By DIANE SILVER with men, there is not much difference between me and State News Staff Writer straight women." Like many other students, Janet, Jacquie and Robin get Lesbians are not perpetually on the hustle for sexual up every morning, drink coffee, smoke a quick cigaret and partners, said Robin, a student who participated in many then rush to classes or work. But these three women are panel discussions on lesbianism. Robin asked that her last >sbians seemingly different from all other students. They be used. are name not c lesbians. They are part of a minority group that numbers from "To me, gay women seem to be less on the hustle then straight women, straight men or gay men," Robin said. "If 2,000 to 4,000 members at MSU, say Gay Liberation a woman tells me she is straight, I take it for granted she is representatives. This number is based on surveys which and leave it there. I don't like being hustled by a man or a report that 10 per cent of any given population is gay. woman, so I wouldn't hustle anyone else." stereotypes and The traditional stereotypes of gay women paints a picture of a masculine creature who wears leather jackets cowboy boots, swears, smokes cigars and enjoys driving Gay women are not looked upon as human beings, the women say. They are labeled as total sexual beings. "The fig leaf seems to have switched from the genitals to trucks. Lesbians are also seen the face," Robin said. as women always on the hustle for sex. There is a myth among heterosexuals that sex is a All three this picture is lesbian's only goys women agree a farce. concern in life, she continued. "You can't just spot a gay "I've often been asked woman'walking down the questions like: What do lesbians street," Janet Baldwin, East Lansing senior said. "Besides do in the daytime?" from the fact that I've gone to bed with women as well as (continued on page 11) the michigan Volume 65 Number 117 Michigan State University Monday, March 5, 1973 Guerillas end takeover that cost 3 envoys' lives KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) — The guerillas, members of the Black Charge d'Affaires Guy Eid were A U.S. embassy spokesman said, Flashing victory signs with their September organization, were taken to brought from the embassy wrapped in "No deals were made." fingers, eight Palestinian guerillas filed the Khartoum army headquarters, burlap. The Jordanian Charge d'Affaires, out of the blood - spattered Saudi where they are now held. The guerillas surrendered after the Adley el Nasser, the Saudi Arabian Arabian Embassy on Sunday to end a The bodies of U.S. Ambassador Sudanese government refused their ambassador, Abdullah Malhouk and 60 hour takeover that cost the lives Cleo A. Noel Jr., U.S. Charge Mrs. Malhouk - demands and gave then till dawn were released unharmed d'Affaires G. Curtis Moore and Belgian Sunday to give by the Black September guerillas who up. took over the embassy with machine guns during a reception Thursday evening. Midpoint of The diplomats were shot Friday night in the embassy basement. The U.S. Embassy here released the text of a brief telephone call from Noel two hours before his death. reached as 2nd group "Is there any news?" he asked. "Are we being overheard?" replied a U.S. Embassy officer. "Yes," replied Noel. "A high ranking American official is due to arrive tonight," said the of POWs lands at base embassy officer. last "That will be too late," were Noel's words before the telephone connection was cut off. By JAMES P. STERBA waiting ambulance buses. Virtually all building at Hanoi's Gia Lam airfield. A Sudanese army officer who (c) 1973 NEW YORK TIMES the men saluted the United States flag, entered the Representatives of the International embassy basement Sunday NEWS SERVICE and American military and civilian Commission for Control and morning saw large pools of blood, CLARK AIR BASE, The dignitaries lined up to greet them. Supervision and the Joint Military spent cartridge cases and a wrist watch Two citizens of Thailand who were Philippines — The second large group Commission who arrived from Saigon lying in the blood. released Sunday also saluted American this morning, delayed the ceremony President Jaafar el Numairi sent of repatriated American prisoners a of war arrived here from Hanoi military officers as they disembarked. United States officials listed their (continued on page 12) (continued on page 12) Sunday, looking pale but generally names as Chem Bamrung Uom and healthy. Their return marked the midpoint Praphan Xirion, but declined to Free a of prisoner releases scheduled to be completed by March 28 under the discuss any information about them. Sunday's release brought to 249 the POW return fails number of Americans repatriated thus Paris cease - fire accord. heers, shouts, thumbs up, V signs and general jubilation shows to unite the country far. Another 234 United States All 106 of the Air Force and the expressions of a group among the 106 former POWs military men remain in North Navy fliers released Sunday walked off leased by the North Vietnamese Sunday and flown to Clark the planes here without help. Some Vietnamese captivity, according to Base in the lists provided by Hanoi. r Phillipines. limped slightly as they walked down (C) 1973 NEW YORK TIMES the ramps and across a red carpet to Another 27 United States AP wirephoto servicemen, three United States NEWS SERVICE LOS ANGELES - For the last four News Analysis civilians, two West Germans and two years, the prisoners of war have played Filipinos were scheduled to be weeks, politicians, editorial writers, released by the Viet Cong in Hanoi a leading role in the bitter national idians, lawyers meet debate over Vietnam. And as they and the prisoners themselves have been today. With their return, 53 United return from captivity, they remain the celebrating the cease - fire and echoing States soldiers and 14 United States the words of released prisoner Capt. focus of deep and angry divisions that civilians will remain in Viet Cong Jeremiah Denton, "God Bless have not been obliterated by their custody. In addition, nine Americans homecoming. America." and one Canadian were But acknowledged The prisoners are a "touchy to its critics, the Nixon o discuss peace terms to have been captured in Laos and still held. Procedures for repatriation in Hanoi followed a Sunday's subject," because even the most outspoken war critics feel sympathy for them as human beings and rejoice at their reunions with their families. administration has "manipulated" the nation's "hunger for heroes" commercial for its own into a record, and the glorification of war itself. Dr. Robert 'OUNDED KNEE, S.D. (AP) indictments. The Indians also had said pattern that had been set during the - post has estimated damage at But when the issue changed from J. Lifton, a professor of psychiatry at militant Indians who seized that only their leaders should face release on Feb. 12 of 116 Americans $150,000. The proposal also provided the personal to the political, when the Yale and an expert on the problems of nded Knee and federal lawyers for local clergymen to observe the criminal charges and that those charges and on Feb. 18 when 20 men were veterans said: prisoners made statements praising issed peace and should not include kidnapping. turned over to United States proposals Sunday in a withdrawals supervise the military President Nixon and his policies - and "I'm pleased like everyone else that »erected between the village Erickson said early Sunday he had officials. the and repayment. when the President invoked their prisoners are getting home. But no commert on the proposals. Col. James R. Dennett of the Air encampment of armed federal In addition, the Indians had said support of him - the lines of conflict what's disturbing is the image being len Wilson said that federal officials Force signed a receipt for the men, created of simple, old • fashioned ringing the community, they want no mass arrests and are were drawn again. here willing to face charges only if they requested that he withdraw his threat including the two Thais, at a table Across the country in the last two (continued on page 11) has been no shooting result from federal grand jury (continued on page 12) placed in front of the terminal rted at Wounded Knee since early Among other things, the Ins • 220 of whom took over the |e withdrawal ut the on Tuesday • were demanding of federal lawmen. president of the Oglala National cancer agency tests %most of whose 12,000 members on the Pine MSU scientists' Ridge reservation * . Wounded Knee is located, said J1 1)0011 told "k that such a by Justice Dept. withdrawal was drug treatment of toxicity ossible. The leader, Richard By MIKE LaNOUE levels to determine the has threatened to lead a force State News Staff Writer proper dosage levels. Editor's Note: The following The initial discovery that certain ' J5 supporters Indians to oust the Wounded A platinum compound developed is the platinum compounds inhibit the whom he says are by MSU scientists to inhibit the first in a series of three iders. articles about research growth of tumors came about growth of various forms of cancer in cancer mice is being used at the National accidentally, Rosenberg says. ,here Was no report on the progress being done at MSU. Several MSI Rosenberg was studying the effects Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Md., in scientists have produced drug J talks between leaders of the • the treatment of human cancer. treatments that are now being of an electrical field on bacterial 'lawyers ^an Indian Movement (AIM), The scientists, including Barnett growth, when he found that the and the U.S. district tested to determine how well bacteria was rapidly growing, but the eys from North Rosenberg and Loretta Van Camp, Dakota and cells in the bacteria were no longer both professors of biophysics, and they combat human cancer. J|alw)ta- 1 to the RalPh Erickson, special other MSU scientists, have developed dividing. U.S. attorney general Rosenberg and fellow researchers n,°r drugs or inorganic compounds that are then discovered that the bacteria had federal official at the Pine predicting that one of the platinum now in various stages of being tested in been contaminated by the platinum inri tied, servation, was in the search for a cure for human cancer. compounds could be a cure for human Knee area but not directly tumors. electrodes in the electrical field and >n discussion of the proposals Rosenberg and Van Camp that this platinum effect had caused »te discovered four years ago that a group "It will be many months before the bacterial cells to cease dividing. Saturday by the Indians. of a platinum compound could block sufficient clinical data will be available "After learning that we could the growth of cancer in mice. to allow a judgment of the efficacy of block cell division in bacteria with U'Pr°P(>sa's were draw UP b>' titans, local clergymen and the Because these platinum compounds this new compound in human platinum compounds, we decided to successful in reducing the tumors," he wrote in an article on his try blocking cell division in animals," J® the Indians held from to have been research. Thursday. growth of tumors in mice, Van Camp Rosenberg recalls. "To our surprise we said people are often led to believe The testing of the platinum found that the platinum compounds Cancer idn P'ian (>f ca"e<* f°r ^e mutual ,awtT>en and Indians and that a cure for human cancer is at hand. But she cautioned that a human compounds being conducted by the are very effective blacks to tumor growth." Paula Faber, laboratory technician for biophysics professor National Cancer Institute is currently at'tution by the Indians of cure is still uncertain and is still being The platinum compounds were in the second stage, where the drugs Barnett Rosenberg, examines a tumor infected mouse being ^ suffered by the Trading Post explored. are used on specific cancers. The first found to not only inhibit the growth studied for effects from various platinum compounds. ^ nded Knee when the take over phase involves testing the drugs for (continued on page 11) co • owner of the trading Rosenberg is also very cautious in State News photo by C.L. Michaels 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan kmm L a N. Viets recovering SAIGON . (AP) — North Vietnam reported Sunday it . _ . „ .. , In South Vietnam, the it. _I a: shooting continued. ' quickly] rw»snitf» this hioh nnmKa* Despiite this high number, U.S. officjais • I! .. I reported that Communist troops or the fighting has generally decreased in .uin nary making a speedy postwar recovery from the devastation The Saigon command gumr ot American bombing and is rebuilding bridges, shipyards shot down a South Vietnamese helicopter on a resupply weeks, with no major battles. " " n lh« past Z The Viet Cong's Giai Phong agency oh " mission northeast of Tay Ninh, a city about 60 milesi from and factories during the cease - fire. government with thousands of cease r ged the S« The biggest accomplishment to date, a Radio Hanoi Saigon, killing all six government troops aboard. accused it of attempting to broadcast reported, has been reactivation of the mile - long The Saigon command claimed 128 more violations of delay the rpi* Vlolations Paul Doumer bridge, the most important in North Vietnam. the cease fire during the 24 - hour period ended at 6 a.m. - civilian and military personnel while1f °fVie^ Supplies from China destined for Hanoi move across the Sunday. liquidate them." lt IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIIIIIIIII bridge. U.S. Air Force bombers knocked it out in raids last May 'Tom can't just spot a gay woman walking 10-11 and again last Sept. 10. Radio Hanoi said the bridge was rebuilt "after 41 days and MYSTERY STUMPS POLICE down the street. Besides from the fact that I've nights of intensive repair work." gone to bed with women as well as with men, there Also reported reopended was the 7,513 - foot Long Vien is not much difference between me and straight women." Janet Baldwin, East Lansing Senior bridge - North Vietnam's longest - which spans the Red River and carries a railroad, a motor road and tracks for pedestrians. North Vietnam's official Communist party newspaper Woman stil Nhan Dan reported that many docks, jetties and berths The disappearance more for a job, using her in, but all have been have been restored at the Bach Dang shipbuilding yard in than a week ago of a 19 - boyfriend's car while he negative so far, Vary said. iiiiiiimiiimimiiimmiiiimimmimiiiimiiiii Haiphong "in preparation for new ships to sail out." slept. Chief Stephen Naert said year - old Lansing woman "Floating bridges, boats and barges are being put remains just as mysterious all possibilities are being together." Nhan Dan said. "Cargoes are quickly processed when first He told police that when considered. U.S. resumes troop withdrawal out of the docks. Productivity of deep water fishing is as it reported. was he went into his bedroom, greatly enhanced." she was sitting in the living "1 guess I'm a pessimist," North Vietnam said many plants are producing while "Missing person just watching television. he said, "but we have to With the liberation of U. S. war prisoners on room work from the theory that rebuilding. It reported that nearly half of its state - owned about says it all," Officer track again, the United States Sunday resumed the brick and tile factories and stone quarries damaged by U.S. Jinger Vary of the East When he awoke at 3 the worst has happened. We withdrawal of American troops from South bombs last year has resumed operations. Lansing Police Dept. said. p.m., the television was still can't discount