Happy Tuesday tfday Luther Burbank. He MICHIGAN Cloudy . . . jn 1847. The day i< TATE NEWS gd by some a» Bird and STATE . . . windy, warmer with Day- expected. High of 45 UNIVERSITY rain showers 54 Number 123 East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, March 7, 1972 our trustees oppose urban colleqe lARBARA PARNESS By BARBARA State News PARNESS Staff Writer Huff, D Plymouth; Frank Merriman r - Deckerville; Kenneth Thompson, Rapids, and Clair White, D proposed college will not have the - Merriman, R - R Grand - Bay City, the . „r4i__r,. of the Feb. 25 letter to contents. „ Wharton, but said the president would have no comment on its .... meeting of the Big Ten Conference on alleged racial discrimination in the Big Ten. naming Dr. Green the dean of any college," The four trustees raise six questions about • plan * What kind of faculty expertise, training U trustees have written a letter to votes In their letter, the four trustees said they and competence should we select for an saying they will not necessary for approval. Robert L. Green, director of the Center the College of Urban Wharton for Urban oppose the assumption that Green should Development and attack on the problems of the cities? College of Urban Development The Educational Affairs (CUA), which has be dean of the new Social Change: he Policies (EPC) college and the usual * How is it possible to assign the entire '-I change as it has been proposed. recommendation on the developed the college proposal, declined dean search and • Is there a body of knowledge and area of proposed college is comment selection process be faculty of CUA to the new college and what es have asked President Wharton scheduled for release on the contents of the letter. abandoned. activity outside the present established today. The EPC report "I am in the process of happens to the duties they are -h a new commission "drawn from is on the agenda of "If the scope and nature of disciplines that justifies the type of college now today's Academic preparing the final the urban performing? Council meeting as an information draft of the Big Ten proposed by CUA? colleges and departments of the item. It Report. I have not had problem in its entirety were to be made the The trustees said the has been expected that the the opportunity to carefully read the letter • Will the study of race new subjects to be y who are concerned and some board of trustees object of our studies, supply a taught in the college, would discuss the to President Wharton and will not be able to a duly constituted meaningful basis for the solution of urban as outlined in a Experts to recommend the kind of college at its March searctt and selection committee might come December 1971 paper prepared by CUA, t should make to the urban meeting. fully assess its impact on CUA and the up with criteria and credentials problems? quite • "concern black and white racism." Robert Perrin, vice president for proposed college until I return from different from those of Dr. Will the proposed college constituted as Green," they "But this material hardly seems to warrant the support of trustees Warren University relations, acknowledged receipt Chicago," Green said. said. it is become primarily or preponderantly for Green will testify at 4 more than possibly a new department in the p.m. today before a "In any event, we blacks? are firmly opposed to '•What are the employment opportunities College of Social Science," the trustees said. The letter states that the for graduates with a degree emphasis on race KIE-MCGOVERN CLASH centered around discrimination on the urban primarily "impact of racial by the college productive." may be "counter - development?" (Please turn to page 11) Disclosure nvcTVD M VI of finan CHESTER, N. H. (AP\ (AP) — - U/kSlA While mnHiHntPC nnH candidates and one u/rito.in namnai>tnn» nno write-in campaigner for on pshire voters prepared to cast the today's Democratic primary. On the paper ballots. idential primary ballots in 1972, Republican side, President Nixon is Campaign workers for the major students: "I don't care who's elected." eorge McGovem accused Sen. candidates in Ms. Roman said "I would expected to defeat easily his two Tuesday's presidential guess that 50 ! S. Muskie on Monday of challengers. primary say there's little interest in the per cent of the students are still undecided tion tactics in a dispute over election among students at the about who they are University going to vote for. of New "Some of it I can of campaign finances, Voting hours vary, with the polls closing Hampshire. understand; the countered that it was he, not as late as 8 p.m. EST. "Probably only a fraction of one per students are busy studying." who made the first financial In some New cent of the students are Estimates of the Democratic turnout , Hampshire hamlets, voters actively involved in and "I'm the one he has chosen the primary," said Bob range from 60,000 to 70,000 votes in a gather at -- midnight to cast the first trickle Craig, a political of ballots of the science instructor and a contest that has overshadowed presidential year. supporter of Sen. the Edmund S. Muskie, D-Maine. Republican ,, the front-running favorite, and Except in Nashua and Portsmouth, presidential preference are the leading entries in a New where voting machines are Sue Roman, coordinator primary. in use, New of the ire field of five on-the-ballot campaign of Sen. George S. McGovern, In that one, the polls indicate Nixon Hampshire voters will make their selections D-S.D., said she frequently is told holds a massive lead over two challengers, by Reps. Paul N. McCloskey of California and John M. Ashbrook of Ohio. The other Democratic entries are Sen. lliken blames U.S. economy Vance Hartke of Indiana; Yorty of Los Angeles; Edward T. Coll, a social worker from Mayor Sam Hartford, Conn., and Rep. Wilbur D. Mills of Arkansas, a write-in candidate. r slight decline in jobless rate Globe A poll commissioned by the Boston and completed Muskie's Democratic strength at 42 Friday rated cent, a sharp decline from a similar survey per By JOANNA FIRESTONE five weeks earlier. McGovern was rated at employment climate in Michigan showed 26 per cent, with 20 State News Staff Writer only marginal improvement over the average of 61,200 during 1972 while per cent of the employment is anticipated' to register an sampling undecided. depressed levels of the fourth quarter of Muskie has average gain of 91,300. avoided setting -'{h he promised better things to 1970. any While the average As indicated in Milliken's report of last percentage goal in New Hampshire. "I ov. Milliken had little good news for employment for the year, the goods producing industries of the don't make predictions," he said Monday. > Monday night in his annual year rose 0.1 per cent on the national scene, Michigan economy (manufacturing and McGovern has said a 25 per cent share mic the Michigan labor force, which had Report to the Michigan grown contract construction) have been of the vote would be a respectable showinp at an average annual rate of 1.8 per cent "the slow during the 1968-70 period increased just "disproportionately affected" by the (Please turn to page 11) recovery of the federal fiscal-monetary policy since the end economy" from its 1971 money 19,100 in 1971, a rise of 0.5 percent. of 1969. Milliken said the overall Milliken did report, however, that the Michigan unemployment rate at 8.1 per During this period, average employment in cent, remained substantially above the 6.1 Michigan nondurable goods manufacturing Hours extended industries declined by over 16,000, a Deadline set national rate. Michigan's current 9.3 per cent from the 1969 average. The fall drop of Swan song unemployment rate is at its highest level in durable Special extended hours, 11 p.m. to 2a.m., since the 1961 recession. goods manufacturing will be in effect in the undergraduate library A deadline for the Minority Aide The governor predicted that the employment was even more pronounced, at stately swan and his mate parade through an Ottumwa, Iowa park, Michigan 117,700, 12.2 per cent below the 1969 today through Friday, and finals week, ns is Wednesday. Applications employment outlook for 1972 is for or providing stark silhouettes on a late winter's day. The picture was rate. Sunday through Thursday. »d up at 302 Student Services continued, albeit gradual, improvement. created through high contrast. The labor force is expected to increase by an Employment contract construction fell 9,200 jobs during the two AP Wirephoto - year period, a decline of 9.3 per cent. Since these industries represent over 40 NIXON PANEL RECOMMENDS per cent of total wage and dents on employment in Michigan and account for over half the payrolls, the impact on the salary Michigan indicated economy has been acutely felt as by the state's average income States urged to dorsed by growth of 5.7 per cent for 1970 and 1971 compared to the over 9 per cent compound rate during the period from 1964 to 1969. WASHINGTON (AP) — State governments should assume the billion A brighter spot in the fiscal a year to help inner-city schools through a federal matching picture was major burden of financing public education, reducing reliance on program. evident in Milliken's report on the local property tax, a By BARBARA PARNESS personal presidential commission recommended The commission said it Vance Hartke, D • Ind.; Walter F. Mondale, income. deliberately avoided the issue of saying State News Staff Writer Monday after a two-year study. where the new federal money would come from, since it would have D- Minn., and Jennings Randolphe, D - Michigan personal income rose 8.5 per President Nixon's Commission on School Finance said the federal to become involved in "many considerations of •mendment W.Va. Both McGovern and Hartke are cent in 1971 to a level of $39.2 billion. While government should help speed un the process by intergovernmental the federal providing relations and tax policies." _n n bill11 higher presidential hopefuls. this gain was substantially smaller than incentives to state governments to i help them switch over to It acknowledged that one proposal under discussion is the endorsing the principle of amendment calls for at least one state-financed education within five years. Participation on public university student to sit on the board of each value-added tax, a form of a national sales tax that President Nixon boards passed the public But the federal role in financing education should has under consideration. But it took no stand on the Senate last (Please turn to page 11) only be idea. university with "the rights and privileges of supplementary, the 18 - member commission said. It was a The tentative proposal for the value-added tax full members." The selection of student recommendation that runs counter to those of put forth by Nixon •mendment introduced many private would bring in about $16 billion a year, with the federal money by Sen. governing board representatives would be Workers educational groups which have urged an u sought increasing federal role. being used to supplant the local property tax. The proposal is under - i • Okla., said "it is the sense gress that student by direct student vote or through elected The commission said incentives to smooth the path to greater study by the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental participation representatives. Any student wishing to work at the state-financed education could be set up in several ways, with the Relations. Ofine"coura8ed on the governing Michigan Democratic Sen. Phillip A. ASMSU referendum Thursday please call cost to the federal government estimated at $4 billion to $5 billion The report urged also that incentives should H2 amendment '°"S of is °f higher hi8her education.' was ^cation " Hart supported the Harris amendment. 355 8266. All workers will be over five years of transition. be provided by the cosponsored compensated. The school financing panel George - urged an additional outlay of $1 (Please turn to page 11) McGovem, D - S.D.; (Please turn to page 11) Revenues booming throoghoot Bvkristen Cable TV: kelch over a million job opportonities future e News Staff Writer communities where topography or Tarlton and some of his friends then went systems located in 4,400 communities and telephone companies began buying and Mots geography prevented decent reception, one step further by establishing the Panther serving approximately 14 million viewers. building their own cable systems. Today and administrators «'ons in probably didn't realize the revolutionary Valley Television Co. and building a master The entire cable industry has revenues of broadcasters own 36 per cent of the nation's believe that Community communications system they were helping antenna on the mountain about $300 million, yet cable serves only 7 cable industry. top. The faint Newspapers own 8 per cent isr??Slon cable (CATV), commonly to create. signals fVom Philadelphia were brought back per cent of the population. and telephone companies own 6 per cent of a)or means of television, will someday Approximately 22 years ago, Robert J. to full strength by being fed into an Because 2,300 additional cable franchises the cable industry. communication. Tarlton, of Lansford, Pa., began operation amplifier. A coaxial cable, strung on poles have been granted by local communities and The largest cable company is . * u^° of audio, video and of the world's first commercial cable down the mountain, brought the signals into 2,600 are being considered, cable is Teleprompter (TPT). TPT operates 153 ,nmwfions- the cab,e sysU?m television system. the town. expected to produce $4.4 billion dollars in cable systems throughout the country and sJl PP'nn .of P^vidii* school In the late 1940s, Tarlton, who ran a radio Tarlton's company charged the revenues. serves over 500,000 customers. information, audience people of When cable television first began Among the largest multiple system sales and service shop, found it difficult to Lansford $125 to install cables in their operations, it was thought to be used only to operators are Cox Broadcasting, Columbia sell commercial television sets because the homes, plus a $3 monthly service charge. Those who benefit rural communities that would Broadcasting System, Inc., Time-Life, Inc., reception in Lansford was so poor. A paid for the service received otherwise not have television Foote, Cone and Belding, General Tire and mountain blocked signals from the nearest three Philadelphia channels. In signals. many cases, However, as cable systems expanded into Rubber, General Electric Co., and lr*xe(w^t*n for Nation magazine stations, which in Philadelphia. were located 65 miles away the cable reception in Lansford was better than noncable television in the metropolitan areas, local broadcasters began Westinghouse, according to Ted Ledbetter. ion? Ts W Klllnghaus said seconds. The Bible takes i little longer In 1949, Tarlton found that installing In 1962, there were 70 cable television city itself. to fear that cable would fractionalize their Ledbetter wrote an article for "Cable ionlan ,now h* moved at the rate audiences by bringing in distant channels. In Television in theCities," published last year. w«rc!s per minute. "Gone with transmitted "SiSS™ television. who «iy separate antennas for set owners on the mountain helped to improve reception. systems in this country with about 14,000 subscribers. Today, there are over 2,500 order to protect their own interests, In about 20 wtohed to improve television sienals In lural newspaper owners broadcasters and (Please turn to page 11) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan T"esda\ news Apartment-city bus plan By KAREN ZURAWSKI State News Staff Writer quite a oublic transportation for them. a.% ♦hnm ic mirront.1v no few students live in the complex, but there is currently no sinnrtmimtc nnH Fact T.artdrift K..t apartments seen and East Lansing, but ..u not bear the complete brunt of costs" *. said that "Meadowh aa°wbrook summary From the wir*i of AP and UP!. Residents of Meadowbrook Trace commute to and from campus via Apartments may be able to public transportation, if East A privately owned bus, such as Meadowbrook Trace operated last year, "is not the answer, for the number of people here," Pierson Meadowbrook Trace could contract for Area Transit Authority ..ti» Km (CATA) but it wwldtSn^theC| M,enn ^vetop, » Lansing City Council approves the initiation of a special bus route for them today. "With one bus operating, there is no guarantee that is will be "I would like to get some other people involved adding that perhaps East Lansing could help in olved,' » » Michael J. Pierson, manager of Meadowbrook reliable, and therefore people will be leery of It," he said. Trace, noted that Pierson would like to see bus service established between the some'de„ Though the apartment building, whteh May. is not located within the East wilfE*^- indicated that Lansing city bound sizable portion of his UniU^ SENATE FACES PROBLEMS on a a part-time basis. residents atuS&H0 MSU it M He also pointed out that work will begin thissprim. on. 250-unit addition to Meadowbrook Trace which sometime in 1973. cn Wl11 "I would be greatly relieved if he (Wharton) would resign and let MSU go its own way." School aid pla "We feel this would not residents of Meadowbrook Trace but congestion problems In the downtown market for East Lansing only provide better servi, would heb area and would all™ hi 7 , , Trustee Clair White By RAY ANDERSON council reads. businessmen," Pietson's J^ r 10 ci- D-Bay City State News Staff Writer Since last fall with the state News Analysis income tax will place a more Pierson expressed the hope that bus equitable burden of taxation on be able to operate on a service in the cmoii "self-sustaining if not profitable Senate's tabling of a resolution and a better developed program school administrators support those who we able to pay. The route might be planned to service some ofthefraternity to provide equitable elementary of constitutional>nal amendment would be deletion of Section 7, 71,0 a flat rate is equal t sorority houses, he continued, but possible times and secondary school financing fH)amendment vote on in the fall, to ^ Article 9. The section would have little effect on one s be left open for discussion. The and rouXl and property tax relief the air of prohibits the use of a graduated standard of living with an annual through campus was also one of the suggestions possibility of runnin a&S income tax in the State of income $30,000 while it might political meetings has been filled uThf refinancing of Michigan The CATA is currently running a special line to one of th.