Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 linimum wage icreased; some [tudents affected Pencil I ROM WIRE REPORTS for the Employment Standards Cathy Vandenberg, 161 River St., IaSHINGTON - Legislation raising Administration. apt. 207, studies her zoology ■ federal minimum wage in stages from Nixon had vetoed similar legislation last BO to $2.30 an hour was signed into year and voiced reservations about the while her parakeet, Peetie, sits on |Monday by President Nixon. measure sent him by Congress. But he said the pencil in her hand. Peetie is •he new minimum wage law does not he was signing it because "raising the adept at keeping his balance on ■tain a youth differential clause that minimum wage is now a matter of justice the moving pencil and only bites Tld regulate the wage rates of working that can no longer be fairly delayed." the hand that feeds ■erican youths, but it does alter slightly Nixon objected to the 1973 minimum him [present federal law on employment of wagff bill as being inflationary and because occasionally. Bents. it did not include a youth differential State News photo by full-time students employed for no permitting a lower rate for teenagers. John W. Dickson Tt than 20 hours a week would receive The new measure raises the minimum Last 85 per cent of the regular wage wage law from $1.60 to $2 on May 1. with other increases boosting it to $2.30 by If a student is employed for more than Jan. 1, 1976. The $2.30 rate will be ■hours a week, the employer is required effective for all affected workers by 1978. ■ pay the newly established minimum In addition, the legislation extends e of $1.90 an hour, said a spokesman federal minimum wage and overtime requirements to 7.4 million additional workers. Aaron slugs When fully effective, the new law will cover 56 million workers. Nixon signed the bill in his oval office, 1715th homer telling Labor Secretary Peter Brennan, ATLANTA (UPI) who took the Incredible - Hank Aaron, first step of thic near climb nearly 20 years ago, who was seated alongside, that "we wouldn't have it without you." In a written statement distributed by the White House, Nixon said the new wage Patriarche proposes lcrossed the final mountaintop schedule fits his criteria for "reasonable By LINDA SANDEL that customer water rates be increased by as equipment and capital expenditures. totaled $125 per month last year, was [Monday night when he broke Babe increases...phased in so that the very State News Staff Writer approximately 20 per cent, or about 48 "This reduction means that we won't dropped entirely from the budget. ith's lifetime record with his 715th people such increases are intended to help cents per month, effective July 1, 1974. do as much as we had in capital The Drug Education Center would do not find themselves suddenly priced Inflation and sharply reduced revenue For the average customer using about Ihome run in the fourth inning of the improvements as we would have done receive $41,163, $5,997 less than its last out of the job market." sharing funds will take their toll on East 25,000 gallons of water per quarter, the otherwise," Patriarche said. "This will year's budget. Patriarche suggested that ■Atlanta Braves-Los Angeles Dodgers Lansing finances during the 1974-75 fiscal rate would increase to about $1.07 per probably slow down some of our projects. the DEC. which requested 850,523, seek |ton test. He said Congress did not go as far as he year, but Cily Manager John M. month. This would also boost rents. Emphasis on using capital funds through other agencies. Southpaw Al Downing was the wanted in protecting, the training and Patriarche's proposed budget for next year The reasoning behind the proposed hike improvements money budgeted at |victim of Aaron's record-breaker, work opportunities for youth and said the indicates that he hopes to minimize the in taxes stems from a decreased allotment $185,000 under the general fund will be The Listening Ear requested city funds serving up the second home run of bill creates unemployment risks for totaling $6,880, a 25 per cent increase effects by raising property taxes and of federal revenue - sharing funds placed on reconstruction of the Grand le season to the 40-year-old Braves' domestic workers. River Avenue alley between Abbott Road over its current budget, but Patriarche curtailing city spending. amounting to $247,500. Last year East and MAC Ave., construction granted the Ear only $6,000 due to lack of [superstar on a 1 and-0 pitch. But, he added, the legislation "on the Patriarche released his $8,909,927 Lansing received $658,090 through of a new fire funds. The increased funds, totaling The ball cleared the leftfietd fence whole...contains more good than bad and I budget, which represents a $466,982' revenue sharing, which allowed the city statioQ and the finances for 20 per cent of increase this council to approve a 53 cent per thousand an estimated $12 million project for a $21,590 will be available for the Older t the 385-foot marker and, in an have concluded that the best interests of over year's spending Persons American people will be served by signing allocations, Monday at a morning press decrease in property taxes. retention basin to hold storm water from Program. ■unusual maneuver. Dodger lleftfielder Bill Buckner virtually it into law." conference. This year, because the city had to spilling into the Red Cedar River. Funds for public transporation, in the ■climbed the The last legislation raising the minimum He proposed that city property taxes, budget revenue sharing funds on a one Basically, Patriarche said, his budget proposed budget total. $36,000 with an over wall in an wage was enacted which account for 48 per cent of the city's year rather than 1V4 year time span, the reflects an attempt to maintain city additional S20.000 set aside for building eight years ago. [unsuccessful attempt to retrieve the projected income, be raised to $17.68 per funds are lower, creating a deficit services at their present level. shelters at selected bus stops in the city. ball. The additional coverage goes to 5 million federal, state and local employes, t thousand, a 76 cent increase. Patriarche Patriarche hopes to balance by upping Proposed allocations for East Lansing Patriarche said he has received no word Aaron's climactic wallop on his estimated that an average homeowner, taxes. contributions to social services will be increased million domestics and additional retail on subsidy costs from the ■second time at bat and his first swing based on an $8,000 property valuation, Patriarche said that the reduced revenue increased $14,182 in the new budget, but Capitol Area Transporation Authority, store employes, service industry employes ■of the night knocked in a teammate would probably be paying an additional - sharing funds will have to be used for funds will be dispersed along different which provides bus service to the area, and and farm workers. id tied the score, 3-3. $6 yearly. higher operating expenses, such as salaries, lines. therefore did not ask for additional In addition, Patriarche recommended rather than for nonrecurring expenses such Funding for the Women's Center, which monies. (continued on page 9) U' stockholder voting defended, blasted By DIANE SILVER stock in 73 corporations. MSU's holdings include GM, Exxon should discontinue its South African manufacturing operations management." Waiter Adams, professor of economics, said. "An State News Staff Writer Corp., Ford Motor Co., Standard Oil of California and Indiana, was also voted then. institution should assume responsibility for voting as an | This year when the stockholders of General Motor Corp. (GM), American Telephone and Telegraphs, Coca Cola Co., Consumers Currently, the only way an issue can be brought before the intelligent citizen who has some voice in determining what m Corp. and 71 other major corporations gather to discuss Power Co., Dow Chemical Co., Mobil Oil Corp., Poloroid Corp. trustees is for a group or individual to raise the matter before the direction a corporation takes." ■d vote on their policies, MSU, a fellow stockholder, will not be and Xerox Corp. trustees or the Business Affairs Committee. The committee will "The current policy is a form of buck passing." Adams Though MSU owns only a small portion of a corporation's then review it and make recommendations to the board. continued. "It seems funny that the administration that always ■ Since the 1930s, the Ann Arbor Trust Co. has been empowered total stock, it could make an impact on the corporation's policies, Neither the trustees nor the committee receive an agenda for guards its managerial prerogatives jealously is in this instance T the University to vote its stock. The trustees can direct the Terry said. the stockholders' meetings. All such information goes directly to trying to shrug off the responsibility it has." »st company to vote a certain way on an issue but that power No one investor owns a controlling share of most corporations, the trust company. Thus, they are unaware of what issues will be The University's defenders say that the sheer number of *s seldom been used. Most but the public relations impact of a prestigious institution like a discussed and must rely on some outside group to bring often, the company automatically corporations MSU has invested in makes it impossible for the |tes for the management position, said Steve Terry, assistant university voting against a corporation's management would be controversial issues to thiir attention. trustees or the committee to keep well enough informed to vote. T* president for finance. great, Terry added. Since the policy was approved in 1972, not one issue has been "That is the teason the policy was passed," John Brake, J "It is wrong to let the trust company do our thinking for us," Issues raised in stockholders' meetings seldom deal with the brought before the committee or trustees. In 1970 and 1971, the chairman of the'Business Affairs Committee, said. "We can't justee Don Stevens, D-Bloomfiekd Hills, said articulating the corporations major policies. The election of directors and trustees discussed a variety of issues put on the GM agenda by a actively look over the shoulders of every corporation in our Pics' viewpoint. "I don't think the company should vote our compensation of corporation officers are among Ihe issues usually consumer group and eventually voted for management in both investment portfolio. If there are people who feel the corporation lock without the board's approval. The trustees should check raised. instances. is in the wrong, then they should bring that to our attention." |fh issue that comes before each stockholder's meeting." However, questions concerning the corporation's impact on Critics of the University's policy often vary in their reasons for Trustee Warren Juff, D-Plvmouth. said he believes the trustees ■ Supporters of MSU's policy say that the large number of society have at times been voted on at meetings. opposing it. However, all agree MSU is shirking its responsibility do not have the competence to tell a corporation how to operate. ■rporations in which MSU has invested make it impossible for In 1971, a consumer interest group asked GM at its meeting to as a citizen in not exercizing its right to influence the corporations "We can't tell a company how to run its business, it is just too je trustees to keep well enough informed to vote intelligently. annually disclose GM's efforts to control air pollution and that affect so many people's lives. complicated," Huff said. "But if we think they are not publicly ■ The University holds about $22,370,389 worth of common improve minority hiring practices. The question of whether GM "It really isn't question of voting for or against a responsible we should sell their stock." WHARTON, VAUGHN CONSIDER THE ISSUE Feasibility By DANIEL DEVER provide two years of free college the total annual expenditures of for free State Sen. Charles Zollar. R - Benton State News Staff Writer education to Michigan residents. education in Michigan. Harbor, chairman of the Senate Is two years of free college tuition a In Washington, Michigan Rep. James O'Neil defended the increased costs, Appropriations Committee, said with the possibility in the near future, or will a O'Hara, D - Utica, chairman of the House however, saying it would be an investment present economic slowdown the Committee on Higher Education, has toward reducing unemployment, welfare probabilities of such a program being college education continue to be limited to those who can afford it or are able to proposed a similar plan on a nationwide and crime while subsequently increasing initiated are very slim. scale. The American Council on Education tax revenue through a stronger economy. But there are some other controversial get some form of financial aid? That question is being asked by more is currently studying the feasibility of "Free tuition would not only be a form issues that surround the free tuition plan and more educators and government O'Hara's proposal. of relief to poor and middle class students besides money. officials as the "kindergarten through 14" President Wharton has recommended but it would make for better citizens," he Wharton said he cannot support the free that a committee of the Carnegie said. tuition plan until he has more details on concept of education gains interest. On the state level, Rep. Jackie Vaughn, Commission on Higher Education also Vaughn said the plan would be financed how it would be implemented and how it review the concept and its possible by a combination of federal and state would affect our present higher education D • Detroit, chairman of the House Committee on Colleges and Universities, impacts. funds and a consolidation of the present system. When completed, these and other scholarship being Wharton said the question of to what sees the idea as a form of relief to lower- programs now studies will give those in the government administered to undergraduate students. institutions the free education would and middle - class students currently and education a better picture of the But the chairmen of both legislative apply - just community colleges or four • caught by splraling costs of higher education. implications such a move would have on appropriations committees are calling the year schools, private colleges or just state - "The cost of higher education has higher education. proposal too costly. supported schools - has to be answered. skyrocketed out of control. It should be a But, presently, .no one is quite sure if Rep. William Copeland, D-Wyandotte, Eligibility standards must also be set, he the plan is economically feasible. James chairman of the House Appropriations added. right, but it is fast becoming a privilege for O'Neil, vice president of the State Board Committee, said the state simply does not "The concept has the possibility of just a few," Vaughn said. have the money for such a plan, unless of Education, estimates that granting free reducing the cost burden on the student," Vaughn added that his committee will other programs are cut or taxes are Wharton said. "But I can't say I support it W^^RTON; ..reducing tht cost study the concept and should have a bill tuition just for community colleges would cost about $30 million or one per cent of increased. until I know exactly what it is." out some time this year that would 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April9 Probe of Nixon foes exposed||s WASHINGTON (AP) -A secret task force to compile (870) beginning at 10 am. today. American constitutional system." intelligence reports on President Nixon's political enemies was set Weicker said that by the time the special unit was dismantled Weicker read nonstop from a huge pile of up inside the Internal Revenue Service within months of Nixon's in August 1973 it had amassed intelligence files on 10,000 them supplied by lormer White House counsel documents n, I becoming president. Sen. Lowell P. Weicker, R • Conn., said John W n™ American taxpayers which contained 12,000 classified Earlier, Weicker said detective Anthony T. Monday. the Ulasewta documents. private lives of more than a dozen senators and WeickeT presented a documentary history of the special unit to Weicker, a member of the Senate Watergate committee,produced figures in 50 separate investigations during Nixon's first other nSt Answer to tapes request expected three Senate subcommittees. He also disclosed a flood of new other documents which he said showed the IRS had been used Urmi details on how, he said, the White House Reading from a sheaf of memos, some of them on used government WhjUiL agencies to thwart its political opponents in the United States and repeatedly by that time to harass political opponents of the stationery and bearing dates of the summer and fall 0# C administration. Weicker said administration officials The White House has promised an answer today to overseas. "When that situation the tax returns of moved to cause film maker who had produced a IRs«J j the House Judiciary Committee's request for 42 Weicker's testimony will be rebroadcast in full on WKAR • AM exists in the country, obviously something