anything." Vietnam and moved a naval minesweeping force "That's all we've got." running, the door was Littlefield is described as back into position off Haiphong. closed, and the money, keys, and Littlefield's purse being five foot four inches Diane Lynn Littlefield of Both the troop mines from North pullout and the clearing of Vietnam's chief port were Rules of censure 102 IVi N. disappeared from her Walnut were The still scene in the was kitchen. identical tall and weighing 120 pounds, with shoulder suspended last Wednesday after the Communist except that Littlefield was length light brown or blond boyfriend's apartment Feb. hair. She was last seen side delayed the freeing of another batc'i of American prisoners. criticized by prof 22 and has not returned there or • to her own gone. Police have since been wearing a navy blue waist length jacket, blue jeans and In announcing in Saigon that the U. S. Troop Bob Repas, professor of labor and industrial relations, apartment, which she shares with her cousin. following every lead called swede hiking boots. withdrawal bad resumed, American military emphasized his concern Sunday over the proposed rules of officials reported the level was down to 10,787 censure in the Academic Council drawn by the Academic Littlefield's fiance, who Goverance Committee. men. works the night shift at The censure rules had been submitted last Monday to Oldsmobile, told police he outline the Academic Council agenda. Repas said the rules were "most objectionable" because they defined censure as "only extreme disapproval." returned that to his apartment Thursday morning, and Rule clips trip wings Chilean Marxists face voters "If they want to express disapproval, let them say it, not before going to bed at 10 a.m., left her money for gas merely censure and thus prevent a faculty member from lame duck senators! and the keys to his car. Chileans turned massive numbers Sunday to vote for a new Congress in a out in stating his case," Repas said. Repas also called unprecedented a provision in the rules which allows the council to censure'members, non members Littlefield had been looking of and faulty. for critial popularity test for Lame duck state senators The resolution the President Salvador Allende's He said the rules of other major groups members but not for nonmembers. allow censure for Peace Corps will not be able to take trips rule was offered by Sen. Marxist Government. at public expense anymore Philip Pittenger, R "By censuring nonmembers," he said, "the rules make A Peace under a rule passed Lansing, and Sen. Robert The troubled Chilean the Academic Council accountable to no one, with no Corps Statements of expei representative will be at the Thursday by the Michigan VanderLaan, R - Kentwood, economy stood as the chief avenue of appeal and no due process for any University Placement Bureau Tuesday Senate. in an effort to alleviate incurred while must also be filed w travel] issue in the elections, with person." Travel funds for out of recent criticism of Senate The Steering Committee had agreed after through Thursday to talk to - - days of the trip un food shortages and soaring hearing Repas' seniors of all majors with state journeys will be ethics. case, to send the document back to the Academic new rules. Previous! inflation experience in crops, witheld from legislators In addition to the lame expenses could be filed! hurting Allende's Governance Committee for further review. livestock, poultry, co-ops, "who have not been elected popularity. vegetables, 4-H, FFA and to office in the last general duck ruling, the resolution any for time, with no deadnf The Chilean President faces requires that each Senator filing. machinery. election." or Senate employee possible impeachment if the united anti-Marxist opposition GRADUATES! comtemplating a trip file a statement of travel purpose with the secretary of the Lame duck who are officers of legislaJ legislative organizations 1 natiol captures enough se?ts in the Congress. Senate before the trip is exempt from the no out ■ FACULTY! I t»ke|nv./Fbft Sterne**.' of tQO fctate travel, at,.# fJ,o,tejit will then be expense rating, published in the Journal of the Senate which Is a public Expenses incurred 1 Strike cuts British gas supply document. senators under )>40 per I Under the previous rules, in addition to travel, nf Academic apparel not be itemized under | Half a million British families were told Sunday statements were filed only for Winter Term with the chairman of the new rule. to stop using gas as supplies fell to a "critical" level because of strikes by gas workers. Commencement "Pressures are being reduced to the absolute may be minimum compatible with safety." reported a picked up on APPEARING spokesman for the state - owned industry in the industrial Midlands. The gasmen, like other British the 4th floor MON-SAT workers, are seeking to breach tiie government's of the ceiling limiting all wage raises to about S2.50 a , Union Building week, plus 4 per cent of basic weekly pay. today through 20 guerillas face execution Friday: Nicanor ve King Hussein of Jordan Zabaleta For ■v. endorsed Sunday death sentences for 20 Palestinian A1 information Fatah call guerillas headed by Mohammed Daoud Odeh. The 355-3498 Sentences had been handed down earlier by a special court and approved by the Council of Ministers. Daoud and charged Jordan 20 men with infiltrating early last month, attempting to overthrow the were Bella Howell' presents ALS APPEARING i T government and carry out sabotage. The Fun Way to Show Homo Movies THUR-SAT A Amin ejects foreign firms President Idi Amin directed on Sunday that all w a B businesses except banks on several of Uganda's main shopping streets must be "run and managed" b by Ugandan Africans. A number of large British, German and Arab - owned firms will be affected by the measure, but it o M is still not clear exactly how it will operate. Amin declared that the purpose of Ills "economic war" is to transfer foreign - owned businesses to Uganda "so that the whole economy ONE-HAND Frame-By)-Frame StiJIISearch jT/i€ of'fyfat/ihh" n e E AUTOMATIC of the country is properly and truly controlled by the people of Uganda." A THREADING Slip the film in a slot — and you're loaded! l Feature Lets you show single frames and move ihe film back and forth to find a selection. » TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 8:15 PM FAIRCHILD THEATRE .... S f "In earlier days, there were cellists, but only one Casals; Europe money markets close today there are still many...but only one Rostropovich; so there are numbers of harpists. But only Zabaleta Common Market finance ministers seems to have found the key to new conceptions decided in sound, in rhythmic pulse, in attack, and in seeming Sunday night to close their money exchanges all miracles of technical virtuosity." Washington Post week and call a meeting of major trading nations in Paris to plan a solution of the monetary crisis. Closing foreign exchanges took the pressure off Tickets are available NOW at the MSU Union (weekdays European central banks that were forced to 8:15-4:30). PUBLIC: $5.00/MSU STUDENTS: $2.50 support the 'dollar last week by buying up billions or Chamber Music Season Tickets. at the newly devalued rate. The moves also gave Common Market nations additional time to solve the crisis without formally 524 E. Michigan 484-7414 floating their currencies. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 5, 1973 3 City grants top priority I Bv ' to alley landscape plan JONATHAN KAUFMAN meet growing city needs how much these and Most of the improvement priority list of projects the programs state Newi Staff Writer will cost. projects are financed planning commission would Highest on the priority The through the city's general like the city to program, which begin or list of the latest program for becomes part of the operatings - r ... budget, complete in the next two I maior capita! changes in city's specifically through two years. budget, is reviewed by the I S Lansing is a $200,000 commission every year. parts of that " * general' fund city's budget the Priorities are only given I undscaping plan to turn a The biggest changes from major streets fund. ~ and its for 20 projects in the first [downtown alley into I a last year's program include The general fund, made two years of the 1973 - 79 nedestrian mall. more spending for park up of improvements program I And farther down the development, adding the revenues from since, as the preliminary I Driority list are plans for Ore station to the property taxes and other draft explains, setting up general sources, and including the Ibike path system fund's priority lisk priorities for the full six I additions, lights for the up bike path additions dditi moving < revenue - sharing money, "" will provide *• ■ about years is too vulnerable to 1 Alton Park baseball the street fund's $300,000 changes in money available, I diamond and a new priority list for this year's improvements in and pushing down a changing community I $360,000 fire station. $10 program, split 50 - 50 needs and in million traffic relocation between city money and changing I These are just a few of project while alternatives to conditions. That is why the 134 projects, ranging from the strongly - opposed cross revenue - sharing funds. The major street fund program is re - evaluated I computerized traffic control campus highway every year. ■ systems to portable are money comes from the The investigated. improvements I bandshells, listed in the city's share of the state gas I preliminary draft of the This program, the fifth put together since the city and truck weight assessment budget down has into been broken five categories Back to tax. This fund will provide President Wharton back II 9 7 3 • 79 capital adopted its comprehensive $350,000 an increase due to including environmental briefly last went week to lecture to the classroom Hall. Wharton stopped teaching at Stanford in 1965 ■ improvements program, i mprovement, social and on farming and peasants but lectures in six to eight classes a year now. development program a 13 per cent boost in funds for an economics of poverty ■ which will undergo public cultural improvement. class meeting in Berkey State News photo 1967, will show a $200,000 the city will be getting from by Ron Biava ■ scrutiny at a planning increase over last year's ■ commission hearing March the state. program budget. The reason Projects like the alley 114.The is partly due to a new program, proposed ■by the planning commission ■and drawn up by the city source federal dollars. of project revenue • funds: sharing improvement program, of which the city's share will be about $90,000 will be paid out of the general Council to study ■planning department, with Revenue - sharing will fund. A pedestrian overpass By TERI ALBRECHT ■advice from other city provide the city with about for the Central School will State News Staff Writer open on the Steering is responsible for detailing reviewing and Committee, will recommend nts and Committee. The Faculty the business $327,000 a year for five be paid out of the major agendas for the recommending all policies the advisory group be ■commissions and from Heading the agenda for Affairs and Faculty Academic Council and years. Some of that money, street fund. Improvements concerning faculty rights today's Academic Council composed of nine members, ■community groups, gives a if approved by the city in the city's bike path Compensation will hold Committee Academic Senate meetings. and salaries. with the chairperson and one . year projection of meeting will be a proposal an election for a The Faculty Affairs and council, can be used for system are to be paid out of include the Also the agenda will other member being voting ■projects to be undertaken to capital improvements. both. Each fund has its own faculty new chairman. The Faculty Compensation be a on proposal to create the members of the committee grievance officer as an ex Steering Committee Committee is charged with officio Educational and two being voting member of the Policies council. .Committee advisory group members of the University HUD to give Lansing The designate proposal will the faculty grievance officer as a Detroit firm faces for general education. The group was in January to implement proposed Curriculum Committee. The advisory group will include at least two students. nonvoting member, a status housing bias suit ideas and changes Ifunds similar to the ombudsman. He will also propose that for Model Cities The recommended bylaw change will be presented by Melvin Buschman, chairman DETROIT (UPI) - Michigan's largest real estate charged with racially coding concerning decision to education the make courses council's general more the advisory group be dissolved agreement only by of joint the From our wire services its records, using racially flexible and left to the administrative commitments based of firm was named Friday in a on program efficiency the Committee on advertising media to discretion of individual chairperson of the Lansing is among 27 through June 30, 1974, levels, review of past Academic Governance. civil suit filed by the Justice committee and the provost. maintain its discriminatory National and eight Michigan when communities may performance, computations An ex officio title means Dept. charged with sales colleges. An evaluation of the group's Communities to receive elect to fold Model Cities practices, and of that "by virtue of the discriminating against Jlodel Cities funds into Revenue money available to discriminating against black ^"ter Manderscheid, progress will be conducted Sharing individual programs from office" he will be a council prospective black home sales agents in employment chairman of the Un.vers.ty by the committee at the end (iistributed by the Dept. of Programs, officials said. present action funds, and member in a nonelected buyers in the Detroit opportunities. Policies of each three year period. ■lousing and Urban The funding decisions, carryover balances from position. metropolitan area. Jevelopment (HUD), it was HUD officials said, were previous action years. Other council business Announced Friday, will include a report seeking An executive of the firm, Real Estate One, Inc., j Lansing will receive the approval of the council 11,416,000 of the Bullion in funds slated for $16 Melee mars members for the nominees for elections to the Steering termed the charges absurd. U.S. Attorney Ralph Michigan cities. Detroit is Committee and the Guy Jr. said the suit charged Faculty leduled i to sum, Genesee receive $8,081,000, the of abortion Affaijrs and Compensation %Committee. Faculty the firm with maintaining two separate listings of homes for sale. County was GRAND RAPIDS (UPI) — Grand Rapids' first abortion There are three positions receive the second Real Estate One was also clinic opened Friday with 17 initial customers and 20 argest share at $2,457,000. protesters. | Other Michigan areas The demonstrators were members of the Citizens The State News is published by the students of eceiving funds were: Ann Reaching You organization and other antiabortion forces in Michigan State University every class day during Fall, Irbor, $199,000; Benton the city. Winter and Spring school terms, Mondays, . $1,331,000; Grand One husband who had taken his wife to the clinic for an Wednesdays and Fridays during Summer Term, and a feapids, $578,000; Highland abortion objected when a woman picket attempted to take special Welcome Week edition is published in ft ark. $590,000. his picture and a scuffle ensued. September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. Member Associated Press, United Press | The funds, distributed Police Lt. Robert De Lano broke up the melee and the irough the regional HUD pickets were ordered off the parking lot. International, Inland Daily Press Assn., Michigan Bffice in Chicago, will aid The clinic was the first to open here since the U.S. Press Assn., Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan llodel City agencies in Supreme Court ruling making abortions legal. Collegiate Press Assn. fleeting current and Besides the 17 women who underwent abortions Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Friday, Editorial and business offices at 345 Student Services ■"going programs and a spokesman for the clinic said it has 50 other women awaiting operations. Bldg., Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 48823. An Exhibition and Sale of Phones: News/Editorial 355-8252 Fine Original Graphic Art Classified Ads Display Advertising 355-8255 353-6400 Business Office 355-3447 THETOMLINSON COLLECTION^ an Photographic Campus Information 355-8311 353-8700 outstandini collection of old and nodem trophies Kresge Art Center Monday March 5 10 am - 4 pn> It's MONDAY MADNESS AT DOMINO'S PIZZA Same speedy free delivery, but pixza at special prices. A 12" A 16" one item one item Pizza and 2 Pizza and 4 Pepsi's only Pepsi's only $2## -inc. $300 w tax inc. 351-7100 351-7100 ll 11 11 Good 3/5/73 only. Good 3/5/73 only. No other Ij No other j coupons may be combined with ^)Uponi be combined with may d« comoinea wim . . - . offer.Trowbridge shop only. j j this offer. Trowbn^jhop only.