michigan Volume 65 Number 138 Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 19, 1973 ^H Kellogg Center employes to tell By TONI PELLILLO student union plans student be dismissed from his "It State News Staff Writer job was certainly no problem to get "We simply feel that we need a when he has earned an amount which students to sign. In fact, it only took student collective bargaining unit Kellogg Center student employes are exceeds his original financial two that package. days to get over 30 per cent of is recognized by law," Cain said. scheduled to reveal plans for the first Case studies of MSU students the workers," he said. He cited exploitation of student university student worker organization forced to quit on - campus jobs will The next step is to file with the in the state at 9 a.m. workers without equitable wages and also be released at the today in the press conference Michigan Employment Relations lack of fringe benefits as secondary Union Gold Room. and later forwarded to HEW Commission for a workers' election, reasons. Concern for present headquarters in Washington, D.C. working Cain explained. "And, the problem is conditions and the new work one evident - study Many of the I70 Kellogg student A majority vote at the election guidelines set by the Dept. of Health, and everywhere on campus," Cain added. workers have indicated the commission Education and Welfare (HEW), which through approval would Even if unionization is approved by petition signatures that they are in determine if a recognized labor unit is the state for Kellogg workers, other caused many center employes to lose favor of a union, Tim Cain, president to be formed. Cain estimated that I70 student employes of the University jobs, spurred the request. of the The HEW rule Kellogg Center Student students are employed at the Kellogg would have to file separately for requires that a Employes Assn., said Wednesday. Center. recognition. Robert Pisarski, an official at the Detroit office of the Michigan IN WATERGATE TRIAL Employment Relations Commission, said approximately 400 requests for union recognition are filed yearly. "We very rarely get cases involving student employes of a university, 8 indictments though, and I can't prejudge this case until I see it," he said. Pisarski added that a case filed by Wayne State University students earlier this year was dismissed because WASHINGTON (AP) - A federal straight day in the office of federal that something is up by what the "a valid reason for unionization was grand jury continued its probe of the prosecutor Earl Silbert. Strachan President said last night." missing." Watergate conspiracy Wednesday amid would not discuss the purpose of his unconfirmed reports that more visit. Some accounts have accused him Nixon had said he considered no The student employes' association indictments would be handed down of which currently represents workers at helping set up a political espionage administration official exempt from Chairmen soon, possibly for financial irregularities. perjury and ring for the Nixon campaign. prosecution, and that he would the Kellogg Center has very limited powers and is basically a grievance suspend anyone indicted and fire Republican National Chairman George Bush, standing, discussed The grand jury also anyone convicted. The President also handling unit, Cain said. "We take specific problems to ihe Watergate case Wednesday as Democratic National subpenaed dropped his long-standing claim that Gordon S. Strachan, Frederick C. LaRue on short notice all members of the White House staff managers and try to expedite raises, a former aide phairman Robert Strauss listened during a joint appearance to White House Chief of Staff H. R. Wednesday. LaRue held a high place in and the administration had been but we haven't been too successful and )efore the National Press Club in Washington AP Wirephoto President Nixon's reelection cleared of involvement in the matter. haven't really gotten satisfaction," he Haldeman, was seen for the second campaign. News reports have quoted said. investigative sources as The Justice saying he helped direct a Dept. and the White A waitress employed for over one coverup of the breakin and House declined to discuss the year at the Kellogg Center described wiretapping at Democratic national Watergate case further. weighs settlement the work situation as "sad." iem headquarters last year and handled $70,000 in unreported campaign money, the purpose of which is (continued on page 14) (continued on page 14) unknown. suits tied to Reports of impending indictments Gay front protests in bugging came from various quarters. A source close to the Senate's special Watergate investigating (WASHINGTON National (AP) Chairman - "Its more an attemPl to 8et the ShumwaV added- Party sources said the amount being offered would not be a factor in the sources within saying about eight committee the Justice persons quoted Dept. probably as hinted pole removal ■bert S. Strauss said while conceding that any settlement would be indicted soon. Wednesday he is Democratic decision on whether to "absolutely no truth" to any rumors certain whether to would be in favor of the Democrats. accept an offer settle out of court. about the poles being removed. I President Nixon's re election Strauss and George Bush, chairman Those - Elsewhere, the Nixon campaign reportedly facing But Milton Baron, director of Inmittee to settle three civil lawsuits of the Republican National committee tried and failed Wednesday indictment include present and Rumors that the sign poles at the Campus Parks and Planning, said the ig from the Watergate case out Committee, made a joint appearance to reach an out • of - court former members of the White House Abbott Road entrance to campus poles will come down after spring term before the press club. Most of the staff and the Nixon campaign, the could come down after compromise of a lawsuit seeking to spring break for "maintenance" reasons. |The settlement offer is reported to questions went to Strauss, since Bush uncover its secret financial dealings. source said. The second-hand report have spurred recent charges from the The Gay Liberation Front has i5,COO. has said he knows nothing of the could not be confirmed. Also Gay Liberation Front. The gay- threatened to take some kind of action ■Strauss told the National Press Watergate background and that the Common Cause, a self - styled Club Wednesday, the Washington Star-News organization claims the poles may come if the poles do come down before It he will not agree to settle the GOP national committee was not citizens' lobby brought the suit quoted down because the Gay a "top Justice Dept. official" organization plans Pride Week. *s out of court if it will involved. seeking to make public what money to hang a banner hamper full as predicting "major new proclaiming Gay "If the posts go down it's because ■closure of the events Bush praised Nixon's decision to let the re election surrounding - campaign for indictments." Justice Dept. spokesman Pride Week across the poles during the the University is afraid of conflict and ^ break in and bugging of the White House aides appear before the President Nixon raised and spent John C. Hushen said he knows of last week of June. Senate Watergate inquiry and said that no embarrassment with the legislature." Watergate headquarters last before April 7, 1972, when a new law indictments being written, but added. Executive Vice President Jack "Watergate has not obscured the went into effect. "I'm sure that anybody could predict Breslin, however, said that there is (continued on page 14) party sources said, meanwhile, that positive record of this administration." Btrauss does not Bush went a step beyond President accept the offer to Pe the package of three Nixon's statement that any official of ■ch include two counter lawsuits, • suits the executive branch who is indicted DAMAGE COSTS REPORTED LOWER Jinst the Democrats by the would be suspended, saying "If there is anybody on the GOP committee jnmittee for the Re election of the • Pident, he may have to make a who is involved in it in any way, he's ►'al fund raising fStrauss • ■ prosecution of the suits. conceded that appeal to finance the two going to be gainfully next The day." unemployed the Democrats brought suit for $6.4 million over the Watergate break • Officials cite would make differing in; the GOP countersuits total $7.5 By CHRIS DANIELSON "Not too many vandals are caught ■.''Potations of any out - of - court in the act by police," Bernitt said. Vement. million. State News Staff Writer "Most often reports of on - JI>'• would take it as he an admission of In discussing the civil suit, brought It is late at night and streetlights vandalism come from private ci.tizens," going said. "They would of originally by former Democratic flicker in the silence. Then the stillness * National he added. deny it." Chairman Lawrence F. is shattered as a well - aimed rock Jevan L. Shumway, spokesman for O'Brien after the June 17 break - in, crashes through a classroom window. "If the citizenry would become ■ Nixon Strauss termed it "the match that Vandals have struck again. alert to vandalism and not condone campaign organization, said, was F.on.t '"'ik it would necessarily be used to light the fire to keep this Incidents of malicious destruction such acts by their silence, the problem ■amission of guilt in the case." whole thing smoldering" until the such as this take place several times a could be reduced," he said. nation became aware of the case. week on campus. A slogan spray - Howard Smith, maintenance painted on a wall, kicked in door supervisor responsible for all academic panels, sabotaged elevators, broken buildings on campus, said that most I GAS buildings have not been damaged ADVERTISING plaster and windows, severed automobile radio antennas and badlv. maimed shrubbery are just a few of the forms vandalism can take. "Generally the students here have Poll finds But many University officials, from individual residence hall managers to been real good about the physical plant," Smith said. The biggest problem is malicious the director of the Dept. of Public Safety, generally agree that the Painting, he said. Obscene graffiti must be removed by sandblasting, and even obeying campus vandalism rate has been then a permanent mark is left, he said. declining recently. pr 179 From July 1971, through June 1972, incidents of campus vandalism Other destruction involves broken fixtures and partitions in rest rooms, damaged elevators and carved up table BV ELLEN E. causing $20,734 worth of damage GRZECH the stations surveyed used deceptive were reported to the Dept. of Public arms on wooden desks — 200 of State News Staff which must be replaced each Writer and misrepresentative advertising. year, Safety, department director Richard ? Smith said. Kelley sent guidelines to all dealers' Bernitt said, associations and stations, basically Though the 124 ofvandalism Broken windows also present covering PIRGIM's recommendations reported- from - July 1972^ through last problems. Though they usually can be ■misin'T stations "sing deceptive for fair advertising, and gave the March is an increase of five from the boarded up within three hours of ler and price signs are stations 21 days to comply. "We've had incredible number reported during the same being shattered,it may take as long as I8 surwv _ar. r between according compliance," period the previous year, the dollar three months to order and install a llic Researcher WednesdaV by the Roger Telschow, MSU junior, and value of the damage is significantly replacement pane, he said. IkgiM) G'oup in Michigan coordinator of the project, said. "We've had a good victory in a short lower than last year's rate, standing at Smith said damage to academic $6,222 so far, Bemitt noted. |iySUrv7'Ttal>en Vising 1"d. 'uestlay in Detroit, hy PIHGIM amount of time. Frankly, I'm a little bit surprised people have complied this Only 28 of the 179 cases of vandalism reported last year resulted buildings so far this year has been negligible. Campus vandalism has declined steadily in the last few years, fwed that s^ a"d Ann Arbor- fast." in arrest, and 19 of those arrested were he added. l0|ine s per cent ot the Telschow, a psychology major from non University associated people The last major incident of T^ng am h"S *urvey*d were Rochester, N. Y., said 21 of 125 Bernitt said, vandalism occurred during student led last mJ "B to the guide"nes , stations surveyed still violated the demonstrations in May, 1970, when |ey. nth by Atty. Gen. Frank guidelines. Four of the violators are in While almost a third of all crimes broken windows were reported in 18 the Lansing area, including the committed on campus were cleared by ^urvTvedht 11 5 heDgUideanes after char.p'J' .if ?IM, re'eased an Standard station at Trowbridge and Harrison roads, Telschow said arrest last year, just 17 per cent of vandalism cases were disposed of in buildings. That particular it almost spree impossible for the University made that 58 per cent of (continued on page 14) this manner. (continued on page 14) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Apri| „ Pentagon war crimes, law at Princeton University. questioning of Ellsberg had for E LOS ANGELES (AP) - documents in hope they In the midst of Nissen's breaking promises (J! 11111 tlllllill I Ulllllllllll till III311IIMUll Ullllllllt Daniel Ellsberg told jurors would alert Congress to the questioning, the defense Weinglass said Falk would stressed that the defendant The defense made a promise to the Rand smwj available to testify Wednesday that the need to end the war. announced it had changed be Corp. consulting firm not to on that point at the!?® "Few students have even gotten the raises they Pentagon Papers reveal Nissen referred to "war its mind and would not rest Thursday morning. Ellsberg's testimony < Wednesday The defense said Falk, an copy any classified the judge I*! were entitled to and most of them don't even possible "war crimes" by crimes" after being barred its case on as tolri opponent of the war, would documents entrusted to him know that after a certain number of hours, they the United States in by U.S. District Court Judge planned. Matt Attorney Leonard discuss the issue of whether as a researcher there. Vietnam, "some of which, I Byrne from asking are due for a raise." war crimes were committed Ellsberg's attorneys before you regret to say, I participated whether Ellsberg believed lie Weinglass said the defense in Vietnam. objected repeatedly that violation of |aw |t k JP Tim Cain. President of Kellogg Center Student in myself." was breaking the law wher had decided to call one witness, Richard Falk, Much of the prosecutor's Rand rules are not laws and will that JL Ellsberg, under cross - he copied the Pentagon more half Ellsberg is not being tried consider, and I instruct you 3 Employees Assn. examination by a study. professor of international day - and - a • on the la,™ government prosecutor, said see story page 1. that high U.S. officials Ellsberg, 42 adviser nun planned to break the DEMAND STEP DOWN to ^ officials, stressed tJ, Geneva peace accords of making war dec*! Student aid bill passed 1954 and probably committed "a crime against men probably were w: who meant only the J! N. Viets rap Lon Nol Congress passed an emergency money bill the peace ... under the their country but Nuremberg principles, as I ended! Wednesday that would provide $872 million in understand them." doing the worst. ' federal aid to help students attend college this fall. "If they said When the question of fa* what they The bill, passed by voice votes in the House and "war crimes" in Vietnam were doiiW greater military and political progress bringing United States made Senate, directs President Nixon to continue the was raised by Asst. U.S. SAIGON Vietnam (AP) made • North clear defeats." North concessions. added, "the rest JJ country wouldn't dj existing student aid programs instead of putting Atty. David Nissen, Ellsberg ... "Under American V ietnamese-supported Like the Thieu it. That's most of the money into a new one, as he had appeared stunned. He Wednesday that despite pressure," Radio Hanoi forces into the peace government, the Lon Nol why it had J requested. thought for a moment, then planned Cambodian reforms in government, the continued, "Lon Nol has negotiations as long as he regime has been criticized kept secret American public." froin j" answered quietly, "I'm not there can be no been forced to introduce a and his brother, Lon Non, for being distant from the The bill also seeks to free an additional $85 a lawyer, Mr. Nissen, but as number of so-called retain supreme power. people, corrupt and The slender million in aid to school districts affected I read the law, I believe breakthrough in reaching a I by opposition elements into his The Cambodian situation oppressive. Ellsberg, on trial" J there were illegal actions, peace settlement