smells," Weicker said. "It is a perversion of the a critical of the President. movie tail The memos, between John Caulfield and presidential tapes. Dean, id...,, film as "Millhouse: A White Comedy," produced White House lawyer James St. Clair, in a by 25 preliminary letter made public by the committee Monday, said he thought continued negotiations were Future looks good Antonio. And the became publicly memos advised tax audits if the identified with Lawrence F. chairman of the Democratic National Committee. produrti O'Brien ' !fc iSB necessary to settle the issues raised by the committee's In another example of the use of the IRS, Weicker pr^l another set of Dean Caulfield memos, which request. - indicated thiiJ administration was interested in hplping evangelist Chairman Peter Rodino, D - N.J., indicating he did Hilly hi not expect St. Clair's formal reply the request, scheduled a committee today to comply with as ASMSU media and movie actor John Wayne, both supporters of with their tax problems. He produced four pages of confidential tax the Prt^B I meeting for informal Wednesday or Thursday to deal with it. By STEVE ORR students at relating to a long list of other entertainers, including FmI registration each specifically about the Journal. damn good paper," he Sinatra, Sammy Davis He said he may ask the committee for Jr., Lucille Ball, Jerry Lewis, °-yl authority to 'State News Staff Writer term. The fee would be "I would like very much to see continued. Boone and others. ■ issue a subpena for the tapes before the House recesses refundable upon request within the paper started again. I'm There may be a future for Both Heron and White said "As we can see from all the tax returns that are Thursday afternoon for a 10 - day Easter holiday. io days after the start of the floodinio»B the Grapevine Journal, """" 1 afraid, though, that I can't say further word on the future of this desk, the IRS, was acting like a public the term. for sure it'll be back." White House," Weicker said. lending library J fL campus minority • oriented Project* Grapevine and the P George White, director of White explained that the Weicker's earlier report presented documents on newspaper which was forced to Project Grapevine, was highly Grapevine Journal would be riasewi«l main roadblock in the suspend publication in October pleased with the approval of way of" available following a meeting former New York City detective who told the Senale Watcrnfl the Journal's return would be Hearsts vacation in Mexico 1973, when funds gave out. the bill. of their board of directors committee last summer that his primary mission at the A proposal approved by reassembling the staff. Since today. House was to probe allegations of "political dirt." " "UnUl this proposition, the the suspension of publication, student voters during the recept The money gathered would ASMSU balloting will tax University had not done its job many of the former Journal be The parents of kidnaped newspaper heiress Patricia correctly. According to the placed in a special students 50 cents a term to workers have graduated or Hearst have left San Francisco to relax in Mexico. University bylaws, they are found employment elsewhere. University account. The help fund media efforts on supposed to encourage the Student Media Appropriations The Hearst family would not say where W. Kim Heron, publications Randolph A. campus. competition of ideas. They had director for Project Grapevine, Board, a group of Hearst and his wife, Catherine, were Project Grapevine, parent undergraduate and graduate staying. However.i not done so. By getting this echoed White's guarded there were indications their organization of the Journal, students and faculty members, private jet Sunday went to proposal passed, they have optimism about the Journal. La Paz. a fishing resort on the figures to be a prime recipient assumed their proper- role. would analyze requests for tip of Baja, Calif. of such funding. "I don't know for sure "Now we have an MSU in funding made by any registered "Randy said to me he's gone to regroup and kind of Proposal J on the ballot, now," Heron, said. "A lot of student organization and which publications can get it together and try to find out where he can which passed people are gone." go from 3751-2431, will flourish," White said. « "I wouldn't go before the appropriate money to the here." said nephew William set up collection of the various groups. They are to Have you considered a career n RandolphHearst III. fee from all undergraduate media "Mon-ey is no longer a board asking for money unless Hearst said his uncle base their allocations on the and two of his daughters. was accompanied by Mrs. Hearst problem," said White, speaking I was sure I could put out a needs and interests of the INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS? Virginia Bosworth. 24, and student body in the groups. Anne Hearst, 18. Sparling, Traxler The money available after Our two-year program, Master in International Busi„w Studies, includes intensive language study; carry collection of the tax and any refunds should amount to about $19,000 a term. tural studies; business skills; and a ence in Latin America or Europe. in-depth a, six-month's work experi-H Reform bill amendment withdrawn For further information send campaigns to campus coupon to: Director of International Business Studies College of Business Administration The University of South Carolina Sen. Herman Columbia, South Carolina 29208 Talmadge, D - Ga., said Monday he was A special Michigan been scheduled. Sparling, a former withdrawing a campaign reform bill amendment to congressional campaign that Mari Egbert, MSU junior and congressional aide. make it a crime to cause publication of could decide the fate of an employe of the Republican deliberate Mark Squillace, student President Nixon is set to take State Central committee, said falsehoods about a candidate for federal office. coordinator for Traxler's place next week a full 75 miles Monday she has been calling campaign, said his group has Talmadge said that in light of questions raised by from East Lansing, but MSU former student GOP workers mailed letters to about 500 members of the Georgia press he would ask students are still to ask them to help Sparling, unanimous being asked to Saginaw - area MSU students, (Paid by SC Partnership Fund) consent to withdraw his amendment. take part in it. whose candidacy has been asking them to come to "It was pointed out that, under one Officials of the Democratic interpreted as referendum on interpretation, J. tonight's meeting and later Bob Traxler for N&prt's presidency. work for Traxler. my amendment could possily; be used to inhibit N good campaign will visit MWJ . ?We'11 be payipg student's The Traxler meeting is set faith reporting of campaign news," Talmadge said. tonight in an effort to irecrujt transportation costs to Saginaw for 8:30 p.m. in 31 of the He said, however, he remained undeterred students to help Traxler defau „ "in my if desire to stop once and for all the practiced types of 'dirty tricks' during the 1972 presidential election his Republican James Sparling, in the April 16 opponent, the they want to see the President Wednesday and work rest of the day for Union. Students want to work for Sparling can call Egbert at Republican who QUARTS OF COKE election. Sparling," Egbert said. campaign in which candidates were willfully and headquarters in Lansing. falsely Tonight's meeting scheduled Nixon will visit the 8th accused of deviancy, insanity, bigotry and other in on the eve of Nixon's planned District's solidly Republican a big cone - shaped container reprehensible acts and traits." Wednesday visit to the Saginaw Thumb area at midday area to stump for Sparling, is Wednesday, stopping at several Farmers assess storm damage intended to recruit at least 100 MSU students for campaigning this weekend and early next towns PASSPORT to campaign for ONLY A QUARTER (reg. 45c) week. Fifty student volunteers are being sought from the and APPLICATION PHOTOS $450' OFFER GOOD TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ONLY Farmers said Monday they lost several million University of Michigan. 'Regular dollars $5 90 for 2 photos worth of animals, Area Republicans are crops and supplies in last week's 0, BPS Studio That s right 25£ making similar efforts though , 351-1477 gets you a whole quart of coke to enhance tornados, but all agreed that the storm damage was not NEJAC TV RENTALS your Domino's pizza no recruitment nearly so severe as it could have.been. meeting has 2 Block* E. of Abbot Hall Grand Rlvor at 117 Cunton St. 337 1300 An Associated Press survey of damage showed most spring crops had not been planted when the tornados struck 11 states and Canada, killing more than 300 persons and leaving thousands homeless. Federal officials estimate damage to all kinds of insured NOW IN STOCK - 351-7100 property is over half a billion dollars. John F. Bradley, disaster coordinator for the U.S. fliD PIONEER' PL-12D DOMINO'S PIZZA Dept. of Agriculture, said Monday he had no dollar estimate of farm losses, but he noted that many crops were too immature to suffer much damage from the Stereo Turntable storm. This is a very versatile unit that offers a 966 Trowbridge Rd. The high degree Dept. of Agriculture has announced plans for of sophistication with advanced features like: 4 Hot, Fait, Free Delivery pole, belt • driven synchronous motor, staticbalance emergency loans to farmers in 57 counties in five states. S - shape tone arm, ultra -.light tracking, oil damped curing, anti- skating control; 12 - inch balanced die cast platter, walnut cover, 33 1/3 - 45 spped, only $99.95 dynamically base, hinged dust HSr———-——— Author flooded with good tidings sa»d Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, the dissident Soviet writer, Monday that he had received too many messages of support and gifts from the world ever since he was banished into exile two months ago to be able to DooLey's reply to well wishers individually. - In a written statement issued through the Swiss news Another great value from pioneer, the S - 5 200 uses the latest agency from his new home in Zurich the Nobel laureate advanced circuitry , and most said he and his family, who joined him last Despite its very modest price, the TX including direct - month, were 6200 - coupling, for outstanding performance. employs the advanced circuitry It's flexibility with "deeply moved by the friendship, approval and support found in much more expensive units. Its phono and two connection for a front end uses a low noise FET, while a auxiliaries, loudness shown us." new and - contour and a headphone jack add to its exclusive IF section, this "I wish to fulfill my duty and write combination provides superb versatility. literary works (60dB) and excellent sensitivity (1.9uV) selectivity Only $139.95 for my countless new friends," Solzhenitsyn said. to pull in weak stations and wliminate congestion on the dial. There's also wide stereo separation with a sophistiated IC multiplex circuit. Capture ratio is tops at l.SdB. Additional features include: Detroit mayor backs police head oversize tuning meter, lutra wide dial, FM muting, fixed & variable tunning output level controls, including walnut cabinet. Detroit Mayor Coleman Young gave Police I only $139.95 Commissioner Philip Tannian a vote of confidence" Sunday after one police union requested that Tannian be fired and another union blasted his leadership abilities. "Commissioner Tannian has my full support and he deserves my full support," Young said in a statement. Tannian has been criticized by unions for dropping height and weight requirements, abolishing the STRESS decoy unit and for working on an extensive reorganization plan ordered by Young. Complied by Deni Martin ■ichiP" :ean State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 9, 1974 3 Nixon's tax problem seen as inexcusable By G. F. KORRECK 1973. I m a conservative person and State News Stiff Writer "I think if the basis for things seemed to be going okay Porter, like most students interviewed, said the President prosecution is there, it should be in '72, but now I don't see should be prosecuted for his failure to pay. followed through," Babb, of 5120 Vtexford anyone capable of changing the Rd.( Lansing, said. situation," Babb concluded. Hans Tagee, a spring transfer student who paid $1,200 in taxes ■ When it comes to the relationship of the dollar to human "Anything to get him out of office is warranted." "I think he'll find a way of I e even Watergate takes a back seat. Now more than ever Babb said he was beyond the point of rationalizing the getting out of it," Anthony Porter, in 1973, said: "There is probably a lot more going on than we 8417 Bailey St., a student in the will ever hear about." President's involvement in Watergate when the income tax issue College of Arts and Letters, said. Tthe saying goes), people are taking a close look at the man "I didn't have to pay any taxes last year, but a lot of my friends When asked if he thought the Senate tax committee was trying a mandate to in 1972 and even a closer look at his tax came. It was the last straw in his reversal of ,y gave i allegiance. did and I heard their complaints when to make a hero of the President for they got their returns." agreeing to pay his taxes, ■ The fact that Richard Milhous Nixon owes over $450,000 in Tagee replied, "It is too late for that." He is not bitter about having to pay ft k taxes is a fact many find difficult to swallow. On the MSU President because "I feel clean about it." more taxes than the Emus the feeling is much the same. Jean Zeits, 325 W. Holmes Hall, Agricultural and Natural 1'1 had great faith in the man at one time; I voted for him," Resources student, paid $60 of her income for taxes last year. L Curt Babb, 22, a packaging major who paid $120 in taxes in She covers some of her expenses by working part-time as a cashier in the Union Cafeteria. "All I can say is he deserved it," Zeits said. "He deserves to be student jo prosecuted like anyone else would." Margon van den Bosch, a television and radio student, doubted that many students paid much attention to Nixon's tax difficulties. let for dec "A lot of students are just spoiled brats and don't seem to care much about anything. Usually, it's their parents who take care of the money problems," van den Bosch said. The impact of the issues surrounding the President's return has reached beyond that of the potential voter as Mike Cameron and ■some MSU students could Lansing officials about the use Pat Potter, both 9. agree that life at home is a little harder after of a city building to provide |end the summer working for the evening news goes off the air. Lam County if the county low cost lodging for travelers • "My parents usually slam the TV off and my dad says taxes in the state. bard of commissioners this year are double last year," Cameron explained. "It usually There is already a hostel in hp roves a temporary jobs Grand Rapids and one near comes up at the dinner table and our whole family is sick of it," logram tonight. VAN DEN BOSCH: "It's bad news," Cameron concluded. "They ought to impeach I The board's regular monthly Brighton. him." "...Students are...spoiled." %eting will be held at 7:30 in > county court house in Panel ^on. to study J A similar job program was Hstituted last summer and was Tnsidered successful. This lar's toposed county budget has >eady included funds 43 jobs lasting about for a By MIKE GALATOLA State News Staff Writer students. Dubbed the "Ad Hoc plus 14 that there be six standing committees with a total Stieber, College of Social Science representative, that into a curriculum committee seven stream students instead of the duties. The proposed I weeks. and a committee concerned present nine. The newly committee on academic 3," the committee proposes membership of 49 faculty committee members with academic policy, bringing proposed academic policy environment would J The board will also vote on The Academic Council will that 23 faculty and 12 students members and 25 students, all from outside as well as from the total of standing committee would have nine ■hethcr to go ahead with a consider a proposed halfway incorporate the work of the on the standing committees of whom would come from the within the council. Stieber, ■lot dog sterilization program, measure to streamline its committees to eight. The faculty and three students committees on Business come from the council and council. Martin Fox, College of Natural council voted Feb. 26 to let members. The current ■tended to reduce the number Affairs, Public Safety and standing committees at its that 56 faculty and 21 students The ad hoc committee said Science representative, and the Ad Hoc Educational Policies J strays, the program would meeting at 3:15 p.m. today in plus 3 also Building, Lands and Planning. be elected by the colleges, there would be less overlap and Hester Cain, Justin Morrill determine the size of the Committee, whose functions fcmmit the county to paying the Con Con Room of the The council's proposed more efficient communication College representative were the new committee will BO of a veterinarian's fee