^ 417 East Grand River/Phone: 332-0361/Open Daily 9:30-9:00. Saturday 9:30-5:3 -EDITORIALS- TOM WICKER Student vo in Students have selection often been authorized a student committee Nixon telling it like it isn't (c) 1973 NEW YORK TIMES undertaken by one nation in defense social problem "by throwing dollars at sharing money, as was the encouraged by administrators to consisting of two blacks, one of another" the President's view of It." Thus, he took disapproving note Great Society grants, will o0 n!f, ^ NEWS SERVICE take an active role in the Chicano and one American the war in Vietnam — and then to of what he said was the "seemingly P°°r but to middle c|ass W0J. 018■ enactment of University rules Indian and made sure that each NEW YORK — President Nixon is on "paternalism, social exploitation and inexhaustible flood" of money leaving to firemen's and policemen's ~ candidate met with the students reasonably firm ground in contending waste" — his view of Democratic social Washington in those years, only to be tor instance. Capital projects , ' and regulations, but a strong that many of the antipoverty and reduced to "a mere trickle" by the tax reduction will absorb more of^ in an intensive discussion period. legislation of the same period. Those student voice was noticeably other social programs created by who saw the war absorbing funds time it reached the supposed "• missing in the selection process The students on this Democratic administrations in the vitally needed in many areas of recipients And while Nixon is extollino i for the recently appointed dean committee were given criteria to 1960s failed in practice. But the way American life, and who know that its It may well be that had there been responsible, he mieht "? *** Nixon made the case was so partisan expanding local resource At?? of students. deceptive financing was the main any such "inexhaustible flood" the help them judge the candidates and self - serving that he probably was englne of the Inflation with which Johnson programs still would have when the federal mnvimnm cti._„ maximum budget ls Under I The decision to appoint Oscar during the de - briefing. The strain, Rep. John . ' . not too persuasive to the considerable . Nixon still must wrestle, " —" - can only Butler as the new dean of process must have worked, number of people who still need wonder at his sense of priorities. failed. The fact Is, however, that for all the Great Society rhetoric few if any of Illinois, one of the mosJ th„ 2?" convincing. Republican legislators has r>!v ( i students largely an because the student committee administrative was matter. The aniS the administrators who had It was almost incredible to hear him refer in the same radio speech to "one Nixon repeated, moreover, his familiar formulation that the Johnson of these programs ever were properly or fully funded — not least because of out that by the last state and local quart" 0» governments had a $6 the cost of the unselfish mission of the opinions of student leaders authority for the final decision of the most unselfish missions ever administration believed it could solve a billion surplus of revenues 0ve agreed on Gumecindo Salas for American people to save our expenditures, and that this excess representing various groups on Vietnamese from other Vietnamese. campus were solicited, but the job. running at a $15 billion annual ntX these students had only a If there is a general indictment of mid - 1972. By 1975, the Enterprise Institute has estimated aS precious few minutes to meet Had the candidate nominated the Johnson programs to be made — state and local surplus could be J and discuss problems with some by the students and by the any such judgment has to be hedged — than $23 billion. m™. 06 m°K administrators differed, McMillan it probably is that they were designed of the candidates vying for the around the basic idea of providing said that the administrators So it may be that key position. services, rather than money, to the Nixon's revenue probably would have retreated poor. Community action programs sharing program will turn out l" Though Butler may well prove and reassessed their choice, giving also generated bothersome political "throwing dollars" at to to be an administrator who wins Governmental action more serious consideration to the divisions when the "maximum feasible on a h student support, the procedure participation" of the poor became such as revenue • sharing - students'nominee. can used to select him is suspect more than local political and social long in the American system that it u structures could tolerate. not unusual for because it lacked adequate The dean of students is an a program to student participation. important liaison between But while it is true that not much uL t r the conditi°ns z It seems that students should student concerns and the success can in be claimed — obviously — eliminating poverty and racial cjjMfo, Uh.„te„ have had the opportunity to bureaucratic machinery of the disadvantage, these programs may well University. Any candidate for have had more cumulative importance Finally, Nixon made much of a bit thoroughly drill all the increase in Social this position should have been than Nixon allows. His former urban Security benefits as a candidates in a panel discussion, major way in which his administration rigorously screened by a panel of affairs counselor, Daniel P. Moynihan, instead of being forced by time was "helping to provide a better life makes the case against the Great limits to ask only a few token students, and any data generated for the American people." Aside from from such a meeting should have Society strategy in his new book. The his administrations's opposition to the questions. been given top priority by the Politics of a Guaranteed Income, but benefit increase, which was adds that in thff troubled years of the fiscally defensible, the fact is that Social Joseph McMillan, director of administrative decision makers. sixties the publicity, excitement the Dept. of Human Relations, Security does not derive from general and limited impact of these programs revenues but from an employe had a better way to equate Students should have the right may well have been vital in tax, which must be matched by employers. student input and administrative to take an active part in the maintaining such stability as there was. This is one of the most regressive taxes decision - making in the selection selection of administrators when At least they created a brief that Americans have to pay, and it had impression of concern and may even to be steeply increased to finance the process for the new director of those positions vitally affect have generated some hope among the latest round of benefits. The wage base minority programs. McMillan their interests. intended beneficiaries at a time when on which the tax is levied also hope was vital. expanded. Nixon's prime substitute, revenue • On sharing, is at least Whether most Americans Write "You are typical American housewives . Do you think food prices are too high?" as as far as anything as much the a net results are concerned gamble Johnson — — or worse off, as considerably less certain than Nixon a are better result, is Administration did. Much revenue would have us believe. student an alternative: either - Though commercial term flunk the course now or repeat it paper enterprises might be next term. morally reprehensible to some members of the Univeristy Fake term papers are hard to POINT OF VIEW community, the place to combat spot, though just another these businesses is inside method students use to take tjiej academia and not through the courftystem. University attorneys at Wayne * easy way Out of a course. Access to ready - marfe'tprm tn rparlv - made term nanerc different than the exam files accumulated in fraternity houses papers is i« no no lnnocbriKOBA"sflirdri'Yriat By JOE DAVIS, WALTER THOMAS, that we did stand trial will also be used office for an explanation of the facts over exaggerated emotionalism State and the University of - and residence halls. The decision RON JOHNSON to justify many other actions during their investigation. surrounding the case. Their advene £ Michigan have gone to court to * whether to use these study aids Office of Black Affairs detrimental to the office. These hostile Since the trial, the office is still editorial policy and slanted news close down the Write On term attitudes are only a part of the hostile threatened with punitive action. presentation reflected only has to be made by each student The Office ofBlack Affairs (OBA) is paper business in campus towns. actions taken against blacks and their Persons are now allowed to use this perspective: that the office A show - cause hearing is himself. not gratified at the decision of the obviously guilty. progressive organizations in this situation to legitimize any The protection of academic Student - Faculty Judiciary that the As a newspaper, the State News is scheduled before Washtenaw office was not guilty. This was country. As far as OBA is concerned, predetermined prejudiced actions. County Circuit Court Judge Edward integrity is up to the internal obligated to exercise care and glaringly obvious to anyone who iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii objectivity, not to deliberately pre Deake March 7. processes of the University examined all of the facts concerning judge; especially when dealing with Internalized controls should through the efforts of both the so - called "Conrad incident." "The incident should now obvious the emotionalism and controversial news that could instructors and students. Those There were no legitimate reasons for a racism which has permeated be adopted individually by rest. Any further negative potentially lead to persons being who ask the courts to battle hearing. The emotionalism and racism the University's handling charged and convicted of a crime. faculty members. Though response directed against the of Write On are attempting to take permeating the University community Their succeeded outrage is usually the first Office would only make mnrr. this entire situation." coverage brought the office to trial. Because a the easy route, much as students hearing did take place, much of the pressuring an already hostile response upon discovering a iiiimmiMiiimiii!isiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:*uriiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiii administration into taking punitive who buy commercial term papers office's valuable time was lost in bogus tern; paper, faculty an ominous cloud of suspicion hangs OBA was found not guilty by a action against the office. The State take the road. concern of these accusations. The fact members must offer the exposed same over the office which no doubt will be recognized adjudicative body of the News has done their University used by others against us. University. The incident should now community and black students The Office of Black Affairs believes rest. Any further negative response disservice. Art Levin, general manager; Robert that the apparent misunderstanding directed against the office would only The office feels that the State News John Borger, editor in chief; Charlie Cain, managing - editor; • Michael Fox, Bullard, sales manager; LaVonne Potter, concerning the "Conrad incident" make more obvious the emotionalism is responsible to very few and thi editorial editor. classified advertising manager; Bervin could have been cleared up through and racism which has permeated the inadequate and subjective new Johnson, photo Dorothy Ross, coverage is given to blacks and racia manager; office manager. administrative channels. Instead, thu University's handling of this entire Bill Holstein, campus editor; Rick Office of Student Affairs launched an situation. movements. We ask what will insun Wilbins, city editor; Mike Cody, copy chief; Members of the board of directors: Vic Bill Whiting, photo editor; Spaniolo, president; Debbie White, vice illegitimate investigation. A fair We ask that black students pay adequate and objective coverage o Gary Scharrer, sports editor; Nancy Jablonowski, staff president; Carolyn Stieber, secretary investigation is to study by particularly close attention to the black and radical news? association representative. treasurer; Frank Senger, Roland Williams, exmaination the objective facts of a Office of Student Affairs and ASMSU. Since over $30,000 of State New Tom Riordan, Michael Orr, Al Wilke. case, to find out what happened, then Nothing detrimental should happen to funds are out of student pockets, e® Lee Lockwood, advertising manager; Jim Signorelli, asst. advertising manager; Al The Michigan State News U a seven time - draw conclusions - - not to legitimize the office or black students in general. because of happenings related to tW Kirleis, circulation manager. recipient of the Pacemaker Award for outstanding journalism. some previously decided upon action. We also contend that the biased case and past State News policies, W The Office of Student Affairs went presentation of the facts by the State University community should examine so far as not to even bother to ask the News substantially contributed to the the policies of the State News. for Center University students expected to fail. developmental Developmental the past. In my opinion the Center for Supportive the staff of Services has consumer the cable service - expressing demand at that price • it will Secretory Two To the Editor: . Irene Evans' article "Problems snarl students admitted to MSU had lower high school GPAs than students in the done and continues to do *°b' an excellent James Hamilton take more economically unite than minimal effort to the housing TO THE EDFTOR! aid projects" in the Feb. 26 issue is normal population. On the basis of Asst. Provost for Special Programs complex. Anyone interested in In response to the articles an grossly in error for a number of those GPAs and test scores one would Feb. 26,1973 undertaking the task? many comments received aDou predict a higher failure rate than one secretaries on this campus, respects. Evans quotes