until federal activities, which the administration has President Lon Nol steps Cabinet so that it may have appeared to be a playback bureaucrat by Anthony J, some of which, I regret to impounded. The Department of Health Education down. a 'broader political base.' of Vietnam, where a background, the 59-year-old charges of espioD«J say, I participated in myself, and Welfare announced last week it was releasing Commenting on Lon "However reformed it cease-fire went into effect Lon Nol assumed power in conspiracy and theft J without asking myself what listed numerous Nel's announced plans to may be, the Lon Nol puppet Jan. 28. The Communists March 1970 when Prince actions* S415 million for the program, which is $220 they were." accused the United Norodom Sihanouk those men which he million less than Congress appropriated. form a new government that government still remains an had was Ellsberg, speaking just before the prosecutor would include members of instrument of the U.S. States of continuing to deposed after a full-scale violated principals set dot] ceased questioning and the opposition parties, Radio imperialists in continuing to "Vietnamize" the war. war broke out in Cambodia. by the Nuremberg after World War II. tnbij Hanoi said the Khmerize the war. With For nearly five years the Lon Nol had been defense began redirect Jewish exit tax lifted questioning, said there are reorganization "is aimed at such a nature, the Lon Nol peace talks remained stalled Sihanouk's defense minister "Of course 1 was pan| this in a lowly settling internal conflicts of government will be more because they refused to deal and right-hand man. way," J about 1,000 pages of "evidence" of crimes in the the Lon Nol puppet and more isolated and with the Saigon regime of Insurgent forces in Ellsberg. "in a high 2 Soviet Union has told the White House it has Cambodia clerkly way - in that IJ government which is disrupted every day." President Nguyen Van reportedly top • secret Pentagon study suspended indefinitely the collection of heavy of the Vietnam war. He has deteriorating while The Radio Hanoi Thieu before relenting when control two-thirds of the conscious of what we iJ education taxes applied to Jews leaving the confronted with greater and statements indicated that South Vietnam and the country. doing." admitted copying the Cambodian insurgents country. Senate Republican Leader Hugh Scott would continue a military said Wednesday. Scott said Congress should be satisfied with the The State News is published by the students of Michigan State University every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring school terms, Mondays, drive in hopes of forcing Lon Nol out. Official U.S. Consumers suspension of the controversial exit tax. He warned sources in Washington were that further steps to penalize the Soviets by passing Wednesdays and Fridays during Summer Term, and a still optimistic that the special Welcome Week edition is published in increase! reorganization might requests rate restrictive trade legislation could endanger newly September. Subscription rate is $16 per year. encourage the start of improved relations. Member Associated Press, United Press cease-fire talks. Critics of the Soviet Union's exit tax said they International, Inland Daily Press Assn.. Michigan Political observers in Press Assn., Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan were not satisfied. Phnom Penh tended to Consumers Power Co. submitted new company's judgment, entirely justified J Collegiate Press Assn. rate applications to the Michigan Public within ftiase III guidelines of ■ Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. agree with the Hanoi Editorial and business offices at 345 Student Services position that regardless of Service Commission Wednesday, requesting President's Price Commission He said if how Lon No! reshuffles the $36 million in additional revenues on rate increases were based on a Most wanted man killed Bldg., Michigan State University, East Lansing, government, there will be electric business and $50.4 million in projection of earnings that would I Michigan, 48823. additional revenues on gas business. required to enable the company tonfl Mace Brown, one of the The rate hike requests are lower than enormous amounts of new capital o\ FBI's 10 most wanted men Phones: the $59 million additional electric revenue next five years to pay for construction! News/Editorial 355-8252 and the $83 million additional gas revenues new electric and gas facilities. was shot to death during a Classified Ads 355-8255 The new rate applications comply lii requested and dismissed by the Harlem. N.Y., bank holdup Display Advertising 353-6400 Commission last week as violating the the stipulation of the commission Hi Wednesday. His two armed Business Office 355-3447 Nixon Phase III regulations as \vell as the additional revenues be no greater tin Photographic 355-8311 commission's rules. required to meet the rate of return J companions later surrendered 353-8700 after Campus Information Consumers Power also requested an common equity presently holding 30 persons interim rate relief of $33.7 million Aymond said. hostage for up to 90 minutes. annually for gas rates to offset higher costs The overall effect of the proposed nil None of the hostages, that are expected when the company's new increases on the average residential jT including a four-year-old, was gas reforming plant near Marysville space heating customer would I injured. But a bystander becomes operational in the summer. approximately $2.40 monthly, or 10M outside the bank was shot in A. H. Aymond, chairman of the board cent. For the average residential electa and president of Consumers Power, said ustomer the effeel MACE BROWN the neck as police exchanged the earlier request had been, in the approximately 87 cents, or 7 per cent. fire with Brown, a condemned murderer. 104 Distinctive the Ohio rejects An Ohio Senate commiteee equal rights Wednesday rejected proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Rip off Share with friend. Choose fine wine Europe. . . one a a Constitution. from one of the largest selections available and The 6-3 vote in the Senate Financial delight your taste buds. Treat a friend, too. Institutions, Insurance and Elections Committee Linn's has just the right wine to make any came three weeks after the Ohio House approved it evening or meal an occasion. Savor the bouquet on a 56-40 vote. of French Bordeux, the richness of Italian The white wine and the sparkle of domestic proposal may be brought up for reconsideration at any time but the committee champagne. Relax and enjoy one of the simple vote indicates it is dead in Ohio this year. STUDENT-RAILPASS Tli* way ta ••• lur.p. without «•• ling Ilk* a I pleasures of life this evening. . . you deserve it. Ratification requires approval of 38 state Student Railpass is valid in Austria. Belgium, Denrr France. Germany, Holland. Italy, Luxembourg. Nor» 207 E. Grand River legislatures. So far 30 have approved it. Ohio became the eleventh to reject it. Portugal. Spain, Sweden. Switzerland Eurailpait, Bo. 90. Bohemia. New York 11716 across form Campus $22 The proposal was designed to give women equal Please send CARDS - PHOTO SUPPLIES - WINES me your tree Student Railpass folder s150 01 GOURMET FOOD & COOKWARE rights with men in public and private business Or your tree Eurai sectors. Andreotti talks with Nixon Prime President Nixon and Italain Minister Guilio THE DOMINO'S Andreotti completed two days of talks So you plan to spend the and very comfortable. They have to Wednesday "in the spirit of friendship and complete Summer in Europe this year. Great. be. So you'll meet us on our trains. It really is the way to get to know THIRST QUENCHER candor," presidential Press Two things are mandatory. A ticket Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler to Europe. And a Student-Railpass. Europeans in Europe. announced. The first gets you over there, the But there's one catch. You The second gives you unlimited Second must buy your Student-Railpass in two leaders, Ziegler Class rail travel for two months for a North America before you go, said, had a "full discussion on Same speedy free delivery, international problems." The modest $150 in Austria, Belgium, They're not on sale in Europe Denmark, France, Germany, because Ihey are meant strictly for talks, Ziegler said, focused on visitors to Europe—hence the but free pepsi's with yeur pizzas. relations between the United Holland, Italy, Luxembourg, States and its allies in Western Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, incredibly low price. Of course if Europe. and Switzerland! All you need to you're loaded you can buy a regular With the order With the order qualify is to be a full-time student up Eurailpass meant for visitors of all to 25 years of age, registered at a ages. It gives you First Class travel if of a 12" Pizza of a 16" Pi«« Swiss gave that's what you want. aid to Vietnams North American school, college or university. Either way if you're going you receive you receive The Swiss government announced that it had budgeted $4.5 million for relief Wednesday and And the trains of Europe are a sensational way to travel. Over to zip off to Europe, see a Travel Agent before you go, and in the l 2 free Pepsi's 4 free Pepsi's 100,000 miles of track links cities, meantime, rip off the coupon. It rehabilitation aid overthe next two years. to North and South Vietnam towns and ports all over Europe. The can't hurt and it'll get you a better i l 351-7100 I I 351-7100 After this initial period of "humanitarian" trains are fast (some over 100 mph), lime in Europe than you ever thought I Good with coupon thru Sun. Good with coupon thru Sun. the announcement said, Switzerland aid, frequent, modern, clean, convenient possible. I April 22,1973 No other ■ coupons April 22,1973. No other coupons expects to may be combined with may be combined wit >|,,s provide further assistance to the two states ithis offer. Trowbridge Shop only. its technical through cooperation program. ; Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 19, 1973 3 »HA puts off Grafton tackles ASMSU affairs ■ iall dues vote The board ASMSU Tuesday several motions which student initiated were committees. Four motions concerned board function and be allocated $50 for office supplies and postage, that A request by the Office of Black Affairs for an Shelley Nolan, College of Social Science; Mary Flood, McKinney, College of Engineering; and Dave 8 - minute action Wednesday night, the sent to agendas for meeting be increase in its allocation for College of Communication committees, and Ed Westol, Inter-Fraternity l! Hence Hall PostPoned for at ,east one week Grafton, newly-elected publicity: that board members be allowed to made up two weeks in payroll and a request for Arts; Bruce Law, University Council. ihall dues referendum that had been scheduled for board advance and that minutes of president made obtain temporary funds to permit the Black College; Gene Buckner, parking board meetings be posted Appointees to the Search appointments to the board's Pre-Med Club to attend a Residence Halls Assn.; and and permits, that each member around campus. Selection Committee conference on medicine in Charles M assoglia, include Debra ■ The student government group, representing 17,000 the black community were Hartshorn, m j nts living in residence halls, took the action after Off-Campus Council. College of Human Ecology, was criticized Wednesday for failure to OM AUG. 7 PRIMARY sent to the Budget The new Policy chairwoman; Mike Engel, Committee. Committee members fcouately publicize today's vote on a term assessment College of Natural Science; Grafton's appointments include Massoglia, chairman; Dale Posthumus, College of |up to $175 per student for hall dues. to the Budget Committee Dorene Radke, College of Agriculture; Jan Kuhr, "I'm not happy to postpone the vote, but it's for L best interests of all students," RHA president Gene ickner said Wednesday night. "We want to have a Student voter group included comptroller, Rich Evans, chairman; Education; Dale Braun, College of Business; Charles Pan-Hellenic Council; and Westol. P to discuss it more." ■ The association is also considering the addition of a lund procedure to return the fees to those who *u|d not want to use residence hall equipment such polls hall residents ■ magazines, pool tables and televisions. The RHA By JIM BUSH Wednesday by the student Voter Assistance procedure Voter Iposal was criticized in Wednesday's State News for State News Staff Writer group, Assistance, show that 40 per cent of on than in the past, because f omission of a refund guarantee. A door • to - door drive individuals would not have to insure that campus residents are to apply through their |"Wf wouldn't want to run an election on Thursday MSU students vote vacationing registered to vote in East initiative. own T ASMSU and end up with the vote being appealed," absentee ballot in the by Lansing. 75 percent of those Aug. Ickner said. 7 East Lansing City Council registered voters filled out The group had hoped to absentee ballot request get 40 to 50 per cent of primary appears headed for forms circulated by Voter ,.»> RHA proposal would centralize all hall dues absent East Lansing student lections at registration rather than the present Preliminary results based Assistance. residents to vote in the lem of individual hall collections. on a sample from several primary. However, Grebner, residence halls and released Nearly all the remaining who was encouraged by the registered voters said they preliminary results, said he planned to be in East now hopes the drive will Lansing on election day, produce 75 per cent fas supply d Mark Grebner, coordinator absentee turnout. of the drive, said. The The Case Hall canvassing percentages are based on canvassing in Case revealed that 144 of 345 students Nations Hall and are confirmed approached are by punishing supplies of "They've got gasoline begin the minimum stipulations canvassing Brody residence Grebner said. figures from halls. registered in East Lansing. Of these, 109 students completed the absentee ballot application. Thirty - but they're going to keep it Jne are causing some and duration requirements Voter Assistance employs five more registered voters [endent dealers to shut to supply their big, elegant have been dropped. 40 student volunteers and did not request absentee their stations - a stations, as they put it," he "At this point, we'll plans to visit all university ballots, but about 25 of the j to businesses using said. accept offers of almost any 35 students said they would fcotive transportation "We're still trying to find housing rooms, including quantity over any period of married housing, within the be in East Lansing on > private car owners an additional source of time," he said. next two weeks, Grebner election day. ■ normally take to the supply from any place that A spot check showed said. ■ road in droves during we can," he said. "No major that some middlemen and Thirty - two more Case 1 and summer, oil will take you on now. oil companies are The volunteers present Hall residents said they were ■tioningso far has been They won't take on any introducing rationing to students with absentee not registered but would T arising, according to new accounts." independent distributors. ballot applications, which like to be. Voter Assistance retailers, from the Hubbard was in the same Robert Atkins, of the the group compiles and plans to register them and bind jre of major oil as Roy Pollard, Bargeway Oil Co. in Glen gives to the city clerk. The other students who want to |anies to hoard their president of "Save-X," an Ellyn, a suburb of Chicago, city clerk is then responsible be registered on campus. for their own independent company in said his company had to for sending the absentee southwest Virginia. Pollard stop selling gasoline to nine ballots to the The student's August 7 council | Anniston, Ala., A. P. also put part of the blame independent stations and summer address before the primary will select four president of on the .najor distributors. had closed down one of its election. candidates to run in the |)ard Oil Co., said Pollard, who closed all own. November election for the j that six of his 20 but two of his 16 stations Reports from other parts Grebner said more two seats now held by e stations have closed last week, said, "We believe of the country ranged from students are sure to vote by Robert Wilcox and Mary e they have no there is a shortage of gas, an announcement by four absentee ballot with the Sharp. . He expected the but we don't believe that major supplies in Wisconsin fcder of his stations to the available supplies are that they would reduce 1st their supplies of being equitably distributed retail outlets, to Missouri |n< within a week between the major oil where Dick Berry, manager close, unless a new companies and the of a Kansas City station b of gasoline is found, independents." buying on the open market, ■bbard said he has Even some municipalities said, "We've got all the gas « gasoline from Crown were faced with the need. All we need is Jal Petroleum Corp. for prospect of shortages in more customers." (than 12 years, but less maintaining civil functions. 