Volume 67 Number 132 Monday, April 8,1974 East Lansing, Michigan 48824 !x-campaign official called iajor Watergate informant InEW YORK (AP) - Two Washington Playboy excerpts, though he had read the New York Times and draw clock hands to threat, though Gray is not that sort of 1st reporters who pieced together major article. designate the time. Woodward did not guy. Whatever the reason, the President Iteigate stories say that Hugh W. Sloan It was from Sloan, former treasurer of the finance Committee to Re elect the know how "Deep Throat" got to his agreed in a hurry and sent Gray's name I former treasurer of President Nixon's • paper, the article said. up to the Senate right away..." T election committee, was a major President, that Woodward and Bernstein At one of their sessions, "Deep Throat" One night "Deep Throat" told . said they first learned the names of several Jurceof information for them. described to Woodward President Nixon's Woodward about the intelligence ■ Sloan's role and that of a highly placed key controllers of a secret GOP fund for outraged reaction to news leaks about gathering activities of the Committee to Re • elect ■ministration source tohom the reporters financing campaign activities against the Waterjgate. the President. Democrats. |ll "Deep Throat," are described by Carl "Nixon was wild, shouting and hollering Irnstein and Bob Woodward in their The article also describes a number of that, 'We can't'have it and we're going to "...A lot of the intelligence gathering ■rthcoming book, "All the President's clandestine meetings between Woodward stop it I don't care how much it costs.'" was routine. Theyare not brilliant guys, but in" Excerpts appear in the May and and a member of the executive branch, Woodward also asked "Deep throat" it got out of hand. That is the key phrase, issues of Playboy magazine. not identified by name but dubbed "Deep about President Nixon's decision to the feeling that it all -ne got out of Throat." hand. Much of the (The Washington Post won a Pulitzer submit L. Partick Gray's name to the intelligence gathering Aze in 1973 for its investigation of '"Deep Throat' had access to Senate for confirmation as J. Edgar was on their own campaign ■atergate, almost all of which was done information at the White House, Justice Hoover's successor as FBI director. contributors..." I Bernstein and Woodward. (Dept.), the FBI and reelection "Deep Throat" replied: Summing up the Watergate affair, ■ Many of the Post's stories were committee," the article said. "The man's "In early February, Gray went to the "Deep Throat" was quoted by Bernstein ■eveloped by persevering on leads position in the executive branch was White House and said, in effect, 'I'm and Woodward as saying it began in 1969 [passed bv government investigators and extremely sensitive." taking the rap on Watergate."He got very with "the first targets of aggressive Iher newsmen, the articles say, but If Woodward wished to set up a meeting wiretapping...the reporters and those in Milliken lucial confirmation often came from a with "Deep Throat," according to the angry and said he had done his job and contained the investigation judiciously, the administration who were on the mall Indfull of sources including Sloan. article, he would move a flowerpot that it wasn't fair that he was suspected of disloyalty. being singled Gov. Milliken strolls through Fashion Square Mall in Saginaw I In a parenthetical aside, the authors containing a red flag to the rear of his out to take the heat. He implied that all "Then the emphasis was shifted to the Lte that Sloan was never identified as a balcony. hell could break loose if he wasn't able to radical political opposition Saturday with security guard Dennis Werndt after a store-owner Turce in Post stories, but that he has now If his contact wanted during the friend invited him there. The mall manager asked that no politicking a meeting, he stay on the job permanently and keep the antiwar protests. When it got near election |reed to allow the disclosure of his name, would circle a number on page 20 of lid on. time, it was only natural to tap the take place and assigned Werndt to prevent it, but campaign literature oan declined to comment Sunday on the Woodward's home delivered copy of the - "Nixon could have thought this was a Democrats," they quoted him as saying. for the Republican candidate Sparling was handed out in some stores. For more on Milliken's trip, see page 13. State News photo by Jim Bush >ems callnew for ■ WASHINGTON (AP) - Unsatisfied ■th President Nixon's promise of a full Teague's remarks came as the Democratic leadership response to Nixon's self-investigation will not solve the are to me ridiculous and wrecked the leadership of the Department of Medicine and Surgery." He accused the Will Thumb go problems of VA," the Iview of Veterans Administration broadcast a week earlier in which the congressman declared. administrator of harassing Dr. Marc J. loblems. the Democratic congressional President announced he had directed Teague said Johnson had drawn upon down for Musser, chief medical officer, so that ■dership called Sunday for replacement Johnson to establish "a crack management up or former employes of the Committee to Musser and other key professional men ■ Administrator Donald E. Johnson and team" to study complaints over Re-elect the President to fill important, have resigned or retired. Ihcr top management officials. paperwork snarls and hospital conditions. high-salary positions at VA. They have Nixon, in his remarks a week ago, said Nixon also said he would name a veterans his administration proved, he said, to be "incompetent was determined "to be I Rep. Olin E. Teague, D-Tex., declared committee within the White House. unqualified... inexperienced. ... absolutely sure that we're doing the best the President? a nationwide radio address Sunday that fthnson had turned the VA into a But Teague, former chairman of the job possible" for veterans. "The President seems to be Wumping ground" for former Nixon House Veterans Affairs completely Teague said that "each year for the past Committee, said misinformed about the problems," he said. four years. Congress has found it necessary ■mpaigners and that the President he sided with "the view of major veterans "The agency does not need more to add substantially to the budget Ipeared to have been "completely organizations that a change in top committees and By JIM BUSH Thus, Nixon has less to lose if his Bsinformed" about the administration of VA is necessary. self-investigation. It needs proposed for the Veterans agency's a change in top level management." State News Staff Writer stumping for Sparling is unsuccessful Administration." Spending is now set at lortcommgs. "The proposals of the President for Teague said Johnson "has completely SAGINAW-If six months than he stands to gain if Sparling $13,6 billion. someone ago had told the factory workers and subsequently wins. Nixon could claim some credit for a Sparling farmers who live in Michigan's Thumb victory and area that their home territory would possibly head off an impeachment Unemployment high, become perhaps the most critical drive from Republicans frightened by the earlier GOP losses. battle ground in President Nixon's But the effect of Nixon's toming fight for political survival, they would visit is open to serious doubt. A poll probably have had no idea why. public confidence low But the last of five recent special congressional turned into a elections referendum that have Nixon's conducted by Market Opinion Research of Detroit, which did the polling for Nixon's 1972 campaign, i.)T on , FROM WIRES per cent in February to 9.6 per cent, or shows that 40 per cent of the district 178,000, in March. " Watergate-mangled presidency will take place here, in a district that Republicans want the President to Michigan's jobless rate stood at 10.3 per Meanwhile, a team of University of includes both rural Republicans and resign. cent in March, twice the national average Michigan researchers reports that The urban Democrats, on April 16. question is: Will Nixon's visit and the highest for any March since 1961, consumer pessimism is at a 25-year high transfer that And Nixon, who has watched three negative feeling to reports the Michigan Employment during the first quarter of this year. favored Republicans be upset in the Sparling who, while refusing to call Security Commission. Worry about personal finances and the first four of this year's midterm races, for the President's resignation, has Nationally, the percentage of Americans business outlook contributed greatest to has apparently decided he has plenty joined Traxler in criticizing the without jobs in March took a small dip the most dramatic decline in attitudes to gain if he can personally prevent Watergate-related excesses of the from February with 5.1 per cent of the since the team began gauging consumer administration? state Rep. J. Bob Traxler. D-Bay City, work force unemployed. sentiment 25 years ago,says the U-M Survey While State Republican Chairman from defeating former Republican The highest March in Michigan before Research Center. William McLaughlin joined several this year was the 14.4 per cent in 1961, The interviews for the latest survey congressional aide James Sparling in district Republican leaders and much higher than the 10.3 per cent this were conducted in Michigan's 8th District. February, before the Sparling in officially inviting Nixon to R2 IM year. Translated into workers, it meant Arab oil embargo was lifted, researchers George Katona and Jay Schmiedeskamp Aware that frightened Republican office holders might likely vote to come, McLaughlin was reported WS*' "v* % 400,600 reported they were without jobs said. impeach him if another GOP candidate is upset, Nixon has opted to initially aghast at the President's request last week to visit the area. in March, a slight drop from the The research center's "index of go for broke and personally visit the Milliken, who himself is running for 413,200-or 10.5 per cent-out of work in consumer sentiment" plunged to 60.9 in district Wednesday. re-election in November, has treated February. In March of 1973, the state's February, almost 15 percentage points Nixon's decision cooly, calling a below the previous index reading of 75.7 Though Sparling, 45, denies the unemployment figure stood at 7.2 per visit is aimed to help him and claims it presidential visit "counter productive" cent of the work force, or 271,500 jobless based on interviews taken last November will have no effect on his campaign, to his own campaign. workers. before the energy crisis really took hold. most other observers-including his Milliken, who campaigned for "The decline in the number of jobless in "The consumer pessimism measured in Democratic opponent- the President's Sparling during a weekend "blitz" March resulted mainly from workers the latest survey derives not only from the financial pressure consumers feel because trip has focused the election squarely urging voters to judge Sparling and leaving the labor force," said commission on one issue: thumbs up or down on not the President, Director S. Martin Taylor. of inflation but also from psychological only Sunday Richard Nixon. decided to greet Nixon Wednesday at "Employment remained about the same stress of uncertainty about the future With Nixon's decision Friday to Tri-City Airport outside Saginaw. from February to March as the pattern of brought about by adverse news concerning make a one-day swing through the Nixon's visit to the 8th District, intermittent layoffs continued throughout inflation, shortages, unemployment and the manufacturing sector," he said. what many people view as failure of the most solidly Republican parts of the observers say, could have a positive district-something he declined to do effect in the rural Thumb area, but In the tri-county Detroit metropolitan government and its economic policies, in the four earlier special area, unemployment increased from 9.2 Katona and Schmiedeskamp said. Sparling is widely considered to have elections-the already unpredictable that area already sewed up. contest is now roundly considered too But the President apparently will close to call. steer clear of the more urban Bay Polls show the candidates neck and City-Saginaw area, where Papers in Flint, neck in a traditionally-GOP district that was, however, redistricted to the Democrats' benefit in 1970 and isnow unemployment is high and Democrats are on more solid 4W hour visit. ground, during his rife with unemployment at levels Though the Democrats picked Nixon up urge to nearing 15 per cent. Major politicians, including more total votes in the primary than the Republicans -the March 19 Republicans Sens. Charles Percy of first such instance in recent Illinois and Robert Griffin of memory-turnout was a dismal 25 The Journal based its stand SAGINAW, Mich. (UPI) - Two upon recognition that the President's reputation Michigan, Democratic Sen. Henry percent. Michigan newspapers which backed Jackson of has deteriorated to an intolerable level for Washington and Traxler got the largest single President Nixon's election bids in 1968 most people to allow him to stay in office. Republican Gov. Milliken, have added portion of his primary votes from his and 1972 have called for Nixon's to the contest's national significance hometown, which he has represented resignation, just days before his scheduled The Journal said the question of by lending their influence to the two in the state legislature for 11 years. appearance in the area Wednesday. whether Nixon should stay in office contenders. However, Bay City, added to the depends upon whether he can command But it is Nixon's presence that has district in the 1970 reapportionment, In an editorial in its Sunday editions, . enough respect to govern in a democracy usurped the local issues entirely and is the only solidly Democratic base in Injunction defiance the Flint Journal said resignation was "the only decent, clean way out" for the and if his moral influence has eroded to has made the election without doubt a the area. And its Democratic voters Approximately 85 of the United Farm Worker pickets carried signs in front President. On Friday, the Saginaw News, the point that it is national welfare the endangering the national indicator of his standing with the American people. had a school millage on the ballot as or presidency. an added incentive to go to the polls. Wrigley's Supermarket in Frandor Shopping Center Saturday whose circulation area includes the 8th If Sparling were to lose, even ®ven Sparling and the three other though a temporary injunction issued in Oakland County District, also called for his resignation. "President Nixon can no longer meet without support from the President, Republican candidates for the party's Thursday limited the number of pickets to two per entrance at the this test," the editorial said. "The only Republican congressmen will likely nomination held on to the usual GOP Wri9ley's stores. In Woodhaven, near Detroit, more than 30 pickets The editorials followed last week's decent, clean way out is to submit his feel compelled to support Nixon's support from Lapeer and Saginaw Were announcement that the President plans to resignation. His failure to recognize this arrested, but police only observed the picketing in Lansing and will leave only the regrettable impeachment in an effort to save their counties and the more rural northern made pay $465,000 in back income taxes and necessity of own necks in November. Thumb area. no arrests. State News photo by Craig Porter impeachment." 