me as stating observes, but this does not mean the like to make a few "positive remark Cents that minority students experience a 50 Jan Zupniek advantages »» per cent failure in math and that their failure rate in humanities and social science is 25 per cent. Those figures University admitted these students with the expectation that they would fail. Stop To the Editor: c New York Graduate Student February 26, 1973 about the opportunities of working on campus, either as a secretary Hie article correctly states that we other profession. are incorrect if applied to minority not happy with the progress of In regard to the point of view work to are students. They are applicable to My boss and the people I Worth students in the target population served by the Center for Supportive students in the target population. Let me point out however that students expressed by Doug Rook in the Feb. 26 issue, "Fighting National Cable are among the finest within the population whether, Co." - - might I suggest an alternative individuals I have ever had the pw» Services. That population does not include all minority students nor even freshman, sophomore, junior or in the battle that would not require of working and associating witn_ The State Newi welcome* senior have a cumulative GPA of legal expertise. Assuming that married goes without saying that workin* all letters. They must be a majority. housing makes up a substantial portion University provides more for a pe The Center for above 2.0. We believe the students can typed on a 65 space line and Supportive Services of the market served by National than a paycheck. do better, indeed, we expect them to double spaced. Letters must serves minority and non students. It is confusing to the reader minority do better but they are doing well. Cable Co., a substantial amount of In no way do I find ®*h be signed and should There are areas in which students economic power could be brought to deflating" to be a secretary in » to discuss the Center for Supportive include hometown, student, experience difficulties and among bear on it by the very people that are campus. I have found that Services, the MSU Counseling Center, being "ripped off." A unification of responding in a positive, c faculty staff standing, these are the curriculum of the manner, that I, too, gain much in t or and the Minority Aide Program within married housing interests, perhaps led local phone number and the article. The for Colleges of Business and Natural way of a person's attitude towar same center Science and the Departments of by MSU Married Students Union, in local address. No unsigned* Supportive Services focuses its , the form of either threatened or actual Humanities and Social Science in including my boss! letters will be accepted, but attention the academic upon University College. It is in these areas mass subscription cancellations for no There are drawbacks to any jo the State News will experience and academic needs of more than a few months should do the students in the target population. It is that the center focuses its activities. to any profession, howe^\ me wi my colleagues have provided m withhold author's name in trick. not directly related to the minority The Center for Supportive Services extreme cases. Letters may Although no expert in the cable much personal gain by aide program which is a Residence Hall be edited for clarity and furthermore does not relate its success area, I don't believe National Cable me as they would any Injg conciseness so that mora Program. Neither is It directly related to the Counseling Center which deals to the number of students who enter the Center or who directly utilize its Co. could afford to remain unresponsive to Rook's suggested rate of their job r»po»*l;M letters can be accommodated. Letters will. primarily with personal social and services. Students are receiving services decrease if the above approach is departmental secret* career counseling needs of students. taken. Unfortunately, since married V not be edited for content. - The article further implies that the directly and indirectly to an extent which they have not received them in students are paying the $5 per month ■—•BE*!! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 5, 1973 5 STRESS said to lure blacks to crime By BERTWEPFER in the black community, Wahls said. bad schools, poor housing, and selected for trials involving blacks. of inner city jurors was because jurors must now also be given to exuse a Stop the Robberies Enjoy Safe STRESS sets up the black man by unemployment, Wahls said. Between 80 and 83 per cent of all having a white policeman had been eliminated for such things as juror fromduty, he said. (black "But, people who want to imprison ^These six words are the name of the policemen start were of the not even involved at the law - breakers are in the majority" and juries in Detroit court comprised of whites living on the rooms were chewing gum or for having a beard or "natural" haircut, The Michigan State Bar Civil Committee is Rights a "very hip | program which more commonly drew heavy known criticism program), go into the black community and act as a STRESS became a reality, he said. fringes of the city, while 45 per cent This problem is now solved due to a organization," Wahls said. The decoy Another problem Wahls saw in of all eligible jurors in Detroit are committee is trying to change certain from Myron Wahls, chairman of the to lure blacks to rob or attack him ruling that a says a jury must be while other policemen Detroit, up until recently, was the black, Wahls said. representative of the defendant's inequities in the law and is also trying I Michigan State Bar Civil Rights are observing process by which jurors were being Wahls said the for the lack to eliminate certain laws, he said. Committee, in a discussion Thursday. the situation, Wahls said. reason community, Wahls said. Better reasons I STRESS was set up by the Detroit STRESS was created because I police Dept. a little over two years politicians were becoming alarmed at II ago, to cut down the rising crime rate hlnrk rnmmiinitv Wnhlc thp "publicity and total recognition . Detroit's black community, Wahls that the crime rate was up," Wahls Rally stresses b I said. said. That was the announced set - up Both the liberal and the law and I of the program," the Detroit lawyer order conservative politicians agreed said. "But what was intended is not as that ^mething had to be done about By DENISE CRITTENDON Stokely Carmichael Organization, said he was concerned addressed important as what is (STRESS) does." this s.tuation, Wahls said. But the two Black students were urged to work to and other leaders writer, himself to the The black community feels political groups differed on method; to come up before you and tell you about the health of black people. audience. in small groups for the STRESS is "an instrument of the stop this rise in crime. revolutionizing what to do," speaker Christine Hall, a The law and of society at a rally Saturday in Wells local insurance agent, said. "You have "Why is the life expectancy of a "The problem as I see it," White I police used to harass the black order conservatives Hall for Hayward Brown, the only black man seven years less than the life commented, "js that black people J community," Wahls said. And because maintained that a certain sector of to use your own minds." expectancy of a white man? Why do don't know what's going on. They I of this feeling, blacks have become society includes bad guys who must be surviving suspect in the December Hall also told black students that have no control on the media. White — l vgry distrustful of police, whether taken off the streets. slaying of a STRESS officer in Detroit. They also said The rally arose as the result of the they should prepare for a coming folks control the media. When black or white, he said. jails should be enlarged, and parole they backlash against black people from the control the media, I STRESS "sets up" the black man in should be eliminated for the recent police slayings of Brown's they control what fellow suspects, John Boyd and Mark federal government in particular. She The speaker then gave his fellow we know." I he own community, to catch him for protection of society, Wahls said. said more money would be given to students a minute of inspiration. I petty crimes, while letting the multi - The liberals wanted to eliminate the Bethune, and of Carrel Whitfield, Using Wayne State's newspaper, the Boyd's half - brother. police units such as STRESS, which each one of us there's a potential of a South End, as an example, he said that I million dollar drug trade run rampant conditions that breed crime — such as "You can't wait for people like serve to disrupt the black community. hydrogen bomb. You can be very black people in journalism would have effective at a personal level," he said. For the most part, the STRESS to take control of the media in order to tell blacks what's going on. Service unit to map priorities units, designed specifically to decrease the crime rate in Detroit, have proved unsuccessful. Many incidents such as The discussion students continued by adding that Brown, and Bethune were obsessed their Boyd, At the close of the rally, Pat Baines, the Hayward Brown case have arisen. with an effort to destroy the dope Black Aide of Shaw Hall, asked students to leave remembering the pusher, although most of them agreed Taking the floor, black student words from a post card she purchased for action on state social ills one that from the audience stated that STRESS dope leads to black self-destruction. while returning from Boyd's funeral in is killing more and more people. Bessemer, Alabama. "Brothers and sisters are getting used It reads: Another student questioned if they to being killed," he said. "And that's By DAVE MENDREA Maurice Beck, executive director of of criminal justice, East Lansing a were supporting an eradication of the State News Staff Writer the organization, said some 52 items very bad syndrome." If not now, when? attorney and executive board member dope pusher and then going to turn studied over the past few years, will be of the group recently headed a task The student, who announced that A special implementation around and support him. If not here, where? I committee of the Michigan League for discussed at the meeting as well as how force on conditions at the he was in the Black Pre Med Boy's - 6eorge White, State News staff If not me, who? 1 Human Services will meet today to to implement possible solutions. Training School in Lansing. DOONESBURY I order priorities for future action on Problem areas include possible The result of that study was to by Garry Trudeau I the state's social problems. overhaul of the state's juvenile justice abolish solitary confinement in what Citing recent predictions of student system, foster care and adoption was called the "hole" and eventually U6UJ... youKNOoJ, THOR, fT I apathy, Jonathan Spinner, one of five procedures and health care in the the entire facility was closed down. nee, me' KIND OF Ffl£#fcy WHEN I professionals on the league's staff, state, Beck said. Andrew D. sue norm you 7H/NK F)0Our THS " Hunt, dean of the . I indicated that the league provides an Spinner would not speculate on College of Human Medicine and first , PoesN'r jeM'sAV eFFecr you rno i i seen QUITE HZUOTO couu) Hwe on net? I excellent opportunity for students to what the organization might vice president of the league, headed so SCARED MlKt.. UFB- Meg MO& file's Iwork to solve Michigan's social recommend after Monday's meeting the committee on health care in the OF MS Hm / woe... VRLUCS, evefl/TH/N6' 1 problems. but indicated that aftsr pulling its state. information together, the league The league also successfully pushed Most of the league's members come would push for changes, especially in for an American Indian desk on the I from organizations such as labor the of children and youth. State Board of Education last year. I unions, the University community and area In April there will be a legislative I corporations but they are also "Often studies forUIT1 TT W on social problems f I recruiting help from groups like youth are done and then forgotten," » Sninnor Spinner flt the Olds PlaZ8. The organization, formerly called I organizations and people from crisis said. "At this meeting we will decide the Michigan Welfare what to do about these problems." League began in I centers. A detailed document will be put 1909, became the Michigan League for "We need anyone who can help," Human Services in 1971 and began I Spinner said, "anyone with out later in the month, he added. working on problems in addition to YOU WANT ME ID I CANT DO IT...I DONTTHINK 1 information." Zolton Ferency, associate professor those related to welfare. WKlTE A LETTER THAT H0U REALLY ARE TYPICAL THIS IS RECOMMENCING YOU F0K'NEIGHBORHOOD OF A NE16H60RM00D PQ6... BLACKMAIL!! CANON DEMONSTRATION 006 OP THE YEAR' ? Show 8c Sale Today Meet Lou Datson Cannon am Factory Representive at LEONARD'S Mon. Mar. 5 2 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Lou will answer your EAT YOUR WAY question TO FAME about the entire Cannon System and your invited to take advantage of Leonard's low, low price. or put a Motorcycle where your mouth is. CANON Fl SLR CAMERA 50 MM Fl.8 Lens List $495.00 DEMO SPECIAL $379 $169 CANON SUPER 8 Power Zoom Sound Movie Camera List $225.00 SPECIAL >169 Store Hours: Mon & Fri. 9:30 to B p.m. Tues., Wed., Thurs. LEONARD Wholesale Distributors Parking 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Evenings & Saturdays 309 N. Washington Ave. Leonard Downtown Plaza OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL NINE pop-on a drawitrinfl popover Join 5 teams of pancake eaters in consuming competition for valuable prizes. First and get into spring. . in our prize is a pair of Kawasaki His & Her motorcycles that will be well earned by the winning hooded water-repellent nylon couple.