> See story page 1 with proposed partisan solutions ^"ools will require at least one Michigan. The school adversely affect the standard of schools in a similar situation. The school is to a particularly nonpartisan amendment to the Michigan administrators and Democrats living of someone earning hour from which passenger fares are charged a set or' subtracted to determM problem; the guarantee of equal Constitution and preferably two, argue that use of a graduated $3,000. amount of subsidy the school has to pay. education for all Michigan the statement said, students. in brief they advocate a Last week the Michigan Assn. No link in GOP constitutional amendment to of School Administrators met funding, Article 9, section 6 which would with representatives from the impose a limit on the amount of 52 injured in bomb blast governor's office and the taxes to be rpofided by the local Democratic party in hopes of government for operation of Fifty-two persons, most of them women, were injured securing an agreement between elementary and secondary Monday in Belfast, Northern Ireland by a bomb that the two. At present the governor schools. This is also included in exploded behind a big movie theater and rocked central and Democrats are working to the other get enough signatures to place proposals, ITT suit, physician says Belfast. Minutes later, another blast wrecked a two separate constitutional The maximum amount a local Londonderry hotel. amendments on the ballot in government could request from The Belfast explosion panicked a matinee audience at November, which would provide its citizens for all purposes the Ritz Cinema. People ran out screaming. Ambulances essentially the same property tax would be $26 per thousand of a WASHINGTON (AP) - Ms. Dita Beard's physician testified has treated Ms. Beard for nine years, took the injured to hospitals. relief and revenue for equalized properties value, as opposed to appeared before theSe Monday that the Washington lobbyist for the International Judiciary Committee. school financing throughout the the present limit of $50. The Telephone & Telegraph Corp. told him there was no connection Only a few of the moviegoers were hurt when the bomb He said Ms. Beard told him she did not mean to imply therewi state. But, the two plans differ money lost through this between the out-of-court settlement of an antitrust suit went off outside a hijacked truck. Most of the injured against ITT connection, in a memorandum she wrote to her boss which i were shoppers and office radically in substitute tax for reduction would be made up in and the giant conglomerate's pledge to the Republican National subsequenty published by columnist Jack Anderson. girls bloodied by hsattered replacing the revenue lost in some new form of tax, and the Convention. "She said she didn't mean to imply or windows and suffering from shock. lessened property taxes. suggest things that set primary burden for financing Dr. Victor L. Liszka, the Arlington, Va., coronary surgeon who to be implied in the memo," said Dr. Liszka. The blast damaged eight cars and smashed windows in The school administrators schools would be accepted and "She told me on several occasions there was the Europe Hotel, Belfast's newest and biggest, and other consider the competition distributed by the state on an connection between the convention and the settlement. definitely i Shea downtown buildings up to 300 yards away. between the two proposals as equalized basis. Each school fundamentally destructive and district getting an equal share of issued a statement saying they New draft she never meant to say that there was." In his testimony, the doctor said Ms. Beard had a problem the state's wealth, rather than "excessive drinking." "cannot support either property Inflation rampant in Chile each district keeping its wealth He said that at different Umes over the The new school year began Monday in Chile but tax proposal at this time." They would internally thereby possibly prefer a depriving children in poorer quota of 15 past three or thought process was uncoordinated, her actions and sentences*! not in logical order, and she was disturbed. fouryeini many legislative compromise which districts (property wise) of an WASHINGTON (AP) — The defense chief said he is The doctor said it could have been caused by the heart's failure of Chile's 2.5 million grammar and high school would provide the people of equal education. Issuing the first draft call in five troubled by the difficulty pupils pump enough blood to give oxygen to the brain. went to class without their required uniforms. There is an Michigan with a less confusing The other amendment of the months, Secretary of Defense military recruiters are having on Anderson wrote that Ms. Beard, now hospitalized in Denver,i Meivln R. Laird announced some high-school and college she had met former Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell at a dinner acute shortage of cloth. put)' Monday that 15,000 men will be campuses, the mansion of Kentucky Gov. Louis Nunn during the Kentuc Life for Chile's increasingly grim- as nine million people is growing President Salvador Allende's 15 Tonight is drafted into the Army during April. Mav ud June. "You either have to have Derby festivities last May and had discussed the reported! months of efforts to turn The.ti^^.tijSL'fHt since Selective Service hpve bogged down th^icwfifry into a Socialist state in an economic crunch. HARVEY October, when Wednesday. the feathers around, he must probably be the only thing Bratten, Barton, Durstine and Osborn, Inc, and is a member of have put up a discussed by the board. There is the Republican State Central Committee. State News photo by Milton Horst good squabble," The board chairman election she said. no business in policy committee In a statement following the announcement, Gibbs said he was by the new eigth session is honored by the appointment and would work to expected to be a highly debated bring Michigan Bl leak said to hurt into the Republican fold for the November elections. issue. Buckner has served as "Our goal will be to make this the most efficient, the broadest board chairman for two sessions. plan - based and the most enthusiastic presidential His term of office will end in campaign ever conducted in Michigan," Gibbs said. "And on Nov. May. He is expected to graduate 7, we will count Michigan's 21 electoral votes spring term which would make among the President's t)TTD CI Pa IRISBURG, Pa. (AP) ( AP\ — .1 - J. DoilPlflR Douglas fllftft also fifliH Klaf in said tthat In the nrnmnn women onrl and IU«aa three t ! « • him ineligible to serve as board majority." men trying Berrigan. ... Also releasing statements praising Gibbs' appointment as ioover's disclosure of an aftermath of Hoover's Nov. 27, Berrigan and the six others on In a letter to FBI agent Rochester, N.Y., draft board chairman again. campaign chairman were Hrnse' Minority Leader Gerald Ford, Jntiwar conspiracy by a 1970, statement he was accused by defendant federal antiwar conspiracy Delmar May field, Douglas wrote raid. He also said he recieved aily subsistence and travel expenses Republican State Central Committee Chairman William F. ■t group of Roman Elizabeth charges, that Sister McAlister Oct, 3, 1970: "This figure may An informed source in m brought an end to McAllster, a Catholic nun, of "also told me as far as the sound a little after his parole from Lewisburg ASMSU has said that two board McLaughlin, and Griffin. high, but Dec. 16, 1970 until April 1971 ■ the Rev. Philip Gerrigan leaking information to the FBI kidnaping of Kissinger was considering members have been making their everything I feel it is roughly estimated at $3,500. ■x others to kidnap — director. concerned, that only the inner worth it to the government... I aspirations to be board chairman The State News is published by the students of Bntial adviser Henry "Elizabeth Mc<'Jister was circle knew about the kidnaping will do all I can to help obtain Berrigan and his codefendants Michigan State University every class day during Fall, y fbi informant Boyd highly suspicious that I was the — that she could count the enough evidence to prosecute are accused of conspiring to C r~r^ This State News' Winter, and Spring school terms, Mondays, I testified Monday. He leak," Douglas 31, said as he number of persons onher these Can be part of and Fridays during Summer Wednesdays people concerned." kidnap Kissinger, blow up the Term, and a special Welcome J plot to blow up wound up a week of testimony hands." Douglas said his request was underground heating system in Another Week edition is published in September. Subscription rate ■ton heating tunnels also under direct examination. "You were a member of the turned down. is $16 per year. He told the jury of nine Inner circle?" asked U.S. Washington and raid draft board State News District He said, however, he centers to destroy records. The Member Associated Press, United Press International, Court Judge R. Dixon Hsrman. collected $1,500 from the "Yes," said Douglas, who government for his tip on a birthday of 1971. target date was Washington's racycycling info 353-4321 Inland Daily Press Assn., Michigan Press Assn., Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press Assn. served as a courier for Berrigan Second class postage paid at East I litary ed when both were inmates at Lewlsburg Penitentiary and, Editorial and business offices at 345 Student Lansing, Mich. Services when discovered, became an informer for the FBI. JL If you're gonna get it cut, Phones: Douglas said he asked another News/Editorial 355 8252 moke might - defendant, the Rev. Joseph you as well have it prop Wenderoth, "If the Washington action out." Classified Ads Display Advertising 355 . 8255 Jam was 353 I Military Education Advisory Committee (MEAC) will "Joseph Wenderoth told 'well, at least at this time, it is me done right. Business Office 355 - • 6400 3447 Va number of amendments to the recommendation calling definitely out,' " the witness Going to the beach this break or home to see Photographic 355 - 8311 I expansion of that committee at today's Academic Council added. the folks? If you're gonna have Campus Information 353 8700 With the conclusion of your head - cut - better see Bill. This nan King, asst. provost and chairman of MEAC, said that the Douglas' direct examination, the guy's busy so you'll have to call for an appointment. Be sure to jments "are not drastic changes," but modifications which trial was adjourned until ask for Bill Slack specifically. Jnmittee feels the recommendation should include. Tuesday, reportedly to allow the ■ les recommendation, as Jointly proposed by the Educational Committee (EPC) and the Univerlsty Curriculum llttee, would expand the membership of MEAC to include ■ndergraduate student from each of the departments of defense preparations to cross-examination. make last-minute Earlier the jury heard that for 349-2760 n |y education. Douglas once set a price of d also change the status of the chairman of each of the $50,000 tax free, his services on Bill Slack also known Mr. Shag bnents from ex officio members to regular members of the as an FBI informer against • as * ■ttee and add two liaison representatives from EPC and the lilum committee to serve as ex officio members of the MEAC. ■dition, the recommendation would expand the powers of I to review the policies and procedures of the departments of iyeducation and act on specific curriculum proposals. ■ recommendation is scheduled for consideration at today's |l meeting. the east Room i Tuesday's Feature Dinner [in HI) FLANK STEAK succulent herb 3.00 dressing soup or juice Miss J's all-weather salad two vegetables dessert outlook is good with This little slipstick beverage Fleet Street coats Use Alle'entrance ramp for direct or access. fourth level of These washable, water-repellent could increase your Dinner and cocktails served until 9:00 p.m. cotton/polyester any-weather typing speed Jacohsoris coats are loaded with have the fashion look of style and by two or three days. canvas. Sizes 7 to 15. Students will be elated over a completely new A. Trench-coat way to correct typing errors: Liquid Paper's® new styling right dispenser, slipstick. [pizza for a buck F1 ri9ht, one buck buys a 9" pepperoni or J jl down to the last detail. Cornsilk or marine blue $22. When you're typing the big one, the 30-page paper you've been sweating for weeks, that's when mistakes bug you the most. So you slow down. And the closer you get to the bottom of the page, psnroom Varsity Pizza. ^ B. Shaped shirt-coat with the more you clutch up. Mess up now and you've contrast stitching on got a whole page to retype. When you've got a slipstick handy, you don't |. - Pepperoni or mushroom Varsity cream or berry $22. worry about mistakes. One easy touch releases a || Valid f!"8 *or $1;00 with this coupon. March special fluid that buries the mistake and leaves a 7, 1972 MUMjs&iop' clean new surface like the paper itself. So you type relaxed. And make fewer mistakes. On the big assignments, Liquid Paper's new slip- stick could put you days ahead. JL*dition to Pizza our menu includes Subs, In,;!0"9 Varsity Dogs, Homemade Spaghetti llnild« only) and Pinballs. f ,rom your ISSr " PITY 1227 E. Grand River Tout »mt. er 332-6517 |f£. fast, hot deliver y JacoteariB (starts at JACOBSON'S OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL NINE 6:30) Liquid Paper Corporation MICHIGAN OUR READER' S MIND STATE MEWS UNIVERSITY M. Ruth Thompson: KEN LYNAM advertising manager DAVE PERSON, managing editor boy, were you wrong BILL HOLSTEIN, campus editor To the Editor: women patronize them ■ CHARLIE CAIN, city editor M. Ruth Thompson's article Hypocrisy And who in the Movement (Ffeb. 28) is a sad says that these ^ """J BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor example of some women#' unmasculine? isn't lt^ 0ccuP»ti«|J RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor who feel that way? otl»r J misunderstanding of the Women's Liberation Movement. In the interaat of No, Ms. Thompson no „ I Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award truth the article cannot go unanswered. women waitresses. to work as tooieL „e for outstanding journalism. But could Uh 0,81 First of all, Ms. Thompson, women active in Women's Liberation are not called A™>Hc» «<*nomy * ""l demeaning occupation? For,»J?! editorials women's libbers: they are called active women's liberatlonists. To continue, this you would U.S Dept. of Labor* do well to friend Betsy may have been ungracious in your working women. gtatutla j^j Also, do not you understanding the intent of the women to make eLin£ ^ Rent-a-thesis Individual who offered her a seat on the bus. But she is not a "teasing female" when Would this solve the A few final films problem? 11 she does not wear a bra to parties. points Ms iw I Who decrees that a woman must wear a bra? group (2 or more) of has women ftl bleeding The American undergarment ever 'M the or the woman herself? If Industry, you, your friend Betsy were not "quite well endowed" would she still be "teasing" by not wearing a bra? By repeat: documented publicly there cases supposed instance seized taken to b have been of brXj" S** „ ""*■ When term papers for hire companies first made their "Indeed, to contend that the way, Betsy's "wandering from man to man" at the party could (and would never actually happened. Uponbythfl»« outright cheating in some be, If appearance in East Lansing, faculty miraculous way combats the she were a male wandering from woman to Women Having been a member and student! members and administrators vainly abuses, real or imagined, of the woman) friendliness. be interpreted as plain s Liberation Movement inception I can state that your anah* I sin« I hoped students would not utilize the new "service." After all, the firms educational process makes about Thompson, of the trends in the MovmJ as much sense as the old practice Furthermore, Ms. Thompson, women is exactly the reverse of what you sav # charged rather exorbitant rates for do not discriminate against male ballet overwhelming tendency during the 1*1 their work. Further, it was thought of bleeding to cure blood dancers, hairdressers and faahlon designers. 3 years Is a diseases." As a mattter of fact, the reverse is true: widening and deepening* Issues that many students would never use the term paper companies for fear of at broadening of stake, and a cVrresw? the base of WmJ now to make the sale of term papers Liberation For proof, getting caught. Unfortunately illegal in the state. number of Women's Liberation compel quality control practices and student The East Lansing City Council POINT OF VIEW related groups devoted to pount J women'ita affluence have eliminated these and other local governmental bodies active today in comparison w contingencies. Thus, the rent - a • number 4 6 years could also aid the University by • ago. It'i hud understand, Ms. Thomspon, why thesis companies have enjoyed their third business. consecutive term of bullish passing a local ordinance of similar nature. The city council would do its Resolution serves with so little understanding of Won Liberation would attempt to write some it student electorate a great service by Term paper panderers have called banning term paper companies from Janet Ki themselves a natural outgrowth of the city limits. Such a local remedy By JACK M. BAIN Lansing, a prerogatives of President Wharton and the board of trustees, to be the "miseducative" process. The Professor of Communications Feb. 29, !