MICHIGAN Wednesday UNIVERSITY Volume 64 Number 124 STATE TATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 8, 1972 Green urges black official at each By CRISPIN Y.CAMPBELL Big Ten Green, along with Joseph H. McMillan, director of the Equal commissioner university would have a major at each university post list of summer jobs State News Staff Writer at MSU; Thomas Opportunity Programs responsibility for implementing the a Gunnings, asst. director of recommendations made, and would work available through its resources. • CHICAGO, III. — Robert L. minority counseling and the coalition of directly with athletic directors and faculty The hiring of black counselors to counsal director of MSU's Center for Urban Green, black athletes at MSU presented a 20-page representatives in desegregating the Big Ten athletes throughout the athletic called for the Affairs, research oriented report listing the departments, with special emphasis hiring of a black associate - issues, schools. on the commissioner at each Big Ten school and concerns and status of blacks in the The committee would consist of two unique needs of black students. for Big Ten. the establishment of a The proposed black The report also touched on Big Ten Equal associate representatives, one black, from each job Opportunity Committee to examine the conference school to be appointed discrimination stating: by the • No black clerical employes, hiring policies at conference schools. university president with the advice of the secretaries, Green's remarks were made at the athletic director, the faculty publicity directors, team physicians or any Big Ten representatives athletic meeting held here Tuesday. ITT afra and black and white athletes. These blacks are employed in any other capacity Scaffolding c Green spoke to the one hour and 45 group of about 40 for minutes. The discussion representatives would be appointed from outside the athletic structure. by the athletic departments except for a few black custodians. (A check of Jenison Lrge section of scaffolding on the Old Stock Exchange Building at La was closed to the public and press. Other recommendations include: Fieldhouse revealed no blacks employed in of • After the any of the above positions.) J [e and Washington Streets in the heart of Chicago's financial district into the street Tuesday, causing several injuries to pedestrians and meeting Green said: "My perception is that the response from the athletic directors and the breaku The hiring of blacks at level in each sanctioned every officiating Big Ten athletic event — particularly basketball and football • Of the seven Big Ten schools there were only two black trainers and a few surveyed, ■torists. The building is being demolished after controversial efforts to representatives faculty black assistant or freshman coaches. was positive. Mr. Duke (Big -by fall 1972. Ten letter "Reflecting • ■eit as an historical example of 19th century architecture. View looks commissioner) assured me after the A fifth year plan of financial ■ support to on the above information, the staff at every level in athletic ■thon La Salle with Board of Trade Building in thedistance. meeting that they will give full consideration assist athletes in finishing their degrees after departments to each concern raised and recommendation they have spent four years as athletes. throughout the Big Ten are virtually all AP Wirephoto offered • white. This data conclusively indicates that through our report." That each athletic department post the WASHINGTON (AP) - An attorney for names of athletes holding a summer job, employment segregation in the Big Ten is International Telephone and Telegraph their place of employment and Kbates censure policy Corp. (ITT) was quoted Tuesday as saying government pursuit last spring of antitrust salaries, and (Please turn to page 13) action against the giant conglomerate might have led to its court-ordered breakup. New Hampshire Council OKs EPC Acting Atty. Gen. Richard G. Kleindienst cited plan a letter and accompanying memo from attorney Lawrence E. Walsh as giving fhe principal reason why the government student member Richard Bernard; the amendment provides for the creation of a • "Functions of ongoing policy • making body. the council as an postponed ITT with filing an antitrust the Supreme Court. The documents were action against released at a Senate favors Nixon, special council to monitor the • "Whether the responsibilities of this Judiciary Committee hearing reconsidering implementation of the general education Kleindienst's nomination to be MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) - Sen. 10,560 votes, or 47 per cent of the total. council should extend beyond general attorney Edmund J Educational Policies Committee proposal. education to other aspects of general. S. Muskie of Maine held a McGovern was polling 7,141 votes, or ■proposal for modifying the general Walsh, commanding lead in the New Hampshire 32 per cent. ltion requirement was approved According to the motion, a undergraduate education." an outside consultant to ITT, presidential primary Tuesday, recommendation for the creation of the In other action, the Academic Council argued in the documents that the Mayor Sam Yorty of Los Angeles had 8 ly by the Academic Council. Court probably would Supreme out-distancing the Democratic field. per cent, Rep. Wilbur D. Mills of Arkansas council will be presented to the Academic agree to breaking up engaged in debate over a motion by Gerald ITT and said such a He was not rolling up the landslide 7 per cent as a write-in Council by the last regular meeting of the Miller, professor of communications, to judgment would lead to candidate, Sen. I entire proposal was debated and 1971 - 72 academic year. EPC is authorized economic damage. percentage he said had been set out for him Vance Hartke of Indiana 4 per cent. rescind the council's Nov. ■led section by section at three 30,1971, action The government as a "phantom" opponent. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy to make the recommendation. to censure Bob F. eventually reached an of s meetings, but the section on a Repas and trustee Clair out-of-court settlement with ITT Sen. George McGovern was running Massachusetts, who said he would not be a for implementation and final According to the motion, EPC shall A. White. that second, polling a vote his supporters were 1972 candidate, had 1 per cent of the vote consider allowed it to hang on to and make recommendations Immediately following Miller's motion, Hartford Fire sure to claim as a il of the proposal remained for Insurance Co. Columnist Jack psychological victory for on write-in ballots. pertaining to: Frederick Williams, chairman of the Anderson invader from South Dakota. ■Tuesday. • "Ways of integrating this council into says the agreement is linked to a $400,000 an With 15 per cent of the likely GOP vote ■additional amendment Faculty Affairs and Faculty Compensation commitment by ITT to the President Nixon swamped two was approved the implementation machinery of this Committee (FAFCC) and originator of the Republican tallied, Nixon had 10,216 votes, or 70 per lthe entire document. Moved National Convention in San Republican challengers to win a towering cent. by proposal. Nov. 30 censure motion, threatened to Diego this GOP primary victory. summer. Rep. Paul McCloskey of California "speak at length" on the situation The National Broadcasting Co. said its surrounding the issue of censure, including "Looking back at the results of captured 2,805 votes, for a 19 per cent I URBAN COLLEGE government antitrust cases in the projections showed Muskie the Democratic showing. background and specificities involved in Supreme winner. Court," Walsh wrote Kleindienst last McCloskey reaffirmed in Concord his the Repas - White censure, if the motion to April The Columbia rescind were not tabled. 16, "one must realize that if the government Broadcasting System intention to quit the race if he didn't make urges an expanded interpretation of the projected a 48 per cent winning percentage a 20 per cent showing, and run for Two trustees The motion to table the motion to rescind the censure was adopted, but not before considerable discussion on the vague language of the Clayton Antitrust there is a high probability it will succeed." Act, for Muskie, 33 per cent for McGovern. With 30 per cent of the Democratic vote counted, Muskie had anticipated re-election to Congress. Rep. John M. Ashbrook of Ohio had 1,429 votes, a 10 per cent showing. matter of censure. Fbllowing the table of Miller's motion, a letter opposing proposal from the Steering Committee on a Cable TV could involve policy to regulate future censure motions was introduced by Committee Chairman Gordon E. Guyer. Trustee Don Stevens, D-Okemos, said he The original motion read: By BARBARA PARNESS "Motions of reprimand and censure would withhold comment on the issue until State News Staff Writer moved in one session of the Academic the March trustees' meeting where he said py ) Democratic trustees Tuesday criticized four fellow board the issue "is likely to come up." "The president and the board have Council may not be acted on until the next session of the council." The proposal was tabled with citizens in local affairs l«s who wrote a letter to President assigned the faculty committee to study this instructions to the Steering Committee to By KRISTENKELCH redraft the proposal to incorporate two The Married Students Union board would fn they will not support the proposal and I'll await their State News Staff Writer like to have partial control of a cable r of Urban recommendation," Stevens said. separate amendments. system Development and Social serving them in order to solve some of their Wasit has been A revised wording of the proposal will Community Antenna Television (CATV), proposed. communication problems,Terdal said. 11Feb. 25 letter to Wharton written Trustee Frank Hartman, D-Flint, was contain the provision that a motion to currently in the embryonic stage at MSU, by He explained that the first step in this plan Ts Warren Huff, unavailable for comment Monday. (Please has the potential to involve more citizens in D-Plymouth; Clair turn to page 13) would be to get the University to draw up a I D-Bay City; Kenneth community affairs. Though no concrete Thompson. new contract with the National Cable J"d Rapids, and Frank Merriman. plans have been made concerning the ■kmiiie, was made public campus and cable systems, some suggestions Company. The contract would have to ■p Patricia Carrigan, D-Ann Arbor. Jfuesday Monday, she "was astonished that Id be such a Panel fails to agree have been put forth locally. Presently, the married housing units — specify that the Married Students Union would receive a revenues. percentage of subscriber letter sent at this point Spartan Village, Cherry Lane and University "The system makes Village — pay an optional fee of $5 per money," Terdal said, "the company is on urban college month for service from the National Cable charging $5 month plan a now and is only covering about 50 per cent of the Pould question Company. This system enables those who taking a position like wish the service to receive eleven television people in married housing," he continued. ■i, ■ the college is still under review. It is ironic that the channels. Nine of these are programs from Married Students Union would use this By BARBARA PARNESS agreemment," Manderscheid said. "We had money to pay for production facilities and oul(i wr'te this letter on the same broadcasting stations in cities like Flint, State News Staff Writer a lot of people who felt they couldn't vote Detroit, Grand Rapids and Bay City which National Cable claims that it is ongoing production for married housing ■/ passed a resolution criticizing Dr. serving television. 'yes' or 'no' on some issues." He said the are affiliated with the three married housing with a master antenna, not ■!_ not following proper procedures." The Educational Policies Committtee committee is finishing a full report listing major networks a cable television system. A master antenna Next, Terdal explained that the Married pn said. or are educational television and (EPC) released a preliminary report areas of agreement and disagreement with is designed to serve only one customer and is Students Union board would have to independent stations. Two channels have that all occupants of married require Tuesday saying it could not reach a the college proposal. been left open. not under obligation to provide all the housing pay a ■its * oi the ,(> t omment on the specific consensus on whether the proposed College EPC began studying the urban affairs Whether the system services that cable is required to provide. cable fee as part of the rent structure. For letter, although she said she of Urban Development and Social Change serving the married those who do not have television ■ eContents proposal in December at the provost's housing units is defined as a community However, because each subscriber in married sets, or "personally dismaying." is the best way for MSU to meet its request. Development of the college antenna television system or simply a master housing, and not the University, prefer not to use the service, a refund would pays a fee fctJ0.ned the references to race made expanding commitment to urban affairs. proposal began nearly two years ago by the antenna is a question which has been to the company, the question arises as to be possible. Ul^eslnthe tetter. The EPC, in a report to the provost staff of the Center for Urban Affairs plaguing the National Cable Company, the whether the system is indeed, cable. Cable Hooked up with different departments InJ, • one can write off race brought before the Academic Council (CUA). During its deliberations, EPC East Lansing City Council and the systems serve more than one customer and and schools in the University, the system lie tT',al i,manner as has been done Tuesday as an information item, said it sought views of faculty, students and other University. therefore receive money from individual could provide a variety of programing. At I,";think the events on campus could reach no decision on the proposed interested persons on the proposal. In 1969, the subscribers and not the onset of the operation, closed circuit L D •' Ms- Carrigan said. college because of the complex issues "More time and sustained effort should University entered into a 10-year contract with the National Cable one source. Regardless of whether the system is master television, the TV and Radio dept., WMSB Kwicj" Martin, D-East Lansing, involved and the time limitations on the be given to this problem by the Company which called for the company to antenna or cable, an expanded cable system and Continuing Education Service would have video tapes available to pletter °'nte(1, to put il mildly committee's deliberations. After considerable debate on the brc Educational Policies Committee or some provide "community television service to could become a part of the University. audience. rely to the cable group assigned to investigate the the married housing units" on an optional Edward J. Terdal, president of the Married report the council passed a resolution possibilities of expanded programs in urban Students Union, has a plan for this Terdal indicated that other basis, under no obligation to the University. departments and schools at the I" Tr to have confused a lot of recommended by the steering committee development and their coordinated Erling Jorgensen, director of Instructional expansion. Terdal believes that the married University would have an interest in being connected to the |L.arlln said. "There are lots of accepting EPC's conclusions and directing execution throughout the University," the Television, said that the University made the students on this campus lack significant He said that educators in system. I to bp ra°e- This is »nf«rtunate. This EPC to further study what might be the EPC report said. agreement in order to enable those in communication between themselves and the School of it h8avesp'"over from some of the "most effective organizational structure President Wharton said It was married housing to receive television with the University. Education, the Institute for Family and heen signals. Child Research, the going on recently on for MSU to meet a growing urban appropriate for EOC to continue Prior to this agreement, married "We feel isolated out there in Spartan Day School and the housing Medical School have shown an 001 examining the college proposal and occupants could not get good reception Village, even families are isolated from each interest in a ■J,!8'? il is tunable to assume the U»sterCManderschcid, EPC chairman, alternatives to it despite the statements by because the housing units are built with steel other," Terdal said. cable tie to the married students. Terdal said that |ck adm°mptt>d by the recent charges said the committee might be able to four MSU trustees that they would not girders. Jorgensen explained that the Terdal explained that one of the main programing of the cable f dirl ",Str?tors including Robert L. formulate a full set of recommendations by support the proposed College of Urban University did not realize the long-term purposes for organizing the Married system could include student cultural events, guest government, n(on°/ the Center for Urban April. Gordon Guyer, steering committee Development and Social Change. potentials of cable TV, so possible benefits Students Union was to promote better child education, speakers, preschool ■Ten racial discrimination in chairman, assured the council he would call Wharton and Provost John E. Cantlon to the University were not explored before communication between this special group sports events, local news a special meeting of the council when EPC explained that the trustees had objected the contract was living both in married housing and off — signed. leilis tter to ser'ously Wharton considering completes its work. general (Please turn to 13) campus - and the University. (Please tum to page 13) on this subject. "We could not reach page 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan news Bids for convention reps due county clerk, the ASMSU Legislative Relations be even higher this year," he said. 