to International Center. standing committees. membership of 101 could be with only six standing appointed to work with the ad generally consists of lerilize dogs owned by retired A special committee, increased to 109 if the hoc committee to produce a The Ad Hoc plus 3 increased assume, committees, but the council the 10 faculty members of the 17 faculty and 11 students. Igham county residents. composed of three council chairmen of all the committees rejected the recommendations, seating plan. The other proposed I The commissioners may also members and the Ad Hoc come from outside the council. The council then changed proposed faculty affairs claiming they would choke off committee to 14. The committees — Faculty Tenure, ■dorse the idea of a youth Committee to review Academic The council presently has 12 participation in governance, the proposed consultative Student Affairs and Jjstel being opened in the University Graduate Council Governance, will recommend standing com mittees and gradually whittled down committee on the Graduate would have 12 faculty and Academic Governance - would in Lnsing area. The nonprofit that the council adopt eight containing 176 faculty and 100 the committee's proposals. Council to a standing oup, American Youth Hostels, three student member?. general continue their present standing committees consisting students seats. The ad hoc The council approved an committee at its Feb. 19 riveting The proposed curriculum i currently talking with of 79 faculty members and 33 committee had suggested Nov. amendment Feb. 5 and divided the proposed by Jack committee would still have 17 academic affairs committee faculty members, but only )emocrat Levin opens campaign; lits Milliken's record, Nixon ties | BERKLEY (UPI) ~ Sander Nixon's economic policies is the Ontario prime minister. contributions from Ind i. a former state senator unsuccessful 1970 part of that record," Levin said. Levin challenged Milliken to take a firm stand for or against individuals." •He is opposed to ballot BEER SPECIAL ■emocratic gubernatorial "When the governor runs Nixon and made these points Monday and Tuesday Only (bring this ad) petitions to change the current jndidate, formally announced away to Canada when Nixon on his campaign platform: •He will "seek to take the law on capital punishment and $2.95 buys a 1 item 12" Varsity Piza 10 - SPEEDS ■onday that he is running for comes to Michigan, he makes the use and possession of and 2 12 oz. cans of beer or Bvemor this year. Watergate an issue...if Nixon big money" out of campaign marijuana. $4.95 buys a 1 item 16" Varsity Pizza 1 Levin, 42, immediately had 60 per cent of the polls financing and plans to "impose •He is firmly opposed to and 4 12 oz. cans of beer. ★ Quality Brands Began hitting at Gov. Milliken, now, do you think Milliken a limit to the amount of cash cross district busing. - Inside and Delivery fthom he lost to by only would go to Toronto? No, he'd Free ★ Popular Prices Delivery on Pizzas and Subs 14,409 votes four years ago. At be by the President's side." Folk Guitarist Monday-Thursday Evenings liis point, Levin is virtually Milliken, after several days Inopposed for his party's of indecision, decided Sunday lomination and it appears this to briefly greet Nixon, who is lear's election will be a repeat coming to the Saginaw area to If the 1970 race. campaign for a congressional 1 Levin indicated quickly he candidate, before the governor ■ill campaign against Milliken's leaves for Canada to meet with lecord, hitting hard at the ■sing costs of property taxes, ltilities, income tax and the Itate budget. 1 But he left no doubt that Milliken's past ties with ■resident Nixon also will open thureday and friday evenings until nkv lecome a campaign issue. "Milliken wants to be judged Rn his record...his support of NOTICE TO ALL STUDENTS UNION The Office of Overseas Study Under Continuing Jf $24.00 RENT A T.V.1 ACTIVITIES BOARD Education wishes to Announce the Following: per term ] FLIGHTS OFFICE MON.-FRI. 1-5 P.M SUMMER - 1974 I^EJAC TV RENTALS! ALSO AVAILABLE INTERNATIONAL ID'S YOUTH HOSTEL CARDS LONDON,ENGLAND Miss J's camisole 353-9777 tops have natural HUMANITIES (6 WEEKS) charm for putting (Only 12 Spaces Available) together a nostalgic look. . with jeans HUMANITIES 202 - "Medieval and Early Modern or skirts, alone or We know more Periods of Western Culture" 4 credits under blouses and "Modem Western Culture Since shirts. Cotton muslin about Europe than HUMANITIES 20-> 1700" .4 Credits naturals romanticized your friends. HUMANITIES 300 to 4 credits "Supervised Individual Study" 2 with eyelet lace trim J know everything you should know about 27 European in S-M-L sizes. II . lsrael< Turkey, Morocco and the U.S.S.R. We know where you should stay; what you should visit: Total: 8 Credits I "nat you can miss; where you can get a good meal without p Left Lace-hemmed, $12 yinJ through the nose, and where you can go tor help. Meetings regarding the summer Humanities fk. Magazine says, "By far the best guide book for under-dO generation..:' Program will be held on the following dates: Right: Multi-color floral Only $3.95. As important as your passport and toothbrush. On sale at your local book store. Tonight. April 9, Room 304 Bessey print with ribbon trim, $14 Wednesday, April 10, Room 304 Bessey Time: 7:00 p.m. - A Film will be-shown iii, j /divojo* Applications and further information may be obtained from the OFFICE OF OVERSEAS STUDY - ROOM 108 CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Jacobsoris AND PROGRAMS PHONE 353-8920 OR 353-8921 POINT OF VIEW weapon I William W. Whiting Beth Ann Masalkoski.. OPINION PAGE Editor-in-chief Advertising Manager Michael J. Fox Lynn Henning Managing editor Sports editor Migrant workers: to aid farm workers p/J Geraldji. Coy General Manager John W. Lindstrom Campus editor R.D. Campbell Staff representative By MILTON TAYLOR Not combat the Jim Bush Kathy Niezurawski Copy chief this exploitation under these unexpectedly, the agribusiness Teamsters as well „ City editor Bob Novosad Opinion Page editor circumstances was through collective monopolists fought back. They brought in growers. Craig Porter Photo editor Almost unnoticed and apparently action in the form of organizing their own • the Teamster's Union, signed "sweetheart" Editorials are the opinion of State unreported is a movement westward on indigenous union. History has contracts with this rival and alien union, United Farm Workers Union News editors. Staff columns, the part of some socially-sensitive curft.n.1 people demonstrated that the United Farm and the Union Farm Workers lost most of faces such commentaries, points of view and letters are personal opinions. to help the migrant workers of the United Workers Union is probably not only the their contracts and hard-won gains. Now, overwhelming opposition of both the Teamsters odds from?! Farm Workers union. This is remindful of best union in the United States, but that in most cases, "union-produced" farm corporate growers that the Unm. andSl the trek southward of the 1960s to I EDITORIALS the civil rights movement of the for both are motivated by the same help blacks, their leader, Cesar Chavez, is one of the great Americans of history. But given the way that the growers products means "Teamster-produced." George Meany has called this attack on the United Farm Workers by the literally fighting for its life. contrary, the Union probably will o„ wj • *1 ■ the long run, simply because reasons. Each case represents a denial of the War policy basic civil, economic and large number of exploited Americans. legal rights for a dominate the rural power structure, union Teamsters "one of the most vicious have the dedication, self-sacrifice found only in convinced that they are unity and sPirit those whou,! of I It is clear that the migrant workers are a right I suffered so long that they would classic case of exploitation. Workers are dying) rather than capitulate. die |!u I I but are recruited through a contract system of To shorten the strike and hasten the victory, the trustees hiring, the work is so harsh that it is physically debilitating, child labor is to indispensable weapon is the boycott. If enough people would simply But this does not mean that does not need public the ugh support. To Shon« I I abstain from consuming table grapes, head lettuce and some brands the strike and to hasten the characteristic and the family income is indispensable victory |k I The board of trustees patted This is patently wrong. First of well below the poverty level. These of Califomian wines, victory would be assured. And since it is weapon is the enough people would sjmply abstain boycott if I itself on the back in 1972 when all, present guidelines only say that working conditions combined with squalid are invariably difficult to distinguish between United Farm Worker - produced and consuming table grapes, head L| it housing provided Teamster produced head lettuce, why not just eat leaf lettuce? ■ lettuce® passed two resolutions the Business Affairs Committee, in a racist environment, as many of the some brands of California wines, vjcta, | condemning the war in Indochina. would be assured. And since itis Since then, however, board which advises administrators on migrant workers are either blacks or to distinguish between United ditfl^l University business activities, may Chicanos. Worker-produced Fiql members have routinely approved review investment in This degree of exploitation, of course, is and Teamster head lettuce, why not just eat leaf product I an a particular the result of tremendous economic and lettuce^ I University investments in organization was not enough. It was union-busting efforts we have ever seen." Others could do more. The companies like Dow Chemical and company if an individual or group political power on the part of the necessary in addition to appeal to the Faced with this new menace, the United would be to help on the front ultimitt I requests it and can support its employers, for these are mostly large American people to boycott table grapes. Farm Workers had no recourse but to line ig ■ International Telephone and California, but if you cannot do this, Telegraph - both major Defense claims. agribusinesses owning millions of acres This approach from 1965 to 1970 was strike again. In turn, when this strike and can picket in the ym | The policy is so full of loopholes with powerful influence in legislatures, dramatically successful, for by August of its accompanying picketing activity Lansing area. If yoi cannot do this, you can contribute | Dept. contractors. and evasions that it is understandable over the judicial system and, in fact, over 1970 more than 90 per cent of the became physically dangerous (some Even wearing a farmworker monej I The Vietnam War still rages with the whole rural culture. In effect, these growers in the table grape industry had picketers were killed and maimed), badge would I why no individual or group has ever businesses own and dominate the society been forced to sign contracts or suffer reliance had to be placed once more on help to demonstrate your commitment! support of the U.S. military. In used it. If the policy is easier to in which the migrants work and live. and solidarity. East Lansing, city officials have financial losses. By virtue of these boycott support. If this support was implement, it is only because the Clearly, the only way that the migrants contracts, some of the abuses, such as the necessary initially to resist the corporate justifiably come under attack University has never had to. could at least remove the excrescenses of contract system of hiring, were eliminated. growers, it is even more necessary now to Taylor is a professor of economics. recently for suggesting that the city's antiwar purchasing policy be Secondly, investment advisory revoked. firms, including Scudders, Stevens & Clark, commonly POINT OF VIEW But even closer to home, the accept guidelines from clients that set up a University could have a policy of system of preferences or even investing in companies according to the size of their Defense contracts. But it does Dept. not. exclusion for certain types of investments which need profits. not hurt Bathtub swirl builds your noggin Furthermore, there is no compelling reason for the lack of an Religious institutions often will not buy stocks in companies that By BRYANT W. POCOCK Let's start with the premise that the antiwar investment policy. tia^ been doing to your head. It is known that the left cortex produce tobacco or liquor, for surface of any water standing in the drain hast!* I MSU, like most universities, Here's one to think about. Next time During the formative period, while your most to say about what the right side of I because of plug or other obstruction is invests its endowment and example. And some institutions you take a bath, make a point of noting level. This means that the south edge of noggin was developing, your brain was the body does. presently specify a preference for how the water flows out of highly sensitive to any pressure, however It is also known that most folks I retirement funds in stocks of a large your the water's surface is at the same distance small. It is reasonable to infer that it was in bathtub. It will rotate counterclockwise as these latitudes are right - handed. It number of companies as a normal companies that contribute least to from the center of the earth as the north would I the it goes down the drain. It would be worth subjected to this counterclockwise force be interesting to discover to what extent I business activity. A Cincinnati, war. edge is. most of that time, to left taking a bath just to prove this. But then the south edge will speculate that - handedness is prevalent 43 degrees I Ohio, firm called Scudders, Stevens University investment procedure necessarily somehow the left sid.' of your brain south of the equator, Why would you want to prove it? be the tiniest bit farther from the earth's where these effects I & Clark recommends investments can be criticized from another Because if you intend to consequently may have enjoyed a slightly are presumably reversed. ponder the 6xis of rotation than the north edge is, and implications of this revelation, you had greater blood supply than the right side Some enterprising candidate for i which the board of trustees standpoint, also. At meetings where therefore be traveling toward the east a stockholders better be sure you are on solid ground. hair faster than the north did, with the help, perhaps, of certain degree might like to find out. I would find I habitually approves. vote on questions of You would not want edge is. Result: intracranial structural peculiarities; and to out myself except that I am a management policy, MSU stock is somebody to say you counterclockwise rotation of any water philosopher, l^vesfnxents are, jrt dpllar do not ktoow what ^ou are talking about. conclude, therefore, that your left cerebral and philosophers are not supposed to do amounts, a voted on straight management lines. Just wnat is it you are going through the drain. cortex may have become dominant as a relatively small part of talking about? So what? Well, when you consider that any work, MSU's financial picture. Even if its holdings are too small You arpl talking about the force that result. this is the same force that Pocock is a registered to affect a vote, an institution that makes this happen, which is produces Bear in piind that this is Nevertheless, the University is quite simple. hurricanes, you might well wonder what it an hypothesis, professional engineer and a retired not a theory. wasting an opportunity to take an prides itself for its public service professor of astronomy. institutional stand against the orientation could and should lead continuing carnage in Southeast the way in making stockholder VOX POPULI Asia. meetings something more than mere affirmations of University officials say that it is mangement difficult to hand a set of an investment firm priorities to consider when decision. Unless the University becomes Students would sign SIRS recommending investments. more socially responsible in its Existing channels for challenging investment decision, an' antiwar To the Editor: with three difficulties involved in the investments in particular firms are stance by the board of trustees is Your editorial required that the form be signed for cannot do all these jobs Wednesday refers to a original proposal for student access. release. effectively and we easier to implement, they say. "...suggestion that students be required to would be better served hypocritical and a sham. It provides access only to raw forms Finally, it has been pointed out by by separate forms sign SIRS forms..." that was made during since it is my for each purpose. the Academic Council meeting of feeling that the summary Evaluation Services that a single rating April 2. data is often misleading and too form used for multiple Martin Fox As co-author, with Professor Anne open to rating misinterpretation by the uninitiated. purposes Professor of statistics and probability Garrison, of that suggestion, I feel that It provides that only those forms which you did