■ would admittedly provide only a repugnant. We are also offended by your mischievous firms claim that since an MSI' and MILTON TAYLOR temporary solution. Even if the City Implications that the three black faculty members were motivated education Professor of Economics by personal political gain. only involves the of Lansing and Meridian Township accumulation of 180 credits and since much of that process is were to enact similar ordinances, the term paper hucksters would soon Dear Trustee Thompson: As two among many faculty members at MSU who are it so Intended, tends to frustrate the achievement of racial Synergy meaningless, they provide a means to find some other haven from which to concerned about the social malignancy of racism In harmony and an Integrated society. It is a vicious circle. America, reform college education practices. and who believe that It is the obligation of every citizen to resist Courageous men come forward, calling attention to the existence To the Editor: carry out their transactions. A city of a problem. Instead of supporting an However, the birth of the bogus ordinance might, however, provide the development of a racially segregated society, we wish to make Investigation of the A couple of weeks ago you printed! term paper business can be more the following points with respect to your recent resolution passed problem and urging its resolution, the power structure condemns article about a new community centetctF some relief until the legislature could the initiative of those who have raised the Issue. by a majority of the board of trustees: This, in turn, Synergy. Unfortunately, there w properly attributed to the profit act on a comprehensive state statute. reinforces the growing impression that the power structure Is mistakes made that I would like toca motive. If there were no profits to be (1) In the press conference called by Professors Robert Green, Insensitive and intransigent. The first is that Synergy is located it Certainly the argument can be | had in the rent - a - thesis business, made that the student who buys a Joseph McMillan and Thomas Gunnings on Feb. 9, 1972 on Grand River Ave., underneath Pinm racism in Big Ten athletics, It Is patently clear that these three (6) We will go one step further. We wonder whether this so - called "service" to the your Bookstore. The second is that a it term paper is only cheating himself. members of the faculty were speaking for themselves In defense "procedural" resolution would have been introduced If our three student body would have dissolved colleagues had called membership costs $10 and not $300 Yet in a large University like MSU of black associates and athletes and not for the a press conference to endorse the mcnths ago. University. construction of a new ice arena? mentioned In your column. the student who has plagiarized term, Many exciting projects are presentlybl Term paper companies have the (2) We assert that it is an inherent right and, in fact, an papers cannot be distinguished from (6) In calling for an investigation of possible race undertaken such as the erection of obligation, for individual faculty members to speak out with potential to undermine one of the the individual who performed his honesty and conviction on Important social matters, without discrimination, we support the demand of our three black children's labyrinth In a barn, the start | most important aspects of an theater workshop, and plans (< own research - especially by prior concurrence or clearance from the University colleagues for a full Investigation by the Big Ten and its member undergraduate education the administration. MSU is not a 19th century private universities. photography contest. We at Synergy wd - outsiders such as employers and corporation in like again to extend an invitation toyor which employes must live In fear of their opportunity for the individual graduate school admission officers. employers. This is what (7) We earnestly hope that, in the interest of promoting racial drop in and see what is happening. academic freedom is all about. student to conduct independent That such a situation exists points harmony and understanding, you will move to have your research and receive academic to serious inadequacies in the present (3) Accordingly, we find your resolution of Feb. 25, 1972, resolution of Feb. 25, rescinded. On sober reflection, we are sure Marilynne Rosen® credit for that work. Many condemning our three black colleagues for allegedly usurping the you will agree that it serves no constructive purpose. forSynf impersonal educational process at Feb. 29,IT an instructor has already abandoned MSU. Yet this process will not be the use of written assignments in his improved through bogus term class on the grounds that many papers, which do not serve in any POINT OF VIEW papers are no longer his students' way to bring about a better original wcrk. When an instructor University. Indeed, to contend that continues assigning term papers outright cheating in some miraculous under the present situation, he penalizes their own those students work, rewarding the who dc way combats the abuses, real or imagined, of the educational process n.?kes about as much sense as the Find transportation alternatives plagiarists. old practice of bleeding to cure By NEILA POMERANT University have force such Presently the University lacks the Detroit Graduate Student encroachment? to pay $64/year above and beyond all other maintenance headquarters. He alsoaidl blood diseases. University costs for the right of the routes would be so crowded if means to combat this erosion of the In the academic community, Recently the Public Safety Dept. of MSU Second, in order to avoid an East Lansing transportation which he must have in order wouldn't be room for cars. (1 would m has been beefing up its ticket patrol - ticket for an overdue meter, a student must to carry academic proocess. It can only out his duties as a student? see a bus system sufficiently efflc "■ there is no place for a business based especially around the Library. Where is all park in the city lots at 20 cents/hour. (One ( Breakdown. $15 fall and spring; $20 eliminate the need for carson camput) penalize students who are caught upon a philosophy of plagiarism and this money coming from for additional lot at 10 cents/hour is located farther away). | utilizing the term paper firms' It would cost a student $1 per day for just 5 winter; $8 for shuttle from parking lot to The University of Michigan provide* fraud. It is the obligation of our manhours with which to punish persons for campus area; $6 to register car so student service with no out • of • pocket expe JB services. To piotect the University the sin of hours on campus. be Identified and ticketed elected representatives to insure that using the Library, and attending can a la Star of during the two years 1 was there in from having its lifeblcod sapped by classes, via their most practical means of (5) Use existing parking lots and/or build David, circa late 1930s.) this cancer will not be allowed to others to accommodate student cars at heard any nonuser complain °i the leech - like thesis - smiths, the transportation? The reason, as told to me last summer by provide this service for others. I wasw fester long in the side of the nominal rates. This option Is not open to Most persons illegally parked on Vice President for Financial Affairs there in case I needed it. L state legislature must take action campus Roger was educational process. live more than 20 students now. Isn't a student's quarter as walking minutes from the Wilkinson, is that the bus system must be I would like the University to show J edges of campus and much farther from such why It should not provide each sM buildings as the Library; otherwise they whether he can afford to live on cam|J Coed noncontact wouldn't drive to campus. Now what alternatives campus? to driving and parking are the on "The University of Michigan provides bus service with no out - of - pocket expense, and during the two off campus - with the tra"sf needs to fulfill his duties as a student. I I would like to see sp T (1) Hitchhiking. This is illegal and can be years 1 was there I never heard any nonuser complain of recommendations made to |■ dangerous for women. It doubles or triples helping provide this service for others. I was glad it was so what's the traveling time and renders the student unable to plan his day to the maximum there in case I needed it." unjust situation and have the Implemented as soon as possM* ■ efficiency because of the uncertainty factor. (2) Public transportation, l.e., Lansing bus good as one from a visiting professor or self sustaining. When I asked why the bus There has been considerable bill with an immediate effect clause. anyone else? a system. In order to keep the cost down to 70 system couldn't be financed either through a racket raised ever since Sexton But regardless, if the bill passes Furthermore, why is it that graduate small fee from everyone or from a centa/day or $4.90/week, the student must general before the tennis season begins April assistanta, who get a $3.60/hour stipend, fund, he replied that it wouldn't be fair to High School's Mary Carter decided be on campus the whole day and not go may park in lots south of the Red Cedar for those who do not use the bus. He said that she wanted to play tennis - pn the 11, the net effect will be that Ms. home for lunch or between classes. Further, Carter will play. the student may not stay on just the $12 registration cost while other those who want the service pay for it. boy's team. This incident started the attend class, to use the campus to graduate students, whose normal student Ted B. Simon, director of the Library or for any physical ball rolling in the legislature to draft Opposition may come from the other purpose any later than the last job rate Is $2/hour, must pay a $12 plant, said that if service were provided for bus a bill allowing women to compete Michigan High School Athletic which Is 10:05 p.m. There Is no service on registration fee for the privilege of being everybody via tuition, the need for buses with men in noncontact sports. The Association for they have an the weekends. prohibited from parking on campus at all? would double as would operating expenses. bill has already passed the Senate unwritten law that girls are not Of course, If the student has an (6) University bus system. This is the crux He said that the roads would have to be off-campus of the issue. Why should a student have to Improved and the buses would need a new and is now awaiting House approval. allowed to play with boys in any Job, It is very likely that tne existing bus lines will not take him there. Since the Sexton tennis coach Tom Holcomb sports. "If the association objects," student usually hasa tight schedule, working is pressuring the House to Holcomb stated, "we'll make this a walking adopt the time is prohibitive. DOONESBURY test court case." (3) Riding a bicycle. The student must by GarryJqj It is time Michigan realized that make an initial Investment for a sturdy MISPLACED MEMO girls can perform as well or often bicycle with proper equipment. During nice better than their male weather it is possible to ride the counterparts bicycle to 60T & in sports such as tennis. Holcomb has campus and Job. However, It Is not possible 1o: ASMSU Chairman Hal Buckner for everyone because of stated that (a) the Mary plays well enough time-distance factor and (b) the present Re. A plethora of pending petitions to play in the number two spot on paucity of safe bicycle routes both on and the team. If the winner of a off campus. During the snowy months sports safe Dear contest is to be judged on bicycle riding is very difficult. Swamped — ability, (4) Parking the car In East Lansing. First, and not sex, the House must pass this bill. Otherwise, some of the best why should the City of East Lansing be Taxing experience, isn't it? flooded with University - generated cart? It players girls - will still be thought Is not the merchants' property which Is most The of as nonentities in the realm of effected by student parking - it Is the areas People - athletic aptitude. Inhabited by students and low and moderate Income families. What right does the n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, March 7, 1972 State legislature studies 6 fault PTHANN MASALKOSKI lc 1 ■state News staff Writer ^at does no fault Lgan motorist? mean to a Has the /\y n c. Since oince 4. then manv been made on the most many rpnnrtc important of these is reports houo have subject. The James James „ .. H. Hpinz* H. Heinze, R R . - RatHo f!nnnr»il Battle Council Pl«« Creek (this package includes HB standard for charging ai 4734, 4735, 4736 and 4737); accident against the driver' Plan would establish «_ ... no ... vehicles and the Milliken plan also excludes motorcycles. . . I r.r- plan would cover 85 per cent of lost wages up to $750 for an plans I . . . r proposals allow for no recovery for pain and suffering. The , v Basic Protection for the The Heinze - McNeely unlimited time after the Milliken plan allows for pain and , no fault become a Traffic The Dept. of Commerce Plan, record. package limits medical accident. suffering recovery if there is II to explain an intricate BhU'pb. Kooert v re|)0rt'Writtenl,y the Consumers Council Plan and Keeton, professor of Assigned risk means that compensation to $2,000 for 12 The Young plan provides for permanent disability, « P»an proposed by Gov. insurance companies evaluate months after the injury with no payment of 75 per cent of lost dismemberment, or medical "e terminology - no fault - Harvard, and Jeffrey Iliken on J«n Milliken on Jan. 5, 1972 and the k 1Q79 ♦ k OConnel, professor of law at later introduced in the House by prospective bability of the rehabilitation compensation wages-up to $1,000- for an expenses exceed $5,000. Heinze looming worn out, and is a ivo incima* insurer U«: ~rnu^. being included. The other plans allow iinlimitoH unlimited timo time, whilpwhile Millikpn Milliken's '< - McNeely plan limits pain and cr to begin with. Every I.6 v, .rXerTy, published in ^vas ,ord H" Smart» R " involved in an accident. This for unlimited actual medical proposal would provide for 85 suffering recovery to 100 per t involves fault even if 1965. The Walled Lake. criteria Massachusetts law, and most of P®r cent of lost wages up to „ Purchase of auto insurance military WI oc ^ compensation and unlimited cent of medical loss for small fault tan only be placed on a the other no fault status, residence and rehabilitation compensation. $1,000 for 36 months. injuries, but contains no |tv that depends on cars for plans are fr°m a private company with no amount of driving iiw No fault Young's - based on this report. .■ « — tauit The me Dept. ucp. of Commerce jjian plan o - iplan would give full restrictions in serious injury foni* iauit ui ujuuueiu; tig to work, relaxation and In Michigan, there are coverage t_ is mandatory under the Lodge and Young those — coverage would not protect definse rehabilitation support to survivors for n an cases. Erming every day chores like currently six no fault insurance plans. The Milliken plan makes under the persons driving while compensation as medical and unlimited duration. The Heinze - Under the Dept. of Cry shopping. influence of drugs or does not cover occupational McNeely plan does not allow for Commerce plan for hatever "the terminology, Marx recovery of Cincinnati advanced a I*t,0n\11Se coverage mandatory but would alcohol, operating a stolen rehabilitation. survivor benefits. pain and suffering is permitted oncept of no fault more detailed no fault proposal. ^ Co^mT sPonsorednby ""fP4, a satisfactory^ self - vehicle or willful injury to The Dept. of Commerce and The DePt- of Commerce and only if medical expenses exceed x has been around for Marx's proposal was studied and "than 50 years. broadened by a report published Detroit in wiTh^Y Sic ' " } ^ with ^dd't.onal Heinze - McNeely,n'p,Plan, policies i lWn» M w ..l. oneself- Survivor benefits would the Consumers Council plans the Consumers Council plans $2,000 or if permanent injury be allowed under the Consumer allow compensation of wage ^ow for payment to survivors results. The Consumers Council 1919. two legal articles in 1932 entitled the "Columbia Lred suggesting a workman's University Auto Accident ifmSS?tSi Le^lslature spec,flc no faujf Council and Milliken plans. losses at 85 per cent, up to of UP to $1,000 per month for Plan is the same but stipulates sessio"s- jj sions Insurance coverage is Fbur of the proposals would 36 months. Sensation no fault principle Report" which advocated the LeiliUlim ta'i nthor "j*!. Dept. include commercial vehicles $1,000 per month, for an unlimited duration. Funeral expenses in the that there be a deduction of no fault benefits from fTptcd ■ to correct accident the elimination of tor, liability and Hanrey Lodged S^' 782^ the ObuSSSST SUi', 1!? The Heinze - McNeely Heinze - McNeely Plan are noneconomicaward, the ...... ^ «iopU«, of.no fault typc ••MicCn IW M""hew Ke proposals woo,d !^'^XSl%Vh^e package allows for 85 recovery up to $500 per month per cent included in the $2,000 ceiling for medical expenses. The five Of the six plans only the Consumers Council plan T"" tl>e'urrent assiSnc while the Consumer plans exclude commercial coverage optional. The Lodge funeral costs. m*-- reduction of 15 per cent in Young and Lodge bodily injury premiums. D.i Council Dll I WHITING iccnn iifKam to conside a_ i l- « . . I J■heStateEast Staff WriterCity city NewsLansing rh^t^r 7.30 p.m meetS at hall at Lansing enfo"*d by >°<*1 police. Councilman George Colburn • The council is also scheduled to take up the of appointments at headed the pointed out that the city has no approximately 10 to 12 appointments for a committee Icil may take another step state in reducing the penalty control of campus arrests or the to Jtrd reducing drug law rrom a f„e,°ny to a activities of the Metro Squad, andstudy mass transit problems solutions in the area. ■alties tonight when a misdemeanor, Griffiths * Two more representatives said, which makes most of the local Recommendations have been will also be appointed to the losed ordinance will be NowI hope East Lansing will drug arrests. submitted by council members proposed Capital Area Council Iduced to reduce the penalty I possession and use of of(?c~, Wfly reducing the size the penalty. I hope the next out "Most of the busts are carried by non-East Lansing law in the last few months since the °f Governments. Proponents of rejection of the cross-campus the metropolitan government Jjuanato$l. step is legalization." enforcement agencies," Colburn route, while officials have group indicate they hope to be Bity Councilman George Although there has been said. "I think this would be a attempted to keep the number organized this year and prepare a ■iths said Monday he will some criticism that the local fruitful area of discussion." e the proposal and ordinance has not been used in Colburn added that he had a public hearing on the the P®8*. Griffiths said it has requested a meeting between the Hot spiced wine at the Olde World? council and representatives of the Metro Squad, but no action has yet been taken. Environmentalist groups That's right, at the Olde World, you'll discover Olde World Flavor . . . and not In other action just in the food. There yo.u'll find hot coming up for CAPITAL CAPSULES council consideration; • Lester Turner, representing to form central coalition spiced wine served steaming hot with a big slice of lemon and a cinnamon stick, National Cable Company, ' it's great on those cold winter days! Ex¬ ujij4 scheduled . ... Agents for Environmental Confederation, the MSU Sierra further information, to give a report to the Reform (AER), an "umbrella Club, Dept. of Human Ecology, pect the unexpected at the Olde World council concerning what He emphasized that AER is Bread and Ale, 211 M.A.C. |HE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION proposed a $1.1 lie school aid appropriation for billion progress they have made in communication on organization" to centralize E - QUAL, the Michigan TB and intended to be a supplement of East Lansing. avenue in 1972-73 to the state ecology Respiratory Assn. and the legislature providing cable service in the topics, is forming for MSU those organizations which are ftnday. The proposal exceeds by $132 million Gov. Milliken's Nature Ways Assn. were present Bool aid plan. community. The company is students and faculty and citizen currently working at the informal reportedly ready to expand their environmental groups. meeting. They all ... problems. "It does ecological Hie differences between the plans center around agreed that AER's special education service into the success would not intend to govern or weaken bropriations and vocational education programs, Board of Triangle and Speaking to environmental be most beneficial if the the existing organizations; location spokesman said. The board recommended over $71 Flowerpot districts in married group representatives Saturday, organization functioned as an ■lion for special education housing areas on campus. John Hice, Dearborn sophomore open forum rather, AER would be governed compared to $58.6 million by the meeting place where by them," Hice said. Bemor. The board also requested a National Cable special allocation p( nearly currently has suggested the formation of AER environmentalists could 1) million for career and vocational education, a ten year contract with the as a central coalition group for exchange information on ftnother difference between the aid requests is in the area of University to provide Lansing area ecologists. specific ecology topics, University Volkswagen Servfcfe bervici professional training for teachers, the commurtfty antenna service. "It would be the concern of ® Je Board of Education is recommending a special program for the spokesman said. They also have a year's license this organization to be a strong ' April 8 was set as a tenative 2621 E. Kalamazoo Qualified VW Repairs Bi^EAD an// ALE Bfessional development of teachers. with the city, while the council and practical one, bent on meeting date for AER. Hice^ is working out a new ordinance, enhancing the Phone: 489-8110 I * * * objectives of the encouraged all environmental I BILL THAT WOULD, among other items, allow 18-year-olds • A proposed agreement environmentally - oriented groups to contact him for k eligible for jury between East Lansing and the organizations in the Lansing duty to postpone jury service until the end of ischool year if the person is a full-time high school student was Drug Education Center, Inc. is community," he said, Bed by Gov. Milliken last week. The bill further amends the revised judicature act of 1961 to ■inate the requirement that 23 persons constitute a grand jury also scheduled for presentation. The council authorized the city manager several weeks ago to Representatives from the Michigan Student Environmental "lake Advantage of Marantz... 