'The primary If they hadn't redistricted it summary Students interested in running for delegate seats to county political conventions should get their office, and local party organizations must be signed by 15 to 20 precinct residents. The only other qualifications are that the petitioner be a bill, which repealed the one delegate per precinct law for Kent, Oakland, and Wayne Counties, also opned up thousands of seats that have never real simple," he While is is not said. legally ' Woul5 could run as high as 90. He pointed out that eight Relations Office i^.. Student Services Bldu k exploit explosive situations for city precincts take in campus areas, while several cat<:.in Equal Opportunity prohibited, but that this policy, vegetables ~ I KI!E KVKNINi; I'AKKINc. and Thomas dessert I jams; Gunning, asst. director of minority too, will soon be changed. iseling. beverage his action taken by the board of trustees prior to the meeting Use Alle'entrance or fourth level of BigTen representatives might be interpreted asendorsing the WIN ASPEN! ramp for direct access. squo. Dinner and cocktails served until 9:00 (»feel that such a position on the p.m. part of the board again at the MooSuski meeting wnpts the prerogatives of the faculty and of the administrators TONIGHT from 7 to 9 p.m. at have the responsibility for "' the resolution sta ted. dealing with athletics within the the GABLES - also trip info, ski flick and happy hour prices. Jaeobisoris Free Pizza SAVE $1.72-BUY A LARGE 16" PIZZA AND GET A 10" PIZZA FREE! SEE COUPON FOR DETAIL!. Miss J follows the WOW. A FREE PIZZA! diamond pattern BUY A LARGE 16" PIZZA in a two-piece dress (1 item or more) and get a looking like a layered 10" PIZZA w/cheese and 1 item trio by Tracy Petites FREE (additional items extra) It's bright and bouncy FREE PIZZA MUST BE REQUESTED AT THE TIME YOUR ORDER IS PLACED in red/white/navy with solid navy ribbing, REE cool and easy-care in Arnel ELIVERY triacetate/nylon Sizes 5-13P $24. W44 Beat I ON CAMPUS OFF CAMPUS ■ DELIVERY CIRCLE DRIVE I (Trowbridge Rd.) (E. Grand River) \ 337 1681 337 1631 FREE DELIVERY GOOD THRU MARCH 29, 1972 Jaoobson's JACOBSON'S OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL NINE MICHIGAN ARTMCHWAU STATE NEWS p31 UNIVERSITY Election KEN LYNAM advertising manager for New DAVE PERSON, managing editor WATERVILLE VALLEY, N.H. - Every want to know?" BILL HOLSTEIN, campus editor four years 465,000 newspapermen and "I was CHARLIE CAIN, city editor wondering if vn„ presidential candidates invade New BARNEY WHITE, editorial editor Hampshire for the nation's first presidential you? RICK GOSSELIN, sports editor primary. The citizens of New Hampshire After all, the eJ!"Coh welcome this diversion from an otherwise watching closely Hampshire does." to ^H Seven-time recipient of the Pacemaker award long, cold winter. Seth said, "it's # J for outstanding journalism. In Waterville Valley I spoke to Mr. Seth t responsibility. Ill tell you M Corcoran, who waxes skis for a living when problem is that he isn't being interviewed by the press. we just don'i? Pe0^ in this state for all "I hope you don't mind if I ask you a few the cai,3 EDITORIALS questions," I said. are running here. I've shakl. Muskie seven times, H "Don't mind at all. This is the fifth McGovern A! interview I've given today. Been on Yorty four times and McCImH Urban affairs television 12 times this week, including all three networks and the BBC. What do you t'mes. Ashbrook is to shake hands appointment with John coming with uSl me, and '?" hands tomorrow. He Lindsay to^ with me last week in already shJ! LETTER POLICY Concord £qS don't confuse his people say he wants in Waterville to shake Valley for NBC* han^ ' The State News welcomes all letters. They "That must should be typed and signed with the home keep you busy," isaid Four MSU trustees have stated in a grads getting jobs, then they should "Yup. But the primary town, student, faculty or staff standing, and people into the state, and if we brings a L letter to President Wharton that they also focus their attention upon the local phone number included. No unsigned hands with the don'td oppose the College of Urban College of Social Science letter will be accepted for publication, and candidates, they won'tc here. Besides, Development and Social Change as it no letter will be printed without a signature shaking hands will multidisciplinary program and the candidates in the wintertime is very no is now proposed. Their opposition, entire College of Education. except in extreme circumstances. All letters blood circulation." must be less than 300 words long for "It's great how though, seems to rest not so much in you've taken i0 the academic merit of establishing The last two questions raised by the publication without editing. attention in stride, Seth." such a college as in the personalities four trustees lack even more "Wal, it's only every four surrounding it. relevance. The four need only read the The rest of the time no one yearsyaI gives adang Rationality cleverly evades the text of the college proposal to find happens to the people in New Hampsfo essence of the six questions raised out "what kind of faculty if shaking hands with by expertise, candidates and h to you newspaper folk can the trustees. First, the four took issue training and competence should we bring i happiness to the rest of the with whether there actually is a "body of knowledge and area of activity select for an attack on the problems of the cities" and "how is it possible to The Doctor's Bag the heck with waxing skis." "But it seems to me that the country, presu outside of the present established assign the entire faculty of of CUA to remembering all the candidates' faces disciplines" that justifies an urban the new college? What happens to the By Arnold Werner M.D. be very trying." college. By asking this very question, duties they are now performing?" "You do get them mixed up a lot, but Letters may be ^dressed to Dr. Werner at MSU Health Center. the trustees demonstrate a basic junction of the tooth and gum (see above illustraion) In case you you shake hands with them four oi Names need not be included unless a personal reply is requested. haven't tried it, using dental floss should be ignorance of the purpose of the Objection approached as a times, you manage to get them sorted challenge to your manual dexterity. The big problem is to keep up to date o college. Should MSU establish an My gums bleed a little every time I brush my teeth which is two or The following technique is recommended. Cut off an arm's length issues, llie reporters want to know* urban affairs college, it would be the Throughout the entire three - page three times a day. What gives? of the floss. Wind the floss up on the index and middle fingers of think of school busing, Nixon's til first of its kind in the nation. letter the four trustees issue but one one hand and take one or two turns around the index and middle Bleeding gums can be caused by a variety of situations. Certain China, Phase 2 and the devaluation o Presently there is no "body of logical, grounded objection to the fingers of the other hand. Now, bracing the dental floss with your dollar. Now nobody inNew Hampshire medical illnesses, including some of the vitamin deficiencies thumbs, slip it between your teeth. Pull the dental floss upward knowledge" or "area of activity," college proposal. They claim that the (extremely rare) can cause bleeding gums. But, the most common a hoot about any of those things, bi gently until it is in contact with the gum and then pull it sideways don't want to look ignorant on nation which is exactly why the college usual search and selection process cause of bleeding gums is poor dental hygiene. Many years ago when and back and forth over the surface of the tooth man did not cook his food well and ate a lot of up near the gum It ain't fun spending your nights re should be established. would not be used to name the dean rough stuff, it is margin; pull it sideways in the opposite direction to clean the other about all that stuff, I'll tell you." of the college. Instead, they say, Dr. alleged that he did not have the gum and teeth problems we have tooth. The floss will slip under the gum .Secondly, the trustees question now since the stuff he ate margin slightly. Try it on "What has been the highlight of this] whether the study of race supplies a Robert Green would automatically be scraped away any accumulations of food your front teeth first and then proceed laterally. The on his teeth. Of course, our primitive relatives never lived long trick, of primary as far as you are concerned?" course, is to clean your molars or back teeth without meaningful basis for the solution of given the job. This should not be the enough to worry about their teeth falling out either. getting your "I guess the greatest moment forme' fist into your mouth. Long fingers and urban probmes. With the population case. The usual dean selection Modern man's diet of soft foods leaves material practice helps. As you move when I saw Sen. Muskie cry in frontc accumulating at from tooth to tooth, you advance the dental floss oi blacks increasing rapidly in the procedures should'be conducted, at the margin between the gum and the tooth. Thif is n(K)6t apparent in hand to the next so that you can use a clean section along from one Manchester Union." the space between the teeth. A each time. If "You actually were there?" inner cities and with whites fleeing in least for the sake of protocol. builds up at the juncture of the vety thin layer1 of organic material you are like I am and tend to gag a lot in th^Ynoming, you can do it gtfjn and the t£etHL This material is in the evening. "Yup.l was brought down by theli droves to thfe suburbs, it would seem called The trustees' objection to the plaque. Other techniques suggested to people to shake hands with Muski highly illogical to sidestep the keep your'gums in shape include Radio Free Europe. There I was sU appointment of Green as the college the use of a gum stimulator which is a Some undermining of the gum margin takes place and pockets pencil-like widget with a question of race. In fact, race is one of dean has no root in protocal, however. pointy rubber tip at the end that you stick between your teeth right up front, with my hands outstrel form where bacteria can nestle and grow in the plaque, up when by gosh if he didn't burst intoti the central matters to be considered in causing near the gums and Even should the search and selection cavities. As the plaque builds up, gums become softer and the wiggle around. There are also devices that spray a the urban crisis. boney fine pulsatile jet of water with a fair amount of suddenly found myself part of history.' committee choose Green for the substance that holds the tooth in place can gradually become pressure. Theee are "Haven't you ever seen a candidate! very helpful in cleaning debris out from between reabsorbed. This leaves loose teeth which eventually fall out. Once your teeth and in New deanship, these four trustees would the tooth's foundation is reabsorbed, it is not stimulating your gums but they should not be directed so they lift Hampshire before?" All black ? produced again. This "Yup, but never before the primaryr still probably vote against the the gum away from the tooth. Some college. process is probably the major cause of toothlessness in this country. bleeding is normal when you were in." In the letter they stated "we are embark on a program of gum Thick layers of plaque are visible to the eye and appear as a hard, cleaning. After a week or so, it usually The four trustees also wonder ceases. Copyright 1972, Los Angeles Times firmly opposed to naming Dr. Green scaley substance which absolutely defies cleaning off with a brush. whether the proposed college will The usually invisible plaque can be demonstrated Tf it is stained with the dean of any college." The college What exactly is "non specific urethritis." Is It a form of "become primarily or preponderantly a biologic dye for this purpose available in drug stores. The gums proposal should be evaluated on its gonorrhea? for blacks." Strangely enough, the themselves require physical stimulation in order to maintain an merits alone, not on the personalities four board members do not issue adequate blood supply and to stay firm and adherent to the tooth. of its proponents. It is Something nonspecific is exactly inexact. Non specific urethritis similar concern about whether the seriously Following are suggested routines to be followed to avoid the refers to an inflammation of the urethra doubtful whether the trustees dislike build-up of plaque and the development of dental caries (cavities). (the tube carrying urine cities will "become primarily or from the bladder in the woman and the common exit for Start with a visit to your dentist who will usually have a urine and the idea of an urban affairs Iiygienist preponderantly for blacks." college so carefully scrape off all accumulated debris. Following this, at least semen in the man). Such a urethritis can be caused by a variety of much as they dislike Robert Green. organisms, but excludes the type of urethritis caused by gonorrhea. Hopefully the college will be relevant daily brushing of your teeth, but primarily your gums, with a soft These inflammations are treated by antibiotics after a to all races. The crucial issue at Even brush will provide the stimulation to the gums that is necessary to physician hand, though the college is, in maintain them in a state of good health. determines for sure that syphilis or gonorrhea is not present. though, is not whether the college essence, the child of Green, Now comes the tricky part. On a daily basis, Inflammations generally cause annoying itching, but are not should be black or white, but whether it can properly deal with urban infanticide should not be committed because of the identity of the parent. unwaxed dental floss to clean the area you should use between the teeth and the dangerous. They should be treated, however. c.C.P.S. 1972 recycle! concerns. MSU should approve the concept of The four trustees' concerns for an urban affairs college, if for no other OUR READER'S MIND employment opportunities of reason than increased knowledge in graduates of the college are the field is so desperately needed to completely baseless. The University is combat the nation's growing urban not exclusively a job training center. It has a duty to society to research vital questions of the day. If the crisis. The dislike four trustees may not harbor toward Robert Green provides no rationale for blocking the may or To the Editor: Werner's gay c trustees are really worried about MSU establishment of such a college. "Doctor's Bag Special." However, The recent Doctor's Dr. from the pressures of a most Bag presented a Werner does state that he has received only describe as having "prejudices society that you three year orgasm! Although the idea helpful and needed article. It clarified against certain appeal. one letter dealing with homosexuality in . many misconceptions about gays but homosexual activity." I'm I again call on Dr. Werner, as a on 700 consecutive letters. glad there are unfortunately may have created some people - loving straight people - who to answer letters from homosexuds Local If Dr. Wemer deals as are bus sta confusion specifically in regard to the Liberation Movement. The gay will I hope respond to these community Gay inaccuracies. I man who tried to flippantly with all his letter patients, as I feel he did with the rape his roommate, then our are "brothers and sisters." I know with us. But utopia is for the homosexual, as with most other minorities, some he receives them since they are apP so few. (Are they an> less numero will respond only to the doctor's remarks his count of "one" seems suspect. How a long might ask than those drahng way off. To many, a gay is a universal male problem of lack < many other possible gay related questions regarding and disregarding my letter to the "queer" who just walked into the room. the left side of the penis State News of Feb. 3. go unnoticed in the file? I regret that my In with terminal In letter was needed to "break the Werner put it, on the homosexual issue. ice," as Dr. regard to my reference to Kinsey's "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male," Dr. Werner feels that I am twisting Dr. edition of the Doctor's Bag.) Again thank you Dr. Werner fo that letter I commented on Dr. Dr. Werner humorously (I prefer not to facts. I quoted Kinsey as helpful "Gay Special." It cleare p Werner's apparent side - stepping of gay think derogatorlly) refers to me in his saying "... of misconceptions about gay • issues and about 37 per cent of the male ^ problems. (This observation is in response as "Name Withheld." May population you will continue to help us o> s East Lansing I point above the age of puberty has had at least Mayor Wilbur Attempts should first be made to part mitigated by Dr. Werner's "response" out Dr. Werner that letting one's representation in your column, Brookover has been petitioned letter.) Still, I specifically cited a letter sent superiors one overt homosexual experience to the the perplexed penis (breast by have the present bus station remain to the Doctor's Bag that deserved some (those who can and will fire you — even In point of orgasm." Dr. Werner clarifies my more than 60 East Lansing residents open later than at present. If this is this most beautiful academic "world") and you) of your heterosexual reader ( to comment from Dr. Werner in regard to the one's family (those who love you when "twisting of facts" by noting that often material for commentary• help them obtain a more adequate not fiscally possible, homosexual implications it contained. No this ONE experience is