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 8 I Provision on hall damage axed By PETE DALY unknown persons. The the need for the defunct judiciary held that such now "pervasive peer ethic" was the State News Staff Writer The opinion follows the a policy is arbitrary and clause, which had been added primary factor working against Student-Faculty noted that jU(li(. I judiciary's decision, made in potentially capricious and that to the housing contract for the the identification of parties a false ignorance concerning C|J^| An opinion issued Friday by March, supporting the residents "the regulation imposes 1973-74 school year. causing damage in common done might d»Jj the Student-Faculty Judiciary of floor A4 in Armstrong Hall, potential and actual penalties The majority opinion held areas of residence halls. He constitute I for disciplinary has invalidated a clause in MSU's housing contract which who challenged Section 14 of the housing contract after upon students without regard that a sporadic and suggested that this ethic General Student action „£! they nonuniform enforcement of made all members of a were each billed for to their responsibility for prevented students from damage the clause indicates a lack of Impeachment timetable planned residence hall house done to a table in their house actions committed." Another "demonstrable need" by its providing information against other students. Karl Hall, Bush, A427 Arm#*. responsible for damages done study by unknown aspect of the represented his in their public areas by persons. room judiciary's opinion centered on inconsistency. North thinks the threat of houseij Gary North, residence halls having to pay for damage done its successful challenge m.i.,1 Congressional leaders are quietly making coordinator, responded to the Section 14. arrangements for a House vote on impeachment in late by others can help reduce challenge against the provision incidents of destruction in "I don't see what July and a Senate trial of President Nixon, if necessary, for MSU. He told the judiciary do to they ca, ■ residence halls by unknown specifically „»£! beginning in late August. The timetable, which has been under discussion FCC says WJIM that other resources were available in paying for damages to common areas of residence persons. "If you don't have to take Section 14 without the same clause wri^i again," [ ■ among Democratic and Republican leaders, is only the initiative to stick your said. tentative and could be altered by unforeseen events. halls. North said the neighbor (for his destruction), Uni**,! The plans are based on the expectation that in not These "other resources then nothing will be done," would consider houiiul the House Judiciary committee will complete its impeachment inquiry by the end of June and on a granting available" could include a hike in residence hall fees to absorb the cost of damage done by North said. "If you don't personalize something, then contract policies of other universities substitute clause for »J| befon.l growing assumption that the committee will recommend By DANIEL DEVER in refusing to grant equal time American Civil Liberties Union unknown persons, but North usually there is no response." In its majority opinion, the is determined. SectionUI B that articles of impeachment be sent to the House floor. State News Staff Writer to Gladys Beckwith, a 1972 and its complaints against declined to tell the State News If so, and if the House should vote to candidate for the Lansing WJIM. impeach the The Sunday of specific policies that President, the timetable would mean that the Senate Federal school board- The station had The ACLU filed a 50 - page Communications Commission might replace the provision. trial probably would not be concluded until allowed two other candidates document last fall with the shortly North told the judiciary a before the Nov. 5 congressional elections. (FCC) has made its first ruling to appear on a special FCC charging WJIM with news against Lansing televison station WJIM, channel 6, since discussion program. Though the commission did blackouts, attempted bribery and illegal wiretapping. NIKKORMAT the station first came under not recommend anydisciplinarv Beckwith was a major fire in 1973. action against the station, it investigator in compiling that CHROME In action last week the FCC did caution _WJIM document. in Senate rejects proposed treaty decided that WJIM was wrong considering equal time requests with 50mm f2 WJIM responded to the Nikon Shoulder bag in the future. ACLU complaint in February, The FCC did not rule that Contract strike . WJIM violated the Fairness saying that the charges were The Senate has signaled rejection of that would surrender U.S. any new treaty sovereignty over the Panama into third month Doctrine, as Beckwith contended, but did leave her "undocumented" primarily on hearsay. and based 26900 The decision on whether to ■ Canal Zone. the option to submit further A 390.00 value renew the station's broadcast Thirty-four senators-enough to defeat treaty at Motor Wheel evidence about that charge • license is still pending with the ratification-are joint sponsors of a resolution that Beckwith's husband, Gerald, UNITED*PRESS INTERNATIONAL who FCC. orginally initiated the 2 would entitle the United States to maintain jurisdiction The strike by some 2,800 complaint with the FCC 11 Last month the ACLU filed over the canal and zone. The Senate resolution statement of principles, signed by opposes the eight-point workers against the Motor Wheel Corp., Lansing's second months ago, said Friday that he is pleased with the more than 20 additional statements and affidavits to RB 67 Secretary of State largest industrial employer, commission's ruling. further substantfate its charges. Henry Kissenger and the Panamanian foreign minister in began its third month last week He said he hopes the FCC The next 90mm step in the Panama Feb. 7, which would return the the canal zone to the Republic of Panama. jurisdiction of with pickets promising to out "for how long it takes." stay action will dispel the contention that the complaint proceedings against WJIM rests MORE LENS with the FCC. The commission The strike over a new was part of a "personal could decide to hold open contract between Motor Wheel vendetta" against WJIM. hearings on the complaints to List 756.50 and Local 182 of the Allied Industrial Workers Union Beckwith has been criticized for his involvement with the order further simply investigation WJIM's broadcast or YEARS? Kalmbach testifies on Hughes fund began Feb. 3. The last Lansing branch of the license. renew bargaining session was held March 28. Asked what he tells his BR0NICA S2A Herbert W. Kalmbach told the Senate committee last month that Charles G. Rebozo told him Watergate members when they ask about progress in settling the dispute, Would If you have two more at MSU Eugene Fumish, chairman of years you believe a year ago that he had distributed portions of a secret 75mm the union's negotiating starting next fall, now S100,000 cash campaign contribution from Howard R. is the time to apply for committee, said they're told, lens Hughes to President Nixon's two brothers, his personal secretary "and others," well-placed sources said "Each day brings us one day closer." all insurance the Army ROTC Two Year Program. Earn - 4499s Saturday. Furnish, who said he still $100 a month while in Kalmbach's testimony, considered a significant, ROTC, serve as List 799.50 agents are not was optimistic a settlement will an breakthrough by Senate investigators looking into the be reached soon, said the union officer upon handling of the Hughes money, reportedly directly has modified some of its graduation. contradicted previous public statements President and Rebozo. The sources said that by both the demands and is no longer asking for full "30-and-out" retirement, but simply an alike: duty. Your obligation: two years or less on active Kalmbach, the President's extension of vthe For information call former personal attorney, told of his present April 30 retirement program. For 355-1913 conversation with Rebozo during a secret a change, why don't appearance But, said before the Watergate committee on March 21. Furnish, the you make your own company has not modified any recommendations? of its positions. You tell me what you The striking workers on the 1 want out of life and picket line receive $25 a week Nixon in benefits from the union. together we will see hopeful about Moscow talks you yet it. the NORTHWESTERN Army ROTC we can account for President Nixon flew back to Washington Sunday our past as well as with high hopes for his upcoming Russian summit and a insure your future. pledge to return to France "as soon as 1 have a RICH MARTIN good excuse." Nixon departed after Phone: 372-8200 wide-ranging talks with Soviet President Nikolai Podgorny and other world leaders who attended memorial services for the late French President Georges Pompidou on Saturday. Alexander M. Haig Jr., the White House chief of THE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY • MILWAUKEE [NMLl Family Night said Nixon and Podgorny "anticipate positive results from the upcoming summit." No date has been set Nixon's trip to Moscow, but Haig indicated that it will staff, for "The most extraordinary since Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings.... fantasy at Ponderosa be in late June. It made me laugh out loud, Deadline nears on —BAIRD cry, SEARLES, Science Fiction and Fantasy Critic for The and think." Village Voice Steak House tape request Congress faces another possible crisis in the impeachment inquiry and more debate on the issue of campaign spending controls before it can leave at the end of the week on a 10-day Easter recess. The House Judiciary Committee has set a Tuesday deadline for delivery by the White House of the tapes of 42 presidential conversations. If the President's aides do not agree to make the material available for the committee's inquiry on the possible impeachment of President Nixon, the panel will meet, probably Wednesday , to determine whether to issue subpenas for them. The Senate enters its third week of debate on campaign reform. Up today is a vote on an amendment offered by Sen. Herman Talmadge, D-Ga., to make it a crime to cause publication of known falsehoods about a Tuesday only. candidate for federal office. Soviets report on Mars probe Steak,potato, Wktership The Soviet government newspaper Izvestia has salad and roll. reported that a Mars 6 landing capsule last month found a substantial amount of the Martian atmosphere was made up of the inert gas argon, supporting the view that Down„ and lridayi during Summer Term, and a • ion is published in September. jpeci legislation now exists regulating rainmakers. Some Subscription rale d legislators bringing in cloud-seeding or divining rod specialists. isentatives who entered the debate said they were leery of But Rep. Raymond Smit, R-Ann Arbor, threw a scare at the legislators. He was concerned that no laws now exist concerning hiean, 488:4. weather determination . "Quite frankly, I think this is playing with dynamite," he said. I-year-old student PHONES "I think this is a bad scene." |o try for Congress |An underaged candidate with," Hayes said. "The §10 does not think she will In announced her intentions (run for Congress Friday. Democratic parties and Republican merely defend and maintain the class system in NURSING GRADUATES. |Meg Hayes, 606' i Shepard Lansing, senior, a I year-old running for an America. Even Human Rights party members have supported candidates like McGovern, a Shouldn't your hospital be as modern your career?. t requires a minimum hired hand of the system." ^ of 25, announced that she as 40-bed CCU tower, 22 OR suites, and all semi-private rooms II be the Socialist Workers She said the Socialist lrt\ candidate for the 6th Workers party works with groups who struggle to allow a We're staffing now in Medical-Surgical, Critical Care. Orthopedic. Psychi¬ pngressional District race in ivember. life of dignity for everyone. atric, Poly-drug Detoxification, OR. and Emergency. We are a working/ ■Hayes, who hopes to shed teaching hospital, a major part of the new Detroit Medical Center, and K on important issues Hayes plans to focus her affiliated with Wayne State University . . ■rough her campaign, has campaign in the East Lansing and Jackson areas. She hopes n working with the Young • Good salary program • Furnished apartments for single RN's Icialist Alliance at MSU. She to visit Jackson State Prison • Liberal fringes • Excellent shift differential soon to discuss k been politically active since prisoners' rights • Advanced equipment • Bonus program with the inmates. • Team nursing • Armed Services experience welcome • Tuition Reimbursement program WRITE OR CALL COLLECT FOR IMMEDIATE CONSIDERATION: (313 494-8613/494-8083 PATRICIA RICHARDSON, RN. DIRECTOR OF NURSE RECRUITMENT 3825 Brush Street * Detroit. Michigan 48201 FOR MICHIGAN LICENSURE INFORMATION: CONTACT Executive Secretary, Michigan Board of Nursing 1033 South Washington Street. Lansing. Michigan 48926 n Equal Opportunity Employer, i A GIANT LEAP for Alt MANKIND: mcoonako's large oroer or french fries. You don't have to go back to the counter to get some more. 0 CO M CQ o _ IE o THE STABLES MICHIGAN S SHOWCASE TOH NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT OPINION PAGE William W. Whiting Michael J. Fox Editor-in-chief Managing editor Beth Ann Masalkoski.. Advertising Manager Lynn ffenning Sports editor Geraldjl. Coy General Manager John W. Lindstrom Campus editor R.D. Campbell Staff representative Kathy Niezurawski Copy chief Jim Bush Bob Novosad City editor Opinion Page editor Craig Porter Photo editor EDITORIALS Tax return fans impeachmen The remarkable impropriety instead to pin the blame on others exercised by Richard Nixon in fuels doubts about his capacity to filing his income tax returns is a manage his own affairs, much less case study jn fancy - footed filching the nation's. The President is trying and deliberate chiseling and further to make us believe he is not accentuates the need for his responsible, as every citizen by law impeachment. must be, for deductions claimed on After an apparent whitewash by the return he signs. BEFORE YOU GET INTO ANY OF YOUR the Internal Revenue Service, which QUESTIONS, HOW'S THE NIXON THING In Nixon's case, the deductions COMING ALONG . . ?' originally praised the President for could not have been executed the care with which his tax returns without the President's knowledge. COMMENTARY were prepared, the congressional E^ Nixon's deductions astounding Joint Committee on Failure to report capital gains on Taxation found that his New York apartment and San Nixon owed an Clemente real estate deals can only astonishing $476,431 in back taxes. The committee's report on the be seen as deliberate attempts by President's tax escapades is stranger the President to evade taxation and to subjugate the law "to fit his than fiction. Among Nixon's deductions were included: S2,000 fancy. By ANTHONY LEWIS the President could properly have taken for Nixon must be very large. He New York Times originally A finding of negligence would add a j for depreciation on a cabinet table; some deductions-for example, to buy promised to "abide by the committee's However, the most flagrant per cent penalty to the deficiencits. I S5,391 for food, beverages and WASHINGTON In Christmas cards or flowers for public judgment" on the largest tax issues—his violation pinning the President as — political terms, bringing the total due with interest tol decorations at "Miss Tricia Nixon's the congressional staff report on President gifts-if his lawyers had advanced some papers and California property sale. Now masked ball" in 1969 and 523,576 party to a tax fraud is the deduction for Nixon's alleged gift Nixon's tax returns is likely to be as substantiation of those purposes. They did there are hints that, having sought the $490,079. Civil fraud would add 50 p«I for food expenses of the President's devastating as predicted and then some. It not. extraordinary procedure of a review by cent to all the deficiencies {whethtil of $576,000 in personal is not just the total amount the staff Again, in finding that $92,298 in this committee, he may try to individually fraudulent or not), and I papers to escape an family while at Camp David. Key the National Archives. No deed found due, a staggering $476,431 without improvements at the Key Biscayne