~ T~ 9 ,0 351-2425. boost from Want Ads. Advertise term. Chalet A aartments. term. $65 a month. Close to 3 « 7 e 66 FORD GALA. / month. Sublet. 393-1531. 5-3-9 services there. Dial 355-8255. 351-5185. 3-3-3 campus. Phone 351-6366. 3-3-3 n <3 CONVERT. Radio, heater, auto, P.S. ONE MAN for three-mar term, University Terrace spring ONE GIRL for four - man apartment 1 BEDROOM, 1 block campus, 3 month lease, $130 / month. 215 'H i ifi np nun Louis 36 p.m. 0-5-39 12.0 Something special. term. 351-8168. 8 3 10 , IS •7 .6 •9 18. Long RO' STORY PRICED $395 to y/A il % flfflt ■ 22 Prospec'o® w w largest selection GERMAN MOTORS % .->1 27. Stingatf* ■ IN TOWN VW - PORSCHE FURNISHED 2 man, sublease, clean, % % 25 27 %% 1 23 Suit 1 ii.wp | Your car caught cold? SPECIALIZING IN VW & PORSCHE close, air, pool. 332-8922 625-3879. 9-3-10 28 29 % 31 32 26 27 Out oil1* I STORY Kramer has Service, too. everything to fix it. Complete Engine Overha All Minor Repairs 33 34 % r3s 28 Delicate I pancake | EAST LOT We Stock Over a Million Parts ONE GIRL apartment across from needed spring. New Varsity 36 % w 30 99 29. lariat 30 Bittern I PiMa. Reduced rates. 351 2183 ' Licensed German Mechanics 4-3-3 MO w 41 L 3J56 E. Michigan ONE BLOCK FROM CAMPUS KRAMER AUTO PARTS 2192W. Gd. River Okemos Acrou from Bill Knnpps 349-3330 M2 MB M4 3? 3f> Red sam Invalid'J "^0 E- Kalamazoo St. 484-1303 "w<' lake TWO MEN, apartment. spring, for 4 $160 / - man ,erm % % 37 pepper pV 39. M'S Ni>°T pride in our work" 351-0099. 5-3-6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 3, 1972 13 For Sale For Sale Recreation ^ irti what's COLE'S BAKERY FANTASTIC SANSUI ^ m ■plus BAKERY food, at with Teac deck and StereoSyTtem HURRYI FEW mut Wharton criticizes blacks tactics Miracord openings spring. Tuced pr*«. 1/3 to 1/2 off at turntable. 489-1963. 3-3-3 Hawaii, $269. Bahamas, $159. prices, great eating, great Ring STUDENTOURS, 351-2658 Lomy! Surplui Store, 640 PANASONIC STEREO C-8-3-10 ^ ,h Waverly. immediately Receiver Syitem~m (Continued from page one) tape deck $180. RUSSIA precendent at the last game." responsible for the academic or rfth of 1-496 Expressway. - SCANDINAVIA Riddle said other issues p-3 |^®g^0,'*ble! Marsh 353-2205. 5 wks. $350 inclusive. besides the Big Ten suspension However, Riddle added, blacks have neither suicidal physical suicide of black students," he said. "However, I London Departures. Small Announcements for It's What's of Minnesota basketball _T CAN see the savings with group camping travel Happening must be received in the players tendencies nor a desire for don't want to be responsible for jLlitV 9,asseS ,r0m 0PTICAL Animals • 30). Also Europe, Africa. (ages 18 State News office, 341 Student are involved. perpetuating inaction when ■crOUNT. 2615 East Michigan Services Bldg.. by 1 p.m. at least two Saturday followed by "We have no illusions about action is clearly what is needed ■ Experienced. Klddush and Mishnah class." •'This is not just a reflection ,e. 372-7409. C-3-3-3 LABRADOR PUPS, quality Write: class days before publication. No Call yellows, Earth Whole 33209°I6 folnd^s" facing guns," he said. "We have heighten existing 8 weeks, good all purpose dogs. Expeditions, Ltd., U.S. announcements will be accepted by phone. No announcements will be ■formation. of a problem in the athletic no guns. We have no illusions contradictions in our society." J^ULTlMATE turntable, Sony Easily trained. Phone 676-1887 Agents for Transit Travei department,'' he said, "but about facing clubs. We have no The coalition is in contact InOOOA Rabco SL-8 arm, base 3-3-3 Ltd., Box 1497, K.C. Mo accepted for events outside the greater Lansing ar from 8:30 societal problems.'' clubs. with black students in other 1,5, Type $402 value, $200. .64141 ai tonight a n Legion Hail. Riddle said he wished that "We will forcibly reserve a Ten Universities, Riddle said, Big ^1-8886. 