0 weeks ago the firm For example, Detroit's |ed him that it would gasoline contracts with Applications gasoline Standard, Gulf and Boron, lApril 15. which run out at the end of available for this month, show no immediate prospects of traffic court |/f/ons due renewal. Petitions for membership In the past, the city has on the Student Traffic ■ Friday for asked for bids containing 12-month duration clauses Appeals Court for the 1973 74 academic year are 1 judiciary and minimum stipulations. This year, because of the available in 307 Student Services Bldg. Membership Je application ■positions deadline lack of bids, city purchasing director Arthur Cope said is open to all students. on the lience Hall Assn. Taking I'p The Habit |ary has been extended Youngsters will be more likely i Friday. Petitions to smoke cigarettes if their ? picked up in 339 parents and teachers and "good lit Services from 8 examples" do. Please Ih> a "good example" and don't (o noon, and from 1 to smoke, says the American Can- Go fly a kite in a jacket from The IPERSTOMPER You lots can also ride a bike, take a walk, and do of other spring-time things in these great little Reg >22 jackets. Here are two possibilities, but come l^cial Spring Sale Price see them all. priced from '14. liow 12" corduroy shirt jacket . colored like cotton candy Available in pastel plaid seersucker blazer with the new shirred waist BLUE SUEDE *24 BROWN WAX HIDE Canterbury #ljnp MAC at GRAND RIVER rtf#/Vvg—. OPEN 9 to 9 Thurs. & Fri. directly across from the union shop tonight til V Px; / EDllUKlALS x POINT OF VIEW [ Students ] Grapevine to pay off By JOHN A. BR ADEN The Grapevine Journal is filling a void Journal has not been chance to make a go given a fair of it, simply Journa the » State . News, . to The n i Rochester sophomore on campus. It is a place where not just any other ylwr« The University effectively argument for locking students in minority Students, but all students because the State News has the power newspapers or to no newspaJ^I uses stringent housing regulations residence halls for two years was If one thing emerged from last feel shut out of the to prevent a student from going Three, the Alternate' £» for their protection: Sunday's open house at Project overdepartmentalized State through registration if he fails to program should be instituted 3" as a tool to keep freshmen and own Grapevine's headquarters, it was this: get journalism experience. And not cough up a dollar for the State News. delay; that is, rather than L freshmen and sophomores were The Grapevine Journal has apparently This is not my / idea of free profits the State News might? sophomore students under the only in writing, advertising, age of 20 in residence halls or considered juveniles under reached the end of its financial rope. It ph0t"0graphy and distribution, but also competition. expand that already il supervised housing for two years Michigan law and the University will have accrued a debt of jn management and production, «••»»* Therefore, I propose the following institution, they should funding other student „o t^l - purely for financial assumed the chore of being their approximately $9,000 by the end of whicj, jn the State News are open only the term, and the printer's generosity jobbed out actions: One, ASMSU should consider newspape^P expediency. guardian. in the way of not last forever. printing on credit will Four, if the money thus fails to pay the operating obt>. exn^l L various .student newLJ^I the various wie The rules supposedly exist to The newspan^Ti Age of Majority Act How did The Grapevine Journal got the School of Journalism &l expose students to the made students full - fledged in such straits? Obviously by spending allocated money by the educational value of a group beyond its means. This is not to say order to subsidize the papers H UnivZ, I members of society at the golden that it has spent extravagantly, for it encounter. Sophomores are age of 18. Still, the University this should be done because if ,5*1 appears that the equipment, supplies else, The Grapevine offered the "options" of living in ignores the lowered age of and services purchased by The valuable training ground Journal ?! students and deserves the )0J apartment - style halls, in majority and refuses to give Grapevine Journal are things that any for fraternities or sororities, to fulfill students the right to decide upon other newspaper has (the State News, the School of sUp?J the two - year University housing for example). But while a Journalism, if the their own form of housing. can be found, that basis alone budget-minded management would on ■ requirement. have structured the scope and format Finally, if all these financialsoim,- of But the main reason for This week the University the paper around the resources are insufficient to keep a newsJ?l compelling freshmen and renewed its perennial campaign available, those in charge of The Grapevine Journal have been inclined making a long-term loan to The the black, then let it die. newspaper is supposed to A stukl respectively. And finally, while the proyuj sophomores to live on campus is to lure students to the residence to go ahead and expand, hoping the Grapevine Journal to pay off the service. If it is a service which to ensure that all residence halls halls. A flashy one - page flyer money to pay for - _ the expansion would State News has been unenthusiastic Journal's debt. The Grapevine Journal do not want badly studJft about establishing Alternative Voices, enough to JS turn up, if not from advertising should expect to have to submit a it through the registration will be filled to capacity and lists all the various options Alternative Voices (the plan to use The Grapevine Journal has been doing complete financial accounting of its then there is check J provide a steady stream of available to students. Ironically, something about it by being one. If no justification M State News profits to fund other operations to the ASMSU board money to the University to pay the University is at the same time The Grapevine Journal can make it, so ASMSU, using student monev kP student newspapers), then from can papers representing still other before receiving the loan. subsidize what the students theiM off outstanding bond payments. reducing one of the more ASMSU. viewpoints. But first the State News Two, a registration check-off policy aren't willing to support, u attractive on - campus options Be that as it may, where should we monopoly on the student newspaper should be instituted for payment of ASMSU has put the student newsuj, Currently the University owes the undergraduate apartments in go from here? Should we let The market must be breached. the student newspaper tax, giving the situation in order, further finZ Fee Hall. Grapevine Journal die? I think not. The fact is that The Grapevine student the choice to pay his dollar to involvement would be roughly $67 million in bonds for inapproprai the construction of buildings. State funds are used primarily Though the University does for the construction of buildings provide a service to students by ENID NEMY used for educational purposes, offering housing, students should but cannot be used to pay off not be forced to live in the halls. Anatomy of a suicide attemp residence hall debts. Students With a low - cost housing foot the bill instead and pay shortage in East Lansing, the dearly with ever - rising room residence halls can probably and board charges. compete effectively in the free accidental death and many believe that said Michael L. Peck, a Los Angeles (C) 1973 NEW YORK TIMES Her first suicide attempt, five market. yet Formerly the University's NEWS SERVICE some suicides — the whole area is a clinical psychologist and director of ago, stemmed partly, she said. fr NEW YORK — It was a pleasant murky one insofar as precise statistics youth studies at the Suicide guilt feelings about her biseii Saturday morning and Marie Bettoni, a are concerned — are erroneously listed Prevention Center and Institute for activity (psychiatrists point o 17 Studies of Self - Destructive Behavior. - year - old graduate of a Brooklyn in that category.) precipitating events are not the mj Leopardi high school, had dutifully accompanied her mother and father to a church wedding. Her parents went on to the reception. She returned In Los Angeles County, one of the few places in the country where careful statistics have been youth suicide rate, based on kept, the In a recent telephone interview, Peck advanced two possible reasons for the increasing number of young suicides and attempts. cause of a desire to do away *i oneself) and during the following tin years, she sought to kill herselfij eight other occasions. Happily, Giacomo Leopardi spending enough time in the home. population, has far more than doubled "Stresses today have increased "I went into the bathroom, took a in the last 10 years. (The New York dramatically," he said. "A second, and has been rescued from those classroom. Marie said her original attempt J razor blade and slit my wrist," she cynics and detractors who have Police Dept. said it did not break perhaps more tenable reason, is the the result of a genuine desire to J said: "I just didn't see any point in down suicide figures into age groups.) fact that people learn to enjoy life at a her life. But a friend found her J castigated the world - renowned Confirmation that Leopardi living . . . but I couldn't do anything Between 1960 and 1970, the Los young age from their parents and they stemmed the bleeding. She admittd MSU faculty member for his has survived his difference of right, not even kill myself." Angeles rate for males from 10 to 19 learn to distrust from the same people. however, that while some of % absences from the classroom. opinion with the provost's office Researchers estimate that between years of age went from 3.3 per Maybe the postwar generation had subsequent attempts were : can be found on page 67, of the 70,000 and 80,000 young people 100,000 to 10; in the 20 to 29 age more general depression to ("razor, scissors, corkscrew Leopardi, one of the greatest between the ages of 15 and 24 will bracket the rate went from 18.3 to communicate." whatever was around"), a few present our side to the students." THINICIN6 ABOUT THIS IOHGCE 10HHT I'M TPVIN6 TO ludents for a Democratic Society (SDS) is launching a TH//I6. AND IP LIKE YOO Shields said Edward Banfield's S#y IS THRT I laign to warn Lansing area residents of the dangers and was an "The Unheavenly City" 'j TO. UM. youKNtXA)..,LIKE U)ANT you TO SIGN Its of racism. example of a racist textbook, but he didn't know MWBE ue COUL-a. AH.. LIKE ; UP FOR flNOTHEA which instructors were Tost people mistake racism for the prejudice seen in using this text. I UtORK SOMBTH/H6. HITCH1 The MSU chapter le Bunker. Richard Shields, Laingsburg junior and began fund raising activities to finance \ a trip to the Cnan of the MSU chapter of SDS, said at a meeting this National Conference on Racism held and 29 in New York and San April 28 Francisco. Members hope to benefit from talking with SDS workers from various parts \ bigot is a guy who just doesn't like to live next to of America. is but a racist wants to control and "It's great to exploit blacks for see others involved in the c gain," Shields said. "One way a bigot uses blacks when struggle, just you think you're alone and Irofit Ls by paying them lower wages for the same job isolated," Sandee Soloway, a Wayne State freshman who I workers are doing. That's profit — racist profit." MSU, said. "You also get news of what's formerly attended ie chapter also resolved to join the picket line outside won't going on that you read about in the fcrookfield Plaza A&P store to protest the newspapers." selling of Shields compared the antiracism >e not endorsed by the farmworkers' union, antiwar protests. campaign to the early ealso hope to force the University administration to CUE HAVE TO UMOPiDlT, "We're really at the first li from Teamster lettuce to workers' stage in combatting racism, just FORFEIT THE CHAiL.t RERUN? lettuce," Leslie as we were at the first stages of opposing the Vietnam War 0NW6AMEM Ou'HO BET ON Jjs, Laingsburg junior and wife of Shields, said. "We'll in the middle '60s," he sad. "We have to show people that EVER UX)N I THE SAME' kplish this by convincing the MSU community, whites are the fifth victims of lnts, faculty and others of the Teamsters' racism, after blacks, Asians, complicity in Chicanos and Indians," Shields st growers' exploitation of continued. "The majority of migrant workers." the nation's poor and welfare clients are i Investigation Coordination Unit of the Lansing white, yet the government covers welfare with a coat of blackness so it J Dept. also came under attack at the meeting. John can persuade people to stop supporting welfare." ■. now being tried on a charge of "We can't let that obstructing an officer happen," he concluded. jj last year's May Day demonstrations outside army ■ting offices on campus, thought that the Investigation ■ination Unit closely resembled Detroit's STRESS Newsman to talk fTRESS has shown itself to be antiblack and anti 10," Royal said. "We don't want to see a STRESS ■unit in Lansing that could extend into East Lansing - on press freedom lsu." ■hen students figation see the federal government is Coordination Unit at giving the least $100,000 while g student loans, they'll join a movement against the Charles Perlik president of the American Newspaper Guild, will speak at 3 p.m. today in 114 Bessey Jr., Perlik served reporter for United Press as a What a great way to I Royal said. Hall on "Press Freedom: spend the summer. ■elds said that SDS plans to International and the challenge the teaching of Dead or Just Dying?" ■ theories in Buffalo Evening News and MSU classrooms. was elected president of the ■e believe textbooks preaching racist ideologies are The lecture, fourth in the Buffalo Newspaper Guild, lused in several courses," he said. "If we find the College of Communication before joining the national lctor believes these books contain sound social Arts theory, Lecture Series, is guild organization. OPEN TONIGHT AND FRIDAY UNTIL NINE Miss J's crop jacket is the best way to be seen in pants . . small wonder, with zip front, Have yourself an exciting, interesting, even and how often You can crossover. Switch back. epaulets, sleeve detailing and educational summer—with a And start all over again if you wish Greyhound Ameripass. You set your own schedules. Your own buckle waist. The little pants With the Ameripass. you can really see itinerary. You come and go as you please. America for all its worth. Really get into it. enjoy The Greyhound Ameripass is good for 30 "show-off" is lightweight, soft it. and learn a lot more about it. up close days, and costs $149.00. An extra How about a first hand look at all the history fifty dollars buys another 30 days The of Ameripass also gives you and water repellent polyurethane. Washington, DC, Williamsburg. Yorktown discounts on hoto's. meals, and the Tidewater'' How about the enchantment sightseeing, and other good things. of the great Southwest7 The By Fleet Street, a big leather beauty of Big Sur When you look at the Ameripass in terms of Or. how about the European flavor extia education, of of French Canada? learning more about our copycat in white or camel, country, and the people in it. the cost is less The Ameripass lets you go almost anywhere in than a regular college semester 7-15 sizes $26. America. Canada, too. You decide when, where. A J A&op* The Greyhound Ametipass A great way to see America for a its \ GREYHOUND Jaeobson's fa Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan GOME JOIN US Local churches plan THIS EASTER Holy Week services Eight local churches will involved in Good Theological Seminary Columbus, Ohio, will deliver in morning services be a Friday service from noon to the sermon In a Good it lojjj 3 p.m. Friday at Peoples Friday service at noon in University Lutheran A c a n Church, 200 W. Grand River d 1 e 11 Ave. The service will be Church, 1020 S. Harrison communion service ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH conducted in seven 20 - Road. Sunday morning held at 7:30 pm J?* 800 Abbott Road minute segments and Easter services will be at University Christian A c£j Maundy Thursday — Choral Eucharist 7:30 p.m. Edgcwood United include special music. A brass quartet will 8:30 and 10:30. University Church, 4608 S. Hagadom Baptist 310 N. 10:45 a.m. Hagadorn Easter service will ^* perform at Easter Sunday Good Friday — Noon to 3:00 p.m. Meditations and Vigil Church services at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. at Peoples Church. 