and unexpectedly harsh judgment. That in would suspend the statute of limitations! San Clemente residences were itself would be awkward. Biscayne and San Clemente. exists signed by the President prior penalties. It is the petty, the very petty primarily on the 1969 return to make interest due I In details of the ways tax was avoided. for Nixon's benefit, the report emphasized there, bringing the grand total due to I trying to shrug off to the July 25, 1969, cutoff In deducting 25 per cent of all the In any event, Nixon still has to deal that it was not making responsibility for omissions in his any judgment orlK $739,174. forbidding such deductions, making operating expenses of his home in San the propriety of the governmental with the Internal Revenue Service. It has returns, Nixon again feigned it apparent that the President with Clemente, Calif., Nixon included a portion spending. It said only that the money had agents working closely with the joint ignorance, saying he had complete willful intent connived to dodge the of the cost of watering a three-hole golf must be regarded as income to Nixon, as committee investigation, and it would trust in his attorneys and tax law. course in 1969 and 1970. He took must $27,105 in government air trips almost certainly Beyond the trouble for a Richard Nixon I feel obligated to serve consultants. Against the backdrop While depreciation on a $2,369 credenza used at provided for his family and friends. and the proper concern of the country for I no formal charges of tax deficiency notices on him if he failed to Key Biscayne. He deducted $5,391 spent On the largest and most his tax probity, the report of the of the Watergate scenario, Nixon by fraud have been levied against in 1969 for food, beverages, decorations important pay the amounts indicated-or most of joint I issue—the deductions for Nixon's this time must have a 'patent on this alleged them-voluntarily. committee staff should sound ml Nixon yet. the President's caustic- and rentals at "Mi$s Tricia Nixon's masked gift of $576,000 in personal papers to the familiar excuse for irtritutence. extremely serious alarm for the Internal I disregard for the law serves notice ball," as the report put it. He deducted nation—the committee staff made concise There is the further possibility of a Revenue Service. The President's "eagerness to that the cleansing process of $23,576 for what the report called "food legal and factual findings against allowing fraud charge by the I.R.S., either civil or When its extraordinarily brisk and disavow any errors on"1iis part and impeachment is long overdue. expenses of the First Family while at Key Hie claimed deduction. It agreed with Hie criminal. The committee staff easy I Biscayne, San Clemente and Camp David. many outside tax lawyers and scholars carefully audit of the Nixon returns was completed I The figures and the facts are the more who had written on the took no position on that, or on the lesser subject, on issue last May, the official in charge wrote tbi telling because of the notably after issue: whether the papers were penalties for negligence, but it did raise an President: "I want to compliment you on really eyebrow here and there about the I dispassionate, indeed dry, tone of the conveyed to the archives before the tax the care shown in the report. The staff of the joint Committee deduction cut-off date of July 25, behavior of Nixon's tax lawyers. After preparation of your I 1969; returns." That man, William 1). Waters,has I on Internal Revenue Taxation is known whether Nixon retained a saying that it had evidence property no on the for its utter avoidance of partisanship, and interest in them, and whether the deed since been promoted to head the! President's knowledge of the doubted no one could read this massive report was properly signed and Philadelphia regional office, if public I so on. deed, the report observed that it was confidence in the tax system is not to be I without recognizing that it had held to If the joint committee endorses the signed by an assistant counsel in the White that standard. seriously damaged by the Nixon scandal. I findings of its respected staff, the political, House April 10, 1970, "the same day Mr. the service will have to do The staff made a point of observing that the legal and the financial consequences Nixon signed the tax returns." some candid [ examination of itself. DAVi ADLER America cannot In this period of crucial United States - freedom, the United States will have lost remarkable how the Soviets can Soviet Union relations, the key concern is dieplay have increased their military force in its position on the world bargaining table. the sincerity on the part of the Russians. any type of aggression they choose and never have to face the music Europe, produced missiles and other war | Are they using the detente as a lever to I have long believed that the reason the afterward. To amis to the limit under the contrary, when the United SALT I and k< put themselves in better strategic positions United States has had the success it has States calls nuclear submarines off the east coast ol throughout the world and to buy time in against the Soviets is because have not the Russians' number, its action is | we America? dealing with a.United States government backed down in the face of Communist immediately criticized throughout the Does America give a favored nation which they believe is in turmoil, or are world as capitalist intervention and we are I aggression. To have done so would been called warmongers, just as status to a country which will not evtt I / f/6 we ro 6£7 />£si/as/oa/. ?7/tx /'©s /07 their actions sincere? As the United States tries to determine ghastly. Since the time Franklin D. Roosevelt propoganda machines would have Moscow's allow people to leave its barriers? Should f the United States Wmt'Ot//£y /"of; 6sr the intentions of the Soviets, the whole found the impossibility and horrors of everyone believe. give this status to i country which supposedly has intentions I matter of detente and Strategic Arms dealing with the Russians at Yalta, though of good faith and then sells wheat back to I Limitation Talks (SALT) hinges on trust. it was too late, the United States has been Now, in the face of all the America for three times the price paid for I The question America must ask is: Can the forced to rebuff the Russians several times aforementioned, the Russians and* good- it? United States afford to trust the Soviets in order to maintain freedom and its sized faction in Congress would like | City to see antiwar the Soviets gain the most favored What I am saying is forget SALT, I and, if it does, is it ready to accept the position as a superpower. nation In Korea, we played it status. because America cannot trust tl consequences? politically and It would be a most precarious position militarily tough and halted the aggression. These people feel to do Communists, and disarming on our part - I if Russian did not for the United States to find itself, it we In 1962, President Kennedy forced the so would serve to strengthen the detente - poses a threat of I Reds back in the Cuban missile crisis. As and enhance the chances of world Communist domination. That, I feel, f" honored SALT, acting in good faith and peace I key symbol showing definite signs of goodwill, and then found to our dismay that the Russians had not done the The results of such same. shaky as it may have seemed, the United States came away from Vietnam with about use as much "peace with honor" President Nixon's label - as I believe — to through what would be good faith. It seems to me seen as an act that if America is of willing outweighs the tension that exists at this point, even with the threat of a nuclear war hanging over our heads. I | an occurence would to do Until then, should make i possible. America's Red Alert in December this, then the Soviets should act on we East be devastating, horrifying Lansing City Council clearly indicates, as Kennedy noted, and over the Middle East prevented a who the same lines of good faith. The fact concession to them - politically, I sidestepped a showdown over the that there is little hope for unimaginable. The likely fact is, America knows what might - that. the Russians agreed to disarm under economically or by whatever means ~ I - - occur, situation. city antiwar purchasing policy last American disengagement from that would never be in position to make such a Historically, the - situation should be SALT I — whether they did so is another and, like it or not, we should keep uP'llf' I mistake again, for faster than you can spell question - is great, but is that defense budget so as to stay on an even I Tuesday because of the absence of still war-torn land. examined in this manner. It has been why in keel with Russia. I would rather their effort to further world peace they pay I council member John Polomsky. The American people have been extra dollar than live under their system f However, the council should take all but lulled into believing that the VOX POPIILI to heart the comments of several United States ended the residents who spoke up in favor of the controversial policy, which involvement in, that bloodthirsty campaign. The facts belie that See 'A Project, then make favors bids from companies having claim, however. To the Editor: leave their relatives the least amount of involvement in Whatever little hardship and I strongly disagree with Mike behind, is merely an The show, perhaps, does not small expense may be involved in LaNoue's outcome of laws of relativity, for which depict the make your own military spending. review Tuesday of "The Archive Project" there have reviewer's wishes for the future, but it judgment. The issue, as Zolton at the already been confirming does present an Ferency, pursuing its policy of favoring Abrams Planetarium, yet I am experiments in the present. Nowhere is it intriguing future. I urge associate professor of businesses which profit least from especially concerned about the errors you to see "The Archive Lee T. Shapiro I criminal implied that mankind led the development Project" and justice and former gubernatorial (about a dozen) in his description of the of the Archive Project. Mention is made of Director, Abrams Planetarium I military contacts, it is a small price show. candidate pointed out, is whether to pay for the carnage which has contributions by other species, but not of Archive I, which is the the people of East Lansing will computer and any earthly contributions. "stand idly by while our been ravaged on the lives of thousands of Americans and the ship, introduces itself at the While the narrative voice start. of- the ship our The reviewer confuses the universe and galaxy. Archive I's destination is the Need for more government maneuvers around us." Vietnamese. sounds masculine, the ship's control voices black hole at the center of our sound feminine. galaxy, yet, Secretary of State Henry The concern of council members The ship is as related, billions of galaxies exist with To the Editor: Kissenger recently responded to an futuristic, but not the equal black hole centers. This is described as the Polomsky, Mary Sharp and Thelma of Kirk's Enterprise, which is capable of indicted first known attempt to I pleased to or lawyers would not I inquiry from Sen. Edward Evans over the city's antiwar policy speeds faster than light. Archive I does not navigate through was see President Wharton's the black hole, and no evidence of other point of view clarifying MSU's urgent need occurred had they bsen trained at MSUs I Kennedy, D-Mass., that the United is way off base. Hopefully, they defy gravity but uses gravity control to civilizations had ever been found. The to spend hundreds of proposed law school. I States was committed to aid will heed the voices raised Tuesday achieve near light speeds. communication device is an for a college of law. With thousands of dollars I wonder if perhaps a greater quantity I The "depressing news" attempted President of honesty and Vietnam in its military defense no and allow this one, small symbol to that spacemen breakthrough, but as the show ends Wharton's clarification it can integrity is needed rathe' | traveling clojfe to light speed would now be than a larger matter what the cost. His position continue to voice our concern. Archive I reports "matrix communications group to spread it among experience impressed upon Michigan's a time slow-down and forever severed." taxpaying public that Watergate and all itsconvicted Steven J. I 360 Williams Ha» Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 8,1974 5 |n ,, II , • CI A Fam |rCITTy By LACEY FOSBURGH ©QrST in dramatic quality of spontaneity, to her even shockingly ignorant of her family She chided him about his as 'totally inc New York Times friends and relatives it was "false,""wierd" newspaper students, all of them at least eight years interviews is that she seems to have and background...She was just a blank slate and and told him it was only for senior older than she. "totally inconsistent" with their from the very beginning I thought that escaped the alienation that has marked so HILLSBOROUGH, Calif.-In the last citizens. According to all reports, her Through Weed she learded to smoke image of the girl they knew up until 62 she- might be susceptible to a many young people today. She had a flip-flop contact with him was Marijuana j feW weeks before she was kidnaped, days,ago. kind of conversion." it more friendly than and use psychedelic drugs composure and confidence people her age J patricia Campbell Hearst selected This may be so, says was with her mother, a very religious, "more than experimentally," as one friend rarely have. Some friends attributed this chinaware and silver patterns at Tiffany's "It just isn't Patty," said Weed, "And I southern woman who, put it. "but less than casually." an don't reportedly, to a "sense of place" she ; acquired from give a good goddamn if she's been infuriated Patty for often being what she; for her forthcoming marriage. anthropology student, one of her closest Her school marks, always average, being a Hearst, others said it was just She augmented her miniscule wardrobe friends, who did not want her name politicized." considered was too passive. suddenly became excellent and in 1972 "I just do not believe she'd refuse a simply inner peaceful ness. of blue jeans by buying a black 'Gatsby published. "It sounded like it had been Since 1969 when she went to a girls' she graduated first in her class from Menlo Would this girl respond emotionally to chance to at least come out and talk to style' strapless dress to wear to her sister's rehearsed a million times. I've talked to her private school here where Weed taught College. That fall she entered Berkeley, the intense revolutionary rhetoric of the every day for two years and (on the me," he added. "That is just not the way Math, Hearst, at 15, had a crush on him, coming-out party and made cinnamon tape) she'd be, and thats why I'm so frightened and the two of them began to live SLA? Would there be any emptiness or rolls as a treat for her parents one she sounded totally unnatural, too Then a hip, radical ftinceton graduate six together. bland, for her." longing in her it might fulfill? too deadpan. It her senior, weekend at their country estate. was just not the way Patty "I've known plenty of girls that were years he is now a graduate Patty's lifestyle was such, for example, Weed and other friends, asked this, all would say it. She simply did not mean it." philosophy student at Berkeley and until that as of Feb. 4, her entire wardrobe said no. As one, the free-lance writer, put more beautiful than her," he said as he The 102-pound Berkeley Art student "all this" happened, he envisioned a consisted of one wool dress, one long it: I described by her closest friends and Similarly, the girl's father, Randolph pulled at his red mustache, "and more was Apperson Hearst, president and editor of pleasant academic existence for himself. skirt, two cotton dresses, a few