3-3-3 WHIPPET (LIKE months old. Male, small Greyhound) 6 BAHAMAS $119. Nassau or Freeport. The black will present men of Omega Psi Phi . University officials could sit bloc of seats so we may sit and a concerted movement by intelligent, Call Bill "Ques on the Wild" Chicano Students f Progress and down and discuss the issues in tmD UNITS, frame, mattress • good disposition, Janz, 337-9525. 4-3-3 cabaret a together to show our solidarity blacks at all colleges is possible, Er and foam pad, $60- ULIisted first shot! style (BYO) with live £5,, on' ,orme"V kno> as MECHA, rational manner. to those who would contain "in any case," he said, "if the wormed, reasonable. 484-5146' t 9 p.m. Saturday ii Sunday in Parlor us," rters, $27. REBIRTH, 309 tr(h Washington, 489-6168. 0 3-3-3 SPANISH A, Union. All Chicano student! "Unfortunately," he said, he said. Riddle MSU police department is not emphasized that he disarmed by April 1 — tnat's SAMOYED PUPSAKC, 7 weeks RIVIERA The Spartan Men's Pistol team will compete with Coon Creek at 7 p.m. ,'rationality is agenda not on their did not represent all black April Fool's Day — we will take . USED, $1.25 / dozen, excellent children's pet, wormed. March 19 to 27th today in Demonstration Hall. Everyoni ited to the Baha'i when they deal with students at MSU. " 332 6988. 4-3-6 those who are powerless." _d diaper containers, $1 each. 8 days & 7 Club informal discut "I speak for thos progressive JJiERICAN DIAPER SERVICE, nights Gay Liberation dance will hold an open Monday in the Union Riddle said the only tool tnat blacks who are willing to back currently involved in an all ||4 East Gier. 3-3-7 BEAUTIFUL at 9 p.m. Saturday at 4828 S. tne poor, black and - j SlTRA, fair condition, best spayed, has shots, 487-3332. 1-3-3 SNOW one white year cat, old Jet, Accomd. s209 in Hagadorn Road, across from Hubbard Hall. There will be band and light show. a live The Badminton Club invites powerless theory with action," he said. Riddle said he wants it made black petition drive to criticize the MsU board of trustees. Eer. Phone 484-3006. 3-3-7 Luxury Apts. students and faculty to play from 7 clear that if the coalition decides "we are going to get black FISH breakfasts, parties, to 10 tonight in the lower gym, '"We are capable of shutting not to take over the court it will _ FREAKS: THE FISH etc. Gay Liberation will hold Women's Intramural down signatures on a petition to BfHKiT AR17 receiver, custom MONGER now PHONE BOB 351 1304 - business meeting at 3 p.m. a Building. tnat game (Saturday's not be because it could not do censure the board of trustees for has a limited Sunday in suspension speakers, LINDA 332-4282 the Tower Room, Union. MSU - Michigan game) at any supply of live brine shrimp in Everyone is their censure of McMillan, luitar. Fender vibrolux, stock. Drop in soon. 1522 East welcome. Call 353-9795 for more This weekend at the Albatross cost," he said. "We set the 'I don't ASK ABOUT TRIPS TO information. Coffeehouse: want to be Gunnings, and Green," he said. ft-2472. 3-3-7 Michigan. 485-6036. 3-3-3 Saturday - Friday - Jeff Elliott; Joe Janeti from 8:30 p.m. HAWAII All Scope volunteers will at 547 E. Grand River Ave. ■ seat, $8. Electric blanket, $5. AND JAMAICA 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the Volunteer meet at ild's chalkboard desk, lamp Mobile Homes FREE Bureau. Please attend if ^ ^ S/ I lt light, each $2.00. 355-9965. HAPPY HOURS NIGHTLYI Bahamas, $ ! 59. Telephone possible. There will be a luck dinner at 6 community pot \\\ ' —"* CHAMPION 10' 50' in Holt, has Capital/ Capsules x p.m. Sunday at the shag carpet, air, partly furnished Bring yourselves and some k 350 TAPE DECK, Dynarange or unfurnished. Must sell soon. writers and production people. Sign Price negotiable. Call 694-8047 up sheets are posted outside the allicrafters shortwave or TV-Radio Dept. and School of Cheap, must sell. leave message at 694-9252. 