469 N. Hagadorn, E. Lansing — An Ecumenical Fellowship Holy Saturday 5:00 p.m. Celebration of the Baby girl - Easter Vigil Easter Day - 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. Festal Eucharist Special Easter Services - 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Easter sermon by Dr. Truman A. Morrison Edgewood choir and church school Passion will be held at 1:30 p.m. Student Friday at St. John's Parish, 327 MAC found at both services Ave. An Easter Vigil will be ALUMNI CHAPEL held at 8 p.m. Saturday, with masses Easter Sunday slated for 8:30, 9:45 and in local Easter Festal Eucharist 11:15 a.m., 6 and 9 p.m. The centuries old tradition of the Rejoice Mass at 5:00 p.m. Mass will be celebrated at - viewing the church UNIVERSITY UNITED refuge for the weak and helpless continued in East Lan!' 9:45 a.m. Sunday in St. METHODIST CHURCH John's East, 4828 S. Tuesday when a six - pound, blue - eyed baby girl!! found in the nursery of St. Andrews's Orthodox r,a? Hagadorn Road. Maundy Thursday 1120 South Harrison University United Church, 1216 Greencrest Ave. Utholl( Communion Service — 8:00 p The baby, referred to in police reports as "Babvr Easter Sunday Phone 351-7030 Methodist Church will was found unclothed and wrapped in a Morning service - 10:00 a. conduct a special sunrise green towel h. "The L h Us" 9:40 a.m. Worship and service at 6 Easter morning in Margaret Cooper, 3075 Birch Row Drive, when she arrive * by Rev. Hoksbergen at the church around noon. Church School Fenner Arboretum, 2020 E. Evening Service — 7:00 p.m. "What If He Had Not Risen?" 11:00 a.m. Worship and Mount Hope Road. Regular Sgt. Richard Murray of the East Lansing Police Dew by Tim Limburg services will be held at 9:40 said Wednesday that the department is Visit oui new Student Center Church School following tipsin» and 11 a.m. in the main open daily 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. UNIVERSITYCHRISTIAN church building at 1120 S. effort to determine who the baby they have not turned up any clues. Murray belongs to, but so [! Sermon - "He Is Going said the babvis CHURCH Harrison Road. Lunch Wednesday Before You" •being cared for in a local hospital. 310 N. Hagadorn Walter Bowman, visiting 12:30 - 1:30 The baby, whose age was estimated at about six by Rev. Doten dm Bus service available Bible Study professor of systematic has been made a ward of Ingham County Probate Co® Worship 10:45 a.m. For transportation 12-5193 u 332-3035 theology at Lutheran while police attempt to solve the mystery. call 351-6360 Grange, Minister Transportation mrmms) or 332-8189 mmmm (across from EAST LANSING JRINITY CHURCH 841 Timberlane Drive FDA tells ph ifl Hubbard Hall) Rev. W. E. Michael East Lansing UNIVERSITY pastor AND STUDENT CENTER 1509 RIVER TERRACE Telephone: 351-8200 SEVENTH-DAY Interdenominational University Classes 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship Service - Cantata 11:00 a.m. ADVENT 1ST CHURCH to prove feed dru "Christ Lay in Death's Dark Prison" WASHINGTON (AP) may increase the transferring their ity Raising questions about salmonella reservoir in resistance to other strainsol also a meditation by Rev. Michael Saturday Services: potential health hazards to animals, make salmonella bacteria, or have adverse Evening Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Rev. Michael speaking Group Bible Study 9:30 fi humans, the Food and Drug germs resistant to human effects on humans ingestiaj Administration (FDA) drugs, result in bacteria drug residues in meat. Mid week discussion and prayer Wed. 7:00 p.m. - Wednesday gave We cordially invite you to join us for Wednesdays pharmaceutical companies these special Easter services Rev. Michael two years to prove the Discussion and Prayer G assumes Call 351 the pastorate on Easter and will be speaking at both services. 7:30 PM Call 882-6580 or ab safety of antibacterial drugs used in animal feeds. SN places - 8200 or 646 6401 for bus schedules - number If you neec transportation Any antibiotic or sulfonamide drug failing to Join Us This Easter To Consider This Significant Part demonstrate safety and efficacy as a low-level feed in presscontesi Of The Christian Faith. - Easter Services 8:30 a.m., 9:45 a. m - peoples additive will be banned after the deadline except short-term prescriptions. for The State News has been named the best collepi S chiiRch and 11:00a.m. newspaper in a four - state region. (Youth Folk Choir at 8:30 a.m.. In The newspaper was awarded first place in the anniull addition, the FDA Children's and Adult Choir at 9:45 a.m. said manufacturers of Sigma Delta Chi Mark of Excellence Contest. Sigma Deldl and 11:00 a.m.; Instrumental Music at l n terdenominat io Chi, a professional journalism society, honored the papeml tetracyclines, streptomycin, the best newspaper within a region which includal UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH all services) 200 W. Gra a River di hydro streptomycin, Dr. Lyman preaching at Mich.gan sulfonamides and penicillins Michigan, Ohio, western Pennsylvania and West Virginia 332-5073 The paper was judged on its coverage of the Grand Riwl "Is It More Than Just a Fairy Tale?" will be required to prove 4608 S. Hagadorn Road WORSHIP SERVICE Avenue disturbance last spring. within one year that the East Lansing 8:00 a.m.-Youth Service drugs do not promote an CENTRAL UNITEU 9:30 a.m.-"Life Goes On," 11:00 a.m.-"Life Goes On" increase of salmonella Former State News staff writer Robert Bao was awarded® second place in two out of three writing categories. Bvl bacteria, a major cause of the awards in the newswriting and nondeadliml Worship -10:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. METHODIST CHURCH by Dr. Wallace Robertson CHURCH SCHOOL food poisoning. won categories for his coverage of the Hubert Humphrey J "Where welcome means friendship" 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. The FDA also proposed campaign and his expose of marijuana trade on campus. Ottawa St. at Capitol Ave. downtown Lansing Crib through Adults to extend the regulatory Easter Schedule "A second place hurts me less than it does Avis," COFFEE HOUR requirements to include said. "Next year, Til try harder." nitrofuran drugs. Thursday -7:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday Communion AFTER SERVICES said thesti!| • John Borger, State News editor - in - chief, Easter Sunday Dr. John Jennings, FDA had worked hard and deserved the award. 6:00 a.m. - Sunrise Service at associate commissioner for Everett High 6:00 p.m. - Evening Program OKEMOS FIRST BAPTIST ST. JOHN medical affairs said the FDA "It's good to see that this semi - organized chaoscanpt| wonders whether medicated the recognition it deserves," Borger said. Drama - "Born To Be Born To Die To Live" 4684 Marsh Road STUDENT CENTER and Believers Baptism (near Meijers Thrifty Acres) —Holy Week Schedule- Join Thursday - 8:00 p.m. For bus transportation and other us to celebrate the . resurrection of Jesus Christ Friday — 1:30 p.m. information call: Saturday - 8:00 p.m. 351 4144 or 332 • 8472. With TWA - ■Easter Sunday Masses-" 8:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 6:00 a.m. Easter Outdoor Sunrise Service 11:15a.m. SOUTH BAPTIST 9:45 a.m. Sunday School - studying the "How Tos" of the Christian life 11:00 a.m. "How to Witness In The Spirit" 6:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m it pays to be young 7:00 p.m. "The First Easter Evening" TWA's got a lot of things to help you ST. JOHN EAST in a lot of ways around the U.S. and Europe. 8:45 p.m. Collegiate Fellowship CHURCH 4828 S. Hagadorn But nothing conies close to the adventure¬ some brave blockbuster Worldtrek Sunday Masses: expe¬ 9:45 a.m. ditions (arranged exclusively through TWA). 1518 S. WASHINGTON Worldtrek. This isn't a vacation, it's an experience. EXTENDS A CORDIAL WELCOME For more information From two weeks trekking the fjords of Call 337-9778 Scandinavia to 12 weeks on a pilgrimage, to Kashmir. You'll find yourself TU THE SERVICES: camping with nomadic reindeer FIRST CHURCH OF herdsmen, or boating across the GOOD FRIDAY 1:00 TO 2.30 Lutheran Campus CHRIST, SCIENTIST Black Sea to Yalta. For the exciting details, go to your TWA TVavel Agent, (irand River Ticket, MUSIC FEATURING: VIOLINIST, QUARTET, Ministries at Collingwopd Entrance Office, or Campus Rep. - or send CHOIR, SOLOIST Hast Lansing the coupon below. for students and faculty MESSAGE BY DR. EDWARD F. SUGDEN, PASTOR MARTIN LUTHER UNIVERSITY I TWA-"IT PAYS TO BE YOUNG," EASTER SUNUAY CHAPEL LUTHERAN CHURCH "Doctrine of Atonement" jI Box 25, Grand Central Please send Station, the information N.Y., N Y. 10017 LCMS me on following: ALC-LCA I Worldtrek Bonus Coupon Sunday School to age 20 Books 9:45 A.M. COLLEGE CLASS IN FIRESIDE ROOM 444 Abbott Road 1020 S. Harrison 10:30 a.m. I Stutelpass* OvernitePass» 332-0778 Wednesday livening Meeting | Destination Europe Paci; Bed and Breakfast' 332-2559 8:00 p.m. 11:00 A.M. GREAT RESURRECTION SERVICE Pastor David Kruse | Name EASTER WORSHIP Reading Room MESSAGE: "DEATH IS DEFEATED" located in Church EASTER WORSHIP 8:30a.m. Common 11:00 a.m. Communion OPEN 10:30a.m. Common Weekdays V - 5 p.m. 7:00 "NO GREATER LOVE" Moil, Tuts., Thurs., b'ri., City„ Zip evenings 7 9 p.m. Holy Week Worship JOHN W. PETERSON AII arc welcome CANTATA PRESENTED BY Thursday 7PM Communion & Friday Noon to attend church services at University Lutheran and visit and use the CHOIR SOLOISTS BRASS ENSEMBLE reading room. Friday 7:30PM at Martin Luther Chapel Thursday, April 19, 1973 7 Community college aid urged Ru I PUUIC TVCMAM By LEWIS TYSMAN State News Staff Writer economy may have been the the rural schools," she said. reducing the unemployment best thing that could have meeting with the education and welfare rolls and James happened to O'Neil pointed out that committee and F. O'Neil, vice us," Emily increasing tax revenue while president of the State Board DeMattia, placement better appropriation committee in support of the at the same time of Education has written a counselor at Macomb providing both House and Senate to community colleges would equal opportunity. letter to state legislators County provide additional Community obviously pay increased information and answer any urging them to give top College, said in the Detroit dividends to the state by O'Neil has News article. requested a questions. priority in appropriations to Michigan community "It has caused colleges and provide free employers Bond tuition to look closer at for what they appeal community need. college students. There has been a tremendous change in O'Neil based his letter on thinking among personnel a recent article in the officers. Where once they Detroit News. The article pointed out that students of all would person only with degree, they now a consider four - year a in police mur ages were finding the show preference to the two DETROIT (UPI) it would be reasonable to shortest route to job - year capture. student." three - judge panel of the conclude that he may not opportunities is often Brown was originally Michigan Court of Appeals show up for trial," Cahalan charged with first through community degree Snoopy • Wednesday delayed the said. ro colleges. At the same time, the article Another greater reason for granting of lower bond that Cahalan murder in the Dec. slaying of Patrolman Robert 27 stated, employment is would have once again permitted Bradford, which was H.E. Rock, an 11 - year - old tradition located in front of the Phi Kappa Psi unemployment rolls were accessibility, DeMattia said. appealed for the Hay ward Brown, charged fraternity, 522 Abbott Road, has its spring face on now. The new interpretation being increased by the four - "Industry is all around us in with assault disqualification of Gardner subsequently dismissed by to commit year university graduates. the from Brown's Gardner. Brown faces an of an Easter tradition was painted by Mark Mox, Kingsley sophomore, and Gary metropolitan Detroit murder in the case because shootings of of alleged "prejudice and April 30 trial the seven Diehl, Bloomfield Hills senior. State Nem photQ fay ^ area. Industry is no longer seven policemen, to get out on "The drop in the paying to go recruiting at bias." An earlier request STRESS shooting charges. of jail. based on the fact that In dismissing the arson Wayne County Gardner's former law charge against Brown on Prosecutor William L. partners had represented Monday, Gardner said the ffects of Cahalan had asked the court Brown more than a year case was based on a ago voting for emergency right to was denied. confession signed by Brown appeal and to restore The prosecutor also while Brown was "agitated was the$72,000 bond for and frightened." Brown. appealing Gardner's JANSHUBITOWSKI of Representatives 85 - I7 dismissal Monday of an During a hearing on the county fair board Rep. F. Robert Edwards, Detroit Recorder's Court ite News Staff Writer last week. committee last year. Jackson, said that without arson charge alleged confession, two R against Brown The Flint, offered an the stipulation allowing Judge Samuel C. Gardner in connection with the Jan. persons who claimed to be bill now before the public vote amendment to the bill to had reduced disclosure secret election of a board Brown's bond 12 fire bombing of a Planned eyewitnesses testified that measure, if ,igan Senate that would passed, would "A secret vote was called allow county officials to chairman, the bill will not to $8,000 Monday, and Parenthood clinic Brown had been severely lire elected county require for," he said, "and we all elect their board chairman friends and relatives said in beaten by police at the time county boards of pass the Senate. Detroit, hours before his [jaLs to do all their commissioners to do all wrote down our choices. in secret. they would be able to raise of his arrest. ,g in public will not their voting — even According to the the money to free Brown much effect in Ingham "I don't think the secret "We get better leaders if bill, pending the outcome of his selection of a board names and votes of for I lnty. Commissioner chairman in public. vote made any difference in we are allowed to elect by members shall be recorded trial. Buhl. D • District 16, the results. The names secret ballot," he said. The if the action is on an The "We elect our board appellate court [Wednesday. chairman in open sessions would have been the same amendment was defeated. "ordinance, resolution or action stayed the effects of . . (the board of even if they had been roughing it now," Buhl said. appointment or election of Gardner's order, reinstating Bnissioners) do all our selected openly." Rep. Hal for the time He said he knows of only Ziegler, R - an officer." being the in public now," he four times secret ballots higher bond originally set. The bill won't have ffect on us." were used. The most recent Brown, 18, has been in was the selection of the the Wayne County Jail bill passed the House GM since his 12, apprehension Jan. charged with seven counts of assault with intent Here boots you'll find these brand names of quality in stock—Raichie. Iowa and a division of Vasque, Redwing. Fifteen different to styles to choose from. As low as Jjdges ask ban murder involving 518.95 Let one of our Campers' shooting incidents with 7resigns STRESS policemen. the "It's mind judge - boggling that Pro Shop experts fit you up. incontributions would reduce DETROIT (UPI) - John He remained with trucks in a single year. He bonds set by fellow judges Z. DeLorean, a 48 - year - Pontiac as asst. chief also headed the division to $8,000 in cases such as old General Motors Corp. engineer and was named during the development and this," Cahalan said Tuesday. ftNSING (UPI) — Backers of a drive to ban vice ~ "He's now facing seven " practice of having lawyers make campaign president who many general manager in 1965. He fcbutions to judicial candidates said Wednesday that thought might some day moved to Chevrolet in 1969 maximum life sentences and lead the gjant auto company at the age of 44 — the Tthan 165 judges have signed a petition asking the submitted his resignation youngest general manager in gan Supreme Court to ban such contributions. Ircuit Court Judges William Peterson of Cadillac and |>r J. Baum of Livonia, co - chairmen of the Wednesday. A anager former of general both the Chevrolet's 60 history. Under his leadership in year EASTER Campaign Ethics Committee, said they still Chevrolet and Pontiac LIEBERMANN'S lot |osal. sure how to approach the Supreme Court with the divisions of GM, DeLorean i vice president in charge 1971, Chevrolet became the first individual manufacturer to sell more SPECIAL 1 Peterson and I Kig any ideas you have," Baum would appreciate very much said in a letter to the 13 of the car and truck DeLorean planned to establish group. said he than throe million cars and 50% off PEWTER JEWELERY kers of the committee. a GM la separate letter to the representative assembly of the new car dealership as well as serving BARNES the lag from Scandinavia ~ar of Michigan, Baum said the "allay greatly the concern that if judicial dates do not receive campaign funds from signers of the GM and Alliance of as a consultant to the National Businessmen FLORAL price lawyers, OF EAST LANSING where he has kill turn to less wholesome sources. recommended for been the on women's ■I say this because you will find from the names Order on presidency. list that the judges who are opposed to Icing by lawyers are men of the highest integrity who campaign Armed with degrees in mechanical and automotive Easter Flowers spring blazers t not. under any circumstances, accept funds from engineering as well as a Our new shipment he who expected master's degree in business something other than impartial of Spring blazers Baum's letter said. administration, DeLorean are ready for joined GM in 1956 as a vour inspection. je petition urges the Supreme Court "to adopt canons director We telegraph of advance ■icial and professional ethics prohibiting lawyers from flowers engineering for the Pontiac contributing money for the election campaigns vimee j; or Division, following eight worldwide Jdieial candidates, and tb prohibit judicial candidates years with Chrysler and 215 ANN ST. ED 2-0871 ■receiving or accepting such funds." Packard Motor Co. RESERV I NG DIS¬ . GRe&e W m MERIDIAN MAIL PLACED -OKEMOS, MICHIGAN CURENr ROOM 1 o* APARTMENf? BECAUSE OF $tng TUE APRIL 2*4 WED APRIL 25 REDES IGNAT ION OF 8:30 A:30 YOUR ROOM ? - a.m p.m. I|ng off campus and HALL MANAGER's OFFICE 2 reserve any IOVII 0 unreserved room or apartment the RESIDENCE HALLS in any hall Stores 01 FALL TERM thu april 26 ore now open every fri april 27 8:30 a.m. ^.