isolated and lasts no the bus terminal. The present terminal is arrangements you are "good") know that you prefer a longer than three years! I did from the gay community a should be made with a local business mention is made of this letter in the recent not hairy chest to a pair of breasts is hard to the reader to read expect open from 8:15 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., except on Thursdays and Fridays establishment which stays open late to provide space for those do. Forgive me for not being totally free one" nor "hundreds" for "at least did I expect him to envision a "—w^SlSS when it is open until 8:30 p.m. for buses. The petitioners awaiting suggest No conflict A problem arises DOONESBURY frequently, that the Kellogg Center be used for though, since buses from out of this purpose, an idea which by Garry Tw town have a penchant for the To The Editor: THAT WASN'T arriving in University should seriously consider. In the recent articles on the ASMSU A BOMB/N6 AAIP' the city of East tax, Lansing after 8:30 This clearly is an instance where the we have been informed that if ASMSU tr has a Ptorecr/ve p.m. Riders often have to wait for is not REACTION SrWKEl buses out in the cold University could use its facilities for permitted to charge taxes or other o,Nse's°Z*ts « wind, snow, the good of the entire assessments, it will have to stop services NO P!FF£S£NCe F£UAH< rain, or whatever inclement community. because it could not collect any / money for conditions Michigan might offer that them. This is ridiculous. Every store on Presently the East Lansing bus Grand River is unable to charge taxes and day. terminal does not serve the other assessments, and yet they sell their Granted, this is not the most crucial issue facing the community to the fullest possible goods and services for a profit. ASMSU L city at this extent. By acting on the matter could easily sell its services to any willing time. However, the bus now, students with no conflict with the new terminal the East situation presents a Lansing City Council can amendment. definite make it much more convenient for inconvenience which can be both East Robert E. Sacks corrected. easily Lansing residents and New York senior visitors to the area to keep on busin'. March 1,1972 I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 8, 1972 ^ Wt WORKY POINT OF VIEW kTHI5 ISN'T A TAV, 115 AIN ASSeKAieNT.) By JEFFREY D. SMITH Tax, levy, as Libertyville, III., different terms expressing the same senior thing or idea; as this isa sphere expressed the opinion to either of us that this amendment would or globe. The word and TOM KUCZEK "assessments" and the word "dues" . . . prohibit ASMSU from charging for its services. To those students Detroit junior declaring that a fraternal beneficiary association might make who are surprised that this student Ever since the provision for the payment of benefits from a fund to be happened to be the presentation of the proposed constitutional from "assessment or dues" collected from its derived understandably partisan ASMSU chairman, we can only say amendment to eliminate the members are used "welcome to the real world." ASMSU tax, allegations have been there without definition, and Chairman Buckner that the amendment seemingly as meaning the same Finally, as for intent, neither of the writers of this point of view torbid ASMSU s would thing." This was undoubtedly the intention of the amendment's charging for services such as Legal Aid and Pop author in using the and to our knowledge none of the other circulators, had the intent Entertainment. These allegations are phrase "tax or assessment," and if this is of abolishing ASMSU's charges for without basis in legal believed unclear, check the voluntary programs. But this definition, popular interpretation, or intent. passages in the U.S. Constitution leaves unanswered the question of To check legal requiring an "oath or affirmation" and not requiring a "census or why these allegations were made. definition, one uses, believe it or The only sensible answer is that Mr. Buckner is afraid of informed dictionary. All references below are from "Words and not, a legal enumeration." student opinion, and that the only most comprehensive Phrases," the But what of the rest of the entries? hope for the defeat of the book available in the reference section of the Many of them consider amendment lies with misinforming the students Library. The amendment would forbid ASMSU "taxes" and "assessments" as by the use of scare from levying a "tax synonymous; the rest reserve tactics. But once these allegations are seen for what or assessment of any nature," the "assessment" for a special levy for they are; the allegation is that "assessment" a particular project. Lest anyone issues of whether ASMSU is spending the students' money well and includes charges for ASMSU perceive a parallel between this and the services present allegation, let it be why ASMSU has a right to the students' money at all remain the known that in none of these hundred (i Th® "Webster reference worth mentioning is the Missouri ruling that "assessment" ever considered - odd definitions is an ones that students should decide on. Lr reader* s mind says the conjunction 'or' is often placed between For those still anything but involuntary. unconvinced, there are two fairly close parallels. The first involves a social club in ASMSU will be clear. "The court ruled that a Pennsylvania; the parallel with attendance by members at club charge established for dances, called a 'donation' and paid only by the members actually attending the Sam, a little restraint within the exemption. It is and it cannot be considered as dances, does not come obviously not 'membership dues or fees' 'assessment,' which is a charge of a nonrecurring nature, upon all members of the club, for such purposes as expansion, payment of debt or other lEditor: reported statement in the March unusual Le been following, with j L 3 issue of the State 3, alleged to be his If « » * circumstances." News, that Dr. ''spokesman'' Coalition of the BlLk ?h he screening that typified The second makes the distinction "assessments" in the case of c membership between "fees" and ™ corporation in New York. Under the incorporation, If. Robert Green and others Fieldhouse incident of a couple whom honor is due." "providing that by - laws of any t to discrimination in of Saturdays members of that meaningful and Thus, rather such corporation may regulate fees and dues of any member and ago constituted (and than pride himself in chauvinistic termination of membership on administration and I quote), laudable bodv it is mnm —J TT nonpayment thereof or otherwise, . "pure, unadulterated, unfortunate Such such corporation did not have the at MSU, in the Big Ten, concentrated bullshit" went too a stand can Sam1R,ddle owes power to levy 'assessments,' Jeven ... .» aii iov»k at all levels of far Ko.—a of fo, beyond reason. only ulcerate rather oiiliTlr thanTeal the J^WhartonanaPol°gy;notonly because respect for capable and which implies a burden person), and imposed in invitum (against an unwilling situation. Furthermore, such . an a a single act as distinguished from recurring acts;'fees' rational elder is proper, but |£SfereSce.'there^s ProT^cJeen'"and^11^^ being any amount paid for a privilege, voluntarily paid and not as an Waatca more Ld t, some meaningful and there also and exhibited high degree of pTsTtTve^caUlyft 'fo/"the bXssing of the 11 m£t 80 ^"se Dr. Wharton ofisthe Pres'dent for the the whole wl this obligation.' Thus there is no legal basis for the allegations, as members of the rationality ■been some unfortunate commitedness, and integrity by appealing for those callous motivated'idobnoxiousview* individuals of this In conclusion, Sam will do well Business Law Dept. upon first dictionaries have agreed. hearing and without recourse to common sense on the original to remember remem the What impression have students received •tat'Sons: All these are, by academic necessity for issue.Ifavingread n^re MiZed Resident' WhartTi* issue. Hnvino nxtri mr«» oniioki^vi n :j„_i community. . that I8' restrain? restraint in makini Public restraint upon reading the proposed amendment? At least one of the undersigned was present emotionaT^SS^J 2d JmeTrZZven?™^ . |rge. healthy offshoots of and le« »a geofa delicate but statusquo^ |iwever, Mr. Sam Riddle realistic s Sam Riddle before, on similarly the sensitive subjects, I was shocked spring by that statement printed March bellowsTs~urin^ of 1970, and continues to statements that could be rS'afe we5 meaning sympathizers of a just cause, and ? it least 80 per cent of the petition drive, and only one student SOUNDsational bless the irresponsible acts of vandalism every now and then on the campus. I am sure that no moreover jaundice a worthwhile purpose. buy a Stereo L.P. Christians reasonable black or group will subscribe to such minority an Femi Tinuoye Nigerian graduate student Barnbuster I Editor: 't drive you out, the outrageous view! President Wharton became the March 4,1972 and a Coke DISCOUNTS that there quite president of MSU because, 1 am Christians living in Landon are a screaming and crying will. The "recent surge of convinced, he is qualified for the (now thru Sunday) w been considered a 'Jesus campus ■ evangelism" has become a door post, and not because he is black. ^.CTATC (S|FWS KEEP THE - Idorm for quite some time to door sales Since whoever holds that - pitch. A couple of post ^ As you will notice, kids walk in, smile, and "Praise deserves the respect that he has [, it isn't a majority of the Lord!" - it's started established by being appointed lorm. The rest of us again, are All you have to do is fill out a GLASS! lvVSS®*1 I of having Christiantiy questionnaire and read an article P down our throats. about someone's finding Christ, re you ever gotten a phone and then they'll leave. Don't you the middle of the think that that is a bit much? in from a "Christian?" It's like selling Avon vill tell you that "they" products door - to - door "Ding - dong! lever that may be) are Christians calling!" yAC wAb. feting a survey and will be The final irritation lies in the 0 interview you. There's fact that they call themselves lice of whether or not you "Chrisitans." 1 thought we were |to talk to them — they ALL Christians. I guess I was invites you to choose your favorite wrong .. . brand 1 evening in Landon is There is a place for these of beer from our selection, to enjoy either f ng, loo — if all the people in our society if they will with a meal or with friendly conversation. s' aren't congregated in just leave others alone. You can Kfeteria, they're in one of be converted without door ■lounges, performing knockers calling all day long and We also have wines and mixed les. singing their hearts out, little pamphlets stuffed under drinks for your pleasure! |ig for Christifand making a your door. It's defeating the the singing whole purpose — I doubt very much if Christ would have |.. pounded beat looking for RARE EARTH IIM , . a CONCERT I NOT Ml m people who needed to be saved. 1 don't One more thing - please RED BARN sign my name to this. I 5.26 . J don't want more "Christians" notify ■not the John your readers that calling me to tell me how wrong yAC WAb WHILE THEY LAST! Mclntyre who I am. I'm satisfied to continue in libutes record reviews to 1010 E. Grand River Woolco discount price my hedonistic ways — just off the campus ■newspaper. . . . 134-136 Grand River i John E. Mclntyre Name Withheld By Take-out orders an< Request Elizaville, Ky., junior Feb. 29,1972 sVs 203 E. GRAND RIVER The EAST LANSING 317 E. Grand River 'Undershirt' PART OF THE Shirt CAMPUS SCE1SE great at only 14 Navy and White Brown and White Sizes IVi - 13 A little "nothing" of an undershirt that Widths M & W has everything! Ribbed Cotton short $24 sleeve style with tiny bow on the Check All Our scoop neck. Great with jeans, skirts, and pants, Hit Stereo Albums /^sorted styles. Sizes S, M, L. Woolco Low Discount Priced! DOWNTOWN EAST LANSING 326 South WOOLCO MERIDIAN MALL Washington 317 East Grand River Ave. A sk us about free parking in city ramp iy^ 1900 Grant) Riv«< A/e and Marsh Ftoad w fo Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday Insurance By BETHANN MASALKOSKI firms, lawyers debate no fault some insurance somewhere,' " injury portion of insurance is for five years. bodily injury portion of his cent over excess profits that adjustments are Gibbs continued. D.irt , down 42.6 per cent. they generated last year. This State News Staff Writer While the two sides play on Opponents of no fault also Four years Massachusetts enacted its no before insurance premiums. This turned out to be a conservative guess. brings the rate of the bodily sum payments One rh^L1"" As the no fault insurance emotion one fact remains. point to Massachusetts no fault In 1971, insurance claims all injury portion of insurance to a battle rages, proponents of the Understanding insurance is a and say benefits to injured fault program on Jan. 1, 1971, 42.6 per cent average reduction. Person received. a Unde?« ^ le concept — primarily insurance difficult task and lawyers the cost of insurance premiums over the country were down, permanently dUab|L j>ul persons are down by 85 per were frozen. Between 1967 and due in part to the slowdown of companies, and theis adversaries themselves admit that To be fully covered a cent, and indicate that insuarnce 1971 the cost of living spiralled. the economy. By the epd of mainly the American Trial - understanding insurance companies are the only ones mototist must have insurance to Lawyers Assn., exchange horror stories in order to win legislative support. Not all lawyers are against no legislation is even worse. Attorney Angello Trogan, admits to reading Sen. Colman benefiting from no fault. Which statistics are true? They both are but Massachusetts During this period many companies lost a lot of money. During hearings on no fault, many companies issued 1971, it became obvious that the saving under no fault was greater so that the rates for 1972 were reduced by another 25 per cent. cover collision property insurance damage which increased, so the actual saving or has on ^vwui'bTS;^ Young's bill (SB 520) many has its own unique problems. statements saying that no fault Companies were also ordered to complete coverage is not an fault. The State Bar of Michigan SS-Jal times and says he still doesn't The state has been does endorse no fault but urges squabbling insurance would save the take as a credit on this year's overall 42.6 per cent reduction. understand it. Under the fault system, politically over insurance costs motorist 15 per cent on the premium an additional 25.4 per safeguards and amendments be What this means for the added to a no fault package to average motorist is that he is insure motorist protection overwhelming probability is more confused. even According against insurance companies. he will have to settle for policy One lawyer, who spoke at a limits" which in most cases is to in a Gallup Pool taken in 1971 which 1,519 people were SET AT KEU0C6 CENTER Lansing hearing on no fault $20,000. interviewed, only 19 per cent insurance, asked, what about a "Policy limits in the claimed to understand what no 20 Meet year - old man who might overwhelming majority of cases probe fault plans meant. The other 81 to • be blinded as a result of an are going to be far less than his per cent were either undecided automobile accident? With a no out of pocket costs. When we or uninformed on the issue. fault system "he won't be able talk of going to a no fault What the average motorist Not a single automated mass to recover anything for his system we are talking about who has been in a serious transit Transportation, Michigan Dept. Exposition and Seminar on Mass mass transportation possibilities, across the country, q blindness because he will be paid unlimited payment of economic accident does know is that under multimodal system, but rather a of Commerce, said Monday as he Tranpsortation Technologies to Representatives are expected authorities will discuss tM his weekly sum ... I don't loss," and no amount of money the present system is what fault system of M;/>Kinan ..aa/ic if u ic fa caIiia ih, announced a seminar designed to be held March 14, 15 at Kellogg from Micmgan cities, consulting firms anri universities univpti«for thp evolution, app||cati 1 believe that that is what the is going to enable a blind man to has been underpaid Michigan needs if it is to solve its u.i/i bridge the t ~ . . .. firms and for the economics and economics *nH " insurance he mass transportation Center, he said, advantages of public wants." see his child, Gibbs said. urban transportation problems, information gap for Michigan's seminar. "ewer mass transit for his losses. Those motorists Bartha, a native of Hungary, systems. • Under the present fault "The fault system chooses who have not been in an This, Ivan Bartha, director of city, county and state officials. graduate of Michigan system of insurance this man between families when it says accident are also angered research and demonstration luusnauun Close 10 ^iose to 200 local officials zuu local orncials are Technological University and a university ana The trnn,nnrf„tion newest w^Ipitk urban ntllMno conaestion ' 3! Parkmg and tral could go to court and sue for the 'alright you can get all the because, like everything else, the projects, ° e a u of ~ * expected... .. for the - first Michigan - former — traffic • engineer •" " with the ir.ri.taxseTehS'ni pain and suffering of never being money in the world. You can able to see his child, the lawyer sue for any amount, and if you cost of their insurance premiums rise annually. Michigan Dept. of State Highways, has recently ^ndJdTe'levTted,'prowled ^P°llution Problems, continued. are lucky and if you have a fat William S. Gibbs, a cat to go after it, you can collect Insurance companies and lawyers also agree something Chamber assails completed six weeks of intensive study of urban transportation on down