4-3-3- Service Jornalism offices. The supervisors from Camp |l-1585 after 5 p.m. 3-3-7 Highfields will meet with all LEGISLATION PROVIDING NEW TRAILER Court on" Colby FOR QUALITY service and stereos, "The Womi Piim» Film „„,i and .«r»n "Oil Highfields volunteers at 8:30 p.i H reports, property taxes have David Plawecki, D - Dearborn I LES Paul Custom, $375. Lake. Adults only. $50 TV's and recorders. THE STEREO* strike" W'U be shown by SDS ollnHav Sunday in Room 30, Uni ..... an entirely new procedure for increased as much as 5 times, with school tax monthly SHOPPE. 337-1300. C-3-10 licensing state teachers and Heights, and Rep. Casmer P. ration electric guitar, brand new, included. Call tonight in Room 35, Union. while increases in Social Security Ogonowski, D - Detroit ■75 Traynor 200 watt bass 675-7212. B-1-3-3 The Central Michigan Amateui raising teaching standards, was benefits have only met current rv hi ~~ The Israeli Dance Group will introduced the measure, iplifier, $200. Call DUE EAST IV, ci HI-FI . repairs. „ Records, radios, meet Radio Club will meet at 8 tonight introduced Thursday by Sen. NEW MOON, 1971, 12' x 60'. 3 at 8 p.m ~ »■ - • *■-- *—■ the 8 inflationary levels. "If a dealer breaches 19-3831.4-3-8 Dependable, low rates. Clip and Intramu American Red Cross Bldg.^SOO — - Gilbert E. Bursley, R - Ann a bedroom, skirted, with Expando. E. Grand River Ave. All guarantee, he'll face a 30 save. 351-6680. B-1-3-3 welcome. interested Arbor. * * * - day Equity out, take over payments people are welcome. suspension of his license and a |H0ND ENGAGEMENT ring, ,t^e j,ave a great wea[th of 646-6991,645-9921. INCOME TAX PREPARATION CONSUMERS ARE fine of up to praised at $550. Sacrifice for 3-3-6 There will be a Gay Liberation ,iva) teaching knowledge that we fail SCHEDULED for an unexpected $1,000 and or 90 W5. 393-1408 after 4 3-3-7 WALTER HAHN & CO. 533 days in jail," Ogonowski said, p.m. 1971 at East Cherry PaMy at,8 t0night" Ca" 3S3-979S for to use because of technicalities in break if legislation to require used CERTIFIED 12' x 52', 2 Hillsdale, Lansing. Phone mforma,ion- our present certification car dealers to certify that items The bill was introduced to bedrooms, $4000. Available 484-7002. B-1-3-3 now The Spartan Film procedures," Bursley said. protect consumers from shady 393-3852. 10-3-10 Society will Sigma Delta Chi will hold its U such as the brakes, lights, steering present "The Devil's Bride" at 8:40 end meeting at 8:30 tonight dealers who sell cars for high and "Die Monster Die!" at Bursley's bill would establish a and exhaust systems are in proper 7 and Capital Villa, Apt. 48. All five prices and cover mechanical |ANTZ 18FM stereo receiver, and New 10:15 tonight and Saturday in 102B - member commission with working order becomes law. Sen. defects. lire turntable with Shure arm. BAHAMAS $159 Wells Hall. fOT rides'* a,,e"d' Con,act Barney authority to issue, renew or TC-650 stereo tape deck, revoke licenses for teachers, and Weekly pacakge deals to Bahamas The Auburn Film vt Electro - Voice speakers 25% CHAMPION 10'x 50', and Jamaica." Group will Zero Population Growth wiU meet would employ investigators to carpeted,ai present "Celebration at Big Sur" at 7, ist. CAMERAS, SLR's, view conditioned, skirting, 1 mile frc Call Frank Buck 351-2286 at 7:30 P-m- Sunday in Parlor C, assist them. The commission 8:40 and 10:20 tonight and Mission Hours 12:30-1:30, 5-7 p.m. Saturday Union. Everyone is welcome rs, Polariods, projectors, and MSU. 351-4255. 