*30 - p.m. Thursday night until 9. room hall manager's office And . . . boots, Choose from a wide selection of sculptured reserve any unreserved Room or apartment RBSgiyW RESERVING DIFFGR6HT baggies, begonias, & forms-necklaces, rings- craftsmen. carefully brooches, bracelets, earrings, crafted by skilled Scandanavian They range from sophisticated _ |[ w-190 after paying housing deposit holmes hall GAME Room APflRTmenr (A buttons the super selection are all part of contemporary shapes to handsome designs from the age of the Vikings. [spring 73 8 tue may 15 wed may IN CURRGflT you'll discover when 30 3 " 16 sign-up] HALL ? 3 ' ' 30 p.m. you visit our friendly RESERVING 1 UNRESERVED different ROOM OR APARTMENT IN hall-- tue may wed may 1 6-7 p.m. O East Lansing Stores. 2 TUE may 8 THU MAY 10 thu may 3 6-7 p.m. wed may 9 8:30 a.m. - J»:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - k:30 p.m. THOSE TRANSFERRING TO A DIFFERENT HALL MAY PICK UP hall manager's office CARDS FROM THEIR CURRENT HOUSING CLERK, M0N MAY 7 EAST LANSING—209 E. Grand River 8:30 a.m. - It: 30 p.m. TO TAKE TO THEIR NEW _HALL_ DOWNTOWN - 113 Washington 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April ,9 Oklahoma gridders forfeit 9 games knowledge of the incident. "I can't answer that," Walker said the freshmen Chuck Neinas, Big Eight NORMAN, Okla. (UPI) - Oklahoma's Sooners, the Officials of the Big Eight Walker said. "I don't athletes apparently would Commissioner, told nation's second-ranked Conference, which initiated know." not have been eligible under Oklahoma faculty football team last year, the investigation, had no Oklahoma lost only to conference rules in effect at representative David Swank Wednesday forfeited their comment on possible Colorado last year. But the that time, involving a about the investigation on Sugar Bowl victory and penalties against the only victories left from the formula of grade point April 11. n* next day Ken eight other 1972 games Sooners. 11-1 season were those over average, class rank and Jones, a conference official, because high school The NCAA's committee Kansas State, Iowa State college entrance test score. went to Galveston and transcripts of quarterback on infractions said it would and Nebraska, in which He said both would be reported that the transcripts Kerry Jackson and another "definitely" review the Jackson did eligible under the current had ' been altered. Neinas not play. freshman altered. recruiting violations. rule, which sets a 2.0 grade and Jones met with were Phillips played only in freshman games. average as the only Oklahoma officials on April "It has been verified by The Sooners 14-0 win requirement. 13 and interviewed the two Jackson, the Sooner's conference officials that the over Penn State in the Sugar Walker said he did not students. first black quarterback, had transcripts of both Jackson been expected to start for Bowl was also forfeited. know who brought the and Phillips have been Oklahoma next season. But tampered with and that Barry Switzer, who charges against Oklahoma. r he and center Mike Phillips, succeeded Fairbanks as head He said there was no Jackson had stayed in the both recruited from Ball athletic dormitory during coach this spring, said he evidence that either player understood the tampering had knowledge of the High School in Galveston two visits to the Oklahoma Tex., were ruled ineligible campus while he was a involved the class rank of tampering ^'or any New head football for the upcoming football senior in high school," the two athletes. Michaels' wrong-doing whatsoever." Walker said. involvement, he said, was "As a result, every effort coach Barry Switzer year. only that he was aware of it. will be made to encourage of Oklahoma Walker said he could not Walker said he did not them to continue their contemplates the Athletic Director Wade say whether former coach know how the tampering education at the University announcement made Walker, in announcing the Chuck Fairbanks, now head was done or who did it. of Oklahoma," he said. by the university that school's decision, also said coach of the professional "I can only say this is "They want to stay," the Sooner football asst. coach Bill Michaels New England Patriots, knew under investigation," he Switzer said. "They indicated that to me." team must forfeit nine had resigned after admitting about the violations. said. Paul F. Sharp, University games played last president, pledged complete season because of cooperation with the recruiting violations. conference and ordered his Behind Switzer is own parallel investigation athletic director Wade "so that every aspect of the Walker, who made the situation will be examined announcement to the thoroughly." press. "Coach Switzer has BOSTON (UPI) - AL straight loss for the Red Sox course is not ready for play. AP Wirephoto assured me that no other KALINE WILLIE after Boston opened its No makeup date has HORTON with four straight been slated. member of his staff was and ED season I ********** involved in the activity now BRINKMAN all tagged wins. The Women's tennis under investigation," Sharp homers Wednesday The win pushed the said. afternoon to power the Tigers, 6-4, into second team defeated Central can °ve The Sooners beat Detroit Tigers to 7 - 1 place ahead of Boston. Michigan University Tuesday by 5 4 Nebraska, 17-14, for the victory over the Boston Red a narrow - Sox behind the five hit score. The Spartan netters conference title on national MS IPs dual golf meet 'WEATHER A FACTOR' - five out of the six television last Thanksgiving. pitching of JIM PERRY with OAKLAND University won It was the fifth triumph In Kansas C5ty, an NCAA scheduled for today has singles matches but lost all in the last six games for the been canceled because the three of the doubles spokesman said the Tigers and the fourth 18 - hole Forest Akers West competition. university could be Netters forbidden to play in post¬ season years, bowls or as for punishment, be barred from NCAA sanctioned games. several maximum By BILL COSTABILb Warmer temperatures wrapped around the racket. enjo "The team n He said the NCAA did not and sunny skies certainly There's looked State News Sports Writer just no way I can aggressive I participate didn't hurt MSU's tennis investigation. Warm weather play a steady game when it's Western," Drobac refiectf team Tuesday as it trounced cold and windy." "It was the first ti apparently agrees with most athletes, especially tennis Western Michigan University Coach Stan Drobac saw year they could really J 7 - 2 at Kalamazoo. Tuesday's match as a major loose. players. Just ask one. Cocaptain Rick Vetter improvement in the team's "Our ran his unbeaten streak to 3 overall play. singles pl2\| - 0 by winning straight sets. "The weather was played especially \ "There's nothing like a certainly a factor in a better Drobac explained. little warm weather after all showing for the team, but I that rain and snow we've don't want to say that the The doubles team lioaj weather has been holding us have been shuffled ai been having," Vetter but Drobac thinks he nj| remarked. "I know it back," Drobac commented. "I know the weather have the right combinal changes my whole game. affects a player. It affected now. "It's a lot easier when me when 1 was a player. But you can feel your fingers you just have to remind "The doubles t yourself that you have to played with authority I beat the other player and Western," Drobac s not the elements," Drobac "They were attacking fl continued. net and just playing goodfl Bad weather in recent around tennis." weeks has forced the tennis team indoors but it has not The Spartans will red seriously affected their to Big Ten action twice® weekend when tL play. entertain last year's runt^ up Indiana Friday afterno and Ohio State on Si"J All home meets wililj played on the varsity coi south of Spartan Stai mARTHUR TRtfltHm the original Tisl) Two great location! in Lansing $1.09 Right past Frandor at 2418 E. Michigan and at ] jy§i 4100 S.Logan Clams Shrimp Presents Together For the First Time starring starring Ali McGraw James Caafl | and Shelly Fabafe Ryan O'Neal and Billy Dee WiM GARY GRIMES • JERRY HOUSER • OLIVER CONANT DEBORAH WINTERS ^^harrtKEUER Tonight - Wilson Aud. Wflenby HERMAN RAU(>€R -Produced and Dwcled by FWJL BOGART- *ttb,QWD$H€ Love Story - 8:00, Brian's Song & 30 Admission for this Special Double Feature? Added Novelty & Fun Cartoon I.D.'s Required. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan |0TES AND QUOTES Spring By PAT FARNAIJ drills State News Sports Writer TALENTED WALK ON An encouraging note for walk ons at MSU practice might be the case spring PLAYBOY PICK of Dirk Krijt, who walked on hS B^SU defensive standout Bill Simpson lias been selected ■ Playboy magazine as a preseason all • America pick. .t0 ,more concerned with the people we Irently swinging a loaded bat for the Spartan baseball overLn ir" ^7' Stolz M "Consequently fwemight ta,e three In Simpson will be absent from spring drills. we lenders awarded f'This is a fantastic honor for Bill," head coach then. , go<3 took'™ ' °nS, " We'r" " le"st eol"« lo elve fcny Stolz commented. "It's a big step in continuing our Krijt is the number one kicker right now and as Stolz ■ition of great defensive backs." puts it, "You can bet he's got one of those tenders." DIAMOND DAMOND PROGRESS REPORT Lth the implementation of a multiple, varied MSU , running back Damond Mays will get a chance to |nt his talents. Mays, a 4.5 40 yard dash man, will be S"nn,cZTM'° along stolz"*5 Practlce is moving 20 just fine, according to Listing from flanker to running back. EDamond has a world of talent," Spartan receiver coach Raye notes. Johnny "He'll be used much the same as Nebraska Rodgers last year, mechanically speaking." PASSING THOUGHT c. the orr > ^D"1 quite??"iedthoroughly s.ow,v'""damental ' , ^football." thus far," he says. "We're moving that and that is what more emphasis was we're working being put on Duffy join „?Jf®nse at this stage of the season. ABC coach - TV announced Tuesday that former MSU with ABC sports executive Chuck Howard, looking at Duffy Daugherty will join its staff as a Saturday's scrimmage, the first on the spring agenda, "nrr*?*" u'"8 u°qUal amounts °f time on both," he a picture from the famous 1966 between MSU layed a balanced blend of passing and running - a we're f-prtaini„ been a3 troubled troub,ed areaarea in »h«.the past, but commentator on college football telecasts next and Notre Dame. game k from tradition. either.' "° P°Sltion to ne8lect the defense, season. Here the 57 - year - old Daugherty stands AP We're going to pass the ball this year," Stolz stressed, Wirephoto it if we have to run it to win, we'll probably do a little p of that. Naturally, it will depend on the type of mse we're up against." BUTLER'S BOYS NOW SHOWING! )ffensive line coach Charlie Butler has a paramount task ire him. He's working with a line that lias seen BUTTERFIELD DRIVE-IN THEATRES very ted action. Only center Bob Mills has experience as an rior lineman. The offensive line is our top priority right now," Stolz its out. "What we're trying to do is develop a year's By JACK WALKDEN State News Sports Writer and for exception. Holden it was Keeping the no attractive sports," feature Schlachter of IM said. STARLlTE T LANSiNC U S 27 WEST OF WAVERLY wience into a line ... in twenty days." Winning isn't everything winning streak going has "No matter what sport you Phone 372-2434 Yide receivers Mike Hurd and Mike Jones are the in intramural sports, but for been less difficult for only play, the intramural linemen with experience. Holden Hall it has become a Holden. n department has it on the Juggle the books habit. "After winning the first schedule. Set fire to the factory Holden has one, people started won the moving "The Supply women for the clients feymnast going residence hall to Holden," Schlachter said. competition is Ham, Stoner ail! do anything all-sports another great part of trophy five "Holden became noted for get one more season years in a row intramural and is well on its way to its athletics, and intramural sports," Schlachter added. "It gives number six. Going into the athletes wanted to live there." people who are not varsity spring sports this year members a chance to Holden Holden's tonationalmeet has accumulated success does 58« points, while second not lie in its compete. Even if they don't ability to do win, they still get place Wonders has scored well in the a chance big sports, to 577.5 however. play." Indiana State and from One person who has "What's important is that >r will travel to Des Clarion State will probably probab.y figured more in you do well in the little tophomore Raean les, Iowa Friday and glve Miller her tougiiest Holden's success than any sports and that you get the rday to participate in competition. other is Paul Schlachter. He participation in all the National Gymnastics lived in Holden for all but sports," Schlachter said. ■S^^^STATE NEWS •nament. It could prove The top three teams in one year of the win streak "You don't necessarily have 5 the most important the Midwest regionals also ant. was a resident assistant to do well in the big sports, bend in her life. qualified to compete in this part of that time. but you must get points There will be weekend's tournament. Schlachter, who is from the little sports." The little sports made ■oximately 24 of the Ln's top college teams Southern Illinois took the Midwest regionals, Indiana student teaching in Holly this term, participated in the difference in close races mrC Shown at 9:30 1 the nation's top 80 Kduals competing in the State is going as the second place team and Kent Staie s four or during the five different >sports year and also for the trophy each of the past two years. Holden took mikes Only ■nament. the trophy both the third place Midwest helped to organiise teams, years Killer is the only one college team. MSU came in which Vways plays a major because it had a golf team I I II VI \lS.k Kg from the MSU squad. fifth place behind Centra role in and Bailey Hall didn't. V\H" winning. fast free ■ qualify. Miller had to Michigan University. •'Three or four very Schlachter says that delivery BD* OFFICE OPENS e in the ling top ten places the Midwest The gymnasts who influential people who there's a everyone" in 1M sports. place for ES23 FIRST FEATURE AT BUM ^ organized tilings was one of fonal Tournament that qualify in the top ten in for success," "The fact that there 351-1600 our reasons are March. each event in the national MERIDIAN 4 THEATRES n Schlachter said. so many sports is the most Jiller " floor took tenth place in exercise and meet will go to the Junior Olympics this summer that He also said that Holden always has had a good ass. ith on the balance is being held in Moscow graduate adviser "who was TTie top five all around - always concerned with During the season we gymnast will also be winning the trophy." i able to see some of the qualified to travel with the Winning that first trophy teams." Mary Fortman, Olympic team. is always the toughest job coach of the women's nasties team said. "The petition is going to be [h for Raeann this tend. chances are," Fortman inued. "She's going to I realy can't say what to work hard to get the finals." liller has been practicing 1 day, concentrating jly on her form and istency. he gymnasts from Hi! W m ADULT X MOVIES Complete <& Starring wonder woman, Linda Lovelace and several other brazen young ladies. Rated X of CWED&^SAT course. Our box office opens every day at 11:45. DEEP THROAT at noon, 2:35, 5:15, 8:00 10:35 HARDLY MARRIED 1:19, 3:56, 6:33. 