cushjon a Aamnnetntaii gUjdeWay of or on _ an air w|„ b d|scussed and M* J**ml demonstrated hlf' nf The seminar „o.8an D.ept" of Commi by use of models, MSU~ and spokesman for the American it. You might get a million dollar must be done about insuarnce, the European scene. slides and films. Education Service its Continull Insuarnce Assn., replied that the verdict, but buddy if you are a but differ purchases on measures. "In Europe they build Speakers will include the Inquiries blind man is probably worse off little bit at fault, or if you are with the fault system "even alone in the car and you are Proponenets of no fault insurance point to Massachusetts coupon mode of one transportation over operator of the unique Sky-bus at participation mav be direot^l though the potential is there for seriously injured, you are out of The East Lansing - Meridian another, porviding a multilevel Tampa International Airport and Bartha, or to Edward F( with its limited no fault program "The Wolverine Distributing representatives of urban transit a million dollar verdict, the luck. You better have bought Area Chamber of Commerce is Co. puts the book out and it can integrated transportation seminar coordinator 24 K and say the cost for the bodily hardware manufacturers rtics>mirn0in0 system," he said, pointing up from Center. discouraging thp the mirrhflSA nf a purchase of a hp be snnncnrorl sponsored hv by inritvirlual individual coupon book, solicited by businessmen but the Chamber of telephone in the East Lansing Commerce has nothing to do with Butter up a area, said a chamber recently. spokeswoman it," Ms. Cudnohufsky said, "The Chamber of Commerce is The problem of the telephone solicited books is being referred Young pianist not sponsoring these books but to the attorney general's office the company is using our name- which is presently gathering we aren't promoting them complaints and information to works by Schu faster tan with because they aren't a good deal," Joann Cudnohufsky, spokeswoman, said. The $14 coupon book, which determine If the Chamber of Commerce misrepresented, a is for the attorney general's office being spokeswoman The highly acclaimed young pianist, Andre - - - - Watts, will be heard In a concert of works by . , . in A graduate of the Lincoln Preparatory St... Philadelphia, he is currently pursuing a B.aL includes coupons on purchases said. Schubert and Liszt at 8:15 tonight in the MSU degree at the Peabody Conservatory of Music ill Baltimore. Coppertone made at local stores and Ms. Cudnohufsky warned Auditorium. Bom is Germany, Watts lived in Europe ui restaurants is advertised as being consumers against any calls they on.ly in ,his mid'20s, has already he was 8. He took his first piano lessons from hll worth more than $300. receive concerning the coupon achieved an impressive concert career. He has Ijoqjj appeared in Europe and throughout the U.S. as a mother when he was 6. When the family morcf to Philadelphia, he was enrolled in the musicd SPRING BREAK in 'They'll call and ask you which recitialist and as a soloist with the top orchestras, academy there. hand does the Statue of Liberty Tanning Butter ASPEN The concert is a Subscription Series "tf" At 16, he made hold her torch in and then tell a spectacular debut oi attraction in MSU's Lecture-Concert Series, nationwide TV as soloist in Leonard Bernstein'fl F|y With MooSUskl and enjoy seven nights lodging, six days of you that you ve won the Msu concert will include Schubert's New York Philharmonic Young People's Concer skiing, and lots of Uncola ,or opportunity to buy the book "Waltzes, Opus 18, D. 145;" "Sonata in A Minor, On the strength of his TV appearance, he wi %246 (avg.). Or flight only suo.. don't and report the call to us, Opus 143," and "Fantasy in C Major, Opus, 15 Coppertone Tanning Bitter has «*tra coconut d| altd* *'■ Room 240 Men's IM 353-9199. sfi« said. (The Wanderer)," Liszt's "Les Jeux d'Eau a la engaged just 20 days later as a last-minutl cocoa Bufter for an incredibly fasVdeep tan. That's Villa d'Este" (The Fountain at the Villa d'Este), substitute for the ailing Glenn Gould at t«| regular Philharmonic subscription concerts. H why more people butter up with Coppertone Tanning and "Concert Fantasy on Themes from Mozart's was rewarded with "the season's wilda 'Don Giovanni."" Butter than any other. ovation." Coppertone Tanning Butter. One of 11 great tanning products by Coppertone. Credit ogercy A product of Plough, Inc. CAN WE SURVIVE UNDER CAPITALISM? SENIORS! reveols officials| By Gus Hall union Persons newly elected to tl The author holds that the workers and the ghet¬ tos suffer most from pollution and that only a socialist system can save us from eventual ex¬ man MSU employe credit union boa of directors were inroduc termination by the poisoned environment. Monday night in tie Auditorium. . Illustrated by ANTON REFREGIER. Paperback $1.25 wants to remind Elected to the tardl you that directors were Elaine Fianl if you're graduating It's short and lucid. Whether administrative assistant to Ul or not you agree with it, you March 12th you should dean of the college of nat™ better not ignore it. rent your Cap & Gown science, William Kennev, as^ —Pete Seeger NOW! All you have to director of financial aids, t, do is go to the 4th Howard Zindel, chairman of tlj With strong leeling lor the floor of the Union poultry science dept. Members of the credit u daily realities ol the working Building between 8:30 and 5:30 pm the week also elected Gary Coo person, lor the human stakes, problems and solutions, Gus March 6 -10 supervisor of the credit unionat Ted L. Smith, asst. manager I Hall gets right to the roots residence halls to serve on tP ol the subject. For only $6.00 you can —Prof. Howard L. Parsons credit committee. 1 look as great as the Over 4,000 members of 4 Union Man in his Cap credit union attended t & Gown meeting which featured « prize drawings of a Cnevro INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS Vega and a trip to the Baham 381 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y. 10016 The Vega went to Ciu Garrison, general supervisor ■ the physical plant while'San now don't Fopget! Brian, senior clerk in the _ printing service won the tnp| the Bahamas. Magic rings for Southern Vacation Fun Fashion magic moments. lor the Smart "Lady-in-Waiting" They say everythinq Tlirn* is only oiir you feel You're happy together! Life is alive SMART STORK SHOP and intense, calm and intimate. 1918 E. Michigan Avej You're in love! Stopl Check! Compare the large elections Share wedding love rings & moderate pricesl that say everything you feel, Every Need for the Modern Expectant by ArtCarved. You'll Mother— know you're sharing the best of everything. •Shifts and Dresses *Slax Shorts and Hot Pants Art Carved Choose from the area's largest selection of •Jackets - tunics in Knits 8t Cottons „,Love wide & unusual rings •Pants Suits • Short Sets •Lingerie •Bath Suits Park frae Wa»h 'n Wear Cotton and Polyester with purchase 31 • C. Grand River A* Cast Lansing. Mich. Phone 337-1314 SHIFTS - >11" to BANKAMERICARD MASTERCHARfiP^j>|vA^i^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 8, 1972 obacconist Larneywhite iRNEY WHITE future future King George IV and his trade boomin th nostrils and without lTwa^considered^quite Typically ^nufnTmade from nm^f ' W6" if* the more the charge first Other one nostril and then grimaces or distortion of the Advisory Council. At this time there have been two undergraduate educSn Md to recycycling info 353-4321 «nT"» but equally enjoyable »' Bf\r thpm to indulge "in a tobacco scraps and stems The prosaic, - - • ■ i ... other. uther features. enjoyaDie tne other, snuffers place features. m,. snuffers nlar-e amendments amendments, nnp one Hpnlincr dealing with with t rflv "snortine" fner grades however come "em"fu.S RJfntholyptus the substance in the hollow "Close snuff box with a recall and one with referendums. 1 mm!nent snu'ffsters in from clX leaf often „ 1 1 Sm,th S Geor«e IV betwixt the same thumb and flourish." One of the original student \y 9th century century were the especially for snuff were tne especially tor snun manufacture. manufacture * Scents , «n or "flavors" .. f . forefinger and either hit both to the nostrils simultaneously or utilize rising While snuffs popularity among the young, the is members had to drop out for personal reasons. FINALS COMING? range of partakers defies any Instituted Jan. 25, the new Iters officers' status ready definition. Bill Campbell, owner of Campbell's Smoke structure's bylaws define a nonformal, nearly unstructured Use Notes Monarch and Cliff to Ease the Strain. Shop, a local snuff emporium, decision • making group called indicates that all sorts of people, the Advisory Council. The main •Take home "Things" Pone/ backs police bill "straight" and "freak", frequent his snuff display. "There is even goal of this group is to devise yearly college plans. from the 'KIDDY AND ADULT Corner' Counter. or Sweatshirt Jewelry k^toSwriL Ite News Staff Writer Si8"16 "egotia ons "!!^iVe to,contrac' with employes of believesof that sense MSU is in the word a every powers and duties and conditions city with a of employment for officers of the A TIME TO LISTEN! *Books-by-the-PoundSale | Senate bill which would the MSU Dept. of Public Safety, ■dependent peace officer population of approximately Dept. of Public Safety. still on with many great In a letter sent March 1 to Sen. 65,000, and ought to be buys. lo campus public safety The board of trustees would THE HOBIE'S HOUR OF MUSIC! Gilbert Bursley, R-Ann Arbor considered a city in its public become responsible for the [has been unanimously and chairman Id by members of the Committee on of the Senate Education, the safety aspects. actions of MSU police officers, Music you can get into CAMPUS BOOK STORE The bill would prescribe the and no longer would the Ingham 131 E. Grand River |y I Committee on Public University Committee on Public Safety said that under the powers of the MSU Board of County Sheriff be responsible for every night from 11 to 12 present Trustees to authorize the their actions. MSU police, on WVIC, FM, 94.9. iBiilNo. 877, introduced 11972, by Sen. Phillip 0. arrangement between the relationship the county sheriff and adoption and enforcement of ordinances, to prescribe however, still would have county - wide authority. Brought to you compliment of The Sandwich People at f WHILE THE SUPPLY LASTS V R-Lansing, would the director of the campus Dept. penalties, and to prescribe the le laws relating to MSU of Public Safety could under Hobie's. duties and powers of the Public lid prescribe the powers Ities of the board of I MSU policemen would some circumstances be tenuous and not conducive to positive interaction. Safety Dept. The Board of Trustees would also have Have a Hobie day! PANTYHOSE lered peace officers with jurisdiction and control over the The University Committee on lority of police officers. lid no longer rely on the Public Safety supports the bill because the peace officer status use and protection of campus buildings, lands, and property, The board of trustees would SALE ■County Sheriffs Dept. of campus public safety officers also be able to provide that a ■authority. could not be withdrawn or 49 violation of a University ■the present system, MSU withheld at the whim of the ordinance is a misdemeanor and is In are deputized by the sheriff if so desired, as is now ■ County Sheriff. The punishable according to the laws possible under the present of the state. Also, the trustees ■Dept. may become liable arrangement. The committee would be able to prescribe the %ns of campus police Fnnnngnaa a ahubbubhbbhh" Card $1.49 Is extract It's wallet THE STABLES .over spring break with MooSllski (MSU Ski Club) Join Moosuski's annual Wild West Show to the mighty snow-capped Rockies. Thrill to the thought of skiing six days without encountering ice. Soak in that warm Aspen Glow. Wine Shop 309 E. Grand River picnics and T.G.'s by day and dancing and mellow wine parties by night. You'll be housed at JTIMORE ■ Krall, (AP) - Dr. the Christmas Inn, Innsbruck, and Coachlight motels. Take your choice of skiing Aspen Mountain, Buttermilk, Aspen Highlands, or Snowmass. a dentist, told ■man he was treating for 9 BARBEQUED CHICKEN ALL TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING DIRECT FLIGHT •the FROM LANSING TO DENVER. 7 NIGHTS FLIGHT ONLY and a companion xh chicken served with our own LODGING, 6 DAYS A _ _ _ Tor him stole his wallet SKIING & ALL MOOSUSKI ACTIVITIES tangy barbeque sauce & ranch fries. Regularly $2.75 $246 >120 ir fled with more than TONIGHT (3/8) 5 - 9 p.m. $1 OFF! ■ cash and $300 in pari - ■ tickets purchases that ■"vie race course. Hof the horses won. &HB«HMHMHmtHH«tnnnnnnrir 2843 E. Grand River DOMINO'S offers of MSU 21 W66k long Special. This .o™,' S°mlcni special $2.00 for a 2 item small pizza. $3.00 for a 2 item large pizza This offer good at Trowbridge shop only This offer good at Trowbridge shop only have coupon J have coupon filled out. I filled out. when driver arrives ■ when driver arrives $2.00 for a small $3.00 for a large Win 2 item Domino's Pizza 2 item Domino's Pizza immm L......................... wm Offer good March 8-15 Call 351-7100 for HOT, FREE, FAST 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan More! Why- Pay Moreh Why Pay More! W hy P ay M o r e! Why 1 Pay More! Why Pay OBA considers breakfast p|an The Breakfast Program operated by the Off.™ , (OBA) may be extended, director James The OBA is the financial arm of the Weathl? "ck "Our project was to be voted Black United p ^ n petitions froze any decision," Weathers / ■.' thfe ASM$(j petiUons signed by 3,234 students. The petit!,.? n* l° I- referendum to decide whether ASMSU will rnnt Wl" students. The Breakfast Program was a w,llcont>nueiotiJ Lansing based oi coordinated by Ralph Hanson, Detroit junior elementary school aged children were fed ^ Drop-Off Center five days a week. The were fed juice, punch, toast, oatmeal, hot children chocolate ^ in P" * BUF spokesman noted that the program w« operation and had the recognition and support nf!""">% administrators. Pport of st"denU| ASMSU cut the Breakfast Program from the n. l , FYont's original budget request in decision until ASMSU showed January BUF? and requested a renewed interest speaker to re-explain the proeram InT* board questions. The presentation was made bv Z PJ executive board member of BUF. Dal?i? u- porposal was then sent to the agenda Following dJiL I again after an allocation committee m! 71 was determined. 'Tax petitioning has changed the whole picture but „ not caught unprepared," Weathers continued. "Wea*„ other ways to fund the program." p BUF's new found source is the Mortar Board which h»c uM interest, but has not made promises. nassh* Weathers emphasized the importance of the "Unless students turn out to vote referendum down tax refusal A' cannot support the project because of its 'special r status." F "Hungry children have to be fed," he said. Union Boar choice of The Union Board made public its selection of new off 1972-73 Tuesday night at its annual awards banquet. The new officers are: president, Gary Medler. St. Annel sophomore; vice president, Candance Rosaen, Ann Arbor J secretary, Patricia Tarus, Bloomfield Hills sophomore; pm director, Todd Aldridge, Snyder, N.Y. sophomore; and inl Itopco BASKET IINERS affairs director, Patricia Kernick, Pittsburgh, Pa. junior. In addition to the announcement of officers, the dinner! held for the purpose of presenting the Union Board's waste student awards. The John L. Howard award for outstanding service I leadership to the board was given to Ms. Kernick. A If scholarship goes with the award. ! topco ■TRASH IINERS The two service awards were presented to Bruce Margin,! Lansing senior who receives a $200 scholarship, and to \|| who receives a $100 scholarship. 1 plastic The board also presented its Community Service Award offl to the MSU Volunteers. white Department warns! TOIIET TISSUE! Assorted 2 ct. or White cloud pkg. pride beef-buying public| A family in Spartan Village has decided to purchase a quir WHEAT BREAD 4/100 beef because of the fabulous savings and suddenly discovers tb bargain has become an $800 nightmare of monthly payr icracked1 financing and interest for less than 600 poundsof beef. The consumer protection bureau of the Michigan Dept Agriculture released information Tuesday about the grc" practice of high pressure freezer beef plans which have appearing in the state. In most cases of complaint the companies have been operatil violation of Michigan advertising statutes, but the center PORK CHOPS ™IN Agriculture has found prosecution difficult. M.mm si J In one case a violating firm in Grand Rapids closed operation POKK^ disappeared following a warning from the department. cut The technique most frequently used is known as a "baitl switch," in which the seller will bait the buyer witr advertisement for extremely cheap beef and then switch toil expensive side of meat when the prospective buyer comes to loi the beef. The next surprise, the department release states, is there is a loss of 30 to 35 per cent of the hanging weight 'L finding PORK LOIN ROAST 49' LOIN END PORTION PORTION Lb 59\b ★ WHOLE PORK LOIN CUT UP FREE 73° 10 lb. removal of fat, bone and other waste material. The 60 < pound price has now increased considerably. Though legit the seller purposely avoids telling the consumer of this fact. The final burn the consumer accepts is financing of his through a loan company which allows him no recourse! HALF PORK LOIN «"BHALF 69° 77c ,b ★ COUNTRY STYLE SPARE RIBS unsatisfactory purchase. The original 60 cent price per pound 69cu many cases gone as high as $1.60 per pound BUTTERFLY CUT FROM pn BONELESS PORK LOIN CHOPS $1.19 - BONELESS ROAST 98° ★ QUARTER PORK LOIN| WHOLE LOINS 9 TO 11 CHOPS Hy LOW TAT MILK = 661 food club red label GAYLORD * SAVE 41c S 41c MARGARINE 7/100 41° ^ rt>i* coupon loword th* purchat* of: II I 20° A « SAVE 20< whh thif coupon S 20° 10* £ SAVE 10° 10c .V I I ^ > toward th* purcHoto of: T®" j jC0^7cToc7ER,he",cha,eo,: N| ,,c°^~.o».rt,h.PU,chTO„,ron! JS JELLO GELATIN EXPIRES SAT.mn.v SATURDAY, MARCH 11. 