sweaters "She wasn't lonely. She didn't brood. relatives as having "a joyous childlike intelligent than her, but none with more the San Francisco Examiner and character. She's everything I ever wanted." Becoming romantically involved with and t-shirts, three pairs of good pants and She wasn't vulnerable. She was, I mean, she quality," but more than anything as chairman of tut board of the Hearst Weed, in the spring of 1972, may have six pairs of blue jeans. is strong and has a tremendous sense of ! having a strong self-willed personality. Corp., her The Hearst name has the ring of fame, been a turning point in her life. She began herself. I never thought of her needing They pictured her as content to look mother, a two-time member of the rumor and history in the West. It to drift away from childhood friends and University of California Perhaps the most concrete thing about anything, really, just going on, getting I forward to living a peaceful existence in Board of Regents, reverberates here with tales of gold and acquired new friends, teachers, graduate Patty Hearst that emerges from the her sisters, her cousins, her friends silver in the 1850'sand reappears on every happier and even more sure of herself." which she would pot plants, grow and her 26-year-old finace, Steven A. Weed, all page of California history since then. vegetables, get married, have children, buy £SIP£MT, I'M JIM! HOW CAN MB I'M THINKIN60F. as unlikely a candidate for SLA As Weed put it Friday in a three-hour Berkeley apartment she shared with Weed j BB&NMN6 TO THINK PBPMAPS W SU66EST THAT?! UIELI, l ITS A MATTER OF OH, IIMA6INB membership, according to her prospective interview: "For the first time now I'm was furnished with antiques she had ; IT MIGHT BE BETTER. IF MB J TH0V6HT YOU U/ERE STILL AM, 5BTTIN6 PRECBPENT! THEY'LL ML/POLE DON'T mother-in-law, as Queen Elizabeth or Pope U/BRB MORE COMPLIANT IN SIR, BUT.. U/HArABOUr FUTURE THR0U6H SOMEHOW, - afraid for her life. She may even be dead acquired from the Hearst estate and it had, BE CUTE, Paul. already. Before I was optimistic and as one friend put it, "a veneer of elegance I PROWN6 MATERIALS TO TUB PRESENTS? I SIR... JIM. I' Yet this was the same 20-year-old girl thought she was basically all right Butnow and affluence." \ HOUSE COMMITTEE.. who surprised the world-and certainly her I'm pessimistic. We all are." Yet, in 1971, she did not have a family and friends-by saying, in a tape What frightened them, he said, was the coming-out party and refused to be a recording released three days ago, that she specter of the emotional and physical debutante. had voluntarily chosen to abandon her old duress that preceded her making of the Hearst, who was born Feb. 20 1954, ! identity and become instead the tape. grew up with her sisters and all their revolutionary fighter "Tania." nurses and servants in a 22-room house "I imagine, he said, "that her sanity is here in She had personally made the decision, Hillsborough, a wealthy suburb of being pushed to the limit." San Francisco. she said, not to return to her family, her About the possibility that she had, in The middle daughter, she is often friends, her fiance or her home. Instead, effect, been brainwashed by her captors, described these days as Hearst's favorite. she said whe wanted to join "th§ forces of the anthropology student's husband, a Whether that is true, the 5-feet-2-inch tall the SLA and fight for my freedom and the freedom "I have of all oppressed people." chosen," she said, "to stay and free-lance writer who was another of Hearst's most intimate friends, said it had been his "fear all along" that she might be girl, with long golden brown hair, blue eyes and lovely skin was certainly beguiling and her friends said she had the German fight...There is no victory in half-assed "converted." kind of healthy, slightly antagonistic, but attempts at revolution." If to the outside world her speech had a "Patty was so totally apolitical," he explained,"so sheltered and naive. She was always affectionate relationship with him a girl often has with her father. 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Outstanding a' na Jay, Apri| g Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 8,1974 7 TORE YiMA/»n*itiv\n/ti/nsrii MwW\Uri7\k Pure Magic Enjoy Spring with Some New Sounds pes to campus! Id gentle, Dermatologist-tested. Check out our wide selection of Jazz, Pop and Classical Music gic for Eyes ... jrsto make eye magic ALL AT REDUCED PRICES! Spring Appreciation Book Sale ARMS AND ARMOR. By Vesey AUTO REPAIR GUIDES. Peter MAN INTO SUPERMAN. By Norman. Pub. at $5.95. Only Russek Glove • Box Series. R.C.W. Ettinger. Pub. at $8.95. $1.49. (Data, Repairs, Overhaul. Sale $1.00. Adjustments) For VW BEETLE CHESSMAN. By A.E.J. Mackett FROM 1968, FIAT 850 BRONZES. By Jennifer Beeson. Pub. at $5.95. Sale SALOON AND COUPE, AUDI Montagu. Pub. at $5.95. Onlv $1.49. 100, 100S, 100LS, DATSUN $1.49. 1200, VW 1500/1600 - CLOCKS. By Simon Fleet. Pub. FASTBACK, SQUAREBACK & CHINESE PORCELAIN. By at $5.95. Only $1.49. VARIANT, TOYOTA CARINA Anthony du Boulay. Pub. at Pure Magic for Face AND CELICA, CHRYSLER VALIANT SERIES VC, VE, VF, $5.95. Sale $1.49. Really natural make-ups for your Pure Magic for Lips special look! VG, PEUGEOT 504, CITROEN PS & ID. Pub. at $3.95 each. New lip crayons, glosses and Only $1.98 each. lip¬ THE CROWN OF MEXICO: sticks. m all the super new shades THE BOOK OF TABLE Maximilian & His Empress you want! MODEL RAILWAY ENGINES. TENNIS. Demonstrated by Carlota. Bv Joan Haslip. Pub. at By J.E. Monns. Pub. at $5.95. Glenn Cowan. Pub. at $6.95. $6.95. Sale $1.98. Sale $1.49 Sale $1.98 THE UNIVERSAL SELF ire Magic oniy by Max Factor - MODEL SOLDIERS. By Henry CITY LIFE. Ed. Sheonfeld & INSTRUCTOR and Manual of Harris. Pub. at $5.95. Only MacLean. Pub. at $12.50. Sale General Reference. Pub. at $1.49. $1.98. $22.50. Sale $2.98. ^ Factor Representative Demonstration Appointment can be made ORIENTAL RUGS AND ZEN DIARY. By Paul Wienpahl. INDOOR PLANTS. Bv J. Ward I anytime during store hours this week. CARPETS. By Stanley Reed. Pub. at $6.95. Sale $1.98. & P. Peskett. Special $3.98. Pub. at $5.95. Only $1.49. TECHNIQUES OF ACTING. By A PICTURE HISTORY OF THE CAMPING: The Ford 4 Seasons Ronald Hayman. Pub. at $5.95. AUTOMOBILE. Special $3.98. Sportsman's Library. Pub. at Sale $1.98. (TOMORROW, April 9 $4.98. Sale $1.98. Consumers Digest BUYER'S GUIDE: *'74 Autos. By Arthur RACING MOTOR CYCLES. By Mick Woollet. Special $2.98. THE WINES OF ITALY. By Cecil Ray. Pub. at $12.50. Sale $4.98. is the last day Darack. Pub. at $3.95. Sale $1.98. TRACY AND HEPBURN: An Intimate Memoir. By Garson THE NOBLE GRAPES AND THE GREAT WINES OF Kanin. Pub. at $7.95. Sale FRANCE. Bv Andre L. Simon. CRISIS IN THE CLASSROOM: $2.98. Pub. at $12.50. Sale $4.98. Wing The Remaking of American Term Textbook Returns! Education. By Charles E. Silberman. Pub. at $8.50. Sale FACES, FORMS, FILMS: The Artistry of Lon Chaney. By Robert G. Anderson. Pub. at GREAT POP STARS. By Andy Gray. Special $4.98. $2.98. $8.50. Sale $2.98. WARNER BROTHERS PRESENTS. By Ted Sennett. VANCEREMOS! The Speeches THE VERSATILES: Supporting Pub. at $11.95. Verv Special & Writings of Che Guevara. Ed. J We have a variety of books in the areas of & Intro by John Gerassi. Pub. at $7.95. Sale $2.98. Character Players in the Cinema, 1930 • 1955. By Twomey & $4.98. McClure. Pub. at $10.00. Sale Handcrafts & Hobbies $2.98. CACTI. By Sir Oliver Leese. f'n9 Country Beautiful & Outdoor World Series Special $3.98. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 8,|J Dre/er's zeal highlights superb concert By EDWARD ZDROJEWSKI Chamber Orchestra in the Barber's "Capricorn Concerto" Barber. This vibrant work is details of the music. Not even This never happened. Dreier State News Reviewer Kellogg Center auditorium. and Haydn's "Oxford the second bassoon ever feels scored for these instruments never allowed the tempo to Dreier is Symphony." None of these neglected. and strings. The piece is done drag and he emphasized all the When a prominent musician definitely one of the works are performed with the Dreier's opening selection in baroque concerto style, with little details that make Haydn's from a foreign country visits big names in European music circles. Hailing from regularity of such war-horses as was a bit unusual. Instead of a the string orchestra exchanging music interesting. the United States, it is a big Beethoven's Fifth. brilliant overture-type piece, he with the soloists throughout occasion. He is usually Trondheim, Norway, he has The audience gave him a been the chief conductor of chose a quiet, introspective the piece. expected to make appearances hearty round of applause. the Aarhus Delightful personality work by Jan Sibelius, the Flutist Alice Dearden, Unfortunately, he had with major symphony Symphony Orchestra of Denmark since foremost Finnish composer. oboist John Scott and orchestras or to give concerts Dreier has prepared no encores which 1957. He is also the chief a delightful Sibelius wrote the "Suite trumpeter Alvin Lowrey were were certainly deserved. in places like Carnegie Hall. conductor of the Jutlandic personality on stage. Though from Pelleas et Melisande" in soloists in the Barber work. The remarkable thing about he is not by any means a flashy Opera. In 1958 he received the 1905. It was originally Dearden handled a technically the MSU Music Dept. and Arnold Bax Memorial Medal conductor, he knows how to intended as background music difficult part with ease. Scott's make an audience love him. His Lecture Concert Series programs is that prominent for outstanding performances of 20th century music. face glows like a light bulb to the play of the same name and was scored for a small part tended to be more melodic, and he shined Hold musicians from many countries when he hears the sound of orchestra.. The predominant brightly.. Lowrey's part was Per Dreier, conductor of the Aarhus come to such an For his appearance with the applause. He nearly jumps colors of the work are dark, Symphony Orchestra probably the most difficult. out-of-the-way place as East chamber orchestra he chose around with joy when taking and the mood tends to be The trumpet is naturally louder Denmark, stops the MSU Chamber Orchestra for a moment' l! I Lansing. The latest guest of the Music Dept., Per Dreier, quite a wide ranee of works: his bows, shaking hands with mysterious and sad. than woodwinds but is was rehearsing the group for a concert held Center auditorium. Friday in the Kell f appeared here Friday with the Sibelius' "Suite from Pelleas et Melisande, Op. 46," Samuel every orchestra member he can reach. He makes it obvious Dreier gave the work a expected to blend in with State News photo by Ron $ beautiful interpretation, them. Lowrey was helped by with every move that he loves bringing out every color Barber's skillful writing, which performing. The audience often had the trumpet muted picked it carefully. He tended to up almost or playing staccato~in emphasize the lower short, immediately. After the woodwinds, probably as sharp notes. However, Lowrey concert, many people in the Sibelius intended. did the rest himself with audience commented on how English horn a player Virginia Lowrey great professional control never much they liked him. This does not detract from performed exceptionally and drowning out the other two was recognized both by the instruments. Dreier's musical ability at all. conductor and the audience. Dreier closed the concert One orchestra member with Haydn's "Symphony No. commented during the 92 in G Major (Oxford)." One Vibrant concerto intermission that he knew the of the 12 "Paris" symphonies, music inside-out. He is not In contrast to that piece was this work is one of the most extremely flashy, but his a much brighter work. mature of the Austrian master. movements in conducting are "Capricorn Concerto for Flute, However, under an unskilled very concise. However, he and Trumpet" by Oboe, hand, Haydn's work can tends to emphasize all the little American composer Samuel become dull and dragged out. THE EARLY MUSIC CONSORT of LONDON Directed by David Munrow 'MUSIC FOR PRINCES AND PEASANTS" A program exploring the contrasts between courtly and popular elements in mediaeval and Renaissance music. James Bowman countertenor, viola, medieval trumpet Oliver Brookes crwth, bass viol, rebec, recorder James Tyler citole, lute, tenor viol, erumhorn, recorder Christopher Hogwood harp, percussion, harpsichord, erumhorn David Munrow bagpipes, recorder, gershorn, kortholt, erumhorn dultian, cornemuse, pipe, shawn rem BOBEY SHORT pop entertainment presentsTHE TEMPTATIONS BOBBY SHORT has long been a legend to those who follow the music scene. Today's leading male pianist/singer, he has become "a must see" for both native New Yorkers and visitors alike. Whether it's le Cafe Carlyle or Tully Hall, they listen and come away ardent fans. His unique records of the music of Coward, Porter and Gershwin (and soon, Sond- heiml have spread his popularity around the nation. Now, together with his Trio (Beverly Peer on bass and Dick Sheridan on drumsl, this versatile per¬ former brings his inimitable stylings to the concert field. "He negotiates a song with tender, loving e - a beautifully balanced show, with humor and poignancy, tenderness and toughness, and sweet¬ ness and sadness well mixed." -Chigago Tribune. Atlantic Records. Monday, April 15 at 8:15 p.m. in the University Auditorium Final attraction of the season on the University Serin A Single tickets on sale now at the Union Public: $5.00, 4.00, 3.00 MSU Students: $2.50, 2.00,1.50 RESERVED SEATS ONLY PATRONS NOTE Bobby Short replaces the Newark Boys Chorus originally scheduled for April 4 TICKETS ON SALE AT THE UNION 8 to 4M On SALE AI THE DOOR T0NWHI at 7 pm / Michigan State News. East Lansing , Michigan Monday, April 8,1974 9 By Study units SUSAN AGER for a new pathological incinerator, used to destroy to get animal incinerator and still meets 1965 federal air pollution standards, but incinerator broke down last accumulated. effect, the current one will State News Staff Writer animal carcasses. year we worked straight Law prohibits the Anticipating a possible crisis requirements, and construction occasionally malfunctions, discarding probably be phased out of use, if the current incinerator ever will probably begin in late [ To meet both tighter air The current incinerator, in emits strong odors and breaks through four days and nights to repair it and were nearly at of animal carcasses except by he said. broke down, Rosenhaft said summer, Robert Siefert, lollution standards and an the Diagnostic down, according to Mark our wits' end," he said. "We incineration, he added. To be built south of Power the Waste Control Authority University architect, said. Elected growth 'n animid Pathology Rosenhaft, director of the were thinking of renting Why needed Plant 65 near the coal pile, the began looking into new cleaner THaarch on campus, MSU will Building next to*the Veterinary Waste Control "Authority. even The current incinerator has new incinerator will incinerators nearly 18 months Recycling station refrigerator cars" to store the a produce Ud $140,000 this summer Clinic, is only nine years old "When much less smoke and odor due A proposal from Rosenhaft our current animal carcasses which loading capacity of 800 pounds ago. that the to length of the future per hour, Rosenhaft said, and a new technology which can Bids for the project, which is used automatically control the air will building be extended 50 feet to extensively by both the include the $80,000 house a recycling station as Veterinary Clinic and animal feeding the fire. incinerator and a $60,000 well is currently on the desk of researchers on campus. Increased usage building to house it, will be The new incinerator will not Roger Wilkinson, vice president taken in May or June based on for "Yes, the new one will still business and finance, only double MSU's specific pollution control have an odor, but the awaiting his decision. pathological incineration controlled air technology will capacity but will also provide a back - up incinerator in case the current breaks down reduce the odor dramatically," Rosenhaft said. |»n|n£] Michigan Slate University Department of Theatre 1H one The Clinical Sciences again, he said. In 1975, when new federal air pollution standards go into Building set to be completed by winter, 1976, has animal ARENA 1974 research facilities which are Phillip Hayes Dean's expected to add to the use of the incinerators. THE STY OF THE BLIND PIG April 9-13 8:15 p.m. Arena Theatre OPENS TUESDAY Fairchild Box office 355-0148 T ^ ^ 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 8,^ Economic troubles MSU's wings was lacrosse pla MSU is not alone with its EDITOR'S NOTE: The in 1969 and it financial plight of pleasant. was initiated as a varsity sport under the as William Beardsley, asst. „ athletics at the university level across "Our present financial status is athletic the condition that it could and would work on in charge of finances, revealed ^ nation can be summed up in one recurring desperate, I can't think of any other way a flat $1,000 yearly allocation. "Nationally it's estimated that nmh word: finances. Michigan State's athletic to express it," Burt Smith, MSU athletic v, "Allocations haven't been changed for only budget problems are no different, as State director, said. as long as I can remember, but they are in some kind of financial bind " r#d,j The athletic department has been said. ' Wardsh , News sports writers Pam Ward and Chuck being changed this year," Smith said. inflicted with the now common plague of Johnson found out after recent "Presently there's a real trend toward the "I think we're inflation. The current $2.3 million budget, probably \\^ investigation. The first of their four - part question of what to do with nonrevenue people in that when we have lot!"