3-3-3- in 108B Wells Hall. would be funded with license >ment. Used color and black PAINTING fees. white TV sets. Used stereo INTERIORS. It costs tuners, receivers, turntables, Personal no more to have the best. Free 75 ith community leaders will meet The MSU Tolkien Fellowship will The bill would further permit appearing tonight at , track and cassette, estimates. G rad students, Lindsay_ campaign :hairman John Burns at 3 p.m. national |8 ^oni«ht . in the discussSouth any interested person to initiate PREGNANT? PANICKY? Consider today Hubbard '°w< •« AMERICAN LEGION HALL le decks and carplayers. Used the alternatives. 349-4817. C-3-10 at the Pretzel Bell. All people coBnominal weaponry, magical complaints against a teacher if the track tapes, $2 each. Stereo Pregnancy connected with the campaign are treasure and the Fall of the Elder. complainant thought him Counseling. 372-1560. O-3-10 (behind E.L. Bus Depot) typewriters, wall MENDING ALTERATION, new welc°me- ncompetent, and had outfits made. Fast, reasonable. Come to praise Jesus and 8:30 1:30 Bpestries. Police band radios. WATERBEDS FROM $9.99. study information to prove it. Either Campus LC0X SECONDHAND After 6 p.m. 355-4839. 3-3-3 Crusade for Christ ^ scriptures 9 to 11 p.m. Saturday party could appeal the IrORE, 509 East Michigan Guaranteed. Direct from factory. Call 351-0908. Drive a little, save Visit RABORN'S RAZORS International will meet today in the Gold Room, Union. at 7 p.m. at the Alternative. * J commission's decision. - v* $1.00 Plenty of Sponsored By 8-5 30 PM. Monday - Everyone is welcome. rday 485-4391. a lot. Now located at 1649 Greencrest Avenue, East EDGE EAST be The Alternative Coffeehoi open from 9 to midnight ADMISSION COLD BEER Evans Scholars Lansing. The Games Club will meet at 1 [inkAmericard, Master Charge, O-8-3-10 Hair Styles for "J I1?3® Hagadorn Road aero sway, terms, trades. C men p.m. Saturday at Farm House Hubbard Hall, fraternity, 151 Bogue St. THE MICHIGAN wnsviiiiRnffinifim ESP 2828% E. Grand River - Falter of West "Freedom from Captivity" COMMISSION on Aging has Two scientists who've LBC-SAC will hold a discussioi low proud to present 371-4570 meeting at 8:30 the topic of symposiums at 8 given its full support behind the p.m. Sunday in thi I bicycle that solves all storage been studying 9,000 West Holmes upper lounge. and Saturday in the McDone 1 Kiva. governor's proposal for property PHOTOCOPIES 3c. Lowest price in [e among . folded. These bicycles the finest tooled bikes businessmen since J 962 say their findings show that ESP townl CREATIVE 209 Abbott. C-8-3-10 RESEARCH, Kennith David, asst. professor of tax relief and school At its financing. monthly meeting, A SALE. orld. The grandeur is anthropology, will speak on "Hindu ; * 10 a major factor in corporate Village Religion" at a meeting of the „ „ _ _. memb id races is only $119.95. See decisions and that there's a Who's Hindu Assn. at 4 p.m. commission unanimously supported placing 20% OFF today I MERIDIAN correlation between superior Typing Service 146 Engineering Bldg. Saturday in the issue of property tax as |CREATIONAL ENGAGEMENTS si Grand River, East Lansing, Ichigan. Phone 337-2300 next to SALES, 2682 management executive ESP. ability and PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Theses, term papers. IBM, carbon ribbon, Kathy Society for Creative Anachrnoism opposed to income tax on the ballot where the choice can be EVERYTHING IN "IV Coats. 