1972 Wj/H£3•! POTATO BUDS 2801 97c .W"h ! Coupon | EXPIRES SATURDAY. MARCH 11, 1972 «i,hl | J' MINI ™ ™ PADS "l'". B7C 30c * EXPIRES SATURDAY. MARCH Wl | ' Coupon | _ 11, 1972 Coupon! CD Meijer THRIFTY ACRES BBED Meijer"THRIFTY ACRES OjHCy]MEijer THRIFTY ACRES Q r 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA a SHOP MEIJER THRIFTY ACRE? Monday thru Saturday - 9 AM to 10PM Ligan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 8, 1972 WILL PROBE IMPOUNDING RULE By Group to examine bike safety tw ROD MH\/Ar BOB NOVOSAD Stat# Newt Staff Writer a n „ . . . . L Heights, Ohio, freshman, were actual policy of the Dept. of letter to Sen. Gilbert Bursley, Richard 0. Bernitt, serve as Tho iTniuAwai* n u, appointed to the bike safety Public Satety." He explained R-Ann Arbor, expressing ex-offlcio nonvoting members. PuWlcalfit?mmltttef°" Fubllc Safety recently appointed »ubcommlttee. examine the They will that the Impounding regulation validity of the Is an ordinance of the board of support for Senate Bill No. 877, which would give peace officer serve The two ex-offlcio members as information sources a second working subcommittee University ordinance that gives trustees. because of their actual police status to MSU policemen. Bather"more gather more ?n°J Information on the to Impound Publlc Safety power unregistered bikes. East In other action, Joe Dltzhazy, Currently, MSU police are experiences. They are either past or present directors both Lansing Junior was deputized by the Ingham STdLT * on P°"P *ln,also ^eck Into appointed as the new student County Sheriffs Dept. of the Dept. of Public Safety, William All A a «ff/ iy 0 existing bike paths, representatlve-at-large to the The bill would revise the laws and serve as advisers outlining studint UA i,..f"dUa5B . U i* my •8,,ng thBt co"""'"ee. He joins Sherman relating to MSU and would the operational procedures of Drof^nr professor nf of rf.L dairy ' science, . and ImPoun5»n8 J antagonism towards create8theenormous Walker, Selma, Alabama junior, prescribe the powers and duties the police department. Margaret Koppel, da^ry science, and antagonism towards the nollce." police," .. as „n the other j__* student i member of the board of trustees. Peace The committee itself ia University Allard said, "while it is not an . large. officer status would give MSU relatively young. It was The committee also voted to police jurisdiction over a specific organized on Jan. 1, 1972. The send a letter to Gordon E. geographic area and would not committee is designed to advise Bill to finance Guyer, chairman of the Faculty make them accountable to the President Wharton, the provost, Steering Committee, expressing a Ingham County sheriff. the director of public safety and of Viet veteran's need for the revision of bylaws. The Public Safety Committee is The primary function of the University Committee on Public the Academic Council of any recommendations they see I seeking an explanation as to Safety is to study and evaluate needed in public safety services LANSING (UPI) — Dependents of Vietnam veterans killed In whether University employes public safety services, facilities or policies. action, missing In action or prisoners of wsr would be able to attend who are not membtrs of the and policies. any state college or university free under a bill Introduced In the faculty should be represented on The committee is composed III the driversoat state Senate Tuesday. The bill, sponsored by Sen. William Faust, D-WmUand, would also provide Michigan Vletnsm veterans with a 10 the panel. The committee li also seeking an explanation ss to the of seven faculty members, four undergraduate students, one $SAVES per cent discount vague, unclear and seemingly graduate student and two ■Oirmsn ihoplurBI looks upiat ovor the faot that Him time It up on hli parking place in front of st state schools. CUT YOUR MONTHLY overlapping jurisdiction of student members ■ at ■ large. The THwdent Servloaj Building. His owner will bo }ltenv«ioi>t) on nil winainitld, even more upset If ho oome* hack mid finds « "The cost of a college education today Is staggering and the several other committees, director of the School of LIVING iXPENSiS children of Vietnam veterans should not be deprived or hindered Louis A. Hndeiet, professor Criminal Justice, Arthus F, State Newt photo by Chris Fischer from obtaining a higher education because of no parent to of prlmlnsl Justice and chairmen Hrandstatter, and the director of provide financial help/'Faust said, of the committee, drafted a the Dept. of Public Safety, I.eweal gems Prices In Ibe letiee: HOWELL cm ■ No intranet Ftm egetarians call diet healthier • 4oiv Lot R$nt»l Ratpt nun i • • Motbl ClMrtncp Salt iaty Finance Ttrmi healthier and Michigan'! Network ef ly RICK WILBIN8 Many of thorn moro economical. are young, Since brown rice contains this enthusiast vegetarians, often ration, It has become a basic have no tangible moral reasons drugs. "I find it revealing," he said, save up to 80%! New Mobil* Horns Csmmunitiei mNiwi Staff Writer "We all like to get high," "that In the Bible God promised X pinkish • brown jpig membera of a counter - culture who have rejected middle • clam food for the "veg ■ zens." for not eating meat as the Helen explained, "and this diet the Israelites a land of milk and snvc en cenrlnn nt 548 6400 PARK Robert Anderson, chairman "purists" do, but Kolsily as It rldea the morality, goals, tradition and of the Religion Dept., who calls nevertheless reject the heartless, they does your body good at the honey — neither of which WHITE ON ■onveyor belt. At a diet. - himself a "wishy - washy assembly • line destruction of same time. Coming back to natural foods is a way of staying requries that something be 540-0007 SUES Tilly designated point, "Not eating meat is vegetarian," said Americans are a animals. high and staying with the killed to get it. Perhaps this I 96 a PINCKNEY no. EXIT Wives an electric shock has something to say for the way economically, ecologically and meat - earing people largely "If you can't kill what you world." should bst kills it. physiologically better for you," because they have not eat, you shouldn't eat it," "Staying with the world" we getting — or food." should not — be ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Kg shrieks with pain and Helen, who writes "Helen internalized the animism of the Karen said. "People become our ill may someday involve eating empty with fright. Healthnut" column In the Joint Eastern religions. really insensitive to animals 75c off Jt reaches the last stop only foods that can be derived ■«lts Inlously head sliced off and is Iasue, said. "It's cheaper to eat grains and teas than to eat meat and you "Americans are largely a when they are removed from the Christian people whose religion killing process " gives them no profound theory This new breed of vegetarian nonvlolently, some veg ■ zens and purist vegetarians insist. Prof. Anderson said he thinks } ■ to roll into a long feel better for It, too," she of the nature," he explained. does eat some meat — but only there might be a subtle message * on a King IB" (1 item) * explained. "They do not see nature as small fish or fowl and only once In the Bible that reinforces this Ihort time, this pig - or The Influence of the Eastern sacred and can destroy animals In a while. |n of it-will become a religions and their regard for and plant life with impunity." "I guess you douldn't really notion. if or more) Varsity Pizza * piece of bacoi^ , n i or any number of living creatures Is clearly evident In the diet of this breed of Anderson said that call us vegetarians," Karen, a * with this ad on March 8,1972. 3" induatrlalization "has helped us member of the Family of Man /,O STUDENT new els. 8 p.m.-10 p.m. vegetarian. lose sight of our feelings for Co • op said, "because we eat DISCOUNT I p ring process of maiming, and packaging Many of them follow a dietary discipline similar to the nature.'' Animals are destroyed some meats — but only to make •Time* Watch Repair •ilectrlc Shaver Repair tonight 3^ fREE, FAST. HOT, DELIVERY begins at 6:30 mechanically and without sure we get all the proteins we in the Show Bar h it accepted by all Zen Buddhists and ait thus emotion. need." *Bt9, Mi. 48903 SPECIALIZED RESEARCH, LEGAL AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH, EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS, GET YOURS NOW! AND 3c PHOTOCOPYINGI VALUE! with the sensitive but strong 20 watt AM/FM receiver all the way to the mini-pro turntable, youll find a natural winner for stereo sounds and space saving in the dorm, apartment or home. And the walnut finished ■me wide ■ range speekers give this music center the added Creative plus that'll tighten up the looks of any room. So drop by the DISC SHOP or HIFI BUYS. .and turn on to. press the RTS-20. Only at the DISC SHOP and HIFI BUYS.. ["••uiieeeete Phone.. (■■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■in LOWEST PRICES IN TOWNI Research where great sounds and economical prices will always turn you on - naturally I A SPECIAL SELLING OF SYNTHETIC WIGS /I fore/c Model 1320 $11.00 Cassette Recorder PUSHBUTTON DUAL-MOTOR SYSTEM 20% OFF Our Reg. $14.55 This has to be one of the best cassette recorder buys we have *ALL WIGGERY SERVICE AVAILABLE ever offered. The Norelco 1320 offers features youH never see on copycats. Things like DUAL-MOTOR drive for better Bajcony Beauty Sajor^ sound and reliability. All pushbutton controls, automatic level control for goof proof recording. Includes remote control microphone and C30 cassette. List 39.95. FOR APPOINTMENT, A I Clio c INCLUDING On Will v j $3495 M-r free PHONE: AC ADAPTOR 349-3400 5125 W SACINAW 2055 W CRAND RIVER 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA 245 Ann Street East Laming 372 • 8706 393 - 8568 349 3400 FOR APPOINTMENT, CALL: S Saginaw 8. Pennsylvania Okemos 402 S. Washington Laming 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SPORTS leers topple Duluth! BUCKS WHIP MSU put pressure on Ohio State's faint Big CAGERS, 92 Robinson . 73 ( op*n«d »k final period for UMD, but the Ten basketball title hopes for more than on* half 8y CRAIG REMSBURG Stat* Naws Sports Writer MSU squad put some pressure 23 seconds left. Zip skated behind the Duluth net to Gllray conferred, however, allowed the goal, and of play before being victimized by defansw converting two fre. within one poht of throat*?* on at the Bulldog end for the retrieve a puck and shot the disc Gagnon notched his second lapses that the Buckeyes took advantage of en State gradually took the Bucks 42 J* * JdO Defenseman Bob Boyd took rest of the game to ice the back of the net. The puck tally of the night seven minutes route to their 92 73 victory Tuesday night at at one time built a 22 command 0, ^'b his regular shift, Gilles Gagnon victory. hit a UMD defenseman and later to make it 4 • 1 for MSU. It Columbus. point lead t"fl deflected in. WM *n unassisted marker that The Spartans got off to a slow start, trailing The Spartans did scored two goals and Jim Watt not hay, Although the Spartans It took the Duluth squad just went Into the left corner of the 10 ■ 2 in the early moments, but pulled to within scorers .fter anv „ stopped 32 Minnesota-Duluth shots as the MSU hockey team managed to get three pucks by 45 seconds after the first UMD net. three points, 42 • 39, at halftime. Robinson', p,^ "VJ0u|* deafeated the UMD Bulldogs, 4 - g0aitender Jerome Mrazek intermission to get on the board Thompson squared off with )nce»l |n the opening period, the score as Alan Spartan guard Mike Robinson, with a 30 point 2, In the first game of round one Young scored an Duluth's Pat Boutette near the black cou)d have been much hlgher. unassisted goal. The puck slid end of the P®*"1011 ■» tempers scoring effort, led all scorers and virtually scaled [versity of the WCHA playoffs before Mrazek kicked out 21 MSU under the side of the the Big T*n scoring championship. Ohio Stata'i Mi' 1,637 persons at the Ice Arena ghots many of them from MSU net and upended be8an to flare- Boy* *nd Ernie went into the CamP€' atoo )otn®d ,n th« fracas- Allan Hornyak was second to Robinson entering y11 Tuesday night. close-in, as the play stayed in the corner, to cause some confusion. wh,ch lasted for almost ten the game, but was held to 17 points. I Midw< Kllgore was limited to Bulldog zone most of the period. Officials Sam Sisco and Bob m'n"tes. DON THOMPSON four ««t jce at For Duluth to win the series half «kas ' now, it must beat the Spartans Gilles Gagnon put the on-oni by three goals when the two opartans up 1 - 0 at the 2:40 play' Wrestlers clubs meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. mark of the first period with a enter for the iry Will windup game. power play goal. Bob Boyd lut ho Mark Heaslip made it close faked a shot at the UMD team with a goal at the 7:41 of the blueline and zipped a pass over Ten st to Gagnon, who was stationed to By GARYSCHARRER bask the left of the Duluth net. College Park. Md., wllfhost the its lone defeat In dual meet unpredictable tournament would flnlih high again this year, State News Shorts Writer three dav sophomor first th tourney that, by competition and rates a be at the 126 weight where Milkovlch Is In the same weight as Gagnon put a backhand into the Ami.fi^n™«nnnni«nfton.t Saturday night will have contender as dees perennial defending champ, undefeated Washington's Larry Owlngs apparent) v it ■s™on onaily right corner. eliminated 35 of the country's Oklahoma State Yoshiro Fujlta, (48 - 0) of OSU, whose claim for fame came two an£ie inhirv „ y to 80 ors in Playoffs its finest on ^ em0tion Df top performers in each weight power University which upset Iowa looms as a favorite to repeat. years ago when he won the NCAA SnUn&T"?1* the S| Round one of the Western •SfSSSSS asas*88* ssaee&s minute left in the period as he national competition. And MSU, rated No. 2 to Iowa But Peninger figures freshman Gable Pat Milkovlch is with all other his only collegiate defeat. Malecek Is listed Big Ten match t Lewis also m» 1 Pi° Ten « ana. singite I' rre ptayotf. .nd, tonight, includlnj b».k.«.y. dow\?nd,'In j&zioSSSLEmSi up as one of the will be —- t a .500 the' two-,.™., toti go.ls «rl« f,„m the blueline ■ndtrledto the th.«rachraPlonAlp. ^ contender. I*. JzzxsnsF d/tdlS 'You've between Mnmotn-Duluth, end deke Mr.zek The UMD •""U*I ^The'sp^!'w"?lh. n.tlon.1 *"°W^hS^™«'ZtVi»nc.," ' Tom Milkovlch, IB 0, pUcd .Ml. PUIne, low—nlortoM.J. wZ^^to'hl. IncludM wiStehow™1 ^C AA '196, „d s run Co,ch Gt,dy p,nln!er fourth In the NCAA . Woiclerhnwci; 400.po„nd™ ?! ? t . Sf?r^,r:,.Gs .rrntfthr^" meet two credit. Jf! zxxzp&XZ - — *- -• sffSS ■■BEmSLXS&SG CT>1Su"( strength lies In Its roll SSSL *"d Mkh'li""1 ™Tk f0r "" "COnd MSU ^mTsTS'p™" C title#! but Big Eight teems SSTSTsJlut™2? C.S morf N IM NCAA """komsponmedeltB-Owlth pool will be am 2 open Monday through * past four years after MSL s Greg Johnson (118), Pat 1 :30 |£'ns?'Pst • did Fririav over break interruption. Milkovlch (126) Tom Milkovlch All those interested in crew Iowa State is the Big Eight's (142) Gerald Malecek (167) and club .hoX meet at 8 p.m. favorite this year but any of three heavyweight Ben Lewis lead the ' " in o i bl vt a n'« IM other teams could win the title. Spartan parade of champions and nh 215 MenS 1M Washington handed Iowa State are joined by Rick Radman, Dave « _ Clolek and Calander. ^Johnson is MSU's most ~ LAST ARRAMS g renowned wrestler and has WEEKEND ■ extablished himself as the ! LAST A *Tprp * r> tt t\ k 5 country's Preml" lightweight by I WEEKEND ' " PLANETARIUM\ v 5 winning NCAA titles in each of ■ his two previous showings in j national competition. ■ Johnson, a former Lansing ■ Everett prep ace, owns a varsity ■ career record of 54-5-2 with 17 2 pins and is favored to win his 2 third NCAA title. I PROGRAM SCHEDULE ADMISSION PRICES q Perhaps the most solid I FRl 8:00 & 10:00 p.m. ADULTS $1.00 I prediction of the otherwise I SAT. 2:30, 8:00, & 10:00 p.r MSU Students (i.D.). . . 75c Children (5-12) I SUN 4:00 p.m. 50c No Pre - Schoolers Admitted FOLLOWING 8 and 10 p.m. SHOWS University Volkswagen Service 2621 E. Kalamazoo THE ALBUM Leon Russell Qualified VW Repairs Holding WILL BE PLAYED Phone: 489-8110 MSU heavyweight Ben Lewis, two time Big Ten cnampion and a fifth place finisher in \ last year, holds down the the nation Michigan heavyweight. Lewis, as a senior, will be competing in hisfu collegiate matches in this weekend's nationals. State News photo by Terry Mil ch Gana he was Lions name Voris me. )'t Pat one s >rt by Mil as defensive coach kanakas 'You've on th i DETROIT (UPI) - Dick Voris after resigning his spot wl Ihomore St. Louis Cardinals. pson, anc "I feel that we are extH the guys fortunate to be able to t^^Wijamin) r, coach of Voris' stature to iMUte to play Ints a gam to handle our defensive coach Joe Schmidt line^"' He con "Dick has coached in the N^J11 personal 12 years. He was a head college. He Is a del specialist." Voris, who spent in charge of thepij seasons J defense for the Cardinals* The Beal Film resignation Monday, isthe« Group Presents 106B Wells coach to be added to the! staff since their relative!