?! though adequate for the 1973-74 athletic series on money problems associated with sports. Where do they fit in? money, we spend lots of year, will mean less team travel, decreased "This is a real crucial time right now," money." athletics — and some interesting funds for scholarships, overall cutbacks for The writing on the wall Smith continued. "We've had some budget dictates . repercussions from it — appears today. equipment and more headaches for Spartan coaches next year. cutbacks and it was an across-the-board MSU's big spending years are while at least- and whether it oveiJfi cut except for our revenue sports. We iikesit A decade ago the MSU athletic "The problem is rising costs more than not, the athletic department is k,® can't cut down on our revenue sports forced to change its past financial department was basking in prosperity and prestige. It was a leader in the Big Ten anything else," Smith explained. "For instance, two years ago we flew to Illinois because we expect too much from them in hab? return. It's not a happy situation." TOMORROW: A look at the conference at a time when the Big Ten on a charter flight and that charter ran difficult to follow, and Smith confirms Of the 14 sports, only three are how it is determined and budget ^ meant powerful sports teams, large roughly $6,500. This fall we'll go to we can do this, I don't know. spent. Illinois again and the charter costs will run this. considered revenue sports. Football is the focus Also,, budgets and surplus money. "A good example is Purdue, which on the revenue and The times have changed, though, and in the neighborhood of $13,900. That "Right now, more so than ever before, finances only seven sports and has a big breadwinner followed by basketball nonrevenui and hockey. sports and who supports whom. serious financial problems plague MSU. figure does not include the cost of aviation all athletic directors at the bigger budget comparable to ours. We wonder if For the first time in MSU's athletic history fuel, which has doubled. So we're talking universities are looking at athletics from it is worthwhile to fight like the dickens to Plans two points of view-revenue sports and drawn it has become necessary to make a about a figure from $15-16,000 for a keep all the sports alive," Smith said. significant 15-20 per cent budget cut. charter trip to Illinois this year. That is nonrevenue sports (of which the women's The decline of financial support for Inflation, shortages and the rising cost of just one small item when we talk about program is a part)," Smith explained. nonrevenue sports has been apparent in transportation has left its mark on MSU the logistics of intercollegiate athletics." "We're taking a real hard, long look at recent years. MSU's varsity soccer program and the athletic department has not been MSU currently supports 14 whether the University can support these typifies this descent. immune. Charter flights will be eliminated next year, scholarship allocations are being slashed and team travel expenses will be intercollegiate men's sports and a women's program which transcends any in the Big Ten. The philosophy of the athletic programs. "We have a big program here and try to finance a lot of sports whereas some Four years ago, the budget for soccer scholarships was $5,000. With the rise of MSU out-of-state tuition costs, the budget fire doors f significantly decreased. department has been in recent years to schools finance fewer," Smith continued. for soccer scholarships spiraled to $27,000 make a decision of this type and the final By MIKE DRESCH The valid question of whether MSU can build a program which accomodates a "They (other schools) put all their money during the 1972-73 season. Today, MSU State News Sports Writer say would be up to MSU. support the present program has been variety of athletic interests. This into certain areas while we try to keep our allots no money for soccer scholarships. Currently the University is drawing up The next time you attend an event in raised and the answers are no longer philosophy is becoming increasingly entire program strong. How much longer The last varsity sport taken under plans to increase the amount of fire dooti Jenison Fieldhouse, don't be surprised if in Jenison to allow a crowd of around there are quite a few empty seats. 10,000. Officials hope to have the work break, fire marshals Rain halts During spring doubleheader; .. finished over the summer and to be able to slapped a regulation on University officials accomodate the larger crowds fot that limits the capacity of Jenison to basketball season next year. 7,080 because of inadequate fire exits. "We've got to get it done," Jack Plans are currently under way that Breslin, executive vice president, said. "If it isn't would increase the number of fire doors done, it could have a very serious effect on anxious hurler must wait in Jenison to allow original 12,500 capacity. The violation a crowd of between 9.000 and 10,000; still far short of the was first discovered pop concerts, basketball games and anything else that takes place in Jenison." Most of the work will take place during the summer when the fieldhouse is not By JACK WALKDEN the quality of Big Ten baseball," he added. though. I'm just getting in shape and I'm during spring break when Jenison was used really used. The plans are being drawn up State News Sports Writer "'There are a lot of good teams in the Big for the high school basketball finals. At starting to get my rhythm and timing now to allow for the securing 0f material When inclement weather forces the down. Ten and the coaches are some of the best that time fire marshals said there were not and to give University officials a chance to cancellation of an athletic event, the team "I'll be better later on in the season," in the country. enough fire doors in the structure and the see what needs to be done. or teams involved are usually disappointed After he added "I just have to get used to the coming to MSU, Moore had number of people allowed in the building "There is no question that we i because a week of practice has gained no better quality of ball in college." doubts about making the Spartan varsity, would be limited. new fieldhouse," Breslin said, "but the actual game experience. Moore's pitching career started with the let alone making the trip to Florida with After the state finals, there were rumors revenue from sports just won't cover the Such was the case in the MSU baseball usual channels-Little League, Babe Ruth, the team. the tournament would never be held in cost. It would have to come from student training camp over the weekend as a American Legion and high school baseball. "At first I didn't expect to make the Jenison again because of the coutroversy. fees and that isn't really feasible at this Friday rainstorm in Muncie, Ind., left the At Midland High School Moore became varsity," he said. "I watched the other However, a spokesman for the Michigan time." Ball State baseball field in unplayable the workhorse of the pitching staff. His pitchers during fall and winter practice High School Athletic Assn. (MHAA) said Meanwhile, when sitting in Jenison, condition. The Saturday doubleheader sophomore year he finished with a 4-2 and they were all throwing a lot harder the rumor was unfounded. According to between Ball State and MSU was cancelled spread out. There is going to be a lot of record and his junior year a 4-3 mark. than me. the MHAA, it is much too premature to room. and will not be rescheduled. Moore finally come into his own during "I worked hard and got in shape. Then I Possibly the most disappointed MSU his senior year. He finished with an got my control and started doing the job player was freshman pitcher Rick Moore. impressive 9-1 record and hurled the Class and the coaches took over from there." The 6-5, 235-pound Midland lefthander was anxiously awaiting his first start in the cold weather. A championship game, won by Midland over Royal innings. Oak Kimball, 1-0, in nine Even though he pitched a lot of innings in high school, Moore believes he has to Spartans surprise Irish "It was a great disappointment to me prove himself again at the collegiate level. because 1 definitely wanted to play," Moore said. "I wanted to get a game under His only loss that season was a 1-0 defeat to Flint Southwestern, one which also occurred in nine innings. "I'd like to get in as much work as possible," Moore explained "That's the with 5-4 lacrosse victory my belt to see if I could beat teams which Moore gave up only way I can prove myself. only one hit in that "I'm ready whenever they need me. In The MSU lacrosse team engaged in a The entire game was a tight seesaw play in cold weather. contest, but it came following a walk and bruising battle with Notre Dame Saturday contest with an abundance of missed Florida I started and relieved. I have to 'The teams in the South have an a stolen base to bring in the only run. myself and emerged with a come - from-behind chances at both ends. Both teams banged advantage because they play in warm prove now so they can depend on Ironically, the winning pitcher for Flint, me later." 5-4 win. several shots off the posts. weather all year around." Tom Sharon, now pitches for Ball State Steve Wilson drove a shot into the far The stickmen surprised the Irish 22 The disadvantage of being from a Moore expects a few surprises from this northern state didn't to hurt Moore and might have been the mound opponent Freshman hurler comer of the net with five minutes left in seconds into the game when Steve Hubbd seem for Moore Saturday. year's young Spartan team. "Even though the game from a man-up situation for the was credited with a goal that popped in during the Spartans' recent Florida trip. The decision to come to MSU was made we're a fairly young team I expect us to dramatic winning goal. from a wild scramble in front of the Moore appeared in five games, including Rick Moore, Midland freshman, has been by Moore for two reasons. play around .700 ball this year," Moore crease. one start, and finished with a perfect 2-0 the surprise of the MSU pitching staff this The Spartans had never trailed in the "I really like the facilities here,"Moore predicted. "Before this year is over, we're The two teams then mark and 3.32 earned His season. Moore won a berth in the starting game until midway through the fourth exchanged goals run average. said. "I've seen the facilities at Central going to prove we can play ball with with Tom Hardenburgh quarter when Notre Dame scored two scoring for MSU performance earned him a spot on the Michigan, Eastern Michigan and Western anyone. rotation after finishing the Florida trip to leave the score tiedathalftime, 2-2. all-tournament team the first week. Michigan. They have a lot more room "I think we'll be in contention all four with a 2-0 record. quick goals to take a 4-3 lead. The Spartans opened the scoring in the "I'm pleased with my performance so there, but the facilities here are better. years I'm here. After we get experience in Refusing to give up, Mike Richard second half when Washington dashed the far," Moore said. "I could be doing better, "Another for coming the Big Ten this year, look out." Photo by Ron Karle batted a feed past the Irish goalie reason here was length of the field after taking a quick pass moments later to tie the game and Wilson added his goal two minutes later. from goalie Ron Hebert and scored himself. Increased use by MSU then controlled the play for the rest of the game with Val Washington delighting the crowd of nearly 200 with some fancy ball handling. The win raises the lacrosse team's record to 4-1. The Spartans resume action next Saturday with a road game against tough league opponent Wittenberg bulges MSU intramural facilities EDITOR'S NOTE: MSU junior? today, Galli and Stein discuss the IM and Stan Stein have conducted "y, Galli When the present MSU intramural responsibility of the office of campus an program, concentrating on its wide use facilities were completed in 1959, the recreative services is to concern itself with examination of MSU's intramural sports and resultant difficulties. departmental dream of "sports for all" providing opportunities and experience program. In a three-part series beginning became a reality.Today,the motto "sports which contribute to education for leisure for aD," is uttered as an earnest hope. at MSU. Assuming that a major goal of Five years after completion, the IM higher education is the development of Spartan golfers wind facilities still met the physical recreational men and women with the capacity to live up needs of MSU. Between the new addition on the full, productive lives and to make creative, meaningful use of their leisure time, then Women's Intramural Building a newly some subconscious effort, planning and direct programing for leisure - time fourth in 10-team tourney built Men's Intramural Building Jenison Fieldhouse, students were offered adequate space for any sport, including educational experiences are essential, if adequate education for leisure is to be such facilities as steam rooms, excercise achieved." MSU's rooms, a human energy resource The increase over the years in the golfers finished fourth in a "Secondly, it was a strong laboratory and classrooms. student body, rise in women athletic rugged field of 10 teams at the 36-hole Big field-probably the strongest concentrated Green Invitational in Huntington, W. Va., field we'll play this year," Fossum added. However, in 1964, the University participation and the policy previously enrollment explosion of 13.4 per cent held by the IM Dept. are causing serious Friday and Saturday, the first time the The squad is still waiting for the weather Spartans had competed in the to break to they can start playing on pushed student population to almost space shortages in the present facilities. tourney's five-year-history. MSU's Forest Akers courses. 