9-3-10 You don't need ESP to Math I Greek symbols. Best rates, graduate rescheduling of Winter Tourney: made by the public. spot good buys in STATE Call 351J461° senior. Saturday - Discussions, 9 a.m. to second floor Unio They concluded that property THE STORE. prTtice^noon"^ , ■era yashica Electro 35-GT, News Classified Ads. They are DMtarf ** r*,lef in the form of an ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith Jeyear old, good condition, $75 (hassle Ken Ferguson 355-6716. there by the dozens each day. No matter what you're in the offset printing. Complete service for dissertations, theses, Debbie student Fine, Detroit graduate to Harry Zeid, Oak Park arena; second floor Union available 2 to 5 P*m" revels, 7 to 1* income tax would lessen the tax burden for thousands of Michigan 211 Abbott Rd. WATCH FOR US. market for graduate student. Sunday -tourney proper, 9 citizens living on fixed incomes. . . . home, car, manuscripts, general typing, IBI 2 p.m. IM Turf Are Next to State Theatre furnishings, sporting goods, 22 In many areas, the commission years experience. 349-08E PER JAGUAR. Excellent etc. be to Kristine Engstrom, Kalamazoo ■ndition. Many sure shop the Want C-3-10 Ads first. junior. Pi Alpha Xi to James M. Jjustable instrument features personally COMPLETE THESES service. Coleman, Portage, 1974 Veterinary At Uncle lohn's 01-4301. 3-3-6 PHOTO WORKSHOP Posing and Composing the Face - Lighting, Discount printing. IBM typing and binding of theses, resumes, Medicine, A SUNDAY at LIZARDS: >• SELECT works in and publications. Across from campus, Nancy Becher, Wheaton, III. junior, Art, Figure. A repeat of our corner M.A.C. and Grand Philosphy, Psychology, successful workshop held this River, Delta Gamma to William Horton, fopology, ucation. Biography, Literature History, term. New session begins Monday, April 3. For details phone Don below Jones Stationery Shop. Call COPYGRAPH SERVICES, Pleasant Hill, Calif. MSU graduate, Triangle. Pancake P Criticism. 351-8397. 2-3-3 DeKoninck's Studio, 485-8253. B-2-3-6 337-J666X-3110 TYPING THESES and letters, etc. ■ Is A Wanted o the ExPerienced M3^07^C-3-10 WANT ED: EXPERIENCED Work of Art Endless spaghetti Unlimited fresh salad SAVE-SAVE-SAVE Keyboard / vocalist to audition J SLR. $300 XEROX COPYING, offset-best with Rock Group. Must have Crisp garlic toast. value, $150. A JUST 5 publishing days left. Need to Pldeal) Mike, 351-6153. 3-3-6 reach quality at reasonable prices. THE equipment. Good financial All You Can Eat people? Advertise I Special COPY SHOPPE, 54 East Grand opportunity. Call Bushmen end -of the term classified ad •OLE STEREO. Like new. 8 - - River, Phone 332-4222. C-3-10 393-8652. 5-3-8 Wine at reduced prices - prices. Call now! 355-8255. p, turntable, receiver, $200. TYPING: 8 years experience. Phone during buffet hours r o( Sony SEEKING TO speakers. $35. buy 12* / 14' P«73.3 3-3 Peanuts Personal Dol I y, 484 -5765^5-3-8 5 - 9 p.m. TYPING TERM papers and theses. GRAD leaving country. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Billl I'll like Electric typewriter. Fast service. H*sonablc 1 furniture. CERAMIC TILE, carpenter work and you if you like me. Love, Marsha. 349 1904. 8-3-10 rhes' e,c Also $1200 Pioneer 1-3-3 painting. Prompt service. Free J?0 comPonent system. $500 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Call estimates. Call 482-0056 anytime. ■ "■offer. 351-3178 any time. Nancy 353-6625 days, 349-4431 4-3-3 Abbott Road Apt. 402. 3-3-6 Real Estate evenings and weekends. B-1-3-3 Jg01 speakers, I. 8,1 a,,er brand new, must 5 p.m. 485-8672. COUNTRY remodeling) other HOME 3 acres. Barn and outbuildings. Mature trees. (needs Transportation DON'T FORGET blood comes only from people. Save a life. Give blood. Professional donors SENIORS! NEED RIDE to Aspen - Denver area compensated. MICHIGAN Close. 339-8685 after 6 p.m. 1-3-3 union COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER. Ko ' en9ine very good, early exam week. Help with man 1 Kenmore automatic expenses. 351-0968. 1-3-3 337-7183. C-1-3-3 DUPLEX - EAST Lansing. 2 • wppertone. 655-1621. bedrooms, living room with COMPUTER PROGRAMMER seeks TWO NEED ride home to Florida. fireplace, dining room, double part time employment. 