3 Ways. I allow the presiding circuit negotiate with the center and ~ ~~ judge to determine a sufficient make a recommendation on pber to serve on the grand jury, authorize county employes to their request for financial Blify for jury service — they were previously exempted — and uire, except in possible commitment of persons to mental, support in the amount of $4,140 to provide expanded medical SAVE $140.00 rectional or training institutions, that a verdict of five out of six ■orsisall that is required in court cases. and clinical service to local 1 feVERAL * * * MICHIGAN REPRESENTATIVES, INCLUDING residents. on this fcker of the House William A. Ryan, D-Detroit, last week sent a LAST CHANCE! Frto George Romney, secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Housing I Urban Development (HUD) MOOSUSKI urging him to reconsider the i. Wed. 3/8 at fcrtment's new rules that would restrict the availability of 3reak Trip Info pin types of low-income housing that recent studies have found ^substandard. MODEL 27 low that you can fly to Europe for peanuts, STEREO SYSTEM.. here's how little you shell out to get around: $130 for Two Months of unlimited rail travel in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland. You shell out $130, and get a Student-Railpass. pean trains have some other advantages for you. They PI you need is the bread and take you from city center to city center, so you don't have something to show you're f bona fide student between 14 and 25. to hassle airports. And the stations are helpful homes 1 Our Student-Railpass gives you all that unlimited away from home, with Pictograms that give you informa¬ [ail travel on the 100,000 mile railroad networks of those tion in the universal language of signs, and dining rooms, mm. ■« ■ 'M. T3countries. For two foot-loose months. So with low air bookstores and other helpful facilities. We sound better ■^fisand Student-Railpass you've got Europe made. Now, here's the catch. You can't get your MARANTZ AUDIO 1 Our Student-Railpass gets you Second Class Student-Railpass or the regular First Class Eurailpass in gavel on our trains. You'll find that there's very little l®c°nd class about Second Class. Besides being com- Europe—you have to get them before you leave the coun¬ try. So see your Travel Agent soon. Meanwhile, send in ANALYSIS PROGRAM Pfable, clean, fast, and absurdly punctual, the Euro¬ the coupon for a free folder, complete with railroad map. Bring in your receiver, amplifier or The system includes a Marantz 27 receiver (30 watts pre amplifier for a checkout. . . R.M.S. per channel) with wood case and a 3 year warranty. Two Imperial 6 speaker systems and a BSR STUDENT-RAILPASS Eurailpass is valid in Austria, Belgium, The way to see Europe without feeling like a tourist Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, ALL BRANDS FREE CHECKOUT INCLUDES: * Frequency Response Test 510X automatic turntable. COMPLETE. . . $539.00 * Spain, Sweden, Switzerland. Distortion Analysis RECEIVER AND CHECKED *Free Graph of the results TWO SPEAKERS "failpass, Box 90, Lindenhurst, New York 11757. p'ease send w/walnut case and SAVE $140.00 me your free Eurailpass folder with railroad map. □ Or your Student-Railpass folder order form. □ N, | Name 1928 TODAY TURNTABLE QUANTITIES LIMITED Street I City_ -Zip— Noon to 9 p.m. , I Trade extra trade - in your old stereo and take advantage of our - in allowances on all Marantz equipment. Trade • up to Marantz. We sound better. minuiiiniu 543 E. Grand Riv«r — Next to Paramount News — 337-1300 * MasterCharge • 90 Days Same As Cash • Bank American! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Tuesday, ^ Spartan to in U.S.-U.S.S.R. Playoffs tonight! Spartan wrestler Milkovich will be in the United Tom States lineup for a U.S. - U.S.S.R. of international freestyle wrestling for pre-Olympic competition that will occur this MSU vs. dual wrestling meet 8 p.m. March summer at the Olympic Games at By CRAIG REMSBURG waaon that the Spartans 22 at Kent State University's Munich, Germany. have en State News Shorts Writer ion their own ice. Bessone Memorial Field House. hopes th,Mu the.sime this time around too. ai theend* ..... .. Revenge, as well as a chance to advance to the NCAA finals _ The event, sponsored by the Milkov.ch, a jumor B gTenstar could be the motivating factors for both the MSU and the "The last time we had playoff games h United States W Wrestling restling with confere^etitl^rom Maple Heights, Ohio, will wrestle Minnesota - Duluth hockey teams tonight when they square off in ar,d Michigan Tech in one - game knockouts» Federation, will offer a preview 1971 World Champion Azagalav & the first of two first - round playoff games. The opening faceoff is win the NCAA title," the MSU coach recallw- Abdulbekovat 136.5 pounds. | scheduled for 7:30 p.m. at the Ice Arena. The ticket office at Jenison Fieldhouse reported late Monday Esposito, who was in the Michigan Tech nets " The MSU team that year beat the Wolverines 3-2 ** Dan Gable, former Iowa State $ afternoon that ticket sales were brisk but that there were some Tech 4 - 3. A 2 • 1 victory over Boston Univprtt 1 collegiate star, and one of the 5: ducats left in all price ranges. Reserved seats are $3; general greatest wrestlers of all time, meeting between MSU and Clarkson in the final m a admission and MSU faculty tickets are priced at $2; and MSU Spartan leers won easily, 6 -1, for the NCAA meets 1970 USSR champion crown :$ students need only an ID and a dollar to get in. The ticket office Nasrula Nasrullaev at 149.5 § is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. today (with a noon to 1 tiiai(aiaBaBaBsaBBa(Baiaa(iRsitiiiiiiiiiMII pounds. o'clock lunch break) and all unsold tickets will go on sale at the The U.S. team is coached by ijij Ice Arean beginning at 6:15 p.m. WCHA playoff Pairings MSU assistant coach Doug Last season, Duluth knocked the Spartans out of NCAA title Blubaugh. Besides Milkovich and contention when they beat the 1970 • 71 MSU squad 4 - 3 in (Two-game, total „oals mm lor Gable, Blubaugh will have Wayne s overtime. The contest was played at Denver March 12. It was n M«h74, Holmes, James Carr, Rich 8 particularly grating loss for the Spartans since they finished in Minnesota ■ Duluth at MSU Sanders, Wayne Wells, Fred ja fourth place in the WCHA standings — two knotches higher than Mkhijan Stats I?.*,, Fozzard, Russ Hellickson, Larry Duluth. Notre Dame at Denver Kristoff and Chris Taylor. § Fbr the Bulldogs, it was nearly three weeks ago (Feb. 18 -19) Tom Milkovich $ when they came to East Lansing and suffered 6 - 1 and 5 1 M ichigan Tech at Wisconsin Mail order tickets for the meet - S defeats at the hands of the Spartan icers. Those two losses, worth Michigan at North Dakota can be obtained by writing the 5 four points each, kept the Duluth team from gaining a home Athletic Ticket Office at Kent 6 playoff berth. State. Tickets are $3.50 and $2.50. Women gymnasts 'Our two games with Duluth was our finest series of the . mo year's' playoff games will be decided basis, with no sudden death play on ... a „ total n | season . . . that series and the one with Michigan Tech," MSu and a deadlock - tonight. If there is a tie toi™ & Wednesday at the end of fourth in regionals S Coach Amo Bessone said at a press luncheon Monday. Fbr Duluth mentor Terry Shercliffe and goaltender overtime with Jerry of the series. no time limit will be held to regulation tln*J determine the Mrazek, however, that weekend caused some problems. "You might say we're Reanne Miller, a freshman from Hastings, was the top performer "Mrazek brok a finger on his catching hand and playing a six - period hocke for the Spartan women gy mnasts sprained his Bessone said. "Every game is Saturday as she qualified in all thumb on a stick end the last time we were equal and there's more here," Shercliffe the players than usual." pn four events and led MSU to a fourth place finish in the Midwest | commented. "He hasn't been the same since and I don't know One help for the regionals. The Spartans just missed | who will be playing in goal yet." appearance of defenseman Bob Boyd. Spartan effort will be the qualifying as a team with an 83 point S If Mrazek, who has a 4.4 goals • against average in WCHA Boyd suffered a aggregate score. The top three teams — Southern Illinois (103 5: action and 666 saves, is unable to play, Shercliffe has Ken Turko separation two weeks ago and ice has since been applied to area where the points). Iowa State (97) and Kent State (94) — advance to the § as a backup netminder. Turko, a freshman, also has a #.4 G A Injury occurred. A sleeve sling was put on «< - nationals in Des Moines, Iowa March 31 S ««The sling keeps the arm in and lifts it • April 1. ® average. off the shoulder," Dr. James S. up to keep then Ms. Miller gave MSU a first place in the vaulting competition with Shercliffe has made some line changes since Duluth's last visit. Director of Olin Health Center said1 Feurig, team physician a 9.2 score. She also placed fifth in free exercise, seventh in uneven jS Alan Young will cneter Marv Kiryluik rvluik and «nrf ITMnVln.-«- UMD's leading scorer, sore but I had him do Monday afternoon afternoon. "if."It's J parallel bars and third in balance beam competition. The ;:j Walt Ledingham, in one combination. Center Lyman Haakstad some exercises Saturday finishers in each event qualified for the top ten S will be between wingers Pat Boutette and he hac*. good motion in the shoulder." and Sunday J tip to Des Moines. Mark Heaslip on Ms. Miller's all-around score of 33.80 placed her fourth - behind \ another line while Dave Roy will center a third line with Cam decision Boyd will be examined before the game ' will be made if the blueliner can tonight a the leading 34.80 total of Southern Illinois' Valarie Fugali. Fryer and Chuck Ness. ««»«« play v, not. If or IIUl. he^ u ne While MSU could gamer some action, Boyd will have to wear a—* ' only enough points to finish in fourth Ledingham finished the regular season with 21 goals and 25 to harness with some p« place it did outscore twelve of the other 16 teams entered in the 8 assists in the WCHA, good for 46 total protect the separated area. points. Boutette was the Don competition. g second highest point - getter for the 15 - 13 Bulldogs, as he tallied Gilles Thompson (30 goasl overall and 33 assists for 63 point, Gagnon (16g - 34a - 50 pts.) and Mark Clader (281 17i P » 14 goals and asslted on 17 others, for 31 points. 455 pts.) will lead the Spartan offense against the Bulldop Tonight and Wednesday's games mark the first time since the Chaurest has Bulldogs. M also tallied 22 goals this season for HELD OVER! / f MSU. AUBURN FILM Celebrate with: All- (mcricons JOAN RAEZ All-Americans Don "Zippy" CROSBY, STILLS, NASH ft YOUNG Thompson (left) of MSU and JONI MITCHELL Walt Ledingham (right) of JOHN SEBASTIAN Mi nnesota-Duluth will lead their respective teams in DOROTHY MORRISON WCHA playoff series tonight a (KryotMdld «... Isr Ihc Ihui Ism s(H. and Wednesday night at the MSU Ice Arena. SN photos by K.B. Remington H DTJTJ'S Kapp«rvcd one wcckcrK) byth«i«a 108B [RHARHARHARHARHARHAj Wells ► Njg. W V 7, 8:40, 10:20 PRESENTS In Doris 'profession U. AUDITORIUM tONI6HF 8:15 P.M. you have to know VIENNA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA NOMINATED FOR THREE ACADEMY how to sell yourself. The Beal Film Group Presents 106B Wells Not only one of the great orchestras of Europe, but also one AWARDS/ of the world's most distinguished conductors - Maestro THE ULTIMATE X Josep Josef Krips. BEST ACTOR! PROGRAM BEST ACTRESS! Straus: "Till Eulenspiegal Merry Pranks" BEST DIRECTOR! 1 Berger: "La Parola" Sbhubert: "Symphony No. 9 in C Major (The Great)" SHOWN TONIGHT Glenda ftterl PUBLIC $6.$5. $4. MSU STUDENTS $1. SERIES A AT: Jackson Finch I Murray Head! TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE UNION AND AT THE DOOR 7:30 - 9:35 MSU STUDENTS MUST HAVE ID FOR EACH TICKET PURCHASED. dye* UnrtBdArtsy 365-3361 "A LANDMARK" Variety GO YOU absojjl nATSUM Everything you have ever seen previously was preparatory to the experience of teeing MONA. MONA is the merely knockout of a movie!" -T ultimate X film. The degree to which MONA is explicit is, quite simply, unparalleled. MONA will (how "The sheer voyeur appeal of a night^Jl you more than you'd expect to see; perhaps even than you may suspense^ more want to see. 'A tour-de-force of sex and The Beal Film Group slings no bull. We warrant that MONA is A Classic Chiller of the as explicit as anything presently screened in LA, San Francisco, or N.Y. If you doubt ut, Psycho School!"^.;- simply ask anyone of the several hundred people who have seen MONA preview screening here at MSU. during its They will tell you MONA is the ULTIMATE X. _ . A RAY STARK-HKtBERT ROSS P.X'ton ROMAN POLANSKI'S BarbraStreisand- George Segal MONA X The Owl and the Pussycat KHSl... is rated able to prove it. -you must be 18 and KPU r—~ ly.r^'- ir "J RAY STORK HERBERT'toSS ' CATHERINE Showtime* 7, 8:15,9:30,10:45 DENEUVE Tonight in Wilson Aud. 7:30, 9:15 Admission $2.00 SUNDAYS AND CYBELE "A cinematic miracle FINAL SHOWING I.D.'s required ... a TONIGHT $1.00 Showplace matterpiece... brilliant cast. 8:45 Only 106B Wells .. theer magic. "NY Timet both films OM.v At 7 and 10:36 1110l?ATinN t| A DEAL FILM nnnup PRESENTATION Ijchigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS Tuesday, March 7, 1972 7 Cagers, Buckeyes SHOP-RITE STORES' battle in Columbus By RICK GOSSELIN currently in second place, one that the Spartans wouldn't. State News Sports Editor game behind the league leading "Our kids always play their The last time MSU Ohio State for a basketball travelled to Minnesota Gophers. Minnesota is usual game regardless of what the Spartans lost - eame 10,3 and Ohio State 9-4. happens in games previous," their Mlnnes°ta will also be playing Ganakas said. "If the ball goes in uniforms, and won the eamj* JJ8 final game of the s^*5011 for us- we can *"»• If it doesn't, Strangely enough that one MSli IUesday night- facin& Purdue at well, it'll be tough. I think it's victory the home on Buckeye "!Tjnh , t° be «n interesting game We II be confronted with a size down there." ,u court was the sole loss . suffered bv ^ Ohio State last season as the dlsadvantage again," MSU Coach The game is a sellout in Buckeyes chewed up the Gus Ganakas said> "but we're Columbus and will start at 7:30 remainder of the Big Ten The getting used to that- Ohio State Lans>netime. Bucks finished the conference ^ to win the 6ame and there will Mike Robinson, with two race last season with a ^ more Pressure on them than games left, will be attempting to comfortable 13-1 first Dlace U8^! put awaV the ,eague individual mark. °hio State is a team that has scoring crown. Robby has a MSU had its road uniforms "ever been the 83016 since its 27"Point average and could be the stolen from its locker room last game with Minnesota- In that first Spartan ever to win the year and was forced to play the game'Ohio State led by six P°ints ,eague scoring title. The Spartans, Buckeyes with Ohio State's own '8te in the 001,1651 and a fight as a team, are the top shooting road red uniforms It was more broke outencomPassingBuckeye unit in the conference and than embarrassing at game's when the Spartans end players and Minnesota's players individually, Bill Kilgore is the the court - decked in trudged off and fans- The f,ght 56,11 thr6e top fie,d shooter in the league the OSU State Players to the hospital with a .595 percentage. uniforms-on the top end of an fnd c^"sed the suspensions of 82-70score. two M"">esota players, Ron Big That was the initial game of the Ten season last year and there tBuehagen and Corky Taylor. Since BIG TEN T f3"16, the Buckeyes have was absolutely no pressure for 5trugg,ed to a 5-4 mark, I PCT. either team to win. shoe is on an Tonight, the »are,y e"ough to keep UP with Minnesota entirely different . Ohio St. foot. Ohio State will face the .667 . s Brian Breslin goes up for a long, laiy hook shot The Bucks have the same basic it Michigan in a game won by the Spartans Saturday, Spartans in a must game. It isthe final Buckeye game of the season 1^bl5season as earned them throUgh last -Season Wlth the Michigan Indiana .667 .583 Grand Prize Beef SPECIAL in scored three points against the Wolverines. »nd Fred if Taylor's crew must win of,Jkf most »du.ble pUyer of .500 Chuck Roast-Blade Cut i OF THE WEEK e- State News photo by John Dickson they »ovc have any confprpnrp title. conference title any hope Tho nope ior The Bucks for a. are 1970-71. JJSU Wisconsin .417 .417 Ohio State has excellent size Illinois (all-Big Ten first team center Iowa OUT WISCONSIN from last year Luke Witte stands 7-0), excellent scoring potential Northwestern Grand Prize Beef ■ \ (all-Big Ten guard Allan Hornyak is third in the this season with a league in scoring 23-point ■•■mimmi SN