® THE ULTIMATE X showing during 1971. Both the new Lions ci J come directly from theCij ^ 1 Leeman Bennett was prej added to the offensive »dj staff to enable Bill work almost exclusively MclJ«T quarterbacks. "A LANDMARK" Variety Everything you have ever seen previously was merely preparatory to the experience of seeing MONA. MONA is the ultimate X film. The degree to which MONA is explicit is quite simply, unparalleled. MONA will show you more than you d expect to see; perhaps even more than you may want to The Beal Film Group slings no bull. We warrant that MONA is as explicit as anything presently screened in LA, San Francisco, or N.Y. If you doubt us, simply ask anyone of the several hundred people who have seen MONA preview screening here at MSU. during its They will tell you MONA is the ULTIMATE X. State News, East Lansing, Michigan lichiga" SPORTS Wednesday, March 8, 1972 1] 73 r-s5 [K COSSELIN S' power mm«nd of th, partan basketball By GARYKORRECK doubt as to the Spartans' >int lead. State News Sports Writer 1 nums cage experts In. rece"t years it has been a supremacy. "The turning point of the h,v# >nV .. oig aeal for we were more fired up," Dittrich doubt. Spartan teams to meet came when we scored out whip U M. In anything. MSU explained, "We knew what we ,«lJ!J.rmanc' t,ced attack ** ^ again, good triumphs over evil; the white hats beat - trackmen have done it five times first point," he said. Assistant coach Jim Gibbard wanted and there wasn't . i. Ick hats; the s«ood guvs sauelch the bad mivs- and th-. the good guys squelch the bad guys; and the already this season, though, out - added, "When Juice (Wisconsin's deterring from our goal." 'ity of Michigan crawls out of Jenison Fieldhouse in irsting the Wolverines in three Greg Prime evidence of sui Michigan State does have a basketball team. "Grape Juice" Johnson) effort was indicated in tne 'lay m««ts, stomping them in a could , get only fourth in the long 1,n« Points f0r , f|y in November, the so-called basketball experts of dual and burying them, in the jump, we knew we had them. performance of hurdler John *• finthd Midwest gave Gus Ganakas cage crew about as much Big Ten finals. Johnson was of the Morrison — rated in a grab bag t0 'our fint at equaling its 9 - 15 mark of last season as Gary Only the wrestlers, whose Big meet favorites in the event. pre one group of eight men in both the h,|f, ^ would be given in beating Kareem Jabbar at Ten titles are almost high and low hurdlers, with U expected, Del Gregory, MSU's long m"s Godfrey Murray, "in" the n one. The experts could see only one respectable and the cross country squad - jumper, soared 25 VA to place playing out of the state of Michigan, that team being highs, the only favorite, - which used the legs of many — of second behind --— —•••— Purdue's "ciwinc Jerome " Morrison ' current trackmen —v fi,„ ■ Wilmore. the . . just missea nipping - have Belin (25 - 2>A) and John Ross ♦ lut how attitudes have changes. The MSU team, that won conference this Murray in the highs but he U | ' team that was a near unanimous choice to finish the season. crowns catapulted to 24 - 5V4 to gain outlegged everyone in the lows, third. I TeI1 season at the lowest rung of the ladder, has sent For the record, MSU "We broke their finishing with a team high 11 basketball players and teams spinning, overwhelmed its opposition in back (Wisconsin's) points! the Spartans shocked Kentucky, a team ranked the Big Ten right there," Gibbard Ken Popejoy led off the °te 'ist matchup, totaling added. " is seaion onally in the top ten. Then Gus* boys took second place 65 points to 42 for Saturday session by blasting past ready to goaf Illinois, its One of the big heroes for the "y v ors in a oair of tourney's - tournaments many people nearest challenger. sub - four minute outdoor miler Prevented him the Spartans had no right playing in. Then came the Spartans was long - legged Lee LaBadie, of Illinois, and «' »n his Defending champ Wisconsin sophomore Bob Casselman. The latch two champio jen season and with it severe shock treatments for struggled to third with 35; Grand Rapids sophomore capturing his specialty going weeksi tna, Iowa, Illinois and to the dismay of no East ripped away. Purdue closed with 32 and U M off his - second straight Big Ten singite Michigan, and the Spartans are assured of at placed fifth with 25. indoor 600 title with Herb Washington, Marshall t g .500 finish. a 1:09.9 Dill and LaRue Butchee Indiana topped the second clocking and anchored the 'You've got to give credit to the guys because they're so five with transcended the pressure also - 23, followed by Ohio winning mile realy unit to a little," Ganakas praised. "They go out as the smaller State (21), Minnesota (16), 3:12.1 first place finish in the running to no less than fourth in every game and still put out 100 percent. They're a team and they've been playing gutty ball all season." Iowa (9) and Northwestern Coach Fran Dittrich hailed (6). final event on the program. Pre • meet times showed MSU both dashes. Washington won the 60 in 5.9; - Dill the 300 in 29.6, both Big Ten records. MSU sophomore Bob Kicking out Cassleman, two-time winner of the Big Ten indoor 600 Jus had expressed concern for the welfare of his team the victory as "a total team to be underdogs in both events. - yard run and Dave Dieters ran a season best twice anchorman on j to the Michigan game. The contest was originally effort that paid off" and he was nationally qualifying Spartan mile relay team, pulls away from a Dittrich admitted, some of Northwestern rfuled to be played on Saturday night, but was changed quick to add there was little the other schools were fired 2:11 in the 1000 to gain a third runner ii a dual meet held earlier in the season at Jenison. n afternoon time. up and Marv Roberts, as he State News photo by Milt Horst 'Maybe that's better," Ganakas commented in a promised, placed in the shot put with a 53 5 toss, good for fifth tistic vein, "Now the game will be over quicker." - t was funny at the time because Michigan was expected place. jll to level the Spartans and possibly imbed the smaller Mick still upset in Ron Cool gained fourth the 880 and Mike place Hurd captured fifth in the low hurdles to round out the MSU scoring. All that's left for the about Cy Young trackmen now is the NCAA finals — scheduled for Friday and Saturday in Detroit's Cobo Arena. you LAKELAND, FLA. (UPI) — If during the season because there had the notion that Mickey wasn't any such award. And then Lolich was just popping off there somebody came along and said, We're going to go there'and hope*we can Team how to run on down boards " Dittrich Million Dollar last fall when he said he should 'Let's have a Cy Young Award for commented. MSU has run its have won the Cy Young Award the top pitcher in the league,' ^^0 thus far on its own much instead of Vida Blue, forget it. You'd go and pick a winner. And SALE acclaimed Tartan surface, and The Detroit Tigers' 25-game you know what the first thing is other variants of it winner meant it then, he means it that you'd do? Mslj has quaiified n men for —w, and the only guy around the "You'd go and look at the the natj0nals, including three Tigers'training camp here who is record, undefeated performers in more emphatic on the subject is "And my record was better Wash ington, rPopejoy and manager Billy Martin, who is still than his." Casselman. so upset he thinks the system of A brief glimpse at those records voting "ought to be changed." look like this: "Blue's good, all right," Blue won 24, lost 8 — Lolich (fUiialias concedes battling Billy, "but he won 25, lost 14; Blue's earned run RENT (R) talks to /tlayers was a half year pitcher —he won - average was 1.82, best in the 17 games in the first half of the league - Lolich's era was 2.92, U team into the rubberized tartan surface. But instead, season and only seven in the 10th best; Blue started 39 games YOUR TV. . . as Wilmore and Co. that suffered the humiliation that second. and completed 24 — Lolich"* sher in the nation^fc'one had predicted for the Spartans, "Blue runs out of gas in the started 45 and completed 29; tmpetingin hisfi 8amo w'th Michigan was in particular an early eighth inning," Martin continued. Blue pitched 312 innings — ^"duation present for Spartan senior forward Pat Miller. Lolich pitched 376, a major Pat twice last year had shots in the final seconds that "My man refuels about that time league record. Id have won games for us and missed them and can go on and on." both," ch Ganakas lamented. "He's been "There is no question in my telling me this year he was going to hit one of those shots and win a mind that publicity won it for JUM1S game 3P I S me' ^at M m't shot that w^at y°u m'6ht c8" his best for last. It Blue," says Lolich quietly but one won the game, it was a complete game firmly. >rt by Miller. I tip my hat to him for that." . "Why, heck," Mickey said, "it «^ U Ganakas also went on to praise Miller's "invisible man" got so he was in the headlines no ,\J U LI I ure on the team. matter what he did. When he lost, 'You've got to hand it to Pat," Ganakas said. "As a the headlines said, 'Wow — Blue NEJAC TV RENTALS ling his spot wl homore he had to play in the shadows of Ralph NEED MONEY? finally loses.' Then when he won 337-1300 ardinals. ipson, and I've always said that the guys that suffer most again, htyheadlines said, 'Blue's SEE JULIE! > are exn the guys that play with a superstar. Last year Rudy winning again.' otbe able to I) njamin) did most of the shooting and this season Pat's "Just suppose," said Lolich, oris' stature tol to to play with Miller could go out and get his 15 - 20 • "There wasn't all this publicity rudefensive line its a game but he's ' a team player and doesn't play like Schmidt of th» He competes for the name of the school, not for his •oached In theN « personal glory." le was a head c< N ■ DOWNTOWN Color LAST DAY 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30 "HONKY" ... At P.M. 3 BTTTTI Now Thru Tues. 3 - Top - Hits RATED G !:,"!<'~rl BUT MAY BE TOO INTENSE 2L | in concert | FOR YOUNGER CHILDREN. Monday, March 20 thru March 25 , FISHER THEATRE "Null* JfM* MOSS priuM SWKT SWfCTMCK S IAAMSSSSS SONS w ' CINflMTIOII INOUtTRKS MmM • COLO* J J}''® X jrs' cotton knit rompers *Rharharharharha Great two new romper styles for junior fun. One and piece designs, most in carefree cotton knit. ■■ * f\f\ I fy W II presents Solids, stripes, jacquards in a bright array of ^ • f \J "A masterful accomplishment! * joraiK..™ colors, some with contrast trims, novelty details. reg. $20-$26 One of the most affecting pictures in years." -Arthur Knight Sat -— ■——« : ^NDROIVEDA * STRAIN ^ sweater knit coats and capes ► 9:20 4 Values to $20. Open or button front coats with _ bracelet sleeves, fringed capes. Pointelle and 1 O novelty knits. Assorted colors, sizes S-M-L. I ^ f GREGORY /H 0n0 TOEMNGtR FILM Richard had all PECK juniors' cotton knit tops HALWALUS Values to $9. Famous make cotton knits witn he needed to hold PRODUCTION jewel necks or placket front and collars. Light and his marriage together. Miranda, Audrey, Jessica, SHOOT OUT A UNIVERSAL PICTURE •TECHNICOLOR* | dark solids, short sleeves. Sizes S-M-L. 4.90 Egl'SB' Marcy, Doria... 7;15 . fttWCINl) .,KIIIYWINN ^fQJCH DY4N OINNON ELLIOTT GOULD juniors' flare leg jeans Tonight in Brody Southwest w~*GOOD JMMES COCO IN A DAVID L. WOIPER Product.on "I LOVE MY... Values to $11. Western and novelty wovens, knits, some brushed cotton denims. styles in M I, D^'* required Dinner Hall 7:30, 9:30 &FRJENDS JENNIFER O'NEILL WIFE" Solids, prints, zip or button front. Darks and 5.90 t WV1M" pastels. Sportswear, Meridian Mall. $1.00 Admission PtC'UW^ TtCMN"-'HO" R«. 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan THERE'S GOLD IN THEM/ -i 11 A utomotive Automotive • [GET Action WITHA Want Ad * .•ms'Mm-,. -y:: AUTOMOTIVE CORVAIR p.m. MONZA, 1964. 70,000. Dependable, highest bid. Phil, 6 332-0682. 3-3-10 COUGAR" 79677 V-87po^er~steeM ng~ VOLKSWAGEN 4-3-10 1969, sunroof, AM/FM radio, excellent running condition, $1000. 337-2743. ONE MAN for three-man, spring ONE MAN for two bedroom Scooters & Cycles term. University Terrace, $170 / three-man. No deposit. Al, power brakes, factory air, vinyl Auto Parts & Service VOLKSWAGEN, 1969. Runs good, term. 351-8168. 8-3-10 349-1312after 3 p.m. 3-3-10 roof, snow tires, factory stereo blue, automatic stick shift. $850. J *»• Aviation tape system, will sacrifice. $795. 0788. 3 3.9 482-8221. 4-3-10 TWO BEDROOM apartment needs »EMPLOYMENT » FOR RENT 655-3493. 4-3-10 DODGE CHARGER 1969. Must sell, VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1967. Reliable third man. $60. 339-9468. No x lease or deposit, 1-3-8 CAMPUS ONE PERSON Cedar needed Greens sal An!l INISHED APAF Apartments being transferred. Excellent condition. 3-3-10 484-7900. camper, rebuilt engine. $1500. Must sell. 351-3273 after 4 p.m. ONE GIRL, spring, Waters Edge FOR FALL Reduced 351-5328.3-3-9 rent Caiil■ Houses 43-10 Apartment, was manager's DAIUMANN Rooms FOR SALE 2 DODGE STEP-VANS, both run well. May be seen at 4986 VOLKSWAGEN, 1968, Mag wheels, apartment. Two bathrooms, new furniture, shag carpeting, Rent girl Roommate leasees for 2-man ($70/| Itul APARTMENTS ► Animals Northwind Drive, East Lansing. radio, reliable transportation, negotiable. 351 4806. 1-3-8 Spring fr. !■ Between, 9-5:30 P.M. 3-3-9 $950. Phone 351-8071. 3-3-8 361-8298. 3-3-9 ' ■ Mobile Homes 2 BEDROOM, 5 room apartment, 'Lost & Found FORD 1966 station VOLKSWAGEN 1963. California newly carpeted, draperies, stove, 2-MAN apartment fw a wagon, 8 ► PERSONAL passenger, power steering and bus, beautiful, like new, 36,000. $850. Call 1-3 p.m. 351 0069 refrigerator, dishwasher. Close to Frandor. Married couples only. 2 ONE MAN for 4 man. America Spring and summer Apartments. Next? c'J ► PEANUTS PERSONAL tailgate, New tires, brakes and Apartments, close, $55. 351-6085 battery, best offer, 339-2219. B1 1-3-8 children welcome. 2701 East Oorms, swimming REAL ESTATE 2-3-8 pool. J 5-3-10 Saginaw. $190/ month including RECREATION VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1970. all utilities. Deposit required. SUBLET, 3 man apartment, spring SERVICE GRAND PRIX 1966, Compare cars Perfect condition. Call 332-2732. 484 9058, 382 0744. 3-3-10 Twyckingham. $240/month. Call brentwood, EAST [j 2 not prices. 4-speed,AM/FM, 3-3-9 351-0248. 4 3-10 bedrooms UnfJ Typing Service aluminum wheels, heavy duty NEED 2 girls. Spring term. No available immediately. L VOLKSWAGEN 1967. 47,000, must air TRANSPORTATION conditioned carol • suspension. New: clutch, shocks, deposit. June rent paid. Across 1 GIRL needed sell. Best offer. Call evenings from campus. 332-0642. 3-3-10 spring or Privileges. $165 and $jl WANTED exhaust, brakes. Excellent condition, $800. Phone 371-2683. 332-0439. 3-3-10 'REFHRA/INQ THE QUE/HON /MftH - WHAT01HER immediately. 332-0260. 4 3 10 $52/month. FABIAN REALTY T DEADLINE 482-0571, 669-9873.4.J 4-3-10 VOLKSWAGEN 1966. New motor INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE/ ARE 1WEPE? NEEDED) Village ONE girl for Old Cedar $68 / month. 351 3339. 2 GIRLS wanted spring term. Old 1 P.M. one class day before JAGUAR, 1964 MK10.4-door, motor and GIRL TO sublease brakes, guaranteed. Radio, no 3.1^ publication. completely overhauled, body dents, clean, $650. 355-5100. __3-3-1^0 Cedar Village. Call 332-8539 term, pool i excellent, mechanically good. 3-3-10 QHtAHKiy STEAHW/Brt 029/e LMithlA. MICH. SUBLEASE 2 bedroom apartment. 1-3-8 negotiable. 351-1! Cancellations/Corrections $1500 Call Battle Creek, 964-2921. Northwind Farms. - 12 noon one class day 5-3-10 VOLKSW/^GeTT BUS~1962i~Travel? Air-conditioned, dishwasher, pool. GIRL TO sublet spring - Old Cedar CEDAR - VILLAGE, or before publication. $200. 372-7321 after 6 p.m. 351-2513.3-3-8 Village. $68. No deposit. sublease, spring ti PHONE MAVERICK 1970. Automatic, excellent condition. Runs in any 3-3-10 Employment For Rent 332-8369. 3-3-10 337-1875. 4 3-10 1 2 GIRLS 355-8255 weather. 351 -1309. 3-3-8 VOLKSWAGEN 1970. New tires, WANTED, BOOKKEEPER, full time, PARKNG. 1 block from campus. married students wantad 'or MAN WANTED, TwyJ muffler, excellent condition. basic bookkeeping skills, good townhouse. Quiet. 351-5726. RATES 10 word minimum MERCEDES 2220S Sedan. 1959. Private, paved, lighted lot, $10 & faculty spring, $60, no deposit $1700. Call after 5 p.m. business writing, attention to 3^300 paid. 332-3939. 5-3-8 Best offer. Call 646-6677 after per month. 349-9609. O-3-3-10 No. DAYS 371-3109. 3-3-10 details. Hours flexible. Call for FURNISHED 2 man, sublease, clean, No. 5:15 p.m. 3-3-10 appointment, 337-2310. 5-3-10 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts. WORDS 1 3 5 10 close, air. pool. 332-8922, Apartments some with study 625-3879. 9-3-10 MERCURY CAPRI, 1971, beautiful 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 STUDENT TO live with family and dark green, excellent condition, help with 3 children. 2 blocks EFFICIENCY APARTMENT for 2 MEADOWBROOK TRACE, clean. 1 1 MAN efficiency, |i economical. 351-1374. 3-3-8 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 MUSTANG 1969. 2 door hardtop, 8 VOLVO, snow 1966. 1800S, overdrive, tires, excellent condition. Michel in X 's. 482-3984. 5-3-9 from campus, private room, board, salary. Beginning spring men. Utilities paid. One block from Berkey. Also single rooms. from *145 per mo. bedroom, air - conditioning, $155 / month. Sublet. 393 1531. 5 3^9 5129 a month, includin) 332-0497.4-3-10 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 quarter and continuing. Call cylinder. 3-speed Trans, radio, 332-1105. 4-3-10 Parking available. 351 9504 UNFURNISHED white tires. One owner. Actual 3-3-10 1 BEDROOM, 1 block campus, 3 SUBLEASE APARTMENT! 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 miles. 2 year G.W. Warranty. Scooters & Cycles children welcome month lease. $130 / month. 215 m8n near camput.f $1495. CURTIS FORD OF COOK. PART time, with TWO MEN for 4-man spring, please, Louis , 3-6 p.m. 0-5-3-9 332-3022. 4-3-10 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 no pets WILLI AMSTON, 655-2133. TRIUMPH 1970 Trophy 250. breakfast experience. Excellent Twyckingham, no deposit. 3.75 to.oo 4-3-10 excellent condition, low mileage. and working conditions. 351-1242. 3-3-10 OKEMOS. 3 room and bath. NEED ONE girl for Can*! 16.25 32.50 pay Furnished. 2 students or employed. supervised housing^ 347 Student Services Bldg. MUSTANG 1965. 2 door, hardtop, 6 351-5838 or 484 3072 after 6 p.m. 2-3-9 Phone p.m., Mr. Chamberlain after 5 675-5103. 3-3-10 PERSON FOR 3-man, $60/month, KNOB Hill $130/month plus utilities and deposit. IV4-4948. 3-3-8 351-6257.4-3-10 cylinder, power steering. own room, Close, no deposit. All student ads must be prepaid NOVA 339-2650. 1-3-8 1969, excellent condition, FULL TIME hostess, must be very responsible and willing to work. 351-8368, 351 9036. 