not state the full context of the are signed shall be open to stud.ents' discussion. inspection since making these forms The suggestion was made in a substitute available puts them in the public domain. motion concerning student access to SIRS It is only fair to the instructor that he or forms. The full text is: "Instructional she be able to refute the units occasional shall make available for student malicious attacks which do occur in the inspection those Level I and Level II raw rating process. forms which are signed (signature being As a professor with tenure I only feel optional). Students are encouraged mildly threatened by such malicious to develop, in cooperation with the Office attacks, but feel that the graduate assistant of Evaluation Services, a Level III form to does need to be well protected. Note that replace the Level I and Level II forms for our proposal would not have required that purposes of student inspection only." a student sign the form, contrary to your This substitute motion tried to deal editorial comment, but would have only Why get high ™o To the Editor: are more tolerable than those of alcohol I am aware of the tendency of a justify its use? If so, should we also four-year university to "liberalize" one's legalize taking Kool-Aid intravenously and otherwise conservative outlook Tax toward sun-staring? credit n problems and issues. I find this acceptable and part of an education. As for the first reason, the natural for stimulation, I fail to see urge why, in this Gov. Milliken's recent proposal day and age when there is so much to do, a vote of the people. The petition However, there are certain Ideas I have to about give Michigan consumers 5 million in tax credits drive of the Michigan Citizen's Lobby is more likely to succeed. been unable to agree with speaking specifically of smoking marijuana. Of the many and I am reasons for see, feel and experience, we must resort to "getting high." At the risk of sticking a "conservative" Professionalized to offset the state sales tax on food Milliken's proposal provides a neck out, I have expressed justifying its use, and eventually its my opinion, is a step in the right direction. But maximum tax credit of $9 per legalization, two remain in mind as being perhaps to obtain some realistic answers, it does not go far enough in providing tax relief to low - income member of a low - income family, but those with small incomes who most salient. They are that man has had a natural urge for stimulation always and that if nothing else. of having a joint what do we Then, I ask, if the notion begins to seem blase, do next, gang?! ruin classroom families who are being crippled by smoking dope is less severe than alcohol. now pay no taxes would not be But does the fact that marijuana effects Dennis Muhn To the Editor: the upward spiral of inflation. current tenure helped by Milliken's measure. 416 W. Fee Hall Sports headlines in the Wednesday State freeze? The tax credit proposal is an In the face of accelerating world The discontinuation of the food Journal informed readers that "MSU Seeks resource and population interim solution at best. However, sales tax would result in a direct All Events • Building." pressures, can the the 4 per cent tax crunch on food Shut food Few of us could University continue to diminish innovative sales can only be relieved by citizen support for current moves strong savings at the cash register. Though the tax can be eliminated by the legislature, such a move would be stomp dedicated to such vague further reading revealed the object to a project purposes, but specific events programs to pursue aimless "business # usual" Will publicity? future alumni, who will To the Editor: Executive Vice President Jack to put a constitutional amendment the taxpayer's money, for he has the Breslin limited and specialized employmw' temporary and would probably be The State News' encouragement of to means imagined: "If Michigan State is to eliminating the food sales tax on students to cash in on the improve his conditions without prospects, gratefully reassemble at campus vetoed by Milliken on the basis of Ingham County compete with Notre Dame and the November ballot. Welfare bonanza is recourse to welfare: by dropping out of Michigan sport programs that helped assure their loss. a slap In the face to the Though such an amendment is revenue working people who are footing the bill. school and working full-time. After all, the facilittes WC haW t0 haVe lmProved unadaptive levels of education? Are any However, if tax relief does eat up Judging student's financial situation taxpayer, who more often than not has to To many critical habits of mind developed by being pushed in the legislature by the state's revenue surplus, the a worry about making his own ends students, the proposed by his income is extremely meet, basketball palace may sitting through massive sports displays? Rep. Bobby Crim, D - Davison, and misleading; a does not owe anyone a college education. appear to be a Is the land voters should be able to decide student could easily be earning under conventional University expenditure for a grant tradition of puM Sen. Jerome Hart, D - Saginaw, it $200 a year and yet be in no financial College students find it easy enough traditonal college service enhanced In any way by whether they want to replace the activity, but the already to sponge off the fat of the land essential questions will remain University spectacles? appears unlikely that sponsors of lost funds with an income tax difficulties due to aid from his parents. without ripping off the well after taxpayer. the mortar has set and Are even the few the tax relief measure will get the increase that would still result in a Hence, the pitiful picture of the destitute Availability of welfare to college students the floors have whose participating students, student is more apparent than real. been varnished. jerseys might be retired, properly necessary two - thirds approval in net tax savings for 75 per cent of But even where a student's need is it a loophole that should be closed. Can the student populace educated during their time on campus? both houses to put the real, afford the proposal to the people. I fail to see the John Braden burden of professionalized Doug Pn<* justification for his use of sports while 376 Abbot Hall classroom instruction suffers Bill Tregea from the 238 Oakhill» Ihigan 5 Tuesday. April 9, 1974 5 COMMENTARY Semi judicial nature Impeachment: requires There is restraint obviously something to this This is silly on the face of it, argument, and it works fine in our New especially in an election year, when By JAMES RESTON This has not yet been given sufficient members of (Congress will be listening to New York Times attention either by the congressmen or the England town meetings, but it is not the the impeachment evidence and way our government works or was IaSHINGTON - In the congressional communicators, and, unfortunately, there intended to work. It was the assumption campaigning at the same time. Kin into the conduct of President is no adequate forum where reporters and of the Founding Fathers that the people Nevertheless, the argument for restraint, editors can discuss what professional inn the members of the House of were sovereign in deciding between for no television in the House and Senate Cfsentatives will sit as grand jurors to standards should guide us through these candidates for the presidency and the chambers, for ■de whether to indict (impeach) him, tremendous events. no polling and no editorials The House Judiciary Congress, but that most things were too about what the outcome should be, is at 1 if a majority of them vote out articles Committee has normal political and journalistic procedure avoiding polls of members and avoiding complicated in a vast continental country Imoeachment, members of the Senate behaved with surprising and admirable in the handling of most events in the editorial recommendations about what the to be decided by referendum or popular least worthy of consideration. Short of 1 then sit as a jury of 100 at his trial restraint, but some members of Congress, House and Senate, but the impeachment House or Senate should do in the end. vote. this, there will be much to report and l^ the Chief Justice of the U.S. forgetting that in this case they are jurors, have been stating their opinions on process is unique in the experience of this In short, for doing or not doing whatever Accordingly we established a comment about, but covering this historic Br?me Court. generation of reporters and politicians. keeps the emotional level down and "representative" form of government, in tragedy like a political convention or a whether Nixon should be indicted, even ■t is because of this semijudicial nature Thus we are all left without precedents maintains as calm and judicial an which the people could choose their super bowl football game, with instant before they have seen all the evidence. ■the proceedings that the rules governing and are all groping for answers, but it atmosphere as possible, so that members representatives, who would, it was hoped, replays in the corridors about where it's all 1 conduct of members of the Congress, Also, some members of the press have seems in this corner that this is a time for of Congress can vote on the evidence have time and judgment enough to study going, is another thing. I pollsters, the press, radio and been polling members of the judiciary caution and self-restraint; not only for rather than responding to the pressures of all the complicated problems. That is what This is not a question like exposing the ■vision have to be considered in advance committee to for see where the balance lies keeping the television cameras out of the television and the press or an avalanche of is at issue now: whether the Pentagon Papers or the Watergate sabotage ■h the utmost care. or against impeachment. All this is House and Senate chambers, but for telegrams (which, as we have seen, can representatives are to do their job in this or the political espionage. The facts in easily be organized) from millions of critical question of the President, or those cases were being concealed by the people who have not looked carefully into whether the system is to be changed, the executive branch of the government, and the facts. cameras are to be brought in, the press is thanks to the energy of the press, they COMMENTARY to advise the jurors of the House and finally came out. The objection to this, of course, is that Senate every morning what they should But the facts in the inquiry on the it is "undemocratic," that precisely do, and how they should vote. President's role in all this are now in the because this is an unusual and historic Few people would seriously suggest Does hands of powerful men and institutions imprisoning occasion, and newspapers will because few if print the transcript of the proceedings, and few voters would read any that the proceedings of the Supreme Court should be televised, or that it is possible to treat the indictment and trial proceedings that will make them public. The Congress and the courts are not engaged in a "coverup." The orderly system of the B0L really serve them if they did (reading having gone out of style), therefore the debate in the House and Senate should be televised, in the (Congress precisely as if they were jurors in a criminal case. Obviously there are differences. Members of Congress American government is beginning work again, and the problem now is to it work to let as objectively as possible, without because this would be both popular and cannot listen to secret testimony and then turning the Capitol into a stadium, or educational for this and other generations be locked up like grand jurors so that they telling the referees and umpires every By TOM WICKER There is little logic, therefore, in the automatic of Americans in the future. would not be influenced by outside morning how the battle should come out. assumption of New York Times American society that people convicted of crimes should be sent to prison; or in the nearly automatic SM, FOR INSTANCE, THAT I'M THAT LiN£JPKA5D9£ ftNCTiWTED 1 NEW YORK - Richard Nixon's former appointments secretary, workings of the criminal THE MANA6ER OF A MAJOR- CORRECTLY POESNT i r?W00 CAN'T justice system — save in the case of white - collar offenders — to Light Chapin, has been found guilty of lying to a grand jury, see that those convicted LEAGUE BALL CLI/6 MP fMTAK1N6 TAKE A STARTING LINEUP 01TT TO n May 16 he will be sentenced to what could be 10 years in go to prison. Parole, moreover, while THE LINEUP OUT TO THE UMPIRE. THE UMPIRE IF IT ISN'T aimed at getting people out of prison, is so on and a $20,000 fine. Judge Gerhard A. Gesell, a sensible fearfully and PUNCTOra CORRECTS CAN .i, probably will not impose a penalty as severe as that, but if punitively administered as to keep many inmates behind the walls far longer than necessary, and to send many others back for the Fwere another judge, he could. ■ What is the point of such Draconian provisions in the law? slightest offense. tin's offense - that he lied to a grand jury about the kind of A system that worked the other way around would make far uctions and direction he gave Donald H. Segretti in Segretti's more sense. The assumption should be that people go to prison » "dirty tricks" campaign — is of course a serious one, the only as a final resort, when there appears no alternative for the _j so in that Chapin was a high and privileged government protection of society; and the system should be so designed as to DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau |ffirial at the time he committed it. But does locking him up in a give judges great latitude in deciding upon an appropriate penalty on, for whatever period, really make any sense? and sufficient resources to aid them in reaching a decision useful to I Chapin is not dangerous or violent. He is not a habitual the offender and to society alike. SIP., SO FAR. IN THIS Iwbreaker or a chattel of organized crime. Putting him behind — Jars would chasten, humiliate and severely punish him, but what PX£SS conference, gl A letter - writer to the New York Times proposed, for t \ wj have referred " ■ther purpose would it serve? Isn't there something more useful TO YOt/RSELF AS 'THE example, that the State of Maryland should not disbar Spiro T. • r Td be done in his and thousands of other cases? Agnew from the practice of law. Rather it should require him to ■H PRESIDENT,' tNSTEAP 1 I devote a portion of his practice, for a considerable length of time, OF X OVER. L J This is not intended as an argument that, a white - collar to community service legal work — that his penalty should be the TWENTY TIMES.. ■wbreaker or an affluent offender with political connections devotion of part of his talents and profession to the good of Jught to be let off more lightly than a ghetto street mugger, society. •ather, it is to raise the question whether incarceration makes fpnsc for either kind of offender, unless he is known to be so Would something of that kind not make more sense in the case r so habitually criminal that society can be protected •of Dwight Ghapin? Inly by physical separation. In some' instances, the criminal justice system does seem to be | it is a singular circumstance that the United States has the moving slowly away from automatic imprisonment. But the case it severe criminal sentences of any Western nation, imposes of Dwight Chapin suggests how heavily the law leans toward ie most prison terms, and still has more crime and more violence locking up offenders, whether or not it makes sense. Ihan an\ other. I ARTHUR TREACHER'S fflot THE ORIGINAL Tisl) Clams • Shrimp SEMI—BONELESS HAM 98** Ti$l) & Two great locations USDA Choice Beef 4th and 5th ribs in Lansing Right past Frandor at STANDING RIB ROAST T „ 2418 E. Michigan USDA Choice and at 4100 S. Logan OVEN READY LEG 0 LAMB T* Medallion 22 size "Treat Yourself to the Treacher Taste" oz CORNISH HENS », SDartan 12 all varieties 'piattd oz - 't? MEAT open noon to 8 pm Seteten, featuring Heatherwood All • Star 1/2 pt. Sugar Sweet 10 size .(mtJm Sara Lee 1114 ■h"1. oz Our Salad Bar and Special Easter Dinner Bring the DINNER NAPKINS 24° WHIPPING CREAM 28° MEXICAN PINE 2/88° PECAN C (Limit 3 please) entire family Reg. Kiln Dried CAKE or No - return 28 oz Spartan 8 oz. YAMS 18°,b VERNORS POP m CITRUS BLEND 10/T Fresh 35°,* ORANGE Jl 2/77° Guarantee A Kraft Minature 10% MARSHMALLOWS oz 29° GREEN BEANS Longer Life Del Monte 15 PINEAPPLE oz. W For Your Posters. (in natural juice) Mano 7 oz. Stuffed GOODRICH'S An Economical Way. To Make GREEN OLIVES Your Posters Last is to have them LARRY'S dry-mounted and framed. We have | frame kits in both silver and gold. Kraft Philadelphia Grade A - l aoz Stop by Today! CREAM CHEESE LARGE EGGS WHIPPED TOPPING DISH DETERGENT 2/$1" 28° 18° |Frani«K Meridian Mall Okamoi J (tava 15c) Limit 1 please with coupon and $6 (save 57c) Limit 2 please with coupon and $5 purchase. Good only at Goodrich & (save 19c) Limit 1 please with coupon and $5 (save 16c) Limit 1 please with coupon and $6 Unliuiitoal J J purchase. Good only at Goodrich & Larry's Shoprite. Expires 4-13-74 Larry's Shoprite. Expires 4 • 13. 