correction Boneless Chuck Roast 99 // [ankers fourth average), and has good depth (six returning lettermen from last fy STEVE STEIN commented, "but year's championship team). The Spartans are fresh off stunning victory over Michigan Due to an editorial error the word "lacrosse" appeared in a letter entitled "Athletes: why Grand Prize Boneless qq I we bombed freestyle behind Indiana's John Saturday and Ganakas kidded New! Ocoma ia n Sports Writer great meet for us - We them score out on Wisconsin 136. Saturday." Final in the battle was MSU 184, Kinsella while Paul Virtue swam that the his best time ever, 16:58.74 in be Spartan season can now considered over with the take five years?" in did not appear in the yesterday* Our Readers' Mind. This word original Stew Beef S)D Cooked Chicken k.very well." taking tenth in the latter race. victory over the Wolverines. letter. The opinion expressed in Many Spartans swam seasonal ias the reaction of MSU "Our p6"ers, a very promising Ganakascommented. complete," is that letter does not in any Wings _ _ season best or even lifetime best times way |gpastcoach . Dick Fetters «, weekends Big Ten nng and Diving each placing in the Inships. a meet at which during the meet with junior • -— j—«w. Winfield and senior Jeff Lanini Ken top six twice. Winfield took second in the 200 freshman, grabbed eigth place in Asked if his team may suffer a «* 400 - - - letdown after its big win over 20.51, his lifetime best. His 200 Michigan, Ganakas was confident represent the feelings of the lacrosse team, but rather the Personal opinion of Bob Stevenson, Detroit senior. Fresh Sliced Beef Liver 59 00c 18 oz. box ' backstroke time was also his best pans beat out Wisconsin - butterfly and third in the 100 - ever- "i fourth pjac^ MM ^terfly behind the unbeatable nil. f. 1Q71 Michigan and Ohio Mark Spitz and Lanini took third „. vahlaMa 59 songs * - in the 100- Itravelled to Wisconsin in the 200 breastroke ■ and fourth in (u. h»H inn-hnrlfstrnifP ! your mother never taught you SHURFINE YOUNG MOTHER HUBBARD SALE! - breastroke behind ■January for a dual meet winner Stu beating Indiana's Olympic tanker ■he Badgers and ended up »ort end of a 77 It that was - 46 score sophomore star. Isaac, U-M's Diver Mike Cook did quite well, supposed to be taking sixth in the three - meter Jackson consolation heat. Horsley in the Larry O'Neill and Tony Bazant ? Applesauce, Sliced Potatoes, ^ £ leason for the lopsided and seventh in the one • meter. both looked strong in the ... Kjm Rjdinger took ninth in the 100-breastroke. Bazant, Dark Red Kidney Beans, Whole who |s because the Wisconsin ■warn the best they did all three-meter. "did a great job" according to Al Dilley and Paul Fetters both ■MSI had revenge in its Fetters, swam his best time of qualified in the 200 • backstroke 1:01.35 in placing eighth in that *hen it realized that the an(j t00|t f| fth and sixth event with O'Neill ■ for fourth place at the finishing right ■nee meet would be | between the Spartans lers. respectively behind a quartet of Indiana swimmers for some important points Saturday night. behind him in 1:01.98. _>m. 0 Nei« and 6823,11 qualified Potatoes 7/r Co-captain John Theurer again in the 200-breastroke and pally had a battle with placed tenth in the 500 - again swam well. O'Neill's lor two days," Fetters freestyle, and eighth in the 1650- seventh place time of 2:13.86 would have put him in third place There's more than one way to skin an eco-catastrophe. Sluirfine Pork & Beans . 10° [U Karate Club The MSU 400 - medley relay As the shouting dies down let the singing rise up-from the only book with a song for every disaster: war, radia¬ squad of Dilley, Lanini, Winfield tion, smog, overpopulation, DDT on the dinner plate. and Hall copped third. Jtures one crown Songs by Seeger, McLean, Reynolds, and Paxton (and Last season, MSU also took fourth behind the same three schools. Northwestern showed their peers). With guitar chords and savage illustrations. Thank You Puddings 4/88' ■ MSU Karate Club gained one championship as 12 the greatest improvement at the Only $4.95—Mother would approve. of the club competed p Tent Saturday in Ypsilanti. (id States Karate Association in the First Michigan Open The meet was sponsored by (USKA). meet moving into seventh place with 101 points after finishing The Sierra Club survival songbook Shurfine Orange Juice 6 pak, 6 oz. cans tet dead last in 1971 with only 29 Now at your campus bookstore. Salmon won the club's only championship in points. p fighting. * belt Wit as a holder FYed Gates, competing in black belt, took second in light weight his first black belt Spartan French Fries reg. or crinkle cut, 9 oz. II | Jim Rosema, also competing in his first tournament, Jrtin brown belt. ■Baker defeated teammate Mark Dunkel for third place in Good friends get All Star Cottage Cheese 24 oz. Ige. or small curd « fighting. together at the Spartan Breakfast Treat citrus drink, !4 gal. i|0C Gel top cash PITCHER NIGHT TONIGHT Super 68 oz. pitcher reduced Loma 'Plastic Housewares Sale' 2/88 fir yair books below our normally low cost! Come and compare U.S. No. 11ceberg Lettuce 22° 1020 Trowbridge Rd. 351-0300 atSBS! CUP AND SAVE THIS COUPON avoid the hassle... UP to 50% otaew book price! OUR POLICY: over spring break with MooSllski (MSU Ski Club) • We buy everyday Join Moosuski's annual Wild West Show to the mighty snow-capped Rockies. Thrill to the e No waiting thought of skiing six days without encountering ice. Soak in that warm Aspen Glow. Wine e No long lines. picnics and T.G.'s by day and dancing and mellow wine parties by night. You'll be housed at I STUDENT the Christmas Inn, Innsbruck, and Coachlight motels. Take your choice of skiing Aspen Mountain, Buttermilk, Aspen Highlands, or Snowmass. ALL TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING DIRECT FLIGHT FLIGHT ONLY FROM LANSING TO DENVER. 7 NIGHTS LODGING, 6 DAYS .. SKIING & ALL MOOSUSKI ACTIVITIES I 421-27 East Grand River ,av9 ' $12U «£cw (Acro«fromOlin 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SajtacnJ Brown so STUDENTS OFFER TUTORING students' Rep. Jim Brown, R • Okemos has sent questionnaires to 5,000 registered MSU students asking their views on various legislative Project aids black kid; questions . MSU has become a good size of Brown's constituency The program is loosely structured to By JANESEABERRY since passage of the age of majority legislation. MaUwJh"d Ms. Washington tuhjT«l by th. "Michigan colleges and universities have been ignored long State News Staff Writer provide a relaxing atmosphere for the children after a structured environment noted that Jk ,Q| enough in Lansing," the lawmaker whose district includes MSU The Teach a Brother program was during school hours. Folders are kept on potential voters said in a prepared release. initiated in the fall of 1971 by the MSU each student, recording the progress or the "I have begun what I feel will be a total involvement program Volunteer Bureau as a service to the child and his present level of performance. for scores of interested students on the MSU campus," he added. The questionnaire focuses on student - oriented issues such as children of Lansing's west side. Betty drug use, abortion reform and the environment. Washington, program coordiantor, iastituted the program especially to involve Though Ms. Washington feels the program has been a success thus far, she books out or school to h aUo"^l Student reaction to the questionnair has been favorable Brown said. Most registered voters queried said that they were flattered by the concern expressed through the questionnaire suggested it might influence their future vote. and black students and black children of the city in a community activity. The program is housed in the feels the program could expand, but is unable to because of lack of funding. Last term the program operated with no money su.--a.rJ significant sfgns at all, and this term the Volunteer Bureau Brown ostensibly maintains that he is anxious for input that will permit him to better represent that portion of Parkington Educational Center In Lansing dontated $100, which was used for his and provides after-school tutoring and Though there has been little constituency which had previously been denied the vote. educational equipment and supplies. the program The Okemos representative said that in recent "expanded recreational activities to children age from 6 to 13 and to high school age ranging in One former Teach A Brother volunteer couple parents who from the pari* contacts on the campus I find students eager to learn how they have , people. can be heard in the political process. He condemned citizens who commented that the program would be worthwhile if the kids were CZZT* Washington fthe feeLs that thJ have stereotyped students and "don't realize that there are all In addition to serving as an educational willing to learn and If the Volunteer Bureau had profiting from and shades of views evident on campuses today." and recreational facility, Ms. Washington something enjoying Brown stresses that the questionnaire reveals only a portion of Anollwr feels that the program provides social to build on. "They don't have or any supplies anything to build with. All they have is duriiwth' during prognm the summer 'I® typet|* his concern and he hopes students will express their opinions on current issues, questions on his previous voting record, personal /this activity as well as something for children to do. Because the children the are a bunch of volunteers." months. This youngster eagerly goes over an addition problem with a "Most of the kids problems which he as a legislator can solve and suggestions for bused to schools outside of their com,. ». worker from the Volunteer Bureau in its education Though about 20 volunteers are new bills for consideration by the legislature. the west side of Lansing. The project offers an after school project on community, they return with limited involved in the program, rarely more than average black from families with a Lansing fam?^ lot 0f chil "Since today's university students will be tomorrow's outside educational or recreational there is nine come at one time to handle the 45 a definite taxpayer, I think it's time we included them in our plans for the tutoring program along with recreational activities. facilities. Many have nothing to do after need for thkl future," he concluded. State News photo by Don Gerstner school. students enrolled. The children come with academic problems and are divided into program on a four rather than two - or C 71 hours," she said 'McAllen' expresses love of life, nature By D. CALKINS that is alive and in love — with engaged in. "McAllen" is a collection or 12-string is especially evident in instrumental but does not blend the clarity or McAllen's voice on sound along the and nature. A painter, race car-motorcycle songs that have been written over "Didn't You" and "Guess We'll too well with the lyrics. many or the cuts. Gordon Lightfoot" M. McDONALD Speaking to the 27-year-old driver, architect, and guitarist - the past 10 years, and recorded Never Be That Way Again." "By Candlelight" is one "Nights Like This" seems to Stevens, yet it' one or the State News Joint Reviewers instructor in landscape all are equally important to this over the past two years in the Bob McAllen. architecture, you get the reeling musician. The Woolies backup on "Lady better vocal selections on the _ eron Pom McAllen, a natient & The album "McAllen" For the most part by Bob that his career is a Chuck Berry guitar, which would The seemingly low-budget the album is a person simDlvdne^Ll McAllen, is a statement about the conglomeration or whatever he is ' ' I sing about the mountains/and about the river Mc Allen's good first attempt. It's nice and hopes in time othml writer. It's a quiet sort or reeling ability on the have been great as an production does not do justice to fireside music with a mellow ittoo. DISCOVER shore I sing about a young EUROPE man/who was carried ofr to war Sing about the kind ot lady/I've COMPLETE ON A BIKE Sex, been looking for And I sometimes AUDIO SERVICE Qualified Technicians sing/about you. .You've heard this song before." . Songwriting comes naturally to McAllen, performing on the 12-string guitar he taught himselt By KAREN ZURAWSKI commission was unanimous in age "It's unclear as to what the who would then bias • appoint submitted by Gay Libei to play. State News Staff Writer their concern for improved purpose is," he said. • Prompt Service different members to the the Coalition for Humu f • Full Test Facilities EUROflKE It's up to the East Lansing City feeling in the community on civil The commission favors, Eddy commission who would do The proposed ordinal For the past six or seven years Council now when and if "sex" rights, but undecided on what, if has said, the idea or a public •90 Day Warranty - Parts something. for prohibiting discrimiiL McAllen has been performing at and "age" should be made a part any' ordinance to recommend to forum at which people with & Labor "They should be ahead of the the basis of "religion,! local clubs: but, doesn't seem to or the city's public policy city council. expertise in the area or sexual council in their area," he said. marital status, sexual oril be interested in the cutthroat Convenient Location at concerning discrimination. He pointed out that no other orientation will testiry to Eddy disagreed and said that cultural orientation orl „ business The Stereo The Human Rqlattons c'ty in the United States has an determine what is a workable politicising the commission appearance." Shoppe > Commission recommended list antidiscrimination ordinance solution. It is unclear, however, wou|y were ' Rev. William Eddy, chairman or with the commission decision to impatient perhaps because they ^ on a music WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Supreme Court refused M did not understand the channels system?" the commision, said the hold public forums. the commission has to work to hear the suit of Michigan prison inmates who claim through. entitled to the regular minimum wage for taking p' UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS "We're a study, discussion and "human guinea pig" program for drug companies, (An important question deserving of a the kind of performance associated ( Mn. OS* 19 & completion of at Uati I roar of coDogo ) recommendation group," she p straight answer. We'll risk one:) You with speakers then and now costing far Thirty . five inmates or the Southern ... Michigan P GRADUATE STUDENTS and FACULTY MEMBERS stressed - probably should spend S680 on our Some' or those attending the more. THE ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE Jackson had contended the issue is importanl heajj Advent/Kenwood/PE/Shure system. CAMPS meeting and unhappy with the treatment or inmates or our penal nstit.ut.ons is suDj 'rf0lI!]?riJin® 35,° outstanding Boy*. Girl., Brolhtr Sititr ' We call it "the graduate." The Kenwood KR-5150 AM/FM results spoke about a political n®ttonal concern ... in the light of Attica, Stereo Receiver is yet another 5£jK.5L dU State* '"j'sL'Mr"''"",h* Atlantic see and Canada. n- ">«■ solution to the low-profile referred to the disturbances recently at Attical The system we have for $680 is not INVITES YOUR INQUI commission. example of the wonderful way your . Coumtlort. Croup Uad«r«. Prison that ended in bloodshed. just a good value (although we do inflated dollar now buys much more Sp«cialtlM. General Counselor." * *° Emery, describing the .. , frnrrj think it's actually the best value now real performance in hifi equipment Write. Phone, or Call in Person commission as a sponge which „ The Michigan inmates sued the Michigan Dept of wr™ available in hifi equipment.) Nor is it than ever before: 33 watts/channel A"oci°,ion °' Pr,ya,a Cai"P* — Dept. absorbs input but doesn't come Upjohn Co. and Parke Davis Co., contending hey 1 C out with much, spoke or a change takin8 advantage or the cheap labor or a prison to cam T just a question of its sounding "good RMS, with less than 0.5% distortion, for the money". across the entire audio range. 155 W««t 42nd Street, OX 5-2656, New York 36, N. Y. through the electoral process.«He drugs. Sensitive favored electing city councilment FM ^ human guinea pigs were vo|Unteers and other pj performance permits the greatest I CUT OUT AND SAVE It reproduces the entire frequency number of stations to be received in I acted as technicians and attendants. They were paid "j range of all music, without annoying I cents to $1.25 a day. truly listenable form. coloration or distortion, at levels I which will comfortably fill your The PE 2038 Automatic Turntable listening room with sound. does its job smoothly and reliably; its (Wagnerians and acid-rock freaks not heavy platter turns records at a excluded.) It sounds convincing not only on the best recordings, but on the constant speed, quietly. There is a gentle changing mechanism and a Don't Miss lt!° ' majority of recordings and broadcasts great convenient cueing control. The Shure M93E Cartridge transmits all the 3/7 TUESDAY II A.M. -2A.MJ of all kinds. It has enough controls and sound that is on the record, and at a LANSING MALL MERIDIAN MALL features record-saving 2-gram tracking force. Its to satisfy your needs, without making excellent high frequency capabilities Presents for Your you pay for unnecessary frills. (There's Dining Pleasure complement the fine high frequency ample flexibility for adding such characteristics of the Advent niceties as a tape deck or additional Loudspeakers and the Kenwood > TUESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL speakers.) Its performance and durability are KR-5150 Receiver. ^ Pot Roast of Beef w/ Vegetables $1.65 such that it's highly unlikely you'd | WEDNESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Pitcher Pusher want to change any of the components for a very long time. 3 Schensul'» Famous Fried Chicken $1.291 Its lully guaranteed under the ° THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Party Returns $1.52 I exclusive Ui-Fu Buys 5 - year protection plan 0 Baked Chicken Cacciatore Lums Unique The Advent Loudspeakers have over 1 FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAl Consecutive Pitchers and over again proved true the claim originally made for them: they provide Roast Turkey w/ Dressing $1.44 at Greatly Reduced Prices — |; SATURDAY Baked Swiss Steak NIGHT SPECIAL $1.59 BACK BY POPULAR The Disc DEMAND Shop I I OPEN SUNDAY 11;30 ————————— a.m. to 7:00 p.m. r J Evening Specials include roll, butter and beverage and a choice of two of the I following: salad, potato, vegetable, dessert. I I CUT AND SAVE Ihigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, March 7, 1972 9 tudent cites |RlSDANIELSON |cept of missions today 1. inese FnSi i! . . students " Prob,em8 in reading change in role of ^ explained, through education to individuals develop and SULICl) MV OI1U society than they would have otherwise." ¥ see grow up in any country. beginning to _ intense _ na tional take a tone It is of Cowley said he have been no thinks there racial overtones in missions number of farmers do not have great need for Nigerian enough land to cultivate more missionaries in 1955, he was pride. I think this Nigerian nationalism. j,' snd secondary school is In his educational work, is commendable when food'than their families require, allowed to delay his aaing oriented. The students a newly Other areas of progress Cowley theological are Cowley said he tries "to meet the independent country can heexplained. training until his first leave. He poorly equipped to do a lot of mentioned were improved particular need of an area in the engender this kind of feeling if went to Nigeria because it reading, and this is a hard electricity and water supplies and A Kentucky native, name of Christ. The major part of you consider that the country is Cowley "presented the greatest problem to work with." the time is taken up by secular extended transportation and received his bachelor's degree to me." HSU was his choice for challenge hough there is no multilingual, multitribal and that communication. Two problems compulsory tasks, but from Georgetown College and his doctoral work or we try to do them in the boundaries were not drawn still facing Nigeria are strong because of its completely free primary such a way as to be a service to with this in mind." master's degree from the African studies and international education in tribal feelings and land. A large Nigeria, almost God and the people. We present University of Florida. Due to a education programs." anyone who wants to go to the Christian way of life as an primary school in can — if he is first line, Cowley said. Entrance alternative; if they understand it and feel it's for them TO EDUCATION MAJORS they have WILLIAM rouui rv f-*.