3-3-10 NEED ONE APARTMENTS NEEDED: MALE to sublet Absolutely phone calls. Apply man for a three man Americana. The no - 349-4700 Spring term. GOOD State News will be 36,000 miles, must sell. 372-1258. in apartment. Near campus. Call Bob 227 BOGUE. 1971 YAMAHA 200. 2600 miles, person, NORTHWIND DEAL. 332-3738. 3-3-8 3-3-10 furnished apartment, $ll responsible only for the suberb condition.Will do 70 allday, STABLES. 3-3-10 at (313) 644-1206. 1-3-8 OPEN Mondav • Friday first day's incorrect OLDSMOBILE 1965 88. Motor Phone 332-6154, Don. 5-3-10 9 a.m. • 5 p.m. NEED ONE girl to take my place married 489-5922. 4 3-10 couple. 3^ PART TIME student employment. 12 NEED ONE man for a 3-man spring term. No deposit. 351-5331, insertion. rebuilt, excellent transportation, Saturday 12-5 p.m. HONDA 1 970, • 20 hours/week. Automobile apartment. Near campus. Call Judy. Evenings. 3-3-8 $400. 355-3135. 4-3-10 175cc Street LOCATED W MILE NORTH ONE required. 361-5800 Dave at 332-6197 about MAN, spring Scrambler. Excellent condition, for OF JOLLY RD. ON apartment. S150/ terr OLDSMOBILE 1971, Vista Cruiser, 9 $500. Call Battle Creek, 964-2921. information. C-3-3-8 Apartment No. 20. 2-3-9 SUBLET. 1 man for OKEMOS ROAD 2 man, 4-3-10 Automotive - passenger, many extras. Call 5-3-10 immediate occupancy, evenings, 372-4774. 3-3-10 DREAM JOB. Teach make - up GIRL FOR Lansing apartment, own 351 8788. 3-3-10 TRIUMPH BURCHAM WOODS. 01 AUSTIN HEALEY 1968. great BONNEVILLE, very methods used in Hollywood for room. Call 371-2411 after 5 p.m. condition, extras, low mileage, clean, very fast, new electrics, new natural on high style looks. 3-3-9 two bed, furnished.I OLDSMOBILE 1969. "98" full tire. 30 day guarantee, $800. ONE BEDROOM Spring. Call 351-5315 «fj $750. 337-1731 Scott. 2-3-8 Training at our expense. Money is apartment near power, luxury sedan with air. 337-9245. x-5-3-8 Sparrow. Furnished, air - ONE Good price. 4-3-10 882 3091. 3-3-10 good if you're ambitious. Can lead BEDROOM furnished to executive position. VIVIANE conditioned. Will negotiate. apartment, near campus, sublease FURNISHED STUDIO, DISCOUNT BICYCLE Shop - WOODARD COSMETICS, 487-3031. 3-3-10 spring and summer, 351-2777 or accommodates 2. $32.50 per OLDSMOBILE 1965. Vista cruiser Coming Spring Term at Millers 351-0996after 5PM. 3-3-8 subsidiary of General Foods. week, includes utilities, parking. wagon. $250 or best offer. Mark, Ace Hardware. DESPERATELY NEED girl for 201 East Grand 351-6623. 0-6-3-10 251 Spartan. BUICK SKYLARK convertible, 332-6440. 4-3-10 Phone 332-6078. ONE MAN for ' River, East Lansing. 351-6184. 4-man. Cedar Village. Will ONE 1966. Excellent condition. Dark BEDROOM, unfurnished, 3-3-10 Close to campus. $62 p| 4-3-10 WANTED SIX models for well - negotiate. 332-4403. 3-3-10 sublet, $145. Burcham Woods green / white top. Automatic, PEUGEOT 1971. 304 radio, heated 337-9489. 3-3-9 known firms. All letters will be 351 -0949 after 6 PM. 5-3 10 power steering, radio. 339-8744. rear window, Michelins, excellent CYCLE ONE GIRL for INSURANCE - Central answered. Everyone interviewed. spacious 2-man. EAST LANSING duplex.C B-1-3-8 condition, only 16,000 miles at just Michigan's Largest insurer, any Please send name, address, Spring term. Close. 351-1607. bedroom, full $1495. Call 482-1473. X-5-3-10 3-3-10 cycle, any rate. 144 North 1 b| BUICK SKYLARK 1966. V-8 Harrison, East Lansing or telephone number and photo. Models, Post Office Box 284, East WHAT YOU SEE NEEDED ONE male being to sublet Appliances included. automatic, power steering and RAMBLER 1961, very good luxurious shelter at Twyckingham. campus. Ma 332-5335. LLOYD'S OF Lansing. 10-3-10 NEEDED: GIRL for Cedar Village welcome. $210 /■ brakes, very dependable, $425 or,,, transportation, best offer. Smells good. Call Jim, 353 6400 offer. After five, 332-1154. 3-3-8 LANSING. 11-3-10 starting next fall. Call 353-1949. ... is what you get! after 3 30 p.m. 5-3^10 349-9675 or 349-0560. | 351-7707 after 5:30 p.m. 3-3-10 3-3-10 I f you get over to see PART TIME work. Available 20 CHEVROLET IMPALAS, 1971 beige SIMCA 1204, 1969 Front wheel hours week. Need 12 men Cedar NEED ONE studious man for spring drive -nice Aviation per with cars. Call 351-7319 for TWYCKINGHAM. ONE man needed Village right term. Across from campus. 2-door hardtop. Brown vinyl top. - must sell, ask $700. for 4-man. Pool, air - conditioend. 351-0371. 4-3-10 interview appointment. C-3-10 away. 351-5084. 4 3-10 4-door, dark green, hardtop, LEARN TO FLYI No Complete flight deposit. $55 /month. automatic, power steering, brakes, training. All courses are 337-0200. 3-3-10 IMMEDIATELY. GIRL ^ AM/FM . Mr. Welsh, 372-1098, STATION WAGON Chevy 1968. FEMALE PART time, evening work EAST LANSING. One bedroom $70, sublease. government and VA certified. 489 5909. 3-310 484-8415. 5-3-9 V-8, stick, runs great. $650, best in our office across from campus. Now furnished apartment, one block offer. Bruce 351-0956. 2-3-8 FRANCIS AVIATION, Airport 351-3700. 2-3-9 ONE MAN needed for three bedroom leasing for from Union Building. $135 / Road. Call 484-1324. C-3-10 apartment. $52.50/ month. Summer & Fall. ONE MAN for four i CHEVROLET 1965, V-8, new month includes utilities. 351-8976 snow TEMPEST MUSICIANS 351-1979. 1-3-8 term. Next to campus. | tires, runs swell, $275. 371-3419. 1963, good runner, NEEDED for Spring between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. 3-3-10 3-3-9 3-3-9 economical, must sell, best offer. A uto Service & Parts gigs to play in top social band. If I MAN for 3-man close to campus, Cedar CHEVY 1948. Good solid body. 355-3102. 2-3-9 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East you play piano - organ, guitar, trumpet or drums, and read pool. $65/ month. Phone Village Needs some THUNDERBIRD 1964, 390 engine, can 351- 3239. B-1-3-8 Apartments 332-1303. 2-3-9 work. Dave, automatic, light beige, good tires, Kalamazoo Street. Complete auto . . Since 1940. painting and and fake and Call before 5 p.m., want top money. 371-4714 ask AMERICANA CROSSWORD $450.489 0587. 3-3-8 APARTMENTS now collision for Mike, after 7 p.m., 699-2819. Bogue St. at the Red CHEVY 1968, stick shift, V-8, power C-3-10 service. IV 5-0256. 2-3-9 renting for summer and fall. Cedar PUZZLE steering, tinted windows, low 332 5322. B-1-3-8 25. Platforms TORINO GT 1970, buckets, radio, 351-5180 ACROSS mileage $825. Also 1964 Vista disc brakes, automatic, snow tires. KF.EP ON truckin.'. Repair work on GIRLS. WORK at homel $2-$6/hour. 27. largon Cruiser wagon, fine second car. EDEN ROC Apartments now renting CEDAR GREEN Apartments. Three L. Angel 29. light color 349-2824. 4-3-10 Volkswagen bugs, busses,or Ghias. Must have good phone voice. Call Only $525. 332-6226. 3-3-10 for summer and fall. 332-8488. 1 bedroom units available for 7. Second 30. Nickel symbol GRAND RIVER CITGO. 1054 TORINO COBRA 1970, fast back East Grand River 351-9274. 482-0851 ask for Mr. Caine. 3-3-9 B-1 3-8 spring term. $180 / month. Phone president 31. Implore ahIa^L CHEVY CARRV-ALL 1968, power sports coupe. Best offer. 882-9024. 9-3-10 351-8631. 3-3-10 12. Affliction 32. Vandal l Rsj|' ASSISTANT GARDEN Shop brakes, and steering. V-8, 3-3-10 Manager. Spring and summer MARIGOLD APARTMENTS 13. Face with 33. NCO N I TlE.Dl automatic, 3 seats. $1695. TR-6 1970 4 GOODYEAR tires on 14 x 7 M/T terms, full time. Pants and garden OR 2, two man, spring. masonry 34 Cheat E'NATEI 655-3910, after 6 30 p.m. 0-4-3-10 AM/FM, British Racing Green, radials. $2450. mags. $150. 353-0125. 3-3-8 Information, supplies LANDSCAPE sales. TWISS bedroom apartments. Now 351-9132/332-0487 after 4 pm 4-3-10 14. Fall flower 15. Traffic in 35. Learned 37. Beautiful bird ■DIEJblaIG 641-4225. 3-3T0 CENTER, East sacred things 39. Florentine FOREIGN Lansing. 351-0590. 6-3-10 CAR Parts - 337-7328 for appointment. OPENING FOR 1-man in 4-man 16 Assault iris CHEVY 1 960, automatic, radio, 1961 TRIUMPH Classic TR-3, $500 CHEQUERD FLAG, 2605 East apartment with pool. Call Jack or 18. Paraffin 42. Harden brakes, good condition, $150. H ORTICULTURE new or trade for 250cc motorcycle. Kalamazoo Street, 1 mile west of AND Bob at 351 1297 or 371-4778. 19. Wolframite 43. Melodious in 332-4487.4 3 10 669-9411.3-3-9 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE RIVERSIDE EAST and West campus. 487-5055. C-8-3-10 4-3-10 21. Samovar 1. Water resell STUDENTS. Saturday and Apartments now renting for style 22. Brut 44 Saint's holiday 2. Chicago trains CHEVY PANEL truck 1964. Must TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1969. New VW GUARANTEED Sunday retail sales of plants and summer and fall. 332-8292 ONE repair. MAN for 2 23. Mixed type 3 Assessment sell I $300 best offer. 355 2986 garden supplies. Guaranteed base man. Spring. 731 45. Struggled for engine, clutch. Excellent RANDY'S MOBIL. 1-96 at B-1-3-8 Apartments. Color TV, Air, Pool 24. Curb breath 3-3-10 condition. $1300. 485-8326. Okemos Road. 349-9620. C-3-10 plus commission. Experience not Call 351-6612.3-3-9 r~ ,0 " 124 CEDAR. 129 BURCHAM. 2 2 4 ■g- TI e V CORVETTE CAR 4-3-10 necessary. Orientation prior to early April start. TWISS furnished apartments. Including man % 1 PARTS 13 AUCTION. March 12 at Marshall UNUSUAL HONDA 800S Sports car. Employment LANDSCAPE CENTER, East heat, $62.50 - $82.50 per man. CASA DEL SOL — Luxury 1 bedroom apartments, Immediate occupancy. 12 - Street Armory, 12:30 p.m. Lansing. 351 0590. 6-3-10 135 KEDZIE, $85 per man. Lease 1968, four speed, AM/FM radio. iM Anyone can bring Information call 372-4380. 3-3-10 parts. 8500 r.p.m., disc brakes. Sell / trade. 351-1476. 3-3-10 BABYSITTER. 20 hours /week and 5 hours of house work in exchange TELEPHONE PERSONNEL for starting June 15 and September 1. Days 487-3216, evenings till 10 Hotpoint appliances, shag carpeting, drapes, individual heat 16 • %7 18 22. Ch'Wl for room and board. Must like children. 337-1779. 3-3-10 $1.75 per hour. Work evenings. p.m., 882-2316. O-8-3-10 and central air - conditioning. Security and laundry conveniences. %% io 5T ' % 51 2-1 Mars® Apply in person. 1000 W. 1 19 2b. O"1** Saginaw, Lansing. 2-3-9 ONE GIRL needed for 4 man $170-$180 includes all utilities % % I Enjoy Pets? BUSBOY, NOONS, Monday through Saturday, 11:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. apartment. Available March 18. 1 block from campus. Completely except electricity. Rental office open 12-6 p.m. Monday Saturday, 1 - 6 p.m. Sunday. 129 23 ll % is 2M % * lb 26 .28. River® Nalu* Must be dependable, hard and clean. No long hair. JIM'S working For Rent furnished. Utilities and parking included. 349 9609. O-8 3-10 Highland Ave., East Lansing. Phone 31 % %35 29 3?. targf lint ■ 332-1142, or 372-4303. TIFFANY Michigan PLACE. 116 East Avenue, Downtown TV AND STEREO rental. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free APARTMENT FOR re^tT. ~E«i 5-3-10 % % % 11 Wf 1 11 34 3* 36 Lansing. Interviews p.m. 1-3-8 at 2:30 - 4 delivery service and pick up. No Lansing and Okemos. Available SINGLE MAN to share East Lansing % 34. Hair-T deposit. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. March 15. Each $140 a month. Call very deluxe, 2 bedrooms, 4-man 3b Entr4 We do! lust part of the good life at JOB HUNTINGI For your bast first C-3-10 349 4157.3 3-8 furnished townhouse. 351-8575 or 489-5922. 5-3-9 $67.50 Ml H3 36 fc"nT 38 H Meadowbrook Trace 393 .0210 appearance, start with a styled NEED PROFESSIONAL Typing?^* SUBLET4-PERSON % Iff 4(1 Dan* 1 9 e daily apartment. MM hair cut by Bill Slack at Meridian today's Typing Service column or $54 / month. Furnished, SUBLEASE 3 man apartment. Close. 41 I"''! Two miles south of MSU off I - 496 West to Jolly & Dunkel Mall. By appointment. 349-2760. x-4-3 10 call one of our friendly Ad Writers airconditioned, JUNE FREEI Call Furnished, parking. $210 / month. 43 S.lv«B to help you. Dial 355-8255 today. 361-3118. 3-3-8 351 3198. 5 3-8 n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 8, 1972 13 For Sale For Sale Recreation Rooms Apartment* rooms, singles and doubles KNIESEL 180cm skiis, 6 ski trunk rack. boots, poles 355-3538. 3-3-10 Mobile Homes free happy hours nightly! Bahamas, Council approves EPC proposal $ ! 59. Telephone ■jS-ssE >310 Cooking facilities. Utilities paid Call 372-8077. C-3-10 DIAMOND CQ" RING Appraised at $150. Sell for $60 00"6. 3 3-10 -'/. karat. CADILLAC 10' x 50', carpeted .newly remodeled, 114 Trailer Haven. studentours, C-8-3-10 351-2650. (Continued from page one) • A recommendation for an 3-man. Immediate SPARTAN color HALL, men, TV, V4 block campus. 215 ^oinen, TEAC TAPE deck, Sansui 332-0795. 3-3-9 censure "before will not be acted on expanded Military Education Advisory Committee. for Louts amplifier. NEW a succeeding" session of snd March rent free. 3-6 p.m. Reverb and TRAILER Court on the council, rather than at the The council adjourned at • Proposed changes to the Monday Friday . , v speakers, Elac Colby 372-1031.0-8-3 Lake. Adults only. $50 3,351 3125. 4-3-10 10 After 5 p.m. 489-1963. with monthly "next session." 6:15 p.m. with these items Bylaws for Academic school tax included. Call Also, there will be an remaining on the agenda: Governance with respect to no APARTMENTS now EAST LANSING, male students.single 675-7212. B-1-3-8 • A presentation on the inclusion to provide for permitting instructors to vote in ""or summer and fell. rooms, parking, refrioerator CHEVY 1965 convertible, $250 notification of and an invitation Academic Council tape policy. academic governance. M-1-3 8 ED2-6791.5-3-10 n9era,or- Runs great. After 4:30 p.m Call HILLCREST, 1972, 12' A real deal! Great x 36', on lot. EUROPE: SUMMER '72. Round trip to be present to the person to 355-2800. 3-3-10 for students, or jets from $219. STUDENTOURS, whom the censure motion is "5; "V|LLA Apartment* now BEAL CO-OPERATIVE $199 per anybody who appreciates 129 East Grand River, 351-2650. Apfrtmenl i ">r summer 0.B-1-3-8 #nd fBl1' term. 332-5555. 5-3-9 525 M.A.C. Phone WATERBED UNITS and - liner, only $40. SIMPLE Fram^bed inexpensive living. used trailers at Also, other MOBILE HOME C-8-3-10 directed. The individual will be notified so he could be present MANOR, 332-2437. 3-3-10 EDROOM ^agadorn, •' 351 deiui ^"apartments (or summer now and fall. For Sale PLEASURES, downstairs, 129 East Grand River. 3-3-10 10' x 50', 2 bedroom, 15 minutes Real Estate at the first meeting at which the issue is presented to the council. Two other items on the Green talks to Big Ten 0788. 3-3. RE CYCLED from campus. GROESBECK-LOW Township taxes, 7. B-1-3-8 CLOTHES, old fi7r*. Furnished. Carpeted 4- bedroom, 2% agenda were by - passed in order ERSON needec CAR SEAT, $8. Electric blanket, $5. velvet, etc. cover - alls, flannel SIMPLE PLEASURES shirts] $1700/694-6061.3-3-10 baths, Colonial, fireplace, family room, rec room. to debate a proposal involving (Continued from page one) Houses Child's chalkboard The three administrators desk, lamp 1967 SUPERIOR in East Close to MSU. 485-7817. student> participation in the uc*d night light, each $2.00. 355-9965 downstairs, 129 E. Grand River' Lansing 4-3-10 very real," the statement said. rent i 5-3-9 3-3-10 Shed, skirting, $1000. 351-6410 political process. In the meeting Green chided requested an interim report from 5328. 3 3 9 ' STREET, 2 bedroom, 3-3-10 Introduced by the student the Joint Group of Faculty furnished. Immediate STEREO COMPONENT, Service member of the Steering Duke for the racial composition Representatives and Athletic $165. 489-8385 WATERBED UNITS, frame, Rollicar of his staff. Gunnings said, "How ROOMMATE ncy mattress AM/FM 40 watt XAM 1971 Committee, Clyde Best, the Directors concerning the issues n (Sis 6-g p.m. ONLYI 2-3-8 liner and foam pad, $60. ULIisted Garrard speakers, CERTIFIED 12' x 52~~2 FOR QUALITY service on stereos, can Duke show leadership in the raised, prior to the scheduled May ... . heateri, $27. REBIRTH, 309 Changer, $185. 332-6226! bedrooms, $4000. Available now. TV's and recorders. THE STEREO proposal endorses active conference and continue to 3-3-10 393-3852. 10-3-10 22-24 conference meeting. B298 3-J9n',h,< ror Own room. spring term, ma be $60/ month, North Washington, 489-6168. O SHOPPE. 337-1300. C-3-10 participation of students democratic political process. in the maintain an all-white office GIBSON KENWOOD 80 watt stereo VALIANT 12' staff." 1 489-3222. 2-3-8 LES Paul Custom, $375. amplifier, x 60', 10 x 20 awning, COMPUTER PROGRAMMER seeks Two minor changes in apartment 4 month* old. Best Alleged incidents of racial Ovation electric guitar, brand offer storage shed. Skirted, 2 part time employment. 351-4284 '9 and summer new, 353-4158. 2-3-9 furnished with washer and bedroom, wording were proposed and discrimination were also Board approves ISING area. 3-4 bedroom*, $175. Traynor 200 watt bass dryer. after 6 p.m. Vita provided. rtments, Ne„. approved before the document n». , j $200 /month. Phone amplifier, $200. Call DUE EAST $3,900,372-7300. 5-3-10 x-5-3-9 was accepted in this form: presented, including: swimming pool, COLE'S BAKERY 3 0r 393-1120. 4-3-10 349-3831. 4-3-8 • Unequal housing and wigs for firemen SURPLUS BAKERY foods at Lost & Found PROFESSIONAL BY THE POUND employment opportunities. reduced prices, 1/3 to 1/2 off The Academic Council: at DRY CLEANING. 50c per pound. • wood, east Ljn LEONARD WHOLESALE S retail prices, great • Deception of blacks by BALTIMORE (AP) - Wigs may eating, great 4 pound minimum. OKEMOS Endorses active student recruiters concerning the length be worn edrooms, LOW PRICES ON economy I Surplus Store, 640 LOST GOLD Diamond ring, women's DRY CLEANERS. 2155 htemilton by city firemen, •ble South Weverly, IM. Sentimental value only. participation in the democratic and renewability of tenders — immediately immediately Road. 349-0910. O-1-3-8 provided they meet the same conditioned, FINE JEWELRY Diamonds North of Reward. 351-6435. 3-3-9 political process. promising nonexistent four - year requirements imposed on natural cam MPUS, 3 bedroom with 1-496 Expressway. • *9* $165 and $j All electric kitchen. 