351-4284 Have made drive many times. garage. Excellent location. after 6 p.m. Vita provided. 5-3-9 ■ snt35c«»wi,h case- 8 months GEORGE BUBOLZ 332-1248. Louise 355-8696. B1-1-3-3 wants to remind V 351-9317. 2-3-3 you that B-1-3-3 "MIS* MaEN StfEBTORY, AUTHOR if you're graduating NjMPniTlON skiis, Nevado cornPetition heel, Recreation Of THE 'WNNf- UUNNV' DENIED THAT THE 6T0KV Of HER March 12th you should ■•1635, Don. 3.3.3 rent your Cap & Gown LIFE DAS 8EIN6 k)RlTTEN..'5l/CH A 6I06RAPHY I* COMPLETELY NOW! All you have to EUROPE: SUMMER '72. Round trip FJING guitar, Yamaha, $90. jets from $219. STUDENTOURS, UNAUTHORIZED,' SHE SAID... " do is go to the 4th |^St3eO3PhOnO0raPh' $5°- 129 East Grand River, 351 2650. C-8-3-10 floor of the Union Building between 8:30 and 5:30 pm the week |A House , and a Home ONE GOOD CHICKEN DESERVES ANOTHER. March 6 - 10 For only $6.00 you can in Okemos, Ottawa Hills. look as great as the a,u, 4uicl New Extra Crispy Union Man in his Cap & Gown «l>is all brick low maintenance ranch, * bedr ^ maturc tondftcaping and shade. Ideal family home P^elocj famVi<>niS* 2 /i I!" " orl'v iZ!ZT-'• V,'^,n« Call Hrit floor laundry. 2 fire places and a • secluded dee,, m.r yardI am' garde" Art War/el .132 - 3501. I K«ntnrole nf would prefer spending as usual, wish to offer. community," the AAUP charged. Buckner predicted. apoligize for an error that appeared in Thursday paper. "If they present an idea to o The statement said references Buckner could not say what In a outline for a picture tne administration that they to "Professor Green and S FRIED CHICKIH would happen spring term if the amendment passes since within two weeks the seventh session appearing on page 3 we made reference to "one young miss" don't approve of, they are in • position to cut off any funds," Chicanos applaud associates" and Professor Green et al " are "demeaning to our 1900 E. Kalamazoo 4516 S. Cedar who was turning the pages of a Buckner explained. three colleagues as well as 3007 N. East Street will make room for the eighth. "The eighth session will be Buckner said there will depreciating of their academic book. As it turns out the probably always be a student status." It's Honey Pipped! It's Honey Dip| dumped with the sins of the seventh session," he commented. "They will start out broke, person in question was a red-blooded male. The young fellow was obviously outraged government because people are brought up to expect some type prof's bias claims Wo without the power to fund of government. when he appeared in the State La Raza Unida de Michigan, a statewide coalition of _ STUDENT themselves and with the job of News office Thursday CenSUS of Spanish-speaking organizations, issued a statement Thursday O DISCOUNT trying to convince the students accompanied by his parents. ligers supporting the actions of three black MSU administrators charging •Time* Watch Repair to give them back the power to •Electric Shaver Repair We apologize to the young discrimination in the Big Ten. tax," Buckner said. "They slarled in India •Engraving man who may well be one of will also be without the power m "Recognizing the previous effects of discrimination on all "Keys Made to create the services to show our younger readers. NEW DELHI (AP) - The minority groups in this society, La Raza Unida cannot ignore the far •Scissors Sharpened Indian government is taking a Alio a Large Selection the student body that they need reaching implications of these charges against the Big Ten and their countrywide census of tigers. It implications for the Spanish-speaking community and all other of t:ieclric Shavers was recently estimated that disadvantaged minorities in this country," the statement said. Watch Bands