9:17. Fri! ADMISSION >3.00 and Sat. our last show begins at Midnite. COUPLES TECHNICOLOR X. You must be 18 to attend these films. $1 of S with ad 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Group By SHARON HANKS people urges between negative control of Satan understanding and control chapter, he saw the world as a state State News Staff Writer manifestations of Satan and of Satan, one can bring out of conflict and the positive aspects of the positive aspects of TTiey approached MSU destruction," explained There is a little bit of the students with the unity of Qirist. Christ and the conflict is Titus. He then started a devil in all of us. Christ and Satan concept resolved, Titus explained. therapy group to help and were impressed with The belief that a part of "All people from the people become aware of favorable responses. "It's really a simple these negative compulsions, Satan resides in each person businessman to the hippie concept," he said, "and the Titus said. and needs to be controlled have a good side to them "One student good news is the unity of really was expressed Wednesday which wants to love and surprised us when he Christ and Satan." Sister Kristen added: "In on campus by a visiting care," Sister Kristen, a bicycled by and exclaimed. other words, these people religious group called The student minister, said. "Just 'The Process fed me in Process. as everyone has a bad side The six Processeans, had become their own worst Toronto and in New which is influenced by wearing navy suits and enemy until The Process Orleans,' and then he showed them to accept and Satan." capes, are part of an Brother Titus, a minister donated a handful of international religion then control these negative of The Process, explained coins," Sister Kristen claiming about 140,000 compulsions." that conflicts arise within all But through acceptance. followers. beamed. By channeling negative "The Process" Hie Process pr The Process' main was started energy into something the process prophets plOBrother Titus and Sister Kristen are two of six POLICE headquarters are in Chicago and currently Processeans in the mid 1960s by its founder and teacher, Robert constructive such as loving one's neighbor and doing touring campuses in the Midwest on behalf of a relatively unknown religion caiy de Grimston. The Process. One of the religion's messages is, 'The unity of Christ and Satan are traveling to campuses volunteer work, Titus said, is BRIEFS throughout Michigan in an effort to establish a local "He founded it because "People have a reality to do what Christ has taught us." news for you. If that conflict can be resolved then yours can be too." State News photo by Ken Fergu#, SECURITY OFFICERS AT the MSU Bookstore in the International Center arrested a student Wednesday for stealing The a book worth $2.70. case has prosecutor's office. been referred # ^ to the TWO FIRE EXTINGUISHERS were stolen Tuesday, one Ingham County Women's news from Giltner Hall and the other from a dairy farm building. By LAURA MILLER women who ran at the women. universities claiming the The extinguisher s are valued at $28.22 each. State News Staff Writer university track were forced The Associated Women institutions have Recently, Ohio Campus police said Wednesday that the theft of fire Women's to shower and change in a at the University of Iowa professional men's societies University held a WornJ rights and extinguishers on campus is becoming a problem. From July issues have received much At the University of small bathroom with four have al^> charged that which do not admit women. Week which featured ttT 1971 to July 1972,108 extinguishers were stolen from campus university with neglecting with a total loss of $1,826, police report. news coverage in campus Wisconsin women athletes invaded the men's locker showers. The group of 15 women the needs of women and newly the - elected president! National WonxJ newspapers across the entered the locker room minorities. Several suits Caucus and room to dramatize the A federal investigation is CAMPUS POLICE ARRESTED country this year. From have been filed there in workshops A 19 old student after a noon hour run to a - year California to Illinois, to inequities in funding and behalf of faculty women, now underway at the rape, women in politics the J Wednesday on Stadium Road for driving under the facilities for women's protest conditions. University of Southern feminist moven*r Florida, women's actions influence of alcohol. At West Virginia nurses' aides and Ohio He was lodged in the Ingham County Jail. against sex discrimination sports. Normally, the University, five women nurses, maids. California to determine State planning to offer UniversityjL and women's programs and students were apprehended A suit has also been filed salary inequities of women for a projJ faculty. The study already « women's studio™ by campus police after by the Women's Equity has determined that male curriculum next fall. entering the men's sauna to Action League, a national associate professors earn an BACKPACK protest the lack of the same women's rights average of $14,052, while At the University J facility for women. They organization, against women faculty at the same Pennsylvania women stagjL sit-inat the College HaJ|l CAMPFITTERS PRODUCTS had broken no law, police Indiana University and 24 level earn an average of a said, but thier ID cards were other colleges and $12,700. protest the rapes thmfl 8 confiscated. p.m. HUMANITIES The Women's $2695 nlrte FILM FORUM. III," 1956. Sir Laurence "Richard Olivier, Chrire Bloom, and intercollegiate Sports Organization at Purdue features: Sir Ralph Richardson star. WKAR, Channel 23. University, also presented a report to the administration U:30 p.m. THE DICK expressing dissatisfaction I Nylon W aterproof pack CAVETT SHOW. First half with the lack of facilities, of a two finances and equipment for 2 Aluminum Frame - part show on alcoholism in America. women's sports. ********** WJRT, Channel 12. 3 Full padded hipbelt The Committee on the Status of Women at the 0 4 Nylon coil zippers University of Illinois has charged that the Affirmative Action Program at that 5 6 outside pockets school has had little effect in improving the status of 6 2 divided compartments RAUPP Store hours: fast free delivery Campfitters 521 SOUTH ASHLEY, ANN ARBOR Weekdays 10 AM - 8PM 28859 ORCHARD LAKE, FARMINGTON 1801 WEST MAIN, KALAMAZOO Saturday* 9AM - 5 PM 351-1600 2208 EAST MICHIGAN, LANSING 489-4188 " I'VE. OF A PAlOW *A\0 , THIS ...♦ CHROMATOGRAPHY SUPPLIES Open Thursday 9 to 9 AND HIGH PURITY LIPIDS Other days 9 to 5:30 AND PESTICIDES Activist enters name new shipment As Near As Your Phone in Detroit mayor race just arrived! CALL SUPELCO FREE AT DETROIT (UPI) — filed as a candidate in the Lobsinger said he did nod Militant right - wing activist September primary for feel his campaign wouldb< ENTERPRISE 6811 Donald Lobsinger today mayor of Detroit. hurt by his conviction a WASHABLE (not the number we listed in a Lobsinger, 38, leader of month on a charge tl the conservative assault and battery of I POLYESTER BLEND organization called Roman Catholic Or write Supelco, Inc., Breakthrough, said Tuesday during an ant he would base his campaign demonstration Puff for Bellefonte, Pennsylvania catalogs and monthly newsletter on a platform of "strong support for the police department, particularly in Lobsinger finished out of 29 candidates ir fiWl ^ 1969 mayor's ra support of STRESS." Sleeve garnering 4,070 votes. Blouses $ Kettle Combination * Machine washable blend of A cup of hot and hearty soup 50% polyester, from our kettles and 50% Avril rayon. a small version •Long pointed of the "olde world" sandwich I collar and 3 button cuffs •Perfect for casual wear or 149 dressy occasions •Select from white, navy red, orange, til MAX.. Av«m» Rati Umfcii yellow, blue, pink has spread to virtually every of the American public. « includes teachers, professors, concerns than alcohol. Judge Schoener is one of 11 members of the National Committee of Narcotics and Vi/kumjj— OaafcMfcif Drug Addiction of the American Bar Assn. [ 6135 W. Saginaw OPEN Mon.&Thurs. 'Til 9 482 6226 lergy. and wanted some first hand information. !, artisans, housewives and even ie conclusion of Muskegon County Sq he^et up three, phoaes in his home it Judge John Schoener Wednesday, and because of previous publicity, got calls listening to scores of phoners on his from various places such as Ann Arbor, lines," is that most users of marijuana deration think it should be legalized Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, Detroit Flint. and Diamond Bridal Sets Traditional... Modern... Classic The New and the Now... the ToGSto WE HAVE THEM ALL 30 day money back guarantee SALE. machine Press-free n Trio set $200.00 Oval cut $300.00 I L ICTUS B€VOUR UIH^LS. o nFTRHIT Tfl 8 45 DETROIT a m !om! fip FVHfll IMrYC CD GREYHOUND'S FRIDAY 12 00 noon express 1:25 p.m. express 3:30 p.m. Fri. on.y express 4:25 p.m. Fri. only Northland. Pontiac, Royal Oak, Birmingham express ir* A V C CP 4 40 p,m" exPress 5:25 p.m. local ESCAPEA 6:45 p.m. express Fri. only If. «*•« 9 55 p m" local GO GREYHOUND and leave the driving to us n c Prn.„«r SERVICE EAST LANSING BUS DEPOT 308 W. GRAND RIVER DETROIT DEPARTURES £32 _2813 SL JLS SHIRTS Budget terms 10% MSU Discount Illustrations enlarged teak "SAIE A DIRK 1 Lobster • checks • solids • stripes diamond j) priced from OWNTOWN fo: FRANDOR m JEWELERS ifcWKTiiH LANSING MAU MR.CIAN M«. |& FLARES „ coo SHIRTS 3 $$97 LANSING MALL., Weekdays 'till 9 p.m.: Sun. 1 'till 5 ( FRANDOR, Open Weekdays 'till 9 p.m. MERIDIAN MALL, Okemos, Mien. Open Weekdays 'til Long Sleeves (Last year drive over 4 million people bought front-wheel I SWEATERS 700 RENAULT12 cars. What do they know that you don't?) % BELTS § FLANNEL SHIRTS \ KNIT TOPS Long Sleeves fi TIES 100 | GLOVES \ FLARES selected SO AL EDWARD'S MUCH Not CAR, oniy do you get FRON r WHEEL DRIVE (which For | BELTS * Y*W Cf\f t moans superior handling tr;u ion and stability) but you also get designed Interior oomfort, 25 mp gallon, good looks and dependuble performance. All that for S HBamsey's VvJII so little money. Maybe that's why one in every three (/ University Shop University 9 Center H c,rsKr'"w is • R""ult <",w ^ 223 last Grand River EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48823 4 482-1226 1200E. OAKLAND, LANSING Lansing's No. 1 Sports Car dealer tor 12 years. Thursday, April |9 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan "9731 C Ads STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED 355-8255 by Philft-ank "FRANKLY NG" DBS Apartments classifa DODGE PICKUP - half new, PONTIAC CATALINA - 1968, ROUTE DRIVER - full time, LUXURY ADULT apartments Woodside Manor, 910 THREE BEDROOM aPartm ■ ads < $500. 5-4-24 485-0409 days only. family car. condition, call Excellent evenings, days. Apply in person, 143V4 N. Harrison between 14pm. at Abbott Road. One bedroom summer and fall, c _7:3_Opm. 337-2714l!!#! '>■ 34-20 at $180. Call Jim Hayford rest DODGE CHARGER 1968 - 337-2482. 4-4-20 332-4240. 11-4-20 2 MAN, near campuj CLERK TYPIST preparing carpeted, 440 magnum automatic, full TEMPEST 1966 - 45,000 miles, - ONE BEDROOM furnished furnished, PHONE 355 8255 accounts and insurance forms AM/FM, exceptional. good condition, $400. Call power, in doctors office. Must type mob Me home, $30/ week. 10 rnrr>ednt, 347 Student Services Blda $1000. 514 Fenton or 393-6182, evenings. 5-4-20 minutes to campus. Quiet 882-6993. 3-4-20 60w.p.m. Salary range $4.25 $4.50. Write to Manager, and peaceful on a lake. 2 door - •AUTOMOTIVE TORINO 1970 - 641-6601.0-4-30 hardtop, bucket seats, X-RAY ASSOCIATES, P.C., NEEDED, 1 nun, Scooters & Cycles DODGE CHALLENGER - 1971, V-8 automatic, air automatic, power steering, Suite 101, 1322 E. Michigan 731 APARTMENTS I Parts & Service Aviation conditioning and many power brakes. 1 owner car. Ave., Lansing, 48912. 54-25 TWO GIRLS Americana. For needed fall, winter, for $65 332-8992 24^) ' extras. 29,000 miles. Mint $1,595. Ask for Rick, •EMPLOYMENT condition. Best offer. 372-0975. 2-4-20 COMMUNICATIONS ANALYST for growing spring, 337-1891.54-20 RESPONSIBLE: MAN Lansing apartment 7:1 <«,| • FOR RENT 349-3196. 5-4-20 Apartments TOYOTA COROLLA - 1971, behavioral understanding month. 484 2309 *1 EL CASINO - 1969, 350 V-8 research firm with emphasis 6:30pm. 2-4-20 best offer. Call John, Houses automatic, new shocks and in T.V. programming. 882-1847 or 353-5988. Rooms brakes. Also cover for back. 3-4-19 Required: advanced degree in •FOR SALE 349-4311. Ask for Terry. mass communications, radio Animals 5-4-19 TOYOTA 1972 - celica yellow, /T.V., journalism, marketing, conditioned, apartment, next ,o f^Jl black vinyl roof, air, 5,000 sociology or psychology, Mobile Homes FORD VAN 1962, runs well, imagination, communication SUMMER at $55 each, 332 1653. M„| CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? BUSTEP - miles, $2,600. 351-1356 * LOST & FOUND $95 or make offer. 355-2050. before 11:30am. 5-4-24 skill, attractive personality. BURCHAM FOUR •PERSONAL 2-4-19 fOR fOSSESSlON OPTHE BALL?' Box E-5 State News. 5-4-25 MAN furnished ■ •PEANUTS PERSONAL FORD WAGON - 1965, new TOYOTA 1972 - Carina, 9000 WOODS conditioned summer. 126 apartment'f.1 •REAL ESTATE miles, air conditioned, still on Post Office Box 1523 Fa«t I an* I no Mlchlaan 48823 RECREATION DIRECTOR - Spend your SUMMER poolslde Orchard S?* ■ tires, $200. Call Neil, new warranty, save $800. female, for summer resort. Enjoy the best In summer llvln< 332-1653. 1-4 13 •RECREATION 349-2614, 353-0393. 5-4-25 351-0925. 3-4-20 Teech swimming, lead games, •Heated Pool •SERVICE Instruction FORD VAN 1965 - needs TRIUMPH TR250 (TR-4 TR-6) Motorcycles Employment needs musical talent - prefer guitar. Like children. Write ♦Ample Parking * Air Cond. 'Laundry Facilities NOW Typing Service minor repair. Must sell, make roadster, 1968, Racing green, FLORA - DALE RESORT, •Nicely Furnished leasing for an offer. Phone 372-5767 or wires, radio. Jim Roberts, Mears, Michigan 49436, 616- •TRANSPORTATION 484-8495. 5-4-19 373-1385 (days), 351-0588 Summer Leases summer HONDA CB450, 1972, excellent PART 873-3212. 5-4-25 •WANTED TIME, 8 men needed Studio Apts. $125 mo. (No apts. left for (nights). 3-4-20 condition, $900 or best offer. during Spring term. $300 1 Bedroom $140 mo. Fall!) FORD SUPER Van 1967 - 371-4314 after OUR READERS 2 Bedroom $165 mo. Summer Rates; •• RATES ** 3:30pm. month. Phone 489-3494. ' 6-cylinder, automatic, VEGA 1971 - Hatchback. 110 5-4-20 ARE LOOKING Sec. Deposit - $100 2 Persons in C-4-30 excellent shape. Best offer, H.P., 4-speed, radials, new 745 Burcham Dr. 351 3118 2 Bedroom 353-2119. 5-4-20 disc brakes. 353-0977. 3-4-24 ; FOR YOUR Apt. ri^ No: DAYS YAMAHA BIG Bear 1968, r $150 per ADVERTISING. NICE TWO bedroom apartment, mo. 3 5 1Q FORD 1970 Econoline 100 250cc, 1200 miles, $350. — VOLKSWAGEN BUS - 1963, one block from 1-496. $145. 3 or 4 Persons FPI ESQ 4.00 TTSo window van. 6 cylinder, good condition. $400. 349-9673. 10-4-30 in 484-5716. 5-4-20 2 Bedroom stick, carpeting, curtains, 484-1597. 7-4-26 TEACHERS 355-8255 Apt. 7.80 15.60 rpiBd 4.80 radio. 484-1938. 4-4-20 BSA 1969 - 750, good ONE $180 per mo. COOK FEMALE, for summer GIRL for 4-man. EDEN m nm 6.00 9.75. 19.50 VOLVO 1968 - Excellent buy, condition, $650. Call OPPORTUNITY - ROC, starting fall. 353-0506. 10-12 weeks, 6 day m hei 7.20 11.70 23.40 FORD 1972 - % ton pickup, 351-1405, 5-11:30pm. and 645-8041. 3-4-20 SURVEY resort. week. No buying or menu 34-20 CEDAR low mileage, excellent weekends, if no answer, planning. Phone 616- QQJ 8.00 13.00 26.00 condition. Call 351-8920 882-9808. 5-4-19 HONDA 1971, CB-350. 2,000 actual miles, not licensed or Secure teaching 873-3212. 5-4-25 SUBLEASE FOR summer, 1 VILLAGE after 6pm. 4-4-20 Bogue St. at the Red Cedar 16.25 in 1972. Excellent positions using our bedroom, furnished, air E3ES3 10. OC VW BUG 1969 - stick shift, ridden conditioned, close, 337-2213. 351-5180 good condition, leaving condition, $600. Phone unique low-cost co-op For Rent MAVERICK 1972 Grabber - 34-20 DEADLINE 372-3510 days, 482-8034 system. 300 vacancies V-8, automatic transmission, country. 355-7892 after evenings. 3-4-20 per week - all over, all SPRING, LARGE 2 becoor.| 1 P.M. one class day clean, 10,000 miles. Phone 5:30pm. 3-4-19 2 MAN FURNISHED apartment, furnished, utility before publication. on weekend only, 337-9345. subjects K-12. Write STEREO RENTALS $23 per apartments, available June, Vi paid, parking. Very close HONDA 350SL, 1500 miles, TOS, 3610 Loring P.O., 351-9172 2-4-19 $550 or best offer. Must sell, term, $9.50 per month. Free block from campus. Balcony, or 484-97741 Minneapolis, Minn. 0-5-4-26 Cancellations/Cor 351-0172. 