74 purchase. Good only at Goodrich & Larry's Sho-xite. Expires 4-13-74 purchase. Good only at Goodrich 8t Larry's Shoprite. Expires4.13.74 6 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, Aprils "HI Mariah triumphs with Jim Stafford gig By MIKE LaNOUE makes it all look so effortless that one could Stafford is a little off the wall. Laughingly, Stafford introduces the members Hc . contend that his capabilities are boundless. the audience State News Reviewer Without a doubt, the finest performer to of his band. Actually they are his left foot Stafford plays the bass feet. With his pedals of an He cranked some unbelievable speed and to astrological sign.'N and "Somebody ye|| some u , °*L 2UV come to MSU this year is Jim Stafford, a literal organ and with his right foot he plays the accuracy out of his Spanish guitar in interlude "Virgo." * >ells o» tambourine and all the while he plays the guitar to Mason Williams' "Classical Gas" which Quick with a quip, Stafford r(.p|jes nobody from Florida, whose Burt Reynolds «v. _ flowed into simply grin and Segovia like prowess on the guitar or banjo and sings. a Virgo is the sign with the big mouth " ""I make him simply unforgettable. bodacious-outstanding-riff in "Flight of the He is a fine musician ds well as a fUtlnv I Bumble Bee." The crowd stood in utter Quite frahkly, at first glance Stafford looked Other people have done this versatile Stafford is a constant perfectionist an/.?*I like another one of Mariah's obscurities, but one-man-boogie act before but never has amazement. evident in all his work. ^<1 after seeing and listening to one of Stafford's anyone done it so well. This guy was just supposed to be a funny, laid back, country boy-and that he was-but His tricks are polished, hard practice. At one point in his only with hour, J performances- just one—anyone would have to For most guitarists, singing and playing is nerfj.'! Jim Stafford turned out to be so much more agree that he is an incredible performer. hard enough but for Stafford, well, he just than a country bumpkin. Stafford did a rendition of "Oh Susan?I Stafford simulated how certain people or two harmonicas-or at least it only two. appeared k.^1 "I PLAY FOR FUN eras would have written the national anthem As he switched the two harmonicas U had they been in the same shoes as Francis forth he amazed the excited Mariah Scott Key. erowwl'l his accuracy. However, after he finished?! Group seeks He reminded his audience that being bombed (with bombs, not booze) and in prison at the same time were "not good conditions to come up with a snappy tune." revealed a small unnoticeabK had shoved in his actually played. harmonica which !l mouth mH kJ I 0lll<| By EDWARD ZDROJEWSKI Concert. He has also played at the intersection of Abbott The Bee Gees, Elvis Presley and the '50s all The near-capacity crowd loved this performer so much that they demanded f I vernal State News Reviewer violin with the Road and Burcham Drive. Lansing got a lampooning from Stafford on this one. Amateur musicians in the Symphony. There are about 25 people in His own version of the national anthem, encores. well deserved. This tribute was well appreciated!!! °I East Lansing area have the Halik is suitably talented for the ensemble, and anyone who written under the same conditions as Key's, opportunity to get together directing such an ensemble. He can play a stringed instrument naturally would be more realistic. Playing before Stafford twosome, Fred Campeau, was an exceiu«| with other musicians to play makes use of his many years of - violin, viola, cello or bass - principalis on gujJI "Oh my God, they're gonna kill us," he sang. and Andy Bagner, who played bunjo most of I music just for the fun of it in is welcome to play with the experience as a violin teacher. "Holy shit!" the time. 1 the East Lansing String Halik's conducting style group. Humor is always on the tip of Stafford's Ensemble, a musical includes playing his instrument tongue and it can be terse or light. Both light-hearted men were fine perforrrn-rb and humor and musn ma(j( then I organization specifically along with the He announces that the next tune he will do is * intended for those musicians will often group, and he WKAR will air "Me and God watching Scotty Potty," and wonderful beginning to the show. stop the ensemble to Worthy of note was a dual tune who don't have the skill to explain details of technique. calui proceeds to do a parody on blues singers singing "Candy Man" in which Campeau and play with the professional orchestras in the area. Thus members of the ensemble hearing on plan such memorable lines as "I'm a chili dog for each played a separate version of the Bmt,M son* I will find playing in the you baby." The ensemble is under the to group for street,bridge which had the same name. Well done. I l| a highly educational In the same breath Stafford will turn around direction of Glen Halik, a experience. and knock Nixon, saying the President should A bravo to Jim Fleming and all the Mariih I retired professor of engineering The ensemble has given no WKAR-AM (870) radio will have chosen cats for his cabinet instead of dogs staff-you did a fine job in presenting this mod beautiful evening of entertainment. This | at MSU. He now devotes all of concerts yet. Members get broadcast live the MSU because "cats always cover up their shit." far the finest Mariah presentation to wash | his time to music. Besides Kalamazoo Street and bridge date ' together to practice only teaching violin he gives because they enjoy improvement project hearing at occasional making 10:15 performances. music. a.m. Wednesday. Recently he appeared as one of Recently the Owosso Testimony will be heard the floor from University faculty, staff • walking musicians in Chamber Orchestra has sent the Lansing Symphony and students. It is expected to members of their Orchestra's Cabaret group to Funny - Pop take part in the East group's activities. As a Lansing result, run two to three hours. It is sponsored by MSU's Jim Stafford overwhelmed an unsuspecting MSU as he roared Hoppy birthday some members of the local Building. Lands and Planning Committee, and will be held in through six shows at the Mariah Folk and Blues group will be assisting the Coffeehouse last weekend. The presentation of Stafford McNally atlas Owosso musicians in their the Board Room of Administration Byilding the was by far the best Mariah show of the year. NEW YORK (AP) - Tht upcoming concert at the end of this month. State News photo by John Martell first annual road atlas of thf The ensemble performs United States was published by music of a number of different Rand McNally 50 years ago, in styles. Halik usues music from 19 24. To celebrate this the library of the MSU Music Comic opera slated half-century milestone, veteran road map the publisher is Dept., ranging in difficulty from very simple to somewhat issuing a golden anniversary advanced. edition of the road atlas for by MSU workshop The - 1974, back-to-back facsimile of its 1926 road atlas the earliest of Rand with a Ensemble meetings are at 7:30 p.m. every Monday in the Hannah Middle School, located MSU Opera Workshop will present Handel's opera. "Xerxes," at 8:15 tonight and Wednesday in the Music Building McNally's road atlases known auditorium. still to exist. Handel wrote "Xerxes," his only comic No copies of the opera, during the original winter of 1737-38. and it was first 1924 atlas could be performed in April 1738. The found, plot is standard comic opera and the characters are not historical, even after an extensive search though they bear historical names. of the country This production is the project of graduate assistant Carl Saloga who is also its director. He translated the original Italian into rhymed English and edited the score as well. The cast of the opera is: Xerxes, Carl Saloga; Arsamene, Monte Long; Amastre,/ Edith Noscow; Romilda, Diane Skentzos; Atalanta, Juanita Greene; Ariodate. Dale Schirmer. and Elviro,' Terrance Odete. The producer is Harlan Jennings. The orchestra will be conducted by John Scott. The production is open to the public free of charge. Unit Show!! If you enjoy erotic entertainment, this program is the very best. A variety of pornographic delights. "CORNUCOPIA" is a collection of 9 short films, all of the very raunchiest shade of blue. Unlike the "Best of the New York Erotic Film "8'/4" is probably one of the most personal films Festival" shown here last term, the ever made, and undoubtedly the fullest expression majority of pictures in this group of the subjects, themes, and preoccupations of are both erotic and Fellini's career. The film is a visual diary, depicting amusing. a movie director's difficulties in 1. "THE AVIATOR" A making the film 40-year-old we are seeing. To complicate it further, the direc¬ classic. tor shown in "8%!. turns out to be porn Beautifully made and making a film about his own life and mind. An extravagant, astroundingly hardcore. The best dream-like atmosphere dominates this fascinating porn produced during the view of Fellini's memories, fantasies, and personal "Roaring 20s." problems. 2 "SMART ALKCK" ,947. a no-nonsense po o "Fellini's "8'/j" certainly ranks among the stripper Candy Barr. starring famous most brilliant cinema works of our 3."GE rriNQ HIS time, an GOAT," a 1922 intellectual and artistic exercise of the first Beach-"Where the men are Idle ant .... dre WMfl " o think of the .. F ,. rank. Ofits importance there can be little bawdv movla a« a For ,h°s* question; it is a masterwork of one of the rseolay ol this one will come , .«• «»«< abject-looking Marilyn Monroe. She walk* in'fronTof tih** W"h " y°n,!' or Individual Admission $1.25 Director's Choice Series Ticket* famouMorio h-.'X' Ih" m"*. "" FEDERICO FELLINI Presented by Lecture-Concert Series' r^Ko^ o. A in iJKOMr.DA, the first and on* «t dream-vision fantasy in which a Ion* h..i ih„ „ ,ean in a hair and beard by a . . """I (Berkeley. '69), is a on a master-race of bit like the Mother leiblani thTh* "1 div?Ved "f ever>"hi"« hut his Nature of th- *' ? goddeu of this cult may come DIRECTOR'S m *— elements of humor and surprise. ' embodying the rare and welcome 8. A SPECIAL EROTIC SHORT J , "Claude Berrl, a COCTKRETTAESS WOEfDDIsNAN' SSCO ™.E FABULT COCKETTES^S"', French explosion- th, Woody Allen I Hllarloui!" rN.Y. Mag. Showtimes 7:00 Rated X, You must be 18 -Rolling Stolw Admission & 9:30 Show pi ace CONRAD AUDITORIUM I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday. April 9, 1974 7 Planning athletic budget By PAM WARD "Our costs have gone up parking and programs, which a risky business 30-40 per cent in the last few alone produce about $50,000 "When we start analizing our the same holds true for the and CHUCK JOHNSON years and it has been necessary for the department. Of the sources of revenue as opposed budget, which is only a State News Sports Writer! for us to make some $1.4 million, football to our expenditures, our budget was only projected figure. Second of four parts alloted get pretty limited," adjustments for our $469,500 for the sources "The budget is a figure nonrevenue sports," Athletic 1973-74 season. Beardsley asserted. "Most based on trends," Smith said. College athletics have Director Burt Smith said. "Without our people don't realize the vast I become big business and MSU's football "Myself and Mr. Beardsley take "We've had to cut funds 15-20 revenue the amount of expenses that we do a five-year average and attempt I are no exception. department have. For I per cent across the board for couldn't function," Beardsley instance, medical to approximate our revenue for Though MSU's athletic I department serves as a our nonrevenue sports because said. "Basketball and hockey expenses. We spend about the coming year. But there are of rising costs. just about carry themselves, $30,000 annually, sometimes a lot of intangibles that enter J public representative of the "We (Smith, but football helps provide for more for our athletes' medical into it. If our football team is I University, when it comes to asst. Beardsley and ail the other sports." costs. in a conference race, then director Clarence I financing its operation the The athletic "Oddly enough, two Underwood) went through the department obviously going to make [I department is on its own. entire budget," Smith receives additional revenue nonrevenue sports have the more we are money than if it was in "The athletic department is continued. "It from its annual summer most athletes needing medical fourth I entirely self-supportive," said was not done as clinic sports attention," Beardsley place." 1 an overnight gesture. It was ($55,000), television "Sometimes we are high in William Beardsley, MSU asst. a continued. I hard thing to do and involved receipts ($80,000), public use "Along with our estimations," Smith athletic director in charge of a lot of tim^ and work. of the old ice arena ($8,000) Though the of travel football, lacrosse and wrestling continued. "For instance, last 1 finances. "We have sole and the Ralph sources expenses, coaches' officials ($25,200), office team members are injured the "Only the Young Fund, year we really took a bath on |I jurisdiction over everything. When the grass on the baseball were nonrevenue affected by the cutback sports ($180,000) the athletic revenue may seem many, the department expenditures are salaries and supplies does not end there. It must also bear the supplies and services most." the Syracuse televised game. because we can't afford to cut department's ($122,860), book loans to Of course, there is no way of We had estimated a large crowd 1 field needs cutting or the official also numerous. The cost of general maintenance athletes ($18,000), the band our revenue sports, Smith fund-raising chartnel, department's responsibility for knowing how many athletes there and only 21,000 showed jI bleachers in Jenison need explained. We expect too much ($180,000). providing money for team ($50,000), grounds ($15,000) and medical will be injured and require up. cleaning, we are responsible." maintenance ($58,000), specialists ($30,000). medical attention in from them in return." one year, (continued on p e 9) I MSU's current $2.3 million Football, basketball and |I budget must feed 14 varsity hockey are the only sports men's sports and 10 women's Spartans' home 1 which generate money for the sports. In recent years, this has I I I |I become an increasingly difficult chore. The only problem is that only three (football, basketball department. The program half of Spartan brings in the football more athletic than funds, By JACK WALKDEN State News Sports Writer College in a doubleheader at 1 opener The two today a twin bill pitchers' records perfect 7-0 record last year, is Simpson (.317) and A1 Weston and hockey) of the 24 teams contributing $1.4 million p.m. today at John Kobs Field. are deceiving. Kniivila enters also expected to see action in (.255). I bring in revenue and additional annually. That figure only MSU's baseball team will The Spartans, whose bill. today's action with a 1-2 one of the games. The other outfield slot will I sources of funds are few and reflects direct gate sales and open its 1974 home schedule scheduled Saturday Albion, co - champion of record and an 8.27 earned run Centerfielder Tom Sowles go to either Dave Collison hard to come by. does not include such things as as the Spartans host Albion doubleheader at Ball State was the Michigan Intercollegiate average. He pitched poorly in Athletic Assn. leads the Albion batsmen with (.192). Larry Romain (.250) or last year, has only one start, however a 13-3 13 hits in 26 at bats for a .500 newcomer Dave Vliek with one posted a 3-5 record this loss to Miami. of the others being average. Albion's Most Valuable the [ DENNY HAS TWO GOALS season. Spartan Litwhiler coach Danny expects two close The same is true for Evans, who has no record and a 7.94 ERA. Evans was knocked Player last year. back at first base. The Bob Dorr, is Spartan infield will be designated hitter. Catching duties will be split by Rick Seid (.308) and Dale games with Albion. out in the first inning of his made up of first baseman Frietch (.500). Gridders open over "We have never really run them," Litwhiler said. "They have only beaten us only start this season, but has hurled five scoreless innings in three relief appearances. Howard Schryer (.314), second baseman Craig Gerard (.212). will Relief pitcher Todd Hubert still be out for the doubleheader. Hubert has had shortstop Terry Hop (.321) once since I've been here, but Opposing the Spartans will and third baseman Amos arm trouble since» being hit MSU football coach Denny Stolz said Monday he has two goals in the country. we've had some close games." be righthanders Jim Strutz Hewitt (.333). with a baseball in his pitching he wants to achieve during the Spartans' spring practice session, MSU will be practicing on the natural grass field south of The Spartans hold a 57-20 (0-1) and Jim Knudson (0-0). Two of the outfield spots shoulder during batting which opens today. Spartan Stadium while workmen install the new Astroturf surface career edge over Albion, but