1% C-3-3-10 Urges the faculty to scholarships and reducing them hair. I AN painting interior quality work REALTY Sold loose or mounted. encourage student involvement to term to term scholarships. The >571, 275. Plus utilities. Phone Cnoose from at lowest rates. Grad students, free in - - Board of Fire 669-9873.4-3 4 4 3 10 hundreds of RCA STEREO: turntable, AM/FM estimates, references. 349-4817 political campaigns and • Black players are kept away Commissioners ruled that stereo or programs. from black recruits to hide the could be worn on wigs carry a 30 day satisfaction tuner, extension 349-2781. 3-3-10 TO sublease 3-m# money back guarantee Electro-Voice spakers, $75. duty if the ROOM. Private for girl, real situation 1. pool includ j in quiet houte. . Fender Super Reverb amplifier Personal LONDON $199 • Recommends that the in the athletic hairline remained above the shirt ieble. 351-1989.2- without speakers, $80. 484-7045 Weekly departures from Toronto departments. collar. ltd. Close. No parking. COMPONENT SYSTEMS and New York with open return. faculty take into account when • Black athletes also expressed 3-3-10 RAZOR CUTS, styling, straightening feasible student interest in and coloring. UNION BUILDING BAHAMAS $159 concern that blacks hired for •RM. Own room in four - IMPORTED TAPESTRIES BARBER SHOP. C-1-3-8 Weekly pacakge deals to Bahamas participating in political coaching positions frequently - Rugs - and Jamaica." Bedsperads Giant Sale. Excellent campaigns when scheduling end up performing menial tasks, jse. Close. $55 / month, - Call Frank Buck 351-2286 PERSONAL GROWTH AfANTEO, Tw,. .J $60, no depoii j. 4-3-10 selection. SIMPLE downstairs, 3-3-10 PLEASURES, 129 East Grand River. WORKSHOP FLUTE Hours 12:30-1:30, 5-7 p.m. LESSONS. Private tests, setting attendance requirements and providing for alternative learning experiences. "serving as errand boys rather than coaches." Urban college 332-3939. 5-3-8 • Where class work is Nigel Goodison, Kingston, ACOUSlIC MARSHALL MUSIC. 245 Ann Jamaica junior and a member of 309 N. Washington 150 amplifier $375. involved, it shall be the MSU's coalition of black athletes, Gibson SG $300. Stereo, TV, Street, 351-7830. C-1-3-8 (Continued from page one) Lansing responsibility of the individual made a statement fully endorsing furniture and household goods. student to obtain prior approval Downtown Cheap. 371-3161 after 3 EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS the report submitted by Green, only to the CUA proposal and p.m. TUTORIAL HELP by Ph.D.'s All and to make arrangements with not the idea of MSU's efficiency. In B-1-3-8 COMPUTER PROGRAMS, Drafting, Gunnings, and McMillan. growing STEREO AMPLIFIER, Scott 24-24, sciences, including math, physics, urban commitment. a month, inclw and Cartography, Statistical Analysis, and KLH tuner model 18, $70 for computers. Call 351-8629. "I don't think 497 4 3-10 0 HOUSE', 2 bedroom*, ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER. SCM 0-1-3-8 Speech, Writing, Legal, Medical, anybody included. $175/ month both. 675-5213 after 6 p.m. electric return 12" carriage, 11" Specialized research. WRITE ON, WHAT'S quarrels with the need for more 4-3-10 332-3700. C-3-9 ,SE APARTMENT security deposit. writing line, V4 space, recently WATERBEDS, 5 year guarantee. attention," Cantlon said. Mil near campus. 2 after 6 p.m. 1-3-8 reconditioned. No damage, $150. Direct from factory, from $8.50. The council defeated a 022. 4-3-10 BOSE 901 stereo *peakers. Sony 355 351-1776.4-3-10 4c/3c/2c/1cc. ZEROX COPIES Call 351-0717. 3-3-10 motion offered by Clyde Best, stereo tape deck. Empire turntable 50 COPIES, $1. In*tant service. student steering committee NE girl for Campi with Shure arm. New Electro - HAMMOND ORGAN A and Leslie WRITE ON PHOTO WORKSHOP - Lighting, member, to have a special rvised housini Voice speakers, 25% off list. 210 Abbott Road, 9-6 PM. speaker. Must sell! Call Posing and Composing the Face 332-3700. C-3-10 committee appointed by the 157. 4-3-10 CAMERAS, SLR'*, view finders, 616 429-7003. 4-3-10 and Figure. A repeat of our steering committee and not Polaroids, projectors, and successful workshop held this SAVE-SAVE-SAVE Announcements for It's What's The Public Interest Research EOC, examine MSU's urban equipment. Used color and black PIONEER SX-990 stereo receiver, term. New session begins Monday Happening must be received in the Group in Michigan will meet at 7:30 and white TV sets. Used stereo excellent condition, inquire after XEROX COPYING and offset affairs commitment. April 3. For detaisl, phone Don State News office, 341 Student p.m. Thursday in 33 Union. All those amp*, tuner*, receivers, turntables, 6 p.m.. 353-5868. 3-3-9 printing. Top quality at reasonable Best said he believes EPC can DeKoninck's Studio, 485-8253. Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two interested in working with the group *peekers, 8-track and cassette, prices. THE COPY SHOPPE, 541 not B-1-1-3-8 East Grand class days before publication. No next term are invited. effectively assess the issue home decks and carplayers. Used USED G.E. River, Phone and has become "hung - up on I HOUSE. 557 Cornell, refrigerator, 332-4222. C-3-10 announcements will be accepted by month plus utilities, 8-track tapes, $2 each. Stereo approximately 3' x 2', excellent the black - white issue." He said LOW DHAFT NUMBER ? The phone. No announcements will be International Women's Day will be s March 15 through albums, typewriters, wall shape. $40. 337-0660. 2-3-8 accepted for events outside the EPC is too Army wants to join you? There is celebrated from noon to 3 p.m. emotionally sr 3-3-10 15. Will furnished. tapestries, WILCOX SECONDHAND Police band radios, BUMPER STICKER a legal way to avoid going. Call Jim 332-2803. 1-3-8 Typing Service greater Lansing area. today at the St. John's Student involved with the college - your words Center, 327 MAC Ave. Bring a sack proposal. STORE, 509 East Michigan printed on a 3" x 12" red or green PHOTOCOPIES 3cl Lowest price in The MSU Paddleball Racketball lunch. Child care will be provided. Avenue. James McKee, professor of ROOM, possible 3. New 8-5:30 PM. Monday sticker for ENCOUNTER Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. - $1, copies 25c. (30 GROUP offered. town I CREATIVE RESEARCH, today in and bathroom, carpeted, Saturday. 485-4391. letter maximum.) THE SNIDE March 209 Abbott. O 215 Men's Intramural sociology, made a plea for swift 10,11, 12. Call 339-2730. Bldg. Courts action on the college proposal M WOODS, ricCullough. $160 per BankAmericard, Master Charge, COMPANY, Route 1, Box 93, 2-3-9 are reserved for members. 182-7994. 3-3-10 layaway, terms, trades. C which he said "tears at the guts bed, furnished. Blaine, Washington 98230. 4-3-10 TYPING SERVICES in my home. Call 3515315a) The Ingham County Health Dept. Anyone interested in running for of this University." . ELIMINATOR CABINET. Leather MUSICAL FACT Close to campus. Phone, jrice. 4-310 HOUSE fully furnished, 4 RECTILINEAR III speakers. Garrard 332-3306. 0-1-3-8 will hold an Immunization Clinic 18th precinct dellegate in the "The longer the matter peting, parking, clean, all boots, 11's. Bass. Cheap, best from 1 to 3 p.m. today at the democratic primary should attend a sizzles, the SL-95 turntable with Stanton Nearly 75% of the flutes more debilitating is paid. $200/ month. offers. 355-3577. 3-3-8 Okemos meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the the situation on this campus. cartridge. 393-8652. 4-3-10 found in American homes get PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. Theses, Community Church, 4734 Okemos Road. Shots will be available basement of 126 Orchard St. And let's face it, this has been a HEAD SKIS 190cm. Marker bindings, played at least once a week, term papers. IBM, carbon ribbon, for ages 2 months through adult. SKII'S HART Standard 180cm, \N for 4-man - while over 75% of accordian Math / Greek symbols. Best rates. goddamn dismal winter," McKee :DED spring term for great shape, $35. Pam, 351-2570. Marker heel. Soloman toe. Munari The Str Society owners Call 351-4619. 0-8-3-10 said. to campus. $62 house. Close. $68/month- 3-3-8 boots. 6V4 L. Cheap! 351-9172. say they play their Duffy - Mott's Michigan present "The Woman Play" in honor 189. 339 instrument only a few times a operations will be discussed at a of International Women's Day at 8 3-3-10 2-3-8 ANN BROWN: Typing and multilith BICYCLES - Falter of West year or "never". tonight in the Union Living Room. offset printing. Complete service meeting of the Horticulture Club at 7 NSING duple* Germany is now proud to present If you have a musical ZOOM LENS. New Soligor. p.m. today in 209 Horticulture Bldg. for dissertations, theses, )om, full Rooms a bicycle that solves all storage 90-230mm. F145. Screw Mount. instrument gathering dust be The Lansing Coin Club will meet tices included. 1 li problems; folded. These bicycles are among the finest tooled bikes in the world. The grandeur 10 Need cash. Best offer. 355-9865 evenings. 2-3-8 sure to let STATE News Classified Ads find you a cash manuscripts, general typing, IBM. 22 C-3-10 years experience. 349-0850. at The MSU Veterans Assn. will meet 7 p.m. today in the American at 7 p.m. today at the Scott Art and Garden Center, 915 Townsend St., Cable TV Lansing. A coin auction is scheduled speed races is only $119.95. See Animals buyer. Then you can get TYPING THESES and letters, etc. Legion^ Hall. New members are ffor 7:45. them today! MERIDIAN something you'd really like to (Continued from own. To place a Want Ad dial Rapid accurate service. page one) R4 man. Spring, RECREATIONAL SALES, 2682 All Muskie supporters are 'EN. Furnished, paneled, 2 MALE Puppies, Mother English Experienced. 393-4075. C-3-10 Forum, an open discussion group urged to and even an orientation program impus. 337-068) East Grand River, East Lansing, 355-8255) now!! in LBC, will meet at 7:30 p.m. today attend the Michigan Youth Politics • Parking, cooking, and Setter, $5. After 5 p.m. 882-7685. directed to new students. facilities. 2 blocks from Michigan. Phone 337-2300 next to 2-3-9 in 104C Holmes Hall. A director and Institute convention for precinct TELY. GIRL TYPING TERM papers and theses. The cable idea that Terdal and Tony Coats. 9-3-10 PREGNANT? PANICKY? Consider a speaker will be chosen. delegates at 9 Call Dave, 351-2103. Electric typewriter. Fast service. a.m. Saturday in the sublease. N< the alternatives. Pregnancy the Married Students Union are MEAGAN HAD black shaggy Brody cafeteria. 509. 3310 349-1904. 8-3-10 WE DO most repairing and replace Counseling. 372-1560. O-3-10 La Leche League will meet at 9:30 interested in promoting, initially puppies, free, shots, wormed. N, for four ■ 0SE to broken frames. OPTICAL 337-2339 evenings. 3-3-10 a.m. Thursday at 814L Cherry Lane Women's Interscholastic Softball involves strictly married housing campus with WATERBEDS FROM $9.99. to discuss the art of Team tryouts will be held from 3 to gext t DISCOUNT. 2615 East Michigan breastfeeding connected with different schools Avenue, 372-7409. C-5-3-10 Guaranteed. Direct from factory. and 6 p.m. March 27 through March 31 in overcoming difficulties. Babies and departments of the Call 351-0908. Drive a little, save are welcome. gym 216 Women's Intramural Bldg. ELECTRO-VOICE EV-4A speakers. a lot. Now located at 1649 You must be University. However, Terdal said COMPLETE THESES service. present each day or that phase two of the idea could One pair. $250 or best offer. Greencrest Avenue, East Lansing. Discount printing. IBM typing and Anyone interested in volunteering contact 355 -4761 or 332 - 1223. 111 351-2472.3-3-8 0-8-3-10 binding of theses, resumes, be to connect the residence halls on| ST. BERNARD registered. puppies. AKC 8 weeks old, FREE A lesson in publications. Across from campus, Bangladesh should cot Students for McGovern needs to a cable system. This would be a ce|i|P£t s HOUSE Co-op has SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale. reasonable. Phone 393-0296. ... complexion care. Call 484-4519, East Michigan corner M.A.C. and Grand River, Emergency Relief Fund i volunteers to work in the Wisconsin commercial cable company's ■is.' <3-3-10 $215/month. Call Brand new portables, $49.95. $5.00 4-3-10 or 485-7197, Lansing Mall. below Jones Stationery Shop. Call 7666. primary. For information, call 35s - system or one operated by the 7*ev m per month. Large selection MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS COPYGRAPH SERVICES, 7079 or 355 - 6939. University. fTS* „Quiet single room spring of reconditioned Singers. used machines. Whites, Necchis, New DOG OBEDIENCE classes sponsored STUDIOS, ^3-3-9 337-1666. C-3-10 today Moosuski in the will Show meet Bar, at 7 p.m. Councilman George A. Colburn Though Terdal feels that the National Cable Company might E-TpSVo^B As TOO the exhibit at the Meridian Mall wanted -to set up additional * MUCH! , DON'T FORGET blood comes only production facilities, the rate fee bicycle show. r°4 DRIVER NEEDED to deliver 1967 car to Los Angeles area, call after from people. Save a life. Give blood. Professional donors compensated. MICHIGAN COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER. Maxim The Soviet film "Childhood Gorky" with English subtitles of would increase. Davis said that currently no plans have been discussed by the will be shown at &:30 p.m. Thursday 6 p.m., 339-9376. 3-3-10 University to establish a cable < f J \ 337 7183. C-1-3-8 in 102b Wells Hall. =rde",, halls. 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesda> County jail hypocritical,' ex-convict finds another. It's not All of Ford's a program for Preadmore, it's a program for the ready to help you." . m a training was aii.ied at ji people who are there." Ford came to MSU in 1968, after his parole from the State Preadmore says it is that concern for the inmates that compels Prison of Southern Michigan at Jackson, where he met and programs for closed circuit television, withiin a• *, The Ingham County Jail is generally recognized as a leader in him not to hire former convicts. became friends with William Gamble, professor of art at MSU. art therapy. He has already developed aa fp,.iispecii the drive for reform in criminal institutions, but one MSU student "I don't need heroes in this place," Preadmore says. "This is, Gamble made frequent visits to the prison, where he instructed accomplishments of former inmates h<> has wn?L°f feeling o priH has found it a disappointing hypocrisy. after all, a security institution. We try to get people with the inmates in art. It was under his direction that Ford became are now working on the outside. rked For John Ford, a 48 -year ■ old Honors College art major, the finest minds and the finest education and we don't need an convinced he had a future in art, particularly in the hope that he jail a was only one more closed door slammed in his face because of criminal record he has to carry for the rest of his life. Because example of jail people in this jail." "It's not my job to worry about him," he added. "I can't could use his talent to benefit other inmates. "Art is beneficial to everybody," Ford says with conviction. with a wide variety of jobs, mostly in the WhUe this may be a far cry from his Sd^r !*?" he served 17 years in Jackson Prison for a felony conviction, afford to gamble." work in 1?°nie" Ingham County Sheriff Richard Preadmore refused to give him a "There is no reason why art in different areas can't be used as a painting, he says it has taught him useful with materials. Through it tooZ ' m basis for obtaining training In different areas." position on the staff of his inmate rehabilitation program. Preadmore directs all, he has nr ri of an $800,000 model rehabilitation program During his stay in prison and since coming to the University, paintings since he began experimenting 1 j„ W9 ne«rly According to the sheriff, Ford is an unacceptable risk which he is at the Ingham Cojnty Jail in Mason which has received Ford has channeled his efforts with the intention of going into Ford is critical, however, 6f the project local jail nmo, not prepared to accept. funds from federal and state grafts and Model Cities' generally been hailed as innovative amona programs in prison rehabilitation programs and teaching inmates art and "ui - It is a familiar line to Ford and others like him, but it is all the more stinging coming from a program which advocates the providing inmates with educational and training opportunities as well as treatment in drug addiction. Since this is the first program encouraging their skills by opening them up to new opportunities. He worked in such a program in Jackson for five years and was charges that Preadmore has diverted the purposes at the expense of the inmates pLra "? ac!llli* Suit ^ returning of criminals to productive, normal lives in society. of its kind at a local level, Preadmore says he is in a vulnerable "If you go into a cell you'll find recognized for his "outstanding service to education" with an them snick "How's an ex convict supposed to get on his own two feet if situation. award from the Michigan Educational Assn. in 1964. said. "You won't find any books or ■ he's going to be stopped?" Ford asks. "What he's doing is "Nobody else has ever tried this but me," he says. "Ldon't paper ThPJ and' sP*n, definitely wrong. He's telling the public one thing then doing have to buy trouble." Ford says that his situation is typical of many industries who Further education courses and training at MSU, where he was admitted to the Honors College last year, did not help to erase SSSn.T A°d ' Ford said that the program ki"u really doesn't accomnikk , the stigma of doing time, however, when he was refused a refuse to hire ex • felons. However, he said he feels that his experience as an inmate would enable him to better communicate position with the jail rehabilitation program last June. supposed to because of preoccupation with discipline. He Pre.dmo»nfi~** says that inmates »«n3-5199 (Flight only: $120) Hall when a man kicked a student Student Aid Bonds Yields 5.13% per annum and helps students help themselves Hast Lansing State Bank