3-420 delivery, service and pick-up. air conditioning, 3514176! rections — 12 noon one MERCEDES 1962 - 220b, No deposit. TV's available at 3324201 afternoons. 3-4-19 VW BUS with poptop camper, EAST LANSING class day before excellent mechanical and 1971 1966 YAMAHA 250, excellent COUNSELORS - BOYS' camp same rates. Call NEJAC, Snydr | interior, good body. - 14,000 miles. 337-1300. C-430 2 BEDROOM SUMMER publications. condition, extra chrome, Michigan. June 26 332-6030. 3-4-20 AM/FM radio, excellent custom bars, $275. August 18. General sports, sublease furnished, close, bedroom, 4 man, furnish# | condition, priced sell. $160. 351-3895 after 6pm parking, $260 per mc ]® to The State News will be 655-3493. 3-4-20 waterfront (must have Apartments 337-0861. 54-20 34-19 Call 349-4157. 5-4 25 responsible only for the MGB 1970 - best offer, call W.W.S.), gymnastics. Write first day's incorrect Link, 5-7pm. 332-0866. 600cc ZUNDAPP (like B.M.W.) FLYING EAGLE, 1401 N. 3-4-19 German Fairview, Lansing 48912, MILFORD STREET 126, 2 513 HILLCREST AVAILABLE FOR sunwl insertion. Army bike to - ALL ads must be getting background, blocks from campus. Deluxe, only, June 11 through Seal restore. Runs strong. $350. 14. 5 or 6 students, til MGB 1971 - portable hardtop, experience. 44-20 air conditioned, furnished 2 485-0915. 24-19 pre-paid the last 2 weeks radio, clock, luggage rack, 353-1857. 5-4-19 Close - in and pleasant. bedrooms, furnished, utilr man, $180, 3 man $195. S. of the term. new 1972 engine with 6,000 PART TIME ■nploym For Summer or Fall, Call paid, $65/ month each, I BMW, YAMAHA, TRIUMPH, Now leasing. 332-3909, miles. Call after 6pm, 351 8571, 351-5829 NOW! blocks from campus 0*1 RICKMAN. 1972 Yamahas 372-5767. 351-7348. 5-4-20 just arrived! Prices are right manufacturer distributor. 0-4-30 Grady 355-5270 or 349-96q| Auti e ; for these new motorcycles. Automobile required. 12-20 after 5pm. 7-420 MGB hours per week. 351-5800. 1 MAN needed, furnished, pool, Also large stock of '73's. ALBERT STREET 551, one HONDA 350CL - 1968. superb C-24-19 laundry, share rent, $80. SUMMER 165 Orchard, v Leathers, helmets, custom block from campus. Large 2 running condition. $375 or 372-2931. 5-426 nice upper apartment, oftl AUSTIN HEALEY 3000 - accessories, parts and service. bedroom, furnished, air 1964, for sale trade. MGB 1967 convertible, body best. 353-1861. 3-4-19 SHEP'S MOTOR SPORTS. STUDENTS bedroom, 332 0135 3-4-lil or - - conditioned, balconies. 2 in real good shape, engine in 2 MAN apartment to sublet 489-5828. 1-4-19 INC. 2460 North Cedar, man, $170. 3-4 ran, $180. NORTON 1968 - Atlas 750, summer, air conditioning, top-notch shape, excellent Holt. Just south of 1-96 PART TIME See resident managers in good condition, $625 or best close. 351-1764. 5-426 BMW 1969 - Konis, Abarth, gas mileage, tires good! Call overpass. Phone 694-6621. apartment 2, (351-9250), or offer. Call 351-7349 or radials, meticulously after 6pm, 641-6429. 44-20 C-5-4-20 call 351-6676. 10-4-20 351-3796. 3-4-19 $2 per hour plus bonus. 1 MAN for 2 man apartment. maintained. 47,000 miles, $1,500. Call 372-9081 MG MIDGET 1971 low BSA 650 Hours: 5pm - 10pm 2 MAN furnished apartment, Cedarview Apartments, close, SUBLET SUMMER - 1971, 2600 miles, bedroom, furnished ciosesl - 1971 HONDA CL-350 paid until May 1. Call 4-4-20 mileage, excellent condition, - Monday through 135 Kedzie Street, $180. 124 rent mornings. call 351-6573 after 6pm, excellent offer condition, best excellent 355-9073. 54-20 condition, Wednesday Cedar Street, $165. Available R«h collect, 1-629-2356. campus. 3514308 5 4-19 557 Co-. | over $500. 351-7349. 5-426 CAMARRO 1968 - 327, nice, 5-4-25 June and September, year 3-4-19 must sell immediately, $700. Call Mr. Dzikowicz 1972 SUZUKI, 380J, excellent leases only. Call 487-3216. REDUCED RENT, no deposit, Days, 353-8639; evenings, MUSTANG 1972 - all power, condition, $750 or best offer. 351-3330 After 5pm call 882-2316. 1119 HICKORY, 3 bedroom,J 351 1058. 2-4-20 YAMAHA 1972 - XS650, 942 girl needed immediately. $190 plus utilitie extra clean, $200 and take 355-9113. 3-4-19 0-4-30 mi les. 197 1 Rupp Great location, 332-2115. over payments. 484-1274. beginning immediately Ml CHEVELLE 1967 six, snowmobile, 440 Nitro. Call LARGE 2 1^4-19 351-1191. 34-20 - 3-4-19 1972 HONDA 750-4, excellent party furnished _ after 6pm, 694-9925. 54-26 automatic, engine excellent, condition, 2300 miles. efficiencies. Air conditioned. GIRL ROOMMATE wanted for OLDSMOBILE, 1967 Cutlass LADIES WANTED for Close 4 GIRLS, summer, option body solid, $400, 489-1610 - Moving, must sell, 351-3144. to campus. $138 trailer on Moon Lake, 15 after 7pm. 5-4-24 convertible. All power, SUZUKI 1968, 250cc. X-6 executive art studio. $5. per summer. $158 fall. 484 0585. minutes from East Lansing, year. Own rooms firet 3-4-19 bucket seats, $650. Hustler, customized. Good half hour. Please call If no answer, 351-1610. own room and free access to close. $66. 337-2492.3-4-2M IV4-0592. 1-4-19 condition, $295. 351-7858. 489-1215. 10-4-26 0-4-30 lake. $75/ month. Call after CHEVY VAN 1972 - V-8, 2-420 Auto Service automatic, 3/4 ton, long 5:30pm, 675-5586. 3-4 19 OLDS TORONADO 1969 - air RESPONSIBLE MAN or woman wheel base. Must sell, call conditioned, AM/FM 8-track TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE 1970 to manage KAYS GAS 711 BURCHAM BEAL STREET APARTMENTS 351-1134. 3-4-20 stereo, lots of extras. Phone — mint condition. 489-4135. STATION. Must be 21 years — one block from campus, Now leasing for Summer / 339-8338. 3-4-20 2-420 QUARTZ IODINE headlight of age. Apply at station, CORVAIR VAN 1963 - with Fall. Large 1 bedroom one or two bedrooms, 2 or 3 conversions, $28.95 pair. At 4601 North Grand River. apartment completely people. THE windows, 4-speed, 3 seats, Furnished, balcony, OPEL 1969 - $445. Call 1972 SUZUKI T500J, very good CHEQUERED FLAG, 2605 Phone 489-8145. 5-4-26 furnished. Suitable for 2 or air radio, new brakes, clutch. 3 persons. $170 and conditioning. Reduced 351-6070 extension 209, ask condition, 4,000 miles. East Kalamazoo Street. 1 up. For 487-5318. 2-4-20 summer rates. 6:30 for Rich. 2-420 mile appointment call 337-7328. - 7:30pm, Padded sissy bar and Hiway west of campus, BABYSITTERS NEEDED - 216 Beel Street, apartment CORVETTE 1972 coupe, bar. $850. Call 371-3924 487-5055. C-4-30 May 10th, 11am - 5pm, 7pm - 2-A. 351-6088. 5-4-20 PINTO FASTBACK 2 GIRLS NEEDED for luxury blue, 12,000 miles, - 1972, after 7:30pm. 5-4-26 - 9pm; and May 11th 8:15am automatic, power disc brakes, OPEL TUNE-UP $10 plus parts. 5:45pm, 6:30pm - 9:15pm; apartment in Americana for automatic, tilt wheel, clean. - ONE BEDROOM luxury ALLEN'S fall. Call 337-1891. S 54 24 332-3853, 393-2943. $1,847. Ask for Rick, 1971 HONDA 450 scrambler, MARATHON, May 12th 8am - 12am. For apartment to sublet, X-5-4-20 372-0975. 2-4-20 excellent shape, best offer. Abbott and Lake Lansing. Association for Share SUBLET furnished, air conditioning, 351-8682. 3-4-20 ildbirth Conference. SUMMER - one 351-3678. 5-426 utilities paid. Woodside CUTLASS 1970 Bronze gold, bedroom, close, quiet, PLYMOUTH FURY - 1967, Qua if ica 18. 4-door, all power, radio and Drive, East Lansing, sound body, runs good, YAMAHA 250 MX, 1971 - METRIC MOTORS VW experienced, transportation parking, good management. heater. One - 332-2139 after 6pm. 3-4-19 owner,excellent $395. Phone 353-2814 to Olds Plaza. $2.15/ hour, 332 5288. 44-20 or Clean and extras. Asking repair. Okemos Road and condition, $1300. 655-3607. 353-2811. 2-4-20 call 372-6694. 4-4-25 $600. 489-4930. 3-4-24 1-96. 349-1929. C-4-30 3-4-20 1 GIRL, OWN room, furnished, CUTLASS 1970 - V-8. 3-speed, PLYMOUTH 1948 - 2 door, 1970 KAWASAKI 350, runs COMPLETE IMPORT Car MAILING ROOM help needed, no lease, pets okay, $75. Call CROSSWORD from perfect, priced to sell. Call Service including ignition, 2 shifts, 2-3 weeks starting Jan, 351-3550. 44-20 California, best offer low must mileage. Two extra tires, sell for best offer. over $350. 485-0409 days 355-6120. 3-4-24 chassis, brakes, and electrical. immediately. Apply at 3308 PUZZLE Available at ROBERTS South Cedar, Suite 11, MALE ROOMMATE wanted to ACROSS 372-1082 after 5pm. 3-4-24 only. 5-4-24 1971 KAWASAKI MACH III - AUTOMOTIVE CENTER. Lansing. 4-4-24 share 2 bedroom, 2 bath 4980 Park 1. Swiss city ?7 Status DATSUN 1973 500, 3,500 miles, perfect Lake Road, apartment, Okemos area. pickup. 8300 6 Initial 28 Coterie condition. Best offer. Okemos. Phone 351-8088 for WAITRESS NEEDED After 6pm, 349-2903. 34-19 miles, radio, black tynl cover, 11 Bodyguard ?9 3 1416 F-60x15 Datona sports and 351-4296. 1-4-19 appointment. C-4-30 immediately, neat, capable 13, Foreign-news 31 Dickeissel ONE GIRL needed fall and wheels, 694-9151. 4-4-20 person, good starting pay. agency 33 Scepter PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE - BODY SHOP 812 winter, Cedar Village, call HONDA 1970, 450 chopped. MASON Apply in person, 14 Idea 34 Pepper plant DODGE DART 1963 - 1967, power steering, power East Kalamazoo Street sii DAGWOOD'S TAVERN, 353-7332 after 6pm. 44-20 16. Scram 35 Hindu title $700 or best offer. Phone Excellent condition, $350. brakes, automatic. $595. Ask 1940. Complete at. 2803 E. Kalamazoo. 5-4-26 17 Bidden 36 Assessment for Rick, 372-0975. 2-4-20 482-8570. 5-4-19 489-3488. 3-4-20 FANTASTIC KING size bed and 18 Disunite 37 Make cakes painting and collision serv MATURE bedroom. Newly decorated 20, Bravo 39. Gracious 485-0256. C-4-30 WOMAN to assist in 21 California fort 41. Occurence SUMMER of'73 Aviation care of child and housekeeping, 9-2 weekdays. Phone 393-9095. 3-4-4 light 2-bedroom carpeting, air reasonable. - Call apartment, conditioning, 351-8386 ??. 24 Confident Concerning 43 Tobacco in cigar a 25 Mischief 44. lagging make it one of the PROJECTIONIST, NO after 5pm. 3-4-19 26. Circuit 45. Youthful years best in your life at LEARN TO FLY! Over 30 years experience in all types of experience necessary, lots of study time, part time work. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA. 325. Large, furnished upstairs flight training. Approved for 485-0975. 2-4-19 apartment. 1 bedroom. All "731" veterans. AVIATION, FRANCIS Airport Road. MATURE COUPLE wanted to utilities paid. No children. No pets. $135. 351-7497. 04 30, A short walk from campus, "731" Apartments Call 484-1324. C-3-3-30 reside on premises and offers you the utmost in luxury and summer living. manage apartment complex. ONE GIRL for four man Lounge around the spacious pool gettin' tan and Duties include light apartment, summer term, sippin' something chilly. Inside your "731" apartment, you'll find plush j(H) housekeeping, and maintenance leasing. Salary plus Capitol 5-4-20 Villa. 332-8369 housing provided. Reply to furniture and carpeting, complete with a balcony and air conditioning. There's even a dishwasher to help MARRIED COUPLE without children to provide minimal Box A-1 State News. 10-5-1 WANTED unfurnished ONE bedroonT, apartment, supervision to six moderately BRIDAL SALES full time. 351-8107 clean up after parties. Visit "731" today! - retarded adults. One couple Bridal or - women's apparel after 5:30pm.' Now Leasing Summer and Fall needed 5-1 -73,second couple Experience necessary. needed 6-11-73. free room Permanent only. No short Summer $ AH FaN and board plus $300. per term employment. BRIDES SUBLET ONE girl, summer Demersoil T" / per person term. Own room, private month. Call Richard Cooper, SHOWCASE, 1047 East entrance, 2-man. 351-0132 489-3731 or 3937477^ Grand River, East Lansing. 3-4-20 731 BurchamDr. 351-7212 10-4-23 3-4-19 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 19, 1973 13 3558255 STUDENT 355-8255 J® m iSEKyiCE DliygCTORY SPRING SPECIAL shampoo of 9'x12' rug, $5.95. Phone - carpet 882-2423. FIND SOMETHING? If you've found a pet or article of value, we want to Meany offers Chavez 5-4-19 help you support return it. Jutt come into on contracts the State News Classified 2 JBL L 100 SPEAKERS, Department and tell us excellent you «t your head condition, want to place an ad in EAST (college travel together at in style Kenwood 7001 tuner. Must sell I Reasonable. Call after LANSING STATE BANK'S found column. As a public WASHINGTON (AP) - AFL - CIO President George wipe out Chavez' rival AFL - CIO affiliated union. The AFL - CIO leader office 5pm, 485-8481, 3-4-19 joined in Chavez' plea for union barber shop service EAST LANSING Meany accused the "The Teamsters' union a fen West Cirand River Ave. STATE BANK will run the Teamsters of "union congressional investigation EXPERT STYLISTS TO PANASONIC STEREO auto - busting drive would be of alleged illegal 351-6010 ADVISE YOU - reverse cassette receiver with ad at no extra cost to you. busting" in taking over absolutely disgraceful under payoffs to 8-5:30 Mon. thru Fri. EAST LANSING the Teamsters, and said he 355-3359 speakers, call 351-1439 after California field worker any circumstances," Meany By Appointment or lust w STATE BANK would send the federation's 5pm. 4-4-20 contracts, and pledged full complained in a statement. C-4-30 support Wednesday to Cesar "But for the nation's top organizer back to t EYE"S EXAtfWED the aloha! largest California "to give the farm SEWING MACHINE clearance FOUND: KEYS: Red key case, Chavez' United Farm union to seek to destroy ■ GLASSES ? new location salel Brand Workers union. - workers all the assistance 1 CONTACT LENS new $49.95, $5 per month, Large portable, university key, etc. And keys this smaller union we can provide." r L Collini, Optom.trUi DELIVER! Special with Caro, Michigan I.D. tag. Meany said the representing some of the iVwXN selection of reconditioned 345 Student Services. The bitter inter union Hawaiian Easter Teamsters, in collusion with most - (.Optical Services JERRY'S PARTY SHOP Gifts TV RENTALS $23 per term, rooms, bathrooms and students and Bldg. All interested faculty are invited. Jack Gardener. KLH AM/FM stereo kitchens. Jim Wolnosky, 353-3633, compact SUB-TERRANIAN COMIX $9.50 per month. Free 351-8753. 3-4-20 ES, APARTMENTS, Mike. 1-4-19 system. Scott model 101 EXCHANGE We do what exes, farms. Furnished, stereo speakers. Sony TC8W — delivery, service and pick-up. The Horticulture Club is Tom Sawyer's used to. 15% No deposit. Stereos mished, all areas, all SUMMER ROOM, board, girls, 8-track recorder. Lafayette available having an Easter flower sale off on Science Fiction at same SKY HIGH TREE SERVICE THETA LR1000T AM/FM stereo rates. Call NEJAC - from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today > ranges, children and HOUSE, 303 - Playboys. 17c comics, call i okay. Call HOME Oakhill, 349-9371, 337>0100. receiver. Sony TC127 stereo 337-1300. C-4-30 trimming and removal, through Friday in the 351-0144. BL-2-4-19 professional work, low rates, 6-4-27 Horticulture Building lobby. |NTALS, 1004 East cassette deck. Petri FT 35mm YOUNG SINGLE horse fully insured. 351-2756 after lugan Avenue. Phone SLR camera. Nikkor 35mm rancher Many spring bulbs available for AMERICAN OPTICAL wishes to meet attractive 3pm. 14-4-30 S2. 30, open 9 9pm. ROOM WITHOUT F2.8 lens. Binoculars. TV's, - board, $65. microscope - $75. De'Arman female 21-35 15-31 Also basement apartment, typewriters, tapestries. 400 desiring acoustical guitar pickup, $20. $100, near campus on used 8-track tapes, $1 each. companionship and FOR QUALITY service on College Republicans will 332-5615. 2-4-19 equitation. Phone 651-5478 stereo meet at 7:30 p.m. ONE man for furnished Hickory Street. Call WILCOX SECOND HAND equipment, see THE today in 33 between 7-10pm. 3-4-20 STEREO SHOPPE, 543 East Union. e, $40/ month. Next to 487-0867. 3-4-20 STORE, 509 East Michigan. 50 USED SEWING machines Grand River. C-4-30 jut 351-5792. 3-4-24 Lansing. 485-4391. Trades, $9.95 PREGNANT? FURNISHED ROOM layaway, bank cards. 8-5:30 up. Zig-Zag and WE understand. Come to a meeting of the - student straight stitchers, Call portables us. PREGNANCY Christian Science |tl BEDROOM, completely family, $50 month. Must be p.m. dally C-4-30 and console models. Organization Singers, COUNSELING. 372-1560. at 4 today in freezer, 2 full willing to babysit. Call Whites, Kenmores, and many C-4-30 Typing Service p.m. the East lower lounge. McDonel Hall. is, fireplace, parking, very 351-0997. 3-4-20 more too numerous to There will rAMPS be an open ummer only. mention. 30 used vacuums $5 EASTER CARDS. 1-9774. 0-5-4-26 Fanny house from 8 to 10 p.m. SUMMER. SINGLES. Farmer candies. GULLIVER up. Uprights and tanks, PROFESSIONAL IBM Saturday at the Completely furnished, STATE DRUGS, 1105 East observatory. Kirbys, Electrolux, Rainbows dissertation Weather permitting, the 24 - utilities, kitchen, parking, TV typing. MA and Grand River, East many more too Lansing. English degree. MARTY inch reflecting telescope will be lounge, laundry, very close, numerous to mention. Hours C-5-4-20 * PLATE BLOCKS NORTH, 351-3487. C-4-30 used for observing. $60. 