* Many other valuable prizes will be awarded to the remaining connoisseurs of quantity. Charlie Tuna (WVIC), Vaughn Ryan, and Tom Westgate (Marshall Music) will ♦affeta Hang Ten jacket by sit in judgment over this gastronomical extravaganza. Pacific Trail. It s ° breeze to pack or carry along because the flap kangaroo front pocket CONTEST STARTS at 8 p.m. TUESDAY MARCH 6. gj s reverses to hold the entire jacket To see what won't be believed get there early. g in a compact pouch. Navy, wine or yellow. Sizes S,M,L,XL. $14. WVIC WILL BROADCAST LIVE FROM THE IH0P * The pregame show with Bob Berry will begin at 7:00 with bite by bite coverage beginning at 8 Jacobsons S (♦HELPFUL HINT: The winners 2 years ago ate ■■Dtp International House ot Pancakes 1H a stomach stretching 587 pancakes in 1/2 hour.) uuuLSuyyyj £ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, Man,s 197] I Hockey playoffs By STEVE STEIN State News Sports Writer Other first round contests will find Minnesota Duluth at Denver, North iiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiii be eff°rt, thinks the lo. I WCHA - It'll be WCHA playoff time at Demonstration Ha!, tonight and Tuesday night ! Dakota at Notre Dame and Minnesota at Wisconsin. "We didn't care who we W L pts. tack together "id "Wc art agX-'r'l 2"' <*! as MSU meets Michigan Denver 20 8 52 played, as long as it was i«t helping oach other H]| Tech thanks to two Spartan home," MSU coach Amo Notre Dame 19 9 48 the games." weekend victories over Wisconsin 18 9 47 Colorado College, 9 - 4 and II Bessone said after MSU 16 9 47 Colp's linemates rw I Saturday's contest. ;T 1 . The MSU icers ended up Michigan Tech has really Michigan Tech 16 10 44 Olmstead a'so had and Mark' scorin. a?rJI . IT* I i been going good lately." Minnesota 12 13 35 Olmstead has in a third place tie with scored MSU faced Tech's Wisconsin after the weekend's action and face Huskies in its first home North Dakota Minn. - 13 Duluth 13 15 15 32 30 straight games and who had a hat 1^1 till 'I series of the season back in £ Tech's fifth place squad in the first round playoff series early December, and Colo. U-M College 5 4 22 25 14 11 Friday's victory, has n'°| at 7:30 p.m. faceoff times whipped Tech twice, 6 - 2 and 7 - 3 in an eight - point both nights. Ties: Wisconsin 1, MSU 1, series. MSU dropped its regular Minnesota 3, North season series to Wisconsin so Wisconsin's split also helped the icers gain a tie Dakota 2, U M 1. Wednesday ^ I the Badgers officially took the third slot. for the Big Ten title among I Illlll llllllllll Michigan came after a Sturges'^lI eoal . • freshman0nn| I the four WCHA squads who Colp scored three goals slump by the The winner of the are also members of the Big and added five assists. The playoff set is determined by Bob Boyd set Ten. MSU and the Badgers three tallies gave Colp 34 a new I total goals and goes on to the final round Saturday finished with 8-3-1 marks. goals on the year, setting a wUh new 4?7n ~th 42' four ?ist Spartan single season Thompson's old *51 better than I and Sunday. The Spartans go into the scoring record. It broke the was also set last markwtSI Notre Dame moved up playoffs seemingly regaining mark of Don Thompson (32 season I into second place with a . m Bo wen appeared in I their scoring punch after goals), set last season. Frosh record sweep over Minnesota Duluth while Wisconsin split - tallying 23 goals in their last Colp, who said he was Col "etHS b°th Colorado and"ights against| will Zt three contests. quite happy when he got tonight against Tech MSU freshman center Steve Colp gets set to the weekend, and his teammates will face Tech with Minnesota. Tech ended Freshman Steve the record I Colp, goal midway "Bo wen will backhand a shot at the Michigan Tech goalie in the tonight and Tuesday night in the first round WCHA its regular season play by through the second period Playing while he's keep „J highlighted the sweep first meeting of the two squads in December. Colp, playoff series. taking two from league Colorado College. over Saturday on a power • play Bessone said. hot'f' ' who set the Spartan single season scoring record over State News photo by Bruce Remington champ Denver. NOW NOMINATED FOR | SHOWING IACADEMY AWARDS! NU falls to Robinson's 40 By GARY KORRECK halftime advantage. with one game remaining, games. Illinois' Nick close," Ganakas said. "He 5-8, which ties them witJ "Mike and Kil held us in State News Sports Writer and could equal their mark Weatherspoon, last week's played great; he wasn't just Wisconsin, Wisconsin of last year with a win at leader, was held to nine hoisting the ball up there." there — we were able to get appears ready for its finilj MSU assured itself of a home over Wisconsin this points Saturday as his Robinson made 17 of 30 the ball out on the break with the Spartans as .500 season Saturday and weekend. average dropped to 25.1. field goal tries and added 7 and run as well as we have bombed one • time ti Mike Robinson regained the " Robinson canned a "A lot of people think rebounds to MSU's board all season," Ganakas said. contender U-M, 94-79. i Ten scoring lead as the attack. Bill Kilgore led the Kilgore had 15 points, a career - high 40 points, 25 playing Northwestern Spartan cagers thumped in the second half, and doesn't way with 10 grabs, Lindsay few less than he had been Northwestern 86-72. mean anything," In other actiogl bumped his conference Spartan coach Gus Ganakas Hairston chipped in 9 and getting, but he held his post The Spartans are 12-11, Minnesota moved to witlJ average to 27.3 over 13 said. "But there lot of Allen Smith had 8. opponent, Jim Wallace, to was a Ganakas six. Mark Sibley led the one game of its seconl pressure on both teams — was pleased we were conscious of our with the Spartans Wildcats with 17 points and straight title by whippuJ Purdue 79-66, Indian! poor record there and we'd rebounding during the game Greg Wells had 11 as swatted Iowa 80-64 ani like to finish the season and praised his squad's Northwestern saw its conference record slip 1-11, Ohio State stunned Illinol strong." defensive play. 65-64. * Ganakas ''Of a cinch for last place. praised course, $1.75 delivers a medium 12" 1 item Robinson's performance Northwestern doesn't shoot "Kil and Mike are having a heckuva finish," Ganakas Minnesota's recorl and said the teair was trying well anyway, but we did Varsity Pizza and 1 large Coke. Valid said. "We're going to need improved to 10-2, witf with this ad on Mon. & Tues. March 5 & to get the ball into him late keep them away from the ] Indiana second at 10-3 in the game. basket," he said. one last strong performance 6, 1973. "We checked with the The Spartans led by asj from them to beat Purdue holds onto thirL and found out he had much as 20 points in the! Wisconsin. with an 8-5 mark, lllinoifl Free, Fast, Hot Delivery begins at 6 P.M. scorer 7-4 is fourth, Ohio st«J 38 and we tried to set him contest after breaking away "I'm going to give these . 7-6, fifth and U-M, 6-1 up — I didn't take him out from a 21 - all tie early in' guys a rest for now," he sixth. B because I ^Jtntfw was the first half to a 39 -301 continued. "We're not going to have any practice till Wednesday — there's no*, HORSE much left to learn with just one game left." The victory pushed MSU's Big Ten record to SH-W In the JUDGING PAVILION March 30th — March 31st 7:30 p.m. 1:30 - 7:30 p.m. Tickets $1.50 8i $2.00 Available at the Judging ►— JjB Pavilion for Information - 35&8400 BLOCK & BRIDLE CLUB *5=3* OPEN Beal Coop Presents A Fantastic 3 Unit Show in 104B Wells auditions | GOIIHILLA The Roar of the Greasepaint March 4 & 51 MEET S LIL' ABNER March 6 & 11 An BAiUBI McDonel Hall Singer*, dancers, musicians needed. 6:00 p.m. E. Lounge| actorUB incredibly funny film - ROLLING STONE Plus this second fantastic, full length film Plus: Academy Award Winner - Best Short Film of The Year theCRUNCH BIRD Complete Shows At 7:00 and 8:45 and 10:30< Admission $1.25 Showplace 104B Wells Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 5, 1973 7 WEEK ACTIO Hoosiers dethrone trackmen By CHARLES JOHNSON Other records went to Illinois' Rob State News Sports Writer Mango in the 880 MSU, which had won the mile relay five years straight, with a speed of 1:49.2, Glen Herold of Wisconsin with a turned back in its bid for number six Swimmers finish fourth was LAFAYETTE, Ind. MSU's effort to capture its second 13:38.5 standard in the three by U-M's quartet — mile, Indiana's Pat Mandera of Greg Syphax, A1 Corn well, Eric Chapman and Kim straight Big Ten indoor crown was smothered by an with an 8:43.2 in the two mile and Illinois' Mike Durkin By JACK WALKDEN with a 4:01.5 in the mile. Rowe. State News outstanding Indiana squad, as the Hoosiers coasted to its Sports Writer first conference indoor title since Durkin staved off the valiant on the - heel Both U-M's and the Spartan's unit of Bill Nance, Mike 1957. - pursuit of ANN ARBOR — Bruce Wright and Glen Disosway took The two day weekend meet at the Spartan's Ken Murphy, Mike Holt, and Cassleman were clocked at 3:15.1. Purdue saw Indiana in Popejoy, as the two ran away from the U-M's Rowe also tied first places in the 100 and 50 freestyles, respectively, to dominance all the way, registering 54Vi points following by pack. Popejoy wound up in second place at 4:02.4. a conference mark in the 440 yard lead the MSU swimming team to a strong fourth place Michigan's 44'/2 and the Spartan's third place 35. In the dash, sprinting to a 47.2 time. long jump, MSU's Del Gregory was held to third finish in the Big Ten championships held over the weekend Wisconsin, winner of the title in five of the last six years, place, as Purdue's Jeff Bolin defended his title with a 25 Other winners were Indiana's Dennis Adama in the at Ann Arbor. placed fourth with 33. Other totals high were Illinois 28, feet VA inch leap. Oscar Wallace of Illinois placed second jump with a 6 feet 11 jump, Minnesota's Glen Bullick in the Indiana took first for the 13th straight year totaling 572 Minnesota 18V4, Purdue 18, Iowa 131/!, Northwestern 6 and with 24 feet4% pole vault with a 15 feet 6 inch effort, U-M's Steve Adams points. University of Michigan (U-M) finished a usual Ohio State 5. inches.Gregory's third place effort was 24 in the shot put with a heave of 58 feet &A feet 4'4 inches. inches, and distant second with 386 points and Wisconsin ended up The individual high scorer of the meet was MSU's Wisconsin's John Cordes in the 1,000 yard run with a time Godfrey Murray of U-M kept his conference 70 yard ! third with 421. Following, the Spartans' 186 points were Marshall Dill. Dill, who scored 11 high hurdles title with an 8.2 victory. The Spartan's John of 2:10.4. points, grabbed a share of Northwestern, Ohio State, Minnesota, Illinois, Purdue and the conference mark in the 60 yard dash by deadlocking Morrison and Mike Hurd finished third and fifth with Purdue's Despite the Spartan's third place finish, head coach Fran Larry Burton at 5.9. The swift sophomore respectively, both timed in 8.4. Indiana's Charles Jackson Wright's time in the 100 freestyle was a U-M pool record also victored in the 300 yard dash with a 30.1 clocking. was second with an 8.4 also. Dittrich had no gripes about the way his runners performed. at :46 66 beating the old mark of :46.8. Spartan Bob Casselman retained his 600 yard dash title "We got beat fair and square," Dittrich said of the »I swam as beautiful a race as I could," Wright said. "I with a conference mark of Kenyan Olympian Pat Onyango of Wisconsin took first Hoosiers impressive win. "Indiana was 1:08.8 compared to his really up for the went out hard all the way. I think I can go even faster in American collegiate record of 108.3 place honors in the triple jump with a 50 feet 'A inch effort. meet and got that 'extra effort' from everyone. I believe the NCAAs even though I was shaved for this meet." In all, five conference marks were Doug Vine of Indiana was second with a 49 feet 5 inch leap that perhaps our squad was a little too tense and we failed broken and two tied. and the Spartan's Disosway's win in the 50 was a photo finish with Gregory placed third at 48 feet 2 inches. to get that extra bit of effort," Dittrich said. Indiana's Mel Nash. Disosway won with a time of :21.48 over Nash's :21.49. "I'm really happy," Disosway said. "I won it on the start. After the turn everyone hits a big wave of water so the big advantage is to hit the turn first. In the NCAAs if I make the top 12 I'll be happy. If I make the top six, I'll really be happy. I was stronger last year. I was sick this fall and out for the term. I've only worked out for two months and I'm not in shape. If I was, I would go faster." mary maxim j Even though the Spartans lost out to Wisconsin in the battle for third place, MSU coach Dick Fetters was quite pleased with the team's effort. fabrics.) f tyilu] /crafts "I was very pleased with Thursday and very pleased with Saturday, but not with Friday," Fetters said. "On Friday they made hay and we didn't." MSU was able to come up with just 34 points for its efforts on Friday, while Wisconsin accumulated 101 and there lies the story of why the Spartans finished behind the Badgers. i Some of the other top Spartan showings were Alan Dilley. who set a school record in the 200 backstroke although finishing second; Paul Fetters, ninth, in that event' Ken Holmes, seventh in the 200 breaststroke, but still qualifying for the NCAA; Paul Virtue, seventh in the 1650 freestyle and divers Mike Cook and Dave Burgering on both boards Cook finished fifth on borads and 1 jn the 3-meter and 12th on the 1-meter. Burgering ninth "Anyone who scored points did a good job," Fetters | concluded. Illini win fencing title Illinois repeated as Big Ten fencing champions Saturday I while MSU again finished fourth in the conference I tournament held at Jenison Fieldhouse. I MSU's Fred Royce won the second place position in the I sabre, teammate Ed Haugn placed sixth. Paul Herring took I the sixth place berth in epee. I It was the second Big Ten title in as many years for the mam max m I Fighting Illini which posted a I championship win was also the 17-2 season record. The STITCHERY C school's twenty - fourth I conference title. Six Big Ten schools participated in the league meet. & NEEDLEPOINT I Team finishes were: Illinois with 37 points; Ohio State, 25 All name brand, first quality needlepoint and F points; Wisconsin, 24 points; MSU, 17 points; Indiana, six [I points; and Minnesota, one point. The Big Ten meet completed the Spartans' 11-5 season. CRAFTS stitchery from . . ... . sure in a tremendous selection to choose to satisfy every individuals subject | Team captain Royce, by virtue of his second place sabre Bottle Crafter interest. |I tournament. finish, is eligible to compete in the NCAA championship Make clever and unique We have all your favorite kits; in EASY TO DO glasses, decorative . . . FUN TO STITCH DESIGNS in vases, lamp bases, fancy pictures, dolls, plates and bowls. Kit pillows, afghans, shawls and more. Tickets comes complete. Tickets for the Western Once a year "Yarn Sale" . . . save on 18 different types of yarn in over 100 colors. Mary Maxim' Reg. s450 to s29" This is all regular stock for this limited time offer, so I Collegiate I (WCHA) Hockey semi - Assn. final SAVE on our top quality yarns and over 60 exclusive NOW! ■ playoffs tonight and Mary Maxim Knitting and Crocheting Pattern Kits. I Tuesday night at Michigan Satisfaction guaranteed ... if not completely I State are on sale at the satisfied with Mary Maxim products return for full I Jenison Fieldhouse ticket exchange. I office. METAL CANDLEMAKING MOLDS I Admission prices will be $3 for reserved seats, $2 for LOWEST PRICES EVER! NORTHLAND SALE! Polished metal pillar molds in 3 different heights . . . bulky weight. 100% wool. 4 oz. I I general admission and $1 for MSU faculty and 6 attractive designs. (4,8 and 13 inches tall) Reg. $2.59 to $3.59 Now! $.98 to $1.39 sk.. reg. $1.39 $124 *. I students with IDs. Advance I sales will be made for all I tickets. TITAN WAU DISNEYS Dancers BOLERO 1 Needed: II 1 ■ 1 IL 1 1 1 r J jMtuos. March 6 <« Dance Concert tfc! mary^mxfm FABRICS MELLOWPUFF MCI I nilfCDEIII sP°rt IflLLLUVTorUII STARLETTE yam . 100% orlon . 4 oz. Sk. Reg. $1.69 gale $1.49 11r^^8 p.m. 10 p.m. - 100% Trevira STARLETTE ■ MVllance Studio .^S^Fof Women's IM Polyester Knits SALE! $6.00 yd. STARMIST knitting worsted . 50% antron 50% orlon 2 ox. sk. Reg. 60" Wide REg. $10.98 . . *•9° Sale $.79 Spring . SALE! $3.50 yd. TEARDROP TWINKLE Printed Cotton 45" wide. $3.95 SALE! $2.25 yd. Reg. OMBRE $1.79 Printed Crepes & Jerseys knitting worsted . 67% mohari 45" wide . Reg. $5.98 SALE! $3.50 yd. MOHAIR ■ 33% orlon $-89 Sale $.79 . 1 oz. ball . reg. LADY Cottons SINGS 45" wide . Reg. $1-98 SALE! $1.00 yd. MANY MORE YARNS AND ACCESSORIES ® M THE , Denims & Kettlecloth ON SALE! BLUES 45- wide, v.iues to $2.59 SALE! $1.50 yd. "Register!... For yoor Join a "Mary Mary Maxim Callog!" Knitting fabrics, knits, 'n crafts • A REAL SAVINGS! max|m |P01 I mary nrT Open 6:45 P Over 60 Mary Maxim exclusive 6:16 and 8:15 knitting and crocneting pattern kits | .From Doughboy Hour. 5:45 -6:151 . . are on sale. Along with this offer; to Dictator some for the first time, are the world Laughs Galore famous Northland Sweater Kits long CHARLIE CHAPLIN lasting jacket sweaters are so ideal for driving and leisure wear . . . simple to do. with easy to follow graph style East Lansing Open Daily: Grand Ledge Open Daily: Mon. thru Fri. 10 A.M. to 9 P.M., Sat. 10-6 P.M. Mon. thru Sat. 