Glen Errington, who posted a practice while in Florida. "First, we want to establish a No. 1 offensive and a No. 1 in the stadium. since 1915 MSU has won an defensive team and secondly we want to improve the skills of the The annual Green and White intrasquad game is tentatively set incredible 35 times in 36 kids who played last year." Stolz told members of the media at a for May 11, but it won't be held if the field isn't ready by then. meetings. The only loss during "I'd just as soon have them take the time to put the new field that span was a 3-1 defeat in press luncheon. Spring practice will run for the next five weeks, with practice in right because it's an expensive item," Stolz said. Quite a few eyes this spring will be on Charlie Baggett, the 1970. Starting on the mound for RING DAYS ARE HERE! [ set for each Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Spartans' starting quarterback, who suffered a knee injury early the Spartans will be a pair of Stolz indicated the team will have some sort of scrimmage each last November and was operated on to repair the damage. righthanders. Holt freshman Saturday. Freshmen prospects will get their chance to break into the Baggett will practice with the club, but will be kept completely out of contact work. Jim Kniivila will hurl in the first game, while sophomore Introducing the John Roberts lineup in late August when they report to fall practice. The frosh Scott Evans will go in the I group is considered by many observers to be one of the best crops "He looks good and he's running well on it," Stolz said. second contest. new SILADIUM RING SAVE *8.00 ON YOUR CLASS RING Lack of space No. TWO DAYS ONLY! By JO GALLI AND Most runners have been aware during the winter now keeps This year the IM department women's IM facilities. From TODAY (APRIL 10) and STAN STEIN of which direction and where the Men's IM open until received The Second in a series administration of to jog, and few people have into each other. run midnight Monday through approximately $300,000 from the University this amount. $127,000 will be used for student employment, WEDNESDAY (APRIL 11) Thursday. This gives students general fund. The money will The remainder will be spent A on Intramural Sports and ping-pong table has been an opportunity to participate Recreative Services at MSU set up in one of the front after the IM leagues are be used to operate and operational costs, A John Roberts representative will be maintain the men's and flatly says it is now unable to lobbies of the Men's IM, but finished with play, usually satisfy the recreational needs several were broken by about 10:45 p.m. in the store during ring days. for a university the size of students'who sat on them. To indirectly relieve pressure MSU. Sierra has also directed on the buildings, the IM Frank Beeman, MSU intramural director, and several people interested in pure exercise to utilize the administrators are trying to get DAfKC TO THC fflUSIC a cross-country skiing program associate directors Larry Sierra and Carol Harding, spend much room cards in Dem Hall where time are issued during underway at Forest Akers Golf Course, but have been Of of their time registration. unsuccessful thus far. trying to find 507 E* Grand River 351-5420 PUNK ways >to most efficiently The most innovative device "We hope to get the ski maximize participation in the which has had the most impact thing going. It would give the (Across From Berkey) Men's and Women's Intramural for students has been in the ski enthusiasts a program and it buildings. ever-popular sport of is also something which can be "We try to emphasize total basketball. done outside the building," "PUNK" will be playing every Tuesday use of all facilities; Jenison "We have hung buckets in Sierra said. Thursday, Friday & Saturday - Four Fieldhouse, Dem Hall, the the Turf Arena and in The present IM facilities Women's IM, etc. But in the were built from a bond issue nights a week thru the summer. Jenison," Sierra said, adding past few years, particularly that nets get stolen during passed through a student • • since women athletically active, became our more No. 1 varsity games, creating a seemingly minor, but still activity fee during the 1955-56 academic year. Final payments OPEN BOWLING I • IS YOUR CAR • problem on the Men's IM • has space," Sierra said. been lack of important, problem. Many more people have been able to be made by 1988. Building will FRI HAD SAT AITfS • • Visit SMASHED? • The three administrators participate since these maintain the only true solution makeshift basketball courts Joe Joseph's • • to their created. VAUGHN JT - * I # needs is another were • facility. "We need to help the East Complex This addition also is not without problems. "We could use the Turf PRO BOWi • MILLERS' AUTO BODY JSyjrjj • • people especially. North Logan at Gr. River Phone 372-7502 The facilities Arena for basketball alone due - SHOP. Fret Estimates • we have now are • beautiful, but woefully short in to the numbers involved, but • "Lansing's most up to date shop.'' • satisfying recreational needs we keep it open as a 119 S. Larch Lansing 489 3450 « CARPETING PANELING properly," Beeman said. multipurpose facility," Sierra • STEREO INSTALLATION 000 TURNtR IANSING. MICHIGAN Until another said. "Baseball is in there, facility is Students ^JOHNSOT^IR^ENTE^^ CALL 37J 2604 DAILY constructed, some makeshift tennis uses it. And when the devices have been the bleachers are up in Jenison, we only Way to alleviate can't use that." some of the pressure the A major move instituted on buildings. The reservation system seems to work adequately. rate Most basketball courts and all 3940 No. Grand River paddleball and squash courts must be reserved ahead of Lansing «me. Few people abuse the (517) 371-3745, 371-3815 system, though arguments over Central Michigan Dayton "Road-King" Distributor courts sometime arise. at Hilton. | | "> Egging the halls has been organized surrounding the "PPer portion of the Men's IM. THE WORLD FAMILY PRESENTS THIS WEEK ONLY LEON RUSSELL Stop in end make an appointment with any of our your experienced hair stylists Send for your Student Identification Card and get a big break on rates at Hilton Hotels and Inns coast to STEEL BELTED RADIM.S coast. (Grad students and faculty, too.) Just mail this •Slightly Blemished (or the latest In the new ipring AND coupon to Hilton Hotels Fulfillment Department. Suite 200. 205 S Beverly-Drive. Beverly Hills, Cali¬ fornia 90212. Then come visit the Hiltons 0 for SOP JOE COCKER 8 FR 70 • 15, GR 70 15, £, Ull HR 70 -15, JR 70 15) IN Name MM) l)()(i.S Address '40,000 MILE WRITTEN GUARANTEE AND •GASSAVINGS (APPROXIMATELY 10%) City State Zip •FREE MOUNTING /■.TV 07 /SUMI V •FREE HI-SPEED BALANCING College „ Class of 19 •FREE ROTATIONS 351-6611 : X HI LT0I1 HOTELS h only because of appear a> effect safety o 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Tuesday, Anrii 9 , 355-8255 Everybody's doing it... soli idle, but no longer needed items with Classified Adsl FRANKLY SPEAKING... by phil frank Employment Aprtuwts i|V| I FIAT 850 Spyder - 1969. AM/FM, PLYMOUTH GOLD DUSTER COOK AND two assistant cooks for TWO GIRLS needed for 4-person MASON COUNTRY great running condition. Needs 1973. C.R. rated."best compact." summer season at resort. June to apartment next year 355-3638. atmosph body repair. Can be seen at 2530 Slant 6, super clean, $2400. ipacious 1 Labor Day. Send resume to 3-410 bedro ■ Marfitt, East Lansing. 1-4-9 Keith. 372-9163. 3-4 9 Accommodate 2 Cam0"1 I DRIFTWOOD LODGE 6180 9 mi""' I parking, garden space FORD 1969 54 ton, custom cab, Murray Road, WhiteHall, PHONE 355-8255 PONTIAC CATALINA 1969. Disc MILFORD STREET-126. Two man campus. $160 $186 V-8, automatic. $600. 332-4374. Michigan. Stating salary 347 Student Services Bldg. 4-4-12 brakes, automatic transmission, power steering and brakes, requirments. Room and board $185, three Two blocks man $67 each from man. campus, utilities. 351-3809, 337.9$ } excellent provided. X-5-4-12 condition. $800 or deluxe, furnished, air •AUTOMOTIVE FORD XL 1970. Black vinyl/red, air, $750. 353-4730, 372-5829 best offer. 351-8699. 3-4-10 FEMALE GUITAR player with alto conditioned. Immediate NEAR SPARROW, ca,peted L Scooters & Cycles evenings. 4-4-12 voice for folk - rock trio. Call occupancy or fall and summer remodeled, parking. Fred, 485-8615. Avsil!" I Parts & Service RAMBLER 1964 - Transportation special. Good motor, good body. 676-4743, after 5. 3-4-9 rentals. 351 2647. 484-8494, 6. X184-30 now. 5-4 , j ' Aviation •EMPLOYMENT $150. Call 372-5675. 3-4-11 PART TIME male employees 711 EAST APARTMENTS SUBLET month. EFFICIENCY First chonth fr«. Ijjp' o . I evenings and early mornings 'FOR RENT FORD VAN - 1963 - excellent TORINO 1969 - GT. Good from now until fall term. 711 Burcham Knad. large I Call 353-2256. 5-4-12 ' ' shape, 19 mpg. condition, $800. Phone hedroom furnished apartment. Best offer. 694-9823. 5-4-10 ONE MAN Apartments 882-4814. 3-4-10 351-5574. 5-4-16 Suitable for 2 or 3 persons. needed. ^ room close Houses ATTRACTIVE, PERSONABLE, Carpeting, air conditioning, to Campui I TOYOTA COROLLA reasonable rent. Rooms GREMLIN 1971 - 23,000 miles, 1971 hard - working barmaids and heat included. Renting for 351-8297 1 standard transmission, 6 4-speed, 34,000 miles. New waitress summer and fall. For 6 p.m. 34-10 ' * wanted. Start at •FOR SALE cylinder, excellent mechanical clutch, valves. Lynn 373-7610 appoii $2/hour. Call 489-8929 between 1-0726 337-7 328 OKEMOS. Animals condition. Before 6 p.m. days. 3-4-49 4-6 p.m. 2-4-9 SUBLEASE SpaZ 351-5654. After 6 GRADS SHARE apartment. Close. one bedroom unfurnisL Mobile Homes p.m. TRIUMPH TR6 1971. Excellent 339-2833. 3-4-9 WANTED: PERSON for janitorial Quiet, kitchen, bath, laundry. apartment. $180 plus utili,": I •LOST & FOUND condition, radials, 40,000 miles, and 349-3328 after 6 3494133.34-10 1 26 mpg. 355-9819.5-4-11 light maintenance work. p.m. or •PERSONAL Experience an asset, but not weekends. 10-4-23 •PEANUTS PERSONAL TWO PLYMOUTH Furys. 1966 - necessary. Full time position. CAMPUS VIEW] $295. 1969 $695. Excellent Must be healthy, reliable and 551 ALBERT sublease four man •REAL ESTATE •RECREATION IMPALA 1968 - V-8 Excellent condition. $350. Call condition. 351-5791.3-4-11 ©COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411 • BERKELEY. CA 94709 willing to work. Apply in person $160, summer. 332-0097 after APARTMENTS 353-7921. 54-9 at PONDEROSA HOUSE, 4311 West STEAK Saginaw, 9. 3-4-11 now leasing for •SERVICE VALIANT 200, 1965. Four door, exceptionally good condition. Lansing, Michigan. An Equal APARTMENT AVAILABLE summer & fall Instruction JEEP. 4-wheel drive, plow, $1300 Wo SemceY/l Opportunity Employer. 2-4-9 332-614* Typing Service or best offer. After 6:30, Factory air, power steering. Emphpent yf immediately 2 close room efficiency, 489-5591.3-4-10 IF very to campus. Call Bill. EAST LANSING YOU like to dial, call us, we Privtit •TRANSPORTATION 332-5722. 7-4-10 comfortable duplex, Two •WANTED JEEP COMMANDO, 1972. Air, MASON BODY SHOP - 812 East BABYSITTER wanted all day from need you. CARROUSEL bedroom furnished near -"j I Kalamazoo Street since 1940. CARPETING, 694-3951. MSU | hubs, orange. Also S.C.C.A. time to time in my home. Phone 0-3-4-10 OWN ROOM in house. $57.50 plus Open 6-15-74, lease VEGA 1973, GT-Hatchback. Complete auto 12-15 I approved sportscar rollbar. painting and 351-6216 after 6 p.m. 5-4-10 utilities. 441 Charles. 332-1360. months, $260. No pets IW I ••RATES" 4-speed, power steering, custom collision 351-8905.3-4-9 1 interior. $2450. Call 663-8880. service. 485-0256 PART TIME phone work needed. X 5-4-9 351-3118. S4-9 ' 1 C-4-30 COLLEGE STUDENT 10 word minimum - $2.25 / Near campus. Call 351-3700. 5-4-12 hour. Married male preferred. FREE CANOES FOR MAVERICK 1971. Six straight shift, A-1 cylinder, Fed up with Stock work, showroom sales, 3-4-10 Houses * condition VOLKSWAGEN 1966. Rebuilt TENANTS Mechanic owned. 349-0730 dealer service? etc. 20 - 25 hours / week. River's and Water's Edge engine, new tires, clean, good For Rent before 6 4-4-12 p'.m. Ask for Greg. condition. $450.00 Call after 6 p.m. 351 0695. 3-4-11 Take your American compact or subcompact Between 8 Apply in - 5 Monday person. - Friday. Brothers ^ Apartments (next to Cedar Village) NEAR FRANDOR. 0 1.50 4.00 6.50 Restaurant Supplies. 2326 South TV AND STEREO Now Leasing for bedroom house partially I MERCEDES 1962 - 190, low Cedar, Lansing. 5-4-9 rentals Summer & Fall furnished, $240 plus utilities. I VOLKSWAGEN SUPER BEETLE $24/term. $9.95 / month. Free mileage. Good condition. Only $395. Call after 5 p.m 1973. Brilliant orange, sun-roof, same day delivery and service. 332 4432 Call evenings 372-7456.104-9 , | 627-2312. 3-4-9 accessories, clean, $2300. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-4-30 COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES Coop. EAST LANSING, newly painted, 3 355-0169. After 6, 355-7924 Now taking applications for rosin on bedroom house. Full 8.00 13.00 26.00 MUSTANG 1970. Automatic, air, 5-4-16 opening up COMPACT REFRIGERATORS spring occupancy. From $109 a basement, I immediately. Good starting immediate occupancy 25 power brakes, $1300. 482-5866 $7.50 per month. TV's month. Membership fees from 3.75 10.00 16.25132.! VOLVO 122 Station Wagon. Good salary and benefits. Experience - Color, 351-9036. 5-4-11 after 5. 5-4-9 preferred. For an interview, $19.50 per month. Black and $580. Phone 8824176 Monday DEADLINE running condition, real good through Friday, 10 - 5. 104-16 please call Susan Winston at white, $9.50 per month. 1 P.M. one class day NOVA 1973. 2-door, 6 cylinder, body $975. 9-5, 882-9808 Evenings, 393-0986. 3-4-9 vlffiCBMIN 3724147. 54-7 MARSHALL MUSIC, 351-7830 LAKE LANSING Road, sh«e house with 2 others. Own roc | before publication. power steering, power brakes. C-1-4-9 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY! $2350. 351-8940, after 5:30. r lAWOKTS MALE COUNSELORS Female needed to sublet Cedar pets, garden. $66. Share utilities | VW SUPER BEETLE 1973. - Michigan 351-5116.34-9 4-4-12 13,000 Peanuts Personal ads miles. Orange and black. 1206 Oakland Boy's Camp. June 25 August 17. Nature, riflery, judo, sport. - Apartments Sg Village 4-wo man member of the famed and become a "Pit Crew " SHARE HOUSE be Excellent condition, buying near Frandor must pre-paid. Call for Appt. Write, giving experience 332-5625. 5-49 w camper. Price negotiable. IV4-4411 background. FLYING EAGLE, SUBLET SUMMER. One bedroom, 489-4022. 7-4-16 Cancellations/ Corrections OLDS 98, 1401 North Fairview, Lansing. furnished, air conditioning, close ONE MALE needed to share with 1964, Luxury Sedan, The Small Car People 48912. 54-9 1$ noon one class day unusually good condition, air, all VW 1967. Rebuilt engine, new to campus. Call 351-3785. 54-9 same, 2 bedroom luxury NEED TWO liberals. Fireplace,big before publications. options. 485-8023. 6-4-12 paint, four ET mags, radio, two apartment. Inquire arter 8 p.m. yara, $B5. 5108 brookfield WHEELS 13" x 554" ET Dtfi mags WANTED - MARRIED couple for WOODSIDE NORTH G60 formula 1 tires, excellent 351-4919. 54-16 349-0282. 3-4-9 for most imports. $124.95 I set house parents in/ Community 1800 Haslett Road, condition! Over $1100 invested. East The State News will be OLD'j '88, 1965. Air - . Mental Health Residential Home Best offer. 655-2609. 5-4-9 of four. Also 14" x 5%" VW. Lansing. One bedroom, TWO BEDROOM apartment. Near ONE FOR four responsible only for the conditioning, power, good tires. for adult mentally retarded - man $124.95 / four. CHEQUERED campus, air conditioned, $200/ $380. 351-1868. 5-4-9 males. Call 487-6500 381-3783. $61.25 / first day's incorrect FLAG, 2605 East Kalamazoo, for OLDS 442 1969. Excellent Motorcycles ]g one mile west of campus. information. 5-4-16 month. 351-6168. 4-4-12 utilities included. 3-4-9 insertion. 487-5055. C-5-4-9 LAKE LANSING. Watch the condition, $900. No rust. EAST ~131 SUMMER MOTHER'S Helper 2 LANSING, two bedroom 351-1578. 10-4-19 - sailboats from your front door. MOTORCYCLE TUNE UP. girls, own room, good pay. Deluxe 1 bedroom apartment, duplex with basement. Summer. Factory trained mechanic, 20% 21435 Glenmorra, Southfield, Options for fall. 351-1288 alter I OPEL. 1966 - OK. Transportation, missing 3rd gear. Everything else fine. $100. 351-8533. 3-4-9 below X-5-4-11 dealer price. 484-3500. Michigan 48076. 3-4-11 APARTMENTS •Close to Campus unfurnished, for reliable couple. conditioning. No pets, no 5 p.m. 24-9 SPORT PARACHUTING •Air Conditioned 1974 550, Semi Chopper Honda, 4 MEETING FILMS. Rap session. •All Appliances children. $175 per month, plus LARGE ROOM in house, I OLDS 1972 88 - including dishwasher utilities. Phone 339-2075. 4-4-11 $65/month. Francis Street, Cell air, - power cylinder. Call 694-1784, after 5 AUTO REPAIR Men's IM. Wednesday, Apirl 10, •Luxurious Furnishings 489-0456. 4-4-12 Automotive ^ steering, brakes. 27,000 miles. p.m. 5-4-12 7:30 p.m. 351-0799, 543-6731. 1,2 m Best offer. After 5 p.m. & PARIS 2-4-10 FRANDOR NEAR. 216 South I 355-5890. 4-4-12 HONDA SL-100 1973 - Excellent AMBASSADOR 1969. Good condition. Best offer. Call Jim, 20% discount on MALE OR female students live - in, Magnolia. 