32,000. This caused a tremendous increase Varsity sports such as swimming, Ohio State had a team total of 748 to in use of the intramural facilities and a wrestling, tennis, baseball, lacrosse and win the event, followed by Miami of Ohio resultant shortage of space. soccer also utilize space in the Men's IM. One of the most significant results of at 755 and Indiana at 756. The Spartans took the next spot with a 767 score. The Women the enrollment explosion was an increase During certain times of the year, this involves up to 82 hours per week. Yet the first three teams are all considered top in the informal recreational use of the intercollegiate and intramural programs at Women's IM. In 1964 5,000 more MSU MSU, like everywhere else, are contenders in their leagues. Brad Hyland led MSU with a 148 total, Wisconsin , women came to the Women's IM for independent of one another. good for fourth place in the individual physical recreation and athletic During the winter months, when competition, making the total 7,000. intramuftl space is at a premium, 18 competition. He shot team-low 72 Saturday. a tennis ma According to Carol Harding, women's varsity meets are scheduled within the Bill Brafford and Steve Broadwell associate director of IM facilities, "The confines of the Men's IM. boys used to stand outside the Women's With the addition of carded 155 scores for two rounds, Schoo The women's tennis team got off to a intercollegiate IM kidding and jeering the girls as they athletics for women, these same pressures Malaney and Gary Domajalski's oth had great start Saturday as it tromped the in to use the facilities. are being felt 157's and Bill Marx finished with a 159 came by the Women's IM which University of Wisconsin in a home meet at "But there has been a culture used to be counted upon to alleviate for MSU. Lansing Tennis Club in Okemos. change Coach Bruce Fossum said he thought here, causing an amazing increase in our pressures on the Men's IM. The team, coached by Elaine the Hatton, drop - in rate, resulting in space shortage." University class registrations takes Spartans performed well as a team. racked up an 8-1 score over the No. 3 up most gymnasium space when it is held, "We've made a lot of progress^ women's tennis team in the Big Ten last The problem the IM department says it putting an obvious strain on the facilities. considering the weather," Fossum said. year. It was the first dual meet of the now faces is how to satisfy the The visitor's policy is another facet with "Remember, we hadn't played a season. recreational demands of 42,000 students which IM Director Frank Beeman and his competitive round since we returned from Winners for MSU were: Sue Selke, no.l and faculty memebers with facilities our spring trip (two weeks staff have been lenient. ago)." singles; Diana D'Angelo, No. 2 singles; designed for only 31,000. Fossum explained that the team made Diane Suterko No. 3 Any student or faculty member may singles; Allison Complicating this is a liberal open - the trip to West Virginia for two reasons. Scruggs, No. 4 singles and Becky door policy which the department has bring one guest over 13 years of age to the "First, we wanted to keep things going facilities. The host must participate in the Dickieson, No. 5 singles. recently been forced to abondon. Closer same area as his or her guest. to fill thegap in the schedule," he said. The doubles teams Selke - D'Angelo, scrutiny of the people using the facilities Basketball leads the parade of activities which flourish at the intramural level- MSU doesn't return to .ompetitive action 1 until April 20-21, w^en it competes in the Suterko-Scruggs and Kathy came about due to outside abuse. At most other schools, IDs are checked Constant demand for court facilities is heard at the IM office but court reservation! Bock-Dickieson, all won in doubles According to a publication of the upon entrance to the buildings. With its are usually the only way a Kepler Invitationalat Ohio State. group can count on playing space at a given time. competition. recreative services office, "The major many doors, this is hard to do at MSU. same situation exists for most other IM activities. State News photo byJohn Dick*"1 O/o, THANKS to you we've outgrown our present facilities...and WE'RE MOVING to the old Michaels Art Supply Store...Frankly, we're overstocked and don't want to carry all this inventory to our new store...so we're asking you to HELP by BUYING NOW and carrying it home...to HELP you decide we're offering you TREMENDOUS SAVINGS...check out these great deals which are only a sample. Sale Held Over For Your Benefit, Hours This Week: Mon. Fri. 10 9 pm, - am - Sat. til 5 pm. !2M ichigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 355-8255 Start your week out right - Advertise in Classified!! Automotive & FRANKLY SPEAKING... .by phil frank *partmeirts ]|V| Houses £ FALCON VAN, 1965. $300. Call VEGA TWO GIRLS needed for 4-peraon 1973, GT-Hatchback. MASON COUNTRY atmosphere OKEMOS. 3 bedroom ■ 489-1505 or 484-9750 after 9 D.m. 3-4-8 4-speed, power steering, custom interior. $2450. Call 663-8880. spacious Accommodate 1 bedroom. 2. Carpeted, apartment next year.. 355-3638. 3-4-10 2 car garage fu fireplace, acre•' of land • l,nn ^,| >1 5-4-12 exciiiZl _ FORD VAN - 1963 - excellent parking, garden space. 9 miles - condition, jn(| i,„ |lt( $160 $185 plus clean, mponsible shape, 19 mpg. 882-4814. 3-4-10 Best offer. VOLKSWAGEN 1963. Rebuilt campus. utilities. 351 3809, • 337-9791. Yes...We apply. Deposit wjl * engine, new tires, clean, good Available April 15 condition. $400. 355-9848. 5-4-6 355.7»J?B GREMLIN 1971 - 23,000 miles, X 3-4-8 EAST LANSING: private, have 484-8209 af,er J •AUTOMOTIVE standard transmission, 6 comfortable duplex, Two - 2 message, John 353 8879 I cylinder, excellent mechanical VOLKSWAGEN / FOREIGN Car Scooters & Cycles condition. Before 6 p.m. repair. Mechanical and body. bedroom furnished near MSU. EAST LANsiNi, " I Parts & Service 351-5654. 339-2833. 3-4-9 After 6 p.m. Buy, sell and trade. IMPORT AUTO PARTS AND REPAIR. Open 6-15-74, lease 12-15 months, $260. No pets. Phone location! duplex. Two baths room, appliances. , finisiwi I Aviation 351-3118. 54-9 near bus, Bvai!ahi„ 485-2047. 0-2-4-8 River's and •EMPLOYMENT Water'sEdge Aprtment! 351-8920.5-4 10 ",l* NEAR SPARROW, carpeted, just (next to Cedar Village) •FOR RENT VOLVO 122 Station Wagon. Good remodeled, parking. Available Now leasing for EAST LANSiN. running condition, real good | Apartments IMPALA Fred, 485-8615. 5-4-12 Summer & Fall Houses 1968 - V-8 Excellent condition. $350. Call body. $975. 9-5, 882 9808. now. Summer rent from $50 duplex. Appliances near bus, a., IJ£ II Evenings, 393-0986. 3-4-9 Rooms 353-7921. 5-4-9 SUBLET EFFICIENCY -$130 / 351-8920. 5-4 10 ^ I VW SUPER BEETLE 1973. 13,000 month. First month free. Bus. OWN ROOM in house. $57.50 plus •FOR SALE JEEP. 4-wheel drive, plow, $1300 miles. Orange and black. Call 353-2256.5-4-12 utilities. 441 Charles. 332-1360. 5, 6, and or 7 MAN HOUSE Fall. Furnished, Su^l Animals or best offer. After 6:30, Excellent condition, buying X5-4-9 close. 332-!>7,V o 7.4.9 pan,^ I 489-5591. 3-4-10 ONE MAN needed. Your own very " Mobile Homes camper. Price negotiable. 489-4022. 7-4-16 room, close to campus, CAMPUS VIEW •LOST & FOUND JEEP COMMANDO, 1972. Air, reasonable rent. 351-8297, after EAST LANSING • I 'I THOUGHT * 59.95 . •PERSONAL hubs, orange. Also S.C.C.A. VW 1967. Rebuilt engine, new 6 p.m. 3-4-10 APARTMENTS Near Union, ideal for f approved sportscar paint, four ET mags, radio, two sorority or responsib •PEANUTS PERSONAL 351-8905. 3-4-9 rollbar. G60 formula 1 tires, excellent top was too Good id be tpue!' OKEMOS. SUBLEASE spacious, now leasing for organisation Wr •REAL ESTATE condition! Over $1100 invested. one bedroom unfurnished summer & fall | MERCEDES 1962 £ COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELcY CA 94709 $180 plus utilities. •RECREATION - 190, low Best offer. 655-2609. 5-4-9 apartment. 332-6246 •SERVICE mileage. Good condition. Only $395. Call after 5 p.m. 349-4133. 3-4-10 HOLT SUBLET - one bedroom HOUSE TO share in Haslett^ VW 1973 SUPERBEETLE. Like Instruction 627-2312. 3-4-9 new, low mileage, reasonable Auto Service / Employment NEED 3RD for three women modern apartment, fully 339-2276. 5-4 9 ' ' C price. Can be seen at 715 Merrill apartment. Quiet, close to furnished. Couple $160. Typing Service MUSTANG 1970. Automatic, air, 373-7 1 1 5; after 5 p.m. WANTED ONE girl to share in Lansing, near Frandor. 3-4-8 campus, view of Red Cedar. •TRANSPORTATION brakes, $1300. 482-5866, power after 5. 5-4-9 COOK AND two assistant cooks for Drastically reduced rent. 349-2755. 3-4-8 of same. Until Septal •WANTED Motorcycles W summer season at Labor Day. Send resort. June to resume to 353-3943, 332-3610. 4-4-11 APARTMENT AVAILABLE Utilities included $80'mon* 361-9666.3-4-9 " I MUSTANG 1966 console, - GIRL NEEDED for Old Cedar immediately 2 room efficiency, automatic, runs good, DRIFTWOOD LODGE 6180 "RATES" looks good. 351-8989. 1-4-8 MOTORCYCLE TUNE UP. Murray Road, WhiteHall. Village spring term. Convenient and just $65/month! Call Gayle very close to campus. Call Bill. 332-5722. 7-4-10 EAST LANSING 1. 2, 3~RIVERS TO drive Jumbo ice Lansing, Michigan. An Equal esponsible only for the1 Fr(e heat. air. $115 81 % NEAR FRANDOR. radio, good condition; 23,000 726-1455.3-4-3 cream trucks. Must have good Opportunity Employer. 2-4-9 house Tftraa ,Li evi^fcgs —and ■ bedroom partially first day's incorrect miles. Bob, 353-3327. 5-4-12 MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE driving record. Apply North U.S 27, DeWitt. 20-4-30 11390 IF YOU like to dial, call us, we furnished, $240 plus utilities. 3!&^-,M'22. insertion. CHECK our low Call evenings 372-7456. 10-4-9 ROOM FOR gentleman in la PLYMOUTH GOLD DUSTER rates! Call need you. CARROUSEL . are due 7 days from aid by the due date, a 1973. C.R. rated "best compact." Slant 6, super clean, $2400. LLOYD'S of Lansing at 332-5335 or 482-5585. 0-17-4-23 COLLEGE STUDENT - $2.25 I hour. Married male preferred. CARPETING, 0-3-4-10 694-3951. Collingwood beautiful home in East Lanmf Close to campus. V J . Stock work, showroom sales, access to bar and poo Keith. 372-9163. 3-4-9 501 13 Air Conditioned rec MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE - etc. 20 - 25 hours / week. PART TIME phone work needed. room. Must ha PLYMOUTH SATELLITE Sebring New low Between 8 - 5 Monday - Friday. Dishwasher 351-9036. 5-4-11 character. Call 337-7872 5-4-10 ■ rates. FIEDLER Near campus. Call 351-3700. Plus 1971 - air, power steering, INSURANCE. Phone 676-2449. Apply in person. Brothers 3-4-10 Shag Carpeting brakes, buckets. Small V-8. 0-1-4-8 Restaurant Supplies. 2326 South Unlimited Parking LAKE LANSING Road; share ROOM AT farmhouse. Includes^ | Good mileage. Cedar, Lansing. 5-4-9 PART TIME positions for MSU New Furniture house with 2 others. Own room, of kitchen, washer Automotive Excellent condition. $1400. 351-8139 SUZUKI 1972 TM400-R Moto-X students. Excellent salary level pets, garden. $66. Share utilities. garden space. Call 655 361" I - Models Open Daily evenings. 5-4-9 excellent shape, $475. and meaningful business 351-5116.3-4-9 3-4-8 2771 Northwind 337-7190. X1-4-8 experience. Automobile PONTIAC 1966. Catalina Position required. 351-5800. C-3-4-10 Call 351-8282 SHARE HOUSE near Frandor, own OWN ROOM in hou opening up AMBASSADOR 1969. Good convertible. Runs well. $175. (Behind the Yankee Store) room, spring $70/ SPORTSTER 900CC 1968. immediately. Good starting and summer. month condition. Low mileage — wife's 910 Abbott. 351-8729. 3-4-8 DESK CLERK needed. Call 485-0246. 5-4-11 332-3763. 3-4-8 Excellent condition. 15,000 salary and benefits. Experience car. Reasonable. 332-5201. between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. for IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY! actual. $1375. Call 337-1800. preferred. For an interview, 7-4-12 PONTIAC CATALINA 1969. Disc X2-4-9 please call Susan Winston at appointment to interview. Phone Female needed to sublet Cedar NEED TWO liberals. Fireplace, big SINGLE ROOMS Kitchen and I brakes, automatic transmission, 489-1215. 0-4-30 372-4147. 5-4-7 Village 4-woman and become a yard, $65. 5108 Brookfield. bathroom facilities available I CHEVROLET power steering and brakes, member of the famed "Pit BELAIR 1964. Crew,' 349-0282 3-4-9 Walking distance from campui | Dependable transportation. New muffler, cross - over pipe. $45. excellent condition. best offer. 351-8699. 3-4-10 $800 or Auto Service / LPN DESIRES persons work in elderly home by the day. For Rent Iffw 332-5625. 5-4-9 ONE FOR four 482-5147. X8-4-8 man house. 351-0342, 337-0380. 3-4-10 4th GIRL needed. Low rent, ROOM FOR rent. With refrigerator RENAULT R-16 1969. 4-door Experienced, references. pool 351-3783. $61.25 / month, I 489-4668. 5-4-10 Good location. Call 337-7019. utilities included. 3-4-9 Across from Williams. $70 Rick Sedan - Wagon, front wheel BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced TV AND STEREO rentals 5-4-11 | CHEVROLET NOVA 1973. $2300, rates to students. Also $24/term. $9.95 / month. Free 351-1985.5-4-12 drive, Michelin radial tires, 25 - TEACHER must sell NEEDED for Free QUIET, PRETTY immediately. Phone 30 m.p.g. $800 or best offer. guaranteed rust proofing. VAN same day delivery and service. farmhouse. 489-3508 evenings, and Call 355-7874, after 6. 1-4-8 WORLD. 645-2123. OR-22-4-30 School immediately. Michigan Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-4-30 GRADUATE STUDENT or married Roommate needed. $50 plus. ROOMS - SINGLES $90,'month. I weekends. 353-5258, days. 5-4-9 Secondary certificate. Art and Science combination preferred. couple. Sublease apartment near 663-9843, after 5 p.m. 2-4-8 Kitchen facilities. Call 332-2501 after 4 p.m. 5-4 8 | TOYOTA COROLLA 1971 VW campus, spring and summer. CHEVY BEAUVILLE VAN 1971. / 4-speed, 34,000 miles. New - GUARANTEED REPAIR. RANDY'S MOBIL, Okemos Full time position. Call Apartments ^ Furnished, references. 351-8215. EAST LANSING, two bedroom weekdays, 485-6186. 3-4-9 10-4-19 duplex with basement. Summer. HOUSE TO sublet for summit I 6 cylinder, automatic clutch, valves. Lynn 373-7610 Road and I-96 transmission, power days. 3-4-49 C-22-4-30 , 3 49-9620. Options for fall. 351-1288 after Option for fall, near MSU. M | brakes, NUDE MODELS for photography. SUBLET SUMMER. One bedroom. ONE OR two girls for three girl. evenings, 484-9366. 5 4 8 5 p.m. 2-4-9 radio, 40,000 miles, $1990. Call between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Park Trace. $67.50. 349-3086 TRIUMPH TR6 1971. Excellent furnished, air conditioning, close 353-5726. 5-4-11 WHEELS 13" x 5Vi" ET Dish mags 489-1215. 0-4-30 after 7 p.m. 19-4-30 condition, radials, 40,000 miles, for most imports. $124.95 / set to campus. Call 351-3785. 5-4-9 SIX MAN furnished house. Close to For Sale 26 mpg. 355-9819.5-4-11 campus. Available June 15 DODGE COLT 1972. 25 mpg+, of four. Also 14" x 5'/a" VW. BABYSITTER WANTED, male SUBLET 2 room efficiency. Start ONE GIRL suhi»3'~ - ing term, 332-1695. 5-4-8 62,000 miles, $1050. 355-9568 $124.95 / four. CHEQUERED female. Various times. 8 Marilyn or 675-5564, evenings. VALIANT 200, 1965. Four door, FLAG, 2605 East Kalamazoo, - 5 p.m. June 8th. Furnished, close. close, re RENTED 132 8353. CLAIRICON 372-9000, extension No. 26. 332-5813. 5-4-12 5-4-6 RECEIVER 5-4-12 exceptionally good condition. mile Factory air, power steering, one west of campus. 3-4-9 watts RMS, two Utah speakers - I 487-5055. C-5-4-9 MARIGOLD APARTMENTS ONE GIRL needed to share 3-way. John 353-7655. 5-4 9 automatic transmission, 14" whieels, good tires. 485-8023. PART TIME Teacher Assistant 91 1 Marigold, East Lansing. apartment next year. Call Jane I MASON BODY SHOP - 812 East position open in Head Start. Large 1 bedroom, furnished 351-1964 or Darlene 337-2753. 6-4-12 Kalamazoo Street since 1940. Complete auto painting and Annualized salary $5,116. Apply at 101 East Willow by Monday, apartment. Carpeting, air conditioning, heat included. CROSSWORD BQQSJQ □EHBE □asma ananas Renting for collision C-4-30 service. 485-0256. April 8, 5- p.m. An Equal Opportunity Employer. 2-4-8 lor appointment: summer and fall, 351-8545 BRENTWOOD, FRANDOR near. 2 bedroom unfurnished, PUZZLE annaa aiigag 337-7328 available 1. Salt pan ACROSS aan aw ataaa immediately. Quiet adults only. 25 Purist FEMALE GUITAR player with alto WOODSIDE NORTH apartment. $175. Phone 485-9343. 