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M., 2793 E. Grand River, East Lansing 332-8619 Wed. & Frj. nights 'til 9 Cedar Village Shopping Center 627-9818 Monday, 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan _ Marchj ,9?3 WE'tl SAVE YOU $$$ !! Women cagers finish third ^ 307 E. GRAND RIVER in state basketball tourney NEXT TO CARD SHOP By PAM WRIGHT State News Sports Writer Mon. Sat. 9 6 Wed., Thurs.9 9 Whew! It was a long, hard weekend for the MSU women's basketball team but the reward is well worth it. The cagers 10-PACK MENNEN E KNEE-HI took third place in the state qualifying for the Midwest regionals. basketball tournament Calvin (Grand Rapids) took the first place honors PENCILS DEODORANT NYLONS defeating Western Michigan, hf defending champions by two points, 50 - 48. '"rfie tournament was very exciting and close between all Reg. 49c 28° 7 oz. Reg. 1.60 09° LIMIT 1 55° the teams," Melissa Baile, coach of the women's team said. "I was completely pleased with and with our team's performance. the basketball way it went LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 (Coupon) (Coupon) "No way did we lose this weekend," Baile continued. (Coupon) Expires Mar. 11, 1973 Expires Mar. 11, 1973 Expires Mar. 11, 1973 East Lansing Store Only "We went through three close games and the team did not East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only fold all weekend, they remained solid." The Spartans played games with Northern Michigan, Calvin and Central Michigan. The tournament was a VASELINE INTENSIVE consolation elimination and the teams drew for position berths. The Spartans drew Northern Michigan for their first KLEER-VU CARE LOTION opponent. "A lot of good things happened ir. our first game against Northern," Baile commented "Our team showed a lot of REPORT COVERS style in this beginning game." Reg. .19 1? 15 oz. Reg. 1.60 LIMIT 1 98° The Spartans defeated Northern 33 - them for their next game against Calvin. 27 which qualified Calvin which was seeded second and went on to take the (Coupon) State tournament, defeated the Spartans 51 - 3?. The score, (Coupon) Expires Mar. 11, 1973 Expires Mar. 11, 1973 East Lansing Store Only however, is not a true indication of the game. The Spartans East Lansing Store Only were only one point behind at third quarter, 28-27. The Spartans got in foul trouble during the third quarter EATONS and that lost the game for them. CHAPSTO "Calvin's height was a definite disadvantage," Baile said. "We had to play an overly aggressive game to combat their CORRASABLE BOND LIP STICK heights which got us into foul trouble. in there the entire first half," Baile continued. Sure-fire TYPING PAPER "We were "We just couldn't sustain our momentum and press without Royal Oak sophomore Linda Stoick (30) jumps high above her defenders to put one our starters though. It was asking too much from our bench in for the Spartans. Stoick was the high scorer with 58 points for the Spartans, 55 sheets Reg. 79 LIMIT 1 49° Reg. 49c LIMIT 2 (Coupon) 29° to play an entire half against Calvin." Sophomores Stretch Philips, Linda Stoick and junior •Joey Spano were called out on fouls. leading the team to third place honors in the state basketball tournament over the weekend. State News photo by Craig Porter (Coupon) "We had nothing to be ashamed of, though," Baile Expires Mar. 11, 1973 Expires Mar. 11, 1973 East Lannslng Store Only East Lansing Store Only commented. "Calvin is an excellent team and we did very well against them." BY BUSINESS-CARDS BUSCH The Spartans last game against Central was for third PROPA-PH NO-DOZ place and the chance to go to the Midwest regional tournament. The cagers - defeated Western by one basket, 45 43. Stoick lead the team with 24 points and 18 rebounds. Baseball's TADLETS LOTION LIGHTERS "I can't say how much Linda helped us in this tournament," Baile commented. "She used everything she had. I think she's the main reason we're going to Ohio next ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. Tribune sports editor. His St. Louis Cardinals full do, more than knows. I worry that so anyone (UPI) — August A. Busch 68° weekend for the regionals. 16 oz. '2.23 Yellow QC 36's Jr., though eager at 74 for roster was on hand — much friction has come Reg. 3.00 Reg. 29c ^ Reg. 1.09 "Linda really showed a lot of leadership," Baile one more pennant, outfielders Jose Cruz and about to detract from the LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 continued. "She did a great job of pulling the girls together. expressed the opinion Luis Melendez and pitcher playing - field action. LIMIT 1 (Coupon) The girls came a lot closer together as a team." Willie Farrow reported "Baseball has got to (Coupon) (Coupon) Sunday that the business Expires Mar. 11, 1973 Expires Mar. 11, 1973 Expires Mar. 11, 1973 straighten itself out. I think East Lannslng Store Only East Lannslng Store Only Baile also praised the performance of Spano. aspects of baseball have Sunday. East Lansing Store Only "Joey was just a bundle of energy," Baile said. "She damaged the game's image perhaps we'll have to begin drove well and really exerted herself." and threatened its future. Busch, whose brewery to look at it more on a bought the ballclub 20 years , business side. But I'm not 10% OFF The Spartans, Calvin and Western, the first three place PEPSI- teams will travel to QUip. ihfc weoiwnd. for U*» Midwest ago this month, spoke I'm in it and regional tournament. ~ Busch in an Interview with wistftilly of a pennant to go i not getting with those won in 1964, 67 OUR Tom McEwen, Tampa and 68 and said, "We were the first club signed this DISCOUNT COLA PRICE UN year. morale gives us want is to I is a understand our good and that chance. What I live long enough Women The Exercise Room has SPECIAL: 16 oz.-8 pack to win one more been moved from the basement of the Women's THROW AWAYS FILM championship. But all of — owners and players — have to be concerned about us IM Building to 123 at the top of the stairs the main locker room. leading to baseball's future. As the Everyone is welcomed to Reg. 1.50 Limit 1-8 pack 99c DEVELOPING LIMIT 1 at michigan state university O fans proved, you don't have to be a player to love the game. Some of us owners the Green p.m. IM Upper Pool. Splash 9 to 10 today in the Women's (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires Mar. 11, 1973 Expires Mar. 11, 1973 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only R j50Coffany A J size pizza NOXEMA CREST | on* coupon per pizza SKIN CREAM TOOTHPASTE L ! Mr. MINE'S 4 oz. jar Reg. 1.00 LIMIT 1 63c 7 oz. Reg. 1.0! Limit 1 Per Customer 49° i 351-1600 (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires Mar. 11, 1973 Expires Mar. 11, 1973 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only RIC ONE SIZE OPAQUE PENS PANTYHOSE 11C 86' Med. Pt. Reg. 1.50 Asst. shades Reg. .19 I | LIMIT 3 (Coupon) Expires Mar. 11, 1973 East Lansing Store Only 10HNS0NS LEMON-UP BABY POWDER SHAMPOO WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7. 8:15 UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM PM 72° 15 $J28 14 oz. oz. Reg. 1.35 Reg. 2.00 Direct from a "sold-out" engagement at the Kennedy LIMIT 1 Center in Washington, D.C., this West African dance (Coupon) Expires Mar. 11, 1973 and acrobatic troupe has been added to the 72-73 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only season as a "Special Attraction." "A superb African dance ensemble with an exciting program... WELLA BALSAM NYQUIL This group of dancers, singers and musicians, dance programs seen here in a long must not be missed By any standard, this was one of the best-composed time." New York Times NIGHT TIME cownmitR COLD MEDICINE Tickets are available beginning Feb 21 at the MSU Union $4.50, 3.50, 2.50 MSU $"|99 16 oz. (weekdays 8:15-4:30) PUBLIC: 96 6 oz. STUDENTS: $2.25,1.75,1.25 Reg. 3.00 Reg. 1.50 If still available, tlcketi may alto be purchaaed the evening of LIMIT 1 the performance, beginning at 7:15; but we »ugge»t that you (Coupon) act NOW lo be aitured of seating. Expires Mar. 11, 1973 East Lannslng Store Only Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 5, 1973 9 Miracle Whip 44 Glendale Old Fashioned Whole Giant ( Peanut White Bread 3 89 Butter... With Coupon 18-Oi 39 i' Boneless Ham $129 1 LOW TOP VALUE STAMPS The People's Choice U.S. Gov't. Graded Choice STEAK SALE The Peoples Choice >. Gov't. Graded Choice i.S. Gov't. Graded Choic Sirloin Everyday Xtra Low Prices! n Steak Steak Copyright, t973. The KroflW Co. VM Reserve Tht Right To Limit Quantities. ■ 57 67 PRICES AND COUPONS GOOD THRU SUNDAY, MAR. 11, 1973'N LANSING AND Vac Pac I Kroger Coffee 32 0/ $128 Del Monte Spotlight KEEPING YOU POSTED Fruit Cocktail 29' Bean Coffee ZZ i'^'1.99 Hillcrest All Purpose Tomato Juice o?c.'n 29' Gold Medal Flour..^ 55' A SURE WAY TO Kroger Swiftning Applesauce vifSn 19* Shortening ££, 79' CUT FOOD COSTS You're concerned about holding down your week¬ ly food bills. Kroger shares your concern! But supermarkets have no control over the wholesale costs we must pay-and when those costs go up, they must eventually be reflected in retail prices. There is i way you can cut your food bills right away . . . and without sacrificing quality or flavor. Food shopping experts across the nation recommend that ybu buy your supermarket's own brands. These offer quality equal to the nation's best-selling brands, yet are usually priced At Kroger, we offer several of our own fine brands. • Blossom Queen Vou'll see our own name "Kroger," on most of * V»C them. Other high-quality Kroger brands include • 32 o __ such familiar names as Country Club, Royal 9 Kroger Coffee Kroger • 5 Vanities Tomato Paste 16* Pot Pies... 18' Viking, or Yubi. Strict specifications for these products call for quality equal to or better than # Breast O' Chicken Dessert Topping the national brand most people buy. * Eggs Er.G::A 597doieii Tuna Gerber Strained 2n 43* Cool Whip Kroger 49' And remember is Guaranteed . . . every product sold Unconditionally. If you're at Kroger not • 0 # Shoe String Potatoes £17 pleased, we'll replace it Baby Foods 9' Buttermilk Biscuits » , 8* back. So why not try the or give your money Kroger Brands? You've • Dayti Kraft Halfmoon nothing to lose and a lot to gain. • California Seedless 88 Size _ Pampers £30 '1.38 Colby Cheese. Oranges.....12 " 89 63' • Navel ••••eeeeeeeeeoee Fresh Tender am Table Napkins... .. ?Pk9c' 28' Imperial Margarine 42' California Asparagus ...©¥ Laundry Bleach Petroleum Jelly Clorox orBi'i 37' Vaseline 49' Dog Food 10' New Freedom Everyday Xtra low Discount Prices Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 5, 1973 ]] □s I For Sale )f» Peanuts Personal * ■mpFD ™N one girl - necessary, own room, must like G.I. BACKPACKS, $1.99, store, Frandor. 351-6323 px SQUINTING CAUSES Help prevent wrinkles. them with PATCH — ONE week until Return of POWs fails to mend U.S. divisions 5-3-9 McTown. Still doing pushups. nimals- $70. 485-8588. prescription sunglasses. 7-3-9 See you soon. T.B. 1-3-5 (continued from page 1) prison in North Vietnma terms, you had the courage OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 suggested that the country PROFESSIONAL East Michigan. Lansing. TO THE American military virtue, as supports and has supported to stand for the right kind should now unite in a ELECTRONIC calculators by Monday group — EnE GIRL to share upstairs of 372-7409. C-5-3-9 Thanks for everything. The though nothing had our President and his of peace. (You) never flurry of patriotism and (house- $55. Call 337-0611. Bowmar - $99.95. Eight digit, floating decimal, five shower and gifts are happened in Vietnam, and policies." wavered and said, 'We want loyalty. I 2-3-5 function constant, % key, GUNS, RIFLES of all and handguns appreciated. Love, Annette. as though the The President did not our men back but we want Other former prisoners kinds. Buy, trade and intrude into the rechargeable battery, AC sell. understandable emotion peace with honor for what denounced the antiwar Rooms BOB'S GUN SHOP, adapter/ charger, one year 2412 South around these men can wipe homecoming ceremonies, they fought for.'" movement as the work of a Cedar, Call but several times he used parts and labor guarantee. 371-2244. 5-3-9 away 10 years of an ugly, Many POWs clearly "small minority" that had GILL the POW issue to re - assert wanted to believe that the ■SINGLES, COOKING, walking ELECTRONICS, unjust war." been a "source of strength" 349-9293, 9 the wisdom of his policies. f distance VISU, parking. 327 - 1pm for order CHEVROLET CAPRICE The prisoners have yet to war had ended honorably to North Vietnam and had information. 5-3-9 )(«] - | Hillcrest. 332-61 16, 1966, 396 engine in excellent > speak fully about their As he told the families of and that their sacrifice had thus prolonged their J 337-9612.5-3-5 BASS TROMBONE, Yamaha, condition. Bravermen, 355-2300. Call Terry BY experiences, and their public utterances have most of the missing, captured and the "When others been worth it. At various press conferences in the last captivity. It hardly used, 2 mouthpieces, OWNER was a popular EAST LANSING, male, 3 blocks attractive 3 - (351-6503 after 5pm.) 6-39 sounded as if they came called on us to settle on any week, several of them $325. Phone 393-5846. 5-3-9 bedroom, newly decorated, viewpoint. T to Union and no cooking. low down payment, land from the same script. Even J 332-0205.3-3-6 AMPEX 890 reel - reel \ipe LARGE CHINA cupboard — $175. 1 corner contract, terms available to military public relations china tgR male student. Across recorder, omnidirection, AC those who qualify. $14,900. experts have expressed Agency tests cupboard cancer treatment self - $80. Both Call collect, W from Union. 211V4 Grand contained, $150 antique style. Hand made. Westphalia, 1- embarassment over the 351-2547. 3-3-7 587-6680. 5-3-9 River, upstairs. 5-3-8 882 8157. 2-3-5 frequent repetition of TWO DYNACO A-25 phrases and ideas. (continued from page 1) Fischer, postdoctoral results in malignancy of the MOORES RIVER DRIVE ■ adiES ROOM, single, private $75. Boman 8-track auto, speakers, Animals But a Pentagon of inorganic chemist said. connective tissue. T entrance, close, $60/ month. QUARTER ACRE newly - transplanted tape player - recorder with 3 bedrooms, 2 ceramic baths, spokesman flatly rejected tumors in mice but also to By trying a variety of One of the unique 351-5705. 3-3-6 FM stereo radio, $65. Call central air, carpeted, any suggestion that the shrink tumors which had molecular structures, the aspects of Rosenberg's and DOG GROOMING, 12 663-4511. 3-3-7 years built-ins, electronic air filter, prisoners had been been allowed to grow in the scientists hope to come up fellow researcher's work is fclRL TO share Christian home, experience. Done in clean large carpeted "coached " And there is with the most that they are experimenting room. South side, recreation mice for a period of days. effective NIKON FTn 50mm lens, f 1.4 home. 882-0788. 5-3-8 and room laundry in little doubt that the men with | 393-3815.3-3-6 perfect condition, $350 basement, screened room patio, meant what they said and The treatment also produced compound that will inhibit an inorganic tumors. compound. CLOSE to MSU. Clean, Keith, 372-9163. 3-3-7 double with electric long - lasting immunity to Mobile Homes Sm garage that Col. Robinson Risner tumors in the mice for Fischer said that the Platinum is one of the door, sprinkling system. By '""quiet r°oms- Cooking. Phone MUST SELL Scuba wet suit, owner, must sell, $52,500. was sincere when he told a almost a year afterward. platinum compounds obtain few inorganic drugs being 485-8836. 