5 bedroom furnished | LOVELY LARGE two house. $340 / month, inclui condition. Low mileage - wife's OPEL GT 1970. Good bedroom, condition. 651-6181.5-4-12 VW parts child care workers. Experience Now Leasing off Hagadorn. All appliances and utilities. 669-3654. 4 4-12 car. Reasonable. 332-5201 in child care work or 7-4-12 1973 NORTON - 4,000 miles, very Check psychology, sociology, human Summer and Fall garage. $240 plus utilities. our repair 663-4900. 3-4-11 CHEVROLET BELAIR clean. Days, 332-4460, nights, ecology, etc. Contact William Summer- $50 per person Houses £ 1964. OPEL 1900, 1971 - Automatic, 337-7083. Ask for Chip. 5-4-16 prices Weitzel at VFW NATIONAL Dependable transportation. New runs well. Fall $73 per person WILLIAMSTON. ONE bedroom $1,170. Call HOME, Eaton Rapids, muffler, cross - over pipe. $45. 351-4590. 3-4-10 BMW, YAMAHA. Cedar & Kalamazoo 663-2111. 3-4-11 Discount for 12 Lease apartment. Unfurnished, clean, TRIUMPH, mo. 351-0342,337-0380. 3-4-10 RICKMAN Your full service no pets or children. $125 plus OKEMOS, 3 bedroom, living room, 351-7212 - 485-2047 deposit. Quiet, Call after 2 car garage, full basement, CHEVY BEAUVILLE VAN 1971. PINTO 1973 dealer, Large stock of parts, PART TIME Porter - apply in 5, - 2-door, 13,000 655-3720 or 655-1177. 3-4-11 fireplace, acre of land, excellent miles, 4-speed. Excellent custom accessories, helmets and person. HOLIDAY INN. 3121 E. 731 Burcham Drive 6 cylinder, automatic condition. $2,100. 371-5164. leathers. SHEP'S MOTOR Grand River. 3-4-11 Models open 1-6, Mon. ■ Sat. condition, and location. Only transmission, power brakes, 5-4-16 SPORTS, INC., 2460 North Aviation Other times by appointment 2 BEDROOM, furnished. Aveilable clean, responsible family need radio, 40,000 miles, $1990. immediately. Sublet, $190. 9-5 apply. Deposit, references, Cedar Holt. Just south of I-96 RN, LPN, and orderlies needed for 353-5726. 5-4-_1_l overpass. Phone 694-6621. full time and part time positions TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile p.m., 373-6753, or 351 6168. Available April 15. 355-7812 or PINTO, 1971. 4 cylinder, AM SPORT homes. Evenings 332-0336. 3-4-11 484-8209 after 5 p.m. or leave DATSUN PICK-UP 1971 4-speed. C-2-4-9 PARACHUTING on a medical $25 - $35/week. Ten radio, good condition 23,000 - surgical unit. Radio, excellent condition. MEETING FILMS. Rap session. Phone 485-3271. 4-4-12 minutes to campus. Quiet and message, John 353-8879. 54-11 miles. Bob, 353-3327. 5-4-12 EAST LANSING, HONDA CL450 1973, 2700 miles, Men's IM. Wednesday, April 10. peaceful on a lake. 641-6601. Okemos-area _ f^O940- 1 4'9 $950. Call 7:30 p.m. 0-4-30 — 1 bedroom, Vermontville, 351-0799, 543-6731. TEACHER NEEDED for Free garden space EAST LANSING. New 4-person DODGE CHALLENGER 1971 PINTO 1 97 2 Runabout. 726-1455. 3-4-3 2-4-10 $125. 351-7968. 1-4-9 - School immediately. Michigan duplex. Two baths, finished rec new engine, tires. $1,300 or best Automatic, 2,000cc engine, Secondary certificate. Art and 551 ALBERT Street one block - room, appliances, central air. offer. 482-9809. If |(jl' 18,000 miles, new life MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE TWO GIRLS call 337-0564. 5-4-16 no answer heavy duty shocks and raised • time CHECK our low rates! Call Employinent Science combination preferred. Full time position. Call from campus. Large 2 bedroom. Furnished, air - conditioned, needed Village 4-girl. Fall 1974 Spring for • Cedar near bus, available soon. 351 8920. 5-4-10 white letter steel belted radel LLOYD'S of Lansing at 332-5335 balconies. 1975. 353-1129. 104-23 DODGE weekdays, 485-6186. 3-4-9 2/man $150, 3-4 / COLT 1972. 25 mpg+, tires. Excellent condition. or 482-5585. 0-17-4-23 TYPISTS FOR SPRING man $180; Resident manager EAST LANSING. One bedroom 62,000 miles, $1050. 355-9568 $1950. Phone 393-6672, after 5 TERM, BABYSITTER WANTED, male - SUBLET 2 room part - time. 4-10 p.m., 70 wpm. apartment No. 3. 332-2404; efficiency. Start duplex. Appliances, large yeerd, Marilyn 675-5564, evenings. Auto Service |[ / or p.m. 4-4-12 female. Various times. 8 - 5 p.m. June 8th. 5-4-12 2-3 nights per week. Apply in 351-6676. 10-4-10 Furnished, close near but, available now. 372-9000, extension No. 26. 332-5813. C-3-4-11 person. Today 12:30 - 2 p.m. 351-8920. 5-4-10 DODGE DART PLYMOUTH SATELLITE 42754 Albert St. downstairs, 3-4-9 MALE, QUIET study environment, *"* 1972 best offer. Sebring w ""82, Plus 1971 air, power steering, share two man, two bedroom. anytime. 5-4-11 - BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced LPN DESIRES work in elderly NUDE MODELS for photography. brakes, buckets. Small V-8. rates to students. Also Can you co-exist with classical Good mileage.' Excellent persons home by the day. Call between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. music? King's Point. No CROSSWORD MMLW1S condition. evenings. 5-4-9 $1400. 351-8139 guaranteed rust proofing. VAN WORLD, 645-2123. OR-224-30 Experienced, 489-4668. 5-4-10 references. PART 489-1215. 0-4-30 TIME Free heat, air. $115 & electricity. 351-1182 after 5:30 lease. VJ PUZZLE positions for MSU /W - GUARANTEED REPAIR. students. Excellent salary level p.m. 34-9 DRIVERS TO drive Jumbo ice RANDY'S MOBIL, Okemos and ! fit bird ot peace cream trucks. Must have good meaningful business 7 Srr us Road and I-96 3 49-9620. experience. Automobile ONE GIRL needed to share Sheep ki!l-ng , driving record. Apply 11390 1C •NOW LEASING C-22-4-30 North U.S 27, DeWitt. 20-4-30 required. 351-5800. C-3-4-10 apartment next year. Call Jane P..H' : parrot 13 Wide open 24, Ghastly SUMMER & FALL 351-1964 or Darlene 337-2753. 14, Antas 35. Unbranched DESK CLERK needed. Call Join the Band 15. Records antler 8 SEPARATE LOCATIONS betweerf 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. for 16. There 38 Pipe fitting AIR CONDITIONED appointment to interview. Phone GRADUATE STUDENT or married of Merry Men 17. Pagoda 40 Note of the COMPLETE KITCHENS 489-1215.0-4-30 couple. Sublease apartment near ornament scale STUDIOS and Women campus, spring and 19. Bitter vstch 41. summer. Alliance 1 & 2 BEDROOMS Furnished, references. 351-8215 20 Recede 43 Root FURNISHED at 10-4-19 22, Break bread 47, Upright 24, Oleaginous 48 Calm 1. Wager ONE OR two 26 Read a cipher BURCHAM Park Trace. girls for three girl 30. Gym shoe 49 50. Stubborn Meager 2. Alfonso': $67.50. 349-3086 queen after 7 p.m. 19-4-30 7- T- 7~ Beech wood 1130 Beech St. WOODS 6 7" T~ r- TT~ 351-6168 12 BRENTWOOD, FRANDOR near. 2 Delta Arms 23S Delta St. 351-6839 bedroom unfurnished, available i Evergreen Arms 341 Evergreen St. Haslett Arms 135 351-6139 Collingwood St. immediately. Quiet adults only. $175. Phone 485-9343. 5-4-11 % / 16 if 1 - 351-8950 * Heated Pool * Laundry Facilities ZOOM M FOR A LANDING! North Polnte 1240 Haslett Rd. NEEDED it's, * Ample Parking * Nicely Furnished IMMEDIATELY, 332-5675 on a COLLINGWOOD APT spring term. . One man to tmatwhenyoowu,,, , University Terrace 424 Michigan * Air Cond. share apartment. Call 16 TT ir vT FAST RE&ULT5, TOPN I 337-0510 NOW LEASING FOR SUMMER 351-4644 To TdE ECONOMICAL 1 for details. 5-4-11 University Village 635 Abbot Rd. w One Bedroom Two Bedroom 31 •dishwashers W FAMILY W&NTADS'. 1 332-3490 Inn America 2736 E. Gr. River •shag carpeting $149 Z. $169 Z. FURNISHED ONE bedroom 7A 5T •unlimited parking ~~ 337-1621 -Includes Ulilities- •plush furniture •model open dally apartment. Available %W T HALSTEAD Immediatleyl Convenient to STATE NEWS FALL RATES (12 . One mo. lease) rwo •air conditioned campus. Grad student or married Efficiency Bedroom couple. 332-2495. 5-4-11 MANAGEMENT Bedroom /A MS CLASSIFIED 351-7910 $154^0. $184 Z. $234 ^ Call 351 - 8282 tr fo¬ ~~ 1 v7/ w n H1 -Includes Utilitiej- (Behind Yankees - LARGE TWO party, — n WANT ADS _ on the riverl) •fficienciet. Air conditioned 1 jf Ask about our early lease discount 745 Burcham Dr. 351-31 IS or 484-4014 Close to campus. Summer, $140 il L— □ Fall, $165. 484-0585. 30-5-20 ftchigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 9, 1974 9 For Sale FeS* Houses | ,(£j Lost t had |fq| IsT LANSING house for Ml. EL, Union, ideal for fraternity, GUNS, RIFLES, and handguns of all kinds. Buy trade and aell. HOUSEHOLD mechine, china, ITEMS - sewing etc. Reesonable. LOST: MALE Irish Setter - ■it's what's happeningl Top police urge BEST year round prices Clancey. Okemos erea fcorority or responsible group In 337-7335 efter 8 p.m. 3-4-10 Wednesday. 349-3099. 34-11 Announcements for It's What's bargaining unit Southern Michigan. BOB'S Anyone interested ■organisation. Writ. Box 351. SHOP, 2412 South Cedar. Call GUN Happening must be received in the information on the summer in TM-9 BOY'S 3 speed, Schwinn - State News office, 341 Student 371-2244. OR-17-4-23 LOST: SMALL male Beagle near humanities London program, there excellent condition. $55. Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least Tape Haslett Road will be meeting at 7 tonight in [use Okemos Roed. a two to share in Hailett, own cassette player, good condition, Fridey. 351-8795. 3-4-11 class days before publication. 304 Bessey Hall. Jroow, potter's studio, etc. Call RALEIGH LTD 3-speed l Call Mark, 361-5329. 5-4-16 year oid $40. 361-5529. 3-4-10 No announcements will be by phone. accepted By DENISE CRITTENDON ■339-2276. 5-4-9 FOUND: SMALL black male dog. The Center for Peace and State News Staff Writer ZENITH 19" black - white TV. 3 Conflict Resolution is sponsoring a Red collar, white strip up chest. WOMEN'S CENTER: From 6 to ■6 or 7 MAN HOUSE. Summer months old. $150 vleue, will sell 355-6286. C-3-4-11 7 p.m., starting Wednesday, there discussion with Rep. Perry Bullard l.nd " Fall. Furnished, parkin?, for $100. 351-1578. 5-4-10 will be a free six-week women's self D-Ann Arbor on "Public Ownership of Oil" at 7:30 p.m. The Michigan Employment Relations Commission (MERC) l5e. 332-5722. 0-7-4-9 defense course offered at the Wednesday in held a hearing Wednesday to discuss the possibile implementation LOST: SILVER necklace with pink the lounge at 1118 South Harrison center. The "Women's of a separate bargaining unit for the supervisory division of MSU's stone near Union. Call Spring Road. £sr LANSING - 1. 2, 3, 4 353-2468. Rewerd. 3-4-9 Festival" is only two weeks Dept. of Public Safety. ■ bedroom duplexes. Available away-April 19, 20 and 21 in the Orchesis dance classes meet at 6 The supervisors of the Dept. of Public Safety currently share I summer and fall. Near bus. 10 SPEEDS SCHWINN PARAMOUNT. 21" Union. Call for more info; The p.m. (intermediate-advanced) J(Z) - and Streetcorner Society will present bargaining rights with Administrative Professionals (A-PS), the 1351-8920. 5-4-12 SALES SERVICE. ACCESSORIES frame, mint condition. Phone "The Woman Play" April 20 at the at 7:30 p.m. (beginning) on University's top secretaries and business administrators. MSI VA10B. CMKX VS Off 393-3060 or 393-3095, after 6. Tuesdays (modern dance) and "Women's Spring Festival." Thursdays (ballet) in 218 Women's MERC heard arguments from the (A-Ps), an opposing view fcnted - GIRL - 6 bedroom 5-4-16 Granny's Fun Band will also ■ house own room - EDGAR CAYCE Intramural Bldg. from the university and a defense from the Dept. of Public Safety Study group velocipede; - perform. The Women's Center is I $60/month. 372-6902. 6-4-12 SEWING MACHINE Clearance forming in East Lansing. Call located at 547% East Grand River You are cordially invited to supervisory unit that it be allowed to join forces with the Selel Brand new portables 337-0601, eveningt. 10-4-12 Ave. attend open rush of the Little Fraternal Order Police Supervisory Division, a bargaining unit Est ■ three SIDE: Newly bedroom. Close bus Meddler- >41 E. Grand River Downstair?„ $49.95. $5 per month. Large selection or reconditioned used Come join the MSU Promenaders Sisters of Alpha Kappa Psi at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at 123 Louis St. covering all police in the tri - county area. MERC requested that the Dept. of Public Safety file briefs for at 7 For rides caD the house. ■ service. $225. Immediate mechines. Singers, Whites, p.m. Wednesday at 34 their complaints. A ruling on whether they will be recognized will Women's ■ occupancy. 371-5802, after 6 ■ p.m. 3-4-10 CANON cemere. 1218 12-1 super power 8 movie zoom. Necchis, New Homes others." $19,95 to $39.95. end "many CPcrft fcgSONS Intramural Bldg. Beginners are especially welcome. The Pan-Orthodox Student Assn. of MSU would like to remind all be handed down by the end of May. Lt. Terry Meyer of the Dept. of Public Safety said Sunday that Original list over $1000, asking Terms. EDWARDS Underwater Adventure! Come ■anted one girl to share with 4 $300. 349-1715 after 6 p.m. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. sk£T_ o feuae? see Stan Waterman's picture "Steel Orthodox students of the Holy Week services being held at St. the Administrative • Professional Assn. represents A-Ps and does not differentiate between the police or any other nonclerical | of same. Until September. 0-64-12 1116 North Washington, uaui Reels" at the MSU Scuba Club Andrew's Orthodox Church in I utilities included $80/month. 489-6448. C-3-4-11 meeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday in Lansing. Holy Unction services will workers. They overbooked the fact, he said, that public safety is I 351-9556. 3-4-9 ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR - four functions, floating decimal. FREE ... A lesson in complexion 208 Men's Intramural Bldg. be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. a department with unique duties and therefore separate needs. 100 USED VACUUM Cleeners. care. Call 484-4519 East For more information or for rides, "We felt that we were a specialized group and had problems Rooms M AC only. $45. 351-4810. 3-4-9 Tenks, cannisters and uprights. Michigan or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE NORMAN Poultry Science Club meeting at 7:30 tonight in the coffee room at please call Seagreaves. Dan Sak or Diane that didn't fit all A-Ps, " Meyer said. The A-Ps had never contacted the supervisors, Meyer said, and Guaranteed one full year. $7.88 Anthony Hall. Be sure to attend. ANTIQUES & UNIQUES. Buy and and COSMETIC STUDIOS. C-3-4-11 sell. 220 Albert Street, under up. DENNIS Med techs interested in the field they weren't concerned about problems of the department. He IaRE ROOM, furnished, kitchen, DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, The World Family Film Co-op trip to Upjohn please sign up in 110 said the Fraternal Order Police unit would give substantial ■ washer, dryer, fireplace. Lums. C-4-30 SON-RISE celebretion, Easter will present Joe Cocker and Leon 316 North Cedar, opposite city Giltner Hall by Wednesday. We attention to the supervisors in areas such as legal counseling ■ Sublease. $70 / mont'h, market. C-3-4-11 Sunday, 7 e.m., Beal Memorial Russell in Mad Dogs and need an approximate number of where the A-Ps would be not be I 332-8946, 355-5904. 5-4-11 Garden. Singing, sharing God's Englishmen at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. responsive. CROSSROADS on Thursday in 109 Anthony Hall. those interested. "If, for instance, we were suspended," he siad, "we could call HAMMOND 8-3 Model 900 Leslie. word, the Lord's Supper. ■oOM IN comfortable flat in CYCLE $2,500. 332-0367 anytime. Additional information: call His MSU Outing Club will meet at 7 them and have an attorney." The Dept. of German and House, 351-8232. 4-4-12 tonight in 146 Giltner Hall. A Meyer said a supervisory division would be beneficial as a | Lansing. $70, utilities paid. 210 ABBOTT RD 5-4-16 Russian presents a lecture by presentation on bicycle- camping I 484-817°. 3-4-9 Wolfram Mauser, winner of the will be given. grievance reconciling bargaining unit regarding wages and job \ EAST LANSING SPORT PARACHUTING Nobel Prize in Literature, at 3 protection, whereas the A-Ps were ineffective. ■35 M A C. Own room, $75, MS Makes Animals > MEETING FILMS. Rap session. Wednesday in B104 Wells Hall. The p.m. The MSU Japan Karate Club is "The A-Ps rarely bargain; they usually request a wage and lities included. Call p&bie, from around the world Men's IM. Wednesday, April 10. lecture will be in English. \ now excepting new members. Come accept what the University gives them," he said, "That's not, in I 337-9085. 1-4-9 II 'adult bicycles 7:30 p.m. 351-0799, 543-6731. and watch a workout from 7-9 p.m. • 10 - speeds 24-10 The Socialist Labor Party Club Tuesdays or Thursdays or from 2-4 my opinion, a bargaining unit." ■AST LANSING - Rooms 'free repair classes will hold a discussion on ^the p.m. Saturdays in 118 Women's Though the supervisory division, which is made up of abolition of the wages system at 1 available March 15. Close to Intramural Bldg. Everyone is lieutenants and captains, does not have an established bargaining I campus. For information call ALI SHARAH Arabians - riding MONTY'S BAR 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in 37 Union. welcome. We are members of the unit, Meyer said that the department sergeants and patrolmen 332-4081 All interested people are urged to AAU and the Japan Karate Assn. I 484-0629 or 349-2120. Ask for Y, Sat., 9:30-5:30 lessons, English, Western. Days, attend. For further info call Al Sandubrae, have been recognized as a bargaining unit by MSU since 1960. I Chris Cawood. 