™. 1 * "ns an<* ?1!8 ana Per8°nal personal the the opportunity to adopt it." interviews determine who may Class I giuuc..., — . rn J. missionary in Nigeria difficult to think of anywhere English is used in all of the L He is currently on else •« home, Cowley said when sliding Irking on his doctorate, "ked about his future plans. Lnects to return to His mission work has been in make a"fndtuition so secondary school. A scale based on need is used, and "the cost does not much difference that secondary schools because there are more than 200 language groups in Nigeria, and as many as 30 of these have been represented 'teaches' "In Michigan, the law says that a reading specialist must work tjuly.* I" his first^four education. He spent poor kids are frozen out," he at one time in the Jus school with no more than 50 students at a time," he said. Most schools years of foreign noted. At many can't afford enough specialists and L that overseas services service alone. He has been studying the universities, students planning to teach junior high and many students are left out as a teaching at a high school Cowley said the "most high school students result. limiting Hausa language, which is are given little, if any, training in handling ^at opportunities or in Lagos the Nigerial capital, factor concerning education is used in usea Africa as a trade in Airica widely medium reading problems. "But if we taught secondary education teachers how to handle ■ ■ young peoP .. Since that time he has been parental attitude. Some parents iraae meaium But at MSU a the average reading problems — as we're trying to do now — then we at _ the same time school principal in Jus. He seems don't see the and "second tongue," since his relatively new English class is aimed at filling that value of education." gap. could solve that problem." first leave from the mission field, jg their outlook to see we|| SU)ted for his field, as he Cowley's mission work is "I would say it is safe to After students graduate from assume that 95 LiS part of the world "lites people more than universities do not have preservice per cent of the "There teachers," he explained, "could handle the anything sponsored by the Southern reading education for secondary majority of Jntiy" ■ Cow ley y else." Baptist Convention. He sees it as a secondary school, more than 60 teachers," Alan Hollingsworth.chairmanof the the reading problems and leave the specialist — whose salary is "Anyone who does go «oUr idea in educational work "joint effort on the the part of per cent of them go on to further "What we're trying to do," he English Dept., said. higher — to deal with the more difficult cases." ■for service should go |n Nigeria is that there is a field those who study, Cowley said. Many attend a theoretical explained, "Is to give these students Idea of learning, as well that we can try to help fill in some yourself. Those support you and Nigerian universities, industrial knowledge of applied linguistics, some Hollingsworth said he realized that the course is still new and that sponsor institutes and business schools, secondary reading education, and the practical elementary and relatively untested and that there were still some problems to solve. ling. They will receive way. We want to take people who missionaries accomplished reading teachers from schools in the area." experience of added. regard them as going while others enter the However, he said he expected these problems would be solved he don't have a chance to really as teaching their representatives as well." field Hollingsworth said there are few models in the nation for the class within the next few years of the .portance that Nigerians know things and give them Though Cowley's school is a or travel to universities — English 408, "The Teaching and Learning of program. |to wisdom, age and knowledge to amke their lives private Christian overseas. "When we started last year," he Reading." 1 are things that have better and richer." institution, "no Cowley noted he has observed models for this type of said, "I assumed we would find one who attends the school will program. We found very few for Iressed me and been a Cowley's doctoral program be coerced to become a Christian. several changes taking place education teachers. secondary Ktion to my own deals with the reading difficulties We within the country since it gained try not to make any point of "But for what we wanted to do Tjm perfectly willing to faced by Nigerian secondary success independence from the British in (integrate various modem language concepts), we found no models at all." SENIORS! or failure I Nigeria as long as my students. depending on 1960. One of the most notable is The English whether or not a student is a class has thus become a model for other |e needed and welcomed "The students have learned Christian. Christ said He a rising nationalism. Hollingsworth said. schools, came so "Nationalism in Nigeria is a Higerian people. Having English In primary schools, but that we would have He said representatives from some universities in •Jjgeria so long I find it their teachers were not native abundant life. We more very healthy sort of thing — the and Minnesota have visited the Ohio, Wisconsin try to give more kind of thing you would like to class. Ron Santora, a graduate assistant in the class, said he class had been He said he overwhelmingly successful last year. thought the onion man [rency blasts portions though integrating various language concepts would prove to be more effective than the current focus on one concept. specific "The English Dept. has traditionally dealt with wants to remind you that Hollingsworth added, "But I think it is the one departmentwriting," that can if you're graduating bring together the focuson language, writing and March 12th revised criminal code In a productive and economical with no special assistance Hollingsworth said he way." Hollingsworth indicated that the program has been from the University. applied linguistics developed rent NOW! your you should Cap & Gown All you have to do is go to the 4th The revised criminal thought the reading program could be floor of the Union code, of the bill which deals with economically as well RK HOLOWELKO andsisters" as educationally attractive to the school ^onsored D-Bay City,bywould Rep lift Bobsanctions Traxler, entrapment. A Lansing patrolman walking system. Building between 8:30 and 5:30 pm the week I the revised criminal against sexual behavior between Th'» »'ction Is merely a the beat on which =,ere are two March 6 -10 Ld bv the Michigan consenting adults. restatement of existing cases," he tasked if IT Representatives last Despite" the legalization of »id "Police have better things to S-T-R-E-T-C-H & SEW ™ ■basically a good idea, consensual sodomy between do than stand around in men s .^eT " For only $6.00 you can If its provisions are ■tutional, poor public Id patently ridiculous," members of any sex, the MSU rooms six or eight hours a day. It chapter of Gay Liberation staged is poor public policy, even If It Is «Anyway don.t ask the a demonstration against the bill, not illegal. «it'8 legal, Isn't It?" he replied. about legality. Go down to the ,ice FABRICS 4960 North wind Driva, look & Gown as great as the Union Man in his Cap Insing lawyer Zolton Do"Ga big white building there." East Lansing 332-0879 1 "ld ' ,ecent J• J2 • Despite his objections to the His arm extended toward ■section dealing with SJliSI "ptalnfd: ™ltt P"""" form' Fm"c>' heM"CC""'01 MON. - FRI. 9 a.m. • 9 p.m. SAT. 10 a.m. • 5 p.m. "We are in agreement with the 881 Ty is not much more than dcn'tfWet! Traxler bill on the whole, but the "Get It FLY to ASPEN KNITS OF ALL KINDS! over with. Get it passed, nent of the present section which makes a person in rnd authoritarian laws any manner'disguised by unusual then go right back to work Only this time take a rifle rather on it. over spring break I Enjoy direct flight from Lansing to Denver, seven nights lodging, six days of new inept, incompetent or or unnatural attire" a loiterer is than a shotgun approach to It. great skiing, and lots of uncola for $24 5 , (avg.) MSU SKI CLUB j— M ^r;Tb,Ln , h,_,uy JJJJ-IJ 353-5199 (Flight only: $120) [.bis leussessection . person the intent to jection harassingexcept as . meanswho those homosexuals of J^tOCUSoTbJULxu.l [an alcholic beverage dress in drag. Besides, who neefls' J■willfor have a friend who is determines what is'unusual'or »As it |s, each group is violated the 'unnatural'attire?" concerned with Its own ends, to ■conspiracystatute." Ferency also opposed the tj,e exclusion of others. The lection of the chapter section. ■make conspiring to government divides and conquers "Even with the qualifying us many times over as long as they infraction or exclusion of those persons - keep us apart from our brothers a class a participating in an 'event,' " he lablebyupto said, "the proposal is crazy, vague and ambiguous. Bum*- I , , Ferency "Laws imposed on sexual ■"this section is conduct are impositions, lutional because it is an Homosexuality and "^^feSTATE NEWS Jury ■of restriction upon heterosexuality are not crimes, speech and the right they are states of being." «•" Ferency also criticized a section Accept substitutes. no love Strotfs You can choose Keepsake with complete confidence, because the famous Keepsake Guarantee gives written proof of a perfect engagement diamond Beer. of precise cut and superb color. There is no finer diamond ring. Filet 0' Fish Keepsake1 Tasty white filet. Special sauce. A delicious bun. Something different to keep the stomach from getting bored. —Compliments of a friend 234 W. Grand River 1024 E. Grand River OPEN MON. - THURS. TILL 1 A.M., FRI. - SAT. TILL 2 A.M. [ «. SYKACUSI, N.Y. \ „ .Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan __JUesday, y STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED 355-8255 Spend Your Advertising Dollars Where They Get Maximum Results. Classified Ads — 355-8255. Automotive GET Action WITH A Auto Service & Parts f^NKlY SHEAKINQ fay Phil Frank For Rent For Rent Want Ad OLDSMOBILE 1965. Vljta cruiser wagon. $250 or best offer. Merit FOREIGN CAR CHEQUERD FLAG, 2605 East Parts - Apartments Houses jspaf? 332-6440. 4-3-10 Kalamazoo Street, 1 mile west of mKzm campus. 487-5055. C-8-3-10 . AUTOMOTIVE OLDSMOBILE 1965 88. Motor Scooters & Cycles Auto Parts & Service rebuilt, excellent transportation, 'W- GUARANTEED repaid ioo usVo- 1 $400. 355-3135. 4-3-10 RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at MAN WANTED: OWN room In liberal Aviation Okemos Road. 349-9620. C-3-10 $129 a efficiency. Inn America. month, including utilities. houw- Close. Cell Rose, 361-9029. full »nduprigSH • EMPLOYMENT 332 0497. 4-3-10 4*3"7 DENNIS DI'stb?.** • FOR RENT 351-7684 evenings. 5-3-7 Volkswagen bugs, busses.or Ghias. SUBLEASE APARTMENT, 2 or 3 PRIVATE ROOM, parking at student COMPANY, 316 2 T1 Apartments GRAND RIVER CITGO. 1054 man, neer cempus. Spring. house. S67/month. Call 337-0094 PEUGEOT 1971. 304 radio, heeted East Grand River. 351-9274. 332-3022.4-3-10 &-3-10 Houses rear window, Michelins, excellent 9-3-10 Rooms ONE MAN needed Spring Term In condition, only 16,000 miles at just LIBERAL MALE for spring Own 56.00 per month . FOR SALE $1495. Call 482-1473. X-6-3-10 Waters Edge. 332-4971.4-3-10 ° l ' bedroom. $70/month. Close reconditioned U| Animals 332 6495. 3-3-8 SI MCA 1204, 1969 353-0125.3-3-8 ONE MAN for 4-man apertment. Mobile Homes —— Close to campus. $62 per month. SPRING TERM. Own In four <° $39.95. Terms •Lost & Found room - i 351-0371. 4-3-10 337-9489. 3-3-9 » PERSONAL Employment 227 BOGUE. One Bedroom »PEANUTS PERSONAL STATION WAGON Chevy 1968. BABYSITTER, 4 week days, 5-9:30 furnished epertment, $155. Girls; • REAL ESTATE V-8, stick, runs great. $650, best SUNDECK. ROOM. Privete for girl. p.m. Own transportation to East merrled offer. Bruce 351-0956. 2-3-8 couple. 332-5269. CAMPTRAIL > RECREATION Lansing. 75c/hour. Phone 332-3373. JtOtL-ll 489-5922. 4-3-10 Privileges In quiet house. 720 ► SERVICE THUNDERBIRD 1964, 390 engine, 5-3-10 $95/month. 351-3439. S-5-3-9 Close. No parking t^tUsed $50^ - ONE MAN, spring for 4 men automatic, light beige, good tires, Typing Service $450. 489 0587. 3-3-8 PART TIME student employment. 12 epertment. $150/ term. 351-0099. SHOP TRANSPORTATION - 20 hours/week. Automobile 4-3-10 Rooms AND consistent record compirjTi] required. 351-5800 for pri™, „L WANTED TORINO GT 1970, buckets, radio, disc brakes, automatic, snow tires. information. C-3-3-8 'I'M WEAPIN6 ONE OF TWO/E FAKE BURCHAM WOODS, one bedroom, G,RL SENI0R cer end cer, MARSHALL MUSIC 5«1 Street. C-1-3-7 P DEADLINE w,ntl room for 355-8252, P.M. one class day before 349-2824. 4-3-10 BABYSITTER NEEDED spring term, Ml/TACHE/- CAN WU two bed, furnished. Sublease Spring, Cell 351-6315 efter 6 p.m. Mk tor JoBnn*.18 P-™- *-3-10 STEREO publication. 1961 TRIUMPH Classic TR-3, $500 Tuesdays and Thursdays. From 8 Good price. 4-3-10 AMPLIFIER,^! or fade for 250cc motorcycle a.m. - 1:30 p.m., 351-6911. 0mwyswMs/aix/s2s/ s MM/KG. MM. ROOMS MEN. Furnished, peneled, end KLH tuner model IB n . 8-1-3-7 both. 675-5213 Cancellations/Corrections 669-9411. 3-3-9 TWYCKINGHAM. ONE men needed carpeted, perking, cooking, and after'«■ - 12 noon one class day for 3-men epertment. Pool, eir - laundry facilities. 2 blocks from 4-310 81 1969. New BABYSITTER NEEDED 12-4, M-F, For Rent For Rent conditioned, no deposit. cempus. Cell Deve, 351-2103. before publication. in Spartan Village BOSE 901 stereo Excellent Spring term. 351-0235.4-3-10 4-3-10 ^. _ PHONE condition. $1300. 485-8326. 355-1213. 1-3-7 Apartments stereo tepe deck. Empire^ 355-8255 4-3-10 STUDENT TO live with family and Apartments ONE GIRL for 3-men. Immediate NICE-CLOSE to campus with with Shure arm, New VOLKSWAGEN 1969, sunroof, help with 3 children. 2 blocks CEDAR GREEN Apartments. Three ONE MAN needed for 2 bedroom occupancy and Merch 332-4703, 351-3125. 4-3-10 rent free. kitchen, living room, fireplace. 361-0161. 4-3-10 rV.°'C' CAMERAS, SLR's, 25* off RATES 10 word minimum 1 bedroom units available for AM/FM radio, excellent running from campus, private room, NORTH POINT APARTMENT. Polaroids, projector! I No. DAYS spring term. Phone 351-8631. $70 / month. Own bedroom, pool, equipment. Used color No. condition, $1000. 337-2743. board, salary. Beginning spring 6-3-7 elr conditioning, cen stay June or ONE MAN for four - men spring ROOM FOR quiet, mele gred and white TV md'l WORDS 1 3 5 10 4-3-10 quarter and continuing. Call term. Next to cempus. 332-0685. student. Cell 332-4076. 3-3-9 sets. Um 332-1105. 4-3-10 Sept. 337-9321. 6-3-10 3-3-9 amps, tuners, receivers tut 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1967. Reliable ROOMS. SINGLES AND DOUBLES. speakers, 8-tr«ck married students home decks and end c_ 12 camper, rebuilt engine.' $1500. W0MEN'S and WEAR. Assistant meneger & faculty CASA DEL SOL - Luxury 1 bedroom MARIGOLD APARTMENTS Cooking feclllties. Utilities paid. 8-treck tapes, $2 cirPi,y^J 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 sales, full time, no nights. apartments. Immediate occupancy. Cell 372-8077. C-3-10 e Retail and fashion interest. 30 Hotpoint albums, typtwrittfi I appliences, sheg 911 Marigold • 711 Burcham. 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 I'-" minutes from Lensing. Write Box 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. carpeting, drapes, Individual heet Large deluxe furnished one SPARTAN HALL, men, tapestries, Police bind A women, VOLKSWAGEN, 1969. Runs good, A-1, State News. 1-3-7 and centrel eir bedroom apartments. Now leasing color TV, Vi block cempus. 216 WILCOX SECONDHl some with • conditioning. 18 2.70 7.20 H.70 23.40 blue, automatic stick shift. $850. study Security end leundry conveniences. Louis , 3-6 p.m. Monday - Friday STORE, 509 East Mil 482-8221.4-3-10 WANTED, BOOKKEEPER, full time, $170-$180 includes ell utilities 372-1031. 0-8-3-10 Avenue. 8-5:30 PM. * 20 3.00 e.oo 13.00 26.00 basic bookkeeping skills, good except electricity. Rentel office S a t u r d e y 485 4] '145 . VOLKSWAGEN, 1968, Mag wheels, business writing, attention to from BankAmericard, Master a 3.75 10.00 16.25 32-90 p-o open 12 • 6 p.m. Monday - GIRL FOR Lansing epertment, own EAST LANSING,mele students,single I ay away, terms, trades. radio, reliable transportation, details, Hours flexible. Call for Saturday, 1 - 6 p.m. Sunday. 129 room- 371-2411 after 6 p.m. rooms, parking C $950. Phone 351-8071. 3-3-8 " refrigerator 347 Student Strvicai Bldg. appointment, 337-2310.6-3-10 UNFUSHISHEO 3-39 E02-6791. 6-3-10 SEARS SILVERTONE w All student ads must be children welcome GIRL NEEDED, sublet spring, neer VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1970 GIRLS. WORK at homel $2-$6/hour. NEAR CAPITOL. Sleeping rooms, stereo, good condition. NmI prepaid Perfect condition. Call 332-2732. Must 8°od volc» <*" piea», no pet* cempus, no deposit, $60. also smell epertment. Perking, no asking $70. 393-1604 jt 3.3.g 482-0851 ask for Mr. Calne. 3-3-9 351-5939. 1-3-7 drinkers. 482-8760. 2-3-7 p.m. 2-3-7 The Stat* New* will be responsible only for tfie first day's incorrect VW BUG 1964. Good mechanical condition, sun roof. Must sell. ASSISTANT GARDEN Shop Manager. Spring and summer KNOB HILL GIRL FOR »rlng.CedarVillege.