332-8965 or 484-9774. 9am to 5pm * Saturday 9-12 0-10-4-24 MINT SINGLES noon. ELECTRO GRAND, FREE A lesson in * ... EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Petitions are now available JUNK BOX 804 East Michigan, complexion Call Lansing. care. Dissertations. (Pica - Elite). for those PIRG1M MSU MEN CLOSE MSU. Clean * - to SUPPLIES 0-4-27 484-4519 East Michigan or Fayann, 489-0358. C-4-30 members wanting to run for the quiet rooms. Cooking. Phone 485-7197 Lansing Mall. board of directors. Petitions are 16. 0-4-30 liberty coin shop DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT MERLE NORMAN 223 Abbott Rd. - PROFESSIONAL IBM typing available in 329 Student Services wedding band set. Call Bob COSMETICS STUDIOS. 337-2401 (Pica-Elite). 11 years Bldg. Petitions must be _ |0LE i rooms, campus, one blgck sumriler. US Next to State Theatre after 7pm, 337-1612. 3-4-20 C-3-4.19 HAIR CUT the way you want it. experience. Sandi, 339-8934. C-4-30 submitted by April 24. There will be Shabbat |-6374. 2-4-20 EUREKA KUSTOM 200 amp , two 15" UNION BUILDING TYPING TERM papers and services and dinner at Hillel at 7 CANISTER vacuum speakers. $350. Call BARBER SHOP. 355-3359. i cleaner, deluxe model, like theses, Electric typewriter. p.m. Friday. Saturday services persons to si,are 353-1592. 5-4-26 C-3-4-19 duplex, 349-4277. 3-4-20 Fast begin promptly at 10 a.m. ft bedroom, new. Cost $100 new, will sell service, 349-1904. utilities paid, 10-4-24 se 482 3692. 2-4-20 for $25, including FISHER 500T receiver, $180 or Peanuts Personal attachment. C-3-4-19 393-1510. best offer. Call Dave m WOULD LIKE to do typing in Campus Crusade for Christ will meet at 7 p.m. today in the JEDROOM house for 355-3722. 3-4-24 my home, Union Gold Room. two blocks from 393-7831 Js. Furnished, DOUBLE BED, complete, like FREE - "LASSIE with a crew RICK, HAVE a pleasant day! evenings. 5-4-20 carpeted, Students, faculty and staff (^washer cut!" Male, 3 years, must 1st runner-up Checker - disposal, new, $60. Days, 353-8639: IBM are invited to a weekly Bible e, 332 1922! evenings, 351-1058. 2-4-20 move. 355-0948. 5-4-20 Champ. 1-4-19 TYPING (pica elite) experienced. study from 12 to 1 p.m. today 1331 East in 130 Natural Resources FIVE BEAUTIFUL long haired PRIVATE POEMS are the ones Kalamazoo. 489-1058 Bldg. Because only Kotex NAUGAHYDE SOFA and chair, or Call 353 - 082 3 for information. SUMMER kittens. A present for Easter. the public should see first. 371-3546. 10-4-30 - near Bicycles fully 2 bedroom sets, sinks, books, tampons have soft, n room, parking. miscellaneous. All Call 676-1176. 2-4-20 RM/jb. 1-4-19 rounded ends gentle inspected and slightly Resource Development Club ... damaged by fire. Some needs ANN BROWN insertion glides adjusted to fit GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies - Typing and will be meeting at 7:30 p.m. instead of two bulky you. washing, others need multilith offset - AKC, shots, sables, black - printing. today at 189 Natural Resources tubes and more refinishing, 349-0623 after Complete service for Bldg. ■'RL to share flat, tans, $75 - $100. Evenings - protection than the a" close, Velocipede Peddler 2pm. 2-4-20 dissertations, theses, available now. weekends, 655-3162. 5-4-25 leading brand. But 541 E. Grand River manuscripts, general typing, Women interested in playing the 5.3-4-19 DESIGNER WEDDING GOWN, EAST LANSING, 4 bedroom, IBM. 23 only way to be WANTED years experience. Softball should meet at 4 p.m. convinced is to let a Downstairs train, and veil, Victorian TO buy male colonial split - level, family 349-0850. C-4-30 Sunday at the Women's Center, Kotex tampon be |ES northeast. 2 bedroom 351-7240 J candlelight peau, size 12, sealpoint Siamese, about one old. Call 351-5865. room with fireplace, two full 547% E. Grand River Ave. your first one C'V home with 5 acres ' $100; Richoflex camera, $20; year baths, many extras, Walnut TYPING TERM Bring B e Looking Glass Now 3-4-20 Heights four blocks papers, theses, your own equipment. AMPEX TAPE recorder. Allied film editor and splicer, $15; area, etc. b|e. $225. 351 from MacDonald Electric. Experienced. 7497 VTVM. Best offer. 349-9468. lightweight Hoover upright - Marble FOR SALE JEAN MASSEY, 393-4075 Alison Jaggar, a philosopher After 5pm. 3-4-24 vacuum, $20. 351-4734. - pair of mated Schools, priced in mid 30's. silver C-4-30 at the University of Cincinnati, 1-4-19 angelfish, $15. Call 351-7846 after 5pm 332-6661. 2 4-19 will speak on sexual anarchism many t0 choice GARAGE SALE - Saturday weekdays, anytime bk)<* COMPLETE THESES at 8 p.m. Friday in 104B Wells from weekends. 10-4-30 7 30pm. 351-6088 campus," April 21st. 9am on. 1520 Old CONGA DRUMS: with and ALASKAN SERVICE. Discount printinc;. Hall. The public is invited. Mi" Road. East Lansing. without legs, wood and MALAMUTES - AKC IBM typing and binding of 2-4-20 fiberglas, up to 40% off, all registered, parents Recreation . new. MARSHALL MUSIC, x-rayed, wormed, first shots. 09 theses, resumes, publication. Women's Liberation will hold I Rooms The Across fronri campus, corner a potluck supper at 7 p.m. FARFISA ELECTRONIC organ 245 Ann Street. C-1-4-19 big sled dogs from M.A.C. and Grand River, Sunday in the and amplifier. epiphone (Gibson) Phone Steve, BAUTEL'S, 2916 Turner Street, excellent pedigrees. 551-0825 days, 337-2176 evenings. SUMMER EUROPE -$229 below Jones Stationery Shop. Center, 547V4 E. Grand River Women's second FLIGHTS, bonded Call COPYGRAPH Ave. All women are welcome. m rooni. across from 353J 349, 3-4-19 IV5-9212. All types of yams and supplies. 0-1-4-19 5-4-20 and guaranteed, advance SERVICES, 337-1666. chance. SPRING BICYCLE SALE LABRADOR PUPS, black, booking only. Reserve today. C-4-30 All members should attend 'n\o ln 6-9pm °' 361-4797 units in - 200 AKC, eight weeks old, male. EAST LANSING important Rodeo Club meeting only. 10-5-1 stock, Bottechia, WASHING MACHINE and Call 393-7191. 3-4-19 VACATION TRAVEL, at 7:30 p.m. today in Atala, Hercules, Peugeot, 110 I 3 BEDROOM house on Sekine, Garlatti, Walker, and more. ALLSPORT BICYCLE dryer, Maytag Port good condition. a - pair, 355-3123. REGISTERED QUARTER 351-2650. 20-4-30 "M Agriculture interested in Hall. promoting the Anyone Kssr Mason- SHOP, 518 West Cross Street. Ypsilanti, 483-7194. 19-4-25 3-4-19 horse gelding. 6 years, or good offer, also tack. $300, S RUSSIA-SCAN OINAVIA London weeks. $387 Inclusive. sport is welcome to attend. departures. Small, Evenings, 332-0980. 5-4-26 The Renaissance dani International group camping TRANSPORTATION. Why '"APERY FABRIC 351-6833. 3-4-19 I Mobile Homes travel (ages 18-30). Also Europe, Africa, India: 3-11 weeks. Write: Whole Earth pay for Departures, MSU a 337 2546. 2-4-19 cab? Arrival area, cheap. / of the Society Anachronism invites attend a for C meeting at 7:30 everyone to p.m. Travel, Ltd., Box 1497, K.C.. Mo. 64141 today in the Union Tower room, RECTILINEAR III speakers, fourth floor of the Union. GREAT LAKES best offer, call Link 5-7pm. - 1969. NEED F ING SOLIDS & PRINTS 332-0866. 3-4 19 12'x44', excellent condition. companion FEMALE this traveling summer, - All are invited to join the Many extras, lakeside lot, Europe. I s & APPLIQUES 2/M.00 1 ALL TYPES of Optical repairs, must selL 625-7770. 5-4-20 353-1939. 1-4-19 Call Lillian, DON'T FORGET blood comes Lansing lettuce boycott by picketing from 10 a.m. 2 p.m. - prompt service. OPTICAL 1956 DREAM Saturday at the A&P in SOME 3/M.OO DISCOUNT, 2615 East one home, 8'x40', UNION BOARD summer flights only from people. Brookfield Plaza. Call 485 Michigan, Lansing, 372-7409. bedroom, furnished, to Eurooe from Professional donors $900 or best offer. 332-6086. Detroit and 7478 for details. C-5-4-20 compensated. MICHIGAN Windsor. e MPTA?S Ai ALL i i.,AND SIZES, "0NLY nyLON, UNPACKAGED 10c! GUNS, RIFLES, and handguns of all kinds. Buy, trade and J5j4-20_ 1970 STATESMAN - Monday Union. C-4-30 - Stop in 1-4pm, Friday. 2nd floor. COMMUNITY CENTER. BLOOD 337-7183. Hours Monday, Thursday and Gay Liberation will hold an important business meeting at 3 FURNISHED, shed, skirting, p.m. Sunday in Union Parlor B. 128 W. Grand River in sell. BOB'S GUN SHOP, steps. 625-4983 Friday 9-4:30. Tuesday and frgainI after All interested persons are invited 2412 South Cedar, call Service Wednesday 12-6.30pm. 5:30pm. 5-4-24 to attend. Williamston. Open MoTi 371 2244. 12-5-4 C-4-30 thru Wed. 9 - 6. Thur. f* PARKWOOD 12'x60' 1966 2 Rennie Davis will speak on irn 9 pm. Fri. 9-5. Closed Sat .Open Sun 10MB- GITANE 10-speed, including accessories. Like new, $135. Call 393 5363. 3^ 20 bedroom, air conditioned, skirting. Call 485-4405 after 5pm. X10-4-23 PAINTING - 40% discount on paint. Free estimates. 349-3784. 4-4 20 Rick, LIBERAL for sharp FEMALE, apartment fall. Call 353-1942.3-4 20 looking starting his own investigation into who is Guru Maharaj Ji at 8 p.m. Monday in 108B Wells Hall. Thursday, Apriiio 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan , Gays protest pole removal because IJ. hates (continued from page 1) other action, such as homosexuals and it doesn't picketing or demonstrating, Leonard Graff, of The Gay If the poles are actually have the guts to say It." Liberation Front, said. removed. Baron said that not only "MSU is afraid that a sign Don Starln, of the the poles but all proclaiming Gay Pride Week maintenance nuisances were organ izatioil physical plant, said would hurt the school's Wednesday: "All I've heard being removed. particularly angry topic because it S appropriation from the is just a rumor. I have "We used to have a lot of to w.., 1 state." these concrete and pipe display its banner? nothing official on it yet. So Gay Pride Week in MSU officials say they far I've gotten three phone sleeves sunk into the ground to hold up "We 197^ calls asking about it, and I sign posts. Well, were don't know when the question of MSU's state just don't know If it's true over wore the years the grounds and now they're permission over to hang the the 2 appropriation will come up or not." away, sien„7 J*if. University sticking above ground, and in the legislature, but in past Another official said that she had keep damaging our ?d' Gay "but Pride lh* <% Week years it has been decided told that around the end of the fiscal heard differing reports on equipment. We've gotten we COu|d the sign year, June 30. the subject. many complaints from the because [ Breslin said: "There is grounds people on this," filled out the 1973 Gay Pride Week is absolutely no truth to any Baron said. Well, we ve filled out forms this year Rapping n il It slated for June 25 through July I. rumors about the coming down. And I should know because any decision posts "So those objects. we're removing It's being done kind of piecemeal, a (removal of the only legal way Msu poC. " Dr. Arnold Werner, psychiatrist at University asked questons on acne, homosexuality and the The' organization warned of that nature has to come rainy - day - projects sort of keep us from hanein. Health Center and author of "The Doctor's Bag", problems surrounding development of an or»l that it may try to seek a out of my office. The idea thing, because we don't sign." 88 talked informally to students Tuesday evening in the contraceptive for men. court injunction prohibiting has been discussed, but the University from there's been no decision on lounge of North Case Hall. Students expressed some State News photo by Ron Biava removing the poles or take it. And if there is, the State dissatisfaction with service at the health center and News will be the first to know." Students to discuss uii But Baron said that the IN CALIF. MAYOR RACE poles are to come down (continued from page 1) they have paid for, w the food is intended foil because of maintenance "Few students have ever reasons. garbage can. gotten the raises they were "They'll stay up until the Seale fac entitled to and most of to "Even if end of this term," he said. them don't even know that we want to^l food, we can only purrir "And if any group is after a certain number of food that is one booked to use the posts • A«r (continued from page 11 of people. PIRGIM and the are the vandalism biggest current problem in was less vandalism there this year than last year, except 351-1600 Cancer cIikmi'i respect Iiirlli- residence halls, he noted. for damage to elevators. He Kelley's guidelines, an attorney general saw it as also cited the nightly oid. "The removal of fire But. explains the American interpretation of the something that had to be extinguishers is very locking procedures as the should especially have an annual reiiicmlier to Michigan Deceptive Advertising Act, state that done." Telschow said consumers dangerous — you never cause for the decline. The choice GOING checkup in¬ Grace Masuda and cluding cancer tests. One "I the have also been reporting know when one might be any price advertised must be Thomas Dutch, managers of needed," he added. the same as the pump price, any fraction of a cent violations to the attorney general's office. Doors knocked off their Wonders Hall and Brody of brides should be at least half as "We're hinges, holes kicked in Complex, respectively, also encouraged by noted I j have a drop in ESPRIT plaster walls and fouled up and grooms _ large as the whole numerals the fact that a number of v thing lion, the research lalx»ralories«e could save over and off as - grades of gas such low - lead must be citizens who drive into a station advertising elevators are other relatively common types purposeful destruction, of malicious destruction in the last two years. "Vandalism as we used HOME? advertised clearly and deceptively will drive out 100.1)00 additional lives this conspicuously. again and call the attorney Underwood said. to know it sinks ripped ArtCarved wedding rings ^irst in styling Firslj The 21 stations still general," he said. Noting that students pay off the walls and fire hoses in craftsmanship Chosen by more brides anil ety's message about the impor¬ tance ot e.irlv diagnosis and violating the guidelines will Because the guidelines for the damage through thrown in the halls — is grooms than any other brand See our comoietel way down," Dutch said. prompt, proper treatment, and had regulai health checkups. be contacted by the are an interpretation of the increased room and unless the board collection today j attorney general's office, Michigan .Deceptive rates — culprit Telschow said. They will be Advertising Act, state should be alert to unusual bleeding or discharge It's prob¬ informed that they are legislation regulating violating the law and that if gasoline advertising might they continue to do so, be required, Telschow said. o4rt Carved j ably not, but could In-a sign of cease and desist Orders and A bill recently uterine cancer — but only a court action may follow. introduced in the legislature See the areas largest selection j physician can make the diag- "It's amazing," Telschow by Rep. Michael Dively, R - Headquarters for: the' American™Cancer si "iet'\' said. "You can actually see Traverse City, calls for such It could save your life. * Orange Blossom what you're buying. This regulation of false Diamond Rlnqs has been a pet peeve of a lot advertising. •Gold Fashion Originals Diamond and Wedding Rings •Art Carved Wedding Rinq Sets * Longlnes, Bulova and I ^.STATE NEWS THE MSU ISRAELI CLUB Seiko Watches jewel** •International Pewter art center WILL SPONSOR A CELEBRATION and Sliver 319 E. Grand River Ami NOW SHOP THUKSDA Y IN HONOR OF EVENINGS UNTIL 9 PM East Lansing, Mich. I BUS IS BEST... ISRAELS 25 ANNIVERSARY STUDENT-FACULTY PLAN TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 8 p.m. COSTS LESS, TOO! "TIMELESS TINTYPES" Lecture and demonstration by FLY-DRIVE^ MSU UNION BALLROOM EUROPE (C7B) More reasons: our DOUG ELBINGER Low youth tare V V Featuring schedules are almost plus car for summer * Folksinging group from Israel sure to match yours . * MSU - Israel Dance you ride in temperature- Car-Tours in Europe, Inc. Group controlled comfort, and 555 Filth Ave.N Y.10017/697-5800 * Refreshments we set you down right in town. Everyone Is Invited ■$«************************************** I For details, call or visit Excellence in Seafood. EAST LANSING BUS CENTRE 332- 2569 TINTYPES MADE DAILY 332- 2813 APRIL 19 25 308 W. Grand River At Bill's OLDE TOWNE CLAM BAKE you'll experience the finest seafood available. That's because Bill's chef takes pride in his work and only produces the very best. The specialties include whole lobster, cherry stone " ATTENTION clams, and shrimp plus cornbread, tossed salad and drawn butter. Everything prepared with the care that has made Bill's famous. Serving Fri. .Fraternities and soroi Need a reservation? and Sat. night 6 - 11 p.m. Why not let the fun from the start and charter call your group to the College Travel BILL'S RESTAURANT & BAR Spartan OWOSSO Game. TOLL FREE PHOTOGRAPHIC 351-6010 718 E. Grand River Lansing 482-6100 351 3644