0-3-9 news medium. See at 5976 Bois lie NEW MOON deluxe 489-1276. 5-39 conference, "I'm For the last four years anywhere from 63 to 100 used in cancer research, Van - 10'x55\ Drive, Apartment 3 bedrooms, all furnished, speaking for all of the men researchers in Rosenberg's per cent cure rate in mice. Camp said. |tW0 OR 3 man suite Haslett. 3-3-7 2A, BRADLEY, 1847 (Lansing). 3-4 because we've discussed this lab have been experimenting In this case cure means a Fischer noted that completely furnished, new water softener and gas bedrooms 2 story, dining semi-private bath, kitchen, furnace, located Waverly many times. I would like to with platinum compounds, complete disappearance of platinum is probably AMPEX V2 School District. Lot rent room, den, newly decorated. say that, far I know, | TV lounge, laundry, parking, amplifier, with as as by changing their initial detectable symptoms of cheaper to make than many bottom, four 12" speakers. $35/ month. $3,000. Call $16,500. 487-6286. 2-35 $165 utilities included, very every man that has been in molecular structure, Robert cancer for a minimal period organic compounds used in $350 or best offer, see at close,' 332-8965 or 484-9774. 4707 485-0362. 5-3-8 DELEVAN, 1717 (Lansing). 3-4 of time which in humans is the same capacity. C-7-3-9 Okemos Road, Others Okemos. Next to Post Office! IN SERVICE - must sell! bedrooms, 2 story, 154 baths, If! WHAT'S. usually a period of five working on Or call 12'x52' 1966 Parkwood. For dining room, den, patio, years. platinum research along Ellsworth co-op female, 349-1740 or Bptekmg carpeted, drapes. $24,900. He said that the platinum with Rosenberg, Van Camp 355-3576. Ask for Joe. 2-3-6 information call 3934191. i spring term, room/ board. 487-6286. 2-35 and Fischer are: $222 50 332-3575. 3-3-5 3-36 compounds have increased Henry LES PAUL recorder guitar, the life span of mice by Persie, postdoctoral KIRL TO share house. Own $720 new, $350. 6 months TOPPER CORONA Recreation about a year. inorganic chemist; Paula i room, 15 minutes to campus. old, hard shell case Lansing, 12"x60'. partially - in m The scientists have tested Faber, laboratory | $55 /month. 882-3790. 3-3-5 337-0179. 2-3-6 furnished, 2 bedrooms, large living room, front kitchen. THE CHARTER PEOPLE Announcements for It's Circle K and Union Board the platinum compounds on and technician; Ben Rabin, who is considering other phases - What's sarcoma leukemic CANON FT-QL 35mm camera. Priced Hurry Spring! Happening must e will feature Eldon Nonnamaker, ROOM and board to sell. Phone Freeport received in the State News tumors in Swiss white mice of platinums; Harish Pant, Kenwood KR-77 AM/FM vice president of student affairs, ["available ULREY HOUSE 372-3518. 5-3-9 $169", Nassau $179', Hawaii at stereo $269*. office, 341 Student Services at an informal coffee hour from and find that the platinum postdoctorate trained in receiver. Grundig Hurry and call CO-OP. 332-5095. 5-3-6 Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two 2 to 3 p.m. Tuesday in Old inhibits growth of these physics; and Jim Davidson, TK-341 reel • reel stereo STUDENTOURS, 351-2650. Lost & Found class days before publication. College Hall, Union Grill. tumors. Doctor of recorder. Pioneer 13-3-9 No Veterinary fcoOM AND board. $230 per 77 will be Leukemia is a cancer that Medicine. speakers. Coldspot accepted by phone. The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. | term. Bogue Street Co-op, mini-refrigerator. 100 used FIND SOMETHING? GUARANTEED EUROPE will have a lawyer available from causes the bone marrow to The funding for the opposite Snyder. 351-8661. 9 p.m. to noon and 1 to 5 8-track tapes, $2 each. 500 If you've found a pet or article p.m. overproduce white blood research done in summer flights. Several Typing Service used stereo albums. USED Wednesdays during the term. cells and Rosenberg's lab from of value, we want to help you departures. Boeing 707 jet, MSU students up until the comes stereo equipment, used wishing the National Cancer zoom return it. Just come in to the Advance booking only. Don't present time has largely ICARPETED. FURNISHED, lenses, binoculars, TV sets, State News Classified Dept. delay! STUDENTOURS, appointments can stop by 307B been considered fatal. Institute and two major T quiet private large room. Free TYPING, IBM Selectric. 15 Student Services Bldg., or call typewriters, adding machines, and tell us you want to place 351-2650. 9-3-9 353-0659. Sarcoma is a cancer that platinum companies. i parking. References. Call Ed, clock radios, tapestries. Used years experience. 484-5902, an ad in EAST LANSING [ 351-2755. X-5-3-5 snow skiis and boots, $5 and STATE BANK'S found SKIERS SPECIAL - Near fast efficient service. 2-3-5 Peace Corps/Vista will recruit up. WILCOX SECOND H for summer and fall from 9 • EMALE BOARDERS wanted column. As a public service ighlands. Nubs. Two a.m. EXPERIENCED IBM typing, to 5 Tuesday Gays deny stereotypes HAND STORE, 509 East EAST LANSING STATE bedrooms, living, complete p.m. through I for spring term in Sorority Michigan, Lansing, 485-4391, BANK will run the ad at no kitchen. Clean. theses, term papers, (Pica - Thursday in the MSU placement House, $335. Call 332-0851. $5.00 per office. Application deadline is 8 Elite) Call Fayann, B 235 5:30pm Monday - extra cost to you. person. NORTHERNER April 1. 7-3-9 Saturday, BankAmericard, EAST LANSING MOTEL (616) 238-7817. (continued from page 1) Master Charge, trades, terms, STATE BANK 1-35 The Shotgun Club will meet IaRGE, clean, quiet room layaways. C-3-9 C-39 at 7 p.m. Tuesday in 203 Men's Jacquie Henigsmith, East Lansing resident, said, "My [ for spring term. $70/ month Intramural I plus utilities. 351-3048. 3-3-5 FLIGHTS, New York - Bldg. to finalize sexuality is only a very small part of me. It is not so LIBERTY COIN SHOP Frankfort, English degree. Marty North, plans for the Missouri trip and LOST: THURSDAY A.M.: return. From important that it covers everything else or that it distorts $165. Anne 351-3487.7-3-9 "" ~ ■INGLE ROOM with private Benrus electronic watch Munnich, my perspective on other areas." T between;-Eniokson end Wells, 355-7846. B-2-3-6 This labeling of lesbians as totally sexual beings destroys tuih, refrigerator, cooking, • parking. Hdlise privileges. 3S5-2366,'351-3927. 33-6 PROFESSIONAL IBM typing The Pie > Vst..Club.. jdxfcory many friendships between gay and straight women, the Call 353- 3185. After 6pm, t 7 p.rr women say. When people learn of their homosexuality, FOUND: MARCH SPRING BREAK with UNION Tuesday in 104 Bessey Hall. 351-9043.3-3-5 1, wire their view of the gay woman as a human being automatically announces the best ^ BOARD FLIGHTS. Spain, Advisors are to bring all rimmed glasses with case. 6-3-9 Handicapped student In Coins - Stamps - - i Phone 351-2048. C-3-37 $284. Nassau, $189. Contact information concerning spring changes. 1 needs male assistance, share Supplies J us Monday through Friday 1 "One minute TYPING TERM papers and we are really good friends and the next FOUND: MAN'S Benrus watch - 4pm or phone 3539777. | double room. Spring and C-39 theses. Electric typewriter, The Alliance Francaise will they stand off and see if I'm going to hustle them," Robin Room between Erickson and Wells. present M. Jean Belliard singing r terms. and fast service. Call 349-1904. said. I board Call and identify. 355-1655. and accompanying himself on paid. Call 355-4015 6-3<} "Ail of a sudden you find out what someone does in bed I alter 5 30pm. 5-3-9 PORTABLE Garrard STEREO turntable headphone jack and auxiliary • with with LOST C-33-7 MAN'S Service J® COMPLETE THESES the guitar in a program of French songs at 8 tonight in the Union Gold Room. and with who and for some reason or another, the person you thought existed no longer exists." Heni^rrith said. ^TRACTIVE ROOM and - gold ring, input - negotiable. SERVICE. Discount "People automatically start thinking of you as a lesbian and private bath, for girl, walk to orange stone, I.M. locker. XEROX The Tomlinson Collection of 353-2115. 4-3-5 COPIES 4/. printing. IBM typing and not as a woman." I campus, parking. For serious Reward. 3531397. 3-3-7 Baltimore will display works by COPYGRAPH SERVICES, binding of theses, resumes, student or instructor. M.A.C. and Grand River masters as well as etchings, The attitude of straight women may be caused by a fear GIBSON B25 12 string guitar. FOUND: PAIR of green publication. Across from I 351-6286. 1-3-5 woodcuts and lithographs from contacts in case. South below Jones Stationery Shop. campus, corner M.A.C. and that latent homosexuality will emerge in themselves if they Excellent condition. $200. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today in the campus. Must identify. 337-1666. C-3-9 Grand River, below Jones continue their friendship with gays, suggested a spectator at Call 355-6348. 3-3-5 Kresge Art Center Gallery. [CHEERFUL SPACIOUS room 3532660. C-33-7 Stationery Shop. Call a recent discussion of lesbianism at the Women's Center. ivate home for serious PASSPORT PHOTOS - 2 for COPYGRAPH SERVICES, Persons interested in learning I student. Spring WOMEN'S OTTER fur coat, "My sexuality doesn't bother me," Henigsmith said. term. FOUND: BLONDE male puppy $4.00. Fast service. Call 337-1666. C-3-9 about proposal writing and [ 332-3609. 5-3-9 never worn, medium. Asking with white "Why should it bother you? And if it is bothering you, you paws. Bailey 482-3388. 3-3-7 grantsmanship through a $259. 355-3237. 3-3-5 are letting it." Street area. 351-5710. simulation exercise Wednesday, TYPING TERM papers, theses, VATE ROOM, C-3-3-5 FOR QUALITY contact Tony Lush at the The stereotype of the sad, miserable homosexual light service on etc. Electric, Experienced. SHARP 60 WATT AM/FM Volunteer Bureau, 353-4400 to toi*ured by his sexuality is untrue, the women say. | cooking, parking near MSU. stereo tuner, speakers, stereo equipment, see the JEAN MASSEY, 3934075. sign up. Hicks Drive, 337-9247. STEREO SHOPPE, 543 East C-7-3-9 "Most are very happy with their lifes and would be more cassette deck. New Garrard Grand River. C-3-9 There will be a short meeting happy if they were accepted," Robin said. SL728, Shure M93ED. Extra ANN BROWN'S 23 yeers of for ABE volunteers at 7:30 p.m. There is nothing inherent in homosexuality which ■LANSING turntable. Cost over $500. 7233721, 725-2259. 33-6 TWO singles, $75. HOME REMODELING and today at the Volunteer Bureau. $350 or sell separately. , typing experience is still tortures people, the women say. But society's labeling of 1 Parking, 917 West Ionia. repairs. Free estimates. Call Jim available for all your typing 355-6714. 1-3-5 FOUND: MEN'S gold ring, I.M. gays as perverts makes the process of After 7pm. 5-3-9 Wolnosky, 351-8753. B-2-3-5 needs. Call 349-0850. C-3-9 Wil Dupois, Lansing attorney, discovering your locker, 3534500. Identify will speak on "The Legal homosexuality difficult. SALE SALE SALEMI initials, etc. C-336 Rights of Institutionalized "There TO campus, clean, TYPING DISSERTATIONS, Mental Patients" at 7:30 p.m. are many gay people who are unhappy, many 500 used 8-track tapes $1 each 351-8154. 5-3-9 LOST: GOSEN super-pilot term papers, experienced. today in 34 Union. gays are finding it difficult to cope with it, especially when while they last. 100 diamond exposure meter, February 40c per page. 332-2987. they first come out," Henigsmith said. " Because here you ■LOCATED BEHIND Taco Bell, engagement sets, 25% off. are in the process of 7th in Union. Reward. Ken, 0-33-7 The Block and Bridle Club admitting to yourself that all of a T I block from Berkey Hall. WILCOX SECOND HAND will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday 351-0522. 5-37 DANCE CLASSES absolutely sudden your sexuality isn't the norm. But if you have Board if wanted. 332-2563. STORE, 509 East Michigan, in 110 Anthony Hall. Plans for r e e Mode and someone to talk to, a means to Lansing. Phone 485-4391. . MARGARET RICE. cope with it, nine times out | 5-3-9 C-5-3-9 FOUND: KEY on Auditorium conventional social dancing. Experienced, prompt, electric the horse show will be discussed. of ten things will work out." Road by East Circle. Made, Instruction. All ages, typewriter. 332-1266. 509 The Michigan Botanical Club However, gay women do face many problems. The fear N ROOM in Owen Graduate Fitchburg, Mass. 353-3559. LEARNING CENTER. Grove Street. 1=3=5 will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday of loosing a job or the fear of HAMMOND ORGAN like being condemned and | Hall, - includes board, maid C-33-5 Phone 432-7206, 1 - 5pm. in 203 Horticulture Bldg. E.S. ice. 355-3929 or new, $475. Large cabinet, 5-3-7 Beneke will speak on rejected by relatives forces many gay women to lead a dinette set, desk. 482-3832. double life. 353-3579. .Keep tryingl 5-3-9 Transportation ](Z) "Mushroom □ Cultivation in TYPEWRITTEN Michigan and in the Orient." "•You have to live sort of a schizophrenic life," Robin |fORfoom,WOMEN, close in. quiet single OBOE - BY LESHER, used REPRODUCTIONS - TWO NEED ride to Colorado, Murray Straus, professor of said. "You have to be paranoid. For example, you can have Community PREGNANT? WE resumes, theses, papers, a job and be . kitchen, no parking facilities, only 6 months, excellent understand. poems - rendered promptly, spring break, share gas, sociology, University of New doing really well, and someone can fire you if i 332-0647 after 5pm, Monday condition. 3932149 after Call us. PREGNANCY driving, 337-9967. Bill Hampshire, will lead a he doesn't like your sexual preference." COUNSELING. 372-1560. fastidiously, reasonably. colloquium on "Comparative I thru Friday only. 3-3-7 8pm. 33-7 Alliston. 4-3-7 Gay women also face the loss of their children if their C-3-9 332-4493. 7-3-9 Experimental Studies of Families in Ceylon, India and homosexuality is discovered. Many gay women are mothers, |*00M and board, males only, MARANTZ SPEAKERS Imperial IV $190. 7 months FOOD & CHILDREN Estimates by the Dept. of PRIVATE GUITAR i SKIERS RIDE camper. Share to Alta, Utah in gas, 3533017. the United States" from 3 to 5 today either by adoption or previous marriage, Henigsmith rking, close to campus, in my home. Call Terry at p.m. in 102 Human reports. old. 353-7493. 5-3-9 Agriculture, show that In a 3-36 Ecology Bldg. The Council of . 'We rooms. 332-5035. 332-4212. 2-3-6 "No matter how good a mother you are or how little I 5-3-9 family with 2 children on a Graduate Students will meet at 64 USED sewing machines moderate food budget, each TWO PEOPLE need ride to 6:30 p.m. today in the Con Con your children know about your sexual activities, you can child would run up a food GUITAR, FLUTE and drum lose your children just like that!" Robin said. $9.95 up. Zig-Zag and Florida. Will share expenses Room, International Center. For Sale bill of $8,500 by age 18, not lessons. Private instruction straight stitchers, portables 482-2047, 351-0754. X-4-37 However, a gay mother was recently awarded custody of including the goodies such as available. MARSHALL and console models. Singers, Participate in the Children's her ' Ice cream, candy and soda. MUSIC. 351-7830. C-1-3-5 Theater spring term. Call child, Baldwin said. i«nHe», Kenmores, and many But if your family likes ONE "But even in this case she forbidden to the PERSON needs ride to 484-0476 or 353-9446. was see ■°0ks for SALE - Geology. more too numerous to the goodies, you can have Florida. Will pay expenses. woman who was her lover." mention. 30 used vacuums $5 more of them by using I c,er>tist Scientific, Electro - Upriights and tanks, 353-0171. 