5-4-11 6. Whelps 29 Blood type aaaa asa jaM 1 800 NOW LEASING voice for folk - rock trio. Call 676-4743, after 5. 3-4-9 Lansing. Haslett Road, East One bedroom, NEEDED IMMEDIATELY, 10. Golf club 11. Abscond 30 "The Red" 31 Fodder naalB mE SUMMER & FALL furnished, air con¬ spring term. One man to 13. Kind of tea 33 Attach uds ass aaa; MALE COUNSELORS - Michigan ditioning quiet. Call share apartment. Call 351-4644, 14. Durable 36 Barrel □□□s asa Jag 332-4987.0-10-4-19 twilled cloth 8 SEPARATE LOCATIONS Boy's Camp. June 25 - August for details. 5-4-11 15. Israeli 37 Curse □□□ana aaisiQii 38 Medicinal AIR CONDITIONED 17. Nature, riflery, judo, sport. 551 ALBERT Street - one block statesman □□aaaa agps COMPLETE KITCHENS STUDIOS Write, giving experience background. FLYING EAGLE, from campus. Large 2 bedroom. FURNISHED apartment. ONE bedroom Available 16. Russian river plant 39 Corpulent MMa iJQStiS 1401 North Fairview, Furnished, air - conditioned, immediatleyl 18. Famous general 41 Germicide 1 & 2 BEDROOMS Lansing. Convenient to balconies. 2/man $150; 3-4 / 19. Brut 43 Antiseptic FURNISHED 48912. 5-4-9 campus. Grad student or married man $180; Resident manager couple. 332-2495. 5-4-11 20. Miami Indian 44 Catapult 1 Investigate 5. Debate apartment No. 3. 332-2404; 21. Ridicule 45 2 Spring flower 6. Shepherds' 351-6676. 10-4-10 22. True 731 23. Shiny grape juice 4g French river 3 4. English river crooks Longing 1 Rubber tree TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile APARTMENTS F B. Racehorses 1 Beechwood 1130 Beech St. homes. $25 - $35/week. Ten 351-6168 9. High heels Delta Arms 23S Delta St. minutes to campus. Quiet and •Close to Campus 3. Serves Pi 331-6639 peaceful on a lake. 641-6601. •Air Conditioned Evergreen Arms 341 Evergreen St. •All Appliances ? Abrasive 0-4-30 351-6639 including dishwasher 1 Droop •Luxurious Furnishings s 135 Colli 3. Triumphed •Shag Carpeting 351-6950 North Polnte 1240 Haslett Hd. 332-5675 CROSSROADS CYCLE •On-Slte Management •Private Balconies I P I. Position I Bursa University Terrace 424 Michigan 332-3490 Enjoy the good life coming year and of the month utility in the leave the end hassles to 210 ABBOTT RD I EAST LANSING ♦SWIMMING POOL Now Leasing v p t Ballad j Black tea 5. Son of Chaos us. n America 2736 E. Gr. River 'Heated Pool *Laundry Summer and Fall I Assimilate 337-1621 •Ample Parking »Air Cond. *IS Malres i. Article IIIHiiiMiiflifl „ 'Nicely Furnished \ from around the world Summer $50 per person » Proverb FALL LEASES *adu|l bicycles ' Fall $73 per person ) Straighten THE STATE NEWS HALSTEAD *10 - speeds (Utilities Included) I Recipient Classified Ads MANAGEMENT Efficiency $154 1 Bedroom $l|4 mo. mo. | 'free repair classes Discount for 12 mo. Lease 351-7212 & 355-8255 Mon. - Fri. 8 - 5 2 Bedroom $234 mo. 332-4081 351-7910 9, Hebrew momn 745 Burcham Dr. 351-3118 //' M-W, Sat., 9:30-5:30 731 Burcham Drive w k Models open 1-6, Mon. - Sal. 3 Trifle •. F., 9:30 9:00 - or 484-4014 I Fuegun M"" .Sun., 12-5 Other limes by appointment m I State News, East Lansing, Michigar Monday, April 8,1974 ]3 ■For Sale 2 FarSah [ lost * Fowd ][^] I ■', B°2639. 3-4-8 table, 30" * 72". , walnut. 30" item, $95. Phone pl«* hi*. GUNS, RIFLES, and handguns of •II kindi. Buy trade and sell BEST yaw 'round Southern Michigan. BOB'S GUN prices in LOST: SET of keys on blue leather strap, between Collingwood Road entrance and Ad Call 351-3118, 361-7037. 3-5-8 building. Sparling aide irks Traxler By JIM BUSH congressional candidate shoppers, he was earning a bad unit Traxler out of the 80 SHOP, 2412 South Cedar Call counteract the effects of - store State News Staff Writer name for himself with the mall 371-2244. OR-17-4-23 mall for doing the ■black and whit. TV. FOUND: ENGRAVED silver cross Watergate, paid same thing SAGINAW a surprise manager and drawing during the March primary liable stereo. $35 each. 29 GALLON ODELL. all gias, pan - East door Computer casual, - It was friendly politics and just midafternoon visit to the impassioned criticism from the Her friend replied, equally campaign. J-7023. 3-4-9 aquarium. Hood and stand, Canter. Call 353-6155 C-3-4-9 identify. only a few ruffled feathers spanking new Fashion Square J. Bob Traxler for Congress excited: "I don't see Agnew, "I told them haatar and Dynaflow filter. $60 Mall at the invitation of but, wow, there's Milliken." — no boosting, ^18 wpar 8 movie when Gov. Milliken shook storeowner friend. a campaign. no pass - outs, no business Kiera ,2"1 Povver z00m 694-1236. 3-4-9 FOUND: CAT Calico Female scores of hands at a shopping But, But there's always a hitch cards, no nothing," said in8| list over $1000, Biking as Milliken took a Many people were eager to - an pregnant I 138 Gunson Street. mall here Saturday. while Milliken was irate Poe, who had assigned a leisurely — j 349 1715 after 6 p.m. DUAL TURNTABLE 1019, Sony 351-7972. X-C-3-4-8 '/2 hour stroll through run up to Milliken and making amplifier, 2 Millken, here as one of a the introduce friends, Michael Busch, an aide mall security guard to shadow J412 small speakers, host of shopping center pumping themselves, but a Milliken and together $225. Call Brenda LOST: BROWN plaid wool major politicians hands and surprising number were to Traxler's Republican watch for pants collecting surprised infractions. *ar AND case, Martin 676-2395. after 6. 3-4-9 size 32, part of suit. trying to help a Republican glances from the content to opponent, James Sparling, Stoddard hordes of go on browsing was ■020 m Excellent condition, Grand River, Cedar through shirts and sweaters. placing Sparling leaflets in But Pauli Overdorff, a Village area „ best offer. 393-1616. SELECT YOUR Call 351-8660. 24-8 Others didn't know quite what shopper's hands as soon as Traxler aide, was even more ^ ifB n o WHAT'S wnni a M _ i the 10 person entourage was. - Milliken got done shaking concerned. ALL Ten Speeds! DIAMOND LOST: SILVER necklace with pink them. "I think it's appalling, MR stone neer Union. and sizes, Cal blatantly biased and unfair," . colon From the Finest - 353-2468. Reward. 3-4-9 "Look, there's Spiro That constituted a breach of Overdorff said. Lie* Deraller center - pull Use our gem scope. Agnew!" one confused teen - promise, said mall manager high quality at dealer's LOST: GLASSES in flowered case But, as Poe said: "After it's ies, Then mount to suit aged girl exclaimed, pointing to Wayne Poe, who had kicked over, what can you do?" j Forced warehouse »ale. somewhere between Snyder - in §30 p.m. Monday - Friday. 8 a simple or fancy Phillips and Beech. 355-4900 T 12 p.m. Saturday. D 81 C . Forage 1241 Roth Drive, setting at: 3-4-8 H*rrcemr; Happening must be fW rece.ved in the Anyone in.erested in joining the Block and Bridle Club is welcome THOMPSONS' FRANDOR h cedar at I 96. 694-3311. LOST: CARVED Ivory necklace - siJIL. ;341 Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. stuieM xo come ,0 ,he informal ini,iation Thumb-native Sparling h 134-10 JEWELERS Elephant figures. Engineering at least to be held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in two class days before publication, 3220 Mall Court, Frandor the Judging Pavilion Building. Reward. Pat, No announcements will be accepted fcrTE RECORDER. Teac Open Monday - Friday, 9:30 til < 35&6616. 84-12 by phone. Ji 4 months old. New $250. Saturday 9:30 til 6 Phone 332-1385 for King $190. 351-8545 after LOST: RING — near Union, yellow Women's Center, S47V4 E. Grand Tai Chi Schwann, dance seeks voter confidence Custom Work gold River Ave: The first meditation, will begin at 5 p.m. |0 p.m. 3-4-10 Nobody beats our prices - diamond Gift - plase meeting of the call 3714191. 54-6 new single mothers' group is at Wednesday at the Alternative on Quality jewelry 7:30 tonight. Children Resources Center. Call before fcOAT, INTERNATIONAL 14 welcome. are At ■ 357'. Trailer, trapeze, two ANTIQUES 8< UNIQUES. Buy and Wednesday there 6 to 7 will be a free p.m. ■nnakers Was $1200, now sell. 220 Albert Street, under six-week women's self-defense 355-4850, evenings. C-3-4-8 James Sparling was bom in successfully invited President legislative sessions during the 0 Phone 337-9291. 5-4-12 Lums. C-4-30 course. The Women's The sorority women invite you Spring Michigan's Thumb area, went Nixon to Festival is only two weeks away - to discover a new way of life. come to the district campaign and for supposedly- LsONIC 8-track, AM/FM jo receiver plus Koss K/6LC MclNTOSH 6100 INTERGRATED AMPLIFIER used. Rectilinear I SH on April 19, 20 and 21 at the Union. Child care will be provided. Sorority Rush starts today through April 17. Sign up now at 101 Student Services Bldg. to school and there and played basketball now, in his first and defend himself. Though his opponent, state being in favor of busing for racial integration. Call Ireophones plus 20 8-track III speakers, Teac 220 (Cassette EDGAR CAYCE for or stop by the Women's Center information. We also need campaign for elective office, Rep. J. Bob Traxler, DBay •s $150. 351-1806. 1-4-8 - Study group more deck, AR FM reciever, KLH6 help putting up posters. Union Activities Board: Craft hopes the voters of that stubby City, is hoping to make the forming in East Lansing. Call speakers, Sony ST5600 Stereo lessons in crochet, needlepoint, penninsula will forget April 16 election—the last in a Rn PHOTOMIC FTN, f 1.4, 337-0601, evenings. 10-4-12 turner, Mamilya Super 23 press macrame and knitting series of - Lesbian counselors will be are being Watergate and send him to five mid-term Tnaculate Shot 25 rolls, $400. camera, Bolex H16S 16mm. available ftom 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays offered spring term. Stop by the Congress. Congressional races—a activities office, second floor ■5-3178. 3-4-10 movie camera. MUCH MORE! MONTY'S BAR and from 3 to 6 p.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays at the Women's Union. UAB will Sponsor a guitar referendum on President WILCOX SECONDHAND . Center, 547V4 E. Grand River Ave. workshop from I to 5 p.m. April Nixon, Sparling is trying to |t SELL I Vox Super STORE. 4854391. C-4-30 AND RESTAURANT They will talk to any woman with 20. Call for costs. George Ulrich convince ntmental portable organ, dual will be the instructor. Sign up now Sparling, 45 and a long-time voters that he wfll MUST SELLI questions, problems or concerns continue in the tradition of lyboard, $290. Base cabinet, Gibson acoustic Shrimp and Fish about in the activities office. congressional aide to the man sexuality. ■l speaker. $175. 393-4129. guitar. Also super bass amplifier Pitcher Night he hopes to succeed, is doing former Congressman James 394-2167 before 6 p.m. 10-4-10 (M-W-S) his best to persuade voters in Service Israeli dancing Harvey. Harvey, who resigned (Very Special Sunday) week at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays in 126 the 8th Congressional this year to become a federal WEDDING GOWN; veil. Excellent Luncheon special Women's Intramural Bldg. District, - $1.50 which includes Saginaw and district judge, repeatedly was condition, reasonable, size 8 Newcomers welcome. PASSPORT, APPLICATION, Bay City besides the rural re-elected for championing the 355-6640, 332-3196. 3-4-8 Pool Table Creative Weddings, and Natural East Complex Photography Thumb area, that they should district's farm interests and Portraits. Club: Darkroom facilities available. k AND Roll group for hire - ALTO SAXOPHONE, "Nobler" by Pin Ball Machines LUKE Interested people call Steph vote for a legislator and not use keeping close contact with his LeBlanc. Very good condition. PHOTOGRAPHY, 351-6690. his candidacy to criticize a constituents. [UPHAZARDS! Reasonable Call 353-6261. 5 4-8 2359 E. Gd. River, Okemos C-4-30 Rennpage or Ralph Russell. atisfaction guaranteed I president Sparling, who surprised 13 4129. 3-4-10 St. Lawrence Community Mental political observers with his MSU TURF management students. Animals Want Field training experience? Service Health volunteers wanting to But, in a move that was strong showing in the March 19 participate in the training program Here's tonight are asked to call Tony at criticized by many GOP primary, is criticizing Traxler an opportunity to learn for MUST SELL. irrigation and get good pay in TYPING THESES, the Volunteer Bureau if they need a officials, Spading last week missing "too many" Old English term papers, ride. Rides will leave at 6:30 from the process. Call 669-3348 for Sheepdog, 20 months old, general. Pica. Josie, 355-4471, 27 Student Services Bldg. female - $100. 332-0633. 5-4-8 appointment, ask for Bob. 54-11 5-410 Kappa Delta is sponsoring a Traxler drawing for a Schwinn Continental 10 - SPUDS BEAUTIFUL 2 year old Arabian acTess center""! THESES, RESUMES, typing and tries - • colt. Chestnut, white markings. I 10-speed bike April 21. You need ^AlES SERVICE ACCESSO*«S printing. Reasonable prices. 351-1568. 5-4-8 for * COMMERICAL PRINTING. not be present to win. Tickets 31 VALWIS CHICK VS OVT available from Kappa Delta. | Human Reproduction Health | 351-4116. C-430 BEGINNING DOG OBEDIENCE | Abortion-Contracepticn offers Services |' (ipede classes offered. Call 393-6546, after 5 p.m. 7-4-11 * I 1226 East Michigan |' TYPING THESES and Free pick - up term papers. and delivery. Meet the Pre-Professional Club, prehealth career organization, at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in 104 Bessey a sentiment aga Lansing .Jdler. . 485-3271 3714635. 104-22 Hall. POODLES - 7 weeks. AKC. First Ji i.Mna Hiver Downstalji shots. $50. Silver, 2 males, DON'T FORGET Easterl Gulliver's Karma record store, a student has American greeting Easter ANN BROWN typing 1 and multilith Jerome Robert Traxler, who legislative sponsor of the And he female. 669-9132.5-4-9 service sponsored by the Karma so hopes that the fNTION FREAKERS and cards and Fanny Farmer candy offset printing. Complete service Film Society, isnowopen for spring spent his boyhood summers Michigan State Lottery and the voters kersl We've got everything charitable bingo law, began his agree that Nixon has MALAMUTE PUPPIES. 7 weeks and Easter baskets. GULLIVER for dissertations, theses, term. Buy and sell used albums, etc. hoeing beans in Kawkawlin, is failed, and that he is the man tennis shoes to head political career as the assistant old, well marked, wormed, $50 STATE DRUG, 1105 East manuscripts, general typing. IBM Open from 2 to S p.m. weekdays in doing his best to cultivate anti - to begin the change. lies. Right now in our starao 24 years experience. 349-0850 327 Student Services Bldg. NLxon feelings among Saginaw Bay County prosecutor and - each. 351-1929, anytime. 5-4-10 Grand River. 332-5171. 0-1-4-8 'tment we have top names C-4-30 two years and Bay City area voters. later was elected to Two positions available on the pirardas and Kenwood, Fisher, Akai, REGISTERED APPALOUSA Student Traffic Appeals Court. If the 43 - year - old state the Michigan House of more. In our camera EXPERIENCED TYPIST, Okemos, Gelding: Been shown. Needs Submit name and phone number to legislator is successful, his Representative. He has ■olta and more. ve 1 rest of our store have Mamiya, Yashica, Throughout experienced 351-4524.5-4-12 rider. $400. fif&ft fcgSONS IBM (pica or elite type). 373-6726 weekdays or 349-1773 33 1 Student Services Bldg. Deadline is Wednesday. harvest would include raise and a change of a salary remained in that position for the past 11 years. we probably evenings and weekends. 0-24-8 working s about anything else ENGLISH SPRINGERS - AKC. 2 Crq 1/3 and MORE SAVINGS. 676-7312. 54 9 publications. Across from The young Democrat, printed on his campaign on welcomed. campus corner M.A.C. and literature Traxler has written: riCAL DISCOUNT, 2615 TWO BEDROOM. 12' x 60'. Will VELOCIPEDE PEDDLER Grand River. Below Jones Psychology Club meets at 7:30 "Nixon has failed the 1st Michigan, Lansing, sell with or without furnishings. S4l E. Grand Rlvar Downstairs Stationery Shop. Call tonight in 111 Olds Hall. All Services held people; this must be changed!" f 7409. C-5-4-12 Skirted. Call evenings and COPYGRAPH SERVICES, undergrad psychology majors are weekends. 