$70. No deposit. Cell 361-3469.6-3-10 NEED ONE girl for Campus View, BEAL CO-OPERATIVE $199 per ELECTRO-VOICE EV-4A L p $375. After 5:30 PM. 337-7114. terms, full time. Pents end garden Insertion. 2-3-8 supplies sales. TWISS LANDSCAPE CENTER, East APARTMENTS NEED ONE es soon men as for 4 men epertment, possible. Americena SKI BOOTS: Reiehle "Red | Lansing. 351-0590. 8-3-10 349-4700 Apartments. Call 361-0768. 2-3-7 CAMPUS For Sale Henke 5 buckle d 356-3711.2-37 INISHEO APAF H ORTICULTURE AN D OPEN Monday • Friday ONE BEDROOM furnished FOR FALL DIAPERS • USED, $1.26 / dozen, VOLVO, 1966. 1800S, overdrive, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 9 a.m. • 6 p.m. epertment, neer cempus, sublease used dieper containers, $1 eech. WE DO most repairing end rj Automotive STUDENTS. AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE. snow tires, excellent condition. Saturday and Saturday 12-5 p.m. spring and summer, 361-2777 or DAHLMANN Michelin X's. 482-3984. 5-3-9 Sunday retail sales of plants and 361-0996 after 6PM. 33-8 914 Eest Gler. 337 AUSTIN HEALEY 1968, great LOCATED W MILE NORTH garden supplies. Guaranteed base condition, extras, low mileage, OF JOLLY RD. ON APARTMENTS $750. 337-1731 Scott. 2-3-8 You're under 25 plus commission. Experience not OKEMOS ROAD ONE BEDROOM, unfurnished, necessary. Orientetlon prior to sublet, $146. Burcham Woods. 361 -0949 after 6 PM. 6-3-10 COLE'S BAKERY BUICK SKYLARK 1966. V-8 but you drive CE'NT'fr™^ Q'RL m'"- SPrin8 t#rm- Cl°» *° TUESDAY ONLY automatic, power steering and LANDSCAPE CENTER, East campus. 337-0346. 3-37 HEATHKIT AR17 receiver, custom SPECIAL,4| brakes, very dependable, $425 or Lansing. 351-0590, 6-3-1Q ._ APARTMENT SPRING term, 3men, ONE PERSON needed spring term. cese, elr suspension speakers, Home-Style white bread. $l| offer. After five, 332-1154. 3-3-8 like an expert. 1, 2 or 3 men to sublease large one $80 eech, 4-man $70 eech, neer Ceder Greens Apartments. Hagstrom guitar, Fender vibrolux, your bakery foods c cempus. 351-9036. 3-37 361-2472. 33-7 MEIJER THRIFTY ACl bedroom epertment. $175. Air - Reduced rent. Cell Dennis, Okemos, South PenntylvjniiT CHEVROLET IMPALAS, 1971 beige Why should you conditioned, dishwasher, pool. MAN WANTED, Twycklnghem, 351-5328. 3-3-9 CAR SEAT, $8. Electric blenket, $5. Saginaw Road. KROGER Fri 2-door hardtop. Brown vinyl top. 4-door, dark green, hardtop, have to pay PART TIME work. Aveil7b^~20 -J™™™ spring, $60, no deposit, utilities GIRL ROOMMATE <$70/month) i Child's chelkboerd desk, lemp Logan Center, 4002 West Sq 1721 North Grand Rive " hours per week. Need 12 men peid. 332-3939. 5-38 leesees for 2-men ($160/month) night light, eech $2.00, 356 9966. automatic, power steering, brakes, SINGLE MAN to share Eest Lansing, 5-39 AM/FM Mr. Welsh, 372-1098 Spring, furnished, close. ELIMINATOR CABINET. L . SUBLET LUXURY apertment. 484-8415. 5-3-9 extra for your ~ Furnished. Overlooking swimming 361-8298. 33-9 SONY 350 TAPE DECK, Dynerange boots, 11's. Bass. Che offers. 365-3577.33 8 WANTED SIX models for well - pool. $150. Phone, 393-8902. 2-MAN apartment for subleese. tape, Hallicrafters shortwave CHEVROLET 1965, V-8, new snow car insurance? known firms. All letters will be 1-37 Spring and summer. Ceder Green receiver. Cheep, must sell. tires, runs swell, $275. 371-3419 3-3-9 answered. Please Everyone interviewed. TRY IT . . . 1 OR 2, two man, spring. Apartments. Next to Brody 361-1586 efter 5 p.m. 3-37 BICYCLES - Falter of Germany is now proud topf J send name, address, Dorms, swimming pool. 351-2673. Give Sentry Insurance telephone number and photo. 351-9132/332-0487 after 4 p.m. 3-39 GIBSON LES Peul Custom, $376. a bicycle that solves all « CHEVY CARRY-ALL 1968, power 4-310 a call and compare Models, Post Office Box 284, Eest Ovation electric gutter, brend new, problems; folded. These bij brakes, and steering. V-8, automatic, 3 seats. $1695. rates. Lensing. 10-310 YOU'LL OPENING FOR 1-man In 4-men BRENTWOOD, EAST Lansing neer, $175. Treynor 200 wett bess are among the fin in the world. The jraniH 2 bedrooms, unfurnished, amplifier, $200. Call DUE EAST 655-3910, after 6:30 p.m. epertment with pool. Call Jack or 349-3831. 4-38 apeed races is only $119.11 0-4-3-10 Don Sakowski DREAM JOB. Teach make • up methods used in Hollywood for LIKE IT! Bob at 351-1297 or 371-4778. evelleble Immedietely. Cerpeted, eir - conditioned, cerport, pool them todeyl MERlOl CHEVY 1 960, automatic, radio, 676-1930 neturel on high style looks. 4-310 privileges. $165 and $170. Phone WATERBED UNITS, frame, mattress RECREATIONAL SALES,| Training at our expense. Money is (The who-o-le thing!) FABIAN REALTY, 332-0811 "n,r 8nd ,0*T1 W*. •60- ULIiited Eest Grand River, East l' Michigan. Phone 337-2300nl new brakes, good condition, $150. ONE MAN for 2 man. Spring. 731 482-0571,669-9873.4-310 heaters, $27. REBIRTH, 309 good if you're ambitious. Cen leed 332-4487. 4-3-10 North Tony Costs. 9-310 to executive position. VIVIANE Apertments. Color TV, Air, Pool. Washington, 489-6168. O Now leasing for COUGAR 1967. V-8, power steering, SENTRY WOODARD COSMETICS, Summer & Fell. Ce" 351-6612^339 GIRL TO sublease 3man, spring power brakes, factory air, vinyl subsidiary of General Foods. ONE MAN for 4 men, America term, pool Included, rent DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT ring, HEAD SKIS 190cm. Marker bi"| roof, snow tires, factory stereo tape system, will sacrifice. $795. INSURANCE 351-6623. 0-6-3-10 Cedar Apertments, close, $55. 351-6085. 2-3-8 negotieble. 351-1989. 2-38 —" ~ 655-3493. 4-3-10 For Rent Village CEDAR VILLAGE, subleese, spring one term. or two, Phone Scooters & Cycles Apartments SUBLET, 3 men epertment, spring 337-1876. 4-310 DATSUN undercoated, vinyl 1971, 4 speed, top, radio, TV AND STEREO rentel. Twycklnghem, $240/month. Cell 361-0248. 4-310 CROSSWORD warranty. 372-1814 between 5:30 CYCLE INSURANCE - Cental Satisfaction guaranteed. Free Bogue St. at the Red Cedar Houses •7 p.m. 3-3-7 Michigan's Largest insurer, any delivery service and pick up. No 1 GIRL needed spring or PUZZLE cycle, any rate. 144 North deposit. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. 351 - 5180 C-310 immedietely. $52/month. NEAR CAMPUS, 3 bedroom with ACROSS 2 DODGE STEP-VANS, both run East Lansing NEED ONE girl 332-0260. 4-310 fireplece. All electric kitchen. 1V4 27. Store up" well. May be seen at 4986 OF spring term. I Fruit NEED PROFESSIONAL baths, $275. Plus utilities. Phone 29. Oisturbed Northwind Drive, East Lansing. Typing?See Reduced rates. Across from today's Typing Service column or NEEDED ONE men subleese spring 351-2694. 4-310 6 Poverty plant 32. Theater sign Between, 9-5:30 P.M. 3-3-9 campus. 351-2785. 3-37 cell one of our friendly Ad Writers /summer. Ceder Greens. Cell 11. Gas of the air 33. Cheer DISCOUNT BICYCLE Shop Dl« TWO ROOMS in liberal house, one 12. Houston 34. Holder of the FORD 1966 station wagon, 8 Coming Spring Term at Millers - tod»v SUBLEASE *3 wT^T.C^ 361-6937. B-1-37 block from cempus. Single, baseball team Covenant passenger, power steering and Ace Hardware. 201 East Grand Furnished, parking, $210 / month. double. 351-5838. 1-37 14. Relative tailgate. New tires, brakes and ONE GIRL, Spring term, WetersEdge 36. Acidity b8ttery, best offer, 339-2219 River, 4-3-10 East Lansing. 351-6184 Apartments 351-3198. 5 38 Apertment wes manager's 15. Dainty 40. Gentlemen 5-3-10 FRANCIS STREET, 2 bedroom, 16. Low haunt epertment. 351-4806. 1-37 42. Philippine 124 CEDAR. 129 BURCHAM. 2 men cerpeted, furnished. Immediete 17. Telepathic vine FORD FALCON 1966, 1971 YAMAHA 200. 2600 miles, furnished apartments. occupency. $166. 489-8385 good Including 6-3-7 ability 44.Japanese suberb condition.Will do 70 allday, heat, $62.50 close, $67.50. 337-0867. 4-310 between 6-8 p.m. ONLYI 2-38 3. Proxy condition. 339-2074. 3-3-7 - $82.50 per man. 19. Part of the eye girdle 52. Solemn 4 SindbadsH Phone 332-6154, Don. 5-3-10 20. Italian wine promises GRAND PRIX not 1966, Compare prices. 4-speed,AM/FM, cars stafting !june *15^dljeptember** BURNISHED do«« air 2 man, subleese, clean, NEEDED ONE mele being to sublet ONE MAN for spring term, ma be center 45. 47. One Hut DOWN 5 Dirt 6 A dwarf r I eluminum wheels, heavy duty HONDA 1970, 176cc Str7et luxurious shelter et Twycklnghem. Smells good. Cell Jim, 3536400 summer. Own room. $60/ month, 22. Observe 49. Upper House ; Scrambler. Excellent condition utilities. 489-3222. 2-38 24. Sickly 50. Utopian suspension. New: clutch, shocks, $500. Call Battle Creek, 964-2921 efter 3:30 p.m. 6-310 25. Repair 51. Prohibit g A'.«i>an lSf exhaust, brakes. Excellent 5-3-10 ONE GIRL needed for 4 man MEADOWBROOK TRACE, cleen, 1 EAST LANSING eree, 34 bedrooms, 9. Trifles I condition, $800. Phone 371-2683 apartment. Available Merch 18. 1 bedroom, eir ■ conditioning, $155 NEED ONE studious men for spring furnished, $200 /month. Phone T- I T" & T- T~ !0. Hilton profl % 8 9 ,0 4-310 TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE, clean, very fast, new electrics, new very block from campus. Completely / month. Sublet. 393-1631. 5-39 term. Across from cempus. 361-6084. 4-310 485-1363 or 3931120. 4-310 % 13 18 Ratifies Gender I I % JAGUAR, 1964 MK10. 4-door, moTor furnished. Utilities end parking TT~ 13 1 completely overheuled, body tire. 30 dey guerentee, $800 included. 349-9609. 0-8-310 BEDROOM, 1 block campus, 3 ~—~~ LANSING HOUSE fully furnished, 4 2i. Bowstrinfl excellent, mechanically good. 337-9245. x-5-38 month la..,, $130 / month. 215 ONE BEDROOM deluxe unfurnished bedrooms, b.droomi, cerpetlng, parklno perking, SI" hemp r $1500 Call Battle Creek, 964-2921 ONE MAN for three-men, spring Louis , 36 p m 0-6-3-9 on Hegedorn, $146. Call after 6:30. 361 0788, 3-39 cleen, ell utilities peld. 16 17 % •9 23. Auricle 26.Cski"»|i I 5-3-10 Aviation term, University Terrace, $170 / term. 351-8168. 8-3-10 NEEDED: MALE t< $200/month. 332-3398. 4-310 76 % ii rr % ir 14 28 Extinct bj MAVERICK 1970. Automatic, Americena. Spring ter GriHly™] excellent condition. Runs in any LEARN TO FLYI Complete flight APARTMENT FOR rent. East DEAL. 332-3738. 338 IS % tr vr % 29. genus weether 351-1309.3-3-8 training. All courses ere government and VA certified Lansing and Okemos. Available Merch 15. Each $140 a month. Call NEED. 0NE B'r .. to ,ak# my place 2$ % 50 31 % 30 31 Ached 1 TempK J S2 MERCURY CAPRI, 1971, beautiful dark green, excellent FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport Road. Cell 484-1324. C-310 % % ii /A 22 Firm'fl condition, 55 3M w s* sV 35' PasseM'l economical. 351-1374. 3-3-8 A uto SUBLET4-PERSON apartment. $54/month. Furnished, room and MO % fii % M3 MM 37 Oesi'e Fetish L MUSTANG 1969. 2 door hardtop, 8 cylinder. 3-speed Trans, radio, Service & Parts airconditioned, JUNE FREEI Call Furnished. 2 students or $ 130/month plus utilities «nri bath, employed! M5 % 47 % IM6 38 )9 MoonvalW V white tires. One owner. miles. 2 year G.W. Actual Warranty MASON BODY Kalamazoo Street. SHOP, 812 Eest 351-3118. 33-8 ' Just part of the good life at' M9 % 46 41 43 Twinge Buckeye ■ $1495, CURTIS FORD OF . . Complete auto painting and Since 1940. SUBLEASE 2 bedroom apartment. — % '16 Gieeklef WILLI AMSTON, 655-2133 collision service. IV 5-0256 ONE MAN for three - men, spring e s daily Meadowbrook Trace 51 JT 48 TurWj 1 4-3-10 C-310 own bedroom, 361-3360. 337 $75 / month Ceil . Two mllei aouth of MSU off I - 393 ■0210 496 West to Jolly & Dunkel % chamoer ■ Lhigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, March 7, 1972 11 For Sale Personal Tffl * 'electric GUITAR. McGOVERN VOLUNTEERS needed ■An sell $75. Braun F26 ONIC FLASH, LAST |o work n Wisconsin Primary. For information call Len at 355-6939 lunit. New, $60. Sail or Chrl. at 355-7079. 4-3-10 MEETING OF the term B & (Continued for him. Financial disclosure debated from page one) The campaign finance John F. English, a national contributed to my campaign," Sen. Muskie in 1970 has tonioht 7:30 p.m. in Room B controversy flared after coordinator of the Muskie McGovern said Monday. "Sen. nothing the loan was received before fr igarator, 110 In separate ^ to do with the issues." McGovern's balloting, New Democratic candidates met campaign, charged later that the Muskie has said that he will not. declared campaign tely 3' * 2'- e*cel,en, Hampshire voters will award the Sunday night in televised debate, McGovern He has made as of last night Berl Bernhart, Muskie's began and had been repaid, 0 337-0660. 2-3-8 18 nominating vote6 at the with McGovern contending that million in report of $1.26 campaign director, said the 1970 ladies needed campaign receipts anonymous, false and - English said Max Palevsky of ?lmlCuA'C Convention, -tic National only he had disclosed his sources during 1971 and ^#tl°n.al 14 at the °^y_hehad?.iSclOSed hif.s^ur,ces ^1971 and January 1972 of income. Muskie replied that omitted some unsupported charges about the riH ~aroA filing covered natfonal rn„Wi,„fi„nc contributions to a _ ¥ Lo —1—, .7 ™ ■used. 4 AGES 17 to 50 contributors. list of contributions I'v campaign that was Xerox Republican convention. Muskie he filed reports in 1970 but beginning even then. "I have revealed Corp., had arranged lic'TYPEWR'TER. SCM and Nixon are expected to stopped because nobody else did every dollar that has publicly to the public.. . an expensive LEARN TO EARN! "¥ Kirby Jones, a McGovern I return 12" carriajje. 11" * sweep the delegate contests. so. been 41 spokesman, acknowledged that mass mailing of fund-raising |jne_ % space, racantly letters for McGovern, and that it loned. No damage, $150. Current full and parttime jobs grace from a candidate who *he S°uth J?3*?11 senator's was not covered by the report. 6.4-3-10 available to those Nixon trained in keypunching and keyverifying. Msrkycontribution fc.7003. 4-3-10 Enroll now to learn this good paying skill at SPARTAN panel told about 300 students at high school in Plaistow. "I'm frankly disappointed a ^orr!s Ala. Jones Deessaid °fu that Montgomery, was McGovern because $25,000 donor. list th* as a KEY that in the closing hours of this j SX-990 stereo receiver, PUNCH ACADEMY L condition, inquire after Individual to finance campaign my friend Sen. Muskie Four treste f353-5868 Jp Renting? Used 24" UHF 3-3-9 pub would engage in what be a desperation McGovern said, standing in a appears to tactic," Eg Call Rande, 351-0956, HOW LUCKY can (Continued from page one) federal government to help both publicly owned library resources textbooks, and other, recognize it, our country's chance to survive will all but chill factory. wind 'Of all the outside a Milford hit college urgan^deW^S PUb''C , Hammond Organ candidates, ilEAR HI speakers. Garrard naiiimona you (and Society a"d PfiVate to 9erV'CeS' including himself, I made the a friend) to hear t (Continued from one) studies merely invites the use of I turntable with Stanton "652.4-3-10 Young March 14 at 7 Jrasrvss1 on the Calliope, Tuesday age 4. should also consider other forms Women create first disclosures and I'm the one he has chosen to attack," Muskie "The black page community the college as a podium for press p.m., 1422 Vermont Street. 4-3-10 In . _ said after _ - touring a Nashua shoe constitutes a email 11 per cent conferences and other Lrj standard - 180cm, addition, it said, °' assistance to nonpublic |qvV CGfltGr plant. "He hasn't attacked the (and m impecunious 11 per cent) declaratory statements on racial ■ heel Soloman toe. Munari governments at all levels should schools' such as tax credits, tax of the totaI population and inequality," they continued. ■*L. Cheap I 351-9172. personal growth provide "public benefits" for Ructions for tuition, tuition president of the United States cannot possibly resurrect the BALTIMORE (AP\ - Fnrtv for not disclosing, he hasn't Whjte ^ jn a hone workshop attacked ine the oiner other candidates. cities by themselves. To color interview Monday he believes private and parochial schools, the report said. aiwicKea candidates. these problems 'black' is to ®aslc encounter have established a Women's Law Hes attacked the one candidate President Wharton has tried to group se,,l"«- Lesley Woods in who did disclose." PomniiratP lplicate the the intP«,rfltPH integrated give Pres,d,ent, has \ned }?, the board "the bum's rush" ff„« secreLy ^ "iho ssahrzssLsn xusrss-tsi,* Camp. 6 days, March 19 24 Roger Stlmson, Ph.D., - call McGovern approach to and the participation on the 355-2190. services, transportation, lo.„s of dismissed as proposed college. De irhites in the eventual irrelevant Muskie's disclosure of I|.ENS. New Soligor. Eisenhower administration, said solutions," they said. "Nobody has really informed F1:45. Screw Mount, FREE ... A lesson in complexion Service the nation's school Jhe blg Prob,em "ow is his finances during 1970. the trustees. There's been no "Nobody w°m£l Devyaware^at care. Call 484-4519. East Michigan system is "in was running for i. Best offer. or 485-7197, Lansing- Mall. serious trouble, and if we fail to exist, said Bendit, who T president in 1970," McGovem core "To establish a college whose substantivediscussionofthis,"he _ MERLE NORMAN CO —- EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS ,teaches law at Antioch program is the study of charged. "I would be greatly COSMETICS COMPUTER PROGRAMS, Drafting College. contended. "What was done by racism as the center for urban STUnms STUDIOS. Ml-Q C-3-3--9 relieved if Wharton would resign ■ BREAD, cookies, herbs. Cartography, Statistical 1 OF MAN, 551 East Analysis^ and let MSU kind of go its own Speech. Writing, Legal, Medical, way," he added. River under Paramount b-4984.1-3-7 CAPRICORNS Specialized research. WRITE ON 332-3700. C-3-9 MILLIKEN BLAMES ECONOMY Trustee Merriman, a cosigner of the letter, refused to discuss its |||C FM cartridge, $30. According to horoscope 4c/3c/2c/1cc. ZEROX COPIES contents. u cover, $20. Both 50 COPIES, $1. Instant service. Jobless rate lore the January born 332-3574 leave name, drop cited lb WRITE ON ft 1-3-7 Capricorns make dandy 210 "I think the letter will have to Abbott Road, 9-6 PM debaters. " 332-3700. C-3-10 speak for itself. This is a |STICKER - your words Debating where to look communication between the x 12" red or for something you need? green SAVE-SAVE-SAVE (Continued from page one) The goods producing sector of president and board members. I | for $1, copies 25c. (30 Smart MSU consumers know XEROX total nearly $1,700 million, *Resident COPYING and offset population in the haven't had the opportunity to Aiximum.) THE SNIDE the place to printing. Top quality at reasonable anticipated, it represented what the Michigan economy,primarily substantial gain over 1971. state is shop for the top the governor called a "marked the projected to total discuss the matter with the , Route 1, Bo* 93, values is STATE News prices. THE COPY SHOPPE, 541 manufacturing and contract Among the nonwage and salary 9,054,000 on July 1, an increase improvement" over the recession construction industries which president and until I do I would Bhington 98230. 