5-3-8 The Committee to Re - elect Even though the life of a gay woman may not be easy, I "echanics. Electrical up. STATE News Classified Ads. Mike Engel to ASMSU for the that life is more satisfying then the one they lead before I "Smearing, and Kirbys, Electrolux, Rainbows It's a great way to add College of Natural Science will so forth. dollars to your budget. Just REQUESTING GIRL rider to they admit their homosexuality (come out of the closet), I Phono TYPING THESES and meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday in 2021 489-7255. 3-3-5 look around your home, and term Phoenix, Arizona. Leaving the numerous to mention. Hours papers. Electric typewriter. Campus HU1 apts. All are women say. March 15th. 337-1471. 33-6 welcome. 9am to 5pm Saturday 9-12 |°° I "W'fier, WATT MARSHALL P.A. noon. ELECTRO GRAND, outgrown or no longer Experienced. 372-7600. 0-3-9 Diane. "Coming out was like somebody had just opened a big door and said 'that's how you do it.' And when I did it, I $204.83. Call DUE enjoyed Items. Then dial Spartan Wives will hold a I^ST, 351-0529. 3-3-5 804 East Michigan, 0-5-3-9 Lansing. 355-8255 for Writer who'll help you a friendly Ad word YOUNG LADY wheelchair m fashion show at 7 p.m. today in Jacobson's East Room. Tickets felt really at home," Henigsmith said. "For the first time as much of me that was possible at that time relaxed." your ad to reach cash bound, are available at the door or desires typing in DONT FORGET blood comes Baldwin described the discovery of her homosexuality as buyers. Do It today! phone 353-9937. home. 2 years college slow awakening. only from people. a NOTICE COMPLETE SERVICES. wheelchair PRESCRIPTION Crutch rentals. and majoring in typing. Some experience doing theses, resumes, correspondence, and Professional donors compensated. MICHIGAN James Madison Students Assembled will meet at 7:30 p.m. today in the Case Hall College "I became very involved with one woman in particular, and found out my feelings for women were about the same COMMUNITY BLOOD as what society said my THE COLLEGE OF AGRUCULTURE AND GULLIVER STATE DRUG, general work. 489-0531. CENTER. 337-7183. Hours all - purpose rooms to evaluate feelings should be for men. I still the field experience program had feelings for men, but I found that I felt confortable in NATURAL RESOURCES will be holding the Inc. 1105 West Grand River, 5-36 Monday, Thursday and and discuss ways to implement East Lansing, 332-5171. different ways with women." Section of Student Senators for the 1973-74 term Friday 9 - 4:30. Tuesday and needed changes. Attendance by C-7-39 Wednesday 12 6:30.C-3-9 Being gay is not only a more satisfying life, the women office from March 12-27. All students in the TYPESETTING, mix, light, bold - upper classmen is especially c°llege will have the opportunity to cast their STEREO RENTALS. $9.50 per and italic faces, justified necessary. say, it has also taught them that many of societys ideas are month, $23 per term. Free columns, have your hard - POETRY, SHORT fiction, art false. I ^allots during early registration of finals week or delivery, service and pick-up. earned paper or thesis look work wanted for literary MSU Scots Highlanders will "Being just a little bit outside of society's norms, I'm | ,Brm dl)r'ng registration prior to the beginning of Spring No deposit. TV's available at like a "real" book. magazine publishing spring meet at Demonstration 7 p.m. today in the Hall Ballroom realizing that society isn't always right," Baldwin classes in all departmental offices. same rates. Call NEJAC, COMPUTYPE. 351-8494. term. Dan, 355 8252, for an evening of bagpiping and said. For one thing, they were saying I was wrong and I 337-1300. C 39 53-8 353-1916. 5-3-9 Scottish dancing. knew better." ] 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday. ■ Marrh^)^ Second group of POWs lands at base mail. He and fellow freedom (continued from page 1) "I am pleased to supported our presidents biographical data on other to Clark. _ Vietnamese had been widely is all | nec "The little touches were distributed in the United prisoners saluted the flag announce our distinguished during this long ordeal. We captured foreigners, also each night before retiring, for about 20 minutes in declined numerous on the aircraft," comment on the States. guests for this afternoon, know better than any order detention to inspect the camp in The first man off the aircraft will be Col. James citizen has ever know how great it is to be an two men reportedly whom Hanoi had claimed were Torraca said. "I noticed that the latrines didn't have One occupant of the he added. information ^fice^'f^ downtown Hanoi that had mercenaries shot down over second plane, Lt. Col. John Lt. Comdr. Jay Coupe H. Kasler, United States Air American. It's good to be paper towels. They had been occupied by the Force." home." the North. been replaced with very A. Drames I, 40, from Jr., USN, the military returnees on what . the prisoners just before thier information officer aboard Colonel Kasler, 46, from As their names were One of the returnees on fancy flowered towels." Philadelphia, displayed a release. the second plane, described South Bend, Ind., was the called out by Major Torraca the first plane, Lt. George Most of the men, he hankerchief with an they said The prisoners arrived in T. Coker, USN, 29, from continued, "were absolutely American Flag on it some of the talk aboard briefed each they senior member of the at roughly 20 - second buses wearing new blue Amarillo, Tex., disembarked smiles from ear to ear. In disembarked. Talking during the flight to Clark. released prisoners aboard. He intervals, the other 39 shirts and trousers, grey had been shot down on returnees aboard the plane wearing Lieutenant's fact, one guy told me when briefly to a newsman out Lt. Cmdr. Michael D. •"■Ming he would like ,„d M.J" ?1* jackets and black shoes Aug. 8, 1966. After walking disembarked in the order in shoulder boards which he he got on the airplane he the bus window, he said he Christian, USN, 32, from to make7? issued by the North made by hand during his 6'3 thought his face was going had made the flag while in Huntsville, Ala., when told remarks. The senior Vietnamese. down the ramp and shaking which they were shot down that returnees would be then Wengel, hands with Adm. Noel over North Vietnam. All the years in captivity. to bust because he hadn't prison. The blue stars were wrote out th! Col. Emil J. USAF, the senior member United States Americans released today As with previous releases, smiled so much in a long made from a jacket; the red allowed to go shopping at the Clark remarks showed by them„ ,3™ of four information officers Pacific Commander, he were officers captured in newsmen were barred from time. There was a lot of stripes, he said, were made Base exchange them t ^ and six military alked to a microphone and 1966 and 1967. any direct contact with the shouts, clapping, whistling, from a pair of women's red upon don't arrival, need replied: "I information office, °, ,lhe that stuff said: The two released Thais, returnees. Instead, military hoots, hollers, stuff flying panties he received in the — photographers who went to "We went to Vietnam to #ho were also aboard the information officers through the air as we broke Hanoi with the pickup do a job that had to ' first plane, disembarked reported all details except ground." planes, said no problems the arrival ceremony "There were a lot of done, and we were going ^ last. A Thai goverment at Indians, lawyers discuss peace occurred. stay until that job wi s . fficial was at Clark but Clark. Major Torraca, for stories aboard the aircraft When the first of three complete. We wanted refused to speak to example, told newsmen during the flight," Torraca pickup jets pulled to a stop, what happened aboard the said, "But the one I come home, but we wanted eporters, and the Thai a microphone was handed first plane. to come home with honoi embassy in Manila also personally got the biggest Many of the bunkers and inside the plane to Maj. President Nixon has brought One nurse aboard, he kick out of was the guy who (continued from page 1) incident of the Louis A. Torraca, USAF, declined comment on the to lead an armed force of trenches dug by the Indians American. us home with honor. God two men. United States said, baked three cakes to showed me the jockey Indian wars. and information officer, Oglalas to retake the village were unoccupied early The priest bless those Americans who officials, who have released feed the returnees en route shorts he was wearing and was one of 11 who said: from the Indians in Sunday. There were reports persons held told me, 'Lou, I got shot hostage unt Wounded Knee, whom some Indians had filtered noon down in these things and I through federal lines and Thursday. Thou was determined all the time Wilson called "renegades, they have been free, none of I was in the North that I vagrants and intruders." departed from Wounded the persons has left the Knee. give up; envoys' bodies removed Wilson said late Saturday village and Wilson said he Guerillas would wear them out,' and today later." he did, six years that if peace talks broke down he would lead a force The Rev. Paul Manhart said Mass Sunday in the believes they are intimidated. being 6 The arrival ceremony was of nearly 1,000 Indians into community center in the Newsmen who talked (continued from page 1) unrecognizable, badly- had entered Sudan with very impressed with the Wounded Knee today. tiny village, where in 1890 with the same for the other two a person held hostage Jordanian passports several Sudanese government's 146 cable to President Nixon mutilated with multiple Asked what his followers some Sioux Indian say the residents decided to weeks ago in a flight from handling of this tragic planeloads of returnees. The indicating the Sundanese bullet wounds. She said it senior member aboard the were doing while waiting to men, women and children remain in their homes Beirut. incident. We have no killed and 31 government intends to deal appeared Noel also had been second plane. Col. Gordon learn the outcome of the were U.S. because they have nowhere firmly with the guerillas. strangled, but the autopsy But the government - quarrels about it. We do not troops died in the last major to relocate. believe anyone could have A. Larson, USAF, 45, from peace talks, Wilson replied, "What has happened here results were not controlled newspaper A1 done better then Gen. Winona, Minn, a prisoner "shining their rifles." ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ has grieved me personally as immediately available, Sahafa said they arrived in Bakir." for six years, said: There were sporadic well as my government and An official plane a Libyan airliner Thursday "We now know what gunfire exchanges countrymen," lie said. "We dispatched by Nixon arrived from Tripoli. The paper said Wednesday. Thursday, Despite While Numairi has freedom really is and how find the killing of these men in Khartoum with three of the guerillas were met by a promise romance. Bui we condemned the slayings, the great that world was that we Friday and early Saturday can provide introductions outrageous." the American diplomats' high - ranking local left so many years ago. It between the federal representative of Al Fatah, guerillas' surrender poses an to interesting compatible people. Another high - ranking children and two caskets. was our faith in God, our marshals and the Indians. Our charge, a modest $5 for at member of the Sundanese John F. Noel, 21; Lucky the umbrella guerilla ugly dilemna for him. There have been no injuries least 5 introductions. Interested? country and our families government privately told Anne Moore, 22, and organization headed by the American that sustained us through reported in the six days of opinion diplomats that "the guerillas Catherine Jane Moore, 20, realtively moderate Yasir obviously will be troubled if these long years. We are the conflict. Then mile are already dead men." Arafat. The Indians staged the he is soft on the gunmen. overjoyed to be here. On However, Palestinian The report added that take over to focus attention But if he takes a tough line, behalf of all of us, God bless Cupid Computer sources, while expecting the Embassy staffers who the guerillas spent Thursday he risks anger and perhaps on their demands for Box 702 you all." guerilla killers may go on took turns staying with the planning the operation with further violence from the Also aboard the second national Indian reforms. Lansing, Mi. 48903 trial in Sudan, believe the al Al Fatah Palestinian guerilla plane was Comdr. Richard They want Senate hearings courts will be lenient on esentatives who on charges of corruption in movement arid his Arab A. Stratton, USN, 41, from them. "bearing up well, better provided them with a Land neighbors, particularly oil the Bureau of Indian Affairs "We leave them in trust Rover with - Quincy, Mass., a prisoner diplomatic rich Libya. for six years, whose photo and an investigation of in his (Numairi's) hands," a The presidential jet was plates and a driver who Wilson's administration. statement from the Black to leave Khartoum with the made up the eighth man in bowing before North September organization caskets and family members the assault squad, said. 'We are confident they this morning. "Gen. Bakir conducted will be treated as true A U.S. Embassy himself admirably," a U.S. revolutionary fighters." spokesman said seven of the embassy spokesman said, The bodies of the three eight Palestinian guerillas "The U.S. government is diplomats local autopsies were morgue, taken to a were where being 500 off any i WITH TWAYOU GET performed. American consular size pizza J officer Carol Roehl said the bodies were "almost one coupon per pizza | EUROPE FOR ALMOST NOTHING, NEXT TO NOTHING, AND ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. ABOUT $50. This spring recess TWA has great, on double occupancy) Continental break¬ inexpensive city packages in London, Paris, fast, taxes and service charges. Plus 4 Rome, Athens and Amsterdam. For example, theatre tickets, admission to 6 discotheques for $50 plus airfare you get 7 days in Ix>ndon, sightseeing, and more. Go before March 31 including a room with private bath, (based when prices go up. $4.30 A NIGHT. Only TWA gives you Stutelpass.* It's a $4.30 a night, no reservations needed. Plus coupon booklet that gets you a room and tickets good for meals and concerts and Cont inental breakfast in a guesthouse or lots of things. student hotel in any of 52 cities for only FREE. When you land in London, Paris, Rome, 507r off, as well as absolutely free things. Madrid, Amsterdam or Frankfurt, just turn Here, for example, are some of the absolutely in your boarding pass at the TWA city ticket free things in London and Paris. (Deals for office within 24 hours of your arrival and the other cities will be available starting you'll get a brochure full of discounts up to March 15.) LONDON. PARIS. Free admission to any ten Free 2 hours of motorcycle rental Greyhound Racing TYacks Free latest-fad gift from Free admission and drink at Aux Eschelles de Saint Denis La Valbonne, one of London's most Free silk tote bag from La Gaminerie terrific clubs Free drink at Hippopotamus Free breakfast at your choice of 10 Quality Inns Spring Free pint of Watney's Red Barrel in your choice of over 40 I^ondon pubs SIGN UP TODAY April For more information see your Campus Rep or call TWA. Send in this I Name coupon to 101 I ' Student Number Year WITH TWA IT PAYS TO BE YOUNG. Student Services I Campus Address I Phone Stutelpass is a service mark owned exclusively by TWA.