5-4-16 i.. f., 9:30 - 9:00 "wrings, weekends. Your horse AND RESTAURANT Steve Shroe In the supervisory division, Meyer said a wage problem exists or Paul Levine. Sun., 12-5 $10/1 our Sharah horse, $15. which sometimes causes a very small gap between a patrolman's 663-3314, 11561 Plains Roed, Shrimp and Fish JWEN hall Spring Term, Typing Service The MSU Block and Bridle Club ■ single available - | Phone 355 4087, evenings. 1-4-9 immediately. CARPETING NEW and used, any size, included professional installation. 337-2095. 104-12 Eaton Rapids. 5-4-16 Pitcher Night (M-W-S) (Very Special Sunday) ]gj will hold an informal invitation of new members at 7:30 tonight in the pay and his commanding officer's pay. In some cases a patrolman may gross close to a lieutenant and captain, he said. "It's not unusual to find a commander of a shift receiving less PUODLES - 7 weeks. AKC. First TYPING Judging Pavilion. Luncheon special - $1.50 THESES, term papers, ■ OOM IN liberal house, shots. $50. Silver, 2 males, general. Pica. Josie, 3554471. gross pay than the man who works under him," he said. NIKON - PHOTOMIC FTN, f 1.4, Meet the female. 669-9132.54-9 54-11 Preprofessional Club, a Due to lack of bar^ining rights, Meyer said the supervisors |$55/month. Call in p.m., immaculate. Shot 25 rolls, $400. _ prehealth careers organization at I 351 7898. 3-4-11 355-3178. 3-4-10 Pool Table 7:30 tonight in 104 Bessey Hall. have little control over the situation. He said they were allocated BEGINNING DOG OBEDIENCE Pin Ball Machines a 4 or 5 per cent cost of THESES, RESUMES, typing and living increase from the University each Burnished room close to MUST SELLI Vox Super - classes offered. Call 393-6546, printing. Reasonable prices. Israeli dancing year, but the separation between the gross of a lieutenant and a after 5 p.m. 7-4-11 2359 E. Gd. River, Okemos COMMERICAL PRINTING. week at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays in [ campus, women preferred. Call Continental portable organ, dual top -paid sergeant is sometimes as small as $400 a year. I 351-4285 after 5:00 p.m. 5-4-16 keyboard, $290. Base cabinet, REGISTERED APPALOUSA 351-4116. C-4-30 126 Women's Intramural Bldg. Newcomers welcome. JBL speaker, $175. 393-4129. MSU TURF management students. ■ aslett FURNISHED, 3-4-10 Gelding; Been shown. Needs Want Field training experience? ANN BROWN typing i and multilith The sorority women invite you experienced rider. $400. offset printing. Complete service I carpeted, with bath. Kitchen Here's an opportunity to leern to discover a new way of life. I ivileges. $20/week. 339-9485. 2 4-10 FURS, CLOTHES, lawnmowers. in Lensing. 5-4-12 stereo, 809 West Barnes, and 351-4524. 5-4-12 ENGLISH SPRINGERS - AKC. 2 irrigetion and get good pay in the process. Call 669-3348 for appointment, ask for Bob. for - dissertations, theses, manuscripts, general typing IBM 24 years experience. 349-0850. Sorority rush, April 7 to 17. Sign up now at 101 Student Services End of s meles, liver, white. Shots, 5-4-10 C-4-30 wormed, 11 weeks. $125. Applications are still being taken ROCK AND Roll group > to bar room. and pool table in Must have good HAPHAZARDSI rates, satisfection for hire Reasonable guaranteed I - 349-1797.54-12 MALAMUTE PUPPIES. 7-weeks I* "access center -» s fot TYPING THESES and 3714635. 10-4-22 term papers. for craft lessons in needlepoint, crochet and knitting at macrame, at U PI u 393-4129. 3-4-10 old, well marked, wormed, $50 I character. Call 337-7872. 5-4-10 each. 351-1929, anytime. 5-4-10 | Human Reproduction Health | ^NE BLOCK from campus. $17 LEVI'S blue denim bells j'Abortion-Contreceptirn offers Services |' TYPING DONE in my home. 50c per page up to 10 40c per 9 Beginning guitar begins from 7 to tonight next to Free U in the The strike by 950 journalist members of the Wire Service supported for a resolution "a prompt and fair calling er week. 215 Lewis Street. Call Mobile Homes » | 1226 East Michigan I page over pages. 10 pages. 489-2128. Union. Taught by Rich Shaw. Guild against United Press settlement of the strike." work shoes ' Lansing 485-3271 ' venings and weekends. . 04-30 International (UPI) is entering The resolution, introduced I 372-7456. 11-4-22 Levi jackets Auditions will be held QUIET COVE Trailer Park SHARP SALESMAN wanted. We its third week and has by Sen. William Faust, bib overalls (size 0-501 - one PURPLE VICKI - fast accurate, Wednesday and Thursday for a want ■OOM FOR rent With and only for adults in Vicinity. a good ambitious man to inexpensive typing. Very theater 303 production of "The prompted statements from the D-Westland, stated. "The strike refrigerator. all above available in sell in unusual near Effect of Gamma Rays on Swimming privileges. To move an field, great Michigan Senate. Gov. Milliken has affected the quality and | Across from Williams. $70. Rick campus. 337-7260. 10-4-10 mens and boys in, buy used trailer, new treiler opportunity. Some technical Man-in-the-Moon-Marigolds" in and others urging its quick flow of important news to | 351-1985.5-4-12 or rent one. Close / campus. training necessary. Call 216C Wells Hall. also chambray shirts 669-3348 for appointment, ask IRENE ORR - Theses, term papers, settlement. Michigan residents, as well as 675-7312. 54-9 ir Sale ^ general typing. Formerly with The first round of the match Last Thursday Gov. Milliken to the residents of the 49 other BARRETT'S 1972 SKYLINE, Fifth Avenue. 12' for Rex. 54-10 Ann Brown. Call 482-7487 between the MSU Chess Club and the Freak Chess Confederation will urged a speedy end to the states." 111 W. GRAND RIVER C-4-30 An identical resolution was WILLIAMSTON x 60', two bedrooms, shag HAVEN OF PEACE Spiritualist be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the strike, and in a unanimous vote ■lAIRlCON RECEIVER - 76 PHONE 655-1766 carpet, many extras! 5' x T Church, 10813 North Ionia Union Gold Room. Spectators the same day the Senate introduced in the House but 12 minutes East ot MSU EXPERIENCED IBM typing. 1 watts RMS, two Utah speakers - shed, 694-9641. 5-4-16 Road, Sunfield, Michigan. welcome. has not yet been acted upon. I 3 way. John 353-7655. 5-4-9 °n Gfanq Rwr Services Sunday, 11:00. Dissertations, (Pica - Elite). Ten Michigan UPI guild FAY ANN 489-0358. C4-30 The first spring term meeting of ATTENTION FREAKERS and TWO BEDROOM. 12' x 60'. Will Reedings or consultations by members have joined in the Phi Zappa IftPE PLAYER for sale - Price streakersl We've got everything sell with or without furnishings. appointment. Messages after COMPLETE THESES Krappa will be held at the Grand Valley State Zappa national strike which has Skirted. Cell evenings and services. 19-5-3 - Service, | includesJt 18 popular tapes Minimum pay from tennis shoes to head and 2 weekends. 393-8134. B-2-409 Discount printing, IBM typing concert, April 19. Topic for "orced supervisory and speakers. Terrific supplies. Right now in our stereo discussion will be "Whatever I condition sell I Call Sue, department we have top names and binding of these, resumes, nonguild personnel to man the - must happened to Don Preston?" state's three bureaus since the I ^82-6509. 3-4-11 such as Kenwood, Fisher, Akai, ATLAS 10' x 50', 2 bedroom. publications. Across from Furnished, skirted, shed. Must campus corner M.A.C. and Are you just a pea in the pod? walkout began on March 18. Garrard and more. In our cemera Grand (continued from page 1) EUROPE SUMMER flight. From River. Below Jones The State News editors have I PIECE center we have Mamiya, Yashica, seel 393-9275. 5-4-12 Explore our choices at World - Ludwjg drum set, $239. Advanced booking only. Stationery Shop. Call Population Year Conference. 9 a.m. The minimum wage declined to take part in a IZildjian cymbels, excellent Minolta and more. Throughout COPYGRAPH to 4:30 p.m. May 4 in the Union. BUDDY, 1973 - 3 bedrooms, Guerenteed scheduled airlines. SERVICES, increases would be phased in ■ condition, $700. Phone the rest of our store we probably 337-1666. C4-30 boycott of UPI services but ■ 339-8851. 5-4-16 will have about anything else pertly furnished, shed, skirting, TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. on this schedule: The American Institute of have expressed concern over that disposal, all carpeted. Excellent 351-8800. 0-5-4-10 Workers who had coverage you're looking for. Interior Designers will combine the present quality of wire Including a complete electronic condition. Must sell, make offer! Transportation j£ their business meeting with a before 1966. an estimated 36 service news. They have also GIBSON'S V service center. We buy, sell and trade. Bank Americard and 655-1227. 5-4-16 EUROPE presentation from Dunbar Furniture given by John Caruso, million, would have a $2 floor urged a quick settlement. 1970 LIBERTY 2 tonight at 6:45 p.m. in 31 Union. May 1, $2.10 Jan. 1, 1975 and In a letter to the regional Master Charge welcome. - bedroom, from LEAVING FOR Tennessee. April 8. $2.30 Jan. 1, 1976; those BOCK DICKER & DEAL partially furnished, shed. 1 or 2 to share driving. WOMEN'S RESOURCE brought under coverage by the executive of UPI the editors said, "Without taking any ADDIC SECONDHAND STORE, 1701 South Cedar, Lansing. 487-3886 Open 9-9 Monday, Wednesday, Stonegate Park. $3800. 882-3961. 54-11 $239 References. 882-1956 anytime. 64-9 CENTER: Brown Bag Lunch, women students age 25 plus; 1966 act and the present one, $1.90 May 1, $2 Jan. 1. 1975, stand on the current controversy we would like to TORONTO & DETROIT Laurine Fitzgerald, associate dean Friday. 9-6 Tuesday, Thursday, AMERICAN, 1970 - 12' x 50'. RIDE NEEDED of students, will talk with us on $2.20 Jan. 1. 1976. and $2.30 point out that the outlook for DEPARTURES to Marquette • Used books Vi price Saturday. C-54-12 Two bedrooms. Must sell to (NMUI Easter or any weekend. "Women! Where We've Jan. 1,1977. a strike settlement will settle estate. Best offerl Greg. Plus Int'l. Student I.D. Will share gas. money. Been-Where We're Going." Noon Farm workers, now with 355-5647. a • Out of print searches 337-0779. X-34-9 cards. Eurailpass, intra Wednesday in 6 Student Services certainly have to be considered UP TO 1/3 and MORE SAVINGS. - 3-4-10 $1.30 floor, will recieve wage in our deliberations on whether • 1st Editions and Americana European charter flights and Bldg."A new group emerged out of Comparison welcomed. increases to $1.60 May 1, to renew our service contract other services. . AMERICA 1970. 12' x 60'. Two many the brown bag lunch program, for OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 Ow 25,000 Books in Stock Wanted % single women students over 25 $1.80 Jan. 1. 1975, $2 Jan. 1, this month." Eest Michigen, Lensing. bedrooms, furnished, and 10' x 7' shed. $5995. Cell skirting, TRAVEL years of age. If you're single and 1976, $2.20 Jan. 1, 1977, and The two sides resumed 372-7409. C-54-12 interested in this group call Mila at 694-9326. 5-4-10 WORLD the Women's Resource Center. $2.30 Jan. 1,1978. contract negotiations through TUE-FRI1-6. 7-9 BICYCLES - ALL Ten Speedsl CALL COLLECT The. new coverage for federal mediators Friday and Verious colors end sizes, FOUR MAN Mobile Home. Near MSU Soaring Club meets at 7 :30 domestic employes applies to said they foresaw a long SAT 12-5 cempus. All utilities furnished. Wednesday in 34 Union. A free those who work more than Simplex De-reiler center - pull session. Completely furnished, study CAR AND Driver for ground school topic is offered if 124% w. Grand River brakes, high quality at dealer's there is soaring weather. eight hours a week, whether The guild has asked for a 10 cost. Forced warehouse sale. room with bar, garbage disposal, SPORT PARACHUTING supplementary driving for one or more employers in a washer / dryer, shag carpet. MEETING FILMS. Rap session. instruction. Will pay. 355-2077. per cent pay increase in each 9-4:30 p.m. Mondey - Friday. 8 calendar quarter. However, ^ MSU Scuba Club meeting at 8 year of a two . -year contract. UPSTAIRS / a.m. - 12 p.m. Saturday. D & C STORAGE 1241 Roth Drive, Summer retes. Call after 6 p.m. 694 1654.8-4-15 Men's IM. Wednesday April 10. 7:30 p.m. 351-0799, 543-6731. p.m. Wednesday night at 215 Men's Intramural Bldg. casual babysitters, companions for elderly or ailing persons Management's last reported offer was for a 5.6 per cent 'EAKERS: JENSON 10", two Seuth Cedar at 1-96. 694-3311. 2-4-10 BABYSITTING in my home. and "live - in" domestics are way. New in boxes $100 351-1189. 3-4-11 a pair. OR-3-4-10 pi i fs«s |fq] Mondey • Friday, 6 Call 355-3081. X 3-4-10 a.m. - 6 p.m. The sponsoring MSU a Tourism Club trip to Toronto the is exempt. increase over two years. DRTABLE STEREO, excellent "CASSETTE RECORDER. Teac 220. 4 months old. New $250. FIND SOMETHING (~jSS SCIENCE PERSON interested in weekend of May 3. There will be a meeting for all interested people at The bill also exemption for overtime in narrows !0"nc|. 9°°d for dorm room I Asking $190. 351-8545 after IF You've found e pet or article of building underwater proton 7:30 p.m. tonight in the Teak Room, Epply Center. some industries, grants Petitioning open *35,353-7023. 6:30 p.m. 3-4-10 value, we want to help you return FOR THE BEST Service on stereo magnetometer for research. modified overtime rights to 1-4-9 It. Just come Into the State News equipment see the STEREO UADR,PH0NIC SAILBOAT, INTERNATIONAL 14 Clessified Department and tell us SHOPPE, 543 East Grand River. Contact Dale, 484-8961, after 10 p.m. 5-4-12 8 Students for Traxler will meet at tonight in the Union to organite police and firemen, tightens for positions on SYSTEM - the present law on child labor LH, Sansui, No. 857. Trailer, trapeze, two you want to place an ad in EAST C-4-30 sending people to work for Traxler Kenwood, in his congressional race. All on farms and extends tiectrovoice, LANSING STATE BANK'S found $1000 new, now spinnekers. Was $1200, now column. As a public service EAST interested persons are invited. provisions aimed at job MSU judiciaries $950. Phone 337-9291. 54-12 CREATIVE WEDDINGS, Portreits, vis °"'V' LANSING STATE BANK will run the ad at no cost to youl Pessport, Application photos. Phi Gamma Nu will hold an discrimination against elderly persons. Petitioning is *and new 694-1878 after 3~speed 26'7blke~ 5 p.m. 4-5-12 29 GALLON ODELL, all glass aquarium. Hood and stand, heater and Dynaflow filter, $60 EAST LANSING STATE BANK Compare. PHOTOGRAPHY, 361-6690. C-4-30 LUKE [ a"* |(«] initiation at 6.p.m. tonight at the Delta Sigma >'i House 217 River Street. All pledges must attend. student Student - now open for positions on the Faculty Judiciary C-4-30 694-1236. 3-4-9 I Stars Driving ]!»] FREE U: German for beginners and All - University Student CJNT0sh amplifier 6100 INTERGRATED used. speakers, Teac 220 (Cassette Rectilinear DUAL TURNTABLE amplifier, 2 smell speakers, 1019, Sony LOST: SET of keys on blue leether strep, between Collingwood SPORT , PARACHUTING MEETING FILMS. Rap session. Men's IM. Wednesday, April 10. from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday next to the Free U; guitar workshops from 7 to Intramurals Judiciary. Students may get the Road entrance and Ad building. MARSHALL to COMMUTER lot. petitions and additional ' AR FM together $226. Cell Brenda, 7:30 p.m. 361-0799. 543-6731 9 p.m. tonight and Wednesday. Call (continued from reciever, KLH6 676-2396, after 6. 3-4-9 Call 351-3118, 361-7037. 3-5-8 Monday, Wednesdey, Fridey page 7) information from 339 Student 24-10 Free U for info; French for tl';Ja ers' Sony ST6600 Stereo only. Leeving 9 a.m., returning 3 mote beginners from 1:50 to 3 p.m. Though Smith has the power Services Building. Mamilya Super 23 press FOUND: ENGRAVED silver cross p.m. 781-5100 Tuesday and The petitions *m'ra' Bolex H16S 18mm. GOLF CLUBS: (MacGregor) 3 Monday through Thursday at Free to manage the existing revenue are tentatively »v|e camera. MUCH MOREI woods, 9 irons. Used 1 season. pan - Eest door Computer Center. Call 353-6155 identify. Midtas M Thunday anytime. Mondey, Wednesday. Friday after 4 p.m. U. It's not too late to join. Taught by la chanson de roland. he obviously has no control due April 30. $85 349-2188 or 363-5198. over the intangibles. Applicants must be full - STnoe "ORE. 4854391. * SECONDHAND 4-4-12 . C-3-4-9 34-11 "When the unexpected time students, have and C-4-30 OMICRON NU MEMBERS! LOST: CARVED Ivory necklace - GUITAR, FLUTE, BANJO end Urgent meeting at 7 p.m. happens and you'n. working maintain a 2.2 accumulative SOUTHFIELD to MSU. Leeving FISHER RECEIVER. 70 watts Drum lessons. Private Instruction UgSJ„S^LI Glb,0° acoustic h"' amplifier. RMS. THD. .6* AFC. Excellent condition,- $190. 363-8166. Elephent figures. Engineering Building. Reward. Pat, available. MARSHALL MUSIC, 7:30 a.m., returning 6 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Wednesday in 3 Human Ecology Bldg. to select new members. Let's get together once more before the with a fairly fixed budget, adjustments are inevitable," grade point average and be in good standing with the 2,67 before 6 35*6616. 8-4-12 361 7830. C-1-4-9 p.m. 10-4-10 3-4-11 1-313-3664127. 3-4-11 brunch. Smith concluded. University.