4-3-10 Classified Ads. Whatever components of personal income, of 0.6 per cent. This projection you're in the market for, 332*4222rr-3-in R iver' Phone 80(1 strike-plagued performance "bore the real burden of federal transfer payments will again post assumes a net out-migration of not want to comment Merriman said. publicly," I Animals Check the Classified Section fiscal-monetary policy" during the largest increase, the governor 20,000 and a natural increase of daily. It's the easy way to TV.HI-F 1 repairs. Recorders radios Based on the broad-based the past two years, is expected to reported. Other labor income and 77,000. pOlENCE classes sponsored shop . .. and you save money Dependable, low rates. Clip and strength projected for the show the largest gains during nonfarm proprietors' income *Automobile sales, save. 351-6680. B-1-3-7 including Do some it Veterinarians' Wives national economy, the forecast 1972. should exhibit renewed strength too. Turn there now! for 1972 points to a personal imports, are forecasted to total arch 30th. Call Mrs. Payrolls in manufacturing are also, he said. 10.6 million units income growth of around 9 during 1972. , 646-6456 before 6 | Mrs. Dries, 337-2014 after Typing Service cent, he said, with Michigan total per expected to advance over 9 per cent while contract construction The Detroit consumer index advanced price Sales of imports are projected to only 3.7 percent decline slightly from their 1971 girls have NOW DOING LADIES hair. Come ir M-3-3-8 personal and per capita income payrolls, following the very teet Barb. UNION PHOTOCOPIES 3cl Lowest price in in 1971 compared with average level to 1.5 million units. U.S. BUILDING reaching respective levels of strong performance in the final increases of 6 percent and 6.1 per BAUBfcfH SHOP. automobile production, |RE SCHNAUZER. female, 5?£nlJrRE^7,VE "bbott.O RESEARCH< $42.8 billion and $2,723. quarter of 1971, are projected to cent in 1969 and 1970. Nearly all + 1 with children, therefore, is expected to reach 8.7 Tl of this improvement was af igree. 489-0227. million units, a slight gain from JI I IVJI C I U1 I I gain,from Peanuts Personal MARGARET RICE. Electric ^ I1*B ITB WHAT'S. WHATBa 1 attributed to President Nixon's the 1971 output, typewriter. Experienced. Prompt new economic policy initiated in *U.S. housing starts are BflPPBONG service. 509 Grove. 332-1266. mid August, 1971. As a further PNARD puppies. AKC HEY STEEBY - Happy Birthday 1-3-7 projected to total .1 million _»i„ j. result of Hired, Table. 8 weeks old, Phone 393-0296. Old Manl Ar Milestibu-Milton and those inflation in 1972 is expected to actions, price units, slightly above the 1971 girls aO have more total. Michigan building permits fun than others. Krukia. 1-3-7 COMPLETE THESES service. be further reduced with the will reach They're Discount printing. IBM typing and nearly 78,000, a gain of alwavs the Detroit consumer price index about 10 per cent. on ffO. Love JlRE SCHNAUZERS, 7 binding of theses, resumes, .... . „ . . AKC, Champion publications. Across from campus, averaging 13.3 per cent gain. *Michigan retail sales are hiking, camping, all active t What's Corecreational volleyball for all Other forecasts $85. $100. Phone M.A.C. and Grand Riv released by projected to grow by 8 arried students and spouses is held [;nsb»n Milliken —— as follows: per cent sports. If you're that girl, ■lor484-9290. 3-3-9 DEAR SCHWEIN: HAPPY below Jones Stationery Shop. Call State News office, 341 STudent at 8 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays are during 1972. BIRTHDAYI Love Joyful. P.S. COPYGRAPH SERVICES, Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two at the Spartan Village school a ll-The famous Hungarian Sorry it's late. D.L. 1-3-7 337-1666. C-3-10 class days before publication. No II (30 to 50 pounds) Tuesdays at the Red Cedar school. announcements will Seats endorsed —— be accepted by * $150. 372-3655. 1-3-7 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Theses, Phone- No Recreation term papers. IBM, carbon ribbon, »ccePtedd for announcements will be itside the St. John's Student Parish offers beginning folkdancing at 8 tonight at ■ BUT loveable Cockapoo Math' / Greek symbols. Best rates. Sreaterr Lansing 327 MAC Ave. Call 676 - 5821 for for student reps T>6, 8 months, energetic. HURRYI FEW openings spring. Call 351-4619. O-8-3-10 I 9ood people. Free. Hawaii, $269. Bahamas, $159. Free U will sponsor rapid and Ring STUDENTOURS, 351-2658. ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith eff'cien« reading classes from 8 a.m. C-8-3-10 offset printing. Complete service to 5 p m> Monday through Friday in Club will sponsoi (Continued from page one) "I think it is important that for dissertations, theses, 204 E. Bessey Hall, photography contest and exhibit. Republican Sen. Robert P. we encourage student members manuscripts, general typing, IBM. Rules are available in dorms. Special 22 Griffin was absent from the on the governing boards, and years experience. 349-0850. The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. will C.3.10 have a lawyer available from 9 a.m. floor "on official business" that can be done in most states to noon every Wednesday and from 1 when the vote was taken. by appointment of the governor. TYPING: 8 years experience. Phone to 5 p-m- every Tuesd»y- Wednesday The Outing Club will meet at 7 Although passed by the While this amendment is not [flTlFIED 12' x 52', 2 Dolly, 484-5765. 5-3-8 and Thursday during the winter term. i>day In 116 Natural Science Senate, the amendment could be mandatory, I believe it can have . ' $4000. Available now. MSU and LCC students wishing Bldg. with a program iking and deleted from the bill by the an important salutary effect," he 8.10-3-10 TYPING TERM papers and theses. "PP°intments are asked to check climbing in Colorado. House EUROPE: SUMMER '72. Round trip - Senate conference said. jets from $219. STUDENTOURS, Electric typewriter. Fast service. wifh the business officr committee which will convene "The amendment would be a 307B I5*60'. I'd. Skirted, 2 10x20 awning, 129 East Grand River, 351 2650. 349 1904. 8-3-10 353 - Student Services 0659. Bldg.. or ca its The MSU Railroad club will have last regular business meeting of when the Senate finishes clear signal to students and their bedroom, C-8-3-10 consideration of the higher universities that Congress shares _ With washer and drver' PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Call 7:30 p.m. today in 31 ■372 7300 5-3 10 Duffy - Mott's Michigan Union. education biji. The House passed the view that students have a FREE - HAPPY ....... HOURS NIGHTLYI ui N>nm ihuuiir iaq.aiin operations will be discussed at a the higher education bill in right to participate in decisions Bahamas, $159. Telephone POSSESSION. 1964 meeting of the Horticulture Club at 7 Moosuski will meet at 7 p.m. November. which most affect their lives," ^ !0x 51 STUDENTOURS, 351-2650. with p.m. Wednesday in 209 Horticulture Wednesday in the Gables Showbar. Harris had originally planned Harris noted. tip - out, C-8-3-10 TYPING THESES and letters, etc. M freezer, furniture! 332 6232 after 5 Rapid accurate service. Membership and id are required, Limited sign - ups for Aspen will be to introduce an amendment I" Michigan, Atty. Gen. Real Estate Experienced. 393-4075. C-3-10 Seven workshops will be available available at the meeting. making it mandatory for colleges Frank J. Kelly has ruled that a as part of Family Services Night at 8 an(j universities to include student sitting as a voting GROESBECK-LOW Township taxes, student members on governing member on the governing board pARK, Mason. tonight at 1730 Crescent Road. ' ""ter 60 K, skirted, x 12 4- bedroom, 2% baths, Colonial, Transportation Spartan Village. ^ s_cience rict,ton.Soclety 8 tonight in the East boards in order to receive federal of his university would be a P condition, fireplace, family room, rec room. Lounge to discuss Robert funds. In introducing his conflict of interest and a mu$t sell to ft *3300 Call before 5 Close to MSU. 485 7817. 4 3-10 WANTED RIDE to campus (Owen The Ingham County Health Dept. Silverberg, author of "Tower of amendment, Harris said he violation of the state " UIO. grad center) from Lansing Shepard will hold an Immunization Clinic Glass." wished the amendment were constitution, Ask for Colleen Street near Main. Will compensate, ■*3-10 froom 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesday at the mandatory. The MSU Board of Trustees you probably use Tampax Service Contact Cynthia 485-2306 after Okemos Community Church, 4734 :ederquist, "I prepared it originally in considered an ASMSU proposal MSU tampons. The internal Fi<>'x50\c 5:30 p.m. 3-3-8 Okemos Road. Shots will be available will speak on "Nutrition mandatory form, leaving some f°r student participation on the PAINTING INTERIORS. It cost for ages 2 months through adult. at 7 p.m. today in 30 leeway to those state colleges board in April 1971. The board sanitary protection that no more to have the best. Fre Wanted and universities which would eventually approved a plan for solves your monthly prob¬ estimates. G rad students 11 The Chess require some change in the law three undergraduates and one lems. Lets you be as active & Found 349 4817. C-3-10 WANTED: EXPERIENCED 7:30 p.m. today in 204 Horticultur. Club will meet at 7 or the Constitution, but I was graduate student to meet p.m. Wednesday in the West Shaw as you please. The silken- Keyboard / vocalist to audition Bldg. meeting room. Please bring sets if fearful that the amendment periodically and advise the LONDON $199 Weekly departures from Toron with Rock Group. Must could not be agreed to," Harris trustees. The plan has never been smooth container-appli¬ and New York with open retur equipment. Good financiel Forum, an open discussion group said in his introductory remarks, implemented. opportunity. Call Bushmen in LBC, will meet at 7:30 p.m. The cator makes Tampax BAHAMAS $159 College of Business 393-8652. 5-3-8 Wednesday in 104C Holmes Hall. Weekly pacakge deals to Baham Undergraduate Counselor for tampons comfortable and rWna/ Information freshmen and sophomores will hold office hours from 1 to S p.m. easy to insert. Go ahead, Coble on CASH PAID for your old Lionel or gei cutting - klP,?CK^Pre9"ency ConTideT JOB HUNTINGI For your best first American Flyer trains. 694-0349. 3-3-8 lessons is available 2986. by tiling 332 - Tuesday and Thursday and from 1 to 3 p.m. Friday in 315 New hours will be posted Eppley Center. T be the girl that has more fun. There are millions of 109 372-1560. O-3-10 appearance, start with a styled 1Z La Leche COMPUTER PROGRAMMER seeks League will meet at 9:30 girls just like you. All Bill Slack at Meridian growing hair cut by a.m. Thursday at 814L Cherry Lane. The MSU part time employment. 351-4284 Retailing and Mai FR0M <9.99. Mall. By appointment. 349-2760. after 6 p.m. Vita provided. 5-3-9 All interested women are invited and Clubs will present Howard Tampax tampon users. 4-3-10 I'Wrf! 'rom Ir* ,sc,0fV. babies are wlecome. director of Executive Resouri (Continued from page one) pr|ve a little, save FOR QUALITY service on stereos, WANTED: SMALL incubator and/or Federated at 7:30 p.m. Department Stores, Inc., today in Union Parlor C. Another aspect of cable will have to be needed. Also, other companies rtn '®d at '649 e< East TV's end recorders. THE STEREO fertile eggs, any kind. 339-8685 television which provide cable Our only Interest is protecting you. Lansing. much of the SHOPPE. 337 1300. C-3-10 after 6PM. 5-3-10 International Women's Day will be equipment and still more public does not realize is that as companies will provide celebrated from noon to 3 p.m. systems expand, more job employees to install, repair, Wednesday at the St. John's Student opportunities will result. (LffREAP ■ DlP Ht)U KN0U) THAT U)£ Center. 327 MAC Ave. Child care will "By 1980, cable could create systems, manage and maintain the XJHIN6THATJ VAMAZED SPEND ONE-THiKP OF OUR be provided. Bring a sack lunch. over a million new jobs," ,vtE„ LIVES ^LEEPlNtT? Ledbetter said. Assuming that A cable system serving a rrr each of the 5,000 systems which community with a population of are expected to be in operation about 500,000 would cost about The Spartan Women's Pistol team by 1980 have origination studios, will hold a practice at 7 $15 million to build, but in five six times as many p.m. at technicians, years it would gross $10 million Demonstration Hall, Wednesday. All office workers, cameramen, and women interested in in revenue, joining the team similar positions as are invited to come. employed by Wednesday: Cable television the broadcast industry now will and the MSU community. 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 'U' to By MICHAEL FOX study reform of faculty pensions those allotments are spread out over a State News Staff Writer women than for men. TIAA-CREF has longer number of years for payments to men and women have been determined fair by the on the average, four years longer than men that men live for 16.9 years on the determined, Edwards said, federal government. Edwards outlined three possible reforms in A second option called "topping out" The University administration will study possible reforms in average after retirement, the retirement program which Wilkinson said the University will accumulations to equalize benefits the compared to an average 21 years of life after a woman's Institution add a supplement to wnm Lced lira faculty retirement benefit program, Roger E. Wilkinson, vice " to the f? I president for business and finance, said this week. retirement. 'The trustees V"No change from one type of plan to another should be made contributions upon her retirement. The main nfrr e en>plow asked me to look into the possibility of Trustees expressed an interest in the financial implications of without considering all of the philosophical and financial equalizing benefits paid to men and women following a equalizing the benefits. We will review the options available and implications, especially since no change at all is required in order option is the source of funds to increase ih« women. ty *lth2 presentation on the retirement program at the Feb. 24 trustee determine cost factors plus employe feelings," Wilkinson said. to provide equal treatment of men and women under the law," c°ntributiom S "It will take a few months, but then we will meeting. Though the board took no action, Trustee Patricia present it for A third option Carrigan, D-Ann Arbor, was joined by several trustees in consideration or information to the board," he said. About 2,650 University employes of the total ^One'pofflible and new program which would pay equal benefits to is called the defined benefit program. This is the contribution for women requires that thp 11.1 by about 1 nor , ?'ly incre«se J requesting the feasibility study. 3,700 eligible men women employe increase her contribution to Currently, women recieve smaller benefits for each year of faculty and administrators are on the TIAA-CREF program. type of program used by most state retirement systems and a per cent. TMm TIAA rSLul(i th« fenl retirement than do men, acknowledged Thomas Edwards, In his remarks to the board of trustees, TIAA-CREF president industry. It requires a larger contribution over the working years would yield wom.r'S paycheck lo contributions of 0I*J| president of Teachers Insurance and Annuity Assn. of America Edwards emphasized that the current difference in retirement for females because retired women will be receiving benefits for, TIAA-CREF comp,^ to (TIAA) and its companion organization College Retirement Equities Fund (CREF). University employes pay 5 per cent of each paycheck to TIAA-CREF and MSU adds another 10 per cent to produce a AVOID LONG LIN tl total 15 per cent regular contribution to TIAFF-CREF. After retirement, TIAA-CREF sends out checks to retired men and Ms. Carrigan has challenged the TIAA-CREF assumption that women can live on smaller retirement allotments of men, even if SOMEONE APPARENTLY USED a slingshot to shoot a metal slug through a display window at about 12:02 a.m. Sunday at Jacobson's on Grand River Avenue. Police were unable to estimate the value of the window. ^ IKF POLICE SAID A student was arrested at 10 a.m. Monday at the L Shaw bus loop for allegedly trying to use someone elses bus pass. Police said the action is illegal because it is an attempt at false presentation with intent to defraud. Police said the student's case has been referred to the county prosecutor. AN EAST AKERS HALL student told police someone stole $10 in currency and nickel bag of marijuana from his Sunday night. Police said the suite door to the room room was about 9:45 unlocked it at the time of the theft, and indicated they have no suspects. Police estimated the total loss at $15. d3 J Muskie announce 1 JmT ■ to in 1 Iv, run state U.S. Sen. Edmund S. Muskie jobs instead of welfare. You can joined a growing gaggle of decide to elect a president who presidential hopefuls Monday in will reform a tax system that puts announcing that he will be a heavy burdens on America's candidate in presidential primary. Michigan's May 16 The decision by the Maine Democrat came in response to an workers. You a can decide to elect president who will end the in Vietnam. war Sell your books now, invitation from Michigan Sander Levin, chairman of Secretary of State Richard Michigan for Muskie and a Austin. Muskie. regarded as the unsuccessful candidate for Democratic frontrunner nationally, was one of a number of potential candidates invited by Austin on the basis of by the national news media as "advocacy governor in confident Michigan, said he is that Muskie campaign personally in Michigan. will during finals week, potential candidates." Sens. Hubert Humphrey and Goerge McGovern, along with Alabama Gov. George Wallace have already announced their and during term break! intentions to run in the Michigan race. Muskie's statement that he will For 2 compete in Michigan was issued reasons: at his Washington campaign office and distributed nationally. "I will enter the May 16 presidential primary in Michigan," he said. "This year for the first time in history the people of this state will decide how they want their delegates to vote at the Democratic 1. To help eliminate the convention. "Each of you will make that 2. To give us the opportunity decision. You can decide to elect tremendous pressure of a president who will guarantee • o O OB OOOO ■ ooo crowds during registration to buy-back books more indecks ARLINGTON, VERMONT week and to enable us to prudently and to assure that .^*4? we buy back all of the books PUNCHCARD RETRIEVAL assign all of our personnel KITS now A' to the business of we need and not more than at your helping contraceptive student you need. for you buyers. Right, because it's effective! Right, because it's gentle, so you can use it with confidence. And these are the big reasons why Emko Foam should be your A LIFESAVER \ contraceptive. Over ten years Well-trained uno.nr.ou.t. 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