393-8134. B-2-409 welcome. MICHIGAN'S LARGEST BOARD EXAM TUTORING 337-1666. C4-30 for statistician Filing deadline o retailer with the finest in . ATLAS 10' x 50', 2 bedroom. STANLEY H, KAPLAN Michigan Marijuana Initiative is products and electronic Shop the store with Furnished, skirted, shed. Must sael 393-9275. 5-4-12 Now TUTORING COURSES being formed for the having a general meeting at 8:30 tonight in 30 Union. Purpose is to get all interested people involved of farm studies near Jlit stereo answari. upcoming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, and to discuss strategy. Funeral services were to ■RSHALL MUSIC, 245 it. C-1 -4-8 Ann STAR 1961 set campus, - 10 x 50, 2 bedroom, up on lot V4 mile from skirting and shed. ATGSB, GRE Board Exams. For information call 1-313-3540085. 0-14-8 PURPLE VICKI - inexpensive typing. Very fast accurate, Southern Africa Liberation Committee will meet at 7:30 have been held in Wichita Tex., Saturday for Falls, William for tax exemptions near ■TRONIC CALCULATOR $2,000. tonight at United Ministries in Dowell Baten former resident - 349-0230^3-4-8 campus. 337-7260. 10-4-10 Higher Education, 1118 S. Harrison , functions, floating decimal. VOICE LESSONS. Call 351-5728, statistician for MSU's Previously filed W - 4E forms expire April 25. Students will I °nlV $45. 351-4810. 3-4-9 8 x 30 TRAVELO - Inexpensive after 6 p.m. Reasonable, ask for Road, to discuss and plan action for need to file new forms if they wish their wages to be Agricultural Experiment exempt living, '/< mile campus. Price negotiable. 351-3217 5-9 p.m. Pat. B-1-4-8 Iranspartatim |g] this spring. Everyone welcome. Station and professor emeritus from federal tax withholding. To qualify, a student must not have PNBACKER GUITAR with MSU Outing Club will meet at 7 of statistics. owed any income tax last year and expects not to owe any tax T'1 Year old. None like it in __34-8 HAVEN OF PEACE Spiritualist p.m. Tuesday in 146 Giltner Hall. A Baten, 81, died Thursday in this year. P White pearl front which 1970 LIBERTY 2 bedroom, Church, 10813 North Ionia LEAVING FOR Tennessee, April 8. presentation on bicycle-camping rs up with - 1 or 2 to share will be Wichita Falls following a April 25 is the deadline for students on the student payroll to flashing colors. Road, Sunfield, Michigan. driving. given. Everyone welcome. partially furnished, shed. file exemption certificates with the Payroll Division. 350 Services Sunday. 11:00. References. 882-1956 anytime. lengthy illness. [, iha,p- 5800. Immediately Stonegate Park. $3800. The Pan-Orthodox Student Assn. He served as statistician for Administration Building, in time for the May 3 payroll. Readings or consultations by 64-9 ftj,0' P'9011.5-4-8 $350- 339-9725, 882-3961. 54-11 appointment. Messages after of MSU would like to remind all the Agricultural Experiment May 7 is the deadline for graduate assistants to file for the May Orthodox students of the Holy services. 19-5-3 RIDE NEEDED to Marquette Station from 1949 to his 15 payroll. AMERICAN, 1970 - 12' x 50'. Week services being held at St. |ET|NGlnc|uded NEW and used7any Two bedrooms. Must sell to (NMU) Easter or any weekend. Andrew's Orthodox Church in East retirement in 1961. T' professional settle estate. Best offerl Greg. Peanuts Personal. | Will share gas, money. 355-5647. Lansing and Holy Trinity Greek He was chairman of the Puliation. 337 2095. 10-4-12 337-0779. X-3-4-9 34-10 Orthodox Church in Lansing. For more information or for rides, Michigan Section of the American Society for Quality P LARGE precious HAPPY 22nd lover, amour and please call Dan Sak. opal*. u"ue approximately AMERICA 1970. 12' x 60'. Two kisses and many more years of MM The preveterinary advisory Control for 1955 • 56. During his career, Baten published bedrooms, furnished, skirting, 22nd birthdays. Ta mie Geof. j de •e" separately or committee will meet at 7 tonight in 646-6727. 3-4-8 and 10' x 7' shed. $5995. Call more than 60 papers and 210 Bessey Hall. Seminars for this 694 9326. 5-4-10 several books H't' have this spring term will be discussed. concerning I" ,9" bl** • white TV. 3 Ileal Estate «' mathematics and statistics. FOUR MAN Mobile Home. Near Student Affiliates of Survivors include his widow $100°t,$150 ■ $'00.351 ■ vl#ue'VV,M "" 1578. 5-4-10 campus. All utilities furnished. BABYSITTING In my home. American Chemical Society the will Versie Marie, his son James of L The full line of Monday - Friday, 6 a.m. • 6 p.m. Completely furnished, study WHY PAY RENT? Buy your own Call 355-3081. X-34-10 meet at 7 tonight in 109 Chemistry East Lansing and a daughter. Cannondale equipment Bldg. We will have a speaker on the LtCL0UBS " ' s lr°ns. IMacGregor) Used 1 3 room with bar, garbage disposal, washer / dryer, shag carpet. home. 6 bedroom home with 2 baths available on land contract. National UPO project and elect Margaret. 2. Wonder lights season SCIENCE PERSON interested in officers for next year. All 3 349 2188 or 353-5198. Summer rates. Call after 6 p.m. Cal Barbara Lipp Hallstein, building underwater proton chemistry, biochemistry and 3. Pletscher racks 694-1654. 8 4-15 LANOBLE REALTY - magnetometer for research chemical engineering majors are Fleas, fire plagued 4. Master locks and cables 482 1637. 3324787.14-8 fc 'TEMs"" sawing Contact Dale, 484 8961, after invited to attend. Washington's sleep 5. Free repair classes I '335 after 8 e,c — RM»nable. p.m. 3-4-10 lost t F««i](5) Recreation 10 p.m. 5-4-12 The Winged Spartans will hold its first ground school meeting for CAR AND Driver for spring term at 7:30 tonight in 101 WASHINGTON (AP) - Iwinn "c73, 10 ,p*®d ~ FIND SOMETHING IF You'va found a pat or article of EUROPE SUMMER flight. $239. Advanced booking only. From supplementary instruction. Will pay. 355-2077. driving Bessey Hall. For more information, drop by at tonight's meeting. George Washington slept here CROSSROADS and there across early America, ,5T",9° value, we want to help you return Guaranteed scheduled airlines. 4-4-11 You are cordially invited to but records show he seldom CYCLE It. Just coma Into the State News TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. ■S 3 attend open rush of the little sisters enjoyed a decent night's rest. Isett. sp9ed ,C°ndi,ion' *55. Schyv|nn Tap* _ Classified Department and tall us you want to place an ad in EAST 351 8800. 0-5-4-10 [ Car Pool of Alpha Kappa Psi at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. For rides call the in Fleas tormented Washington a frontier cabin. His straw LANSING STATE BANK'S found Service house. mattress once caught fire. He column. As a public service EAST »n Drrng »i The first spring term membership LANSING STATE BANK will run paid "extravagantly dear" rent ■d op.n-~,"^r the ad at no cost to you I FOR THE BEST Service on stereo meeting of the MSU Tennis Club at a West Indian resort, then TV300 8 w'th warranty. EAST LANSING equipment see the STEREO IONIA to MSU. Leaving 7:30 a.m. will be at 7 tonight at Coral Gables. There will be door prises. All came down with smallpox. He STATE BANK SHOPPE. 543 East Grand River. Returning 5 p.m. Phone members and prospective members endured a cramped bunk C-4-30 C-4-30 616-5274144 after 5 p.m. 34-8 are Invited to attend. aboard a crowded ferry. 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Mo"day. April»J Lobbyists attack weakened bill By JUNE E. K.DELANO House debate on the proposal Furthermore, the in kind • State News Staff Writer is scheduled for today. - Repealing the present law Republicans. items which are listed not are prohibiting the spending of Rep. Dennis Cawthome, R • Common Cause of Michigan Common Cause leveled its assigned monetary value, Manistee and minority floor 211 E.Grand River anonymous contributions. heaviest criticism at the bill's Common Cause warned and. attacked the Michigan House leader, agreed with Common Next version of a campaign handling of in - kind therefore, the contributors will •Failing to specifically Cause when he specifically to the Sport meister contributions, nonmonetary not have to be named. prohibit campaign use of the disclosure bill Friday, internal funds of noncorporate criticized the bill's handling of Mon, Tues, Fri Sat 9-6 contributions which the bill The lobbying group also maintaining that it is an groups such as unions. nonmonetary contributions. unenforceable "Legal narrowly defines. criticized the bill for: Sen. Milton Zaagman, R - draftsman's nightmare.'" As result of the specific •Omitting any disclosure Grand Rapids, the senate a •insufficiently defining the The citizens requirement for expenditures CIGARETTES ] lobby group definitions, the critics said that $25 disclosure floor. Republican leader who in supporting or opposing pointed out major defects of all introduced the measure to the House Substitute Bill 1016, not ii^ • kind goods or services on the list will not have to ballot proposals. •Failing to thoroughly cover Senate several weeks ago, felt , p|< the of independent the House weakened the bill. (coupon) ' already under criticism, in an be reported as campaign •Failing to place limits on area East Lansing Store Only .... . open letter to state legislators. contributions. individual contributions. committees working on behalf Gov. Milliken, an active Expires April 14, 1974 (limit J) of a candidate. proponent of campaign funding disclosures, also •Failing to establish an criticized the House bill, calling Council slates meeting independent commission. enforcement it a "sham." 10% OFF 0UR PRICE 0N ALL KODAK FILM PROCESSING & •Failing to give the state essential audit powers. HAPPINESS ISA developing No Limit on 1974-75 city budget an Though Common Cause is ardent supporter of , STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED AD! 355-8255 campaign finance laws, it feels that this bill has many JERGENS DRISTAN RIGHT The State News publishes a Lotion Cold Tablets weekly list scheduled government each Monday of meetings. and Loan Bldg. to discuss a request from the U.S. Post Office for approval of a parking lot on Thursday problems and inadequacies. 10 0z" guard /Q( Please contact the reporter assigned to your area or the managing editor Abbott Road directly south of the present post office. it Building Board of Appeals 7:30 p.m. in room 201 ii i so "Many of its provisions are poorly and inconsistently Reg. $1.19 QQ £«* 87" 14 oz. Powder * . 2> 119 , :lude The Ihgham County Board of First State Savings i n Bldg. worded that they could never Reb. $2.29 1 Nongovernment listings should be Limit 1 Limit 1 Commissioners will meet at 7:30 Police • Community Relations be criminally enforced or Limit 1 sent to It's What's Happening. (coupon) (coupon) p.m. in the county courthouse in Team will meet at 7:30 p.m. in (coupon) Please dip and save this for Mason for its regular monthly clearly understood by an East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Brody Hall Auditorium to discuss Expires April 14, 1974 Only reference. meeting. the selection of intelligent person," said A1 Expires April 14, 1974 Expires April 14, 1974 an advisory staff. Today Swerdlow, Common Cause Wednesday chairman. City Council will hold a special meeting at 4 p.m. in council The Building, Lands and Friday DOWNY CHEER SCOPE Planning Committee will meet at NEJAC TV RENTALS Fabric Softener chambers at City Hall to receive the 10 in the 337 1300 Detergent a.m. Board Room proposed 1974 - 75 city budget and to discuss the proposed Administration Building. An open 17 funding of oz. OZ.C 20oz. A / 12 oz. hearing will be held to hear tf # coping groups at the Drug Education Center. Copies of the testimony on the revised plans for Reg. 60 JO Reg. 6° J5* Reg. $1.09 A\7» SchensuVs the Kalamazoo Street Bridge budget are available to citizens on Project plan. Limit 1 Limit 1 Limit 1 The East Lansing Planning (coupon) The Environmental Quality and East Lansing Store Only (coupon) Commission meets and will hold a East Lansing Store Only- East Lansing Store Only Aesthetics Task Force will meet at Expires April 14, 1974 Expires April 14. 19/4 Expires April 14, 1974 7:15 p.m. in council chambers. The public hearing on the Whitehills group will be - studying the Cafeteria IHS9H environmental impact of the Abbott Road improvement project. in BANKAMERORO T uesday Meridian Mail HS2ESESH ALBUM SPECIAL & Open: Mon Thurs. 4:30 7:30 • ■ Noon: Mon. Fri. The Academic Council will meet - Lansing Mall Fri. 4:30 - 8:00, Sat. II.I5 8:00 • at 3 p.m. in the Con Con Room in II:I5 ■ 2:00 " Sun. II:30 • 7:00 BARBRA STREISAND THE WAY WE WERE the International Center continue debate on the report of the Ad Hoc Committee to Review to To find out this weeks menu specials, call 349-4028 or 482-7114 $38? Academic Governance. CAT STEVENS Zoning Board of Appeals meets at 8 p.m. in 201 First State Savings Ue %S1\G YOUR "SCHENSUL-COUPON' It s '*,^*1,74 Pamper Your Budget! CHOCOLATE BOX S389 ? 25foff, per family, tc Buy a Schensul Discount | or lunch of dinner at Scnensul's any day. Coupon Book STING THE SOUNDTRACK g When | you have finished a delicious meat at ' of our 7 conveniently located cafeterias ir area, simply preser" " 10 $2.00 coupons for Only $15.00 $32' VARSITY it reasonable pri SEALS & CROFT UNBORN CHILD $38? PIZZA AND BEER SPECIAL Monday and Tuesday Only (bring this ad) $2.95 buys a 1 item 12" Varsity Piza and 2 12 oz. cans of beer or DIAL KLEENEX com $4.95 buys a 1 item 16" Varsity Pizza Complexion Size 200's Q /C Q $ 14 1 CC and 4 12 oz. cans of beer. Reg. 39c *-/ sJ 7 oz. Inside and Delivery Reg 15 ] 2^ Reg. 26 1 J Free Folk Guitarist Delivery on Pizzas and Subs MONDAY Limit 6 Limit 2 Limit 1 Monday-Thursday Evenings $2" East Lansing Store Only (coupon) (coupon) THE VARSITY INN sirloin steak, salad, THRU Expires April 14, 1974 East Lansing Store Only Expires April 14, 1974 East Lansing Store Only Expires April 14, 1974 distinctive hot bread. THURSDAY Mennen HEADS Reg.$3.49 PEPTO BISMOL BABY APR. 8-11 SHOULDERS 4 oz. tube FRONTIER STEAK DINNER 8oz■ /L7t z™ 7 oz. lotion A /{ Reg. $1.09 Limit 1 O/ 49 * Reg. $1.59 y() Limit 1 Limit 1 THREE LANSING (coupon) (coupon) East Lansing Store Only (coupon) East Lansing Store Only LOCATIONS: Expires April 14, 1974 Expires April 14, 1974 East Lansing Store Only 2287 Grand River Ave., Okemos Expires April 14, 1974 5919 S. Cedar St., Lansing Scotch 5623 West THE Saginaw - Next to K-Mart OPEN 11 A.M.TIL 10 P.M. PROPAP.H. B/C MOUNTING AMERICAS STEAK EXPERT DAILY Medium Pt. Pen SQUARES 6oz- O AUe-Zj ]Q? 16's Reg. $1.69 YO Reg 19 OQC Reg. 49c Z 7 Limit 1 Limit 6 Limit 1 (coupon) jli tt Club East Lansing Store Only Expires April 14, 1974 (coupon) East Lansing Store Only Expires April 14, 1974 (coupon) East Lansing Store Only Expires April 14. 1974 CLOSE-UP 25% O 1 Toothpaste ALL JEW NoLiinit 6 4 oz- A O* Don) East LansingI Store Only Reg. $1.09 4y Expires Apr II 14, 1974 Limit 1 (coupon) East Lansing store Only Expires April 14, 1974 25* off cosmetics FOR ANY PURCHASE OVER 69' SHEER Limit 2 (coupon) KNEE East Lansing Store Only Expires April 14, 1974 Reg. 89c 39* 30% OFF Limit 6 ON ALL SU (coupon) Limit 1 East Lansing Store Only (coupon) Expires April 14, 1974 East Lansing Store Only Expires April 14, 1974 — ORLON L'OREAL KNEE CONDITION Reg. 1.00 Reg. $1.59 East ,cL0'Si,| Lansing Store Only Limit 6 (coupon) East Lansing Store Only SANDALFOOT Expires April 14, 1974 OPAQUE PANTYHOSE St8- jsa 49 Viva, comfort. Viva, SANDLER of Boston. The huarache has a PANTYHOSE East Lansing Store Only whole new look. Hand- woven leather, all open and airy, above a soft crepe sole and heel. Mexican OPAQUE will never be the same. history FASHION Mens $15 with crepe sole * Womens $9 with leather sole, $11 with crepe sole - No.O -1 Reg. $1.50 7Q<( /Q KNEE KNEESOX • Open Thurs 'til 9 p.m., M.S.U. BOOTERY Limits (coupon) East Lansing Store Only Keg. $1.00 v Limit 6 57* ReS- $1.26 79* 225 E. Grand River Expires April 14, 1974 Limit 6 Fri 'til _ . (coupon) (coupon) ■ !"'^n,'"9 store only East Lansing Store only H